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No. 616586
Things annoy you? Let it out, anons!
Previous annoyances:
>>>/ot/510176 No. 618610
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One thing I wish that would make a comeback and more flattering workwear
Laborers, nurses, cashier's, waitresses, chefs, etc all had flattering and more clean and professional looking workwear. Now it just seems 9/10 times people just get unflattering uniforms (looking at you chain restaurants) or just wear their pajamas to work. Scrubs are also a massive joke. On top of that people who dress better typically act better. Oh and fashion shows were actual fashion shows with models and flattering fashion and not some weird challenge to put on something ridiculous and see if people still like it
No. 618926
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I'm sick of all online media/culture analysis. It's always done by the most uneducated dolts who come to conclusions that would be obvious if they read a single book in their field or so off base and full of buzzwords you know they get all their critical theory from tweets. This makes me so angry because most critical theory on social media is done by these dolts because anyone good is to old to get youtube.
No. 618986
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it irritates me how all non straight hair is labeled "curly". "Curly hair" groups always fall apart or splinter into offshoots because 'curly' hair is so broad and different most users can't relate to each other. I've seen products labeled as "curly" that are clearly meant for Kinky or coily hair, but they advertise themselves like they're for all "curly" hair. Whenever someone says they have curly hair and need help online they could be referring to 5 different 'curly' hair types, all with extremely different treatment methods.
Literally no one likes how curly means 5 different things.
The word curly doesn't irritate me, but the fact its a catch all were you always have to guess what it mean annoys me to no end. Just say coily, kinky, etc.
No. 619067
>>618986This anon reminded me of what I call "fake" curly girls. So many videos or posts saying "I didn't know I was curly!" when they have straight hair. Scrunching is bound to make your hair curl eventually, it's almost like putting rollers in your hair while wet or braiding it.
I watch the videos when they use curly girl products and their hair looks SO greasy and weighted because they aren't actually curly.
No. 619156
>>619150Do the silent blank glare reaction. You don't react at all and let some silence pass before you completely change subject. If it's unbearable, from now on, just up and leave, no explication, when he does it.
2nd one : if he does it, tell it to stop that shit. He will tell you it's funny and you're humourless, ask why it's funny. Don't let him change, and ask relentlessly until it's obvious it's bs. You can either do it agressively or very candidely (Like, but I just don't get it, explain me, please ??? - this one works better because they can't accuse you of being mad, you're just very confused).
Do it every fucking time he does it.
I do these things since I started getting tired of these veiled bs to people I just can't cut off my life. Both work if you're prepared to look like a fucking bitch making a fuss (people will mess less with you though).
No. 619162
>>619152It's his way to cope i will never be his cringy bby gurl egirl gf.
>>619154Don't get me wrong, i absolutely despise him and i hate talking to him, he's not only annoying but also boring. But his mother is friend's of mine and he is the only person i talk to, only because i don't want my mother to think i have no friends. He's kinda of my personal cow though, it's funny to see him rant because a girl rejected him. I should post him on the personal cow thread someday.
>>619156I say thing that i know will annoy him when he does that and in response i get called object again. I know he's been in love with me for over 7 years now and i like to tell him about how i like twinks and really cute guys (it annoys him because he is the total opposite and will never be my type).
No. 619181
>>619152This, fucking run, don't talk to him anymore
You don't want your own thread here
No. 619185
It’s fucking weird for a man to refer to you as
object. Have a backbone.
No. 619197
>>619162Better to be alone than hanging out with him. I would never, ever voluntarily spend time with someone whose sense of humor was like that. Especially one that has affections for you that are frequently shut down. That's actually dangerous. I've had male friends who joke about being misogynistic, but the misogynist is clearly the butt of the joke in those cases. They frequently bring up frankly pink pilled stuff when serious, and that's the difference.
Do you like the attention or something? STOP. How about you "joke" that you only hang with him out of obligation because your mothers are friends and let the charade die?
No. 619202
>>619197I know i should cut ties with him but my mother will ask me why and i don't want to tell her he's awful and even tried to cut my throat once. I feel bad for his mother, she has no friends other than my mom and has an
abusive husband. I have been trying for him to change but i feel like he's getting worse, he used to at least fake to be kind to me but now he says gross things to me everytime we talk. I just wanna try to make him change but he doesn't want to, and i don't want his mother to suffer thanks to him.
No. 619208
>>619202It's sad when you see that intergenerational cycle of men abusing women, boys growing up in that environment and going on to do the same..but you willingly putting yourself in his company and becoming his punching bag doesn't help anyone.
He sounds like such a loser that most women will know to avoid him.. Good! Let him live a life starved of female company because he'll only abuse them if he can reach them.
No. 619215
>>619202Are you 16 or something? You can't change him. You can't help. The moms friend is in an
abusive relationship, and their dynamic is what the boy has had modeled to him, and he's attracted…to you. No fucking wonder he's so threatening. Stop provoking him for laughs.
Also hate to be harsh but it's your moms friends mistake, which you're not responsible for dealing with. Hell, pretending it's all fine isn't even a noble cause. How do you think your mom would feel if you did come to harm because of her friends son? Then how would she feel if there were signs of it the while time but you would rather cover it up? They'd think you're a fucking dumbass.
Tell your mom, then have her tell her friend about. Best case scenario the mom stops bringing her kid and the moms stay friends, worst case your mom loses a friend and is just glad you're safe (or gaslights you tbf).
What would your mom rather? You having a friend or not having someone close physically threaten you?
And his mother is fucking suffering anyway? I hate to sound unsympathetic but most people are aware that if you bring a baby up in a fucked up dynamic they'll bring those traits on too. Boys will become beligerent and disrespectful, girls will have negative self worth. You're not doing anything but helping to facilitate and accept the boys behavior by trying to "fix" him on your own. If you REALLY wanted change you'd out his behavior and encourage the mom to leave the family and get their son in therapy. But you'd rather act as the silent punching bag, how easy and convenient for everyone.
No. 619349
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Having big boobs is so annoying
No. 619388
>>619349I fucking wish i looked that flat with a bra on
Instead I look fat and frumpy in everything that's not skin tight despite bordering on skelly underneath that fabric and boobage
No. 619623
>>619473Not only that but the series starts going to shit sometime in the middle of season 4, that's such a small window of time to enjoy it
I think as a show it deserves respect for pushing boundaries and affecting the tv industry (not to mention that adapting those books is super ambitious, even for a talented group of writers), but it is pretty overrated and will probably not age very well
No. 619997
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I've noticed people in art discords/subreddits, when ever someone ask for how to grow or why their arts bad, will just brush away their complaints and blame their issues on some third factor. I've seen so many crappy artist who are begging for help get replies like "it's the algorithm" or "you just have imposter syndrome!" when that's simply not true.
No. 620166
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No. 620597
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>Our site does not use ⌃ for "to the power of"
>We prefer ** for powers
they also have a bunch of dumbass rules, no 5(7) always 5*7. I thought I was going nuts becuase I kept submitting the right answer, but the wrong syntax
No. 620831
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>>620586I want to bully the person who made it
No. 622118
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chinese light novels are pretty retarded, they’re usually rip offs of Korean light novels and it’s actually getting really annoying, sometimes you might think “this plot might be decent!”
But no
because the main character is either a bag of dicks that ends up having a happy ending for no fucking reason or a retarded woman who has a tiny bit of happiness in the story, but then the plot tweest comes and she herself fucks everything up because suddenly she has some sort of remorse? For no reason?
Of course, she also falls in love desperately with a guy who is willing to spit on her face -and who probably did so-.
Also, I feel like they’re way too obsessed with the whole “ugly girl” turns into “beautiful woman” because the girl isn’t ugly to begin with, and the woman she ends up as isn’t that beautiful after all.
I don’t know, I feel like I’ve only seen shit Chinese light novels. I think I’ve only got to read a nice one “cheating men must die” and it’s probably the only reason why I keep on hoping to find another good light novel.
No. 622271
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Anons. Don't ever feel jealous or trust what people post on their social media about their relationships. I guarantee if they were actually happy they would spend more time actually being happy together rather than being online trying to convince others that they are happy.
>friend gets married to her scrote of several years after he gets goaded by pressure
>I hate him, he's a controlling little dick and oh yeah he thought it was appropriate to wait several years to marry my friend
>constantly helping friend after their rollercoaster fallouts
>she almost left him a couple years back but is such a co-dependent that she didn't want to put in the effort to be a functioning adult alone so she went back to him after like a month
>not even a week after the wedding and she's already complaining in our friend discord about a huge argument they had over something small
>wrote passive aggressive statuses about it on her social media
>this after all their bullshit picture posts and making memes out of their couple pics and not shutting up about the ceremony no one gives a shit about because they were trying to convince everyone they are so happy when they are not
It disgusts me.
No. 622335
>>622271Jeez, this could be my friend a couple years from now. Has the most trash boyfriend but refuses to leave him, then comes crying to me whenever they fight (which is a lot). Then during the weeks they’re not fighting she talks about him as if she’s considering spending the rest of her life with him.
Girls: if your friends and family unanimously say your boyfriend is terrible and you should break up, it’s because
your boyfriend is terrible and you should break up. No. 622337
>>622271When are women gonna grow a backbone
Leave scrotes to rot goddammit
No. 622361
>>622304I relate to this. She has never blocked me but her pervert now husband is on dating apps trying to find their "third" in bed. A couple years ago he ha-ha 'ironically' matched me on Tinder, and later she asked if I wanted to threesome. Obviously I said no. It was the hot gossip a few weeks ago between us friends that they were trying to groom a new girl to ask if she wanted a threesome with them, thankfully she says she isn't interest in sex.
No one wants to be in a threesome with them because he's ugly and has a tiny pee pee. I feel sorry for her because I know she's traditional, but she strikes me as the type to be going along with his bullshit because she'd rather be in the know about who he wants to cheat with. Rather than her voicing disapproval and him going behind her back. Not that I think she should fear too greatly, he's ugly as I said and isn't charming in the faintest.
>>622283>>622335>>622337If they don't divorce first they're going to be that unhappy couple who always fight and then have a band aid baby together who they put through hell. Maybe if he's shitty to her child too, that's when she might decide it's bad enough to leave but I dunno. She doesn't want to take any control of her own life so it's difficult to see her mustering the gumption to go.
No. 625955
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>>625952Men being "lesbian icons" is annoying AF overall. The worst though would be all of the drag race fans calling Trixie Mattel "dyke queen" and "lesbian icon". No hate on drag as an art form but that unfunny caricature has nothing to do with lesbian women.
