File: 1531724343034.png (3.1 MB, 1242x2208, 1531193830240.png)

No. 637911
Previous thread >>6000728chan thread is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims be a csa survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and have 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked among her local community because of how much drama she causes and her tendency to lie. She started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She tries way too hard to come off as a hard hoodrat from the ghetto, when in reality she's a scary wannabe valley girl suburbanite.
Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie
Real Name: Mikaila Jones
Notable Things- Doesn't believe in bathing everyday and only bathes twice a week
- Doesnt like the smell of clean clothes
- Refuses to clean room unless forced
- Tends to smell terribly because of poor hygiene
- Tried to get a girl doxxed by using tumblr simply because she didn't like what she said
- Posts her nudes on 4chan's /b/
- Constantly looks for SDs on /soc/
- Tried selling nudes on FetLife while in a relationship with now ex-boyfriend Adam.
- Cheated on every single one of her boyfriends
- Continually starts shit with Amina simply because the latter is more likable
- Tried to play tough guy by picking a fight with Taylor online, only to actively avoid her irl, out of fear.
- Claims to dislike lolicon and ddlg while actively posting both on her blogs
- Only started to claim mental illness when she got into menhera
- Made multiple threads about Taylor and Amina on here
- Whiteknights herself and Himeka very often
- Tried to get her threads shut down by threatening suicide
- Got dumped by her boyfriend for lying and cheating. Claims he was abusive and racist after he dumped her.
- Tried to manipulate him into staying with her by faking a suicide attempt.
- It's been revealed her mother enables her shit behavior and knows she's had pedophiles for boyfriends. Despite this, Micky continues to claim her mom is abusive.
-Tried to sell nudes and get a sugar daddy despite having a boyfriend.
-Posted on her Twitter about how she would be happy if Amina died
-Claimed to have "tea" on Amina after being outed on Amina's Facebook for all the shit she's done to her.
-Former friend outed Micky's cheating to her now ex-boyfriend.
-Now riding on the digital artist bamdwagon with trash artwork.
Social MediaTwitter:
Menhera blog:
Main blog:
NFSW blog:
deletedPULL: inactiveMake sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree. No. 637915
File: 1531724529054.jpg (328.09 KB, 1080x1473, Screenshot_20180716-024234_Sam…)

Why is she posting when she just recently went out of her way to make Amina seem like the bully and claimed to have evidence of such, even when it was clear she was the bully? Like, she never apologized or anything. She just blocked people and continues to throw shade for no reason.
No. 638202
File: 1531758502574.jpg (82.43 KB, 720x1052, _20180716_172207.JPG)

No. 638241
>>638202>"I'm lactose intolerant">"I love ham and cheese crackersBitch, if you're going to lie, be fucking consistent.
>>638211I wish it was higher quality though, just so we can fully take in her ugliness. Lol
No. 638245
File: 1531761124699.jpg (91.68 KB, 1080x332, Screenshot_20180716-131047_Sam…)

I find it suspiciously convenient that the only fruit she eats are the ones that are sometimes canned in heavy syrup. It really makes me believe that she's lying about her allergy. And if she does have it, it's like only for bananas like she said before.
No. 638246
>>638202Health tips:
Stop stuffing your fat ass face
No. 638340
>>638245fruit is high in natural sugar so eating too much of it can be somewhat damaging for your health and weight loss, if that's your goal. however, if you eat fruits that need sugar in order to be sweet (strawberries come to mind) you'd be eating healthy AND low in sugar.
of course, all of this pesky thinking and actually trying to make an effort not to be a fucking hambeast could hurt pwoor micky's peanut brain, so she'll start stuffing her face with fruit juice and syrups while claiming she's "all about that fitness lyfe!"
No. 638604
File: 1531786399451.jpeg (310.06 KB, 1242x528, 5188FF65-6A2B-41C4-B2FC-2DBA94…)

Getting ready to start another witch hunt.
No. 638605
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No. 638608
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No. 638610
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>>638605The absolute hypocrisy lmao
No. 638706
File: 1531793747836.jpg (48.72 KB, 640x1315, 37230943_1487567661390065_3846…)

>>638608I really wish she would stop fucking lying about being mentally ill amd going to therapy and shit. The bitch doesn't even take her medication and just uses it for shitty photoshoots.
>>638604Micky does a terrible job of not coming off as a bully.
>>638605Grabbed the image she posted. Pic related
No. 638710
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The girls Micky has been bullying are the opposite of boring, busted, and basic. She really likes to project herself onto others.
>>638706Honestly though, good on the girl for letting people know what's up. Micky is fucking toxic.
No. 638711
File: 1531794010817.jpg (214.37 KB, 1080x1390, Screenshot_20180716-221034_Sam…)

This is that same crusty bitch that posted that image of Amina while mocking her. She is in no position to say anyone is bullying someone.
No. 638785
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No. 638824
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We see past those babyhairs good lord
No. 638825
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No. 638853
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>>638824>>638825>it's grown so muchNot really. If you chopped off all the bleached hair it would rather short. She's greatly overestimating the length of her hair.
No. 639116
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>thinking a location dictates sexuality
Micky you're straight. Just straight. No matter how posts you share or make to try and grossly relate to bisexuals, you will become one. It's something you're born with, accept it.
No. 639159
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Still bragging about her shit hair. Micky, cut it first then talk about the length. At most it stops below your ear.
>>639156Just keep posting about Micky and don't worry about the other posts.
No. 639262
File: 1531850099201.jpg (142.05 KB, 1072x721, Screenshot_20180717-134751_Sam…) We know he dumped you for cheating and the only reason you didn't pull the suicide card is because you got caught doing that with Adam.
No. 639263
File: 1531850176772.jpg (121.61 KB, 1073x689, Screenshot_20180717-134835_Sam…) doesn't like a relationship, it sounds like a guardianship. Yikes.
No. 639277
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It's gross how obvious and how much she's bandwagonning the whole lesbian thing. Like, you could just say you support the LGBT without acting like that. Ugh.
>>639268It really gives a good insite to how her relationships go. She wants the guy to basically take care of her like their the parent, meanwhile she gives nothing in return and cheats on them whenever she feels like it. It's truly pitiful.
No. 639316
File: 1531853024679.jpg (109.4 KB, 1078x587, Screenshot_20180717-144140_Sam…) she supports this dumb shit that is insulting to genuine lesbians everywhere.
No. 639326
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Sounds like a load of complete bullshit.
No. 639330
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>>639326What is she talking about? She still copies people. Lol
No. 639334
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>>639330>178 poundsIn what world? You're 250+ pounds, tacky, and ugly.
No. 639346
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Micky thinking she actually has a relevant following is always the funniest shit to me.
No. 639358
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Sounds pretty dumb to show up to an even where a good majority of the people hate you.
No. 639385
>>638610My favorite part is the "MY GROUP" part being repeated over and over like anyone actually cares minus a couple orbiters. If it's your group, block the girl from it and move on, but of course she has to milk the situation for attention and ass pats.
>>639116I'm assuming this is alluding to her white person fetish? She seems to idealize and fetishize both men and women who are light skinned or very white. When was the last time we've even seen her date a black guy?
>>639262Sounds like he's keeping her around for some reason, despite everything she pulled. My best guess is that they are still hooking up even though it's likely he left her for another girl.
>>639263She's so demanding. What does she even offer in return for all of this? Bad sex?
>>639346The fact she thinks her online followers mean anything in the real world is straight up hilarious. She's not even really an anybody on the internet? She doesn't model, make music, make real art, etc. She only has those followers because she's a spectacle and occasionally posts lewds.
No. 639432
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No. 639463
File: 1531861807168.jpg (152.74 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20180717-170752_Sam…) is coming from the same girl who shoops her nose smaller and said she had a " stupid nigger nose". Fuck her fake ass positivity.
No. 639465
File: 1531861859611.jpg (121.63 KB, 1076x671, Screenshot_20180717-170622_Twi…)

Micky, you don't have an ass.
No. 639495
File: 1531865010296.jpg (788.33 KB, 1080x1652, Screenshot_20180717-180106_Sam…)

Lmao she clearly misses the point of the post. I feel like she's the type to defend bitches like momokun.
No. 639524
>>638340There’s nothing wrong with eating fruit. I’m really sick and tired of all these health nuts chiding people for eating fresh fruit. It’s not bad for you.
>>638711It’s not bullying if it’s true. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 639554
File: 1531869233446.jpg (77.17 KB, 1080x458, Screenshot_20180717-190932_Sam…)

>"decline in moe"
>there's more moéshit currently than before
She clearly doesn't care for anime at all.
No. 639621
>>639524i'm the fruit anon. i never said FRUIT IS BAD, learn how to read. i said it's high in sugar and eating too much of it CAN be bad, not like a whole lot of bad but a little bit bad. i eat fruit on the daily, i'm not chiding anyone, chill the fuck out.
>>639554of all the shitty things she could possibly want to bring back she picks the absolute worst one. moeshits are like the bronies of anime.
No. 639822
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Micky if you were actually mental ill you'd know what you're saying is bullshit.
No. 639843
>>639822If she was actually bipolar and diagnosed, she would have been provided with resources?
She's basically outing herself for self diagnosis with posts like these. Mood swings and laziness don't automatically make you "bipolar" micky.
No. 639925
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The community isn't mean, you just have thin skin and shitty outfits.
No. 639926
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A dahlia bite is a cheek piercing, you mong. And yours look crooked.
No. 639929
File: 1531905435771.jpg (98 KB, 1080x2094, 36762786_1302785613158071_3552…)

Nothing about your outfits give off any feeling of ero kawaii. It just screams tacky tryhard.
No. 640231
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>insecure, jealousOr maybe it has to do with the fact you have a reputation for stealing people's boyfriends and have been openly flirting with Adam S. everytime he repsonds to one of your posts. You brought this on yourself with your shit behavior, Micky.
No. 640243
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Are you fucking kidding me right now?
No. 640448
>>639621you're the one who sounds like they need to chill out, ngl.
>>639925she has one replica dress she can barely squeeze her ass into. she doesn't wear lolita because she's too fat, not because the community is full of ~meanies~
>>640231maybe it's because you're a serial cheater micky??
No. 640525
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>send nudes to person in a relationship>their partner finds out and gets upset>has them block you for that fuck shit>plays the victim in a situation in which you were in the wrongBuy yeah, they're
so toxic and controlling. Micky, you're such a fuckgirl.
No. 640655
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>>640243The comment and her response. Jesus christ could she be anymore full of shit?
No. 640668
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>>640652I'm sorry, nothing substantial. I don't want to post her name because she's not really involved in this shit and she honestly seems pretty nice, just gets a little personal on FB sometimes. But I can confirm it's Adam's gf and she's no doubt talking about Micky. She's head over heels for Adam and Is taking this hard.
No. 640699
File: 1531967336575.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x2560, 18-07-18-22-27-03-205_deco.jpg)

Micky can lie all she wants, but the truth will always be out there for all to see.
No. 640782
File: 1531974020110.jpeg (94.21 KB, 1242x459, EB9FA341-357F-4DF5-91A5-4E691B…)

This dumb broad just said milk toast lmao
Micky no one is MILQUE toast here except for the person blocking every girl who calls them out
No. 640863
>>640840>>640795i think there's a vendetta-chan ITT. i don't know why anyone would need to make up fake milk though, but after
>>640782 post it seems likely. no one is fucking calling her out because it's a shitty rick and morty quote and it takes 5 seconds to read the 2nd half to realize it's a quote of some kind.
No. 640985
File: 1532003413389.jpg (138.04 KB, 1072x1276, 20180719_081955.jpg)

>>640909She's quoting because she likes the show. She's quoted the show before. There's already post like
>>640525>>640231 that proves she doesn't like Adam's girlfriend.
>>640795I checked both Micky's and Adam's Instagram pages and neither of them are following each other anymore. Same with Facebook. She's not on his friend list anymore. Like she says here
>>640237 . His name is cider_baby if want to check. He hasn't said anything openly about it either. His girlfriend did change her relationship status. I think she switched it to "single" then back to "in relationship". She isn't taking things well. Pic related
No. 640988
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>>640985Another post from her page. She seemed genuinely happy with him up until this point. I don't know for sure what she saw, but it really must have hurt her. I'm sure Micky doesn't give a shit though, she only cares about how she feels and what she wants.
No. 641040
File: 1532010407835.jpeg (78.7 KB, 905x509, 780BE97F-C658-4693-B73A-0CE83D…)

I'm the "vendetta-chan"
>>640284 here, except I'm not vendetta lol. No, I don't like Micky because I've seen the the shit she does and how she hurts people and refuses take responsibility for it. But I don't have to make anything up to prove she's a relationship-wrecker, we already know that.
Anyway, this is Adams gf, saying the same shit we've said before about Micky interacting with him on every picture and post of his.
As I said, I still don't wanna post her name but I'll leave the corner of her photo for proof it's her, you can find her easily enough.
>>641005NAYRT, but that's Adams gf, not Micky. That's why it's so good lol.
No. 641117
File: 1532016549032.jpg (359.22 KB, 1080x1202, Screenshot_20180719-120359_Sam…) she aware that people know that she's lying about her mom wanting to kick her out? Plus, it wasn't just shit from that group. As well as the whole thing about Amina bullying her? Like, people can see Amina's posts and she hasn't said anything remotely negative about sex despite her experiences. Micky really likes to push this whole victim thing way too much.
No. 641120
>>641117with all the shit she's done she shouldn't complain about when people clown her for her looks
she's such a hypocrite
No. 641137
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She was just shitting on idol culture a few days ago though.
No. 641142
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She falls for dudes for all the wrong reasons. If she ends up dating this guy, she'll ruin him too. Just like all the others.
No. 641459
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>sweetie darling honeyDamn, she's extra mad. I don't get why she's acting like there's so much going on in her life when all she does is bully people and play victim on her social medias
No. 641471
File: 1532037661810.jpg (254.49 KB, 1066x1090, Screenshot_20180719-175758_Sam…)
>$200 for braidsLmao Bitch, braids at most cost $60. Who ever told her anything in the triple digits cheated her.
No. 641513
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>>641410She was pissed because he was liking her photos while he had a girlfriend, which apparently makes makes him The Worst.
But now she's upset that because of that same girlfriend, he decided it was best to cut contact with her. Which there likely a good a reason for.
Can't win.
No. 641766
File: 1532049008942.jpg (125.78 KB, 1075x683, Screenshot_20180719-210632_Sam…) dont ned baby hairs to make it look natural. A part following where the wig parts, pulling it back even so slightly, and plucking the edges of the wig make it look more natural. Also the wigs come wth combs that you tuck in your real hair, bobby pins are absolutely unnecessary. Micky just admit you hate natural hair.
No. 641858
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No. 641867
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She's so embarrassing and immature.
No. 641879
File: 1532054934602.gif (1.31 MB, 410x472, 1513788817035.gif)

>>641867Why does she keep posting these wack ass, corny ass, weak ass bars? The only people who think this is good are her ass kissers.
No. 641904
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also to the anon before but she’s always had huge tits because she’s a landwhale. Middle photo is best of her fridge body
No. 641907
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>>641905She’s even fatter now almost 240 lbs
No. 641910
i always laugh at that pic bc thats her rn without all that makeup she bought off depop or aliexpress
No. 641912
File: 1532056591634.jpg (1.72 MB, 2560x1920, 18-07-19-23-11-50-838_deco.jpg)

