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No. 685895
Previous thread
>>6379118chan thread is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims be a csa survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and have 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked among her local community because of how much drama she causes and her tendency to lie. She started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She tries way too hard to come off as a hard hoodrat from the ghetto, when in reality she's a scary wannabe valley girl suburbanite.
Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody
Real Name: Mikaila Jones
Notable Things
- Doesn't believe in bathing everyday and only bathes twice a week
- Doesnt like the smell of clean clothes
- Refuses to clean room unless forced
- Tends to smell terribly because of poor hygiene
- Tried to get a girl doxxed by using tumblr simply because she didn't like what she said
- Posts her nudes on 4chan's /b/
- Constantly looks for SDs on /soc/
- Tried selling nudes on FetLife while in a relationship with now ex-boyfriend Adam.
- Cheated on every single one of her boyfriends
- Continually starts shit with Amina simply because the latter is more likable
- Tried to play tough guy by picking a fight with Taylor online, only to actively avoid her irl, out of fear.
- Claims to dislike lolicon and ddlg while actively posting both on her blogs
- Only started to claim mental illness when she got into menhera
- Made multiple threads about Taylor and Amina on here
- Whiteknights herself and Himeka very often
- Tried to get her threads shut down by threatening suicide
- Got dumped by her boyfriend for lying and cheating. Claims he was abusive and racist after he dumped her.
- Tried to manipulate him into staying with her by faking a suicide attempt.
- It's been revealed her mother enables her shit behavior and knows she's had pedophiles for boyfriends. Despite this, Micky continues to claim her mom is abusive.
-Tried to sell nudes and get a sugar daddy despite having a boyfriend.
-Posted on her Twitter about how she would be happy if Amina died
-Claimed to have "tea" on Amina after being outed on Amina's Facebook for all the shit she's done to her.
-Former friend outed Micky's cheating to her now ex-boyfriend.
-Riding on the digital artist bamdwagon with trash artwork.
-Trying to sell her grotestue nudes again, including old ones, and settles for a way lower price than asked
-Currently trying really hard to prove shes bisexual despite constantly talking only about dick
-The constant photoshopping is getting more extreme, to Raychiel or almost Berry levels
Social Media
Menhera blog:
Main blog:
NFSW blog: deleted
PULL: inactive
Make sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree. No. 685905
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Micky’s fashion sense is the equivalent of a five year old dressing themselves because their mother knows they’ll look horrid but it’s “cute” the same way they let their kids order for themselves aside from butchering their order, it’s learning.
Micky’s an inconvenient child and she might take that as a compliment but it’s not.
Micky knows she can’t fit/nor afford decent normal clothes at Forever 21 or even Target. She gets low tier quality shit on Aliexpress and calls it thrifting lol. Anyone asking Micky for fashion advice or sources needs to reevaluate their means of self esteem.
No. 685915
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Yikes. Shes INCREDIBLEY desperate. And two months? I recall her just a few weeks ago talking about getting dicked down
No. 685918
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>>685915I mean I guess you've got to have some pretty low standards when you look like she does
No. 685939
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She is disgusting.
No. 685983
>>685956>>685965I'm sorry but what the fuck?
You don't need to wash your hair everyday but you should shower/bathe everyday. Who raised you?
No. 685995
>>685956You realize that the part you're complaining about has said the same for three whole threads now? Why wait till now to bitch about it?
And its definitely necessary to wash your skin AT LEAST every other day. It's the steaming hot water that fucks with your skin, dont do that and moisturize & you'll be fine.
>>685965 No. 686135
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She insists on wearing these onesies and they do her no favors? Why??
No. 686136
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>>686135And she pulls the legs up really high so she has that b u l g e
Truly a fashion icon Micky
No. 686178
>>685995is right. If you have access to a shower/bath, you should be washing yourself every day.
The rest of you must stink to high heaven.
>>685939She sure is vile. Does she do anything productive with her life? Clean your room girl.
No. 686271
>>686242You’re all fucking retarded. Especially you. Just shower once a fucking day and stop derailing this post. Anyone who says otherwise is nasty as fuck and has no moral righteousness to judge Micky for showering three times a week. There’s 7 days in a week and she only chooses in between days and that’s nasty, especially since she’s a woman because her pussy must STINK like literal blood and shit and dirty sink water baths are unethical when you’re fully capable to take a shower every day.
I can’t believe this is an actual argument and we’ve lost perspective of one thing:
Micky’s nasty with yeast infections on the reg. The end.
No. 686295
"ashy skin develops because the skin is actually dehydrated. … Skin gets extra ashy during the winter when moisture gets zapped from your skin, thanks to dry air."
but if you're fair skin then its most likely not noticeable.. but your still ashy
shower every day if you can
I also want to note
every skin is different
but melanin skin thrives on moisturizer than a person with little melanin. maybe not all melanin person experience vs others but, its a majority
while i understand your point "showering too often can dry out your skin"
yes, too much can remove you oils from skin
but what I believe professionals are saying is
if you shower 2-3 times in one day it will cause dryness
showing in 2-3 times a week out of 7 days of the week????
every once a day shouldn't be a harm
your skin sheds daily, you need to remove the dirt on skin, and your skin needs water
in the us its illegal to have poor hygiene in work spaces.
I mean, Mickey is constantly serving customers their food. she needs to smell decent and be clean
you can get fired from your job for having poor hygiene and smelling bad
making customers complain
perfume and deodorant is not shower
"If you live in the US, and you do not have a medical condition of some kind that causes you to smell, then you could be fired and probably would be fired. If the source of your smell is bad hygiene, failing to shower, dirty clothes and so on, clean up your act. … People get fired all the time for smelling"-
employment law
No. 686301
>>686271imagine that anon not showering during HER PERIOD. yikes
wet pennies and rain water for smell build up
No. 686311
>>686301 This is Mickey we're talking about. Even if she showered daily, she'd still be disgusting.
Seriously. Not everyone needs to shower every day. If you're rank after one day and you're not working on a farm or working out daily or what the fuck ever, you've got the issue, not everyone else.
That's the extent I'm willing to indulge this retarded debate.
No. 686321
>>686295Someone should report Micky to her work about her uncleanliness and how that’s possibly violating standard. I’ve worked in food service a few times and I KNOW you’re not suppose to have basic hygiene like brushing your teeth, smelling okay- even perfume can cause complaint but Micky probably never has perfume in her possession so we’re boiling down to her own musk. Every thread that’s been created has always referred back to the consensus that Micky stinks like the following:
Shit, blood and sweat. I’m sure her work wouldn’t like to know one of their servers is openly admitting to bad hygiene.
(cowtipping) No. 686358
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In case y'all missed this in the last thread.
No. 686366
I gotta be honest guys, if shes so lazy she cant even get in the shower and has to wash herself in the sink, I highly doubt she even takes 3 a week. She probably just gave that overestimated number to make herself look better. By what people that know her/people in her community say, I'd say shes lucky if she can even fit 1 shower a week in her busy schedule of doing nothing and waiting tables.
>>686356I think you mean three times a week?
No. 686382
>>686361She really made herself look like an idiot here, holy shit. She was running her mouth so much in
>>686359 , but here you can tell she feels trapped cause she just got called the fuck out. Shes even offering to answer more questions so she can tell her narrative and try to make herself look better, kek. She didnt even do anything she said she would, like admitting to her toxic behavior if given the receipts. She also basically admitted that amina hasnt done anything to her since high school and she still just has a chip on her shoulder/major jealousy issues.
>>686370Did you forget this is micky's thread? You guys werent talking about her but you should be.
No. 686445
>>686384That, and
>keep it lock it and put it in your pocket bitchMakes me cringe because it's obvious she memorizes this stuff in her free-time in the hopes that when she uses them she'll come off oh so snarky.
No. 686811
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I can’t with this bitch
No. 686977
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Wtf is this
No. 687004
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She's trying way to hard to come off as lesbian. This is so gross and embarrassing. Pretty sure genuine lesbians are too focused on women they want to worry about men like this.
No. 687063
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>>686977What the fuck is going on with her hairline? It looks like she filled it in with eyeshadow.
No. 687079
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What the fuck are these proportions
No. 687186
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Idk where they were, but she looks ridiculous and out of place.
No. 687230
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>>687079>>687081This really aint it chief
No. 687460
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No. 687842
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This shit looks gross.
No. 687851
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>>687726The interesting part to me is that Micky claims to be this fashion guru - she inspired every black girl who wears jfashion, she has all this "looks" and "fits", she's constantly getting mysterious anon asks about where she buys her clothes and uwu how good her fashion taste is. But the reality is her style is boring and basic shit. She gets everything from Aliexpress and just copies what she sees on Tumblr or from Chloe. Her outfits are bland - she wears matching sets of clothing, the same ddlg onesie seifuku and can't actually coordinate for shit. She looks better because she's safe. And a lot of editing.
Emi makes some messes of outfits for sure, and since she's gained weight she doesn't really seem to know how to dress for her body shape. But she's actually, genuinely interested in fashion and pursues it and tries to experiment with it, which Micky is terrified to do. It's wild, but if Emi lost some weight, coordinated a little better and did more natural/no makeup, she'd be far far prettier than Micky, naturally.
No. 688119
>>687842 Dollar store cosmetics with a (highly possible) used hand massager she dug up from under her bed.
That’s fucking disgusting and if I was her friend, I’d chuck this in the garbage. If they use anything used in that biohazard bag they’re just as bad as Micky.
No. 688128
>>687842Micky’s “sex positivity” will only be positive when she gets an STD. Instead of being a normal human being and ordering a new hand massager off of Amazon with packaging and sealant, she more than likely found this lying around and thought it was safe to regift. I think as a consensus, it’s unarguable that it’s used because it lacks packaging. I know porn shops sell damaged packaged product, but they wouldn’t do an unboxed vibrator. If they did, however, it certainly wouldn’t be used, either. She could’ve went about this better with packaging and a receipt. This is embarrassing.
I want to throw the fuck up.
No. 688613
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Her rap skills are nonexistent. Shit like this is seen as corny and dumb.
No. 688773
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She's just salty because it's accurate to how her life is.
No. 688887
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I bet shes going to bail on her plans/whatever she needs to do and do exactly what she said. If she even had anything she was going to do in the first place.
I cant stop laughing at her pretending like a lot has happened this week and shes so ~ drained uwu ~ as if she doesnt post about literally EVERY slight inconvenience that ever happens to her
No. 689064
>>688977i know some people can be a little lax in rigorously cleaning their toys, but in all my years, I've never known
anyone to have mold on their shit. That's disgusting.
No. 689218
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Micky wants to pretned to be a beacon of positivity but turns around and posts some girl's Facebook comments without scribbling her name out because she didn't like what she said. What a fucking joke.
No. 689220
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Her eye makeup is straight up garbage.
No. 689366
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>>689358Here. This is free and easy to use. No. 689381
>>689366then take the downloaded video to a conversion site like and you can then upload the webm file here.
No. 689806
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>>689385>>689633She spent all that time trying to talk shit about other girls' edges and shit but is walking around with some fucking struggle edges. Lol Fuck her
No. 689840
>>689806She had the nerve to diss an anon claiming they have alopecia- funny how she also makes her shaming racially charged but totally regrets the “nigger girls” and “nigger nose” comment- yet has the audacity to make fun of other girls and their hair BUT SHE HAS THESE SHITTY CRUSTY EDGES.
They’re so thin and ugly. At least normal people that she tries to drag actually have hair lmao. Micky has no scalp to even talk because her hair is damaged by bleach, it’s nasty and musty from those microbraids and she has no edges. You can just tell she’s going to thin out in a few years.
No. 689881
>>689868fuck ur pale aesthetic me got edges booboo uwu
(Sarcasm) She’s really complaining about aesthetic like she has some.
No. 689928
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Just like you openly prey on anyone who disagrees with you or has the nerve to speak out against you, and manipulate your nasty online groupies to blindly defend you…?
No. 689954
>>689928Blame your mother, Micky. She said it was okay to have older men in her home and have you do drugs. Your mother is your biggest problem because she didn’t protect you and let’s you leave the house without using soap.
She’s seriously going to say that no one tried to warn her when all she’s been shamed for is being a back stabbing, two faced cow since she spawned into everyone’s live and crawled into people’s suite parties, grown men’s DMs and asserted herself arrogantly into girl drama she created for herself when everyone, especially Amina, told her she was wrong and she needed to be safe. Dating a grown man without a blink of her eye, especially when the abuse allegations came out. She bullied Amina and she bullied anyone trying to give her genuine advice for being a teenager dating an adult who was in college at the time. Now she’s crying wolf, as usual. Some of us who had the misfortunes of recollecting this information knows she’s full of shit and when mentioned, she throws this tantrum.
I really hope someone who isn’t a cuck to Micky’s Internet lynch mob mentality asks her about Amina trying to help her out by saying she was being abused by aforementioned ex.
She should’ve known that bragging on Twitter about your predatory boyfriend wiping your dirty vagina for you as a D/L fetish quirk and being fingered at McDonalds was stepping into dangerous territory, especially when at the time they were living in a basement.
She’s not a victim and when called out she tried to be salacious calling someone a pedophile sympathizer because they hold her partially responsible for her part in her toxic predatory relationship.
No one can help you, Micky. Not even the police that were going to arrest you for distribution of child porn. Not even your own mother who gave you permission under age of consent.
Go blame your mother for why you’re fucked up instead of turning to Facebook for answers.
No. 690022
>>689954This. If the community could see what she posted there, they'd cut deep into her. There was plenty of people trying to keep her away from the creeps and shit.
She took it upon herself to attack these same people when
*she felt they were acting jealous and getting in her way. She ruined herself. I hope someone rips her to shreds over that post. It's been long overdue.
No. 690031
>>689928is she for fucking real right now? she wouldn't have given a fuck if anyone tried, and I'm sure they fucking did
you're the same song and dance, Micky. you do something and expect everyone to praise you for it 100% of the time, because you want a fucking hugbox. suddenly you're wondering if you would accept
any opinion that isn't 100% approval?
poor me uwu noone even tried to help me against these pedos 8w8
fuck off
No. 690066
>>690027Fucking yikes. She probably filmed for over an hour, and
this was the best she could come up with for a thumbnail? Her face looks extremely fat and her forehead looks ginormous. Even the blush looks hideous and fake. Shes not pulling that off even a little and I dont even have to watch the video to know that.
No. 690246
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>>690233As well as this one. Holy shit. She has thinning hair and no eyebrows.
No. 690250
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A cow with different spots for each picture.
No. 690260
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Cringeeeee. She literally just posted about not eating any fast food at all (except for concert days cause you guys know how hard it is to not eat like a slob) until Halloweens over or something too
No. 690293
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Talking about her outfit for next Youmacon. Apparently this look was peak super sexy fashion
>>690280I'm cackling oh my god you're right
No. 690303
>>689928Didn’t Amina try to warn her about the guy she was seeing at the time?
We all know how that turned out lol, this is why no one bothers warning Mickey about anything + she’s too stupid to listen.
No. 690500
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Way to make it obvious you don't have a mental illness, Micky.
No. 690777
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Saw this on mickys blog and cringed so hard. In a post about people sexualizing thigh highs or something. Just cause you have huge saggy utters that go down to your belly button does not mean everyone is always going to sexualize you? She says this so often and I cant help but laugh everytime. You look like a fridge with rolls and cellulite, micky. Theres not too many people that can look past that especially with such a trash personality
>>690250>>690246How is it actually humanly possible for someone's eyes to be
that small? Shes got such a huge skull and forehead too wtf
No. 690789
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>>690246>>690714I think of this meme every time I see her.
No. 690876
>>690777>because of my body type people will sexualize me no matter whatIm absolutely screaming at the delusion, Sweetie. Hunny. Micky. You're a woman. No matter how ugly, fat, diseased and otherwise there will be men (and to a very smaller percentage women) all over the world who will sexualize you. Your body actually makes it so LESS men and women sexualize you, but
you continue to seek out the attention and literally admit it under the pretense that "everybody does it to me so I might as well beat them to the punch" which is not an honorable mentality to have when all you're doing is giving fodder to the gross acne covered fuckbois who you also admittedly wanna sleep with, just admit you're an attention starved hoe who feeds on the simplest form of attention: sexual and MOVE THE FUCK ON.
"Im constantly sexualized" headass then don't do it to yourself.
You have ever seen a stoner get offended if asked if they wanna smoke a bowl and eat food, but some dry soundclout rapper tries to shoot his nasty shot through your blog thats 99% "this is my body and this is how much i wanna be fuuuucked" n you're offended they try to talk to you like you talk about yourself.
No. 690900
File: 1537275423149.jpg (135.63 KB, 1080x632, Screenshot_20180918-085425_Sam…) if there was any truth to your words things would be a whole lot different. Just accept the fact everyone knows you're a pathological liar.
No. 691266
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RTed by micky. oh boooy
1) "eugenic cleansing" bitch you photoshop all your selfies to have lighter skin, what exactly are you trying to prove here? micky trying to act "woke" and knowledgeable is the most laughable thing ever. she probably had to go google "eugenics" after retweeting this because they don't use big-kid words in the soundcloud kawaii raps she listens to.
2) we fear her alright. i mean, have you seen this
>>690246? she looks like something that'd stare at you from the corner of the room during a sleep paralysis episode.
No. 691379
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Micky, you're one of those shitty people. Did you forget how you continually antagonized Amina instead of supporting her? What about the other girls you harassed? Did you ever try supporting them instead of being a bitch to them?
No. 691386
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She honestly deserves it. Being sexist isn't cute nor is supporting a sexist. It's gross Micky claims to be all positive and shit but is quick to be a bigot at the blow of a whistle.
No. 691436
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That make up video was so cringe. That weird hand dance she does is so embarrassing.
But also, this is the actual orange of the concealer shes using on her lips and under her eyes. Its so pastel in the video because shes desaturated it to hell and back; but shes real proud of being black. Absolutely fucking nuts.
No. 691473
>>691209I know at least someone else other than Taylor that’s challenged Micky. Micky has already stated she wouldn’t go to Youma assuming she knew the anon who said it. She’s a fucking pussy for pulling out of another fight. Following that a possible pull up, that’s when Micky got “gangsta” saying she was gonna run up on people at Youma on her live.
She couldn’t fight her way into a shower, so how the fuck is her stinky ass going to be able to be scare anybody?
No. 691521
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>>691489So ye, with old posts provided she said on live- I believe no one, not even myself recorded it; that she said she was gonna run up on people who talked shit about her. With the provided old screen caps of that timeline of when she was talking shit, she was trying to give an open challenge and she quietly forgot all about her tough attitude until it died down.
Hence what
>>691473 was saying
No. 691574
>>691384>>691453I think it's stretched out so much, that the cheapo fabric is looking worn the fuck out. Definitely not washed unless she bought it second hand, which is also very possible.
>>691514She's going to be at youmacon? I can't wait to see this human trashpile in person. Also good to see that Angela has managed to keep one "friend" now that Kitty finally bailed on her ass.
No. 691594
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She's so fat that, that shirt is now a crop top. How tragic.
No. 691623
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>>691594She’s very fat and she hasn’t progressed since this picture. I thought you were supposed to glow up naturally, not shoop?
No. 691626
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Tsk, tsk. I know edge control can be flake free, but she’s going to recede in no time with her ugly hairline and unkept babyhairs.
No. 692171
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Why is this worthy of complaining about?
No. 692175
>>692171Because her life is empty and sad and she has no one to share it with. It’s not a big deal to us if someone gives us too much ice, but Micky’s days are filled with nothingness so this was probably the highlight of her week.
She basically screams every little thought she has into the void of the internet because she has no friends, no life, and she’s desperately lonely.
No. 692411
>>692358So she was ~uwu so gay~ for what… a week?
Poor desperate dude is making a huge mistake.
No. 692496
File: 1537428782359.jpg (220.72 KB, 1080x909, Screenshot_20180920-032944_Sam…) there's more comments on how dirty you look and smell more than anyone else.
>>692484She wasn't dating Emi. She was just using her as a prop for her selfies.
No. 692500
File: 1537428986687.jpg (152.56 KB, 1075x798, Screenshot_20180920-033400_Sam…) course you don't, Micky. You just straight up tweet about how happy you'd be if the person you're bullying suddenly died. Which is far worse than saying you hope someone's date goes bad.
No. 692504
>>692496"The other days"
We all knew she was special needs but holy shit I thought she could at least do basic math.
No. 692681
>>692496Who is she trying to imply wrote this? Aminyan?
>>692641KEK yesss. This. Obviously you havent truly felt that way either, micky. If that's what honestly makes her feel like a princess I pity her. Her standards are so desperately low, its pathetic. I bet her bathtub is disgusting too. Those things get dirtier than trash cans
No. 692709
File: 1537461358076.jpg (381.35 KB, 927x1888, SmartSelect_20180920-121913_Ch…)

