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No. 1541490[Reply]

This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois, fujo male larpers and FTM snowflake behavior who may or may not deserve their own threads.

Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former).

Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.

Back off all trannies and your dysphoria because no1curr.

Thread pic credit >>1516761

Old threads by order of recency:
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No. 1565530

You aren't interested, that's it. You don't owe anyone any explanation about your sexuality anon. But if you have to deflect a TRA, just say you aren't interested in any enby you know right now but who knows. Yes i know is disgusting but the less details you give the better, as tras would weaponize everything about your identity against you latter, always play dumb. Funny enough straight people are authorized to have random preferences as wanting only blondes or x body type but as soon as a lgb person says they aren't interested in fucking a turbo autist with dangerhair it's the end of the world.

No. 1565531


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1565548

Say you wouldn't be a good partner to someone with mental illness. Show me a Tran who doesn't have one and I'll give you ten bucks. Covers your base, makes you look sympathetic somewhat too.

No. 1565589

New thread

No. 1566173

I gotta say I'm a lesbian but I've always found slightly bigger clits on women hot, so this trend of butches/tomboys fucking up their bodies with T has been working out for me ngl(no1curr)

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No. 1596608[Reply]

Soy Salvatore/ Sully Hill:
>25 year old illegal British scrote living in US
>Groomed wife while she was underaged
>Troon fucker
>Soy films content with Shayna Clifford aka Fatty Mattel >>1346080, >>1345781, gets dragged on sex work twitter
>Wears Fupa inspired lady driving gloves >>1345885, during their “shoot” >>1345888,
>Sully scrubs all content and interactions with Shay from his accounts after getting called out and pretends the L.A content never happens but farmers take screencaps before evidence is gone >>1346164, >>1346301,
>>1346446, >>1347017, >>1347038, >>1347334, >>1348104, >>1348107
>Filmed porn in airbnb without permission
>Anon was able to find airbnb posting because pictures shared by Shay and Soy. Pillows and couch matched listing found in Los Angeles
>Airbnb owner is looking into pressing charges >>1346638, >>1346651, and since then has changed listing for a zero tolerance porn rule Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1937093

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Hideous hambeast. I made a Twitter account to lurk shayna and I fell down a rabbit hole of some disgusting smelly people selling their body

No. 1937094

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This looks disgusting

No. 1937097

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NSFL aiden she calls it a dick in some posts kek

No. 1937100

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No. 1937103

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Do these idiots even make money? I swear it’s a fetish to show off their flabby undefined folds

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No. 1673641[Reply]

-A community of people that identify as being disabled while being able-bodied
- Many fetishize the idea of being disabled
-Use unneeded canes and wheelchairs to fulfill their desires
- Others fight for the right for elective surgery to reach their desired disability
- Community is sprinkled with troons, usually men who get off on the idea of being crippled girls.

-Some people with BIID may actually have a mental or neurological disorder, where they feel as if their limbs shouldn't be there. This may be different than those who “identify as disabled”

Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/biid/
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No. 1866962

He could just… not talk.

No. 1867004

Get your jaw wired shut dude.

No. 1867271

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holy shit anon, your post really piqued my interest due to the horrific nature of… everything… and I think I found what you were referring to. was the site called VickiHooks? from a domain info database:
>Keywords: milwaukee brace stories, braced life, forced to be a girl, forced male to female transformation, my mom made me become a girl
>Created: 2007-12-31

picrel seems to be him. terrifying lmao

No. 1867279

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samefag, right after I posted that I discovered his website via the wayback machine. I'm not going to fully explore it but there's a whole bunch of written masturbatory material on there in the form of his stories. small blog here but as a woman in a wheelchair who wore leg braces as a kid, this fucked me up. it's said so much but God is it true: male degeneracy knows NO bounds

the website

No. 1869069

Find out what fake autist Amanda Baggs did and do that.

