File: 1630548214345.jpeg (188.92 KB, 750x693, CRITICAL CONDITION.jpeg)

No. 1313641
Last time on proana scumbags:
We began with an OTT post from LARP qweem, Ham, who tells us she's feeling JOY! FREEDOM! HOPEFUL! because she's so proud of herself for pretending to be a recovered anorexic that she's enrolled to do A Levels. It's been "a hell of a journey" chomping her way through the Tate & Lyle sugar warehouse, so now A NEW BEGINNING! She's started socialising again…with Hammum.
Molls also posted a list of "cool things" she's done since recovery. P much the same things as Ham, except Molly actually does these things (AND had at approx. six months of the mild ana).
The sickest ana EVER, Cecelia (person with XX chromosones), is still IP. She listed her 15 admissions to previous ED facilities in the same fashion one would list places in the world one has travelled to. Unfortunately, those damn wildfires wrecked her plans to go hiking (now she can stand without a wheelchair). XX was terribly
triggered by a slim new staff member. Regularly bangs on about her lowest weight, decreasing the number with each telling. Must smart having her tube taken away. She's taken to posting her appalling geocities proana site style poetry. Something about twinges and peas.
Hxn's BPD voices have been loud. She's been busting her face up, sending herself tells, withering away but definitely won't be going IP because she is totally "too mentally unwell", although at the moment, she is sectioned. Please consider not donating to her Just Giving fundraiser. £50.000 is much needed so she can recover at a day treatment ED clinic.
Anna is social media rep at her uni's Nutrition Society. Anons are keeping an eye on foods she has omitted from the list she CAN eat. She's been swimming in the sea on a fancy holiday. Wearing a bikini, anons keked at her shooped abs.
Aus Soph snacked on razor blades and documented her journed to hospital via air ambulance on instagram. She was discharged because the doctor told her she would have to poop it out, so she didn't get the surgery she was looking forward to. Thirty minutes after being discharged, she was admitted again. Anons feel bad for her parents.
Token male, Pencilneck Slenderman Nik (the failed actor), provided us with reels of him putting food into his mouth. Does not appear to chew or swallow the sickly treats, but I guess he edits out spitting it into a bucket.
Katie and Maria post bodychecks in Costa again.
There was much self posting, there was a fight with a WK, a few potential new cows didn't inspire much interest.
While the future of lolcow hangs in the balance, several cows hang on for dear life. Whatever happens, one thing's for sure. Ash will outlive us all.
N2F is still providing selfies decked out like a sex trafficked
Socials: thread:
>>>/snow/1313620Anything missing, stick it below.
No. 1313724
>>1313680Aww heck anon you're really making me uneasy. It sounds just like Eugenia Cooney's mother…no wonder they are messed up and feed off constant approval,
toxic positivity, and validation from complete strangers
No. 1313771
File: 1630567503793.png (34.61 KB, 745x133, dailymailsobincoming.png)

And on that topic …. how did a newspaper FIND her? It's not like she has a huge social media presence.
No. 1313808
File: 1630571357490.jpeg (222.86 KB, 725x991, 1EAE1A4A-A018-428D-AA8F-2BAFAD…)

I have a spare 7 bed you’re welcome to have hxn no charge
No. 1313830
>>1313828I agree, but Orri is next to Regent’s Park which means she doesn’t want to be next to the Orri. So she’s choosing to commute a bit? Why not ask for a flat next to the Orri? Why ask for a flat in the most expensive part of London? If she’s going to travel anyway why not stay somewhere a bit in the sticks where you could rent a flat much cheaper?
….. in all of this, Anna stays silent with her two London mansions
No. 1313849
>>1313808CuZ Me Is SpEsHuLl SnOfLaKe!
So GiMmE ApPaRtMuNz!
Da ChEaPeSs!
No. 1313855
File: 1630577812649.png (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 828x1792, A04F8F89-C410-4B7D-B02D-790AFC…)

even soph’s dad is through with her attention seeking bullshit kek
No. 1313881
>>1313855im not surprised, this botch has abused her dads kindness so much. I thought it would happen sooner.
Dont blame her mum either
No. 1313885
File: 1630586066188.jpeg (531.32 KB, 1800x1154, 9D5F728E-EB01-4BB2-B310-49DF08…)

>>1313357Okay regarding @wateremelons again. She just posted these. I feel like it's scummy behaviors to repost old body checks clearly to show everyone she used to be spoopy, while hiding her body now. Old tube pics are surely juuust to show how far she's come
No. 1313897
>>1313855Daddy knows:
The only way to win the game is not to play it.
No. 1313921
>>1313885"Come a looong way"??
Yeah, being and staying a spoopy spoop.
No. 1313930
File: 1630591122356.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, 0730F3F5-6828-405D-BE4E-0BCFDD…)

>>1313921These are all old pictures, she isn't spoopy anymore from what she shows. Hard to tell thought from half a head, but she's been IP a while
No. 1313940
File: 1630592105728.jpg (283.25 KB, 720x1223, 20210902_081319.jpg)

Dont know what Han is going on about here…Ive been in recovery for 2 years and would never speak of my ED in this way. It still has a hold over my life how does she talk about it in past tense like this?
No. 1313987
>>1313986Friends? What friends? The ones you estranged with your on-and-off ED? The ones you claimed "could not understand"?
Those ED cunts literally burn friendships with their greed for attention and control.
No. 1313988
>>1313940Let’s unpick this…
Take part and socialise? Well, she has no friends but she never stopped “socialising” with Mumsy, scoffing cake at every cafe within the West Midlands.
Enjoy herself and have fun? See above.
Think clearly and rationally? Committing to the LARP must take a whole lot of mental energy but okay Ham, you get a point for irrationality since you seem to think you actually needed to weight restore?
Eating without guilt or compensation? What can I even say here…
Living your life? You don’t have one.
Focus and concentrate? See above re: LARP.
Spontaneous and flexible? How many different cakes/biscuits/McDs etc was she eating at the beginning of her account? Oh yeah, still basically anything and everything she fancied so no difference there.
Fucking tragic.
No. 1313991
File: 1630596322914.png (1.47 MB, 1456x1140, Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 9.25…)

Big kek
No. 1314005
>>1313991This is a good weight. She suits it. As for her nutritionist, take from her what you want. Idk what she dislikes about them, but I expect she's working on a maintenance plan with her at this point. What's wrong with that? She's doing her fucking job.
>>1313986Molly's the only recovered one who has real friends and does things.
No. 1314019
>>1313991I just realized she's been in the hospital for a month or more and only recently got off her tube. She isn't nearly ill enough to be in inpatient room that long even if she was suicidal.
Most people would want to leave the hospital ASAP and have control back to exercise their ED behaviors but she isnt complaining at all about it. She loves being sooper sick
No. 1314066
File: 1630603494501.jpg (188.25 KB, 806x436, 20210902_192239.jpg)

I knew his face reminded me of something kek
No. 1314067
>>1314066Topkek, anon!
But he wouldn't get the hot girl, I think.
No. 1314078
>>1313991while reading this absolute cringe of a caption I got war flashbacks of amberlynn reid
> she doesn’t understand nutrition like I doIt looks like cece is eating well tho so she should shut her entitled ass up
No. 1314081
>>1314077Samefag here. Yeah, she was hot. At least for him.
Otherwise they wouldn't have that cute flying dragondonkey babies?
And Donkey fucked her. Deal with it.
No. 1314086
>>1314078Pick your poison - Stevia or sugar.
Single peas or buckets of lasagna.
Binging with or without purging afterwards.
Osteoporosis or clogged arteries.
Those people eat bad, and they'll end up bad.
No. 1314098
File: 1630606068868.jpeg (117.9 KB, 750x1334, 1781144B-0E99-47FA-91A0-067A58…)

>>1313935U sure? This was 14 weeks ago
No. 1314114
File: 1630607294024.jpeg (492.92 KB, 1427x1678, 5F413913-A203-407F-BC5E-03C08F…)

>>1314107She loves showing off her legs while spoopy
No. 1314129
File: 1630608005214.png (277.82 KB, 664x212, tryhard.png)

>>1314120Hahahaha! YES!
She reminds me of that famous tranny bloke. When they start to try to look like women and pile the makeup on. Happens to a lot of spoops. That Duran Duran comment is gold, though.
No. 1314130
File: 1630608067075.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1170x2267, 260611B5-A509-4470-8E6A-CBD677…)

Is Dora going back inpatient?
No. 1314132
File: 1630608177946.jpg (58.26 KB, 876x438, duran-duran-1616939089059.jpg)

Cheeeek boooones..!
No. 1314168
>>1313991Apologies for my ignorance but why the fuck is this bitch still in hospital?
If you fund your own treatment (which I assume she does?) do you just get to stay as long as you like?
No. 1314249
File: 1630619237780.jpeg (787.85 KB, 828x1545, 82D838AC-FD81-46B1-8C90-7FA9FB…)

not all Carolines allergies suddenly just vanished.
also with so much sugar she eats, soon she will beat Ham
No. 1314314
File: 1630624411917.png (4.81 MB, 828x1792, 26A97574-7A39-489F-B14A-A5CC75…)

dora’s done her reading here and has blessed us with an answer.
No. 1314490
File: 1630644696425.jpeg (24.75 KB, 264x320, 9840995A-AFB9-4E97-AED3-2D484E…)

>>1314123bit hypocritical coming from ro, who recently posted this ~inspirational~ reel consisting mostly of footage of herself when she was a spoop
No. 1314591
File: 1630661884558.jpg (893.69 KB, 1080x1896, 20210903_113600.jpg)

At least she admits to being a liar for once kek. Better than nothing, I guess?
Also, complete nitpick but why does no one seem to be able to spell 'pain au chocolat' correctly??
No. 1314597
>>1314591in fairness 'chocolate' is a word in English. Your brain doesn't read the whole word and fills it in with what it expects. I didn't explain that well, I know
>>1314595Hers was so tame compared to the others as well.
No. 1314608
>>1314582Agreed (see
>>1314603Moar cake or Hammy gets it!
No. 1314625
>>1314594Problem is: Those ED creatures have got a seriously fucked up perception of their own bodies to begin with.
She just
thinks there were changes going on.
But the fuck she did.
No. 1314660
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No. 1314661
>>1314588I think Ham more uses her 'ED' as a way to get her mum to do things like go to cafés/ meals/ shopping and that it was likely something they didn't do before for financial reasons.
This way she keeps 'challenging' things and can keep going out.
No. 1314690
File: 1630675773934.jpg (40.69 KB, 1080x225, 20210903_152818.jpg)

Kek. Cecilia is one of us.
No. 1314698
>>1314696Pencilneck posted a reel talking about how he is already excited for Christmas including chomping down on some Xmas treats.
Apologies for not clarifying.
No. 1314718
File: 1630677611565.png (740.29 KB, 1080x1684, IMG_20210903_145813.png)

Ro posted this on her story hours ago and Anna posted something suspiciously similar hours after kek I get it there's lots of the same messages to spew in the ED world but isn't this obvious copying? (Anna's to follow next post)
No. 1314719
File: 1630677642570.png (592.87 KB, 1080x1614, IMG_20210903_145821.png)

Anna's mini skin walk to try remain relevant?
No. 1314721
>>1314718Naaah, of course it
TOTULLY did not affect her at all.
That's why she posted it on social fucking media.
No. 1314737
File: 1630680019025.jpg (395.21 KB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_20210904_003406.jpg)

Says they'd be a good psych… Simultaneously shares unnecessary triggering info… AlsO, if I was a horse, I'd be scared of a walking skeleton too.
No. 1314743
File: 1630681060195.png (16.58 KB, 598x98, 2021-09-03 Madeline madeline_x…)

>>1314737Oh yeah, about that one…
No. 1314754
>>1314750Anorexic nutjob with a psych degree.
Heavy drinker opening a bar.
They will alyways find some like-minded customers/clients and earn money while spiraling down?
It's whack and at the very same time a nice theory, tho.
No. 1314768
File: 1630683729887.jpg (67.42 KB, 1080x427, if you're in the costume perma…)

exhibit a and b… it would be kind of funny in a meta way if it wasn't also negatively influencing thousands of impressionable youngins.
No. 1314770
File: 1630683764735.jpg (73.66 KB, 1080x467, huhu im SO fUnnY.jpg)

No. 1314771
File: 1630683795199.jpeg (41.12 KB, 669x458, pls.jpeg)

No. 1314779
>>1314768That li'l dirtbag.
Why can't they just be miserable on their own and shut the hell up.
It aggravates me more than it should.
No. 1314784
>>1314768Aren't there some rules on Twitter to prevent those posts?
Propagating EDs behaviour really should be on the list.
No. 1314793
File: 1630685601561.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1920, IMG_20210903_171157.png)

