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No. 1775278
File: 1677182428100.jpg (170.44 KB, 828x1100, FpozJQ7aQAA3wEs.jpg)

How are these scrotes not embarresed posting shit like this completely public?
No. 1775287
File: 1677183090208.jpeg (Spoiler Image,893.54 KB, 1170x1872, 2E61F47D-20FD-42EA-B9DF-DA6A70…)

sorry for porn but wtf is going on with those nipples
No. 1775292
File: 1677183612808.png (213.72 KB, 520x574, y56ey.PNG)

some new assigned male milk
No. 1775298
>>1775279There have been so many funny things that have come out of this game, some Russian shizo
terf being the first to crack the game would be the icing on the cake. I'm believing it until proven otherwise
No. 1775313
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>>1775278Of course he’s a virgin who lives at home with his parents and posts stuff like this constantly
No. 1775338
File: 1677186877934.png (236.13 KB, 515x916, butwhataboutME.png)

Small reminder how TRAs love to compare their "pain" with black women, unless they're terves.
No. 1775351
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> this sub is the most toxic fucking sub that I have marked green with Shinigami eyes.
when not even your hugbox wants to validate you kek
No. 1775357
File: 1677189046334.png (1.85 MB, 1776x1280, Screen Shot 2023-02-23 at 4.49…)

>>1775267new painfully unfunny onion article just dropped
No. 1775361
>>1775322Empress is a completely unhinged schizo. I have no proof of their identity, but telegram insiders say it's a group of Russian trolls or a middle aged man concealing his identity or a genuinely crazy truscum tranny who thinks he's a woman. Either way, that person trolls and baits heavily for attention, says some tradwife bullshit and pretends to be a super hot 22 year old russian girl.
Fitgirl has always used the picture from the french movie Amelie, and no one ever thought it's a real woman, it's again half clout chasing, half distancing yourself from your real identity that could get you caught by police. Some fitgirl fans say he's a prominent transwoman in the community.
No. 1775363
>>1775357it's words on the internet when it's directed towards woman but hate speech if it's directed towards men lmao. Guess I can't advocate for rape
victims since I've never been raped! Or advocate for abuse
victims because I've never been abused! What kind of logic is that? And if she actually was abused by a troon they would just say 'not all troons!!' or 'that wasn't a real troon!!' like they always do.
No. 1775365
>>1775361there were definitely people who thought fitgirl was a woman. whether empress is a group of men, a troon, or a woman it's still absolutely hilarious that the person who cracked the evil
terf wizard game released it alongside an anti-troon rant.
No. 1775383
File: 1677193100695.png (300.41 KB, 582x814, wired.PNG)

Let's talk about Jaina Grey.
Trans'woman' who reviewed HL for Wired. Really interesting how only non-transpeople love this game, it's almost like the transpeople are affected by their internal personal opinions? Like bigotry, except not, because transwomen can't be bigots because they're too marginalized.
>When one of those voices comes from the author who taught you about accepting yourself, a person you thought truly saw you and kids like you, it hurts in a way I honestly hope she never understands. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
That sounds like a parasocial relationship, my dude.
transpeople accusing HL of transphobia because of the 'SIR' in sirona ryan's name is equivalent to jaina grey being accused of misogyny because her name is clearly a reference to vaGINAs.
I realize it's very unfair to ask men to check themselves nowadays because they can now claim it's biGOTry to tell them to rein in the male privilege they have been socialized since birth to expect :))))).
If you literally have to make up quotes from someone in order to justify attacking them, what kind of delusional sick fuck does that out you as?(:)))))))))
No. 1775403
File: 1677195607067.jpeg (228.55 KB, 750x660, 1140C857-4F7B-4313-8D41-39FE96…)

>>1775357I think someone mentioned this article in the previous thread. It’s unfunny as fuck and obvious troon pandering
No. 1775413
File: 1677196309498.jpg (56.83 KB, 640x459, 1623907363888.jpg)

>>1775407men will always jump to blame women before calling out the behavior of other men.
No. 1775433
>>1775394nona, the only thing that would make a
terf look good is to set herself on fire, as far as troons are concerned. don’t ever try to please them.
No. 1775505
>>1775383So much this. And if you're truly against a game (because it's literally made by someone in favor of a genocide!!), then you don't buy it. But buying it, playing it, and then giving it a bad score because "I don't agree with the woman whose intellectual property was used for this game" is fucking retarded. TRAs are just hypocrites who want to play and review the best selling game of the moment while getting paid for it and getting attention because muh transphobia is the central theme of the review.
>>1775443Exactly what they just did, blaming JKR for the death of Brianna Ghey.
No. 1775512
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"Glowup" right…..
No. 1775531
File: 1677209493025.jpg (36.12 KB, 499x458, Dy-BDPhXQAQRRi9 (1)_(1).jpg)

>>1775407Because they're not actually real women.
No. 1775539
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No. 1775543
File: 1677211349109.png (1.25 MB, 1901x1080, Untitled.png)

saging because it's not really "milk" just cringe
>They are essentially advocating for genocide,” she says simply. “What else do you call it, when we’re being disenfranchised, pushed out of spaces, denied health care, denied love and dignity? If we’re essentially being told that we don’t exist by the people that are meant to be protecting us, that is going to – and is – causing people to die.”
No. 1775557
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>>1775551Apparently there's voice mods to fix his annoying voice but it got taken down because transphobia kek
I think there's an avada kedavra mod so you can just kill him
No. 1775581
>>1775564i didn’t see any posts saying they were glad brian (or whatever his real name was) was murdered, or that they hoped he suffered. i mostly saw posts pointing out that he was an agp and a groomer, and that they didn’t feel bad he died. then some retard got
triggered that we weren’t stricken with pity and grief for the troon, trying to police our emotions. so annoying.
No. 1775591
>>1775581There were definitely posts saying this, if not in the previous thread then in the one before it. And to be fair nobody sperged out about it like >1775564, anons were mostly saying that it makes terfs look bad or that it's ""wrong"" to say this about a dead teenager. Which is a retarded complaint because we're literally on lolcow. Pretty sure some anons just felt bad because they have relatives that are teenagers or whatever.
>>1775557Ridiculous. Last time I checked NexusMod was full of porny mods (even bestiality apparently) but changing the voice of one character is a step too far? Fucking cowards. Or troons idk, they're everywhere now.
No. 1775605
>>1775595The insanity surrounding JKR always comes down to the simple fact that she is a huge, legitimate threat to their ideology. Trannies are terrified people will listen to her, because the natural consequence would be agreeing with every sensible, empathetic, logical and well spoken word that comes out of her. They have to make her such a villain that people won't accept anything she says and won't admit it even if they do.
Misogyny at Blizzard is not a threat to feminism on an ideological level, situations like that only prove their arguments. So of course feminists aren't going to psychotic levels to police other people's consumption of Blizzard products. Needless to say trannies don't care about feminism but in general no activist groups are going this far to demonize anyone '
problematic' even when they're 1000x worse.
No. 1775611
>>1775539Every time I see this femaleboyfriend troon get posted, I notice so much fetishizing misogynist vibes coming out of him. Definitely had an incel and school shooter phase.
>>1775543I hate how their response for anything that's critical of transgenderism is "YOU ARE LITERALLY GENOCIDING US REEEEEEEE" It's such an example of male hysteria and persecution complex.
No. 1775628
>>1775620I remember when troons were talking about how the fact she uses a gender neutral penname to sell her book must mean she must have "internalized misogyny," and is ashamed to represent herself as a woman. Now hearing the real reason why she chose to use that penname made me seethe so hard. Troons really have no idea what it's like to face sexism as a woman.
>>1775605It's classic manipulation tactic. If you can't control a woman the best thing you can do is control the narrative around her.
No. 1775637
>>1775630>>1775632Better to be an empath-chan than a terminally online edgy radfem who thinks sexual abuse and murder is ok as long as the
victim is male.
No. 1775642
File: 1677228465481.jpeg (Spoiler Image,715.56 KB, 750x1228, A554CAB0-7A91-45EF-A70B-323797…)

anyway, here’s a picture of a mangled dick.
No. 1775657
File: 1677230341024.jpg (647.42 KB, 2048x1753, PhotoGrid_1677230038038_edit_4…)

Uncomfortable being yourself but comfortable standing outside the toilets and filming the doors.
No. 1775666
>>1775657trannies say they can't pee in the men's restroom because they're scared that other men will be weirded out or react violently due to seeing a tranny. but this bald scrote is just.. there, doesn't even look like a tranny, why can't he piss in the men's restroom? what is he scared of? what a freak. i swear every single sexual predator is now emboldened and claiming to be trans.
>>1775659this omg, some of these comebacks make no sense
No. 1775668
>>1775657What is stopping this guy from going in the men's? He has, presumably, used men's rooms up to this point. So what changed? Because his appearance sure as shit didn't.
>>1775664I'm sorry to tell you this but sperm brows/overplucked brows seem to be making a comeback among the youths. everything early 2000s is so hot right now.
No. 1775675
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No. 1775682
>>1775668>I'm sorry to tell you this but sperm brows/overplucked brows seem to be making a comebacknta but I actually like skinny brows, they look more artistic to me than the overly thick style. 2000s fashion is horrible though so idk why that is making a comeback, literally like stuff you'd grab blindfolded
Trannies usually dress like they're teenage crushes or current stalking
victims hence the odd fashion, and I guess it's more jarring since we're used to "queer" men being the ones designing fashion and makeup trends, which usually look good.
Trannies are all straight men who ~spinny skirt make dick hard~ hence their straight male grasp of aesthetics, and a lot of young trannies are groomed by older agps who probably "help" them with their makeup and clothes, so you get young men dressing like 40yo agps
No. 1775688
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>>1775675ofc he is did faker
No. 1775694
File: 1677237580976.png (271.88 KB, 450x328, nightmare.png)

Do "sissy fetish" TIMs ever realize how terrifying they look? like If I was something picrel IRL, I would run away and just never stop, like literal this is fucking nightmare fuel
No. 1775695
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yes this unironic
No. 1775704
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No. 1775709
File: 1677242207771.webm (4.51 MB, 640x360, SrVv8JbE2vPhbpvk.webm)
How are moids so face blind when it comes to MTFs? like I clocked this dude in a second, I mean the voice along is telling but he's literally 10x more masculine then the guy interviewing him
his face, his broad shoulders, his hand size, and literally everything else about him
No. 1775725
>>1775622 I haven’t seen a single
TERF on twitter say they hope trannies get murdered (other than the rapists and pedophiles). On the other hand, I’ve seen dozens and dozens of trannies on twitter wish death on women and celebrate women’s death… As for me, I’m not wasting my attention on mourning ANY pornsick tranny- that doesn’t mean I’m wishing death on them. You’re using the same logic that trannies do which is that if you don’t talk about them 24/7 and give them free money/clothes/cosmetics and signal boost their gofundmes that means you’re a transphobe who wants them to die. There are plenty of ex handmaiden who peaked that way- from trannies demanding absolutely everything including your 24/7 sympathy and attention or else they’d get labelled a
terf. Keep it up and you’ll peak more of them.
Besides, men commit 99% of rapes and murders, whether it’s towards men or women. Why do you expect women to take responsibility for men’s actions?
No. 1775738
File: 1677246643878.png (2.25 MB, 1080x706, Screenshot_20230224-074559.png)

Got recommended this video.
This was before he trooned out and it's so obvious he's trying really hard to overmasculate himself as a feminine guy. The funny thing about this whole deal is many year later on Wendy Carlos said he regrets being trans. I think the medical side of it he hates the most because he's now a forever patient. He even advised young people with dysphoria to go to therapy. Kek.
No. 1775748
File: 1677247229224.jpeg (212.36 KB, 900x600, B1A2D87A-8726-46A0-8CDD-A8B85C…)

>>1775744No pornified, young bimbo slutty stunts outfits, he really just wanted to live his life but yeah therapy would of worked also I’m sure
No. 1775754
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No. 1775759
>>1775351Women already put
trigger warnings when talking about their periods online so I’m guessing these are real life friends which also doesn’t make sense because he said he doesn’t like cis people. Hopefully he’s not harassing random women online for talking about periods.
No. 1775782
File: 1677250844489.png (1.03 MB, 766x1318, Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 1…)

>>1775724no trannies would call their peers a sissy fetishist man, this girl is so fucking awesome
No. 1775790
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>>1775782her being a moid would be like larcyboy being a moid, no male can ever replicate genuine female bdp
No. 1775794
>>1775782Some anons in this thread just don't make sense. They can't hack the idea of a Russian woman cracking games
and being outspoken, edgy, harsh, etc while hating trannies, as if Russia isn't a country full of computer autists, abrasive/macho culture
and typically anti-troon views. Fuck off with the coquette memes. Tons of women who come from rougher parts of the world plagued with intense scrote bullshit are surrounded by that sort of culture, you either have to adapt or heavily isolate yourself (and if you're not rich, the latter is impossible). This is especially true if your personal interests aren't hyperfeminine. Try talking to literally any outgoing woman from Brazil, the Caribbean, etc too. Talk to your fucking auntie and read her FB posts if you're not from Western Europe or the "nice" parts of the US or UK. Half the time, you'll get a similar abrasive energy, especially if they're right-leaning.
Nonnies are saying she can't be a woman because "Omg she's too unhinged", but in the same vein, they'll post about how glad they are a 16 year old gay boy tranny died. It's not adding up. I'm not saying Empress
can't be a man, but the insistence that she is smells like some weird "Women have to be lovely and don't do icky boy things like programming" nonsense, or just trannies coping and seething.
No. 1775807
>>1775512how is this not just heterosexuality with extra steps
it's so fucking stupid
i peaked when one of my friend-of-a-friends came out as transboy, wanted to be exclusively referred to as he/him with a new non-binary name, but still CLEARLY looked/acted like a woman (with short hair), her boyfriend was straight before she transitioned and HER transition did not change HIS sexuality but all of a sudden he was now 'bi'.
why, dude. why? are you guys just that bored? do you have no other hobbies to invest time in? why all the effort and the mental gymnastics when you could just be like 'wow, i have some masculine traits' and not 'I ONCE SPOKE USING MY CHEST VOICE SO NOW I AM MAN'
the ironic thing is that the man this girl wants to be is a twinky guy in a yaoi manga relationship and so it's still entirely based in feminine archetypes.
I have a deeper voice than she does and I'm not fucking trying.
No. 1775883
>>1775695>calling someone a freak is a dog whistlepretty sure openly insulting someone isn't subliminal messaging lmao.
>using the word invalid unironicallythis one confuses me, troons are the ones always talking about being
valid and validated.
>men can be lesbiansidk how any sane person can read this and not go what the fuck
No. 1775889
>>1775794I believe she's could very well be a woman and I've seen other russian women act like that, but this is the internet so obviously you can't be sure. Think of how many "women" in gamedev and speedrunning are actually moids. I'm not doubting it because I believe women can't code, it's because I know males like to larp as women who code and take their spot.
And I still don't feel sorry for the poor widdle gay boi flashing his dick, keep seething.
No. 1775899
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No. 1775925
File: 1677261596835.jpg (391.1 KB, 1080x1120, Screenshot_20230224_105439.jpg)

lmao this troon was on jeopardy. granny troons really are a separate breed. also it annoys me so much that trannies act like anyone who doesn't like them is a terf. do they even know what terf stands for? plenty of people hate troons just because they're ugly and gross, not specifically because they care about women.
No. 1775927
File: 1677261674286.jpg (824.13 KB, 810x3111, vomit.jpg)

