File: 1641364696508.jpg (42.46 KB, 474x490, downloadfile-2.jpg)

No. 28869
File: 1641746873113.jpeg (124.75 KB, 599x506, 838F2C50-F06B-4EAB-ABD8-2D1A10…)

Why is admin so retarded? Banned for being a “moid” while agreeing that 70% of all men should be killed. Doesn’t that indicate I’m not a moid? Besides it was a JOKE.
No. 28877
Unsaged male writing long rants about how fuckable Taylor R is and random anon's fuckability indexes, I think we already know he's ugly with a tiny penis, but I do not come here to read deranged male opinions, ban the scrote
>>28876I don't think it needs to be autosaged, it's actually been very active lately with her preggo shenanigans
No. 28887
File: 1642279859208.jpeg (Spoiler Image,36.75 KB, 800x533, 1481150443665.jpeg)

the pixielocks thread is now a doctors office. everyone is talking about their own diagnosis (unrelated to pixielocks) and diagnosing pixielocks of random shit (as if she doesnt get off from being a munchie). its not even a slow thread, she posts shit every other day, i dont give a shit if nonnies think she has diabetes and their personal struggles with fucking bpd that have nothing to do with jill. stfu for fucks sake
it is absolutely useless posting and non contributions, its not interesting and youre not as clever as you think you are. jfc, of course the munchie queen attracts tik tokers to this site its awful. pic related nonnies looking like this
No. 28890
CSA thread is a mess atm
>>28889yes, they’re fucking obnoxious yet they never seem to get banned or shat on for racebait like other anons do. the threads only grow more
toxic and more nitpicky the more of them start sharing their stupid takes too
No. 28923
File: 1642705977733.jpeg (114.03 KB, 750x1023, C66EA1E6-3F7E-4A1B-9812-02BBA6…)

oh come on, I can’t even poke fun at how empty /meta/ is and I get a permaban? lmao could have just given me a few days ban and called me a retard
No. 28935
>>28934use your scrote powers to track him down and fight him to the
preferably mutual death. there can only be one pet moid. you know what you have to do.
No. 28936
>>28935That's an idea…
Here's another: have you guys tried IP banning him? I hear IP bans are very effective and impossible to circumvent
No. 28943
>>28905What are you talking about, the thread's going great.
goes mental on filters, comes out looking like a lens flare with beady eyesAnons: She looks kinda nice here tbh
No. 28945
File: 1642798661847.gif (208.9 KB, 435x200, 200.gif)

Picrel is /meta/ these past few months
No. 28947
>>28941Not really. I started with cryaotic, and I also bumped that isabela janke one with the rainbow roulette pic and a small crop of her mug, this one
>>>/snow/1360109 (I just now realized the thread isn't about the dude in the picture), and whatever the fuck this
>>>/snow/1343332 is.
Now this one
>>>/snow/204109 I did choose because she's attractive, and it's even better now knowing you don't like it. I was picking them mostly at random, but now I know that the hot ones will annoy you more!
File: 1642918931879.jpg (78.03 KB, 564x779, 24d646a37cce2cca8eb464601f2cff…)

(just drowning out cp)
No. 28996
the altcows thread could use some general cleaning up
>>>/snow/1423288 the infighting is getting excessive,
I personally suspect some self posting from a couple cows and wannabe cows, and there's been some people who knew the cow irl struggling to integrate with emojis and such. it will probably continue being a problem until the Jake and kaya breakup passes.
No. 29012
>>29011> not your 4 year old cry about asian fishing still as if we don't already know she does it. So because every knows she asian fishes we aren’t allowed to talk about it? Lmao
>no new milk Why are you so critical about a goddamn thread? Hide it and move on. But I guess you can’t because you’re a wk.
> It's not minimodding to tell you your posts are garbage.Assuming everyone is the same person kek
I agree, it’s not minimodding, it’s wking.
No. 29013
>>29011They're right boys, time to pack it up! We can't talk about it anymore because everyone know that Skyleigh is a fake asian!
Imagine if the world actually worked like that.
No. 29015
>>29014There’s a difference between sperging about moos left tit vein and commenting on Sky’s continued snowflakery.
Also are you new here? Pretty much every thread in /w/ is like this.. Sky’s thread gets posted in every few days and you’re moaning about it like some newfag bumps the thread with unsaged rambling. Go touch some grass.
No. 29031
Why is this Grimes and Musk thread still up with a baby in the threadpic?
>>>/snow/1426381I thought No Kids is a site wide rule?
No. 29041
File: 1643654962569.png (158.05 KB, 1842x542, mod_abuse.png)

Just reporting some casual power abuse by farmhands for banning this nonny for no reason.
No. 29042
File: 1643656953042.jpeg (372.2 KB, 828x887, 4128DFA8-F9AC-4011-9A0B-EBC3A6…)

how did this get banned for nitpicking but none of the infighting did (including the post right above it)???
No. 29048
File: 1643675001613.jpeg (268.61 KB, 640x961, F66D3D03-E6DF-4BAC-9AB3-9B69DB…)

>>29047I’m not a male. Is it so hard to believe one woman calls another ugly? On this website of all places? Wtf
(ban evasion) No. 29067
File: 1643868105761.png (443.92 KB, 1440x1186, PartialScreenshot_20220202-235…)

Is anyone else having issues with spoilered pics? Instead of the spoiler image I see a blank box, and when I unspoiler there's like a blue screen over the image (picrel)
No. 29072
File: 1643957138722.jpeg (88.49 KB, 578x278, ED8308D1-4A13-4F54-AD5F-23763F…)

Can we please ban retards like this? It’s akin to “hi cow” but even worse somehow.
No. 29078
File: 1644000542725.jpeg (51.43 KB, 540x401, 1641616035769.jpeg)

theres a dumbass on the shay thread derailing and fighting. wont stop sperging paragraphs about how pedophiles are too good and high quality to enjoy shays porn. and seethes when we tell her what pedo pandering is. making pedo pander shit is why shay has a thread in the first place. its dumb and deserves red text.
No. 29082
File: 1644012597396.png (76.53 KB, 275x196, 1618837821490.png)