>>1314594Your wish was read and acted upon kek
No. 1314806
File: 1630687203461.jpg (19.88 KB, 572x233, Screenshot_20210904_022655~2.j…)

Wow I drank a coffee I am So RecoVereD, what a perfect time to make a decision to put something permanently on my body that I definitely won't ever regret.
No. 1314811
File: 1630687733127.jpeg (217.67 KB, 750x1087, 508FCEA5-55B7-4BBE-BA32-800AF3…)

Impowering (the casual magic Korey 2.0) has started a podcast. I can’t even sit through her quasi-philosophical car chats but maybe other anons would be interested?
No. 1314812
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would've been a better choice… too bad cows aren't self aware. Mooooooo
No. 1314813
>>1314806I ate a total of 2.141 kcal today and my shoes are not sorted by color.
Someone out there will be
triggered because of that! Isn't that wonderful.
No. 1314817
File: 1630688111516.jpg (321.2 KB, 1080x2036, Screenshot_20210904_022556_com…)

No. 1314821
>>1314817"JUST LIVE
If things go wrong.
No. 1314869
File: 1630691075946.png (1.93 MB, 1662x778, future ham.png)

How are ~recovery accounts~ like this helpful? Isn't it a clear message that intuitive eating means you switch anorexia for binge eating? I feel this is Ham in a year's time (maybe less), except perhaps this girl did have an ED.
No. 1314873
File: 1630691249974.jpeg (193.95 KB, 750x1012, 54F4A7BA-C0F8-4196-9C7D-03EB7F…)

Cecelia policing other people’s language when she has a dream catcher on her pin board. The hypocrisy
No. 1314881
File: 1630691588921.jpeg (164.86 KB, 857x1200, F7341AE3-34F5-4469-A17D-91862A…)

>>1314873I was thinking Sid the Sloth but looking again his neck is actually kinda ~skinni~
No. 1314914
File: 1630693508775.jpg (87.64 KB, 1000x560, orca ana.jpg)

>>1314873Img: Cece's Orca ~power animal~ NO, let's "appropriate", spirit animal.
No. 1314927
>>1314869Clearing your plate and eating mounds of junkfood is the opposite of intuitive eating.
With intuitive eating, you eat when you are hungry until you are full AND eat a variety of foods. Binge eating and purging (like N2F does) isn't intuitive eating. Binge eating happens when you restrict for so long and many an anachan like me have gone from one extreme to the other before finding how to actually eat, exercise, and meal prep.
No. 1314962
File: 1630697110417.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1715, 20210903_212053.jpg)

I'm sure the few bites you took of that donut and spat out into the bin were really yummy, Nik.
No. 1314963
File: 1630697224326.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1125x1964, 4030692E-4055-42A5-A130-99B597…)

ah, a big dose of “reality” from the one of the most prolific ED LARPers in the *~community~* ! wonder if the uwu safe space uwu extends to those asking genuine questions about her lack of diagnosis/treatment or ???
No. 1314964
>>1314962Fine timing, since we were talking about "intuitive eating" only recently.
That doesn't mean to wave around a bagel with chocolate in front of a camera, Nik.
No. 1314975
>>1314965Started in a crusty dressing gown, now we here
For a “recovering anorexic” her weight distribution is uh… yeah, yet more proof she’s completely full of shit
No. 1314980
>>1314972Anon, this
is him working on his acting
No. 1314983
>>1314963 ~safe space~ This shit fucks up the world.
Ham's a plain old pear shaped woman. Same figure as 2019, in ~the depths~ of her anorexia. What a sad little life.
No. 1314990
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No. 1315008
File: 1630700582728.jpg (109.84 KB, 634x936, thigh_gap.jpg)

no, Ham, this is no thigh gap at all!
No. 1315019
>>1315008maybe she thinks it is a thigh gap if there is
any gap at all, even when your legs are apart. Is she going to continue to gain until she literally can't get such a gap?
No. 1315027
File: 1630702478794.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x2104, 1792D8B5-F69A-4FF8-954A-D1FD63…)

Sorchas followers have caught onto her self posting lol
No. 1315033
File: 1630703061875.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x2142, 6D9D19DE-A139-4373-A734-0946B3…)

>>1315031Nope it’s this video. All the comments on it are calling her out lol
No. 1315076
>>1315061as someone who actually is struggling with obesity and BED, i can confirm there is no reason for body pos bitches to be encouraging this lifestyle. shit is terrible.
it is hard to find help, let alone staying healthy.
its ad to read this thread and see so many attention obsessed girls using a real disorder for attention.
sage for blogpost. if they really struggled with this, they would't be broadcasting it 24/7.
No. 1315081
>>1315078 working on it, didnt say i wasnt.
do you want me to post on tiktok and tag all the ed tags 4 u???
No. 1315082
File: 1630707992347.png (282.72 KB, 600x701, jew-rat.png)

>>1314873Her favourite animal should be a rat, because that's what she is.
(no) No. 1315104
>>1315083If "BED" still stands for "Binge eating disorder" then stop stuffing yourself full of food.
Stop making excuses.
Go see a psych doctor.
Get an inpatient treatment.
Switch off your PC and fuck off.
No. 1315131
"are you a drug addict? just stop doing drugs bro amirite"
not how mental illnesses and addictions work you retard. calling someone with an eating disorder a fattie for not getting treatment isn't the own you thought it was.
some people on this site think being an autist with no regard of people's emotions is a flex
No. 1315132
>>1315127No, you hate 'landwhales'
Anyway stop derailing with hate splerg dipshit
No. 1315159
>>1315153A thread for spoops and larpers.
Go back to kiwifarms you freak
No. 1315202
File: 1630716458368.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1125x2004, 7E7807F6-9072-4E4E-ABD6-327805…)

aka: look at how sick i am
No. 1315281
File: 1630725835423.png (212.73 KB, 398x750, kisspng-gordon-ramsay-chef-thu…)

>>1313940No Ham. The only hability you have is called oversharing.
When I read this it gives me flashbacks of family holidays, some young sibling telling me "I tried the cake and it tastes very good, so sweet and creamy! Yum!" Yeah it's allright when a five year old talks like that, Ham you are legally an adult. Time to grow the F up, hon.
No. 1315305
File: 1630729734518.jpeg (403.74 KB, 1169x1872, 61EA66C6-9F69-479F-9A10-8DCF16…)

16 years.. this bitch said 16 years..
No. 1315392
>>1315305Thinking that this is a bit…
No. 1315415
>>1315153It grinds my fucking gears that you get banned immediately on this site for using emojis, but not for picking fights and spurting out racial slurs like an autistic 12-year-old.
Sage for derail and sperg
No. 1315436
File: 1630745108386.jpg (504.37 KB, 1353x976, DenshaDeD_ch01p16-17.jpg)

Derailing a thread about derailed people.
No. 1315445
>>1315415Didn't take long for this thread to turn to shite, I'd rather have S
**a self posting than some rogue Nazi with a hate boner
No. 1315446
>>1314698to be fair, there's nothing festive in europe between now and Christmas. They put the Lebkuchen out in stores earlier each year.
Christmas displays at Rewe have been there since August. But it's still cringe
No. 1315456
>>1315294>(bad bait)I wasn't joking but ok kike
>>1315415What's amusing to me is that transphobia isn't a problem on lolcow (which is based), but if you say nigger or anything against God's chosen people, you'll get banned and/or red text in your post. Thankfully VPNs are a thing.
File: 1630748865563.jpg (364.48 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210904_194539_com…)

Skim milk at best, but actually Hammy, it DOES say something about your health…..
No. 1315472
>>1315463That's a bit too hysterical and arrogant, anon.
The post you're referring to mainly aims at the person to get professional help and not to treat it as some kind of personality quirk.
No. 1315473
>>1315471Oops sorry my dumb ass forgot to tag the picture
>>1314963This is the picture where her arm looks so out of place, photoshop anyone? Or is it just my poor eyesight
No. 1315479
>>1315473That door frame and wardrobe door have got some long parallel lines. They would be bent/distorted.
So no PSing involved here, I guess. Just an ugly body.
No. 1315490
File: 1630750989023.jpg (52.3 KB, 640x404, scootermann-640x404.jpg)

>>1315487500+ lbs is more comfortable to sit on, as well.
No. 1315497
>>1315487Your weight says nothing abut your health.*
*Except if you are underweight. Then you're unhealthy.
No. 1315504
>>1315499Samefag, but the discussion at hand wasn't even about race whatsoever. There was just suddenly some idiot getting off on spreading his 4chan autism.
Can we go back to our regularly scheduled program now?
No. 1315507
File: 1630752187224.png (91.03 KB, 384x517, PikPng.com_clinton-head-png_47…)

lolcow farms moderator
(ban evading) No. 1315510
File: 1630752408766.jpeg (10.81 KB, 259x194, images (49).jpeg)

No. 1315512
File: 1630752444916.jpeg (21.08 KB, 739x415, images (50).jpeg)

No. 1315530
>>1315499You're right. It's worse than being a tranny.
>>1315507Literally, kek.
>>1315518Well she's gotta get those oppression points, right? And what better way than embracing her Jewish heritage? Jews are after all eternal
victims. Never did nothing wrong! 109 countries and counting btw.
No. 1315534
>>1315532Her being Jewish has a lot to do with her victimhood complex. It's absolutely relevant.
No. 1315535
>>1315530why you even here though?
You're acting like a miserable toe rag.
Stop it.
No. 1315551
>>1315541Sorcha pointing to a Sorcha thread.
Nice try, little Irish bitch.
No. 1315552
Pls comment questions too No. 1315572
File: 1630759148271.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210904-143723_Ins…)

He seems to be chewing his donut a little longer in this, looks like he is listening.
His hands look disgusting, dear god.
No. 1315587
File: 1630761682578.png (4.91 MB, 828x1792, C9C6F44D-0C26-4E16-A4F1-F696B8…)

Anyone know what emdr is? Didn’t think it was normal treatment for eds? Does this prove she has BPD?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1315612
>>1315608everyone gets it, sorcha
piss off
No. 1315615
>>1315587No PTSD, no sickness for you, Sorcha. All fake.
You are just an attention whoring dumbass from stinky Ireland.
No. 1315626
File: 1630766448976.jpg (21.49 KB, 640x352, 640px-Other_mother's_second_fo…)

>>1315572He's looking like the other mother
No. 1315678
File: 1630772448468.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1170x2067, D1E81878-A984-426F-885D-C133D0…)

Sorchas says it’s not her idk whether to believe it’s her or not anymore? Does anyone know?
No. 1315689
>>1315686Because bitch is craving for attention again.
That's why.
No. 1315706
>>1315705Probably having a laugh at how quickly this thread turned to pure kak over the past 24 hours.
Tinfoil but wouldn't be surprised if S
**a was our racist shit poster stirring up some extra drama so we couldn't ignore her
No. 1315767
>>1315705The mods around here are inept, as usual.
That's why this board will be going down soon.
No. 1315791
File: 1630784594996.jpg (236.42 KB, 1080x1727, inbound5058419214790418352.jpg)

In other news Han has shared how she hasn't showered in a week because 'depression' but even this comes across as a weird brag.
No. 1315835
File: 1630791714200.jpg (288.56 KB, 1080x1762, inbound3253896628406391892.jpg)

What a pathetic answer to a very legitimate question.
No. 1315840
>>1315835"you can never ever have been in treatment if you criticise me"
Damn, some have been in treatment and find your 'recovery' bullshit, others never had the chance because you are taking their place or they don't have your money. Miserable is going for treatment as a holiday.
No. 1315842
>>1315827Forcibly strip her and hold her underwater? Her not showering is probably the least of their problems. Most psychotic patients stink after a while.
I have seen wards who have a rule of ‘shower and tidy your room before being allowed out on leave’ but they can’t really enforce this if it is challenged, there’s nothing in the sectioning framework to make somebody shower.
No. 1315844
>>1315842A tub of warm water, soap, some brushes and maybe two friendly but burly helpers.
That's all it takes. Welcome to the real world.
No. 1315888
>>1315849Mental Health Act is a form of Stalinist Tyranny.
>>1315866I know transphobia isn't an actual phobia, but that's just what it's called. My point was why is transphobia fine but racism isn't? That's stupid. Must be Jewish mods?
>>1315888>>1315866 >>1315854holy fucking shit every post lately is arguing about transphobia or racism
this is pro ana scumbags not edgelord fuckfest
No. 1315917
File: 1630797314465.png (2.69 MB, 1080x1738, IMG_20210905_001343.png)

