File: 1732658958569.gif (21.41 KB, 540x486, tumblr_4b2f949a04276cf724eec7b…)

No. 86791
>>86786theure all over /ot/, all tranny they/them threads, celebrity threads (celebricows, elon/grimes) jirai kei on /w/, the virgins arguing over their 2d porn and/husbando, theyre a cancer. they expect near constant replies like this is a chatroom for their short attention span or they whine the site is dying. they reply back with fury all
triggered lso infighting as gone up.
No. 86801
>>86795Not to mention these users on both the fashion and jirai kei threads are unintegrated as hell. Here is one poster
>>>/w/339469 shitposting about what anons are saying in the fashion thread regarding the supposed "lolicon" images and bringing that sarcasm over to the JK thread. So not only are they watering down terms and infighting about it by saying everything that exists is lolicon (to the point that wearing pastels as an adult with pigtails, even without editing, is lolicon coded) that these girls do.
No. 86807
File: 1732686337401.png (204.05 KB, 665x433, xxxzcxzc.png)

Yuripedo spamming the yuri fandom crazies thread, she cannot help but avatarfag as one of her loli waifus everytime she shows up. Please begging farmhands to redtext her sperging instead of deleting it this time, it's funnier.
No. 86808
>>86803nta but no matter how hard you deny it pedoshit is still pedoshit
>>86773>pretending like threads don’t get derailed by anons calling someones husbando uglymost of the fujo-related derails I’ve seen are because of some nonas hateboner for fujos
No. 86809
>>86804Fujocoomer used to have actual milk in the past, but nowadays the thread is just vendetta screencaps of LC posts and tifs (seriously why do the tif fujos need to have a separate thread whereas tim himedanshis cant; not all tifs are fujos in the same way not all TIMs consume yuri and are hsts)
honestly having a fujocoomer cringe thread only emboldens nonas into being more malicious against women who happen to be fujoshi instead of disliking the content itself. Its not even about hating yaoi at this point anymore, its all about finding a moral high ground to look down on other women for being "moid centric"
No. 86812
File: 1732690454080.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.18 KB, 1170x1449, 1732648663997.jpg)

>>86801>everything that exists is loliconNo one said that, and you're conflating and twisting several arguments. The idol duo referenced in the thread styles and shoops themselves to look extra underage, whereas in a normal photo they look like 20 year old women and not uguu babies. Liking them wouldn't make someone pedo but it's not exactly a secret that jirais infantilize the hell out of themselves. Secondly, I guess we can keep ignoring the whole right side of picrel.
(dragging infight to /meta/) No. 86825
File: 1732726934729.png (728.76 KB, 818x1022, hi-cow.png)

This post didn't suggest that the OP was Dana. It was pointing out that Dana was lurking that thread. Why did it get a "hi cow" ban?
No. 86826
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>>86825Same fag. See all these other posts that mention Dana by name? Those aren't "hi cow posts," they weren't banned, and they shouldn't be. It makes no sense why that one was singled out.
No. 86830
File: 1732730267105.png (143.82 KB, 524x343, Screen Shot 2024-11-27 at 12.5…)

When there is a raid that happens, jannies should go through threads and check for stuff like picrel. This is the 5th time I've gone into a thread and seen nearly month old spam posts from a failed raid. I report them and they're deleted, but I really shouldn't have to report them to begin with. When there is a raid doesn't it make sense that farmhands should manually check threads to make sure to delete any spam posts? It makes staff seem lazy.
No. 86831
>>86824If you was that much of an
oldfag by now you would consider having coomer animu uguu waifu posters as lowtier milk. It’s not normal but in comparison to everything else they are doing it’s hardly milk to constantly sperg about in multiple threads on and on so unclutch your pearls whining about gen xyzqwerty faggotry you nasolabial fold having hag
(infighting ) No. 86844
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I hate the kid's on /w/
No. 86848
is pedophilic. also everyone going >b-but lolis don’t have boobs just be grateful that you haven’t heard of
oppai loli No. 86853
File: 1732790701799.jpeg (206.96 KB, 749x1458, IMG_4436.jpeg)

Is this thread a vendetta? I know its old but a still active instagram account has it linked in its bio for no reason and i thought it was weird, plus it's definitely attracting newfags and scrotes.
>>>/snow/1371005 No. 86860
>>86841the site is back up were you literally counting the hours instead of doing something else. weird ass nitpick
>>86842imageboards do not have the infrastructure of social media platforms run by Big Tech.
No. 86864
File: 1732804822249.png (189.12 KB, 1080x500, image.png)

how is this bait when all of the things that anon listed is factual and a contribution to the discussion
No. 86899
>>86890He's still going. You're not beating the trannyjanny allegations any time soon.
>>86897Oh my god, will you quit wking/victimizing yourself? An anon replied something like "good luck on your transition" which delved into a whole spergout from fujos. Learn2ignore instead of seething, you already know gender ideology hate thread isn't fujo general.
No. 86901
>>86897It was an offhand reply to a post about a shounen mangaka being
convicted of pedophilia. Frankly, it should've just been ignored.
No. 86902
>>86898>Staring the truth is starting an infighting. You're too sensitive for this website and especially gender critical threads. Stick to your fujo containment ones if you're this easily
triggered because fujos themselves admit most of them transitioned due to yaoi. The manga author isn't a TIF, she's non-binary, and she's addicted to gay porn by her own admission so it was a relevant conversation. Nobody denied the fact that the sexual harassment she experienced was the main reason in her case, either
No. 86903
>>86900That wasn't my conclusion nor how the infight actually started, we had moved way past her manga atp.
>>86901But you can't ignore the objectively true observation that there's a fujoshi to TIF pipeline? No, you always have to victimize yourselves and derail every thread defending your sodomite porn
No. 86907
>>86904>Says the anon that couldn't let someone replying to a pedo post pass up kek. Huh? I don't know who you're confusing me with but I don't care enough about you retards to post in a thread about it, in fact I'd like to stop hearing from you at all.
>>86905Yeah… that's what I'm saying. All fujospeds should've ignored it. Is everyone ITT retarded except me?
>>86906She really made you seethe, huh? Cope kek %99 of TIFs themselves admit yaoi made them troon out.
No. 86908
The fujo obsessed retard keeps shitting up unrelated threads on /m/. Please start banning that fucker because it feels like every damn thread gets derailed by her.
>>86894Shut up and stop lying, no one is buying your schizo ramblings and samefagging anymore. Fujos rarely go out of containment, instead it's you who brings tif/tranny and yaoi talk into every fucking thread, even ones that are completely unrelated. Go back to kiwifarms, seriously.
No. 86910
>>86906I'm not the one who posted that. Most of us ignored the yaoi shilling post except for that one autist, I'm saying that the fujos who kept replying to that bait should listen to your own advice and ignore clearly inflammatory posts and report them instead
>>86908It's both actually, this may surprise you but there are infighting spergs from both sides, and both of them claim the farmhands are persecuting them (they may even be the same person idk). Both should be banned
No. 86919
This is 100% the moid that Kinpatsu stopped dating. This is Eric. He's been defending himself in the cosplay thread for over a week now. You can tell it's a moid because he's calling the new guy out and suddenly between the "Why do we need to choose who is worse?" he defends Eric, the ex non-stop, while calling his ex
mid. I have never, ever seen a farmer who is a female call a woman 'mid'. This is a very moid-centered way of talking about women and the whole paragraph is clearly him trying to defend himself and shit on his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend.
>>>/w/339584 I think most anons already knew he was posting about himself in the thread previously. Makes sense why it's a massive wall of text because he got banned for not integrating before. He's learning, but he's so obviously Eric. Also not posting proof of any of these claims that Kinpatsu is mentally unable to care for herself to the degree of a 13 year old girl? What fucking shitpost crap is that? You can't tell me that's not a salty male behind those words.
No. 86972
Ember Whann is writing ChatGPT odes to herself in /snow/
>>>/snow/2063807 >>>/snow/2063797
No. 86974
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>>86968>t.But really, as a poorfag to another poorfag the solution is easy and also yearly so why aren't you used to this?
No. 86979
File: 1733165564023.gif (38.51 KB, 169x169, 1000003290.gif)

it would be kind of cool to have a meta thread dedicated to listing/sharing new threads.
it would make it easier for nonas to point each other in the right direction when finding a topic and would give new threads some more traction.
No. 86980
File: 1733166193787.png (50.58 KB, 1816x382, locking warning.png)

