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No. 1884242
Etheral electronic-alternative hipster musician turned imperialist-friendly space bimbo devoted to whiteknighting Elon Musk and making lame TikToks. Billionaire exploiting his workers and enjoying his cringe celebrity phase.
>Elon (or Grimes) retarded selfposting on 4chan >>1818065, >>1818067, >>1818072, >>1818073>Grimes tattooes irritated varicose veins/self harm looking shit on her hand >>1818097>Grimes publishes new self-insert Mary Sue gets sorted to Slytherin and colonizes Mars fanfiction >>1818844, >>1818981, >>1820497>Grimes goes on Julia Fox podcast, sporting chipped tooth and impressive face botch >>1830346, >>1821586, >>1821587, >>1821592, >>1821595>Melon poverty LARPs and cries about coming from „lower income situation”, „not having a happy childhood” and how he „never inherited anything from anyone or received any financial gift” >>1822313>reminder that his own father periodically calls out Elon poverty LARP bullshit and probably keks in private at the newest pity party tweet >>1822638>Grimes sacrifices her shit voice and music to the gods of AI, immediately regrets it >>1823763>unsurprisingly, captain NLOG reveales she loves patriarchy >>1824985 what she likes about it is uber, roads and food.>Melon gets himself fired and introduces a new CEO of Twitter/X, the unbelievable part is it’s a… woman. >>1825359>in the depths of her cardboard bungalow, Claire undergoes kafkaesque metamorphosis and crawls outside as a praying mantis in a 2014 soft grunge attire >>1827034, >>1827035>for Meth Day (sorry, Mothers Day) Grimes plans to just put her children in a box and escape to the anime room >>1827329>Claire scheduled as „actress” for some shitty sci fi movie >>1827740>chipped meth tooth saga >>1834514, >>1835112 sure Claire, of course you chipped it while „stagediving in Japan” >>1844300>Elon still thirsting for cartoon lolis >>1835411>Grimes baits a remaining handful of simps with new CD tracklist >>1838700, then immediately assures them they shouldn’t expect it coming in next 10 years at least >>1839073>Claire adds fresh „longlife hard working 80 year old with varicose veins” look to her collection >>1839225 except it finally ends up as „14 year old who slashed her legs for Deviantart” >>1839232>new scratcher tattoos >>1839426>Grimes new compass tattoo. It actually means „Love me Elon” in marsian >>1844237, >>1844562>teehee i’m such a madgirl psycho, my terapisthhh said i have liek 20 disorders & i need antipsychotics uwu >>1840948>also tries very hard to make everyone think she’s an autist >>1843964>Grimes cancels Copernicus >>1852692, >>1852695>In a race to destruct Twitter some more, Elon introduces a post viewing limit (600 a day) >>1856696>Elon stops paying Google Cloud bills >>1856980>Twitter workers again trying to save his ass but they can’t >>1856981>Grimes hanging out with alt right eugenic freaks >>1857300>the pains of being ignored by Elon >>1860358>apparently Grimes interacting with some child grooming internet cult >>1861194>Melon tries hard to make his own ChatGPT, a good 6+ months too late >>1863710>in a properly pain-inducing cringe manner, Claire responds to lolcow, producing highest quality strongest verbal comebacks and truly telling us all off! >>1867780>Claire gets surrounded by 19/20 year old Asian girls in hopes this will somehow turn her to 19 year old pretty Asian too. >>1868865, >>1868933 Sword whooshing ensues >>1874747>new horrible I Waanna Be a Software song, new levels of hitting the bottom >>1873582>Grime in her natural habitat >>1869794>Grimes crawls out of the house, incidentally wearing… the same dress Amber Heard wore >>1871250, >>1871257>Claire gains a bit of weight and looks better >>1871260>the parents of the year reunited! >>1877769>Grimes back on „I don’t mke people sing NDAs! Poppy lies! Poppy didn’t write anything!” saga >>1877792>Titanic Sinclair responds, showing there was in fact NDA and implying he and Poppy were involved in songwriting >>1877995 He plans to make a podcast about the whole thing>two retards Melon Husk and Mark Zuckerberg schedule epic retard fight, but are actually too retarded to get past organization level >>1850993, >>1850995, >>1861169>Elon asks Khabib Nurmagomedov to train his lard ass, Khabib reasonably refuses >>1878208>Melon wants appropriate setting for the retard fight (Colosseum) because obviously Zuck leaf slapping Melon across the face is an equivalent of gladiator fight. Somebody please call Ridley Scott. Elon calls to bother Italy’s culture ministers ass with his ideas but Italy’s culture minister politely says to fuck off >>1880090>yes yes Grimes, X and Y will change the world, because they’re called X and Y >>1880191>~i love patriarchy and mansplaining~ >>1880424>we back at it with Azealia Banks >>1882061>Grimes performs live, the biggest surprise Elon wobbled over at the show to ostentatiously film her and disturb everyone. Third baby in the works? >>1883951, >>1883953, >>1884233Links: threads:
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>>>/snow/1817673 No. 1884417
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This is the very same woman who made fun of Caroline Ellisons looks..
I'm genuinely shocked at how ugly she is in broad daylight
No. 1884438
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cucumber story looking increasingly likely, this pic also tags 'Deep Blue'
No. 1884440
>>1884422First thing I noticed too, she looks almost bigger than the asian woman next 2 her kek
It could be the outfit tho, her torso is broad and wide, this long skirt only emphasizes how curveless she really is so idk
No. 1884462
>>1884417She’s so fucking ugly lmao.
I mean she was never a looker but she had that uglycute quirky thing going for her. Uglycute only works while you’re young. You can tell she dreads every minute that she’s inching closer to 40. I have a theory she currently hates her face and is going to go full plastic Pete Burns tranny bimbo within a couple years, mark my words.
No. 1884505
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>>1884466I thought someone edited her too because it looks absolutely hilarious in the thumbnail. I wonder if she is okay with looking bogged, especially at events like this (hackathon), because it makes her seem more like a legitimate smart nerd. Like if she put effort into her looks, the people she’s trying to impress might write her off as a dumb celebrity? Or she’s just given up.
No. 1884532
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Thanks for making a new thread OP. Good job!
Shivon Zilis posting a picture of her kids was mentioned in the end of the previous thread. Here is the pic with caption. Has she revealed their names or genders yet? It was speculated whether Musk being in Japan with Grimes has something to do with the timing of this post.
No. 1884538
>>1884532I bet Elon has already shunned them for not being naturally blond. I genuinely do believe the man is that shallow.
He’s also probably feeling super old, fat, tired and unsexy right now (all of which he is) and is low on narc supply atm since everyone hates him and it’s no longer cool to be associated with him.
Claire being his most loyal footstool and a fellow ‘how do you do fellow kids’ zoomer skinwalker is his last shot at feeling youthful and desired by someone, he’s probably hoovering her again and will drop her as soon as another blonde 20 year old actress replies to his DMs.
(learn2integrate, reddit spacing) No. 1884577
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Musk's behavior at Grimes dj session was considered very offensive by the Japanese audience. Here is one example. Not only is he blocking the view. Getting on stage with the artist uninvited is not acceptable in Japan.
I understand Musk doesn't care about Grimes music, and this is a business trip for him. He is promoting Starlink and Twitter's new live streaming feature there. However, making a fool of himself is not a good move.
No. 1884957
>>1884928>Can’t confirm but she was for sure stage diving in Japan. And that’s how it happened.She wasn't. Back at the time she claimed she stage dived in Japan, she was in America. She had no Japanese tour/dj set scheduled and i very much doubt she dumped her kids in a box and went to… i'm sorry, let me correct myself. I don't doubt she dumped her kids in a box and left, but i doubt she just went to Japan for 1 day for some random band?artist? gig, pushed to the front, wobbled onstage intact, and then stage dived. She never mentioned the artists name. The Japanese DJ set with Melon happened after that.
The only believable thing in all of this for me is that yeah, she'd absolutely chip her tooth, and not only because nobody would catch her diving. cause nobody likes her in Japan lol.
No. 1885141
>>1884839i agree with you that she does not take care of herself at all, but that bitch was not vegan. she is not a credible source of information (lies about everything) & she said she was "like vegan" and ate "only spaghetti for a year" in ONE interview. as if her anachan ass has ever looked at spaghetti. she just wants to sound quirky and is always on drugs she will actually just say whatever comes to mind like
>>1884853 and
>>1884854 have said
>>1885015the "stage diving incident" cracks me up too much. she was better off saying nothing about the chipped tooth.
you are right, it actually sounds like something a child would make up. she wasn't in japan, her brittle-boned ass would never and has never staged dived, especially in her condition now. in all of her performances she just jumps around like a tard. you know she was on drugs tweeting it and thought she would sound super cool. iirc, she deleted that tweet later right? kek.
No. 1885168
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>>1884532Here is the pic in better quality. I am surprised, it seems like the twins are one boy, one girl. One is wearing blue and a more masculine cowboy hat, the other appears to be wearing pink and pink bows on her hair. Interesting timing to post this, for sure. I think something's going on with Grimes and Elon, they probably either had a baby recently or have a currently pregnant surrogate again.
No. 1885279
>>1885193I hope it has nothing to do with Elon+Grimes. Shivon is actually smart. She is a real scientist unlike her baby daddy. It's a shame she fell for one of Musk's many scams.
Musk is practically a cult leader. Making IVF babies with young women, promising to take them to Mars and making them the Martian Eve. Wtf? He sure as hell ain't taking them to Mars but he might make them drink the kool-aid.
No. 1885392
>>1885353nona, i feel you. really well-said. i was a long-time fan until the whole communist manifesto publicity stunt along with the cringe instagram post where she wrote about gaming and crypto-currency along with the communist manifesto pics. the whole thing read like schizobabble.
her rapist friend took those photos and it was so obviously a photoshoot. i was pretty floored. and i feel like you summed it up really well. i thought she was a bit of a tryhard, and a pretentious hipster at most. she definitely had the wool pulled over a lot of people's eyes for a long time. she is a disappointment, and it's clear as day to me now just how nasty and insufferable she is, and how low she will go for any crumbs of attention
>turns out she was just a narcissistic mean girl who bullied people over their looks, stole all her ideas from others, had random guys write all her music for her, swallowed the pretentious LA asshole koolaid and became a pathetic scrotum-lifter pickme as soon as she met Elon and started trying to be as controversial and insufferable as possible to stay relevanthonestly, 100%
her latest "song" is more proof that she never actually worked on her songs kek
No. 1885395
>>1885279Her degrees are in economics and philosophy. She does have a pretty impressive resume though so I’m sure she’s adequate in her field and probably works a lot harder than Elon does. According to wiki she’s director of ops for Neuralink and was a project manager or something at Tesla.
What’s interesting to me on wiki is that it says when she changed her kids’ last names to Musk, they were registered as living in the same address in Austin. Someone on Reddit recently posted them hanging out together/training to fight Zuck with GSP in what I’m guessing is their home? I have a tinfoil that Shivon did something recently to make him mad, he’s being petty by publicly giving his attention to the other sisterwife (Grimes). Until grimes pisses him off, then he’ll do something else to humiliate her like make more babies with Shivon or another woman. Endless cycle of narc chaos
No. 1885414
>>1885395If she pisses him off enough she will find herself without a job. I guess at that point she can file for child support but she won’t be respected in any future career because everyone thinks she slept with the boss. I don’t think that’s her house I remember seeing pics of it online at the time and it doesn’t look like the style. I think it is Lex’s house.
Shivon is a gross pickme who has adopted all of Elon’s interests like Dune and Japanese culture stuff. I wonder if she has any female friends who aren’t in Elon’s circle. Maybe she is antagonizing Grimes by posting pics of her kids but Grimes knows whether or not she was Elon’s concubine and could out her so it seems like a stupid strategy. I kind of root for Grimes in this situation because Shivon comes across as duplicitous.
No. 1885542
>>1885504Where did you see this? I haven’t seen anything alluding to it.
>>1885392I used to think it was a sexist tinfoil when people said that she didn’t write her own music and got moids to do it for her but god her music really has gone to absolute dogshit in the past few years since her ghostwriters cut her off, like srs wtf is this latest sissy hypno beat garbage it’s almost unlistenable, and her DJ set (that she’s been playing over and over for the last year straight) is also super simplistic looped techno garbage that just about anyone could write.
I wonder if she actually wrote or meaningfully contributed to writing any of her own music at all besides the ‘baby I need you, oh baby baby’ lyrical stuff (which has been a mainstay of her music since the very beginning and I believe is her input for sure, but I don’t think the melodies and hooks were her creation) I also always found it weird how the explanations and many of her concepts for songs, artwork and albums etc were quite cerebral yet her lyrics are always so brain-dead. There’s like a huge gap between her supposed ‘ideas’ and how she executes them so stupidly and simplistically that’s quite
sus and makes it feel like they’re mostly plagiarized.
No. 1885556
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Claire’s supplement routine was a troll and a joke, shes even admitted it before. Her brother wrote it or something.
The treavor story was really interesting for those who have followed, i want to find the book where he wrote a character based off her. This isnt the first time she was accused of being a bully either.
No. 1885578
>>1885577Oh yeah and within a day or two it was back down to 60K average daily views so yeah she 100% is botting/buying views lol.
Also just look at how low her interactions are on twitter and stuff. 1.3 million followers but usually only has a few hundred likes and is lucky if she gets a few thousand likes on even her most attention seeking and headline baiting tweets.
No. 1885678
>>1885646I always thought he tried to transform Grimes into Talulah/Amber with style and surgeries. It never worked and he ended the relationship promptly after.
Grimes isn't glamorous or desirable she's merely his nerdy fuckbuddy that gives him kids. Trust me, he's still looking for his high IQ stacy, and grimes knows this too
Does anyone think she was in rehab? Looks like she gained at leat 10 pounds while looking extremely miserable, she must be sober kek
No. 1885704
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>>1885542I think you are right, but I do like to think that Geidi Primes was all her. They record is really bare bones synth stuff with her intelligible singing. The written material on Art Angels I also think is her as well, because a moid could not have the capacity to write from a woman’s perspective like stuff from “world princess.”
I honestly think that Claire does not care about music anymore. And I think bad health and drug habits have probably corroded her brain. She’s okay with releasing brain rot garbage, she doesn’t care about artistry or have a shred of dignity. Her interests are elsewhere now.
No. 1885846
>>1885542The Ronan article just dropped today. Can read the full thing for yourself here
TL;DR elongated muskrat definitely never should've been given control over anything more complex than a microwave TV dinner.
>musk providing internet access to ukranians during the war via spacex>developed using starlink technology to prevent russian ddos attacks>in usual muskrat fashion muskrat complains about the costs and threatens to yank the technology if not given more dough>musk starts siding with putin
>at a conference in Aspen attended by business and political figures, Musk even appeared to express support for Vladimir Putin. “He was onstage, and he said, ‘We should be negotiating. Putin wants peace—we should be negotiating peace with Putin,’ ” Reid Hoffman, who helped start PayPal with Musk, recalled. Musk seemed, he said, to have “bought what Putin was selling, hook, line, and sinker.” >A week later, Musk tweeted a proposal for his own peace plan, which called for new referendums to redraw the borders of Ukraine, and granted Russia control of Crimea, the peninsula recognized by most nations, including the United States, as Ukrainian territory.>suddenly starlink stops working for ukranians>Musk said that he was looking at his laptop and could see “the entire war unfolding” through a map of Starlink activity. >“This was, like, three minutes before he said, ‘Well, I had this great conversation with Putin,’ ” the senior defense official told Ronan Farrow.other means of control:
>spacex is now sole provider for nasa's space missions>government has been relying more on muskrat technology>In a podcast interview last year, Musk was asked whether he has more influence than the American government. >He replied immediately, “In some ways.” Reid Hoffman told me that Musk’s attitude is “like Louis XIV: ‘L’état, c’est moi.’ ”>muskrat owning twitter>muskrat launching company based on artificial intelligence>Sam Altman, the C.E.O. of OpenAI, with whom Musk has both worked and sparred, told me, “Elon desperately wants the world to be saved. But only if he can be the one to save it.”>article rehashing muskrat's past as a nepotistic brat and his business ventures prior to spacex etc etc
>some figures in the aerospace world, even ones who think that Musk’s rockets are basically safe, fear that concentrating so much power in private companies, with so few restraints, invites tragedy. >“At some point, with new competitors emerging, progress will be thwarted when there’s an accident, and people won’t be confident in the capabilities commercial companies have,” Bridenstine said. “I mean, we just saw this submersible going down to visit the Titanic implode. I think we have to think about the non-regulatory environment as sometimes hurting the industry more than the regulatory environment.”>poor safety regulations of tesla's self driving feature and musks aversion to safety in genrr discussed>"Musks personal wealth dwarfs the entire budget of OSHA…" >“There’s a lot of underreporting in industry in general. And Elon Musk kind of seems to raise that to an art form.”
>how musk bought twitter>in texts later disclosed during the Twitter-acquisition process, Musk’s ex Talulah Riley expressed frustration with the development and urged him to purchase Twitter to “fight woke-ism.”>musk implied that the Allen shooting and bellingcat journalism group was a psyop>muskrat firing half of overall twitter employees>muskrat being sued by several twitter employees for paying them no severance and improper and informal methods of terminating them>muskrat harassed and dug up ancient tweets from over a decade ago to troll employee who resigned
>talk of muskrat's speculated drug addiction and abuse of ketamine and ambien>muskrat really wanted openai for his own>Musk left the company in 2018, reneging on a commitment to further fund OpenAI, one of the individuals involved told me. >“Basically, he goes, ‘You’re all a bunch of jackasses,’ and he leaves.” >musk signs petition opposing development and calling to pause the escalation of artificial intelligence technology>then starts developing his own ai>“I will create a third option, although starting very late in the game of course,” he told the Washington Post. “That third option hopefully does more good than harm.” No. 1885920
>>1885846We’ve already gone over pretty much every single one of these points weeks/months ago in detail in past threads. Looks like Ronan’s been lurking.
>tfw farmers unironically make better journalists and researchers than actual journalists/researchers Sigh.
No. 1886078
>>1885966Ronan farrow expose
kim jerry challenge
No. 1886089
>>1885704I don't buy the tinfoils that her work wasn't made by her, what I do buy is that there are definitely sampled works (e.g. So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth samples Lorn's Mercy, My Name is Dark samples the kick drum from SGL by Now, Now, 4aem samples a Bollywood track I can't remember) which give a lot of structure to her work. Even earlier there are straight samples e.g. Rasik (extra track from Halfaxa) originally samples from Rasik Balma in Chori Chori, a Bollywood film from 1956. Samples aren't bad, samples comprise a majority of Daft Punk's ouevre, and I do think the scrutiny on how much is 'her' is there more because of her being female but also because she did emphasise that female-first producer aesthetic. She has always been DIY and kind of sucky and she's never been a popstar and I think her aesthetic of the past ~4 years has not worked with that. I enjoy reading this thread because I like Grimes' artistic output and I find her funny and now horrifying.
The real explanation for her recent output isn't the disappearance of ghostwriters, it's because she's sold out. It's as simple as that to me. I don't think you need a tinfoil to explain why her music isn't interesting. She's collaborating openly with other producers and her work has suffered because I think her role on the most recent album is more curatorial (which is still a form of production) but it is much, much less interesting. She's more interested in the presentation of ideas less than she is the substance because she's in a comfortable enough position where she doesn't need to work for it anymore.
As someone familiar with Grimes' discography, I really don't think she was getting someone else to do it because some of it is just bad and you can see a clear development across Geidi Primes to later albums, to the point I'd argue her new music is overproduced and unoriginal. I think she scored her singular hit with Oblivion because it seemed to resonate with people at that point in indie time but it never represented her entire output. Most of Visions is not very good (imo it's probably only stronger than Geidi by a bit) and it shows that it was made quickly, so I believe her on that. Then once you get into the finer stuff like the guitar in AA evolving into Delete Forever, I think the case of tinfoiling she didn't make it doesn't make sense when you listen to her music beyond Oblivion. (Also, when it comes to Darkbloom and contrasting her production aesthetic with D'eon's - it's a collaborative EP - his is really not that good or similar to her. I don't like that EP).
I find it much sadder that a female producer sold out.
No. 1886107
>>1886089fully 100% agree. the whole narrative that she didn’t do any of her music at all and it’s all credited to who she was dating at the moment is really cringe and misogynist imo.
Like you said, she just sold out and like the other anon, she doesn’t care about music much. Even in her recent interview she said, she doesn’t have an interest in being a “pop star” anymore. She bagged a billionaire boyfriend and had his kids, why try anymore when you are pretty much set in life, even if it’s little scraps of affection from muskrat.
That’s all it really is.
No. 1886134
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>>1885966On one hand it’s kind of incredible to me that anons aren’t embarrassed to announce how out of touch they are, but on the other hand the image attached to that article is like the epitome of lolcow shitposting so I just don’t know.
No. 1886155
>>1886134Come to think of it, yes. I was laughing at the absurdity of the pic when I first saw it
>>1886144I'm the one who summarized it. I generally like Ronan's work kek
Even if you don't like Ronan's stuff, he reaches a wider audience. Small time internet deep divers may do a lot but outside there how many people actually see them as authorities and will listen to what they say? Until someone in authority says it's true you feel like you just get called deluded for saying it by normies who refuse to burst their own bubble. Then those same normies cow tow when they hear someone in authority regurgitate and rephrase what those underneath the surface said all along. Like it sucks but I like seeing there be more awareness to the malicious and creepy side of Musk's douchiness and not just him as a meme and the controlling idiot who sunk twitter
No. 1886182
>>1886107>>1886089I think all of her music is shitty and if there's anything good,she always ruins it with her babbly googoogaga toddler lisping in a diaper voice anyway (My Name Is Dark, Violence as recent random examples, but it goes on). I have no idea if she ever wrote anything on her own, but i believe other people are responsible for more than 50% of texture of her songs (why using NDA contracted ghostwriters? Why? Why if she's allegedly able to write on her own?) But if we throw away all that and assume she wrote her stuff, then there's nothing shocking about it either. Artists just go to shit over time - happens to majority of them. They peak with something and suddenly their output quality spirals down and aren't able to produce anything good or even remotely similar to their best works. Then they age, hire stuckup narc cunts like Mark Ronson to quickly boil a hit for them and "save their careers" etc etc.
My opinion is she was once able to compose, had other people fill up the blanks/make it better production wise, then she just stopped being creative. Burning out, depression, lack of interest, wanting too much but not happening, brain fry, choosing to chase fame - all of that as a reason, probably. Maybe she just chooses listening to mainsplaining over music nowadays.
No. 1886250
>>1886107Except no one said her boyfriends wrote music for her? People were saying someone else was creating for her because her music got noticeably worse after she dumped Jamie. She can't use her gear during live shows or does something extremely basic and keeps telling people to sign NDAs which led people to believe she steals from collaborators.
>She bagged a billionaire boyfriend and had his kids, why try anymore when you are pretty much set in lifeyeah, because the only thing a woman can possibly want is to get a rich boyfriend and have kids with him. especially wealthy woman like her. all she did before melon was just to kill time before becoming his concubine. what you wrote isn't even true, she isn't set in life - he gives her some pocket money until the children are adults and they aren't married
No. 1886453
>>1885846>in texts later disclosed during the Twitter-acquisition process, Musk’s ex Talulah Riley expressed frustration with the development and urged him to purchase Twitter to “fight woke-ism.”so he did the Twitter nuke because of Talulah?
JUST BECAUSE HE WANTED TO IMPRESS HIS EX-WIFE he ruined a billion-dollar company, a number of people lost their jobs, etc?
This is the most beta thing I have ever witnessed.
And also proof to the fact that he's still after her and all the other women are just substitutes.
No. 1886486
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>>1885646I genuinely feel bad that she let this man destroy her self-esteem. Based on what she's said about him and he's said about himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he had episodes of uncontrollable narcissistic rage where he would project all of his own shortcomings onto her, because he prob knows she loathes herself enough to accept it. She should've been based like Amber and given him temporary BPD by not being such a pushover (pic rel).
No. 1886560
>>1886486The typical narc moid conundrum.
>When you want a glamorous trophy wife to show off and get external validation from, who is also an absolute doormat who worships you and gives you endless narcissistic supply, but at the same time you get bored with that and want someone to play push and pull with you because if she submits to easily to you, you are disgusted by her and think she’s lesser than you, but if she doesn’t worship you enough you get bored and cheat This is why they’ll never be happy, and that’s a good thing.
No. 1886673
it's not impossible that she would have produced most of her earlier work herself. as she started working on bigger projects, it wouldn't have been a big deal to have gotten help from others, but she painted herself into a corner by claiming to compose and produce 100% of her music, and also play every instrument in every song. she claimed to have taught herself how to play all the instruments on artangels, including the violin. i started wondering about it after following her on twitter for a while back in the artangels days. she sounded so dumb. i remember when she tweeted that her music (after artangels and before MA iirc) would take longer to come out because she didn't buy beats and did everything herself. by her own standards of super special lone producer, that's the bare minimum. it just struck me as odd that she made it a point to repeat it so often. her best work was at the very least polished by a team. she seems to have a hard time materialising ideas by herself, or she can't wait to be praised for it so she talks about it too soon. e.g. book I, the AR musical she was "working on", the NPC digital girl group, the novel, the loona vocals she claimed to have but never used. I definitely don't believe a troon is the mastermind behind her best work, though. her style changed as the people around her changed. the tumblr feminist thing was popular at the time and she built a fanbase around that. a lot of her fans were disappointed when she started dating elon bc she stopped being "the old grimes" but that person never existed. I'm really fond of some of her music still and I wish she were actually as passionate about music as she pretends to be. she reached madonna levels of botched has been before she even hit 40.
No. 1886696
>>1886673To clarify she did say that she played all the instruments on art angels, but she also said she didn’t learn them classically or anything. If you listen to how she used them, it’s very minimal. Anyone can pick up a violin and play a few notes with the bow, without actually learning to play classically. Same thing with the guitar, the bits where there was guitar, it was just like three chords over and over. Anyone can do that, so I do believe that she did play those instruments despite not know how to “play” them.
It’s not unusually for musicians to use an instrument as a vehicle for sound, than using them in a virtuosic way.
I still believe she wrote and produced all her albums up until art angels
No. 1886704
>>1886602it isn't misogynistic to think she didn't make her music when there's actual evidence to support that claim. i think woman can be talented and creative artists who can do great art through a large variety of means. claire is just not one of them
you say the evidence is "nebulous" but i disagree. it has been known she makes people sign NDAs.
isn't just men writing these songs for her either. there are several NDAs she has had woman sign as well. men and woman alike have been helping claire's career. again, there are many, many talented artistic woman, claire is not.
No. 1886856
>>1886268>I said that because it seems to me that it is what Claire wantedAnd why does it seem like that to you? She kept making music and performing after they became a couple. Why do you assume music wasn't her passion and that all she cared about was getting a rich boyfriend and alimony?
>And yes, people did say that whoever she was dating helped contribute to her musicBecause Jamie posted a rant about how he helped her for years and got no credit for it and that he had to sign a NDA. So people suspected he can't talk openly about helping her with production or lyrics
No. 1887053
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Why are only sons important? You have a daughter too.
No. 1887070
>>1886673I believe she wrote most of her own lyrics because her lyrics have always been quite braindead and repetitive (like I said even her songs with deep or intellectual titles always have those same baby voice and pretty simplistic dumb lyrics) I think that reflects Claire’s personality of having surface level knowledge about a lot of topics and her love of namedropping things that sound cool without really having the knowledge to back them up.
I also think she could have come up with some of the hooks and bars on her own, but she’s always needed other people to arrange, produce and mix them for her and tbh that’s the real art form in music.
Anyone can come up with a catchy little bar or a melody but actually compiling and arranging them together with all the other parts and making a good song is the part that requires real talent.
That doesn’t just go for Claire btw. A lot of bands are absolute garbage without amazing mixers and producers that refine and arrange all their songs and make them actually sound good. You’ll notice the massive difference between quality of albums of many artists because they often work with a different group of people to their best sounding album and then their music sounds like dogshit and they barely have one or two really good songs on the whole album. So yeah she has received a massive amount of help and input from other people, and I definitely think she’s had more than her fair share of ghostwriters or people she stole parts from. But to be honest most musicians who aren’t naturally gifted do this too.
(sage your shit) No. 1887076
>>1887053I’m so sick of breeders pretending to be clued in on some ~sekrit knowledge~ that people magically attain when they have kids. Many of the most fucked up retarded people on this planet are parents and likewise many of the most intelligent and knowledgeable people are childless.
Narcs love having children because theyre an 18 year (sometimes lifelong) source of narcissistic supply. You’ll very rarely meet a narc who doesn’t have kids or doesn’t want a bunch of kids. And oh yeah doesn’t matter if narcs have 12 kids they always stay the same retarded selfish fucked up assholes.
No. 1887089
>>1887084Even though I despise Lan Dao I admire her for at least pointing out men are biologically disposable. Sad to see Claire becoming an even bigger pickme than her.
Also what is she sperging on about politics and history lol. Most moids in history were simply the bottom bitches of a more powerful violent ruthless man. Without laws based around the female instinct for empathy and justice protecting them, nerdy little scrotes like Elon would have been tossed down the stairs in their childhood by alphas for being so insufferable (and apparently he already was kek). Most moids were literally disposable canon fodder and manpower that would be replaced by another teenage moid once they’d been worked or fought to death.
No. 1887176
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>>1869799replying to ancient post because I was catching up with this thread but I'm screaming how she looks like the windowlicker people (pic related and spoilered because ugly)
No. 1887208
>>1885945sage for slight derail but just to clarify, we're on the same page that ketamine infusions are lifesaving for individuals with treatment-resistant depression, right?
i don't think Musk falls under this category…. he's just a wannabe psychonaut turned recreational drug user (and by the looks of it, abuser)
No. 1887267
>>1887263Also according to Wall Street Journal, the reason Bob Lee was stabbed by another tech dude called Nima Momeni is because he was sleeping with Nima’s sister, Khazar Momeni, and also taking her to these orgy and sex parties, and obviously her brother was disgusted by it when he found out.
Kind of OT but interesting nonetheless. Bob Lee was also previously married and had 2 kids but his wife separated from him in 2019 because of his cheating. Scrote kinda got what he deserved, honestly.
(this is an imageboard) No. 1887282
>>1887222If this isn’t bait or a joke please don’t be ignorant. It’s not easy at all to get ketamine prescribed and in many cases they only allow the patient to do it medically supervised at the clinic.
>>1887254There have been rumors about a third kid going around for a month or 2. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true, but they sure have been traveling a lot without it during crucial bonding time if true… Which is par for the course. I’m sure they avoid infants at all costs.
No. 1887334
>>1886559I was reading the interview you quoted and found these details interesting.
>Flashing on Talulah's ring finger is a diamond as big as Lake Victoria. She shows it to me, beaming. It is the third engagement ring Elon has given her. The first was 'too unwieldy' (more Matterhorn, less Lake Victoria) so, 'bless him', he bought her two others, one for everyday wear, and this one, 'for bling'. 'Elon designed it himself. The diamond in the middle symbolises me and him and the sapphires round it are the ten children.' The ten children? 'I've always wanted ten children.'>Thanks to the wonders of IVF, as practised by Elon and his first wife, Justine Musk, they are already halfway there, with five boys. Justine, a Canadian-born author of sci-fi novels (BloodAngel and Lord of Bones), gave birth to twins Griffin and Xavier, six, and triplets Saxon, Damian and Kai, four. Talulah adores living with them in Bel Air, misses them Monday to Wednesday when they stay with their mother, and would like five girls of her own. 'When I was a little girl I told everyone I was going to marry a very clever scientist and have ten children. I would always draw the children and they included blond-haired twin boys whom I named Theodore and Frederick, Teddy and Freddy for short. It became a family joke, but Griffin and Xavier are those blond-haired twins.' She looks down, defeated for a second by the wonder of it all.Firstly, wow, he gave her multiple engagement rings and even designed one himself. Not to mention he proposed to her very quickly and they got engaged 10 days after meeting. It's funny to think about how he wouldn't do any of this for Claire no matter how hard she tries.
Another thing that caught my attention is that Talulah said she wants five daughters. Her statements in this interview, looking back now, do seem like she was just full of shit and saying whatever to get the bag, she had years to have 10 (or 5) kids with Elon and she didn't. Even now, she is childless. We know he is down with surrogacy too, I wonder what stopped her. Maybe she never really wanted kids with him. Or maybe the fact that she wanted girls was a problem with him because he only wants sons.
>He's very chivalrous and protective; always concerned for my comfort. And he's very romantic. On the first day of filming St Trinian's 2, he sent me 500 red roses on set. And he sent every other woman on set a bouquet so they wouldn't feel left out.'He would NEVER do anything like this for C lol that must sting really bad.
>There is such love and optimism in everything Talulah says that it is awkward to think of Justine, whose postmortem of their marriage echoes around cyberspace in her notoriously frank blog. While she praises her ex-husband's strength, persistence and so forth, she also chastises herself for 'buying into a fairy tale when I should have known better'. This time around, hopefully, Elon's story will end with retirement on another planet.Based Justine. 13 years later, it still doesn't seem like he will retire anywhere but on Earth.
No. 1887339
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obsessed at the absence of life in musk's fask compared to talulah
No. 1887342
>>1887339Talulah never seemed like she really even liked him let alone loved him. She always seemed like she could take or leave him and he really liked that, same as Amber.
Even her body language in that photo is facing/pulling away. I still don’t really know what her endgame was I think she just wanted a rich guy who would simp for her and maybe networking and making some connections along the way lol.
>>1887334Him sending the other women on set bouquets as well is probably the only nice thing I’ve ever heard him do (even then it was just a form of manipulation to get Talulah to remember his existence lol but still) even in his early interviews he’s a little bit more likeable, sad what a pompous asshole he became as he grew older
No. 1887399
>>1887334>It's funny to think about how he wouldn't do any of this for Claire no matter how hard she doubt Talulah and Amber are more to his liking, but I think Elon realised he was gullible and that there is nothing beneficial to him about marriage. He wanted a trophy wife, but he was also too narcissistic for that, he wanted to be the prize. The current strategy works, he is in control and just using women for his spawn while they simp for him
>she had years to have 10 (or 5) kids with Elon and she didn't. Even now, she is childless. We know he is down with surrogacy too, I wonder what stopped it possible he was content with the amount of children he had back then? And I suspect she kept making excuses as to why she doesn't want children and said she wants to focus on his sons and he timidly obliged
No. 1887402
>>1887342Talulah definitely is his dream woman, everything about her fascinated Musk. She also looks very 'old money', like his mom, if that makes sense.
I personally think the main reason she didn't have kids with Musk is because she already was a full-time nanny to his 5 sons. His kids were young, loud and most likely mentally unwell. Having Elon as a Dad….
>>1887399He choose Grimes because of her willingness to do anything to be near him. If elon would force her to eat his shit, she'd ask for a spoon. But undoubtedly he's not really into her, she's not his type. You cant brag with Claire Boucher. She's fucking ugly even for SF standards.
(learn2integrate, reddit spacing) No. 1887404
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>>1887053>u don't rly understand the human experience unless u have kidsin other words men will never be fully human since they can't have kids.
this is the tweet she was replying to btw, what a pathetic dumb take lmao. young american men were literally larping counterstrike in the iraq war listening to let the bodies hit the floor while shooting up civilians. these boymoms are acting like alicent hightower.
No. 1887485
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Any guess what this supposed trauma is
No. 1887505
>>1887334> She looks down, defeated for a second by the wonder of it all.way to go Talulah, she should have gotten an award for that performance. I don't believe a word, if she would have wanted any children Elon would have made this happen whatever the cost
>Justine, whose postmortem of their marriage echoes around cyberspace in her notoriously frank blogis this blog still around??
>Justine … chastises herself for 'buying into a fairy tale when I should have known better'Exactly what happened to Claire.
No. 1887513
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>>1887505guys I found it. It's a livejournal, kek. Earliest entries from 2005.
I have yet to dig through it but I believe its gonna be juicy.
Love how snidely she comments on a Talulah profile.
Also, apparently she called him E as well
No. 1887514
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>>1887513sorry I forgot the link. love this bit about Elon cutting the mother of his 5 children off even before the divorce was settled.
No. 1887614
>>1887557Have you never met an adult momma’s boy? Literally a nightmare. I hate the boymom thing too, but plenty of men still cling to codependent mommy well into their adulthood even after they get in relationships. Causes many break ups and divorces.
>>1887485Like she said, she’s said this many times before in the past few years. I don’t think she knows what trauma means. It was probably a bad fight. I have no idea why having a bad time in your life would stop her from dropping a video? She isn’t the one who has to do any of the work involved in that? Sounds like she wanted an excuse to vent.
No. 1887625
>>1887618My guess is Elon is dating someone new. Makes sense why Shivon and Claire seem to be trying extra hard to make him pay attention to them this week. Also sounds like Claire was vaguely threatening to reveal their living situation on Twitter for a sec there. Saying she’s keeping quiet >out of respect for others
And how she’s on her last legs sounds a bit like she’s threatening to reveal all. Unfortunately I doubt she will anytime soon she’s still Elon‘s bitch.
No. 1887649
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> my theory is that shes chimping out bcus people are finally discovering how many completely racist POS are in her inner circle now and that “the mission” is a fascist eugenic narc fantasy which she has dedicated all of her music and life to, according to her. I mean WAP was literally promoting yarvins fantasy of an ai ruled society with elon at the helm as the “god/ceo” (u rlly cant make this shit up) claire actually believes this bullshit. She brags about being a literal CONCUCINE… bcus lady jessica in ~dune~ was a concubine and her son became the leader of arakis.. and she ACTUALLY thinks that elon will become the “god ceo” of the galaxy and her son will inherit Mars… seems like she was duped harder than tallulah or justine and he just has her wrapped around his finger while he fucks hookers and actresses still in a relationship with her. That would do a number on anyones health but she is mega stupid for thinking anything otherwise would have happened, anyone who has made their way to billions and military contracts is obviously not a good person… but claire lives in a narcissistic delusional fantasy land so she was easy to be played
