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No. 382981[Reply]

-Onion is dying from a tumor and a horrible skin disease! He really needs them kids' lunch money to ~survive~!!!!

-Is still making shitty content

-TomatoBiscotti still hasn't gotten his collab with Onion as of yet, but he's patiently waiting u guiz!

-We see up close Greg's aging process over the last 7-8 years (pic shown above)

Fullscreen has terminated their contract with the Uhohbro channel and now Grease resorts to making a new one, effectively abandoning Uhohbro and thus releasing "Onion Son"

-He still had to pay alimony (haha)

Moar milk to come, stay tuned!

Previous thread: >>>/pt/378857
1213 posts and 230 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 387708

I absolutely agree.

And this is why Greg keeps his children out of the public eye.

And that's why I think he knows what he's doing.

No. 387715

Also, just a little heads up but he's also currently reporting the shit out of anyone who disagrees with him on his Twitter.

How do I know it's him? I have every single one of his most troublesome fans blocked on my account, I also didn't respond to his sperg-out yesterday in real time when it was happening as I was busy, but as soon as I made a few replies to him this morning, I was swiftly locked out of my account… a few other friends confirmed the exact same thing happened to them after a few replies to him, so much for his "I'm against censorship!" stance, eh?

No. 387720

Christ, I knew Tomato-idiot was a sycophantic cockgobbler, but this is just beyond sad… he is so incredibly desperate to get Grease to be his friend, he doesn't get it that he doesn't have the thought processes that are required to establish strong bonds in relationships and friendships… it is literally impossible for Grease to have those feelings. If he was receiving treatment for his NPD; he might be able to mimic and emulate those sorts of feelings, but he's not… he. is. fucked.

Tomato-idiot needs to get this into his head before it's too late and Grease inevitably snaps at him. His doormat excuse of a wife barely interacts and puts up with him and she's questionably and suspiciously clinically insane herself, the only way he's going to become slightly tolerated by Grease is if he has something to offer him - like being a very successful YT'er or throwing 1k at him every fucking month… and even then, the friendship will be really strained and always teetering on the edge of betrayal and abandonment.

No. 387721

>>religion, politics
>>PLENTY to disagree about
So he's a religious christian and supports Trump?

No. 387725

why is he not reliable? he knew about plaineyboi before everyone else. he's a really good stalker.

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No. 382934[Reply]

Thread #1 >>>/snow/93507
Thread #2 >>>/snow/131172
Thread #3 >>>/snow/151227
Thread #4 >>>/snow/167361
Thread #5 >>>/snow/176096
Thread #6 >>>/pt/310703
Thread #7 >>>/pt/320406
Thread #8 >>>/pt/331309
Thread #9 >>>/pt/342518
Thread #10 >>>/pt/351721
Thread #11 >>>/pt/356684
Thread #12 >>>/pt/362065
Thread #13 >>>/pt/367369
Thread #14 >>>/pt/373404
Thread #15 >>>/pt/379061
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1212 posts and 266 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 385816

I can't wait for her to come over here and spill some tea

No. 385817

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oh this is gonna be good

No. 385819

>peach but no bat wings

Funny, I'm eating a peach right now. When is the last time you guys think Moomoo ate a piece of fruit?

No. 385820


When it was in a cocktail

No. 385821

Doesn't matter. She needs to practice CICO

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No. 385359[Reply]

Anyone have anny info on this chick? Found her in the Momokun threads and wanted more info. Heard a lot about her a year ago trying too hard to be Moo. I feel like there has gotta be more to her. I found a thread on her started like a year ago asking for her nudes and I didn't feel like she was relevant enough to ask about her in the moomoo thread.
Her @ is ThorneChan or SierraThorneX0 on twitter

No. 385360

Just another fat chick who thinks she is "THICC"

No. 385370

Moved to >>>/snow/315170.

No. 385246[Reply]

No. 385255

Moved to >>>/snow/314999.

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No. 319570[Reply]

Cont. from >>319509

Miranda Ann Constable sinks further in to delusional territory.

>Japanese-Americans can't claim to be "Japanese" because they weren't born there despite the fact that Miranda claims to be "Japanese" despite not having been born there.

>Thinks Europe is one large country with a single culture.

>Thinks the 24 time system refers to money.
1204 posts and 212 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 384942

I didnt really get it though. It wouldve been like a 3 km walk to the onsen itself, even if she missed the bus. Like make a hike out of that an then relax in the onsen?!

No. 384955


Because she's a lazy bitch.

