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No. 2119117

A thread for the admiration of the cuddlesome, soft babies known as felines. Post your cute cat pictures NOW!

Previous threads:

No. 2119118

>Cat is napping
>I see her wake up and yawn
What a perfect creature.

No. 2123269

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I love how autistic cats are. They will leave any soft blanket or expensive cat bed to rot, but god forbid there's a paper or any box in close proximity. They'll claim on it in 0.001 nanoseconds and just sit there proudly.

No. 2123275

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i need to know why they love paper so much. no one knows.

No. 2123277

My cat's new favourite place to camp out in is the bathtub kek. The house isn't too warm for her or anything she just likes it in there.

No. 2123281

They should make cat crates that open and close from the top. Cats seem to be more comfortable with that?

No. 2123287

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I have one like picrel that opens from the top and front side. One of my cats loves it and will sleep in it all the time. The other one hates to be contained no matter what

No. 2123461

Be careful with some of these. I know someone whose cat pushed its head through the top opening somehow and almost strangled itself during a car ride to the vet (the cat was uninjured). I think what happened is the person didn't close the zippers completely so the cat managed to push its paw through and then opened it enough so its head could fit.

No. 2124082

thank you for saying this nonna, i was thinking about buying one because the plastic carrier i use is so bulky but i don't think i will now

No. 2124175

He has been diagnosed with chronic kidney issues for a couple of years now. At first it was found out on a blood test, you have to check the “BUN” and “CRE” values. His BUN value stayed around 35 for a couple of years and we switched to Royal Canine Renal to protect his kidneys. But around the end of last year, he started to vomit a lot. Like, a lot. Yellow bile was coming out with lots of fluid. And this year his symptoms got even worse, he was throwing up about four times a week and losing a lot of fluid each time he vomit.

Thanks nonny. Actually our vet told us that the treatment for chronic pancreatitis can counteract with kidneys so all we can do at this stage is help him with IV fluids and medicine to help nausea and vomiting. Our last visit to the vet was pretty demoralizing. Our vet told us if he did an endoscopy to see if there is any other serious disease that’s not showing up on ultrasound it could kill him or harm him even more, and even if he did an endoscopy he will most likely not find out anything other than pancreatitis and kidney disease that already shows up in blood test and ultrasound. So we are taking him to the vet every other day for IV fluids to keep the fluid level up (helps his kidneys) and he gets steroids and anti vomiting meds. That’s all we can do.

I have chronic illness myself so I understand how he feels. My little baby.

No. 2124183

one of my cats favorite sleeping place is the cardboard shell of an advent calendar i got them. it's falling apart and literal trash but we can't throw it away because she loves it so much, she's literally purring when she's sleeping on it

No. 2124230

mine does the same kek just yesterday i went to get in the shower and he was just sitting in the tub staring at me

No. 2124269

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Mine has been using this box more time than his cute bed, it's a bit frustrating kek.

No. 2125292

My friend's cat yawned and fell asleep on me. I am now resigned to accept it

No. 2125392

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No. 2125405

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Cats cannot resist the allure of random round or square things to sit in/on (only applies to things they're not actually meant to use ofc)

No. 2125430

Love that and I wonder why they do this

No. 2125771

Cat cleaning herself at night and snorting is the best asmr i could ever wish for.

No. 2125779

evolutionary reasons. cats used to sleep in more 'cozy' but natural habitats, such as tree branches or atop soft grass

No. 2125866

Is my cat weird for not liking boxes too much? Once I set out a few big boxes for her to use, and she didn’t care for them at all. She only once sat in a cardboard crate for a little bit and that was it… Mine seems to prefer windowsills/ledges. She loves to balance on things…

No. 2126199

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No. 2126205

Anon that's clearly a gremlin not a cat

No. 2126209

Only one way to tell. Feed it after midnight

No. 2126213

Ugh sphynxes are so cute. I wish they weren't so much work to keep, though. They need to be hand-bathed like every other day.

No. 2126221

There was a brown one at one of the shelters I volunteered at awhile back. They're cuter than the pink sphinxs. I wish I had a pic but sadly I never got one. She was a total sweetheart!

