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No. 181586
Xiaorishu Thread? Didn't see one in the catalog, if there is, sorry.
>Who is Xiao?
It's a 20 something brit youtuber, with chinese and vietnamese origins
>Why is she famous?
Aside acting cute in various languages
And aside she's asian
She as an abnormal squeaky voice, due to her lungs.
In the past, she cosplayed and got in a fight with Margaret Palermo, who said that Xiao wanted to steal Venus' popularity after Xiao invited her out to a con (still when Venus and Maggot lived in London).
>What does Xiao now?
Eats chicken, does some cute vlogs (for me, they're cute, a bit weeby but enjoyable), rants about her exes and disabled comments.
What do you think about her?
Personally, I find her kinda cute (her style, editing etc) but find her a little bit too try-hard when she talks about topics like "teehee I poop teehee I fart teehee I eat chicken"
No. 181591
>>181586How is she a lolcow? Why are you making this thread?
She's fine, sometimes her videos are annoying, but otherwise, nothing notable. Definitely nothing lolcow worthy. Sage for bad thread.
No. 181596
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No. 181597
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>>181590Well wtf else could it be? You're supposed to state why they're lolcow material, not why you think they're ~totemo kawaii desu~