No. 625959
>>625957she sounds so exhausting, I am glad none of my friends cares about birthdays like that.
You aren't being ridiculous, she just sounds like a brat.
No. 625989
>>625974I can understand Madonna and Lady Gaga being "gay icons" since Madonna apparently used to perform in gay bars and was outspoken about gay rights back in her day and Gaga is pretty outspoken at least in her lyrics.
I'll never understand why anyone would see someone like Beyonce or Mariah Carey as gay icons though
No. 626021
>>626007It wouldn't be like this if rupaul's drag race didn't tone itself down to get mainstream success. Without it becoming mainstream we wouldn't have teenage girls being abused by their drag queen idols ( or little boys doing drag (Queen Lactacia, Desmond is Amazing). Before drag race, drag shows were limited to clubs to enter which you were supposed to be an adult, now we have "family friendly" drag cruises and dragcon.
No. 626203
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God I hate reddits entire attitude toward the CCP shit. It is peak slacktivism, but they like to act like they're the next MLK.
No. 626603
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I'm starting to give up on most online interactions. Maybe it's because lolcow has given me a biased view of the e-webs, but I feel most people who are active online, their activity making them the dominant user base, often are online because they simply have nothing better to do. They either have no aspirations beyond consuming the most basic shit, have a 'hobby' they barely do or suck at because they post to much, or they are slightly unhinged so every irl group has rejected them forcing them to communicate online. I know this is a generalization, but I this is true most of the case imo. It's not the fact they exist, but they post so much they drown out anything of quality.
No. 626960
I hate when I hire a professional for a job and they proceed to talk down to me the whole time they're on the job. It's really rude and also doesn't make sense. Yes, I'm not a plumber. I can only tell you what the problem is, what I have done to try to mitigate it, and how old everything is. This guy was treating me like I was an idiot, and also disagreed with me about things that I know for a fact. For instance, my water main under my sink and in my back room are seized, he wasn't able to get them completely turned off, and I'll need a new valve under my sink. I told him, well, I'll contact my townhouse management about it, thanks for letting me know. Then he starts talking about "well, it's YOUR unit, so it's your responsibility." and started mansplaining to me how the water is connected through the units. I'm like dude- I live in a cooperative, there are certain things they have to cover, I'll check my contract and contact management, don't worry about it. He then repeated what he just said basically and looked at me like I didn't know what I was talking about. At the end of the installation, he told me to "make sure these documents go in a safe place" and I'm like uhh yeah… my filing cabinet..? And then he repeated it again, several times, and suggested I clip the manual for the sink and his invoice together and put them somewhere safe. I'm like ok, get the fuck out of my house LOL. What the fuck was his problem?
No. 627020
>>627007What I don't get is, where I live you see plenty of NEETS but our benefits/social welfare sytem is actually pretty generous. So even if you have 'bad anxiety' you can get financial assistance for a couple years and still live independantly in practically free housing while getting mental help (which is also paid for)
I did that and by now I've paid so much back in taxes that I have no guilt over it. I didn't use my parents, I got two years of government help and now I've worked for ten. In countries that offer that you really have no excuse. They allow you take those baby steps into adulthood. I still see 28 year olds living in their childhood bedrooms rather than taking a free apartment and finally learning how other bills work.
No. 627041
>>627026I wouldn't even call you a neet tbh. Difference is you are trying, you have gone to school and interviewed for jobs.
Where I am some kids just leave school at 18, sign up for their government cheque and ten years later they're still spending those cheques on games for their switch instead of moving out and buying their own groceries with it. The choice is there and they still won't be gently nudged into it.
NEETs are the ones doing it by choice, imo
No. 627058
>>627049Do you like it when you give money to beggars asking for food and they immediately run to buy booze?
That's the feel.
No. 627094
>>627060My dad didn't kick us out but defnitely 'encouraged' all his kids to move out by 19. I had the kind of anxiety where I probably would've stagnanted if given the chance to.
Been living in shared houses or with partners for ten years and finally got a mortgage on my own lately. I'm living far away from where I grew up but I'm doing well here. I checked in on an ex (after we broke up he moved back home) Dude is still there at 33. I thought his move back was temporary but he just gave up and did nothing these last few years. I feel like it's sometimes a blessing to be gently pushed out of the nest. Obvs depends on the individual circumstances.
No. 627147
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>>627133Nope I love using singular they and you grammar nazis and wokeshits can have it back when I'm dead.
No. 627155
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I hate how I ,for some reason can't post pics or log into reddit. I know the site is shit but I just wanna post on r/kibbe and get typed
No. 628825
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It annoys me when I see /pt/, /snow/, and /w/ posts where the anon talks as if they're personally addressing the cow, calling them by their name and saying "you" and stuff. It's incredibly spergy, like… the cow doesn't know you, they have no relation to you, it's obvious that something about them really gets under your skin if you act like you're speaking to their face. You are way too emotionally invested in a cow if you post in their thread like that.
No. 632337
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When I’m getting ready to go somewhere and my fiancé’s dad says “be safe!” it makes me go absolutely nuclear. I could be taking a 5 minute drive somewhere and this
doofus still says it. I commute 2 hours one way to my job and I kick ass in general, shut up old man.
No. 633344
>>632998My acne was awful as a teenager and this used to annoy the shit out of me. “It’s because you eat too much oily/sugary food” or “you don’t wash your face enough.”
Yeah I only eat pizza and ice cream and I wash my face bi-monthly, you caught me, thanks for the cure.
No. 633392
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The amount of "treating the gf who brought you a ps5 badly" and "men are the oppressed ones in relationships" posts on Twitter really makes you think
No. 633403
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>>633392Social media should just be banned
No. 633411
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>>633403People should get money taken off their bank accounts for every stupid shit they post with their usernames, like a dollar per retarded post.
No. 633435
>>633410Nta but similarly I moved from a city to a rural area. I've had that too and for the first while I honestly thought it was something about me that attracted weirdos.
I'm introverted and I live a fairly isolated choice. I had one older/single neighbor who got to the point of never letting me pass by his house without forcing a convo out of me. That's at least twice a day! When it started to drain me and I found myself dreading leaving the house.. I got very short with my chats. I explained I was having an anxious day once when I just wanted to walk past without a conversation, the old man very loudly shouted after me about 'womens moods' and I wasn't in a mood but my god did that one sentence ruin my mood and leave me fuming all day while I had way more important things that I needed to concentrate on.
Some of his recent behaviour since I've been talking less has really opened my eyes. I'm sorry to any other old people that happen to try and talk to me but after dealing with him I'm less approachable.
No. 634640
>>634611I hate it when kids go insane and scream as if they got stung by a huge ass wasp when they just fell or bumped against so random non-threatening object.
>>634617Nta, but I’ve taken care of kids and the majority are taught to not scream like a banshee when they trip on their feet or when they have a minor injury like a bump on their arm or something.
No. 634648
>>634611There's a kid near my house that screams like she's getting murdered and that's just her normal everyday play sounds. I have no idea how she has any voice left. It's the type of scream you'd let out if your life absolutely depended on someone hearing you…blood curdling
I know kids are kids but I was sitting here regretting my whole mortgage these last couple days lol
No. 634691
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>>634611This but for dogs. My sis's dog has a really bad habit of crying like he's being killed when he just sees another dog. It's fucking embarrassing, especially when we walk him.
No. 635121
>>635098I'm so happy the weather is getting colder and flights are being cancelled due to corona.
I moved into a newly built neighborhood before the lockdown started, they billed it as ideal for students, young people and families.
Except I can't study at all because there's a playground under my window and there's kids constantly screeching in the courtyard. And I don't mean normal amounts of kids yelling when they play, I mean literal blood-curdling screams because they like having competitions to see who can scream the loudest and their parents do fuck all to stop them. Even with the windows closed it was a constant barrage of children screaming, throwing tantrums, riding their noisy little electric cars and planes whizzing above your head.
People my age threw parties on Saturdays sure, but this was every fucking day, and the preschool they all go to is right next door so even when they went back they still screamed anyway.
Recently they started enforcing mask-wearing in my country and now there's little child-sized (and some adult-sized) masks just thrown all over the courtyard and my whole neighborhood.
If I weren't a woman of God I'd fucking strangle them all like baby chicks, they piss me off so much.
No. 635148
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This was the only blusher I would buy from their line but it’s unavailable now because sjws needed something else to bitch about. It’s such a pretty shade… The line was named after influential and inspiring women. Why are they like this
No. 635156
>>635121>>635098Hey anons, I think the best temporary solution would be wearing noise canceling earphones or earplugs, i use my earphones during the days I have to exist next to a really fucking annoying neighbor and her kid, and they’re great for keeping me calm and focused.
They don’t even need to be expensive, so it’s nice, I hope it helps.
No. 635574
>>635202Imagine expecting toddlers to be quiet. They’re the loudest of them all.
Noise cancelling headphones, you naive weirdo.
No. 635988
>>634617>>635574Nta but maybe just let people vent about certain noises being annoying? These defensive replies of
>dogs can't help barking!>kids can't help screaming!> what do you want them to do, be silent alll the time???!They're predictable replies and in themselves pretty annoying. Well done.
No. 636448
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Why are second/third language learners so fucking annoying and arrogant? I just had to suffer through three hours of three kraut girls talking french non-stop and being so uppity about it. All my bilingual friends don't have a stick up their ass about being fluent in two, three, four languages…
Fuck, they were complaining about some former high school mate releasing a song in french even though he didn't learn it in school. What exactly is the problem with that? I really don't get it. Is it about feeling special? Is it just a flex? Anyone experience the same?
No. 636460
>>636456There’s many ways to define bilingual: some think it means 2 native languages, some think it means 2 fluent languages, and others think it just means 2 advanced languages. Meh, who cares.
I don’t know, I’ve never experienced what you’re describing. I only know people whose foreign language of choice is English and their 3rd language was a compulsory school subject rather than something they’re extremely proud of.
I know so many people who currently feel like they can’t learn a 4th language yet because they’re not advanced enough in their 3rd.
No. 636601
This was in the EU, sadly krautland, since immigrants were granted access here because of merkel they started so much shit, its literally ridiculous, it was mostly men coming into the country but a few women with children and an actual family.
I honestly wish that immigrants here could learn to have some decency and see they aren't in an islamic country, and they have to try to fit in with our society and rules.
But we also have turkish and asian immigrants here, they are chill and well behaved people. Just the muslim immigrants is what i have a problem with.
