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No. 2339455

Calling all nonnas in STEM!
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. All nonnas are welcome, from architects to doctors, from biologists to physicists. It is so difficult to find STEM groups for women with no trannies in them.
Feel free to share the accomplishments of women in STEM here as well!
Some starter discussion:
>What are you studying?
>What's your favorite thing about your field?
>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?

No. 2339459

Currently in my first year of grad school working on my master's degree. I'm in the field of molecular biology and I study Parkinson's disease

No. 2339460

I really want to talk to other women in physics. I saw this video of a GoPro going through an electron beam irridiator and it's not left my mind. Physics seems so fascinating, but I was worried that there were no jobs in the field!

No. 2339461

i was a depressed flop in college and failed upwards into my first job this year. it's going okay, but my lack of familiarity with technical concepts is going to kiss my ass unless i hit the books. excited to see more STEMtards come out of the woodworks.

No. 2339466

How close are you to a cure?
Congrats! Don't doubt yourself! You deserve to be there as much as anyone else. What are you doing?

No. 2339467

i'm working for the government now, not really actual engineering but i get a whiff of it.

No. 2339471

>What are you studying?
I'm not in school anymore but I'm a software engineer.
>What's your favorite thing about your field?
I like solving problems so this job/field comes naturally.
>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?
I have a couple of mentors, one who is a family friend in a different engineering field, another who is an old manager I keep in touch with.
If I had any advice for young nonnas in this field is to 1) believe in yourself and your abilities, you don't have to know everything when applying to internships or jobs but show that you're willing to learn stuff and 2) don't take anything some retarded male says to you seriously, especially if they're a coworker or fellow student. If I was still in undergrad I would seek out women engineering clubs such as the society of women engineers (SWE, i did join this) or try to attend women in stem based programs/conferences. Or even just keep in touch with other girls in my program since we were all high-achievers.

No. 2339474

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I'm in neuroscience but I'm trying to work on my math courses to have a better chance at transferring to engineering physics. Anyone else here ever do engineering physics or at least electrical engineering? Is there a future for me in this work or should I pivot elsewhere?

No. 2339475

We're still far from finding a cure because we're still trying to understand how alpha-synuclein, the causative agent of Parkinson's disease, functions in its normal state let alone its pathogenic state. It's a 20 yr old ongoing mystery where we're slowly but surely putting the pieces of the puzzle together. And right now I'm working on one more piece of the puzzle. We believe alpha-synuclein might be responsible for disrupting membrane trafficking and vesicular transport in the neurons, and my research focuses on a list of enhancer genes that increase the toxicity of alpha-synuclein.

No. 2339484

where is angela collier…
im in my second year of biochem (started it as a path to med) after doing a visual arts degree (kek) but i had the best thermodynamics prof ever last semester and now i wonder if i shouldnt get into computational and theoretical chem…
im trying to scaffold my physics understanding (i know fuck all physics and its really limiting my ability to do well with theoretical chemistry) and am finding the little i am able to teach myself so unbelievably interesting. i love nuclear physics too, everything i learn about it makes me want to jump for joy because its so fucking interesting and crazy. i also love doing synthesis activities and analysis in the lab yayyy

No. 2339492

What's it like? Is it fun? I'm kinda hoping to get a government job after graduating.
Software engineering seems like hell. Maybe I'm just weak, but I always thought there was no salary good enough to put up with male engineers.
>vsauce cringe
>bobbybroccoli somehow not informative despite all his documentaries being full of information with little padding
>FEMBOY PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS is "based and informative"
This was made by someone who thinks they're cool for hating popular things. Also he should kill himself
Anyway, why switch from neuroscience? I don't see that field dying out any time soon. Electrical engineering should have plenty of jobs as well. I never heard about engineers struggling to find work.
>toxicity of alpha-synuclein
>not sure how it functions in its normal state let alone its pathogenic state
Do you have any interest in AI to analyze its function? I've heard that scientists were able to completely map the brain of flies using AI.
It's so difficult to pick a science discipline!!!!! What do you mean I have to pick one and lock myself out of the others!!!!!!!!!!

No. 2339494

>What are you studying?
Forestry, Fire Science and Wildlife Mgmt.

>What's your favorite thing about your field?

Being outdoors! Even tho I do have in office days, but you gotta embrace the suck sometimes. Ive always loved nature and being able to call it my office is amazing.

>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?

