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File: 1432047771593.jpg (38.71 KB, 500x375, 9cdc8d7daf08f6d8ae435123ebfaa1…)

No. 297535

Anyone else remember this gem from Tumblr?

No. 297536

ah yes

the scam artist

No. 297537

I used to be so obsessed with her. To me she was the ultimate "air castle" -I'm not sure what the saying is in English, but she was the idea of perfection, and when shit went down I honestly have to admit i was relieved. The girl is all smoke and mirrors.

No. 297538

Www.shitpowerrrr.tumblr.com has all her shit archived, as in all her fuck ups

No. 297539

Ot, but are you Swedish?

No. 297540

Norwegian, but I realized as I googled for the translation that it's probably a more common expression in swedish. Might have something to do with stieg larsson, hehe.

No. 297541

Yeah haha I was like…i've read this somewhere….

No. 297542

File: 1432052464192.jpg (91.66 KB, 629x656, image.jpg)

This is probably the most recent photo of her, taken after sara (pampleemousse) took her back for the millionth time, this time after tiffany stole from saras father.

Admittedly she looks a lot healthier now, and her hair looks better when it's not teased as if her life depended on it

No. 297543

Can someone provide backstory? The link doesn't work…

No. 297544

Same, I used to think she was super cool, apart from all the fake RL Snow White Disney princess BS, which she did admit to. But then she started to go all weird when she started dating that gross crustpunk guy and eventually the whole scamming/stealing thing happened. I'm kind of annoyed she had me fooled, tbh.

She actually looks really cute here, I don't think I would have recognised her though, she looks way different to all her selfies.

On another note, holy shit, Sarah needs to lay off the self tan and fix her eyebrows.

No. 297545

She used to post in an LJ comm I was in as well but no one there was e-celeb savvy enough to catch her on her bs before she flounced lol. Can't remember why she left the comm though.

No. 297546

I dare to hope but does the phrase "go away ron" mean anything to you?

I remember when the LJ comm I used to go in practically licked her asshole every time she posted a new picture. Then all of the sudden, everyone just turned on her. Kinda hilarious, tbh. She had all of those shitty "copycats" too, aka anyone who wore polka dots and had black hair was obvi a copy.

No. 297547

There actually were a lot of legit copycats though. I think a couple girls even copied her exact tattoos. Creepy as fuck.

No. 297548

eh, her style wasn't that unique. it was pretty rockabilly and "modcloth vintage" inspired. lots of high-waisted shorts and sweetheart bodices.

who else copied her tattoos? i know her on-off bff sara did but that whole situation was weird from the beginning.

No. 297549

Seconding this, I never heard of her. Why is she a lolcow?

No. 297550


Well known scammer, hated anti-feminist and racist

No. 297551

LOOOOL YES. Hello fellow off wut/s_c anon

No. 297552

aayyy bb! too bad off_wut went down in flames. all that drama was sweet. i got kicked out of s_c for lurking but that shit was boring.

No. 297553

Apparently she was in a rating community and used to leave really nasty comments on people's outfit pics

Haha, the funny thing is she is a trained (or in training?) dermatologist and now she's working at a tanning salon, gurl you know that shit gives you the cancer

No. 297554

She was pretty ~tumblr famous~ a few years back, started pretty normal but gradually started acting crazier and crazier. She dumped her long term boyfriend and supposedly slept around with a bunch of random bar dudes. Which normally wouldn't be a huge deal, but she'd spent ages curating a sweet innocent Disney princess persona that was reasonably convincing so it seemed kind of shocking and out of character. Then she started dating a really gross rockabilly/punk type guy and gave herself a personality overhaul to be more "edgy" or w/e, he was a douchebag and eventually leaked nudes of her on tumblr. A bit later she scammed a load of people by selling clothing and never sending it and supposedly stole money from her "BFF's" dad. Then she vanished from the internet and is apparently married now.

Also her entire friendship group have the maturity of seven year olds and constantly go from publicly despising each other to being "bff's" and getting matching tattoos and then going back to hating each other again. All of which they'd put all over the Internet, so that was always fun to watch.

No. 297555

Started in LJ bitching about other girls being uglier than her, got into pokemon and met some guy named adam, she claims he was abusive -through him he met sara, and a thirty-something named matt.
She started dating matt lnstead and started a lot of shit online about sara copying her tattoos and style, cheated on and broke up with matt, (he drunkenly trashed her perfect persona on tumblr and some ask site)
She then moved in with sara, refused to pay rent or do dishes, got kicked out, got together with some hillbilly named dave who she also cheated on and used for a place to live (all his friends hated her) Dave then leaked her nudes, tiffany started posting a lot of porn and asspics, something something moved back with sara something something open a store envy, get monies, didn't send shit out, sara defended her but snapped when tiff didn't want to pay people back, and got kicked out again (apparently she owed saras dad a lot of money as well)
Today she lives in south carolina with some 20yr old she married and is scared of the internet.

No. 297556

I was to busy word vomiting to notice your arguably more well written synopsis, woops

No. 297557

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No. 297558

Nah! You covered a bunch of things I didn't. I was going to write about Sarah's creepy copying of her and all the other boyfriend/friend drama but thought I'd already written too much lol.

No. 297559

Hehe, we make a great team anon.

I kinda miss her internet presence though, the milk was flowing strong with this one. She did remake a "secret" tumblr though, used it for lurking I suppose. She ended up blowing her cover by contacting a fan blog, got a shit ton of backlash ala where's my money man?? And bahleeted yet again. That blog was basically 90% fuck womens rights and 10% MTG. Eh.

No. 297560

File: 1432066827399.jpg (132.75 KB, 640x1045, image.jpg)

This was the message tiffany sent to the shitpowerrr message after she outed herself, her only acknowledgement of the whole scam thing ever.

No. 297561

File: 1432066884269.jpg (168.59 KB, 640x1029, image.jpg)

According to shitpowerrr they never received a third part

No. 297562

File: 1432071786388.png (144.6 KB, 500x387, tumblr_m4c93bnj1g1rr8hjgo3_500…)

she also lied about having an eating disorder when she was pretending to be a perfect disney princess who ate whatever she wanted and stayed thin.

No. 297563

File: 1432071824146.jpg (181.43 KB, 1280x554, tumblr_m4c93bnj1g1rr8hjgo1_128…)

after she ditched the cute persona she came clean about it.

No. 297564

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No. 297565

File: 1432155918058.jpg (112.12 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mn61y5TsFP1sqlahuo1_500…)

She was really cute before she started dating Dave

No. 297566

Yeah, her styling wasn't that special. I do think she was/is cute, though I wonder if she ever fixed the scam issue?

And, quite frankly, if we are going to discuss her we need to address the more interesting lolcow she spawned, sniper_nyan.

No. 297567

nope, she never sent anything (refunds or the clothes) to any of the people who bought her stuff

No. 297568


Whatever happened to that tryhard?

No. 297569

She's on tumblr and copying a new girl now. She's generally kept her edginess private now though.

No. 297570

what's her new URL? her selfies were amazing at making her look good but occassionally candids of her would leak where her face wasn't tilted to the side and she'd be smiling with her messed up teeth … lmfao.

No. 297571

Starpowerrr or the copycat?

No. 297572

both! i want her new account and the person she's copying lmao

No. 297573

Her nose bridge is so wide. Its so weird.

No. 297574

Tiffany (starpowerrr) has no known online presence at the moment. Like it was said further up the thread, she ran off after the scamming debacle. She wasn't really copying anyone, as far as I know. I think that anon was talking about sniper_nyan, who used to copy Tiffany.

No. 297575

After tireless stalking I found sniper_nyan's instagram:


No. 297576

No. 297577

thank you for the info, anon.
even in her recent pics she looks so much like 2011 tiff

No. 297578

File: 1433009332459.png (71.31 KB, 779x823, rrtertertwq.png)

tiffany's half-assed apology/explanation(whatever you'd call this) regarding the unsent packages and lack of refunds

No. 297579

So basically she's never refunding them as it happened like two years ago. It's okay, though because she used the money for her bills.

The entitlement is real.

No. 297580

Pretty much. Also the ending was so sincere, "So, whatever." Beautiful.

No. 297581

File: 1433345869264.jpg (74.59 KB, 1322x333, anonib.JPG)

I forgot I had these screenies, so might as well post them. This was on the anon-ib board around the time she and Dave broke up. Her ass pics and masturbation pic were posted so people were asking for info on her.

No. 297582

File: 1433345890712.jpg (53.3 KB, 1284x253, anonib2.JPG)

No. 297583

File: 1433345964463.jpg (27.04 KB, 1273x68, anonib3.JPG)

No. 297584

This chick is the embodiment of what wizardchan thinks all women are like.

No. 297585

File: 1433361298185.png (581.12 KB, 1638x2906, LOLOLOLtiffmatt.png)

When she broke up with Matt and he outted her on tumblr while drunk. Good times.

No. 297586

File: 1433361381917.png (63.95 KB, 632x957, LOLOLOLtiffmatt2.png)

>>297585 part 2

No. 297587

File: 1433361864241.gif (Spoiler Image,36.99 KB, 250x185, tumblr_mvdhogDNlH1qzfxtno1_250…)

the n00ds leaked by Dave, easily found on tumblr

No. 297588

Even though she turned into a shitty a person, she does have a great body. It was low of Dave to leak her nudes tho

No. 297589

it was wrong of him yeah but i always see this as a two way thing before people hop on the "she can du wot she wunts" train, people take photos like this and when they get exploited they get upset. again not saying we should or its right but what do you expect, yeah trust and shit but what do you really expect

no sympathy either

No. 297590

spoilers pls

No. 297591

post a bigger one pls?

No. 297592

Sorry, my SFW friend. I believe a mod fixed it.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a better picture. Shitpowerrr tumblr covers most of her past internet life.

No. 297593

File: 1433388019127.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.41 KB, 600x450, tumblr_n2yld4O5GZ1ryjyifo1_128…)

=_= Nevermind, I found 'em.

No. 297594

File: 1433388136752.gif (Spoiler Image,164 KB, 600x444, tumblr_mlp0glIY2q1sp2v8go1_128…)

No. 297595

Did dave post this one too, or a different ex?

No. 297596

K shut up

Btw isnt revenge porn illegal to post?

No. 297597

anyone have pics of these various boyfriends she had. Kinda curious…

No. 297598

No. 297599

Aw man was hoping to see a pic of this crust punk who released her nudes

Just had photos of Matt

No. 297600

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No. 297601

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No. 297602

File: 1433651656828.jpg (37.57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m3spiqciCU1r8dap6.jpg)

Adam, the one who came up with her starpowerrr username

No. 297603

File: 1433651730955.jpg (24.01 KB, 448x336, tumblr_m3spptN9cL1r8dap6.jpg)

Matt, the one she was with for quite awhile, apparently she cheated on him with multiple guys according to sara, and he 'caused' her ed.

No. 297604

File: 1433651801845.jpg (100.01 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nlvhhitDQl1rr8hjgo1_128…)

Dave was already posted, so here's 'grey' her husband

No. 297605

File: 1433769456079.jpg (502 KB, 500x830, tumblr_mmwnb5EHSB1sqlahuo1_128…)

One of her handmade clothing items

No. 297606

You can tell it's handmade for sure. Sloppy stitching and lines everywhere. The different patterns don't even compliment each other.

No. 297607

Lol, she didn't make that. It's from the etsy store imyourpresent that she was constantly shilling. It's where her sweetheart earrings are from too.

She did make her own clothes for a while and they looked even shittier. I can't find any photos but they were all just blatant poorly made imyourpresent rip offs.

I remember one dress she made literally looked like it was made from children's bed sheets.

No. 297608

Jfc, that almost makes it worse. Who would pay for this atrocity?

No. 297609

File: 1433776989332.jpg (22.61 KB, 500x375, tmp_29362-tumblr_m3ru5q9s5b1r8…)

Never mind, I found a pic. It looks even worse than I remember.

No. 297610

File: 1433779845067.jpg (78.59 KB, 333x750, tumblr_m3ri831M381rvdm8io1_500…)

i don't know if she made these or not, but still…yikes.

No. 297611

ngl it looks cute for fairy kei

No. 297612

It's ugly, and the fabric choice is horrible.

No. 297613

File: 1434252021238.jpg (377.69 KB, 1074x1088, image.jpg)

Another response in regards to her eating disorder

No. 297614

although it works for fairy kei, it's still ugly.

No. 297615


When was she racist? I've seen her do some shit but I've never seen her make any racist comments.

No. 297616


shitpowerrr here. You pretty much hit the nail on the head.

If anybody wants to know more details and screenshots of what happened it's all on


Shit gets weird.

No. 297617

Hey shitpowerrr, I'm the anon who wrote the post. Just wanted to say I already follow your blog and appreciate your sense of humor!

No. 297618

So does she have another IG again? I wanna see what she looks like as of recent.

No. 297619


Sup. Thanks for following!


I haven't seen her back on instagram. She deleted her ch3rrycr3ams0da one on which the storenvy thing first broke out in the comments.
You can see what she looks like now on her fb. Her name is now tiffany rubin since she got married.

No. 297620

File: 1438339074381.jpg (33.85 KB, 540x540, FB_IMG_1438338724887.jpg)

This is what she looks like now. There were some photos on her Facebook of her and her husband at some military event.
Somebody else was taking the pictures so obviously Tiffany did not end up looking like she would want to sunce she couldnt do her break-neck angles and thinspo posing. They were up on her fb for a little while (I guess to satisfy family) then she took them down or untagged herself.

No. 297621

Pretty girl tbh

No. 297622

does anyone else find this frightening

No. 297623

the way she applies her mascara is gross. just buy some falsies.

No. 297624


Her skeletor face or cake-ass mascara?

No. 297625

lol airforce
trying to get the BHA

No. 297626

File: 1442612098809.jpg (94.69 KB, 640x635, image.jpg)

When that sniper_nyan copied her

No. 297627

File: 1442619966245.png (646.71 KB, 935x604, sniper.png)

>implying she's not still

No. 297628

Yup, she is. Sniper didn't used to pack on the mascara before and she does now.

No. 297629

you can tell how cute she thinks she is

No. 297630

she looks pretty cute imo

No. 297631

File: 1443948675610.jpg (356.96 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

Haha, this chick. It's so obvious how desperate she is to be 2010 era starpowerrr. Idk why exactly, but it's so weird to me that she just took her style, isn't even subtle about it, and is still running with it five years later. Like the original Tiffany died and she's been wearing her skin ever since lol.

She's gotten a lot better at selfies recently though, I will give her that. She actually looks cute in her newer ones, rather than just a weird, ersatz Tiffany (pic related).

Anyway, I think Tiffany's new Instagram is andpuppycat, for anyone that's interested. It's private though.

No. 297632



Oooooh. I remember when she used to troll sf_drama as lost_kite back in the day. And that awesome call out post in getoffegl. You can tell she's come a long way in dressing herself.


No. 297633

File: 1443954035225.jpg (32.12 KB, 342x512, image.jpg)

Oh man, so nostalgic, I forgot just how much of a goldmine she used to be. She was/is completely batshit.

No. 297634

She's a lot quieter now but you can still tell, occasionally, that she's an egotistical bitch.

No. 297635

Oh my


This is a flash from the past. She's been stalking tiffany since tiffs livejournal days.

No. 297636

Why do these names mean something to me?? I vaguely remember wuchan and sniper_nyan but I can't remember for the life of me who they are or why I know them?

No. 297637

File: 1444427565997.jpg (85.91 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nvz0poJ3QN1s34hs2o1_540…)

Looks like she's following starpowerrs ED phase. She has literal stick thin chicken legs now.

No. 297638

What's strange is how disproportional they are.
I also really hope she doesn't go to work like that but I get the feeling that she does.

No. 297639

it's weird how she's an obvious attention whore and extremely vain but isn't active on much social media

No. 297640

She posts on her tumblr regularly, but it is a shame she keeps all her stupid opinions to herself now, she was entertaining.

No. 297641

Livejournal troll. She used to troll a ton of communities including whatiworetoday2

No. 297642

Haha, probably can't get that kawaii tumblr fame by being such a jackass

No. 297643

She doesn't get any attention anymore. She doesn't talk about herself that much because she likely knows she'd anger tumblr with her edgy and "unique" opinions, and her selfies aren't that special so they don't get reblogged much.

I really wish she'd bring the crazy though.

No. 297644

File: 1446105716996.png (888.04 KB, 927x521, Capture.PNG)

So this happened. (khaleesiofkhal is Sara and andpuppycat is Tiffany. Sara now lives in Florida and Tiffany lives in California latched onto her military husband like a kawaii leech. She hasn't made a peep about paying back her customers.)

If I had had my money stolen by this entitled brat I would be pretty pissed at this.

No. 297645

so annoying

No. 297646

It's a box of cereal. $5, maybe? So big monies.

No. 297647

What customers?

No. 297648

tiffany opened a storeenvy selling her old clothes and shoes, people payed up front but never got their items. tried contacting her, sara and everyone they could link to her in hopes of figuring out what happened. At first sara was defending her, saying tiffany was too kind hearted to do such a thing, but when she realized it was true, and confronted her (T) about it drama broke loose. this coupled with tiffany owing sara and her family money, which she also refused to repay, caused the last split between them. i think tiffany might have payed saras family back, but not a single dime has been payed to all the girls she scammed. Tiffany and sara are friends again and everyone is pretending nothing happened.
except for third-wheeler nikkol who says she doesn't want to get involved and hints at "legal action" as an explanation as to why she doesn't want to talk about it.

No. 297649

she's building her alibi. "i'm so broke, i can't even buy cereal -that's why i can't pay people back"

No. 297650

yeah she scammed me out of 10 bucks but i got a refund from paypal.

No. 297651

>I was asking him to spend his own money cause I am poor but still.

Nice to see that, five years later, she's still a broke ass leech sponging off whoever she's currently screwing. Not kawaii, sort your life out Tiff.

No. 297652

newfag here but can't she get into trouble for scamming people? like legal trouble?

No. 297653

She just needs to gain a few pounds and then she can be a full blown dependapotamus.

No. 297654


felice fawn got away with it so i doubt theres anything you can do now

No. 297655

It's kind of sad actually. She's always seemed like she never really had a personality and just became a copy of whoever she was dating.

No. 297656

Yeah, "hardcore" Tiffany when she was dating Dave was definitley a downgrade from nerdy Disney princess when she was dating Matt.

No. 297657

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No. 297658

>"it'd get stale by the time it got to you"

lmao either her husband is really dumb or he thinks Tiffany is really dumb.

No. 297659

No. 297660

I'm not surprised she turned into a cheap cam girl. At all.

No. 297661

that's not her, just someone with the same username

No. 297662


No. 297663

sorry to bump this old ass thread but i'm strangely entertained by her so i wanted to check if anyone has any news/new pics/anything? i don't suppose anyone is following her current ig??

her current ig seems to be tiffany.ru, but obvi it's private and the profile pic isn't even of her so idek what she looks like now.

No. 297664

I think it's unlikely. All her shit seems to be locked down pretty tightly and I doubt she adds anyone she doesn't know IRL anymore. I'm pretty curious too, tbh.

No. 297665

File: 1469403044782.jpeg (57.44 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

Apparently she got married last year, according to her Facebook.

No. 297666

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No. 297667

File: 1469403911618.jpeg (112.83 KB, 540x960, image.jpeg)

No. 297668

File: 1469405331182.jpeg (272.08 KB, 960x720, image.jpeg)

Last I could find

No. 297669

Btw these photos are from 2015 and 2016.

No. 297670

Man she got fat again

No. 297671

Where did you find these, anon? I miss Tiffany drama so bad.

No. 297672

On her Facebook.

No. 297673

File: 1469977733045.jpg (91.74 KB, 500x474, tumblr_m0sg0t1n4K1qzfscso1_500…)

If she married a military guy then she's just following the logical course and becoming a dependa

No. 297674

Is this a thing? What benefits are there to snagging a dude that's never home, who's probably gonna die or get ptsd?

No. 297675


Never having to work yourself

No. 297676


No. 297677

There's a reason welfare warriors always get married right before leaving because their wife gets free gubmint money.

No. 297678

The government doesn't pay the wife directly though. A lot of dependas talk their boots into giving them power of attorney over everything including bank accounts when they're deployed. Then the boot gets back and realizes all that extra money he earned when he"s deployed is gone cause the dependa spent it on stupid shit. It's gotten so bad that at the pre-deployment briefings leadership warns boots only to have a limited POA just to cover bills and whatnot.

No. 297679

Is she actually eating now? It looks like she gained some weight in her legs. I mean that in a good way though. During her starrrpower days, she lied about being able to eat anything without gaining a pound. when in reality he was starving herself. I definitely don't think she is ugly by any means but she does know how to work angles and wear the right clothes and makeup. Also she should get braces by now because her teeth are not in good shape. I understand her parents couldn't afford to get her teeth taken care of when she was a child. Now she can get loans for that and still hasn't.

No. 297680

Yeah her weight has gone up and down but she's pretty thin from what I can see recently. I wonder if the girl still has ednos problems going on.

I think her teeth are cute actually.-hides-

No. 297681

This girl is not a cow and she's not ugly. Her weight is not milk. Willing to bet she's prettier than OP. This entire shit thread reads like a vendetta talking to themselves. No one cares about this thread, it belongs in manure.

This sounds like the same person who made the Josephine Nicole thread. Stop fucking bumping this stupid thread.

No. 297682

Are you her or what? No one has bumped this for 5 days and you didn't sage, stop lying you fucking retard

No. 297683

>"No one cares about this thread! Stop bumping it! It doesn't belong here!"
>bumps thread

No. 297684

>>297670 kys ana-chan

No. 297685

This girl is one of the cowiest cows here, she's just not an active cow. But rest assured, if she ever comes back to the internet, milk shall spilleth over.

No. 297686

Then wait for her to potentially come back, and please stop bumping a dead thread. If you really feel the need to post, then sage.

No. 297687

ill just leave this here

No. 297688

I don't get it.

No. 297689

its her ig

No. 297690

File: 1491419301799.jpg (156.98 KB, 1206x729, tumblr_mz0kymEJ4A1rr8hjgo1_128…)

I almost got ripped off by her. Thank god I didn't buy that dress. I'm surprised by how many clones she has.

No. 297691

File: 1491422753812.jpg (96.05 KB, 704x704, IMG_5229.JPG)

She's not looking too bad lately.

No. 297692

Did anyone see Lovely Lor's video mentioning her? A little cringey, honestly. I admit I thought Tiffany was adorable in the off_wut/wiwt days but I don't think I'd openly admit to something like this.

The chocolate brown suits her much better than the straight up black.

No. 297693

I feel like the number of people who claim she *~scammed~* them is greatly exaggerated. I purchased a flannel from her store envy(of course I never received it) but I contacted her after two weeks and was issued a full refund.

No. 297694


i never got my money, but it was only 10 bucks so i just left it at that. I really wanted the sweater tho.

No. 297695

Her hair is really very pretty. The minimal makeup look suits her. But her eyes still scream 'crazy.'

No. 297696


She needs eyeliner to balance out her drawn in brows. Her hair looks nice though.

No. 297697

she looks lovely

No. 297698

i think some eye makeup would look great on her, but she's still very pretty

No. 297699

i remember seeing her all over rating communities like fuckballs and tinyrockets and she was not nice. whenever she gets a new boyfriend, her look changes completely. i guess her disney/cute thing was the only thing i can think of that was her own but even then who really knows maybe her ex liked kids

No. 297700


in all fairness everyone on tinyrockets was a huge dick

No. 297701

File: 1492979085702.jpg (46.88 KB, 722x722, 17796651_1783098118672484_2218…)

She's still on Facebook, but it's mostly locked down.

Can't decide if this look is an improvement.

No. 299973



No. 299983


No. 299986

I really wonder how much she regrets all those cutesy Disney tattoos. They were all for an aesthetic she no longer has. (And so many people copied them too, oop)

No. 299989

All tattoos are regrettable

No. 299991

I'm not a big tattoo fan, but I genuinely think her chest piece is cool. Not a fan of the others though. And I wouldn't want any of it myself. If anything, her bff Sara should be the one regretting it since she copied Tiffany. Or maybe they both do, especially when they weren't friends anymore.

No. 300026

Terrible eyebrows

No. 300036

bad eyebrows but at least she doesn't have those tragic lashes anymore.

she's honestly like one of the hottest tumblr famous people tbh. i miss her.

No. 300040

She should use eyebrow mascara or get them tinted. It would look more natural that way.

No. 300092

holy shit, she's in san antonio now? i wonder if i'll ever run into her at a mtg thing

No. 300337

Can't find her attractive anymore. Her upper lip is bothersome, always look like she's smelling it.

No. 331726

File: 1496980477132.jpg (71.91 KB, 540x960, IMG_2447.JPG)

No. 342186

Wtf are you doing, namefagging and posting in another cows thread? Lurk more.

No. 406405

File: 1508516974689.jpg (57.85 KB, 750x750, tiff.jpg)

Her latest Facebook picture. She apparently lives in San Antonio now and is still married to that guy.

No. 406406

File: 1508517021966.png (1.05 MB, 1938x1114, ig.png)

Her current Instagram. She's back to doing art, I guess.

No. 410745


good for her, better than scamming

No. 410789

As far as we know she never refunded those people, right?

I wonder if she ever misses her internet presence

No. 411239

i don't remember ever reading about her refunding anyone

and i wonder this too but i doubt it because her personal life got blown all over tumblr back during her glory days and that masterbating photo of her getting leaked i think she enjoys being a "nobody" when it comes to the internet

No. 468699

File: 1515800759181.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 86089F8A-A7D7-4F84-924B-8E6004…)

decided to check her Facebook and I didn’t even think this was her at first but it…is!

She looks cute, just doesn’t look like the starpowerrr we once knew

No. 468700

File: 1515800815452.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, 3F42AFF9-70A9-4431-AF79-807A8C…)

same Facebook

No. 471112

but did she get her teeth fixed? no hate but they look way better than they used to in her tumblr days

No. 472465

Thought the same thing! good for her tbh

No. 659487

File: 1533739108587.jpeg (162.37 KB, 750x1188, 7F4702B8-9C4B-4B31-A165-0D60E9…)

dunno if anybody ever checks this thread anymore but i just remembered tiffany the other day and wound up finding this. interesting. it seems like she might have actually done what a lot of cows should do, which is get the hell off the internet for a while and get their shit together. hopefully that's true. good for her.

No. 661478

Agreed. I’m happy for her.

No. 667982

File: 1534644532068.png (275.93 KB, 1536x1491, IMG_0047.PNG)


2018, still trying to skinwalk apparently

No. 669134

Man how long has her obsession been going for? That is dedication. I actually think she was the better lolcow overall though.

No. 669526


Ha, what happened to her Sailor Neptune phase? We should have a thread on this bitch. I remember her claiming to have a fiancee but her selfies are still taken in her crappy looking parental home. bedroom.

Back on topic, I wish Tiffany would return and do something milky. She was one of my favorites. All of the kawaii girls have been replaced by thots.

No. 669527


*home's bedroom
Sorry guys, I hate typos.

No. 669825

That's creepy. Aren't they both from NH? I could definitely see that girl trying to stalk Tiffany at work or something. I wonder if Tiff has ever noticed her. If she has, I bet she was glad to move further away from her. Lol

No. 669922

I mean, as far as anyone knows, she never refunded any of the people she screwed over with that storenvy fiasco. That was like 3-4 years ago though, I have no idea how she'd be able to give anyone their money back unless she kept track of those transactions. (Doubt it.)

I wonder if she will ever acknowledge that again…or just kinda awkwardly shuffle past that and hope nobody remembers that part of her starpowerrr days.

No. 671565

Back on Sniper/Patty/whatever's old blog she said they met and hung out or something. I think Tiffany is no longer in NH though.

A thread would be great as she used to be one of the best cows but at this point she keeps most of her craziness to herself (other than her typical copying Tiffany). I am curious what her living situation is though since you're right about the bedroom thing.

No. 671568

File: 1535058977828.jpg (70.52 KB, 500x461, wuchan.jpg)

Is she still really living at home? I remember on her aestheticlolita blog, she bragged about being an engineer or something $$$.

P sure they follow each other on instagram as well and ran in the same circles from the wiwt/off_wut LJ days.

No. 672875

File: 1535202961826.jpg (134.36 KB, 640x959, IMG_0209.JPG)

Iirc, they had plans to meet up at some point but never did.

Patty (Patti?) went into programming because her entire family does computer stuff. When she was in college she used to say she'd make tons of money while criticizing anyone who was going into the arts or any other low-paying field. I very much doubt she makes much money, though.

More recently, she went back to school for graphic design as part of her ~Sailor Neptune I am an artist~ thing, but I don't know if she kept up with that considering her lack of artistic talent and experience.

She was engaged and had a pic of her ring on instagram. Dunno what happened with that because she deleted the photo, doesn't appear to wear the ring anymore, and still seems to be living at home yet is still dating her ex-fiancé?

Pic related is her bf/fiancé and what her makeup looks like without filters.

No. 672877

File: 1535203235641.png (130.39 KB, 1272x1757, IMG_0051.PNG)


Example of her "art."

No. 672879

File: 1535203391392.png (128.08 KB, 1262x1144, IMG_0052.PNG)


Her art account, now private, although you can see from the user pic that like Tiffany her "art" was just drawing of girls that look like her. Or in Patti's case, what she thinks/wishes she looked like.

No. 672980

File: 1535215061134.jpeg (208.74 KB, 750x1222, 0A20B2C4-8B77-44CB-8C80-83314E…)

Here's Tiffany's latest art stuff she's been posting! It seems like she moved on from making cutesy self-portraits to just drawing superhero/comic/anime characters now. She's pretty good! Though it seems like she never actually finishes a piece. I wish she would post something more detailed.

No. 672991

File: 1535216057852.jpeg (210.12 KB, 750x1042, F163E0EE-83EE-45B5-9565-875A07…)

also, i always generally liked tiffany's style/makeup even if it was a bit overdone at times, and i think she looks good now, but those eyebrows girl…why. it looks like she drew one long unibrow and then wiped a small spot in the middle off to separate them.

No. 673207

I always thought the quality of her art was good, it was just odd to see her drawing nothing but basically cartoon versions of herself. It's nice to see she's expanded her subject matter.

Idk about those brows, but I'll give Tiff this much - speaking purely style-wise, she really rocked her look. None of her clones could pull it off anywhere near as well.

No. 673387

it's good i guess but that girl in the drawing looks like she has a mental disability.

No. 681851

Lol looks like she got cowtipped. Both her and her bf's ig are now private. She must lurk here despite trying to convince everyone she's an innocent Disney princess.