for the last 4 jill threads, newfags have been replying after the 1200 post locking warning and the new thread isnt able to be linked as a reply
i understand it's not enforceable, but fwiw would it ever be possible for the warning language to be changed slightly so they know not to comment?
No. 86985
>>86983the warning itself says to post a link to the new thread so thats why i asked
>>86984i agree, i think the issue is jills thread specifically seems to have an overwhelming amount of newfags since the DID saga. since we recap thread highlights in the new thread description, it can take a bit and seems like the threadnonas cant get the threads made before its maxed
No. 86997
>>86994since theyre still up… can you please delete personalityfag posts instead of slapping a witty redtext on them? they
want the special mod treatment and can easily evade the ban anyways, so the only way to get rid of them is to nip them by the bud and remove their means of getting any attention.
No. 86999
>>86994>>86998I really dont want to be a minimod but holy shit this is a new low for
nonnie retardation. Im assuming mods are asleep and cant do immediate action but holy fuck can they not see the blatant personalityfag in front of them and learn to disengage and report for just a couple minutes? Are they that desperate to post a witty comeback as an "own" to someone intentionally fishing for bait?? these shitty newfags are a plague on this site, and they're clearly showing their zoomer tendency to dramaseek and attentionwhore.
If VPN bans aren't going to be enforced, they should at least do a 1-2 minute cooldown between posts so nonas can actually contemplate about hitting send instead of rapid firing shitposts made during the heat of the moment.
No. 87004
>>87001thanks for admitting that you are a newfag but the reason why there is less child abuse material on lolcow now has nothing to do with the moderation and has more to do with the tech team who implemented a software here to catch those types of images that majority of the time here got spammed by bots.
Before that got implemented some of those images would stay up here for hours until a mod would check up on the reports.
No. 87009
File: 1733198786721.png (581.98 KB, 1200x962, 461783483218487.png)

>>86997….and they redtext a single post and left the other posts unaccounted for the night. do mods not know that having a unique redtext for personalityfags is giving them the attention they seek by having their alias kept up and known?
No. 87012
>>87009That's a troll twitter. Are you serious?
>>86985Its never been that deep. Ive never seen anyone banned or complaints for that matter, over this. You sound like a newfag who's latched onto Jill on this site.
No. 87016
>>86977Don't respond to them if they're derailing the thread, report and move on, it's not that hard.
Venus is a legacy cow, even if she's milkless these days there's no way her thread would be lock.
No. 87025
>>87024I second something needs to happen with /ot. Now there’s a nazi sperg. Feels
No. 87032
>>87031they just need to implement a permanent vpn ban in the america, unpopular opinions and fandom thread.
Also the vpn ban has been proven to work since the america and fandom threads were normal when they were under the vpn ban. I don't know why mods won't implement something that has been proven to work and be effective at curbing bait.
No. 87053
>>87050This would never happen but what if the non cow boards were hidden? In that scenario newfags looking for "
femcel 4chan" would either get invested in a cow and be forced to integrate or get bored and leave.
No. 87056
>>87053The idea of hiding /ot/ isn't new. I think the last time it was seriously discussed was when /ot/ was locked under one of the previous admins.
I would support a trial of hiding the non-cow boards to see if it does anything to improve post quality.
No. 87058
>>87057ntayrt, i guess its a kneejerk reaction since most self proclaimed himejo on this site are very vocal about being anti-fujo and gatekeepy about yuri content along with bragging about their "moral high ground" since theyre not into "scrote centered" media.
Its discouraging to discuss yuri topics when theres this expectation to be a gold star lesbian who only consumes GL and nothing else.
I personally tinfoil theyre just lesbian yumejo who heavily self project onto the media they consume which is why they cant see GL content as a story telling media that anyone can enjoy/create regardless of sexual orientation No. 87079
>>87061Thank you, farmhands.
>>87062Sorry anon, I miss personalityfags whenever they're active so I don't know too many of them. I know of rancefag, yuripedo, that self-obsessed faggot who spam posts every now and then, and kirby anon. But I don't know their posting history or anything like that. Not sure who bp-chan is, but I'm aware there is an anon obsessed with fellatio, specifically concerning women.
I couldn't tell if this was a troon larping as a depressed blackpilled anon, or one of those extremely mentally ill anons who can't stop themselves from sperging. I just wanted the retard shitting up the thread gone, and the bait with it. Thanks again, farmhands.
No. 87092
Worst infight of all time happening in amerifag thread
>>87088Sometimes I just put "retard" in there and mods get the jist. Retards are basically baiters
No. 87102
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>>87100>>87101Doing that is even worse because then stuff like this gets left up and unchallenged.
No. 87118
>>87101the animal hate threads don't talk about animals being "overrated". nobody would have a problem with them if they did.
the dog one has a schizo who obsessively follows, screenshots, and rants about Facebook posts and how happy she is when a dog dies. she can't even contain herself to a single thread. the cat hate thread is full of zoosadists.
No. 87120
>>87118I've seen her posts when I scroll by the dog hate thread. She is posting Facebook posts by people trying to adopt out pitbulls who have a history of aggression and biting. Dogs are meant to be put down when they attack people because they are a danger. Pitbulls are understood to be the most dangerous because they have locking jaws and are bred to be fighting dogs with heightened aggression.
Anons discuss news stories about
pitbulls ripping the legs off newborns, and mauling and dismembering their owners obviously they are going to be happy when a dangerous animal like this is put down instead of being adopted out. They aren't breaking any rules. The zoosadist who
wrote the post about raping cats was put out to pasture by the farmhands.
Misrepresenting the threads like this, whether moralfagging or illiteracy, doesn't help anything. These threads have been around for years, and learning how to hide threads you don't like to see is part of integration. If you can't handle that responsibility, maybe sites like Twitter or Tumblr where you can report posts for "disturbing content" would suit you better.
No. 87124
>>87118Found a
triggered pitnutter in the wild.
(dragging an infight to /meta/) No. 87126
>>87125I love cats. I own cats. But this is not true, cats do hunt for sport. They severely damage the ecosystem and many species populations when let outside. It should be a requirement that all cats are kept indoors with any found outside removed from the owner's possession and taken to a shelter.
I wish cat owners didn't have a blind spot about outdoor cats. It would be much more humane to cull feral cat populations than to let these colonies be infected, mauled, and eaten to death. These are slow, painful, and sorrowful deaths.
That said, I still don't have a problem with the cat hate thread. There are posters who hate dogs for "humanitarian" reasons and also out of spite. The same can be said for posters who hate cats.
No. 87145
>>87118i used to post in the dog hate thread to discuss about shit like bad owners and offleash dogs and ngl i stopped bc of the pitbull facebook schizo, you can clock her repetitive posts from a mile away
she's so annoying, just the same "zomg look at this ugly beast i hope it dies" shit over and over. we get it.
No. 87152
File: 1733581964646.png (7.82 KB, 1376x70, cbsbcxzxc.png)