>>1315911Yeah it's getting old, I'm so close to done with this thread. But anyway back to the original topic (PLEASE)
Looking at Ham's breakfast makes my teeth hurt
No. 1315919
>>1315917I'm just so happy she labels every item. I would never have known that was a strawberry or a sprinkle!
Seriously though. My two year old wouldn't eat this muck.
No. 1315923
>>1315919KEK it’s like she’s expecting someone to ask her “what are those red fruits called??”
Thank you, Ham. The labels are a big help
No. 1315925
>>1315453yep her youtube video about her “anorexia journey” or whatever talks about how her gf breaking up with her (they were engaged I think?)
triggered her ana kek
No. 1315929
File: 1630798275351.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1389, IMG_20210905_003023.png)

This is scary
How do gyms keep giving her memberships at this weight?!
No. 1315932
File: 1630798405673.png (2.33 MB, 1080x1404, IMG_20210905_003231.png)

Flexing that wrist incase people see waffles and forget she's super spoopy
No. 1315943
File: 1630799451255.jpg (51.9 KB, 439x602, yum.JPG)

>>1315929I doubt they care so long as they get her membership fee. Not sure what look she's going for, but at least Ganer has some kind of idea what a gym is for.
Pencilneck definitely did now swallow one mouthful of his donut. Since when was a donut a "pastry"? Anyway, he's chewing one. I looked at nutritional info, and that There are 474 cal, even if swallowed, aint gonna get him far.
No. 1315974
File: 1630801690496.jpg (54.02 KB, 721x420, stop messin about.JPG)

>>1315956Kenneth Williams.
>>1315959She didn't mention hitting 12k ~followers~
If Brexit allows the continental Christmas markets this year, she's going to balloon on the chocolate coated fruit and actual pastries. I'm surprised she hasn't had one of those blocks of chocolate that melt in hot milk yet. #challenge
No. 1315980
File: 1630801918607.jpg (166.79 KB, 1399x695, plagarism.JPG)

Oh, and I noticed who she's ripped her oats idea from. She recently followed someone called @oatsinmybowl (except she only puts a chunk of choc in and not a whole bar).
No. 1316047
File: 1630809461804.jpeg (459.19 KB, 828x1203, F0196370-159F-4FAD-AC85-37F20B…)

OOTD of her bra and sweatpants as she twirls around and shows off her pointy shoulder blades.
No. 1316170
>>1316144You're not supposed to eat this amount of raw fats and carbs early in the morning.
It doesn't really take an ED, but you only have to be NOT British to despise this 'full breakfast'.
It's made for coal miners and other peasants.
No. 1316181
>>1316146It might take away too much of his PrEcIoUs TiMe from his so-called scientific essay about some pointless Harry Potter shit.
Way too far below for the PrOfFeSsIoNaL AcToR that he is.
No. 1316199
File: 1630830747510.jpg (1.46 MB, 5397x1081, big5.jpg)

Trying to compile a "best of alibi foods".
No. 1316203
File: 1630831074313.jpg (741.32 KB, 1080x1030, 20210905_103650.jpg)

>>1316199For comparison, this was December 2021. Tell me he doesn't look exactly the same kek
No. 1316208
>>1316203He just doesn't get it.
This ugly control freak.
We all see his damaged dry lips that he is still purging his shit. There's no weight gain going on that could help his brittle body.
Still in just for the drama.
No. 1316211
File: 1630831826371.png (202.23 KB, 753x248, crazy eye.png)

okay but…………….. Again with that fucked up eye! He's such a faker, no improvement, an insult to people who Actually try to get better!
No. 1316218
>>1316199Those puny shoulders.
He really is the closest thing to Aly we've had. The exact same pises, pretending to eat, same foods photographed the same way (the ice cream n chips at night). He doesn't get many comments.
No. 1316223
>>1316218thx for mentioning Aly
thought the exact same way about it
No. 1316233
File: 1630834870026.jpg (239.75 KB, 1050x1349, aly_classic.jpg)

>>1316218Here's some classics for you!
No. 1316238
File: 1630835688416.jpeg (249.49 KB, 828x1707, 01245991-0696-4D14-8B38-92E72C…)

dont know if this one has been on here before but few months ago she was skeletal in treatment, shes been doing v good gained the weight and suddenly posts this with the razor blades claiming she bakes & eats cupcakes
No. 1316240
>>1316232>children/teens>ripping apart peoples recoveryNone of the things you mentioned apply to our 27-year-old, recovery faking skeletor, so I will happily continue posting about him. Besides, people can post whatever they want, yes, but they also deserve to be called out for putting a false image of ED recovery out there and lying to their young and vulnerable followers.
Please get off of this site, there is no use in arguing with us.
No. 1316246
>>1316238wasn't she posted a few hours ago here?
>>1316047Hate to be that person, but seems like a self post - no introduction was given, just 'hey guys look at this skinny person'. I know we can always do with more milk so I'm not going to complain if others are interested though.
No. 1316248
File: 1630836721605.jpg (1.06 MB, 1074x1910, 20210905_120839.jpg)

>been out with my bf
N2F's quality of life seems to be improving, so happy for her. It doesn't look like she's going to stop eating on her bed anytime soon though, but let's not be nitpicky.
No. 1316257
>>1316246she did?
cant find it
No. 1316268
File: 1630840235927.jpg (6.52 MB, 4216x4088, 1448273885325.jpg)

>>1316199A Challenger Appears!
No. 1316279
File: 1630842864300.png (4.14 MB, 828x1792, 2B62C18A-2CC8-42F5-AD62-361EBB…)

>>1316047reminded me of someone… it’s an epidemic! try not to selfpost next time though
No. 1316301
File: 1630847067463.jpeg (624.85 KB, 828x740, 04745195-7BB3-47B6-A069-A5DA76…)

ro / molly crossover made me realise who molly reminded me of… maybe why she’s so insufferable kek
No. 1316308
>>1316302The instas are still up
Both are still the same terrible single-minded attention whores.
No. 1316313
File: 1630849217799.jpeg (130.43 KB, 1280x720, 195FD9D1-5EDF-4FF4-8173-F28B4A…)

I was watching catfish today and the catfish looks like Georgia in 5 years time oh god (bald patch and everything), thought some of you might appreciate this like I did
No. 1316332
>>1316328I didn't even know people met on Pornhub. Did they both comment on the same piss fetish video or something?
Don't answer that.
No. 1316336
File: 1630852069600.jpg (30.58 KB, 739x415, tumblr_ea6db0ab934ea0fa4215bee…)

>>1316313> Georgia in 5 years timeI for one imagine something like that (she's called "Foodie Beauty", fyi).
Obese and constantly seeking for attention.
No. 1316345
File: 1630853332697.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x2142, 8190DF99-8C7C-4B81-9724-1C6E87…)

>>1316344This girl saskia is calling out sorcha blossoms for her body checks
No. 1316349
File: 1630853455516.png (3.57 MB, 1170x2532, 05FBFC90-F3A4-458F-A0EE-77DF90…)

>>1316348Forgot to attach image
No. 1316385
File: 1630857364240.jpg (846.88 KB, 1080x1971, 20210905_175452.jpg)

I think Skeletor is trying to give people nightmares on TikTok
No. 1316405
>>1316397His acting?
I've seen amateur highschool actors that were more talented than this skinny muppet.
No. 1316411
File: 1630859597203.jpeg (328.06 KB, 883x777, 7A1F119D-2B00-4AED-87BF-80A96F…)

>>1316248Okay so I thought this but then I saw this!
There’s something mysterious in her food, (see blue line across it in photo) at first thought maybe it’s seasoning. Nope then I saw this. It’s the spoon! I’m still questioning how it’s possible!
No. 1316489
File: 1630867058068.png (59.39 KB, 749x191, atleastitwasnthighgate.png)

For today's most delusional cow, I present this tidbit. If Han thinks she isn't rude, then what IS rude?
No. 1316498
File: 1630868172188.jpeg (348.41 KB, 750x1254, A836F4F3-4B66-4EC7-A3FA-D6FEC6…)

>>1316489She added this update to her go fund me a few days ago…. Confirming that she is indeed a huge hypocrite.
No. 1316522
>>1316498As soon as she got readmitted she changed her tune on toob pics - basically said 'I don't need to hide the fact I have a tube.' Interesting to see if she will still think that when she is fattened up and discharged. (Is it bad I want to see her made to gain and maintain at a healthy weight, a la Smorven?)
And the new bio on the gofundme is even worse : "no support other than inpatient" - bitch, that is literally the highest level of support available? Something other people are on huge wait lists for even though they genuinely want recover? And no one cares about your brags about how sick and complex you are.
>>1316505Basically, she is asking for cheap accommodation in an especially expensive part of London but is claiming she is not spoiled. However, at least that area it is not as expensive as Highgate. Just my way of organising screenshots. Fortunately I am not Anna.
No. 1316526
>>1316522Indeed. She has quickly overtaken Cecilia as most abhorrent cow in my opinion.
Better step it up Cece.
No. 1316547
>>1316504I’m just glad she has admitted to having a personality disorder now haha. It is so obvious.
Also she said that it’s her OCD that makes her eat/drink at certain times and take a certain length of time to finish - I mean, that is just within the territory of anorexia but she has to be special with her OCD.
No. 1316556
File: 1630873233826.jpg (831.05 KB, 1920x3218, inCollage_20210906_081320288.j…)

K is back in hospital because "I haven't been eating for a while but I won't say for how long because I dont want to trigger anyone." Lots of tiktoks up of her with her nose hose and she even has a 1-1. How embarrassing to be that fat but claim to not eat. Attention whoring at its finest.
No. 1316609
>>1316579wait, 163cm and 67kg thats a bmi of 25?
yet she was never weight restored?
No. 1316613
>>1316609So that would mean, she's just a lying POS?
Color me shocked.
Shocked. No. 1316633
>>1316248N2F doesnt restrict but obviously binges and purges her weight hasnt shifted for a long time and she stays slim despite eating mounds of sweets and garbage.
Only posts photos of meals and body checks in skimpy outfits Shes not recovered in the slightest
No. 1316647
>>1316598She looks nice, but older than 18 in some of them. As for being a dress size 4, girl nooo. She hasn't got anything special to make her a stand out model, like Moss' wonky eyes, or Lily Cole's wonky face. I miss weird looking models.
I hope Cece is going to wish us all a Happy Rosh Hashanah tomorrow evening. I hope she enjoys her bread, apples and honey following her ten days of introspection. (No,not race baiting, just hoping the occasional Jewish greeting she throws into her captions aren't all for show and she's taking her recently discovered heritage seriously).
No. 1316657
>>1316647> just hoping the occasional Jewish greeting she throws into her captions aren't all for show Let's just try to be realistic here.
What part of "pathological liar" didn't you understand, anon?
No. 1316661
>>1316654Yeah. She reminds me of a non ginger Stacy Dooley, friend of Laura. They're all nice pics, except the heroin chic one. Hope she sorts herself out and scrubs herself up again. Bit of a waste really.
>>1316657I don't even get how she found out she had Jewish ancestors. Was it one of those cheapo kits where you're 2% Moroccan, 30% Esperanto and a tiny bit Mormon?
No. 1316664
File: 1630882091181.jpeg (715.73 KB, 828x1487, B7357428-9AD9-423A-9A7D-3BBC3C…)

someone tell Paris that is September
No. 1316668
>>1316661> I don't even get how she found out she had Jewish ancestors.The only rule: You are a Jew, if your mother is a Jew.
It's as simple as that.
No online tests or further research needed.
No. 1316678
File: 1630882702680.jpg (37.34 KB, 386x587, ditto.JPG)

>>1316668Well, ofc. BUT people DO convert. Kind of like how men say they're women but they're not really, and how Ham converts to Goddess Ana, but she didn't really.
>>1316671Whereas Becky is still mummified, yet posts this tosh every day.
No. 1316681
>>1316678> BUT people DO convertYes, they do. Just ask your local rabbi about it.
She, on the other hand, just throws in some hava-nagila-hava and shekel and mazel tov.
She's as fake as it gets imo.
No. 1316762
File: 1630889743462.jpeg (965.42 KB, 828x1544, CDC7AD7E-98C4-4194-97E9-C5991E…)

@emsinrecovery doing the absolute most to look skinny again on tiktok. changed her username so she cant get called out for bodychecking but straining to your recovery followers is cow behaviour, kek
No. 1316861
File: 1630902872568.jpeg (856.56 KB, 1170x2049, C754CA7B-C1AE-428F-BD87-9B42CA…)

