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No. 2316638

No. 2316639

Put previous thread links in order

No. 2316642

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Starting off the thread with things younger than Joe Biden and Donald Trump

No. 2316991

The tone of his voice makes me crack up.

No. 2317250

This will be a beautiful Alfredmas!

No. 2317253

Very cute threadpic! So happy to see the image I posted included, thank you nona!

No. 2317834

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>NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey abruptly resigned on Friday night, police officials confirmed, prior to a bombshell report alleging he repeatedly sexually abused a subordinate officer in exchange for overtime pay.
>According to the complaint, Epps said that after she began refusing Maddrey’s advances in October, he retaliated by “orchestrating an intentionally manipulated” overtime report that claimed she earned more than $200,000 in overtime pay.
>After stories about her alleged overtime abuse came out, Maddrey offered to speak to the commissioner on her behalf but first demanded that she kiss his penis, according to the complaint.
>She said she “complied under coercion.”
>Maddrey has previously been accused of sexual misconduct. In 2016, he was sued by Tabatha Foster, a former police officer, who said he demanded sex in his office.
>Both the federal and state cases were ultimately dismissed.
>NYPD Capt. Gabrielle Walls on Wednesday added Maddrey as a defendant in an ongoing sexual harassment lawsuit. Her complaint filed in Manhattan Supreme Court alleged that Maddrey repeatedly tried to kiss her without her consent and also tried to visit her at the precinct where she worked.
>The complaint also alleges that Maddrey told Walls he was “going to mould her” and offered to help her career.

No. 2317853

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5 dollars for one single ounce of ranch. this needs to be fucking illegal. this is not American at all

No. 2317856

People this old should never be allowed to run a country, wtf.

No. 2317857

Where is this? I don't use ranch, but at this point, it's cheaper to bring your own bottle around.

No. 2317897

Wingstop in Oregon. tyrannical

No. 2317916

Why do you guys eat at Wingstop? You guys don't have any better wing spots near you? That shit's nasty

No. 2317929

just buy some ranch powder and mix it in yogurt. would be way less than 1600 calories too

No. 2318167

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No. 2318177

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These are the people making decisions for our country. She isn't the only one, a pharmacist said that he's routinely refilling Alzheimer's prescriptions for members of congress

No. 2318181

it's never going to end unless we ban citizens united again. and that'll never happen with the supreme court we got for the next lifetime

its hopeless

No. 2318300

In a perfect world he would be (publicly) executed for this.

No. 2318530

And yet Bernie was "too old" to run for president despite having more integrity and conviction with his policies that would actually benefit someone other than billionaires for once. Meanwhile we have actual geriatrics like this with degenerative brain disease in office. They keep playing in our faces.

No. 2318533

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Literally last years of the USSR where the country was ruled by one infirm geriatric after another after another. Grim.

No. 2318640

I feel for anyone suffering from a brain disorder, but they should NOT be in congress. This is insane

No. 2318662

>I feel for anyone suffering from a brain disorder, except those in the congress.
Fixed it for ya. Those can have their own real-life everywhere at the end of time full body experience for all I care kek.

No. 2318767

Literally what the fuck.

No. 2318770

Fuck them, and fuck the younger puppeteer snakes propping them up and keeping them in power because they're too cowardly to stop working in the shadows.

No. 2318798

I'm visiting my American family and I can't believe these people vote. They're talking about how your body can't process food coloring because it's fake and made of chemicals, how seed oils take 6 years to leave your body, how illness isn't real and can be controlled with your mind but at the same time it's the pharmaceutical companies that make you ill. They also believe in 9nt month abortions and don't believe that some states have no exceptions.

No. 2318897

I really would prefer eugenics at this point in regards to minimum IQ

No. 2319116

so are we allowed to discuss the nyc burning incident of the woman or is it gonna be considered racebaiting since the mood isn’t white

No. 2319117

moid* sorry kek(learn2delete)

No. 2319264

what's wrong with wingstop?

No. 2319268

That case is a prime example of why the federal government needs to allow all states to lock away highly mentally ill people without their consent. Some people just need a white room, a blanket and to be highly medicated. I'd 100% be willing to pay extra taxes for it. I'd save the police so much time and society would be a safer place. But it can't happen because conservative boomers will cry muh taxes and call them freeloaders whilst liberals will cry about people's rights being violated and also less money to throw away to israel and pointless military shit. It's so annoying that such a solution is sitting right there, but people are just too greedy, selfish and lazy to put it in place. Simple minded people will blame it on race when numerous black people have been victims of deranged mentally ill moids running loose and a lot of those said mentally ill moids have already been disowned by their families for being violent.

No. 2319274

you know damn well it wouldn't be racebaiting, but randomly bringing "racebaiting" up insinuates exactly what your angle is and ironically may get you banned for racebaiting whereas just posting it like a normal person would not have. congrats

No. 2319309

I couldn't give a shit what race the psycho is.
At the end of the day, it's always moids doing this fucked up shit making life hell for everyone else.
Yeah I'm down for locking up crazies again. I also think if people wanna be cheap we can euthanize crazy violent males. Females are banned from being mistreated or executed.

No. 2319334

What I find entertaining about the whole "lock up the crazies" debate is that no one ever gives credit where credit is due.
Everyone in mass media (rightfully) criticizes Reagan, but give absolutely no credit to JFK, Lyndon or good ole Jimmy Carter. They're the ones that set this in motion based on human rights concerns. Reagan was just a cheap fuck at the end of the line that decided to welch from what little responsibility he had.
So, JFK had a "retarded" sister (probably from all the inbreeding), and his parents kind of lobotomized her. He felt this was really unfair at the time and worked to dismantle the nations system for controlling the crazies, ranging from preventing sanitariums from accepting new patients to adding "safeguards" for involuntary holds. Oh, and preventing funding from reaching those places. Lyndon and Jimmy (and every other politician who thought this wasn't a political issue worth fighting for) continued these policies until all that was left was a desiccated skeleton of a federal mental health system. Because liberty.
Once all of these things happened, Reagan of course refused to take any responsibility or even help ensure funding for state systems. He held the dagger for the the final blow, but this is a multi decade long compounding failure.
May everyone here not catch fire at some point. God help us all.

No. 2319415

The subway incident feels like the nail in the coffin for society ever being normal again. It's so fucking bleak to live in the 21st century and see video from a smartphone of a woman burning to death in public transportation, nobody around to help her except the moid bystander filming and the one who fucking set her blanket/clothes on fire. I almost started crying when I saw the news because the last couple days it's been so freezing cold in the northeast this week, it's during the holidays and nobody even knows who she was or why she was on the train. Homeless? Going home in the morning after working all night? Is she even going to be identified?

No. 2319429

I just don't understand how not one single person tried to help her. I hate how whenever anything happens, people just pull out their phones to record like brainless apes. I saw the video and a moid was fanning the fucking flames. I'm done.

No. 2319436

Not going to watch the video but this reminds me of that incident years ago in China there a little girl was driven over by multiple cars and multiple people just walked by. Back then people were outraged about China but this could happen in any "modern" country.
Living in big cities just kills any heart and empathy you ever had. It's so easy to turn into a either a blind robot or a mean ass if you know nobody around you.
Coming home, going grocery shopping with your mom and getting stopped every minute because she meets yet another relative, friend, coworker feels so wild after basically working anonymously in a huge city for a while

No. 2319442

I can’t believe that this is the priority.. caring more about the race of the migrant scum than the woman that was set on fire

No. 2319473

i saw people trying to justify no one helping her by bringing up daniel penny, but that doesn't explain actual law enforcement officers walking past her as she burned to death. there's been instances of people self-immolating and bystanders running to help them but these people just stood there and filmed. i could even understand being frozen by fear or shock and not knowing what to do but if that was the case they wouldn't be pulling out their phones

No. 2319496

I’m from NYC and the cold hard fact of the matter is the average citizen does not care about the unhoused in fact they look at them with suspicion at best and disgust at .worse There have been so many times I’ve gotten on the train and seen people make an entire scene to get away from the homeless person the second they notice them. They are always on the trains and they are always 9/10 minding their damn business sleeping or eating. I have had to stop myself from sobbing going to work seeing how cold it is outside and these people not having on any proper clothing. There will be open seats and i will literally be the only one sitting or standing by the homeless person. It’s so inhumane. Obviously if the person is acting sporadic I wouldn’t do it but you get it. She was definitely sleeping to get away from the freezing weather. Im not surprised no one did anything because like I said you should see the look on peoples faces when they see a homeless person get on. Police not doing anything is par for course. In the middle of winter during rush hour , the NYPD randomly demands the trains to stop moving so they can check for any homeless people sleeping and kick them off usually on a stop that’s outside. It’s so gross. Living in the city you see first hand classism and racism constantly budding heads when you take the subway. It’s bleak

No. 2319506

I would literally shoot him in the head and go to jail, fuck it. I don't know how these women were able to sue him instead of snapping.