No. 2126757

I find sphynxes so fucking cute and while I understand why people would not like them the way they sometimes react is ridiculous.

No. 2128328

My cat always gets too oily in summer so I gave her a bath and she's like 2 shades lighter than she was lol. She hates baths but she's also really happy when she has super clean fur.

No. 2136887

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Daily reminder that cats are perfect creatures and the Egyptians had the right idea.

No. 2136961

My cat is such an angel I want to get another one, but I also know it's a shot in the dark whether they would like each other or not. and I don't know if I wanna deal with teaching another kitty to not claw on the furniture and to leave the plants alone.
But on the other hand, more cats.

No. 2141546

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I can't stop staring at this pic of my parents' cat, she looks so fat and stupid there.

No. 2141549

We're getting a kitten/cat in 3 weeks, does anyone have any tips or tricks to getting them settled for the first time?

No. 2141568

if the kitten is really skittish, i'd recommend dedicating a room to have him/her acclimate in (larger bathroom, small guest room, etc) especially if you have other pets, for about a week or so. i'd also leave some dirty laundry in with the kitty so he/she can get used to your sent too!

some cats are entirely fine though, my son was young when we got him (and his sister) and they were running around having a blast the second they entered my apartment. i also have a pet rabbit, but he was bigger than them at the time so they're not afraid of him or see him as prey now that they're older.

sorry for the slight sperg, but congratulations on the kitty!!

No. 2141572

Beautiful pillow. The cat embodies the "no thoughts behind those eyes" meme, lol. So cute!

No. 2141588

thank you! Im so excited and can't wait to see his personality.

No. 2146857

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I have no idea what happened there, she looks normal most of the time.

No. 2148732

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i posted about finding a cat on my worksite a few weeks ago and we've finally got some news on it!
i contacted a local rescue and they put up traps around the site with cameras. they ended up seeing a cat on the camera taking the food but not going in the trap, which is good because this is a mom cat and she's currently lactating which means she has kittens somewhere around here. so they're monitoring her and waiting for her to bring her kittens out to the food so they can hopefully trap the kittens first and then the mom.
all my fingers are crossed!!!!!

No. 2153818

I can't find anything on google about it, maybe i just don't know how to write it properly. When i pet my cat on the head and neck her ears shiver. It doesn't happen all the time but she had cluster of days when it does. What do you think it can be? I don't know if it hurts her because she's so polite and never gets angry when something hurts her.

No. 2153873

>too many treat their pets like their children these days
Can't hear you I'm busy cutting up a piece of hot dog for my spoiled 1,5 year old cat because he won't stop begging for it

No. 2162528

My cat used to be a very silent purrer but he has gotten a bit louder since my roommate moved in for some reason. He is also sort of slowly starting to figure out the whole kneading thing, he used to only do it one or two times when we cuddled and then look confused at what he was doing kek he is turning 2 and finally realizing how to cat and not be a cuddly plush running on kibbles and love

No. 2169704

I hope I can ask something about cats here. I recently introduced two cats to each other because I moved in with someone who has a cat and I brought mine.
>her cat
>male, two yo
>got fixed quite early and is like a baby
>very playful but not cuddly at all
>never lived together with another cat

>my cat

>female, 7 yo
>got fixed late and is very mature
>very cuddly and a bit playful but shy and reserved
>lived her life with quite a lot of cats

You see they are as different as can be. At first it was catastrophic, the male cat would follow her around all the time and she would scream and punch at him but he didn’t care at all. I separated them but after two days my cat didn’t want that at all anymore so only separate them if things get too heated. Now after two weeks it’s a lot better. They chill on the same sofa and give each other kisses even! Very cute. But he still doesn’t understand her social cues and annoys her quite a bit. Is there anything I can do. What should I do when he follow and chases her? Any idea? I’m sure she doesn’t suffer but sometimes it’s stressful.

No. 2169769

Two weeks is still pretty early. It takes a cat about one to two months to fully adjust to new surroundings. What’s most important is that there is a safe place for your cat to go to when she is feeling overwhelmed and can’t be bothered by the other cat. This could be your room, a porch, sunroom, etc.

No. 2171800

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No. 2179328

My two girls deserve this treatment.

