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No. 1827055
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>>1827053So far I've seen two trannies do this today
No. 1827065
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No. 1827069
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got this video in my recommended and the dramatic title made me kek. not gonna watch but I’m assuming it’s about the episode where Brian dates a troon and the show doesn’t kiss its ass enough. Meanwhile family guy makes misogynistic jokes all the time and makes light of rape yet no woman calls it “THE WORST MOMENT FOR WOMEN IN TV HISTORY!” Troons are so sensitive.
No. 1827070
>>1827069Reminds me of the time gta v removed “transphobic” jokes.
Why is it that a game where you can kill prostitutes suddenly decide that some people don’t deserve mockery?
No. 1827075
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>>1827065He looks the same
No. 1827086
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>>1827055I saw this just a few hours ago
No. 1827091
>>1827086I want that same energy for the TiFs on fathers day too.
>spouses couldn't bear their glorious transformationI think you meant the ultimate betrayal and entrapment
No. 1827094
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No. 1827118
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Hypno, ageplay, autism, ugly as sin. Just your standard tranny at this point
No. 1827236
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No. 1827279
>>1827219Wait really? Sorry I don't follow him on Twitter but that is just insufferable to learn that he genuinely believes that he's really trans? I mean we all know trans is a bunch of LARPing bullshit but it's so obvious with Chris why he trooned out.
Sorry anon, that just ruined my view of Geno because I thought that the only reason he was calling Chris by female pronouns was to avoid the series getting flagged by Chris Chan or stupid TRAs so to learn that Geno unironically believes this? Disappointing.
No. 1827288
>>1827279multiple times this has happened
>Chris trooned out to get access to women, he became the gal pal hoping he could attract girls>Geno- Source?I stopped liking him because that and also that cringe april fools video, where Chris transitions fully and then starts dating an older lesbian. Thats not the good end. The good end isn't him chopping his penis off and getting a woman to mommy him.
Even if Chris never said it, his logic is cut and clear, if this man could fuck his mother to get sexual access to a woman, Geno thinks he wouldn't say he's a woman hoping it'd give him access to women?
No. 1827301
>>1827288Geno should know, he did the research and made the videos. What part of Chris making vids and propositions to women saying he could have lesbian sex
and straight sex not clearly read as him transitioning to have sexual availability to as many women as possible?
No. 1827334
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>>1827327bowie was a chameleon and dumped the glam thing the second it stopped being a thing.
Boy george would def have been a gender special though
No. 1827364
>>1827236this shit makes me wish i believed an afterlife of divine justice. these animals deserve to be boiled alive in excrement for eternity
>>1827249honestly its not even worth describing scrotoid nipple discharge as milk, it probably has 0 fat content and is mostly just xenoestrogens, domperidone and whatever ssris, mood stabilisers or recreational drugs he is certainly taking. its fucking dangerous to give an infant liquid with no nutritional content, you cant even give them water because its a waste of stomach space. absolutely depraved that women not only reproduce with these degens but fucking PARENT with them. evil.
>>1827334bowie would have been a he/they or they/them for a few years while its relevant and fashionable for sure. hell if he was born in 2000 he would have been a he/she/they/xir lmao. also exactly what i was thinking
>>1827361 lol
No. 1827393
>>1827236I’m sorry, he posted PICTURES of him “breastfeeding” his newborn on Reddit? For what? Fucking updoots?
I’m not going to pull up the post and check because I don’t want to see that shit, but that’s appalling. I am so sad for that child, I can’t fucking imagine growing up with a dad like that.
No. 1827426
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No. 1827473
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let out an audible chuckle when I scrolled onto this comment on the yellowjackets subreddit of all places. weirdly, in other comments, she was using "moid" kek wtf the wires are very crossed
No. 1827479
>>1827335Men lie on the forms though, it's not like spermbanks care about verifying shit. I read a story about one couple whose spermbank son ended up with addiction and mental health issues which were undisclosed by the donor sperm. Plus men donate hundreds of times, so some shit man who could never get hundreds of women pregnant can have hundreds of kids he knows nothing about.
Gay couples are better off getting a man they know who is a known quantity to donate, like if you know the guy personally you will have a better idea what they will turn out like vs tall and intelligent on a form, which is meaningless imo when you think of what that translates to in actual male personalities.
Plus, there have been scandals where the men running the clinic are actually the fathers of every child because of course, anons can do some keyword searches if you wanna find these stories but I'm sure there's more. I would never trust what a moid put on a form and there's plenty of crazy moids with terrible personalities who look good on paper, this is why straight women search high and low for a partner kek it is not that simple
No. 1827516
>>1827497Agreed, I don't think people are guaranteed to inherit every trait, just responding to anon's assertion about sperm donors who look good on paper.
Never mind how many celebrity failsons and faildaughters there are, jamie lee curtis's tranny son and tom hank's sons being good examples. You can be born with endless money, health and talent and still be an embarrassment.
Nothing is guaranteed but imo sperm donor is about as risky as everything else and shouldn't be recommended over any other method.
No. 1827583
>>1827559 like yo daddy? Are you mentally ok? Clearly not.
Am just saying there's a reason why people don't take women's sexuality seriously because there are too many pretend lesbians.
(sage your shit) No. 1827597
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so gross
No. 1827621
>>1827583Men didn't take women's sexuality seriously from the beginning of humanity, when women didn't brag about lesbianism at every corner
So stfu retard you don't know shit
No. 1827652
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This sub is just as troon infested as r/WitchesVsPatriarchy
No. 1827660
>>1827652Legit EVERY fucking female sub on reddit is filled with troons being like "is it okay to be here even if im a trans woman uwu.. ?" and then handmaidens and other troons being like omg yeees ofcourse youre so
valid. Like over and over and over again, its like a fucking broken record
No. 1827679
>>1827660I have no clue how reddit moderation works, but can't mods just silently delete those posts? If I were unemployed and 10 degrees crazier enough to feel the urge to moderate on reddit, I'd just delete any and all posts on any women-focused subreddit that came from a moid or troon.
>>1827668I have a morality-based aversion to violence, especially the kind that is rampant in the USA. However, the older I get and the more I see how depraved and degenerate men are, the more I see the value in investing in proper self-defense.
No. 1827694
>>1827301Exactly. The writing is on the wall. And to add to that the various fetishes that Chris had that seems to entwine with troonery like obsession with big breasts and inflation. I'm just baffled that Geno is that dense, the man has been documenting this creep for years now and if anything, he should've been able to notice it more than any other person.
I actually did some looking in the comments of his video before this recent one and one of the commenters called him out saying that Geno should not indulge Chris' delusions and Geno actually replied saying that since Chris got documentation of his "gender change", his "identity is
valid". Are you fucking serious? It's a piece of paper Geno, documents can lie.
No. 1827697
>>1827288AYRT, Oh fuck I almost forgot about that cringe April Fool's Video. Chris actually getting a lesbian to fall for him, she wouldn't be a lesbian then you dipshit (not you anon lol). If Geno wrote that Chris finally came back to reality and stopped the trans bullshit and was living in reality as the man he is, that would've been a lot more fitting for the sake of the prank because lord knows there is next to no woman out there who would give Chris the time of day unless shes was severely mentally handicapped herself
And exactly, Chris called himself a "lesbian soul" because he would always throw a shitfit whenever the trolls said he was gay. He stupidly believed that he would be more likely to find a "boyfriend free girl" if he became a lesbian and he already said that he doesn't mind threesomes or swinging so long as no other men are involved. Lesbian fetishism is another trait of AGP. But something tells me Geno doesn't know what autogynephelia is.
No. 1827701
>>1827327David Bowie? I don't think he would've for the reason that
>>1827334 pointed out. He only really did the glam thing in the 70s and in the 80s onward, he more or less had a masculine -ish presentation. I never understand why people think David is some GNC figure when he only did that in what part of his life.
As for Boy George, yeah I could see him trooning out if he was a zoomer.
No. 1827754
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>>1827327David Bowie? like many nonnies mention, only for the lulz. Boy George? Totally.
>>1827710Even women cannot do androgyny without people claiming they're TIM or TIF in disguise. Picrel: Trannies would looooove to claim Grace Jones as a TIM when she's more woman than they're trying to be.
No. 1827770
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>>1827473Sage for OT. This user is stirring up tons of drama. Too bad we can't use pushshift to see removed comments anymore. No. 1827774
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>>1827770>Misogyny, Lesbophobia and Transphobiaonethingisnotliketheothers.mp3
No. 1827809
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>There are a neo-nazi group joining in clubs, so I'll make a thread about it so dumb CIS people can defend us.
Neo-nazi groups are horrible, but why add the "cis"? Does he think normal people do agree with Neo-Nazis in general??
No. 1827814
>>1827652I could've sworn that this same exact subreddit a while ago had a rule explicitly prohibiting anyone who was not a "cis woman". It was worded very gently yet firmly that they wanted no trans women in the sub. When I came to check again they completely removed that rule and had some rule now banning any transphobia and making some "trans women are women uwu" statement. What the hell? It was a subreddit about women and girl's safety and life advice. It wasn't even a
TERF sub, it wasn't confrontational, it was as gentle and affirming as possible in wording the rules. Yet porn subs can still exclude trannies no problem. But when women are doing it to talk about their own fucking safety? They must have either strong armed the mods into catering to troons or even worse, they must have forcibly installed a troon mod. Fucking gross. Trannies have to make everything about themselves and their sick fetish. I'm sorry but I was so fucking angry to see this. I hadn't even peaked yet when I found the subreddit initially, and I was a hardcore tranny supporter, but when I saw it I felt genuine relief that we could at least have one fucking sub to ourselves as "cis women" to avoid misogyny and hypersexualization and homophobia of troons. I believed trannies deserved their own spaces and even ass kissing, but thought it was nice to just have one fucking space centered around actual women. Never extend sympathy to troons because they will not hesitate to spit in your face in return.
No. 1827818
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>>1827652>>1827814Is like this image on the prior thread. These days nothing can be for women-only, you must include trannies.
And btw, bro, no one stops you to buy the items in the "women's safety tools". But do not be surprised if no one trust you with these because you'll use them as soon as someone calls you "man" by mistake and then you'll cover your ass saying it was "in transphobic defense".
No. 1827824
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>>1827821I'm not going to say where I am from, of course.
No. 1827846
>>1827842I kinda get why shapeshifter doesnt go back, he had bottom surgery so his dick got chopped off, he has breast implants and he got facial feminization surgery as well as years of hormones. At this point I think its really fucking hard to go backwards, and even if he gets more plastic surgery to look more male again he can never get his penis back.
So its like.. do I wanna continue living looking like an obvious tranny or try to look like a weird plastic surgery nightmare of a man with no penis?
No. 1827850
>>1827842yeah he literally doesn't have a dick anymore, sure he can go back to his OG form, but his body is forever fucked, no dick, probably a deformed chest, weird looking lips (even when deflated) etc.
I feel bad for him.
No. 1827851
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Somebody on twitter made their own troonshine lol
No. 1827855
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>>1827846Shapeshifter is actually hilarious he’s my personal cow, he has/had some sugar daddy that was on the brink of death and made vids with him high as fuck on end of life opiates with titles like „sugar daddy bout to transition into an angel | hospice drama“ I stopped following him soon after, he’s such an insane mess beyond just being a troon.
No. 1827865
>>1827842Indeed that ShapeShifter's story is sad as fuck and the interview was kinda ironic in a way because ShapeShifter is what Blaire would've been if he got his dick chopped off as well. Though it kinda shows how not that committed Blaire is to the larp if he won't get his dick cut off yet he thinks he should be the arbiter of what is and isn't trans? I means it's all bullshit anyway but it's still funny.
With ShapeShifter, he tends to have his relapsing where he feels like he should go back to believing the lie that he's a woman but he admitted that once he peaked, it's just impossible to go back to the lie.
His situation is truly fucked and I hope that he finds a way to be at peace with the consequences of his actions because what more could be said? I mean he could get phallo but it wouldn't be the same thing.
No. 1827878
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>>1827851far left looks like sally jane black, final boss of letterboxd
No. 1827896
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Trending right now on r/MedicalGore. Love how the congratulatory messages are the most controversial comments: No. 1827912
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>>1827896I'm gonna check back on this guy in a few months because I think he is a prime candidate for surgery regret
No. 1827950
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Found on Twitter. Next thread pic kek
No. 1827974
>>1827912"informed consent"
And then it's obvious these people have no idea what's going on, in any way, shape, or form.
No. 1827999
>>1827069The throwing up after fucking/kissing a troon is just a pisstake of when it was played straight in the Crying Game. It's always been an extremely lame reference joke, and Family Guy isn't the first to use it.
I personally prefer the South Park episodes about troons. They're actually critical of this nonsense, and manage to be funny while doing it.
No. 1828000
>>1827695Or a degenerate porn sub that fetishizes the abuse of women. They're allowed to specify "no dicks; bio women only"
Because, of course.
No. 1828048
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What the literal fuck.
No. 1828062
>>1827896This one is definitely gonna be growing hair inside
>>1827878I think it’s supposed to be alex caraballo?
No. 1828082
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>>1827053Same movie that has the protect trans kids flag. Wtf why are they pushing tranny agenda so hard in this movie
No. 1828092
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His fucking hair. What the fuck.
No. 1828112
>>1827896Is this how all of them look? Or am I just really stupid?
There's no way this is the best doctors can do, so is this like self mutilation, lol?
No. 1828116
>>1827878There’s these other trannies on letterboxd I found browsing lists once, the most insufferable fucking account i’ve come across and if you use letterboxd you know that says A LOT about how annoying the account is.>we are two very problematic trans ladies. if you're a moralist, are into respectability politics (especially including "good optics"), decry degeneracy, engage in callout culture, gatekeep lgbtq+, support cops of any kind, hate fun, can't circlejerk, think nihilism is "when bad people do bad thing and make feel bad" instead of a necessary component of anarchy, or are a kink-shaming prude who is prone to whining about gratuitous sex and sleaze, you should probably be elsewhere. we don't do this just to be edgy, sweetie. all who choose not to heed this warning, remember: you do so at the risk of your own personal corruption and/or later indignant disappointment in us!all media exists to be bent to our twisted purposes, with few favorable exceptions. SUPPORT DEVIANT, PERVERSE, GROSS, AND UNPALATABLE TRANS WOMEN, SOME OF THE MOST MARGINAL AND AT-RISK PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.
click here to take a trip through dragtradeland:
Weird fucking giant youtube playlist they included in the bio which includes normal tranny videos but also women fart videos and clips from shitty horror movies.
They rate movies on having girl vibes and gutter blood vibes, and also have 4154 fucking lists. They have a list for movies on “what it means to be a woman, according to us” and it’s all mostly shitty horror movies I also learned from their account that that video of troons doing heroin is listed ln letterboxd and has a rating of 3.9! No. 1828137
File: 1684223339053.jpg (158.53 KB, 810x1835, Screenshot_20230515-212557_Chr…)

