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No. 87651
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No. 87653
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No. 87654
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No. 87660
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This is gonna be long, she made a gigantic blog post about how her special snowflake health problems all disappeared once she ate vegan, developed a "fat allergy", and lost 30 lbs! Except for her crippling pain, fatigue, "organ displacement", POTS disease…
No. 87661
>>87656That sounds suspiciously like science. We all know facts and science are the true enemies of fundies like Gingler.
Nope chemicals come from satan-scientists. Only chemical free organic goodness like stevia is holy enough.
No. 87663
>>87656Per her updated "about me" on her blog, she is "wRAWp ambassador, Grainful ambassador, Miracle Noodle Ambassador, and Wink Warrior".
Also, she now isn't merely gluten free, high protein, high carb low fat, low sugar, but also follows the FODMAP diet. This is the first I ever read about that. Is that a recent addition? Like her gluten sensitivity, that suddenly appeared?
No. 87667
>>87663Low FODMAP means cutting out short chain carbs/sugars.
Its supposed to be beneficial for people with IBS. (Didnt work for me :/)
Gingler has no reason to be adopting this sort of diet unless she's suddenly got IBS as well.
No. 87671
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No. 87673
>>87671Wow she straight up admits that se thinks gaining weight back will make her super sick.
That's fuckin tragic, does she think those 30 pounds actually contributed? She could stay vegan without staying a spoopy creep.
No. 87674
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No. 87675
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No. 87677
>>87672Its a pretty intense eating plan-
You have to get rid of these;
Oligosaccharides (eg. Fructans and Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS))
Disaccharides (eg. Lactose)
Monosaccharides (eg. excess Fructose)
Polyols (eg. Sorbitol, Mannitol, Maltitol, Xylitol and Isomalt)
And then hope for the best.
This on top of being a raw vegan and whatever other rules she follows, I don't know what the fuck she eats. I doubt its the gross stuff she claims.
No. 87681
>>87673The first human to be allergic to calories, it seems.
This level of cognitive dissonance is frightening. Not quite Aly-level, but getting there. So frustrating if there are people left who believe that.
No. 87685
>>87677Isn't she eating quite a bit of fructose with the apples and other fruit,or would that be too small an amount? Not that I believe she is truly following the diet.
I never understood why sugar "shutting down her system" didnt seem to account for the different types of sugar there are.
No. 87694
>>87685None of what she says makes any fucking sense. Your body needs 3 things to create energy and function: fat, protein and some form of sugars from carbohydrates (sugar and starch foods.) Insulin breaks the sugars down into glucose. Without a steady level of glucose, you either get exhausted or super jacked up / shaky / jittery; basically, you can't function.
Her poor body is so starved of nutrition at this point that it's no wonder she thinks she's stroking out if she eats something with carbs or sugar - in her fragile state, her glucose levels raising above comatose probably feels overwhelming. With her fucked up electrolyte and glucose levels she probably goes into a food coma pretty easily as her body tries to process a bunch of non nutrition containing substances in addition to a bunch of raw veggies.
But she didn't get that way overnight; she had to starve herself severely before this shit would happen.
No. 87711
>With every bite of food I ate, I was feeding my body with allergens that, for some reason, my body just can't digest. These allergens can come in all shapes and sizes: for some people it's dairy, for some it's gluten. Unfortunately for me, it's a LOT. My doctor explained to me that I suffer from multiple SEVERE food allergies, causing all my health problems growing up, and when I finally eliminated these toxins in my diet, I basically "DETOXED," which explained the drastic weight loss. She was (and is, still) extremely happy with my medical stats, and told me not to worry for a second about being technically "underweight"–after all, I come from a family of very tiny people!
No. 87716
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Oh man, is this a farmer or is this GOMI? Or is it Katherine herself, jelous of the attention?
At any rate, I'd almost forgotten about that crazy bitch Katherine Marion, aka the rawsome chef. But I find it hilarious when lolcows intersect (i.e. Ember and Ashley stalking other anas)
No. 87832
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No. 87834
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>>87711Anna's "doctor." She believes cancer is caused by negative vibrational energy and can be cured with ginger and essential oils. No. 87841
>>87832You what
When did Anna say she has Marfan syndrome? I must have missed that.
What symptoms of Marfan's is she showing? Does she have a very long/mobile thumb and fingers? Are her limbs longer than usual? (I don't see it…?) does she have pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum ? I don't see that either. We have no way of knowing any eye or heart deformities typical of Marfan syndrome - unless she shared that and I missed it.
Has anyone else noted signs of scoliosis? I haven't seen any photos of her back.
I will buy the osteoporosis thing, it's quite possible. She may have osteomalacia instead of rickets as rickets tends to manifest at younger ages and she doesn't have the bow legs typical of it- but I'm not sure about this.
What is unfixable vitamin D deficiency? I cannot find medical sources that confirm that. Even very low levels can be replaced orally. I guess if there is joint damage/dislocation due to osteomalacia, that may not be reversed by replacing vitamin d and calcium, so if that's what they're trying to say I will agree.
Overall, weird post.
No. 87940
>>87937The digestive enzymes…she's not shilling for them yet, is she?
The only time you
need enzyme supplements is if your pancreas is chronically inflamed and not functioning properly. Otherwise there isn't enough evidence (as per the Mayo Clinic's Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program aka partial-sellouts to woo –
No. 87942
>>87937Joltography? I thought she was wannarexic.
I did wonder about claire_elizabeth, though. I thought she was smart enough to distance herself. She stopped commenting after thanksgiving, when Anna's "severe gluten sensitivity" made an appearance.
Now I wonder if she got blocked, too.
Would be a blessing, she still looks really frail.
No. 87951
>>87937Her "doctor"s CV –'s a physical therapist, trained in osteopathy, which is NOT the same as osteopathic medicine (DO degree) which means she cannot call herself a doctor. To be fair, I don't see her calling herself one on her website, but I don't know if this is the understanding she has with Anna in person.
No. 87967
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>>87677>be vegan>avoid oligosaccharidesfucking what
No. 87968
>>87656>Does she know that chemicals are naturally-occurringno
she probably buys into that "don't eat it if you can't pronounce it!" bullshit
makes me wish IUPAC nomenclature was mandatory for all food labeling
No. 87975
>>87694>Insulin breaks the sugars down into glucose. insulin is a peptide hormone that helps regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. it signals muscle and fat cells to take in glucose from the blood, and tells liver cells to stop releasing glucose into the blood.
glucagon does the opposite. it causes the liver to release glucose into the blood.
No. 88004
>>87994The first time she bought Walden Farms she was clearly told (by multiple commenters) it was a toxic cesspool of chemicals and plastic-ness, and that she needn't be eating anything with zero calories. She said she'd returned the jar as a result.
Wonder why the conversion now
No. 88009
>>87660>>87671>>87674Sounds like an anorexia in the bargaining stage of grief…….
Not to /blog/ but i made up all kinds of excuses when i first got found out and psych evaluated
No. 88164
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>>87979xanthan gum is produced by a bacterium
No. 88340
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Ann Wilkinson's "Amoga Life" website (
http:// is creepy as fuck.
>The second most common reason is that emotions or memory of a previous injury can be energetically trapped in the tissues and with body work released. In order to be released their can be a conscious or subconscious re-living of the energetic aspect of the injury. Emotional releases are frequently accompanied by nausea.WooooooooOOOoooooOooOOooooOoo. You quack.
No. 88344
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I present you with: the saddest "doughnuts" in existence. The Sahara's got nothing on the dryness of her baking experiments.
No. 88364
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>>88344I know "vegan, gluten-free, oil-free" doesn't usually equal "rich, moist and delicious", but why the fuck do they look like that? It's possible to make vegan food that doesn't look like absolute shit. She seems determined to make food look as unappealing as possible and she's obviously proud of her fuck ups because she's always posting them.
No. 88584
>>88342there are plenty of toxins in the body
reactive oxygen species, metabolites of heme, nitrogen compounds from protein metabolism…
we just come fully equipped to deal with them. if we required "cleanses" or whatever spooky bullshit these quacks prescribe to rid ourselves of toxins, the human race would have died out millennia ago
No. 88585
>>88344excuse me for assuming, but I'm pretty sure regular donuts don't have any fucking meat in them
this isn't vegan cooking, this is "zero food energy" cooking
No. 88641
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>>88344Went to go look at the actual photo after you posted it here. Fucking lol @ this person's comment, surprised it hasn't been taken down/blocked yet.
No. 88865
>>88720Anna linked to her from her fb.
Check the testimonials, too ->The first time I came to see Ann, my Dad had to carry me into her Treatment room. Even though I had seen many doctors for severe pain for over two years, after my first treatment, I walked out with 90% less pain. Ann is a Miracle—my saving grace in so many ways. ~ A.J. Newark, DE No. 88938
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No. 88992
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Soon to be deleted comment
No. 89037
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No. 89218
>>89077It's not her fault she's so much smarter and more mature than her peers. I bet it's exhausting for her to talk to regular people because she's sooooooo wise and enlightened and just doesn't have
time for young people and their foolish football games and gangbang parties.
No. 89267
>>88661I just drank a glass of water after seeing those pics.
>>88679Drybones donuts
No. 89280
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Dang, forgot to post the pic
But then she posts donuts that look drier than the Sahara and I lose hope all over again.
No. 89301
>>89280Those look pretty good actually.
1. Two soft corn tortillas
2. Two handfuls fresh spinach leaves, steamed
3. 5 oz. extra-firm tofu
4. pinch of salt
5. onion and garlic powders, black pepper to taste
6. 1/2 cup sliced, steamed red beets
7. 2 T canned pumpkin puree
8. splash of barge's liquid aminos (or soy sauce)
9. dried herbs and spices of choice, to taste
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Chop tofu cubes into small chunks and place in a medium-sized bowl, along with salt, onion, garlic, and black pepper. Toss with spoon to coat.
3. Spread tofu over parchment and roast for 20-30 minutes, until crispy. Remove from oven and let cool.
4. While tofu is baking, begin plating your tacos. Place tortillas on a large plate and divide steamed spinach between the two.
5. In a small bowl, whisk pumpkin puree with enough water to form a sauce. Add herbs and spices of choice, along with aminos/soy sauce, and stir well.
6. Top spinach with tofu, then steamed beets, and finally, pumpkin sauce. Serve!
Looking at the ingredients, it seemingly is at least edible. Only, there's no oil used when roasting the tofu - how would the spices stick? Would it roast evenly without oil?
No. 89302
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Let's play a game:
#whatveganseat or dog shit?
No. 89303
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#whatveganseat or #whatdogssecreat
No. 89315
>>89309are you twelve
or just amazingly sarcastic
No. 89353
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This is exactly the kind of manic workout anorexics do alone in their room after bingeing on a box of frosted poptarts. Ginge prob does this workout three times a day in addition to running 7 miles every day and eating 0 calorie frankenfood.
No. 89404
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No. 89416
>>89404Kek. But let's be honest, I doubt Ginger even shits more than twice a month.
I'm in recovery for anorexia and have been weight restored for a while now. When my ED was at its worst, I would go maybe once a week, if that. And I ate normal people food (just in severely restricted amounts and I purged most of it.) Ginger's frankenfood plus all her exercise and the amount of fiber in her diet? Can you imagine? Bleh
No. 89424
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Farmer or…? Waiting for a 'this has been such a hard day'' post.
No. 89429
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>>89424>>89426It looks like her head is photoshopped onto her body. Obviously it's not, but the change in her skin color from her face to her body is so fucking drastic that it looks like a bad shoop. Or like she's standing in one of those cardboard cutout things (pic related)
No. 89432
>>89424that arm, that face, fuck
shes gonna get herself in the hospital real fast if she continues like that
No. 89434
>>89424Gah, can you imagine running into this at your gym?
I once went to a gym with what was very, very apparently a resident ana in her 30s or 40s. Holy shit. It was the most viscerally painful thing to watch her run herself into the ground; she looked like she could snap in half OR die at any moment. If she caught anyone's eye when she walked her naked skeleton around the dressing room, she'd give you a biiiig smile like ginge here. I never had the heart to try to talk her down or even hold eye contact for long. When you encounter someone like this IRL, it's extremely overwhelming.
So, I have a pretty good sense of what the folks at gingers gym thinknow of this situation. I just hope she doesn't die on site.
No. 89464
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Shut the fuck up, Anna.
No. 89522
>>88865How many forums are making fun of her now?
Lolcow, Kiwifarms, GOMI, and myproana are the ones I know about. Are there any more? I hate to admit it, but I'm addicted to this Gremlin and I will buy her cookbook and scan it if it ever comes out.
No. 89610
>>89464Not sick and never has been? Why did she quit skating then? Wasn't she on deaths door? Didn't she JUST write a whole blog post about how she's been sick her whole life? Isn't she "sensitive" or "allergic" to like 50 different things, according to her? Doesn't she have POTS disease and displaced organs and spinal cord damage and hip damage, all according to her? You don't fix muscle, bone and nerve damage with a starvation diet and massive amounts of exercise.
So which is it, Anna? You couldn't possibly lie, that would make Jesus sad, but both things can't be true (either you've never been sick, or you have myriad health issues).
No. 89615
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She's shared her secret recipe to these delicious looking dog biscuits and poop.
No. 89617
>>896151. Raw-fed dog
2. Dying cat
Collect dog feces and top with cat feces.
No. 89619
>>89612Meringue donuts?
No. 89621
>>89615I bake as a passion and this recipe fucking hurts me.
Too much protein makes it chewy, lumpy, stiff. Where is the fat content? Why no vegetable or canola oil?
Where is flavour?
You could add a tiny bit of cloves, cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg so it at least doesn't taste like plain dough.
Why wouldn't you learn at least some basic skills and principles related to cooking if you want it to be your career?
No. 89624
>>89621I know, and it's not like there aren't God knows how many websites and cookbooks devoted to raw vegan desserts - but the thing about them is they're usually full of coconut oil, dates and raw nuts, which of course contain calories. Unbelievable, how she can claim that she's not creating a guide to "How to be an anorexic and not really get away with it." The delusion is painful to witness.
>>89437 I get you, she's offensive to pretty much all of the senses; I can't help but imagine that she smells disgusting too.
No. 89628
>>89624It's how she's trying to write 'Orthorexia for Dummies'
>>89622Wouldn't she be kil?
I mean I know she's a huge liar (shame on you Anna, lies make baby Jesus cry) but how can people live with an allergy to lipids?
No. 89629
>>89622The wtf thing of this is that EVEN WITH her insane restrictions, she could have: used nut or soy milk instead of fucking water (!?); added spices; make them yeast risen, used xanathan gum or cream of tartar to get the things to rise and be more cake-like.
Most of all, she needs to realize that other people DON'T restrict like she does. You want a version that tastes like nothing, and is dry and almost without calories? Go ahead. But you'd better provide that version as a substitution option and have a real version that's vegan but tasty. Even with the changes abive, that shit would taste better. And other vegans would be able to add oil as a binder and real sugar, which would vastly improve the whole recipe.
I don't know who these crazy people are who want to eat like she does, but most people don't want to put bad tasting, plain, dry substances with fake sweeteners in their mouths or stomachs.
No. 89638
>>89629Baking anon again-
I'm still mentally fixing her recipes and a nut milk would be great, nice flavour and a smoother, softer texture.
I know she's all about her powders and supplements instead of real food but high protein is the stupidest way to go about cakey anything. I don't think she understands the science behind it at all.
I almost want to buy her recipe book and post reviews of it all.
No. 89641
>>89640New plan, rather than contributing to her stevia and sadness funds I will just review some of her online recipes.
I can be the disgruntled omnivorous blonde.
No. 89714
>>89677These are fucking glorious. Protein Mug Cake, everyone!
"So I had to do some modifications, I don't have Vega protein so I didn't get that nice poopy green color that she has. Also I didn't have brown rice protein powder but I had macca which smells brown so close enough. I put in about a tablespoon of stevia which I think is nasty btw. It's got this very bitter taste with a really sweet aftertaste. This is important. So as soon as I add my water it starts bubbling like a science experiment gone horribly wrong. It thickened up quickly as I stirred, taking on the consistancy of natural peanut butter. Smelled alright at this point, kind of like pumpkin pie. So then I microwave it…
Now it smells burnt but in a very weird way. There was only a very slight "crust" on top, not like hers which hardened more on top. Kind of looks like baby food. So then I taste.
So the notes I wrote while baking say " holy fucking shit dicks what is this abortion of a baked good" I don't know how to describe it, it's so fucking bitter and burnt tasting. I think the bitter was from the stevia. I couldn't even bring myself swallow down that spoonful of awful. I'm not even a drinker and I had to chase it with a shot of Captain Morgan . I can still feel my taste buds screaming in collective agony. Actually when I went to microwave dinner later, I noticed the burnt smell was still lingering in there.
No. 89718
>>89702It's gonna take me a while to get her ingredients, I live in rural Australia.
I plan on delivering videos of the cooking process and a taste test.
No. 89728
>>89727for what it's worth, says it's a real thing and the rush of histamines can cause headaches.
saged because waffle.
No. 89786
>>89699Isn´t Ashley on the review trip? she should do that.
(but would have to drink A LOT of water to purge it afterwards)
No. 89806
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She finished the cookbook, guize! All she needs now is another $9,950 from her dedicated readers to self publish! She's already raised $50 in 4 months, so with just a little extra push, she'll be there in no time at all!
This make me wonder if her readership is entirely anas? Since the kiwifarms recipe review seems to be the ONLY time someone besides Anna has made one of her recipes (which are, unsurprisingly, completely inedible and gave the 2 kiwifarms reviewers food poisoning. And that we from the more "edible" sounding stuff.)
No. 90008
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>>89923calling serious bullshit on that
/lit/ self-published a book that they wrote
No. 90308
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This is the second comment pointing out politely that she wouldn't actually try the Ben and Jerry's because of the fat. First one got deleted. Let's see how long this one stays up.
Her new strategy in dealing with criticism seems to be to leave up the ridicule and otherwise obvious "hater" comments and swiftly delete anyone asking the obvious questions pointing out the contradictions she herself puts out there. With the comments she leaves up, she can act all above it and "lol this is hilarious I'm laughing right now at how pitiful you are" and have people come to her defence.
No. 90331
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Bodychecking continues. What the fuck is wrong with her bellybutton? This feels obscene to look at.
No. 90396
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Guize! New vegan recipe: put jelly on TOAST! Revolutionary!
No. 90529
>>90522Yes, that's her new modus operandi. Appeal to a larger crowd with food like nutella and Ben and Jerry's and advice like you're a fitness persona (rest days,you guize! so important!). Rely on new followers and delete questions.
Could be a reason she isnt't posting her daily devotional and super jesusy stuff any more.
Not gonna happen, Anna. You can't promote yourself as having all the restrictions because deadly illnesses and then pull that shit.
No. 90530
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>>90522She answered this one. Claims she got so excited she forgot to check if she could eat it. As if you needed to check if Ben and Jerry's contains fat.
No. 90552
>>90543There's been a theory floating around that she photographs it then puts a bunch of it back in the fridge. Them dry old carrots tell the story methinks.
I'm not an ana-chan or bulimia-chan, does someone purge a lo-cal meal like that? I thought it was all sweet things.
No. 90553
>>90552Recovered ana-chan here. I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (b/p subtype.) I used to purge most things, even if I was only eating 500 cals a day. I never really binged, just purged what small amounts I ate whenever I could.
Sage for OT
No. 90570
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So she agrees that her food is ugly.
I'm surprised she didn't just delete the comment.
No. 90572
>>90552I think she's an exercise bulimic
I have BED and I eat weird shit almost like she does just so I can eat low cal and still eat a lot
If I'm losing on large quantities, there's no way she wouldn't be able to work off these E-Grade meals and have a large deficit
You guys should should calculate her average meal cal count one day, they never look over 400 by just a glance
No. 90834
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This person left this comment on one of Anna's mirror selfies: >Hi Anna - Do you still teach yoga, or train people? Would love to see videos or photos of your body in motion, rather than more appearance-focused static shots.
Sounded like a fetishist at first glance (videos of your body in motion).
Interesting what kind of people try to get involved and interact with Anna. Morbid curiosity or an attempt to make her see how she has deteriorated/help her somehow?
Either way, prepare to be blocked.
No. 90905
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Yes please.
Then we can determine how cray she really is.
No. 90933
>>90552ana-chan here /bulimia-chan here.
I purge up to 5 kg veggies and fruits per day. I think she purges, too-
sage for ot
No. 91005
>>90954They are quite okay, as I watch out
>>91000dunno, sometimes quite close to it.
Doctors wonder, too.
topic related: Ginger purges or her stomach is really really streched.
No. 91016
File: 1455058195634.png (275 KB, 720x652, IMG_20160209_174517_edit.png)