No. 2319552

He was an illegal immigrant you fucktards, that's why it's "about" race

No. 2319936

An illegal female immigrant wouldn't do this shit. It's moids.

No. 2319946

you get desensitized to seeing so much horrible news in this country but that poor woman burnt to death. my god. the evil of men.

No. 2319997

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Certain ovulation apps like Ovia are asking for the state your located in. In case you stop reporting a menstruation to the app, the app may alert authorities to investigate if you've had an abortion. Delete these apps, tell other women, and stay safe nonnies

No. 2320113

this. even aside from being an illegal immigrant, it is worth noting that non white moids are pretty protected on this site because if you dare criticize their cultures that are known for treating women like shit you’re immediately a racebaiter.

No. 2320131

yeah that was insane. i saw the video and the woman weirdly didn't react much but im assuming it was because she was went into shock. yeah people bring up immigration but who the fuck sets a random stranger on fire unprovoked? nyc is a shithole

No. 2320135

More people need to learn about per capita. Yes all groups of moids are deranged and violent, but some are obviously worse than others and it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise. The average white American woman cannot even fathom the waking nightmare of being a woman in Iran or even El Salvador

No. 2320141

I understand third world moids are dangerous because their cultures enable them to behave like animals.
But that doesn't change the fact that the problem is moids.
We can kill or ban all the dirtie thirdie moids but we would still have to deal with christian fundamentalist moids who want to do shit like >>2314221

THE PROBLEM IS MEN. Killing 90% of ALL men would do a lot more than banning even 100% of illegals.

No. 2320145

>In case you stop reporting a menstruation to the app, the app may alert authorities to investigate if you've had an abortion.
anon i googled this and can’t find any sources saying that a major app would have their employees spend their time reporting random customers to the authorities under the guise that they could’ve possibly, maybe had an abortion, with the sole evidence being that you forgot to report your period to your cell phone menstrual cycle tracker app.

No. 2320163

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The heart was in the right place but the details were wrong. The risk isn't the company hiring period cops, but the actual cops getting your data and using it as evidence to prosecute you for having an abortion.
I dont think it's happened yet with period trackers specifically but it did happen with Facebook data already.
Even in abortion legal states, the US has basically no data protections so I would advise against using period tracking apps anyway. There's already been multiple publicly known cases of period apps selling sensitive user data.

No. 2320176

how would the cops know you had an abortion though? not logging a period in your app doesn’t mean you had an abortion, and i feel like that also isn’t grounds to open an investigation into whether a woman recently had an abortion. i cannot think of any scenario in which the police would subpoena your menstrual cycle app data. also i don’t get fully how facebook knew about the abortion? did the police subpoena facebook messenger data for separate case that resulted in illegal abortion charges because the defense received an abortion in a state where its illegal? or, would they still be able to charge a resident for getting an abortion in a state where it is legal, but permanently residing in a state where its illegal? now i’m super curious kek, this just opened a huge can of worms for me nona

No. 2320202

The guy who killed her was also homeless and so was the guy who was threatening to kill and rape women. Maybe people don’t want to sit near homeless people because they’re often drunk, unpredictable, and have poor hygiene.

No. 2320221

you sound like a racist pol scrote. not saying you are one but per capita is such a dogwhistle kek. Also you guys say this as if Russia, Germany, and Italy doesnt exist where DV against those women are SKY HIGH. like stfu its a male issue. White American men just seemm the most safe to your racist ass because White men have the power to skew the data in their favor. If white men werent dangerous there wouldnt be hundreds of true crime shows detailing the thousands of white women and girls who have died at the hands of the white men in their life that dont face justice because white men are the most protected by the law since the system was literally set up to protect them and only them KEK. But yeah white women keep thinking your biggest enemy is immigrant and black men the way white men want you guys too. So that way they can keep killing and cheating on you guys in peace.

No. 2320224

Also at least when an immigrant or black man attacks a white woman the white woman has a chance to be believed and actually face justice because racism is on her side. But if she is attacked by a white man she will no longer be believed because white supremacy and racism in the long run only benefits white men and they use the degeneracy of other races of men as fear mongering to get white women to stay in allegiance to white supremacy and it works every time on you racists kek. White men do their degeneracy in war torn countries and then come back to America to their white wives.

No. 2320291

Your rage against white women is so transparent. You know absolutely nothing about that anon, yet you're foaming at the mouth thinking about white women getting murdered. You'll acknowledge that white men go abroad to rape foreign women, but when white women see the same thing happening with foreign men they're racists and it's their own fault and they should shut up and not talk about it. You can't whine about lack of solidarity from white women while laughing at violence against them in the same breath, hypocrite.

No. 2320301

Why are people so weird about white women, I get the crutch of being white and having the benefit of patriarchy/white male association but why are they also blamed for everything

No. 2320360

I lived in a city with temps similar to NYC and I always avoided public transit like the plague. I would just bike everywhere because I didn't want to deal with drunks/crazies on the trains/buses.
I do agree there needs to be a place where the homeless can get food/a place to sleep but that costs precious proxy war money so they will never get that care.
Neely was a prime example of the failures that came from getting rid of involuntary institutionalization due to our neolib politicians being cheap fuckers who would rather get rid of the systems citizens want reformed. Dude had schizophrenia from when his mom was murdered by an abusive partner and he had to see her dead body stuffed in a suitcase when he was 14.
Obviously there is no justification for Neely harassing women, but he definitely had grounds for being locked up and not being allowed to leave LONG before he became a public pest.

No. 2320370

Because they're misogynists and have learned that they can say anything they want about women as long as they put "white" in front. It's currently trendy to make fun of white people, so no one's paying attention because to defend them means you're capitulating to white tears or whatever. So white women get caught in the crossfire because moids of all races will vent their misogyny about them, and women of all races won't defend them because they don't want to be targeted next.

No. 2320376

This. You don't hear about illegal female immigrants fucking shit up and gang raping civilians.
I don't think that nona was talking about pushing white women away from female solidarity. I think she's saying no woman is actually protected from men. It's just in America we are racist as all shit and white moids are chomping at the bit to lynch dark moids if they touch their property.
The solution is obvious: ANY man who abuses/rapes ANY woman should be put to death. It will keep white frontpoles in line and foreign shitheads will quickly figure out that America isn't the rape safe haven like their shit infested war hellhole they fled from.

No. 2320384

The women griping here about white women are not misogynistic men. They’re racist women.

No. 2320390

Women can be misogynists, and acting like moids keeps them (in their mind) from being targeted next. If you're busy pointing your finger at somebody else, it will take longer for the fingers to point back at you.

No. 2320392

They aren’t dogging on them for being women though, they do it because they are white.

No. 2320399

I literally talk about that in my post:
>they can say anything they want about women as long as they put "white" in front. It's currently trendy to make fun of white people, so no one's paying attention

No. 2320950

i have no idea. why does everyone laugh when i say gracias?

No. 2320978

Black/immigrant men are MORE LIKELY to lash out randomly at women they don’t know. Like the countless stories of black men randomly sucker punching women, or the Hispanic guy that recently lit a woman on fire. White men USUALLY kill women they know, that they’re in relationships with. I can avoid those moids by just not befriending them or fucking with them. However, I can’t just avoid a random stranger on the street and hope they’re decent enough ti not randomly hurt me.
The only time I screen for random white males as a danger is when I’m in a crowded place and I know they’re statistically more likely to spray the place with bullets.

No. 2320992

nyart but I feel you. The issue is I still feel like I hate and mistrust all men equally. Non whites are a big problem in urban areas, not so much in rural.
I definitely feel extra bad for non white women. Black and brown women have to deal with hands down some of the most violently misogynistic pieces of shit on the face of the earth, plus they have to deal with being lumped in with their worthless moid counterparts, which means they get less opportunities to escape them and be in more white areas.
At the end of the day though, the issue is universally men. Cull 90% of them and enforce woman respect on the remaining 10 percent under the threat of castration for minor crimes and execution for major crimes and you'll see that all our problems are caused by shitty men who engage in as much misogyny as they think they can get away with.

No. 2320995

> I hate all men equally
> nonwhite men are more violent and repressive, nonwhite women are safer in white areas where white men are
Just another day in lolcow

No. 2320997

Type with a straight face that India and Norway are equally safe for women.

No. 2321092

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Yes because men are All unsafe. Go worship white cock in peace but white women know what they’re capable of. It’s never a white woman doing this creepy savior pick me bs

No. 2321099

Nyart Yeah i don't get why this Nona thinks "white men are waaaaaaay safer because the news doesn't cover their crimes as much" or some shit. Sure, India and the middle east and Africa and rural china are hellscapes for women (and imo everyone. Misogyny breeds third worldism) but that doesn't mean in the west where my human rights are being held together by a threat that frays more by the day I can just sit there and thank the white saviors for the rights women fought for and continue to fight for despite having to deal with the constant push back because "le heckin male lonliness"

I hate men. Simple as. Racist chan should love my 90 percent idea since I want to kill all rapists, pedos, and misogynistic men. Maybe it will be all darkies, but I feel like the gas pile would be quite diverse.

