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No. 2379390
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters> Debates over death of the author> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creatorsRelated threads:
Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
>>1978406Fujocoomer cringe:
>>2359582 No. 2379414
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>>2379378Branching on the LADS period tracker discourse that moids ultimately hate or can't fathom because no waifu is going to check the state of their balls, what's with trannies and PTN?
Whenever there's an otome getting glazed, they always bounce back to that game as a gotcha.
No. 2379416
>>2379414Moids absolutely detest when women can enjoy something they can't. There is nothing a man fears more than a woman being happy.
They did this shit with yaoi too.
No. 2379462
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>>2379414This shit is sooooooo funny because years ago, this bunny vtuber got into a
similiar drama regarding a period tracker that sent neckbeards into a frenzy.
But since it was their waifu it was forgivable (in a way). No. 2379498
>>2379414>what's with trannies and PTN? It has lesbians. That's it. The game was made by a infold subsidiary which naturally got more SSA women into the game than men. Troons love to posture it as the better game despite lower revenue and the sheer obscurity of it compared to it's competitor, arknights.
I actually want to know what TIMs stand to gain converting straight women into girlcock sucking fauxbians over a game?
No. 2379595
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Please say sike, I don't even know who this is but it's a landwhale. We can't even have standards for anime men without pickmes claiming hamplanets are peak male performance
No. 2379662
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>>2379595bullshit, this is not what an average or normal body type for men looks like, before the 90s, any moid built like this would have been considered overweight, picrel is what men at the beach should look like
No. 2379800
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>>2379595Listen, I think women should be allowed to lust after men that aren't skinny twinks. The same nonnies that promote their right to sexualize men only do this when it's men that fit into their fujoshi standards, because everything a woman like has to be genderbend of the likes of misogynistic coomer men to be "feminist" enough. This guy isn't my tastes, not muscular enough. But I like men with some meat on their bones. There's already plenty of bony ass men in asian media and they're not going anywhere. So what if a couple of 2d men are a little fat?
No. 2379808
>>2379595There is NO EXCUSE for a 2D moid to be fat. I am already disgusted enough that there are fat 3D moids.
What do you need the adipose for? Are you going to give birth and breastfeed? No? Then stop being fat!!
No. 2379887
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>>2379595he's from a danganronpa fangame that takes place in america (where tbf, that is pretty average thanks to corn syrup and fast food), no one is really imposing this on anyone. it isn't published by a big company or anything, and the joke is that he's a social media guy that edits his pics skinnier. the creators probably just have a chub fetish, there's a fat girl in the game as well.
No. 2379896
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>>2379595Ngl, i accept this as a male equivalent of the "thick animu grill" like picrel, this should be the only acceptable level of fat in fictional moids nothing over it
No. 2379928
>>2379905The thing is that i don't think theres any other way to make a thick 2d moid without giving him a little of belly and i think
>>2379595 is a good way to depict it, i've only seen flat stomachs and thick legs on nasty femboyshit that makes them look like women
No. 2379968
>>2379800Except no woman is naturally attracted to fatties. If it had been an autistic inflation/feedism fetish, it would be more believable. But trying to push that fatso as an "average body" is pure SJW body positivity for obese moids, not genuine attraction, and THATS what's wrong. Women convincing themselves their natural attraction to hot men is
problematic and that they should worship uglies and fatties, because they wish men would do the same for them.
No. 2379969
>>2379837>>2379808Holy mental illness it's just a fangan character. And this one has zero fetish attached behind as
>>2379887 said.
No. 2380032
>>2380024Hey, I’m into most body types (including skinny anachan boys and chubby boys like the one in pic) so I have no issue with that.
I just think the sperging in this thread is retarded since women aren’t a hivemind who only like one type of guy
It’s basically on par with saying no women are naturally attracted to black men.
No. 2380076
>>2380018>>2380032Every single time we bring up an objectively unattractive trait in men like being a tranny, old, fat or bald; one or two of you insufferable scrote-suckling pickmes crawl out of the sewers to claim that's Akcshually your preference and we should respekt free speech. If you wanna go on about how much you love fat bald old men's scrotums, reddit will welcome you with open arms, this is not the place.
Besides, the original conversation was about a pickme complaining her favorite hamplanet was being called obese. You're free to like fatties all you want, but don't start moralfagging at women who rightfully call fat characters fat.
No. 2380150
>>2380130She said she wanted someone who is literally a woman and thinks like one and has the mind of one but somehow also a man? Sorry to burst your bubble but theres no men in real life that are like women, your best bet is dating a butch that passes as a guy.
>>2380144How is that comparable to grooming you're retarded.
No. 2380151
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>>2380045Wrong medium for you then.
No. 2380172
>>2380151But i like this anime, Rin is my favorite.
>>2380154I fucking hate yuri and i'm not her, i'm happy she is getting made fun of.
No. 2380201
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>>2380089>the kind of guy I want vs the butches you think I should dateThey are not the same
No. 2380230
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>>2380201NTA but those are two entirely different ethnicities kek, its not a fair comparison. Picrel would be more accurate.
though you are justified in not expressing attracting solely because she is female regardless since sexuality isnt as broken for women as it is for scrotes
No. 2380234
>>2380228But they still do
>>2380213 pretty often. It's still a performance. It's perfectly fine, but if you can't acknowledge that it's mimicry then idk what to tell you. No one is born emulating machismo, it's learned just as femininity is.
No. 2380243
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>>2380236Not at all, I'm just pulling an example thats closer in comparison to her type. At the end of the day the appearance doesnt matter because a straight woman can never be aroused or attracted to female genitals.
(derailing) No. 2380244
>>2380076>one or two of you insufferable scrote-suckling pickmes crawl out of the sewers to claim that's Akcshually your preference and we should respekt free speech>this is not the place.And who the fuck are you to say that? Moids can express how much they want to fuck fatties everywhere on the internet and nobody gives them shit, why shouldn't women be allowed to do it here within reason? Because it personally bothers you? Because completely unrelated people in other sites agree with the sentiment for performative reasons?
>You're free to like fatties all you want, but don't start moralfagging at women who rightfully call fat characters fat.Nobody ITT is even saying it's ~natural~ for moids to be fat fucks or be attracted to said fat fucks, they're just saying it's a preference of theirs.
No. 2380255
>>2380244Don’t you know
nonnie? You’re only allowed to list after plastic kpop clones from LaDS
Everything else is forbidden
No. 2380258
>>2380255yes fatties are forbidden
they don't fit (literally)
No. 2380299
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>period tracker becomes widespread news
>gendies and faghags start crying about muh male mc
>not letting me play as a fakeboi is homophobia
>OH MY GOD queer men aren't stealing your spaces!!1!
in how many ways can I exactly say I don't care about faggots or faggot rights and the women who place them above all else up to and including the rights of women are worthless to me as well? Is the fandom seriously falling for the male mc "inclusive otome" psy op already?
No. 2380357
>>2380299I mean, biological queer men
aren't trying to steal LADS because they don't fucking care about anything Aidens have meltdowns over kek. It's funny how they keep trying to fit their incredibly feminine interests into their gay man LARP or "activism", they don't understand how actual flamboyant fags act at all. The only men angry about this are AGPs. This whole game is an effective TIM and TIF filter.
No. 2380375
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>>2379595meanwhile fat girls in anime look like this
No. 2380384
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>>2380375There's a spectrum
No. 2380391
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>>2380375>anime>posts korean gachaAn anime came out not too long ago about fat elves and they're all huge, I don't want to defend moids but you're not making a very strong case here.
No. 2380392
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>>2380389Honestly, they take it so personally when their beloved fatties get bullied that I find it hard to believe they're
just defending them for fetish reasons kek
No. 2380403
>>2379800what bumfuck shithole does your inbreed ass live in that the only male body types you see are the fridge shaped ones that look like elon musk or the emaciated deathspo skinny ones?
Fuck that elon musk shaped nigga in your picrel and fuck you too.
(infighting) No. 2380426
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This is how men should look like. To be muscular-lean with a small waist, long shoulders and long muscly legs.(derailing)
No. 2380429
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>>2380405I mean in the US it definitely is, and I think this is a western fangame anyway.
>>2380411People acting like he's the size of Hifumi is pretty bizarre to me. If you wanna complain about fat dudes than the actual game series has more of those kek.
No. 2380431
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>>2380426>>2380427srry im thirsting…
No. 2380432
>>2380417Mentaiko Itto,had to look this fucker up
and now i need to bleach my eyes the art of that game is hideous irc he drew some very realistic looking cp (and it has been confirmed that he references his art from real pictures) it was a while ago like 2016 or 17 when it was outed it isnt surprising that a japanese bara moid turns out to be a pedophile but im surprised
or maybe i shouldnt how popular he still and still gets jobs because he got alot of backlash for it that he dfe'd the shotashit
No. 2380433
>>2380429damn anon i am a fatty myself and i dont cope as hard as you are right now kek. He's fat
nonny, sorry.
No. 2380443
>>2380429no offense….but why do you want to see men with a pouch or beer belly? I agree that he isn't obese but it still is a unfortunate body type (the skinny-fat body type with visceral fat aka the most unhealthy body type).
Also so many moids lately have that visceral fat because they are so unhealthy why would you want to see that in fiction too which is a escape?
No. 2380445
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>>2380442Erm ackchyually he's into princess piggles
No. 2380447
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>>2380443>but why do you want to see men with a pouch or beer belly?I like variety in my anime men, also I grew up on hetalia which had a lot of chubby guys so that probably got me into it.
No. 2380455
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>>2380448Princess piggles
No. 2380464
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>>2380461That's just like, your opinion.
>>2380463Finland's chubby and he's also cute to me though. With Russia I think he's meant to be more muscle but still has like fat arms?
No. 2380468
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>>2380447>hetalia which had a lot of chubby guysWhat…? Are you an anachan or something?
No. 2380475
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>Throwing this much of a tantrum over people following you
No. 2380476
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>>2380468tbf he draws america chubby sometimes
(continuing derail after farmhand post) No. 2380528
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I do like how the LADS fanbase isn't taking this shit lightly.
No. 2380550
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>>2380528What he looks like btw, kek no wonder why he’s mad about lads. You can tell he’s seething behind that ugly smarmy smirk of his
No. 2380552
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>>2380545Same reason they say "media literacy" nonstop, they heard a youtuber use it.
A better choice would just be posting marche kek.
No. 2380557
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>>2380151God, I miss Free!!. Peak fujobait, they don't make pure fanservice like this anymore. The shipping wars were chaotic but at least that proved it had something for everyone.
No. 2380587
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>on a post in the otomegames subreddit
No. 2380597
>>2380244>Moids can express how much they want to fuck fatties everywhere on the internet and nobody gives them shitRight, that's why 9 out of 10 chubby chasers take it to their graves and will never be caught dead being seen with a fatty out in public kek. If you went outside, you'd notice men very much shit on each other for being into fat women, we're not normalizing your fetish for hamplanets here.
>why shouldn't women be allowed to do it here within reason? Because it personally bothers you?Yes. Shut the fuck up and go fetch fat moids micropenises from under their ginormous fupas elsewhere, retard. If you're not trying to normalize and praise fatties, why do you get so
triggered every time women mock them? Even when women here insult men I'm into I laugh because all moids deserve more criticism and to be nitpicked for their looks for once, and you smegma slurpers do everything in your power to ruin it.
No. 2380618
>>2380601The average otome is
way less degen than the average galge and I've played both. Hit random on VNDB a few times and you'll understand.
No. 2380619
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>>2380587Is this person really a woman
No. 2380626
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>>2380618I'd overall agree with you, but there's still plenty of degen stuff in otome kek.
No. 2380651
>>2380637kekk idk anon I'd much rather watch in morbid curiosity and horror than actually self-insert into the MC if something like
>>2380626 is happening
No. 2380656
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>>2380626Moshikami is just
one game from Rejet who is known to make dark stuff and is super inactive nowadays vs every other galge being r18 rape hell with more coming every year. Look at Jast's front page to see what I mean. Plus, that game will never be localized in ENG while tons of degen galge are coming to the West all the time
No. 2380666
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>>2380656Otome is degen just for creating this dude honestly.
No. 2380668
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>misogynistic shit in men's media doesn't matter cause women have sexual feelings towards men!!Meanwhile men's media:
No. 2380672
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>>2380666His design is so cute until you zoom out.
No. 2380698
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>>2380244>Moids can express how much they want to fuck fatties everywhere on the internet and nobody gives them shitmoids literally made a whole wojak to make fun of men into fatties
No. 2380701
>>2380668It's kind of a challenge to find moid VNs that weren't originally eroge. They exist of course but a lot of them started out as an eroge and had the scenes removed for later releases kek, even shit like Fate. Meanwhile, it's rare to find an otome with actual shown H scenes nowadays, most of them are PC games from 2005 or some shit.
>>2380660 Moshikami does not have rape cgs on account of it not being an r18 game. It's Cero D. They cant put graphic sex on consoles.
>>2380682MCs do trend towards the boring side but I wouldn't call the average MC a self insert per se, they do have designs and (boring) personalities usually.
No. 2380721
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>>2380587Hmm yes, this is totally about horny moralfagging and not just moids being misogynistic for the sake of it.
No. 2380723
all of them from Taisho-Alice is fucking hilarious too.
No. 2380732
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>>2380319This reminds me that the term "amare game" exists. "Amare" makes my eyes roll whenever someone brings it up in otome communities since it tries to be so inclusive/diverse that it becomes meaningless. The dumb graphic that kickstarted the term has a lot of words just to say "games that aren't for men (and diverse!11!"). Nowadays it's used as "game with self-insert genderless MC and LGBTQ+whatever relationships", and I saw the Amare games database person try to correct people on twitter about it. A poor black female dev was confused if her otome game featuring black characters would be considered amare since the term is so watered down… And despite all attempts, the term remains very niche and obscure, not even the biggest Kickstarter VN that would technically count as an "amare game" uses it (Touchstarved), instead opting for romance game (more appropriate).
As an aside, otome FMCs can be of any race/ethnicity, could be GNC, could be bi if there is a token female love interest or two - it's just unconventional for the commercial market. Don't know why we need a second term for games with these things. I empathize with women who want these things and hate when they are told to just play "amare games" instead.
No. 2380755
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>>2380206they larp as feminist for having standards then throw every other woman under the bus kek. real FDS shit. there's no point in bringing up GNC women around them, they hateeee GNC women. Don't even know why someone would recommend dating a butch to a straight woman though lol
>>2380528"gooner" scrotes literally had that whole meltdown in 2014 that changed the online political landscape forever because women thought it was weird how many vidyas were violent and weird towards them
No. 2380788
>>2380751I think I'm just autistic with terms kek, since it doesn't fit neatly with other terms like galge, BL/GL.
> It just gets annoying when normal and nice otome games use the tag too for "visibility" or whatever.Amare is encouraged to be used as an "umbrella" term, with otome games under it which is kind of dumb. Might as well just embrace the idea of choosable gender protagonist with mixed relationship types and break off any associations with other genres. I feel like Otome-BL hybrid would work for a handful of indies, since some are clearly made with female tastes in mind. Royal Order is marketed like this, Otome/BxB with female and male character selection.
No. 2380829
>>2380587I'll be honest, I don't care what moids goon to generally as long as they leave me alone and aren't annoying with it. The problem with this post is that they never are. They bring up Stellar Blade as an example and try to paint the other side as unfairly attacking the female MC for being too doll-like, when in reality moids dragged that game into their latest culture war, attacking other female characters in other games first. Complaining about "man-jaws" and how unattractive other female characters are by comparison, how all characters should look like Stella(whatever the fuck Stellar Blade MC is called).
There's also the fact that you wouldn't be able to name a similar game of it's genre that panders particularly to a female audience like Stellar Blade does.
People can try to paint it as two sides of the same coin all they want, but the energy is never going to be the same when the default has always leaned towards its male audience.
No. 2380898
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>>2379595pathetic, fatty moid lovers are genuinely mentally ill
No. 2380917
>>2380076Preach queen.
There is NO EXCUSE for a fat moid. He needs to be out there in the fields hunting MY dinner or building me a nice house and chopping down plenty of firewood. I'm the woman,
I'm the one who needs the extra fat, not him.
He better be turning any excess calories he has into lean muscle otherwise his genetics are weak and uworthy.
No. 2380929
>>2380919How is that even possible
>>2380587>RainbowLoliI don't think thats a woman
No. 2380936
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>watch a Dead Or Alive history video
>the guys are fine yo
>google brings up the renders from DoA 6
>massive fucking downgrade over the early art style
I haven't felt so betrayed in quite some time
No. 2380938
File: 1738641111149.png (16.02 KB, 465x224, sdfghsssss.png)

>>2380935only lesbians r butch, it's a cultural thing. youre just masculine
No. 2380943
>>2380900Either virtue signaling for themselves or each other. Notice that of those four two of them are not at all about their attraction to said character but rather posturing and waxing poetic about bodily diversity and the other two come from accounts who have absolutely zero prior history of any form of fetishism or preference of fat-fucks? Hell, the last one is a goddamn anachan so you know she's lying through her teeth. I'm all for women enjoying what they want policing women for their tastes makes you no better than a moid but the amount of actual women who have a genuine preference for fatties that isn't just
>Performative activism brought on by internet brain-rot in a attempt to look more virtuous.>The result of trannies projecting their own fat asses on to 2d anime boys in a attempt to cope with their own poor self-esteem and body issues.>Anachans who date pigs because they believe that if they're surrounded by fatties they look cuter, slimmer, and tinier in comparison. >Women who are constantly in a pissing contests with themselves and others to be the biggest degenerate twitter artist ever.>DDLGfagsis extremely low and I'm tired of moids and retards pretending the opposite.
