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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 445432[Reply]

previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy])
>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety
>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos
>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)
>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'
>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei
>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design
>was basically a two week shopping spree
>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos
>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan
>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers
>interviewed by cbc.ca about internet popularity in her basement room
>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick"
>started streaming on younow for money
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No. 455125

New thread for when this one hits post-limit: >>>>>/snow/455122

No. 455126

No. 455132

So I guess she’s using the yellow unit for her room now? Her background is way too busy and cramped, I can’t imagine how dusty it all is.

No. 455272

I hate to contribute to this argument in a dead thread but I'm 20 and still get quite a bit of gifts. Except most of it is just socks, underwear, and candy. A lot of gifts doesn't mean a lot of money was spent. It just looks like a lot. My parents will even wrap toilet paper, and tooth brushes to make it look like more under the tree. Of course this doesn't apply to Jill because she's a spoiled shit.

No. 455350

Pixie got access to this tune when she was working for disney(?) I thought? everyone would ask about it and she couldn't tell em what it was cuz she just got it in the pack of bkgd music for working for them. she no longer works for them tho and idk anything about kelly's job either

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No. 438560[Reply]

(and her boyfriend Jonny Craig, if they last that long)

- 20 year old animal youtuber with 1m subscribers
- is currently dating a 31 year old abuser, rapist, and addict
- has health issues so doesn't have a normal job (EDS, celiac disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety)
- hoards animals, now has around ~26
- frequently advocates "adopt don't shop" but has spent thousands on exotic and designer pets
- didn't notice for weeks that her fish jumped out of it's tank and it died
- almost killed her axolotl by not feeding or noticing it had a fungus for 6 weeks
- hedgehog died, swore she'd never get another one, got two more anyway
- blames a lot of her pets health issues on where she got them, not her own negligence
- has a service dog, but left her behind when she moved out
- supports bad animal practices
- manhandles animals for "cute" photos and videos

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No. 546878

Did any of you heard about the fiasco about the impulse bought monitor she has?

No. 552181

lol half of the stuff you said is out of context nice try

No. 560879

I must say I never knew any of this drama. However, I have and will have many reptiles and animals once my father and I buy land. However, I will never impulse buy an animal that's the difference between hoarding animals and loving them. Impulse buyers like her are hoarders while people who plan out what kind of animal and have pre-set the tank and pre-buy the supplies are true animals lovers yes they may have a lot of animals but they truly love them. I hate seeing who she handles all her animals is sickens me she manhandles them just for the aesthetic in her photos. I also just found out her and Jonny we're smoking in the same room as her satanic leaf geckos. Satanic's are very sensitive and can die very easily in captivity I don't even want to get started on the monitor situation. Taylor doesn't care or love her animals she just uses them for profit and views if you want to watch a true animal lover I would recommend Emzotic.

No. 575443

I've been reading this thread for a while; it's interesting to see what's happening. I'm very late on this, lol, I know… But yesterday I discovered Taylor's channel and subscribed, because I don't see many female reptile handlers on youtube… Then I started reading the comments on her "Watch my orphaned kitten! Also, some sad news" and realised her boyfriend was a rapist, druggo junkie. I found this thread, and I've already taken 3 hours to read it… lol! But I agree. She accessorises her animals for views and $$$, which is pretty crappy. Also, on her "Feeding my pets!" video, the thumbnail shocked me. On other youtube's "Feeding my pets!" videos, their whole screen is different pictures of their animals, with maybe a tiny picture of them in the middle… With Taylor's, not even a quarter of her screen is of her animals, (tiny pictures, too) and the rest is of her basically looking like she's in the middle of a photoshoot. I've found that most of her other thumbnails are basically the same, too…. I unsubscribed, of course, lol, but I'd love to know if she's still doing drugs? Is she still even with that junkie fuck? I'm so sorry I'm outdated, I don't have a tendency to be quick to find about things like this…..

No. 647948

You hate her, so you wrote all the bad things that you can think of and that's mean you even watch her videos. If you dont likeher why dont you just stop watching??? And if you watch her video, you heard a lot of knowledge there(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 450408[Reply]

(and her boyfriend Jonny Craig, if they last that long)

- 20 year old animal youtuber with 1m subscribers
- is currently dating a 31 year old abuser, rapist, and addict
- has health issues so doesn't have a normal job (EDS, celiac disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety)
- hoards animals, now has around ~26
- frequently advocates "adopt don't shop" but has spent thousands on exotic and designer pets
- didn't notice for weeks that her fish jumped out of it's tank and it died
- almost killed her axolotl by not feeding or noticing it had a fungus for 6 weeks
- hedgehog died, swore she'd never get another one, got two more anyway
- blames a lot of her pets health issues on where she got them, not her own negligence
- has a service dog, but left her behind when she moved out
- supports bad animal practices
- manhandles animals for "cute" photos and videos

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No. 461205

Is this a weird reference to the Facebook posts where she was bagging on bi girls trying to impress guys???