Quite a few IRL that I look up to! Im really fortunate to have some absolutely cool women professors and co-workers/mentors! My fields of work/study are mostly male dominated.

No. 2339508

I did a biomedicine degree and it's utterly useless kek. The only thing I can do with it is study 6 more years for a PhD and accumulate more debt or go into postgrad med which I'm too retarded to do so yeah

No. 2339515

I envy you nonnies. I wanted to pick up compsci when i was younger but it wasnt yet an official career in my country, plus i am retarded at math. I ended up picking accounting, which funfact the most insufferable, pretentious accountants think it count as STEM topkek. Good luck to all of you STEM stacies.

No. 2339523

technology is wrong

No. 2339541

>What are you studying?
I originally majored in philosophy but liked my intro level required math course so much I picked up a double major. I found the logic carried over well but I absolutely hated it prior to college. I think there’s something really wrong with the way Americans teach math.
>What's your favorite thing about your field?
I worked in tech for a bit and absolutely hated it, currently I’m on the computational side in aerospace. I really just like space, the philosophyfag in me wants to believe it’s closest to absolute truth. NASA would be my dream job but I would need to pick up an engineering or maybe geology degree, not sure how to proceed.
>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?
I am desperately looking for a real life female mentor but they are scarce and the ones I have met tend to be very guarded. Historically I look up to Ada Lovelace a lot.

No. 2339547

Come to Big Pharma

No. 2339551

Absolutely not kek
My mom tells me not to because that field apparently gives you depression, idk if this is true but I trust everything she says so

No. 2339566

I'm applying to MIT this year, but even if I got in, I'm not sure if I'd actually fit in with the super geniuses and rich kids. My parents are American Spirit breed white trash. I have a 3.9 GPA and 1350 SAT, but I've never written a research paper, I have no real particular research goal, and my parents never even graduated college. Ivy League kids have parents with research or wealthy backgrounds that would be able to give them some sort of science background. Even if I got in, I think I would hate myself more than I already do. I'd never be able to match up to my peers.

No. 2339567

Kek well she’s not wrong per se, but I think that’s just broadly true of both the medical field and research-oriented jobs, which pharma combines. Plus salespeople anywhere are all alcoholic freaks. Still, pharma is good money and probably one of the better work/life balances maybe as a last resort

No. 2339572

I'd have to do probably a master's and an extra year for training and I'm already swimming in debt and still swimming thanks to my other degree. It sucks but I do keep it as a plan F

No. 2339578

Speaking as someone who was in a similar situation, you'd probably get treated like the rich kids' pet, their personal poor they can pull out of their pocket whenever they need to feel good about themselves. If you can handle that, go for it.

No. 2339583

Could you afford to attend if you got in? Schools of that caliber are one of the few exceptions that are worth the debt, but it might not be worth if you’re gonna be constantly stressed over finances or working yourself to the bone for living expenses.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the student body though. MIT isn’t an Ivy and sure they have nepos but the student body is also self selecting, those who can get in and are concerned with that type of snobby prestige would probably pick Harvard or Stanford. You’ll meet more upper middle class strivers and less minor royalty trust fund types. Don’t mythologize rich kids nonna you’re all just kids. Good luck though I hope you get in

No. 2339587

That sounds humiliating. Did you go to an Ivy League? Was it worth it? It genuinely seems like heaven to be surrounded by people who are passionate, motivated, and at the forefront of science, but I'm a depressed loser. Is it worth it to attend even if I'd be in the bottom 10% of the student body?

No. 2339592

Thank you nona. I was considering applying to a breadth of Ivy Leagues, including Harvard and Stanford kek. I have a limit of 10 schools I can apply to, and I don't really know the difference between schools like Harvard and Princeton and Cornell and so on. They all seem fairly accomplished in STEM (I'm retard who just "likes science" and has no particular motive). I technically don't qualify for a lot of application fee waivers for gay reasons so I can't apply to a bunch of Ivy Leagues that probably might not accept me anyway. Should I just ignore those schools outright? I feel like they're probably a fast lane into any job I could want after graduating, right?

