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No. 1323616
Thread for the admiration of felines. Post cute cats NOW!
>>>/ot/800151 No. 1323628
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I love my kitty (pic is not mine)
No. 1330795
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No. 1330815
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i love kitties
No. 1332267
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No. 1341043
>>1339702I'm so happy for u Nona.
My cat has been gone for a month now and I'm hoping he comes back to me one day. My vet said he might just pop back up one day and I really hope so.
No. 1343637
>>1339705>>1339870>>1339924My cat is back with me and when I opened the transport box and talked to her she remembered me and greet me with a happy meow and started cuddling like crazy! Made me so happy.
>>1341043Same cat ran away and I lost all hopes because it was extremely cold and she is an indoor cat. After two weeks I heard her at the front door. I wish you all the luck that kitty comes back nona
No. 1345131
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I just love this picture and the whole series, every time I see it posted anywhere it’s a +5 mood boost
From Time, 1961
No. 1345212
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you know winter has come when you wake up with a cat hat
No. 1345472
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this came in for my buddies today! i hope they like it
No. 1345488
>>1345270Nona this made me so sad for you, I’m so sorry you lost your best friend.
Sounds like you gave him a happy life and I’m sure he went knowing how much you loved him
No. 1347058
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No. 1347064
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No. 1347732
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Why are cats so perfect, nonnies? I love them so so so much, they're such perfect little beings I hate how underappreciated they are and how much people dislike them for having boundaries and for typically demanding respect/not giving affection without reciprocation by default
No. 1352533
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No. 1352546
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No. 1352861
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>>1323616Everytime I see the OP pic it improves my day.
Here, have a tiny unimpressed cutie I met recently.
No. 1352885
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Last night I had a dream that I got a white cat that jumped into my arms and scratched the hell out of me and whined after someone knocked on the door because it was shy meeting new people.
No. 1354199
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Proof that cats are perfect creatures.
No. 1368384
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No. 1368775
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No. 1369185
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>tfw your owner doesn't let you eat spiders or bite her feet
No. 1373605
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Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
No. 1373777
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here is my kitty, pulling a derpy face as usual
No. 1373780
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>>1373778thx nona! she is the light of my life, here’s a silly baby picture of her
No. 1373800
>>1373796I doooooooooo
>>1373719Kek thank you anon that's my baby and I love her
No. 1374124
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>>1373820yes! she’s so plushy she looks like a llama
No. 1374126
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>>1373872this is her plotting. i will nona <3
No. 1374128
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>>1373834maximum comfort levels, she has peg legs lollll
No. 1374137
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>>1374127she’s a huge brat yes look at the stank on her face
No. 1374141
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>>1374137If her third eyelids (plica semilunaris) are visible like in your pic regularly you should take her to the vet nona, she might be ill! She’s really pretty!! Give her a kiss on the forehead for me (if she likes it)
No. 1374158
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I just got a Kitten (20 weeks)
It's my first cat and I'm in love. How do I keep her entertained when im out for 4 hours a day nonnies? X
No. 1374170
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Thank you.
I'll try make her sleepy tomorrow before I leave, appreciate ya!
No. 1374184
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>>1374141oh oops i forgot to add yes she actually loves kisses because i would force them on her as a baby, specifically on her cheeks. she’s an angel
No. 1374675
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Just look at this powerful nyoom energy.
No. 1374717
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Snow leopard soul in an orange housecat body
No. 1374798
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feeling betrayed in the apple hat
No. 1375014
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No. 1375238
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Calico cat started to hang around my house. I feed her what my can doesn't finnish but she just wants to move in. My cat hates all other cats so i can't let her in. Hope she has a warm place to sleep in the winter, i never know which cats here in my village have a home.
No. 1375245
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I love my kitten so much nonnas, it's insane! He's very playful and very cuddly, he just chirps and purrs anytime he's doing anything, and when me or my brother come back home he is always waiting in front of the door to greet us because he recognizes our footsteps. I hesitated for a very long time to take a cat because I was scared it would be hard and I wouldn't be up to the task but it's been going so smoothly. Can't wait to go home to see him again, I woke up late this morning and couldn't cuddle with him.
No. 1375275
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>>1375247Thank you nonna I'll tell him.
>>1375248Will do! That's actually my arm lol, he is around 8 months old so he's not a baby anymore, but he has big ears and a long tail, maybe he'll be huge when he's done growing up.
No. 1390407
I love my two kitties so much. I was panicking on Tuesday cause I tend to do that, and my kitty jumped into bed with me and gave a soft little squeak, and it was like a weight was just magically lifted off of me. She's super sweet and cuddly, used to have this little blue teddy bear she would carry with her everywhere and constantly play with. We still have it, but she never wants it. Guess she's too old for it now, she's 5. I still miss her carrying it around in her jaws, and when she trusted you, she would leave it with you to take care of it. She's so precious. I want to get her to exercise more often since she is getting to be a tad chunky. She usually just likes to lay in bed with my folks and stare at the TV or eat fried chicken. She likes it when I rub her tummy and loves it when I tickle her armpits (she spreads her arms out and gives a little happy squeak). Her two hind feet are so soft and cute I love to rub them. She doesn't like this but she lets me do it, so I rub her little peetsies for as long as she will allow.
My other cat is only 2 years old, and he's like a happy little puppy. He loves to play, you have to play with him until he gets all worn out or he will act up. He's so cute when he's worn out, he just peters out, then goes to lay down on a pillow all stretched out. Sometimes I take him for walkies on his leash. He likes to crawl into paper grocery bags I leave out for him, then I pick up the bags and carry him around as if I just got back from the store after having just bought a kitty. He also likes to crouch behind furniture and jump out in front of me with his arms splayed out to startle me. Then I 'retaliate' by chasing him and then when I catch up he flops down on the ground and I tickle him and he likes to kick me with his hind legs (claws sheathed). He loves to sit on my chest and lick my face, and he likes to curl up in my arms and make me cradle him tummy-up like he's a baby.
I don't think I could emotionally function without kitties.
No. 1393559
Hello anons, my boyfriend and I were about to clip my cat's claws as they are so long they're snagging on everything. Well, normally, he holds her, I clip, and I'm really good - she's never bled. I actually could do it by myself, but since it's the two of us and it is quicker with my boyfriend holding her, we do it. She is clearly anxious, but we'd always feed her after so she made some sort of positive connection.
Yesterday, my boyfriend was cuddling her and then he was like "oh, let's clip her nails". I was a little hesitant because she was just cuddling him and I didn't think she might react great. But I was like, fine, I'll bite. I took the nail clippers out of their usual place and turned around and she FLIPPED out. I've never seen her so distraught. I wasn't touching her, I was just getting the nail clippers, and when she flipped out, she scratched my boyfriend really, really badly. There was a lot of blood. She was clearly panicked and spent the rest of the day hanging out in a corner as far from the area that happened in. She was too afraid to eat where she normally eats and even though she wasn't hurt, it's like she scared herself by being violent or by the idea of her nails getting clipped. But it's odd, she's usually such a good kitty with her nails being clipped.
It was quite emotional because my boyfriend was so shocked he was crying for quite a while because he had all these scratches all over him.
I'm worried because it's a day after and my cat is still acting anxious. It's strange because my boyfriend is a 100% sweetheart to her, in fact, I treat more roughly than him in how I cuddle/pet her, but for some reason she doesn't care and still likes me (she was my cat before I moved in with my bf) and seeks my affection.
I guess I'm asking why is she acting traumatized from an animal behavior standpoint? It's hard to to not anthropomorphize her behavior.
No. 1393610
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I'm at work but I wish I was at home petting my cat. Or brushing my cat. Or playing with my cat. Or giving my cat treats. Or taking pictures of my cat. Or holding my cat like a little baby. Or taking a nap with my cat curled up next to me. Or talking with my cat by meowing back at him. Or giving my cat catnip and watching him spaz out. You get the picture. I MISS MY FUCKING CAT SO BAD NONNIES.
No. 1393862
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I love seeing shiny light green eyes staring at me while I go about my day. Tail curled over her paws, turning her head like an owl. I LOVE MY CAAAAAAAAT
No. 1395817
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No. 1398862
>>1398854You’re fucking retarded. Your cat’s in heat, dumbass. Make an appointment to get her fixed so she can live a happier, longer, healthier life. Fixing your pets is the most basic fucking responsibility you have as a pet parent besides food/water/shelter.
You’re a dumbass retard and you should feel bad for being such an idiot.
No. 1398868
>>1398854What is the moral hang up you have about getting your cat fixed
nonnie? Fixed indoor cats live long healthy lives. If you’re letting her outside (quick note: the life expectancy of an outdoor cat is 2-5years) then she especially needs to be fixed.
No. 1398895
>>1398891I don't think so. I'm not against getting cats fixed but going into heat is natural so I don't really have a problem with it. I know a lot of people don't feel that way but personally I am reluctant to apply a human's perspective of how that would make us feel to the nature of cats.
Anyway I know you're probably going to have some strong feelings about this (and that's fine) but I'm not looking to start an infight about this subject so I'll leave it at this.
No. 1398977
>>1398917>>1398911Getting a pet spayed absolutely is for the benefit of their health.
As per the ASPCA:
“Is it bad to spay a cat?
Spaying prevents uterine infections and decreases the incidence of breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats.”
So yeah spay your cats. Unless you plan to breed them (which unless they’re purebreds that conform to their breed standard, you shouldn’t be breeding them because that inadvertently kills other adoptable cats), you’re just increasing her risk of cancer and making her feel like shit with those hormone spikes without any outlet.
God white trash retards shouldn’t be allowed to have pets.
No. 1399465
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I love how my cat (picrel) makes this little mmmrowl noise whenever she jumps up onto the bed or table. She is announcing herself, "hey! I'm a cat! Pay attention!" And I have to.
No. 1400972
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Scrotes spamming porn, careful scrolling
No. 1403115
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I lost my sweet first pet last weekend.
Love your kitties, nonnas. They might not be here to warm the bed tomorrow
No. 1403366
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i would die for my cat. she is so expensive but i care more about her than myself
No. 1403375
>>1403366This is a quality cat
What is money for if not to spend on the people you love
No. 1403450
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I wouldn't breed exotics because of the issues they have, but I adopted this guy years ago. A woman who bred them died and her friend had to give them away. I heard about this but considered getting a normal cat instead. But then I checked in months later and he was still up for adoption because he didn't get along with the other cats and nobody wanted him so I got him.
He is super calm but has a deep voice and he's very loud when you shouts. He says "mamma" a lot when he's with my mother lol. Thankfully after 5 years he has no health issues so far, he is a bit lazy though.
>>1340410>>1339924Can confirm they have long-time memory. A friend has a cat he adopted that was abused by the original owner. He noticed that she ran away in panic whenever she was in the kitchen and he would lift or grab a pan too suddenly. The old owner must have thrown pans at her which is why she acts like this. My friend didn't knew that at first but he is moving them slowly and trying to hide it from her now. She is okay if it's done slowly.
Once, years after the adoption he thought she was still sleeping in his bed and a guest grabbed a pan without asking to use it. They he noticed too late that the cat was near the door looking, she saw the pan and ran away again and this was more than three years after he adopted her, so they must remember things happening ages ago. If they remember events for years I think that they can remember owners for more than a few months.
Also aren't there cases of cats that disappeared and then decided to go home again to their old owners 5 years later? Maybe they don't remember the owners and just the place, but it would still mean that they have a great memory.
No. 1403547
>>1403375Fr, she has to eat prescription food for bladder crystals and it bleeeeds me dry. Not to mention all of the grooming tools on hand. She's worth it tho
>>1403378Ty she is super alpha , aloof, hates most ppl especially men and other cats, except me. I'm her person. She gives me kisses like a little puppy
No. 1403557
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>>1403413Ty here's another pic. She's a 10/10 cat
No. 1403906
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question, sorry for the blog: i'm a first time cat owner, we got kitty and he was really skittish at first, underweight etc. he's become an amazing cat and i love him so much.
anyway, i was unknowingly underfeeding him for a week or two when we switched to a better food. and we frequently go on 3 day trips, so i bought him a filtering fountain watering bowl that only needs to be topped off weekly, and an autofeeder so he gets fed 3x a day (small amount of food, added together is what he needs for his healthy weight)
since i started using the autofeeder he is SO VOCAL to the point where it's driving me crazy. he gets fed at 5am (not vocal bc he's not awake yet), 12pm, and 5pm. he grazes between 5am and 4ish and then goes batshit insane around 4:30 even though the food won't dispense until 5.
should I change the time for the third feeding to 4? should I split it into two not 3? go back to one daily feeding like his old owners were doing? last thing, i only changed it to the multiple times a day thing as he was making SO much noise while working from home for food that it was very distracting. (he has short hair in this bc he had so many deep matts when we adopted him and i didn't want him to kill me trying to brush them out, his hair has grown back)
No. 1403920
>>1403906if he's a healthy weight right now, you may consider if he's actually hungry when asking for more food, or just bored!
giving him food only once a day isn't very healthy, just like having lots of food available all day, as waiting for food is like a motivation for them, and good for both his physical and mental health.
toys that carry food and release over time are a good idea to keep them busy and happy!
my cat always ask for food when she's bored, then after playing with her / going for a walk she completely forgets about it. she also eats much less when she's alone, so it's also a sign she's bored and asking for attention.
No. 1403927
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>>1403115i'm so sorry, nonna… i lost my angel too, last month, she was 16. she used to wake me up almost every single morning since i was a child, and we went through so many adventures together…
No. 1403928
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>>1403927luckily i still have my other baby to keep me going! she's so precious…
No. 1403929
>>1403920Thank you for the good advice, i really appreciate you! i only have experience with dog ownership, lots of dogsitting, and cat sitting but not actually being their parent. I'm home 90% of the time 4-5 days a week, and play with him a ton with things that make him jump and climb. yesterday I did that when he was vocal-made him jump for the squeaker. but I will try to engage the light pens more, and figure out where he is hiding all of his crinkle toys.
you take your cat on walks? my s/o thinks they wouldn't like it but this cat reminds me more of a dog, personality wise, so i've been considering getting him a harness to take on walks. also while i was responding to this he jumped on the keyboard so i think he agrees with your advice
No. 1403935
>>1403929it depends on the cat, really - mine loves going for a walk, but only if the place is calm and feels safe to her! she doesn't like meeting strangers, so i try to walk ker in empty places only. she doesn't mind wearing a harness too.
i've had 10+ cats over my life, and i can say it varies a lot. some of them hated harnesses (so walks weren't a possibility), some of them were super scared of the outside world, and others very social and adventurous.
the only way to know is trying out! it's best to go slow, to calm places, for short periods.
oh, and keep in mind that if he likes it, he may ask you for walks many times a day, even when you're busy, when it's raining… so you'll have to work your patience a little bit. i think it's worth it though!
No. 1405164
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>>1403211thank you my sweet
nonnie, posts like this really make me feel the love from my sisters. thank you, my sweet angel. i am doing fine.
>>1403927oh god, such beautiful coat. i love how her fur around the face was so light and looked insanely soft, did you bathe her during her last years? mine was really greasy in her sunset months.. and i didnt want to torment her with water or with wet rags..
may our angels rest in peace, happily sleep forever.
No. 1405353
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No. 1405443
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polite cat near the mini supermarket
No. 1405602
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>>1405487What a cute read, anon. Your kitties sound so lovely! Here's my boy that I'm so obsessed with. I could stare at his adorable face all day.
No. 1405616
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>>1405602Samefagging to post my boy one more time.
No. 1405651
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i forgot to post my kitten last month so i will post two pics of him.
No. 1405654
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>>1405651here's a new pic of hin
No. 1408835
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one my favorite piece of christian folklore is that tabby cat have an “M” mark on their foreheads is bc a tabby cat comforted baby jesus the night he was born
No. 1408857
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>>1408842Look into her eyes and tell her you don't see the M.
>>1408835Beautiful, I cried.
No. 1408968
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>>1408926>>1408965not a christfag but there's nothing wrong with a fan religious folk belief
No. 1409008
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>>1323616I adore cats with this face
No. 1409009
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>>1403115Nona I'm so sorry and I'm here for you. I'm sure your kitty really loved you and that you gave them a wonderful life. It's sad that cats live such short lives compared to us, but it's sweet to think that we can provide them with lives full of unconditional love while they're here.
Picrel is my cat who passed away a few weeks ago. She was also the first pet I've ever lost. It happened really suddenly and my mom called me in hysterics letting me know that she'd died. I didn't get to see her a lot after I moved away from home, but she was so sweet and silly every time I came back. Whenever I'd lean in to kiss her, she would lean her head into my face. Once I dropped a bagel onto my laptop and she licked the cream cheese from the keyboard, which saved me some of the pain of cleaning it up lol. She really made me feel loved. It makes me really sad knowing that the next time I come home, she won't be there anymore. I don't think I could get another cat for a long time.
No. 1414085
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one of the kittens outside my house showed up today and there’s things in his face covering his eyes and mouth I tried wiping it off a little bit it looks like a mixture of blood and puke but it won’t go away and he’s also coughing up really badly Idk what to do the vet is closed on weekends is there anything I can do to help him
No. 1417313
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I just took in a senior stray cat. He loves being held and pet, and purrs and meows all the time. He is so sweet. He's skin and bones though, and very old. I couldn't leave him outside in the cold like that so I decided fuck it, he's my cat now. I bought him a bunch of stuff and I hope he likes his new bed. Until it comes in I gave him an old shirt and he immediately curled up on it and started purring. I wanna cry just looking at him. He's so cute. I'm bringing him to a vet school this week to get blood tests done to make sure he's okay. Can't believe this little old man has been outside for this long. Luckily he knows how to use a litter box… Kind of. He must've been someones at some point. He needs some TLC and I can't wait to give him a warm loving home
No. 1417323
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here is my nonnie (1/2) cassidy, she is keepning me company while I figure stuff out with my moid, but she is a best friend for that. she loves to take the highest place in the room and look at me judgmentally but also loves getting kisses on the nose. I don't know what I'd do without her.
No. 1417324
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>>1417323and my gorl as a little kitten
No. 1417372
>>1417313good puss, god bless you
nonnie he looks like a good friend loverboy
No. 1417376
>>1417323Those eyes! She's so pretty.
>>1417313What a dashing cat
No. 1417392
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>>1417313>Luckily he knows how to use a litter box… Kind of. He must've been someones at some pointthat actually makes me sad, to think he had a home at some point and someone just abandoned him cause they didn't want to take care of him
No. 1417393
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>>1417392Anon why would you post that
No. 1417562
>>1417392this makes me too sad, I have to shitpost more aesop sorry my loves it NEEDS to be done
(p.s. torties are most based cats, all female and whip smart)
No. 1419587
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No. 1419752
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Hi nonas! Is there anything youd recommend for anything to make my cat's coat shiny and soft? We tried raw food back then and it really helped for his furcoat but we had to stop due to how expensive it was. Is there any supplements or new cat food i can give to him? Hes currently eating whiskas
No. 1419812
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>>1419774I would give one dose of fish oil from a capsule in their food once every four days. Since you’re incorporating oils in their food its better to have that waiting period, too much fish oil all at once can cause your cat to become constipated. Another sign of a build up of too much fish oil would be when your cat starts to have overly greasy hair and greasy stools. You can have a break period of a month if you notice it’s getting too much and start it again when they’ve completely gotten all the built up oil out of their system. Alot of the time when it comes to giving supplements to cats its just observing and trying to find a good balance since you have to take alot into account. Hope this helps nonna!
No. 1427631
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My queen overlooking her realm (1/2)
No. 1427798
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>>1405985Late but thank you! He is rarely photogenic and not very athletic but he's super calm and fluffy, I think my mother wouldn't have gotten over the depression she got after my father died if it wasn't for him. Cats are magical.
No. 1429800
File: 1669989968803.png (433.48 KB, 1200x1200, why-are-cats-cute.png)