Can someone verify if this is true? Can the flaxseed oil in those biscuits be adequate for absorption of nutrients?
Also wtf is hummus without fat? Might as well call it bean paste.
No. 91019
Shes so terrible at things… check out TFVG Online Store! try to order.
Shes so stoopid. She cant even resize pictures.
No. 91022
>>90933I used to b/p 8-12 times a day and even I wanna know how you're not dead anon.
Sorry for diary-chan OT but holy shit.
No. 91025
>>91019it's showing up all weird on my phone
The "select" menu doesn't contain any options
What's the empty field for? ( the one you can type into)
Also, what's her supply chain for these products? Is she selling her therapist's woo products?
No. 91060
>>91027I call bs on the 'food poisoning'. That's from bacteria, which grow from the mishandling of food.
The food combo might have been disagreeable for their digestion, sure. That can cause discomfort.
No. 91104
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If you,too, would like to look like Anna but don't know how - look no further than Anna's new shop. Weight loss protein powder. Jesus.
Does she even have a business licence?
No. 91109
>>91022no probs anon, I don´t even know. srsly.
Also study and live my life. A lot of spoopy pain. but nothing to complain about as it is my responsibility.
sage for ot but u asked.
No. 91118
>>91116TIL about marker foods.
Sometimes I'm glad I was a run of the mill fatass binge eater and not a bulimic or anorexic. :/
No. 91119
>>91118Seriously anon be glad. Its a whole new level of suck compared to being fat.
(My marker was Doritos or a sip of blue food dye)
No. 91124
File: 1455092568403.jpg (17.09 KB, 611x458, 7.jpg)

>>91116>her 'marker food' if she's bulimic. It means she eats them first so when she purges, she knows when all the food has come up.>>91119>My marker was Doritos or a sip of blue food dyethat's fucking insane
No. 91126
File: 1455092869825.jpg (37.04 KB, 420x350, image.jpg)

>>91124Did you expect sanity from bulimics?
No. 91141
>>91116>>91118>>91119Are you guys srs lol
Marker foods don't do shit, all the food generally gets mixed up can confirm
No. 91143
You all have mpa to go discuss the juicy details of purging. This is not a tips forum.
No. 91147
>>91143A little personal anecdata is fine, but I do not need to read about people using Doritos as a color marker, yuck.
Also, IDGAF if Ging b/p's or not. She is still crazy regardless and deep in denial that she has problems.
No. 91163
File: 1455119858913.jpg (204.33 KB, 1066x1494, Screenshot_20160210-155535_1.j…)

So calling Shrove Tuesday #fatTuesday isn't disordered at all Ginge? Have some, it might fill out your boney shoulders
No. 91570
>>91346Nobody besides you two oder three wants to hear, how "Anonymus" pukes. Ginge doesnt even puke herself.
I honestly wonder, what shes thinking. How doesnt she become discouraged, when NOBODY buys her stuff. It not even possible to do so.
No. 91690
File: 1455217669202.png (12.7 KB, 243x149, princess.png)

Look who's following ginger!
No. 91765
File: 1455233602997.png (112.25 KB, 720x464, IMG_20160211_183234_edit.png)

>>91763Ouch @ the comment underneath that picture
No. 91779
File: 1455236714230.png (1.34 MB, 1200x1920, 1HgO0mz.png)

the bandaid on her thumb is interesting. That's the one she chews on- it always looks chewed up & callused. I've never seen her cover it up before. It must look pretty bad for her to do that.
No. 91812
File: 1455252652684.png (237.58 KB, 461x515, 3984309.png)

>>91810Or she could have just bought the vector version to begin with…
No. 91865
File: 1455282122387.jpg (37.75 KB, 640x640, 10329222_748034128580372_35163…)

Woah, never seen this photo before.
I wonder why she stopped wearing makeup.
No. 91964
File: 1455312690620.png (16.99 KB, 299x207, hyuvvh1.png)

