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No. 553929[Reply]

> Photoshop Enthusiast, got lipo but still photoshops herself several inches thinner
> Gets lipo, won't admit it and thanks fans that congratulate her on her hard work paying off at the gym
> Mental health advocate, not diagnosed or treated
> KaWHY Leader, cannot even pronounce it
> Serial blocker/comment deleter
> Constantly in a depressive episode where she doesn't create any videos outside of unboxings
> Likes to follow and unfollow her friends on social media and deny any drama
> Does 0 research on people who send her PR/sponsorships and then botches the entire information sheet
> Sells almost everything she receives as PR on her depop
> Anti call-out culture, calls out fans constantly
> Says whispers of color and YA BOIIII way too much
> Tries to be hip and cool by dipping her toe into popular fandoms but does not understand any references to them
>scene queen turned kawaii influencer
>"mental health advocate" with self-diagnosed bipolar and body dysmorphia
>first came under fire after posting one of the most entitled videos to ever grace the kawaii sector of YouTube, where she shares the story about how she demanded Angelic Pretty let her return a $1000 dress, despite their no returns policy, because she did the price conversion wrong… then proceeded to say they probably didn't want to let her return it because the company wasn't doing well
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No. 622409

Male gatekeepers do suck but they're usually incels: ugly basement-dwelling types, 250 lbs, adult acne, etc. I've never, ever encountered an actually attractive man who has complained about "fake nerd girls" or tried to quiz me about my interests.

So unless Kelly actually is SO PRESSED by incels calling her fake (which like… Why would you be that desperate for approval?,) I think she's just projecting. She knows she's a fake gamer girl. Now she's overcompensating for it.

No. 622592

Is anyone going to make a new thread?

No. 622820

New thread: >>>/snow/622818

No. 657037

Kelly is a fucking fake dumb bitch(necro)

No. 657038


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

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No. 656140[Reply]

Last thread: >>>/snow/580510

Anisa-only thread, please. Non-pear (yes this includes joji since he is no longer associated with idubbbz nor the cancer crew) related Youtuber discussion can go in the following threads:
Youtubers General Thread: >>260800

previously on:
>Constantly begging for subs and donations on stream (STILL)
>Idubbbz gf discord chats got leaked (view here >>460537)
>Pearfax Content cop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdc_kJIdaOY
>Idubbbz gf mom still lurks
>Idubbbz gf made fun of Venus Angelic (a lolcow with various eating disorders)
>started claiming she is starting to develop an eating disorder "again"
>Idubbbz moved in to Canada to live in their small shoe box of an apartment
>colossal is crazy made a comment about her https://clips.twitch.tv/RelatedSourAsteriskSMOrc
>keeps getting triggered because people on twitch keep mentioning idubbbz
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No. 751751


No. 751773


No. 751801

No. 751816

Bless you Brit.

No. 788810

This Nigga serious?

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No. 638664[Reply]

21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/614641

The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.
> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.
> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.

Taylor's Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/taylorndean
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/taylorndean
Youtube: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 649202


She made a typical "ur mental health matters uwu" tweet and I replied "do rape victims matter too because as a victim myself I find it hypocritical and disturbing that you chose to date a known rapist/abuser" and she blocked me lol. Bitch can't handle the truth. The lengths she'll go to avoid admitting she's wrong are embarrassing.(cowtipping)

No. 649205


Hey Jonny, I'm still waiting on my macbook you promised us back in 2011

No. 649281

There's a new thread

No. 649386

ugh his teeth are repulsive. this is gross of me to say but I feel like he looked better with his rotted/missing ones

No. 656278

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anyone notice the bruises and marks all over her leg in the Cheese tattoo video?

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No. 484900[Reply]

Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/470812

Recent Cows:
(yes there are A LOT; IG unless otherwise stated)

bendywarrior (tumblr)
chloeschronicles_of_illness (insta) / Chloe's Chronicals of Chronic Illness / ChloesVaccineInjuryJourney (facebook)
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No. 499756

What I don’t get is why are these GI Drs giving out pain Meds to people with GP (even if she had EDS?) Any Dr should know opiates slow the motility down??! Sages for confusion.

No. 505391

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Seriously some messed up shit going on. Love how mentions being a nurse at very post, yet nothing adds up(namefagging)

No. 505957

What are you talking about? No one has mentioned being a nurse. Have you ever had a cystoscopy? It’s painful!

No. 556856

in Uk hospice is not just for terminal people. Its dor people with life-limiting conditions (she has life-limiting prognosis), and progressive conditions. Its used to give family respite and so palliative doctor can tweak medications.

UK owner-trained assistance dogs have same legal rights as program provided assistance dogs. Her dog is being accepted onto program with one of the charities that help person train their dog to be assistance dog.

And she has suprapubic catheter. Thats what she's on about with changing her urinary system.

Shouldn't be on this list. She has life-limiting condition.

Also please delete chloeprintlambert. She also has life-limiting condition.

No. 654816

Lymefag here. Chronic Lyme doesn’t exist. It’s a hoax (and great fuel for munchies) made up by unethical “doctors” (ILADS) who make tons of money by keeping their patients forever, or rather until they die. They often prescribe years of antibiotics or those “herbal protocols”. Can’t wait for them to be sued away from medical license.

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No. 652938[Reply]

Someone mentioned she should have her own thread in the Vegas Weebs thread so here we go.