No. 1887669
>>1887649Maybe you're on to something here.
I wonder if X is going to Mars but Elon intends on ensuring Grimes is erased from the picture and doesn't get to go too (not that I expect either dumbfuck to end up on mars regardless)
No. 1887683
>>1887669It’s very clear he doesn’t give a single fuck about the mothers of his children. He still simps for Amber and Talulah because they left him and played him at his own game, not because of anything to do with children. As for Claire Justine and Shivon I really don’t think he gives a shit about any of them. He could technically hire nannies to work and raise the kids full time but having an actual mom there while the kids are still small means it costs him a bit less and preoccupies these women and ties them to him more so they’re more likely to stay around and keep giving him validation until
he is ready to dump and discard them and move onto his next broodmare.
>>1887649Kek she’s so pathetic acting like a flailing retarded brat when someone calls her out on her shit. Honestly the only time she makes a song and dance about something is when Elon develops feelings for someone else so my guess is he’s either seeing another woman that he’s getting serious about and talking about having kids with and ignoring her right now, or maybe you’re right and she’s just found out she’s been left out of the Mars plan. I definitely don’t think it’s about her being neo nazi adjacent or her rep, she already tarnished that long ago and seems to be deliberately ruining it. Elon is very crafty by allowing her to alienate most of her fans and ruin her image and then dumping her on her ass when nobody likes her anymore.
No. 1887701
>>1887625Hm I think Elon is pushing her hardcore. He notoriously hates lazy women, and Claire is very lazy, and a woman kek
Claire isn't a workaholic girl boss, she naturally needs a lot of uppers to meet Musks work ethic. She's most likely burning out.
Wasn't there an article with Justine where she said that Elon is under constant pressure and always on the go, and got very angry with her when she was 'lacking'?
No. 1887712
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>>1887701Yes. Both Justine and Claire have said dating him is like a boss/employee dynamic. Ew. Also early in their relationship Elon praised Claire’s work ethic to WSJ I believe (Picrel). This was when she was working on MA. I think she worked very hard on that partially to impress him in their honeymoon phase. Several years and a hard pregnancy later she’s burnt out/losing drive and it’s very possible that he’s being a control freak about it.
No. 1887729
>>1887485>>1887493she's such a drama queen
>>1887535>munchie crunchymom arcKEK. also no kidding, i remember one time reading a reply of hers that said something about her """cptsd""" making it so it's impossible to walk so she keeps falling over. as if
No. 1887814
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GrimesIndex posted a simple update about the software mv being on hiatus.
claire asked the account to delete it. i'm lost? it's an update account that didn't even say anything wrong, only posted a simple update based on what claire said. i didn't get a screenshot of the original post but i read it and it wasn't even making her out in a bad light or revealing that much. is she really just that dramatic?
No. 1887837
>>1887818it's just amazing to me how someone could spend "the worst day of their life" on twitter looking up what accounts are saying about them. she has enough time to ask someone to take a respectful post down that wasn't slandering her or anything.
shouldn't she be sobbing her eyes out and tearing her hair out binge drinking on the bathroom floor? or better yet, starting to "figuring out her family and health"? but no she's just asking someone to take down a harmless tweet
like, seriously. so fucking over the top
No. 1887854
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>>1887368let's hope talulah's next wedding ceremony isn't as tacky as the one with elon.
No. 1887883
>>1887837Kek, right? What an attention seeker.
Anyway she’s mentioned health scares before and she’s a known hypochondriac (last year she admitted she’s obsessed with getting blood clots and said that her pregnancy was complicated by a health issue) and now she has brought up health issues again so my guess is she got an arrhythmia or clot or something from abusing drugs and travelling on planes and had to go to the hospital and is now blaming it on stress from her relationship with Elon.
No. 1887903
Was posted 4 days ago. Elon might have been bought by the Russians and using money they paid him to prop up twitter so he wouldn’t have to dig into his own pocket to keep his stupid moneysink meme site afloat.
No. 1887904
>>1887765If it’s to be believed that Elon is
abusive… an abuser having a bad day/week is a very, very bad time for their family.
No. 1887916
>>1887903omg can we not post that stupid shit site full of qanon garbage? pls stick to reality nona
Random TikTok trash gossip does not know about an FBI investigation
No. 1887926
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Would she even be high functioning if she performed worse than literal toddlers? Her Wikipedia elaborates and says she’s talking about motor-skill issues, but children at that age are learning how to draw with a crayon
No. 1887940
>>1887926Adderall overuse can cause drug induced formication/delusional infestation (bugs crawling on your skin sensation/visualization) and anxiety and shaking, that is what probably got misdiagnosed as RLS and schizoaffective disorder.
Adderall overuse can also cause psychosis and hallucinations which would again explain the schizoaffective misdiagnosis.
She seems to be referring to sensory issues such as hating the feeling of fabric on your skin (kind of hard to believe as she always adorns herself in cheap uncomfortable itchy looking crap) not motor skill issues. But Adderall can also cause irritability and sensory issues. It honestly sounds like she has a serious amphetamine addiction and is in denial about it, ready to blame autism instead.
(unsaged medfagging) No. 1887955
>>1887940I got clothing sensitivity issues and the clothes grimes wears would annoy the fuck out of me. It looks so cheap and uncomfortable and would get in my way because it's so ill fitting I would get it caught in stuff and trip or something…
I also got hand and eye coordination issues and it would make mine worse.
I seriously doubt she has any of that and so many people claim they have that and it's becoming a fad and ruining stuff for people with legit issues..
This is becoming the new gluten thing all over again! It's beyond frustrating!
(integrate, don't blog, lurk more) No. 1887995
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>>1887367Her zodiac sign has nothing to do with it. Talulah is just a very cunning, attractive woman who knows how to use the push/pull dynamic to her advantage when dealing with a narcissistic man.
Also; it's always the rich kids who've had tons of shit handed to them by virtue of their parents' wealth that want to LARP as power-wielding misanthropists later in life and restrict the rights of other groups, pic related. Imagine supporting a pro-genocidal but simultaneously utopian ideology that is supposed to make the world better by killing billions in the name of progress (longtermism). Yeah that sounds so coherent and consistent and does not at ALL sound like the wet dreams of a sadistic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal doomer nerd who wants to punish the world because he didn't get to be the supreme king of it. All of these men peddling this ideology are bitter autistic bugmen a la Keith Raniere who has to settle for a harem of mentally ill poly women with autism, questionable hygiene, and a lack of self-preservation instincts as a result of not being able to acquire what they actually want, which is why they want to reset the world. The hollowness of her new music is an accurate reflection of the ideology – or rather, the incel revenge fantasy masked as an ideology – she's peddling.
No. 1888024
>>1888013eh I see what you're saying and agree with you that the scenario you're describing is for sure a phenomenon and that Elon especially falls into that category (as do many writers and artists who as
>>1888016 pointed out), but the trope of "popular" athletic kids being bullies in media exists and perpetuates through time is because it's a real thing too
No. 1888068
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>>1888013that's why the breakfast club remains one of my favorite movies. the nerdy kid is constantly portrayed as obnoxious and ends up with no one, while the popular jock guy is a sweetheart and ends up dating the "weird" alt girl.
No. 1888084
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i wonder how much claire regrets not securing the bag
No. 1888244
>>1887485My guess is that Elon told her that she's not successful as an artist or how her latest single 'iwbs' failed hardcore. Nothing too crazy. She probably held all this anger and resentment in for too long and finally broke down. Elon is absent and controlling, Claire is a prisoner with two autistic kids she never really wanted. X also isn't unconditionally loved by Elon either, as some nonnies love to claim. His love towards Claire and X is tied to their willingness to obey to him and his beliefs. She finally realized that I think. I also believe that Shivon is 100% on her back to become concubine #1. She's stressed as hell if she has to compete with a girl boss like Shivon who wakes up sober kek
>>1888084Geez no amount of nannies will make parenting easy, especially when your a single mom. She's overworked, underweight and not getting any younger. Elon most likely doesn't even help financially.
Has she ever said the truth? She's a compulsive liar.
No. 1888297
>>1888159don't be, her dumbass signed up for this every step of the way and she became his apologist, spokesperson and footstool in the process. she deserves no sympathy. she's retarded and is reaping what she has sowed
everything she does on twitter is to garner sympathy, i wouldn't be surprised if her likes were an extension of that. this bitch would do anything for a man who won't look her way unless she begs him to. she chose this for herself and had 2 (3?) kids with him knowing damn well what he's like. she only cries about it when it may be convenient for her. she acts like an emotionally stunted 14 year old, and all she ever does is lie
No. 1888401
>>1888297This. She’s a grown woman and she chose to get with him. She’s defended him almost every step of the way. Stop infantilizing her and making her a
No. 1888519
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Seething and coping
No. 1888524
>>1888483god i can only picture their relationship behind closed doors. what we get to see is so gross and it's likely just the tip of the iceberg. you just know these two bring out the worst in each other
>I’m sure she’ll go back to liking Nazi apologist tweets again once they’ve made up.she certainly will kek
i knew yesterdays meltdown definitely had to do with him, but who knows what happened. maybe we'll eventually find out. looking forward to more of her drug-fueled retarded twitter meltdowns.
No. 1888569
>>1888524>>1888483The milk flows just as I finished backreading the previous threads. Nice.
I see a lot of anons on different sites including here discuss Grimes pandering to the right wing now. If that's true it makes her even more vile than I thought she was. I thought she was just a retarded shitlib but considering her parents professions I can't be too surprised.
No. 1888633
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>>1888519This is the face of an alpha man suited for mastery and conquest. God I hope these people just die before they accumulate enough power needed to take out the pain of being undesirable losers onto the world like Caroline Ellis attempted to do
No. 1888885
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Why is she constantly talking about IQ all of a sudden? Elon probably made all his broodmares take an IQ test that isn't from Google kekkk and she probably is average IQ and seething hardcore.
Shivon probably was high IQ that's why she said "creativity cannot be measured by those tests, aka Shivon may be a lot smarter but can she take acid and doodle for hours???"
She's big mad about something IQ related.
No. 1888902
>>1888885I see she's on her dune shit again w that name change
Done with grimes for now but how long…till the next big space x or tesla or x announcement probably.
No. 1888992
>>1885335>15 yearsLol Elon will be well rid of her by that point. He has a penchant for spying on people and he’s probably gathering dirt on her RE her mental illness and drug use to use in his future custody grab for X.
He tells every woman he dates that he’ll make them queen of mars, he’s literally just a creepy old car salesman/cult leader with a breeding kink. Only Shivon and Claire are aspie enough to fall for it, Talulah and Amber saw right through him and just wanted the bag (and ultimately decided he’s so ugly and obnoxious that it’s not even worth it)
They’re never going to Mars. Their nerd revenge and colonizer fantasy is just that: fantasy.
(learn to sage) No. 1889071
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>>1889010Are you talking about this post? (1/2)
No. 1889110
>>1889071Claire would never ask for her mother. Claire hates her mother and wont even call her “mom” claire refers to her mother as Sandy. Sandy is on the left, Daddy and his parents are more conservative. Claire being conservative is largely to rebel against mommy. That being said if you want her real reddit its dalilfae, which wss also her spotify (she posted in a story and on twitter and its DEFINITELY 100% her spotify) and she changed the name of the account when it was outted (in fact the very next day it was changed bcus shes obvious as fuck) that its also her twitter, tiktok and reddit username! She was using her TT and (x?) to bully teenagers i can post the milk here if you’ve not seen it yet. But she did have a very similar post (now deleted) about elon abandoning her. I want to feel sorry for her, i do. But she is a horrible horrible person. She is a bully, a gold digger, an opportunist, etc etc. its honestly her own karma for being a wretched cunt. She dug her own gilded grave.
Kitan4 is also likely her. The quitting speed posts were p telling if theyre still there.
But her known reddits are ethereallobbyforce (great milk if youre not up to date) and dalilfae
But no, claire would never ask for her mom. Theres a lot more in that story thats bs. But its wild that the real shit is mostly still there— the comments are at least and its all women telling her to leave the situation and that its not ok. (Scroll to first dalilfae post on reddit)
Claire is a millionaire and owns a house. If she really wanted to she could buy property in the middle of canada, take her kids there and write corny graphic novels for the rest of her days but being famous is more important to her than her kids or her own wellbeing… also elon has probably been collecting evidence of her shitty drug use during motherhood so i do think she could be in a choke hold as far as custody… but if thats the case she doesnt deserve to raise her kids anyway… just like every other tweaker junkie bitch w broken teeth
(sage your shit) No. 1889121
>>1889110Hard agree with u nonna, she's definitely not a mommy's girl and most likely makes fun of Sandy in front of Elon. She's way to misogynistic to even remotely care about her mom helping her. She has plenty of nannies and other female grifters who would gladly help her with X, just to be close to Elon.
I also don't think Elon would want full custody of X, he's way to busy with himself and hates kids. Perhaps when he's 14/15 but I doubt that he wants him 24/7.
>>1889045I genuinely hope for the worst! I hope she has a mental breakdown after another till she completely fades into irrelevance and is only remembered as the butt ugly gf musk once had during a drug induced midlife crisis kek
She's an ugly troll and will be remembered as such. No sympathy for ugly bitches, as Musk said once!
No. 1889128
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>>1889121Elon most likely has joint custody with the mothers being the primary caretakers. He calls his children resource conflicts afterall.
Slighty ot but I found this pitchfork article from 2014, even Ariel Pink called grimes retarded kek. No. 1889176
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>>1889128i wonder how ariel is coping getting baby-trapped by a fan, it's like the male version of what's happening to grimes
No. 1889201
>>1889110Problem is she’s on a power trip with this whole Mars business. Elon wants to conquer Mars because he has a schizo obsession with a Werner von Braun novel and wants to make it a self fulfilling prophecy. Grimes wants to be made queen of Mars and also wants the status of being the worlds richest mans concubine even if he treats her like absolute dogshit. That’s literally the only reason she hasn’t left him. She’s obsessed with this delusion of grandeur and it fuels her ego and nearly all her decision making (same with Elon). She won’t leave him until that’s off the table completely. They are two narcs completely wrapped up in their power fantasies (and no not everyone narcs date are a
victim, narcs end up with other narcs a lot in life too)
No. 1889210
>>1889110>>1889121Why does Claire hate her mom so much? Idk Sandy personally but she always seemed like a pretty nice and level headed lady with reasonable takes on things.
I really feel like Claire has a scrotey brain where she hates women but also is insanely obsessed with pretty girls and fetishizes femininity and bullies other women to the extreme because she feels incredibly jealous. Her way of sexualizing other women is like her control thing, her way of setting herself apart from the ‘whores’ while larping as a nerdy NLOG who is too special and unique to be treated in the same way as them. A few people have compared her to Ghislaine and I can feel it. I also have zero sympathy for her. Claire is an extremely vile petty insecure and competitive asshole who has painted herself as a dorky innocent oversharing quirky horse girl for too long.
No. 1889212
>>1889210Probably because Sandy sees through Elon's bullshit and warned her against him immediately, and repeatedly, ever since Grimes started dating him. Alternately, she laughed in her face straight up and told her daughter some inconvenient truth that's obvious to literally everyone but Grimes.
Idk if she hated her BEFORE Elon, but i doubt Sandy was quiet when it all started. No mother would be quiet if her daughter packed herself willingly into dating Muskrat, or at least i'd like to think so
No. 1889223
>>1889210I saw an interview she did back when I liked her and I got the impression Sandy was controlling. She said Sandy would throw away all her old paintings and compulsively stalk her social media for any sign of wrong doing. If I remember correctly. I don’t really believe the latter to be that bad but I can believe her mom did throw away her stuff especially if she’s particular about the home. Also letting her grandpa lock her in his shed.
All the same I think it’s stupid Claire is still rebelling against her. It seems she’s in a permanent state of arrested development.
No. 1889439
>>1889249You’re seeing autism everywhere because you’re personally convinced she’s autistic. I can see how a parent routinely throwing away a child’s possessions might fuck them up but stalking them on social media and via smartphone GPS is just what helicopter parenting looks like these days. Considering Claire is 35, she really didn’t grow up with social media or smartphones so I can’t see how this could’ve affected her upbringing. I’m assuming the reality is that she’d post stupid shit online and disliked that her mother could see it and perhaps comment on it in person.
From the screenshots previously shared regarding how she was “diagnosed” with autism, it’s not like she was diagnosed as a child and her mom was trying to protect her little sperg. Claire is either so genuinely retarded she believes she was formally diagnosed during her toddler child’s assessment OR she’s deliberately misrepresenting being told she has some autistic traits (everyone does) and could possibly be on the spectrum. To be clear, most parents of autists are told the exact same thing and it does NOT mean they are diagnosed with autism or that they would be diagnosed if formally assessed. Taking her son’s diagnosis as her own is just reveals her narcissism
if any of you follow munchies AgonyAutie did the exact same thing and now autism is her whole personality and she can’t/won’t meet her actually autistic son’s needs No. 1889464
>>1889439Not that anon, but I do think a mother throwing away precious things that belongs to their child can be fucked up. Especially their art or things that can mean something to them. Because that just gives the impression that anything you create is not valuable and your parents are not being supportive and loving.
Can vouch for how this can create resentment even into adult years. inb4 blog post no1 curr, but I had parents that did the same thing and threw away important cds, paintings I was proud of, etc and it really can make you feel like you’re worthless and parents don’t support you unless it’s something they approve of or whatever. anyway sorry for long blogpost, but I can relate to Claire on that one for not really liking her mom over that.
(blogging) No. 1889495
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Surprised this hasn’t been listed yet, Elon brought X to a Valorant tournament and was booed before the crowd began chanting “Bring back Twitter”. Humiliated in front of his own son and the world.. whenever things like this happen, I imagine that he imagines lasering everyone in half like Homelander. Link has video of it No. 1889551
>>1889529>rejected for the sake of Toyota because he is cute, new, and softens Melon's imagekek yeah this is exactly what i've been thinking too. He only tags along little Toyota X like a Gucci handbag because he thinks it makes him a based cute protective father doing cool dad activities uwu
He rents X like a tape from VHS rental
No. 1889663
>>1889551I know someone said this in an earlier thread but X makes Elon look a lot younger than he actually is. Most men with toddlers on their hip are between 30-35. That's why he's barely seen with his teenage/adult sons, they make him look "old"
>>1889495Damn, lil motherless X looks so scared and uncomfortable. Why would any mom allow her toddler to participate in these events is beyond me. I hate mom shaming but claire is a horrible mother and never protects X.
>>1889491Throwing away doodle art that your child made is traumatic eh? Grimes most likely was painting a lot and her mom threw away a few old paintings…like most parents when their kids leave for college. On that social media controlling thing, wasn't there a blind item that said grimes used to post extremely obnoxious shit on MySpace and tumblr when she was younger? Might explain why her mom monitored her.
OT but is grimes still living with her younger brother? Sandy failed all her kids. Oldest son is a certified moid, Claire is retarded and youngest gay and insufferable kek
No. 1889787
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Not to nitpick but what the fuck is Shivon wearing kekkk
I mean sure she's not a fashionable person, she doesn't have to but still….she looks like the geeky girl trying to look cool/edgy
No. 1889824
>>1889663>X makes Elon look younger than he actually is This. I genuinely feel like Claire would throw X into a bonfire if Elon told her to at this point. Just if it meant getting attention from Elon for more than 0.1 nanoseconds.
I actually feel so sad for X his dad uses him as a stage prop and his mom uses him to get attention by proxy from Elon. Such a
toxic narc family as usual it’s always about themselves and what they can get out of the kid, and never about the child.
And of course Elon likes his son while he’s young and easy to goad into following his every instruction, but as soon as X hits puberty and starts expressing interest in his own passions and disobeying Elon his dad will toss him to the side and replace him with a younger IVF half brother, just like he did with all his other kids.
(still hasn't learned to sage) No. 1890070
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>>1884577kek elon is removing the videos of him recording the performance
No. 1890181
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fucking kek what is happening in elon’s harem. her and c DEFINITELY had something between them
No. 1890183
>>1889715The opposite lol, he went to J6 and insists on Twitter everyone there was innocent and Trump did nothing wrong bc they all believe the election was stolen in their hearts. His Twitter history is so sad and he complains about how his "life is totally destroyed" while he has a newborn kid.
I teased him for being an obvious self hating tranny (his avatar was anancient pic of him in his teen years looking fem) and he changed the avatar instantly LOL. U can talk to him on Twitter and he will respond
No. 1890711
>>1890699As someone who doesn't like her music, I have to admit, her music isn't bad as ppl make it seem.
All of her art feels incredibly unfinished tho, idk if that's her aesthetic but I highly doubt it.
Every song I kinda enjoy screams "this wasn't produced by clair"
Genesis was amazing but she never could replicate this vibe..ever…same with So heavy, it felt like Hanas song that was produced by BP and her brother.
>>1890702I know this sounds insane but I've never met anyone who would identify as a Grimes fan/stan irl. Maybe it's my bubble but even tech obsessed fairycore nlogs don't care about her existence. She definitely buys followers and likes.
>>1890181Shivon is just as pathetic and lame as clair. And whoever said she isn't sucking musk dry is insanly delusional. They 100% fuck. Musk is waaay to dominant and entitled, shivon couldn't get away with just being friends with him. He needs sexual devotion from all his broodmares. Shivon isn't an exception from it. She isn't something special to him kek
But I do think he took her virginity
No. 1890763
>>1890741Musklets lmao
I agree
nonnie, I think he also has a deep need to leave a legacy and thinks hundreds of kids is the way to do that
No. 1890788
>>1890741I agree, I think he's more interested in having his harem to show off that he
can in front of his nerdy, anime-loving fans. Realistically he could just pay off a load of top OnlyFans girls to follow him around the world but instead he's collecting women with particular stats like the autist he is
No. 1890891
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No. 1890903
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>>1890741He does seem kind of asexual sometimes. His college ex-girlfriend said
>She even said that the relationship was sweet but he lacked affection or PDA. 'We were physical when we needed to be… but there wasn't any hand-holding or anything like that. He liked to be together. He just liked having someone there with him, someone to support him.'Who knows whether they actually abstained or not, but he also married Talulah who said she believes in not having sex before marriage.
He also claimed he has not had sex in ages in 2022 where he could've been involved with Grimes, Natasha Bassett, Shivon Zilis or other women that we don't know about. If it's true, it's surprising, but he's probably just lying.
No. 1890919
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contrarian for the sake of it
No. 1891013
I think this is where Shivon and Claire's worst month ever came from:'s a criminal and civil probe by the Manhattan federal prosecutor and the SEC. I don't see why it would involve Claire, other than her freaking out about Musk, but it would probably involve Shivon because she was special project director for the office of the CEO at Tesla, just like the Omead Asharf guy who is being investigated. Elon moved Omead to SpaceX after the investigation began and I wonder if Shivon was moved to Neuralink for similar cover up reasons. Like maybe when he said Cybertruck was going to have bulletproof windows, maybe all that research and development was for his future glass house. Maybe he gave her the twins to keep her quiet and bound to him. I kind of don't believe they slept together but I'm on the fence about it. He definitely didn't sleep with that Omead guy and he seems to have made the same moves within Elon's companies as Shivon.
(imageboard) No. 1891063
>>1891013He never married shivon or grimes, therefore they can be forced to testify against him.
They prolly were forced to…
No. 1891081
>>1890702Maybe it’s a weird coincidence but I noticed that the concept from MA seems inspired by “Time Is Up” by Poppy and Diplo, two people she hates. It’s not exactly the same narrative but pretty close… the song came out in 2018 and I’m not sure when grimes decided that was the story.
>>1890903Ew why would he share that? and of course that girl’s username is lovemesomemusk. Wonder if these girls think he’ll pick them to be the next baby mama
No. 1891333
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Elon hacked Grimez Twitter account begging for sex, not just any sex, poly sex.
2 days later after it was posted, Grimez complies and posts nude Halloween pics, only this is a month later. Her excuse
She forgot
No. 1891417
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>>1891221Not enough people talk about Grimes texting Azealia about Russia wanting Elon dead. Then nothing comes of it and suddenly Elon is Team Russia. Yes she could have randomly lied to sound cool but idk. I think they have something on him.
No. 1891564
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Not all babies look this similar… i mean….
No. 1891593
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>>1891546I tried to find the source of the rumors and apparently Amber’s sister’s boss submitted that info to the court, she said Amber’s mother told her about it. Maybe info got confused along the way or they reached an agreement out of court. Who knows, it was never addressed.
>>1891460Austin was hippie and troon utopia for decades before it became SF #2 btw. It was comparable to Portland
No. 1891677
some interesting bits from the elon musk book by walter isaacson. mention of shivon
>Shivon Zilis, who manages Neuralink (Musk’s company working on implantable brain-computer interfaces) and is the mother of two of his children, noticed that by early April he had the itchiness of a video-game addict who has triumphed but couldn’t unplug. “You don’t have to be in a state of war at all times,” she told him that month. “Or is it that you find greater comfort when you’re in periods of war?”
>“It’s part of my default settings,” he replied. As he put it to me, “I guess I’ve always wanted to push my chips back on the table or play the next level of the game."
mention of xavier. apparently he has been a troon since age 16 and trying to hide it from his dad. he made it public in 18. elon claims he was brainwashed into tranny communism because he went to a progressive school
>…a new ingredient had been added to this cauldron: Musk’s swelling concern with the dangers of what he called the “woke mind virus” that he believed was infecting America. “Unless the woke mind virus, which is fundamentally anti-science, anti-merit, and anti-human in general, is stopped, civilization will never become multiplanetary,” he told me gravely.
>Musk’s anti-woke sentiments were partly triggered by the decision of his oldest child, Xavier, then 16, to transition. “Hey, I’m transgender, and my name is now Jenna,” she texted the wife of Elon’s brother. “Don’t tell my dad.” When Musk found out, he was generally sanguine, but then Jenna became a fervent Marxist and broke off all relations with him. “She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil,” he says. The rift pained him more than anything in his life since the infant death of his firstborn child Nevada. “I’ve made many overtures,” he says, “but she doesn’t want to spend time with me.”
>He blamed it partly on the ideology he felt that Jenna imbibed at Crossroads, the progressive school she attended in Los Angeles. Twitter, he felt, had become infected by a similar mindset that suppressed right-wing and anti-establishment voices.
mention of natasha. he went on a trip with her and spent the whole time browsing twitter
>He then flew to Larry Ellison’s Hawaiian island, Lanai. He had planned the trip as a quiet rendezvous with one of the women he was occasionally dating, the Australian actress Natasha Bassett. But instead of using it as a relaxed mini-vacation, he spent his four days there figuring out what to do about Twitter.
>He stayed awake most of his first night stewing about the problems Twitter faced. When he looked at a list of users who had the most followers, they were no longer very active. So at 3:32 a.m. Hawaii time, he posted a tweet: “Most of these ‘top’ accounts tweet rarely and post very little content. Is Twitter dying?”
mention of grimes. x was born in may 2020 and y was born in december 2021. x only got to meet his grandparents and great-grandparents in 2022. for some reason, they don't talk about y here. elon doesn't go to meet grimes's mom and dad so he can sit in the hotel room, play elden ring and think about twitter
>Musk then flew to Vancouver to meet his on-and-off girlfriend Claire Boucher, the performance artist known as Grimes. She had been pushing him to go there so that she could introduce their son X (yes, X) to her parents and aging grandparents. But when it came time to drive to see her parents, she decided to leave Musk back in the hotel. “I could tell that he was in stress mode,” she says.
>Indeed he was. Late that afternoon, Musk texted Taylor his official decision. “After several days of deliberation—this is obviously a matter of serious gravity—I have decided to move forward with taking Twitter private,” he said.
>That night, after Grimes returned to their hotel, he unwound by immersing himself in a new video game, “Elden Ring,” which he had downloaded onto his laptop. Elaborately rendered with cryptic clues and strange plot twists, it requires intense focus, especially when it comes to calculating when to attack. He spent a lot of time in the game’s most dangerous regions, a fiery-red hellscape known as Caelid. “Instead of sleeping,” Grimes said, “he played until 5:30 in the morning.” Moments after he finished, he sent out a tweet: “I made an offer.”
No. 1891687
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>>1891564It’s not even a conspiracy at this point. Oonagh is musks biological child. Who else would she belong to? Amber won a legal battle over the rights of two embryos they created together. I just hope she grows up and looks like either her mother or grandmother Maye Musk. Oonagh isn’t even Musks child, really. He has nothing to do with her and likely never will but she has his genes.
I know this thread isn’t about Amber but it concerns me that she had trouble bonding with her baby girl. She had a surrogate, first of all, and when she was born Amber was caught up in the highly publicised trial that ruined her life. As a result she’s either never with Oonagh or goes out with a nanny helping her.
No. 1891707
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>>1891687>>1891564Idk man, Oonahg doesn't even look like Amber let alone Musk. I still think it's their daughter but tbh, exa looks way more like musk, tragically.
No. 1891715
>>1891697>treats her like a prop while exercising Or maybe she just wants to be held? Like little children so often do? Regardless if their parent is busy or not? Wasn’t Amber holding the worlds tiniest little dumbbell at the time? I mean I’m ayrt and I’m concerned that women who have surrogates struggle to bond with their baby but what you’re saying seems unfair.
>>1891707She has ambers eyes and elons nose.
(sage your shit) No. 1891716
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>>1891707I think she resembles him more here
No. 1891719
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>>1891716Elon has a big fat malformed head and underdeveloped nose bridge so actually every baby on earth looks like him.
No. 1891720
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Saged for fanart(don't post fanart)
No. 1891759
>>1891677>father is an autistic rich misogynistic man>son declares he hates rich people, identifies as a commie womanIt just sounds like he's doing all he can to be different than his father who was absent and probably
abusive to his mother. Sad.
No. 1891779
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>>1891720Im still trying to work out what that eye lift was for
No. 1891837
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>>1891564Yeah, there is a small chance that we might be wrong and there was a different sperm donor, but the most likely explanation is that Elon is her biological father considering the legal battle over embryos rumor and everything else. It all sounds like something he would do, he's practiced IVF and surrogacy many times.
Elon has been pursuing Amber since they both appeared on the 2013 movie Machete Kills which was filmed in 2012.
>Musk showed interest in the actress despite never sharing a scene with her and sent emails to director Robert Rodriguez and others asking for an introduction. "If there is a party or event with Amber, I'd be interested in meeting her just out of curiosity… Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand… most unusual." A dinner was set up but Heard, who was dating Depp at the time, did not show up. Musk was reportedly not looking for a date, as he often likes to meet "interesting people from all different industries."They were seeing each other in 2016 and announced that they are dating in 2017. He was simping hard for her.
>They have known each other for a while. They were friends first, but Elon was always very fascinated by Amber. When the time was right and they were both single last year, he started pursuing her romantically. She was playing hard to get for a while, which made him even more interested. Elon loves a pretty face, but he needs more to be intrigued. Amber has lots more to offer. Elon is attracted to her edginess. She isn’t frightened about being different. She doesn’t get easily intimidated. She is very focused and loves to learn.Maybe Grimes is trying to imitate Amber's edginess that Elon liked, but she was no doormat like her.
Amber's dad said they were planning to get married and have children.
>Amber Heard’s father, David Heard, said that she wanted to marry Elon Musk. In 2017, he spoke with Grazia Magazine about her daughter and her plans to settle down. “Amber and Elon are both very serious about each other. She would love to get married. One of the things they want to do is settle down and have a family. They are making plans for that.” However, later another report came in from a source close to Elon Musk who claimed they didn’t have any plans to get married.When they first broke up in 2017, it was reported as if Elon dumped her and it was due to their schedules but he immediately ran to an Instagram post she made commenting "V cute" with a heart emoji, and adding:
>"Btw, just to clear up some of the press storm this weekend, although Amber and I did break up, we are still friends, remain close and love one another. Long distance relationships, when both partners have intense work obligations are always difficult, but who knows what the future holds."A few months later Elon said:
>"Well, she broke up with me more than I broke up with her, I think. I was really in love and it hurt bad. I will never be happy without having someone. Going to sleep alone kills me. It's not like I don't know what that feels like: Being in a big empty house, and the footsteps echoing through the hallway, no one there — and no one on the pillow next to you. Fuck. How do you make yourself happy in a situation like that?"They were seen sharing a kiss a month later, in December 2017 and Elon went to Chile with Amber and his brother. They were together for a short time, then broke up again in February 2018. Elon's dad talked nicely about Amber in this 2022 video and he said he heard good things about her from his children, so maybe he was talking about the vacation with Kimbal. He also said she is the type of person that would fit their family. All of this came across like he knows Amber has a kid with Elon to me.
In 2019, Johnny Depp claimed that Amber was seeing Elon one month after they got married. He said she received late night visits from Musk at the L.A. penthouse they shared while he was out of the country. He got married to her on February 3, 2015. Elon was married to Talulah between 2010-2012 and 2013-2016. There could be some cheating or open relationship thing going on, or maybe Johnny is just full of shit idk
No. 1891838
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>>1891837On her post about Oonagh's birth, she basically confirms the father is Elon by mentioning she decided she wants to have kids 4 years ago. She made post in 2021, and in 2017 she was with Elon. However, it could also be interpreted differently I guess
No. 1891844
>>1891779Well, her eyebrows are placed higher now which is considered more attractive ig.
>>1891564I love Amber (besides surrogacy stuff), but why Oonagh out of all names? How is it even supposed to be pronounced, like Una?
No. 1891899
>>1891890 said, awesome irish name, and quite feminine as in "lamb". I really don't mean to be unkind but are you american? that is a very american question lmao. you are the be all and end all apparently. did you have a seizure every time you read the "siobhan o'shaughnessy has died" headlines?
No. 1891913
>>1891902She's just insanely pretty let's be fucking honest nonna. Elon would've never dated her if she looked like her sister for example.
Her beauty is almost surreal, especially next to someone as ugly as Elon. Sure she's smart and witty but I doubt that her GI Jane persona made her popular among the Musks. Or am I just too poor to understand the dynamics of rich ppl kek
No. 1892039
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>>1891715No, she wasn't just holding her, otherwise I wouldn't have said that, it looks like she was using her for the picture and the way she was holding her looks unsafe. She probably thought it's going to look cool and get likes on instagram, similarly to how Elon posted that "my sparing partner" photo
No. 1892171
>>1892158stop writing shivon fanfic please this isn’t ao3 you tumblrfag
>>1891779she knows she fucked up she won’t get rid of those ugly glasses. she tries too hard to act as if she’s just being ~quirky~ but she’s obviously trying to hide her botched face
No. 1892475
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Repliers are asking “Azure?” (I know nothing about Elden Ring)
No. 1892537
>>1892425Weed is extremely easily accessible here, always has been. Almost everyone I know smokes and only small town cops actually care about weed. Abortions were also super accessible up until late 2021. OT/blog but I had an abortion here in 2017 and it was at a clinic 20 minutes from my house, it was very easy and the staff at the clinic were angels. It’s all fucked up and awful now but most tech people can afford to travel to CA for a week for abortion if needed.
>>1892475What was the first tweet she added this onto? I wonder if she’s trying to compete with grimes by mentioning Elden Ring, since there was that whole thing that just came out about Elon playing all night while they were in Canada visiting her parents. Maybe it made Shivon jealous that they shared that moment together? Idk I just get that vibe from a lot of her posts.. whether she’s romantically attracted to Elon or not, I definitely think she competes with Claire.
No. 1892620
>>1892579she is a Yale grad, former VC, and someone with a lot of tesla stock options who is competing with Claire over this fat pig's attention?
It's weird she says "Our Daughter" instead of "my daughter." My mom always says 'my daughter' when she refers to me even though my dad obviously exists and they are still married.
No. 1892719
>>1892620Saying our daughter is a way of
triggering Claire. They are definitely fighting over him kek. The 35 year old discord kittens in a catfight over their lardass server mod.
No. 1892729
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Elon has dull kind of hazel or greyish eyes and they seem to have muted Shivon’s blueness in their kid.
No. 1892730
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Also OT but the kid Jana and Errol had together, Elliott, is actually so cute. She will definitely be a stacy when she grows up, I’m just amazed Errols rotten old sperm produced such a cute daughter.
No. 1892765
>>1892724this is a good observation nona. Although she posted that picture saying that her kids mean everything to her. But the language about the name is very distancing.
>>1892725I don't think she's a real aspie. She's in her feelings a lot, it seems, and she seems like more of a consigliere to Elon than a romantic partner (tho I do think it's possible she is a sexual partner). I'm not sure that she ever fit in Silicon Valley with the moral relativism, and I think that's why she ended up with Musk. I'm not even sure she agrees with him on everything but she is very loyal so she defends him and does not show disagreement in public.
I know lots of booksmart SV/Ivy super successful types but her path is uniquely weird.
No. 1892828
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>>1892730Yeh her daughter is cute but this Jana chick looks absolutely gruesome kek
No. 1892832
File: 1693739267187.jpg (265.22 KB, 1080x1080, Picsart_23-09-03_13-01-08-043.…)