>>641884It's already been said, but she only has a large chest because she's a lardass and has a severe sag.
No. 641936
File: 1532058804272.jpeg (81.41 KB, 1241x392, DC84E004-4019-4C06-90F5-1B581A…)

"I like intruding on other people's relationships and if you don't like it you're just jealous UwU"
No. 641941
File: 1532058940564.jpg (23.23 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.JPG)

>>641936Again with the wack bars, ugh.
No. 641947
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Is her new thing, "shitty soundcloud rapper"?
No. 642013
File: 1532062764477.jpg (151.17 KB, 432x724, 20180720_005838.jpg)

>>641985These are from an older thread. Right around prom for her. She ballooned up pretty bad. It only got worse from there.
No. 642031
File: 1532063498468.jpg (118.85 KB, 1080x2094, 36892411_1092234930930426_6663…)

Her braids look crusty as hell. She talks so much shit about other people's hair, but her shit is barely together. Let's also not forget that she once again has a filthy ass room.
No. 642048
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I'm definitely not bothered but please reassure me hugbox that these JEAWOUS ANONS aren't right please
No. 642049
File: 1532064938577.jpeg (73.83 KB, 1242x319, 6B97DB5E-387B-4791-8EA0-CAFA2E…)

Implying it's Amina??
No. 642066
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No. 642087
File: 1532067180707.jpg (44.91 KB, 720x705, FB_IMG_1532066981219.jpg)

The fact that Micky thinks she can come for people's looks when she looks like this under all the makeup and filters lol
No. 642181
File: 1532076929886.jpg (109.25 KB, 1080x2094, 36160628_1973822746009956_6567…)

Except none of Micky's pics look cute without going through a ridiculous amount of editing. All her candids have her looking gross as hell.
No. 642228
>>642182It’s a fan acc I don’t see the issue
>>641936We found Nicki minaj’s Wack ass ghost writer
No. 642254
>>642190she did its so obv lmaoooooo like
micky literally has no concept of how obvious every single one of the things she does is i don't understand how someone can exist like actually be alive knowing that all of their behaviors are predictable and are obviously fucked up and hypocritical. Doctors really need to find comprehensive cures or treatment for BPD because this like level of pure delusion coming from micky is horrifying. How old is she now? what are her plans for her future does she really think she can draw? and model? lmao???? If she really lurks these threads like how the fuck does she have such strong cognitive dissonance
No. 642260
File: 1532093460453.jpg (388.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180720-093033_Gal…)

>>642042ahahaha you're right. Look at this hamplanet's clearly warped bong. Fail. No wonder she deleted it so fast. Or maybe cause it didnt get any notes
No. 642268
>>642181mucky literally only makes everyone feel better about themselves. what kind of grotesque monster would hate themselves in envy over
>>641912 even her shoops are terrible
No. 642287
>>642268Exactly. She seems to be trying to convince herself that she's better than everyone when she's not.
>>642271Nah, it reads like that /soc/ catfish that keeps changing her name. She's like some Asian chick that pretends to be black.
>>642272It's doesn't say that anywhere. That anon has no idea what they're talking about.
>>642259No, she lives in West Bloomfield. She went to high school in Walled Lake. She and her friends are trashy because of shit upbringing, not the area. They're essentially overly spoiled brats who weren't taught any decency. They'd fit in on the Eastside of Detroit though.
No. 642391
File: 1532104597286.jpg (944.4 KB, 1080x1828, Screenshot_20180720-120203_Sam…)

She's back to trying to be a edgy "goffick" girl.
No. 642420
>>641912She looks nice when she dresses like a natural adult woman and doesn't have all that pastel shit all over her.
She should work on losing weight and she'd be pretty cute.
No. 642424
>>641471Depends on the area she lives in.
I'm lucky that I have people in my family that know how to properly box braid, and find good looking braids for double digits.
She got scammed.
No. 642447
she'll always be a hambeast with eyes miles apart and a shitty personality as well
No. 642673
File: 1532121340450.jpeg (262.71 KB, 1039x2015, 12CD7F9D-A5E6-472D-A38F-3AE4D5…)

Can you imagine having to go out in public with someone dressed like this
No. 642698
>>642673imagine not being able to take a picture without hiking up your skirt
how the fuck is this an outfit
No. 642712
File: 1532123989698.jpg (129.61 KB, 1080x2094, 36905576_257087541761630_52019…)

>>642687>>642693Look at hair, that shit is fucked. She should have just slapped a wig on.
No. 642713
File: 1532124058503.jpg (96.33 KB, 1080x2094, 36873227_1807268259357892_6620…)

This trifling bitch…
No. 642767
>>642684jelly sandals. which also happen to be one of darling Pixielocks' favourite pairs of shoes.
I had a pair when I was much,
much younger - still in public school - and was too embarrassed to even wear them then, at 10 or so.
They're just too goddamn hideous.
No. 642772
>>642767micky might be the black version of pixielocks.
think about it. both are fatty-chans, have horrible fried up hair they refuse to take care of, shoop their pics, have shitty hygiene, are well into their 20's yet their rooms look like a hoarder weeb toddler barfed all over them, claim to be "so positive uwu" but get involved in drama at any given chance, have a history of shitty romantic relationships where they use and abuse their partners and flaunt them on social media like accesories, wear those godawful jelly sandals and shitty "kawaii" fashion, have shopping addictions, play the "queer" card but can't hop off dick for their life's sake. i could go on and on.
No. 643012
File: 1532144876530.jpg (169.45 KB, 1080x2094, 36969818_460637111072554_86648…)

Lol She's acting like she's famous when all that's happening is Google picking up the keyowrds she used. She's not even a top result. I had scroll down quite far before her. Also, that girl's face she covered with "not you" has way better looking braids than hers.
No. 643030
>>643012Lol she did this too with google image results for “kawaii pink braids” or something like that. Does she not know that google searches change based on your previous searches and web history?
>looked what the cat dragged inFitting for the way she really looks
No. 643054
There's major differences between Jill and Micky though.
Jill's a "sleepy lazy bean~" because she knows that even if she naps all day and never uploads a video on schedule, she has rich parents and a devoted fanbase to cover her ass and support her. She got what, $1k on Patreon within 24 hrs of starting it, for no real good reason? If there's one thing to say about Jill, she monetized herself. Badly, and it's a goddamn miracle she pulled it off, but over the years she made enough of an effort to gain a fanbase who loves her unconditionally, no matter how many peep pounds she gains or how shitty her makeup gets.
Meanwhile, Micky has no backup plan. Her parents aren't rich, she isn't going to college, and she's working part time at some piddly waitress job. She's never been able to sell herself, on YouTube or social media or sexually. She's not cute enough, she's isolated herself from multiple communities and is a generally nasty person, so people don't gravitate towards her like they do Jill. She has some followers, but not anything significant and not anyone who could or would actually support her. She doesn't have the the income to piss away her time the way she does.
Yeah they both have shopping addictions, but Jill can actually afford to buy stupid amounts of overpriced Lazy Oaf and Irregular Choice, meanwhile Micky's asking for a sugar daddy to buy her harnesses off AliExpress.
Micky's like a knockoff Jill. They're both trash, but one is still by far tackier.
No. 643207
File: 1532175056574.jpg (458.07 KB, 1080x805, Screenshot_20180721-080517_Sam…)

I wonder what guy she's trying to impress now with this whole "poser goth" bullshit.
No. 643209
File: 1532175227166.jpg (49.61 KB, 1080x2094, 36934876_201033227237579_79165…)

>>643207Seriously, this shit screams "pay attention to me, please!". She must have found some new guy to stalk and try to impress.
No. 643358
File: 1532193650406.jpeg (50.42 KB, 640x829, 8EEE7597-C268-4346-8B92-6CC406…)

lol which one of you reported her. Any info or screenshots on why she’s banned?
No. 643417
>>643354Not to wt but what is conventionally unattractive for some could be unconventionally attractive for others
She looks pretty in certain angles, the weight is what makes her features weird
No. 643463
File: 1532203348287.jpeg (87.77 KB, 480x640, 1528385240215.jpeg)

>>643314>If she wants to get back at Amina she should just lose weight.>>643332>It's just her poor styling choices that make her look ugly. This is probably the thinnest she's been (assuming this isn't edited or something) and this
>>642013 is probably the most normal styling she's had and she still looks bad, but to each his own. Also there is no reason for Micky to get back at Amina since she hasn't done anything her.
No. 643658
File: 1532212594632.jpg (131.7 KB, 1080x2094, 36922640_495524800884337_33852…)

I'm still curious what wack soundcloud rapper she's trying to impress now. It's clear she already ran though all the guys in her previous ex-boyfriend's circle.
No. 643978
File: 1532243997332.png (9.58 MB, 1242x2208, 3C0FABB2-8EC3-428F-920D-31267D…)

The creator of the kawaii black girls movement.
No. 643979
File: 1532244010785.jpeg (134.51 KB, 1260x709, 7364F2AB-F91B-4C2D-AB63-2F343A…)

No. 643980
File: 1532244022940.jpeg (197.58 KB, 1260x945, 5013E274-3709-4996-A0DF-B2B837…)

No. 643982
File: 1532244156021.png (6.98 MB, 1242x2208, 5589AE8F-F85D-489E-99A5-FDD6AE…)

No. 644001
File: 1532248256280.jpg (206.65 KB, 1080x851, Screenshot_20180722-041029_Sam…)

She says she can't relate, even though she's proven time and time again she's all of those things. Micky, pretending like you aren't any of these things, won't change the reality that you
are all of these things.
>>643980It's hilarious how the only decently dressed person there is someone's mom.
No. 644088
>>643980>>643979JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, now I see why micky has the over inflated confidence she puts forth externally (cause we all know how much she hates herself and wants to be Amina)
Like they could have better character than micky, so I feel bad about ripping on them, but holy cow are they dumpy looking.
No. 644156
File: 1532273962094.webm (6.44 MB, 640x1240, 37315192_646564642376381_17320…)
Here's the full video where
>>643982 comes from
No. 644159
File: 1532274034522.gif (1.17 MB, 368x720, 37315192_646564642376381_17320…)

>>644156A gif of her face shape changing when the filter is on her again. Lol
No. 644353
File: 1532287574586.jpg (135.7 KB, 631x795, SmartSelect_20180722-152218_Ch…)

>>644142Uh anon…
Then again maybe it's just that retarded face. I gotta say definitely better than mucky though. at least shes not a landwhale
No. 644371
File: 1532288816210.png (6.18 MB, 1242x2208, 6559969D-7FEE-41CA-8C18-9BDF0A…)

>>644353Whoever she is she's much cuter and smaller than Micky lol, it must have killed her to even be closer to her.
No. 644543
File: 1532303822651.jpg (89.4 KB, 1080x482, Screenshot_20180722-195423_Twi…)

No. 644550
File: 1532304071308.jpg (327.81 KB, 1076x1074, Screenshot_20180722-195858_Sam…)

>as a CSA survivor
Bitch, you are not a CSA survivor by any stretch of the imagination and it's an insult to real survivors to call yourself one just because you want sympathy clout over a rapper you don't like collabing with some shit rapper you do like.
No. 644653
File: 1532312385640.jpg (183.36 KB, 1079x723, Screenshot_20180722-221351_Sam…)

The mental immature can be physically felt through this post. She talks so much shit about men, yet is openly clueless about the female body. Ripping can happen, but it's not common. It doesn't just happen with birthing either. Sex can do that too. She'd know this if she actually read some actual educational material for once instead of shrieking like a tard on social media everyday.
No. 644872
File: 1532330051267.jpg (1.85 MB, 2560x2560, 18-07-23-03-10-38-632_deco.jpg)

She's trying to make a big deal, but actually look at both of those, the first one brings up cute nose rings or piercings. The other one brings up results asking what makes a beautiful nose and rhinoplasty. Lol Try again, Micky.
No. 644959
File: 1532343665405.jpg (137.74 KB, 1077x617, Screenshot_20180723-031843_Sam…)

She's definitely lying because she said her dad disowned her sister. So why the fuck would he be teaching her how to drive? Also, she couldn't just ask her mom? She drives her around anyway. Or her friends? It's really stupid her excuse is her dad.
No. 644960
File: 1532343808619.jpg (510.47 KB, 1080x1071, Screenshot_20180723-031930_Sam…)

For one, you aren't mentally ill. You're just a druggie. Two, this shit is not that creative and looks like a middle schooler drew it.
No. 645003
File: 1532351155618.png (524.57 KB, 464x720, 416.png)

>>644960>last yearIs she fukkin serious? Did she really just say that? HOLY SHIT LMAOOO. I cant believe she posted that. She basically outted herself tracing. If you take a look back to her old drawings from last year, they look NOTHING like this. Look at those shakey ass sketch lines, fuck dude!
>>644966Shit, I could have probably done better than this at 8!
No. 645010
>>644938I remember people were saying Micky looks like "the average black girl" (lmao) and something about Amina "not
really looking black" and yelling at anyone who disagreed, so I can understand why she'd find it racist, honestly.
No. 645018
>>645013It was in one of the last two threads, it was a shitstorm. Someone even tried to insist Micky looked "more African" and posted a composite image of a Sub-Saharan African woman who was actually both darker
and had a slimmer nose, and said Micky looked like that, kek. There was even one anon who said because she's fat, she looks more black and that being fat is a black trait.
No. 645019
>>645010sounds just like Micky to say it's ''racist'' for people to find Amina prettier than her jfc
and i'm sure all her amina bashing friends jumped on that bandwagon
No. 645041
>>645021Actually that thread started because some idiot said Micky doesn’t look fully black and someone replied saying Micky has more black features than Amina.
Not trying to rehash stupidity but they both look 100% black. Micky has more “African features” (wide flat nose, thick lips, thick body sets) but Amina is darker than her. They both look black so please don’t stop the fuck shit again.
No. 645052
>>645041There were literally people claiming Micky looks more like the average black girl than Amina because she's fat, and trying to convince everyone that her nose is the same size as a typical SSA, even though anyone could see Micky doesn't really match up when compared to images. That's where the whole conflict started. The thing about thick body sets is also kind of dumb, considering "African bodies" often means having more fat collected around the ass/hip area compared to everywhere else, while Micky is completely apple-shaped.
I'm pretty sure half of it was angry black anons who think looking "less black" means looking pretty, and thought it was WKing to say that about Micky, and angry non-black anons who think saying Micky doesn't look 100% black is saying that white girls must be gross hambeasts like her. Either way, let it die.
No. 645084
>>645058>like I careobviously you do, cos here you are fatty micky. why don't you go take some pics of yourself in your dirty room at your parent's house? you can poorly edit them to attempt to
try and look prettier than Amina and catfish your 4k followers.
No. 645102
File: 1532359850649.jpg (236.42 KB, 1078x1022, Screenshot_20180723-112919_Sam…) of these sound like straight up bullshit. Micky, you getting a spanking once or twice isn't child abuse.
No. 645115
>>645102Jehovah’s Witness don’t go to church. They go to “Kingdom Hall”.
Is she lying?
No. 645154
>>644960>>645102Micky is slowly but surely transforming herself from "lmao
This dumb bitch" to "ugh this dumb bitch"
No. 645193
>>645175Agreed. Everyone I know who was raised by strict religious parents got side-eyed for even having male friends, talk less of having boyfriends and bringing them home
to their rooms, smoking weed (or any other sort of drug use) with their knowledge, taking nudes and having them released/traced back to them, etc etc.
None of that "Satan is my daddy" t-shirt BS and shibari would fly, either, even in adulthood (especially under their roof). The fact that she's still living with her parents but somehow has total impunity to be a complete degenerate makes me think she's making up shit.
No. 645309
File: 1532374412809.jpeg (27.74 KB, 628x164, 8F913CEF-D92B-4F86-9892-94F2E1…)