Rini Is a 25 year old, actual psychopath who is infamous in Vegas for being someone who would take you out to eat and DEFINITELY poison your food. She spends her days adding virgin weebs from tinder, PoF, Match.com and Facebook so she always has a consistent army of desperate men to drool over her “hot body” and tell her that her football head looks good. She a narcissist and compulsive liar but pretends to be innocent to lure people in.

Some of her antics over the years include:

> Lying about her mother having cancer for sympathy points

> threatening to shoot up a party because one of the guys who was hosting didn’t want to smash

> telling people she got hit by a car on the freeway but was “saved” by an Uber driver

> stalking people when they disagree with her or don’t fall for her act and then proceeding to blow up their notifications with petty bullshit.

>Tells people they should kill themselves and she would be happy if they died

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No. 653267

>will literally poison your food

What? Deets?

No. 653527

You haven't given links or anything. Who is she

No. 653623

>low res image
>no links

get the fuck out of here op with your shitty ass vendetta

No. 653995

Wow this is a poorly made thread.

No. 654567

This thread will be locked due to vendetta.

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No. 645637[Reply]

Be sure to use the spoiler for NSFW photos.

Previous thread: >>634221

>finally bought a bed after sleeping on a piss stained rug for months

>edgelord bf has returned from his visit to see her and there's potential trouble in sti paradise
>"daddy punches so hard", leaves no real marks on her, confirms tumblr dom status
>still no alien porn
>more clips/videos from hardtied and lovinglyhandmadepornography have come out, just as crusty and cringy as everyone expected she'd be
>trying to charge $100 for advice on sexwork
>still allowing minors to follow and comment on her social media
>continues to beg for money while spending it on things she doesn't need
>finally growing her pubes out to hide her infected vag
>professional shoots in la to make he feel like a "real pornstar," keeps underwear on the whole time because everyone lives in fear of her vag

Follow the rules:
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No. 652815

Use the new thread.

No. 652816

Whoever is cowtipping here and talking about his kids is a fucking dumb asshole. Let's make sure to not get any thread deleted again. It's not necessary at all, they check the site all the time wow

No. 652830

Holy fuck he lives in my home town.

No. 652845

If she’s starting to wear diapers her cooter breakouts are going to get 100% worse.

No. 652946

That receding hairline thoooo

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No. 531204[Reply]

The confetti club are fans of the legendary milky Jillian Vessey/Pixielocks. The fans are almost as milky as the cow herself; the facebook group is full of speshul snowflakes, transtrenders, landwhales and munchies.

-The Party Kei facebook group was cowtipped and had an epic meltdown, which resulted in all of the groups closing.
-The confetti club advises members to not post to the board in order to try and stop the drama, but a few people do anyway and get doxxed.

Some recent milk:
-Skin walker Eliza plans a trip to stalk Jill, get a shitty tattoo just like Jill by the same artist. Gets called out for it and has a melt down. Leaves and rejoins group multiple times.

-Jill's bff Courtney creates a group just for party kei. Jill is made admin

-The confetti club facebook group is once again shut down due to lolcow

-Thread is full of Jill's retarded followers trying to get in on the action to seem ~edgy

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No. 651916

Why are you necroing a 3 month old thread with your irrelevant retardation?

No. 651993

>double posting

No. 652000

Obviously an accident. At least I saged it instead of continuing to bump this old ass thread, idiot.

No. 652036

responding to a necro post by a fucking bot is retarded anon.

No. 652492

stop bumping this dumbass

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No. 600072[Reply]

Previous thread >>502056

8chan thread

Micky is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims be a csa survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and have 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked among her local community because of how much drama she causes and her tendency to lie. She started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She's been recently trying way too hard to come off as a hard hoodrat from the ghetto, when in reality she's a scary wannabe valley girl suburbanite.

Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi

Real Name: Mikaila Jones

Notable Things

- Doesn't believe in bathing everyday and only bathes twice a week

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No. 637852

This is about Adam, to be clear.
Let me just say that both of these girls are overdramatic and obnoxious as hell.

And once again, asking for spoonfed easily googled answers despite whining about getting asked stupid questions.

No. 637864

I really believe that he wasn't the monster either of them made him out to be. Especially in Micky's case.

No. 637898

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This perfectly describes Micky.

No. 637899


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 637916


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No. 422561[Reply]

The third thread for one of the absolute worst YouTube artists. She's come under increased criticism over the past few months for her inability to take critique, general narcissism, excessive spending and hoarding of children's toys and art supplies, and laziness. She also draws like a 12 year old and has her very own "How to Draw" book coming out in December.

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No. 440174

Oh darn, she can't bitch to her stream views about how mean we are lol

No. 440175

Pls no, one shitty book was enough to boost her ego, a second would be worse.

No. 440176

Nononono. Please, people! Spend your money on art that's worth it! Like Sakimi Chan, Loish, RossDraws, etc!! You can literally buy Baylee's type of shit from the dollar store!

No. 440177

Does anyone know how to make a new thread? We're almost out of space

No. 440186

New Thread! Have at it.


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No. 629937[Reply]

Previous threads:

This thread is focused on Layla (TooPoor) Shapiro and the rest of the SoundClout Negaverse.
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No. 651891


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 652051

OP here. I’ll start working on the new thread and post the link when done

No. 652117

Holy shit. Imagine being privileged enough to buy a new phone for the literal soul purpose of Instagram. I can not. I had to fix my entire damn credit just to be able to replace my non functioning 4+ year old phone.

No. 652121

ok friends, NEW THREAD. I kept the OP nice and simple so don't get your hopes too high.


No. 671436

>>636747 those aren’t even tattoos on my face it’s fucking makeup

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