"this is the crap guys addicted to porn wish their women were into" yes, indeed.
No. 1775969
>>1775522>>1775529I brought this up in a previous thread. They unironically nailed the simpering praise lavished on TIMs over nothing. So stunning! So BRAVE! It would be funny if it weren’t so annoying.
>>1775666I’m convinced it’s part of the fetish for guys like this. Some trans-identified people might genuinely have been indoctrinated by the narrative that everyone wants to harm them, but there’s a certain breed of AGP that absolutely revels in this fantasy of being the
victim of an attack. It’s usually men who’ve never realistically had to worry about violence so thinking of themselves as a potential
victim is novel, exciting and even arousing to them.
No. 1775993
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>>1775748Still a malding AGP skin walker. Sad how he's overshadowed actual female early electronic musicians like Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram and Éliane Radigue etc.
No. 1775996
File: 1677268658528.jpg (232.7 KB, 1277x1580, FpwL84OaEAA-0xR.jpg)

Always the gross rooms
No. 1776022
File: 1677273296004.jpg (148.63 KB, 828x1433, FpwfRH9akAEik8Z.jpg)

Can we go back to shaming men
No. 1776026
>>1775927>Don't be ashamed of what's naturalYeah because every woman wants to be sexually dominated and psychologically controlled by a man. It's completely normal to think about penis and "shutting down". Lesbians don't exist.
You can tell they're really just getting off to themselves larping as the porny cock-hungry dumb woman they dream of.
No. 1776033
>>1776022this makes me want to alog so bad. seeing fat ugly old men dressing up like girls in frilly dresses for their fetish is so fucking disgusting.
and i'm a lolita, so this makes me seethe on a deeper level because of how hard sissies have co-opted our fashion and now people compare us to sissies & kink
>i couldn't convince any of you to twin with mei wonder why
No. 1776038
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>>1775709Men's perception of femininity is completely shallow and surface level only; they don't see women as human people so they aren't looking for the kind of indicators that a woman is looking for to determine a person's sex.
Picrel is case in point; women is when booba. What is a face?
No. 1776045
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No. 1776065
>>1775738sage for autism
this is not from before he trooned out, he said in some interview that he was already transitioning at the time of this interview, but he didnt want to appear publicly as trans; so he just ended up looking strange with the fake sideburns and shit.
No. 1776071
File: 1677280646854.webm (1.48 MB, 576x1024, 24aef4ffede4de6838b35ed46b85f1…)
His whole page is like this and it gets positive feedback…
No. 1776072
File: 1677280819996.webm (1.47 MB, 576x1024, fc24639e9f94374bd14599426d68e6…)
Genuinely disturbing, a lot of his content is also about about 'real' women vs 'cis' women. The whole account is top tier peaking content tbh.
No. 1776073
File: 1677280967558.jpeg (807.98 KB, 1170x1745, 06B30923-CE0A-40FF-8D77-744ABE…)

Sage for non-milk but wtf why do I manage to stumble upon these kinds of accounts so easily
No. 1776095
File: 1677283996096.jpeg (937.57 KB, 1117x1149, B777F498-0CF6-407C-A3B7-C15CB6…)

this absolute creature popped up on hinge
No. 1776110
File: 1677285897560.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1242x2124, BAD799E4-A37A-4A4F-BD9C-1AB3B1…)

Based Babish. A bunch of men in wigs chimping out in the comments and trying to drag us Jews into it to strengthen their arguments… If he deletes or apologizes for this I will lose all respect. We need to see people taking firm stances against the degenerate bullies. Hopefully his fiancée is a terf and educates him.
No. 1776113
>>1775351What woman is talking about periods with this cretin? More than likely he is inserting himself in women's spaces and then bitching at them to not bring up their personal experiences as a woman such as periods/pregnancy, etc. Hes just a little rat that wants women to cater to him and not have their own personal spaces.
"Do not get surprised if I decide to leave that conversation" good because nobody wanted your rat ass in the conversation anyway, whiney bitch.
No. 1776125
File: 1677286483192.jpg (1.67 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230224_172033707~2.jpg)

I wanted to share this somewhere and couldn't think of anywhere but here to share, so I'm sorry if it doesn't belong here.
This past week at work, I was in the kitchen making coffee and I kind of saw a tall woman in scrubs run past me through my peripheral vision and didn't think anything of it. Then the receptionist gave this "woman" mail and I heard them open their mouth and it was just MAN VOICE and I had a visceral reaction and jumped. Where I work is a pretty conservative, quiet suburb right outside a large city, so this was my first time encountering a troon irl. He has started saying hi to me and I just ignore him. He creeps me out and I hope I never see him in the women's bathroom because as you can see from the attached pic, his face is absolutely terrifying. Once I heard his man voice, I actually looked at him and saw the obvious signs of male: broad shoulders, over six feet tall, narrow hips, etc.
No. 1776149
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>>1776073Every time I have to read “girldick” I vomit in my mouth a little
No. 1776166
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No. 1776173
File: 1677291029945.webm (2.74 MB, 320x568, 56564.webm)
>>1776166samefag. moid comedy is the same no matter if they're a TiM or not
No. 1776202
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>>1776100That's not something new (sewing a masturbator toy inside of a plush), but what did Blåhaj do to deserve being a "trans symbol"??
No. 1776204
File: 1677293163479.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, 9D7B7125-7411-4100-A6C1-0BE14E…)

Furry equivalent of that one troon teacher
No. 1776273
>>1775695>"I'm a TME trans/non-binary person so there's defenitely no way I could be transmisogynistic/a TERF"KEK even in a bingo card completely about TERFs they still just
have to throw TIFs under the bus
Take on terminally online terminology: TMA/TME is such a funny label. It literally just means TIM/not-TIM, so it's the exact same thing as AMAB/AFAB except completely self centered for TIMs. I know that TIFs are extremely passive to TIMs, but I still can't understand how any of them would actually be convinced to use the word TME on themselves.
No. 1776299
File: 1677303542586.jpeg (46.83 KB, 750x255, A400B3AE-A5AA-4AB1-A05B-E98040…)

>>1775413Try not to a-log on troon opinion challenge(impossible!)
No. 1776306
>>1776247>but the thought of troons being professionals in the health care industry sends chills down my spine.I dont know where you live
nonny, but if it makes you feel better im a brit bong that works in healthcare and everyone i know is surprisingly openly terfy (plus never seen one at work)
No. 1776321
File: 1677307293237.jpeg (118.25 KB, 828x1189, FpyeBP3aAAE3wAW.jpeg)

Trying very hard to cover the baldness
No. 1776327
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Sage because i know this isnt actually a tranny.. Im just so baffled at how openly they can wish someones death without consequences
No. 1776337
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Some of the highlights from "trans appreciation friday"…
No. 1776340
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No. 1776341
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human shrek
No. 1776342
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No. 1776394
File: 1677318439275.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1242x2245, 9092C98F-A409-4019-9175-04B849…)

I’m a bit retarded and have no idea how one would embed TikToks here but have any of you watched this Australian lady called K_carnelian responding to some nasty troons who claim to have their periods? Of course a bunch of tards are calling her a TERF for daring to tell men they don’t have periods kek. The world is insane
No. 1776403
>>1776342Jeffree Star at 80
>>1776327At least their womanhate is right out in the open. Wouldn't want to befriend a moid only to find out
later he wishes death upon children's authors who disapprove of men jacking off in the ladies and offering tampons to preteens.
Or thinks that male rapists should be kept separate from female prisoners and abuse
victims. Like if you wish death upon
that person you are clearly the bad guy, clearly the rapist, clearly want to do crimes to women unhindered. Keep announcing yourselves to the world, freaks, every woman knows
death to terfs translates as
death to women No. 1776413
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>>1775351How he looks like. The funniest part is transpositive saying he totally looks like a woman. Holy shit moids are faceblind.
No. 1776419
File: 1677323784899.png (300.13 KB, 520x540, pukeenlutte.png) tranny protests sex worker rights. All the cucked face blind redditors can't tell that he is a man and are arguing about if his boobs are natural. They are also pro sw because of course they are, they'll never get female attention otherwise.
No. 1776478
>>177646720-25 years ago but it's a
victim of troonery and retarded jannies
No. 1776510
>>1775794yes. as a slav i agree, we definitely can come off abrasive.
plus, can you imagine a man taking the time and effort to stick it to the T and standing up for JKR? it just seems like something a pissed off talented woman would do, fuck it i would have done it if i could do this shit
No. 1776528
>>1776481All the troons I've seen were at "woke" grocery stores like Whole Foods and Target, music concerts, and at Japanese grocery stores.
The music concerts, they're always wearing crop tops or spaghetti string form fitting dresses with chokers and at the Jap stores they're wearing trench coats with gogo boots.
No. 1776585
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>>1776413I think
>>1776050 totally nailed it, they are only looking for a performance of femininity; if they see boobs, long hair, makeup, jewellery, etc, their feeble little lizard brains tell them it's FEE-MAIL.
>>1776571>>1776576I used to be really into my local derby scene; now the league accepts anyone who "identifies as female or gender expansive". Men ruin everything.
No. 1776586
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>>1775267do they not see how this makes it absolutely worse and isn’t a “gotcha” for conservatives? like, rowling’s main concern was about pervy bad faith actors taking advantage of self ID loopholes. EVERYONE knew he was full of shit, but the school still allowed it and questioning his motives meant you were transphobic. the QTs are all mocking everyone who was concerned about this for "falling for a right wing psyop." i just…how are they this thick? how do they miss the point every time?
No. 1776596
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the article literally starts off with evanna advocating for trans rights but explains she grew up and just said "there's two sides, we shouldn't be so quick to dog pile Jo" and that immediately made her evil in the eyes of these troons
No. 1776620
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I think this might have been posted already but I couldn't find it; you'd think for all the shit men give women about our looks, they could at least wash their hair before making a public appearance.
No. 1776625
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They need to fucking lay off the whole period thing already
No. 1776663
>>1776625> a fraction of humanity does "bleed"TIL 50% of humanity is a fraction, I mean it is but generally when you use that term in that way you're referring to a small number not literally half of all people.
>>1776631> why is bleed in quotesBecause women are theoretical.
No. 1776696
File: 1677357378807.png (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, ptube.png)

New PhilosophyTroon video and he looks like a drag queen trying to impersonate Cher
No. 1776697
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>>1776696>I love that she's able to flaunt her amazing bodyTube self-posting?
No. 1776748
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>>1776625This had me search the word "period" on the MTF sub because I'm feeling particularly masochistic rn. SO MANY POSTS. Idk why I'm surprised. Of course a bunch of men are sitting around all day thinking about periods. So many offensive comments. Then there's this one that's like… At least he admits it but you know this line of thinking is: We are better than women because we don't have their issues. I don't know which is worse but I'm so disgusted and feels like I'm going insane that this is the most protected class in western society right now.
No. 1776756
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>>1776748Samefag, picrel ss of just a few results from the past 2 months
No. 1776856
>>1776166I like pretending to be a woman getting beat and raped"
So you just like seeing women get beat and raped and we're supposed to respect that.
He needs his overalls pulled so far up his ass he gets split in half.
No. 1776875
File: 1677375056118.jpeg (987.08 KB, 2340x1796, 31CAE9ED-89AF-40A0-BEE0-4808E0…)

Coping troon gets euphoric over the couple of replies agreeing with his /pol/ post and posts screenshots of them on reddit to try and boost his gender high even further
No. 1776877
>>1776620"It matters that they attend these shows so that I can be an exhibitionist fetishist in front of innocent children just like my dick always wanted!"
Love the woman interjecting him. I hope she did it more and made him chimp out.
No. 1776882
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>>1776875troon in question:
No. 1776947
>>1776620Is this Zephyr? They all look alike to me
Oh and drag sucks shit I could go the rest of my life without seeing another of those smug no talent fuckers ever again
No. 1776978
>>1776926>Do they think this is a bad thing? Women do not have reproduction anxiety like men.They wish. It's pathetic how badly they want us to be like them, to drag us down to their level. It's reflected in their threats because that's what would work to scare
them into compliance, eg "you're gonna die old and alone without getting to reproduce" no moid, that's a fear
you evolved because
you exist to dump sperm and die. Of course getting us to comply with those threats is how they seek to prevent that fear from happening, that they won't fulfill their biological purpose. It's all projection and never forget it ladies. They will even take the troon pill if they think it'll turn the tables and magically make us desperate for their dicks instead of the other way around.
No. 1777087
>>1776596Really nice to see some people moving past their first reactionary anti-
TERF statements and actually taking the time to listen to JKR and read about what she was addressing properly. It’s easy to overreact when people get immediately hit with the damning “-phobe” stamp that terrifies every well behaved liberal, but if we take the time to look into these issues more deeply we can all end up seeing that JKR’s views are the actually progressive ones. Makes me glad to see Evanna rethink things because I’ve admired her previous statements about body image/EDs, neurodivergent/other outcast fans of Luna, animal welfare, etc. She seems like an overall caring person who wants the underprivileged to be uplifted and protected by our society, which is exactly what TERFs want as well.
No. 1777594
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>>1777436Transbians date one another as a last resort.
No. 1777603
>>1776875Rivals? Kek. Funny how men think we’d be offended or feel insecure when they want to fuck other men.
I have no issue with men fucking, harassing, killing and raping eachother. Just leave us alone.
No. 1777624
>>1777594They know that even the "passing" trannies are hiding behind 20 filters and facetune edits and the ones who look like shit online are real horrors irl. No incentive to meet a bunch of (fellow) ugly men, most mtf are straight men trying to cheatcode their way into women's spaces (hence being so offended when anyone points that out)
Plus they all know each other already and have probably swapped dickpics if they live in the same city.
No. 1777707
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>>1775695How did I do nonnies?
No. 1777721
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>>1776696handsome squidward lol
No. 1777732
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his hair line hiding behind his greasy hair
No. 1777734
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No. 1777738
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No. 1777741
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No. 1777752
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>wearing his mothers clothes
No. 1777766
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No. 1777867
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No. 1777871
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more like sleep paralysis demon
No. 1777873
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No. 1777874
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No. 1777899
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Is anyone else getting the "The server failed to handle your upload." messages? It takes me so many attempts to actually post something.
No. 1777914
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Dilbert troons out, gets euphoria boner; drawn by a troon, of course. No. 1777922
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>>1777914Also draws this fucking weird gamer "girl" dick thing.
No. 1777928
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>>1777914>>1777922OK that's all I can handle of this one, Taylor Swift kissing his ass while he looks like that.
No. 1778148
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Babish did a sponsorship video for the hogwarts game, so he hath brought upon the rage of troons.
Babish is probably my most watched cooking channel though, so works for me.
No. 1778163
>>1778158Agreed, same shit happened with that Vtuber who the bullied to the point of tears, the other day she called them Twitter freaks for harassing her and they proceeded to say ‘let’s kill this cunt’ among other gross things.
Legit there’s literally no way this isn’t a widespread cult at this point.
No. 1778193
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No. 1778217
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The guy stitching this only commented on the republican thing, but the fact he claims 0 drag queens or trans people assaulted anyone, yeah right
No. 1778219
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>>1778204samefag, I found the account on twitter just now, sorry for being retarded, anyways here's more images as an apology. Sage b/c I'm not sure if just being ugly counts as milk.
No. 1778247
>>1776596Funny how the one from ravenclaw is the one to rethink and change her mind when they're the "intelligent" house
>>1776604I wonder if Emma Watson will even be brave enough to admit it publicly when she realizes she was wrong. There is no way she doesn't peak eventually. She's doesn't strike me as someone who'd be brave enough to do the right thing until after many others have said it before her.
No. 1778259
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>>1778217(probably being an autist but how does he know they're republican?) anyway reminds me of picrel, this guy posted several reels with screenshots of grown men commenting on underage girls' posts, but idk why he always has to claim that "it's not drag queens". seems so random, drag queens are still males, some of them are given access to children despite the sexual nature of their shows, why would it not be drag queens? also not sure why he tagged single moms.
>>1778139kek, it's great, everything is there
No. 1778261
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No. 1778302
>>1778233I used to link handmaidens to trans subreddits to peak them. It only worked maybe 10% of the time because the remaining 90% managed to convince themselves that the nastier posts were all made by very dedicated trolls. That was 5 years ago, though. Surely they can’t still be this delusional?
>>1778244You’re getting articles about TIMs who commit crimes in Google? Over the last few years Google has only given me pro-trans articles from sites like PinkNews, so when I search “crossdressing man kills wife NYC” I only get a bunch of unrelated articles about trans people being genocided.
>>1778247Watson’s entire brand is built upon being the Cool Girl libfem, who’s young and sexy and centers men in her “feminism” while throwing actual boring old feminists under the bus to show how much more enlightened she is. Admitting she was wrong about Rowling would take a complete 180 and I doubt all the people she’s stepped on would be so quick to forgive and forget. I think it’s more likely she’ll fade out of the spotlight to quietly live out the rest of her life on her tax haven dollars.
No. 1778352
File: 1677507106250.jpg (116.42 KB, 1080x735, troonacy.jpg)

this is so fucking disgusting blocked everyone responsible in putting this on my dash i hate trannies
No. 1778361
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The irony of wearing an ugly maid outfit while your house is in such a state
No. 1778365
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am i supposed to be attracted to this?
No. 1778368
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>>1778365samefag. this one is openly a pedo and is uninterested in other stunning and brave transwomen.
No. 1778370
File: 1677510688113.jpg (235.11 KB, 1080x1548, FoNa2WDXoAIuAQm.jpg)