Also, has anyone recreated a new thread?

No. 461212

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This was incredibly stupid to post. She’s trying to create drama. With less than 5 minutes of searching i found her parents address where THEY STILL LIVE. She straight just doxxed her own parents and brother. What a cunt.

No. 461304

She made a video about the dangers and cons of wild caught fish as pets, but when people call her out on it, "Well I'll only get it wild caught if I can't get it anywhere else".

But she went on a whole rant video demonizing people who don't mind buying wild caught fish, but then half if not majority of her exotic pets are all wild caught.

With everything she stated in that video she made, she made it seem she was totally against it, but it seems she changes her mind when it seems to benefit her and what she wants. Fucking selfish hypocrite.

No. 461326

She says she gets them done

No. 462019

NEW THREAD >>460352

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No. 393335[Reply]

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No. 439955


It's not edited. There are two versions on Ask.fm, the main feed which doesn't show the username under each ask, and then the direct link version which does.

No. 439956


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 439992

new thread, I tried my best: >>439990

No. 440003

Yeah sorry guys, I'm retarded. Should have clarified that was Greg, not June. The thread kind of seemed to have devolved into making fun of both of them, so I thought it was relevant.

No. 1012461

Jesus fucking Christ, you faggots will complain about anything.

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No. 422534[Reply]

Jaquie Blake Beckwith, AKA chronically_jaquie, is one of the general Munchausen's/OTT thread (>>>/snow/387658) Munchie Queens.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chronically_jaquie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helper_dog_harlow
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaX0dQwEUgTafzCZ2yEjUQ

- She has a Patreon for people to pay her to be "sick".
- She appears to have a few genuine illnesses, but overall contradicts herself 99% of the time.
- She has a button tube but shoves crap food into her pie hole most of the day. Claims she cannot tolerate her formula, and has to get a special type, but can eat fried crap.
- She has a service dog (Harlow) who does tasks that she is quite capable of doing (like grabbing a blanket across the room).
- Her service dog does not get worked the way a service dog should.
- She will not respond to messages online (except on her Patreon) because of "safety issues" (though we're pretty sure it's because she wants money to talk to her).
- She will not allow people to send her mail because she is too sick.
- Refers to herself as a "genetic anomaly".
- Claims to have EDS, POTS, narcolepsy, cataplexy, autism, unspecified immune problems, a mutated mitochondria, and too many other things. Surprisingly, Factitious Disorder is not on her list.
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No. 439707

>>The most disturbing thing about her vlog today (12/5) was that she is already scheduling joint injections every 4 weeks just so her pain management "team" can give her a therapeutic dose of ketamine along with the Toradol joint injections. That is the only way her insurance will qualify the ketamine anesthetic. No mention of waiting to see the results of this injection—just schedule the next one–and how does she now which joint to choose? It is highly unethical of the doctor to authorize the higher dose and to randomly inject a joint just so she can qualify for the ketamine.

I agree 100%. It's completely nuts. The first thing I thought when she had her first i.a. injection/ketamine combo was how stupid it is to do two things at the same time because that makes it impossible to evaluate the effect properly. But now it has gone even further. Intraarticular injections are not without risk and they are usually reserved for either incidental use for a specific injury, OR serial injections in a joint for patients who have one, maybe two joints that are damaged by e.g. OA who do not react well to oral meds and who are too young for joint replacement surgery. For patients with pain in multiple joints they should be used VERY sparringly. That is because an ethical doctor would not subject a patient to intraarticular injections every few weeks in multiple joints. If that was an ethical, effective, save and sensible treatment, almost every patient with arthritis, EDS or other joint conditions would have it done.

I could somewhat understand the injections in her neck and maybe her 'worst' hip because she can't take narcotics. But NOT 'whichever joint we choose in four weeks'. That's not practicing medicine. That's the injecting equivalent of a pill mill. She's a paying patient (well, her insurance and/or daddy is), so she gets whatever she wants.

I'm also pretty sure that most, if not ALL other pain specialists would not continue a treatment like ketamine infusion if a patient only experienced relief 'one week for joint pain, three weeks for muscular pain, and four weeks for headache' from it. Also funny how she decided that that's how it works for her after only one infusion, while most of the time ketamine for pain will continue to work for longer with each subsequent treatment. Or at least the firPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 439723

She's never mentioned any other pain medications outside of the toradol she used to take through her feeding tube; only repeating she can't take narcotics.