This TIM in his quest to invade every women's subreddit. Also recently posted to r/TallGirls and r/TwoX
No. 1828142
>>1827855How do you have him as a personal lolcow and not know anything about him? He's NOT a troon. He's an autistic feminine gay detrans man very openly AGAINST trans ideology. His ex-husband being a sugar daddy was a running joke, I have no idea how you didn't catch that and took it at face value. Him being a bit crazy when someone close to him had just died isn't that weird, his titles have always been sarcastic and ironic though as that is his style of humor.
>>1827856>obviously he will never be able to get a normal partnerHe literally already has one though, he's engaged to another man.
No. 1828146
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Kim Petras for sports illustrated
I am vomit
No. 1828151
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3 for 1? Transgender, transracial, and transage since it looks like he's trying to transition into a Korean boy
No. 1828160
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>pull off being a woman
on what planet
No. 1828177
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>>1828092The humongous adidas sneakers omg
No. 1828182
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Holy comb-over this is hilarious
No. 1828212
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No. 1828218
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Moid wins women’s bike race, doesn’t get why the women didn’t join him on the podium. More of this please. No. 1828249
>>1828212Same ogre:
>>1827118Commenter u/Throttle_Kitty who really doesn't look any better from last thread:
>>1826489Small world, lol
No. 1828266
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No. 1828270
>>1828261Donald Cline. He did it for at least two decades
without patient knowledge or consent.
>>1828212reddit when a man tells an ex girlfriend to her face to kill herself and she does: it’s not your fault king!! she had issues that weren’t your fault!!! her mental health was HER responsibility!!!!!
No. 1828288
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This shit isn't slowing down anytime soon, is it nonnas?
No. 1828298
>>1827842>I wondered why detrans people often don't really fully go back to their original genderNona, he had his dick removed. What is he gonna do, dig up a corpse so he can cut the dick off it and glue it on himself?
If you think a detrans person can snap their fingers and revert back to their sex again that means you're as delusional as troons who think hrt and surgeries are harmless magic fixes that turn them into women. They're irreversibly damaged in extreme ways, and they were often gnc people to begin with so their manliest male selves are still effeminate gay men who love makeup.
No. 1828323
>>1827138>Potentially harmfulYou think? Yeah grooming male children so they can grow up to be prostitutes for men sure seems harmful. Also woke burgers really are funny, they literally see men raping/mutilating/abusing young boys but if it has a fancy foreign name then it's suddenly a ~~third gender~~ and it's a wonderful practice. Same with bacha bazi, two spirit, femminiello, castrati, kagema, onnagata, take pedophilia or homophobia/misoginy and give it a non-english name and it becomes acceptable.
>>1828142K thank you for clarifying why your favourite misogynistic faggot who takes hormones, presents as a conventional woman and chopped off his dick is totally not a cow and was never a tranny.
No. 1828383
>>1827842Deserved tbh, I don’t feel bad for him, or for any of the trannies that troon out when they’re over 20 years olds.
>they didn’t protect me from myself>I wish I could’ve been huggedHe’s a grown ass man, unless he was groomed when he was a child or a teen, then why did he even consider it? Why is he blaming others for what he did to himself?
I hate how trannies are a cult, and I know that lonely people fall for these things all of the time.
But if you don’t ever sit down and reflect on your actions, specially as an adult, on how everything is affecting you and what are you being told to do as part of a cult, then of course no one is going to come and hug you and tell you that you shouldn’t listen to the cult.
Because if anyone even says “this is kinda bad for your mental health” or “you changed a lot and now you’re only talking about the cult” then it’s okay if that person gets fired from their job, expelled from any school, cancelled on the internet and so on.
How the fuck do you even approach someone surrounded by shit like that? Like what the hell does any tranny that falls that deep, like he did, thinks when they’re not getting hugs, asspats and warnings? That not everyone is going to receive death threats, rape threats and such on their behalf from the people of the cult or what?
It’s so selfish and manipulative to say that It’s other people’s faults, the fact that he fucked himself up and that now he’s just a freak.
You know who I actually feel bad for? For that guy with the TV show that got trooned out by his family for the sake of money, and got the dick chop because it’s part of the show, or the teens and kids nowadays saying that they want to be trannies, I feel bad for them because they’re following the example of the grown ass adults thinking that they’re being cool and expressing themselves when in reality they’re just mutilating their bodies.
No. 1828395
>>1828383I understand what you mean anon. ShapeShifter did mention in one of his video that he came from a homophobic family who didn't accept him being gay nor a gender nonconforming man back when he lived in Russia which is where he's originally from and for that, I do have some slight sympathy for him there.
But he's also one of the people who played a part in getting Exulansic's original channel to be taken down. Say what you want about her but at least she's spreading awareness and shining a spotlight on the "surgeries". And it only highlights why my sympathy for Shape has a limit. He got beyond
triggered when she made her video on him and got her channel terminated. And yet he's surprised that not many people were being real with him? Because of consequences like that.
>For that guy with the TV show that got trooned out by his family for the sake of money, and got the dick chop because it’s part of the showI agree that Jazz Jenning's story is far much more worse than Shape's because at least Shape went through puberty and got to have some experience with exploring his sexuality. Meanwhile Jazz was fucked from the start and he's already living he hardship of not being able to have a dating life and sex life since he got his penis chopped off when he was still in high school as he got it done when he was 17. Poor boy had no chance.
No. 1828408
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We don't call them transcels for nothing. Prime peaking material here: No. 1828431
>>1828395I, for one, am shocked that someone who lied (to himself and ig others) for years about being a woman (or a "woman on the inside") would also lie about other details about his life, like where he was born.
And I'm also shocked that someone who was crazy enough to cut his own penis off is still crazy now, even though he can admit he's a biological male now.
No. 1828482
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Thought I clicked on a normal clothing try on and eww. Of course the comments were restricted and the troon only kept positive ones. Checked if it was like this on all his posts and it was, in one of them where he was responding to someone saying "not a real girl", someone commented "but trans is a popular porn search term so they do like you actually" because the only way moids understand compliments and validation is if they're sexual
No. 1828520
>>1828288>HRT makes chocolate taste goodRight, because apparently no male on Earth enjoys the taste of chocolate unless he injects horse piss. This is so retarded, they accuse us of "reducing women to their uteruses," but that's a hell of a lot better than reducing women to narrow stereotypes invented by men, typically to sell shit.
It's literally reductive nonsense they saw in movies and on TV, because they lack the emotional intelligence to just pay attention to what women say and think in real life. They see fictional characters eating ice cream (sponsored by Ben and Jerry's!) and watching rom-coms after a break-up and think
all women do that kind of thing. They see characters getting dramatic makeovers and think that women act as each other's personal makeup artists and wardrobe consultants. They see women screaming their heads off and overreacting in porn as a guy joylessly jackhammers into her and think that it in any way resembles a fulfilling sexual experience for women. They fantasize about these things and assume that it means they want to be women, but what they actually want to be is fictional characters. They want to be the woman-shaped display rack companies use to market their products.
No. 1828547
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>>1828146My entire facebook and IG are filled with my acquaintances 'yasss queen'ing and #thisiswhattranslookslike. The cover photo is SO ridiculously photoshopped it’s insulting.
No. 1828554
File: 1684281077770.png (331.59 KB, 748x705, Twitter.png)

fucking weirdo
No. 1828556
File: 1684281260404.png (215.29 KB, 750x1011, Billy Bragg on Twitter.png)

No. 1828572
File: 1684283701418.png (1.59 MB, 2235x1399, Fighting the ban on trans wome…)

good luck with that scrote
No. 1828604
File: 1684288497397.jpeg (114.36 KB, 827x1420, 2C4D8582-ACB3-4935-A43A-DF9A62…)

Clocked at lightning speed, I don’t understand why troons try to dress this way with such unfortunate proportions. Apparently he’s a model too
No. 1828609
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Jeopardy is fun
No. 1828615
File: 1684289627424.png (254.31 KB, 598x570, FwQ4IzNWIAAkK-2.png)

more cope from mandia
No. 1828617
File: 1684289768594.jpg (66.36 KB, 720x1600, FwROTzNWYAI9aHQ.jpg)

Toob took the bog pill
No. 1828619
File: 1684290132478.webm (3.73 MB, 320x568, novaramedia_status_16584141758…)
>>1828617here's the funny interview with toob too.
No. 1828620
File: 1684290239657.jpg (Spoiler Image,675.35 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_5285.jpg)

>>1828112>There's no way this is the best doctors can doCheck out the neo-vaginas created by Marci Bowers, the surgeon who performed Jazz Jennings vaginaplasty. that Bowers sits on the board of WPATH making the SoC for GRS.
No. 1828624
>>1828620I mean that's closer i
guess but why does the inside of the "minora" always looks like red jello with fruit chunks in it?
No. 1828626
>>1828615tbf i'm not sure what was the first guy's point but "proof you can change sex" is so retarded, sex does not depend on your hair length omfg
>>1828619>you can't argue with people whose whole position is the denial of realityalways so much projection from the TRAs it's amazing. i love how he brings up "stats from the dozen of countries who have adopted self ID" like this isn't some
very recent trend lacking data. there are stats and studies also about TIMs retaining a male pattern criminality, trans-identified people still being suicidal after "transition", puberty blockers and surgery being highly dangerous etc. but i guess he's not so interested in them.
No. 1828644
File: 1684292691546.png (200.91 KB, 419x372, IMG_3946.png)

>>1828547Tim is a fucking mess. He is literally why I fully peaked recently. His snarky little remarks on Kesha’s rape are disgusting. He only looks slightly normal because he started tranny hormones as a kid.
No. 1828653
File: 1684293825957.jpg (63.12 KB, 750x1037, s36qqv6u880b1.jpg) troons who think you should get the firing squad for swiping left on them also think pedos who don't offend are cool and should be given child sex dolls. You see, the concept of dicking toddlers must be addressed with nuance, everything else is die cis scum material though. This really convinced me that not all trannies are discord groomers and coping incels.
No. 1828656
File: 1684294046386.jpeg (568.7 KB, 3465x1947, 3F867893-7F7B-403A-8130-EFFEAE…)

This has been touched on a bit in previous threads but this site is starting to be talked about again. Some radfems on twitter have been pulling out very detailed information on this website. Otokonoko pharmaceuticals is a website where illegal troon hormones can be purchased through bitcoin. Recently children as young as 15 have been posting about it on Twitter and Tiktok. The troon running the site is a pedophile weeb obsessed with lolis living in brazil. Half of the substances he’s selling can kill
No. 1828658
File: 1684294244122.png (111.77 KB, 750x946, cafebeef on Twitter.png)

tranny is having a meltdown on twitter
he just discovered troons will never look like actual women.
No. 1828670
File: 1684294878519.jpg (234.65 KB, 1154x2048, FwFp4IwXoAAx277.jpg)

No. 1828676
File: 1684295840362.png (509.2 KB, 748x776, Screenshot on Twitter.png)

No. 1828678
File: 1684296472323.png (422.04 KB, 657x1019, 1677429856931.png)

>>1828656The other farms has a thread on the TiM that runs this shit, Chloe Elselvier Solanders. 3 months ago a customer discovered hair in his troonshine vial.
No. 1828680
File: 1684296595804.webm (5.11 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_723394723046457681…)
Here is noided cora, a mediocre white male tranny on tiktok that has a pick me, obese, spicy straight girlfriend. Despite being both hideous in appearance and personality he managed to pull a beached whale.
No. 1828683
File: 1684296685538.png (373.06 KB, 1173x508, Captura de pantalla 2023-05-16…)

>>1828680girl in question.
No. 1828685
File: 1684296948307.png (661.89 KB, 730x1119, victoria twitter.png)

why is every single reply to this misunderstanding the original tweet? Men who compete against women have an unfair advantage, even tifs who inject testosterone?
No. 1828704
File: 1684299246874.jpeg (175.16 KB, 1159x1378, IMG_3969.jpeg)

>>1828680how can this extremely misogynistic troon incel find love meanwhile most moid “incels” claim they could never get a girlfriend. it’s so easy for males
No. 1828721
File: 1684302357484.jpeg (124 KB, 1284x713, IMG_3978.jpeg)

I don’t give a fuck about Taylor Swift but why is it always male troons that type like this
No. 1828739
File: 1684304396162.jpeg (115.14 KB, 828x1122, IMG_9616.jpeg)

>>1828658It gets even better lmfao. The troons coping in the replies are hilarious.
No. 1828743
>>1828408Is no one really gonna mention that line of "She finally left me after 8 months of trying to" … What did he do to stop her from leaving? Im sure it was plenty of suicide threats & manipulative bullshit.
Abusive moids always tell on themselves & dont even realize it. Nonnies seriously pay attention to what men say because
abusive assholes will always slip up & admit to exactly who they are. Good for that woman, wish the best for her. Hopefully the tranny is too busy slurping rando dick to focus on trying to manipulate her back into his life or try smearing her name.
No. 1828748
File: 1684305598790.jpeg (47.96 KB, 640x662, 1FEF6523-E03D-47A1-888A-BFE4FD…)