When you dont get showered with attention like you wanted and people dont give a shit about you being a tranny. Trannies going outside their echo chamber into the real world is always hilarious
No. 1778413
>>1776697There's no way this isn't a self post. This has none of the usual skinwalking post highlights. Not a hint of jealousy or hatred just "my eyes water with pain worse than crying because of their beauty". Also the fact that this is just sucking off PT's supposed fantastic and successful transition
>>1777722Trannies are all up in arms about an essay meanwhile if we take their advice and listen to their words and watch their actions they do shit like this and we end up realizing they're degenerate failmoids who are trying new ways to be predators anyways.
No. 1778418
>>1778148It's so crazy to me that people can think playing a video game could in any way be worse than threatening to kill someone, even if you obviously aren't following through with it.
Saying that playing Hogwarts Legacy contributes to a genocide is laughable, especially when that is used as an excuse to literally harass and threaten people. Recently when this topic has come up in my personal life I've found it useful to just associate any criticism of Rowling with this mob, and unless you're talking with a complete lunatic, they have to admit that no matter what JKR said (she didn't), it still doesn't amount to even one death/rape threat (which she receives daily) and even if one "condemns" the extremists, you are still contributing to the overall atmosphere that let's them thrive if you criticize her on their terms.
These people are in no position to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do, let alone act as the morality police when they've completely lost any sense of a moral compass.
No. 1778445
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post & poster
No. 1778456
>>1778445r/actuallesbians have legit 0 actual women in it at this point so its so funny theyre STILL trying to do the "uwu trans lesbians are
valid" considering nobody is saying anything else in there
No. 1778460
>>1778204I feel like it's a mix of
>>1778294 and also that they like Lily as short for Lilith specifically. A bunch of them lurk witchesvspatriarchy and other wicca/magic subreddits and communities so for those trannies I think it's they're trying to come up with something whimsical (which is why a bunch choose Luna as well) and spiritually transgressive (Lilith from the Bible). Trannies often choose names they hear growing up because they like skinwalking women they know, but because the vast majority of them are addicted to the internet, their names reflect whatever media they consume too. The name Lilith on wikipedia lists a ton of media like Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry. There's also the other anime/manga aspect that differs from the yuri thing, where japanese media tries to reference christianty and they choose whatever names sound kinda cool to them so Lilith is a pretty common one. The gist is that trannies have zero originality outside of copying women they know or their favorite media characters to jerk off to
No. 1778489
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Imagine this 2 meter man chasing you..
No. 1778518
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>>1777899Do we believe his side of the story, yea or nay?
No. 1778562
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>>1778558what he looks like without tiktok filters
No. 1778586
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zero fashion sense
No. 1778601
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look or behave like us? you mean real women? keep seething
No. 1778617
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>>1778601this popped up on my feed too and i was hoping someone would post it here. here's another:
No. 1778621
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>>1778617bonus example of male brilliance
No. 1778667
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>>1778368>Lesbian and trans>No into other MTFsHe should make it more obvious he's a straight guy.
No. 1778674
File: 1677537614923.jpeg (5.93 MB, 3120x4160, 6C2CF1C7-35F8-4F4E-AF65-93A5C3…)

why do they lie
No. 1778682
>>1778674What he listened: "Oh beautiful woman, I wish you could be my wife"
What the real catcalling probably was: "stupid Tranny thinking he's a woman lol"
No. 1778687
>>1778601People who are scared of being genocided don't openly wish death on their would-be murderers. If they were remotely afraid of us they wouldn't be making a full court press on every single one of our spaces. They wouldn't be so completely unwilling to compromise or even treat our concerns seriously. Note that he's making this ridiculous claim while preening in a womens' restroom. Pure narcissistic projection.
>>1778621Troons say all the time that women who don't feel skirt go spinny about womanhood 24-7 are really closeted TIFs. They said it about Rowling. They treat biological sex like a product you can just return to the store if you don't love everything about it. Then if that doesn't solve all your problems, it's society's fault for denying you the love and support you're entitled to no matter what. They're the ultimate consoomers, which is why corporations and quacks love them.
>>1778633Yes, performative disdain of the people he's emulating behind 10 filters and an inch of makeup signals envy. As that hilarious FTMTF cartoon I can't find showed, women are not trying to look like trannies.
No. 1778709
File: 1677541654551.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1375, 33F75B07-5C09-4407-B68A-86959A…)

I opened up Facebook and saw this page I follow that posts cute anime boys has been dropping memes like this left and right for the past week or so. I followed ages ago and kind of forgot about it since the admins usually just post stuff without commenting. I'm happily surprised to see it since I figure most pages like these are full of tifs usually. The seething in the comments is great. Admins getting the usual death threats and doxing attempts, normal troon behavior.
No. 1778780
>>1778744>>1777869Are the toilets in stalls? If so that makes it potentially dangerous when it's to easy to peek through someone through the cracks.
There's a unisex bathroom in one building at my uni but each stall is fully walled and doored, kinda like a mini handicap/unisex bathroom but no sink. Thats really fucked up they removed the women's bathroom and I hope enough women complain about it.
No. 1778783
>>1778766Also NTA but same minus twitter… I’m thinking of making a new tumblr account for
terf peaking. I like it here bc Reddit and tumblr make me want to puke sometimes with how delusional and cultish everyone is. It’s refreshing to leave those echo chambers even if this could be considered one too… At least I’m getting exposed to both sides so I can form my opinions fairly. Most TRAs literally reject reality and it’s insane
No. 1778787
File: 1677550704300.jpeg (517.73 KB, 2500x1644, xxxy.jpeg)

Hey, anons, I was just in a class that said science says sex is non-binary/on a spectrum. This is probably the "best" that anyone has ever given me when trying to answer why sex is non-binary. Seems like they're using disorders and non-functioning genes/missing and intersex conditions. Thoughts? You guys always give me further insight. Scientific American has been a place of "pop science" and really something you read if you like "interesting" studies like "chocolate can prevent cancer!" type shit. I did notice that this was also on the site "gender-inclusive biology" which should be a joke. Tailoring science towards your propaganda is just as hilarious as "christian science."
No. 1778803
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No. 1778819
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Women learned this long, long ago and these scrotes might have learned it too if they took a few minutes out of their "tee hee skirt spinny" masturbation schedule to actually listen to women.
No. 1778836
File: 1677552748135.jpg (218.7 KB, 1080x1809, FoIVjW4WAAIB_jb.jpg)

>fetishising our vulnerabilities
No. 1778850
>>1778787My only thought is that intersex conditions are the exceptions that prove the rule - that the vast, vast majority of humans are either XX biological females or XY biological males. Some humans are born with 1 leg or no legs - does that mean the amount of legs humans have is a spectrum, and it’s incorrect to call us a bipedal species?
Additionally, it’s disingenuous for “science” to conflate humans born with a genetic abnormality that they didn’t ask for with coomers who decide they’re a woman because they got addicted to sissy hypno porn.
No. 1778854
>>1778787Even if sex was a spectrum, it doesn't apply to mentally ill moids who "identify" as women. Intersex conditions are biological, transgenderism is mental. They're incomparable.
I'm sorry your education is invaded by this.
No. 1778871
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>>1778787All those intersex conditions together are like 0,026% of the population. That's like saying humans are not bipedal and legs are a spectrum because some are born with different number of legs or deformed legs.
Also intersex has nothing to do with transgender. We know this because they looked into intersex maybe being the reason for being "trans" but turns out 99,9% of troons are not intersex.
Colin Wright wrote a thing about this while reference this chart No. 1778889
File: 1677556653041.jpeg (84 KB, 1920x1080, F44FBD09-357C-4485-B3C1-65C90B…)

>>1778813Reminds me of this kek
No. 1778899
>>1778787I'd be fine with a temp ban for science sperging, I'm just here to inform. Other anons have made good points. The body is always configured to produce either sperm of ova, regardless of whether you can successfully.
There's only a couple of disorders listed here that lead to legitimately ambiguous sex presentation, most of the sex chromosome disorders just lead to "slightly strange looking man or woman, possibly with health issues" not some sort of magical genderless miracle hermaphrodite. The intersex label can be confusing to those who don't know about sex chromosome disorders, whether through lack of education or willful ignorance.
For everyone who loves bringing up "it's more complicated than XX and XY!" they're correct, but it's really only more complicated by one step. Like understanding 2+2 vs 2+2+2. There is a Sex-determining Region of the Y chromosome (SRY), sometimes it doesn't function correctly or appear in the usual spot. So it's possible for someone female to have XY chromosomes, because the SRY gene didn't function as it should. Basically, when you go the explanation of "male = XY" to the slightly more complicated "male = functional SRY gene," the way most intersex disorders are still very binary becomes clear again.
And even when acknowledging the miniscule portion of the population with CAIS or mosaicism for whom which sex they should live as may be in doubt, the real question is… Why is this relevant? Someone having a genetic abnormality vs someone being seriously into hormonal body modification hardly seems equivalent. Is a male bodybuilder who takes excess male hormones now an ultra-male? No, he's just male. Is a male who takes female hormones less male? No. He's still male. Is a male whose body naturally absorbs slightly less male hormones not a male? No.
I've seen PCOS get wrapped up in intersex/trans spectrum debate which is even dumber because PCOS is a female-only condition. In any academic paper about males and PCOS, you will notice "male PCOS" is never mentioned, because it doesn't exist. The closest you'd get is "metabolic/hormonal condition presenting similarly to PCOS". PCOS doesn't enhance the sex spectrum; it solidifies the binary. If someone has PCOS, it immediately shows where they fall in the sex categories: 100% female. Having a fully functioning SRY gene and polycystic ovarian syndrome are mutually exclusive. Any changes in appearance don't change this. This is actually how a lot of chromosome "intersex" disorders work, like how Turner syndrome (one X) only affects females and Klinefelter (XXY) can only affect males.
Also people will say "none of that matters because you can't tell someone's chromosomes [SRY function] by looking at them," Well, not really correct since in 99% of the population you usually can, because of the SRY gene. But for that tiny portion of the population for who appearance and sex become misaligned… The rule only works one way. Sex generally defines appearance, but appearance NEVER defines sex. Mental illness doesn't change your sex. And most people who like to think that they actually look like the opposite sex are wrong.
Last point, if you run into one of those wingnuts who compares humans to various (usually non-mammal) organisms, like seahorses and trees, you can let them know that mimicry exists in nature too, like in butterflies and snakes. And sometimes, mistaking one species for another just because they look really similar could be a deadly mistake depending which animal you are. Related, I disagree on "letting" males live as women just because they "pass well enough". Figure that one out.
Hopefully a more detailed explanation like this can help if anyone has TRA friends or family still willing to listen to science.
No. 1778910
File: 1677558465147.jpg (96.56 KB, 683x1024, 61gRnfVVUpL.jpg)

>>1775383When the fuck did she ever "advocate for their total annihilation?" Unless the joke is that she never actually said that, or anything remotely like it. It's honestly frustrating that most people aren't even trying to fact check the shit trannies are saying about her. I'm shocked by the sheer number of people who immediately believe second-hand statements about her "wanting to commit genocide," without any skepticism whatsoever.
No. 1778922
>>1778217I really hate shitty liberal men who insist the bad men are all republicans.
>>1778368You can tell he's a man, because
>muh love language physical touch i.e. sex>muh favorite date netflix & chill i.e. sex>bdsm>literally admitting to wanting a woman to be his mommy #2 No. 1778932
File: 1677561467545.jpeg (278.71 KB, 1080x1855, Fo43Cv8WYAAS6mk.jpeg)

I'm so glad these lazy useless shits are unintentionally pulling themselves out of the gene pool.
No. 1778933
File: 1677561533167.jpeg (287.88 KB, 744x2048, Fo43Cv7WIAYpUbz.jpeg)

>>1778932At least two women have been saved here. Men this fucking bone lazy do not deserve to reproduce nor have a woman dote on them.
No. 1779003
>>1778518You couldn't waterboard this out of me
>>1778491>yfw you get a euphoria boner while sharing the joys of girlhood and someone calls security>>1777869my college removed "male" and "female" signs from locker room doors last fall I think? The bathrooms haven't been desexed though, at least not yet.
No. 1779016
>>1778899Sexual mimicry exists in nature as well, where certain males superficially resemble females of their own species. In some cases this is simply a survival strategy since females tend to be much better camouflaged than males, but it can be a mating strategy as well. During my behavioural ecology course in university we covered a species of bird where groups consisted of many females with one dominant male, and female-looking males would sneak in and even let the dominant male ‘mate’ with them in order to blend in. Then they would mate with the females when the dominant male wasn’t looking. It was referred to as the “sneaky mating” strategy. It used to be covered on Wikipedia under mimicry, but has since mysteriously disappeared.
>>1778368>>1778922Love languages are sex and receiving praise. All that’s missing is “acts of service” aka “make me a sandwich”. It’s subversive because he’s a woman!
No. 1779039
>>1779016>samefagI did some quick research and there are two species of birds which have been documented to do this; marsh harriers and ruffs. I think the ruffs are the ones we covered in class. These birds are by no means the only species who practice this “reproductive parasitism”, but it’s more common among invertebrates.
>>In the majority of cases it is a form of deceit to gain competitive advantages, for example, female mimicry is used as an alternative mating strategy by smaller males who otherwise would not be able to mate. In their disguise, the sneaker male can approach females and avoid agonistic interactions by the larger males and frequently manages to steal copulations.
>>As expected, nesting males were most likely to attack the male decoys, and only attacked female and female-like decoys at the expected low rate. Females rarely attacked any of the decoys, which is normal as it is the males that defend the territory.>So it seems the female-like males can pass for females, at least in the eyes of males, and escape being attacked as a result. […] In their tests, female-like males who were defending nests did attack decoys, but they were more likely to attack female decoys than male ones. That is bizarre, says Mougeot, because from their point of view a female is a potential mate, not a threat.So when trans people claim that transgenderism is natural and has always existed they’re not entirely wrong - failmales all across the animal kingdom will disguise themselves as females to rape and attack females, avoid violence from other males and trick other males into sex. Checkmate, terves!
No. 1779043
>>1779016>It used to be covered on Wikipedia under mimicry, but has since mysteriously disappeared.People don't talk enough about how fucking scary it is that google and wikipedia are fully willing and actively hiding and removing accurate information and science - just because it could potentially have a vague connection to argue some point against trans people. It's modern day extreme book burning.
They don't do this for ANYTHING else. Not to stop sexism, pedophilia, homophobia, racism or nazis. They only want to stop people from seeing the bad things about trans ideology specifically. If they didn't know these things made them look bad, they wouldn't remove it. They know science threatens them, so they aim to hide, destroy and discredit science.
No. 1779102
File: 1677583114579.jpeg (Spoiler Image,83.21 KB, 711x900, FqCQUZJaIAMNknb.jpeg)

