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No. 266984
I haven't been able to find a thread on Jess and I hate to be the bitch who's like "HURR CANT BELEVE DER ISNT THREAD ON THIS PERSON!" but.. yeah I really can't believe it.
Jess is 21 I believe, an age-player, ABDL and a "little".
She has been on YouTube for a while and goes by BinkiePrincess.
Link to channel: blew up a little after Barcroft made a documentary about her for their Extreme Love series focusing on the fact she's an adult baby (and the fact that her bf looks like he wants to kill himself)
Doc: came out with a 20+ minute rebuttal to the documentary saying they portrayed her incorrectly and basically bitching that people disagree with her lifestyle.
She made a massive point before of saying there was nothing sexual about her ageplay, but recently started making ageplay porn with her bf and a few others, this can be seen on clips4sale but she recently made her own website for it.
I'm talking masturbating in a diaper she has pissed in, giving her bf a handjob while he pretends to be a teddybear, "daddy gives me cummies" type thing.
Is adamant there is nothing wrong with what she is doing.
No. 267020
File: 1489174501674.png (21.76 KB, 748x120, lolok.png)

had no idea she actually started doing that shit especially after that whole 'we don't sexualize it' thing
seems things have changed in the past few months lol
No. 267048
>> Binkie is hanging out in her room, while reading a book in her very wet diaper. She starts to wiggle and realizes that the squishy, full diaper feels good against her pussy. Turning onto her back, she starts to push and rub the soaked diaper against her clit and begins to breathe heavily. After shifting different positions and trying different techniques, Binkie eventually reaches orgasm and cums in her pee-filled diaper.
>> Binkie is coloring a pretty picture on the floor and drinking her juice. Then, Daddy comes in and tells her that it is time to put a diaper on before bed, it's getting late! She hops into his arms and he carries her off, placing her onto her changing table. While Daddy tries to find a diaper that she might like, Binkie finds a massager wand next to her and starts to inspect it. Daddy goes over to his little princess and asks her if she wants to play with it, and if he can show her how! Binkie agrees and he promptly removes her panties and begins to play with the wand on her princess part. Eventually, he decides to add a finger into her tight, wet hole. The horny baby girl wiggles about and soon begins to cum just for her Daddy! Afterward, he wipes away her cummies, powders her bum, and diapers her up. Time for bed, Binkie!stop the fucking planet I need to leave
No. 267058
File: 1489178127019.jpg (161.54 KB, 1080x1349, discusting.jpg)

The majority of the people that comment on her photos/videos are underage and she 30k followers…Ugh. I miss the days where someone like this would be considered insane, not just quirky and kinky uwu.
>>267053he has a thousand yard (nappy?) stare…
No. 267146
>>267114>>267094I'm willing to bet that a large chunk of the girls who claim to be into "DDLG" are exaggerating or interested in it for the wrong reasons. Most of them are insecure, attention seeking teenagers who are interested in Disney movies and Hello Kitty an Japanese fashion/pastel shit and are afraid of becoming an "adult". They like wearing chokers and think in order to enjoy all of these things past the age of 18, they must be into DDLG.
You have extremists like Jess, but most of them aren't like this and it's just a phase for them.
No. 267915
File: 1489293811079.jpg (151.74 KB, 1433x358, Screenshot_20170311-234154.jpg)

She was on Tosh.0 when she was still into kittenplay. It's on YouTube but you have to pay to watch it. I'm sure you could find it somewhere on the internet for free though.
No. 304234
>>304233Where are you getting this milk on her? I'm
>>267168 anon and I'm dying to find out more about her insanity
No. 304252
File: 1493893012497.png (546.03 KB, 699x535, death.png)

>>266984why does the boyfriend stay with her?
He says he's not into it and he always looks so unhappy,
what exactly is he getting out of this relationship? why not just leave and find a normal girlfriend. I bet he pays for all her crap too
No. 304289
File: 1493900242530.png (1.49 MB, 1133x727, lmaofaggot.png)

lmao her new "daddy" looks like a generic metalhead beta
No. 304293
>>304289samefag, found a video of them together - Skip past the first 2 minutes to ignore his tryhard vlogging.
She licks his face ~3:10 and he looks fucking horrified by the experience
No. 304297
File: 1493900749125.png (721.95 KB, 1302x735, lmaofaggot2.png)

>>304289samefag AGAIN but holy shit this guy has literally no furniture. Other than in pic, there's a table-chair and mirror in that room. Headboard but no bed frame. This seems like a major step-down from her pastel-pink baby bedroom with the other guy.
No. 304301
>>304252>>304293>>304289Wtf is it with these little preteen boys and playing 'daddy'?
They look underage themselves, I don't understand how either a little would want such a pathetic excuse for a 'daddy' or how they would be ok spending their teen years roleplaying a perversion of something they will be stuck with as an adult anyway.
No. 304317
File: 1493902903255.jpg (54.72 KB, 1022x767, shotty.jpg) this was so fucking awkward. Sorry don't know how to embed twitter video
No. 304319
>>304317lol samefag, ignore the image - i thought the coke bottle in
>>304297 was a bong but it's just a coke bottle with water in it. Forgot to remove the image
No. 304323
File: 1493903365525.png (17.68 KB, 603x128, creeeeeeppyyy.png)

uhh, little SISTER? creepy.
No. 304341
File: 1493904909399.jpg (346.27 KB, 1012x1536, lolwow.jpg)

>>304326looking through his twitter, I didn't notice anything too lulzy/outright pedo. Other than the dd/lg stuff obviously. He seemed to be in a normal, non-kinky relationship until like January this year? It sounds like she cheated on him, so he left.
He's a brony though lol. Check out that necklace. (also included: the funniest shit I could find on his twitter, he's a fan of Onionboy and Lainey)
No. 304384
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>>304380wtf is this logic
No. 304389
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No. 304391
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No. 304392
>>304341it makes me sad that interesting-looking alt guys are either weirdos like this one or have the personality of a self-important piece of cardboard.
sage for off-topic whining.
No. 304399
File: 1493909699248.jpg (108.83 KB, 845x471, ss (2017-05-04 at 07.54.15).jp…)

Shes really clinging tight to the fact that she doesnt enjoy this sexually
No. 304528
>>266984i know a little bit about stephen parker or whatever his name is, my friend
and i followed his old relationship cuz it was so cringy. basically he was in a ddlg relationship with this heroin addict named tori aka onepastyprincess on ig and spookibunnii on twitter. they broke up a lot. she claimed he beat her, deleted all her social media, made a new tumblr chroncling the abuse. posted pics of her black eye. they got back together. she left stephen. he made a 10 part video on her calling her a cheater and a heroin addict. they broke up and got back together 20 times in like a month. so yeah. sage for ot but just to give you an idea of what a fuckin weird dramatic relationship he was in previously……..
No. 304710
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>>304355this is so ridiculous looking omg
No. 305023
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gotta love that "nonsexual ageplay"
No. 305184
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No. 305185
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No. 305186
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No. 305189
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No. 305193
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umm what the fuck is this.
No. 305194
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No. 305203
>>305193the mirror newspaper link a little up in the thread says that she was raped at age 2 by her father.
Didn't sound legit to me, more like an excuse for her degeneracy
No. 305248
>>305194BDSM is a sexual thing.
It's not AT ALL related to wearing diapers and sucking on pacifiers while you're beta make calls you "princess" and coo's. Being an adult baby is fucking gross because you're pretending to be a toddler.
No. 305528
>>305186Strange how you have the option to edit/delete this tumblr post huh???
Got em
No. 319906
File: 1495564590970.gif (3.03 MB, 359x202, 1494108465737.gif)

>>319668the fucking comment section
>>319700>Naoko never asked for thisY'know I heard she hates her fans, and honestly I don't blame her
No. 319955
>>267048what the fuck is wrong with her tits?
she looks like a 50 yr old small town business woman, she doesnt fit this shit at all
No. 323099
>>322696Well, he was clearly reluctant on this shit. I've always wondered if she was offering other crazy sex in exchange for participating in something he was clearly disgusted by.
Welp, he was probably high the whole time. I'm sad for that guy. I hope he's getting better.
No. 323196
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>>323038Full caption:
This, is what you'll be left with if you get addicted to, and use off and on over several years, IV heroin. That scar over my vein, on both arms, will probably be there forever.
For better or for worse, I know by experience just about everything there is to know about heroin, shooting up, being a junkie, ODing, reviving someone else who OD'd, dealing with shifty drug dealers in the hood, going to jail, going to rehab, going through withdrawals, the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life, doing things I never thought I'd do, hurting people I never wanted to hurt. This shit is spreading like mad across America right now, and I feel a sense of obligation to say something about it because of what I've done, where I've been, and my stupid extreme luck in still being alive and well, and free of diseases. So here's the message: Don't do this shit. Stick to pot if you just gotta get high, but don't try this shit, because it will slowly consume your entire life, and you absolutely will NOT be aware of it until one day, you're out of money, feel like your bones are breaking, like you have a super-flu 1000x worse than the regular flu, and just to "feel better" you start doing whatever it is you gotta do to get up that cash for it; and from there, every single day onward just gets worse, and worse, and worse, until you can't remember what "normal" feels like anymore, have no friends or family who trust you anymore, no money, no job, no happiness, and absolutely no relief until you finally scrap together enough stolen shit to pawn for enough cash to get a bag. Then, finally, relief…For a few hours. Then you're right back in the shithole. Rinse and repeat until you either die, or manage to make it out and back to reality out of pure desperation.
No. 324963
>>323196Meh, big fucking deal. I have old scars from using for over a decade and the only people who notice are people in the medical field.
Plus there's this amazing product called concealer that you can use if you feel self conscious about it. FFS
No. 324968
>>319668Much strong, so domly
He's a fucking skinny baby, can you imagine submitting to someone that… pathetic? dear god
No. 324975
>>304355It took me a moment, like a Where's Willy type of thing.
What a limp noodle this guy is.
Imagine trying to bring that thing to life…
No. 325530
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Slightly OT, but Jess' new "daddy" gave me major deja-vu, so I decided to lurk around a bit. A few years ago, he dated a girl named Allie (I only knew about them because my friend knew them), typical scene couple, lots of yt vids, super sad long distance relationship. Eventually they broke up & Allie claimed abuse (photo attached; old tumblr url is ohemgeepenis, current is thevintagemermaid if anyone wants to lurk around some more).
It seemed really juvenile when the two broke up so I'm not sure how true any of it is, but I'm anxious to see if this all repeats with Jess. Steven was apparently very controlling, so maybe this relationship with so much micromanaging and rules will be fitting for the two of them.
No. 326236
>>326212I don't follow this thread at all, but wtf this girl could actually be really cute if it wasn't for the whole baby/little whatever thing
the 'posing' in the video was extremely cringey though
No. 327992
>>319668As someone into ddlg holy shit is she cringe
Also that guy is not very dom-like at all…
No. 328969
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>>328796i hate this so much especially since the music playing is from my favorite artist
No. 331370
>>331357He looks like a girl, complete with scene girl hair, so I'm confused too. I wouldn't be able to take anything he says seriously. Maybe she's a closet lesbian.
God and his voice. I got about 6 seconds in and wanted to blow my brains out.
No. 331911
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>>331357you reminded me of whoever this is
No. 333412
>>332182>>333316Ya'll have some fuckin Annie's mac n cheese where you are? It's almost always on sale and tbh I prefer it to Kraft. It's seriously the shit.
Btw I'm going to guess that anon may have been referring to the fact that the person made it seem like they've never made anything but mac n cheese before. Which would be pretty embarrassing for an adult.
No. 334938
File: 1497359159332.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8621.PNG)

why would you make a public video about this, that isnt even 18+?!
every single day we stray further and further from gods light ?
No. 335102
>>334938Go play with your gfs shit-filled diapers, you ugly pathetic pedophile.
What a cheap way to make ppl watch your stupid videos. Just fuck off
No. 335165
>>335102Uh… This isn't a selfpost. That's a screenshot from the dudes Snapchat. Christ some of y'all are slow.
>>335153I think you're replying to the wrong person
No. 335355
>>335259Oh my god
Ohhhhhhh my god
Both of these people are legal adults with their names on leases.
Who made a sexy music video for a bring me the horizon song. I've never been this embarrassed for anyone in my life.
No. 335386
>>335254MY EYES
Why did I click this
No. 336208
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>>267058TFW I will never have a qt man put up with my bullshit mental illnesses like this. No. 337308
>>336208is it weird I feel like she smells like a shitty diaper?
all I can think of when I see her is that she smells like straight up poo
No. 337585
>>337480well not exactly the diapers is why I described her smelling like diapers, it just came off my head when I saw how she acted in the video and how she looks
pretty gross she's doing either, I wonder how many yeast infections she's gotten, plus she seems like her breath would smell awful
No. 338034
File: 1497908398440.png (474.12 KB, 499x596, muhsexualabuse.png)