>>1827814It was for the subreddit r/DegradingHoles (they removed the rule as they approached the 1 million members mark). The rule was there past 500k members
No. 1828749
File: 1684305716864.png (49.73 KB, 2020x840, 69A12949-2DDC-4A36-99C3-9B3BCD…)

>>1828748I also noticed this sub (over a million) has a females only rule. Every heterosexual man on Reddit knows trans women aren’t women the moment they need to jerk off, even if they won’t say it out loud
No. 1828755
>>1828658kek @ at those replying "but you literally look like the average female without makeup though, they also use angles you know!!" under this pic
>>1828743yes, this. also "my partner of
14 years left" immediately followed by "Anyway i finally got bent over by a man!!"…bleak.
No. 1828865
File: 1684320335731.png (94.72 KB, 1072x496, Captura de pantalla 2023-05-17…)

>>1828658here is are retards that claims that he looks like a 30 year old "cis" white woman. He doesn't. I want to A-log. Especially the khyenpa one since it's using art I like for a profile picture. Fucking faggot.
No. 1828866
>>1828656The troon's (Lilian Castro) name who operates the site is not João. I know that because many eons ago the troon used to display the phone number on site and a quickly Google search showed their information. I want to post all the information I found about I found about the company and it is not illegal since it is public information.
Maybe I will just not divulge the phone number because it can be not his cellphone number anymore and I wouldn't want to disrupt some innocent person's peace
No. 1828869
File: 1684321586918.jpg (84.6 KB, 1080x808, Screenshot_20230517-063909_Boo…)

Geriatric TIM works on the domestic abuse team at a women's center.
No. 1828895
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>>1828739>>1828849>Please send the link nona kek I wanna see the shit stormOfc here sympathizes with incels kek. Here's the link. Can't archive it with anything anymore because nothing can penetrate Twitter's NSFW wall: No. 1828902
File: 1684326242967.png (Spoiler Image,80.43 KB, 854x1126, Screen-Shot-2021-06-07-at-5.05…)

>>1828901sage your shit, no it's not "a pussy deep hole", it's just a rot pocket, a mangled dick.
No. 1828913
File: 1684327888811.jpg (45.94 KB, 560x560, kek.jpg) article is a couple of months old so it's possible it's already been discussed, but holy shit i'm in actual disbelief. My fave parts;
>I officially made the decision when the American Supreme Court brought down their ruling that eliminated a person's rights to terminate pregnancy[….]I made the decision very quickly because I felt like I was imminently in danger.Women lose right to abortion, man most affected
>this camp in Berlin was not set up for people from America. I have to assume none of them really were. The concept of an American coming for asylum in the first place is inconceivable to them, I think.>There have been plenty of people who have come after me and got their interview before me though, and there has been intense pressure for me to voluntarily return to America. The social workers have been telling me it is just about guaranteed that I am going to fail in this whole process.>There's unfortunately always the bathroom issue, and it always disturbed me that I need to go to that one restroom and I'm not allowed into the other>While in Wisconsin, I did not experience any significant discrimination. […] Other than [the bathroom issue], nobody has directly been transphobic with me […] The only real issue is that most people misgender me.Picture related; this man is so disturbed he's not allowed in the women's restroom he fled the country.
No. 1828935
>>1828895Cafebeef has been doing this for as long as I can remember and I followed him for a while years ago. He always posts about how ugly and manly he is and how he hates himself cause he doesn't pass and he's going to detransition or be a "manmoder". Yet he keeps spending more and more money on getting plastic surgery and never actually stops being a tranny. He's just doing this for the attention he gets in replies and I am convinced this is also his fetish. Inside he thinks he is totally cute and hotter than all women who he thinks are all dumb cunts so thats why straight men should date him instead!
He will never change or kill himself or detransition. Literally stopped following him cause it was just the same shit over and over again.
No. 1828968
File: 1684335583788.png (756.99 KB, 1768x1976, Atrocious.png)

I feel bad for those American women at the University of Wyoming. A group of sorority sisters at the University of Wyoming is suing because in September the school plans to allow a problematic scrote live in the sorority house.
Artemis Langford has not taken steps to transition, the complaintstates; he still carries a driver's license that identifies himas a male wears women's clothing only occasionally, and has refrained from treatments such as hormone therapy feminization surgery, and laser hair removal. Langford is sexually interested in women, the plaintiffs allege, using Tinder to meet them. Witnesses cited in the complaint said they've seen Langford sitting alone in private areas of the sorority house, where he can get close look at women walking by, with a visible erection Sometimes, a pillow sits on Langford's lap, the witnesses said.
Some more snippets about this freak:
“One sorority member walked down the hall to take a shower, wearing only a towel,” the document says. “She felt an unsettling presence, turned, and saw Mr. Smith watching her silently.”
“Smith” is 21 years old, is 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighs 260 pounds, the document says, adding, “No other member of Kappa Kappa Gamma has comparable size or strength."
"The complaint also claims Langford took photographs of the women at awkward moments when they were not prepared while at a sorority slumber party.
“Smith repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, breast cup size, whether women were considering breast reductions and birth control,” the complaint alleges.
Langford “was supposed” to leave the slumber party by 10 p.m. but did not, saying Smith would leave “after you fall asleep.”
Pictures of this creature are outright scary. They should come with a warning for jump scare. He's a hulking blister.
No. 1828979
>>1828408Yeah of course they’d find sex faster when trying to fuck gays, they will fuck anyone anywhere. Women pick and choose because they get overpowered and can get pregnant, also aren’t into being pumped and dumped as much as gays are.
And when it comes to women having easier time finding LTR, are men legit dumb? If it’s so easy getting a relationship as a woman but hard as an attractive man, who are the women dating? Takes two to tango you idiots, attractive men have no problems dating.
No. 1828989
>>1828913'Asylum' and 'refugee' don't mean anything anymore, huh
>>1828969Nothing the Germans did makes them deserve this.
No. 1828991
>>1828620This is the best one I've seen and yet it still looks nothing like the real thing.
At least there's one good thing you can say about Bowers - he does surgeries that restore sexual sensation in FGM
victims. It's rare for a MTF to do something for actual women, so I can hand it to him.
No. 1829014
>>1828913>WisconsinJust move down to Illinois, jackass. Why would someone “fleeing trans genocide” want to move closer to the infamous
Terf Island, anyway?
No. 1829045
File: 1684342305964.jpg (150.75 KB, 809x1514, 1684337349056909.jpg)

>>1828968Stumbled upon some interesting rumors. Promising lots of milk if there is any truth to this.
No. 1829058
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No. 1829147
File: 1684351638612.jpg (117.21 KB, 1080x1006, FwWO6ojWABEiE7S.jpg)

Yes a "cis" vagina stinks but the wound hole from an inverted penis and/or colon tissue that cant clean itself, is constantly trying to stay closed and has hair growing inside doesnt
No. 1829148
File: 1684351673436.png (894.35 KB, 563x1208,…)

stumbled upon this TIMothy in the wild while reading a comment section on YouTube (he had his socials on his profile). I could immediately tell by the narcissism pulsing through his random ass comment on he video that it was a man kek. he's surely a wacky one
No. 1829165
File: 1684352483629.png (1.13 MB, 1276x742, Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 1.35…)

>>1829045I'm pretty sure this is the U of wyoming sorority who were shamed into accepting some fat autist. apparently he would stare at them undressing, ask them questions about their breasts and what their vaginas looked like. a bunch of the women are suing. ten years ago he would've been tipping his fedora to m'lady and masturbating into his yu-gi-oh cards abut the cute sorority girls he could never get. in present year he gets to pretend to be a girl and harass them in person. and he looks exactly how you think.
No. 1829196
>>1829147This just in: troons literally think their shit doesn't stink.
Given how the "discharge" they secrete from their axe-wounds comes from a section of grafted colon and all.
No. 1829207
File: 1684357321164.png (Spoiler Image,748.3 KB, 1181x2048, chrome_screenshot_168435724693…)

(stinkditch) looks like a second butthole
No. 1829211
File: 1684357556096.jpg (91.25 KB, 1080x1110, FwVYuRFXoAAg3ks.jpg)

Put some cultural appropriation on top of your womanface
No. 1829227
File: 1684359479268.png (11.78 KB, 598x340, twitter.png)

>We transbians are normal
Press (x) to doubt.
No. 1829236
File: 1684360438168.jpeg (87.44 KB, 1159x845, DFCC35F7-FFE6-41ED-98F2-B83707…)

>>1829092nonnie this looks amazing, i did not know about this epic gamer moment
>>1828913>I told her, “If I stay in America, I will commit suicide because I'm terrified of what the bigots would do to me.”lol imagine yeeting yourself because you have to use the men’s restroom
No. 1829237
>>1828968>>1829045>>1829165>Stumbled upon some interesting rumors. Promising lots of milk if there is any truth to this.>I'm pretty sure this is the U of wyoming sorority who were shamed into accepting some fat autist.It was. And they were bullied rather than shamed. Some of the women from the lawsuit went public and talked about everything on Megan Kelly's show. It's about 45 minutes long. They said everything in the screenshot
>>1829045. Idk if they did other interviews, I was just linked to Kelly's show. Who has gone 1000% gender critical/anti-troon by the way (do you need to be feminist to be gc?). She goes off on troons a lot on her show and there was a pic of her wearing a hat that said "Make Women Female Again". She's still a batshit republican though.
No. 1829247
>>1829228This is too real.
>dude flirting with crossdresser.Way too real.
No. 1829262
File: 1684363273764.png (366.45 KB, 2271x978, Blaire1679858359163.png)

>>1827842Someone shared this in the Blaire White thread and it was a live hangout that Blaire did back in either 2016 or 2017 that he deleted but someone thankfully archived. In it he pretty much exposes the reason why he's so deluded in his "identity" as a "transwoman".
>Homophobic Family>Wanted to have long hair but his family gave him shit for itAnd throughout the whole thing, he drones on saying that the reason his family disapproved of him was because he's "trans" when it so clearly is that he was a gender nonconforming gay man.
So it's very ironic that he's talking with ShapeShifter who came from a similar background (just different culture and country) and I'm sure he was having little peak moments within as ShapeShifter explained his story.
No. 1829337
>>1829316Yeah, not all of Europe is amsterdam.
It's like saying all americans act like stereotypical gun loving texans.
No. 1829342
>>1828968What made me laugh is the (British) website I read about this case on actually bothered to point out in the caption which "sorority girl" was the man in the group photo.
What's with this though? I thought sororities were exclusive self-selecting houses? Or are they open to all (female) college students in the daytime?
No. 1829345
File: 1684376326181.png (432.1 KB, 750x1008, Voice For Kids on Twitter.png)

>>1829039No but the performers were in drag.
No. 1829346
File: 1684376593757.jpg (97.56 KB, 1179x1490, FwVQTjaWcAELPQ6.jpg)

oh boy
No. 1829348
File: 1684376740983.webm (5.58 MB, 480x270, WomenReadWomen_status_16588639…)
I love seeing triggered trannies.
No. 1829358
File: 1684378135376.jpg (32.17 KB, 849x165, chiknfukr.jpg)

>>1828018Speaking of polyester. Waters openly sucked Depp's dick during the allegations against him yet as far as i know no handmaidens are trying to bash him like they do JKR for keeping him on a movie and remaining mum about the whole thing
No. 1829385
File: 1684383291329.jpg (252.62 KB, 1059x1708, 1684382659364.jpg)

>>1829368I thought the pic above geena looked like sigourney weaver and it turns out I was right. The pig was baiting people with pics of women his incel ass perceives as manly. He used sigourney, geena, jk Rowling, and Laura branigan to bait people into claiming they are men and mock their features. I also got to see a nice pic of him showing off a new shirt, or should I say his dick folded into a pair of floral panties. But it's totally not a fetish
No. 1829396
>>1829188disgusting, but also super misleading to use "women" and "vagina" to refer to troons and their wounds even in a medical setting and study
No. 1829476
File: 1684407465901.png (214.35 KB, 827x908, itneverhappens.png)

don't forget, not only does it never happen, it especially doesn't happen extra often in scotland
No. 1829478
File: 1684408551065.jpg (191.06 KB, 1080x1145, FwU6WuGWAAAm0uc.jpg)

I cant believe how many of them are so surprised that chemical castration drugs make their libido die
No. 1829495
>>1829478Which do you nonnas think is funnier - troon posts where they whine about how taking estrogen and/or getting castrated has killed their libido (who would’ve thought?!), or posts where they whine about how they’ve been on hormones for X number of years and had X surgeries but they’ve failed to turn into the hot big titty waifu of their dreams?
Honestly TERFs can just sit back and relax - we don’t even have to do anything to stand up against trannies because reality pwns them all on its own.
No. 1829499
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No. 1829509
>>1829495Seriously, just letting people watch the news is enough, you don’t even need to show them anything or make reference to anything. If the people you know have a functioning brain, they will be able to do the math and notice that moids can’t be women.
Like a girl who is a whole ass doctor believed in the tranny shit, of course, after a week of getting bombarded with tranny shit, not even gender critical stuff or stuff against trannies, literally their own content that they produce to promote their own cult, she peaked.
And if you have friends that are into reading they will just find out on their own by reading.
No. 1829512
File: 1684414142453.png (327.18 KB, 1016x724, Screen Shot 2023-05-18 at 10.4…)

