File: 1445814548763.jpg (49.88 KB, 600x800, CQcLPFPUcAAWsz7.jpg)

No. 49153
File: 1445815060609.jpg (39.25 KB, 480x480, tumblr_nwn0mib1gf1qipodjo1_500…)

>no fatties
Damn, this is hard mode.
No. 49154
File: 1445815229446.jpg (37.14 KB, 250x333, tumblr_nwi30xbSqW1r3h99ko2_250…)

No. 49155
File: 1445815404860.jpg (244.47 KB, 1280x934, tumblr_nwspy21UX91qanu29o1_128…)

No. 49156
File: 1445815587246.jpg (353.05 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nwmo1obIlm1ufmzfbo1_128…)

Pretty sure this xersyn is fat but jfc
No. 49158
File: 1445815749102.jpg (114.11 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nw2rqnZgUu1ufootao1_540…)

I'm the disapproving mom in the background
No. 49160
File: 1445815843907.jpg (226.06 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nvzy2npq9K1tl3h0yo1_128…)

Wash your hair what the fuck
This looks like someone's filipino grandma discovered Tumblr
No. 49163
File: 1445816366331.jpg (87.68 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nwf8n4tE1h1rrv3nko1_500…)

No. 49164
>>49163Top keks
Fuckin hancesolo.
No. 49170
File: 1445817518423.png (526.81 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nwq8mpq6SP1qagxh1o1_540…)

This freak is 42 years old
No. 49176
File: 1445818200509.jpg (93.26 KB, 764x600, 764px-Die-cis-scum.jpg)

Nonfat tumblerina? Now, that's a challenge, but I'll try and rise to it!
Is flabby/out of shape ok?
No. 49177
File: 1445818240083.jpg (297.54 KB, 1280x948, tumblr_mup00xYvxj1slrocqo1_128…)

No. 49179
File: 1445818506816.jpg (76.79 KB, 745x960, 1418212740862-2.jpg)

No. 49180
File: 1445818552965.jpg (65.58 KB, 500x747, 1415569745541-0.jpg)

No. 49181
File: 1445818615768.jpg (115.5 KB, 633x732, 1415571065631.jpg)

No. 49182
File: 1445818684415.png (425.12 KB, 500x489, tumblr_m4va5unIlY1r3r0x4o1_500…)

No. 49187
File: 1445818994044.png (242.9 KB, 535x766, 1420510469971.png)

No. 49189
File: 1445819116537.jpg (86.46 KB, 542x439, 1408758061837.jpg)

>>49170What's up with the lump on her forehead?
No. 49191
File: 1445819221275.jpg (176.08 KB, 774x1032, 3_3_2015___4_edit_2_by_kittenb…)

No. 49195
File: 1445819297751.jpg (51.4 KB, 620x349, 0nbn3Cd.jpg)

Wu counts since she/he is an SJW with dyed hair right
No. 49202
File: 1445819572616.jpg (27.23 KB, 480x320, tumblr_mzek56rPKW1rapdw9o1_500…)

No. 49204
File: 1445819648442.jpg (347.25 KB, 914x1280, tumblr_nmq8egoQtb1r1h3zoo1_128…)

No. 49206
File: 1445819722772.jpg (36.28 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mdwvadzSpX1r9xqldo1_500…)

No. 49208
File: 1445819995177.jpg (89.88 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ns2cbpALx21u6t0qjo1_500…)

No. 49210
>>49176It looks like Onision's face pasted onto Tumblr
is this hell
No. 49220
>>49187Unless there's some backstory that I'm missing here, I don't really think there's anything very tumblr about a trans person just standing that isn't dressed in any weird way
>>49195Something looks SO wrong with her face in every picture I see of her
No. 49223
File: 1445820837847.jpg (108.75 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

No. 49235
File: 1445823117706.jpg (7.18 KB, 259x194, horn.jpg)

>>49170>>49212Could've had one of these removed.
(Lady in pic is not on Tumblr as far as I know).
No. 49240
File: 1445824355443.jpg (62.37 KB, 512x539, autisticsouda.JPG)

No. 49242
File: 1445824517614.jpg (79.42 KB, 500x625, yakdad.jpg)