>>645202I’m not exaggerating when I say she makes $3-4 an hour. That’s literally the wage for bus boys and servers in her state. Considering she’s quite alternative (pink hair nonsense) in a conservative state at a small diner I doubt she’s making decent tips either.
Plus I think she only works part time when she should be full time at this point. She’s literally only making $200 week before taxes which is roughly $800 a month. If she were smart since she doesn’t have to pay rent, she could be saving $500 a month and have 6k by the end of the year. Enough to get her own place easily.
At her age she needs to be working full time, or in school while working part time. There’s no fucking reason why you should be 21 and working for below minimum wage part time job. People like her disgust me to be honest. I respect drug dealers more than I respect leaches like Micky. Take responsibility for your life and grow the fuck up.
No. 645319
File: 1532374917204.jpeg (79.82 KB, 626x535, 48660512-89B7-45BC-97F5-A53238…)

Some people in this thread were talking about the manly looking “Dominican Barbie” girl who is supposedly friends with Micky. Does anyone know what her tweet is about? It sounds like Micky…
No. 645321
File: 1532374967429.jpeg (63.9 KB, 640x441, 333DB79F-CA12-42A0-A683-013245…)

No. 645733
File: 1532402305414.jpg (199.31 KB, 1079x639, Screenshot_20180723-231645_Twi…)

>calls people peasants and bullies for rightfully criticizing her shitty behavior
Wow, just wow. She far beyond delusional.
No. 646158
File: 1532457824407.jpg (438.94 KB, 1080x1420, Screenshot_20180724-144124_Sam…)

You deserve to be scammed, Micky.
No. 646162
File: 1532457850845.jpg (66.13 KB, 1080x399, Screenshot_20180724-144200_Sam…)

Cringe af
No. 646249
File: 1532463613295.jpeg (83.38 KB, 720x365, AD9BE52C-E434-4824-8A4F-696342…)

Why does she lie about the dumbest stuff
No. 646389
File: 1532471364521.jpg (196.25 KB, 1079x1810, Screenshot_20180724-182614_Sam…)

So it look like it actually happened. Then again, this could from a totally different situation. Since Micky likes to uses out of context images in her favor.
No. 646393
File: 1532471601994.jpg (242.12 KB, 1080x986, Screenshot_20180724-182513_Sam…)

>>646389Amber makes a good point. Honestly, it seems like Micky just wants to "humblebrag". Unfortunately her name is associated moreso with this thread and her bullying Amina than anything else. Most people don't even like her.
No. 646569
File: 1532485648472.jpg (545.95 KB, 1080x1552, Screenshot_20180724-222114_Sam…)

The sloppy braiding makes her hair look matted and unwashed. She should have practiced braiding more.
No. 646571
File: 1532485898657.jpg (732.58 KB, 810x1920, Screenshot_20180724-222905_Sam…)

Someone says she looks like Zoe Kravitz. Lmao
No. 646576
File: 1532486321502.jpg (2 MB, 2560x1920, 18-07-24-22-34-58-499_deco.jpg)

>>646571People are really blind.
No. 646577
File: 1532486403139.jpeg (25.77 KB, 302x218, 83E23E30-6661-4436-B79F-FEC07D…)

This bitch fuckin bald.
No. 646759
File: 1532519392656.jpg (68.34 KB, 1080x2094, 37306995_2030435880619763_5538…)

That sounds gross and manipulative as all fuck. That isn't something to be proud of in the slightest.
No. 647031
File: 1532543869336.jpg (116.74 KB, 1080x2094, 36944098_268555517256115_30188…)

This looks traced.
No. 647053
File: 1532544322044.jpg (155.61 KB, 1080x710, Screenshot_20180725-144428_Twi…)

Seeing a shitty soundcloud rapper perform his shit music live can't be that magical.
No. 647327
File: 1532559338617.jpg (372.58 KB, 1080x1751, Screenshot_20180725-160319_Sam…)

>>647184Eaxctly, and she definitely traced this one.
No. 647342
File: 1532560745069.jpg (265.4 KB, 1072x852, Screenshot_20180725-191707_Twi…)

She's acting like she isn't constantly insecure and copying people. She's not that bright either.
No. 647391
>>647327Sounds like that one girl from nyan neko sugar girls.
She literally talks like a cringe weeb
No. 647579
File: 1532573154524.jpg (80.57 KB, 1078x364, Screenshot_20180725-185824_Sam…)

Only an obese fuck would be ok with openly sharing something like this.
No. 647581
File: 1532573199202.jpg (193.15 KB, 1074x1176, Screenshot_20180725-185756_Sam…)

>>647579Followed by some cringeworthy edgy comment.
No. 647902
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No. 647904
File: 1532609151620.jpg (359.99 KB, 1072x1419, Screenshot_20180726-080833_Sam…)

>>647903She's real quick to defend peep. Lol
No. 647960
File: 1532613723261.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.73 KB, 1080x2094, 37183902_1603004716475853_5140…)

She doesn't like being treated like a sexual object but then she posts this.
No. 648219
File: 1532632191052.jpg (1.28 MB, 2560x2560, 18-07-26-15-09-12-469_deco.jpg)

She posted some extremely embarrassing shit on her IG stories. Pic related.
No. 648235
File: 1532633815244.jpg (179.1 KB, 1080x591, Screenshot_20180726-153329_Twi…)

Yikes, way to lie, Micky.
>>648229Who knows, maybe she's trying to impress some edgy dude.
No. 648239
File: 1532634057953.jpg (215.04 KB, 1080x965, Screenshot_20180726-153435_Twi…)

I'm so tired of her dumb, racist comments.
No. 648386
File: 1532647914125.jpg (747.89 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180726-193011_Twi…)

Gotta love cows supporting cows lmao. Wonder if she knows that hedgehog is dead.
No. 648492
File: 1532658474468.jpg (305.18 KB, 1080x1368, Screenshot_20180726-222621_Sam…)

That tweet makes no fucking sense, but ok.
>>648468What does this have to do with anything?
No. 648499
File: 1532659104182.jpg (201.62 KB, 1080x912, Screenshot_20180726-223526_Twi…)

She says this but she's the same girl who only bathes once or twice a week, hates the smell of clean clothes, sleeps in piles of trash, and smells like old period blood and piss. Oh, and she cried when her parents made her clean her room.
No. 648501
File: 1532659149228.jpg (1.1 MB, 808x3456, Screenshot_20180726-223242_Twi…)

No. 648529
File: 1532661184104.jpg (177.01 KB, 1070x782, Screenshot_20180726-222608_Sam…)

Selling your body for drugs makes you a trashy lowlife. You're not magically better than someone looking for a relationship or a simple booty call, Micky.
No. 648617
>>648492So every edgy teen who made that joke made it because they were sexist and/or gay for the actress, not because they hated the film?
Fuck off Mickey, you're not bi. Having a threesome with your gross friend and her gross bf doesn't make you bisexual, just trashy.
No. 648663
File: 1532676332759.jpg (197.84 KB, 1080x616, Screenshot_20180727-032234_Twi…)

No. 648988
File: 1532720576421.jpg (321.65 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180727-153930_Twi…)

LMAO imagine her saggy cow utters getting infected when she lets too many stinky white boys suck them. Not gunna be a good look even if they do heal, her nipples are way too huge and shes too droopy
No. 648999
File: 1532721576319.jpg (244.88 KB, 1079x935, Screenshot_20180727-155247_Sam…) she really wanted to ask her friends, nothing was stopping her from making a group chat with said friends and asking. Also, why the fuck would you add thousands of people you barely know and get mad when they want to come to a party you announced publicly. That's your owning fucking fault, Micky. If you really had social anxiety, you wouldn't have so many people on your page nor would you be throwing a party.
No. 649000
File: 1532721727846.jpg (105.51 KB, 1080x2094, 37848277_248988552599243_73749…)

She always assume people want her sexually when they actually don't. It's so pathetic.
No. 649346
File: 1532757940220.jpg (290.55 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180728-015951_Twi…)

Don't you mean art to trace/copy
No. 649552
File: 1532794579281.jpg (68.45 KB, 1072x429, Screenshot_20180728-120751_Sam…)

Micky, you have no ass to speak of, the fuck are you on about?
No. 649582
File: 1532796991873.jpg (217.75 KB, 1079x757, Screenshot_20180728-124851_Sam…)
This sounds like a complete load of bulllshit. I also hate how she has no remorse for lying about this. Lies like these make things harder for real vicitms to get justice. Micky you are a complete and utter piece fucking shit for this.
No. 649672
File: 1532805408207.jpg (621.83 KB, 2560x1920, 18-07-28-15-13-13-939_deco.jpg) girl has zero originality.
>>649592She only added that whole backlash thing for the ass kissing message to flood in.
No. 649675
File: 1532805474084.jpg (203.94 KB, 1079x850, Screenshot_20180728-150935_Twi…)

Fucking yikes.
No. 649725
File: 1532809687035.jpg (136.83 KB, 1080x722, Screenshot_20180728-162617_Twi…)

That's rich coming from the queen of unoriginality.
No. 650008
File: 1532835731933.jpeg (208.01 KB, 1000x1414, 848E8A7A-7D1E-40DE-AD30-F78A91…)

More shitty art, she used to have cut wrists but someone on Facebook got upset because Micky didn't put a trigger warning on it lol
No. 650028
>>650008Copying Menhera Chan
No. 650043
>>650039>>650013No, that's a Kagome Crest. It's similar but the meaning behind is different.
>>650028This time it's fan art. It's one of the main girls from Menhera Chan.
No. 650235
File: 1532869653444.jpg (1.5 MB, 1920x2560, 18-07-29-09-02-46-618_deco.jpg)

Is she retarded? Your brain deciding is you deciding. This would only be impactful and existential if the question was "Do you make your own decisions or does god?". All she's done is prove free will exists. Holy fuck, she can't even manage being philosophical. Micky, stick to your shit soundcloud rapper and bimbo scene queen quotes.
No. 650300
File: 1532876409773.jpg (553.61 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180729-105848_Twi…)

"I'm not racist!!!!!" "I dont hate white people I just dont want to work with them or be around them!"
No. 650324
>>650315She really must have paid attention in school at all not to know that. She really should be embarrassed over posting that.
>>650300She's such a bigoted piece of shit. I bet if someone said the same exact thing but replaced white and male with black and female, she'd be foaming at the damn mouth about it.
No. 650658
File: 1532912077975.jpg (253.31 KB, 1080x1264, Screenshot_20180729-205234_Twi…)

She tries way too hard to come off as some internet meme queen.
No. 650735
File: 1532921834294.jpeg (442.82 KB, 2048x2048, 0C834479-3992-4548-AEF8-AB2141…)

She's the most hypocritical person. She's constantly saying how she can't stand when guy friends hit on her, but she's allowed to do it because she's totally really bipolar guise, and if we meme mental illness the consequences aren't serious
No. 650818
File: 1532930728849.jpg (424.16 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180730-020456_Twi…)

No. 650866
File: 1532934493052.png (2.85 MB, 1242x2208, 372FBA61-24A7-4053-9789-B35F2F…)

No. 650867
File: 1532934521749.png (2.45 MB, 1242x2208, B93B7587-D323-4989-90CF-9E3D66…)

>>650866So edgy, so controversial, so deep
No. 650870
File: 1532934646449.png (1.67 MB, 1242x2208, 3D2F97B6-752E-4276-AB33-84AD65…)

>>650867>Doesn't the Bible say you can't eat shellfishWow checkmate Christians better watch out you have one of the great minds of our time at your heels with those hard hitters
Srsly this is just shit you can find in any "intro to atheism" video lmao
No. 650879
File: 1532936268450.jpg (626.74 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180730-033642_Twi…)

What the fuck who cares
No. 651047
>>650879How long before she actually does this for attention? We've already seen her with a tiny dick in her mouth
>>650008How fucking high was she when she drew this garbage? Theres so many obvious mistakes that would be so god damn easy to fix…. look at the right eye! She colored the corner like it was hair.. I know shes dumb and lazy but that shit wouldn't even take a whole second to fix
No. 651062
File: 1532961859173.jpg (606.95 KB, 1080x1888, Screenshot_20180730-103542_Twi…)

>>650879She claims to be into it but when someone wants to do something that falls under it, she says that's "too heavy". Lol Ok. It's clear her kinks are just for show then.
>Men are so weirdNo Micky, you're just not into the thing you claim to be into.
No. 651066
File: 1532962131739.jpg (787.06 KB, 810x2359, Screenshot_20180730-104549_Sam…)

No. 651072
File: 1532963020703.jpg (665.89 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180730-110304_Twi…)

I can already tell it's going to be a milky week. Get ready guys
No. 651078
File: 1532963367725.jpg (103.83 KB, 509x445, SmartSelect_20180730-110906_Ch…)

>>651072"muh edges laid~~~!!!"
bitch you're fucking balding stfu
No. 651079
File: 1532963428610.jpg (448.4 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20180730-105000_Sam…)

Micky, your tumblr layouts are hideous eye sores.
No. 651646
File: 1533011883497.jpg (368.69 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180731-003345_Twi…)

Sorry mucky, but the only people who dont see huge obese fupas and cottage cheese thighs as disgusting are fat sjws who have deluded themselves into believing in fat acceptance
No. 651656
File: 1533012915998.jpg (74.26 KB, 1080x356, Screenshot_20180731-005347_Sam…)

No. 651841
File: 1533026769992.jpeg (93.24 KB, 720x960, 351DC562-F1B4-4677-9E80-F2FE45…)

She always pulls her shorts and clothes so high to make it look like she has a waist, and all it does is make it look like she has a bulge.
No. 651842
File: 1533026781230.jpeg (83.9 KB, 720x960, 18F7674A-1C10-4092-B00B-532A01…)

No. 651991
>>651842wtf are her edges doing? she didn’t even try?
>>651841that buldge looks so bad omg
No. 652082
File: 1533052338469.jpg (168.76 KB, 1078x797, Screenshot_20180731-114636_Twi…)

No. 653305
File: 1533112909104.jpg (388.62 KB, 1078x1757, Screenshot_20180801-044022_Sam…)

No. 653307
File: 1533112972681.jpg (189.88 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20180731-222106_Sam…)

Bitch where? Your shitty art isn't worth any money either.
No. 653311
File: 1533113387989.jpg (221.47 KB, 1080x856, Screenshot_20180801-044358_Twi…)

