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No. 1484551
It's been a year, but we're back. A thread to collect topics/things that absolutely or mildly annoy you.
>>>/ot/616586>>>/ot/616586>>>/ot/616586 No. 1484971
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That anything is “troon-like” to some brain rot nonnies
>female sounding name “ONLY A TROON WOULD HAVE THAT”
>liking pictures of cute cats because they’re cute/funny/whatever “TROON LARPING!!!”
>not liking traditionally feminine things or using dude/bro/ whatever “TROOOOOON”
yes I hate troons but it’s annoying that anything is tacked on as being troon even though there is obvious troon liking stuff like lolibait anime and whatever . Liking gnc stuff doesn’t make you a troon. Idk the mental gymnastics behind it is annoying
No. 1487541
im annoyed by thread pic
i know thats the point but its still annoying to look at>>1484971>female sounding name “ONLY A TROON WOULD HAVE THAT”everything is a troon name according to lc. biblical names, old names, modern names, names taken for books. i feel like many farmers are so desperate to clock that they just start grasping at straws
No. 1487748
my pet peeve are the people who chose not to sit at the window side of a train so when the train gets fuller, some seats are empty for the sole reason a person can't move their fucking body to the side. SOMEONE IS COULD BE SITTING DOWN(it could be me kek) AND THEY ARENT IT'S SO ANNOYING
>>1484612hate is too strong of a word imo. i haven't written things on the hate thread because being annoyed by something is different than hating something. it's just not the same emotion
No. 1487784
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Customers who say “fine how about you” when I ask how they are PAYING, not “how are you doing?” I don’t fucking care how you’re doing I want to get you out of the line so I can get back on my phone
No. 1487802
>>1487784Also samefagging, I am seriously annoyed by the “how are you?” culture where I’m from in the US. What’s there to add besides “I’m good” even if you’re not? And do they really care?
It’s the worst when someone just wants a favor from me but they open with “how are you doing?” It comes off as disingenuous and I prefer getting straight to the point.
No. 1487825
>>1487802I hate this shit too. I hate it so much, autistically so, and it's awful because I work retail but it annoys me every single time. A lot of the time if you answer, they won't even reply so I've begun to ignore the question entirely, though some still insist on asking you a second time. A stranger doesn't care about how I'm doing and I don't care about how they're doing. Just ask me what you want and go.
>>1487808Kek I've been tempted to do this before. It may be custom but it's still a loaded question and people shouldn't ask unless they are prepared for the occasional crazy person to reply in this manner. That poor girl must have had a rough shift, I hope she's doing better today.
No. 1488011
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someone I know will not shut the fuck up about being a "gifted" child despite not even having formal diagnosis. If anything they're probably just autistic.
No. 1488021
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Ever since the release of NH it's been next to impossible to find any turnip selling offers for NL. I only needed a few more millions to finally get the home ATM, too…
No. 1488282
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No. 1494142
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I don't want to be the kind of farmer who starts fights in the vent thread, but some of you don't know what a vent is. There are posts there that could go in the mundane shit thread but not in the vent one.
No. 1499271
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>>1499252Nona I didn't get to choose what my parents named me pls no bully
No. 1503501
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Screw whining about loving both, goth and cottage core and w/e, and not being able to decide which style is "yours" now, loving different furnishing styles is where the real pain lies. Your clothes you'd change pretty much every day, your furniture though? You'd have to haul your entire room someplace else if you wanna go from monochromatic ikea catalogue to your childhood teenage weeb room to pinterest tier romantic bedroom, and that's if you even have the space to store it all. I think at least 68% of why I want a big house is because I can't decide between what I actually want my bedroom to look like. Never spent more than 15 minutes in TS2 build mode though.
No. 1546463
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I guess when others that are interested in the same topic as me don't really care as much about it and I end up looking like an unhinged obsessive autist when talking about said topic.
No. 1548150
>>1548131I mean sun damaged is the main reason you age. A woman can lose face fat and have a more defined face as she grows older but it won't make her look old, it'll make her look mature. However sun damage, wrinkles and uneven skintone does make people look older. I personally only wear sunscreen if it's sunny but I do think it matters.
No. 1552611
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gross people that say "sun protection is criminal you should embrace looking like a shriveled mushroom"
No. 1552640
>>1552611Lol this is what my dad's skin looks like. Although not as drastic (because he's not pasty white).