It's getting so painstakingly obvious when she sends herself anon asks. Like shes really out here not even trying anymore… and also while this information isnt completely wrong it's clear this person hasnt done much research themselves. "Over-bathing" would be taking LONG hot daily showers, or showering multiple times daily. If you take a short shower daily or every other day theres nothing wrong with that and it's perfectly healthy.
No. 692724
File: 1537463180147.jpg (82.14 KB, 1077x536, SmartSelect_20180920-125402_Ch…)

What's with her and this thing with grills? Just her trying to be oh so ~kawaii uwu trill gang uwu~? Or just bad teeth? Shes going to regret that picture if she even ever gets her license before her brain fully develops and she sees how embarrassing this shit is and stops
No. 692752
File: 1537466808277.jpg (138.24 KB, 1080x758, Screenshot_20180920-140512_Sam…) kind of thing only happens if you take one 3+ times a day. Not once daily. Holy shit. Someone really needs to talk to her about proper hygiene.
No. 692849
File: 1537471465167.jpg (264.19 KB, 1080x1071, Screenshot_20180920-152304_Sam…)
>like there are some people i absolutely hate with all my heart but i got those people BLOCKED instead of obsessing over them and stalking themThis is the biggest load of absolute horse shit I have ever read.
No. 692883
File: 1537473390426.jpg (519.15 KB, 1086x1920, tumblr_pfddrwiKtO1tzbme4_1280.…)ᐜHer outfits are so tacky. Like, she really couldn't be arsed to make sure the pinks matched?
No. 692896
>>692883what an unfortunate body type
and i hate to nitpick but is it me or do her eyes look wonky as fuck here?
No. 692924
>>692357Calling security when you know someone wants to fight you is literally running from a fight
Repost forgot to sage
No. 693101
File: 1537486819841.jpg (1.61 MB, 1920x2560, 18-09-20-19-39-51-203_deco.jpg)

>>693008Is this a joke or are you literally blind?
No. 693123
File: 1537488963231.jpg (136.59 KB, 1080x717, Screenshot_20180920-201405_Twi…)

She's trying to hard to make it seem like she's bi. Lol
No. 693229
File: 1537499648711.jpg (587.26 KB, 810x3273, Screenshot_20180920-231138_Sam…)

Micky and her friends are extremely ignorant to the reality of the world. Black people aren't the only ones with full lips. Pretty racist to assume so. Hell, some have thin lips. Seriously though, Micky's views on things are super warped and her little echo chamber helps nothing.
No. 693244
>>693229Micky has no lips to even talk shit. She just fills her Cupid’s bow to make her lips look full. A catfish too ugly and poor for plastic surgery is really going to judge a celebrity who at the very least can afford the surgeries they want.
Not to be completely OT, but Kylie J. getting her ass, cheeks and lips done are things Mickie shoops in her own pictures a lot of the time. She shoops her waist “snatched”, pinches her (in her own words) “nigger” nose and she does bad make up to look more ethnic anyway.
Face it, Micky. You’re ugly, a racist and a hypocrite.
No. 693356
File: 1537518117682.jpg (318.37 KB, 1080x1142, Screenshot_20180921-042115_Twi…)

More bullshit stories from Micky.
No. 693400
>>693356Wow, a young woman being grossed out by men and male sexuality during early puberty, how original and different.
Also lol at her claiming that kids in school made fun of her for googling boobs like that's not a thing most kids would do because they're curious or think it's funny.
What a retard.
No. 693514
>>693229ok but we can't deny the fact that specifically the kardashians want to be black.
However, Micky probably thinks everyone wants to be HER
No. 693681
File: 1537556203671.jpg (288.97 KB, 1069x1051, SmartSelect_20180921-145524_Tw…)

Lol at the lolita part when she said herself she doesnt even wear or support it bc the community is "too mean"
No. 693861
File: 1537572966322.jpg (168.64 KB, 1080x659, Screenshot_20180921-191837_Twi…)

I can't wait to see this how shitty this turns out.
No. 693867
File: 1537573248192.jpg (739.67 KB, 1065x1510, Screenshot_20180921-193917_Sam…)

No. 693872
File: 1537573389861.jpg (131.67 KB, 1080x2094, 40797391_324697325018562_55105…)

Looks like she's hanging with Emi.
No. 693899
File: 1537576075037.jpeg (186.11 KB, 845x960, 30233480-CFE1-47BF-B5AE-3EF693…)

>>693861>sexy my melody and kuromi>sexy>Micky and EmiCan't have it both ways my guy
No. 694087
File: 1537607882750.jpeg (1.76 MB, 3840x3840, 8C40D803-8DE9-4A67-AF77-4C53AE…)

She really has the audacity to act like this is a genuine bag? The first edition came with actual straps, not a cheap cord. And all the ears on Esther Kim's rabbits are rounded and stiff, not big floppy squares. We all know you're an Aliexpress bitch Micky, it's okay.
>>694054This is what bugs me most. She acts like every damn thing in her life, every single person she's dated, it's all traumatized her. She wants to be the victim SO bad that she calls a boy not putting up with her shit "
triggering". Putsey's a good dude. Pretty sure he started dating Micky when she was still in her spacekin uwu phase and he was understanding of THAT. I'm so suspicious that the only people who seem to constantly have shit to say about him are two of the most attention-seeking, ever-the-victim girls in the area.
No. 694113
>>693681Am I the only one fucked up at the aspect of Micky calling it
teen bimbo barbie. Like how gross and pandering to men can you possibly get where the nasty obession over teens spills over into what you percieve as an aesthetic.
She can't say a damn thing about women or womens rights when she perpetuates all the things wrong with society lmao
No. 694265
File: 1537637541111.jpg (158.97 KB, 1080x831, Screenshot_20180922-132902_Sam…)
>stalking>thinking it's just one personMicky, you need to realize that damn near everyone in your local community hates you and shits on you. That also extends to their friends that aren't in that local community. People don't actually like you at all. They really hate you and are likely waiting to drop the hammer down on you publicly.
No. 694285
File: 1537639611450.png (109.54 KB, 275x237, 1537327298579.png)

>>694265>Nothing I've been able to do about itThis made me flashback so hard to when she threatened to kill herself in attempt to get her thread shut down HOLY SHIT
No. 694359
>>694305she said it was something she and her sister came up with a few threads ago
just micky nonsense
No. 694361
File: 1537649105089.jpeg (184.92 KB, 1080x1440, CBE9B962-BFF0-4648-BB94-F5B50F…)

No. 694380
File: 1537650891416.jpeg (59.41 KB, 736x636, F76B43DE-22FD-4421-BB3C-AC156C…)