No. 636657
>>636588When I used to walk to and from school I would get immigrant men from a certain religion driving past and shouting "whore" at me because part of my uniform was a knee length skirt. I told my teacher about it and she said me that they're just being men and I shouldn't judge people from another culture. I was 12.
I'm so glad I live somewhere else now.
No. 639675
>>639674I feel your pain, that sounds fuckin rough. Why are catholic moms such hypocrites and unhinged. It takes so much effort for her to apologize for her shit. Even then it's followed up with ways she "meant well" so it's not even real. She views herself as some saintly martyr. I do love her though but wtf… the cognitive dissonance…
oh, and thinking wives should "serve their husbands," yet I doubt she could handle him actually ignoring her opinion and taking over and shit. My dad enables her, that's not the relationship she thinks it is
anyway sorry you are dealing with one too. Hellish truly hellish
No. 639680
>>639675i should also be sorry that you're also dealing with a similar situation such as mine, anon.
i love her too but i can't stand her bullshit and i am the only one that calls her out for it, really. I hate that her ego went fucking high because her new boyfriend wrote in his dating profile that says along the lines of wanting "wanting only educated or college graduate women" as if college is the highest measure of success and intelligence, lol. she now insults people who haven't finished college due to financial or other reasons that are acceptable and a sad reality of poverty from where I'm from.
and same, my mom fucking sucks at apology. she laughs, just says it casually when there are times when the things she did could affect me seriously. but fucking shouts at me and says im stupid or other similar things (which she says she doesn't say to people) when i did something wrong.
i already told her that i'd rather live with my dad, permanently if she goes to live with her boyfriend. i don't think my brother wants to go with her as well.
No. 640556
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there's this catty girl in one of my classes. she refuses to let me join the (informal) class discord because "she's the only girl allowed in there" and has actively told people in the group to not let me join. it's so fucking stupid and immature, and i don't want to start drama with the only other girl on the course, especially because i'm a few years older than her and it just seems pathetic. i just want to talk to the other guys in my class who mostly seem pretty chill. i thought it might be about male attention, but i'm a lesbian and she has a boyfriend, so idk. it's just really annoying considering i havent been in education for a while and i saw going back to college as a way to meet like-minded people and yet i'm missing out on a part of socialising with my peers because of her. she's really getting on my nerves and i don't know what to do because she doesn't seem like she'd be willing to have a civil conversation about it.
No. 640610
>>640556How old is that girl, she is acting like a child. I understand that you dont want to make any drama but
>>640566 idea is pretty good. Just make your own server add some of the guys you want to be friends with and socialize with them.
No. 640611
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>>640556Does this girl have the mental age of a 6 year old? How can you be so impudent that you go around actively telling other people that a classmate can't join because you want to be the only girl in the group. Isn't she ashamed of herself? God what a shit situation anon, I hope you can fix it.
No. 640668
>>640556She’s obviously dumb as fuck but who are these cowards who won’t invite you? The whole class can’t be in on it.
Find one who isn’t an idiot and make them send you an invite.
You don’t have to do shit except interact with everyone else like you would normally. Let her destroy herself.
No. 641243
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>>640566this is a good idea, thanks anon!! i'll probably just add people who seem fun and not everyone so it doesn't seem like im purposefully excluding her, because i know if i did she would start drama and i really cant be bothered to deal with it
>>640668tbh anon this wouldnt be as big of a problem if covid hadn't happened, as i'm not able to be physically in college therefore most communication amongst peers is online so even if someone did send me an invite (which someone was going to) she or her boyfriend would tell them not to and the pair of them are massive dickheads who would probably make classes worse for that person so i don't really blame them. i'm just going to try and ignore her bs, we're not far into the course and i can already sense people getting tired of her.
No. 642141
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I don’t get why are people playing games they don’t like. It’s annoying how I would be playing a fun game and then you have retards going
>I’m wasting my time
>this game succs
>the company that created the game succs and I h8 them
>this FREE to play game wants MONEY HOW FUCKING DARE THEY
>I-I don’t want to spend money on this game but I do so anyway and I complain about my lack of priorities
>political stuff in a cute game about dressing up
Bitch, delete the game if you can’t just enjoy it.
No. 642179
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>>642141Is this about Love Nikki lol?
If anyone complains about dark skintones one more fucking time im going to slap them.
No. 642440
>>642250Samefag, but I can't stand most love nikki youtubers too. Viv screams all the time about her pOoR dIaMoNdS despite recharging all the time, And Effie has this fake high-pitched voice that becomes useless the moment she tries to stir up drama over petty stuff like starry corridor rankings.
Iri and Sei on the other hand are pretty chill.
>>642301There was a love nikki thread somewhere iirc.
No. 642472
>>642179It does have a bunch of autists, but actually, it’s about cocoppaplay.
There’s just a bit of everything:
>American politics bullshit>religious nutjobs>troons getting mad at people for no reason>people thinking that the game is a dating app>people thinking that the game is some marketplace app>people complaining about how the game makes no sense to them>people unironically saying that they should boycott the game but they keep on playingIt’s so retarded, i avoid reading people’s bios and boards of comments, those sections used to be for recruiting people for your club and talking about your show and such, but now it’s just a bunch of nobodies shitting their hot takes as if anyone wanted to read about that stuff.
It caught my attention because the game actually released some announcement to basically tell them to shut the fuck up mostly about scamming others and shitting on the app and developers.
No. 642481
>>642440Oh thats true, but iris voice is even more grating to me than effies. Effie tries to be cutesy but iri is just straight up fake loli voice. I didn't know about sei but yeah she seems chill, ill check her out, thanks anon.
>>642250I also wish people would just use the search function before asking for the 19239th time why the devs cant just make the makeup transparent.
No. 642911
>>642889That sub is mostly straight young guys in their 20s/30s who don't have bigger problems like kids or elderly parents to provide for, health issues or bad family and have the goal of financial independence as early as possible so they will defend being insanely frugal and stingy. Just look at this shit: of them are removed from reality, so their methods tend to be non appliable. Personally i browse povertyfinance from time to time, its a bit better and more diverse in their advice.
No. 642918
>>642912Right?? i wonder if they view the kids as a retirement investment too lmao
>the type to not do anything for their wife, kids, or loved ones unless there's something in it for them.90% of that sub tbh they love to go on and on about how valetines and mothers day are cash grabs and how you should never splurge on flowers, cards or eating out.
No. 644456
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my neighbor wakes up at 7 am and uses an electric circular saw on his porch and blasts madonna and sings along until at least 9 every day. what the fuck could he possibly be making? id be less annoyed if it was something cool, but I have a feeling it’s not, considering he does nothing but bitch on the phone to his mom and whine about his roommate (?) all the time. JUST
No. 650928
>>650925I'm rather embarrassed to have depression. It's just like those commercials. It comes with a sense of shame because you feel absolutely useless sometimes. I haven't told anyone at all because I don't want to have a stigma or them to expect anything of me.
Anyone that lists off depression really truly does want a sense of attention or an excuse. At the very least, an excuse (artists that are weeks late on commissions). TBH, why did you agree to draw 20 commissions or make 20 plush dolls if you knew you were going to not do it or waste peoples' time?
No. 650929
>>650925Is there any way to deal with this or stop being annoyed? I got a family member like that. I had to even drive for 2 hours just to water her mother's small plant (mother was at vacation) because she was 'too depressed', when said plant was literally on a way to her room.
I wish it was a teenager or someone who just turned 20, I would have understand, but this 'sanrio aesthetic, 11 hours of videogames a day, play-pretend pity attention on her discord filled with simps that never seen her' woman is older than me. So tiring.
No. 650950
>>650925Shit like that is passable for some because they know they're surrounded by people who won't ever challenge them on it or judge them negatively for it.
That's fine for people who genuinely need the support while they work on their issues, but not so much for the types of people who just want a self-masturbatory pity parade around themselves constantly.
Case in point:
>>650929You should just not do it. Say sorry but you're busy and you can't drop what you're doing to go drive to water a plant. If the plant dies without you, then it's not your fault, it's the consequence of someone not willing to take any baby steps to treat their depression while pushing their responsibilities on others. Half of the issue is that people enable self-destructive behaviors because they think they're being kind, but kindness isn't always kind.
No. 652854
>>652690How did you react when your friend did this? I hope she wasn't bragging about quitting when others were ruined because of the pandemic.
Mine is a bit weird in that she doesn't want to work because "muh (self-inflicted) anxiety uwu" even though her internship wasn't very stressful compared to mine (we worked in the same company but in very different departments and teams) and her manager was adorable and asked her if she wanted to stay in the team with an actual job and a more than decent salary. She refused because, again, "muh anxiety" and after that she realized that she fucked up because nobody else wanted to hire her for that salary and she had a deadline after which if she didn't get a job paying at least 2300€ before taxes she would have to go back to her country. She only told me about the job opportunity she had when it was too late and I was looking for a job even though I indirectly knew her boss and could have at least tried to apply if she really didn't want it.
She didn't even apply to this internship to begin with, her manager just found her on linkedin and asked her if she wanted the internship, meanwhile, since I didn't slack off like her I didn't need to redo some of my semesters to pass finals and had to look for mine for the year before, but nobody wanted to hire me because of stupid reasons out of my control. All of this because she wanted to play some shitty mmo and was too lazy to look up criteria that would allow her to stay in my country online. A mutual friend is even more sick of her and is implying that she might be jealous of me because I recently got a job even though I'm only going to earn minimum wage and all my plans for life has been ruined by the pandemic. I'm sure she's jealous of all of us in general despite all of us being in some deep shit these days. And my cow friend would often complain about her internship to her when she couldn't get hired for reasons out of her control too so I'm sure she's been frustrated with her for even longer than me.
Sorry if my post is long, I feel like venting. No. 656073
>>655997dude I remember turning 25, and basically overnight feeling like I hit a second bout of puberty
I can still remember how appalling it was to realize how much you still change as you get older
No. 656179
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It's just cringe
No. 656193
This prompted one thing I find annoying in general with video game streamers. So many of them seem to have these mouse-voiced, younger girlfriends interrupting the stream to bring them food and be all lovey-dovey in front of their viewers. Then the chat goes crazy with their "yaaas couple's goals!" comments - just because a woman brought her boyfriend a sandwich and kissed him on the head?
Her little moment of fame being the perfect doting girlfriend to a gamer must be the only time she gets any attention from them at all.
