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No. 1795444
File: 1679839639571.png (99.94 KB, 402x583, victim.png)

>>1795434>punched her in the testicles and 'yelled at me for having a penis'KEK
based if true but sounds like bollocks (pun intended). my guess is he lied about being a woman and this female security agent was then forced to frisk a man against her will which made her upset.
No. 1795462
>>1795459exactly what I was thinking. and the way he paints his as a random attack from security (and oppression from an ebil powerful
TERF) with no details of how it got to that point is very telling.
No. 1795464
File: 1679842693315.jpg (312.18 KB, 810x1761, 20230326_085759.jpg)

This moid looks so uncanny kek
No. 1795475
File: 1679843401148.png (1.11 MB, 1168x2411, 0E4A805E-BDDE-4120-86A6-A23330…)

>>1795464thanks i hate it
No. 1795497
nonnie was asking on the last thread for a "this never happens" website that's not the tumblr, and I think she might have meant this list: In any case, it's good peaking material.
No. 1795513
>>1795444>>1795434This sounds like some classic male hysteric.
Also does anyone know what the "gender settings from their scanner" is?
No. 1795514
File: 1679845891160.png (12.31 KB, 601x291, c71cf274-9f6e-402d-95e6-c6c840…)

>>1795434And of course, he tried to get her in trouble. I hope she files for sexual harassment.
No. 1795533
>>1795502Exactly. He’s being vague on purpose to play the
victim, but I’m guessing he claimed to be a woman, she accidentally hit his penis while frisking him, he complained about it and she then got upset with him for not informing her he had male genitalia. TSA can be jerks but I’ve never heard of anyone getting punched in the genitals and yelled at for no reason.
No. 1795585
File: 1679853511575.jpeg (55.62 KB, 336x523, 6B3FA2F7-69D9-4513-AB78-36E863…)

Saw this posted on radblr yesterday. Hmm, I wonder why everyone is so nice to the guy who is probably terrifying to behold at a time when it’s basically social suicide if you are even slightly rude to troons irl. Even in “red” cities. Big cities in red states are still full of handmaidens and nobody anywhere gives a fuck about the daily misogyny that real women encounter. This is one of the most peaking posts I’ve read and I’m kind of wondering if it’s bait… Men are such insufferable trash.
No. 1795628
File: 1679856382038.jpg (41.34 KB, 702x298, a334jfhcm692.JPG)

>>1795585found the thread myself and wanted to post some of my favorite comments
let's start with:
>women ignore the good stuff about being a woman just to cry more about all the bad stuff No. 1795629
File: 1679856476568.jpg (55.04 KB, 890x499,…)

>A TIM complained a gym is "classism" because he cannot play "Reggaeton" in the gym because is forbidden to play music without headphones.
The cojones of this mf
No. 1795644
File: 1679857631564.png (127.09 KB, 2237x2540, 4chanShitpost.png)

Presented without comment(sage your shit)
No. 1795655
File: 1679858416339.png (285.14 KB, 720x1122, Screenshot_20230326-141748~2.p…)

No. 1795666
>>1795655I still remember when a radfem said "this flag represent the trans people hiding behind the lgb
poc" and canno unsee it.
No. 1795677
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No. 1795683
File: 1679861640478.jpg (17.63 KB, 1196x236, XkT3a37.jpg)

You can't spell "tyranny" without "tranny"
No. 1795700
>>1795630Starvation is terrible, but my panic attacks are worse?
>>1795585>>1795628>>1795630I love them explaining how we've had it all wrong all these years, ladies! Why are we complaining? 3 months on HRT and everyone is super nice when you're suddenly a protected class and you wear your mental illness on display. So fellow ladies, how come we've all missed out on the joys of womanhood? Because we were too overpowered with our "born with a vagina" privilege? I can't believe we've got it so wrong. I'm glad a former man can explain it to me. I just needed to love vapid shallow compliments more because what would I do being born a man and not have someone say "your shoes look really cute today!"
No. 1795705
>>1795700Ikr it always comes off as rabid mansplaining like we as women haven’t lived our entire fucking lives having to navigate how we get treated within a society that favors and has always favored men. None of our complaints are
valid because Lilith or Alice or whoever put on a pair of panties one day, got a boner, and declared himself a True and Honest female. It’s actually ludicrous and enraging because they’ll never get it yet they act like they’re in a position to speak over us on any issue that affects us. Male through and through.
No. 1795711
>>1795585let's say even if he did pass flawlessly - and putting
actual experiences of being a woman aside for a moment - he would presumably be turning up the performative femininity to 100% like acting dumb and cutesy, right? also presumably would enjoy any and all attention, even if it was sexually inappropriate or misogynistic. because he has the physical security of being in a man's body, so there is less threat, and he isn't offended by female stereotyping because he isn't a female. they
love female stereotypes.
so… yeah, if you act like a dumb bimbo, guys will show interest and be """nice"""" to you so they can fuck you. until you want to be treated like an
actual human. but these men don't, they want to be treated like sluts because that's how they see women.
women are generally more comfortable (and therefore seemingly friendlier) around other women because of the lack of threat. not sure how this would be called "privilege" though.
this doesn't apply to him of course because it sounds like he is an obvious troon being pandered to, but even BEST case scenario for a passing troon - the experiences are incomparable.
No. 1795729
File: 1679866626993.png (1.3 MB, 1080x719, bonqyq5p9ioa1.png)

I'll never understand why scrotes with Chad chins and/or caveman brows troon out.
No. 1795757
File: 1679868919979.png (20.94 KB, 598x298, Screenshot 2023-03-26 5.12.31 …)

I'm catching up on the last thread and browsing through the Reddit posts of the MtF who was obsessed with being too fat for lesbians and sperging about Jenna Ortega and I'm cracking up at some of this shit, it sounds like a copypasta. "Ponderous pulsating pachyderm"
No. 1795767
File: 1679870059933.jpeg (20.96 KB, 206x275, B6CD722C-1232-4D6A-9B86-F7F44F…)

>>1795752kek saving this for later ty
No. 1795776
>>1795672>>1795666Another interpretations is that white agps just want to be allies for "agps of colour".
>>1795769>>1795769She is THE female celebrity of the moment for scrotes, I wouldn't doubt we will see some more troons on reddit boasting about looking like her or saying she is transition goals.
No. 1795783
>>1795628>"posts from transmen talking about much more cold and depressing the world is when you're perceived as a many by society"damn trannies and redpilled/incels are 2 sides of the same coin; even tho they'd never admit it.
Both are lonely social losers, typically autistic white men.
They're creepy sexually deviant men, and women can intuitively detect this out and automatically rejected them.
Depending which internet rabbit they go down, it's either redpill or tranny.
Then the transwoman lesbian demands a relationship with lesbians and says it's not far that women don't want them. And also the incel redpiller demands a relationship with women and cries that it's not fair that they're not wanted.
At the end of the day these retarded men share more similarities than differences, and women are the
victims. Except trannies get the social woke sympathy.
No. 1795814
>>1795683No woman wants to hang around on your agp reddit gooncaves.
Oh wait, you mean women's spaces that you've systematically taken over.
No. 1795818
File: 1679876676092.jpg (48.97 KB, 600x531, no.jpg)

(between these two screen caps, he says that in the uk you have to wait 1 year to get HRT)
the top comment was asking what happens if he stops taking estrogen and all the answers were retarded but someone said that it causes early menopause… and it was upvoted. whenever this troon pops up in my reels, he's either talking about his inverted penis or trying to get a visa. i guess he finally got it and he's already acting so entitled.
No. 1795825
File: 1679877361459.png (11.78 KB, 665x346, on Twitter.png)

They find the dumbest excuses to hate on JK
No. 1795826
File: 1679877388570.png (248.35 KB, 678x875, twitter23.png)

No. 1795827
File: 1679877425323.png (40.52 KB, 719x1015, J.K. Rowling on Twitter.png)

No. 1795830
>>1795818so considering he got srs (yikes) he likely has no balls thus limited sex hormones aka testorone in his body. he is at higher risk for bone density issues with or without estrogen. he will not die without estrogen, if anything the estrogen just makes him prone to clotting and other cardiovascular issues plus bone problems
>>1795825i hate this shit of "x didnt tweet about y therefore they didnt care" like jk rowling fucking anonymously saved 100s of female lawyers from afghanistan. oh right, but she didnt tweet about it so she doesnt care! idiots. also sorry but it rarely makes a dent to give 'thoughts and prayers' for every tragic event that occurs. just because i dont tweet in support or in critique of every bad thing that happens doesnt mean i didnt care nor put resources in to helping those affected.
No. 1795831
File: 1679878073579.png (48.1 KB, 600x489, FsFaLhHWwAEmCb-.png)

No. 1795832
File: 1679878138271.jpg (328.06 KB, 2044x1581, Fr0pb9XX0AEKyqm.jpg)

he's dressed as Bridget ( trans character from GG)
No. 1795835
File: 1679878458394.png (Spoiler Image,147.26 KB, 672x1086, Trans Pregnancy L's on Twitter…)

don't open if you don't want to puke.
No. 1795836
File: 1679878671650.jpg (82.94 KB, 1080x987, FsFeyqWXgAIivkC.jpg)

not a fetish by the way
No. 1795840
>>1795830thanks for the explanation anon. and i agree with the second part of your comment completely, ot but it's so stupid how celebrities/content creators are expected to tweet about x event that happened in the world that specific day to show that they care. even if they do tweet about it, they still have a high chance of getting criticized because they need to 'do better' and 'educate themselves'.
>>1795831bleak af.
No. 1795843
>>1795832>Bridget ( trans character from GG)That is absolutely a shitty retcon that you should never accept as canon.
/knows literally nothing about Bridget accept this
No. 1795850
File: 1679880350915.png (12.71 KB, 639x209, jdsf8435435.png)

>>1795847they trooned him out last year
No. 1795868
File: 1679882683371.webm (3.23 MB, 320x568, 84923.webm)
troon talking about bills being passed or whatever and it's almost like satire at this point. the greasy estrogen curls. the tattoo. the comparison to nazis. fucking kek
No. 1795873
File: 1679884549989.jpeg (257.68 KB, 1430x2048, 2B3DEA5D-174E-494F-988C-E1108C…)

Tfw I queefed and faeces leaked out(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1795874
>>1795850I know, but IIRC that ending is a bad ending after all? Like giving up and "embrace" what he was being brainwashed to think? He didn't transition because he felt he was a girl, he was told to behave like a girl so he wouldn't be killed because he has a twin.
Why people would want that as "trans representation", no idea.
No. 1795880
File: 1679885425318.png (58.93 KB, 1156x584, JFC.png)

autist complains about getting in trouble for wearing his sister's makeup, completely glosses over the fact that he wore her bra
No. 1795887
File: 1679886124273.jpeg (77.24 KB, 750x637, 54BFFDDE-7CA4-4DD8-8880-60D5A2…)

that happened.
No. 1795888
>>1795887What really happened: The woman stared at him and ran away.
I always take my pads with me, but no once I had a woman asking me for one.
No. 1795891
File: 1679886493063.jpeg (149.57 KB, 750x1145, F2AF99EF-38CB-4447-969A-A964BD…)

>I thought this woman whom I consider bottom of the barrel trash would have a low enough self-esteem to put up with my retarded bullshit, but it turns out she’s smart.
No. 1795955
>>1795831The comments on this thread are depressing
"Tons of kids dress up and perform all the time! Have you ever watched an elementary school play?"
Its a boy dressed up in a strappy low cut black dress and thigh high boots, if this was a girl performing at any other event would be losing their minds. Watching it, it's pretty obvious something is wrong, but people will just go full denial to keep the narrative going. It's on the level of Cuties but its drag so automatically it's immune to criticism
No. 1795968
>>1795928right, how come women don't experience this but trannies do one year into their "transition"? could it be a collective delusion and a fetish?
>>1795940exactly thissss, wish it could be posted on their subs anytime they fantasize about giving tampons to women. just to burst their bubble and make them realize how stupid and ignorant they sound.
No. 1795991
File: 1679901263299.jpeg (40.69 KB, 750x405, C56D26DD-3628-47FD-B6F1-00B906…)

girls don’t send rape threats or get turned on by their own titties bouncing.
No. 1796007
File: 1679904435831.jpeg (95.96 KB, 605x1071, 88FB93AF-49AB-4CFF-90EF-0E2735…)

I stumbled upon this bizarre interaction on a horny tumblr account that’s supposed to be for lesbians… the kreamy bunny person claims to be a cis lesbian but everything on their blog screams otherwise. The only other option is a bisexual handmaiden with a sissy fetish (I’ve seen some of those on tumblr). I just don’t understand why they are so obsessed with calling themselves lesbian…
No. 1796023
>>1795444I dont believe it, that looks like a dude and I'm willing to bet his voice is male. If it did I
'm willing to bet she didn't "punch" him, she probably roughly thrust her hand up during the pat down because she was pissed off she had to give it to a man.
>>1795585"I thought womanhood sucked because women always complain about periods sexual assault and mansplaining"
>has to deal with none of those"Wtf this is great what were those women complaining about"
>>1795729Hot guys trooning out is such a tragedy. I guess they were coomers anyway but still
>>1795880He didn't need the make up to be scary
No. 1796063
>>1795887>excuse me ma'amkek it's already an obvious lie from the first sentence. why would a woman be so overly formal, as if she is addressing an elderly customer, in this context? and like other nonas have already said - this never happens.
why do they fucking obsess over this? it blows my mind. it's something they cannot claim they have anything to do with whatsoever, but still try to make it their business. gross.
No. 1796066
>>1795887The only times I got asked for tampons was by women I knew for more than a few months, never on the toilet, never by a stranger. Most women I know are also very quiet and careful about unwrapping their stuff in a public toilet so no one hears it. It's been years of being shamed for having your period, your period considered as being dirty and disgusting, that made women carefully with whom they talk about stuff like that. But how should a man know about all that?
And the ma'am part, well, I would only use that for an older woman and I mean, so old that I wouldn't assume her even having her period anymore. If this happend (and it didn't happen) it just sounds that the woman instantly clocked the troon.
No. 1796071
File: 1679916653780.jpeg (219.03 KB, 828x1432, A7A1F6E5-8CA0-4DD9-A066-74BB2F…)

>>1796014The screencap is from a subreddit made for people who need to find volunteer sperm donors to cum in a plastic bag for them before leaving their house because they don't want to pay the insane prices of getting AI at a sperm bank. Unfortunately the sub is full of desperate scrotes with an impreg kink who state it's no deal unless they can fuck the woman trying to get pregnant, picrel (sadge because not a troon). Surprisingly the one trans donor was less creepy than many others.
No. 1796083
File: 1679918333213.jpg (54.41 KB, 1080x735, Fr_xFx1XoAARGBY.jpg)

No. 1796085
File: 1679918455802.jpg (76.95 KB, 680x606, Fr3Mw1LXwAANVuE.jpg)

How about you MOVE OUT of your parents house?? If youre old enough to get hormones on your own maybe its time to get your own life
No. 1796088
>>1796085So many of these people feel entitled to complete unquestioning parental acceptance and prioritise the fetish over literal survival and so will willingly become homeless.
This goes against human survival instincts and then of course they e beg and expect others to foot the bill.
No. 1796090
File: 1679919006433.png (67.3 KB, 1164x1221, Clipboard02.png)

>You’ve come into our havens
meanwhile you're literally invading our 'havens', ratty haired tranny.
No. 1796093
File: 1679919591118.jpg (95.63 KB, 1060x740, FrA1CLeWAAAF-BK.jpg)

>>1795729Check out this Chad that scared on twitter this morning
No. 1796121
File: 1679923333786.jpg (187.24 KB, 1298x797, FsGfaigWYA.jpg)

So I guess "TERFs" are in the mainstream and now they can't even ignore us
No. 1796124
File: 1679923592090.jpeg (74.57 KB, 651x802, DEE6B7C4-F913-482B-91BA-DBFEE0…)