No. 2339611

Ntayrt but I went to an Ivy that I got into off the waitlist
>Was it worth it?
Absolutely, connections mog everything else and you can’t find a better setting. One of my freshman year roommate’s parents is really important in my field and wrote me a life changing recommendation letter. Even putting aside like socioecon background stuff I feel like people just do more things? Like you need a hook or some sort of activity to get in and most people keep up with that momentum and have a lot of professional contacts just from that. Another thing I noticed is job recruiters pursue you hardcore, compared to some of my friends who went to places like NYU or USC where they have to initiate contact.
>surrounded by people who are passionate, motivated, and at the forefront of science, but I'm a depressed loser
Kek I thought this way as well, I was in the 25th percentile out of admitted GPAs. I think the motivation and forefront of science thing is kinda overblown, like yeah everyone is at least academically smart but like it’s still school. A lot of people are depressed and get burnt out, no one wants to talk about work all the time. I think the loser distinction goes away in college in general. The biggest difference I noticed was people were more receptive/had more foundational knowledge to facilitate sperging on any topic, which was a nice change.

No. 2339629

Do you not have a college guidance counselor through your school? The college acceptance sub on plebbit has good advice if you wade through the humblebragging. Idk what field you want to go into, but school prestige doesn’t really matter for a lot of STEM jobs outside of med school admissions. The benefit of an Ivy or similar institution would mostly be from networking through friends and faculty

No. 2339647

no real advice but this: get an internship. i don't care if you're super autistic and ugly and shy and honestly too stupid for your degree just get one and bust your ass. it will make everything so much easier

No. 2339664

My ex came from a similar background and went to an Ivy. Actually went to a good state school for undergrad and went to an Ivy for law. Yes they are great for connections but unless you have a guarantee with scholarships and financial aid do not do it for an undergrad. Especially if you have no idea what you want to do.
In my experience most of the people I knew who went to Ivies weren’t particularly intelligent. Just had a lot of opportunities.

No. 2339666

>It's an incredible and vast field. Lots of interesting diseases and facts about the human body I never knew before. It really changes your perspective about life.
>My mother is an OBGYN and I am heavily inspired by her hard work in life.

No. 2339671

your SAT does seem low, usually it's expected to be 1500+. for MIT and other engineering schools, i thought they are more defined by asians and nerds than snobbery. cornell is the easiest ivy to get into, if you want to apply somewhere for the hell of it.

knowing about applying to college and what schools is super overwhelming. if you take advantage of opportunities your college gives you for internships and networking, you could make many schools work. whether the school is worth it can really vary by degree. if finances are a major concern, see your guidance counselor. do you talk to any of the kids in your class about applying to college and schools? that was my big mistake in high school, i was out of the loop. is your state school any good for STEM degrees? maybe it's better you go there for finanical reasons, college is only getting more expensive. i wonder when the bubble is going to pop.

No. 2339859

>What are you studying?
I studied electrical engineering

>What's your favorite thing about your field?

I used to love learning about mathematically modeling electrical systems, control algorithms etc. But now I work in corporate hell and dont get to use most of the knowledge, also most remotely interesting tasks go to older moids I have to compete with. At least I have had opportunities to learn about other fields related to the product and some more practical work as well. Wage is good compared to the effort and I have gotten to travel for work which was cool.

>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?

I studied with very talented woman who went to doctoral studies herself. From historical figures, Edith Clarke!

No. 2339892

>What are you studying?
I graduated a decade ago with a degree in information technology, have worked as a software engineer since.
>What's your favorite thing about your field?
The problem solving, hands down. I love a good challenge, and as a software engineer it's definitely something I do on a daily basis.
>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?
Sadly, I don't. I wish I did. I went into compsci because I've loved computers and code since a young age but never had any female role models and I was the only woman in my entire graduate year. I try my best to be one for younger women looking into my field.

For anons who are thinking about going to compsci: Please do. The field desperately needs more women.

No. 2340053

I‘m a compsci student but I struggle a lot with my studies, mostly because I‘m undisciplined kek. I‘m in my third year now and should be finishing soon but I‘ll need another year to graduate because I have to repeat lots of courses. I feel like a failure, especially since I used to study something completely different (sociology) for two years before switching to compsci kek, I‘m 23 and still not near finishing my bachelor’s degree. I‘m probably too retarded for this.

No. 2340068

I'm >>2339892 and no you're not too retarded, you're just being made to feel that because women are conditioned to abandon STEM. I was a complete idiot in my first years, did a ton of mistakes that I still cringe thinking about, struggled through my studies etc., felt I was too dumb for programming. But I kept my head on my shoulders and persevered through that rocky start and misogynistic shitty brogrammers, now I'm a senior software engineer and my work is highly appreciated. You can do it.

