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No. 280597
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No. 280661
>>280635Get your facts straight anon.
Most eikaiwas now days will hire anyone, even people from native English speaking countries as long as they speak decent English and can hold a conversation. Looks also play into this as well since male as well as female students prefer to have attractive teachers.
No. 280752
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Her hair looks so crunchy. Imagine the breakage when she combs it ckhzzk ckhzzk
No. 280754
You're either Stevie Wonder, retarded and/or Jojo sat on a deck chair with a fishing rod in hand.
No. 280763
>>280761A Dutch girl with Asian make up?
Like Venus, she's European but uses Japanese make up technique and looks a little bit Asian because of it
No. 280772
>>280752This weeb does not look the least bit Japanese to me.
>>280763Venus never claimed Japanese ancestry. Don't even try.
No. 280775
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>>280750>her face looks half japanese yeah…no
No. 280777
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She used to look like neanderthaler Chii lel
No. 280811
>>280775I think she's part Indonesian which wouldn't be uncommon as there are many Indonesians living in the Netherlands.
Also isn't she like 26? sth
No. 280817
>>280806I'm living in Japan and I know many people here who have tall noses or "washibana"
Also if she's haafu then the nose can be higher, I think hers actually does look a little flat in some pictures but she exaggerates nose shadow
No. 280881
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old pics of jojo
No. 280887
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No. 281013
Convince yourself it's only the one person who dislikes you
You obviously steal everyones man because ur so beautiful
All that's true
Throbbing hate boner rn
No. 281022
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Shiena ???
No. 281041
>>280933I guess she saved enough money to support herself for some months until she gets a job.
If not it would be incredibly stupid.
But I don't think she's completely unprepared.
No. 281437
>>281053Actually trans, but she's not in Japan so we can't talk about her kek
Lol, Dania in Tokyo. Wonder how many years she's going to drag out these photos, most likely still being front wedgied by those vagina crushing thrush inducing spandex shorts AKA the Camel Crusher
No. 281463
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>>281437I hadn't even checked her instagram in months BUT I knew the Camel Crushers would be back out for another tour of Tokyo, and I WAS RIGHT!
No. 281472
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This picture is so fucking creepy.
No. 281473
>>281463Oh my god her face is really scary. I have no idea who this is or what she does but she's not doing it right. I'm actually going to have nightmares.
Yubaba went a bit heavy on the blur tool, huh?
No. 281486
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Dania shuld stop spending her money on making hosts pretend they love her and just get a chin and jaw implant, a nose job, buy some less terrifng lens and apply her make-up better, she actually would look half decent. She is 35 and still lives with mommy and daddy so it won't take too long to save.
No. 281487
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Let's not forget this horrible picture. She looks like a old dwarf.
No. 281984
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Could be from jojo
No. 282173
Why does Melissa make so many of these threads
"Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it."
No. 282176
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Promise not to tell on me...
He said to me, "I know where you've been, I already heard you binge and you purge" - Hole, "Old Age"
No. 282349
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Lol shiena crying again because she still cant remember even the most simple writing systems of Japanese after years of living there…Wtf not cute girl
Anyway what is this avatar and signature shit
No. 282545
>>282349Learn to read. The sound not the telling the difference between characters. For English speakers the sound tsu and su sound almost the same when at the beginning of the word since it's easy to miss the subtle silent t sound
Raising the ordinary to extraordinary
Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else
No. 282568
File: 1491114259914.png (94.89 KB, 720x395, IMG_20170402_081625.png)