Troon hypocrisy from the worst of the britbong troons Katy Montgomerie
No. 1796140
>>1796121>destroy pedo freaks>with the conservativesSo, are we going to talk about it or am I tinfoiling again?
Like seriously, I wouldn’t mind if they have added a Muslim moid or something, hell, add a Muslim woman, some of them are actually conservative and not the uwu sad minority they like to think they are.
But it’s telling when these moids automatically assume that tranny = pedophile, like why not make the dude wear something like “destroy tranny freaks” or the sorts? It just activates my almonds.
No. 1796141
File: 1679926312072.webm (1.06 MB, 484x270, Ls19Tfuhbu_g1E2C.webm)
>>1796131people on twitter were calling UFC fighter Holly Holm a fascist for saying the increasing the sexualization of children is wrong, they are at a point of no return at this point.
No. 1796154
>>1796141troons and their allies can't understand that sexualization doesn't equate to sexuality but rather the perversion of children in compromising and sexual situations. kids can express themselves however they want, it's the rampant gross sexual undertones that people are pushing them to do in the name of gender expression. and to the extent drag, since this is a heated topic rn.
they can make drag child friendly as possible but it will always be a provocative activity engaged by adults for adults. and i can't comprehend why they're pushing drag to children when millennials and the gen zs are pushing for weddings and other normal events to be child-free as possible. and yet drag is presented as an inclusive thing for all ages.
No. 1796157
File: 1679929230565.jpeg (115.38 KB, 1080x985, B6B95339-F4E5-4350-80A1-9CBEF2…)

No. 1796169
>>1796138Isn't that image like, years old or something? Didn't an anon here say that image is from 2015? Why would you trust the
tweet of a random
troon? Also nazi larpers were in ANTIFA when that was relevant, it's the same men wearing the same black clothes and masks except they decided to protest elsewhere. In that image there isn't even anyone else, and no women. Also it's funny that trannies willingly align themselves with pedophiles.
>>1796141Oh, well, case in point. They are just all pedophiles.
No. 1796181
File: 1679933557865.png (46.67 KB, 541x673, 9AA204D5-46D9-409A-B142-23F5C4…)

No. 1796190
>>1795887I am nearly 40 and I have never in my life been asked by a stranger for a pad/tampon, and I have never asked a stranger for one; the same goes for every woman I have ever known. Where do these creeps get this delusion from? Don't they know most women are smart enough to just fold up some TP or paper towel? Hell, most of us don't even have a heavy enough flow to need that!
>>1796121The woman depicted here has actually stated she's NOT a feminist; but Heaven forbid they do their research before they smear her. And shouldn't all the conservatives be INSIDE the Trojan horse? Do these people not know how a Trojan horse is supposed to work?
No. 1796210
>>1795850the best part about this is that bridget literally got groomed to present as a girl due to the lore of the place he was born in.
something like female twins bring luck and mixed ones bring terror (dont quote me on that im not a ggs sperg)
so they are literally reinforcing the belief of grooming and forcing people into things fucks with their identity long term
No. 1796216
File: 1679936692981.jpg (215.75 KB, 1079x1717, Screenshot_20230327_130518_Tik…)

for some reason I feel particularly enraged by this tiktok troon. Gotta be some dirt on them somewhere.
No. 1796223
File: 1679937616125.png (129.92 KB, 652x1258, Screenshot 35.png)

>>1796141>>1796154>>1796175It's literally cause she used the phrase "protect children" which twitter libs try to connect to far-right/anti-gay circles.
No. 1796246
File: 1679941142473.jpeg (82.28 KB, 828x1041, 65A5C300-76C9-4560-8921-DAD527…)

Rumors online now this shooter was MTF. MRAs are never gonna let it go down if there was an actual female shooter
No. 1796260
>>1796085So they didn't even really freak out or instantly throw him out? He is hopeless and dead inside because his mother wasn't overfilled with joy the same second she found out her son is trans?
These people are just so fucking weak.
No. 1796275
File: 1679943077641.webm (7.26 MB, 576x1024, male.webm)
>>1796230>>1796242did you see the video that screenshot is from?
No. 1796296
File: 1679944752095.jpeg (290.28 KB, 3000x1500, cchan.jpeg)

Chris Chan is free. some people have received safety notifications as a result
No. 1796338
File: 1679948099362.jpeg (37.03 KB, 500x551, 80A2C5E8-C24B-40E9-A378-A00200…)

>>1796331NTA but according to literally everyone? The mainstream media had no incentive to protect her birth sex. There are pics of her as a kid and she has slender womanly wrists and shoulders. Tin foiling about shit like that only makes all of us look dumb or like those embarrassing Qanon people who insist Michelle Obama is a man.
No. 1796340
Was gonna discuss it here but it seems like the other anons already got to it before me. I'm 90% convinced the shooter is a troon, most likely a TIM but i also feel like somewhere as conservative as tennessee wouldn't protect the persons chosen gender.
>>1796339Kek, where did you hear about this? Or is it just random bullshitting.
No. 1796354
File: 1679949795547.jpg (687 KB, 1768x2048, FsM-9wUWIAE7ct4.jpg)

A totally mentally sane individuals room
No. 1796367
>>1796090The only way they can get anywhere is by grouping people into demographics and assigning traits to the entire group. That's why I am a hypocrit, because all women who are terfs also frequented gay clubs, and all queer people are the homogenous group, and he takes credit for a gay man holding back hair despite, I guarantee, him never taking part in an action like that. Trans people tack themselves onto LBG and suddenly they are a homogenous group with them, all their actions are representative of their group, and all actions of not LBGT are representative of that group.
I should be surprised though their ideology is centered around this. They turn women into a demographic that can be characterized by dresses, make up, some kind of an invisible feeling, so they can adopt these traits therefore becoming the demographic itself. Their ideology is that you can larp your way into becoming a sex. Years ago I agreed with this, I didn't think there was any problem with men larping, but now they're claiming the larp makes them biologically equal and it just doesn't.
No. 1796374
>>1796216No it isn't. The whole point of having a sex is reproduction, being between sexes is a disorder that compromises the ability to reproduce. It's purely a physical abnormality though, it's not going to make you want to wear make up. But anyway, I guarantee this guy doesn't have any kind of intersection disorder so I don't know why he's bringing it up in relation to himself.
>>1796181It's fucked up what people will say when they don't have to feign empathy.
>>1796141I've gotta be missing context there's no way
No. 1796392
File: 1679952474403.jpg (12.48 KB, 1534x92, aXlLkCY.jpg)

>>1796338Nasim said in one of their own videos that they are transgender and "born a boy". That whole story died quickly because they were concerned about copycats and so didn't want Nasim getting attention, it wasn't about protecting their sex.
No. 1796405
>>1796404samefag but"The shooter was identified as Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville, according to the chief, who said she identifies as transgender."
No. 1796485
File: 1679959178243.jpg (226.8 KB, 1080x1665, Screenshot_20230327_185635_Gal…)

Pic of the shooter troon. Ya'll were so right its scary. I feel ill.
No. 1796487
File: 1679959228857.jpg (28.57 KB, 376x318, nashvilleshooter.jpg)

Of course it was a troon.
No. 1796506
File: 1679960750841.gif (578.38 KB, 220x127, C6D69C68-906D-426B-AF4B-8A6E7C…)

>>1796485I somehow knew it was a troon before even the name dropped; though i expected a mtf not a ftm. I hope theres milk on her especially in the manifesto.
No. 1796544
File: 1679963839009.png (87.86 KB, 673x857, Adult Human Male on…)

fake ass crying kek
No. 1796571
File: 1679965748898.jpg (516.25 KB, 1536x2048, Fr7SmA9WAAUgAZA.jpg)

This is under the tag on twitter; from weeb to beautiful woman.
No. 1796604
File: 1679968137126.jpg (192.53 KB, 2048x1366, Fr2IACIXwAEyFzg.jpg)

what is it about trannies that you could just tell they're moids just from looking at their faces alone? This one tries covering half his face…
No. 1796613
File: 1679968618077.png (428.02 KB, 677x828, based.png)

>>1796609Don't be /pol/ tier
nonnie I'm just making fun of this faget.
No. 1796617
File: 1679968719690.jpg (160.1 KB, 1080x1110, Screenshot_20230327_215705_Ins…)

I remember reporting this to Instagram and they didn't do shit. This is the wispa mtf troon for anyone whos unfamiliar. Clearly a sick individual deliberately encouraging gun violence.
No. 1796640
File: 1679969849013.png (337.61 KB, 750x1334, F6058AA1-D282-4FE9-BA32-169E66…)

I love the female rage trend, for so long woman have been scolded for showing any negative emotions and now women are finding joy in their anger, yet somehow men have to find a way to insert themselves in the conversation like the fucking narcissists they are. Cope and seethe male
No. 1796648
File: 1679970367691.jpeg (108.89 KB, 1446x771, 9D5693CA-60F8-4EDA-B718-6683DE…)

CBC news is also the only publication that has stated the adult that killed children in a school was actually a male.
No. 1796657
File: 1679970805986.jpg (107.41 KB, 640x480, FsRXQc7WwAYKXIX.jpg)

Reportedly one of the guns used. Note the "Aiden"
No. 1796875
>>1796648How DARE they misgender a trans man!!! Just because HE killed a bunch of innocent children doesn't mean they get to misgender HIM, that's just as bad if not worse of a crime than what HE did!!!!
Oh wait, is the trans community not keeping the energy up when it's not a biological man they're protecting? I sure wonder why.
No. 1796905
File: 1680000775359.png (141.21 KB, 705x1108, Screenshot_20230325-132438~2.p…)

No. 1796970
File: 1680006088595.jpg (171.99 KB, 1125x1223, FsRmWHbX0AEvp8u.jpg)

If its because trans people are oppressed and have "their rights taken away" why the fuck did the shooter kill little kids then?? Did those kids write the bills?? Writing shit like this is fucking evil, murdering random people is not rebellion against the system its just evil
No. 1796985
>>1796970Yet no women killers despite women being shit on by moids for years and even American women getting their reproductive rights fucked with.
>>1796980Yeah kek. It's so obvious tranny shit is just to pander to moids. In this instance, to pretend men are less violent then they are by adding mens statistics to womens to muddy them and make them appear less violent. It is the movement of pornsickness and rapists.
No. 1796992
>>1796980it's especially stark when it's like 'female woman RAPES woman with HER PENIS' - you know, a thing women are physically incapable of doing, but then a FtM shoots up a school, which is one of the
most male things she could do, and she is still a woman. originally reported as a teenage girl in fact.
No. 1797023
File: 1680009997346.jpeg (133.71 KB, 750x1123, E25C7CF1-F648-4561-A552-08B51E…)

Hey nonnas, who needs a housemate?
No. 1797056
File: 1680013593422.jpg (122.5 KB, 1200x1148, FsQUCjqXwAAENzf.jpg)

>>1797045The shooter is a TiF. Journalists and normies who are not familiar with the terms "trans woman" and "trans man" use them incorrectly. The Nashville Police Chief when asked by reporters also called the shooter a trans woman.
No. 1797066
>>1797061they already are, barely any tim is defending tifs on twitter right now.
But when something happens to a tim, then all tifs speak up in defense….its really telling that even tims view tifs as women. Many tims also hate tifs, i remember all the horrible hate threads tims would make about tifs on their male sites.0
No. 1797094
File: 1680016244590.png (178.25 KB, 732x920, Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 9.09…)

Funny how the "Trans Day of Vengeance" violent fantasy posts are all quietly disappearing.
No. 1797096
File: 1680016315971.png (166.91 KB, 1230x932, Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 9.07…)

JK JK not like that !
No. 1797113
>>1797094i hate that trannies feed directly into the right’s mindset of being a
victim of wokeness. because then they think they’re also right about reproductive rights, book banning,
toxic feminism, etc.
No. 1797133
>>1797056Watch how all impassioned posts about how the killer was driven by being a
victim of "transphobia" and hatred will be completely revoked and deleted now that its likely that it was a female troon. tims will either stay silent or have a field day with tifs everywhere. Funny how that works. Everyone thought it was a male and thus were in immediate coddling and defending mode
No. 1797249
man the 'lesbian transgender' people drive me up the fuckin' wall. had a recent encounter and i need to write an essay, sorry nonnies.
if you say you 'feel like a woman' then you would think that INHERENTLY that includes attraction to men. Reproduction for the sake of continuing the species is kind of the point, so if you so desperately crave a female body, logically, some part of that feeling would be like, 'gee, the vagina that was designed to be fucked by a penis; that's something I want'. How does this not make people's heads explode when they try to accept it?
it is literally just heterosexual men who either can't get pussy any other way, or they can't accept their cross-dressing fetish. Women worked for decades to break away from the 'pink and dainty' stereotype only to see men double down on it and call it an unquestionable identity, because certainly that's all women are, just makeup and tits and long hair. it's a goddamn parody and they are replacing us in areas of achievement and recognition but oh no! someone trans might anhero if you question their identity, you monster, as if threatening to unalive yourself unless someone else does what you want isn't the most toxic trait imaginable and totally unacceptable when CIS men do it. Real, biological women are being killed every fucking day and nobody fights for them HALF as hard or even TALKS about it but GOD FORBID a transperson get hit by a bus or something or we're allowing hate crimes to happen and it's the fault of society for not unquestionably accepting the TWAW declaration. If you really feel like a woman, fight for us, but no - the only people or causes they care about are their own. Their own feelings. Not the people's lives, not anybody else's discomfort, not how reproductive rights have been revoked and it is causing immeasurable pain, not the girls in Afghanistan who can't even go to school anymore, not the women in Iran who are being beaten and imprisoned and killed by the regime, not the real lesbians in Uganda where being gay is now punishable by death, only their own 'issues'. Just like the normal, biological men that they swear they're not like at all.
tl;dr: it's just heterosexuality with extra steps. I hate that I'm not allowed to say any of this to them irl.
No. 1797298
File: 1680031607813.jpeg (60.21 KB, 750x595, 0D02A181-A677-4DD2-94E9-FCA1D1…)

ha ha very funny.
No. 1797325
File: 1680033893534.jpeg (69.69 KB, 750x703, 84F8B291-665A-4697-A0A2-DB1C90…)

King Cunt is bored of kids getting shot
No. 1797414
>>1796216"Guys my rotting wound is just as real and
valid as a ciswomans vagina!
Stop saying it smells because you are just saying ciswomens vaginas smell!
It doesn't matter that I have to dilate and douche to keep the fecal bacteria out because fish and slugs exist with hermaphrodism therefore sex is not binary but a spectrum and my neovagina is that of a REAL WOMANS!!!!!!!!!!"
No. 1797457
File: 1680040329018.jpeg (94.22 KB, 1169x1176, C9040E89-74CE-4132-B878-28B75D…)

Got this ad, looks familiar
No. 1797522
File: 1680043300876.png (56.98 KB, 743x594, paint.png)

>>1795835They never fucking stop
No. 1797553
>>1797249>men who either can't get pussy Trannies and redpilled men are the same at the core. A long time ago trannies were mostly cosplaying as "cis women" but the sharp increase in autistic trend trannies are now "lesbians". They both cry that women don't want them and women owe them a relationship. Women can never escape men. In modern countries, women have enjoyed being independent and kinda safe from men for a short time, but now that's coming to an end because sex degenerate men can troon out and enter women spaces because of tranny rights.
>'pink and dainty' Redpilled men cry women are no longer 'feminine' and trannies fetishize femininity.
Women can't escape these freaks.
No. 1797639
File: 1680050388867.jpg (305.77 KB, 2042x1402, FsRqhepaIAIZekJ.jpg)

>>1797325One too many Monty
No. 1797651
File: 1680051093963.png (197.94 KB, 677x661, drag queen.png)

No. 1797667
File: 1680051849394.jpg (233.26 KB, 735x2048, FsRggqVWcAAB3J7.jpg)

No. 1797669
File: 1680051879554.png (93.87 KB, 678x579, End Wokeness on Twitter.png)