No. 732632

On her instagram she seems to have deleted all photos and comments about her hubby and has been posting selfies missing her wedding ring…

No. 740104

Are you talking about Tiffany or Patty?

No. 741841


just checker her insta and yeah, that anon must have been talking about tiff cos no wedding ring

No. 741940


I checked her fb and she's not friends with her husband anymore either. I double checked to make sure he didn't deactivate.

No. 742278

classic tiffany

No. 754313

She seems to be seeing someone new, she has posted some cuddly pictures with some guy

No. 754339

File: 1545861288417.png (96.99 KB, 1974x728, divorce.png)

Yeah, she's getting a divorce for sure.

No. 754395


So post the pics. This is an image board.

No. 754545

Who's Madison?

No. 754640

Obviously her (soon to be ex) husband…

No. 754643

Obviously her (soon to be ex) husband…

No. 754654

File: 1545934305016.jpg (148.07 KB, 720x720, 1.jpg)

Yeah, he goes by his middle name (Gray).

Here's the new dude.

No. 755040

Wow, so I wonder if she'll eventually move back home, or what. Looking at her ig, it kind of seems like she's generally doing the same ol' thing she's been doing since her starpowerrr days. Taking heaps of selfies, working retail, showing off fandom merchandise? Hopping from relationship to relationship? Not much else going for her…? Classic Tiffany for sure.

No. 755127

Not much else she can do with her life now, considering she got a DUI.

No. 755133

Lmao wut
This girls only talent was having an eating disorder, a Disney style, and showing it all on tumblr when it was a thing. I wouldn’t care to even remember her for anything if it wasn’t for her contradictory vulgar behavior. Plenty of people have from-home hustles, she doesn’t have an excuse to do fuck all

No. 760184

Leave my son alone!!!ill kill you(namefagging)

No. 760189

Anyone see the Haunting of Hill House? It's on Netflix. Holy Shit, right?(namefagging)

No. 776601

File: 1549770762947.png (239.43 KB, 386x545, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 10.5…)

You can view her instagram through the cache. She is around 35 and still photoshops her legs to be thin, lives in her parents' house and dresses like a 16 year old girl.

No. 776636

Can you expand on how to do this I wanna lurk but don’t know what you mean

No. 776644

Was this chick a member of indiefucks?

I know I recognize her from LJ days, but I wasn't active in wiwt…

No. 776695

File: 1549807326299.png (36.26 KB, 668x108, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at 9.00…)

Click on the arrow to see the most recent instagram before it went private. There might be a way to see the rest, but I'm too lazy atm.

No. 776973

Yes, and off_wiwt and off_wut in they’re hay day

No. 847322

File: 1564698512381.jpeg (155.73 KB, 828x716, 0128B733-EAAE-4DAC-8D0A-97B2AB…)

AND I THOUGHT HER EYEBROWS LOOKED SO GOOD. What the fuck did she so to herself. Crack?

No. 847325

File: 1564698671587.jpeg (137.51 KB, 828x548, 5F7FD309-2971-494E-85D5-3A4B4E…)

Girl… oh no… what are you doing.

No. 847345

Sad, because other than the eyebrows she looks nicer and healthier than ever

No. 847371


No. 847759

did you guys seriously necro this thread for an eyebrow nitpick?? jesus christ
while the thread is up may as well update it: she's living a normal life, keeping her head down and working on art. I know because I've had her on social media for a year or two and she's genuinely chill. but go off
saging this because I know I'm being a white knight faggot but honestly, there's milk elsewhere tiffany aint it

No. 848038

I mean, they are shockingly bad eyebrows anon

No. 849413

100% bad

No. 849459

File: 1565075482652.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1833, 958EBF1C-A698-4176-BB01-DA29A7…)

No. 849792

Idk who this is but I am literally wiping tears from my eyes. Those eyebrows are worthy of a necro.

No. 932943

File: 1581913298961.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.26 KB, 320x240, IMG_3011.jpeg)

Clout chasing and posing at it's best

No. 932947

File: 1581913539127.png (Spoiler Image,97.64 KB, 240x267, Screenshot_20200216-232330.png)

Well, Sara's gone down the shitter….

No. 932948

And apparently hasn't followed any of Tiff's "Disney Princess" diet tips.(FILE REMOVED, BAN EVASION)

No. 932950

This is the same person? What’d she do?

No. 932953

File: 1581914558167.png (87.87 KB, 720x763, Screenshot_20200216-232355.png)

No. 932957

-Assault on an officer
-Drug possession

From what I read in the report she was under the influence of drugs and or alcohol and crashed her car.

The website says she doesn't have any charges anymore, but I'm sure she had her Daddy bail her out of it just like she probably had him pay for Tiff to rip everyone off.

No. 932959

File: 1581915496611.png (62.88 KB, 496x842, Screenshot_20200216-235727.png)

No. 932987

I followed tiff pretty intently back in the day, when was this picture leaked?

No. 932993

Not to sure.

No. 932994

Found more on Sara then Tiff as of recently, to be honest. The whole clout chasing and coping is pretty insane. I mean Sara literally tried being a copy of her. Is there any info you can give me about this Sara girl?

No. 933888

Hey there guys. That happened to Sara when she tried to drive herself home from a surgery post cancer after her boyfriend who also lost his thyroid promised to pick her up. He didn't, and she tried to drive herself home. The "drugs" were what she internally was given at the hospital…I'm sure her I'm sure her Dad did bail her out, but wasn't Tiffany arrested for a DUI and that's why she doesn't have drive anymore? The girls are both shit shows honestly.

No. 933959

Sure. Lol

No. 939164


No. 939168

No. 939171

No. 939175


No. 939989

well she has great tits!! woah!(male)

No. 940003

All but one of those look like they're from when she was really tan? Anyone wanna claim the faceless dick hahahaha

No. 940040

File: 1583195544626.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.7 KB, 400x299, tumblr_ml4bmobm5N1r2y10zo1_400…)

No. 940054

why do i get the feeling you think that's tiffany when it's sarah

No. 940064

They look totally different? I don't know why you'd think I think it's Tiffany- I have always thought Sara was the hotter one

No. 940065

Ya sara might have tried to ~be tiffany~ when they were younger….but after the ED, and dave talking about how he got two STDs from tiffany after matt from Pokemon said she cheated on him a bunch. At least sara has always had a job and seems like she has her shit together except when she is hanging out with tiffany hah

No. 940165

There's a lot Sara tries to keep quiet. She tries to put on a perfect imagine; but she's done and does a lot of questionable things.

No. 940167

did you miss her fighting cancer and being super open about how crappy she feels about things? I know I wouldn't want anyone only highlighting the less than ~*~kawaii princess love~*~ moments lol you say does like you are either an ex (prob the op of those photos) or are in her irl friend circle.

No. 940432

I think cancer or not, selling yourself for drugs is pretty low. And using everyone around you for money, as well as abusing anything you're prescribed, that's gotta be the definition of a trainwreck/hot mess.

No. 940486

Yah so we aren’t your personal army and don’t need you digging up a thread on Tiffany to trash Sara just because you’re some butthurt ex. Go lick your wounds and get over yourself like a normal person.
Oh and congrats on posting a girl’s nudes. Hope she’s of age in those since they’re so old! Necro for days man.(ban evasion)

No. 941101

File: 1583372007838.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.55 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mkk1788b0I1r2y10zo1_400…)

No. 941112

File: 1583372273624.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3440.jpg)

when she doesn't edit her stomach to look flat as a board. i don't know why she bothers editing- she's not an ugly girl at the weight she is post ED. i also wish she would go back to doing her eyebrows like she wasn't trying to be the red headed frida kahlo. it worked for frida but not tiff!(ban evasion)

No. 942130

Did you date either one of them or something? Where tf are all these coming from years later

Also, as an update, Tiffany has been struggling with her mental illness(es?), is back in NH, also her and Sara haven't been friends/talking to each other for quite some time now I think. They're both hot messes but at this point considering what they each deal with we have somewhat of an explanation as to why

No. 942200

Seems like both of there girls are really easy to hate and are good at manipulating a decent amount into thinking they're decent and sweet people. Some of the stuff that's been posted on other pages is pretty intense. That's what lead me here; and from what I've seen and read here, wow.

No. 942407

nice necro faggot, sage next time.

No. 960859

does anyone have her tiffs insta or does she not have one?

ive followed her since the lj days and every time she pops back up on social media im curious but i cant find her anymore

No. 961546


No. 968967

What other pages? I’m curious and would like to read.

No. 1014809

File: 1596125341652.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20200729-133311~2.p…)

New Instagram and look like she going for 'nerdy redhead' now and look like she trapped another guy into her 'sweet and innocent' bs. Might be schizophrenic or might be another self diagnoses. Still look gross and desperate to me and they eyebrows are insane >.<(emailfag >.<)

No. 1015130

Her ig isn’t “new” it’s been around for awhile now.

She did say once she might be schizo or bipolar in her ig stories. Yes, she’s mooching off of yet another man—it’s what she does.

Her eyebrows are godawful horrific and I don’t understand why she thinks they look good. She’d look quite pretty otherwise imo.

No. 1016108

I wonder how long it will take for her to cheat one this one? Looks like he's a cuck so maybe she'll get away with her cheating.

No. 1016135

she's literally doing nothing out of the ordinary, just living her life. I'll cop a wk ban for this any day because she's really unproblematic. working on her art, trying to live and grow. whoever vendettachan is needs to relax.

you specifically. learn to sage or show some receipts

No. 1016150

You obviously don't know her full story, she's still a thief and has multiple problems in her life. I've talked to her people close to her and she's still a terrible person.

No. 1016172


Do share?

No. 1016322

learn to sage if you're going to bump without milk. and yes do divulge all your secret info, this is an imageboard. hearsay doesn't mean shit unless you post receipts.
sage for mini-modding but fucks sake can someone fucking integrate on this thread please

No. 1024673

Aaaaaand instagram gone

No. 1038172

File: 1600034482612.png (473.75 KB, 750x1334, 0531DB76-F126-4605-A4C4-DA74DE…)

From her instagram, these are obviously referencing Sara

No. 1038173

File: 1600034515370.png (888.45 KB, 750x1334, 999FAEB4-A116-45F9-8F34-69F18E…)

No. 1038175

File: 1600034560624.png (700.02 KB, 750x1334, 8103FEC3-426D-4A34-B8E6-D59EDB…)

No. 1038178

File: 1600034650815.png (699.08 KB, 750x1334, 539BC1D1-F7A9-4377-A4E2-A0FBD6…)

I think these are texts Sara sent to one of Tiffany’s guys? Was it the one she married, I wonder? God they’ve both fucked each other over so much over the years lol. Talk about a toxic ass friendship

No. 1038227

File: 1600042793317.jpg (57.91 KB, 1080x1920, tiff1.jpg)

Here are some of her DMs she posted on her story explaining the situation. 1/4

No. 1038229

File: 1600042817462.jpg (144.86 KB, 1080x1920, tiff2.jpg)


No. 1038230

File: 1600042951708.jpg (89.34 KB, 1080x1920, tiff3.jpg)


No. 1038232

File: 1600043035347.jpg (113.61 KB, 1080x1920, tiff4.jpg)


So basically Sara has Single White Female'd Tiffany the whole time, including going after all the men she was dating? Time to get that matching friendship tattoo covered up!

No. 1038242

File: 1600044558441.png (285.6 KB, 750x1334, 347CC4C9-D6DB-46C2-A1A6-BDCADE…)

Explains Sara having multiple tattoos that are really similar to Tiffany’s too, aside from the one that was meant to be matching

No. 1038253

File: 1600046450602.png (166.86 KB, 838x422, sara.png)

This made me remember this ask from her ex Matt's Tumblr when he was airing dirty laundry. What the fuck was Sara's problem?

No. 1038260

she's a legit stalker dude, I feel so bad for tiff. wish this thread was locked ngl she's legit not milky whatsoever these days.

No. 1038262

Kinda off topic but… does she live in a hotel? So weird.

No. 1038293

I remember from livejournal days that her and Sara had beef like they knew of each other but weren’t friends and then Tiffany was alerted to or realized herself that this random girl (sara) was copying her in every way. They didn’t like each other for a long time and Sara would deny trying to skinwalk. Then something happened, maybe through card game meetups or a mutual friend where they decided to bury the hatchet and be friends and then they became ~*~BFF4L~*~ but I always suspected Sara never got over the jealousy she clearly had and I feel like Tiffany was stupid and blind to it all

No. 1038381

Yes I believe it’s the hotel her Mom works in/owns(?)

No. 1038942

I remember this. Sara is pretty much the og skinwalker from my early internet days, besides usagikou. It always freaked me out how desperate she was to be Tiffany. I’m glad Tiff posted the caps and is standing her ground. Sara has flown under the radar for too long. I can just imagine Sara sitting on livejournal and tumblr for hours lurking Tiffany to find a scrap of something to copy. Super creepy.

No. 1040084

Sara has always been creepily obsessed with Tiffany to an alarming degree and I don’t know why anyone tried to side with her just because Tiffany scammed people. Tiffany scamming people and being a grifter doesn’t make Sara any less of a weirdo. I’m not surprised by these at all, Sara has always wanted everything that Tiffany has and became friends with her by playing her like a violin and lovebombing her and pretending their similarities were a coincidence. Vile, pathetic woman.

No. 1040088

Does anyone know Sara’s current socials? I would like to see what she looks like now in relation to how she used to skinwalk Tiffany and what makes her think she looks good enough to call Tiffany fat kek

No. 1040098

Her name is Sara Crane. I believe this is her IG: https://www.instagram.com/sarasontheinternet/?hl=en

No. 1040101

Same anon, but I just realized that Sara is moving (or has moved?) back to NH recently, where Tiffany currently is.


I wonder if she moved back because Tiff did earlier this year?

No. 1040117

File: 1600301518090.jpeg (599.85 KB, 828x1029, D2F9FC2B-BB88-4A44-ADEC-397A9A…)

It wouldn’t surprise me, maybe she’s finally gotten the courage to try and forcibly perform a ritual to actually physically switch bodies with her. Pic related, love this Tiffany cosplay

No. 1040118

File: 1600301648759.jpeg (732.36 KB, 828x993, D85F5552-6BBF-4ABB-AAED-82EBFB…)

Also holy shit, I didn’t realise she also copied her feet tattoos. What a psychopath.

No. 1040593

Very true. I remember though back around the time when Tiffany’s scamming thing was happening, her and Sara had a falling out because Tiffany stole money from Sara’s dad or something. She was also using Sara for a place to live and refusing to pay rent or help with chores. That was all according to Sara though, who knows how true that all is. She made herself out to be this stable mom-friend who was just trying to help, in contrast to Tiffany and all her drama.

No. 1040751

You can’t trust anything Sara says in my opinion—Sara also leaked topless photos of her and Tiffany together. Sara is and has been unhealthily obsessed with her for fifteen years and making Tiffany and everyone else thing Tiffany needs Sara. We won’t ever really know if Tiffany stole from Sara’s dad. Sara went years telling everyone that Tiffany was her sister because she wanted people to really think they were literally sisters and tell her they looked alike. You saw the text screenshots—the things she said to Tiffany’s ex husband were insane and she’s been doing that with all of Tiffany’s boyfriends. Now that Tiff is back in NH she’s going back too. I’m not dying Tiff is an angel but for fucksake Sara is a psycho.

No. 1040802

Yes! Definitely. I remember as well Sara posting something about how if she ever revealed all of the dirt she has on Tiffany, Tiffany would “shit a brick house”.

It was crazy following Tiff back in the day and watching her friends and boyfriends completely destroy her perfect internet persona she built up - yeah she’s made a lot of questionable choices - but looking back on that with this new info, I feel sad for Tiff. Seems like she’s dealt with quite a few people being obsessed with her or people that are abusive/boundary violating…Sara being the worst. Hope she stays safe. I wonder if she could get a restraining order…

No. 1040820

Yeah I went through and re-read the thread for nostalgic purposes and the things (barring the scamming) people were ‘exposing’ her for especially on shitpowerrr were so fucking inconsequential and stupid. Oh, she had a cutesy persona everyone adored but actually was unhappy and had an eating disorder? Big fucking woop. The “dirt” Sara had on Tiffany was nude photos of her because Sara is a creepy weirdo that wants to wear her skin. Meanwhile Sara herself was just as bad but hides behind her thyroid cancer scare as a shield. The whole thing is ridiculous and reeks of hometown jealousy.

No. 1041119

File: 1600447471430.jpeg (34.58 KB, 500x375, D3B58B7E-8EAE-49DC-ADA6-193942…)

Throwback to the hideous Dave

No. 1041124

File: 1600448156809.jpg (184.1 KB, 500x374, spoopy.jpg)

Ah yes, Flashback Tiffany.

No. 1041399

I wonder what he thought he was going to accomplish by leaking her nudes, aside from humiliating her, because all it did was solidify that she had a nice body and more gamestop bros would get down on one knee and support her lazy ass.

No. 1041522

Men do that to brag. Nudes are like trophies to them.

No. 1041609

File: 1600517026355.png (1.31 MB, 828x1792, 602A9E7C-B60F-48B1-9D2E-8D02DA…)

No. 1041611

File: 1600517090472.png (992.2 KB, 828x1792, 86BA650B-0CFA-4464-B838-BD180C…)

No. 1041612

Samefag but why do I suspect the ex she is referring to is Dave… whoever he is, he’s a disgusting piece of shit. I’m glad Tiff has the strength to air this stuff out. I know she’s been coming out of a really hard time in her life. I’m glad she is being so open and working on healing. Also, fuck Sara.

No. 1041779

My first thought was that she was talking about Grey or whatever his name is (ex husband) since she’s already mentioned that she was still living with him while they were divorcing. It def sounds like it could have been Dave though. Or one of the other exes…how fucking sad. She’s a magnet for assholes. TBH, I’m surprised she’s even in a relationship at all right now. Like give yourself space girl, learn how to be alone. Otherwise she will have a hard time learning how to break out of this cycle

No. 1042034

I guess Dave because her drinking seemed to be at an all time high while she was with him. That’s just from what I gathered from posts she made on the internet so I could be completely wrong.

No. 1042320

I just went back and re-read the thread as well and I think Sara has been posting in here for a long ass time. I wouldn't be surprised if she posted all those nudes either.

No. 1043066

I figured the same thing tbh.
These are breaking my heart in ways I never expected. I've experienced this very same thing before. Skin walking "best friends" who rely on you to help them meet others, then turn around and pursue every single guy that shows interest in you, but it's hard to really believe because you've known them for literally half you entire life. Damn.

Tiffany has her own issues, but no one deserves a 23-faced friend like that. That shit is the literal fucking worst. To even copy most of her tattoos? She's a literal nutcase and I hope Tiffany blocks her on every single site/app/anything and everything she can. If she's smart, she'll re-private her social media too, to avoid that psychopath from digging around and finding out who she meets next to try to worm her way into that next relationship too. Skinwalkers don't just stop skinwalking on their own, they have to literally be locked away from being able to see their idol. I learned this the hard way.

No. 1043159

Sara’s whole existence is based on Tiffany. Without her, who knows what she’d do. It wouldn’t surprise me if she made fake accounts to try and lurk if Tiffany went private. She’s very clearly that obsessed with her and not above it. As you said, it is literally creepy and psychotic of Sara to copy not one, but every tattoo Tiffany has. What a sad life. I wonder if Sara admits it now or if she still tries to play it off as a coincidence.

No. 1044762

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No. 1044764

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No. 1044765

File: 1600988888182.png (802.97 KB, 750x1334, E9E906C7-1D46-4733-AB11-1ED30E…)

(3/3) Someone asked earlier if she was living in a hotel, maybe this is why?

No. 1045046

File: 1601030659818.jpeg (75.73 KB, 500x375, 46598E40-5D27-443B-9983-571800…)

How fucking disturbing… Sara is psychotic.

No. 1045511

File: 1601102502465.jpeg (607.11 KB, 1242x1849, 24352A89-1304-4732-B051-6DBD79…)

No. 1045553

Sara’s social media currently silent and no ig story, usually she posts stories daily. She’s likely overwhelmed with embarrassment and anxiety, as she should be. She’s gone unchecked for too long imo, crazy fucking bitch.

No. 1045555

Where was this posted? Good on her for exposing Sara and warning others tbh. Tiffany isn’t perfect (who is) but Sara is toxic and straight up deranged.

No. 1045564

It was posted publicly on her Instagram

No. 1045565

File: 1601120522381.gif (1.99 MB, 450x335, 75D927E6-B810-4E4A-84CA-CD0995…)

No. 1045568

Was thinking the saaaame thing. Especially the “hey there guys*~”

Try to be a little more discreet, Sara.

No. 1045604

Kek accurate
>I always thought Sarah was the hotter one
What an absolute joke to anyone but Sarah. I don't even know these women, I just have eyes.

No. 1045648

Can you imagine just how many posts itt are Saras? Jfc

No. 1045735

I see Sara still uses her pamplemousse handle on certain platforms. Yet another thing she copped from Tiff- Tiffany loved Pomplamoose back in the day. It’s French for the word grapefruit so the band changed the spelling to stand out more in web searches. Sara is such a fucking loser man she can’t think one original thought on her own. Her life revolves around Tiffany and she needs serious mental help. Just own it Sara and get treatment, damn. This is no way to live the one life you have- wasted trying to be someone you will never be!

No. 1050720

File: 1601726198230.jpeg (431.85 KB, 827x1079, 8D402637-C1EE-4B69-A799-A3C7C3…)

I genuinely feel so terrible for Tiffany.

No. 1050832

Jesus, yeah, that is a hell of a revelation. What motivated her to post this, I wonder?

No. 1050858

File: 1601744466929.jpeg (357.2 KB, 827x1403, EA44CB6B-177B-41C7-858F-7749D2…)

I’m not exactly sure of the entire situation but it seems she was out and about and bumped into Matt. It was very triggering according to her, and she accused him of being a predator and “grooming” her on Instagram. Apparently he filmed them having sex and Tiffany said at that time she got “bad bad vibes” from his parents? Sara was involved in this somehow as well, as she was mentioned in the post. I’m not sure what she’s alluding to but it somehow ties into pedophilia/sexual abuse and she believes they belong in prison.

No. 1050868

File: 1601744876361.jpeg (119.48 KB, 827x983, A4F3ED9A-1359-493A-AEFD-C0EAEE…)

Annnnd she posted these on her Instagram. They are comments she left on Sara’s latest post but it appears Sara deleted them already. Good on Tiff for exposing her abuser and calling her the fuck out. It’s about time.

No. 1050872

File: 1601745098522.jpeg (246.34 KB, 827x1390, D96E5E4B-C32F-4FAC-96BB-17AC20…)

No. 1050877

File: 1601745272117.jpeg (692.17 KB, 828x1015, D98D0818-2679-4DFD-A448-72F73E…)

>forgive harder
You don’t even have to read into this to see she’s a psycho manipulative bitch. Tiff exposes her, she goes silent for a week, comes back suddenly preaching love and light and saying you should forgive people.

Sara was obsessed with Matt and the way she talked to him even on tumblr was sus. She talked to him like he was her bf,

No. 1050880

Also this is really sad, she’s mentioned before that she thinks she’s schizophrenic and the correlation between csa and schizophrenia is pretty high.

No. 1050883

File: 1601745692114.jpeg (226.09 KB, 827x1440, EA399002-9B72-41F3-8BD8-F231DF…)

Dude Sara is fucking crazy. She asked Tiffany’s mom and boyfriend about her. That is straight up stalker behavior. I knew she was a skinwalker but this is a decade later and she is STILL balls to the wall obsessed with Tiffany. I wonder if her boyfriend knows this is going on or if Sara is just pretending everything is fine because she doesn’t want him to know what a fucking stalker she is.

No. 1050886

From the way Tiffany was talking in the last two posts, I really fear that she’s on her way to a schizophrenic break and what really hurts my heart about that is knowing that Sara is going to use that to make herself look good and try to paint Tiffany is crazy. It makes me feel bad as a witness of this strange obsession of hers for the last ten years, knowing it will all be buried and Sara will act like a victim and use Tiffany’s splintered grief to say she’s just a psycho.

No. 1050899

Did Sara steal the videos of Matt and Tiff? It wouldn’t shock me as she was/is obsessed with both of them.

No. 1050915

File: 1601747986621.jpeg (327.78 KB, 828x1449, A61A19C2-588C-48B8-94EC-FA6AAB…)

To strangers this probably looks like Tiff is crazy but it’s funny that she’s literally quoting Sara. Sara literally said her destiny was intertwined with Tiffany’s and told everyone they were sisters, love her backtracking now.

No. 1050921

Didn’t Sara claim she was “soulmates” with one (if not more) of Tiffany’s boyfriends? All the talk of destiny and soulmate stuff revolving around Tiffany and who she dates is so fucking strange. It’s like she only wants to date guys Tiffany has been with so she can pretend she IS Tiffany. I wonder how deep this obsession goes.

No. 1050925

File: 1601749067929.jpeg (185.75 KB, 827x1047, 82A98D3D-5FA0-49F8-A846-B7F0F3…)

No. 1050971

File: 1601753682927.png (608.55 KB, 1162x1170, Screen Shot 2020-10-03 at 8.35…)

Posts on her Instagram now that claims they've made up . I was on her side until now but it seems like this might just be a psychotic break on Tiffany's part .

No. 1050988

Tiffany is 100% having a psychotic break. She has been posting about God and how she believes aliens are evil but she is on Earth now. Meanwhile these messages from Sara come off so disingenuous. It seems like she is taking advantage of Tiffany’s vulnerable state and basically saying positive things to get Tiffany to back off and stop exposing her. The fact that Sara was messaging Tiffany’s mom and boyfriend to know about Tiff and what she’s up to just DAYS ago proves Sara hasn’t changed and is still as deceitful as ever. Sara has a lot to lose if Tiffany continued to drag her for everything she did to her so she’s basically rolling over and playing nice to get Tiffany to back off.

No. 1050992

Any screenshots? With only the context of the ayrt I read it as a weird figure of speech rather than a complete breakdown.

No. 1050996

I was friends with tiff since she was slightly chunky and not popular on livejournal yet. Matt was a lot older than her and she seemed to need that older male figure in her life. At this point Sarah was just starting her reign of terror over tiff, stealing her chest and feet tattoos and buying the exact same clothes as her. She used to do DDR obsessively. I mean hours everyday. She lost a ton of weight that way. She was very sweet but a few years later when she dumped Matt and got with Dave you could see she was developing a personality disorder. She finally befriended Sara again and they got matching kingdom hearts tattoos. She started posting semi nudes alongside her very child centered interests and it seemed like she was starting to have a melt down.

Then she just disappeared. Once she left lj and our communities we lost touch. I watched the Dave debacle and when I heard she got married and left I thought “well maybe she knew she couldn’t thrive in that community anymore”.

Now that she’s back I’m sure she’s being triggered left and right and that’s what’s causing these episodes.

No. 1050999

File: 1601755513826.jpeg (229.1 KB, 750x989, 4B01C990-4404-4892-AA05-2CF4C0…)

Wow this is really worrying. I believe Tiffany but she doesn’t sound well right now. I hope she has at least one person physically at her side right now that actually cares about her safety and well being. She’s mentioned several times that she credits her current boyfriend for “saving” her and helping her get to this point…I don’t get a great feeling from that. I don’t think she’s out of the woods yet.

No. 1051004

File: 1601755958029.jpeg (166.3 KB, 750x849, 8801FFED-B4B4-4E7E-B6BA-4105B8…)

Her “reconciling” with Sara screenshots [1/3]

No. 1051006

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No. 1051007

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No. 1051019

>I’ve always known my brain was special
>I’m a social media artist
Yeah no, she’s having a manic episode 100% (not even armchairing - she’s been pretty open about being bipolar.)

I’ve always rooted for Tiff, I hope someone around her can bring her back down from this. When she comes to her senses she’s going to feel awful about having this all out there on Instagram. Sara can diaf honestly, not surprised she’s managed to manipulate her way back into Tiffany’s good graces

No. 1051021

Oh no, god. I bet Sara is masturbating.

No. 1051044

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No. 1051192

This is making me so sad. This is a schizophrenic break.

No. 1051247

Why is her Instagram name kori Gordon??

No. 1051497

This looks like a combination of ancient aliens and stress. Fuck Sarah.

No. 1051560

At this rate she is going to get committed to a hospital

No. 1051621

File: 1601835530791.jpeg (669.86 KB, 1242x1754, DE9045BB-C33C-452B-92DF-27D667…)

I remember when I followed Tiffany on tumblr and her boyfriend used to reblog tons of images of naked (and yes often photoshopped women) as mentioned in this anonymous ask. I remember thinking there was always something off about him, whether he is actually an abuser as Tiffany claims I’m not sure but definitely a sketchy guy who probably hates women.

No. 1051647

File: 1601838480744.jpeg (Spoiler Image,760.08 KB, 1242x1009, A8223C94-C240-4F26-901D-611591…)

He also reblogged shit like this…
trigger warning: gore

No. 1051865

Tiffany is liar. She didn't get rape sin 2019. She cheated on her bf and blamed the couple she left with. No one wanted to buy her booze cause she gets "trashed" from one beer. She wanted to leave with the couple and everyone told her it wasn't a good idea. She left FROM the bar saying she wanted to and she wanted it. Afterwords she told her BF she got rapped cause she didn't want to get in trouble.

She also lived with a roommate who had a gf and she would get "trashed" and go to his door naked while his gf was there. And try to sleep with him IN FRONT of his gf. Nah. This girl is fuckin crazy
Don't feel sorry for her. She is full of shit.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1051869

Hmm, I think you’re the liar perhaps

No. 1051876

No proof;DR, cool story though.

No. 1051882

It doesn't matter that you think, its not for you. But i hope Tiffany sees this comment.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1051883

Lmfao y’all online think you know everything, but everyone in SA amongst our friend group know the truth. What Witness said is true. Believe what you want, we don’t have receipts because we’re not creeps who go around posting photos of other people’s business. I don’t think she deserves her business being spread around like this, however she shouldn’t go around accusing people of rape either.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1051885

Anybody can post here, and you could just as easily be mad as fuck that you were called out. Blaming someone blackout drunk for being raped doesn’t sound like someone with an unbiased truth to share.

No. 1051889


No. 1051894

>w-we don’t haf weceipts
Then fuck off, if you’re so worried about it, go to a police station and tell them your cool story without any proof.

No. 1051896

there's no crime, why would i go to the police??