So why is anti semitism a big no but blanket racist and classist statements like these are suddenly allowed?
>>87146>>87147>>87148>anyone who criticizes my pedo religion instead of coddling me like my entire life has been is from 4chan!You people are the biggest hypocrites ever. Judaism is entangled with US politics and it's not derailing in the slightest. It's funny kikes have no issue with racist remarks, but the second someone doesn't put you on a pedestal for once and treat you like the #1
victim suddenly it's the end of the world. And of course, in typical Jew fashion, instead of actually engaging in critical conversation with me, you're just gonna report and cry about "MUH EBIL GOYSSSSSSSS".
(ban evasion) No. 87153
>>87152Samefag, the context was that I was complaining how my city would rather help rich jews overseas than our majorly
POC population where a good portion of them are impoverished bt sending 16 million in bonds to Shitrael that'll never get paid back. This would not have happened if not for Jewish meddling. Truth hurts though I guess.
No. 87157
>>87156Are you Jewish? Very easy to answer question.
By your logic a good portion of posts would be removed for being low quality and irrelevant, or is it only "low quality and irrelevant" because it criticizes your group? Why is ableism okay but anti semitism is the worst thing possible? I don't give a shit about ableist words on an imageboard, but you should try to keep your principles consistent.
No. 87158
>>87157I'm not jewish but you continue to obsess over that.
>Why is ableism okay >try to keep your principles consistent>By your logic a good portion of posts would be removed for being low quality and irrelevantWhat the hell are you even talking about?
No. 87163
>>87161I'm not
>>87160. You realize I talk about other things besides Jews right? It's an anonymous imageboard, it just seems that way in isolation. Whenever someone talks about a certain group of moids they don't get accused of this.
>>87162Lol once again, classic Jew deflection. "Nazi!" "Poltard!" "Antisemite!" "Just report and ignore because I can't accept criticism and need to cower in fear even on an anonymous imageboard!". You realize a lot of my points were about how Jews have fucked over
POC, specifically black Americans right? I don't think a /pol/tard would ever come in defense of a minority group.
(/pol/sperging ) No. 87177
>>87176>>87174>>87172There must be new jannie’s who are banhappy today, I guess. If it was hellweek I’d understand banning a
nonny who makes herself sound dumb and isn’t familiar with types of therapy
most burgers aren’t but whatever , but the rules don’t have any about venting about extremely graphic stuff. It’s probably just recommended to spoiler it.
No. 87182
>>87180well technically this isn't their
job, if it was lolcow would probably be paywalled
No. 87183
>>87150i know the thread isn't obligated to cater to me which is why i said i quit posting in it, genius.
im still entitled to say the pitbull facebook retard is a nuisance with her constant sperging. this is the complaints thread, you know.
No. 87196
>>87190This is a good idea. I don’t think questioning why a disproportionate amount Jews are in positions of power despite being only 2% of the US population is polsperging though. I consider polsperging shit like “the Holocaust wasn’t real and all kikes should be gassed” or something of that sort.
>>87192I’m a straight woman.
No. 87197
>>87183NTA, this complaints thread is for complaints the jannies could help with or ideas that others can come up with, you just complaining about not liking a thread is kinda pointless because there isnt anything anyone can do about it. The only solution is that you do post (if you want to obviously) because varied content in the thread may encourage others to post varied content more to your liking.
>>87190I think the jannies have been good with banning the jew derails and you have a sensible idea so I dont see why your thread could not go ahead.
No. 87203
>>87197im complaining about a specifuc user ruining a thread, the pitbull crusader's spots aere easy to spot to the point it's borderline peronalityfagging.
>>87200one can think these dogs are a menace (i certainly do) and still get annoyed by repetitve autistic posters
No. 87215
>>87210again learn to read, i don't even like dogs, i used to post in dog hate threads quite a bit before they got overrun by the pitbull obsession. not everyone who disagrees with you is a pitbull lover.
i was just agreeing with another poster that the pitbull facebook poster is obsessive and annoying.
>>87208yeah it's a topic that merits discussion but lolcow is probably not the right place for it. there's way too much politisperging in /ot/ already and it always brings out the infights and the baiters. no way a thread on such a contentious topic will end well.
No. 87233
I don't know if farmhands can figure out which posts are this user's, but they are clearly the only who is cowtipping and using lolcow as their personal army
>>>/w/340419>>87229That's what I'm worried about. They will just find some other thread, like mirgate to Addy's.
No. 87241
File: 1733636001987.jpeg (103.46 KB, 608x405, stock-photo-close-portrait-han…)

>>87236The Jews win again!
(bait) No. 87246
>>87242Its almost like you throwing out "racebait" to cover up the truth. Like
>>87244 said it wasnt a racebait thread most of the posts I skimmed over were annoyed that American funds were going to Israel. Stop being an idiot.
No. 87247
>>87242And how is this
>>87241 not some Jewish supremacist racebait? Gee I wonder why that’s acceptable but being sensibly critical of Israel is immediately censured
No. 87250
>>87219yeah that's exactly what's happening. they're using it like it's an anonymous discord server or anonymous twitter to vendettafag and fight each other. a farmhand needs to nuke all the unsaged and namefagging chatroom-style spam instead of being so lenient and merely politely warning them to stop. one of them even said the twittards plan to keep shitting up the thread until someone makes a good jirai confessions page so they're just going to ban evade and refuse to integrate.
>>87224imo the thread was actually going ok up until the cows decided to direct an army of spastics to raid it, now it's going to be nothing but a bunch of spamming idiots fighting with each other constantly and spoiling the milk. the jirai cows seem a lot more unhinged than the lolita cows and the general kawaii/jfashion cows so it makes sense for them to have a separate thread if there's enough milk to sustain it.
No. 87256
File: 1733651529543.png (823.45 KB, 761x1608, 1000039523.png)

Not my post but this is a ridiculous redtext. Can you not get a sane farmhand? nm, there's probably just one anyway.
The post isn't "misleading," even if it's boring and not milky. No one needs to cap every single thing about a reel like a fucking journalist. She still copied her "Inspiration" exactly. Do the farmhands even know what "vendetta" means?
No. 87260
LC has proven to itself again it's run by neolib zionist shills and I am going to continue to post in the Amerifag thread because I'm sick of the influence they have in politics over our nation. The jannies have proven time and time again they want to kill this website but this is a new low.
>>87198>anyone who criticizes my pedophilia ridden religion is a male! all women have lukewarm libshit beliefs>>87204Love how you didn't mention Zionist shills or Jewish supremacists as part of the problem, your bias is showing!
>>87211Funny, because there are countless janny-approved bait threads up right now.
>>87218>muh tankies!Lmao, only chronically online libsharts care about tankies. I don't like them either but come on.
>>87231Jews can't handle criticism. You can see it in this thread. Notice how every
valid criticism is labelled as one of the following:
>polsperging>anti semitism>moid>nazi>report this userLmao.
>>87238>>87239I can only hope your shitty ethnostate gets nuked off the map. No wonder your ilk has been expelled from 100+ countries, you are truly vile sociopathic people.
>>87242Jewish deflection tactic.
>>87247Mods are either zionist shills or kikes themselves, it really is the only explanation.
>>87255Isnotreal shill dogwhistle.
(ban evasion) No. 87263
>>87260News flash for newfags. The discussion of conspiracy theories involving jews is not new to LC. Years ago, around the time of Shaymin, it was discussed in depth in the tinfoil thread. No one was banned and jewish anons took part in the conversation. The difference is that no one resorted to using insults based on race, ethnicity or religion. It was just a respectful discussion where different view points were shared.
The instant anyone resorts to acting like a hysterical /pol/tard shrieking about "k*kes" and repeating /pol/ rhetoric they are going to get banned under global rule 7. This shouldn't be hard to understand but I guess the quality of the userbase has declined.
No. 87264
>>87263I'm not new and you're a retard. In this very general we've seen anons engaging respectfully in conversation that just so happens to pertain to criticizing jews is considered "muh racebait" or "muh polsperging"
>censorship of the word kikeSure you're not the newfag?
No. 87265
>>87263"Conspiracy theories involving Jews"
or "conspiracy theories
that aren't theories so much as they are demonstrably factual about Jews being solely responsible for certain phenomena"? Because there is a distinction
No. 87273
>>87256It's pointless,
nonnie. The moderation of Taylor's thread has been a complete joke for a while now. Wks nitpick and report every single post and mods blindly ban. They even confessed almost every post gets reported. Yet they fail to ban the report button offenders, moreover they encourage such behaviour. Of course it will get out of hand, when wks get supported by the mods, instead of being banned.
>>87270Posting proof of objectively bad and lazy content is not vendetta, dumbass. Look up the definition of vendetta before showing off the retardation. I suppose it was you who reported the post, judging by the language of the ban message and this incoherent thought train. Plus, you frequent the tread to spew your "You're all jealous of my princess Taylor" every now and then. Couldn't stay silent when her talentless posts got called out?
Anyway. How come mods haven't banned a nutcase wk yet?
No. 87285
>>87270This. Always posting the dumbest things and they refuse to admit its nitpicking, trying to string along tinfoils too.
>>87273>you meanie you big report wkUnhinged retard. I'm the one who reported it. There's a bunch of users who find these posts pointless and not milky. Maybe if they were they wouldn't get banned.
No. 87289
>>87256>>87273Came to report this, but I was late. The post is not milky but it was saged. Sure it is not a great contribution and not news, but archiving these examples is part of thread culture, too.
Mods really should stop the nitpicky bans just because a couple of whiny bitches kept hitting report.
No. 87298
>>87295There's also that anon/anons
I think it's trump-chan from before who keep spamming and reposting shit that was already posted multiple times, and posting people who aren't even celebrities to begin with. I think some of them genuinely don't know how to scroll/crtl + f/or lurk
No. 87301
File: 1733727809819.png (1.5 MB, 720x916, 1733400187245.png)

how it feels to see your question get ignored because a retard posts bait directly under you and nonas falling for it bumps out your post
No. 87374
File: 1733835245062.png (67.1 KB, 767x407, 1733834506753.png)

Stolen from the retarded bans thread but the hypersensitive fujotard janny needs to chill already kek they weren't even mocking you, but fakebians. This is embarrassing, maybe you're too sensitive to moderate if you can't handle seeing the word fujo outside the context of praise without reeeeing and handing out bans indiscriminately, this isn't a dictatorship
No. 87392
File: 1733866434585.png (5.29 KB, 792x81, 347732.png)