I hate these disgusting scrotes so much
No. 1779127
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>>1778634ntayrt and sorry to say but the artist is a TIM. years ago he used the name Abby Lupine, picrel is older pic of him.
No. 1779157
>>1778744I take the all-gender female bathroom and the still-just-men-duh-it's-obvious-what-we're-doing-here bathrooms as a warning, like there may be a man in there, watch out. Even without this troonshit men have been getting more rapey by the day due to MRA/Manosphere combined with porn, so there would probably be the same issue in an alternate reality where everything was the same except trannies never were a trend.
Women usually go to the bathroom in pairs (or more) on a night out and I think the only solution to this is to do the same during the day, at school, uni etc.
No. 1779159
>>1778836I’ve read through most of the threads at this point and this is one of the worst posts for me
How dare they fetishize how unsafe we are
No. 1779161
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No. 1779190
File: 1677598194425.webm (4.69 MB, 576x1024, IMG_6861.webm)
One of them just posted this video with the caption “she was always inside of me.” All of the comments are talking about how he made the little girl smile, completely ignoring the fact that you can read her lips to see that she very clearly says “stop touching me” in the video.
Harassing girls since childhood. I’m sure nothing has changed since.
No. 1779221
File: 1677601214269.jpg (Spoiler Image,121.18 KB, 946x1280, FqBSQB2aQAAYt3b.jpg)

I always love when they get the wound surgery first instead of focusing on everything else going on.. now you just look like a hunking man without a penis
No. 1779236
>>1779190So a little boy having fun dancing means there is a girl inside of him now…?
These people have no shame with their pedophilia.
No. 1779256
File: 1677604437888.png (388 KB, 598x667, policeshit.png)

>Police: There's a dead person and we cannot release any more to avoid any misunderstanding with a living pe-
These people are insufrible, I swear.
No. 1779272
>>1779256Jesus, it's like they want the murder
victim to be trans. When you've gone so far that someone's death must validate your victimhood…
No. 1779278
>>1779232>when an extrovert adopts an introvertWE DO NOT WANT
I had a bad enough time in school without obnoxious males being able to follow me everywhere. At least when boys were bullying me I could go hide in the girls' room until they moved on to another target. Girls now have nowhere to be safe from male assault anywhere. Handmaidens have a special place in hell.
My guess is that the Pritzer bux have worked their way into school districts as well. It's evil.
No. 1779320
>>1779190first of all, why does anyone think it's okay to post children on tiktok, even though they are adults now, I wouldn't want my younger self to be posted all over the internet.
And then, his behaviour is the same I got from men while I was going to pubs in my early 20s. I wouldn't smile and some guy would come up, touch my face, tell me to smile for him and enjoy the time with him and if I told no, some would become aggressive and had to be taken out by security. It's intrusive and frightening and if I don't want to smile, I don't want to smile. If this would have been me at her age, I would have kicked him in front of everyone and I was a shy, bullied kid, but touching me without my consent was never a thing people were allowed to do.
No. 1779333
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>>1778899>>1779016Re: Mimicry, I remember hearing about a species of octopus that do this: some males disguise themselves as females in order to sneak past the males and mate with females without them even knowing. Definitely reminds me of TIMs bullshit.
>>1775383Picrel is forever golden
No. 1779340
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>>1779272I'm even surprised they didn't do the "Hogwarts legacy killed us!" yet.
No. 1779352
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>>1778148>#I hope he falls down the stairs and dies>#babish blow your brains out challenge>#we need to kill this man just like straight upLook at those keyboard warriors wanting to Babish to die. He should just "misgender" them to make them cry.
No. 1779353
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>>1778204It's trendy. If you look at the most popular names for babies born this year, you'll find that there's a lot of overlap with popular troon names. Aidens and TiMs alike are too retarded to pick names that were popular when they were born and appropriate for their age. They'd rather pick whatever's hip right now and/or something from whatever consoomer media they like.
No. 1779355
File: 1677612608028.jpg (94.85 KB, 1095x689, Fp9T0JpakAA1JSK.jpg)

>>1778204>>1779353Someone should tell them that's the name of Harry Potter's mother so they can change it as fast as they like they change their underwear.
No. 1779363
>>1779352He made an unrelated post today and people are still seething because he hasn’t apologized. But if he did apologize we know they’d somehow find more reasons to threaten murdering him w hammers etc. Give them an inch and they take a mile. Still holding onto hope that he won’t apologize bc it will set a precedent for more content creators to stand their ground against bullies.
>>1779333Love this image thank u. I need to read
Terf Wars asap. Also re: sexual mimicry, topkek at how hard troons at this. Sad attempts and the only women who would willingly sleep with a troon are ones that hate themselves. They’re better off all being gay or “t4t”.
No. 1779377
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>>1778917I've been waiting for an opportunity to share picrel here, so thank you for giving me the chance heheh
>>1779190What an absolutely perfect encapsulation of these scrotes and their bullshit.
No. 1779381
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>>1779363Besides, what kind of apology do they want him to do anyway? "I'm sorry for sponsoring a videogame that KiLlS TrANS PeoPLe?". Telling he's going to donate the money to that infamous Trans phone number that HAVE killed people? These people aren't going to be happy with nothing and will find split hairs to complain "Yes, but you still have done harm with your video!".
If there's something that HL taught us is to never give up on these people's complain and that no one like to be told what to do for someone else's feelings.
Remember, nonnies, "Do not throw yourself to the fire to keep someone warm".
No. 1779388
>>1779232No tranny related, but in TikTok a clown said that he saw that, during a birthday that he was hired to celebrate, there was a boy dancing in a "sexual way" against a girl that was quite uncomfortable and he stopped him, telling him to respect her personal space and that there's no sexual stuff allowed in his view. Cue the mother finding his video and saying "but MY child wanted to DANCE and I allowed HIM to DANCE even if that MAKES ME a BAD mother", so he repeated himself that he, again, won't allow any kid not respecting someone else's personal space and even more with a sexual dance.
I wish he was there, because it makes me so sad how adults are just focusing on "aw look at that egg cracking" and not "look how stupid he looks like while making a girl uncomfortable. I would be ashamed as a parent if my kid did that".
No. 1779396
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Found this randomly and not sure how old it is so may have been posted here before but I thought it was funny.
Also unrelated some male TRA (“cis” and I think straight) DMed me on Instagram specifically to argue with me about JKR and it’s honestly kind of triggering to me. Why the fuck do these men think they’re allowed to have an opinion on this matter? It’s proof that they’re not paying attention to the heart of it because it doesn’t affect them or occur to them at all. They literally think “terfs” just hate trannies bc we’re some new version of a homophobe and hate for no reason. Our lives literally are affected by trannies and these fucking men get to act morally superior because they have the privilege to ignore them. Sorry if this should go in the peaking thread but I’m already here kek
No. 1779397
>>1778836im confused, they keep oscillating between being helpless uwu hentai roleplaying
victims fetishizing our everyday fears and then turn around and exert their male strength the moment a woman doesnt want to play along with their psychosis
No. 1779398
>>1779377Your picrel makes me think in those terves that tells you to "be a lesbian because men are
insert shit", but that's for another post. But yes.
No. 1779420
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its because you’re a man and will always look like a man
No. 1779434
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>>1779253Are you people retarded? It’s still there on the article for mimicry.
No. 1779436
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No. 1779454
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>>1779420lol that fucking jaw
>>1779450Agree. The wages of cooming
No. 1779466
File: 1677620655574.png (1.47 MB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20230228_133736_Gal…)

giving fuck-me eyes and sticking your tongue out to the camera while expressing the desire to stalk and harm women is so stunning and brave of you kween!!!
No. 1779484
>>1779466Once again men directly kill millions of women and these people don’t bat an eye but a few women state that they’re uncomfortable around males and now it’s “I’m going to find and kill every last one of you for this.”
If bloodthirsty TRAs want to make the world better they could actually go hunt down all the violent attackers in the world who incidentally are 99% male. You know, the same “cis” men who murder black prostitutes in droves—the ones responsible for the actual statistics about trans murder rates (because no, privileged white troons are not being murdered, in fact they’re safer than the average population, and it’s poor black TIM prostitutes who are being killed, but white males don’t care about co opting those stats to seem like
victims). But they’re more upset about women saying they want female only bathrooms and swim teams than they are about men killing people.
No. 1779490
File: 1677622662094.jpg (357.32 KB, 1080x1536, Screenshot_20230228_191224.jpg)

>>1779157I would try the "all-for-everybody-because-we-were-lazy-to-make-a-new-bathroom" like the public bathrooms in Korea: checking in someone, somewhere, installed a camera to record women.
>>1779466I swear I always will defend men when terves call them "all of them are rapists, killers, etc", but these men proving their point make me want to give up.
No. 1779513
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is that liner meant to distract from your male brow ridge
No. 1779518
>>1779513Having a tranny understand eyebrows is like your average person suddenly learn Quantum physics.
>>1779514Plural of TERFs I guess. We often use "Terven" here as a compliment because it sounds like Elven.
No. 1779547
>>1779544I'm (not) surprised none of the parents stopped that kid. Doing it means "you're cutting this trans girl her wings" but not doing it means you are telling him "go and ignore someone else's personal space!".
Then in some years this guy is going to see this video and asks to his parents why they thought he was a "woman" for dancing like that.
No. 1779549
>>1779518> Plural of TERFs I guess. We often use "Terven" here as a compliment because it sounds like Elven.As a Tolkien nerd, this is so appropriate; in some versions of the lore, the orcs are made by Morgoth as a perverse mockery of the elves.
Sage for sperg.
No. 1779582
>>1779190I just have to say how relieved I am to see the responses to this. I thought I was losing my mind reading the comments on TikTok, I’ll post some in a minute. No one was calling out how invasive and weird that kid was being.
Sorry for sperging but I started working at an elementary school and any time a little boy antagonizes a girl, I call him out and chastise him for picking on her. Every single time they’ll look shocked and angry at me—because they don’t get called out by the other adults and aren’t used to being reprimanded for picking on girl classmates specifically. Usually I just say something like “you are purposefully trying to upset her and I’m not going to let you” and it’s like it’s mind blowing to them
No. 1779598
I am going to sage since is a bit of off topic sperging, but I think what really irritates me about some troons is how they infantilize everything and write things in this ridiculous fake and saccharine tone that I would find maybe suitable for a 5 year old. I hate how they write as if we wrote and behaved like this, some overgrown toddlers that somehow they can sexualize, skinwalk and have sex with. You are 20/30 something hairy moids, not a girls in kindergarten, stop acting like that. A part of me dies everytime they refer to anything "girl" or "boy": girl clothes, girl mode, boy crazy, it doesn't make you sound feminine, it makes you sound like a retard. We are literate and women are known for great communication and mediating skills, for God's sake. Of course not every woman have those but usually yeah. Being a woman is not a sparkly costume that those retards can wear because they watched too much sissy porn, hentai, and CGDCT anime. They should behave like what they are, adult moids.
No. 1779601
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Scott Cawthon is trending for me rn, I'm assuming because someone asked the question of why he's still being excused but JKR is literally Hitler. Troons are running the mental olympics trying to defend the honor of a grown man.
Picrel is making me want to alog so bad. I'm going to assume this is a kid (no age on their profile) parroting what they've been brainwashed by but oh my fucking god, it takes 2 seconds to use Google. Really? JKR doesn't donate to charities? Okay. They really just think she's paying for her women's shelter to gun down any man that walks in.
No. 1779606
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>>1779601Original tweet. I cannot, cannot comprehend the replies all saying shit like "well he donates to charity so it's fine he supports anti-LGBT politicians" Nonnas I feel like I'm going fucking insane. Men are fucking scum.
No. 1779609
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>>1779606My favorite part of this though is OP using the same tactics troons do by calling anyone they don't like a nazi, and all the replies are people going "Hey woah what the fuck is wrong with you". Literal clown world.
No. 1779652
>>1779601but didn't scott also donated to politicians/charities that are anti-troon or smth? this issue did blow up two years ago i believe but it was quickly brushed off. i don't think he even uploaded a statement about it or do anything.
>>1779606glad, someone brought up what i always wanted to make an argument about especially when scott made a gaming franchise that is a part of most people's childhood and it's not like his ideologies is inputted into his games but he is somewhat vocal about it regardless if he shares his beliefs on twitter or not. just like jk rowling is doing and yet receives less hate for being a man. musk gets less hate for being transphobic either.
No. 1779689
>>1779388 The worst is not when the kids are pissed that you called them off, but the parents saying is ok because "I am the parent and I'm right and you're wrong".
No. 1779733
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that awkward moment when your life saving healthcare makes you jizz blood.
No. 1779747
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don’t a-log, don’t a-log, don’t a-log…
No. 1779831
>>1779396It's so satisfying to see millennial failmales suffer. We all know these aren't timid, well meaning "good guys" gone astray. They're all middle aged sex pests on the very bottom of rung of the ladder before they go jailhouse gay. The more functional ones have all fucked up at least one woman's life.
>>1779582Keep doing it. I had to deal with this shit 24/7 as a kid, but any time I got out of line and acted too silly or sassy, some adult (or even other kids) shut it down INSTANTLY. People have absolutely zero tolerance for obnoxious behavior from girls. Males need to be told "no" more often.
No. 1779875
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I can't stand how transbians and gaydens are so obsessed with "faggot" and "dyke". Not to sound like a tumblr feminist from 2012, but that's not your fucking word to reclaim.
No. 1779894
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Posted to Reddit by a tranny sex worker “lesbian”
No. 1779895
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>>1779894Samefag this is who posted it kek. And yes he still has a dick.
No. 1779903
>>1779875Lmao this is the biggest cope in the world. The more I see a tranny type about how happy they are the more I see their seething misery. They can’t help but exaggerate to gaslight themselves into thinking following their fetish was the right choice.
>>1779894Ah yes the power of their floppy dicks they can barely get hard.
No. 1779989
>>1779953They did the same thing crying about boggart Snape in silly over the top grandma clothes, calling it transphobic to laugh at.
But if trans women are indistinguishable from other women because biology is a spectrum, sex is made up, trans women are actually female, and people totally can’t tell the difference, then how does Alan Rickman in a stupid outfit have anything to do with them? According to the dogma that JKR is completely wrong for calling TIMs men in dresses, how does a totally random unrelated man in a dress immediately offend them? Their doublethink never ceases.
No. 1779995
>>1778709If you missed it, this game has huge drama because the fans and characters call a guy "he", while he's the okama "lol I am so girly I like make-up, I'm your big sister!" type
They chased some mods away from the wiki
No. 1780005
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Taken from ovarit, it’s so true. They get fussy when they take over a space for women and the space slowly loses any real women.
No. 1780013
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no comment
No. 1780025
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4chan is seething because TRAs bullied another one of their anime girl streamers and made her quit after 3 years
No. 1780030
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>>1780025This one was funny
No. 1780031
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>>1780005I know this has been posted before but it's still so accurate. It's like the tranny speed dating event that was cancelled due to lack of actual women signing up. They need women to validate their existence at all times.
No. 1780033
>>1779601it’s because they feel like “book mommy” betrayed them. they got too invested in HP so when JK said trans women are males and don’t belong in women’s spaces they made her literally hitler
when in reality her books are just a half-decent series of children’s books that are a product of their time and she’s a woman who cares about women.
No. 1780034
also because she was born female and they resent her for it.
No. 1780036
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>>1780025i love how instead of showing support for her, tranny vtubers are going "um actually this affects US!"
No. 1780050
>>1779363I need to read
Terf Wars asap.
Do you mean the troon mystery novel with yet another gang of violent TERFs that totally exist in real life?
>Exploring the world of abuse and mistreatment of the trans population, Kelleher educates and entertains in equal measure throughout this piece.Yes I definitely read mystery novels for pedantic lectures.
No. 1780054
File: 1677690733011.png (328.2 KB, 1194x1216, fetish1.png)

