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No. 1190232[Reply]

when trannies claim there is no way to tell if someone is trans / what someone has in their pants.. trust me, we can tell.

99% of trans people do not pass. almost every "trans man" just looks like a butch lesbian woman and almost every "trans woman" looks like a bulky, hairy, balding, deep-voiced man in a dress and lipstick.

it's especially sad for mtfs because they almost always just sound like a gay dude unless they tried to transition extremely early or have been on hrt for many many many years.

if it was so easy for trans people to "pass" as cis people, there wouldn't be so much dysphoria involved and crying over being misgendered/"clocked" all the time.

and don't even get me started on genitals.. i have never seen a mtf bottom surgery that didn't look like something straight out of a horror movie. most people who like vaginas like actual vaginas, not some weird dry tube someone stuck in you.

be whoever you want to be, identify as whatever. i'll even respect your pronouns. but there's a 99% chance most people can tell you're trans and simultaneously will not be attracted to you in the slightest because of it. and that's okay!(we have an mtf thread)

No. 1190236

You're preaching to the choir bro

No. 1190267

the heads on this lot, you would not let them into a women's bathroom. they are essentially the blaring siren and flashing lights that go off when people mention men sneaking into the ladies in dresses to be deviants.

No. 1190268

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No. 1190276

There already is a thread for this, retard.

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No. 489642[Reply]

Read the rules before commenting, especially 4 and 3.5b.

⦁ Previously had a stoner blog known as shay-gnar and switched over to sex work when it became popular.
⦁ Below average looking problematic tumblr / camwhore.
⦁ Got wasted on drugs and got caught cheating on her boyfriend and cried rape.
⦁ Claims to be a CSA and rape survivor and uses dd/lg and rape fantasies to work through her trauma.
⦁ Begs people online for money and gifts that she claims she is entitled to it because she's a porn star, even though she supposedly makes 55k a year
⦁ Uses drama as a way to market her content
⦁ Meets up with old men from tumblr for sex and films it.
⦁ Whenever anybody disagrees with her she plays the victim card and throws a tantrum.
⦁ Admittedly doesn't wash for weeks on end.
⦁ Has made numerous racist jokes, including calling a jewish person "baby hitler", and making a parody of Trump's "grab me by the pussy" claiming it to be satire.
⦁ Starts drama and throws a pity party when people call her on her shit saying every one is jealous of her "bomb ass porn"
⦁ Her niche is "i will fuck your dad" and punching herself in the face for 50 cents
⦁ Labia looks like a breeding grown for -something- due to poor self hygiene and over-waxing with no exfoliation and same day masturbation. ( >>487910 >>487913 >>487926 >>487927 >>487935 >>476771 >>480326 )
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No. 520692

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Went to see if her insta had been deleted by instagrams big sweep, and found this instead it’s a catfish account of just awful pics of her.

No. 520703

new thread

No. 527447

lmao her "goth girl gets fucked" video


if anyone can understand what shes saying let me know

No. 1189200

How long ago was this(necro)

No. 1189202

3 years, you fucking retard

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No. 1185530[Reply]

Instagram user myheartswet
Does anyone have any tea on her?
She seems ok but I notice she edits the life out of her pictures to the point where she looks completely different. If you see any of her modeling pictures taken by others….. they’re all super unflattering her face and body looks way different than in any of her pictures TT(shit thread)

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No. 1177680[Reply]

This thread concerns with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Arbitary rules enforced by tranny jannies apply to this thread, this means you might be banned for being too fucking based for your own good. Please don't say mean words to users you suspect are trannies because it makes them cry, seethe and dilate.

Subreddits of note: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/

and of course


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No. 1184603

slipping in before locking to say this thread has been refreshingly terfy and undisturbed by jannies, is the tide turning?

No. 1184609

>Can this harm them somehow?
God, I hope so

No. 1184612

I think and hope so

No. 1184616

taking unhealthy amounts of estrogen to lessen the dysphoria while heightening…every other mental illness he has through mood swings. i guess lessening other mental illnesses isn't as glamorous as passing as a gurl 50% of the time.

No. 1184618

yes, that high of estrogen is insanely destructive to his body. but any dose of estrogen is destructive. they’re creating a hormone imbalance in their body, not transitioning to a woman. their body’s natural levels of hormones is suited for men. they can’t just trick their bodies into thinking it’s a female body and needs the estrogen. their body just starts wrecking all their shit bc it’s not at the right balance. hence why their dick shrinks and they start losing muscle mass and hair.

it’s exactly like steroids and yet one is illegal to take in competitive sports and the other isn’t…

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No. 1071952[Reply]

The latest alt cows thread, for all the attention seekers, grifters, and other assorted idiots in the alternative community.

Most recent cows:

Adora Batbrat
Orlee Stewart & J.D. Temple
The Niggers of Wessex (Psychara, Felvae, Feigsfar)
The Witchy Goths
Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian)
Avelina de Moray (Megan Blume)
Jake & Kaya (Toxic Tears)

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk
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No. 1187787

lets be honest, she got what she wanted. attention. i bet she was hoping for a lovelylor reaction

No. 1187994

Sage because I can't screenshot it
Kaya is posting in the FB Gyaru group about how she loves kogal and manba、while making no effort to do her makeup or hair, the staples of any gyaru style.

No. 1188022


Why cant you screenshot it??