No. 1051898

Sara’s back with a vengeance

No. 1051899

only crime here is the fucking retards that want proof of something that never happened

No. 1051900

What are you even talking about? You’re absolutely vile for even thinking that you automatically know Tiffany wasn’t raped just because she left with them. The only way you would know she wasn’t raped is if you were the couple you dumb cunt.

No. 1051902

Just admit you don’t like her and go. How are you any different for searching this thread up and talking about her? Who would do that except the accused or Sara and her ugly bf?

No. 1051905

Hi Tiffany please stop with the lies. People are very worried about you and they still care so much for you. Lying about this will bring you so much heart break.("hi cow")

No. 1051912

Hey there, readers! Here to shed some light on the subject:
- people already knew it was suspect because she didn’t seem too drunk and was the evening’s aggressor.
- we also knew because they took photos. There were shots of tiff holding the girl down and fucking her.
- Tiffany didn’t care until her husband and boyfriend found out. Then she said she didn’t remember what happened, but if something did it must have been rape.
- Tiffany confirmed she wasn’t raped to us. Months later she wanted to hang out with the same couple again, and when asked ‘didn’t you say they raped you?’ she walked it back.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1051913

Sara just changed her ig handle and is currently active. Her new handle is smallfryeggy.(imageboard)

No. 1051915

You mean the photos of her on the bed that you shared in this thread?

No. 1051916

Hey, it’s a San Antonian retard, we can believe anything it says.

No. 1051992

File: 1601869593603.jpeg (254.88 KB, 1125x2000, DA8BB15E-393D-4511-8F20-5404A4…)

Tiffany made an alt IG called starpowerrrsux and is posting her leaked nudes.

No. 1052009

She’s having a psychotic break. All the things she’s done are textbook schizo-incoming sadly.

No. 1052131

If you weren’t there, you don’t know what happened. Why would she STILL be bringing it up when she is divorced? She has nothing to gain from ‘lying’ and clearly it was traumatic enough to be a trigger for her current breakdown. She doesn’t even live in San Antonio anymore, she has a new bf, so she has literally nothing to gain from lying and nothing to lose to tell the truth. She could’ve kept it a secret and moved to NH for a fresh start but clearly it’s still trauma she is trying to process and decided to work through it publicly here in her new life in Dover.

No. 1052167

I can't believe ppl are still simping for tiffany. As if she is some blameless victim, the 'damsel in distress' who finally has her naive white knight to "rescue" her. So fucking pathetic. Hi tiff, you're pathetic we will always see you for what you really are.

No. 1052169

There are a couple reasons why she could still be lying. First, that’s what she does. Lying is her thing. Second, she could actually believe that this traumatic event occurred, which would make sense considering she doesn’t quite know the difference between reality and fiction at this point. I personally believe the latter, which would be very sad. She needs help, and we were all hoping she’d get the help she needs moving back home. I truly believe that there’s a kind person deep inside her, but on the outside she makes very bad choices. Whether or not that’s due to mental illness is unclear. That’s all I have left to say on the matter.

No. 1052209

The people on Tiffany's side either have never met her and just follow her IG, do know her but have not known her long, or are her.

If you don't know her personally stop saying some people on here don't know. Cause a few of us were ACTUALLY there for all her bs. We all loved her when she first moved to SA. She was cute, funny, and sweet. But then her true self came out the more we hung out with her. She was cheating on her husband right in front of everyone who was also friends with him. Then lied to him. Tried to work it out while sleeping with other ppl and telling him she wasn't. There is so much that has happened. When we tried to talk to her about it she just kept saying "I don't understand, I have done nothing wrong." And looked like she really didn't understand and was clueless. Whoever said she is living in her own world is 100% correct.

As for her moving to get a "fresh start". That's also BS. She couldn't afford her bills anymore cause she kept no call no showing to work. Then she would call in every week. Her hours got less and less to where she was only working one day a week after a couple months of this. Then she had the nerve to say "I didn't deserve to get my hours taking away". In ANY job you will get FIRED for no call no shows. She stopped paying her bills. Drank her roommates beer and liquor. And still owes him a lot of money for covering some of her bills. Her boss even gave her advances and offered to pay her airplane ticket to go home so she wouldn't be homeless.

Everyone in SA has tried really hard to be her friend and help her. She just keeps playing the victim card. She needs to stop lying and trying to get ppl to feel sorry for her. Especially on social media where ppl who were ACTUALLY there for it all will speak up and tell the truth. Why do you think she hasn't name blasted the ppl that "raped" her? Because she knows she could get thrown in jail for falsely accusing someone. There were TONS of witnesses for that night. And tons of ppl who know that couple very well and know her very well. Tiffany has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Look it up and educate yourself on it. She is fine for the most part when she takes her meds and doesn't drink. Doesn't last long tho, she always wants something more. Which there is nothing wrong with have bipolar disorder or depression. You have to treat it though. And own up to everything. What's upsetting is she is lying and refuses to own up because there are ppl still supporting her lies, which I can't blame them. She is VERY convincing until you witness it all.

If it really is Tiffany defending herself here, you need to stop. If you really want a fresh start stop lying about the past and move on. Better yourself. Fix your mistakes. You know in your heart what really happened. People already love you, stop trying to get sympathy for things that just didn't happen.

No. 1052220

>Drank her roommates beer and liquor. And still owes him a lot of money for covering some of her bills.
This does track with her history tbh BUT
>She just keeps playing the victim card.
She's clearly beyond mentally ill and you really have no idea how sexual assault can go down. You said yourself she was going through a rough time already and you contradicted yourself re: the drinking; if she's that fucked up and on medication and can't handle liquor then it doesn't matter that she didn't drink a lot - she could've still been blackout.

I think she's obviously going through a psychotic breakdown and she probably needs to get offline again and hopefully her mother and boyfriend are positive people who can help her with her recovery. I have no idea how much she posted was true, but it's obvious Sara is fucked up person anyway.

No. 1052231

Seems pretty fishy to me 'a bunch of people who knew Tiffany' came in here to post all at the same time. I think it's Psycho Sara.

No. 1052235

Oh definitely! They also keep bringing up this mystery couple, which if I’m not mistaken Tiffany hasn’t brought up at all

No. 1052236

That's a prop… right? It's not real, is it?

No. 1052237

File: 1601909623430.jpg (206.13 KB, 1152x817, Sara ig and of.jpg)

Also, regarding Sara, here's here ig. I didn't know she had an onlyfans for her feet lmfao

No. 1052249

Sara makes her feet sound smaller than they are..,like yes They are small but the equivalent adult size of child 4 is 5.5, yet she calls it a child size 4 lol

No. 1052275

File: 1601914683721.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_20201005-113053~2.p…)

Now she has an ig where she's pretending to be 19 and is making an onlyfans = VOMIT it's def her, she has the @ linked in her main(integrate better)

No. 1052297

File: 1601916454874.png (609.6 KB, 750x1334, 571B38DE-F202-46BD-874A-6461DC…)

It’s her, she keeps linking it in her story and a couple of the most recent posts. She is “planning something” with it, I’m guessing to continue exposing people? Or just as a way to reclaim her nudes or smth

No. 1052303

I was going to say the same exact thing.

No. 1052412

She changed her @ on ig from saraisontheinternet with her first and last name to smallfryeggy and Sara Kayleigh right when that “anon” started posting yesterday.

Am I supposed to be angry at someone who is showing textbook signs of actual schizophrenia, who had all of her intimate naked photos re-posted by her so-called “sister” with an “intertwined destiny”?

No. 1052417

File: 1601928332268.jpeg (53.59 KB, 828x355, C578BD8C-31E4-475D-BCDD-798F88…)

So was this a farmer or Sara? I feel like farmers don’t care enough but you never know I guess

No. 1052453

Why do I feel like all of these vendetta chans are Sara? Tiff dropped her starpowerrr handle for almost a decade and has been more or less offline and under the radar up until very recently. How would anyone from San Antonio even find this thread? She wasn’t active and the fact that this thread is under her long gone starpowerrr username makes me believe these are all Sara being a manipulative lying cunt, per usual. Pretending to be on Tiffany’s side when in actuality she is so jealous of her it makes her resentful.

No. 1052477

The “hey there” is how Sara speaks

No. 1052492

Lol there are plenty of people that hate this fake ass manipulative tumblr bitch besides sarah

No. 1052498

Ur more mad at the comment then the fact as she's a 30 year old still wanting to pose as a teen(emoji)

No. 1052529

I don't see anyone here simping for Tiffany. We know she's not an angel. The shit she's posting is disturbing and sad, there's no way around that. You're allowed to post on this site and still have the capacity for empathy.

No. 1052539

U don't see anyone simping here? Lmao oook. She's garbage and always has been and I don't feel bad for her at all. Karma sucks I guess

No. 1052549

This is the only reason I’m reluctant to refer to Tiffany as a cow. This recent behavior the last couple days has been very, very unusual and concerning frankly. It doesn’t even fit her MO before as starpowerrr by any means—before, years ago, she just wanted to appear like she was happy and fulfilled and living the life she wanted effortlessly. Aside from not mailing out her shitty hand me downs, the things she did in the past would never hold as cow status now because the things she did are only meager small-scale versions of what hundreds and thousands of ig thots do. The girls in her home state were jealous because she was unconventionally cute, had a nice body, guys liked her, and she had a type of internet influence that wasn’t often breached by nobodies at the time. I make fun of a lot of people on here, but her randomly snapping as hard as she did would make me feel unethical making fun of Tiffany at this point in time. This is the polar opposite of anything she’s ever done online. She’s sick and she needs help, and apparently so do her vendetta obsessors of over a decade now apparently.

No. 1052550

And so are all of you. Next question?

No. 1052563

File: 1601939918671.jpeg (173.39 KB, 828x580, 647EA5C8-9BCA-4E4E-8D95-5CEA4C…)

Back again to say that Sara is definitely here, and often. She changed her handle yet again and went private.

No. 1052575

Agree. I have a gut feeling the people here who are claiming to be from San Antonio/ saying Tiffany is this awful, malicious person are either ex’s who are still salty, Matt (who is still openly salty) and obviously miss starpowerrr stalker herself, Sara. There is zero reason to hate her so intensely because she didn’t send mail a decade ago or because she cheated on her husband. As anon said, Tiffany is no angel… but she’s not the monster anons are trying to make her out to be. I’ve always been entertained by the drama that surrounds her, especially Sara’s skinwalking, but this is serious and she clearly needs help. She left SA. Shes divorced from Grey. She has very obviously gone through trauma and despite random SA anon-chan who SOMEHOW found this thread, I believe everything Tiffany said.

No. 1052603

Did the person who run shitpowerrr ever reveal herself to anyone? They were so invested and even shared her nudes. I would bet it was someone who knew her because strangers don’t give a shit like that, she was nowhere near the level of Felice and the likes, plus her social media became so much smaller after she admitted to having an ed and switched to just a small tumblr and ig.

No. 1052807

File: 1601975100080.jpeg (159.85 KB, 828x650, AD4D7270-8C53-4FAF-BC46-94C5B6…)

Two alts, nearly same name. Is this one of you guys? If not I’m gonna assume Sara.

No. 1052819

it's probably sara. if you follow tiff, she will try and follow/interact with you.
wish we could have a post marker like we have for kiki and dasha.

No. 1052841

Nope thats me haha Sarah isn't the only one who hates this dumb b

No. 1052842

Why tho

No. 1052892

Cause she's a nasty lying manipulative psycho? That's why tho

No. 1052898

I'm still certain this is Psycho Sara and nothing will change my mind. She is obsessed. I would get a restraining order.

No. 1052921

Believe that all you want, better that u think it's her anyway lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1053014

Receipts? You can’t just accuse someone of being a manipulative lying psycho and not give details why retard

Let’s hope you’ve got something milkier than stale decade old storenvy/tumblr drama or heresay. Give us some actual proof so we can side with you or gtfo.

No. 1053197

Lol her existence is proof, no matter what I say you would choose to fall for her bs. Guess ur fortunate enough to not know her(ban evading retard)

No. 1053213

I’m here for this new shit. I miss og tumble snowflakes.

Suspect that as soon as she puts Sarah on blast these “anons” come by

No. 1053229


No. 1053250

It makes the most sense. This thread was basically dead until Tiffany confronted her, sara stalks her follower list and an anon posted that Tiffany followed the starrrpowersux account hours before Tiffany posted the @ on her main. Sara is seething and was too pussy to insult her without making anon accounts. Tiffany has said that she’s doing this as a ‘performance’ I know she’s obviously having a breakdown and it’s concerning but I’m sure some of it is also to make her mad.

No. 1053258

Not to mention Sara suddenly went private on IG lmao could she be any more obvious

No. 1053368

Private, took off her last name, switched urls twice in one day

No. 1053402

You people are just the worst.
What was once a beautiful hate thread has devolved into a twisted fan site.

No. 1053404

Sucks when things don’t go your way, huh

No. 1053411

For anyone wondering why people are jumping in now, we here in San Antonio have always known about this site. We’ve kept up with her and make sure she’s getting on ok. Honestly, we still like her. She’s our friend. Our bipolar, psychopathic, monster of a friend. Well, not all of us like her, but I do. Everyone has flaws.
But those false rape claims still cross the line. It was a scandle when it happened and gets people fired up whenever it comes up again. That’s why this site has become a fad of the week.

We saw the screenshot of her claiming friends let her get raped. Several of us were those friends. We took care of her and protected her while she lived here. It’s just awful.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1053426

you sound like someone with MPD referring to your harem of identities

No. 1053514

This is definitely either sara or an ex. No one else gives a shit about trying to destroy tiffany. She was around me too but this seems very personal. You're a fucking crazy person and you haven't provided proof of your claims and all of this nasty shit only started coming out when tiffany posted screen shots of Sara being proven to be a psycho. There's more gas here of Sara being crazy than tiffany. Tiffany is having a mental break that's being encouraged by Saras obsessive stalking. You keep pushing but you haven't provided any proof. This is an image board. Let's see the receipts.

No. 1053599

Exactly. If that anon was her “friend” and it was such a big deal among a group of them as the “San Antonio” anon claims, I’m sure there are texts or messages about it- IF it really happened. But like you and others have said… pretty sure it’s just Sara or a salty ex. Also it seems pretty sus that they claim to have known about this thread. It doesn’t add up. Sara obsessively googling Tiffany and finding this site, however, makes perfect sense. She’s already been confirmed to lurk and post here.

No. 1053610

>We’ve kept up with her and make sure she’s getting on ok
Bullfucking shit you stupid ugly chucklefuck, maybe you need to check into a mental health ward too. There was absolutely nothing to "check up on" in this thread until the stuff about Sara came out. This thread was dead for years and the only things posted before then were pretty much how other girls were copying her and how dumb that tumblr era was. No one was getting live life updates about her because Tiffany has always been emotionally closed off. She would post things that made her happy but shut up about anything that made her sad. In fact if I'm recalling correctly, anytime she was too unhappy she would just flatout delete whatever site she had at the time-she was that private that she'd rather lose her entirely followings than admit something was wrong or that she fucked up or needed help. So fuck right off with the "w-w-we were just checking on her here" retard if you were trying to check on her you'd just ask her whats up. But I'm guessing you can't because you're a psychopath yourself who she's probably blocked and begged you to leave her alone. Get some help dipshit.

No. 1053666

Stuff like this is why I don’t think lolcow is all that bad. It gets a lot of flack for being hateful but as illustrated here, anons aren’t mindless drones or your personal army and plenty still have the sense to understand when someone getting shat on is justified or when it’s suspicious. Nice to see.

No. 1054162

File: 1602142665864.jpeg (Spoiler Image,812.49 KB, 1242x963, 849E0078-0444-40C7-806F-56A67C…)

No. 1054176

Yes vendettachan, we know. How is this milk? Are you angry she looks better than you?

No. 1054209


What are we even looking at here?

No. 1054267

sara back the fuck off, you're insane and pushing this girl over the edge. you sick fuck
lucky nobody has your address or full name, that would be a shame. like, after leaking all this personal info of Tiff's it would really suck for Sara Crane's info to be spread around?? god forbid

inb4 cowtipping/doxxing etc. it's just a joke obviously
right sara?

No. 1054369

File: 1602173416533.jpeg (809.65 KB, 1242x1129, 2E069800-A77A-47EF-9A47-923D7F…)

This is on her instagram account, actually not Sara was just posting to show more worrying/odd behaviour from Tiffany.

No. 1054569

How is it weird? She’s posted photos like this before.

No. 1054588

I don’t see how this is worrying or odd or why you bumped the thread with it. She’s teasing for her onlyfans. Being an onlythot is dumb but isn’t necessarily milk.

No. 1054949

File: 1602242914896.png (Spoiler Image,952.6 KB, 1080x1991, Screenshot_20201009-072536~2.p…)

cringe. goes of the hinges about being "groomed" yet wants to be seen as a teenager hmmm

No. 1055051

I don’t think this is normal behaviour given the context tbh. She’s had a 10 year hiatus from the internet and all of a sudden comes back, making claims of sexual abuse (which should be taken seriously), appears mentally unstable and is now uploading nude images? When she comes down from her psychosis/mania is she going to regret this? Who does she have to support her and step in to make sure she doesn’t do something she regrets? Knowing Sara she could easily access these images and use them against Tiffany in the future

No. 1055086

File: 1602262461180.jpg (205.7 KB, 1080x2144, IMG_20201009_125137_302.jpg)

And now she is posing as…non binary? WTH?(ban evasion)

No. 1055217


She very well be non-binary so who fucking cares. I guarantee half the ethots pretend to be a younger as well because men are gross and love that shit. Her sexual abuse is not invalidated because she isn’t following your victim standards.

None of that is milky except the exposure of how creepy Sara is

No. 1055218

I’m an idiot *very well may be

No. 1055244

>they them
>I'm a hot girl don't try it at home

umm what? That doesn't make sense at all

No. 1055379

Still not milk, stop bumping the thread if it isn’t a contribution. Anons were saging properly until all this Sara nonsense happened.

No. 1055403

File: 1602288936759.jpeg (470.59 KB, 750x627, CA108899-3E02-4F2D-A499-D27498…)

I was right, Grey is a POS too. I’m sad for her

No. 1055405

File: 1602289015257.jpeg (451.45 KB, 750x637, 0309FA4C-BE79-49D7-8584-EC7E23…)

No. 1055426


Omg I knew it. I could tell from photos of him that he seems like one of those "traditional" assholes. It's so fucking creepy that he tried to trap her with a baby when she didn't want to be pregnant. Fuck guys like that, I'm glad she got out.

No. 1055471

Personally, I think this whole “radical oversharing” thing she’s doing is going to be the cause of her downfall and very fast. I don’t understand what sharing this with social media accomplishes. She needs a therapist.

No. 1055621

Some people don’t have access to a therapist/ have a therapist but don’t realize they don’t have a good one for their situation. Sometimes sharing experiences is easier to do on the internet than it is with family or friends because others are more likely to be supportive and/or share their own similar experience, making people feel less alone. Tiff has always been someone who enjoyed sharing her life online, this is no different except she has decided to ditch the “my life is perfect” facade and is posting from her heart as a way to cope. I don’t see how this could be her “downfall”. I think she’s brave and I also believe being open like this helps removes the stigma and allows for more honest conversations around mental health.

No. 1055733

I agree w this, also since Sara and other exes/ex friends are hanging on to nsfw pics of her, she’s trying to disarm them and gain some power back for herself. Idk if she is genuinely going to start an onlyfans acc or not but I think that’s also why she’s set that up and made the starpowerrrsux instagram. Her posts and weird/cryptic messages on there are her taunting her abusers/being sarcastic. Like I don’t think she’s seriously trying to pass as 19 years old or non-binary…I can be wrong but that’s just the impression I’m getting

No. 1055839


This just gets worse if you think about Sarah probably knowing all this and still trying to date him after he and Tiffany divorced.

No. 1055870

File: 1602357386719.jpeg (163.1 KB, 827x1049, D9030C22-9943-4FB3-A0BB-A2A984…)

Sara what the FUCK

No. 1055871

File: 1602357446413.jpeg (64.31 KB, 827x401, EC50A4EC-475C-4A37-B41C-8F2E48…)

Samefag, but the irony in her posting this

No. 1055897

Agreed. This is the first time it seems like she has “ownership” of herself and I’m all for cows to be open about this type of shit besides uwu perfect life or being “open” with some faux inspiration.

I’m not surprised at all her ex husband tried to get them to have a kid ASAP. It’s classic military life bullshit. Marry young and have kids to get more money and out of the barracks.

No. 1056581

Sara privated her Facebook. Keep lurking stalker!

No. 1056850

I’d be mad and baleet and conceal everything too if my attempt to smear the person I’ve been obsessed with for the last 15 years backfired

No. 1057009

Sara is crazy. She does post on here. I'm sure she has her BF posting on her behalf, if not Matt adair as well. Sara has and still does manipulate people. She openly uses her body to get what she wants. She will take and sacrifice anyone who falls for her vile vagina trap.

No. 1057013

If Sara could tear tiffany's skin off and live inside it, and emulate her, she would. Sara is a disgusting and repulsive person.she has done things that would make the most seasoned prostitute gag; all within the protection of "Thyroid disease" and "Cancer". She hasn't, nor will she ever, take action for the disgusting things she has done, and still probably does. Cancer and lack of Thyroid will always be her excuse.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1060356

File: 1602925805415.jpeg (112.17 KB, 827x775, E1B0E8C7-6416-42CA-B8E7-F07F26…)

So much for going their ‘separate ways’.
Sara the Stalker just can’t help herself.

No. 1060389

Oh my fucking god

No. 1061765

File: 1603128359327.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 24489310-ABB0-4EA6-881F-CAC280…)

the screenshots of her DM conversations she’s been posting all kind of sound like it’s Sara she’s talking to

No. 1066424

File: 1603477519062.jpeg (154.51 KB, 826x1396, 51F9CEA2-478C-4427-A1BF-296614…)

Sara is so embarrassing… Tiff can openly say anything about her and says she can drop her like dead weight but Sara is so deranged and obsessed she doesn’t even care and still simps. Bitch wants to wear Tiffany’s skin. It’s honestly scary.

No. 1066435

Tiff is lonely and Sara is manipulative and obsessive and will say literally anything to kiss her ass. It’s especially scary when you take the fact that Sara has definitely posted in this thread A LOT into consideration. The insults only stopped when Tiff started talking to Sara again.

No. 1066440

File: 1603479236529.jpeg (516.03 KB, 828x1235, 2882345A-FFD4-421D-8058-86EDA9…)

She’s still at it with the manipulative ass captions. The textbook definition of single white female.

No. 1066657

>I have always thought Sara was the hotter one

lmfao Sara what

No. 1066682

God forbid if Tiffany ever went missing we would know who did it - Sara Kayleigh Crane

No. 1066860

File: 1603524718222.png (1.97 MB, 1626x1194, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 3.32…)

Why is Tiffany even friends with Sara? She seems lame as fuck. Anything "cool" about her was co-opted from Tiff.

Also why does she hashtag her own name on IG?

No. 1066892

For real. The only reason anyone gives a shot about her online is because she’s stalked and obsessed over Tiffany at an alarming level. But in her crazy mind she probably thinks she has fans.

No. 1068487

You guys are obsessed with this Sara chick. What did she do and why do you guys think everyone is her?

No. 1068604

File: 1603767047652.jpeg (334.84 KB, 1125x1908, FEEE6594-8683-4936-99F1-3C57C8…)

New instas

No. 1068606

File: 1603767090917.jpeg (774.27 KB, 1125x1498, C1E3789E-C80B-48D1-8E10-AC68E1…)

And of course she’s an online prostitute

No. 1068621

>this sara chick
nice bait

who cares lmao

this is interesting, i wonder how far tiffany could push it before sara loses it completely. IMAGINE still wanting to involve yourself after being dragged so publicly for being a psychotic stan lmao

No. 1068708

No Sara, you’re obsessed with Tiffany.

Jealous she’s got a better body than you so she isn’t selling feet pics instead?

No. 1068780

If you’re reading the comments about Sara, it’s self explanatory you fucking autist?

No. 1069182

Why doesn’t she cut Sara out? Genuinely curious. I don’t understand why you would keep someone like that in your life.

No. 1069198

Stop bumping the thread. There is no milk. Put sage in the email field.

No. 1070798

pls don't bump the thread
tiff is mentally ill and genuinely a sweetheart, sara is her abuser. pretty simple.

No. 1071283

"genuinely a sweetheart" lmboooo hahahaha

No. 1071880

If you think tiffany is a victim you are fuckn stupid. Good luck to you, your obviously her friend or a stalker(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1071897

No one gives a single shit about this girl anymore and they haven’t in years. It is so fucking annoying that you keep bumping this thread with nothing interesting to say. Can you get your retarded vendetta off lolcow

No. 1080863

File: 1605188837722.png (270.21 KB, 1080x589, Screenshot_20201112-083828~3.p…)

the lengths she will go for attention knows no bounds. she takes gender identity as a fucking joke. convenient that you get to "decide" what you are. the rest of us don't have a choice. make up your fucking mind desperate bitch. Posts about being NB, then posts a pic of her man saying "behind every great WOMAN is a great man" and then after says wait btw I'm non binary pls don't otherize me hehe

No. 1080864

File: 1605188895235.png (315.99 KB, 1080x1847, Screenshot_20201112-082422~2.p…)

No. 1080894


calm down

No. 1080908

You love her. You love her so much. Admit it.

No. 1080993

As if there is anything at all to love about someone like that. This entire thread proves that.
>>1080894 No

No. 1081003

You’re very obsessed with her, however. And you’re very desperate to get us to agree with you. We don’t care girl.

No. 1081150

Lol sure thing Tiffany. That's why there's a whole hate thread dedicated to you. Plenty of people apparently agree.(hi cow)

No. 1081155

sage ur bullshit autist

No. 1081172

Omfg just stop looking at her posts if it bothers you so much, Jesus Christ.

No. 1081203

You suck at this. Half this hate thread was written by Sara and hasn’t had any interest in like five years. It would’ve faded into obscurity if you didn’t keep bumping it desperately trying to get us to pay attention.

No. 1081225

at this point the only milky thing about tiffany IS sara. honestly she’s more of a cow than tiffany is.

No. 1081428

No. 1088855

The only thing milky about her now is Sara. It is amusing to hear how bat shit crazy obsessed she is with Tiff.

No. 1092517

File: 1606443180944.jpeg (486.2 KB, 750x1038, A9CEDA25-78FF-4777-92B8-43915C…)

Ok Sara

And honestly if Tiffany were to ever become relevant again like she once was, I think it’d become more clear that she’s definitely still a cow at heart. Mental illness or no.

It looks like she and Sara have fully accepted each other back. What’s the next step? Next time they have an issue with one another, maybe one will get the other arrested? They’re both 30 and haven’t matured since the height of their tumblr days a freaking decade ago.

No. 1094934

File: 1606705771456.png (1.33 MB, 828x1792, A24D4472-0E28-461C-AFA1-5B111D…)

so tiffany posted a notes apology/explanation about the store envy drama which was oddly sincere/relatable but what i found noteworthy were the bits that mentioned sara

this is 1 of 3

No. 1094937

File: 1606705999184.jpeg (330.81 KB, 828x1299, 1D218F21-0BCC-4FD6-9827-0FEFAD…)



“”didn’t you guys date?” ….yeah i guess fuck it we did”

excuse me what?

No. 1094940

File: 1606706118296.jpeg (347.54 KB, 828x1304, EC105E9C-1B07-4701-B556-CE9F7E…)

just to round it off this is 3/3

No. 1095773

Wow lots to unpack. Thank you for posting those

Her use of “fans” “my fan base” “my online career” kind of made me laugh - she did have a lot of copycats and tumblr followers back in the day but I feel like she was barely an “influencer”? She didn’t really DO anything…what career? I feel like she had the potential to begin some kind of online career but that all fizzled out before she actually did anything.

And…Sara is actually an obsessive ex-gf, huh? And she saw through Grey first?! Right, Tiffany…that’s why she was trying to tempt him away from you? Not even mentioning all of her other fucked behavior?

And the fact that she literally threw everyone’s paid for packages in the fucking dumpster…..lmfao

Good lord this girl sabotages herself like no other. It’s like watching a decade long car crash

No. 1095983

Tiffany is blatantly mentally ill and her schizoaffective behavior has already been explained, she really appears to be going through that break and little that she shares makes sense anymore. I can hardly find entertainment from someone sexually abused as a child obviously splintering into these weird delusions and bouts of mania, personally. What’s Sara’s excuse tho?

No. 1096445

I wouldn’t say “finding entertainment”, more like wanting to beat my head against a wall seeing the self-sabotage? She’d do so much better if she’d quit letting Sara back in and quit with the endless line of boyfriends. I hope whatever other ‘friends’ she has are encouraging her to back away from Sara

No. 1096459

Her life is kind of sad, and her boyfriend has never once posted her on his ig despite him being active on it but she dotes on him all of the time. Sara is manipulative and creepy, I’m sure she said every possible thing she could to get back under Tiff’s good graces all while shit talking her here. I’m not expecting any logical decisions from Tiffany ever again honestly. She’s probably going to end up one of those bizarre schizophrenic accounts within the next few years.

No. 1096996

“Sexually abused as a child” aka a convenient lie to be immune from criticism

No. 1097021

Yeah Sara, she conveniently displays all the symptoms of a schizophrenic break which just so happens to be a common outcome for csa victims. It’s just sooo common to randomly lie about being molested since you were a little girl after years of trying to seem happy, thin, and in control.

No. 1097105

This thread is honestly sad now. Sara deserves her own thread over Tiffany, if anything. There’s one weird vendetta-chan who keeps bumping with no milk or proof of milk. Let the thread die and let Tiffany move in with her life. She isn’t doing anything to warrant a thread.

No. 1098526

I think the only “vendetta chan” here is you getting mad that some people don’t like Tiffany and see through her bs

No. 1098533

“Some people” being you, the only person bumping the thread, right?

No. 1098844

Lol what? Using vendetta-chan doesn’t work in this context. Pls fuck off and stop bumping the thread.

No. 1098859

Anon, if you don’t like the thread just hide it and stop posting. I personally find it interesting. If we stopped talking about anyone with a mental illness there would be barely anyone to post about. I don’t see why Tiffany is a special case.

No. 1098902

It isn’t that she’s a special case, it’s that she isn’t a cow and the only people bumping it are people who are miffed by her irl. Vendetta up the ass.

No. 1128943

File: 1610409930766.png (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 1078x1542, Screenshot_20201223-145026.png)

Got some new milk on this. Enjoy.(necro)

No. 1147173

File: 1612081264134.jpeg (161.25 KB, 828x1083, D48862E7-F9FF-47C9-A683-55AB67…)

Uhh what is Tiff claiming here? I know she’s talking about StarpowerrrMFC, a camgirl who Tiff claims stole her name, but what does she mean by her genetic heritage?