>trans people are being denied healthcare!! literal genocide!!
>the healthcare: free titty implants
No. 1780059
>>1780054meanwhile nobody is getting healthcare for real illnesses.
terf island is past the point of peaking.
No. 1780063
>>1780036clearly i’m retarded. how is this going to end up with more troons getting targeted.
revenge for vtuber getting cancelled? because that’s what TROONS do. not normal people.
No. 1780078
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(warning extremely graphic picture of a ”successful” penile preserving vaginoplasty)
ah sweet ! man made horrors beyond my comprehension
No. 1780079
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No. 1780113
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No. 1780118
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ugly bodytype
No. 1780120
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cant stop comparing terfs to nazi ig
No. 1780127
File: 1677697695610.jpg (79.47 KB, 1080x616, 1677696480364627.jpg)

A vtuber got harassed into graduation(ceasing streaming) because a bunch of troons sent her death threats for daring to play the wizard game. Say whatever about vtubers but, as always, the streamers getting harassed for playing the game to the point of breaking are only women. Now they are playing victims on Twitter and making threads about how to combat transphobia.
No. 1780128
File: 1677697819164.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x2560, 23-03-01-19-02-05-176_deco.jpg)

Trannies on Twitter are seething that this 'girl' is faking being trans even though it could easily be a tranny with loads of filters or ai.
How do they not see the irony?
No. 1780148
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>>1780145Fucking kek it actually collects gundams along with being a polyamorous porn/kink obsessed coomer. How are these retards so transparent every time, you can always tell from literally one post what kind of autism their entire account will be.
No. 1780149
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No. 1780178
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KEK or maybe people are starting to actually wake up and know the truth.
No. 1780199
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>>1780013Take heart, nonna. He's 39, morbidly obese and his e-whoring career isn't going anywhere
No. 1780201
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and just like that, because the ACTRESS who plays her refused to condemn rowling, luna was suddenly never a good character after all. this entire thread is absurd
No. 1780216
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>>1775267>>1780212not to mention she's only "poorly written" now because they're all mad at evanna lynch
No. 1780246
>>1780005what they're slowly doing to the r/autisminwomen sub. love this image tho kek
>>1780128love her if this is real. I actually thought about doing smth like this to troll but that would require exposing my face and pretending to be something disgusting that I hate so nah. but bless her for it.
> they wanna to be us so bad> no they don't they want the perceived aesthetic of being transYou dumb motherfuckers are SO close to understanding why terfs exist. [trying not to a-log]
No. 1780256
>>1780149Here's a link to the survey for those of you who like me who haven't seen it yet'm really glad to see them losing support. They were protected by the fact that most people have seldom encountered them. I think it only gets worse for them from here, and no it's not the Repubs brainwashing anyone, it's them showing us who they are. I also worry about the future. Libs have spent the last decade telling them they should never have to take no for an answer. When these narcissistic paraphiliacs realize the party is over it's not gonna be pretty.
No. 1780318
File: 1677714990911.png (66.55 KB, 632x602, terf black women.png)

>>1780178LOL they lie like they breathe. No one expresses "transphobia" toward black women. The primary people who talk about them being "masculine" are trannies; it's an obsession with them. This asshole makes out like it's false consciousness on the part of black women, like they're not just women who are tired of men invading our spaces. I bet they're also tired of trannies doing forced teaming with them like they do with actual intersexed people. They think women are too dumb to see what they're doing. It's the most parasitic movement I've ever seen.
Also, is hon like doll? I'm not up on troon lingo
No. 1780333
>>1780318Is that first OP even black? I am not black but I would feel so offended by this if I was… Maybe they just don't like yall constantly comparing your masculine asses to them. They are REAL women so no, most of us are more than happy to share our spaces with them. Fuck off.
>>1780256Love to see it but hate agreeing with conservatives… Can we make new sane political parties that actually protect women
No. 1780339
File: 1677716259764.png (30.81 KB, 630x290, terf black women 2.png)

>>1780178Samefag. I think the Chinese owners of TikTok want to amp up degeneracy in the US to deepen the fractures in what's left of our society. It would be pretty funny if they're just peaking everyone instead. Reel after reel of freakish men leering and threatening violence in a women's restroom. What reaction did they expect?
No. 1780404
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No. 1780417
>>1780318this makes zero sense, if black women were the
victim of transphobia (??) why would they become TERFs and not TRAs?
>>1780326Trannies will alternate between "I have gender envy and am dysphoric, I will literally kill myself if I don't pass and am he/him'd" and "lmao women are sooo jealous of our aesthetic and wanna be us so bad!!" and not see their own projection and contradictions.
No. 1780504
File: 1677727444540.jpeg (890.47 KB, 1242x2175, 44E001D9-A060-4120-BB39-621F30…)

Taken from terfblr , some examples of male writers who were worse people than JK Rowling whose works are still celebrated and read by people all over the world. (1/2)
No. 1780513
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>>1780504(2/2) there is one woman included in this one but she’s a pedophile so fuck her. Also a few more that didn’t fit like GRRM being obsessed with rape and incest
No. 1780515
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>>1780504>>1780508>>1780513Never forget this was "erotic".
No. 1780521
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No. 1780549
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>>1780538Oh it's a 100% true on Ginsberg. Here his reading a poem at a NAMBLA meeting. He was a creepy freak, sorry to say. No. 1780557
File: 1677731150699.jpg (13.53 KB, 460x259, FF7g_4zXoAQkoPt.jpg)

>>1780521>International womens day>By using a trannieHoly fuck, is like when a TIM was invited to speak for the École Polytechnique massacre (where 14 women were killed and wounded while men could run away). You would have bet he would have said "I'm a man, let me go!" as soon he saw Marc Lépine with a gun.
No. 1780632
>>1780521they can never hide how smug these males are to take things meant for women. i bet the 4 women actually look graceful.
if they are women.
No. 1780636
>>1780318TRAs are the most openly racist people I've ever met and that's not a joke, it's one of the things that originally made me peak. Right before trans ideology came the big social justice cause was "cultural appropriation" (these people seem to only mentally be capable of caring about one single issue at a time) so it was very jarring to see these people go from "don't be racist! black is beautiful!" to "black women look like men so we should accept that men can be women too" almost overnight.
I think the "straight white males" got pissed off at being seen as the bad guys so they invented a way they could instead be the biggest
victims while insulting the group they thought was being put above them (black people, especially women)
No. 1780655
>>1780638yeah, identity issues as a young person are always a bad sign and not having a solid or good self image (shit like i hate this gender i hate x y z i wanna become z y x) is quite damaging in those formative years
so even being an emby for too long bc you can't cope with becoming a woman or man and never truly accepting it can worsen a lot of anxiety and depression
no wonder those people die like flies
No. 1780680
File: 1677757201793.png (934.04 KB, 1084x624, trantism.png)

trannies are so narcissistic. this one showcasing his smug male AGP grin apparent on all trans-identified men, along with his hideous tattoo and obvious 'tism face. it'd be funny if it weren't so sad that people cheer for & praise these delusional misogynists. luckily for this man, he has male AND trans privilege on his side! it's totally feminine, claiming he is "nicer and more pretty" than a woman publicly and gets asspats for it. maybe it's a good thing these perverts post this slop so brazenly, the peak material is endlessly abundant and reeks of the fruiting spores on manure, masked by the scent of cheap gender-affirming perfume and under layer of horse piss & scrotum sweat.
No. 1780694
>>1780318Much like with white women, only pickme libfems/twitterfags and FtM/non-binary autists support any of this shit. The average black woman just living her life doesn't support trannies, and neither do feminist, politically involved black women. Pickmes and weird men seethe hard when they know there are swathes of women not living their lives according to their commands.
They probably think insulting black women and calling them men will
trigger some internalized racism and cause some sort of trauma bond, but all it does is push any women with even an ounce of self-respect away. I'm half expecting these people to claim "Only men actually face racism. If you've ever experienced racism, you're a man or at least very masculine" so they can more effectively "other" non-white women as a whole and try to loop them into tranny shit, but ultimately, all of these tactics only work on libfems with intense self hatred and/or identity issues.
No. 1780695
File: 1677761320464.jpeg (631.44 KB, 1170x1345, 2CF16EB3-B5A3-4F38-A8EE-89F307…)

Hogwarts Legacy was mentioned in the opening scene of last night’s episode of South Park. It had no relevance to the episodes plot whatever so I have a feeling it was a TERF shoutout like this person is saying. Except I’m very happy about it kek
No. 1780700
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>they raised us to not conform to stereotypes
so close to getting it
No. 1780708
>>1780695after all the stuff they did with mr. garrison, i don't really understand why someone watching south park
wouldn't expect a
terf shout out.
No. 1780717
>>1780695I may be retarded but when exactly was it mentioned in the episode? The only game I heard being referred to by name was darktide which is some warhammer game, not hogwarts legacy
Anyway, rent free
No. 1780726
>>1780657The rise of trans identification is also a direct result of increased social media usage. It’s difficult to separate the causes when everything is so heavily correlated.
>>1780694I don’t understand why anyone would think it would make black women more accepting of trans, but then again apparently negging works on some women. I always saw it as punching down on black women to make themselves feel better, plus a tactic to make non-black (mostly white) people who don’t want to be seen as racist accept black TIMs without question. After all if you keep being told that racists mistake black women for men alllll the time, then you’re less likely to openly question it when someone presents you with a man like Laverne Cox or Caster Semenya and says “this is a woman, actually”. This only works on people who don’t know many black women, but that covers the majority of libfems pretty well.
No. 1780753
>>1780707He probably is against the "Iranian protest against compulsory hijab" repeating over and over "how Hijab represent this and that". In some countries Hijab might represent it, but these women are protesting even more after Mahsa Amini was arrested because she didn't cover "properly" and was killed in custody of the Guidance Patrol in Tehran due to police brutality.
>The knowledge that actual Muslim women wouldn't be allowed to remove their hijabs or niqabs around him (no matter his "identity") and that they'd be stoned to death for having back-alley dumpster sex should throw him into a loop, but maybe those things are part of his fetish.I mean, a known troon (Jonathan Yaniv) went to a home-based beauty salon to get his balls waxed and the owner and estheticians gave him a big "lol nope" because it was a beauty salon for women only. As long as is "for women only", good or bad, is a fetish for them and want it.
>>1780729Oh yeah, donating to Amnesty International, One Parent Families (Gingerbread), Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, Comic Relief, the Maggie's Centres for Cancer Care, the UK Labour Party and Doctors Without Borders? All of them are hate groups!
No. 1780756
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>>1780753Forgot the image.
No. 1780761
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>>1780755Even the "Wizards hide their poop when potable water wasn't available" was disgusting and eye rolling.
>antisemitic caricatures.I swear these people should seek for more REAL antisemitic caricatures. Most of Jewish people do not look like Goblins at all and nowhere a Goblin in the HP world use a David's star. They just think "big nose and greed for money? Jewish caricature!".
No. 1780770
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No. 1780772
>>1780761I try to forget about everything that was revealed when Pottermore dropped. So much of it was stupid.
The worse offenses in Harry Potter when it comes to actual Jewish people are having the only Jewish wizard in the school have the last name Goldstein (which still isn’t as bad a name as Cho Chang for the one Asian girl) and whatever the heck they were doing with Grindelwald and WW2 in Fantastic Beasts.
Things people shrugged off mostly until JKR started speaking up against TRAs.
No. 1780775
File: 1677771518362.jpg (Spoiler Image,170.31 KB, 828x1551, FqM0MD4aQAEWWgX.jpg)

>>1780770The trannies are SEETHING on twitter over this woman "pretending" to be trans by putting a dildo in her pants.. the absolute irony is so insane
No. 1780777
>>1780755The Dumbledore stuff annoys me. It was painfully obvious in the books that he was in love with Grindelwald. I don't think she retroactively decided he was gay for woke points at all. Gay acceptance was not popular when those books were written and definitely not popular with her generation. She shied away from outright stating that he was gay. Love is a very prominent theme in the HP books and the conflict of lovers becoming enemies and yet still finding it difficult to harm each other is a very classic storyline. I don't think she set out to make him be "the gay one" in HP, but I think she always planned for Dumbledore to be in love with Grindelwald as part of his backstory.
Black Hermione was obvious harmless tryhard liberal pandering though.
No. 1780791
>>1780777If my memories serve me well she announced that Dumbledore was gay before the 6th or 7th book, but I was a kid so…
I found her very cringey when the pottermore stuff happened but her essay made me more curious about her.
No. 1780793
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I find it funny how vtubers are drawing in more weebs to this situation.
As far as I know only callmekevin and hasan were bullied into not playing the game from male streamers?
No. 1780794
>>1780755Dumbledore being gay wasn’t necessarily a retcon. She couldn’t have called him gay at the time the books were being written. The law in the UK meant that if the books had included an openly homosexual character at the time they were first published, they would have been banned from schools and public libraries.
>>1780761I thought the poop thing was just a dumb joke? There are a lot of silly/stupid jokes in the series and it always confused me that people were taking these kids’ books so deadly seriously. For fuck’s sake the school is called Hog Warts. Warts on a hog. Pig pimples!
No. 1780808
>>1780755Didn't she say that Hermione could be black in support of a black comedian being selected in a play, instead of claiming that Hermione was black in the book? In any case, I feel like there was a time where people tried hard to find anything '
problematic' with this obviously harmless series while at the same time mocking JKR for trying to be 'woke'.
No. 1780825
>>1780808She tweeted that she wrote Hermione as brown haired and smart and that she didn't canonically describe Hermione as black in response to fans arguing that Hermione's canonically white.
I think she was pandering. But I think her pandering here was completely harmless and even good because the intense online arguments about the canon skin color of a fictional character was dumb as hell. Hermione is not a real person and her race did not matter at all in the books. Who cares about how she's casted in a play?
No. 1780864
>>1780837I legitimately wonder if there is a correlation between falling for far-right or -left rhetoric and lacking reading comprehension or the ability to read between the lines. Like
>>1780840 said, books now are very blatant about the identifies of characters. Having character diversity is good, but it’s almost like people need to be made abundantly clear of the fact because they don’t get it when a character’s sexuality is only alluded to. It’s like they need an entire “meet the character” page to get what’s going on, otherwise they get up in arms about authors queerbaiting or being too cowardly to just come out and say it. Imo sometimes less is more and it’s fun to figure out things about the character on your own. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why authors do it now since they actually can, but often times the identity becomes the main thing about the character and the character is otherwise very poorly written.
No. 1780887
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>>1780770>>1780775>>1780831Another case of "self aware wolves" club.
No. 1780919
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>>1780149the guy responding to that post is fucking insane btw
No. 1780923
>>1780794i’m pretty sure the poop thing was a joke. autists on the internet just took her literally.
the magical universe falls apart pretty easily if you look too close. like how did muggle born children return to their non magical communities of children with bikes and playstations after a year of magic and broomsticks. they’d be months behind on current music and movies.
No. 1780929
>>1780794light OT but I actually hate Harry Potter and think JKR does have weird psychological issues that come out in her writing (even misogyny and sexism) but I shut up about it since I peaked.
I still loathe it tbh, the world is very interesting but there's not a single healthy relationship in that whole series. Anyway I bought my friend the game for her bday to support the blood libel cause, she loves HP.
No. 1780933
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I think I found the most ridiculous Troon in my city (wellington, NZ). What the fuck is a gender Marxist.
No. 1780953
File: 1677784774560.png (419.04 KB, 1080x1182, img7034480306363727423.png)