No. 2181425

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this Ukranian soldier is trying to fly a complex FPV drone maneuver and the cat has climbed up and perched on his entire arm… lmfao

No. 2181508

I thought cats only puffed up their tails when they got scared but I just learned they can do it when playing too. Mine was doing that just now, and I ended up looking it up because nothing I was doing could possibly be scaring her (I was using a toy she's had all her life, nothing was new). Now that I know she isn't bothered I can say it's very cute and i like smoothing her tail back to normal after.

No. 2182631

Just wanted to say he's settled in really settled and he's super cute and happy! Thanks for the tips, it was helpful.

No. 2190418

I literally chase my cat down when he puffs (we call it his blushing tail because it gives away his strong emotions) to smooth his tail down because it’s so fun feeling to do. He lets me but I can tell he’s mildly annoyed and confused by it. But I can’t help it because it addicting. They need to make a fidget toy that feels just like smoothing down a puffed cat tail.

No. 2190567

I've had a couple of rough nights with a lot of mental struggling, so my cat refuses to leave my side when I try to sleep. We usually do some cuddling when I go to bed but he usually either finds it a bit uncomfortable or too warm after a while and leave to either sleep somewhere else or at the foot of the bed, but now that I've been struggling he's stayed close entire nights. I even woke up in the middle of this night because he had crawled under my arm and fallen asleep with his belly up. He makes me feel so loved even when I feel the most alone

No. 2195182

My little cat loves to be serenaded. If I sing to her she instantly calms down, starts purring, and eventually falls asleep. If I stop, she wakes up and does something else, but as long as I sing a lonnnngggggggggg made up song to her, she snoozin and kneading in her sleep. Does anyone else have a cat that loves to be sung to?

No. 2196292

My bro has a kitty that loves to be serenaded by the guitar. It's so adorable

I now have two cats, one ten years old and one a month and a half. Both unplanned adoptions. Feeling blessed by the Cat God

No. 2202132

For the past three days my cat has been in a snug little ball chilling beside me non stop, only really moving to bonk me whilst purring
100% baby mode
Cute. I'm glad your cat chills with you like that. Mine helps me with that stuff too.

No. 2204434

You know what I love most about cats? The stakes are way lower for not raising one properly. Like, my cat’s an asshole but at least she’s never gonna go shoot up an elementary school.

No. 2206664

I went to a cat cafe today with a friend. We booked the room with the quiet old cats and they were so calm and sweet.

No. 2206700

Old sweet cat lied down on my lap when I went to a bar last night and ended up sleeping on me the entire time I was there. She was the owner's cat and super friendly, honestly made my day especially since I've been feeling really depressed recently

No. 2206779

I thought you meant as opposed to dogs and then the last sentence hit me like a bus

No. 2206845

i love that cats run hotter than humans. they are the perfect cosy waterbottle that are so soft and emit healing frequencies.

No. 2214625

My cat chirps at me when I sneeze. So I always say bless you back (I hear her sneeze like twice a year.)

No. 2218688

They also bury their waste on their own and you don’t have to worry about the weather when they’re going potty, have very specific body language to show you if they’re happy or upset or just teach you boundaries in general, are low maintenance, can’t physically kill you except maybe via bacteria which is eliminated when they get vaccinated as babies, have saliva that makes their fur smell like your house (which is great, if you do clean your house obviously), and they hug on you when you’re sleeping or sad. I love that they domesticated themselves, and somehow became one of the most easily cared for, yet one of the most loving companions you can have. I also love how they can be independent and you don’t want to worry too much if you leave them at home for long periods of time. I love them.

No. 2219566

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this pic reminds me of my old cat, i miss him

No. 2238271

I woke up because my cat was chewing on my braid, so cute lol. She's been sleeping on me all week, I've had pretty bad sleep and it's helping a lot honestly. She makes me feel so safe.

No. 2238272

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Look at him acting silly because he's not allowed on my bed while
I'm putting some new sheets.

No. 2240032

most wholesome lolcow thread

No. 2240055

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I love my cat so much he looks like picrel. When I adopted him he was overweight but he’s been on a diet and has steadily lost most of it. He’s super flabby now though because it and I like watching him clean his belly. It’s funny.

