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No. 1933243[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/1904806

Main herd & latest milk:
> Laura:
Leg-lifter, sock-swallower, face-scratcher, and [insert future diagnosis here] extraordinaire. Loves being inpatient and also loves a Starbucks barista nearly 10 years her senior. Something of a Pro-Ana Scumbags graduate, as her antics have evolved and are no longer primarily related to her eating…disorder.
- Already back from a pathetically short attempt at not posting everything online after finally leaving ip after 4 years. There were a lot of "I used to be skinny" and "look I had a toob" throwback posts plus current selfies which are too boring to link. The first things she did with her new freedom was get a really bad and expensive dye job >>1911762 and have a terrible passport photo taken.
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No. 1976652

She’s so big she doesn’t even have one… It’s covered in fat

No. 1977075

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may your bpd is showing

No. 1977078

They gave her a meal plan that’s only 470 calories? Surely not

No. 1977102

She’s saying she was on 450 calories before going into the hospital. Not that long ago she said it was 500. She’s a liar and obsessed with making everything seem terrible in her life when all she needs to do is put in some fucking effort

No. 1977105

Wasn’t this the admission she insisted on claiming she’d had no nutrition for five days?

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No. 1548521[Reply]

Jesse Sullivan is a 31-year-old ftm trans influencer who peer pressured her daughter/cash cow into trooning out too and has now become viral on TikTok. When she isn't being the trans equivalent of a munchie mom, she is taking her underage daughter to Coachella, or going through messy breakups.

>Jesse started testosterone and came out as transgender 2 years ago; up until that point was an openly lesbian influencer

>Jesse got pregnant as a teenager and currently has a 13 year old daughter named Arlo
>She treats her daughter more like a best friend than a child; all of their posts are just the two of them hanging out like friends and neither Arlo nor Jesse seem to have any age-appropriate friendships. Jesse took Arlo to Coachella and drinks with her
>Jesse brags about how her high school boyfriend/baby daddy was still trying to get back together with her until she transitioned
>in 2016 Jesse was in a relationship with this woman Teela, they were planning for a baby and everything then they broke up and a couple years later Jesse came out as trans
>Jesse and Teela raised Arlo really heavily into lgbt politics and were "queer mommy influencers"; according to Jesse, Arlo was identifying as genderfluid at age 7
>recently under the influence of her "trans dad", Arlo has trooned out and is now nonbinary and transmasculine. Jesse is planning to start Arlo on hormones and they talk abt getting top surgery together
>they blew up on TikTok for the gimmick of being a "trans dad with a trans son", regularly pull in 1m+ views per video. they shit out tens of TikToks per week that are all about trans related topics, "trans family topics," "transition goals for me and my kid"
>general cow-worthy presence with constant TikToks, Jesse's cringe "hello fellow kids" thing with her daughter and trying to appeal to teenagers on Tiktok, and the fact she is insanely egotistical and thinks her online activism is "changing the world" in her words
>Jesse and Arlo have gotten some mainstream media attention, including magazine interviews/covers and Jesse is in the documentary "My Transparent Life". She is now launching an acting career and was in a fPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1974282

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She's trying to have another child with current gf. Pray for that kid. Poor Arlo will feel replaced.

No. 1974394

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all the recent pics are of herself and the gf. arlo is def getting replaced

No. 1974516

i noticed this too. i don't know whether to feel relieved for arlo as she is finally getting out of her mother's clutches, or feel bad because she probably has no one else in her life

No. 1974855

I wonder if they did reciprocal IVF. Jesse talked about it on a podcast, but in order to do reciprocal you have to get shot up with estrogen before they take your eggs. There's no way in hell this troon gave up testosterone, let alone injected estrogen. Probably better for the world that any baby they have doesn't have her retard genes anyway.

Praying that Arlo is currently touching grass and doing regular kid stuff, but even if she is, it's gotta hurt to be cast aside like that. Poor thing.

No. 1975740

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mommie troonist posted a bunch of tiktoks with arlo. tinfoil, but could it be that she was lurking here and wants to deflect the criticism about replacing arlo with the new baby/ivf shit?

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No. 925620[Reply]

Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka is the 40-something founder of dead comedy forum Something Awful and prolific game streamer. Something Awful was a highly influential site in the early 2000s and arguable the origin of modern meme culture, but due to chronic mismanagement and neglect, the site has been doomed to obscurity. Still, there still remains a good deal of people on the site who retain goodwill towards Lowtax and currently fund his Patreon to the tune of $9000 per month (down from $15,000 at its peak). In a shadow of its former self, SA is now known more for being a hive of crazy trannies and commies.