thought this was funny, considering how i've been able to clock even buck angel and another troon who was covered from neck to toe (a gunne sax dress, no less, which was painful to see stretched out like that.). The voice gives it away, ALWAYS. Something about the timbre is irreversible even if you've used hormonal blockers. They would hate to hear this but literally EVERY ONE OF US CAN TELL, WE ARE JUST BEING POLITE TO YOU AS SO NOT TO OFFEND.
No. 1780993
>>1780960it's a diagram of planes which came back from WWII; the red dots represent where bullets were found. Engineers reasoned that these were the most important parts of the plane and needed reinforcement, but they're actually the least essential because
these were all planes that were able to make it back.
This is also known as survival bias. Data is only as good as the one analyzing it.
No. 1780997
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No. 1780999
>>1780993just to clarify - this person is someone who believe the 'red dots' are people unable to pass and the white spaces are people who aren't clocked, therefore the assumption from the previous poster is only because they don't clock transpeople who can pass.
I'm saying there's never been one transperson who has passed.
No. 1781012
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>>1780997these people need to be put out of their misery
>>1780929Her drug addict ex husband abused her while she was writing the first (maybe first couple?) book(s) and she also says she’s been SA’d in the past so it’s not surprising. I’m not the biggest HP fan these days, but as a kid that stuff went over my head and it was pure magic and I’ll always appreciate her for that. Also ik you’re joking but the blood libel shit is a huge reach
No. 1781015
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They are letting themselves get trolled so easily its hilarious
And the audacity to be mad at someone "mocking them" by dressing up as them when they do that every single day to women
No. 1781020
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>>1780761Slightly OT but reminds me that yesterday I saw someone complaining about antisemitism in She-Ra, a show that troons love. I didn’t know wtf they were talking abt so I looked it up. They are saying this shape-shifting reptilian character (voiced by a tranny btw) is an antisemitic trope. Like come on. I’m Jewish and I really wish that young Gen Z Jews would stop falling into the trap of looking for antisemitism everywhere bc all it does is reinforce tropes and disgusting stereotypes like that. You know antisemites who never would’ve thought about it before are now happily saying we look like Goblins in HL only because other people made it into a thing.
No. 1781025
>>1780929>loathing a book written for childrenTouch grass
No. 1781054
>>1780864It doesn't even matter if they are blatant about it; I can't be the only one who remembers people flipping out over Rue from the Hunger Games being black.
>>1780923It was fucking weird but I think it was also inspired by European history when royals would basically just poop anywhere and everywhere. (Seriously, google Versailles.)
No. 1781059
>>1781043You're saying that like you aren't one
No. 1781076
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No. 1781080
>>1780984I know,
nonnie. I was just wondering to which "hate organization to kill trannies" org is JK donating her money and Google told me those. Something that these people do not want to do because it shows that they are wrong.
No. 1781084
Thought this might be relevant.
Traits of a narcissist:
1. Superiority
>cis women want to be us so bad
>we live in cis people's heads rent free
>once we get a womb it's over for you hoes
>neo-vags are tighter; no blood, no pregnancy scares
>straight men low key like us more because we understand them
>why do terfs look like men every time
>i'm prettier than you & i'm trans
>many gods were depicted as hermaphroditic
>trans is the ultimate state of being
>the best of both worlds
2. Entitlement / Lack of Boundaries
>i am oppressed because i say so
>transphobia's on the same level as racism, misogyny & homophobia
>you MUST respect my womanhood
>cis people should really donate to my cosmetic surgery fund since i'm oppressed
>it's not my fault that my doctors assigned me wrong at birth
>really the state should provide me hormones, a pair of boobs, a neo-vag, a uterus, a tracheal shave, FFS etc. for free since i am on the lowest rung of oppression hierarchy
>i have every right to be in women's sports, women's prisons, women's shelters, women's bathrooms, lesbian bars, apply for women's scholarships etc. because i am a woman
>genital preferences are transphobic; lesbians should learn to enjoy girldick as i am a woman because i say so; straight men are bigots for not wanting to engage in anal sex with a man or put their dick in my rotting stinkditch
3. Need for Attention
>i'm trans btw
>did i mention i'm trans
>why are people soooo confuseddd :p
>as a trans woman
>i enjoy pegging
>i'm oppressed
>look at me injecting hormones into myself; i know it looks so heroin chic but it's life or death ughhh living on the edge!
>steal healing from my nosejob; did i show you my bandages yet (3rd time)
>i'm gonna threaten to kms now… look at what you've done
>any day now i'm gonna do it
>this spa refused to wax my hairy ballsack; i'm so shocked, i tell you
>3 months on estrogen & these construction workers keep catcalling me OMG!!1
>your (porn addicted unfaithful repressed bisexual) man's in my DMs hahaha
>i feel so kawaii in this hello kitty crop top & this frilly pink tutu uwu :3
4. Need for Control
>it's MA'AM
>you WILL wax my ballsack or i will call corporate & shut you down
>doxes address & contacts workplace & slides into family member's facebook messenger
>misgendering is violence
>that is harmful rhetoric, please do not ask me to define woman
>no you cannot question the scientific data. it is scientific. it's in the DSM. therefore you can't question anything. science is definitely not about constantly testing the hypothesis or anything like that. bigot.
5. Never Takes Responsibility
>well those kids that we groomed into sterilization/genital mutilation should've done their research!
>i don't have to disclose my status to straight men; they are violent because they hate us, not because we tried to trick them or anything
>it's not my insufferable personality, it's because i'm trans & you hate me
>what she (troon) did was horrible but that's because she was already a bad person, not because we opened the floodgates with our lack of cohesion / boundaries that we forced upon everyone
6. Lack of Empathy
>you deserve it because you're a transphobe
>that (detranser who started at age 16) signed the form, so it's not my problem
>oh no that sucks, but i'm trans and you are cis so i have more sErioUs problems to worry about
>yeah yeah 3 women die at the hands of men every day b-b-but BLACK TRANS WOMEN THOUGH
7. Splitting
>J.K.Rowling still supports us, but she said we aren't allowed to get a woman fired for saying sex is real so she is a TRANSPHOBE
>if you buy the new Harry Potter game, you support TRANS GENOCIDE
>anyone can identify as trans. you don't have to take hormones, you don't have to get surgery, you don't have to even look like a girl. if you believe that you're TRUSCUM
No. 1781088
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No. 1781129
File: 1677796700333.png (676.35 KB, 750x1561, 196DF701-4B12-4BA5-ADA6-C4E61E…)

It’s really telling how so many of these men have actually been into nazi ideology but then project it on other people and call them nazis. I keep seeing people joke about how much a history of being interested in fascism and nazis overlaps with men who come out as trans, but they always seem to be joking about it like it’s funny. How is this funny? It’s just scary and sad the amount of men who are like this, and the thing is that they don’t even stop thinking that way, they just use their newfound identity to cover it up and throw the blame at other people. It’s why so many tims are extremely racist and actually antisemitic. I really don’t understand how people can trust any “trans woman” when they put this out in the open alongside extreme misogyny and racism.
No. 1781140
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No. 1781158
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>>1780775Oh god the irony
No. 1781175
>>1781140Ok so I got curious and looked up this doctor's website for post-op pics. Linking instead of posting a ss bc feel gross to post a bunch of fake vulvas. These are all 1 year post op and I kind of doubt it gets better from here. Something about them looks so wrong and strange to me but maybe bc I'm a woman so I can tell. Maybe moids wouldn't care.
No. 1781177
File: 1677799288868.jpeg (348.82 KB, 1080x3199, A3AD2C52-EE5B-4A3B-A2F2-962D8D…)

Whatever nonna was talking about society and men bringing back the urinary leash was right. Also kek at “hang on until you get home”. Why do men always think period blood is like pee?
No. 1781195
File: 1677800262175.jpeg (85.24 KB, 665x670, 25EC7CAD-658F-4557-9043-064D19…)

>>1780775Because according to this man, sexualizing children and childhood in pornography is somehow more morally sound than a woman cramming a dildo inter her pants and offending a bunch of men in dresses. This is what he looks like, by the way. Definitely looks like the type of man to love "teen porn"
No. 1781219
File: 1677801359945.png (Spoiler Image,225.65 KB, 640x314, 654745684568.png)

>>1781175fucking kek, top notch stuff right there. you really can't tell the difference!
i found this image on another part of the site and it absolutely sent me. totally not an axe wound, btw.
No. 1781235
File: 1677802785386.jpeg (740.1 KB, 1242x1473, 1255F443-3F6F-4F5D-BE34-6AA8E9…)

Of course he only dresses for his fetish around children. That’s the point! He’s lucky he’s on paid leave when he should be a registered sex offender. Wtf is wrong with this school
No. 1781267
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Hershey's put a troon on the wrapper of their "woman's day" inspired promotion.
No. 1781281
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No. 1781289
File: 1677806896881.jpg (359.4 KB, 1125x1457, IMG_2244.jpg)

lord give me the strength not to a-log. Found this brave and stunning troon from posting on an OCD subreddit. Married for 10 YEARS with multiple kids posting nudes and voice recordings on Reddit all day :( logging off after this one nonas
No. 1781290
>>1780997I hate this 'reasoning'. First off, the whole
most women totally fantasize about being raped is a myth perpetuated by men to justify their own rape fantasies imo. But in any case, even if a woman imagines a man forcing himself on her… she's literally in control of the fantasy and she wants what happens to her in it (probably just some weird mental gymnastic to avoid admitting she wants to have sex, or being forcibly 'seduced' or whatever). It's completely different from men getting off on someone else's suffering, and their fantasies always end up hurting real women (in porn, with this new trend of 'choking' their gf etc).
>>1781084Amazing nonna, you haven't missed anything and it fits completely.
No. 1781306
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This was on display at a museum near me and I’m aghast. Where is the artistry in this? The photos were clearly not taken by the artist so all they did is collage some ransom letter words and got featured in a gallery show? Bleak
No. 1781316
File: 1677810852258.jpg (445.76 KB, 1080x1391, 1666740958897.jpg)

Can the potterfags make their own JKR thread I'm here for troonery buffoonery
No. 1781325
>>1781303I completely believe this. I recently spoke to a 16 year old TIM who told me he wished he’d started puberty blockers at 10 or 11. I tried gently talking a little bit of sense into him but of course as a kid he thinks he knows everything and the more you warn them about something, the more they want to do The Thing. Really depressing! Can’t imagine what kind of parents are encouraging this. Narcs who want pats on the back and clout for being supportive trans parents. Makes me ill.
My siblings go to a high school in a really conservative area with zero trannies or gendies, but somehow every school in certain cities has at least one per class. I wonder why? Almost like it’s a social contagion or something (I’m not conservative btw, I’m just jealous of them for mostly keeping troons away from them)
No. 1781335
valid. maybe she feels like a tranny on the inside. maybe she has a tranny’s brain trapped in a female body. maybe the idea of being cis
triggers her gender dysphoria.
No. 1781383
File: 1677816722925.png (47.04 KB, 1399x337, Screenshot 3.png)

Not fond of Vtubers but this is ridiculous
>earlier last month, Pikamee, a popular vtuber canceled her Hogwarts Legacy stream and went offline for three weeks, neither tweeting nor creating video content from February 8 through March 1. Yesterday, she announced she will retire from her vtubing career entirely. Angry fans have latched onto the Hogwarts Legacy controversy as the reason why their favorite vtuber will no longer produce content. But it’s more complicated than that.
>Many people, within and beyond the larger gaming community have voiced concerns about promoting Hogwarts Legacy as it will, in turn, monetarily support Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has repeatedly expressed anti-trans sentiments. A Reddit thread suggests that the negative comments on Pikamee’s announcement of her Legacy stream included threats to unsub or expressed personal disappointment. Kotaku also viewed videos from other vtubers showing the negative responses to Pikamee, which included commenters reportedly trying to explain their reasons for the suggested boycott or questioning her commitment as an ally to transgender people. Other streamers have faced similar criticism.
>Because Pikamee’s Hogwarts Legacy tweets have been deleted, it’s hard to get a holistic view of how strongly people actually opposed her stream, though evidence suggests the criticism was clear in its disappointment but did not seem to escalate to harassment. However, Pikamee’s most militant fans seemed to take issue with the callout all the same. Between the quote retweets on the official retirement announcement and the tweets found by searching “Vtuber” on Twitter, people are upset at the possibility that opposition to Pikamee because of her decision to stream Hogwarts Legacy led to her retirement (which again, is currently unconfirmed).
>This mere possibility has led trans streamers and allies to fear the speculation will lead to increased transphobia in the vtuber community as it paints the problem group as trans people and trans allies. One tweet angry over Pikamee’s retirement showed an edited image depicting Hatsune Miku, a music software mascot, burning a trans flag. Several said that trans people deserved their oppression. Others condemned the entire queer community. Some tweets contained ableist slurs and threats against transgender people. From all the anti-LGBTQ tweets in relation to Pikamee currently trending on Twitter, (and one slur-filled thread on the hate forum Kiwifarms), the fear appears well-founded.
>Whatever Pikamee meant to her fans while she was actively streaming, it seems she’s now become a martyr for those bemoaning the side effects of “cancel culture” and others looking for an excuse to attack a marginalized group. Fans have expressed that it’s not what she would have wanted from her community—if only her fans would take her easygoing attitude to heart in light of her retirement.
No. 1781403
>>1781383Don’t like how this article is still framing trannies as the
victims somehow kek but if someone finds the picture of Hatsune Miku burning a trans flag I’ll love you forever
No. 1781425
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They seriously have no desire to understand women.
Literally “why do women always complain about sexism when men are so nice to us and you can shop at the mall?”
No. 1781437
File: 1677819650085.jpg (28.23 KB, 568x439, 332475516_1634063220381772_648…)

