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No. 1430690[Reply]

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dexthecelestial/


Not sure if this kids been posted here, couldn't find a thread.

Dex/Jonman is a 19-20 year old from Dallas, who basically got a small following online after a video of him getting arrested while on (supposedly) 20 tabs of acid.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3j0dsddIp8

>Schizophrenic Drug Addict, claims to be sober but will constantly post/stream himself smoking, inhaling weird dust, or talking about his most recent DXM, Ambien, or some other chem binge, local authorities keep getting reports that he's doing drugs, so he begs people in live streams to not talk about drugs or snitch
>while being arrested on acid, yells about how badly he wants to fuck a girl and be cool, thinks he was abused by the cops
>lost a bunch of teeth, got his upper rack replaced but still missing chompers on the bottom, loves to post his exposed decrepit body
>Mom disowned him for being schizophrenic drug addict, he thinks she just doesn't understand his enlightened lifestyle
>Says he "posts in code" and hides secret messages in his posts to certain people
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No. 1671362

and thats after veneers on his top teeth.

No. 1671364

Not a vendetta, he's a e-celeb in the DXM community. I said personal cow because he is niche. Talk to anyone on r/DXM or r/dextrodoomers about him and the perspective will be similar. I promise, I am one of many.

No. 1671365

Because he is not a teenager anymore, and if you went through his social media you would understand he is a special case.

No. 1677651

Does this look like reddit to you? Your cow is boring. You addicts are not as special as you want to be.

No. 1795736

You kinda weird for posting this tbh bro saids hes sober cuz he's not on ice anymore and the real bad shit. Homie used to be my cid plug idk why the hate(lolcow.farm/info)

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No. 1461654[Reply]

This fakewoke cluster B momfluencer nightmare has been wreaking general havoc for decades and exploiting her children for attention/pity/money their entire lives. She forces them to be the face of her ig accounts where she outs them with LGBT identities we can't even verify they actually have (her "lesbian" daughter is 8) and abused them into modeling her ugly ass clothing line, which they hate doing.

She recently got run out of LA for scamming and abusing too many people, left her husband for one of several men she was cheating with, and has been in a full public spiral since September 2021. Most recently she violated a court order to return her younger kids to their stable, employed father and abducted them.

Complains about being "doxxed" while publicly posting her address, phone number, license plate, and SSNs for herself and her children.

Claims that her 35k+ follower account for her business that operated at a $20k loss was "hacked" but posts and follows like a spam bot and gets her own accounts throttled.

Claims multiple marginalized identities despite being an obvious drunk straight white woman.

Lies about extensive drinking and drug use and has faked Crohn's, colon cancer, muscular dystrophy and more!

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No. 1795224

Threads don't get deleted if the person dies, newfags. It get's locked, see Soren.

No. 1795243

Shut the fuck up you disgraceful ass bitch(sage your shit)

No. 1795260

So sad. I was hoping it wasn’t true.

No. 1795261

Getting sweaty doesn't change the rules

No. 1795308

As Kristen has been officially confirmed dead, this thread will now be locked.

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No. 1788707[Reply]

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No. 1795269

so you live in a country where you can carry a gun and where trannies don't show their faces in public - that's not having a spine, that's just being lucky and not having to fight. don't be so condescending right before admitting that you don't even have to deal with the issue at hand irl lmao

No. 1795284

Mellie is like Los Angeles politically in that it's full of woketards

No. 1795289


No. 1795297

Both the AiD crisis and modern Trannies are shitpots of their own making so he isn't that far off

No. 1795340

I reported him and Twitter's mod thing got back to me saying he's had his account 'locked' until the violating material is removed. Not sure why the account wasn't taken down entirely because this scrote is pure trash, and I'm sure their older tweets are just as hateful. They've definitely peaked people by being so mask-off, so silver linings, I guess.