Since founding SA, Lowtax has been riding on the coattails of its success. He has never worked another job, hence his need to e-beg. On the other hand, he did have some romantic success. He married a highly religious Asian woman and had two daughters with her, but they later divorced.

Currently Lowtax has drawn some attention to himself for his marital troubles with Ashli, a Canadian woman who he married about five years ago and has another daughter with. Ashli is currently in a domestic violence shelter with their daughter hiding from Lowtax, while Lowtax claims that he never abused her and that Ashli is stealing their daughter.

On the other hand, Lowtax has been seen spending time with Logan Day, a 25-year-old woman from Utah with BPD. Lowtax claims that he and Logan are just business associates who are working together to turn around the image of SA with Logan's strategic marketing skills. Time will tell if they will be able to turn the forums around…

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GamingGarbage
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPoSHO-OOTb0rqZr6bJlMkQ
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No. 1381820

Damn, you guys are evil as fuck(learn2sage)

No. 1381991

embalm lowtax and install him in one of those punchbag arcade machines. or as a fortune teller giving terrible life advice.

No. 1601184

if they weren't complete losers of fail the somethingawful people could've easily programmed an AI Lowtax by now.

No. 1611972


No. 1975593


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No. 1278806[Reply]

New fag bringing up dusty milk but seen she wasn’t posted here.

> “Ex” Meth user from Reno

> Sister who is her twin, Maggie, is insane, constantly in and out of jail, also meth head
> Had a few videos get views for being a teen mom, with her ex Dallas who is also, as a huge user
> Somehow kept custody of her daughter even though never a stable living environment
> Let’s her meth user sister live with them anytime she gets out of prison, or really anyone with a pulse
> Half a dozen people atleast have lived in their shacks and trailer with her young daughter there
> no real furniture or possessions just things they find on the side of the road, except for Sean’s Xbox they magically have money for
> Brags constantly about being a quack head cleaning whatever dump they are living in
> Constantly smoking, doesn’t stop even though she is pregnant, always a pack of camel cigarettes somewhere in most videos
> Her mother kicked her out of their run down condo for undisclosed reasons, most likely because she found them using. Was living in squalor in one room with her daughter for years and boyfriend Sean
> Her bf sean can never hold a job because he can never pass a drug test
> Nicole works several jobs at a time at all dead end places: gas stations, movie theatre concessions, deli work, ect.
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No. 1966561

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Hi it's Nicole Barham I'm thoroughly amused to see people are still talking about me like I didn't quit doing YouTube 4 years ago I just wanted to thank you all for keeping me so relevant and wanted to comment on your want to be TMZ fake news bunk ass website but it's okay you guys can make up all the bullshit you want of me it's clear that you're absolutely obsessed with my day to day doings and that is absolutely flattering and I was excited to see that despite the absolute bullshit lies made to mold your own agenda and make me appear as someone completely opposite of who I am I absolutely am thrilled and thoroughly amused by this thread I'll probably share it to my fan page for a good laugh it's sad that you insignificant nobody's feel the need to reflect your inner feelings about yourself onto other people but what can I say when you're beautiful and full of so much potential like me and my family it's a no-brainer that there's going to be haters just seething at the fact that they're basic unfulfilled lives are so dull and boring that they get their kicks from trying to tear down actual successful and genuinely good people down but like I said you're keeping me relevant despite the fact that I haven't posted a video over 4 years thank you so much for your support LOL and just as an update Straight from Nicole barham herself my kids and I are doing wonderful and have gone through so much hell this past year when Sean died so get your fucking news right next time you're embarrassing yourself okay? But thank you for giving your time and energy to shouting out my YouTube channel used as an outlet to show the raw realities of being a young mom and real life so there is bound to be plenty of videos where I'm not wearing any makeup and definitely look like a meth head hahaha but I can't expect any of you to know what being real looks like so I don't hold it against you anyways here's an updated picture of me since you guys care so much(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1975382

Update she is currently addicted to fentanyl and other substances. She does not have her kids they were taken away due to multiple arrests. Last I heard she had another warrant out for her arrest and Sean passed from an overdose of fentanyl.(unsaged, unsourced, this is an imageboard)

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No. 1968391[Reply]

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No. 1974224

new thread >>>/snow/1974223

No. 1974225

So online shit talkers get life but child rapists get “rehabilitation” and parole, fuck I hate it here

No. 1974243

holy fuck they’re coddled so badly and he’s weaponized so much therapy speak that he can even justify murder in his mind

Men get worse by the minute

No. 1974311

I wish I could show this video to every human on the planet

No. 1974381


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No. 1759128[Reply]

Who is colours?