No. 1147263

I’m gonna need proof they’re friends again, otherwise I refuse to believe it after all the crazy obsessive shit Sara pulled.

No. 1147346

They regularly post each other in their IG stories, granted its mostly Sara mentioning Tiff.

No. 1147658


I'm guessing she's part native?

No. 1147663

Uh… it just sounds like she’s trolling? The girl is schizophrenic, very little of what she says makes sense anymore

No. 1147722

Really, part native? That girl is white as a piece of paper. Even if she is part native, she’s never expressed it. And then to say that taking the name starpowerrr is disrespecting this so-called heritage? Is she trying to paint herself as a racist, crazy white girl? Because she’s doing a great job.

No. 1147741

She’s literally schizophrenic.

No. 1151564

i read up on this as i’ve recently been acquainted with her and she mentioned to me via text message she was still friends with sarah. very sad but there’s nothing i can do or say in the matter to help her realize sarah is not a good person.

No. 1151566

very alarmed that tiffany will die defending belle delphine after belle literally posted cnc for her minor gamer boy and p*dophile older men fanbase. i am all for sexual liberty but for topics like this there wasn’t a trigger warning and it’s literally something a lot of people have gone through as children :( makes me sad that she will die on that hill of “belle is right, i see nothing wrong with what she’s doing”(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1153200

I feel bad for anyone befriending her now. Get ready to get caught in all her web of lies. She will make you feel oh so sorry for her. She plays such a good victim. I never met Sarah so I can't say anything about her. As long as ppl will continue to shower tiffany with praise and feel sorry for her she will continue to be the monster she is.(namefag)

No. 1153206

Yeah sure uh huh

No. 1153677

i don’t feel bad for befriending her. she’s been through a lot and has an illness that people love taking advantage of. i only question her loyalty to belle and pewdipie:((emoticon use)

No. 1153698

>i only question her loyalty to belle and pewdiepie :(
whatever dramatic ass they’re just youtubers that she watches parasocially

No. 1154273

belle literally promotes cnc to teens + p*dophiles and pewdipie is racist and anti semitic
you’re a weirdo for just thinking “these are youtubers” when their actions have a lot of influence.

No. 1154286

>not saging
>censoring the word pedophiles
>reeeeing over what camwhores people like
Go back to the echo chamber, faggot, no one cares.

No. 1154598

File: 1612671141070.png (2.79 MB, 828x1792, 2F6FC68E-36BE-40C8-939D-85836D…)

the recent bumping of this thread made me go look at her stories and i saw this to answer recent anons. she’ll never see what we see in sara.
i think as long as they’re “good” nothing bad will happen and it seems like their lives are separated enough but who knows. sara will forever be a creepy swf type to me

No. 1154604

File: 1612671450381.png (3.21 MB, 828x1792, 0116B853-60F0-4233-81BA-241B0A…)

oh and this is somewhat interesting too because who even knows about that enough to ask? unless it was one of us(in which case i feel like anyone dumb enough to do that would post about it) or sara herself

No. 1158181

“ belle literally promotes cnc to teens + p*dophiles and pewdipie is racist and anti semitic ”

Not surprising considering Tiff chased after a guy who was barely 20 and she also just so happens to be ‘part native’ pulling the race card as if it’s ever effected anything in her life. Birds of a feather.

No. 1158195

Shut the fuck up

No. 1158222

It's fascinating that you follow your own hate form Tiffany.

No. 1158228

>hi cow
You wish it were Tiffany newfag. Lc doesn’t gaf about her. This thread is only ever bumped by people who knew her irl.

No. 1158241

>"This thread is only ever bumped by people who knew her irl."
>complains about people who knew her in real life exposing her for what she's done in real life on a hate form.
Lmao cry more Tiffany(hi cow)

No. 1158285

Looks like Sarah's back

No. 1158330

Hi there Sara

No. 1158348


What a simp

No. 1158360

She’s not gonna fuck you dude. Well hmm… actually I take that back she might.

No. 1158376

This is how we know you’re retarded newfags. This is an image board for women you retard, sorry we aren’t as dumb or jealous as you are and desperately need to bump a thread on some random schizophrenic that isn’t even a cow. You’re mad as fuck and you know it. We aren’t your friends or your army.

No. 1158384

Someone needs to take a serious chill pill. Calm the fuck down or cry to your therapist.

No. 1158388

“You’re mad as fuck and you know it.”
Says the only person making rage af comments lmfao(newfag)

No. 1158398

No. 1159267

That doesn't make sense that sarah would post. There cool again. You might wanna let that go.

No. 1159307

Why are you so obsessed with Tiffany?

No. 1159359

Hi tiffany(hi cow)

No. 1159414

God this thread deserves an autosage. I’m tired of seeing it bumped by some seething IRL of hers any time it gets buried a few pages with literally no milk.

No. 1161409

transphobic and ableist all for the price of one !(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1161413

You're on terf ground now, newfag. Sage your sperging.

No. 1174111

someone leak the onlyfans(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1174113

Fuck off with the thirstposting.

No. 1174229

File: 1614689107916.jpeg (458.45 KB, 828x1545, 0D4F0BC9-1EE4-41D2-9ADD-A6AB81…)

This is really sad to me. Sara posted nudes of her here and now she’s doubling down and pretending to be Tiffany’s number one supporter. Sara has contributed to the unreasonable and unfair hate on Tiffany for years, I’m actually in awe at how casually she will lie and change stances.

Also, after constantly coming to her defense I’m starting to wonder if these >>1174111
kind of bumps are her trying to put her own thread on page one, because this comment coincides exactly with a slew of ig stories she posted claiming her lc thread is bumped “every day.”

No. 1174256

It’s honestly hard to feel sorry for Tiffany since she seems to now be “best friends” with Sarah again after recently calling her out for stalking and abuse. It comes across as extremely disingenuous and makes me wonder how many of her abuse claims against family and friends are made up. I don’t doubt she has trauma but at this point she has accused her step dad, parents, Matt, Dave, her ex husband and Sarah of abuse…

No. 1174260

do you know what a trauma bond is? are you serious? most people end up with their abusers again, they get gaslighted and blamed for everything because surprise they're abusers and the victim is following deeply ingrained patterns. also facing all of those people being abusive shatters your world, she seems to cope by pretending it isn't going on and everything is "Disney".

No. 1174287

Nta but yeah I don’t think Tiffany is lying, but I think she’s making it really hard for people to find her narration of things reliable when she’s very sick. The trauma bonding thing explains her giving up and just letting Sara back in, it’s clearly the only thing that has kept Sara from targeting her with loads of hate. I’m just surprised Tiffany would go out of her way to believe an obsessive liar who literally tried to seduce her husband and say they were meant to be together. Like come on Tiffany, what is suddenly stopping her from lying? Notice how the concentrated hate in her thread stopped the moment Tiffany became friends with her again.

No. 1174468

It’s strange because most of the recent thread posts have mostly been in support of Tiffany and her being open about her experiences and mostly dunking on sara.

But I wish the girl wouldn’t lump herself in with Dakota and Felice. Like are we forgetting when she called out Felice for photoshopping herself to fit unrealistic expectations on tumblr?

No. 1174473

like sara wasnt on tiffany gossip sites since day 1. she's been to lolcow and posted here for sure. nice try tho

No. 1174673

She literally posted a picture of her and tiffany topless together. A personal cellphone picture.

No. 1175006

File: 1614765205548.jpeg (734.62 KB, 1242x1622, BBA63075-52D9-4A9A-A8B0-C8C7A3…)

No. 1175080

Ugh. No. Felice was sick before she was ever big on tumblr and she was indeed a TERRIBLE person. You can be mentally ill and not in the right, the two aren’t mutually exclusive and I’m sorry but Tiffany isn’t exempt from that, either. Felice knowingly and callously scammed get followers through multiple online shops, not even mentioning everything else she pulled.

I’m sorry for all the abuse Tiffany went through as well as the other women and girls who have come and gone through the internet over the years, but quite a few of them have actually done wrong (and never properly acknowledged it). Glossing over that and painting everyone as pure victims is harmful and insensitive to the younger girls that were screwed over by these women.

No. 1175097

She’s a hypocrite since I distinctly remember her participating in the call out culture around Felice

No. 1175099

File: 1614775425000.jpeg (339.42 KB, 1242x1187, 5ED78F50-BCB9-47C9-B660-A724E4…)

This is pretty grandiose….

No. 1175108

In 2008/2009/2010, when Tunblr was getting big, Tiffany was already 18/19/20. Absolutely still a teenager and kid, however, an older one and she’s had followers 4-5+ years younger than her that entire time. I was 14 when I found her blog and Felice’s. (And Dakota and her sister) Plenty of girls that age are dealing with their own abuse, mental illnesses, lack of money, etc. And yes, even if Tiffany didn’t intend to, she did screw other girls out of their money. She’s really misguided here. She hasn’t done nearly as bad online as others, however, she is doing herself no favors by coming at it this way. Mental illness, some unfair treatment =/= Being completely in the right and untouchable.

No. 1175122

She wasn’t bullied around that time anyway. Her life deteriorated because she was with that abusive POS Dave who leaked her nudes. The backlash came shortly after this, following the storenvy fiasco because her teenage fans were quite rightly pissed that she had scammed them out of her money.
I get that she was struggling around that time but I’m not buying this rewriting of history that her “haters” were entirely to blame for her downward spiral.

No. 1175184

I mean, Matt was before him, he was the creepy guy dating her at 19 when he was almost 30 and I do believe what she’s said about both him and Dave. I believe her that she was deeply unhappy before then, but yes you’re right that she’s now redirecting all her vitriol entirely at her past followers (and her gross exes/family members) when that’s certainly not all that happened. Funny that now SARA is completely innocent and also a victim to evil, evil lolcow.

No. 1175186

Btw, sorry for my ignorance but is there a way to prove that Sara posted the topless pic of them two on here? Or that she’s posted on here at all? Incredibly sad that Tiffany can’t shake her. I hope she’s able to and that Sara’s shit gets exposed in a way that really helps her get those blinders off.

No. 1175637


fucking self posting if i ever saw it. 18 seconds ago? fuck off

No. 1176212

Didn’t notice that at first, she was certainly quick as fuck to post. Probably not the best idea Tiffany kek.

No. 1176296

I mean it might be, or an anon lifted it off her story and cropped. Tiffany posted that exact screenshot on her story.

No. 1176651

File: 1614929317625.jpeg (939.44 KB, 1242x1885, A911FDC9-3EB5-4EE8-AC2C-0E0FB0…)

Sara has been visiting lolcow

No. 1178475

File: 1615134686583.jpeg (738.55 KB, 1242x1803, 9D8BD6D3-BBD6-43DC-BFDE-C30BCE…)

Putting Matt on blast for allegedly grooming her

No. 1178477

File: 1615134761872.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1776, 02EF50E5-BAA4-4B0F-8AFC-D39B6F…)

No. 1178480

File: 1615135090758.jpeg (928.51 KB, 1242x1523, 5C5877DF-A00F-447F-888B-10972E…)

No. 1178675

This is really funny to me because I know two people she follows on socials that she talks to that actively used to post about her on efagz. Getting offline would be the best thing for her because she is surrounded by people like Sara and also by two-faced people who pretend to be her friend but used to hate on her/obsessively copy her at the same time.

No. 1178813

When Tiffany was calling Sara out on Instagram, using her full name and calling her an abuser etc., she mentioned that several other people had reached out to her claiming they had been abused by Sara as well. I wonder what happened with that? Like is she now telling those people to fuck off? Or telling them they’re damaging her and Sara’s mental health by questioning it?

Tiffany is the actual embodiment of the phrase “With friends like these, who needs enemies”

No. 1178821

We all know that though. Sara is a fucking liar. I feel bad for Tiffany for being this naive and gullible but whatever, she’s old enough to know better.

No. 1178894

I was the one that posted she's likely trauma bonded, fuck you Sara. Did Sara write this literally just to get a screenshot to post to cover her ass? What a great friend who's priority is their friend's health, not their online reputation. Of course Tiffany is going to say no, even though Sara has fucked all her exes and is damn near wearing her skin by copying her tattoos. If she's gone that far, yeah it's pretty clear Tiffany is trauma bonded and that takes years of therapy to work through. She had a full on mental breakdown when it hit her Sara wasn't actually her friend, that's such heavy cognitive dissonance to live with daily and would cause a breakdown like that to happen pretending that can't be what's going on. Sara is fucking psychotic.

No. 1179027

Tiffany i feel bad yor exes did you wrong but you too have caused a lot of pain. You dated a 20 year old when you were 27 and were super emotionally abusive as well. You treat people kind of shitty and think its ok because of your mental illness. You know better(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1189328

File: 1616308032616.jpeg (362.69 KB, 1242x2208, 2A0B825D-9B59-4FB3-9C3D-967849…)

Didn’t do a whole lot today. Duncan and I got Chinese food. I’ve been listening to Eminem again which is nice. Haven’t talked to Sara in a day but she works all the time. Well, I can feel the seroquel working so I’m gonna go to bed. Ttyl(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1192286

No. 1202647

Sara is just a druggy slut. She'll use her body and anything else to get what she wants. if she can't convince you through sex, she will just trick people into think she cares. It's exactly what's happening with Tiff. The only difference is she wants to be Tiff and honestly prob keep her in a basement to. I think Sara and tiff honestly have similar tactics. A close friend of mine dated her, and he told me she obsessed over Tiff, to an uncomfortable degree and found her stalking her daily when they weren't friends, as well as holding on to nudes of her from forever ago. Sara abuses people just like she does drugs. and Sara and tiff both come here to post anytime anyone speaks up. She always has taken advantage of Tiffs mental state, and always will. It just goes to show there's probably numerous people she's abused, with Tiff being the constant.

No. 1202851

We already know all this. Maybe add a sage next time. The fact that this thread keeps getting bumped is odd.

No. 1202954


No. 1239566

I went to high school with Sara. She is a deranged pathological liar and always has been

No. 1240005


Tell us some stories or there's no point to your post.

No. 1286343

File: 1627516458962.jpg (230.35 KB, 1440x1211, Screenshot_20210729_015356.jpg)

No. 1296889

Way too much to cap but apparently Duncan dumped Tiffany and she is taking it out on Sara publicly on her Instagram? And she is accusing Sara of spying on her and others through webcams? Tiffany posted grabs of her “breakup” conversation with Sara and it really looks like Tiffany is having an episode. She is seemingly dragging Sara through the dirt for no reason, manically posting her ex’s and shit about Sara. Like I said there are way too many caps to post here but everything is public on her juicelitten Instagram.

No. 1297110

No reason? Sara is creepy af and would surely wear Tiffany’s skin if she had the chance.

No. 1297121

File: 1628613813486.png (2.1 MB, 750x1334, D5548F10-599A-4D4B-94F5-B2EAAA…)

No. 1297141

I mean, didn’t she already post all of this stuff about Sara? They made up and buried the hatchet. Tiff gets dumped and all of a sudden she decides to re-post all this stuff about Sara. I’m just saying, if you forgive someone for something it’s kinda not fair to decide hey just kidding I’m upset with my life right now and I un-forgive you, let me run a smear campaign on social media so I feel better about myself.

No. 1297143

Sara's a fucked up creep. I don't blame her for deciding she didn't forgive her after all.

No. 1297145

Also, it would seem Tiffany discovered the posts calling Sara out for posting about her on here.

No. 1297147

Tiff is clearly struggling with a mental disorder, add a manipulative bitch like Sara in the equation and the result is more manipulation and disaster.

No. 1297180

File: 1628616595835.png (299.84 KB, 469x906, Tiff IG 1.png)

Took some screenshots, large image dump incoming

No. 1297182

File: 1628616627429.png (326.08 KB, 488x894, Tiff IG 2.png)

May have missed some text, it scrolls through quick

No. 1297183

File: 1628616659264.png (289.73 KB, 497x901, Tiff IG 3.png)

No. 1297187

File: 1628616764511.png (395.68 KB, 500x903, Tiff IG 4.png)

No. 1297189

File: 1628616858628.png (334.52 KB, 494x905, Tiff IG 5.png)

No. 1297192

File: 1628616979059.png (361.19 KB, 478x886, Tiff IG 6.png)

No. 1297193

File: 1628617075027.png (286.6 KB, 508x895, Tiff IG 7.png)

No. 1297195

File: 1628617186759.png (598.43 KB, 506x899, Tiff IG 8.png)

No. 1297199

File: 1628617322463.png (609.99 KB, 495x894, Tiff IG 9.png)

No. 1297201

File: 1628617429585.png (615.18 KB, 492x888, Tiff IG 10.png)

No. 1297203

File: 1628617492708.png (274.72 KB, 495x889, Tiff IG 11.png)

Post after this is >>1297121

No. 1297204

File: 1628617560572.png (454.04 KB, 495x894, Tiff IG 12.png)

No. 1297205

File: 1628617690888.png (646.12 KB, 497x890, Tiff IG 13.png)

No. 1297211

File: 1628617850499.png (204.3 KB, 495x895, Tiff IG 14.png)

No. 1297215

File: 1628617949069.png (152.83 KB, 487x888, Tiff IG 15.png)

No. 1297219

File: 1628618069254.png (310.51 KB, 494x890, Tiff IG 16.png)

No. 1297220

File: 1628618189422.png (383.15 KB, 488x892, Tiff IG 17.png)

No. 1297221

File: 1628618242157.png (127 KB, 501x890, Tiff IG 18 lmao.png)

Well >>1296889 looks like she called you out Sa- I mean anon

No. 1297222

I stopped keeping up w tiff 5 years ago but this is deranged. Who takes creepshots like this of their friends

No. 1297223

File: 1628618327150.png (143.26 KB, 504x898, Tiff IG 19.png)

No. 1297224

File: 1628618383146.png (590.46 KB, 499x897, Tiff IG 20.png)

One more after this

No. 1297228

File: 1628618474925.png (578.68 KB, 503x895, Tiff IG 21.png)

No. 1297250

Tiffany seriously needs help. I don’t even know why she has a thread here, she’s clearly just very mentally ill. Her Instagram is utterly bizarre.

No. 1297253

Still confused why Duncan dumping Tiffany = Sara’s fault, but ok Tiffany.

No. 1297279

File: 1628621267582.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.18 KB, 960x960, 960x960_d4803fe394e62160cc3001…)

No. 1297282

File: 1628621362485.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.58 KB, 960x1707, 960x1707_b234d6daefc488cc9047c…)

No. 1297283

File: 1628621392609.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.79 KB, 960x960, 960x960_5f21116de0a182631d505b…)

No. 1297284

File: 1628621428628.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.63 KB, 960x960, 960x960_251b57aa4444376e2afbc2…)

No. 1297290


No idea why these are being posted with zero context, but at least spoiler them.

No. 1297292

Funny how every time Tiff and Sarah have a fallout, new nudes are posted here. Not suspicious at all, Sarah

No. 1297297

File: 1628621731302.png (353.72 KB, 483x890, Tiff IG 22.png)

We all know who's posting them

No. 1297298

File: 1628621779239.png (369.63 KB, 499x895, Tiff IG 23.png)

No. 1297303

File: 1628621915069.png (326.75 KB, 494x903, Tiff IG 24.png)

No. 1297305

File: 1628622022093.png (352.35 KB, 491x888, Tiff IG 25.png)

No. 1297309

File: 1628622179828.png (569.19 KB, 488x880, Tiff IG 26.png)

No. 1297314

Honestly I feel a bit bad for Sara. Everyone makes mistakes in their past. She and Tiffany worked past it and moved on. She tried to be a friend to Tiffany, meanwhile focusing on her own life and building a future with her fiancée. I think Tiffany is having a mental breakdown from her breakup with Duncan because she’s having a moment of clarity where she realizes she isn’t the “main character” in whatever Disney singalong she thinks she is starring in. Sara gets engaged, gets the happy ending, meanwhile Tiffany gets dumped out of the blue and has this crisis of the realization she isn’t the main character like she thought she was. Who better to take it out on than the person who stole your happy ending that you wanted. Tiffany doesn’t know how to process what she’s feeling so she’s lashing out on Sara out of jealousy and having delusions. Clearly Sara is t spying on people through webcams and Madison didn’t have top secret clearance to know Sara was impersonating her? Tiffany is having a schizophrenic break. I feel bad for Sara being on the receiving end when in this particular situation she didn’t do anything.

No. 1297321

File: 1628622964149.jpeg (313.76 KB, 750x1008, E5BC5D83-89E7-421C-9C4B-912E74…)

Tiffany’s Twitter is more of the same.

Honestly, the both of them should have parted ways permanently 10 years ago and stopped trying to be “friends”. And Tiff really should have stayed offline.

No. 1297371

This is so sad to witness. It’s precarious because on one hand, Sara really is a malicious creep that deserves to be shunned and called out—but on the other, Tiff is very sick and this is clearly turning into a schizophrenic episode. Sara will likely never get what she’s owed because she will always be able to say hey guys, I never did those things, Tiffany is just crazy. Her stories really truly read like schizophrenic word salad when she’s being manic. I feel so sorry for her for what she went through, and I do give her credit for being one of the first internet micro celebrities that was given so much unnecessary hate and obsession, but none of that means anything anymore. Poor girl. She needs medicated.

No. 1297375

Notice how her nudes get posted after she lashes out on Sara. This has been an interesting pattern for a decade now.. we all know it was Sara.

No. 1297410

Idk man, Tiff seems like she's experiencing a psychotic break from reality. Nothing she has said has maxe any sense and the surveillance stuff she keeps mentioning is basically textbook. Sarah is a total psycho bitch, but I worry Tiffany is convinced she's, like, watching her through her phone or something.

No. 1297412

Tiffany for sure is mentally ill but Sara sucks in her own right, they should’ve stopped trying to be friends after Sara copied all her tattoos 10 years ago. Nothing has changed

No. 1297441

I have been following Tiffany since circa 2011, and have been watching her as a silent little fan from afar from back then, so I've seen her highs and lows, but recently I've been really getting worried about her. I follow her on Insta and she even follows me back, but I'm too shy to send her a DM so I'm posting this here. She was sososo bright back then and truly a role model for me, even though her "disney princess" character was a lie, but I believe that if she had that image of herself as the "ideal" - I mean, the mental part, no the physical one - then I think it comes from a good place, you know? Like being kind and loving and always trying to help. I think Tiff will always be like that to me, and I hope she can see herself in this kind of light once again! If you're reading this Tiffany, I hope you can get the best of friends a person can get, because you really deserve someone that will help you through these things. Old friends may be reassuring from time to time, but if they are toxic, or your relationship with them is not healthy, you shouldn't insist in it anymore. I know I'm sounding corny and tacky but I think Tiffany really needs a hand and reassuring words right now, and as a very old fan, this is the first time I'm reaching out or writing something about her. I hope you feel better soon, get new friends soon, recover from everything that makes you feel bad soon, so you can shine once again like you used to. lots of love

No. 1297489

Anon, fuck off. Tiffany is just as shitty as Sara. She stole and scammed her “fans”. Now she’s on Instagram accusing Sara of impersonating her and grooming minors as her with ZERO receipts. That’s pretty fucking evil, mental illness or not. Forget a “friend”, that person would just become another secret agent spying on her for the government or whatever delusion her brain convinces her. This bitch needs medication and padded walls and you need better fucking role models.

No. 1297549


Theres pics somewhere in this thread of a notepad tiffany wrote explaining the whole scam ordeal (cba looking for it, but it wasnt long ago só its not that far up) and i totally believe that story (ive been spelling on the Internet for a long time and i also have mental health issues).

And although somethings really do sound disconected from reality, i dont think tiffany is 100% wrong. Sara is weird, Sara is a fucking copy of tiffany. Even the tattoos. She marked her body permanently with copied tattoos (!). Have you read the messages Sara sent tiffanys ex husband? i—- she calls herself a friend?

No. 1297559

This is one of the most depressing pictures I’ve ever seen.

No. 1297587

Sara probably pays for Tiff's OnlyFans which is so fucking disturbing to me

No. 1297624

Sage your shit and stop idolising a mentally ill woman who refuses to seek help.

No. 1297653


she looks like Venus here tbh


No. 1297694

Anon that was almost 10 years ago, are you the same exact retard you were 10 years ago? Ok then lets move on-because the whole 'shez a SCAMMER!!!' milk is beyond dried up. This isn't some moral crusade, there's no sjw brownie points to be won here. This is a young woman with a genuine mental illness condition that needs to be properly medicated. I don't know if you've ever dealt with this kind of thing but it can get serious fast. People like this don't have normal trains of thought anymore. It's just word salad and hallucinations. I've seen people have episodes like this, strip naked, and run into streets running miles to parks or stores.

Do you understand? This is so far past "she scammed" at this point. This is "she's delirious and could wander off at night and be found dead in the morning because she accidentally walked into oncoming traffic while talking to herself" I'm sorry some stupid teens got scammed out of a $15 used Forever21 shirt almost a decade ago I truly hope their wounds and wallets will heal, but more importantly, I hope someone gets Tiffany into a helpful institution before something dangerous happens. It's not evil, it's something she cannot control.

No. 1297698

Kek I know who this is. You've been copying her Tumblr shtick for over a decade and you're still not famous online like you always wanted. Sad!

No. 1297747

Way to fixate on one line drawing comparisons for the people who are like “Sara is bad but Tiff is my idol” fags and miss the whole point of my post. Publicly accusing Sara of grooming minors is an extremely inappropriate lie, on top of accusing her of spying through webcams, hacking her emails, and sending her ex’s to stalk her. Yes, Sara was weird and was clearly obsessed with tiff in the past, but to your point, “are you still the same retard you were ten years ago?”. The things Tiffany is saying about Sara is evil, clearly untrue and could ruin her life. Just because you’re all “muh mental illness” doesn’t make it acceptable. She’s literally on her Instagram saying Sara is shelling Tiffany’s porn to minors promising to find them again when they’re of age. This is a disgusting thing to say about someone on a public platform regardless what ups and downs your friendship has gone through. Y’all are being so casual about this?? What’s scary is Sara didn’t even do anything to trigger this episode. It was Duncan breaking up with her that sent her into this spiral. Go ahead and think Sara is a piece of shit for what she did ten years ago, she is. But Tiffany is doing this now and some of you are in here like, she needs a fwend :( she is muh idol :( mental illness :( Hard agree Tiffany needs to be admitted into an inpatient facility before she hurts herself or someone else but don’t sugarcoat the accusations she’s making when they could ruin that persons life. “Awww bb is mentally ill she doesn’t know what she’s doing uwu” is not an excuse for saying shit like this about literally anyone.

No. 1297821

Hats off to you if you can even make heads or tails of whatever the hell Tiffany is saying in any of her stories. But she's clearly not in her right mind, I don't think "poor Sarah" is going to face any sort of consequences for this save for a couple of oldfags like us talking about her on some niche forum. I think the real issue Is what countless anons are saying here: Tiffany is clearly unwell and alone, people in the midst of a psychotic episode do unexplainable things. I hope someone who knows her irl intervenes.

No. 1297831

It’s not even just poor Sara. It’s Matt, Dave, Grey, her family, her ‘friends’ in Texas. She literally accuses every single person who has ever been close to her of grooming her, abusing her, raping her, and stalking her. It’s bullshit and she needs to get some fucking help. You can’t just go off like a loose cannon saying vile things about everyone you’ve ever known on the internet. At this point she is harassing Sara and if I were her I’d contact the authorities and have her instated. Everything is capped. Get off the internet and get some fucking help Tiffany.

No. 1297833

Tiff is still going off on insta. Claiming she’s properly medicated, doesn’t need inpatient treatment, and that the military caused the clothes she sold to be bounced back to her in the mail.

All this interspersed with weird stuff about Ghislaine Maxwell, screenshots of this thread, and whatever other conspiracy theory fodder she’s feeding her mental illness with. CBA taking screenshots, it’s all nonsense anyway.

No. 1298029

its an imageboard

No. 1298125

File: 1628715617267.jpeg (75.82 KB, 826x902, FE2557D8-CFDA-49CF-AE7A-A218EA…)

“I’m proud to be a Rubin” “I wish we could’ve protected each other” but posted these about him

Make up your mind Tiffany

No. 1298127

She’s fucking schizophrenic.

No. 1298185


kek it's gotta be sniper nyan

No. 1300133

File: 1628977968660.png (1.1 MB, 1196x1072, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 5.52…)

missed some caps last night but she was saying she doesn't feel safe with her parents/in dover, nh and needs a place to rent

and that she was "pornographed illegally" and probably forced to do bestality? wtf

and also posted about how neither she nor her ex (?) got tested for stds before hooking up? and that people deserve to know?

No. 1300134

File: 1628978117217.png (853.03 KB, 1196x1218, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 5.55…)

she was also offered up to Michael Jackson

No. 1300144

File: 1628978873724.jpg (178.61 KB, 828x1472, 236866249_371650544358473_2476…)

ever the victim of her family, her exes, and every person she's ever met

upset that Duncan dumped her instead of letting her move in

Tiff, girl, you're 30

No. 1300154

For real though get a job and pay your bills. Stop blaming everyone else for your bad choices and learn how to adult. Good luck

No. 1300157

No. 1300183

File: 1628983204876.jpg (123.58 KB, 828x1472, 237089609_1352586561822699_393…)

No. 1300184

File: 1628983252081.jpg (134.92 KB, 828x1472, 237009977_238233414833041_1603…)

the irony of her ruining her own life and burning every bridge, while blaming everyone else

not to sound too ~gaslighting~ but she is fucking incoherent

No. 1300185

File: 1628983304343.jpg (131.9 KB, 828x1472, 236354399_526337915139204_9322…)

everyone is just mad at her for speaking against pedophilia

No. 1300187

File: 1628983452731.jpg (63.36 KB, 640x640, 235884937_224211739621002_6418…)

No. 1300196

Pedophilia has absolutely nothing to to do with her attacking individuals and encouraging her to grow up.

No. 1300203

File: 1628985497304.png (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1202x954, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 7.57…)

tiffany loves fairy tales but never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf

No. 1300206

Might earn me a ban for (imageboard) but i can’t bring myself to screenshot it. she posted her crotch to instagram just now.

Tiffany if you’re reading this, from a fellow bipolar person, you’re manic. Get help. Please.

No. 1300207

It’s so sad to see this, she’s literally schizo and it doesn’t even seem like anybody in her life cares. Her parents seem totally absent from her life, even back when she was a teen. I wish she could get some help, she’s obviously not mentally well. It’s insane how quickly her mental state has deteriorated.