The deleted third comment was:
>Honestly, I'm not even trying to be mean. However, I felt a light joke would point out to you that your thinking is very disordered right now. You state that your upping your intake of protein; which I'm assuming is to help you build lean muscle mass. That is a wonderful dietary change, but sadly upping your intake of protein won't do anything for you if you aren't eating enough calories. If you want to maintain a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, you must eat denser more caloric foods without all the fake ingredients. Right now you are eating a huge quantity of food, but it has very little sustenance to it. I understand you have some dietary intolerances that make it a little trickier to find a healthy balance. But ultimately you need to find a way to eat more calories. The lifestyle you are living right now is not sustainable in the long run. I truly wish you the best. You seem to be a beautiful young woman inside and out and have a very good work ethic. I wish you would use that work ethic for your benefit.
Of course she deletes any reasonable criticism and leaves up only the trolly comments.
No. 91991
File: 1455320897882.jpg (314.18 KB, 719x966, IMG_20160212_164550.jpg)

No. 91992
File: 1455321039530.jpg (196.37 KB, 708x952, IMG_20160212_164939.jpg)

No. 92000
>>91885I once turned down a perfectly nice ginger guy because I could not get over his lack of eyebrows.
I did some penance later by dating a redhead who was not a ginger and therefore had proper eyebrows/pigmentation, but yeah…I feel bad.
No. 92012
File: 1455323923149.png (188.78 KB, 720x720, IMG_20160212_193439.png)

>>91994I was surprised to see her name there too! I wonder what Anna will make of her advice, given that it's exactly the opposite of the new direction she's taken with her blog - deciding to focus on "nutrition" and "fitness"
No. 92026
File: 1455327488306.jpeg (194.9 KB, 1265x869, image.jpeg)

Lots of 'hater' comments tonight.
No. 92081
>>92078It's nearly midnight on the east coast, she should go to bed is she's to get to the gym for #fastedcardio at the crack of dawn.
The archived page still has the barrage of comments up. Cool. I don't think that feature is used enough by our anons. It's easier than screencapping long/multiple comments.
No. 92086
>>92083I guess so.
The pussy euphemism for self mutilation is "self harm." "Self-abuse" is what 1950s hygiene films called masturbation.
No. 92100
File: 1455343916100.png (1.07 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160213-010353.png)

3 hours ago: "I have LOTS of friends! I just don't like to post pics of them!"
(deletes original question but leaves answer up)
1 hour ago: posts pic of her in someone else's house, captioned "good talks with good friends after work" (no one else is pictured.)
Okayyy, ginger. #LifeIsGood #GodIsGood
No. 92103
File: 1455345045192.jpeg (32.89 KB, 719x141, image.jpeg)

Samefagging for dropped pic
No. 92175
File: 1455371027152.png (29.18 KB, 274x399, muchlogic.png)

>Yes, it WOULD be a problem if I did have an eating disorder and ate lots of low cal foods. BUT I DONT. SO ITS NOT.
How very much "ceci n'est pas une pomme" of you, Anna.
>eats low-cal food even if real, nourishing food would fit within her restrictions
>weighs about 80 pounds at the most (says she lost thirty, probably wasn't more than 110 to begin with at 5'3 or so)
>but says she's not disordered,so it's fine.
How dare anyone take issue with what she eats, just because she is emaciated! The injustice of it!
No. 92524
File: 1455397590046.png (161.51 KB, 720x488, a.png)

People continue to make Anna's life difficult.
No. 92527
>>92525>As long as you are healthyWhat do they mean here?
As long as you're able to work out all the time and not post how much you're suffering from it?
Or as long as the food is perceived as healthy, which it would be to people who don't understand nutritional information works?
>Her calorie free diet has nothing to do with her sizeIs this a farmer, this is surreal
No. 92530
>>92527That post is 100% sarcasm.
I sincerely hope so anyway.
The poster is using Anna's own statement about being underweight but not unhealthy (see her blog)
No. 92565
File: 1455402790651.png (213.45 KB, 578x278, bumpersticker.png)

>>92557Not seeing it either. There seem to be two parody accounts now. Only thing that's spot on are the bumper sticker recreations.
No. 92714
File: 1455417552467.jpg (125.38 KB, 375x667, drybonesdonutsyay.jpg)

>>89267I'll show myself out.
No. 92724
1. 1/2 cup gluten free oat flour
2. One scoop vegan protein powder (I used Sunwarrior vanilla)
3. One packet stevia powder
4. 1/2 tsp baking powder
5. Scant 1/2 cup water
1. Combine flour, protein powder, stevia, and baking powder in a medium sized bowl and mix well.
2. Add water, stirring in as you go to avoid clumping.
3. Pour batter into mini donut silicone/nonstick pan and bake
350 for 25-30 minutes, until firm.
4. Let cool 10 minutes before removing. Serve with PB!
It doesn't just look bad. That obviously tastes bad and this is coming from someone that makes vegan lentil brownies. Nobody else eats Anna's recipes and her tastebuds have been trained to find this nasty shit good. Most of her followers are trolls or maybe ana or ana fetishists. I think Anna is actually low IQ to not realize nobody unironically uses her recipes.
No. 92729
>>92724She's so fucking hungry anything is a tasty mouthwatering treat.
I've seen a girl cry over how good milk tasted after she did some stupid four day fast.
No. 92733
>>92724there's no actual food in this recipe
you're better off stuffing your face with dirt
No. 92736
>>92724There has to be something mentally wrong with her, like a learning disability or something. I get that she’s probably so starved that anything tastes good, but I don’t understand how she can honestly think her food looks appealing. And the gross food is one thing, but that fucking bumper sticker really made me question it…how could anyone with eyes seriously think that looks good?
Not to mention she acts like a child all of the time, with her inability to take any sort of criticism and the delusion that she is actually a legit food/fitness blogger.
No. 92742
>>92736I think she's just so into herself that she can't see how anything she makes or does could be bad.
Nobody is criticizing her irl, and I bet she was always told that anyone who says something she doesn't like is a silly jealous bully.
She seems to genuinely believe she's absolutely amazing and skilled. Imo this is what constantly giving a kid patronizing head pats does to them.
No. 92747
>>92736It's either a developmental delay or disability, or she's just one of those ana chans who cling to childhood like a drowning man to a life jacket. And it's probably the second one because I can't imagine her parents would have just left her in another state with no financial support if she was disabled. But she could certainly use a shrink or some other actual medical supervision, because left to her own devices right now she is not functioning well. I don't know if that's something that's ignored in their particular brand of evangelism, does anyone know? Some kinds are all about woo and they'll ignore anything.
Sage, but i had an acquaintance leave her infant with a lung infection for a whole year. Because putting garlic on that poor infants feet was "natural healing" - bitch was raised in an evangelical cult. Even though she wasn't religious, that ignorant woo shit is still very much a part of her life. I'm not sure how or why the 2 got connected, but woo and religion is a toxic fucking mess.
No. 92755
>>92747I don’t think she’s mentally disabled, probably just a little slow/stupid combined with constant asspats all her life like
>>92742 mentioned. Since her family is religious, I wonder if she was homeschooled? If she was, she probably had no exposure to actual criticism and therefore gets super defensive any time someone disagrees with her.
No. 92914
File: 1455468067265.png (13.37 KB, 294x137, greatexpectations.png)

Something to look forward to, on both counts
No. 93031
File: 1455487789082.png (688.5 KB, 917x604, 34534.png)

Someone made one of her recipes.
No. 93089
>>93086France got it from Italy… Italy got if from China.
It's all good though.
No. 93113
File: 1455498977757.jpg (246.44 KB, 1152x2048, lA4-Sorl.jpg)

new anon here. i had tried to talk to the ginge in a nice way but i give up lol she's an asshole. i feel like if i look at her profile again i'm gonna ragequit insta
No. 93125
File: 1455503216615.png (72.79 KB, 428x517, Screen Shot 2016-02-14 at 6.18…)

>>93113She's so deep into her delusion, and it's all blended together with deeply judgmental self righteousness, courtesy of her bible thumping. She's a child of god, and whatever she wants is the will of god, so therefore it can't be wrong. She won't be able to hear anything to the contrary until she collapses, can't work any more, her parents intervene (i.e. won't let her move back home if / when she's unable to work anymore), or she dies.
And in other news, I decided to dig for some throwback recipes while Anna posts "motivational" quotes instead of monstrosities. This thing has 30 DROPS OF STEVIA in a single serving - watermelon flavor AND coconut flavor! - and is supposed to be soup. It sounds like its a combination of veggies, suntan lotion, and watermelon flavored bitter candy.
No. 93135
>>93113"If you're not into what I create…"
This is the part I don't get. Does she not realize that no one besides anorexics / purgers are "into" what she creates? There's almost no way to stomach any of the recipes - they're pretty much designed to make you purge. And her digestive / stomach problems only make sense in context of her buzzard diet; you don't heal intestinal and stomach issues by forcing your body to process raw veg and fake calorie free substances.
And re: the stevie soup - 20 drops is the shittuer tasting equivalent of 3 tablespoons of sugar in a "soup" recipe for a single serving. I feel sick just thinking about it. If that's the.point, then Anna has succeeded in spades.
No. 93172
>>92733Since when is oat flour not real food?
Everything in that recipe is pretty 'normal' for food except for the protein powder. It just looks gross.
No. 93225
>>93031Haha, the person who posted this pointed out that the recipe for this has since been deleted from her blog. we should start trying more of her recipes to show her that normal people think her food is shit.
No. 93312
File: 1455562850574.png (602.3 KB, 914x578, Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 10.5…)

Well, it seems our Ginger Terror has given up pretending to eat a massive breakfast every day. If this has more than 150 calories in it, I'd be shocked: miracle rice (calorie free), walden farms strawberry syrup (calorie free), tiny orange sections (10 calories?), and chocolate protein powder, water and stevia congealed in the fridge into ball shapes.
The whole thing looks like Willy Wonka play food - except everything is NOT eatable.
No. 93343
File: 1455570743385.png (834.58 KB, 917x591, Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 1.09…)

The calorie count I'm sure she's into (they're pretty low) and she's not had time to make / pretend to eat those giant meals with minimal calories from raw stuff - and doesn't get a discount anymore - so maybe frozen diet food is her new thing.
But I'd love for someone to mention how these don't fit into her 100 declared "allergies".
No. 93346
File: 1455571181743.png (219.81 KB, 843x338, Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 1.13…)

>>93343Here's the list of ingredients - TWO kinds of oil, oh no!
No. 93347
>>93343Thats 100% a sponsored post. The company sent her the stuff to shill. They just started marketing on instagram and have no following whatsoever
Id be suprised, if she ate that poison.
No. 93356
File: 1455572775249.png (16.41 KB, 294x211, fat intolerance.png)

>>93343Someone asked. She's pretty vague on whether she intends to actually try any. I don't believe her "obsession" story - we would have seen pictures of the meals already.
No. 93408
File: 1455579395280.png (140.55 KB, 303x290, brrr.png)

This is the person behind the brownie fudge picture and recipe that Anna posted. That she woud never eat herself. And I wonder how much of those aspirational twee vegan paleo sweets the account owner actually eats - pic related.
Anna defended her on one of her pics. That woman does seem to have crohn's, but has Anna's rude defensive tone.
No. 93418
>>93356is fat intolerance even a real thing for people who have functioning gallbladders? and even without a gallbladder, it just means you can't have high fat meals like burgers and fries without having greasy diarrhea.
I mean, I guess there might be an extremely rare genetic disorder where you can't metabolize fats, but that would almost certainly be fatal just after birth, with severe failure to thrive.
fats are essential macronutrients. your body needs them for everything from sex hormones to cell membranes.
No. 93437
File: 1455583946260.png (376.66 KB, 496x505, crohn's.png)

sage for slightly OT, but the girl who's apparently Anna's new idol, claims to have Crohn's and looks like this. Is this a likely result of malabsorption due to Crohn's? She posts lots of sugar free stuff/vegan/paleo too. Do those restrictions help? I sort of suspect her of bullshitting at least to some extent. She gets extremely defensive to anyone asking about her weight.
No. 93442
File: 1455584490892.png (17.77 KB, 264x168, #wehavejesusonourside.png)

>>93437And how obnoxious is this exchange? Sorry, I'm done now.
No. 93489
File: 1455591344194.jpeg (266.85 KB, 750x1250, image.jpeg)