No. 2321105

You probably say it with an accent. If you said it with a perfect Spanish accent everyone would be impressed.

No. 2321156

>yes, norway and india are equally safe
>here is a chart that does not include india
no one is buying your gaslighting. we both know you wouldn't go to india, but instead of telling the truth you have to lie about it as if indian women don't know it

No. 2321166

nta but it's 2 flavors of picking your poison, covert vs overt. It's best to just avoid all poison.

No. 2321181

That's nice anon but women have to live somewhere, sometimes we have no choice but to pick one poison over another. If you have to pick poison, would you honestly say you'd rather live in India where (nonnas please don't unspoiler unless you want to ruin your entire month) a woman was gang raped by so many men she had over 150mL of semen found inside of her or Norway, where that sort of thing hasn't made the news recently.

No. 2321341

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apparently the lottery has gone up to over 1 billion. what would you do if you won?

No. 2321342

I didn't mean in terms of where you live btw, that's a no-brainer, just that it's best to avoid relationships with men in general.

No. 2321355

Pay off house, buy parents a house, and then basically just live how I do now forever but have the financial stability to keep doing art without the pressure for a job

No. 2321421

women are frequently gang raped by strangers in india.

No. 2321729

Fix up my house, give my loved ones a couple million each, invest the rest to my moid extermination program

No. 2321750

We can and should. Honestly, if you don’t have instant access to a fire extinguisher and a person is already on fire, there’s not much you can do. Personally, I want that guy to be executed.

No. 2321761

I agree, all men suck but some men are just vile. look at Europe. The women are squeezed between literal thugs and drugging perverts. And they’re not allowed to have guns or pepper spray

No. 2321770

Pay off my debt, do a classics degree for the hell of it, build my dream home from scratch in an ideal location, invest in everything, travel the world, and finally finish my book

No. 2321848

Invest, buy small island, built infrastructure on there, only let women on it.

No. 2321856

Get a nice house, get a fancy gym club subscription, hire a personal trainer, hire a cleaner, hire a personal chef, buy all the random stuff I have saved on my wishlist, and invest the rest.

No. 2321875

Late but abortions/misscarriages mess with your cycle for a few months, theoretically the police could use that data along with data from other sites used to determine if someone's had an abortion. I don't think its that far fetched, technology is already able to determine if a woman is pregnant through her search patterns

No. 2321889

Buy two houses (one near family and the other in my favorite place), put all my nieces and younger cousins through university, start a trust/foundation that donates money to protect indigenous historical heritage sites in the US and my family's country, make so much art, have many spoiled pets, and probably adopt a sibling group from foster care. And somehow make sure no one in my family ever goes without water again.

No. 2321960

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Do you think if women in india and other misogynist hellscapes were allowed to own guns and legally murder men maybe then they could learn to behave like humans and not lizard gang raping subcreatures (I dont like calling indian men subhuman because that implies animal status and even monkeys are disgusted by indian men)

No. 2321987

Yes but you and I both know that would never happen without men getting gun access as well. Acid does seem to be readily available. Maybe someone could develop a way for it to be sprayed in a more precise area, like a rapape's face

No. 2321999

Leave the US and live somewhere nicer

No. 2322039

>Sweden that high
>white cock
How do we tell her?

No. 2322084

I hear Indian women are learning to fight back.
The fact of the matter is individual indian men are incredibly weak and stupid. They regularly die via trains that they overcrowd in cartoonish ways. In order for male indians to overpower a single female they need to outnumber her by at least 10. Like it's ALWAYS gang rape and when it's individual rape it's never anything stronger than a 8 year old child. Even when they raped a lizard to death they needed 5 of them.
I heard about some indian woman who beat her husband to death with her fists and nothing else. I think the best thing for india would be to encourage the women to embrace solidarity and then feminism.
Literally misandry could be the key to making India closer to a first world country than anything else.

No. 2322090

The people who just stood by, watched and recorded on their phones need to be held accountable. The only way absolute dystopian shit like this will end if we start punishing people who do nothing. Makes me remember the woman who was pushed into the train tracks by a homeless moid and no one did shit to help her back up. I hate men, and I hate this time line of people recording everything instead of taking action. Smartphones and social media appls like tiktok have actually made people dumber and less human. This is vile

No. 2322094

Pay off my mortgage and retire in peace.

No. 2322126

Kek most of the rapes in sweden are not by white men…


No. 2322789

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What are some good American cities/places to visit? I've never been outside of Florida, I'd like to see more of the United States

No. 2322796


No. 2322804

new england during the fall foliage, california is extremely beautiful too. look up american national parks there's a lot out there that could be fun to visit!

No. 2322805

I think visiting New York is one of those things you should do at least once, because it will give you a brand new appreciation for all other cities.

No. 2322809

Go to New Orleans not during Mardi Gras

No. 2322815

Why? Is the traffic terrible around that time?

No. 2322827

Huge crowds and the worst kind of tourist is there in full force. If you want to experience Mardi Gras without all of that go to Biloxi or Mobile. Even if you do, NOLA is worth visiting as it is so culturally distinct and won’t be here for forever due to climate change. Visit it before it’s gone.

No. 2322867

D.C is walkable and has a lot of nice places and museums.

No. 2322987

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seeing white nationalists who voted for trump despair over the revelation that he isn’t hitler 2.0 but rather a boomercon who wants more tech immigration

No. 2323028

It's the wall all over again. Watch some getting disillusioned and some emptying their copium supplies. Btw, is the wall forgotten now or what?

No. 2323031

Kamala personally let in over 9,000 rapists in from over the border. Trump will buy the Panama canal but no words regarding The Wall yet

No. 2323052

They were warned so many times that immigration wouldn't stop because that'd hurt corporations (Trump's true allegiance), and still refused to listen.

No. 2323058

Samefag, reminder that Trump also blocked a bipartisan bill that would've cut down heavily on illegal immigration and improved the legal immigration process (another platform Kamala spoke on and would've enacted). But retards ignored that and said
>b-but trump is our guy!! brown woman bad!!! he's /for us/!!
Dumb racists will always get played because they think the rich white man identifies strongly with the poor white man and sees him as a temporarily embarrassed brother or something. They don't give a fuck. If you're not already in the club, you're just a more expensive, far whinier version of the immigrants they can exploit for cheap.

No. 2323090

I think it's a little ironic that the hardest the US has been on illegal immigration in recent memory has been under the Obama administration. I could be wrong about that.

No. 2323160

I have no idea why republicucks are so fucking retarded at this point?
Like throughout history republicans havent done jack fuck except cut taxes on the wealthy and make life harder for the working class.
These are rich oligarchs who hate paying employees. Why the FUCK would they want naturalized citizens who demand minimum wage over illegal refugees who will be literal slaves?

No. 2323515

The misinformation here is outstanding. Turn off Fox News.

No. 2323517

They should be happy about this considering their fondness for cuckold kinks.

No. 2323530

nta but to add. Most of the museums are free! The zoo, arboretum, and botanical garden are free too. Anytime I travel to a different city, I get annoyed about having to pay for admissions lol. Our metro system is also much cleaner and nicer than NYC's even if it isn't as expansive.

No. 2323719

Infinity Jeets will make our lives into living hell. There's nothing else to it and both sides of the political spectrum agree. We should legit blockade the country and somehow get rid of Musk entirely. Indians are rapist vermin and they just shouldn't be allowed outside their hellhole, and this goes for ALL countries be they in the West or Asian. Jeets are a plague.(racebait)

No. 2323772

i think it’s funny this thread is a week old and only has 100 comments kek, when you could still use VPN’s it would have like 600 comments within the first day

No. 2323788


No. 2323805

I went to one of the largest malls this past week and I swear I saw at LEAST 15 tims.. Sometimes I think that its all an exaggeration and that these people are all weird internet exclusive basement dwelling freaks but I had my wakeup call. Literally all over, men in skirts and shitty makeup..

No. 2323818

Seconding this, go to the Air and Space Museum

No. 2323832

Honestly, this thread is better for it. Hope the VPN ban stays permanent.

No. 2323857

Me too. All the ot boards are so much better when VPNs are banned and bans actually work as intended

No. 2323907

You two are going to make the anons on CC have another fit lol

No. 2323966

The fact that kf moids read this thread obsessively is all I need to know.

No. 2324024

Chicago and Denver are my two favorite US cities

No. 2324052

Part of that is also because the election's over.

No. 2324067

I hate Elon fanboys just a little bit more than I hate the MAGA crowd so to be honest I welcome their hatred in this instance.
When Trump and Elon inevitably act like the overgrown 7 year olds that they are towards each other it's gonna be fun seeing Elon's shitty businesses all collapse.