Why are posts like which promote supremacism over one religion allowed, yet anyone who criticizes that religion is banned? This is just as racebaity as the anti semites of LC and mods are showing a clear bias.
No. 87395
>>87393>jewsperging is when you dare have an opinion different than me!Would you have the same reaction if this were said about muslim moids? Or black moids? Or christian moids? Or asian moids?
>>87394Promoting hateful religious extremism isn't a joke. Stop pearl clutching whenever someone dare criticizes judaism.
No. 87406
File: 1733878945722.jpeg (702.58 KB, 828x1325, IMG_6685.jpeg)

i might be remembering wrong but wasn't that a self-poster? in the small web/geocities thread
No. 87409
File: 1733881317358.jpg (171.79 KB, 597x1223, Screenshot_20241210-050226_Chr…)

>>87391Idk just randomly on all different kinds of threads, it started popping up around 6 months ago
No. 87418
File: 1733898906404.jpg (55.94 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

>>87369Chud has been used on 4chan for over 10 years now, its a term for /pol/tards with a certain look and has nothing to do with trannies? Never even seen a tranny use chud.
No. 87445
File: 1733941015999.png (413.71 KB, 360x800, weegee.png)

can we please enforce the Luigi containment thread on /g/? I get it he's a hot guy and all but a few nonnas have been flooding like 5 different threads hornyposting about him and it's getting exhausting.
No. 87456
>>>/w/340755 breaking the same rule as
>>>/w/336817 It's outstanding how even farmhand warnings do nothing to make sure milk is posted in that thread. It's going to be boring nitpicking forever.
No. 87481
>>87468The mods are quick to ban every single critical post, but the wk sperge about godforsaken
fonts is allowed to go on. Wks use their usual tactic of derailing the discussion by mentioning a small detail or word from the critical posts and sperging about it as if it will somehow discredit the criticism. There's been more than enough comments about the fonts when the discussion was first of all about Taylor's laziness and lack of creativity. All this dumb nitpicking just derails the thread, but mods are conveniently absent. Meanwhile critical posts get banned within hours if not minutes after being posted. What a coincidence! Make it make sense.
No. 87483
>>87482If anons posted every single shill, the thread would've run out already because that's all she's been posting for the past year. And yes, halfassing and ripping off content as an influencer is a
valid critique, especially if the said content is a text wall with a two second clip in the background. So is questioning a creator's integrity, when they start abusing the trust and loyalty of a fanbase by exploiting it to sell people products they themselves don't use and then getting offended when such behaviour is called out and questioned.
No. 87484
>>87483You described rule 7.2 perfectly and why mods had to step in and make all these extra rules for the thread, so almost none of that is allowed to be posted at all anymore. It's been all she's done for over a year like you said. That's all that's been posted aside from more nitpicks like her hair, how she cares for her son which hasn't been
abusive or neglectful and pointless to post, and tinfoiling about her currently having eating disorders. It's almost like having a slow thread is impossible, but if anons waited for milk like they should it would be extra milky due to the drought. The issue is some farmers can't handle that.
No. 87526
>>>/w/340853 Not the anon you banned but how you going to redtext someone as hi cowing retard when you didn’t understand the context of what was said and what they were replying to, which was ironically
>sensitive bby retards who lack reading comprehension apparentlyThey was agreeing with them and using the very generalised “you” not hi cowing. I get it’s hellweek but it’s for you guys to tighten up on your moderation, not ban people for your own poor reading comprehension. Unsaged red text was warranted tho.
No. 87535
>>87531Ayrt. Agreed that was retarded and deserved redtext but I doubt janny noticed that and just saw
No. 87539
>>87519please define vendettafagging.
I'm not defending the posts, I'm annoyed at the one or two people who just have to shit up the thread if anyone says anything at all. At least the farmhand has finally started banning the people complaining about the thread in the thread, which is clearly against the rules.
>even Venuspredictable
>>87533the thread can be slow, and you can hide it - the farmhand has even suggesting hiding threads you don't like instead of playing minimod. General threads are like garbage cans. She's a legacy cow and has milk sporadically. I can't imagine going into some other cow's thread and reeeing for it to be autosaged or locked when … I can just not click on it!
No. 87600
>>>/m/440644 we already have ugly man psych-op on /ot/
No. 87636
why aren't pointless bait posts like
>>>/m/441127 just deleted instead of being redtexted
No. 87640
>>87635it's a monsterfucker thread not a furfag thread, and in any event you aren't allowed to post porn in /m/. and yet that retard janny banned everyone that said pokeporn is gross, but not the porn poster. It's bullshit.
Saying 'pokemon porn is disgusting' is not bait and it sure as fuck shouldn't be a bannable offense.
No. 87647
>>87642I just don't know what anons expect when theres crossed lines considering anons are admitting
some of them are monsters. Either all of them are or none are. This is when the cherry picking causes issues in thread.
>>87643Nice bait
No. 87667
>>87664>>87663Talk about
trigger words. I hope they don't, that's so pointless. You plan to do that with every generation?
No. 87685
>>87672I think you missed the point of using the word '
trigger' as an example. 'fr' 'cap' and 'bruh' are not
trigger words. They are just abbreviations and slang you don't like. It's not the same.
No. 87690
>>87689no. all debate is
valid, barring the shit that has legal consequences which wouldn't be what this site would dal with. if you want to be insufferable and a psycho stop getting mad at people responding to you go complain.
No. 87691
>>87685Do you think certain words are redtexted because they're
No. 87731
File: 1734880871997.jpg (538.82 KB, 904x1929, 1000011969.jpg)

Hey admin and farmhands can you look into the farmhand from NI on your team? I asked for a few of my posts to be deleted in the vent thread last week and they obliged and said they were also a fenian and for me not to be such a melt and now shockingly I've had a user stalk me across the site and keep trying to intimidate me. Very weird. My apologies if it isn't the farmhand but weird coincidence if not. You can tell her I don't have social media for her to try and autistically try and dox me. I mean I don't want to encourage the schizos that claim farmhands have vendettas against certain users but like wtf.
No. 87742
>>87740outside of the twitter thread i feel like i only ever see it used to accuse other users of being
from twitter on the basis of nothing at all.
No. 87795
File: 1734973230471.gif (1.49 MB, 600x407, UncommonPessimisticBassethound…)

Troll attack
No. 87804
File: 1734981382232.jpg (92.05 KB, 1143x1293, blerwight.jpg)

I don't wanna make a fuzz but this thread:
>>>/snow/1643629Blaire White. Now I know Robbie is an ugly tranny, we all know this, but its literally all that is talked about. No milk, no just about his looks, constantly. I thought we had a rule here against nitpicking. All I suggest is that maybe some milk from time to time might be a nice change of pace besides talking about his wide shoulders or fucked up face. I mean we know, Robbie is ugly and looks nothing like a woman. Its clear at this point, no need filling over 9000 pages with that.
No. 87809
>>87804But thats what he made his whole personality about for a long time so I'm notmsurprised anons are gonna discuss that.
Also the last post in that thread is from a month ago so not sure what the problem is as its not being bumped recently with what you say.
No. 87818
File: 1735033288416.png (91.54 KB, 964x221, markup_1000013528.png)

Please lock any new skirby threads, no one wants to read vendettafags fat sperging and they're going as far as saying she wasn't sexually abused. We don't fucking know that. I'm not whiteknighting, she's an idiot, but this is an imageboard for women and rape apologist pick mes who refuse to integrate have no place here
No. 87828
Genuine question is one of the m farmhands a vtfag? Or are they completely inept with vtuber culture? Why are obvious moid posts always kept up in the vtuber thread in m
>>>/m/442755 this vtuber is a known pedobaiter lolishit I thought that was banned here.
No. 87831
>>87809Why is everything always a debate here?
Rules are rules.
figure it out.
No. 87839
File: 1735093336448.png (33.46 KB, 388x632, img-2024-12-25-02-21-45.png)

loving these interactions in the skirby thread. lock it and permaban them all. please cerbmin!! for Christmas!!
No. 87847
>>87817I guess that makes sense as a containment thread for drama autists, but it's still a dumb idea. If it were a sustainable thread
which I doubt but the jirai thread is still going so who knows it should have a different name next time (something along the lines of 'VTuber Drama General #1). The name is too similar to the thread in /m/
and the thread on /m/ is on thread #7.
No. 87858
File: 1735155277473.png (158.09 KB, 1080x310, markup_1000013535.png)