No. 1797780
File: 1680056952430.png (55.39 KB, 679x613, (estrogen angel) on…)

oh you poor thing.
No. 1797835
>>1797780This idiot doesn’t seem to notice that the narrative for the straight cis white man is literally the narrative they pull for their revered mass murdering troons; “society failed them by not using the right pronouns/sucking their dicks/playing into their delusions!” Yeah no shit, it’s the same fucking picture.
It’s almost like telling someone that they are owed something and if they don’t get it they are justified in killing people in retribution will ultimately lead to unstable lunatics doing exactly that.
No. 1797839
>>1797822Do you know what TiM means? Trans-Identified Male. Drag Queens are just fat gross gay men who still go by "he" and don't claim to be women and most of them hate TiFs who claim to be gay men.
>>1797832they're shitty but they're not TiMs, if you want to post drag queens being disgusting it would take over the whole thread. go make a thread to cry about drag queens if you must
No. 1797848
>>1797780not from the us but even i know that school shooting is considered a white ppl thing due to the stats. and christians are also stigmatized, it's not just muslims. there's one trans shooter, orgs are quick to publish statements defending her and ""trans rights"", and yet these people still feel particularly targeted? so fucking weak istg
>>1797822yeah, people refer to drag queens as "she", they call themselves girls/women a lot of the time, and some end up trooning out so. lately they definitely seem to be used to push the gender ideology agenda
No. 1797849
File: 1680059677225.png (193.24 KB, 501x1198, 2023.png)

>>1797818trannies included themselves twice kek
No. 1797855
>>1797848christians arent stigmatized, they just have huge
victim complexes too, and i say this as someone who defends christians to cringe athiests. almost every single politician and person with power in this country is christian.
No. 1797896
File: 1680062920152.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 3023x3307, AD655910-BB82-41A7-94BC-EAD2A2…)

I really just wanna know, why? Why willingly upload this to a site full of strangers?
I cropped out his face for courtesy in case he chooses to turn his life around.
No. 1797908
>>1797896I don’t know,
nonnie, I doubt someone so mentally ill could possibly turn his life around.
No. 1797916
File: 1680064646547.jpeg (188.99 KB, 750x1118, 52FBD814-C9B3-4339-A7FF-6AA561…)

>people saying they don’t wanna fuck gross greasy trannies like me is taking a toll on my mental health! whaaaaahhh
No. 1797927
>>1797896It doesn't matter anyways, he will 41% before the age of 35.
>>1797916It's almost they trooned out for the explicit purpose of wanting sexual attention and now want to throw a tantrum when they went through all the effort and failed.
No. 1797929
File: 1680066285460.jpg (47.14 KB, 600x681, Shooters-600x681.jpg)

>>1797780>>1797846This was the original.
No. 1797939
>>1797896is that seriously a bottle of lube next to him
>>1797929yet another case of playing oppression olympics with black people. why the fuck do they do this so often?
No. 1797942
>>1797938>>1797939They do it with women too. They're usually the first ones to shut down women for no reason right after spoiled mommy's boys
>>1797935Despite ~oppression~ tranny's typically surround themselves by allies and people who seem to never hold them accountable for their actions, which is probably why there's a weird uprising in trans people who are racist, misogynistic, ableist, etc. Even after people were still running their mouth about boolying and how it's boolies faults that some fakeboi decided to shoot little kids who had nothing to do with that and are likely supportive of troons anyway knowing gen z and millennial parents
No. 1797988
File: 1680077328891.png (49.44 KB, 528x570, sdfh.PNG)

the original flag was already inclusive but you troons dont care since jk rowling badddd
No. 1797991
File: 1680077570060.png (90.11 KB, 527x578, lol.PNG)

way to miss the point
No. 1797996
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No. 1798060
File: 1680097045120.jpeg (57.1 KB, 454x782, 860CF4D5-8C50-4F64-B25C-957A93…)

Willoughby badly misunderstanding this cruel and outdated Chinese practice of preventing girls feet from growing properly. Fucking idiot thinks this will shrink his man-sized feet. All so he can squeeze into these boots that he’s too old and too manly for anyway. Dude’s a walking/limping maniac.
No. 1798063
File: 1680097404533.jpeg (443.1 KB, 1284x2583, 59742BDC-E00B-40E7-AD52-B3C4CE…)

Saw this on ovarit and wasn’t going to post until I got to this section documenting this man’s behavior. He was allowed to join a sorority out of fear of bigotry, only to end up being sexually predatory towards the women there. Several women are now trying to sue said sorority to void his membership. No. 1798078
File: 1680099995714.jpeg (91.32 KB, 679x1240, 85018481-6A4B-4B56-8B89-44AE83…)

>>1797939Yes, right next to the kleenex kek. Abort all male fetuses
No. 1798100
File: 1680103722211.jpg (53.14 KB, 696x392, Untitled-design-12.remini-enha…)

>>1798063just saw on reduxx. he is such a creep holy shit
>university allowed man to join sorority >he won by majority vote, but barely and many women were uncomfortable. it was meant to be anonymous but the ones who voted against were revealed online and were intimidated >young women say Langford had been voyeuristically peeping on them while they were in intimate situations, and, in at least one occasion, had a visible erection while doing so.>took photographs of the women while at a sorority slumber party, where he also is said to have made inappropriate comments.>repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, breast cup size, whether women were considering breast reductions and birth control>stood silently in the corner of the room while watching other pledges change out of their sleeping garments.>appeared sexually aroused during this incident. It was claimed that Langford stood with “his hands over his genitals,” >sat in the back of a sorority yoga class for an hour and watched the assembled young women flex their bodies. No. 1798129
File: 1680107044451.png (12.37 KB, 405x255, 1680045484788884.png)

No. 1798151
>>1798150afaik many were against it but were told their only option was the leave the sorority if they had a problem with him. i also think a lot of them were peer pressured into voting to allow him in, and with good reason since the votes were made public afterwards.
retarded university rules + female socialisation = lets allow a peeping tom come to our slumber party and watch us undress
No. 1798169
>>1798129It's not "don't do heinous crimes." Just "If you do, make sure it doesn't make us look bad."
No. 1798195
File: 1680115760847.png (9.96 KB, 608x372, FA0AE479-70B5-49DF-BA7D-191795…)

Ah yes, suggesting acid attacks on women. Would love to hear his opinion on this as it happens to women in third world countries. They’re the good guys though!
No. 1798215
>>1798100Those poor girls. Imagine being forced to pretend this 260 pound lump of autism wasn't a weirdo.
>The complaint also says that Langford had a 1.9 cumulative grade point average in the autumn of 2022, which is below the required 2.7 GPA for sorority applicants.They couldn't even disqualify him for academic reasons, they bent the rules so his feelings were protected.
No. 1798220
>>1798100He calls himself Artemis. Fucking shut up.
You have all these slender young women wearing the same shirt, showing solidarity, and then this huge blob of man dough wearing a (probably stained) unmatching shirt and cheap looking, too small beanie, hulking over them. Bleak. He looks like an overfilled basketball. I sincerely hope they've all peaked past the stratosphere.
No. 1798253
File: 1680120247357.jpeg (100.23 KB, 640x587, peeping tom.jpeg)

>>1798236you can't make this shit up
No. 1798255
>>1795729I don't normally lament the loss os scrotes to this cult because they're all mentally unwell porn addicts, but this is actually tragic. This legitimately cute grunge guy turned into a creepy hon, probably because he's a fag who wants to date straight guys (not that trooning out will help achieve that end at all.)
As an uggo it's genuinely destabilizing to watch attractive GNC girls and square-jawed chads totally ruin themselves like this. They're never attractive post troon out; they end up with pube beards, bald spots, tube moobs, razor burn, and frog voices. Attractiveness isn't the end-all-be-all, but as someone who never had it, it's frustrating to watch people throw it away.
No. 1798259
>>1798038no thats not what im talking about its lube
>>1798078 these people seriously make me want to never have a son.
>>1798060how is this not a troll fucking kek a womens FIVE? i hope he did it right and broke all his toes, wont help how long they are though.
>>1798195when are they going to start facing legal consequences for attacking people? does anyone know what happened to the guy who punched that old woman in the face?
No. 1798276
File: 1680123442276.png (172.39 KB, 948x536, Screenshot_20230329-215730.png)

>Woman jailed after stabbing and falsely imprisoning partner in Halifax mention of what prison this disgusting moid will be sent to yet
No. 1798286
File: 1680124213238.jpg (292.05 KB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20230329_170805_Chr…)

of course the group calling themselves dykes that aren't actually dykes (or female, for that matter) would appropriate and co-opt an iconic quote by and for actual lesbians for their MRA cause
No. 1798293
File: 1680124695672.png (289.32 KB, 593x433, twitter.png)

>>1798259>>1798282his face has been identified here and sent onto the police. whether they've done anything about it yet (or ever will) is another story.
also FYI that old lady officially has a skull fracture as a result of the attack.
No. 1798298
File: 1680125307293.jpeg (192.48 KB, 1242x1427, A3FAF2EB-D650-41EB-A81F-4205D3…)

Can’t believe people are upvoting these retarded takes. Infantilizing a woman (Evanna Lynch) and trying to act like she’s being blackmailed or guilted into pretending to agree with JKR. Maybe she’s just not a fucking NPC who can’t think for herself? This was in the fauxmoi sub, the only place on Reddit that took Amber Heard’s side over Depp yet they still manage to be one of the most misogynistic communities I’ve ever seen.
No. 1798299
File: 1680125404102.png (25.63 KB, 598x769, 99EACA93-22D8-45FA-8BBF-E87DE3…)

>>1798294They are now trying to push the narrative that he is a neonazi. I had never heard of this man until a couple of days ago, nor do I care about him in particular, but it was clear from the video that he had no idea what was happening. The rest of his videos just seem to be documenting police behavior and he never even approached any of the protestors. They were the ones who acted aggressive to him for no reason.
No. 1798369
File: 1680130746457.jpeg (95.25 KB, 750x1057, 46584103-867B-4CE6-B6B2-9842F9…)

Try hard faggot with shitty tumblr username
No. 1798393
File: 1680132042701.png (27.54 KB, 2048x2048, 1535874192801.png)

>>1798100I bet it was all men who voted for this ugly tub of lard to be included in the sorority.
No. 1798405
File: 1680132506987.png (15.96 KB, 308x90, misogyny.png)

>>1798369>goth girl fetish>misogynistic slurs >ugly as fucking sin >transbiantired of men
No. 1798415
File: 1680133263373.jpeg (33.98 KB, 1393x776, 7F49493A-DB74-40A6-9F6A-985F36…)

>>1798195Good fucking riddance
No. 1798480
File: 1680139322200.jpeg (85.38 KB, 750x759, 520B675C-EB05-4068-AC03-D704BA…)

How comes Colon Mangormless gets thousands of likes on nearly every tweet he makes lately when his pinned tweets promoting his shitty YouTube series TerfWars barely makes it past 100?
I mean I know nobody, not even his borderline retarded followers, wants to watch hour long videos every week of him boring everyone with his bollocking on about various tweets, but don’t his shit dribbling followers at least try to pretend to like his content?
Why has this not been ratioed to fuck by now either?
No. 1798574
>>1798003yes i'm okay anon, thanks for the concern. i used to cut, though. like
>>1798039 said.
No. 1798739
File: 1680169797186.jpeg (45.18 KB, 597x521, 5B550305-96DB-49C5-8CE5-B3CE96…)

Not sure what thread this is best for but I’m getting pretty annoyed by so many people misusing TERF. Like does nobody know what it means or did it lose its original meaning? These are just 2 examples I saw within a few minutes of each other of people clearly not knowing what a radfem is. Kek at the conservative moid putting it on his bio but it’s really irritating to me
No. 1798750
>>1798739Ikr just because you hate trannies doesnt mean youre a
terf. Its specifically for radfems who are critical of trans (aka all radfems) aka only WOMEN. If youre a man who is critical of gender ideology then good for you, we need more men to take a stand against this bullshit, but youre not a radfem and youre definitely not a
I know
terf is supposed to be a slur but I really dont care anymore, call me a
terf if you want to it doesnt change a thing for me. Unlike TRA I dont get bothered over petty words
No. 1798780
>>1798739it's because they use
terf as a slur to insult women
No. 1798823
File: 1680183497863.jpg (44.06 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_2023-03-30-16-29-52…)

Handmaidens literally never interact with troons. If they spend a minute on a trannie's account they would peak immediately. Imagine seeing this and still belive the "it's not a fetish" bullshit. Too bad mtfs only get exposure among other troons and coomers, and normies only get to see the asexual gays like Dylan.
No. 1798845
>>1798294If TRAs had an inch of self-awareness, they'd see this video and realize this is how they come across to the general public- and it's really fucking bad. I don't know this guys political views, he COULD be a fucking neo-nazi for all I know- but the point is, THEY DON'T KNOW IT EITHER. He's just some dude walking around, filming a public protest and chatting with people. He even says, to multiple people, he has no problem with troons and they/thems, yet multiple people call him fascist completely unprompted, mob him with signs, chant at him and literally punch his phone out of his hands. The cops and TRAs tell him to 'stop antagonizing' and to 'walk away'… but he's literally just a random member of the public coming across their public protest and wondering what's going on?? Absolutely ridiculous.
Also, why are so many of them wearing masks, outside, in 2023?
No. 1798860
File: 1680190002972.png (6.94 KB, 510x233, cry about it.PNG)

No. 1798862
File: 1680190423231.png (51.56 KB, 578x513, cpb.png)

UK's communist party has come out as GC. this has thrown a massive spanner in the works for all the TRAs calling TERFs nazis and are throwing a wobbly over it. picrel as example.
the party came out as saying
>Gender as an ideological construct should not be confused or conflated with the material reality of biological sex.
>Gender is the vehicle through which misogyny is enacted and normalised.
>Gender identity ideology is well- suited to the needs of the capitalist class, focusing as it does on individual as opposed to collective rights, enabling and supporting the super-exploitation of women.
>For these reasons, the Communist Party rejects gender self-ID as the basis for sex- based entitlements in law to women’s single-sex rights, spaces and facilities.
however they will also continue to improve resources for trans people and all in all were very rational and true to their roots.
I'm not a communist but this is based and find this not only encouraging in terms of turning the right vs left rhetoric on it's head, but also the entertainment value of watching troons be mad that communism won't obey their demands.
No. 1798865
>>1798860it's funny because the majority of people that want to cut off the troons from lgb spaces are bisexuals who feel pressured into fucking their wounds and meat tubes because "a bisexual likes whatever you have in the pants."
Bisexual people don't want troons and the people fucking them are deranged chaser lol
No. 1798867
File: 1680190694430.jpg (15.91 KB, 500x500, 9XiTIaZ.jpg)

>>1798862>Gender as an ideological construct should not be confused or conflated with the material reality of biological sex. >Gender is the vehicle through which misogyny is enacted and normalised. >Gender identity ideology is well- suited to the needs of the capitalist class, focusing as it does on individual as opposed to collective rights, enabling and supporting the super-exploitation of women.I need that on merch; very succinct and hilarious because so many trannies
love communism without understanding any of it.
No. 1798869
File: 1680191071446.jpeg (Spoiler Image,113.87 KB, 828x1347, 1A949A0E-49AB-4FD9-879C-C51C1D…)

apologies in advance for the sperg
I have been lurking for a long time, mostly for entertainment but it’s getting to a point where I seriously cannot stand these faggots anymore. The cropped Lee shirt, the hot pink running shorts, are you fucking serious? How delusional do you have to be to think this looks good. & the fact they are CONVINCED they need to be “armed” in “defense.” Fucking please. Get over yourself. Most of these moids are privileged western porn addicts whose parents pay for their one bedroom high rise apartments.
Please let this shit come to an end after the trans shooter debacle, I don’t understand how 99% of normies haven’t peaked by now.
No. 1798874
File: 1680191510758.jpeg (Spoiler Image,218.96 KB, 750x2278, 22DA4BA0-5DFF-413B-B56C-44662E…)

>normie lesbian
sir, you’re neither normal or a lesbian.
No. 1798876
>>1798874"Im not sexual enough to relate to other trans, I relate to cis lesbians more"
>post naked selfies on reddit>reddit name is nyanfutaYeah right
No. 1798894
>>1798781idk i thinks shes onto something. a lot of men will troon out or become nonbinary after being outed for abusing women.
>>1798860i hate the word queer so much t. bisexual
No. 1798950
File: 1680196910471.jpeg (180 KB, 1314x1359, 74B7DD7F-3473-4804-B311-6988DD…)

Some good news. Imagine assaulting someone then complaining about how you’re receiving death threats. Maybe you should have had some self control, no? No. 1798958
>>1798955You know if the opposite thing happened with a
terf attacking a TRA (which I’ve never heard of happening, it’s always men attacking women at peaceful protests), they’d be losing their minds and probably calling for her death.
No. 1798996
File: 1680201192935.png (74.12 KB, 1188x706, furfagendorsingviolence.png)

