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No. 520532[Reply]

Uptown Otaku/Uptown Cosplay/Real Name tbd

-Cosplay Youtuber
-Leaves passive aggressive stories on Instagram about gender vs sex
-Currently dating cosplayer KionCloud
-Makes noise and throws a fit when her fans use her real name when addressing her
-Overly defensive to commenters

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uptown.cosplay/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/UptovvnOtaku

No. 520538

So what do they do that’s milky enough to warrant their own thread besides being an annoying irrelevant cosplayer?

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No. 204361[Reply]

This girl pretended to have cancer. For more information, look up https://justfakingcancer.tumblr.com/.

Formally lord–swoledemort.
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No. 353465

It sounds cruel to say this but fucking karma for lying about having cancer. I feel so bad for her mother after all the terrible shit jenna wrote about her too

No. 430677


No. 519606

I wonder if she ever feels guilty for lying, especially considering what happened afterwards.

No. 519661

Probably not at all.
It also sucks that someone took the lord–swoldemort name and made it into some positivity bullshit.

No. 520318

except it wasn't, me and another farmer took both urls and she jsut chose to make it into a sumbissions blog

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No. 405758[Reply]

Read the rules before commenting, especially 4 and 3.5b.

- Previously had a stoner blog known as shay-gnar and switched over to sex work when it became popular.
- Below average looking tumblr / camwhore.
- Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
- Claims to be a CSA and rape survivor and uses dd/lg and rape fantasies to work through her trauma.
- Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to it because she's a porn star.
- Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex and films it.
- Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
- Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
- Has made numerous racist jokes, including calling a jewish person "baby hitler", and making a parody of Trump's "grab me by the pussy" claiming it to be satire.
-Starts drama and throws a pity party when people call her on her shit

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No. 457278

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No. 457308


so successful that you have to beg several times a day just to be able to make it yo the next? i’m sooo jealous.
also, can whoever posts her camshows/nudes always post her full government name with them? she won’t mind, since this job is so successful!

No. 457322

she’s already had her full name and address put out there. we’re not doxxing her twice. If you want it, you can find it yourself. Lolcow isn’t for doxxing

No. 457532

No. 457962

no, shes 20, she was born 1996

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No. 518465[Reply]

Joseph is a wwii reenactor and alleged neo Nazi, despite his endless claims of being a non political reenactor. (I'm a wwii reenactor too, I promise we arent all Nazis, but this guy might be) he is also a pedophile, and responds with threats towards anyone who calls him out on his seemingly endless bullshit. He has a terrible reputation with other reenactors for his rude outlashes and his chronic lying.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 511815[Reply]

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No. 518083

sage for OT but self-inserting is the entire point of reading doujins
that's a big nitpick

No. 518087

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I just noticed that she changed her IG bio with her "recently new" catchphrase.

No. 518088

New thread please guys

No. 518093

It's not a nitpick at all. If I recall some of her fanfics were self-inserts and I was basing that on those.

No. 518125


She's trying to hard. Look Mooriah we all know you copied (or was ~inspired~ by) SSS. Like why does your catchphrase even need the word 'lewds' in it? It really doesn't especially if you want to keep flip flopping between being a cosplayer and masturbation fodder. Heck you could've done a catchphrase that fit your OC like >"welcome to the farm cowboy c;"

>"milk it til you kill it".

Such missed opportunities. I'm more creative and I'm only a first year community college student. Nowhere near a dual major like her.

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No. 490946[Reply]

Prev threads:

"goth" girl instagram/twitter personality

"model/dj" in the way that all girls with some IG following can get a gig every 2 months if they're in LA.

Has begun to take these ventures more seriously landing more gigs and going on small tours/on off dates outside of LA

Used to be a club kid, doesn't go to parties anymore unless she's hosting or dj'ing. Most of the people she partied/associated with 3-4 years ago have expanded into legitimate careers
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No. 517244

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Damn, these dudes really can not help themselves when it comes to underage girls.
I get that Billie Eilish looks 'older' for her age, but one would think if these guys truly weren't predatory they would have learned their lesson by now and be wise enough to do a 2 second google search.