Hello Can we lock>>226291/g/attractive men thread? That thread is a total trash dump now. Can we start over and only allow pics to be uploaded until the retards can behave? Thank you
No. 29084
File: 1644035993338.jpg (10.95 KB, 240x240, 98264c105df9d0000a931f7f52b4f5…)

>>29083I'm so fucking tired of seeing Cp and gore being spammed
No. 29096
File: 1644089181902.png (1.2 MB, 1148x1230, Untitled.png)

Admin has left us to die
No. 29100
>>28830SHAYNAFAG ADMIN please report to the 100th Shayna thread. Make a warning post, get jannies to red text, or
It is full of newfags, obvious scrotes and one anon who is responding within minutes to infight but keeps saying "NTA" to make it seem like there is support for cowtipping and alogging. There is so much same-fagging that's obvious because they repeat the same phrases and syntax. Everyone talking about Black Mirror and Shayna ending her life and the whole vibe is really fucked from the Twitter/scrote samefagging since the middle of thread #99, and it's been noticed by other anons too.
No. 29106
>>29102Pretty sure retired admin is still active in the duscord and somewhat in the technical aspect of the website.
If new admin really flaked, there'd be no harm in at least opening up janny positions again.
No. 29116
>>29110She said that she will give the new admin support, not fuck off completely… while she wouldn't be directly involved, she would watch over the new admin. The fact that we have zero information from either of them is concerning.
Shaydmin, if you are here… this is your chance to show up.
No. 29143
>>29100I would be extremely unsurprised if the obvious moid saying she wasn't human and talking about wanting to see "how it ends" (cue: samefagging and idiots agreeing since they can't see what he was leading up to) is the same person who shortly after suggested we "hack her and delete her socials" and was talking about her "passing away"
Generally if someone is trying to present someone as less than human it's in the lead up to some sort of planned harm which they are trying to rationalize with themselves, it's like nonnies never read a history book.
At least they outed themselves and got banned but people really need to be careful what they humor especially when it's as obvious as that. It isn't pearlclutching to try and nip potential moid raids and doxes in the bud when you see the lead up to them (i.e. talking about a cow dying and saying they aren't human) rather than encourage them, but like you said half of the "agreement" is likely samefagging.
Doxing, cowtipping, a-logging and wishing bodily harm are all against lolcow rules regardless of how much of a hateboner someone has for a cow, and feeding into that stuff attracts moids like flypaper.
No. 29144
File: 1644279733355.jpeg (295.75 KB, 1242x1025, 642C3774-B09B-4E24-9543-22A5AE…)

Kind of random- I had the attractive men thread up in a tab from when I replied last night. When I came back to the tab just now, I noticed the photos and the model’s name was deleted. Was he a minor or something because he didn’t look like a minor. More like a early/mid 20s pretty boy. I’m genuinely curious.
No. 29147
>>29145Well that’s a relief cause I felt really gross for a second kek
>19I still feel gross but not nearly if you said he was 17. Legit thought like 24/25.
No. 29151
>>29144We have been raided a lot more than usual lately. For instance, we had/have a CP raid today that I am still keeping an eye on. We have had almost daily general raids for some weeks now.
Posters do not end up seeing most raids that are happening, but three days ago we had raiding from 40+ IP's. In such instances, sometimes mods end up deleting by accident posts that happen to have an IP collision. I am currently not available to go dig up that post for aforementioned reasons, but I assume it was an accidental collateral deletion.
No. 29153
>>29151Omg, you guys are alive?
Jokes aside, I'm sorry you have to deal with raids. Thank you for your work.
No. 29156
File: 1644339776014.jpg (94.23 KB, 1057x287, Screenshot_20220208-090210_Fir…)

Are these anons the ones who keep raiding too? These unsaged fat posts are everywhere, especially /w/.
No. 29171
>>29158Welcome, good to see you posting new Admin!
>>29151Thank you for your hard work. You're doing splendidly because despite being here often, I haven't seen this stuff.
No. 29175
File: 1644407031029.jpeg (271 KB, 741x557, A4B7DC70-66ED-4E89-8407-307D59…)

>>28981Yay finally. Thank you.
>>29158Salutations, admin..
No. 29183
>>29158Hi admin, I'll be your old farmer.
I'll be shitposting and reporting gore and such.
No. 29191
File: 1644523174547.png (295.99 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20220210-104832~2.p…)

The following is written with respect and a little bit of humor.
I own my autism. If you think I was derailing by linking all those WK posts, ok, I won't do that anymore. Criticism accepted! But come on now, I was not accusing "people" of samefagging. I accused one person - the same one still dropping boring turds of "wisdom" and "what's normal for MOMS" in the thread.
No. 29194
>>29193I gotta disagree, there's someone who samefags all the time in that thread about any criticism and whines that Tayhasn'tbeenmilkyinyears. Research-chan
>>29191 only started listing their posts, as soon as I searched for "never been around pregnant" or "never been pregnant" a bunch of older preachy ones came up. Someone is hard obsessed with her and her pregnancy, it's p funny and weird
No. 29199
>>29198It's infighting, it should be against the rules.
>>29197Every second thread in /snow/ is about nitpicking sexworkers, but it should be banned in the twitch thread.. why?
No. 29202
File: 1644599402414.png (3.64 KB, 646x64, reee.png)

>>29197you don't have this issue when anisa is discussed
No. 29206
File: 1644601746246.jpg (154.06 KB, 1080x459, Screenshot_20220211-094833_Fir…)

Dear god thank you
No. 29218
>>29216its been flooded with twittfags for years now :(
( :( )
(emote use) No. 29227
pedo scrote saying that csa
victims ''flirt with adults'' in the mental disorders you cant deal thread.
>>>/ot/1064251 No. 29231
>>29229It's so obvious this is only happening because Kanye is very unpopular on here so they think anyone who likes him has to be a tranny/scrote/troll despite me criticizing him several times on the same thread.
I've probably aggressively stanned for other celebs more than kanye on here but only kanye is the one getting angry vendettafags to keep mentioning me everywhere so it's weird.
No. 29255
File: 1644822824554.jpg (133.83 KB, 993x1024, 1644808569697m.jpg)