No. 2324348

In the state I live in there was/is an ongoing scandal involving a woman officiating marriages for couples who travel in from other states, and it's obviously women getting paid to "marry" overseas moids so they can live in the US. This has been going on for over a year and this is an example from a single month
>In fact, in only three of those 114 marriages did any of the applicants list New Haven as their city of residence. Most of the marriages included one spouse from abroad: 79 involved a spouse from India, another 36 from other nations ranging from Georgia (nine) and Tajikistan (four) to Turkey, Russia, Egypt and Jamaica (two apiece).

>the number of marriages conducted in New Haven has exploded, especially marriages involving one Indian immigrant. That phenomenon caught the attention of New Haven’s previous registrar, Patricia Clark. She notified the federal government of her suspicions about the honesty of those marriages. Clark resigned from her job after being placed on leave pending an investigation finding that she violated a city policy forbidding officials from reporting suspicions about immigration to federal authorities as well as other violations of city policies and procedures.

No. 2324424

the one that frank sinatra sang about
oh come on it's not that bad!
relying the right's staggering illiteracy is how trump and friends won at all. what else can you expect from the party that is firmly anti-education

No. 2324427

Savannah, Georgia is nice…. Richmond and Alexandria in Virginia are also both cute and if you stay in Alexandria it’s a 40 minute trip to DC like the other anon suggested. If you wouldn’t mind going back to Florida I’ve always been fond of St Augustine but I’m sure it’s changed a lot since i last went

No. 2324447

Read a history book white women are the common denominator always next to white men making white supremacy which is just Misogyny and racism thrive. When they could help put a stop to it by not marrying and procreating with their racist Nigels. White women are the most powerful women in the world and yet time and time again they use their power to uphold white supremacy. I don’t understand why you guys like to lie to yourselves and think that people hate you because we are racist. No that would be simple. The truth is every race is literally brainwashed into loving and protecting you guys more than we do ourselves as a society. People across all racial lines are far more empathetic to a white woman than any other demographic of woman. And what do white women use that empathy for? Well if you read history you’d know. If me putting white women to the fire makes me racist so be it. I’m not afraid of that word like you people because I know my heart and I know I’m right kek.(racebaiting/infighting)

No. 2324449

Also Asian women uphold white supremacy bad

No. 2324452

And marrying and procreating with, idk, Indians or Arabs would be better for misogyny?

No. 2324455

>white women have all the power
that's not saying much. We weren't legally recognized as human beings until the 1920s.
Most white women these days wont breed with or marry men they know are racist.

No. 2324456

>Most white women these days wont breed with or marry men they know are racist.
As a white woman, I’m not sure this is true…

No. 2324461

So what if she is also a racist pos? What you're saying is wrong factually.

No. 2324464

MOST white women wont. There's fringe racist white trash women. But I understand where they are coming from because they are told the dark skinned men are more dangerous than white men.

True enlightenment occurs when all women come together and realize all races of men are dangerous. You wouldn't care if the random guy that is in your backyard at night is black or white, you'd still rather see a bear there.

No. 2324468

That's still not true. If you're going to talk out your ass, maybe don't forget that these racists also live in Russia, AUS, Britain, massive chunks of Europe, Canada, Iceland, Greenland… Anon. You're thinking very narrow-mindedly without even backing this up with any facts. If you're going to talk about how you feel and act like it's reality, maybe you really do need to be called racist.

No. 2324472

Do you guys think the tik tok ban will go into effect? It’s genuinely concerning and I’m 99% sure it’s because of Zionist lobbies. Sexism? Fine. Racism? Fine. Dare criticizing Israel? Unacceptable. It’s not even criticism of Jews, just Israel and Zionism. The fact that this doesn’t violate the 1st amendment and how one group of people can have so much control over something is ridiculous

No. 2324477

I wouldn’t mind TikTok being banned; it’s rotting your brain. Banning TikTok ≠ banning free speech.

No. 2324478

What "power" are you referring to? The ability to have sex with a white guy? What power is that truly if your "power" is based off of whether a man in power finds you fuckable? White women do have more influence in America but race shit is strictly an American concept. Being white in the United States is different compared to being white in europe because your skin color is second to ethnicity. Stop pretending to be blind to that when you can regularly see Balkans tear at each other because of DNA bullshit. You could have listed how the suffragettes only focused on the voting rights of wealthy white women, but then you'd also have to acknowledge the amount of suffragettes that supported the abolishment of slavery.

Go shoot up a old people's home if you're that passionate about the actions of old white women's biases. Majority of millennial and younger generation of white women are too busy worrying if wearing a bonnet is cultural appropriation than actually being the 5% of attention seeking ethots you see online.

>Also Asian women uphold white supremacy bad

How so? Which ethnicity? Which part of asia? Western, Central, or Eastern? Southern or Northern? Do Mongolian women in America uphold white supremacy the same way A Filipino Woman would? Newsflash: Your understanding of race and the blatant disregard of the complexities of demographics makes your manifestos in this thread seem more like schizo babbling rather than actually making a complex point of America's history of white supremacy and women's roles. You can't just say "read a history book" and expect us to take you seriously by refusing to actually list things. I would love to actually talk about American demographics and its relationship to social movements due to our complex nation but it's hard when the only thing you offer is turds.

I appreciate the point you're trying to make: White women lack gender consciousness by prioritizing the worst perpetuators of inequality in america, therefore being second-worst due to the enabling. But your fixation on white women does fucking nothing when you're truly putting the fat red-neck politician second to your gripes.

No. 2324490

The issue is the intent behind it. Why should tik tok be banned for perceived anti semitism but don’t care when the attacks are targeted towards others? Why don’t you advocate for Facebook or Instagram being banned? Oh wait, it’s becuase you’re a Zionist.

No. 2324514

>>>technology is already able to determine if a woman is pregnant through her search patterns
this is so dystopian and scary because I just imagined a future where even typing into google "throwing up causes" can get a case built against you. Like some AI data synthesizer that tracks every single search to see if you carried it to term or aborted it. If you searched up "out of state abortion clinics" then it'll alert state authorities, but if you search up things like "baby crib" it'll assume you're on track to delivering, And the only way to not get flagged is to not ping google with any pregnancy related searches no matter how much you might suspect you are, or to make it believe you didn't abort it with periodic false pregnancy searches. And some women aren't high IQ enough to do navigate those complexities. How bleak.

No. 2324524

They are complete morons. What about people who look up pregnancy things just to realize they don't want try to have a kid or look something up they saw on a tiktok or what was said in a movie regarding pregnancy and they go down a rabbit hole? Or buying gifts for pregnant women? If that is their fucking logic, of course this is all made by men so it is, then they are going to false flag and harass a lot of women.

No. 2324541

>Why don’t you advocate for Facebook or Instagram being banned? Oh wait, it’s becuase you’re a Zionist.
I’m not a Zionist. I’m on the side of the Palestinians. I just think that the format of TikTok is more addictive than other social media sites. You sound like a brain-dead teenage TikTok user.

I agreed with
>The issue is the intent behind it
but if you go around randomly accusing people of being Zionists, you’re not going to convince anyone of your argument.

No. 2324550

Nice steamed Maryland blue crabs. Not to statefag but god it's one the best seafood in the east coast.

No. 2324558

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The original reason why tiktok was going to be banned was because there was an assumed data security risk from its Chinese origins. Many politicians thought that it was feeding off of user data and being given to china for any nefarious reasons, this was disproven but is still most likely the reason why it's still being taken down. If zionists truly cared about their name they would be targeting /pol/ and schizo facebook conspiracy theorists. I do like tiktok being banned though, as it shortens attention spans, is the #1 reason why people guzzle tranny cock, and has been used to spread misinformation and propaganda.

No. 2324692

>Osama Bin Laden's niece is a Trump MAGA QAnon believer

No. 2324702

Have you been living under a rock? Trump has been wanting to ban Tiktok since 2020 because he sees it as a threat to national security. If silencing criticism of Israel was their goal they'd have to ban every single social media platform as well.

No. 2324722

It's trump we're talking about here. The actual reason is tiktok zoomies used the app to coordinate getting a bunch of tickets to his rallies and not showing up, he doesn't give a shit about national security, it's all about him

No. 2324832

Top kek

No. 2324941

He's literally trying to appeal the ban now

No. 2324954

new social contagion dropped

No. 2325025

America similarly experiencing the period of time where rando anarchists were murdering nobles in Europe is something I am happy to see in my lifetime

No. 2325032

Kek hell yeah. To be honest, I don't get why the news keeps handwringing over this or acting like it's some strange phenomenon. Did they think people were joking when they said they were ready for the guillotines? This has been coming for years.