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No. 1418508[Reply]

Okay, where to start on this one? For the uninitiated, Ethan Oliver Ralph, known to his detractors as "the Gunt", is a obese, alcoholic, late 30s fading-from-relevance "alt right" podcaster. While he was always a loathsome individual, Ralph had his moment in the sun riding on the autism singularity that was GamerGate, and he was, at least before sliding into complete degeneracy, not an entirely inept host and he had pretty impressive knowledge of politics and even the occasional actual interesting opinion and witty put-down. His "Killstream" experienced some modest success and outsize reach, being able to land big names like Richard Spencer when the name Richard Spencer was still ascendent. Things were good. However, continual legal problems, serious issues with women, and a losing battle with cheeseburgers and Maker's Mark have over the past half-decade put our gunted friend on the collision course with outright Christian Chandler-tier lolcowdom featuring a supporting cast of some of the trashiest people imaginable.

Ralph is known for having an ongoing blood feud with Joshua Connor Moon a/k/a Null admin of the Kiwi Farms, and this enmity has contributed to Ralph joining the likes of ALR, Yaniv, Chandler himself, and Isabella Loretta Janke (briefly) in getting his own entire board, but as you will see, it would be hard to make the case that it's undeserved. Honestly the minutiae of how Ralph got famous and the various friends and enemies he made along the way is boring and would need a huge explainer if you were not into boring IBS shit to begin with. This is probably why Ralph hasn't gotten a whole lot of love over here, too: many seem to consider him a lolcow of interest only to scrotes. This would be a serious miscalculation, though: of late, at least, his bovine antics have centered almost entirely around his idiotic actions and consequent legal problems surrounding his would-be harem of damaged young women, his illegitimate progeny, and his clownish and pathetic flexing on mainstream social media. In short you'll love to hate him.


Key Guntlore
>studied Political Science and could probably have become an entry-level GOP political operative or something like thatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1864222

Ethan Ralph confirms his own death beyond the grave. Fucking kek. What an attention seeker.

No. 1864255

Is he really 37? God what a mess, he looks closer to 50

No. 1864845

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He didn't die anon, he was ""baiting"" like a dumbass
He's still alive and retweeting.

No. 1866802

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Fuentes finally dropped Ralph from AF, in retaliation Ralph is currently doxing all the prominent groypers, as well as the location of the current AF rally.

No. 1866982

Men are so dramatic kek.

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No. 1728823[Reply]

TenshiiTushii, lovingly referred to in the e-whore threads as "Tenshit".
>miserable 24-year-old e-whore and failed stripper with ugly tattoos, including a giant ugly ouija board covering her stomach
>poly with an ugly reddit-tier "daddy" >>>/snow/1606574 and an fat greasy "Sir" with bad kanji tattoos >>>/snow/1718518 who spoils her with cheetos and juice >>>/snow/1692713
>claims she’s quitting Onlyfans and sex work almost daily because she gets no money and can't pay her bills or feed herself (despite continuing to get fatter) but never quits
>LARPs as a survival sex worker and acts like she's being forced to exploit herself when she could literally just fill out a job application
>whines and bitches about how all her customers suck and she is going to quit unless they give her money, they never do and yet she never quits
>one of the only scrotes that ever replies to her is none other than GrayhairNotOld from the Shayna threads (Mike Slack, a trucker who has an incest fetish and publicly supported his biological daughter's sex work career) >>>/snow/1523443
>claims strip club scrotes called her fat and that's why she stopped stripping
>claims to want a girlfriend and is so gay but calls other women bitches and makes misogynistic tweets all the time and calls herself a "woman-hating bisexual"
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No. 1865804

pick mes never win KEK

No. 1866469

KEK ouija barrel

No. 1866900


yeah, she gained a lot. see here: >>1754083

No. 1867051

LOL, so deserved. nonnies, is karma real?

No. 1882498

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No. 1851781[Reply]

JustPearlyThings just did an interview with Ethan Klein from H3H3 and I didn’t see another thread so I’ve been ITCHING to post about her. Copying summary from other thread and adding some other stuff

Previous three threads:

A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.

Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband. They tend to be from well-off backgrounds and have lived very sheltered lives of privelege although many come off as possibly having some trauma problems. Their attention to the female role and the female body often comes off as performative and even fetishistic, to appeal to their audience of MGTOW red pilled incels, neckbeards, and wignats.