Zara’s story from today, an idea who she’s referencing in talking about a person who’s in pro ana group and posts bodychecks while telling children to starve?
No. 1316910
>>1316861its this tiktok vid by some saskia chick that people also called out s
**a based on her story. you can see the comment here
>>1316349 No. 1316929
File: 1630913774824.png (333.52 KB, 373x542, suuure.png)

>>1316762Posts lots of hospital bait. She's gone downhill fast but that doesn't excuse her for posting this shit and all the bodychecks.
No. 1316993
File: 1630925452699.jpeg (943.62 KB, 828x1511, E45E543D-38CC-4E64-945B-A9E848…)

What a hypocrite. Loves her NG (not even medically necessary). When she can’t get into the hospital for her munching she’ll cry ‘anorexia’. Constantly posts old body checks too. Every 5 videos it’s ‘muh anorexia story’.
No. 1317005
File: 1630927125626.png (3.59 MB, 828x1792, 538220E3-9FBE-4329-8F26-C2D099…)

>>1316929nah she just spends her time popping her collarbones and making random posts about wanting attention
No. 1317009
File: 1630927690439.png (2.16 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210906-072519.png)

Apparently ham starts college today… Taking bets on the inevitable 'relapse' saga: will she wait until midterms (or w/e you britfags have) or will it be as soon as she realizes she can't make friends?
No. 1317010
File: 1630927809917.png (1.98 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210906-072524.png)

Samefag but it also bugs me how she can't just post shit for herself, there also has to be the 'for anyone else doing the exact same thing as me today'… Like… No one wants to be like you, ham, it's just you
No. 1317025
>>1317009I don’t think college means what you think it means in the UK anon, assuming you’re an amerifag? It’s not the same as university here, but i’m not sure what it would be comparable to, maybe getting her GED?
>t. britfag x>>1317010I’m from the same area as ham would it be doxxing if I know what college she’s going to based on her lanyard ?
No. 1317029
File: 1630930069121.jpeg (245.37 KB, 828x1155, AFA23E2A-E028-47E2-B82C-5EA4CC…)

Sage for not really milk, but someone mentioned Smorven a couple days ago so I thought I’d see how she’s doing. She only shares her usual waahwaahs with close friends on stories, but I thought this exchange on her grid was peak Morven. Her ward hasn’t managed to “get her to eat” so they’re the ones fucking up, not her! And her extortionate care package has been put together but looks like nobody is actually willing to work with her (unsurprisingly, with her attitude).
No. 1317033
>>1317009She's talking like an infant going to "big school". Most other people starting college courses today, "Oh, I'm starting my college course today…right".
>>1317025South Staffs?
No. 1317043
File: 1630932892483.jpeg (320.04 KB, 750x1334, E0DC6BA0-9779-4F81-98CE-5A76CC…)

Is Anna still trying to flex her super special speedy metabolism?
No. 1317046
File: 1630933280417.jpg (86.69 KB, 470x807, Capture.JPG)

Pencilneck with an hilarious sketch and asking if we can guess his age.
No. 1317047
It's a post highschool two year thing, like an associate's, right?
No. 1317101
File: 1630941541400.jpeg (723.17 KB, 750x1038, C8CD1E33-5C79-43B7-96CE-4AC8A2…)

what the fuck kek
No. 1317117
>>1317113Basically, it's just a shitty system when it allows this abuse by people like her.
Her long and dirty history as a patient will not have gone unnoticed, I guess.
No. 1317190
File: 1630948120957.png (642 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210906-180630.png)

Cecelia's tossing something off for her special day. Yes, she mentioned it with her dad being 1/4 Jewish and all.
No. 1317191
File: 1630948196141.png (655.58 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210906-180706.png)

>>1317190Proud to be something she isn't.
No. 1317199
File: 1630949148685.png (851.6 KB, 588x786, 3323.png)

So it's confirmed, the delusional pro-ana self-proclaimed IRL vampire is indeed the cow formerly known as
>>>/w/60883 No. 1317212
>>1317191"once I'm out of treatment"
Oy vey! That's going to be a long wait for Rabbi Silbergoldblumbaumstein.
(racebait) No. 1317213
>>1317209Nip that race hate in the bud, anon.
Pride is the root of all evil in Judaism. Jsyk, Cecelia.
No. 1317258
>>1317191I would like to know how she would celebrate 1/16th of a Hanukkah, according to her (((qualifications))).
And would she have to leave a Bar Mitzvah after just half an hour, then?
No. 1317278
>>1317191I’m not surprised that nobody in her (still alive) family practices considering it would have been a fucking great grandparent who was jewish and she’s almost 30. When she said she had jewish family I thought she meant like her grandparents on one side. I’m sure many anons have as much heritage that they’re not really super into expressing as ce is her jewishness. I’m an 8th irish traveller but i’m not fighting in car parks or working at fairs or whatever.
>>1317101Holy shit i’m so proud of nourish. Going to start calling her flourish in light of her new lifestyle.
No. 1317285
File: 1630955646056.jpeg (487.54 KB, 1591x2392, CF5F6DD6-3157-4256-854D-51EEF5…)

>>1317191Loving the Deirdre Barlow glasses
No. 1317290
File: 1630956194399.jpeg (693.4 KB, 1762x1143, C7DEA489-E4CE-4ADC-9D6C-BDAFB2…)

>>1317102>>1317113>>1317115>>1317117that reminds me. saw this the other day but didn’t know if we were still discussing ms. bed blocker extraordinaire. why
is she still there?
No. 1317382
>>1317209Why is this bannable?
>>1317212But not this?
No. 1317387
File: 1630968997888.jpg (631.88 KB, 1076x1912, 20210907_085459.jpg)

Old cow, Thick is on some sort of drug, recent Insta post. They're IP atm and doing the 'muh anorexia'
No. 1317395
>>1317059It's most closely equivalent to the last 2 years of USA high school.
In England (different in Scotland) you do GCSEs at age 16 (yr 11,USA grade 10) which are basic qualifications usually in 5-10 subjects but the most important are English and Maths. A pass is needed for almost any job or to go on to further education. If you fail English or Maths then you have to retake them until you pass or are 18.
Then you can stay at school for 'sixth form' also called year 12 and 13 and take essentially university entry qualifications in 3 subjects ('A levels') or go to college (fewer rules than schools) and do A levels or a trade/ apprenticeship/ vocational course.
So Ham will mostly be with 16yr olds. Tbh most of them will have more life experience than her despite having had lockdown for most of the time since they were 14! At 16 it's normal to have a weekend/ after school job, go out with friends. Ham could learn to drive etc. or at least…get the bus independently?!
If she passed the two years of A levels then she could go to university to study for a degree.
No. 1317410
File: 1630970515995.png (1.93 MB, 1080x1631, IMG_20210907_001742.png)

Hxn complaining that help isn't coming while laying in a hospital..jeez.
Talking about how they just want to feed her but isn't that partially the point of ED treatment? Or am I missing the point?
Also IMO if she was less hostile toward the service it wouldn't be so 'traumatising', people traumatise themselves without even realising it. It's easy to blame everyone else but ultimately she's her biggest problem.
No. 1317442
>get the bus independently?! Oh, shit. Do you think her mum drove her to college? Could anon who knows which college she's at give some idea of distance from where she lives. Not that she can't get a fucking train or few buses, but how pathetic if she really had her mum drive her there.
Wonder why she gave up her art course. She's still trying to keep that quiet as if she's starting a ~new life~ when really she was at college before lockdown kicked in.
No. 1317501
>>1317278Can you tarmac my driveway though
No. 1317584
File: 1630992083793.jpeg (281.89 KB, 1170x853, 64DE9C71-3048-46E9-810B-F66AF2…)

Just noticed Ham has her recovery account in her personal account’s bio. Meaning any chance of a social life from college down the drain cause when she gives her instagram to some normal nonlarping person, they will immediately see her dumbass recovery account.
No. 1317618
>>1317410Of course good treatment will eventually involve groups, individual therapy, things like sandwich prep and eating out etc. But we all know this is useless until you weight reaches a certain point and the irrationality of malnutrition is reversed. I'm guessing they've given up on her because she refused to engage in the help offered in the past. I could be wrong - any anons IP with her know if she participated in any of the treatment offered?
And so fucking melodramatic - more and more like Smorven and Becky the Dog every day.
>what did I do to deserve this?You are a vile little twat who will
trigger and put down your followers for a shred of validation, Hxn.
No. 1317644
File: 1631005830196.png (2.79 MB, 828x1792, CB8E6C3A-755C-4856-8354-F76E8F…)

Admitting shoplifting to the world and being a cheapskate. Cecelia is just asking to be trolled at this point
No. 1317654
File: 1631007576416.jpg (67.05 KB, 459x822, deep.JPG)

No. 1317716
>>1317654talking about 'grounding'?
that would take one really huge cable for her
No. 1317805
>>1317644Oh yes, it makes your shoplifting much better when you write it down on a piece of paper, girl..!
And does "being frugal" include living on the back of other people that have to go to work every day and finance public health costs for you?
No. 1317838
>>1317654"sense of purpose"
- no job
- shoplifting
- inpatient leech
No. 1317839
File: 1631026880502.jpg (233.03 KB, 720x1207, 20210907_085926.jpg)

That is hardly half a banana Han. The point of recovery and intuitive eating is to feed your body a variety of foods to so you dont have nutritional deficiencies and live solely off nutella and pastries
No. 1317845
File: 1631027964667.jpg (Spoiler Image,977.87 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210907-171443_Ins…)

I'm very confused looking at this photo… can someone explain to me what's going on??
No. 1317851
>>1317845"some spoop cunt instagramming a pic of her food that she might eat and purge or not"
you're welcome
No. 1317868
File: 1631029473301.jpg (70.81 KB, 620x838, ganer.jpg)

Ganer looking totally different today, doing her pose in ugly spandex trousers.
Still dreaming of her first real competition.
No. 1317892
File: 1631030747050.png (58.85 KB, 727x171, hxntell.png)

Hxn is still arguing she wasn't healthy in those modelling portfolio photos. Who tipped?
No. 1317913
>>1317908You might be right about that, anon.
But what we've got here is a cow who abuses that particular religion (or the name thereof) to gain positive attention via social media.
Therefore she will be attacked and ridiculed for that.
No. 1318038
>>1317998Probably the only clean surface she has
>>1317624Wouldn’t be shocked she totally has the vibes where she got to let everyone know she clearly has a ED but neglecting the fact she’s eats about 12 cakes and 22 chocolate bars a week
No. 1318043
File: 1631040842832.png (893.21 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210907-195227.png)

>>1318014And yeah…mcflurrys as well.
No. 1318128
>>1318043"Eat the food you love"
Yeah, but your so-called fear food doesn't count, bitch?
No. 1318150
>>1317644Lets go through this list of sins for fun
Purging and cutting. We’ve seen her super severe and life threatening cuts. A better sin to let go is making yourself the center of attention and telling your coworkers about your minor self harm before meeting up.
Substance use/abuse gives extra credence to anons suggestion that she only reached her “BMI 12” because of coke.
Dishonesty with parents. Cece you’re 30 why are your parents such a big part of your life? They aren’t supposed to know everything about your life anyways!
Shoplifting shows how curated the monochromatic nice girl persona is.
Impulsivity does as well. She struggles most with her BPD and is now trying to take on characteristics of someone with restrictive anorexia (slowly speaking, gentle, pale and thoughtful). These characteristics are very unnatural because she doesn’t have a primary AN R diagnosis and her ED is a manifestation of her BPD.
Saying “no” to adventures. Ana Queen sure didn’t say no to an unnecessary inpatient stay and flights across the states during a pandemic.
Isolating. Miss girl posts about how she had a good shit on her public Instagram account. Perhaps oversharing would be a more timely sin to address. Also see: being mad when her co-residents watched a movie she didn’t want to watch and she had a bitchfit.
Being excessively frugal. Cece has posted about her new clothing additions. Her ugly off white sweater definitely wasn’t $65 at Abercrombie.
Restriction in other capacities. Again, we have yet to see her have any traits in line with restrictive anorexia.
Anorexia. Admitting to purging, drug use, and BPD just confirms many of our suspicions. Hey ana queen, real anorexics would never voluntarily book themselves into residential for 3 months or lie about their stay being covered by insurance when mommy and daddy are footing the bill
No. 1318167
File: 1631047170651.jpeg (908.08 KB, 828x1505, FC9099B5-4229-4746-9FB6-051301…)

oh she is so upset
No. 1318170
>>1318167"religion is a choice"
just like shoplifting is
No. 1318183
>>1318167Happy Rosh Hashanah, you pretentious, compulsive liar!
Now switch off your fucking mobile phone instead of uttering pure bullshit.
Someone take a screenshot of that and send it to our hook-nosed kike Cecelia, plz.
File: 1631048349831.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1111x1834, 1B3E89DE-F308-46EF-8A20-5E8A25…)

don’t forget I’m still thin guys!!!
No. 1318192
File: 1631048955139.jpg (622.08 KB, 1080x1783, 1616521665618.jpg)