What was that about being raped at 2?
No. 338043
>>338034idk anon, I know a couple girls that are still 'friendly' with their abusers
I'm not sure if thats proof enough
sage for ot and blog
No. 338120
>>335254My eyes, my ears.
No. 338553
>>338509>>338518she lied either way,her sexual videos literally include sexual diaper stuff
in the one video the anon posted that got banned it said ABDL on the wall… who does she think she's fooling
No. 338556
>>338544Each to their own but I don't think the shitting is as widespread as you think. Personally I can't even begin to care what consenting adults do. I just don't particularly like cringey attention whores doing this online.
You sound about 12 tho tbh
No. 338560
>>338557>>338556hm? I never said what she could or couldn't do, I don't understand how I'm 12 simply for thinking she could at least be honest about what she's doing
I don't like ABDL and don't think it should be encouraged outside the comfort of ones bedroom, it's one thing to make videos of it, but another with her telling the world she isn't sexual when she's in a diaper but she clearly is
sage for samefagging
No. 338561
File: 1497998746928.jpg (1.13 MB, 1564x1564, 1493841834428.jpg)

>>337818>"My Daddy is the strongest and most supportive male role in my life, therefore I am choosing to dedicate this day to him."that dude seems like some dweeby teenager just going through puberty though, jfc
No. 338796
>>338130>unless she´s retardedwell…
>>338521she describes herself as "Abdl/Ddlg/Pet"
No. 340353
>>337818I don't know if this is more sad or anger inducing. Can't you leave Father's day alone?
The legs on that guy, though. lmao.
No. 342034
>>342019I didn't post any of these, but I watched with the intention of summarizing and like…
There no content.
He spins the camera around. Stuffs and All Time Low CD down his pants. He and Jess sit on a Teddy Bear and half-heartedly play with stuffed animals and take turns removing her pacifier to kiss. Cut to the living room, where Jess is doing…a dance? Having a trance-like seroquel fit? They throw around a Carebear. He picks her up. This is all done to two music-box arrangements, the latter of which is fucking Lana Del Rey. No words. The CD is never seen again.
No. 342179
File: 1498579363851.png (Spoiler Image,149.97 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9148.PNG)

found Jess bitching on her bfs instagram, sorry if this is gonna be considered "spam" idk how to post multiple pics in one post.
this is where i found them: No. 342180
File: 1498579382751.png (Spoiler Image,124.84 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9149.PNG)

No. 342181
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No. 342182
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No. 342183
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No. 342184
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No. 342185
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and if youre too lazy to look at his instagram, this is what he posted.
No. 342189
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No. 342190
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No. 343593
>>343181Speak for yourself. I like this thread. Go to a different one if you hate it so much and quit clogging it up with your shitposts.
No. 344273
>>342979I can't bare how cringy he is, dear lord.
He looks like a retard doing that winky face and putting his tongue out every 6 seconds. I wish I could punch him.
Sage for rage.
No. 346348
>>344268swoon points for the preteens that watch this garbage and want him to be their loving "daddy" even though hes some skinny scene kid dweeb. he gives me a lowkey creepy, abusive vibe like some anons were talking about upthread with his ex gfs. not cute
>>344276harder to read too than if it were a post it note or regular old white paper.
>>346335how do they do this? if they act like this, the whole relationship seems superficial and dishonest aka completely pointless. its like acting for retards
No. 346812
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No. 346814
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No. 346816
Amber was enjoying herself in the pool, and feeling a little frisky. So, she began to play with herself under the water. She kept going and started feeling really good. Getting that tingling feeling, she didnt realize she was drifting into the deep end of the pool. Holding her breath, and massging herself faster and faster. Her bikini top comes loose exposing Her breasts as she begings nipple pinches, all the while administering clitoral stimulation. She moans quite a bit underwater from the intense feeling, making her lose air and bubbles underwater. It gets to a point where she is trying to finish herself off, really struggling to hold her breath. Faster and faster until she cums hard underwater. She screams as the orgasm rips thru her, violently shaking and thrashing at how good it feels. Her goal was to cum before surfacing, but right after the cum, her body is spent and her eyes show wide open panic. Her arms start to float to the sides and overhead as her eyes go wide and mouth open. Some final twitches before she goes motionless….she has . Her body floats to surface face down and legs spread in a gentle "V". The Masturbation has lead to more than she bargained for.
No. 347255
>>347131THIS! in the thumbnail for the newest haul video i literally thought she was him.
she's gone mad for sticking her middle finger up and talking like a scene valley girl since they started going out. also the fact that people still follow the scene aesthetic literally depresses me.
No. 347300
>>342189>>342179Binkie response was perfect.
>>346814So shes back to catgirl. She knew she wouldnt make money in regular sexwork so she joined our com then that wasnt enough so she went abdl. She has had a sponser since day 1. I cant believe there is money in that. Yuck.
No. 347323
>>346876That has to be a description of one of her videos, it sounds like binkie
Not that anon so don't know but ya.
No. 347655
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"how old were you when you lost your virginity?"
No. 347657
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No. 347658
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kitten play days lmfao
No. 347659
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No. 347668
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No. 347813
>>347323Not OP but the pun was that Binkie drowns in the end
Anyway, I find it ironic that all the girls into dd/lg seem to look so haggard. So far I haven't seen any babyface
No. 348852
>>348832cringe at the little girls in the comments saying they want him to be their daddy. 13 year old emo boys arent exactly "daddy" material.
the awful music in the background is also really obnoxious and distracting. sounds like a rip off of animal crossing osts with an offputting trap twist.
No. 349026
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No. 349037
>>347813agreed, I've seen them complain about having big boobs and its hard being a little
its almost like grown women arent suppose to pretend to be a child getting molested, or anyone for that matter
No. 349041
>>347719idk, all the girls I known who have been sexually abused as a child don't have sex til late teens/early adulthood and say it makes them uncomfortable to do it so early because of their experience
however I did know one girl who liked pretending to be a child (not sexually) and brought sippy cups, stuffed animals, pacifiers, bottles, etc but the daddy shit grossed her out, she said she never really had a chance to be a child so it felt good doing that
No. 349220
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I wonder what people who went to binkie's high school thinks of her public appearance
No. 349243
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No. 349391
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No. 349824
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No. 349825
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No. 349846
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>>349824>>349825oh shit girl get out of there
No. 349872
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No. 349873
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No. 349877
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she straight up said ddlg is p#dophillia or p#do roleplay?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 349885
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No. 350500
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No. 350502
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No. 350579
isn't molesting same thing as rape…..taking advantage of someone, forcing, not consenting?
assault or abuse (a person, especially a woman or child) sexually.
"he was charged with molesting and taking obscene photographs of a ten-year-old boy"
synonyms: (sexually) abuse, (sexually) assault, interfere with, rape, violate; More
unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
both are terrible and fucked up
Her dad is a fucking pedophile then…..why tf would you do that to your own child or anyone. disgusting!
No. 350580
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No. 350807
>>350605your dumb
people on this thread may has
>>349041I think you either go hypersexual and kinky starting young, or get a slow and shaky start towards losing your V card when you've been SA'd as a kid. Usually the fetish is to overwrite the trauma, yeah? Like I'd rather my husband do what was done to me in the comfort of my home so I can work out physical memories, than do nothing at all. I can see how that would play out to become an ageplay or whatever fetish. PTSD patients are supposed to confront
triggers, right? I'd say it's the same line of thought. Though I def don't believe every ABDL/DDlg blogger was molested or raped young. You CAN just be a degenerate, and not have a prompt.
No. 350844
>>350807yeah but
triggers aren't like that – usually they're more like, "oh you use the same detergent as my abuser wow sorry for shooting across the room like that, it's cuz of some kinda instinctual fear and gross feelings in my head," not, "oh boo hoo this person said 'rape' so now I'm flopping like a fish on the floor remembering the whole thing!!"
What anon basically did was type, "
TW RAPE" and when you open the image it's just "RAPE" in bold font. Useless. TWs aren't usually helpful cuz if they were they'd be like, "a bathroom with yellow walls that have a sunflower border," or "taxidermy deer head in dim lighting next to a bed with red sheets." TWs are proven to not really help anyone anyway.
like, nigga, wake up
No. 350850
>>350834well the thing is with that logic, people who have been in car accidents, other horrible experiences feel the need to act it out, which makes no sense
for example someone who was in combat and captured by the opposing force, why would they wanna act out the moment they were capture in a roleplay setting, it just makes no sense that the ONLY type of people who have had trauma that feel the need to roleplay it later in life are victims of child molestation, or at least claim to be
I am an understanding person, I completely understand people who have "little spaces" that don't involve their partner romantically or sexually, like the girl I mentioned, who liked kids toys and pacifiers and kids movies and whatnot but would never wanna bring her romance life or sex life into it at all, you can confront your
triggers without sexualizing children/ child molestation
No. 350851
File: 1499815662619.jpg (77.53 KB, 791x644, IMG_0964.JPG)

>>350844Thanks for the falseness & ban
Just wanna complain how we added tiggerwarnings for some on thread that are sensitive to a topic like this
>>350851yo how did you post this if you're banned
also delete this and edit out your IP and sage
No. 350856
>>350853I was using a business/work laptop and don't worry I use a change my ip apps.
Then someone basically spammed up with false
No. 350863
>>350860I don't understand though
Are her parents still together??
Or did they divorce
Because if her mom stayed with a man who did stuff to her daughter………
No. 350865
>>350863I knew this psycho of a mom who stayed with her husband who got arrested for beating up his ex wife and walked in on him molesting her 16 yr old daughter but stayed with him, the daughter was my friend and I tried getting her to go to the police but she couldn't because they pretty much gave her hush money and said "oooo we will pay for cosmetology school and buy you things if you stay with us"
she's out now and for some reason friends with her mom, although I'm urging her to come stay at my apartment once she gets a job she can transfer to around me
No. 350868
>>350865Jesus are they fucking serious
Is she okay right now?
No. 350869
File: 1499817621838.jpg (53.41 KB, 775x495, header3_derogatory-women-city1…)

>>350868yeah, she lives near her mom and got brainwashed by some druggie dude, I'm worried about her but I feel like once she moves in with me and our friend group she will get back on track soon
I live in a southern state where no one really gives a shit if a man physically hurts a woman, it's really shit, pretty much the opposite of what mgtow preaches, they're sexist as fuck here
No. 350870
File: 1499817904493.png (122.71 KB, 640x866, IMG_0965.PNG)

Jess/binkieprincess ex irl friend.
I totally agree with her friend, she treats her fanbase rude
Is links allowed? If so here's her post
Please don't bother "ra**", she doesn't want anything to do with jess No. 350874
>>350869Your a great person for helping her. Her mom, Dad, and that druggie is manipulative as hell…..poor girl
I Wish the best for her.
No one should go through this, especially jess (if her dad case is true)
No. 350898
File: 1499825061610.jpg (67.62 KB, 345x513, IMG_0972.JPG)

This is kinda old
Screenshot from back in April
No. 350899
File: 1499825272009.jpg (121.72 KB, 640x855, IMG_0976.JPG)