Nah just stupid. Have you noticed how she hardly ever makes posts in Japanese? That's because the few times she did she got shit for them being full of mistakes. And I'm not even talking about grammar mistakes, like even the spelling was shit??? As if she never studied at all but instead learned all she knows by talking to hosts at the club
No. 283796
>>283787for example?
I mean are you talking about simplifying a complicated background. That I could understand.But if you're defending people like Jojo, Gyaru Ashley, and Shiena, who outright lie about their ethnicity to gain popularity, sorry I disagree.
No. 283800
>>283796Ashley's case, she doesn't know what ethnic background her father really is so thats difficult to explain in itself.
Jojo is mixed so it gets long and complex having explain it all.
Shiena is chinese canadian but doesn't speak chinese and is fully westernized. To Japanese people who can't grasp for the life of them the concept of asian born westerner, its really annoying to explain that she's chinese canadian but can't speak chinese or been to china. As far as I know, she only lies about her background for work or for Japanese people. I've heard her say her real ethnic background to other westerners who would understand.
No. 283805
>>283800None of those things justify lying about being Japanese. Not one.
And Ashley is totally white.
No. 283807
>>283797The thing about Japan is if you don't fit in one neat stereotypical little box, their brains explode. Japanese do this all the time as well. In thier culture it's perfectly understandable to lie to have the conversation run smoother. Oppositely if you have to drag on about the little details right from the get go people are taken aback and aren't really paying attention in the first place.
It's like how was the weather on your trip. Ahh it was nice. But to go into well it was sunny at first, then it got a little cloudy, it drizzled a little but then the sun came back out. etc.
No. 283811
>>283805Ashley is not fully white. Her dad is unknown. The white dad in the photos isn't her real dad.
And yes it does because it's annoying to have your family background come before getting to know you and to be stuck with connotations of a background that has no impact on your life/upbringing etc so you try to get it out of the way as quick as possible.
No. 283812
>>283805And bullshit that Japanese people wouldn't understand Shiena being Chinese Canadian.
>>283807Don't patronize me about Japanese culture anon. Live and work there with people of all ethnicities. None of them feel the need to lie. Try again. And your example is braindead.
No. 283821
>>283818I work with people who are American and Canadian Chinese/Vietnamese/Filipino etc. They don't have this problem.
Shiena and Ashley started lying about their ethnicity when they became interested in Japanese fashion/music.
Ashley even invented an extended Japanese family and a grandma she killed off. She posted regularly in a hapa forum and made up stories about being bullied.
That doesn't sound like she lied because it was easier to understand.
No. 284118
>>283811>Ashley is not fully white. Her dad is unknown.Lol what kind of crazy Pixyteri backstory is this? Was there a mysterious wind chime with kanji in her backyard too?
She's white/mexican
No. 284245
>>284120Well that's kind of mean?
No. 284267
>>284118I thought the same anon.
>>283817Wonder where anon is getting this weird shit
>>283811 from.
No. 285533
>>285532Wow congrats to her, made it two years in Japan on a language school while hooking and is now on Vantan the worst fashion college one can go to, still hooking.
Vantan usually takes two years, right? Lets see if she'll return to Germany afterwards, cause no visa or if she'll pull a sere and get that glorious visa hafu baby.
What about kisu though?
No. 286865
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No. 286891
>>286884Possibly bought for all we know
But generally, no one cares so long as you're pretty. That is until they notice everything is samey
No. 286907
>>286891I doubt they're bought by the amount of likes she's getting per pic.
But katies followers are definitely bought. She has over 20k followers and her average photo gets around 500likes only.
No. 289539
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No. 294971
>>294944lmao yeah
And don't you love the ~i know everything about japan and it's such a shitty country~ kinda posts she does from time to time?
Biiiitch might have been living there for years but she STILL can't speak the language, all she ever did for work is drink alcohol with old men and her only friends are other gaijin gyaru
No. 295104
>>294971I wonder if she hates Japan and Japanese men so much why is she still living in Japan and drinking with Japanese men? She's Chinese Canadian so she can leave at any time if she wants, she had 0 ties to the country what so evs
>>294524Oh so natural non trans man jaw jojo desu desu des
No. 295113
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>my hair is not frazzled from bleach and cheap extensions, it's very ~humid~ in JAPAN you guyzzz
>my makeup is exactly the same as my other 700 posts but just tell me how wonderful it looks anyway and how beautiful I am either way tee hee
Can. You. Not.
No. 295115
Japan is not very humid right now. Stop bleaching your hair to death Jojo
No. 295124
>>295120Different girl.
Those two in the OP picture are Katie and Shiena
No. 295139
>>295114Reaching for what exactly? A noose?
Her makeup is the exactly the same and her hair is fucking frazzled hahaha we are talking compliment fishing Jojo here lol where is the lie?
No. 298104
>>280761She absolutely doesn't look full Dutch indeed, maybe the dyed hair and contacts deceiving, but lol how do people even see her as 100% Aryan White? Her features are pretty obviously mixed. It's just the question with what and which %.
>>281043Let's be fair though, you still make the most Jojo targeted comments here.
No. 299128
>>298104She's half Peruvian
>>280761I think that hiding your real name and your family photos and accounts it's a clever thing to do on the internet, maybe she does not wanna be doxxed or something
No. 304951
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So this is what jojo looks like without shop apparently. Oh dear.
No. 305040
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>>304952The difference in face shape lol Guess you can't Meitu real life hahaha
No. 305068
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She really is back
No. 305081
>>305080No, there is Gaijin Gyaru in Tokyo and Gaijin Gyaru in Japan
There's 2
No. 305085
>>305080This ISNT gaijin gyaru thread… that's the
THIRD thread.
Everyone in this thread is in the Gaijin in Japan thread, and then a few are in the Gaijin Gyaru thread. Basically there are 3 threads of the same people and I don't know why
No. 305092
>>305085The two other threads:
Gaijin in japan (same as this)
>>238753Gaijin Gyaru
>>97325 (pretty much same as that)
Then milk on Delandra is being posted here on Gaijin Gyaru in Japan, the Gaijin in japan thread and her own thread on /pt/
this whole things a mess!
No. 305103
>>305091You said I'm not making sense yet repeated what I am saying lol. I'm saying there are THREE threads that are the same and why the fuck are there so many when the same people are being posted in all 3. And this is not the Gaijin Gyaru thread, this is Gaijin Gyaru
No. 317861
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Shiena looks horrible omg kek
No. 322016
>>282568This is super late but wtf?
Three and tree are different (surii and tsurii). And she wants open to be said as 'ooben'?? How dumb is she?
No. 322159
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I straight up thought this was Dan at first. Unless it is him…?
No. 322241
>>317861Her hair looks like it needs a brushing.
>>322040Same to you.
No. 322635
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Svenja…。Still trying to be relevant in Japan and following bandoman for dick
Spending up all her moms/aunt money and desperately trying to sell her shit to go see her fave vkei dick?
She has been in hospital or so she claims and basically is an emotional wreck because of boys boys boys and guess what, more boys
I think she's really losing her tiny little brain or much more ?
Picture not relevant but she's alive and in Japan and constantly changing her social media because of stalkers hahaha
No. 330569
>>330512No it's not Mia you moron, she is British
Svenja is a German bitch desperate for dick
>>330065She changes her username often right now it is grpu_j but her account is private. If you get in to follow her its full of bad japanese and lulz (y)
No. 335160
>>323230Hi Shiena
Even if you get by, I'd be pretty damn embarrassed if I couldn't speak simple keigo properly after years of living there.
"Getting by" with stupid katakoto nihongo will never earn you any respect from locals and in the end you'll always remain the dumb gaijin
No. 337255
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Svenja totally trying to be edgy bangya again, this is her side account for tweeting bandoman only and to complain in shitty japanese
apparently she started to self harm because menhera is a thing for bangya right now and it's kawaii as fuck
last i heard her current boyfriend is chinese but is questionable their reason for dating because he isn't a bandoman just a fuck boy with a car
tries to change her appearance to grab the attention of said bandomen from dimlim whoever the fuck they are lul
Last i saw her in tokyo looking like a frilly fat mess
Is anyone actually her friend in japan maybe she should stop looking down her powdery nose at the other gaijin in japan acting like she is better than those
No. 337450
>>337433Heidi Lotta the Finish gyaru
Last time she went to Japan she worked at 7th heaven and also had adds up on tokyo adult guide and other pages. Must be in one of the previous threads. She also said of herself to not understand a single word of Japanese.
She also must work as an escort in Finland as well.
Also, I wonder what'll happen to her poor cats
No. 337794
>>337340She dresses it mostly hime with all that basic liz lisa frumpy shit that makes her look huge
she bends over and flashes everything from behind lul
>>337455oops lulul maybe she will go crazy and buy a gun and shoot up some gaijin trying to cut in on her bandoman
No. 337802
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>>337794she will obviously make a new account eventually because she has no other way to contact dimlim that's how thirsty she is
its obvious to know it's her because of the follows
why do these girls do this make such a bad impression of themselves and try covering up the mess the my continue to make
i wish i had taken proof of how edgy she was burning her bf photos and it wasn't even a long relationship dear boo boo so pathetic for j dick
No. 340621
>>340601By how they wrote it sounded more like they mean that the members lost their gal look, but maybe I misread.
Aochan is still in BD and they mentioned pomitan twice so I don't really know if anon really got their shit together.
But joining bd will definitely bring them some attention here on lolcow kek
>>340457Just go to the ganguro cafe while you're dressed up and ask if you can jjoin.
No. 340900
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No. 354466
>>340697>>340965Nah, go pop in her thread. She made some bullshit post a month or so ago about "going to work" with a selfie that was clearly set in a Japanese house, but beyond that, not one word of it otherwise. She still has her location set to Japan on FB too despite not living there for a long time now. She's notorious for reusing old photos and trying to pass off that she's in Japan again. She's pretty bizarre.
She's actually in Manchester/London right now (on someone else's dime of course) tagging along to her boyfriend's gaming tournaments.
No. 436704
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No. 444412
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shes back in japan
No. 444413
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No. 445314
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No. 447546
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>>445314Have fun. But no one cares about her anymore after she went back to America.
No. 449398
>>449245And you're the one bumping that old shit
Dumb as fuck
No. 454112
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No. 454123
well this girl used to be with that Sasha guy, so you can guess her standards
No. 476395
>>472185About Daniel (gyaruo)
Here is his instagram one of his pictures we can see he went to an omatsuri (festival) in some depressing ass town to the rightmost side of the photo, we can see the company name "Tosa Welding" is in Kochi, a small city in Shikoku Japan, which is the most rural part of Japan (like Iowa or Montana) life… Doubt he got many host club customers these days… but his Japanese is garbage… my guess is he's pulling in no more than 20man ($1800 USD) teaching English…
No. 476594
>>476395Just a few things.
>it's not bad to live in a rural part of Japan In fact it's actually way more comfortable than those big cities.
>it's okay to settle down He came with the intention to become a host, but now has a family. So what? From his instagram he doesn't look really unhappy or poor.
>muh he doesn't post pictures of his own child Wakeup call: many people choose to not post photos of their children online to protect their privacy and especially dads are like this.
Seriously I don't even know this guy, but to bring up drama from ages ago? Oh no, maybe come up with something new. Because from your post you just sound jealous of either his life or the fact that you weren't the one to have his baby.
No. 477453
>>464474Is Mia moving to Osaka or something now to be with said boyfriend? lul I saw on facebook she commented on a friends status about moving to be closer to him
but could be easily mistaken
No. 511326
>>511258English teacher roughly $2k a month. If she’s living in a share house rent max $500. With living expenses she has maybe $1k left over, plus if she gets any money from parents. $100 for a dress is not expensive
>>511298Yeah Liz Lisa is made for small girls. Sure it stretches to fit widthwise, but really anyone over 165cm 55kg looks REALLY awkward. The shop staff will coo over anybody cause it’s their job
No. 514274
>>514044Do you have proof or screenshots?>>511258
This chick is like 30 and wearing bows in her hair, Liz Lisa is childish to wear once you over 27.
No. 514855
>>514149Isn’t ksara married???
>>514778Show proof. Haven’t seen anything of her in ages
No. 514871
>>514855that vkei guy? she didn't get a visa because he was poor af
since then she did porn and working at a bar
No. 515354
>>510781>>510942>>510995confirms she's 30 here she is cute but who actually calls themselves "smol" and "black princess"?! holy wow …
Those LL dresses are NOT flattering on her… they should be knee length but on her they're like miniskirts…
No. 515364
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>>515354Knee length my ass. They’ve always been super short even on Japanese girls. If you don’t have any boobs it will come about mid thigh.
No. 516253
>>515354I think shes trying to become some kind of singer or idol over there because she has been on some show or whatever called Braido where they needed black women as props for soul and R&B night.
How old is Katie (Capsulebunny) if Ebony is 30 I imagine Katie is close to 30 too. All these Jvloggers and wannabe Japanese idols are all old as shit yet continue to dress like someone would between 17-23 at least.
Also what is with the wigs? She always looks greasy in them. She's pretty - she isn't ugly like Delandra was… Delandra was a beast or someone hideous like Micky. I feel kind of sad for her because she always lightens her skin a lot too. She always says shes mixed too… She doesn't look mixed in the slightest. I know she said shes half Puerto Rican but aren't they all just mixed with random races anyway like black, spanish ect? Her mother or father who is the Puerto Rican one (Im guessing her mother) is probably black who speaks spanish. I feel like she just says shes mixed in order to sound more exotic or something. I read she also speaks Spanish on her blog but shes losing that touch… I just see her as African American. She's about Aminyans complexion which is really dark. It isn't a bad thing at all! But I just feel sad how much she lightens herself… I get Japanese do it too and they're people of colour but… it's Asia. They're known for loving white skin. Seeing a black girl do it just makes me think otherwise but then again many do anyway.
No. 516299
>>516276Because it's worse seeing foreigners do it because foreigners usually LOOK their age. Japanese look quite young until around 36/39 and then if they're looking after themselves well they can look decent but they do end up frail looking after that.
I'm sorry but its just sad seeing overweight foreign women dressing in clothing that is meant for a younger age group which doesn't fit them properly most of the time and call themselves princesses and -chans. It's fucking silly.
Larme can be quite mature though there is many different styles within Larme though. Even if it's a peter pan collar dress with a small bag ect it can be mature looking if its done right.
Liz lisa, Angelic Pretty and all this shit just looks childish. Even fucking Nicole Fuijta shopped wearing LL and has opted to dress her age.
The models are paid to wear this shit - doesn't mean they want to wear it everyday.
Also half the foreigners who dress in these types of brands RARELY look it off. Majority have fucked make up where its not done right or too much, silly wigs and just go overboard. Then when you see them in their vlogs and other peoples vlogs hanging out together they look like a cirus.
No. 516311
>>516299You’re trying to compare people who have professional hairstylists, makeup artists and photographers to the average person foreign or not.
You sound basic af. Stop trying to push your basic adjenda on everyone.
Just because OTT isn’t in right now doesn’t mean everyone should follow suit.
You think everyone should just be clones of what the magazine dictates?
No. 516645
>>516311Im basic because I think floating around in shit too small for grown foreign women with tits that make their “dresses” sag over is a good thing? Cmon anon.
The asians pull it off because they’re smaller and lithe. People like ebony, katy or whoever the fuck just dont make it work. Most foreign girls dont and the try hard edginess is embarrassing. Most Japanese dont even dress in that brand shite anyway only a handful do.
Most people over 25 have there as foreigners seem normal and have jobs. Sorry if not everyone wants to spend their days at Hello kitty theme parks and visit sailor moon cafes everyday. Not all of us are 5 anon lol
No. 516653
>>516645Ya basic because you think everyone should dress “normal”
And Ebony and Katie have “normal” jobs.
Does it really matter how people dress on their spare time?
Guess what, “normal” Japanese clothes are just as small . You expect everyone to import from their home country or something?
Why are you so worked up about it. Go be a uniqlo professional grandma on your own. Don’t be surprised no one wants to follow your way of life.
No. 516659
>>516653Ebony dresses like that for work.
I don’t care what people wear but in Ebony’s case it looks like shit. She’s way too fat for the dresses
No. 516686
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Mikan Mandarin looking an Iranian granny without the shoop
No. 516698
>>516686Mikan doesnt look too bad
Venus always surprises me without her shoop… jesus.
No. 516706
>>516696Nobody cares about the majority. Majority is basic that’s why it’s called basic in the first place.
>>516695Yeah your way of life. The normal way of life that no one cares about it. If you’re so happy with it why are you whinging about jfashion girls on here?
No. 518756
>>518731Not her boyfriend, her husband.
I think she married him despite the cheating because she is tired of being so poor. She was being paid hourly and working two jobs to support herself. Each time she's gotten sick, she hasn't been able to make ends meet with her monthly bills and has to borrow the money from friends/her now husband. With a spouse visa, she can work kyaba for a higher hourly wage or try to apply for different jobs. It's hard to switch careers when you're on a work visa sponsored by a company because you could risk losing your visa altogether. This was really worrying Mia because she's never been given a 3 or 5 year visa when she renews it, she always gets the 1 year visa.
The two of them are moving out of Osaka now to save money so they can travel.
No. 520052
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where does jojo work? can't be a office job if she have silver and grey hair all the time and that much makeup
No. 520343
>>520341it does
hosts doesn't pay tax
No. 520582
>>518833Actually anon I am part black but my mother is biracial and dad is white so Im probably more white. I have seen blacks on my mothers side and they’re all dark and same tone as ebony.
The only reason why hafu black and Asians are darker than mulattos is because asians are already carrying a yellow caste on their skin opposed to whites who dont. Thats why blasians always look darker but it depends because there is some black American woman RamandaDaisuke youtuber who has japanese hafu kids and they look full asian so it depends. Some biracials white and black have blonde hair nearly and some look more black.
I just think Ebony is full black because Puerto rican is basically black anyway theyre mixed but only down the line and with that black blood there already and another parent being black Ebony is just black. Its like obamas kids you have a mulatto dad and a black mother and there is black kids.
I think ebony just wants to use an excuse for the fact she lightens nearly all her pictures to death and still says shes mixed. She’s probably mixed down the line but I dont think she is really, not directly.
Amina and Delandra are very dark but Amina is pretty so it doesnt matter. Features play a part and shes tiny so shes cute whereas delandra is just a dragon.
(blogposting) No. 521050
maybe he is going to quit for her? but i don't think so
No. 521205
>>521145Man You are hurt or what?
Still living in 2008?
No. 521219
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>>521216Okay weeb-chan have fun looking like a clown. I'll pass.
No. 521222
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>>521216so kawaii amiright
No. 521224
>>521219calm your ass. this thread is for gaijin gyaru, not to make fun of gyaru as a concept. why are you following this shit if you don't follow gyaru?
fyi, no one who wears gyaru wants to look 'normal' i don't get your argument. the point of gyaru is to look like a ridiculous version of a woman.
No. 521229
>>521228Lolita is just as ugly as gyaru imo I'll pass on that too
I'm just enjoying watching you all sperg over your precious weeb hobbies (honestly this thread needs to be nuked since there's barely any milk to begin with)
(infighting) No. 521297
>>521222>>521224No, the point of gyaru isnt to be as ridic as possible.
>>280613I'm surprise at the number of jews that wear japan alt clothes.
>>521040Most japanesse guys marry white gaijans to get ahead. I dont know any true housewife white gaijan. Even the ones that claim to be housewives have family money or its a visa marriage. I dont know one couple where they live in japan and the husband provides. Especially a host/bandomen. The host usually marry ugly fan gaijans at that. Advice to her– save up. As a white woman I keep this thought. White hostess are treated like trash in china/japan.
No. 521532
>>521297Majority of these white gaijin girls who wed these white foreigner fetish gooks are always ugly.
Every single cow or weeb ive seen with a Japanese guy has always had an ugly partner. Hardly envious of these asian trophies.
No. 521689
Most of them are ugly af
No. 521693
>>521532thats just how dumbass fetishists are
you can be ugly af but be the race of what they like and they'll cum themselves
No. 522297
>>521532As if there wasn't any difference in attractiveness when both partners are from the same country.
>>521693Or you know, you could grow up a bit and learn that it's not all about looks.
>>522282If her husband is a host she can get prepared for lots and lots of 1 year visas. I know couples where both are self-employed but don't make much money, and they keep getting 1 year visas for basically ever.
No. 523220
>>521297"Most japanesse guys marry white gaijans to get ahead. I dont know any true housewife white gaijan."
There are, but they sure af are not hanging out in the gyaru/kyaba/fuuzoku/youtuber circuit most of them are horribly depressing tales of cruel mother in laws, isolation in rural areas, absentee/cheating husband, etc
IDK wtf "marry white gaijans to get ahead" means though, most of the time it's either a fetish or no Japanese woman would have them (because of monster in laws, shitty jobs, etc)
No. 523650
>>523220Having a Japanese husband sounds like hell. He's never home but when he is you have to put up with him being a manchild and then he gifts with an STI from a soapland. You also get all the lovely passive aggression against foreigners to deal with when you realise that you're never going to truly fit in.
Anyone who thinks going near a Japanese guy is a good idea needs their head examined.
No. 523790
>>523220>>523650Not directed you.
Let me tell you I guarantee just as many shitty men in your country. There is always another half of the story your not hearing.
No. 523971
>>523816>>523816Yes things exist everywhere but they are openly encouraged in Japan.
Japanese boys are babied by their parents much more than their Western counterparts. Soaplands etc are legal in Japan but not in many Western places. Yes you can see an escort but it is not as common or socially accepted. Western countries are more less homogenous than Japan so less passive aggressive racism (and the police will listen to you in the West). Western people don’t work as many hours as Japanese.
Japanese men also have this lovely thing were if you say “no” and push them away they will assume you are playing hard to get and not understand you don’t want them.
Women are second class in Japan. All of this results from that. There are trash men everywhere but it’s cultural in Japan.
No. 525555
File: 1520698201753.jpg (184.14 KB, 640x958, 26_000000000592[1].jpg)