No. 2241114

Does your cat like cheese? I fed my feral cats cheese all the time but my housecat now hates cheese.

No. 2241119

no but they get crazy about yogurt for some reason

No. 2241124

I had a cat that loved ice cream. Current cat only likes cheetos, if that counts.

No. 2241129

one time i left a pizza portion on my desk and went to wash my hands, when i came back my cat was licking it. He didnt eat it, he just licked it, ruining it for me, and then didnt even finish it.

No. 2241146

My cat is a fiend for anything dairy. He'll definitely eat cheese if you leave it unattended for a few minutes. My boyfriend bought some yogurt drink thing a few weeks ago (we never buy yogurt drinks) and my cat immediately knew as soon as the lid was cracked and came sprinting over… his ability to sense dairy is incredible kek

No. 2254585

Soon I will have my new kitty meet my older cat. The kitten has been isolated until it gets all the shots and develops immunity.
The older cat is friendly, the new kitten seems to be socially intelligent. I have high hopes they will get along.

No. 2255594

Spoiler for being a downer:
It should have been my cat's fourth birthday today but I lost her to a heart attack a few months ago (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) she was so beautiful and perfect and I miss her so bad nonnies

No. 2255739

i'm so sorry nonna

No. 2256671

I love when my cat sleeps in my bed, she's my best friend.
I'm sorry nonnie. Maybe you can write her a letter, it could help you process the grief.

No. 2260538

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Sometimes when I'm sitting with my cat if I stare at his whiskers for too long they freak me out a bit. He just has these giant thick whiskers sticking directly out of his face, kind of alien like or something kek

No. 2264189

The first visual encounter (through a crack in the sliding door) day before yesterday morning went really poorly with lots of hissing and outright aggression from my older cat. Makes sense, he was perfectly fine with the kitten occupying a secluded space (in the home office) but is now seeing her as a genuine threat encroaching on his territory
Second visial encounter on the evening of the same day (still through a crack) went well, he was praised and petted and given treats
Third visual encounter yesterday he hissed once at her
Fourth visual encounter yesterday he just looked at her and didn't even approach the door

This is gonna take some time but I feel hopeful

No. 2264277

Omfg, suddenly they are getting along great?!?!
I wasn't expecting this, the older cat was so hostile at first but he was so chill today and I let her come to him and she played with his tail and they're fine interacting
Aw, I'm so happy

No. 2264699

I just adopted my cat and he's extremely cuddly and cute and I already love him very much. I'm just very very happy right now!

No. 2264701

Aw nonna is that your cat? He's so handsome! I love it when their whiskers are thick like this, it kinda reminds me of Chinese dragons.

No. 2264703

My mom would be so jealous, her cat has small thin whiskers and she compares hers to every other cat she comes across lol.

No. 2264729

This is so cute and funny. A cat on a diet lol. Bet he didn't like that. I love fat cats.

No. 2267082

Why is my cat so obsessed with sitting on yoga mats? Texture?

No. 2267116

Your cat is a granola grrl

No. 2267127

One of my cats has emerald eyes, the other has amber eyes
One of them has an orange nose, the other has a pink nose
I love how they lovingly look at me with those cute eye gems and button noses pointed at me

No. 2267131

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pure pottery

No. 2270699

Purring is really a gift
Imagine if we could purr

No. 2280785

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The only man I love is my cat. He was neutered well before he reached puberty and he comes with me to work, he sleeps in the carrier as I drive us to and from home, he hangs around me at the house, and then he sleeps with me. He basically wants to be around me at all times. Pictured is as far away from me as he is willing to be and where he is at work. I would bring him with me everywhere in public because he's so well behaved, but I'm afraid of dogs potentially hurting him so I don't. He is so sweet and loves my other girl cat (she prefers to stay within her own territory at home which is why she stays there), he even sings to her/chirps at her, and I couldn't ask for a better animal. I smother him and he wants me to do that even more.

No. 2280794

I love grey tabbies they're so handsome

No. 2280796

Does he have a little jacket? That’s adorable. He clearly loves and cares about you so much, both you and him are so blessed to have each other nonny.
My boy is also super attached to me but he doesn’t cope with travel well. I’ve begun leaving my house more often due to my class schedule and I know it’s been hard on him. Do nonnys have any tips to ease his anxiety?