OT but Errol had two biological daughters with the mother of Jana. And I feel like Alexandra Musk,one of them, is not only the prettiest but also Errols secret fav daughter. She reminds me a lot of Amber kek
Error Musk belongs in a mental institution, he's a creep and I genuinely hate him.
No. 1892833
>>1892732Go back to Reddit my god. I hate how yall flocking to LC and act so holier-than-thou, with your overweight morals kek no one cares
What's will all these redditors joining the Grimes thread? Are yall bored?
>>1892719She's deffo attacking claire with that post. Did Elon ever acknowledged Exa? Is there even a pic of them? Exa is Claire's daughter and she knows it kek But is Shivon a mean girl kek? I'm impressed. No surgeries, has a full-time job and still looks better/younger than Claire.
No. 1892836
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>>1892489>>1892718You zoomers are so cute! FYI video games are marketed for all age groups. It's a billion-dollar business after all.
>>1892536This is strange. Maybe she named their daughter after Microsoft Azure and is trying to backtrack. Elden Ring was released for beta testing in November 2021.
No. 1892889
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So weird. Jana really looks like a Shivon and Amber hybrid. Shivons big round dopey eyes and wide-ish mouth with long outer corners, and Ambers pointy nose, longer face and eye/hair color.
No. 1893008
>>1892783Or hot bitches who are sick and tired of being told "omg you look just like Johnny Depps ex!!"
Smells like ugly ho up in here though, fo sho
(blogpost derailing fo sho) No. 1893053
File: 1693777185527.jpg (101.47 KB, 1280x720, a1f01f2884ea5004efc69b3fef811e…)