No. 656224
>>656193>must be the only time she gets any attention from them at all.I've never thought of it that way, interrupting without an act of service just gets them shouted at too
Maybe some girls even desperately hope their slob bfs will appreciate her better if their twitch buddies praise her to him
No. 656229
Hopefully I can do that with mine too
No. 658456
>>658397oh god, yes
>>658443"imagine thinking that X is Y, lol couldn't be me" or something like that, it's so annoying. dumb bitch being woke on twitter-vibe.
No. 658468
>>658397I hate that one, the “we stan a XY queen” and the “we love to see it” one. They’re all usually used by annoying twitter/kpop fags.
>>658459>Would any man be so obsessed with eating out a gaming girl? Lol neverI think they’re too busy wanting to drink her piss…
No. 658570
I don't wanna come across as like overly intelligent, hell I don't even consider myself particularity intelligent, but it pains me seeing so many people(American's, Arabs, Europeans, Whites, Blacks e.t.c) discuss religion and politics without having the least bit of research, I see this on twitter and even so called political podcasts
even 30 Minutes on Wikipedia add something to a conversation, like I read books, blogs and various news sites about geopolitcs and current affairs and now whenever I'm conversation with the vast majority of people it becomes an insufferable experience cause of how little people know, the only person I can talk to about geopoltics is my aging gen-x ex-Army officer Uncle
No. 659478
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I just want the US election to be over. I'm so sick of president politics blasted all over the fucking news, and igaf what that orange turd in chief tweets about. I don't care about his drama.
Please just elect someone who serves the interests of the people at large and can keep his mouth shut long enough so I don't have to hear about the stupid shit that's not important treated like it's headline news anymore.
How there hasn't been a fucking assassination attempt is beyond my understanding. Please just get this shit over with.
No. 660012
>>659945ily anon, spoiler made me grin
all 3 are the most honest posters.
No. 660514
>>660486If it makes you feel any better, most modern lightbulbs don’t use a lot of electricity. Leaving a light on all day probably only costs around 8-12 cents a day, depending on the bulb/electricity costs in your area.
You could tell her to get an energy saving lightbulb and bring the cost down even less. She should buy one with a low wattage and it costs next to nothing to keep them on.
No. 663032
>>662655So mute the manchild while you are working? Put your phone away while you're working?? If you need a phone to work, you should have a separate work phone for that purpose and that purpose alone. This is not a difficult concept.
Your boyfriend is acting like a literal child because you keep indulging that shit. Put a stop to it, just like you would with an actual child.
No. 665892
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>>665747Yes I posted this picture a few months ago complaining about the same thing
No. 666542
>>666534lmao the school system favoring girls screeching is one of the most annoying thing they do, also if you see some dumb ass kid being annoying little shit in public in most cases it is a boy.
and those incel raising parents always blame women and girls when their stinky social maladjust of a son can'r find a girlfriend and feed on their delusions about how women are just dumb sluts who don't know what they are losing for not settling with the mouth breathing apes.
No. 666644
>>666542And if he does manage to find a gf, she will become the default scapegoat for "corrupting" her baby boy.
She will be blamed for his lack of success, the fact he doesn't have a career, his shitty sense of fashion and inability to keep up with personal hygiene (even though that's something YOU are supposed to teach your child and he shouldn't need a mommy gf to remind him to brush his teeth), the fact you don't have children yet (who would, with a scrotoid like that)… They just breed and raise societal leeches and wastes of space that make other people's lives worse.
t. was the gf in this scenario
No. 667169
>>667167Same with insecure asian girls tbh. I met a lot of single girls in uni from Singapore who would make their height the entire personality, talking about it for 10mins a day.
Ironically enough the ones that were acting like that were also Arianna Grande stans.
No. 669176
>>669148For discord anons to high five their sweet dunks on one another and literally take up for posts pretending to be the anons they originally argued with, just to argue some more.
Ever seen kids trying to play pretend by themselves after other kids on the playground got sick of their shit and left? Yeah, that.
No. 671750
>>671702I saw that too and pretty much called what was going to happen, I knew when they started to accuse OP for wanting to "change" the vegan all cause she aired legit concerns about their lifestyles clashing.
Vegans need to accept that their diets are not normal, require supplementation to work, and cause major inconveniences for people around them. No one likes vegans.
No. 671780
>>671750Not to mention the insane ammounts of plastic most of their food is packaged in and I don't even know for what reason, quinoa farming being wasteful, almond farming being wasteful, so many things really. I don't even eat meat that much but this recent spergout and the previous one with farmanon and baby chickens really made me see them in a new light.
I never believed in the preachy vegan stereotype but damn those cunts just can't have a normal conversation.
No. 673606
>>642179Okay i know this post is a month old but i want to know youre guys opinion and i dont see a love nikki thread on /m/. Players complained that the last contest theme was racist? The theme name was Primitive Beauty and they changed it later to ancient animals. English is not my first language so when i saw the theme i just assumed it had to do with the recent dino event. Suddenly people started calling the devs and the people who used wasteland clothing or dark skin color racist? The official discord was full of people being
triggered and i guess the complaining worked since they did change the naming in the end. I want to know if the naming was really offensive or were the players just overreacting?
No. 675027
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I'm so tired of people over explaining "I-I like this story/character… but I don't agree with like t-their actions a-and this should never be seeing as healthy a-and is bad representation" Oh god, we get it! You don't have to be the smartest human on this earth to understand that x thing is inmoral, just talk about the actual story instead of justify yourself in the comments.
If you want to read a FICTIONAL story about a killer, just read it, don't go over and over again on "T-this is very problematic and like stuff but I like it but I know is wrong" You are not saying anything that we don't know already, we all know that murder is not okay, you don't have to say this like if you just galaxy-brained and we don't.
The worse thing is that I can't scape these people, not even in porn, not even a very strange over the top porn, but seriously, unless is a coffeeshop fluffy thing, I don't get why every crossdressing doujin I came a cross there's always an obvious kid commenting on how "T-this harms the LGBT+++ community" Is just porn! I'm sorry if the Koreans or Japaneses don't put "Twans wights!" on their porn but save your 10 minutes Youtuber cry apology to somewhere else, I want to see funny comments about the doujin.
No. 675862
>>675859Nope. Other anons have talked about this, FB is a shithole.
Try posting about men and see what happens to your account, kek.
No. 675864
>>675859Instagram is the same, you report random sexist shit being voiced out of nowhere on peoples otherwise normal posts.. and then they get back to saying it's fine
Saw a 16 year old girl being told to shave her arms and a bunch of men chimed in with walls of puke face emojis. We're talking about blonde arm hairs..
No. 675867
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>>675859If it makes you feel any better, these are intended as a gag gift
Men online CONSTANTLY bring up porn/their dicks in otherwise benign contexts though and it's fucking exhausting
No. 675927
>>675911I have an aunt who types like that too, always, every.single.sentence ends with elipsis for some really, fucking, annoying reason.
I think they do that because it’s just how they decided they wanted to type, maybe it’s a way to show their idea has not ended yet? I’m not sure, but I’m sure as hell it’s fucking annoying.
No. 680700
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I can't stand women who complain about their baby's daddy on FB like this.
Maybe vet a man before you let him creampie you and ruin your life.
No. 680701
>>680620i feel like being a hair stylist and 'doing things a certain way' is different than an influencer getting into skincare.
at least with mondo, he's telling you what they're doing wrong and how to go about it, hyram is like "okay well this works for ME and if your skin isn't reacting the same you're doing it WRONG"
No. 680716
>>680700You'd think they could figure it out without someone having to tell them first. I feel bad for their kids, having both parents be retarded.
>how i feel about my first one No. 680758
>>680700These women need to realize those men already won by nutting in them and not needing to do any of the work in raising their kids. Women like this are insecure cuckqueans who think they're being boss babes.
The smarter ones got abortions.
No. 680799
>>680620agreed. maybe my tinfoil belongs in a different thread but hyram always seemed like a plant to me, he came out of nowhere and blew up suspiciously quick
also brad mondo obviously knows
nothing about hair if you watch that vid he did with snitchery
No. 680864
>>680793i have no idea how james can be so good at doing bold/detailed eyeshadow looks…and then fuck it all up by intentionally painting his face orange.
i actually like watching his videos
on mute but his approach to foundation drives me nuts
No. 683267
>>683262I mean you’re not wrong. DBZ is shonen shit which is made to appeal to teen boys. DBZ male fans and weebs are pretty nuts in general and get autisticly defensive if you shit on the things they like.
You gotta ditch that retard.
No. 683703
>>683689I'm not big into the whole mbti thing either but it's at least slightly less retarded than thinking your date of birth rules over you forever and that alone makes you totally incompatible with certain people
Like declaring that you hate all scorpios or all leos .. that shit's too much
No. 683723
>>683689to be honest I felt like no one has understood me and my values until I took the test a month ago. I had taken it other times just to get the letters for the lulz and never took the time to read it and it made me feel accepted. i don't think i base my whole personality around it but i do find it interesting how this girl who joined a discord group i was in seemed really interesting, had a lot of similar thought processes, opinions and hobbies and turns out they're the same personality type as me.
I think mbti and astrology is an interesting and useful tool to dissect yourself, learn and understand parts of yourself and get to self reflect on certain actions you do or things you'd like to change. that's just my perspective though and im a bit too lazy to get deep into astrology currently
No. 684222
>>680864All of his bold/detailed eyeshadow looks are heavily filtered and facetuned anon. In candids his looks are not at all bold or very pigmented.
Also i will never understand his obsession with using foundation with yellow undertones. He is pale with pink undertones, its very easy to see and in the foundation match video he did, the only shades that were a perfect match were the ones with the fair shades with pink undertones but he insisted the medium with yellow was his match.
No. 684236
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I hate that r/badwomensanatomy stopped being about people who have a bad understanding of women's anatomy and just any discussion pertaining to women's anatomy is wrong
No. 684246
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>>684241Samefag, but that comment reminded me of shit like pic related.
No. 684822
>>684810Well if everyone could make a decent living off their looks then they would, and even then attractive and beautiful women haven't had the amount of luck Belle has on account of not having a management team to help market them to an audience (gamers and other assorted losers who pay for e porn) combined with an opportune point in history to make it successful (e girl culture).
People are envious at the ease of the money flow, but that said, not everyone finds her line of work particularly meaningful and dignified.
No. 684838
>>684830she doesn't need to be a terrible human like moo, but she is dangerous and a danger to other women. she's also too young to realize the ramifications of her work. and she's extremely unsafe with her personal info with a high likelihood of getting murdered.
anyone empowering disgusting incels like she does is a huge danger.
No. 684870
>>684833I'll agree there, certainly not defending her on that aspect of it.