It's not surprising to me that she's getting the pain meds she wants how she wants them. I live in the Tampa area as well, and the region is I think one of the worst nationally for prescription pain medication abuse. Pain management centers get shut down here all the time for illegal/unethical practices. The drs. don't care, they're in it for that sweet sweet insurance $$.

No. 439749

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Today the magical Harlow "alerted" to a Supar Dangeross 130 heart rate y'all! (I'm sure her bothering Jaquie had nothing to do with the fact that there was food all over the counter and as a dog, she wanted some?)

Soooo many POTS patients would be thrilled to have a hr of 130 after exertion! (Exertion for Jaq being standing up for once.)

No. 439755

We get a shot of her freezer today. The fresh fruit is for Harlows fruit pops because it's on the "Harlow shelf" but in the people shelf there is Ben & Jerrys (Phish Food, I think), frozen chicken breasts (no surprise there), dinosaur chicken nuggets, crinkle fries from Ore Ida, and some peas. It's just wild to me what she eats and how almost nothing she does seems age appropriate.

No. 439931

New thread >>>/snow/439930

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No. 350440[Reply]

The Alt Right's wannabe Scandi snowflake.

A Canadian YouTuber known for pandering to her omega White Nationalist followers (while claiming she's totally NOT a white nationalist!), posting cringey youtube videos calling for the return of tradishunal wimmin and societies (while being the opposite of traditional herself), trying to stop migrant boats entering Europe, and desperately trying to cling to her 19 percent(!) Scandi heritage, dying her hair but insisting that she's a natural blonde.

Recent drama includes her and her groupies getting beaten up by ANTIFA protesters, in part due to her wearing an Identity Europa T shirt. Her tearful YouTube apologies ensue.

She's also rumored to be dating Luke Rudkowski, a leader of the right-wing conspiracy group "We Are Change".

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCla6APLHX6W3FeNLc8PYuvg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurencheriie/
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No. 571273

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>less than 20% Danish
>considers herself a Dane

If someone was 80% west African and 20% Danish and lived in Denmark she would reeee and tell them they're not Danish enough.

No. 575296

I remember that video she posted on twitter where she's in Paris and was shocked by how many blacks there are. As though someone Black can't be French born or a French citizen? That's why when she tries to claim she's not racist it's hard to believe she isn't

No. 575572

So I just watched one of Shaun's videos on Lauren and has anyone before mentioned how gross and mannish her voice is? Like holy shit, I was so taken aback when she started talking because I follow this thread and maybe I missed it mentioned but I can't believe no one has talked about it.

I normally wouldn't say such a thing for something a person cant help but she's a racist handmaiden bitch anyway so whatever.

No. 589889

Sage for old post but no one was telling that anon what to say. That's not the same as giving your opinion. Other than that, you're just stating the obvious.

No. 815251

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No. 424667[Reply]

Aly_sjourney, 21 going on 8, wants to go on medication to cure her #real OCDs, anxiety, depression, eating disorder, and suicidal af tendencies. (!) Expect her to go on an SSRI, claiming full recovery after 4 hours since taking her first pill, despite the medication taking weeks to build up in her system. After all those years of Ma enabling her, it's only natural that now she threatens suicide unless enough strangers give her attention. And if you don't give her attention, you are the hater who made her self-arm. Thanks so much. Black out post. Now she's having a panic attack and is suicidal af. Now she's purging, 3 hours after her last meal.

Wait, nvm, she just got 13 comments, time for a bikini pic!

Previous thread:


> still recovering on a delish diet of fries and donnies
> quit retail job after 1 month of extremely strenuous clothing folding which caused her to …
> suddenly drop to bmi 16.6 despite looking the same as when she was bmi 18.4.
> her self arm on her harm is as visible as her father's beats.
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No. 438218

yeah think she just freaks out after eating but to her thats a panic attack

No. 438220

does anyone wanna make the new thread I wanna let someone else do it if they wanna

No. 438221

oh i just noticed she deleted that last post, prolly gonna say haters yelled at her hair or sth

btw is someone making a new thread? i'd do it but i'd prolly fuc* it up have to kill me

No. 438248

No. 438255

New thread up


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No. 436448[Reply]

Prev threads:

"goth" girl instagram/twitter personality

"model/dj" in the way that all girls with some IG following can get a gig every 2 months if they're in LA.