No. 2340084

Thank you everyone for replying. I'm watching videos comparing schools and trying to narrow it down. I honestly doubt I'd even get in to begin with, so I'm not going to agonize over it.
I actually am at community college so I can work and save money, I'll be transferring out next year. Everyone in my classes is different. Which is cool in its own way, but no one is really aiming for ILs. Even the doctors are going to my state university, which is actually pretty nice.
>when will the bubble pop
Probably in the next 4 years, with Republicans cutting free school lunch, cutting aid, etc. I've noticed my FAFSA giving less and less bit by bit, changing the criteria to meet, even though my circumstances haven't changed.
>cool stem degree into corpo hell
My nightmare. I hope you can get a more interesting job soon! I heard girls mostly drop out of engineering because all of the actually interesting work is given to the men.
You aren't stupid, like other nona said, you are conditioned to think that way. Plenty of men more retarded than you are going to go their whole lives without doubting themselves. A lifetime of being belittled and othered by men in STEM will do that to you. Focus on the task at hand, not on yourself!

No. 2340172

I'm in physics but eurofag here so I'm happy not to relate to student debt, in the end I just studied whatever seemed interesting to me. I somehow have kept failing upward until I got myself a good job in a great lab with an ok pay (less than industry but not bad at all). Super lucky that I never had any bad experience related to being female (yet), there are plenty of female senior scientists in my field and in my lab. So I've basically lucked out on all fronts except that I am drowning in work with no end in sight and that I have imposter syndrome every day.

No. 2340237

What's something I could study if I'm good with computers/technology in general? People keep telling me I should study something tech related but idk, I don't think I'm particularly talented, most people just don't read instructions or bother to learn anything so they think setting up a router is impressive. Anyway, maybe something like system administrator? I'm 30 and never finished uni because of a moid, so I'd like to study something decent instead of the meme degree I never finished.

No. 2340243

i'm graduating med school in a few months. i don't even wanna be a doctor anymore, might just get married and be a stay at home wife. working kinda sucks, i'd rather hang out at the beach and get drunk

No. 2340690

Look into a consultancy gig, can be pharma or a some place like deloitte or a malpractice law firm. That’s what my mom did, she even skipped residency and only worked like 3 days a week

No. 2340693

Does anyone have book recs for STEM topics written by women? Recently I enjoyed

>Emperor of all maladies (history of cancer)

>Aesthetics after finitude (kinda philosophical take on implications of the algorithm for human tastes)
>The devil in the details (idealizations and scale physics)
But they all have that blandly dry stem moid writing voice, would love a change of pace

No. 2340699

You could work part time. You could focus on something like injectables or lasers (botox, filler, fraxel etc). The woman I go to works only 3 days a week. Ten minutes of work is like $100 minimum for her. If I could go back in time I would have done this instead of getting the useless credentials I have.

No. 2340700

I like anything by Mary Roach. She writes pop science books but her writing voice is fun and she makes all the topics she tackles approachable.

No. 2340991

Stupid question, at what level/area does psychology become STEM?

No. 2341067

>What are you studying?
I got my BSc in biomedical science (waste of time tbh), and I just finished a language course to prepare me for a biochem masters in a foreign language. Problem is there aren't many research jobs in this country so realistically I'll probably end up being a CRA and spending all my time filling in paperwork. I'm seriously considering going to vet school like I wanted when I was younger but i'll be in even more debt and graduating at 31. IDK what to do.
>What's your favorite thing about your field?
Technically i'm not in a field yet because I'm not working, but during my studies I really enjoyed writing papers about hyperspecific and weird diseases. Also I loved the microbiology lab. There are so many cool little bugs out there that are interesting to look at.
>Do you have a female role model, and if so, who?
I've had a few really great teachers/professors over the years, I look up to them.

No. 2341078

>A lifetime of being belittled and othered by men in STEM will do that to you.
This is exactly it. What women looking into compsci must remember is that men are absolutely pants on head retarded about many things, they're just good at keeping up their bravado and hiding this fact. I've worked with tons of men who are awful at what they do and have a rotten attitude about it, and they naturally get all the glory for others' work. This is the first thing you people need to keep in mind. When you start seeing men for what they are, mostly losers with a fragile male ego, you start appreciating your own skills and seeing worth in yourself. I don't personally meet a lot of misogyny from clients and if you do a good job they'll appreciate you nevertheless, usually being even more impressed seeing that a woman did this. Contrary to the popular belief, female software engineers are usually held in high value because they're reliable, meticulous and good communicators. But the first thing besides technical skills you need to learn is definitely being confrontational. It's a necessity, otherwise people will attempt to walk all over you.