>>1829499I'll never forget the shot in the head that was seeing this ad in real life. Don't hang around trannies and you won't have this problem!
>>1829506I know they dont on hinge, because i can filter out non binaries. Iirc they'll only really ban you if you outright say you won't swipe on trannies, but honestly it's the lesbian apps that are more strict because straight apps still need to pander to men
No. 1829516
>>1829506kek the only thing i've gotten is hinge literally telling me i need to swipe right on more people because they can't tell what i like and therefore can't match me. i swipe left on 99% of profiles in general. i am not built for dating apps.
>>1829512the funniest part to me is acting like cis people date trans people on purpose and that it isn't a mistake when the trannies lie and deceive others, and forgetting the reason "t4t" even exists in the first place.
No. 1829588
>>1829512ayrt- I've given up a long time ago on lesbian apps because of the sheer amount of men and she/they nlogs, indeed on hinge I could filter them. Tinder was worse.
This ad campaign is so fucking surreal. Cr(h)inge. At least they're doing a great job of embarrassing themselves in public and losing widespread credibility as
>>1829509 said
No. 1829596
File: 1684430173375.webm (1.52 MB, 576x1024, dawnphobic.webm)
@dawnphobic on Tiktok used to be obese but he thinks all of the loose skin is him having a fat girl ass from his horsepiss injections KEK
No. 1829600
>>1829348I was wondering recently when "
TERF" would escape the internet into more mainstream media; of course it was in Madison.
No. 1829614
File: 1684430576520.jpg (53.48 KB, 640x416, dkoytm1jgi0b1.jpg)

I live in Croatia. There are basically no trannies here (except a handful in the richest cities). Gay people are still heavily discriminated and could easily fall victim to hate crime, but hey! They put 3 trans flags up! Perfect representation how trannies want to be louder than everyone else.
No. 1829620
File: 1684430994336.png (5.49 KB, 458x194, Screenshot_356.png)

>>1827327>>1827334Boy George has actually said some fairly based shit
No. 1829634
File: 1684431675518.jpg (167.26 KB, 810x1814, Screenshot_20230518-133229_Chr…)

Yes, trannies are the real
victims here: No. 1829635
File: 1684431719471.jpg (201.17 KB, 1080x1150, FwXSN0XWwAMzjZT.jpg)

Never ever stay with a guy trooning out. They will sacrifice EVERYTHING for their fetish, including you
No. 1829636
>>1829462NTA but they really are just big, expensive, and exclusive social groups. Greek life was huge at the university I went to but the sorority houses weren’t somewhere they actually lived. I wasn’t even aware any school still had them. It seems super weird to me that they allowed this guy in because I was always under the impression that the girls themselves selected members. Bizarre that this guy even got passed rush week.
Some schools have over half of their undergrads involved in Greek life so they’re really not as exclusive as movies make them out to be. Plenty of unattractive and/or overweight (lol have you seen the average Southern college girl?) members. People seem to mainly join for potential networking opportunities or because other women they know enjoyed their time there but that’s just my impression as an outsider.
>>1829501Those weren’t sororities but are essentially honor societies.
No. 1829643
>>1829614Also croatian and this shit pisses me off every year, I'm not even from Zagreb or any big town
I also hate how much Zagreb pride has been advertising and posting about trannies in general, they just keep following american trends
No. 1829644
Does r/itsafetish have a new home?
>https://www.itsafetish.orgis mostly archives. I miss that sub so much.
>>1829614Fuck it. How can I ever again go on holidays there with my family unless I avoid June (beginning of July as well?)?
No. 1829669
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>>1829652I think he's just a jaded and somewhat confused boomer, idk
No. 1829676
>>1829636> It seems super weird to me that they allowed this guy in because I was always under the impression that the girls themselves selected members. Bizarre that this guy even got passed rush week.Handmaidens are the reason he passed rush week. Iirc a lot of women in the sorority were unhappy with the idea of him joining but they said that a good portion of the sorority members were shaming them for feeling uncomfortable and calling them transphobic.
Any college campus you go to in America right now is like this. It has gotten so bad.
No. 1829679
File: 1684433723609.jpg (16.12 KB, 655x81, dm.jpg)

>>1829667Sorry for triple-posting. I love Daily Fail.
No. 1829800
File: 1684438903418.jpg (69.25 KB, 719x1025, fZgm0kd.jpg)

>>1827053Haha, gotcha
terf! Anyone can be a woman if they perform femininity well enough because you wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway!
No. 1829811
File: 1684439494076.jpg (165.71 KB, 1080x1459, FwbwBPbWAAEb6qs.jpg)

I dont think its just the makeup buddy
No. 1829924
File: 1684446071601.png (236.43 KB, 1211x2048, Screenshot_20230518-164130.png)

>>1829911never heard of this so looked it up
topkek No. 1829930
File: 1684446778927.jpg (70.12 KB, 750x932, FwSBqXiWwAUbkJ5.jpg)

No. 1829944
>>1829924As if there aren’t already too many trannys in media writing horrendously bias and un-researched “articles” spreading misinformation and trying to normalize deviant behavior on a mass scale
No. 1829953
File: 1684447838871.jpg (209.54 KB, 1079x1486, FwcLbetWwAEpgDh.jpg)

God theres alot of gross unwashed autistic troons out there it seems like a fucking pandemic at this point
No. 1829954
File: 1684447870759.jpg (5.5 KB, 300x250, elmo shock.jpg)

>>1829596You can see for just a moment the angle and his position produces the image he wants to see. So much of this trend has to do with living in one's head and needing your appearance to pass only in bursts for online content. Social media, filters, covid isolation… we had a perfect storm for this.
No. 1830002
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Can we please stop enabling this: No. 1830010
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So this hideous retard has been arrested AGAIN for stealing more luggage.
No. 1830038
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>>1830010I'm so sorry but I had to do this
No. 1830110
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because longing to wear a sexualized outfit equates to being a woman.
No. 1830122
>>1829418it's no different to before the tranny epidemic when all women's clothing was modeled by women who looked like famine
victims. the modeling industry doesn't sell clothes, it sells insecurity and poor body image.
No. 1830156
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No. 1830171
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No wonder vice is going bankrupt.
No. 1830201
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>>1829667This is what the butcher pedo moid ACTUALLY looks like btw. They keep using his edited troon selfies in the media. Good job whoever punched him in the face.
No. 1830222
>>1829800This stupid gotcha defeats their stupid beliefs tho, so this cretin is saying that I can go ahead and not respect turbohons' womansona without them chomping the fuck out, right? Since it's about how you look and how well you can deceive people I can call the 6' ogre in movie hooker make-up a man, since he's so obviously one, right? And they won't have a meltdown? Oh no, but if you do that you're still a
terf and clothes have no gender and awesome stunning trans gals don't owe you femininity and blah blah blah. So which is it, do I need to telepathically align myself with every stunted crybully narc and his made-up identity or can I go ahead and judge people on how much they "pass" aka how well they can lie to people, and epically invalidate the other ones who don't pass so well (which, let's be real, passing means how well you can lie + how attractive they find you, that's why conscrotes cream themselves over Blaire white, if he didn't look like a blow-up doll and looked like a frumpy mid girl they wouldn't give him the time of day)
Absolute cretins, sage for rant.
No. 1830231
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The delusion is so extremely high in these people, 95% of their transition or effects of HRT is in their heads
No. 1830253
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No. 1830281
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Men are so embarassing…
No. 1830297
>>1830015Looking at
>>1830026 it seems like it's not actually a third case, but the Tanzanian fashion designer he stole from awhile back seems to have pressed actual charges. Good for her.
No. 1830327
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How to even begin unpacking this.
No. 1830334
>>1830312I'm sorry that happened to you
nonnie. I feel like I hear a new sport being invaded every other day so I guess even this shouldn't come as a surprise. Men have brought back a society where it's acceptable and normal to assault women and children with zero consequences.
No. 1830341
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The rhetoric surrounding "trans kids" is intriguing to me. While there may be only a few thousand of them (probably fewer than the number of kids with Heterochromia), Troons and their supporters recognize that their demographic will be associated with perverted men. As a result, they have devoted a significant amount of attention to the few trans children, treating them as if they were a marginalized ethnic group subjected to systematic genocide. The "Protect Trans Kids" slogan is honestly a genius marketing strategy that has successfully convinced a lot of liberals to support their cause. You hear people say things like 'you're basically killing trans children' online and in real life.
No. 1830420
>>1830413Cause it's cheap plastic garbage from AliExpress. They sell for cheap so they're made with cheap fabrics, most likely 100% polyester which is plastic. And anyone who has had the displeasure of buying something that is fully polyester can tell you and cheap it feels and looks.
The original from the 80s was handsown if I'm remembering correctly, and fabric in 80s was probably higher quality. These flags are made sweatshops and are sold in Chinese marketplaces that sell anything. It wouldn't surprised me if the Chinese woman processing these for a pittance is sat next to another Chinese woman processing Nazi flags.
State flags and the like, the ones
No. 1830434
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>>1830285>>1830312>>1830334It happened in my local league too; my platonic life partner and I used to be big supporters at the league and I wanted to play at some point. I volunteered as an ambassador to explain the game to new fans, my partner did posters, we got free admission. That was like 10 years ago. Pic rel is from the league's website.
No. 1830475
>>1830359Calling it now in the year 2023: in a decade or so, when current gens' brains have finished cooking, there will be a mass wave of detransitioners who will READILY point their fingers at LGB and accuse them of being the groomers/negative influence that brainwashed them in to mutilating their own bodies.
The troon cries out in pain as he strikes you.
No. 1830513
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>>1830250>You don't have to medically transition or have dysphoria for your gender identity to be valid uwu>If minors aren't able to transition medically, they'll literally die!1!1!TRAs need to pick a lane.
No. 1830521
>>1830515All of that and also so we would be able to make medical decisions for each other if necessary (neither of us has good relationships with our families); we realized when we were teenagers that we couldn't trust or rely on men or our
abusive families and decided to make our friendship the central relationship in our lives. We also did it because I have dual citizenship and we wanted to moved from the USA to Canada, and it would be easier for her to get permanent residency and eventually citizenship if we were married. We've been married for 20 years as of next June.
No. 1830536
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>>1827999I agree with you on South Park. It handles the Troon crap a lot better than Family Guy does with it's rightful pointing out obvious fallacies of the ideology. Hell I would say that Futurama's episode where Bender gets a "sex change" did an ironic job of showcasing the (sexist) stereotypes used as reason to "feel like a woman". Granted the episode aired like 10+ years before the troon crap took over mainstream society but still kek.
I think the issue with Family Guy's troon jokes is that they try to hold back from going too far with them to where on one hand, it could unintentionally peak some of the viewers while on the other hand, they'd have to risk getting "cancelled".
No. 1830688
>>1830562The Simpsons added a "he-she" cousin of Helen Lovejoy (to make Marge jelaous that's she's not an LGBT ally until she thought Grandpa Simpson was gay, but turned on that he was a wrestler and the man stuff they found were about his 'wrestler persona') and the whole ep where Patty was about to marry an AGP but she broke up with him since "she likes women".
Is not edgy perse, but they have mocked Trans people too.
No. 1830695
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>>1830674Another one like that is the king of the hill episode where Bill starts cross-dressing and identifying as Lenore. The entire episode is people trying to cope with it before they basically have to break Bill down and force him to face his mental problems. I know TRAs like to focus on the silence of the lambs thing, but it's interesting to see the stuff that wasn't really considered trans commentary before, but got umbrella'd in. Like now Bill claiming he's Lenore would make him a legit transwoman even though it's extremely clear and deliberately written mental illness.
No. 1830713
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Delusional troon has been screeching for the past day because people aren’t calling his stink ditch a vagina kek
No. 1830729
>>1830350"Its only a tiny minority of a tiny minority"
But yet every other week for you freaks its, "here we go again"
No. 1830735
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>>1830536American Dad has this tranny prostitute side character who has a super deep man voice.
No. 1830794
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DIDs fakers and Trannies are a match made in heaven.
No. 1830821
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Dumping some gold
No. 1830822
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No. 1830823
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Nintendo obsessed men are the worst of consumerism and this is a beautiful way to show it
No. 1830824
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No. 1830825
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Not sure if I’m sad because cute nerdy guys are falling for this or if I’m happy because they would’ve shown this mental illness in some different way in the future, possibly by being an abusive partner or parent
No. 1830826
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Necrotic rot Pocket warning
No. 1830866
File: 1684573634975.jpeg (Spoiler Image,169.86 KB, 750x1232, IMG_8519.jpeg)

that shit looks infected
No. 1830872
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>>1830827This is more 2x material but whatever
No/terrible parenting, porn addiction, fetishes being more socially acceptable as opposed to kept to themselves, fetish communities exploding, most men not having to adhere to the only thing that was sort of keeping them in check (religion and local community), discord and loneliness - that just escalated during the pandemic, handmaidens and lesbian porn
I’m not saying religion is good and made men better but they need at least some rules to live by to not become miserable and do retarded stuff, a purposeless scrote is a ticking time bomb
Men are hypersexual and with enough pornbrain rot they will think that them thinking they’d be hot as a girl and could get lots of sex will change their lives and fix all of their issues that resulted from their past (it doesn’t that’s why they are such psychos)
TLDR theyre autistic
No. 1830921
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>>1830866Imagine having to shove dilators into an open infected wound, no wonder it hurts like crazy. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, I dont understand how they keep having these surgeries when everyone online is crying about insane pain and infections
No. 1830931
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Talking about farts, theyre so fucking vile holy shit
No. 1830933
>>1830402They need to just stop for a second and deal with the base contradictions. If we are to say gender is a social construct then gender is largely socialization. That's the actual alternative to the "what is a woman?" question if they aren't going to use biology. So almost by definition male and female socialization become really important and are basically the only thing that actually allows you to transition. The problem he is having is that social constructs are social. People can decide not to socialize a person as a woman regardless of what they identify as. That's the fundamental roadblock TRAs are having.
They want normies to hear "Gender is a social construct and we can change it if we want to", not "Gender is a social construct and YOU can change it if you want to".
No. 1830975
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Does anybody remember what this person used to go by? I swear he was cancelled for discord grooming and deleted everything. I faintly remember call out posts about this, maybe on tumblr. Now he's back under a new name.
No. 1830989
File: 1684593676434.png (230.66 KB, 768x2630, 2374283498989.png)