whenever i go to the bathroom my cats of course come in, usually they just sit and stare at me, but sometimes they sit near me and face the door like they're guarding me. it's so sweet and adorable. of course my little babies want to protect me!
No. 1430731
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This is my feisty little kitty. She loves playing fetch and keeping you extra warm at night.
No. 1432965
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No. 1432971
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Scrotes being scrotes, careful scrolling nonnies
No. 1432975
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[dont] love to see Nikokados whole anus and dick
No. 1432988
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No. 1432993
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No. 1433015
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No. 1433026
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No. 1433137
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women have a bond with cats moids will never understand.
i lost my beautiful ginger boy miso this year who taught me so much, and after a few months we adopted my new lovely boy guts from a shelter (adopt dont shop!)
he loves boxes and will dive into them as soon as put them down, and really anything with an enclosed space. hes the most kitteny kitten ive ever met and whatever he can do he will.
cant retract his claws and he has huuge ones so when he attacks he goes for the kill, and bites too like i’m a mouse hes trying to rip apart. i dont care though, i’d give up the world for my little boy. enjoy photo of my baby
No. 1433202
>>1430731Aww, good kitty.
>>1433137That is the most bewildered blep I've ever seen.
No. 1433433
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No. 1433436
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No. 1437014
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Would you eat?
No. 1437084
>>1437030cat shelters are going to vary a bit, my experience is the U.S. south. The cat cages are common at both kill shelters and at rescues to keep the cats separate. At rescues this may be done to determine the cats health, caution if they're contagious with one of many cat diseases, or to not stress them out from being with other cats. If you mean why aren't the cages bigger, the ideal is for them to be adopted quickly and the cage is easier to clean in the meantime. On the administrative side, you can house more cats away from kill shelters with 28 small cages vs 14 medium size ones. It comes down to space, number one, because the goal is for them to be adopted quickly and that space can then be used to pull more cats from the kill shelters. short term stress vs euthanization of healthy cats. I've seen some cat rescues keep longer-term residents that aren't sick and friendly together in what are basically small to medium sized rooms together. One facility I went to actually tested for felv (uncommon where I was) and positivr cats had a small insulated warehouse for them to roam all together. That seemed tough to monitor tbh, but I guess the logic was these cats probably won't ever get adopted so let's make their life better than euthanization. another facility would let the cats out of the cages every day, a few at a time, for free roam. some rescues are just small non-profits run out of people's homes or a small office so those don't typically have cages at all since their vet work is done outside of the rescue. they might have some some emergencies but cats aren't in them.
Hope this autism helps and I didn't completely miss your point, kek
No. 1437175
>>1437174Thank you nonna. I’m in shock. Completely shocked.
I’ve complained about him before here and I’m studying to be independent but I never expected this. I’m glad my baby is okay. I feel so sad but I don’t have the luxury to be depressed
No. 1438404
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i feed and took a stray cat to the veta, now he wont leave me. what do. I named him Ted btw
No. 1438559
>>1438070Cat haters can go to hell
I hope they get picked by a moid since it’s such a moid favoring tendency to hate cats
No. 1442240
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I love this cat so much. So fucking much. especially the smirk like this.
No. 1442674
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I love my cat so much, he is big and gentle, very well behaved and a senior boy so he's always chilled out and isn't really a nuisance. I try my best to take care of him the best that I can, got pet insurance for him and I feed him really good wet food and even add water to it because I know he might have urinary problems as he's getting older. I hope he appreciates what I do for him, he is so cuddly and loves to spend time with me.
No. 1450802
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No. 1450813
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Aw, I love reading about everyone's cute baby kitties. Cats really are the best.
No. 1450837
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lolcow home of the lolcats!!
No. 1454677
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missing my babies, they're gonna be alone until tomorrow. They probably didn't even notice I was gone and they're enjoying all the free food I left them, but I'm still anxious about them being alone for that long.
No. 1454916
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My old boy was put to sleep the other day. I live across the world so I haven’t seen him much in the last 3 years and that makes me feel terrible. I really hope he remembered me when my mom told him everyone loved him and he was a good boy…I did visit home last Christmas and said goodbye then because I knew he wouldn’t make it til I could come home again. Today (Christmas Day) is the first day in like a week I didn’t wake up and all-out cry but still this is the first major grief I’ve ever felt and I’ve never been more sad in my life. He was with me for half my life and that chapter closing has been hard to accept. But I have so many good memories of him and will never forget how soft and cuddly and cute he was, I’m confident. So time will dry the tears.
I just want to show him. It helps me. Look how cute he was! He had kinda crinkly looking fur and no top coat so he didn’t shed or need brushed at all. I’ve never seen another cat with fur like it.
No. 1455580
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>>1455554He was loved more than any animal my family has ever had. I miss him so much but talking about him makes me feel better so thanks.
Funny pigtail cat my roommates had and took to Australia for image tax
No. 1455887
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No. 1456076
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This bitch wants to knock the lamp over so much but knows she is not allowed to. I love her
No. 1456081
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No. 1458195
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Love how handsome my cat looks on this pic.
No. 1459577
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She loves her little house but when it is warm she knows one simple trick.
No. 1459621
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Found a photo of my cat in the bottom of my closet from 2009. She was so small! She's still pretty small actually. Oh I love her so much, I put the pic on my fridge immediately.
No. 1459710
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He is taking care of her for me
No. 1460060
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I've been going back and forth on adopting a cat for a long while already; used to have a cat few years ago but he belonged to my ex and when we parted ways I obviously couldn't take him.
Recently I've ran into an ad of someone looking to give up their two cats for some personal reasons, one 6 years old and another 12; I was thinking to adopt an older cat anyway but I wonder if anyone has an experience of adopting a cat who used to have a loving home it was attached to for so long? Because it's surely different than adopting an older cat from a shelter where it probably wouldn't be as, idk, individually cared for…
When it comes to adopting two cats in general I imagine it would be a good idea so they can keep each other company when I'm at work; and in the initial weeks of cats getting used to me and my place I could work from home to be with them; financially I can afford it and there's a vet just 5 minutes away. All of these aspects are not a concern, I'm just wondering if any of you anons have any experience with taking a cat from someone else and could give me any insight on that?
No. 1460067
>>1460060cats aren't very melancholic usually and especially a bonded duo will be great for each other! do it
nonnie, seems like a amazing idea!
No. 1462985
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>>1460060I am a huge advocate for people adopting cats in pairs! It's actually less work to adopt two at once instead of just one cat. Especially if they're a bonded pair - it's cruel to split them up.
People don't realise that cats are actually really social animals and really do need the stimulation and interaction that comes with having another cat to be with.
As far as taking a cat from someone else, it might take the cat a while to warm up to you, but it might not. I got my younger boy almost two months ago from a person who was taking care of him and his siblings and she warned me that because they were technically still feral (she was the only human that had ever handled him) that it would take a while for him to warm up to me. He instantly bonded with me and my older boy, and now he follows me everywhere and has to copy everything my older boy does.
So you never know!
Cat's are very perceptive and can feel when someone truly cares for and loves them. Just show them all the kindness they deserve, and you'll have no trouble integrating them into your home if you are able to get them.
pic rel is my two boys! The brown tabby is 2 and the black smoke tabby turns 1 in March
No. 1463041
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Cats ying yanging. They slept well.
No. 1464327
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Made a gif of my baby from his first 48 hours here. He is just the sweetest thing (when he isn't trying to beat the shit out of my plants). He's almost 15 weeks now and a real momma's boy who loves to give nose kisses and rubber balls! I love all animals equally but this baby is turning me into a real cat lady
No. 1464589
>>1464327that's so cool, nonna
I will share it whenever I can
No. 1464606
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I love golden british shorthairs, this breed maximizes everything that makes a cat adorable. The lack of a neck makes them look round, and the chipmunk cheeks are so adorable.
No. 1467512
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I love this one…..
No. 1468280
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No. 1470351
>>1323616blog time, listen to the tale of two kitties my sweet nonnas
younger kitty was the cat my mother insisted i get when i moved back home after dropping out of art school for the second time. she was the tiniest kitten in a room with dozens and dozens of them, but everytime one of the others hipchecked her runty ass across the floor she'd scramble back for more. the second i entered the space she beamed over and climbed up to my shoulder like a squirrel. im grateful my mom sensed i needed a companion, because for the last six years shes been my little shadow. friendliest cat ive ever had, with an enormous personality. insatiably affectionate. my friends love her.
my second cat is older, and was originally my mother's cat. shes beautiful, with unique markings, which is why mom took her home, but she had health problems from the jump. this led to her growing into a deeply anxious, sensitive cat. you name a cat issue, shes got it: territorial, scared of sudden movements and almost all people, going outside the litter box when stressed, deeply attached to routine. she even has to eat out of a special flat bowl, because her whiskers are too sensitive to touch the sides of a conventional one. but she loved one person in the world, my mom, and she loved my cat. they pair bonded after weeks of my annoying runt bothering her constantly, undeterred by the older cat hissing and running away. eventually they became best friends.
when i finally overcame my bullshit, got my degree, and got my own place, i couldn't stand to separate them. and with my mom getting a dog, older kitty no longer had access to my mom or any of her safe places. i asked if i could take them both, fully expecting that id never see much of older kit and that this was going to be a charity project for the benefit of young kit.
it was hard for a while, even though when she thought i was down for the night older kitty would go right back to calling for the younger, and frolicking around the house together. i thought thatd be enough. but slowly, slowly, and then all at once i made soo much progress with the older cat. she loves to cuddle and play with me now, and only me. she comes down from her room (that also just happens to be mine) to get me for bed so we can spend time together. so i have my shadow, and my little bedtime buddy. im tearing up petting her right now because i was so worried she would be miserable, but both cats love my place as much as i do.
No. 1470619
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No. 1472525
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No. 1474354
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What is happening here
No. 1474940
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Nap time
No. 1475012
>>1474996I don't get the impression that he is uncomfortable with it, he even purrs and leans his head back because he knows he also get a lot of cuddles when I do it and he's a real snugglebug!
But keep in mind with any and all types if animal owners there will be ones that will call you an abuser if you don't treat your animal like it's made of glass. I saw a compilation a couple of years ago of a tiktok challenge where you would act as if you were gonna pet your animal but stop just a couple of inches above to see how they'd react, and of course bucketloads of people called it abuse. So I usually take things with a grain of salt and mostly listen to these people when it comes to necessities like food, treats and sand because they usually know what to avoid, but for everything else I read and listen to my cat's responses.
No. 1480726
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lolcor kity
No. 1480729
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>>1480726Aww lolcor meow meow.
Also bump for the nikado porn
No. 1480741
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No. 1480780
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If I ever get a cat, I would get a long-haired cat so I can harvest their fur and eventually use it to spin into yarn.
No. 1480782
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>>1480741>>1480768got u guys covered
No. 1481006
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No. 1481007
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cp bump
No. 1481117
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By far my favorite thing about cats is how they sleep
No. 1481414
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No. 1481415
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No. 1481489
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Gave my kitten a bath because the demented asshole just won't stop playing in the litter box (apparently it's a common phase among kittens, so at least he isn't brain damaged) so he has started to stink, and since he loves to be up in my face when cuddling and sleeps right next to my head at night I get the enjoyment of having his fur up in my nose most of the time.
>he took it like a champ with just a little bit of whining
>his fur is now clean and super soft
>practice for if he gets too old to groom himself one day
>the kitten shampoo stinks worse than the fucking litter box
>the fucking stinky shampoo smell fucking lingers in the bathroom and the hallway
No. 1481621
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>>1417392>>1417393>>1417396sorry i’m so late but whoever chopped this comic in half is a sadist.
Cats definitely remember their owners. We caught an absolute tank of a cat that was breaking into our workshop at night and terrorising our cat. Reunited him with his owner via microchip and that terrifying 12kg unit of fury and spite instantly turned into butter in her arms. He’d got lost after she’d moved house nearly five years earlier and she never thought she’d see him again. It was really moving.
No. 1481788
File: 1674687150204.jpg (1.93 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230122_140342054.jpg)

