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No. 310435[Reply]

A generic instagram model posted a picture on roastme and then deleted her account within 6 hours, posting a bunch of retarded stuff on her insta (pic related). Can we do any better than plebbit?

Original post:

Instagram: https://www.instagram (dot) com/niecewaidhofer/
19 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 310658

What even is this thread? I'm almost sure there's samefagging going on, defending her and some other little shit with a jealous vendetta.

And kek at some of you crying about the bullying.

No. 310665

hos gonna ho. but everyone on the sub has major issues and get off on putting others down to stroke their own ego probably because theyre ugly as shit and boring irl. none of their jokes are even funny except for her ex's post because it was more personal and specific.

lame thread. this will die down in like… what a few days and then no one will remember her

No. 310699

r/RoastMe is usually a lot more benign than that and talk about the person being ugly or whatever. Well thought-out jabs. The people who were typing out their retarded personal rants were trying to go above and beyond and actually hurt her all because they couldn't roast her.

No. 311088

Exactly. I usually enjoy roastme, but there was barely any roastage here… They were trying too hard. I was yawning.

No. 311163

lmfao clearly you weren't on roast me long enough

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No. 249034[Reply]

1st thread is years old.
2nd thread: >>213356
3rd thread: >>225956

Her social media:

The amalgamation of silicone, delusion and failed parenting known as Luna Lanie has always been a source of lols but recently she's made it known what a bag of cockroach jizz she is due to her drama with Mariah Mallad.
It all began in Mariah's 6th thread after a twitter fight where Mariah called out Luna for being trash:
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No. 312825

Idk how you fake so many photos and videos then and continue to support her…shes the one who is lying still about what she looks like. Seems to me she's now trying to make ppl think she's small chested to debunk the video cuz even her followers are all saying 'whered your boobs go'

No. 312826

She also posted a screenshot of a FB post while she,was clearly logged in. You're defending a compulsive liar or you are luna.

No. 312850

What do you mean what she looks like? Man you're reaching so hard when every model in the world is photoshopped. She has videos and con videos on her Facebook of what she looks like. People have met her so she's not lying to anyone. Fucking vendetta bitches when the girl is verified trying to act like she's some fake ass nobody

No. 312855

God are you that stupid? People can fake anything on the internet. It's obvious who's the obsessed stalker in these threads and it's not Luna.

No. 312862

I wondering when Kaybutt is going to give up her highschool crush on Luna. This girl has been trying to SWF her for years even started cosplaying to be like her. It's really sad

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No. 143827[Reply]

No. 143828

Joe Gilberti

Owns Gilberti Water Company

Believes he owns an Aquifer that feeds into an underground ocean of pure water

Believes the water can cure cancer

D0xes himself daily

Has been to jail for Cyber Stalking

Wants to build a 300 mile water pipeline to Tampa Florida

Total conspiracy nut
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No. 143829

Also thinks the Boston Bombing was done to raise his Cyber Stalking bond from $3k to $30k

No. 308659

According to him, anyone who does not know about this water is hiding it and needs to be arrested(necromancy)

No. 308668

did…did joe make this thread?

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No. 246075[Reply]

Luke McKee (also known by online handles VGB-OPSEC, HomoCopVictim, and more commonly Hojuruku) is an Australian currently living in Korea because he's considered a fugitive in his native land and will be arrested for violating Criminal Code 60C, which (in a nutshell) means that he violated the privacy and obtained personal information about a cop. But why was it Korea specifically?

It was because of, get this, underage girls he was hoping to get in touch with, who were luckily just catfish. This information is important to keep in mind as Luke has a tendency to call everyone he hates (especially gay men) pedophiles.

-(http://archive.is/T6Faa)archive of his KF threads 1st page
-(http://8ch.net/cow/res/250346.html) thread on him on /cow/ was made after he sperged up their thread about Dynastia
-(http://pastebin.com/RVM4YBLN) is a log of him talking on Skype to Kiwis, convinced that they got him banned from /cow/, when the two sites are unrelated. And also believes the Kiwis to be pedophile jews working for a man he's been stalking for years called Gary Burns.
-(http://archive.is/tq3HM) archive of him appearing on voat's Pizzagate forum, ranting about his senpai John Sunol (who's also a lolcow himself) getting arrested in Australia.

