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No. 774141
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Lets talk about the origins of islam
After Jesus died and his cult grew far and wide throughout the Roman Empire and its surrounding areas, there were a lot of "interpretations" of what exactly Jesus was, he was a a savior but was he just a man, a God, the manifestation of god, the son of god, an essence of god e.t.c however the one interpretation that ended up being adopted by the Roman state was Nicene Creed that point on it was the Trinitarian belief that was accepted by the Roman State, Jesus being the son of god and the holy spirt aspect, but non-Trinitarian sects did exist and were often persecuted, the 2 most popular of these sects being the Arian and Nestorian christian sects, Arianism was common in northern Africa, Spain and and even Northern Europe, while Nestorianism spread Eastward into the Persian Empire, Central Asia and even on the fringe borders of China and as well as Arabia, now the Quran does mention Christians but identifies them as being Trinitarian and following a form of the Trinity literally no one followed, Jesus, God and Mary and that absolutely would not have been the case, at that point you would likely only meet a non-Trinitarian Arab christian in that region
now lets go the early Islamic conquests, now you see for 26 years the Byzantines and Persians were caught in bloody war lasting 24 years, Egypt was in ruins and the mesopotamia was devastated,
When the Arabs invaded the Romans did outnumber Arabs . But it wasn't 7 to 1. Those numbers mostly come from later Arab sources, which claim that the Romans had armies as large as 150,000 or even 200,000
However, this is very obviously preposterous, since the Romans were unable to raise even 30,000 during Justinian's reconquest just a 100 years before the Islamic conquests. So them claiming that they could raise 200,000 troops after an exhausting 26 year war against the Persians, is ridiculous. After defeating the Roman army at Yarmouk, the Muslims had basically a free pass to take as much land as he wanted, since they had destroyed the only proper Roman army at Yarmouk, and the Romans were unable to raise more troops to stop them but then local involvement is also a factor
It's likely that the Arain Christians would have seen the early Muslims as being closer to their theology then the Eastern Romans, and the Eastern Romans themself up until the 10th century referred to the Islamic states as being nothing more then a Christian heresy
how something seems to have happened 800-900 AD which made the caliphate rulers want to dissociate themselves from Christianity and their christian origins and differentiate Islam as a separate religion all together, The Hadiths are likely all made up and promoted by the state, if we remove them and leave only the Quran we end up with basically just a non-Trinatarian Arabized religious book
No. 774215
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No. 774239
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It may seem kinda unimportant but you know what was the initial thing that really just destroyed my faith in Islam, Language
I'm from a non-Arabic speaking country and like all non-Arab Muslims Arabic is venerated here, its considered a holy perfect language that has always existed, the language of Heaven its self is Arabic in Islam
And that never made any sense to me, nearly all of Gods prophets were Jews who spoke in Hebrew and Jesus spoke in Aramaic and suddenly Allah decides that now Arabic language above all else, and there's literally no defense Muslims have against this
Like this meme is comparing a naming convention In certain sciences to the fact that their was absolutely no reason to use Arabic
No. 774306
>>774220Think about how good it is for you in the long run.
>It’s going to be weird not fasting this ramadan.Do you live in a Muslim country or not? If not then treat yourself to some nice food.
No. 774318
>>774241>>774311I mean the historical Jesus was in all likelyhood a Jewish preacher and the Historical Muhammad was in all likelyhood an Arab Christian preacher
Feel bad for the real life Muhammad, he would have been digested to see his Christian sect separate to its own very Arab centric religion
No. 778590
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Reminder that the Niqab(that black trash bag) originated from Saudi Arabia in the 20th Century and the more fashionable all around Hijab you see libfem Muslims wear came from Egypt during the 90's
Islam is not our actual culture or traditional values
No. 778636
>>778635> I'd be less worried about her "surviving" and more worried about her going AWOL into a country where she may be isolated and controlled by an abuser who lured her there with fine promises. My apologies, thats what I meant by surviving, along with the fact how sheltered this woman is. The problem with her she is so desperate to live in a different country to make herself look "special" and brag about being a wife that she decided to cling onto some Muslim kid who is as sheltered as her, with adding of a philosophy from a man who claims that women should do nothing but sit at home and make children. That taking into account the fact that this guy is as sheltered as her, just much younger; he too does nothing but plays Overwatch at home and lets parent do all the cleaning and cooking without ever going outside.
The issue with her Is that she doesn't even have university education because of her own laziness, which is why I am concerned over her, a white woman deciding to start dating a teenager who is from an ENTIRELY different culture. How are the families in Saudi Arabia? Are they the same as in Philippines, where son is controlled by being mommy's boy?
No. 778638
>>778635Not that anon, but I want to ask a similar question (if you would be so kind).
My sister is married to a Saudi Arabian man and she’s talked for years about going over there for a second wedding ceremony or to visit with their child, but somehow it never happens.
I feel like he is probably avoiding the trip because my sister is white.
I’m kind of relieved she hasn’t gone over there, I don’t know if this is me being racist or if something bad could happen by them visiting?
I don’t know if she could “behave”. He doesn’t practice being Muslim (unbeknownst to his family) and she’s not Muslim at all, but she would wear hijab to be respectful at least.
No. 778639
>>778636Woah woah nta
But she’s almost 30 trying to date a teenager??
No. 778651
>>778638Honestly I can tell you that Sadui's are absolute shitheads with delusional beliefs of superiority, they treat their fellow Muslims like subhumans
>Pakistani’s Are Our Slaves’ says Saudi Defence Minister
>Tanveer Arain posted a quote on Twitter, which shows the Defence minister referring to Pakistan as a slave country and saying that it will continue to remain a slave of Saudi Arabia forever.>The quote also said: “Pakistani Muslims grow beards to look good like us, but they look like they’ve come straight from the forest.”
Islam is built on Arab cultural Supermaacy, all non Arab cultures and peoples are inferior in the eyes of Islam and the only way a people become civilized is by embracing the faith of Islam and culturally castrate themselves into becoming like Arabs
No. 778688
Only just noticed this thread, I'm really glad it's here. I've already talked about my situation on other threads before but I'd like to have your input as well.
I still live in a muslim majority country but I'm planning to leave soon. I don't know what to do about my family. I love them to bits, they're wonderful people and despite being religious, they never tried forcing me to pray or wear the hijab. But I'm a lesbian atheist and I just can't stand this double life anymore. I know a lot of exmuslims tend to go no-contact like anon here
>>774220 but I don't know if I want to do that. I know it would destroy my mother for one, and that's the last thing I want to happen. Is anyone else in a similar situation? How did you handle it? If you keep your life secret, how do you deal with things like visits and events?
No. 779010
>>778590Not to sperg too much, but putting India instead of Bangladesh as the other Muslim-majority S Asian country is just lmao, and then on top of that using a woman in a wedding attire that is still very much worn by all South Asian women regardless of faith as the example is also odd. The Pakistani outfit it more accurate for all 3 countries and it is still commonly worn. Sorry, I've seen this meme thousands of times and it always struck me as odd. Also the irony in that the shalwar kameez (Pakistan's outfit) being a result of Islamic presence in the subcontinent afaik.
I'm a relatively privileged ex-Muslim in the sense that I have never truly followed the religion and my family doesn't give a shit that I don't pray, read the Qu'ran, or fast. It is pretty nice, but since I'm still in school I have to live with my parents and won't get to ~really~ live my lifestyle until professional school. I think what irritates me the most are the haram police type Muslims because you know 100% these retards have their own double life. They always do. Liberal/less practicing Muslims should piss me off in theory, but if the popularity of these types at the very least challenges the retarded orthodox lifestyle or presents an alternative for Muslims then Idc. I'd rather have progressive religious hypocrites then actual orthodox followers, because several generations of "practicing Muslim only on Eid" will lead to the religion dying out anyways kek
No. 779077
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>>779010I mean here's the thing, I despise Liberal/woke Muslims then I do most Pakistani fundamentalists
I'm sure if you're Pakistan you know the majority of the country still lives under fucking feudalism, the people are poor and illiterate and have no prospects of a better life and they have absolutely no reference for an outside system
parents often send their extra sons to madrasas where they get beaten to memorize the Quran in Arabic without even actually knowing the language and these filtrate religiously indoctrinated peasants often end up as Jihadists, so I have some sympathy for them
I don't have any sympathy for the upper middle class libfem Muslim in the west who talks about how totes woke Islam is and how oppressive the entire world is against poor Muslims uwu
No. 779264
>>779255Doesnt it depends on regions? I remember the Malaysia president sperging months ago on twitter because of something Emmanuel Macron said and he was like "we're tolerant and have a diverse population, everyone gets along with each other in Malaysia" but then he sais some crazy shit that made it hard to believe. I've been told Liban is pretty open-minded as a whole but it's the exception and the rest of the Middle East and Pakistan is just fucked up and they even treat non-Arab muslims like shit because they're not good enough or something.
From my family's observation abroad they told me that there are a few Christians and Jews in north africa who just never converted to Islam during the invasion centuries ago and in Algeria and Morocco things are more or less ok, but you can be fined if you eat in public during Ramadan before it's night. Not sure how that's applied, I've read a news articles years ago about some family in Kabylie (maybe in Bejaia) doing a BBQ in their own garden and being fined, no idea if they were targeted for being non-muslims specifically or because maybe they're Kabyle separatists (very unlikely since it was just over a BBQ, who knows). If any Moroccan or Algerian anon can correct me if I'm wrong that'd be cool though.
No. 779278
>>779255in my country there are 5000-9000 yearly targeted rape and forced marriages cases every single year
basically Pakistani men decide to cleanse the nation by targeting the few non-Muslim minorities we have (Christian, Sikhs, Hindus and even Shia and Ahmedhi Muslims) they abduct and rape the women of these communities, specifically young girls and force them to convert to Islam and once they legally became Muslim they can't go back, cause Pakistan has a death penalty if a Muslim converts to any other religion or irreligion, according to the UN around 5000-9000's of these marriage conversions happen every single year, and not once has our Prime minister has even addressed this, no instead that old ugly scrote talks about Islamophobia in France or the evils of western media
No. 779517
>>779278>no instead that old ugly scrote talks about Islamophobia in FranceWhen will people learn that the "islamophobia" in France is just generalized racism that's applied to north africans regardless of their religion? Your prime minister probably thinks this whole kidnapping and forced marriage situation is normal or even a good thing anyway, given how strict Pakistan seems. He should mind his own business.
>>779487That reminds me of the discussion in the unpopular opinions thread. In France that's exactly how it is, at least in theory. The law is specifically made in mind for Muslims though because women wearing the hijab is way more obvious than women wearing a small pendant of a cross that she could hide under her shirt, I barely see an jewish person wearing anything specifically jewish outside of very specific situations during their free time like when they celebrate holidays, and nobody gives a fuck about religions that aren't the three abrahamic ones or could even recognize potential accessories or clothing articles.
On the other hands these past few years some holidays' name are being more and more often replaced with more neutral names, I've seen some company emails talking about spring break instead of easter holidays recently. Are there any other countries where it's applied that way?
No. 779551
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>>779517>>779278Honestly the PM of my country is the biggest hypocritical bastard in our political history, he's also the most perfect example of a dumbass woke Muslim
He grew up uber privileged, Rich enough for his family to send him to Oxford and was a notorious Playboy in his youth(slept with probably close to a Hundred Non Muslim foreign women) he was the Captain of the Pakistan Cricket Team so he was megastar and lived a hedonistic playboy lifestyle, he was Married 3 separate times and is known to have multiple unclaimed bastard children
but in his mid 40's he had a religious epiphany and turned towards Allah and religion and has become a Edrogan supported recently(as most Urban Pakistani men have)
No. 779570
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>>779551Ew anon I'm so sorry. Is there a chance to oust him out of power? A lot of Middle Eastern men are roasting him for this statement but I don't know if men in Pakistan would really care considering it just gives them more power over women.
No. 780680
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>Muhammad: Every man should have a beard and not having a beard is a literal sin for men
Did Muhammad not know that the majority of the human population can't grow beards, South East Asians, Sub Saharan Africans, Indigenous Americans all just can't grow beards, like if I was a black Muslim man I'd leave the faith over this
No. 781088
>>780940Lmfao anon.
But yeah, no surprise that a religion founded in the Arabian peninsula during the 7th century would reflect exactly that. Too bad other muzzies don't get this.
No. 782080
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All the major cities in my country are suffering from mass riots right now, cause a Islamist leader who wanted to remove the French embassy from Pakistan(cause of the recent Hijab ban) got arrested and now his hundreds of thousands of followers and other Islamists from across Pakistan are acting a bunch of animals literally ruining the lives of everyday people
No. 782208
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Have you thought of al-Lat and al-‘Uzza
and Manat, the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharaniq, whose intercession is hoped for.
Happy Ramadan, ladies.
No. 782572
>>782080Reminds me of a pic, there was a comparison of a barely a hundred people protesting a motorway rape case other were people protesting wanting to declare Shia kafirs and there were around 200'000+ people plus protesting
I mean there's really no hope for Pakistan is there
No. 782573
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>>782572found the pic, I mean just compare the 2 its staggering
No. 783147
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god i wish pic was me. so mucb homework to do but i want to eat and didn't stash away enough food in my room.
>>782087not somali myself but I'm so sorry man. wtf is up with them jfc seeing somali exmuslims talk on twitter the culture seems absolutely fucked.
No. 789438
>>789397The thing is Neo-Nazis aren't a global threat, or even a minor threat
There aren't Hundreds of Nazi Coalitions thoughtout Asia, Africa and Europe that commit acts of Terror or full out civil war
neo-Nazis aren't beheading children in Moazambique cause they dont believe in an Arab Pedophile God, they aren't mass raping and killing Shia Muslim and Ahmediiyah Muslims
Liberals need to get it through their heads that Islam is the a far worst threat and social desease then any strand of white supremacy or nationalism in the world, it is reform proof and has oppression of others tied into its very foundation
No. 789455
>>789438Liberals will never get it through their thick skulls if they don’t even believe ex Muslims, or people who have been terrorised in Muslim dominated countries. They scoff at any mention of Muslim abuse towards Christians, because Christians are all white and evil and homophobic in their opinion. They need to read a book, for crying out loud. Muslim extremists embody everything they hate: greed, coloniser mindset, sexism, racism, homophobia, anti religious freedom etc. Europe should be a safe haven for people who want to escape the oppressive hell of Islam, while still practicing their religion and worshipping as is their god given right. But no, the problem is spreading all over the world like mould. All religions adapt to the changes of the modern world, but these extremists refuse, and kill anyone who tries. They are stuck in the medieval era.
No. 789513
>>789455A great Pakistani scientist in my country(who in all likelihood is a closet achiest) talked about this, for Muslims its a delusional belief that the reason they were colonized and conquered was cause they weren't Islamic enough, a delusion that all Inventions and innovations were actually Islamic, A cultural narcissism that far-surpasses any form of Euro-Centrism
Here's the article
>PETRO-GIANT countries of the Arab world may not be terribly well known for perspicacious scholarship or prowess in scientific research but their one-upmanship knows no limits.
>The United Arab Emirates is presently stealing the show: the Emirates Mars Mission’s successful July 2020 launch means it will rendezvous with the Red Planet in six months; UAE cities have spectacular skylines premiering the worlds’ tallest and most stunning buildings; and the world’s top airline is called Emirates. There’s every kind of futuristic gimmickry: the world’s first minister of artificial intelligence, 27-year-old Sultan Al Olama, was just appointed under UAE’s Centennial 2071 plan.
>Close on UAE’s heels are other GCC countries with Saudi Arabia having started the construction of Neom, a futuristic megacity deep in the desert bordering the Red Sea. Costing $500 billion upward, it will feature artificial rain, a fake moon, robotic maids, flying taxis, and holographic teachers. Qatar plans to spend over $220bn while hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Twelve solar-cooled super-stadiums holding around 50,000 spectators each are nearing completion.
>Private scorn accompanies these humongous public spectacles. What’s Arab about all this? Expats flown in from around the globe run the show. They range from domestic servants to truck drivers and from famous architects to top-of-the-line space-travel engineers. The relationship is purely transactional: petrodollars buy brains, brawn and gadgets.
>Arab and Pakistani cultures remain self-congratulatory even eight centuries after Islam’s Golden Age ended.
>But, knowing the oil will eventually dry out, some GCC Arab rulers are realising that theirs is a road to nowhere. Beating the drum of past glories and education of the usual religious kind will doom them to remain consumers and supplicants. And so, at least at first glance, they seem to be doing everything right and are throwing tons of money at it.
>Education from the primary class to university is free in all state institutions. New Arab universities are aplenty with several US universities having Arab campuses to which famous foreign professors are lured with incredible pay packages. Laboratories are stuffed with scientific equipment and every kind of infrastructure is there for the asking.
>Is it working? Has a culture of learning and scholarship developed? Nature, a highly respected science journal, has effusive praise. A recent article in its Middle Eastern edition, ‘The Rise of Saudi Arabia as a Science Powerhouse’ describes Saudi Arabia as “West Asia’s second most scientifically productive country after Israel”. Other GCC countries have shot up in world rankings as well. The sole criterion used is the number of research papers published from universities.
>But with 20 different ways of getting your name onto a paper in the internet age, and with foreign visitors flown in just for lending their prestigious names to a paper, making large claims based upon small evidence is unwise. Nature’s normal objectivity was likely influenced by political and financial considerations. The astonishing conclusion of “science powerhouse” is unsupported by other evidence.
>Unesco’s Science Report, for example, was far more cautious. It observed that in most Arab countries, “the education system is still not turning out graduates who are motivated to contribute to a healthier economy”. University professors returning from teaching stints in GCC countries agree. They complain about the indifference, apathy, poor work ethic, and lack of curiosity among their students. Reading habits are undeveloped. Most students opt for ‘soft’ areas like marketing, banking and management with few going for more intellectually demanding and rigorous disciplines.
>At the heart of this is Arab attitudes towards knowledge and learning. Centuries after the end of Islam’s Golden Age (9th to 13th centuries), Arab culture is self-absorbed and centred on self-congratulation. Convinced that it possesses the only true religion and that Arabic is the most perfect language, it claims eternal monopoly over truth. That’s narcissism on a civilisational scale.
>Narcissus, as the reader knows, is a Greek legendary figure who fell deliriously in love with himself and disdained all around him. In anger the goddess Nemesis punished him by obsessing him with his reflection in the stream. So lovely was the bloom of his youth that he could not walk away from himself. And so Narcissus wasted away and died.
>A similar tragedy befalls cultures lost in self-love. They lose vitality because there is little desire to interact and mingle with other peoples or to move with the times. Many young Arabs today take this lazy route. They disdain intellectual pursuits, thinking that modern accomplishments are only a pale reflection of the foundational works of their Muslim ancestors.
>This is delusionary. Science and learning came from all humankind and existed in civilisations long preceding Islam. Ancient Babylonian and Egyptian science started 3,000 to 4,000 years ago and the Chinese, Indian and Greek civilisations were extremely fertile as well. Relatively speaking, science in Islam was a latecomer that began with the translation of Greek works about 150 years after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Muslims added many new and brilliant ideas but their science is just one part of pre-modern science.
>Some signs of hope are finally emerging in the Arab world. The abject failure to modernise — except very superficially — is making GCC countries realise that insularity won’t work. Several are moving up the learning curve and absorbing universal values by allowing wider media access and more personal freedoms for citizens, particularly for women. While the trend towards recognising Netanyahu’s Israel smacks of defeatism and sells out Palestinian interests, the decrease in anti-Semitic propaganda augurs well for all.
>Bucking progressive trends in the Arab world, Pakistan is busy manufacturing new narcissistic illusions. Lacking the will to address urban chaos (as in Karachi) or to generate significant employment, it seeks solace through concocting a Turkic-Islamic past and heaping adoration upon the fictionalised Ertugrul drama series. Now watched daily by millions, it is a new form of escapism.
>Evidence for a further closing of the Pakistani mind is starkly visible. Absent from our school curriculum is the study of world history, philosophy, epistemology, or comparative religions. In PTI’s Single National Curriculum, rote learning has massively increased, as has religious content. The brains of our schoolchildren are being programmed for a world other than the one they live in. No. 790185
>>790177I mean the only guy I've been with as is a Kurdish Ashiest, even then I get harassed by Pakistani guys for being a "western whore"
Muslim men literally kill their daughters, cousins and sisters if they dare to be with any type of non-Muslim guy
I have broken off contact with my family and live in another city, my brother's cool with it, my dad doesn't wanna talk to me(which is for the best) and my mom literally is just emotionally blackmailing me and sometimes violent
some of my cousins Pakistan and even in the UK however would literally kill me, the penality for leaving Islam is Death
In Pakistan the state literally kill you if you take another religion other then Islam, tell me one on-Muslims country that has this legal state mandated Punishment
No. 791907
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>>789513>our one and only ideology is Islam. We do not subscribe to other ideologies like Marxism or Liberalism because Islam is a total package that covers every area of our lives and both Liberalism and Marxism are unreconcilable with Islamic views.>all man-made ideologies and forms of government conflict with Allah's words. Someone got mad at me for saying you can't be Muslim and Feminist at the same time due to Islam being the only source of true justice. They called me a salafi for saying that.This is the ultimate problem with the Islam, it and Muslims see Islam as being perfect, It can't fathom using other philosophies or other world views to improve its self, Muslims around the world actually believe that 7th Century Arabia under the rule of Muhammad was the most Ideal and perfect society on earth, so adult men could marry children, adult men could have multiple wives, they could have a Harem, they were allowed to legally beat their wives and you could cut someone's hands for stealing and Muslims have to believe that this was the perfect society even down to the economics and how state government be handled, this is why I'm fine with the Chinese colonizing with the Muslim world cause they know that Islam is a stupid illogical religion and I hope that they suppresses it
No. 792445
>>791056I mean it's new as in it is within living history for many older women who remember it not existing and then suddenly it did. My grandma never heard of it in her youth and never wore it, yet my youngest aunt (her youngest child) grew up with it in the early 2000s as wahabism grew in our country. In just one generation, it became normalized.