I adopted this stinky man 4 months ago and I'm so obsessed with him, I've become such an annoying cat mom.
No. 1481818
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>>1481666ayrt thanks i hate it dot jpeg
My cat got dumped like panel four but at least he eventually got the panel eight happy ending with me
No. 1483851
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He looks so silly on this pic, I love him.
No. 1488620
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She loves her little house she got for Christmas
No. 1489744
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I love my cat (picrel is her lol)
No. 1492804
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whenever I'm bored I go look at cats up for adoption/sale to cheer me up and they're usually pretty cute but oh my god.. this cat. He literally stole my heart I haven't been able to stop thinking about him for days everything the tongue and the cheeks makes me want to cry he's so perfect but he's so expensive too
No. 1492962
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My cat always wiggles base of her tail when I'm on a toilet or getting up out of bed. It's like a little weird twerk motion. I read it might be something like spraying, but luckily nothing comes out, lol. She also loves to bring me her toys to throw so she could run after them! So cute! Or like, she always comes to me when i cry (or sing kek) to console me. Fuck them people who say that cats don't love their owners, that's such a bullshit!
No. 1493580
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This stray likes to come around my neighborhood and scream at everyone
I love him so much
Pic related you can see his DABLOONS too
No. 1493595
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When you say hi to a cat and their tail goes ! like they're greeting you back, fills me with joy every time. Only one of my cats does the audible "mrrp" greeting when I say hi, the other one is completely silent but her tail goes straight up whenever she hears my voice. Makes me feel loved
No. 1493651
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>>1464606>>1492804Why would you get an expensive purebred cat when there are so many on the streets, cold, starving, and desperate for a loving home? Lmao just walk outside and you'll be sure to find one. I couldn't be caught dead supporting the breeding industry.
No. 1493782
>>1493651Don't worry I was just looking just because they're cute
And you're completely right honestly street cats might not be as elegant looking as a british shorthair, but I love stray cats the most I fostered three in my neighborhood who were in bad conditions and after recovery they become the most affectionate and sweet creatures ever
No. 1494028
>>1493877Usually I wake up before my cat and since she is sleeping on my legs, I have to be the one waking her up. But when she is the one waking up earlier, she is:
- walking all over my boobs (she is heavy af)
- attacking my feet
- smelling my mouth (why)
- opens up cabinets loudly
- drags her bowl around loudly
- she also licks my armpit/chin
- or just sits and stares at me until i feel shame and get up to feed her
No. 1495540
>>1493877Hehe, my dear passed cat used to do all the face and hand licking too.
My current ones either rush in front of my bed the nanosecond I show any signs of waking up to vocally greet me or, when I dare to sleep longer than desired, cuddle up next to me, relentlessly give facebumps and purr as loudly as possible until I wake up.
>>1495409kek brutal
No. 1496700
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I love it when cats do this with their paws
No. 1496732
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>>1493877Exactly like this. She's jumping on the parts where it hurts the most so i get woken up by pain and shock. I wish she's stop but she never does even though it never works for her and i never get up.
No. 1505769
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My senior old man cat is getting booked for his blood tests and a dental cleaning/maybe some extractions soon. It's his first ever dental - his original owners didn't even look after him and he was such a skinny scrawny babby with barely any fur until we got him. Now he is tall, large and muscly with this amazing rusty black fur. I love him so much nonnas, I really hope he gets through this procedure okay and can eat normally again. I feel so bad because I didn't even spot that he had gingivitis at first - his gums are naturally black and its quite hard to see the redness and inflammation. I thought he was just being fussy when he'd go off his food after a few days. I feel like such a retard. The pet insurance I have for him does cover dental diseases but I really hope they can cover it in general as it's like £845(including the blood tests and aftercare medicine etc). Even if they can't, fuck it, I will put it on my special credit card. I will do anything for this cat, he is so calm and such a cool dude. He's so well behaved and has these great funny big feet too. I feed him great wet food and I even add water to it to make sure his kidneys are alright. I really hope he lives a while longer so that he can be well and truly spoiled by us. I just want him to be happy and to be eating normally again, I hope that getting his teeth cleaned properly will make him a lot happier.
Does anyone have experiences with cats who have undergone dental cleans/extractions? It's my first time owning a cat and I have no idea what to look out for once they've been through it. I guess they would be a little sleepy after the anaesthesia but I don't know much else.
No. 1505863
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>>1505769My girl is middle-aged and she had to get some dental work done. After I found her as a semi-feral stray in the local park, I took her to the vet and they found that many of her teeth had severe and painful decay.
On top of that, most of the teeth at the front of her mouth were either broken or completely missing. The vet suspected that she may have been dropped from a car or endured some similar trauma due to how many of her front teeth were chipped away or gone. Of course, many of her teeth had to be surgically removed.
After the surgery, she was extremely uncoordinated and had trouble navigating the house. This is a picture of her being groggy immediately after we arrived home. I would recommend blocking off all staircases. Also, try to keep an eye on your little buddy because he may try to jump up on furniture or other high places when he does not have the coordination to safely do so.
It only took about a day and my girl was completely back to herself again. Weeks after the surgery, she became noticeably happier and far more open to love and affection. I can't imagine how excruciating it must be to live with such awful dental pain. Thank you for taking care of a senior feline and I wish you two the best!
No. 1507218
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>>1507173pretty much every cat I've ever had follows the same pattern of being super cuddly and wanting to climb all over me when they're a baby, they get a little bit more independent in adolescence/wanting to explore and do things on their own and cuddle on their own time, and then once they're a senior cat they're mega snuggly again. so even if he does I bet he'll come back around or maybe just stay affectionate the whole time. It's super cute. I'm currently enjoying the twilight years with my own cuddle cat, her favorite thing is to just lay on me and put her face in my elbow so she can nap with her eyes covered. I love her so much.
No. 1508382
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When cats sleep like this it's one of nature's wonders. Perfect fur circles.
No. 1509969
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Please help nonnies, I've very stupidly ran out of cat food, but I have some really nice steak. Will my cat get sick if I give him steak instead of tinned wet food for one day? I absolutely can and will get more cat food if it is necessary but I'm sick, a retard, and it will be a $30 trip so if the steak is fine I would rather do that. I would plan on cooking the steak like normal and cutting it up into tiny pieces for him.
No. 1509988
This is twice now my kitten (I'm
>>1507173, and thanks
>>1507218 for the reassurance!) has woken me up from an anxiety-inducing nightmare just by carefully pat my face and conveniently demand hugs, he is a cuddlebug but he doesn't always want to be hugged when I lie down next to him. Might just be perfect timing, but I want to believe he did it because he got worried.
No. 1510960
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i come home during my lunch break to say hi to kitty and do chores so i can relax after work. porkchop always tries to help in useful ways like fighting the dryer balls, laying in the (cold) laundry, and skidding through the sweep piles. thank u kitty
No. 1511317
>>1493877 anon again, my cat has recently developed two new tactics to wake me up at fuck you o' clock.
- Poking my face and not settling down until he gets to be the little spoon and falls asleep.
- Licking my entire fucking face, including ears. I don't know yet if it's supposed to be a grooming session, he's attracted to the salt on my skin, or if it's just a taste taste as a thinly veiled threat if I don't get up and feed him soon.
No. 1519276
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>stray cat has kittens on my shed
>its a very big shed and they hid behind all the garbage to where i cant reach them
>they are all obviously very scared of the big meaty monster and run away and hiss when they see me
what do? my goal is to get them castrated and give them up for adoption, but i cannot reach them. I got them cat food and i have been giving them food and water. sorry for reposting again, i just dont know what to do.
No. 1519296
>>1519283this site has useful tips on how to catch cats, it's more geared towards ferals but useful nonetheless you can you start feeding them on a schedule and make it known you are coming and going. you can make friendly noises and toss treats to them, associate yourself with positive things, and they might start approaching you. if you are able to befriend momma at all it could help. kittens don't have good luck being socialized after 2 months of age, so if they are older than that still get them castrated but they might not do well as pets. depends on the cats though and patience of the humans involved.
No. 1519300
>>1519288>>1519290>>1519287thank you. is there a way to know how old the kittens are by looking at them? Gonna keep sitting and staring at them, even if the mosquitoes kill me in the process
>>1519296thank you very helpful
No. 1519388
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>>1519300Yes if you have a good eye for it. Here's an infographic I found on (more info and pictures at the linked page)
No. 1519947
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very ferocious lions
No. 1519952
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>>1519388thank you, i think they are five weeks? at what age does the mom let them fend for themselves? she's still with them
>>1519817they arent feral, the mom is a stray and so is the dad. I actually know the dad because i used to feed him, now i regret not get him castrated. I feel like this is the start of a stray cat infestation in my neighbourhood if i dont do something about it, and it's driving me crazy to think about those poor kittens and their mom.
No. 1520527
>>1520503I'm sure he doesn't like it since he's a cat but you're not hurting him. make sure he has food and water and a bed.
if I was pooping all over the place I would lock myself in the bathroom until it cleared up to be honest. what else are you gonna do.
No. 1520544
>>1519952the mom stops nursing them after about 10 weeks and they'll stay together a while after that learning how to hunt and stuff. I've seen kittens nurse longer if the mom tolerates it but it really depends on her. if they're going to be indoor pets they can definitely be taken from the mother after 12 weeks (some people say you can take them as young as 6-8 weeks but that's crazy to me). if they're going to be outdoor cats or barn cats they could stay with her a few weeks longer to learn more from her but if you let them get too big they'll be harder to catch.
somewhere around that time (12+ weeks) is the important point at which you'd have to capture them by force if you've had no luck befriending them. better than them slipping out of your grasp and breeding like crazy later. if the mother feels threatened she might move her nest before you can catch them which is a concern but hopefully she won't (just don't do anything really scary around her when you visit for feedings). hopefully you can catch the mother too and get her spayed as well, otherwise she'll have a new litter 2-3 times per year.
get the kittens spayed / neutered before they're six months old or they will start breeding. they should be in a safe, clean (preferably indoor) environment for a couple weeks after the procedures so they can recover fully, plus for the girls you want to make sure the incision doesn't open up or become infected. (sorry if I'm telling you anything you already know here)
No. 1520551
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No. 1520571
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how do you do fellow cats and kittens
No. 1520579
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i can't put my paw on it, but something ain't right
No. 1520585
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investigation underway
No. 1520587
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No. 1520603
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>>1520579That cat is probably in severe pain. NOT FUNNAY
No. 1523736
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No. 1524835
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No. 1524836
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No. 1524837
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No. 1524838
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No. 1524839
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No. 1524840
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No. 1524841
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No. 1524842
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No. 1524843
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No. 1524872
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No. 1551941
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No. 1553415
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cats are so cute they literally go ":3"
no ban pls
No. 1553434
>>1553432Cat is the best state of matter
Literally no better form it can take
No. 1553655
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>>1553430a mammal that vibrates and has a built-in bread kneader. We may just live in the best timeline.
No. 1553742
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No. 1556377
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I'm in a bad mood, share silly pictures of your cats nonnies
No. 1556380
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>>1556377samefag, I'm glad I got rid of that self next to the window
No. 1556433
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nonnas, do your cats ever sniff your shoes? mine goes crazy over them, even sticks her whole face into them. it's so silly. apparently they do it because they like and feel comforted by your scent.
No. 1557079
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>>1557073You are SO jealous you're not this beautiful.
No. 1557103
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Don't h8 her cause you ain't her.
No. 1557104
>>1557103I can only ever aspire to be as beautiful, gracile, and non-taxpaying
Truly a blessed existence
No. 1557913
>>1557081Yeah domestic-wild cat hybrids like Savannahs and Bengals and Chausies are all known for urine marking even after they get fixed.
>>1557409 for regular cats it’s mostly males but even some regular non hybrid female cats continue to spray after being spayed. For hybrids, especially the generations with more wild cat blood like up to F4 or F5 both sexes are very likely to spray even when fixed.
No. 1558793
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This is the first picture of my cat, my mom took it at the rescue center before adopting him. I can't stop looking at it, he is just so cute here, you can already see his little curious personality. I only got him two weeks later so he was already a bit bigger, I would kill to see what he looked like as a baby.
No. 1558851
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Picrel is my chubbily wummy tummy man with the stinkiest poops in the whole wide world. I feel so lucky to have him. He’s an expert level cat to take care of though, that’s for sure, most people wouldn’t be able to handle a cat this wild. Thankfully he’s also extremely sweet over half the time. I love my big bad boy. Also for the record he is not overweight, he’s a very large fluffy cat and is considered a healthy weight for his build, I asked the vet cause I was concerned he might be too fat. He gets carefully measured portion sizes to maintain his weight.
nonny he’s so precious.
No. 1559026
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bump dont scroll
No. 1559032
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>>1559026Cp spam dont scroll
No. 1559047
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No. 1559057
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>>1559039Thank you
nonnie! I will give him a kiss and a face massage. He loves his sinuses massaged and will open his mouth a little a close his eyes and do his real sweet breathy purr and make sweet little grunts.
Here’s a pic of him and his chocolate tuxedo adopted brother.
No. 1559136
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>>1558817His name is Nito, he has since reached his adult size and I love him so fucking much, I've posted him a few times already in these threads.
>>1558851Thank you nonna, your cat is adorable too!
No. 1559172
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We have a dinner bell phone alarm for our cats, and they have stopped meowing for food before they hear it. I love how they go apeshit when they hear the alarm and meow from the bottom of their hearts if the food is not in their bowl in 0.001 seconds kek
No. 1559184
>>1559150Does she have a favorite treat? If so, start a training schedule. When your husband is petting with her, come into the living room, don't look at her or acknowledge her, leave the treat where she can clearly see it (middle of the floor), call her, and then leave. Once you have left the room, if she does not investigate by herself within 30 seconds, have your husband slowly get up and draw her attention to the treat. I usually do this by tapping the floor where the treat is and calling her name. If she gets up and eats, have him praise her lavishly. Do this at the same time every day for one week. By this point, she should be getting up and eating the treat as soon as you leave the room.
If she is at this stage, the next step is to to do this again, but instead of leaving the room, sit in the doorway with your back turned. No one should be talking and there shouldn't be any loud music or sounds playing. Remember to not make eye contact when placing the treat. Although cats show trust through slow blinking, you're not at that stage yet and direct eye contact is threatening. Instead, look in her general direction, but not at her.
After she becomes comfortable with eating the treat with you still sitting in the doorway for an entire week, you should then turn around and be looking into the room as she eats. Don't look directly at her, just stare at the walls or look up or play on your phone. Being comfortable means she goes and eats the treat directly (the same way as if your husband were to offer a treat). If she hesitates, or stares at you for long minutes before eating the treat, stay on the step you're at until she's eating the treat directly. Remember, after she eats the treat, you should be leaving the room and allowing her to cool down. If she chooses to leave the room, then you can stay.
After this step, move about 1.5 feet closer each week. Eventually she'll eat the treat from beside you. At this point, without looking at her, you can offer her your hand to smell. If she hisses, don't react. Withdraw your hand slowly and continue to sit. This whole process will go a little faster if you are wearing your husband's dirty shirt so you smell like him when you're doing this. Cats are pretty autistic and hate change, but they're also pretty dumb so if you smell like him, she'll be much more open to your presence.
If you haven't found a treat she loves, have your husband offer different ones. They even sell "cat crack" which a lot of people have success with. You can also use a Feliway plug in to decrease her generalized anxiety and there are even calming prescription foods and probiotics that actually work. And if all else fails, there are rub on anti anxiety medications that your husband can apply to her directly.
No. 1559237
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My grandparents got a male kitten.
But ever since the spring started, he started having a very weird habit and desire to somehow scratch the windows and even go as far as wanting to jump from it (which is not a good thing ofc, they live on 11th floor.)
Question: could he be doing that because he is looking to mate? What can they do about it? Any advice?
I could ask for more details later if needed. Its very weird, as they treat him well and generally he is a nice, loving cat. Thank you for reading nonnas.
No. 1559253
>>1559237If he’s not neutered get him neutered before he starts scent marking inside. Apparently my boy wasn’t neutered when he was first obtained by the rescue, he was fully grown though, and he sprayed all over his foster home until two weeks after he’d gotten castrated. It took a while for all those boy cat hormones to leave him alone. He has never sprayed since I’ve had him.
The only cat I knew who still had testicles but didn’t spray was a really odd, rescued, old old olllld cat my partner and I had for a few years. He had had a kitty vasectomy prior to being abandoned at the shelter we adopted him from (he also arrived at the shelter EXTREMELY obese). Apparently that’s an almost unheard of procedure for a cat to have done. I really wonder wtf his life was like before we adopted him, sometimes my partner and I like to speculate kek. Like was he some ancient old persons cat, and he outlived his person, and the relatives just dumped him at the shelter? So strange. We’d get him shaved for the summertime and the groomers would always shave his nuts and it was so fucking goofy. His pee smelled really strong, but he didn’t have litterbox accidents and didn’t urine mark anywhere. We had to change the litter more frequently with just him than we do with our 3 cats we have now. The boy cats I have now are castrated and their pee doesn’t really smell at all (I’m sure it would stink if they didn’t pee in the box but the old man cats’ pee even smelled in the box and covered and scooped lol)
No. 1559901
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No. 1568568
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I can die happy now, nonnies. My 6 months old kitten leaned his nose against the tip of my nose, closed his eyes and purred really, really softly for a few seconds before he rubbed his chin against mine and then relaxed his head against my shoulder.
No. 1568626
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No. 1568686
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No. 1568689
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No. 1568691
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No. 1568694
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No. 1568696
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No. 1568701
>>15685682/3 of my cats do this to me at least once a day, it never stops being a heartmelting moment. They also lean in to get kisses on the tops of their heads.
>>1568654Get a cat and when she complains about the car gaslight her and say there’s no cat and she must be going senile
No. 1568703
>>1568686>>1568689>>1568696Give your perfect cow kitty a kiss for me,
nonny. What’s her name?
No. 1568722
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>>1568703Alice and she's a menace but I'm obsessed
No. 1578938
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No. 1578942
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No. 1578948
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No. 1578958
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No. 1578971
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No. 1578974
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No. 1578980
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he hungers
No. 1580056
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No. 1584879
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i want to be in a cuddle puddle right now. i'm in pain and just miss having a cat so much
No. 1586025
File: 1684953511194.jpg (1.55 MB, 4096x4096, baby.jpg)