>>1781279This 8M is going to be a Hell on earth with women voicing louder that troons are stealing their voices and troons whining that "evil terfs/terves/whatever do not let them play with them in their women-only playyard when they're women too".
No. 1781439
>>1781333the "other brands" is for stuff that's not trans-adjacent but is still iffy toward women, Clue got in trouble a few years ago for collecting user data. I'll rename the category and fix things up after my calc exam tomorrow morning.
I'm planning on breaking things down into health/beauty, clothing/designers, home/food. I wasn't intending for it to go outside of lolcow, but I just remembered the ladies over on ovarit! I'll fix the jargon hehe
No. 1781467
>>1781425>Women made it seem like being a woman is nothing but periods, sexual harassment and mansplaining, but I'm actually having a great time and get compliments.Why the fuck are you surprised? No period, no sexual harassment and no mansplaining for you because you are an unattractive MALE in a dress. People either see you as a freak or as a poor
victim tranny hence the compliments from libfems. God, the post and comments make me want to a-log so bad. They really are a bunch of retarded incels.
>>1781448Right? "My mental illness that I refuse to treat is worse than half the population facing discrimination if not violence on the basis of their sex". Yeah ok.
No. 1781552
File: 1677827843446.png (328.22 KB, 1079x613, 7B8C9847-1949-4486-BCF5-99715D…)

This thread needs to get bumped again so here’s a funny image for ya
No. 1781560
>>1781333>>1781375Beautiful work
nonnie, thank you so much!
No. 1781579
>>1781445It's on there
I'm always on these threads so I'll catch stuff as it happens. I think it'd get annoying to announce each new thing's addition every time, so just trust that I'm a thorough reader and check the site. Please do continue to post brands!
No. 1781585
>>1781375thank you nona!
>>1781425>it's so weird how women are complaining about being treated badly just for being women, when I as a man pretending to be a woman get treated well because I'm not a womanAt least it's funny when they admit transphobia isn't real and they get pandered to because they have both male and trans privilege
No. 1781588
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>>1781029I saw the same types of comments all over Twitter regarding this and I actually took a screenshot of this person’s reply to one of them bc I loved it so much kek
No. 1781593
File: 1677834548192.png (171.05 KB, 746x1167, 3.png)

>Came back to my friends house and told my wife and she high fived me and playfully spanked me on the butt and said "don't forget who owns it baby"
No. 1781628
>>1781425>2x is a femcel cesspiti’ve not been 2x for some time but wasn’t it mostly posts written by women who are
victims of assault and harassment?
No. 1781629
>>1781625I don't get the point in criticizing Rowling in this thread of all place
I won't lie, it's a little sus.
No. 1781631
>>1781625>Single mother from England didn't have enough realistic diversity in her magical Scotland books from the 90s/00sGrow up.
>>1781629I would normally think it was a scrote or pickme but this is just a zoomer.
No. 1781660
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This was under a video about trans rights, thought I’d leave it here.
No. 1781670
>collar>tailwatching porn should be a criminal offense at this point. i tolerated it for a while but no. nope.
>most people act like they don't notice, and the few that say something have all just been giving complimentsi'm sick of the whole "men only receive one compliment a year" shit. you chose to be a greasy moid who wears cumstain anime tees and cargo pants. you could be a well groomed stylish handsome man if you put the same effort you do with your tranny fetish. they act like estrogen is a magic pill that's going to make them into a different person and reach nirvana. like their hair will magically stop becoming greasy and they will suddenly have a sense of style. it really is a new age spiritual cult.
i compliment men sometimes especially when they are dressed up and actually put conditioner in their hair and trim their beard but they don't even try, or have to try.
No. 1781672
File: 1677851166394.png (62.12 KB, 736x507, chrome_OyXliwKNlQ.png)

op is a ex obese gamer moid transing out for the 5th time, has a enabling handmaiden as wife as well.. oh man
No. 1781673
File: 1677851583048.png (1.71 MB, 1110x1266, Capture d’écran 2023-03-03 à 1…)

>>1780793>>1780877i think its a troll
No. 1781678
>>1781025I was a kid when I read the books and I had the same issues with them then. People can respectfully like what they want. Also are you acting like the movies didn't push this shit into the mainstream adult world? They did.
>>1781012it was 100% a joke, how could you think i was being serious about "blood libel cause"?
No. 1781712
>>1781677And because like
>>1781681 said, if a woman compliments a man he thinks she’s hitting on him instead of just being nice. Men compliment women because they want something, they’re incapable of being kind just for the sake of kindness. It’s why a man will cat-call you acting like it’s a compliment but immediately take it back and call you a bitch if you don’t even give him a glance. All they can do is think with their dicks.
>>1781425This entire exchange is so devoid of any understanding of or empathy towards women that it pisses me off to a-logging levels. I don’t even know where to start.
No. 1781713
>>1781670Kek this is so true. Moids get showered in compliments when they actually look good and dress nicely but they almost never do.
Troons like the coomer above dress like retards in ears and tails in public and get pity compliments from people who think they’re literally retarded.
No. 1781735
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>>1780521So I have checked the comments and I guess it's mostly Republican retards but still good to see a tranny slandered. It will make him closer to 41 wich is always good.
No. 1781736
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>>1781735Samefag but any hate trannies get is good
No. 1781747
>>1781681I will never compliment a man on his appearance because they will always assume a woman who compliments them is flirting with them, no exceptions. Doesn’t matter if the guy is gay and knows the woman knows it, or if the woman is old enough to be his grandmother. In fact if an older or unattractive woman compliments a man he will practically always be grossed out by it and his friends will make fun of him for it. I’ve seen this play out many times. Why would men think it’s disgusting or weird when an old lady says she likes a man’s sweater? Because to them, compliments = flirting, always.
Those handmaidens who fall all over themselves to compliment greasy troons’ nasty selfies have no idea what they’re feeding into. They think they’re showing much-needed kindness to an unfortunate, pitiful creature but he interprets their compliments as hundreds of women wanting to fuck him.
No. 1781758
File: 1677859356422.png (1.65 MB, 1080x2675, Screenshot_20230303-095802.png)

Ofc planned parenthood made their first post of women's history month about trannies. You know, the ones who can't get pregnant while actual women don't have access to abortion anymore.
No. 1781775
>>1781375so awesome, anon! I'll reply later with more brands, but please add
(all with regard to Dylan)
No. 1781779
File: 1677860414313.jpg (264.91 KB, 986x1293, IMG_20230303_171228.jpg)

Man rapes 10 year old girl. She tries to kill herself. He gets called an activist for being imprisoned among women.
No. 1781784
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>>1781779also worth to adding that
No. 1781797
>>1781758What bothers me the most is WHY do they always have to put men in the very first promo for WOMEN'S day? Especially Hershey's, why can't they spotlight several women? Why do we need an immediate reminder at the beginning of the month that men are still viewed as top of the food chain? I know why, I'm just mad this is turning into another pride month for trannies.
>>1781020I remember seeing this too lmao. Even when a show is 100% LGBT pandering and written by a large cast of women they still find the dumbest shit to ree over. Reptiles in nature can change their color and that provides a cool character type, great. Now go back to cooming to Catra. Reminds me when there was a fuss about Minecraft golems being antisemitic because they had big noses and apparently golems are a jewish thing too.
No. 1781801
>>1781629I’m glad for what she’s doing as a feminist and that she’s the only highly visible woman holding the
TERF line. I really couldnt give a fuck less about her books though. it’s pathetic that people in this thread regularly defend her as a writer as if thats even relevant to the discussion.
No. 1781802
File: 1677863020670.jpg (189.58 KB, 2048x1792, troon flag burn.jpg)

>>1781592That's a funny thread nonna. The chancels aren't buying it of course. Next thread pic?
No. 1781811
>>1781801If nonas want to defend the HP saga (which I never read btw) I think they should, as long as they sage. After all most of the criticism thrown at them is cringe nitpicking from troons that just want to find excuses so Rowling can be even more and more of a
problematic nazi transphobe… it's not really about her books in the end.
No. 1781849
File: 1677867228245.jpeg (130.88 KB, 750x760, DC4B1A43-E4E8-4967-9B59-D0985C…)

>trannies have already started coping hard enough that they bought ad space on 4chan that leads to troon donations
Vtuber incels already despise you, give up.
No. 1781865
>>1780078This is the worst. No one will ever touch that thing, what was he thinking? It's actually making my stomach clench and
triggering my gag reflex.
No. 1781870
>>1781779>>1781784rapist pedophile troons will get their crimes swept under the rug by thousands of tims and handmaidens, but here farmers get guilt tripped for saying they don't care when teenage trannies die. to everyone who was malding about the dead cocaine addict british troon, how about redirecting that anger towards indifferent farmers towards the trannies and handmaidens who don't care about 10 year old rape
victims instead.
No. 1781876
>>1781020Kek I didn't know male troons are into this show. It has nothing sexual, it even tries too hard to not sexualize the characters because it was made by a tif, who trooned out to escape sexualization. Every singe girl in this show looks like she binds lol.
I mean, it was clearly made for women/girls (tifs), and I have never seen a male tranny get interested in a show for women. It is always the hentaish only-for-scrotes animes they get obsessed with.
No. 1781885
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A tif but the point stands.
playing wizard game and calling you your birthsex is not the same as threatening to rape and murder someone.
No. 1781887
>>1781885i assumed tif when i saw he/him in the bio. i think his is a male.
also unsaged cause i saged the pic like a food
No. 1781891
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>>1781779>>1781782I started distancing myself from all things LGBT because of this nonsense. I swear every time something like this happens I get closer to just deciding fuck it all and joining picrel
No. 1781912
File: 1677873883673.jpg (134.32 KB, 867x1280, IMG_20230303_210310_248.jpg)

Stunning and brave
No. 1781941
File: 1677875853712.png (467.55 KB, 1364x935, Screenshot 2023-03-03 031015.p…)

Nonas I watched this 45 minute peaking video last night and it made me extremely upset. Has anyone else seen it? It only has like 400 views but I feel like it needs more. I know watching this type of stuff is like "not good for your mental health" bc ofc it's upsetting but I feel like it's important to be aware. Picrel is a screenshot I took from one of the books shown that's basically erotica for kids kek. Only a few months ago I was totally against the book banning and hard anti-tranny stuff that they're doing in some states like Florida. Now I'm starting to get it… If you have time please watch (this creator also has a more popular video called What Is A Woman: Wrong Answers Only that's worth watching if you feel like A-logging twice in one day) No. 1781946
>>1781941I'm not against sex ed if it's age appropriate. And in a purely informative, matter of fact way. There's absolutely a difference between educational and like you're reading erotic fiction. And…
>little brotherBurn it all.
No. 1781978
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>>1781971I can’t believe Miku Hatsune hates trannies holy shit based
No. 1781979
>>1780348>But now that it's normal, has it actually affected suicide rates either positively or negatively? Nope.
>Or do they just bring it up as a way to "win" every debate they get into?Yep.
This article and twitter thread debunks the myths about trans suicide.
Pediatric Gender Medicine and the Moral Panic Over Suicide No. 1781986
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No. 1781992
File: 1677881538720.png (507.49 KB, 1280x1465, tumblr_px821nOPii1yra70qo1_128…)

>>1781978Hatsune Miku is a
TERF, pass it on.
No. 1781993
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>>1781939This is an actual fact lol, Naemuti and uwu are two known trannyjannies who were caught role playing in the official moderator chat room
No. 1782000
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>>1780761I mean… If the shoe fits
No. 1782015
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Has anyone here seen the @feminist instagram? Just found it today bc a friend shared their post and ofc the first thing I see is 3 tranny posts and a bearded man in a skirt… There is a little bit of sanity in the (limited) comments but the replies to those make me feel like I’m losing my mind. Is feminism not about women? Gaslighting gone wild
No. 1782029
>>1781994imo I do think some basic knowledge of sex can be beneficial (simple stuff like the medical names of parts, don't let other people touch you there until you're an adult, vague info about where babies come from, stuff like that) because children that get preyed on by pedophiles often don't even know what's happening if they get sexually assaulted. My friend who was a CSA
victim told me that when she was assaulted all that she knee about what was happening was that the man told her "this is what people do when they love each other" so it left her very confused for a long time. Of course, I think books like what was posted are going disgustingly far and shouldn't have been published in the first place. I think both shielding a child entirely and telling a child too much can both be very dangerous and sex ed before puberty needs to be handled on a case by case basis and with a lot of care.
No. 1782055
File: 1677889171597.png (2.34 MB, 1536x3612, stupidaf.png)

OP: worried about her loser bf wanting to take estrogen as some magic pill instead of just moisturizing more.
Reddit: you’re transphobic, your bf is in denial about being trans, and buying hormones online is #valid
No. 1782062
File: 1677890425441.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1673, 42EDDD25-4DDA-4DCD-A443-B52480…)

>>1782057No man on the entire planet needs estrogen. The only people who need estrogen are menopausal women and other women with hormonal imbalances.
In fact there’s a shortage of estradiol pills here in the UK because of trannies. My older lady neighbor was suicidal for weeks because she couldn’t get HRT which was the only medication that helps relieve her rheumatoid arthritis pains. These scrotes are fucking evil.
No. 1782063
File: 1677890586628.jpeg (759.34 KB, 1242x1580, 384C566D-D7BE-47A2-8C2A-A1DFA3…)

I hate trannies so much it’s unreal.
No. 1782076
File: 1677891803155.jpeg (343.47 KB, 750x2867, E8685E17-D1C0-4F4F-9C64-A2E614…)

whenever i see this picture, op is always a tranny.
No. 1782081
>>1781811The JK Rowling antisemite allegations are really odd tbh. I’ve been seeing them a lot in the UK press.
Tinfoil but I noticed the mainstream media did this to Jeremy Corbyn (labour leader) in the run up to the general election here in the UK.
They slandered him and tried to claim he was an antisemite because he pronounced Jeffrey Epstein in the correct way that it’s pronounced in Yiddish (Epshteen) and because he supports Palestine. He’s still a pro tranny faggot though, so I don’t feel bad for him.
But it’s just interesting that these anti semitism allegations suddenly get overreported in the mainstream press whenever any influential person goes against the pozzed grain.
No. 1782083
File: 1677892137543.jpeg (9.07 KB, 350x390, r3neog9e777e3aa2.jpeg)

>>1782071And still donating the money the haters give her to play a game to "spoil" the fun to other fans or buy a book to burn it.
She really knows how
abusive men act and she doesn't give a damn.
>>1782055>consider your body right now is absolutely full of the stuff and you're doing fineBecause OP has a healthy uterus and her friend will inject artificial estrogen? Now I remember that weird estrogen sold in Brazil with cat hair inside.
No. 1782084
>>1781849>>1781854Not surprised in the slightest that 4chan is troon central, after all autists have a higher than normal chance of transitioning.
Most trannies are just AGP porn addicted incels in skirts who fell for the ‘women live on tutorial mode’ meme, to the point their sexual frustration and jealousy of women turned into wanting to be women.
No. 1782092
File: 1677893021165.jpeg (117.7 KB, 634x801, 519574E4-81B8-4FE9-A78F-61B94E…)

Totally normal thing to show to children.
No. 1782096
File: 1677893159007.png (26.92 KB, 598x360, sting.png)

Because Sting is not going to whine and cry that his pronouns are "Sting/Stings/Stingself"?
>>1782092This is comparable with Sophie selling his books in sex shops and claiming is aimed for children.
No. 1782100
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>>1782087This. The best you can do at that age is telling them "no one can force you to touch them or letting them touch you and if they tell you 'they're gonna be sad if you tell it to your parents/another adult', then you MUST tell to your parents/another adult what they are doing". Kids should know that consent is first and important and anything a pedo is trying to lure them should be told.
No. 1782103
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This shit is making me want to a-log so fucking hard how do you ignore basic biology on this level.
No. 1782106
File: 1677893671792.jpeg (94.01 KB, 723x374, B7FCE7E1-3E8B-4122-8AC2-2BDD84…)