It does have some real historical roots, but it was culturally revived in the 20th century across the globe. It's not a new thing in human history, but it wasn't as prevalent as it is now today.
No. 793002
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Exiled Iranian feminist discussing the UN’s election of Islamic Republic of Iran to its commission on the status of women. as well talking about European Feminists who leave Muslim women behind No. 793017
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What do you anons think of european media like these? Stories of girls leaving/surviving islamic regimes? Do they do it properly or are they too romanticized?
No. 793033
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>>791056where are all the burkhas in traditional indian art? where are the burkhas in ancient egypt? and so on
No. 793034
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>>791056also, here's iran before the revolution.
No. 793035
>>793017there are Muslim women who survived all the bullshit of extreme Islamic extremism portrayed in Bredwinner and Swallows of Kabul
However I relate mostly to Persepolis, the lynchian banality of living in a country that's stable in a sense i.e not in Civil war, has laws and a working government but where women will be state mandatory be raped before being executed and thieves get their arms cut off, where native and even foreign culture is suppressed to make room for the 7th Century Arabia
No. 793079
>>793056I'm not from the Middle East and neither is my Husband, were both from Pakistan
however I'm Balti(Tibetic people living in Pakistan) and my Husband is Afridi Pashtun, most people don't assume were born middle eastern people or Pakistani
most people assume I'm East Asian and that my Husband is Polish, both of our features, I mean race is varied in the middle east, then just what are considered brown people
No. 793095
>>793079I was answering specifically about the region anon mentioned, Pakistan and India seems to have people who can have very different looks from what I've seen and they're not Arabs so there's that.
When I was in Japan I had a lot of Indians and Pakistanis who thought I was one of them, they all had varied skin colors and facial features, and as for myself I look stereotypically Moroccan so who knows how they tried to guess. Some Japanese guys also couldn't guess correctly where I was from but in that case I doubt they think about Maghreb as a whole when they see tanned foreigners first. My black, Caraibean friend showed pictures of me to an Indian coworker who was sure I was Indian, but my friend thought I was white just because I was kinda pale and she never saw any north Africans before me. Usually when I see weird inaccurate comparisons or people guessing wrong it's just because they're exposed to certain stereotypes or aren't that familiar with the other person's culture or country.
No. 793122
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>>793095both Pakistan and India are meme nations, the founders of the Pakistan were not even from the regions from modern day Pakistan, not 1% of the population spoke Urdu but it was chosen as the nation language cause of the founders of the Pakistan spoke it, Pakistan was basically the Idealized society of a bunch upper class Muslim men who envisioned a perfect society where people would give up their national languages, cultures and identities and just be Muslims, (they were wrong and we the state ended up committing an ethnic genocide)
The Nation is literally kept together by Islam and that's it, without Islamic Identity we'd end up like Yugoslavia times x100, cause even with Islam we still all hate each other and should never have been in one country in the first place
No. 793133
>>793056>pale as fuckyes and no, most Italians are definitely unequivocally white but they're also distinctly "darker" than northern europeans
t. italian of irish descent who constantly gets asked if I'm foreign bc of my complexion
No. 793177
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>>793160I mean most Italian American actors who have lived their entire lives New York look like they could pass for middle eastern imo, I mean James Gandolfini looks like my Punjabi Father just without the beard
No. 793201
>>793043This is so true, and sjws had spergouts when the movie prince of persia had white dudes casted as persians because they thought persians were supposed to be arab (lmao).
Ive seen a lot of persians who could pass as spanish/greek etc or even just a regular ass white person.
No. 793667
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Vent about my brother
My brother used to have same doubts about Islam as I had, he was the person I confided in but then something happened, he did leave mainstream Sunni Islam and became a devout follower of Ali al-Sistani(A very Influential and very old shia Cleric in Iraq)
now every action in his life is decided by the sayings and writings of a 90 year old man and his devotion is Insane, he has s ring with Sistani's face and he kisses on it, he started cutting himself on Ashura cause Sistani said cutting yourself "lightly" is a valid form of appreciation for Imam Hussein
Its fanatical and it pisses off everyone, me and my parents cause he Insults Abu Bakr and Umar
No. 793714
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>>793667NSFW/NSFL this is what cutting yourself on Ashura looks like
Shia Muslim men go out on the streets and mutilate themselves, they slash their backs with knives, they cut their heads with swords sometimes literal boys are forced to do this and even some women partake in this in their homes, they beat their chests for tens of minutes until their red and bleeding
and all of this is just to mourn a dead Shia saint
No. 793759
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>>793714for those who don't know, the defining event of Shia Islam was the execution of Hussein ibn Ali
The Grandson of Muhammad, he was betrayed, executed and and all his friends and loved friends were killed right before his eyes, the themes of sacrifice parallel with certain sects of Christianity but even more extreme
it eventually leads to a form of holy self mutilation called Tatbir(google it if you dare, NSFL content) to remember him and thus become closer to Allah
to destroy and mutilate ones own body to gain closeness with God
No. 793766
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>>793764there were certain extreme sects of Christians that have performed ritual holy mutation, priests and monks in the Orthodox still perform ritual flagellation, pic related is a man who crucifies himself to form closeness with god
but nothing really Trumps Shia Islam's mutation rituals
No. 793768
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>>793759>>793714Shia Punjabi Women Performing The Ritual, they don't go as extreme as the men, they beat their chest to the point of tears and cut their wrists but usually nothing more then that No. 793772
>>793764catholics in latin america (mostly famously mexico) and some parts of the philippines will reenact the crucifixion/torture of christ every easter with the works, bloody people up on crosses real thorn crowns and others will carry crosses after being beaten bloody with barbed whips and do all this other crazy shit
I think ritual mutilation might just be a thing that humans just do
No. 794425
>>794414Are you Punjabi by any chance ? cause this happens a lot within Punjab
Ashura is worse as I've witnessed it with my own eyes, the multination men do is vomit educing, while the women do what you described but to an even more insane extent
screaming the name of Hussein, beating themselves in the breast area, hitting themselves in the fact and all in a general mad state
No. 795314
>>795211Most are mild, yeah, there are some with extreme views, but it's not even about that, these specific women I saw, many of them live westernized lives, they're just deeply religious, or in many cases desperate, many of them had chronic illnesses that nothing could cure so they came to believe it was a jinn. Like, one of them arrived in a brand new Audi wearing stylish clothes, fancy watch, earrings, her hair in a bun - a complete western style woman that you would see in a Gucci boutique, and then she just put a hijab on in the hallway and went on to beat her chest an hour later and scream bloody murder. Two of the women weren't even muslims, they were Serb sisters who'd come because their family kept having misfortune, so they thought someone had jinxed them. The imam accepts everyone and anyone, it doesn't matter who you are as long as you pay. It was wild and surreal. So, it's more of a collection of desperate and unwell people who've exhausted all their possibilities rather than deep religion.
No. 795337
>>795314An exactly phenomenona happens with in my Country, mostly rural northern Punjab and Rural Sindh, lot of exorcisms of supposed Jinns, Hindus priests occasionally join in as well for extra help to exorcise the Jinn
We also have Pir Fakirs, holy saints who are supposedly blessed and are claimed to do incredible things like cure blindness, fly, talk to God directly e.t.c they have devotees and shrines built for them
However these people are rural peasants who can't even read and most middle class people don't believe in this shit, they instead try to go for more Arabized islam which they call more rational Islam, in the end I kinda have more sympathy for the rural peasants cause their peasants and can easily be manipulated, middle class Pakistanis who have knowledge about the outside the world and choose to LARP as Arabs are not any better IMO
No. 795537
>>795337Hindus priests
Jinn is an islamic belief isn't it, why do they do this
Also i thought hindus and muslims dont like each other much
No. 795561
>>795537Well in the rural areas so many pre-Islamic Indo-Aryan concepts and beliefs have mixed in with Islam that its hard to tell what's what, Hindu Brahmin priests of the upper caste usually are considered somewhat Holy by rural Muslims and are either asked for help with black magic(that people very much still believe in, in those areas) or for certain holy rituals
As for Hindu Muslim relations, the rural areas of Sindh and Punjab were so backward that most Muslims in those didnt practice Islam right and so Belief would intermix, but now more then ever with the rise of television Islamic evangelicals and even a limited online presence, these villagers learn true Islam and they've increasingly turned against their former Hindu neighbors, this is something the Pakistani government is complaint with and actually promotes to an extent
No. 795671
>>795561So whatever chance was there of coexistence is again gone
Also do hindus have black magic stuff and not just rituals
No. 795827
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>>795680The history of the niqab and full face veil In Pakistan is also interesting, while Muslim women of the upper class used to have full face and Body coverings, poorer rural women of the Punjab, Kashmir, Sindh wore Shalwar Kameezes for the purpose of practical work and manual labor they had to do
However for the past 50 years now, many women and even young girls are starting to wear more full face and even niqabs, this is also happening for rural woman
>>795671Pretty much, all the supposed tolerant and diverse aspects of Islam that liberals and Muslim apologists like to drag on a about, came from the fact that majority Muslims were completely ignorant to the faith, now Muslims are actually learning about the faith due to access of technology and their following Islam the way its meant to be followed
No. 795984
>>795314That's crazy.
I get it more now, it's the pay to get in type of bullshit, makes sense.
We have a lot of bosnians here and they tend to be really mild, the only hardcore practicing muslims I've met have been albanians. Straight up I know some girls that disappeared from face of the earth after marrying because their husbands don't let them leave the house anymore.
>>795486I know from personal experience, my grandma was hardcore into braco like 15 years ago kek
No. 801740
>>801734Samefag, I'm not lookin forward to Eid cause we usually have to go to our parental grandparents house and its always cramped asf, as most of the entire family is present
Its even worse on Bakra Eid cause we have to watch so many Cows get butchered, the village reeks of blood and entrails, and its even worse in the cities
No. 802821
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>>802792Name one sect of Christianity that outright states the primordial language of Heaven its self is Arabic, name one sect that states you have to only pray in one specific language only
you have to literally dress by the standards of an Arab In Islam, you have to believe that Arabs at the time of Muhammad after being converted were the greatest group of Humans who ever lived and will ever will live
Think of it like this, when a people group are converted to Christianity they are fundamentally changed but the religion its self is changed and evolves, it takes on aspects of the native peoples cultures, an example of this would be how in most Bible Translatatons people will use the Name of their former highest pre-Christian God for well God, which connects them to their pre-Christian culture, in Islam everyone calls God Allah, its not even a name, its just Arabic for "The God" but Muslims around the world will use Allah cause Islam is built on Arab supremacy
Look at pic related, Christian Nigerians vs Muslim Nigerians
No. 803064
>>802821Idk why, but I really feel like these sentiments are not totally accurate and you're giving Islam far too much credit than what it deserves. I'm not Nigerian so I cannot comment on the different cultures and ethnic groups in Nigeria and how religion influences the people. However, this Arab worship/influence shit over every single Muslim majority nation or ethnic group is being overstated in terms of practice. I'm sure Muzzies believe whatever gobblygoo about Muhammad and Arabs and whatnot, but in practice? Muslim majority countries have to some degree (depends on whatever original cultural practices a group had and I guess on region since
>>801874 mentioned how the Levant went through a lot of Arabization) mixed in their indigenous stuff with Islam. Like the anon
>>795337 mentioned this Arab-weeaboo attitude is a relatively recent phenomenon in Pakistan (and will inshallah die down eventually). In regards to dress, this hijab and burqa shit is also a recent phenomenon (Paki expert anon can you confirm lmao). Idk, I do not like the doomer attiude that every pre-Islamic or non-Islamic thing in Muslim majority ethnic groups is wiped out or going to be wiped out. I'm of Pakistani descent and I don't see shalwar kameez being replaced by abaya anytime soon. At best, you just see women who do war hijabs wear them with native clothing. The men are probably going to replace their shalwar kameez with western clothes rather than whatever the fuck Arab men wear. "Khuda" and "parvardigar" are also words used to refer to a god (those are Persian in origin rather than Arabic). The wedding practices are closer to Hindu Indian rather than Arabs (minus Nikkah and shit). Even some of the the misogynistic practices like jahez/dowry aren't Islamic lmao. Have Pakistani brides even demanded mahr in the past (Pak expert anon pls also confirm this lol)?
Again, this could be a regional thing. I'm sure cultures that were already misogynistic pre-Islam had no problem adopting Islam and making it work lmao. I'm interested in seeing how much this lip service to how awsum Arabs are uwu translates into actual cultural change bc I have not seen it among the Pakis I'm around.
Sage for turbo Paki sperging
No. 803126
>>803064might be unrelated since im an indofag and not middle east, but yes i agree that this "arabization" is overstated, or at least a very new phenomenon (i'm assuming its rise in popularity began with puritan sects like salafis). despite being the largest muslim population in the world, indo muzzies still retains a lot of its original hindu-buddhist traditions, because the islam that came to us in the middle ages integrated instead of eradicating local cultures
indo is becoming more and more arab-influenced though, which is sad. not sure if i should sage but just in case.
No. 803196
>>803126As a closetd ex-Muslim in Pakistan, I can't speak of other regions but this fear is not overblown, like a quarter of girls University girls wear the Niqab cause its apparently more "Islamic", and you also have WhatsApp and facebook spreading salafism and whabhism, talking about how we mispronounce words and that we should use an Arab accent for certain words
It's not just old farts that get radicalized but also young men and women
No. 804358
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This is the first day I actually did the ramadan the legit way (not a sip of water) and my mother thought I was secretly eating today because I took longer in the shower instead of immediatly showing up at eating time. Like as if I was gonna stop my routine mid-way. if I was snacking in the shower why would I do so close anyway
No. 804501
>>804497you would understand if you were a
poc from a muslim country.
unless you actually are, then gl getting rid of that brainrot.
oh and btw its kinda funny that you refer to allah, a god from an arabian religion, as unwashed considering arabs always had perfect hygiene practices and taught europeans to wash themselves.
(cc si y'a des maghrébiens ici)
No. 804526
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>>804475inshallah you idiots will have more than one braincell one day
No. 804733
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Any other lapsed Ahmadis on here? Feels like a pretty niche experience because they’re not exactly popular with [other] Muslims (picrel from Amnesty International)
No. 804786
>>804784 and disregard everything I said about this thread.
>>774239This meme is so great and funny tbh. Not a janny loser but this thread can stay.
No. 806917
>>806178Khair mubarak nonita. I celebrated with some butter chicken, naan, and a nice glass of wine.
I may be an atheist but I'm not going to turn down an opportunity to have fun.
No. 809622
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I hate my country and I hate Islam so fucking much
No. 818928
>>818914me too.this is why I posted her.Haven't hatewatched someone like this in a while.What I hate the most is how many people,and especially young girls, are "educated" and "inspired" by her. The shit I've seen defending her views are terrible. Her and women like her are the reason the serious issues within Islam can't be addressed and people keep suffering.
I never expected to be the person who would say "go back to your country if you like it so much" but here we are.
No. 820573
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sage bc idk if anyone cares,but I found the video of her saying that you aren't expected to wear a hijab in muslim countries and that they respect your lifestyle.And the "shade" she throws at France as if the law isn't for all religions
No. 823787
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From the Dumbass Shit thread, I'm sure this applies to most of us here
No. 823801
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How did you guys become ex-muzzies? I actually started doubting my faith at the grand old age of like, 11 kek. Makes sense because I got molested by the man who taught me Quran so it already fucked with my perception of religion then I discovered what atheism was on the internet and was like, 'Oh yeah, that makes sense.' and that was that. It wasn't a big deal for me. Of course, it's a secret as my mother has expressed, in seriousness, that she'd kill her child if they did not believe anymore. Plus, living in an Islamic state, it's much easier to just fake being religious, for safety.
Anyways, I hate how most internet communities of ex-muslims are filled to the brim with scrotes, a whole sausage-fest. And even if they're similar to me, they're still men and our experiences are vastly different. I hate the ex-muslim subreddit because of this.
I don't come on lc anymore much, but I'm happy to see this thread.
No. 823847
>>823801My parents converted because they didn't want to be murdered or beaten for being Serb sympathizers. I was a little dumb and said out loud in class that my dad didn't believe in god one day. I got beat up that day after school, what beliefs I had until then I completely lost.
I don't get it. Many people here have Serb family members. Most of us do - we lived in the same country together for 50 years and people on both sides used to be normal. Everything turned to shit because of politics and my whole city became extremely religious over night. Now half of them are suffering quietly because they are too scared to say anything and the other half are LARPing Turkaboos trying to be the Most Muslim because they hate themselves and their culture. It is sad and shameful.
No. 826362
>>823801It just came naturally to me anon, i somehow just never had a spiritual calling to respect the religion that's been taught to me since my earliest memory. Even as a kid i thought memorizing verses and praying 5 times a day was an orchestrated chore. And i was put through islamic school until i was 14, kek.
I agree with you on the second point, i guess it's just a scrote thing though. Being ex-muslim to them probably just means more sex and booze than anything else. It's not like they were at a disadvantage in Islam anyway, most abrahamic religions are patriarchal.
No. 827202
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>>823801>How did you guys become ex-muzzies?I was taught a completely different version of Islam to what reality was or I simply blocked the bad parts out, as a child/early teen I had a version of Islam in my head that was close to today's Protestantism or spirituality, I only was taught about peace and treating others how you'd like to be treated, caring for animals and plants and everything living, and for the history part it was mostly biblical folklore and I was amused with it.
Grew up and I was disillusioned by reality, my disillusion started when my grandparents pressured my parents to dress me more "modest" when I was just 10, I was a tomyboy and the idea of wearing long skirts and not go out to play the few times I was allowed to was very bothersome, being forced to wear hijab and learning about how brutal and unforgiving Allah is, how those peaceful Muslims were talking about kafirs and not believing in basic science because it's from kafirs.
my mother probably noticed and she gave me books to read by ex Muslims who returned to Islam again, I did more research on my own and my breaking point was probably meeting a non-practicing Christian guy online during my mid teens and being so in love with him and realizing how it was impossible to be together, I would be disowned on the spot if they knew that I was in love with him let alone sending him nudes, I was expecting a punishment from Allah but nothing happened, I walked into sin and nothing happened, it made me miserable more than anything knowing that I'll never have him or have a healthy sex life but it was what solidified my doubts because all the scientific and theory aspects were so far removed they were easy to make me feel like I might be in the wrong.
I considered converting to Christianity because I was so scared of living without a God but in time I realized that I didn't need a God and that Gods and religion were the source of all misery.
Ex-muslim communities are filled with people who are going from one extreme to the other, most of them are into identity politics and degeneracy, they're mostly male because males have more free choice and women often get married to their cousin or the first suiter if they were suspected to be rotten, males however can walk away and be independent and face less ordeal, and those males usually are very misogynistic and not that different from Muslim men except for that they don't keep their porn to themselves and share it to the public, they can't change what they were taught all their lives, that women are objects and subhuman, either covered and owned or stripped and owned, for them it is a man's world, and many many convert back to Islam or Christianity after they have had their rebellious phase and are welcomed back with open arms,if I ever end up with a man I'll never go with someone who came from a Muslim background, ever.
No. 905383
>>900302did you necro a thread just to call someone a whore? idiot muzzies must be so attentio-starved.
anyway ninja mommy is a megacow and hypocrite to boot. infidelnoodle made a video on her that's not on her channel anymore but I found it mirrored in another channel (vidrel)
No. 940045
>>940043I understand, I don't blame the rural illiterate peasant population for being the way they are, they live in a completely feudal society that hasn't progressed in over 1000 years
I despise the urban middle class muslims more, they have knowledge about better systems and how flawed Islam is and yet instead on confronting the reality of the billions of faults of the religion of the arab pedophile, they instead create a fantasy and distort the truth
"No Muhammad was a feminist" "No Muhammad wanted to ban slavery" "no all the slavery practiced by Muslim states was actually better then being a free man in europe"
just pure distortion of the truth
No. 1907990
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Not entirely sure if reviving this thread will get me banned or not, but how are my fellow ex-muslims planning to spend this year's ramadan? I've started a new job that'll have me on my feet while I'm on the clock, plus I'm gonna have to walk an hour for my work, I'm really not sure I'll be able to take all this while fasting but I'm too scared to try and get a sip of water sneakily. How do you guys usually do it?
No. 1908162
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Funny how careful you have to be online, even on this site. You can be banned very easily for even implying terrorism is real and still happens. Or how it’s a super effective method of censorship. Sometimes I fear we will never be able to move on. Liberals bent over so much over the past few decades they have handed the reins to Muslims. And now if we get too famous or popular, we can be harassed for not being “good representations” of the religion. God I wish I was born to irreligious parents.
No. 1908918
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>>1908207I'm thinking of going the water-fasting route too, the tap water from the toilet will have to do if I can't sneak water. Also, I completely forgot about how it absolutely obliterates any sleeping schedule with suhur and shit, I'm so not looking forward to that. Let's get back to each other after the month has passed to see how we held up, kek.
>>1908245>"the eating disorder" month.Too real. If you have any troubles with food, this just exacerbates it so badly. And the month of the worst, most inconsistent sleep too. Good luck with your midterms!
>>1908162I wish so too. I feel like a whiny, broken record sometimes online whenever this topic comes up, because nobody but people who've lived this can truly understand what it is like. Like us existing is a hinderance or some sort of blight to the 'cause', you get what I mean? Only other exmuslim women, or in some cases ex(insert other religion) women can get it. I feel like it's also because of referring to ourselves AS 'exmuslim', instead of our current belief, like atheist or whatnot. It's because the past of being a muslim is, even if we don't want it to be, a crucial element of it. But they just wouldn't get it.