I love my baby so much with her fluffy kitty body and her chirps and songs and purrs. She's like a little mythical creature. She reminds me of a beautiful little fairy in a garden. Long live Poofins
No. 1586028
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>>1586025Bonus Cryptid Poof
No. 1586029
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>>1586025she's so cute thanks for sharing ! this one would make a great reaction pic kek
No. 1586729
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her new favorite toy is a clothes pin
it's basically a mouse
No. 1587810
>>1587780For some reason it seems like nose scratches leave scars on cats. I had a cat that knocked herself while cleaning her face one day and the mark never went away.
>>1587227>>1587229Personally I wouldn’t, some cats really will jump from crazy places. Ask me how I know…
No. 1588142
>>1587224i would be careful and close that window
nonnie. my cat was very skittish and i had to make sure that if anyone else opened the window, i would be there to close it and watch her. it was one of my fears.
No. 1588143
>>1587224i would be careful and close that window
nonnie. my cat was very skittish and i had to make sure that if anyone else opened the window, i would be there to close it and watch her. it was one of my fears.
No. 1589206
>>1587224i would be careful and close that window
nonnie. my cat was very skittish and i had to make sure that if anyone else opened the window, i would be there to close it and watch her. it was one of my fears.
No. 1595140
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Took a nap with my potato
No. 1595146
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He looks regal in this position.
No. 1595445
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My prodigal fuzzbutt. I adore him.
Had to briefly send him to live with my dad until my living situation changed. I missed him so much.
No. 1595453
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not my kitty but hes very cute :3(:3)
No. 1602741
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No. 1606383
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my social media feeds are filled with people putting their pets for adoption because the housing crisis is putting people out of houses and into rooms. I'm so fucking thankful i can afford an appartment by myself, and if something happened my family has space (and care) to take care of my cat for a while.
No. 1606888
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i love her so much. my dad visited the other day and told me she’s weird looking? she’s quite little despite being full grown but that's the only out of the ordinary thing. not little as in skinny obviously, i mean she’s condensed. wish i had a banana for scale.
No. 1610059
>>1606888That was mean of your dad
nonnie, she's so cute!
No. 1611171
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No. 1611173
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upsidedown sneaky boi
No. 1613528
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Any of you anons have experience with wobbly cats? The ones that have cerebellar hypoplasia. I'm thinking of adopting one, it's just the most adorable, but it would be best to get him with a companion and I wonder what second cat would be best. He's very young and I'm worried other kittens his age would be maybe too intense; especially since he's around cats his age at the shelter and doesn't seem to be particularly getting along with any…
No. 1617362
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lap kot
No. 1617720
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A cat cafe posted this and I can’t get over how cute she is
No. 1619311
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>>1617720Oh wow, these white outlines around her eyes! So pretty and unique. Happy to know she was adopted so fast.
My local cat cafe has these two gremlins up for adoption and I just love how unconventional they look, especially the smaller one.
No. 1631155
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I think my cat might be a little depressed… he eats, drinks and uses the litter box as he should. He takes naps next to me with his belly in the air and his body language is mostly normal so he is mostly his usual self except he sleeps more and doesn't seem all that interested in playing, when he is it's usually just in short bursts when I manage to activate him. The only change is that he stayed with my mom for a couple of days, and she lives on the ground floor in a pretty active neighborhood while I live on the 3rd in a pretty calm one so he was probably excited to see so much going on up close and is sad to be back home to his regular windows.
Or maybe he is taking it easy because it's hot and I'm reading too much into it because I desperately want him to be as healthy and happy as possible.
No. 1631903
>>1631839So precious, she deserves all love and attention!
Someone should draw her as Elsie's cat.
No. 1634984
>>1634976Good ideas nonna, but if your cat isn't a plantbiter then i think there's nothing to worry about. I have a lot plnats that have
toxic milk in them and none of my cats tried to eat it or even touch it.
No. 1635045
>>1634976Treating the
toxic plant differently from the others might actually make the cat more interested in it, because they tend to see the things that are kept away from them as more valuable!
No. 1635418
Sage for rabbitfagging but my rabbit died 2 days ago and my cat just kept looking around, then when we buried her she I guess smelled her and went rampant trying to dig into the ground. When I got her off she just sat on the ground for a while and then laid down on the little 'grave'. We had our rabbit long before our cat so she was like an older sister for my cat when she was a kitten as autistic as this sounds. I feel bad I can't tell her in any way, she's just sniffing around the garden and looking around because she doesn't know what's going on. 'Cats don't have feelings' my ass, poor thing. She'll forget but I feel for her, at least she's friendly with the neighborhood cats so she has companionship.
>>1635021This is so sweet, good on you for taking care of her! You have a friend for life nonna. I love the running to the door too, makes a place feel like home.
No. 1640018
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>>1619345 bought a big backseat tube for my cats, it worked great. we had several 8+ hour driving days, I had them loose in this and they slept the whole way, they just wanted to hide under their blankets and sleep. I put a litter pan in there just in case but they never used the litter until we stopped for the night. I moved them from the tube to their individual carriers (with car doors closed for safety) to transport them inside the hotels each night. I offered food and water but they didn't have an appetite in the car; they ate like normal in the hotels. The only modification I made was I clipped the zippers together so the cats couldn't weasel them open (one review said to do that).
No. 1640489
>>1640460Did they tell you tips on how to get her to drink lots of water? The more water she drinks, the less sand she'll have. Although it's not the best for her teeth, I recommend switching to wet food. You can counteract the increased dental calculus from a wet diet with a daily dental treat like Greenies.
Cats love to think they're being bad, so some prefer to drink water out of glasses. So if you fill up a glass, pretend to drink out of it in front of your cat, then leave it where she can reach it and walk away, she'll be more inclined to drink it.
You can also get a bowl of fresh water and fresh cat nip, then hold the cat nip underwater and crush it. This mixes in the juices and oils and gives your cat a flavored water that gives her a chill high. Best of luck and I hope she feels better.
No. 1641484
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My cat reached adolescence a while ago, and I'm so sad he's becoming more independent. He's still my baby but I miss when he would fall asleep in my arms… now he doesn't lie down for very long, no matter if it's him coming to me for cuddles or if I'm picking him up. I hope he goes back to being more cuddly when he's a grown up.
No. 1648367
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I just wanted to show y'all this beautiful cat I found on pinterest. Siamese cats are so pretty.
No. 1648803
>Be me>Throw boiling water over foot like a dumbass>Ouch>Sit with foot in water bucket>Cat jumps on lap>Lays down>PurToday
>Wake up stupid early for a sunday>Argh>Turn around>Cat wakes up>Jumps on me>'Morning'>Starts sleeping>I fall asleep too for some more hoursShe's always there for me, I love her.
>>1636351Late reply but thank you nonna. She's okay now, me as well. Still miss her obviously but thats life.
No. 1648863
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>>1648367Lovely pic!!! I’ve never owned one, but seal point cats are so cute! My friend has a seal point ragdoll and she looks like a little toasted marshmallow. She melts my heart every time I see her.
No. 1648912
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>>1648367Aw I used to have a Siamese!! They are so affectionate and clingy. I loved my Siamese so much.I miss his crazy cross eyed ass everyday.
No. 1649020
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I would never let any of those autistic fur balls into my home, they belong into the streets to keep the rodent and bird population in check. People that hold cats as pets are not quite right in the head, especially city people.
No. 1650853
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One of my cats is a little old man and he does little old man things and he's so cute it makes me want to cry. He likes to sleep in this little house under our bed and sometimes when I'm laying in bed I'll hear him make a little sound in his sleep, it's so sweet! I love the way he'll come over and stand next to me and lean his body against my leg. He's the sweetest little old man to ever live and I hope he lives even longer. We are so lucky that he is so healthy and happy.
No. 1650861
>>1650855Please do us a favor and post a pic
No. 1650868
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>>1650853what an adorable image! where did you get it? do you happen to have this other one in such a nice resolution too? maybe a long shot, but oh it's so cute i need it. on another note i am very happy to hear about your healthy peepaw cat, i hope he stays that way for a long time!
No. 1650879
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>Chessie's mate was Peake, who was introduced in the June 1937 issue of Life magazine and was the father of her two kittens, "Nip" and "Tuck". During World War II, the Chessie character was used to promote War Bonds and support for the war effort, depicted as working on the home front to support Peake, who was off to war.
just reading about old railroad cat mascot couples I guess um CHESSIE IS A BABY why is her husband an old man?
No. 1651023
>>1650877you made my day kind
nonnie, thank you so much! i hope you sleep as well as chessie in that drawing every night, forever
No. 1651896
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When my baby girl was a baby.
No. 1651901
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Her brother.
No. 1651935
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>>1651896Here's my baby as tiny baby!!!
No. 1651948
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>>1651935>>1651896here's mine! he's 7 now
No. 1651979
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I have a salty kitten
No. 1651982
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I know it's August but I'm excited for Christmas, this is my kitty feeling festive last year
No. 1651995
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>>1651982What a cutie! My boy in picrel passed away in 2015, but this is one of my fav pics of him
No. 1652010
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I love all the CUTIES in this thread
>>1651949No idea what pops looks like but my baby looks exactly like her mom
No. 1655779
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I'm away for vacations and my brother is sending me exclusive pictures of the cat that he's not sharing in the family group chat, so I'm sharing one with you too my dear nonnas.
No. 1664486
I'm not a cat owner, but ever since I moved to this new neighborhood two years ago, I've had encounters with so many stray cats that are having the chillest life.
Some weeks, every other day that I walk back home or to work, I see one of the three regular stray cats strutting along one of the streets, along the tires of the parked cars for the cautious ones, or just in the middle of the walkway for the more confident ones.
I don't attempt to pet them often, I just feel a respect, a kinship for their independence.
This summer there have been some cat fights in the middle of the night probably because of territory, which wasn't great for my sleep, but hopefully it won't happen any time soon again.
No. 1665000
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Anons, how do you feed your cat? I had a cat looong time ago and with the vet's recommendation I only fed him special dry food for gastrointestinal problems as pretty much everything else would make him sick; now I'm planning to adopt a pair, since a lot of time passed I've decided to update my knowledge and in most places online (meaning facebook groups and so) apparently dry food is a massive no, most of wet food has people accusing others of poisoning their cats and the only thing not frowned upon is BARF (raw meat+suppliments) diet. I wonder if this is just a rabbit hole i fell in or will I really be a bad owner if I don't do this too…
No. 1665086
>>1665081He was a very active kitten, and I enjoyed the breakfast company so up until he was 9 months I would feed him wet food twice a day but then he started to gain a bit of fat so I cut it down to dinner time. But get them used to having kibble out so they can eat whenever they feel hungry, but it also really boils down to their personalities as well; one cat can be pretty chill with food and the other one can be a complete vacuum even if they're raised in the same environment. So I'd say keep an eye on them and their needs, if one or both end up being the hungry types you can get automated bowls that only open at set times.
Also, note on fat on cats: If you don't have a scale, you can check on them by looking at their silhouette from the top (there are some really good guides on google), or by feeling their ribcage - your cat is at a healthy weight if it feels like running your fingers over the tendons on your hand, if you have to push a bit to feel them then you need to cut down on food and snacks.
No. 1665096
>>1665086Good point about personalities, it probably can turn out a little different than what they'll seem like in a cat shelter where they have to live with a lot of other cats, having their own space will change things. I'll probably work from home for a week or two to observe how things are with feeding and all.
And thank you for that weight assesment tip, didn't hear of it before but makes sense!
No. 1665134
>>1665000Anon is cool for feeding her cat grain-free, but also remember it is a newer marketing thing by pet food companies. So don't feel bad if there's no grain-free pet food around, or you can't afford it. The logic is that cats mostly eat animals in the wild, but they do get grains from their prey's digestive systems!
Remember that exercise is the most important part of managing your cat's weight. You can get a puzzle feeder to make them work for their kibbles (also keeps them stimulated). Be sure to play with them on the daily, I hear two 15-minute play sessions a day is good. If you harness train them when they're young, you can hike with your cats. I feed mine twice a day, but I stopped free feeding once the older one got heavy. Kibble in the morning, wet food in the evening works, but if you only feed wet food every couple of days because it is expensive, that's fine. Just make sure to always have a bowl of water out. If you come home and find it empty, leave two bowls out or get a bigger bowl.
If you do have a scale and your bastard cats won't stand on it, weigh yourself, then weigh yourself while holding the cat, subtract your weight from it. People make the mistake of not weighing themselves every time, but your weight fluctuates throughout the day.