>>1782104>WOMEN’S TEAMS HAVE LOWER FUNDINGAnd they’re claiming this isn’t a gendered issue? The problem isn’t that there’s separate teams (men and women are that biologically different that putting them together is retarded) the problem is that women aren’t treated equally or fairly
>women’s soccer is notoriously more aggressive and high energy So women have to work harder to be put into their preferred profession compared to men? Woooow what a surprise who woulda thunk it
No. 1782107
File: 1677893776396.jpeg (204.39 KB, 750x817, A53D74C4-A1D8-4C10-A0E6-AFE4FF…)

>>1782106>much of TERF feminism is rooted in racism, white supremacy, and fascism. that when push has come to shove, TERFs have actually supported the patriarchy they supposedly rally against, that they’ve supported conservatives, that they’ve supported white supremacists and fascists and neo-nazis.Source please! Last time I checked the troons were mostly the ex /pol/fag nazis not us.
No. 1782112
File: 1677893909766.jpeg (210.2 KB, 750x830, FD8E9A7D-CD9C-40DF-85E0-B97058…)

>>1782107>transfemmes allow them to finally be the oppressor. they are allowed to oppress the ‘man’, to weaponise many facets of oppression to shame her existence.What are we oppressing exactly? Their ‘right’ to molest and rape us without our consent?
No. 1782116
>>1782109Legit the only example is literal children’s cartoons, which you know are made for fucking babies.
Half the time those are only put in as an attempt to make boys not automatically exclude women based on their sex at school or recess sports, they’re not well thought out at all since they’re for literal children.
No. 1782121
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>>1782105>another female adultYou know female adults can be abusers too, right? I think the best is to tell them "your parents or any adult they can trust like a teacher or a relative".
No. 1782129
File: 1677894831856.gif (781.45 KB, 160x190, 1423546757031.gif)

>>1782124Seek for domestic abuse issues and you'll find women can be as
abusive like men. Even in LGBT couples, lesbians have a high rate of partner violence. stfu too.
No. 1782139
>>1782129Children raised by lesbians are much less likely to be sexually abused.
At least 1 in 50 biological fathers rape their children and for stepfathers its 1 in 6.
No. 1782140
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>>1781625Asians make media with white peoples names like this though and everybody thinks it’s cute and funny.
No. 1782148
File: 1677895976814.jpeg (101.17 KB, 1600x1157, F5661280-C810-407C-8ADC-52A5F0…)

My autism can’t take it nonnies, Twitter trannies just decided that one of my favorite characters is a troon for some reason and now whenever I look up new fan art of them I get ugly tranny art
No. 1782159
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>>1782131I remember that scene. Shan Yu saw Mulan in the palace and said "the soldier in the mountain!", no something like "my army was beaten by a woman??".
No. 1782161
>>1782107I'd like to know how actual intersex people feel about these pigs appropriating their experiences and speaking over them. I've never once seen a tranny cite anyone who's intersex, and I've been on the beat over a decade.
When was the I added to the alphabet soup? What do they even have in common with the rest? My guess is they weren't consulted at all.
No. 1782176
>>1782131> as far as I know in the traditional texts she never purposely disguised herself as a man either, What are you talking about? What traditional texts? In the oldest story of her that we have, she disguises herself as man to take her father's place. And there's a lot of evidence in that story that she was from a proto-mongolic tribe that conquered
a part of Northern China and slowly became sinified, and the story is set during that process. Chinese was really good at assimilating nomad conquerors.
No. 1782185
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>>1782168I mean, he has an appeal, bald or not.
No. 1782206
>>1782107Wrong on every account, dick stain. You think we WANT you men to be predators and to be perpetual
victims? No. That is so disgustingly offensive. The lack of understanding is wild. Also this is just my personal opinion but TERFdom is as feminist as it gets. Libfems can try to distance themselves from us because they’re too compassionate and in denial but we’re the real deal. We’re the ones who say things they are afraid to say and put ourselves in danger for standing up for all women. They literally have no idea what they’re talking about smh
No. 1782222
>>1782182ok, prof, so these lines
"I go outside to see my comrades. They are all shocked and astounded.
“We traveled together for twelve years,” (they say),
“But we never suspected that Mulan was a woman!”
and the rest to the end mean what exactly?
(continuing to derail) No. 1782233
>>1782212>first off, these surgeries are not life-savingsee the links posted here
>>1781979 debunking trans suicide
>puberty blockers + cross sex hormones make these minors sterile and they will never be able to have a normal sexual life (if any)>they cannot consent about it, they barely understand what this will mean for them later on (ask these people why they think minors can consent about this but not about other things)>there is an increasing number of people detransitioning (and even suing the doctors who allowed them to transition as teenagers). puberty blockers and surgeries are irreversible and have very serious consequences, why not start with therapy? many teenagers are not properly diagnosed (see the tavistock gender identity clinic controversy). they let self-hating teenage girls struggling with puberty chop off their breasts, acting like it's gender dysphoria when it isn't (in fact nowadays being diagnosed with gender dysphoria is not even always a requirement, so what kind of care is this?)resources regarding minors No. 1782244
>>1782103>>1782104>>1782106Most men's sports divisions/leagues are already opened to women. There are no rules that bar female athletes from playing in the NBA or NFL, and the MLB lifted their ban on female athletes in 1992. A woman was drafted to the NBA in the 1970s but decline to play due to being pregnant at the time. In 2020 a American woman, Sarah Fuller, played as a kicker on her College's football team, it made headlines. In 2021 three girls played on their respective high school football team, Sofia LaSpina, Abby DiCenzo and Brooklyn Harker.
Combat sports have weight classes but they don't allow intergender matches as a male fighter of the same weight as a female fighter will usually be able to overpower the latter. And how do you implement weight classes in team sports like basketball and soccer? As for his little anecdote about the 5' Taekwondo master, if it was a serious match the assistant teacher would have wiped the floor with her. Pro female fighter spar with men all the time but they wouldn't dare take them on in a serious match. A few MMA promotions have amateur intergender MMA(not sanctioned by MMA governing bodies) the usual match results are what you would expect.'s a match between a woman fitness teacher and male beauty guru TRAs believe that there's no reason to segregate sports by gender then why can't TiMs remain on men's sports teams? Why should TiMs force themselves on women's sports teams if female athletic prowess is on the same level as males. We all know the answer is that TRAs would rather destroy a women's space than have it exclude TiMs.
No. 1782270
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This is what most "thigh high" gamer femboys/troons or whatever will look like when they turn 25
No. 1782288
>>1781939Jannies are trannies EVERYWHERE because they're the only ones who have nothing better to do all day; they're all
losers with no real skills or hobbies.
>>1782007People always getting mad about Cho Chang's name but, like, many of the characters have ridiculous names including the white characters; the characters that have normal sounding names are probably less than half a dozen.
>>1782270Fuckin' Steve Jobs lookin' ass
No. 1782289
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No. 1782310
Sage for massive blog but as a female athlete i need to get this off my chest, and there’s nowhere else that i can.
The claims of the gender disparity in sports “not mattering” always uses endurance-based sports as its basis, where the natural disparity between genders is much much lower. If anything, women will often have the advantage in purely endurance-based sports like long-distance running, or anything that doesn’t require large or explosive bursts of power. But realistically, that’s very few sports.
I participate in largely strength-based sports (powerlifting, weightlifting, CrossFit). I’m not a big girl but I’m VERY strong for my size, and even still, I’m frequently surpassed by TEENAGE BOYS. There’s a reason testosterone is the most frequently-used performance enhancing drug. Trans athletes can claim all they want that their hormone levels NOW are within normal female range, but they still had years of training under the influence of testosterone, and that can’t be undone. I refuse to ever compete against a male, and i don’t care who wants to cancel me for that.
No. 1782322
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>>1781979Someone should tweet this to the debate bro Destiny. He's pissed that Mississippi has banned child transitioning. He posted pic related in response to conservatives wanting to ban grs for minors but not circumcision.
No. 1782328
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>>1782289He is wearing our favorite shirt !
No. 1782352
>>1782110I feel for you nonna. Be strong. And don't value the scrotes in your life too much, they are all replaceable.
Also blogpost but I have a genshin-obsessed relative who recently was "ironically" trying on women's clothes (hats and coats, not underwear thanks good) and also was "jokingly" wondering if sex change operations were that expensive. As far as I know, he is not an autistic shut-in and has male friends but has never talked to a girl (he is in his early 20s). He doesn't seem gay to me, (I saw a sexy anime girl on his computer wallpapers) but I remember him joking about freaking out his male friends by suggesting them to sleep with him in his bed instead of the floor in sleepovers.
I will post him if he will attempt to troon out in our eastern European country because he doesn't speak English kek.
No. 1782360
>>1782104>>1782244The best evidence of male/female difference was given at the last Olympics where they had several mixed relay events in both running and swimming.
Poland was the only track team to put their female runners to run last, and the world watched as a woman who had a 200m headstart was lapped by every single man.
No. 1782366
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>>1782356Oh wait I just checked his twitter account
> is such a pompous faggot. Of course he doesn't want people to listen to TERFs in fear that people might find agreement in their arguments.
No. 1782368
>>1782267Yes, this is just an example as to why whining about "Cho Chang" being racist and retarded is ridiculous. You just pulled a "no u!!" but okay.
>>1782310There's a peak trans vent thread in 2X if you need but yeah, TRAs are full of shit regarding sports and, well, everything else.
>>1782322If removing some skin is already bad then chopping off the entire thing is obviously worse. What is even their point? The only conclusion that would make sense here is "we should ban ALL genital surgeries".
No. 1782375
>>1780078How is this a vaginoplasty? They just drilled a hole in a guys taint. In what way is that a vagina?
>>1782055>your body is full of estrogen and you're fine!!yes, because she's a woman. Exogenous estrogen has risks and possible severe side effects for women as well.
So many troons have this weird idea of more estrogen = more woman. aDvAnCeD bIoLoGy.
No. 1782437
>>1782064being trans is not a costume lololol
the only way to make some of these people see reason is to use their own logic against them. why can't a bio woman feel more comfortable with the idea of having a huge cock? gender is fluid right? i think this chick claimed to be nonbinary anyways, why does it matter if she has a fake dick or not? maybe that's the way she expresses her gender. why is it any business what's in a trans persons pants?!
like seriously lol tifs and enbies have fake dicks all the time they are only mad about this because she's hot, and getting more attention than they are.
>>1782103can we stop fucking acting like physical strength is oh so important for woman to be treated as equal. a huge reason women have been walked all over for hundreds of years is because on average we are smaller and weaker than men. most teenage boys, children, could beat me (an adult woman) in a fight. that does not make me less than men. fuck lol, are short men not equal to tall men because they are bigger and stronger? what about little people, disabled people, what about sports separated by weight? this isn't what equality is. when feminists say women are just as strong as men they don't LITERALLY mean physical strength. reminds me of how media will make 'strong female characters' and take that as they are supposed to make badass sexy women rather than just strong, well written female characters.
No. 1782471
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No. 1782481
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you cannot make this shit up
No. 1782506
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>>1782486There's currently some drama about this guy being outed that he liked feet drawings of gawr gura and defended dan schneider
No. 1782508
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>>1782506Of course he calls himself an autistic communist slut tranny
No. 1782551
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>>1781375hi nonna, Lush did send Dylan baskets of gifts, so I think they should be on the list. Especially since they are raising prices massively without raising the wages of their employees. Dylan already had about 50 bath bombs and bubble bars in his new bathroom, but they had to go and send him more shit.
Do you have a way to submit new brands and proof?
No. 1782555
>>1781177Their response:
> You said nothing about periods in your original post.Clearly i thought you were talking about urinating or doing a poo.
But sure, turn it into something else in a pathetic attempt to make me look like an idiot.
If its your time of the month double up on sanitary pads.
what an asshole. they literally don't care about women at all as long as they get their way.
reg, you always looked like an idiot.
No. 1782592
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No. 1782603
>>1782232I literally found her two days ago because she was posted on radblr, and this happens? That creepy Between the Lions puppet looking fuck really has soldiers out here? I can't blame her not talking about him anymore because she's a normal person and who can afford to repair their car every time it's vandalized (which will most likely escalate if she continued).
Whoever defends him is either a groomer or a child being groomed. There's seriously no in-between.
No. 1782604
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>>1782585well Lush NA is sending Dylan hundreds of dollars of free product after seeing that he had already bought or received an insane amount… pretty easy to declare Lush NA as TRA. They treat their employees and customers like crap, too. I've never understood the appeal of that company, there are so many better options.
No. 1782605
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>>1782366He is indeed a ridiculous, pompous faggot. The whole thread is full of unsupported assumptions. How does he define bigot? He takes it as self-evident that anyone with misgivings about his chosen kink is one.
The balls on him for accusing Phelps of tendentious framing! How dare she have a point of view not dictated by delusional dick havers. It's a podcast, not one of the science journals these shameless pervs have already ruined. Of course the commenters are quoting MLK.
>“We do not need allies that are more devoted to order than justice” You don't need a philosophy degree to understand that not all minority desires are legitimate. We've already been through this with NAMBLA. Unsurprisingly male perverts never give up trying to center social justice on the coom.
Any real left movement would have laughed these freaks out of the room rather than pretend they're the most urgent civil rights issue of our time. The difference with troons and real civil rights movements is trannies were never grass roots. They've succeeded solely through donor bux and shitty politicians and nonprofits willing to be bought. The question is how long can this unpopular astroturfing exercise continue?
No. 1782614
>>1782481Why did he look 35 in high school? I guess if your hairline recedes that early your only choices are to embrace baldness or become a woman
>>1782551Re: Lush. They suck and use shitty ingredients in their overpriced products. Like yeah it might be aesthetic and smell good but all of that shit will dry the fuck out of your skin. Way better companies that are more science-oriented using actually helpful ingredients than “eco friendly” and shitty.
No. 1782621
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Was looking at a sub’s top photos and came across this. Amazing how I just assumed they were a tranny from this bizarre comment. Go to their profile and see troon flags. Of course.
No. 1782627
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I know Elon Musk is a bit of a cow himself, but twitter is so much better now
No. 1782628
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>>1782551Thank you! I added it. I'll try to come up with something when I'm home from work but the site has a lot of views and so I'm worried about gross spam
No. 1782631
>>1782621I've found the having a woman's name or "girl," in the handle is one of the biggest tells that a user is a tranny, especially on Reddit, Twitter, or Tumblr. Turbo normies and e-thots are the only ones I consistently see doing it besides MTFs. Actual women, especially ones that have used their internet for a long time, avoid advertising that they're women on their screenname, because historically it's been a great way to attract harassment, or be judged for your femaleness. Instead, real women typically animals, fandomshit, made-up words, etc.
No. 1782641
>>1782551Lmao, they're clearly doing damage control because they know they're going to take a hit in sales after the price hike. They want Dylan's retarded pickme followers to go out and buy their overpriced crap.
I'm appalled by what they pay their employees. I literally made more hourly ten years ago when I scooped ice cream, and that's before you adjust for inflation.
No. 1782649
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>>1782627Meanwhile you actually Google photos of Stonewall and 90% of the people in the photos are white men. Makes sense, given that New York was still heavily segregated at the time, and disparate lesbian culture was to gay culture even back then. Though the groups would obviously intermingle, generally people form social cliques with others who share their background, especially in the 1960s.
No. 1782650
>>1782644Did you forget that
priests also go after kids? Congrats on supporting a predominately male institution and worshiping a male god, trad-chan.
No. 1782653
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Well, another org to put in the "anti-women" list.