>>1552630Veiny skin is usually due to being pale, not aging.
No. 1553192
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tumblr mutual spam reblogging trans rights posts, guess she's about to drop another gifset that gets less than 100 notes
No. 1557312
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I don't even think that drag is offensive to women but drag queens extremely obnoxious but why would a female artist cape for drag queens when most drag queens dont care about women? Also in the reddit thread I found this article everyone was hating on Taylor Swift even though she has nothing to do with this whole situation. Typical that the existence of a successful female artist is making everyone seethe even when she isn't doing anything but the same people will rush to protect grotesque-looking perverted drag queens. Male artists dont give a shit about drag queens and they fly private jets too and on top of it they are all sexual predators but no one was hating on them for not being activists.
This whole thing annoys me so that's why I'm posting this in this thread
No. 1557319
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>>1557312saging because I forgot to add I found the same article on another subreddit and everyone in that thread was talking about boycotting the states that enforced a drag ban. I did not see the same energy and call for boycotts when a bunch of american states banned abortion
no hope for women No. 1557334
>>1557312On a similar note I hate how every women’s sexual health clinic has to cape for troons and do the all are welcome spiel when men’s sexual health clinics put in zero effort in return. There’s one Planned Parenthood in my city but it’s hours are limited to 9-5 Mon-Fri which is the same time I work. Meanwhile there’s three mens sexual health clinics in my city that are open on weekends, but they specify on their websites that they don’t provide any emergency contraceptive services (even Plan B) and they only provide STI testing services to gay men, bi men, transwomen and transmen who have sex with cis men. I guess if you’re a preop transman who has sex men (I.e a woman) and you have a pregnancy scare you’re shit out of luck, because your kool n kweer health provider is more interested in excluding cis women than providing full care to the patients they do accept.
Women bend over backwards for gay men and troons and the favour is never returned.
No. 1562283
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My stupid brother won't wear a damn t-shirt at home, whether it's his own or our parents. He used to be a chubby, but now that he's gotten all fit and toned he just loves flaunting his stupid abs every chance he gets. He says it's more natural, but I find it absolutely infuriating. He needs to put a shirt on and stop acting like a tool. It's so frustrating, it makes me want to scream 'go to war and die'!
No. 1566845
I had no idea my small vent would get these many responses, I genuinely thought it was benign.
>>1566793>>1566797They are not my friends, just former coworkers that I see like twice a year, I don't even think they are "interested in my time" since we never send private texts to each other. I always felt like the third wheel because the group is one guy and his gf and two people who get along really great, I always had this feeling I was invited out of pity since I give off abandonment issue vibes.
>>1566804Yeah I didn't participate in the conversation at all nor was I @ed, it seemed obvious to me I wouldn't go.
>>1566809It's my fault, I have to agree, to be fair I had forgotten the group chat existed since it's not very active, and I thought it would create drama if I left it during the conversation, I'll leave in a week or so.
No. 1566974
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No. 1567009
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No. 1567706
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>scrote shoots multiple women kills one
No. 1568326
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>>1553204sagefornomilk lmao
No. 1568534
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>>1568326>sagefornomilkthis isn't a cow board anon (and you didn't even sage anyway)
No. 1569233
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Been seeing this reel all over and it annoys the shit out of me. I think people who got their houses bombed and had to fled their country because of war are more deserving of therapy than someone who got yelled at by their parents once or twice and think they might be ~*traumatized*~. Especially with the waiting lists, they're clogged up by people who don't feel amazing 100% of the time while there are people who can't even function, and they have to wait months longer. I get the sentiment and trauma olympics are stupid but it still pisses me off.
No. 1569324
>>1569233Yeah, as someone who has lived through wartime, I hate that kind of relativisation.
Can't take seriously all the boo-hoo poor me traumatized 4 lyfe by some kids calling me names I read all the time. Get over yourselves.
Annoyed as well at how they appropriated the term PTSD to refer to their frivolous grievances.
No. 1570202
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I'm reading a fanfiction that's AUing in the 1870s, and Protagonist-kun just compared Protagonist-chans looks to van Goghs Starry Night, as if it wasn't painted almost twenty years later. Get your facts straight, sensei.