>>1830963I know people on the DID spectrum every single one was a sex trafficking/CSA survivor, I too keep seeing posts like this and it disturbs me. People who have DID are super susceptible to outside influence and these fucking scrotes are now introducing bodily mutilation and hormones into the conversation. I had to leave most DID places online because they are truly infested and It's painful to watch.
>>1830794 No. 1830998
File: 1684594640243.png (21.61 KB, 326x757, redditsux.png)

>>1828748>r/DegradingHoles (they removed the rule as they approached the 1 million members mark).If they did, they put it back. I just checked and it still says Cis Women only.
No. 1831017
File: 1684596651166.png (13.27 KB, 969x146, TheHeadmatesMadeMeDoIt.png)

>>1830996>People who claim DID are extra susceptible to tranny idiocylook who shows up in the wikipedia article about it: No. 1831018
File: 1684596688328.webm (14.69 MB, 1278x720, Y2mate.Is - Watch Sen. Machael…)
handmaidens stop being cringe challenge
No. 1831020
>>1831018Trnnzzzz peeepplllbbb longheeer weeeeeneed trnnssspeeepleeeee
Holy shit, it's giving Leave Britney Alone
No. 1831041
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>>1831032LOL, so true. Same with Lilith. IDK if it's some sort of weird conquering thing with them (taking the names of goddesses who were worshipped by women as a way of stealing them from us), or if their stupid moid minds think they're actually male. Waiting to see Medusa used by these moids
No. 1831095
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>>1830402of course this scrote is an animal abuser
46:45 in this video he says he threw his cat across the room once because moid rage i guess
No. 1831096
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>>1831081Thank you!! So far this is all I can find about him. I'm just wondering how he's back unscathed.
No. 1831119
File: 1684609302302.jpeg (163.78 KB, 923x1495, IMG_7880.jpeg)

I worry for he… give it to me straight nonnas is there a >50% chance? Tell me now so that I drop him before I get any more attached(sage your literal who shit)
No. 1831122
this has nothing to do with transgenderims
No. 1831123
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>>1827053do moids really think this is what makes them women?? lululemon and açai bowls??
No. 1831174
>>1831054that's the most retarded analogy i've ever read in my life wow
like i feel kinda stupid right now for accidentally interacting with someone so brainless
No. 1831177
>>1830480this is my goal, has been for a long time. as my friends come with me into our late 20s and 30s, theyre beginning to see the wisdom in it. i understand why, because i used to feel this way too, but i think they needed to live in the world for a bit to understand how much of things like a traditional marriage is just something thats been sold to us, not an objectively good or neutral institution (when het with a man, at least).
what does this have to do with troonism? the same that a lot of strides in women's independence does. without the promise of a traditional household to lord over, and guaranteed bio children to alleviate death anxiety, men don't see the point in doing anything. even clout from other men loses savor fast, and that's such a fluid goal anyways.
at least in the us, men are dropping out of the workforce and just… hanging around. living with parents and girlfriends mostly. playing games and watching porn. i think trooning out starts to appeal so much to tims because its sort of reclaiming their manhood in a sense. cant become the patriarch? become the gf.
good luck to you
nonnie, i hope your platonic boston marriage brings you happiness. i look forward to seeing more and more women leave moids in the dust and take care of eachother.
No. 1831181
>>1830521have you experienced any issues with regard to not being attracted to one another renders the marriage null/void? what I'm attempting to articulate is that I heard somewhere if the married couple doesn't seem like they are truly "together" in a traditional coupling sense that they run the risk of their local government could decide their marriage is considered a sham or fraud.
has anyone heard of what I'm describing here?
No. 1831191
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has anyone seen this moid flying a 'trans lesbian' flag at a women's rugby match while women avoid looking at him? No. 1831219
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Fun AGP facts about medically transitioning: No. 1831220
File: 1684622679978.jpg (444.46 KB, 2560x2560, 23-05-20-23-41-59-021_deco.jpg)

>>1827053No mention of him being a tranny anywhere on his profile, not sure who he thinks he's fooling kek
No. 1831230
>>1831227Spoiler for fucking psych autism
Nta but they also had homosexuality and female hysteria in the dsm you moron. The dsm isn't only riddled with issues but is one big fat stinking issue progressively iterated with little consideration to empirical evidence that should be erased out of clinical psychology's collective consciousness with the icd whatever following suit re: mental illness. Did isn't real and no clinician worth their practice thinks it has any merit as a diagnosis.>>1831095Insane that tranny space and leftube have created an atmosphere so accepting and open that males are comfortable admitting this with their faces attached. This is end stage
No. 1831238
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clown world
No. 1831246
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No. 1831271
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>>1830402Tell me it's not a men's rights movement kek
No. 1831275
>>1831219Why is it that moids act like women are some mythical beings with magical hairless bodies that never sweat and always smell like sweets, cinnamon and ripe apples?
If all trannies were somehow homeschooled I would get it, but why do they act like they’ve never interacted with more than 20 women in their lives?
No. 1831289
The more I watch YMS the more I feel he's a jump and skip from being the most misogynistic Troon in the world. He's proud coomer and at times he seems reasonable in avoid all political videos from him, but ever so often he'd say something like, "man, woman or non-binary" and whoever runs his clip channel is a huge tra.Learning he did porn shouldn't shock me but it does, mainly because despite being a coomer he seems very laid back and chill.
>>1830350But then they get mad when the title is "Trans woman" like they did about that rapist being misgendered. What do they want?
No. 1831298
like there aren't plenty of gay yoga twinks who look exactly like him and have that exact same lifestyle lmao
No. 1831321
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No. 1831331
File: 1684642222453.webm (3.01 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_723393044272098846…)
The amount of handmaidens gassing him up in the comments is insane. More proof that no matter if a faggot wants to cut his dick off or not they will live and die misogynistic gay men. No. 1831386
File: 1684653003780.jpeg (Spoiler Image,22.5 KB, 465x227, 65AB8DDB-0864-4E3D-ABFD-DA3B62…)

>>1831038I do too, because a lot of the time they only learn the proper terminology because of the surgery itself. And even then they expect a (stop reading if you hate scrote terminology) perfect puffy pink pussy like their favorite “teen” pornstars has and want “revisions” cause they don’t treat it like the macabre wound it is. It fucking infuritates me, like no just because you have a hole there now thanks to surgery you shouldn’t use the real terminology. Maybe use neo-vag or just you know, not talk about their genitalia nonstop like actual females.
No. 1831392
nonnie maybe that’s cus I have no ass at all but sometimes when I rip a fart it does travel forward. Ban me for this post if you must I speak the truth
No. 1831415
>>1830825The misogyny and coomerism definitely would have shown in other ways
These guys would not have been good boyfriends even minus the trooning
No. 1831423
>>1831331Look, I know a non-insignificant portion of gay porn is the fantasy of tricking a straight men/converting a straight men into faggotry, and that fantasy is made even worse in these hsts who think theyre better than women, but he cannot possibly truly believe that the vast majority of men who areny bisexual coomers look at his ilk with anything but revulsion and mockery. There's a reason why his kind is infamous for being murdered while "stealthing", and you'd think they would have realized by now that it's because straight men are disgusted by them. I'd love to know how he's gonna steal any man while looking that frumpy and sounding and acting like any stereotypical bitchy, catty, unpleasant queen. But then again these fags are obsessively jealous of women and women can't point it out because then it's homophobia lol, he gets off on threatening women for misbehaving like any other
abusive man would, but now in ugly woman face and clap back format. Ugh.
No. 1831434
>>1830713It's not "going out of your way to use terms that will upset people" to state what it is rather than using misleading euphemism such as neo-vagina (because it's literally not a vagina in any way) when those words will only further their delusions, which is the most unkind thing you can do to a delusional person.
Terms such as "stinkditch" would be purposely upsetting, but calling the surgically created hole trying to heal itself up for what it is is just the harsh reality. You don't want people to talk about your medically created wound, then don't go online and talk about it and no one would have known.
No. 1831446
>>1830825>>1830824>>1830823I need to make one of these but the before is "handmaiden" and the after is "
No. 1831503
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Context: A women's only Apex Legends esports tournament with a 100k prize pool kicked out a team with a troon on it after a woman on another team complained. After backlash they've now reinstated the troon team.
No. 1831561
>>1831503That's so sad that they caved. God damn.
The troon in question isn't even public. Has changed nothing in his legal paper work, and just says he's a woman around his friends. Jesus fuck.
No. 1831579
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>>1831572Kek, poor children that will read this shit. Today is a good day to not be an American, European, Australian and specially not a Canadian.
No. 1831590
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No. 1831601
>>1831596I legit miss when it was them just reviewing shit, things took such a gross nose dive when like most webcomic authors, they discovered they get more clout and clicks when catering to Troons, Aidens, and every dumb affiliation in-between.
I noped out when they started to bring in guest comics to explain fetishes, like from fucking purplekecleon of all people. The cuckolding comic remains a classic for all the wrong reasons though.
No. 1831605
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>let boys in girls sports they say
>it doesn't affect the girls they say
No. 1831606
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No. 1831610
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No. 1831612
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don't worry Monty, it's already happening
No. 1831616
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No. 1831617
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No. 1831621
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No. 1831624
>>1831612What's it with trans people and them thinking they're a separate special group of humans? Trans people themselves are the ones who decided to push that sex and gender are two separate things. All trans people have a sex. Society has single-sex spaces, we've never had single-gender spaces. Obviously it would function the way things have always functioned. Where's the issue?
If you wanna argue that "not all women have vaginas, some women have dicks" then at the very least the argument that "then not all women should go into women's restrooms" should be ok.
No. 1831625
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No. 1831632
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god damnit it's so incredibly tiring and insufferable how you can't avoid TIMs in the indie gaming scene. I thought it used to be bad with fuckos like porpentine but it's so much worse now lol. is filled to the brim with them—stumbled across this mess earlier on there and had to share
No. 1831633
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>>1831572trans shit aside this is disgusting advice
No. 1831646
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Video in link, I don't know how to embed from Twitter. He is pretending to cry on camera because of "america" and saying he will literally die in the hypothetical scenario that he loses access to HRT No. 1831647
>>1831603There’s always going to be at least a couple of kids with parents that will encourage reading normal books and not e-books.
Anything is possible, all that these cultists are doing is make it harder for everyone to avoid them. Social media is an easy place to distribute this cult’s ideology, stuff like libraries and such are just secondary “sources” that will give them some sort of “validity” because it’s in a book, therefore it can’t be a lie.
It’s surely frustrating because if I was a parent with a kid that got brainwashed, trying to keep this child away from trans ideology by cutting off the main source (the internet) of information to this shit, and then I discovered that there’s books in the school’s library talking about this shit I would just cry at this point.
No. 1831654
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this sounds like some serial killer shit
No. 1831658
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No. 1831680
>>1831654I really hate how moids always end up thinking about sex. If they hate something they want to Fuck it, if they love something they want to Fuck it, if they don’t understand something they want to Fuck it, if they are afraid of something they want to Fuck it, if they feel threatened by something they want to Fuck it.
I will never stop thinking that men over 30 years old should just get chemically castrated and put on constant sedatives unless they work in construction, if they work in construction, such areas should just get covered entirely so moids are unable to look at any woman.
If he had said that he just wants to kill her I would feel sightly less disgusted.
No. 1831711
>>1831619I've been thinking the exact same,
nonnie. Especially because recently my niece was indoctrinated into the troon cult partially through reddit (which was subsequently restricted when her mom found out she was on it) but largely through her peers at school which seems to be what's sustaining it and feeding into it at this point.
I think it's partially feeling awkward through puberty (she's a preteen) but also having some interests in comics and games which she's expressed she thinks are "male" interests (I immediately corrected her to point out I like them too and am no less a woman for it)
I can't help feel like if she'd never been able to access unsupervised internet and had been homeschooled or community schooled this wouldn't have happened. Or at least would have been far less likely.
I just hope she can make it through the rest of puberty without any medical intervention. Her mom lets her cut her hair and use a preferred name with others but doesn't entertain the idea of binders, hormones or blockers let alone surgery. I just try to keep in mind the 80% desistance rate for those medically left alone. I worry she won't get out unmutilated, even though it's extremely obvious she's doing it because being "queer" is trendy at her school and being cis is seen as boring. Every single conversation she tries to steer towards "queer" characters in this or that show, or lgbt culture, like it's the newest cool thing, it disturbs me. I worry she'll be put on hormones or get mutilation surgeries and be unable to look back on this as a cringey phase when she gets older. Especially because she's in an area with informed consent clinics. I would be heartbroken if she were harmed by this utter insanity.
Keep your kids away from cancerous schools, and off the internet. That's all I can say.
(Sorry for blog I can't talk about this anywhere else and I'm terrified for my niece)
No. 1831712
>>1831617Maybe another
nonnie could educate me better on boric acid pills but it's my knowledge that boric acid pills only work on actual women, not some delusional man with an axe wound.
No. 1831741
>>1831617>take donations from my spouseI am vomiting. This is disgusting.
He's going to 41% when he realizes that he's going to smell like shit for the rest of his life and this was a decision he voluntarily made. He chose to do this himself.
No. 1831748
>>1831691 said. Also due to female socialisation, women are usually worse at video games than men. The hand-eye coordination and reflexes required to excel to pro level has to be picked up by playing video games in early childhood. Most girls were not bought or encouraged to play video games in the same manner boys were and ended up getting into gaming past the prime age for learning those skills. Add in the incel misogynistic culture of online gaming where women are harassed and targeted once they're identified and it makes for an uncomfortable environment.
Female only esports is like women's chess. There to help women get into a hobby they're actively discouraged from participating in whilst removing the target on their backs that would exist if they were the only woman in a regular esports event.
A tim participating removes the very point of a woman's only tournament. The man has probably been in cod lobbies hurling insults at women since before his voice dropped.
No. 1831820
File: 1684707686713.jpg (61.73 KB, 800x571, 800px-Scarlett-2369.jpg)