No. 2325079

He didn’t even die, fail

No. 2325121

He won't be the last

No. 2325183

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Rip based peanut king

No. 2325226

he lived a long life. 100 years. and honestly, he left the world at just the perfect time before satan is sworn into office soon. rip.

No. 2325270

having burgers and hot dogs with my nonas. one tries to stab me, the other grabs charcoal right out of the grill with her bare hand and chucks it at my head. i love my nonas.

No. 2325288

Luigi starting the revolution.

No. 2325295

RIP King.

No. 2325302

100 years is really impressive. He had a really good presidency according to my grandma. RIP, Jimmy. I hope you are in a better place now better the rest of us suffer for 4 years. They don't make dems like they used to.

No. 2325452

He’s asking for a pause on it until he comes into office, then he’ll make a decision on it. Honestly I hope he bans it, it would be the only good thing he does in his entire miserable life.

No. 2325478

Going to be moving from the UK to the US soon, but whenever I cook here, all of my usually great recipes taste completely different and wrong, even basic stuff like tomato soup.. Has anyone else also dealt with this after moving here from europe? How did you overcome it?

No. 2325499

Not sure about your tomato soup, but most of the wheat flour here has a higher gluten content because it’s a different breed of wheat. That could throw off some baking ratios.

No. 2325501

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Why couldn't she have been the supreme leader?

No. 2325513

i don't have fields to leap in, corporate greed is burning them all to toxic wastelands

No. 2325522

As someone who has also moved from the UK to the US, it's trial and error. It's mainly just about avoiding ultra processed ingredients and avoiding ingredients you aren't familiar with or used to. Pretty vague, but i guess i just got used to accepting that things will naturally taste off compared to the UK.

No. 2325541

That's not up to him. The branches that vote on that can't be superseded by the president.

No. 2325666

You follow a recipe for tomato soup? Maybe don't do that, like just add stuff until it tastes right instead.

No. 2325712

I don't really have this problem so it must be something you're doing. Sure the flavor can change slightly depending on the dish you're making due to buying different brands of things and the ingredients are different. Not sure how you're getting a different flavor if you're cooking vegetables or just making a fish though. The US has more options when it comes to food so you can just easily fix it anyway.

No. 2325936

Wrong. Follow a recipe or look at it and create a variation.

No. 2326506

I was so shocked about this and idk why. That man was literally a centery old.

No. 2326509

Weegee is such a trendsetter.
Privileged people think nothing bad will ever happen to them.

No. 2326565

Then he’s completely and utterly worthless.

No. 2326668

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What are nonnies’ New Years plans this year?

No. 2327265

This next year I wanna try to save up money and get a new car that only sucks half as much as my current one.

No. 2327506

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The woman from the subway attack was identified today, here's some bits from the NYTimes article

>The police identified the woman as Debrina Kawam of Toms River, N.J. She was the victim of an apparently random attack captured in videos that showed her bracing herself against the doorway of an F train in Coney Island, her body engulfed by flames. Hours later, Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, the 33-year-old man accused of attacking Ms. Kawam, was charged with first-degree murder and arson.

>Public records seem to sketch a troubled life for Ms. Kawam. Municipal court records going back 20 years include dozens of minor cases against a Debrina Kawam in 14 cities and towns, up and down the Jersey Shore, in Jersey City and in the suburbs of New York. They include over 30 citations for public drinking and 10 for trespassing or disorderly conduct, as well as one for theft in Toms River in 2012 and one for passing a bad check in Clifton in 2008. The most recent offense, in July, was for public alcohol consumption in Atlantic City.

>Ms. Kawam appeared to have graduated from Passaic Valley Regional High School in Little Falls, N.J. Her yearbook entry from 1985 — illustrated with a photo of her with long, feathered hair — mentioned memories of freshman and sophomore cheerleading and trips to the shore. It listed her ambition as airline stewardess and said that her “secret ambition” was “to party forever.” In a senior poll, she was one of three girls voted “most punk.”

>At the address the police gave for Ms. Kawam in Toms River, a small gray one-story home in a sprawling retirement community that had been owned by the victim’s mother, a neighbor said that until the house was sold earlier this year, she would see an older woman and someone Ms. Kawam’s age coming and going.

>The older woman seemed to be taking care of the younger woman, who appeared disabled, and would lead her by the hand, said the neighbor, Valerie Waskiewicz.

>“I had the impression that the older woman had her hands full taking care of the younger woman,” she said.

>The authorities do not believe Ms. Kawam and Mr. Zapeta-Calil knew each other. She was already on the train when he boarded it in Queens, and they both rode to the end of the line in Coney Island, the official added, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity. People often sleep on subway trains in cold weather; the outside temperature on the morning Ms. Kawam was killed was 16 degrees.

No. 2327593

I’m so glad they found out who she was. This is so sad and scary. Her life went to shit after the 2008 recession like many New Yorkers and her dads death probably just excarbated her problems. This shit is so scary because I often sleep on the subway when I used to have a longer commute. This could’ve been anyone I know or even me. I believe just yesterday or Sunday a 60 year old man was also set on fire at Penn station.

A few states over a 21 year old woman was leaving a dollar tree when a man threw liquid on her, lit a cigarette and set her on fire. She is currently in the ICU.

No. 2327594

Have sex, maybe move out.

No. 2327596

Gym and lose at least 40 lbs

No. 2327657

We need to have a reverse sharia law in the united states. Men need to be locked up

No. 2327659

Gym, save for a house, sex

No. 2327660

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A guy got shoved/ran over by a train in NYC today too

No. 2327808

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Happy New Year, anons. 2024 was very unkind to me. I'm a little scared of 2025.

No. 2327929

wrong thread?

No. 2327939

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At least 10 are dead and more than 30 injured in New Orleans after a truck plowed through the barricades and intentionally ran down New Years' revelers. Suspect NOT in custody.
There's probably going to be a lot of gruesome footage hitting social media..

No. 2327986

This is exactly why I don’t blame NEETs for not wanting to go outside anymore

No. 2328072

This shit went down while i was at work 10 blocks away, i heard of it 3 hrs later after clocking out. New Orleans is a horribly neglected city. In the past year they started doing band aid type work so the city won't look like the third world shit it actually is for the Superbowl. It sounds wild that someone would be able to plow down a super busy street that is actually not supposed to be open to cars, and ON NEW YEARS EVE, but honestly I'm not even surprised. It's awful, over 10 people dead so far and something like 30 injured. On a major tourist strip. Like wtf.

No. 2328085

I don’t know if I will ever leave my house unless I’m forced to. There are too many crazy people outside and it’s only getting worse. I can’t imagine what is going to happen during trumps inauguration and after.

No. 2328091

Shit like this is never labeled a terrorist attack despite being one. Can kill a bunch of poors just fine. Evil behavior, they better hunt that guy down like a wild animal (get him alive and force him to rot in prison)

No. 2328096

He's dead.

No. 2328098

Okay that's fine too

No. 2328101

It has been labeled as one and the FBI is doing the investigation.

No. 2328105

They corrected themselves because an employee said in a press interview that it wasn't terrorism.

No. 2328107

Bourbon street is a shitshow that generates so much money, so it's a bad look to say the least. But yeah, as someone who works in the nightlife industry downtown it feels sour on a lot of levels. It's horrific for the people who died. It also will definitely have an impact on everyone who lives and works here, we're still trying to recover from how much covid ravaged the city and now this. I can't wait to gtf out of here.

No. 2328200

The guy behind the crime (Allegedly)

No. 2328210

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They are reporting recent divorce/custody battle
Malding failmale unleashed his rage on innocents as per usual

No. 2328213

the relief of moving away from somewhere you constantly have to look over your shoulder is very deep. don't wait another year.

No. 2328231

It feels so weird when they show up videos like this. The long island serial killer, the trump assassin guy and that weird rapper/troony guy who shot up a parade all had yt videos they were filmed in

No. 2328393

probably is the same guy since youtube decided to terminate his account (I just now clicked on it and it's gone)

No. 2328421

FBI says they have footage of multiple men and one woman planting explosives, that's how they know others are involved.

No. 2328496

move, start new job, gym, save, have sex

No. 2328522

I am so goddamn fucking sick of this shit. I don’t even live in New Orleans but this made me cry, I’m just so fucking tired of this shit.

No. 2328570

Moid genocide NOW!

No. 2328583

No seriously everything upsets these men. All it takes is one bad thing happening to them and they make it EVERYONES problem. I saw a poor woman looking over her friends dead body not moving just staring at it. So many people are going to be affected by this forever. Both physically and mentally. Everyone that was there needs to have their mental health checked on ASAP

No. 2328648

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>Made a series of voice recordings as he drove to Louisiana.
>Talked about turmoil in family, divorce
>Discusses getting his family together for celebration so he could kill all of them.
>Over time, based on dreams of joining ISIS, changed plan to carry out attack in New Orleans.
Deplorable scrote piece of trash

No. 2328682

Hedious. Subhuman. Greasy. Recedding. Goatcel. Autistic.