No. 1909463
>>1909217No, depends on a lot of things. I've been a "token" in school long ago and during my internship before graduating and was treated like a total outsider by people who didn't know shit about me, my culture, my opinions and would assume a lot of dumb shit about me based on my looks only. The reverse happens with fellow north africans where I am, they automatically assume we're bffs until they find out I don't celebrate anything, never remember any dates, eat everything except pork so idgaf if something's not halal
I do eat pork but not in public, then they treat me like people in public transport treat homeless crackheads who yell at themselves and may or may not have a knife in their pocket. I have a gen X coworker right now though who assumed I was going to be like this with her though and was relieved when I didn't insult her for eating during ramadan or drinking beer after work and in her case she has fucked up health issues.
No. 1909936
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Since we're here, does anyone irl know of your ex-muslim status? How do you feel about it and how'd they react? I guess this would apply more to women living in muslim countries, but there can be circumstances where even while living in a non-muslim state, you have to hide it. I've never shared it with anyone in my life, it's too risky and dangerous. One friend of mine probably knew though, I got too honest with her, but we've drifted apart for other reasons so essentially, nobody knows.
Kind of a vent, but it just feels so hopeless, and I feel like a fraud. It hurts to know nobody actually fully knows this important part of my identity. That the people I love would never associate with me again if they knew. I've just never once felt at home. Always having to keep up an act, especially because Islam is so entrenched and a core part of a muslim's life.
No. 1910042
>>1909936On my paternal side, everybody played pretend anyhow since my paternal grandfather died, so none of them were really Muslim. And on my maternal side it didn't play a role much because the family split into pieces due to inheritance disputes after my grandparents died. Basically all my life was pretend at my paternal grandmother's house.
My parents never raised me with Islam even though they both were, and we had to play pretend, not to be Muslim per say, but my Dad explicitly said to me when I was 9 to never tell my grandma that I would eat fries and ham and the school canteen. But the rest of my aunts and uncles also played pretend every time they were near my grandma, and would still go hide to smoke their cigarettes like teenagers and drink plenty of alcohol and smoke doobies when they'd meet up without my grandma. The pretend game was mostly to keep the peace with my grandmother. Later in life I had reconnected with cousins on my maternal side, I had a similar discussion with a cousin that was 7-8 older than me about eating pork being about upbringing (as if it was not a religious upbringing thing), and I noticed that on my maternal side, they took the faith more seriously. But due to the split in the family it never really led me to being shunned or looked at poorly. I am thankful enough that it never was necessary for me or my family to be close to other relatives because I live in Yurop and we've made external contacts through school, etc.
I never liked pretending, and I never liked the role I was attributed in that family anyway - I was "miss Deutschland" or "miss Manga" because we moved to Germany and because I loved manga at the time. I was never my own person in that family, and I wasn't called by my first name by my grandparents because of the letter "r" being inpronouncable for them (as they couldn't speak the language of the European country they moved to well, if at all), which made me even more dissociated from any relation with them. So when my parents divorced due to my father's violent behavior, and after father died, I lost that side of the family without regret. I've been marginalized my whole life anyway so I don't see what keeping appearances would bring me.
No. 1910535
>>1910101Nope, but I see where the false equivalency comes from (due to Germany and Turkey's history). I'm born in a Yuropean country and so are my parents. My grandparents are from one of the many countries of Africa that were colonized by the European country I was born in.
I'd rather leave the details up to interpretation because I don't wanna dox myself in any way shape or form, due to my family being a large one with second and third degree branches everywhere in the world.
No. 1911358
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I hate this fat retarded faggot so much.
No. 1912612
>>1911740I am so sorry anon. This was the one thing I never budged on, all my friends wear a hijab, all my female family members do too but I refused to since I was a kid, even now I keep peer-pressured into it, but I genuinely loathe that piece of shit so much. I am so sorry, I hope you have the safety to take it off one day, I know that day will come. When your outside appearance reflects your actual belief, or lack thereof. You're not weak, don't think that. I wish too, we weren't born to Muslim families, but these are the cards we've been dealt with.
No. 1918925
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I'm dreading it so much… I know everyone will become this ultra-religious idiot during the month too. How much can I feign interest in their diatribes. Might be able to get out of taraweeh this time because my workload is crazy right now. I have to get out of here, I genuinely feel suicidal when I think of the possibility of having to spend my entire lifetime here, always pretending.
>>1918907Waterfasting, plus I will sneak in some snacks, I have to wear a mask at work so I wouldn't have to worry about anyone smelling food on my breath. We discussed it a bit above too, wishing every exmuslim nonna good luck!
No. 1923951
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I fucking hate Ramadan. I always cook and clean. I have to tolerate being around little kids because my family thinks I’m a natural with them and then they make jokes on when I’m getting married and having kids. I’d rather hug a tree with my car than marry a Muslim man. Everyday I wish for a better paying job that allows me to leave the fucking state. I wish I was as far away from these people as possible.
No. 1925618
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My mom keeps pushing me to visits family in the old country but I fear she’s trying to leave me behind. She says it’s an opportunity to meet old family and see my estranged father, whom I have no contact with and no desire to visit. She told me it was two weeks and now she’s wants the trip to be a month. I keep telling her no but she refuses to budge. Im getting worried. I wish I had my own money and a social life. I would have moved out long ago if I was more normal. I wish I was normal, that I was never born into a Muslim family.
No. 1928443
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Living in a muslim country as an exmuslim, it feels like I might as well not exist. Everyone I have ever known sees me as a muslim, I am a muslim in everyone's eyes. Then aren't I one, effectively? No one knows this about me, so it may as well not exist. I just wish I could become a muslim again somehow, I feel so isolated from everything around me, I don't even feel real. Putting up an act 24/7, always, never slipping up, I am so tired, I've never once felt at home, or like I belonged. I don't feel a connection to anyone I've ever met. Friends. Family. I hate being poor, I want to get out so bad. I just want to live normally. I hate how Islam is such an all-encompassing religion, it follows you everywhere, you can never find a reprieve. All the shit you've been taught, reciting something when you step out the house, when you close all the doors, when you step into the toilet even, fuck. Praying 5 times a day, it's so hard to keep it up when I do not believe in it at all. I've wasted so much of my life, the one chance I'll get in this world, doing things I do not believe in. I'm so tired, anons.
No. 1928492
>>1928487It's that very thing that makes any sort of progress or reform difficult. The final word's been said and if you're a true muslim you can't contest it. America's interventions in the Middle East didn't help with this, destroying any secular movements and it's just fucked it up more…
>>1928489Thank you, I am very serious. I'm happy for you friends. I really don't want to waste any more of my life here.
No. 1928542
>>1928528Seen so many around me who got married just so they could fuck. Like, how is that any better? My 20yo coworker just married her boyfriend so they could halalify their relationship. Hope the best for them though. Also very funny of them to say this, when that is the exact thing Islam promises them in heaven, no? Endless sex with virgins and endless rivers of wine, fucking primal.
One the other hand, women getting pressured into marriage when they don't want to marry, though that isn't strictly a muslim-only problem. But Islam is sex-obsessed.
No. 1930876
>>1928487That’s why I am still sympathetic to communism despite its flaws. It’s one of the few political tools that create mass literacy and elevate women out of the broodmare position. Imagine if Muslim countries could effectively nationalize and use their own resources for themselves.
I think this is why Islam caught on with modern leftists after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It helped create a powerful push against American dominance and attempted divinity after being colonized
No. 1932703
>>1927784My therapist must be a one-in-a-million then, she's a white women who doesn't get into politics past basic feminist ideas of abuse bad and has some experience working with South Asians. Try finding older therapists or those who don't seem ultra woke, you can ask them about themselves in an initial call or session.
>Therapy is bullshit anyways and the real solution is to leave a shit situation and get to live normally.Once you leave
abusive or shit situations is where PTSD and stress starts to creep in and therapy might help some people. I don't want to deny the truth by saying it's easy to find a therapist or that the money couldn't be used in better ways for some people, but it might be worth it if your insurance can cover some of your sessions.
No. 1932726
>>1927995Not sure what ethnicity you are but even if there are a lot of you, maybe you can avoid those parts. America is a big country and American Muslims are usually more assimilated than places like the UK.
>>1928443>I hate how Islam is such an all-encompassing religion, it follows you everywhere, you can never find a reprieve. All the shit you've been taught, reciting something when you step out the house, when you close all the doors, when you step into the toilet even, fuck.Islam is most likely Muhammad's OCD rituals so makes sense why it's so encompassing.
No. 1932808
>>1932672I have. I took the study visa route to go to a european country. I also had to work beforehand to save up since europe is expensive af. It's long, but it's the safest path, especially since there's a lot of social aid for students. As for my relationship with my parents, it's complicated I guess? They're good people, but I don't have the heart to tell them about myself. I know it won't do any good anyway. So I call them semi regularly and visit them sometimes, still pretending to be muslim. It's much easier than pretending all the time at least.
>>1928443Ugh, this hit too close to home. I'd been pretending for so long I've lost my sense of self. When I left the religion back in high school, I focused all my energy on escaping. I picked a major that's in high demand in Europe even though I wanted something else, and studied my ass off to have good grades to get accepted in a uni there, no time for social life or hobbies. I became a shell of a human, and extremely anti social because I didn't dare get too close to anyone since I only knew muslims.
Now that I finally reached my goal, I honestly feel lost. I have no passion for my job, and it's difficult to make new friends as an adult, let alone as an exmuslim immigrant. I'm just hoping that this is something that time will fix. For now, I'll try to enjoy being able to breath easier. I wish you all the luck to also leave soon
No. 1936378
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>>1935077The 'inshallah' and other -allahs seem to be just a meme. I'm not going to lie, and this is gonna sound so bitter, but I really dislike when anything Islamic become ~trendy~ on the internet. The algorithm pushes so much of 'relatable muslim content' at me too.
No. 1936786
>>1936675On the /r/exmuslim subreddit about 6 months ago an ex-Sunni user posted:
>I live in the UK, and for the past three years, I have noticed that the Adhan has been growing louder. In the first year, you could only hear it if you were outside and approximately 300 to 500 meters away from the mosque. However, recently, I have been able to hear the Adhan from my bedroom, even with the windows closed, every day during midday and on Fridays. Remarkably, my house is located 1 kilometer away from the mosque. I have heard rumors that there are plans to increase the frequency of the Adhan to five times a day. If that were to happen, I would seriously consider relocating to another city. During my 15 years in the UK, I have lived in five different cities, and this is the first time I have encountered the Adhan. It brings back memories of my homeland, where numerous mosques simultaneously start their call to prayer to the point where you can understand what they are saying No. 1937035
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So I don't know if it might be an unpopular opinion, but I believe the only tool that can counter Islamism (especially in Muslim nations themselves) is nationalist dictatorship. I've talked to Saudi mutuals who've told me how much freedom they have compared to previous generations and the leader of Saudi Arabia justifies it through a sense of nationalism, saying 'we are returning to our true selves' Something like this would not have been possible a decade ago and this was the case in the past with our nations as well, most of us had secular nationalist dictators who were overthrown by the CIA and that led to 'democracy,' which in turn led to the rise of Islamists in the first place.
No. 1937047
>>1936763How the fuck do you not know what "inshallah" means in the
ex-muslim thread?
No. 1937048
>>1937035Islam was originally designed to unite the various petty tribes that inhabited the Arabian peninsula, so it made special effort to become a homogenizing force. In areas where Islam was introduced through conquest, the rulers posited Islam, and the Arabic language, as a unifying undercurrent that connected the various people's that caliphs controlled. In a lot of ways, the various peoples that the caliphs conquered lost their pre-Islamic national identities and were subsumed into the pan-Arab identity that we see in the MENA countries today. It's interesting seeing how extremist wahhabism groups like ISIS make special effort to destroy pre-Islamic architecture, art, and traces of unique identity across the countries that were once under their control. Things that come to mind are the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan or the Roman temples in Syria. These extremists want to destroy our links to the past. So I think there is a lot of truth when you say:
>Nationalism is the only way to counter Islamism.Would it be aghast to teach Coptic, the continuation of the language of the pharaohs, to Egyptians? Or introduce Punic traditions to the citizens of Tunisia, or Phoenician etymologies to Lebanese places? To revitalize the Berber traditions in Algeria and Morocco? Although most of the MENA countries have shared a common Islamic history for centuries, there was a great deal of time before Islam where each of the MENA cultures were unique and very separate. The caliphs, and later, the Ottomans, needed Islam to unify their empires, but I don't think that Islamist politics need to continue into the modern age. Just my two cents on the topic.
No. 1937049
>>1937035What you’re saying isn’t really new or novel, that’s how Arab politics works. During the 20th century Arab nationalist dictators gutted or neutralized Islamic movements in their countries. Think Nasser vs the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s why the US accusing Saddam of 9/11 was jarring, he probably hated al qaeda more than conservatives Americans do.
You can actually see it with Saudi now. What’s his face is playing up Saudi nationalistic sentiment and a somewhat reduced wahabi sentiment.
But imo Arab countries aren’t that bad. Pakistan on the other hand needs a whole restructuring from the ground up.
No. 1937057
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I despise Islam and Judaism so much. Both Islam and Judaism are evil, child-mutilating religions than need to be banned in Western countries. The Islamic false prophet Muhammad Abdullah is one of the most evil people who have ever lived.
No. 1937097

>>1937078because "communism" that's it, delusional Islamists did exist, but they were led by molvis and mullahs with no sense of tactical knowledge rather complete blind faith and they were crushed with in weeks, with barely a mention in most newspapers, but cause the US was so terrified of "communism" they funded, worked with and helped spread Islamist ideology, they helped facilitate Jihadist networks and gave them training and tactics and most deleterious gave them the ability to enter the mainstream politics
hell the vast majority of Islamist militant groups can be linked to the Soviet Afghan war, the CIA set up networks in Madrasas for foreign volunteers to be sent to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, these men were from across the Arab world and even South East Asia, they were trained in irregular warfare, insurgency and formed their own groups in the conflict, one of these groups being Al-Qaeda
when these men returned home they were treated as heroes in their countries and had a great deal of influence, thus they started their own Jihadist groups with in their country for their glorious Jihad, these groups eventually spread and then form their own separate groups, only recently thanks to local authoritarian rule were most of these groups finally crushed.
No. 1937114
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>>1937111I’m not Pakistani. You’re either a Jew or a Muslim, both of those groups are equally savage and barbaric. The world would be much better off without Islam and Judaism.
No. 1937125
>>1937114lol the ADL is literally an arm of Zionism. Zionism is an extremist ideology that has nothing to do with Judaism.
The problem isn't Judaism or Islam in general, the problem is extremism. There are plenty decent people in the world who happen to practice Judaism and the same goes for Islam. The violent extremist crazies are the problem for ex. the Taliban. Ofc the US/CIA propped them up too go figure.
No. 1937143
>>1937125The only thing that has curbed religious extremism in all religions is the advancement of society. When society doesn't advance and people don't become more free, educated, and empathetic, extremism remains. It's not because religious people are actually super nice kind and totally normal, it's because society doesn't let them get away with their
abusive cults anymore. Laws are created that say men and women are equal and that you can't beat them or your kids in the name of religion. Laws say women and kids need education and you can no longer trick them into following horrible religious rules. Any society that did not advance still has rampant extremism and will continue to do so until they change.
No. 1937145
>>1937114Thinking or saying cuhrazy things
in private is irrelevant. Most people say/think things in private that they wouldn't say publicly, who cares? That's not unique. Also I have no way of verifying how you were raised but if you're being honest, an impartial statistical analysis can't be developed based on one person's subjective experience. Anyone who's lived in the world knows shitty people exist in every strata of society regardless of race, religion, creed, etc. If your environment was limited to living with a certain group of people and that's all you've known and a lot of them were shitty to you, then naturally you'd grow up resenting them thinking everyone in that group was shitty bc that's all you've known - it's subjective.
>making doctors mutilate their children's genitalsIf you're talking about circumcision there are supposedly practical/hygienic reasons for doing it. The veracity of these claims is up for debate. Idk and don't care, I'm not a scrote.
No. 1937164
>>1937145It's not very private when you force that shit on your children, who then either force that shit on their own children or have their lives ruined by the way they were raised. Something truly private would be if these people would let their kids be kids and would let them choose what they believe in as they grow up and become adults.
>Anyone who's lived in the world knows shitty people exist in every strata of society regardless of race, religion, creed, etc.True, but the way people become shitty and enforce their shitty views will differ depending on these criteria. I expect men from different religions to be horrible people by default but they won't show it the exact same way depending on the religion and where they live for instance. And I'm not a scrote either but circumcision relates to my first point, why do it to your newborn son instead of letting him choose when he's a grown man and can get an appointment at the clinic by himself after all? I'm not sure if FGM also counts because it seems to depend a lot of other criteria and not just on religion and you have to take sexism and pseudoscience (men believing that the clitoris won't stop growing until it's mutilated, typically) into account.
No. 1937191
>>1937185I agree with you, it's easier said than done. My parents were still somewhat reasonable when it came to food and would feed us meat even if it weren't halal because buying halal meat where we live used to be difficult and they prioritized our physical health too. But I know that's not the case for all kids so you have some of them who barely eat anything in their school canteen. But then they didn't want us to interact with kids who weren't muslims and there's nothing anyone could do about it.
>I don't miss being a kid lol.Me neither kek, it was so fucking awful. I will never understand anyone being nostalgic over their childhood or teenage years because all I did back then was study at school and have no freedom whatsoever.
No. 1937339
>>1937125I'm not well-informed on Judaism so I can't say anything about that but the problem
is Islam. Islam just isn't compatible with modern sensibilities. It's considered sacred text that cannot be changed and is the true word of God and it only reflects 7th century Arab. The problem is the religion and the things it preaches. If you think the same about Christianity and any other religion, I wouldn't argue with you because I'd agree. There are good people who happen to be Muslims, but they're good despite being Muslims, they would be good even if they weren't Muslims.
No. 1937761
>>1937048Nta but I agree with everything you said. It's really sad to look at those countries that are obviously not arab trying to delude themselves and the rest of the world of their arab identity, when they can't even speak the language properly after ages of colonization, because it's not their native tongue and they still slightly uphold their previous identity in a way or another. This shows in superstitions and traditional clothing, as well as cooking sometimes. For example, Moroccans still believe in witchcraft and practice it, despite it contradicting their Muslim beliefs. The Levant and Turkey (ironically) still don't wear hijab and practice art and music despite claiming to be Muslim, even saudis have beliefs in legends from the past that contradict islam, believe in some superstitions like wearing specific necklaces made of paper with specific writing to ward off evil in some tribes, and making alcoholic drinks in ramadan as a tradition (it's not alcoholic when just made but after sitting in the fridge for a few days it turns alcoholic, it's not banned and people can keep it in their fridges in secret, it's a meme on social media for a reason), Bedouins also seem to be the least people to follow the religion with their traditional clothing and living style where men and women used to hang around each other with no one screaming "HARAM!".
No. 1937969
>>1937495>Why would you go to another country, supposedly escaping your religion just to bring it over?>I guess youre still living with your parents? Sending positive vibes.Yesmy parents immigrated to America, I was born here and still live with them. I decided due to a mix of obsessive guilt and suicidal ideation, otherwise I would not have done it during Ramadhan. I felt guilty at the idea of moving out before telling them because it strained my view of them.
>>1937742My parents don't push their religious views onto anyone like most Muslim immigrants, except their own children. But most religious faiths and ideologies push for childhood indoctrination.
No. 1938246
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>we aren't even allowed to wear backpacks anymore
No. 1938662
>>1932682>>1932808Thank you, I'll give it more thought. Will probably go the study route as well if I can save up enough money. I don't think I can live with the guilt if I cut off all contact with my parents. I feel like it would haunt me one day.
Also, anyone else worried about the rise of racism and 'anti immigration' sentiments in most developed countries? Alot of the people who hate islam spreading in their country also just hate arabs and brown people, not just the religion.
I'm scared that by the time that I'll have to choice to leave and be free, it wouldn't be as safe for people like me anymore and I'll have nowhere to go. Maybe I'm being too paranoid but I'm so worried about my future. Maybe I should plan to go to a random country in south america or asia. Not sure where I would be tolerated though.
No. 1938772
>>1938766This shit makes me so fucking mad. I wish I could do something to help all these poor women and girls. I feel so bad for that little sister. Fuck that moid cousin. Disgusting hypocritical misogynistic pig. People like him shouldn't have been born.
The whole thing about calculating when she had sex is pathetic and gross. What's wrong with these perverts? They're obsessed with sex, it's on their minds 24/7.
No. 1939185
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>>1938813>>1938902haven't read the book, but American feminist Phyllis Chesler wrote a similar book about her time in Afghanistan, her Afghan fiance seemed very progressive, he talked to her about Frantz Fanon, Foucault and colonial oppression, and when she arrived in Afghanistan, her husband showed his true colors (this was in the 60s, when it was still a kingdom) but luckily she had enough feeling to catch on and the day her husband started his BS, she was plan to leave and get out of there in 5 months .
No. 1940859
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>>1938251>>1938673It really is completely unnatural for any human being to be alive, this kind of thing would have been unheard of even in my Muslim country, but then I don't think you types are even concerned with actual traditional Islam, they have stripped it from their own indigenous culture and heritage and now think that being 'Muslim' (not Sunni, Shia) is in itself an identity
No. 1945344
I hope this is okay to talk about here. To preface, we are of Caribbean descent with 0 background in Islam/mainly Muslim countries.I have a niece who is my age (late 20's) who was with this Muslim moid, and she just flipped in a second. She has good education, university level, good job, nice friends, but the moid she was seeing was very adamant on her converting to Islam for her to continue the relationship, and she did it.. I don't understand how, or why. She also dropped the whole Islam is a feminist religion and converted. She would come to family dinners and get together often and she just vanished for a while. I was very upset because I thought perhaps he was holding her away from us. Luckily, they ended the relationship and she reverted to being non religious, but I guess it's a semi vent/question, how does this happen and how can I approach people I know if they are in same predicament who are ready to convert without it coming off as "racist" or islamphobic..?