>>1318167In the 12s = 12 in my book. Busted.
No. 1318195
File: 1631049168416.jpeg (986.91 KB, 828x1562, 81CD9F4E-6D3B-4009-902B-F4E7BD…)

man, cows are on fire today
No. 1318218
File: 1631050463531.jpeg (493.7 KB, 549x993, D543C683-D77A-4BB6-B4D7-75C470…)

>>1318209dare i even suggest she’s not “thin”…? god forbid i get shouted down for ~bone rattling~, but she just looks healthy and normal now.
No. 1318275
>>1318259She also acts like conversion is as simple as in Catholicism. In Judaism conversion is actively discouraged. It’s her new personality trait but hey her synagogue might be more supportive of her being gay than the Catholic Church
>>1318260It looks her weight is redistributing now so she is going through an awkward part of recovery. I have a bit of a soft spot for her because she actually did the damn thing. I hope she finds new outlets and hobbies instead of the ed account
No. 1318283
>>1318275Even converting to Catholicism is a ball ache, having followed an old friend's ~journey~ to that nonsense (did not complete).
I love how she thinks being Jewish is all teenage Craft ripping up of paper and throwing it in the air. Bitch, at least write that shit in Hebrew.
Is she wearing a Chai symbol necklace? Can't get a good screenshot, but yeah, she might even be buying the accouterments already. If not, give it time.
>>1318195Is she straining for a shit?
No. 1318298
File: 1631056000285.jpg (82.85 KB, 1266x633, whew.JPG)

>>1318295>>1318294>>1318292Calm down, anon.
No. 1318329
File: 1631057587276.jpg (27.79 KB, 550x521, Capture.JPG)

>>1318320I only spotted it dangling around her neck today. Shame she put her personal on private, I expect she's already been on ebay looking for a white menorah. Idk what's pissing me off more, ana LARPers or Cecelia LARPING being Jewish.
No. 1318335
>>1318306>>1318311not recommending anyone watch her latest video but I did kek and she’s still fairly restrictive, also continuing to publicize her obsession with her own ~~anorexia recovery~~ and how “anxious” she apparently still is about eating is still pretty milky imo
but anons are right there are currently much worse cows
No. 1318436
>>1318014Assume you mean Sutton Coldfield not Sutton in Surrey there anon?
>>1318038"akshully these are therapeutic Mars bars which I need to eat in order to recover from my very serious anorexyah that nearly caused me to get dizzy this one time"
No. 1318445
>>1318378and that's the reason the only religion I would ever convert to is Judaism, kek, the despise and hate, the hardship to get into a community, no one wants you and everyone wants you to be gone.
Damn, I hope she will share more of her journey, 1/8 jewish is a lot, I might be a viking, there might be 1/100 of it in my blood.
No. 1318463
>>1318275COnversaion isn't discouraged, but they will make you study for it unlike just "finding Jesus" and becoming 'born again'. Classes, preparations etc (yes like in Sex & The City).
>>1318295Hai anonazi. Judiasm is a race and a religion. Some are jewish in both ways, some just in one or the other. get back to KF.
No. 1318592
File: 1631077627004.jpeg (781.35 KB, 828x1433, F4DC5B2A-703C-4598-9FF6-BC6912…)

I barely recognised ‘little’ lee. Has definitely gained some pounds and somehow aged 5 years. She’s really jumping on that autism bandwagon. I thought she had BPD?
No. 1318654
>>1318445> the despise and hate, the hardship to get into a community, no one wants you and everyone wants you to be gone.Buy a bike and become a Hell's Angel instead.
It's pretty much the same except the music is better.
No. 1318658
>>1318463Yeah, Cecelia doesn't really get why some rabbis don't want particular people to convert. For example, if you're married with kids and you're the only one in the family interested in converting - that's going to cause familial tension, probably, and maybe it's not in anyone's best interests.
It's not just "haha, we have an exclusive club and you can't join".
Also, more relevant: Cecelia is apparently stepping down to PHP on Thursday.
No. 1318667
>>1318665partial hospitalization
what that actually means varies based on the program. She's going to this place ( based on what she's said, so it's a Monday-Friday program with either 6 hrs or 10 hrs of programming a day.
No. 1318671
File: 1631089334484.jpg (16.51 KB, 280x280, cecelia_recovers.jpg)

Did anyone else notice what a sea of boredom and blandness her whole Insta is? Staring into the camera with her wonky eyes, holding a coffee cup and always some shitty beige stuff.
It's just sickening.
No. 1318729
File: 1631096725820.jpeg (346.37 KB, 1296x828, E92A8979-B71B-487E-BF97-659721…)

mentioned before, recoverychronicles seems to forget that no amount of posing and pushed apart thighs can disguise her perfectly sturdy looking legs exhibited outside of her ED account. different cow, same story over and over
No. 1318751
File: 1631100881371.png (3.53 MB, 828x1792, BE284D59-D62E-4AD0-AF18-C0A648…)

Not Sorcha trying to show off being in hospital again(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1318835
File: 1631112852333.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x1988, 20210908_165305.jpg)

He might as well just b/p on straight sugar at this point.
No. 1318847
>>1318195kek at "an
abusive hospital"
I'll bet it just had a real, actual treatment program that wanted real effort from the patients, and not some pandering money-pit hug-box.
No. 1318850
>>1318847Pretty sure that was the Glasgow Priory. Can anyone on her close friends list/vent account comment on if it was actually
Also what does she mean she 'has lost everyone and everything, including her own family'? She is becoming more like smorven/Paris etc by the day.
No. 1318865
>>1318195When you watch this video it actually looks like it was taken in her house, you can see cupboards etc in the background which would not be in a psych ward. So did she write this and save as a draft or just record herself crying and add the text later?? What strange behaviour.
I have seen people complain about Glasgow priory (mainly that they make people gain to above 18.5 and little therapy) - Hannah is the only one who seems to be permanently affected by it. I think if she actually showed dedication to recovery in the community she would receive help… but obviously there will be limited resources for somebody with very little motivation to change. If all of these inpatient wards did absolutely nothing for patients they simply wouldn’t exist.
No. 1318987
>>1318969She put Burton-on-Trent on that get to know me questionnaire. Her parents business is their home address. Not going to dox, but it's public on their FB page.
A Marmite challenge would be good. Didn't know it originates from there. Hate it, but would try the peanut butter Marmite if Cecelia would come here and shoplift me a jar.
No. 1319012
File: 1631124630233.jpg (125.92 KB, 736x985, study-motivation.jpg)

>>1319004Paragraph by paragraph. Baby steps. You got this.
No. 1319016
>>1319012"NOW GO DO THIS!"
But not before taking a pic and uploading it to my shitty insta.
No. 1319035
File: 1631127336856.jpeg (869.84 KB, 1170x1392, E309C24C-65BD-4BE5-AA68-210D7E…)

As expected Sorcha is fine. It’s crazy attention seeking though as soon as you get into hospital to start making tiktoks about being in hospital. Like where are her properties at?
No. 1319177
File: 1631139071848.png (7.02 MB, 1125x2436, 15B0FD9D-924A-4844-A85A-936957…)

the lashes… the dirt? food? on her face? oh honey.
No. 1319184
File: 1631139973680.jpg (Spoiler Image,773.98 KB, 1080x1902, 20210909_002232.jpg)

>>1319177Note the marks on her hand. Surely it can't be pleasant purging with those claws… Oh dear.
No. 1319224
File: 1631142664219.png (304.9 KB, 720x836, Screenshot_20210909-000927~2.p…)

>>1319217Yeah, but more attention to detail plz.
No. 1319498
File: 1631171135296.png (11.27 KB, 539x87, bullshitanon.png)

Pardon the skeptisism anon, but what are the odds that you're in the same class, same school, and happen to be a new LCF user who just so happened to find it all through IG in the first few days of school? Bullshit meter is going off.
No. 1319517
>>1319190Classical case.
Fake it till you make it.
No. 1319520
File: 1631173592602.jpeg (125.31 KB, 750x958, 6F80547F-1024-4FB2-9344-3AB4C8…)

How much backlash did she get to actually delete something? (For those who didn’t see she made a real of fear foods she isn’t scared of. Coffee because caffeine cancels out calories. Mashed potatoes are ok but other potatoes aren’t. Bread is ok because it has a good volume to cal ratio (apparently))
No. 1319525
File: 1631174225001.jpeg (373.64 KB, 828x1485, F3D949C8-796A-415B-9D03-CA281F…)

anyone seen the reel?
No. 1319539
>>1319525yeah, it was boring. She's not afraid of coffee, risotto, white bread, or mashed potatoes (but is afraid of potatoes in other forms, I guess?).
Tbh, it seems like relapse baiting. She wants people to worry.
No. 1319570
File: 1631181080735.jpeg (319.64 KB, 827x1437, B6611385-81CC-43A5-85B3-B39C97…)

“Everyone look at my underweight thigh” #casual magic. How do people fall for her preaching. Biggest hypocrite. She has a podcast now as well.
No. 1319587
File: 1631182833929.jpeg (449.79 KB, 828x718, 71973AC4-253E-4133-A719-6F1DE2…)

has anna just totally given up any idea of posting meaningful (or even moderately literate) captions??? this is barely a sentence
No. 1319594
>>1319589Sorry bc this isn’t milk and I guess u could call it a vendetta but I think Imogen has the most punchable face out of all the cows. She’s insufferable.
Part of my issue with her is that she lies through her fucking teeth it’s obvious she isn’t okay so why pretend to be?
Idk it upsets me a little too bc when ppl actually recover they rarely do so Into thin bodies so the fact she’s preaching recovery when she looks the way she does is so misleading
No. 1319597
File: 1631184391421.jpeg (195.34 KB, 828x990, E095D1FD-98AF-44DF-9713-2C86CF…)

>>1319593Checked out the shadow body check reference… really top recovery work there
No. 1319601
>>1319597very improvement
so much recovery
No. 1319611
>>1319594It’s even more punchable when she does her #filterfree poses. It’s not filter free when you are ugly posing and taking it at an intentionally unflattering angle Imogen.
Yeah usually if you recover into a thin body you aren’t actually recovered. Most people have to overshoot their set point because of the extra fat you gain due to starvation. But of course our recovery Queen Imogen would know all about that.
No. 1319648
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No. 1319661
File: 1631193488713.jpeg (228.82 KB, 750x1334, DA2BC49D-B12B-4801-841B-E5FF0B…)

The other half the crossover. Of course Hxn would like a post about how one is too sick and scawed to recover
No. 1319664
File: 1631193567336.jpeg (797.93 KB, 828x1418, 9D289B2A-3DF0-432F-B4AE-B70CE9…)

>>1319648Why would you post mascara tears like you’ve put them on for a student film
No. 1319687
File: 1631195257759.png (27.34 KB, 450x157, ???!?.png)

Hxn claiming her arms are so spoopy she had to get the covid injection in her leg. I have never heard of this being an issue before, and know some extremely spoopy people who got it in their arms as normal. Not trying to bone rattle because she is obviously very underweight but not at her lowest or what I would consider to be out-of-the-ordinary spoopy (of course any level of spoop is unusual but you know what I mean). Is she making this up?
No. 1319720
File: 1631197415398.jpeg (535.93 KB, 828x1338, 977B2806-DCA6-4708-BBC3-F67723…)

lets not post for weeks on end, only to post to let everyone know how poorly i am in hospital
No. 1319722
File: 1631197673849.jpeg (657.96 KB, 1247x1724, E526BD1B-22F1-4095-9AF3-23F8E0…)