I really have to recommend against the raw feeding diet. It isn't strictly safe at all, and your cat can then shed salmonella around the house if feeding a raw chicken diet, for example.
Remember that cats love routine, so be sure to plan when you'll be feeding them in advance, and be ready to get waken up early on the weekends! The automatic feeder suggested by nonna might mitigate that, but some cats still think they have to get you for food kek
No. 1665336
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>>1665000I used to feed my cats whatever whatever wet food they took an interest in (dry food was making them fat) but now I have to feed them a special prescription dry food because one of them developed a food allergy that made him lick himself until he was bald and raw. It's insanely expensive but his hair is silky and nice again so I guess it worked.
No. 1665338
>>1665155Thanks for all the advice! I'm actually thinking about getting a water fountain, apparently it's the best way for cats have water without worry about it being stale/contaminated etc. The idea to weight myself together with a cat is great, sounds much more efficient than trying to persuade it to stand still by itself, i'll definitely use it.
>I really have to recommend against the raw feeding diet. It isn't strictly safe at all, and your cat can then shed salmonella around the house if feeding a raw chicken diet, for example.Yeah this definitely is a big concern when it comes to raw diet, and also it's a bit confusing how it's advertised as the diet closest to cat's natural nutrition, but what feral cat eats beef or pork?
No. 1665345
>>1665340Yeah I'll definitely do my research there, saw plenty of weird ones, thankfully my flat is so simple these wouldn't fit anyway.
>>1665336Yeah, my old cat from the past i've mentioned in original post ate veterinary royal canin too! It seems like royal canin as a brand is considered one of the worst ones but I don't know, maybe the veterinarian type is somehow better, or maybe we're just lucky because that cat of mine was also doing really fine on it.
No. 1665369
>>1665155AYRT, Good addition! Thanks for saying so about the ingredients, I wanted to include that but my post was already kind of long and I didn't want to overwhelm anon kek
Looking at the the top 3-5 ingredients on the back is a good way of making sure it's a more nutritious product. A lot of products will advertise being "all meat and fish", and then the second ingredient will be pea protein or something kek. I usually just make sure the top 3 are good (top 4 in wet food, because one of wet food's top ingredients is always a liquid) and call it a day. You'll also see something called "chicken by-product" or similar, that is technically a step down from straight up meat, but is better than grains or filler.
Please, even if it's cheaper, never feed your cat people food. A relative of mine does that and his cat is so overweight, she can't jump onto stools anymore. Buying the cheapest of (BRAND NAME) kibbles when you're tight on money is better than people food. Which isn't to say you can't share little bits of cat-safe food off your plate with your babies now and then, but don't make it their main diet.
>>1665340Agree. You might also hold off on getting a water fountain until they're settled in (and a little grown if they are kittens) so they don't get overwhelmed and scared of it.
No. 1665377
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>>1665369Samefag but I forgot to add, cats can also develop allergies like
>>1665336 described, but they can also have specific preferences that they will starve themselves over KEK
My cats aren't picky, but my older one did develop a sensitive stomach, and at the time I was living in an area where the only specialty food available (that I could afford because I was not paying for gourmet bullshit) was picrel. His runny shits immediately dried up and he seemed in overall better shape, health-wise. It's not Science Diet or anything, but he eats it more enthusiastically than the other brands, and that's enough to make me happy.
No. 1665400
>>1665000This may sound stupid, because anyone can lie about anything on the internet, but I actually went to school for vet med and then got additional certification in cat nutrition.
A lot of vets suggest dry food because it keeps dental calculus from building on the teeth and because owners are stupid. Seriously gyns, if you are feeding your cat dry food, please make sure you are washing the food and water bowls daily and the storage container after every bag. Storage containers should be air tight, ideally metal or porcelain, and shouldn't let light in. You have no idea how often an owner comes in and is like "My cat has been vomiting after every meal for two weeks" and I find out the oils in the cat food have gone rancid from sitting out but that's all they're feeding, so the cat forces itself to eat bad food. So dry food is really good for the teeth and jaw bone.
But out of prepared diets, I personally like wet food because it's much better for their kidneys, and the vast majority of cats will have kidney issues when they're older. Plus, most cats aren't big drinkers, so them getting water through their food is an added bonus. I really like Royal Canin, and I've had a lot of personal success with Hills Science Diet, but some owners do report a more sensitive stomach (vomiting/diarrhea) with Hills Science Diet so your mileage may vary. When feeding wet, it can only be at room temperature for up to two hours (some organic fish brands only last one hour) and should be thrown out after that. Bowls should be immediately washed after emptied and excess food stored in the fridge. Wet food should always be from a commercial diet unless you are following the instructions of a nutritionist who has seen your pet and knows all of her health issues. Cats are very prone to vitamin and mineral deficiencies so you can't just give them tuna every day (plus the mercury build up in their tissues is
toxic). To counteract dental calculus build up, you could try daily greenie treats. They also make toys that encourage cats to chew and they brush the teeth when they're being chewed on, but my cats went nuts for them for one week and then ignored them ever since.
There's been some discussion within the community about feeding a diet of mice. There's no research but I'm really for it because it seems to have the benefits of both dry and wet. The cat gets all the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, while the varied texture of the organs and bones keeps the teeth clean. The only two downsides is that the possibility of pathogens, and the possibility of choking on a bone. The pathogens is lessened because you're ordered factor raised mice that are frozen before delivery, but there always is a small risk. Then again, there's also always the risk that the pet store left your dry food laying in the sun and so it went rancid so make a personal assessment based on how healthy your cat is.
No. 1665402
>>1665377I usually stay loyal to the local brands, but they were sold out once so I tried this brand and my cat absolutely LOVED it! Seems to be popular with cats.
Also, another note for new cat owners: Don't change the brand too often, depending on the cat they might get a bad stomach from going from brand to brand, it's better to stay loyal to one or two brands (other one as back-up) that you know are good for your kitty. I might be overly caucus though since my friend's cat has a really sensitive stomach.
No. 1665406
>>1665383Kibble alone cannot cause a urinary tract blockage. Male cats have a much higher risk of urinary tract blockage than female cats. He wasn't drinking enough water, to be sure. Did you say you and your neighbors fed him kibble? As in, he was an outside cat?
>>1665400Wow, I'm not feeding my cats mice, thanks. I'm also not taking anything else you're saying to heart because you are advocating for a mouse-based diet while saying there is no research, so I don't trust your judgement or credentials.
No. 1665428
>>1665402Ayrt, my cat actually didn't used to care for Purina at all about 6-10 years ago, so they must have changed something! I know people like to speculate that "junk" is being put into popular food so that's why the cats like it. But as long as my guys are healthy, the food isn't shit, and they enjoy it, I'm good.
That is a really interesting anecdote about switching food. My family usually bought what was on sale as long as it was a good quality, so we switched foods a lot. He actually grew a lot bigger than his siblings, who were fed cheaper kibble and human food (the lasagna incident haunts me), so it worked out for him. He does have a few other health problems and intense anxiety, so I always attributed his stomach problems to that. We need more information on this!
No. 1665438
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>>1665000dry kibble is fine as long as it's not the cheap $20 walmart brands. this is what i feed my cats! i give them wet food or raw meat (left over from when im cooking) every now and again as a treat but they mainly eat the kibble and they are very healthy. their fur is soft, never mats and they are both in the ideal weight range. never had a health issue in 5 years, the vet actually told me he was extremely impressed with them last time i was there tbh.
No. 1668327
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don't ask me how, why, or where i stumbled upon this dress up game, but i immediately thought of you, anons
No. 1668395
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Had a picrel moment with my cat this morning.
I've hurt my back so I can't reach his water bowls at the moment, so I put his water in a regular bowl on the table as a temporary solution. He spent several minutes dipping one paw into it, take it up, shake off the water, dip it down again, shake it off again, and so on and so forth, switching between paws. Once he had done that with like half of the content he finally decided to drink.
He usually don't care if his water comes from a fountain or his regular angled bowls, so I don't think he's confused about the water being still. I think he's just being a little weirdo again.
No. 1668627
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>>1668603>My cat was standing in this crazy macho pose with his tail fluffed and he was snarling and grunting and clicking his tongue. Made me think of this heh
No. 1668637
>>1665449ntayrt but I just recently got kittens and I bought a water fountain for them, only for them to not use it. I've tried sitting there and splashing it around, putting their paws in it so they know it's water, they do not care lol. The morning after i brought them to my house, I found brother cat drinking water out of a dirty dish in the sink, and while i know cats might prefer that sometimes I tried leaving a bowl of standing water by their food and they both started drinking a ton of it, immediately. Poor babies hadn't had water for like a whole day, I felt so bad.
On a similar note, has anyone had success getting their cats to change litter? I would really like them to use pine pellets 'cause it's way cheaper, but i knew that the pet store had been giving them clay litter so I put clay in one box and pine in another, so they'd still use something they were familiar with. A week in and they have not even touched the pine litter box. I'm scared to try getting rid of the clay because at least they are using a box, and i'd still prefer them use a litter box to pissing and shitting everywhere on the floor.
I love them both so much. Though it's hard to get to sleep at night with them playing so much on my bed, there's nothing better than waking up snuggled up next to cats.
No. 1668672
>>1668645Ok at the very least I know its eyes are fine, it didn’t seem hurt otherwise either but I didn’t get to be too close. It watched me by the fence until I left and then it left, but I left some wet food out there by the window of my work office so I can see it if it takes the bait!
>>1668637I think you should try getting rid of the clay litter. Healthy cats really prefer using a litter if it’s available and will wait all day just to shit in their box if necessary so just trial it for a couple days. I changed my cats litter to different smelling and feeling ones a lot and he never cared.
No. 1676816
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I found a baby in my garrage amongst dust and mess. Mother cat couldn't be seen, the only cat that could maybe be his mom didn't seem pregnant. No shelter wanted him untill one lady who has a dog shelter messagerd me. Thank god for her, my cat absolutely hates any other cats. Either some cat abandoned the kitten there or somebody put it there to get rid of it. There was no den or anything. He is in good hands now.
No. 1676860
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No. 1676918
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I'm upset for the first time ever that I don't have any real online presence, after many tries I FINALLY managed to get a good video of our morning cuddles (he usually gets annoyed by it but he was 100% in the cuddle zone this time) and it's sending so many good vibes more people deserve to see it. I even made a gif of it.
No. 1677659
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>>1677539Went back and forth all morning whether I should or not, but fuck it. I already posted a gif of him a few months ago ITT
No. 1687457
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I wonder if my cats watch me sleep as much as I watch them. Certainly they're awake for a good chunk of the night.
No. 1695592
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It's my cats first birthday soon! What should I get him? He already has a bunch of toys and nice treats, I've been looking at recipes for "cat cakes" so I can really spoil him but I want to give him a nice little gift too!
I know it's silly to celebrate a cat's birthday, but my mental health has increased tenfold since I got him, I'm pretty sure he saved my life and the little darling has no clue.
No. 1695644
>>1695592awww nona this is so cute! I actually just celebrated my cats' birthdays yesterday! They were born a couple days apart so i combine their birthday celebrations kek. I wanted to do a cat cake as well but i ended up just getting a paté and putting treats on top of it like little candles and then covered it all with salmon broth. they loved it and i gave them each a new cat nip toy afterwards!
if youre wanting to get him something other than a little toy maybe you could get him a cozy cat bed or a window perch? or like
>>1695613 said, cat grass is always a huge hit with my cats! happy birthday to the little one!!
No. 1696370
>>1695613>>1695644Sadly, he doesn't like hideouts or cat beds. Last time I got him a hideout he grew tired of it within 48 hours lmao, he prefers to lie on my bed or on the fireplace mantel, or spreading out at random places on the floor. But I'll look into cat grass!
Speaking of goodies for your cat, has anyone made catnip tea? Is it just like making a regular cup of tea? I have a constant battle with him over my cups so maybe he'd be happy if he got his own little one.
No. 1709681
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>>1707407samefag, kitty picture for advice. he's also a grazer, a really small amount goes into his bowl automatically 4 times a day (it plays audio of my voice and i think that helps him for when we're gone/working.) so i'm also not sure with the wet food if i should do some in the morning, and then some at night so we can hopefully get him to sleep? we're going to be in hotels for 8-9 days and driving 8-14 hours a day so actually being able to sleep is going to be really important. i have a 24 pack of sheba pate duos so 48 servings. i'm going to ask the vet if i should feet him a bit more while we're on the road since he's going to be super stressed.
last thing, does anyone have any recs for anti anxiety that works? again will ask my vet (he needs to get paperwork before we leave so we can get through customs) and she might give us prescription cat stuff. but any recs/experiences are helpful, thank you! i've never had to drive far with a cat. dogs are a lot easier lol
No. 1709861
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I want a black cat so bad. My ex took both my cats so now I'm looking for a new one to keep me company.
No. 1711603
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this poem had me ugly crying today and now i keep thinking about it and getting sad.
No. 1720569
File: 1696831331811.png (1.4 MB, 1145x1832, Clipped_image_20231009_020041.…)