>>29250I keep getting weird errors, I can only assume new admin is testing shit and pressed an oopsie button
No. 29257
I keep getting errors but it seems like it's posting anyway. Seems like anons in /snow/ are having no trouble since I don't see anyone there mentioning it.
>>29255Nah, we may have been ddos'd. Apparently Kiwifarms had the same issue just yesterday.
No. 29278
File: 1644848608327.gif (2.78 MB, 384x239, Tumblr_l_89951999170127.gif)

i miss you nonnies…
No. 29281
File: 1644848817822.jpg (28.92 KB, 563x545, 26486f58f16b34a5298e8e2c5197e4…)

>>29278Nonnies are my valentine
No. 29284
>>29278The anon who posted this won my heart.
It's yours, my friend.
No. 29286
File: 1644851827595.jpg (36.01 KB, 612x344, istockphoto-1035522026-612x612…)

I got flowers for everyone! Happy Valentine's day nonnas!
No. 29292
File: 1644853432263.jpg (52.28 KB, 700x817, Depositphotos_156593154_s-2019…)

>>29286>>29291Happy Valentine's day nonatellas!
A great gift would be…being able to use the boards properly!
No. 29294
File: 1644853980522.png (637 KB, 640x800, 9731DD75-0AFE-4ECB-9AF2-0EF033…)

happy valentine’s day, nonnies! i love and miss you even more now that we’ve spent time apart. hope new admin isn’t too overwhelmed with all this bs.
No. 29299
File: 1644855059325.gif (63.69 KB, 460x260, happy vd.gif)

Ignore that error, your post gets posted.
No. 29314
File: 1644862063991.jpg (6.07 KB, 101x220, 179427.jpg)

What is happening to this website??
No. 29317
File: 1644862266150.gif (224.68 KB, 320x240, tumblr_nqb4f6maJU1tltytjo1_400…)

Can this be the new shitpost thread until /ot/ opens back up? TIA mods <3
No. 29319
File: 1644863437552.jpg (71.76 KB, 644x488, 1644692477972.jpg)

>>29318i hope this calms things down and that nonnerellas got some intimate time with their SO today
No. 29332
>>29330and it looks ridiculous stop being over dramatic
>>29331no u
No. 29333
File: 1644871341404.jpeg (131.55 KB, 564x797, 49FE70DF-9886-4B5A-B31B-A47A15…)

>>29316yeah but 522's never resulted in posting functions being disabled, at least in the few years I've been here
what is fucking going on
No. 29335
>>29333that is what is weird to me as well. i have been through a few server crashes and the only thing that is familiar to me are the duplicates but not the weird codes.
it’s just the radio silence that is so weird. i am
hoping that the mod team didn’t fall out again, it’s almost like they abandoned the site.
No. 29337
>>29334but this doesnt explain why we get errors in the
other boards too. Idk its just mess.
>>29335The way the so called new admin is ignoring everyone is weird. Do we have a admin or not because ever since the old admin left lolcow, lolcow slowly started becoming a mess.
The new admin/mods now also allowed infighting because they are too busy to ban posters.
No. 29338
>>29336lolcow didnt go down the same way kf did, thats why anons are so confused as to what is going on.
Lolcow had its usual ''host is down'' moments and then was back up and now you cant post on certain boards.
No. 29340
>>29337LC has been a mess for years. It didn't just start.
Tinfoil that the last admin finally rolled out her super-duper board upgrades and fucked things up. Think it was mentioned a few weeks ago she was planning to do this.
No. 29341
File: 1644873366609.gif (1.23 MB, 220x211, catkiss.gif)

If anything happens I just want to tell you nonnas that I love you and that I've had a great time here
No. 29350
>>29347Are they not active on the discord
tf are people even donating for when mod/farm hands don't do shit.
No. 29353
File: 1644875556556.jpg (110.88 KB, 1920x1200, White-and-black-cats-hugs-and-…)

>>29341Same, love you all. Even the conspiracy thread anons, although they scared me
No. 29356
>>29325It's valentinesday, Oldmin is probably busy with her gf and Newmin is probably too inexperienced to fix it alone yet. If a seething scrote is responsible, it would also be contrapoductive to give him any form of recognition.
Or it's what
>>29340 said and we're finally getting the update Oldmin planned last year.
No. 29359
File: 1644879182690.jpg (157.49 KB, 736x822, 842aa9c5b05d1960b4e81a5ad67841…)

>>29353i luved scaring you darlings with the Truth(TM)
No. 29360
File: 1644879464597.jpeg (225.16 KB, 1400x1050, 410AF69A-FDD1-42C9-A9CE-83EA00…)

>>29341>>29353>>29359I love you cuties, and also admin-sama, maybe this is a sign to go enjoy Valentine's day. If you don't have a valentine then I am it now. xoxo
No. 29361
File: 1644879698116.png (615.46 KB, 1080x956, 249-242-9-259-25-92.png)

>>29360ty, let me now lead you to th e bedroom wi nk wi nk
No. 29363
File: 1644880123434.png (458.44 KB, 518x494, ebddbd5ace77b496ac9d9298670904…)

>>29362no words only - SMOOCH
No. 29369
File: 1644888148975.gif (4.34 MB, 480x360, bus-sad.gif)

I just want /m/ back
No. 29376
File: 1644889160529.jpeg (23.38 KB, 600x600, 7DC20A48-5150-4213-9193-20E765…)

No. 29378
File: 1644890406431.jpeg (74.39 KB, 480x895, B11324BF-EDBC-49D9-B55E-44825F…)

Happy v-day nonnies; making some menstrual cup soup and missing /ot/
No. 29379
File: 1644892069183.png (296.29 KB, 612x612, 1598771886921.png)

No. 29382
File: 1644892836070.jpg (892.59 KB, 2048x1365, Tumblr_l_73697478025672.jpg)

No. 29387
>>29378I love it, you should post it in the thread on /g/
>>29385It's not you, it's this site, but we have no clue yet what exactly is wrong and are waiting to find out from admin or somebody
No. 29389
File: 1644896774075.jpeg (185.8 KB, 629x900, 62109C71-9FE4-4D7B-A3A6-8C715C…)