>>1831748Even before peaking I remember thinking how fucked it was that one of the top SC2 players, a tim in a scene where women were practically nonexistent, would join these petty women's only events just to bulldoze everyone. These weren't even real competitions, just trying to promote and encourage women in the scene since they were so few and far between. They were such nothing tournaments with the tiniest prize pools and he was one of the best in the world, it still would have been in poor taste if he were cis, but a cis woman would never have joined one of these tournaments in his position. It wasn't even about the money for him it was about being the "best female starcraft player."
No. 1831890
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its so selfish. no one else ever hates being themselves, huh? also if you dont even want to be human why does gender matter so much to you?
No. 1831968
>>1831581At least we can't fault them for having an accurate depiction of troons in that regard. Ugly as sin.
Reminds me of that article about enbies and how no one wanted to date them kek
No. 1831989
File: 1684726752952.jpg (109.3 KB, 1080x1161, Tumblr_l_1945021827261988.jpg)

nobody wanted to troon out years ago and now the demographic is rising in a rapid rate. kids are forced to transition based from their sexuality and interest by parents and groomers. and drag queens are now geared as a protected class of martyrs whose activities are now seen as child-friendly and pg when its history have always been adult entertainment.
No. 1832026
>>1831989Nobody gave a shit about troons because no one expected they would become so narcissist and selfish to the point they brainwash anybody that is willing to listen to them.
>>1832020IIRC All the troon shit started even after USA legalized gay marriage on 2015. Then it became in a "yes, but what about me?".
No. 1832097

>>1831989>Nobody gave a shit about transwomen in sports 5 years ago.Wrong. 5 years ago two TiMs from Connecticut, Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller, took 1st and 2nd place in girls track and field events. Afterwards parents petitioned to have TiMs banned from girls' sports. It made national news with Yearwood and Miller both going on Good Morning America.
>Nobody gave a shit about trans kids getting treatments 4 years ago4 years ago we were told that no one under 18 was getting, hrt, grs, or double mastectomies, and there was a rigorousness assessment process for puberty blockers. Today we have proof that minors are getting hormones/blockers and surgeries after just one or two assessments at a gender clinic or Planned Parenthood. We have had whistleblowers like Jamie Reed and journalists like Jesse Singal and Hannah Barnes blowing the lid on these gender clinics' practices. And of course the detransitioners sharing their stories on how they were fast tracked to medicalization.
>Nobody gave a shit about drag queens reading stories 3 years ago.Wrong. You can find articles about "right-wingers" getting riled up about DQSH as far back as 2017 month some child drag show performer is discovered to be a sex offender. No. 1832102
File: 1684746218840.png (13.82 KB, 1106x116, Screenshot 2023-05-22 170137.p…)

Take it out of context wtf
No. 1832108
>>1831989The cope. People did care long before then. But many of these things were on a much smaller scale for many reasons.
Women have complained about
tw in sports for well over 2 decades. Half the reason it seems so mainstream now is because trans identity has become a big cultural issue for many western countries since covid. Another reason is that 2 athletes in particular completely outclassed the women they competed against in part due to the biological advantage of being born male. Hubbard was one of the first transgender athletes to compete at an OLYMPIC level. Why is she acting like the interest is unprecedented?
People started to see some of the most prolific childhood transitioners enter adulthood. We've been able to see the direct effects of transitioning before puberty and people are not happy with it. On top of the increased number of children claiming to be trans and some believing they are not their sex because of a petty reason. The moral questions around childhood transition have been a thing for decades. As trans issues have become more prevalent, the issue that was once considered niche is discussed by everyone.
Drag storytime I personally never heard of before 2020. I can't see any reason to have it and don't support it on the basis that it's redundant. We've had mascots do it for years I don't see why a man dressing as a caricature of a woman would be a viable choice for it.
No. 1832126
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The fact they continue to think "female orgasms" are always this mindblowingly leg-shakingly outerwordly experience because they watch constant porn where the actresses overdo it and/or fake it to appeal to the male fantasy is so hilarious to me
No. 1832129
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>>1831174DID isn’t real, it’s impossible to have several conscious entities in one body because the human brain doesn’t work like that. It’s just a repackaging of demonic possession myths for the modern age.
DID patients are LARPing for attention (from the therapist or online) or are mistaking different moods and feelings for different personalities. Also DID havers are well known to be very responsive to hypnosis and suggestion. It’s not real.
No. 1832202
File: 1684765718764.jpeg (113.87 KB, 946x1653, Fwqg4jcXsAQJu2n.jpeg)

anyone know the source of this? Twitter is having a meltdown and I'm stuck with nothing but my phone
No. 1832223
>>1832000Homeschooling is a not-so right-wing thing anymore? KEK
I always thought kids were homeschool to avoid the plague that troons infect both public/private schools
No. 1832236
File: 1684771870695.webm (5.46 MB, 320x568, uhohwoman_status_1660479515326…)
>cow achievement is what he calls breastfeedingthis tranny is going to adopt a poor unsuspecting baby and give him his moob to feed the baby No. 1832242
File: 1684772467019.png (144.43 KB, 749x1127, on Twitter.png)

i'm so glad I finished school before these crazy people took over.
No. 1832245
File: 1684773107292.png (128.5 KB, 753x799, ICONS on Twitter.png)

second trans kid allowed to steal a spot from this race.>>1831605
No. 1832256
>>1831123Stuff like this pisses me off more than just the troons who think they're women because they like dresses and make up. At least dresses and makeup are socially enforced stereotypes. Stuff like this, they just make up some random shit about women
>women love lululemon and fruit bowlsJust eat a fucking fruit bowl if you want to don't pretend that's your "femininity"
No. 1832268
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rape by deception is fine as long as other moids can't tell the difference according to Kelly here
No. 1832277
>>1831219Isn't it a scientific fact that women stink more than men? Neither me or my husband wear deodorant much and he'll barely work up a scent even after hockey, meanwhile I work up an ODOR by mid-day even when I'm doing nothing. Also it's not "light and sweet" it changes depending on what I eat but usually I smell like food. My dad walked past me once and said it smelled like someone was cooking lol
Also tingly boobs…? I'm pregers so my boobs have recently doubled in size and theyre very so
re. it fucking hurts but I'd describe it as sore and achey not "sensitive" and definitely not "tingly"
>>1832000Damn. I was kind of thinking of homeschooling to try and avoid this. Not just the Troon stuff but im worried about teachers pushing ideology and public school math scores are horrendous, I've heard some good things about homeschooling in that people say even 4 hours of activities and teaching a day lands their kids way ahead academically than their public schooled peers. I'm just worried about the social aspect, I was thinking after-school church activities (I'm not really religious but I went to youth group as a kid and it seems fine). I don't want them being raised by the internet and ending up even worse, happened to my husband's brother where he dropped out early highschool and has obviously been on the internet too much
No. 1832290
>>1831654"Not in the way most women hate other women"
??? Why do men have this idea women hate each other? Have they never seen a group of girls hanging out at the mall?
But besides the point holy fuck what is wrong with men. Why do they want to hate-fuck people I've never felt anything even close to that before, "angry passionate sex"?!?!
No. 1832305
>>1831674He wants to hatef
ck his stepdaughter, with male* strength of course.
No. 1832310
>>1832277Offtopic, but if they go to after-school church won't there be an ideology pushed into them that isn't that great, either? Honestly, the best way to raise your kid is an open and honest relationship with your kid knowing that they can tell you everything. As soon as your kid has the feeling it has to hide things from you, everything can happen behind your back. I wasn't homeschooled (isn't allowed in my country), but it would have been so horrible because I had a narcissistic overbearing mother, controlling every aspect of my life, so one of the earliest things I learned was lying. My rebellious phase was wearing black and if my mother wouldn't have screamed at me for hours because of that, I would have maybe stopped one day. But well, I'm close to going no contact with my parents because they never changed their behaviour, homeschooling would have meant that I would have done that way earlier. Like nonna before wrote, love and rationality is the best way to treat your child, some children need more rules, some less and friends their age are important.
(not your personal blog) No. 1832333
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>>1832322This retarded piece of shit doesn't like that his daddy " gaswlight and fwake supports" him. Imagine having to keep up with a mentally ill degenerate son and that's what you get in return. My god these people
No. 1832335
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>>1832322is there a term for this kind of retarded moral black-and-white thinking? it's endemic in the "trans community"
No. 1832340
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Even 5 years after the surgery they still cant keep the wound open
No. 1832343
>>1832154the only way to have one is to never outright state or present it as a female-only thing, if you do, some male(s) will come along to invade it, girl's only sleepovers, girl's night out, a girl's own bedroom, and obvs female-only dorm and restrooms, so long as a male realizes there's a space that doesn't center and that women have lives that exist beyond them, he'll throw a hissy fit, this includes HSTS as well, since they can't even tolerate a het moid's female-only sexuality no matter how horrid he is.
The only way is to naturally decenter males. Like fujos, males hate fujos, not because they're cringe, but because fujos naturally don't/won't include them in conversation, they don't care what males think is an acceptable protag for a BL, same with yumejos. Just mention women-specific things, periods, cramps, anything moids are grossed out by, and talking about preferences in a man or what makes a man attractive or how men dress(you don't even have to be insulting about it, just being nice-ish and purely blunt works) and moids are repelled.
No. 1832432
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Sorry I don't know how to turn this video into a WebM. This violent person definitely does not seem or sound like any woman to me. No. 1832433
File: 1684790024562.webm (2.8 MB, 576x1024, 1684787165665684.webm)
No. 1832436
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>>1832433This is the funniest shit I've seen today
No. 1832445
File: 1684790795227.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.06 KB, 618x900, FwmgIhLWYAIGBJC.jpeg)

>>1831572>>1831579>>1831633This is so unbelievably degenerate. The pornographic sexual pose, the noise 'shloop'. The encouragement of hook up culture is so sickening. The end is just pure cringe. I can't believe they're showing this to children. This is pedoshit and whoever is responsible needs to be sent to prison. I don't know if it's intentional or not but it's like these degenerates forget that pedos literally show children pornography before they go on to sexually assault them. Saged because not troon shit but it's so telling how this shit always goes hand in hand. I'm really starting to believe that people who are into troon shit are degenerates, even the bystanders who just parrot the phrases 'TWAW'.
No. 1832450
File: 1684790948470.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.97 KB, 634x900, FwmgV70WcAIZ8Kq (1).jpeg)

>>1832445>>1831579>>1831572These people are literally pedophiles. Why do children need to know about this? I am so not having children, future generations are doomed.
No. 1832452
>>1832139>Jun Chikuma (Bomberman game composer). A fucking TIM.Come on. Really?
Is at least the composer for Street Fighter 2 an actual woman?
No. 1832461
File: 1684792041608.jpg (38.88 KB, 735x540, eggman.jpg)

>>1830010Eggman irl if he lost weight.
No. 1832473
>>1831989>transwomen in sports 5 years agoWrong, I remember in high school in 2011 in science class talking about that with our teacher, she talked about Caster Semeya's condition and all the implications this could have long term for sports, I also saw articles about whether Bruce Jenner should keep his medals a few days after he trooned out.
>trans kids 4 years agoThis retard is ignoring the whole Leelah Alcorn bullshit that happened at the end of 2014 and how that influenced how "trans kids" are perceived by the general public. I even remember in elementary school that a teacher said sometimes some students are either a boy or a girl but are treated as the other gender by their parents so they crossdress at school please be nice uwu
>drag queens reading stories 3 years agoStill wrong. This guy needs a calendar in front of his face, he forgot we're in 2023 right now.
No. 1832497
File: 1684795738170.png (330.49 KB, 748x700, Home _ Twitter.png)

It's sad that it's come to this though
No. 1832501
File: 1684796006044.png (29.62 KB, 748x592, on Twitter (2).png)

Monty knows the difference between a man and a woman that's why he's still trying to convince people he is one.
No. 1832504
>>1832495I'm so fucking glad that I didn't grow up today, because I know that I would have done that bullshit and it would have meant hell on earth for me. Maybe teach children that it's okay to say no, to say no to pictures, say no to hugs, say no to sexual acts?
>>1832496I looked her up shortly and she looks exactly like what I expected and it's horrible to say such a thing, but some people just look like morons.
No. 1832508
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No. 1832584
File: 1684806093078.png (32.1 KB, 944x513, Clipboard02.png)

how can you have a female orgasm if you're not female? dumbass fuckers.
No. 1832587
File: 1684806411422.png (90.18 KB, 1766x946, Clipboard03.png)

>>1832584totally not a fetish
No. 1832588
>>1832335Is her logic seriously
>Statistically, most people deserve to die for no reason!Jesus Christ. I have to give her credit, that rationale is moid-tier. Typical TiF going out of her way to be an edgelord because she thinks it makes her more male.
>>1832346>Statistically, whoever dies will be a filthy brownie or chink, so who cares!Now that's some
genuine male psychopathy.
No. 1832591
>>1832496She literally runs around calling herself ~kweer~ and ~lesbian~ despite being married to a normal soy guy. Her perception of sexuality is so backwards, she has zero business teaching
anyone about it, let alone kids.
No. 1832604
>>1832277No, it isn't. Hate to break it to you, anon, but you're probably just uniquely stinky, and your husband probably
does stink, but you're noseblind to it. Either that or you smell so bad it drowns out his BO. Could be a pregnancy thing. Also
>PreggersKill yourself. The word is "pregnant"– same number of letters, same number of syllables, retard. See you in five years when your Nigel troons out and you have to raise his kid alone.
(alogging) No. 1832633
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>>1832620>but lots of women including Rowling have used male aliases for whatever reason.I think the one author in Japan that have used "they/them" is Koyoharu Gotouge (Kimetsu no Yaiba), but mostly for hide their persona. And picrel, Hiromu Arakawa's real name is Hiromi, but used the male version to publish FMA.
No. 1832663
File: 1684816583006.jpg (75.76 KB, 592x387, lul.jpg)