No. 351022
>>350869>>350869You're from Louisiana anon? I remember reading how louisiana is one of the states with the highest number of violence against women problems, I went to nola once for uni trip and the men seemed to be complete dicks who don't care about hurting women physically, I never understood why the law enforcement refuses to take greater measures, most of the women from Louisiana i talked to, when brought up to the subject of violence and sharing their stories, it was almost always men attacking the woman first for no good reason, the only situations where the man was in trouble is if there was excessive proof, they were 21+, and if it was clear that there was no good reason
Sage for OT
No. 351044
>>351022offtopic but isn't like 90% of women there have been violently assaulted by a man at least once? I remember it was in the 80s or 90s range and I also know 1 and 3 women there had been a victim of domestic violence, but that doesn't account for women who were hurt by men who weren't their partner
in another thread, I believe it was OT, an anon who lived in louisiana said that a guy almost attacked a girl for sitting a few feet away from him and he choked her for not doing push ups when she asked, also bragged about making a girls vagina bleed after kicking it and that the school refused to do anything because they felt bad for him
I don't mean to derail the thread, I'm generally interested in why this one state, is the most sexist, violent against women and gives the least of shits about women getting attacked by men despite it being a huge problem there
No. 351113
>>349391>>349026Kinda new to this cow, context?
>>349824Also, is she talking about Stephen here?
No. 351801
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What do you guys think of this video?
No. 352810
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No. 352888
>>352810She got so mad when he said
"This is a fetish?, so your literally fetishizing babies and kids ok,,,"
She herself said it was a fetish or a kink "we do no actually want to fuck kids, it's both consenting legal adults1 and in the bdsm role strictly 18+ uwu" "we are adult babies >,>"
regresses to 1yr old and imitaties child likely,,,,the shit that turns them onShe been using that card instead realizing how the word infantilism and kink in the same sentence is disgusting along that.. fetishizing kids!
Props for him for also getting on her ass about not age restricting every videos on her channel (she ignored him) and 24 days later it's still not age restricted especially her new videos.
No. 356384
>>356086>>356086too true. at least then there was some hope he could coax her out of it, now she's just being enabled.
so we know now that david was literally doing heroin, but steve has spoken openly before about how drugs disgust him. does anyone know if jess used with david? cause she sure looks like no stranger to it. wondering if it's something she'll still do
No. 358529
>>358054instagram has no reason to ban her tbh, same as there's loads of other ddlg and dbdl crowd on insta.
>>356507good point. he seems so transparent though tbh i think it would be a lot more obvious if he was lying.
No. 358531
>>358054instagram has no reason to ban her tbh, same as there's loads of other ddlg and dbdl crowd on insta.
>>356507good point. he seems so transparent though tbh i think it would be a lot more obvious if he was lying.
No. 358532
>>358054instagram has no reason to ban her tbh, same as there's loads of other ddlg and dbdl crowd on insta.
>>356507good point. he seems so transparent though tbh i think it would be a lot more obvious if he was lying.
No. 361771
>>360045fuck my bad, didn't realise that happened. too late for me to delete it now lmao and i'm the op of this thread so I essentially spammed myself. great!
does anyone know what david is up to now?
No. 362135
File: 1501231921948.png (9.01 KB, 589x146, david.png)

>>361859No. Unless he's living somewhere else now..
No. 362598
File: 1501290747035.png (347.39 KB, 1261x867, 2.png)

>>362135>>362101>>362059>>361859Here's the image. He was arrested for possession of paraphernalia, possession of weed under 20 grams, and ROWOV (resisting arrest without violence) so he ran from the cops probably.
Source link: No. 363912
File: 1501501289363.png (107.83 KB, 574x613, tumblrss.png)

No. 363923, Steven ex gf
Just wait til jess and Steven go at it with each other in a couple months
Both are filthy scums
No. 364101
>>364072The lead singer of BOTDF is a predator i heard.
wouldn't be surprised if jess and steven listen to their shit songs in bed for hours like, they said they do. They literally said they spend half of the day doing nothing but, listening to "2009 emo music" and vape. How could people like this pay bills, while some people who are actually doing more work struggle a little.
No. 364118
either way jess is too, clearly proven retarded to be with a jobless and driveless 26yr old emo vaper. Ain't no shame to people who are jobless/unemployed and can't drive but, he doesn't even put effort or bother to at least do something productive like an average 20+ yrs/adult do. He has no medical issues or things pulling him back. I mean I could be wrong but, this isn't healthy or going to last long .Glad steven didn't got tori pregnant and jess not wanting kids because, we do not need more of people like this.
No. 365247
>>365223 getting turned on by kids or infants behavior seems pretty paedophilic and disgusting to me. she reblogs lolicon before, and you can see it on her tumblr.
agree, we caannot confirm if she is a paedophile but the who sexualizing minors and making porn of infants in sexual situation = money of it. it's just wrong making money of children being abuse or any of those serious topic.
No. 365351
>>365325>NOT sexualizing childrenOh, fuck the fuck off.
You can keep coming in here trying defend this but it doesn't change the fact you, along with Jess, are gross fucks. I don't think she's a pedo but she definitely sexualizes the shit out of children.
No. 365672
File: 1501731155800.png (44.88 KB, 818x175, Screen Shot 2017-08-02 at 10.3…)

what a jealous bitch.
No. 365746
>>365223"I know plenty of littles who are in childcare jobs"
oh? just like many pedos are into child care jobs too?
I will never in a million years ever let someone who roleplays child molestation be around kids, sorry jess
No. 366048
Also check out this video a guy did on binkie.
I think he covered the how she lied about it not being sexual or pedophilia perfectly. Her turning around making porn sexualizing babies. No. 366150
>>366093I really love how these ddlg fucks calls us uneducated but cant tell a simple difference between 'age regression' and 'age play'. age play (ddlg) sexualize and roleplay kids, they must be dumb to not see how getting turned on by innocent kids behavior is wrong.
age regression has and don't want nothing to do with the age play "ddlg" kink community. age regression is seen as a coping mechanism or other reasons people use it for. I feel bad for age regressors that had to put up with bitchy ddlg folks 24/7.
No. 366411
File: 1501838306953.png (43.43 KB, 552x449, Screen Shot .png)

>>365718IT IS JESS.
No. 366567
>>366411"tee hee I'm not REALLY fucking brother I'm just pretending to"
Do these people think we don't know how fantasies start out and translate into roleplay? think of teacher/students roleplay, if someone is heavily into it and wants to roleplay it, then the only logical translation is that they have had actual teacher/student fantasies, and maybe actually willing to fuck their teacher or student if giving the time, place and chance. incest roleplay doesn't start out of nowhere jessie.
No. 370568
Found Olivia C's channel doing a quick Google search for her name and Jess' older username PastelQuartz. I'll post specifics if I find anything about her friendship with Jess.
Here is Olivia's Youtube No. 370571
>>370568I'm sorry I'm doing this from mobile and should have posted this in that post too
From what I can see, Olivia only has three videos up BUT I managed to find this?
It's from 2015, which is around the time Jess was into kittenplay No. 371246
>>370571God the girl in that video is a child what the hell, I couldn't get past the beginning where she mentioned fandoms, something much more age appropriate.
If jess really encouraged her to buy into kink shit thats grooming without a doubt in my mind.
No. 371500
File: 1502580772108.png (29.26 KB, 343x98, commentsjess.png)

found this on her Facebook….
No. 371501
File: 1502580792137.png (378.32 KB, 624x419, 2013.png)

Her ex was friends with david?
No. 371502
File: 1502580808444.png (720.3 KB, 654x672, jessex.png)

This is him.
No. 371703
>>370571jesus christ, a girl being open about this
problematic kinks can make even the most beautiful of girls ugly
OT but something to me is really unappealing when a girl talks about "ooo I like pretending to be a little girl and fuck my boyfriend who pretends to be my dad" openly, it's just so unclassy and tacky, it reminds me of how onion talks about his sex life
No. 375906
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No. 380146
File: 1503760102192.png (200.03 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8072.PNG)

>>378333This is an image board ffs
No. 380726
>>380234For those who didn't see it it was Binkie in lingerie and vampire fangs trying really hard to be sexy while playing with "blood lube" that was bright orange and looked like it belongs on buffalo wings. She was dripping and rubbing it all over her body and rolling around on the bed with a shitty Marilyn Manson instrumental cover playing over everything. It was so damn embarrassing.
She or the creator of the lube or someone recently mentioned one of the ingredients was honey so great job, putting sugar in a lubricant. Hope she gets a yeast infection for her stupidity.
No. 382766
File: 1504040889799.jpg (18.31 KB, 424x640, 277230-merchant.jpg)

>>375906"Got some rare used buttplugs on sale, stranger!"
No. 384832
File: 1505114529975.png (647.26 KB, 643x626, Screenshot_1.png)

Bringing joy and care into Irma's heart? IT'S A HURRICANE.
No. 391225
Hi, I am one of the mods that runs the new Binkieprincess Opinions blog on Tumblr. I don't have anything really too exciting to share with you but it is very lol worthy.; we placed a tracker on the blog and watched all week as she accessed the page and defended herself anonymously (not so anonymous when people see your IP though lol!)
This is my first time posting, long time lolcow lurker so I'm sorry if I fucked up anything here.
No. 391609
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No. 391610
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No. 397680
File: 1507099355134.png (61.12 KB, 404x343, Screenshot_4.png)

No. 400679
File: 1507510068351.jpg (42.49 KB, 640x480, 22220611_887444188091383_10622…)

These dumbasses got DDLG couples tattoos on their WRISTS after only being together for a few MONTHS. smdh
No. 400687
>>400679Whose hand is whose
If his hand is the one that says "daddy's " it implies he belongs to a daddy
There would have been many less retarded looking ways of doing this
No. 401389
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No. 405538
File: 1508346212362.png (579.74 KB, 720x1280, 1508335758014.png)

Why is she bragging so hard about owning a lucky pack dress from AP (that sells for less than 100$, at that) ?
Telling the price and repeating it's brand is so tacky.
Even such a tacky print doesn't deserve such a horrible fate though.
No. 405785
>>405538i am so fucking ENRAGED why can't these ageplay fucks keep away from lolita, you're making us look bad
sage for rage
No. 406002
>>405785I feel the same anon. I really do. I hate them so much.
sage for more rage
No. 409534
File: 1509004708289.png (1.45 MB, 1268x672, Screenshot_1.png)

"I drew me and my daddy!"
No. 409752
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No. 410822
File: 1509189949228.jpg (36.33 KB, 622x313, ew.JPG)

ohmygod im getting rilakkuma porn flashbacks
No. 410823
File: 1509190027819.jpg (28.66 KB, 615x307, ew.JPG)

imagine meeting a new co-worker or your friends older brother or something and they seemed weird but nice so you looked them up and fucking found this shit
No. 435957
>>435949>that kingdom hearts melodyomg they're ruining it for me haha.
I know it's super cringe either way. Yet there's something about how she snatches that bottle from the table when he sets it down, and the camera catches all her hand tattoos, that makes it fucking ridiculous. How could anyone suspend imagination and pretend this is an innocent girl when she's got all that nasty ink? Lmao.
No. 436142
File: 1512193362513.png (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 1233x691, open if you dare.png)