>don't see my cat for 2 years because I went to university
>go back
>she is warm to me, meows and purrs whenever she sees me, tries to sit near me
>only treats me like this
she remembers
pic related
No. 1720617
File: 1696832868031.jpg (108.3 KB, 1284x2282, IMG_20230604_152132_875.jpg)

I went from finding cats unsettling to loving them, all thanks to a super sweet boy who opened my heart to them. We now use kitten pics instead of emojis when texting, literally us. meow meow retards
No. 1725290
File: 1697223259863.jpg (38.85 KB, 474x510, cat-pondering.jpg)

Trying to figure out whether I was always a cat person and just didn't realize it until I got one, or if I turned into one when I got one of my own. Because I went from liking cats to being absolutely obsessed.
No. 1727649
File: 1697392320906.jpg (50.42 KB, 1599x900, Cute_cat_sleeping_with_a_toy_1…)

i like pictures of real cats holding toy cats
No. 1733801
She sleeps on my face sometimes but right now she's holding my legs hostage, I love her
>>1733510Kek my old cat always did this, he would lay his head on the metal corner on the chair and look like he was in heaven.
No. 1734006
>>1733811sleepin' on the top of bidet
watching the tide roll away
No. 1743003
File: 1698583822854.jpeg (3.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6320.jpeg)

My handsome old man is my faithful bathroom companion! I can’t get up tho now and must sit here on the toilet until he is ready to venture out kek
No. 1750117
File: 1699036816818.jpg (491.14 KB, 3072x4080, my bby.jpg)

I love my little freak cat so much
>when guests come over and take off their shoes he has to thoroughly sniff every pair
>only drinks water from a cup
>likes to go outside (I have a small enclosed patio, he doesn't free roam) and roll around on the concrete
>will sit and watch tv with me, if it's a nature documentary with little creatures he will try to catch them
>oddly picky eater- doesn't eat scraps of meat but goes insane for pumpkin and yams
>likes to "dig" under fabric. If I'm wearing an oversized hoodie he will crawl in through the bottom and stick his little head out the top hole. He also has to be under the covers at night and will destroy piles of folded laundry trying to get under them kek
also despite being mostly gray his little toe pads are pink and the cutest thing ever
No. 1750212
>>1743003beautiful, wonderful
One of my cats is also a lap cat, I love how gentle and careful he is when stepping or laying. He never scratches me
>>1743038Cats can get colds but both human and cat colds are caused by viruses, not just the state of being cool. The reason why colds are more common when it's colder is because your immune system is weaker at low temperatures and thus can't fight off the viruses as well.
Sitting in front of AC to cool down during a warm day shouldn't cause a cold, usually the problem with spending a lot of time close to the AC is that there's dust and bacteria being ejected so you can feel icky if you're inhaling it constantly. If you keep your ducts clean and have good ventilation, it's nothing to worry about
No. 1750777
File: 1699066804045.png (7.17 MB, 2858x1601, 74ACDCA0-76C6-4B0A-BFD1-1CA4D1…)

My kitten is eeping and I took a pic of her and now she is transparent too
No. 1751270
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Hello anons.
I was recently screwed over by a really shitty moid who was the final straw in me deciding that I no longer want to associate with moids, I want to fully embrace cat lady life.
My problem is that, though I have a strong affinity to these beautiful majestic animals, I have never owned a single one in my entire life and need all the help and advice I can get on adopting one. What can I do to prepare for a pet cat of my own?
No. 1751635
>>1751270Kittens are precious but also a lot of work, especially if you have no experience with cats. Adult shelter cats are nice because you can see their personality before buying. Try to match a cat to your lifestyle, like if you work long hours you'll need a cat that's more independent or a bonded pair that can keep each other company.
Also Jackson Galaxy is really good for learning cat behavior/body language. He shills his expensive hippy products a lot but just ignore that.
No. 1751712
>>1751270- Get museum putty, it's made to keep items in place during earthquakes so it will be your best friend if your cat happens to have an affinity towards pushing items.
- Get clumping cat litter, will make it much easier to clean the box.
- If you are a plant mom, check which ones are poisonous to cats and put them either on a high shelf or a room the cat isn't allowed into at the start if you don't decide to just get rid of them.
- Once the cat is a bit older (if you get a kitten) you can slowly introduce plants with the non-poisonous first with supervision and give them treats whenever they are just chilling out around the plant without paying it much attention. But still keep the more dangerous plants in places they can't reach if you still want to keep them (I keep mine on either piedestals, top of bookshelves and in plant hangers), and perhaps put them away if you are going out.
No. 1755710
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No. 1757437
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Obsessed with my cats multicolored beans
I had no idea it was a thing kek
No. 1757672
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Here's my kitty Theodore Katzynski
No. 1757677
File: 1699364968036.jpeg (1.8 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0078.jpeg)