>>1832180That furry thing on the top right immediately registered as tranny art to me. I swear these things are clockable just by their artstyle kek
No. 1832668
>>1832268>naturally be attracted and not be able to tell a differencePress (x) to doubt.
>>1832291I bet even virgins know how a real vagina looks like, considering there is porn everywhere.
No. 1832675
File: 1684819058542.png (127.19 KB, 958x578, Sin título.png)

Pick me "qweer" artist with shit art and her misogynistic replies. Supporters groomer troon curriculum too. No. 1832677
File: 1684819093225.jpeg (99.73 KB, 1125x1271, FwrVCE1aMAANOP3.jpeg)

Now they're saying men are born with vaginas. What will they think up next!
No. 1832681
>>1832421right, but who said to be nice about it? troon asks about periods, tell him there's no point in him asking since he'll never have a period, he says he wants to "be nice and help them during their period" tell him that grown women seldom forget to bring along sanitary products. Even troons that fetishize periods get testerical by women's conversations that don't bother include him.
>The best way to keep out males is to find a way to never let one jointhis too, never outright say you kept him out bc he's male, give some or other reason, if the women on Vanderpump can manage to do it, you can too.
No. 1832701
>>1831612Why would sex-segregated spaces need to be "enforced"? If someone tells you "I feel sexually violated by you entering my private space," a normal, socially functional person would get out, not try to force their way in to the extent that it needs to be "enforced" by an outside authority.
But TIMs get off on violating women, and handmaidens believe that any evil woman who would object to a TIM in her space deserves to be sexually violated anyway.
No. 1832708
>>1832584>>1832587This shit is hilarious, they aren't even pretending that you need HRT and surgery to be part of the fantasy anymore, just light some candles and do anal for 90min like the average woman kekk
>>1832210>DID is never defined as "several conscious entities in one body" by experts so that's irrelevant.Even in the DSM they describe it as alternate personalities or identity states. Just because it's in the DSM and taught at school in the US doesn't mean it's real though, we've seen how much the DSM is influenced by idpol/political correctness. And through the years, some personality disorders have taken different forms, partly due to social contagion (basically patients will act the way they've heard they're supposed to act). There's now a boom of people claiming to suffer from DID and it appears to be mostly an American phenomenon, though it is slowly but surely being imported into other countries by the terminally online.
No. 1832725
>>1832497love the silent protest though. can't accuse them of saying anything transphobic because they didn't say anything, their faces aren't in podium photos because they declined to be in them so they remain somewhat anonymous
i hope they took their own photos and celebrated as if the male wasn't even there
No. 1832736
>>1832675her art almost looks like satire and is 100% about the oppression hierarchy. who even pays for that shit?
>>1832722perfect kek
No. 1832739
File: 1684830901528.png (520.49 KB, 1728x820, Captura de pantalla 2023-05-23…)

The fact that people even defend this moid is insane. He has an onlyfans and is adopting a fucking kid. Imagine being in school and people find out you have a creepy adopted father that does onlyfans and has online debates. That kid is going to end up fucked in the head. bleak. Even in posed and edited photos like his pfp he looks like a ugly faggot. No. 1832763
>>1832739Imagine a non-troon doing this, a cis identified manly man inducing lactation just because he wants an infant to suck his nipples, even handmaidens would be uncomfortable and see that it was a paedophilic fetish but give them man bad hair dye and a dress and suddenly it's
valid and brave. What is stopping other men from doing it? If troons can why can't they do it too?
No. 1832764
>>1832739can't wait for him to be rat out to the adoption agency and get his adoption process revoked. the fact he aiming for babies, instead of 6 years old and above, even teens, just to satisfy his own lactation fetish is disgusting. not to say itd be fine for kids with those ages to be adopted by him but he still went on to get a baby.
i always find it comedic that troons always bring up the fact that scientist/science can attest their existence. as if being discovered or backed-up by science makes their existence even less of a nuisance.
No. 1832856
>>1832520I'm in her situation right now. No idea how to
cope honestly, my life and family was bad enough before
No. 1832857
File: 1684855046326.jpg (101.34 KB, 1080x983, Screenshot_20230523-110549_Boo…)

Username checks out. See the archive link. Yes, we don't want depraved diapered men in dresses defining what womanhood is, tyvm: No. 1832864
>>1832826at this point she can't possibly
not know what the consequences would be for her if she said anything else. if i were her i'd say the exact same thing if asked.
No. 1832881
>>1832826so just… let men win. that's the message i get out of this news story.
there's no opportunity to win as a woman even in sex-segregated sports so why not just go get a beer and give up
they act like this is
when it's really just stomping any inclination they had to succeed into dust. Great. We get it. You guys have a physical advantage. Now go compete amongst yourselves instead of stomping us into the ground and claiming it's for female empowerment.
No. 1832883
>>1832826I'd also claim I was just hungry out of fear.
>>1832867DID isn't real and no one that understands common sense thinks it is either.
No. 1832887
>>1832881>so why not just go get a beer and give upThat's their ultimate goal, to make women give up. Allow men in dresses to compete with women so women will eventually become helpless and leave sports (and I understand that sentiment, imagine training all your life and then some moid who claims to be a teeny tiny giwl because of estrogen steals your podioum). In the same way, fill bathrooms with men so women will avoid going outside. Fill women-only spaces with men so women will give up on sticking together.
They want to put us in "our place", it's no coincidence that TIMs are often incels who hold traditional views.
>>1832826Of course the last troon thinks about "femininity" and not actual womanhood. They talk about uwu glass bones and "designer coochie" (and the idea that you can have a designer vagina as if it was a product is sick itself).
Also they don't have a male build KEK the delusion, they really think some horse piss hormones will chance their entire bone structure when even boys trooned from a young age end up developing an obvious man body.
No. 1832888
>>1832826It's funny how everything people warned about with dolezal and transracial came true with trangender. People are using womanhood as a costume, using trans as an excuse to say slurs and act
abusive, using it to scam resources that were supposed to go to women. Literally none of the positives they talked about happened either. All the gender stereotypes just became more entrenched and they know it and just use it as an excuse to push more surgeries and treatments so you can be a stereotype. Everything just got worse. So much worse.
No. 1832923
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A little hopeposting
No. 1832940
File: 1684866767323.png (531.71 KB, 737x1291, get harry potter'd.png)

Not the most disgusting thing I've seen but the comment made me kek, they're all the same.
No. 1832941
File: 1684866792841.jpeg (44.96 KB, 950x534, PQULw3q.jpeg)

>>1832923can't potatochop rn but wish someone would make a macro/subtitle/voiceover/anything edit of the freemium joke from south park - "trans woman comes from the latin word woman, meaning woman, and trans, meaning not really"
No. 1832952
File: 1684867739935.jpg (56.99 KB, 943x1129, Fw1Sy51WAAEFC_f.jpg)

Yes hormones totally maake your little sad penis smell like a vagina. How fucking stupid are these people. Go take a fucking shower WITH soap
No. 1832969
File: 1684870112606.png (Spoiler Image,86.3 KB, 721x1220, moids.png)

i remember an anon on here saying male sexuality is pathological. i think about that a lot
No. 1832976
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No. 1832984
>>1832969Two autistic faggots fucking out of desperation and pornsickness. And then people say male sexuality exists.
Also kek at the tranny saying he wanted to be a girl while bragging about having his dick sucked at 13, how very woman-like.
No. 1832985
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Why is his doctor telling him to expect periods? No. 1833065
File: 1684878176959.jpg (213.33 KB, 1080x1368, Fwz5kc7XwAIQ98u.jpg)

Coomer pornbrain moid sad he can no longer over-coom 2-3 times a day but has to put in tons of work because he literally chopped his dick off. The jokes write themselves
No. 1833098
File: 1684881047190.jpeg (8.14 KB, 237x212, images (17).jpeg)

God damn it, test test 1 2 3. Is my phone unable to upload files today?
No. 1833103
File: 1684881193829.jpeg (9.18 KB, 168x300, images (18).jpeg)

I love how TikTok serves up garbage thumbnails. Because their content is trash.
No. 1833107
File: 1684881420220.jpeg (8.53 KB, 168x300, ugly troon (17).jpeg)

Men are so ugly, dirty, and delusional.
No. 1833113
File: 1684881954380.jpeg (148.83 KB, 1061x1066, FcUV_qqXwAEv4rQ.jpeg)

Why something tells me this was written by a TIM and not a butch lesbian?
No. 1833133
>>1832985>we don't understand why AFAB people who have had hysterectomies still experience some period symptomsyes we do you retarded scrote, it's called the OVARIES. Y'know the organ that talks to the brain to create those "hormone
triggers" you mentioned, and that you'll never ever have? die mad about it
No. 1833139
>>1833054>They aren't feeding babies, they are forcing children to suck their nipples for absolutely no good reason.I saw a Reddit post or something where a mother said her MIL was babysitting her infant, and she came home to find the MIL "nursing" the baby. Everyone agreed that this was sexual abuse, absolutely sickening, they need to cut off contact with the MIL, etc.
So when an old lady makes a baby suck her milkless breast, it's an obvious case of child abuse, but when a TIM does it, it's a beautiful moment of affirmation…?
No. 1833148
File: 1684885322117.png (13.46 KB, 530x409, Captura de pantalla 2023-05-23…)

>>1832739He just keeps going at it. Here's his "research masterdoc". a little glimmer of hope is that the tweet he quoted from has more likes than his. No. 1833181
File: 1684888112481.png (45.73 KB, 1066x466, Case Report Induced Lactation …)

>>1833148He keeps citing this article>giving the tranny medications that is currently banned in the usa and isn't even supposed to be given to breastfeeding women No. 1833185
File: 1684888709305.png (59.22 KB, 1174x829, doctors.png)

>>1833181both of these medical professionals don't have the qualifications to be testing this either. Ones a tranny and one took the tranny kool-aid. Where's all the doctors involved with pregnancy; lactation consultants? obstetricians?
No. 1833186
File: 1684888923402.png (34.02 KB, 786x510, Lactation Induction in a Trans…)

>The volume of breast milk produced by both of the trans women in these case studies would not sustain a growing infant without supplementation. Supply deficiencies may be due to the lack of hormonal regimen guidelines for trans women, or fewer ducts and alveoli in trans women compared with cis women. It is known that oral progesterone is not well absorbed and is extensively metabolized by the liver
No. 1833189
>>1832867I see you have no counterargument. Glad we could clear that up.
>>1833113Sounds like it was written by a troon, because we're supposed to believe that a woman struggling with her womanhood specifically because of men feels the best with transwomen, as opposed to other women? Unless she means that seeing disgusting trannies seething about her womanhood helped her make peace with it kek
No. 1833190
File: 1684889464172.jpeg (153.35 KB, 750x1068, IMG_8647.jpeg)

No. 1833193
File: 1684889619897.jpeg (39.36 KB, 750x464, IMG_8648.jpeg)

play stupid games…
No. 1833197
File: 1684890073668.jpg (208.43 KB, 1080x1426, Fw1001GWIAEPes4.jpg)

No. 1833198
File: 1684890190135.jpg (110.73 KB, 956x823, troon.JPG)

No. 1833203
File: 1684890762326.gif (9.15 MB, 320x320, ezgif-3-8f3bb3a092.gif)

No. 1833233
File: 1684893483265.jpg (31.06 KB, 750x298, Fwz86lfWYAEGQyc.jpg)

this is about not being allowed to go into the Women's bathroom fyi
No. 1833249
File: 1684895731277.jpg (104.71 KB, 1080x1036, Screenshot_20230523-215755_Boo…)

Why are they so insistent on dying on the women's sports hill? There was even a report a couple years ago from a tranny think tank saying it's a hopeless cause.
No. 1833256
introduces segregation?? TRAs are living on another planet, sex-segregation was the norm before their gender-identity bullshit
>>1833244>trannies are pedos and rapists because they are also prostitutesok
No. 1833265
>>1833244I feel like even if you excluded charges related to prostitution, TiMs would still outpace any other demographic. Anecdotal, but literally every incarcerated "activist" with a public profile was eventually revealed to be doing time for a violent crime. Actually, at what rate do trannies compare
violent crimes compared to other groups? Aggravated sexual assault, murder, etc? I bet that's disproportionately high, too, because they're mentally ill, socially maladjusted, sexually deviant males.
No. 1833273
>>1833186>We need to rethink what successful breastfeeding means …so it can include males that can't actually feed a baby because they only produce a tablespoon of milk. Fuck's sake.
>The goal for lactation in transgender women may be the non-nutritional benefits of breastfeedingLike undermining the baby's actual mother, validating the father's fetishistic delusions. Apparently the baby's nutritional needs are secondary to these things. "Validation" takes precedent over literally fucking everything for these people, including the health and safety of vulnerable human beings.
No. 1833278
File: 1684898602495.jpg (36.15 KB, 1080x750, Fw1HIrNXwCAwq4c.jpg)

Men don't even have mammory glands that can function the same as women. I don't understand how doctors could experiment on babies that don't understand what is happening to them.
No. 1833288
>>1833281Would be great if if this could get spread around so the trannies could get dunked on, once again.
In this it gets pointed out that there's been only once study conducted since 2018, that's 5 years ago, you'd think if it was such a success that thete would be more studies written up? I wonder how that baby is doing though, it should be around 5 years old now right?
No. 1833293
File: 1684900039074.jpg (302.12 KB, 810x2680, Screenshot_20230523-230947_Red…)

>>1833197Another one from the same troon with some funny replies
>>1833261Sauce for the tranny think tank report. Sports debate is page 9: No. 1833328
File: 1684905602869.png (100.26 KB, 788x1788, 653446w9-d.png)