>>684838I understand the "part of the problem" argument. I agree that it's not smart, and that she's putting herself in a vulnerable position to be potentially hurt. In that vein, women can't even carry on political work or any position where what they do or speak for is considered controversial in any capacity. Do I appreciate her going with the status quo and riding the ddlg appearance thing? No, it sets up shitty standards for other women and for scrote expectations. I consider sex positive hook up culture to be worse in that regard. The problem is that none of the culture around the ethot phase is going to change until legalities around it change, events happen that make it less safe/easy/palatable to be, or repercussions start being widely obvious
No. 684930
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I told my boyfriend I'm in a bad mood and that I wasn't in the mood to entertain his dumb jokes and approximately 10 minutes after saying as much, he proceeds to make another dumb joke at my expense.
No. 685003
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Scrotes are annoying. I hate them. They're ugly and smelly.
I wish they'd all get replaced with cute handsome robots.
>>684799that's a lot of threads on here tbh
No. 686792
>>685003Don't we all want a hot robot boyfriend in an apron anon.
Also Clear best boy.
No. 687072
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No. 687184
>>687036update, I texted him and asked him to turn it down because I had a final presentation to give and didn't want his TV coming across to the class over my microphone. it was that loud. he apologized, turned it down, and wished me luck. I was nice, he was nice, I thought that was that.
they just came home a little while ago. I'm already in bed. I think they'd been out drinking because they and their girlfriends all came back in one car and were talking/laughing loudly, dropping shit, and being generally rowdy. then one of them walks into the room directly under my bedroom and shouts loud enough for me to hear crystal clear: "now you're making demands. Listen kid, I don't know what kind of house you thought you were renting, but it's not a nice one." They all laughed, and quieted down a bit a few minutes later.
I've been here for over a year, they moved in less than three months ago. I'm a female in her early 20s, they're two men in their mid 30s. This has officially gone from annoying to concerning.
How could they be shouting at anyone other than me? Nothing else they said was loud enough for me to make out. That one thing was shouted twice as loud as anything else. What the fuck
No. 687190
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i was looking through some art on twitter and of course i fucking stumble upon loli/shota drawings by the artist. I genuinely don’t understand what goes through these peoples minds to think like this. I will never have respect for these people.
No. 689397
>>689376With that logic…couldn't GC anons outside of the MtF and FtM threads
also go to the several other sites that facilitate those discussions? If they can complain about "muh censorship" in /meta/ then I think I should be able to complain about how annoying they are as well.
No. 693215
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this stupid show. hate it.
No. 694726
>>694699This makes me think of a time my (Asian) boyfriend and a mutual (black) friend went out together. They were talking about virtue signaling, cancel culture, how people just want to be
victims and get outraged over stupid shit that has no bearing on real racism. Some white lady turned around in her seat outraged and ready to lecture them but when she saw they weren't white she just kind of grumbled to herself and settled back in kek. Guess she at least had the sensibility to not engage after that but it's pathetic that people are so self absorbed that they co-opt problems that aren't theirs in order to feel more important. Even at the expense of the people who actually have to deal with those problems.
No. 695692
>>694393>>695632I've seen memes that sitting in weird ways is a gay thing and memes that this is a ADHD thing, I'm sure anons will have seen it claimed by other communities
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, groups of people just like to claim things
No. 695698
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>>616586I live in a pretty humid place and right now humidity is super low and I feel like shit, my face feels all dry (it may be allergies too)
No. 695725
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Switch keeps signing me out of my device and the fucking downloads are so slow, I just wanna play a little among us
No. 695896
>>693576i'm assuming you're murican. this is why this country needs better healthcare so tards like her can actually get a diagnosis and not pull this self-diagnosis shit.
Many of these people self-diagnosising may be trying to compensate for other issues but I'm sure plenty of them actually do and could benefit from one.
No. 696185
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This kind of shit, for some reason. It feels empty/self-serving. I’m sure it helps some people, but when I read it, I immediately roll my eyes and think, “oh shut up.”
No. 696188
>>696185It was cute at first, but now it’s just overused like how the
keep calm meme got wanked to death.
No. 696610
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When you're told the creator of something is a girl, and you find out they're just some troon
No. 698635
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I don't get why, but Youtube doesn't stop recomending me a lot of these very annoying channels of girls (And one guy, but I'm sure there's more) that made videos of "ArE THe StrAigHts OkaY?" while reacting to circlejerking Tik Toks or leftist "memes".
I hate how condecedent and smug those people seem, and besides, there was one girl who cannot stop putting on the titles how gay she is, on a "I'm not like others girl" way. I haven't given myself the bother to watch those videos, but none of those people give me a good vibe, they seem like the type of people who sooner or later would get caught for a grooming atempt.
I got another video recomendation from that girl called "Queer Kiwi" or something, I don't know but no matter how much I tried to fix the Youtube setting so they could stop getting notification about her color-puke videos, Youtube won't stop with her, and I hate it.
No. 699193
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>looking up sexeh fanart of husbando of the week
>this one looks nice from the thumbnail
>artist gave him top surgery scars
oh well, at least there is still pixiv
No. 700191
File: 1608664831896.jpg (255.7 KB, 540x433, kngRp6L.jpg)

No. 700197
>>700191Imagine someone making a video on the troons not being ok. We'd never hear the end of it and they would suicide bait immediately lmao
>>700194I don't normally advocate for art theft but I've seen quite a few people edit out trans bullshit off character art kek. If you post anonymously they can't do shit.
Especially on "Gay" troon art. Gay male autists have no mercy and sometimes do it out of spite. No. 700308
>>700191But that meme looks like a generic parenting meme, most likely made by cis people? Yes it’s mocking other cis people but spend five minutes on a parenting forum and you’ll see loads of cis people sperging about newborn baby girls having massive bows shoved on there heads, etc. The type that are die-hard about gender norms are the mocked minority.
Are the trans/enbies okay? Do they really think that people who do this to their baby’s hair are considered normal among cis people?
No. 702598
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I hate these two synchronized snowflakes. This isn't artistic swimming, go be individual or some shit…
No. 702953
>>702598fuck why did I have to read this I'll never stop looking for the twins now
okay actually it's kind of cozy, I worry they won't come back and then I see them again and everything is fine
Merry Christmas anon
No. 759716
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>know the dangers of this world
>still decide to get pregnant
No. 759832
File: 1615564068026.gif (223.53 KB, 220x220, tenor (5) (2).gif)

I despise it when you ask someone to help out and they feign ignorance on how to do the basic task and ask a million questions on how to do it. As if the tasks weren't obvious. As if they don't have a handheld supercomputer in their pockets to Google anything on that crossed their mind.
You don't know how to put dishes away? You don't know how to cut meat and put away leftovers? How do you think I found out how to do the shit I wasn't explicitly taught by my parents? Just do it!
I wish they'd just say they don't want to help so I can proper be mad at them for being lazy or selfish, instead of trying to hide behind faux ignorance that paints me into the bad guy for being annoyed when they fucking know better.
No. 759858
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Do you ever see a post on a thread you know will derail it for 3 hours to day so you ignore it until the infighting goes down because no one can talk over the sound of 4 autists fighting?
No. 760260
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80% of the dues who post their nudes online are legit hideous. It's because most do it for their own pleasure, so they don't give a fuck how sexy they look. I know most dudes are delusional about their looks, but I've seen people who look like the glasses kid from superbad post with the confidence of Chad thundercock
My specific fetish, judge me all you want, is super prone to this because I like fat/chubby guys and they think liking fat=liking ugly. They have to be cute under all of their lard goddamn it
No. 760438
>>760419Nta but 'sweetie' is the number one thing I see butthurt scrotes saying any time they disagree with a woman online. I don't often see women calling other women sweetie so in my mind it's too associated with that.
I remember a few years ago hun was one of those terms people fought over, I knew women who called absolutely everyone hun in a friendly way but every now and then a man would go batshit over it. So they love to call us all sorts of sickly sweet condescending terms and can't take it back in any way whether it's meant to insult or be a term of endearment? Cool.
A woman in a nearby store calls me darling all the time and I kinda love it. All depends on who is saying and reading their intention behind it
No. 760687
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Fucking "woke" scrotes on twitter make me absolutely fucking SEEETTHHHHHE. I mean men in general, period.
No. 760963
File: 1615687511757.png (91.99 KB, 500x281, D098214A-DCC6-43A0-8BCB-4D9C09…)

The absolutely retarded anon in the art salt thread posting random coomer art to ask anons itt if we think it counts as degenerate pedo art. Use your brain for once so the thread doesn’t have to have the same argument over and over. Everyone itt agreed it’s unfortunate for the traumatized artists who make vent pieces but that’s how it is. Why do you keep asking. Shut the fuck up or seek help.
No. 760984
>>760978That’s the thing though, she can just come to her own conclusion. Why does she need the judgement of random anons to decide for herself? Or just read the previous threads to get the idea instead of making multiple unsaged posts to ask for a unanimous consensus on something anons will never agree on.
>>760966all coomers are degenerates so I don’t get why she can’t make her own fucking conclusion instead of subtly begging anons to agree with her multiple times.
>be anon>post pedo shit in art salt>anons is this pedo? a random male coomer made it can you tell me if this is degenerative? I know he’s a sexual deviant but I don’t think it’s sexual. btw he is a known pedo Just why.
No. 764110
>>764092OMG Anon!! I'm dealing with a co-worker like this too. We're all in 1A so the company sent out emails in groups to schedule the doses and she legit told me she wasnt going to get it because 'Something something Lyme disease' in Teams. Then acted all squirrely when I mentioned I scheduled mine. (I had a medical emergency in 2019 in the office and since then its been 'Chronically Ill Opression Olympics' with her, its fucking annoying as fuck) and started to guilt me for doing so. I told her off cause quiet frankly I'm sick of her whiny shit.
Week finishes out and we have a team meeting the following week. Everyone in the team is talking about getting the vaccine, how they've been feeling,and my boss made a very generic 'If you don't feel safe getting the vaccine no harm no foul speech.'
Suddenly she starts squawking in our Teams chat that she never got her schedule email. And 'How dare HR forget about me! I have lymes/Lupus/or whatever the fuck' I'm like, 'You said you got it last week and didnt want to get it cause of safety, which is fine'
Her: 'No anon, I just checked my email and noticed I never got it.'
The schedule link was only live for 24 hours, they literally sent an email telling everyone that. So, surejan.jpg. She got her email after bitching out some poor HR Pleb and is now complaining about Vaccine pain as I type this up. God help me, I just can be rid of this fucking cow.