New thread and they're still at it despite being warned
No. 87862
>>87859Farmhand notice is further up in the thread. They barely changed the summary.
>>87839This has to stop. They're fucking retarded
No. 87870
File: 1735234862684.jpg (149.56 KB, 720x1228, Screenshot_20241226_183949_Chr…)

>>87865I think it might be her, its just all too suspicious that she refreshes lolcow a million times a day and suddenly there is an influx of posts whiteknighting her
No. 87873
File: 1735243618967.png (367.88 KB, 1608x850, Screenshot 2024-12-26 at 3.03.…)

>>87870Farmhands deleted that post but they need to look into this issue more. Are these posts coming from the same IP(s)?
No. 87890
>>87885He's been having a meltdown on CC for about 2 hours straight at this point. We need to keep this VPN ban
forever. Please.
No. 87891
File: 1735271076237.png (1.26 MB, 690x1252, 1735235068205.png)

can we have a dana post history reveal please farmhands? it would be the most beautiful christmas gift.
No. 87903
File: 1735350477214.jpeg (265.4 KB, 799x1212, IMG_6915.jpeg)

can you do somethjng about the vivziepop obsessed retard with the recognisable typing quirk shitting /m/ up with her autism? thx
No. 87916
File: 1735371483096.png (324.42 KB, 640x529, 1735345563738.png)

Theres someone weird going around in the /a/ and /vt/ threads…farmhands need to curb the loliposting..especially of known pedoshit
No. 87924
File: 1735406808584.jpeg (153.24 KB, 828x438, IMG_6925.jpeg)

>>87923came here to post this, seriously jannies the mf goes nya
No. 87946
File: 1735518675687.jpeg (774.9 KB, 828x1370, IMG_6943.jpeg)

>>87930agreed, she's a complete retard and her posts really stand out. isn't vivzieslop supposed to be a contained topic anyway?
No. 87949
File: 1735546893486.jpeg (997.52 KB, 1170x1972, IMG_2598.jpeg)

Dark mode has unreadable link color, some modifications would be great
No. 87959
File: 1735569723226.png (293.53 KB, 2200x872, Screenshot 2024-12-30 at 9.40.…)

>>87949If you use the darkcow style, there isn't a problem with the link color.
No. 87962
File: 1735581017471.png (296.2 KB, 1080x884, Screenshot_20241230_224911_Fir…)

>response to a woman being burned alive
why is this shit not redtexted as bait
No. 87965
File: 1735582178110.png (9.3 KB, 547x146, uwu.png)

Using uwu as an adjective should not merit a redtext. I know emojis generally are banned but it's often not being used as an emoji. When it's used as an adjective (picrel) it's clearly referencing a cow's weeaboo tendencies and smug self-satisfaction with how cute and perfect they believe themselves to be. I saw this in Jill's thread and was baffled as to why the farmhands cracked down on this.
No. 87967
>>87965>I know emojis generally are banned but it's often not being used as an emoji. It is an emoticon, not an emoji. Emoticons and emojis have been banned here for a long time, not using them is part of integration.
>When it's used as an adjectiveAn emoticon can't be an adjective. If you want to reference the cows' weeaboo tendencies or smug self-satisfaction, use those words instead, not an emoticon.
Using emoticons "ironically" is still using emoticons.
No. 87986
>>87978>>87980Reminds me of the time some
triggered troon was posting gore of teen girls saying this is what trannies were gonna do to us and those images are also burned into my head. I peaked that day and became a full blown
No. 87997
File: 1735626920976.jpg (1.95 MB, 3056x4732, 1735340894978.jpg)

>>87923>>87924It's fucking horseshit that an anon got redtexted for "troonfoiling" when the anon she replied to posted the absolute trooniest piece of non-fetish art I've ever seen. It's a fucking cat girl holding an artistically detailed gun, of course a moid drew it. I clocked him as a moid before I read a single word he said. Did the farmhand not bother to look at the IP's (probably short) post history? She should send that anon a fuckin written apology and an edible arrangement after gaslighting her like that.
No. 88005
File: 1735641029858.jpg (141.51 KB, 1080x366, tada.jpg)

>>88002NTA, here's one from seven years ago. From a /snow/ thread.
No. 88007
File: 1735641586139.jpg (140.53 KB, 711x740, Screenshot_20241231-014728_Chr…)

>>88002Nta but I remember seeing it first being used around 2017/18 on here
No. 88009
>>87965the farmhands are fickle with this one, sometimes they let it slide and sometimes they don't. every time you use an emoticon you risk a ban, it is what it is.
somewhere there is a compilation of anons who were banned for using the unicode heart, it's funny it's not that serious.
No. 88016
File: 1735660763688.gif (3.85 MB, 498x498, 1000003568.gif)

>>88000thank you, farmhands!
No. 88019
File: 1735665267780.png (26.65 KB, 1027x103, evidence 1.png)

>>88005I've noticed a lot of people from Anglo countries are poisoned by the common law systems that they grew up in.
LC moderation is based on civil law, not common law.I can go back through the catalog and look at ancient threads and see examples like picrel. The fact that these instances where emoticons aren't banned exist doesn't negate the fact that the rule is "no emoticons or emojis." Just because there are a few examples of emoticons in old threads, doesn't mean that we can use those as reasoning for fighting the laws of our land. When you see posts with emoticons that haven't been banned, it's more like nobody reported them or that they were banned without a redtext.
No. 88022
>>88019uwu isn't used as an emoji here it's used ironically as a word, like when people say "eksdee" in real life to refer to "xD".(emojis
are emoticons, it's like a square and rectangle situation) also uwu is used as a word by egirls unironically so it's funny to use it ironically as a joke. also the rest of your post is braindead and incorrect usage of the terms common/civil law.
No. 88024
>>88022>like when people say "eksdee" in real life I refuse to believe that this happens in real life. I'm too misanthropic as it is, I don't need to add more fuel to that fire.
>also the rest of your post is braindeadYou cannot call someone brain-dead if you actually speak the gibberish "eksdee" in real life or associate with those that do.
No. 88028
>>88027I know what ironic means. I reject what you think ironic means.
Can you "ironically" enjoy ice cream? Can you sit there and eat ice cream and "ironically" think it's tasty? No, you can't.
Can you "ironically" a-log? Can you "ironically" break the rules? Would you be able to get out of a murder case by saying you killed the person "ironically?" Think about it for a minute.
I'm so tired of people masking their bullshit behind "irony." No, you can't use emoticons "ironically." You can't do something "ironically." Irony isn't a cop out, it's not an excuse. There is no way to "ironically" break the rules, or circumvent them either.
No. 88029
>>87965Since when was this a banable offence when it’s practically part of the board culture here and used ironically all the time by a good portion of farmers and never gets red texted when used to poke fun at weeb cows.
>>88028Nayrt but you are unironically an autistic retard. Until recent history they locked people like you in padded cells.
No. 88032
>>88030Except it hasn’t been like that forever for that specific word. Stop sperging out your ass with paragraphs on
civil law, ice cream and ironic murders, bootlicker, you sound schizo kek
No. 88047
>>88045I swear I remember this face from somewhere. I don't think it's a nona.
Or maybe she's posted herself before.
No. 88049
>>88045Was this seriously the photo posted? This does feel like a larp like
>>88048 said. No one has a screencap?
No. 88056
>>88043 Thank you for showing. You can delete it now so you don't get banned kek.
No. 88061
File: 1735721473538.png (169.27 KB, 1170x1000, no password .png)