No. 1300220

File: 1628986657001.jpg (98.94 KB, 828x1472, 238425006_1196042297577374_421…)

nah, she's just drunk

No. 1300227

File: 1628987278318.jpeg (Spoiler Image,573.8 KB, 1125x2040, 131575F2-0EAE-48CB-A603-B71CEE…)

Capping this before it gets deleted

No. 1300238

She isn’t schizo she’s bipolar 1, and probably in a manic episode at the moment, and it doesn’t help that she’s drinking, especially if she is medicated, like she claims to be

No. 1300242

File: 1628988924644.png (100.97 KB, 1198x438, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 8.55…)

No. 1300249

File: 1628989517124.png (180.28 KB, 1196x692, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 9.04…)

what was the point of her posting this? if he told you BEFORE y'all fucked that he didn't get tested, then it's your fault for still fucking him

y'all are BOTH nasty but you could've just kept this to yourself

No. 1300250

File: 1628989620264.png (398.81 KB, 1198x1226, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 9.06…)

Tiffany is exactly like Anne Frank, who used to visit her

No. 1300259

File: 1628990581959.png (1.07 MB, 1172x1528, Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 9.21…)

No. 1300263


damn she was previously sober too. I hope her episode slows down because this is depressing.

No. 1300345

Getting bored of this thread for the sheer reason that it’s just the depressing chronicling of a schizophrenic’s spiral. Is that milk to us?

No. 1300551

File: 1629036663028.jpeg (198.53 KB, 750x990, 1485B6BA-2570-46A0-A580-7FE73A…)

She attacked that commenter some days ago because they asked her to put a trigger warning on something she posted, and she is still going off on them.

No. 1300568

Then leave.

No. 1300597


she's been talking about sexual trauma related shit nonstop. At this point the commenter had plenty of warnings

No. 1300600

File: 1629043258555.jpeg (83.25 KB, 827x411, 039ED17F-312C-44DE-B27D-F1175B…)

No. 1300602

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No. 1300687

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At this point, you just have to be in deep, deep denial to say that this isn’t a textbook schizo break. This isn’t her being drunk. She’s really sick. Fixation scenarios where she is being sexually persecuted, posting many nudes on main, tons of photos of herself in various unflattering stages of distress and undress, the need to run away from everyone in her life. Shits bleak, isn’t even funny.

No. 1300715

Agreed. Not going to post caps because she wrote his full name but she appears to be sending messages to her dad accusing him of sexually abusing her? And claimed that he has blocked her. It’s truly sad, not sure how it works in the US but in the UK this kind of behaviour would definitely warrant being detained in a mental health unit. Who does she have looking out for her?

No. 1300719

i can’t even keep up with whatever it is that she’s saying i try to read and my head just goes what the fuck is going on with her she needs help asap

No. 1300751

In the US it's almost impossible to have someone involuntarily admitted unless they're threatening self harm if they're over 18. She is behaving almost exactly like my schizophrenic family member before his break. Especially with the accusatory parent posts and the insistence that she's being watched. I think so few people in her life either know, care, or understand what is happening to her at this point. If anyone knows her irl and is reading this, do something.

No. 1300758

So I have no idea what kind of subculture I've stumbled into finding this thread… but I went to high school with this girl and have been eating popcorn, watching this shit unfold all weekend. Sick or not, what an absolutely shitty human being. What I gather is that she was planning to go live with her dad, then he said no… what-do-ya-know suddenly he becomes the 15th person in her life who has sexually abused her? Lying about that kind of thing is as scummy as sexual predators themselves. Feel bad for anyone who gets sucked into this girl's orbit.

No. 1300762

she thought she was going to live with Duncan and that didn’t work either so she started accusing him of being in on all of this and of having sex with her without either of them getting tested first

girl just get a job and your own apartment damn, you don’t have to do all this

No. 1300851

This girl is literally schizophrenic, she is not correctly perceiving reality nor does she have any option to be, that’s what that means. She has talked about sexual abuse in childhood, and abuse from her father as well in the past I believe on her tumblr at least ten years ago before she showed these pretty clear episodes. Trauma also causes schizophrenia. She has been statutorily raped and she’s had exes that have posted sexual abuse of her on social media, Dave was really awful. Pretty sure someone else posted here who knew her and helped her after someone did something at a party. Regardless, please just because someone is suffering an episode know that it doesn’t erase the abuse they’ve gone through, and she’s again literally not in reality right now.

Where the fuck is Sarah in all of this? She has been fucking with her head forever and is in her actual life, if at any point she ever claimed to be her real friend or if she wanted to make up for her insane bullshit she needs to help her. Has Tiffany ever confirmed anything about a possible diagnosis or understanding/reflecting on what she’s doing on social media? That’s really sad that her father has blocked her and may not know this is an episode or that she needs immediate psychiatric help. Getting her to a hospital for an evaluation could be as easy as letting her know she can talk with someone right away about her sexual abuse, and from there they can asses her mental health.

No. 1300854

I just went to her Instagram and she had posted a text conversation with her mom so I’m sure she is doing everything she can which is a relief. I hope she’s ok.

No. 1300859

She has confirmed that she is bipolar, i’m guessing type 1. i feel bad for her seeing her unravel like this

No. 1300917

Thank you! And yeah, me too and it’s really nice to read people here having compassion. Do you happen to know if it was a recent diagnosis, or if she said anything about the medication including if she was actually taking it or would be likely to just stop taking it? Bipolar 1 is no joke and she doesn’t seem to have a good support system. It makes me sad she’s posting sexual things when she’s having an episode and will likely feel more traumatized from that without really solid help, or she could normalize something like that as a coping skill. A lot of people really did take advantage of her in front of a large audience and I don’t think she’s gotten the help with sexual abuse she deserves. I wonder if Sarah triggers her episodes, something seems to happen with her before at least a few of them.

No. 1301035

what will happen if a new man doesn't swoop in to save our poor little 30-year-old disney princess? will she die in her Days Inn suite live on onlyfans and blame it all on Hollywood and her dad and Sara and her exes and the internet and Michael Jackson and Tumblr and Barack Obama and

No. 1301070

There are screenshots of Tiffany arguing with Sara >>1297180 when Duncan dumped her. Sara removed herself and rightfully so. It’s hard to want to help someone who says terrible things to you and about you.

Her father has been calling repeatedly, tiff posted a video on story asking him to please stop calling.

No. 1301149

I mean i don’t have receipts but i remember her talking about it being a couple of years since she was diagnosed, and she keeps talking about being medicated but i have no idea what she takes, bipolar can be medicated with a bunch of different things. She’s been quiet today, hopefully she’s either gotten help, or is landing from her episode

No. 1301158

Even if I might feel bad for her I’d stay the fuck away if I’m on the receiving end of potentially being publicly called a pedophile by her every manic episode. She needs to get actual help and not another weird enabling boyfriend/caretaker. All this word salad shit like being a former KKK princess is making it muddled and hard to figure out wtf is real or not

No. 1301324

None of it’s real. She has accused every person who played a major role in her life of abuse, molestation, and pedophilia. As if everyone she ever knew was in some strange cult dedicated to abusing her. Why would she want to fly to Texas to start over and live with her dad when the moment he said ‘no’ he’s this epic sexual predator who has been abusing her since she was a baby? Her mother reached out to offer help, now Tiffany is accusing her off encouraging her to commit suicide and being in on her dads alleged sexual abuse. Even Sara reached out and told her she wanted to help and within an hour Tiffany is on this epic tirade about Sara is selling porn of Tiff to minors and spying through her webcam. I completely understand why Duncan and Sara gave up and distanced themselves. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves, nor should you be obligated to continue a relationship with someone who is clearly off their rocker. Tiffany can flash her pill bottle on her little Instagram lives and claim to be medicated all she wants but she clearly isn’t on the right meds if she is acting this psychotic.

No. 1301390

All of this.

I’m pretty sure she’s feeding off the attention this thread is giving her too, since she’s been posting screenshots of it.

No. 1301450

She’s 100% having a manic/psychotic episode however it’s pretty evident its also mixed in with cluster B personality traits

No. 1301454

I’m glad she has pills, they probably aren’t the right ones for her and I’m also glad she’s calming down from social media. I don’t keep up with her, and even though I was never interested in her specifically I remember reading on tumblr about her experiences as a teenager with older men, resulting eating disorders and regression complexes, and watched that alcoholic ex Dave sexually abuse her in real time. She really did have a huge audience and a lot of perverted men did target her, so what it seems like is now in her delusion she’s connecting the feelings of them violating her boundaries and associating them all as one feeling that’s beyond comprehension. A she was probably sexualized in some way in her family or she feels betrayed they didn’t protect her from older men who did exploit her even before the internet. This is really common and I’m surprised a forum of women doubts her, it can spiral into something like this and it was all done in the open as it’s done to most girls online. If she’s in the middle of an episode and taking the medication, and it’s not working, she can’t just ever out of it if she has no reality to work with. Age has literally nothing to do with it and trauma or mental illness usually doesn’t get this bad until later in life, so I don’t know what that has to do with anything. She didn’t choose this and is the one suffering the most while going through this, and has to recover and piece together realities she doesn’t have the capacity to do. I’m not justifying a single thing, it’s just that she’s in the middle of an episode it’s pretty fucked up to act like she “enjoys the drama” or something. People used to post perverted trash about her online and “ruining her innocence” all the time, she probably handled it until her brain couldn’t and now has episodes.

Sarah is covered in tattoos she copied from Tiffany, skinwalked her for years, didn’t she date an ex?, and has been exposing her on gossip sites for yeeears behind her back, so I am fine with my opinion that she does in fact owe Tiffany some peace and sanity.

No. 1301528

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How bad does she have to get before you leave her alone Sara? jfc what a nauseating person

No. 1301543

That post is unsettling….

No. 1301661

From Sara’s post on Instagram and the lack of Tiffany’s posts, I assume she was taken to a hospital. Honestly it’s for the best. Medication can only go so far if you don’t get therapy

No. 1301687

Schizophrenic people regularly do that.

No. 1301781

You guys do know her and Tiffany have matching friendship tattoos of this, right? Everyone is like omg someone help Tiffany :( she needs a friend :( I hope someone gets her help :( and when Sara does that you guys are like ‘fuck her when will she leave her alone!!!’ Sara has been a total creep in the past but I applaud her for getting Tiffany help despite the fact she flat out accused her of being a pedo and selling porn to minors. I would not give a single fuck about someone if they made numerous public posts like that that about me.

No. 1301795

You do know that most people who are bothering to post about Sara in this thread are aware of the tattoos, right? That’s kind of what makes Sara’s last post bothersome?

Also, wondering where you are conjuring this narrative from? Why does Sara automatically get the credit for “getting her help”? That’s certainly the narrative I’m sure she’d like to push, being Tiffany’s savior once again so she gets to look good…and so that all of the depraved shit she has done to that girl over the years gets minimized to “Sara’s been a creep in the past”

Reading about Sara’s behavior and treatment toward Tiffany is seriously fucking stomach churning. Sara copying her tattoos is one (creepy) thing, but actively trying to sleep with her husband (among other boyfriends apparently, and continuously posting Tiffany’s nudes here, some that Tiffany apparently doesn’t even remember being taken…that’s some shit I cannot and am not willing to defend. Hell, some of her OnlyFans content was posted just after she started calling Sara out this past weekend.

If Sara gives any kind of genuine shit for Tiffany’s well-being, she’d at most make a call to get her help and then back the fuck off, permanently, forever. Sara is a major contributor to the deterioration of this poor woman’s mental health. This thread is proof of YEARS of that. They bring out the worst in each other, certainly one more than the other; I hope Tiffany can make some actual healthy friends. Not Sara, over and over and over again.

No. 1301821

jesus christ what a crazy bitch. This is hilarious. So much victimhood. If every person you've ever met is bad, you're the problem, Tiff.
"oh no Sara won't leave poor Tiffany alone uwu" These are grown ass women. How hard is it to cut somebody out of your life? So anybody that posts her nudes, which could be by anybody that subs to her onlyfans, HAS to be Sara? Are yall literally 13? You don't think Tiff posts shit to be purposefully manipulative? Mentally ill people can be just as much of a piece of shit as the next person, but many here will clearly throw themselves right into that trap.
I feel sorry for anyone who encounters these two retards.

No. 1301857

“How hard is it to cut someone out of your life?” You’ve never been in an abusive relationship, have you? At that, you’ve likely never been in an abusive relationship that started in your formative years, while dealing with mental illness on top of that. It’s really not as cut and dry as you make it out to be. You sound so ignorant. Who’s 13?

This isn’t really a ‘you’re either team Sara or team Tiffany’ fucked up kind of thing, there is a lot more nuance than that. It’s sad watching someone destroy their life in real time like this. And it’s gross watching an abuser put them through the same cycle over and over

No. 1301875

I think both there people messaging are Sara and Tiffany themselves. I think that’s kinda funny. Also no it’s not to hard too cut people off unless you depend on them for some reason.

No. 1301876

Wow y’all really believe everything these dumb bitches say huh?
Despite whenever “abuse” took place or whatever mental illness they are supposedly dealing with, they are grown and live independently. Like literally just stop texting back.
Mental illness and abuse does not excuse someone from being a fucking idiot.
Nothing about this situation is tragic and most of it could have been easily avoided.

No. 1301884

Exactly. They’re both dipshit drama queens.

No. 1302217

Tiffany will go to the hospital again and avoid all responsibility once again because uwu mental illness again, and Sara will sit smug on her high horse for "saving" Tiffany while still being an ultra creep

No. 1304229

I have a very hard time believing anyone besides Sara and one of her mouth breathers would ever come here to defend her. Nobody likes that bitch. Tiffany is schizo. What’s Sara’s excuse? I swear to god she wants to skin Tiffany alive and wear her like Buffalo bill.

No. 1304525

Start a anti sara site if you hate her so bad. Not to be mean alot of people have never met her.

No. 1304552

Eh, it wouldn't be productive to start a thread on Sara when one on Tiffany exists since all her milk comes from skinwalking her. If you tried to only talk about Sara it'd be boring, which I guess is why she's been trying to climb up Tiffany's ass for more than five years.
Does anyone have her current socials? I remember she kept changing her ig username after it would get posted here and her weird feet Onlyfans hasn't updated since last year.

No. 1304691

learn to sage retard

No. 1304738

She would just take it out on Tiffany and leak her nudes here again then act like it’s so weird Tiffany now has psychotic breaks over sexual abuse. That girl is fucking covered in her tattoos and dates her exes, I’m surprised Tiffany is still alive and not being currently digested in Sara’s stomach with the rest of her kept in a freezer for further Tiffany-becoming rituals.

No. 1304796

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Sara no one wants to meet you not even Tiffany she developed schizophrenia to get away from you and your revenge porn u cursed Ursula

No. 1305398

At least be a little more discreet when you’re posting on your own thread.

No. 1305509

Not Tiffany or Sara? Just someone with eyes and remembered the creepy af full body tattoo copying and skin walking from tumblr, I’m glad it’s finally getting called out this would damage anyone.

No. 1305676

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Tiffany just got out of the hospital 1/2

No. 1305679

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also, here’s Sara’s IG but she recently went private cos she’s always stalking this thread

No. 1305735

A studio paid for the entire year??? How could she possibly think this is feasible?

No. 1305817

I wish tiff and sara's post history would get revealed like creepshow art. I feel like one of them is responsible ever time this thread is resurrected from the grave. Sara is creepy as fuck, but I'm sure and tiff will continue this cycle for the rest of their lives, it's all they know

No. 1306608

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Wtf? Her and Duncan were already broken up before she was hospitalized…but here she makes it seem like they were together and he called the cops on her. Sounds like what actually happened is she showed up at his place unannounced after she has already publicly posted a Convo of him asking her to leave him alone. Also how did they arrest her naked on his bed if she was trying to leave and opened the door and the cops were there. Which was it? We tiff lurks here so let's see what new lie she spins this into. Why can't this monster exist without destroying everyone around her?

No. 1306667

was this before or after she publicly implied he gave her an STI and then was like “oops! jk lol finally got tested, all clean”

also 6 days? timelines don’t add up Tiff

No. 1306674

Idk maybe they had sex and he called the cops after he got a good nut. Also how does her possibly lying while having a schizo break make her a monster

No. 1306752

So she’s out of hospital and still having psychotic delusions about her father? What was the point of detaining her if they were just going to release her again with all the same problems?

No. 1306791

Orrrr she showed up in the middle of the night unannounced during a psychotic break. Good thing he did, who knows what she would have done. Also, she's a monster because she's a terrible, shitty person who accuses anyone who makes her upset of sex trafficking or rape, constantly lies and keeps giving dudes STDs, for starters.

No. 1306803

Thank god in all this time Sarah never learned to sage so we can always spot her. The endless hate and venom you have for this mentally ill woman (who's internet relevance has completely faded!) at probably the lowest point in her life is really borderline sociopathic. Get help.
I have some experience with this and family, it has to do with adults not being able to detained involuntarily that long. It doesn't make a lot of sense from the outside, I know.

No. 1306807

It's great that you think anyone who has anything negative to say must be Sarah lol yeah, sure, nobody else is disgusted by Tiffany lmao

No. 1306812

I love how you don't even try to learn what saging is

No. 1306818

I hate to tell you this but there's so many different people who could be pissed at her besides sara. Like any of the several people she's benn lying about online. You really think none of them has posted here. People tend to get pissed when there talked about online.

No. 1306819

Although yeah i think a few are sara

No. 1306879

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Tiff can try to lie to the internet as much as she wants about the Duncan situation but I guess she forgets that this community, that she doesn't belong to, knows each other well and many of us are watching in real time from the sidelines what she's putting him through - by trying to yet again destroy someone's reputation with lies as part of her personal vendetta. Tiff your best cosplay so far is definitely the "innocent victim". It's not gonna work this time though.

No. 1307258

sara for the love of god, learn to sage. at least before you sudoku, which you should.

No. 1307293

Spot on!

well "anon" your writing style and lack of saging are what make it obvious lmao. the 1 butthurt anon who keeps popping up not saging and fucking whining that she accused them of being a pedo? I mean what are the repercussions really? She's not pursuing charges; I'm sure you'll be fine anon. And if it's indeed sara (who tf else) well i mean leaking nudes of someone who has a mainly teenage audience may lead them to calling you a pedo especially when you spend yrs tormenting them.

haven't seen it brought up yet that she is seemingly accusing her ex-husband of being the one spying through her cameras. Supposedly he had a top secret clearance. Obvs no one is really going to know if there's any truth to that; but she's clearly having a psychotic break and that belief is the fuel behind a lot of it. If I where tiff I would seriously just disappear because as long as sara finds her tiff will be manipulated by her. Sara is clearly a psychopath and I have 0 sympathy for her. What did she think would happen from her insane actions?! She literally leaked all the nudes here too. Tiffany needs serious help cutting her out of her life and getting help for her illness. She has to be upfront with drs tho and delusion based disorders are pretty notorious for making people too paranoid to even share with their drs. I hope the episode ends soon because she is clearly still in it rn and not in touch with reality. It's too bad her family doesn't have more power to help her but they may not even really know what's going on with her rn if they don't know her insta and twitter. She clearly had a 72hr hold and was released. So long as the US doesn't have a system like the UK people like tiff will fall through the cracks and it's really sad to watch. I hope she feels okay enough to ask for long term help soon.

No. 1307341

Lmfao so now Duncan, the supposed best man she ever met, can eat shit too?
Tiffany is a classic egomaniacal, manipulative drama queen.
I would not be surprised at all if she turned out to be a munchie.
No wonder she has 0 healthy relationships.

No. 1307344

>She literally leaked all the nudes here too

Does anyone have proof of this? I keep seeing this thrown around but I can’t find how people came to that conclusion.

No. 1307442

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They don’t have any proof. For all we know it could’ve been Tiffany self posting to stoke the fire. I feel bad for Sara. You guys keep making excuses for Tiffany and downplaying her accusations, which are pretty fucking disgusting and serious, but Sara is the devil for copying someone’s tattoos ten years ago? Get a grip. People grow and learn from their mistakes, and I’m sure Sara has at the very least had some self reflection after being dragged for a decade on the internet. And no, not every anon defending Sara is actually Sara. I’m surprised you idiots haven’t gotten slapped with a “hi cow” ban.
Mainly teenage audience? Are you still in 2010? Nobody gives a fuck about who she is unless you were around for her starpowerrr days, and those people are at the very least well into their twenties now.
Yup, and now her mom is spying through her cameras to watch her have sex, picrel. Every single person in her orbit is an abuser.

No. 1307460

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Drunken off-meds tweets photo dump

(Imgur field won’t work for some reason)

She’s staying at the hotel her mom works in. Mom is nice enough to keep tabs on her psychotic, bingeing daughter but Tiffany thinks mom has a camera surveilling her so mom can sell her image as porn.

No. 1307467

I mean even if you're not Sara it's kind of weird how you defend her considering she's just as much of a cow and pops up every time this thread gets necro'd for 6 fucking years

No. 1307473

How is anyone here making excuses for Tiffany when the screenshot you just posted is so utterly unhinged it speaks for itself?
Unfortunately, adults with schizophrenia do often lie to doctors and get evasive and that keeps them from being treated. The nature of the US mental healthcare system is that adults are afforded the freedom to choose to be hospitalized or not if they're not seen as an immediate danger to themselves or others. Unless someone in her family really, really cares to convince Tiffany to admit herself this is how it's gonna be for her. Also, US psychs don't share information about meds or diagnoses with family for adults unless they have a legal conservatorship which is very hard to obtain (don't let the Britney Spears news fool you, it's hard to achieve unless you can afford lawyers). So, this all hoils down to this: if Tiffany is off her meds, no one can help her. It's honestly so sad. Sorry to law-fag, I just thought it was relevant here.

No. 1307481

I don't think its weird your defending sara. I think it's weird this same person keeps saying the same thing over and over again about her. Shit happened so long ago with her.

No. 1307502

Having an obvious episode documented on social media like this is my worst nightmare. Man i really wish she’d seek help

No. 1307679

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Here, since apparently there are at least a couple of you who care enough to post in this thread but not enough to actually read beyond the newest posts.

For the 100th time, people do not think Sara is “the Devil” because she copied Tiffany. Here is a screenshot Tiffany posted, that had also been posted in this thread a while back. Sara tried to get Tiffany’s ex-husband to cheat while they still were together. She apparently had tried this with other boyfriends of hers in the past as well.

She and Tiffany have a very unhealthy relationship. Can y’all take your worthless contributions elsewhere on the internet, cause I’m getting tired of seeing people regurgitate the same couple of ‘points’ in this thread over and over

No. 1307777

I won’t bite. I’ve been around this drama since the beginning, over a decade ago. Sara is a creep. We have every right to say Sara is a creep. Tiffany is a raging schizophrenic. Two things can be correct at once.

Most of us are not going to be upset with Tiffany like the same couple of unsaging irls that keep trying to say Sara is a victim and Tiffany is a villain. We will continue to “regurgitate” what a psycho Sara is, because it’s the damn truth, just as it’s true that Tiffany is having schizophrenic delusions. None of us are saying they are true—Tiffany is crazy. But she’s literally schizo, it comes with the territory. She will continue to whittle away until she is all alone. What’s Sara’s excuse?

No. 1308057

All this proves is that Sara’s a hoe

They’re both vile people. I’m worried about Tiffany’s cat now that she admitted to killing her hamsters.

No. 1308204

Lmao, I guess?

Stealing your friend’s guys behind her back/copying tattoos/hoarding and posting her nudes/fostering an unhealthy, hot and cold, codependent relationship all can seem like typical shitty friend drama broken down into pieces, but all of that shit coming from the same one friend is pretty disturbing behavior. I’m sure Tiffany’s hurt her in many ways too over the years but dear lord. I’d probably have lost my mind, too.

No. 1308212

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jesus christ now she's accusing her mom of filming porn of her and wanting to kill her? Texting with 911 to try to have her mom arrested? and now it was her mom that got her hospitalized and not Duncan? If she doesn't want to get treated like a pet she shouldn't act like a stray. She's spiraling and completely out of touch with reality, drinking again, there's no telling what she could do or who she might harm. I really hope someone intervenes in her path of destruction. If any of her friends are lurking, you should probably take this behavior more seriously because it's not going to end well.

No. 1308214

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No. 1308223

The police should at least be aware of all the contradictory accusations. Maybe they can arrest her on filing a false police report.

No. 1308275

Is she living with anyone right now? How is she functioning at all if there’s not someone watching over her, like who is paying for her phone since she doesn’t have a job and why are they letting her use it unsupervised? People she knows irl must know the extent of her delusions and yet she seems like she’s totally on her own.

No. 1308276

she’s living in the hotel her mom works at

and she still has an OnlyFans and I’m sure Sara still subscribes to it so I guess that’s how she pays her phone bill

No. 1308308

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No. 1308321

Police are going to intervene for a domestic violence call but this doesn't mean her mom is automatically arrested. They'll show up and interview them, might take them to the station to interview separately. In my experience, they look at stuff like recent admittance to a mental facility before making any big calls to proceed, they're not gonna just lock her mom up on no basis. The likelihood that Tiff gets kicked out of this hotel though is very high. This is how sick people wind up homeless if you ever wondered. So, so sad.

No. 1308322

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(2/2) Looks like she spoke to the police, but might be facing homelessness now. It seems like her mom is trying the best she can to help, but considering everything it looks like it’s unfortunately up to Tiffany at this point to seek more long term help.

This is getting to be nerve wracking to witness, she has mentioned dying a few times on IG/Twitter so I’m concerned that she’s getting to that point where she might hurt herself.

She’s not at all perfect and I’m not trying to white knight or make excuses here, but she just plain needs help, I don’t think she deserves to be homeless or in danger.

If anyone reading this does have any power to physically make sure she and her cat are safe pleeeease do so

No. 1308325

They have her record which would say she has been committed and that she was separated from reality, whether it was schizophrenia or bipolar 1. Texting is not a legitimate way to file a police report obviously, she’s both not sober and having a delusional episode so she does not have the capacity to file a report even if only one of those things were the issue.

I’m not sure why she wasn’t set up with a therapist and psychiatrist when she left the last time she was hospitalized recently, or put in touch with an advocacy group and especially a sobriety program. Publicly accusing your mom of filming porn of you is a pretty black and white delusion and puts both her and her mother in danger, so now it’s on file and they won’t fuck around. I wonder what keeps triggering these episodes, and why the hospitalization recently didn’t help anything

No. 1308327


I've been thinking of that, but I literally never remember her posting about even having hamsters.

The cat seems well loved and taken care for a long time now so…hopefully it'll stay that way

No. 1308332

It 100% depends on what the services in your community look like, sadly. I wish I didn't know this but people in some underserved communities absolutely slip through the cracks unless you have a family network in place aggressively pushing to get you help or literally driving you to and from a facility. And that is unconscionably expensive half the time for working class people. There's a big barrier to getting help if you're from a poorer community in the US. I don't think Tiffany has any advocates. This shit is hard to stomach, frankly. Doesn't feel good posting here anymore.

No. 1308333

Thank you for posting this, and yeah I agree. Sexual abuse causes very serious issues like this and I really hope she’s able to access better help this time and get a new support system.

No. 1308390

You don’t even have to live in an underserved area tbh. I don’t think she has advocates and if she does, they probably don’t have the financial means. She’s in a really rough spot

No. 1308451

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Yeah they were roborovski dwarf hamsters she showed on livejournal. It was before she got with dave, and people did ask about them since they knew she had moved but suddenly weren't seeing pics of the hamsters anymore.

RIP I guess :(( :()

No. 1308467

I mean it would help her to not think her mom or literally everyone in her life is a sexual abuser if she would take her pills instead of melting them.

No. 1308477

I mean, isn't the problem that she isn't mentally lucid? If her delusions manifest as everyone sexually abusing her and she's in a delusional state, I doubt she's going to suddenly take her medication because she's convinced the delusions are real.
It's the problem with anyone who struggles with paranoid mental illness, the paranoia makes it impossible to keep them on a regular medication schedule without proper supervision and support. When they don't take their medication, they become more prone to paranoia and destroy any functioning relationships because of it, it becomes a cycle of escalating delusions as she slips through the cracks. Really scary because if she ends up homeless as a young woman, she's likely to be abused as well, which will just make everything much worse.

No. 1308546


ah fuck RIP

No. 1308587

She’s had nudes leaked and non consensual sex, and posted about something happening within her family that involved enabling some inappropriate actions with her but it was so long ago and I can’t remember exactly (sorry). The alcohol is going to keep triggering intrusive memories and the episodes will turn memories into current delusions because her mind can’t handle it. The alcohol is like throwing gasoline on a nervous system that’s already on fire. She never got proper help for the past sexual abuse so these episodes will happen with increasing intensity until she gets help, and also gets sober. She should honestly find a women’s shelter, and go to groups so she can connect with professionals and other women so she has lived conscious memories of being listened to in a grounded state, and has examples of women who have worked through trauma. I’m sure as she builds a rapport with a group or therapist, they’ll hear about the internet stuff and Sara and will be able to keep guiding her. I don’t know what made her avoid the medication, maybe to try to listen to what came up, but there’s a lot of different kinds of medications so I hope she keeps talking to her psychiatrist. At least she is able to get medication!

No. 1308639

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No. 1308640

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No. 1308641

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No. 1308644

How heartbreaking to read. The mom just wants to help this sick, sick person.

No. 1308653

She’s referencing abusive things that were said to her and reinforced by the shitty random dudes she’s dated. There are good partners who will truly treat her well but she’s not in a state to identify them or be able to treat them correctly either. She needs to be able to maintain a relationship with herself first, her mom sounds amazing by the way and is so patient and understanding, Tiffany is extremely lucky. Her relationship with her mom is very rare and in my opinion the one that’s worth fighting for the most, not keeping the voices of her abusers alive even if she’s not aware of it. I hope she gets into a program, even voluntary hospitalization so she can relinquish certain stresses and focus on what they can offer for a couple of weeks, away from the internet.

No. 1308655

Tiffany your so lucky you have her. Some people don’t have anyone. Try to snap out of this and appreciate what your mom does for you.