Right, so that's why you continue to lighten your and heavily blur your skin, and try to poorly edit your face and body to look slimmer? Is that also why you angle your mirror, suck in your neck and stomach to look even slimmer too? Micky, if you honestly loved your body you wouldn't go out of your way to fake your appearance. You'd actually take care of your body too.
No. 653314
File: 1533113498881.jpg (181.98 KB, 1080x604, Screenshot_20180801-044443_Twi…)

Someone who const lightens their skin and tries to remove themselves from being 100% black doesn't get to talk down to anyone about "blackface".
No. 653771
File: 1533155614123.jpg (86.94 KB, 1080x451, Screenshot_20180801-163019_Sam…)

Micky, that's like the oldest trick in the ghetto girl book. You would know if you actually hung around in the ghetto and not just pretend to be a hoodrat from one to get internet clout.
No. 653780
File: 1533156186193.jpg (357.9 KB, 1073x1236, Screenshot_20180801-163520_Twi…)

>messed up in their 40s
Girl, bye. Most of have better lives than the shitheads that get posted here and will continue to prosper thereafter. Stay salty.
Not even. No reason to feel that way towards a womanchild with bad hygiene, barely any real friends, shitty attitude, grossly out of shape body, extreme jealousy issues, etc.
Micky also seems to be forgetting that she posts here too and on at PULL at one point. She also use to spam threads about Amina 4chan. The girl is a huge hypocrite with nothing going for her.
No. 654042
File: 1533167324015.jpg (671.99 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180801-194744_Twi…)

Sounds like something you would do after you get fingered there, mucky
No. 654078
File: 1533168795561.jpg (274.43 KB, 1076x1060, Screenshot_20180801-201212_Twi…)

Sounds like a load of horseshit to me.
No. 654151
Did anyone catch her live? I know
>>654053 said they would try and catch it but we haven't gotten any updates from them yet.
No. 654216
File: 1533176332245.jpg (5.54 KB, 275x61, 1426317723849.jpg)

>>654062>>654065Not only did she think that was brag worthy, her ex boyfriend did too. Heres some old screencaps from his Twitter from past threads.
No. 654223
>>654131You're joking right? Or have one too many angled photoshopped pics made you forget what she actually looks like? Just cause she has terrfyingly huge saggy tits doesnt mean she "holds her weight good."
Now maybe if more of those cow utters went to her thighs/ass I could agree but…. Her body shape is horrific, it's literally all shoulder and bust. The rest is a box. Like Wendy Williams but
way fatter
No. 654244
File: 1533177705895.jpg (108.58 KB, 589x1000, wendy-williams-visits-huffpost…)

>>654131Micky has the same tragic body shape as Wendy Williams, so no she does not hold her weight super good. Even in her edited pictures her body shape is not especially appealing because it's so disproportionate, huge tits and broad shoulders with no waist or hips and very thin legs. It's like an upside down bowling pin
No. 655121
File: 1533253083447.jpg (55.5 KB, 1079x311, Screenshot_20180802-193433_Sam…)

>>654970>talked about her ex boyfriends new girlfriendHunter or Adam Putsey? Either way that's some real creepy shit to do.
Is that why she's crying so much? Lol No. 655140
File: 1533254909321.jpg (169.01 KB, 1078x677, Screenshot_20180802-200037_Twi…)

>what is multitasking
>what is posting during downtime
>what is multiple posters
This girl and Angela are extremely stupid. Micky, did you forget that you've been harassing the same girl longer than this site has been around? Not only her, but other girls as well? As well as cheating on your partners, lying about being abused, acting manipulative, etc? It's not our fault your local community hates you so much that they post your dirt here. That's probably not even half of it. Which is your own fault. Liars leave a guilty trail and you've miles and miles of evidence proving just how shit you really are.
PS. If you're to talk shit Angela, just do it openly, since you claim to not be scared of us. Lol Hiding behind a locked account and subtweets are pitiful.
No. 655471
File: 1533297475235.jpg (117.93 KB, 1080x2094, 37726913_929773310539617_18632…)

Can't wait for this cringe.
No. 655472
>>655140she likes the attention. she could easily delete all of her social media accounts or even just set them to private.
>>655471this will no doubt be traced and yet still end up terribly drawn.
No. 655473
File: 1533297804194.jpg (717.82 KB, 1078x1734, Screenshot_20180803-075950_Sam…)

Micky, that kind of lie only works if you're genuinely babyfaced and not using the filters at their max. You honestly look way older than that due to your terrible diet and drug use. Now that you're old enough to drink, I imagine you're only going to start looking worse.
No. 655479
>>655473Im hoping its just one of those dumb inside jokes about permanently staying a teen, cause I can't see this dumb bitch legit try to claim her grown manly ass self has been 16 this past year.
(lol she throws out on tumblr all the time how her nudes got "leaked" when she was "younger"…. if you claiming you been 16 this past year why the fuck are you out here talking about choking on cum and posting ugly ass lewds, you are what you yourself on fb advocate against kek. Atleast claim 18 so ya nasty ass is legal)
No. 655723
File: 1533320469400.jpg (257.95 KB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20180803-141919_Sam…)

This is coming from the same girl who lies about her eighty mental illnesses so she can excuse her shit behavior.
No. 655738
>>655723she'd probably say that post was relatable if it didn't have the "gifted/talented child" part.
by her logic, she should stop posting on her "kawaii medical menhera" blog and… I dunno… make a change in her life?
No. 655778
File: 1533323944217.jpeg (406.4 KB, 1125x1288, B3C9E101-3553-417E-9DFC-85C0BE…)

Stay away from them you musty thot
No. 655785
File: 1533324321928.png (55.31 KB, 598x402, Untitled.png)

No. 655924
File: 1533333853423.jpg (281.56 KB, 1080x868, Screenshot_20180803-180310_Sam…)

Lol no bitch
No. 656128
File: 1533346896460.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.59 KB, 610x960, D6BF410E-A751-4548-A30D-44F406…)

What is HAPPENING with that stomach omg
No. 656199
File: 1533353373877.gif (11.65 MB, 368x640, SmartSelect_20180803-232739_In…)

>>656178She actually went out to a gay club for her birthday I suppose. But you're not wrong for assuming that. If it wasn't her birthday (or on drugs), theres no way she'd be anywhere but home.
From what it looks like on her ig story, shes surrounded by people just like her. Fat cringey weeby looking people.
No. 656208
File: 1533354482504.jpg (165.78 KB, 1080x813, Screenshot_20180803-233910_Twi…)

By sugar momma she means her friend. And she only got because she was e-begging as usual.
No. 656218
File: 1533355707999.jpg (72.82 KB, 1080x435, Screenshot_20180803-232827_Sam…)

I feel bad for everyone that had to witness that.
No. 656337
File: 1533381335920.gif (3.48 MB, 368x560, 38227911_2114960622159360_8518…)

She can't dance for shit. Also, if you watch the video, the crowd cheers for the girl that actually twerks and the guy that comes up after and dances for a hot second. Nobody cheers for Micky before or after that. Lol
No. 656345
File: 1533382772953.gif (1.9 MB, 368x560, 38227911_2114960622159360_8518…)

>>656337This is from the same vid. She was just swaying around on the dancefloor. Lol
No. 656537
File: 1533409311463.gif (2.07 MB, 185x226, Dancing.gif)

>>656345>>656337when i look at these, all i can think of is this chris-chan gif
No. 656566
File: 1533412254084.jpg (1.17 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-04-15-43-39-491_deco.jpg)

>use them as a toilet
>forgets to eat
>obsessed with gangbangs
>gets mistaken for a 12 year old
>will fight you on sight but secretly sensitive
No. 656567
>>656566I almost forgot
>watches weird pornWhich I'm sure is a reference to her loli porn fetish or the toilet play stuff
No. 656571
File: 1533412662580.jpg (386 KB, 1051x1287, SmartSelect_20180804-154950_Tw…)

Why the fuck does she think that Bhad Bhabie or whatever the fuck is a good replacement for Nicki? I'm not into either of their music personally, but its so clear that they are not even close to being the same level of talented.
And out of spite? Who are you trying to spite, Mucksters? Nicki herself?
No. 656578
File: 1533413164441.jpg (112.05 KB, 1080x375, Screenshot_20180804-155923_Twi…)

The fact Micky thinks she's doing better than anybody is hilarious.
>>656571Honestly, I like Bhad Bhabie, but it really wasn't neccessary for her to make that tweet. Also, you would think she would have dropped Nicki sooner considering she bailed out her pedo brother.
No. 656598
File: 1533415177911.webm (17.58 MB, 480x720, tumblr_pcya6oL4Qq1uctaot.webm) but her sister was cheering her on. First everybody is watching somebody dance and cheering them on. Then when they do look in her direction, it's because they guy in shorts is dancing and they cheer him on. Also, idk what that bullshit she's doing is called but it ain't close to voguing.
No. 656789
File: 1533429735089.jpg (341.04 KB, 1059x1305, SmartSelect_20180804-190143_Tw…)

Watch her start vaping at 0 nic
No. 656911
File: 1533443466412.jpg (499.47 KB, 1077x1161, Screenshot_20180805-002828_Sam…)

How long do you think it'll be before she ruins this friendship by sending nudes to this girl's boyfriend?
No. 656920
>>656894Learn to sage your irrelevant opinions. No one cares.
>>656911I give it a week. Also I wonder if she’s washed that shirt since it’s the only “goth” item of clothing she owns.
No. 656925
>>656920Please dont start bitching about saging all of the sudden when people have been posting stupid shit like
>>656563 without saging
(minimodding) No. 656945
>>656929All I'm saying is dont pick and choose. If you wanna start mini modding include the shit posts like that or even
>>656815 >>656210
>>656383 >>656503
>>656784 >>654131
Now lets stop derailing
No. 656948
File: 1533445944303.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x1820, 5000CD5E-5135-4AAB-9102-45368C…)

No. 656951
File: 1533446005163.jpeg (265.84 KB, 1080x1440, 13378FBD-A62F-46DC-8054-443F69…)

>>656948Full image. How can someone think they're such hot shit wearing cat ears and a tail in the club.
No. 657098
>>656953Her sister only makes her look decent because her sister isn 't slathered in terrible makeup and insta-thot filters.
Hell, I would argue to say that her sister looks better because her face isn't warped into something it'll never be PLUS she isn't wearing clothes that are six sizes too damn small.
No. 657173
File: 1533474629569.jpg (340.78 KB, 1074x1921, Screenshot_20180804-143216_Sam…)

>>656948For her to be all for mental health she sure does love to abuse prescription drugs for the mentally ill.
I also wonder if her sister is pretending to be lesbian like Micky pretends to be bi. Neither of them have had a girlfriend from what I can tell.
No. 657216
>>656925 lmao look who is minimodding now. told y’all.
>>657173I wouldn’t doubt if her sister was a real lesbian. Micky is obviously straight as a board but for some reason her sister just looks gay. Also, eating an edible is hardly prescription drug abuse. Grow up.
No. 657261
>>657257Look at her comment at the bottom of this image:
>>657173She ate an edible, but was talking about wishing she'd taken fucking Adderall. Learn to read.
No. 657305
File: 1533492353311.jpg (239.65 KB, 1080x854, Screenshot_20180805-140320_Twi…)

Sure, Micky. We know you only said that because you lurk here.
No. 657444
File: 1533508957442.jpg (136.4 KB, 1070x634, Screenshot_20180805-183911_Sam…) fake stories always kill me. I highly doubt some straight guys are going to talk to her at
LGBT night at the club. They were probably gay and wanted to get to know her and she was being completely stuck up.
No. 657488
File: 1533512746225.jpg (129.83 KB, 1080x2094, 37673950_1976274895770606_4357…)

Oh no.
No. 657629
File: 1533523720483.jpeg (761.65 KB, 1125x1044, F4DA9681-F515-4361-8A88-558FF8…)

Why would she RT something like this? Seems kinda fucked up.
No. 657712
File: 1533533526445.jpg (129.46 KB, 1080x552, Screenshot_20180806-012954_Sam…)

I don't feel bad for her. All she had to do is not post them to 4chan like a fucking idiot and plaster her social media right after to avoid shit like this. It's not hard to do.
No. 657713
File: 1533533687289.jpg (388.53 KB, 809x2982, Screenshot_20180806-012924_Sam…)

>>657712Don't make your nudes public if you don't want people to repost them on the internet, Micky.
No. 658400
File: 1533603760990.png (96.44 KB, 664x887, IMG_8686.PNG)

it's becoming self aware
No. 658496
File: 1533618165490.jpg (576.8 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180807-010231_Twi…)

Who is she talking about?
No. 658513
File: 1533621111131.jpg (226.95 KB, 1080x912, Screenshot_20180806-232711_Twi…)

>>658496Nobody. She's just pretending to be bi for clout again. If she was actually into girls, she would have dated and cheated on one by now.
No. 658517
File: 1533621374963.jpg (549.07 KB, 1075x1505, Screenshot_20180807-015457_Sam…)

Now she's trying to become Angela. Lol
No. 658564
>>658513LMFAO Micky this is why you're a Bihet piece of shit, Continuing the misconception that girlxgirl is always this non sexualised slow John Green tier experience as if women don't also feel the same amount of sexual attraction towards each other most hets do.
This is how actual faggots learn to stay away from bitches like you micky, posts like these are prime examples that you can't even take f/f seriously worth shit.
It's not some shallow girly girl fantasy where you just act like friendsTM UwU, you don't just completely rewire patterns of attraction because the gender changes.
Misogynistic and Homophobic headass.
No. 658842
File: 1533668098820.jpg (286.18 KB, 1058x1283, SmartSelect_20180807-145350_Tw…)

No. 658846
File: 1533668919740.jpg (156.33 KB, 1080x723, Screenshot_20180807-121417_Twi…)

Spoken like a true crusty bitch.
No. 659160
File: 1533693764272.png (302.6 KB, 524x532, Screen-Shot-2013-09-03-at-08.0…)

>>659076I think she means pic related
No. 659179
File: 1533695318600.jpg (476.38 KB, 1080x1447, Screenshot_20180807-151104_Sam…)

It's real embarrassing how edgy she's trying to be.
No. 659183
File: 1533695607092.jpg (99.86 KB, 1080x487, Screenshot_20180807-222924_Sam…)

Oh right, like how you copied Amina, Angela, internetslutclub, and Adam's new gf? Micky, you're nowhere near original. Neither are your friends.
No. 659352
File: 1533713534877.png (19.88 KB, 478x216, pumpthebrakes.png)

I dont usually keep up with Micky, but she crossed over with one of my check-in Flakes and I'm just rolling my eyes
They're both part of the same circle that use the same damn filters and poses and dumbass memes and both put way too much info out about themselves then cry about having one 'stalker' AND THEN continue on oversharing and putting out everything they can
No. 659425
File: 1533730588424.jpg (440.22 KB, 1080x1228, 20180808_080916.jpg)

This is rich coming from the girl who ran away from fighting Taylor
No. 659459
>>659190they're all so spergy. also
>pubicly gossiping like teenagers on facebookwhew
No. 659484
File: 1533738979797.jpg (157.79 KB, 1063x786, Screenshot_20180808-102735_Sam…)