No. 694412
File: 1537653328742.jpg (186.09 KB, 1063x1234, SmartSelect_20180922-175407_Ch…)

In other words, none. Or very few.
No. 694420
File: 1537653840918.jpg (690.01 KB, 1070x1900, SmartSelect_20180922-175841_In…)

This is old, but I never saw it posted here. She really thinks she looks like this KEK
No. 694421
File: 1537653935093.jpg (408.37 KB, 1065x1273, SmartSelect_20180922-180449_Ch…)

>>694420I gotta admit she did get the shitty piss poor excuse for makeup pretty accurate, especially the fucked up lips
No. 694463
File: 1537656574422.jpg (118.76 KB, 1064x622, SmartSelect_20180922-175022_Ch…)

Why would you say something like this if you werent autistic?
No. 694659
File: 1537672266043.jpg (670.72 KB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20180922-230605_Sam…)

She really needs to learn how to dress for her size and body type.
No. 694665
File: 1537672525413.jpg (86.02 KB, 1078x435, Screenshot_20180922-230638_Sam…)

What kind of dumbass shit is that to say?
No. 694710
>>694659All that boobloaf, y i k e s
She needs to get a proper bra and stop buying asian-sized tops off AliExpress
No. 694741
>>694087her bag has the wrong type of fur, just from that you can tell it's a fake.
(also funny she posted
>>694660 showing that the backpack straps AREN'T cords, after this comment was posted)
No. 694749
>>694361I wanna know more about this emi girl. She looks like she deserves her own thread, does she have one already? (also lol at mickys hair, it looks so nasty! Greasy and nappy.)
>>694597 thanks for the chuckle anon. The best part is the crooked piercings cause you didnt even have to edit that part for her
>>694741Omg I was thinking the
same thing. Lurk much, mucky?
No. 694905
File: 1537708506962.jpg (352.74 KB, 1030x1819, SmartSelect_20180923-091136_Ch…)

Didnt micky said herself that its cringey and annoying when people mix Japanese and English? And has anyone ever heard her use any German? Lmao.
No. 695037
File: 1537719535958.jpg (278.23 KB, 1076x1080, Screenshot_20180923-081018_Twi…)

Once again, she lies about this shit. Plenty of people tood her straight up how fucked up it was but she didn't want to listen and defended the relationship. It also doesn't help that her mom was 100% ok with it. If she's gonna drag anyone about that shit, it should be her.
No. 695307
File: 1537737036571.png (17.72 KB, 646x152, jap.PNG)

No. 695317
File: 1537738335801.png (303.64 KB, 649x481, 09876543321.PNG)

No. 695412
File: 1537745348662.jpg (92.29 KB, 1080x657, Screenshot_20180923-192713_Sam…)

>>695317 am thoroughly convinced she is sending these to herself for sake of gaining more followers and shit. Nobody would really give that much of a fuck about mixing languages. Nor would they waste the time sending that shit anonymously.
No. 695417
File: 1537745582031.jpg (1.15 MB, 809x7811, Screenshot_20180923-193055_Sam…)

Micky is so tough and bad that she immediately ran to her echo chamber about the asks from
>>695412 . Why does she continue to talk tough if this is how she reacts everytime?
No. 695450
File: 1537747791196.jpg (81.96 KB, 783x625, Screenshot_20180923-200621_Sam…)

Wreck It Ronnie really that eager to throw her whole reputation out the window for a girl who openly admitted that she would be glad if a girl she bullied died. She honestly should be cancelled for this dumb shit.
No. 695451
File: 1537747860270.jpg (95.34 KB, 1075x506, Screenshot_20180923-200458_Sam…)

>>695450These fuckers are stupid and delusional. Holy shit.
No. 695485
File: 1537750379387.jpg (59.3 KB, 1080x2094, 41450517_1962568480433136_6798…)

She even posted the shit to her Instagram. She's seriously that scared? Micky, what happened to beat up anyone that stepped to you?
No. 695557
>>695417Okay Kiara, you just said it yourself that for YEARS people have threatened Micky. That’s not a conclusion for you that she’s a terrible person, is it?
Last (Taylor) that evidently threatened Micky got con security called on them before she even arrived smh. So bullfuckingshit
No. 695589
>>695417>if you were talking about someone being a rapist you shouldn't say anything if you wouldn't talk about it to their face?No, Micky, That isn't what she said. she said
>it's one thing talking about something that happened vs talking shitIf you're talking about shit that happened and they capped it, then that sucks. BUT IF YOU'RE GONNA SHIT TALK THEN NUT UP OR SHUT UP.
No. 695745
File: 1537787168573.png (1.4 MB, 1136x640, C913156E-3D68-4AE7-849D-5754F0…)

How has nobody posted this shit show of a tutorial?
No. 695781
>>695485>>695746>>695417Angela has realised her online person is getting her nowhere, has deleted everything and hasn't been involved in any drama since Amina's callout post and her botch job backlash on twitter but Micky is still out here running to facebook and twitter to complain about meanies online from drama SHE started. She still thinks she's a lil girl that can play dress up in her room all day instead of actually trying to do something with her life like an adult. She literally acts like she's a highschool kid who is part of the ''kewl clique uwu'' when in reality she's a fucking bum. It genuinly blows my mind that she doesn't realise how immature and pathetic she looks doing all this shit.
She's a joke online and IRL becuase most people in Detroit who know her in the anime/''kawaii'' communities don't like her. How is she so un self aware. I'm dumbfounded.
No. 695896
File: 1537804246292.jpg (622.74 KB, 2560x1920, 18-09-24-11-26-35-433_deco.jpg)

Micky's lack of originality is pitiful.
No. 696244
File: 1537834375813.jpg (555.62 KB, 1059x1395, SmartSelect_20180924-200654_Ch…)

Shes seriously trying to get her followers to buy her dumb shit now. What an condescending insufferable cunt. you have a shitty job for a reason
No. 696280
File: 1537836755547.gif (3.03 MB, 498x498, tenor.gif)

>>695898>I'm about to hit crush stage 2 where I start telling him to drink plenty of water and asking him what he ate for dinnerSo I guess stage 3 is being a toxic bitch to him and calling him a racist neo nazi cheating on him and going lesbian again?
No. 696521
File: 1537882015521.jpg (246.91 KB, 1079x962, Screenshot_20180925-092239_Twi…)

>>696520Wow, she tries too hard to come off as something she's not.
No. 696523
File: 1537882439446.png (29.86 KB, 693x269, 999929001293.PNG)

She thinks THIS is an achievement.
No. 696719
File: 1537906595744.jpg (145.69 KB, 1000x1108, SmartSelect_20180925-161212_Ch…)

cringeeee. I cant believe this happened. Trash attracts trash (and maggots), I suppose.
No. 696952
>>696521She’s so comfortable while the rest of us are nauseated and mortified by her ill fits and unflattering stature.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all that cheap shit she gets from Aliexpress doesn’t bust at the seams every single time she puts her clothes on.
No. 696956
>>696523Of course she does. This is her life lmao. She has no real life. No friends, thousands of followers consisting of bots, gross kink blogs, blind following from actual people and her circle jerk echo chamber of “friends” aka fans of her toxic abusive behavior.
In real life, Mikaila is taller than the acclaimed 5’6” she keeps spouting, she’s wide back, huge moldy milk utters, has no rhythm, can’t rap; she’s Walmart trash, a habitual liar, a misandrist, and a racist. In la, la Tumblr land~ She’s outspoken and misunderstood. In real life, we know her values are transparent and she’s already booted out of functions and when she does try to attempt them, I.e, Youma, she’s gonna get shunned away. Her next move is to move out of state or out of country if she ever gets two pennies to rub together.
The cow is trying to get SOMEONE ELSE to buy her cow thigh high socks to prove she’s so unbothered~ But she lives on here. So.
Mikaila, I know you’re reading this:
Get some deodorant. Get some help.
No. 697028
File: 1537932793439.jpg (750.19 KB, 809x2025, Screenshot_20180925-233120_Sam…)

I feel sorry for everyone who had to see and smell this mess.
No. 697036
File: 1537933612554.jpg (634.75 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20180925-234308_Sam…)

She says there aren't guys like this near her, but that's a lie. Most just know to stay away from her abusive sexist ass. Like, she really underestimates how many people are aware of how shitty she is.
>>697032Please fuck off with this.
No. 697377
File: 1537971611736.jpeg (232.62 KB, 750x1175, EA1CFC4D-E3E6-4814-AA07-24DA1B…)

>>697272She went as far as claiming a black guy from the Detroit anime community of being a predator only because he still continued associating with her after everyone found out she was 15. Since we can’t post names, I’ll allude to the fact this guy throws a lot of parties in Detroit and has (by now, probably) a 1-year old daughter. Once he introduced his daughter Micky started the allegations and implied he’d hurt his own kid.
When it went left in that accusation Micky buckled and dropped all the allegations.
The following screen caps is about a fraction of what happened, but I found the juicy roasted bits.
No. 697378
File: 1537971628771.jpeg (245.52 KB, 750x1206, 9FB5BB4D-CF5E-4A12-9434-516BB6…)

No. 697379
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No. 697380
File: 1537971657550.jpeg (207.13 KB, 750x1212, 617131DE-E720-44E9-BDF1-F169B2…)

No. 697382
File: 1537971747695.jpeg (218.95 KB, 750x1146, 2113D35A-11B4-4E93-B5A9-A659F7…)

No. 697384
File: 1537971780494.jpeg (87.66 KB, 749x690, 200F51CB-4F3C-495B-8498-02FADD…)

No. 697387
File: 1537971864708.jpeg (184.06 KB, 747x1252, 95EE6264-D434-47CF-9612-3C5647…)

No. 697388
File: 1537971878137.jpeg (115.99 KB, 739x1112, CC6532A7-44B9-4B8C-A7F7-907DE4…)

No. 697391
File: 1537971936211.jpeg (93.58 KB, 664x898, 8EEEF05E-A456-45CC-BDBE-EABCBE…)

No. 697394
File: 1537972131938.jpeg (239.08 KB, 750x1090, 88F61A5C-D505-46A9-B553-EC9ABF…)

All that drama not too terribly long ago because she lied about her age and she’ll never get any Alt Black dick from anyone with common sense of who she is in Detroit. She’s racist, but she has to stop acting like she didn’t put her whole damn leg down her throat for no black dude to want to fuck with her. She’s Walmart trash and fucks white trash guys, go figure
No. 697429
File: 1537975319148.jpg (241.64 KB, 805x969, SmartSelect_20180926-112139_Ch…)

>>697377This poor guy must have been able to smell her
No. 697591
File: 1537988177199.jpeg (48.6 KB, 750x239, F9C033F5-6E75-4A44-B00C-EB78E4…)

>>697567Micky got scared at that point lmao
No. 697640
File: 1537990862757.jpg (487.08 KB, 1058x1952, SmartSelect_20180926-153704_Ch…)

>I didnt even wipe
No. 697654
File: 1537992557565.jpg (348.04 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20180926-154752_Twi…)

Micky making up problems to seem oppressed is hilarious.
No. 697658
File: 1537992953888.jpg (533.3 KB, 805x3713, Screenshot_20180926-161344_Sam…)

Imagine being so pathetic that you think gaining follwers on tumblr is a worthwhile accomplishment. The people she hates have likely accomplished far better things than that.
No. 697788
File: 1538002665086.jpg (582.94 KB, 1077x1607, Screenshot_20180926-185549_Twi…)

Nobody is making you buy shit. You continue to buy shit you don't need. It's not hard to not buy something and save up for things you actually need.
No. 697796
File: 1538002849023.jpg (422.82 KB, 808x2056, Screenshot_20180926-185518_Twi…)

Micky continuing to be racist despite wanting to ~spread love and positivity~. What a sack of useless bigoted shit.
Oh, she's also gonna go live on Instagram at 930 tonight. Someone should record it and then put the juicy bits together for a video. The more evidence we have on hand gainst her, the better.
No. 697813
File: 1538003346300.jpg (366.81 KB, 1073x1071, Screenshot_20180926-190151_Sam…) is a property log proof of anything? They give that shit to people who stay overnight at the hospital, hell even therapy groups that visit have to get one of those. Plus she everything else she said about her stay was sus. Especially her claiming to have been able to take someone else's pills for rec use. You can't do that. The nurses make you take it in front of them and check to make sure you swallowed your meds. The other dead fucking give away was her still having her piercings. You aren't allowed to keep those at all for the sake of safety. Also let's not forget the lack of scars from her alleged attempt. I wouldn't be surprised if she only has the papers from visiting.
No. 697868
File: 1538005913327.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180926-132048_Twi…)

>look at what I found in my closet holy shit
EW OH god. I can actually smell this pic. nevermind the ugly sweater, theres so many things wrong with this pic. Her floor being too disgusting for bare feet confirmed.
No. 697874
>>697868The only good thing is that she's actually attempting to clean something. Now if would only bathe thoroughly and consistently.
No. 697879
File: 1538006527491.jpeg (93.89 KB, 750x1154, 6F915A03-9F5C-4FF6-B203-025B32…)

A e s t h e t i c
No. 697922
>>697903HOLY SHIT.
You’re more than likely right. This bitch really has herpes.
No. 697932
>>697923AD either indicates alzheimers disease or is a strain of HSV-1, according to google
not to wk but hsv-1 is very common - it's the type that causes cold sores
No. 698003
I tried watching her live bur hobestly shes so boring its hard to pay attention.
>>697987Exactly this. Her "all the nurses told me I was too pretty to be cutting and I made fwends wif all the cwazies <3 <3" is what gets me.
No. 698142
File: 1538026396124.jpeg (479.96 KB, 2048x2048, A4143F02-815E-43F3-8D34-1C9FEA…)

No. 698473
File: 1538057757453.jpeg (85.74 KB, 750x1162, 32D1ECBE-14D1-4706-92D7-6C8D27…)