No. 2280806

You can leave him a blanket that smells like you or some clothes, that helps my cats. I also have a gray tabby, they're so cute.

No. 2280937

I love your cat, nona. He looks so calm and happy.

No. 2283567

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I have too many pictures to share, have nice night nonnies

No. 2283569

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No. 2283570

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My cat looks just like picrel, and we are sleeping next to each other. God I wish I could live in 2000 forever and ever.

No. 2283582

If I end up with another faggot cat in my backyard that I have to adopt I'm gonna name it gondii

No. 2284016

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It's my birthday and a few friends are gonna come over, so I put a bowtie on my cat and he's just 100% fine with it walking around like a little gentleman. Can't wait for the excited squeals from my friends when he greets them at the door kek

No. 2284017

that's adorable

No. 2284384


Gorgeous little darling!

No. 2284624

Happy birthday nona!

No. 2284829

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I love when cats make their legs look like little drumsticks

No. 2303889

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I helped a kitty today. I went around this roundabout and she was sitting on the doorstep of house next to it meowing and scared. There was a lot of traffic. It was a british blue cat and although some people in the area let their cats out i though she's to luxury for being outside. People were passing her by because they probably though she was an outdoor cat. I rang the doorbell of the house and a granny came out and said the car ran away. She was glad the cat came home. Cat was very sweet and cuddly.

No. 2315374

I love my cat so much. She's got such a personality, so funny yet so loving. Sometimes I wish I could purr back at her so she know just how happy she makes me. When I first adopted her, I never thought she'd turn into the vocal, snuggly girl I have. The first day she was stand off-ish, but that night, she crawled into bed with me, got under my arm, and fell asleep. She didn't get in bed with me for a very, very long time after the fact - I feel like that moment was special, was her way of saying thank you for saving me. Now she sleeps with me every single night. She mostly likes to sleep on my head, burrowing her nose in my hair and purring. She talks so much, mostly little grumbles, like a grouchy old lady. Whenever I'm sad or upset, she comes running to find me and bonks me over and over again. Sometimes if I laugh to hard or loud she comes and checks on me too, to make sure I'm being loud for good reasons and not bad. She seeks me out sometimes during the day for snuggles and falls asleep in my lap. I'm just so blessed to have such a sweet kitty, it sounds so dumb but she feels like the pet equivalent of a soul mate. I don't ever think I'll be this bonded with another animal ever again.

No. 2316533

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Awww my cat is my soulmate too. I'm always worried i'll never find any cat like her again, she's quite old now. But reading this I think I may have a chance again, there's more of soulmate cats out there.

No. 2318415

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We left our cat at our cousin's place for Christmas and it's the first time he is interacting with other cats (except when he was at my parents' place when he was a baby), everything is going well for now, he is just curious. Left is him and right is one of my cousin's cat, she is very shy and fearful.

No. 2318598

anon this isn't how you introduce cats…

No. 2344626

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No. 2345005

I'm in!

No. 2347650

I recently moved out of my parents' house, where my cat was kept in my bedroom, to a 1br apartment. I'm still in the process of unpacking, and every single time I get up to go into the other room to get something, he gets up and runs past me to meet me in the room. What did I do to deserve such a sweet cat?

No. 2347789

I love how my cat runs up to greet me when I get home from work, and how he lets me pick him up to cuddle and cover him with smooches on his little head (and smell his fur) for a minute without any complaints.

No. 2363922

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I'm going out of town for a couple weeks for family stuff in the next few days. I have someone coming to visit my cats and spend time with them every other day, but I'm so nervous. They've never been without me and I work from home so I'm always around them. What can I do to help ease them while I'm gone?

No. 2364050

The once in a while nights when my cat lets me hug him as we both fall asleep are the nights that makes it worth to keep going.
Maybe put out some sweaters that smell a lot like you that they can curl up in? As long as someone comes by and make them company it should be fine, but every other day seems a bit too little with food, water and litterbox in mind imo

No. 2364070

I have automatic feeders (dry and wet food), auto cleaning litterboxes, and some fountains luckily. I'm more nervous about the separation because they're going to be set for those things. I'll leave some unwashed sweaters, their favorite blankets, maybe some treat toys?

