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No. 404129[Reply]

Can we PLEASE talk about this girl?

Ashley/rhetoricallyashley/thoroughlyashley/rhetorically-a (these are just the more long-lasting of her various urls) is notable in the tumblr ED community but it's not for her eating disorder, it's for how absolutely fucking crazy she is. She's started a bunch of drama, has sent some pretty ridiculous messages (screenshots definitely to come/be linked) and her blog is literally scary to read sometimes. She is so delusional/pretentious/holier-than-thou about absolutely everything in her life.

Notable Ashley events (that I can remember):
- Claimed to be disadvantaged/underprivileged despite being a 25 year old white PHD student (not underprivileged at all). IIRC this has happened multiple times.
- As well as claiming that she was not the typical ED patient when in fact she was pretty much the exact stereotype.
- Various shit involving her eating disorder/whether or not she was actually recovering
- Claiming being white was a disadvantage, and when people called her out, became extremely defensive and ending up sending a lot of hate messages including telling a girl that she would never recover from her PTSD and a lot of rude things pretty much on that level, without apologizing
- Made obviously fake text messages where it looked like she was the victim
- Regularly responding to her anons who try and call her out (even if they do it nicely) with things like "why are you even saying this? You are obviously the one delusional and in need of help. You should probably go check yourself into a psych ward."
- Seriously, just go read her blog, it's wild.

Tumblr: rhetorically-a.tumblr.com
Instagram: @adoonz (it is private and i don't think she accepts random people though)
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No. 404394

yep. that's the thing getting me about her!!! i genuinely think she believes that she is in the right. it's disturbing

No. 404960


did she delete?

No. 404964

Well the blog is gone. I don't follow her but she might've changed her username. If she really did delete, good.

No. 405003

she’s back to rhetorically-ashley

No. 405707

There is a general pro-ana thread >>>/snow/361368

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No. 326344[Reply]

Thread >>250451 reached post limit

So here's a new one so we can continue talking about the cringe in the goth/alternative scene

Drac Makens
And any other altcow
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No. 403553

Awww I love Voltaire but yeah he seems smitten with her, prolly because of how she looks and dresses.

No. 403823

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so this was back in april, i can show some more where she says she doesnt like to talk about it so people assume she doesnt listen to it but please feel free to show where she actually said she doesnt listen to goth music

No. 404106

Yawn, go away already, Kaya-fan.

No. 404107

"I love some goth music, just won't name any names. Everyone believe me!"

No. 421480

>Death in June are nazis


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No. 391360[Reply]

Aly's deleting forever (!) She has a life to live and Donnies to eat, take that haters! But oh no, she doesn't want to disappoint you lovely girls - and she needs your words to find the strength to eat that late night chocolate bar! Thanks for the courage, girls!

Prev. Threads

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aly_sjourney/

>>Ma is her only friend and still taking her photos
>>Pa just wants a normal daughter but instead has Aly. Supposedly abuses her according to Aly - she needs your kind words to overcome this!
>>Got a job at a sports store - no wait she's an intern at a legal office - no wait, she works for men's fashion - no wait, the milkshake place needs her to make new flavors!
>>She needs at least 10 comments or it's time to repost / commit sudoku
>>Went private, kept saying she was going to delete but recently went public again
>>Uncle recently died and that means Aly needs all your attention and comments right now, this is all about her, can't you see she needs support? WHAT ABOUT ALY?
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No. 398991

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yes you're correct no one believes you

No. 398997

No because first time you wrote this you said it was her boyfriend's brother. You is bad liar. Like A-lie.

No. 398999

We don't believe you because you haven't offered any proof to back that up.

The fact that Aly only posts 5 times on a work day and not 12 is proof enough to me she actually holds employment there. Plus the crying on the toilet stories (!). She doesn't have that much self control for a lie.

I can believe she's working there as a temp and that's what she means by "intern". And temps only last a month or two unless they really like you.

No. 399001

An anon said it was an agency she signed a contract with to do this temp job. Don't worry, next one they give her might be even worse for her mwah ha haaa.

Seriously though, that store is really modern and spacious compared to the shitholes I've worked at. Probably got air con. She's getting it too easy and I want her to work in a hot kitchen and freak out.

No. 399006

New thread up


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No. 376873[Reply]

Our seeker of joy and sparkles in all the bullshit of the world is still as vulgar and manipulative as ever. She's desperately trying to distract any and all from seeing the truth with her continuous web of lies. The rabbit hole goes deeper and she is the on who keeps digging it.

On the previous episode:
> Joy cut her youtube break short because she HAD to speak out about free speech.
> old user name, new to the fram, MissDevicDoll, popped up. Old indigo post showing she is much the same now as she was then.
> Do5 gag order was lifted, open flood gates for 4,8693 videos about all the shit she's kept close to the chest for months. She can finally share all the sooper seakret info.
> as of this post repzions video has not been posted, and despite joy saying she will not make a response to the video, she has already addressed it numerous times.
> Joy tried to pass off her reported symptoms as a diagnosis.
> we have witnessed a miraculous recovery from all her ailments with a couple low doses of prednisone.
> says she's transitioning to other platforms. Vid.me and bitchute.com

Previous threads:
#1 >>246848
#2 >>278466
#3 >>285785
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No. 399114


Well done you, and thanks, Anon.