Mods, we enter our own passwords in the password field now?
No. 88102
>>88100I don't think this poster is using a VPN for majority of their posting. They seem far too retarded and
like this. I mean, come on.
No. 88108
Many of the latest posts in the opinions on cows thread do not discuss cows at all. Instead, it's just complaining about anons without any specific cow mentioned. How is that on topic? The thread is for opinions on cows. Now they're complaining about threads and throwing around the "hasn't been milky in years" shit.
Can we not have a separate thread for these posters to lament and infight about anons? It really ruins this thread to have posts about vague "anons." It's just bait.
>>>/ot/2326880>>>/ot/2327015>>>/ot/2327661 (bait, calling anons shitposters for having other opinions)
>>>/ot/2327874>>>/ot/2328129 (baiting with Taylor R thread, complaining about the thread)
No. 88120
Are farmhands going to unlock
>>>/m/443789 or should I just make a new thread? The previous one hit 1200 now so its fine
No. 88144
File: 1735773782815.jpg (40.05 KB, 750x422, CLE-3-Blog-8.jpg)

mods they're racefagging in unpopular opinions…
No. 88168
>>88166i love how vpntards switch it up all the time kek in no particular order its been -
>banning vpns would destroy the site!>banning vpns is what troons want!>banning vpns prevents women in dictatorships from posting!>banning vpns just so the farmhands can dox us!>banning vpns doesnt solve anything its all newfags!>banning vpns is fascist!and none of its true lol. its just constant bullshit. they throw everything they can at the wall to try and make it seem like vpns are a necessity instead of just a ban evasion tool.
No. 88241
>>88216>>88218Yeah someone else brought it up too
>>87965 Considering it’s slang that’s been used frequently for the past few years and not even registered as a face anymore, I’m unsure why jannies now have a sudden hate boner for it as it’s been used frequently to mock weeb and smoll bean cows for YEARS.
No. 88242
>>88240I don't get why it's so hard to click on a button at the top to bring you to a different board and posting your request for advice there. Why are /ot/fags afraid to use the other boards?
>>88241It's an emoji. Emoji's are banned. I don't know why you can't wrap your head around it.
No. 88244
>>88242Please explain it to me again
nonnie, me so stupid me need spoonfeed. Can’t you fucking read, no one uses it as an emoji or to personalityfag. If multiple people are bringing it up then multiple active posters do not register it as an emoji, same as people using the word
triggered not for the purpose it was initially intended for. And if you want to be real autistic about it, it’s an emoticon not an emoji retard.
No. 88246
File: 1735920047870.jpeg (718.65 KB, 1179x1338, IMG_6408.jpeg)

You’re allowed to vent about your relationship in the relationship thread on /g/, it just hasn’t been spelled out in the OP in the recent ones. If you go back a couple threads you can see it was in the OP that it was okay to vent
>>>/g/358356 and if you read the threads nonas vent all the time
No. 88266
File: 1735933844757.jpeg (65.8 KB, 1170x315, IMG_4772.jpeg)

>>88262It started off as a cute face emoticon (emoji’s are actual graphics on iphones/android etc, emoticons are typed symbols or letters that together form faces) but due to the excessive use of it in kawaii e-girl culture as an emoticon it became a noise oowooh, which then started being used as slang pronounced as oowooh to mock kawaii e-girls and NLOGs who think they are cute e.g. Shuwu which was coined like 6 years ago
>>>/snow/584214 and you can see every shoe thread has used the uwu face excessively see picrel so it’s not like it’s tiktokfags who have hijacked LC and it was always illegal. Have you been living under a rock? The context in which the uwu face is used is what matters, which I understand is hard for some autismos
No. 88271
>>88266>you can see every shoe thread has used the uwu face excessively see picrel so it’s not like it’s tiktokfags who have hijacked LCThe people who are defending the "uwu is an emoticon!!1!" stance
are the TikTokfags, most likely /ot/fags who didn't even realize that the gossip boards existed, kek
And yes, while it technically is an emoticon, context matters. There's a difference between someone posting "Going in for a manipedi uwu" on some thread in /ot/ and someone using it in an obvious derisive or mocking manner as is established on the cow boards.
No. 88273
>>88271I couldn’t agree more. The fact they are trying to cape so hard for
technically the rules yet said
>>88251>All this from the addy thread, right?does lead me to believe that they are indeed a newfag who took learn2integrate to heart. We have Shuwu, not to mention 158 Shay threads, 150 MtF threads all using uwu excessively as ironic slang to convey a message and you’re quoting the Addy thread in snow as the source of the uwu usage and calling it an emoji? uwu is at this point part of LC culture on the cow boards to laugh at them and has been for at least 7 years.
No. 88275
File: 1735939287687.png (218.52 KB, 776x461, emoticons.png)

>>88266Definitely, these newfags from TikTok really think that emoticons were ever banned here?? How retarded D:< ! Emoticons and emojis have ALWAYS been allowed on <3 Lolcow <3, take picrel for example :') Those were the GOOD OL DAYS! ! Never until 2024 have emoticons been such a contentious issue 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 , probably because only this year did newfags start using this website and shitting it up with their brainless TikTok ideas xD . Emoticons have ALWAYS been encouraged here ÓwÒ ! How else would we express ourselves 「(‘◉⌓◉’) ???? Through words?!!?! ROFLCOPTER!!!! Maybe these newfaggot TikTokers should go back to their GAY APP and leave us alone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ See the pic!! It has lot of emoticons that mean emoticons was ALLWAYS aloud :D Dont let the TRANNY JANNIES GASLIGHT U!! This pic is PROVE that emoticons are part of our culture :)))
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠲⢤⣀⣀⠀⢀⣀⣀⠤⠒⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
That emoticon is my face right now because of all this DRAMA xD I just want to RAWR at these newfags
(retard) No. 88280
>>88275Nice bait but you’re just proving my point. All those read as emoticons/personalityfagging, uwu never has here because of the context it is used in cow threads. It was not the face the farmer was making when posting, it was the expression of the cow being posted about. As much as you’re trying to bait I hope you don’t get a ban
nonnie, because I understand the mocking context you are using it in because I’m not neurodivergent, though it was a little overkill at the end so I suggest you take your meds
>>88278The root of gay is happy, the root of faggot is a bundle of sticks… It’s almost like language changes with time depending on the context
No. 88281
>>88280Unfortunately, I adopt the idea of banning it due to the fact that newfags have seen it and now overuse it. Unfortunately a good thing comes to a halt when people take advantage of using it to describe a cow. However, I think using it in context matters. If you are talking about a cow in post about how she thinks she is "uwu smol" and she
has said this, that shouldn't be banned. That is using the cow's language against her. If anons are going out of their way to personally call the cow "uwu" in any form, I think that's bannable. If you cannot come up with some better description than "uwu" you shouldn't be posting. It makes newfags think that it's a go-to. Sorry a group ruins it for everyone.
No. 88293
File: 1735950701721.jpg (801.4 KB, 1080x1677, 0250.jpg)

>>88271I have actually seen it be banned in the context of making fun of a cow recently, picrel is in the Ethel Cain thread, this was the only one of two posts that were banned for using emojis and uwu has been used more recently in that thread and had not been banned, so really inconsistent there. I wish there was more clarification on this.
No. 88300
File: 1735964554268.png (29.15 KB, 650x114, in the same city.png)

Farmhands, are you sure it wasn't Dana posting?
I noticed a lot of typing quirks in the spergout, like "minor child," "loosing," and "gum up," that Dana likes to use a lot.
How do you figure out if it's really the cow herself or just someone else close by? That's sort of rhetorical, I get that you'd already have Dana's home IP because she's been banned before, but do you think she could have used her cell data or something else of that sort?
Or was this redtext just a clever joke and I was too autistic to get it?
No. 88313
File: 1735996181310.jpeg (152.73 KB, 828x844, IMG_7031.jpeg)

Pls do something about the unintegrated reddit faggots who shit up /snow/ blogging anout their pathetic lives
especially this retard in dana's thread
No. 88348
The fact that every race gets to have a thread in /g/ except whites is wack.
White women:
- Suffer from the same kind of fetishization as Asian women while being stereotyped as stupider, lazier and fatter
-Get attacked for racemixing. Nothing pisses everyone off more than a white woman/ black man relationship, which is why there was an entire website dedicated to shaming white women who do it (coalfax)
-are disproportionately affected by certain types of tradfaggotry like mormonism, eastern orthodoxy and orthodox judaism
-are disproportionately targeted by elite sex pests (just look at Jeffrey Epstein's or Harvey Weinstein's
victim lists)
- Are disproportionately affected by health problems like opioid addiction, osteoporosis and skin cancer
-Get called racial slurs
-Get murdered for their skin color (
- Are the main target of dumb blonde jokes, bimbo stereotypes, dogfucker jokes, nazi stereotypes and redneck jokes
-Are stereotyped as rich, which sucks for the ones who aren't. Imagine getting called privileged when you're a sex slave trapped in a Moldovan slum
-Get weird comments about their hair and eyes when they are in places where they are minorities
-Get called oppressors with no culture even if they come from oppressed cultures like the Irish or the Basques
- Are told to shut up and take it when moids of color target them (see: the Pakistani rape gang problem in England, the 2016 rape-a-thon in Cologne, Eldridge Cleaver's admission of racially targeted rapes in his book Soul on Ice)
-Are told to shut up and take it when they are race swapped in media, even when it's historical figures getting their story rewritten. What's up with the weird obsession some people have with Cleopatra being black? Homegirl was Greek.
(unintegrated bait) No. 88360
There is a milklet making vendetta threads in snow >>>/snow/2074443. Also, the rules as listed at don't actually say anything about sageing or emoji use. A blurb about sageing and emojis where newfags will definitely see it may curb some unintegrated behaviors.
No. 88364
File: 1736095648891.jpeg (135.83 KB, 1242x432, IMG_8062.jpeg)