No. 2392611

I am so sick of my food obsessed cat. This has been going on for years now. No matter what I do, she just doesn't stop. She begs for food all the time. If she is not sleeping, she hangs out in the kitchen waiting for some crumb to fall on the floor. She burnt herself the other day trying to eat from a hot pan on the stove. Nothing will stop her and she will eat anything as long as its edible. She now believes that pads wrappers contain food and will scream at me while I am in the bathroom changing pads.
I don't know how it started, I used to be able to leave food unattented and she wouldn't care. I love her so much but this is has become hell.

No. 2392621

I started giving my cat food whenever I eat and spending more time with them, that helped. Some cats are crazy about food though

No. 2394306

Sounds like a nutritional deficiency or something medical since its a change in behavior..maybe, Idk as Im not a vet. I think that condition about eating non-food things is called Pica.

When using the stove, please put a pot with water on top of any still hot/warm stove burners, to protect your baby from hurting herself and so that the food particles dont keep cooking. Put unfinished food in a drawer if youre still having it and temporarily need to leave.

Bake or broil some chicken breast for a treat when she wants something that is not edible/not food, to train her behavior.

Hope she can overcome this. She probably has anxiety about it, if it consumes her thoughts like this. If she plays and watches birds out the window, that might take her mind off of eating, too. Please give her extra love and care, she deserves it.

No. 2394339

Yeah what the other nonna said, that sounds like a case for the vet. This could be caused by a myriad of health issues, from worms, to thyroid or kidney probelms, to diabetes etc.
Otherwise, do you talk to your cat a lot? Having clear phrases (for example when you give them treats) can help, so the cat knows when it's time for treats and when those treats are empty/there's no more for today.

No. 2394352

My cat loves cheddy and yogi [cheddar and yogurt], as did all my previous cats. But cats are lactose intolerant, as the milk used is not from cats milk, causing upset stomach and diarrhea. If giving dairy as a treat, only give a small amount. Make sure to read the ingredients for anything cats cant safely consume, or added flavorings or artificial crap. Cats have diff dietary needs, and have diff gut bacteria, as theyre obligate carnivores. Cats dont handle the same things in the same proportions as us.

I get that its fun to let them try new things, but no cat should be eating things like cheetos.

Im so sorry nonna. Cat loss and grief is very hard, I would know. Some things that help me were the realizations that; how fortunate you both were, to be able to cross paths out of the billions of beings and time/places; and that she was loved during her life and beyond, how many animals can say the same?

My sweet girls used to love yoga mats. It could be they like the feeling of soft but firm textures to knead into.

One of my girls loved to rip my yoga mat to shreds, which ended up in her claws. She almost consumed it when she cleaned herself, if I didnt notice the bright mat color in her claws. To avoid getting her grouchy to look through her claws for pieces of yoga mat, I had to block the yoga mat away out of their reach. Plus yoga mats often are made of PVC, a carcinogen, so theres that.

This is the cat love thread. While I support the adoption of cats, its demeaning to define a cat by a strain of bacteria that humans are vulnerable to. Cats deserve love and respect.

No. 2394371

I bring her to the vet every year for a check up and she is very healthy. The vet basically told me to never give her non cat food and ignore her. I spend a lot of time and play with her every day.
It all started when I had to feed her Meow Mix 5 years ago for a week cause I was too poor for her regular food. At first, she refused to eat her regular food again and it all escalated from there.

No. 2401242

I have an ear infection and my cat has been on my lap all day, I love her so much.

No. 2401266

Cute! I just recovered from a cold and my cat avoided me the entire time kek

No. 2407317

I love my cat so much I genuinely call her my baby because she is. I don’t care if other nonnas say “cats are cute but they’re not a kid” yeah I don’t care, she is my whole entire world ♥ It will be her first birthday in a week! Does anyone else celebrate their cats birthdays?