>>698142Nightmares ensue.
No. 698739
File: 1538078227414.jpg (103.96 KB, 1080x1440, 42675017_1568762493270581_8910…)

Micky we know you don't look anything like this. Stop editing your shit. Also, stop forcing your collarbones to appear, you're even remotely thin for that to be happening.
No. 698954
File: 1538093290845.jpg (147.3 KB, 1080x712, Screenshot_20180927-160222_Twi…)

No. 699489
File: 1538154947423.jpg (343.07 KB, 1065x1215, SmartSelect_20180928-131101_Tw…)

I was going to ask why shes been so quiet lately, but I found my answer. Guess she took some acid or maybe mushrooms. I really hope she really did some soul searching during her trip and took a long good look in the mirror. Shes way past due for some self revelations. Somehow I feel shes not smart enough to use psychedelics in that way though.
No. 700369
So she deleted this post
>>697813 off of her tumblr. Lol Micky it's too late. We have evidence of you having an STD, you trifling fuck.
No. 700435
File: 1538254563178.jpg (838.22 KB, 1067x1839, SmartSelect_20180929-164539_Ch…)

For having 10k on tumblr she never gets very many notes at all. I understand this was just posted today but I'm sure it wont get much over 100 without her reblogging it. I mean shit she has half the following on ig and has much more engagement. I just have to wonder why shes so proud of her 10k when it's so obvious 90% of that are dead accounts or bots…
No. 700751
File: 1538286182973.jpg (154.52 KB, 1028x708, SmartSelect_20180930-014009_Tw…)

Well you're right about one thing Mucky. Peep would never treat you like "that" because he would never associate with or waste time on you at all. Period.
Also I wonder if this is about the tinder dude
No. 701066
File: 1538329416074.jpg (116.11 KB, 1069x634, SmartSelect_20180930-134127_Ch…)

Unless this is some dumb copy of a post from something else, I think it's safe to assume glasses-kun hit it and quit it already just like everyone warned her, kek
No. 701183
>>701077>>701094Oops sorry I wasnt aware these were lyrics. Theres still got to be some sort of reason these specific lyrics were relevant enough to post right? And seeing how she hasnt posted much lately at all (which is seriously out of character for her) and nothing about glasses-kun since
>>695898 I think it's safe to assume something happened with him
No. 701240
File: 1538343706302.jpg (121.75 KB, 1050x607, SmartSelect_20180930-173529_Ch…)

Holy shit, her future as an ugly fridge Dolly Mattel is confirmed. Micky, pls, I know you're reading this. You have no business being a camgirl, you couldnt even make it as a sugar baby. If you have to shoop yourself you clearly dont like your body. If you dont like your body why would you broadcast it to strangers? You cant shoop or edit your livestream, what are you thinking? You would absolutely regret it and you definitely wouldn't even make much money to make up for all the embarrassment. But go ahead and try to prove us wrong. Well be waiting for that delicious milk.
No. 701280
>>701240With her shit tier low quality tech and pimply ass, she’s definitley not cam girl material lmao. She won’t be able to cam for real. She won’t even make a quarter payment to shove a cucumber in her rotten flesh wound she calls a vagina.
Mikaila PLS. We’re giving you real advice in a very blunt, honest way
No. 701541
File: 1538376708005.jpg (98.49 KB, 1068x369, SmartSelect_20181001-024934_Tw…)

This is why you're obese micky. You dont have to put anything in hot cocoa, ITS ALREADY SWEET. Especially not creamer meant for bitter coffee.
No. 701645
File: 1538393747385.jpg (80.06 KB, 1073x460, Screenshot_20181001-073456_Sam…)

>>701541Funny she's talking about that considering she posted this on her Facebook.
No. 701730
>>701703lmao anon
it was too smart for her!
No. 701952
>>701645Even if she does this, she's going to eat shit tons of junk food, dairy drinks, etc, so it won't even matter. I imagine she shoves chips and cookies down her throat 24/7.
>>701679That's not necessarily true. Using sugar-free creamer and splenda would probably only give you 30-50 calories in a single cup of coffee, compared to the 200+ in a can of soda.
Not defending her obese ass and hot cocoa isn't coffee in the slightest, hot cocoa is way more fattening. That hazelnut creamer is probably full of calories too. But saying sweetened coffee has high calories is just false when sugar-free creamer and splenda exist.
No. 702043
>>701952You’re right. Besides, also Micky swearing off of juice is only gonna help her lose at best 5lbs if that’s what she consumes a lot. She refuses to even drink water unless it’s fruit infused. All she has to do is cut her shitty diet in half and with doses of the occasional cheat day, but everyday is “treat yo self” day and she’s an idiot to think she’s gonna cut it cold turkey for a whole month.
The hazelnut creamer in the cocoa really killed her own plans of being health conscious when she’s better off cutting down her calories, watching her sugar intake, get good sources of calcium and vitamins from dairy and drinking straight up water.
Oh, she can also do cardio to make this all worth her health plan but she won’t so this new attempt of being better is going in vain so she’ll forget why she’s even doing all of this and be eating Mcfries with a large frappe tomorrow like the inconsistent fat bitch she is. If she loves being a fat bitch so much, why is she even doing this? I thought those collarbones popped severely, sis?
No. 702053
>>702048This is what Micky calls projection. She accuses anons of projecting themselves onto her, but this is exactly who
she is. All the girls she hates actually have lives IRL. They have/had boyfriends, healthy sex lives and friends they don’t have to post about 24/7 to prove to this psycho that people live their best lives and still manage to hate her when she’s literally at home wishing death on people.
No. 702117
File: 1538441850897.jpg (122.42 KB, 1080x2094, 42003603_1992800224112274_2106…)

She's looking sloppy as all fuck in that cosplay.
No. 702132
File: 1538443225678.jpeg (107.59 KB, 747x1248, F95B35CD-510E-432A-B3A1-D1BDF8…)

Her nappy headed ass really talks up her edges and mocks other girls but looks like this.
No. 702140
>>702117Is she using apps to stretch out her pics? I know her legs are slim in comparison to her fridge body, but they keep looking slimmer and longer in more recent mirror pics. I want to say that her cleavage looks looong and stretched out too, but I think that's au natural.
>>702132It's gotten worse since she started installing her own braids to save money. Amina's wig may have slipped mid bdsm shoot, which is embarrassing, sure, but what is Micky's excuse? She's got a full three inches of a fluffy fro showing with those sad, dirty, old braids clinging for dear life.
No. 702166
>>702140You can always fix a bad wig because at the end of the day, you got
real hair underneath and that’s the case Micky makes fun of, however, her shit is raggedy because she DIY’d her own shitty dead hair.
When you clown around, the clown comes back
No. 702167
File: 1538446338080.jpeg (72.18 KB, 750x862, 91CDCA6F-BCF4-446E-911C-DEC60D…)

You can’t tell the difference between her cleavage and her ass crack.
No. 702210
File: 1538450440360.jpg (481.86 KB, 1080x1228, Screenshot_20181001-231927_Twi…)

I swear to god, I don't want her to say shit else about anyone's hair or edges. Her shit is extra busted.
No. 702230
File: 1538452955295.jpeg (370.53 KB, 2078x2078, AEB20FE5-60B6-445A-A102-FEE264…)

The nerve.
No. 702317
File: 1538460091987.jpg (301.4 KB, 1065x1259, SmartSelect_20181002-015925_Ch…)

Its confirmed guys. Glasses-kun definitely hit it and quit it. Or hopefully just realized how toxic she was and got the fuck out of dodge. I would feel bad for the poor dude if he was now herpes-kun
No. 702384
>>702317I really am not a slut shamy kinda girl however when you gotta call it "crushes" and act like you're not just a thirsty thot after dick I have to put my foot down.
Not even the top tier crazy bpd bitches got 50000 crushes in rotation depending on when the next dick leaves, what the fuck even is a crush in her eyes like all tumblr hoes she applies her own meanings to every word she uses, its the complex jumping out. Can't make it seem like shes co-dependent, lonely and have tremendous body issues plus with her whole ero-kawaii fronting she tries to make her thotivities seem romaticised/"innocent". While she still reblogs and posts sexual shit of herself and others in text, image, audio posts etc.
Again this whole thing of you can't have your cake and eat it too but even that she ruined with her ever so intellectual take "you can't have sugar in rain uwu"
(Ngl tho i have never liked people ever trying to play up an innocence act when they're clearly sexually charged 'pick me' bitches, it gives off dd/lg vibes and nobody likes a pick me bitch, ever.)
No. 702459
File: 1538485866728.jpg (99.51 KB, 1080x658, Screenshot_20181002-090822_Sam…) dumbass really thinks those things are gonna eat up her edges. Wow. She really needs to stop with the games and realize she's giving herself a premature receding hairline. Which ain't cute, and gives her no room to talk about anyone else's edges.
No. 702834
File: 1538519261748.png (261.76 KB, 360x443, hair.png)

I'm not sure if any of you know how black people hair works but… thats babyhair. Not balding. And it can be styled into different shapes or bangs. Its a thin layer of hair that separates from the main hairline sometimes due to its growth. Google it for more examples of what I mean. Because thats all it looks like to me. Sorry if I'm wrong.
No. 702864
File: 1538522378055.png (559.75 KB, 431x880, why.png)

>>702845Exactly this, it looks like she has traction alopecia which kind of goes with what she is even admitting in
>>702459 . What I don't get is how are you going to admit to having a fucked up hairline (by your own doing) and then come after other girls for theirs?
I can't even imagine how bad it looks without that filter sticker hiding where the braids are installed. Just look at how dirty, frizzy, and undone these braids are. She needs to stop being a cheapass and go back to getting it professionally done because this is atrocious.
No. 702908
>>702901It reminds me of when she came here a few threads ago trying to defend how fried her hair was, claiming she was taking care of it and shit. She never learns.
>>702902That and she thinks that none of us are black. Which she's definitely wrong about. Especially since the local comm she kept starting drama with is mostly black. I'm sure some have posted here before. Goes to show how delusional she is.
>>702905This. Hell, she still doesn't use the proper products to take care of her hair. A part of her is still convinced she doesn't need black hair products. That's why her shit still looks raggedy.
No. 702922
>>702905Exactly. Back in the day, she kept claiming she was mixed so fucking hard and that’s around the time she dropped the “nigger bitches” “nigger nose” comments. She’s always been a hater and she still doesn’t like black girls because she tried to drag them for their wigs and hairlines in her echo chamber of greasy synthetic wig friends who screech at any diatribe Micky projects.
She doesn’t know how to invest in oil sheen, castor oil or a silk wrap. I’m not surprised as she can’t even invest in a bar of soap for a whole fucking dollar. This drag is juicy and I’m living for it after seeing her theatrics with other girls, especially when they’re better than her and I know this eats her UP
No. 702961
>>702132Mickey needs to love herself and care for her natural hair.
Too bad she won't.
No. 703009
>>702317I think he might have found out her having herpes and dipped. Good on him for that. No need to throw his life away for a botton tier dusty bitch.
>>702995A part of me feels that way too. Like, I'm sure they found out she's dieased and completely cut all ties. If this dude is real, he's gonna leave her too.
>>702964Exactly. Genuine baby hair is very short, fine, and wispy. It sits right at the front. Not having isn't the end of the world though. So I'm not sure why she's trying and failing so hard to have it.
No. 703077
File: 1538546365507.jpg (592.41 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181003-015329_Ins…)

Look at the ~ uwu real life bbydoll princess kween uwu ~ in her bi-weekly bath smoking from her herpes infected dirty pipe. Us peasants could NEVER. Kek at how she doesnt even have the water past her legs, cause, ya know, wouldnt want to get TOO clean
No. 703441
>>703429Yet she’s audacious to brag about black girls. Micky doesn’t like black women in general but it’s
in to be black girl positive right now lol
No. 703475
>>703429Yeah wtf in this pic she looks like a light skinned latina. So much for paving the way for weeby black girls, mickey, or whatever she keeps claiming.
Also who tf is smoking weed in the bath? I would never set my pipe (a shitty etsy one no less that is apparently hot glued and falls off the glass according the reviews) down in the area I use to wash away germs and shit near. This photo is very grimy.
No. 703540
File: 1538603098701.png (672.69 KB, 482x893, filthy.png)

>>703077>>703234>>703247>>703475Out of curiosity I turned down the brightness of this photo and as expected, the water looks filthy, and there's visible specks in the water, on the tub, and all over the mess that is that cheap etsy pipe.
>>703475Yeah, looking at it, it looks like it's just some sculpty and dollar store gems hot glued to a cheap glass pipe? I imagine that shit is going to fall off in no time given she has it in the tub and the glue shifting as the pipe gets hot?
No. 703664
File: 1538614809729.png (266.39 KB, 1080x982, 20181003_205328.png)

How the fuck does bathing effect your posture?! It literally has no effect on if you slouch or not while sitting.
No. 703697
File: 1538617788049.jpg (66.78 KB, 1074x614, Screenshot_20181003-214747_Sam…)'s a known fact in her own local community that she smells bad. People there even comment on how dirty her clothes look and that she smells like piss. How is she this lacking in any form of awareness?
No. 703711
File: 1538618687814.jpg (86.24 KB, 1080x579, Screenshot_20181003-220226_Sam…)

>>703697And look, Angela in the replies trying to spread more rumors about Amina. It never ends, I see.
No. 703716
File: 1538619307836.jpg (315.74 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20181003-214621_Sam…)

Why the fuck did she post this? She can't even acknowledge that she stinks. What makes her she's acknowledged how fucked up she is?
No. 703735
On the topic of being dirty, throwback to her reposting
>>688977 with "whatever that black spot lol I have no idea"!! covered, because her nasty ass knows it's mold.
No. 703896
File: 1538634653007.jpeg (100.69 KB, 540x960, BF7D613F-A46C-466A-913D-84675C…)