>>88360The no emoticons rule is on the info page, where the sage info is too. If anything, you sound like a newfag.
No. 88366
>>88363She was an admin, not janny
>>88360No make them lurk
No. 88382
>>88374blogging bans have been issued for peoole brigning up any personal experience at all, that's been the case since forever
and that's a good thing. people bringing discussion back to themselves is annoying as fuck.
people can talk about themsleves all they want on /ot/. no one wants to read about that in cow threads. this isn't plebbit
No. 88390
File: 1736117959957.png (236.47 KB, 636x1182, yducfjdtndfjnchvdg.png)

I know the emoji ban has always been a thing but for years I remember that uwu wasn't banned as long as it was "quoted like this" or inside a green text and only if it was used in a mocking manner. You can see it a lot in some earlier pixielocks threads. Even this one wasn't banned 23 days ago. Please don't ban "uwu" in all contexts it's a good way to mock cows.
No. 88392
File: 1736129405899.jpg (75.1 KB, 771x482, 2025-01-06 030908.jpg)

There's no way this is allowed, am i tripping for finding this absolutely repulsive? I'm not a long time user of lolcow but there's no way this thread is going to be maintained, right?
No. 88396
>>88392why the fuck would someone make an incest thread? this has to be bait
>>88395ntayrt but i don’t see how this is “pearl clutching” retard
No. 88408
>>>/w/342063>I have 3 years worth of milk but all from private discordsOkay, then
post it. I'm tired of these newfags thinking lolcow isn't an imageboard and that they can use this as some kind of confessions situation without actually talking about who it's about. Cow boards require cows to be posted.
No. 88411
>>88392>>88393>>88394>>88396i'm not into this shit but the reason why it was made is because incestfags kept flooding the cute couples thread with incest ships, so the thread is a containment basically. they weren't banned when they originally posted in the couples thread
(that one who posted live action disney incest definitely should have been though jesus) so they probably won't be banned there either
No. 88425
>>88424I also suspect they're newfags because the "but muh anime fandomfagging is feminist" argument is
very Twitter and Tumblr.
No. 88429
>>88423Kek I know right, if they were over 18 they would know it’s totally normal to enjoy family members fucking and then goon about it online. It might be illegal irl but it’s only fictional families what’s the harm in that? I always wonder to myself, why is it when I talk about my sexy flat chested loli waifu people clutch their pearls, she is not a real child and is actually a vampire over 700 years old? Bigot newfags amaright?>>88422No one was gooning over that (I hope) it was supposed to be repulsive, unlike the entire of that disgusting thread posting shit like
>>>/m/445764 whilst dilating which is only going to attract more degenerates. There should be no containment thread, they all should just be contained in a crate and dumped in the middle of the sea
No. 88433
>>88432Damn it really took you 0 hours to prove
>>88395 right. Women aren't women when they are degenerate
No. 88469
>>88467No one is talking about their own family members, it's specifically about fictional incest couples as it was a spin off from the cute couples thread(containment). So far it's mostly image dumps and light discussion
>>88468I honestly always thought the husbando threads should be on /m/ but I guess they were moved because it stopped being just image dumps and turned more into fic writing
No. 88474
File: 1736200958478.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.21 KB, 540x360, 7216269941682.JPG)

Doxxed the dunmeshi incest fag
No. 88485
File: 1736273986468.png (47.91 KB, 649x412, c6077858-6e95-48d3-8c2c-a13e1c…)

I know troonfoiling is annoying but we should be able to tell troons to gtfo too, nta
No. 88494
Shame on whatever mod deleted info about the Feline Guardians in the boycott thread.
Is there some rule against criticizing China now? No. 88530
File: 1736381008042.png (385.95 KB, 1000x782, 2014-09-19-1062sea.png)

Could something be done about the spoonfeeding requests and sealioning in every pixielocks thread? The most clear Jill things get wk that it's not that bad, its out of context or she's not to blame
>Sof is a farmer Jills retarded
>What if Sof didn't post about Jill
>Heres when she posted in these threads
>What if it was edited
>Heres when she RTd about child neglect as if she went through it
>What if she didn't mean it that way
>Jill was an awful daughter
>What if her moms a narc
>When she bought a bunch of sakura card captor shit but didn't care for it
>What if she did like it? It's not a big deal she like things!
>Heres her saying its boring
>But she does love her pretty cure!
Other cows never get this much "devils advocate" shit.
No. 88552
File: 1736425965723.png (531.67 KB, 752x1495, 1000041887.png)

I reported the last two posts in celebricows since they need to take their shit to meta and stop filling up the thread by bashing the nonas posting content. instead the mod bans a nona (not me) participating in the discussion? Come the fuck on.
No. 88557
>>88554its not part of the rules, its part of the guidelines, and the guidelines don't spell out consequences, it simply asks users to avoid this behavior and makes it sound more like a suggestion rather than a rule you should avoid breaking lest ye be banned. there's some stuff i can understand like heavy emoji use and obnoxious typing styles and things like that, but i see people banned for things like adding linebreaks or not adding linebreaks and other little things like this that i don't even notice until the red text comes up. there's no way a line break makes someone distinguishable from other anons and doesn't feel like a "posting style". i've not seen this sort of all-or-nothing approach to a rule like this on other anonymous image boards. meanwhile other actual obvious rule-breaking comments sitting right next to them go untouched.
>>88555was there something about my comment that indicates i am not integrated? i would hate to get banned for something like using incorrect punctuation or anything else the mods randomly decide is "unintegrated posting style"
No. 88564
>>88559you're telling me the mods don't act on rulebreakers unless its reported? come on now
>>88560can you be more specific?
>>88562the post with red text in
>>88552 is not my post. i just think its dumb to see things as minor as this catch a ban while other flagrant rule breakers run rampant.
No. 88569
File: 1736451932320.png (147.06 KB, 608x568, 1000031100.png)

Baiting male in the vent thread.
No. 88578
>>88564No, I'm telling you other people also report posts, so it's not only farmahnds thinking that's unintegrated.
>>88574That anon isn't talking about your post, it's about the obvious spacing in the op pics.
No. 88586
I second nonas in the thread suggesting mundane shit should go back to being about personal events and not random thoughts relating to anything.
Too many posts are being made that are better suited for other threa topics such as
>>>/ot/2340853 discussing about a tranny. If I wanted to complain about troons I would go to the gc thread not fucking mundane shit
No. 88609
>>88588I think whatever farmhand currently hands out the bans is a genuine newfag. Seen so many stupid redtexts in the past week. This and the lack of lolcow award results and vpn vote makes me nervous to be honest.
>>88589It's used ironically and has been tolerated since forever.
No. 88617
>>88602Honestly I'd be fine with it. I never read the summaries anyway kek
>>88589Ntayrt but no I actually didn't know it was an emoji until this banning thing happened. I thought it was just a cringe noise made to sound cutesy. I don't really care if it's banned or not, but I think there should be an announcement that it's now being considered an emoji just for clarity. Though I guess it being redtexted now is sort of an announcement.
No. 88621
File: 1736564148175.png (137.01 KB, 1472x989, jilluwu.png)

>>88588Looks like the bans started two weeks ago? From the Jill thread. Seriously, why the change?
>>88589Don't be retarded.
No. 88623
File: 1736568062359.png (18.84 KB, 1818x153, ,y.png)