I just noticed Grimes has a thread on Kiwifarms. The OP is very thorough. All the Grimes lore in one place. And pics too, like this one. I had forgotten how ugly the cyber truck was. Now, is Claire going to create a KF account just to WK herself? No. 1893068
File: 1693780778501.png (888.79 KB, 1028x2192, 20230904_013519.png)

>>1893053There are also archives of the indie blog Grimes and her team DDoSed. I thought the blog had some dirt on her but it's just encyclopedia dramatica meets 4chan tier dumb shit.
No. 1893071
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>>1893038The real power move is to take a laxative and shit in a cat box and not cover it. Then gaslight the man and insist it was the cat
No. 1893077
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Is this Grimes liking a tweet roasting Elon here or am I misunderstanding it?
No. 1893083
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>>1893077She’s also now liked several posts about “deadbeat men”
Was there proof that she and Elon unfollowed each other last week? I follow too many ppl who follow them to be able to check for myself…
No. 1893115
File: 1693789836948.png (790.94 KB, 747x788, nasty.png)

>>1893102it's so fucking bad too, genuinely pathetic. she embarrasses herself over him for free kek
also not really related (but somehow more related than most of the posts in the last day), i came across an account that makes memes of grimes. it very much comes across as a fan account but it has so many cringe videos and outright bad looking photos for her, which makes me laugh
picrel from that awful interview, she looks like a bloated chimp
No. 1893117
File: 1693789999206.jpg (176.84 KB, 1024x1102, media_Ft6qC6MWcAA2P-h.jpg)