Bitch WHat is that overlining
No. 703898
File: 1538634664931.jpeg (83.71 KB, 540x960, 63F1C646-27CC-49A9-BCE7-A8CBD7…)

No. 703903
>>703898JFC her lips look like a prolapsed butthole. I really don't get why people overline the cupids bow into a triangle like that. What is it supposed to look like?? Human lips don't look like that.
Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine and Mikaila is the worst offender.
No. 703912
File: 1538637449061.jpg (51.13 KB, 1000x667, downloadfile.jpg)

>>703903I once heard someone refer to this style of lip liner as "Kim Possible lips" and now I can't unsee it. Every character in that show had lips drawn like that.
No. 704131
File: 1538669153844.jpeg (89.54 KB, 750x805, 781C8C69-4E35-4C8A-B928-94FC0D…)

Her shoop makes it seem like she has no chin. She literally looks like a Mrs Potatohead in both pictures
No. 704135
File: 1538669280995.jpeg (87.02 KB, 750x809, 6F5C13E2-78E9-4BAA-8364-C7F760…)

What in the FUCK. Her DIY installment is bad, but holy fuck that’s leaving me speechless.
No. 704166
>>704135If she got her braids done professionally you would see little to none of her natural brown hair poking out. She thinks she looks so
kawaii trill cyber ghetto but in reality she looks like a used mop.
No. 704383
File: 1538691989413.jpg (186.43 KB, 1077x874, Screenshot_20181004-182456_Sam…) things Micky. One, sating a fact is not bullying. Two, being a grown ass woman with poor hygiene is fucking embarrassing and you need to fix that.
No. 704388
File: 1538692177441.jpg (364.68 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_20181004-182755_Sam…) send Micky a fucking dictionary. Racism is prejudice based on race. Like, how the fuck did this dumbass manage to make it out of grade school??
No. 704493
>>704383>sending people anons to tell them they smell bad on the internet? wtf kind of high school shit is that? People try to bully me for the pettiest most childish stuff I swear to god.Didn't Micky join in on bullying Amina for 'smelling bad" though?
Seems like a lot of what she bullies others for, she is guilty of herself (smelly, bad hairline, etc). That projection though.
No. 704534
File: 1538710541315.jpg (102.68 KB, 1080x2094, 42003308_288496218431607_10063…)

Oh look, a load of bulllshit.
No. 704584
>>704534>two baths a weekIs she proud of this? I love a nice hot bath as much as anyone, but I always shower before one so I'm not just stewing in my own filth. Does Micky just.. bathe twice a week and then take baby wipe "showers"? Does she ever take a real shower? What about when she's on her period?
It's not the Middle Ages anymore Micky, you can bathe more than twice a week if you want to. It's not as though you have to boil the water yourself.
No. 704677
File: 1538721394660.jpg (179.29 KB, 1080x610, Screenshot_20181005-023526_Twi…)

What is she going on about?
No. 704679
File: 1538721681878.jpg (77.75 KB, 1078x369, Screenshot_20181005-023925_Sam…) sounds like some made up bullshit. I highly doubt this is an actual thing. Though, she'll try to prove it. Since she's making it clear she and her echo chamber read this thread.
No. 704711
File: 1538725955589.jpeg (827.87 KB, 2880x3840, B72BF96A-24E5-4F7E-8EB2-140183…)

>>704679She just makes up scenarios lol. One guy saying it is not "all my friends started calling me this because blah blah blah". She just thinks something sounds good and makes up a story to go with it.
No. 704712
File: 1538726084942.jpeg (891.12 KB, 2880x3840, A9C4A4FD-FF0A-49F0-B463-7F196F…)

Also I love this, when we've seen Micky's trash room with the floor covered in fast food remnants and her talking about how her keyboard is sticky with vaginal fluid and spilled ramen.
No. 704739
>>704712The projecting is ridiculously real consisering she has never taken a pic in a clean version or her bedroom and literally has had mold on her sex toys,
But keep talking micky because you're
ugly ugly and no amount of anon death threats sent to amina is gonna stop that.
No. 704763
>>704711Also, is Micky not aware that asking to be come friends with someone is a very valid question? Like, that's quite normal. Plus she has no room to talk considering that she thinks everyone she has added to het Facebook is her friend. So she can fuck off with this.
>>704712She seems to be forgetting that she made posts on her own page showing off how filthy her room was. On one selfie she posted, she wrote in the caption acknowledging the filth she was surrounded by. Let's not forget that one horrid ass pic of all her trash in one big ass pile that she posted. Or how she admitted once that her parents forced her to clean her room and it
triggered her. The bitch is definitely more trifling than people posting in the farms.
No. 704764
>>704679She deleted this post. Once again proving she and her echo chamber lurk here. Probably saw
>>704711 and felt like a dumbass.
No. 704814
File: 1538747934973.jpg (437.64 KB, 1080x1853, 20181005_095120.jpg) she really trying to claim she has an ed or is she just getting offended for other people? Like ya sure, micky, maybe you have binge eating disorder. Other than that your lard ass just gets
triggered by seeing skinny girls cause you know you look like a fridge. The first half of this ask was complete bullshit so I wont bother posting that lol
No. 704817
>>704814She's such a hypocrite. She posts shit that
triggers people with mental health all the time. Like that video of her spitting out pills. She's just pressed becuase she's a fat cunt that doesn't want to see girls who are thinner and prettier than her.
No. 704887
>>704858Deadass. Just water tastes just fine. Cucumber water gets gunky and super potent after awhile where it’s unbearable to drink that stuff when you can just straight up eat a cucumber slice at that point or cook it with a healthy meal of chicken, etc. the water infusion gimmick is useless in the grand scheme of welfare when she needs to drink straight up water every day. Cucumber water is fine every once in awhile if you drink it immediately because of aforementioned problems of gunk, etc, but as regular drinking water she’s a fucking idiot and that’s why she’s a literal cow because she’s so fucking fat from these
cheat codes of being healthy when she could just eat a lot of protein in meats and straight up water
No. 704897
File: 1538761751192.jpg (100.51 KB, 1080x2094, 41866897_271226853524398_77447…)

How the fuck does she expect anyone to be interesting when she doesn't properly engage them? Micky, you can't expect anything if you don't say hi back. A conversation requires both parties to contribute. This just tells me she's a boring bitch with smelly pussy energy.
No. 704899
File: 1538761976835.jpg (142.91 KB, 1080x2094, 41848709_542296626210478_84099…)

Micky goes on about the catfish being insecure, but neglects the fact that she herself is insecure. Lol Did youforget how heavily you edit yourself, Micky?
No. 704988
File: 1538769280222.jpg (828.44 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181005-155345_Chr…)

Holy shit the balding is worse than I thought. It literally goes all the way back past her ears… and I'm sure those braids she doesnt clearly wash arent helping the cause
No. 705034
>>705031Be careful. Anyone who even breathes that Micky is mixed or just might be gets crucified in these threads.
She's not half-white, though, IIRC. More like 1/4th.
No. 705078
File: 1538780620946.jpg (471.46 KB, 1080x2006, 20181005_190330.jpg)

So she posted and then deleted this tweet, then reposted it with just one of the pictures No. 705145
File: 1538789217909.jpg (442.52 KB, 841x801, SmartSelect_20181005-212540_Ch…)

I can respect this answer. I'm honestly glad she can at least sometimes admit when shes completely fucking wrong. That's a big step. Too bad she does and says so much other stupid shit. If she could act half this mature all the time, maybe her threads would die…
No. 705150
>>705145If she could admit when she was wrong she would have apologized for lying about her exes being pedophiles and nazis, for bullying Amina out of jealousy and all the other shit things she's done. She's just admitting she was wrong this one time so people stop calling her a hypocrite for not posting
trigger warnings. This isn't character development at all anon. An 'i fucked up my bad guys' on doesn't cancel out all the shitty things she's done in real life that have affected actual people.
No. 705215
File: 1538797280253.jpg (428.5 KB, 1077x1500, Screenshot_20181005-234000_Sam…)

Micky shouldn't share this knowing how fucked up her hair currently looks.
No. 705807
File: 1538898200370.jpg (271.15 KB, 1078x1072, Screenshot_20181006-210925_Twi…)

What is she talking about? She dances exactly like Chris Chan.
No. 705811
File: 1538898405788.jpg (572.55 KB, 810x1342, Screenshot_20181007-034543_Sam…) this tacky and cringy. I feel bad for the people that have to be seen with this hot mess.
No. 705968
File: 1538927511053.png (598.98 KB, 473x494, rico.png)

Can we talk about how Mickey is such a cunt she even white washed her own "hero?" If you look at Rico Nasty's insta, she's not even remotely light skin. How disrespectful is that lmao
No. 706127
File: 1538940777702.jpg (610.9 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20181007-153131_Sam…)

She edited herself into a different person. Lol This is some shit I'd expect from Raychiel.
No. 706246
File: 1538952213518.jpeg (146.63 KB, 750x1162, C432CC8D-A7A0-437B-94FB-AA52DC…)

No. 706283
File: 1538955798904.jpeg (953.17 KB, 3464x3464, 163A86AF-096C-4FD9-A209-7F43DD…)

>>706246Editing her nose smaller and her eyes bigger again kek
No. 706296
File: 1538956681774.jpg (264.86 KB, 618x828, micky.jpg)

>>706283everytime i see the left pic i think about this picture of a bratz doll who was given a makeover but they accidentally erased the eyes so they stuck magazine cutouts to replace them.
No. 706326
File: 1538959222310.jpg (749.88 KB, 1078x1730, Screenshot_20181007-203918_Sam…)

No. 706332
File: 1538959701360.png (275.1 KB, 750x618, wendy-e1507765218692.png)

>>705811whenever I see this image all I can think of is Wendy
No. 706537
id really rather look at her photoshopped face than her normal one, it makes me less sad
>>706524 potatos gonna potate fucking hell.
guess she cant steal souls at all
No. 707050
File: 1539044805702.jpg (197.17 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20181008-202443_Sam…) knows, especially in her community, that she posted that fake page to get back at Amina. I don't why she keeps pushing that bullshit story.
No. 707135
>>706521>stay slim thiccMicky legitimately believes she's "slim thicc"? When she's out here looking like
>>706332 but with a gut.
>>706598My favorite part of this is that she straight up spelled Gyarados wrong.
No. 707176
File: 1539056958924.jpeg (107.39 KB, 747x773, 17ECEFF6-3F86-4CC4-B13D-316AB3…)

>skincare routine to steal men’s souls with no make up onShe’s definitely been getting bug bites all summer due to all that sweaty scented lotion she wears. Nothing worse than a musty bitch trying to smell like vanilla. All that glitter is also breaking out her skin.
No. 707229
File: 1539063105713.jpeg (107.62 KB, 720x960, 334BF9D8-C363-4E86-9E76-CE79FE…)

>>707199Pretty sure she shaves the tails to draw them flat. Some beauty gurus (slightly more alternative ones at least) do it. But it looks super goofy barefaced.
Anyway the anons shitting on her braids got to her, she took them out. Boy she is shaped like an old woman.
No. 707230
File: 1539063159523.jpeg (122.89 KB, 720x960, AB36E846-1517-480C-8D66-E03C5B…)

>>707229Even when she knows she's going to cover her face with a sticker, she's using a filter. Where's that barefaced soul stealing?
No. 707451
>>707362Gravity. Boob shape. Lack of muscle underneath
When you go over a certain size naturally gravity does its thing and you are more likely to have hanging boobs. It can also happen with smaller ones that is basically sad genes that give you that shape.
Looking at the size of hers tho its most likely a combination of gravity, lack of any muscle (muscle really only helps a little bit and she'd be smaller overall) and wearing shit bras. A good bra would do wonders for her, from the way clothes fit to how her back feels.
No. 707625
>>707621No, if you actually to the time to read the threads prior you wouldn't be currently WKing. It's not that hard to read and see where this is coming from. Hell, just look at the last threas at the very least before posting. Ffs
>>707618I saw that first one, but don't remember seeing it here.
No. 707627
>>707618On Angela's thread I assumed that was Amina or an Amina wk bc it was a really cringey ass kissing post. The 'yes she's a bit fatter BUT' is what made me think it was a wk.
Nobody has mentioned Angela on Micky's thread since the callout post tbh
No. 707630
>>707625Who is wking aside from Amina's fans? Literally eveyone else is sayin 1) don't talk about Amina 2) don't clog the thread without proof
Nobody gives a fuck about Amina we jsut want proof that one of these bitches made the thread.
Until then nobody needs to keep repeating ''omg micky/angela made the amina thread''
No. 707635
>>707597>>707604>>707611>>707613>>707625>>707628Stop derailing unless you have proof. Amina has had nothing to do with these threads and hasn't mattered to Micky for months. Literally anybody can make a LC thread about anyone. Ancient milk from old threads is meaningless in this context until you have actual evidence that it's happening again, and that it is indeed the people you've been accusing.
Also, sage your posts. They contribute nothing, and by bumping this thread without providing actual milk or anything but your meaningless speculation, you're just shitting it up (and making Amina look worse, honestly).
Amina remains irrelevant in Micky and Angela threads until you can show proof that they've been talking to or about each other recently.
No. 707667
>>707654That doesn't make her relevant in October 2018. When has she mentioned her this past week to warrant your claims that Micky and Angela teamed up to make a new LC thread?
Stop bringing her up here, she's irrelevant.
No. 707677
File: 1539109476081.jpg (119.96 KB, 1080x721, Screenshot_20181009-142345_Sam…) can't she has the audacity to use that false ass story as a reason not to go. Micky, just admit you were too dumb and lazy for college.
No. 707799
File: 1539113365186.jpg (159.56 KB, 1075x904, Screenshot_20181009-152755_Sam…) is making it way too obvious she sent this shit. She's really grasping at straws to be popular.
No. 707897
File: 1539117522073.jpg (48.15 KB, 1080x270, Screenshot_20181009-163140_Sam…) it's ok for her to bully and doxx people she doesn't like when ever she feels like it? What a scary bitch.
No. 707974
>>707862you know what would be a GREAT way to save up for college, just a fantastic foolproof means to make and keep money to invest later??? saving the money she makes at her waitressing job instead of spending it all on chinese sweatshop clothes from aliexpress!!!!!!!!
now whowouddathunk!! micky would be GREAT at saving money, too, because she has this thing called LIVING WITH YOUR PARENTS AND NOT HAVING TO PAY RENT OR CONTRIBUTE TO BILLS/GROCERIES.
No. 707999
>>707974She only wants to spend her money on cucumbers, Aliexpress, glitter lotion and drugs. She surely is
oh so poor and we’re
so mean that she can’t save a penny to go to college. Boo hoo, whore. We all make choices and sacrifices for a passion, but it’s hard to go to college with no drive, no personal funds or talent. She’s out of options as to why she’d even go to college. She could even pick up the most common hoe career and be a nurse, but she’ll find an excuse for that and she’ll find a way to finesse her way out of being responsible for her own well being and financially stability. It’ll be daddy’s fault, her statutory rapist boyfriend (mom approved), Adam, etc, anyone who’s even remotely said something
mean about Micky. It’s never Mikaila’s fault- so ye, we’re definitely the mean ones and she has no control over her own life.
No. 708043
>>707999the idea of micky being a nurse makes me cringe all the way down my spine. not only she'd use it to hype up her horrid "menhera" aesthetic but she'd be an active hazard to any patient that comes into her contact.
plus you need at least 2 functioning brain cells to become a nurse.
No. 708528
File: 1539145582628.jpg (329.48 KB, 1080x1440, tumblr_pgd1ckSBCj1tzbme4_1280.…)