No. 1308686

She's proudly admits that's she's just waiting around for a man to 'rescue' her and does things like post her hotel room number and will just latch on to the next possible predator. She's making herself vulnerable to an actually possible abusive/predatory situation, or a situation where she can conveniently plat victim yet again. She clearly has no interest in improving herlf or caring for herself or she would seek professional help and not grovel for a man to enable her codependency and tell any lie necessary to do it. I wonder how much longer it will take her to stop blaming everyone else for her problems. If she has no one in her corner how does she not realize she's the problem lol

No. 1308694

What part of psychosis is it you don’t understand, anon? Or if you do understand, what would you like to happen here? You’re angry at a mentally ill womans raging delusions

No. 1308718

You're terrible whether you're in an episode or not, Tiffany. I'm angry at someone using their delusions as an excuse for their behavior, it's not. It doesn't absolve anyone from the consequences of their actions. Victim card denied, time to stop gaslighting your audience, the truth is readily available. Hi cow.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1308731

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guys oh no

i'm devastated

No. 1308732

Spittin' straight facts. I feel bad she has such bad mental issues, and that can be a reason for the way she behaves but it's not an excuse.

No. 1308751

This is actually abysmally sad. Reading the texts with her mom was morbid, and made me feel genuine sorrow. I’m a total troll too—but this was really sobering, can’t even joke about it anymore. I am legitimately witnessing a complete psychotic decline, her paranoid delusions are so very real to her clearly, how the fuck am I supposed to hate her for it. Life is going to be very hard for her from now on. It’s just really surreal to see it happen to someone who has done their best to be controlled and was a relatively cute girl for quite some time, because you know she’s going to end up just like those fat old ladies schizoposting all day online.

No. 1308788

Is she and the gamegrumps fangirl the only cows that suffer schizophrenia on lc? It’s amazing to see their parallels amd how both of them are wanting a man to provide for them kek

No. 1308882

What do you people actually want from her anymore? She is borderline homeless, alone, and can barely look after herself at all anymore. Her opinion of herself is so low that like >>1308653 said, she's repeating things her exes have said about her that no woman would ever say about herself in her right mind. If your jealousy and spite extends this far, you're so deranged you're unfixable. Learn to sage you actual retard.
Her mom seems sweet but also isn't fully aware of what's going on and probably doesn't know how to help and what the signs are. Unless she can convince Tiffany to seek help herself, it's over.

No. 1308884

Samefag, but the comment was also meant for >>1308686 who simply cannot integrate

No. 1308918

Haha reread your comment, then tell me exactly what you simps think there is to be jealous of lol. What do we want? If she would stop trying to destroy the lives of everyone around her no matter where she goes that would be a great start. I guess her vile spiteness is ok to you though. Everything that's happened to her for to be in this current position she brought upon herself, through her constant lies and manipulation. When she was first trying to leave Dover she posted on FB that she had $2k to spend for rent, but she's so helpless now uwu you try to imply that she's being picked on specifically for her mentall illnesses, which we all know is not the case. If she has you this fooled by her self victimization and gaslighting then congrats, you're deranged you're unfixable lol .She deserves everything she she gets, retard.

No. 1308926

Integrate, retard. Also, I like how you legit can’t understand what real mental illness is. A depressed person can act like a dick and your ‘no excuse’ thinking would apply, but psychosis isn’t something people can moral-skate their way out of. The lights are on but there’s nobody home anon, it doesn’t matter how you seethe over how shitty you think she is/her actions are.

No. 1308930

>what do you want from herrrrr

Do you hear yourself? Someone finally faces some consequences of their actions and the white knights are out here bc ~mental illness uwu

Imagine simping for a cow

No. 1308936

No :) and it's sad that you think mental illness excuses someone from their behavior. Seems like you're the one who doesn't understand how it works. Also, this disgusting behavior isn't strictly limited to her episodes, so again, implying that she's been attacked or targeted specifically for her mental illnesses is disingenuous at best. Who's seething lol? I'm watching someone get their dues. This isn't a tiffany support group, so yeah, I'll keep talking all the shit I want, keep seething about it if you want. She isn't horrible because she has mental illnesses (and it's an insult to good people who have mental illnesses to suggest such.) It's one thing to have bad behavior during a mental health episode but it's another to continue to blame the world for sympathy points instead of accountability your own actions. It's not ok for her to gaslight and manipulate everyone around her just because she's unwell and just goes 'hehe whoops' after trying to destroy someone's life. If you're suggesting otherwise why don't you step in to take care of her?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1308948

Sara please let it go, its been years and you are still obsessed with tiffany, get a life you fat bird looking bitch.(hi cow)

No. 1308956

Sadly it's true out of all the people I've met with a mental illness i have never met someone who treats people the way she does.
She doesn't treat people like people. She knows right from wrong. Her illness makes her worse to but the ugly is still there.
Cant just blame sara for everything. Most people dont know sara. Its weird there just two people that were mean to each 10 years ago.

No. 1308986

Interested in why you believe Sarah would be the only one who doesn't like someone who has fucked over as many people as Tiffany has, especially with what she's currently doing. Do you really not realize that? Wasn't the most recent news was that they were on good terms anyway? I won't kink shame you if you really need to believe it's her, talk about obsessed lol. Very telling that "someone" always jumps in to blame or attack/deflect to Sarah when Tiffany's behavior is called out. Neither of them are responsible for the others behavior. Tiffany's current path of destruction is all her own. Your vitriol is quite hypocritical ;) also how are you gonna try to dunk on someone else's looks while defending someone who looks like god started to make a face out of wet playdough then gave up lol come on get real(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1308999

The hypocrisy of this thread is unreal. There’s so much medsperging and armchair psychology holy shit.
Oh and every anon that bullies Tiffany must be Sarah.
Are y’all for real

No. 1309012

NTA but not everyone who disagrees with your retard simping for Tiffany is Sara. She’s not even in the picture at all anymore. Seems like you’re the one who needs to let her go?

No. 1309017

well whoever it is, is equally as unhinged as sara with their 10+ unsaged vendetta posts everyday/

No. 1309020

I think the fact that Tiffany ends up burning every single bridge that ever gets built in her life (and makes it super public) is part of what makes this sad tbh?

As far as all the people she’s been dragging though the mud, honestly it’s understandable that they’d be really angry and have a hard time finding sympathy for her. Who truly knows what all went down with her ex but she’s been straight up harassing him and I’m sure humiliating him, along with her parents etc.

The thing is though…it’s pretty obvious that she’s having a mental health crisis in saying all this crap so I’d hope everyone in that weird little town would be able to realize that and just block her. Don’t add fuel to the fire. It’s shitty and unfortunate that she’s lashing out this way and being delusional but antagonizing her further is just going to escalate things and make her do this even more.

Out of everyone in this situation Tiffany’s definitely “losing” the most and she likely won’t ever be able to truly get it unless she is receptive to years of therapy in the future

No. 1309023

She’s literally schizophrenic or bipolar 1, it’s not a choice and when she has episodes she can’t comprehend reality. Sexual abuse commonly leads to things like these episodes, also not her fault. This is the reality of mental health conditions like this and it’s a medical emergency that is long term. If it was a physical injury you wouldn’t say it was her choice to receive help like being in a wheelchair if necessary. This is an injury in her brain and most of us have enough intelligence to know that, and also that recovery from it is not that simple as so many have pointed out.

Tattoos are forever and Sara chose that shit and also to date all of Tiffany’s exes and leak her nudes. If Sara herself defends that past behavior that’s the core issue.

No. 1309031

"Tattoos are forever and Sara chose that shit and also to date all of Tiffany’s exes and leak her nudes. If Sara herself defends that past behavior that’s the core issue."

That sounds exactly like something Sara would say. You crafty slut!

No. 1309034

You're all Sara! Sara and her friends.
Conspirators! Deceivers!

No. 1309036

I completely agree. That person might be a man or just have zero empathy for other women/the slightest capacity to understand them. It’s not that difficult to see what’s happening and why. At the root of this is very real sexual abuse, which did happen and you can’t deflect using her resulting mental illness because it’s still online. She’s been in tons of sexually abusive relationships, and yes this happens frequently to women and there is still a lack of proper care for it. That person is so fucking vitriolic, wouldn’t be surprised if it was some incel that’s been following her from her starpower days and is bitter as hell. I don’t know if Sara would openly defend herself like this, it could just be someone using her. I wonder what Sara feels right now, covered in her copied tattoos while Tiffany suffers from that creepy shit.

Women’s shelters have resources for this and specific to what she’s going through, she and her mom really should get in contact with one local to her.

No. 1309040

Unless of course you're Tiffany. You think you're so slick…
But we see though you!

No. 1309041

Pffffffft still trying so hard to pin the leaked nudes on Sara with no proof.

Has it ever crossed your mind that Tiffany has an onlyfans? And that at least one person who subscribes is aware of this thread?
You cannot fake being this retarded

No. 1309042

Can you sage your stupid shit, or just don’t post at all please. I don’t think you read the comment correctly or understood it effectively. Sara has had the capacity for choice and her decisions have been intentionally abusive towards Tiffany, if it’s been ten years she needs to grow up and own what she did instead of gaslighting Tiffany out of calling their friendship what it is, a trauma bond.

No one is calling anyone Tiffany or Sara besides you, trying to shit up the thread where people are trying to see if someone having a delusional episode is safe. What is wrong with you

No. 1309043

I'm not Tiffany OR Sara!
You're just stupid

No. 1309045

I think you're both! You're the biggest phony of them all.

No. 1309047

You're all wrong.


No. 1309048

Will you please learn how to use imageboards at the very least? Who the fuck are you replying to? Are you ban-evading as well?

No. 1309051

I have all the nudes, and you can't have them.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1309053

You can scroll up, she was caught posting them. Why do you care this much about a tanning salon employee that has psychologically abused someone into severe mental illness and still taunts her, projection?

No. 1309054

Are you from kiwi farms

No. 1309056

Is this thread all one person talking to themselves?

No. 1309067

Yes and we want you to stop.


Some angry man with some insane vendetta. It could be an ex or someone else that would be triggered other people don’t want to see her suffer and can easily understand the situation. I doubt Sara would do this, too.

No. 1309070

she looks like one of those angry emos that got kicked out of hot topic for cutting edge humour

No. 1309074

You got me. It’s me Tiffany. I thought I could pull the wool over your eyes but with your amazing forensic writing skills you were able to sift out the truth.

No. 1309077

You all are just too cleaver for me. I will evermore forsake my evil ways, and tell only the truth. Also Sarah is the best person I know. Now I know what you’re thinking “is this some kind of double fake out?” But no, i, Tiffany Tiberius mayes, do say of sound mind and judgment that Sarah has been the truest friend. And there’s nothing shameful about working at a tanning salon. And stop calling people retard. you’re low class.

Always keep it real friends!

No. 1309081

As long as Tiffany keeps harming and manipulating everyone around her, and continues to lie and gaslight about it, there will be something to be said. Honestly it's weirder that her/you expect people to just be ok with it. It's already been said multiple times that her episodes don't excuse her from her behavior, so the "she's schizo how dare you react" attitude here is pathetic and enabling (which- has there even been any actual proof of that diagnosis?) why do you think she has no friends irl? She's a rotten person who also happens to be extremely mentally unwell who has had to rely on creating a "palatable" (to some) internet persona where it's so much more easy to manipulate people into feeling sorry for you uwu and you fell for it. Literally nobody is angry about her just being someone who has psychotic episodes. Even psychos need accountability so why you simps so mad?

No. 1309087

You guys, I’m sorry. I lied again. I’m not really Tiffany.

No. 1309092

I’d offer you proof, but the only receipt I have is a contrite heart.

No. 1309095

She’s not gaslighting anyone? She’s having psychotic episodes, there is no intent. It’s clear all those posts are from the same incel that can’t form a rational thought, you clearly have a weird vendetta and no one cares. Go fixate on something else.

No. 1309099

Literally all she's doing is gaslighting and manipulating people. Creepy and toxic that you simps think it's normal. Once again, her mental illness are not an excuse for her behavior. She behaves equally as manipulative when she's not in an episode. So unbelievably weird how you think any dislike her for is unwarranted. Should we say it one more time for good measure? Mental illness doesn't excuse people from their actions, even the ones you simp for. I think I'll keep my fixation on the people I know who she tries to intentionally destroy with her weird vendettas, thnx.

No. 1309101

You guys, please, let’s not demonize people for fixations.
On this, a lolcow for a pseudo Internet personality.

No. 1309104

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>a lolcow for

No. 1309126

Retarded, ban-evading newfag: we can tell who you are whether you sage or not because you keep saying "simp." You're so obviously a Twitter scrote, no wonder you lack human decency. Done responding to obvious bait.

No. 1309131

you sound tech illiterate. Did tiff piss of a senile geriatric or what.

No. 1309136

You tell him! We don’t need that kind around here.

No. 1309145

your slueth skills are bad lol is that why you're so big mad? Cause you don't know who it could be lol? Why do you care if I refute and call out her lies? Haha wait lack human decency omg lol if Tiffany is your measure of decency, seeing as how you're foaming at the mouth to defend her, seek help. These sentiments shared towards her aren't unwarranted in the least. im guessing she's never harmed anyone you know or you wouldn't be trying to dictate what people should feel about her

No. 1309147

All that could easily be said about you. No one uses Tiffany as a moral compass, it’s you who is psychotically obsessed with her being a “bad person”, and therefore no one can actually critically look at the situation and empathize. You obviously have mental issues of your own. If you dislike people having opinions other than your own, why are you posting here?

No. 1309149

IMAX level projection there.

No. 1309167

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No. 1309171

Lol if I'm psychotic then I guess you don't get to critisize me. aw shucks, your rules not mine

No. 1309183

I don’t know, you guys, Tiffany seems like she’s in a really bad spot right now. Mental health wise.
I sent her $200 yesterday. Because I am my sister’s keeper. I think you could all learn from my example.

No. 1309184

I really really hope you're joking jfc

No. 1309192

You don’t know what I got out of it!
She sent me a pair of her old socks AND her retainer. Which I feel kind of bad about. because I think she needs that.(actual retard)

No. 1309207

omg sara is a tanning salon employee? isn't she a ~cancer survivor~? explains the orange leather bag skin

babe you're about to be homeless, shouldn't you be working or something?

No. 1309235

It’s literally just some pathetic incel having a conversation with himself, half saged half not lmao. Really funny to stalk her all the way back from tumblr I’m assuming, he’ll get banned eventually it’s really obvious.

No. 1309255

that screenshot was Tiffany. it was posted from the POV of her own IG account. I don't know about the other people tho

No. 1309316

could she have been hacked? i don’t think she would just post that here and without saying anything lbr

No. 1309319

This thread is wacky as fuck

No. 1309331

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No. 1309354

Ok well what the fuck I didn’t see that coming. If someone let her know about this while she’s in such a fucked up state, that’s cruel. If she’s here on her own she should just leave and save herself the confusion, no one wants bad things for her and if she’s being trafficked she needs to go directly to the police where they can find her help. She would also be sage in a hospital and can provide her safety resources, lolcow dot farm cannot do that. Glad to know Sara is not actually a stressor and that it is just sex trafficking, so she really needs to stop posting her location and family information and safely allow herself into a hospital where she can be reassured she is safe and away from any threat she perceives. I really hope she is ok.

No. 1309387

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More lies. Kaley is in a relationship and has been friends with Duncan for a long time. And Tiffany was homeless before the split, she did not live with him. Duncan is a grown man with free will. I understand that she's not perceiving reality clearly right now but these public false accusations need to stop. But hey whatever pays for college right.

No. 1309399


The fuck are these eyebrows? Can we get back to some snark here?

No. 1309415

She’s known about this thread for years, not too long ago she posted a selfie in here of her sipping a drink or something.

Also re: what she said in that cap, there’s been a few scattered comments about how her behavior does line up with that of someone who has sexual trauma or childhood trauma (even if she’s experiencing delusions!), but they’re being drowned out by people trying to further antagonize her. ‘Cause why should we try to have any sort of substantial conversation about her safety and mental state when we can just ~snark about her eyebrows~, right?

No. 1309419

Haha seriously probably the most tragic thing about her

No. 1309420

People need to just start blocking her or just stop responding. She’s not well right now. If anyone she’s making false accusations about is really that worried, save some of the “evidence” that she is not well in case anyone asks about it, and just disengage. Nobody is going to be able to tough love her out of this manic episode, or reason with her. Sucks for the ex that she’s harassing him so much but there’s not much else that can be done

No. 1309428

She literally thinks she’s being monitored and filmed 24/7 on the fucking dark web. Bitch is schizo fried. Her brain is mincemeat.

No. 1309436

>and how I am a victim


No. 1309440

Hot take: you’re not a victim tiff you’re just an idiot asshole who constantly projects

No. 1309445

She is delusional, out of her mind, right now. She probably genuinely believes what she is saying about these people, whether it’s true or not.

Besides, who is going to take her seriously when everything she’s saying sounds like a psychotic word salad? What, are you afraid these people are going to be fired from jobs or get in legal trouble over what she’s saying? Because that’s highly unlikely considering she’s obviously delusional, was just released from a psych ward and has a history of this.

I have had family and friends saying crazy shit like this about me and others and I don’t panic, defend myself and talk about what a horrible person they are. I worry for their well being and hope and pray that one day they realize that we didn’t do those things to them. So no, this is not a normal reaction.

These defensive reactions actually make her claims seem more like there may be some truth to them. They don’t make her look like a bad person like you want

No. 1309450

I’ve heard of having delusional episodes because of alcohol, so it could be that. She’s not in immediate danger and no one is antagonizing her, I thought it may be Sara because I only know about her because of the tattoos and I’m not trying to learn more characters in this tbh. I thought her texting the police would get the situation investigated because they could have probably hospitalized her. It’s easy to be annoyed with her until you realize she’s not capable of making conscious decisions right now, her denying the delusions is proof of that. I thought she was referring to past sexual abuse that involved the internet, but at least presently she’s experiencing new delusions involving sex trafficking and the dark web. She claimed it was “autism” and not anything else, and that you can experience manic and depressive episodes with that as well. Regardless of whatever label she’s comfortable with, recovery from an episode is not as quick as anyone thinks or expects, and you cannot do that on your own.

It’s very understandable if she’s afraid of hospitalization or most likely can’t comprehend it in her state, if people who were supposed to protect you failed it is nearly impossible to trust any system but it’s less permanent and damaging than any other option so I hope something allows for her to feel safe there.

No. 1309458

People are in this thread trying to antagonize her right now, what are you talking about? If she does wind up homeless or anything more dire than where she is right now these anons are going to be cheering and calling it justice served

No. 1309459

It really doesn't matter what you feel it looks like, because the truth is the truth. In one breath you say she's absolutely delusional then the next you say it seems truthful. Defensive reactions? Where her lies were called out? I don't think that word means what you think it means. are all of you just watching from the internet with your popcorn saying 'yeah shut up let her go crazy what could go wrong how dare you she's just a harmless little crazy girl' until it's your house she shows up at in the middle of the night. If she's fooled you into believing she deserves sympathy, then give it to her but it's silly to expect it here. If there is any semblance of truth to Tiffany's accusations then it should be easy enough for her to prove it. When she's accusing innocent people of things like sex trafficking or being abusive or predatory behavior those things can have actual effects in a small community. At one point she posted that Duncan was illegally recoding her and was just as bad as any of her violent abusers. Do you think everyone who saw that knows she's delusional or would know she was if the accusation got escalated since that was before her hospitalization? This madness doesn't just go away when they x out of the screen like you can.

No. 1309482

Everything you said was so predictable. She’s obviously delusional about people watching her through webcams 24/7, her mom secretly filming porn of her to sell, saying she’s like Anne Frank, etc. but when you look at her history of extreme promiscuity back to her teenage years (a sign of childhood sexual abuse), see how guys used her for sex and abused her when she was younger, see how her friends like Sara have manipulated and mistreated her, I can see how maybe she broke down because she feels like her friends and family should have protected her more from being exploited. She’s having a psychotic break, so her brain is turning that feeling of being unprotected and exploited into a paranoia that she’s being sex trafficked and everything else.

And then when people who know her irl become defensive and accuse her of being a horrible person instead of just shutting your mouth (because there’s nothing you can do to shut her up about this anyway), it makes one wonder if those who know her possibly could have had a hand in exploiting her. For example, by supporting her whoring herself out in order to feel morally superior or to get more guys to like them by being friends with an “attractive slut.”

But apparently you’re too low IQ to understand any kind of nuance and think everything has to be black and white. I don’t think Tiffany’s mom is sex trafficking her, but she shouldn’t have allowed her daughter to do these things to herself. Either Tiffany was mentally ill all along and should’ve been supervised more, or all of her self exploitation has caught up to her and caused this mental break.

And it seems like most of the people on here have more sympathy for her, while a couple people/one person who know her are the ones calling her a horrible piece of shit. If someone was having delusions accusing friends of being zombie aliens who were trying to eat them, would that make them a ~horrible person causing harm to their reputation in the “community” as well?

If she comes to your house in the middle of the night, which she’s not going to do, call the cops. I already said that I have dealt with shit like this, I didn’t act this way. You’re supposed to starve their paranoia and delusions, and you’re feeding into them.

No. 1309511

If anything, you’re feeding the delusions by justifying them. Bitch wasn’t trafficked, monitored through a webcam, or sold as child porn to the kkk or whatever the fuck she said. Stop justifying these types of accusations. It doesn’t help her, it only reaffirms.

No. 1309518

Yep. Other anon wrote a whole lot of nothing for no reaaon. I was raised by people who behave like Tiffany. Each one of you saying to shut up and let her be crazy and continue to do whatever she wants without consequence are enabling her. most people here clearly do not have sympathy for her besides the few white knights who have never met her and Tiffany herself lol

No. 1309555

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stole Tiffany’s identity and man and tiff is still mad about it so now this girl a predator too

No. 1309556

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pure narcissistic delusions

No. 1309557

Also has anyone ever noticed that tinytangerines follows literally every blog and IG tiff makes? Wouldn’t be surprised if she lurked here.

No. 1309562

Tiff, he’s moved on and is fucking somebody else. It’s over.

No. 1309591

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I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a restraining order against her. She doesn't respect his autonomy enough to believe he can make the decision to leave her on his own. She is making accusations she can't back up which is something you need to be able to do when you're making a claim. If he wanted to be with her he would be. instead he's probably checking over his shoulder everywhere he goes.

No. 1309597

Wow, this thread is clearly full of psychotic people from Tiffany's hometown with vendettas. I'm not sure you guys understand what lolcow is, take this shit to Facebook if it bothers you so much. This thread does not need to get bumped every couple hours, let it die.

No. 1309610

I’ve always considered her to be a calf, even in her pre-Tumblr days.

No. 1309630

probably because they knew each other from livejournal / wiwt. it's not that serious.

No. 1309634

Not once did she justify that lmao, can you read? You really are unable to understand nuance. The more you keep digging up things from Facebook or whatever the worse you’re making it for everyone involved. Let her stories delete themselves as she’s able to get help, she is literally not able to comprehend reality so no matter how much you want to engage with her and abuse her right now, she’s disabled. Some stupid thread or social media shot is not as important as any of the human beings involved, and Tiffany hasn’t received proper help or support in a very long time for this to happen. Those delusions don’t come out of nowhere and the record of it has been online. If you were so concerned about her claims, why would you blow them up here?

No. 1309642


Genuine question: do we even know if this is the right Kaley? How did you know this is who she's referencing? I was under the impression that these people didn't exist and were part of her delusions.

I'm wondering if the other names she talked about are also real people.

No. 1309644

Because we know these people irl

No. 1309646

And Tiffany has posted Kaleys and other's full name multiple times

No. 1309655

No one is “letting” her be crazy. How does one not let her be crazy? What consequences are you looking to impose on her? What are you gonna do, anon? Do you guys really think you’re going to post some comment on here that’s going to make her suddenly think “Hmm, you know what, you’re right?” She’s going to keep digging her heels in, y’all are just reinforcing her beliefs right now. It’s like a child throwing a tantrum, you let them fizzle out, if you scream in their face how bad they are being you’re just going to escalate things.

No. 1309666


She's been friends with Kaley since livejournal/tinyrockets days. They even used to dress up in matching outfits and go to waterparks and zoos when Tiff was with Matt. She stopped posting about Kaley for the longest time, seems like she is lashing out at everyone she's known for a long time at this point.

No. 1309669

Reading comprehension isn't you're strong point apparently. If you've read any part of the thread before that you'd realize the 'letting her be crazy' is referencing her habitually abusive behavior towards those around her. There's no one left to lend her a hand now because she's burned every bridge she has. Nothing except long term professional intervention will help her and we know that because this behavior has been repeating itself for a very long time. Idk why you have the impression this will "fizzle out" but that's not how it works. Your brain chemistry doesn't just go back to normal after a manic or psychotic episode. Did I say I was looking to impose consequences on her? Lol no. The involuntary hospitalization was a start, but obviously didn't actually have any effect. I really don't care what happens to her, but she can't expect to ever keep anyone in her life with the way she treats them. Losing someone in your life as a result of how you treat them is a consequence. She expects to do whatever she wants to people, lucid or not, with no accountability. Y'all that think ignoring her will make her go away are fucking naive.

No. 1309685

What is kaleys Instagram? Curious to ssee if Tiffany is right about her ripping off her Snow White persona.

No. 1309710

You sure told me, babe. Again, I’ll ask, how do you STOP her from this behavior and saying these things at this time? You’re not suggesting anything new or insightful by saying that she needs long term professional intervention. Duh. She’s an adult, nobody is able to force her into that unless she becomes and immediate danger to herself or others. If she does continue to harass her social circle or does it into them in person and gets violent or makes threats, then yeah, she’ll possibly finally go down that road, but as things are right now, nobody can force her.

AGAIN, how is posting angry comments about her on lolcow working out for you? Does it seem like she’s listening? Does it seem like she’s going to listen any time soon?

You seem to have misunderstood, I’m not implying that she’ll suddenly no longer be mentally ill if people ignore her. Or that her manic episode will come to a screeching halt. This could last for weeks, honestly. She seems to think that making everyone around her angry is evidence that she’s right about everything, and that she needs to keep going.

No. 1309739

You still seem confused. it has not been implied that this is a personal mission or call to arms to reform her or something. she even posted her friend dming her saying she's defaming people and needs to stop. why does someone popping in and saying 'hey this bitch is lying' make you so upset? I've responded with some of what I know, your opinions about it are irrelevant, babe.

No. 1309741

This is also happening because of a long history of real sexual abuse, and psychological abuse from others. Tiffany is not coherent enough to make a conscious decision to be abusive, she is not present in reality and you making the most ignorant comments justifying doubling down on her when she literally thinks she’s being sex trafficked on the dark web is just you rationalizing abusing someone who can’t discern between reality and a delusional extension of past abuse. None of those people cared about her enough to help her, and now she’s abusive because she’s in an episode?

If you’re the same person who said you were raised by people like this, whatever that meant, you’re projecting. She is not your parents. We’ve all pointed out the same thing that your frustration and judgement is not going to have the outcome that you want. You can have all the shitty hatred you want about people suffering episodes after abuse that was untreated, but you are wrong and are not comprehending she can’t fucking process what is going on right now, she didn’t choose it, and it’s not her fault. She’s the one in the most amount of pain right now suffering a long term severe illness, and has no comprehension of reality and the damage she is doing to her own self, and whatever else you want to claim from some dumb Instagram story. She doesn’t have the option to just control this, that doesn’t mean you get to step in and live out your sadistic fantasies and say she deserves it.

No. 1309748

You’re not understanding obviously what she is saying is not the truth, she has diminished capacity and surprise our mental health care system fails people constantly and it’s sad. They can try to sue for defamation, they would have to prove a lot of things that they can’t and it’s clear to anyone with eyes that she is suffering an episode. Any rational person would not trust those words, if it’s you she’s talking about and you’re worried about “damages” there will not be any because it’s sandwiches between her saying she is Stephen hawking and being controlled by cameras from the dark web. You’ll be fucking fine, she is not currently and will be suffering her whole life, have some perspective.

No. 1309798

being able to recognize patterns in behavior is not projection so save the armchair psychology. Enabling her-self victimization, by suggesting she is never in control of her actions, is more harmful than calling out the behavior itself. And it's ironic to claim that stating information is ignorant. Victims and survivors are not inherently incapable just because they are victims and survivors, and it's pretty problematic to suggest that. Have you ever met someone completely not in control of their thoughts and actions? She is not at that point, yet. She is at fault for her own actions, it's unreal that you think she's not. Do you know what habitual means? regular/pattern/repeating/ - not "she's abusive cause of this episode". Victims, addicts and mentally ill people are capable of abuse and absolutely still deserve to take responsibility for it - whatever that means for them and the people in their life. If you think otherwise, idk whatever I guess lol. We all seem to be in agreement that she is unwell, so if you want to coddle or enable her no one is stopping you from being her next victim

No. 1309808

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No Tiffany is just a raging narcissist like she’s always been. Kaley runs a whole ass restaurant. No time to be out whoring around or embedden her insecurities like tiff
I don’t think she has a personal insta at this point. I remember she used to run an Etsy shop and promote it on insta but it’s gone now.

No. 1309814

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Lol holy shit. Seek help you absolute train wreck

No. 1309829


No, every pale white girl with dark hair who has dressed as Snow White is clearly copying and bullying Tiffany.

Seriously tho I hope she gets help, her paranoia and super public breakdown is entertaining but also very sad. Like most cows an internet detox would do her good.

No. 1309840

No one is “enabling” jack shit, you posting anything here is just fueling her delusions. We all want it to end, and I’m sure if Tiffany was able to access the full capacity of her brain, she would too. If you want to talk about patterns, why do you keep ignoring her pattern of sexual abuse? You care about calling out her character in the middle of a delusion, the people that abused her were not delusional and this is the logical conclusion of that abuse. This is exactly what happens to people, and no one here is justifying her behavior right now, we keep having to point out to you town folk that your own behavior is not going to make the episode end any faster and you’re giving into harmful impulses. Do not fucking engage, let it go, it is not difficult unless there is truth to what she’s saying and you’re trying to control it because she’s beyond social comprehension right now. You can spam this thread until you pass out and that will only give her more reason to be afraid of you because she can’t reason right now. No one said, ever, she is “never in control of her actions”, that makes no sense. We keep saying she can’t comprehend anything right now, get over the fact that empathizing with someone who can’t communicate properly and is in a very dangerous state is more important to some people than your stupid Facebook bullshit. Again, no one has said stating information is wrong, in fact I said the fucking opposite. We know you’re not a nazi, log off. I don’t know what you think can be accomplished here, call 911. No one is in control of “coddling” her, this a thread on lolcow dot farm. Having a mental illness is episodic and that can look like a pattern, much like the pattern of you not being able to comprehend anything anyone writes to you. You do not seem to understand diminished capacity and intent if you want to keep criminalizing some random woman posting Instagram stories that make no sense. Where is your concern for her tarnishing Stephen hawking’s name, you’re enabling yourself to get angry at something you don’t understand and are literally provoking. When you do this you make yourself look guilty, if there’s nothing to worry about then stop. Stop engaging and making it more permanent by posting on this dumb thread.