No. 765066
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People saying “folks”. You say it because you’re saying something fucked and saying “_ people” is too offensive so you use “folks” to lighten the blow and feign a sense of kinship with whomever you’re talking about. Shut the fuck up and say “people” like a normal person you cretin. It didn’t bother me before but in the past year it’s like the default term for a group of people by this generation of autists and it’s even more retarded when “folx” is used instead. It’s genuinely annoying and when people use it I assume they’re a pandering loser who cries at the first instance of criticism.
No. 765107
>>765066 >Folks >Hence >NowadaysThose are the words that make me think of aspergers. If older people use them alot it make sense but young people using those words a lil too much makes me think they have the tism.
Like you already explained, the word for folks is just people. With hence..who the fuck says hence? And when it comes to them saying 'nowadays' all the time…they're usually 20 year olds obsessed with comparing 'nowadays' to other times when they werent even around to know what it was like. Pensioner talk coming out of young people is either autists trying to sound smarter than they are or them just grasping language in a way that's void of age appropriate social skills.
I feel a lil autistic reading my own post back but fuck it lol
No. 765128
>Geezto the list lol
No. 765135
>>765066Yes. The only people who have a pass to ever use the word 'folks' are people who grew up hearing it from their parents. The white liberals who collectively adopted it into their vocabulary, I guess in an attempt to sound like 20th century labor organizers or something, need a slap in the mouth. I recently saw a plebbitor use both 'white folks' and '
POC' in the same sentence and it gave me hives. Add to this the extreme pretension of ever saying 'we must', or saying 'we can not' instead of 'we can't', 'folks' instead of people, 'bodies' instead of people, especially combined with all the deranged initialisms. The worst thing is that retarded online conservatives are starting to adopt this in their own way, also constantly insisting that 'we must' and throwing around words like 'countrymen' in the hopes that they'll sound like Mel Gibson from Braveheart or something. I may be autistic for caring this much about internet language trends, but at least I'll never sound like someone who uses Twitter.
No. 765162
>>765123MtF thread and Unpopular Opinions off the top of my head. I have a suspicion they're the one constantly baiting Art Thread too.
>>765114Cannot agree more it's fucking annoying. Bitch needs some Lithium and an ass beating in that order
No. 771378
>>771352learn the basics. steamed greens. salads. sauté chicken/beef, potatos, ramen, rice, pasta.
then the biscuits, cakes, scones, slice.
sticky date pudding, banana custard, golden syrup dumplings
roast duck, duck fat potatos, crisp greens with vinaigrette .
beginners course
No. 771500
>>771494I hate it when men with bad eyebrows or unibrows think they're suddenly beauty critics and start ragging on women for their eyebrows. If you have amazing brows yourself and you keep them looking good and know what that takes..then critique away but who do these unibrow sporting no effort straight guys think they are to bash someone?
I have pretty non existant brows myself and I don't own make up either, but then I would never come for someones brows knowing I don't do shit with mine.
No. 771865
>>771841Thank you for this post, it's cathartic
Also might I add, it's JEALOUSY and not JEALOUSLY
jealously saying something, and she's doing it out of
jealousy bitch it ain't hard
No. 772085
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I found out that this book I really liked (The Three Body Problem) has a comic version too and sadly it kinda sucks but what really annoyed me is when they showed this character who in the book is described as an unfeminine woman who doesn't care about her looks! I'm angry, why are comic artists perfectly capable of drawing plain men but not plain women
No. 773842
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I like Alexisparade’s art but tbh I find her personality very obnoxious.
No. 773910
>>773884Yeah I definitely agree with this, I think those sorts of questions deserve serious consideration.
I've just seen people claiming that no woman can actually enjoy anal because we don't have prostates and it's that reductive view of sexuality that bothers me. But I also understand that women want to push back against the portrayal in porn that it's this ecstatic experience for everyone.
No. 774226
File: 1617292849397.gif (925.82 KB, 498x460,…)

I have never met any one sane who likes 'hasbin hotel' and 'hell of a boss'. It's either literal children or adults with mental complexes. Never have I seen a fanbase be so horrid on launch.
No. 774290
>>774226I liked the Hasbin pilot, but I hate the other cartoon with the zoobait character and that annoying ass VA Horvitz.
Both are basically zoomer Invader Zim with swearing, but at least Hasbin had a female lead character who seemed to be interesting.
No. 774315
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These fucking convoluted reading charts 4channers make. They're just "we're so smart" self wankery. I doubt anyone who finished this list would stick to their brain dead red pilled beliefs.
To add on their read this than that order is often wrong or over looks a lot.
No. 774684
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nonnette posting victoria in the cute girls thread on /m/. Fuck you and fuck off. I hope you just randomly found those images not knowing who she was and unfortunately decided to share.
No. 788536
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It’s so annoying when there are some interesting comments getting pushed down by shitty kinnies roleplaying as the character in whatever stuff is posted about it.
I just get not only secondhand embarrassment but also extremely annoyed, if those retards want to roleplay, they can do so in their DMs, not somewhere in which no one truly gives a fuck.
Then you have the other retards liking the comments for god knows what stupid ass reason and it’s so retarded.
Just shut the fuck up already, Jesus Christ.
No. 788676
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>>788538I would love also one with movie ! Any movie anon interested ?
No. 788683
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>>788588Just because your horizons of understanding what's a good art are so limited, doesn't mean everybody else's are
No. 788771
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>>788758You'll never hear me coming
No. 818283
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Annoyed by the retarded twitter trogs transplanted in /snow/ and /ot/ that are insanely autistic and cannot integrate. You must be 18 to post here, and if any of them are older than that then I’m embarrassed for them. Their retorts are messy, ugly, and draining. Please relax.
The one using LMAO like she has a disease is the most embarrassing. But they are all equally unbased and annoying.
No. 818286
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Having long hair is fun except for the fact that I am constantly shedding worse than any pet I've ever had and always having to pick one gazillion hairs off of my shirts halfway through the day
No. 822381
>>822366Just my speculation, but it's to do with the fact that people are aware they have hurt someone horribly in some fashion. Intentionally or unintentionally. It makes them uncomfortable that the consequences of their actions could be felt for so long by someone else after the fact. So they push for people to hide or get over those emotions because they don't want to feel bad about themselves with shame. Alternatively, they could also lack the empathy that someone else could possess such strong feelings about what happened–they have trouble conceptualizing that other people are real and feel at all, and remember things that they've forgotten about for years.
Imo being angry is a great and healthy emotion. Anger allows you to recognize flaws in how you are treated, process what happens to you, and is a way to advocate for yourself when necessary. Although I will agree that there is a difference between
productive anger and unproductive anger. Obviously no one would want to stick around if one was angry just for the sake of being angry and just repeated the same angry shit over and over. Like acting unhinged and whatnot. It just seems to depend on what you intend to do with your anger once you've let it out. Perhaps if you've reached some kind of insight or conclusion about it. The problem with most villains is that they tend to act out their anger illogically on people who haven't done anything to them, instead of addressing the specific individual or system that turned them into what they are.
No. 822384
>>822366Maybe it's because angry people are scary, it's harder to sympathize with someone who could potentially have a violent outburst? Excessive anger IS an issue that people should work out. If I see someone that looks like they're about to pull a mass shooting because they were bullied in highschool the last thing I'm concerned about is if it's a trauma response or if they are at an elevated risk of stomach ulcers or heart damage, I'm just scared of them. Everyone has some baggage but there's a line between that and holding on to grudges in a way that benefits noone
That said there are still a lot of sympathetic angry man characters in films, like John Wick, but a less positive angry female characters and even then their revenge usually revolves around a sexual assault.
Btw I'm talking about emotional dysregulation, but if you actually mean that you're angry that we live in a society where we're expected to forgive our abusers? Fuck that, that's a scam No. 822689
>>822385Indeed, but theres a difference between murdering random people because you abused as a child, and being angry that you were hurt and people calling you spiteful just because you feel that anger.
hate the sentiment that anger somehow turns your heart black so you have to let go of pain immediately and be uwu pure vibes.
Let's actually take the child abuse scenario you mentioned. I read a post once where a girl was abused by her mum, but years on the mum had mellowed out and was a great mum to the girls younger siblings. She slowly became the black sheep of the family because they couldn't understand why being beat and neglected as a child and then spending your teen years watching the sibling get all the love she deserved would make her angry. It was a heartbreaking read because her cousins would confront her with "why are you still mad? Shes different know. You're just a bitter bitch"
Anger in all its (reasonable) forms should not be demonized
No. 822692
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>>616586Anime is way too often set in high schools, but maybe that's a sign that anime is aimed at high schoolers, and seeing as I'm graduating soon, I should stop watching it. But I wish there were more with adult women I could find, or in different/historical settings!
No. 822722
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>>822692Josei and general sci-fi or fantasy seinen shit are usually set with adults, because the target demo is adult. Emma is a good Josei romance anime and manga about adults.
No. 824388
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whenever i'm feeling down or bored i like to watch tiktok compilations of cats on youtube. pic related comes up really often so i assume he must be popular but all he does is put random hats and props on his cat before laughing in a super forced, hysterical way and it really bugs me. his cat is cute, but most of the video is just focused on the guy bugging his cat who really could care less. when i want to watch videos of cute pets, i don't want to see their annoying-ass owners taking up half of the screen time. i'm sure there are others who do this too. it's annoying when pet videos are so obviously forced by the owner especially when it just consists of the owner repetitively bothering their pets.
No. 824398
I don’t want to sound like an ana-chan but I’m annoyed with how normalized being fat is in the US. There are people I went to school with that are barely recognizable now because they went from being average sized to obese
>>822740Recently I saw a lady use donotreply for her email and I’m gonna do that from now on
No. 825132
File: 1623114728919.jpg (243.92 KB, 1080x1236, Screenshot_20210607-201026__01…)

can't stand pro obesity retardation like this
No. 826065
>>825132>>825138Yeah, BMI is a useless, rough metric intended for statistics. FFMI is better but not perfect - measuring bodyfat is difficult.
Calories are a useful metric but do not actually say anything about how they are metabolized. A diet high in protein will reduce bodyfat more than a calorically indentical high carb diet (assuming deficit). Calculating calories is only so effective - even bodybuilders have to compensate by doing regular measurements and tweaking diet accordingly. Look up studies on whey vs pea protein for one extremely stark example of how the same macros can result in extremely different outcomes when it comes to diet.