No. 2380946
File: 1738641583326.png (74.23 KB, 595x845, wtf.PNG)

Pickme ass take
No. 2380947
>>2380943It's usually the first option, like 99% of the time. I remember it
really becoming a thing to virtue signal like that back in 2020. It stemmed from that "MENS MANTAL HEALTH!!!!" shit and then evolved into male body positivity. So handmaidens felt the need to pretend fatty moids r the best thing ever.
No. 2381278
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>>2381271I replied to the callout post with "womp womp" and was immediately blocked by several people
No. 2381303
>>2381278KEKKK I love you nonna
>>2381280You guys are funnier than me. I just moved fandoms and everyone forgot I existed
No. 2381336
>>2380946Oh noooo I'm being predated on for being a lonely loser
femcel who failed at getting a boyfriend and totally not because I'm an otome fan who's got money. Gashit games are predatory towards everyone, so I don't get why they have to add insults directed at women like this by changing it to:
>no no, these poor women can't get boyfriends and that's why they're FORCED to interact with fake 2D ones, don't you see how sad and pathetic- I mean, predatory that is?She's right, it's depressing that real life moids can't even attempt to be decent human beings and look appealing for us women. How is it anyone's fault but men's, though? Why does that make us the mentally ill ones? Moids literally can't think about periods without associating it with their own fucktarded fetishes. So who really is mentally ill?
>Women are now rejecting real men because the virtual ones do it betterAnd that's a good thing. When will real men try to catch up? They could start by not being rapists and murderers and respecting women's dignity as human beings. You know, basic shit that apparently is too impossible a standard to meet.
>It's degen behaviour to love an AI or a virtual boyfriendI'd say real men are 1000x more degenerate and concerning even without counting the ones that are into 2D. But no, gotta blame women and make them look worse somehow.
>If you make 100 posts a day about your favorite character you're a degenerateGoing by that logic, everyone on the internet is a degenerate, including this person. Glad to know she recognizes her unhealthy habits and that the internet is ruining society.
>Men are totally degens too>I'm just pointing out a problem women have but I totally criticize both sides, guysI fail to see how women having a husbando and fangirling together as a community is a problem at all when the scrotes in the "gacha space" are actual fucking incels who get women fired from their real jobs for not being self-hating pickmes and make 100 posts a day about wanting to fuck children. There's nothing to criticize on the female side that doesn't apply to society as a whole (parasocial relationships, wasting time on the internet, disconnecting from real life, being predated on by companies that only want their money). Total fucking waste of time and yet another excuse to make women look just as bad as moids.
>the LADS community is toxic because people on Xitter are fucking insane and harass you for criticizing anything they likeWhy didn't she mention any of this shit in the rest of her post? It reeks of her being petty because she had a number of internet fights with other retards and she's salty about it, so now she's saying "well, you're all mentally ill anyway!" as a gotcha. And again, this is hardly unique to either the LADS community or female fandoms. This happens in any fandom regardless of whether it's male- or female-dominated. She should've made a post about how sensitive and hostile Xitter fandom is but I don't know why she chose to target women with husbandos instead.
Who would've thought her wall of text was just a gotcha directed at the women in a fandom because some of them made her mad?
No. 2381341
>>2380946Jokes on her, I am mentally ill and do not want to change because I am extremely happy like this. I love having unrealistic standards because I never got along with irl moids before I started playing dating sims anyway. I love being disconnected from reality, it's where I belong.
And of course she made this post just because a few underage kiddos made her mad kek.
No. 2381345
>>2381312exactly, period is the least sexual thing for many women. It's tied with abdominal pain, slight feelings of hypothermia , negative feelings are heightened (especially if you have PMS which is terrible and the medical field barely cares about it or making solutions for it).
The period trackers are more for something to console the players playing and make them feel better. Why is it so hard for men to try and understand and view women as human beings, moids always project their own filth onto women. Moids play those eroge games which are 99% just hentai with barely any plot and they're lonely hideous losers so just because they feel that way then they accuse women of feeling that way too. All men can do is project.
No. 2381349
>>2381014A lot of them are actually super new to most of these tropes. Plus, no normal person would hear about a story of two adopted siblings or two unrelated children who were orphaned and then had to live in the same house, and think it's incest that they had feelings for each other. That's not what incest is at all, kek. They're two completely unrelated people whose babies would not have a higher chance than usual of being deformed or retarded. These dumbasses have forgotten why society is against actual incest, they're so fucking stupid that they think something like a yaoi couple of a guy and his "father figure" mentor is incestuous (that Voltron ship I forgot the name of, although iirc that was more of an excuse to shit on that ship).
>>2380076I can respect a woman that says she likes fat men but acknowledges that it's not normal and that it's either a fetish for her, or it's a result of a combination of factors like low self-esteem earlier in her life and low standards. I think some of the replies here were unnecessarily aggressive and blew things out of proportion, but it's kinda sad that moids being unattractive and not being fit is considered so normal, that there are women who think it's "normal" to be attracted to that. No, that's just women giving up in an unfair situation where only one sex is expected to be attractive while the other makes no attempt to return the favor. Instead of trying to pass it off as a totally normal and healthy thing that all women should be doing, they should just grow thicker skin and proudly admit that they're degenerates with a fetish for unnatural body types.
No. 2381360
>>2381351I wish these retards would understand we were already dating men less, and THAT'S why we play these games.
>>2381355No wonder all women's hobbies get seen as a joke. If it doesn't pander to irl scrotes it's sick, degenerate and illogical. Next we'll be bringing back religious puritanism.
No. 2381369
>>2381345When moids think about anything tied to women's biology, they immediately make it sexual. Doesn't matter if they actually get off to it or not, they just assume it's a sexual thing and therefore sinful or disgusting or dirty or hot. Like, yes, periods are part of a process that ultimately is tied to reproductive functions, but when we experience incredibly painful menstrual cramps and bleed like crazy on the first day of our period and worry about it not leaking and staining our clothes, we are not thinking about fucking 10000 guys or whatever scrotes project onto us. So when you tell these moids that periods aren't sexual, that's what you mean, but they can twist it by disingenuously replying that "it's part of a reproductive process, therefore it's a sexual matter", knowing full well that this is not what they originally meant.
>>2381351She probably made that post just because some crazies on Xitter insulted her for having negative opinions about an LI. OR if we want to be more optimistic, she was criticizing the game with the same arguments within the community and the other fans called her a retard. Her whole post is just an attempt to get back at them, lol
No. 2381385
>>2381382And that's why I want them all gone from the face of the earth. Why isn't this shit classified as a mental disorder.
I wonder what they'd say about me husbandofagging enough to buy an engagement ring and consooming almost a thousand dollars on one character kek.
No. 2381395
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>>2379800I know you're getting dogpilled but you're so right and Liaos in this pic isn't even drawn fat kek. I don't like fat but chubby with some muscle is incredibly sexy but apparently only moids can like different body types. According to lolcow you either need to like super thin or super ripped. Idgaf and im not forcing anyone to coddle moids feelings just cause I like this body type. I hate skinny men. They gross me out.
(continuing derail after a farmhand warning) No. 2381400
>>2381371The mistake that pickmes et al. make when they try to portray women in a negative light is that most single women, including otaku women, aren't "involuntary celibates" unlike most otaku scrotes. Women generally choose not to date men because they have more freedom now than ever before, and they literally don't need a man to survive anymore. They've also realized that most men are ugly as fuck and their personalities are even worse, why would such a woman choose to date a man that makes no effort whatsoever to be attractive for her, either in looks or personality? Unfortunately many women, even gorgeous ones, still choose to date men like that, but that only happens when they've suffered trauma and/or have no self-esteem, no mentally sane woman would do that.
When a nerdy girl feels lonely and gets rejected by her crush in middle school, she might feel depressed for a while, but in high school or when she reaches adulthood she'll likely grow out of it and get a boyfriend at some point, otherwise she'll continue living a healthy life without obsessing over being a virgin or hating moids for not giving her a chance. Not to mention, she'll start getting approached by males and she'll realize it's not impossible for her to be in a relationship because moids are horny and desperate. In fact, she might start hating moids because they won't leave her the fuck alone or treat her like a person.
In other words, "
femcels", or female involuntary celibates who are obsessed with it to the point of mental illness, don't exist, except for a handful of rare cases like Christine Chubbuck.
On the other hand, the vast majority of moids who claim that they intentionally avoid women in real life and that they're not attracted to muh 3DPD (let's not forget that this term originally came from waifufag moids who forgot that they are a thousand times uglier, smellier and more disgusting than the average woman) only became attracted to 2D because no real woman wanted to fuck them. It started as a cope. The small minority that was never attracted to real girls in the first place are actual autists.
>>2381375Those moids turn to religion out of sheer hatred for women, after all.
No. 2381412
>>2381403there is alot of muslim women who are in fandoms, they just don't talk about it in real life. Like all of the best and most active people in the fandoms im a part of are muslim women. Many of them are yumejoshis too, also kpop as a genre has a huge amount muslim fans and so do manga and manhwas that are for women.
>>2381405those same muslim men drink, smoke, watch porn and are sexually loose but god forbid a woman…GASP takes a normal pregnancy selfie. I said this and will say this again that the biggest haters of muslim women are muslim men themselves.
No. 2381418
>>2380946>They have raised their REAL LIFE STANDARDS to the point they will reject a life with another man if they do not meet the fantasy that is their husbando. This is unhealthy mental illness.What? Aren't the husbandos in LADS just normal, good looking men who care about you? What kind of retarded tradcath pickme bullshit is this entire rant? You just need to pick an
abusive IRL moid you don't love because raising your standards to healthy levels is "degenerate behavior"? Moid waifushit games let you fuck borderline toddlers and have done so for at least three decades at this point, go yell at them.
No. 2381420
>>2380415>And curiously, they don't throw tantrums about "feeling excluded" kek.It's because they
know that that hobby is stereotypically feminine, and the fact that they engage in something so stereotypically feminine causes them self-doubts about being a Tvue Man.
They still don't want to abandon these hobbies, since—well they
enjoy them. But rather, screech about "inclusiveness" (i.e. bring more scrotes) so they wouldn't have to feel bad about liking something so feminine is to
not make it "feminine-coded" anymore.
No. 2381429
>>2380732Do people consider having a tomboyish/androgynous or at least not a super frilly princess girly girl main in otome as an "Amare" trait?
>>2380626What the fuck? I thought cage-kun was the worst otome had especially seeing how he tops character rankings but I see I only saw the tip of the iceberg.
No. 2381430
>>2380528Why are they even offended of their games being called "gooner"? Didn't they grow up in the
ahegao hoodie and "ah, you're a man of culture as well" era? Why are they so ashamed of it? I thought they were
proud of it?
It' even funny how the games they oh so defend are totes not softcore porn are shit like NIKKE.
No. 2381440
>>2381418Mental illness apparently means valuing yourself and not settling for a physically repulsive slob that treats you like his sex slave and mommy at the same time. How could anyone reject that kinda of life amirite?
>>2380299So can I start demanding that BL games include a female protagonist option too? kek
>>OH MY GOD queer men aren't stealing your spaces!!1!Yeah, they're right bout that. It's only girls who pretend to be true and honest gay males invading female-only spaces, because that's what gets them off.
>>2381420NTA but I think you're describing straight moids. The other anon was talking about gay ones.
No. 2381443
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>>2381300There needs to be a word for this, its not a new concept and it's an interesting but frustrating presentation of misogyny that seems to be prevalent through time but in different forms. Nowadays with moids it's always "just a fantasy" even if it actually does harm real people (such as supporting the porn industry), but with women it's always a problem because x, y, and z.
Victorians thought it was dangerous for women to read novels because they were thought to be too stupid and susceptible to strong emotions to differentiate reality and fiction.
No. 2381460
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>>2380299I'm so glad I only knew about this because of this thread and not because it appears on my social media feeds, this makes me feel happy because that means I'm not interacting with the shit side of the Fandom at all.
This is the same song and dance as ever
No. 2381471
>>2380946Oh yeah. Hey nonnas, do you know that one guy you rejected once? The one who isn't of your liking or who is an absolute asshat waste of space? Also, do you remember the moids that have abused you? You should give them a chance and maybe date them, they're just poor lonely men that just want a mommy to take care of them forever, you shouldn't fantasize about ridiculous things like
>checks notesA man that will buy you pads or tampons, a man that will give you a tummy massage or that will tell you that he's there for you even when you're not sick, and that wants your attention and company, who is also capable of not acting like a retard, has a stable job, friends, and does anything in his power to be with you.
Isn't that a ridiculous high standard? Yeah, I also think the same, we should just go date the first moid we see on the street, that will surely make us all happy.
No. 2381478
>>2380587I am against female fandom infighting. But it's ok to shit on moid fandoms because no matter how bad a woman's preferences are, there are whole communities of scrotes that are 100 times worse, and women are not likely to commit real life sex crimes, unlike men. It's curious how she doesn't mention what "communities" and games (s)he's talking about.
>>2380721>substitute for good mental health careYou mean the good mental health care scrotes refuse to give themselves when they refuse to go to therapy or when they use therapy as a way to manipulate everyone around them? The good mental health care real women offer them all the time but then men choose to treat those women like shit or take advantage of them and never give the same amount of emotional help in return?
>a substitute for a good partnerYeah, because real men are too fucking shit lmao. How is that related to "gooning"? You can even see it in the pics he posted, the anime girl's design is coomer as fuck while the lads in LADS look normal most of the time.
>with irl applicationsDoes he mean the period tracker? Why are moids so fucking jealous of that? Having your period is no fun, and it's something we actually have a NEED to keep track of. Men don't have anything similar to the menstrual cycle, that's why they don't have a need to track their periods or anything like that. They should consider themselves lucky. It's like seething over the fact that elderly people with incontinence need to wear diapers or that legless people need a wheelchair. Utterly retarded.
No. 2381489
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>>2381395This. Enough muscle with a layer of fat on top is my ideal male body type and I'm so glad to see a character from a mainstream manga that hit this niche. Bara, for example, are often too hairy and large for me. Laios is just right.
it help that I find his manic obsession with monsters and the sensual pleasure he get from eating them incredibly sexy too(continuing derail after a farmhand warning) No. 2381510
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>>2380946So…a jiggle physics titty vtuber who claims to love husbandos but her whole profile is plastered in hoyo waifuslop has something to say about the first otome game she's ever seen.
No. 2381513
>>2381478 (me)
>it's ok to shit on moid fandomsI forgot to add that another reason it's ok for women to shit on male fandoms is because men have bullied women for far too long. Moids belittle, degrade and shit on women for anything, and have done so for millennia. In the past, if any woman dared criticize men, it would've been socially acceptable for her to receive punishment or even get killed, since moids control society. And moids in nerd and geek hobbies have always treated women as lesser, posers, retards, etc. It's about time women start doing the same to scrotes. I don't give a shit if otomefags "pretend to have a moral high ground" (>>2380601) over VN scrotes because they
do undeniably have the moral high ground, and so do fujos honestly.
>>2381500They might find the stories relatable or just like consuming all kinds of romance. Of course if the yaoi contains explicit sex, they probably won't like that.
No. 2381515
>>2381510>chronically aloneIs this a woman at all? Because anyone know that extreme loners aren't that common, most yumes and fujos end up making friends, plus, we don't feel lonely, that's kind of the point of having a husbando???????? God this fucker is retarded.
But hey, don't forget that she's "gooning" while playing a retarded gacha game!
No. 2381516
>>2381510Holey shit. I don't play LADS or have any interest in it but these tweets are clearly an attempt at subtly shading probably some teenagers who said a mean thing on stream kek. She can't stop talking about it
I understand the idea of romanticising
toxic Wattpad stalkeresque behaviour might be harmful but that's only if it's aimed at like, preteens. Anyone with a brain would know fiction is not reality
No. 2381520
>>2381510I wonder what she thinks about me playing
Homicipher and my totally evil delusional fantasies of having a non-human boyfriend who follows me and loves me
No. 2381523
>>2381520Oh no that's
toxic! It's delusional to like a game with a cute 2d guy who follows you around, teaches you his language, and tries to be helpful, dont you know?
No. 2381527
>>2381516The game isn't for teenagers like at all, nonna. Which really makes her ~_pwoblematique_~ argument even more retarded.
Like, the Main character has a whole ass police officer job, the men are all professionals with jobs and shit, they're not even the classic "18 years old" savants, the youngest is 24 which is an old fart for the average teenager.
No. 2381631
>>2380946>men when movies only cast 20yo women with plastic surgeries, anime only has 16yos with masssive tits, the music industry only hires attractive women who want to dress in slutty clothes and perform sexual acts on stagei sleep
>men when a game has sexy husbandos that take care of you, cook you food and buy you padsREEEE WOMEN ARE DEVELOPING UNHEALTHY HIGH STANDARDS NORMAL MEN CANNOT MEET
No. 2381635
>>2381510>getting kidnapped for your first dateIn the main story, the MC (strong, capable, has superpowers, can defend herself most of the time and no one in the game's universe questions it so her world is clearly unlike ours regarding gender equality, also rape is non-existent) got kidnapped when she was on a dangerous mission. No shit she encountered a dangerous guy, who didn't even want to harm her and just ended up having to work with her. They went from enemies to lovers and at no point does he act like the cringe booktok daddydom archetype, that's a misinterpretation by western TikTok tards who didn't even play the game. And after both of them warm up to each other (because unlike real scrotes, Sylus did not approach MC with sexual intent), he does start to behave like a perfect boyfriend who fully respects his girlfriend's autonomy. Something like this could only happen in fiction.
But sure, that's worse than moids fantasizing about raping little girls.