>>29388I feel ya. This place is pretty cozy tbh fam
No. 29396
File: 1644912152097.jpg (67.74 KB, 720x638, 20220129_145802.jpg)

modmin don't need to mention deets. can they just tell us they're aware of the issue?
No. 29401
File: 1644915457857.png (8.7 KB, 1388x96, where are you jannies.png)

how the hell is there a 5 hour old ban in /snow/ yet we've been begging for a response for over a day now? admin, we KNOW you see us
No. 29414
File: 1644920213782.jpeg (48.82 KB, 623x673, B8098A2C-A690-4964-9AF9-697A4D…)

No. 29419
File: 1644921602726.jpeg (56.73 KB, 668x431, 37539DF0-4D72-4E0D-9BFA-9E3385…)

come on nonnas take notes from actually successful male run sites
No. 29434
File: 1644925776487.gif (2.7 MB, 514x640, meow-cats.gif)

Mods, please fix /ot/ I need to use the vent thread.
Pretty please?
No. 29437
>>29419Kiwifag had tranny jannies, and jannies who fucked trannies stinkditches. Lolcow's never hired a tranny.
Lolcow: 1
Kiwifags: 0
No. 29438
File: 1644926000094.jpg (115.66 KB, 1080x1347, 5787665446yu.jpg)

What did mods mean by this?
No. 29457
File: 1644929226269.jpeg (116.1 KB, 897x1184, 0C9D7092-D0ED-424F-8A0C-86C162…)

No. 29465
File: 1644929628904.jpeg (462.19 KB, 1175x1763, 0E8B2207-4D67-465E-A9FE-CD027C…)

No. 29475
>>29467I do go outside, call me a schizo but I view female fictional characters on a different platitude than their countrtparts.
>>29472Lol nona, are you me?
No. 29478
File: 1644930092247.png (937.09 KB, 1280x720, C6FAC77D-0868-4981-93C1-A3D54E…)

where is the dmmd smut anon when we need her most
No. 29485
File: 1644931391863.gif (13.19 MB, 530x640, 587A01E6-D4E1-4AD7-8DB8-0B779C…)

I miss /ot/ and /m/
No. 29489
File: 1644931743223.png (15.46 KB, 587x383, Capture.PNG)

>>29487and here too, apparently
No. 29491
>>29487read the thread retard and stop making the same repetitive complaints.
isn't that the point of a thread, so we can see previous complaints and so we can know not to repeat the same shit since other anons are complaining? good god.
can a farmhand delete the animal gore on /ot/
No. 29500
File: 1644951511252.gif (1.26 MB, 250x250, dont-be-suspicious-gif-3.gif)

The more they don't say something the more sus it is.
No. 29510
File: 1644956170060.jpg (2.51 MB, 2948x2057, Great_tit_side-on.jpg)

You two first.
No. 29529
File: 1644960515807.png (250.95 KB, 474x500, 44B5CAE9-F1DA-40F3-AC9E-B45EAD…)

I miss my anonies
No. 29562
>>29516It was a few days ago nonners, shaytard- admin replied with an update here
>>29158after constant questioning by anons wondering where the admin is and that was a week ago. Prior to that there was an unusual amount of scrote activity, bait and typical CP/gore being posted and jannies were also as inactive. Kek do you guys even read the thread?
>>29558Ew, don’t reply to me you matted caca asshair XY faggot. You’re going to get banned once the jannies finally pull together this website with their yarn strings, fuck off and leave us alone
No. 29575
>>29573Same nona, same.
Won't somebody please think of the autists?
No. 29577
>>29573i wanna sperg about
my seals :/
No. 29612
File: 1644995614786.jpg (137.9 KB, 1080x873, 1644980557306.jpg)

>would they provide the first update in 3 days in the impromptu “/ot/ replacement thread” in /g/
Anon it was a discord update, hence why I said "discord update". You could even go in the discord to see the update. Anyway, here you go for any other anons who perhaps didn't see it.
No. 29617
>>29612i know her irl and didn't realize
until i saw this.
No. 29619
>>29603Anon, I understand the sentiment but I wouldn't want a mentally ill retarded neet as an admin like the ones at KiwiFarms.
>>29612Well at least we know it's being looked at and will soon be fixed. That's a positive…unless it's bullshit and that's just placating words.
No. 29636
can subhuman anon get banned for avatarfagging or something
>>29622literally go back there then kek, or better yet go outside, your mongolian kite making forum has been having some issues for the past few days you'll live. The sage function is fine, and banners have always ben added en masse every couple years. You care an awful lot for a newfag. oh also null won't fuck you
No. 29637
>>29631i like you,
nonny>>29632admin is a social construct, we are ALL admin
No. 29638
File: 1645036588596.png (162.33 KB, 497x492, brave_P8Esw78uj7.png)

No. 29642
>>29639I mean they literally said they're working on it via discord which was reposted here
New admin prob doesn't want to deal with us bitches after seeing the dumb shit old admin dealt with communicating in meta kek
No. 29651
File: 1645039966643.jpeg (165.01 KB, 700x527, 4AC47A63-C5FD-4E8E-90F7-2FD3B6…)

lolcow is truly the only thing holding anons sanity together, i’m unraveling, help me
No. 29652
File: 1645040157415.jpg (393.11 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_18dc2f48a6f90fe4032e68c…)

>>29649mine are all super normie or extremely autistic no in between
No. 29661
File: 1645049296418.jpeg (48.81 KB, 500x275, 3E44BEE6-C57B-40EE-A31B-9B4581…)

I want celebricows back
No. 29663
>>29660>takes forever to load threads on mobilei post on mobile and I've never experienced that. It does take a long time to load links from the catalogue but that's easy to get around
>we can't upload mp4s and multiple files at oncethat's how imageboards work
nonnie No. 29669
File: 1645053223779.webm (3.56 MB, 320x240, GEORGEBUSHDOESNTCAREABOUTBLACK…)
>>29661same. i want to post this yeezy webm i downloaded while his ig posting is still hot.
No. 29673
>>29665>>29659>>29662>>29639Y’all are so bratty wtf
Has any of you considered that maybe it’s not something admin herself can fix? She literally said it had to do with the host outages. Calm your fucking tits
No. 29686
File: 1645093856378.jpg (557.75 KB, 1638x2048, 20211119_014452.jpg)