I'd like to add those hitlertashesque septum rings to the "file under nobhead" category (along with "black lipstick").
No. 49243
>>49242Black lipstick looks really good if it's with the right kind of makeup and it's a good quality.
But with basically no makeup on and what looks to be something you found in the discount box at a dollar general? Fuck no.
No. 49246
>>49239She is ugly, dresses like the weird kid in 10th grade despite being
28 years old, and half of her dating profile is dedicated to social justice shit. Where the fuck do you live that this seems like a normal OKC profile? I live in Toronto and we may be a bunch of liberal faggots but the average profile is nowhere near this bad.
No. 49247
File: 1445825273705.png (728.02 KB, 566x918, Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 10.0…)

probably not "your kind" of cow, but i really find bratcandy to be captivating. she makes nudes/amateur videos and sells them but she looks like a 12 year old and ive heard from people that she is 12. she has a fetish for fucking older married men and teasing you about fucking your husband.
not going to lie, im kinda jelly of her body and i kind of like her, but i find her to be so lulzy at the same time. pic related
No. 49251
File: 1445825716384.jpg (244.02 KB, 666x539, louisefiore789.jpg)

>>49247WAIT! WHUT?? She's over 18??
Here have a #trap
No. 49255
>>49252LOL i swear it isn't. i wish it was a selfpost… i would kill to look like her. if any of the mods wanna see what i look like i'm just a fat loser with brown hair.
>>49251yeah im shocked too. there was some drama between the people i follow, accusing her of being underaged. if you go to her blog its fucked up if she's actually underaged cuz she posts pics of getting fucked in the butt and being raped and shit
No. 49256
>>49200All of my shame.
I'm hardly surprised though.
No. 49257
>>49255If there's a possibility she's underage, you shouldn't post it.
I don't want the body of a 12 year old, thnx and don't want to see one being raped on her blog.
No. 49261
File: 1445827507699.jpg (83.09 KB, 960x720, tumblr_nwshzkPvtU1u85gh6o1_128…)

>>49255Well, even if it's not a self post (it totally reads like one and you brought her up in the megan thread too…REALLY suspicious) how is she lulzy? She seems no different from every other dd/lg bitch and if she took the kids' clothes off + lost 20 pounds she would be somewhat attractive. This thread is for ~pastel goth~ genderblobs and shit.
>they/them pronouns for both of us thanks! No. 49262
File: 1445827584570.jpg (552.33 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nwt2ykebbo1us8nt2o1_128…)

Someone call the tard wrangler, little Jonny got into the bag of yard waste again
No. 49265
File: 1445827867382.jpg (111.9 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nwsz6cnEvR1qeda2yo3_540…)

Only the dead can know peace from this evil
No. 49269
File: 1445828367461.jpg (140.09 KB, 480x640, commie dyke.jpg)

No. 49271
>>49261I'm actually the anon who brought her up on the
camgirl general thread, the anon who posted it here is different
And inb4 fatty but uhh…if she lost 20lbs she'd be Ashley. She's already tiny as fuck.
She's actually very against DDlg and little girls despite calling her so daddy and wearing kids clothes and calls girls who are littles mentally disabled yet her posts reek of sperg. I feel like maybe she was frequently raped by a married older man in her childhood and that's how she is the way she is, idk.
No. 49273
>>49271you're not convincing anyone that you're not selfposting lol
if you think she's lulzy make a separate thread bc she doesnt belong here or in the megan thread
No. 49286
File: 1445828839647.jpg (337.96 KB, 960x1280, wiredreflex.jpg)

No. 49291
>>49287>>49289Nobody gives a fuck. Just stop talking about it and it'll go away.
>>49289That's the fucking point of this thread Fuck off.
No. 49307
File: 1445830125466.jpg (18.53 KB, 300x189, 2cenrdl.jpg)

>>49247OP here, if thise girl is 12 don't post that shit. Besides this thread isn't for those DD/Lg brats, it's for the, as I said,
>Most Tumblr looking motherfuckerAlso like everyone else in this thread I'm very sure this is a selfpost, too. Kindly fuck off
No. 49310
>>49309All very Tumblr-y and 100% seem like they would
TW some shit like caps or hands, so yes!
No. 49363
File: 1445835823426.png (800.79 KB, 709x709, tf.png)

yesterday i was watching a video of one of my favorite bands performing and the camera panned over to the audience to show this kid for like a solid 20 seconds
No. 49371
File: 1445836618036.png (585.49 KB, 537x635, k.png)