>if you think LADS is the perfect depiction of how a man should treat you, i'm sorry but you are DELUSIONALIt's the truth though. Being delusional is denying that. Or believing real men are actually nice and don't see you as a sex object behind all their nice words.
>and you will never find real satisfying loveWow, you don't say. Thank god I have cute and perfect 2D husbandos to help me cope with the horrible misogynistic hell that is reality. I also have my family who will love me unconditionally like I love them because you don't need to have sex or a boyfriend to be happy.
>It is absolutely a [coomer] gameI fail to see what that has to do with the previous statements. So a game having some sexy scenes cancels out the fact that the characters treat you in an ideal way? Or does that automatically turn it into a nukige even though the game offers varied gameplay, a story and plenty of non-sexual romantic scenes? An adult relationship includes sex, that's nothing special or controversial. Has she ever picked up a romance book in her life? Enjoyed a romance in an anime, at least?
She should go to the VNDB and browse the "nukige" tag, those are the REAL gooner games, they were literally made for moids with no life who masturbate all day long which is what gooning is.
>A lot of the guys show extremely toxic, problematic traits that like, aren't healthy in a normal relationship.Those traits work in fiction because the characters don't work internally like real moids do. The LIs are capable of having empathy towards you and aren't narcissists, rapists or sadistic sociopaths. They don't watch porn, don't demand that you do all the housework and look like a blow-up doll, don't try to get you to do BDSM shit for them, and won't suddenly troon out on you or turn out to be pedophiles. Besides, they're not real, so Xavier's jealousy isn't going to affect your life. Most husbandofags admit that their husbando would probably be annoying, unlikable or dangerous in real life and that's why they wouldn't want them to be real, they don't have to deal with the consequences of their villain/evil husbandos because they're fictional. I don't know why she clutches her pearls over the (very few) flaws so much, it's like she forgets these boys have superpowers and fight monsters. When LADS fans casually say they wish men like that were real, they obviously mean the good looks and good personality traits.
>Wanting your fantasy to be real will only lead to problemsProblems like being disappointed in real men who aren't even trying, I guess.
>and could honestly be a reason you are chronically singleThis could more accurately be said of waifufag scrotes kek. What's with her obsession with calling LADS players single and implying they're losers for it? Isn't the waifu gacha audience the one that's full of actual pathetic incels? Most women who play LADS aren't obsessed with finding a boyfriend, some are even in relationships already. I've even seen one say that her boyfriend plays the combat parts of the game for her because he likes it.
Also, I thought she said that LADS fans
voluntarily choose to be "chronically alone"?? If they're avoiding getting a boyfriend on purpose then what's the insult? You're just telling them what they already know kek. It's like not having a boyfriend (rejecting real moids) in itself is the problem here, and not whether or not these women want to be single, which wouldn't surprise me since she's such a pickme, good ol' misogyny shaming women for not being a baby factory for an ogre-like scrote, that's the "problems" she was talking about. Her little rant makes no sense, she's seething and malding so badly.
>>2381516>these tweets are clearly an attempt at subtly shading probably some teenagers who said a mean thing on stream kek. She can't stop talking about itKEK, I know right. Her desperate series of tweets also comes off as fishing for male validation. Now that I know she's a shituber pickme, I'm 100% sure she made the other post because she's salty about other LADS players telling her to fuck off for trying to defend gachashit for scrotes, or for calling LADS ~
problematic~. She probably directly insulted other women first. She says women who play it are more delusional than moids with their waifus, but the most delusional one here is her, for thinking scrotes aren't that bad, and turning herself into a waifu because she thinks that'll make scrotes respect her lmao. Good riddance.
No. 2381656
>>2381635>Most husbandofags admit that their husbando would probably be annoying, unlikable or dangerous in real life and that's why they wouldn't want them to be real, they don't have to deal with the consequences of their villain/evil husbandos because they're fictional. This. We're not retards who can't distinguish fiction and reality.
reminds me of my husbando, wanted criminal and I would put him down forever if he was real kek. Even without that he'd be so annoying irl>If they're avoiding getting a boyfriend on purpose then what's the insult? You're just telling them what they already know kek. I'm sapiosexual for your post nona
No. 2381716
>>2380534>>2380636>>2380748I'm so fucking sick of people using the term "gooning" to refer to shit that isn't gooning. It has replaced the term "cooming" in online slang. It's crazy to see random teenage girls with crushes on cartoon boys being put on the same level as pornsick moids who dedicate every waking hour to the act of masturbation and degenerate porn consumption. It's often used to make women look as bad and degenerate as men, too. God forbid femoids have a libido and fantasize about hot men! Of course, it's only "gooning" when a woman
isn't schlicking it to hentai.
>>2380644>You're stepping into the classic self-insert vs developed character debate.No, she isn't. Regardless of whether the protagonist is her own character or a faceless self-insert, she's always feminine in looks and behavior to varying degrees. I think a tomboy self-insert protagonist is definitely possible. Tomboy yumes who play otome will rejoice when they're finally able to imagine themselves in the game without thinking "I'd never say/do that" or "I'd never wear that".
No. 2381726
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>>2381696youre not wrong kek
No. 2381744
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>>2381735>could be a catfishambers got a nice face too but that doesnt make her any less deathfat.
its been confirmed its her too kekkk No. 2381774
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>>2381744I like 2 move it move I like 2 move it I like to MOVE IT
No. 2381784
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>>2381726She kinda looks like Creepshart's edited pictures kek
No. 2381815
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>>2380946>I think men are degens too that's why I only ever scream about women enjoying things!!!!>I've been screaming the whole time about how horrible and degen these games are but I swear I think they're fine you just need to admit it!!actions speak louder than words though tbf I don't blame her for not wanting to speak out against moids' coomerism, I'm sure that would get her tons of harassment
>>2381790fictional characters are mentioned on the wikipedia page for parasocialism they technically count
No. 2382267
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>>2379414It's hilarious how men treat media like LADS as a competitor, an enemy to the natural order etc, when it should actually serve as hopefuel. All they have to do to approach the female fantasy is keep clean/basically presentable, not be fat, and be nice and respectful to their girlfriends when she's sad or on her period. It's THAT easy. Plenty of women will date ugly men too, so they don't even have to look like Kpop bishies. If they had anything resembling basic human IQ, they'd just…look and see that it's not a big deal. But no, they're tardraging and acting scandalised for no reason kek. Not to sound like a tranny, but if
I was a scrote I'd get so much pussy with minimum effort because I actually have eyes and pattern recognition. The only things standing in their way are themselves.
No. 2382457
>>2382267>All they have to do to approach the female fantasy is keep clean/basically presentable, not be fat, and be nice and respectful to their girlfriendsImpossible
Even if a man could somehow overcome such high standards, he'd go nuclear if women still didn't want him after all the effort to trim his neckbeard down to a neckstubble, be skinnyfat instead of fatfat, and love bomb for a week
No. 2382760
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>>2382695>Men in general seem to hate the idea of changing themselves to appeal to women.It's exactly that. I lurk ronery subreddits for keks. And a common theme is a resentment for self-improvement (like going to the gym) because it's fake and not "the real them".
Hence why you have ugly bastard × cute girl pairings in moid media like Uncle From Another World or Sakamoto Days.
They want to be loved for who they
truly are!!!!!
No. 2382839
>>2382695>>2382760imo there is a difference between men who idolise aspirational media (where the protagonist either embodies positive ideals from the beginning, or works hard to become so and even has their shit called out in the process) and those who instead consume only everyman wish-fulfilment media. The former won't necessarily try to improve themselves for women specifically, but they do see the appeal in being more than what they are and will at least
try, which then (unintentionally on their part) benefits women. The latter rots their brain in loser groups online and with bottom-of-the-barrel weebshit that is designed to cater to and coddle their shitty personalities and lack of drive, so they're completely worthless (and they know it, which makes them lash out like a frustrated toddler at the mere suggestion of doing anything mild eg have a shower regularly). They're allergic to self-improvement, because if they weren't they wouldn't even be what they currently are. From my experience more normal men hate them too, especially if they've ever tried to reach out and help one improve lol
(tbh I do wish sometimes that this thread gave these human embodiments of detritus less attention, it's the same retardation every time and pretty isolated to online losers not even really
in the given fandom for the media they're posting about, but I also get that nonas want to air their frustrations and this is the place to do it kek)
No. 2382890
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>>2382760>Sakamoto DaysWasn't he thin and handsome when they met? The show kind of implies he got fat from her cooking.
He also goes back to being skinny when he fights for real.
No. 2382913
>>2381166Right has anime eyes.
That's not hyper realism.
No. 2383491
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I actually lol’d wtf
No. 2384443
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Why do people accuse Disco Elysium of being a "commie" game? Is it because of that thing one of the devs said when accepting that gaming award? Is it because you can play as a communist in the game?
No. 2384511
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>>2384488And Schneider’s foot fetish scenes
No. 2384576
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Nothing can be "straight" anymore, it all has to be some variation of yaoi or yuri. Dominant woman with submissive male? YURI. Slightly GNC or crossdressing female protagonist with a male LI? YAOI.
No. 2384814
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Results from online japanese poll ranking female shonen characters between men (top) and women (bottom). Thoughts?
No. 2384826
>>2384814>Jolyne as #1 for menOkay, maybe I don't hate men
that much.
No. 2384878
>>2384861>spoilerI know but it's not part of the plot and it's only implied in the epilogue.
Which makes it very jarring imo. Maki and Yuta barely interact in the manga after Yuta comes back from Kenya. I wish we knew the age ranges of the voters as well. Because I'm surprised Sakura is that popular when she's so bad she's the reference for how not to write your heroine in a shonen manga among many fans.
No. 2385116
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For any nonas who don’t know we exist, the historical RPF fandom is definitely the most drama free female fandom in the entire internet. Nobody ever makes call out posts or criticises others because the entry requirements for being in the fandom is accepting that what we do is inherently problematic, that we’re ALL in the wrong, and that we’re still going to do it anyway. Plus, we never get external harassment because people either think what we do is so absurd that it’s not worth flagging up, or that we’re based fujos/yumes for bishounefying dead men into husbandos (we are). I welcome any nonas into the fandom who are interested after reading this.
No. 2385493
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>>2385477Gintama is pretty based
No. 2385616
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Saw a moid post this on Twitter in the middle of an argument about Love and Deep Space. I think this woman looks heroic.
No. 2385645
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>>2384814Kagura deserves better
No. 2385678
>>2385616I mean, clearly it was made by a moid using the typical
>I don't want to fuck this woman, therefore she's disgusting and pathetic, look at her believing in masturbation! Shame! Shame! Shame!Like, maybe moids should pick an actual picture of a love and deepspace fan, but they all know that the girls that are genuinely into the game aren't ugly and also aren't posting pictures of themselves because they literally don't give a fuck about moids' opinions.
It's yet again another retarded fantasy enemy created by themselves, also, how funny, it's le ebil wuite woman, why won't he make one with a woman of each culture and skin color? Ah, right, moids are retarded virtue signalers that are too scared to be hashtag canceled.
No. 2385713
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>>2385695Twitter is just like that, like the hate isn't even directed to the actual fans of the game, it's just some random big bad final boss that twitterfags create, which is the evil straight white woman.
Like I said, if the moids and twitterfags actually gave a fuck about the game and the Fandom of the game, they would've picked any picture if any real fan, instead of editing the picture of some random woman that probably has actual mental issues because she's posing with reborn dolls.
I guess I'm sorry I hurt you? I'm not even white, I just think it's weird when moids do shit like that.
No. 2385751
>>2385616I make fun of yumes projecting their own insecurities when they're calling fujos fat uggos but men doing this shit should absolutely die.
>Noooooooo women can't have their boyfriend game because they're UGLY!!!! ugly women don't deserve happiness!!!!!!This woman even at her current state still looks more held together and presentable than an average male reddit waifufag.
No. 2385776
>>2382683You're so clearly the retard here you even proved my point kek, there's too many MCs who are annoying Mary Sues and not enough blank slates to self insert into as otomes are made for. Why would I want the bitch I play as to be developed if she's supposed to be
>>2383982Just read a regular romance novel then. Why are you expecting deep compelling MCs from otome of all genres? They're usually boring and one dimensional precisely
because they're meant to be blank slates for you to self insert into, except they don't commit all the way and try to have it both ways, so we get stuck with a boring backstory and an annoying nlog of a protagonist.
>>2382734Name 3 times you've had sexual intercourse
(infighting) No. 2385787
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I always struggle with trying to understand why young women and teenage girls in fandoms can be such pick-mes when it comes to female oversexualisation in media. They’re always at the frontline to defend coomshit, calling you the misogynist and advocating “sex positivity” (but only for male sexual fantasies!) Anyway, I finally got around to watching this Rabbit Hole Miku music video that was so popular with tweens a few months back. Lo and behold, this shit looks like some scrote’s softcore pseudo-loli fetish shit. Despite this, I KNOW for a fact that I’ve seen tween girls on Twitter eat this shit up like candy. I finished the video and felt nauseous. Young girls who get into anime and waifushit are eternally getting groomed by scrote fantasies, it’s a never-ending cycle. Imagine seeing this at 12-15 and thinking it’s “girly” and “cute”?! No wonder they have such a fucked up relationship with feminism/girlhood. Sadly, I think I get it now.
No. 2385823
>>2385787People in fandom are usually nerds with wonky self-confidence into escapist media, and one form of escapism and wish-fulfilment is being sexually expressive and seen as attractive– I don't think it's that deep, even if it's a desire that doesn't align with lolcow's values kek. I think, for some women, seeing openly sexualised female characters or ones who express their sexuality without consequence and are treated as cool and fun can have an appeal. Plus you're talking about an age group that's in the process of figuring themselves out sexually, so imo it's not surprising that some don't see an issue with things that mix 'girlhood' with sex because that's kind of what they're in the process of doing, so they relate to it without seeing it for the gross scrote fantasy that it really is.
I dunno, I can't personally say I felt that I've ever aligned with anything I just wrote, but I have observed it in others or talked to people like that, and while I understand that plenty of it will just be pure pickmeism at the end of the day, I also feel like always revolving female behaviour and interests around scrotes is a bit reductive.
No. 2385878
>>2385616Do they not realize a lot of the fans have irl boyfriends, husbands, children, etc
Plus a lot of them got motivated to work out because of the quality time feature kek
No. 2386177
>>2385787Honestly, tweens shouldn't be seeing this online. I get Miku is an "all ages" thing but there's always been an adult segment for adult songs. She isn't a character for everyone, she's a voice bank.
That being said, I feel like the only strategy against this is telling young girls "if a man going anywhere dressed like this would be considered sexual assault, it should be the same with you".
No. 2386221
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This take seems silly to me and the canon endings sound infinitely more appealing, but I never got far into Buffy so what would I know kek. Thoughts?
No. 2386227
>>2385787Anon are you me? Because I feel the exact same frustration whenever I lurk on shitter. Fandom spaces are practically unbrowsable because tween girls are always defending the most disgusting scroteshit imaginable. I don’t even watch 3DPD, but I remember when Poor Things was released, and so many young girls who larp as autistic were defending that disgusting character who has the brain of a baby yet has sex with adult men because "feminism." It’s genuinely disturbing.
I play gachaslop, and I constantly see naive, impressionable girls defending the most blatant waifubait characters designed for the male gaze. They’ll go to war over characters from hi3 and other slop, claiming they’re “empowering,” even though they’re clearly written by moids, for male consumption. Meanwhile, any attempt to criticize their design or writing gets dismissed as “internalized misogyny.”
Just imagine if young boys started idolizing the male characters from some coomer BL game like Nucarni. People would immediately see how messed up that is. I still haven’t watched Rabbit Hole Miku, but I sometimes see fanart of it on my tl, and all of it is straight-up disgusting. It’s crazy that this is seen as normal for young girls. Can you imagine a genderbent version of this being popular among boys? It would never fly—this kind of hypersexualized, fetishized content is so clearly tailored to male fantasies, yet it’s young girls who end up looking up to it. The double standard is infuriating.
No. 2386261
>>2386177I went to the Miku Expo in Melbourne and I've been thinking about this recently and if Miku is truly appropriate to be an "all ages" thing. I got into Miku in 2011 when I was 13 (so I am one of the OG Miku kids you could say, back when you got bullied for it lmao), I am now 26, and a lot of kids were there at the concert and dressed up and some of them were even judging me a bit for being there it seemed lol, and then at the same time there was also people who should NOT have been around all of these kids and their parents whatsoever. I am talking, troon men in inappropriate outfits, a redditor looking man wearing a hentai shirt of Miku with his cringe af gf with dyed hair, and some woman and her two boyfriends who looked like a hooker and barely had anything on, and stereotypical Japanese otaku men who had flown over and were acting and looking at us awkwardly.
And these people were next to 12 year olds, one kid crying loudly because the merch shipments got messed up for the concert so the merch store didn't have anything like lightsticks for sale. All of these literal children next to the sort of degenerates you usually only see online, wearing barely anything or literally wearing porn next to them in the lines.
And now with Miku in games kids play like fortnite, this image of Miku being fine for kids will only grow, meanwhile a lot of vocaloid content isn't appropriate for children at all and people in the fandom are not appropriate to be near them. I know it's hypocritical for me to say because I was 13 when I got into Miku myself, but this all seems like a massive risk to me.
No. 2386270
>>2386261Nah, I feel the same. I think it's partly because when I was a kid it was obvious that this was way more "adult" than what would be allowed to me otherwise.
Even back then, Miku had songs about prostitution, child abuse, and other edgy shit, maybe it was because anime back then was more niche.
No. 2386324
>>2384821Misa’s a pretty shit character but I can’t deny she has sick ass clothes
She gets my vote for that alone.