No. 2328684

Males have 1 bad thing happen to them and decide to kill everyone.

No. 2328686

Is anybody freaked and/or mildly concerned abt bird flu yet or is it just residual ptsd from covid days

No. 2328688

New Orleans is too beautiful of a city to have a filthy moid get asshurt about it and decide to become a problem for everyone else. I hope all those were impacted find comfort.

No. 2328698

New Orleans is near and dear to my heart despite all of the problems. They’ve had a bad go at it for the last two decades, it feels particularly awful that it was targeted for this attack. Poor city can’t catch a break.

No. 2328721

me. I've got a lot to freak out about right now though

No. 2328722

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>gets divorced
>converts to Islam
>joins ISIS
>kills at least 15 civilians
Never marry a moid because if you get divorced he could become a terrorist fyi

No. 2328728

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Ok, but what are these movies starring submissive black men?

No. 2328732

The DC shooter had a similar path I think. All of the shootings were to cover up his eventual killing of his wife and make it look like she was just another random victim.

No. 2328740

I'm worried about norovirus going around right now because I hate puking/shitting uncontrollably

No. 2328745

>LAS VEGAS (AP) — One person died and seven others were injured Wednesday when a Tesla Cybertruck that appeared to be carrying fireworks caught fire and exploded outside President-elect Donald Trump’s Las Vegas hotel, authorities said.

>Las Vegas Metropolitan Police and Clark County Fire Department officials told a news conference that a person died inside the futuristic-looking pickup truck and they were working to get the body out. Seven people nearby had minor injuries and several were taken to a hospital.

>The fire in the valet area of the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas was reported at 8:40 a.m., a county spokesperson said in a statement.

>According to a law enforcement official, the truck was rented via the Turo app and appeared to have a load of fireworks. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

Is Turo a common vehicle renting service? It seems kind of suspicious that the attacker in New Orleans also had a Turo rental

No. 2328752

It’s pretty common yeah. Easier to rent a car on there and for cheaper than at a normal car rental. In the Vegas incident the person may have wanted a Tesla vehicle specifically and Turo is a good resource for that.

No. 2328770

what are the chances it was just some guy with fireworks in the trunk? don't cybertrucks go up in flames a lot anyway?

No. 2328782

Given that it's New Year's I think this was just some retard wanting to flex his firecrackers and his rented meme vehicle
and not a terrorist attack or whatever.

No. 2328811

>Is Turo a common vehicle renting service? It seems kind of suspicious that the attacker in New Orleans also had a Turo rental
Elon Musk said this on Twitter, things that make you go hmmmmm

No. 2328841

Lmao based
I wish more cyber trucks would catch ablaze. How the fuck are these legal along with the bright LED lights every car has nowadays? Our vehicle regulations are too lax and driving is almost as bad as our public transit nowadays.

No. 2328847

yeah the fucking LED headlights are a legitimate issue
we can't even fix the dumbest shit in this country

No. 2328876

move out, finish school, get a job, therapy, hiking?, maybe a friend group
I swear to god, everything is going to shit

No. 2328880

>bright LED lights every car has nowadays
Car manufacturers shouldn't be allowed to release a vehicle until the CEO and entire design team passes by 50 of them on an unlit two lane highway in the middle of the night.

No. 2328889

Can we just ban Islam? Not that it would have made shit any better. This guy was a misogynist scrote and clung to shitslam because it's a cancer religion.
Like we need mass moid exile. If they wanna be Muslim they have to go to a Muslim country.

And in return we get to rescue an Muslim woman

No. 2328929

I did some research and feel better on the odds. The bad news is most likely it will mutate to humans eventually. Good news is the mortality rate prob won’t be as high as the initial testing reported since there’s been such a small sample size thus far and for the most severe of cases. More worried for the wildlife now but maybe they’ll build immunity. But for sure taking extra precautions around them now. I do feel like I’m part of the problem and got them sick. I like eating dino nuggies A LOT

Me last year. Got my wish. Caught RSV instead

No. 2328939

Um. So theres talks that on jan 6th the 14th amendment might be enforced and trump might be excused from taking office.

No. 2328940

isn’t the 14th amendment just that everyone born in America is a natural citizen? what would that have to do with trump taking office

No. 2328942

Can you include caps or something? Where are these "talks" coming from?

No. 2328943

every amendment is enforced everyday kek. i hate when anons just read something on twitter and then come repeat it here

No. 2328946


>“No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
If they play this right, due to the support he's given the people charged for treason, that might be just enough? I don't know. I doubt something will happen, but could you imagine Kamala having to break the news that under that section, the united states is unable to acknowledge trump as president? That would be crazy.

No. 2328949

Pipe dream

No. 2328952

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No. 2328954

Hello fellow nola nonnies, sad day indeed. I heard they didn’t have the typical bollards up because they were replacing them for the superbowl? Why did he pick New Orleans of all places? From what I’ve seen, he has no connection to the city. Unless it’s the typical “city of debauchery/sin” thing. The causeway pileup and now this, on top of the usual shootings…please let this unlucky start to the year mean we’ll have a break for the rest of it.
Any of y’all know where they found the other bombs?
What makes you think the dems will do anything about trump now despite sitting on their thumbs for years and doing nothing? That’d be awesome if that was the reason why they’ve been so quiet about the more suspicious aspects of his victory. But I seriously doubt it.
Maybe if we’re lucky, the next crazy guy will drive a truck through the White House correspondence dinner.

No. 2328960

>Any of y’all know where they found the other bombs?
Confirmed IED in his truck
Reports of IEDs planted in the area of the attack but those reports are unconfirmed, possibly debunked.
FBI is outside his house in Houston right now preparing to breach. They are evacuating the surrounding area. They believe there's lots of explosives in there

No. 2329002

I don't think they will do anything, but that part right there is what they should've gone after him for in the first place. Instead of the whole inciting thing. It's stupid for the news to even bother reporting on this now.

No. 2329003

Not sure if you guys know this but the same type of attack happened in Germany at a christmas market only a few weeks ago also ISIS related and a middle eastern man did it. I wonder if something's going on here with these new ISIS related terrorists attacks globally. Guess the followers have been called to crash their cars into crowds of people and bomb or shoot them

No. 2329008

That attack in Germany wasn't ISIS related. It was just a ex-muslim scrote that did it, but he was super against Islam and he blamed the German government for enabling ISIS to flourish due to Germany's support of the Saudi government.

No. 2329017

My bad. Then Canadian news has misinformed me. Still a disgusting scrote

No. 2329065

>Muslim convert kills randoms because isis
>Ex Muslim kills randos because isis
Islam needs to be put in the next DSM.

No. 2329133

the new orleans incident, the cyber truck blowing up, and now a queens mass shooting in a nightclub
what the fuck nonnas.

No. 2329158

Yes, I’m worried about it. Been watching the reporting. Mostly worried about my cats though, seeing as it’s almost always fatal for cats. Mine are indoor only, but it can be tracked in, and one house cat already died from (raw) cat food. If it spreads like covid people will probably be okay, but our pets will not be

No. 2329167

Look up Organic Portals

No. 2329170

why tf you feeding your cats raw stop that

No. 2329177

she isn't feeding them raw food, someone else was and their cat got sick. I'm transitioning my cats to be indoor only and will have to find an alternative solution for the mice problem.

No. 2329323

They're just saying that a cat died from eating raw/frozen cat food that was contaminated with bird flu. It was in the news a little while ago so the company is recalling its products.

No. 2329372

File: 1735831859284.mp4 (940.87 KB, 720x1280, 1000018777.mp4)

New footage of the Vegas cybertruck explosion revealed

No. 2329404

I hope this was just a freak fireworks accident and not a terrorist attack

No. 2329407

Clearly was targeting the hotel.

No. 2329409

I hate that anything vaguely farted in the general direction of political figures is declared "terrorism." What destruction were fireworks in a cybertruck supposed to have caused? Clearly it was a turboautist renting a vehicle with munitions for NYE. It's common in Vegas for peasants to rent luxury vehicles for a few days so they can larp a lifestyle that they cannot have back at home. It was never that deep, nothing will come of this "terrorist" invenstigation.

Meanwhile they handle this shit >>2328648 with kiddie play gloves. It took them until today to start calling this faggot and his clan terrorists.

No. 2329418

this doesn't look like new footage

No. 2329460

And the guy in the cybertruck was identified as another military vet from the base the New Orleans guy was assigned to.

No. 2329582

I wouldn’t be surprised if this NOLA incident is just another ISIS wannabe like the pulse nightclub guy. He claimed to be an ISIS member but ISIS had to make a statement saying that although killing gay Americans is based they had no involvement in that specific attack.

No. 2329633

Or maybe he was a Trump nutter parked in front of his favorite hotel in his favorite fuckboy's toy with a bunch of explosives for a very murrican celebration in Vegas (and yes they do use campfire gas to add to mortars for fireworks).
This whole thing is retarded.