>being overly sexualized
Micky you do that to yourself. It's not a requirement to act that way. You could have easily gotten attention without doing that. You know this. A conscious act you take is no one's fault but yours.
>getting your nudes leaked
Micky, you posted your shit on 4chan, a very public site mind you, on your own accord. Whatever someone does with those images is beyond your control. It's not a private affair. If you wanted those to stay private, then you wouldn't have stupidly posted them there.
>monetizing your body without your permission
Who exactly? The catfish isn't getting anything from using your image. Plus you yourself are already monetizing your gross looking body. So it shouldn't matter.
>people talking shit about you
Nobody's talking shit, we're pointing out the facts. The fact is your a shitty human being with nothing going for you and only getting worse as time goes on. How unfortunate.
Not even going to break down that other 1 - 4 because you aren't even doing anything like that. The reality is, you barely have money and friends, most people find you insufferable, and you personally are a sad excuse of a human in recent history.
And that's the gospel truth.
No. 659496
File: 1533739759500.jpg (92.15 KB, 1076x334, Screenshot_20180808-104421_Twi…)

She's only acting this tough because of a shitty ppocket knife? Micky, there are people who can beat your ass faster than you pull out a pocket knife. Also, if you really have to resort to stabbing people because you're too weak to throw hands, don't act tough. People like you are the weakest by far. Also sure that if you try that at the con, you will be arrested and excommunicated from everything related to the nerd community. Nobody is playing that dumb shit with you.
No. 659572
File: 1533745997590.jpg (1.76 MB, 2560x1920, 18-08-08-12-26-07-505_deco.jpg)

Micky's IG stories are always so dumb and cringe inducing.
No. 659585
File: 1533746510775.jpg (1.61 MB, 2560x2560, 18-08-08-12-29-47-935_deco.jpg)

>>659572She's apparently going to see Rico Nasty tonight. Can't wait for more embarrassing "dance" videos.
No. 659590
File: 1533746700549.jpg (66.99 KB, 1080x2094, 37972844_242052439964979_61852…)

>>659585Mciky knows damn well she's gonna hide in her room like a bitch.
No. 659898
File: 1533766438287.jpg (194.97 KB, 1080x1034, Screenshot_20180808-180928_Twi…)

Yet, no car, haven't moved out yout "abusive" parents household, still overweight, and still as shitty as ever. There's no point in showing off concerts you've been to when the rest of your life is looking pitiful.
No. 659975
>>659352I’ve noticed a while back that she tends to copy Cola a lot. And I mean not a bit here and there, but to the point it’s like embarrassing. A lot of shit I see in her pics (phone cases, garters, thigh highs, etc) is the same shit Cola has.
Not to mention the whole “I’m a sex vixen and proud” and the sudden resurgence of sex work shes posting about is directly attributed to her kissing imitating Cola. It’s sad she wants to preach originality without having a ounce of it whatsoever.
No. 660018
File: 1533775644197.jpg (586.86 KB, 1079x1062, Screenshot_20180808-204620_Ins…)

jesus christ
No. 660020
File: 1533775734170.jpg (559.01 KB, 1076x1063, Screenshot_20180808-204640_Ins…)

No. 660021
File: 1533775796954.jpg (572.03 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20180808-204655_Ins…)

No. 660029
>>660018>>660020>>660021Where are these from?
She looks so tall, I mean just look at her compared to the doorway. Like at least 5'8. It's crazy how she can be that huge while being so tall, normally the weight will even out the taller you are… buts it's all stuck in her shoulders/bust/stomach area… I feel so bad for her
I do have to say she looks significantly better with that hair than her ratty pink braids
No. 660039
>>660018um how is it possible for someones eyes to be so far apart? people probably have been trying to come up to her but she's just missed them
>>659425>look me in the eyesmicky I'm tryin
No. 660049
File: 1533777555327.jpg (17.65 KB, 200x265, 1446061424681.jpg)

>>660018>>660020>>660021That outfit looks awful. Her face makes her look way older than she really is. How sad. Also, she's definitely not 180, she's pushing 250 by the looks of it. I would be embarrassed to be seen in public with her.
No. 660055
File: 1533777829722.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-08-21-23-12-726_deco.jpg)

This is fucking sad. She needs a reality check real soon.
No. 660103
>>660021Micky really playing herself showing up to people like Rico Nasty lookin' like an overcooked plastic toy from a 2003 Happy Meal that got fried with the tater tots.
Forreal how many men have slid their debit card between her front teeth, I can't believe she shows up to these gigs with people who actually have atleast a HINT of their own style (ngl I fucking
know Micky thirsts to be a slutty Rico Nasty since she was doing the whole trap x anime/vaporwave shit before Micky even got out of her 24/7 kawaii phase)
Lookin' like a UNIT preaching about fashion yet only real fatty chans have skirts hiked so high the waistband orbits them while the middle fits snug like a ill fitting weeb condom. Edges still confirmed trash mrs male pattern baldness
No. 660120
File: 1533781399590.jpg (25.63 KB, 400x400, PO-xIa0T_400x400.jpg)

>>660103> lookin' like an overcooked plastic toy from a 2003 Happy Meal that got fried with the tater totsbless you, anon
No. 660171
File: 1533783626566.gif (1.78 MB, 300x168, giphy-9.gif)

>>660103This is a five star roast, anon. Holy shit. Lol
No. 660207
File: 1533785750079.jpg (156.59 KB, 1080x2094, 38472967_2057135477651872_8647…)

Someone needs to teach her how to dress because she looks so sloppy. Ew.
No. 660214
File: 1533786220422.jpeg (163.82 KB, 720x960, 6944A358-22E8-4078-B42A-EF5E42…)

She really went out in public looking like this
No. 660252
>>660217Anon, do you
see Micky? Rico could change her shoes and remove her durag and she would look fine. Micky needs to change her whole outfit.
No. 660266
>>659496And also, from someone that did grow up in the hood? If people catch wind that you stabbed someone during a scrap that YOU ASKED FOR, you can bet your happy ass will be getting jumped at every opportunity, and it'll be worse than a quick ass beating. She'll fuck around and stab someone in an area that does serious damage, and then she'll have some bitch's entire family trying to fight her.
Micky, just because you're a punkass black weeb doesn't mean everyone else is. There are some hood weebs that will gladly throw hands.
No. 660505
File: 1533824402916.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, 406BCB27-0B87-47C5-B816-7F7F7E…)

>>660029Anon 5’8 is tall but it’s on the lower end of what’s considered tall for a woman, especially if you’re American. Micky is at least 5’10 240 pounds. I’ve seen her irl before. I’m semi-tall at 5’7 and she was wayyyy taller than I am. She’s also huge. Weight doesn’t “even itself out” if she eats the way she does.
No. 660709
File: 1533842517137.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-09-15-19-04-573_deco.jpg)

This is so sad…. Alexa play stupid hoe
No. 661073
File: 1533877329001.jpg (562.13 KB, 1080x1622, Screenshot_20180810-005549_Sam…)

She really needs to stop forcing her collarbones to show. Micky, we can plainly see you're not small enough for that to be happening. Also, tone down the editing, you look stupid.
No. 661078
File: 1533877679253.jpg (362.75 KB, 1074x1059, Screenshot_20180810-005748_Sam…)

For some who claims to hate abuse and sexual assault, she shares some very questionable shit.
No. 661081
File: 1533877950790.jpg (55.73 KB, 1080x2094, 38080755_2147439322188193_5898…)

Micky, you are no where near ghetto. You live in the suburbs and act like white trash. You'd likely get jumped often if you lived in the ghetto. Also, you music choices are completely trash and aren't remotely close to being "kawaii" style. Same for your cakey, "baddie" makeup.
No. 661092
this picture needs to be the top picture
for next thread
No. 661199
File: 1533896479183.gif (571.13 KB, 476x570, anigif.gif)

No. 661329
File: 1533914127484.jpg (314.69 KB, 1025x1222, SmartSelect_20180810-111459_Tw…)

More like nobody wants love from actual literal garbage
No. 661334
File: 1533914484859.jpg (409.27 KB, 1063x1433, SmartSelect_20180810-111935_Tw…)

How tf does this make sense? Shes giving this advice to a girl, not a gay man reminder.
Please if you're straight, dont go to gay clubs to harass the attractive people. They're here for dick not you
No. 661367
File: 1533917370415.png (442.17 KB, 1080x1397, 20180810_113647.png)

Why does she lie so much?
On top of being a racist weeb and overweight nigger, she also talk so much shit with nothing to back it up.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 661456
>>661329Did she forget that she's been caught cheating on her previous boyfriends? Also, she only ever begs them for shit and then play mind games with them while fucking someone on the side and then saying they were terrible when they break up. So she has absolutely no reason to say anyone else is garbage nor that she has love to give.
>>661334Yeah that shit was gross. The OP was pretty gross too, but that's another story.
>>661407Yet, she would deny it if anyone confronted her about it.
No. 661584
File: 1533932961761.jpg (837.91 KB, 1080x1619, Screenshot_20180810-140409_Sam…)

Here she goes again with these bullshit excuses. She probably only made the post because she was reading the thread.
No. 661617
File: 1533934331308.jpg (294.24 KB, 809x1484, Screenshot_20180810-164840_Sam…)

Yikes Micky. That's not something to be proud of at all. Funnily enough, the person who made the original post is cuter than Micky and her salty friends.
No. 662012
File: 1533968434700.jpg (671.6 KB, 1080x1585, Screenshot_20180811-013346_Sam…)

That dorito chin and upper lip ain't cute.
No. 662027
File: 1533969735044.jpg (423.34 KB, 1077x1429, Screenshot_20180810-163011_Twi…)

And yet she doesn't understand why people only want sex or only view her sexually.
No. 662133
File: 1533996728450.jpg (809.82 KB, 1920x2560, 18-08-11-10-11-02-855_deco.jpg)

How salty do you guys think she is about this? Lmfao
>>662027I think at this point, no matter what she says, its truely what she wants. Especially now that's shes selling nudes again
No. 662191
File: 1534005096405.jpg (588.79 KB, 1080x1686, Screenshot_20180811-122646_Sam…)

God forbid anyone do a cosplay maternity shoot. Ugh, Micky is so annoying.
No. 662192
File: 1534005181773.jpg (215.1 KB, 1080x1385, Screenshot_20180811-121615_Sam…)

>>662191She and her friends are also accusing the Starfire of blackface, but she clearly seems to be mixed with black and tanned sans the belly.
No. 662193
File: 1534005286624.jpg (183.45 KB, 1078x1041, Screenshot_20180811-123357_Sam…)

Honest to god, this girl is extremely pitiful.
No. 662265
>>662191>>662215agreed that's definitely makeup. she should have used orange body paint.
also who does Micky think she is trying to kinkshame someone when she thinks wearing a pacifier in public should be socially acceptable?
No. 662408
File: 1534026705103.jpg (58.82 KB, 1080x2094, 38036669_303662877070626_58875…)

She's still trying to push this "I was in a psych ward" bullshit? Micky, we know lied about it. Cut this gross shit out already.
No. 662838
File: 1534090514364.jpg (113.34 KB, 1073x634, Screenshot_20180812-121121_Sam…)

Micky, that's not "two different energies". Sex is a social interaction and would still be an issue for someone who genuinely has social anxiety. Not like you would know any of that though. You're just faking your shit for e-fame.
No. 662857
>>662838OH MY GOD
she's stupid as hell
No. 662946
File: 1534098565595.jpg (654.61 KB, 781x4869, Screenshot_20180812-003336_Sam…)

Jesus christ.
No. 663124
>>663095Seconding this. You
need to have screenshots on hand when saying things like that.
No. 663391
File: 1534135614747.jpg (83.48 KB, 1080x391, Screenshot_20180813-003943_Sam…)

Micky, nobody has done that to you, but you have certainly done that to others. You deserve whatever punishment the universe gives you.
No. 663392
File: 1534135683251.jpg (592.94 KB, 1076x1783, Screenshot_20180813-004332_Sam…)

>>663391She deserves this.
No. 663450
File: 1534144115322.jpg (331.6 KB, 1053x1204, SmartSelect_20180813-022400_Tw…)

No. 663452
File: 1534145038131.jpg (141.97 KB, 1063x758, SmartSelect_20180813-032254_Ch…)

LOL. again she deserves this and more. You guys think shes been reading here lately or what's got her so down?
No. 663482
File: 1534148914477.jpg (74.68 KB, 1080x437, Screenshot_20180813-042100_Sam…)

Micky there's a pic of you sucking a broke dude's dick with crusty nails while in your pigsty. You don't have room to talk down to anybody.
No. 663642
File: 1534178918028.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1920x2560, 18-08-13-12-46-16-411_deco.jpg)

>>663541>>663567Had to make this edit after reading that.
No. 663919
File: 1534202878635.jpg (843.86 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180813-192617_Twi…)

Her arm looks so weird? Is it the shoop or her wide ass shoulders? Also that belly bloat is starting to make her look pregnant
No. 663920
File: 1534202944247.jpg (797.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180813-192612_Twi…)

No. 663978
File: 1534208635330.jpg (123.79 KB, 1080x2094, 38206219_700135113667364_38670…)

Imagine getting a shitty party favor as a gift. Lol
No. 664161
File: 1534232440999.jpg (224.71 KB, 1069x801, Screenshot_20180814-022247_Sam…)

This sounds exactly like Micky and her friends.
No. 664162
File: 1534232555134.jpg (579.09 KB, 1080x1765, Screenshot_20180814-022206_Sam…)

I would hate to get this from an art trade.
No. 664259
File: 1534244716375.jpg (394.53 KB, 809x1192, Screenshot_20180814-070245_Sam…)

She goes on and on about people being insecure but seems to forget that she's hiding her actual appearance behind layers and layers of photo editing and shitty makeup. She's not in any position to call people insecure with all that going on.
No. 664339
File: 1534259809730.jpg (722.6 KB, 1080x1981, Screenshot_20180814-111454_Sam…)

That shit looks dirty. She really should have cleaned it if she wanted to show it off.
No. 664396
File: 1534266632783.jpg (421.71 KB, 1080x1259, Screenshot_20180813-210554_Sam…)

Her being overdramatic about the catfish.
No. 664399
>>664259>stalkingPeople looking at her very public social media accounts is not stalking
>I wanna be kidnapped by an incel uwuDon't forget that she doesn't want men to treat her like a sexual object
No. 664714
File: 1534294574950.jpeg (85.76 KB, 720x960, D7043643-A45D-4D61-8D74-793E15…)

>When you get mad someone's using your pics to catfish
>When you edit your face into a different person completely
No. 664837
File: 1534303259944.jpeg (468.83 KB, 1242x672, 52DD1445-42F3-4087-A269-FD2931…)

Here's the secret Micky: people want to actually buy stuff from you.
No. 664901
File: 1534308751327.jpeg (148.64 KB, 1242x1086, 368489A9-365B-4038-A0D7-17DFDE…)

She whines about the people who shit in her but you know she loves having threads here. She really shouldn't be advertising it though, seeing as it exposes her for the nasty person she is.
No. 664926
File: 1534311888363.jpg (645.84 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180815-014242_Ins…)

No. 664927
File: 1534311977865.jpg (299.18 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180815-014254_Ins…)