>>93467She used to look like this now she reminds me of that crazy, sick sister in pet cemetery. Still not as ugly as ginge tho.
No. 93500
>>93489Oz the Gweat and Tewwible!
There's something a bit odd about her. Like, she isn't stick thin like Anna, but she doesn't look healthy.
No. 93506
File: 1455595648468.jpg (138.22 KB, 1138x741, Capture.JPG)

>>93505Uh oh.
Is this Anna's disordered fairy godmother?
Also kek at this comment.
No. 93512
>>93505She left the stem on ffs
Its prickly!
No. 93514
File: 1455596762783.jpg (12.85 KB, 272x252, image.jpg)

>>93506Replace carbs and proteins with zuchinnis?
No. 93523
>>93520Wait so all we have to do is make her recipes and she'll slowly dissappear?
So cookbook author, Anna.
No. 93525
File: 1455598861221.png (176.71 KB, 720x682, shilling.png)

>>93457You're right
sighShe's a shill for them, it's in her blog bio
No. 93532
File: 1455600377424.jpeg (173.26 KB, 750x1200, image.jpeg)

>>93500>isn't as stick thin as AnnaShe's just as thin. Just all the couple lbs of fat she has is on her legs.
She's got the same type of ED as ginge just way less entertaining.
No. 93542
>>93539Yep, she's obsessed with food and it's not like she's spending it on anything else (like eyebrow makeup).
I bet she spends less on food than a normal person anyways since she never eats at restaurants or anything. Plus the food probably lasts a long time since she eats so little.
No. 93545
File: 1455603522976.png (429.41 KB, 628x428, singleserving.png)

It seems like Ginge identifies as "single" as well.
No. 93558
File: 1455608334991.jpg (108.46 KB, 700x1074, JCI0525736.f1.jpg)

>>93555it's the complete lack of fat in her diet.
No. 93578
>>93544She did a post asking people to guess her age, saying:
> I'm older than you may think (thanks natural skincare>says in the comments she's 26 (?)>BITCH WHATI would have guessed well preserved mid-late thirties as well.
Also, I'm in my mid-twenties. Go die in a fire, bitch.
Link: No. 93581
File: 1455614908504.png (834.69 KB, 602x531, spoopy.png)

>>93540You can't see a lot of her in this picture, and she wears a big sweater, but she has the spoopy look down: claw-hands, sallow skin, sternum protruding.
No. 93585
>>93581I wouldn't call those claw hands. Mine look pretty much exactly the same :/
Her neck looks…weirdly flattened and squashed.
No. 93611
File: 1455625843103.png (925.56 KB, 915x547, 26.png)

>>93591Here's the post where she talks about turning 26.
Does anybody else think her boobs look a bit Aly-level bolted on, especially as she has so little fat everywhere else? Push-up bra,fake or just blessed?
She does have wide hips and a nice hourglass shape,so maybe she's lucky.
No. 93639
>>93636My friend had hers removed in her mid 20s and was told she'd need to be careful with her fat intake. Smthing to do with removal slowing enzymes down from the liver (probably got that wrong but something like that). She still eats high fat foods like a nob but doesn't get any problems with it.
I'm sure there's a doc anon who knows more though.
No. 93642
>>93312why does literally everything look like vomit
she is either extremely ill or the ultimate troll
No. 93834
File: 1455663420010.png (205.96 KB, 295x289, #workwithwhatyagot.png)

>>93800Makes pics with captions like this one pretty brave:
>Too thin. Too fat. Too tall. Too short. Too flat. Too big. Too dark. Too muscular. Too blotchy…..IF EVERYONE LOOKED THE SAME, NO ONE WOULD BE ATTRACTIVE.
Embrace yourself and have confidence. It's the most attractive thing you can posses!
#WorkWithWhatYaGot @lilsipper
Work with what ya got indeed. Or deprive yourself, get a boob job and extensions.
No surprise she's getting some blowback. Crohn's or not, her food choices and antics (promotes fat loss! guilt-free everything!I don't need to count calories because my food choices make me look like that effortlessly!) raise red flags. And she has almost 300 times more followers than Anna.
No. 93845
File: 1455665576052.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.32 KB, 194x259, download (1).jpg)

>>93555This post reminded me of those monks who'd start mummifying themselves while still alive. Probably her next step is to find out their diet and finish the job she already started.
No. 93848
File: 1455666137048.jpg (336.61 KB, 712x1103, IMG_20160216_162552.jpg)

Dat some good bulimia right thur.
No. 93881
File: 1455676368624.png (393.17 KB, 1536x2048, image.png)

TFC seems to have turned against ginge according to these comments on this hilarious IG satire account for TFVG.
No. 93885
>>93848Notice two placemats to hold it all.
Ugh at those carrots… I first though they were some kind of salami or something.
No. 93894
>>93545Business cards? The "ultimate vegan recipe resource"??
Really??? She really thinks she's gonna be some kind of vegan mogul with her "recipes" of protein powder and water rolled into balls & served with a side of raw celery and Walden Farms zero-cal syrup, in a $30 Comic Sans ebook?
I… have no words.
No. 93913
File: 1455690903855.jpeg (43.77 KB, 357x479, image.jpeg)

>>93734>>93733>>93611I thought she was at least mid 30's. i can see how not believing "trolls" on Instagram are telling her she looks sick as fuck but nobody irl told her to gain 15 lbs at least.
Her food looks great compared to Ginger's at least.
I know some extremely skinny girls with huge tits but you can see they have sag. And this cleavage looks weird.
No. 93918
>>93728I both have my gallbladder and liver, but they aren't really functional, my body doesn't give proper signals that they should go and do stuff. So I'm terrible at digesting fats and sometimes turn very yellow, yay -.-.
My doctor advised me to get around 15-20% of my calories from fat. Below 10% would be detrimental to the rest of my health. Your body doesn't care that you are shit at metabolizing fats, you still need it.
What would be even worse, is calorie restricting. If you already don't have a gallbladder, you shouldn't give your liver a very hard time like that.
No. 93949
>>93545This idiot calls her recipes a "pefrect for students".
How is being vegan is any good for student? Being one you already burn calories by processing lots of information with your brain(brain burns calories when it works) like a stowe. When you cut your callories income down to zero you would be barrely abble to think clearly.
Vegan crap is expensive as hell, being a poor student you will not only starwe yourself to death but also go bankrupt by living vegan lifestyle.
Anna knows nothing about real life.
No. 93954
>>93951Wrong poster. I am the one that called the xanthipeee person a loser. There's a difference between creating a thread dedicated to someone like Anna vs being so obsessed with her you're willing to create account after account just to make fun of her.
Xanthipeee was already deleted once by IG, but they're back at it. As far as I know, that account is run by
No. 93967
>>93965What I think happened was the person created the IG account originally was a Gomi user. Then somehow GOMI started finding out about lolcow, so now this person stalks the thread. Even the Ash and Aly threads over at GOMI have mentioned this place.
I can't be sure though, and we'll never know if that's the case.
No. 93975
>>93967For me, the #1 potential candidate is Cersei. I'm a former GOMI member and she had the biggest hard on of all about FVG. She is also a long term ED sufferer (18 years or something) who probably gets
triggered as fuck about these things then can't look away.
No. 93986
File: 1455725849950.png (135.05 KB, 236x226, cryptkeeper.png)

>>93913I refuse to believe she's 26. There's no way she isn't at least in her late 30s.
No. 93989
>>93975Really? Didn't she change her usename and then left suddenly? I had assumed she got worse or better and decided Gomi wasn't helping? Maybe I'm deluding myself, though.
The poster I suspected (I'm
>>93965) was Borderline Personality Disorder. She could originally have lurked,and is now seeking attention/headpats.
No. 93994
File: 1455730540796.jpg (32.59 KB, 420x294, 4f214be7cfbd9fae8138c8b4e11092…)

>>93545dear anna, this is relevant to your life
No. 94034
>>94011I don't know tbh but it depends on where you are and whether there has been a mad cow outbreak in the last couple of years. Beef is really expensive right now where I live.
These price infographics are always horribly inaccurate for me anyways but I'm Canadian, not sure if they are accurate all over the USA.
No. 94059
>>94037Europeanfag here
omfg yesterday I got a head of cauliflower for 1 € (~ $1,11)
for example you get one cucumber for 70 c
being vegan is not really more expensive if you don´t eat these fake meat stuff
No. 94092
>>94091they even build chicken with this typical skin and wings. even lobsters.
I am vegan for so long now but never wanted to try this
No. 94113
>>94092When my friend and I went to a vegan place, she made me try these mock meat chicken drumsticks, I was trying to be polite and said it was nice, even though I couldn't stand it.
The reason we went to a vegan place to begin with is because 1. she's vegan and 2. I have food allergies and usually can't get dessert in restaurants.
No. 94125
File: 1455746756709.jpg (110.9 KB, 929x594, tfvg.JPG)

Holy crap, sage the grocery lists, yeah?
Let's get back to the "meat" of this thread - this crazy ginger bitch. Here's a 30 calorie "appetizer" that she calls chips and salsa (WHICH IS ALREADY FUCKING VEGAN YOU TWIT)- but I don't see any dinner, so… this was probably it.
No. 94235
>>94227She isn't even consistent. Is raw vegan but eats those microwave meals? Apparently has all these allergies but can handle highly processed lab food like Xanthan gum and TVP.
She just combines a bunch of restrictive diets so she can restrict everything high calorie to trick her dumb ass family.
No. 94236
>>94091I know right!
Like if someone is a vegan for ethical reasons, then real meat probably disgusts them. Wouldnt fake meat also be disgusting?
Or, if someone is vegan for health reasons, wouldnt fake meat be a horrible choice consdiering its far
More processed and artificial than any real meat Would be…
Theres literally no good reason to eat tofurky and what not lol
No. 94310
File: 1455770182936.jpg (102.36 KB, 920x572, tfvgSPON_CITY.JPG)

Well, dis crazy bitch made another blog post. This time, you guys, she HAS to share her FAVE PRODUCTS with you all! And they all just happen to be companies she gets freebies from - what a crazy coincidence!
Methinks someone turned lil Anna onto Jesus' miracle of cross promotion, sales and monitization. I suspect that when it became clear that she wasn't gonna pray her way to $10k to publish her biggest failure, her "doctor" boss turned her into social media schemes. Although with her low readership and following, I doubt she's getting more than free food to photograph then throw away.
No. 94312
She fucks everything up.
No. 94327
>>94091>>94236I dated a girl who was raised vegetarian, to the point that the very thought of eating meat disgusted her. To the point that if she saw me eat meat, she wouldn't kiss me until I had brushed my teeth.
Her cabinets were full of the fake meat shit, in cans. She made some for me once. It was like a really bad Tyson chicken nugget, the kind made entirely from mechanically separated chicken.
No. 94461
File: 1455819769777.jpg (272.57 KB, 933x645, falseprophets.jpg)

>>94449 Joltography - er, hedgie.coconut - is making increasingly pointed digs. Ouch.
No. 94474
File: 1455821924548.png (865.87 KB, 933x645, yikes_zpsossz2okd.png)

No. 94552
>>94254It looks like she just crushed some peeled tomatoes and these "chips" look like slices of Nutraloaf (
Also, is anyone else
triggered like a motherfucker by her hashtags?
No. 94571
File: 1455841846456.png (103.75 KB, 352x658, strenght.png)

>>94310>>you might want pizza AND pasta AND breadsticks….you mean the low carb, high protein, stevia-sweetened tofu breadsticks, pizza and pasta???
No. 94593
>>94582Just bought some of the tofu ones to try in stir-fry. So I should boil them first? I know to rinse them but didn't know about boiling!
[OT as fuck sorry]
No. 94906
File: 1455915948932.png (858.35 KB, 928x576, #eatrealfood.png)

Without comment.
No. 95029
>>95024I hope you're kidding.
It's 4chan's cooking board.
No. 95036
File: 1455947183323.jpg (201.22 KB, 533x569, Claire mom post on tfvg.jpg)

OMG how did we miss this?! On 2/15, Claire's mom reamed TFVG on her Facebook page! Spot-on comments too. I feel so bad for Claire. She seemed to be an amazing friend who genuinely loved and cared about Anna.
Link to comments section on FB: No. 95039
>>95036>I’m thankful you do not have a large audienceMy sides.
She's totally right though. Claire’s comment before she got blocked was actually really nice but Anna blocked her in a hot second. What a raging bitch to do that to someone who is actually your friend.
No. 95077
File: 1455961060087.png (780.05 KB, 956x613, efdshjk.PNG)