>>525456>himena>classypick one. this is a recent release btw.
if you don't like gyaru stop shitting up the thread.
No. 525706
>>525104mmm fresh milk finally
>>525555she looks like a sex trafficked single mother
No. 526658
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No. 526661
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He was pretty popular before he moved to NZ. He knows a lot of the big name hosts which is why Shiena and Dania are I to him. Now he's back to being Shiena's type of gaudy host. She even drew a picture of her and him together on her art account.
No. 526861
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>>526658It's not the same person.
Plus the host has tattoos where her husband doesn't if you look back at the photos.
No. 526932
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No. 527330
>>526861Yeah that’s not him at all hahahaha
I love when people in this thread thinks all asians look the same all those ‘shifts did porn’ and it’s a like to some random Japanese chick that looks nothing like her..
No. 527928
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>>526241I’ve always been curious about how the student visa works. The girl in pic related did this debut av while still being a college student in Japan, as did another foreign girl around the same time, and if I’m not mistaken AV highly illegal with a student visa.
Curious how one gets an in with some AV without the right visa, asking for a friend (sue me I’m legit curious). And to keep it thread related, does anyone know who this girl from France is? Recently announced her retirement from AV.
No. 527969
>>527928I’m not sure if I remember correctly, but porn is ‘ok’ under certain circumstances. Like you can do in stores or any other kind of public meeting for your fans.
And I don’t know the girl in picture, but Moodyz is literally the most successful AV procucer company in Japan and if I remember correctly also in Asia. They might be able to sponsor foreigners with an entertainment visa giving they sell them as some sort of ‘idols’. Since moodyz are such a big thing I bet they know the right people and places.
No. 528093
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>>528052I don't think so.
No. 528461
>>528093kek idk why princesse du sperme is cracking me up so much
also in the above image
sage for no new content
No. 528468
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>>528463Her without photoshop
No. 528600
>>528571She’s 100% French lol
>>527969As for an entertainment visa, even those don’t allow you to do porn, I’ve seen people inquire about them before. You need permanent residency or a spouse visa to engage in adult work (that includes, kyaba, hostessing, delihealth, etc). I’m actually surprised a company as big as Moodyz sponsored her, I’d expect a smaller studio or label to not care, but I’d think the bigger ones would be more cautious with the legalities of things.
No. 528764
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Any milk on Carriebou? She's friends with Jojo, living in Japan and has a Japanese boyfriend. I didn't know where to talk about her, she's like Felice Fawn, photoshopped to hell and back.
No. 528812
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>>528801She’s long finished with school now I believe so that doesn’t do any good. Plus I’m not out to sabatoge her lol If anything I wanna know how she did what she did, I’ve always been really curious of the AV industry, there are quite a few accounts of gaijin guys doing stuff, but nothing on the gaijin women side of things.
Another girl under similar circumstances, seems to have dropped off the map though since 2016.
No. 528819
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He follows Shiena on instagram…which means she's gone crawling to his bar for sex
No. 529059
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Why does Ebony shoop her skin tone and features so much? Is it to keep up the “mixed” bullshit she’s always bringing up? It’s so sad because she’s 30 years old, unmarried and spends all her money and time to look like a child.
No. 529061
File: 1521048288389.png (1.48 MB, 640x1136, F50F2E6F-3777-420C-8A79-EF751C…)