where can I donate money to bribe modmin into addressing her site audience?
No. 29687
>>29684I want to know this too. It really seems that the admin is just going to let this site sit here until the server money runs out. The fujos were able to prop their own site fairly quick. Sure it sits empty buy at least they have their own space.
How hard can it be?
No. 29695
>>29691>the sage functionit works fine and is a actually a good way of seeing who has read the rules and is integrated, and who is a newfag (you)
>issues you get when you use the site with cookies disabledwhy would you need to do this? I assume you're either permabanned or paranoid, either way you can just use incognito mode.
I hate porn too but the banners are part of lc history and not that big of a deal
>mp4 and multiple filesI mean yeah but you could also learn how to convert a file and make a collage like literally everyone else and stop complaining. Do also you go bitch at null about how he's a bad admin because videos don't load, or that the search function is awkward or thumbnail isn't the default image setting or whatever? If you hate it here so much leave
No. 29697
>>29693You really think the banner of a naked woman rubbing her ass and calling herself "daddy's little porkchop" is appropriate and not totally disgusting and belongs on a porn-site instead of a female space? Fuck whatever history it has, it's gross.
>>29695>you don't like a feature you must be a newfagI've been hear for years and I still think it's retarded and should work the opposite way
>why would you need to do this? I assume you're either permabanned or paranoidYes I am paranoid since I found out that Admin and mods read our post history to track users and will reveal your posts whenever they don't like you. I have never been permabanned, which is something you can't even enforce on an anonymous imageboard anyways.
>I mean yeah but you could also learn how to convert a file and make a collage like literally everyone else and stop complaining.I do know how to do that and I do it all the time, but why do I need to go out of my way to do that when anyone who knows how to code can easily implement an easier method?
Honestly, wtf is wrong with you that you don't want improvements to the site and better functionality? Do you have some kind of terminal autism where you can't handle change?
No. 29698
File: 1645101062611.jpg (38.95 KB, 640x640, Ze5qlqq.jpg)

>NOOOOO how daaaare you ask for improvements to be made to a site that hasn't been updated or improved or fixed and of it's issues in the last 5 years?!
No. 29699
>>29697>reveal your posts whenever they don't like youno they don't? it's only self posing cows (Dasha, creepshow art, Elaine etc)
anyway admin said in the last townhall that she was planning to move the site to different software so you'll might actually probably get what you want. though personally I think it's better to encourage people to make one shareable collage rather than dump multiple pictures in the drama boards.
The banner is funny and it does belong in the ~female space~ it originated from, stop clutching your pearls
No. 29701
>>29700kek anon you mean like the "this anon has hundreds of scat fetish posts" or "entire post hisotry is comments about belle delphines's vagina?"? unless you do something extremely egregious like that you will be fine. and if you do do something like that, other anons do deserve to me made aware
>>29698I mean if you literally hate everything about posting here you probably should find a website you like more yeah
No. 29703
>>29701NTA but
>literally hate everything about posting herehow did you get that out of her post lol. wanting improvements isn't "hating everything"
No. 29718
>>29716there's also no need to attack admin for things that do not matter (sageing, cookies) or compare lolcow to the other farms
>>29715yeah and anime is also just for men and trannies, right? please go back
No. 29739
File: 1645118321828.png (776.41 KB, 1164x748, 1645110292154.png)

could we have coquette's posts flagged with "coquette" like we have for newfag
posts like picrel
No. 29748
nonnie but that's definitely not happening any time soon. Anons wanted the retard scrote that raided a while ago to be flagged and mods didn't deliver even though it would have been a very good idea.
No. 29754
>>29753No, she never posted an official post-townhall update.
An anon did here
>>28394 and you can see people reacting in the same thread. I didn't take any screencaps so don't have any other proof, you can take my word on it or not. You had to be there
No. 29762
>>29690As a woman who actually is an experienced software developer I've thought about contacting admin multiple times to help her out because I love this place but like
>>29757 mentioned, I'm too afraid for my own privacy and I doubt admin would even give the keys to all the environments to some rando who just decided to hit her up after the board went boom. People fail to understand that Lolcow runs on a shitty old imageboard engine that's most likely ruined further with the first male admin's piece of shit legacy code, a detail one of the previous admins admitted. If there's a catastrophic issue in its database it's not up to just fixing a line in the code, there's something wrong with how the infrastructure is set up and that can take ages to figure out. Especially if data has been lost or there's no documentation of how the architecture is constructed.
So godspeed Admin-sama, as a full time grill coder I know how it is and I'm sending you good vibes because that's all I or anyone else here can do at the moment without proper communication.
No. 29770
>>29768This doesn't make sense. If that were the case she'd just say that she's unable to post updates on the chan, via Discord. She's being cagey and it's weird as fuck.
>>29762You do sound kind. It may be worth reaching out to admin via a throwaway Discord account just to see if you can chip in somehow.
No. 29779
>>29778I saw it on twitter just yesterday, I disagree with abby shapiro on every point but the way liberal/leftist men think it's alright to reduce her body to some sort of fetish is disgusting
especially when she says she doesn’t want to be sexualized, so they do it even more and the way they defend this behavior is also infuriating
No. 29803
>>29798well I mean if admin and farmhands actually you know, updated us, talked to us, didn't just ignore us, they probably wouldn't get as much hate.
Honestly feel like all the "hate" are just farmers wondering why tf the site ADMIN never responds to anything.
No. 29826
>>29822pretty sure she said at some point that there were several options almost as
valid as shaydmin
No. 29839
File: 1645229205456.png (192.06 KB, 750x741, 79A921FA-60DB-4CC6-A1C6-FD17EA…)

>>29811Thank you admin-sama for telling us! Ganbatte with the tech shit
No. 29844
File: 1645262734167.png (19.29 KB, 659x465, posts_m crashed.png)

Hi, IT nonna here. Can you please run "sudo mysqlcheck –repair –all-databases" (two dashes before repair, and two dashes before all-databases) on the server where the database is? I've been getting this error every day.
No. 29845
File: 1645272804315.png (43.2 KB, 896x614, Untitled.png)