No. 1945359
>>1945344>How does this happen?I think some people are just naturally easy to convince of things like conversion because they don't have much religious belief to begin with and they're easily convinced of anything. Converting to any religion to match your partner's religion is more common than you'd think.
>How do I approach people?Don't bother. These are the types of people that need to learn the hard way and find things out for themselves. You could tell them x, y, and even explain z to them and they'd ignore you until the cows came home. Sometimes you have to just let people figure shit out on their own time and be there for them when they finally realize their mistake.
No. 1945429
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It's honestly funny how butthurt Muslim tend to be over the loss of Spain. I guess it just reminds them of the fact that most European nations militarily surpassed them centuries ago and they can't really do much about it but claim oppression.
No. 1947446
>>1947360A friend of mine has, years ago. She had an online friend who was willing to RP as a prospective husband 'as a prank', learnt HTML to make a fake Muslim dating website with like 3 pages in a language that one of her other online friends translated for her, and convinced her parents that she had found a wealthy husband abroad. His profile had photos of Mecca and expensive cars and houses that she'd taken from the internet. The husband himself was a random photo from a birthday party that she'd chosen because there was a woman in a hijab in the corner. This was in the late 90s and her parents were very gullible, so it worked. She went to a different country, changed her name, and spoke to her parents once a year. She always called from a payphone because her nonexistent husband didn't let her use their house phone for such expensive calls. She slowly lost contact with them.
Turns out that her family got a bit suspicious about the lack of contact when the internet and phones became more common, her parents still had the computer that she'd used and got one of the younger family members to go through it. Most of the sites she had accounts on were gone at this point but she got email notifications saying she'd gotten messages on the sites that were still up, that she hadn't logged onto for years, telling her to call her parents and come home. She was really shaken up about it. She googles herself every so often just in case anything comes up and it normally doesn't but her parents have since put her information online asking people to find their daughter. Luckily they used her old name and said she was in a different country, but she's been absolutely devastated that they found all this stuff on the computer after 20+ years. She's got workplace adjustments in place in case she gets kidnapped. It's a stressful enough situation that she's considering making a fake obituary for herself saying she died some years ago in the hopes that they'll fuck off.
When you leave, cut and dye your hair, buy clothes in styles and colors you'd never wear normally, change your eyebrow shape and get glasses if you don't already wear them. If you do, get different frames. That's cheaper than surgery and gives you instant results. Changing your name might be a bad idea since there's a public database of changed names and ironically you'll be easier to find. Avoid all social media at all costs. There are plenty of Muslims in France, you won't be the only one there with your name. When you're able to, get rid of any electronics you brought with you from home, in case they're bugged.
Find a job ASAP, ideally one that isn't public facing so you have less chance of being recognized. Doing sewing on the side is a good idea.
If you're worried that your parents suspect something, find an event to get excited about that takes place after your planned leaving date. Make plans for the event, talk about what you want to wear, who you're excited to see. You can say that you're saving up for it if your parents are suspicious of your savings.
If you don't have a social media presence, or any pictures of yourself online, it's actually a lot harder to find you than you might think. Just be careful and constantly google yourself to keep on top of the situation.
No. 1947457
>>1947446NTA but thank you for sharing your friend's story. It's actually insane how much women have to do to escape these situations. It's like being in protective services from
abusive spouses. I wish your friend nothing but the best.
No. 1947776
>>1947446Thank you for this, I hope she's doing well and safe. What a brave woman. It's terrifying to think that just want to live on your own terms can be such a lifelong struggle depending on where you are from.
>>1947669It is a somewhat generic name and it isn't common. I think I'll keep it if it's easier in the long run.
No. 1951530
>>1949188They're what you'd call the cultural muslims, even though it's difficult to reconcile and feels terrible it's just not possible for everyone to let go of something they've lived with their whole lives. I wish things are better for them but it's a situation where you're going not only against your parents but also pretty much everyone you know.
>>1948816Aw good you're free now
nonnie No. 1953123
>>1953118What a disgusting and horrible thing to say. I’m so sorry
nonny. I hope you can get away from him soon if you haven’t already
No. 1955808
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>Destroying your own history and heritage to own the West.
No. 1956951
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Ramadan's coming to an end, finally. I was so, so low energy the whole month, I barely got anything done except the bare minimum at work and all my personal projects were on hold. Eid mubarak to my ex-muslim sisters! Eat delicious food!
No. 1957736
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Eid Mubarak nonna's
No. 1957840
>>1957736Thank you
nonnie, hope you have a good day
No. 1957939
>>1957734Mostly Bengalis and some Pakistanis
>>1957802Yeah, but then it'd be a big deal and those motherfuckers would use it as gossip material for the next 20 years. I guess she didn't want to cause any conflict
>>1957811Kek yeah, a lot of them talk about cousin incest as if it was the normalest thing on the planet. If you say something against it, they call you "whitewashed" KEK
No. 1957981
>>1957962y know I used to make fun of older people who viewed muslims as some invaders because yea, there are 2-3 in schools whatever but now I can see the invasion.
I live in Europe, the majority here of people is christian and schools are shutting down to celebrate the beginning and end of ramadan, this fucked up the calendar of the holidays and the non religious/christian parents (there are not other religions here) couldn't take the day off to take care of the children at home.
In schools there's shit like "Omg respect your muslim friend, don't eat in front of them!"
In churches, priest are "blessing" muslims. Cults are exclusionary by definition, if you recognize muslims in churches, then religion doesn't mean shit anymore.
When muslim randomly stop working to pray, it's all good. If I take a 2 minute break it's a problem. Muslims and smokers can go out, I can't.
I'll give them a pass for introducing more halal alternatives though, pork is gross anyway.
No. 1958034
>>1957962>>1957981This is terrifying. I live in a part of Europe
the balkans where a part of the population is muslim by default but we never meddle with each other's holidays, customs, or business. But a completely christian country like the UK? I don't want to sound islamophobic/racist or any of that retarded shit but it's alarming how quickly some weu countries are bowing down to islam. I've never fully brushed off my older family members who were very openly against the immigration of muslims and it's becoming more and more reasonable to me to think that way. Why is it that their customs are to be respected if they're the ones moving into a new country and not the other way around? Seeing people online bitch and moan about how non-muslims should respect dumb shit like ramadan (like you mentioned with not eating in front of muslims) and the like is really getting under my skin.
No. 1958130
>>1958107Exmuslims can be Islamophobic, it's justified. Also Islam isn't a race anyways, so it doesn't matter if someone is "islamophobic" anyways.
t. An exmuslim arab
>inb4 the self-hate accusations It's a good thing to hate a bad thing.
No. 1958272
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>>1949188Sad tbh. Reading r/queermuslims was genuinely depressing. Queer [x] religion here are fucking dumb anyway. Either you admit you're a sinning homosexual or bisexual or repress 'til you die. You can't be both "queer" and Muslim at the same time. You just can't.
No. 1958409
>>1940859This is pretty fucked 'cause the hijab's main purpose is to cover hair because seeing even a strand of it is too erotic and makes men want to rape women or whatever the fuck (a Muslim moid genuinely said this to me). So the hijab was made ~to protect us~ because apparently—telling men not to rape for some random reason is just to difficult for them.
So what? Is a damn toddler’s hair also too erotic for men too? Is that what they're implying?
No. 1961693
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>straight up defending Islamic slavery
No. 1962781
>>1961706I don't know if there really is a God or not. But this quote kind of helps me cope a bit:
“If there really is a God, then we should seek to forget Him, to raise up men who will to do good for goodness’ sake, not out of fear of punishment for their bad deeds. How can someone give alms to a poor man with a clean heart when he believes, and has an interest in believing, that there is a God who keeps score in heaven, who looks down and nods in approval?” — Henrik Pontoppidan
No. 1966137
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For the anons who live in Islamic countries, do you know any other ex-muslims personally? Or does anyone know about you being one? I've met one exmuslim, though I feel like my boss is one too because he really teeters the line of blasphemy often. The other is a woman I've gone out with a few times, she's the only person who knows this about me and it feels really freeing.
Also I've been interested in learning more about the different pagan customs that got incorporated into Islam despite Islam being so strictly monotheistic, if any anon knows any good material on it.
No. 1966269
>>1966137I only have a now online friend who I used to go to school with who knows about this. I try my best to not expose myself so I don't get in 'legal' trouble, i.e. beheading.
Not sure if it's pagan, but I think the concept of envy and the evil eye exists in islam. I live in islam central country, and people believe if you like something and don't say "mashaallah" it will get ruined somehow and force other people to say it and make a scene out of it. They also claim any illness or problems in their lives must be a result of someone envying them. The ways to get rid of that differs from culture to culture. "My country" uses things such as washing oneself with the leftover coffee of a cup the person who envied them drank from, writing quran verses on a paper with saffron as an ink and soaking it in water and reading mantras on it then drinking it, smothering oneself with olive oil while reading quran, getting water spat on by a sheikh, and other retarded shit. Moroccans use the blue hand with an eye on it and other stuff. Idk about other cultures though.
No. 1967151
>>1966137I had 3 friends who were all hardcore lesbians but also hijabis, and they always talk about how they want to take it off and do 'haram' stuff. I'm willing to bet that atleast one of them doesn't believe anymore, or at the very least will arrive to that one day.
I never opened up to them about it though because I'm very paranoid about it, and we're not friends anymore.
Honestly it's quite easy to tell sometimes, they're almost always upper middle class/ high class where I live.Be careful though nonnies
No. 1969276
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>>1967160>>1967182Like Muslim has no right to call anyone an idol worshipper when they do act like this for a stone-idol that was built before Islam even existed.
No. 1974833
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reading the Quran from a critical lens honestly reveals a lot, like how Jesus(Isa) is described, he could talk when he was just a baby, he created birds using clay and could cure lepers and all of this is showing that he's something far more divine then a human being, cause no other prophet Islam has this much active power.
No. 1974846
>>1974833All the stories are wack af. Like Moses's story where he throws his cane and it turns into a snake that eats the ropes of wizards who use optical illusions to make them look like snakes or some bullshit like that. Also, when you're an arabic speaker you realize how flawed linguistics wise it is. And they claim the entirety of the arabic language grammar and rules were based on the quran, but I doubt it, it doesn't sound like proper arabic at all. The arabic poems from the time sound better and have better grammar and spelling, but muslims have to cope with every typo and grammatical error but claiming it has a deep lore behind it or something kek.
>Jesus was a divine beingI think it's because according to some theories, Islam is a sect of Christianity that believed in a prophet that will come after Jesus, but they were scrutinized by Europeans, so they immigrated to the middle east to escape them and be able to start their new religion. I also read -though in questionable sources- that Mohammed and his family were descendants from a priest family that's tasked with taking care of the Ka'aba, and he somehow found out about that Christian sect, and he had some mental illness that made him schizo af and believe he's the new prophet and his family's role is somehow related to that religion. He also larped as poor when his family was rich, and would paint himself as modest after gaining a huge following in his hadiths, then turn around and brag about how many slaves he owns and how many women he was married to etc.
No. 1978631
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>>1976695They're always from Malaysia too.
SEA Muslimah weebettes with their animu styled avatars are the most unique breed of weeb I have ever witnessed.
No. 1980529
>>1980073>muslim north african fujoshiFucking
what kek. This is my first time hearing about this.
No. 1980588
>>804740I'm ex muslim from a middle eastern background living in Canada and I worry a lot about whats going to happen as muslim and/or indian men become a larger and larger fraction of the population here
A lot of women here just don't understand the danger they are in by tolerating these men coming here in large numbers, the only people I see talking about it are racist white nationalists who don't even make a distinction between culture and race and want to deport all the women and girls back to face the horrors they fled from in the first place
No. 1980598
>>1980073I didn't know that was a thing.
The sheer disconnect between their culture/religion and consuming such haram content is what must make them deranged.
No. 1980784
>>1980699Sounds like my Mom. She's suuuper religious and yet a quick look in her phone browser history (she's terrible with technology and doesn't know how to erase it) you'll see
tons of PornHub videos. "Double boobjob"… fucking kill me. Same thing with my uncles. Fucking hypocrites.
No. 1981326
>>1980786Usually these girls also read a shit ton of shojo manga as teenagers or young adults. But usually they read the cutesy or melodramatic ones and read BL when they're older because it's just more of the same stuff, there's some sort of continuity. Just over the top romance or over the top sex scenes. I think you're right that they're sexually repressed, some of them are perfectlt self aware when it comes to this but also don't want to marry the first bum they meet just to lose their virginity in a halal way, but they're too religious to want to rebel against that shitty "tradition".
I'm kinda speaking for myself too but I've never believed in god or anything, I just don't want to be in trouble for having a love life even if I want one, my parents were "smart" enough to scare me into not trying to get into a relationship. A bunch of these girls also read garbage "my parents sold me to One Direction" fanfics back in the days kek. They don't mind self inserting in female characters from what I've seen but it's weird seeing them cheering for Hachi in Nana to find live and go back to Nobu and defending her actions because "she's nice, she suffered enough, she deserves love and happiness too!!" but if they knew someone irl who would collect boyfriends and have casual sex with them all the time they'd call her a disgusting whore and spread rumors.
No. 1982156
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>>1980607>>1981326It's basically the Muslim version of picrel.
No. 1982201
>>1981654I musterbate in the shower and in my bed when no one is in the room and everyone is alseep. We have an additional floor with some extra rooms for storage and I go there to work out (not allowed to go to a gym) and to take a walk on the rooftop (not allowed to go to a park), so I sometimes get an old toothbrush I cleaned and use it to musterbate in the room, hidden from everyone and able to stay quiet enough since it's a floor up. And there's a bathroom, too and I get some tissues with me just in case I needed to wipe or wash myself. I have a husbando and I'm also a fujo to an extent, so all these imaginary worlds and characters doing sexual stuff inside my head keep me at bay. I sometimes get so lost in the world inside my head I forget it's not my reality. Won't be surprised if I ended up schizophrenic or psychotic kek. I'm not interested in romance and being in a relationship though, because I've learned being tied down to someone is a cage no matter who they are, and even if it's a non-muslim non-arab person, I'd still feel emotionally "caged" if that makes sense, like I'm held hostage and can't do shit so the other person won't threaten me with "severing ties" and make a scene out of me not wanting to be with them. I don't want the stress of worrying about someone stalking me because I broke up with them, or knowing some things about me I wish I didn't tell them. I don't care if they see my naked body, seeing my mind is the truly bad thing to happen, so I prefer staying away from that stuff. It just feels dangerous and wrong, like it's a trap. You could say my situation made me insane but I kinda don't care, I feel enlightened actually.
No. 1996316
>>1996297I think there’s a few factors explaining it. Typically Somali women are black and Muslim and female and they experience discrimination for all those aspects from within and outside their community. It’s peak intersectionality. Thanks to Islam, they have less freedom to move around, they have to wear the hijab and that marks them as an outsider making assimilation nearly impossible. Being attracted to social justice makes sense for her and her circumstances. And this is stuff isn’t exclusive to Somalis.
After the civil war in the 1990s, millions of somalis were spread out in Africa and the world. For the ones who came to the west, they were refugees and outsiders. To cope with the horrors of war and its losses and being in a new foreign environment, many turned to stricter forms of Islam. And 9/11 exacerbated anti-Muslim bigotry, which assimilation difficult not impossible and many Muslims began to solely identify as Muslim. The children (zoomers and beyond) grew up with a stricter form of Islam compared to their parents and grandparents. It’s not uncommon to have parents who wore short shorts, smoked and drinker and partied at clubs screaming at their own daughters for even a single hair out. It’s an unfair and frustrating life. Relating back to the SJW angle, maybe it’s easier to fight against outside bigotry than the strict hypocritical parents. People take you seriously and listen to you in left wing circles compared to other places. Modern leftists do the work of blasphemy laws without having to install them into law. Exmuslims cannot speak out without being censored and drowned out thanks to leftists
No. 1996616
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Have any of you ever changed your names? How did that go for you? I want to change my name to something more western and shorter, especially my last name. I feel like having a different name would be a step towards a different and better life.
No. 1996739
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this is the only Muslim meme that I've ever truly liked
No. 2002268
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I hate western leftists like this so fucking much
No. 2002708
>>2002682It makes no sense, shariah law is directly in opposition to Marxist principles. Muslims are just highly fetishized by leftists because they are seen as perpetual
victims, so people can use them as constant fuel for virtue signalling.
No. 2003714
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No. 2005030
>>2002268Why are black people the biggest ass kissers of Muslims? Even the converts or born African Muslims place Arab Muslim in this high pedestal. I swear a week with Arab racists turned me against leftism and stupid
POC solidarity for life. I wish these freaks used their parents wealth to fuck of permanently to Palestine.
No. 2005050
>>2005030In America, I think some Blacks have this view that Christianity is "the White man's religion" and see Islam as its opposing force—hence the creation of Nation of Islam.
And—not to racebait—
some Black people can be pretty antisemitic, and Islam is pretty much Antisemite Central, thus affirming more of their beliefs.
No. 2005102
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I think many people should be aware that Islamist groups aren't all ISIS and Taliban, many are far more politically savvy and know how to put on a good face to appease liberals while furthering their own aims, people are aware the Muslim Brotherhood but there are many other groups such as jamaat-e-islami the imrcusa and others whose main goal is spreading Islamist propaganda, they have more then enough money thanks do donations but most importantly they have the approval of western liberals which allows them to further their aims, thanks to the image and how they present themselves, The Afghan Islamist is an inbred peasant but the Islamists from these groups are often educated and can be doctors or engineers and their daughters will be going to universities, for western liberals it might seem too good to be true and that these muslim could help spread a more "tolerant" version of Islam, but what they don't understand is that these people fundamentally despise them and want nothing more then to spread the religion of the Arab pedophile
No. 2005121
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>>2005102Thank you for mentioning the Muslim Brotherhood. They have been infiltrating euro countries for decades, financing schools and putting imams in place to spread salafism. Younger muslims here are more radicalized than their parents because of salafi ideology spreading, even though they grew up in a western country with a dominant progressive ideology. Things like headscarves and burqas weren't the norm in a lot of arabic countries and are now coming back and defended by retarded liberal westerners as one's own right to live their faith how they want, without any critical thinking. Tariq Ramadan is an example of these highly educated ideologist that was all over the medias for years in UK, France, Switzerland… His wikipedia intro sums up real quick how influencial he was, and how messed up he was. A self-titled 'salafi reformist' who rapes western women and engages in BDSM rp behind the curtain, who would've thought?
No. 2005137
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I have an autistic obsession with jihadology and im not even religious.
I just hope John is doing fine
No. 2005139
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>>2005137I listen to violent nasheeds until my eardrums hurt
(off-topic samefag) No. 2006326
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I really don't wanna seem like I'm defending Islam, I really don't but there's narrative among western libfems and radfems that needs to die, regarding the iranian islamic revolution, there's this idea that the revolution happened cause men were worried about losing power and cause they were scared of westernization, so they deposed the progressive government and installed religious dictatorship that oppressed women, that's the general Idea and its given feminists in the west fears and anxieties about a "it could happen here" type scenario in the west and margaret atwood famously wrote a handmaids tale based on this premise and here's the thing, this narrative is false and has been manipulated by to create an insufferable element of self victimization
here's the thing people need to understand, Iran under the Shah was an oppressive dictatorship, the vast majority of men and women were farmers and workers living as peasants, anyone who spoke out against the Shah was found by a secret police, jailed without trial, tortured and either executed or forced to rot in those jails, people were literally starving, yes there was a westernized progressive lifestyle for a small urban elite of 15% of the nation, but the vast majority of Iranian women were illiterate peasant farmers, people revolted against the Shah not cause they were angry that women were wearing skirts but cause they couldn't feed their children, the Shah's regime also had arrested every liberal, communist, nationalistic and leftist political leader, so all those were left were the clerics who ended up leading this peasant movement and creating the state of Iran as it is today
I'm not defending Islam or the religious radicals here, but I hate the way feminists in the west have hijacked this tragedy and use it as a tool to feel more oppressed "Iran was a progressive country, we could lose our rights just like they did, If we aren't careful" and that's a fantasy, the cultural conditions that happened in Iran do not exist in the west.
No. 2006881
>>2006326How do you know that? I bet You're not even Iranian! Iran under Shah's rule was indeed progressive and he granted women many rights which they never had before. The reason Khomeini started opposing Shah was that he gave women the right to vote which Khomeini thought was against Sharia.
Also 'people were starving'???
Actually the years immediately before the revolution were the most prosperous for Iranians. Their per capita income had increased considerably. And after the White Revolution the ownership of the land was taken from the clergy and Khaans and was given to the farmers working on it. The revolution of '79 happened for many reasons none of which was about the economy or being poor. I encourage you to learn Persian and read Khomeini and MEK and Toudeh party and why they struggled against the Shah in their own words.
No. 2007068
>>2006326Almost every thirdie country on earth was "Progressive elite living in the capitol with everyone else being impoverished farmers". It was like that in Burma, it was like that in India, it was like that in the Philippines, it was like that in Peru. The 1970s was literally a different time and the world as a whole was a lot poorer. You're right in that the Clerics exploited a power vacuum, but there was nothing particularly egregious about the Shah's regime going by the standards of the time.
I don't think the Iranian Revolution really got solidified until the Iran Iraq war, where there was 8 years of fanaticism, bombing and trench warfare. And the only reason Saddam invaded was because the country was wrecked by the Iranian Revolution and in a weak state. It was an unfortunate series of bad rolls that nobody really could anticipate, and even at the time it took everybody by surprise.