Do these MTFs not realize how utterly disgusting they're being about the whole situation?
archive of tweets as well because I feel like it's somewhat important to keep on hand as peaking points/proof. No. 1799008
File: 1680202830547.jpeg (55.41 KB, 828x509, 8A82D3C3-4FBA-46B7-B1B8-A0777B…)

Imagine saying this after refusing to codify Roe. I truly hate this catholic pos
No. 1799200
File: 1680219403303.png (221.71 KB, 884x1450, Clipboard02.png)

No. 1799210
File: 1680220668882.png (Spoiler Image,535.29 KB, 908x1735, hot.png)

human pig hybrid
No. 1799218
File: 1680221261400.jpg (155.46 KB, 1070x830, DDDeRuHUQAEsChQ.jpg)

>>1798869He's dressed like a 70's dickhead. Considering how regressive the whole trans shit it, I'd say he's dressed for the occasion.
No. 1799235
File: 1680223243144.jpeg (275.71 KB, 750x1800, C1ADBD89-9ED0-4257-B182-A6199E…)

no one hates trannies more than themselves kek
No. 1799237
>>1799232Either self-ID is always
valid and unquestionable, so much so that we should structure LAWS around it, or its meaningless and unreliable. Can't have it all ways. Just kidding, I know they want it all ways.
No. 1799275
File: 1680226719424.jpeg (24.31 KB, 400x240, 1620581206852.jpeg)

No. 1799322
File: 1680229688329.jpg (82.75 KB, 873x759, retardedtrannyfreak.JPG)

>>1799232Good thing. Let's hope this brings attention to this dumb rule but even if it doesn't, I'm just glad that the dumbass troon in picrel won't be the one holding the title anymore. In one video he's casually wondering why women's bench is so bad while admitting that he doesn't count because he's a tranny and also making fun of someone else. Why are trannies so retarded and entitled is the real mystery here No. 1799323
File: 1680229691965.jpg (242.98 KB, 1076x1889, typicaldayonactuallesbians.jpg)

No. 1799419
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Your 9 year old son is crying more for the fearmongering you're causing him than a random writer answering to her haters. You would use her as sample of "ignore the trolls on Internet" rather than… Whatever you're trying to.
No. 1799436
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>see Reddit post in a women’s sub that mentions periods
>I bet there’s a troon in the comments
They just. Can’t help themselves. At least this one isn’t trying to claim he has periods but like. We truly don’t give a fuck about your diarrhea, boy
No. 1799438
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>>1799436He says these stuff like if women cannot experience irritability, diarrhea, gut pain, insomnia and headaches that do not involve periods. These are no stuff you get with periods unless there's a heavy problem with your ovary.
No. 1799444
>>1798739>TERFs secretly want to fuck us!1!!1For people who purport to be women, they really don't understand how women think. Wanting to fuck something you hate is exclusively a male behavior.
Only chasers find stink ditches, shriveled ED microdicks, and tube moobs appealing. I cannot think of anything less arousing, and I honestly avoid browsing this thread while I'm eating because it makes me nauseous. Trooning out also instantly makes otherwise normal-looking guys repulsive, because narcissism and mental illness are inherently repellent.
No. 1799454
>>1798955Trannies really think the law shouldn't apply to them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You don't get a free pass to assault someone just because they offended you.
And yes, any kind of unwanted, hostile physical contact qualifies as assault, at least in Burgerland. That includes spitting and throwing things on someone.
No. 1799465
>>1799448I tried to find that part of his writings but i just found Engels hate for Indians, can you link me it
nonnie? I have a bi commie friend that I’m sure might trans out soon I’d like to send that to him kek
No. 1799580
>>1798845I'm pretty sure they wear the masks to hide their identity because they like to pretend they're the protagonists of a 2013 YA dystopian novel rebelling against an oppressive regime. They wear the masks because if their identity was known they'd be hunted down for being part of the rebellion!!! In reality though they gotta wear masks because they literally cannot stop assaulting and harassing anyone that so much as looks in the direction of a troon protest and they don't want to get arrested if their face is caught on camera. That video made me so angry, I can't stand watching these stupid insurrectionist larps coming from one of the least self aware groups around, young people in 1st world countries with the time to kill to stand around for a few hours and feel special about themselves.
Stuff like this
>>1797639 is so disgusting and is exactly what I'm talking about with their stupid "resistance" larp. TIFs love it because they feel like they're katniss, or whatever badass morally gray character was in the content they consumed when they were teens. On the other hand, TIMs like it because they can openly fantasize about and/or engage in violence without their peers reporting them to security. At the end of the day these larps are great though because they don't realize how bad they look pretending to be anything but the cash cows of the pharmaceutical industry pandered to by major corporations, universities, and politicians, all while physically attacking random people and making everything about themselves
No. 1799603
Sometimes I'll be reading through troon subreddits only to discover reoccurring characters lmao, I clicked on a heinous comment in this
>>1799588 thread and recognized it as a troon from a previous TIM thread here
someone posted his post about white discharge coming from his gross estrogen "boobs" It's kinda fun to be scrolling through the comments and a reoccurring character pops up and it's like "oh emily_anime_girl_47 and TRAIN-FAN1973 are fighting about autism diagnoses in the comments of a post about lesbian wiccans." sorry for ot it's just slightly amusing and makes the troon subreddits a little less bleak
No. 1799619
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In case anyone was wondering about how the trans stuff is being pushed in Japan (translation in pic related).>entire clip is Japane MtFs and FtMs mostly talking about how gender norms were forced on them as kids, parents wouldn't let them wear what they wanted, etc>it's "all okay" because they grew up and trooned out to try to better fit the opposite sex's gender norms>this is meant to be a message of hope to their younger selves (and more broadly, probably all gender nonconforming children in Japan)It is interesting that Japan has entire bars just for FtMs, though. I wonder if they're adjacent to the lesbian bars some white MtF was trying to invade.
No. 1799637
File: 1680271807751.jpg (218.82 KB, 1242x1825, FsfMtxdWYA8EaH0.jpg)

they're so pathetic
No. 1799644
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I’m not sure if anyone has read the book Vox, but it’s about the government making it so women can only speak 100 words a day. Apparently there was talk about making it into a film, but they were going to turn a lesbian character from the novel into a TiM. The author said no. I know she’s not incredibly well-known, but I’m going to be watching to see if she ends up being attacked for this. Apparently she used to lean more into the TRA thing so I wonder what peaked her? No. 1799655
>>1799637Now if only there was a steamroller or some stampede to trample them.
Also, not sure how recent this “protest” is, but having people pretending to be dead wearing fake blood-splatter shirts after the trans shooting is very insensitive. Trannies are always narcissists.
No. 1799656
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>>1799235I like that the sub
triggers other trannies
No. 1799658
File: 1680275119591.jpg (410.07 KB, 1128x1116, rToAtPj.jpg)

Saging because not milky and is probably old enough to be rancid yogurt by now but I keep seeing this stupid fucking "meme" on social media
No. 1799660
>>1799488not at all. in fact, radical feminism itself pushes for the differentiation of gender and sex. sex is biological and immutable. gender is the arbitrary way in which society describes sex.
what trannies do is take on traditionally female gender characteristics (wear dresses) and claim this makes them actually, biologically female. this is incorrect. men can do whatever they want, but whatever they do their biological sex won't be affected. because that's not something you can change. that's why it's important to understand the difference between sex and gender.
No. 1799717
File: 1680280578130.jpeg (276.51 KB, 1242x2387, IMG_0003.jpeg)

Did anyone see this Teen Vogue propaganda reel going around? It has a bunch of celebrities like Ellen Page and Bella Ramsey saying feel good stuff to encourage troon kids. And you know I have nothing against the kids bc at the end of the day it’s their parents. The video starts off with a trooned out 12 yo TIM crying about how he had to move across the country with only whatever fit in their car and leave his life behind to be in a safer state for trans people… Err his mom did that. It’s not that serious like if you want to move you can do it normally instead of traumatizing your kid and telling them you have to leave ASAP because people are going to genocide them. Deranged. The reel is on the teen vogue Instagram if you want to watch it
No. 1799722
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Charles Clymer on a news segment in the wake of the Nashville shooting. He tries to come across all pious and caring when we know he is an abusive piece of shit who only cares about himself and his own agenda.
No. 1799782
>>1799770Women’s oppression is the oldest form of oppression, going way back before even racial, religious, and class-based oppression. Even if it’s acknowledged, it’s too normalized in the human psyche to seem important. Virtue signalers and bleeding hearts only benefit from caring about whatever the hot new oppression is, sadly.
This video is so cringe though it reminds me of the Imagine video from Covid except people were allowed to publicly criticize that one.
No. 1799785
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>>1799722Is he even on HRT? Even the most bricked of hons try harder than this.
No. 1799800
File: 1680285944149.jpeg (120.82 KB, 828x1034, 17DAB13C-4FAE-46D0-ADFA-F73746…)

This is so embarrassing
No. 1799802
>>1799465In comes up in several of the letters exchanged between Marx and Engels, particularly from Engels' end. Here's a quick rundown: friend will probably write it off because the bulk of it is found in personal letters between Marx and Engels. However, the point here isn't "Marxism bad because homophobia," it's that Marx and Engels were flawed human beings and shouldn't be deified.
It's interesting to be that Marx's theories have been re-applied to embattled identities outside of women. Modern identity politics are heavily predicated on American individualism, which the UK Communist Party alluded to in their statement about women's rights. Unfortunately, diversity and collectivism are often diametrically opposed; it's not impossible for a culture to be diverse
and collectivist, but it's rare and ultimately unsustainable long-term. Marxist models are really only feasible in strongly collectivist cultures. Trannies' obsession with personal identity and their senses of self are fundamentally incompatible with Marxist thought.
No. 1799810
>>1799785I doubt he is, and he clearly hasn't had surgery either. His lipstick and earrings are basically his armour to shut down women who call him out on his misogyny and bullshit. Not to mention further his career.
Also just found out he is only 36 kek he looks late 40s
No. 1799814
>>1799806Has Biden, any politician, or news like CNN said any kind words for the
victims of the shooting? It's all about public opinion turning on trannies when some of the most vulnerable members of our society (children and elders) were targeted for some type of martyr revenge shit.
It's like the
victims never existed.
No. 1799826
File: 1680288826072.jpg (240.44 KB, 1080x1765, Screenshot_20230331_145019_Tik…)

Why do these troons subject themselves to so much trolling? Is it really just any attention is good attention? What an ugly moid
No. 1799850
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No. 1799880
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>>1799850kek the reply that was cut off at the end in picrel
No. 1799933
>>1799717Not surprising from the same thing that taught to teens how to have anal sex.
I muted the hashtag #transdayofvisibility and I still got RTs from my mutuals. Twitter is a mistake.
No. 1799951
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>Pretends to be shocked.
No. 1799963
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No. 1799969
>>1799809Dysphoria is mental illness and should be solved at the mental root rather than through physical appearance. So many people hate their bodies and their physical appearance. FFS and hormones isn't changing your sex. If a man hates his face, he can get plastic surgery but it won't make him any less of a man and won't make him look like a woman.
You can apply the same to any other mental illness. Someone with body dysphoria won't be cured if they get a nose job to affirm their mental distress. The same goes for an anorexic person not being happy until they get their perfect body or telling a schizophrenic person their hallucinations and delusions are real and
valid and it is indeed their job to save the world from secret spies.
Then they'll say hormones and FFS are life saving healthcare. If their method of death is suicide, anything can be life saving. It's like a 4 year old who will hold their breath until they get the piece of candy they want. I can say a Porsche is a life saving car if I kill myself if I don't get it.
No. 1799977
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No. 1799986
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So so sorry that it's a daily mail link it just came up on my phone's news thing, this has to be fake how do they consistently be like this No. 1800004
File: 1680304305188.jpg (138.33 KB, 1218x1020, Fsar6AYWAAAHZ8h.jpg)

>>1799980Same. At least I try to use toiler paper in the meantime before to ask another woman, less another troon.
>>1799967She got suddenly followed by JR Rowling so there's a little backslash because "
terf writers do not want tim representation" despise she listed the reason why is lesbian and women erasure.
No. 1800021
>>1800004TWAW bullshit is so exhausting. They say that shit as if they believe it is true and yet they are unable to see themselves in our stories. They're the ones to other themselves first asking for representation all while saying they are exact the same as us. If TWAW why a story about a woman is never enough? Why do they always have to turn them trans? The experiences are exactly the same or are they not? A trans woman is no different from an actual woman or not? Why can't female actors get transwomen character roles if trans actors get womens roles? I thought TWAW and they were indistinguishable from actual women, then why are our words not enough? Why we do not represent them if they believe we're the same?
>>1799980Why always tampons though? I never use tampons.. and you'd think if they believe that crap about them menstruating, they'd get pads and not tampons because at least these they could be able to "use". Fucking nasty all of them.
No. 1800024
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No. 1800029
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No. 1800035
>>1800029And then they say they’re the ones getting genocided when they’re the ones dehumanizing and threatening random women. Like, do these retards even know any actual
terf irl? And not someone who just has common sense and calls them out, or a normie that has no idea of what the fuck is going on.
These moids post shit like this 24/7, I know, but it’s annoying how they keep regurgitating the same takes, and every time it gets more and more unhinged.
No. 1800038
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>>1800029If you were in a room with a nazi, a
terf, a gun and two bullets, you would fail in shooting both the nazi and the
No. 1800061
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>>1800035It has came to a point that any woman that misgender them or tell them that's not how women bodies work is a
terf, so they would shoot any woman and claim she was an evil
No. 1800169
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edit of Willoughby singing nonsense. I giggled
No. 1800209
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but of course Pink News have to frame it as though TIMs are banned from sports altogether. they literally can still compete, just not alongside women. it's pathetic.
No. 1800286
>>1799808i cant speak on it in any detail because i havent read the primary sources, but i know that marx said that hierarchical class structures naturally evolved out of hierarchical family structures. im pretty sure thats were the "destroy the nuclear family" tenet that a lot of leftist groups now claim, from BLM to dem socs.
engels took it a step farther and said that women probably were the only ones to benefit from inheritance back in the day and were generally free of male influence (ignoring individual assaults, more like in the entire arc of their lives) as men had no way of establishing paternity. i think he also identified the advent of agriculture and the introduction of land ownership (and therefore resource hoarding) as when things started to break bad for us, as men now had economic leverage to confine us to one place to "ensure" their bloodline.
the fact that a lot of TRA commie types seem to really dig the "destroy the nuclear family" thing but ignore the basis of that idea (female means of production being seized by patriarchs) is that most of them just pick their politics based on what an imaginary normie in their heads might find shocking.
sorry for the essay and im not a marxist but its revealing how much these losers love the idea of a social structure that allows them to continue consooming but this time no guilt because apparently in a world with no slave labor there will still somehow be nedriods and thigh highs and mental health days and what ever the hell else. and since they dont live in that world now, and theres "no ethical consumption under capitalism" anyways, its actually completely fine for them to continue to suck up resources from the global south, from minorities, from the concept of womanhood itself. because theyre self aware. and have a stupid little rose or hammer in their twitter pfp.
No. 1800306
>>1799980This happened to me for the first time in my life yesterday, and I’m in my 30’s. A woman who was new to my gym asked me if i had one and i told her I didn’t but there were some for free in the locker room.
Literally the first time in my entire life.
No. 1800310
>>1800029So he has a gun and the firt thing he'd do with it is to kill the people around him… cool very female. A normal person would probably shoot at the door so they can all get out but that's just my stupid
terf nazi idea…
No. 1800325
File: 1680334121942.webm (6.75 MB, 1080x1920, Dn5u-Nbre Ok9v2i.webm)
trannies in hollywood
No. 1800383
File: 1680347363146.webm (12.4 MB, 360x640, being a woman is being girly t…)
sorry if this was already posted. i feel like i'm losing my mind watching this and wondering how it doesn't peak all the women who watch it.
>"women are more than makeup"
>goes on to list other stereotypes that are just as offensive
he really thinks this shit makes him a woman. I actually didn't relate to a single thing he listed and his justification at the end is "we all go through triumphs and tribulations every single day".. how the fuck does that make him a woman? that's just a human thing.
>being excited when a dress has pockets
nitpicking but has anyone else noticed how troons latch onto this, because they heard women complaining about it all the time? yeah… it's because fashion designers didn't start to give a shit about the comfort and practicality of women's clothing until recently. it's not a "cute" "fun" thing that makes us girlies!
No. 1800412
>>1800383maybe im reading too much into it but something about his mannerism reminds me of dylan.
Also I don't do the majority of the things that he calls womanhood guess I'm no longer a woman then. Why did we as a society allow men to mansplain womanhood. Why is this seen as progressive
No. 1800427
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>>1800383samefag but one of the comments in picrel. he doesn't fucking
get that women don't have to be validated by being called "girly" and often try to distance themselves from those stereotypes which are harmful. also he ignores how this picks apart his non-logic. only a couple of women pointed this out, and the rest were fawning handmaidens.
No. 1800467
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>>1800383Troons always screeching they're really truly women and that we all have to support each other as women, and yet where were they when the US lost abortion rights? Women show up to support troons when various states are taking back their free HRT and surgeries, but where were the troons when women lost their fucking access to abortion?? (Rhetorical question, I know they were all too busy fapping to the news.)
No. 1800468
>>1800467They were too busy tweeting how if you call abortion women’s rights then you’re a
TERF and TERFs should die. They show literally zero effort or solidarity towards women.
No. 1800475
>>1800467>we all have to support each other as women, and yet where were they when the US lost abortion rights?honestly, some of them very well were marching and protesting for abortion rights but it has absolutely no bearing on whether they are women or understand women's experiences beyond whatever faux feminist policial activism is trendy at the time. they won't listen to women who raise concerns unless it's something that benefits them or gives them an opportunity to virtue signal. liberal feminism is a
part of what is enabling them so they are happy to support issues within that scope.
No. 1800514
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>>1800383This should be peaking women and men, people shouldn't be fawning over this piece of crap.
No. 1800532
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No. 1800533
>>1800463> I could see how they'd like content with someone listing simple, recognizable female tropesthat could be true for many girls, it might give them a superficial sense of solidarity. i think that combined with the soft happy music and his "be kind" tone (which I actually find very creepy and passive aggressive) it gives the impression that he must be a
sweet person, spreading love and joy. and that can never be a bad thing!
I also think many young girls are growing up online, so disconnected with their physical bodies, and have yet to experience what the real world has in store so can't possibly see the harm in things like this. but when their experience with material reality ultimately doesn't match up to the persona they've cultivated online, it's gonna be very confusing.
No. 1800578
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Some retardation I saw on insta. What stood out most to me is their use of “grooming children to be cis”. Trannies really don’t like it when they are referred to as groomers, so they’re subtly using that language against everyone else. How does one groom a kid to be cis? By telling them to love and accept themselves as they were born without need to change? Sure, that’s grooming and child abuse now I guess.
No. 1800594
>>1800561They don't want rights, they want privileges. They want the government to require insurance companies to cover cosmetic surgery for them. They want to be able to change the name and sex on their birth certificates for free and as often as they want. They want the government to require that MtF criminals (most of whom are serving time for sex crimes) be housed with women. They want it to be legally required for all sports organizations to put MtFs on women's teams. They want
all children to be put on blockers until they "decide" what their gender is. They want anyone who questions them to be arrested for hate speech. They want to normalize language that dehumanizes women, like "birth-giver," and "uterus-havers." They can't literally mind-control everyone else into sharing their delusions, so they'll just do the next best thing and have it codified in the law. It's fucking dystopian.
Then they have the audacity to call resistance to this "genocide," while a real genocide is happening to Uyghurs right now, but the western news cycle cares way more about trannies losing their access to horse piss. Fucking clown fiesta.
No. 1800607
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Any one else hate-watch Jesse Gender?
No. 1800617
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>>1800615>>1800412>>1800383the twins become triplets… imagine these three in the same room holy shit
No. 1800701
File: 1680391742346.jpeg (82.1 KB, 574x680, Fsj00fkWAAIZye2.jpeg)