No. 2341093

Like ontologically I think only in the ways it overlaps with biology and pharmacology, in general the field seems from a bad case of physics envy

No. 2341096

kek i fucking love the phrase physics envy, so true for psych

No. 2341184

Just wanted to say I love you all, STEM nonas. I still cry sometimes because I was never able to pursue a STEM degree because of my fucking dyscalculia.

No. 2341200

Sys admin would be great! If you get good you often don't need a degree, it only comes in handy if the HR department requires it for your career evolution. But check if you actually enjoy it and especially learning it because system security changes all the time.

No. 2341240

Not my field but aren't there a lot of statistics in some branches of psychology? In general a lot of social sciences have to do stats with the amount of data they study.

No. 2341262

Applied stats are just another descriptive tool to get your point across, it’s like a physicist describing themselves as “in the arts” because they wrote an abstract once and poets use words too. Granted stats are a bit trickier to manipulate than text

No. 2341282

>everyone saying biomedical is a waste of time

No. 2341284

>physics envy
can you explain what you mean by this? what does psychology have to do with physics?

No. 2341339

Idk I wouldn't say that stats are just a descriptive tool like words are, in quantitative social science the statistical analysis the point itself and that's a big overlap with the methods used in some STEM fields. But I don't have strong opinion on the topic.

No. 2341369

Math is STEM. Someone who routinely does equations or math in their work would be in STEM, yeah? Are statisticians not STEM? Or do psychologists just not do enough math to be considered STEM?

No. 2341717

STEM is such a meme unless you're in E or T. I've known people who studied biology/chemistry/physics/maths who just wasted their degree doing minimum wage jobs because there isn't anything you can do with a bachelors unless you go for a masters or PHD. But even then it's a gamble on whether you can get a job because you would be studying such a niche field and overqualifying yourself to most employers. People in chemistry whine about low wages, humiliating working conditions and how they aren't getting compensated enough compared to their finance and CS peers while every physicsfags I've known are absolutely miserable. Mathfags also settle by being a middle school or high school teacher babysitting a bunch of crotch goblin retards. The STEM meme has been such a psyopp to get more gullible people to go to college and devalue a degree holder's salary by increasing labour supply. It's really only worth it unless you study engineering or CS.

No. 2341813

nta but to my understanding STEM is an academic designation pretty arbitrarily assigned by the department of education in the States. Even so you can’t really define a field of study based on something they use, psychologists use a branch of math but they don’t study it the way a mathematician might, they study psychology. I think the acronym is kinda reductive but sounds more official than hard vs soft sciences which might be a better descriptor

No. 2341832

*department of homeland security

No. 2341883

I'm a statistics major right now after changing my major a couple times. I've heard that I should also double major with CS but idk if I wanna do that. Part of me also wants to major in math because I find it interesting but maybe I should just learn that in my own time? I didn't choose math as my major because I wasn't sure what jobs I could get with it. I'm worried I'll regret my choices.

No. 2341890

I majored in math and don’t regret it. I think it’s more like a jack of all trades thing so you’ll need to show employers relevant internships to that field, whereas you can just show up with a statistics degree. Combining with CS is never really a bad idea though

No. 2341895

There are a handful of jobs for biology, chem, and math, such as data analyst, government lab worker, and product tester, which I think pay alright. Though, I'm starting to think that anyone interested in science and math but doesn't want to go into tech or engineering should just go to med school. You need a postgraduate degree to really do anything anyway, may as well pick the $300,000 salary, and no annoying workplace drama. That's for nurses. I hope.

No. 2343347

you are genuinely retarded

No. 2343355

Not really the kind of thing you call someone a retard for. Anons post seemed pretty fair so you just come off like one of the people she's talking about and resentful about it

No. 2343466

>yapping about shit they literally have no clue about
no, no, they are retarded and so are you. I have a real actual factual STEM degree and just with the mathematics characterization alone I can tell that nona has literally never interacted with any maths major because she said the same dumb retard shit that non-math majors say about it

No. 2343471

Sure you do

No. 2343493

NTA but most math degree holders do not work in education. many of them work as data scientists, actuaries, or end up in business/finance, or go on to law/med/dental school. there are also a ton of niche career options you can do with math. you clearly aren’t knowledgeable about career options if you’re going to spout nonsense like that.