No. 399830

Joy deleted her channel.

No. 400656

Well, looks like it's over.

No. 401122

I actually haven't been following the thread for a while. Wouldn't have been good of I tried to make the next one.

No. 695878

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No. 397551[Reply]

Last thread: >>388022

Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread: >>260800

previously on:
>Anisa wishes she could go back to being Raihnbowkidz
>admitted to having dated her ex when she was 22 and he was 17
>streamed with Chris and ragequit when chat made her cry by not believing he when she said Ian liked her content, blamed it on PMS
>decided she wants to go back to school, thinks she's good enough to get into CalArts
>nearly cried on-stream again when she talked about quitting streaming for school and how people only watch her to see her fail
>continues to fail at veganism, constantly updates her followers on how she NEEDS meat and feels weak from not eating meat
>attempted to sound "educated" during a twitter debate about veganism, just sounded like an idiot
>constantly spews idiotic opinions about veganism, then tries to paint the people correcting her as "loud and angry"
>"the idea of going vegetarian is looking very tempting to me, only eating meat if I know the farmer" ANISA PLS
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No. 404914

Damn… i'm sorry

No. 406367

New Video from Keemstar: appearently 'Idubbbz girlfriend' called out a youtuber called Ice Poseidon for being lazy…

No. 406563

No. 407000

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loving the comments on keems video

No. 1782277

Airplane mode gives you a fresh IP everytime you click it

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No. 57737[Reply]


Spoony thread?

>>Bitch spammed /cgl/ with self posting

>>biggest attention whore besides Flan, derailing many threads to talk about herself
>>claims it was cyber bullies pretending to be her, even though she used a fucking trip code
>>"wheh wheh i want to be out of the spotlight so bad"
>>"i just want people to forget and stop talking about me"
>>continues to self post on lolcow
>>self posts some more after being banned from self posting
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No. 394920

Nah. More like it looks like she got the fat sucked out of her face despite her obese body.

No. 394921


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 395141

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No. 395209

Someone competent please make a new thread and have this photo of her as the OP image. I'm dying. She been spamming angled pics of herself for literal years now and I'm laughing. This was the spoony Mystery was afraid of being cucked by, lol.

No. 395337

new thread >>>/snow/395336

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No. 271163[Reply]

shoe0nhead/june lapine

25 year old compulsive meme-spouter, wannabe boxxy turned "redpilled" unfunny anti-feminist, alt-right scrotum sucker playing the ultimate "i'm not like other girls!!!" card





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No. 616677

implying he's not

No. 630787

The average height for a woman in the US is 5'4, and for men it's 5'9 - if anything the average is growing in height.

No. 709120


Of all the things that never happened these things never happen the most

No. 920345

I was thinking the same thing after looking for more nudes. These faggots overwhelmingly don't understand any of the shit they talk about, particularly comparing /pol/ to the alt-kike and then claiming this bitch is somehow pandering to both of those things. Her humor vids back in the day were alright just to shitpost against feminist morons, but it was /b/-tier shit rather than actual ideological cockwhoring like that other cunt they mentioned, the "Southern" controlled op bitch.

What the fuck is up with saying "cringe" a thousand goddamn times, also? Is this leddit? It sure smells like it. What a downgrade this thread is from real /cow/ boards. Anyone who actually belonged on any board would have lurked and been around long enough to understand what the fuck they were talking about at a minimum, and worst of all, no real lulz were had. Thread fail–I am disppoint.

No. 955547

I love her naked body(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 375960[Reply]

>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik)
>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety
>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos
>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)
>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'
>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei
>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design
>was basically a two week shopping spree
>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos
>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan
>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers
>interviewed by cbc.ca about internet popularity in her basement room
>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick"
>started streaming on younow for money
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No. 393209

You act like most of this thread isn't made up of lolitas who have been following Jill since she was in the fashion.

No. 394707

To be fair, sweatpants are baggy for the most part.

No. 394708

Well, if they are sharing the family name or some such, then I don't see what's the issue. 19 is still young, imo.

No. 394709

Preferences are preferences. Sure, it's tacky and loud, but they somewhat have slightly more coordination than Jill.

No. 394714

Calm down.

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No. 201838[Reply]

There was a thread about mookichan before, but it seems to have 404'd.

Last time, she was selling overpriced and low quality photosets, much to the dismay of her past boyfriend, criminon. The thread was mainly people trying to find her nudes for free, but later on uncovered some unknown truths about Maki through a friend of hers that posted on the thread.

We know that she has a drug and alcohol issue that has worsened since the passing of her father, and this may or may not be the reason for her rocky relationship with her friends and family.

Fast forwards a couple months, and now she has broken up with criminon, and immediately started posting about her new scene boyfriend. Because of the breakup, she is also homeless now and couch surfing from friend to friend.