>>1319525Someone hit her with a truth bomb and called her out on the reel for all her bullshit, it got more likes that her actual reel and loads of people agreeing about how
toxic she’s been. She’s ‘deleted’ the reel but suspicions that they were taken down by instagram with a load of her other posts after being reported.
No. 1319726
>>1319687Med friend told me the options for the vaccine were both arms and legs but because it's often done in public at the large centres and for ease it's done in the arms.
It can be requested to be done elsewhere it's just not common knowledge
No. 1319729
>>1319726That makes sense - I think she got it done in the EDU so was probably the only person getting it done which is obviously a very different situation than if a spoopier person got it done at a vaccination centre with 100 other people waiting their turn.
>>1319722Damn, I wish I'd seen the comments now, I love a good cow call out. And Anna must be fuming at people presuming she has recovered.
No. 1319774
File: 1631202750882.jpeg (492.06 KB, 828x1478, 6AF8F91B-A4F9-44E5-8325-DDFEC7…)

so iNsPiRaTiOnAl
No. 1319798
>>1319774No one should be encouraging their viewers to follow Hxn, who only ever gives a shit about herself.
Strong and brave? She is very weak mentally as evidenced by the fact she doesn't have the willpower to even attempt recovery in th community. Kind? Have they ever interacted with, or seen any interactions involving Hxn? She is so rude to anyone who is not an enabling ass-kisser and will post
triggering content just for the validation.
No. 1319804
>>1319774They have 136'd her so many times, for obvious reasons.
Imagine being taken away by the police and put in a psych ward, for months at time, against your will.
There's pretty much nothing to be inspired of.
No. 1319810
>>1319715Ash is so spoopy she had to have it injected into her eye*
*not a fact, but you get what I mean.
No. 1319815
File: 1631205429132.jpeg (196.4 KB, 828x1210, 9BB778F0-C223-428A-AE66-28F61D…)

>>1319804Guyyys it was because COMPLEX NEEDS obviously. I mean look at my hand
No. 1319834
File: 1631206101992.jpeg (1.07 MB, 828x1476, CEAD664F-8DD2-4CFF-BC59-DDE8DC…)

ReAl ReCoVeRy on a new level
No. 1319839
File: 1631206402882.png (724.45 KB, 860x551, 261-2616210_plate-of-spaghetti…)

>>1319815Take a close look at your complex needs.
No. 1319850
>>1319841she uploaded a video called “opening up about my recent hospital admission”.
some key points:
- emphasises how days before her hospital admission she was eating really well. went to a&e after what she suggested was an overdose. they kept her in to stabilise her and monitor her and she refused to eat whilst there
- said after a while they decided to give her a cannula which is, as she describes, the “same” as an NG tube, kek
i’m not taking away from how traumatic that must’ve been for her, but these younger ed cows are so desperate to be hospitalised for validation it’s embarrassing
No. 1319862
>>1319851In fairness, Orri is a day unit so will be less distressing in terms of being away from her Mum (clearly huge attachment issues there). They also don't just focus on weight and intake but seem to genuinely have excellent therapy options. However, as mentioned previously, they have a strict dietitian and will expect progress in terms of weight. That being said, Hxn is full of shit and if she does somehow manage to go there, she will find another excuse about why she was too complex and sick to recover with their help.
>>1319849What are people's opinions on saving content for when a cow hits 16? I've got a personal cow who is truly vile but only 15 at the moment. When introducing her in a few weeks, can I use her current milk or should I wait for a while as she accumulates content as a 16 year old?
No. 1319866
>>1319862I don’t think she’s just a personal cow because I know exactly who you’re talking about kek
Also - the Orri being a day unit therefore helpful in terms of having her mum there is just going to be counterproductive. I get the feeling her mum is having a well deserved long break. She’s not going to get better when at the end of the day she can go to her flat (given for free by some random loaded follower - Anna? Molly?) and then be attached to her mum 25/7. She said at some point her mum even sleeps outside her bedroom at night. It’s just mental.
No. 1319878
>>1319865it's n
*h, yes
>>1319866It's worse than that, her Mum sleeps in Hxn's bedroom and waits outside her bedroom door when Hxn is getting changed. I feel so sorry for her whole family but especially her Mum and mentally ill younger sister. The 'less traumatic thing' is her reasoning, not mine. I guess it is a question of whether she should be dealing with her ED, OCD, BPD, attachment disorder and so on all at once or try to improve in terms of her primary issues first. The problem with the latter (IMO) is that her ED seems to be a manifestation of the BPD so they should be trying to work on the ana as a symptom of the PD.
No. 1319904
>>1319862>>1319865>>1319878>>1319890scottish girl, right? are we all thinking of the same one? the one that got popular on tiktok under ‘disposablesmile’ because of her blatant body checks and now tries to parade around as a recovery account when she’s obviously still attached to being skinny?
if so, deffo save up some milk. have a feeling she will start dirty deleting once she realises she’s on lolcow properly though kek
>>1319254ot but man what are the chances of someone else in this thread (the whole of lolcow even) going to the same college haha that’s insane
No. 1319924
File: 1631211080105.gif (6.93 MB, 600x1067, fun.gif)

>>1319904It felt weird having an anon at the same uni as Mary, but Ham's pool is very small so it's weirder.
Idk who this healthycaits is that all the spoopiest follow (including the Lich Queen), but here's Paris dancing with her. (Kinda).
>>1319904Searched the username and there's a thread on mpa about her and she appears ina yt vid "Stop tomanticising eating disorders". Saw her in images. Yes, that is cow.
No. 1319925
>>1319834this girl (rapunzel) is 16, her birthday was weeks ago.
as for the other one, there’s plenty of milk in storage. she posted in response to a tellonym that her bday was 29th sept.
No. 1319930
File: 1631211549669.jpg (765.99 KB, 1080x1905, 20210909_201658.jpg)

In other news, Pencilneck posted a ~hilarious~ new TikTok about foods he doesn't like, once again demonstrating his amazing acting skills.
No. 1319934
File: 1631211653559.jpg (25.63 KB, 286x440, Capture.JPG)

>>1319928Googling also brought up the fact she's thinspo for edtwt. She also has male pervs upload her tiktoks on youtube.
Couldn't resist posting this, then I'll sit back and wait patiently for anons to give more info.
No. 1319936
>>1319930That's the most reptilian his eyes have looked.
>new TikTok about foods he doesn't likeJesus, longer than Titanic?
No. 1319954
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>>1319944god knows but she looks healthy enough to me at the moment, if she grows out of the anorexia badge she might be likeable but not as is
No. 1319955
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>>1319954arm size for reference
No. 1319962
File: 1631212786196.png (1.18 MB, 1706x729, diary of an anorexic.png)

No. 1319994
>>1319978Reported for underage baiting.
Have a nice day.
No. 1320009
>>1320007She could've just not even been brought up until she's 16, it's not like anons have to wait long
Feels pretty wrong to even be discussing her right now so it's probably best it ends
No. 1320038
>>1320026Yeah creepy is definitely the word to use here. It's like we've had Nazis now we're getting pedos
>>1320036You've legit just shared her username again, STOP IT she's a fucking CHILD
No. 1320093
>>1320091> about tame shitMentally challenged teenage girls, showing cleavage.
So let's stalk and harass her, huh. Tame shit, that.
No. 1320101
File: 1631221422447.jpeg (155.88 KB, 780x618, 7CE75056-D31B-4651-951F-9273E3…)

>>1320038to clarify.
the real rapunzel is 16. but not that milky.
the other girl is a pro ana scumbag, but 15.
No. 1320106
File: 1631221920130.jpeg (151.3 KB, 750x497, F6F74F12-A53B-4D83-A764-61AFDB…)

Let’s all laugh at this instead. One of Anna’s reels has a sensitivity warning.
Such a shame, as she is trying to make her feed… asthmatic.
Preparing for 5 years time when she diagnosis her first patient with aesthetic?
No. 1320168
File: 1631226366232.gif (112.48 KB, 73x90, im an aesthetic.gif)

>>1320106It's okay, Anna, I just looked at your insta and the look you're going for is working.
No. 1320335
>>1319850This seems iffy. If you take an OD, even if you tell them it was just a few pills, they'll take bloods to be on the safe side and this is through a cannula in case it needs repeating or you need IV treatment.
And glucose or electrolytes through an IV is not the same as calorie-rich tube feed.
Damn man, these young calfs have the whole internet to look at to see how this works but they think they're smart enough to lie convincingly.
No. 1320379
File: 1631252753554.jpeg (145.67 KB, 827x1528, 90B20795-CC17-47CB-AB3F-95E1B5…)

I know how to help how about you stop pretending to have anorexia and chronic illness. We all know you just dehydrate yourself to appear medically unstable. She hasn’t lost a single kg since she’s had ‘anorexia’. No need to beg for a tube when you’ve already placed your own for your sooper severe gastroparesis (which you even admitted isn’t real). Still can’t believe she munched her way into a stomach butt
No. 1320398
>>1320382Ewwww this is so true
Like guys who cyber stalk 17 year olds and at the stroke of midnight on their eighteenth birthday start hitting on them.
No. 1320436
File: 1631263769541.jpg (371.14 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20210910-204006_Ins…)

Not really milk coz this is well hidden on a non-ed account.. but she has a large ED following and she also follows ED accounts.. she knows what she's doing.
No. 1320507
>>1320495So what.
According to the board rules the maker of those rules hates all men.
No. 1320511
>>1320509 None of you can convince me me otherwise.. this thread is no longer worth reading because cows and underage anachans are trying to outdo each other self posting here.
The milk is skim at best, but at least that’s low enough cals for you kids.
No. 1320521
File: 1631276029633.jpeg (203.46 KB, 1168x1759, 80C47C23-372C-4A46-9165-45104C…)

>>1320436Samefag shes also a fully functioning lawyer and the bio of the place she works at says she was like first in a whole lot of college subjects or something
No. 1320658
>>1320638I'm not an expert, I can just fucking google things.
TPN = total parenteral nutrition
PPN = partial parenteral nutrition
NG = why are you reading this thread if you don't know what this means
No. 1320661
File: 1631292388424.jpeg (166.65 KB, 750x1334, B7291A79-7886-4886-93E7-D8CD14…)

Anna moaning because people are ‘criticising her MCAS’ but actually they are just criticising how she presents her ‘MCAS’. No one would give a fuck if she wasn’t posting pictures of peaches with candles stuck in them.
No. 1320663
File: 1631292655342.jpeg (224.46 KB, 750x1334, 2E96870A-658A-4B82-A6F7-D0E1F1…)

Sorry forgot to sage. Betting she sent all these messages to herself because wording so similar, especially with all the talk of ‘helpful’ and the spelling mistakes. And the gaslighting in the ‘it’s on them not you one’ sounds like something she would think.
>>1320659Yes. She is a cow in her own right, plastering her LW stats all over the internet, being in quasi recovery for years while preaching recovery and looking down on others, posting underwear body checks on Tiktok and referring to her starvation ‘death march’
No. 1320666
>>1320665That much may be true, but that MeDiCuL SpECiAlIsT sperging is becoming a kind of self-serving wank and contributes next to nothing.
So calm your tits, all you nurses.
No. 1320719
File: 1631295392455.jpg (60.62 KB, 1000x563, david bubble.jpg)

Remember the boy in the bubble who had to live in this thing and never could touch people or anything? Anna's life is more restrictive.
>On his birthday, his mother would bake a cake and David would watch his family blow out the candles for him. For his fifth birthday, a vacuum-packed, canned cake was found for him to eat.
Anna could only have a peach.
No. 1320720
>>1320719Now I want to know if Anna’s family made a massive cake and just ate it in front of her on her birthday.
Oh who am I kidding, she had the first slice.
No. 1320724
File: 1631295925319.jpeg (550.76 KB, 828x1269, 213E2E4F-4E31-48FA-BE80-910DF4…)

Look at those wavy knees
No. 1320725
File: 1631295936133.jpeg (202.95 KB, 740x869, EAB88F73-77BB-4EE2-B0DE-41AA8D…)

>>1320720Cake is one of her top three foods …
No. 1320731
File: 1631296431054.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1242x1417, E4DE6173-6163-45E3-BA81-E3B3A3…)

Lives at home in her rich parents mansion and creates an entire magazine just to have an excuse to take as many pictures she wants on motorcycles as if she’s some famous country outlaw. Wonder why she’s never posted a real video riding her bike yet?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1320766
File: 1631299228400.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x2164, 8CD1E04B-04A6-4C96-B7B8-9DCD6E…)

Sorcha claiming to be anorexic while eating enough food for 4 men kek
No. 1320797
>>1320766Sorcha if you spent more time working on your issues instead of self posting, you could actually be someone important and make a good life.
youre so desperate for validation, even if its from thus thread
No. 1320846
>>1320661sorry for doing green text when someone else already did but ugh Anna
> teh most restrictive lifestyle ever aka I can flaunt ED behaviours and blame it on my serious disease!Don't tell her there are medications for this, and she's basically comparing herself to someone stuck on kidney dialysis for hours a day who can't do anything but go to the hospital. What a self-obsessed bitch.
No. 1320849
>>1320804I wonder if she's doing
stunned silence actual college work?
No. 1320963
File: 1631315574134.png (4.69 MB, 828x1792, 416650A4-5022-43A8-9798-F172D8…)