No. 2343526

you can work part time in medicine and still get the benefits of a good pay?! pardon my ignorance

No. 2343650

im not great at describing stuff, but basically its the way that psych fields appropriate mathematics/physics language in order to cash in on the perceived precision and scientific rigour of those fields. pretty sure its a play on 'penis envy'.
i cant think of contemporary examples bc i dont really read contemporary psychology, but lacan is a great example of this, he always uses 'formulas' and 'equations' to scaffold his descriptions of and theories about human relationships and behaviour kek.
i like lacan and think he had a lot of extremely interesting and useful insights especially about cultural dynamics, but he was more of a writer than a scientist. and i dont even think thats a bad thing, i think there's a lot wrong with how scientific research is currently done/treated. but anyway i do think its funny when he plays mathematician

No. 2343666

yeah that person doesnt know what mathematicians actually do kek
i think STEM suffers a lot from education inflation, just like arts. its annoying because STEM is objectively harder work (ive done a STEM degree and an arts degree, STEM was just plain harder) and it doesn't lead to automatic reward, just like in arts the only people who are rewarded with good career options are the academic cream of the crop and nepo babies. Cs may get degrees, but they certainly don't give you a career.
>no annoying workplace drama
in med you have to work with doctor moids who are a coinflip between normal and actual genuine dangerous psychopaths

No. 2343735

>NTA but most math degree holders do not work in education. many of them work as data scientists, actuaries, or end up in business/finance, or go on to law/med/dental school. there are also a ton of niche career options you can do with math. you clearly aren’t knowledgeable about career options if you’re going to spout nonsense like that.
You can only get those jobs if you have a graduate degree or additional certifications. A bachelors alone won't get you shit which is the OP's point, unless you've studied Engineering or CS. Learn2read.

No. 2343753

Is linguistics a science? it always seemed like a weirdo in-between science and arts

No. 2343787

File: 1736701530452.png (183.25 KB, 1244x412, hard-v-soft-science.png)

Imo it's a soft science. It's always in the humanities department at schools. There's branches that could be considered STEM, but generally I wouldn't categorize it as such.

No. 2343796

Nta, I am a math major with only a bachelor’s and I worked in finance and currently work as a data scientist in a different field. Most of my classmates were/are in finance. You don’t need any other formal education or certification (except for actuary work) just internships, as always.

No. 2344100

yea but you have to go for residency first which is a lot of work with low pay

No. 2352176

math anons, how hard is it really? I'm not IMO level, maybe just a little above average. dumb vague question but i need to know if i should abandon my dreams before it's too late

No. 2353428

I don't think it is STEM. There are some branches of linguistics that use similar methods to some STEM fields, and something like the historical-comparative method is very systematic in its principles in a way that makes people compare it to stuff like biology, but linguistics still deals with the social world of humans and is therefore closer to fields such as psychology and anthropology rather than biology. Ironically, the linguists that try to deny this are usually shitty linguists. t. linguist

No. 2353516

first year in biomed. studying peptoglycan after seeing gram positive bacteria in the lab for the first time is so cool…

No. 2353528

Olympiads don't have a lot to do with a university education in maths. They include a set of questions that are meant to be solved in a time limit and usually with a few known "trick"s. This is not to say you should brush them off as "it's just memorization" but the skills they measure are different than the ones used in academic research

No. 2370920

I'm doing a chemistry intensive rn and I've really hit the wall with it right as we're going into redox chem, which is a notable weak point for me. Do any chemanons have any advice/resources for studying redox if youre retarded about it? I don't know what it is but it just never sinks in for me. This is at a very basic level, just going into working with nernst and concentration cells and stuff.
Also out of interest, how long do(/did) other uninonas study per subject per day? I would really appreciate tips on how to organise my time so I don't burn the fuck out. I'm at a slight disadvantage because this is my second degree in a completely unrelated field to my first, so I've basically forgotten everything I learned in highschool and feel like I have to spend ages going over foundational shit before I can actually understand the course content.