>>436089It looks like someone's mom at a trailer park got into a little girl's room and decided to have fun. This is bad.
In one of the photos you can tell she's been freshly spanked based on the red markings on her ass. Yeesh.
No. 439910
>>350834I was a late bloomer wrt getting rid of my virginity but once I did, I got to a point where I felt as though the more sexual acts I engaged in the better, and the riskier the better. It's sad, but the more dangerously I behaved, the cleaner I felt, which I guess is a less intelligent way of saying 'rewriting the trauma', though looking back that's exactly what I was doing I was hyper aggressive with men and would go to bars, pick up guys who were with other women, and have one night stands with them. Sometimes I was so drunk that I didn't know who they were and I didn't care. A couple of times I was tied up. Once I got hung from a closet door; it's honestly a miracle that nothing ever happened to me. I never got an STD, I never got hurt.
I lived with my best friend at the time and he and I would talk about this stuff when I would get home, and I was always so happy that next day. I would feel amazing. I felt clean. Those memories are so strong for me, and I loved the feeling of power I got from those men. The weirdest thing is that it was my mother who molested me and my dad wasn't even around. So it wasn't even that I hated men, it was more that I was trying to scrub her off me. And every time I went out, it got better, and then I didn't need to do it anymore one day. It just stopped cold.
Now that I've blogposted, I'll get to my point about this 'fetish' and why it makes no sense to me.
With both abdl and dd/lg, it seems like the girls not only sexualize the trauma, (if there ever was trauma, I'm not necessarily convinced there was with some of the girls) but they're retraumatizing themselves. It's sad when you internalize that shit so much that you take over for the person who abused you, but at some point, you have to realize that's exactly what you're doing. They do it in the context of being children though, which is why it's so disturbing. I understand wanting to be taken care and treated lovingly by your partner. A lot of the time, even if you don't want to do it or aren't conscious of it, a partner can act like a substitute for the parent who fucked you over; I personally get a little bit odd when I'm sick. I want to be taken care of, and hugged a lot, and have my bf make me soup, and have my arm tickled ??? but these girls don't seem to want that.
They want to stop being adults, and they haven't even been adults yet. They're unable to act as adults in their sexuality, which is grotesque. Okay, sure, you do you and let's not kink shame, but babies don't have sex. Four year olds don't have sex, willingly, with adults. I'm sorry, but pacifiers actually don't belong in your vagina and you are sexualizing children when you do that. You can rationalize it from here to Sunday, but I'm going to side eye you, and so will a lot of others.
They think that care and love that you get from a healthy parental relationship is about fucking, which is disgusting; and that love equals their ridiculous 'rules', and it looks so unhealthy from the outside.
They choose men who are barely even men. Does that feel safer to them? They're either redpill dweebs, or fake tough guys, or whatever these dudes perceive themselves to be. Some of them seem like incels that lucked out, I mean, they're that awful. And these girls are giving everything up, all their power, to losers. I mean, I would laugh in someone's face if they told me to eat my tendies or make sure daddy is the only one who can 'use' ← wtf? my princess parts. The anon who said that phrase is fucking grim is on the money, btw.
I feel like they all have extreme cognitive dissonance, and as with Binkie, they can't even articulate what they feel about the whole thing or why they like it. She doesn't condone abdl or fetishize and romanticize molestation, but she will do porn of it and make YouTube channels based on it? Okay, then. I understand that having bad or weird experiences in life might push a person to do strange things that they might not have done if they hadn't had the shitty experience, but being so inarticulate about it bothers me on a personal level, and I don't understand her extreme defensiveness when people ask her to clarify.
Sorry this was long but I just found this thread, read the whole thing in a sort of horrified fascination, and wrote a novel. I'm going for my doctorate, it's probably annoyingly apparent. Sorry again.
No. 461661
File: 1515084261988.png (375.94 KB, 625x917, chrome_2018-01-04_10-43-02.png)

She's now offering fetish videos in exchange for birthday gifts. Something about this rubs me the wrong way and seems really desperate and sleazy to me.
No. 482286
File: 1517014743527.png (641.12 KB, 634x645, 2018-01-26_18-57-28.png)

The goth phase didn't last long. She's gone full scene kid now.
I wonder if this weird identity crisis has to do with her BPD? Rapid cycling through styles doesn't seem normal.
No. 482412
File: 1517026254157.png (1.09 MB, 513x925, chrome_2018-01-26_22-10-00.png)

No. 483900
>>482412Holy fucking ill fitting wig
No. 487960
>>487840Agree, holy shit look at her fidget with that vape too.
Maybe this is part of this new scene persona? Idk. But damn that hair doesn't flatter her compared to the brown.
No. 488681
>>488021it's so bizarre. There are people who are very popular for a new-age kind of scene look i.e linzor, kitty milkgore, even leda. But she is going for this mismatched aspect of scene that is the cringe parts all mashed together, calling herself a scene queen, "owning" it, and using the myspace comic sans esque fonts and rawr. I don't get what she thinks she's pulling cause none of her phases last very long?
I'm surprised she hasn't gotten into looning; or balloon pop fetishes. It's a supposedly good niche market to make money from and she did a balloon popping video once for clips4sale.
No. 496768
She's honestly awful as a streamer. I tuned in for a few minutes and she was playing Nekopara, a visual novel in Japanese, and wasn't even reading the dialogue or anything, she was just sitting there mostly silent, sometimes talking about random unrelated shit, clicking through the game. I watch a fuckton of Twitch, I have streams going almost 24/7, I know what makes a good streamer and makes someone watchable. She is not a good streamer. She's boring and not the least bit engaging.
No. 498602
>>493149There are rules against linking to patreons with nudes and stuff.
Linking to a YouTube/Twitter about ABDL-ism is bannable isn't it?
No. 500047
File: 1518298113347.png (3.07 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180210-152746.png)

Yikes her graphics are a mess
No. 513979
File: 1519542209313.png (558.35 KB, 908x654, Untitled.png)

So now she's doing modeling for a really shitty, bigoted company that's awful to people in her community. She'll do anything to get a quick buck.
Fairly confident she's going to pull the "Well they were perfectly nice to ME!" card and ignore all the evidence of them being awful.
Oh yeah, and her URL is sailorbinkie now. She says she's trying to make more varied content and wants a less kink specific name.
No. 513995
File: 1519544676811.png (14.25 KB, 600x115, chrome_2018-02-25_01-44-30.png)

No. 520210
>>517510the people were dumb about it yeah (and if you're underage you shouldn't even be involved in the first place)
jess assumes everyone is like her and their life revolves around pretending to be a child and roleplaying child molestation
>>517526jess should have still been discreet about it, it's a taboo that has a fuck ton of slippery slopes, but keep in mind the community itself isn't just ugly girls trying to make pedos jerk to them by pretending to be a child or pedophiles projecting, most of the
problematic side of bdsm comes from ddlg and abdl, petplay, slaveplay and all that, it's harmful but a lot of the people into it tend to be pretty average people if they don't take it too extreme or are just trying to get attention/hide behind it
No. 521086
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No. 521090
File: 1520248171108.png (1.11 MB, 2452x1277, Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 18.3…)

some real nasty shit off her tumblr
doesn't she still claim it's non sexual in her personal life?
jesus she is disgusting
No. 521416
>>521395>>521095how do people seriously ignore the fact that whoever is writing or reading this
has to imagine this as a child.
No. 524059
File: 1520530426405.jpg (32.48 KB, 250x354, image.jpg.28e7532c884786ffcb20…)

old but (1/2)
No. 524060
File: 1520530473251.jpg (45.82 KB, 500x369, image.jpg.d65d0aa1ebac1ba84a19…)

this makes me want to die (2/2)
No. 524720
File: 1520596729911.png (109.34 KB, 416x159, binkieprincess1.png)

She made that video about her rebranding herself and trying to step away from ddlg, and then deletes the video and goes back to the same shit she's always posted?
No. 524722
File: 1520596894964.png (369.29 KB, 597x400, binkieprincess2.png)

>>524720She's also really trying to milk this whole ~kawaii twitch streamer gamer girl~ gig. It's like she tried to put all her eggs in one basket by trying to change her content to be more stream friendly after one stream, but then went back on it after realizing she's not going to make anything from just doing twitch and not posting ddlg content.
No. 524725
File: 1520597354470.png (680.08 KB, 851x479, binkieprincess3.png)

Also she owns a chibi moon body pillow? She really can't help herself can she…
No. 524751
File: 1520604114216.jpeg (Spoiler Image,341.1 KB, 800x1187, 3FA08C0F-5E87-4104-9B1E-95DD8B…)

>>524725I got curious and googled the pillowcase, at least the ~lewd side is black lady not that it makes it any better
No. 525129
>>523639>>523024I wasn't close with her but some of my friends were. None of them speak to her anymore but she was always an emo who loved twilight and said "RAWR XD" she was always attention seeking, always hanging all over whatever boyfriend she had. Attention seeking of course.
When she lived with David she lived in the GHETTO. Also she frequents a nightclub near me, She goes to the castle alot which is like a nightclub for ravers, goths, bdsm … it's right next to a gay club I go to. She's there like 2 times a month or so, I see her alot there but she doesn't remember me I don't think. She's always acting like a retard in the streets.
If you wonder anything else let me know and I 'll try to answer.
No. 525466
File: 1520684168897.png (167.69 KB, 750x1050, IMG_6956.PNG)

So she keeps track of this thread? Not really surprised
No. 525471
>>525466Nice move Jess, drive your fans to the thread that has receipts of your bullshit
What a Raven move
No. 525549
>>525466She deleted the tweet but it looks like she posted it within 10-15 minutes after
>>525129 was. Damn, she must be checking this thread constantly, lol.
No. 525655
She probably deleted it because of
>>525471 or because she saw it got relayed here.
No. 526337
File: 1520786485461.png (158.67 KB, 418x281, 1516527198147.png)

>>526322Learn to sage.
>wiki says she's 5. So? Drawings are not real, this isn't a difficult concept to understand. The wiki could say she's 500 and it wouldn't make a fucking difference because none of it is real.>:))))))))))))Pls go back to tumblr and stay there especially if you think loli equates to real life.
No. 526345
>>526337Art portraying children in sexual situations is for pedos and you don't have to come from tumblr to get that.
There's a lot of pedos who make pedo art in different styles, it is still portraying sexualized underdeveloped bodies just in whatever the pedos art style happens to be, why is it different if its anime.
Only a pedo would look at a portrayal of a sexualized child, what is clearly a sexualized prepubescent body, and think "this is fine!!! Stop having a problem with this waaah!!"
No. 526348
>>526337as a side note I do not specifically mean this instance because the pillow doesn't look like an underaged body and since its art the portrayal is what matters.
But the whole "loli isn't real life who cares if I like sexualized child art I'm not a pedo just because prepubescent bodies turn me on??" Thing is ludacris.
No. 526430
>>526337someone asked a question, i answered hun
i dont give a shit what you like to look at, i just find it interesting how jess is so “its nothing to do with fucking kids i dont find kids hot” while sexually posing on top of a body pillow with a kid also sexually posing on
No. 526487
File: 1520801695772.jpg (31.32 KB, 480x462, 772.jpg)

>>526345>Only a pedo would look at a portrayal of a sexualized child, what is clearly a sexualized prepubescent body, and think "this is fine!!! Stop having a problem with this waaah!!"The only one that has a problem with it is you, it's a fucking drawing. It doesn't exist and it's "age" and "characteristics" are exaggerated caricatures that do not reflect reality. Or are you going to try to tell me real children have eyes that take up 3/4ths of their head and have no nose? Regular anime characters don't even look human let alone a loli looking like a real child.
>>526348>But the whole "loli isn't real life who cares if I like sexualized child art I'm not a pedo just because prepubescent bodies turn me on??" Thing is ludacris.It's literally not real but go off. By that logic, all furries are into real life bestiality and people who like gore art are sociopaths :^)
>>526349>>526405>>526430>>/tumblr/Of all the stupid shit this cow does, getting hung up over her liking loli of all things is stupid. The dakimakura she has wouldn't even be considered loli.
No. 526502
File: 1520803165377.jpg (140.85 KB, 1145x1080, 1493498480666.jpg)

>>526492Please do not post unsaged posts in the thread especially when you are not contributing. My favorite part of your post is where you rebutted all my points instead of using an ad hominem.
>>/tumblr/ We should just ban any media that can be
problematic like violent video games and books that have graphic content. If a work does not pass by tumblr approved guidelines then it shouldn't exist and everyone who likes it is a
problematic pedophile rapist. I wonder how all those doujinka in Japan are going to feel when they find out a bunch of westerners are calling them pedos for drawing in a certain art style? Someone should really tell them they are a bunch of pedophiles contributing to the endangerment and sex-trafficking of real kids by drawing a picture in paint tool sai and posting it on pixiv.
>>526502shut the fuck up with your ot blog shit
no one cares that you like lolicon
No. 526536
>>526487Checking in to let you know that some other people definitely think that kidsex material is gross regardless of the media used to make it.
Please. You do know that a lot of furries do fuck their goddamned pets, ffs. Your argument is laughably bad.
>>526502Are you schlicking the bean as you type?
No. 526544
File: 1520805453394.png (176.04 KB, 640x1136, 51BC01ED-1D6C-4776-848E-16062B…)

No. 526545
File: 1520805476624.png (104.47 KB, 640x1136, 55971A7F-AB5D-42FD-9697-769F1E…)

No. 526591
>>526544heaven forfend, someone dissed ‘Onesies Downunder’ do these people even realize how stupid they sound
their sex lives are public jokes
No. 527888
File: 1520939078418.png (34.42 KB, 792x224, response.png)