Has begun to take these ventures more seriously landing more gigs and going on small tours/on off dates outside of LA

Used to be a club kid, doesn't go to parties anymore unless she's hosting or dj'ing. Most of the people she partied/associated with 3-4 years ago have expanded into legitimate careers, something layla has notably not done.

Friendships still have a shelf life of 2-3 months
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No. 461992

I know this is old but I watched the whole video just now and you got a couple things wrong.

#1 Mackned was not there, it was Yunggoth they were talking to off camera and blaming for getting Peep into drugs

#2 H was never even mentioned the whole interview so where are you getting this info that Peep just got off it before the interview? (i know he talks about having withdrawls but they do not say from what exactly)

I'm not claiming to know everything about this situation but I know for a fact that what you said is false

No. 462126


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 462408

>I read all of the threads on this stuff. I wandered off for what feels like a couple hours. I have a lot of catching up to do. The drama has blown up. I have to scroll up like half+ the thread and get started. Consider this a thread bump.

No. 486663

I have a crazy idea that blackhairedbitch is hotelshrimp aka hotelskank

No. 508156

Corey and case were dating way before peeps death.

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No. 389684[Reply]

This pic is an obvious edited by a bronnen user, but the face belongs to an Austrian user Fabian named "Scheisseghesit" and the body is of another user named Joni from Greece. Now for an explanation:

bronnen.net was founded by two unapologetic misogynists, one of whom exclusively fucks trannys because "he hates vaginaniggers too much to put up with them". There are about 40 or so users during peak hours and they spend their time posting selfies and videos of themselves in compromising poses, ironic memes, and engaging in lots of circlejerking / gossiping. They all hate women (or, as they refer to us: vaginanigers, vagi, womemes, succubi, you get the idea) and have even banned the two women formerly a part of their greater clique. My incel-tier loser brother is one of these people, and I've been observing the board activities on and on for over a year now. I think it's well worth a scope.

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No. 1716543


No. 1782299

Airplane mode gives you a fresh IP everytime you click it

No. 1872478

he just got out of jail, hes hispanic now

No. 1931853

>being this jealous of roy

No. 1938562

Has he posted on ylilauta/circleboard/bronnen/mintboard/whatever the fuck you circlejerking retards use these days? What's he up to these days? Any way to contact him?

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No. 435407[Reply]

I saw people on the Tearzah/Faedoll thread mention ReinaGoth a bit so I decided to make a new thread..
>Traces Tearzah/RottenGinma/Deep Sea Prinsoner/Bleedman
>Guilt trips & suicide bates friends to keep them from leaving her
>Draws CP of her 12 year-old OC and considers herself a lolicon + Pedophile supporter
>Maybe into DDLG??
>Changed OC's age to 18 so she can continue drawing nsfw

>Fanbase praises them UwU aesthetic

>RottenGinma is 18 & has an inappropriate relationship with Reina who is 13/14

>Gaslights & encourages Reina
>Obsessed with pedophilic relationships
>Extreme narcissist

\/ Everything you need to know \/
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No. 435517

actually had no idea they used rotoscopy for lolicon, wow
I'm really sorry for your experiences, anon, but I still think there is a distinction that should be made - not to imply that lolicon is in any way ok, it fetishises abuse , reiterates pedophilic behaviour and can unfortunally, be used for grooming

It's just, from my point of view, the harm that comes from lolicon seems secundary. If it existed in a vacuum it wouldn't really harm someone but the mere existence of CP requires someone to be harmed, I didn't want to imply that it's ok, sorry.

I totally agree that everyone who actively gets off to art of children/underdeveloped bodies is a pedophile, I just think there is a lot more harm involved in CP than in lolicon

sage for OT, I will reevalute my point of view, keep talking about the snowflake

No. 435734

First of all, this thread shouldn't even exist bc she's so young.
Secondly, a lot of those OCs look similar but not directly copied? I'l be honest, I know nothing about this kid other than what I'm seeing here and other than the pedo stuff I don't really get the problem. She's a kid.

No. 436118

>>"Other than drawing little girls being abused, I don't get the problem, she's a kid!!"
Yeah no the "uwu she's just a kid it's okay" excuse doesn't really work in this situation. She is old enough to know better. A teen saying "eheheh I like CP!~ CP is delicious!~" Is still gross af and you're an idiot if you think her age has any bearing on that.

No. 436119

But yes, this thread should not exist, not because of her age because that doesn't matter and she deserves it, but because it's just going to attract pedophiles to defend their kin.

No. 437205

Subject can not be about anyone who is underage(under 16 no exception) so this thread will be locked.

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