Yum Yum vomit soup lookin oatmeal
No. 95088
File: 1455967341748.jpg (215.7 KB, 1000x643, image.jpg)

>>95077So I guess these readymade ones she posted the other day were just too darn high in fat. Had to concoct her own.
No. 96471
File: 1456036081588.png (396.64 KB, 494x494, notgood.png)

No. 96660
>>96561I'm convinced this would not actually be as satisfying as it seems it would be. In the before picture her body shape/fat distribution is bad as well as her actual face.
I still really badly want to see someone try and improve her.
Does the makeup is the devil thing have anything to do with ED? I don't even think it's religious because she used to wear (terrible) makeup and she's always in all over skin tight clothing kek.
No. 96736
File: 1456100150763.png (631.85 KB, 913x571, Screen Shot 2016-02-21 at 4.13…)

Eugh, her SPINE. Thing looks like its ready to pop out. How much longer can she keep up her crazy physical activities, you think?
No. 96872
File: 1456136926854.png (4.94 KB, 719x119, ck v g.png)

>>96716I fucking love 4chan
No. 96874
File: 1456137652466.jpeg (94.85 KB, 750x738, image.jpeg)

Someone should show this to Ginger and link her to the quick online ED screening on NEDA's website. I know she may think she doesn't have a problem but that doesn't mean shit; lots of alcoholics don't think they have a problem while their liver is failing. She needs to get some help.
No. 96876
>>96660Well, first off, devoted christians don't wear make up, because it implies you don't like the way god made you.
Second, she is VEGAN, and most cosmetics are not vegan, also her made up allergies.
And for the last, she want people to show off how young she is and how much she does not need it.
No. 96890
File: 1456143826159.png (15.2 KB, 550x96, yesitis.png)

No. 97090
File: 1456183452297.jpg (154.27 KB, 594x842, 1456181122772.jpg)

shamelessly lifted from 4chan
No. 97159
File: 1456188807845.png (256.41 KB, 373x1224, savory oatmeal.png)

>>95077>grains>pulses>modicum of fat from the cashew milkthis may be the highest calorie meal I've ever seen her post
No. 97177
>>97167A little feedback sinks in even when she has her disfigured fingers stuck in her ears.
The mustard throws this off for me, but baby steps.
No. 97356
>>97332Dw anon. She will be blind and arthritic soon. Without fat she can't absorb vitamins A, D, E and K.
Her kidneys and guts will die without it.
Ideally, you should get around 20 to 35 percent of your total daily calories from fat so gingler is fucked.
No. 97519
File: 1456253851662.png (4.96 MB, 3300x2300, 1454048491319.png)

>>97090It's just too perfect.
No. 97659
>>97584all you need is b12 m8.
Anyway no vegan on planet earth would touch any of the garbage Ginger makes, nor would any self respecting human being. I still get nightmares about the cinnamon toast crunch made of veggies.
No. 97749
>>97659Doesn't virtually everyone take supplements these days anyway, regardless of if they're omnivorous? The health supps industry has done a top job with marketing. It's just about how healthy your diet is.
And no, no ACTUAL vegan I know would touch any of the SO-CALLED vegan atrocities she comes up with.
No. 97756
>>97584I don't get the "you have to take supplements" argument. what's bad about taking supplements? because they aren't
natural? is the way we grow most plants, fruits and veggies natural? is the stuff we feed the animals we eat natural?
are supplements bad because they are chemicals just like everything else? many foods contain some sort of supplement anyway and most people have some sort of deficiency, not matter what they're eating.
No. 97757
>>97659You don't even need a B12 supplement if you eat organic produce that retains the natural B12-producing bacteria in the soil, (or you can just have some fortified foods or drinks, since dairy is fortified anyway and the animals meat/dairy come from get supplements regardless so that more B12 shows up in their milk and meat). I know people who have not had a B12 supplement or fortified food in decades because they can access organic produce for most of their meals. However like 40% of the US population is B12 deficient even eating meat/dairy, I'm guessing because naturally people would get a lot that was on or absorbed by fruit/veg through soil but nowadays with pesticides the soil is fucked and the healthy bacteria producing B12 is gone. So it's not a bad idea for anyone to take some extra B12 even just once a week. Sage for OT. Bottom line is any wholesome, plentiful diet is enough to give us the nutrients we need.
Ginge's body is falling apart because she doesn't eat wholesome foods, mainly just stevia and artificial crap plus a smattering of low-calorie vegetables. She should be eating heaps of different fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, etc. but is not.
No. 97908
>>97757Nobody cares about your vegan ranting. You'd understand that if you weren't deliberately eating like a herbivore despite thousands of years of being an omnivorous species. If someone did this to a dog its abuse so don't say its food for other people.
Can we please get back to the calorie-free goblin? You've got all of tumblr to spread your fruity pseudoscience, don't bring it here.
No. 97994
>>97948Okay, I gotta ask because I've seen her mentioned several times now: who is Margo (and I've actually never heard of Gurgles)? Inquiring fags wana know!
>>97983It looks like asphalt or bloody dried out stool for sure. WTF dude, just like those Sahara playdough dogshit circles, I'm parched just looking at this shitastrophe-on-a-plate!
retch No. 98087
File: 1456406800003.png (522.53 KB, 929x588, k.png)

Proving she has friends after saying she keeps her private life.. private.
No. 98088
File: 1456406859630.png (878.01 KB, 932x597, groce.png)

Black bean steak. Would anyone in their right mind actually try this?? wtf
No. 98090
>>97908I'm actually an omnivore. I only think the "but you have to take supplements so it's bad"-argument in particular doesn't make sense. Since you only attacked me on basis of what you thought my eating habits were you didn’t really make a point.
It's also pretty annoying to say how nobody cares and to ask to get back on topic while continuing the discussion. If you want to get back on topic post something relevant.
No. 98107
So, a cute little TFVG white knight recently showed up on Kiwifarms: "Cordelia_Chase"
No. 98156
File: 1456428762935.jpg (21.78 KB, 300x237, image.jpg)

uncanny resemblance
No. 98158
File: 1456428861639.jpg (140.86 KB, 933x597, image.jpg)

>>98156i have nothing to contribute other than the cat.
her life makes me =[
No. 98166
>>98158Gotta love starvation-
triggered bipolar mania!
No. 98177
>>98158Me too. The more manic someone is and the more they won't admit there's anything wrong, the more glorious the breakdown/crack-up, usually.
Jesus, look at that pigtail. I have an extremely short pixie cut and I could manage a far thicker more luxurious plait than that.
No. 98253
File: 1456439743516.png (24.13 KB, 870x421, instastats.png)

Saw it mentioned on Gomi that Ginge is now buying followers. I took a screenshot,and unless these sites are unreliable (does anyone know?), this looks suspicious.
Her insta idol lilsipper recently got spammed on a few posts from one of those accounts that sells followers, so that may be where she got the idea.
The release of her cookbook should be in the next days. Maybe she's gearing up for that. Not that it matters if you have so few followers, and many of them hate-followers or spammy "like my profile" ones.
No. 98342
>>98087She looks even more freakish next to a normal-looking human, ugh.
And that kaiti person is someone ginge used to skate with, not a "bff." No mention of ginge on her IG for over a year and nothing about their AMAZING day together. She's just the latest of a string of acquaintances that make a one-time appearance in ginge's IG as her BEST FRIEND EVER, never to be seen again. (Remember octogenarian Nat? LOL)
No. 98495
File: 1456538848744.png (12.15 KB, 302x156, congrats.png)

>>98468Not sure if bots exactly, but you can tell they're somehow automatically generated,they look fake. I think it's mostly vanity for her, as her very few likes and comments should make clear to prospective sponsors that there isn't much interaction with her followers.
Pic related: some more or less inconspicuous teasing about her sudden popularity. Probably not subtle enough, but A for effort.
No. 98519
>>98472"Probably because some people (like Claire's mom) said she wasn't popular/didn't have a big following. So Ginger is trying to make it look like more people give a shit about her than they actually do."
LOTS of followers and TONS of friends that she goes out with ALL THE TIME!
No. 98552
File: 1456556063804.png (695.53 KB, 928x589, maggots.png)

Looks delicious.
No. 98556
>>98552Maggots are totally vegan, guys.
How the fuck can anyone eat that shit?!
No. 98558
>>98552I feel
triggered, good lord what the fuck is this, worst shit she ever posted
No. 98569
>>98481She is not even following bible, her instagramm alone is a beakon of SIN. She is more like christian wannabe, what i want to say is that she's christian only by words, she doesn't live like one, not follows christian beliefs. What makes case even worse she's a filthy heretic for following that woo-woo shit Sai Maa sect.
>>98552Miracle rice is made out of fiber that cannot be digested. It's not vegan, it's not even food.
No. 98577
File: 1456575115207.png (31.84 KB, 896x451, Untitled.png)

>>98253Hahaha she is def. buying followers. Wow.
Suddenly at 3,932.
No. 98578
>>98577Wanted to add:
I don't understand what the point is though. Will the bots automatically like or comment on her posts? Or they're just there to be a number?
No. 98580
>>98558So do I, and I'm not normally squeamish but Jesus fuck that's rank. It's
triggering my trypophobia too.
No. 98585
>>98580I wasn't going to mention trypophobia, as I made the mistake of googling it a few years back, and the images and one particular creepypasta still come back to haunt me every once in a while. I did not appreciate having that sprung on me without a warning. Glad I'm not the only one having a visceral reaction.
Ginge, go back to 50 shades of faeces. It's what you do best!
No. 98711
>>98253>The release of her cookbook should be in the next days.I can't wait for that, bracing for a meltdown when no one buys it, apart from maybe her mom and one or two of her insta stalkers (her woo woo doc is probably too cheap/smart to buy one), it will be great.
>>98577Oh Anna, how unchristian of you to deceive people like this!
>>98569 is absolutely right with her post, Anna is a christian in name only. Pretty sure she also never read a bible besides her ICB, makes me kek to no end.
>>98642Sides in orbit
No. 98810
File: 1456636517728.png (709 KB, 933x609, 2002.png)

No. 98862
>>98712Sin of lie.
She has been lying so much to so many people, she has became lie herself.
She most certainly lies to her parents, she lies to people on instagram about EVERY SINGLE THING, she lies about her recipes being tasty, she lies to companies whose foods she presents making them believe she's significant, while there are 1,5 white knights around her and others are just there to watch that goblin do gross shit and being gross in general, rest are bots.
Sin of greed.
If you did not notice she's so greedy she actually wants people to give her 10 000$ for her book, not only that, she also charges 30$ for book itself. She uses thumbnail image of extremely low quiality because she does not want to pay 12$ for quiality image. She expects people to buy her overpriced crappy stickers.
(The very same behaviour had my former employer, and the she looked like ginger, and in general was like a copy of her, i left her in the very same moment i realized what kind of person she is)
Sin of heresy
Woo-woo doctor, for who she left her job, whose stuff she promotes, who she listens and has close one sided relationship.
Disregard of the food is also a Sin.
Be it plant or be animal it's always nature's sacrifice to human. She is trying so much hard to eat artificial food, it's killing her. She wastes food for her crappy photos and reuses it, in the end she does not eat food and it goes in trash can.
She does not love people around her, she likes only their positive attention, it's a sin.
She blocks ANYONE who is not enabling her, thinking different than her, hell, sometimes it's enough to not give enough of positive attention. She's being bitch to people in general.
She mentions god is a FUCKING HASHTAGS!
She uses christian religion for ATTENTION and FASHION purposes, but does not follow it.
No. 98867
File: 1456670116553.jpeg (88.29 KB, 750x728, image.jpeg)

Sounds like someone we know….
No. 98874
File: 1456670918682.png (12.77 KB, 310x130, hype.png)