Here's a response she made to people on her 'Kawaii/Discreet "Little" Outfits!' video.
No. 527890
File: 1520939292173.jpg (170.02 KB, 900x1200, C-DAYozXkAAvF-Y.jpg)

she looks so normal in this picture.. it suits her
No. 528820
File: 1521028309794.jpg (79.75 KB, 868x493, lmao.JPG)

her response to an expose video of her.
No. 528907
>>528820oh my god, you dont just forgive a guy that raped you when you were a toddler, also why isnt he in prison??
i call utter bullshit, i still have panic attacks if i see the person who abused me
No. 529102
>>528820beep beep fucking lamb sauce
I am the OP of the video she is responding to there and I didn't even get the post from LC when I made the video.
No. 530141
>>529748Ah, sage bc I don't want the thread to drag on about my shit video, I know the audio is just awful that's why I never linked it. I don't have anything better to record on, but hopefully someday soon. I appreciate the concrit, trust me I had a hard enough time editing it and listening to it.. aggghh I need to sort it
Has she left her weird scene phase now? She seems to be coming full circle back into beeing a weeb.
No. 530317
File: 1521150773743.png (1.34 MB, 640x1136, F00AF80F-EB21-4111-931F-92EE04…)

No. 530321
File: 1521150857814.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, 36A04D01-4154-4187-9C7D-2D11A9…)

Nothing says sexy like Winnie the Pooh
No. 533239
File: 1521507077312.png (39.81 KB, 420x151, Screen_Shot_2017-07-06_at_4.46…)

No. 534957
File: 1521653025720.jpeg (Spoiler Image,107.15 KB, 640x461, 4D4C6D4F-8273-44A1-A05C-4FA265…)

No. 534959
File: 1521653065480.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.47 KB, 640x461, 4BB6A87B-C188-453A-9797-7785FB…)

How do they think it’s normal or okay
No. 534985
File: 1521654733620.jpg (33.71 KB, 641x372, ddlg.jpg)

>>530321>>534959Just reminds me of this
No. 535619
File: 1521708395953.png (61.46 KB, 649x508, Binkie is a bigot.PNG)

She has been deleting comments she doesn't like from her youtube videos
No. 535621
File: 1521708580701.png (54.94 KB, 576x485, Binkie is a bigot 2.PNG)

She really doesn't want people to know she supports bigots I guess.
These were from this video No. 535627
>>535621>women with penises aren’t womenThis doesn’t make her a bigot, it’s a biological fact.
Sage for OT but this is dumb shit.
No. 535751
File: 1521732015020.png (868.23 KB, 1080x1071, IMG_20180322_151258.png)

Saw this 'binkieprincess' inspired art on facebook today.
No. 535790
>>535751Oh my god this is literally her though
she goes on and on about how its not a sexual thing for her but only does it in a sexual context kek
No. 552662
File: 1523468967659.jpg (671.71 KB, 1080x2130, 20180411_104857.jpg)

No. 553855
File: 1523574624915.jpg (77.97 KB, 640x799, 30076584_554197668299548_21873…)

>>552543Her Instagram account is back now…unfortunately.
In other news her boyfriend shaved off his ratty balding hair and is going to be bald now, and she put temporary tattoos all over it and they went in public like that. Ew.
No. 555665
File: 1523738465840.png (536.07 KB, 627x411, a00c82974e3cb11d12eadcb5fe6147…)

She looks disgusting. And her put on child voice makes it more disturbing. Get a toothbrush
No. 564731
>>555665Anyone notice how she flips between the baby talk and normal talking? Like within the same sentence
This being age regression is bullshit, I’ve regressed like once and it was fucking terrifying, definitely not a cute sexy state of mind to be in fuck
Especially if she was a victim of CSA, no one would enjoy reliving that
No. 571620
File: 1525234348930.jpg (671.4 KB, 1080x2508, 20180501_210246.jpg)

new video on her YouTube and I saw this commenter concerned about the filth on thrift store stuffed animals. this was her absolutely vile reply. that's one way to get a scabies infestation kek
No. 575997
>>571761They’re obviously a child
Also the point is Jess snuggles up to diseased old stuffed animals in her fuck crib
No. 576737
>>576640Honestly I think she just wants attention and this is the easiest way to get it
She’s only been into DDLG for like a year and a half, and look at how much of her life it takes up and how vital it is to her existence
She never showed interest before 2017
No. 578020
>>577983Yeah, that's not something you just forgive and forget.
I get the feeling she exaggerated the abuse to excuse her ageplay and regression as "therapy" for the alleged abuse? If people knew of the abuse, why didn't he get in any trouble? How would she have found out if no one knew? I don't know, a lot of it doesn't really add up. Maybe he was abusive, but maybe just not sexually, when she was an infant?
If my father did that to me, and never faced any legal consequences for it, I'd make sure it would happen. She seems like she's just trying to backpeddle and hide it now?
No. 578338
>>578020Plus like regressing in a sexual context/having sex somewhere that should be safe seems like it would just
trigger memories or bad feelings no?
No. 592030
File: 1527096311610.jpg (340.63 KB, 1080x1920, 20180523_102005.jpg)

I saw Jess' ex best friend had this to say on someone's video that mentioned her. I wonder what tea Rain has on this cunt. I bet it's milky.
No. 600451
File: 1527985564613.jpg (93.9 KB, 1080x810, 32908029_2036314249776905_7871…)

She just got a tattoo of kawaii anime Lil Peep fuckin WHY
No. 600452
File: 1527985742474.png (779.17 KB, 630x632, chrome_2018-06-02_19-28-05.png)

Samefag but
>>(Pokémon go is on my boyfriends phone not mine)
What is the purpose of such a stupid comment? She doesn't want people to think she plays some normie game? She doesn't want people to think she has as normal black phone and not some uwu kawaii pink phone? Weirdass pointless comment.
No. 628331
>>626899Yo sorry, forgot about that.
Trying this again -
Being the sellout, money desperate hoe that she is Binkie started advertising appetite suppressant lollies on Instagram last week. Some say they're dangerous, others say they're placebo, but most can agree that they're not something worth advertising.
Onion made a video about it. You know it's bad when Onion is calling you out on your shit. No. 629057
File: 1530753303999.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, 67FDA11F-61C0-477B-80AE-D1AA9B…)

>>628331her long ass toes omg gross
No. 629060
File: 1530753367944.png (3.4 MB, 750x1334, 0FF969E0-8923-4AA3-88AF-AA908B…)

she’s been promoting her “premium snapchat” and all that shit recently. i do wonder how much she’s asking for people to pay to have this content though, lmao
No. 629063
File: 1530753722041.png (2.52 MB, 750x1334, 839219DC-16F6-4ADC-BC32-FF619D…)

No. 629065
File: 1530753760403.png (3.04 MB, 750x1334, 5DCA6484-4D20-41F5-AE17-2F5D27…)

No. 629066
File: 1530753829205.png (452.86 KB, 750x1334, E3D80477-746C-4D40-95C9-C3160D…)

lmaooo she called her ass out. smh
No. 638639
>>638612Whose Tori again?
And proof?
No. 638697
File: 1531792364224.jpg (610.63 KB, 1440x1229, ic-3424.jpg)

>>638639Tori was Stevens ex prior to Jess. I wish I screenshotted where Jess commented on Tori's facebook status, posting about her death, but she deleted it after someone bitched her out.
No. 639141
File: 1531844027246.jpg (1.13 MB, 1329x1866, ic-1543.jpg)

>>638980That she always would have a friend in Jess and that she was slaying dragons in heaven, something to that effect.
The person who bitched her out, referenced this email Steven received late last year. It's supposedly from Tori.
No. 640064
File: 1531926771363.png (525.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-18-10-07-47…)

Livid that this trash is using Toris death for attention despite TRASHING HER on social media repeatedly, wish I still had screenshots of the worst of it. She deleted the comments off her own shitty post but when she commented on Toris saying "I forgive you for everything" myself and other girls tore her a new one, I posted screenshots, she deleted her comment. Fuckin attention seeking pussy. Tori was an awesome person before Stephen came along. It was like he slowly drove her mad. Tori chose to do drugs but Stephen was a huge factor in that choice, and he's trash for constantly putting her down over it.
No. 640102
File: 1531930048322.png (418.92 KB, 720x1094, Screenshot_2018-07-18-10-32-00…)

FerociousFrye and musicforlife209 (sorry for fuck ups. Never felt a need to post till now)
No. 640123
File: 1531932254683.png (511.07 KB, 750x1334, 93C042AC-45C8-40FD-99A4-577BE4…)

holy shit guys. i did some searching about tori’s death and her past with Stephen and I found out that she had spoken to someone who was with him a few years ago who was abused by Stephen too. And Binkie/Jess has been doing videos and snapchat shit with Allie who is this girl that was once with Stephen. Why the hell is Jess with this prick anyway, and is “friends” with these girls yet still dates Stephen when she has to at least know something.
No. 640131
File: 1531933120499.png (2.46 MB, 750x1334, D5FF522E-10AB-47E6-9005-14664E…)

allie (vintage mermaid) and stephen back in 2012
No. 640135
File: 1531933336793.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, FD3051CF-0AD5-46E8-9BBD-6DBC25…)

okay i found this from Allies and Stephens youtube channel and they were still dating when this was posted. I don’t know when he and Tori started dating but if anyone knows the time more or less then that can explain a lot on how this dude jumps from girl to girl.
No. 640151
File: 1531934485319.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, ED9CA91F-BD0E-49FA-83F8-934EE9…)

No. 640298
File: 1531942946852.jpeg (Spoiler Image,185.44 KB, 750x561, C3C70450-E2B6-4905-9924-6E882D…)

Good girl, suck on Daddy.
No. 640483
File: 1531952650071.jpg (35.33 KB, 350x350, wooly-willy-mustache-magic-toy…)

>>629065What the fuck is wrong with her eyebrows? She looks like Wooly Willy.
No. 641183
File: 1532020434384.png (1.17 MB, 1021x753, binkie.png)

>>641148Even worse, Jess was friends with Tori WHILE Tori was dating Stephen. She even defended Tori against Stephen after the breakup.
pic attached is in response to Stephen commenting "brat" on a picture of Tori post breakup (Jess will probably delete her comment after seeing this) No. 641491
File: 1532038515970.jpeg (498.38 KB, 750x1184, AAA4DD3E-5663-4241-978C-A8263E…)

>>641448and Jess also is called brat by stephen.
No. 641830
File: 1532051658186.jpeg (258 KB, 1242x1051, 4DBBB85B-D399-40A5-836A-58F6D6…)

No proof, but not unbelievable.
No. 641856
File: 1532053411421.jpeg (495.06 KB, 2048x2048, 65AD0C66-422E-4999-BE02-8D9047…)

They didn’t give a shit about her. She was only brought up for ad revenue or ass pat seeking purposes.
No. 641874
File: 1532054705256.jpeg (93.83 KB, 750x391, 38DB4CB0-D275-407D-8875-368478…)

on jess’ most recent post.
No. 641888
File: 1532055543658.jpeg (518.54 KB, 2048x2048, 5E094A21-7D16-4707-B40F-E3F391…)

This is how low these two will sink. They would of gone to the grease mansion if they had the chance.
I remember Jess followed Dasha (Dasha/Cyr/Mina/Edwin) on ig even after all their shit made its debut. I don’t know if she still does.
No. 641962
File: 1532059935218.jpeg (381.35 KB, 2048x2048, 110C2806-1BC4-4EDB-9137-07DC5B…)

I pretty sure these are from around the time Stephen posted the email video.
No. 641965
File: 1532059974005.jpeg (266.66 KB, 1242x833, 107B7DF2-7B74-45CE-8AF3-C77183…)

No. 642770
File: 1532127836469.png (3.7 MB, 750x1334, 1F272663-D50B-4F58-80B8-114A92…)

No. 642831
File: 1532132483282.jpeg (603.26 KB, 1242x1681, 7E8704E1-6581-4FF1-AB0F-CABB39…)

This is a snippet from a giant post fromTori’s deactivated tumblr.
I didn’t know they tried to have kids. Wtf.
I can not wait to see Jess try to get away from him. You deserve him, you dumb bish.
No. 642947
File: 1532140157888.jpeg (334.58 KB, 750x1153, 7AA1E7EA-6D1C-44E4-A302-2BC3C4…)

No. 643002
File: 1532143780276.jpeg (494 KB, 2048x2048, CA7A92FF-4762-4631-891C-D39F7E…)

Stephen is disgusting. Jess might not be a good person (exposing minors to kink/only interacting negatively with fans/flashing her diaper in a store/spewing awful shit online/ misinforming people about any topic she ever adopts into her life momentarily) but she doesn’t have these kind of claims/allegations against her.
No. 643345
File: 1532192256649.jpg (1.44 MB, 1080x6703, 20180721_095324.jpg)