>>529059Compared to her abuse of photoshop
lol at her wrinkles
No. 529277
It’s weird because Japanese don’t care if you’re lightening yourself at the end of the day you’re still foreign and that’s it.
No. 529549
>>529282Every weeb loves to claim their mix/hafu or some shit.
>>529289Her hair looks nice to be synethic better,than these ig thots with play with me barbie lace fronts.
No. 529555
>>528093"princesse du sperme"
girrrrrl i hope they paid you well for that
No. 530170
>>530125Wrong thread.
Taylor isn't even a jvlogger anymore.
If you must, go whine in the jvloggers thread.
No. 530844
>>511258Lol at "be able to afford 100$ dresses"
Nothing wrong with buying that but it's certainly not a lot, or enough to warrant being shocked over.
Anyone working a semi decent job can afford to shop at a low quality gyaru brand.
Which yes is normally worn by teenagers…
her choice though if she wants to continue to dress that way.
she's an English teacher if I recall correctly, but could be doing something else now who knows
No. 534164
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>>534118Why does everyone here keep whiteknighting? Ebony is a damn mess
No. 534257
>>534164I keep wondering it too… I’m half black and this is my skin tone literally and I’ve seen ebony (lol her name is black ffs) star in katies videos and she’s no where near this complexion…
This needs to stop. Girl love your colour!
No. 534262
>>534164She always been a mess from head to toe.
>>534040All them a hot ass mess,they could've saved that money up to get a house or some shit. These bitches almost 40 wearing Liz Liza and visiting puroland.
No. 534276
>>534224She’s trying to cover her ass. Ebony damn well wears makeup well too light and uses a ton of filers and photoshop. It’s just the same how she goes on and on about being a “proud black woman” but in the next sentence will call herself ~mixed~
It’s all shennigans
No. 535388
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>>534164Her face is three shades lighter than her hands and legs. She’s either hiding with makeup way too light or using apps too much
No. 535433
>>535388>>535425Yea that true but her make up looks so cakey, like loads of layers have been added to give her the skin tone.
Ebony is dark, she can use all the filters she likes, that don't change her real skin tone
No. 535596
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>>5355885'3" must mean that Shiena is well under 5 feet. Those cat shoes she always wears are about a 10cm heel. Shiena is atleast 4-5" shorter than Katie.
No. 535614
I think it’s more likely they’re busy with their own circle of friends that aren’t connected to each other and neither are the reaching- out type.
No. 535623
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>>535596She’s 5’0. It’s hard to tell by photos because of posing and heel heights vary. Platform heels look shorter than they are in photos.
No. 535638
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wtf she looks horrible
No. 535999
>>528812the text on that porno cover tho
"Japanese samurai meat stick [cock] and blonde haired blue eyed beauty"
No. 539775
>>536929SHE IS 35!YOUR PARENTS SHOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING YOU WHEN YOU ARE 35!! I (like most people I would assume have been on their own since 18). I even paid a portion of the rent to my parents to live in their house.
Instead of blowing her saved up money on stupid childish shit, host clubs and trips to Japan, why doesn't she move the fuck out or use her money towards something productive.
Sorry, I really hate this girl.
No. 540712
>>540184Why would someone need to support their parents if their parents don't need it? Not everyone is in the same financial situation and some parents are well off enough to be generous with their kids and have no problem with it.
That said, if you are lucky enough to live at home rent free and work full time you should be saving fuckloads of money and investing it, like buying property even if it's to rent out rather than live in.
No. 541788
>>541659Because it is.
obviously not all of us are as priveleged as you anon.
No. 547426
>>547315Why do people even keep agreeing to go with her…. And why is she scared of trains? Dumb as shit.
Her friend is also dumb though she didnt HAVE to ride in the taxi, she could have said no and told Dania to ride the cab alone while she takes the train. She could have also told Dania to pay since she was happy to take the train. Both of them are idiots
No. 547688
>>547426Agreed that both of them are idiots.
I assume that Dania talks a big game in order to convince people to travel with her. Has she ever gone alone yet?
No. 547800
>>547789She only went alone that time because her friend backed out after she'd already bought her ticket so she had to go.
She is literally the worst person to travel with because she spends a ton of money on stupid shit and can't speak any Japanese. All she plans to do is shop and go pay for pictures with bandomen. Plus she talks a big game like she knows everyone and wants to pick up all the guys but when it comes down to it, she's insanely shy. She'll basically push you out in front and make you talk to everyone then she gets all gross and awkward and just tries to backhandedly insult you to make the guys want her but it just ruins everyone's time. She's also really immature making everyone pose constantly and trying to pretend she's like a big deal in LA.
No. 558645
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Does anyone know this girl? Claiming to be a failed idol from Canada No. 558649
>>558645she works at really famous kyabakura.
she must be married
No. 566131
>>566035She has her own thread.
I havent seen her irl but she is definitely going to try to live in 2007 forever.
No. 569280
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if you google her name 萌里乃 せりす you can see some old pics
No. 569305
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>>569280Wow that is shooped to hell and back if that is the same girl as this.
No. 581550
File: 1526241554497.png (396.14 KB, 720x1147, IMG_20180513_155252.png)