No. 1570431
>>1570202I'm usually pretty forgiving when it comes to historical inaccuracies in fanfiction since the authors are writing them for free in their sparetime so of course it's not going to be the most well researched thing ever. But this one would have been so easy/quick to fact check
>>1570240how is that post autistic? anon is bringing up a
valid point
No. 1571695
>>1571513Opposite too tbh. Had to buy a kitchen scale because I like euro food and native recipes are better.
I once saw an American putting cayenne pepper in "Italian" seasoning I am not kidding.
No. 1571723
File: 1683605339774.webm (4.77 MB, 406x720, RDT_20230508_210408.webm)

Men who have to go through some whole ass mental gymnastics to justify their attraction to a trans woman are so annoying (picrel). Just admit you're a faggot. The actual straight men know exactly what they want and it's not someone who used to be a man.
No. 1571761
>>1571723I only watched a bit
>I didn't want to fuck her (him) 10 years ago, i want to fuck her (him) now, she's fitSo fucking disgusting.I don't even get whats funny about this, as a
TERF it's disgusting because it's gay mumble jumble, imagine what he says about actual women? If he sees a troon and goes, "I wanna fuck her now!!" it's not funny at all. Just gross.
Also i hate the "If an attractive woman used to be a man would you not fuck her because she used to be an man conversation?"
Why do they assume everyone regardless of gender is like them? Then if you say, "No I would'nt fuck John Cena with a coochie or fuck Megan Fox with a dick" they say, "Your lying".
Just because gentials don't matter to YOU doesn't mean everyone else is that way. Like I'll eat a off brand honey bun, but I would'nt eat a perfect replica of an honey bun made out of Clay, no matter how good it looks.
and when we're speaking on troon fake gentials, it's more like "An lump of unpainted clay, hapazardly rolled vaguely into a honey bun shape, thats breaking apart on the ends. And you only know what it is because someone placed it inside an honey bun package that was already used. Otherwise it looks like shit"
No. 1571963
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which lolcow farm are these people even talking about, where are all those pedo anons, what is this schizo shit?
i've been here for way too long and while infighting was always big, there seemingly have never been more tinhatters here than now
No. 1576995
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It was getting irritating watching Gab Smolders get towards the end of Alice: Madness Returns in the last few videos of her gameplay. "She's making up more exucses", "It hasn't been confirmed that he did it yet", "She could be making this up", Dr. Bumby confesses: "Oh yea, it's tru."
No. 1577149
>>1576593I remember some girl fucking crying over a B in middle school. Like goddamn, I mean she’s doing waaay better than me and I’m dying soon I hope so but like why. Why cry over grades.
Unrelated but I heard her once mention that she was getting money for being able to trace her lineage or something to some native maerican tribe. She was white as fuck
No. 1580746
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Loafers have been catching up in where I live which is cool, but everyone calls them moccasins, they aren't moccasins.
No. 1583336
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Hey incense stick holder makers, has it occurred to you that they're supposed to hold the ash that falls too, and not just the stick?
I have 6 incence holders of various shapes and designs and the ash always ends up on the table.
I keep buying them thinking "this one might hold it"
No. 1583356
>>1484551>>1583336try a incense box instead, that's what i've used for years and always worked fine
etsy might have some better ones compared to the ones sold in hippie shops/etc
No. 1619665
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Year 0: Oh look, a thing.
Year 1: I LOVE this fucking thing. So many other fans like me. WHY DON’T MORE PEOPLE BOW DOWN TO THE THING?!?! It will cure cancer, end world hunger and will help us colonize the sun!!!
Year 2: Ok, even the fans don’t seem to get my appreciation for the thing. I KNOW! I will create the most epic fan work of the thing and they will know how I am a deity like them because we worship the thing and all its glory.
Year 3: Almost no fans anymore (hell, the creator is even being faithful to the thing by giving me subtle warning signs)…NO MATTER! I still love the thing because it is superior to all the other things! The thing CAUSED the big bang and us few tiny remaining fans know it!
Year 4: NOOOOOOO! Other things wish to be superior to the thing! I will obliterate inferior things by creating a NanoReich and testify its power by crushing other things for trying to be better than the thing by being DIFFERENT to the thing! >:(((((((.
Year 5: Ok, I need help, BUT I STILL LOVE THE THING (even if it’s showing how empty it is compared to 5 years ago).
Year 6: I DID it! The thing is still superior thing and is still able to coexist with the mortals (even if it nearly sends me to the hospital).
Year 7: Well, people nowadays seem to like the thing the same way the US liked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, BUT I will not surrender. The thing is brilliant no matter what!