No. 1309847

Why would anyone even believe there is a pattern of sexual abuse? There is clearly a pattern of lying and attention seeking.

No. 1309857

It has been posted online for over a decade and some of us watched it happen with Dave which is only one example from many. The paranoid delusions don’t come out of nowhere, her behavior has supported someone who has grown up with sexual abuse. Lying about this is extremely rare, and no one wants attention for that. So she’s not having an episode from documented abuse, she just wants attention and is so dramatic she’s about to become homeless? Make it more obvious you have something to hide.

No. 1309878

You're hyper fixating on this episode and ignoring the context of the overall message. She's here actually trying to criminalize people, so again I don't give a shit about your take on it

No. 1309888

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She was forced to date Dave guys, you don’t understand

No. 1309891

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Lurked around a little and found Kaleys Instagram. She is pretty, owns her own vegan cafe & juice bar, and seems to be doing her own thing? She probably has no idea what Tiffany is posting about her and is too busy/too successful to care. I don’t get the impression this girl “copied” anything from Tiffany. She seems happy to be doing her own thing… not envying someone sulking in a drab days inn motel posting manically online. It seems like your horse lost the race Tiff. Maybe find someone ,more your speed to try and tear down, hun. This ain’t the move.

No. 1309892

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She’s not schizo or having an ~episode~ she literally is just a very bad case of arrested development with some narcissism thrown in

No. 1309893

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Literally self diagnosed bc she knows people will take her more seriously if she presents her delusions that way, and some here have clearly fallen for it HARD.
This is how narcs operate

No. 1309895

It’s rootsdover on IG if anyone wants to check it out, it looks pretty bomb

No. 1309900

This bitch. Getting officially diagnosed would not make anyone regard her as a genius and aspergers is not a get-out-of-delusions free card. She’s really got an ego on her for having no life successes or aspirations whatsoever.

But the world is just conspiring to hold her back because she’s too beautiful and pure! everyone’s just either out to abuse her or be jealous of her then sabotage her by purposefully giving her stds and streaming her on the dark web! Kek

Girl. If you’re really so afraid of predators stop giving out all this information including and especially where you LIVE.

No. 1309901

>I don't get the impression this girl "copied" anything from Tiffany

I do get the impression that in Tiffany's manic spiral she is digging up old projected insecurities.
She's been online for a decade and never brought up Kaley before. Starts spiraling and suddenly everyone she has ever met has been a predator and purposely given her STDs because they are jelly of her aesthetic and perfectness.
Also she owns black hair and the Snow White look forever.
So now she's texting someone who is just as petty and insecure as her, and was back in hs. Stuck in hs with all the other crabs in the bucket. She's trying to project the toxic mean girl from high school persona onto others when really Tiffany was that girl all along. Complete with surrounding herself with girls who are the same and will reaffirm her pettiness leading to a dysfunctional adult that peaked in late hs/early 20's.

No. 1309903

Call the police then. Stop engaging with her here or anywhere, insulting her and others isn’t going to help you look innocent here it’s just creepy. Go to the authorities and log off.

No one cares why is this being posted, why would you want your business here. Take this town shit to Facebook. How did anyone know who this is

She said in a delusional way that she can self diagnose herself, meaning people here can’t do it, including you with your narcissism shit. A narcissist would not do this, and npd isn’t that common. So you’re telling me her claiming she’s Anne frank, is trying to focus on opening portals, is also female Stephen hawking, is also Kanye west, the dark web is puppeting and sex trafficking her, there was some kkk involvement at some point, she has been trafficked as a baby, her mom is controlling her, and her literally posting her seroquel prescription which is a heavy antipsychotic they don’t just hand out means she just has a personality disorder? And you would know? Her behavior is manic as fuck and makes absolutely no sense and everyone but you sees that

No. 1309906

Why are you taking this seriously, can you at least sage and let this stupid thread go away. Are you trying to get her to respond to you in this state? Get help

No. 1309913

She's been a narcissist the entire time she has been on the internet. That's kind of the whole reason she became a cow in the first place.
And no, I'm saying it's entirely possible to be bipolar 1 and be a narcissist at the same time.

Why are you so angry? This is hilarious, so people are going to talk about it. Thus lolcow.
I found kaley by lurking for two seconds on facebook and google. Calm down.

No. 1309914

>You can’t diagnose her, only I can!!!!!

No. 1309917

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How did you only post that and leave it in the most misleading spot? Here is the rest, where another person confirms sexual abuse. He dated her as a bet that’s what she meant. This is fucked up.

How is this hilarious

No. 1309918

No, the person who prescribed her heavy anti-psychotics can and did.

No. 1309925

Dave: is slimey creep
Dave: loses bet, "Hey Tiffany let's go out"
Tiffany: Okay
Tiffany: ….she made me date Dave.

With autism?

No. 1309988


I think she’s just sociopathic. The number one reliable sign of a sociopath is an appeal to pity by exploiting people’s good nature. It’s the only way they can continue being leeches.

No. 1310008

Shifting gears can someone explain to me why Tiffany thinks she has some weird monopoly on that scene/emo look from that time? And why people validate that? It's really not that unique to be a millennial that likes/liked Disney or to dress similar to your friends with similar tastes. I see the pics and she looks like any white emo girl I know I don't get it

No. 1310026

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One of those "right place, right moment" times, I think. She was popular on Tumblr during what I'd say was the peak of it. And being popular in that environment did spark many girls trying to replicate her style - she used to wear those ImYourPresent sweetheart earrings all the time which led to a lot of girls buying them to get a similar look to Tiffany. See >>297690 for example.

There were definite copycats back then - down to people replicating her Tumblr theme and her social media bios, her tattoos, and her poses in her selfies. I don't think anyone is legitimately copying her anymore though. Except maybe sniper_nyan kek.

I also think this was right around the time people were Photoshopping Disney princesses to look edgy and Tiffany had the cutesy/kawaii style with the Disney tattoos already combined. That, plus her "nerdiness" of liking video games and other types of media that was popular around the time appealed to both men and women alike, as well as the quirky Tumblrisms like eating pizza and whatnot, all culminated in an aesthetic that Tiffany is associated with.

If you weren't on Tumblr at the time, it was commonplace to reblog selfies of other people and this is how she became Tumblr famous. Her posts would get 20,000+ notes easily. Tiffany is conventionally attractive, wore outfits that were definitely popular on Tumblr in 2010, and she made gifs of herself which was another thing that became popular then.

It was kind of this manic pixie dream girl with a nerdy but slightly alternative Disney princess flavor she managed to sell (and I do believe there's caps somewhere of her admitting the Disney princess thing was a complete persona) to an audience that was buying. So yeah, just the right cultural moment for her to become popular and for her to be emulated in that environment.

Sara did legitimately copy her though, the tattoos alone are enough to see that.

Picrel is one of the pictures used to legitimate the IRL Disney princess thing. I remember this picture being all over Tumblr back in 2010.

No. 1310075


Saged for ot (ish) but does anyone know where ol patty sniper_nyan is these days, always liked to laugh at her tryhard shit

No. 1310108


See >>667982

Her insta is still pattu.es

No. 1310110

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POV your internet copycat’s life is turning out better than yours

No. 1310151

I guess I understand why/how she became popular online with the vapid cutesy stuff but I never got into tumblr so those metrics don't really mean anything to me. It just seems to me that her style was pretty on trend for that genre and time frame, so does she think she created that aesthetic or just that people she knew copied stuff she did? You can't throw a stick without finding a millennial girl who teased their hair and romanticized Disney princesses in the mid/late 2000s so is this just part of the delusion?

No. 1310156

You must be young kek

No. 1310175

Unfortunately I'm not it was just never something I got into

No. 1310189

Yes, she thinks anybody with a similar style must be copying her, like she invented the style or something. Her tumblr fame went to her head immediately, plus she was already a brat to begin with. As we can tell by the high school drama that's still alive and well in her brain.

No. 1310204

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I was on tumblr at the time Tiffany blew up and agree with the other anon- very much just right place, right time. There were tons of girls that had the same aesthetic as Tiffany (no she didn’t invent it) but I think she just happened to get lucky and being thin/attractive sure helps. While Tiffany did have a couple of girls (including Sara) who copied her exact look, I DO remember Tiffany behaving like a complete asshole towards many other girls and gatekeeping her aesthetic, as if she was the only girl on tumblr who liked Disney/adventure time/pizza. Then one day, she started dating Dave and she completely abandoned that persona and became a sexed up grunger.

On a side note I bought a pair of the “I’m your present” earrings and they broke within a week lmao, what a scam.

No. 1310205

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I specifically remember Tiffany’s fans going after this girl Claire Kitts and sending her anonymous hate for “copying” Tiffany (literally having black hair) lol.

No. 1310207


I remember her from back then too.

Wasn’t she also she one who showed her pussy on cam? Lol

No. 1310208

Hate it say it but Dakota Rose is another one too. No one else was doing the blonde barbie doll thing. Venus was too weird, too tall, mother always hounding her, brunette.
Kota had the look and style.

No. 1310212

Do you mean Tiffany? Dave leaked her nudes when they broke up and they showed up on Tumblr.

No. 1310235

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This is unnerving.

No. 1310425


Thanks anon!

I see her kibbe type is in her insta profile so we know how smol she is. Mid thirties and dressing like a kid, also embarrassing. Some shit never changes.

We can go back to Tiff now, appreciate the digression

No. 1310645

Nah Tiffany is the only trashy one so far

No. 1311361

if anyone is wondering what kaley insta is it’s bbmoonsugar

No. 1311413

Nice try Tiffany.

No. 1311472

Just saw the messages between her and the mom. Why would she post that it just makes look like a giant butthole. An ugly butthole

No. 1311528

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She never lived with him. Staying at someone's place often isn't living with them, it was not ever her residence. Remember when they broke up and she posted "just waited the last 5 months to move in with him" or that he was only seeing her once a week for the last few months lol also ,polygamy? didn't know they got married. What an idiot.

No. 1311536

Haha you dumb bitch

Hm maybe he broke it off because you’re a fucking nightmare Tiff, just a thought
Strong feminist who don’t need no man spiraling out of control after a breakup, I fucking can’t.

No. 1311551

Spiraling because she needs a man so badly and she thought this one was her meal ticket. She's posted a bunch of times recently how she'll exchange love for food and shelter lmfao

No. 1311556

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No. 1311576

For all of the people in this thread with the scuffed screenshots of her insta stories, you do realize there are website where you can download the actual stories in full res and anonymously?


No. 1311581

Does it bother you that much lol

No. 1311589

You might need glasses homie, all the ss so far have been fine

No. 1311598

I mean the people taking tilted screenshots doing that trick so you don't show up on the viewers list - you can literally just go to a website and download the full quality picture if you're that paranoid about Tiffany seeing that you watched her stories.

No. 1311601

Lol that's not what it is, it's holding the screen to take the ss before the story ends

No. 1311668

Nobody tilts the screenshots retard, that’s how Tiffany posts them. Use your precious link to verify if you feel the need.

No. 1311955

Is that what triggered whatever this is? I don’t follow her at all, her posting about textbook delusions is what made me interested because it’s so severe. She’s in a state of fear right now and can’t understand when she recovers from this she’ll be able to work a job and provide for herself over time, it starts with getting better professionals who can communicate with someone in this state (whatever it is). The older man she dated when she was underage, Matt I think?, got her really codependent and filled her head with that. I know she’s older, but I don’t think she’s been able to work through that properly in therapy to not let it speak for her. Her mom was really amazing in reminding her in such a kind way that she could be strong and independent, just like she is. Her texts back to her were so sweet, I’m really surprised that in such a delusional and panicked state she didn’t find more comfort in her mom listening and not even judging her. That seroquel is not working or she needs to go higher.

No. 1312085

So I could be completely wrong because this is a guess more than anything but I kind of get the impression that her mom has kept the same douchebag ‘stepfather’ around Tiffany for most of her life, before this episode she’s previously talked about him a little bit, saying he’s abused both her and her mother. That she’d ‘wish on stars’ that her bio dad would rescue them. (She was talking more physically/emotionally rather than sexually like she has been during this episode)

I’m happy her mom is able to respond to her in such a kind and patient way right now despite the things Tiff’s been saying to her, but putting her delusions aside I can see how stiff might feel like her mom failed her in that aspect by choosing her stepdad over her by not cutting him out despite how he treats them both. Aaaaand I could see how watching your own mother behave like that toward a man would fuck her up a bit when it comes to her own relationships, I think she’s missed out on a healthy father figure

I think at this point though her mom is probably all she has left so I hope they can both mend their relationship and get to a healthier place

No. 1312113

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No. 1312226

Well this is clearly all Duncan’s fault! /s

No. 1312282

Seeing Tiff push away and go off on everyone she has ever been close to used to make me think she was the problem but honestly some of this stuff she’s talked about during her manic episode, like abuse by her step father and being assaulted she’s talked about before when she was lucid and fine. People who have been through that trauma tend to be drawn to toxic people who perpetuate that trauma so I do believe a lot of people have mistreated her because of that habit. That makes me think it makes her mistrust and lash out at people in her life when she has an episode who actually haven’t done anything to her like Kaley. It’s a product of someone who’s been abused and hasn’t gotten any help.

No. 1312288

Really? Because it makes me think she's a lying psycho. She's literally accused dozens of people of abuse. I know some of these people in real life. Tiffany is a compulsive liar. I can't believe you people leave any room for debate.

No. 1312289

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No. 1312316


Well I mean it’s different when you know someone in real life and when you only watch online and I wanna give her the benefit of the doubt. A lot of what she says and does just feels like someone who’s struggling and lonely. Her posts are sad. But without knowing her all we can do is speculate.

No. 1312335

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I distinctly remember her going on an Insta story rant before about how this guy abused her as well, was racist/sexist/homophobic and was trying to baby trap her, tried to drag her by the wrist while she was blacked out to rape her or some shit. There are caps somewhere up the thread

No. 1312337

I feel like discussing her is a bit weird. She is lonely and romanticizing her past relationships because she’s heart broken and feeling betrayed by her most recent ex. Everything is a classic messy breakup, with depression, anger, romanticizing the past etc. I’m sorry but I just see this as someone depressed

No. 1312338

I just said this but its because some people will romanticize past relationships (no matter how abusive they were) after a breakup.

No. 1312339

Exactly. Her stories about these people change by the hour. Why would anyone believe a single thing she says? Those kinds of false accusations are as bad as assault itself. I don't doubt that Tiffany is sad and lonely. I couldn't care less. She's just a truly abhorrent human being.

No. 1312352

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let's not forget how she posted about the breakup before all the kkk madness, so she broke into his house in the middle of the night after they were broken up. demonize everyone around you, it's all their fault. what a darling indeed

No. 1312387


Well I mean he did let her in and let her get as far as undressing and in his bed. Maybe don’t open the door to let in your tiny depressed 100 lb ex girlfriend who’s only weapon is talking shit on her Instagram stories. That scenario just sounds a bit off.

No. 1312482

Nice attempt to control the narrative, bit what actually happened was that after a night of texting Duncan vile comments and saying she was going to kill herself to ruin his life, she showed up at Duncans house while he was gone. She proceeded to lay in his bed naked and drunk until he got home, found her and asked her to leave. She became belligerent and threatened to jump out the window, and tried running outside baked to "die alone in the woods". Duncan had friends with him and they all tried to get in touch with mental health professionals to help tiff, but there were none available to help her and they all recommended calling the police to help deal with the crisis (they were trained for the situation). She was not arrested, she was brought to the hospital for help.

No. 1312483

So who are you exactly? Because you know a lot more then what she said

No. 1312488

Lol clearly there are multiple people here that have already said we know these people

No. 1312490

Haha awwww your sad tiny little ex gf uwu she's just smol and cute of course let her in she's not crazy at all lmfao

No. 1312499

Hilarious. Tiffany has never been lucid, just more “tame” on social media.

No. 1312519

why is she talking about him like he died lmao

No. 1312522

it’s rootsdover her work acct
and bbmoonsugar her personal acct
also does anyone know how to view a private Instagram without having to follow someone?

No. 1312576

I’m genuinely curious what she did that made Duncan break up w her

No. 1312578

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bbmoonsugar is Tiffany, she is trying to bait anons here into following that account so she can see exactly who lurks here. Tiffanys TikTok is also bbmoonsugar. It isn’t Kaley.

No. 1312594

A. Cheating
B. Lying
C. Acting a fool while drunk
D. Acting a fool while sober
E. All of the above

There is no wrong answer.

No. 1312599

he probably started to realize how lifesuckingly codependent she is and what a living hell she would make his life long term

No. 1312602

Cheating when? While with Duncan? And when reading her stories about how Duncan didn’t like how much she posted about her ex, I actually agree with Duncan there

No. 1312605

I can’t confirm, but since she cheats like her life depends on it I thought it would be a plausible answer. I’m more inclined to agree with the anon though who said he probably ditched her because she’s so lifesuckingly codependent. Either way, good thing he backed out before putting a ring on it.

No. 1312660

don't know for sure about any cheating but there was the drama when the first broke up about them needing STD tests, which wouldn't be shocking since she gives everyone stds. first and foremost she's a pathological liar and always has been. She went on a tangent about him having cameras in his room, makes me think she tried to lie about something he caught her. I don't know what Duncan is like as a partner, but I know he's not a cruel or malicious person and anyone that's met him can attest to that. So when she talks about him exploiting her bi polar or enjoying watching her get removed from his house it's clearly an effort to demonize him and victimize herself, along with the fact that her version of the story has already changed 200 times.

She used to post that her ex husband (the one she's been posting about) essentially how he abused her and tried to force her to have kids and would force himself on her etc. From what I understand from her posts,she passed on HIV/AIDS to him (but I guess didn't contract it herself?) and he died. So definitely understandable why Duncan would have felt weird about all of it.

She's going to keep lying and inventing new lies to get sympathy, but isn't it strange how she can't prove one single thing she says?

No. 1312665

That’s the whole reason why people who were her friends irl are hesitant to reach out and help her, because all she does is lie and spread serious accusations. People care about her but don’t want to be labeled a predator on the internet. Granted, nothing she says holds any water, but this is the internet and some people believe anything they read. She’s destroying herself because she can’t keep other people’s names out of her filthy mouth.

No. 1312672


Hol’ up, you’re saying she man-slaughtered her ex-husband?

No. 1312686

He’s not dead. I just googled his name and found his Instagram with the last post being august 14. It looks like he also has a girlfriend/fiancée/something of the sort. Idk why she is choosing to word it like that

No. 1312699

Idk then that's definitely what her posts made it seem like. Who did you search?

No. 1312703

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NTA but definitely Madison, definitely alive, definitely married.

No. 1312745

Wtf why she keep talking like he's dead??

No. 1312749

I genuinely feel bad that she's struggling and that she ever had to experience the things she did that hurt her mental health so badly. sorry to see it causing her to continue to feel so alone like a self fulfilling prophecy. trauma can do that and seems like she's caught up in a terrible cycle right now. i hope that she can find the strength to make decisions that will invite more happiness and supportive relationships into her life, whatever that means for her. hard to see someone so unhappy.

No. 1312751


yes, this. absolutely this. It's a cycle and I think she has seen so much of this that it's possible that the distrust extends to every relationship in her life at this point.

i can't speculate on the reality of her relationships but generally speaking the feelings/reactions she has are absolutely not uncommon or unreasonable given her experiences. just goes to show how tough it is to be in that position and how difficult it is to break out of.

No. 1312765

Have you not read the thread? That's easy to say when you haven't been a victim of hers firsthand. So many of us have experienced trauma and also experience mental instability without treating others as disgustingly as she does. I can't say what did or didn't happen to her in her childhood, but she literally accuses every single person in her life of abuse or being predatory, especially once she's fucked them over - it's a great way to try to absolve yourself with victimhood and gain sympathy. If you lose everyone in your life, you're the problem. No amount of trauma gives you the green light to be horrible to other people.

No. 1312769

Absolutely 100% this. Yeah it’s sad that she’s so lonely and miserable and blah blah blah but instead of her getting help, she decides to accuse people of unspeakable things on the internet like it’s her own personal diary. One of these days she’s going to fuck with the wrong person and get into some real legal trouble. These are people’s lives and she’s playing with. If she actually cared about getting better instead of playing victim, she’d get professional help.

No. 1312771

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Wait is she saying she thought he was dead and just found out here he's alive lmao wtf? She was going around just assuming her ex husband was dead or? This is too wild. glad to see she cares sooo much about another man she publicly accused of horribly mistreating her. Come on guys why didn't you tell her sooner it's our responsibility lol

No. 1312772

She’s full of it. Her whole life is online. She stalks her lolcow and you expect me to believe she doesn’t stalk her ex husband’s social? foh Tiff

No. 1312774

Yeah if an anon pulled it up in 5 secs theres no way I believe she just randomly thought he was dead with nothing to confirm it lmao more attention seeking per usual

No. 1312794

That’s really cool that they tried to find her professional mental help, and unfortunate the emergency care couldn’t commit her for saying she was going to kill herself. I’m really sorry to hear that he and his roommates went through that, and also that Tiffany is going through this/has been going through this and hasn’t received help. I really do not think her medication is working or the right combination, or that she has a good support system. Psych wards aren’t great but they can definitely be what you make of them and a good opportunity to change medications, and be in an environment without the same stressors or at least social media. I know state laws vary but I am pretty positive if someone said they are going to kill themselves, make a threat to do that which involves the “if you don’t ___ I will ___” statement about it, and shows up incapacitated and sexual harasses someone, the police can easily commit someone. She likely needs heavier medication, and obviously long term trauma work which is overwhelming to organize with things being shit down from the pandemic or not taking new clients. The hospital is legally supposed to organize that and the state should follow up in some way, really strange she got none of that. The mental health care system is fucking bad but I have a feeling a heavier medication will help. It seems like people in that town are actually trying to help and care, I’m really sorry all of you are going through this and hope what she’s going through gets taken more seriously by professionals who can actually help.

No. 1312864


it's not a green light, you're right. she needs to make a decision to change her behavior pattern and handle it in a way that's healthier for herself and those around her. it's out of control.

No. 1312869

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She mentioned his wife, Pearl Rubin, literally 20 days ago thanking her for her services. How many times is she going to contradict herself and act as if she didn’t know he was already married or alive?!

No. 1312878

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dude wtf

No. 1312931

Kind of feel like she’s trolling but who knows anymore with her

No. 1313079

I feel bad for her I have wanted to reach out. I’m also too nervous because she might just turn it into me being a predator. Tiffany stop accusing everyone of things they didn’t do. Start realizing people feel emotions too.(do not touch the poo)

No. 1313693

Nah she’s not romanticizing shit, she’s attempting to manipulate people, as usual.
She’s mad that Duncan broke up so she’s hyping up her exes.
How is no one else seeing this? Some of you are blinded by her “condition” which is exactly what she wants.

No. 1313696


No bbmoonsugar on Instagram is Kaley. Her work insta and her friends who post pics with her tag her with that one. Looks like this time Tiff copied Kaley and made it her TikTok username. Kinda weird considering she says Kaley copied her so much.

No. 1313844

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Kaley put Snow White on one of her restaurants posts. Clearly trying to steal Tiff’s identity. The audacity of this bitch.

No. 1313895

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false accusations do not = free speech you sociopathic fucking lunatic. talk about not learning anything from your actions. mental illness/"disability" is no excuse or pass to abuse others. so desperate to be the victim, always. her life isn't hard because she's "disabled" her life sucks because she's a manipulative insecure bitch who will say or do anything to garner sympathy and maintain a victim standpoint. Her situation is karma served. 'p.s.a' she is not the victim of this situation. A breakup is not abuse, she is not being abused. she needs to be able to prove horrendous accusations like this, and I genuinely hope all this crying wolf bites her in the ass. no one is stopping you from saying anything tiff, you're being asked to stop lying through your donkey teeth. that's not how free speech works anyway dumb cunt.

No. 1313979

This. Anon… I think I love you.

No. 1314002

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Tiffany also set bbmoonsugar as her Twitter handle for a bit when she was having that meltdown the other day.

She loves to cry about copycats but the girl is just a hodgepodge of copying different styles herself.

No. 1314011

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Hahaha wow tiff.

How are you going to claim to be ill and parade that all over the internet to get victim points while also viewing taking your meds and getting the appropriate treatment for that illness as being silenced from flinging accusations?

No. 1314163

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This is on her story right now. It’s basically a self report.

You cannot talk shit about your mom to “S”, have them defend and support you (as friends tend to do) and then turn around and try to say “S” turned you against your own mom.

No. 1314177

Hey tiff, how about deleting the public post on Facebook accusing your mom of encouraging you to commit suicide.

No. 1314265

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Guessing this is now her going “Teehee, oopsie, did I do all that?”

No. 1314295

what the fuck? RP all you want but she’s fucking with real people and their real lives, or at least trying to.

imagine abusing everyone in your life and calling it ‘art’ on the internet.

No. 1314350

almost like this thread didn't predict that's exactly what she would do. I guess between the drinking and mania she forgot that she specifically mentioned people by name, and it can be proven that it's not coincidence. so now her only defense is durrrrr I got called out so btw I was accusing fake people who are actually real people I named specifically, of horrendous crimes against me lol as if that's not an even more obvious sign of guilt, that's literally admitting she was lying in the first place.

that's not a pass to continue lying about real people, Tiffany. Neither will declaring yourself a journalist lol what a fucking joke. The karmic consequences you've been dealt aren't enough for you to realize how fucking wrong you actually are for being such a disgusting person? No? Living in a motel, getting dumped, arrested,with no friends or family or means to support yourself is just proof that you've been right all along eh? you were already knees deep into your 'episode' before your 'peers' knew anything about it. What will it actually take for you to ever take accountability for once in your life? Oh wait, that would mean she's not the victim anymore and how else could she survive without feeding on the fruits of her manipulation.

No. 1314375

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guyssssss why do you want me to stop lying guys stopppppp trying to make me be accountable I should be able to publicly falsely accuse anyone of anything I want I'm just a poor little sociopath uwu who does she think she is manipulating? We see your lies, you make them public on purpose, what do you actually expect? how much correction will it take for her to understand that's not how free speech works? Worse than a fucking republican with that self absolving uneducated ranting.

No. 1314415

She wasn’t actually arrested, they took her to the hospital. She just likes to say she was arrested for being a sexy little sicky-poo uwu

No. 1314417

Yeahhhh tiff, spewing unfounded pedo and abuse accusations on an app isn’t free speech lmao.

Notice she stopped naming names because she knows it’s not free speech. It’s public, written evidence they can accumulate the more she posts names.
But she’s over here claiming free speech. If your fight is so honest and the accusations so true, why don’t you stick to your guns and keep throwing names out? Fucking pussy.

No. 1314419

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In case of bahlete

No. 1314436

Yeah this I’m not understanding. She posted a screenshot of one of my comments here >>1313895 and that’s a solid take where she can access support to help substantiate these claims or access reality without these delusions. If she’s able to be lucid enough to claim all of that was “an artistic statement”, which is disgusting, she’s lucid enough to start to realize how far gone she is and get in emergency care, or at the very least stop fucking posting and acknowledge you’re having an episode. I don’t understand how she finally admits she’s having an episode after denying it literally up until this point? And if you’re lucid you wouldn’t question why your shit almost got deleted, you’d feel horrible that anything like that happened and scared that it did? It wasn’t like a few stories or a post or whatever, it’s been going strong for a while. I know it’s not going to be like she’s lucid immediately, but I would assume she would at least show more of a range of emotion if she’s still posting every single thing that comes to mind.

That statement is really tripping me up. If it’s because of some lawsuit bs, the claims would have to be proven false. She wouldn’t have to put up that nonsense “disclaimer” if they were true. How can she think she needs a “disclaimer”, like that will do anything to protect her anyways, but not maybe stronger medication to get to a normal baseline or professionals to work with? Does she believe these things are true or not?

No. 1314464

Yeah I noticed there was nothing in the arrest log, weird how the truth works

No. 1314476

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Fixed it

No. 1314478


Just leaving these here as a reminder of what Tiffany claims Grey did to her. The guy she is now hyping up since Duncan broke up. It's already established that Duncan disliked her posting about her exes so she knows it would piss him off.

No. 1314480

My guess is that she's completely lucid and using mental illness and possible past abuse (by more than likely, a single person or a very small amount of people) as an excuse and, as we are seeing now, a cover for her manipulative narc bullshit she has always done. The difference being she is now actually facing consequences for it since no one will put up with it anymore and her reputation is out there for everyone to see.

No. 1314686

Well no there is no fucking way in hell she is lucid and always has been, she’s prescribed fucking seroquel and has been posting the most unflattering and outlandish things. She’s also been through abuse by multiple people that has also been out for a while. Idk why you keep trying to change reality so you can insult her more, pointing out her obvious episodes and our memory of what people have done to her isn’t defending her. It’s not black and white and people have treated her in gross overly sexual ways probably since she was a kid, a lot of women go through that and develop mental illness like this. It’s unfortunately not uncommon and because of the internet more people had access to her, people like Dave.

Does she ever not post like this?

No. 1314701

No way in hell huh? Lmao Being on Seroquel doesn't mean you're incapable of being lucid or never lucid. It's prescribed for bipolar among other disorders, I know plenty of people prescribed Seroquel who also have the ability to be lucid. WHY do you think ANY of those alleged things allows or excuses her to treat people the way she does? Why? Being abused will never give you a pass to abuse others, how have you not at least learned that basic fact by now? She is the ONLY one attempting to change reality and you're grossly naive if she's led you to believe otherwise. Bringing up anything at all that may or may not have happened to her in the past is 100% irrelevant. Entirely irrelevant. Do you think for some reason she's the only person whose ever experienced trauma? Any disorders she has do not excuse her abuse towards others. How many times does it have to be said? She probably wouldn't be getting "insulted" if she wasn't making disgusting public false accusations and acting as if her "episode" never happened and gaslighting her internet audience into thinking she's a helpless innocent victim yet again. People who say or do horrible things during manic or psychotic episodes tend to typically feel regret and remorse for how they've effected people, not dig their heels in further afterwards and try to cover their ass by saying it was all "art". That's pure intentional manipulation, and she's been doing it for a very long time. As long as she continues to lie and abuse others she will continue to face the consequences.

No. 1314820

I made it clear I do not at all excuse any of her abuse, never have. You keep misinterpreting.

I’m aware seroquel can be prescribed for other things, she has stated her diagnosis and is showing every sign of being in an episode and has been out of control. I’m not arguing with you about some random person having a bipolar episode who is not receiving adequate help that you want to claim is perfectly lucid just so you can insult them. She was just committed. She is making no fucking sense, I don’t know if you’re from her town or whatever but let it go you’re arguing about a mental patient.