No. 2407363

>Does anyone else celebrate their cats birthdays?
Yes! I invite my cat's favourite people and they bring him presents - a treat or toy
From me he gets an olive - he's crazy about olives, literally loses his mind when he smells them around, but I only give them to him on special occasions because they're so high in salt

No. 2407369

The reason why he is obsessed with olives is because they contain similar chemical properties to catnip. A healthier alternative is to get him a toy made from olive wood, it should have the same effect.

No. 2407373

Weird, he's totally indifferent to actual catnip. I'll try the olive wood toy though, it has more chance to work since it's, well, olive

No. 2407419

Yes! I have both of my cats' birthdays in my calendar, and my parents' cat too, kek. I make them a special little dinner with the birthday cat's favorite food, and sprinkle treats and catnip on top. One of my cats is a princess so he gets to eat it on my bed away from the other cats when it's his day kek.

No. 2411700

IDK where else to put this depressing post. Im still grieving the loss of my 2 cat girls to cancer. I just got home from work, wanted to relax, when I hear my shithead brother say "NO FEMALES!" to mom. He was talking about wanting to adopt a male kitten for the family male cat to play with, as he has extra energy. The reason is supposedly because the family female cat has a history of fighting other female cats, and isnt as energetic as him.

But my brother is a misogynist matt walsh fan, who is prob just using that as an excuse. Back when my babygirl cats were alive, my brother used to say how awful it was that the male cat was outnumbered by the female cats, and he used to call my now-deceased babygirl cats "dyke" and "crazy". He once said he wishes he could have male neighbors only. So he just hates the female sex, no matter the species.

Ofc my boymom also hates women and girls, so she agreed about no female cats. They both always view male cats as better, and talk negatively about our female cats. From an early age, I had to learn if I dont advocate for all our female cats, no one will.

Yet I got shamed for wanting a cat to adopt to help me grieve/feel less lonely overall, as an emotional support animal, despite them knowing I feel like ending myself at times. I was told I was wrong for trying to "replace" my babygirls. To me, thats impossible, and I would still honor my dearly departed girls if I did adopt.

I have nothing against male cats, but this male favoritism + my babygirls deaths, really hurts. Not only does it depend on who wants to adopt another cat, but the sex of the cat matters too, in a misogynist way.

On top of this, the male family cat is now older than my 2 babygirl cats got to be, so one day, Im sure my brother will rub that in my face. The male cat goes in the enclosed outdoor area, which I built, only after my cat girls died, because my brother constantly promised to build it then never did.

Im sorry if I brought the feelings in this thread down, and for the long post. I just really feel like crying rn. I hate moids so much.

No. 2411705

off topic but I hope your moid brother gets his dick shredded by a wood cutter.

No. 2411724

I also hope your moid brother gets his dick shredded by a wood cutter.

No. 2411732

AYRT. Based and therapeutic replies. I needed a good chuckle. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face nonnas.

No. 2420418

File: 1740606103048.webp (21.07 KB, 800x800, d21c1e2b-ae69-4f7c-aaf9-f1ea55…)

I have a semi-longhaired cat that I try to brush at least once a week, but he just isn't all that into it. At first he enjoys it, he purrs and rubs his face against the brush, but after a minute or two he’s pretty much over it and either walks away or tries to chew on the brush. I’ve tried a number of different combs and brushes in various price ranges but they’ve all given me the same result.
But the one brush he finally absolutely loves? This cheap thing from temu. He’s completely obsessed with it and even lets me brush his tummy, which he otherwise absolutely abhors. His fur has never been softer, and it’s all thanks to a fucking cheap-ass plastic two-dollar brush from china.

No. 2432433


No. 2432527

My cat is so retarted when it comes to kill mice. He catches it, runs with it in his mouth, releases it and repeat. Just kill the damn thing.

No. 2438688

I probably don't have much time left with my kitty. He's showing more signs of aging and already has health issues so I am worried our time together will be cut shorter than I anticipated. I have had cats live much longer before so who knows. I think I am taking this well though, it does scare me and make me feel worried for him, but I think I have given him enough love and care so far (and will continue to do so). We have a close bond, when I am home he never leaves my arms and we are always cuddling. He has such a lovely and affectionate presence, I never had a pet as responsive as him. When I look at him and his little smile or his little feet tucked into himself my heart just swells with joy and love. I am going to cherish the rest of our time together, and I will treat him to lots of treats and warm blankets. I hope I have and can continue to give him a happy and pampered life, his sweet soul truly deserves it.