No. 2370944

First of all, Oxidation involves loss, Reduction involves gain (of electrons) (OIL RIG)
Second of all, I would recommend Libre Texts Chemistry or The Organic Chemistry Tutor on YT
And I would also say that chem is one of those where you study as long as it takes you to grasp it which varies from person to person
Honestly just make sure you understand the cells and you will be fine, redox is on the shallower end of things
(Sorry if that wasn't helpful)

No. 2373287

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Nonas I’ve literally never felt more hopeful in my entire life. After years of working dead end service / wagie roles ive decided to get my life together and now im taking a data analyst course. It’s through my current job so it’s free (yay!) and im only on week 2 but the course instructors and career coaches are already impressed with me and have told me that they see good things for me (and it didn’t sound bullshitty lol they kinda told me most of these classes are people dispassionately trudging along). One of the TAs has already started giving me one on one tutoring for SQL which isn’t something we are getting to in the course work until May or so.
I have no degree and only some community college experience so I never thought I’d ever be able to work an office job that wasn’t just customer service related. I’ve never made more than $32k a year and the thought that by the end of this I could get an entry level job that averages $60k is almost too much for me to comprehend lol I just feel so supported and im really trying to temper my expectations of getting a job right out of the gate but ive never put so much effort into school work in my life.
Do any nonas have any addition tips for learning SQL?

No. 2373475

>how long do(/did) other uninonas study per subject per day
just enough to get class work completed on-time then cramming 1-3 days before exams. straight A STEM students typically work the degree almost every free hour they have, though.
the science in STEM typically refers to the natural sciences (degrees that are based on physics/chemistry/biology)
it depends because there are applied/computational math degrees which are easier (and usually studied as a dual-degree) & then there are regular math degrees, but i think anyone with a slight aptitude towards math can obtain a math degree as long as they put in the hours of repetition. i mean i'm kinda dumb and am not math major but i took calc 1-4, linear algebra, discrete math, & probability/stats and did well. it was just repetition. the hard part would be procrastination/burn-out not really intelligence i think…but again am not a math major…

No. 2375542

I fucking hate my stupid biomedicine degree I'm 15K in the hole from it and can do absolutely nothing with it. Thankfully I have my other degree which was my original plan anyway but why didn't I combine it with a degree that's actually useful when I first started uni. Little me thought biomedicine sounded smart and cool. Hell even an arts degree could get me a nice job at a studio compared to this shit

No. 2383707

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Posting here as well as the advice thread in /g/
Hi nonnies, I need some advice for a scholarship I am applying to. The scholarship is meant for non-traditional and underrepresented students pursuing a STEM degree at the graduate level or higher. I need to provide two letters of recommendation, an updated resume, and a CV when applying. The professor who told me about it would write me a letter if I asked her, but I don’t know anyone else in STEM to ask for my second letter. I am thinking of reaching out to my contacts in my prior field even though it’s not related to the scholarship’s topic of research in STEM. Do you think there is anything else I can do to improve my application? I fill the basic requirements but I don’t have an area of research I am very focused on and have limited to no contacts within STEM itself. I am still very new to the field thus the lack of relevant skills and experience. The scholarship would be a great help so I want to at least try and apply anyways.

No. 2384119

i love studying biochemistry in a university that is free of cost and the fact that most of my professors are old women that are wise and super smart, i feel so at home here

No. 2386778

Update, perhaps I can find a use for it.

No. 2421773

How? Did you do med school? That degree sounds like it fulfills a lot of prerequisites along with giving you a stellar science GPA. Let me know anon

No. 2421775

Even PA is great too (is that STEM??

No. 2421782

What's the best way to learn coding? Idek if I should do it

No. 2421795

My brother just picked up a python book and just… did it. I don't have any knowledge on that but it seems to be something you can do anywhere at anytime

No. 2422503

Have nonnas experienced any changes in their field from AI?

In my experience it’s been mostly positive changes; tbf I work with predictive modeling so a lot of what I do has been technically AI for a while and my job probably wouldn’t really exist without it. But in terms of commercially available like language models it’s been quite helpful with my email related anxiety, I just have to retype it a bit to get rid of the “GPT voice” kek. Also helpful with proofreading my reports for grammar mistakes. The one downside I see is AI models in the hiring process screening out a lot of candidates that could be promising but didn’t check off one or two boxes. Can’t speak to the extent of how that impacts the industry at large since I was able to get my foot in the door before they became so widespread

No. 2438367

>taking upper-level biology courses
>"ugh there's so many women in here"
why do I do this

No. 2448330

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No. 2448334

They should just kill him and say "oh, a polar bear ate him." What too much empathy does to a woman fr

No. 2458945

Sadly it's the wrong hemisphere for polar bears.

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