>>1893115apologies for the double post but here's another one. haven't seen this picture posted in this thread yet and it has me speechless, look at her fucking eye
No. 1893301
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Yidlover alert! Gross…(racebaiting)
No. 1893463
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Tbh the ppl in the ~hate sub~ are so fucking cringe that it makes me like Claire again.
No. 1893470
File: 1693906684963.jpeg (817.85 KB, 1242x1667, IMG_3638.jpeg)

>>1893442Botox can sometimes cause eyes to droop. The left woman in picrel has an extreme case and it’s usually more subtle like what grimes has. I am pretty sure that’s what’s going on here bc I have no idea what else it could be. She has bad luck with every procedure she gets kek
No. 1893476
>>1893470That left pic is scary kek
heavy benzodiazepine use causes that sleepy eyelid droop, too. I love talking shit about grimes bc she's retarded but I hope she isn't on heavy doses like that to put up with muskrat's bullshit.
i dunno. i was prescribed way too much for years. 3 yrs clean. No. 1893480
File: 1693913226710.jpeg (148.94 KB, 1200x900, D79C952B-8E6B-4F08-A8C4-96F0A7…)

>>1893470It’s not, she just had slightly hooded eyes before the upper facelift and the lift pulled back the brow skin and exposed the eyelid underneath making her look all bugged out and uneven. (Pic rel on the left is hooded eyes, notice how the surgeon lifted the brow skin and exposed the eyelid underneath making it look more ‘normal’ this is an example of a subtle and well done brow lift)
Claire got greedy and wanted her eyes pulled from the side to give her a more foxlike appearance but the surgeon went overboard and pulled then stapled her skin from way above on her hairline, so it’s pulled her brow skin up way too much, exposed too much eyelid and given her uneven eyes.
No. 1893481
File: 1693913556320.gif (408.14 KB, 1200x600, 9F35CB44-A830-43E2-8124-646FCF…)

Another example. Claire’s eyes weren’t that hooded before, just a little. The surgeon stretched her eyes wayyyy too tight and pulled the forehead skin up wayyyy too high. I imagine it’s very uncomfortable and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is depressed over it, she seems to be very self conscious and trying to use oversize glasses to distract from it a lot.
No. 1893505
File: 1693921031113.png (1.18 MB, 1270x645, wat.png)

>>1893102me too, every time.
on rewatch wtf is this outfit?? scandi wood elf faeri in a seifuku? someone get this roll of nickles off etsy
No. 1893506
File: 1693921048466.jpeg (271.6 KB, 1169x1359, IMG_5169.jpeg)

A bunch of replies to Grimes’ alt in the last 1-2 days seem to be answering the question “should I choose war or peace?” (to resolve a problem)
One replier says re: choosing war : “Given that family and kids are involved I imagine that's hard”
I have my own guess, but, thoughts on what this is about?
No. 1893510
File: 1693921611456.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1620x2068, AF099493-E177-4256-9B82-FAA49E…)

I mean I don’t like Tits either but proof is proof.
No. 1893513
>>1893506Jut having her weekly discord kitten cluster b breakdown.
Also the Vogelfrei account sounds like her replying to herself lol.
No. 1893535
>>1893515all the tech bros adopted internet culture and micro dosing as almost a way to larp as us, just like Grimes larps as poor. they are all soulless and need to feel lower class to fill the void.
hence all the techocracy going to burning man and bouncing when it all got too hard
No. 1893571
>>1893510 34:34 he starts talking about Claire. Apparently he wrote the lyrics and the guitar riff for we appreciate power. This is what… the 3rd person who has said she has songwriters sign ndas? He goes on to speak on the illusion that is grimes
“ her whole life it's like everyone's just been like this genius writer and producer and this and that and that's what I thought too and then five minutes into the first session I was like…ah.”
No. 1893584
File: 1693935698257.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1509, 20230905_204021.png)

>>1893463That is a reply to this. A freshly made account is trying to dox people. The Op is warning others but doesn't claim it's Grimes or any of her people.
No. 1893637
>>1893584And also this user is definitely “Alex”. I’ve talked to him at length and recognize his typing “voice”. He’s certifiably insane. He mostly does what he does because he is an abuser and gets off on terrorizing a small corner of the internet he found that’s mostly women and troons. It’s not
really about him loving grimes so much because he’s such a dedicated fan. He just gets off on harassing women and making them feel threatened. I feel bad for the prostitutes he abuses too.
No. 1893648
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>>1893571i mean, titanic is a cow himself. 2 talentless retards calling each other out. I’m not sure if we can trust his word
No. 1894098
File: 1694038770353.jpeg (379.19 KB, 1439x1799, FDB23973-C070-452D-B02C-429A94…)

Shivon with “Strider” and “Azure” + Claires reply
No. 1894154
>>1894098I know the most pertinent thing is the obvious but what is that atrocious interior. It’s like Ikea level design just with upgraded materials. No taste
But sad Claire thinks they were ever a family. She got played
No. 1894159
>>1894154They are outside. That's not the interior.
Shivon seems like a psychopath. Isaacson calls her Elon's "intellectual companion." Is that some sort of euphemism or does he really just compartmentalize like all men but on steroids? Intellectual companion, flesh companion.
>>1894157it's on Shivon's twitter
(once again, you need to post screenshots) No. 1894326
>>1894130It was obvious to anyone with a brain that Elon discards all his broodmares once the child is old enough, he already did it to Justine.
And Claire is probably not fit to be a mother, she doesn’t like the role outside of a Dune fantasy context and as a way to get to Elon, I wouldnt be surprised if Elon has gathered a shit ton of dirt on her RE her drug use and her generally weird erratic behavior to use against her so he will get sole custody I already called it here
>>1888992(sage your shit) No. 1894347
File: 1694085543506.jpeg (291.82 KB, 828x1792, IMG_3421 (1).jpeg)

>>1894098The post was deleted. This is not my screenshot.
No. 1894449
File: 1694101508666.jpeg (216.51 KB, 1169x871, IMG_5248.jpeg)

Shivon appeared in both new Walter Isaacson articles as Elon’s chief confidante. This language is eerily similar to how C was once described.
C did not appear in the Time article at all. (
No. 1894480
File: 1694105795870.jpg (123.91 KB, 1080x410, Screenshot_20230906_173241.jpg)

Bitch, no he didn't. He's not even 2 yrs old lmfaooooo.
(Saged bc nonmilk but wanted to share because it is so cringe)
No. 1894513
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>>1894098The tiresome trio strikes back with fresh, juicy milk. Who would've thought, Musk takes X from his rapid aging crackhead mother and let's his half-indian geekmaiden raise him.
But let's be honest here, Shivon is a genius psychopath and I love her for it. Sure Claire thought being white and resembling Talulah was enough for Musk to pick her but she forgot how intelligent Shivon is, its almost laughable how hard Musk ignores Exa, never even talks about her and now Shivon has him with his daughteron his lap for the world to see, what a great dad. Is he starting to claim Zillis?
Boucher never stood a chance. I actually don't get how ppl from her snark reddit feel bad for Claire and hate on Shivon, like she isn't some opportunistic cunt who neglected X for most of his life and took him to raves and let Musk dictate his personality.
Shivon girlbossed Claire out of the picture. I'm genuinely impressed.
No. 1894524
>>1894513I wonder if Elon sits like that in order to not touch girl so she won't fall. She just sits by herself while he dies little by little. What a man lmao
I bet Shivon have some awful blackmail on him if she managed to put her girl in his lap
No. 1894542
>>1893515so all those times tik tard zoomers and woke mental health faggots armchairing muskrat and claire as nEuRoDiVeRgEnT, they really are just geeking out on hallucinogens.
>>1894513I'm so fucking tired of this clarie vs shivon shit. theyre both pickme tards. if you breed with an ugly billionaire wannabe mars colonialist who has a track record of running companies and women to the ground, attaches his name to space development to fufill his nerdy dreams, bought a social media company to rationalize his terminal online behavior and play king of the world, youre not smart at all. youre there for the money and drugs.
No. 1894543
>>1894539You probably never seen anyone in a K-hole then kek
Ppl lay around, unconscious, he looks unwell tho but not overdosed
No. 1894546
>>1894536I'm esl so I'm not sure if I understood you, but if by "filming this scene" you mean if this is shot for something then yeah, it's for that TIME article.
And he IS forced. Just look at him. He don't want this and don't like this.
No. 1894572
>>1894098>and tell Elon to let me see my sonWtf? Does it mean Elon took away X and is not letting Grimes see him? what in the world
Now this is something none of us saw coming huh. I thought he doesn't give a fuck about this kid
No. 1894635
>>1894600>why is Claire pretending to be upset over X Because X is the only bargaining chip Claire had to get to Elon, nona. Claire is butthurt that she can’t use X to manipulate Elon into paying attention to her by proxy.
If Elon decides to demand full custody and can also produce hard evidence of her abusing drugs, acting erratically etc (and I 100% believe Elon is the type to bug every room, record everything, spy on people etc) then she is fucked and basically erased from the picture entirely and loses all her leverage.
The only thing keeping him from cutting Claire off entirely right now is a) he can’t find any other women atm and she’s still obsessed with him which he likes b) all the dirt she has on him could hurt his image even more.
She’s having a meltdown because she’s being edged out of the Lady Jessica Mars colony fantasy that Elon promised her.
No. 1894643
>>1894347I dont like Shivon but Shivon, Elon and the kids really do look much more like a normal healthy family unit here than anything he ever had with Claire. Him and Claire always looked so odd and dumb and mismatched together. With Shivon they actually look like a real husband and wife.
I really do think Claire was just a midlife crisis phase for him. Obviously I don’t know the woman personally but Shivon in most interviews comes across like a calm and grounding person to be around. With all the stress he currently has, that’s probably exactly what Elon needs right now.
No. 1894649
>>1894415Sage for blogpost but I’m Asian and I’ve worked in marketing and had to work on products that would specifically garner mass appeal to Asian markets. Sorry to say but Grimes is not the type of artist who is appealing to Korean or Japanese markets. Like at all. She tried really hard with Jennie and the Loona stuff but Claire is still very much a literal who to most East Asians.
Even when I occasionally see comments on their articles from Asian news sources, netizens are usually just commenting on how ugly and cheap looking both Claire and Elon seem to be.
No. 1894711
File: 1694130053159.jpeg (99.48 KB, 607x733, IMG_4212.jpeg)

>>1894654I feel like I’ve seen her mention being “pUnJaB wItH bIg bLuE eYeS” more than once so I think she tries to show them off kek
No. 1894762
>>1894480From the few things I've seen her post she gives of actual psycho vibes. This is a really weird thing to lie about especially when in the public eye. Also the fact that she literally
stole her baby's name from Grimes is weird as fuck. She has crazy eyes too sooo.
No. 1894862
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No. 1894898
File: 1694160927806.jpeg (249.55 KB, 1290x1368, 98F48235-F3E9-40F2-B65B-E1CB01…)

Insane for her to think that A) her kids wouldnt be ok if she wasnt ok (they would be way better off for SURE)
B) anyone besides her team and bot army give a flying fuck about the video for ~i wanna be software
Also lmfao at how she posted a tweet about going back to hardware, girl just stick to ableton and try making something that isnt retarded.
She should Stop trying to appease fans of her older work , its so regressive and pathetic! shes not gonna make another halfaxa or visions and that should be a good thing. like stick with software and your new vibes but make it good? Doing what fans want is always a good marker for the ending of someones career. Shes so uninspired that shes thinking of going back to hardware or releasing old music. And shes narc enough to think anyone beyond a few bitter people on reddit would care. Watch as this all gets swept under the rug and she goes back to teabagging fat elon
No. 1894933
File: 1694171019784.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1530x1703, BA421C5B-F397-4E55-81FE-6D701A…)

>>1894711She basically looks like this 90% of the time. Yeah idk if it’s her trying to show off her eyes or an autistic thing like Adam Lanza but it’s a bit unnerving. Some people said she looks like she has cameras in her eyes lol I wonder if Elon likes her because she acts like an AI robo waifu.
No. 1894934
>>1894898Is she actually admitting in public that Elon is an
abusive sack of shit and becoming the broodmare of an obese egomaniac hasn’t worked out well for her? I might regain a tiiiiny bit of respect for her if so.
No. 1894935
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>>1894933Okay I actually don’t think she’s doing it on purpose, while watching her I noticed it’s kind of hard for her to blink sometimes like she has to make an effort to do it, she might have hyperthyroidism or something, it makes your eyes poppy outy and harder to close your eyelids. She has both upper and lower sclera exposure which is usually a sign of it, so I don’t think it’s her fault.
(medfagging) No. 1894942
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>>1894898I saw her tweet about going back to hardware too kek. She was asking people who are actual musicians what equipment to buy/hire because it’s clear she’s a hack who has never played an instrument or composed a song in her life. But no she can totally play guitar violin drums piano you guise! In fact she’s so amazing she taught herself to do it!
Kek I remember at her concerts in like 2016 she would always pretend to play the intro to Flesh Without Blood on guitar to a playback track intro, (right after pressing the playback button ofc) and you can see she forgets to pretend to move her fingers on the fretboard during certain chord changes kek. did this talentless bitch ever make it? Her whole career is built on lies and her dad funding everything.
No. 1894952
File: 1694174243454.jpeg (870.28 KB, 1255x891, FC0D2AFA-F440-4B2F-8E93-9C66D5…)

What tour? Kek. She played one shitty playback DJ set to like 30 people who looked bored and annoyed the whole time.
No. 1894953
File: 1694174380542.jpeg (765.69 KB, 1246x1145, 84D3BC7B-6D66-4DDB-8C4A-79FC03…)

>reading all my fanmail uwu
What fanmail?
Also lol wtf is this.
No. 1894954
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>>1894953The only person I could find called Tama-Te-Ra Tikao Calman is some dorky incel looking kid from a family of white Hawaiiboos.
No. 1895002
>>1894933have you heard Shivon's voice or her weird laugh? her voice starts at 24:50
(learn2embed) No. 1895026
File: 1694186487857.jpeg (673.67 KB, 1170x1331, IMG_5262.jpeg)

>>1894975Shivon absolutely belongs, she is Grimes’ main rival and fixation and will be for years to come. And she is hilariously cringe in her own right.
No. 1895105
>>1895022I love how even her fans have to admit she’s a fraud all the time, like ‘Yeah we know she sucks and can’t sing and sounds terrible here, but that’s because
she edits the shit out of her vocals in the studio mmkay its not her fault!’ Even her whiteknights know she’s garbage but still defend her anyway.
No. 1895116
>>1894975I like it even though I dislike Elon and all his exes and broodmares, but it’s even funnier knowing Claire lurks and is probably seething and malding over it.
>>1895101I think Elon and Shivon seem way more like a genuine couple tbh. Claire is too mentally unstable and emotional and needs to be tard wrangled too often and I think Elon knows he’s getting too old for that. Shivon seems less neurotic and a bit more emotionally stable. She probably actually understands the stuff Elon talks about and can engage in a dialogue with him about these things, whereas Claire with her ‘love language’ needs things mansplained to her constantly and can only chime in a ‘wow, thathsth like, thooo cool’ now and then. I can’t really blame Shivon for avoiding Claire and not wanting to drag her own kids into her messy clusterbee nonsense.
No. 1895124
>>1895116If Shivon didn't want to drag her kids into Grimes' clusterbee chaos, she shouldn't have joined the harem. But also why would she want to be Elon's mom/therapist? All her needs will need to be sublimated to his. And she'll eventually be replaced, especially if she ever has any needs that interfere with his own.
>>1895022It's a very dorky laugh
No. 1895162
>>1895124when elon replaces and fucks over shivon I feel like it'll be a nitemare for her.
Don't have kids with your boss. Especially if he's fucking insane.
No. 1895165
>>1894572Claire herself said
>The best situation here is me training the girl and him training the boy.Musk took X and Claire is acting shocked. I don't think Elon will keep X. The kid will show temper and talk back to him. Musk will have a new favorite baby boy with new baby mama by then. (Unless he goes to prison.)
Shivon is a better choice because she is more responsible. She acts her age. She doesn't look like a junkie and she can actually hold a job.
Musk might go back to Claire at some point, because she allows him to treat her like shit. You know how narc scrotes behave.
No. 1895190
>>1895116I would block claire too if she wrote such a creepy retarded poem about my daughter
“A letter for S”
The matter of a mother's pain
Is manifested in a name,
My daughter is a Valkyrie,
But the forsaken cannot see
"A rose by any other name",
So a warrior she will remain
But one thing I cannot abide:
This insult to my daughter's pride.
It's your child who is sacrificed-
Forced to live a borrowed life.
A girl cursed with my daughter's name
Will now carry her mother's shame
My Valkyrie has been betrayed
Before a cry she ever made.
But isn't it a helpful curse?
To learn that pain bеgins at birth?
So I embrace this violent gift,
A wolf can liе behind a kiss.
I didn't know the death you need
To truly forge a Valkyrie.”
Like what the fuck is she snorting to think she should write let alone post that
No. 1895204
File: 1694207656619.jpeg (348.22 KB, 828x947, IMG_9466.jpeg)

(1/1) Shivon never posts photos of her kids, but just decided to today amidst all what’s going on. Coincidence or a jab at Claire?
No. 1895205
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No. 1895227
File: 1694209742657.webm (2.73 MB, 480x270, Shivonkids.webm)
>>1895204Whose house is this? If they are at Elon's it might be a jab at Claire. Claire is supposedly blocked so she shouldn't see this. Tsk tsk.
Notice how the kids are wearing normal clothes and running around in a safe environment for children. No itchy Etsy dresses or swords sticking out of walls. These kids won't be sitting inside boxes. (I really hope Claire was joking about putting her child in a box.)
No. 1895302
whats with the weird shivon white knighting on this thread?
>>1894643 "Shivon in most interviews comes across like a calm and grounding person to be around. With all the stress he currently has, that’s probably exactly what Elon needs right now."
>>1895231 "tech girlboss mom"
Shes just a slightly better Elizabeth Holmes, as in she can actually code, but just as unhinged and manipulative.
No. 1895340
>>1895302>>1895311>>1895310Kek. The white knighting is fucking hilarious. She had kids with elon musk and worships his ass. elon is using her and delusional shivon thinks it makes "a happy family"
Also lmfaooooo economics and psychology. How is she qualified to be in charge of neurolink? Oh, right. She had kids with her boss.
No. 1895399
File: 1694238223596.jpg (232.45 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20230908_234622.jpg)