They can act like they need to grieve Tori all they want but the truth is they have always trashed her online and they were STILL doing it at the beginning of this year! Disgusting humans using a young girl's death to gain attention and sympathy.
No. 643413
File: 1532198477751.jpeg (270.38 KB, 1242x1414, AF2131DC-D7AF-4750-832E-6B2E44…)

>>643346I fuckin wish. I wonder if she would say some shit like this again and then it never gets removed. HA.
No. 643769
File: 1532221120245.jpeg (53.14 KB, 1242x276, 7DAD96EC-A500-4D6A-BB3F-C723AC…)

What could she be up to?
a. Helping her mom move
b. Vacation/real life event
c. Shooting porn with someone, somewhere else
d. Kink con (she may have said she was done going to those for now but I don’t know)
e. Packing all Stephens shit so it can be put outside and she can lock the doors and leave.
f. Discovered another kink that people will spend there money on. E.g. pegging queen(fingers crossed), anal training, figging, queening with a glittery ending.
g. She’s moving
No. 643800
File: 1532223312271.jpeg (337.31 KB, 1242x1368, E1F26E86-D1DC-454B-883B-848B73…)

It’s anon so could be fake but it does sound like him.
I haven’t seen anyone talking shit about Tori recently. Ya, she has a past but I haven’t seen anyone talking about it on social media beyond asking what happened. Except Jess and Stephen of course, who just so happen to be doing that earlier this year. Except they knew actual information, not just speculation.
No. 643818
File: 1532224893668.jpeg (389.45 KB, 2048x2048, 98631800-0E36-4F8F-AE25-18B078…)

Jess commented on his post but deleted it before I got a ss.
No. 646611
File: 1532489828365.jpeg (218.6 KB, 750x508, 86AC78C5-316B-4A53-B2B8-6FF57F…)

No. 649531
>>648321Why would anybody want to see that??
Jeeez, the censored videos and pictures on her Twitter won't leave up enough for imagination to not make me sick to my core.
I just don't understand why those ddlg/abdl people are so ignorant about their cleary unhealthy lifestyle.
One could argue that this girls prevent pedophilies from acting out. I say that they create a new generation of them. It's just sad..
Saged for moral lecturing and deep concern for future generations.
No. 651611
File: 1533007451966.jpg (105.9 KB, 750x937, 37774502_249559738996704_88322…)

She looks strung out.
No. 652509
File: 1533075407815.jpg (54.07 KB, 400x400, shhh.jpg)

>>651611i thought this was oil wife life
no shade to owlu she looks just fine for her age
No. 653534
>>651611Oh my god, she looks more corpse than toddler
Odds-on her abandoning DDLG like she did with kittenplay because it doesnt get the attention it used to
No. 654867
anyone see how jess made a couples youtube channel called "stess'd out" with a montage video suspiciously similar to "stori time"
Jess' video:'s video: insecure of her lmao
No. 655460
>>654867Jesus, the difference in tone is wild
The one with Tori is so cutesy and cuddly, then Jess is just screaming swears at the camera and tonguing him?
She has to one up everyone, jesus christ
No. 659078
File: 1533686001717.jpg (951.41 KB, 1440x1919, 20180807_165031.jpg)

Acting like they are big time celebs kek
No. 659232
File: 1533700345245.jpg (82.26 KB, 1063x1063, 37964387_714977395534837_67109…)

She's trying so hard to make it look like she has an ass lmao
No. 659984
File: 1533773036034.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.21 KB, 1242x1627, 9C2D3AF5-372E-42F2-8682-86CB4E…)

I wonder if she is going to start doing weird stuff with her mods. I hope so.
No. 659988
File: 1533773162315.jpeg (Spoiler Image,173.1 KB, 1242x1614, DD792AE5-A9C5-4D66-AD8A-9E3122…)

Both from her twitter on 8/6
No. 660818
>>659984ughhh she looks so bad, i feel ill
maybe she'll start vaping with her ass or something?
No. 663218
File: 1534118172586.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.07 KB, 640x960, why tho.jpg)

Spoilered pic from fetcon because Jess is frightening.
No. 664264
>>663218She thinks shes soooo sexy but jesus
She looks so fucking rough and just like one of those girls who's "totally soooo kinky!!1!!!" but just likes wearing cat ears and being called kitten
No. 665853
File: 1534383714192.png (272.25 KB, 1175x361, chrome_2018-08-15_20-40-51.png)

No. 668961
>>665853some rando pervert probably wrote that and stole her pic for the cover
>>668910 oh god i'm scared to ask but… what happened?
No. 668970
>>365333Literally not pedos though.
Pedos get off on literal children. Not adults acting like children or dressing like them.
You're retarded.
>>668935I am so sick of this being the bog standard response to her degenerate shit. Yes I have been a part of the bdsm community for years, organised events and know my shit. I would wager many people calling Jess out are the same. Stop acting like we just don't understand your super high society of kinks, spastic.
>>668910Remember when her main argument and saving grace was that for her it's not sexual uwu, like in videos with her ex David and in the Barcroft documentary. What a world we live in where these people feel comfortable enough to broadcast this shit.
>>668961I agree, if it was to do with her then her name would be all over it. She has written some seriously disgusting video descriptions of her own though so she's still certainly no better than whoever wrote this demon spawn.
No. 671931
File: 1535088216945.jpg (686.66 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180824_002143.jpg)

Jess back at it again with her skinwalker ways, her wrist tattoo looks slightly new.
No. 675313
File: 1535504096730.webm (9.82 MB, 640x800, 39022334_238184670113623_91319…)
I'm starting to think she's legitimately retarded
No. 675658
File: 1535563373073.jpeg (158.98 KB, 1152x2048, received_10208612470375324.jpe…)

Looked up the bf and found this screenshot. So is this guy an actual pedo?
No. 676363
File: 1535648316497.jpeg (883.11 KB, 1242x1232, FC0C6BDD-EC81-43CA-AC6A-AE2C7D…)

Her face, arms, back, and legs look much more filled out now. Good for her since she's had issues with eating disorders in the past. She seems healthier and happier with Stephen.
No. 676471
>>676363Not really. Check
>>651611 Not to mention all the personality/image changes she keeps cycling through.
Also gross. Should spoiler that.
No. 676498
File: 1535660458043.jpeg (93.22 KB, 744x757, 12441E38-259C-4337-B9DC-657E7A…)

They have a new channel “together”. Here are a few highlights from the first vlog. 1/3
No. 676501
File: 1535660720868.jpeg (226.39 KB, 1391x1242, C067E8AC-BC5C-4418-8775-379680…)

2/3 Her recommend, kek. Why am I not surprised she still watches Doormat.
No. 676502
File: 1535661283022.jpeg (163.22 KB, 1242x1916, ED30F8E9-597E-48B3-8025-AF92CE…)

3/3 I can’t wait to see how soon this new channel dies.
No. 676525
File: 1535662467896.jpeg (164.14 KB, 1242x610, 92789206-CF7D-4ECE-A8D0-0B132F…)

Just saw this. I have issues with her but that is fucked. If she starts dropping back to where she was, this would definitely have something to do with it.
No. 677656
>>676525How the fuck is she out here making porn and throwing her body up online but still wants to talk about body issues like gross men arent commenting on that shit daily.
But fucking rip somebody asked if you were pregnant, must be so awful to relate being fat / weight gain to pregnancy.
I sure as hell can't relate and If she
Relapses it has more to do with her being the certified attention whore she is and nothing to do with a one off comment.
Girls like her always blame their relapses on one off's when in reality they get bored and want to go back into old habits.
Pedos and personal issues go hand in hand
No. 678184
File: 1535854279758.jpeg (198.97 KB, 750x751, 1511D775-C4D3-41A2-8813-2913C6…)

pisses me off how everyone feels the need to defend this girl. she’s trying to embody tori.
No. 678340
File: 1535871803485.gif (1.89 MB, 480x270, f55.gif)

>>daddy gives me cummies
fuck whoever is into this sick shit, these are pedophilia cosplayers, make no bones about it.
No. 681663
File: 1536175360522.jpg (78.94 KB, 1080x911, 40388817_283788952233977_84770…)

What are these faces?! Is this supposed to be sexy? Jesus christ she looks like she's constipated and high on heroin
No. 681704
>>681689the entire point is for the girl to look/act as childlike as possible, though, isn't it? why (especially if it's your career) would you ruin that image with tattoos? I feel like the males who are into it wouldn't want to see a "little" with tattoos, they probably just settle because I don't think there is a single girl out there who is fucked up enough to act like a kid during sex but also not have ink. Unfilled niche?
>>681691Yeah that is weird. I played with makeup all the time as a kid and was wearing it regularly at 12/13. I know lots of kids who play with or wear makeup, don't really know any kids with tats.
No. 681716
>>681704it's literally what
>>681689 said - they are adults who also have adult interests. They aren't in littlespace or acting like kids 100% of the time.
That said, them being adults with adult interests outside of ddlg or work doesn't make it any less creepy when they have sex and film porn while pretending to be children, eugh.
No. 681721
>>681716This is exactly it, MOST littles are not in little mode full time and live most their life as regular adults, and therefore do things like get tattoos, or drink or whatever.
People like Jess, however, since being little online is kind of her career you'd think she'd avoid tattoos and try to be as little as possible. I wonder if she would choose to have not gotten them if she could go back.
I kind of wonder what she'd look like if she took out her piercings, did normal hair, and covered all her tattoos with makeup to look as little as possible but at the same time I really really don't, and the implication is kind of gross.
No. 681727
>>681704Aside from the creepy outliers you get in every fetish, it's an attraction to adults in a gentle more cute submissive role. Again there's only so many ways an adult can resemble a child, it's the same asdudes liking girls in cat ears or playboy bunny tails but not being into beastiality. at the end of the day they are unmistakably adults and that is the fetish.
Don't get me wrong, it's obviously weird as hell to me. But it's a bit much to think it's merely a legal outlet for pedos.
No. 682233
File: 1536227381657.jpg (704.1 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180906-044657_Ins…)

She is always on the defensive and gets so snippy in response to any little comment she doesn't like. Imagine being this sensitive.
No. 682243
>>681838Whether you like it or not it's very much a kink, and for a lot of people. It's not MY kink, but if a dominant or submissive headspace can exist it's perfectly reasonable that a more childlike one can too. It's really just a mood for some people. You ever have days where you feel more silly or immature than usual? It's literally nothing more than that for a lot of people. I understand that, because I'm not a fucking retard like you apparently are.
Anyway it's a thread about a very popular figure in the community so of course it's going to come up. If you don't want to read about it I don't know why the fuck you're reading this thread.
No. 683030
>>682244We've alrady had 50 of you try to "explain" the kink while acting lik you're ~totally not into it urself uwu~ yet think grown adults acting like children while getting dicked down is just
a kink and not at all pedophilic in nature??
Back down the retard and realize we're critical to the kink the same way people are critical to furries: its retarded degeneracy that gets away with normalizing degenerate behavior, not "age regression happens in therapy so littlespace its totes a thing there just are a few very bad eggs in the community basket!!"
Binkie has to be loosing her marbles going from dead gf tattoo to vape shop ASMR, I mean what is she even trying to gain from her life at this point.
No. 683188
>>683030An adult acting and dressed in a childish manner is no more a child than a toddler dressed in sexy lingerie would be an adult. I just don't see what's difficult to comprehend about it being adults
Don't even follow the thread but underage isn't necessarily a child is it.. Even accounting for it still being gross. Come back to me with this argument when he's fucking 8 year olds. Which I'm guessing isn't the case
No. 683200
>>683188Fuck off Binkie
Role-playing having sex with a child is still uncomfortable for a lot of people and underage is still illegal, try harder bitch
No. 683886
File: 1536425759000.jpeg (277.54 KB, 1242x1271, CF00E15C-56A8-4984-9656-11219A…)

It finally happened. We finally have an idea of his pattern of baldness. Fuck, I really wanted to see what it looked like when he still had long hair on the sides. Oh well.
I love baldness, they just made such a big deal out of it that it has become funny to me. I remember one of them saying that it was more than a few months that they had been together and she still hadn’t seen him without his beanie. She’s lucky their wasn’t a swastika under there. That would of been great. Horribly great.
No. 684422
File: 1536488158947.jpeg (Spoiler Image,236.57 KB, 2048x1414, DfmiluuWAAAqVNO.jpg_large.jpeg)