CAN YOU FUCKING CLEAN OUT THE FUCKING PERMA BANS YOU HAND OUT TO VPN IPS ALREADY? I am so tired of seeing this shit every time I switch to a different country. I have no idea who made this post and I have appealed it because it's on a VPN AND NOTHING IS EVER DONE and it just happens CONSTANTLY. You are not achieving anything by handing out perma-bans. The poster will literally just hop onto another IP and block these IPs permanently for everyone else using the same service. I am so fucking fed up with being unable to post because of bans handed out to other people.
No. 29863
>>29851Are you blind? The ban has already been appealed in January and it's still not resolved. And when I switch IP's I'll just get a different ban message from someone else. It's fucking miserable and the EASIEST WAY TO SOLVE THIS would be to just hand out 1 month bans intead of perma-ban. If someone is really annoying then banning them for a month will surely get them to stop? Or if they use a VPN like almost all of these people do… well then YOU ARE NOT GONNA STOP THEM WITH A PERMA BAN.
It's so fucking miserable complaining about anything in /meta/ because all of you dumb fucking bitches who don't even know how a VPN works gotta chime in with your non-advice cause you think you will be awarded some sort of good-girl points by an admin who, let's be real, does not give a single fuck about us. Stop being dumb bootlickers and let people complain.
No. 29874
File: 1645313700526.png (124.28 KB, 700x700, 1492114909302.png)

mods come back to /g/ soon pls they're infighting
No. 29883
>>29867it's not about data harvesting browser-wise which you should be using other things to stop. It's about your connection being sniffed, spoofed, interrupted etc. It's also about server logs. When you're on here on verizon or w/e with no vpn the cops/lawyers/court/gov can ask them for those logs at any point and they can see where you've been on the net. "five eyes" means living in europe doesn't protect your data from the yanks, and vice versa. They all work together on this shit. That's how if you torrent music you can sometimes randomly get a letter saying "you downloaded x album". These ISPs aren't going to protect you when they start getting legal letters kek. A vpn is, like another anon said, a condom. Your logs are now with a third party that (if they're a good vpn) will auto-delete them if they're in five eyes territory, or refuse if they're somewhere that five eyes doesn't cover (Russia for example but then you gotta decide if you trust the company not to be sending logs to their government).
Some of you need to stop reeing about vpns when you don't even understand the basics of them. I copped a permaban once for posting on /ot/ for saying a farmhand using the term "people with a phallus" was retarded. I once copped a random ban on a completely normal on-topic post and the message had a paragraph of reeing about me being someone called "hamchan". When I appealed that this was a vpn they denied the appeal again. There's no way I'd post here without a vpn because the farmhands have never followed their own rules because they were old admins rl friends. I'm hoping new admin solves that.
No. 29886
>>29373Crystal Cafe, I guess?
Mods, please save us! I need to cry in /ot/
No. 29900
File: 1645375529545.jpg (474.79 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20220220-084321_Fir…)

Mods, why do you allow this clear vendetta thread to keep existing? All anons do is armchair the fuck out of anything she says or does, and they nitpick stupid shit for posts on end, while bumping, like debating a anime figures
legal age and whether or not the meme she said to her boyfriend is
romantic enough. Not to mention this cat weight sperging and nitpicking about saying she likes her cat over friends. Either tell these spergs to stop bumping with nitpicks considering she's had no drama for a year now (nitpicking ShE hAsNt posTed, isn't milk) and the last 2 threads have been plain just arguing over her OF and complaining about wigs being reused. Like damn, at what point is it clear it's been a nitpicking cesspool? Its less than 50 posts in and its been nothing milky. Just shit teir posts like these.
>>>/w/197693If nitpicking statuses and spending 20 replies nitpicking no proof tinfoil is acceptable for cows now, then can I make anyone a thread and call it milky if I word it right?
No. 29908
honestly i wish we could just put this place to rest because it’s just going down the tubes every day. i haven’t been here in over 2 years and it’s sad watching lolcow die a slow, painful death. i know it’s a lot of work and i am not blaming the mods or the admin (whichever one we have) at all, it just needs to end at some point. i know people are going to rage at me, but look around. where is the good milk? the intelligent, insightful posts? the wit, the humour? why is this place even still open other than for nostalgia? it’s hard to believe some of you are even women anymore because the levels of absolute hate and rage directed at people you can’t even see and don’t even know are more apropos for mentally ill men than women. i mean for god’s sake we are on an damn anon board, yet it feels like a bunch of namefags on some shitty bb forum. i really don’t even know what to say anymore other than some of you need to get help, go to church, idk, find jesus or whatever. because like other anons have said, if parts of the board being down cause you to a-log this hard, you need help, or a life.
but seriously admin-sama, just archive this place and move on with your life. if anons really cared, they could make another farms if they wanted to.
No. 29910
>>29905>claiming she hates us and ran off with the money and has quit on us, and is racist against the white women of this website,lmao you don't even know which admin you are talking about, thats the old admin which doesn't manage this site anymore.
Next time you blindly defend absent admin make sure you even know what you are saying lmao.
No. 29914
File: 1645383593212.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.03 KB, 600x471, (OHTEA).jpg)

>almost an entire week without my cryvent board
Repent sinners, I'm tired of waiting.
No. 29937
>>29908I've only been here for about 4 years or so, but I have to disagree with this. This site has felt more unwelcoming in these last couple of months, but I honestly think it's just because of aggressive newfags, plus mods not banning stuff like infighting as often anymore. I agree with the anon above who said a hellweek could fix a lot of issues, but we have a mod shortage so it hasn't happened. Also, there's not many "female-only" spaces like this on the internet and the ones that are, are completely for politics.
>>29930Nta, but that anon is right.
No. 29946
i don't really know why it has not been solved yet despite supposedly still looking into it, from a quick google search it seems an easy fix hope admin fixes it soon, and i hope they're doing well, both old admin and new admin
No. 29950
Mods please
some kpop brain rotted fujo is spamming the /ot/ thread with Yaoi
please perma ban her, she's posting porn at this point
>>>/g/241875>>>/g/241875>>>/g/241875 No. 29979
File: 1645510414170.jpeg (51.87 KB, 680x558, 1594709532676.jpeg)

It's been 8 days without posting on /m/ and I've lost all taste in my left eye and I'm beginning to lose vision in my clit. Please send help
No. 29981
File: 1645516095963.png (35.66 KB, 644x221, email.png)