No. 2386330
>>2386279That seems like more of an attendant issue over an issue with vocaloid itself though
Stuff like prosekai is pretty much only played by children anyway.
Personally while I can’t speak for concerts (since I’ve never been to one) I’d rather have a middle school aged girl being into vocaloid over Sabrina Carpenter.
No. 2386643
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So when will scrotes stop dogpiling on this game? Now they’re getting pressed over the new banner. I don’t play LaDS but I saw the teaser and it unironically made me laugh because of how corny it was. Meanwhile, Genshin’s latest patch literally lets you bathe with three women, which is way more gross than whatever this is. But the qrts of the teaser are filled with men screaming about how women who play LaDS are just as degenerate as male coomers.
No. 2386893
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>>2386227I get that these girls aren’t fully aware that it’s meant to be scroteshit but it’s still odd seeing them cape for these coombait characters as if they’re feminist icons. I wouldn’t even be shocked if they tried to defend something like picrel at this point.
No. 2387046
>>2386643I’ve always said to my fellow female fans that if you ever want to check which fandom path to follow, it’s the one that pisses off scrotes the most. Women who participate in waifu culture will never get shit from men because they’re ultimately enabling the patriarchy. Nothing is more antithetical to a society centred on the male perspective than to play a game that sees men as objects with a female as the viewer. No wonder they’re all chimping out so hard over this one female-centric thing specifically, men hardly even get
this angry over yaoi. From a fujo, I support my LADS yumesisters. Hope you’re all enjoying the game. x
No. 2387053
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I've always found it weird and outright fetishistic why so many fandomtards will headcanon every dark-skinned character as being black. Hell, I've seen this happen to white characters who happened to be tanned, like katniss
like there are 2 mexicans, a white man, 1 hawaiian in this image and they didn't even include poco loco
No. 2387054
>>2386227The sex scenes in Poor Things are supposed to be repulsive and make you feel that way, the point is that she thinks she's got life and sex figured out and she doesn't. It's not a mind blowing movie or some masterpiece but it isn't hard to grasp these concepts if you don't go into everything with your
victim hat on.
No. 2387115
>>2379800I wish more otome games featured muscular men. I grew up digging the skinnyman, but in recent years as an old lady, I prefer them to have meat on their bones too.
Snorting Otomate products, I realized they have a shortage of men I like. The games that have a lot of juicy meat perform terribly, so I have to cope with there being more fanart and fan products of the games with stickbugs instead. Maybe it's a regional thing?
No. 2387193
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>>2385709Well that makes sense I guess. I guess I like Disco more for the characters and story rather than the politics. Yes I went the moralist route lol
No. 2387201
>>2385116I'm interested now. Absolute Stacy move posting this with no regrets on lc in this specific thread, you've moved me.
Hit me with some recs or rabbit hole suggestions, nonna.
No. 2387403
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>>2387053Yeah Im gonna be honest with you, I agree with
>>2387343 I cant see Pucci as anything other than a black moid. I can get your frustration with Hermes and Esidisi, but Pucci isn't even racially ambigious in typical anime fashion like Yoruichi. Anyway, I think this debate is redundant, I really don't think people that headcanon characters as black are that big of a deal.
No. 2387835
I officially cannot stand the "found family" cope that some fans come up with whenever two characters in a slightly different age range get along. I'm not going to say which characters I'm thinking about but I don't get how some people will look at a young adult character and a teenage character meeting for the first time early in the story and the older one becoming the younger one's mentor in a sort of professional setting and everyone spams "that's his dad!" and "they're like father and son!" At least pretend the older guy is more of a big brother figure when he's only 10 or 12 years older than the other guy.
>>2387403>>2387053I'm confused, is Pucci meant to be Black or not then? Even his light skinned brother Weather Report has a backstory of being targeted by the KKK as a teenager despite how he looks. It's been a very long time since I read part 6 so I could have forgotten something.
No. 2387879
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>>2384814surprised sakura's so high, considering how many moids seem to resent her for not ending up with rock lee or naruto
No. 2387967
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>>2387054I have lost count of the number of times I’ve heard the exact same argument, “Um, ackshually, you just don’t get it. The female character being put through extreme sexual violence and nudity over and over again is super crucial to the film’s message.” Sorry anon, maybe I’m just not feminist enough for this movie.
No. 2387987
>>2387967If shit like this is feminist then
Cannibal Holocaust's real animal deaths are actually PETA propaganda.
"To show the message that killing animals is bad we will kill animals onscreen."
No. 2387989
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>>2387967Absolutely agree
>It's the hero's journey. It's all the sameYeah well it's fucking weird that steps 5-8 don't have rape as a factor for moid protags. Women can have a journey outside of "I got raped and I better from it". It's disgusting
No. 2387998
>>2387970anything even vaguely abo or bdsm flavoured, particularly in f/f. obviously this is also a problem in m/m, but femslash in particular has so many issues with people making the more 'masculine' woman (whether in personality or in looks), the physically stronger/bigger woman, the darker-skinned woman (which is so egregiously racist it's unreal) etc the 'male' of the relationship - she's always more dominant even if it's totally OOC. if they choose to ruin it further by making it troonslop that character will ALWAYS be the bepenised one.
tbh femslash kind of sucks nowadays in every way and femslash fandoms are some of the complete fucking worst to be in in general actually. it's easy to become a bnf for any femslash fandom because the content made for them is so dogshit, but it comes at the cost of having to be surrounded by literally the worst people you could possibly comprehend having to interact with online ever
No. 2388009
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>>2387970This isn't really a trope, but when fanfictions designed to have reader inserts come with a crystallized design for what's the supposed to be the reader. If you're imagining the reader to have pale skin, blonde hair, and freckles and other specific shit like that, this isn't a real reader insert. This is just canon x what's basically an OC. Either keep the description of the reader vague, make it clear that you narrowed it down to a
specific kind of reader, or don't write for that kind of fanfiction at all.
No. 2388029
>>2388005No surprise then that so many men hate Jenny and has declared her the "antagonist" of the movie for dealing with trauma in a more realistic manner aka not in a way they can fap to.
Something I've noticed a lot in media that doesn't directly show rape, but only hints to it is that most men either don't get what's going on at all, act completely confused or make ignorant jokes about the topic. When the Silent Hill 2 remake came out I curiously watched countless male streamers pretend they had no idea what was going on with Angela even though it's blatantly obvious by the end. They don't want to acknowledge, comment on or deal with the trauma and pain rape causes, because they don't see themselves in the
victims, they probably see themselves in the perpetrators.
No. 2388090
>>2388075Because ultimately some people are racist af no matter what political hat they wear. They want to champion the oppressed while also going on white guilt tirades over racism yet still find reason to be racist. Notice how these types barge into other cultures demanding they change benign aspects of their languages for a small minority while ignoring larger forest of issues? They never cared about real social problems like income inequality or women's rights, just whatever makes them the most brownie points. This the leads to black people reduced political objects in their narrative of comparing black women to troons or seeing us as yass kween faghags.
And as a black nonna, I'm tired of woketards posturing me as a martyr instead of a human being. Maybe that's why fandom is so weird about black characters. They don't see them as people, they're tropes and plot devices more or less.
No. 2388103
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>>2387967Wait, is that actually a scene from that shitty movie? I haven't watched it and glad I didn't, that looks like just straight porn. How any of this shit I feminist? Why is he humping her leg like a dog?
No. 2388122
>>2388029After the release of Alien:Romulus, I saw people talking about the original Alien again and It was so common to see moids trying to rebuke the interpretation of how sexual abuse relates to the way the Xenomorph attacks.
>>2388047 >Because they're just that innately detatched from effectively understanding human being, even in fictionYou nailed It.
No. 2388129
>>2387967This really makes me want to kill myself, I don't get the point of anything like that. Like what is that for? Even ignoring the while "totally feminist" lecture, what is this movie even about that it
NEEDS a sex scene this grotesque?
No. 2388247
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>>2385787I feel so lucky I grew up in the era of vocaloid where they weren't trying to turn Miku into some kind of wannabee Belle Delphine. Most risque song I can remember back then was Spice.
So many young fem weebs are being surrounded by this e-girl shit, it must be rough.
No. 2388328
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>>2388005I've mentioned this a bunch of times, but another film I feel handles the subject well is this animated film called Princess, even though it's animated, it never ventures into the territory of sexualizing a child. It also calls out how absolutely fucked up the porn industry is and its exploitation of women and children, for all the retards who talk about 'media literacy' they can't grasp the obvious. Anyone with a shred of sanity can tell the difference between an actual critique of abuse and rape and voyeuristic masturbation material many creators churn out No. 2388342
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>>2387970This is going to make me sound like a stinky coomer, but I hate it when smut is written with a preachy moralising attitude. Especially when it's paired with, like, BDSM elements or some other weird fetish that wasn't highlighted properly in the tags. The priorities are always a little skewed, too. We don't need an entire chapter dedicated to ~consent and safe words~ because one character assumed it was okay to poke the other one's nipple during their 50 hour hardcore whipping session kek
No. 2388348
>>2388247There was definitely degenerate shit back then too. There was a whole separate Vocaloid song ranking specifically for dirty songs. I remember the top song one year was a pedo parody of Meltdown about Len wanting to kidnap a loli…
But I recall that it was more relegated to very niche producers like Deadball-P instead of popular, mainstream producers. Popular dirty songs like Spice, Romeo and Cinderella, Adolescence (a song which I remember being incredibly creeped out by even as a child), and Iroha Uta leaned more towards a different kind of sexy I suppose than e-girl sexy. So I don't necessarily disagree with the notion that it kinda feels like more modern Vocaloid producers and weeb culture in general are turning towards e-girl shit.
No. 2388364
>>2388353Lol I remember that. There would be threads of arguing/denial about the
problematic elements but then you have comments like "damn you len Dxxx" and "hot" in the comments. It was all niche though so you had to be the weeb kid at school to find that stuff in the first place. It's all so… in your face? Now. No getting away from songs like Rabbit Hole as people plaster it all over titktok, instagram, you name it.
No. 2388374
>>2388364Those Len didn't really bother me that much tbh? It was incredibly obvious that a majority of those Youtube comments were made by teen and preteen weeb girls. Like how tween lust for Justin Bieber will never bother me as much as the degeneracy of adult moids building countdown clocks for the Olson twins
Meanwhile a Vocaloid comment moment that DID bother me… there was one translator, Katagatar, who always seemed to give off creep vibes to me. Then on one song translation, a couple of maybe college aged women were talking about how the song reminded of them of their wilder teenage years and he proceeded to ask them to send photos to him. I immediately unsubscribed that day.
No. 2388410
>>2388381It really was such a great time in the fandom. And yeah these days Len is the pure and wholesome boy #mustprotecc and their husbandos are those new normie dudes from Project Sekai.
>>2388374I feel like the dynamic or vibe is definitely different between young girls squee-ing for anime Justin Beiber and hypersexual e-girl prostitute Miku becoming a huge meme.
No. 2388430
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>>2388337I've never been into vocaloid and my tastes have always been pretty normieish. But I still can't believe this exists, it feels like a sissy troon's fantasy with the whole 'little boys being forced to dress like girls', this is the what they salivate over and fantasize about and I can't imagine anyone but a troon finding this appealing
No. 2388433
>>2388413Kek nona coming for all of us at once. Not really defending it, but you think kids going through puberty don't occasionally get curious and look at shit they shouldn't?
I'm honestly glad I did because in trying to find anything remotely femgaze it was eye-opening to how messed up the brains of moids can be
No. 2388456
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>>2388453>fake Vocaloid, Kasane Teto, a hemaphroditeI think you're mixing Teto with Ruko
No. 2388460
>>2388455Until very recently, it was illegal to transition without first getting sterilized.
It's also illegal to change your gender if you have underaged kids.
No. 2388472
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>>2388461isn't chimera her demonic alter ego?
No. 2388473
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>>2388453>>2388462tbf, that's always been a korean/japanese cultural phenomenon. A lot of their media features impossibly beuatful males who can pass as more attractive than women. What
>>2388455 said is somewhat accurate, there's even a book about japanese male sexuality. In the chapter on 'Lolita complexes,' the authors argue, based on interviews with self-confessed lolicons, child molesters and using other studies, argues that lolicons are not just sexually attracted to little girls, but the attraction to girls is a side effect of imagining themselves transforming into girls. as for why Japanese men don't transition, it's because they know they can never really be little girls so instead they want to own them either as posters, magazines and through rape, the authors also make a correlation between lolicons and shotacons, but only when the "boys" are cross-dressing or feminized in some way
No. 2388482
>>2388342Oh my God yeah the whole finger wagging BDSM safeword consent spiel takes me out of it so much. Like I don't care, these are fictional characters, I just want to see a guy getting his ass beaten.
I also hate how weirdly pornified smut is nowadays. That sounds ironic but there used to be way less porn tropes in smut like 5 or so years ago. Things like random choking, retarded daddy shit, and any male character you can think of being turned into some retarded alpha Chad Dom
No. 2388497
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They're trying by making uke all old and fucking bald now.
No. 2388498
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>>2388473>>2388487>>2388492i'm remembering the old 4chan meme "i wish to be the little girl" suddenly. i don't think it's anymore complicated than bog standard autogynephilia. and btw i'd love to see a paper done about the female version of this, because i'd be interested in seeing how many women wish they could be men when they have sex. because sex is easier for men in every way. i know so many women who feel like that.
No. 2388524
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>are probably trans now, and thankfully not going to have children
if only…
No. 2388533
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I think the normie cuteness factor is what made victorian women have their children crossdress because it was a way to show off their child being “clean and pure” then Japan took that and ran with it to their usual extreme pedo lengths. The same way they took sailor suits from England and fetishized it
No. 2388545
>>2388527i hope the poor kid will not make it
>>2388530this image is gold, of course people going to post it multiple times
>>2388525same can be said about feet or any other niche fetishes
No. 2388552
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Nona this is asia. Picrel
No. 2388557
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>>2388542Not really a Japan exclusive thing
Child pageants are pretty well known pedobait in the US.
No. 2388569
>>2388494I don't like the revisionist history that goes on in this thread sometimes. It's fine to just say I was young, I wasn't there, etc instead of doing whatever the fuck also happened when anons were trying to explain why furries were so fucking hated in the 00s and on 4chan.
>>2388342>The priorities are always a little skewed, too. We don't need an entire chapter dedicated to ~consent and safe words~ because one character assumed it was okay to poke the other one's nipple during their 50 hour hardcore whipping >Especially when it's paired with, like, BDSM elements or some other weird fetish that wasn't highlighted properly in the tagsthis might be my own anecdotal experience of being and talking to other mentally stunted online retards but I don't like tropes that were entirely born out of people with absent parents reading pornography they shouldn't and getting traumatized. Now it's fanfiction's job to teach you this this and that including sex-ed because you had shit parents. And unironically these are the people that actually all transitioned because they misinterpreted finding gay sex hot to thinking that as a woman you have to worry about poppers and lubricating your asshole for gay sex.
No. 2388581
>>2388562Are you seriously making it a competition?
>>2388572There's also the more than one "super secret cp and sex slave organization involving huge celebrities".
No. 2388591
>>2388527>>2388560it's also ironic (or horrifying) that her favorite character is Bro Strider who is canonically
abusive towards his younger brother Dave. Imagine having proship dni in bio at the age of 24
No. 2388689
>>2388680It seems to me that women are still much, much more likely to broadcast sexual desire than they are to trauma surrounding their womanhood.
Not just with women but in trauma. Isn't hyper sexualization in itself a symptom to trauma?
No. 2388824
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> In fujo culture, men are never really males
This is the single most retarded popular opinion on yaoi to the extent that every time I see it my vision goes red. TIMs want to lecture us that our ukes are acktually le trans women and that we therefore must have a secret fetish for rotpocketed scrotes. TIFs try to condition us into tolerating pussies in yaoi everywhere you turn from Ao3 to Twitter fanart, as if any straight women wants to flick it to the sight of vag. Retards like YOU, nona, also try to moralfag that yaoi is acktually le rebranded heterosexuality and fujos are all misogynists because of it. Well I say, fuck all of you and fuck off. I am a red blooded heterosexual woman: I like dick, cock and balls. I’ve had enough of this pseudo-intellectualism from all angles trying to psychoanalyse my fucking fap material. Fujoshis like seeing hot men fuck. It’s not and was never that deep.
No. 2388940
>>2388824Ngl Ive wondered if I should just differentiate myself from what autists are considering "fujo".
I like to see two anime dudes, dudes, actual men with penis, being sexualized together. Why? Because it's fun. I like the silly edge that's unique to bl. I like seeing men getting sexualized and I like reading too much into relationship dynamics in nonbl series. I like seeing the "what ifs its like this" and the "he's like this because of that!". I like that there's a small part of the fandom that I can go to when I'm tired of the constant "he should fuck her because hot female/she should fuck him because hot male" erp, people talking about how theyre masturbating while self inserting without ever discussing the characters as characters, and the "sexy waifu standing with white background" spam. I like the unique bl artstyles, I like the short 2 volume format where I can just grab a story and read the whole thing (this a bit less). That's it!
What is the word for this that doesn't come with any of the tranny shit? It used to be fujo, but everyone seems to think that means something completely different.
No. 2389062
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Bi fujos in the clear
No. 2389068
>>2387054don't bother, anons are fundamentally opposed to anything that's actually gross, evil, or corrupt being shown in a piece of media. arguing over who is most victimized by self-insert romance games, yaoi and yuri are about all they can handle.
didn't this thread used to be about commenting on absurd fandom discourse rather than partaking in it?
No. 2389075
>>2389072Betas are normies, they're just regular ass men and women
Beta men can impregnate omega guys if they want to though.