I made the mistake of going through her Twitter while looking for a particular photo. Absolutely repulsive. So much gross sex stuff…and I'm absolutely not a prude but anything sexual coming from her just grosses me out. And then shit like this. Ugh.
No. 684424
File: 1536488196516.jpeg (240.51 KB, 1242x1658, DYcEXgYX4AcO9-o.jpg_large.jpeg)

I also noticed her philtrum piercing was super fucking disgusting and rejecting.
No. 684426
File: 1536488321924.jpeg (93.09 KB, 1018x809, DXRZ5KVWsAAXRhi.jpg_large.jpeg)

One last thing, this was her subscriber emote for Twitch, lmao. I've been using Twitch since the JTV days and she honestly had absolutely no idea how to stream, and I s2g this is the worst emote I've ever seen. Completely subpar compared to standard emotes.
She really had absolutely no fucking idea what she was doing on Twitch and would not have had any viewers if she weren't an established internet personality. So glad that phase is over and she's moved onto whoring herself on Snap as her next scheme to make money.
No. 685050
>>684859On what planet are those areloas big?
Anyway how tf is a grown woman trying to mimic a child for sexual purposes not sexualizing kids
No. 685158
>>684859It doesn't matter that she's an adult, she's trying to make herself look as much like a baby as possible, while doing a porn shoot
It's intensely uncomfortable to see so much inventional baby imagery in pornography
No. 685509
File: 1536622617573.jpeg (Spoiler Image,388.65 KB, 1242x1928, EEF3A4B2-E2B8-43FF-9071-99D968…)

I don’t think she liked it. Kek.
No. 685514
File: 1536623212283.jpeg (Spoiler Image,364.35 KB, 1242x1921, 8FEBB6EC-9FDF-4987-8055-6FBD54…)

I have a strong suspicion that his diet is absolute shit.
No. 685522
File: 1536623694121.jpeg (380.7 KB, 1280x1712, 08E11304-B6BB-45F6-AA46-6B0BA8…)

I love the way she holds the controller like she is rod dowsing. She is more than just pretending to be into kink. She also likes to pretend to be into gaming. She already deleted it from her ig.
No. 696626
File: 1537898193433.png (1.11 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-25-12-51-51…)

>>693383Allie is @VintageMermaid_ on twitter
No. 696834
File: 1537915211722.jpg (1.17 MB, 1440x2074, ic-6049.jpg)

>>693198I'm sure Stephen's well aware and content with this and Allies probably flattered by her. It's creepy as shit how close she gets to his exes. Tori dies so she moves onto the previous.
No. 705394
File: 1538831197207.jpg (951.17 KB, 1439x1949, Screenshot_20181006-140439_Ins…)

Can you imagine being the typical cringe girl working in a vape shop and also being a ddlg adult baby on the side? I just can't fathom that she's so shameless
No. 705541
>>705522Anon was pointing out her doing two cringy things simultaneously. She might not work there but she is still promoting and doing some form of pr.
Also learn to sage lmao
No. 733984
File: 1542513551909.jpg (1.77 MB, 1440x2048, ic-7044.jpg)

Oh boy. The noise she makes when he puts the ring on her finger is cringy.
No. 734002
>>733984Damn excitement is so cringey
This isn’t tea bro this is just a life event
Wait until she does something actually cringe
No. 734124
>>734122The text is you're lazy, they lived in Florida as well so even the same place: "We went to the water, and had a picnic on the beach.
We spent the time cuddling, laughing, and laying looking at the stars.
After a while we started slow dancing to our songs, he let me stand on his feet the whole time, so I could be as tall, and look in his eyes.
When our songs were done he held me around my waist, and we looked across the water at the next city over’s lights. And a few minutes later, he was whispering things he loves about me in my ear. He then looked into my eyes and told me he never wanted to spend the rest of his life with anyone but me, got on one knee and asked me.
Not even a minute later really, I saw my first shooting star. It came flying through the sky, exploded green and disappeared. It was the most amazing night of my life. <3 "
No. 734145
>>734124Jesus its so fitting that after all the shit talking Jess did about Allie only to skinwalk and praise her when she passed, that cancer patient daddy would do something like just recycling his engagement plan.
It shows how shitty they are and the perfect couple they amount to. A trail of ex-fiancees, dirty nails on a sandy beach, both look unwashed and malnourished and the engagement was a recreation.
Its not 100% pure jersey cow milk, but it is a low fat skimmed milk.
Cause either they have some cheap wedding in their backyard/go to the court house in their pj's and beanies or they break up soon, but something will happen considering this is the phase they are both known to deteriorate at.
No. 735584
>>734145Tori is the one who died, he proposed to her after/while cheating with Allie, who is an ex-also worth noting she was only a 15 year old he lived with and proposed to her while he was 21-23
Also, Allie is the hot red headed Suicide Girl/camgirl
No. 737746
>>705394you know who worked at a vape shop?
No. 744466
File: 1544062518962.png (153.77 KB, 1014x635, Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at 8.14…)

why doesn't she just get a damn job?
No. 744709
>>744708Her feet in the thumbnail are dirty as fuck.
What is it with "sw"s and basic hygiene
No. 746785
Just caught up with this cow, and holy shit, I remember Stephen from the scene kid sphere. He used to stalk LedaMonsterBunny, a former scene queen. When Leda came back to the internet after her long break, she was into kittenplay and hung out with the My Digital Escape YouTube faggots. MDE was led by Bryan Starz, a huge manipulative pedo creep as well. Stephen would kiss ass to MDE and Leda all the time on social media. Stephen was like an MDE reject, and if I remember correctly, he was going to be part of My Digital Escape 2, MDE’s failed relaunch. He’d always be at the top of Leda’s YouTube comments, and would flirt with her when she had a boyfriend. Even her fans noticed he was just waiting on Leda to post so he can comment, and they’d reply to his comments saying they see him all over Leda’s content. I guess he was also in a relationship during his time period of flirting with Leda, so he’s likely a serial cheater. Saged for no contribution, but he’s always thirsted after scene thots with public kinks and relevancy and is a complete degenerate who was friends with all these predatory scene men. Unsurprising he’s a predatory douche as well. He’s always been a try-hard attention whore who is only friends with people stuck in 2008.
No. 748233
>>744708Jesus, at the end she sounds awful
like those girls at school who thought they were great at singing because no one told them they weren't lmao
No. 749406
File: 1544847301049.jpeg (313.77 KB, 1730x1240, 48994B15-58F2-4592-AF76-1666F1…)

One of the many hilarious clips this “documentary” has to offer. I could only imagine how D feels about this now. I also bet Steven is so mad about not getting to be in his own cringe doc with Jess/anyone. He would have completely committed to the role.
No. 749408
File: 1544847773180.jpeg (280.08 KB, 1242x1037, A432E9FD-BAD4-465E-AA4C-57CAF8…)

The “doc” description. She went on in her ig live about how they sweet talked her, made her trust them and she was naive.
No. 749493
>>749401Jesus she's saying she's angry that this video is still being spread despite the fact that it's from years ago and she's not in that relationship anymore.
What the fuck Jess you think they're just going to take it offline because you broke up with David? You think anyone gives a shit about that? This bitch is delusional. She should know better than anyone that once something's online it's not going to go away.
No. 750361
File: 1545079188544.png (471.83 KB, 475x596, Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at 3.37…)

>>750312I give em a week of being married followed by a very public break up.
No. 750364
File: 1545080037122.jpg (106.85 KB, 640x800, 46746012_583738715417470_73543…)

From their engagement photos. I know I should never be shocked by the level of trashy these losers are yet they always manage to somehow surprise me.
No. 762815
File: 1547230423999.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1235, Screenshot_20190111-110937~2.p…)

What are those contacts? I think they look awful.
No. 762816
File: 1547230473365.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20190111-110945~2.p…)

And is she wearing a furry diaper? Or fuzzy shorts as a diaper?
No. 762818
File: 1547230589076.png (856.3 KB, 1080x1365, Screenshot_20190111-094654~2.p…)

The way her hand is basically groping her vag makes me cringe so hard.
No. 771136
File: 1548346472649.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190124-083352.png)

Wtf is baby space? Disgusting lol
No. 783069
>>783049learn to sage, jess
And its more extreme than liking different styles, she completely surrounds herself in one aesthetic
Like the pastel babygirl phase
Then the goth phase
Then the gamergirl phase
No. 783273
>>783049It's a theme with a few cows on here, they'll replace nearly all their belongings to suit a new style/phase every so often.
Sometimes it's a sign of borderline personality. Not saying that she has it but that it's reminiscent of it
No. 809388
File: 1558323570847.png (Spoiler Image,558.65 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2019-05-19-20-33-12…)

No. 824466
File: 1561065929285.png (2.45 MB, 1125x4906, IMG_0596.PNG)

this is old milk but binkie hit up kitty pryde about her fetish soundcloud rap and freaked kitty out lol, this is from kitty's private twitter
No. 824469
File: 1561066124124.jpeg (288.5 KB, 1125x2436, 985A9091-74F4-4476-A87F-99CFB1…)

>>824466I don’t wanna blow her spot up so I edited the names out but here’s a tweet where she’s talking about herself and her husband for proof
No. 825441
>>825282>>825283yea she and i are friends now actually, her first message weirded me out a lot cuz honestly a lot of the time when people hmu asking me for music advice theyre….creepy. so i assumed she would be creepy right off the bat but she's actually really cool. idk her well but yea i thought she was such a good fit in that video lol
(this is kitty)
No. 837767
File: 1563077382184.jpeg (552.47 KB, 750x1059, 4204FD1B-FAD5-486D-9E16-2642FE…)

this bitch didn’t even know Tori or associate with her before Stephen cape into Binkie’s life. Why does she have to invade shit that has nothing to do with her?
No. 837963
>>837767She was actually friends with her beforehand and got close with her later on. Tori posted about being good friends a few months before she died but deleted it due to drama. Grief is
valid and we don’t know their relationship.
No. 851459
>>851344Well, manyvids has revenue share, I don't know about the other sites she uses. But you're right, a release form and one time fee is pretty reasonable/standard. There's no suggestion that anyone is being "used".
She's still a degenerate pedo-pandering piece of shit, though.
No. 859556
>>859392>Girl makes porn of herself in a diaper pretending to be a baby.>But it's not porn for pedos!I'm sorry is there some group of upstanding gentlemen who get off to this kind of thing? Go look at the audiences of Jessica or any of these kinds of girls. Would you honestly trust any of those men with a child?
This is as eye rolling as when Jessica insists there is nothing sexual about pissing and masturbating in a diaper.
Though it is quite humiliating. Her shit is on the internet forever lol.
No. 860269
>>860254You’re so pressed lol! You know a lot of
victims do turn to BDSM to reclaim their control over a traumatic situation? I know many people who do rape play and are Littles due to childhood trauma it makes them feel powerful. Also ddlg porn is made for others into ddlg. If you actually look at her consumer base, it’s mainly other female Littles into ddlg or other males into ddlg or abdl as daddies or as Littles themselves. Her cam audience? All mainly female fans that want to support her. You all act like she’s the only person into ddlg that makes porn of it. Abdreams is an entire porn site dedicated to abdl porn. Kiki Cali presents herself young and calls all of her clients daddy and does in person sessions. There are so many abdl and ddlg porn models on twitter that do this stuff and it’s for other people in the kink, not for pedos. As a little or a mommy or daddy dom, you like to watch porn of the same kink you’re into because that’s what you like. Clearly you just don’t understand the kink and that’s fine but you’re peddling a super extreme stance.
(derailing) No. 878150
File: 1570592886370.png (1.01 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191007-161443.png)

It's probably because people can sense your boyfriend is a massive creep and something's gotta be wrong with you too
No. 878229
>>878161okay, Jess. two seconds of research. The CDC currently suggests refraining from use of ALL vaping products because, while a lot of cases seem connected to THC, they aren't 100% sure. They say NUMEROUS times they're still not completely sure and it's a complex issue they're still investigating. If you want to interpret that as "it's 100% THC and unregulated juice you're all idiots that can't do research!!!!!" you do you?
No. 891860
File: 1573490798296.png (2.52 MB, 1080x1465, Screenshot_20191111-094548~2.p…)

