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No. 195278
So, information that some of us baited betas from /r9k/ and made their life even bigger hell that it is leaked out.
They might raid this place, so what's the plan ? No. 195282
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>mfw /r9k/ faggots think they can manufacture drama by lying to their own kin about what goes on in "le gurlz boarddd!!1!!1"
>mfw said kin are probably stupid enough to believe it without any evidence and will come here to shitpost/spam
>mfw it's not a big deal because they've done this before and just gotten permabanned since we're a small board, it's piss-easy to spot robots and our mods are actually useful
>mfw they won't even get into the correct Discord channel
>mfw this was all for nothing
No. 195288
>>195287you say that like its worth coming to this site lol.
as if anyone would miss this website dying.
No. 195306
>>195278All par for the course around here.
It's not like we don't already get a steady influx of neckbeards as it is.