I just had a nice chat with my aunt’s cat. She’s incredibly talkative and will meow back and forth with you. She will often look for a room with people in it, walk in, start meowing and then leave, like she wanted to talk about her day. God forbid you try to pet her though. I love her so much. Pic related
No. 1758968
>>1757825if it makes you feel any better i've done that before too
nonnie kek, mine is a heavy sleeper and it used to scare the shit out of me
No. 1764911
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>>1757825One of my cats always DEEP sleeps, you can go right up to his face and talk to him and he's totally oblivious, he is like a corpse. He usually sleeps on his back too, completely limp. I think it's in his genes because he's a ragdoll mix. Picrel
No. 1769319
File: 1699862087348.gif (9.26 MB, 498x498, kocheng-walscout.gif)

My cat had a bit of a bad stomach, so I was told by a vet to feed him boiled cod and liquid replacement for roughly a week and then slowly reintroduce his regular wet food. Been a week now so I visited the pet store I told one in the staff about the current situation and asked for something that is nice to the stomach after this type of treatment, and the girl knew exactly which brand through her own experience. This morning he finally pooped normally, except it was on the floor… he's never done that, his litterbox was cleaned last night too. I think it might be in protest over that I kept checking his litterbox and digging around in it to keep myself "updated" since this happened soon after I had checked it a couple of minutes after he peed (I was in my bedroom when I heard he was in the litterbox so I couldn't tell what number he was doing). Luckily I'm studying from home today so I can keep an eye on him, here's to hoping it's just a one-time thing… he's his usual self and healthy otherwise, we have played around and cuddled, his tail is straight up and his ears pointing up and forward, his eyes energic.
No. 1789148
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I’ve never thought I’d say it, but this cat is so beautiful. Maybe it’s just the cinematography, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a well photographed cat. Like seeing this cat Uni, literally makes my day so much better.
No. 1793222
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No. 1793224
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No. 1793225
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Another Uni
No. 1794026
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>>963130>>972629>>972681>>978127We had to say goodbye last night. He was 19 years old. He developed hyperthyroidism and the disease progressed very rapidly, in just a few weeks after his first symptoms we had to let him go to avoid him suffering. He was everything I always dreamed about for a companion. When I was a little girl we had an orange tabby named Ginger and he was the sweetest boy, but I was only 5 when he passed away so I didn't get to spend much time with him. Since then I always wanted to meet a cat just like him, a orange tabby with a heart of gold, and that's what Tom was. He made all of my kitty dreams come true. He was the best snuggler. He would lay right on my chest and purr all night, lay his head next to mine, give gentle kisses and face boops. He was very silly and playful, he loved to be outside on the leash, sitting in my lap on lazy days while playing video games, obsessed with his catnip fishy, and a very good older brother. He would do the blep a lot, and his favorite sleeping position was face planting, I want to make a whole collage just of his face plants kek. He was tough and knew how to stand up for himself, when he still went outside by himself he got into a few tussles and ended up with a funny eye but it just added to his charm and character. I've never met such an affectionate kitty, and to get the opportunity to be his mom was one of the best things to ever happen to me. He truly made wishes come true just by being his sweet self. He was the epitome of ginger cats, except without the "head empty" stereotype people are always giving to them, he was
extremely smart and learned many tricks. Our last days together were spent with his signature snuggles, wrapping his little arms around me, his sweet smile. He was very thin and weak at the end, compared to how fluffy and strong he used to be, it was hard to watch him deteriorate like that. We knew if we didn't make the hardest decision, the risk of organ failure could happen any day, we couldn't take the chance of him being in any pain. We spent the entire day together before saying goodbye late in the evening. I keep replaying those last moments in my head over and over, it seems like there was never going to be enough time to say goodbye. I can't stand that he isn't here. I love you forever Tommy. My heart is broken.
No. 1794037
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>>1794026Rest in peace, angel.
No. 1804548
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I’m home from uni for Christmas break and I’m so happy to be with my cat. I’m a bit attached to her because she was a comfort to me through extremely lonely periods of my life. I’m pretty lonely too right now and not having her with me at school makes it worse. But I can tell she missed me back because she follows me everywhere kek
No. 1806905
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this is the prettiest cat I've ever seen.
No. 1813230
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do any other nonnas give their cats presents for christmas? mine are getting new toys and scratch pads loaded with catnip.
No. 1813303
File: 1702647632348.jpg (2.77 MB, 2160x3840, Snapchat-1306421621.jpg)

>>1813230I made a fake fireplace for them and I'm going to get stockingd to hang on it.
They don't like catnip so I think we will get some special fish snacks and special can food and put their normal toys in there. We recently bought more of the cardboard scratching things and they love that.
No. 1813353
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>>1813303The fake fire is so cute. You are so creative,
No. 1814095
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>>1813230Every year we got him one of those silly cat hats. He passed away in January so this year looking at the hats in stores was sad.
No. 1814106
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No. 1814861
>>1814077have you tried playing with a laser? that's a common way for cats to get exercise
>>1813230i'm sorry for your loss nonna
No. 1817978
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Which cat color or breed are your favorites nonas? Mine are black cats since they're cute shadow beasts, and orange ones, hade a sweet orange man once.
No. 1817988
>>1817978My favorite are calicos (bonus: with stripes), my first cat is one and she is so beautiful. I also like that they're almost exclusively female!
I also have ragdoll cats and they're very sweet and funny
No. 1818011
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>>1817987I’m not sure if she was a generic mixed breed or a ragdoll, but she had the greatest cranky old lady meow and just wanted to sit inside and look out the windows.
No. 1831444
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finally, a religion I can get behind
No. 1834562
>>1831451I have a brown British shorthair
nonnie! His name is Bear
No. 1834629
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>>1834562Nta, I remember him. I love British shorthairs and their fat faces, please post him again.
No. 1834685
File: 1703976830205.jpg (3.75 MB, 3456x2434, IMG_3918.jpg)

>>1834629Oh my goodness! You remember my baby? That is so cute! Here he is after a little snooze!
No. 1834692
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I swear black cats have smooth brains
No. 1834740
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>>1817978i looove black cats. grey ones too but the black ones are the best
No. 1834828
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What is more important: weight or body score? I took my DSH cat to the vet and she was super pissed so they couldn't get a good look at her and had to weigh her wrapped in a towel. She weighs 13lbs and they told me she shouldn't weigh more than 10. I'm not trying to cope but I genuinely believe she is just a large-built cat. She isn't any specific breed, she's just a true random short-haired tuxedo cat. She isn't particularly food motivated and I make sure to never feed her more than a half cup of kibble a day, although she rarely finishes a whole meal she is probably eating closer to a 1/3 cup. I follow the feeding guide on her kibbles as well. I would put her at a body score of 5. I asked other people what they would give her and they all put her between a 4-6.
No. 1844664
File: 1704768976684.png (675.2 KB, 991x681, whyismycatsosmall.png)

>>1834828late but different cats do have different builds, it is possible that yours is genuinely big boned. One of my cats is very genetically large and you can easily see and feel that non-fatty areas like the skull and paws are significantly bigger by default compared to other cats, especially if they are near each other you'll notice a height difference. This cat is probably like 17-20lbs, but it's mostly thick bones and dense muscle.
picrel not mine but I found it amusing
No. 1845128
File: 1704800073535.jpg (4.67 MB, 4624x3468, 1000012325.jpg)

Been a long time since I posted a pic of my cat here, he says hi to everybody in this thread and their cats.
No. 1845483
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good morning cat nonas ♥ where’s your cats favourite place to loaf?
No. 1845491
>>1845483My bed, my knee or the stove mantel (I think it's called in english?)
>>1845211I feel you, luckily my cat has given up the cuddle struggle and just relaxes when I pick him up kek
No. 1845740
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>>1845685back of the couch as in the edge? One of my cats loves being there and on the armrests, she rarely sits normally on the actual seat part. It isn't pressed up against a wall so she has room to completely splay out and just hang there on her belly.
No. 1845793
>>1845740kekkkk yes exactly like that! I have my couch moved slightly away from the wall for that reason.
>>1845685I throw my decorative throw blankets in the fave spots as well. Just kind of migrated naturally to those spots anyways
No. 1846513
>>1845740Love this drawing so much.
Love my cats so much. Even though my fat cat keeps gaining weight and my skinny cat refuses to…
No. 1853751
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nonnies, i'm moving into a new apartment next month and i thought i could finally get a cat again. my last one died like ten years ago and i never got another one because i moved for grad school, got a job and moved again, etc. but my new apartment doesn't even have a balcony so it feels wrong to adopt a cat when she can't even go outside on the balcony. it makes me so sad that i'll have to wait at least another year to adopt a cat.
No. 1853770
>>1853758i live in europe and most people are retarded in the CATS MUST GO OUTSIDE!!! way, so having a balcony is the bare minimum expected from prospective cat adopters. it also doesn't help that i have a 1-room-apartment - thankfully not a studio. it's a big living/bedroom with a separate kitchen/dining room, hallway and a bathroom.
i'm just really worried that my prospective cat will be unhappy… i also work full time so i want to get at least two of them, if at all possible.
No. 1861824
File: 1705729091104.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x984, IMG_6891.jpeg)

saw this new cutie roaming the neighborhood today
wish i'd captured a better pic
No. 1861831
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>>1853770a bit expensive, but have you considered a ragdoll? Mine are soooo lazy and quite happy to be housecats, especially with each other to play with. They're super friendly and just like to cuddle and snooze all day, here's my boy at 8 months, he's a huge chonk monster
No. 1861850
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>>1861836They're so nice, I want a bigger house just to have more ragdolls. So innocent and dumb and happy, I've always been more of a dog person until I got ragdolls and now I'm converted
No. 1869436
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>>1817978I adore Siamese cats. I had one and he was the sweetest and clingiest cat I've ever met. I miss him everyday. I'd love to have a black cat though, they are so cute.
No. 1872678
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No. 1873713
File: 1706775189450.jpg (65.57 KB, 824x618, 141030105539-teenie-irpt.jpg)

I've always dreamed of having a black cat, but both the moids in my family are allergic to cats(and dogs) and I still can't move out yet. At least when I visit relatives I get to play with their cats. I have a part-time thing but I wish an employer would call me back already.. I'm happy just staring at cute content though.
No. 1875606
File: 1706919869578.jpeg (407.6 KB, 1170x715, IMG_8099.jpeg)

Anyone seen those memes of the cats eating at the automatic feeder machines ? They’re so cute. I love how cats are like little aliens, they’re so weird it’s endearing.
No. 1877017
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>>1875606Kek I love them especially this one
No. 1883805
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She is so strange looking but she says hi!
No. 1883832
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>>1883823swinging in her little kitty hammock, gave her some pets for u and she gave a kiss back
No. 1895875
File: 1708495132223.gif (3.71 MB, 576x448, IMG_0224.gif)