No. 2441351

my very active cat is almost 3 and i can tell he needs a buddy. i work from home and play with him but it’s definitely not enough. however i cant afford a second kitty yet (it IS more expensive despite what people say - insurance, double litter, food, etc), and my apartment is small. and my biggest issue is i have bad anxiety and cannot handle it if they got sick so id be constantly worried, along with worrying how to evacuate both if theres a fire.

any ideas? i do plan on getting a second cat, just in the future when i have a better grip on my anxiety and maybe a larger home. i buy him toys but he gets bored quickly.

No. 2441397

so sorry nonna. I lost two cats within a year (they were littermates) and had a very close bond with them as well. it's hard. i'm sure you've given him the best life a kitty can ask for

No. 2441597

my 15 year old big guy passed away this past summer and I mentally fought it for a month and then about a month before he passed I kinda just embraced that he was going and from then on it got easier. My parents would try to make him eat or do certain things and I just stopped trying and did little things for him like get him dishes of water or broth, bought a heating pad, etc. Looking back it was actually a really nice time with him because I knew what was coming and roughly when and had stopped being afraid, I was just with him.
He was also really appreciative which was nice, he constantly put his paws on me and butted heads when I'd do stuff for him.
kind of rambling but i think the last year/last months gets better if you treat it like a distinct stage of the relationship and let them be a different cat instead of trying to hold on to how they were.

No. 2443128

I got my cat a similar one because of your post, I wonder if she'll like it. She sheds like crazy so I hope she'll let me use it on her, she tried to eat it when I showed it to her but didn't seem too scared of it. I'll take my chance next time she's on my lap.

No. 2444127

>Me chilling at the computer
>Go upstairs to fetch something that I forgot about
>My elderly cat follows me to the bedroom and goes to the bedside table and lets out a huge meow, staring at something
>I look at him like wtf is there a bug on the wall or something?
>See nothing, go back downstairs and he follows me
>He pauses and looks at his water bowl and starts drinking

I just realized that he was actually meowing at the bottle of water I always have on my bedside table and that's what he was looking at. He forgot he had his water bowl full downstairs and was trying to ask me for my bottle of water. Nonnas I love cats so much and how they remember where small things like a water bottle are. God they are so smart I want to cry. I gave him some mackerel with extra water added after I realized.

No. 2448898

I recently started leaving my TV on when I leave for work, I never really thought about it previously because he seemed to adapt well to me leaving every day (I was studying when I got him so I was basically always home during his first 1,5 years). While he's a real momma's boy he isn't a velcro cat and doesn't at least seem to have any sort of separation anxiety (from what I can tell from those times I had to leave him at mom's place for a night or two). Now that I leave the TV on he's definitely a way more relaxed when I get home, but he's also gotten a lot more attached to me? He doesn't leave me out of his sight except to go out to the balcony, and he really wants me to hug and cuddle him when I go to sleep.
While I don't mind it, I'm a bit confused about how leaving some noise on during the day would cause him to get even more cuddly than before.

No. 2448972

I took in a stray kitten a month ago and she’s the sweetest little black kitty. I just found a large lump on her belly and I’m hoping it’s just a lipoma (it feels fatty) but I’m so stressed and nervous. She has a vet appointment in a couple weeks.

Someone tell me they’ve had a lumpy kitten and everything was ok kek. Shes my first cat.

No. 2462673

Has anyone else noticed orange and siamese cats are whinier and "chattier" than other cats? My mom's friend had one and whenever she would call, it sounded like there was a baby in the bg

No. 2462679

Lol yes. I have an orange cat and he is a very chatty boi. Sometimes I talk back to him like “really? And then what happened?” And he just keeps on muttering.

No. 2462689

My siamese weirdly isn't. He might be mute? The only sound he'll make is a small barking like sould when he's uncomfortable or picked up the wrong way.

No. 2462729

If it feels sort of loose under the skin it's probably a lipoma, my cat has had one for years and it's no problem at all. Hoping for the best for you and kitty!

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