>>1800645or perhaps a pizza? they just invent ways for them to be given things kek it's madness.
No. 1800720
File: 1680393742371.jpg (746.5 KB, 640x640, OrZX7cQ.jpg)

Translation: return of the urinary leash for women who are uncomfortable with men demanding to be let into spaces where women are vulnerable and need privacy
No. 1800780
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No. 1800790
>>1800780 This is a really bad example. Stupid conservatard.
Men also do the same picture comparisions of feminists.
they are a troon but i have to agree that they are right on this. Many men who rage at ellen for transing are also the ones who explicitly lusted after her when she was a teenager….
Ironically enough its because of conservatard trad moids why ellen transitioned in the first place because she saw how actresses over a certain age are treated and that she received most fame as a teenager.
Ellen herself said that she rather age as a man than as a woman and we all know why.
No. 1800822
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No. 1800823
File: 1680411950175.png (2.9 MB, 1110x1384, F7E057F9-8394-472B-92B7-50B70E…)

can someone explain what’s happening in his crotch area? is he wearing a diaper?
No. 1800824
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soo girly
No. 1800831
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dat hairline
No. 1800832
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No. 1800867
>>1800832Who could have guessed that going through multiple pointless surgeries and cosplaying as a "girl" wouldn't have made this attention seeking, moron happy. He thought that this was a way to kick start his failed acting career.
As time goes on and he becomes less relevant I think he will kill himself.
No. 1800975
File: 1680443554394.png (39.58 KB, 413x853, troonscaryfantasy.png)

A tranny writes a disturbing fantasy about a coworker over a "do you feel gender dysphoria/envy over female childhood?" post on r/MTF
No. 1800976
>>1800949Yeah eating disorders are extremely common among both tims and aidens. Most of the time, gender dysphoria is nothing more than an unhealthy cope for body dysmorphia (coupled with narcissism and sexism, obviously).
Also I've noticed that a lot of pre-HRT tims are convinced the "fat redistribution" and gynecomastia caused by HRT alone will make their bodies look 1000x better, like it will turn their disgusting belly fat into nice tits and ass. Yet another hilarious delusion.
No. 1800977
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This is so sad. Sidenote despite admitting this, OP calls herself a radfem but is still "trans inclusive" and constantly misinterprets basic radfem ideology on her twitter. I just feel sorry for her and it seems like cognitive dissonance/social pressure from other retards on there. Anyways I hope he gets put in fucking prison someday
you can read the thread pinned on her main twitter if you want, its worse than i originally expected No. 1800982
File: 1680444472658.jpg (303.18 KB, 1402x1701, A24536ZBGF768.jpg)

trans twitter is such a nightmare
No. 1800983
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No. 1800988
File: 1680445214745.jpg (235.62 KB, 1179x1982, FsqDXL5WYAgrxG9.jpg)

Sage because I know he has his own thread, but imagine being the face of budlight for nothing else than being a tranny?? Like what has he done for anything to get these huge sponsors?? America is a joke
No. 1800989
>>1800988What beer swigging man is going to look at this and give a shit. In fact I bet people will avoid buying such a scary and ugly can of beer.
>cheers to 365 days of being a girl>one year of being a girl>ugly scary manNormies will be so confused.
No. 1800990
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No. 1800997
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No. 1801000
File: 1680446106528.png (394.27 KB, 628x418, riley football.png)

>>1800990based Reduxx for figuring out who Daily Mail was reporting on. feel so bad for these young girls having to play with this 30 year old disgusting rape-y man. the girls' parents are right to be pissed.
No. 1801078
>>1800995They're an artist, not a
miracle worker, anon.
No. 1801088
>>1800831His profile photo is such a catfish
>>1800910I noticed in the screenshot of men leering at some girl's onlyfans on stream
>>1798389 that men have this predatory grin combined with blank eyes. You never see that expression on a woman, except maybe serial killer/psychos but it's just a default male expression. Almost like they dissociate when they're happy, who knows what's going on in their heads, but it's almost reptilian
No. 1801104
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No. 1801107
File: 1680460296266.jpeg (50.84 KB, 1170x470, 6EF7D538-00D8-4A32-9B04-E575A2…)

>>1801104ah yes lying abt your sex makes you the
victim and totally not a sex offender
if they don’t want ur dick or rot pocket they don’t want ur dick or rot pocket, they deserve to know ur not a bio woman so they don’t waste their time on someone they’re not attracted to
a sane person said what the troon is doing is wrong on so many levels and ofc u have troons and pickmes under her comment saying the plastic man is more attractive than her and she’s just jEaLoUs
No. 1801114
>>1801104I don't get why people say anything to concern troll.This scrote knows the type of danger he is putting himself in. I never get the "omg this is dangerous! It's rape by deception! You can be hurt" Yeah, they know.
Also 9/10 these motherfuckers don't pass so the scrote knows and just doesn't care. Very rarely are they tricked into sex. Yes maybe into a date if they meet online but not sex, unless they are drunk, high or mentally retarded.
He barely passes as a real person in the picture, no doubt be looks like a drag queen irl.
I don't care if scrotes want to fuck other scrotes and don't tell them, people need to realize these mentally ill gay men will put their life on the line to get fucked in the ass. Not my problem
No. 1801115
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Honestly waste of a decent Jawline
No. 1801118
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>>1801104he has a youtube channel and he got a botched rot pocket No. 1801121
File: 1680461192172.jpg (60.05 KB, 688x882, 4a997kjvzxwe34i.JPG)

TiM posted on reddit about how they are an uwu trans homeless woman and that they saved up enough cash for rent. They expected asspats but the thread was locked and they got absolutely shit on.
Full post: post with removed comments: was an entertaining read for sure. The TiM admitted they and their partners both have jobs and aren't actually homeless at all and the comments (save for a few handmaidens) weren't having it. Why are TiMs always trying to throw a pity party for themselves?
No. 1801125
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No. 1801127
File: 1680461408930.jpg (86.33 KB, 600x848, FrVAMr3WcAAvtvR.jpg)

>>1801120does it matter, he's a degenerate who draws "headswap" fetish porn
No. 1801182
File: 1680470708755.jpg (1.31 MB, 4032x3024, 20230402_172221.jpg)

Just came across this doc on Crave. Heavily debating watching it.. these kids are so young.
No. 1801195
File: 1680472663946.jpeg (175.77 KB, 1170x1263, FC5D4EC1-450E-4892-8061-705A66…)

Not milky but kek this faggot made fun of a voice actress and is now backpedaling. He’s just jealous he’ll never sound like a woman.
No. 1801200
File: 1680472868963.jpg (284.76 KB, 1196x1570, shut up.jpg)

Saging because slightly OT but the handmaidens are going hard trying to convince the world these mentally ill men are in fact woman. Got one item from this company but never again in a way glad when these companies out themselves its good to know who to avoid buying from.
No. 1801228
File: 1680477406956.png (8.96 KB, 625x165, Fsd_Z_QXwAAvF34.png)

a teen moidlet spent $800 & took time off of school to compete in a pokemon TCG tournament the other day. he was disqualified for nervously laughing after being asked his pronouns, with which he complied and said "he/him"). apparently he made a grown man "feel unsafe" kek. kid claims this situation made him suicidal–links to his Twitter/statement in the story–while in the same breath he asks his audience to not be twansphobic: if this isn't the right thread to post this in but I figured it was the best option since it's about a male troon)
No. 1801240
File: 1680478432729.jpeg (153.51 KB, 750x1038, CE0FE968-0117-4D6E-AA3F-C2C4BF…)

bad news for trannies are good news for women!
No. 1801254
File: 1680479904652.png (58.92 KB, 598x774, bawwww.png)

>>1801195"I know I bullied her too but I am apologizing and asking to my fans to not to bully her on my behalf! am I a good person now?".
No. 1801385
>>1801308And the fact he has the audacity and nerve to call himself the "
victim" when he was the one that made the callout. He's a bully and no amount of "apologies" is going to delete that.
No. 1801387
>>1801355Is like when people tried to post cp in /b/ because "lol I'm an anon" and they do not expect that mods are willing to send their IP track to the FBI to get them caught for CP possession.
Once again these moids showing they have no neurons and that their IP can be registered, so they shouldn't be crying for using CP to "scare us" when they were the ones posting it.
No. 1801427
File: 1680495178996.jpeg (150.4 KB, 1242x867, IMG_0027.jpeg)

One of the worst analogies I’ve ever seen. It’s the minimizing and gaslighting for me
No. 1801434
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>>1801429Much better analogy. Basically this.
No. 1801436
File: 1680496892652.jpeg (167.79 KB, 750x1107, 78604880-B845-424B-8ABA-8BCFA9…)

> why didn’t i cripple my body with exogenous hormones young enough to look like a little boy with long hair and a micropenis? now i have to look like a man, which i am with every fiber of my being and beyond.
No. 1801438
File: 1680497147881.jpg (71.85 KB, 1080x369, 1650339095430.jpg)

"SPOKANE SISSY" on YouTube uses pictures of children for his fantasy stories about them having sex with teenage boys.
Here's the article where I heard about him: channel and blog are still active and have not yet been deleted
No. 1801440
File: 1680497699757.png (114.55 KB, 1080x2118, Screenshot_20230403-005244.png)

one of our national news outlets is currently running this article. I did read it, but it offers zero insight (or even acknowledgement) that this number seems to be rising with trans awareness/acceptance. would be very curious about the correlation there.
(link for anyone interested )
No. 1801441
>>1801440samefagging for clarification sorry nonas;
I mean to say that in addition to more "female identitying individuals" being murdered (troon or not) there's also a rise in woman-on-woman killing, which is why I want to know how many of the violence-perpetrators were MtF.
No. 1801442
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No. 1801448
File: 1680500479236.jpg (18.03 KB, 809x250, 4943377-681595eeeeceb0a92e36c7…)

Written by a troon of course
No. 1801464
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Lia Thomas's boyfriend (a social worker that just got breast implants) posted this horrendous art of them together kek
No. 1801495
>>1801121Thanks for linking this
nonny it was a delight to read kek
No. 1801497
File: 1680509254824.jpeg (83.96 KB, 750x740, E2B9D2A0-3CB6-424E-869F-89EFBF…)

>man with genderswap fetish thinks he’s a woman
No. 1801499
File: 1680510534914.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.27 KB, 2077x1036, RDT_20230403_10232115006818075…)

>>1801121This is him claiming he has C size cups. They're delusional. He just had a wide man chest.
I don't get how scrotes will call any woman even with small-medium sized breasts flat but will look at themselves or other trannies and call their actually flat moobs C-F size.
No. 1801504
>>1801491>>1800977exactly, like why are these people always so concerned with using "correct" pronouns for actual rapists (specifically MtFs who have assaulted women) Its possible he pushed a girl to suicide. just why
better yet why pander to them when they are clearly not that "moral" or "kind" to begin with. it shouldn't matter if someone misgenders him or not, any decent person should have empathy for the
victim(s) regardless
but i guess thats the reality when this is your social circle and labelling women as terfy for wrongthink comes before shaming creeps like this, somehow
No. 1801508
File: 1680513068804.png (94.98 KB, 1383x523, Screenshot 3.png)

>NPR Claims ‘Limited Scientific Evidence’ Men Have ‘Physical Advantage’ over Women in Sport
Why is this the hill mainstream libs want to die on?
No. 1801599
File: 1680533145931.jpg (1.21 MB, 4096x2730, GridArt_20230403_104441928.jpg)

The shit school staff has to deal with nowadays. I wonder how common troonism actually is in the Philippines?
No. 1801643
File: 1680539726863.jpg (66.36 KB, 1187x780, egg lookin ass.JPG)

Always got weird vibes from BDG but he's definitely gonna troon soon.
No. 1801671
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>>1800975This same nasty freak literally is a textbook autogynephile who masturbates to fake periods. Hell can’t come fast enough for these degenerates
No. 1801672
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>>1801671A little more degeneracy when he basically fully describes agp
No. 1801679
File: 1680546416007.jpg (255.99 KB, 936x2048, FsvwZpqXoAEncjb.jpg)

ALWAYS nazis and holocaust with these people
No. 1801696
>>1801627>>1801497To add, he thinks he's not like other troons, he too happens to have a "genderswap fetish" in a way that makes the genderswap a moid like our other brother, while TIM brother asserts hes a woman (as "more proof"/cope). They dont get along, he is the cain to the other brother's abel. He wants to be "the girl" compared to the other brother, and gets downright
murderous when someone gives a hypothesis that the other brother can become a TIM too by following his footsteps just because he is also a moid. TIM is the older brother in this case.
No. 1801697
File: 1680548482868.png (130.41 KB, 720x670, Screenshot_20230403-143528~2.p…)