Year 8: I am a guru of the thing….wow, even the sarcasm isn’t worth it anymore.
Year 9: I mean it’s been almost a decade, and not much seems to be worth it from this “thing” anymore given how detrimental and fucking convoluted it’s become for me now(ffs, I’m calling it a “thing” because I’m THAT proud of its actual name), plus there are more animals extinct in the wild than there are fans anyway, so…
Year 10: Oh look, fanstuff I made that I regretted deleting a decade ago…yeah I don’t regret deleting it anymore, bruh. Still, they do bring back a few good times, so what the hay?
Year 11: …
Year 12 (final): Eh, one more cavalcade of fan works for old times sake. After this the Queen can have this “thing” back for all I care anymore because it’s clearly just gonna give me PTSD from here on out anyway.
No. 1619741
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my mom does this weird food thing where she wants to eat something sweet (like a cake), but she will only eat a tiny bite or pick a little bit with her finger and put it BACK so when you want to eat a full slice there's like 1/2 or 1/4 left and it drives me INSANE
also she doesn't like to get up when the mailman comes so she screams my name (i wear noise cancelling headphones when i work/study) instead of just… getting up and receiving the package. today she got up to go to my room and tap my sholder when i didn't answer. makes no sense to me
No. 1619870
>>1619741I feel like when you live with your parents as an adult, every minor weird thing they do begins to annoy you. Some annoying things my own mother does:
>Slurps soup and cereal instead of just sticking the whole spoon in her mouth like a normal person>Puts "my" before literally everything, even things she doesn't personally own. Ex. "My" shows, "my" walls, "my" hairdresser, "my" birds (as in, wild ones outside that visit the feeder).>Extremely picky eater, is unwilling to eat 90% of the things I cook>Hides used Kleenex all over the place (glove box, coolers, jacket pockets)>Home renovations and her unhappy marriage are the only topics she wants to discuss>Horrible taste in music, only listens to top forty shit from like 2013>Impulse buys sweets then doesn't eat them because of her diet and lets them expire. Gets mad if you eat them because she likes the idea of "having it there in case I want it">Describes dogs barking as them "crying," like they're babies>Sucks at remembering things unless it's something you did to offend her ten years ago, then she remembers it perfectly.>Secretly hates all of her friends, but when I tell her to make new ones, she says she doesn't want to. No. 1620223
>>1619870Is your mom slavic by any chance?
But maybe that's just one of the moms' archetypes in general. Just sounds so familiar, like a particular personality type
No. 1620456
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>>1619750Trust me: superwholock was 10x more wholesome…
No. 1620577
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It truly pisses me off so bad when they lump biracials in as black. Bitch, you got a whole white mom you are not black and you will never be black. "Stop erasing my blackness!", Stop erasing your whiteness.
Pic marginally related. Thankfully Mariah herself never claimed to be black.
No. 1620592
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I hate this depop account I follow that “pins and rolls” every single top they sell to make it look better/more form-fitting than it actually is. Like yes anyone can roll a shirt but I’m not going around with clothespins on and I can’t sew, so how is this useful? Hey maybe just advertise what you’re actually selling instead of body checking on depop, that’s what Instagram is for kek.
No. 1620666
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>>1620661Beyonce's mother is creole so Beyonce probably does have some other races in her (like most black people from America), but I wouldn't call her anything but black. Not even mixed. Picrel is her parents
No. 1622849
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The software I use to download music doesn't do automatic name suggestions for the mp3 files like the website I used to use several years ago does, and I have to rename everything manually. It's over a hundred files, this will take like half an hour, or one…
No. 1640513
>>1640510Oh my god ME TOO, I’ve always hated it. It’s like an autistic
trigger for me
No. 1666954
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i shop for home decor a lot and I’ve noticed this extremely retarded trend of Christmas trees being pushed onto EVERY Holiday that isn’t Christmas, like there will be trees with sham rocks and Easter bunnies and pumpkins like picrel. Christmas is already my least favorite holiday to decorate with because the colors are ugly, I also don’t know who the fuck these are for, they sell full ornaments too. Are these for people who love Halloween so much they’re going to put this out at Christmas? Or is it the opposite and idiots love Christmas so much they have to have their stupid Jesus tree in every single holiday even though it makes zero sense.