No. 665296
File: 1534352888700.jpg (218.62 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_20180815-123717_Sam…)

How edgy. She is trying way to hard to push herself a ~spoopy goff grrl~. She needs to cool. We all know she's just some dumb weeb with zero personality.
No. 665297
File: 1534353088678.jpg (213.77 KB, 1080x1010, Screenshot_20180815-130852_Sam…)

>her ex doesn't believe in white privilege and tumbrina sjw bullshit
>"my ex is borderline neo-nazi!"
No Micky, he's just not dumb enough to be swayed by bullshit like you.
No. 665620
File: 1534374064279.jpg (129.43 KB, 1073x553, Screenshot_20180815-185930_Sam…)

Not only is she grossly sexist for this, she once again shows how she lacks self-awareness. Since she does exactly what she claims men do.
No. 667657
>>666155That's one thing I can't fault her for. My cousin has eyes unnaturally far apart because of some birth defect, and a flattened nose because of it.
Her being a trashy, shit-talking little bitch, on the other hand…
No. 668059
>>668024…pony decorations? all i can picture in my head is tacky, themed dollar store plates and napkins.
>>668048that's it! could never remember what my cuz's condition was called. thanks, anon.
No. 668429
File: 1534713451306.jpg (69.7 KB, 1075x345, Screenshot_20180819-171228_Sam…)

She wouldn't have to do that if she would buddy be faithful when in a relationship.
>>668243Exactly. Everyone likely flaked on her.
No. 668847
File: 1534778813836.jpg (72.33 KB, 1079x343, Screenshot_20180820-100500_Sam…)

She needs to practice what she preaches
>>668828Who knows wtf she means by any of that.
No. 668867
File: 1534781574180.jpeg (859.17 KB, 1242x1980, E9BD50ED-9104-46B1-873F-657E42…)

No. 668892
File: 1534783553849.png (25.42 KB, 816x175, Untitled.png)

>>668868Guess she's mad.
>they act like they want me to post a close up pic of my wrists and if I don't I'm a liarBut you could post a video recording of one of your therapy sessions? But you can post pictures of your (outdated) medications? People think you're a liar because none of your stories make any fucking sense.
No. 668898
>>668892she was just telling people to get over their mental illness earlier (
>>655723 ). but people can't do the same to her?
>People think you're a liar because none of your stories make any fucking sense.exactly. nobody cares about whether or not she has self harm scars uwu. people call her out on her bullshit because her psych ward story has obvious flaws and inconsistencies.
No. 668951
>>668868The is she going on about? She went to the con following her "release" and her wrist didn't show any scars. Which is weird since she claimed to have cut herself deeply. That would be very visible despite healing. Also she talked about giving her meds to some random dude while there, which you can NOT do. She also still had her piercings in and iirc she was wearing a lacfront, neither of those things are allowed in the ward. Not to mention she hasn't been going to an assigned psychiatrist and therapist either. Plus, they would be reluctant to release her if she mentioned her parents are abusive because they want the patients to be safe after their release. She can fool her stupid friends, but she can't fool us. I know for sure she's lying about going and it's disgusting to see her act like she's actually been.
Micky there are people who have actually been to psych wards and actually attempted suicide and they don't fucking appreciate you lying for the sake of clout. It's fucking gross. Grow up.
No. 668986
>>662191Micky, shut your ugly ass up. You're into weirder shit than impregnation and it's a maternity cosplay shoot? There's been more unsettling shit on the Internet like your tits for example.
And then Micky's going off about how she's "wearing black face," Micky lies about her own race every posts she makes about it.
No. 668994
>>664339As a person who also smokes, you're not gonna wanna clean it EVERY fucking time you use it, especially if she's gonna use it again that same day.
That's like going to get your car cleaned after doing donuts in the mud, go to a car wash and do donuts in the mud again.
No. 669053
File: 1534798245803.jpg (81.25 KB, 1080x2094, 38768811_311553989594101_74209…)

100% traced
No. 669128
File: 1534805814198.jpg (523.69 KB, 1057x1273, 20180820_185622.jpg)

>>669053Lmfao she just straight traced the eyes from the monster girl doll maker that's going around on Twitter No. 670037
File: 1534900333078.jpg (75.06 KB, 1077x438, Screenshot_20180821-210806_Sam…)

No. 670605
File: 1534973143619.jpg (605.17 KB, 1080x1548, Screenshot_20180822-083305_Sam…)

Did Micky forget about the rat's nest on her head and her several shitty wigs? Also her real hair looks like hay.
No. 671141
File: 1535029859034.jpeg (44.58 KB, 868x488, 28BB51BD-F7B0-4E74-857F-5DD00E…)

She has the audacity to straight up accuse her ex (and multiple others) of pedophilia and yet
No. 671227
File: 1535033776921.jpg (94.11 KB, 1075x530, Screenshot_20180823-075440_Sam…)

Idk why she keeps thinking anyone wants to hear about her digusting ass kinks.
No. 671266
File: 1535036954038.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 2560x1920, 18-08-23-11-07-15-881_deco.jpg)

Micky just posted these on her Twitter. She's trying really hard to make it look like she has a small waist and hourglass shape. She also seems to be sucking her stomach in a bit.
No. 672070
File: 1535112894116.jpg (522.08 KB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20180823-223022_Sam…)

Great, more shitty cosplay.
No. 672566
File: 1535152725954.jpg (668.16 KB, 1077x1562, Screenshot_20180824-133601_Sam…)

No. 672675
File: 1535163430322.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1724, 476BD9DE-9988-466F-9305-9EFE24…)

Copying ghoulkiss again. Even when she traces she still sucks. Chris chan could fill in lines better than this.
No. 672680
File: 1535163606403.png (199.5 KB, 276x526, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 10.1…)

I can't. That hand. That fucking hand!
No. 672684
File: 1535163733918.png (327.99 KB, 615x402, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 10.2…)

sorry for the double post, I was too blinded by the hand to notice the boobs. I'd never thought I'd say it but, Luna's art is better.
No. 672779
File: 1535179498149.jpg (694.26 KB, 1080x1668, Screenshot_20180825-021735_Sam…)

She really needs to practice drawing more before cranking out these shitty traced pieces.
No. 673429
File: 1535248999679.jpg (77.33 KB, 1080x2094, 39079975_821575838231697_83128…)

Something seems fishy about this.
No. 673468
File: 1535258235232.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x1760, 19DAD4DA-0456-4D28-AD7B-0630E6…)

>why don't the meanies on lolcow believe I have a mental illness!!!! I don't understand how can you NOT believe I'm sick!!!!!!
>posts videos filling her mouth with pills, dribbling them out and drooling
No. 673472
File: 1535258482809.gif (2.45 MB, 470x508, tumblr_pe1u52Jax81tzbme4_500.g…)

>>673468>>673469's the gif. She's definitely not suffering from any mental illness. Anyone truly dealing with it wouldn't let their medicine expire and they
definitely wouldn't use it for shitty gifs of them spitting up.
No. 673641
File: 1535292014129.jpg (233.31 KB, 810x1814, Screenshot_20180826-095239_Sam…)

>>673468The comments are no better. It's gross they encourage this kind of bullshit. Then again, I guess that's to be expected of people who use mental illnesses as a fashion accessory or kawaii personality trait and not a serious medical condition.
No. 673787
>>673744 the fact she considers this "aesthetic" is and fully admitted to doing it for clout is fucking disgusting but
this is micky we are talking about so it's not surprising
No. 673805
File: 1535311929177.jpg (308.29 KB, 1076x1145, Screenshot_20180825-031851_Twi…)

>>673787True. It's a shame the people she calls friends haven't called her out for this shit either. Nor had anyone in the menhera community, but that's also not so surprising.
No. 673907
File: 1535318554965.jpg (215.43 KB, 1067x1102, Screenshot_20180826-172048_Twi…)

Nothing about Micky is remotely close to Daria or Jane. She's delusional for thinking so.
>>673868Hilarious. Lol
No. 673918
File: 1535318969405.png (26.88 KB, 519x367, welcome to tumblr.PNG)

hey blogger here who asked micky "what the fuck" that found out she is a cow here on /snow/ later on
heres the response i got. i'm laughing
No. 673923
File: 1535319211530.jpg (299.04 KB, 1080x1124, Screenshot_20180826-172559_Sam…), we're not dumb. We know you don't live in absuive household and only say so because you want clout and asspats. People living in truly abusive households try their absolute best to get out however they can. Which is not the case for you.
>>673918Honestly, I find it beyond disgusting that she's ok with doing something like that and thinks it's cute. I'm 100% sure this girl isn't remotely mentally ill and honestly just trying to gain followers.
No. 673926
File: 1535319427583.jpg (131.4 KB, 1074x800, Screenshot_20180826-172644_Sam…)'s really sticking to the "they were leaked" lie. Everyone knows she was purposely posting them to 4chan. Lol
No. 674126
File: 1535339544720.jpg (509.07 KB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20180826-230959_Sam…) seems to be forgetting that ficitonal work is not on the same level as someone doing it irl for "aesthetic and clout". Anyone doing what she does because she thinks it's "cool" and "aesthetic" is fucking gross and doesn't seem to understand how dumb that shit really is. Though, I'm not surprised Micky's being an insensitive cunt, that's normal for her.
No. 674132
File: 1535339828048.jpg (152.69 KB, 1072x755, Screenshot_20180826-231522_Sam…)
>I have hoes on callMicky, you've been talking about nothing but dick for awhile now. You don't like girls.
No. 674203
File: 1535348890244.jpg (492.39 KB, 1080x1778, Screenshot_20180827-014618_Sam…)
>Usually like three times a week but I wash myself in the sink every single day Bitch what? You're too fucking big and trifling to be doing that shit.
No. 674233
File: 1535353892702.jpg (44.22 KB, 1080x2094, 39345027_1919505361402895_6773…)

Isn't that what her and her friends do all the time though?
No. 674605
File: 1535407547738.jpeg (138.61 KB, 640x793, 10568FB8-97F2-48C4-BEE5-5C0AC7…)

So it’s come out that Micky actually has been provoking Amina behind the scenes. She was banned on Facebook and posted on twitter about it. Micky didn’t want people to see she wished death on Amina or made fun of a dead baby so she’s mass reporting. Wonder if she’s done it to kassandra either.
No. 674649
File: 1535412663757.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, 9E1CDF63-A456-44E0-848D-9F0951…)

Her body is horrible even after the photoshop
No. 674666
>>674605She has resorted to getting Kassandra post blocked twice because she retaliated to Micky’s slander. The first time she was post blocked was due to Micky blocking Kassandra on Messenger when confronted about her doxxing her whole name on Twitter with the accusation that she created all combined threads on here. Kassandra posted her response and when Micky got aired out for giving head at Fairland Mall, she reported the post and got Kassandra post blocked for a whole month.
The second time Kassandra got post blocked it was because of the mass posts she had been posting flaming the fuck out of Micky for coming for her hairline all due to Kassandra contacting her mother about Micky’s toxic behavior. Again, she got post blocked for a month due to one of her posts airing Micky out to her “friends” in a public posts idk which one but Micky has a vicious cycle of mass reporting anyone telling the truth.
No. 674670
File: 1535415619838.jpg (691.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180827-201700_Twi…)

Holy shit
No. 674675
File: 1535415751012.jpg (646.81 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180827-201852_Twi…)

>>674670People who know what's up about micky lol
No. 674697
File: 1535419197276.jpg (328.83 KB, 1074x1462, Screenshot_20180827-211633_Sam…)

She says this but she's notorious for lying to people about her age and willingly posting CP to 4chan for no other reason than popularity. Plus, she is openly into lolicon and barely legal porn. She needs to sit the fuck down with this shit.
No. 674726
>>674717Amina should have Micky blocked. How can Micky report her photos if she can't see them?
This is the same girl who said she had a 'lawsuit' ready against Micky and Angela, come on.
No. 674729
>>674728If you have someone blocked on Twitter , you can still tag them. They just can't see the post.
>>674726She likely does, but it's also likely that Micky has an alternative account she uses to check on people she hates. And if it's not her, then it's likely her friends are the ones doing the reporting for her.
No. 674731
File: 1535422436160.jpg (252.15 KB, 1079x915, Screenshot_20180827-212902_Twi…)

I doubt Micky said this. She's not that clever or talkative.
No. 674734
>>674711>>674714Lmao you’re delusional to think Micky hasn’t bullied Amina. Amina’s no saint, but Micky’s a demon spawn in every meaning of the word.
Micky has no life what so ever and just openly admitting to showering only three times a week. She has the time
No. 674740
>>674736Pretty sure it's Micky. The whole post exposes everything she's said and done . Not to mention what others posted about her in the comments. Though, if it ain't her, it's her friends. Since she tends to send others after people she hates.
>>674733It's like clockwork. They always show up. You'd think after nine threads they'd stop.
>>674734This. Micky has a big grudge against Amina. She'd take the time to do shit like that. The only other person who's that level of obsessive is Angela. And she's been pretty quiet lately.
No. 674741
>>674733>>674734>>674740Nobody is saying Micky hasn't been a bitch to Amina. It's just odd timing that this has happened now so long after the post.
Amina made that call-out post and the black weeb community cared for all of two minutes and then went back to being mutuals with Micky. Nobody actually cares about these two and their petty years long drama. Amina calls it 'bullying' but she doesn't help herself by replying to Micky instead of just blocking her and all the people who call themselves friends but still talk to Micky.
No. 674742
>>674736You’re giving Micky way too much trust to think she wouldn’t suddenly report Amina’s content all of the sudden. True, it might not particularly be Micky for some of it this time, but I thought it was recorded History that Micky has this behavior, but go awf I guess.
I just wouldn’t give Micky any credit for any reason at all.
No. 674756
>>674741>Amina made that call-out post and the black weeb community cared for all of two minutes and then went back to being mutuals with Micky. Nobody actually cares about these two and their petty years long drama.A good majority of the local community actual hates Micky and do talk shit about her. Especially when she attends local cons. Most people want her gone.
>instead of just blocking her and all the people who call themselves friends but still talk to Micky.She has though. You seem to be forgetting that Micky can easily use an alt account to spy on her or just check here. Not to mention some people are only friends with Micky and not Amina. So it's not hard to send someone over to report things.
>>674742At this point I'm guessing it's one of hher friends WKing or some shit. This always happens.
No. 674762
>>674757Agreed. This definitely has to be either Micky’s friends WK’ing while still silently disliking her to a point that they’re on this thread and admitting she’s not a good person, or they’re very remedial in their perspectives of friendship.
Tough cookies for these sad attempts of sticking up for Micky with 5% effort to think she’s not vile, calculating, evil and a manipulative backstabber with a shitty waitress job making less than $3 dollars an hour, constantly spams on Tumblr with pedophilic posts and a self harm atheistic, has time to run four different types of social media and openly admits to sink baths. She literally has the time of day to be this unpredictable while those she has jealousy for is not aware of her plots to take them down over social media because in real life Micky’s a big, stinky loser with no friends and no money.
No. 674765
File: 1535424996450.png (12.94 KB, 622x77, 0012243439703.PNG)