Found this tweet earlier and just had to share it here.
No. 1801704
>>1800286i know this is old as fuck but holy shit
nonnie, you're so smart, ily
No. 1801705
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>>1801697so pompous of him to speak for Ireland when most people are against it. It's undemocratic.>majority are in favour of single sex spaces>majority say no to self ID>women more likely to be against it than men>no one voted for this and picrel we see the same patterns as the UK and US. barbie kardashian being Ireland's most famous example of the harm he claims hasn't been caused.
No. 1801712
File: 1680551248104.png (104.03 KB, 567x652, Gill.png)

A man basks in glory of Australian Women’s Classic win. Sick of this shit. Another woman losing out on prize money and a well-earned win. This is how professional golfers make money (we're talking $$$$$s for a win like this) so it's not just unfair in the spirit of fair competition but it's financial theft.
No. 1801745
File: 1680553672199.jpeg (162.92 KB, 1170x1144, 48584738-ABC1-490D-801B-0CA5AC…)

Even when people pander, it’s never enough. Exhausting
No. 1801749
File: 1680554655066.jpeg (142.38 KB, 689x1200, EF92E278-D9FE-4CFA-B707-72FA28…)

“It’s okay for men to creep on women as long as they have untreated gender dysphoria you guys”
No. 1801754
>>1801745>you need to recognise [trans] people beyond the value of moneymy sides kek
@ing a brand on twitter to ask them not to just treat you as consumers. fucking hell were they just born yesterday? this is also amazing because it shows that whilst companies are becoming more personal and trying to be friends with people online - they are opening the door to morons expecting the things they expect from real life relationships from them. as if they're not cold, lifeless corporations that only have one goal which is to bleed people dry and make as much money as possible. delusional.
No. 1801774
>>1801599I feel so bad for teachers, they already have to put up with terrible behavior from children for the fear of having parents make a complaint. This shit happens so much and primarily affects women. One of my friends got stalked by a guy and the school didn't do anything because he was in counseling for threatening suicide and they didn't want to make him distressed. Anecdotally, there's a lot of stories from girls who were nice to special ed kids or even just weird loners who ended up facing completely inappropriate behavior from them, but nothing would be done at the risk of upsetting parents. The trans shit is just one more disgusting layer, because unlike with the weird kids or dangerous situations like my friend's, where the teachers or school would maybe kinda move things around as much as they could "off the books" (like rearranging seating or letting someone swap classes or groups), trans people are seen as "normal" and protected.
Cue the post where the trans student is basically flashing the entire student body and staff of the school and is presumably using the women's restroom (which is even more disgusting when you consider the fact that it's a school, these could be 13 year old girls forced to see a dude's junk). Not to mention the fact that if the skirt was as short as the teacher describes, it would probably become a hygiene issue of someone's underwear on a chair. Absolutely disgusting. It's so unthinkable that teachers can and do get in trouble for trying to fairly enforce rules for all students, but here we are with the new protected class.
No. 1801786
>>1801599"If I just cry and make myself a
victim, I can keep flashing girls and making them uncomfortable! Those bitches deserve it bc I'm the real
victim here!"
The little freak needs taken out back and shot
No. 1801798
File: 1680558643996.png (56.79 KB, 471x400, Screenshot 2023-04-03 2.44.38 …)

I saw this on Twitter and I thought it was real until I looked at the account and realized it was a weird self-hating self-proclaimed "HSTS" TIM who had downloaded pics of some random teenage TIF on the internet to make fun of them. The amount of TIMs who openly hate TIFs is crazy. Just search "theyfab" on Twitter if you don't believe me. It's like they see TIFs as a socially acceptable target for their misogyny ("they're part of my community therefore it's okay") because they know that TERFs would come for their throats if they mocked "cis" women like this.
No. 1801811
File: 1680559724257.jpg (48.05 KB, 589x409, 20230403_170700.jpg)

>>1801749They literally dont see the invasion of women's privacy as endangering their safety. They dont care to admit this stuff bc they believe that in the end they "did no harm" since they didnt do anything physically to these women and girls. The panty pooper reads like something a fucking jock in a schlocky college movie would do "as a joke". Proof that they dont see women as people because they give no actual shit that they invade women's spaces just to get their jollies off.
Men always screech about how women invade their privacy online if a woman gets suspicious of infidelity and starts investigating. But yet breaking into a womans room to jizz in her underwear is just another story to share with "the girls". This is why they also openly admit to jerking in women's bathrooms now or going in there expressly to listen to women urinate. They genuinely dont see it as a predatory thing bc in their minds predator equates to direct violence to a person.
No. 1801837
>>1801816There is a huge amount of violence in the community along with rape. When I was a TIF, most of the tifs I knew were
victims of rape by tims. We just aren’t allowed to talk about it, even if the activists are TIM rapists with largely TIF
No. 1801844
>>1801125People in the comments defended this saying "they said they were at risk of homelessness because they're trans, trans women are disproportionately homeless"
Correlation doesn't not mean causation. They aren't homeless because they're trans, they've probably got mental or personality problems that make them more likely to be both trans and homeless.
No. 1801853
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>>1801712Right out of the Simpsons
No. 1801871
File: 1680566688909.jpeg (156.18 KB, 1218x854, IMG_0041.jpeg)

Retarded tranny post in autism sub actually has some sanity in the form of appropriate upvotes and downvotes. Ofc mods locked the post kek. Is nature healing? Hopefully this made the troons feel “unsafe” so they can leave us alone.
No. 1802005
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tims try not be pedophilic challenge(impossible)
No. 1802020
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>>1802019It wasn't considered feminine either, pashtun men wear eyeliner and keep their hair long, they don't consider that feminine or girly and back then having young boys wear skirts wasn't considered genderbending or queer, it was just something they did cause diapers weren't a thing yet and it was easier to change napies in skirts rather then pants
No. 1802027
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>>1802020bring back flowers adorning men
No. 1802038
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Anyone else ever run into Andrea long chu? I really really hate this person. Constantly re-purposes radfem writers into saying they were secretly trans. He wrote an entire book about how they understand women more than women because they’re aroused by their autogynephilia (srs)
No. 1802091
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No. 1802094
>>1802091> Talking to other women, specifically listening to real women's experienceswow he looks slightly better than othe-
>helps me mourn the loss of childhood I never hadretard, he did have a childhood, he just didn't get to be a kawaii loli he jerks off to
>taking sexy pictures>paying with his "breasts" moobs>and other stereotypical shitI mean, who in the modern world even believes a woman's life consists solely of makeup and skirt go spinny? Troons literally have a 1950s mindset when it comes to gender roles.
No. 1802101
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>>1802095I love that they're implying this child had a say in how their hair looked or what clothes they wore, not to mention how this wasn't typical of the time. even if they're just joking, this is basically still their logic.
the lack of education or understanding of other cultures or times in history is bizarre. i guess 18th century aristocratic men and boys were all trans too? and ancient Egyptian men or 6th century Korean warriors? men of course 70s/80s glam rock stars should definitely have been put on HRT too.
No. 1802112
>>1801228it's "just" a pokémon tournament (poor kid though) but it really illustrates how trannies and their ~allies~ can now disqualify people/get people fired for "making them feel uncomfortable" i.e. not sharing their beliefs and playing the pronoun game. crazy.
No. 1802113
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>>1800975Is this a troll? There was one pretty much exactly like this but the woman was Japanese/Swedish. Not sure if it was posted earlier in the thread so I’m posting it again.
No. 1802115
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>>1802101Tranny identity politics sucks, androgyny rocks.
I wish we could go back to when it was acceptable for men to be dandyish and femme and women to be butch and masc, without all the stupid tranny melodrama that goes with it.
No. 1802131
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>>1800975Reminded me of this. Sick shit.
No. 1802134
File: 1680617374166.webm (4.64 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1680616772519.webm)
Saw this faggot on my fyp stitching a video from a woman mocking people who say we need to gender the trans shooter correctly. Saying "see this don't do this" and the comment section was acting like he was so "based" for it. He is genuinely so fucking pretentious too. Saying the woman was not goth she was skater??? This fag is not either of those things. The sanrio shit is just the cherry on the sex offender top.
No. 1802137
>>1801871they will literally never understand what it is like to be female. they will never fucking understand what it is like to still be a child in a changing body as grown men start to creep on you, to be taught that your bodies are shameful and inappropriate and 'distracting'. that you can't even talk about periods because it's 'gross'. not to mention we are barely even taught about what's going to happen when you get it, unless your lucky to have a good mom. my middle school growing up didn't even have trash cans to throw out menstrual products.
they might know what it is like to be seen as a woman, maybe, if they are part of the lucky few that somewhat pass. most likely their negative treatment is due to coming across as a feminine gay man or a crossdresser. but they will never ever know what it is actually like to be a woman. there are so many experiences they will never have - that even women without periods and infertile women understand (since they like to use them as a cop out, subtly insinuating that being infertile makes them less of a woman).
>>1802020>>1802115throughout history there have always been points where people are weird about gender. i feel like that's why troon stuff has taken off so much in the west. society as a whole thinks feminine = women, masculine = man. butch women and flamboyant gay men used to get compared to the opposite sex as an insult. obviously that still happens but now if you feel ostracized from your birth sex it turns out you were actually in the wrong body and need extensive medical treatment to conform.
No. 1802161
>>1802157The same people who get jealous of ftms, or tifs and non-binaroids(female).
Guess their utopia: Making the world a "lady" land so it wouldn't come to their attention if they get clocked lmao
No. 1802167
>>1800720that's fine. I'll just go in the drain.
public women's restrooms have been reeking of poorly placed piss since 2017 - it's not like anyone will notice the stench is coming from me in particular
No. 1802176
>>1802135Just admit you're a faghag instead of acting like anons are conservatives for not being into part-time trannies.
>>1802091>My gender is so affirmed when I can't do something and have another man do it for me!!Really topping off his long list of stupid stereotypes with some more overt misogyny
No. 1802185
File: 1680625563985.jpeg (111.01 KB, 1080x810, Fs23uy9XoAEL09j.jpeg)

Sorry if they have been posted, this is the most famous troon in my country (i believe), he goes by the name Emily kek and he had or still has a boyfriend who trooned out too (going by the name Melisa kek) and then maybe detransitioned if you are interested I'll look through the time line and share. So Emily got famous for riding a scooter with a skirt on a road, on which cars drive with highway speeds so people at first thought it was a woman, but in the end it was a guy with skirt. He was interviewed a few times and he was like "I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just driving my scooter with my skirt being sexy".
They are both gross. That's Emily 1/3
No. 1802187
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>>1795385Presented without comment
No. 1802188
File: 1680625602852.jpg (629.42 KB, 2304x2443, watvanjyj.jpg)

everything seen here is from his facebook page - on which he has himself listed as a "Public Figure".
Used to pay rent by making/selling dabs and painting himself silver, posing in tourist traps of San Diego.
I think he got implants… but he claims they're all due to hormones. thoughts?
bottom left pic is the only non-filtered photo of his womanface getup that i could find(
No. 1802255
>>1800286If any of you are interested in reading about materialist feminism, I would highly recommend Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici, about the history of women under capitalism. Federici outlines the reason for the witch hunts in europe and connects them to modern day witch hunts in africa from a material standpoint.
She has another book called Beyond the Periphery of the Skin, which I haven't read but people call it TERFy so kek.
No. 1802257
File: 1680631870344.jpeg (81.92 KB, 570x680, Fs25Uh-WAAEAuq4.jpeg)

>>1800990update on the Riley Dennis football story. concerned parents will now receive 'training' to learn how their outrage over their daughters being injured by a grown man is in fact
No. 1802286
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nonas i'm trying so hard not to a-log right now.
No. 1802287
>>1802286this is actually so gross it's hilarious. GIRL HORNY. they know they're fetishists and just circle jerk about it all day every day while demanding everyone else call the
valid for it. what a grift.
No. 1802288
File: 1680635077106.png (430.82 KB, 952x720, 657544.png)

Anyone hear about "Terfenstien"? What's with all the trannies going hyperviolent in the past two years? Also the jokes write themselves about the Dev.
No. 1802295
>>1802286Amazing how they just say this weird shit and we're not allowed to push back against it. You can tell they get all their ideas about female horniness or orgasms from porn. They'll be all "My whole body convulses and I scream at the top of my lungs while flapping my arms like a bird! It's so amazing. I love being a girl!"
Makes me wanna meme them into claiming something extra weird. Like if a bunch of women collectively agreed to pretend to lose our hearing after sex or get sexual stimulation from poking around in our bellybuttons, just to watch these losers suddenly develop these traits too. Handmaidens would never let us pull it off though
No. 1802337
>>1802286ITT: a bunch of virgins speculating on what they think sex is like for women based on the porn fantasies of other virgins who don't understand women.
The fuck are they talking about with this shit about shortness of breath and a strange feeling in the chest? Are they confusing arousal with a goddamn asthma attack? Arching their back and stretching? Is their only reference for female arousal seeing a stray cat in heat? What else do you think we do, retards? Do we purr and cough up a hairball?
I hate men.
No. 1802353
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3 gazillion keks i wonder how he even managed to look so different, not more feminine, just entirely different.
No. 1802369
File: 1680646066801.png (14.23 KB, 741x313, whang.png)

I know this is old a d its already been said, but it's one thing to be a Troon chaser, it's another thing to actively simp for one of the grossest lying troons on the planet. It's It's conformed endlessly (him following a Troon named MONMYBIGDICK with a onlyfans) but Whang is a chaser. Wavy whatever the fuck makes better long videos on weird people anyway.
No. 1802373
File: 1680646293963.jpg (25.03 KB, 540x540, 1620177884526.jpg)

>>1802288I hate tranny devs more than anything. They literally ruin everything with their mental illness. Even other moids are tired of them. I've seen several dev teams having to break up and stop projects because of muh transphobia.
No. 1802384
>>1802373>I've seen several dev teams having to break up and stop projects because of muh transphobia.Oh I need to hear about these.
God I wish men and trannies weren’t so inescapable in gaming. Not to sperg ab gaming but I believe almost everything wrong and every controversy comes back to them and shitty moid games. Like how some let you play as a oversexualized big boob woman, which “cracks the egg” of basement dwelling men because pixels gave them boners.
No. 1802390
>>1802386What do the troons you work with do, anon? Just the usual shtick of being creepy and overly sensitive? I feel like every other troon profile on Twitter says something about working in programming or comp sci, but I never hear what it's like to have to work with them. I feel like their coworkers despise them but are cowed into silence.
I don't work in tech, but one of the receptionists where I work is a TIM. 90% of my coworkers are female, and everyone calls him "he" behind his back except for the two TIFs I work with. He's a furry, he's got long hair but is prematurely balding (think Benjamin Franklin or George Carlin) and his idea of "presenting female" is just… wearing shitty nail polish. Customers at my job literally never read him as a woman; I've worked there for two years and I've never heard a customer call him "she." People also get angry when they call him sir and he corrects them (yes, he actually pulls a GameStop troon and says, "It's Ma'am!!1!"). He claims that one customer actually said "you have a penis," to him after he corrected her, but I have my doubts about how true that is. He also says that people roll their eyes at him, which is hilarious.
No. 1802400
>>1802288What’s with moids and Nazis? Jesus fuck, there’s more shit people than just hitler, or is it that they as white moids have never known of anyone else that has tried to kill them en masse? Because damn, it’s like they have this huge boner for nazi shit, like give it up, you’re too old to be surprised by that moid’s shit, it has been decades since he fucking died, say rest in piss already and find something else to hyperfixate like, I don’t know, furry porn or trains.
How can no one notice the obvious nazi-lover to troon pipeline? If we made a list of trannies into nazi shit, we could probably fill a terabyte of only names with their accounts.
No. 1802404
>>1802386it's because autism is often misdiagnosed as 'trans' discomfort with their own psyche/body
and it turns out the single-minded obsessiveness of autistic people makes them great coders.
No. 1802408
>>1802390ayrt and pretty much what you said at the beginning. Everything is a
TERF dogwhistle to them and "should be investigated", both of them post tranny memes in the team Slack (which is always painfully awkward since it's only the two of them reacting to it), and god I am so sick of one of them replying to everything with "You're
valid!" that it makes me want to scream. I'm so grateful that almost 90% of my work is WFH and when I do have to go into the office it's only to talk with upper management and I don't have to be around them in person.
We had a zoom call semi recently and the one who is a relatively new hire put his video on for the first time and he had on cat ears (not the cat ear headphones, like a fuzzy headband that sat in front of his headset), had a giant tranny flag behind him with a bunch of art prints of Isabelle from Animal Crossing, and was wearing this ugly bright pink tanktop and mask that looked like it was borrowed off Shayna Clifford and would fall apart at any second. Greasy dyed hair, fat face, receding hairline, he looked like if you typed "typical tranny" into an AI art generator. It was incredibly unprofessional. The other troon that's been around longer just looks like an average femboy. He usually posts less tranny shit than the new one, but now that there's two they both just kind of egg each other on.
>>1802406That is heartbreaking to hear, god. Actual women in tech already had it hard enough. It hurts to know that this is the environment they're being educated in, and I wouldn't have felt safe whatsoever in that kind of dorm. I love my job and love what I do, but sometimes I think about what it would be like to do something with more actual women. But this is the only thing I'm good at so I guess I'll suffer until they hopefully both 41% lmao
No. 1802449
File: 1680658245698.jpeg (128.11 KB, 1228x1300, 34914E31-5982-4AF2-B8CC-FAC896…)