No. 2389079
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>>2389051nta but psychology and sociology majors basically write about anything, every meaningless topic that can ever be written about has probably been written in a thesis or journal piece a thousand times over
No. 2389095
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No. 2389097
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Some of you need to be re-educated
No. 2389112
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This is so embarrassing
No. 2389114
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I am not.
No. 2389115
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>>2389107It's fem Gentarou, so clearly she is.
No. 2389120
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>>2389114Clearly, this says much about the female psyche and isn't just retard fun.
No. 2390320
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>>2390294that's just an issue with male fashion, looking into alternative fashion might be a good idea. I just think your whole logic is fundamentally the same as most naive tifs(just not really understanding how humans work) male beauty is distinct from female beauty and vice verse even the most masculine butch women, who have taken testosterone and work out intensely, can never truly be men, they'll always be women larping and failing to look like men
>>2390315But that's alternative male fashion—it simply highlights the features of their bodies. The unisex elements that work for them typically only suit thin people in general. but, that's the only category that works for men. The majority of fashion designed for women's body types would look awkward or unflattering on men
No. 2390346
>>2390320Imo men are inherently boxier and larger than women, like a pillar. Right now, many just seem to copy paste exactly what a short 5'2 curvy woman would wear.
They refuse to take advantage of how long and wide men are in comparison to women.
Though, guess that only counts as ceossdressing from a certain pov.
No. 2390402
>>2390389Pedophiles are pedophiles regardless of location and whether they hide it or not.
Tbh, I dont give a shit about Japan, hate it in an appropriate thread, but pickmes saying "that place is worse! At least I'm born here!" just seems retarded.
No. 2390422
>>2390412>"At least my country's pedophiles are polite and spend money to keep it an open secret! So much better."Also just to piss them off.
Though in all seriousness, thinking it through for a bit, guess countries do count as having fandoms. So much online discourse is country sperging already though, its exhausting.
No. 2390742
>>2390731It's more split than either side makes it out to be. But the
>most yuri is written by womenshit just comes from yurifags feeling like they need to justify the genre in a progressive way, especially since the majority of them tweet about hating men 24/7 (which is fine, I don't care). Admitting that moids make up a large % of a genre they're heavily invested in is too embarrassing for them.
No. 2390790
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>>2388453>>2390783Teto was originally posted on April Fool's as a fake Vocaloid and the culture was different back in ye olde days of the fandom (still kinda fetishy ofc but also more relaxed and humorous) so it was probably just "part of the joke." Afaik nobody ever brings that part of her "character" up anymore.
No. 2390791
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>>2385787 i think this same artist animated for the mesugaki song that used a vocaloid voiced by a real elementary schooler
No. 2390798
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>>2390791lol i was just about to post about this, lolicon vocaloid song using a voicebank that was done with a real life 9 year old girl's voice. the english speaking vocaloid community tore the creator apart for it and he privated/deleted the mv. also not to mention it might literally be illegal because in the TOS for her voicebank it mentions to not use it for sexual content, so thats fun.
No. 2390888
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>>2390806This whole thing is why it pisses me off when people talk about Miku and other vocaloids "having no age" to justify her lewds. Her age is literally stated to be 16, and people are free to change it, but she 'doesn't have an age' in the same sense that every anime character doesn't have a real age. They really seem to believe that JP artists are aging up Miku every time they make sexual stuff with her. They don't care, Rabbit Hole Miku is almost certainly meant to be 16 and so are 99% of sexual depictions of Miku. Art by Kaai Yuki's actual character designer from like 10 years ago btw
No. 2390889
>>2385787Even as a long time anime fan I don't get the point of pretending it's empowering and openly embracing the oversexualization instead of seeing it as a flaw. It always weirds me out when I see those girls retweeting half naked lolis and pretending to be the cool girl who is not like those other prude sex negative feminist bitches. I enjoy scroteshit anime and a lot of other jp media that isn't feminist and if someone told me they feel uncomfortable with those sides of it I'd just agree but say I still enjoy certain shows because they have other aspects about them I like outside of the scroteshit. I don't like them
because of the scroteshit, it's in spite of it, so I don't really pretend it's anything else and act like it's empowering or somehow feminist, I just accept things have flaws and try to enjoy the aspects I like personally. People will call you a hypocrite for doing this though and it's like nowadays you have to be totally on board with every single flaw in something in order to be a fan of it which I find completely retarded and this mentality most likely fuels women who are into these things into doubling down and saying it's actually feminist as a result. Like, they can't admit it's flawed otherwise they'll just be attacked and told they cannot like it because apparently you can't like anything unless you accept EVERYTHING about it as good, otherwise you're a tourist or whatever other retarded buzzword. And honestly, if you're constantly being attacked for what you like and moralfagged it can get annoying and make people defensive and find some way to cope, I know I've felt that when sometimes I can't even enjoy something without some retard trying to moralfag and calling me a pick me hypocrite every 5 seconds when I never even stated anything was empowering nor did I like something to pander to men. It bothers me when people act like I have to stop liking whatever I like because they said so and can only like their select list of perfect, squeaky clean media when that's just not what I'm into, but I still don't really delude myself into believing what I'm consuming is without flaws simultaneously. And that's where these women fail because they either aren't aware of the flaws or just double down and try to pretend like it's totes feminist and good guys instead of just admitting they like something flawed and moving on.
I hate that particular miku song though, feels like it was just made as coombait and there isn't much else to it. I even saw men who claimed to not care about miku love this song specifically just because they can coom to the fanarts of it.
No. 2390953
>>2390888The Miku stuff is obvious cope, I've always found it obnoxious because the people bringing it up clearly want to freely oonga boonga over her pinups but they can't betray their "anti Epstein ahh particles blud" circles or whatever the fuck. The arguments for her equally apply to the Kagamines but you won't see anyone admit that because it's optically worse since their body types can't be as easily imagined to be 18 years old like Miku.
I generally don't care about people lewding Vocaloids but Kaai Yuki is an entirely different situation because her voice provider was an actual minor.
No. 2390975
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Bitches who said TCOAAL was made by a pick me for male gooners BTFO.
No. 2391025
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>>2391015The coffin of Andy and leyley
No. 2391026
>>2390888If I'm being honest, the idea of vocaloids having one age they're constrained to feels absurd to me. Miku is made to project ones feelings onto in song, she's a mascot character that makes for easy marketing, so even though she says 16 on the box, I find it more absurd that producers are getting off to the idea that they're sexualizing a teenage girl, rather than getting off to the idea they already had in their head and want to express using the easily recognizable character on the box. People saying it's possible to age down Miku into a child but it's not possible to age her up into an OL is fucking retarded and everyone who thinks that way needs to be forcibly sterilized for the good of society.
That being said, Kaai Yuki is a very different case. Miku's voice provider was 23 when she gave the initial samples in 2007. Kaai Yuki's provider undoubtedly hadn't even had her first period yet. Anyone who uses her voice in a sexual manner is undoubtedly a sinister individual. Some are trying to argue that the provider becoming an adult in real life is justification, but someone masturbating to the image of a child from the 80s is still masturbating to a child, even if they're like, 40 now. There's a reason otaku are seen as the scum of Japan.
No. 2391067
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>>2390953>>2391026I wasn't sure how to word it, but I didn't mean to imply that sexualizing Kaai Yuki is the same as sexualizing Miku. Obviously the Kaai Yuki situation is worse. But I find it really annoying to see Western fans go "b-but how could they? D-Didn't we all agree it's okay to sexualize the others because they don't have set ages?" when JP producers and fans don't see it that way, they don't care about age whether it's based on a real child or not (see that image I posted). Even this older Kaai Yuki is meant to be 15 lmao, and the artist stated he thought it would be okay because he aged her up and stuff. I just hate how obtuse Western fans act about Japanese fandom culture (or Japanese culture in general tbh)
No. 2391070
>>2391025The brother is kind of cute so I believe it. That, and
shitty Ren'py visual novels like these are a girls' domain.
No. 2391089
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>>2391068He still fits the light novel type of protagonist.
No. 2391160
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has anyone here got caught up with the recent Bridget drama? Basically the voice actress referred to Bridget from Guilty Gear Strive as "him" and xitter troons went apeshit over it
No. 2391163
>>2388569>I don't like tropes that were entirely born out of people with absent parents reading pornography they shouldn't and getting traumatized. Now it's fanfiction's job to teach you thisExactly! Though some of them probably aren't even traumatized, they're just trying to be "Not Like Other Fic Writers" or think that educating us makes them come across like less of a tard. Also, the
absurd realism (or "realism") in some fics is fucking JARRING, like
one I read wherein a character gets triggered and has a flashback to a completely unrelated event during sex, and the story grinds to a halt so he can have a realistic PTSD episode to affirm why ~using your words~ is important. I'm sorry, what? Do they not see the ryonafag implications of putting that in the middle of the smut?? It obviously wasn't meant to be a fetishy moment so who in the audience would enjoy this? And wouldn't it be kinda fucked up for the couple to resume their activities afterwards if they were real? I was so taken aback that I found it hilarious, the writing suddenly got SO dramatic out of nowhere. That's just an example but it's annoying how the authors think this shit is necessary. No. 2391213
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>stop being so hypocritical
Follow your own advice
>Or better yet, never goon and follow Shinzo Abe's advice instead
says the kissless lolifag
God, i hate this moid it makes me want to a-log
No. 2391325
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>>2390273>do you actually think that men can look good crossdressingIts not meant to look good its meant to look embarassing. Women dont look good in maid dresses either, the appeal is they are humilliated by wearing retarded ugly costumes. Same applies to men wearing maid dresses. Wearing skimpy clothes, which sadly is mostly associated with women, will never look good because looking like a hoe will always be pathetic.
No. 2391388
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>>2391213Female fans should start an actual conversation as to why straight men/lesbians constantly feel as if fujoshis and yumes owe them some sort of formal ‘justification’ or ‘apology’ for liking what they like, aka yaoi or otome media. If you ever have women congregated around some vaguely sexual interest I guarantee you there’s always some retard there to screech:
> Just ADMIT you are a degenerate whore!!!! > Just ADMIT you’re a hypocrite who gets horny!!!!> Just ADMIT you hate women by fapping to men!!!Which all sounds to me like: “Repent, harlot witch! Women are forbidden from liking sex in a way that does not align with my own sexual interests!” It’s repackaged, old-fashioned misogyny from all angles. Why should women owe anyone an explanation for what turns us on? Lord knows men are never asked to write an essay for shlicking it to lolicon or rape porn. I’m sick of seeing these demands for women to apologise or repent or whatever for liking shirtless men. Enough.
No. 2391414
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>>2391365Maid dresses are humilliating, thats the truth. Suits in women dont look good to you because they arent humilliating for a woman to wear, unlike maid dresses. You have lethal shit taste btw.
No. 2391416
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>>2391325>>2391365I think women look good in both maid dresses and suits…
No. 2391483
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>>2391443Literally, so many gorgeous women in suits in anime and anon picked a couple lolis with horse ears lmao
No. 2391547
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>>2388505on the one hand, true.
on the other hand, you can never make me hate honne dell and so I think caffein should be forgiven for his sins.
Even when they were shitty, I do miss the goofy fandom stuff where people made their own super distinct versions of various characters, and really embraced them being software that you can do whatever with. I liked seeing everyone's own "miku" etc and it's been lost a bit. Stuff like psekai etc really pushed the idea of a "canon" too much and younger fans don't seem to grasp that they're malleable toys as strongly.
No. 2391695
>>2391067>I just hate how obtuse Western fans act about Japanese fandom culture (or Japanese culture in general tbh)I partially wonder if it’s willing ignorance because they have a feeling they wouldn’t like what they see if they knew.
With the Kaai Yuki situation most Japanese fans seemed to find it difficult to comprehend why anyone would find it offensive. Many of them do not realise that lolicon is even controversial, even if they do they don’t really seem to grasp exactly how disgusting it’s seen to be. It’s just another anime trope to them and they aren’t thinking deeply about it even if they aren’t into it. They do not understand that it’s considered inherently disgusting to find depictions of children sexually attractive, period. When confronted about this they will cope that westerners are only sensitive about it because there’s real pedophiles in the west unlike Japan where nothing bad happens and there are no crimes.
No. 2391714
>>2390731might because there's two types of yuri, romance yuri and hentai yuri with a possible third being yuri bait. Most men don't care about romance and like to cut straight to action hence preferences over hentai yuri. Women like romance and naturally perfer romance yuri. That however doesn't mean people behind romance yuri are women and hentai yuri are men. Based on a study some time ago, it was discovered that at least a good third were women but whether some of them were men larping remains to be seen (my money's on the larping part).
>>2391482You're based but personally I don't like maid outfits on men. It's one of the few feminine attire that doesn't seem to work for me. It's cute, but there's better ones out there.
men in pencil skirts for office attire makes me hnnng. No. 2391767
>>2391752Honestly if you wanna get back into anime, stick to either older stuff or anything aimed at the shojosei crowd if they even exist these days. The anime industry has unfortunately deemed women unprofitable to make anime happen but somehow manga seems fine. You free not to of course. I haven't watched much anime in years for this reason.
>>2391763On another note, how can someone manage to enjoy anything knowing that a man put his grubby hands on it? I'm looking to detox myself from all media until I come back confident that they're won't be any sexist tropes awaiting me. It happened to me with video games and it's happening in other mediums I use to like.
No. 2391778
>>2391160Japanese language doesn't have gendered pronouns so I sure as hell hope the troon brigade took their anger out on the translator and not the voice actor herself.
>>2391166Yes, his entire character was that he was forced to dress up as a girl to spare his life because he and his brother were born as male twins in a village where it was regarded as a bad omen and the younger twin has to be killed, so he left the village to bring fortune and wealth back before revealing himself to be male to rid them of their superstition. But the new game suddenly retconned him as a "trans woman" so all that went out of the window. He didn't have many game appearances in years, guessing because of sensibilities regarding his story, so the only way to make him palatable for the current age was full troonery.
No. 2391802
>>2391797>Japanese is a very context heavy language and people are referred to by their name (In this case just "Bridget") rather than with a third person pronoun.That's what I meant when I said you can just introduce the topic once and then never again until the topic changes and you have to use the particle "ha" again with another word. That's what makes it very easy for Japanese writer to introduce characters whose gender the audience isn't supposed to know until some kind of plot twist but foreign fans will insist the characters are enby or trans. And it makes translating tricky sometimes like you said. The last time I saw this was with Uraume from JJK, whose identity was a mystery until the end, and then it turned out to be very convulted
pretty male character reincarnated in a woman's body like a parasite either because he asked for it or because the person who made it happen forced him to be reincarnated inside a woman's body and we have no idea why so the translators for European languages must have been really annoyed by this.
No. 2391844
>>2391752so am I a pedophile for thinking Todoroki from MHA is hot?
God people need to stfu about "oh he/she's a teenager!!!11!" wtf as long as they're not lolishota why does it matter? god the virtue signalling ITT
No. 2391883
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>>2391180I've seen some pretty mixed reactions from the Japanese fanbase, a lot of them either don't realize he's supposed to be trans now, think its a Western localization that doesn't apply to the Japanese version (the Japanese pixiv definition for him even states that he's still a boy in Japan, but transgender in the West), but if they're a westaboo or they have a fetish they see him as trans. It's pretty common for him to still be tagged as an otokonoko or "too cute to be a girl" and other crossdressing tags. We'll have to see if the anime double downs on the change, or ignores it.
No. 2391902
>>2391894Holy shit a woman directed this… at least they're cheek kisses.
Idol culture feels a lot like prostitution in some aspects
No. 2391903
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>>2391890No, that has been debunked before. Poison has a pretty long and complicated history regarding his sex, but that claim has never been proven that they did that for 'feminists' as they clearly don't give a fuck what they think. Even in his original concept art he was referred to as a 'newhalf', but nowadays they just fuck around and don't confirm anything. He talked about not being able to choose being born as a man or a woman in his last appearance, in old materials his friend Roxy referred to him as a crossdresser, and on the computer in the Shadaloo stage in V his sex reads as 'unknown.' He has quotes about gossip proving his popularity since he's just an attention whore that doesn't care in canon either.
No. 2391918
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>>2391309>Hypocritical how?the context is this
No. 2391922
"Scrotes on twitter will call you a degenerate gooner for playing LADS and then spend hundreds of dollars to fondle a virtual balloon titty waifu who looks like a blown up doll or a 20000 years old kindergardener"
No. 2391924
>>2391918Does any woman actually get offended for being called a
No. 2391937
>>2391924>>2391927men get deeply hurt when called incel, so its basically a 'n-no u!' moment
but they all know
femcels dont exist and even "undesirable" women who might be fat/ugly/old/promiscuous have more options than them and even the opportunity to land high quality partners
No. 2391943
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>>2387053repost from the booktok thread since it fits better here, probably the worst and most unfair case of cancellation I have ever witnessed is what happened to amelie zhao, there was an outcry on twitter and booktwt with accusations of anti-black racism because her work apparently poorly depicted the american slave trade, which it didn't cause it was based off the asian slave trade and some claimed it had the "white savior" trope, as the white main character saves a black slave girl, but again that slave girl was not black, she was just described as tanned and there were no black characters in the story, all the characters were either fantasy russians or asians
No. 2391983
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>>2390806I hate weebs so much its unreal
No. 2392019
>>2391940its a fighting game
nonnie everyone in it is violent, but he isn't in a gang anymore and just tries to loop people into joining his wrestling company. He isn't really that deep of a character and is mainly just fanservice for the chasers and silly for the rest of the players, like most fighting game characters are.