Laura has BPD. Here's what we know:
•moved back to the UK from Canada after losing her job due to BPD antics
•"ONLY" has a police report against her from her old therapist… NOT a restraining order! (Much better)
•desperate for IP treatment so has decided the NHS has set out to kill her as they deny her ALL treatment
•making a habit of "overdosing" on uppers and downers and running to A&E for some treatment that the NHS are clearly denying her.
•blew up on an old friend for basically telling her to pull her shit together

Why does she get her own thread?
She was caught vendetta posting against some of our Pro-Ana threads and her PUBLIC Instagram account reflects an imageboard. Only she is allowed to bully others..publicly, on Instagram. But this evil site needs shut down, and she's reporting all of our "accounts"

Anyway. Take this plague here rather than the proana threads please.

See where she was put to Pasture here: >>1758905
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No. 1974168

she's still being discussed, but in this thread >>1933243 now

No. 1974274

Why not discuss her in her own thread?

No. 1977871

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This tickled me, when AI gave her a question about not using mobiles or technology for a day whether she could do it - she could only draw on "well, i did it whilst coddled in IP! i can do it then!" only to stay up to daft hours again archiving cows. She's addicted to devices, and the input from it, no wonder her brain is fried beyond repair.

No. 1978036

>>1977871 shes so desperate for attention, the poses, posting everything up, she lies so badly everyone is just laughing at her

No. 1978333

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Colours thinking she doesn't lie, really kek! She ever been in seclusion in UK cus its not how she describes it but more akin to Canada

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No. 1960368[Reply]

Previous thread >>1948027
Pro-Ana scum bags index >>1906589

Our alum n2f had a beautiful baby girl during this thread. Some infighting about whether or not it’s appropriate to post the images she shared of her kid on here. Either way we are proud of our queen, she seems truly happy.

Stef went into the hospital twice during this thread, shared a bunch of current tube pics and videos, then went dark half way through.

Jaycee was away at some program for less than a month before making a glorious return to her tiktok. Went live and made fun of her followers for “believing” her feed videos (because obviously the sooper sick anachan was just playing at recovery while really restricting) and announced she has relapsed so much in two weeks that she is on the waitlist for an inpatient program.

Fi is still on the ‘tism train, making all her content about it while continually seeming to get more skelly and not addressing her lack of improvement, despite her months long vague updates during the last two threads leading to her reclaiming recovery. She is taking a leaf out of Enara’s book and using her “lived experience” to speak about autism and eating disorder “recovery”

Laura, while not on ig, made a reappearance as she is once again ebegging for tens of thousands of dollars to take an air ambulance to a children’s hospital to stabilize her. Farmers are wondering why she needs to go all the way across the country just to find somewhere for medical stabilization, and what someone almost 30 needs a children’s hospital for.

Lora with an o amazed farmers with her skelly frame but face so round you could dribble it down a basketball court. Seems unable to keep up with her own lies about her weight, she finally broke 80 pounds this year …I mean 60…actually it was 35.
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No. 1974107

ok Niamh kek(hi cow)

No. 1974108


No. 1974112

Nta but you probably shouldn’t be barking on about iq after admitting to being a retarded anachan who wants to get ~skelly~ just to dunk on other retarded anachans

No. 1974114

Why is everyone here today literally braindead. Like it’s not that serious…

No. 1974115

>makes a dumb post
>gets called dumb in replies
What are you confused about? Eat something and come back when your less retarded

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No. 1888410[Reply]

Jenelle Evans is a former star of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant and later on starred in the spinoff Teen Mom 2. Currently, she is known for being an abusive mother, encouraging her husband to abuse her children, and venturing into Onlyfans, updates of which she refers to as “spicy dumps”. Her current personality is a racist munchie who dabbles in Qanon and Shein hauls when she’s not doctor shopping or abusing her kids.

Please remember that Jenelle is not a victim. She abuses her children and chooses to be with another person who abuses them. She is not worth your pity, only the kids she neglects and screams at are.