No. 2007109

>>2007077Lol, yeah, the linguistics are a mess in it but no one wants to admit it. Watch vidrel stuff for more info. The only stuff it says that aren't bad are shit like "respect your parents, don't kill innocent people, don't do self-destructive stuff" and other basic moral shit. Only thing I'd say it isn't bad and has a point about is alcohol being bad for you. Hadith has similar lessons with hygiene and grooming being added into the mix, and giving money to the poor, being nice to animals, not being racist or enslaving people (but they still were racist and enslaved people anyways) and stuff like that from what I remember. The channel I linked has videos on hadith, too, and has English subtitles. All the lessons aren't things you'd need god to enforce you to do it, but the people of the region are built too different and have a weird culture that makes them unable to do the right thing naturally without religion forcing them into it and making them fear eternal punishment if they don't do it.
On a related tangent, there's this story about a person who fetches water from a will in their shoe to give it to a thirsty dog, and they go to heaven for it. In some interpretations it's a regular good man, and in others it's a prostitute who wasn't a Muslim but went to heaven for giving the dog water. And their antithesis is the same in both stories, a woman who kept a cat in a cage and never let her eat, not even dig into the dirt for food, and she went to hell for it. Weird story because it kinda contradicts Islamic teaching about how believing in allah and Mohammed is the key to heaven but whatever.
No. 2007947
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No. 2009503
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what a pathetic fucking existence
No. 2019124
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This is so childish but I saw a girl wearing a dress and it just made me wonder how simple it must have been for her to just wear it and go, and how her parents probably saw her leave the house and all. I keep wondering when I'm free if I'll be able to comfortably dress the way I want when since childhood I've never worn a skirt, shorts or a dress, I even get anxiety simply when my shirt looks a little short because my father is deranged. I'm always thinking about clothes, about how much my skin is showing and if my parents are okay with it. Fucking always. I wish I could have a normal relationship with something like clothes but somehow I don't, I hope I can fix it because I'd like to just be and think about other things. Not this.
No. 2019891
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No. 2021253
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I saw this show advertised in the UK today. It's called "We Are Lady Parts" and it's about an all-female punk band who are totally independent free thinkers…yet they're still wearing head coverings. One of them is even covering her face. I haven't watched it, but I'm going to assume that the doublethink speaks for itself kek. Also, the creator grew up in a privileged background and doesn't seem to wear any form of traditional clothing herself. What demographic is this supposed to be pandering to?
No. 2026382
>>2021253What exactly is the liberal defense for the hijab anyway? Do libs legitimately think that it's just some harmless religious indicator like a Christian wearing a cross? And not like:
"Women should cover their hair because it's vulgar and men might rape them! (It's the former's fault if that happens of coursey!)"
No. 2039432
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the increased racism ever since the palestine-israel conflict gained the most momentum it ever has globally is genuinely frustrating me. i'm against islam (and other religions) as much as the next person and i'm not defending it but people really treat that religion as something you're genetically predisposed to if you're ethnically from a country, and that it's as essential to your existence as like, bones are kek. like you can't possibly exist or change without it. i know, i'm in the minority, i get it; and yes muslims are in fact stubborn about leaving their religion. they can't even believe that it's not only possible for someone like us to not be a muslim but even gay like i am they can't fathom that it's a reality, not just a "leftist" hypothetical because they honestly believe in the terrorist uber orthodox muslim caricaturisations as being True and Honest reality (really doesn't help at all that a lot of immigrants are in fact insane muslim orthodox and amp it up due to insecurity of "losing their identity" and "westernization") and their countries have always been woke havens of safety. like, i deserve to just die even though i don't agree with this religion just because i was born in a country that's muslim which makes me complicit in it, i can't even hope for change, and i can't leave this place and move away from it either because i'll be polluting europe or whatever. like i'm at a loss for the solution here. i'm aware that they just hate people like me and not the religion itself, it just sucks constantly being associated with it no matter what and hated as a result. i'm not even ashamed of my country or ethnicity, my country hasn't always been muslim as islam was brought here through conquest and colonization so it feels extra unfair. i just can't help but think people who think like that are genuinely retarded and it makes me sad for them, i'm not even saying that condescendingly i really mean it. at the end of the day they'll always have the upper hand anyway so whatever. i guess i'll just continue to suffer here as i apparently deserve to and worse, which i can't never do anything about just because of my ethnicity. better safe than sorry! it hurts that i actually get where they're coming from.
apologies for the incoherence, i'm just word-vomit venting and super esl
No. 2039624
>>2039442It's not that simple because it depends on how the people from her ethnic group are like in which European country. nta but I'm saying this from my own personal experience. I don't see myself as muslim, I was born and raised in a western European country but my parents are moderate muslims. Sure, avoid rude, racist people but long term if I keep having job interviews with racist hiring managers, then what? I had problems during a previous job a few years ago because my manager assumed I was muslim just based on my race. On the other hand, while normal people avoid me because they assume I'm a deranged muslim with a stick up my ass, people from my ethnicity assume I'm as much of a deranged muslim with a stick up my ass as they are and get very belligerent when they see I'm not. If this anon moves to a country with a lot of muslims from her country these people could try to socialize with her at some point, stalk her, gossip behind her back and ruin all her efforts to try and find peace. To this day I have to be paranoid for my own safety and can't have a love life as a result even though I'm in a secular country, just in case some random people would try and come up to me and it turns out they actually know my relatives or coworkers, and it has happened before.
No. 2042841
>>2040897It's not that strange. It's really annoying though when it happens. I say this as a European, so you have my perspective now, basically if you're from a muslim majority ethnicity you'll have other muslims assuming you're bffs by default and they'll act like you're a race traitor and potentially racist against them and yourself if you tell them you actually don't believe in god. Sometimes it results in some muslims verbally or physically assaulting others for not fasting or for drinking alcohol in public, and sometimes some guys get killed by random guys for eating food outside because muslim thought the
victim was also muslim like them and not fasting properly or provoking them. Sometimes it happens to christian black people who are from african christian majority countries, or their parents or grandparents were from there. Some french people from the west indies like Martinique or Guadeloupe are mixed and look north africans so they get shit on for that too and most of these guys are christian and eat pork all the time, I've seen it happening several times at my previous job and it led to crazy arguments.
No. 2043461
>>2043077Jews actually improve their countries and environment. Only jobless losers complain.
>>2042966Islam has some of the most resilient memetic. Like death penalty for apostasy? Evil genius move
No. 2043594
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>>2042701If they're okay with beanies (ie only your hair covered and your neck and chin showing) then try wearing small headscarves like picrel. At first cover all your hair then gradually show more and more hair.
Idk how crazy are your family tho. If they're just whiny I guess you can ignore them, but if they might harm you wait a few more years until you are independent. Be safe.
No. 2043754
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Imagine being the few decent men in Afghanistan, trying to do the bare minimum, only to face literal flogging as punishment
No. 2044613
>>2043787You know that Christian women not veiling in the West is merely cultural, plus European Christianism deviating from its origins, right? The Bible has many passages where veiling is mentioned in different ways, so it cannot be argued that it's 100% obligatory, but it definitely has many mentions comparing women who do not veil as being naked and a shameful act, and during prayer it's actually required for women to veil. There is even a passage that states that Christian women who do not veil will go to hell. In the Middle East most Christian women veil because it's shameful not to, so a religious practice backed by cultural pressure in the region to veil.
Now, the real issue here is fundamentalist religion having political power (i.e. being The State). There are records of the middle ages in Europe comparing unveiled women to prostitutes, and prostitutes performed sexually immoral acts (fornication), and sexual immorality received punishments which ranged from corporal punishment to death. So if ever a fundamentalist Christian state were to emerge, they would definitely have a lot of background to ensure that "righteous Christian women" are to veil themselves or be subjected to punishments for sexual immorality.
So really the lesson here is not Judaism vs Christianity vs Islam in terms of which one treats women with a little bit more decency. All three have in their scriptures and culture to subjugate women, and will do so if given enough power where their governments want to implement fundamentalist religious practices.
No. 2044625
>>2044609China has a decent muslim percentage that just exist. The Uyghurs situation, I shit you not, is CIA propaganda.
The region they primarily reside in is a VERY geopolitically important region (XinJiang).
Do a quick search of the relevant words (Uyghur CIA) and you'll all see what I mean.
No. 2046606
>>2039432I'd rather live around racists than muslims. Hell I would rather change my whole identity and forget about everything if that means I get to live like a human. I never want to interact with anyone from country/a muslim person anyways and if that means I'll be lonely forever then I don't care.
It's not looking good for europe at the moment but I'm hoping they can find the balance and to pushback just enough to prevent this religion from 'taking over' and actually protect their countries without going racist.
No. 2047853
There is literally people in the comments saying that it's haram because you can create alive things from art and that you will burn if you draw people.
I swear this is the only religion who is allowed to act like this in 2024, how the fuck are we in 21st century but ppl still have medieval-age schizo beliefs
No. 2048729
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Pakistanisisters, I am at my wit's end here. This much anger isn't healthy, I know, the amount of hate I harbor for everyone around me is poisoning me. I wish I could never talk to another muslim or religious person again. Eid is also 'round the corner and it's never been a fun time, especially here, the streets are going to be nasty.
No. 2048759
>>2048729>the streets are going to be nastythankfully I'm going to my grandparents home region, where the slaughter will be done by professionals and more cleanly
It's also really funny that literal pagan animal sacrifice to the gods is still a thing in Islam
No. 2048763
>>2047853It's impossible to have hobbies or interests in a Muslim household. Everything ever is haram. Cartoons are haram, drawing is haram, music is haram, singing is haram, photography is haram etc., and the reasoning behind it and threats of punishment after death are insane. When I was a kid, mom would tell me that Allah will pierce my ears with hot metal rodes for listening to music, then will fill my ears with molten lava. Didn't stop me though because I like going against the grain kek. Singing and music are haram because they're considered, get this, sexual. It's too sexy to hear a woman singing or the beat of music because you're gonna get horny and shake your body in a "suggestive" manner, which btw dancing is also haram for this. My tinfoil behind why it's considered that way is because back in early islam and before it and also during its cursed "golden age", they rented singers and dancers for sexual entertainment specifically, where they made them sing sexually suggestive songs and made the dancers do sexually suggestive dances with minimum to no clothes at all. So with time that became an association in the culture, and when they reformed Islam at some point to use it as a governmental dictatorship tool, they added these rules to further control people and make them dedicated to the religion and the leaders 100%, without anything derailing them off the only approved and allowed path,-the path of absolute obedience and no personality, identity, or individuality and making them desire a normal free life. The way cults usually work. But the leaders and rulers are all allowed to have all that stuff ofcourse because they're just ~so speshul and better than everyone else~. And as the comments of your vidrel shows, it worked on those simpletons with no lives, and they keep each other in check because that's part of the cult programming starting at childhood ofcourse.
No. 2050060
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I guess we're the 'reactionary' ones now, according to Western liberals
No. 2055828
>>2050155Late, but I like singing and music and want to pick up a guitar, piano, microphone and make a little house studio to sing and record fun covers of my favorite songs as a timepass. I'm not allowed to buy an instrument or get a microphone, both of my parents are against it and would destroy it on purpose if I get one behind their backs and they find out about it, though it's not like I can leave the house without either of them. For singing, when I used to sing loudly as a kid to practice, they'll always storm into my room and yell at me and tell me I sound like a dying donkey, so I had to learn to sing quietly and that fucked me over because now I can never sing at full power with my full loud real voice, it's gone forever (or maybe until I'm out of here and can be all alone in deep silence). I found an extra storage room a floor above to be a good place to practice around last year, and when I was recording I took my time with it recording multiple times until I got something I like, told my mom I'm working out and taking a walk on the roof, and she believed it but eventually got too suspicious because I spent too much time there for her liking (it was a summer break and I had nothing to do but those niggas are nosey af). She entered the room mid recording and ruined it for me telling me to come down and stop, so I never went there again because I'll never get to practice and record peacefully. But my faggot porn addict terrorist looking balding ass nigga of a brother can play video games obnoxiously loud with his friends and go out until 4 am all he wants no problem. Curious.
No. 2055962
>>2055896Oh anon.. say it ain't so, he's only weird with me about this and not with my mom or sister but lectures me that we're muslims and we must look like it. I'm not and I hate it.
>>2055828God I hate your parents, I hope you get a chance to sing and perform.
No. 2060895
>>2047245NTA but yeah, that's to be expected whenever you have a population transforming levels of immigration
People get tribalistic because they feel their country is being invaded, because that's what happened historically when huge numbers of foreign people entered their lands
Lebanese generally do not like Palestinians because hundreds of thousands of them ended up in Lebanon after the Nakba
I like the country I live in (Canada), I've faced racism as well but I know everything is going to get a lot worse when Canadians are a minority, including racism
If I had to choose, I'd rather have the racism here than the racism I've seen from my own community and others
No. 2061171
>>2055828Anon I’m sorry, I really hope you manage to get out of there and find somewhere you can sing at full volume to your heart’s content.
>my faggot porn addict terrorist looking balding ass nigga of a brother can play video games obnoxiously loud with his friends and go out until 4 am all he wants no problem.This is the case for every Muslim family I’ve ever known. Even in more liberal Westernised families the daughters are always restricted in some aspects of their dress, interests, education etc. because “religion” but the sons can do whatever the fuck they want no matter how explicitly forbidden it’s supposed to be. Porn use, extramarital sex (with non-Muslim girls), alcohol, partying, video games, making music and wearing trendy Western brand clothes were completely acceptable for the boys but god forbid a girl wants to take off her hijab or be an artist or have any job that’s not healthcare-related. I’d have more respect for these people if they policed their sons as much as their daughters (moids actually need to be policed to behave properly) but there’s always an extremely blatant double standard and they’re not even embarrassed about it.
No. 2064000
>>2047853This video is a good representation of everything wrong with the religion. She worked hard on drawing that, she obviously has talent, she likes doing it: but, she drew a face so she's still gonna go to Hell. So she has to go back, and remove the face of the girl she drew. She removes the girl's identity to follow through with her religious ideals. Freaky how on the nose it is.
>>2047245>That's why half of my generation and zoomers from my ethnicity is coping by focusing even more on Islam and the other half rejects it but hides itSorry if this is kind of off-topic, but I remember reading something about this in a book or a research paper somewhere years ago about why radical Islam is becoming a problem for 3rd or 4th generation immigrants.
The researcher was using Algerian Muslims that emigrated to France after France lost Algeria. It was basically saying, the first generation that immigrated did so because they had genuine love for Western ideals of secularism and laïcité after experiencing the issues of their Islamic culture. Their children, the second generation, grew up in an environment where there weren't many other ethnic minorities around, so they identified more strongly with the French national identity and although they weren't directly connected to their homeland, they were far removed from it and considered France to be their homeland. The third generation, those born in the early 90s, grew up in a period where more and more refugees were coming into the country. Since there were more refugees, racism became more prevalent, and now the 3rd generation had to deal with others saying that they weren't French enough or assuming that they were from anywhere besides France. This lead to issues, because now the 3rd generation did not feel "French" and began identifying with their grandparents' country of origin. This is a problem, because they had never experience that other country nor the culture there, so they began leaning into Islam as a cultural "stand-in" for what they were "missing" in a non-organic way. In the end, the 3rd generation began identifying as Muslims first, and French second, which led to a rise of fundamentalist Islam. It was weird to read this because it reminds me of the 3rd or 4th generation British Muslims that are very very fundamental in their interpretation of Islam, they've never lived under Islamic rule, nor have they experienced the culture of a Muslim-majority country, but because they are so alienated from mainstream British culture, they feel it necessary to identify strongly with Islamism. I just wanted to share because I thought it was an interesting analysis, and I also really wish I remember where I read this!
No. 2064025
>>2064019>Diasporas do not have that basic element, can't even comprehend it and outright refuse to accept itYou summed it up well. The diasporoids don't realize that they AREN'T from the countries that their parents or grandparents are from. They don't wanna ever admit that. They are so focused on being outsiders to the country that they live in, that they forget that they'd be just as much an outsider in the country their parents or grandparents are from. I remember talking to a 3rd generation Persian once last year when the Iranian protests were gearing up, and she was adamant that the "real Iranians like [her]" didn't want an end to Islamic rule and that it was just a Western psyop, and I had to remind her that she wouldn't really
know what an Iranian wants or doesn't want because she's never actually interacted with an Iranian. She couldn't understand what I meant when I said she had only ever interacted with Americans from an Iranian background, not a true born-and-raised Iranian. It was bizarre.
No. 2064184
>>2064000I'm the anon you're replying to and I'm actually French with one French-Algerian parent. What you said isn't inaccurate but there are more subtle things to take into account that you can only notice by being there. In my case my grandparents went to France when Algeria was still a colony so legally speaking it was more like moving from one city to another and I've noticed that people like me tends to have a slightly different opinion on the matter of how French we are as a result. My grandma wasn't super educated but she went to primary school and iirc even middle school in her tiny village in Algeria so she was still a lot more educated than the other Algerian women of her generation who moved to France back then, she helped a lot of illiterate women for paperwork and I've noticed it's also a factor of how my siblings, cousins and I see things. She was muslim but was educated enough to still be a lot more open minded than others and learn from her mistakes. My mom is born and raised in Morocco so while she's muslim too and educated us in a shitty way she also became a lot more open minded with time (too late imo though) because she's not from that category of people we're talking about, she doesn't have to act a certain way to cope for some kind of identity crisis. Meanwhile I read a book from a woman almost my age whose case fits almost exactly the people you're talking about and she talks about her grandma and other women like her not even speaking French, not being allowed outside by their husbands, not having jobs when they were young enough to work because their husbands didn't allow them and it's a lot of small things that contribute to how the third gen has been raised when growing up. I also noticed the most fervent muslims around my age nevee set foot in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, etc. so being muslim feels like a cope for an identity crisis. And their own parents also projected their own ideas and insecurities with shit like "we're not French/like them so why tf do you want presents from christmas?" The ones like me who visited relatives there on a semi regular basis for years don't even think about it and many of the women I know whose grandparents moved there when Algeria was still French and who personally know Algeria just don't eat pork but smoke cigarettes, drink a shit ton of alcohol, divorce without being treated like whores because they have nothing to cope for and their own parents grew up doing that and hiding it from their own grandparents. That's why I said it's half and half. By the way this also more or less applies to a lot of Black people from muslim majority sub saharian African countries that are former French colonies.
On top of that, France is insanely racist. A lot of Maghrebis born and raised in France have two or three citizenships and passports so it's no wonder they feel targeted when the right wing wants to implement laws to fuck over pocs specifically. But they also really racists with people from the West Indies just because they're Black, Indian or mixed so in their mind they don't look French. They tend to be catholic like most French people, tend to only have a French citizenship for a lot of generations and islands like Guadeloupe, Martinique, half of Saint-Martin etc. are legally fully French even if they're far away but they're often treated like pieces of shit low IQ immigrants who somehow steal jobs or are lazy jobless bums at the same time too instead of people moving from one city to another in their own country for university and work. So seeing shit like this doesn't help anyone feel more comfortable with how French (and European) people perceive us.
No. 2064911
Anyone else struggle with having a Muslim father who is not pressuring you to get married but pressuring you to completely avoid all moids to a psychotic extent? I hate scrotes so I already avoid them willingly for the most part but my dad is so irrationally possessive that he doesn't even want me to have the rare moid around me that I get along with or interact with moids in any context.
I am 26 year old straight woman and I've never had a boyfriend. I abstain from moids so much that my dating history consists of schizoid imaginary relationships with anime boys and 3D husbandos. My dad doesn't allow me to have male contacts in real life or online. He checks who I message on my phone and who follows me on social media, then makes me block all scrotes who aren't family. If he sees me talk to a moid he doesn't know irl he immediately suspects it is my boyfriend and gets angry. I had a female friend who would use very romantic terms jokingly to refer to me in DMs and when my dad saw that, he thought I saved my secret boyfriend under a girl's name to hide him and started having a mental breakdown like why do you have a boyfriend, why do you talk to a man like that, implying that I'm acting "like a whore" for responding to my fucking female friend who's just joking. He didn't believe my explanations and called her to check if it's really a girl or not, this embarrassed me so much that I wanted to die. When he found out she was legit, he was still upset and he said that even if it's a girl, we shouldn't talk to each other like that, blah blah blah.
It irritates me that I literally couldn't stay away from moids than I already do but my dad still finds something to complain about. He told me openly that he never wants me to get married and if I absolutely want to get married, I must do it after his death because seeing me with a moid infuriates him and he will never see any moid as worthy of me. Sounds good on a surface level but I don't want to die alone. I'd like to experience dating but it is not an option for me. Like I mention, he checks my phone and laptop regularly to make sure I'm not talking to moids. He doesn't let me go anywhere he doesn't know about, he always knows who I'm seeing at what place, their phone numbers, what I'm wearing, all that shit. I barely go anywhere besides my home and work without him. Being treated like this makes you feel like a prisoner and he has been like this my whole life. It's so tiring
No. 2064987
>>2064371I did. First thing first, wear the lightest thing possible because Mekkah is hell on earth literally (ironic considering it's a religious location), the temperature reaches 50° C there because of the desert weather, so get tons of water and things to keep you cold. Shoes will get stolen, so bring cheap flipflops you won't worry about being stolen. There are some pickpockets and "people" who sexually harras others in that setting because it's a cramped crowd, so keep distance as much as possible between you and strangers, stick with women or your family, and don't bring anything expensive with you on a bag. There are some hotels and restaurants around the area but they're very expensive, so try booking a cheap one a bit furhter than the holy mosque. If you're into fried chicken, try out Al-baik, nice fast food restaurant and reasonable prices. There are also some fancy cafes with saudi coffee (it sucks ass but if you're interested, give it a shot) and desserts and some cold snacks to take a break from the weather. When I went with my family, we found a parking spot a bit further away from the mosque and had to walk, and our shoes all got stolen so we walked barefoot on hot boiling asphalt, so keep your shoes with you, and park somewhere close to the mosque. But if I'm not mistaken, the new parking spots are paid? And you need a reservation ahead of time online or something like that, I'm not 100% sure.
The umrah steps themselves are very boring, but it doesn't take that long. I fake prayed with everyone just to not get into trouble, so just mime being a Muslim until it's over.