>>1895376Neuralink is his company lmfao. He is still her boss.
No. 1895405
>>1895346I think she’s objectively pretty even if she wasn’t linked with Elon, roasting someone over their eyes which is probably part of a medical issue is a dumb nitpick. With Claire it’s a bit different because she actually got surgery to get Elon to pick her then got botched which is cow behavior.
>>1895340You know you don’t just stop magically learning after college, right? It’s been 13 years since she graduated which is plenty of time to absorb more information, she was working at IBM since 2007, it’s clear during the neuralink meetings and conferences that she’s an intelligent and informed woman.
There are studies that show people who were Ivy League dropouts end up making just as much money as those who attained an Ivy League degree. When you’re smart enough to get into an Ivy League school then you’re usually smart enough to go into any field of your choosing later.
No. 1895418
>>1895414I hope Claire is suffering for harassing her teachers and bullying her classmates for years.
When it comes out that Shivon was also a massive bully in school who harassed her teachers and openly humiliated people in front of the class and is known for stealing others intellectual property to pass off as her own lmk. Until then I’m team Shivon.
No. 1895420
>>1895412Obviously lines are blurred when Claire has stayed obsessed with using Elon to fulfil her weird science fiction movie fantasy and is prepared to stalk and simp for him for years, even when it’s clearly already over. That doesn’t mean they were dating, maybe in Claire’s bpd headcanon.
She saw another woman encroaching on ‘her’ territory and decided to try and scare her off by posting psycho poems about her children, using X to manipulate Elon, and trying to claim Elon as her manz. Now that it’s not working and Elon is ignoring her she’s throwing a hissy fit and trying to guilt Shivon into letting her access their current family unit. Claire is just a typical spurned baby momma who got played by an asshole. It’s literally hoodrat tier drama.
And yes Elon will definitely do the same to Shivon at some point, but right now Claire needs to accept she isn’t wanted and back off/learn boundaries. She had her time as concubine #1 and now it’s Shivon’s turn. Acting like a psycho and trying to stalk Shivon and her kids isn’t helping.
No. 1895422
>>1895413Yup. Gnawing their hands and feet to cope with the stress and pain.
>>1895415Ya, Claire sucked his dick during this time period. and shivon decided to take it further and work for the place that is responsible for unethical animal testing. But at least shivon did t make bad music and tweet while she was upset. All she did was have his kids, quit openAI, and get a a leadership position for neuralink (a company owned by her baby daddy)
Both of these bitches are stupid but for different reasons.
Worth a read: No. 1895427
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Damn I thought these threads were dying but so much fresh milk got delivered the past couple days. Drink up nonitas!
No. 1895447
>>1895398So Shivon posting pics of her kids and Elon hanging out with them was scheduled for the biography release date? Why did Musk take Grimes to Japan and lead her on then? Seems a bit cruel. He could have promoted Starlink and X live streaming feature with any other artist.
Unless all of this is some fake and gay viral marketing campaign for Musk's biography. I agree with nonna saying reading biographies about people who are still alive is a waste of time.
No. 1895463
>>1895405Shivon is at least dumb in some ways, very emotionally immature… she knows exactly what she's doing posting pics of the kids, sing song-y about playing with her babies and watching Harry Potter. She cannot contain her glee that she's publicly winning vs. Claire, gloating AF.
I fought like that over my rich, emotionally unavailable bf when I was like 25. These women are way too old for this shit, like wake up, not worth it no matter how rich he is. He's disgusting, and his "empire" could come crashing down at any moment, his fuck ups are very high stake
I do think Shivon is prettier and her eyes are objectively striking, thyroid disease or not. She looks bright and healthy compared to malnourished grey Claire. She really blew it with the surgery, she would have reverse aged like a decade if she was willing to keep on an extra 15 lbs. Anorexia + filler + surgery always goes south
No. 1895476
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>>1895412The timeline is not that unclear. The surrogacies happened at the same time.
November 2021: Shivon's twins born
December 2021: Grimes's daughter born
March 2022: Article revealing Grimes's daughter comes out and she tweets that she and Elon have broken up again since the writing of the article, but that "he's my best friend and the love of my life"
April 2022: Shivon and Elon file in court to have their twins' last name be "Musk"
It's not clear whether Shivon and Claire knew that the other one was also doing a surrogacy with Elon at the same time. If Shivon knew and Claire didn't, she is evil for colluding with Elon's savage backstabbing and betrayal.
And even if Shivon didn't know, then the situation is still terrible, and any normal, empathetic person would be mad at Elon for being a sadistic two-faced player and keep a low profile. But Shivon's taking up the spotlight with Elon. She is an idiot and will reap what she's sown when the exact same betrayal comes for her later. Enjoy, Shivon
No. 1895477
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>>1895476May 2021: Grimes and Musk appear on SNL together
September 2021: They "break up"
It would appear that Grimes and Musk were together when Shivon's surrogacy started. At the very least, they were planning a new baby together.
So maybe Musk misrepresented to Shivon whether he was "together" with Grimes…but they were literally on SNL together 3 mos into Shivon's surrogacy. No. 1895482
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>>1895311i feel like elon wants to come off as if he dates "smart girls" now who are just like him frfr or whatever, as opposed to just hot actresses. but neither shivon or grimes are actually like that, they just pretend to be. which makes sense because elon's status as a big science man is also just a total a fraud. if he actually was a 200 iq galaxybrain genius he probably wouldn't date randoms like shivon or even grimes. but bc he's just a dumb af poser with a fake persona he would never be able to have a relationship with an actually smart female stemlord. so he'll settle for average girls with a bit of a geeky vibe and make them larp as space rocket ai engineers lmao.
No. 1895490
>>1895463I don’t really have any sympathy for Claire. She had her time in the spotlight and now it’s Shivon’s turn. She too will be replaced eventually but Claire really needs to back off because the angry bitter spurned meddling ex look is not good for her. I do agree it was a bit mean of Elon to accompany Claire to Japan (and I assume he paid for everything so it did seem like he took her there) but it was a business and promo trip for him and his son, mostly. Just because he went somewhere with Claire doesn’t mean they are dating or back together and Claire needs to accept this.
>>1895476There’s rumors that Elon has multiple if not dozens more kids born to surrogates that don’t live with him, through the IVF clinic he bought. He basically only cares about spreading his DNA as much as possible and basically has a bunch of random third world baby mommas.
I don’t know how true that it but I wouldn’t be surprised. A lot of men have a breeding and impregnation kink and if they had the means to do it like Elon does hey would 1000% be doing it too. So I assume the other baby mommas are mostly kept in the dark about each other.
Most likely it was supposed to be another surrogacy venture with Shivon but Elon started liking her and now they’re dating. Claire can’t handle it because she’s still obsessed with her retarded Lady Jessica fantasy and is terrified Shivon will take her place. In reality both of them will be discarded entirely within the next year or two when Elon finds someone younger and more attractive who gives him the time of day.
(sage your shit) No. 1895492
>>1895482Elon really hates lazy people. There’s a lot of stories of him berating employees for not working hard enough, and by all accounts he’s a busy guy almost always working day and night on some kind of project.
I think Claire is just too lazy and undriven for him. I understand part of that is probably depression at how shitty her pseudo relationship with him was, but the problem with Claire is she’s a huge fraud who has let other people do the work, winged it and lied about her abilities during her whole career. Elon likely sussed her out and realized what a charlatan she is. Her laying around feeling sorry for herself, popping adderall, letting the nannies do 99% of the child rearing and pretending to dick around on her laptop doesn’t help her case.
Shivon seems pretty hardworking and passionate about her field. I don’t think she’s a genius or anything but you don’t really need to be all that smart to know about machine learning and neuralink tech. Anyone who reads up on it can absorb the information. She’s definitely a harder worker than Claire is and that’s probably why Elon respects her more. When I saw Shivon talking to Elon on video, she doesn’t seem afraid of him or subservient, she talks to him normally even though he’s a billionaire and her boss, and I think that’s a good sign because Claire always seemed quite pathetic and deferential when interacting with him.
No. 1895500
>>1895499He might be physically lazy and unfit but he definitely works hard at his ventures.
>>1895498The average IQ is around 100 so he’s definitely around the 120 mark. 150-200 no way, that’s genius and child prodigy tier.
(sage your shit) No. 1895503
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>>1895482He always wanted to date attractive celebrities like Amber and Talulah but these women don't stick around and he can only get Z-list autists like Grimes. Remember when he tried to hit on Taylor Swift?
No. 1895504
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>>1895503Then when she ignored him, he tweeted this after a few months like he couldn't get over it? Literal manchild
No. 1895507
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>>1895503he also praised her for "seeing through" FTX (which later turned out to be a fake story. she had actually wanted to go through with a contract with FTX but FTX pulled out).
No. 1895554
>>1895492>Elon hates lazy peopleElon is a micromanaging tard who likes yelling at people and confuses “pointless activity” with “meaningful work”
remember when he told people at Twitter to print out their code so that he could review it personally
his “I work so hard” shtick is just narcissistic performance
No. 1895555
>>1895190The poem is deranged but Shivon is also deranged for allegedly choosing to name her daughter something that another baby mama chose for her daughter. Well neither of them ended up choosing it so “Valkyrie” is now officially up for grabs with the next baby mama contestant.
All this fuss over a tacky name that’d just be shortened to “Val.” Really is hoodrat shit. The technocrat rats
No. 1895560
>>1895503 Miley Cyrus mentioned Elon tried DMing her as well, I think on the Joe Rogan podcast. Musk literally desperate to date someone, anyone not sitting at the weird kids lunch table but now that he's old and known to be a cheap ass he can only get Shivon and Grimes to pickme fight over him. Totally blew it with Natasha Bassett, probably because she won't let him debauch her whereas Shivon and Grimes are happy to do all the ketamine and coke he wants
No. 1895612
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There's a 3rd kid.
No. 1895617
>>1894643I think your hatred of Claire is blinding you because in what universe do they look any more caring than the Grimes pic. Hell Elon looked like his drugs had just kicked in so he had an emotion in it, here he's balancing his kid so he doesn't touch her and Shivon is a void too.
>>1894711punjabis trying to be visually Pashtuns or white again just cause they're generally darker and have a lesser chance of blue eyes than others in the area kek. Most Punjabis are generally gorgeous, minus Shiv, but damn do they love acting extra white even when mixed ones practically are>>1895101It seems very surface level "nerdom", just the normal stuff you'd expect out of someone in stem and not even anything unique or particularly nerdy when you take her background into account. She acts like she watched the Harry Potter movies back in the day and sperged about spoilers among book fans. Kinda nitpicky but wouldn't an actual intellectual nerd huge on "child intellect" like Elon like she claims be interested in reading HP to their kids instead of inventing stories of them babbling at the cover of the movies to watch? Granted we don't know her irl but it does just feel like she turns on the tv and consumes basic stem pop culture stuff that would maybe be considered nerdy in the 00s if you were a child among jocks at school if you were a bigger fan than others or read the books but everyone cool and nerdy watched HP back in the day, it was much bigger than the books and being a fan of the movies doesn't make one a nerd, it was common. Everyone in her space has seen Rick and Morty, she's just got the basic shows and movies that everyone at university has flipped on at one point or another who wouldn't consider themselves remotely nerdy for. Also after lying about the Elden ring spell quite embarrassingly I'm just going to assume she's playing it up for Elon and scrotes.
>>1895227Elon is aware of the Internet's pedoscrotes, especially on twitter. What the actual fuck is this retard doing allowing these videos all over after his supposed crying about his children's safety after that fake stalking or whatever he pulled a while back. And anyone who calls shivon smart or mature needs to rethink that when she's risking their safety for clout/claire
>>1895398Either the writer is playing him and getting him to drop his guard or this is just a useless pr stunt and book that'll make him look great again for the public
>>1895411Kek, on this board it's hard to remember two of these people are classic mad scientist animal abusers and one is war profiteering too
>>1895414>>1895418Oh no, a boooly. There's no way shivon's later sociopathy could be at least equal if she didn't also booly fatties in school
not saying Claire isn't a bitch with a long history of it but really nonnas?>>1895423Nobody is acting vegan here, read the threads, the animal abuse is horrific and an exercise in unrestricted individual scientists acting unethical like the male rat pregnancy tests where they sewed the female to the male one Nazi style.
They're doing the silicone valley programmer route of "work fast break things" but with living animals instead of doing any normal theorizing and tests before jumping to chimps. Elon represents pretty much any tech bro or VC getting their hands on biotech and treating it like code and Shivon (along with the rest of his engineers) with him
>>1895482Next he'll make the landmark statement that Shakespeare is also better seen than read. Who'd have thunk a poem could possibly sound decent by audiobook?
>>1895612X's spare
No. 1895625
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No. 1895626
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I have bad news for Grimes stans who fell for her Elf Tech scam. (I don't believe anyone else used it.) The site doesn't display any How Tos or Terms of Use for visitors. You have to create an account just to browse the site.
So anyway, you need to pay for a distribution plan. If you want to release your song you sign an NDA. (Surprise!) You are not allowed to promote your song before it's published by the GrimesAI team. And there is a threshold before you get the 50% revenue you were promised.
The last screenshot is from a disappointed user who may not have even released their song. The threshold is $500 so it takes a while for getting any money from the song you made. But you get your name in Spotify as a featured artist. Yay! So basically you have to pay to write Grimes songs. What a deal.
No. 1895674
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Cant stop laughing at this(sage your non milk)
No. 1895676
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Giving the kids your last name and spending time with the kids and mother is not what “sperm donor” means… No. 1895691
>>1895503Lol Taytay likes conventionally handsome young men in good shape, not fat schlubby whales having a midlife crisis.
She’s also the woman poltards constantly fawn over and talk about being ‘peak Aryan breeding material’ while crying because she’s feminist and still chosen to remain childless for now.
Hilarious that she ignored him completely. The nerdy autist who nobody likes dating the popular Stacy, literally Elon’s wet dream. All these tech losers are so funny, they never grow out of being spurned by girls in HS and spend their whole lives trying to make up for it.
No wonder Elon had to dumpster dive for a 4/10 Canadian washout whose music never even charted and resents the shit out of her for deferring to him and showing she’s beneath even his pathetic self.
No. 1895692
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Does this mean Elon sent a picture of C’s vagina to her father and brothers? That’s literally a sexual violation but people excuse everything Elon does as “ahh he’s just a quirky autist who doesn’t understand people” it’s disgusting No. 1895697
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>>1895683Because they scam you. Grimes' manager made this artist sign the NDA. I don't know if Grimes has anything to do with the company policy. A "piranha contract" sounds like a deal no artist should sign. This artist got more listeners on their tracks but no new followers. Most of the new listeners were only interested in the GrimesAI song. Elf Tech promises monetization but best they can offer is ~exposure~.
No. 1895709
>>1895190I’m cackling at this. Her Scandiboo ass is so pathetic, it’s not even a cool obscure Viking name/word but an ugly mainstream redditor Marvel universe viking word.
The butthurt poem kek sounds like a middle school weeb who wanted to call her pet goldfish Light Yagami but her best friend already named her dog that so she wrote a poem on betrayal about it.
Yeah, the fact she called her son Techno Mechanicus makes perfect sense now. This situation is really no different to two hoodrat baby mommas fighting over Deshawn and racing to get pregnant so they can call their baby De’shawn’stiny first.
(racebaiting) No. 1895718
>>1895554didn’t shivon reveal on that interview that he spends all night playing vidya? elon is lazy as fuck himself, i mean, look at the way he’s built. that scrote is NOT moving around.
>>1895710yeah considering elon’s breeding fetish and her accessibility to surrogates it wouldn’t surprise me tbh
No. 1895728
>>1895674This is probably the most accurate assessment of their relationship. He probably does this
>>1895685 to his gaggle of would-be broodmares (or soon to be buyers of another woman's womb) and him and grimes pulled each other with the whole "omg we care about creating roccoco's serpent we're obviously destined for each other" (except grimes didn't realise she hadn't played him but the other way around)
No. 1895729
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>>1895712Yeah 3-4 minimum
No. 1895788
Literally everything Elon does in life stems from him trying to cope with not being a Chad, including the obsession with eugenics. Murderous, self-hating nerd moids with dark triad traits are truly one of the biggest threats to the world right now (Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Curtis Yarvin, etc.)
>>1895692I hope he dies. I understand that he's incredibly rich and powerful but what the fuck is wrong with the women who have chosen to procreate with beast? I would respect it if they only took financial advantage of him because he's such a monstrous cunt who deserves being denied love and scammed ad infinitum, but why would women subject their kids to this horrible psychopath?
No. 1895872
>>1895807thank you for this lmao
>>1895832god I cant wait to see what else is in this book. it's not even out yet and already so much shit has hit the fan lol.
No. 1895903
Considering everything, I really wonder how Talulah managed to dodge creating Musklets for 8 entire years of being with him, she kept talking about wanting 10 kids and Elon rushed into their relationship, I imagine he would've asked her to have kids as soon as possible too. We know about Elon's breeding fixation, how he made Justine have multiples via IVF very quickly, how he created embryos with Amber, how he made "I don't like being a mother" Claire have 3, how Natasha felt the need to make a statement about how she wants kids but not now, how he approached Shivon to be her sperm donor, it is typical Muskrat behavior to ensure you will make babies with your current object of affection.
Why do you guys think she pretended she wants to have many kids with him but never did? Is it as simple as "she just wanted to get the bag and she was larping the whole time"? Her wanting 10 kids since she was young must have been a lie, I mean, it sounded like bullshit from the start but we see that she still has no kids. I think her only being with him for money seems likely but if it was the case I think Elon would've cut ties with her already, he still simps for her.
Didn't they meet via richfag connections? Maybe someone who really hates Elon and knows about his fetish assigned her to him on purpose lol. Thanks to her involvement with him, at least no more Musklets were produced for almost a decade.
No. 1895918
>>1894643>With Shivon they actually look like a real husband and wife. Where lol he is completely checked out on drugs and isn't even touching the child, it's just resting on his knees like a bird that landed there. Plus clearly the communication from both adults is so shit the babies are like
hey to each other despite babies usually preferring parent attention
No. 1895934
>>1895302Yeah that first quote reads just like some PR shit from a celebrity "source" like how the fuck you can judge someone as
grounding and all this other shit from a couple of videos. Shivon's PR agent working overtime. I know celebrities use social media to rig "popular opinion" one guy admitted on Twitter that as part of his job, he would have access to a thousand dummy accounts across various platforms, used solely to push certain narratives about celebrities. So the idea his harem lurk this thread is not much of a reach.
No. 1896000
>>1895969They should have to print out their 100 best lines of code and Elon can judge. (Shivon would google the better code to print out.)
So do we think Elon is only Shivon’s speed donor or are they in a sexual relationship?
No. 1896008
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>>1896000considering the amount of dick sucking on her twitter likes, i’m gonna assume a sexual relationship
No. 1896031
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>>1896008does elon pay his broodmares to do personal social media PR for him or something? ever since meeting him both grimes and shivon have started spamming their sm with posts in elon's interest, whether it's cringe like this or shitting on mark zuckerberg and bezos and whatnot. so are they getting paid by him to do it, or are they just stupid enough to fall for his bs and want to be in his fan cult? also
>that piclmao
No. 1896034
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No. 1896092
>>1896086I mean Justine did. I don't reckon Zillis will but she's still probably an insecure freak as well. Just more private about it. If she ends up bleaching her hair then we will know the theory about how Elon makes them all stepford wives is true.
Also I'm tripping out that Shivon is half Indian. I can kind of see it in some images and videos but she really does look white. I wonder if Elon is trying to race mix in his weird eugenics plan he has going on.
No. 1896110
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Isaacson shared some photos from his book. There is X and Tau
No. 1896119
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>>1896008And that the liked tweet after that - his mom
No. 1896126
>>1896110>>1896111Why does everyone look miserable
>>1896100Her supposed freakout right around the time of the book launch is too much of a coincidence. I really think this bunch are cynical and narcissistic enough to fake family drama for publicity. They’re trying to be like the Kardashians or some shit. I bet they’re loving people talking about them again.
>>1896092You know that Indians are very diverse looking right? You get gingers and blondes with blue and green eyes and paper white skin in many areas in the north and people who look African in the south and everything in between. There was a Pakistani-Punjabi girl in my class who was paler than me, a white person.
Shivon is Punjabi and many of them have latent Slavic ancestry. Add someone fully white to that gene pool and genetic recombination can easily make them white looking. The actor Shashi Kapoor had a blonde blue eyed son with a white woman from England.
>>1896077But Claire must have known the writer was interviewing both her and Shivon at the same time. And she chose to have another kid via surrogate after Shivons kids were born. Idk, I feel like she’s lurking and enjoying all this attention.
No. 1896129
>>1896077Claire doesn’t view Justine as a threat because she’s older, Elons ex and he’s not interested in her anymore after doing the full discard on her.
It seems Shivon is getting very close with Elon now and replacing her as first place concubine, so of course she’s freaking out.
As you said she’s smarter than Claire, actually has a job and does things besides popping addies and pressing beep boop on garageband, and is also prettier than Claire in an unconventional way. Not to mention Claire is ageing pretty terribly with the fillers, awful makeup and the botched eye lift probably has her crying at night for both physical and emotional reasons. Botched surgery is really really psychologically damaging. Elon’s lack of commitment and blasé attitude towards Claire can’t be helping her self esteem, whereas Shivon still looks fresh faced, doesn’t wear makeup and appears quite young. Shivon also comes across as a weird anime eyes AI Alita android and Claire is obsessed with trying to larp as an anime girl AI robowaifu so I bet that hurts her that Shivon naturally comes across as such whereas Claire even when she tries her hardest just looks like a crackhead.
No. 1896137
>>1896129Agree with majority of this.
I dont think Grimes has botched herself personally, I think she could have the potential to look cute if she ditched the shitty zoomer makeup she is trying to replicate and stop fucking with fillers. Like even after the facelift I wouldn't say she is botched. Totally agree though that Shivon is more effortlessly pretty and the big eye robot thing would definitely be bugging Claire.
I think if I saw Shivon as a regular person I'd probably find her somewhat pretty but the fluoride say and the way she acts creeps me out. Like there's an Elizabeth Holmes theronos vibe there for sure.
What I want to know is why Elon seems to favour X over all the children so far. Like he changed Twitter's name, brings that kid to all the random work things. I wonder if he will stay the fave or he'll be replaced with Shivon's son. It's quite obvious he doesn't give a shit about the girls but what about his previous sons? Like obviously the tranny hates him but the others?
No. 1896142
>>1895903I think Elon was really whipped for Talulah, thats it. She wasn’t a 10/10 to begin with but she definitely glowed up and soft looksmaxxed after her nose job and becoming a little more glamorous and put together from using Elon’s money.
I’m not sure if her tradwife schtick was fully legit, an act, or a little bit of both, but she definitely managed to manipulate Elon with it well, many insecure moids are addicted to that. She claims to have been a virgin when she met Elon and for some scrotes that’s also extremely enticing, they’re obsessed with taking a woman’s virginity and I can definitely see someone as insecure as Elon wanting that. Add the coy but confident personality and British accent and private schoolgirl with a pony twee background and I think he fell extremely hard for her (she also had a pretty amazing body even if her boobs were probably fake, slim but curvy and feminine)
You also have to remember that Elon was nowhere near as famous or well known back then. He was still someone only nerds and people in billionaire circles really talked about, so I think he had far fewer options back then. Funnily enough he still has very few options because he’s so old now.
No. 1896149
>>1896137>Like he changed Twitter's name, His obsession with the letter X predated that by over 20 years. There was some currency website a long time ago like in the earliest days of the internet called X. It was pretty popular for the time, Elon lifted it wholesale (including the font of the X) and tried to convince the other guys at Paypal to change it to X.
I suspect (and there are interviews to back this up) that he wants to turn X into weibo "everything app" including e-wallet services. in the US this is desirable since afaik they have more of a hard time using bank transfers etc than we do in Europe. They have also recently changed the X privacy policy to make reference to jobseeking/employment history so basically Linkedin as well.
This is all to say X the child (and now the website) is named after this very old plan of his.
No. 1896186
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>>1896034Was wondering why they use this ancient photo (literally their first time out together) but there are so few pics of Melon and her together and the ones that exist are candids that look like a father/daughter more than a couple.
No. 1896188
>>1896137I think he promoted X the way he did because his mother is a celebrity, his first wife wasn't famous, she also likely wasn't okay with them being used as props for attention while C is a pickme who is down with whatever he asks. Tau and Shivon's son could possibly become new favorites, though.
Elon doesn't show them off like X but he does go on trips or attend events with them quite often. As you know, Xavier trooned out. Griffin and Damian are studying STEM fields in good schools. Damian is the academically overachieving son afaik. I haven't heard much about Kai, I don't know what he does. His son Saxon was diagnosed with autism at a young age (so was X), I don't know what his education status is but he is very into video games and his Twitter handle is @CChomp13. Elon posts Saxon quotes sometimes, he loves him. I think these kids will turn out alright because Justine did a good job
No. 1896193
>>1896088>>1896074Karpathy did leave Tesla around the same time Shivon's twins would have been ~in utero~
It was gonna be a sabbatical but he ended up just leaving the company months later. Hence the rumors.
No. 1896262
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No. 1896273
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Kek this feels forced
No. 1896340
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>>1896188He's certainly very ugly.
No. 1896437
>>1896273This is the politest ‘don’t call me, I’ll call you’ kek. She sounds so unconvincing. It’s clear she doesn’t want anything to do with Grimey.
I also don’t think Claire has good intentions here. If she did, she would have made it more about the fact Elon is taking her son but she’s more obsessed with getting Shivon to like her. She simply sees Shivon getting more attention from Elon atm so she’s trying to muscle in and inject herself into the situation to avoid being shunned completely. Pretty gross.
No. 1896440
>>1896438Had her blocked**
Anyway Elon is trying to make them compete for his fat lard ass and it’s working.
Hugh Hefner used to do the same with his girlfriends, would constantly play them off against each other like that too and try to spark rivalries and fights between them because he loved them competing for his attention.
No. 1896441
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>>1896363There were replies to her alt account that implied X got diagnosed with autism
No. 1896449
>>1896239>Amber Heard seems to have procured underage girls for him too.Uh, what makes you say that?
>>1895423I love how you say "poor heckin monkeyrinos" as though it's cringy to care about animal rights, because if you've taken any medication that has been tested by animals (which we all have), you can't possibly oppose senseless monkey torture that involves "extreme suffering" without also being a moral hypocrite. Also, neither Neuralink nor Elon Musk has ever implied that Neuralink is being developed to "save lives", so I don't even know where you got that from.
No. 1896467
>>1896450>>1896450Nta, but I care. A lot of people so.
Do you really think the neurolink shit will do any good to humanity? It will probably be used as another data gathering tool to sell people more dumb X-adjacent stuff.
No. 1896470
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>>1896465There was a clip of X sitting in his nanny’s lap at the Valorant tournament and he seemed chill even when everyone started booing his dad and chanting “bring back twitter”. I don’t think his autism is that severe, or at least he’s not that sensitive to those situations
No. 1896479
>>1896434I actually find it kind of gross that Claire and Elon pressured Shivon into taking her boundaries down.
It’s clear Shivon doesn’t want anything to do with Claire or to be part of a weird Waco style harem/polycule situation and for this reason she would intentionally avoid Claire. Her reasons for blanking Claire might be petty or legit, but at the end of the day she doesn’t have to be friends with Claire or ‘raise their kids together’ (in the creepy cultish way Grimes is hinting at). Both Claire and Elon are the ones who benefit from this, and no doubt Elon will be enjoying them directly vying for his attention and encouraging them to tattle on each other to prove who is the best cult follower. The whole thing is really sick. I hope Shivon is smart enough to continue to keep Claire at arm’s length and is just saying this stuff back to her out of politeness.
No. 1896490
>>1896481Shivon changed her Twitter location to Palo Alto in the past couple days whereas it has been Austin before but Palo Alto a couple months ago. Maybe she decided to move to get away from the Austin Waco compound. But she posted that video that was clearly in Austin on Friday so who knows. Maybe she is afraid of stalkers and doesn’t want to give away her actual location.
Do we think she really lurks here? There were pictures of her ice climbing when she would have been preparing for IVF implantation and pictures of her in summer 2021 clearly not pregnant with 2021. She doesn’t look like a big person so a twin pregnancy would definitely show by that time. She also posted a pic of herself with friends in November or October 2021 and she wasn’t pregnant. I think she has deleted all these.
I wonder if it was her choice to start posting the twins or if David Koresh pressured her. She participated in the book so I don’t know. I feel like she is about to leave Neuralink tho I have no reason for this feeling. But I don’t know how she can lead an organization if no one respects her because they think she is sleeping with the boss, despite her saying she isn’t/didn’t. Altho there is a tiny part of me (delusional) that thinks it may be truly platonic.
No. 1896492
>>1896479>>1896490You're clearly delusional if you think that Shivon is above and smarter than Claire and Elon and than she don't like all of this.
She had kids with Elon, and that's all you need to know about Shivon. All three of them are awful, dumb people.
No. 1896506
>>1896492I never said said Shivon was the good guy I said she has a right to choose who she and her kids hang around and she’s always known about Claire, so the fact she avoided her for two years means she was never interested in getting to know her and Elon and Claire are both pressuring her to stop having any boundaries which is
abusive/cultish in itself. Now Claire is talking about raising their kids together which sounds cullty and was not something Shivon was interested in before Claire threw a tantrum publicly and Elon stepped in and basically forced them to hang out together. Rich assholes having multiple baby mommas is expected and common but wanting them to all come together and raise their kids as some weird dysfunctional commune family is just creepy.
No. 1896508
>>1896495Same, she’s coming across as a bunny boiler. It seems kind of shitty of Claire that she was allowed to enjoy being number one concubine in peace but she’s not letting Shivon have any peace from her bpd shit. Claire needs to accept Elon will never marry her and that Shivon doesn’t want to be her friend, she should really just walk away and start dating someone else but she won’t because she has zero self respect and still wants to be queen of Mars.
>>1896490If that’s true then I don’t really blame her from wanting to get away from this weird Waco shit. Yeah Shivon is a retarded pickme for getting involved with Elon but I respect the fact she doesn’t want to live in some weird polyamorous sexual harem with Grimey and Elon, which is what they both want. Now she’s getting pressured into an uncomfortable threesome situation by both of them and told she has to share her kids with Grimes. Its just very gross. Even if Shivon is a retard and muskwhore, she at least had the self respect to not join in their weird polycule shit before. I really hope she’s not going to start now. I wouldn’t trust Claire or Elon at all.
No. 1896579
>>1896513It feels like Claire is going to hang onto Elon for dear life no matter what. She’s also got narc delulus of grandeur and she’s never going to let the Mars thing go. She’s completely brainwashed and it sounds like Elon’s working overtime to brainwash Shivon too. Kinda both of them are wasting the remainder of their youth on a scrote who doesn’t give a fuck about anything to do with them besides her eggs and will discard them as soon as the kids are old enough (he’s already doing it to Claire)
>>1896538I imagine the kids at their private school will be similarly autistic children made by similarly weird soulless Silicone Valley autists.
>>1896504Definitely. Claire’s panicking because she’s slowly but surely being edged out of the picture. Becoming friends with Shivon who is currently the object of Elon’s affections is her only hope of scraping some attention for herself. I have a feeling Shivon is going to continue to blank her tho. Grimes is a public figure and I’m sure Shivon knows all about her. You don’t ignore someone for two years then suddenly become all chummy and bffs. They’re still competing against one another, just even more passive aggressively now vs the weird poems and blocking function earlier.
No. 1896651
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>>1896365This article is also claiming that Shivon carried the kids, both articles seem to be taking the book as their source: as anons have pointed out, Shivon never appeared pregnant. She’s supposed to be 3-4 months pregnant with twins here?: No. 1896681
>>1896670If we assume this book is truthful then I don’t think Shivon and Musk were anything but platonic. If she gave birth 7 months premature (common with twin pregnancies) and he wasn’t at the birth like he was for grimes and X then that leads me to believe he really was only a sperm donor who later got possessive and wanted them to have his name.
However how are we supposed to believe that Shivon was 7 months pregnant with twins at the office, something she would not have been able to hide, and nobody asked any questions about who the father was.
No. 1896709
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Who looks better?(retarded bait)
No. 1896727
>>1896651ex-wife claire boucher???
what the fuck they were married?
If this book is wrong about the marriage thing its probably wrong about shivon carrying the twins.
No. 1896747
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>>1896709shivon creeps me out… i'd pick grimey. she at least used to be cute (picrel)
No. 1896762
>>1896555is it well known these drugs cause cancer? If it's not, rich people doctors are more than happy to ignore complications and issues when it comes to giving their clients what they want. I doubt any of the docs giving ozempic to rich fatties are being particularly careful with the "treatment" beyond maybe aesthetics if they're the one in charge of that not the fatty/their manager. At most a "hey there are some risks but I'll write the script if you
really want it anyways" before laughing their way to the bank is what you'll get sometimes.
>>1896651>source?>trust me broyeah there's no way claire asked and got a surrogate but not shivon. her and elon probably bonded over the "tech future" of surrogacy allowing us to "surpass biology" as this man does the archetypical "immortality through biological progeny" scrote trope
>>1896685I agree it's a bit iffy to speculate on the child, but nobody seems to really be a-logging about the kids here and there are so many public tweets which makes it worth discussing and it's also more about elon who has the tism which means he's more like to pass it on on top of his ancient sperm. Plus with the tweets it seems grimes might want to munchie her way into an autism diagnosis through her kids
>>1887926 so it's worth keeping that in mind for future milk
>>1896709they both look like different outcomes of csa, woman about to snap and deranged non human larper
No. 1896807
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>>1896762>is it well known these drugs cause cancer? If it's not, rich people doctors are more than happy to ignore complications and issues when it comes to giving their clients what they wantI'm in agreement with you and I wouldn't have even mentioned it, but risk of thyroid tumors/cancer is the first thing mentioned under "important safety information" on the drugs' own websites and I think it may be a black box warning now. Given how the drug caused thyroid tumors and cancer liberally in animals with no history of neoplasia, any sane doctor could not prescribe this to someone with a history of thyroid cancer. imho we will eventually see more tumors/cancer associated with semaglutide, it just hasn't been trendy long enough. (There have already been human cases documented in medical journals.)
All that said, Musk will get what he wants and maybe he is stupid enough to risk a deadly outcome instead of changing his diet or going to a gym. I just think that the thyroid cancer theory has one big problem: his use of Wegovy/Ozempic.
No. 1896852
>>1896303>>1896300They are both undesirable pickmes getting high on attention. Shivon is even more of an NLOG than Grimey, at least Claire has friends that are women. Shivon has taken pains through her life to bogart male attention, her whole mating strategy is to have as little competition as possible and impress boys, right down to her hobbies and majors. She is probably fucking unbearable to be around and it will only get worse if she keeps using drugs to keep up with Elon, she seems happy to burn up her whole life as long as she stays picked. Looking forward to the crash, hope she becomes dependent on whatever drugs she's using with her new daddy and it's unhinged and milky. Really feeling bad for her daughter tho.
>>1896380Lmao absolute lie, she definitely used a surrogate. Birth is ugly and makes men squeamish, she would never. No pics of the bump ever, with twins at that. Sloppy, stupid lie.
No. 1896856
>>1896450>Telling me to drop something because you personally don't careTake your meds and stop replying to my posts instead of pseudo-moderating - I don't care about you not caring. Plenty of normal people who go outside, wash their hair and lead meaningful lives care about monkeys being tortured, which is why I'll continue talking about it.
>>1896709Putting Shivon/Amber/whoever on a pedestal because you hate Grimes so much comes off as kinda pathetic, ngl. People are constructing this image of Shivon and Elon being a family, and Grimes being this homewrecking bunny boiler who is trying to destroy everything (despite having his kids first??). Doesn't that sound exactly like the kind of woe is me-narrative a malignant narcissist like Elon would want to construct to maintain control over his ex and their children? I'm not saying that Claire isn't being unhinged, but the triangulation this man is creating with Shivon makes me think he's playing mind games with Claire behind the scenes. He's a psycho who hates women (especially emotional ones, because they remind him of the fact he's a half-human who's unable to feel) so of course he's manipulating the shit out of both of them
No. 1896865
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>saying these things about Amber without realizing that you're next
No. 1896889
>>1896865If Amber is so
toxic why did Kimbal go to Chile for vacation with her and Elon, and told his father how nice she is…
No. 1896914
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>>1896709Unfair comparison nonna, Shivon is very average looking except for her bulging blue eyes. You can tell it's her main personality trait. I perhaps will do an edit of her with brown eyes, so you guys can stop simping kek
>>1896747Claire is not cute! You guys need to stop making this swamp-haired monstrosity into something she isn't. Very basic looking Canadian mutt with small eyes/big nose. Her face is hard to look at.
>>1896865This biography was most likely bought by Musk, Amber was too
toxic? Kekkkk Kimbal needs to just look at his pedophile incestuous dad to define the word "
toxic", they're an insanly great fit for Amber.
Short-necked Claire needs to exhale a little faster with her giant flat nose to seethe a little harder for Amber. What an insufferable cunt she is, all that
toxic Amber talk, yet Musk is shillled as an empath who can only fo good.
At this point I think Amber was the first person to break Musks heart completely kek it's all he ever talks about. Move on nigga.
No. 1896916
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Her precious E
No. 1896920
>>1896852>Claire has friends who are womenHow do you know Shivon doesn’t have any female friends?
>all her interests are to get male attention Pretty retarded and also sexist to say certain hobbies or interests are male only and that women only get into them for attention. In that case, Claire who can’t go two seconds without mentioning D&D, totalitarianism and eugenics is an even bigger moid skinwalker.
No. 1896925
>>1896922it’s a troll pretending to be serious, ignore it. probably resident troon blaine trying to larp as claire and get the thread locked for infighting.
>>1896920this, let’s not pretend claire hasn’t spent her entire life mirroring her brothers, boyfriends and moids interests for her entire life to seem not like other girls.
>>1896865she’s so painfully jealous of amber and can’t even hide it. sad! she effortlessly captured and broke elon’s heart meanwhile elon wouldn’t cry if claire died tomorrow. must sting the hell out of her.
>>1896856i suspect this is the troll but we hate claire because she’s besties with elitist fascists and racists who want to implement a political system that would kill millions if not billions of people, not because she’s a dork or unattractive or whatever. god you’re dumb.
No. 1896957
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Fucking kek, he gave her the silent treatment over some mobile game. Standard abusive scrote behaviour.
No. 1897000
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>>1896957the game he thinks is intellectually superior to chess
No. 1897001
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>>1897000It looks like a kids game tbh
No. 1897002
>>1896858can these twitter tards please learn to read and grow the fuck up. we have 30+ yr old baby mamas and a soon geriatric fuck acting like theyre in high school. theyre all retarded and the children suffer the most out of this. theyll need therapy when they grow up.
tmuskrat is the mastermind because he hates women and gets off on seeing shivon and claire scramble for his attention. my tinfoil is that he wants a threesome with them eventually
No. 1897015
>>1896949Some nonnas are loving the opportunity to live vicariously thru Elon's stable hoes, saw this happen when he started seeing Claire. He buys prostitutes and sees other women when possible so it's p likely these public appearances and relationships are encouraged by his PR and handlers
>>1896976U do know Tallulah got him to marry her twice for the bag, and didn't have any of his kids? He dumped money on Amber too even though she didn't want his kids (until she had a daughter with their embryo out of spite kek) or marriage. He was going public with declarations of marriage to Natasha Bassett, even per his own mommy dearest, and then Natasha dumped his azz. He was embarrassed that he ever fucked Shiv and made her pretend they didn't til the cat was out of the bag that he used a surrogate with her, no whisper of marriage, nothing. Same with Claire but he at least brought her to galas etc what's he do for Shivon? She had to have her mom and dad raise their bastard babies while she worked around the clock for Elon's failing companies (wonder if he even pays her fairly kek). Shivon gets nothing from this but being picked, that's all she wanted. Elon still doesn't want to be seen with her (clearly look at the pics, the stories) but this is definitely being encouraged by his PR and handlers, his public image is delicate, he's a literal crackhead who lost lots of ppl a lot of money.
No. 1897035
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No. 1897049
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Elon Musk looks like the pale lady, especially as he ages. a truly grotesque specimen. he should NOT be reproducing.
No. 1897064
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this biography is truly delivering
No. 1897082
>>1897035Elon looks so Asian in that bottom pic wtf. He’s looking more and more Asian as he ages, literally becoming a depigmented old Chinese man.
>>1897064Just shows how little he respects Claire or cares about her opinion/approval that not even her calling him fat all the time could stop him from binge eating constantly kek.
>>1897042I don’t think Elon is physically ugly (definitely nowhere as strange or ugly as Daniel) but he’s definitely ugly inside and a bad person. I also think Elon was less attractive in his youth than he is now, his face is more defined now (probably due to HGH use) and the hair transplant helped a lot.
No. 1897087
>>1897082He’s definitely had some fillers and botox. He used to have big fat deposits under his eyes but now they’re more level so he must have had undereye filler. His skin also looks more smooth and taut now (like Putin’s) so he might have had a mini face lift or something. He seems like someone who is very pro plastic surgery especially since he usually funds his broodmares to get it done.
>>1896709At least post a current picture of Claire aka post botched surgery.
>>1896957Kek I agree with the other poster, Elon would NEVER have treated Amber like that. Claire and Shivon really are his bottom bitches that he had to settle for and thus treats like shit.
No. 1897091
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Saging because this has been mentioned but didnt see the whole article here it is No. 1897104
>>1896467Agreed. Disgusting,
abusive experiments for no good reason. Elon deserves to have the same treatment done on him, don't care how many of his dicksuckers/monkey hate psychos try to defend it.
No. 1897136
>>1896957Jfc I have even less respect for Claire and Shivon now knowing they put up with this fat manbaby’s temper tantrums over mobile games.
People who keep saying C and S are poor innocent little
victims need to stfu already, they’re both 35 year old women who knew better and still decided to suck Melon’s dick because they want the money and status of being associated with the worlds richest man. Yes Elon is the worst person in this situation but please stop sympathizing with these insufferable enabling groupie hags, they knew exactly what they were doing, still shill for and defend him, and are horrible examples to their daughters and other young girls too.
No. 1897159
>>1897091>He associates love with being mean or abusive Lol. Glaring red flag.
>Its because of his father. There’s an Errol-Amber through lineLol at Claire armchairing and pulling a Freud on Elon.
No. 1897174
>>1897159Elon needs a woman like Amber who berates and beats him. He’s a perfect example of why insecure narcissistic moids need to be reigned in by a tough dominant woman otherwise they become insufferable. Errol tried to toughen Elon up and make him a streetwise and masculine South African white kid in his youth but instead he ended up as a flabby computer addicted manchild with a ballbusting fetish kek. What a shame.
>>1895901Interestingly RR said his father was
abusive and they had a really bad relationship, but he still wanted to name his first son after him? He’s another one with a broodmare/son fetish. Seems to be a strong correlation between moids with daddy issues and being
abusive control freaks who are obsessed with having an army of scrotelet mini mes.
No. 1897176
>>1897174Most moids who are abused by their fathers end up idolizing and craving the approval of their
abusive fathers, while hating and abusing women.
Andrew Tate also said his dad Emory Tate was
abusive and would force him to play chess on schoolnights until 4 in the morning and scream and yell and berate him until Andrew cried, while Andrew’s mom tried to intervene and told Emory to stop torturing his son. In the end Emory also walked out on his family and left them broke and poor, but Tate still ended up idolizing his father and singing his praises, while saying his mom tried to sabotage him by stepping in to stop his dad abusing him, he hates women and abuses them even though it was his piece of shit father who made him into a psychopath. Sounds like Elon and Reynolds are the exact same. Just boymom things.
No. 1897210
>>1897191>>1897192Are you actually comparing the human social order to a fucking monkey’s? Who the fuck cares how an animal behaves, they don’t deserve to continue their existence based upon our anthropologic and judicial integrities, they are a vital part of their ecosystems and should be respected to remain in them indefinitely. Like I’m just confused as to how you can hold monkeys to the standards of a human? It’s like they wronged you in some way kek.
I also don’t think animal testing should be opposed however Neuralink are very much a human founded company and should observe the ethics established regarding animal testing within the scientific community. Maybe they didn’t break any laws, but there’s a reason why Harlow’s experiments weren’t replicated. For Neuralink to continue these trials unsuccessfully, there is something wrong. They need to go back to the drawing table and demote to testing on rats.
No. 1897236
>>1896807thanks for the info, I'm betting in the coming years we're going to start seeing a bunch of celebs getting thyroid issues and elon's definitely an idiot if he's still taking it with a clear warning like that. He admitted to doing it before in a tweet and I wonder if the doc got him off now or if he was just warned of the newly discovered risks
>>1896839I was sure Justine's kids were all natural but you're right, after his first kid it seems elon went totally IVF. Wonder why that happened. The twins were born to Justine but it was IVF so I wonder if the guy isn't good at conceiving?
>>1896966his actual mother still having to scold him on basic shit adults should get ("yes you enjoyed the extra hours playing video games but the people sitting around waiting for you to show up didn't" - newsflash for autistic men everywhere). Absolute moid tism incarnate. For as annoying as an autistic woman can get, they never act like this
>>1897144you'd be surprised, there are rather high levels of self-hating indians. Especially those of lighter skin who live their whole lives larping white and spend time around racists because they think it makes them honourary whites to be friendly with them. It's like light skinned white nationalist latinos. It's self-hatred and an internalisation that whites are better and you're so close to being "good". No idea if she does but at the very least she's ok with elon's racist entourage and opinions and it'd be weird if grimes was the only one of them catering to that side of him tbh
>>1897143after this I'd question all of it tbh. this guy clearly sucks dick for cash
No. 1897282
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>>1897074They don’t literally say it but that’s how people act with him. Some variation of this convo happens in one of her subs like every other day. It’s mostly redditards but I’ve seen glimpses of it here before. A lot of his shittiness is a direct result of his autism but people refuse to admit it
No. 1897314
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>>1897273she openly talked about having unprotected sex to get pregnant and made a whole song about it kek elon’s dick is broken for real
No. 1897344
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>>1897332That man is so full of shit. His sociopathy knows no bounds.
No. 1897365
>>1896856Lmao. I can't believe that me expressing that it's highly likely that Elon, a malignant narcissist with a history of abuse towards both partners and employees, is going to control the narrative by painting Grimes as crazy and him as a poor autistic little boy who has been burned in the past by wenches like evil Amber makes me a troll, a troon, a BPDemon, a Grimes defender, etc.. I am NOT saying that Grimes isn't behaving unhinged (unfortunately most of you are miserable schizos in a bucket who can't help but have an emotional knee-jerk reaction whenever you think Grimes is being defended because of pathological envy), I'm saying that men like Elon will use that to their advantage to gain the sympathy of the public and maintain unjust control over her and/or their children. Shitty, unhinged BPD women can be abused and manipulated too, and Grimes can be a
victim of abuse WHILE saying stupid shit in interviews, catering to Elon's
abusive mentality, etc.
No. 1897399
>>1897314Her talking like a literal teenager who has their virginity taken by having "unprotected sex" like mam you was a big 31 when yall fucked. Her smelly pussy was most likely stretched by random hipster guys since middle school and now she acts all holy and childish. What an insane old loser she is.
Unprotected sex my ass, she probably got Herpes and Genital warts from Elons STDick.
She really deserves all of this and I genuinely hope Elon keeps abusing her till she's old and gets the Justine treatment. No sympathy for ugly bitches with short necks.
File: 1694594696184.gif (419.87 KB, 220x144, 혼파망-피자.gif)