She is so obnoxious, wtf. Is she so stupid that she can't see that people are taking the piss? Does she expect to get away with this by responding as if people were complimenting her and blocking anyone who actually spells out "you are buying followers"?
No. 98882
>>98874Every day i'm thinking about creating IG account just to come to her photos and commend how she's beautiful, how her food is delicious, her healthy and so on, just to enable her selfdestruction and how it all ends.
But i wish other farmers would join me in this endeavour.
No. 98885
>>98874I was dissing her food the other week from that same account and she didn't block me, she's only ever replied to my comments even if they're sarcastic or rude which is odd.
>>98882That's what I'm doing now, going to kiss her ass and convince her to make a Youtube for yoga routines and stuff. I wanna see this awkward creature in action!
No. 98901
>>98898I'd say she's too lacking in skill and sanity to negatively influence a large following, so I can somewhat understand people finding her relatively harmless and simply pathetic.
That being said, I'm afraid she's creating her own little echo-chamber of disorder while putting on a mediocre front. People have said she will crash soon for almost a year, but the bleak reality is that not everyone suffers enough immediate damage to stop. And she's a legal adult. I picture her future like Rebecca from strength and sunshine or Kayla (Healthy Helper), who are boring, didn't have a "breaktrough" but minor success in shilling companies who dgaf. They are not getting any better anytime soon, and helping people get worse while spouting health advice.
So, if this "encouragment" leads to a crash and burn instead of slow demise with long term damage, good.
Not saying it's a kindness in disguise, but I think she is a cow in her own right, and would be even worse if she didn't expose herself the harder she tries. Sorry for tl;dr.
No. 98911
>>98901I guess.
My own feeling is probably motivated partly by the fact there are innumerable more "deserving" targets, Audrey is one example, but /snow/ is littered with others.
No. 99165
>>99159Tbh you were not particularly convincing, vegetable_golem. She's not
that stupid.
No. 99221
File: 1456771303745.png (496.83 KB, 597x599, burntmushroomsoup.png)

Every time I think she's already made the grossest thing possible…
No. 99334
File: 1456792061858.png (19.52 KB, 305x241, tfvgcookbook.png)

Didn't she say her book would come out end of february? Now it's 4 ebooks in order to raise funds for her BIG print book. Because fundraising went so well the first time around. First ebook end of April.
No. 99405
File: 1456808975370.jpeg (283.72 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

I love checking Ginge's page and finding comments like this that haven't been deleted yet. Top kek
No. 99534
>>99533There are two reasons for that.
First is once get his hands on her book, it will be instantly distributed among the farmers for free, and we are the only people who have interest in her book.
Second is she will obviously charge 30 buck for it. Who gonna pay so much for such a shitty book.
No. 99538
>>99405Jesus fuck!
Along with "strawbs" and "toms" this babytalk is killing me!
No. 99560
>>99539But how else #ONE gets #POPULAR on #INSTAGRAMM?
No. 99676
>>93489OT but pet "semetary" was the best movie ever
>>93505This is fascinating. I wonder if it actually tastes any good. What I'm wondering though is why she left the tail in…
No. 99712
>>99676How does it rate compared to the book? There's so much unspoken dread in the later parts of the book, I can't imagine how that comes across on screen.
Sage for obv OT
No. 99719
File: 1456889931786.png (910.7 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-01-22-37-38…)

She's gonna collapse soon. Fucking gross
No. 99751
File: 1456897248192.png (949.78 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-02-00-39-01…)

Her favourite post skating meal guys. Modified, of course, to be as low calorie as possible even though undereating is EXACTLY what forced her to stop skating in the first place.
Tragic, honestly it is.
No. 99752
File: 1456897523472.png (582.98 KB, 925x595, 8rre.png)

>979 calories burned
No. 99768
>>99764Nah. All the pitty goes away when you realize how much of a bitch she is to people, even to her own family.
I'd rather enable her to see what happens. It would be genuinely amusing to see her near death.
No. 99769
>>99768I don't actually want her to die. She's obviously mentally ill. I'm not a moralfag, I'm just waiting for the day trashley dies for e.g.
Ginger is severely ill but doesn't know it. She needs help. I'd rather see her at rock bottom and admitting her mistakes, it'd be much more satisfying than her just dying, it's not like she has an actual fanbase to teach a "lesson" to anyway. Only herself.
No. 99781
File: 1456905638550.png (545.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160302-025916.png)

No. 99787
>>99781I know you guys get a lot of ana-chans saying this kind of shit-but she looks the same weight as pic OP used but farther away
Her ankles are disturbing though, they're angled so severely…is it the pose or is she forcing her legs to look bowed?
Either way she is eating too damn little and working out way too hard, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a heart attack soon
No. 99822
File: 1456921392717.jpg (141.31 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

Someone from gomi made this pic. Undeniable proof that she's buying followers.
No. 99823
>>99769Her illnes is Instagramm.
She needs to be cut off thr internet and taken away from big city(away from hipsters, other vegans and that cultist doctor) to a rural area where people produce their own food.
No. 99829
>>99823she doesn't have a 'hipster' illness nor does she hang with other vegans. all the restrictions is just in service of her illness.
do you live in such a rural idyll as you describe anon? are you walking with children in nature?
No. 99838
>>99823…yeah bc cities cause eating disorders??
she lives in a suburban college town, hardly a booming metropolis, and she developed her ED when she lived in a different suburban college town
and fwiw she would eat up (no pun intended) the "produce your own food" thing as a way to further restrict. she'll literally take anything and add it to her list of supposed allergies, food philosophies, etc. it's one of the most glaringly obvious signs of her disorder tbh
No. 99854
File: 1456934288916.jpg (11.69 KB, 400x400, tyTc1Nl.jpg)

>>99829>>99829>>99838Oh boy, why do i have to explain this.
Anna did not take these ideas out of nowhere about those crazy allergies. There are lots of hipsters who make up their allergies to be speacial snowflakes, their culture is based on snowflake syndrome. Anna wants to be as cool as those hipsters.
There are vegans, who claim morral supperiority based on the fact they don't consume any animal product and radiate tons of propaganda how healthy and supperior they are. Anna wants to be as cool as them.
Those type of people exist on instagram and in wealthy cities where people got easy, hip, and cushy jobs.
The fact she does not hang around with vegans and hipsters does not mean they don't have influence on her, don't forget how much of a bitch she is to people around her.
Being away from influence of those people will cut her dellusion fuel.
When she won't have access to the internet, there will be no reason for her to suffer made up allergies, wasting food to take crappy photos.
Imagine her living on a farm with family who grows their own veggetables and fruits, taking care about chickens, cows, goats and others. Living like this is not compatible with being vegan, people will mock and there won't be miracle block button to stop people speaking, and they won't take any crap of hers.
>>99829>>99829 No. 99855
File: 1456934288910.jpg (11.69 KB, 400x400, tyTc1Nl.jpg)

>>99829>>99829>>99838Oh boy, why do i have to explain this.
Anna did not take these ideas out of nowhere about those crazy allergies. There are lots of hipsters who make up their allergies to be speacial snowflakes, their culture is based on snowflake syndrome. Anna wants to be as cool as those hipsters.
There are vegans, who claim morral supperiority based on the fact they don't consume any animal product and radiate tons of propaganda how healthy and supperior they are. Anna wants to be as cool as them.
Those type of people exist on instagram and in wealthy cities where people got easy, hip, and cushy jobs.
The fact she does not hang around with vegans and hipsters does not mean they don't have influence on her, don't forget how much of a bitch she is to people around her.
Being away from influence of those people will cut her dellusion fuel.
When she won't have access to the internet, there will be no reason for her to suffer made up allergies, wasting food to take crappy photos.
Imagine her living on a farm with family who grows their own veggetables and fruits, taking care about chickens, cows, goats and others. Living like this is not compatible with being vegan, people will mock and there won't be miracle block button to stop people speaking, and they won't take any crap of hers.
>>99829>>99829 No. 99857
File: 1456934812084.png (800.21 KB, 992x548, hjkl.PNG)

the miracle noodle IG posted her disgusting "brownies". check out the comments honestly can't believe they thought this would be a good way to advertise their product
>>99855>>99854no one gives a shit
No. 99871
>>99855lol what
eating disorders existed way before hipsters did
and anna is a homeschooled jungle freak who doesn't even know how to try to be cool
No. 99874
File: 1456938246045.jpg (223.19 KB, 933x599, 49762.jpg)

>>99857I don't think I'll ever be able to look at miracle noodles without feeling nauseous. Even used in "normal" dishes they look like little worms.
No. 99882
>>99871Again, you missed the point.
How can't you see Anna is hipster-pozer?
Her eating disorder is caused because she wants to be cool and famous, so she's emulating traits of those cool guys who happen to be hipsters and vegans.
It doesn't matter how long ED existed, we are talking about this particular case of gains goblin.
No. 99931
File: 1456948152615.png (243.25 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Wonder how long before that last comment is deleted
No. 99985
File: 1456956819267.png (14.45 KB, 295x168, probablynot.png)

>>99931Someone stated the obvious.
No. 100018
I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did outlive her; they seem to have perfected the drawn-out thing, whereas Ginge is really pushing her body to crisis point over and over again, and has gone downhill quickly - in terms of appearance and actual health. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear she had a sudden fatal heart attack.
No. 100138
>>100132You got such a bad taste.
This plate looks like it had been left on a table for a couple days and started rotting.
No. 100163
I swear to god, this girl is so dumb, it hurts… here is the beginning of one of her recipes
"Nobody alive can deny the fact that breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, but also the most delicious. I mean, come on–is there anything on earth better than a tall stack of perfectly fluffy flapjacks after a long day?! Nope. Nothing."
Then she cooks potatoes. No. 100167
>>100163How can anyone take her seriously with that blog layout.. it looks so messy.
Even Tumblr would be a better alternative, at least it would automatically re-size her images.
No. 100291
File: 1457045550027.jpg (526.08 KB, 2448x3264, VmJtqhD.jpg)

Fanart from Kiwi Farms
>>100267Nah, it's still nasty. I thought that was quinoa on the right, but it's actually microwaved vegan meat substitute.
No. 100330
File: 1457056735048.png (237.16 KB, 750x1334, rgG5wGn.png)

Here's some more comments from that post Miracle Noodle ended up deleting
No. 100338
my fucking.
No. 100362
>>100291Yeah,that's a bowl of microwaved tvp granules. Not attractive.
Also this:
"Line a small soup pot with water and satire onion and garlic until soft and fragrant."
"satire" onion & garlic? Does she mean 'saute?' But it's in water, so it's actually boiled. Does she really expect people to buy this??
No. 100373
File: 1457068187201.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

She does ballet, too?! Jesus christ
No. 100374
File: 1457068222769.jpg (48.62 KB, 500x500, tCHwn1K.jpg)

No. 100376
>>100374I was just about to post this! It makes my hands hurt just looking at it.
Also top kek at the calorie free seltzer and her shameless plugging of that small brand in the comments. Bet she'll delete Miracle Noodle out of her bio and add Vintage Seltzer in its place.
No. 100379
File: 1457068654855.jpeg (245.66 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

Went to Miracle Noodle's Instagram after they deleted her post and found this. Looks like Jolty is taking some tips from Anna….
No. 100581
>>100374well she has to eat
something right?
No. 100639
>>100624Anna refuses to eat any fats, claiming an "intolerance" to them. She uses zero oil in her cooking, and the only way she eats nut butters is if they're the powdered version reconstituted with water.
She also claims any real sugars, be it cane or molasses or organic maple syrup - causes her terrible GI ISSUES. But I notice that she eats fruit sugars (oranges, cantaloupe, etc) just fine.
Basically, she's spouting bullshit. Everyone can see through her lies, but she really thinks she's the smartest person in the room and has us all fooled.
I am interested to see an actual starchy vegetable appear so frequently on her plate lately. She must be getting to a desperate stage of hunger to break down and buy a sack of potatoes. It's sad to see her portion then out so carefully and make sure to never serve them in a way that increases their taste or calorie count. But she reminds me of someone in a famine, where people crave vitamins in the deepest stage of their starvation so that they start to eat things like grass.
No. 100655
File: 1457117739910.png (666.67 KB, 951x625, legday.png)

She has the physique of a 9 year old boy.
No. 100663
>>100655spoiler this JFC
sage for
triggered No. 100741
>>100655"#veganmuscle #veganfit"
vegans on instagram must get so pissed off when they see this freak trying to represent them
No. 100747
Not only is she a miracle noodle ambassador, she's now a wink ambassador.
For those of you who don't know, that shit is the fucking nastiest stuff ever. It's basically an "icecream" alternative similar to Arctic zero (which I'm actually fond of), that's vegan, dairy free, fat free, soy free, sugar free, egg free, nut free (I read the list to my brother and almost died laughing).
I bought it out of curiousity, because it's 25kcal/serving (100 for the pint). Took a bite, nasty. I paid almost five bucks for it so I decided I was going to try it and took a second bite. After that I was done. I made all my siblings try it for shits and giggles. I don't know how anyone can possibly stomach an entire serving of that shit.
Clearly the only reason she eats anything she does is for the fucking calorie content. I want to call her out on her bullshit, but I know it'll get deleted.
No. 100752
>>100747>vegan, dairy free, fat free, soy free, sugar free, egg free, nut free I looked up the ingredients to find out what could possibly be in it.'s protein extract, glycerin, a bunch of gums and flours for texture, baking soda, stevia and fruit extract. Sounds fucking horrid.
No. 100814
File: 1457143456976.png (35.37 KB, 326x380, v.png)