I got this email. Emails can be spoofed and I have no idea what it's about. I sent a reply but just in case it's being spoofed and my email isn't received or understood, here's the original.
No. 29989
>>29987I wouldn't even care about that if THE SITE WASNT BROKEN. She could at least ask him how to fucking fix the site while she's at it.
Someone said new Admin is a Shaynafag, is that true? It would honestly explain so much.
No. 29996
File: 1645549364967.jpg (9.08 KB, 300x300, 300px-Crying_Cat_screaming.jpg)

admin-sama I love you and thank you for fixing /ot/ but /m/ is empty except one thread and when I went to a thread via the catalog and tried to test post it says "Thread specified does not exist." Please help
No. 29997
File: 1645550316317.jpg (17.31 KB, 400x400, 1630737346831.jpg)

>>29996please /m/ is overall way more useful then all the other boards combines
please there has to be a way we could get the threads come back
No. 29999
File: 1645550938326.jpg (108.03 KB, 1125x1248, 33e7f0f6252d1e66a50b3ca86060af…)

>>29998Thank you admin-sama I love you
No. 30003
File: 1645551980768.gif (1.55 MB, 450x230, bbe4b7944a975664c3e4509b4c1a05…)

No. 30007
File: 1645554682166.gif (937.86 KB, 350x200, 2f0.gif)

>>29998thank you admin-sama
No. 30016
File: 1645566164236.png (10.83 KB, 470x454, 1365345749952.png)

So how will you make sure the website isn't dead for several days at some other point the future? Has the underlying problem been fixed or just the most obvious symptoms of it?
No. 30035
>>30034It was down for me too. Glad the site is still here.
>>30016This, tell us the plan please.
No. 30038
File: 1645667772376.jpg (47.09 KB, 710x252, Screenshot_20220223-205535_Chr…)

/m/ seems to be fucked again, at least on my end
No. 30070
Like previous anons said, Admin could you move this thread
>>>/ot/1066693 to the "xx chromosome" board and open it up again?
No. 30077
>>30071Here you go anon:
>>>/ot/1063558>>30073I'm tired of it too. There are anons who literally only come here to infight, they just shit up the threads more because there's more to scroll through
No. 30092
File: 1645878922460.jpg (44.69 KB, 929x253, Screenshot_20220226-132112_Sam…)

I know the site is still pretty shaky right now but can we please ban the samefagging retards in the Lucinda thread?
Or, even better, take a look at their posts history as soon as LC is stable enough?
Pretty sure that these "anons" going on with their "uwu jaleous fatties! Rattles-rattles" for months are Lucinda herself or one of her friend (Moogle or something like that)
That's where the real milk is in my humble opinion and I really hope that it won't be swept under the rug like what happened with Annie the selfposting crazy in the Manson threads.
Thank you for your service and welcome to our new Admin-Sama!
No. 30094
moid in the eurofag thread
>>30093was about to post the same thing.
No. 30121
>>30118Going on a donation strike is looking more like a good idea everyday.
The mods and admin have been acting so fucking absent with this site since December 2021.
Oh and that admin defender can go fuck themselves. You cant even talk about how weird mods and admins is acting without that fucking bitch defending them
>>30119Commit sudoku.
No. 30127
>>30126When anons complained, spammer gave them some autistic reply saying they will spam Russia Hetalia porn to keep it on track.
Such obvious trolling.
No. 30128
>>30127How is it not on track to
trigger moids who constantly come to the thread to bait with /pol/tier comments? They see the yaoi and they leave.
No. 30136
>>30135I'm pretty sure you've accussed atleast 20 anons of being a moid by now.
The original yaoi posted was different from the shit you then started to post. I guess its so hard for a retard to integrate here even when he spends all day here.
Let me guess not even 4chan wants you.
No. 30143
File: 1645992177086.png (804 B, 150x33, 674547356723463569.png)

so you can ignore us here instead?
No. 30156
File: 1645992357457.png (7.31 KB, 439x109, 2022-02-27_21-05-40.png)

>>30151Global rules 6 and 11 you mongoloid.
No. 30157
File: 1645992372549.jpg (246.79 KB, 1000x1278, CbhWcCiXEAQd6YL.jpg)

>>30155They already banned me twice
(ban evasion) No. 30161
File: 1645992521226.png (372.56 KB, 480x640, 798edf378da76f38476fe98c5ac4aa…)

>>30158Why do you hate cute ships?
>>30168not a moralfagger but there's a difference between cracking a joke or two, posting
some putin memes etc, than spamming for the entirety of the thread to the point where not one anon encouraged it but called it out and the thread fucking locks.
No. 30187
Farmers, how do you feel about reviving the /int/ board? board was abandoned as it was not too popular, but maybe times have changed.
No. 30189
>>30188It's been a hidden board for like 4 years, what you see at the top is random spam.
What would actually go there:
Amerfag thread, Eurofag thread, Brazil thread, French thread, Italian thread, German thread, the new Polish thread, and I'm sure I missed some.
Plus regional cow threads.
No. 30191
>>30189>I'm sure I missed someThe Canada thread, I forgot that one
I also forgot the Finnish thread
Point is, there is more than enough material of the same category to fill a new board, and we already have that board ready
No. 30199
>>30198Seems like the majority is against it because a) they don't think we have enough users still (I think they're wrong, half of /ot/ are now such threads) and b) they think moving to a new board would make the threads less posted in (I think this is a
valid concern, happened before)
See replies to my is in /ot/
>>>/ot/1074643Anyway, it was an idea I had seeing how /ot/ has grown full of country threads and they're quite popular, but farmers don't want it so - nothing.
No. 30225
>>30223>>30224Yeah wtf?? Just lock our threads too then t. finfag
Can't you just make /int/? Clearly people do have interest in country specific generals. This is the first place I ever found similar women speaking the same language as me
No. 30233
File: 1646082581525.jpg (174.17 KB, 1054x532, 1639937288713.jpg)