No. 2392071
>>2390975the fact moids actually thought this was made by a tranny/man is so insane to me. its instantly disproven if you looked at her older games, including:
>yaoi harem game>evil codependent twin brothers game with yaoi undertones>game where you have to make snowflakes and a weird guy comes out of the forest to help you cheatthis whole thing really proved to me that 90% of men online literally dont interact with women their age and have no idea what they like or how they act
No. 2392075
>>2392071Some idiots on LC also thought she was a man to be fair.
No idea how since the game is girly as fuck.
No. 2392080
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>>2391067(samefag) a lot of Japanese users see pedophilia as a sexuality, there's a bunch of comments and tweets where they call what happened discrimination
>>2391695>I partially wonder if it’s willing ignorance because they have a feeling they wouldn’t like what they see if they knew.I definitely think so. I'd be willing to say that Kaai Yuki was targeted at lolicons from the start and having a 9 year old voice her was to add to the authenticity of the character, but that would be too much for a lot of people
No. 2392081
>>2392078And if they’re a woman they call you ojou sama or mistress, same thing if you’re at a butler cafe.
Obviously it’s pretty heavy in otaku culture but I don’t think the maid outfits themselves are meant to be embarrassing.
No. 2392096
>>2392093Anon there’s a big difference between a traditional maid and a maid who works at a maid cafe.
Traditional maids generally don’t go “MOE MOE KYUN” to bless your food.
No. 2392108
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>>2392098Probably because maid cafes are for otaku moids, I never denied that they’re obviously there to pander to otakus just that I don’t think the costumes themselves are meant to be shameful or whatever.
Not to be mention that it’s not like there isn’t cafes that pander to otaku women, there’s a BL cafe.
No. 2392129
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>>2392124Anon at this point they’re pretty much engrained in every part of Japanese alternative culture. The majority of sweet Lolita brands have even come out with maid outfits.
You don’t really seem to have a reason that they’re shameful aside from “I personally dislike them”
No. 2392186
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>>2392155i mean, wasn't it obvious with the way she's posing like this in the official art like picrel?
No. 2392205
>>2392080>>2392155?? It's japan. If they make a loli character, it's obviously targeted towards lolicons. That's like doubting that female characters are targeted towards male otaku.
Like what, did you think the target audience was adult women who wanted kids or something?
No. 2392233
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>>2391626It started with some kpop fan posting a pic with an idol photocard in her cleavage so everyone else followed lead. It’s funny how there’s people trying to claim that this is only for the girlies~ as if it isn’t just a further invitation for moids to ogle these women
No. 2392321
>>2392233Pickme's taking any opportunity at all to post boobs on social media and then inevitably playing
victim about it later, many such cases
No. 2393069
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Western weebs and especially “ethical lolicons” don’t understand that in Japan there is no difference between 2D and real life. All self-proclaimed lolicons also desire real kids and it’s completely normal there in otaku culture (which is why otaku deserve to be judged by the rest of the society).
No. 2393328
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>>2393072he looked like a salaryman too
>check vocaloid wiki>he's supposed to be 22wtf. Here's his V4 "natural" art, he looks more like a student now for some reason.
I'm of two minds about the drama. On one hand I'm an older secondary and I don't really like that Kaai Yuki is used for sexual-themed songs. On the other hand I'm worried producers would retreat to niconico where they can geoblock retarded westerners because that'll affect me too. I already can't buy CDs from Toranoana due to the Visa/Mastercard shit.
No. 2393558
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Hunter Schafer is allegedly being considered for the role of Mystique in an X Men reboot
No. 2393576
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>>2393564>>2393558Kek thanks for reminding me of this, the jokes just write themselves
No. 2393727
>>2393714they also think that "bara" is much better and safe because it's made by true and honest gay man unlike the hecking evil yaoi made by woman who fetishize mlm relationships with
problematic power dynamics
No. 2393797
>>2388577nta, but nona… Vocatone, who made Oliver the 13 year old Vocaloid, were teenagers. They would've been around 16 back then. So yes, that was the case
I remember thinking that Oliver and Yuki were the same in that it was just about having a unique voice type available, or like Gachapoid who was made with kids entertainment in mind. I admit I was naive back then
No. 2394205
>>2392080>>2392199I wish I understood what the fuck it is about their culture that makes them so permissive about the sexual abuse of children. They make soft core porn of six year olds, and they have "JK cafés" where pedophiles can pay to go on dates with school girls. Jobs that involve working with children don't require background checks there, and they don't have a sex offender registry. You can say
>Noooo anon, most Japanese normies hate that stuffBut if that's the case, why aren't they doing anything about it? Burgers often point their anger at pedophiles in bizarre and nonsensical directions (the Satanic ritual abuse obsession and Pizzagate for instance) but at least they're
willing to get angry on kids' behalf. It would be nice if the Japanese public got as angry at pedophiles as they do at people who smoke weed, just sayin'.
No. 2394588
>>2394205>But if that's the case, why aren't they doing anything about it?NTAYRT but I've read several times that it's the same reason so much sexual abuse and rape goes unreported: Japanese society is deeply afraid of bringing shame to their own. Even "making a scene" (calling out a molester in public or responding aggressively) is considered shameful. And the police and government seem to be obsessed with maintaining a "clean" public image of themselves and society. I've never been to Japan, though, so take this with a grain of salt.
>>2393502There are very few gay TIMs who are into it. See this HSTS fudan
>>>/m/294116>>2384576>straight romance where the female character isn't a weak, submissive, hyperfeminine, excessively passive doormat>"OMG SO QUEER"I cannot resist the urge to A-log these people sometimes.
No. 2394611
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>>2393577Unfortunately you're out of luck if you're only playing Japanese otome. Of course they're not a monolith, but it appears that the majority of Japanese women are cucked to some extent. I found this thread on some women's imageboard and it's about how much they hate female protagonists who are active in the story in any way. Basically, they want perfectly pretty and passive protagonists who can't and don't do shit on their own in their media. They want protagonists that are "polite" (they really hate female characters that are "foul mouthed"), feminine, pretty and loved by everyone without giving their unsolicited opinions or doing anything outside of being a perfect doll. Literally, I'm not exaggerating. You can translate the page and see for yourself. instance, they're mad at the new Disney remakes not because of the same bullshit reasons that westerners are (I'm talking about the racebait and manufactured controversies pulled by Disney that people on Xitter bite and eat up, not the fact that these remakes are lame as fuck in general and obvious cashgrabs), but because the new versions of the classic princesses are TOO strong, proactive and independent. Some of them wondered how Americans can be so diverse yet nobody there protests against that change, lmao.
Of course, a single thread made specifically by one of these cucks does not represent all Japanese women. I'm well aware that there's at least a minority who hates these stereotypes and the idea that women should be passive and weak, or that girls have to be "girly" and wear certain clothes. But sadly, this tradwife bullshit seems to be a common opinion over there, even if not as extreme as in the thread I linked, and that's probably why their media is so cucked (manga, games, fanart, etc. for women and girls). I hate to say mean things about entire groups of foreign women, but this is pure society-induced mental illness that is no doubt enforced by people in power, from manga editors to the government. Literal "freedom from choice" Handmaid's Tale shit. But I guess it's no different from western tradthots and self-proclaimed bimbos who really think it's better to let a moid choose for you, while your job is to look pretty and give him sex when he wants it. Women like this exist everywhere, I just feel like it's more common in Japan.
No. 2394636
>>2391341I'm at least glad that Scottish men still wear kilts as formal wear. Kilts are cute.
>>2392108>>2392098I feel like the way maid outfits are meant to be seen depends on the author/artist, subject, and target audience. If it's for moids it's probably going to have sexual undertones and play with the concept of a woman being submissive, childlike or slave-like. If it's for women then the appeal is just the beauty and elegance of the likely non-sexualized outfit. And if it's for women but it's a man crossdressing, the appeal is probably that it's humiliating. I think of otaku women liking anime maid outfits for purely aesthetic reasons as "reclaiming" the concept from moe culture and making it more like the original idea of maids, just as the term "lolita" got "reclaimed" by lolitas and stripped of its sexual meaning in that specific context.
This argument is retarded, it's not so black-and-white that you can claim "maid outfits are all humiliating and moidshit" or "you're wrong and maid outfits are never sexual".
No. 2394640
>>2394630They were correcting each other about it, saying stuff like "wait, Cinderella was actually pretty proactive, wasn't she?"
They tried to remember which princess was the most useless, IIRC they came to the conclusion that it was Aurora.
No. 2394720
>>2394667>I don't think all women are into men crossdressing for humiliation purposes.Yeah that's why I said "probably", not "definitely". I know it's not the case for everyone.
>but women are into men crossdressing because it's submissive, sexy, or about being willing to pleaseIn a lot of crossdressing bishie/ikemen art the guy is blushing and looking embarrassed so I'd say it's more common than you think. Though I might've made the mistake of conflating humiliation with submissiveness, but I think most women into that do so, too.
>I think some women are memed into liking crossdressing because it's about a man wearing something sexy, even if it doesn't really suit him.I agree. I don't find dudes in maid dresses particularly cute or sexy either.
No. 2394721
>>2393558>tranny playing MystiqueI mean she does shape shift into a man and impregnated her wife by basically turning into a dick girl…
Mystique's a fetish character anyway, so I guess it's pretty accurate casting.
>>2393564Accurate kek
No. 2394728
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>>2394205Weebs are insane if they think normie japanese people give a shit about loli. Picrel is an official Yamaha collaboration with the game Azur Lane. Sanrio does collab with shit like onimai and super sonico. Miku has collabed with Blue archive. Mcdonalds collabed with fate go. If big brands are willing to risk their reputation by associating with lolishit, then i dont think japanese normalfags give a shit.
No. 2394734
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Thank fucking god I've never been a Sonicfag
No. 2394737
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>>2391213>>2391918lol he's mad jelly
No. 2394782
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Anons, do you believe most fan's interest in dead dove kinks/tropes comes from a place of legitimate arousal, or is there some kind of competitive element there to "prove" they're edgy and sexually adventurous?
No. 2394816
>>2394782People that plaster that they're
problematic and edgy eks dee all over their social media accounts fall under the latter and everyone else, the former.
No. 2395116
>>2394782When someone has one or a handful of dead dove tropes they like, I usually figure they actually like them. If they’re constantly making a show of how “degen” and bragging about they are then they’re just a tryhard trying to prove how edgy they are.
>>2395114Lel I think a lot of stuff gives away that a woman made this tier list. The fact it has “teacher/student” on a list that also has “beheading” and “wound fucking” tells you everything you need to know. Also the fact it uses Ao3 terms for tags rather than hentai terms, ie. calling it “age gap” rather than lolicon.
No. 2395153
>>2394874I second this, I get the sense that women and men view dead dove through a different lens
It's pretty easy to tell if a fanfic was written by an XY because they view a lot of dead doves as simply fetishes that go beyond their "regular" porn, and because of that are never framed as being traumatic, tragic, nor edgy
I notice women tend to use the more extreme tags for their use as storytelling devices or hooks, and not because they are just SO turned on by the actual act of eye socket sex or whatever
Of course that's just a generalization and it depends on the tags and person, but I think it holds true for a lot of dead dove
No. 2395189
>>2392233I hate how so many trends in fandoms just basically involve women sexualizing themselves or sexualizing the female characters. Right now there's this, some gross trend with feet burgers for footfag males, and some other trend showing female characters with their body parts marked with the number of likes and rts or something. All going on at the same time and in different fandoms independent of each other with misogyny and oversexualization being what unites them.
>>2393069I keep seeing retarded western lolicon men the past few days act like the japanese have less issues with this stuff than westerners who hate on loli shit, and it's just so delusional when you think about how openly japanese men lust after irl little girls. They act as if they as lolicons are totally safe and can distinguish irl from fiction and even go as far as to say the people who shit on lolicon content must just be projecting and be the real closeted pedophiles kekkk, as if concluding a lolicon must be a pedo isn't just a simple 1+1 calculation for any normal person. All because some random moids got caught being pedophiles after shitting on loli content and somehow this totally means lolicons are safe to be around children.
>>2394782The latter. People in fandoms these days will even call you vanilla as an insult and claim you're boring and asexual if you aren't into any of this shit and aren't a degenerate just in general. Funny because they're usually virgins
No. 2395315
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Retarded question but what the fuck are the devs exactly trying to say about abortion in general? The obvious theme was about taking responsibility, but the context of it being about the rape and Anya's forced pregnancy that Jimmy was trying to avoid accountability for had attracted random faggots using this to make the point that Anya hypothetically getting an abortion would make her "no better than Jimmy". Especially since IIRC, Jimmy told Anya to have an abortion just so he wouldn't feel burdened. I hate prolife retards, but that interaction between Jimmy and Anya forces you to wonder and think about what the devs mean about things like that. If the man is an irresponsible sociopath because he wants the woman to abort her pregnancy just so he won't have to deal with a baby, what are the devs trying to say about rape pregnancies and women who choose to get rid of them? Since the game revolves around taking responsibility for your actions and the circumstances that you are in regardless of if you asked for it, what exactly is the dev thinking about in terms of forced pregnancies and abortion? We know that this game is about responsibility, but the context about the rape, the pregnancy, and the mentioned idea of an abortion and the way it was all written forces you to think beyond just "taking responsibility" and actually wonder what this dev thinks about Roe v. Wade. Not in any "woe this game is a genius" sort of way, but more in a way that just gets on your nerves because even Alien has a clearer, and more creative interpreted subtext about rape, forced pregnancy and the act of taking an abortion despite the writers basing the first "birth" scene off of fucking Crohn's Disease instead. If this game's dev is personally prochoice and wasn't trying to go for a prolife interpretation at all, then perhaps what they were really trying to say about Jimmy pressuring Anya into getting an abortion was that irresponsible people (males) will try to override what other people (women) personally think and want just to get their own way. That wouldn't necessarily be a prolife message, but because this is yet just another interpretation and a guess only as good as the prolife tards on twitter. This just goes to show why rape is one of the most seemingly challenging things to even write messages around or about because now that means they wrote the theme and interactions of this game in a way that can be easily interpreted in the opposite direction of what they personally believe. It's not JUST about the word responsibility. Because there is rape and pregnancy in the story, there has to be something said about about it, whether it's the writer or the viewer. Even if prolife wasn't what the dev was going for, it gets on my nerves that this game created a special breed of coomers and gooners getting off the concept of rape (because we've all seen the porn of Jimmy and Anya) AND THEN larping as moralists because they interpreted the game in a way that aligns with basically believing that women shouldn't ever have the right to back out of forced impregnation. Basically, the perfect degenerate who would probably say that Genghis Khan was "based".
As an unimportant footnote, even though I personally think Anya probably would've kept the baby if she wasn't trapped on the ship, it's honestly a little blackpilling that the fans of this game who use AUs of Anya keeping and loving the rape baby seem to clearly think birthing and loving rape babies is the "correct" thing for women to do.
No. 2395378
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>>2394611nah you're using a single thread with like ~163 posters on an anonymous website (so, some of them could be men, honestly) to justify your assumption that jp yumes hate active protags and jp women are all happy, mentally cucked doormats kek…the title itself even frames it as being a niche opinion.
look at the popularity of stuff like apothecary diaries and consider that the average shojo protag is plucky, cute asshole and shut up
No. 2395420
>>2395276uhhh the male can be appealing and the female can be an actual character at the same time you know. One of my favorite otome ships is still very strong couple and respectful but the MC isn't some badass asswhooper and is kind and gentle.
Also "cuck" apparently means anything now
No. 2395478
>>2394205in defense of Japanese moms, they're definitely up in arms about it. not allowing photography near schools and kids being able to commute safely on the train were issues i remember hearing a lot about. the problem is whether broader society pays any attention to them.
as for satanic panic and pizzagate, imo those arose from the uniquely christian conspiratorial culture of the US, which japan doesn't have. but even if they did, would it be productive? was a single child actually ever saved from abuse thanks to satanic panic? the world doesn't need any more of the type of moid who virtue signals about epstein and drake and then turns around to jack it to some girl who's too young for him "but it's fine because she's 18." my point is not that we should go back to normalizing pedophilia but that not all anger is actually helping children.
No. 2395497
>>2395478The type of people who were deep into pizzagate had brothers, uncles, friends, husbands etc that had accusations of molesting kids or rape and yet they always choose not to believe those
victims. Hypocrites that would rather believe fairy tales than accept the reality that it's people directly linked to them committing crimes against children
No. 2395682
>>2395425The writer and art lead of the game is a woman. It’s not a “gooner” game because everything is only vaguely talked about and not shown.
>>2395370This is honestly such a gross way to talk about rape
victims. I understand being tired of rape mentions and narratives since we’re already surrounded by the fear of it constantly as a woman but this is just such a gross take.
No. 2395687
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>>2392233And to their complete “surprise” apparently several cleavage pics from this fandom trend have been posted on 4cuck
No. 2395730
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>>2395354Not disagreeing with your point because I do think basing Anya's likeness on a real woman is tasteless, but most of the male characters are also based on real people. Daisuke is literally just Haruhiko Kato in Pulse
No. 2395763
>>2395682weird amount of gross takes about rape
victims today. rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman.
No. 2395795
>>2394611I get it, not every female main character need to be an independent girl boss in an enemies-to-lovers relationship.
My favorites female character is the heroine from Jane Austin's Mansfield Park, Fanny Price. The entire book she does almost nothing and it's because she's perfect the way she is. She doesn't need a character arc where she changes what she thinks or believes because she was always in the right, it was the shits around her that needed to see they were wrong.
The only adaptations it had hated this defining character traits and wrote some other character as the heroine and slapped Fanny's name on her because they clearly didn't want to tell the story of Mansfield Park.
