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No. 379957
Kari5 - a bizarre 26 year old DA user and YouTuber
Frequently gets angry "da hackers" and rages on YouTube about it. herself with Sora (from Kingdom Hearts) and rages on DA at people for shipping Sora with anyone else.
Even made a petition to include herself in KH3 as Sora's love interest. No. 379958
File: 1503724289868.png (677.59 KB, 1024x806, sora_elsa.png)

>>379957Here is her OC self-insert making out with her 2D husbando and breaking Elsa's heart.
No. 379959
File: 1503724466629.jpg (51.22 KB, 815x438, shipping.JPG)

>>379958A classic Kari5 comment on a picture of Sora with Elsa.
No. 379961
File: 1503724543812.png (189.61 KB, 850x580, drawing_sora_kari5.png)

>>379959An exquisitely crafted artwork of herself with her love.
No. 379962
File: 1503724632687.jpg (34.03 KB, 692x491, KARI5_hate.JPG)

>>379961She seems to piss off other DA users enough for them to make art about her.
No. 379965
File: 1503724850041.png (617.55 KB, 1024x576, me_giving_birth_to_chika_sora_…)

>>379964She has had many children with her husbando.
No. 380473
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Here is her OC self-insert stabbing Kairi (Sora's cannon love interest) with a custom keyblade.
No. 380478
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>>380474holy shit what is this im dying
No. 380657
>>380652She's 26. There's a photo of her with a cake that says "26 år" (age 26).
She reminds me of a lower-functioning ESL dboywheeler. I've seen a lot of special needs folks on DeviantART.
No. 380691
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>>380647It'd have to be a pretty dedicated troll. She's been at it for years.
No. 380698
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No. 381194
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>>380755This is probably true and I do feel kinda sorry for her…but I still lost my shit at "DOUBLE FUCK FINGERS!" in the OP's vid.
No. 381306
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>>379957Forgot to mention that she is cosplaying as Sadiye, her OC Call of Duty character.
No. 383510
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>>383508Kari5's emotional turmoil over this tragic situation prompts her to create another poignant masterpiece
No. 652838
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Besides all her sperging on 8chan, her "schedule" her tard wranglers made for her was translated.
"Monday: Bath
Tuesday: (too blurry to make out)
Wednesday: Dry dust in your room
Thursday: Bath
Friday: I think it says "ask mom for help with chores." but not positive
Saturday: Bath
Sunday: Free
Jesus Christ… The Sperg bathes 3 times a week… How long can dusting your room take? I'm guessing 20 minutes at the absolute most, and that's being generous. We don't know what kind of chores Serife gets from her mother, cant be too demanding. Maybe 1-4 hours, max.
There's no doubt now. Serfie is fucking retarded. If this dirty manchild needs a brightly colored weekly calendar to remember this on her wall then shes on the mid to low-functioning autism scale."
No. 652844
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She has also been posting the "cyberbully's" fan art of her from 8chan on her own deviantart page, but editing out the unibrow and mustache.
No. 652867
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She posts the 8chan fanart to her IG too, confusing her followers.
No. 652890
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Talking about a character from Beyblade that is a literal child.