No. 30246
>>30203it didn't work. they're not even talking about a tangentially related topic anymore, just attacking each other. very curious how many posters this is/how long those bans were
the thread is always shit at this point; it's almost not worth having, since many anons asking for advice just get drowned out by the bullshit back-and-forth arguments that rarely provide any insightful commentary. was there a certain time this started? or has it been gradual?
No. 30263
>>30251>>30256Cope and we made our own thread, idk why it couldn't have stayed. It's always scrote invasion (upcoming or in progress) when one of you doesn't like something kek. I'm seeing the retarded argument like for the 3rd time while knowing very well I'm not a scrote.
It costs nothing to leave the thread be like other European ones
No. 30268
>>30237>>30238>>30244>>30245>>30250>>30263Okay, a little history for the newfags that join the site and start complaining.
Do you guys understand that the German, Italian, Finn, British Royalty threads were all made BEFORE the eurofag thread was made (which was made only 4 months ago)? And in retaliation to the eurofag thread being made, there was the Amerifag thread made and the Canadian one made. Canadian culture and american culture are completely different, so that makes sense. Anons wanted to discuss Trudeau in the Canada thread while discussing the culture of america in the American thread. There was also the Canadian Hate thread and American hate thread but jannies deleted those.
People wanted to merge the two and call it North American sperg thread but literally no one cared to do that so that idea was ignored. I also think there was a britbong thread but that might've been deleted too since there was British royalty thread and Eurofag threads already
>>30248There is already a Hispanoamerican/Spain/spanish speaking countries thread, but no one decided to try to search for it even in their own language despite the other country threads being written in the countries mother language…
>>>/ot/621962ffs just look at thread dates and maybe use some critical thinking or even read the threads a bit which has the history and reasoning behind why some of them are made. use the catalog. There is already a hidden international board that seems to be working based on what some anons said here, but like some other anons said, every little country doesn't need a thread.
inb4 "MY COUNTRY ISN'T LITTLE" eurofag moment No. 30271
>>30268 i mostly agree with you
nonnie but i can also say "look at the dates" to you kek. I think that enough shit happened around the globe to see why people want itl threads now
even of their little countries. There is a ton of censorship, falseflags and psyops in traditional sns and what it used to be discused there it can't be anymore, so they moved here (
tw is for example very ban happy right now). I'm not even an eurofag i'm an ot refugee who after the whole bunker saga now i have to watch /ot/ burn down thanks to the polfaggority that attracts the Europa threads. I'm not even asking for banning i sympathize with euroanons but maybe all those threads need to be moved to the hidden board. Because i know that all the recent gore and cp raids were caused by the attention that the euro threads brings to the main site.
About hispanic threads well the problem is that hispanic lolcows are discused in plain sight usually. There is little to no PC/watchdog culture in hispanic circles so there is no need to be anonymous or to use imageboards to discuss things, not even hispanic terfs hide themselves kek. I think that there are very few spanish speaking boards because of it, and they're as centralized as regular sns.
No. 30272
File: 1646156502005.png (130.08 KB, 890x706, Untitled.png)

Are you actually, genuinely fucking retarded, farmhands? Can you explain to me how joking about men being coomers makes me a scrote? Seriously double digit IQ going on here.
No. 30274
>>30271this is a decent write up, thank you for sharing your thoughts
nonny. you're right, I really hope mods open the hidden board for anons to make threads but so far there's not much there kek
No. 30277
File: 1646162859656.jpg (23.2 KB, 480x270, 1611608156803.jpg)

Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
Please fix /m/
No. 30287
File: 1646174325971.jpg (67.86 KB, 900x235, probs why.jpg)

this is probably why
No. 30302
File: 1646222786065.png (8.33 KB, 698x98, eee.png)

Mods answer for perma-banning anons from all boards for posting putin memes.
This is hypocritical since memes are often posted in that thread (so are baiters which mods are mostly absent from when happens) so its weird to ban anons over that.
Also recently there was a Zelenskyy meme edit posted and that was okay but god-forbid you post a putin meme.
these mods are either absent or they vendetta ban people and micromanage. There is no normal in-between.
No. 30309
>>30307We don't? I thought the new admin was the one that fixed the site issues. Pardon my ignorance.
>>30306Saging isnt a rule because it's ot though, the board would be dead if it was imo
No. 30312
>>30309I know saging in /ot/ isn't a rule in general, but we still sage non-milk posts in celebricows. I don't see why putinposting should be any different. If people don't like them, they can hide the saged posts and just read the discussion.
Permabans for some silly pictures (which are on topic) are just insane
No. 30321
>>30320In general sage is used here as it is on 2ch/5ch. I think lolcow is the only western image board that still uses sage as intended. moot removed visible sage on 4chan because it was used like a reddit down vote button.
The problem is that what counts as relevant contribution on /ot/? Most threads on /ot/ are for sharing opinions so what makes one opinion worth bumping a thread over another? It's entirely up to poster and there's no clear definition.
No. 30333
>>30307>>30329>>30325Kek mods ban people they dislike. This anon >>1071451 was perma banned and when she complained they, probably same jannie-cuck, just told her to go to meta.
I'm convinced one of those jannies is a pro-russia scrote or pickme who perma bans anyone who wrongs her.
No. 30337
>>30334think they meant that it shouldn't have been moved to /ot/ again anon.
Since it was slightly better during its snow period.
No. 30346
File: 1646249590630.jpeg (65.76 KB, 828x275, FE44DFFC-CB0E-4023-9F40-5DD49F…)

I was actually trying to distract from the poltard smh
No. 30352
File: 1646256633896.jpg (40.94 KB, 645x483, 2621734soutcd69g3.jpg)

I'm begging you please unpin the old movie thread and pin the newest one, I will dance for you if you want me to. I will make you pancakes. Anything. Pin. Please, God.
>>>/ot/1071635 No. 30360
new thread:
>>30359will it be pinned? time will tell
No. 30373
>>30372Seriously, I don't understand how anons are okay with one anon breaking rules (obvs avatarfagging and derailing) and then quick to beg admin/farmhands/whatever to stop anons from breaking other rules.
>"Officer, please stop these people from doing a bad thing! Wait no! not me! don't stop me from doing the bad thing also, just them!!!"Admin please post mod applications again, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I will help out, I literally have nothing to do all day
No. 30377
>>30373>avatarfagging Maybe because this isn't even a rule here. You're confusing lolcow with 4chan, Mrs. Want-to-be-janny.
Banning dumbass-shit posting that isn't hostile in any way is just banal and autistic (no offense janny, I get that the europe and celebricows thread is a pain to moderate but that really wasn't necessary).