>>1320905the same world where dora actually behaves like a normal human being.
i know this isn’t pro ana scumbag related milk per se, but what is actually wrong with this girl ???
No. 1320994
>>1320804>>1320849Ham's either become the cool kid at college and is being invited to hang out with people (ie got some friends), or hopefully has actually found she's interested in college work and dropped the LARP. PencilNik hasn't posted either!
I get the "relapse" vibes from Ham. Didn't make friends, sits alone with her her McD's lunch and is spending time taking selfies to make herself look ill (no makeup, crying).
No. 1321118
File: 1631347949588.jpg (639.33 KB, 1080x2029, 20210911_100956.jpg)

Classic ana, not realizing that nose hose pics are potentially triggering. This girl is insufferable.
And before anyone says it, not a selfpost.
No. 1321122
File: 1631349001822.jpeg (204.87 KB, 731x1034, B354B288-458C-420E-AF90-5DE071…)

Ok I know this is a nitpick but this is Anna’s “student house glow up.” How out of touch do you have to be to think having a desktop computer, double bed, floor space and a huge desk are normal in a student house? The furniture even matches! The chair isn’t a cheap office swivel thing! Honestly double the size of any other student bedroom I’ve ever been in
No. 1321133
File: 1631352163225.jpg (241.97 KB, 1670x990, chow4champions.jpg)

Ganer doing some very speshull trainer coaching about bodybuilding nutrition™, which seemingly consists of vomit with ketchup and leaves, then some vanilla pudding and colored lemonade.
She calls that "meals".
No. 1321152
File: 1631355257547.png (2.98 MB, 750x1334, 476F288F-6FF9-4343-B646-CCA559…)

>>1321133Completely dry bagels with not even low fat non dairy spread… they must be dry as duck to eat.
In other news, Cecelia’s been out of residential for two days now? But still clinging onto that hospital arm band
No. 1321172
File: 1631360707072.jpeg (564.38 KB, 750x1206, 171CDC9E-B18B-4262-918F-30AF06…)

Laura really went from days away from discharge to PICU
No. 1321181
File: 1631361402759.png (165.17 KB, 800x800, Pikachu.png)

>>1321175> sorry - can somebody explain what a PICU is in this context?I always thought it was one of those.
No. 1321221
>>1321212 of interesting that the ward is closing only about 18 months after it opened… I think it was only specialist ward for PD + ED in the UK. Maybe it was not fit for purpose.
(Although I don’t know why they attach a lot of weight (pardon the pun) to patients saying they didn’t like the ward… I haven’t met many psych patients saying they loved the ward they were on)
No. 1321242
>>1321221Weird, I thought it was just a PDU she was in? Have heard a lot of shit things about St Andrews in general tho
(Reposted to add, pretty sure Cygnet have dual ED/PD units)
No. 1321263
File: 1631375408480.jpeg (596.97 KB, 750x1096, B8EFDEF7-B9C5-4C5E-BCDB-B4A79A…)

>>1321260This is where she mentioned the unit, maybe not dual unit then I might have misunderstood what she meant.
She might not have been doing something through the courts per se, more likely she had a tribunal? They’re free, the solicitor is free and quite routine, whereas a legal battle to move units I can imagine would cost a couple of thousand quid
No. 1321264
>>1321263That newspaper article sounds accurate really. Some psych places, like the Priory, are dodgy. Nobody has anything good to say about a unit when they're in one for obvious reasons, but maybe the place Laura's in really is shite.
Sad that she's gone the ohchickpea route of going from one place to another and playing up whatever illness she has/doesn't have. Since first mentioned here she went from an average borderliner with a touch of ana to what she is now.
No. 1321284
File: 1631378550197.jpeg (696.22 KB, 828x1362, AD463875-357D-48C7-BAD5-0D29DA…)

No. 1321285
>>1321264Theres a bpd cow i follow whos in a psych unit at priory, and they are for some reason really short staffed. like 2 staff monitoring 12 bpd suffers who are kicking off all the time. they keep having to call police in cuz theres not enough help,
sage for ot
No. 1321298
File: 1631380482297.png (Spoiler Image,2.74 MB, 1914x784, bill bockman.png)

I checked scumbag "Henry Roth" for the first time in a long time. He's still collecting his spoops. I don't recognise any of them, so I guess they're private accounts or twitter. Sick fuck.
No. 1321300
File: 1631380672527.jpeg (Spoiler Image,472.5 KB, 828x1305, 5C12D1A1-C081-4295-8F98-588E3B…)

God damn. How do you feel okay with going on a hike with someone like this?
No. 1321343
File: 1631385574705.jpeg (865.36 KB, 828x1547, 202CFF16-4D98-4277-8881-A1D504…)

new cow alert and she looks like one
No. 1321344
File: 1631385729940.png (3.92 MB, 828x1792, 85FBDD58-AF03-4DCC-8759-C7C8BF…)

No. 1321350
>>1321344Woe-is-me, motivational slogans, girly clothes, deathbed shots.
I'd say she ticks pretty much all the boxes.
No. 1321363
File: 1631387081257.jpeg (697.71 KB, 750x1231, B05AD99A-5636-456F-B10A-B4B422…)

How many times has Anna used this photo? This is the third I’m counting
No. 1321365
File: 1631387189416.jpeg (167 KB, 750x843, 00C23FCA-E7C0-434B-B4BE-84094A…)

Scrolling through Nik’s Instagram to find if he’s ever mentioned his sexuality and found this old photo… well he’s got that right
No. 1321368
>>1321365Gay is too boring to do as a thing in the 2000s. Normal gayness is accepted, it's all those genderspecials wanting the limelight.
Perhaps he's never had a boyfriend.
No. 1321378
File: 1631388722594.png (104.51 KB, 449x529, Screenshot_20210911-203040~2.p…)

>>1321370As much a lie as recovery hero.
No. 1321385
File: 1631389352075.jpg (105.2 KB, 1080x1080, spoopyboi.jpg)

>>1321365Am I the only one who thinks he kinda looks like Victor from Corpse Bride?
No. 1321392
File: 1631389984304.jpg (28.52 KB, 377x566, 23d1f4b28b33fe5d565d950ba37173…)

>>1321385Victor is cute, he looks more like sid to me
No. 1321416
>>1321363"Dear Anna, why do you think that these fake freckles make you look anything other than ridiculous?"
(I know, I won't message the cow.)
No. 1321433
File: 1631393510000.jpg (921.75 KB, 1080x1058, 20210911_225129.jpg)

This is fun kek
No. 1321448
File: 1631394549174.png (1023.49 KB, 863x742, SASSY.png)

He don't care.
No. 1321465
File: 1631395256919.jpg (99.77 KB, 707x851, niknik.JPG)

Looking for references to being a homosexual, I found him kinda denying being a gay.
>𝕎𝕙𝕪 𝕕𝕠 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕖 𝕒 𝕡𝕦𝕤𝕤𝕪 𝕠𝕣 𝕘𝕒𝕪 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕙𝕠𝕓𝕓𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕞𝕖𝕟 𝕠𝕣 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡?(Because you're gay?)
>𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕠𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘! 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥?Well, don't't get me started on that one.
Also humble brag that he's "too skinny".
>>1321460Ta for the heads up. I'll have a look at the mess. Only lying on my bed with the radio on, sooo…
No. 1321475
File: 1631395963931.jpg (245.03 KB, 1080x1080, 7694633026499231728_n.jpg)

This can be a lot of fun.
No. 1321484
File: 1631396477710.jpg (103.68 KB, 707x851, 1631395256919.jpg)

Keep 'em coming
No. 1321485
File: 1631396721537.jpg (546.02 KB, 1080x1071, 20210911_234517.jpg)

No. 1321489
File: 1631397240872.png (2.09 MB, 1094x1096, pencilneck.png)

git som
No. 1321500
File: 1631397615914.jpg (102.57 KB, 697x1038, 164636107_1012460092618257_490…)

Whatever you say can be used against you.
Just like in the detective movies.
No. 1321509
File: 1631398094867.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x1333, 20210912_000750.jpg)

No. 1321520
File: 1631398461542.jpg (612.58 KB, 1080x1065, 20210912_000803.jpg)

Lesson learned: never post photos of yourself holding up pieces of paper on social media.
No. 1321522
File: 1631398702658.jpg (310.64 KB, 1080x1080, 139169030_449235086116292_2579…)

>>1321499Well, I gave it a shot.
No. 1321549
File: 1631400744535.jpeg (122.56 KB, 640x800, gan0r.jpeg)

Ganer widening her back like mad, maybe that way her long-lost period finds a place to land on.
No. 1321735
File: 1631425238816.jpg (290.63 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20210912-173944_Tik…)

K continues to be blown up further with her nose pipe
No. 1321785
File: 1631432434952.jpeg (96.1 KB, 750x843, 1631387189416.jpeg)

>>1321365Only a bit of shuffling, I know.
No. 1321836
File: 1631440175332.jpeg (113.86 KB, 1284x418, 5ACECBA4-E438-4ED3-BB09-3F0367…)

I don’t know if someone has posted about this…but Hxn posted about UC, so I’m assuming she gets it tbh, we all see how much she spends on crap.
Why doesn’t she stop buying so much, and put aside the money to help fund this apparent “life saving vital treatment” why doesn’t she actually do things to aid in raising money for it, rather then just compromising her treatment in IP by exercising and pacing on videos and messing about.
Like if she’s there for 4 months she’ll have around 2400 from UC…which is a start. And then also she can get pip so she can backtrack that amount…so she is actually helping herself as well, and fighting for the treatment…but nope she is leeching off her followers.
No. 1321844
did anyone watch Hxn's live and if so was there any milk?
>>1321836She is now saying she doesn't want day patient in particular but the quality of care at Orri. Surely if that is the case she can just get intensive OP therapy or maybe do Orri's remote programme instead of asking fo 30k?
No. 1321850
File: 1631441257761.jpg (745.67 KB, 1080x2133, 20210912_200509.jpg)

Found K's Insta. Kek at the tensing of her neck to look less obese. Her names Kate, and of course she's an aus fag. Kek at all the toob pics and headbanging pics
Link to Insta: No. 1321957
File: 1631449308172.png (366.26 KB, 341x491, loeffortnoordinarygurl.png)

>>1321916are you sure about that? picrel
No. 1321999
>>1321916Yeah it pains me to defend Ham but she’s always looked average sized. Def not underweight at the start of her *~joUrNey~* (anyone can pop their collarbones) but hardly a beast like Porge or Ovi either.
Still no helpfully labelled bowls of cremated porridge. Am eagerly awaiting the college ReLaPse saga.
No. 1322007
>>1322006Thanks for the hint, anon.
The YT vid has got English subtitles (just click the 'CC').
No. 1322017
>>1322006Ok, I watched since it's really short lol, but basically for antone who doesn't want to give him a view:
He talked about how he wants to start making videos on YT again, but exclusively in German because he got 'a lot of messages telling him to stop speaking English in his videos' (I personally think he lurked). Also because it takes up a lot of time for him to write down scripts in English and the products ge will be talking about will be available in Germany.
That's pretty much it, no mention of how his 'recovery' is going. I think it's pretty obvious though, judging by how gaunt and malnourished he looks in the video.
No. 1322022
>>1322017Congratulations, Slenderman. Quite a stupid move to switch to German only.
That's probably cutting off more than 90% of potential regular viewers.
No. 1322043
File: 1631455028855.jpg (360.29 KB, 1128x1080, 20210912_155337.jpg)

>>1322006I can't get over how awful he looks in that video. He just seems to be getting worse with every video, how can anyone still believe his LARP?
No. 1322045
File: 1631455335690.png (63.69 KB, 390x238, 1631455028855 jpg(2).png)

>>1322043Hey Nikki. Where does that blistered lip come from?
No. 1322053
File: 1631456087357.jpg (502.19 KB, 1256x616, 20210912_161410.jpg)

No. 1322056
>>1322006This little cunt:
it has nothing to do with the fact that I've been getting
a lot of messages on Instagram lately about not making videos
in English anymore because I'm not a native English speaker and make grammar
and pronunciation mistakes."
Nooo Pencilneck, you were not butthurt at all. That's why you are mentioning it.
No. 1322080
File: 1631459350774.png (373.01 KB, 1061x670, Screenshot_20210912-160600~2.p…)

He's going to die of it. The male Cooney without the fanbase.
No. 1322089
>>1322043About "finding the right words has cost him some nerve": Why doesn't he look them up before?
And above that, he can always stop the take and cut that scene afterwards.
He's such a vain liar.
No. 1322097
File: 1631460599088.jpg (14.34 KB, 440x247, helen worth coronation street.…)