To raise money to move in with her new boyfriend, she has been selling her photosets even more, and even doing camshows for people. Unfortunately, being under the influence doesn't seem to help when you are trying to scam people. With a little math done, I've calculated she's made at least $2,000, and that number continues to rise. She always says she's just "a couple hundred dollars away from being able to pay her first month's rent!"

She posts pictures of herself still getting high, and even got a whole array of new facial piercings. I'm wondering if possibly some of her earnings have been going towards her bad habits?

Regardless, as much of a lolcow or a special snowflake she is, I have tried to reach out to her mother. Unfortunately , she doesn't seem to check facebook too often. I can provide screenshots of that as well.

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No. 1445310

You guys are such fucking losers. Instead of shit posting about important people's obvious drug abuse, you railed on an innocent girl. Yeah, for you to think this is what pushed her over the edge is some narcissistic, retarded shit. But if you fucking sociopaths can't realize you DIDN'T help because third-person shitfests like this gathering of neck beards like you all is literally psychological abuse. Just because you all are chromosomally-challenged doesn't make your narration and input helpful. You guys are fucking idiots. No one here actually gave a fuck about her. And you all cannot fathom the traumas she faced. You all can eat fucking dogshit. Touch grass and fight for mental health care and drug-abuse therapy and destigmatization. You all can eat a bunch of rocks.

No. 1445314

She was bombarded with messages. I have seen them. You people are fucking egotistical filth.

No. 1520801

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Here’s her Reddit, av4851kk.
Almost all the posts were complaints about Blue and how no one in her life would help her.

No. 1782268


No. 1966737

I'm looking at this post for the first time bc I remember loving her style back in high school. Never knew that she was a year older than men either. Rest in peace to her, she had some demons that she was battling, and it hurts to hear that she couldn't beat them. The more I read this thread, the more I realize how mean and horrible you all were being. I read that this was out of concern, but you guys were calling the girl out of her name and judging her for shit that was none of your business??? This thread was posted 7 years ago which means she was only 20…she was so fucking young of course she wasn't going to do a lot of things right especially when she went through so much trauma. You all are a bunch of low lives who act all high and mighty, but what you all did was bully this woman when she was at her lowest. You all clearly look down on drug addicts, those going through mental health, and the homeless, and this whole thread is just pathetic. This thread was just a bunch of bullshit to fill your useless big, fat, evil egos and I hope you all burn in hell.

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No. 388022[Reply]

Last thread: >>374615

Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread: >>260800

Recent developments:
>Anisa goes vegan, unsurprisingly is incapable of doing it correctly, blames veganism for her weight gain ("muh vegan bread")
>confirmed she went on her first date with Ian while at twitchcon with Akaadian, directly contradicting her previous claim that she was alone in her room because she booked an extra night.
>claims her and Ian's meetup was meant to be platonic
>regularly addresses criticisms brought up in these threads, confirming that she lurks regularly (even lurked the thread while streaming)
>befriended Cecily, who streams with her and helps her lurk the threads
>whined about how her subreddit is full of "mean memes" made by lolcow users (many of which were made by her own fans/ians fans)
>tempcow thread was visited by a whiteknight banned from /r/anisajomha, as well as the mod that banned them. arguments and accusations ensue
>continues to get subtly shaded by Max and Katt on twitter

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No. 397560

Different anon, but I'll answer you.

A lot of people have accused Anisa from stealing her video styles and skits from a few people. Her bf for one lmao, freaking Laci, h3h3, Brandon Rogers, sh0e, and even Marzia. A lot of things she's put out there are basically the same as theirs at least regards to editing, but then she takes it a step further and outright copies their content. When sh0e made an LDR video, Anisa did. Every time Mariza comes out with a Melix video, Anisa posts a cutesy DIY vid or goes on stream to do something domestic like cool her shit food for Ian lmao. Someone said she stole her pee skit directly from Brandon. And when Chris started ignoring her when he got with Laci, she came out with all her fake mental health awareness videos, trying to be an "educated" YTer in the same style. It was actually really pathetic.

As for dating minors, when she got together with Akaadian (the guy she cheated on Ian with, in case anyone needs a reminder) she revealed in a recent stream that he was ?16/17 and she was 21/22 when they started dating. It was disgusting, Onion type of behavior. As some anon figured out, she gets with younger guys like Akaadian or socially inept guys like Ian because they're better for her to manipulate and keep under her thumb. Personally, I'd lost respect for her a long time ago, but if anyone can learn about that and not be thoroughly repulsed, I don't fucking know how.

And the sleeping with girls thing, I think that anon misspoke. Although she did "drunkenly" flirt with Celery and show off her vag and ass to her, so maybe they know something I don't lmao.

No. 397568

>he tried to rap because the video was about ricegum… not because he wants to be joji. Are you 12?

I know right, fucking idiots.

No. 397571

NEW THREAD LADIES (since some of u are still posting here lol)


No. 397572

Sounds like anisa.

No. 397627

Aren’t all idubbbz fans 12 tho?

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