I didn't actually get to watch the 1983 adaptation because I couldn't find it, but the entire cast looked ugly so I don't really want to now. No. 2395798
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>>2395324>Absolutely nothing. They just wanted to be edgy and get attention. I can imagine them brainstorming ways to make the game more unsettling and someone going like "yooo what if the only female character was brutally and repeatedly raped and then got pregnant? People would go crazy talking about it".kek so that's it? That's the bottom line of what the devs mean to say about what they put in their own game?
>make a token female character>write her to be bland to solidfy her writing role as a stepping stool for another character's establishment>of all the ways she can be hurt by Jimmy, make it so that she was raped because…she's a woman.>writing is so bland, the only thing stopping her from being a forgettable character is that fact that she was raped>don't even use her character to establish a creative, but clearly message about where to stand about forced pregnancy and abortion despite rape being one of the literal main subjects that the game is about>Oh, and have a tranny voice her characterI can't believe this game got an award. If anyone wants to consume media about a space, delivery crew with interpretive subtext about the horrors of sexual assault leading to pregnancy and childbirth, just watch Alien. That movie is 45 years this game's senior and it did the subtext of rape a lot better–even though rape isn't even what it's about.
No. 2395866
>>2395682she's not a rape
victim though she's a fictional character and i'm criticizing her incredibly tired theming
No. 2395878
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>>2395798>just watch Alien. That movie is 45 years this game's senior and it did the subtext of rape a lot better–even though rape isn't even what it's about.Thank god I'm finally seeing people shit on this game I'm tired of pretending like it's an award winning display of writing. The words "take responsibility" flashed on screen every 5 seconds and people
still couldn't get it. I need these tumblr writing "my rape plot is so deep" graduates to be barred from writing forever. None of them know how to fucking write. Keep your ebin rape plot to the fanfics like the rest of the remedials, please. I can't believe we peaked 45 years ago
No. 2395912
>>2395788I've noticed that the women who crave male attention are always shocked and outraged by what male attention looks like…I'm really not trying to sound like an incel, but of course this was going to be the end result. Even the scrotes who bothered to say something nice before they whacked off to the pictures weren't
actually doing it to be chivalrous, are Xitterfags really just that oblivious to the male nature??
No. 2395923
>>2395315>it gets on my nerves that this game created a special breed of coomers and gooners getting off the concept of rape (because we've all seen the porn of Jimmy and Anya)You're right, but this is unfortunately unavoidable. Straight women do this and write fanfic or booktok books of it, moids do the same and either watch or decide to make rape on tape. Both draw and look at hentai and shit too.
>AND THEN larping as moralists because they interpreted the game in a way that aligns with basically believing that women shouldn't ever have the right to back out of forced impregnation. We know that right wing retards love to pull a "[x] character says trans rights" (they're almost like the originals at this tbh) and are constantly headcannoning that any piece of media they like must fit into their political framework. They even drew MLP characters as Nazis and chattel slave owners "because they live in a peaceful society!!1" and had baby tantrums saying media literacy is somehow "bad" when they found out Starship Troopers wasn't a pro-Nazi movie.
You can't determine how people choose to interpret your art, even if you try to be blatant and aggressive about your thoughts. Even the Starship Troopers director thought he was being blatant and obvious on how much he hates authoritarianism, but some people still took it the opposite way. Retards and reprobates will always find a way, I personally don't blame the devs for this any more than I'd blame anyone who makes art about dark or complicated subjects. IMO, the scene where Anya talks about considering drinking mouthwash, but says it probably "wouldn't help" seems to point to them not viewing abortion as something shameful or wrong that she would/should never want to do in the situation she was in.
No. 2395948
>>2395687I don't want to
victim blame but what did she expect? The internet is forever and Not Oversharing Your Personal Info (let alone your
breasts) is Internet Safety 101.
These k-poopies are no different from grandmas typing out their entire life story on the YouTube comment section.
No. 2395960
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>>2395189The whole delusion that Japan is a utopia where men create degenerate pornography, but no women or children are harmed ("j-just look at the stats, we know most people totally report it when they're raped!!") is extremely stupid. are multiple cases just like this that weebs don't know about, or choose to ignore because it breaks their fantasy. I'm thankful that East Asian feminists are starting to shed light on these men, because they've been playing the world for fools using PR. Japanese men play nice and docile in front of gaijin, but how they treat women they perceive as vulnerable from their own country (or poor countries they can fly to for sex tourism) is a different story entirely.
No. 2396036
>>2395687Why are zoomers so fucking retarded jfc
>small description of 4chan in 2nd ssholy shit smartphones were a mistake
No. 2396060
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>>2395960Another East Asian feminist account posted how she'd get NSFW ads despite not searching up anything NSFW. I used to get these types of ads on completely innocent sites related to anime and manga, both English and Japanese, for no reason back when I was a weeb. This was years ago. Sickens me that this problem still exists.
No. 2396079
>>2395976Lack of empathy for fellow women I think. IMO these women seem to only ever focus on the babies. "uwu cute innocent babies shouldn't be harmed! it's wholesome that something nice can come out of a tragedy!"
Many of them have never experienced pregnancy or rape. Many of them also lack the imagination to actually put themselves in the shoes of the woman. They never think of how absolutely traumatizing forced pregnancies are in reality.
No. 2396401
>>2395960I sent this story to some Japanese moids making excuses for lolishit and fighting westerners about it just see their responses to it
>"Japan has lower crime rate than other countries! Solve yours first!" copes > "Acksually pedophilia is fine because it's our culture, stop being intolerant."> One who retweets anti-jew conspiracies tells me "pedophilia is fine for Japan to do because Islam exists" "muhammads wife was 9">One moid just tells me to shut up in Japanese with a picture of 9/11 (all gaijins are burgers who would be gravely offended by 9/11 images, obviously)I feel bad for Japanese women daily. Free them.
No. 2396621
>>2395315>Jimmy told Anya to have an abortion just so he wouldn't feel burdenedDo I have amnesia or did this scene not happen at all?
>>2395324Honestly, Anya's violation felt really random. After Anya brings it up and Curly goes to confront Jimmy about it (and doesn't), it's never mentioned again. Even before that, there's not any tension you can see between Jimmy and Anya; Jimmy doesn't think anything and Anya even tells him "you're so strong and capable~" or some shit kek. One of the more frustrating aspects of the game's writing is how Anya being raped just feels like it exists in the ether and quickly becomes irrelevant. Maybe I'm alone on this.
No. 2397071
>>2395276>because they're too chicken shit to want to change LI's bad behavior insteadI have no idea what you mean by this. Are you implying that a strong and assertive female protagonist wouldn't be able to change a shitty hero's behavior too (shouldn't that personality make it easier)? Not to mention, a more submissive male character could still have bad behavior. Use your imagination a little, will you? And what's wrong with wanting heroes that aren't shitty people to begin with? Weird-ass assumptions on your part. You're assuming a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with what I or that other anon were saying.
>essentially want to read Western romance novels where MC claps back and LI grovels for two minutesI wouldn't know because I don't read Western romance novels, but I'd genuinely like to know what's wrong with wanting something like this. If you think western romance is too samey and full of this trope, then you should also know that Japanese otome is full of that annoying trope where the protag always gets dominated in romance and sex, even if she's kinda cool and assertive normally. And you should also know that this is enforced in shoujo and TL manga as well by the editors themselves, so I'm not making this up nor is it just a crazy conspiracy theory.
>it's so unserious. First off, that's not a problem unless you want a really serious story or a literary masterpiece. If the tone of the story wasn't serious to begin with, who gives a shit. You're playing an anime game, for fuck's sake. There's bound to be some wacky and funny tongue-in-cheek shit in many such games. And second, it's not like a dynamic like that wouldn't be able to work in a serious setting if it's well executed and not done like a caricature. Just say you don't personally like it. It's not criticism, but it's a respectable preference.
>what if i want to be led but not dominated?I never expressed a problem with this. My problem is that female protags are almost without fail being dominated, not just led.
>what if i want a focus on male appeal instead of shipping a het couple?Yes, exactly, the appeal in an otome game is the boys, first and foremost. I don't want to ship a het couple either, but I don't want to self-insert as a powerless retard that blushes every 2 seconds, and I don't want to be approached by annoying "sadistic" 2D moids that don't even blush as much as my character, despite supposedly being horny and in love and wanting me so, so badly. I want to do things to them, not the other way around. I don't care how hot they are if they act like that and the protagonist doesn't do anything about it.
But I could enjoy having things done to me if the self-insert wasn't so moe-like, I want her to act mature and normal about it like she's fully enjoying it, not like a virginal maiden that gets easily shy and embarrassed. Even if the self-insert is faceless, that shouldn't automatically mean that she must also be passive and weak. She can also be proactive. How come there are so many faceless male self-inserts that have little personality beyond being a rapist, and are able to coexist with the pathetic and passive male self-insert? How come otome games bring so much attention to the MC's embarrassment and moe-like behavior as if we were supposed to find HER cute and NOT the boys who are supposedly the main appeal? You'll notice that, even in femdom media for scrotes, it's very common for the dominatrixes to be blushing and wearing real slutty clothes, with the male self-insert being focused on as little as possible, even when he's fully naked. Male-oriented eroge and manga where this doesn't happen is rare, and usually has a darker tone or is made by bisexuals. But in maledom media for straight women, or even just vanilla, SFW media, the boys tend to blush less in romantic/sexual situations than the female self-insert. Why is that? If they're being seductive shouldn't they be horny, and thus blushing? Why is my character being touched, focused on and teased as if I was the appeal of the game and not the boys that I came here to see? I don't want to watch the boys stoically watching me squirm, lmao. Real internalized male gaze combined with the madonna in the madonna-whore complex shit.
I was giving a recent, highly rated Japanese otome game a try, since I heard it had nice ero scenes, and I was enjoying it until the first such scene happened. Like
>ooooh I'm getting kabedonned (he's not even blushing but I am)>ooooh he's smirking "sexily" (more like ~sadistically~, even though he wasn't like this previously AT ALL, quite the opposite, and his normal personality is what I was enjoying the most, so this sudden switch in particular enraged me. FUCK hostification)>ooooh I'm half-naked wearing nothing but a towel (he's fully clothed and it's not even a POV CG so I'm forced to see my own body)>ooooh he's being so "seductive" (faceless MC is acting like a nervous, sheltered virgin who doesn't know what sex is (despite already having spent enough time with him to develop an attraction), even though I would be enjoying this and rip his clothes off if that were me. He also just saved me from a creep and now he's acting like that creep himself, which is hilarious)I fucking ragequit at that point.
Why must almost every fucking otome game from Japan be like this? I wouldn't mind it if only like half of the games did it and the other half had a sexually assertive MC that isn't afraid of being horny and expressing it. And I would probably care less if this kind of ~sexy sadistic~ bullshit was clear from the beginning so I can avoid it fully, instead of unsuspectingly going into a game, starting to like a love interest, and getting blindsided by this landmine of a supposedly sexy scene where his personality does a 180° and makes me hate him. But no, the whole genre is plagued with shit like this. At least Diabolik Lovers and other games like it advertise themselves correctly. There are so many ways in which otome relationships could go, but devs always choose to go with the default. Otome was ironically more varied in the 00s and early 10s.
>it should be a personalized experience, not watching two pretty characters fuck while not feeling a sense of ownership and enjoymentThat's exactly what I'm saying. I hate not even being given an option to do what I really want to do. Most of the options I'm given are alien to me. And before you go saying "well duh, it's a game for Japanese women, stop demanding Japanese devs to cater to your foreign ass", there's a whole community of Japanese women online that are sick of the same thing in media for women (including otome) and share my tastes. They're even more critical and autistic than me. They, too, want more assertive and dominant self-insert protags in otome games. I know because I follow them.
>be a trad fetishist submissive cuck vs. be a femdom performer "assertive" queen cuckI fail to see how wanting to be dominant with cute and shy 2D boys is being performative and a cuck, but then again I'm not the one associating this imaginary and normal fantasy with cringe IRL Redditor BDSM tranny feminization sexy leather dominatrix shit.
>inb4 "nooo you can't dominate/molest men sexually, that's unrealistic!!!1 real "submissive" moids into femdom are all selfish trannies!!"Who the fuck is demanding 100%-true-to-real-males realistic husbandos? That's the point, isn't it? It's fantasy, moids can be truly submissive and pure, without being trannies, in the realm of fantasy if I want. Why does it bother other women so much when some of us express a preference for something different from the norm? When we want more variety? You always look for excuses NOT to have it and I just don't get why. I respect the right of games like Boyfriend To Death and DiaLovers to exist even if I find the premise revolting, so please respect the right of dominant female self-inserts to exist.
If Jap moids can have 1000s of games, manga, and anime where they can self-insert as a regular ugly pervert who gets to fuck 600-year-old magical children who are totally perverted sluts with the mind of an adult male that fall in love with him for no reason, and 100s of hentai works where they self-insert as some rando that owns and manages a human cattle ranch where he impregnates several super hot space elves with dicks, I don't see why women can't have a couple of otome games where they get to self-insert as an assertive woman and dominate and overpower 2D men that are actually submissive thanks to the power of fiction. Is that too much to ask, just a couple of games with a relatively normal premise? Apparently.
There are dozens of otome games with shitty love interests who are sexually aggressive and want to put the MC in a cage, but the inverse is practically non-existent. It doesn't even need to be a rape nukige or SM-related, I don't need to be able to destroy a man's anus; hell, it could be an all-ages game for all I care, just make the boys passive, blushing messes and the MC not retarded or uguu innocent in love/sex scenes. Off the top of my head, only a handful of obscure Japanese games and manga do this (most of which are doujin), I can literally count them in both hands.
No. 2397100
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Why is male degeneracy so normalized in society? I hate yumes and otomeshitters, but the entire overblown reaction surrounding LaDS is genuinely frustrating to me. Now men and handmaidens are acting like this game is on the same level as Nikke which is one of the most repulsive coomshit game ever. How did things end up like this?
No. 2397104
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>>2397101This is the game that they are defending btw.
No. 2397115
>>2397071Samefag, I just realized that what that other anon who said "cucked" meant might not be what I mean. Maybe I misinterpreted her opinion entirely.
But since she said she liked Nightshade, which has a protagonist with a defined and strong personality, I doubt she was talking about "being cucked by a protagonist who isn't me". And I've read reviews for Steam Prison, which I was planning to buy, until I read that the protagonist is kind of retarded and too innocent and naive about relationships for her age, which frustrated many players. And anon didn't like that one either so I have a feeling that I'm probably assuming right.
I personally don't feel like I'm being cucked when I play that sort of game, I just have no interest in shipping and I'm actually a yume, so naturally I prefer self-inserting and gravitate towards games that facilitate that. But I can like defined protagonists too, even project onto them. No doubt there are yumes that actually do feel cucked by female protagonists, but I don't think anyone in this thread has claimed to feel that way.
>>2395378>jp women are all happy, mentally cucked doormatsIf you actually read the post you'll realize that I never said that. I just said that it seems to me that this kind of woman is more common in Japan (and at the same time, they exist in every country) but I also recognize that there are women with different opinions and preferences over there.
Also, I don't know if you're aware of this, but Apothecary Diaries isn't shoujo and the manga adaptation isn't being published on a shoujo magazine (it's seinen). Most shoujo magazines don't want to publish things like that these days, which is what I meant when I said the editors enforce the doormat protagonist archetype, even if the protag is usually assertive and active in the story. Female readers will still find manga like Apothecary Diaries regardless of which kind of magazine it's in, but doesn't it seem odd that magazines that were made for female audiences refuse to publish that kind of story? It's fucked up.
>>2395083>>2395420What I (and I'm assuming the other anon) mean by "cucked" is not the literal sense of having your partner taken by someone else. What I/we mean is being stripped of your rights, freedom, dignity, etc., especially if you happily accept it. Being cucked, in this case, is self-inserting as passive drooling retards that get dominated by scrotes, have no spine, and exist only to look pretty (and in R18 media they're often sexualized more than the males despite the target audience being female and straight). So in other words, women like this have been psyopped, thus robbed, thus "cucked". It's a figurative meaning, and people use the term "cucked" all the time on imageboards to mean "robbed" in general, so it's not like we just made that up, either.
No. 2397172
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>>2397104kek it boggles my mind that this one(1) game has given them reign to say the most blatantly false stuff ever. like how do you post an image of a woman in fetish lingerie and claim that it is tamer than whatever goes on in lads.
No. 2397209
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>>2397100I knew the context feature would eventually be used by MUH RATIO retards who think they're right just because they're many. Someone should do the same thing to this tweet
>>2397101 and add context that Nikke contains sexualized depictions of little girls and links to scrotes openly admitting to being into that, pic related.
Also, pointing out that the game has sexy adult men doesn't disprove anything said about Nikke. How does LADS pandering to
gasp straight women suddenly make Nikke not a game for pedophiles?
>>2397101Moids always coming up with excuses for having sexualized children in their coomer media. If they want to pretend that their pedocoomer game is ackshually deep and serious, and not a softcore porn game with coombait child characters in it, then two can play that game.
>Love and Deepspace's entire story has you uncovering a conspiracy in a post-apocalyptic world where a corporation is unethically experimenting on humans.
>it's literally about stopping the dehumanization of what people perceive as 'objects'Yeah they're "objects" because they're cyborgs made for war, not because they're women. And if they REALLY meant to make a metaphor about how women are objectified in society and how that's bad, why the fuck does the game do the exact same thing it claims to be against? All the characters look like they came from hentai. Also they become your waifus in the end as if they were prizes, because as a gacha game, the whole game revolves around how much you want to fuck them, so way to criticize the objectification of women. And you can't even complain about that muh both sides fallacy and call it a false equivalence (moids commit way more sex crimes than women, women rarely rape men while women and children are raped all the time by scrotes, women are seen as sex objects by default while men aren't, etc.) because Twitter normies believe women are indeed just as bad as men.