Either she's lying or someone bought her followers for her (if that's possible) to stir the pot.
No. 100859
File: 1457152763027.jpeg (402.54 KB, 1268x1487, image.jpeg)

>>100655Newest comment on this photo.
No. 100901
>>100814It's 100% LIE. She bought those followers by herself in order to get some money for being ambasador.
"Look how many followers i have, you should pay me now"
I knew a girl who's total copy of ginger.
>>100896Can't wait to see her flexing bones.
No. 100902
File: 1457164766062.png (811.21 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

It's weird to see what comments she leaves up and deletes, the "triggered" one has been there for like seven hours
No. 100905
>>100902She's deliberately
triggering people searching "fitspo" tags when they come across her emaciated ass. It's really fucked up of her and she totally knows what she's doing.
No. 100931
>>100833But she would then get a confirmation email or smth to her account, wouldn't she? So her being unaware is a lie either way.
I love a good conspiracy, but that's a bit out there.
I'll believe that people are stirring shit, but that's lolcow as much as everyone else. The dumb accounts currently fake-praising her are from here for example.
No. 100938
>>100902Her selfies are starting to look like those "normal" ones which are vain and an abomination unto Nuggan I mean Jesus. She always claimed to be so much better than those egocentric bitches who actually smile and want to look nice in selfies, now she's lifting her shirt to proudly show off her
ugh #veganmuscle
>>100905>>100912Her alternative account was so full of proana poses it was ridiculous, it might still be, cba to check. Her profile pic was her showing off her collarbone in one of those "starin' at the sky contemplatin' Jaysus while gently pulling my shirt to show my collarbone while centring the camera on it" poses. She loves hearing how disordered she looks.
No. 100939
>>100938What's her second account?
She's so proud of her ED and her disgusting eating habits and she clearly loved the body comments and people saying she
triggers them. Many if not most anorexics get really uncomfortable when someone publicly tells them they are ~goals~
No. 100944
>>100939It's this: profile pic is disturbing and looks like something from a horror film (Possessed Henrietta comes to mind, although she had some weight on her), and from what I can tell she's deleted some pics, but there's still plenty of thigh gap emphasis in there.
No. 100945
File: 1457178345512.jpg (163.81 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

>>100938Such modesty for jaysus. No vanity here.
No. 100956
File: 1457183484822.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Even though this was posted over a year ago, her arms here are terrifying
No. 100989
File: 1457196814142.png (31.15 KB, 303x414, ssvggjbtu.png)

She has been on a deleting spree. Here is another long, polite comment that is gone now.
Wonder why she left the convo about buying followers up? Any reasonable person is going to conclude from the numbers mentioned alone that someone has been buying her followers - and if it wasn't her, wouldn't she inquire, or take one look at the 1500 that followed on one day to see that near half of her followers are bots now?
No. 101074
File: 1457210252673.png (12.98 KB, 295x122, detectiveanna.png)

Uh oh, detective Anna is on your case!
God, she really has no clue, but thinks she's one step ahead of everyone…
No. 101208
>>101134This picture: person talked about her buying followers, and how it was clearly a reaction to Claire's mom's post on her fb, who said "luckily you don't have a large following" or something when chastising her.
No. 101259
File: 1457231040843.png (23.81 KB, 307x251, noooo.png)

It's over, that commenter told her it is (or was) public. So, no paranoid Anna drama there.
No. 101302
File: 1457241275275.jpg (164.69 KB, 1200x768, owqLn2z.jpg)

Saddest pizza ever. I don't want to know what's in her "homemade cheeze".
No. 101353
>>101302the crust looks like modelling clay that's been dried out in a kiln.
I feel like it would crumble to ash in my mouth.
No. 101422
>>101411I didn't tell her, don't worry. I meant I was the one who originally found the comment and posted it
No. 101498
File: 1457281628889.jpg (558.47 KB, 1093x1012, Maellusinquisitor.jpg)

No. 102227
File: 1457410390836.png (438.76 KB, 369x603, DEvTXft.png)

19 or 90?
No. 103958
>>103951Proof? Someone needs to catch her doing this and call her out on it, with proof.
No. 103966
File: 1457632658154.jpg (33.22 KB, 640x640, 10723687_236628790011744_13126…)

Is she using tiltshift?
This photo is really weird
No. 104002
File: 1457642792230.jpg (16.79 KB, 249x250, back off hun.jpg)

>>103966I think it's bc she straightened the image to make her headstand look vertical. Pic related: I re-straightened it so the floor is parallel with the bottom of the image. This way you can tell it's just a shitty headstand.
In this version you can also tell that the lettering on her wall isn't straight either (compared to the floor). It's easier to tell since the orienting point of reference (the floor line) is now arranged in a visually meaningful way. In her crooked version, it was just one more thing that led to a "wtf" because it became impossible to tell which was was up. Literally.
Basically her image is like a variation of when you see the tilted versions of San Fran streets where they've been made to look like the road is flat instead of a hill, and all the houses are leaning sideways.
No. 104003
File: 1457643024364.png (553.65 KB, 700x430, sinful houses.png)

>>104002"Crooked" houses optical illusion.
Also I meant "which way* was up" above, oy.
No. 104082
>>93125why doesn't she just call it a smoothie?
And why the herbs?
No. 104111
>>103949Protein powder + oat flour + baking powder + water. Mix and bake into a brick → fab breakfast loaf! Top with powdered PB and WF 0 cal choc syrup for best breakfast EVER!!
#0cal #0nutritient #whatanorexicseat
No. 104115
File: 1457674569211.png (1.46 MB, 1238x1374, Screen Shot 2016-03-10 at 9.33…)

>>104111>oat flourNope. Anna doesn't eat oats. Oats is for fatties.
No. 104155
>>104115Oh yes she does anon. Her famous super-yummy donuts:
1. 1/2 cup gluten free oat flour
2. One scoop vegan protein powder (I used Sunwarrior vanilla)
3. One packet stevia powder
4. 1/2 tsp baking powder
5. Scant 1/2 cup water
No. 104418
File: 1457751633109.jpg (153.67 KB, 1145x663, Capture.JPG)

>>87648Well. This is interesting.
Check out her last post, with the flax salad etc.
There are 10 comments on it, which is unusual, especially considering there are no "hater" comments/discussions.
(Okay, as I type this, there are 17, because Anna is replying to them)
Check out the "following" number of each of those accounts. Almost all of them follow 7500-ish accounts. The exception is "why do you put your apple in a bowl" which has 6900. None of those accounts have photos that belong together (ie. same people, setting etc). No captions either.
My conclusion - bots, or humans paid to post and like comments (paid by Anna, when she bought those followers).
Which makes it even sadder that she is replying to them.
No. 104422
File: 1457752639953.png (559.03 KB, 1212x1522, Untitled.png)

Proof - not all accounts, but I can't be bothered. You get the idea.
No. 104634
>>100747Couldn't she be making banana "icecream" (Frozen bananas&other fruit blended until smooth)instead of this processed diet icecream shit?
Maybe that's too many calories for her.
No. 104709
File: 1457831995247.jpeg (283.86 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

>>104634>>104677Don't know what you anons are talking about, she posts "nicecream" as part of her meals on a decently regular basis. It's basically frozen banana puree, sometimes with added protein powder or other shit.
No. 104791
>>104754aw shit I forgot about the cauliflower one. blech.
she basically freezes and sorbets whatever, whenever and calls it nicecream.
No. 105024
File: 1457905575479.jpeg (228.9 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

Saw this comment and then looked at the owner of the account, she looks even sicker than Ginge :(
No. 105069
File: 1457913693231.jpg (17.29 KB, 343x178, FyEd2jy.jpg)

Person: "What if I don't want to buy a whole damn book for one recipe?"
Anna: "Buy the book!"
No. 105134
File: 1457924264269.jpg (75.33 KB, 640x640, ciNxSrw.jpg)

Is she TRYING TO MAKE PEOPLE SICK looking at this?? omg that jar of crap..
No. 105178
File: 1457930425526.png (562.34 KB, 1170x448, Screen Shot 2016-03-13 at 9.34…)

>>105069That person is an annoying idiot though.
>don't need much fat to surviveHair is falling out
No. 105221
>>105178Skipping meals can also
trigger migraines, but the Gains Goblin can always pick the option that furthers her narrative.
No. 105361
>>105285Dreaming Elegance claims not to be a pyramid scheme because they sell products and don't flat-out pay existing reps for recruiting new reps. However, they count their "marketing platform" as a "product" that new reps have to buy. If their reps who actually make money are earning more from selling the marketing platform than from selling clothes, Dreaming Elegance is still a pyramid scheme in the eyes of the law - but according to the Terms and Conditions, reps who disclose their compensation or expenses will have their accounts terminated without refund. best, this is a company with a shady business model and lots of customer complaints against them.
No. 105797
File: 1458020365596.png (501.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160315-013654.png)

How come no one's ever asked her about her hair before? Or maybe she just deletes those comments?
No. 105800
>>105797They get deleted.
I have to admit though she almost looks cute in this video. So much prettier than the usual faces she pulls.
No. 105867
>>105618Nah, fuck that smug 'I'm better than you' attitude. She's even more annoying with a voice.
>>105069I still don't understand how she can justify selling her ebook for $$. There are plenty of other successful vegan Insta's where the food actually looks nice, and they post their recipes in the comments, for example: anyone here actually planning on buying it so we can see what's in it?
No. 105974
File: 1458059090245.jpeg (58.1 KB, 640x980, image.jpeg)

Yikes, her body is so awkward looking.
No. 106014
File: 1458064899042.png (890.56 KB, 644x680, 0JaqUla.png)

>>105134her stool really doesn't look healthy
No. 106213
>>105891That would be me. I am indeed willing to shell out for either the ebook or hard copy to share around here and on kiwi farms (she said there'd be an ebook and if true, it should be much cheaper.)
When she officially launches it I'll buy it and upload or scan the pages - so please don't feel obligated to give her any more cash just to peep the poisons! I'm not willing to pre-order it though; like her woo supplements, she might just be collecting pre-orders as a cash grab. Once there's evidence that this book actually exists I'm on it.
No. 106356
>>106167no kidding. she's seriously so different on video than she makes herself seem in her captions, much less obnoxious-sounding than expected.
pretty sure at this point she could turn from having a following of bought bots and ana-chans and make a decently-popular online persona on fitness and maybe her orthorexia recovery. i get why some people might be attached to their EDs, i do, but Ginge? her fake online life is more of a laughing stock than she probably is in person.
No. 106612
>>106609No doubt there is some legit chemistry caused by long srarwation happening in her brain.
I bet she had good meals which made her brain function better than usual.
No. 107366
File: 1458397452415.jpg (64.05 KB, 360x480, blogger-image--89886375.jpg)

>>105618>>105624I always imagined that she sounds like Spongebob.
No. 107373
>>105624I want to be happy for someone that seems so happy themselves but…nah.
Fuck that noise. Bitch is a lunatic.
No. 107543
File: 1458437106545.jpg (392.48 KB, 1080x858, gingshoop.jpg)

you guys… i tried so hard. i just don't think it's possible
No. 107611
File: 1458452829975.png (713.21 KB, 922x593, dogvomit.png)

>>107567>>107545>>107546Hah come on guys, they were clearly only trying to give her a booty.
I thought I was on one of the parody Instagram accounts when I saw this. It doesn't look appetizing in the slightest.
No. 107613
File: 1458453232522.jpg (36.89 KB, 620x349, smiling-poop-emoji.jpg)

This is my favourite Fit Vegan Ginger recipe.
No. 109010
>>107934I want to get her cookbook and make everything to see how awful it is
Like some fucked up julie & julia
No. 109019
File: 1458641229130.jpg (16.42 KB, 224x219, 5cf.jpg)