"Fatness" (not a real term) is unhealthy. However, there seems to be a BMI span that falls under overweight (not obese!) that is associated with lowered health risks. As a rule, though, being overweight is at best risk free, and being obese is invariably a risk factor for poor health.
Dietary science is young, and these people are trying to use the latest findings to cope. But we need to stop pushing back against the latest findings to take the wind out of their sails so that maybe the generation after alpha can start to be more healthy. FWIW I'm normal weight and stronger than every single one of you.
No. 826675
File: 1623282027563.png (33.82 KB, 465x190, da.png)

I swear this "eldest daughter" thing is becoming the new "former gifted kids" thing. Why do people have to beat everything into the ground.
No. 827025
>>826729>gatekeeping radical feminismThere's so few vocal radfems on the internet already. So many people regard being a
terf as the worst thing you can be.
If we want more people to take a genuine interest in radical feminism and its views, openly identifying as a radfem should be encouraged regardless of how deep in the ideological rabbithole they are. If being a
terf or a radfem stays as fringe or unpopular as it is now, many people won't take it seriously and will never be exposed to valuable viewpoints that they might otherwise agree with.
No. 827033
>>827027I get what you mean, but would people becoming ex-radfems really be a bad thing? If it's a phase that'll at least allow more people to gain some understanding of the ideology, instead of blindly demonizing/disregarding it.
I don't regret any ideological phases I've been through even if I don't agree with them anymore, because it's been valuable in allowing me to understand both sides better. More knowledge of different points of view, be it a fringe group or not, is always a good thing imo.
No. 835722
File: 1624334195817.png (68.56 KB, 1455x132, pedo mod.PNG)

just reported a discord server where the admin literally told 18+ people NOT to interact with the nsfw channel because minors were posting porn there and I… ended up writing a massive essay with a million links to discord support. I hope they do something about it immediately, I provided a ton of evidence.
the admin is 18+ himself, facilitating that shit. like holy shit.
No. 835751
>>835734Groomer logic. "No boop let the kids do their thing, it's natural but Don't
wink you
wink interact with them, okay adults?!" Some of them as young as 13.
No. 835809
File: 1624346365643.jpeg (1022.27 KB, 3171x2828, 1624222547145.jpeg)

This is such a low-effort outline. The shoop is already painfully obvious so its pathetic to exaggerate it even more. I don't know or care who this is, but cmon.
Also this thread header with it's Impact font is obnoxiously 2010s
No. 835997
>>835784They're not posting
child porn, it's teens
posting porn. You can't really report that, can you? (No, I googled it). As long as there are no adults actually interacting with them, then there are no laws broken. What it
does do is break discord TOS so that's who I reported to.
No. 836048
File: 1624375724335.png (66.72 KB, 994x386, update.PNG)

>>835722nice. Stupid morons. Now I can leave knowing they deleted the channel.
No. 836142
File: 1624387685280.jpg (30.15 KB, 564x564, 89696f47fae56776d2b7ea7ba1be7d…)

I hate my neigbour so much. She has two ex husbands that she constantly brings into her home, they argue a lot and it always ends up in screaming and fighting while their kids watch. It's always at night and always at a time where i have to sleep. I can't stand this shit anymore, i can't sleep and i get constant headaches. I pity her kids who have to listen to this shit and watch it as well, im surprised CPS wasn't called on that fat lard. Can't have shit in this "quiet" apartment. I'm so close to losing my mind.
If you have children and you argue with your ex partners whenever you bring one of them home, maybe it's a wake up call to not have children if thats what you gonna put them through.
No. 836249
File: 1624396307141.jpg (75.13 KB, 720x788, 20210622_230931.jpg)

Shit like this, or any similar video/comment where a woman drags other women down for dressing differently.
Eg I hate wearing long skirts and dresses, and each clothing can look flattering or unflattering depending on a body type. But no, if you are not wearing something that's long that means you are a slut! (Girl on this video called a basic short black dress tacky, her figure is boxed)
No. 836413
>>836300Rick and Morty is probably one of the worst shows I've ever seen. It makes me sad when people I know enjoy it. There's nothing funny about it. I watched like 4 episodes with a stupid scrote. The funniest thing was in the intro where it says "3+3=6".
Thank you for the reminder that liking that show is on my hard limit list for a boyfriend.
No. 836478
>>836300As a woman who enjoys Rick and Morty I'm willing to say the only reason I probably like it is because I'm incredibly vulgar and have a sometimes scrotey sense of humor. My gateway drug into adult cartoons was Futurama years ago and it remains my fav adult cartoon so I wonder now if that's considered scrotey… I marathoned R&M last year expecting to hate it and I liked it, ugh
Meanwhile I can't stand Steven Universe and couldn't get past three episodes, but a lot of women like SU… I'd say it's something wrong with me
No. 836497
>>836478I watched SU and Rick&Morty a lot
when I was in my early college days. I think I liked them both just because of the hype, because after 3-ish years of watching every new released episode I just got bored of it. They aren't groundbreaking or anything.
No. 836506
>>836300Tbh the only episode/storyarc that I liked in this show was
Rick's depression where his love moved on long time ago, and he tried to kill himself. Still the only song that slaps in this show.
Anons who watched further, does it get any better? I quickly dropped it cause I lost interest while it was ongoing.
No. 837005
File: 1624483507638.png (1.99 MB, 608x2284, okretard.png)

>look up film reviews
>scrote reviewer insults the beauty of the perfectly cute and gorgeous main actress
>look him up and he's a literal rat
Like fucking clockwork, i'm surprised he's not a fatass but it's always 50/50 between that and a stick. How the fuck did she 'let herself go'? She's pretty, thin, has fitting (for her) clothes. The fuck do you want? Is it about the single imperfection on the actress' face?
Also i recommend this movie if you want to see a lesbian yandere Mars Agro (watch the movie before you assume it's homophobic or misogynist to have a psycho lesbian).
If someone wants to recommend me more movies with attractive psycho women in love, I will be forever in debt
No. 838807
>>837129idk anon, I have the feeling you are too generalizing and base your idea of 'men' on the worst examples you can find (with a good heap of confirmation bias) and compare that to your own good moments and/or the best of other women. This fuels a we-vs-them attitude and negatively impacts how you go through life. idk tho
This shit is what I find annoying. Some nuance doesn't kill anyone
No. 839520
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All celebrity reaction gifs make me cringe, but ones like this with smug, old men acting Epically make me rage. This was in the Shay thread and should have been redtexted imo
No. 839528
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>>839520It screams Buzzfeed
No. 842318
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Who gives a shit
No. 842354
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>>842342Saint Michael has always been drawn hot, I would trade places with the demon btw
No. 842370
>>842326>>842327>>842333I'm not even a christfag but even I think it's lame as fuck
not to mention poser as hell to wear something that's heavily associated with certain religions if you yourself don't practice it just because
>muh aesthetic To wear something so popularized by and heavily associated with religion should be handled with a little more thoughtfulness and tact.
No. 842376
>>842370I agree anon it's kinda cringy to me. I kinda get why some people freak out over band t-shirt shit kek. But crying muh disrespekhtful like
>>842318 seems equally silly cause sacrilege and disrespecting authority is kind of the point of that scene… kind of moot to point it out.
No. 842386
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>>842318>rosarieslmao do they really? what aesthetic are they going for, rural italian grandma core? Using them as a quirky alt accessories is so cringe, idk about other people from catholic countries but i cant imagine not automatically associating rosaries with picrel
No. 842407
File: 1625074235204.png (549.59 KB, 750x731, imagen_2021-06-30_123045.png)

>>842318blablabla more shit zoomers want to be offended by
>>842386kek girl squad
also I'd imagine it's something more like nicole dollanganger shit like pic rel
No. 842425
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>>842422I agree, I was raised super Christian and I love "appropriating" Christian imagery for cool points in fashion. Sexist homophobic religions can eat a turd.
No. 842435
>>842431tbf as someone raised Muslim, Islamic aesthetics suck, Hindu aesthetics are also awful
Men wearing long Tunics and having barely grown pube beards is never gonna look cool, and women dressed like trash bags is never gonna be appealing
No. 842441
>>842422i dont know why you people insist on disrespecting people "just because i dont wike it" meanwhile youre usually the same people overreacting and getting hypersensitive as soon as someone points out some bad trait you have. i dont like islam and other shit but im not gonna tell someone "get over it" if they feel disrespected
>>842333always the same people passionate about hating christianity the same retards who honestly and truly believe its on the same level of islam lmao
No. 842443
>>842441Yeah you are right, the most radical Christians are probably not even moderates by most Muslim country standards
the Arab worshippers are a sad bunch
No. 842451
>>842441>always the same people passionate about hating christianity the same retards who honestly and truly believe its on the same level of islam lmaoLearn to read
>>842443>Yeah you are right, the most radical Christians are probably not even moderates by most Muslim country standards That was the point. If you care about 'appropriation' of Christian imagery, maybe fuck off to the Muslim side since thankfully Christianity as a whole has moved on from this kind of insanity. Sperging about appropriation seems to me like a step toward the times where people could be prosecuted for offending whiny Christians (and guess what? To be fair, in my country THEY STILL CAN BE, except not murdered for that. Google Nergal's case. He's a dumb fuck but 100% right that people shouldn't be sewed for that).
No. 842454
>>842451Women in the Middle ages had more rights and less restrictions then in Modern day Muslim nations, I would rather live in Latin American then well my country, where I will be murdered by the state for even criticizing against Islam, Everyday I wish the communist's had won the cold war
Religious freedom can exist under Islam, it is the worst Peace of shit on the planet
No. 842459
>>842447I just find it lousy and hypocritical to say "lol shut up retard" just because someone doesnt like to see a part of their culture used in shit they dont want. Not persecution or threatened, but "doesnt like". oh how daaare they
>>842448tbf half of you sound like twitter fags most of the time so
No. 842903
>>842527It’s autism
No. 843139
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This smug, dishonest Gotcha to defend KF. I know it's bait but it still makes me rage.
No. 844073
>>844063OK but it's still avatarfagging.
I don't think I'm being hard on her for saying that, or for saying that I find it annoying.
No. 844081
>>844071samefag, but yeah. If it were funny it would be a different story, but it's not.
The more deranged/horny driverfags and husbandofags are at least entertaining, and even then they have the good grace to stick to their containment zones.