No. 2074957
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What a miserable existence
No. 2074964
>>2074957this makes me so violent I wanna pull varg vikernes on this guy and every muslim moid. call me a fucking Islamophobe or an ignorant westerner but I don't give a fuck - ban on showing your face is a ban on personhood.
>in front of femalesthey're called BREASTS or A BUST or A BOSOM if you wanna be poetic.
>legs below the knees>biki knee censoring bikini even. like bikinis are humiliating in their own way but fuck
No. 2075891
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>>2074957Seeing fundie Muslims acting like influencers on TickyTocky is legitimately making me nauseous. It's such an oxymoron
No. 2078155
>>2046606If you can pass as Latino, or maybe black or white, then try to do so. It might be safer for you, especially if already speak the local language and /or were born in the country
>>2047853I used to draw faceless people in my teen years because of this ruling and it would freak my teachers out, one woman begged me to draw even a simple smiley face
In retrospect, this is one of the reasons why Islam is devoid of beauty and seeks to destroy every bit of it, even in historical art
No. 2078170
>>2078164Ayrt, I think part of it is because they also secretly agree with terrorism, hence defending it. And regarding the son and daughter thing, I was thinking about this a while ago, and I reached a conclusion that it's because my brother is male, he can beat the shit out of my old frail sick parents if he wanted to and if they don't let them do what he wants, like it's so easy for him to rebel if he wanted to because he's physically stronger. And he's to them the useful one because he drives them around and run their errands outside the house, but they don't allow me to do that stuff, so that makes me useless, unless they make me do housechores and field work. Which is something they've been making me do since I was 7. They also urge me to get a job and get huge amounts of money to renovate the house, buy them plane tickets and let them tour the world, buy them a new fancy house etc. They feel entitled to the money I'd be making in the future because they 100% believe they own me and everything I own is theirs by default. They see me as a slave. I could easily say they never loved me as their own child, and all the abuse I've suffered on their hands is evidence of that. They even refuse to treat my illness or let me go to a hospital on my own because they want me to stay sickly and weak, while also making fun of my sickly weak appearance and all the symptoms I'm suffering from because of this imposed malnutrition they gave me on purpose. But I guess that makes me unable to truly love them or care about them, which would make leaving them an easy thing to do, I wouldn't feel guilty about it at all, I'd be happy if they suffered because of me.
I'd even kill myself to get back at them if I can't leave. sorry for blogposting.
No. 2078189
>>2068707this is actually so based of them. you cannot be tolerant to extremism. you just gotta banish it.
>>2078160i did the same. there is an alternate version of me somewhere that didn’t stop drawing and is a good artist somewhere. i hope she’s happy and free.
No. 2080425
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Has anyone of you tasted the forbidden haram meat? If so, what's your opinion on it? For me personally it tastes like: Chicken that's softer and more fatty.
No. 2080979
>>2080425I only had a beef version of it but I really liked it. I'm curious about pork belly though, specifically in east asian cooking. Looks delicious.
>>2080518>pisslamKEK. But I disagree, I think they had the right idea with banning alcohol seeing how harmful it is to society both physical health wise, and mental health wise/safety.
No. 2081575
>>2081094In my country they don't try to justify it. They say it is Allah's law and everyone should obey it even if we don't know the reason behind it. Also here it is forced on girls much younger than 12, girls who reach 9 lunar years in age are considered adults in Allah's eyes and should follow adult women religious rules.
It is a very sad topic and makes me want to alog super bad.
No. 2082983
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Kind of a weird question but do some of you have an interfaith background? Like growing up with two religions at the same time? My grandfather was a Muslim and my grandmother was a Catholic, and surprisingly enough—they managed to make it work and were together for years. They did practice their respective faiths separately.
Due to this, I have both experiences with both religions—more on the Muslim side though. I was baptisized and went to a Catholic preschool, did the sign of the cross during the mornings—while also having worn the hijab and prayed in mosques and even memorizing the surah al-fatihah (I still know it). Granted, I was a very innocent child and didn't know the difference between the two.
I don't believe in either religions anymore. But I wonder if there are people with similiar backgrounds with me.
(Picrel is a novel about the same thing. It was waaaay too relatable for me.)
No. 2089945
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It's impossible to talk to muslims sometimes, every single argument about the flaws of islamic society is replied to with 'the white man stole all our money, and that's why we haven't achieved anything' and the solution proposed is trying to turn to afghanistan
No. 2090966
>>2082983interfaith relationships with muslim moids disgust me because only the men are allowed to marry jewish and christian women while muslim women have to stick to muslim men. it‘s a disgusting rule. i think extremely low of jewish and christian pick mes who marry muslims.
>no, no dont worry he can marry christian women i wont have to convert!! he will only disown his sister if she marries a christian man! and no he doesnt force me to wear the hijab or pray five times a day, don’t worry!!! he only forces his sisters to do so!these women are misogynistic handmaidens and don’t deserve any respect. at least muslim women were born into this and are severely brainwashed whereas christian and jewish handmaidens have absolutely NO reason to participate this specific misogynistic double standard of islam.
No. 2093091
>>2093075True, especially when they larp having Arab ancestry. Seeing Egyptians get so disgusted and racist when I made an innocent comment about Cleopatra being black as a 10 year old really put things into perspective. An honest childhood mistake. Muslims, especially the religious gulf Arabs, want us around for the numbers but they are so disgusted by our presence.
One benefit about being a black ex-Muslim, is that it’s easier to assimilate and distance yourself from mainstream Islam. Without a hijab, people wouldn’t assume you’re Muslim at all.
No. 2093343
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>>2093086sadly, western communists have basically forgotten about us, they really think criticising Islam is fascism now. like picrel are the comments from a communist subreddit
No. 2093519
>>2093364I just avoid them
>>2093369Funny, the women of my family are more offended than the men. Now they can’t imagine themselves leaving the west and going to be permanent passenger princessess
No. 2093854
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>>2093075The Yakub figure that came out of it was funny though.
No. 2095243
>>2093303>Funniest part about this is Egyptians aren't ethnically arabs and get bullied by gulf arabs for it kek. The ones who get upset when they're told Ancient Egyptians were Black know that, which is why they get upset in the first place. Their culture has been nearly erased and they cope however they can. In north Africa and among the north African diaspora in Europe in general it seems the ones who believe they're actual Arabs are uneducated. But then you also have people all over the world not knowing how to read a basic world map and confusing Arabic as a language, Islam and Arabs as an ethnicity which leads to all sorts of confusions. When the football world cup happened recently I remember a lot of Japanese tweets about Japanese people being shocked that Morocco is in Africa and nowhere near the middle East, and a lot of people were confused as to why the Moroccan team was saying it would try to win the cup to represent Africa as a whole.
>>2093091>One benefit about being a black ex-Muslim, is that it’s easier to assimilate and distance yourself from mainstream Islam. Without a hijab, people wouldn’t assume you’re Muslim at all.I wish that were me. As soon as I leave Europe to go on holidays people stop assuming I'm muslim and have no clue about my ethnicity, it feels so good. I can even go to restaurants and order pork and nobofy gives a shit. Doing this in my own country could get me some fake concern from waiters or cooks like "wait there's pork in that dish are you sure you're ok with that?" which could get me in trouble with anyone hearing that kind of stuff.
No. 2095394
>>2093075All mainstream religion is anti black, especially Islam.
I honestly can’t understand the logic of taking up a religion that puts you at the bottom of its social hierarchy.
No. 2096155
>>2095654Yakubism is
the true religion of peace!
No. 2096356
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did anyone ever wonder why Islamic heaven was so materialistic?
No. 2101353
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she's not even wrong theologically, muhammed (the greatest human) captured and "married" the women of the quraysh tribe and so its fully justified in islam
No. 2101448
I'm glad this thread exists. (forgive me for blog, I'm a christian anon living in a muslim country)
But anyways I just need to sperg about how much I despise muslim moids. Especially middle-aged or older ones. They're 1. The laziest fucks alive or 2. Biggest ragepigs on earth. Oftentimes both. There hasn't been a day where I've gone out and been spared the sound of scrotes screeching at someone (another scrote, their kids, their wife)
They sit at their cruddy office jobs all day, while their wives not only ALSO have a job, sometimes multiple if they tutor on the side, but raise the 3-6 (could be more but that's rare) kids he demanded until he has enough male heirs to waste his already low income on. (Heirs to what? I don't know, because all your savings will be gone sending those kids to school and feeding them. I still see huge vans holding 1 family sometimes), and when they come home expect to be worshipped with platters of food and praise from the kids they never bother with. (But will gladly beat tf out of anytime, I think slapping and screaming is the only way they know to problem-solve.)
And of course, they complain if a woman is loud/combative without looking at the beam in their own eye. They complain about all their problems while being the cause of them.
Not even going to start with how they treat their wives/sex.
But their worst sin is that two thirds of them get fat. You're in one of the hottest countries ever, sweat some pounds off.
Feel free to add with your own experience or questions nonnas, sorry for autism
No. 2101494
>>2101489iraq nonna
I haven't heard of that happening near me but we don't get many non-muslims here in the first place. Disgusting
No. 2101522
>>2101510My mother is a rabid muslim now so of course she hates his guts, my dad liked him quite a bit
Makes me kinda sad I don't have more iraqi Christians to talk to IRL, everyone either bolts to some other place (not that I blame them) or stays quiet about it
Ot but there's a guy I know who looks exactly like saddam. The spitting image, even. Makes me kek everytime I see him in his green uniform
No. 2101566
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i hate people like this so fucking much
No. 2101696
>>2101637"freedom of speech" by norman rockwell
WWII propaganda
No. 2102057
>>2101918I don't get how black Americans get cucked into following Islam. Muslims were the ones who went into their continent, ravaged, raped, enslaved, and slaughtered their people. They are still active participants in the African slave trade. I'm not saying Christianity is a better outlet, holy shit you just fell into the OG master's hands by claiming you're Muslim.
>>2101566I hate how this painting got co-opted by retards thinking they're automatically right for using it
No. 2102653
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No. 2102999
>>2102653But alcoholics and pedophiles are a=ok in his book
I wish men like this would kill themselves
No. 2115069
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was zakir naik ever popular in your country?
No. 2115274
>>2114615>>2114615christianity has been mistranslated since its inception, which is why there are so many bizarre sects. islam (despite its clear early changes) has still been more consistent,
in the 20th century, we were similar to 18th century europe, we could have gradually seen a decline of Islam thanks to secular nationalist leaders. The US ended that chance, while globalization ultimately facilitated Islam's further spread and uniformity, that said, I do believe there can and will be a gradual decline of Islam thanks to modernization, provided that society and the world continue. but even it it collapses, we would revert back to the 20th century with nationalist secular leaders, who usually keep the islamists at bay
No. 2132871
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No. 2133670
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Because according to muslim men, women deserve to be killed over not wearing hijab.
No. 2140975
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Sometimes I do think about getting married and having kids but I don’t want to get married to a Muslim. I don’t want to raise my future kids especially my potential daughter as a Muslim. I don’t want her to wear a hijab. I hate the hijab and I wish desperately I could be normal for once. I admit, I feel envy for normal people. I feel like my window is closing for normalcy. But I’d rather be single for life than get married to a Muslim man
No. 2141480
>>2141470Can you do what a lot of Chinese people do, give yourself an unofficial 'Western' first name and use it everywhere? will think you're a half and perhaps be more open-minded.
No. 2141758
>>2141470>beating me up if I communicated in any way with male classmates in middle and high schoolFuck is that really common in places where fundie Islam is widespread? I'm from a country where Muslims are a well-known minority, but even I know the families who make their women wear the burqa won't go that far.
What even is the reason behind that? That you'd seduce them and bring shame or whatever? I fucking hate it that, when we're young, we're bombarded with messages of being pure uwu virgin who doesn't and ahouldn't know what a man or a PP is—but the second you become an adult you're fed baby making propaganda. The dichotomy is too fucking much, and the way they flip their switch is a complete 180 too.
No. 2142362
>>2141758>Fuck is that really common in places where fundie Islam is widespread?idk because my family is pretty moderate and my family from my father's side comes from a fairly moderate region of the world in terms of islam but they're every weird about religion. My father believes in god but doesn't give a shit about islam until it benefits him but my mom is an enabler because she's a lot more religious. In my father's mind every woman is a whore as soon as they're born and he only has daughters, he's the type to care a lot about shit like his "honor" and when we were kids he was very strict and would even outright say that if we were kidnapped and raped by a pedophile it would be our fault and it would embarrass him so we have to be careful. I'm so paranoid as a result of all of this that I never had a bf despite my age, couldn't have normal friendships as a kid until I started university because everyone was hanging out with both boys and girls so I was automatically excluded from everything and I couldn't hide because even though I always lived in a big city relatives and family friends would see me outside from afar everytime and snitch what I did to my parents, and my sisters always hid their own boyfriends until the relationships are long enough that my parents can't say shit about it. I have a friend diagnosed with paranoia after being stalked for nearly a decade during her formative years by the same guy until she moved to the other side of the planet and even she tells me I'm too paranoid, so I assume it's pretty bad.
tldr; my parents are fairly traditional, these traditions are from before islam became a thing where they're from but islam made shit way worse. I assume countries/regions that are way stricter have normalized this kind of behavior.
No. 2142462
>>2141495Nta but this is something I'm so afraid of. I'm arab but I can't 100% tell if my looks point to it or not, I like to believe I'm a bit ethnically ambiguous. But there are times when I look at the mirror or especially a picture of myself where I can tell which features are more "arab" and "unique" (feels weird saying that because said features are caused my incest, malnourishment, child abuse and neglect, and chronic illnesses inherited in the family/ethnicity) to my ethnicity. I'm always afraid of if I ever get to run away and live in the west, will people clock my ethnicity based on these features I obsess over? I'm even thinking of getting plastic surgery to make my ethnicity more ambiguous or even skin bleaching if it gets that bad. I really don't want people to perceive me as an "arab girl who was so abused she had to run away and live in the west". I don't want to stand out in a crowd, work environment or education environment if I decide to get a master's degree or a bachelor's in another major or something. I'm also afraid of the name thing, because while my first name is common, my "middle" name is literally my father's name, and my "family" name is just an adjective derived from the tribe/ethnicity name that can be easily googled and people would figure out where I'm originally from since my ethnicity only lives in a specific country, the one I was unfortunately born and raised in. Is there even a legal way for an immigrant or refugee to change their name or something? So I can get a fake western name on all my legal papers. Just the thought of going to a job interview and them asking me about my name on my CV drives me insane. Or if they use me as some "diversity" token. Or if my coworkers got curious and started asking me about it and everyone will just know me as that. It's so humiliating, horrifying and upsetting. Worst part is if I somehow came into contact with some retard from my shit country who would recognize the name structure and tribe, or from neighboring countries who'd also would know. It would literally be so dangerous and pose a threat to my life since they're OBSESSED with keeping everyone they think belongs to them in line and they'll probably try to get close to me and dig into my life to "punish" me for "betraying" them. All of this sometimes makes me want to kill myself. Sorry for turning this about me. I hope things get better for you.
No. 2142474
>>2141758For many Muslims, especially arab ones, child abuse is good and encouraged, especially when it comes to daughters. They're taught that hitting children for not praying at 10 is ok, so go the extra mile and apply to it everything because it's "discipline" or whatever. Takes off the responsibility of actually educating their kids and talking to them. I lived like this my whole childhood and during the sparse occasions where I could watch cartoons in peace, it made me so sad that the characters have nice parents who talk to them and never beat them up, and I wished I was like them because even as a kid I knew that wasn't right or normal. Tbf not everyone does this and it differs from family to family, some girls at school were shocked when I told them about this and would tell me about how nice they're parents are, and when I brought it up to my parents they'd say they're "spoiled whore girls" or whatever to make me feel bad about disliking this.
For the marriage and babymaking shit, it's because the king of retards Mohammed may he rest in piss and shit said Muslims MUST have the biggest number of kids possible so the muzzie population would be the biggest and it would be the biggest religion so he can brag about them during judgment day in front of other religions and groups/populations, and they took it to heart. It's not and will never truly be about family, or I and many others would feel like we had actual familial connections growing up. But it's so obvious that that's their own real motive behind this because the parents always feel like they're forced to do this and hate it, so they let it out on their kids, plus the whole arranged/forced marriage thing doesn't help either.
No. 2142494
>>2142474>But it's so obvious that that's their own real motive behind this because the parents always feel like they're forced to do this and hate it, so they let it out on their kids, plus the whole arranged/forced marriage thing doesn't help either.There's SO much drama in my family because of this. My generation knows better but my grandma forced my uncle to marry some random woman just because they're from the same ethnicity and we're in Europe, he just committed domestic violence on her all the time, she divorced even though it's "haram" as a result and because he was a bum as well, she took the kids/my cousins with her a long time a go and to this day my family still talks about her as if it were all her fault and she was a degenerate for not wanting to be beaten up and poor. My father lost his shit when he learned my cousins changed their family name to take hers and my sisters and I told him he and my uncle are a bunch of retards and our cousins did the right thing, he promptly shut the fuck up after that. My uncle didn't even want kids. He already pumped and dumped another woman long before that after promising to marry her. This doesn't apply just to my family, all the Muslim men I know who are gen X or older are degenerates, project their degeneracy on women, have a bunch of kids and they either neglect them or beat them up on a regular basis if they even know about their existence in the first place. And the women either divorced pretty fast or stayed for way too long and regretted it.
This might be similar with other religions, very similar things happened to the very few Jewish women my age when they were growing up, and the one woman I knew from a conservative Christian family was treated in a similar way to prevent her from being a whore so she left as soon as possible and we met in university. She was drunk as hell when she told me, I still can't believe we were bonding over our shit lives and sexism in the context of religions instead of literally anything else we had in common. It doesn't seem nearly as widespread though, because Catholics in my country are the majority but all they do is pig out during Christmas Eve and maybe go to church before a job interview for good luck at most.
No. 2143244
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and picrel is why nations like ours needed nationalist dictators
No. 2144911
>>2143244I live there… It's so over nonnas. Muslim scrotes are truly drilling through the bottom of the barrel my hate for them only increases day by day. Noticing their filth is half the battle.
I wonder if mega-lefties will still cape for islam, or did that trend already die?
No. 2145036
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>>2144983the rightoids of the west caped for islam because of socialism while the leftoids of the west now capes for islam because of racism. it is truly ridiculous how all of these fuckers are so willing to sacrifice women and girls.
it frustrates me because they're clearly still doing it too and haven't learned a single fucking thing even though it backfired spectacularly and now lead to a global radical islamist problem. anyway not islam but in a similar vein every single person knows that india for example has a massive and serious sexism and rape problem and yet every single western leader, left and right, continues to pump money to that country and let them do whatever the fuck they want for the sole purpose of 'countering (socialist) china'. the pain and suffering of women and girls under patriarchal religion and societies means nothing.
No. 2145091
>>2144911Same anon, long blog/rant
I don't know what I'll do if the law passes. I know many anons here strive to leave their trash hole countries but honestly despite all my problems I don't want to become a refugee/immigrant, I was planning to be crypto as long as I could to the outer world and never say anything about my actual religion, I thought that the situation and standing in social groups for non-islam was improving and I could get by peacefully living as a Christian.
But now with this news… Who knows if it passes and who knows what other depraved sharia they'll try to introduce next, passed or not. All I can think of is how stupid I was at nine… And my old schoolfriends who were so innocent even at way older ages. How in the hell do they want to blatantly give the okay to filthy pedo scrotes to go ahead and snatch up these kids to kill them with rape and violence and their own selfish brains, a house away from the parents who were supposed to protect you and only with a strange scrote who has sexual desire for you. Oh but maybe you need parental consent, suuuureeee, that changes everything, we all know what good and selfless parents muzzies are….
And the nerve of these "people", if you can even call them that, to go ahead and do the acts of the most depraved, and with their chest claim they are imitating a prophet, who is above humanity and selfish desires of people. How dare they, and how dare their country enable this! It makes my blood boil, how dare they now create a new exploit for poor families to possibly sell off their daughters like cattle, their young daughters who should be at home with toys and books and schoolwork. It really makes me nauseous, I wish no girl had to live like this.
And to think I used to have faith in my country's future… End islam and end momo and end all the scrotes who defend or turn their backs to this. They should reopen abu ghraib specifically for these moids but that would require actually caring about women and children.