>>49366kid's got a tongue piercing too
No. 49375
File: 1445838245662.jpg (258.14 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nwoe03WET41uivlc9o1_128…)

makes me sad when I see a PoC whitewashing themselves =/ no shame in your skin color..
No. 49379
>>49240Legitimate question…
Why would anyone be okay with being referred to as an "it"?
No. 49382
File: 1445839908238.jpg (117.74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ntor89C9v01uuxm19o1_500…)

>>49255>>49287>>49289Mods don't check IPs. The Admin said he would no longer be doing this on request. Fuck off, newfag.
No. 49384
I was lurking Tumblr for some pictures to post here and found the oddest blog: person makes posts almost every day about "stalkers" who attack them in their sleep and also attacked their son.
I have no idea what to think of this blog but it freaks me out.
No. 49386
File: 1445840446092.png (779.23 KB, 1080x1123, Screenshot_2015-10-26-02-17-08…)

>>49384I know this isn't relevant and I'm sorry for not staying on topic but seriously, this blog is so gosh darn bizarre. This person has to be mentally ill? Right?
No. 49389
>>49384Oh, ily. I love conspiracy people blogs but rarely find any of this quality.
>>49379Obviously she's okay with it, or it's okay with it…w/e
No. 50456
File: 1445842457436.jpg (92.7 KB, 500x500, kieranjml.jpg)

>I write and draw YA LGBTQ webcomics at I'm a mouthy feminist, pansexual, and trans. Take your overcompensating hypermasculinity elsewhere, 'cause this man don't need it. He/him/his.
(>Tomodachi Forever is a young adult LGBTQ+ webcomic by transgender author and artist Kieran James. It’s for anyone who’s ever been bullied, afraid, in love, rejected, confused, depressed, or just struggling to figure out who they are and where they belong.)
No. 50713
File: 1445844748767.png (512.05 KB, 450x584, tumblr_nuk7leq84X1rtqhtgo2_500…)

When will this god-awful deer makeup trend die?
No. 50715
File: 1445845041351.jpg (91.66 KB, 998x787, TW.jpg)

[pic related]
No. 51046
>>49271Naw, she could stand to lose 20lbs.
Quit self-posting.
No. 51055
>>49251ew looks so manly
is that you anon?
No. 51131
>>49384It's not uncommon for people with schizophrenia to believe they are a victim of gang stalking.
Video is a schizo lady screaming at a postal service worker to stop stalking her
No. 51132
File: 1445900463004.jpg (104.14 KB, 540x720, 1sq0cn1o3.jpg)

No. 51134
File: 1445900615067.jpg (52.9 KB, 640x595, vfcy5o1.jpg)

No. 51142
File: 1445901714154.jpg (33.24 KB, 640x480, bbbb.jpg)

>>51132I posted a fatty. Please forgive me, OP.
No. 51143
File: 1445901815972.jpg (447.79 KB, 960x1200, tboy.jpg)

No. 51188
File: 1445907471148.jpeg (411.02 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpeg)

Lmao take a shower.
No. 51256
>>51210Tumblr once worshiped him as their like ~gay god~ or whatever.
>>51255Thick eyebrows look nice in moderation. Cara Delevingne's brows are thick but they're nice and groomed. Tumblrina thick brows with stray eyebrow hairs everywhere and then filled in with black gel eyeliner just looks like complete shit.
No. 51263
File: 1445936040196.jpg (764.01 KB, 750x1155, TF-2-WEB-V2.jpg)

>>50456I checked his comic. Horrible art and totally unfunny. Every character is a tumblr stereotype of some sort.
No. 51267
File: 1445938916065.jpeg (174.95 KB, 720x1280, image.jpeg)

special snowflake tumblr name? Check (aggressivelybicaptainamerica)
Gender fluid? Check
Shaved head (under the wig)? Check
Begs for money? Check
(Constantly asking for money to buy a binder and to get out their state but boasts about all the BJD and action figures they've just bought)
Ita? Check (once had a tantrum that lolita who post outfit rundowns are ~poor-shaming~ and trying to oppress people who can't afford to wear it)
No. 51295
File: 1445950402703.jpg (66.18 KB, 500x500, nw0r7v4hFO1r48vsio1.jpg)

No. 51296
File: 1445950449195.jpg (386.82 KB, 1280x960, black.jpg)

No. 51299
File: 1445951241882.jpg (74.75 KB, 731x960, ew.jpg)