No. 1188026

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No. 1188035

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No. 1183806[Reply]

Thread for the various e-girls who base their personalities off liking the same three extremely basic manga, mcdonalds, and pretending to be japanese shut-ins and all kin lolis despite being adult white women. Commonly refer to themselves as “hikkineets”

Familiar faces include

Chloe Hudson/Kuro
Twitter/Instagram/Carrd : @m4d0t5uki
Tellonym : @yumenikki
Tumblr: @bugbandaid
>Frequently bullies underage girls for “skinwalking” (liking the same anime or games they do), tells them to starve, kill themselves, harm themselves, etc
>Shits up the thread everytime someone says something she doesnt like, by spamming unfunny memes
>In barista school and has plenty of irl friends who she goes out with, but bullies other people for being “fake hikkineets”
>Constantly acting unbothered “im so swag idc if u post me” despite replying to the thread constantly
>Her friends love to use her as a meat shield to take the brunt of all the “exposing”

Nashi/Vacui/Void/Whatever her real white name is
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No. 1183846

cause of smollbrain anons like you of course

just tell your best girlfriend about how much you hate "that one bitch on twitter", it doesn't need to be a thread

No. 1183848

I don't give a shit if these bitches die like bianca

No. 1183849

If you don't like it then hide the fucking thread? It's really that easy?
Or are you the same one sperging out in the egirl thread, complaining that someone should make a thread and now that someone has you're complaining that no one cares about these thots when going by the egirl thread posts and no one bringing up any of the other talked about girls that's obv not true.
Try to make the fact that you're either one of these girls/in their friend group and don't want to be talked about here a little less obvious anon, please.
Or did you just completely forget that them shouting out lolcow and inviting their following to come here/actively lurking and responding to posts is what helper kicked all of this off?

No. 1183850

No. 1183867

Because it's the same couple girls who have issues with them trying to make milk where there's none.

This thread will die off, at least the sperg is out of the other thread kek

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No. 1183089[Reply]

WOmbyn from the VERY WHITE suburbs of America AHHHHHHHH ITS SO WHITE THERE MY EYES HURTT ahh hah ah

oh ym gd…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. gringa

cradcker the most crackiest cracker i have never seen a cracker that has cracked so crackled crackers crackers i hate cracker crackers of the crackierst cracker skin crackle crkakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk OH MKLL DID YOU(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 1183098

wat does that mena[ me no hablo ingles

No. 1183100

omg hiiiiii im someone who has been together as alexis friend rn for 7 years i have important things to call you no matter how many times you tell people on the internet that you cannot hablo ingles i hope you know that you are every step away from getting deported you ugly shit smelling bitch leave alexis alone ok or i will show you what these white hands can do

No. 1183103



No. 1183106

Lawyers drafting contracts have become ‘copy and paste monkeys’ without the time, authority or funds to revisit and check that what they are copying is correct.

That was the view of one lawyer during a panel discussion on contract drafting hosted by University College London yesterday.

Ken Adams, a US-based lawyer and adjunct professor at Notre Dame Law School, in Indiana, said a universal style guide should be put in place for firms to use as ‘building blocks’ for drafting contracts.

He added that automated templates, created through questionnaire answers, should also be considered.

During the event, lawyers from magic circle firm Clifford Chance and telecommunications giant BT, as well as High Court judge Mr Justice Flaux, criticised a tendency to use overly complicated language but denied that a dramatic change in culture was needed.

Kristin McFetridge, chief counsel for BT, said the company had already ‘re-drafted’ its terms and conditions so that ‘customers understand exactly what they are buying’.

Clifford Chance partner Kate Gibbons said there is ‘no one size fits all’ template but that they should not be ‘slavishly followed’.

The session was chaired by UCL visiting professor Mark Anderson, chair of the Law Society's IP law committee, who asked whether lawyers fully understood what they were writing and whether certain clauses could be left out of contracts to avoid litigation.

No. 1183108

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No. 1182641[Reply]

Remember when Dolly Fallon started a GoFundMe for a brand and stole $2300 from people?
Pepperidge farms remembers.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1182678


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No. 1181767[Reply]

AmberJean more info from myproana


Amber Jean who runs discord server that we managed to get taken down also goes by user oyster.kisses on proana website and amberjean#2108 on discord has a violent criminal boyfriend called Earl York he was arrested for shooting a gun at locals and they relocated https://www.whitepages.com/name/B-York-Earl/Frazeysburg-OH/PoyK5dRovx8 see white pages entry. She encourages young teens to fast for weeks and her boyfriend https://m.facebook.com/earl.york.545 is on Facebook

Her discord is now shutdown however there is a members list she hosted on discord https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-9WSSyZ4EUpydzfvvBWY1mEgpkPPivhQrGPbx5Cj6W0/edit

Her mobile is on the bluegrass network and she posted various nudes on discord and is involved in fat shaming

Looking through Facebook posts Earl associates with some shady AF people just looking through the likes and comments of his posts.

On the proana forums where Amber aka Emma posts they use IP Boards with weak security and no anti spam measures

https://m.facebook.com/amber.jeannice.1(>> pro ana thread)

No. 1181832

shit post, go post your crap in the ED attention seekers thread

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No. 1181300[Reply]

https://www.deviantart.com/sodedge-kun2005/favourites?q=diaper no words,wtf

His name is on DA is sodedge-kun2005,His Discord is Edmund Endless
The drama is that he likes cp of arthur characters lol(literallywho)

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