>>708526New day, new face. She's slowly becoming like Raychiel.
No. 708602
>>708590Looks like the SNOW app or Meitu/BeautyCam.
She’s so heavily filtered, I can’t tell if that’s a wig or not. It has to be, right?
No. 708717
>>708602That's 100% a wig. It's likely another cheap ass Aliexpress one.
>>708590Snow, YouCam, and Line Camera. Or Snow and Line Camera.
No. 709128
File: 1539201638103.jpg (77.66 KB, 1080x434, Screenshot_20181010-155838_Sam…) there are pictures and screenshots with you that have zero editing and you look like a hot mess. You're not fooling anybody. But thanks for letting us know you're lurking here.
No. 709153
File: 1539203256175.jpeg (286.56 KB, 2078x2078, AC5C189C-3580-4E38-869E-C97057…)

>flex in real life and video
Uh Micky we know the results. That’s why you live in your own filth worrying about Doordash lmao
No. 709644
File: 1539227111159.jpg (653.22 KB, 1080x1370, Screenshot_20181010-230454_Sam…)

Nobody wants to see that shit.
No. 709664
>>709659So many people hate this dumb bitch so even if it was the same person making the thread, it sure as hell isnt the same person replying to themselves.
The thread is justified
No. 709674
>>709668There's multiple anons screenshotting her stuff, mate. Most of the friends-only screenshots come from me, simply because she posts some milky bullshit pretty often that I figure most people here won't get to see otherwise. There's other anons who pay more attention to her Twitter and Tumblr than I do.
I don't know why you're claiming it's vendetta to the point where you're searching threads for specific file names - Rules say a vendetta's posting when there's no drama or milk. Micky has always provided plenty of that on her own. And we don't dislike her for no reason. More than one anon here is local to her and has seen her bullshit firsthand.
No. 709708
>>709669A) how am I sperging? because I acknowledged the fact that 1/10 posts in micky's threads are made by the same anon?
B) how does a warning about derailing mean they check for samefagging?
(take it to meta) No. 709821
File: 1539238269145.jpg (16.51 KB, 221x319, 1479195435529.jpg)

>>709644Funny how Micky posts that and a /g/ thread with that image got bumped a day ago
>>>/g/57461Pretty sus when combined with the faggot who keeps derailing hers and Angela's threads.
No. 709830
File: 1539238670472.gif (445.4 KB, 294x342, giphy.thumb.gif.eec73df85a5ecb…)

>>709153mfw when this is the mong that claimed to start off the black girls are kawaii movement.
at least amina doesn't make you wish you were born blind
No. 709835
>>709821Oh Micky at least lurks no doubt. All the talk of filters today and she posts
>>709128 immediately? She blames a lot of her problems on us and insults us but she's never been subtle about hanging out here.
No. 710117
File: 1539272034364.jpg (599.39 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20181011-112949_Sam…)

Oh, a different face again and forced collarbones. Honestly though, her face looks pretty bloated. I really doubt she lost weight like she claimed. Especially 15 pounds.
No. 710299
File: 1539283969167.jpeg (586.74 KB, 1242x830, 93AE19FE-64B7-4318-868A-54C45B…)

No. 710340
>>710299>its unfair because I'm struggling to make money Lmfao bitch get a better job.
This is so damn stupid. You put your pics and nudes all over the internet, you can't get mad that someone else saved them and is using them. The best way to stop the catfish would be to stop giving them content but LOL that would require not begging for validation on the internet with over edited selfies
No. 710341
>>710299So how does her catfish know how to profit off of this cow? That’s sad her catfish knows how to market Micky better than Micky LOL.
The police doesn’t care about some small time farm animal. They have real crimes to attend to.
No. 710342
>>710299Micky believes reality tv is real. Catfish orchestrates their own outrageous stories and outcomes, so they don’t care about this bitch’s real life problems. Even if they did, Micky does realize she can’t use filters and contour her disgusting body to look 15lbs lighter? She’s opening the door to the Internet to not only roast her, but people will research who she is after the fact and find these threads. She’ll get rekt and waste everyone’s time.
Sweaty, give it up. You got catfished as a catfish and you’re mad you couldn’t profit first. Cry in your dirty bath water that you’re not smart enough to get money.
No. 710394
File: 1539290205767.jpeg (78.61 KB, 540x960, F88AF807-A7A7-4B83-8DFA-B6D3EE…)

She really does look like Wendy in this
No. 710400
File: 1539290396661.jpeg (101.93 KB, 540x960, 5751F333-A727-47E0-B641-F20C88…)

>>710394Samefag but what the FUCK is going on with her arm. She's trying so hard to avoid the curvy doorways and bookshelves that she used to have in all her pictures, now she's stretching herself so long to look proportional and shapely she doesn't realize what she's doing to the rest of her body.
No. 710409
File: 1539290766053.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x2134, E4AF416E-8228-4F17-82FE-4C4A7E…)

Also this shit, talk about when cows collide. If it happened at all, which is doubtful. Micky's the type to post an actual screenshot, more likely she saw Belle's name here and only wishes she could be a cuwute loli 2 uwu
No. 710597
File: 1539306051316.jpg (250.84 KB, 1080x689, Screenshot_20181011-205806_Sam…)
>I hope all the people who've called me obese of fat or disgusting see these pics and cringeMicky we've seen you on your livestreams and irl, you're definitely fat and disgusting. Fuck off with this edited bullshit.
No. 710622
>>710394Her shape is unflattering and sadly disproportionate. Her back is going to give out if it already hasn’t started to. Her manly like physique can’t possibly handle those udders any longer.
We’re definitely cringing at the photoshop and how she’s shaped exactly like Wendy Williams.
No. 710933
File: 1539328306922.jpg (1.57 MB, 2560x2560, 18-10-12-03-05-58-349_deco.jpg)

>>710503Fake braces are a thing
No. 711038
File: 1539349779452.jpg (216.77 KB, 1080x966, Screenshot_20181012-090736_Sam…) you say you want help, now you don't want help? Ok Micky. Just don't complain when shit doesn't work out for you.
No. 711043
File: 1539350161407.jpg (121.41 KB, 1080x712, Screenshot_20181012-091137_Sam…)
>178 lbsSo she wants us to believe she went from being 180 down to 178? She really wants us to believe there's only a two pound difference? Is she serious? Everyone who has seen this bitch knows she big as all fuck.
>5'6 This is a damn lie as well. There was someone here before who said they were 5'9 and Micky was still taller. Hell, Micky was towering over Emi when they took pics together. I think I know why she's saying stuff like this again and why she posted those pics, but I'm just keep it to myself for now until I see how much further she goes with this
No. 711048
File: 1539350693573.jpg (195.89 KB, 1071x909, Screenshot_20181012-092059_Sam…) editing yourself until you're almost completely different is not what being "happy with my appearance" entails. If you were even remotely happy with your looks you wouldn't have to heavily edit yourself at all.
No. 711049
File: 1539350947260.jpg (529.4 KB, 1080x1490, Screenshot_20181012-092737_Sam…)

I think some of us know why she posted this. To me this confirms my suspicions about recent things here.
No. 711062
File: 1539353632855.jpg (119.76 KB, 1080x773, 20181012_101321.jpg)

>>711043>average Lmao even if we're using her fake measurements this bitch ain't average. inb4 she gets an "anon" ask talking about how bmi is bullshit/doesn't matter
No. 711067
File: 1539354170218.jpeg (2.89 MB, 3840x3840, ED66B0FA-DFB6-47FF-B2CF-91D83F…)

>>711043Emi's not a great reference because she's pretty short. I don't think Micky's 5'10" or anything near there, judging by these pictures she's around 5'7" or so.
No. 711428
File: 1539385151722.png (1.45 MB, 640x1136, 40D2C15E-57EA-462C-ACF9-CC5DAB…)

>>711412They’re all slumped over because they’re big anon
No. 711430
File: 1539385211897.png (1.23 MB, 640x1136, 2B09CB55-C4EA-4FF2-8EA7-7D7B25…)

>>711428And she wants us to believe she’s under 250…
No. 712186
File: 1539473783437.jpg (544.1 KB, 1076x1284, Screenshot_20181013-193450_Sam…)

Micky has yet to post a pic that isn't heavily edited and shows her without makeup caked on her face. Seems pretty insecure coming from someone who claims she's confident in her appearance.
No. 712273
File: 1539483273693.jpeg (1.83 MB, 2880x3840, CB6FC62A-4DFA-4024-AD7D-6123AE…)

>>712258Tried my hand, tried to get similar photos but ofc she never takes head on selfies lol
No. 712276
File: 1539483416660.jpeg (504.26 KB, 2048x2048, 4A5F6E4D-57CD-417E-9768-17B332…)

>>712273Also an extra just for fun.
No. 713167
File: 1539605603134.jpg (889.59 KB, 1079x1794, Screenshot_20181015-080725_Sam…)

So this bitch wants us to believe she's only 178 when her waist and bust are over 40+ inches? Those are the measurements of someone well into the 220+ plus range. She's fat as all fuck.
No. 713221
>>713167She could literally buy used brand stuff for cheap and have nice outfits, she has an internet connection and knows about atleast three brands yet she keeps coming after Bodyline of all brands.
Why is she so deadset on all this imagery yet almost prides(?) herself on purchasing knockoff/faux/cheap brands that don't fit and will disintegrate after 3 washes.
I mean jesus the print looks absolutely hideous and so does the general fit and shape of it. Even though shes musty, nappy and the human version of uncooked cinnabuns she could save herself the embarassment of buying bargain bin brands. Saving money is great, but shes clearly going out of pocket for shit that costs double what it took to make it.
No. 713303
File: 1539618207519.jpg (79.92 KB, 446x750, dd943f1821c9ab314f66cac621c62b…)

>>713221Seagulls often talk about Bodyline being pretty decent. So it's not necessarily a bad thing to wear. Hell, the bear print is actually pretty cute, pic related. Though seeing how she coorded her brand salopette, I doubt she'll make it look good.
No. 713372
>>713167Love how Micky acts like an expert on jfashion but knows shit about lolita, including something incredibly basic like using Lolibrary.
Because if she did, she'd know that the skirt only comes in one size , and the largest size of the dress (2L) is still too small for her. She should be embarrassed to even be asking this.
No. 713421
>>713372At least we know her possible real measurements from this. Which tells use she's much larger than she pretends to be.
>>713339Sure, jan.
No. 713466
File: 1539631027491.jpg (80.45 KB, 1080x2094, 43913688_2028571380537872_5351…)

>>711049She posted this to her IG stories as well. She's being quite blatant at this point.
No. 713495
>>713466It’s obvious she has some WKs of her own in the
other thread. She did this a year ago with BGAK. Idk why they keep acting like Micky isn’t apart of this shit.
No. 713724
>>713481I wouldn't be surprised if her waist was actually 5 inches more than what she says it is. Explains why she looks like she's about to burst out of her clothes all the damn time.
>>713495Probably because she's brainwashed them into thinking she's a victim. Ya know, typical Micky shit.
No. 713725
>>713167I’m tired of this soggy titty bitch trying to fit her obese ass in everything she sees someone else wearing. Suddenly teddy bears are her life and she’ll DIE without something related to them.
Wash your ass and lose some fuckin weight instead of spending money on shit you can’t fit, fast food and cheap wigs and makeup.
No. 713734
>>713725Mind you, she only started on the whole teddy bear thing because
you-know-who liked them and wanted to use them as a part of their motif.
No. 714009
File: 1539676046391.jpg (344.96 KB, 990x1920, IMG_20181016_034610.jpg)

Who is she trying to copy now? This art style doesnt look anything like her other drawings. And not in a good way
No. 714493
File: 1539735981509.jpg (126.86 KB, 1080x496, Screenshot_20181016-202508_Sam…)
>I don't anybody explanationActually, yeah you do. Micky, when debating with someone or educating someone on a subject you need to present facts and evidence. Otherwise, keep your fucking mouth shut and sit down.
No. 714501
File: 1539736280035.jpg (75.59 KB, 1077x349, Screenshot_20181016-202847_Sam…)