Mentioning that a specific group of animal abusers that made me want to vent happen to be Chinese isn't racebait, lmao. Like it or not, China actually is the only country right now with a massive underground animal torture industry that their government refuses to clamp down on despite multiple reports from Chinese locals as well as ongoing protests at multiple embassies. This is easily Googled. Even fucking Indonesia jails people for animal abuse, there's no excuse for China not to.
If it was Belgium or Germany or Korea doing this, I'd say the same thing. Whichever farmhand banned me for this should instead be complaining to the CCP for turning China into an international embarrassment.
No. 88624
>>88623Lmao we have gone full tumblr now #
tw race mention
No. 88627
>>88623>>88624Racebait isn’t banned because it’s ~
triggering~, it’s banned because it creates receptive race wars and race obsessed discussion that we’ve seen enough of. Just take the temp ban and move on. God newfags are annoying.
No. 88628
>>88627Everything can be infought about, retard. Nothing about that post had to do with race.
>n-newfagI've been on this site from the start, it was never board culture to ban people for mentioning a nationality. Go back to Tumblr or Twitter if you're so delicate and fragile you'll start a race war over a vent post in a vent thread.
No. 88630
>>88628I think the farmhand really should undo the ban. Even if it was an hour like
>>88629 says. This news was all over tiktok and has truth to it. There's videos of the cats being fed acid, dismembered… On these feeder cams. It's okay to mention Chinese when it's taking place in China. The ones who have been caught have all been Chinese citizens.
No. 88632
>>88631Sucks to say that tiktok is a massive social media platform. You can find the same videos via reels and youtube stories. I'm an oldfag and I'm not going to pretend to clutch my pearls over someone mentioning videos they saw on which platform. There's also news articles. Pick one, anon. Which term wouldn't
trigger you?
No. 88634
>>88626>>88630Exactly, there have been multiple news articles about it. They operate on Telegram and certain Chinese apps, and have even been trying to recruit "customers" in the US.
Pretending that discussion and disgust about something most people are caught up on now is "racebait" is basically just shitting on non-sadistic Chinese people and acting like this is somehow innate to their race (it isn't). Being Chinese doesn't make you an animal abuser. In fact, every sane Chinese person is disgusted with animal torturers, just like every other civilized human being on the planet. Only subhuman incel cockroaches and dysgenic pickmeishas disagree. The same men doing this also talk about wanting to kill/rape women and children, by the way. They groom little kids and target mentally ill, self-harming teens and pay them to participate in this shit. The government's not doing anything because they also have failson roaches in their homes who get off to animal torture.
No. 88635
>>88632You must be autistic if you can’t see the irony in telling an anon to go back to twitter/tumblr and then citing tiktok as a news source. It’s not
triggering, it’s just kinda funny but mostly sad.
No. 88640
>>88635 I am not
>>88628 There's more than one farmer posting, retard.
>>88634The selling of the videos sickens me too.. I hate this so much and have found nowhere to talk about it.
No. 88641
>>88629>>88631>>88635I've never understood you whiny spergs who camp out in this thread and mald at people for complaining about poor mod decisions in the complaints and suggestions thread.
>You must be autistic if you can’t see the irony in telling an anon to go back to twitter/tumblr and then citing tiktok as a news source. I said to go back to Twitter or Tumblr, not that anon. There are multiple posters here. Anyone who sees a nationality mentioned and thinks "Oh nooo, a race war is coming" does need to go back. What's next, banning any mention of gender because it might start a gender war? Piss off.
No. 88646
>>88623I think it's just the way you worded it? "Chinese fucks" out of nowhere sounds like you're trying to racebait since it's how actual moid racebaiters describe races (Chinese or otherwise). Especially with no clarification that the majority of animal torturers online are Chinese. For example nothing in your post here or these anons
>>88626>>88630 sounds racebaity
Clarifying would also prevent actual racebaiters from swooping in. It's hard in the heat of the moment when you're venting, but that way you avoid any actual bait from tourists
No. 88660
File: 1736604059269.jpeg (114.68 KB, 620x402, IMG_0156.jpeg)

>>88623no one shares your passion. you saw something on tik tok and got so morally outraged youre trying to use this site as a way to "spread awareness"
no one gives a fuck. I'm so sick of the corporate social media mentality of "spreading awareness" to the point if you hear any counterpoint you think that person is apart of the problem. the state of lc to have these gen z retards hopped up on dopamine and moral panic always coming here.
No. 88667
>>88660This is a very personal rant. This is /meta/, maybe you should go to the vent thread to complain about how only gen z doesn't like animal abuse and things discussed in the news are actually all just TikTok?
Nonny, this thread isn't for unrelated blogposts or generation sperging, there's no good reason to clog it up trying to argue with screenshotted/redtexted posts that
trigger you and accuse people of shit. You don't sound more like some sort of righteously indignant oldfag, you're more like an insect trying to fly through a closed window.
No. 88689
>>88685still desperate to have her thread locked? imo the poster who has to defend Taylor from anything posted in her thread shits up the place far more than some mildly boring posts.
It is bizarre that she seems to be shilling Disneyland Tokyo of all places. Guess we'll have to wait to find out if the whole trip was comped.
No. 88690
>>88689Thank god posting about her shilling is also banned.
>>>/w/337812 You are obsessed.
No. 88699
The taylorfag from w is having a meltdown in opinions
>>>/ot/234353 Replying just to complain about anons not finding Taylor's disneyland soap adventure milky
No. 88707
File: 1736714320722.png (379.91 KB, 1080x1369, 43448~2.png)

Whatever this is from the things you remembered thread.unfunny and try hard,where did this subhuman even come from?take your meds being defensive over some stupid cartoon.this isn't even funny just pathetic.(unintegrated posting style)
No. 88716
>>88715Because I am just too retarded unfortunately.didn't think of that before but will turn that on for now on so thank you dear
No. 88719
>>88716I'm a subhuman when I defend Dora but I'm a dear
nonnie when I take pity and help a retard out. Such is life.
>>88717I was genuinely asking because I was confused and curious.
No. 88743
>>88740NTA that's
valid but ayrt said the cowtipping is retarded, I think they mean the other red texts and general heavy handedness espec considering there's so much milk
No. 88749
File: 1736787723868.jpg (543.46 KB, 1080x2178, Screenshot_20250113_135923_Sam…)

Not what cowtipping means, they just let any newfag be a janny nowadays, huh
No. 88751
File: 1736792012577.jpeg (558.84 KB, 1170x884, IMG_6820.jpeg)

Troon in the mtf thread who was talking about how terfs and lesbians are pedos, but he kept deleting the posts a few minutes after posting them
No. 88754
Completely over the newfags the jirai thread has brought to /w/.
>>>/w/342592 NTA but turning the discussion into this is ridiculous. "You sound like vanilla" as if they haven't been told to not act like this in the thread before.
No. 88763
>But but but she shoops her pictures and is a mean girl, I don’t have any evidence of her being mean but believe she’s a cow!Jirai-kei thread I lowkey think a lot of stuff is also posted by 2 cows (or the friend group of) who hate each other as they were both posted on here during some twitter fight a while back and there has been non stop vendetta tier posting of both of them ever since. Every time one of them get mentioned the conversation is swiftly diverted to some nothingburger the other one did. So boring
No. 88764
>>88762and tbey think making a thread is an accomplishment or something
>yes we have a thread! I'm no longer a newfag!well you didn't win anything. its not like making an entry in a diary or similar to discord. and if the thread is shit why dod you bother making one?
No. 88773
This jirai retard wont post caps and admits they wont post caps
>>>/w/342638 its obvious this poster is vendettafagging if they won't do bare minimum work.
No. 88923
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No. 88932
File: 1736926729541.jpg (14.61 KB, 770x85, poiujhg.jpg)

>>88920I'm not sure to understand what was unintegrated about that post
No. 88940
File: 1736936482459.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.91 KB, 695x479, soxsosos.jpg)

>>86783Ban please? Baiting fat moid in the vent thread.
(why would you repost this unspoilered instead of just linking to the post) No. 88948
>>88932just saw this and I guess you should have put "woman" between quotations or else it will look unintegrated. it's mainly because nobody thinks they're really "women".
>look at this trans "woman" at the start of their "transition" lmaoor something.
No. 88965
File: 1736965474210.png (23.72 KB, 1637x369, lock it.png)

Lock it. This is ridiculous. I think she should be a banned subject to post about just because they are acting like this too. They will instead go to other threads to spam about her like they did in photoshop. Skirby isn't a good cow and the people who follow her to post about her here are all clearly retards.
No. 88978
>>88977not just that, I've been seeing it all over.
the Disney thread got weird posts in it which luckily got swept up, but it's been a lot scattered around.
No. 88980
File: 1736993643924.png (251.4 KB, 587x444, 1000003552.png)

>>88979sorry for assuming, nona. i think i'm on tinfoil high alert because of the other posts i saw.
No. 89002
If possible, I request farmhands to keep a closer eye on the trad wellness thread
>>>/snow/2048090 because since it's inception it consistently gets derailed with infighting, racebaiting, nitpicking, and newfags who respond to bait
No. 89018
File: 1737120802507.jpg (56.63 KB, 1226x320, Serious_Business.jpg)

>>89017samefag but if this is a containment thread for this one anon, other farmers should at least be aware
No. 89034
File: 1737136013076.png (6.48 KB, 554x112, stupidjannybitch.png)

This mod in particular and the stupid cunts who have been strangling /snow/ have been shitting up the site for far too long. Powertripping jannies are peak retardation. Kill Yourselves.