>>1322092Shit, anon, you're right. I just looked her up and the resemblance is truly uncanny.
No. 1322100
>>1322006I feel a bit aggravated by his fruitless attempts to be somewhat ironic and funny.
All you can see is pretty much his damaged pride and his frustration about not being the perfect entertainer.
He's a ridiculously extroverted person and still fails to hit the exact notes. No wonder that his acting career stalled before it even began.
No. 1322113
>>1322100The part where he takes the piss out of non German speakers needing subtitles is odd. Is that supposed to be funny?
Gail reminds me of ET when they put a wig on him. Both Gail and Nik are alien hybrids confirmed.
No. 1322114
File: 1631461978088.jpeg (292.01 KB, 828x1039, 9CE611DE-1997-49F8-9B49-2C9256…)

gosh her answers annoy me so much!
has anyone met her irl to let us know if she is as rude?
No. 1322146
>>1322144AFAIR he prepares something about some Harry Potter books:
>>1305428 Those are
not exactly known for their complicated story lines and wording since they can be read by any 12yo.
So it's - quite literally - not real rocket science.
No. 1322147
File: 1631464628947.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1080x1892, 20210912_183639.jpg)

Those fingers… those nails… gorl
No. 1322160
>>1322131>>1322136>>1322137What's that in English? Not something 5000 years? My phone won't do translate.
Isn't he now in 2nd year of uni? He's 28 next month. Sounds like he didn't do well in school.
>>1322147Reckon she's"cooked" for her new boyfriend yet?
No. 1322162
>>1322160Writes "5.000 gefüllte Jahre"
Means "five thousand filled years" (which is nonsensical in every context)
Intended to say "5.000 gefühlte Jahre"
Means "feels like five thousand years"
That's a mistake not to make once you're out of elementary school.
No. 1322175
>>1322160I imagine his education has probably been interrupted by ED-related hospital stays/treatment. A lot of people start their higher education late for this specific reason, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Too bad it looks like our poor little lizard boy is beyond help.
No. 1322206
File: 1631469389337.jpeg (202.38 KB, 750x646, D9F142AA-D81B-4A9C-91BC-0202E2…)

So Ham’s going through some genuine shit and she still manages to turn it into some bullshit ED crap
No. 1322208
File: 1631469451829.jpeg (347.82 KB, 740x1031, 6EECA40B-E15E-44C7-B8BA-F5187B…)

Interesting that her mum is moving out leaving her at home with dad seemingly?
No. 1322271
File: 1631474104343.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1170x2149, A7CBDD41-91DF-4FDA-A449-95B18B…)

Do ye remember sorchas bestie Kirsty who sorcha dropped because kirsty was way more servers than Sorcha? Yeah well she’s gotten a new anorexic friend now who’s barley 18 and has a whole tiktok dedicated to her “really bad” anorexia while also having reached 110% weight restoration while inpatient Kek. This Millie one is still somehow under services and “as severe as ever” if I saw her walk into an anorexia clinic i think id die of laughter. Ik it’s not a weight disorder but this Millie will not stop saying how severely underweight she is.
No. 1322274
>>1322271sucks to be you, sorcha
now fuck off
No. 1322277
File: 1631474362529.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2164, FD3A9855-B061-4469-8A3F-DA533B…)

>>1322272>>1322274Actually in all fairness her Instagram is quite fucking milky. Has Sorcha found us a new cow to replace her kek
No. 1322283
File: 1631474565005.jpeg (1013.03 KB, 1170x2296, E05CE371-839C-44FA-8068-52851E…)

>>1322281Her tiktok is fucking pro ana
No. 1322298
File: 1631475042553.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x2164, 9C0F398E-DFDA-44DE-B13F-91EF3E…)

>>1322283Her “recovery” tiktok is just pics of NG tubes and body checks kek maybe sorchas found a friend
No. 1322317
File: 1631476579043.png (847.79 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210912-145342.png)

Don't miss this proana cunt with an uwu tradwife following, Effina Hyatt (Fotouh Al Sahlamm)
No. 1322319
File: 1631476721887.jpeg (760.3 KB, 1170x2086, 7C3CAB5D-5814-4D7D-AE9E-FF6A8F…)

No. 1322320
You lazy Irish whore.
>>1220516 No. 1322323
File: 1631477223872.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1170x2090, F9DD49A2-98FA-46C7-88BC-D6BC15…)

Is anyone buying this?(go away sorcha)
No. 1322329
File: 1631477647450.jpg (94.08 KB, 720x924, IMG_20210912_151116.jpg)

Looking like a corpse while pissing vitamins and making her arab cult following feel bad for listening to their own doctors. Absolute cow
No. 1322343
>>1322317>Eating carbs caused my vitamin D deficiency No it didn’t, try going outside. and try eating fucking food and not being anorexic to fix the rest
>>1322206I would feel bad for ham if she A) wasn’t like 20 and B) didn’t make it about her pretend ED. Like holy shit how tone deaf can you be about your own family? Is she an only child? People I know with divorced parents but also siblings say that it made it slightly easier for them because they had somebody going through the same thing. Honestly it’s the best thing to happen to her account. I’m sure her followers are bored of the same overly positively posts day in day out, now she can fake a little relapse for some excitement.
Also sorchas friend has almost a more autistic deadeyed tard stare than she does. Almost.
No. 1322350
>>1322343Ham's an only child. Her parents are older parents, we once debated if she was a "miracle" baby.
She's going to have known for ages her mum and dad were separating. Her mum left the family business a year ago, her dad's barely at home, Ham goes on holiday with her mum only. It's obvious her parents are on the brink of divorce.
She mightve started the LARP for their attention, who knows. Hoping this is going to make her grow up a bit and think more about her mum's wellbeing than banging on about fucking fear food to her 24/7.
No. 1322398
File: 1631483858043.jpeg (34.9 KB, 600x400, download.jpeg)

>>1322394They're not well off, but they're comfortable working class. I really do think this LARP is a manifestation of family problems. In the 1970s, kids from dysfunctional families faked poltergeist activity. Now they fake eating disorders. Not as fun for sure.
No. 1322433
>>1322298>>1322277>>1322283>>1322298Fucking milky as shit to be claiming recovery and then posting those stupid my anorexia story videos with all these
triggering images
No. 1322568
File: 1631490793373.png (936.98 KB, 828x1792, 747098E1-693D-475C-AF61-3C88EC…)

dora is so coddled and dependent on her parents she’s even asking anna for “uni meals”… anna?!! who “can only eat 20 foods”?!
No. 1322685
>>1322670Here’s just one example of the many times she’s been caught self posting.
>>1276104Definitely her because the IP address has been tracked back to her approx location.
No. 1322687
>>1322581I've never thought it was self-posting either - I don't know what she would do that for? To
trigger herself?
No. 1322692
>>1322687Sage for blogpost but She has borderline personality disorder which is really common for people to have attention seeking behaviours. Normally when she hurls abuse at herself on here I’d say she feels more
valid and it gives her something to talk about. the comments on her own tiktok about the lolcow hate think it’s sorcha posting about herself.
No. 1322820
File: 1631513698514.jpg (194.77 KB, 1026x1463, E9QeQyAXEAEDtVt.jpg)

>>1322804Basically that's it, what you linked.
It's a "fashion" forum for talking about models, and whatever, but to make an account, you have to send proof that you're under BMI 18, with multiple pictures. The right-hand man who assists the site, and sifts through the images sent to accept members, is a major creep with a clear ana fetish
No. 1322867
>>1322842It was earlier this year when they brought him in as an emergeny case and then he was transferred to some ED clinic in Berlin.
There's a story vid on his YT.
No. 1322907
>>1322867here you go, anon.
go to 08:00 minutes
warning bad english ahead No. 1322933
File: 1631538135768.jpeg (629.85 KB, 822x1512, 3BD376EA-9E8E-43F4-AFEE-1FE46A…)

No. 1322946
File: 1631540015715.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1170x2158, 1DFE5A8C-47EC-4A9E-BF4A-D4BFF7…)

Sorcha and Camille had sex and Camille stayed the night at sorchas. Since when is anorexic sex a thing and Camille is barley legal(go away sorcha)
No. 1322947
>>1322946how the heck do you know this?
oh right, get a life Sorcha
No. 1322949
>>1322947by far the funniest self posts are those “exposing” info that is literally impossible for the public to know.
neither of em posted jack shit about it im sure, but MYSTERY ANON (not sorcha!! definitely not) magically knows that sorcha & her new friend are rattling each others bones. priceless
No. 1322986
>>1322979Your argument is
valid, of course.
His talk will suffice for some tourist trip but should be better if he presents himself in public (like he does).
He's in his late 20s already, got some education and internet access. Above that there's enough time to produce and cut a clip on YT, retakes included.
So no excuses to be that sloppy in his terrible pronunciation.
No. 1322992
File: 1631546083870.jpeg (310.7 KB, 750x1112, C7CD7E59-5308-4E05-A7CA-1E5C71…)

Ham’s back on form
No. 1322997
>>1322986I can't slag off his shitty English because I can't even speak German, so pronunciation and grammar aside, I think he really wanted his account to be something he used to gain followers. Then he tried to transplant them to his "acting" profile (unsuccessfully), because apparently being sm popular is a good thing for casting companies.
He's realised that it ain't gonna work, so doesn't gaf about using it for his drama shit and so it's okay for him to get sloppy and not bother with English.
I don't get what he's all about now. Obviously not eating more or trying to eat more. Same weight, maybe a little less, than this time last year. Is he an unlikeable person to everyone, as in not just us? Some people who speak their non native language on youtube and make a bit of a mess of it come across as endearing. With him, it's repellent.
>>1322992I don't believe for a second she missed even one meal while she didn't post.
>>1322993She's up there in the "makes me want to a-log" list, but she's not the only one who makes me rage. She has no excuse though, being young and immature is a sort of excuse for the others.
No. 1323020
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>>1322949Very funny how as soon as you say that someone is vendetta posting sorcha she puts this on her story. Learn to intergrate a bit better please sorcha
No. 1323022
>>1323020piss of sorcha
they know that your IP comes from your alcoholic Irish homeland
No. 1323029
>>1323020That bitch doesn't want to integrate.
She wants to stand out.
Ignore her.
No. 1323031
>can we just fucking ignore it as has been said countless times?PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE and PLEASE, everyone, DO THIS. Nothing about posts by/about her is interesting. Just don't mention her. EVER. Never again. She's eating up the threads with unsaged bollocks so
From NOW ON, we don't mention her???
No. 1323034
>>1323031It would not pose a problem if admins/mods around here would do their jobs in a proper way.
Blocking her whole shithead country would be a good start.
No. 1323036
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>>1323031Why don’t we give her the attention she wants? Clearly her and her new girlfriend wanna put on a show for us
(go away sorcha) No. 1323037
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slow work day, anyone has a funny idea for thread pic lmk
No. 1323043
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No. 1323046
>>1323037This is amazing anon.
>>1322304 Maybe this could be turned into a pic?
No. 1323047
>>1323043No S
* thread pic. She doesn't deserve the attention.
No. 1323051
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>>1323046kek yeah I'll see what I can do
I'm feeling a little bad for Ham as I think she may be genuinely going through it for the first time in her life
>>1323047She hopped on and edited that pic within minutes. She's lurking like crazy. Ignore.
No. 1323093
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>>1323051Love this, anon.
I'm grateful ham exists. Granny just got raped, I've been diagnosed with MCAS but AHH SPRINKLES!
No. 1323225
>>1323051I feel bad for her too, having your folks divorce is never easy whatever age you are, plus she still lives at home so she's literally in the middle of it.
At least she never actually had anorexia so there's nothing to relapse into!
No. 1323244
toxic positivty shows she's really covering up some serious issues. Anyone would be depressed right now. I was when my parents separated
No. 1323368
>>1323244I don't think she's putting this
toxic positivity anywhere but on Instagram. Her account is already saccharine and full of "you can do it" and "I believe in you" garbage, so she probably feels pressure to keep up the inane grinning and thumbsup and positive spin.
No. 1323388
>>1323368Yes but she's not really talking about the details of the problems and the things she's trying to overcome? It's just non stop bombardment of ~positive vibe~ phrases.
I feel other cows (munshies excluded) are a lot more honest about their feelings and issues while they type them up and overshare
No. 1323466
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Imagine posting a picture of yourself like this.
No. 1323613
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>>1323466No, imagine posting a photo of yourself like THIS
No. 1323616
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something about this obvious beg for a sponsorship cracked me up. the seal on that jar isn’t broken and probably never will be. give it up, sophie ugh
No. 1323643
>>1323613She looks like the
victim at a crime scene that was choked to death
No. 1323659
>>1323657>>1323658It's not just good.
It's even good enough.