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No. 360967[Reply]

>host of the popular true crime podcast "Sword & Scale"
>known for being a general asshole to his fans
>deletes any slightly negative feedback posted on his social media
>when reddit made a S&S sub, he got it taken down, despite it outright claiming to not be affiliated with the podcast and just a fan page
>is a creepy towards his female fans and has asked for nudes on multiple occasions
>a FB group called "The Problem with Sword and Scale" was eventually created for people to let off steam about the podcast and Mike (who bad mouths it whenever he gets the chance)
>in his podcasts, he often guilt-trips people into donating to his patreon
>starts shit with other true crime podcasts (namely True Crime Garage)
>a new podcast "Sword and Scale Rewind" was recently born to "go over" old S&S podcasts. The hosts of this show mainly exist to fuel Mike's ego

Podcast site - http://swordandscale.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/swordandscale/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/SwordandScale
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/swordandscale/
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No. 785575

Sorry for double post, but if I'd been supporting him before this I would want to know where my money has been going if not to the main podcast by Mike's own admission.

No. 1795182

If it's a group about hating a certain podcast or person, how is that not the epitome of hate group? Lmao

No. 1795276

thanks for reviving a 4 year old thread with that fascinating contribution you fucking retard

No. 1795278

it’s okay to hate misogynistic predators

No. 1800685

i hate how fucking misogynist he is, with the extra outrage for female murderers like they violate some kind of "nurturing mother" law of nature. wtf is this, a shakespeare play? no mike, it's real life.

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No. 1794938[Reply]

Continued from: >>>/snow/13467

Any update on Audrey? Anyone know what she has been up to lately? Or what her socials are?(shit thread)

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No. 1792987[Reply]

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

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No. 1793252

see >>>/ot/1530456 as I don't to make this more OT then it already is

No. 1793289

You don't need to like anime since fujoshit has infected every single media.

No. 1793291

This thread is doomed to die of infighting isn't it?

No. 1793304

someone make a new thread please, or have this one be deleted or locked

No. 1793315

new thread, no infighting this time


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No. 1768412[Reply]

Coloursofthedark_bpd_aspd_npd is NOT to be posted about (or to post) in this thread.
I made her very own one that you can find here:


Rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules

If you don't like the new thread pic / Recap, too bad how sad. Make it yourself next time.


Laura has been reminding us about how sick she used to be with several throwback nose hose pics. She's also gaslit her mum into getting her into a rehab centre.

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No. 1787415

The redtexted infighting is very one sided, it should all be redtexted or none at all. The biased farmhands across this site are getting annoying. If you can’t handle seeing opinions you don’t like maybe you’re just too sensitive to be a farmhand, but only redtexting the shit you don’t like is so insecure looking and pathetic.

No. 1787460

Yes but getting weekend pass at home

No. 1787660

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Why do they always look so damn proud to get their diagnosis?

No. 1787823

In the new thread please nonna

No. 1791246

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I hate her with a passion. Her content is literally just , I’m in the hospital for sewerslide, oh I’m gonna self harm I want attention, oh I want to desperately have my ED back but now I’m fat, etc. she also has that joker scar from cutting her face open in the hospital and then later was like yeah I did it got attention and now I regret it. It just irks me amount of ppl who comment on her shit encouraging her behavior etc.

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No. 1781399[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1777076

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemmerhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread. Shut the fuck up about her necrotit and take it to the shaynatorium

Summary of Last Thread:

>>1777090 has an unimpressive cam session where she's fatter and more miserable than ever
>>1777176 attempts to win Jason Womack back who has presumably left her for a more enticing camwhore
>>1777294 comes up with non-stop excuses at to why she doesn't cam
>>1777367 bans one of her coomers for asking how she got so fat
>>1777351 claims she has cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome(CHS) on stream
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No. 1790027

Very real totally actually her true face. She looks like a stereotypical fat chick even with the smooth mask and editing. Like those ones that post close up pics done up and never anything lower so they can catfish. Because below the neck is a 200+ lb bag of expired cottage cheese

No. 1790065

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this hair would've been kinda cute on her younger skinny self. In a very luanne platter kinda way(sage your shit)

