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No. 4559
Hello everyone, I'm your new admin!
Regina has been showing me the ropes for the past few weeks and finished transferring everything to me.
I've made a new discord, anyone who wants to join can do so at You don't need a discord account to join, and there is no longer any verification process.
If you are interested in being a janitor or moderator for the site/discord, please apply here: plan on issuing a survey in the next couple of days to see what direction we want for the site. I want to generally have stricter moderation to cut down on nitpicking of snowflakes and off-topic posts. This will remain a place for free speech, however I'd like to improve the general quality of posts, if possible.
Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
No. 4562
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Regina here, I'd just like to wish our new Admin best of luck and I hope farmers will like her and the way she will run the site. Thanks for the good times!
No. 4711
>>4709a lot of downtime recently and now you're looking for a new provider.
I have several idle dedicated servers located in LA (QuadraNet) I would be willing to donate if admin wants to consider it. would transfer monthly cost - lowest config is dual X5650, 64GB ram / 4 x 6TB raid1 on gigabit unmetered with a /29 for maybe 50$ USD. can work out smaller discount, I have budget shit all the way down to Atom tier
No. 4775
>>4763Does the current administration support this shit? There's posts flat out encouraging suicide with no visible response, but a single post of a guy talking about his issues with sexual abuse gets a fucking visible ban, with none of the responses telling him to kill himself addressed at all?
The entire thread related to obsessions with teenagers was overrun with people spamming the same shit and derailing, insulting other users and refusing to discuss anything who very clearly were not banned for ages, with no action taken at all.
If it's just the "male here" thing, can we at least have the general sort of discussion I'm mentioning contained to a couple threads? It ruins any that it touches otherwise, same as race shit does.
No. 4780
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I was replying to a admin post on tempcow concerning asking if was running okay. just now when the site when back up and I could no longer respond so imma replying hur.
>>22658 I ran a ping test. It’s doing fine, the sites responding fast and the threads are loading fine. The only problem I had was during certain cities ping testing off your site the response code showed a connection error, more specifically in the US. But the vast majority had ok response codes. But the site itself is loading properly along with the front recent posts page plus threads being fully loaded with all posts. There just is a bit of issue with connection errors, leverage browser caching, and serve static content from a cookieless domain. Which I’m assuming is due to hosting issues. Pic related is shitty low quality collage
Gracias, and as well as many anons have offered to help with hosting/server space/financially funding this site, I as well, please consider it dearest beautiful admin-sama bc hosting is tweaking hard which detracts from running the site and enforcing rules. Thank you for your tireless work, tbh you are the real MVP.
No. 4788
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This is going to sound weird, but could one of you please permaban me? I've made my life relatively more productive lately, lurk a lot less and work better.
After 2 years I just want some help here to avoid getting sucked back into the void, but I don't wanna shit post for that. Just knowing that I wouldn't be able to post would help immensely.
Thanks and happy holidays to all farmers and staff!(sure bb, good luck out there)