No. 2145221
>>2145036the old communists in my country couldn't afford to be explicitly anti-Islamic, but they were very smart about it. faith was a personal matter for home, not politics. they always emphasised that people were workers and needed their physical needs met(food, housing and education) and when some mullah tried to act up and do a jihad, they’d be beaten by local cops and forgotten about in a week
arab secular nationalists like nasser and habib bourguiba were pushing state secularism, modernisation and nationalism, but because they were a bit socialist and allied with the soviets, america supported, funded and trained islamic radicals and jihadists
>>2145144american meddling only makes our countries worse. they were literally supporting a faction of Islamists in the syrian civil war for example
No. 2146082
>>2145381They literally burned hijabs and niqabs in the Lenin era, during the Stalin era the niqab was banned but women were still allowed to wear headscarves if they choosed, if you had
abusive family members that forced religion on you, you could just move away at some other apartment complex with a factory job
No. 2148318
>>2148253>The Mamluk period is also important in Egyptian religious history. With few and therefore notable exceptions, the Muslim rulers of Egypt had seldom interfered with the lives of their Christian and Jewish subjects so long as these groups paid the special taxes (known as jizyah) levied on them in exchange for state protection. Indeed, both Copts and Jews had always served in the Muslim bureaucracy, sometimes in the very highest administrative positions. Even the Crusades apparently failed to upset the delicate balance between Muslims and Christians. Trade with the Italian city-states had certainly continued, and there is no evidence that the local Christians were held accountable for the Crusader invasions of Egypt.>With the establishment of the Mamluk sultanate, however, it is generally agreed that the lot of the Christians, both in Egypt and in Syria, took a distinct turn for the worse. One indication of this change is the increased production of anti-Christian polemics written by Muslim theologians. A possible reason for the change may have been the association of Christians with the Mongol peril. Because the Mongols used Christian auxiliaries in their armies—Georgians and Armenians in particular—they often spared the Christian populations of towns they conquered, while slaughtering the Muslims. Also, the diplomatic efforts aimed at uniting the Mongols with Christian European powers in a joint Crusade against the Muslims might have contributed to the Mamluks’ distrust of the Christians. But the dissatisfaction seems to have originated not so much with the Mamluk rulers as with the masses, and it seems to have been directed not so much against Christians’ sympathy for the Mongols as against their privileged position and role in the Mamluk state.>On several occasions popular resentment against the Copts’ conspicuous wealth and their employment in the government was manifested in public demonstrations. Both Muslims and Christians resorted to arson, burning the others’ sanctuaries to express their hatred. Under such pressure, the Mamluk government dismissed Christians from the bureaucracy on no fewer than nine occasions between 1279 and 1447. (It was usually necessary to appoint new Copts, since they alone understood the accounting system that had been used since pharaonic times.) In 1301 the Mamluks ordered all the churches in Egypt to be closed. As a result of these intermittent persecutions and the destruction of churches, it is believed that the rate of conversion to Islam accelerated markedly in the Mamluk period and that Coptic virtually disappeared except as a liturgical language. By the end of Mamluk rule, the Muslims may well have reached the same numerical superiority that they enjoy in modern times—a ratio of perhaps 10:1. No. 2156941
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No. 2166795
One of my coworkers started wearing the hijab recently, she looks so weird with it. She was always muslim but usually she tries to look pretty and girly so the change is pretty striking. As long as she leaves me alone it's fine I guess but last time I had a coworker wearing it she was making everything about islam and she smelled awful, like she thought wearing a dark tent everyday was a cheat code to not shower.
>>2164937Depends on what you mean by "non-practicing muslims" because you can have ones who just believe in god and aren't particularly superstitious, the ones who still somewhat try to practice islam sometimes but give up and try again and are really judgmental and everything in between.
I treat cultural muslims the same as any muslim, I try to avoid them and if I'm forced to interact with them I don't give to many personal details on my life because they tend to assume I'm automatically their best friend until I say something normal they don't like.
No. 2172393
>>2167083Yes, they annoy the shit outta me. They flaunt their unusually liberal parents as the standard and censor any woman who disagrees. leftists love this kind of woman because she gives them the permission to be vile. Sometimes I wish these women could be forced to live with their hypocrisy and actually know what’s like to be beaten and forced to wear it
>>2170436maybe you should expose her to unfiltered Arab twitter.They hide it from westerners but behind closed doors, the Arabs have a raging superiority complex
No. 2172399
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>>2148253Ancient Egyptian religion was so cool and I wish it were still widely accepted. When I cuddle my sweet cat I call her my little Bastet and imagine that she's our tiny protector of the home.
No. 2173886
>>2173404it comes from the hadiths, even the method of our prayer comes from the hadiths, along with the obligation to go to hajj and thousands of other things
it shows that early Islam probably saw it as a sect of Christianity rather than its own faith
No. 2174139
>>2174050>>2174096over 200 years after his death, the muḥammad of the quran is different from the muḥammad that muslims believe in and was likely created by the abbasids, who commisioned the hadiths to gain legitimacy and make arab culture the universal islamic culture, the quran it's self implies that muahmmad was just a man chosen among thousands of others, and that he wasn't that special
see this playlist: No. 2187643
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>Be me 21
>Show picrel to my mom asking her if she thinks he looks cute
>Acts as af I just showed her porn and scolds me to "not look up things like that"
What did I do?? I know Muslim dads are pretty infamous for keeping their daughters uwu pure, but moms? Does anyone else's Muslim mother does this?
No. 2194018
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No. 2197378
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good thing my father and brothers aren't fags
No. 2206512
>>2206368Oh my God, I'm literally in the same boat as you. She has always been pro-Palestine way before Zoomers made it mainstream. I'm sympathetic to Palestine too but my mother's Holocaust denial is just so fucking schizophrenic. She thinks Gaddafi was a saint too, I hate it.
You're not alone, nonna. There are way more of us that have parents drunk on conspiracy theories.
No. 2206583
>>2206512Not quite in the same boat but I have some less than recommendable relatives who've voices similar opinions.
Also no offense to you guys but I can't help but laugh at the half assed "sympathetic" thing, it's a common instinct to want to distance yourself from everything Muslim but come on now
No. 2206741
>>2206703What about doing what
>>2206653 suggested? Spin it into a tinfoil territory of your own desire. Like Gaddafi was a Russian plant who was picked up specifically because he was so unhinged and so he repelled any positive relations Libya would have with the Western world to isolate Libya and make it dependent on 'rouge states' instead? Imagination's the limit.
No. 2211211
>>2211075Go to a different part of the city and buy some normal groceries but slip a pack of bacon in there kek. No but seriously, congrats and good luck
nonnie, the paranoia will ease with time.
No. 2213363
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Sometimes, I love gay men.
No. 2222672
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>>2038674>>2039358>>2046172it's a bizarre Islamic superiority complex, where you don't need science, modernisation and good state policies for a society, all the good ideas about how to live your life and govern society can only come from the quran and hadiths and the end result of that is 7th century arabia, where people are reduced to peasants, there is an oligarchy of 'pious' nobles and slavery is commonplace
No. 2222712
>>2197434They know other moods are rapey
They are quick to marry you off to a “stable” man so it’s his problem
No. 2222715
>>2211075If you want to try something that's haram at least don't do something harmful like smoking.
>Everytime I go into the store I see someone that my mom already contacted and I can't even make my way to the meat section.I'm having flashbacks… Maybe you can try non halal meat in restaurants instead? I tried pork for the first time in a ramen restaurant because I knew nobody I knew except my friends would see me there.
No. 2222731
>>2044619They use to be east Turkmenistan
China has no business occupying them , Tibet and Inner Mongolia
On the politics I side with the Muslims kicking out foreign forces
But domestically on how they leave……..
Maybe if they didn’t marry cousins they’d come to their senses
No. 2222734
Do the safe haram stuff
Don’t get an addiction or catch an std
No. 2222758
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>>1928461Actually think about this a lot
Maybe it’s to spite the west and not be like them
Like everyone has doubts but they want to find some logic into carrying a 1300yrs old tradition
Think only thing that validates it is the growing birth rate while everyone else is dying. Which is great but do half the kids really need to be inbred to be that conservative
No. 2222844
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>>2222758>>2222788interestingly birth rates across mena countries are also falling and will only likely to fall further, pretty much everyone in my country has at most two children due to the rising cost of living and this may be an anecdotal but i have relatives in the uk who all have at least 1-2 children, and these people are sincerely religious, it's just that they can't afford to have more than 1 child
No. 2223597
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this is actually so embarrassing
No. 2223655
>>2222949I’m not Israeli, but I am an atheist Jew and familiar with Israeli politics. Sorry to intrude kek. Hasidim are very much disliked by most Israelis. Like
>>2222899 said, they leech off of the system and receive government handouts (Hasidic moids don’t work but the women DO), they don’t receive a basic education since the only thing that matters to them are religious texts, they don’t usually serve in the military while everyone else (except for Arab Israelis) are forced to serve, and they openly look down on secular Jews and are always starting shit with Muslim and Christian Arabs in Jerusalem. This is a really controversial issue there currently. Part of the reason they’re so protected is because Netanyahu formed a coalition government to stay in power, essentially empowering more fringe/right-wing groups in the Israeli government. They also want to implement the Jewish version of sharia law (Halacha) which no one else wants. This problem will only grow because of how much they reproduce. Hopefully Bibi will be thrown into jail after this war is over and the Hasidim forced to integrate. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.
No. 2224429
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good news
No. 2224653
>>2223708I was talking about cases where nobody has a choice, which is why I talked about plane seats. I was bored and reading the news on LSA and there were several articles about these men not paying extra to choose their seats next to their wives or female relatives so they were next to some unrelated female passengers and sperged, harassed the female passengers or the flight attendants make them change their seats.
>>2223655Thanks for confirming exactly what I thought. These men seem to have an easy life compared to the average person so I expected them to be seen as leeches.
>They also want to implement the Jewish version of sharia law (Halacha) which no one else wantsI need to look this up, the rules must be retarded as hell, just like sharia laws.
No. 2225114
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>>2224429>>2224475most post-commie countries don't have major threats coming from Islamism, due to the very strong history's of local state nationalism. They even have neo-pagan movements that have been legally given the same status as Islam.
No. 2225900
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>>2225114meanwhile, south asian men are openly proud that their ancestors were conquered
No. 2229811
>>2227519I have China on my list but I'm worried the language barrier would make it hard to work there. I don't know if I should commit to learning Chinese yet.
>which region do you come from?That's the thing it doesn't matter kek. I have very obvious Arab features and even though my country's immigrants don't have a bad rep like Syrians or people from the Maghreb in the eyes of everyone I'm just like them. I don't want to have to explain to every person I see that I'm not a terrorist, or be regarded as 'one of the good ones'.
No. 2230518
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>be liberal activist who tries to overthrow the monarchy and help install democracy
>Islamists end up talking power
>the Islamists end up murdering you and your family
this is why I believe democracy can only ever be a hypothetical
No. 2232970
>>2229825Thanks anon, I'll keep singapore in mind as well.
>>2229899Nationalism might unironically be the solution, however with the shit economy and poverty everywhere people are becoming more religious than they were before so I guess it has to be forced on everyone. I just don't believe it's going to happen during my lifetime so I choose to be selfish and run away as soon as I can
No. 2235587
>>2230518She and her husband were supporters of Khomeini and helped him to power. It wasn't like Islamists stole the power from liberals. They just thought they could share the power with Khomeini and establish an Islamic democratic country.
>>2234680>armed Khomeini's factionThe 1979 revolution wasn't an armed uprising. They did some bombings and arsoned a few cinemas to blame it on Shah but apart from that it was just civil unrest.
>>2232986It was 'oh no women have more freedom they're not our slaves anymore we have to revolt and bring back the Islamic rule'
No. 2237239
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picrel is the reason why i can't get along with western radfems. It feels weird this poster doesn't realise how offensive and quite racist this is. afghan women, who are illiterate, are not even allowed to speak and are veiled at all times under the taliban's insane new policy, how would they even organize a nationwide campaign to eradicate men? they are beaten into submission and they feel lucky just not being beaten to death, this basically is saying that afghan women are weak because they do not daring to kill against heavily armed dangerous men who will flog or kill them
No. 2237986
>>2237239I wouldn't be surprised if many women had done this and then gotten murdered for it. Wiping out all the men in the family won't do shit to change the Taliban's retardation. Wiping out the Taliban won't save the day. Another group of retards will spring up like a turd in a soup bowl and ruin things for everyone. And then another. And then another. Now there's a bunch of tiny factions of shrimp-dicked autists at war with each other over how much oxygen a woman is allowed to consume, while women are blamed for not drowning their sons at birth, because that'd end oh so well for the woman.
And let's not forget that you need to know how to make or obtain poison in order to do this. When women aren't allowed to go out unless supervised, that's not exactly easy. Using rotten food to give everyone the terminal shits would be the easiest way to go about it, but when everyone except the cook is dead, well…
No. 2238000
>>2237239This is a dumb tweet on the internet. How was it ever supposed to amount to anything besides what it was at face value–a vent?
Racist my ass.
No. 2238166
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>a woman was harassed and beaten for not wearing a head covering>in protest she took off her clothes>she was severely beaten, arrested and was forcefully admitted to a mental hospital. Muslims are disgusting. No. 2238474
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>>2227514related to this, many twitter Islamists simply do not realised how coddled they are in the west and how vulnerable they really are, the reason many hardcore islamist's leave their own country's is because the government of those country's will beat and arrest them for being troublemakers and trying to cause riots, if a government puts its foot down the muslim population really can't do much, they are all in the city, have no weapons and their "superior ummah" can't defeat a real army
No. 2242965
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what do you think about converts to Islam?
No. 2243120
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>>2243087a good chunk of them would have converted to Buddhism twenty years ago, which was the hip 'eastern religion' for confused westerners
No. 2244346
>>2238166Poor woman, she's never getting out of there. Ugly scrotes are saying she was literally stripping naked when we can all see whe was just walking around in her underwear as a form of protest. I hope this will spark something bigger but muslims are just too violent anyway, they'd rather kill nearly every woman than give them freedom.
>>2238474She's so fucking based sometimes. It's great that she's doing this because these fuckers need to understand that their schizo ramblings and calls to violence won't be tolerated, while before they'd be accepted because of muh culture.
No. 2244541
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>>2242965I actually hate them less than western liberal apologists for Islam, cause the convert at least has the excuse of fanaticism, but western liberal academics have no excuses, they only do this for the sake of being on the right side of history and reading the bullshit opinions of other retarded social academics
No. 2244545
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>>2244541btw frantz fanon was literally an Incel
he believed black/brown women who were relationships with white men were mentally colonized and supporting white supremacy and oppressing the black/brown man, at the same same time he marries white woman also he seethed for most of his life over one incident where Italian women didn't want to dance with him or other black soldiers after being "liberated" and preferred to dance with Italian pows, white women not being interested in him was defining moment of european racism
No. 2251889
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>>2225900What's even more pathetic is that south asian muslims don't even understand how arabs and turks (at best) look down on them and in many cases actively despise them
No. 2252004
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Couldn't help it, kek.
No. 2255411
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just bring gaddafi back at this point
No. 2265694
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this is so fucking depressing
No. 2268507
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No. 2284051
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It is only the beginning. Soon they will ban any book except the Quran and hadith. I really can't understand western 'progressives' celebrating the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. No. 2292105
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this is why i'm glad america is losing hegemony and relevance, they will literally arm the Islamists every chance to mess with the russians or chinese (consequences be damned), except they don't have to deal with this shit, we do
No. 2292806
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>>2292105this is what they support
No. 2298625
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These guys never mention all the Muslim majority countries that are out there for them, then they cry when Europe and states are "oppressing" them as well. You have your perfect Muslim country right across the border so what's stopping you from going there? Eternal victim complex.
No. 2298641
>>2298492Those Euro NATO propaganda bitches deserve to rot for celebrating…
Families in Syria are terrified and fleeing.
No. 2298643
>>2292105Unfortunately USA's hold is just expanding slowly
God I hate NATO propagandist whores
I'm so sorry everyone in Syria
No. 2298666
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Least evil and insane jew be like:
No. 2298668
>>2298663NTA but muslim majority democratic countries do exist. Indonesia being the first that comes to mind. But they are not arab like
>>2298663 says.
No. 2298712
>>2298661Islam’s epistemology is kinda stuck in the 7th century, so it’s no surprise it doesn’t have lore for Natives or aliens—it was made for the people of Arabia, and the Qur'an is really focused on Earth. Sure, scholars try to make it universal with concepts like
Tawhid or
fitrah, saying “everything is part of Allah’s creation,” but that doesn’t really scratch the itch when you’re wondering about, like, extraterrestrial civilizations. It’s like, you wanna believe, but then you realize the religion doesn’t really go beyond what it needed to control its immediate audience—no spicy side quests, just the same “humans are Allah’s favorite” main quest. So yeah, every time I feel guilty, I just remember Islam is like a game with no DLC. Lame as hell
No. 2298782
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picrel is the mentality I hate most from so many muslims, who at one point act like persecuted victims, but then brag about how god justified their invasions, but any invasions that happened against them was the worst events in history
No. 2298913
>>2298782This is retarded, middle age warring is different from industrial-scale wars of this day and age. This is like getting pissed at Italians who are proud of the Roman empire but don't like the idea of being carpet bombed
>people hate it when bad thing happens to themNo shit. Everyone is like this, though it does remind me of muslims whining about islamophobia only to be biggest racists you'll ever meet. I don't know how anti-racism and racism cohabitate in their head
I was thinking about how much i hate the self-centeredness of diasporic muslims. Some of them legitimately believe criticizing islam in the West makes you Hitler because
they are the most oppressed demographic since they are minorities, not 3rd world inhabitants. The wildest thing is that people who get off the
victim status aren't even.. muslim sometimes? They don't observe rituals, they barely believe in God but still think criticizing Islam in europe is going to get us all killed KEK i can't stand this shit
>>2298872I don't really relate (i didn't believe my mother's anti-kuffar sentiment because she was unreliable) but at the same time your account makes a lot of sense. I don't think your mother meant it literally but this is such an insane thing to say about others, to a kid who isn't fully formed.
>muslim moids have no problem raping and harrassing western women Yep that's probably one of the main reasons.
No. 2299490
>>1937114ALL religions are scrote catering shitholes.
Not just abrahamic ones. ALL of them are shitty. Unironically the least shitty religion I can think of is Satanism. Satan wants women to learn and for people to pursue knowledge and goodwill towards one another.
Christian God is an incel who will forgive scrotes for raping infants and murdering millions of his own creations if they tell him he's awesome and cool.
Also all religions version of heaven is either filled with lobotomized women being moid waifu zombie slaves (if they are even allowed in coom heaven) or everyone just simping for their insecure incel God.
The world would be better off without religion.
No. 2302637
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>>2292105many south asian muslim moids with dreams of jihad also celebrated this
No. 2305205
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No. 2306382
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No. 2306451
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>dan bilzerian might convert to Islam
No. 2306479
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>>2306382cultural relativism in action, western leftists think we want to suffer
>>2306451always the sexist losers
No. 2317686
I often feel torn between agreeing with ex Muslims and criticizing Islam, but then feeling uneasy with the slander against Muslims. The slander almost always comes from right wing racists, usually Christians who think their religion is superior and hate anyone who looks the slightest bit ethnic. Lately, I keep getting bombarded with racist videos on Instagram and now on Twitter, even though I don't interact with them in any way or form and it's often Muslims acting like cavemen and the comments full of angry people saying they should be killed, deported. It's so frustrating, it's not like I don't agree with them but it also makes me feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I'm not a Muslim anymore but I look like one and I hate Muslims, I hate Muslim men especially, but agreeing with that criticism makes me feel so uneasy knowing these people think of me the exact same too. I have very ethnic features and nobody at first glance can tell I'm an ex Muslim woman, so by agreeing with that sort of criticism makes me feel like I'm also indirectly contributing to my own racial oppression. It's hard to explain, I dunno.
No. 2317950
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>>2317686The thing is, this is one of the rare cases where the racism is justified and deserved, and all the stereotypes are actually true. I guess this makes me a pickme of some sort but I agree with all the slander they get and support it, I even have worse opinions and things to say than any racist rw ever could. Because I see these creatures for what they truly are since I live amongst them, and have 0 empathy for them. 80% of their issues are self-inflicted and their own choice because they're retarded and stubborn, and rather uphold some fictional conventions and stick to archaic and legitimately retarded ideas than actually make their living reality bearable. And remember, they won't treat you as nicely as you do or sympathize with you at all because you'll always be a "bad guy" to them simply for not being a carbon copy of them. On this topic, vidrel pissed me off so much, no one should be this nice to these idiots, and they just mock him and make him feel bad in return. No gratitude or anything at all. They have no morals or manners, empathy, sympathy, logic, reason, feelings, nothing. They're not real people at all, they're brains are beyond fried from their lifestyle choices and even genetics.
I know how you feel about being one of them and stuff, but at the end of the day, you don't behave like them and didn't end up as retarded, which means you must be superior in some sort, and therefore not one of them.
t. Arab ex-muslim
No. 2318088
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>>2318026shrines, holy relics, worship of saints etc, things that are technically against Islam but rural people did it anyway
when my father's younger sister was sick, my grandfather went all the way to his native village and spent days praying, not going to god, but to the shrine of a local saint who healed the sick centuries ago, to heal his daughter
No. 2318159
>>2318117I know what you mean, my uncle literally burned all of my grandpa's childhood photos (because photography is un-Islamic), as well as my grandma's good luck charms, that had been blessed by saints and that she had kept since she was a little girl. he had no respect for his own origins or history, he just wanted to be a slavish muslim
>No matter how retarded these traditions might be, I'd take them over Islam any time.totally, at least these traditions have a real history and brought happiness to my ancestors, "real Islam" however, is living your whole life as a subservient slave
No. 2319231
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Holy shit can get the believers out of the religion but you can't get the religion out of the believers
(Muslims(Terrorising Europe)ExMuslims)
No. 2319940
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muslim moid living comfortably in the West compares a single university protester being led away, to taliban-ruled afghanistan, where women are literally not allowed to speak in public
No. 2319963
>>2319940Actually it wasnt just they're not allowed to talk in public they're also not allowed to TALK to other women aswell the implications are terrifying
and more of these moids keep coming into my country and opening "islamic" schools that are doing that same brainwashing to little girlsAlthough I'm sure the moid posted this was a gotcha (atleast women can go and have a education without being killed in the west) why the fuck are the police holding her that way I hope she sued those pigs
No. 2319985
>>2319940We need a reverse taliban in the west. Ban all men from speaking online or in public. We execute the unruly ones and they are not allowed to show their ugly, missing link faces in public.
It's only fair if they are gonna do a gender apartheid in the shiddle east we should do a based gender apartheid where we ban moids
No. 2320171
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I knew this was by a south asian diaspora, seriously, they are always the biggest arab worshipers and yet arabs always look down upon them
No. 2320180
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>>2320178samefag but this bitch is a huge pickme too kekk for the name "haya" she sure has none, dont you know lusting after moids is haram?
No. 2323926
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>Islamists in the west are angry that the hts is not enforcing sharia law en masse and actually trying to have a stable state and are now calling them kafirs
No. 2332482
>>2332474what are you doing that's so risky? is it really so important to do so, can you stop? if you know one mistake could fuck up your entire life, you need to make tradeoffs of risks.
if you're in a muslim-majority country, maybe you should go on r/exmuslim and look into seriously connecting with charities and services for exmuslims, or how other people managed to leave.