I used to know this guy in middle school. He used to be pretty qt…..Then he turned into this.
No. 51303
File: 1445951952903.jpg (65.65 KB, 750x562, ew3.jpg)

why do all tumblr 'boys'(?) dress like this?
No. 51443
File: 1445979862193.jpg (982.47 KB, 1280x1878, thisguy.jpg)

>>51048Jesus fuck. These people need help. They also need to realize that they can make their damn blogs private/password protected if they're so fearful of being
triggered or
triggering someone else over having the same damn anime character as their "kin."
I thought my early teen days were bad, when everyone wanted to be a yaoi boy, claim to be bi, or joined those stupid scene kid myspace trains. But this shit is RIDICULOUS.
Adding a Tumblrino to stay on track.
No. 51719
File: 1446049351450.png (1.05 MB, 846x1016, Screenshot_2015-10-28-12-20-51…)

No. 51724
>>51719She looks like a mix between one of those intentionally disfigured anime villains and a shitty fanart of an OC gorillaz character
For a lot of these people they could be ok if they fixed their style but not this one
No. 51873
File: 1446072643668.jpg (63.96 KB, 540x405, tumblr_nulbgsKI3w1ralawjo3_540…)

No. 51874
File: 1446072722763.jpg (291.41 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nwjpd2sLEe1ralawjo1_128…)

>>51873same girl as above (left)
No. 51986
File: 1446086805644.jpg (116.61 KB, 422x750, tumblr_ngdzi3tgAY1rmjsbro1_500…)

No. 52112
File: 1446126028403.jpg (251.94 KB, 640x1136, nwoyipmXCs1qg15f2o.jpg)

I suck at finding tumblr-looking motherfuckers.
No. 52116
File: 1446126286402.jpg (245.32 KB, 960x960, nvt271R4DQ1shu02mo1.jpg)

>nb they/them
No. 52120
File: 1446127677482.jpg (640 KB, 754x1280, nbboy.jpg)

No. 52151
File: 1446132388620.png (337.17 KB, 461x316, justno.png)

On the left, we have a girl who insists on wearing that tacky black lipstick with every outfit and just doesn't know how to apply makeup.
On the right, we have a ~gender fluid~ snowflake
No. 52328
>>49195she counts because she's a SJW, used to be a dude, victimizes herself for being bullied on the internet while bullying other people on the internet etcetc.
she is a great tumblr ambassador
No. 52335
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No. 52338
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No. 52340
>>52017"porn blogs will be blocked
very nsfw"
No. 52730
File: 1446291589874.jpg (129.59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nsschlMZy31qdxqzho1_500…)

No. 65557
>>52690Because "it's different"
Even though they've completely ruined red hair for me
No. 76467
>>76464that picture is totally pre-tumblr and probably pre-myspace. look at the Johnny the Homicidial Maniac shirt and arm warmers. This has to be from, like, 2003.
tbh, sometimes I'm totally nostalgic over this terrible hottopic core aesthetic. that picture makes me want to throw on some Tripp pants, rewatch some invader zim and listen to Mindless Self Indulgence
No. 76481
File: 1451513445221.png (1.28 MB, 647x973, alb.png)

Lots of people seem to like her but I think Albinwonderland is one of the biggest tumblrina SJW's out there. Here she is with her "partner" which is just a dude in a dress and make-up.
No. 76486
>>76481Looks like a tranny version of Onision.
>>76467>>76464I love that early 00's Myspace aesthetic too. I wonder if 10 years from now kids will be nostalgic for all this pastel goth, fakeboi tumblr shit.
No. 82563
>>49244no surprise. all the bodies you "women" like are androgynous and almost stripped of your feminine traits
stupid cunts
No. 82572
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No. 82573
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No. 82578
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No. 83220
>>82578Pretty attractive actually
Sorry for my shit taste
No. 89922
File: 1454721634736.png (638.35 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_2016-02-05-20-14-46…)

this made me lol
No. 99273
File: 1456779053665.jpg (50.86 KB, 960x959, katie.jpg)

>>49150 this bitch looks like an old scary christian friend I used to have in middle/highschool
she stopped being my friend because I started to do foot modeling, and then I snuck into a r rated movie, lmao
No. 486617
File: 1517295424919.jpg (71.27 KB, 1125x843, IMG_2308.JPG)