I was reading girlschannel when this ad popped up. Isn't this the Kelsey cerise whatever girl? Poor girls pictures are abused for porn ads. ( the ad says "This is what happened when I let in a cute 18yo American girl for homestay and slept in the same room with her for a month. <- eventually that's just what happens to a man and a woman(together)…
No. 585088
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wtf sandra looks awful
No. 585094
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did she had the V shape surgery?
No. 587134
But her account is private tho.
No. 592543
>>592517How desperate do dudes need to be to want to bang what looks like a disabled child in drag makeup?
Probably playing her for that hostclub money.
No. 596245
>>596021Yes LOL
カサラ this is basic Japanese and she still say they can’t pronounce it
No. 596542
>>596476I don‘t follow her
So she is illegal working at a bar lmao
No. 596552
>>596546Smells like a lie
Guess she married another guy
No. 596605
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Is shiena serious about wearing her dress like this? One random button loose because her tits are too big? Get some fitting clothes girl, I'm having bad second hand embarrassment
No. 596831
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No. 597057
>>596605I literally came to post this lmao what the fuck is wrong with this girl. She is looked up to as a style icon but she looks like she dresses in the dark… if Japanese clothes are too small for you, don't wear them!!
Didn't she get a degree at a fashion university too, sew that shit so it fits ffs.
No. 597251
>>597057Ikr And has this girl ever had matching extensions? Or is this 3-tone-hair on purpose?
If it looks like this with curled hair, I don't want to imagine the mess when it's unstyled. I wouldn't even nitpick this stuff if she didn't have that 'I'm a perfectionist and my stylings are flawless! Better than everyone else' attitude.
About ksara/Shani
Not defending but these girls have no milk at all, you're all annoying. Yes ksaras narc personality is unbearable but that's it. They've both been known to cling on student visas and ksara is also married
No. 597263
>>597251Yeah she’s known to have always have multi-toned hair on purpose. Her own hairsets are still the best self-done sujimori in the community as well as the first to get it down right.
She experiments with her clothes a lot so it’s a hit or miss for me. But at least it’s rarely boring.
No. 597318
>>597251Honestly it reeks of vendetta if the only milk on shani and kaara is legit five years old I think it’s time to let go lol
Also Shiena has her own thread
No. 597425
>>597423if its six years old and no one cares about it except u its still old milk
plus as far as I know its not even porn or anything actually illegal so its difficult to even call it milk in the first place there are tonnes of foreign girls in gravure these days like that gemma tokyo girl
No. 597564
>>597558just ask ksara
she talks openly about that. guess she is proud to be one
No. 599091
who is Gemma? sense milk but don't know the origin
sage for no info
No. 599209
>>599091Former member in Beckii Cruel’s group and now gravure model, married to a Japanese man. She was heavily discussed in the aidoru thread we had until autists drove it into the ground.
I don’t really think she has much milk considering she doesn’t talk to any foreign girls and her Twitter is limited. Not every bitch who has her tits out has milk imo. I agree with other anons that anons ITT are obsessed over sex workers. Ksara, Sere and Shiena are all milky as hell but not because they’re whores.
No. 603573
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No. 603584
She was cheating on him too though. She posts ads on Craigslist with sexual photos advertising as an English tutor but really coding it to be a sugar baby. Leo is a fag gaijin hunter anyway.
No. 603633
>>603573Lmao I love it when these no names call their social medias "xxxOFFICIAL"
Like anyone would waste their time on faking them.
An unknown charai wannabe rocker and YouTuber…If Katie ever thought that makes good boyfriend material she's just as dumb as him
No. 603852
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No. 603891
>>603890If they concealed their identity they wouldn’t be able to promote themselves.
That’s the reality of dating anyone in the entertainment industry in Asia
No. 603923
>>603852lol obviously theres something wrong or else she wouldn't get this worked up over strangers talking about it. Or is it because she's just extremely immature? That would explain her dressing in Lolita and dating hardly legals when she's almost 30 too.
Anyway nice way to let us know you're lurking here Katie!
Be careful, Japanese guys don't like clingy girls and you using his last name although you're not married after 4 years(another red flag) might be creeping him out
No. 603928
>>603923>>barely legal Isn’t her boyfriend like 22 or 23?
This whole post is a reach
No. 603933
Please refer to
>>603588 that i posted earlier
Confirmed by
No. 603986
>>603852Lmao i knew it
I should be a fortune teller
No. 604007
>>603852Lmao katie must be blind
I never ever saw a band guy advertising on dating apps
No. 604017
>>604013If you ever meet any of them tell them something private or something you’d like to keep private. If you are a weeb in Tokyo I garuntee within a months time you’ll see what you told them being posted here.
Also as for “proof” they all make statuses crying about being posted to Lolcow literally hours after it happens so even if Katie doesn’t check here (which she does) her close friends does regularly. If they’re checking lolcow regularly i don’t believe that all they do is WK on here. If they had any molecule of common sense these grown ass women (most of them are late 20s - 30s) would ignore the shit here instead of bringing attention to it. They’re seriously too damn old to be participating in this secondary school bullshit. Wouldn’t be shocked though because they all dress like children and refuse to get real jobs (English teaching isn’t a career).
No. 604047
>>604042Are you dumb? Or are you saying all preschool teachers are playing a clown?
There are plenty of legit international schools with actual curriculum. Not every teaching gig in Japan is playing the gaijin monkey.
ALT sidekick or eikaiwa isnt a career but it doesn't mean that you absolutely cannot have a decent career teaching in a private international school in a foreign country, including Japan.
No. 604048
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No. 604055
>>604047looks like I've
triggered the senseis. A lot more people are getting into coding, translating and tourism these days because it pays better. No shame in being a good English teacher, but theyre a dime a dozen in Japan. Easily replaceable. It pays to have other skills.
No. 604061
>>604060The amount of
triggered senseis/white Knights coming out of the woodwork is incredible wow I guess katies group does lurk
No. 604062
>>604055Ntayrt, but just because many people nowadays go into coding tourism, etc., doesn't mean that you should too. That market will be oversaturated soon and you'll become just as replaceable…
>>604061I guess your the same person again… this doesn't have to do with being a
triggered or a wk; some people just legit love teaching and studied towards that goal for years, so you blatantly insulting that and thinking being a tourist guide or something like that is more profitable and honorable… Without teachers modern society simply wouldn't work, it's a good and important job.
No. 604089
>>604074>>604078Have you guys ever even been to Japan? Have you heard of international schools? And principals or school directors?
Who the fuck do you think is principal of an international school, some japanese?
Career prospects in teaching are OUTSIDE the 'english teacher' shit. Regular 'english teachers' have a cap, yes.
But to say you cant make it as a teacher in Japan is a load of bullshit, plenty of ways to be successful and gain a good career or employment in a REAL school, just like in any country
No. 604107
>>604093She posted a tweet in her thread earlier stating that they "dont post about their relationship because they're both part of talent agencies and they're not allowed to"
She probably got embarrassed when she realized how idiotic she sounded and deleted it, I sadly didnt cap it though
Also technically her postibf on FB and Twitter about him is breaking that rule anyway
Also theyre not famous so who would care
No. 604113
>>604107She does Lolita modeling every now and then for cheap wages. I doubt her “agency” put dating stipulations on her.
Leo is not famous bad guy. Nobody gives a flying fuck he’s shagging Katie. He probably told her that lie so he can talk to other girls without having Katie on his profile.
No. 604196
>>603937No she is 27 or 28 now.
>>603945Anon meant when they started dating he was barely legal. Seeing as he was 18 when they started dating and actually 20 is the legal adulthood age in Japan (until 2022 when it will be lowered to 18) then yes, anon was correct and Leo was actually UNDER the legal age when they started dating. She is about 5-6 years older than him. I don't think age difference is so weird when you get to your mid 20s and up but honestly dating an 18 year old boy who is 6 years younger than you sounds like a headache
No. 604283
>>604258She isn‘t 28 she just turned 27
Since when arent woman allowed to date younger men? Just look at the celebrities
No. 604302
>>604281Why is everyone suddenly an expert on their lives in order to condemn them with little to no proof tho. You’ll believe anyone With “milk” but scream wk the second counters it with info that’s literally readily accessible on their social media?
Sage for no actual new information lmao
No. 604354
>>604339Katies bf is obviously cheating lol but i never saw no legit proof of shani/ksara being prostitutes so please post!
I did see shani’s porn tho 2/10 wouldnt recc.
No. 604376
File: 1528393072040.png (107.15 KB, 206x275, 1341C03E-7C11-4F0F-B370-521919…)