She's done this with every single dude she's been with so far. Why the fuck is she acting like she doesn't do that?
No. 714510
>>714501Be like Micky and constantly post about your ex instead.
But honestly I think she's bitter no guy wants to commit to her. She has all these "dates" and "plans" with guys but none of them actually want to stay with her.
No. 714536
>>714510it's almost as if she's constantly selling this image of herself online as a sex object/"bimbo"/cumdump and has a reputation for being a slut.
but then cries "objectification" and how no guy wants to have a relationship with her/only wants to fuck.
No. 714923
File: 1539776465074.jpg (71.4 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20181017-073914_Sam…) works a job that she can get tips from. There's no need for her to e-beg. Like, she can easily work more hours and get more money instead of begging.
No. 714987
File: 1539784610967.jpeg (321.59 KB, 1125x1526, 625839CA-C978-4CCE-86C0-FAB48F…)

She must have lost it if she thinks she looks anything like this in real life.
No. 715892
File: 1539858553960.jpg (76.11 KB, 1059x441, Screenshot_20181018-062625_Sam…)

This bitch doesnt go to therapy or take her meds. So why the fuck does she think she's in any position to say shit like this? Micky, take your own damn advice and take your meds, dumbass.
No. 716310
File: 1539900494883.jpg (1.13 MB, 809x2017, Screenshot_20181018-175947_Sam…) can't wait to see this garbage end up in a bad cosplay thread. It's so low quality. Also it seems like she lightened this pic up significantly to seem pale. What a shame.
No. 716380
>>716310Holy fuck that cosplay claw matches her real hand on the right.
And wtf, is that orange construction paper packaged with 3M Scotch tape around her thigh?
No. 716420
File: 1539910609648.jpg (703.88 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20181018-205431_Sam…)

This is the sloppiest shit I've ever seen. She looks like a whole fucking bum.
No. 716432
>>716420When your 40"+ waist is too big for the elastic in your size XXL aliexpress pants, so you have to take the drawstring out. Wew.
>>716310>dream cosplayCan't wait to see this trainwreck in person come November.
No. 716438
File: 1539912029429.jpg (523.69 KB, 810x1466, Screenshot_20181018-211902_Sam…)

This shit looks even worse without the damn filter.
No. 716441
File: 1539912129811.jpg (487.42 KB, 810x1473, Screenshot_20181018-211944_Sam…)

>>716438Emi looks even sloppier by comparison. Holy shit. Also, Micky is clearly towering over this stuffed sausage of a human being, so she's definitely 5'9 +. Yikes.
No. 716459
>>716438I don't get why she lightens her skin so much in pics, she actually has a really nice skin color here? Everything else is a mess though, the ratty wig, the clown makeup, the hiked up over her fupa satin and elastic pants, etc.
>>716441Emi looks like some sort of fusion between divine and pixielocks.
No. 716478
>>716477I've seen far, far worse. She's not a goddess, but she's not as deformed as some people like to LARP.
I'm assuming her facial features will even out a bit if she actually becomes slim, too. Obesity usually fucks up a person's facial aesthetics hardcore and makes them look just as potato-ish as their body does, even if their actual bone structure isn't bad.
No. 716492
>>716473I'm the anon who said she has a nice skin color, but I think you are buying into her shoops a little too much. She's tall with big tits, sure, but she has weird wendy williams proportions and those tits sag literally to her bellybutton without any kind of bra. Losing weight would definitely do her wonders, but at this point, a lot of damage is already done, and her boobs would just deflate farther. I can just imagine her getting boobjob advice from her buddy Angela/Himeka if she could ever scrape up the money to afford a lift and we've all seen how that horrorshow turned out for Angela.
I do think she has potential to be a awkward sort of cute though. Honestly, her biggest flaw isn't her appearance, but her entitled, lazy, bratty attitude along with all the drama mongering.
No. 716701
File: 1539930640156.png (7.08 MB, 1242x2208, 1BCCF08B-6442-4ED3-82FE-5816F4…)

So kawaii uwu
No. 716705
>>716310the caption makes it sound like she was waiting so long to do this cosplay because she had to make it. She literally just bought everything, she could have easily done this years ago.
>>716701Emi honestly makes Micky look like a beauty queen
No. 716907
>>716721She has no right to hate men when she’s the one lying about her age, catfishing then and inevitably spreading a nasty rumor to defame them unbeknownst to them until she’s caught online and twists the truth.
Men should be scared of Micky for being a psycho.
No. 716927
>>716464tbf, i think the pants and shoes are cute but her the bondage top is stupid and is just part of her pushing the whole cringey and weeby ero-loliiiii uguuuu edgy desu~~ nonsense
>>716441>>716701also it's really no wonder micky thinks she's hot shit when her friends look and dress like this. the outfit and lighting are 100% unflattering for the poor girl. i would not be surprised if micky was hanging around her just to look better by comparison
No. 717062
File: 1539978108868.jpeg (226.91 KB, 960x1280, B1F06C03-CCCD-406E-868E-135761…)

No. 717086
>>717082if this
>>717062 is a "10" i reckon a 5 would look like an aborted fetus
No. 717097
>>717082If that's what a ten looks like, then I'm like a 100. Lol
Micky is highly delusional. I bet I could find pics of better looking girls that were there.
File: 1539984460890.jpeg (150.01 KB, 1242x501, E4DA48BE-A334-4A90-B235-623896…)

Micky constantly goes on about bringing other girls up and supporting each other (>ω<) but tears them down every chance she gets. How does a girl who constantly lightens her skin and refuses to take an unfiltered selfie convince herself that she and her mentally stunted friend are the hottest girls in a club full of attractive girls?
No. 717133
File: 1539986516119.jpg (276.52 KB, 1080x706, 20181019_180117.jpg)

>>717062Don't forget the shitty caption. Pic related.
>>717111They really lie to themselves like this. Lol How sad.
No. 717245
File: 1539998816361.jpg (224.69 KB, 1080x1000, Screenshot_20181019-212551_Twi…)

Looks like she's found another victim. Hopefully the poor guy doesn't get herpes.
No. 717549
>>716492The only thing Micky has for her is that she’s light skin which black men will always see as beautiful no matter how fucked her face is.
She has a horrible shape, fetal alcohol syndrome face, wide eyes, huge nose, fucked fashion and smells bad. Even if she lost weight she would have a fridge shape and horrible sense of fashion.
No. 717565
>>717549If Micky humbled herself with that black wig with the bangs again, dressed appropriately for her shape and stopped sneak dissing other women she
could be attractive. Just a little bit. She’s ugly as fuck, but she could carry herself better for an ugly chick.
No. 717737
>>717658Jesus Christ. She takes small talk as an insult and thinks she’s being obligated to be a bitch to anyone who breathes her direction. Not everyone wants in your pants and the ones who do are bottom, basement dwellers like her ex.
She could just be decent and make conversation- shit, even ignore the DM’s. She only responds for clout and the agenda to say straight men are toxic to society when it’s actually cows like her who has no lack of behavioral skills when they’re even seen as remotely attractive.
Micky, you’re a cow and you have a vagina. Congratulations. You have the one thing any straight guy wants out of someone; a fucking vagina. That’s it. It’s not your shallow personality, your awkwardness and lack of deodorant. You’re one of those fat chicks who needs to be humbled really quick.
Trust me,
no one decent enough actually wants
you and if they do, they want everyone because they’re losers just like you who want attention.
No. 717973
File: 1540107049872.jpeg (150.03 KB, 1242x333, AF3CDC00-C54C-4098-AF5C-A4FCB3…)

"Why do men sexualize me"
"What do guys expect when they're in my DMs"
No. 718294
File: 1540153718666.jpg (965 KB, 1920x2560, 18-10-21-16-26-38-903_deco.jpg)

Micky is so fucking stupid that she doesn't even realize the girl is basically talking shit about her unde the guise of "it's just in general". Like, that post describes her perfectly.
No. 718410
>>718403God if I could submit it there, I would. Lol
>>718400Same! Micky is too fucking dumb for her own good.
No. 718448
File: 1540171981821.jpeg (231.12 KB, 750x750, 1BFB3B80-98E4-48CC-8141-6F5E69…)

Trust me no one is asking where your clothing came from Micky
No. 718449
File: 1540172056576.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.72 KB, 750x790, 0F365534-8554-4E2F-9C9E-A69708…)

No. 718485
>>718294mucky lurks here so i hope she sees this on the thread, realizes puri is talking about HER and then makes cringey vagueposts all over tumblr and facebook abt "fake hoes".
for such a self-proclaimed "badass" micky sure is dimwitted. at least the retarded bimbo aspect she desperately tries to pull off is true to some degree.
No. 718508
File: 1540179831342.jpg (330.18 KB, 1074x988, Screenshot_20181021-234235_Sam…)

Once again, she seems to miss that this heavily applies to her as well.
No. 718528
File: 1540187437300.jpeg (134.83 KB, 1242x277, E9CF735E-C018-4129-A7A7-C6455F…)

Is she implying that she's such a stunner that she can't trust people, and that everyone else is so lucky to be ugly?
Jesus lmao, the level of ego this girl has just always amazes me.
No. 718569
>>718528how very uwu positive and supportive Micky is of her insecure friends lmfao
What a cunt.
No. 718710
File: 1540225875799.jpg (187.48 KB, 1077x591, Screenshot_20181022-123025_Twi…)

The fact that Micky is a-ok with being openly racist is fucking absolutely pathetic.
No. 719615
File: 1540318116687.png (368.92 KB, 811x536, Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 2.08…)

No. 719737
File: 1540330539259.jpeg (402.26 KB, 1125x1562, 6EC000CE-9004-4F68-97F3-0D1129…)

I’ve never seen Micky’s posts organically come up on my Facebook feed, and I gasped when I saw this. It’s like seeing a cryptid.
That pose in the first picture though. It looks like a little kid has to pee.
No. 719757
>>719737WHY DOES SHE DO THAT POSE? I don't understand how it would even convey sensuality or eroticism which is what I think she's going for.
Micky, please, if you're reading this: lift up a corner of the skirt if you want to flash some leg. Hell, even pull it up along your thigh. Stop bunching it up in your crotch because it doesn't make it seem "lewd" or "tease uwu", it just makes you look retarded.
No. 719804
>>719757It's so she can prove to "da hayterz" that she is skinny and not a fat cow with literal udders and an ass that looks like a stepped on pancake.
Pro-tip Micky, no matter how much you stretch and shoop your pictures, and squeeze your fat legs together, you will always be a fatty in real life.
No. 719845
File: 1540339890075.jpg (116.24 KB, 749x1126, CwJjkRdWgAAiPxG[1].jpg)

>>719804Yep, because as we've talked about before, she has a literal Wendy Williams body. Her legs are long and "thin" (comparatively), which is why she tries to show them off with that stupid pose.
But she has no actual curves and is disproportionately top heavy. She's still very overweight, but her legs are the smallest part of her so she tries to trick people into thinking she's smaller than she really is by showing them off. Kind of her MO.
No. 719868
>>719737is she 'subtly' trying to ensure she gets an official pic taken of her in her aliexpress cosplay or something?
i can't imagine her messaging someone with her pictures attached and not wanting something out of it.
No. 719907
File: 1540348012661.jpg (30.03 KB, 500x421, tumblr_inline_p7j3kpXDZM1qaybx…)

>>717170yung bae sucks, his music sucks, just another edgy ugly white dude making bad, lazy music - no wonder micky likes him, he's exactly her type
sage for getting a little ot
No. 719991
File: 1540355368491.jpg (508.49 KB, 1080x1732, Screenshot_20181024-002854_Twi…)

Why does this bitch constantly talk about not wanting kids like anybody fucking cares?
No. 720012
File: 1540358139303.jpg (237.23 KB, 1080x866, Screenshot_20181024-002501_Sam…)

Micky, you don't have anything close to a good body.
No. 720013
File: 1540358191417.jpg (473.47 KB, 1080x1416, Screenshot_20181023-150204_Sam…)

Yet, she has no problem with bullying and harassing people.
No. 720076
File: 1540373977758.jpg (726.39 KB, 805x1862, Screenshot_20181024-053828_Sam…)

This is something I expect a kid would put together. Not a grown ass woman who should know how to coord her outfits and match colors properly.
No. 720140
File: 1540388040055.jpg (665.1 KB, 950x1922, SmartSelect_20181024-093352_Ga…)

>>719980Sure, gma. I'm so sure that you get objectified while wearing your stained potato sacks, with your lumpy potato body and face staring back at them. Who wouldnt sexualize a beefy grandma body, ya know??
No. 720151
>>720076The sad part is this could be
somewhat of a cute outfit but she doesnt know how to coordinate for the life of her. She actually looks like a child with autism in those rainboots. Like micky, why would you even put pants or shoes on anyways? We all know damn well you didnt go outside because you announce it everytime you do.
Ps her floor is fucking disgusting. She really cant even clean the trash and gross shit out of that one little corner for pictures?
No. 720362
File: 1540411132627.jpg (216.23 KB, 1080x777, Screenshot_20181024-155720_Sam…)
>a victim of domestic abuse and sexual assaultThe fuck is she talking about? She is neither of those things. This is insulting to real victims of those crimes.
No. 720735
File: 1540447980589.jpg (159.81 KB, 961x873, SmartSelect_20181025-021029_Tw…)