Despite having a bounty put on his head by zoosadist moids, I’m happy to report that Mr Fresh is getting veterinary treatment for an eye infection, and he’s in the process of being adopted! I hate when moids ruin happy things but Mr Fresh will have a nice home where he’s loved, and gets fresh food every single day
No. 1895876
what-sadists? Bounty? This was so upsetting to read on a cat love thread. What is this about? I CTRL+F’d and saw nothing terrible related to Mr. fresh. Is the kitty safe?
No. 1896046
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>>1895876seriously, i'm glad mr. fresh is doing well but i come to this thread to see posts by other cat obsessed nonnas not to be reminded that sadistic moids exist. that's more fitting for the the news stories that fuck with you thread
No. 1896944
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No. 1896948
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No. 1896950
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One of my favorite reaction images
No. 1896951
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No. 1903692
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My cat is snoring in such a cute way right now, it's like a sad long squeek.
No. 1904777
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When I wake up in the morning my two sister kittens will come lay side by side in front of my face for pets. It’s the sweetest thing. Just two little girlies, ready for their morning cuddles
No. 1905403
>>1877519my cats do something similar, they only drink from cups. ive tried 2 different types of water fountains and they wont drink from them unless they see me dump water from a cup into the fountain and then theyll drink it right away. i ended up just buying them their own cup and leave it beside the fountain and they drink from that kek. its annoying though because my one cat moves the cup around when he drinks and so it ends up in the middle of the room and i end up kicking it when i walk by.
one of them is also obsessed with drinking bath water. if i close the shower door he'll meow at it until it's opened and he can hop in, and if i'm in the bath he'll always come over and drink the bath water while im in it, i push him away but he just comes right back over every time
No. 1906747
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>>1906740I fucking love calicos nona! I miss my sweet baby so much and think about her all the time
No. 1906759
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>>1906755She was. Gena was my favorite cat I've ever had. My little snugglebug would sleep above my head and watch over me. Died a few years ago but she's always in my heart. When I'm able to afford a kitty again, it'll be another calico or tortie. They're the best
No. 1909831
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I took a pic of my cat and holy shit she looks like she posed specifically for the camera and I can't get over it
No. 1909841
>>1909833Jealously is a disease bitch, get well soon!
No. 1917488
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>>1917078beautifully written nonna. i can't imagine a life without having fluffy little spergs beside me. it would be so empty and meaningless. i get more satisfaction from just watching television with my cats than i do from most human interaction i've experienced. i realize a lot of people find that strange but i really don't care.
No. 1917729
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>>1904039picrel remined me of your post nonna.
No. 1919968
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Good evening
No. 1927093
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I wish just once I could experience sleep as a cat experiences it. Probably the best sleep ever.
No. 1927234
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my beautiful baby
No. 1927604
One of my cats is just so stupid. He’s beautiful and unique looking but dumb as a rock. There’s nothing going on behind his eyes. He still acts a bit like a kitten despite being 3 years old, he takes big steps like kittens do and almost always has his tail straight up in the air, he’s a happy young man, truly a walking advertisement for ignorance being bliss. I wish he liked me more, one of the few cats I’ve had that would be happier without me around kek, he wouldn’t miss me at all if I died.
>>1927234What a beautiful princess, love her multicolored toe beans!
No. 1927915
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Every cat nonny needs to see this
No. 1928210
>>1927435I literally will. <3
>>1927604>>1927630Thank you nonas! She will be very flattered by all the compliments.
No. 1930964
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Cats are the real Martians, they have adapted to using humans and realize we are too useless to do anything worthwhile
No. 1932195
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>>1931404thank you nonna, for my own peace of mind i choose to believe that you are correct
No. 1938247
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No. 1938692
>>1938247Those are such beautiful cars
>>1938308Anons might've meant combined but just forgot the d haha
No. 1939329
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God he is so cute.
No. 1939394
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During breakfast my kitty climbs up on my chair and he jumps down to the chair next to me and watches me eat. When I sit down I can see him running to the table and it's so cute; sometimes I do give him a little egg white or yolk (not seasoned ofc.) When he was a baby he would just hang out on the top of the chair and have his head next to mine, but I think he's gotten too big for that. Sort of like pic rel but on a regular kitchen chair
No. 1939474
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>>1939329i loooove black cats (not my pic). yours is so cute
No. 1943357
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No. 1943376
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>>1939329My dream is to own a black kitty cat, I can't currently keep a pet but hopefully in the future. They're so mystical and silly at the same time.
No. 1945103
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My cat is what I call "face happy" in my language. He loves sniffing and cuddling people's faces, and if you open your mouth a bit too much when he's close he'll give you a free tooth inspection.
Now he got into a new habit of sniffing your nose, and what I mean by that is that he sticks HIS ENTIRE FUCKING NOSE INTO YOUR NOSTRIL! WHY?! WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?!
If you wonder what it feels like - it's cold, uncomfortable and very confusing.
No. 1948478
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>>1948282nonna…how did your cat get a taste for earwax….
No. 1950480
>>1950418i've only ever had family cat sit for me but i usually ask for them to check on the cats once a day to make sure they have food/water/litter/etc. i also offer for them to hang out for a bit, like show them how to work the tv and leave some chips or popcorn or something so they can watch a movie. i dont expect them to sit in my house for hours every day but maybe once or twice while im away just to give the cats some company.
i think taking the cat to a strangers house would be more stressful for them than leaving them at home for a few days. just make sure he has lots of toys and cozy spots to sleep, maybe leave some blinds open a bit so he can look outside
No. 1950542
>>1950418I haven't used a sitter but I've left my cat at home for a few nights. I set up cameras to watch him, I have a timed kibble dispenser and a water fountain, and an extra litter box. I leave the toys that he can safely play with alone out for him, like his plastic bell, but nothing that he could choke on or get tangled in. I set the thermostat to my usual temperature so he doesn't get too cold or hot. I've only left him alone like this for 4 days and 3 nights, but he's been absolutely fine for that time.
If you have a cat sitter I really recommend the cameras. You can get someone to check in on your kitty every 2 or 3 days if you're worried about the cost and your cat seems happy.
No. 1959015
>>1952077how's your kitty nona?
>>1958827>>1723731He's a baby, I wish him many many years of happiness with you
No. 1960063
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Thinking about brother calm…
I love this Chinese food cam where they show all these cats. They’re all so meme-able
No. 1960355
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>>1959186hehe my cat likes human food too, but she always did since i adopted her. She always sits next to my plate and starest at me, sometimes she touches the food. Her latest new favorite food is scambled eggs and fried bacon. Her weirdest favorite food is picrel, she'd kill for it. It's like a hard yolk and sugar pastry. People who say cats can't taste sweet flavor are liars, most cats love sugar.
No. 1960718
>>1959015He’s fine. The vet told me if he’s acting normal he’s probably ok, but I pushed to bring him him and have her feel his spine. She didn’t see anything wrong. His harness stops at whatever a cats clavicle is called so after I calmed down I was more worried about his spine than any strangulation issues. I’m still paranoid tbh and he’s mad because we can’t go out anymore… his harness is still stuck way up in the tree
>>1959186My cat does this when I can’t play with him enough. It becomes a game to sneak as quickly as possible and he even tries to eat stuff I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even like kek
No. 1960959
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>>1959186Mine likes eating our food when our back is turned, either tasting the food getting prepared or licking the scraps in the plates, here he is trying to steal some mozzarella.
No. 1964689
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Good news for cat lovers: cats now could potentially live up to 30 years of age thanks to medicine that helps with kidney diseases. Click to watch
No. 1964930
>>1964689Beautiful news, I hope it'll be available soon.
My cat woke me up by licking my foot today and she woke me from a dream about my previous cat. She was also a tabby and she had round ears. Sweet chubby cat, we nicknamed her "box" because in the winter she was a whole square box of fat and hair.
No. 1975610
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Does anyone else go through the “I don’t really want a cat” to “this is my baby, my sunshine, my world” pipeline?
No. 1975746
>>1975610Your picrel brought a gigantic smile to my face. What a precious pretty girl.
>>1959186Whenever I accidentally leave out a plate of Doritos/Fritos/Cheetos, I start hearing cruchches from my girl. I don't know what addictive chemicals Frito-Lay pumps into their chips, but apparently they work on cats as well as humans.
No. 1976509
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>>1975746This womans mom is literally me. My cat was my gfs kitten, and I didn’t really like animals enough to keep one. But now, this cat is my daughter, and my whole world. Gf left, but cat stayed. I love her.
No. 1982141
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I kinda want a giant cat
No. 2003058
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I really love the whisker pads of cats, their little peanuts!
No. 2003067
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>>2003058 I love close up pictures of their snoot!
No. 2003072
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No. 2017629
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Have any you ever considered adopting a disabled kitty?
No. 2049311
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my new smol, I'm starting my own small cattery and I'm excited for her to grow up but I missed having a kitten around so much she's perfect
No. 2049346
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>>2049322Organised cat hoarding, I'm a blossoming crazy cat lady and I started showing my neutered male ragdoll cat in cat shows last year and loved them so much I decided to get into breeding on a small scale and bought these two girls, this is her sister who I'm excited to enter in cat shows. There are rules and regulations with pedigrees rather than it turning into a hoard of 20 cats though.
No. 2049821
>>2049361This type of attitude results in only garbage street cats breeding, where the only ones who breed are the ones who aren't able to be trapped by humans so they're all skittish and unfriendly, and interact badly with other animals.
>>2049346I hope your ragdolls turn out adorable with good personality and conformation.
No. 2059320
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every day I think about how much I love cats and what a perfect type of creature they are for me. I really wish I could adopt even more cats– I won't due to space, money, and time constraints, but they're each so unique and charming it makes it easy to just want to adopt more and more. Maybe I should try out fostering.
No. 2065060
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My friend was staying over for a couple of days, so like a good host I made fresh scones every morning that we would have for breakfast and later for some afternoon tea. There used to be one or two scones left over so I would wrap them up in a towel and put them in my makeshift breadbasket.
A couple of the nights I heard some odd noises from the kitchen and in the morning the bread would be unwrapped and parts of it missing. I would chalk it up to me perhaps forgetting to wrap up the bread before going to bed and it drying out and crumble during the night or my friend getting a bit peckish. But this kept going even after my friend left. A couple of nights later I caught my cat in the act. Turns out my cat, that is usually not a food thief and has never shown much interest in bread before, is apparently just as obsessed with scones as I am and the noises I would hear in the night was him desperately try to unwrap the bread to take a bite or two.
No. 2076147
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Somali cats are so cool they look like foxes
No. 2076173
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And I also need to voice my admiration for calico cats
No. 2076448
>>1438070the wildlife preservation is literally the only
valid gripe they have in that thread, I was upset to find one post about how she wishes her dying cat would kick the bucket already and not beg for human food or make noise when it's got weeks left to live
No. 2076651
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One of the cutest things my cat does is when i come home she runs down the stairs and with every thund she does a short meow. When i lived in my faily house my cat greeted my mom like that every time she came home and my aunt saw that for the first time and almost cried of cuteness.
I'm really blessed with such a friendly cat, she's very social and likes to heal people with purring on their hurting bodyparts.
>>2076584>>2076448Some people do be psychopaths. I see them as troon level mental illness. They have pure hatered for nature's innocence and i bet my shorts most of them also hate monkeys.
No. 2076745
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>>2076651yeah the people who post in that thread seem to be the types to get off to the baby monkey hate vids too
No. 2076752
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I love how cats react to anything unexpected by doing a B I G jump. What a truly perfect animal.
>>2076651I can understand why people hate monkeys in countries where they're pests and cause a lot of damage, but the hate on the internet goes beyond reason and straight into psychopath territory. Same with cats, I've met people who literally had severe allergies to them and they never said anything as unhinged as a lot of internet cat hate is.
No. 2076789
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>>2076448>she wishes her dying cat would kick the bucket already and not beg for human food or make noise when it's got weeks left to liveThis genuinely just made me tear up oh my god no cat deserves an owner who doesn’t love them. I wish I could take that poor cat from her and shower it my love. No cat deserves to die uncared for and lonely aaah I want to scream
No. 2077586
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>>2076584they are sick in the head. feeling genuine hatred and rage towards an animal, particularly one as harmless as a cat, is an indication of severe mental instability. what's sad is you know that at least some of the women on here who go out of their way to insult cat-loving nonnas are in relationships with men who treat them like utter garbage. imagine belittling the love a woman feels for an innocent animal when you allow a moid to degrade you.
No. 2078684
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>>2077601Yep and these nonnas don't want to see the mirror these dogs show us. Maybe these agressive dogs and just the same as these agressive nonnas and their hate towards dogs is really hate for themselves but they channel it into animals because they are too scared to let themselves see it in themselves.
Imagine spending your time posting about how you want a 2 braincell mutated creature to suffer, couldn't be me, I'd rather show you this cute feral we used to have in our garden
No. 2078748
>>1343637I know this is from awhile ago but a thing to also be worried about is your cat developing hurt feelings.
I know after I was gone for two weeks suddenly mine decided to ignore me on purpose. Quite literally leaving the rooms I walked into and refusing to acknowledge me or even look at me. I had to make it up with treats and pets until very blatantly being forgiven.
No. 2080261
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No. 2086178
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Anyone else’s cat won’t rest until you rest? My cat always waits for me to lay down on the couch to take his nap. It’s like he completely adjusts his schedule to me. If I’m on my feet he is too. I have another cat who doesn’t do that and just sleeps the whole day kek
No. 2086269
>>2086266Thank god you got her checked out nonna! A lot of cats have heart issues, one of my boys has a heart murmur and he's still going strong at 15. It's common enough that a larger vet will know what to do. As for neurological issues, the prognosis depends on what the specific issue is. Again, a larger vet will be able to help you and give you a detailed explanation of what to expect.
It's a horrible situation to be in. The important thing is that you're sorting it out.
No. 2090442
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I cant contain how much I love my useless ass cat.
No. 2090446
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>>2090442She is a dirty little freeloader
No. 2093937
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I love how snuggly our cat is towards my Nigel, he looks at him with love in his eyes constantly. It's so adorable.
>>2093855I'm happy your kitty is better. I wouldn't let your mum watch it again.
No. 2098841
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This is so mundane but when I was pouring food into my cat's bowl before leaving for two days, she watched me put it in her bowl as she always does. After I scooped like 6 servings of food into her bowl instead of her normal 2 scoops, she stopped and gave me a long stare with big eyes, just like pic. It was so cute and smart how she recognized the massive portion size and looked at me like wtf? I love my cat.
No. 2100288
>>2100124I did all of this and it seemed to work at first but then she stopped eating and drinking again no matter how often my family members and I tried to feed her. So we're kinda back to square one now and they're feeding her with some sort of tube in the vet's clinic? I'm having an ESL moment I don't know how to describe it but at least they're working on feeding her somehow until she gets better, if she even gets better to begin with. She had diarrhea and couldn't pee easily so maybe it's just a UTI, they'll try to give her antibiotics this week for that just in case.
>>2100029Thanks anon. You're right, I also thought it was weird that she got sick so suddenly so I also assume it's a consequence of getting poisoned too, even if it's an indirect one like having a hard time recovering because she's old. Which would imply she would be fine if she didn't eat that weird plant in the first place.
No. 2108736
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I'm gone for a 3 week-long vacation, I'm going to miss my baby so much.
No. 2114280
>>2114243See if you can find a catch and release trap! If you can't, try to corner the kitten and use a blanket to cut off its escape routes or it'll run between your legs.
In the meantime put some food and water out in an area far away from moving vehicles and machinery.
No. 2114565
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My cat is probably one of the reasons I'm still alive.
No. 2114827
>>2112414I'm so sorry nonna, I know it's so heartbreaking and scary to watch. If you haven't, be sure to take the opinion of multiple vets when it comes to kidney diseases even in late stages. They're generally overly pessimistic and often too eager to put down cats or straight up give contraproductive/harmful treatments when more than one illness is involved.
Also if you don't know it already, is a really good website to get further information and a bit of hope.
No. 2116396
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Does anyone know why brown kitties are so rare? When I took this baby to the vet for her spay, she was the talk of the clinic because they don't see them very often. She was a stray, but I can tell she was probably owned by someone, as she's extremely scared of men (or shoes) but warms up quickly to women. Built in moid detector.