Many of our tradthots are quite preoccupied with the outer trapings of religion, usually identifying with reactionary trends within Roman Catholicism or sometimes Eastern Orthodoxy. Some are quite fond of parading around in conservative dress or a chapel veil, but almost invariably this comes off as weirld sexualized too. Meanwhile all the religious talk on social media falls flat and seems performative. Reached for comment, Jesus Christ had this to say: "they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen … they have their reward." (Matthew 6:5)

A few examples are:

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No. 1865236

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He doesn’t really. All these Nazis hate brown and Indian people with a passion. They want to lay claim to Aryans and claim to be their kin when Western Europeans are not descended from them. Ironically, most Ashkenazi Jews are closer to being direct descendants of the Aryans than Western Europeans.

No. 1865239

My understanding of the "Indo-Europeans" is that they were this group that came out of somewhere, invaded India, spread across Iran and the steppe into Western Eurasia and Europe. In some cases they displaced/killed the native peoples and in some cases they intermarried, but no group alive today really has any right to "claim" them.

On the flipside, I have heard Indian government and Indians deny the IE hypothesis (accepted by most population geneticists outside of India) and claim the IEs were just native Indians who came from India itself and spread around the world.

No. 1865240

>childbirth only causes papercut like injuries
Why would people lie on the internet? 1 in 5 women in my country still have to get an episiotomy for gods sake.

No. 1865241

>no group alive has any right to claim them
Why wouldn’t their direct blood descendants have a right to claim them?

No. 1865248

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The golden age of India didn’t occur until most than 2000 years after the supposed Aryan invasion.

There are no mass graves or signs of warfare between the already existing Indian population in that area and the Aryan ‘invaders’.

The Vedic scripts make no mention of any foreign land as the Aryans original home or the even mention a place where they came from to India.

They make no mention of flora or fauna specific to Europe or Russia in scripts or their rituals or spells. All the plants and herbs and animals they namecheck were animals and plants that have existed in India for tens of thousands of years.

The idea of a foreign steppe people riding into India on chariots to slaughter and conquer the natives is nonsense. The mountains at India’s borders are extremely jagged, rocky and terrible terrain for using chariots, even horses struggle on them because the ground is so uneven.

The Mahabharata states
>The Mleccha (foreign/barbarian) kings of the Shakas (Scythians), Yavanas (usually means Greek in Indian context) Kambojas (Indo Iranians) and Bahlikas (Bactrians) will rule unrighteously and India will be in its dark ages.

So if these ‘white foreigner’ groups were bringers of knowledge and enlightenment, how come they are described as unenlightened barbarians who will ruin India?
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No. 240436[Reply]

Ah DeviantART. The place of cancerous art, kids trying to make themselves online sensations with their shitty Sonic and furry fan OCs, and the occasional decent artist who might actually have a job, unlike all of the other losers on the website living in their parents basement.
KindredGhoul is the top of their breed. Literally getting triggered everytime someone mentions Trump, buying their fame and literally paying people to watch them, and having a profile full of stamps the represent their run of the mill opinions that no one seems to care about.
Besides being suicidal emo furry trash, they also enjoy causing drama with other users, and trying to defame anyone who insults them, much less challenges any opinion they have.
Their boyfriend, DarylIsChupacabra, is almost as bad as them, whiteknighting constantly everytime KindredGhoul gets a boo-boo.

No. 240439

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The user is also currently ripe for milking. Expect lolz worthy responses if you bring up any of their drama and whiny SJW hate for Trump.