No. 2329637

Seems like more and more ex military or rednecks coming out and being clearly upset with how trump is using their vote.

No. 2329659

This was my thought as well. Perhaps he was former musk fanboy (tesla owner) who was upset by the h1b visa controversy and felt betrayed by daddy musk and trump

No. 2329787

No. 2329791

Even if this did happen, it wouldn't necessarily be a good thing. All the moderates and even some left-wing people would just be like "Weeeeellll I don't like trump but he won fair and square and this is a democracy and he shouldn't be disqualified" and then vote republican in the next election to stick it to the dems.

No. 2329802

I feel like that's giving him too much credit. Frankly, a lot of those types aren't smart enough to admit they're wrong about something lol. Like the New Orleans ISIS guy, he's likely just some selfish middle aged loser failmale who decided to go out by trying to kill as many people as possible in a flashy way with no greater thought.

No. 2329834

There's already plenty of weak willed, cowardly asshats falling in line and saying as such on Reddit. Fuck them. Acting above it all and letting it paralyze us in the name of "fairness" against an oligarchy that gives zero shits about rules because they have money has partially gotten us where we are today. It's time to get a fucking backbone instead of being complacent because they care more about looking good in the eyes of others.

No. 2329869

Can you explain a little about this? Tried to look it up and I’m only finding an 80 dollar kindle book on it. Any other keywords to look up? Anyone interesting who explains it?
It seems like there are now a higher and more frequent amount of attacks on random targets/ targets not related to the victims. It is spooking me and I was already spooked about going out in public before all of these incidents.
Do you guys think it’s just the news reporting on these things more often now?

No. 2329886

Sad that someone was actually killed by this because this is just pathetic. They should have made sure everyone was out of the hotel and then actually taken the entire thing down to prove a point. Most “revolutionary” men are somewhat retarded and not great people in general so I’m not surprised to see them typically fail at their attempts.
I’m sure Trump will use this “attack” on him to further fuel his rabid magats, and then eventually if people keep attacking him, use it to declare martial law. We are in for a wild four years, according to astrology kek.

No. 2330441

Tesla guy was a supporter and a vet. No wonder he was pissed.

No. 2330902

I'm one of the new orleans nonnies and i really don't feel like going back to work. Not that I'm scared but i just saw the pictures of the victims who have been identified so far and it made me so sad. Also Landry is a piece of shit, his gloating about still going to the sugar bowl made me want to throw my tv out the window, i fucking hate him so much.

No. 2330933

>Sad that someone was actually killed by this
no one was. 7 people were injured and the perpetrator died by shooting himself in the head.

No. 2330974

I wouldn't trust anyone who willingly converts to Islam.

No. 2331036

he's not some radical revolutionary out to make a point. the trigger was apparently just his wife leaving him a week earlier. much like how the New Orleans ISIS guy was also a divorcee. typical failmales. would rather kill themselves and everyone around them than just going to therapy.

No. 2331102

male islam converts are all suspicious. but tbh female islam converts are mostly just kind of sad and pathetic. I had a friend, claimed to be feminist and all that, who converted to islam for her fiancé. He and his family aren't even that devout. It was so hard to pretend to be supportive and understanding and not call her a massive pickme idiot.

No. 2331148

I feel like males fall for it because it centers men so heavily and dismisses women as people. I don't think for a second these white guys wish they were indian.

No. 2331167

Women who want to convert to Islam are scary too. I knew a woman who wanted to convert to join ISIS back when that was still a thing.

No. 2331308

Males convert to Islam because it gives them the chance to be abusive towards women while using culture and religion as a shield. They get to live out their fantasies of having 4 assigned wives they can use as sex toys while also feeling useful for once in their pathetic lives because they can larp as the oppressed poor males with a holy mission. They're all sick. The women are massive pickmes and I view them on the same level as men since converts (but also some regular muslim women) tend to view all non-muslim women as dirty whores.

No. 2331317

I hate men so much. I hate them. I just dont understand this senseless violence. It scares me. I hear about acid attacks all the time in shit hole countries, but imaging just minding your business and someone lights you on fire is fucking terrifying. RIP to that poor woman on the train. Seeing her high school year book photo just makes it all sadder. She was only a few years younger than my mom.

No. 2331325

Every time. They are so emotional. I wish theyd kill themselves and do every single person a favor. fuck

I went to New Orleans last year for the first time. it's a wonderful city with great people, but you can also see how much help they still need infrastructure wise since Katrina and covid. it's very sad.

No. 2331372

i noticed lately on the internet india is largely viewed extremely negatively – scammers, rapists, unsafe, bad hygiene, dirty street food etc.
within the past few years its been more apparent on all social media, these kinds of topics. my entire view of that country is based on this perception now

No. 2331378

Not saying India isn’t actually a hellscape for women, but I think it’s just a trend to shit on them now because Indians make the most money in the US out of any ethnicity. I wouldn’t take online seething as an accurate representation of the country/culture/people >>2331308
>They get to live out their fantasies of having 4 assigned wives
Andrew Tate core. I’m skeptical of any religious converts tbh, but especially for Islam, several of my female friends are ex-Muslim and I know they’ve gone through hell because of that

No. 2331386

People who talk shit about Indians are either 1. Pakistani or 2. sick of them crossing borders illegally and/or abusing visas to stay in the countries they want to migrate to (ex. foreign student crisis in Canada and women getting paid in the US to a marry random Indian men)

No. 2331389

>you're just jealous
lol no

No. 2331411

The negative view is based on reality. People wouldn't talk shit about them if there wasn't this much shit to talk about. Like that Spanish couple who went through even freaking Afghanistan with no issue but got gang raped in India.

No. 2331413

Gang rape doesn’t only happen in India, unfortunately.

No. 2331420

I still cannot understand why the fuck women cuck themselves into freely converting to shitslam. Are they just groomed into it and go in without realizing they will be treated worse than cattle?
I also am pissed about how Islam gets some sort of protection in Europe. It's not racist to think a religion is horrible. I don't hate someone because they are ethnically Arab or whatever. I do, however, view Islam apologists under the same umbrella of delusion as pitbull apologists.

No. 2331424

I heard Afghanistan will actually be halfway decent to foreigners (i.e they provide goods and services to them for no charge or whatever). My theory is they are trying to lovebomb them to garner sympathy and ignore the fact that they live in religiously fueled gender apartheid.
Kind of how mormons will be nice to non mormons in an attempt to convert them.

No. 2331432

West coast. Stay out of California cities they are third world shitholes (nice food but high chance of getting robbed). Pacific northwest is gorgeous. Hoh Rainforest in Washington is beautiful, Grand Canyon, Petrogyphs in New Mexico.
I also want to visit Glacier National Park in Montana. Obviously if you are going north from your balmy swamp, get warm clothes.
>I've never been outside of Florida
I'm sorry….

No. 2331494

some areas in cali are super nice, not everywhere is LA

No. 2331509

most countries are extra nice to foreigners for tourist money and sympathy. it's quite telling that indian moids are not even capable of that little bit of foresight

No. 2331535

California is probably one of the safer states to visit coming up in 2025.

No. 2331556

Highly doubt

No. 2331705

Rural california is nice. But do not go to san fran or LA. Drive through San Francisco and go straight to the woods on the other side of the bridge.

No. 2334807

Damn not a word in 2 days

No. 2334820

What's wrong with that? A lot of threads are like that

No. 2335158

i hope congestion pricing fucks over nyc and makes the traffic in the surrounding areas way less shit

No. 2335248

22 electoral votes still not submitted kek i doubt anything comes from it, but that's interesting.

No. 2335928

Any tips for prepping an open house? Trying to sell my childhood home. It's sparkling clean but I'm not sure if I should move furniture out or take down artwork because I still am living here at the moment.

No. 2335933

I just read about that. Holyshit. I'm glad I moved out back in 2016. NYC is shit for anyone working class. They said peak hours are from 9am - 9pm. How does that even work??

No. 2335969

>$9 just to enter Manhattan


No. 2335996

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>NEW YORK (AP) — In an extraordinary turn, a judge Friday set President-elect Donald Trump’s sentencing in his hush money criminal case for Jan. 10 — little over a week before he’s due to return to the White House — but indicated he wouldn’t be jailed.
>Manhattan Judge Juan M. Merchan, who presided over Trump’s trial, signaled in a written decision that he’d sentence the former and future president to what’s known as an unconditional discharge, in which a conviction stands but the case is closed without jail time, a fine or probation.
>Rejecting Trump’s push to dismiss the verdict and throw out the case on presidential immunity grounds and because of his impending second term, Merchan wrote that only “bringing finality to this matter” would serve the interests of justice.
>He said he sought to balance Trump’s ability to govern, “unencumbered” by the case, against other interests: the U.S. Supreme Court’s July ruling on presidential immunity and the public’s expectation “that all are equal and no one is above the law,” and the importance of respecting a jury verdict.
>Trump lashed out at Merchan on his Truth Social platform Friday, writing that it “would be the end of the Presidency as we know it” if the judge’s ruling is allowed to stand.
>Trump takes office Jan. 20 as the first former president to be convicted of a crime and the first convicted criminal to be elected to the office.The Republican was found guilty in May of 34 counts of falsifying business records.
>The conviction left Trump, 78, facing the possibility of punishment ranging from a fine or probation to up to four years in prison. His sentencing initially was set for last July 11, then postponed twice at the defense’s request.
>The hush money case was the only one of Trump’s four criminal indictments to go to trial.