Disgustingly transparent.
No. 1802450
>>1802373apply for overseas dev jobs instead. there are no tech trannies in the UK
my bf's workplace employs a couple americans and pays them good money
No. 1802467
File: 1680660617689.png (90.82 KB, 659x711, REDUXX on Twitter.png)

No. 1802472
File: 1680661765599.webm (9.58 MB, 576x1024, Download (19).webm)
tranny trashes his parents' house
>i don't know what to do
No. 1802475
File: 1680662054368.jpg (11.93 KB, 267x250, 4849600-ad375a303e7c9a777a979c…)

No. 1802488
>>1802475Where are the moobs
>>1801696Eldest sons get 10x more male socialization than their brothers, this is too much for the fagfot's mind to handle
No. 1802490
>>1802449Even trannies hate this
abusive loser No. 1802491
File: 1680663749469.jpg (115.21 KB, 1196x514, DP5Kycg.jpg)

No. 1802541
File: 1680670658176.png (41.5 KB, 638x470, Screenshot_209.png)

reddit trannies continually shock me with new levels of misogyny and objectification
No. 1802586
File: 1680680812389.jpeg (188.08 KB, 1170x2078, CED1FA45-1CEB-40C7-A7B8-84386D…)

Do these troons think unsuspecting TSA agents want to touch their dick? why don't they just tell the agent that they're male instead of subjecting strangers to sexual harassment
No. 1802598
>>1795385>>1800982this person's new twitter is @AvaTomboy and he is still defending those tweets and his past
abusive behavior as recently as a couple weeks ago.
No. 1802604
>>1802586They should seriously make it illegal/come with a hefty penalty to not disclose you have a penis to TSA agents when you're a male pretending to be female, it IS a form of sexual harassment to force someone to unknowingly touch your penis.
I bet Kikomi would stuff a dildo down her panties to make TSA agents touch it as a form of validation as a biotrans girl.
No. 1802612
>>1802541wow yeah. unseen levels of misogyny for unseen levels of misery i guess. these men are castrating and offing themselves due to severe self-hatred and porn addiction and they are collecting pictures of random people living their lives in hope of
feeling something, crumbs of "euphoria" and "validation" based on their retarded gender beliefs and their own admission that trannies are ugly. what a pathetic existence
No. 1802686
File: 1680699011730.png (13.11 KB, 211x170, ashbie.png)

>>1802541I hate troons for so many things and what they are doing to GNC, tall, athletic-build or wide-shouldered women is one of those things. Not all women look like dainty hourglass barbies dipshits and the ones who don't aren't there to make TIMs feel better about their disgusting male bodies.
I wish we could see what the person taking these unsolicited creepshots of women looks like in comparison. Also, of course he has Ashbie as his avatar and posts furry porn and misogynist kink shit.
No. 1802713
>>1802604>>1802607100%. They know what they’re doing, it’s a form of sexual assault. Then having the nerve to go and make a video about it to make the
victim look like they were in the wrong. Asinine.
No. 1802716
File: 1680706114755.png (6.82 KB, 273x142, Monty.png)

>>1802491Of course he doesn't give a shit that the current laws mean TIFs draw the short straw. He is also whining about how he can't be legally protected by anti-discrimination laws when it comes to sexism. It enrages me.
He is still protected by anti-discrimination if someone is transphobic but he just wants the euphoria of calling it sexism. To think he experiences sexism as women do, based on our biology, is a fucking joke.
Btw he posted picrel a few hours later kek. So desperate to be degraded like a woman. So desperate to cry sexism at
something No. 1802718
>>1802716He's so weirdly obsessed with cat calling.
Who wants to bet if someone really did "catcall" him, it was just someone slagging him off for being a man in a dress.
No. 1802768
File: 1680717639389.png (725.79 KB, 1079x1607, markup_1000001235.png)

I wish every woman could be as confident as these ugly moids
No. 1802789
File: 1680721238439.jpg (102.98 KB, 1529x1196, IMG-20230405-WA0012.jpg)

It's all so tiresome
No. 1802790
File: 1680721524620.gif (315.47 KB, 200x200, 200w (1).gif)

>>1802789of all the mantras, "protect trans kids" is the one of the most stupid because, it's like… that is what we're
trying to do. trying to protect them from a lifetime of medicalisation, sterilisation, internalised sexism and homophobia.
No. 1802794
>>1802586I guess the big pad makes kind of sense if a woman travels wearing the huge ass pads that are basically diapers. But a tampon? How? How does that makes sense? A dick would have to be ridiculously tiny and thin to be considered a tampon, so I guess he’s calling himself out there.
And isn’t it quite the coincidence that now there’s a bunch of trannies whining about TSA because of the story about the other moid getting his dick touched at the airport?
It’s honestly funny at this point, so
>tranny “passes” you have to assume he’s a tranny >he doesn’t “pass” you have to assume he’s a woman. Like what’s the point at all if it isn’t just bothering others and finding a reason to get outraged?
No. 1802798
>>1802586>>1802794I think it's just any opportunity to draw attention to or talk about their dicks. They're trying to normalise the idea of "women" having penises and making people adapt to this.
Also the airport security pat-down thing is a fetishised act/fantasy for coomers and they love the idea of a woman (against her consent) having to have her hand around their crotch. It's disgusting and I hope female agents are putting in their complaints, cos this is harassment. there is no excuse for these men not to warn the women beforehand, at the very least.
No. 1802808
File: 1680723905776.jpg (58.6 KB, 1080x606, 1680720986738.jpg)

When I first scrolled to this and before watching the video I thought this was an AI generated image.
Sorry if I fucked up the link I'm on mobile. No. 1802815
>>1802808drag cows thread:
>>>/snow/1257470(but kek at how they tower over the women)
No. 1802816
File: 1680725692158.png (24.62 KB, 288x181, if you only knew.png)

>>1802808kek im not seeing that but thanks for the pic anon
No. 1802826
>>1802586Sir, no one wants to touch or see your dick, they just need to make sure you don't have some other bullshit like a weapon (besides your "girl" dick) in your pants.
>>1802822> Idk why having TQI+ and LGB is such a fucking impossible thing for these goddamn peopleThey want to hide behind actually vulnerable people, they want to use marginalized people as a shield
No. 1802838
File: 1680729048636.png (323.2 KB, 1080x1968, Screenshot_20230326-104636.png)

"all proceeds go to funding mutual aid efforts" aka paying for some man's shopping addiction and horse piss.
>>1802164I'm a GNC woman. I don't shave, have a mullet, and other than my pants a lot of my clothes are men's clothes. I always used to get asked if I was a lesbian. I didn't ever care, but now people always ask me my pronouns. I hate that I have to even respond to it when I'm at work or somewhere that I need to be polite. I know that everyone knows that I'm a woman.
Absolutely ridiculous. I think the thing that I hate the most is that people think that I'm one of them, but when they discover that I'm actually a radfem, they start insulting my more masculine appearance and use the "ugly, manly feminazi" shit.
>>1802134Out of all the goth albums, he picked Heaven or Las Vegas? I love Cocteau Twins, but they're not the first band that pops into my head when I think of goth. Why not First and Last and Always? Or Juju? Idk, I'd love to "out goth" this pretentious faggot. Guarantee he's never been to a real club night. Maybe some nasty "kink" night where they play the same five Depeche Mode songs followed by a bunch of shitty German aggrotech and Italian futurepop.
No. 1802851
File: 1680731190169.webm (16.64 MB, 480x270, mattwalshquestions.webm)
sorry for the matt walsh posting but this clip was too delusional not to share. he basically admits that his entire identity relies on what handmaidens or other TIMs affirm he is.
No. 1802898
File: 1680736187460.jpeg (223.23 KB, 1074x2048, FsoP20SXoAE5vzM.jpeg)

This is so bleak.
I vented before about the German government pushing pro-troon laws so much despite there not even being many trannies, simply because they try to imitate everything America does, but this just takes the cake, even my usually pro-tranny mom was enraged about it.
Pic is from a state-run, funded by taxes media channel. Basically every citizen watches their news every evening and gets informed (and therefore influenced) by it.
They now stopped using the word "woman/mother" and instead just use "birthing person".
So fucking degrading. All that just to be inclusive to a miniscule minority… But I fear this is just the beginning.
No. 1802900
File: 1680736869567.jpeg (169.08 KB, 750x1407, 42BBCDA4-B73B-4524-9484-EAAAD4…)

they’re man tits, you’re literally a man
No. 1802901
>>1802672this omg. this makes the whole story sounds especially fake because what woman would ask if you have a tampon
in after feeling that there's a whole penis and balls in your pants?
>>1802718definitely, he claims to have been cat called in a store.. it was probably a man close enough to him to realize he's a troon lol. in any case trannies are great at showing everyone how they retain their moid thinking despite their ~transition~ because they perceive cat calling as something positive and an achievement they have to tweet about.
No. 1802904
File: 1680737328215.jpeg (172.48 KB, 1170x1937, 053B951E-C131-454C-B128-DB323B…)

Resisting the urge to a-log.
How dare the mods of that space lock the comments? They allowed three to be made and then locked the post entirely. If a post is that controversial or upsetting to members of a community, maybe, idk, remove it?
No. 1802910
File: 1680737656990.jpg (277.92 KB, 1079x1869, Screenshot_20230405_193406_Tik…)

Found Buffalo Bill
No. 1802915
>>1802904Lmaooo the tranny jannies literally removed every critical comment. The only comments remaining are “le poor trans woman, having sex with a
gasp evil
terf!!” This sub in particular is full of males who complain that “cis lesbians” don’t hang out there any more while unironically posting shit like this.
No. 1802917
>>1802718What he heard: "oh beatiful woman, I wish I could marry you"
What it probably was: "WHAT A FREAK!"
No. 1802924
>>1802898bleak. no one will ever admit that women are an opressed class. I'm not german but I hope this will get a ton of backlash
>>1802904barf I really regret finding that post and reading the comments. its full of rape-apology there was even a comment that was like "I hope you are safe" how is the person who made this meme in the unsafe position?
No. 1802926
>>1802815seems like a thread for anons who want to discuss drag queen drama & shows. a lot of them refer to these men as she/her. doesn't seem particularly appropriate for discussing drag queens who are considered part of the T/gender woo.
>>1802819agreed lmao
No. 1802936
File: 1680740153721.jpeg (170.72 KB, 1125x1470, 22B12CF7-1FAC-4663-A690-3E4D35…)

>>1802904>>1802912My favorite thing is the troon who made the meme admitted it never happened, it’s just his wank fantasy. He hasn’t even had bottom surgery yet. They have to fantasize about stealth raping lesbians because they don’t “pass” well enough to do so irl.
No. 1802951
File: 1680741806354.jpeg (60.19 KB, 1125x663, 82CC0D17-16A8-4F98-97D8-E22F6E…)

>>1802936Samefag but this response on r/actualtroonbians was so telling. Yeah no shit TERFs find it nightmarish when men brag about raping women by deception, that’s how they became TERFs in the first place you idiots. Troons act like they’re somehow winning points by peaking us, and at the same time can’t figure out why we don’t want to date or socialize with them. The same troons upvoting this comment will post in that sub like “are trans girls
valid here? Can I get a hug or a headpat? I’m so lonely uwu” and never put two and two together. We’re women, of course we hate predatory men, thanks for playing.
No. 1802956
File: 1680742971234.png (3.49 KB, 755x50, nazi.png)

>>1802226On the subject of nazis, another nonna brought this to my attention the other day, I've been wondering what that last open-ended sentence really, means since then, but I've been unable to find much. Any historians in the thread who can chase down what exactly this means? The more I look into it the less there seems to be to the "we were targeted by the nazis" defence in comparison to the actual
victims of WWII No. 1802957
File: 1680743036095.jpg (201.28 KB, 1079x1644, Screenshot_20230405_210150_Tik…)

The troon that posted the bathroom video a few months back is in the hospital with fourniers gangrene. Not something Id wish on my worst enemy tbh, but I still don't feel bad for him.
No. 1802962
>>1802400>>find something elso to hyperfixate like, I don't know, furry porn or trains.Don't worry nonna, they're way ahead of you."We depart the platform and we go away
my balls feel very ladylike today!"
No. 1802963
File: 1680744078765.jpg (35.37 KB, 845x514, donsucher.jpg)

>>1802904"stealth" LOLOLOLOL
No. 1802967
>>1802910Those fucking floor stickers! They're all the same length in the box. You're supposed to start with every other one cut exactly in half, and he just mangled them at all different lengths. And then he just gave up.
>>1802134Imagine having that moai face and calling anybody else a "loser".
>1802131Every woman needs to read this. This is why you don't want male "friends" creeping around you or your daughters. They're all jealous like this, because they don't view female humans as humans, just the site of the human sex act.
No. 1802970
>>1802915as if he’s not choosing to have sex with her after knowing shes a
terf. who are they kidding themselves? they know, he knows, we know that he gets off on this weird, sick degenerate fantasy. emphasis on ‘fantasy,’ this never happened.
No. 1802973
File: 1680745087984.jpg (164.26 KB, 1080x1445, Screenshot_20230405-183014_Twi…)

>my body is not identifiably male
Admitting that his body is still male, just not to the naked eye.
>I've been sexually assaulted by men
So have many women and other men. Women and men have also been assaulted by TIMs. Why do we have to protect you from male-on-male violence and include you in our female spaces while simultaneously having to protect ourselves from you?
This whole thread is full of either handmaidens or women making good points that are going generally ignored.
No. 1802993
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>>1802904trannies are rapists, what else is new.
No. 1802997
>>1802808I am actually glad they changed the acronym to 2SLGBTQI+ its so fucking over the top lmao, just like the flag. This kind of sums it up what happens though, It was perfectly fine to represent your cause at LBGT+ (+ covers everything else, flag worked fine as a rainbow), but you have to virtue signal and push and go one step further than all your buddies and keep "fixing" further until its just this ridiculous mess.
>>1802898Of course you never see this happening to men, "sperm givers"
>>1802936Knew and assumed when I saw the meme, a neovagina is just never not going to trick a woman. Even in photos I've never seen one CLOSE to passing and I'm sure up close it doesn't sell the illusion anymore.
No. 1803002
>>1802993They're dodging the question and downplaying it, "So you should just disclose your entire medical history?" of course they're acting like the nuance doesn't exist. No one gives a shit if you had your gallbladder removed in 2018, most people will have reservations about sleeping with someone who wasn't born as the sex they're interested in. It's not even a "transphobia" thing, the thought of sleeping with a man who used to be a woman would objectively gross me out and it really doesn't have anything to do with their lifestyle. I wouldn't sleep with a medically created dick just like I wouldn't sleep with a guy who had a weird looking dick.
It's besides the point anyway though I just don't think its possible to "stealth" a lesbian, maybe it has happened once but I'm just skeptical that that would even be possible
No. 1803003
File: 1680748688142.jpg (46.84 KB, 500x500, artworks-umNVbXv18jOdZRmX-uVbw…)