>>604368Here is Shani at Kirari, a place with all cheap $100 prostitutes. This photo was matched with an outfit from her Instagram on the same day. Also here is shani’s thread with cum in the pussy illegal porn she did multiple times
>>>/snow/125476 No. 604377
File: 1528393096163.jpeg (29.78 KB, 235x275, 685E7B54-F634-401E-BFA0-8B3024…)

>>604376Instagram same day same outfit
No. 604397
>>604376Everyone knows she is/was a prostitute by now, so what?
At least she's trying to hide it and doesn't go around telling everyone how ~rich~ she is (I'm looking at you Lorena).
I wonder if we could find shienas photo there though?
No. 604480
File: 1528401958028.jpeg (33.97 KB, 300x186, 0A450E9E-E070-429C-8F2F-B2E5CA…)

>>604465It’s not a bar. You can find information about it with basic Japanese. It’s an establishment that circumvents prostitution laws by having girls sit in a line up and men pick them for sex. Men pay the shop of course. Plenty of places like this in Thailand as well. It’s a brothel without the beds. Shani doesn’t go
there for free food. She sells sex for very cheap. Stop trying to cover for her.
Also why was Katie’s boyfriend writing in ENGLISH on a weeb app if most of his potential fans will be Japanese? Why did it say seeking a relationship when VK bandsmen don’t openly date? He was trying to get a booty call and Katie is a predatory old bitch in denial.
No. 604723
>>604707This white knight reach is hilarious
Sure… Not everyone goes to Kirari to have sex?? If you've even looked at different Deai cafe websites you'll know that it's exclusively about sex anon. Photos of thighs and down tops and upskirts feature on the blogs of most Deai chains. It doesn't take a genius to figure out its a seedy place meant for sex.
No. 605065
>>605057I'm not friends with her on facebook
but it was around 2013
No. 605505
>>605373Oh come on…
You whiteknights are living on the moon aren't you?
What you people don't get is that these girls don't give a fuck. To them fucking random men for money isn't a sin or anything, it's just normal business.
As soon as you do any type of night work you become paralyzed. I mean shit you're working with Yakuza and everyone around you does illegal shit
No big deal
No. 605782
>>605511Agreed, but there's an anon or few who always brings up Shiena despite her lack of new milk. Seems the same in regards to Ksara and Shani? I'm all for discussing any of these weebs if they had fresh milk, but they don't.
Sere literally is on her third child, who is unregistered without a father, because she tried to fuck a host for an anchor baby and failed. She has two other throw away children. Tons of bad plastic surgery and is currently shopping herself into the Russian barbie right now at some bizarre attempt at catfishing herself a modeling career. Shiena is boring in comparison.
No. 605835
>>605825They go on holidays together and he records her for her channel, thats stable enough.
I dont understand what they are trying to achieve by using the apps though. Posting in English about his band seems redundant too. Any fans from abroad would be useless, can't attend lives.
Also if she is 'managing' them, then why aren't the apps on her phone from the start???
The whole thing seems weird. Basically he is using apps and she checks them to make sure he isn't messaging anyone.
Still dont think he is cheating on her.
No. 605838
>>605831hey katie, are u pissed he is cheating on you ugly fuck?
he is only 22.. he doesn't want to be together with an old hag
No. 605840
>>605835nah katie lied
she tries to protect her cheating boyfriend by creating lies
No. 605842
>>605841How do followers tie in with using a dating app to promote yourself? It literally has no connection?
It is all moot, though. Just weird they decided to use dating apps and advertise in English.
No. 605856
>>605847Exactly, so really strange why its in english
Stranger still that she 'manages' the apps yet they are in his phone
No. 605961
>>605954stop whiteknighting
truth hurts eh?
No. 605987
>>605964Are u stupid? There is proof
Also my friend dated a japanese guy. He used tons of dating apps and said he doesn‘t have a gf.
Of course dumb friend didn‘t care or believed his lies and protected him
(no one cares) No. 606737
File: 1528638466007.jpg (127.99 KB, 427x500, photoshop.jpg)

that chin shoop lmao
No. 606746
>>606736Multilingual white party princess…. wtf lmao
Is she for real?
No. 606835
File: 1528651861253.jpeg (99.37 KB, 640x555, 9DFC79D9-9528-4459-8601-72B449…)

Ebony literally does this herself though. This girl is delusional about her shade or hates herself for it.
No. 606994
>>606740You must be the same anon that posts all the shit they saw, seekingarrangement, craigslist and the messages from Leo, always got a lot to say but can never pull out ALL the evidence
Sage for dry milk
No. 606995
>>606984Hey whiteknight
You got your proof so shut up
No. 606997
>>606995Oh yea one person is reallyyyy proof isnt it.
What about all the other shit?
No. 607003
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No. 607293
>>607020>>607003>>607002Still you havent posted everyone you originally mentioned
>>606037 >>606054Where are the caps of Katies craigslist ads too
>>603584Or the caps of leos messages
>>605955Sage for namedropping shit without proof
No. 608156
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Shaninis a fat man kkkk
No. 608555
File: 1528811941848.png (1.43 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_8751.PNG)

>>558645It appears she's a "new face" of @ home cafe now. As you're not allowed to work any hostessing jobs while working here I think she's quit Bijin chaya
No. 608940
>>608888Yeah shut up and stop making excuses for being fat.
First, shiena is Asian anyway, second, Tokyo has all mainstream Western brands, there's no need to squeeze yourself in tacky 1000円 free-size shit when there are other options
No. 609024
>>608940Not a Shiena stan, but even if she did lose the weight, she'd still have a pretty big bust size by Japanese standards. She's chubby, but she's not that fat anon, just a fairly average Japanese plus size.
She does need to lay off those weird cinch belts and find tops/dresses that can button around her bust or just not buy the top/dress though. It looks tacky and makes it look like she's just bursting out of her clothes.
Sage for Shiena nitpicking.
No. 609168
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>>608968>>609024You guys do sound ridiculous though, shiena is not some magical special snowflake whos ~too busty~ for aaaalll Japanese clothes and too short for Western ones.
Have YOU actually been to Japan?
Apart from the 109 brands which most of are for teenagers anyway, many Japanese brands have sizing. Like even in that cheap ueno department you have cheap no name gyaru looking brands which go up to like an XL. Dreamv too if you love tacky stuff that much. Japan is getting fatter and fatter anyway.
Shiena has just gained weight and is in denial or she's exaggerating it with the push up bras.
Pic related, she used to be thinner and more flat-chested and in her head she still thinks she's a Japanese s size.
She's not fat even now, but there's no excuse for CHOOSING to wear clothes that are too small. You can do it if you love the designs that much, just don't complain when people say you look like a clown.
No. 609241
>>609162Yeah its not below minimum wage at all ao that anons an idiot. Its a popular job cause it pays well for those who have no education or degree.
The back alley foreign kyaba that all these weebs work in of coyrse pays shit as its an illegal store and dodgey lmao
No. 609310
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Yall embarrassing
No. 609373
File: 1528885989416.jpeg (131 KB, 640x1084, E1351F52-BB45-4F04-8A3D-66D3C4…)

This is the recruiting page for bijin chaya. For a trial day the hourly wage is 5000 yen and then below that is says the typical hourly wage is 6000 yen. Put this together
with the drink back and customer nomination..well above that 500yen lmao.I love when people that know nothing fucking run their mouths
No. 609375
File: 1528886344587.jpeg (153.6 KB, 640x1066, 5C712618-880A-40A7-9EC9-A568AE…)