No. 1314823

Yup yup, speaking as someone who’s had to cut contact with a bipolar parent, it sucks and is sad to see someone spiral but once they start pulling shit like this, the people around them are absolutely allowed to tell them to knock it off and seek help.

She needs to change a lot of her habits and choices right now in order to help herself not get to this point. Like, having guys ghost + dump you for another girl is shit, but it’s a possibility when dating. If you date at all, you’re possibly going to get hurt. If she reacts like this to run of the mill fuckboy behavior, then she shouldn’t be fucking dating! She’s not healthy enough for it right now.

No. 1314930

Actually no, you didn't make it clear. You used those as excuses for her behavior and as reasons to just leave her alone or let it go, so she can continue the cycle of behavior with no remorse. I never once said she is constantly lucid. However,she is not constantly out of control of her words and actions either. So what's the excuse for when she treats people this way when she is lucid? Because she does, and always has she just hides it better. Which is why none of what you mentioned is relevant. If she's a random person to you why the fuck do you think you can argue with me about her? Why do you think you know anything at all? Your last statement literally implies that we shouldn't care about any of it just because she's a 'mental patient. Next time you or someone you know is falsely accused of being a pedophile or abuser repeatedly and publicly by someone who's spent their life manipulating people, you can handle it however you feel like sound good?

No. 1314941

I would have to hear from him as to exactly why he ended things but she created that impression of him out of spite. Ironically he's probably one of the few men that would ever actually treat her right. I'm still wondering how she was able to even fool him into liking her in the first place.

No. 1315064

Who are you to her then?

No. 1315072

That’s true. It could also be that he decided he just wasn’t equipped to be with someone who is bipolar…or more specifically be her caretaker, since that’s apparently why Tiffany wants to lock down a guy so badly.

Which, btw Tiffany, people are allowed to back away from you if they realize they can’t handle that. Yes it’s going to hurt but it’s not abuse. You going nuclear on him most likely made him realize he made the right decision. Living with someone who refuses to take any responsibility for their mental illness is hell.

No. 1315236

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what will it take for this retard to understand what free speech is and how it's applied. tiff, it doesn't protect making false accusations on social media lol. keep showing off how utterly fucking clueless you are if you want to. you really don't learn. you want to now antagonize the people you've been falsely accusing? i can't wait to watch you eat street justice. hilarious that you think you're a journalist though, you're almost too stupid to insult.

No. 1315245

Not once have I condoned her behavior, like others I’ve had compassion for her past that she hasn’t gotten help for which is separate. She probably doesn’t know how bad this is or have an ability to, that’s it. That doesn’t “make it ok” or that there shouldn’t be consequences, she’s delusional and will be on medication and in psychiatric care her whole life, people are allowed to have empathy for that and still not be condoning how she behaves when she’s incapable of perceiving reality. I’ve been adamant her best option is to self admit to hospitalization and have tried to appeal to her reasoning so that she would feel more safe, there’s way too many things she shouldn’t be in control of right now and we all agree on that, she’s not understanding it’s in her best interest and will only help to cooperate and affirm things with professionals. The other problem is that she has been in contact with the police and psych ward and it’s their responsibility. She’s making 90 thousand posts a day and saying the most outlandish things while watching this thread, the outrage will not reach her in a productive way for you. The fact that the police have texts from her alleging abuse that are written incoherently and nothing resulted from that is an obvious failure of the system and that’s only one instance that people with the ability to help failed her and unfortunately that happens a lot with women and it’s a very fucked up reality. She may not be able to come back from this fully either, I’m really fucking upset the hospital didn’t keep her there longer than a day with what she was saying and doing with that guy, didn’t set her up with something, transfer her to a day program, etc. and expected her to be safe on her own with medication that didn’t work previously, and with the lack of support in the environment where this happened in the first place.

No. 1315273

She doesn't have the capacity to know it's bad??? Holy shit the enabling here just shows that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. She is not constantly in an episode, and otherwise entirely has the ability to know that what she's doing is wrong. That was undeniably proven when she started to try to cover her tracks with the "hehe jk I'm a journalist it was all coincidence" bullshit. Again, she is not constantly in a state of not being able to perceive reality, and you keep inferring that this behavior is isolated episodes of mania etc when it's been repeatedly specified that it's not. You desperately lack reading comprehension. If you care so much and feel so much empathy for her and think you really understand what's going on, then reach out to her or something, because your opinion on the matter means nothing to me.

No. 1315302

It’s not enabling, her brain is fucking fried and that weird journalist shit was nonsense, I doubt that was clarity that’s what a child

No. 1315330

How is it enabling when I’m confirming she needs to be hospitalized immediately and that she shouldn’t have been let go the first time without being transferred to an extended day program to handle her medication, therapy, and interaction instead of anything online, and that I blame the police for having evidence this woman needs help (both on record in her own texts, and when she was picked up talking about suicide and other things you can get immediately committed for just verbalizing) and not seriously investigating to get her safe, and by extension the community safe. People do not just go back to normal immediately from these episodes, my focus isn’t exactly on nitpicking her character right now. How the fuck is that enabling just because I’m not speaking about her with vitriol? No one here has the power to enable her at all, this is an anonymous message board, no one has the power to facilitate anything for her period. She shouldn’t be drinking on that medication in her mom’s hotel room, I don’t know how she’s getting it but I’m assuming her mother is providing alcohol or at least a place to sabotage herself when she just got out of the hospital and that’s actual enabling. If she posted on Facebook that her “mom encouraged her to commit suicide” her mom is aware she is that far gone on social media and isn’t making it conditional so she can keep living there. That’s actual enabling. Stop trying to falsely accuse me of enabling, I have repeatedly said she is in the wrong she just doesn’t have the option to snap out of it and needs emergency care.
She’s proven she has no comprehension of rational thought, and like I said the longer this goes without proper treatment the longer it will take to treat her and she may never be herself again. I have in fact lost someone to that, so yes my comments are focused on her getting real long-term help and sobriety, not about social media or how much you hate her for developing severe mental illness from never receiving proper psychiatric care.

Is that someone from your town threatening a woman who needs hospitalization and rehabilitation with “street justice”? She’ll be homeless soon enough and you can cheer it on, would that help your rage? Were you the one who said she was “lying and attention seeking” right before she posted another girl confirming Dave’s sexual abuse of her, Tiffany, and other girls who were underage? That got ignored really fast and he’s an actual informed abuser and predator, wonder what contributed to her having these episodes.

No. 1315347

just wanted to let you know I didn't read any of that lol

No. 1315365

File: 1630736809727.jpeg (307.13 KB, 828x1472, 78BBCBB2-F2EA-4C0E-9E81-A1E0C8…)

hey Tiffany

No. 1315367

thx for reminding us of our right to document this shitshow

No. 1315582


Tiffany-enablers are scarier than Tiffany herself.

These are the same type of people who try to say that Ted Bundy was just misunderstood or some shit, all because they’re thirsty for him.

No. 1315710

she's not this damsel in distress that you're trying to portray her to be lmfao. You keep trying to insist that she is helpless and out if control and that's exactly what she wants you to think, so congratulations on being a gullible idiot

No. 1315739

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Does she genuinely think she is or ever was "famous"? Lmaoooooo

No. 1315834

File: 1630791654358.jpeg (659.04 KB, 828x1432, A8D953C5-FE27-454A-9CE2-5D339B…)

yes she really thinks so

who does she think used her for “fame”? outside of this thread, and the people she’s continually fucking over, no one knows who she is. or maybe she IS famous for this shit in her small town?

No. 1316022

You guys are fucking psychotic in your hatred lmao, it’s honestly uncomfortable reading your posts. Did she hurt you personally? Who are you people?
Just want to say that i read and agree with your posts anon, and you are both reasonable and composed. I guess tiffany hurt these other anons personally. Blind rage, smh.

No. 1316358

Blind rage? it's like you haven't been paying attention at all but whatever lol.

No. 1316363

absolutely wild how she says this is an artistic form of expression when she is outright using people's names at times and giving specific details about their life. i understand wanting to express emotions but this is better written in a private journal to get her feelings out. this is doing nothing but causing her more problems. unfortunate.

and i do agree with the person here who asserted that a lot of this is the failure of the healthcare system. unfortunate that no one set her up with a long term care plan. i hope she finds peace.

No. 1316367

The only thing I've ever known her for is being a horrible, and that's her reputation here. I never used tumblr, but being "tumblr famous" seems to be akin to a modern day wannabe Instagram influencer, which most influencers with a substantial amount of followers still aren't "famous" lol. When you Google her / starpowerrr nothing fame worthy comes up. I've seen her mention being famous a bunch of times and it's hilarious

No. 1316381

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more gaslighting. for the last time Tiffany, repeatedly making horrendous false accusations and naming people specifically is not, and will never be, a protected form of speech. What you've done is not "creative writing", we all know it and it can be proven. So just fucking stop? Nobody cares about your feelings or how you express them. They care about the disgusting libel and slander. Hurt feelings after a breakup gives you no right. Don't fucking try to ruin people's lives to gain sympathy from the internet, and then act shocked when it's not received well.

Tiffany: falsely uses local peers of abuse and pedophilia

Locals: wtf? don't fucking lie about that. Lying about that shit has consequences

Tiffany: keeps lying

Locals: ok cool I hope you get what you deserve then

Tiffany: omg nooo it was all art help internet I'm so scared and helpless I always apologize when I do something wrong

No. 1316436

>release emotions safely

Get a fucking notebook? Posting lies that could ruin someone else’s life isn’t “safe”.

No. 1316447

She posted a picture of her with a Star of David and that Kaley chick with a Nazi armband, repeatedly announced that her last ex possibly has STD’s, confessed her love for her ex husband who is now married to someone else, tried to get her mom arrested while at her job for ‘trafficking’ her, accused her dad of sexually abusing her, posted pictures of her bits and pieces to Instagram with no consideration that people may have not wanted or consented to seeing, what else am I missing? That’s “creative writing”?

No. 1316484


and then i recall she posted a private message where someone told her the nazi imagery was inappropriate. but then didn't take it down?

posting peoples messages without their consent isn't right either.

No. 1316559

Omg I’m not saying she’s helpless I’m saying her brain is fucking fried, she’s 100% wrong and I’m trying to save your energy trying to get through to her in this state. The police and hospital did not do their jobs and internet opinions won’t stabilize her so you can get your point across.

You’re comparing serial rapist and murderer Ted bundy to a mentally ill woman posting dumb bullshit no one else would care about otherwise. Fuck your whole town.

No. 1316574

Tiffany you can’t ghost someone into having a mental breakdown and people voluntarily hospitalize themselves all the time with generally good mental health just so they can work on certain things, including past trauma they haven’t had a chance to address. Being proactive able mental health and being in a hospital, voluntarily or otherwise, doesn’t make you “look psycho” because the point of being there is stability. People also frequently go there to get away from their abusers so they can form a safety plan with professionals. The more time you spend working with professionals who can lend credibility to what you’re saying that is actually true and you won’t be destroying yourself against your best interest. If you further stigmatize whatever mental health care the states does have, not even the most compassionate people to what you suffer from will help and that’s all there is.

Has there been an update with what her mom is doing? She seemed to be aware of her delusional state and was almost homeless, she needs to be in a fucking program. Her posts getting reported is all that she reacted to and it’s fucked up. People with worse problems have far less support than she does and she needs to be grateful for it and take every opportunity to rehabilitate that she has.

No. 1316634

Other than her saying “Mom and I are good now”, I don’t think there’s been any further update. From what I can tell she’s gonna stay in her hotel room for the time being, maybe that’s all the help her mom’s able to provide right now, giving her housing. If she straight up broke into that Duncan guy’s house and threatened suicide, and didn’t get committed for a longer period of time, idk what else needs to happen unfortunately. I really hope for her sake she does it voluntarily, and that her parents might be able to help her along in that

No. 1316639

Other than her saying “Mom and I are good now”, I don’t think there’s been any further update. From what I can tell she’s gonna stay in her hotel room for the time being, maybe that’s all the help her mom’s able to provide right now, giving her housing. If she straight up broke into that Duncan guy’s house and threatened suicide, and didn’t get committed for a longer period of time, idk what else needs to happen unfortunately. I really hope for her sake she does it voluntarily, and that her parents might be able to help her along in that

No. 1317751

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she belongs in the ridiculous photoshoppers thread

No. 1317753

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men leave her because they feel emasculated by her, not because of… all this (gesturing around the thread)

No. 1317755

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the most needy woman alive needs multiple men to sustain her. also did she mention women are evil?

No. 1317784

Just caught up on all the unsaged townie nonsense in this thread. Good Lord, as sick as she is she's honestly correct in at least the paranoia about people being out to get her. You know you can tell anyone who asks about this person's accusations about you that she's possibly schizophrenic and manic and making it up and they'll probably believe you, right? You don't have to come trash her on lolcow daily.

No. 1317943

Apparently you're not caught up at all if somehow you're left with the impression that anyone is 'out to get her' lmfao. Paranoia? About the consequences of your own actions maybe. Not one single bit of this was bred from anyone besides Tiffany. You are somehow surprised that people are upset about these types of false accusations and just downright disgusting behavior? Lol. She's obviously got you fooled along with a few others here that she's been able to convice that she's just a sad little innocent psycho. She's exactly the type of person that makes people not believe women's stories of actual abuse. It's the fact that she's attempting it in the first place. As long as she keeps posting lies she'll keep getting trashed and refuted. Be mad about it if you want but idc.

No. 1317944

Lmaoooo not the same girl who made many posts trying to slut shame poly people? What happened I thought she 'respected herself' more than that lmao

No. 1317949

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"too good to share" hahaha bitch how many STDs have you passed around? You're the definition "shared". but right you're poly now that you don't have to be threatened at the existence of other women around your bf lol

No. 1317953

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same girl kek

also why is this thread on auto-sage?

No. 1317956

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No. 1317981

who is Tiffany Greycosm?

No. 1317982

I feel like Tiffany should have gone into professional sugarbabying instead of “art”

She could even keep her ironic feminist persona

No. 1318008


Think she means she’s too good to share her ex with other women, not that she’s too good to not have multiple concurrent partners

No. 1318018


I agree, she could give them the “girlfriend experience” since she’s good at lying, see multiple dudes, and everyone would be aware that the arrangement is for financial benefit on her end. Win/win for all parties involved.

No. 1318072

Because of the onslaught of obvious samefagging and lack of saging. No milk here at all, just locals airing their personal grievances about someone lolcow largely forgot about.

No. 1318287

Nah she made multiple posts about how she's terrified of STDs and only wanted one partner and how could anyone ever want more than one blah blah

No. 1318618

damn wasn’t she the one cheating on everyone and spreading STDs?

not very kawaii of you Tiff

No. 1321109

So I came across this forum, I guess I followed Tiff. Ironically enough, this Sara girl, was a freak. Randomly met her through a mutual friend, couple nights after, she let me and my boys GB. Looking for where I can find some nudes/videos of her.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1322760

Instagram purged, so much for “free speech”

No. 1327687

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No. 1327688

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No. 1333659

that actually makes perfect sense why she feels that way, and thank you for posting these so we know she’s alive. i really want her to find real support for what she experiences, and i’m very happy that she’s not letting anyone convince her that she should hate herself for what she suffers from. i really hope she contacts the support she was given that’s more community based rather than institutional, so it’s other people managing their health that she can learn from and feel safe with. people are shitty and ghost, and that shouldn’t take anything away from her progress, no one’s actions should and having a support system that can accommodate that is crucial. there’s also hotlines too that are surprisingly helpful and supportive, it’s more effective to hear a human voice than text.

No. 1337370

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No. 1337371

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No. 1337372

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No. 1343995

so im assuming the whole "works of fiction" applies to all the lies she spouted on her socials and is just a way to avoid being sued?

No. 1346243

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Not Tiffany smearing her menstrual blood all over herself? Girl. Get. Help!!

No. 1349641

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Sara is “moving on” and Tiffany seems to have purged her accounts

No. 1349642

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No. 1349643

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No. 1349645

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No. 1368950

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Tiffany is pretty but this was my favourite era of her I miss her style like this so much(necro)

No. 1380454

File: 1638362210625.jpeg (536.26 KB, 1640x1797, 0C074F20-CFB0-4C1D-9E0A-0D56FD…)

Nothing like blaming everyone but yourself for your behavior. It’s not someone else’s responsibility to anchor you when every time someone tried to intervene, you accused them of being pedos abusers and spies. If you truly believe someone needs to walk you through your episode, you belong in a facility where that is their JOB. It’s not your SO’s, friends, or loved ones job to manage your episode to the extent you are saying. It’s not your followers job either. How can you expect anyone of them to reach out when you’ve accused Sara, Nikkol, Duncan, and even your mom of horrendous things when they messaged you to reach out? Take accountability and if you really think you need someone to work through your episode get professional help when you feel something coming on.

No. 1380455

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No. 1383198

Haha holy shit. If you want the benefits of having one, maybe don’t alienate and be a raging bitch to your entire support system?

The deflection is the cherry on top.
Being mentally unwell is not an excuse for being a vile piece of shit. The only person with an absolute obligation to take care of you is yourself.

The ending is rich coming from her. It’s clear she just wants someone she can walk all over, who will never get tired of putting up with her bullshit.

Oh but, she would totally do the same for them. Totally.

No. 1383439

Wasn’t her mom trying to fill this role. It didn’t turn out good for her.

No. 1485861

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She look very healthy

No. 1485877

Don’t just drop this and not include her current handle

No. 1485904

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current handle

No. 1485938

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No. 1490535

Eh honestly you guys like I follow her on ig and she’s going through it. Why keep posting updates and whatnot .. like it’s cruel she’s obviously going through it >.> be nicer

No. 1491440

She's probably insane from bedbug bites from living in a motel. It's sad really. I'm sure she's done some awful terrible things to people in her wake but her life is seriously fucked.

No. 1491560

File: 1649012151749.jpeg (111.86 KB, 828x1413, EEFEE7CD-EB05-4B7E-8EC7-D70560…)

she is holed up in a motel room doing drugs and aggravating her cat for her own amusement. she should be nicer, not us.

No. 1491562

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No. 1491563

it’s clear she’s incredibly unwell. said she’s been to the hospital maybe twice in the last 2 weeks but they keep discharging (?!) because she keeps ending up holed up in that room.

it’s hard to watch i hope she can stabilize herself soon.

No. 1491818


I really don't like the way she's been treating her cat. I hope there's a way to make sure the cat is with someone stable enough to not dump water on it

No. 1491873

Lol another bleeding heart idiot white knight on a bullying and shit-talking forum

No. 1492168

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No. 1492488

File: 1649099022057.jpeg (166.81 KB, 1640x1305, 59CADB78-433F-4E4D-B42B-7A92F9…)

Someone disconnect this girls Wi-Fi omg

No. 1492504

I saw it and she posted something that looks like scat on an ig reel labeled "handjob". Is she just drunk and mentally ill or is she on hard drugs?

No. 1492533

All of the above. Guess she still bumming it in the hotel room her mom helps her with. I wonder if she has to go in there and clean up all her trash etc

No. 1492535

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No. 1492536

my bad I meant to sage

No. 1492541

it was chocolate cake, not poop thankfully

No. 1492546

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No. 1492548

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No. 1492556

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is she without pants in public?

No. 1492596

Thirst posting to get dicks hard is how to fix your life and self esteem, ladies. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

No. 1492599

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No. 1492691

Girl ur the loser on here hate posting abt a lady who was tumblr famous a decade ago … like I know you’re not a pretty girl probably some loser freak with a humongous chin who’s jealous and seething lmfaooooo ugly

No. 1492764

Yeh I am totally jealous of this alcoholic trainwreck living in a hotel room who needs to take her pills, you sound 12

No. 1492769

Mommy just needs to get her into a rehab before she really gets herself into some shit texting these randos

No. 1492848

This thread is autosaged and the only people commenting are coming here intentionally kek. I was a follower since her Livejournal days and it's unfortunate to see her spiraling out like this.
I feel like the only other people posting here are people she knew personally, like skinwalking sara, pick-me meg, fatty nikkol, creepy pedo matt adair, and that fat chode david. I suspect Tiffany is the main person self-posting here as an act of self-harm.
She's been posting like a manic on ig lately so i came here to see if anyone else was saying something . I shouldn't be shocked to see that other people are invested enough to post here. I don't know her personally, just another gossip forum obsessed person. Tiffany used to comment on efagz on lj posts back then so I'm sure she's a lolcow user as well

No. 1492904

I think she has posted screenshots of this board.

I don’t know the details of her treatment by any means, but it seems ridiculous that she exists this way. I feel so bad watching it.

No. 1493459

both her tumblr and IG are gone

No. 1494105

she’s on twitter still @ultradelphin3

No. 1496199

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No. 1496200

File: 1649429571157.jpeg (746.59 KB, 1125x2334, 92E34899-71F0-480D-94A3-7BD553…)

she’s drunk off her ass again. Week-long bender of deranged rants and randomly tagging rich famous dudes

No. 1497867

I’m worried she’s gonna fucking die honestly. Following her social media is a horror show glimpse into the psyche of untreated distructive bipolar, and what’s anyone to do you know? She’s alienated all her friends and her mom seems to be done with her antics as well. I dunno man. If you’re still reading here tiffany, please take your meds. No one is stalking or monitoring you.

No. 1497945

Mental health’s a bitch and if she doesn’t want to get help then there’s no way she’ll ever be ok. It’s sad and weird hearing her go on and on about Duncan too

No. 1498070

Everything seems to go in a loop for her now. Same five or six topics. I guess I’m only posting here bc no one irl knows about her, bc what weirdo talks about people from the internet irl. Like aside from chris chan, or idk, onision. I honestly feel bad for her, and for the people around her. Fucking imagine snapping out of this and knowing it’s all documented online.

No. 1498292

Honestly same. These manic episodes seem to be happening more and more often for her and lasting longer and longer. She’s like a shadow of the person she was before. 80% of the things she says don’t make sense and it’s starting to seem like either she’ll hurt herself or put herself in a position where someone could hurt her.

No. 1498394

she posted a couple videos of her with kitchen knives she said her mom had given her. i don’t know how much of that is true but i don’t think there’s a kitchen in that hotel room so i have no idea why she could possibly need a set of knives like that.

the stuff she posts is consistently troubling but i think seeing this was the first time i was genuinely afraid for her safety.

No. 1498624

Yeah the knives were troubling. I think she said in a video that her mother took them away again. She’s posting so much it feels pointless scrolling through and listening to all the videos for it again though. Sad stuff.

No. 1498667

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No. 1498668

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No. 1498673

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No. 1498722

she’s “fasting for ramadan”

this whole thing makes me so sad. i don’t even know what you can do for someone like this and if whatever insurance she’s on will cover the appropriate treatment. maybe that’s why they couldn’t keep her in the hospital.

No. 1500299

Anyone seen her last Instagram story? looks like the police were called again, I hope she gets the help she need because she is so ill, it’s really sad

No. 1500406

She’s been off socials for at least 24hrs by now so she might have been baker acted. If so they can hold her for 72hrs if it’s the same thing in NH as in florida(not a burgeranon so i’m not sure)

She did post something where she ‘kicked her mom out of her room’ and then talked about being ‘afraid of the air’ and has been starving herself so I guess there could be enough evidence that she’s a danger to herself. I hope she gets the help she needs as well

No. 1500413


i saw it too and it’s been haunting me ever since. i really don’t trust the cops to handle this well but i hope that they haven’t treated her poorly and she’s getting the support she needs. crossing fingers she comes back in better shape.

No. 1500423

How does she still look so nice and not even have greasy hair? I have a decent grip on reality and can't muster the motivation to wash my face or hair. Damn

Like at what point during her fear of the air did she decide that she needed a shower?

If she can do it, surely I can.

No. 1500485

I mean… It feels almost weird answering this but her hair has only been clean like twice the past two weeks. However, she is manic atm anon, mania gives you a lot of energy

No. 1501235

Ehhh the main pics she leaves up her hair looks okay but it’s been an absolute rat’s nest too. Probably depends if she’s actively drinking or manic etc.
Then there’s the weird pics she’s been posting after scribbling magic marker all over her face etc. I’m surprised she hasn’t age regressed further.

She seems like the type of woman who doesn’t have much besides their vanity. Eating disorders and alcoholism go surprisingly hand-in-hand there.

Did anybody get a screenshot of the last ig story about the cops?

No. 1501239

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No. 1501242

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No. 1501506

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still haunts me.

No. 1501507

can u all please stop posting irrelevant stuff that’s not contributing anything

No. 1501508


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1504668

I guess mom was finally able to commit her to an institution or something, what with the knife incident, being an alcoholic and being off her meds.

No. 1524280

anyone know matt or meg's socials? been wondering what they're up to since the tumblr days

No. 1524712

Matt’s Instagram is gengarchomp but it’s private. Profile pic he looks super happy though with his kid. Meg’s private one is professoroaksnewtheory and her public one is professormeg. She seems to be doing pretty well as a gamer/nerd influencer.

No. 1525012

Appreciate the update! I remember when Matt and Meg started dating after the whole Tiff thing. I knew they broke up at some point but good to see they're doing their thing!

No. 1526952

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She's back and says she was poisoned with heroin-laced weed. I don't believe that at all. I'm sure she was fucked up, but not on weed heroin. That's a huge waste of money for a drug dealer, and you don't smoke heroin the same way you smoke weed. Heroin vapors are inhaled from aluminum foil or a glass bowl. Either way, I hope she's back on her meds.

No. 1529786

She posted about the ‘heroin’ weed she got from her mom the first time Dover PD came by. Or maybe the second time, I can’t remember. Point being, she had been spiraling for weeks before the weed incident. It’s concerning to see that she’s been away for a month and still seems… less than grounded in reality. I’m not too familiar with the differences between schitzophrenia and psykosis in BP1, and she’s been a bit back and forth with exactly what her dx is, but it doesn’t really seem like she’s back on meds

No. 1530884

Lmfao oh yes, weed laced with heroin.
That’s as much of a myth as fent-laced.
Lemme just weigh down this dirt with gold dust.

No. 1536009

looks like all her socials are gone…

No. 1537343

It's really sad seeing her mental health decline. I hope this means she is getting the help she needs…

No. 1549499

File: 1654391443323.jpeg (951.6 KB, 1125x1774, 4C52D398-A08F-41F5-8A98-1C4B51…)

yep still psycho

No. 1550793

stop lurking here dumbass

No. 1560438

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Pretty ironic how quick people were to call patty crazy just for copying an aesthetic when Tiff is the one who has literally been on meds for years and seems to destroy anyone’s life who has the misfortune of encountering her

No. 1564885

I mean, both can be true at the same time. Maybe not that Patty was “crazy” but she wasn’t subtle at all about it back in the day, it was cringy. There were a lot of girls who pretty blatantly copied different things about Tiffany’s online presence. At least Patty didn’t rip off any of her tattoos

No. 1565906

No. 1584248

Okay, I’ve followed tiff since she was starpowerrr and was dating Matt and friends with Sara… can someone with a better memory tell me who Meg is? I’ve always heard her name as well as someone named Adam but I don’t know who they are in relation to old starpowerrr drama. I’m a retard, I know.

No. 1584367

Meg is Matt’s former gf, they got together after Matt broke it off with Tiffany after she was -surprise, surprise being a drunk and cheating. Her insta is professoroaksnewtheory and professormeg.

Adam was an early bf of Tiffany she met through Pokémon and supposedly the one that came up with starpower for her name online. I think a pic of him has been posted before. I can’t remember if Tiffany ever said he was abusive or w/e just like anyone else she comes into contact with in her life.

No. 1627199

Does anyone have any update on Tiffany? I haven’t seen her around lately

No. 1649492

Not much to tell, she did some damage control on her IG and hid/deleted all of her content from her most recent manic episode, so maybe she is no longer in that same headspace as of now? I can’t tell if she is still living in a hotel or if any of that has changed but she seems to be doing better now, good for her if so. @ elfscout

No. 1665490

File: 1664786526956.jpeg (551.2 KB, 750x995, C2DB8091-73E0-4BF6-82B3-F666AD…)

Apart from contouring the shit out of her nose she seems to be back to normal

No. 1669042

Controversial opinion probs but I’m pleased she’s in a better place. Hopefully she continues a healthy recovery

No. 1678162

Hopefully she doesn’t stop taking her meds again or she’ll turn back into her true form

No. 1849456

File: 1687201850047.jpeg (83.01 KB, 828x1522, IMG_1834.jpeg)

In case anyone is just dying to hear an update on this woman: She moved out of her mom’s hotel and into her own apartment, generally been pretty quiet online until this? Still maintaining the performance art BS eh?

No. 1849458

File: 1687201967916.jpeg (141.34 KB, 828x1466, IMG_1835.jpeg)

…or just a sign that she is starting to be not OK again

No. 1960025

File: 1706361853516.mp4 (5.13 MB, 332x720, RPReplay_Final1706281452 3_com…)

i hope her cat is ok - it doesn't look healthy

No. 1963305


This is terrifying. She needs to be on her meds

No. 1967801

poor girl seems to not be doing well again. she was away for a bit and seemed doing better immediately following but not so much now. i keep hoping she can get the help she needs.

No. 1971176

Mom, dad, get off lolcow.

No. 1971177

Or send me some money, PayPal is tiffany6290 ♡(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1987472

Holy shit he’s so skinny, you can see the whole shape of his skull.
If she can’t take care of Fritz she needs to rehome him.
Idk if being off her meds is all that is going on at this point. This is like some alternative substance behavior.
Do whatever you want with your life but don’t make your cat pay for it with their own health you dumb cunt

No. 2025175

didn't know she had a whole long thread here wow, she's so popular I guess, I remember playing Sea of Thieves on xbox with her, back in ~feb 2023, she was so cool, just came here cuz I googled her gamertag and found this. I hope she's ok.

No. 2095638

have not seen anything regarding tiffany for a bit now. hope she found (and accepted) help.

and looks like sara got engaged to a child-beater

No. 2101843

>child beater
Please post caps. Also post saras shit i want new milk kek. This group was so milky 15 years ago

No. 2102120

File: 1742767007304.jpg (252.99 KB, 1046x764, milk_part1.jpg)

Here are some caps of the mother's posts about how the father allegedly assaulted/abused the kid

No. 2102121

File: 1742767159660.jpg (159.76 KB, 675x677, milk_part2.jpg)

some of the gofundme that the mother posted

No. 2102127

File: 1742768025789.png (2.68 MB, 1120x1738, child_beater.png)

pic of the upstanding citizen

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