No. 517247

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No. 517266

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She's delusional

No. 517267


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 517308

New thread:

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No. 332213[Reply]

Delandra Barbie Johnson Thread

Facts about her:
Is in Japan illegally

Claims to be a member of Black Diamond Gyaru Circle but

Has horrible makeup and hair but criticizes everyone else

Knows no Japanese

Prostitutes herself and spends money on brand clothing but cannot afford $100 for rent

Uses Japanese craigslist to find an anchor husband

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No. 452080

New updated thread on del

This one is almost at limit

No. 511281

Op you sound just as crazy/butty as delandra. If he is your boyfriend why are you engage her. Sounds like you like the drama. I cant believe barnie has fans.

No. 512306

Some of you are stalkers. Sound jealous that a weird looking black girl has fiubd away to live a gyl life. However her depression would be solved if she got a dipolma and a job.

No. 515428

If she actually got helped it would be solved, delandra can careless about a job or diploma. She rather spend college tuition on plastic surgery.

No. 517019

New thread here>>>/snow/452079 anon complain about how we are "stakers" there

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No. 500660[Reply]

Okay so, maybe some of you still lurk around facebook and insta to know what’s up but there was recently a leak about this group chat called Petty Girls and in that group chat was a bunch of cold hearted girls who make fun of anyone who is not skinny or attractive to them. They would tell their orbiters to send hate to their targets and this actually caused someone to starve herself and she ended up in the hospital with permanent organ damage. One of the main person of interest is named Dae Tillery on FB and her insta is Dae.kou— while most of her friends apologized and deleted most of their accounts, she remains and feels no remorse on what issues she caused. She actually laughs at the people in pain and think this is one huge joke. Especially the girl she caused to starve. She still has other group chats running and it’s really sad how she will continue to bully and send death threats to her victims. (In the image Sydney is the girl that was sent to the hospital)(read the rules & usage info)
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No. 503213

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He left her ass apparently. But with her posting things like this about him, no wonder why.

No. 503216

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No. 503292


Didn't she claim on her edgy pro Ana Tumblr that the PULL mods didn't believe her rape story because they didn't want to delete her thread? Why is it she can talk mad shit but can't take any?

No. 503800

Yeah, she told PULL to take down her thread because she was apparently in some watered down version of the witness protection program for being raped, and they called her out on it because you could find her full name on her own social media after 4 minutes of searching publicly

No. 515657


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No. 490876[Reply]

previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik [DL][Archived Copy])
>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety
>has a legitimate shopping problem which she justifies by making an ungodly amount of haul videos
>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight' (Who broke up with her)
>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'
>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei
>Went to Japan to prove to herself she wanted to study fashion design
>was basically a two week shopping spree
>home again and struggling to keep up with making videos
>quitting her jobs to follow ~dream~ of being a fashion designer in Japan
>still lying about making 'enough money to pay rent' (while asking Louise for $$) and about being supportive to her followers
>interviewed by cbc.ca about internet popularity in her basement room
>"would call herself lesbian if she wasn't dating someone with a dick"
>started streaming on younow for money
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No. 515556

If she buys the peep earrings, it is 100% her.

No. 515608

Actual make up artist? Please anon you're killing me

No. 515613

new thread >>515612

No. 515852

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Louise follows Jill on Twitter and interacts with her a lot. I'm surprised she isn't more concerned with all of the depression posting jill is doing.

No. 515853

Wrong thread my bad

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No. 515560[Reply]

Micheal "mantras" Sosa

this guy is a sociopath and pedophile who grooms underaged girls on discord

heres a screenshot of him admitting he wants to rape and murder people


currently he's grooming ciara horan another potential lolcow on the discord server sheepvillage
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No. 515563

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No. 515569

I was getting ready to report him to irl cops

I need anything you have that would be considered evidence.

No. 515571

if they're not a public figure why are you posting them here? vendetta chan?

No. 515576


Huh? Im not comprehending

No. 515578

Locking this thread. There is already a thread.

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