No. 850955
>>844062>>844071>>844081hey it's okay I know I'm not healthy, maybe one day it'll go away. I didn't ask to be driven this crazy by quarantine and there's a part of me that feels held hostage. In other words a part of me actually hates and resents him and knows he's not a good person, and then I know I'm a bad person too, just not on that level, maybe that's it
I'm sorry, I'm the main one, I've tried to dial it back, I really have overtime
No. 850987
>>850955it's okay
nonny, you're not a bad person for your taste. you should tone it back but the only bad person is him. you're not doing anything morally wrong it's just a lot of thirst posts for a strange choice of man kek. I like that you brought it to the irl husbando thread, just keep it contained that's all.
No. 851020
>>850922>b-but wAtEr iS a cHeMiCaL!!!!Obviously dumbass, they mean
toxic chemicals. This is just simpler and easier to say and you know what they mean, so they got their point across.
I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I hate it when I warn someone not to use certain cosmetics because they're not good for you and they slap me with this and call me anti-science or a hippie.
I don't want to have to explain for hours and cite ten studies about why your AliExpress eyeshadow is bad, people act as if all these companies are 100% trustworthy and all these safety regulations are there for no reason, as if people wouldn't sell rat poison to women if it was legal and call it a youth cream.
You know exactly what they mean when they say you're putting a ton of chemicals in your body, you're just being a pedant on purpose.
No. 851021
>>851020I think you're being the pedant, anon obviously isn't talking about well informed people who take issue with specific chemicals in specific products that are proven to be harmful. They're the types who think anything 'natural' is good and anything that
seems toxic to them is bad whether there's science to back it up or not, they probably shill essential oils and put baking soda on their face and shit like that.
No. 851025
>>851020I'm not saying all companies are trustworthy, or that there are no
toxic chemicals. I'm just saying that people should stop turning "chemicals" into a bad word, and saying that something has chemicals is vague as fuck. That's not even arguing semantics or anything. If you want people to be mindful of what exactly they're putting on/in their body, then it shouldn't bother you so much when they ask you to backup what you say.
No. 852677
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>Go to a site
>Go through the tags for husbando content.
>Fanfic in xe/xir pronouns
>Fanart with top surgery scars/frankenweenie
>Autistic headcanons
>Underage ~discourse~ in the wild
>Your fave is…
Ew, why is my fandom full of these children, gross. Leave my husband alone!
No. 852678
>>852677What fandom? spill the beans
Is it otsomatsu or danganronpa?
No. 853304
>>853192Sorry next time I’ll say
“You can’t make this SHIT up”
No. 853341
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The sudden influx of the word "tiddy" on here makes my toes curl.
I've seen a few posters calling anons "dude" and "bro", too.
It screams embarrassing elder millennial, tranny, and/or Redditor to me. Where are they coming from?
Literally just say tits. Boobs. Breasts. I don't even have a problem with the phrase buoyant bouncing bara bazongas. Just for the love of all that is good, stop telling on yourselves by saying "tiddy". Get out.
No. 853409
>>853341First of all, tits sounds disgusting, boomer ass shit. Secondly, I have been noticing the dude and bro as well, dude I can let slide every once in a while, but calling an anon bro? The fuck you doing,
No. 864552
>>864520Ah the true sign that someone is addicted to social media and never leaves the house so they think it’s real life.
99.99% of what they want to nOrMaLiZe is normal shit no one thinks twice about.
No. 864573
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>>864520so you've read this tweet too
No. 866970
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>>866861Nah, but her art was pretty popular on deviantart back in like 2009, she really loved Kingdom Hearts. I remember being very endeared to her because despite her drawings of shirtless men, she was super innocent and wouldn't even swear.
The husbando is Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist, picrel
No. 867075
>>867024I'm so sorry… But no.
Up next on 97.9 The Fox, we got More Than A Feeling by Boston, and up after that Beast of Burden by the Rolling Stooooonness, here on THE FOX your home for classic rock.
Cause the Fox Rox.
No. 867078
>>867074I'm not a fan but I don't think the song is that bad.
>>867075ok boomer
No. 867158
I'm sick of the 80's it's all so tacky! The synths are corny, rock is corny, everything was corny as hell back then!!
>>867074Thank you.
No. 867437
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Anons like picrel who think men are behind every post they don't agree with on here. I don't know how to explain to these retards that anti-vaxx women exist. Racist women exist. Homophobic women, misogynist women, etc etc et-fucking-cetera. Begging you bitches to leave your fucking homes from time to time and experience the real world.
No. 868982
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I bought a cheap dress like this today and it looks terrible as a bigger busterd woman. While I'll still get use out of it (at least as pjs) I'm so annoyed it makes shopping so annoying.
No. 874326
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People feeling the need to brag that they knew of a thing before anyone else. Do you want a gold star? Bitch shut the fuck up, no one cares.
No. 874404
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some random dude I don't know at all keeps repeatedly unfollowing and then refollowing me on my IG. I checked his page and we have zero followers in common, he only has posts of his terrible art and he only follows like 50 people, most of them are female influencers/ e-girls/ celebs and then a few nobodies like me all of whom are young women. he always watches when i post stories, he's done this refollow thing like 4-5 times now and ik it's not a huge deal like he doesn't actively DM or harass me or anything but it still feels SO CREEPY I HATE MEN. it's especially creepy to me because i've been rly busy in my personal life so have barely been on social media all summer and have not posted even a story since like june, which means i'm on some random scrote's radar when i'm not even active. i want it to stop but i feel like i can't block him or tell him to fuck off because then he gets the satisfaction of knowing he was noticed and i don't wanna do that because i'm petty lol
No. 875991
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Hysterical and cruel guardian readers. 90% are cows. The takes are infinitely more embarrassing, unkind and crazy than anything I've read from a daily mail reader. I'm making the comparison because they're obsessed with them. This was under an article about enjoying being part of a large family, which, naturally, the good people of graun are upset about. Someone called out their nastiness, sarcastically asking if it were better they offed themselves and the po-faced graunolas couldn't resist lecturing them lmao.
No. 893650
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>>893649I'm sorry you had to deal with that anon…
No. 893690
>>893677NTA but wow good work detective!
Talking during movies is annoying no matter who you're with.
No. 893696
>>893690my boyfriend and i love talking during movies
>>893693 anon is right
No. 894330
>>893645I'm 4'11 and I hate it. Only reason that I don't even think about those damned surgeries is because they're very dangerous. I never even bring my height in topic unless it's really relevant, but other people apparently love to point it out as if it's anything good. No it's not and it's annoying as fuck. And if I dare to complain about it, it's just seen as humblebragging for some dumb reason.
Ime, normal short girls don't really play this "uwu so smol" card much, if at all. I do it see it quite often, but always from weebs or terminally online girls.
No. 895667
>>894330, am from some country in South America, and it's a mix bag. It's not really looked upon favorably as I'm always seen as "lesser" and not really taken seriously at all, the only point people see it favorably is because it's seen as "cute". People always point it out how I'm cute solely due to my height alone, since either my looks otherwise and my attitude don't really fit the "cute" thing at fucking all. Either way, it's really annoying, even the """"good"""" part of it, since I do not want to be seen as cute and of course would love to be taken more seriously, not even mentioning the practical reasons I'd like to be taller.
No. 898560
>>898546Because it's inconvenient to open the lid every time you go, because it's gross to touch, because when you see a closed lid you'll probably assume someone did a nasty shit and wanted to hide it, because it's not that big a deal to see inside a toilet… take your pick.
Fair enough if you don't like it but you're way overreacting if you 'lose your shit' at someone leaving the toilet in it's normal state. They're not being rude or inconsiderate, either get a grip or tell them to close it beforehand.
No. 913017
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Pickmes playing dumb as to why they are called that and that it's not just a question of appearance but of context (like basically everything else). And of course there's the implication of "the evil feminists are the real misogynists".
No. 917401
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>>616586the NEET thread. get a damn job. I'd kill myself if i was like them.
No. 917470
>>917451Shit like this is exactly why it's so hard to feel empathy for NEETs. Yeah, wage slavery fucking sucks, I hate that my time is wasted on work, but NEETs clearly think their own time and happiness takes priority over that of the people they depend on. Most of them rely on someone else, who funds their lifestyle via wage slavery. It's disgusting to take advantage like that.
I have no issue with NEETs who are financially independent or live on disability, because they aren't a parasite who gloats about not working while still benefiting from someone else's labour.
No. 917491
>>917451 You don't want to be a wage slave but it's fine for your mom, huh?>>917460
There's no way you can be happy knowing you you're a waste of flesh who doesnt do anything for anyone and are completely dependant on your parents/ S.O for survival. It's cool you don't want to be stuck at a shitty job, but peeing in bottles and playing vidja gaems all day ain't it either.
No. 917554
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>>917470If a parent raised their kid to be so nonfunctioning in society then they turn into a neet, parents should take responsibility and support that kid. Anyway 99% neets are depressed autists, not working is the only thing they can lord over others.
No. 917691
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When YouTubers taalllllk likeee thiiiissss.
No. 918204
>>917783I actually prefer them with thunder. Are you phobic
or a dog? Most people I know like it, unless it's ungodly loud
>>917794>>917745My headcanon (?) is that it is magical fire kek like Harry Potter or whatever, it exists solely for the light
No. 921008
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when an anon decides to waste the last reply in a thread to say something insignificant like this, before a link to a new thread has been posted. most of the time a thread will slow down when it passes 1200, surely because most anons want to leave space for a new link, then comes some retard and fucks it up. big pet peeve because it ruins the flow and makes it annoying to go through old threads
No. 921323
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This is going to be mega cringe, but it annoys me when I discover something kind of obscure (like a meme, song, etc.) and I share it with my bf, but he doesn't really react to it. Then when said ~obscure~ thing randomly gets some/a lot of traction he shares everything relating to it with me as if I haven't seen or heard of it before, forgetting I was the one who showed him it in the first place. It has happened a few times now.
No. 921398
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>>917745Are you being serious? Libraries have always had fireplaces and before electricity, people used candles. For thousands and thousands of years.
No. 921438
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>>921417Yup. Doesn't help her brother's name's the most common Welsh name. She shares her name with a UK famous actress and it takes 1000s of hits to get rid of her.
There are people SO CLOSE to being here - same birthplace, same uni, same places she's lived, but nah. Hoping one day for some serendipity thing.
No. 938708
>>938675>Zoomers ruinedNope. We financed shit platforms spreading shit things.
It's not on them, they were still drooling when it was set up. By us.
No. 941787
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My fuckginjgnjnb godgbng men love to fucking butt themselves in to EVERYTHING.
No. 1010368
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Is it really that serious?
No. 1011351
>>1010368Just some first world zoomer trying to find things to call racist (enjoying European aesthetics), imagine my shock
T. First worlder