Wtf is this dumb shit even supposed to mean
No. 720745
>>720735"Daddy gimme the cummies"
Your resident "im a slut, my persona is a total sex nymph, i revolve major parts of my existence around sexual themes….BUT dont sexualise me! Watch me complain about the same straight boys I suck off/cater to like 99% of tumblr girls"
No. 721167
>>720735replacing letters other than C like a white latecomer dumbass
or what, is doing the blood meme wrong ironic now?
No. 721437
File: 1540527717895.jpg (487.76 KB, 810x1500, Screenshot_20181026-002035_Twi…)

The amount of editing done to her face is insane. Lol
No. 721740
File: 1540582258105.jpeg (865.81 KB, 1242x1973, D49D91C7-35C0-402F-9946-12B5FA…)

The absolutely irony I can't. How does she not realize she's calling herself out
No. 721804
File: 1540588672960.jpg (324.01 KB, 1064x1060, Screenshot_20181026-171247_Sam…)
>older men preying on me as a teen
>Older men publicly preyed on me but no one else was there to try to protect meMicky, you lied about your age to everyone and then when people did find out your age you tried to defend being with pedos. Not to mention your mom was fine with that bullshit. If anything it is your mother's fault for not squashing that shit when it happened.
No. 721811
File: 1540589505408.jpg (475.85 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_20181026_173021.jpg)

>>720076She posted this trash coord to Twitter.
No. 721880
>>721819Those pinks do not match by any stretch of the imagination.
>>721740Someone should have called her out on that because she definitely fits the bill.
No. 721933
File: 1540599000522.jpg (1.76 MB, 1920x2560, 18-10-26-20-08-30-587_deco.jpg)

>>721740Micky is incapable of getting a man that doesn't look like some gross ass autistic soyboy. Especially when you consider she herself is just as ugly as they are. Pic related
No. 722031
File: 1540610479774.jpg (1.72 MB, 808x4759, Screenshot_20181026-232038_Sam…)ω-its-me-smokey-chanWhy does she keep heavily editing her pics when she knows people are gonna see her irl?
No. 722050
File: 1540612089036.gif (7.63 MB, 388x690, tumblr_ph8n7jBtRz1uctaot.gif) why she thinks that makeup looks good. It's honestly dumb. She's better off going a "all natural" makeup look.
>>722035So much for her "loving" herself.
No. 722247
>>722050Um is she trying to replicate that gif of kota with the vitasoy?
Nice how she misses the straw
No. 722494
>>722478Will also be keeping an eye out, if her and Emi are together they'll be hard to miss.
>>722486God I forgot about this. Yeah, it almost looks like it, but Kota's shoops were decent enough, she didn't have to hide behind three filters and a shitty cellphone camera to pretend she was pretty.
No. 722592
File: 1540696127609.jpg (115.87 KB, 1075x731, Screenshot_20181027-230805_Sam…) don't understand her need to be rude, passive aggressive, or uppity towards every person that inboxes her. Like, there's really no need for it.
No. 722614
File: 1540699293841.png (1.68 MB, 768x763, b241eadf18af710777f98e0114c549…)

>>722592>not into dd/lgThe groups she joined from her Fetlife account are telling another story.
No. 722667
>>722663Tbf this is possibly old because it says she’s 19 but she’s 21 right now lol. Point still stands, though.
>>697388>I don’t even use fetlifeYears later and Micky still gets caught in lies.
No. 722702
>>722686She lied on her old tumblr and claimed her dad was physically abusing her.
>>722663This is an older image. Though she has said she's into ddlg, but doesn't like to use the term.
No. 722928
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No. 722950
>>722928Wow. People care and she’s overwhelmed by their “selfishness” and she’s entirely underwhelmed that self-care is taking a fucking shower and cooking your own damn food so you’ll survive from depression and can have healthy outlets for anxiety rather than sitting in musty bath water and doing drugs all the fucking time.
You made your own anxiety by talking shit on the Internet, sir.
No. 722955
>>722924Okay for one, people were looking at you crazy more than likely because you don’t know how to dress and were like “who TF let this bitch hit the streets looking like that?”
Even though the story is highly fake af, she conveniently did her oh-so-offensive upside down crosses in public because she’s gothiccc and sp00py
No. 723017
File: 1540764629467.jpg (140.34 KB, 1080x763, Screenshot_20181028-180933_Sam…) is nowhere nesr thoughtful and genuine. She needs to stop sending herself this bullshit and be real.
No. 723135
>>723130Pretty much. I'll never get over every cow insisting that the people who call them out and hold them accountable are just "ugly, women-hating basement dwellers who are just jealous of every pretty girl on the internet!!!"
Sad attempt to convince herself it's not all true.
No. 723545
File: 1540848804283.jpg (558.07 KB, 809x1666, Screenshot_20181029-173028_Sam…)

Why does she blatantly lie like this? Micky, you do realize candids exist and people are gonna see the real you irl, right?
No. 723566
File: 1540851787413.jpeg (155.6 KB, 1079x1920, 31688F4C-D20F-408D-A7D2-046E42…)

>>723545She’s so annoying, she must be a fucking magician to change her skin color like that… sarcasm
No. 723621
File: 1540859675884.jpeg (533.2 KB, 2048x2048, 91D90FAD-0ED5-4A31-ABA1-2163BA…)

Sorry for shit quality, it's impossible to find a tagged photo of her that isn't edited to hell but this is her real skin color. She's such a dumbass pretending she doesn't know why anyone would ask her if she edits it lighter.
No. 723622
File: 1540859735621.jpeg (117.98 KB, 960x540, 3AF2C6C9-0936-4F39-8D92-F74514…)

Also I don't remember this being posted, but forgive me if it was. Unedited photos of her are such a rarity I figure I should post it jic.
No. 723669
File: 1540866440202.jpeg (35.35 KB, 373x567, 56783EFA-6BDB-446B-98C8-822D04…)

This guy knows Micky looks ridiculous.
No. 723750
File: 1540883640875.jpg (358.28 KB, 1070x1189, Screenshot_20181030-031205_Sam…) is extremely pathetic. Holy shit. Micky, just sell all the bullshit you buy or get a better paying job.
No. 723753
File: 1540883826822.jpg (130.83 KB, 1080x2094, 43778917_298335844337537_83349…)

No. 724050
File: 1540936648481.jpg (141.17 KB, 1072x544, Screenshot_20181030-175458_Sam…)

Micky, small talk is how you start out getting to know someone. You don't just come right out the gate spouting shit about their interests. You gauge with the little stuff then move forward. I see why this girl barely has any real friends and all her relationships ended up being trash.
No. 724183
File: 1540950040345.jpg (75.52 KB, 1080x443, Screenshot_20181030-214038_Sam…)

I have a feeling it'll turn out shitty and she won't let it heal properly.
No. 724558
Reminds me of Hilary very poorly trying to pour herself a beer to be impressive but all she got was foam. That’s what I think of when it comes to Micky smoking weed.
No. 724612
>>724488People in the hood actually
do say lit and fam, but it's honestly yikes coming from Micky because she's only saying it to seem cool and appeal to a group she doesn't really understand.
No. 724613
File: 1541028361151.jpg (173.07 KB, 1080x2094, 43817843_298978127621385_12224…)

This is such a fakeass, bullshit story. Anybody that buys this has to be dumb.
No. 724707
File: 1541035768837.jpg (124.92 KB, 1080x2094, 43085522_363231151089060_90477…)

No. 724828
File: 1541065603044.png (2.31 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20181005-144653.png)

Pic related
No. 724831
File: 1541066396646.jpg (478.42 KB, 1440x2595, IMG_20181101_044953.jpg)

The catfish is also on FL under the name "momokana" using a bunch of Micky's old pics. Only difference is that Momokana claims to be in Chicago rather than Michigan. Interestingly enough, "under protection" of another user named LucidBae who claims to be in LA. Furthermore, LucidBae has other "under protection" relationships with other profiles with the same kind of theme: black girls, thick, age 22, little/brat/princess kink, possibly all catfish
No. 725017
File: 1541104309483.jpg (119.74 KB, 1080x2094, 43984701_1927058077361040_4138…)

No. 725058
File: 1541107520678.jpeg (148.65 KB, 750x799, FD96076B-CBCD-4484-8848-D3685E…)

Remember she wasn’t that kind of girl who typed “uwu”
No. 725911
File: 1541256369739.jpg (462.6 KB, 810x1538, Screenshot_20181103-104619_Sam…)

No. 726140
File: 1541285576206.jpeg (54.14 KB, 634x1024, 40650B1A-7A39-4869-A1FE-B4CB1A…)

>>725911It’s so funny how every time I see selfies of Micky’s body I instantly think of Wendy Williams. Then I google Wendy just to get a good laugh and realize that’s exactly how Micky is gonna look in a few years. Without a talented surgeon and a lot of money that’s as good as it’s gonna get for her.
No. 726171
File: 1541290349472.jpeg (550.6 KB, 609x1942, 1CB39146-C9E8-4C8E-89CA-57442D…)

“I only ate fast food four times in the past two months and at least tried to drink four cups of water at work every day and like….the feeling of seeing my body in pics other people have taken of me… and it actually looks how I want it to… That shits indescribable fam.”
No. 726252
File: 1541298663771.jpeg (919.24 KB, 3464x3464, 345ECC18-9579-4992-81E2-EDFD89…)

>>726171The resemblance is uncanny. You know you’re fucked when your boob hang lower than a 54 year old.
No. 726350
File: 1541313757690.gif (Spoiler Image,11.02 MB, 319x640, SmartSelect_20181104-013613_In…)

No. 726453
File: 1541335997173.jpg (280.87 KB, 990x1920, tumblr_phnghgVoIv1tzbme4_1280.…)

the shoop is insane
No. 726495
>>726350Holy shit, I was walking behind Mickey, Emi, and some other girls last night at Youma. I didn’t get pictures because I didn’t want the people behind me catching me creepshotting girls in rave gear.
Micky’s wig was ratty as fuck and she was wearing a wrinkly pink hoodie over her rave outfit. She looks at least 30+ pounds heavier than she looks in her shooped photos, but I think that she has lost weight since that candid of her in the blue care bear dress. Obviously she’s darker than in her shooped pics, like
>>723621 . I didn’t smell stink, but the entire group smelled like VS Pink body spray. Just really overly sweet, probably to cover up stink.
If I didn’t know about Mickey, and someone pointed out her and Emi and told me to guess which ones the cow, I’d guess Emi. Mickey didn’t look great but Emi looked like hot trash.
No. 726562
>>726506>>725883>>726495Can the youma anons PLEASE grow a pair and just get a few candids? Just stand far enough away that no one would be suspicious, turn your brightness down so anyone behind you can’t see what you’re doing. Open up your camera and act like you’re scrolling Instagram then
boom instant milk.
No. 726576
File: 1541353200608.jpeg (93.72 KB, 750x870, EE8751FE-B061-4BA4-9B56-9FDC51…)

Can confirm Gloomy Bear was Micky
No. 726648
File: 1541365160954.png (1.33 MB, 713x962, yikes.png)

>>726495>>726506Emi's definitely a hot mess, but she's fairly quiet and doesn't have much /actual/ drama besides being cringey and dressing badly.
I saw them both for a second, too far away to get any pictures though. Micky was wearing her Gloomy Bear outfit and her ass was hanging out. She straight up looks like a Bigfoot sighting in this.
No. 726806
File: 1541388718449.jpeg (417.06 KB, 1125x1800, 0115D269-B921-4632-B017-AADA93…)

I hope someone posts hall shots of Mickey
No. 726834
File: 1541391862447.jpg (511.13 KB, 1080x1269, Screenshot_20181104-201059_Sam…)

She made herself extremely pale in these pics. Why does she do this? Especially when she fronts so much about loving herself.
No. 726838
>>726834so she shoops herself whiter than my pasty ass, then gets mad, or plays dumb, when people ask her about it or comment?
she's a pistol, she is.
No. 726857
>>726846anon was kinda dumb but I'd bet my ass this is Micky.
Cute bunny, though.
No. 726861
>>726846Hi, Mikaila. Lol.
>>726806 get ready to wake up to some shit
(Hi [cow]) No. 726880
File: 1541400307900.jpg (2.13 MB, 2560x2560, 18-11-04-22-43-31-103_deco.jpg)

Stumbled across these candids im the youmacon tag
No. 727050
File: 1541436444033.jpeg (88.57 KB, 720x960, A7922CE1-5299-4D8E-8BDC-7A4D63…)

No. 727130
>>727050Wow it actually looks worse than the test she did of it in
>>716310 lmaooo
No. 727175
File: 1541455431754.jpeg (231.92 KB, 1009x1280, 94347CA8-6BFA-4B11-877D-06604F…)

No. 727209
>>727159"You're just not used to seeing pics of me that I havent edited"
So…basically saying pics she hasn't edited are darker. Micky, you are literally admitting to lightening your skin by saying this and by saying they aren't used to seeing pics you havent LIGHTENED via editing. Girl, u stupid af.
No. 727255
File: 1541464661732.jpeg (56.05 KB, 540x540, 1541417400612.jpeg)

>>727206Looks like the cat pic that one anon posted in the fetish thread on /g/.
No. 727314
File: 1541470715376.jpeg (195.59 KB, 720x1280, F087C8AB-B0F6-41EA-99B5-E90971…)

Imagining Micky whispering to herself "I'm the founder of the kawaii black girls movement" as she tapes a heart to the crotch of her DDLG bodysuit and calls it a look
No. 727325
File: 1541472886828.jpg (512.85 KB, 1064x1359, Screenshot_20181105-215423_Sam…)

She would really from just wearing a natural color. She's already obnoxious enough as it is.
No. 727326
File: 1541472956436.jpg (162.69 KB, 1076x773, Screenshot_20181105-165412_Twi…)

Also, nobody wants to hear about this dumb shit, Micky.
Oh, and she's back to buying Twitter followers.
No. 727338
>>727337How much you wanna bet it was that one chick's video? Lol
>>727331Yikes anon, I hope you have better tastes now.