>>609373The club Shiena works for ‘N’ is produced by the number one kyaba in Kabukicho at the moment nonoka sakurai. Did a bit of a snoop and there base hourly wage is the same at 6000yen..and 5000 for trial.
This is for night time though…the morning store were Shiena works (she isnt even listed) has a big drop in wage with 4000 for both trial period and normal everyday. So yes she doesnt earn a lot
No. 609644
>>609375been wondering this for awhile. Who the fuck goes to kyaba at that 6am-3pm time period? I could see like, maybe once in a very blue moon staying out until the trains start running (like 4-5am), but later than that?
Kyaba isn't quite so cheap an unemployed alcoholic could afford it, is it? What is the target demographic there?
No. 609710
>>609665I thought the hosts were working to satisfy the needs of the hostesses after their shifts? But then a 3rd shift of hostesses comes in to satisfy THEIR needs?
How far does this host/hostess rabbit hole go?
No. 610119
>>609698No joke. What did Shiena do to you, vendetta-chan? It's probably a lot milkier than rehashing the same "she's fat!', "she stinks!" and "she works at kyaba illegally!" on multiple threads all the time.
I just don't get it, because Shiena, compared to so many other girls is boring as hell.
No. 611731
>>610119not the vendetta-chan above but I think the problem is Shiena was super interesting like… 5 years ago maybe? She had a blog that was just nonstop rambling about her crazy life, being locked out of the apartment for nonpayment, waiting for hours on end for her host "boyfriend", her toxic friendship with Ashley, describing in detail her schemes to immigrate to Japan including being adopted, etc.
I'm pretty sad she stopped blogging publicly, if nothing else it was an interesting insight in a gaijin gyaru's everyday life, not the life I would choose but I think if that's the stuff she likes (fashion, hair+make, living in Tokyo, etc) there's nothing wrong with that. Considering there's STILL no concrete evidence of her doing porn, sleeping with men for money (I think this is possible from doing kyaba, but she's not a full blown hooker like Lorena is for instance), etc, I suspect she really genuinely doesn't have much interesting milk to her. She seems shy and honestly 99% of women don't have the guts to do sex work especially if they are raised reasonably well. Dressing up doesn't mean you're a sex worker.
Sage for no new content
No. 613150
>>613148No she didnt.
Wheres the proof?? I looked at her twitter and theres fuck all there. Nothing mentioning katie or shani.
No. 613163
File: 1529234089309.jpeg (79.22 KB, 638x318, 62FCC5E9-13EC-4E37-AA39-149BEB…)

She also made a post about Instagram’s search option showing her “groups she wanted to avoid” but deleted it and a few days ago she unfollowed Ksara and Shani.
No. 613167
File: 1529234340300.jpeg (256.28 KB, 637x1133, A14B8003-1205-473D-96E1-1719CE…)

>>613105You would think now that she hangs out with almost all black girls they would stop this mess(her claiming to be “mixed”, lighting her skin tone, not correcting those awful undereye wrinkles, dry weave, dressing like she’s 13 when she’s 30).
No. 613171
>>613163This isnt proof just bs speculation and assumption
No. 613177
>>613167When blacks only hang with other blacks people think its "great" and "good for them" yet when whites only hang with whites or chinese people only hang with chinese people, people get wild about it.
The tweet she posted could literally be about anyone.
No. 613183
That's not a thing at all. I've never seen anyone "get wild" about random people's friend groups, kek. First /ot/, now here. The delusional racebait is getting strong on this site.
No. 616623
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isn't that berry? german gyaru
No. 619789
>>619752It looks like shes had a nose job, something has changed the entire look of her face, but doesn't look terrible. Shes married to a plastic surgeon so its not surprising she has stuff done.
Her look and apartment aka dressing room is really cute. Im pretty jealous of her living a fabulous pink flowery life.
No. 619819
>>619789I remember when she posted a photo of the her husbands hand/head and we concluded he was super old but her recent “partner” pictures look like a different person.
I think her face looks worse than before. She disabled her question box when people started asking about her job and visa. I wouldn’t envy a life of a trophy wife. She even moved to her own place so I don’t think it’s marriage of love.
No. 619828
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Oh god
No. 619843
File: 1529834399766.png (Spoiler Image,966.72 KB, 720x1027, IMG_20180624_120018.png)

>>619828Well now she looks like the former top hostess of Osaka, I'm jealous
No. 619844
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>>619843LMAO she looks nothing like Rio.
Serious, her face has been messed up
No. 619873
>>619858She stated on IG they are living together and her partner is allowing her to have a space for herself to set up her cute pink rose stuff. Learn to read. This 'space' so far seems to be an entire room and the whole kitchen counter.
Girls that nag their spouses to allow them to live in pink princess homes are ridiculous and selfish though. I love all the pink floral stuff but I love my husband more, and respect that it is his home too
Unless shes a lesbian, or her partner is never home..
No. 619956
>>619844All the different shades of pink is a mess
And patent heels with that coord is tacky af
The ill fitted jacket is also laughable
It's funny when gaijin are too big /tall and long for Japanese clothes yet wear them anyway, and pile shit on with no regard for color tones silhouette or style sense in general like if you have enough money you can get nice clothes that fit like the Chanel look she is going for but buying the jp low end imitations does not give the luxurious effect she wants and ends up looking like a discount fuzoku lol
The bag is cute though it's too bad of quality to tell if it's even real
No. 621763
>>621672Her Instagram is actually a really good guideline for checking if someone is a SB or trophy wife. Do they seem to have a job? Are they buying new things constantly even though they don’t seem to have a job? Going on trips? Never show their “partner” ?
A lot of the girls posted on here who yall claim to be prostutytes/SB seem to be working normally everyday and don’t live “glamourously” - Alice is honestly a textbook trophy wife/ sugar baby and a good base to work off of if you’re trying to work out who else is
No. 622483
>>622262Teachers don't make the kind of income to afford brand name constantly on top of obvious cosmetic surgery and traveling/vacationing so often though.
It's pretty obvious she's married for a visa to someone with money. It seems a little silly for her to try to lie about it though.
No. 622590
>>622483Id dislike her less if she was more upfront about it. She talks about her partner all the time so it doesn’t make sense to deny she is married with a visa. She obviously doesn’t work anymore.
She used to work for a shitty Eikawa but quit a while back.
Her story said something about having a work visa but when asked about her job, she claimed she didn’t have to share personal information and how everyone is different. Clearly has no idea about the job market except SB
No. 622606
>>622594There are tons of sugar babies, escorts, camgirls that don't have threads here. Stop crying about it, anon.
Her situation is pretty obvious, I don't expect a full reveal, but admitting that she's not working and is basically a trophy wife is really no big deal? If that's what makes her happy, more power to her, I guess?
No. 622677
>>622594Amen. Bitched about if you're open about it and bitched about if people think you are and hiding it. Petty lmao
>>622668Can you imagine putting everything into one person though? She best keep a lot of those things in pristine condition so she can pawn it should she ever lose her hubby. Scary to rely on a person like that
No. 622694
>>622691 what is wrong with people boosting ages.
>>622681 she is 26
No. 622718
>>622594People like ksara just let everyone speculate and don’t even comment on the rumors.
But Arisu claimed she had a working visa as she was working for an international company. If you’re going to obvious lie, I think that’s stupid.
No. 622876
>>622718I think Alice was actually asked on Instagram so she was put on the spot had to give an answer
But then ksara posted a few videos of her waiting in line at immigration on her Instagram story last(?) week but I don’t think she’s ever come out and addressed any of her rumours which is weird because katie/sere/mia/shienna are always mentioning lolcow on fb and instagram
No. 622917
>>622876if you feel caught you have to write about how wrong lolcow is haha
if it wasn't the truth..why do they care so much?
No. 622970
>>622917It’s not so wierd to care about people spreading false rumors about them. But lolcow logic is: If they care enough to say it’s not true it must be true. If they don’t outright say it’s not true, it must be true.
But in real life it’s not uncommon for people to want to clear their name when lies are spread about them so caring isn’t proof that it’s true. Only solid proof is proof of rumors being true
No. 623456
>>623403she is a trophy wife
alice got an own apartment..but she is registered where her visa husband lives
No. 624307
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This is what she posted about living together.
No. 625878
visa husband who pays her apartment because she doesn't wanna live with him
No. 627113
Even if she is working as a hostess, then it is likely where she met her husband and they came to some sort of arrangement to keep her in the country. I worked as a hostess years ago and had a customer ask to marry me so that I could stay in Japan forever. He said he had an extra room in his home that could be made mine, etc. Japanese men are freaking weird.
No. 627560
>>627212Not that anon, but I don't know. There's more than just a handful of foreign women who have worked these kinds of jobs in Japan in the past few years. It's more common than you seem to think?
Also, you want proof from anons? Are you new here? You seem to be tinfoiling quite a bit yourself.
No. 627598
>>627168Welcome to lolcow, you can claim anything at all and then when asked for proof just say “she’s open about it!” Or “she said so!”
Screenshots or you’re lying lol
No. 627609
Anon from
>>627560 here. Feel like I should clarify that when I said "you want proof from anons" I meant you seriously think that anons are going to out themselves to provide proof they've worked as hostesses? Seems dumb.
>>627598I agree with this though. It's an image board and anything like this should come with receipts when it comes to the actual cows or flakes.
No. 627917
>>627837I’d imagine probably students work there the most - school during the day hostess at night. Since the gaijin clubs that advertise on TNB and CL offer between 2000-3000 an hour it’s probsbly good to work for a few months then quit. Lolcow likes to pretend that hostesses literally are obligated to sleep with their customers but they’re not, you just sit and drink with them
Some clubs pressure you to date with customers some don’t
No. 628228
>>627837Company employees make between 700 to 1000yen per hour. Also if you are a woman, then you are treated how they treat female employees in Japan.
English teachers now says are lucky if they make 2000yen an hour and that their transportation costs are covered.
So it makes sense for one to want to earn 3000yen or more per hour.
No. 628484
>>628462But this counts for every country that regular office jobs are payed really bad? I think the anon above means people who do other work at companys than just sitting at an office and doing paperworks. Something like software developers, engineers, web developers, international business etc.
If you have a degree, can speak japanese, and apply for a foreign company (at japanese companys it's harder) than you can live perfectly fine in Japan. Even as a women.
also the point is that not most foreigners work at the red light district. it's the same with asians in western countrys too. Of course there are some of them who work at the red light district, but most don't. And these people are the 'normal' ones, not the people who are weebs or have some milk or are weird like the people landing on lolcow. I think that's why some anons think that most people work as a hostess, because most people here on lolcow are like that.
No. 646971
File: 1532540346613.jpg (122.48 KB, 960x960, mtZK5kQ.jpg)