>>1802973>i don't look like a man anymoreerr..
No. 1803007
File: 1680748911592.jpg (217.33 KB, 1179x1563, Fs-Qie3WAAAkFcx.jpg)

cross Nike off your list
No. 1803012
File: 1680749321083.png (65.45 KB, 696x610, on Twitter.png)

oof..the tranny walked into that one
No. 1803022
File: 1680751261146.jpeg (272.66 KB, 1559x1873, C767BAC4-2E6D-477B-83B6-E05D6A…)

How many guesses the “she” was a TIM? I feel so bad for this woman, she’s throwing herself to the wolves, I have to wonder if it’s just bait, but it’s so realistic too.
No. 1803025
File: 1680751306348.jpg (348.43 KB, 1792x1008, Fs_610dXsAEBz48.jpg)

>>1803018this what the troon looks like
No. 1803028
File: 1680751654789.png (16.43 KB, 681x357, Crowpotkin on Twitter.png)

>I had my penis inverted into a pretend vagina vs having to remove organs to prevent cancer
How is this anyway comparable?
No. 1803031
File: 1680752239922.jpeg (73.85 KB, 750x687, C70B2CDA-E967-449B-BAAD-09598D…)

why is everything trannies say uniquely retarded? also, actuallesbians is 99% incels, so about as reliable as 4chan as far as anything female or lesbian related goes.
No. 1803033
>>1803031This is literally just a "pulsing" or throbbing from blood flowing into the genitals. Not a unique male or female experience. Though it is a little bit like him saying
>my axe wound doesn't get adequate blood-flow>my wife has never been aroused around me beforekek
No. 1803040
File: 1680753379647.jpeg (79.23 KB, 306x612, 80B5228F-A824-4239-9F59-C8422E…)

Dylan Mulvaney, an actual man with a penis, is the new face of Nike’s line of women’s sports bras and leggings. I want to fucking die
No. 1803041
File: 1680753421156.jpeg (1 MB, 2048x4096, 2C711070-CBF7-4E03-AE29-BB8376…)

>>1803017speaking of glasses, every tranny looks like picrel.
No. 1803063
File: 1680755892509.png (1.03 MB, 1229x1229, 1680564879771.png)

>>1803040The fuck does he needs a bra for?
No. 1803064
File: 1680756035338.png (356.46 KB, 1134x622, 34 on Twitter.png)

Terf account posted about a court order for Tony to stop wearing his wife's clothing
No. 1803067
File: 1680756335289.png (515.79 KB, 1098x534, Screen Shot 2023-04-06 at 12.4…)

saw this while browsing tumblr's new "live" feature. i'm cackling.
No. 1803076
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No. 1803077
File: 1680757184157.jpg (170.85 KB, 1000x670, Fs_DWkoWAAMRK1j.jpg)

another commercial featuring men in dresses
No. 1803100
>>1803033lmaoo nonna, he really did tell on himself there
>>1803064kinda old milk but it should be reposted over and over so more people are aware, i can't believe this disgusting creep is considered a serious activist when there's so much stuff about him out there. the way he constantly posts alarmist tweets about protecting the children when he trooned out for the coom and chose his name over a girl from his childhood he still obsessed about as a grown ass man.. yikes.
No. 1803108
>>1803007he is such a scary disgusting shape
>>1803028i like how he started with a reasonable, standard surgery (knee replacement); moved on to preventative surgeries with some controversy in medical fields but widely publically accepted; then threw in another standard, often necessary procedure; and finally slipped in lipo, an almost completely cosmetic procedure that most educated adults see issues with. interesting little slippery slope technique but from the other side. after all, how far removed is getting your wisdom teeth out to having a skin graft taken from your arm, rolled up into a tube, and sewn on top of your flayed clitoris for the sake of cosmetic appearance? everything in the world is exactly the same.
>>1803054>>1803077ngl the more this happens the more i see where online schizos talking about psyops are coming from. (I know the alcohol thing is probably just because trannies and gay men are often substance abusers, but still…)
No. 1803109
File: 1680764143086.jpg (307.22 KB, 2560x1920, 23-04-06-07-47-43-241_deco.jpg)

Chris (from Mr Beast) is trooning out. Pretty sure he has a wife and kids
No. 1803122
>>1803109Holy shit nonnas, I literally thought that this guy would troon out after watching the last video. I think the other guy that's around Mr Beast might be a twink too? Looks like one.
But damn, this guy looks like a greasy coomer
No. 1803140
File: 1680769102503.jpg (221.34 KB, 1080x1839, Screenshot_20230406-181739_Twi…)

>>1803138His wife has been seperated from him for a year and served divorce papers as soon as he trooned out lolz.
No. 1803141
File: 1680769289103.gif (3.76 MB, 640x456, good-for-her-arrested-developm…)

>>1803140As she should, I'd dump my bf if he ever trooned out I even told him that. No sane woman would put up with that shit. Also he looks disgusting holy shit kek
No. 1803170
File: 1680778760592.jpeg (348.43 KB, 1792x1008, E236E83B-28D2-4C12-81E6-A70FAF…)

>>1803168>>1803012Is he trying to say they are ugly? Those women aren’t unattractive at all.
This is him btw. It always amazes me how ugly beta males try to roast attractive women for their looks when looking objectively repulsive.
No. 1803172
File: 1680779026939.jpeg (212.61 KB, 1223x1917, 7537EBB6-E7CC-48EE-88A8-986127…)

>>1803170Men are so delusional. It’s inspirational even. If these greasy ogres think they are attractive, we should feel like supermodels kek
No. 1803179
File: 1680780667240.jpeg (33.09 KB, 466x476, Fsfp6eEWICURPM6.jpeg)

>>1803176exactly. let this improve our self-esteem collectively. for them, every insult towards a woman's looks is just a massive cope, it's envy, it's delusion, it's projection and insecurity. their opinions on our looks are absolute trash and not to be taken seriously for a second. we can keep on being our natural selves whilst they seethe and self-mutilate.
No. 1803186
>>1803181>not all women can give birthbut when women (of child-bearing age) can't give birth, it means there is a health problem. when men can't give birth, that's just how things should be. i hate this stupid argument so much as if anyone is calling into question the womanhood of those women who can't have children. like when they say "not all women have wombs!" …yeah, but only women can get hysterectomies.
>pussy grippyporn is cancer
No. 1803191
File: 1680781547793.jpeg (124.14 KB, 1177x986, 229549F5-E01B-414B-87A7-CE54D5…)

>>1803181Last post of this troon but I just can’t with his delusion kek
No. 1803214
File: 1680784301355.jpeg (251.65 KB, 2048x1536, 339936028_1367604647114426_634…)

>>1803040Oli London is based now?
No. 1803218
>>1803109>>1803140This is so horrifying and a real fear in dating men. You could pick the most normie dude ever, thinking it'll at least protect from the most extreme of moid degeneracy. You could be with him long enough and form enough of a bond to get married and have children (talking generally, not about Chris specifically) and then all of a sudden he troons out. You have to live with the knowledge your husband is a pervert, who has probably been stealing your clothes and jerking off in some of them, and God forbid you have a daughter…I feel so fucking bad for transwidows. They're living in a nightmare, a big chunk of their lives shattered, and their only choices are to swallow their disgust and anger and go along with their husband's delusions or to divorce and become socially ostracized for being "transphobic". I hope this Chris guy's wife is doing okay.
>>1803181I doubt he can even make his "pussy" "grippy" anyway. The vagina is comprised of muscular walls that are able to contract at will, even after giving birth. What's his stink ditch made of? Intestinal tissue sewn together that needs daily upkeep so it doesn't close up? Get a grip… literally.
No. 1803233
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>>1802851Here's a helpful guide.
No. 1803248
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>>1803242yep he has tried to be a ken, a barbie and a kpop star within a short space of time. just another severely mentally ill fame-whore. ot but picrel is what he used to look like if anyone is interested.
No. 1803253
>>1803248Where did the money come from
No. 1803255
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>>1803248samefag but kind of similar story to Rodrigo "Jessica" Alves. Ken -> Barbie. this TIM is actually terrifying.
No. 1803305

Nonas so I clicked this video by this creator I enjoy.
>Sarah Buzzard married a fucking chaser (Corey)>She was talking to someone she thought was a woman really a Tim named, " Naira" who was fucking a horrible person (Sarah told stories about him wanting to harm random women/people but never acting on it)>chaser Boyfriend Corey said "the perfect relationship is between a man, woman and transgender woman". He wanted Naira but Sarah wanted her relationship with Naira to be seperate>Corey Catfished a young man (Ryan) who was secretly transitioning - "“He had made a post on Craigslist Personals,” she said, “and he was looking more into the route of him being seen as the submissive female of a relationship. He started looking into (transitioning to female), such as the hormone therapy, and he was looking into some of the voice training in order to get that way. He also would go shopping for different female clothing.”Many of these details came from the BCI’s Lester, who analyzed Ryan’s google searches, phone records, and social media activity.
Here's a copy paste of a news article- "The data revealed Ryan met someone online who used the screen name, Laurel Emerson, but was really a married man named Corey Buzzard.
In early August 2015, Ryan moved from Corbin to Columbus and into an apartment with Corey and his wife, Sarah Buzzard, and a third person, Naira Whitaker, a transgender woman.
Det. Baucher said Ryan was nervous about the move.
“Corey had warned him that Naira did not like other people to basically be out exploiting their sexualities. She felt that if you wanted to be a female, you needed to portray yourself as a female and not let anyone else know otherwise.”
For the first few weeks, Ryan had a relationship with Corey Buzzard, while Sarah Buzzard was having a relationship with Naira Whitaker. But by late September, Corey no longer wanted Ryan around and told him to pack up his things and leave. Corey left the apartment for the weekend, so Ryan appealed to Sarah to let him stay.
Det. Baucher said, “Sarah told us that she told him no. Corey wants you gone, you’re here for Corey’s purpose, not mine, so you need to leave. She then told Naira how she and Ryan’s conversation had gone, and that’s when the plan was developed.”
The women’s plan was to kill Ryan, according to Sgt. Baker.
“Naira was allegedly the planner of the whole situation and Sarah kind of got brought into that plan, but they both followed through with killing Ryan.”
Baker said Sarah Buzzard strangled Ryan in the Columbus apartment’s hallway and both women dismembered him in the bathtub.
“And then they dispersed Ryan’s dismembered body throughout the state of Ohio,” said Det. Baucher. " They had come back home to find Corey home and they left it under the ruse that Ryan had just left … and Corey believed them.”
In January 2016, the same month Ryan Zimmerman’s remains were found in Mercer County, Corey and Sarah Buzzard’s divorce was finalized and Sarah married Naira Whitaker.
By July 2021, investigators were closing in. They searched the Columbus apartment where the four had lived in 2015, as well as the Toyota Corolla Sarah Buzzard had sold — and found traces of human blood in both.
On August 25th, detectives went to Marion, Indiana to arrest Sarah Buzzard, while other detectives stayed behind to question Naira Whitaker at the couple’s home. At the Marion police department, Sarah confessed to killing Ryan Zimmerman, and told Sgt. Baker the motive was love.
“Miss Buzzard, during an interview, explained that she loved Naira so much and it was kind of a plan of theirs, that if she didn’t follow through with doing what they did, she was going to lose Naira.”
With Sarah in jail, officers returned to the house to arrest Naira Whitaker, who had been denying any involvement in Ryan’s murder.
“When he went to place her under arrest,” said Baker, “she ended up pulling a firearm from her purse and died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”
Sarah Buzzard pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and was sentenced in January to 30 years to life in prison for killing Ryan Zimmerman."
I'm still watching the video which adds extra details. Jealous angry disgusting troon, disgusting husband, and disgusting woman who allowed herself to be manipulated by everyone with a dick.
No. 1803309
>>1803305sarah also said, "me and Naira (troon) made a sucide pact. That if we were caught, we'd kill eachother because Naira didn't want to go to a male prision because she's "Anatomically" still male. She was very feminine and a male jail would be a death sentence". She has to be the biggest handmaiden in the world. You marry a bisexual chaser, you open your marriage up but then get mad when his gross ass brings his scrote around, after you move in your tranny GF.
Then you hate your husband's BF so much, you kill him with your violent tranny girlfriend.
All things point to Sarah being truthful that Naira played parts and probably even planned it. Even Corey said that Naira "Did not like people exploiting their sexualities" . A bunch of vile people.
No. 1803317
>>1803313>>1803286there is a thread dedicated to him at
>>>/snow/1766589 but i'll post the video here anyway. imagine an actual girl making a video like this about her growing boobs and what the reaction would be (and how many disgusting scrotes she would attract). it's disgusting what he is doing. but yeah, like other nonas have said, there is slight evidence of HRT but he clearly just doesn't have enough body fat.
No. 1803318
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I was reading a post about how OP got an ovarian cyst busted and the paramedics didn't take her seriously, with the title "being a woman sucks". To my surprise, there wasn't a TIM claiming "God I wish that was me", but there was a TIF saying that she got her illnesses seriously when she realized it was because she was assigned as woman and a troll saying "you're still privileged". Considering how Reddit is, I'm surprised.
Picrel, the second comment belongs here.
No. 1803319
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I was reading a post about how OP got an ovarian cyst busted and the paramedics didn't take her seriously, with the title "being a woman sucks". To my surprise, there wasn't a TIM claiming "God I wish that was me", but there was a TIF saying that she got her illnesses seriously when she realized it was because she was assigned as woman and a troll saying "you're still privileged". Considering how Reddit is, I'm surprised.
Picrel, the second comment belongs here.
No. 1803320
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Dyldo is growing some mold on his chin
No. 1803321
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Dyldo is growing some mold on his chin
No. 1803322
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Why are they all so retarded? Yes, trans athletes are rare, that's why it's so concerning that so many have already taken titles and records from women, it's also why it's so fucking retarded that they're throwing fits over it. So a handful of men can't play games with women, big fucking deal!
No. 1803323
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No. 1803324
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Why are they all so retarded? Yes, trans athletes are rare, that's why it's so concerning that so many have already taken titles and records from women, it's also why it's so fucking retarded that they're throwing fits over it. So a handful of men can't play games with women, big fucking deal!
No. 1803327
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>>1802904The original post was locked and removed and now they’re whining. It’s not anti-lgbt to remove this fucking post, it’s anti rape and violence dipshits. No. 1803329
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>>1803319I bet he's a TIM too.
No. 1803334
>>1803324>Genital inspectionsThese people clearly have never played sports in school. A routine physical examination is required for all children to play sports and part of the routine physical, and any other general pediatrician visit, a "genital inspection" happens. What does this "inspection" look like? The doctor taking a quick look at the child or teenagers genital area to make sure things look okay.
As always, they are so disingenuous.
Also kek at them saying how these things are harmful for women and making our experience worse. Well if we didn't have men trying to get into our sports, there wouldn't be the need for this legislation or other steps that burden women in the first place.
No. 1803335
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It's me again, about Emily the scooter. So this guy, so called Emily, made a video for tiktok with those other dumbasses, walking a guy with "learning disabilities" (which i guess means he is autistic, retarded or something) on a leash, inside of a mall in a big city in the country. The mom claims the guy (on a leash) was coerced to be in the video with violence threats
No. 1803337
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>>1803327Imagine saying this and thinking you’re a good person. They really think women want to be around them in any capacity when they’re as obsessed with rape as they are.
No. 1804108
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this guy, "Rose" Schmits, is on a pottery show here in the UK and just posted this in reaction to the proposed law changes for same-sex spaces.
public urination, how very male.
No. 1804109
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>>1804108samefag but here are some of his lame pottery designs
No. 1804128
>>1803327>reddit moderators are very anti LGBTreddit moderation team is made up of fat troons who shut down any subreddit that even
hints of trans exclusion.
No. 1804137
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I feel so sorry for his wife for trapping her into having a kid with him/getting married.
No. 1804141
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The plandemic was a mistake, we got more trannies than ever out of it.
No. 1804142
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No. 1804181
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>>1804172same nona I was a fan too but he is full TRA and it's too unbearable. how this giant man in a bow tie can complain that he can't use the men's toilet, when he literally just looks like what he is - an annoying, nerdy bloke. no one is gonna say shit if he uses the men's.
No. 1804185
new thread:
>>>/snow/1804184sorry in advance for the thread pic.