No. 385792

Why no posts

No. 385818

Because we're lazy bitches too.

No. 385831

The new thread is here, mate. >>384956

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No. 140079[Reply]

yeah I get that this slowed down it's steam but I promised you guys I'd post all the texts that spookylifting/monica alejandra lira-gonzalez sent to me plus other info, so whatever, here it is, and the lulz still goes on (but slowly!)

pt 2 >>104195
previously >>98777
first >>95985

put an x through these lifters:
pink-lifter/mckenna colette waller
ogechi iheduru/heisttheory/thievescourt
kleptobunny/emily cross
candylifter/(caught, but name kept from us)
some other small time lifters

keep on advisement:
madison griffin/liftingbunnies/liftingfox (have emailed school, called police, but have yet to call house)
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287 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 381896

Jesus christ what a cringy bitch, if you get caught, just own up to it, jeez. I would have smacked her silly, that guy is showing some mad patience with her.

No. 381900

i know that lady in the bg is maybe just trying to save this guy from looking bad on camera, but when she said "be a gentleman" "don't hit her" etc i wanted to punch her lol. crazy bitch was kicking and swinging at this guy, she kinda forefeited all etiquette when she did that shit.

No. 382049

>cracks a hell of a drug
literally what. that kid is a retard and so are all the people in the youtube comments who find a 30 year old joke funny.

No. 384157

the sound their shoes is making is so fucking annoying. And the guy's accent is pretty annoying too. But this girl is a nutjob.

No. 405598

If she spent more time lifting instead of (shop)lifting she could have probably overpowered him and gotten away, look at those chicken legs.

No. 384098[Reply]

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No. 383357[Reply]

I thought a new thread on these amusing girls who use instagram as an outlet for attention would be fun since we cant bitch about aly no more, who knows or remembers @edmayeh? Also been know on Tumblr as @closetobonedry or @exmayeh before she went private (ha, i wonder why?) I keep seeing her youtube video screenshotted on MPA as a thinspo. And so many people idolize her. She hashtags her stuff as #madbitch, if you have been watching this girl for years. How fucking crazy is she? Damn!

No. 383359

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I have no words for this…

No. 383360

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Oh yeah. Let's just take a selfie in our hospital gown outside hospital and post it online!

No. 383365

are you retarded
could this be any more of a self post jfc

No. 383366

We have a thread in /snow/ already
and you don't put anything in the name field

No. 383371

have you ever spent any time here?
aly thread is active at >>>/snow/223291
pro-ana scumbags thread is active at >>>/snow/243674
your namefagging is bullshit

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No. 382903[Reply]

21yr old cosplayer from the PNW.
Was engaged to a mostly well-loved member of the PNW cosplay community.
Was caught cheating on said fiance with a 45yr old poly married man with kids that she works with.
Kicked out of fiance's place and now couch surfing.
Thread appears on anon-ib looking for her nudes.
Ex-fiance supposedly has nudes but none are ever posted.
People that apparently know her air grievances and reveal other things about her in said thread.
Drama queen, shit talks friends and other cosplayers, rampant jealousy and tantrums when not getting pics taken of her or losing contests, etc
Revealed to be the girl from the AkiCon rape incident.
Revealed that she willingly gave said rapist a blowjob the day before the alleged rape, thereby cheating on her then boyfriend as well.
Old guy she is fucking's name and picture are posted.
Anons investigate and post his family members to thread as well.
Mods delete tons of posts including pics and names of old guy and his family.
Kaythulhuferret disables her facebook and instagram and goes into hiding.

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7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382941

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No. 382942

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No. 382943

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No. 382944

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No. 382960

Moved to >>>/snow/309420.

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No. 378857[Reply]

-major lulz was had with Gregma's recent chimpouts on younow

-accused Billie of not taking showers and stinking up the entire house with her smelly armpits (and possible dutteh vajayjay)

-attacked Jaclyn Glenn for getting fake boobs as he'll no longer have anything to jerk his tiny smegma-ridden cock off to

-is still e-begging for his fans' lunch money to get by and ~survive~

More Onion madness is to come!

Previous: >>>/pt/376801
1212 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382975

I really don't think he knows Britain is more than just England

No. 382977

How long until he applies for dat social security cash? You know, for his ~illnesses~
and all?

No. 382978

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If I paint nude-ugly-onion with a little wiener, any legal issues?

No. 382980


Nah, just draw that shit yo.

No. 382983

New thread my niggas! >>>/pt/382981

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