No. 1666963
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>>1666954Just wanna say that Easter trees have been a thing for a very long time, like centuries I think, thought they usually look like picrel rather than a Christmas tree shape
No. 1666967
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>>1666954I want to add onto this point by saying I hate the inclusion of gnomes into other holidays. It's similar to the christmas tree, before I just saw christmas gnomes but now there are others? I can see the appeal of halloween gnomes because they end up looking like little wizards, but 4th of july gnomes? Ugly
No. 1666989
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>>1666967ayrt and i completely agree, i suppose neither of us are the target market anyhow though, I found this pic on Google so I don’t know the context but this looks like the average Gen X mom that loves those types of things in her popcorn ceiling McMansion
No. 1831932
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i dont know where to put this since I don't think there's a dedicated thread for people who do online/written roleplay as a hobby, but people who overcompensate with miles and miles of incomprehensible purple prose to try and fill reply space and make their responses ~poetic~ annoy me as much as people who constantly hit you with single sentence dialogue replies. but what's funny is that the first example is usually ESL
No. 1832743
>>1832577You could try just shaving the underside
nonnie, if you're looking for more comfort.
I have the same hair as you and two years ago, when I had grown my hair out a lot, I cut a braid of hair on the underside of my head to donate for wigs and shaved the rest of that part of my head clean and kept my long hair on the top side.
It was very refreshing for the summer and also I didn't need to use too much hair products as when I have a full head of hair.
I never tried fully shaved because I don't have the head shape to rock it.
No. 1864730
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A moid keeps smirking at me not in a friendly way, but in a creepy evil villain way. It also gives "I'm making fun of you" vibes. The fuck did I do???
No. 2007489
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This is so extremely petty but I thought it was silly to praise this as some impressive feat of head-to-tail butchery. Every chicken ramen uses those parts. Imagine what kind of freak of nature chicken is composed of only skin, bones, breast and thigh meat.
No. 2010066
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When people steal your ideas, comments or suggestions and then get praised for it while you get ignored.
>But shouldn't you just be happy that your brainchild is being spread?
No, fuck you. Give me recognition.
No. 2135939
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Picrel. Just wanted to fix a typo, this time I didn't even have to repost like thrice, where I understand the flood detection, but deleted just once to repost right after. It's never just 30 seconds, either. I listened for the entirety of magnet (ver. clear x dasoku) and I still couldn't post.
No. 2191868
I'm esl and when people from my country throw in random English terms when talking it grinds my gears to no end. You don't look smart you look like a terminally online retard. And then act like I'm the weird one for using "big words" aka words that are slightly above middle school vocab level.
>>2191757I feel you nona, I was watching a book rec video today and I could only find one of them which was 35 euro's for a paperback. Highly annoying, I've lucked out on facebook marketplace a few times but it's rare.
No. 2358231
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>don't worry you can easily find a hot young moid who will be glad to have you uwu
Are these anons trolling or did they just get lucky and they don't realize not everybody is like them? If hot men weren't interested in me 10 years ago then they definitely won't be into me now.
No. 2359775
File: 1737558583856.gif (845.72 KB, 480x264, 1000022504.gif)

I hate having hair that cannot grow out. It splits if I so much as look at a blow dryer once a week and grows at a snail's pace. I'll need a trim to remove the fucking ratty ends before it ever gets a chance to gain length even if I space out the trims by 3 or 4 months.
I've never had long beautiful hair that others so effortlessly achieve because it appears that its terminal length is at my shoulders.
No. 2359924
File: 1737564298773.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.44 KB, 432x707, 1000022513.jpg)

>>2359892Hm. I've always been told I have fine and thin hair by stylists. What do you think anon?
Also I was on spironolactone for hormonal acne. Maybe just a general hormome imbalance? I noticed my mom has thinning hair at her crown but she's geriatric so I thought it was age related to menopause.
No. 2359982
>>2359924Ntayrt but maybe they meant "fine hair," as in the hair itself is thin, not that your hair coverage is thin. Your hair does look very fine to me, but that's common in a lot of people with more straight or lightly wavy hair. Your hair doesn't look super unhealthy to me, but maybe it's because you're just showing the top of your hair.
You can always post more in the hair thread on /g/, but if your only problem is that it doesn't grow quickly, it's probably something to do with your diet. You have to make sure that you're eating a good amount of protein per day. You should also try to take a daily B6 vitamin and B9 vitamin.