Holy shit, went offline for a few days and i come back to this absolute flood of milk.
I'll better start preparing new thread, we 100% will hit 1100 if not 1200 posts today
No. 1897426
>>1897365>painting grimes as crazy No one needs to paint claire as crazy. Imaging being this retarded
> you are miserable schizos in a bucket who can't help but have an emotional knee-jerk reaction whenever you think Grimes is being defended because of pathological envyRight, we all wish we could be her right now, botched and fried with 3 of elon musks kids and 90% of fans now haters . Lets not forget her incredible songs she 100% made herself.
>Her smelly pussy was most likely stretched by random hipster guys since middle schoolPeople who type like this dont have sex, and shouldn't have sex. Posts like this make me glad the chad to virgin hierarchy exists. Its so people like this will never mate and produce offspring unless they use fakery like elons hair plugs and likely penis surgery.
No. 1897439
>>1897429Yeah finasteride can nuke mens sex drives and can cause erectile dysfunction. Elon being overweight and addicted to carbs and junk food probably doesnt help either, many overweight men in their 50s can’t get erections either, I wouldn’t be surprised if Elon is diabetic or prediabetic which can also cause ED.
The fact he spends all his spare time playing videogames also suggests he isn’t having sex, and he’s also talked about going for very long periods without sex on twitter before.
No. 1897458
>>1897210NTA but the human social order evolved
from monkeys, not the other way around.
No. 1897488
>>1896957Elon has a meltdown over a game of Polytopia but Amber is
toxic somehow
No. 1897499
File: 1694613906897.jpeg (875.39 KB, 1170x1825, IMG_4749.jpeg)