As much as I hate Micky, Amina's call out post was bullshit. She said Angela and Micky are the ones that exposed her sex work but only posted screenshots of Angela and Micky doing their usual shit talking and then contradicted herself by saying the info could only have been leaked by another sex worker.
All the screenshots seem like they were taken from Micky and Angela's lolcow threads (not surprised Amina lurks here tbh). The anon hate could've been from anyone who found out about her sex work, it was leaked on PULL, 8ch and here and seeing as she had people dox her parents and send them her gravure video I don't think we can say Micky is the only one who would ever do something like this.
Micky is a vile hambeast bully but that doesn't mean we have to lick Amina's ass and pretend she can do no wrong kek
No. 674772
>>674765Pretty that was because
Angela posted them first because she was talking about on her secret page and because Micky is friends with her, Micky followed up with the spam. This was when they keep making threads about Amina. Also Angela knows where Amina lives. All that said, the post was about Micky and Angela, who have the biggest grudge against her. Let's not suddenly pretend they don't really have it out for her, because they do.
No. 674774
File: 1535425770217.jpg (344.37 KB, 1080x1600, Screenshot_20180827-224202_Sam…)

She posted that video of her "dancing" on her Instagram. She really thinks she killed it. In reality she looked like Chris Chan.
No. 674803
File: 1535428672179.jpg (227.86 KB, 1080x906, Screenshot_20180827-235609_Twi…)

This was an embarrassing read.
No. 674902
File: 1535449429293.jpeg (49.93 KB, 626x416, 01C72BAD-5C2B-4487-922E-8C6BF7…)

Micky is so fucking late and retarded. She also said she needed Wikipedia to understand it. I’m convinced she’s actually retarded.
No. 674986
>>674973I'm honestly just sick of seeing her get mentioned, /snow/ threads just get trashed whenever we don't mindlessly kiss her ass (and it's always
just /snow/ too, people on other boards have noticed it). She's milky, but we're not even allowed to talk about her, so what's the point? She should go make a fan club for herself on Tumblr or something, because this isn't the place.
No. 675020
File: 1535468878212.jpg (230.75 KB, 1075x973, Screenshot_20180828-110530_Twi…)

Micky's views on LGB relationships are extremely romanticized. The relationships are no different than straight ones. Thinking it's constantly perfect with nothing but rainbows and butterflies is stupid to say the least.
No. 675041
>>675020Shes obviously just retweeting/reposting any LGB meme she possibly can no matter how nonsensical or sound it is to the actual demographic mentioned.
Most L, G & B's I know find this shit as autistic and weird as it comes not to mention makes us seem just conceited as a whole.
No. 675146
File: 1535487109972.jpeg (32.44 KB, 640x293, BE5DA9A5-C342-4E15-96EE-64D454…)

Micky reblogged this… what the fuck. This is sick. “Child”??
No. 675249
>>675155In a year or so, I can see her defending “pedosexuality” at some point. Micky is the literal definition of retarded. Her lack of common sense and ability to muster idiocracy never ceases to amaze me.
She’s definitely a sex offender in the making with her obtuse amount of on-the-verge of CP shitposts and her fetishism for a childhood. She’s going to have a breaking point between fetish and abuse. She’s gonna meet the wrong kind of person into that shit and she’s going to be into it because she really IS retarded with lack of judgement.
At one point she dated older men while under aged on purpose and had a defensive argument for it at that time.
She might argue that it was Stockholm syndrome because she felt she was abused, but she never was being abused by older men. No matter how much she lies about pedophilia and how she wasn’t complacent in it. I can definitely see her defending pedophiles sooner or later because she encouraged it and her mother encourages pedophiles fucking her
then teenage daughter under her roof.
She’s doomed to her own devices.
No. 675286
File: 1535501695469.jpg (122.44 KB, 1080x2094, 40018387_2150311241916348_1597…)

>there was a lot of drama
Yeah because you were the one causing it, dumbass.
No. 675288
File: 1535501762032.jpg (141.24 KB, 1080x2094, 39902736_273859513221159_24958…)

She hasn't improved her sense of style since though. She basically still dress that tacky.
No. 675377
File: 1535513855095.jpg (572.58 KB, 1080x1284, Screenshot_20180828-233529_Sam…)

She's got photoshop doing overtime. Lol
No. 675505
>>675296She's from my country, and she literally makes lolcow threads into youtube videos.
For some reason she seems desperate to get Micky's attention or something.
I'll just leave it there, I really don't want to give her more exposure or keep delairing the thread.
>>675294Lmao you are the true artist here, anon
No. 675752
>>675505sage for ot
holy shit, i looked her up and i can't believe this human embarassment is from my country. the greasiest, cheapest-looking weebs always seem to be from over here.
lmao @ her if she shits on micky bc she emulates the exact same womanchild kawaii aesthetic and pulls it off as badly as micky does.
No. 675839
File: 1535576740322.jpg (265.37 KB, 1079x1578, Screenshot_20180827-231349_Sam…)

Looks like Micky is trying to go the Mariah route after that Doja Cat song came out. Typical.
No. 675923
File: 1535581334410.jpg (411.58 KB, 1076x1013, Screenshot_20180829-181454_Sam…)

>>674132>>674134So the girl she was talking about was Emi. They barely interact irl, and we're suppose to believe she's in an intimate relationship with her? Lol Who is she kidding?
No. 676944
File: 1535692819568.jpg (602.06 KB, 1069x1654, SmartSelect_20180831-012002_Tw…)

Wtf does this even mean?
No. 676958
File: 1535693868753.jpg (221.21 KB, 1016x909, SmartSelect_20180831-013708_Tw…)

As if she would ever attempt suicide for anything but attention and notes
No. 677003
File: 1535701399888.jpg (635.26 KB, 1076x1682, Screenshot_20180831-033925_Sam…)

>thinking truscum would go out their way to praise fakebois and treat actual mtf like shit
Micky is too fucking stupid for her own good. Same for whomever made the comic. Ofc this is to be expected. Since all Micky ever does is parrot tumblrinas with no real research done.
No. 677005
File: 1535701639418.jpg (112.92 KB, 1080x665, Screenshot_20180831-034525_Twi…)

Micky still pretending to be bi.
No. 677169
File: 1535730884557.jpg (698.81 KB, 1068x1553, SmartSelect_20180831-115219_Fa…)

Well we all knew you dont drink water anyways
No. 677170
File: 1535730939240.jpg (201.21 KB, 1053x938, SmartSelect_20180829-215253_Fa…)

Why do I get the sick feeling that this is something that actually happened to her?
No. 677176
File: 1535731141142.jpg (992.17 KB, 1058x1973, SmartSelect_20180831-115758_Fa…)

>>664714She posted a diff pic from this night on her facebook but somehow still managed to make her face look completely different in both
No. 677202
File: 1535736870571.jpg (196.92 KB, 1079x698, Screenshot_20180831-132937_Sam…)
>everyone's just projecting!>evidence of her bullshit spans 9 threads and several witnesses from her local communityMicky really thinks we're all dumb and need to make shit up. There's no reason to do so. We're aware of what the truth is.
No. 677205
File: 1535737451742.jpg (614.94 KB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_20180831-133803_Twi…)

It's a shame she thinks that's something to be proud of.
No. 677269
File: 1535742634096.jpg (301.11 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180831-130157_Twi…)

Nice job showing how disgusting and desperate you are… it's even a bit hypocritical in it's own way. If she actually said this to someone I bet they laughed their asses off at her with their friends
No. 677310
File: 1535745310655.jpg (483.17 KB, 1080x1043, Screenshot_20180831-155324_Twi…)

>>677282>>677306Honestly, the fact that she retweeted it, probably thinks it's hilarious, is sad. It like she prefers to be viewed this way instead of growing and truly being a better person.
No. 677320
File: 1535745692323.jpg (65.98 KB, 1080x2094, 39998239_456647388163712_60859…)

Micky we've seen you dance and it's certainly not anywhere close to being let a typical hoodrat.
No. 677500
File: 1535759903805.jpg (436.36 KB, 1080x1277, 20180831_195451.jpg)

Look at this bullshit. Lol
No. 677501
File: 1535759966542.jpg (23.02 KB, 453x805, 40542979_1546360622177435_1589…)

>>677500Shaped like a fridge and her room looks horrible as always.
No. 677508
File: 1535760896801.jpg (27.38 KB, 540x960, 40505626_1546360568844107_4926…)

>>677501New day, new face.
No. 677510
File: 1535760968305.jpg (127.18 KB, 1080x791, Screenshot_20180831-195527_Sam…)

>>677501Comments like these are why she doesn't improve after all this time.
No. 677634
>>677501WTF this nearly warrants a spoiler… so disgusting I cant even eat. You can almost see the cottage cheese legs through her tights!
>>677619The sad part is that this is after she tried to give herself a better body. I mean look at her face. She clearly shopped. Look how tiny her nose looks
No. 677644
File: 1535773144104.jpg (617.14 KB, 1915x2554, IMG_3197.JPG)

>>677501They're both respectfully awful shoops but then she forces them in the same post and you see how overedited it
really isThe full body photo is harder to edit since theres less space and she clearly struggled but stayed persistent which ends up making her head look tiny on a fridge body like a reverse russian barbie shoop (no waist, all head) compared to her selfie that can look filtered but not aggressively shooped to the average eye shows theres already some discrepancies between faces, (even more adding in her real looks)
One has more of an upturned nose, the distance between her eyes fluctuating, onw lowerlip is bigger than the other, selfie pic has literally curved fingers and you could continue!
How micky manages to sling so much shit online and stay moralfaggy is beyond me
No. 677710
>>677501why on earth would she decide to wear pants for once with
that top… It would have at least been a better outfit with a skirt or shorts… even though she ruins any outfit with her grotesque fridge body anyways
No. 677715
File: 1535784512462.jpg (494.46 KB, 1080x2155, Screenshot_20180901-024428_Chr…)

>>677508Seriously, what the fuck. We all know shes lazy, but I thought that she would at least put more effort into the only thing she ever does. Sit in her room all day take/edit pictures to post for asspats and likes on her hugbox. She literally put her watermark RIGHT on her hand that she fucked up with ps. Does she think no one will notice?
No. 677822
File: 1535808971686.jpg (65.68 KB, 1080x413, Screenshot_20180901-093158_Sam…) it really that hard to set an alarm on your own phone? Do you really need to ask a bunch of strangers on tumblr to do that??
No. 677919
>>677821Yes, the fliter does that, but not bad enough to leave a whole dent missing from your finger or make her eyes closer together and her nose smaller? I can definitely see it causing the general curve of her fingers there, but definitely not take a whole chunk out of her hand. Thats clearly from trying to make her lips bigger. You seriously dont think she facetunes/shoops even when theres so much proof of what her actual face looks like?
>>641907>>642013>>641912I know all we really see are the edited pics she posts herself but dont be fooled, anon
No. 678059
File: 1535840648501.jpg (571.27 KB, 1058x1939, SmartSelect_20180901-170622_Tw…)

You want to, but you won't. We both know that you would look absolutely horrendous in that outfit, no matter how many filters and how much you shoop. Youll still scar people for life and possibly make some people physically sick. No body wants to see a fridge with a bloated tummy and actual cow utters in a tiny little bikini, not even yourself, mucky.
No. 678105
File: 1535843933868.jpg (171.85 KB, 1080x861, Screenshot_20180901-191709_Sam…)
>being a hot girlMicky you are nowhere near hot or remotely attractive. Sorry your little hugbox lied to you.
No. 678372
File: 1535875296888.jpg (Spoiler Image,581.59 KB, 1080x1442, Screenshot_20180902-035018_Twi…)

Bullshit, Micky. Lol
No. 678377
File: 1535875814059.jpg (82.98 KB, 1080x2094, 40169240_568693040212161_16248…)

She honestly deserves that. That shit wasn't cool at all.
No. 678430
File: 1535888554826.png (1.7 MB, 1440x1945, Screenshot_20161130-220726_2.p…)

>>678372I'm dying this is the SAME set she tried to sell on fetlife last year for $100
>>274377 which I believe is also the same set she tried to sell on tumblr before that for $25. These pictures are literally 2 years old at this point, how lazy can you be.
No. 678478
File: 1535896773476.jpeg (110.95 KB, 640x998, 28C1BF0B-7B4D-4798-8605-AAEC0C…)

>>678372If you’re gonna do this shit do it right. Nobody wants to buy grainy photos of a fat pasty cottage cheese infested cow with laundry in the background.
No. 678535
File: 1535900854044.jpg (5.59 KB, 192x191, images.jpg)

>>678528and you just know that it isn't being washed
No. 679500
File: 1535943978760.jpg (284.47 KB, 1080x1203, Screenshot_20180902-230448_Sam…)

>>679498's really gonna regret that mindset when she gets older and finally matures. She's gonna look back on this and be utterly embarrassed by it all.
No. 679503
File: 1535944128538.jpg (190.04 KB, 1079x867, Screenshot_20180902-230705_Sam…)

>>679500 hasn't apologized or anything about a good chunk (basically all) the horrible shit she's said. She really thinks all of her follwers are idiots.
No. 679506
File: 1535944292698.jpg (195.24 KB, 1080x848, Screenshot_20180902-230931_Sam…)

>>679503 is acting like her tumblrina bullshit cancels out everything she said and done before that. Also, is she forgetting that she's bullied and doxxed people as an adult? She also still spouts racist and sexist shit. Nothing about her has improved. She's only gotten worse.
No. 679511
File: 1535944533235.jpg (456.77 KB, 1080x1567, Screenshot_20180902-231336_Sam…)

This shit is hilarious. She's going out of her way to make herself look like a complete embarrassment.
No. 679542
File: 1535947706647.jpg (433.52 KB, 1080x1623, Screenshot_20180902-235032_Sam…)
>You’re a jealous insecure coward ass bitch Micky is projecting real hard. I guess that got under her skin.
No. 679585
File: 1535952165477.jpg (84.77 KB, 1074x409, Screenshot_20180903-012043_Sam…)

This girl is fucking retarded.
No. 679745
File: 1535975359925.jpeg (304.93 KB, 2078x2078, DE2093DE-EB25-4071-A334-C743B7…)

She can’t even be consistent with her fake Tumblr beliefs for even a day.
No. 679854
File: 1535988098341.jpg (474.07 KB, 1077x1483, Screenshot_20180903-111443_Sam…)

you're Sae. Not the people you've harassed over the years. This post makes her claim here
>>679506 look like an obvious lie. She won't own up and take responsibility for any of the heinous shit she's done for as long as she lives. She likes pretending she's a victim way more.
No. 679863
File: 1535989636931.jpg (180.33 KB, 991x624, SmartSelect_20180903-114313_Tw…)

And I just recently found out some people actually wash themselves in the sink and call that good for DAYS. Honestly… dont think I could survive
No. 679866
File: 1535989803223.jpg (160.79 KB, 1070x545, SmartSelect_20180903-114336_Tw…)