Whenever a thread attracts his attention, he'll generally show up and begin posting in it like he did when the Kiwis discovered him. So the Farmhands are advised to take appropriate measures to curb the potential spam attacks and derailment that hallmark his special brand of shitposting.

On top of himself, Luke associates with several other figures such as:

-John C. Sunol, who runs a blog and got fired from his job as a cab driver because he fell asleep and shat himself while on the job.
-Tom Cahill, a friend of his that retweets all the posts Luke makes (when LukPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 246886

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Luke receives an ultimatum.

No. 292397

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He's posting on Kiwi Farms again.

No. 298088

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Jacob Blaustein the gay faggot jew stalker who supports the gay child raping faggot cop Christopher Kent Bowersox. You don't know when to quit do you? thanks for the web.archive.org link it was very useful in bringing down faggot judges.

I just worked with a double phd tenured professor to expose Garry Burns is now going to the High Court of Australia to save the Australian government from liability from kidnapping "Legg Devine" in austlii.edu.au case law for religious vilification of a Satanic pedophile cult.

On top of that the same satanic pedophile cult is suing my mate johnsunol.blogspot.com

Faggot kiwifarms pedos are having a bad day this week. A very bad day :P

To see how fucked you are see
(and Autistic Jews like Jacob)

No. 298091


Just for you faggot I trolled /aus/

as for the story on dick smith it involves him and underage child flown to a Sydney Hilton hotel room by your organizations founder (internationalskeptics whatever) James randy bringing over a child prostitute he got with a grant to Sydney in the 80s in the "carlos incident"

No. 307956

This is retarded, you are retarded.

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No. 293470[Reply]

Tyquwan "Ty/Sora" Kingsberry is a cosplayer and self-proclaimed "model" from Richmond, VA who drew attention to himself via the AxelAsh thread and showed himself to be just as much a cow as her after anons from the VA cosplay community came forward with stories of assault, lies of cancer and being trans, and being banned from local conventions, nightclubs, and university campuses.
Currently banned from Fall Out, a popular club in Richmond, for credit card theft and providing alcohol to minors, and has a restraining order against him from the girl whose card he stole; VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) for using student fascilities while not being a student and assaulting a student for expressing they didn't like closet cosplays; Wizardworld, Katsucon, Nekocon, and Richmond and Tidewater Comicons for harrassment.
Known for lying about thyroid cancer and claiming to have been born a woman who transitioned into a man. Recent shenanigans include nearly getting banned from Maymont park at his recent cosplay event, due to a law in Virginia about wearing masks in public and trying to claim the police were only confronting him because he was black and nearly breaking a cosplayer's phone because they were watching anime on it at the meetup. Also reported a throwaway Facebook offered by an anon for compiling links and stories for the thread.
Known social media links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tyquwan.kingsberry
Facebook 2: https://www.facebook.com/people/Tyquwan-D-Kingsberry/100001232707807
Cosplay Page: https://www.facebook.com/Freak.Show.Cosplay/?pnref=lhc
Instagram: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 299890

Hey /snow/, KiwiFarms would like to thank you for covering Ash and Tyquwan.


No. 301932

He's going to freak if he finds he's got two pages xD(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 304143

All of Ty's life is literally "thathappened.txt"

No. 304312

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He's been kissing so much public ass since the picnic, and most of the community still doesn't buy it.

No. 307660

I can confirm quite a bit of this, but on top of his usual brand of "that happened" shittiness, he's actually gotten himself in trouble with the law on multiple occasions for threats of violence and physical assault, plus there are multiple allegations against him of sexual assault pending investigation.

In addition to his ban from VCU, multiple bars, and the Richmond cons, he's also been banned from several Carytown stores for shoplifting and threatening a couple of the clerks.

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No. 272593[Reply]

Previous: >>249310

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChaoticMonki
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryWasTaken
Deviantart: http://cryplayfan.deviantart.com/
Tumblr: cryaotic.tumblr.com

And his gf, Cheyenne
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_daaes
Tumblr: daaes.tumblr.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Cheyennecat

On the last thread
>Cheyenne may have scammed money out of Cry's fans while he was in the hospital
>More shit about Ocean, not relevant.
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No. 305697


<3 Just doing what I can to make the world better.


Also exactly this.