>>107366Her cuticle is fuuuucked up.
No. 109063
>>109054Holy fuck, she really does look like Anna.
Does she have fake teeth?? I can't tell on my shit phone but they look unnaturally shiny
No. 109064
File: 1458661279595.jpg (75.23 KB, 598x598, livingmummy.jpg)

>>109056Holy shit she really does. The same demented smile. Creepy.
No. 109066
File: 1458662410298.jpg (184.78 KB, 1080x1080, 12552243_569845726513226_17702…)

>>109064Literally thought this was her before scrolling up and reading the context. It's no surprise they both look like goblins considering this woman also overtrains and eats tiny portions of disgusting "super healthy protein!" recipes. Given, some of her posts are better, but look at this one and tell me it isn't just what Anna would post.
No. 109074
File: 1458664406841.png (886.68 KB, 933x597, 4366b.png)

>>109054>>109064>>109066That is fucking uncanny, the similarities of how they look and their obsessions are just surreal. Looks like this one also likes eating that weird ice cream Anna does.
No. 109199
>>109064I feel bad for her, she does have an ED and posts a lot about how she's struggling to cope. Also, she seems pretty nice and doesn't fly off the handle when people comment on her physical appearance.
I wouldn't be surprised if she started out very similarly to Ana with an innocent fitness and health routine that went out of control. She really is Ana's future.
No. 109739
File: 1458767273570.jpg (395.04 KB, 1080x858, ging.jpg)

>>107543i tried to fix what i think you were trying to do? give her a more feminine physique? she's kind of a lost cause, though.
No. 109758
File: 1458768708231.png (917.42 KB, 1012x583, #ignorethehatersabove.png)

The last comment on the most recent picture says #ignorethehatersabove.
I don't know how long she will keep this going, but once she comes to her senses or collapses, I hope some people feel ashamed in what is sure to be a rare moment of self-awareness.
No. 110416
>>110404Her family seems to be in denial, didn't they buy her a bunch of ultra low calorie food a short time ago?
Now that I think about it, maybe they were hoping that it was better she had access to mountains of food that they know she will eat, instead of junk they'll have to donate after her funeral.
No. 110450
>>110416Her Christmas gifts were a bunch of different extremely low-cal and no-cal "foods"
I think her family is clueless since Anna isn't a typical anorexic, and think she's fine just a bit skinny. She's probably banging on all day about veganism, how yummy her food tastes and how healthy she feels and her parents just go along with it.
Its a total stab in the dark sorta guess, but I reckon Anna would personally be pretty anti-psychiatry and use her totally legit Christianity as reasons to gtfo treatment programs. Faith healing blah-dee-blah
No. 110562
File: 1458930646194.png (242.94 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Real question or troll?
No. 110563
>>110450I was a skinny kid in HS and got reported to the nurse for a possible ED…didn't have one, but the nurse asked my parents to keep an eye on me. If I did have one, I would have been fucked, because my parents are ignorant as hell. My mom said that I ate junk food like cookies all the time so she knew I couldn't be anorexic, and that we lived in a small house so she would hear me if I was throwing up. She didn't know the difference between anorexia or bulimia at all and her conception of restricting would be someone who ate salads all day. I bet ginge's parents are like that. They see her cook and eat all the time so they just believe that she's naturally skinny or something.
Although at this point she's SO skinny I imagine they'll start getting on her case soon enough. She's really quite ill looking, seems like she is losing even more hair.
No. 110757
File: 1458953286822.jpg (53.87 KB, 640x640, fvg.jpg)

Mmmmm, jizz waffle.
No. 110865
>>110757I know she's vegan but most of the toppings you can put on waffles are either already vegan or have a vegan version. Would it have killed her to put some fruit on there instead? Maybe coulis? If she wanted something savoury, what was wrong with vegetables and seasoning?
Anything would be better than this sludge.
No. 110961
File: 1459016492628.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

How delusional is Anna that she thinks eating this many components in a single meal is even slightly normal?
No. 111205
File: 1459078162680.jpg (12.88 KB, 320x320, racoon.jpg)

No. 111347
File: 1459124926338.jpg (26.31 KB, 320x320, wtfisthis.jpg)

No. 111536
>>111429And her profile pics have been older, healthier looking Anna.
Maybe someone close to her finally realised she is sick and she is trying to hide it?
No. 111552
File: 1459170748350.jpg (39.76 KB, 805x308, ginge.JPG)

No. 111880
File: 1459200957111.jpg (42.83 KB, 320x320, what could have been.jpg)

>>111215I tried. This doesn't really need to bump the thread tho. I agree she could be so, so pretty if she just did the right kind of makeup.
No. 112065
>>111394>>111429It's because she applied to be a 'Sweat Pink' ambassador. Sweat Pink seems to be an online community all about motivating each other to eat healthy & exercise. From the website:
Do you believe that strong is the new skinny, pink is the new black, and that a positive attitude and whole foods are a healthier route to happiness than self-loathing and 100-calorie snack packs?
LOL. That's why she deleted all her crazy-face/raptured/scaryskelly selfies. SHE KNOWS SHE'S NOT HEALTHY and her pics would scare them off. She knows damn well she's not what they're looking for but she's trying to sneak in to get #followers. Sneaky little bitch.
No. 112427
She didn't tag waldenfarms on her latest "nice cream" photo, and called it sugar-free syrup instead of the more correct zero-cal syrup. Trying not to attract (as much) negative attention from new followers?
No. 112435
>>112427looking through her posts i found this she deleted that post from around christmas of the mountain of waldenfarms her family have her
No. 112450
>>112435We don't have to go that far back - this is from 4 days ago I checked out the sweat pink website and like the other anon I can't figure out what exactly it is about the site seems targeted to companies who might be prospective advertising clients. What's in it for the ambassadors?
No. 112497
>>112478HIYA and WEEEEEEELCOME to The Fit Vegan Ginger Blog! I'm Anna Johnson, the 18-year-old (ALMOST 19!) HCLF (high carb low fat), SOS-free (salt-oil-sugar free) Vegan recipe creator.
There you go. Sugar free. Fruit has sugar in them.
No. 112513
>>112478Oh, she has unusual flavour combinations. Plenty of them. Only, they're not edible to the rest of us.
She used to have more veggies (not a lot, but some more variety and salads etc) but not fruit, because sugar.
Lately, she's been on a protein powder kick, hence everything looks like it's made of drywall - pancakes, biscuits, waffles etc. She also seems to have really gotten into frankenfoods. I've followed her for 2 years and things have gotten weirder over time.
Although, not much weirder. Before she found her frankenfoods she was fashioning rice and noodles out of zucchini or broccoli…and there was more "nooch" and "aminos" back then
No. 112735
>>112712 I think you hit it right on the money.
I'm fairly sure she excuses away a lot of questions and thoughts on ED by saying she eats tradionally calorie rich food she modified. You come as way, way more sane if you say you ate pizza and a salad than zucchini rice and protein goop.
As for the recreating 'original' reciepes, she mentions that often in her instagram.
No. 112782
>>112450Btw I checked out the sweat pink website and like the other anon I can't figure out what exactly it is about the site seems targeted to companies who might be prospective advertising clients. What's in it for the ambassadors?
More followers/clicks/pageviews. They mention that on their website, in the application form you have to fill out to becone an 'ambassador.'
No. 113309
>>113286Gastroparesis is a common consequence of anorexia.
What I've found regarding dietary changes is less fats and less fiber. She's stupid.
What she does is classic anorexic behavior, inventing illnesses and intolerances that make it impossible to eat like a normal human being.
No. 113387
File: 1459388439152.jpg (131.94 KB, 1155x747, Capture.JPG)

No. 113709
Okay what even is she talking about here? (link because it archives the whole convo)
First, nice try Anna "I recently changed my diet to exclude raw veggies". Your photos say otherwise.
Second, cranial nerve stimulator? A noninvasive one? I'd like to see it. Vagus nerve stimulators are implanted, and they're for epilepsy not gastroparesis. There is a gastric stimulator device too but that's also implanted and also the very last resort and you have to go through hoops to get it.
No. 113887
File: 1459511288769.jpg (142.97 KB, 925x589, seasonal.JPG)

yeasty ana chan lolcow shitposter.
I hate her "Uh nu I can't tell you what's in there because that's super secret until you pay for my shitty cookbook!"- behaviour.
It just makes her unlikeable imho.
No. 114008
File: 1459536617058.jpg (75.22 KB, 495x835, Capture.JPG)

she's such a triple-chinned batshit crazy massive fucking potato nose
I enjoyed this typo
No. 114328
File: 1459635734490.png (32.21 KB, 301x431, gp.png)

this grl is a fuking fag. u_u
Some more truth. Also, what's going on over at casa ginge? She's posted a fuckton of recipes over at her site, asking for feedback, but doesn't put up a mention on instagram? She's no marketing genius, but really?
If she really deleted so many posts just to be considered for that worthless Sweat Pink influencer thing, she should be posting a bit more.
No. 114611
>>114585>>114589She deleted all of her workouts and bodychecks a few days after she got home; then her insta posts stopped - but she started posting daily on her crappy blog - and now she's deleted her "food" instagram.
I think her parents tricked her into coming home for an extended vacay to get her into treatment. We'll see where she's at in 30 days.
No. 114764
>>114687it's a prank: a bot. still going for some reason.
click on the suspect post text and the real text will appear.
No. 114784
>>114008I can't even figure out what she's trying to say here. "a gorilla or wrap"?? Does she not read these before posting??
My all time fave gingerism is " line a small soup pot with water and satire onions till soft." Yes that really happened.
No. 114785
>>114245LOL. "nooch"= nutritional yeast.
>cheeze>nice cream>nanas>strawbiesKill with fire
No. 114810
>>114792What are you talking about. Gingi hasnt been doing anything to talk about…
Back to the gingmeister: How do you even comment on her site. She only allows the most bizarre users… AIM, typepad, livejournal… How about humans, gingi?!
No. 114973
>>114942do you not know how to read?
it literally says a few posts up that she deleted her insta.
No. 115009
>>114912>>114904Ginger's account got purged with a bunch of her supporters' accounts as well - it looks like instagram did an account ban of eating disordered supporters (a bunch of people commented that her account was super
triggering before ginge blocked them; I suspect she's been reported more than once by recovering anas.)
It's possible that Ginger's parents finally got her into treatment, thus the account deletion, but it's equally likely that her account got banned for being
triggering. I guess we'll see whether she continues to post on her blog; if she doesn't that a sign that she got sent inpatient.
No. 115166
>>115009's still posting on here (115 posts yesterday, 116 today) so she hasn't been sent inpatient.
It is possible to disable your own account now through the Instagram website, so maybe she's just taking a break from TFVG while on vacation? Someone needs to try follow her private Insta and see if she's posted any details on the missing account.
No. 116067
File: 1459972190916.png (321.76 KB, 486x520, fb.png)

So, Ginge is back with a Workout Wednesday Post on the blog. No word on whatever is going on with Instagram. She put this at the end:
>Think you wanna try my method? Let me know! Comment on the post, shoot me an email (my email can be found on my page, "Link up with TFVG!"), or send me a message on my Facebook page ( I'd love to connect and keep up with you on your new shoe experiment!
Her instagram being conspicuously absent from the list. She advertises that post on her fb page. So far, no one has asked anywhere why her insta is gone.
Also, I hope the thread hasn't saged yet.
No. 116074
>>116067I'm almost certain her account got purged, why else would she be avoiding the topic? She is probably embarrassed and/or angry about it.
It's sad that we won't get to see anymore of her beautiful, yeasty tongue.
No. 116155
>>116147I agree, I don’t think her account was purged. I feel like she would have definitely mentioned it on her FB or blog if it was. Her Insta was her account with the most followers and all her ambassador-type things…not to mention her “cookbook” is coming out soon.
I bet her family found out about her instagram account and were giving her flack for it. Maybe that’s why she started deleting all the selfies, but that wasn’t enough and they made her delete the whole thing?
No. 116240
File: 1460002356433.jpeg (659.35 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>116067Went and checked the post and someone left a comment, which she hasn't deleted yet. I think she ditched her account, too. If IG had purged it she most certainly would have addressed it by now, and likely would have remade the account.
No. 117904
File: 1460456433399.png (5.89 KB, 461x79, checkoutmygoodies.png)

How on earth does she still expect to sell stuff from her site? Is the shop part of her site even working this time around?
No. 120037
File: 1460743879631.png (75.86 KB, 474x289, Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 2.09…)

2 & 1/2 weeks until we see her first ebook.