>>1833265>I feel like even if you excluded charges related to prostitution,Surely the data wouldn't include prostitution charges at all? If that was the case, women would be much more represented in sex offender stats since there are way more female prostitutes that trannies. Not to mention these are specifically about people serving jail time, which isn't normally how prostitution gets sentenced afaik.
Anyway it's a blatant lie, pic rel breaks down the nature of the crimes (in the UK but still, it's not gonna be much different in the US).
No. 1833358
File: 1684912348268.png (126.49 KB, 762x535, Difference-between-male-and-fe…)

>>1833148he tries to look smart and just shows off terms and research papers that supposedly backs up his insistence to breastfeed. but i bet he won't have an answer as how to lactation is induced and produced, when there's a lack of ducts in his breasts, wc stores and produces breastmilk in a woman.
No. 1833363
File: 1684913052700.jpeg (201.58 KB, 1170x1672, 2DA75B73-C422-41A6-BB6E-ED1F52…)

>>1833350Nah, it was in New York. It states the patient obtained domperidone from Canada which means he purchased it himself. That makes it even weirder.
No. 1833366
>>1833198That is beautiful and very accurate. Thank you
No. 1833371
File: 1684915609092.jpg (Spoiler Image,213.68 KB, 1078x1389, Fw2p2zDXsAIKpXZ.jpg)

Had to spoiler this image because it legit made me feel ill. Such a disgusting smug pedo gnome looking motherfucker. Troons should be banned from ever being parents to any poor kids
No. 1833376
File: 1684918045476.jpg (328.72 KB, 1080x3446, Screenshot_20230524_094743_Twi…)

>>1832923The replies are even better kek
No. 1833391
I'm so fucking tired of the 'trans women have cramps from periods because of estrogen' shit. The cramps are not from estrogen or progesterone, they're from prostaglandins which the uterus makes. They don't have uterus, they don't make PGs, they literally can't have period cramps. How are they this fucking dumb.
>>1833293"thin tissue" does he mean smooth muscle? That's not any thin tissue, it's quite literally pretty thick, is his mind process uterus - female - feminine - weak - thin or what? Jfc why don't they keep their mouths shut about things they glaringly don't understand
No. 1833425
File: 1684927002852.jpg (229.61 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_20230524_070946_Chr…)

>>1832139>>1832452>>1832620i'm nta who posted about the bomberman composer but was definitely shocked to hear her be called a TIM. did some due diligence via Google and came upon this thread–Jun, "she", tried to get an album that was recorded under "her" male name taken off of the site. his ~deadname~ is Atsushi Chikuma. ngl i see it now looking at pictures of him but went years thinking the stellar music from bomberman was actually made by a woman. sad lol
No. 1833426
File: 1684927209489.jpg (51.63 KB, 525x741, Screenshot_20230524_071956_Chr…)

>>1833425>>1832139>>1832620>>1832620samefag, here's a picture of him from the mid-80s. definitely the same person. ty to op who first brought this up!
No. 1833485
>>1833371Calling it now, if this disgusting tranny is able to adopt in a few years we'll see an article on reduxx or something about him molesting them or making cp like those other trannies. I hope this doesn't happen or the sake of the children but I have this awful sinking feeling.
A woman with an onlyfans and tweets like his would never be able to adopt (not that they should but you get the point)
No. 1833508
File: 1684936489344.png (64.23 KB, 1428x1210, 1684799343979.png)

No. 1833515
File: 1684937265703.png (1.18 MB, 1360x774, 4.png)

Sexual dimorphism is crazy.
No. 1833516
File: 1684937348690.png (1.26 MB, 1358x776, 5.png)

No. 1833527
>>1833368God Damn, female bodies are so fucking cool. I've never wanted to have kids of my own, but I still marvel at the things our bodies can do!
>>1833310Does anyone have the source on that? I'm skeptical and I'd really like to dig into the science.
>>1833328I'll have to find it, but there was a study (possibly the same one this is from) that concluded that the male pattern violence was less likely to continue if they got the chop; which is fcking hilarious and useless info since most of them don't.
No. 1833548
File: 1684941275245.jpg (234.35 KB, 1080x1367, Fw5rqWWXsAEV0FM.jpg)

Another day another failed neo-vag that stinks and closes up on itself. Yes this is totally like the real thing and nobody can tell.
No. 1833552
File: 1684941951854.jpeg (110.53 KB, 1125x988, IMG_4509.jpeg)

>>1833508even the ones that are less masculine in the face are still easily clockable as moids…
No. 1833567
File: 1684944452573.jpg (19.25 KB, 425x425, ughh.jpg)

>>1833371every time i see this faggot i want to take his nose off with a slingshot
No. 1833568
>>1833559I think we should just have troon prisons. at first I was going to say we should just have one and send them all there, but there are
so fucking many troon criminals. you’d need them in every state.
No. 1833576
File: 1684945324601.png (210.13 KB, 649x640, Screenshot 14.png)

Reposting from the twitter thread since it a better fit here, So there's a video clip that is currently going somewhat viral on twitter. It shows two young kids, a boy and a girl (who look to be no older than 8) in a wrestling match. So I'm not super knowledgeable about wrestling, it appears that the girl was more skilled and had better technique as she beat the boy. In the end, the boy was crying. So libfems and TRAs are sharing this clip, claiming that gender segregation in sports is completely unnecessary and the only reason for it is because men are afraid of losing to women and using this specific match between prepubescent children as evidence.
No. 1833597
>>1833577It's not ever going to happen, anyway. The baby would abort
itself because male bodies don't know how to regulate the delicate hormonal and chemical processes that allow a fetus to develop.
No. 1833600
File: 1684947640556.png (42.49 KB, 648x1502, Screenshot 155.png)

>>1833598I don't think any feminist(except for maybe a few nutjobs from the second wave) wanted to completely get rid of separated sports based on SEX. They just wanted women to have their own space and for their sports to be given the same importance as men's sports by sports institutions.
No. 1833641
>>1833122Yes I think the whole "Dumbledore was always meant to be gay but I couldn't make it explicit because of some old British law for kids' books" gave her a specific reputation for better or worse. It wasn't even that strange given some specific scenes in the 6th and 7th volumes but I guess a lot of people only watched the movies and thought JKR lost her mind and was a turbo leftist so she HAS to support trans people on top of supporting the LGB. The guys who made South Park don't have any reason to be worried about being treated the same way because it's already expected of them to be
No. 1833657
>>1833600Sports shouldn't be sex segregated, wouldn't want women to get the idea they are competent~
There are some truly retarded differences put into sports based on sexism that hold women back, right down to being forced to wear lil spankies and crop tops to compete in certain sports (1 in 3 female athletes drop out of sports in youth and many girls cite uniforms as a reason for non-participation), but not competing against men (or sharing change rooms with them!) ain't one.
No. 1833686
File: 1684952672862.jpeg (75.44 KB, 1098x804, C0405D13-873B-4613-A961-90BB2E…)

Has this been posted already
No. 1833732
File: 1684955357376.png (363.78 KB, 810x2145, DankGrrrl.png)

TIM believes he never truly passed as a man.
No. 1833743
>>1833732So…. Men hated him because of his personality and stinky unwashed presence and autism but women are too timid to stand up to him because he looks like a deranged wall-eyed creep.
My non-troon dad is also 5'6 and fairly outgoing and women who don't know him can find him intimidating and intrusive but just quietly put up with his presence
because he is a strange man and they don't know what he is capable of and he is totally oblivious to it. The sheer 'tism of men.
No. 1833793
File: 1684959929020.jpeg (68.4 KB, 1079x988, 1681264828636.jpeg)

>>1833527>that concluded that the male pattern violence was less likely to continue if they got the chopI bet that's only true because they become chained to their room because they stink of fecal matter and have to dilate constantly. That or the suicidal urges.
>>1833732>lists a bunch of intersex disorders in order to justify troonism>cannot claim to have one of those disordersEvery time.
No. 1833800
>>1833728In general girls do begin puberty earlier than boys. It isn't a myth, it's just how nature is. Puberty usually begins at 8-13 in girls and 9-15 in boys.
>>1833732OMG it's Nostalgia Critic
No. 1833947
File: 1684969236833.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.07 KB, 1170x964, IMG_4872.jpeg)

Spoilered for obese mantits.
He wasn’t good-looking in the first place but holy shit what a downgrade.
No. 1833956
File: 1684970307507.jpg (48.2 KB, 1080x690, FoI8e1KWYAAjZwr.jpg)

>>1833686I wish I could unsee this
No. 1833961
File: 1684970598483.jpeg (9.14 KB, 168x300, ugly troon (16).jpeg)

>>1833324It's just the TikTok API, I guess they don't give a shit what they send to google. But then it's probably a mercy that they send out deep fried 8kb files of these guys.
>>1833732God, he looked like the very essence of male trailer trash before. At least trooning got him to shave and do something with his hair. Too bad he had to be delusional about it.
No. 1834009
File: 1684975878300.png (866.26 KB, 1549x802, on Twitter.png)

Now we know why he wants to breastfeed. It's all a fetish for them.
No. 1834011
File: 1684976026120.jpg (163.58 KB, 946x2048, Fw0uJc_XoAAlW4d.jpg)

No. 1834031
File: 1684978599048.webm (15.88 MB, 720x1280, 851043957.webm)
In the UK some trans activists poured 90 liters of piss on the Equality And Human Rights Commission because of a proposal to not let men in women's bathrooms without a gender recognition certificate.
No. 1834035
File: 1684978932825.png (114.51 KB, 748x705, Twitter.png)

>>1834031trannies are a bunch of man children honestly
No. 1834040
File: 1684979176302.png (411.96 KB, 990x1238, Instagram photos and…)

totally not edited
No. 1834066
File: 1684983964536.png (32.22 KB, 748x635, on Twitter.png)

No. 1834083
File: 1684985688572.png (337.44 KB, 383x600, Captura de pantalla 2023-05-24…)

>>1832739>>1833258Horror cow shit, he got the poor kid. His fanbase is projecting onto people pushing back to this bullshit in the replies. Calling them pervs and saying shit like "qweer joy". THIS IS THE SAME ACCOUNT HE USES to PROMOTE HIS SEX WORK! No. 1834100
>>1834031Where did they even
get 90 liters of piss? Were they saving it in jugs at their houses? Males are disgusting.
No. 1834118
File: 1684989181500.jpeg (177.16 KB, 1007x992, Fw7BMInWcAIc3JU.jpeg)

>>1834083He posted this to defend himself (conveniently as an image so you'd have to manually type in the links) but if the first "peer-reviewed" study of that faggot in New York turned out to be nonsense, I imagine this stuff is, too. He claims to have produced colostrum, which I highly doubt. I'm phonefagging right now, but if any anons on desktop want to investigate his cherry-picked crap, feel free.
No. 1834142
File: 1684992416996.jpeg (81.94 KB, 1333x649, FvK-5yIWAAI5Tj2.jpeg)

>>1834114The mother sounds just as retarded as him, apparently they only met a couple months ago and she actually let him do that to her child. No. 1834150
File: 1684994412409.png (461.58 KB, 662x781, peachdangerprincess.png)

At least his chosen "middle name" seems unusually honest.
No. 1834151
>>1834118 have no idea where he got the 13 direct cases from actually. idea where it says that tranny moobs are identical to womens. is paywalled so you can't really get the details
>Data available from 4 small studies on the excretion of domperidone into breastmilk are somewhat inconsistentTranny forgot to read this part and it's about actual women not troons
No. 1834165
File: 1684996195861.jpg (55.31 KB, 1043x1269, Gallery.jpg)

Not a good look now was it?
No. 1834197
File: 1685004527640.png (280.79 KB, 694x325, uptroon.png)

>>1834083this troon looks like the grandpa from up
No. 1834217
File: 1685009861559.jpeg (210.33 KB, 1242x1404, IMG_1208.jpeg)

Least unhinged and porn-rotted tranny on tumblr
No. 1834222
>>1834083I am genuinely concerned for this baby and any other children this disgusting degenerate scrote comes into contact with. His original post about "trans women breastfeeding" got 13k likes. How can 13k people live with themselves after liking and endorsing this paedophilic fantasy?!
The study he cites took on a sample of 5 fucking people and has no long-term analysis and yet all the cultists in the replies are endorsing it too. This is disgusting, I can't even express how disgusting it is. Real women are still shamed and ridiculed for breastfeeding in public and real women can't even have coffee and certain medicataions during their pregnancy because of the potential side effects for the baby but apparently ALL of that logic goes out the fucking window when it comes to a perverted male and his feelings. Apparently it's fine, empowering and true motherhood to be a male and feed an infant your mantitty hormone syrup. This is actual noncery, he should be reported to the police and those children should be taken away. He is a legitimate danger. Putting your children on the same profile as your explicit porn stuff should have been the final straw but because he's a man with special gender boners it's fine, it seems.
No. 1834235
File: 1685017064176.jpg (61.6 KB, 985x387, IMG_20230525_151853.jpg)

No. 1834239
>>1834189Interesting how the top link doesn't work in the archived copy because of NCMEC (CPS).
For any nonnas too scared to check the bottom link is just the troon's porn account
No. 1834260
File: 1685021991350.webm (7.24 MB, 858x536, Better Than Chocolate - 1999 M…)
So this a scene from the 1999 indie-produced lesbian comedy film 'Better Than Chocolate,' which explores the queer scene in Vancouver, so yeah academic libfems have been always like this.
No. 1834265
File: 1685022697871.png (48.24 KB, 1166x784, 1.png)

somebody needs to tell the trannies that there are medications to deal with such delusions
No. 1834328
File: 1685035557145.jpeg (95.16 KB, 1290x1042, Fw-IE9vWYAIhoGz.jpeg)

>This is what paranoia makes in your mind.
No. 1834332
>>1834300What if they report as them using the child as a prop on a sexual account,can't that be considered as negligence and child abuse? I remember one female youtuber who got her baby taken away because she was selling breast-feeding videos(
which I am sure this troon is doing)