No. 1790073

This is especially hilarious considering the tradition of veils started because some dad had a pretty daughter and ugly daughter and he wanted to pass off his ugly daughter to this groom without him realizing kek

No. 1790082


Potential new thread pics

No. 1790092

Trailer park Jessie Spano

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No. 1782682[Reply]

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No. 1788710

imagine the reaction to a greasy-haired slob adult """cis""" man who is a son of a famous celebrity and their twitter page is just filled with misoginistic comics of women and basically hentai + furry porn shit. but cos it's a twaaans person it's just them exploring their sexuality and expressing their gender uWu. these are the people that need protecting the most u guys

No. 1788715

Are you an idiot? She clearly doesn’t want to be a terf when she’s like every other boy mom who coddles her kids even when they somehow look older than her. I love JLC but this is outright cow behaviour on her part.

No. 1788746

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no YOU STFU. you ARE gross, disgusting, and overall icky. FUCK YOU.

No. 1788750

I wonder how they were able to find hulking man-size shoes and gloves in that era.

No. 1788756

I agree. It's irritating since i think that the movement is clearly aimed at women to look towards the health and function of their body rather than aesthetics.

Thank you for correcting me, i have not really kept up with the brand in recent years. I hate how the feather will be seen as iconic now, i wish an actual woman wore it instead of hunter on the red carpet.

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No. 1683795[Reply]

A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.

Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband. They tend to be from well-off backgrounds and have lived very sheltered lives of privelege although many come off as possibly having some trauma problems. Their attention to the female role and the female body often comes off as performative and even fetishistic, to appeal to their audience of MGTOW red pilled incels, neckbeards, and wignats.

Many of our tradthots are quite preoccupied with the outer trapings of religion, usually identifying with reactionary trends within Roman Catholicism or sometimes Eastern Orthodoxy. Some are quite fond of parading around in conservative dress or a chapel veil, but almost invariably this comes off as weirld sexualized too. Meanwhile all the religious talk on social media falls flat and seems performative. Reached for comment, Jesus Christ had this to say: "they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen … they have their reward." (Matthew 6:5)

A few examples are:

Lauren Southern
>Former costhot
>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.
>Got famous for her anti-feminist MRA content
>Was in multiple anti slutwalk videos
>Promoted traditional values and white nationalism
>Dated an ethnic man
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No. 1788778

>pickme got jilted by her first choice
>latched onto the first ugly carrot top boomer who reciprocated interest
Kek, beyond pathetic

No. 1788785

Still curious why they think bullying/antagonizing/insulting women is going to raise the birth rate

No. 1788865

Yeah if anything I became more afraid of scrotes when I started seeing how horribly they talk online. It didn’t make me wanna go out and find some scrote who would degrade me online and claims he “keeps [me] pregnant and withholds all assets from [me]” like >>1788478. Even just reading that 4chan shit makes me want to avoid every man I know irl, they are sick.

No. 1789004

When the 4chan rhetoric started leaking out into the mainstream far right, I really started seeing men for what they were. I used to be way more willing to give the benefit of the doubt to men, but when 90% of violence is committed by them and their hatred towards women is so vapid while women that hate men have been traumatized by them. These men can become millionaires by hating women and making videos like Dim Fool makes. The reverse is not true of women. Even after all their abuse, women still don't hate men the way men hate women. I pray for vast awakening, and that women start seeing things thru class of gender. It really is blackpilling when you finally do.

No. 1789264

Especially since the woman they're mocking here wanted children despite her infertility, created embryos with IVF with her husband, and now can't use them because he decided he didn't want kids. They're trying to use her as an example of why women should start popping kids out as soon as we hit legal adulthood(they'd prefer before that, but know they can't say so out loud) lest we become bitter infertile spinsters at the ancient age of…mid 30's, lmao, but that's simply not the case. Something like 85% of women 35-40 conceive within a year of trying. This poor woman will have trouble because of her condition, but a normal 36 year old without fertility issues would not have any problems. I really hope she isn't aware of the moid brigade jacking it to her pain, it sounds like she's already been through a lot.

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