I've only heard Cry make a few off handed comments about his sexuality in the years I've been watching him. I've heard him make more pewdiecry jokes than anything else. He's not faking it.

I could also very easily see cheyenne complaining about his referring to himself as pansexual or any kind of sexual that isn't her-sexual.

I mean.. we already know that she doesnt' like other girls near him. And that she hated the pewdiecry stuff. So is it a stretch to think that she'd feel insecure if he's talking about liking all kinds of sexy bodies, including types of bodies that are not her?

I mean "I like dick" is kinda 'scary' if you don't have dick to give. … especially if, ahem, you've been a "lesbian" who doesn't like pussy, who dumps people to get dick, presumably because dick is just that much better to you.

No. 305801

Reading this also gave me a kind of a-ha moment on the topic of Cheyenne's sexuality. Why does Cheyenne only hate when he hangs out with girls? If she were a true pansexual like she claims, wouldn't she be mad if guys (other than Pewdie) hung out with Cry too? Just a little food for thought.

No. 305804

That could be because maybe he leans more towards girls. Cheyenne posted before on tumblr that Cry's only dated one guy and that it was because he thought the guy was a girl at first, so maybe she just doesn't think they're as threatening. And most of Cry's male friends are straight so there's not really any reason to worry.

No. 305809

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Found it just in case someone wanted to see that

No. 305813

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No. 292881[Reply]

one >>55077
two >>171004
three >>190985
four >>220048
five >>254820
six >>276683

>21 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief

>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive
>Gets by acting like a lost soul online
>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun
>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy
>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.
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No. 305822

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tuna will never learn heroin is the reason for all her illnesses

No. 305948

Probably first made for trinket shit, then taken on and popularized by druggies and convenience stores happy to get a dollar. Like selling chore boy steel wool instead of so or more durable shit

No. 306960

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No. 306963

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No. 307236

there is a new thread for tuna:

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No. 285785[Reply]

Joy Sparkle aka Kati Marie Smith is a YouTube personality who randomly appeared to insert herself into Onision drama and got 21k subs in 3 months after being noticed by larger YouTubers who also hate him.
She makes lengthy one-take rant-y videos about various drama on the internet, but mostly centers around Onision, she has made 50+ videos about him in less than 3 months. He has called her a stalker, sent her a fake cease & desist letter and blocked her on all social media.
Her life also seems to revolve around getting attention from her fake "fatal" health issues which have been diagnosed by medical professionals as anxiety disorder, but that's not a special enough diagnosis for her so she adamantly denies that's the cause. Recently uncovered information reveals she thinks angelic guides and the Archangel Michael talked to her from the age of 12 on.

Joy continues to leech attention by guesting people with disabilities and surrounding herself with sick or disabled people. There are now plenty of posts floating around about her being manipulative to those who are close to her. She continues to play the martyr because she loves giving to charity so much, and continues making ambiguous tweets and verbally harassing teenagers.

Onisheon lives on.

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No. 304740

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No. 304741

I am having way too much fun tweeting at her, I can feel the ragey younow stream coming as I type

No. 304742

>> 304741

I'm gleefully watching! I'll be recording the ragestream for sure.

No. 304743


ALL of her followers see her tweets…. would be funny to see her full on melt down on twitter.

No. 304745

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Fuck, this one is going to curdle the milk if she keeps up.

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No. 285759[Reply]

Old one reached bump limit

Back from Japan and already buying useless shit edition


youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpi2P_y-wXa7q84C-46U6ZA
insta https://www.instagram.com/pixieelocks/
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No. 303842

There are comments further up about it. I don't know if any of her fans said anything, though.

No. 303953

If her "rainbow" hair matched the same colors of her rainbow bag, or vice versa, this look could be in the ballpark of being halfway decent if we also ignore her face and hairstyle choice.

No. 304437

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

No. 304443

She says she is going to stop using Jeffree star but I think she might still use it but not talk about it

No. 451499

i saved my wisdom teeth from their extraction and turned them into earrings, i don't think it's weird. i grew them. i get to wear them.

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No. 301294[Reply]

thread for any love live fan that's cringe. I find the llpositivity to be cancerous as shit.

No. 301295

I feel like this might be better suited for /ot/.

No. 301310

I love love live because of the positivity.

And this >>301295

No. 301333

Or /sty/ tbh

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