She was “fired” (in quotes because MTV never fired her, they simply said they were not filming with her at that point) in 2019, while her Sasquatch of a husband was fired in 2018 after a series of homophobic tweets. He is a known far right extremist and abuser, who has been barred from his son’s life due to hitting and abandoning his pregnant girlfriend, whom Jenelle posted revenge porn of. David has also been visited by the secret service due to his insane amount of firearms, bullets, poison darts, and wide variety of totally normal weapons to have when you’re a white man in North Carolina where you have four children living with you.
Notably, her “firing” was after her husband David beat and shot her dog Nugget to death in front of her children. Jenelle announced the small dog’s death on Instagram but refused to press charges against her greasy husband and went on a press tour explaining how it was actually totally a misunderstanding, dude. Jenelle is complicit in the abuse of her children and allows her husband to do so as long as she can hang out in her She Shed and film TikToks where she acts smug and reviews various food items, such as literal school cafeteria food she orders online

Jenelle and David reside on a swamp in a manufactured home that they insist is NOT sinking despite the pair downright stating it. Their days consist of smoking weed, popping pills, telling each other how much they hate them, and completely ignoring their children.

They have several children they neglect — David’s eldest daughter Maryssa (who may not live with them currently as they swore they cut her out of their lives when she testified against them in a court case involving CPS), Jenelle’s son Kaiser (who she cited aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1972802

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picking fights with former cast members for the millionth time

No. 1973061

kail's a pretty awful person herself. she jumps from moid to moid (and beats some of them) and has their babies without giving any thought as to how the constant changes and revolving door of men will impact the children she already has. she has a superiority complex and views herself as better than other people without realizing that the only thing that makes her any different from the stereotypical trashy single mother living in a trailer park with several kids is she had the good fortune of striking it rich on mtv.

No. 1973682

Wonder what prize dick she has waiting in the wings during this, you know she can't stand to be without a man for even a microsecond.

No. 1974038

I have also heard rumours on how she’s been treating Lincoln like a mini father between the moids

No. 2026873

the person who runs this teen mom blog is a 20 year old gayboy from austin texas. even though they post and type like a black lady.

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No. 1886740[Reply]

Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Used to occasionally scar us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account. Latest internet persona is a literal clown: "Jester Jake".

Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.

Notable mentions:
Clair: A sad, 30-something fat American woman with a poo obsession and an apparent marriage on the rocks. She dropped thousands on Jake over the course of a month or so before disappearing without a trace. Anons speculate she's possibly going through a divorce with her dom-daddy older husband.

Kitty McPancakes: Some American png tuber and lolicon loving neckbeard that Jake has latched onto for new material and so he's not stuck playing videogames alone forever. Kitty has his own small crew including his loli roleplaying girl(?)friend and some actual nobody hiding behind a big titty zombiegirl avatar. Neither of them seem interested in Jake in the slightest besides Kitty however.

Highlights from last thread:
>>1832669 says that his dwindling views don't bother him. vtubing is his passion. will work at a tesco if he has to!
>>1833919 >>1833925 the obvious reason for him growing his fringe out these days
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No. 1973796

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Low effort? You built your channel off youtube react!

No. 1973812

>jake would kill to have the amount of simps that bill skarsgård has
And the body type that Bill has, He's 6'4 and lean. The only way Jake can get any sort of views now is by talking about people who are more popular than him: Justin Morrow, Marilyn Manson, Bill Skarsgard.

No. 1973849

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Jake streaming to the same group of 10 boring losers every time like:

No. 1976014

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Fatty is broke. So if anyone wants to see a doughy clown that was scribbled on by a toddler whip his dick out, this is your chance.

Also, could someone more competent than me please make a new board?

No. 1976024

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He looks just like a midget when he's not pulling his pants down on his hips to make his torso look longer lmao

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No. 1956070[Reply]

Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 1972405

This reads like satire. This isn't serious, is it?

No. 1972407

>used to be a lesbian
>now women reject me for being short before I get a chance to tell them I'm trans
kek that what's you get when you transition to try and fuck straight girls. Although this particular tif probably hedges her bets by going after bisexuals, who also don't want short acne-riddled mental patients

No. 1972409

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Lesbiyearning is Splatterhorn's significant other. He can be seen here sucking Splatter's strap.

No. 1972436

new thread >>>/snow/1972401

No. 1972673

MtM sounds like satire but you can never be sure with these morons.

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