Here's a wedding photo of them. Hope they stay married for a long time because nobody wants them.
No. 912810
File: 1577996546187.png (59.2 KB, 1193x684, ss saved.png)

>>749406Not really milk
but did her 'adult baby' barcoft video get deleted recently?
(necro) No. 936349
File: 1582555639663.jpg (329.7 KB, 1049x590, 20200224_094436.jpg)

Such a dumb video… I think shes brain dead
No. 937986
>>266984….but they are perverts.
go to therapy anon.
No. 946962
File: 1584538113627.jpg (330.27 KB, 1074x1195, 20200318_092348.jpg)

You need to watch this. Its spot on about pedo jess. Shes just as bad as a child molester. Her trauma fetish is fucking disgusting. She needs to be taken off YouTube. Her channel is dead anyways. No. 947710
File: 1584677305797.jpeg (62.44 KB, 640x1344, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

Sorry for the delay, I had to dig back to 2016 and reopen Facebook for this. I guess the dress wasn't as bad as I remembered. The picture doesn't really do it justice and my mom is a horrible photographer. I just remember thinking, "Is this bitch serious?" Cause if she bent over at all you could see her whole ass in her "little girl" panties. Also, when she came I wasn't fully aware of who/what she was, but my ex invited David and that included her too. After the whole hospital incident I refused to have her come around at all. Aside from all of the baby shit, she's just a bad person in general. She was horrible to David and her prior ex Joey, I knew both of the guys personally thanks to my ex and heard many tales of this cunt. She also slept with my ex right before we got together and him and both of the other exes confirmed her pussy is super dry and she has chronic bacterial vaginosis kek. Waiting for her to lurk her own thread and message me tbh.
No. 979011
File: 1590441367301.jpeg (839.54 KB, 3464x3464, 1FD017E8-EA4B-4DA3-BBC8-0011AC…)

>>979009dropping an image with usernames and their last post dates as of this post
No. 990450
>>990441He was also dating Allie when he was in his 20s and she was a minor? I'm not sure of ages but I know she is still only early 20s now.
There's an old account With Steveop and Allie videos from around 2012-2013
No. 991434
File: 1592834169611.jpeg (72.85 KB, 750x795, F57A375B-86DB-412E-A516-52863F…)

>>991384She mentions in that video that they’ve been talking all day every day and given that he has made comments on other videos etc. you’d think he would deny it or something if it weren’t true. You’re right, we can’t say he did anything illegal etc. from the video alone but given his past/pattern I’d say it’s not a huge reach that he was grooming her and others. Why would a 20-something be talking to a young girl like that? Thats fucking weird. There’s a huge difference between interacting on YouTube/social media and making personal connections/befriending underage girls who look up to you. Oh, and here’s a comment he left on another kids YouTube discussion board. I’m gonna try and screenshot as much as I can before Stephen finds out about this (if not already lol) and deletes shit. Just from the dicking around I’ve done, I’ve found a good bit, including him asking underage girls to add him.
Anybody still have that video the first kid made (was it FerociousFrye?). It was addressed to Stephen and she basically cried and apologized for being underage because they loved each other but her age kept them from moving in together and being public. Stephen had commented on the original video but I can’t find it.
No. 991447
File: 1592834990710.jpg (163.47 KB, 1152x2048, stev1.jpg)

Then there's this… profile photo is him and Tori, so 2015-2016?
No. 1005307
File: 1594414696481.jpg (389.19 KB, 796x1297, 20200710_165506.jpg)

Binkie asking for free stuff on fetlife.
No. 1005309
File: 1594414752217.jpg (367.97 KB, 818x1194, 20200710_165523.jpg)

Binkie fetishes on fetlife:
No. 1005316
File: 1594415744955.jpg (409.66 KB, 1080x1440, 20200710_171043.jpg)

The ignorance runs deep here… last nights twitter rant.
She actually believes CNC with age players doesn't promote child abuse
No. 1005325
File: 1594416970654.jpg (577.3 KB, 1080x1685, 20200710_173402.jpg)

Look at her pathetic begging for acceptance. Lol
No. 1005358
File: 1594424396275.jpg (142.06 KB, 1033x663, 20200710_193740.jpg)

What fucking business????
No. 1008675
>>1008456holy shit, she already privated it. she def reads here.
>>1008668i skimmed through it and it didn't seem so at all. just discussing her poorly done tattoos.
No. 1008845
File: 1595008959423.png (3.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200717-135959.png)

pic from her twitter, lmao look at those nasty feet
No. 1016245
File: 1596402139516.jpg (393.34 KB, 1080x1290, 20200802_165831.jpg)

Ew. Wtf did she do to her hair… it looks like piss yellow. God is that a wig? She changes her hair so often I'm surprised shes not balding. It's clear she has borderline personality with the frequent hair and style changes.
No. 1017360
File: 1596558464371.png (329.2 KB, 498x584, 20200804_122641.png)

Omg I found the weird post she made to her real dad. Saying she forgives him after the hurt he did to her as a child..
This was also the year she started making ddlg porn..
No. 1018060
File: 1596658077297.png (76.39 KB, 1292x543, sa.PNG)

>>1016232Looks like they've been in contact all along.
No. 1020764
>>1020655Makes you wonder why her father has never done time either, shes said he raped her multiple times as a baby?
Why hasn’t her mother done anything and is okay with them hanging out?
No. 1021672
>>1020861I doubt her mom has a choice since she’s over the age of 18. Everyone deals with abuse differently, they were estranged for years and he missed her whole childhood. Also she never said she was raped, she was molested. It doesn’t make it any better, but it’s really not cool to spin your own narrative about someone else’s abuse. Trauma
victims’ brains work in strange ways. Maybe her having a relationship with her dad makes her feel like she is taking back control of the situation or maybe she has conflicting feelings about him she needs to process. It’s not always cut and dry with a clear answer, abuse and trauma is a messy and slippery slope especially when it’s done in young developmental years. Furthermore, not everyone goes to jail for their crimes. Sometimes families keep things a secret, sometimes things are not tried in court, sometimes there’s not enough or any evidence to go on to make a legal case. But this girl is clearly a
victim of some sort of trauma which by default caused her extreme case of BPD. BPD is caused from upbringing and the environment they’re raised in from an early age, it’s not a chemical imbalance. There is also no medication for BPD, only therapy can help. However, you can be medicated for mental illnesses that may stem from BPD such as anxiety and depression, which she has mentioned she takes medication for anxiety, but doesn’t want to be on SSRI’s because it never went well. There are plenty of things to hate on her about, but I don’t think her abuse and trauma is something anyone will ever have enough information on to be able to use as a way to insult or defame her. The details are vague and usually people don’t like to go into detail about something like that. This isn’t the place to ask people to be respectful, but there’s literally no humanity on this forum.
>>1021672>everyone deals with trauma differently Fuck off retard, she keeps changing her trauma narrative, people don’t usually talk about their abuse so openly out of nowhere and then delete the video of them doing it once it gets posted on a lolcow thread.
>there is literally no humanity on this forumThere’s no humanity when a dusty old lanky methhead bitch pisses in diaper porn either but you can just see yourself out
No. 1022042
>>1021672When did you get diagnosed with BPD binkie? Don’t remember you mentioning it on social media
Also thought you’d been banned from posting here
How does someone know if they were molested as a baby, since they obviously wouldn’t have memories from that age
Surely it would have been her mother or someone involved who told her, which again begs the question of why didn’t they do anything?
If my husband did something to my kid I would slit his throat
No. 1022130
>>1022055There isn’t medication for BPD though, and medication could be for thousands of mh related issues - I do think BPD is likely though
Also I’m assuming you are all from PULL, click the No. above a comment to respond to it
No. 1022801
>>1022695If you are all going to keep claiming BPD you need to post screenshots, this is an image board
Also link to the comment you’re replying to, it isn’t hard
No. 1023128
where is the thread maker for the new thread
No. 1023173
File: 1597459990187.jpg (532.88 KB, 1080x1580, 20200814_224728.jpg)

I cant find her post on Twitter about bpd anymore.. shes got too much garbage and smutt on her Twitter to find anything shes commented on in the past. She just retweets the SAME porn clips over and over again months on end.
But I guess shes super into being a drunk now cuz she posts about it lol.
So shes mentally ill. Medicated.and is a drunk on top of it? What a smart female. Take anxiety medication and drink. Lmao
No. 1023189
File: 1597463676487.jpg (195.62 KB, 1080x641, 20200814_234852.jpg)

Surprised to hear she also has a ED when all you ever see is her eating candy/junk food and chugging
Another lie for attention. Victim complex… So shes got childhood trauma. ED. BPD. anxiety. Depression. What victim card has she not used at this point.
No. 1023192
File: 1597464114392.jpg (357.24 KB, 1080x1270, 20200814_235904.jpg)

Jess pre planning on killing her and Stephen's future baby.
No. 1023784
>>1023189Not to defend Binkie because she's clearly a trainwreck with a massive
victim complex but there are literally videos on the internet from old accounts of hers from when she was going through her ED. And having an ED doesn't mean you can't eat junk food and shit, many EDs actually do involve eating a lot of junk. You stupid PULL "refugees" and anachans really don't know anything do you, jfc.
Some of you posters really do sound just as retarded as Jess does.
No. 1023800
>>1023784I have never heard of someone with a ED who openly eats junk food on camera.
That post was also from jess chewing out Joycelyn Glenn for getting eugenia coony rehab help.which is truly mind numbing. I guess jess is just fucked up and rather watch eugenia die.
But jess has had almost every mental illness in the book now. Trauma. ED . BPD. anxiety. Depression. She thrives on being mentally unstable. Everything about this youtuber is just screaming for help. She acts like she has down syndrome in most her "little" videos as well. It's so cringy that she thinks any of it is normal or ok.
No. 1026021
Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 1026019
>>1025966>>1025961>>1025691>>1025959>>1025628>>1025610There's no such thing as "therapeutic ageplay" or doing it right. Age regression is retarded and dressing and acting like a baby is wrong on so many levels who cares if "people in the community" hate her. They are probably just as unhinged as this tard,
I also didn't think she was 26, i thought she was in her mid to late thirties. Every DDLG bitch ages 70% faster than the average woman for some reason kek
No. 1027472
File: 1598167895519.jpg (592.26 KB, 1080x1694, 20200823_032933.jpg)

Holy shit she looks like a clown.
No. 1027473
File: 1598168005241.jpg (462.37 KB, 1080x1358, 20200823_033149.jpg)

This is so emo cringe. Hes wearing makeup.
No. 1029146
File: 1598458485379.png (7.65 MB, 1242x2688, AD093E1C-1262-404E-A78E-D644A3…)

she looks like a man
No. 1029546
>>1029146Ok what I wanna know is why these bitches don't try to look less miserable in their pictures…
Is that part of the appeal? Do the scrotes who pay for this shit all have humiliation fetishes and get off to it? "Yeah baby, you hate your life choices and I can see it in your eyes, you are right now thinking how disappointed your father is in you as you are pulling your tits out! So hot!"
How fucking hard is it to fake a smile and look like you're having fun whoring yourself out, even if you are dead inside? Normal porn stars can do it, so can you.
No. 1029558
>>1029533Lmao why would anyone be jealous of this freak. Her issues run deep. Yes most people are hateful towards her for a reason. Because of her nasty life choices. Her butt tattoo is dumb af. She will probably hate it by the time shes 40 along with most her dumb tattoos. Her stomach tattoos are poorly done. Shes said so her self in her tattoo videos. Lmao. Why wouldnt shes fix them if shes making good money? She DOES look like a man. with her lack of womanly figures. Eat some food do some squats maybe then she'll have something on her body. People are critical of her body because that's what she uses as a career is sex appeal? When theres nothing appealing about jess at all.
Plus I thought she was into humiliation? She doesn't like being humiliated by pointing out the obvious. Lol
No. 1029559
>>1029285 I honestly think ur dead on. I think these freaks like seeing her miserable.
That or she just hates her life.
No. 1029564
File: 1598543643846.jpg (517.2 KB, 1080x1491, 20200827_115030.jpg)

She sang a song with this dude. She sounds like a fucking chipmunk. This poor guy looks normal and shes dressed like a fucking baby. Poor bastard was probably freaked out.
No. 1029660
>>1029533Who actually has sympathy? for this low life at this point.
Clearly this is jess ha.