(1/2) Elon posting Heard’s cosplay for epic dudebro points
No. 1897500
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(2/2) Elon posting Heard’s cosplay for epic dudebro points
>>1897499 No. 1897534
>>1897448Calm down with the confirmation nonsense, we're still figuing shit out since this book is obviously half lies and for all we know Elon claimed all his kids were ivf but forgot to mention x wasn't.
>>1897500Wow Amber probably had it easy with this idiot who can't see facial expressions kek
But seriously though this man needs to get Amber out of his mouth and mind, god knows what other pics he's saved of all his exes
No. 1897537
>>1897519funny timing he would post this when excerpts of that part of the book are circling kek. he really is either trying to fuck with her head or that sociopathically lacking in empathy he doesn't realize what a dig this is
>>1897536also this, she's wearing half the cosplay, where is the bottom half?
No. 1897599
>>1897499>>1897500I think he has some sort of cuck fetish, or whatever creeps who get off on sharing their partners' nudes online are called. Talulah, who was larping as a virginal tradwife, mind you, said this:
>She also likes dressing up for Elon. 'He enjoys it when I wear smart dresses to functions. There's a real power in heels and a good dress. Men are visual creatures. He's proud when I do underwear photo shoots, so I've been doing a few of those, too.'He likes displaying his women's bodies to strangers for some reason
No. 1897624
>>1897138Didn't think of it this way, but yeah everything he's doing is consistent w him suddenly being very aware of his mortality
>>1897562This absolutely. No risk of her outshining him in any way, he's such a transparent slug and liar even claire manages to be more interesting with her genuine drug enhanced psychosis.
No. 1897640
>>1897500Elon would neverrrrrrr post a pic of grimes on the feed
I kinda feel bad for Claire, like why would he post photos of his ex while actively in relationships with other women?
No. 1897670
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>>1897534>forgot to mention x wasn’t That’s not how it went, why even comment if you don’t know what we’re referring to? I guess it could be a completely pointless lie but he is definitely lying about the embryo somehow accidentally turning out male.
No. 1897708
>>1897670Elon obviously has the final say in everything so I’m not surprised at all he switched the embryos and made it male instead.
But yeah this book is so annoying it’s full of bullshit and seems very badly written.
(sage your shit) No. 1897858
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She continues to have the worst hair of any celebrity I’ve ever seen.
No. 1897951
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shivon disses her bestie
No. 1897953
>>1897951they're such petty pick-mes kek
this is absolutely hilarious and I just wish there weren't a number of children in the middle of all this nonsense
No. 1897978
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>>1897969Awwww do you love Jaundice Depp? You better go say your goodbyes He’s going to die soon and leave a disgustingly hideous, bloated corpse. Tick tock!
No. 1897996
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>>1897980someone needs to make a compilation of amber's antics outside of Depp like her racist tweets and ayn rand love because the simping/caping is getting hilarious and she would 100% bully most of the females wking her unless they looked like johnny depp.
No. 1897998
>>1897499>It was awesome.God he's just so cringe. I can imagine his autistic yellow-toothed smile when he took this
>>1897500 if he even did.
No. 1898017
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>>1898009wow queen amber cares so much about racism and definitely wasn't making a joke! just like in this e-mail where she def wasn't mocking a homeless black guy
No. 1898019
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Amber is an angel.(bait)
No. 1898165
>>1898017We dont have any context for this email whatsoever ?? Or do we ? Can any nonitas provide
The nannies and gardners tweet might be a little tone deaf but her intention wasnt bad. In bev hills A LOT of the staff are illegal immigrants and anyone in that area knows that. Her tweet could have actually helped someone. I get why the woke mob seethed but shes not a racist for implying that nannies and gardners are often illegal immigrants— thats literally the reality in LA. Amber is based.
Now for the milk, raw and grassfed nonnies. Sorry for reddit link but this video is fucking hilarious, ~oUr LaDy oF pErpETual REtardedNess~ No. 1898209
File: 1694723759807.webm (1.23 MB, 534x480, grimes word salad.webm)
>>1898165Saved it just in case
>>1898176eh, it's kinda nitpicky but tbh I find younger people just don't realise how common racism is now that it's more hidden and even the small stuff is scrubbed from celebs' public persona so it was probably worth being brought up for the ambernons. No point going over it more though. They can love her anyways obviously, plenty love azaelia here knowing everything about her
No. 1898258
>>1898219It’s an ugly crochet hat that happens to be the same color as her awful hair. I almost thought we were finally free from her fuck ugly red glasses but she wore them on stage… someone needs to throw them out while she’s sleeping
>>1898249Aww she’s so sweet when she’s not bullying the help
No. 1898270
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Did he have more work done? Looking real uncanny today.
No. 1898303
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S posts a video where E is dancing with their daughter.
No. 1898476
>>1898474tbf she was 19 at that point and admitted she was an angry immature lil edgelord because she was being abused by her bf at the time and was lashing out at people.
she later apologized and said it’s because she had been sexually harassed by other photographers and agents but terry had always been nice to her and never made her do anything she didn’t want to, even when she was an unknown model in her teens and he could easily have taken advantage of her. she said other photographers had tried to grope and rape her but terry had always been cool and non creepy with her, he banged on the door and told his guy friend to get out of the bathroom to let her change in there because he could tell she didn’t want to change in front of the shoot crew. terry is definitely a predator but i guess it’s hard to see someone in a bad light if they’ve always been nice to you. she’s matured a lot now it seems.
No. 1898513
>>1897640I bet Elon is still extreeeeeemely mad about the tweet Claire deleted. It hurt his public image and made him look really bad. He’s freezing her out, hanging out with Shivon and tweeting pics of his exes now to
trigger her. I have a feeling he won’t forgive her for that tweet and that the public peace treaty with Shivon was 100% forced. The whole thing is hilarious tbh, an absolute clusterfuck between 3 clusterbees (4 if you include Amber) the milk just keeps on flowing from these cows.
No. 1898539
>>1898519Tallulah also DPD based on the book excerpts. I agree that Amber fits those two more than NPD. Justine is his only mentally stable ex.
It would be interesting to watch what happens if Elon dated a fellow NPD.
No. 1898563
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Grimey pretends to care about family values and healthy relationships
No. 1898589
Reading about Elon's and Claire's first dates makes me believe Elon is actually retarded.
>Musk invited her to fly up to Fremont to visit his factory, his idea of a good date. "We just walked the floor all night, and I watched him try to fix things," Grimes says.
What a great idea for a first date! Let's walk around this empty factory and I'll show you how manly I am by "fixing" cars.
The factory workers were probably annoyed because they had to fix the stuff Musk was trying to fix to impress Claire.
Second date:
>The next night, while driving her to a restaurant, he showed how fast the car accelerated, then took his hands off the wheel, covered his eyes, and let her experience Autopilot.
>At the restaurant, he carved "EM+CB" on the wall.
>When she compared his powers to those of Gandalf, he gave her a rapid-fire trivia test on Lord of the Rings. He wanted to see whether she was truly a faithful fan.
>She passed. "That mattered to me," Musk says.
Brilliant! Show her how fast your car can go and flex with its features (like autopilot). Impress her by vandalizing the restaurant. Make her take a pop culture trivia test to see if she is a true and honest fan.
Elon should write dating guides for neckbeards.
No. 1898602
>>1898593Duke Leto was actually loyal to Jessica and didn't have 200 offspring from 25 baby mamas. Claire was delusional from the start so this was just her way to cope with the fact that he will never marry her. She wanted him to, as exhibited by that cringy "your immortal wife" song.
>>1898596She really believes she is infiltrating the autistic Silicon Valley scene and controlling them from the shadows for her own goals which is just hilarious. She can't even control Elon from humiliating her, dating other women or prohibiting her to see her son.
No. 1898606
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>>1898602But he did have another concubine before Jessica, who was very jealous and more like grimey. They also had a son. Let’s just say it didn’t end well.
>>1898593I wonder if Shivon’s son has autism… if not then X may actually get displaced as protégé as they grow older. It will be interesting to see what happens in 20 years or so.
No. 1898631
>>1898602> She really believes she is infiltrating the autistic Silicon Valley scene and controlling them from the shadows for her own goals which is just hilarious. She can't even control Elon from humiliating her, dating other women or prohibiting her to see her son.Kek, this. Well said nona. She really thinks of herself as some medieval imperial concubine. None of those women were ever actually empowered btw, they were being controlled and played off against each other by the moid emperor/king and the only people those women ever exerted cruelty towards were slaves, their female competitors children, servants or the other women, almost never the moid (and when they did they would be punished and suffer a fate worse than death) Most of those concubines met grim fates, like being executed or forced to kill themselves, captured by foreign powers and gangraped to death. But I guess someone like Claire who never actually reads about history in depth romanticizes being a side bitch living in a completely patriarchal system. She’s been demoted from being a side bitch now. Truly over for her.
>>1898623Kek also this. Remember a couple months ago how was praising concubines and saying how ~creative, powerful and wise~ they were. And also how patriarchy is a good thing. Well this is her taste of real patriarchy: a narc moid calling all the shots and not giving a single fuck about how she feels. You reap what you sow, Grimey.
No. 1898638
>>1898602lol, most silicon valley autists take pride in not caring about art outside of video games and The Matrix movies so there's no hope of someone like her having any influence on them.
That's probably why she keeps trying to get into AI on a business level - the people she's trying to impress and get in the circles of dgaf abut new music from her but might pay attention to her AI venture.
No. 1898650
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>>1898590she cared more about being embarrassed than the safety and emotional health of her children
No. 1898687
Posting a bit early but idk if i'll have time later, so
>>>/snow/1898682>>>/snow/1898682>>>/snow/1898682 No. 1898790
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>>1897858This look is just no. Is she trying to look ugly on purpose? Imagine going to a debate dressed up like this and expecting anyone taking you seriously.
No. 1898804
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From the book.
Anons itt who think Amber looks like she is being held hostage in the cosplay pic should know Amber is doing it for the money. The nonna who said Amber has ASPD might be onto something. Kimball openly dislikes her and then compares her to his father. How bad is Errol? Elon of course is just a fool for love. Kek.
(Posting this to the old thread so the Amber stans don't come to the new one.)