No. 1865127

For nonas who overuse buzzwords this is what you will sound like in 5 years btw(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1865139


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No. 1243167[Reply]

somehow these threads are still going despite an endless influx of self-posting and the definition of “milk” being pretty much the only discussed topic

our last thread started out with scary strained necks and creepy nick kicking his ~much recovered~ matchstick-looking limbs about.
every ana on instagram is now a qualified ED expert, with infographics, informative posts and LOTS of opinions to match. case in point : anna’s relentless posts about her period, (menopause themed live coming up guyz!!!), molly and porgie’s thoughts on calories… the list goes on.
n2f is still alive, living as a raging bulimic in denial and attacking anyone who dared question her near-naked videos of arm flexing and posing semi-nude in her cesspit of a house.
Ham has eaten a pretzel for the first time… for the second time?? and continues to try roping mummy and daddy into her parade, though it’s clear to see the novelty has well and truly worn off for them..
zara shut down her old ig account and made a new one, still preaching recovery whilst extremely underweight, nothing special there.
and there is now an influx of anachans heading off to inflate their egos working for scam model agencies, too?
who knows, but we’re here to be entertained so let the milk flow!!
reminder to put sage in the email field, no posting under 16s, read the damn rules

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No. 1264016

Infuriated me, She literally said that Tess has Atypical Anorexia, when she literally doesn’t, Tess doesn’t even restrict or have that mentality, should have done more research into Tess!

No. 1264692

No I think she might be underweight , but we mostly see deathly skinny people on here, so it’s difficult to see when someone is underweight but not at a ridiculously low BMI, if that makes sense?

No. 1283412

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ding ding ding!

We have a winner. thinpages / thinforum is the skinny place. It's on the wayback machine, although the captures don't show all of the sub forums. Even better, there's a capture were you can see that Dorian (username: n0thing) used the site.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1862068


have a source/link on Tilly?(necro)

No. 1864587

I recently had to get a cholecystectomy myself, and although I definitely had genetic predisposition, I'm 99% sure it was restricting due to my ED that caused my own biliary colic. Rapid weight loss and low-calorie restriction are two well-known risk factors for gallstones. My relapse had only lasted about 5-6 months before I started having symptoms(unsaged blogpost)

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No. 1855512[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/snow/1833931

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Relocated to Seattle in an effort to find Fupa 2.0 but so far has only managed to find degen porn weirdos who eventually get called out by other twitter e-whores.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread.

Summary of last thread:
>>1842877 thread starts off strong with autistic infighting about whether or not people are allowed to complain about the quality of the thread
>>1842943 disturbing new kink dungeon video posted featuring a stuck pig
>>1843015 bitches about ‘muh anxiety’ every single day leading up to a surgery she wanted
>>1843117 still desperately trying to get her coomers to donate to her ‘recovery fund’
>>1843266 another video with grandma sarah gregory and the girl who consistently looks miserable and strung-out
>>1843542 incorrectly states that Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1864499

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Noodle nooo

No. 1864500

How would she know her dogs piss smells awful is she bending over to sniff the grass? Does it piss inside?

No. 1864504

Please don’t you ever type such gross fanfiction to post it anywhere.

No. 1864506

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She straight up ignored her orbiter telling her to take her to the ER

No. 1864509

Honestly? I would not be surprised if that was the case. There's probably still literal cows like that one fat goth sex worker lurking about.

I mean, if she's letting it piss on the patio or actually takes noodle for a walk or two, pungent dog piss is a hard smell to miss.

Back to the shaynatorium with you. I highly doubt she's that degenerate, she's just a dog owner who's scared.

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No. 1863143[Reply]

- Felix Rhaab
-personal cow of mine for years now
-socials : https://www.instagram.com/specialbrovertops https://www.instagram.com/irlwimbleton
-20 years old unemployed high school dropout leeching off some random dude on Instagram for a house to say at
- records of him being racist by saying racial slurs towards a minor and harassing them to the point of them leaving the internet
- footage of him playing with fecal matter and drinking his own urine on multiple occasions
- self diagnoses BPD, NPD, DID, autism all at once and claims to have specifc delusions of being some stick figure character, as well as having an alter of a Lego monkey character from some kids show. Uses these fake diagnosis’s as an excuse to be abusive to his partners and the people he stays with
- has had Twitter previously called out for harassing minors over some Lego monkey show made for kids, claiming he was the only one to like a specific character from it.
-horny posts about characters from ONE some web series about inanimate objects to his audience of minor followers.

No. 1863153

Finally a correctly written thread on snow

No. 1864400

his socials are private, do you have screenshots OP?

No. 1864522

Isn't this an FTM? She should be discussed in the FTM thread, or the personal cows thread

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