almost everybody looks ugly as fuck. especially the donkey thief girl
No. 650112
>>650095I thought about this a while ago when she posted waiting at immigration on her instastory
My guess is that she managed to bullshit a humanities visa like shienna did at the gyaru cafe. It might be easier since coyote ugly is international
Another possibility is instructor b/c she teaching dance lessons there but I think humanities is more plausible
No. 650887
>>650641Anon this would only make sense if shiena was kidnapped or something similar. Everybody has their own life, since they are friends they probably know what‘s going on and where she is.
I also can understand that they don‘t say something about it in social media since it‘s very personal and they don‘t feel the need to give us some evidence and to ‚calm us down‘
No. 654844
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Wtf how stupid is Abby
She seemed to be always innocently enjoying her gyaru fashion and now, out of all times she's showing off her prostitution money?
Also what's with lorena and other whores money flashing on Instagram, that's so fucking tacky I just can't
Guess she wants a piece of Shannon's fame cake
No. 655598
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>>654844Just looked at this girl's Instagram and how is she showing off tens of thousands of dollars, but all her pictures are at saizeriya, wearing cheap ass clothes, with limp greasy looking hair and drug store makeup? And her post about the "nice hotel with the great view from the 10th floor" which is a friggin tiny, dirty business Hotel lmao. I'd bet my paycheck those ¥10000 bills are actually those fake bills you can buy from daiso or village Vanguard or wherever. It's like she's not even trying, is this a self post?
No. 657089
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>>654844How tall is she??? If she’s wearing heels & is still the same height as incel chin Dania, is she too a special ed midget?
The picture you hve chosen looked flattering, I thought she would be really pretty, but I just looked at her insta and she looks so busted!
No. 657124
>>657089Its like she want to wear certain pieces that actually could go together as a cute but not eyesore outfit, but the weeb kicks in with bow stockings/obnoxious shoes that blows out the whole ootd etc
You can wear pastels and not look like some 13yr olds dollmaker character but moderation was not made for these bitches.
No. 657524
File: 1533515558035.jpg (145.6 KB, 954x1186, cadaver.JPG)

this picture irks me into outer space. she looks like a tiny ugly babydoll compared to a normal sized human
No. 657559
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>>657539The first thing that came to mind when seeing that photo was weng weng and he was legally suffering from a disability. It's her genes, can't fault her for looking like that.
No. 657972
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>>657524kabukichō cursed images
No. 657998
>>657972omg awesome haha
someone needs to write a creepypasta
No. 658558
>>658450Dania is mentioned in the OP
> And less importantly: Dania is in Tokyo. She's doing her usual chasing after hosts, seeing Pentagon, going to anime weeb events shit. Better be on the look-out because Shingo is in Tokyo now no it’s not OT, she’s in the gaijin gyaru circle and we never know when exactly she is in Japan because she circulates the pictures from when she was in Tokyo all year round LOL. Nice try to get everyone to quit discussing you though.
No. 660588
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No. 660725
>>660588oh shit. Do you have any more information on her social media accounts?
I used to be friends with her but we lost contact some time ago and I kept wondering what she's doing and if she's still trying to get with bandmen
No. 660749
>>660725Do you remember her depressing posts she made from when she was still in a ‘relationship’ with horse face ashley? Or the ones from her rat hole in ikebukuro.
I wonder what she’s up to now aside of the obvious whoring around. Like what is her visa?
No. 660759
>>660749lmao yes I do
Before I got to know her a friend of mine who knew her told me she was the one who's responsible for the cancellation of a concert of some vk band in germany. Apparently she tried to organise the concert at a small venue just to get the bandmen to come here so she could fuck them but she failed (apparently she did not even organise hotel rooms for the band to stay) so the whole thing was cancelled. At least we all got a refund for the tickets. I obviously don't have any prove since it's just what said friend of me told me back then (not that it would matter since it's old milk)
I eventually got to know her over twitter where I read all her tweets about her weird relationship, we also exchanged phone numbers but we never met in person. Always wondered what she's up to as well since I could not find any of her new social media accounts again, I did not know she moved to tokyo
No. 660788
>>660760Stop lying
Bandomen prostitute is back in tokyo just saw her at a concert
No. 660801
>>660788Look at the screenshot
Recent : austria
No. 661348
>>660725I used to be friends with this girl too but she screwed it like she screws every of her friendships. I don't know if she still uses twitter but until a few weeks ago she did. She definitely is in Japan and trying to get ugly ass bandoman dick.
Seems like she also works in a girls bar somewhere in Tokyo, my friend saw her coming out of one.
Her Instagram is @ddrm_salina
No. 666350
>>661343You’re clearly the idiot seeings as you’re responding arguing a point that was clearly made.
As quoted from
>>658558>we never know when exactly she is in Japan because she circulates the pictures from when she was in Tokyo all year roundPlease read things properly in future before sperging anon.
No. 667809
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No. 671748
File: 1535071248467.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, DECD9856-AFA3-43C9-98D4-A24213…)

Does ebony not have any friends anymore to stop her? She’s 30 now with eye bags on fleek and the same ratty wig and still squeezing into clothes meant for petite Japanese girls. This is straight up embarrassing. She’s 30 going on 14 with a middle life crisis emo phase.
No. 671751
File: 1535071373550.png (1.52 MB, 640x1136, E02E9821-F631-4C7E-8397-831FCD…)

>>671748I’ve never seen a black woman with such unfortunate wrinkles. Maybe she actually is mixed like she always tells people. She looks 100% black but those eye bags…maybe black does crack after all.
No. 673100
File: 1535224294822.jpg (122.9 KB, 960x960, cQi2Gnn.jpg)

illegal working at a bar
No. 673862
>>673767Any details on the band guy she married? Pictures?
>>673822How is she not relevant? She hangs out with the gyaru crowd and sometimes posts pictures of her in the new gyaru ‘trend’. Some of her outfits are the kinds you’d find in the magazines now, sorry your idea of gyaru is already outdated
No. 674180
>>673862As far as I’m concerned she’s not a snowflake. All the stuff that could be considered milky happened 5/6 years ago, she’s never been screenshotted on tag/backpage/kirari and I doubt she’s working illegally as coyote ugly have her all over their website and posters whereas shienna even with her fake visa was hidden from her workplaces official media
This reeks of either self post or vendetta, most of her outfits consist of t-shirt, skirt, sneakers so I wouldn’t call her Gyaru or larme either
No. 674299
>>674223It’s hilarious when even the whiteknights are giving totally conflicting info
I think it’s nore the fact that this thread is full of plebs who heard something from someone who heard something and then spout it here like it’s fact
No. 674808
File: 1535429128939.jpeg (124.83 KB, 750x908, 70117D53-3478-427A-87C8-CCF33B…)

Someone posted this on pull in the Chinese living doll thread. Gave me a good laugh
No. 674817
>>674624omg i cant believe someone posted all her nudes to tumblr
why in 2018? april is before the shiena drama went down
someone screenshot these please
No. 685286
>>685187i was shocked too.
probably a visa husband ?