Nice example of mickey's creativity and oringality, kek
No. 679890
>>679863I don’t know how she’s been living- unbeknownst to people, possibly- without infections. She openly admits to lack of showers, having her crusty keyboard covered in cum and ramen water, has a moldy massager, can barely escape her dirty trap bedroom, and I’m 100% sure doesn’t do laundry so she’s recycling yeasty shorts that get sucked in by her moldy roast beef lips and sweaty FUPA; and to top it all off, has sex with SoundCloud rappers who look like walking STD’s.
I do not know how she survives with lack of nutrients, vitamins, avoidance of drinking clean water, lack of showers and barely seeing daylight when she’s not trolling here, Tumblr or stalking other girls better than her.
No. 679892
>>679866Kek. She gets so upset about being called out for not being original, shit posts about people copying each other while being the biggest cat fishing poser I’ve ever come across unfortunately- but yet she says this like it’s funky and Kawaii.
Like an anon said on tumblr last night:
You’re cringe and you need to STOP, Mikaila.
No. 680419
File: 1536037145261.jpg (564.08 KB, 1226x2520, 20180904_005831.jpg)

Pretty sure shes just trolling us all at this point
No. 680421
File: 1536037305640.jpg (1.23 MB, 1920x2560, 18-09-04-01-00-54-395_deco.jpg)

>>680419Top kek, someone should reply with this
No. 680788
File: 1536085488105.jpg (511.29 KB, 1080x1614, Screenshot_20180904-140421_Sam…)

Yet she does everything she can to look thin.
No. 680838
>>680419Holy shit who made this? The anatomy is so fucked it looks like a sausage ready to explode from squeezing the middle too hard, the legs are not legs what are those things and that face is on the level of Holly BRown… sorry for the OT but Jesus that’s ugly fucking art
If you wanna look like a monster go for it girl, but she’s not even close to this, she’s her own kind of monster
No. 680878
File: 1536091573398.jpg (661.2 KB, 810x2460, Screenshot_20180904-160050_Sam…) her braids look terrible. If shw got hair that actually matchs her natural color they'd give the illusion of looking nice.
No. 681031
File: 1536103660138.jpg (352.84 KB, 1038x1315, SmartSelect_20180904-192559_Tw…)

Sure, jan
No. 681185
File: 1536117520281.jpg (428.1 KB, 810x1479, Screenshot_20180904-231325_Sam…)

She says this, but has posted nudes to Facebook and Twitter, regardless of how others may feel about it. Not to mention sending random dudes her nudes. She has no room to talk.
No. 681268
File: 1536123760462.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1242x1241, C03B2818-5532-4F8A-903B-F79E82…)

>>681031The horror of knowing these two fuck each other
No. 681274
>>681268whats her name & social?
not cowtipping, just wondering who would hangout with a fridge
No. 681279
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No. 681280
File: 1536125120255.png (585.43 KB, 640x641, Screen Shot .png)

>>681279>>681268"UWU its over for you bitches"
No. 681295
File: 1536126653592.jpg (1006.5 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180905-015036_Fac…)

No. 681306
File: 1536127535100.jpg (1014.08 KB, 809x2009, Screenshot_20180905-020243_Sam…) feel like Emi isn't into Micky at all and barely does anything outside of maybe groping her. Dont forget, she's friend with that Chloe girl that Micky doesn't like, as well as Adam. She likely makes fun of Micky with them.
No. 681320
>>681306How could they ever fuck each other, I mean jesus they look like each others egos personafied. Big & Ugly.
I dont unserstand why Micky doesnt keep her "friends" secret when all her tumblr consists of is skinny or thicc girls yet thats her FWB, like she subsequently just fucks creatures from Fraggle Rock and wants the world to know she loves it while seemingly being unaware of how it comes off/looks to sane people.
No. 681327
File: 1536131225609.png (72.83 KB, 355x543, ScreenShot .png)

this is not 2012 era, it was like 3 years ago
No. 681339
>>681327>mickys home girl: "#2kawaii4theseniggas"
>micky: *reblogs with caption "UwU THIS!" to"if your white dont say the n word"*
>creates a callout post on facebook about white privilege, and mention how she dated a neo nazi
> doesn't call out her homegirl
>"why are yall allowing people to get away with this UxU"
>"black girls are kawaii" UwU this group is positive
>"hope she die"and as always
Micky is just a fake woke
as established many times in her threads
she is very biased to be a activist or be a leader of a community that shares and spread positivity for black girls
No. 681465
File: 1536157869397.jpg (68.09 KB, 1076x395, Screenshot_20180905-102757_Sam…)

Micky isn't even close to being chocolate. So idk why she's saying that. Also, chocolate is a fucking compliment. It's a way of saying someone has rich, smooth skin. Ofc, that bitch doesn't get that though. Same with her friends. They have to take something nice and make it a bullshit problem.
No. 681467
File: 1536158099134.jpg (784.49 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20180905-102508_Sam…)

>people used to bully me for it
Nobody bullied you, Micky. You can't even get thigh highs to go past your knees to get to your thighs.
No. 681468
File: 1536158191515.jpg (90.58 KB, 1080x439, Screenshot_20180905-102622_Sam…)

Yeah, constantly begging people to buy your crusty nudes for fear less than what you initially wanted is so powerful. /sarcasm
No. 681495
File: 1536159726457.jpg (586.73 KB, 1080x1638, Screenshot_20180905-021445_Twi…)

I don't understand her need to buy things she can't fit.
No. 681512
File: 1536162869825.jpeg (130.45 KB, 744x908, 4AC130C8-6A05-4624-9B47-364A2E…)

>>681465She’s complaining about someone’s response with a chocolate emoji. She can’t take a fucking compliment, no matter how passive it is. She didn’t have to make this a big deal. Besides, I concur; she’s nowhere near chocolate. She’s moldy milk.
No. 681781
File: 1536182108486.jpg (896.05 KB, 1079x1726, Screenshot_20180905-171348_Sam…)

She's really trying to push this bullshit lesbian angle. Lol
No. 682114
File: 1536208150061.jpg (121.32 KB, 1080x2094, 40466429_2183502991723960_3914…)

The fuck is she whining about? She's the one who causes the grief. Constantly begging for shit she doesn't deserve, cheating, and giving nothing but emotional baggage for them in return. Micky is really dead set on being seen as some constant, poor, innocent victim.
No. 682161
File: 1536214726276.jpg (1.56 MB, 1067x2087, 2018-09-06 02.13.45 1.jpg)

>>682114This appears to be a rare untouched pic of her. No filter even. So it made me very curious. I tried to edit the pic to the best of my abilities to show her natural eye shape. She must be fucking horrendous without all that terrible caked makeup. I think I would actually pay (not much but still) to see unaltered pics of her without any makeup. Kek.
No. 682171
>>682161i mean, i'm sure she has
some natural eyelashes even if they're short and thin, but still, jesus
No. 682367
File: 1536248825106.jpg (128.45 KB, 1080x2094, 39943302_241473806562361_20481…)

>>682146Looks like she's been reading here again. Micky, we know that's a load of bulllshit.
No. 682370
>>682367She’s THAT broke that she had to let a boy buy her a fucking $2 slurpee in the rain? She walked in SLIDES to get a fucking slurpee that she’s too broke to buy on her own. I say this because she said she really wanted one but she left. Lel.
That’s sad for reasons she hasn’t realized.
No. 682410
>>682367holy god she couldn't afford a slushie?
I thought you were making money, Micky, what happened to that?
No. 682932
File: 1536297959341.jpg (347.95 KB, 1026x1245, SmartSelect_20180907-012319_Tw…)

Mucky hopping onto a new edgy fad cause she saw it on tumblr
No. 683124
File: 1536327953420.png (21.89 KB, 720x189, sgjkld.PNG)

Do you think they're talking about Micky?
No. 683359
File: 1536355107675.jpg (563.63 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180907-165353_Twi…)

Her and emi
No. 683384
File: 1536357678130.jpg (151.74 KB, 1080x542, Screenshot_20180907-175741_Sam…)

>>682932She's probably only saying that because one of the girls she's stalking likes that stuff. You know she always tries to act like the people she hates.
No. 683508
>>683384Ironic because she’s publicly shamed other girls for their hairlines, wigs and has leaked nudes. She’s obviously fake progressive towards other women, but holy shit if any of her followers had a brain they’d disregard this statement due to history of malicious intent.
Micky justifiably gets judged about looking like shit because she never wears her correct size, she can’t color cordinate and and she can’t put together a simple casual outfit to be a normal human being smh
No. 683782
>>683384Out of all the clothes I've seen on Micky's body, there isn't a single time where I've said, "hmm, she pulls this off quite well".
Girl, they're doing it for ass pats and to be in your good graces. They see how ratchet you turn when someone disagrees with you.
No. 684182
>>683782It’s sad that no matter how mindless her followers are, they are literally scared of her internet persona and want to be in her good graces so they don’t get doxxed and harassed on Facebook, etc
When there’s someone who doesn’t give a single fuck about her approval, she shitposts and gets them post blocked for rebuttal because her internet persona and echo chamber can only make her feel better about herself for so long until she realizes she’s a wide back, untalented stinky big loser with no redeeming qualities but shoops and hoping on aesthetics and kinks to fit in to worlds she thinks she can ground break but in reality she hasn’t even touched an inch of carpet to know what it’s like to walk the walk and have concise talent to be intimidating and respected without 0 haters if she really is this
honest sweet warm hearted person that her Tumblr following believes she is until they’re on her inevitable burn book covered in ramen water and yeast infected STD cum
No. 684280
File: 1536463605547.jpg (694.65 KB, 1066x1897, Screenshot_20180908-232339_Sam…)

She seems to be forgetting that she posted a pic of her room and it looked almost exactly like this.
No. 684390
File: 1536480724459.gif (2.37 MB, 444x444, 15761.gif)

>>684280Those cups are almost definitely not filled with pee. Shes trying to make herself feel better about her room looking just like that by adding in something "grosser" that wasnt even originally in the equation. Pathetic and sad.
No. 685230
File: 1536583492236.jpg (468 KB, 809x1633, Screenshot_20180910-084031_Sam…)

Reading that caption gave me second hand embarrassment.
No. 685245
File: 1536589072427.jpg (261.13 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180910-101713_Twi…)

Anyone else not buying that micky EVER forgets to eat?
No. 685273
>>685230she's admitting, albeit unconsciously, that she'd be nothing without social media because her entire personality and self revolve around dead fashion trends she can't pull off and riding whatever bandwagon the internet is currently hyping up. she doesn't have any genuine interests, it's all just to show off on her social media or to fit her "aesthetic".
she cultivates absolutely zero interests outside anything that can get her social media clout. she doesn't read, she doesn't watch anything that isn't anime, she doesn't do sports or exercises, she doesn't have any real hobbies, she hasn't studied anything outside her high school syllabus (like a foreign language, for example), she's not interested in pursuing a career in any field or getting a professional job. deep down, i truly feel sad for her.
No. 685408
>>685230Micky claiming scenes that wouldn’t claim her back. She’s a culture vulture and her incident with the Kawaii Black Girl movement should’ve been evident enough that no one should claim her in any part of their community. Detroit learned that the hard way.
Micky has no fashion sense what so ever so I don’t see any of the aforementioned fashion trends apply to her style- which is none. Shopping on Aliexpres for cheap nylon products with a combined $40; $2 tips, shitty salary and her “sex worker” money from cucky basement dweller losers out of the totality of what shit wage she makes and puts towards no car, a better job and SOAP- to look alternative and edgy~ she still looks like a week-old pile of decolored dog shit.
I see nothing soft grunge about her look imo
No. 685535
File: 1536625349245.jpg (718.92 KB, 1080x2142, 20180910_202117.jpg)

Did she really just-
No. 685538
File: 1536625785823.jpg (595.75 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180910-202927_Gal…)

>>685535Holy cow. Literally . They are so flat and saggy. Huge, but flat and gross. Like actual utters. Sorry for the double post but I'm just shocked she would post that. And does something look funky about this part? Did she actually have to shoop this too?
No. 685560
>>685535I can smell that picture already.
Dirty sink water, sweat and salt from McDonald’s fries.
No. 685564
File: 1536628615027.jpg (685.32 KB, 1080x2152, 20180910_211554.jpg)

I sense micky becoming a prostitute in the foreseeable future.
No. 685593
>>685568Sadly desperate men. Thankfully, they’re usually broke and lie about their finances up front until they finesse lewds and their time for attention then they ghost cows like Micky almost instantaneously especially when all she can produce is sweaty salty udders, no ass, moldy dildos and a dirty room that her mom allows her to host her shenanigans in.
She’s already blaring signs of a bad investment so she won’t be making any money in the near future unless she meets at Motel 6’s and gets into drugs more than she already has
No. 685607
File: 1536633588282.jpg (1.59 MB, 810x3810, Screenshot_20180910-223803_Sam…) is the kind of shooping I expect from flakes like Raychiel. Holy shit.
No. 685612
File: 1536634082227.jpg (917.41 KB, 1080x2150, 20180910_224615.jpg)

Shes still not only thinking, but talking about this? What the dude said must have really got under her skin lmao.
No. 685614
File: 1536634666731.jpeg (633.6 KB, 2048x2048, A0209820-D7C5-4792-971B-6E102E…)

I just can't get enough of comparing this bitchs faces
No. 685621
>>685612i didn't think she let that get under her skin much but proving us wrong again.
she really doesn't know the difference between fiction and reality with his does she?
No. 685627
>>685621She doesn't at all. This girl is wasting
real medication for some dumb aesthetic. Which is not the same as a drawing of a character spitting out medicine. One is fake, one is real. No one this bitch was in special ed.
No. 685652
File: 1536638287561.jpeg (143.12 KB, 641x904, 3D0724E0-61A0-4C4A-A73F-A49500…)

Micky’s getting dragged on Cola post whining about the Lolita community as we speak.
No. 685692
File: 1536643327940.jpg (435.93 KB, 810x2222, Screenshot_20180911-011842_Sam…)

>>685652Did Micky and her whiteknight forget that Micky got exposed for recently saying that she would be happy if Amina died?
No. 685751
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>>685612It gets better. Lol
No. 685873
Guys what should the new thread image be?
>>685751Yup this bitch is retarded. She seriously doesnt understand the difference between a drawing being absolutely fictional and how she wasted real medication in real life? She thinks that its the same just cause the pills dont actually help her? (because shes not actually sick) it's so funny how micky claims to never have been in special ed and says theres no proof for it. The proof is in the pudding, girl. I've met kids way smarter than her that were still in special ed.
>>685692Kek that really
triggered her. Love seeing her sperg about amina like she is completely innocent.
No. 685875
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>>685873Personally this one
No. 686138
File: 1536707186564.jpg (125.71 KB, 1080x538, Screenshot_20180911-190153_Sam…)

Ah, another one of her fake stories.
No. 686396
File: 1536732352726.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1926, 82ABBDD1-70A0-4FDB-A672-6768A6…)

She really said she shared this because she got cheated on before. Even if that’s true, she deserves it for being a cheating hoe herself. She projects so much on other people. I can’t omfg
No. 728962
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>>728959You got anything else to say, Dani?
No. 728968
File: 1541724317830.jpg (52.06 KB, 640x1315, FB_IMG_1541722154474.jpg)

You still have nothing better to do than stalk a girl like this bitch here
No. 728983
File: 1541726386725.jpg (2.11 MB, 4032x1960, 20181104_033534.jpg)

I'm trying to understand how you benefit from being a puddle of cock Roach jizz. Also you should use an updated pick of me of you're going to try to attack my appearance.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)