But it's like I've said before, they're just being disingenuous and know that they're the bigger degenerates, all they care about is winning an internet argument against women like retarded, petty children, and afterwards they go back to fapping to grotesque porn. They type these tweets with one hand.
I also have a feeling that this seething hatred is born out of jealousy because they, like the greedy and selfish fucks they are, want everything that looks remotely good and is popular to be made for them, no one else can have good things. They finally know what it feels like when something
this good panders to the opposite sex, and they can't handle it. Cope and seethe, moids
>>2397104Someone should reply to the scrotes with this to see how they cope.
No. 2397229
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>>2397209From the Nikke subreddit
No. 2397336
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Man I'm so tempted to go on Gelbooru, Pixiv, etc. and look for the fucked up shit these gachascrotes actually get off to on a regular basis and present it to them in a neat collage. Maybe that'll make everyone who isn't them disgusted and enraged enough for the scrotes to shut up.
No. 2397363
>>2397115Ok but my issue is, which popular console otome games let you play as drooling retards (especially localized ones)?
Really it seems like MC's that aren't domming the LI and he's blushing all the time are cucking the player to you guys. But oh well I'm a shipper not a yume so whatever.
No. 2397366
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>>2397209I couldn't have said it any better. It is crazy that we have to use loli characters as examples to show them how degen they are, while these fuckers are malding over the most boring adult male characters ever. Male entitlement is endless.
>>2397336Absolutely vile. You could shove all the evidence in their faces, and they would still claim that women are just as bad as them.
No. 2397367
>>2395960Jesus that's terrifying. But yeah that's exactly what I was talking about in my post, these westerners are just naive about japanese people and idealize them even when it comes to this shit.
>>2397100I'm so tired of these faggots being all like "both sides are le bad!!! you can't say our gooner shit is worse even though it objectively is!!!", just gives off the same obnoxious energy as pick mes and the average retarded moid acting like women saying they hate men are on the same tier as men actually killing and raping women irl. It gives off that same retarded vibe of comparing two things where one is clearly worse and more detrimental than the other but pretending they're totally equal. Why can't these fags just admit they jerk off more and to worse shit than women ever will and that they are the degenerate gender? It's like they want their cake and to eat it too or however that expression goes, they want to be degenerate all over social media and will constantly tell you all about their fetishes and openly state that all men sexualize women and watch porn, BUT they are also somehow purer than women and totally not porn addicts and women are actually the bigger degenerates guys. It's so fucking stupid, you can't be talking about how much you want to rape lolis and retweeting porn all day and the next second act like you're ackshually a vanilla romantic and women are the bigger whores. If women were as degenerate as they are we would be seeing games with half naked shota be the norm and women all over social media saying they want to rape them and having these disgusting memes and terms about them (words like "cunny" but for males) yet I rarely if ever see that compared to male lolifags and degenerates who feel inescapable in weeb fandoms. They sexualize and dehumanize the characters far more than even the most degenerate women, that's just a fact.
>>2397348The game itself is technically sfw (no nudity) but it definitely has suggestive and pedo pandering fanservice. The fandom is one of the worst I've seen even for weeb shit to the point that you would think it's a loli rape hentai game if you just looked at how they act, but it does still pander to pedos pretty heavily
No. 2397377
>>2397350>you could look through the Pokemon tags in these sites and come up with stuff that is a million times worse and more viscerally grotesque than anything found in coomer gacha game tags.I assure you both have equally grotesque content, I literally just saw it.
Also, shit like Blue Archive has confirmed pedos who consume actual CSAM working in the art department, Nikke probably does as well. It's pedos and degenerate moids making content for other pedos and degenerate moids.
>>2397363>>2397364Way to miss the most relevant parts of the post. Everything is explained there.
No. 2397382
>>2397377What so Steam Prison, a game whose well known issue is its shit writing, is representative of otome games now (It's not even Otomate lol)
Also you keep pretending that shipping a couple and focusing on the man's appeal are mutually exclusive
Stop playing shitty PC porn games and go to console then, literally all porn and fandom erotica is shit with shit tropes unless you make it yourself.
Genuinely what are you talking about
No. 2397387
>>2397382>Steam PrisonI don't know, an anon mentioned Steam Prison as a game with a defined protagonist, that's when the other anon said it was for cucks. I didn't bring it up first.
>Also you keep pretending that shipping a couple and focusing on the man's appeal are mutually exclusiveNever said that. Read the post. The problem is that during romantic or erotic scenes, there's way too much focus on the protagonist and not so much on the love interests. Their behavior during such scenes also tends to be the default "submissive/virgin female, dominant/lustful male", and that's frustrating because it happens way too often with little variety. Also, it being a game for otomefags/shippers doesn't justify the female protagonist being focused on more than the males. The males are supposed to be the main appeal. At least give them equal focus.
>Stop playing shitty PC porn games and go to console thenThe game I tried and ragequit was for console, lmao. You think I would touch those shitty eroge with female-centric porn CGs with a ten-foot pole? lol
No. 2397389
>>2396060Oh my God this is so true. I use a VPN
(to stream illegally) that sends me to Japan and the insane amount of hentai ads in innocuous places where nauseating.
On Picrew and the Medibang Paint site—the latter was worse because they were advertising lolicon hentai.
No. 2397444
>>2397387>Never said that. Read the post. The problem is that during romantic or erotic scenes, there's way too much focus on the protagonist and not so much on the love interests. Their behavior during such scenes also tends to be the default "submissive/virgin female, dominant/lustful male", and that's frustrating because it happens way too often with little variety. Also, it being a game for otomefags/shippers doesn't justify the female protagonist being focused on more than the males. The males are supposed to be the main appeal. At least give them equal focus.At least give an example of what you're talking about
>The game I tried and ragequit was for console, lmao.I don't know which anon I'm talking to but I'm talking to the one who mentioned playing an ero game. Hence what I said
No. 2397459
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>>2394611This is why HnKnA is based
No. 2398607
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>>2381271shitposted the entire time and got the accounts who sent death threats deleted
No. 2398737
>>2381271I dealt with several back in my fandumb days
I laughed and mocked them
In one instance I made a callout blog calling out the person who called me out in retaliation
Was kind of a fucking dramatic bitch back then I admit
No. 2399823
>>2398948>>2399468AYRT and that’s what basically happened KEK it started all over
yaoi so i had a horde of tifs telling me to off myself of course i didn't give them the response they were looking for
No. 2399993
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>>23779361. It's a cartoon for children and the Pokémon anime has always been kinda cringe in the dubs
2. Rika in Japanese and in the games speaks in the Kansai dialect and in a sort of casual way. It looks like English localizers decided to make her speech slangy and modern like that to try to adapt the feeling of her style in Japanese (other localizations did something similar), so it's not just the voice actress. You might like her voice acting in Masters more.
>>2397444>I don't know which anon I'm talking to but I'm talking to the one who mentioned playing an ero game. Hence what I saidYes, that was me. The game with ero scenes (not explicit, you could say it's ecchi) was on console. I don't know why you're so shocked when shit like picrel is regularly released on a fucking Nintendo console of all platforms. Not everything that is released on console is all-ages or squeaky clean these days, you know.>At least give an example of what you're talking aboutFirst off, too much focus on the protagonist's reactions, usually a blushing face. It doesn't even need to be visual, the text also tends to describe the protagonist more in those situations. The LI will say shit like "you're blushing" or "you're cute" as if I wanted to be distracted from him by thinking about myself, how I'm reacting and how I look (but do I get to do the same to him?).
An example is in TMGS where the older games didn't do this, or at least not very often, whereas the newest game does it a lot more and the boys blush less (TMGS used to be notorious for its blushing boys), as if that was my character's job instead. It's supposed to be a yume game just like its predecessors, but the latest game feels like it really wants to treat the protagonist as if she were another character that you must fangirl over. She's even nicknamed "Mary" against her will because she's oh so pure and adorable. Not to mention the change in direction for the romanceable character personalities, more aggressive and less moe, lol. I've seen JP fans complain that the only "cute" love interest on the same level as the old ones is a DLC character, while older games had more characters like that. The "prince" in this game is even a borderline yandere asshole that is mean to the protagonist, and since she has that poor, innocent and virginal personality, she has no spine and all she can do is feel bad, instead of returning his insults or defending herself or something. He's pretty unpopular for a prince and gets a lot of hate, and allegedly, practically only self-proclaimed masochists like him. You might think that all of these changes are just coincidences, and yeah, they're very subtle and nothing compared to a lot of other recent games (particularly the low budget shit ones), but they're still there and there must be a reason for that. These changes, I think, are attempts at imitating current otome game standards, instead of sticking to the old formula that the oldfag fans liked, to try to appeal to a newer audience that grew up on newer otome games. And it seems to have worked somewhat, because from what I've seen, there's kind of a divide between old fans and new fans in their opinions about the latest game (in Japan at least).
>>2397459Kek yeah, that's why I said in my other post that otome seems to have had more variety in the 00s - early 10s. The best examples of games that don't fall into that trope (or not as often) appear to be from that era. It's like devs had more fun back then. More dating sims instead of long
boring VNs, too.
No. 2400389
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A lot of Genshin fans dont think the new fat character is fat enough. Proof that eradicating the obesity epidemic really needs to be a top priority
No. 2400410
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>>2400389if you think this is obese you need to stop rattling right now
No. 2400737
>>2400389How is this "fat"
>>2400410 exactly? She has 10% thicker thighs and 40% bigger tits than the regular medium female model while retaining the small waist and flat stomach. And her entire character is being a klutzy cow wrestler who eats all the time and uses her ass as her weapon. For me the main issue is that it's just another scrote fetish character taunting the female players who are still high on copium waiting for the game to get better.
>>2397172The lack of self awareness is astounding. Like seriously. I've seen those Snowbreak hentai scenes and they're just straight up porn.
>>2397312Exactly kek
No. 2400763
>>2397100Kekkkk that seething community note is so embarrassing. Show this to any normie, an image of young anime girls with their tits and asses bursting out of their uniforms while someone is trying to explain how this is ackhsually a super deep story about women's liberation and during the gameplay you just literally stare at their asses while they shoot at things, and see how they react. Especially after you also tell them that the company developing the game (Shift Up) fired two female staff members for having feminist views last year.
>>2397312 said, it's such a fascinating paradox how scrotes will gloat and brag about how they get away with their degeneracy and get to rub in everyone's faces how based and redpilled their titcow and loli coomery is, but when women get something for themselves it's crying and screeching about how women are the true gooners and ackhsually Nikke is soo wholesome and empowering women while in LADS you just fuck men like a cock starved whore!!!! The only good thing to come out of this is that a lot of women realized just how bad the double standards are because LADS is the first time they got to play something that is unapologetically for female thirst and not just a "unisex" gacha where you get one husbando per year and this is the reception they get from moids after years of putting up with horrifyingly uncomfortable coomery and objectification.
No. 2400827
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>learn that the planned He-Man movie is going to be an isekai
Oh cool, are they doing the origin story of how Prince Adam's mother got to planet Eternia and married a king?
>no it's the 1980s film plot again
Oh the one that was retarded and no one liked? Gee I wonder how well the movie will do?
No. 2401363
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>>2399993I think there can be a balance. Do you not also like it when the LI is attracted to "you"? That's why players like it when Li pints out that you're blushing. It still appeals to what female players want, and what women generalyl find exciting even IRL. The problem is that moids never get off to the idea of a woman finding them attractive, so they engage in whatever degenerate shit with a boring shit or ugly faceless protagonist.
Moreover, many personalities, such as kuudere, aren't going to be blushing messes. Just because moids make their women act out of character doesn't mean we're being cucked for giving men consistency and dignity.
>I don't know why you're so shocked when shit like picrel is regularly released on a fucking Nintendo console of all platforms.What, a girl showing cleavage? Lmao. just because its generic waifushit doesn't mean its obscene. Also it was confusing when you called them "ero scenes" if they weren't explicit
> More dating sims instead of long boring VNs, too.Sounds like you straight up don't play games with an actual established MC and a workable plot (90% of new localizations) which is why you're saying this shit lol.
And since you keep basing everything off of shit like fucking TMGS, the issue is that well of course you think the way you do. You sound like the type of person who thinks the male kissing the MC first is them being in a maledom submissive virgin female relationship. That's why I asked for examples. You even say this yourself, you play low budget shit games. Are you a poorfag? Olympia Soiree has steamy scenes and is the opposite of what you said
>>2397100 this is a first. why do you hate otome?
No. 2401689
>>2401675nta, but I also think it's weird and perverted, and it has real-world negative effects. It's the reason why so many misguided tifs believe that simply cutting off their hair would allow them to effortlessly pass as men and vice versa for tims
>>2401675you know, there's more than one of us
No. 2401706
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>>2401651While I agree that it's fiction and sperging about it seems lame ("muh fiction effects reality" is only worth contemplating about if you think people here are the retards that would steal cars because they played gta), the guy is wearing a wig.
he's straight, it's a straight romance and gay rejection. If anything, isn't it rejecting the whole "liking dresses means you're a girl" idea? No. 2401715
>>2401710Fiction affects you when you let it affect you. Acknowledging that it can't is what keeps it from doing so.
Same thing with propaganda. Just because it is meant to affect you, doesn't mean that you can't stop it by acknowledging what it is. Reading Mein Kampf won't turn you into a nazi if you understand that it's bullshit before reading it.
Acting like it's a complete given that what you wear, what you read, what you watch, completely effect your identity at its foundation is why there's so much tranny shit now.
No. 2401722
>>2401719This isn't hell
nonnie, you're allowed to leave
No. 2401735
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>>2401689>>2401710>and it has real-world negative effects.You guys are the reason why they sissified cartoons like the looney tunes. No fun allowed because speds who should be in a group home do retarded shit.
No. 2401744
>>2401740if you're talking to me I never said that lol. I'm saying that depicting a slightly feminine man the moment he wears a spinny skirt as indistinguishable from a girl is troon shit
>>2401741No. It's not about distinguishing. It's about changing the way you think about things. Nobody will arrest you if you play a game about torturing and dismembering anime girls (a real game on steam btw) but it certainly reflects on you as a person.
No. 2401751
>>2401744Japanese moids into moeshit are basically all AGPs but very few of them troon out compared to the West because they know they can never be 2D lolis. Western culture is just retarded and encourages trannies especially with the hugbox "everyone is
valid" climate.
No. 2401752
>>2401745ah yes height, the final say on what determines sex.
>the wiki points out that the author admitted she wrote it because drawing men is hard.even more retarded
No. 2401765
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>>2401761NTA but literally all modern anime characters are indistinguishable from eachother. Picrel look all the same with different wigs.
No. 2401769
>>2401763They don't because they don't self insert/project onto the bishies. BPD-chan's often have no choice but to make crackships with what, Sakura from Naruto or Hinata if they want to romance the bishies. And women are more likely to wear more revealing clothes than men, reinforcing these expectations for women
>>2401764 for strength, not for physical appearance and approval. So many shoujo's talk about losing weight and looking fat etc.
No. 2401780
>>2401755to add on to this, more and more animanga are including trans characters that are "
valid". Most recent one i can think of is JJK manga where there's a tranny who is indistinguishable from a girl, and zombieland saga
No. 2401789
>>2401782Is it not both? It's a cycle. Reality affects fiction, but the more you draw your cultural values and whatnot, the more you reinforce them
>>2401785 For decades anime had moeslop. There's still battle shounen that can actually depict males
No. 2401848
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>>2401837Do you know how many female character designers are perverts, but instead of rightfully sexualizing men, they sexualize high school girls?
No. 2401863
>>2401859like I said, i'm not talking about fanservice, it's about the troon adjacent shit and "skirt=registers as girl to everyone"
>>2401862can you read? No seriously read it again.
No. 2401874
>>2401868because he's a childhood friend lmao. The bisexual FL thought he was a girl and she's not osanajimi
>>2401871which means that somehow overrides everyone's natural sense of who belongs to which sex? dumbass
No. 2403964
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>>2403828In some cases yes, in the case of Ume Aoki she’s just a lesbian otaku.
I don’t really mind lesbian otakus while pick me types annoy me…
No. 2405802
>Be me
>Try to find cute zelink art for valentines
>Find out an artist who makes beautiful and romantic art that looks like it was made by a woman, is in fact (disappointingly), a troon moid, not a tif woman going by they/them, as I had assumed. Since deleted the face reveal they posted, but it was definitely a moid, who looked completely male apart from wearing a brown bob wig styled with Zelda's braids. Lol
>Other moid, a self-styled "zelink only extremist" in his bio, sexualizes breast size of all female characters in his headcanon from largest to smallest, including the underage female character. Has some prior tweet about being bored now of normal things. Red flag I had ignored.
>Talks about reading hentai books of the underage girl and how she should be depicted flat uhouuooo
>I troll him on an alt I used specifically for that purpose.
>Reveals he doesn't like discussion about sexual exploitation of girls and blocked for that reason, not me trolling him. He just doesn't like women or see them as people.
>Previously mentioned troon moid comes to his defense, along with biggest handmaiden japanese wife who constantly hates her kids and husband and is whining about them ruining her life.
>Despite them whining about me, clearly were upset because later is like "S-SEE! I DO LIKE WHOLESOME LOVE!1!" like they are trying to prove something.
>Fanfic authors start reverting to more vanilla concepts when I start reversing their recent trends, such as making Zelda the one with a harem and Link the pure and innocent virgin who doesn't know what sex is. They get upset at my fics reversing the situation.
Kek. These people are so easily psyopped. The absolute circus. Can they just decide if they're uwu wholesome vanillafags or NTR harem lolilover edgelords already? The flip-flopping is retarded, make up your minds.