No. 2332516
>>2332482I guess I don't do much besides post on threads and forums like this thread, and interact with 'haram content' kek. I always delete my history after and I have passwords on everything but I'm worried maybe one day I'll forget to lock my shit. I might be a bit too paranoid for no reason..
>>2332502I kind of feel the same, I might end up killing myself before they ever find out anyways but I still have a tiny bit of hope left that maybe once I escape this hellhole my life would improve just enough that I don't feel that way anymore. At the very least I'd like to get there first and see what it's like before I do anything to myself.
No. 2332702
>>2332474I'm always careful. I use incognito at all times, and I have separate accounts for ex-muslim content. said account is always buried under layers of mostly trivial nonsense. I have a few anti-religion books on my computer, but they are mostly hidden between layers of makeup books and said book have fake names as well
>>2332502>>2332516your family could kill you, but the worst fear is your family beating you and sending you to some madrasa or marrying you off to your cousin. I had a cousin in england who was caught dating a white guy, her own mother beat her until her teeth were broken, took her out of school and sent her to a madrasa for education. now she's married to one of our other cousins and is miserable, finding your means and escaping is the only option for us
No. 2332712
>>2332516Second ayrt, I do have that kind of thoughts sometimes, then I think about how "alone" and "unsafe" I'd be. No one to contact if I needed help, no one to care about me if I disappear suddenly, no one would know me. It would be both a blessing and a curse. I don't think I'd be able to make new friends either, because I'll never have real connections with anyone since I could never open up to anyone and let them know about all of this, I find it too embarrassing and humiliating to talk about. I feel inhuman and incomplete, like I just don't exist, only and idea of what I'd be if I was normal that I could never reach no matter what. It's too late to get anywhere or become anything I actually want to. There's no going back and no going forward. I'm just stuck in this limbo in between. It's all I've ever known and I'll ever know that I'm used to it by now. Nothing is worth it, it's just too late to live normally, yet I can't die yet because someone and something is holding me back from doing so. The only reason I still exist is because I'm forced to. Can't choose it, can't opt out of it either. It's hard to not go insane from all of this. I'm probably on the verge of snapping and going insane. Hopefully I'll rampage properly when the time comes and leave some "impact" behind.
No. 2332955
>>2332516you're not too paranoid, you know your parents are dangerous to you if they knew the truth. a lower chance of something happening with serious consequences doesn't mean it's impossible.
i know muslim parents can get invasive with their kids' tech, maybe delete the books you don't reference regularly or upload them to a google drive. otherwise that stuff sounds pretty easy to hide, and you sound diligent.
three years fucking sucks, and the despair is real. try not to overthink and see it as a time for action to build your support system and financial independence and focus on what you can control. in college you will have more options for networking and building a good career.
No. 2334085
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The post was deleted but a women posted herself wearing a babushka scarf and this lady had to make it about the hijab. And of course it turned into to retarded. discourse about the “West” hating hijabs and Muslim women.
No. 2334314
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>>2334085I was just about to post this, it's really clear she's a dispora who has absolutely no connection to her own culture and only uses a superficial idea of Islam rather then actually learning about her own culture's history, she probably doesn't even know that women have worn headscarves in almost every society on earth
No. 2342249
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muslim nonna's, is this true in your country?
No. 2342253
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>>2342249I saw the first image you posted by accident, kekk
No. 2342855
>>2342594>>2342639that's the thing, it’s only considered 'gay' to them when it’s sex between two adult men, they genuinely think they aren’t gay pedophiles for raping young boys
>The most misogynistic cultures are the most violent.that doesn't seem to be true, afghanistan was actually peaceful until nearly the 1980s and feudal japan was also stable for nearly 240 years and yet both of these cultures were still extremely misogynistic, feudal, and had cultures of slavery and pederasty
No. 2342913
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>>2342894by 'peaceful, I meant there weren't any large-scale wars or conflicts. In comparison, in europe there were constant regional wars, where large sections of the male population died almost every generation.
No. 2342931
>>2342913nta but i can tell you this chart is absolute shit
come on seriously europe? considering most middle eastern and east asian history goes back thousands of centuries which had countless wars (also Россия completely forgotten as always kek), Afghanistan was by no means "peaceful" it has bloody history since the time of alexander the only thing is you dont know the history because it wasnt told to you or there was a language barrier much of that places history is told orally and not written. afghanistan was moderately stable yes before amerimutts came in and shat the bed but it wasnt "peaceful". god the naiveite to even think that
No. 2343639
>>2342249Yes. There is variation across the Muslim world but many muslim creeps do not quite understand what's wrong with assaulting children. One of my relatives was confronted over something like this and replied with "are you saying i'm GAY". Molesting a kid? No problem, but don't you dare imply homosexuality. This person was mentally ill and had a big complex around sexuality so bear that in mind, but it speaks to children's extremely low status outside the West. If you have a culture without a concept of adolescence or childhood (like the West two centuries ago), then people within that culture are less likely to even get why child abuse is wrong. Hence why they brag about hitting their kid etc. I've met westerners like this aswell but it's more common in muslim cultures (MENA).
>>2342593I don't think he meant anything like overt sexual behavior. Not wearing a burqa, going outside without a marham, being comfortable around the other sex is already too "open" for these animals and understood to be a license to assault
>>2342931Europe being an especially bloody region is a very well-known, banal fact kek. Yes, warring tribes and violent conquests were a thing everywhere but Europe had
a lot of those
No. 2344658
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Isn't it funny to see Muslim dawah bros turn on Andrew Tate because he's associating grooming gangs with Muslim men. Since the beginning Muslim women were told to shut up about his misogyny. Muslim moids even loved him before he converted too. Dude was literally a sex trafficker but retarted Muslim moids couldn't see his obvious grift.
For any UK nonnies is it true Muslim moids make up the majority of grooming gang members.
No. 2374962
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I hate that they always use this stupid fucking analogy. Can't they at least find smarter example?
No. 2374999
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>>2374962I saw someone respond it with this kek
No. 2381179
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>>2374962it's even worse when they do it to children
No. 2381195
>>2381179Anon this is pedophilia
>>2374962To be fair I remember the original tweet and the username was something like "Islam Quran Allah" so it was obviously made by a bot
No. 2381322
>>2381308pretend that youre on your period and then fawn weakness over keeping fasts for the whole month (itll be hard but it will keep them off your back hopefully)
im fairly lucky in this aspect since my family knows im not religious so i dont fast too much since i have health issues too so i use that stay strong nona
No. 2381326
>>2381319>go to the shopGood joke anon. Imagine being allowed outside, couldn't be me.
>>2381322My siblings don't really care and they know I'm not into it, they're into it mentally but don't practice the religion at all, either. But my schizo diabetic with anger issues dad would be the hardest to deal with. I'll try my best. I can't sleep the whole time and wake up in the evening for breakfast like I used to since there's no one to cook anymore now that my mom is gone, so I'll be the one who had to wake up and cook. I don't even know how to manage my sleep schedule around this. I'm thinking of waking up by noon, having breakfast while everyone is asleep or at school, preparing their food, having dinner, preparing their suhur then going to sleep until noon. Hopefully that works.
No. 2381432
>>2381390The laws. He can call the police on me for leaving the house without his permission. And my brothers may try to find me, too. He used to abuse us physically when he was younger and stronger, so we have this implanted fear of him even though he can't do anything to us anymore. We also don't wanna get written off his will and end up not inheriting his wealth, so we need to be patient.
>>2381366It's indeed OCD that increases around this filthy month.
>>2381372 is right.
>>2381410Exactly. They're stupid enough to believe in a god and in a religion, ofcourse they'll starve themselves to death for a fairytale heaven.
No. 2383333
>>2381308I'm sorry nonna. If you have to cook Iftar etc, can you eat while preparing them? Like perhaps your dad won't come into the kitchen and see what you are doing. And hide food in your room to eat when no one is around. Also, I thought diabetic people are exempt from fasting. I hope he goes into shock and dies because of fasting. He is such an awful person.
I wish you could leave. Idk if you are the eldest kid or not, maybe if you have sisters and they go to uni you can accompany them and your father won't object to you leaving house because you're not going out alone.
No. 2384658
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malaysian nonnies, how are things there?
No. 2386430
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I hate how muslims bring up the Islamic golden age as some sort of gotcha to cope with how much europe advanced beyond them. Like, the muslim world was ahead of europe for a brief period 800 years ago and now, they’re trying to claim that europe’s advancements were actually because of muslims, even though many of the early muslims initial advances came from access to greek manuscripts, yet no one claims that the Islamic golden age was solely due to the greeks
No. 2386450
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>>2386430The Islamic Golden Age created a lot of beautiful architecture. Too bad it's at risk of being blown up by wacko extremists.
No. 2393030
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I remember when I was a muslim libfems and I actually used to think this was a fair comparison, obviously, there are social beauty standards, but crowds of men and women or the police will never beat me to death for not wearing make up
No. 2393338
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>>2393030This made me kek because most hijabis pile on 10kg of makeup. Isn't that defeating the purpose of hijab? I know this girl who tells me I should wear hijab (even though she fucking knows I'm not Muslim anymore) and how important it is, yet she cakes her face every single day. The hypocrisy. They also judge other girls for taking off their hijab, and act all high and mighty but don't see the fucking irony. Might as well take off theirs too since they're caking it on.
No. 2393456
>>2393434Most of ex-muslims I know are not against hijab because of it being a part of male gaze but because we are forced to dress in a way we don't want to. By forcing women to wear a face covering you are erasing their identity. Wearing makeup doesn't erase the woman's face and identify from public spaces. If I wear makeup/face paint/tattoo on my face, it is I who choose to present myself in this way, unlike veil and hijab.
Nawal can be anti-islam and still mistaken in comparing these two.
No. 2407246

I've been reading up about Socialist governments in the middle-east and how they dealt with islamists. For example, the FLN had a significant islamist wing with some senior leaders, but this faction was sidelined after the French withdrew from Algeria and the FLN seized power. Gaddafi's Libya declared itself an Islamic Socialist state, and state propaganda during Gaddafi's rule was a mix of pan-Arab nationalism and vaguely "socialist" Islamic cultural messages. but sharia law was not enforced, and Gaddafi was actually quite hard on the conservative ulama, promoting Quranism instead.
Besides these two examples, all the Arab Socialist/Nationalist states of the Cold War were outright secular, though never anti-religion, instead Islam was reduced to weaker positions under the state. Nasser even purged the muslim Brotherhood and forced it underground. On the other hand, the US saw Islam and Islamism as an anti-Communist force that could help keep Soviet influence out of the middle-east, which led to considerable cooperation. The CIA worked with the muslim brotherhood on and off from the 1950s onwards, and the US was a close ally of the Saudis from the 1940s. They were also close partners of Zia ul-Haq, the Islamist military dictator who ousted Bhutto and Islamized Pakistan. Furthermore, the US very directly, both publicly and covertly, supported the Afghan mujahideen alongside Zia.
If Saudi Arabia had not exported Wahhabi theology and the Soviet-Afghan war had not served as a training camp for the Islamist movement, Islam would have not have been in its current form and may have even on the path of dying out or reforming
No. 2418283
>>2418217>Will you be fasting?No and I'm glad I'm not forced to because I'm in Europe. For once I don't have to worry about coworkers becoming passive aggressive with me for eating during lunch break. My previous muslim coworkers from my previous jobs always did that, and my previous muslim coworkers from my current job also did but were more subtle about it, but they left long ago. The ones left here tend to not fast either for their own reasons ranging from "I don't want to" to "I have health issues please don't judge me" and that one ended with that coworker trusting me a lot more when I said Idgaf and don't even fast either. My main worry is meeting random stranger from my ethnicity who will assume I'm muslim and will annoy me of assault me for eating in public but since I'm a woman I can just say I'm on my period and they'll run away. Assaults by strangers usually happen to men so I guess it's because they can't pull that excuse. Even black people who have nothing to do with islam are sometimed targeted because everyone assumed north africans and black people are all muslims here. Even people from the west indies despite most of them being christians. I'll make sure my mom doesn't fast and will take her meds but the more time passes the more she prioritises her physical health so I'm not too worried about that. Good luck anon.
>because my mom tracks my periodYou should commit domestic violence someday because wtf.
No. 2418732
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Not a Muslim here. I've been reading some Arab/Muslim books lately, and I am sorry to say this because is not my intention to offend anyone, but this religion/culture/whatever you want to call it, is pretty sick for women.
The way they treat them is disgusting. I cannot understand how in the era of information and the Internet they women won't fight back, leave their houses and countries and escape. I'm really, really sorry for your experiences and they way you are being treated.
No. 2419030
>>2418732I always liken it to a cult, because it's essentially that. It's literally and legitimately beat into you whether you like it or not. The barbaric method of enforcing by violence works unfortunately and make people follow it and accept it with no question at all so they can live without getting beaten up, raped and tortured and then executed. Even if they secretly disagree, they keep it to themselves so they don't get that treatment and basically their lives ruined and ended. Everything can fall apart and stop all of a sudden if you say one wrong word, there's no guarantee anyone would ever stand up for you and protect you, you're on your own 100% and everyone won't want to associate with you in any capacity so they're not next. It's why Muslims and arabs are emotionally maladjusted, extremely mentally ill, ugly, horrible people by nature and it will never change. They found the perfect recipe for continuous self-destruction. It's why they don't assimilate into other cultures when they immigrate either, and why it's hard for them to change for the better and become normal people. They're used to their immoral life style for so long that actual morals and manners are foreign to them or even strange and wrong to them. It's why they think assaulting and beating up people who disagree with them is normal and get pissy when they get rightfully arrested for it. After it, they beat each other up over any minor disagreement all the time in their own country. We have a gun violence issue where I live because they shoot each other over whose tribe is superior. They literally have monkey brain tier "intelligence". Least evolved humans in history. A case study in de-evolution. They're also in denial of it and don't want admit to their wrongs and think they're superior to cope with their inferiority complex and being left behind by the rest of the world, so they always try to somehow deflect it and pretend they're better at something, anything, even if it means lying and making up fake stories about their glory, inventions and discoveries they either stole from other cultures or persecuted and killed the inventors/discoverers of, and rewrite their history according to delusional fairytales to get some sense of achievement somehow.
they all deserve genocide, even me.>inb4 racebaitI'm arab unfortunately.
No. 2419441
>>2418732because we don't live in the liberal west, on one hand, our families will beat and maybe even kill us, on the other hand, the economies of our countries don't allow us to live on our own, you need a family to just get by
>>2419030I get that things are bad, but no one deserves that. our societies were on a path toward improvement, but it required strong leadership and an authoritarian state. I think liberal westerners are simply naive to accept that this was necessary for our societies to evolve. we needed someone like saddam and nasser, with a deeply ideological party to rule our countries for generations and install common sense. The us ruined that by toppling a regime and installing a democracy. the recent reduction of the age of consent to 8 years old happened under this democracy, even the so-called radfems refuse to acknowledge that strongman leadership was necessary to prevent this.
No. 2419468
>>2418732How can they leave their countries? Where can they go? No country will give us a visa just because we don't want to live under the rule of Islam.
>>2419030I think you are conflating Muslims with Arabs. Not all Muslims are Arabs and not all of them have this urge to make up a fake history for themselves and steal other nations' achievements. It is a pan-arabism problem.
>>2419441 mentioned saddam as a good dictator, well he massacred Kurds just because they were kurds and not Arabs.
No. 2419545
>>2419441I don't think that would work either because I live in one of those authoritarian dictatorships and they just use the religion to enforce their rule and punish anyone they don't like.
>>2419468He also killed Shia-muslims for being the wrong kind of Muslims in his eyes. His name is used to tease Shia and Kuwaitis whenever some Suni or arab from any other country is bothered by one of them. Tribalism runs in their blood.
No. 2419779
>>2418217Get a skincare fridge for your room, wash out skincare empties and keep snacks in them in the fridge. If you're worried about your mom checking it, keep the empties at the back in boxes and keep some in use skincare items in the front. It's harder to repurpose them for drinks but if you want to risk it you should be OK as long as you wash everything out really thoroughly.
If you have a relatively hidden corner of your room you can hide a lunch bag there. It's better if it's somewhere already cluttered and hard to reach like the top of a wardrobe or behind books in a bookshelf. Keep a stash of foods that are quiet to eat, don't smell, and have no wrapping that could cause suspicion. Wrapping food in clean tissues or kitchen towels is best because you can use it to clean yourself up after you eat and it's normal trash that you can dispose of in your room without anyone caring too much, blow your nose in it if you think someone's going to check for crumbs kek.
If you're really stuck, keep some electrolyte drink powders with you in your bra and mix it with water from the bathroom, if it's safe to drink. You can use the cup you use for brushing your teeth. Flush the toilet (with the lid down) while you're running the tap so nobody gets suspicious.
No. 2420558
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>>2419831>look at picrel (have some hopium)pakistan tries to larp as turkey now (which is a good thing i suppose because itll mean embracing more secular ideas than to become medieval arabia ) but not so really anymore (maybe the parts closest of iran and Afghanistan still so) ever since it became common knowledge that most of the terrorist funding was done by saudis (the red mosque
who systematically rapes little girls and the bombings especially in major cities and also the sex trafficking ring run by saudis here) and also the shit treatment we get in "gods paradise where everyone is equal except for non arabs" mecca. ive seen black and pinoy muslims being treated as if they were slaves
and i got catcalled by old arab moids myself as a child in mecca despite a guard seeing it and doing nothing some muslims are still too blind to see how arab muslims really see them as because theyve been gaslit into thinking that "
its a sin if you think the arab is wrong because they cant be bad right? the prophet/religion came from there!" some people dont even see the arab invasions as invasions im told bin qasim the rapist is a hero for coming to my "savage" country! i really hope more people peak with how shit the arabs actually are
not the women ofcourse although some pickmes still facilitate the abuse most women are trapped in these systems just like in other non arab muslim countries No. 2421682
>>2421674kek agreed its more annoying when they say "just leave!" as if their country isnt fucking vile to exmuslims too
ie the countless exmuslim get killed because the police refuse to protect them or willingly rats them out and now with antiimmigration who the fuck will accept me? where can i even go where i wont be hunted? i have two options either get hanged to death here or be killed abroad and always live in hiding from both muslims and westerners
god despises the woman race with a passiondalthough i dont mind them wishing luck to us to have better lives but them pretending as if muslim women are just blind to their abuse and are just submissive mules is obnoxious they do try they get fucking buried alive to die, they get beheaded, sold or raped to death. we arent fucking blind
No. 2421689
>>2418732Never-muslims should not be allowed in this thread because they have no contribution other than "I feel so sorry for you arab/muslim (same thing) women! I bet you wish you were British so bad!" I don't like your kind, I don't want to be evangelicised by you, I hate your culture and food. You're retarded beyond belief for thinking the whole "Muslim world" involves lashing women for eating in public or whatever. Don't act like y'all weren't burning women alive until a couple centuries ago. We're not brown slaves begging to be freed by white saviors. I don't know about the pakis or gulf arabs in this thread but growing up, islam in my family was "haha Christians think Mary gave birth as a virgin, clearly she's just a liar" and "You shouldn't eat pork because the europeans did and their skin turned a gross shade of pink" while downing vodka shots with my dad. That's it. I hate it when white bitches approach me like an abused animal. And to the 3rd worldier women than me who will come out of their caves like rats to lynch me for being "lucky": your country would've been a shithole even if it was Christian. Definitely slightly less so, but you need to blame yourself before religion. Like, Saudi Arabia was never a bastion of civilization. Your interpretation of religion might be savage, but what else isn't? We are NOT the same.
Anyway, I stopped believing at 12 because I simply stopped feeling the presence of god. The idea of a man getting holy orders just seemed ridiculous, because I knew men were retarded and evil. And since then I never thought for a that second there might be a god. The end. Wish we could have proper academic discussion about the verses and hilarious lore but the 3rd worlders and white saviors are shitting up the thread.
No. 2421769
>>2421718I've never heard of anyone from my ethnicity bleaching their skin, people would rather tan. I don't understand why you're defending them so hard, they wont do it back I promise. It's not that I'm not offended on behalf of islam, I'm offended on behalf of being treated like a
victim when I'm not. At this point just admit you're jealous of my upbringing and move on
>>2421713Yep! You got it.
No. 2422968
File: 1740756621583.jpg (132.92 KB, 736x981, f4db070d3607d2bb6e80f6e06a1f90…)

>>791056It's not new in concept but rather in terms of how its used. It is bedouin clothing meant for protecting skin from sand. And obviously bedouins have been using it for centuries, however they still used much more colors and ornamentation than nowadays.
You wont find sources on something that just wasnt a thing. Nobody writes "oh and we didnt wear burqas at a time" in poetry and chronicles lol. But one specific piece of clothing being widely adopted is only possible in a globalized world. So its inherently modernistic. The clothing humans used to wear before that was meant to represent their unique direct communities. People couldn't just sit down and google what proper hijab (referring to the concept of "clothing of modesty") should look like. They adapted their own interpretation of the world to that term, being inspired by environments they actually had access to and what they found practical for their lifestyle.
No. 2424443
>>2424317I always wonder why they call the one month in which you are not allowed to eat and drink what you want when you want, Karim.
I'm going to drink water in public this year. I don't care anymore.
No. 2425660
>>2424317I'd rather not risk it, probably just an extra glass of water
>>2424443how backwards is your country? cause that actually could be dangerous
No. 2426555
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I fucking hate nigerian muslims, they make religion their identity more than Pakistanis
This women is volunteering to freely cook Iftaar for singles males. Like what about homeless people or struggling families, but no she wants to cook for able bodied males.
No. 2426955
>>2426555This level of internalized misogyny is so fucking sad to witness.
Even the women who can't cook were an afterthought.
No. 2429686
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>>2429435Found one. A reminder for all anons to never ever go back to this disgusting religion