No. 2336049

If trump gets jailed, would this be good or bad for the next four years? I honestly dont know anymore.

No. 2336067

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The husband of a senator refused to shake the hand of Kamala, during his wife’s ceremony. The old moid couldn’t even be cordial enough to shake her hand for a couple seconds. He ruined his wife’s moment for what.

No. 2336076

Wouldn't Vance become president instead in this situation? Besides Trump is being sentenced, but isn't facing any penalties

No. 2336079

Trump would just be president from prison.

No. 2336083

That is possible? If something happens and Trump goes to jail, that would be a crazy situation. It would reflect better on America to appoint thw VP to president at that point

No. 2336085

They disrespect her so much and she really doesn't deserve it. The worst thing she ever did was giggle and be a woman and Republicans hate her for it

No. 2336094

Yes, that is possible but also, he’d still be president so he could just pardon himself (from federal crimes). At this point the court cases are just pageantry.

No. 2336118

The hatred for her is insane, but not suprising. At least this will be Trump's last time in office, but what happens next is uncertain

Probably did it to make sure the convicted felon name sticks. With no penalties its the same as walking away scott free anyway

No. 2336124

Well yeah, that’s typical of all politicians though. I don’t think people realize this but the law being used against trump reads to most other nations as a government attacking a political opponent, imprisoning him would be the bad look at this point. So yeah, doubtful he’ll face any consequences.

No. 2336150

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Happy Jan 6 everyone! He can run but he can’t hide kek

No. 2336153

I wish Kamala was president. it's so unfair

No. 2336292

Merchan said so - whatever happens, Trump is and will always be a convicted felon.

Personally, I'm hoping for an enormous fine. Money is the only thing he really cares about. He can't even pay the fine the Southern District of NY levied on him for artificially inflating his property values, which is how Elon Musk was able to buy him.

No. 2336475

Anyone else kind of looking forward to the Trump presidency? Not because I like him or anything but because the Republican infighting will be incredible. These fags have all the power and will be as incompetent as ever I'm waiting for the drama

No. 2336482

No. 2336484

No, it feels like the internet is devolving back into 2016. Why are people nostalgic for this era, I though everyone on both sides hated it?

No. 2336493

Absolutely not. My predictions is that Trump will become increasingly senile and arrogant at the same time, spurring an even bigger discussion on the age of people in congress with magatards freaking out as usual. I expect no other changes of any kind, no promises will be kept even in regards to troonery and immigration. Everyone will still be angry and that's that. Hopefully we get somebody who is competent to lead and isn't a huge narcissistic cunt like trump.

No. 2336495

It will be funny for all those reasons you listed. MAGAts expects so much and he won't deliver at all. I legitimately think it might be the end of the Republican party this time around. Idk maybe I'm just coping in a weird way

No. 2336497

No because they would be infighting even if Kamala won. All they know how to do is cut women's rights and fling shit

No. 2336507

Why is Trump the face of masculinity and in this country now?? I don’t get it. He’s a fat, old flamboyant man that spray tans HIMSELF (yes, he does it himself) orange every weekend and gets bleach blonde hair plugs. His best friend is “Caitlin” Jenner and he surrounds himself with troons and gay men. I just don’t get it at all. It’s so obvious to me he has absolutely no interest in actual politics and just does this to fuel his narcissism. He wants praise and fans.

No. 2336510

no. they were already infighting. it would have been a lot funnier if they spent all the time fuming between themselves. and they would've at least rallied together to blame and subsequently deport elon back to south africa.

No. 2336525

No wtf they are hitting the department of education and you think this is enjoyable? Bleak

No. 2336531

I blame the literal decades of moid propaganda telling the US that ugly fat old men are actually peak masculine health and attractiveness. Also, I think there's an association in the US of wealth and success to masculinity. More wealthy = more manly, even if the man is flamboyant as hell. Thanks to old tv shows and a lot of American's inability to recognize signs of real wealth, too many also think he's actually a successful businessman even though he bankrupted a casino.
I also blame this country's endemic levels of daddy issues in men and internalized misogyny in women. Trump himself is a byproduct of long unresolved daddy issues.

No. 2336546

Am I the only one who thinks our country should be led by in shape jocks aged 40-60?
Not bullies, not dweebs/nerds. Jocks. Jocks ran the schools, they should run the country. They are well liked, social, a non bully jock would be empathetic and try to uplift everyone who crossed his path. You get an empathetic but strong willed, intelligent jock, and you have a recipe for a strong yet benevolent leader.

No. 2336827

File: 1736241765903.jpg (66.73 KB, 750x478, hippie trail.jpg)

Afghanis have been known for their hospitality towards foreigners since the '60s. It used to be common for hippies to hitch-hike from Europe to either India or Thailand while spending as little money as possible. Afghanistan was one of the most popular places to stop, partly because of the locals hospitality, but mostly because they had weed.

No. 2336992

Burger nonnas, when do you usually get tax returns?

No. 2337023

>My theory is they are trying to lovebomb them to garner sympathy and ignore the fact that they live in religiously fueled gender apartheid.
nope,its because of the tribal culture of pashtuns and afghanis called pashtunwali which is kind of a social honor which forbids them to turn away guests/refugees and to invite and give them boarding and food if needed regardless the guest is a criminal or not, its linked to their religious beliefs as well.

No. 2337043

Porn has been banned in Florida and now conservatards are seething. God bless America I hope put a ban all across the states

No. 2337045

at first I was because I thought things would crash and burn, but it will likely be a slow painful death dragged out over the next decade or so. It's not going to be fun or amusing

No. 2337048

It depends on when you file but it takes 3 weeks from when the IRS accepts it

No. 2337067

File: 1736256844053.jpg (294.75 KB, 1080x1267, Hedoescoke.jpg)

So he's going to Greenland on a "long personal day trip" in the winter? I hope his dumbass tries to repeat the same dumbass shit his dad said. Then gets "lost" in the tundra.

No. 2337070

KEK now the Catholic LARPers will have to actually practise what they preach.

No. 2337117

When is that usually? What month? There a season for it, right?

No. 2337179

you definitely are. there is a real government behind our fake government and those two parties will never go away they are needed to keep us distracted and at each other's throats. If we had a real free country both parties would have been axed decades ago

No. 2337265

He doesn't need even to get lost kek. If he's one of the idiots who thinks that frostbite and hypothermia don't affect him because he's rich, he's going to freeze himself solid as soon as he's left unsupervised.

No. 2337267

Around feb, I file around early March and get them back a few weeks later.

No. 2337274

He's going to have a team of people with him. Of course he's going to be dressed appropriately.

No. 2337309

no. i'm tuning out of politics again altogether and not reading the news because i want to hear nothing about what they're doing. my only source of knowing things about our country will be through this thread lol

No. 2337411

annexing canada doesn’t sound like a bad idea, it doesn’t seem as if they have any leaders who actually want to do what’s best for the country kek so maybe it’s time burgerland stepped in and took control

No. 2337421

50 states is already too many, canada can deal with their problems on their own.

No. 2337463

I'm a burger and America needs to fix their own problems, including giving us universal healthcare and abortions.

No. 2337479

All porn or just the mainstream porn sites?
While I'm glad irl porn is being banned I worry about the drawn stuff being pulled in. I draw a lot of Sonic yaoi and I don't want to go to prison for it.

No. 2337542

Probably just sites like porn hub and OF.
Based Sonic shipper

No. 2337678

NTA but porn isn’t banned. It’s age restricted and requires verification. Pornhub banned themselves by pulling out service of that region since they don’t want the liability of having to verify their users are adults with a valid Id.

No. 2337684

we could probably accomplish this if we split the country in half and let the south deal with the mess they've created all on their own

No. 2337698

I honestly still dont get why women live in Texas. It seems like an irredeemable shithole for women's rights.

No. 2337702

God I hope more states implement porn bans so they're forced to pull out even more and more, I love to see scrotes crying.

No. 2337703

i thought about moving there briefly cause there are some jobs that pay a lot more down there because no one wants to live there, but it's not worth it. not even because of the abortion thing, if i got pregnant i'd probably want to keep it and if it's a downie i'd just go north to civilization and expel it. but when all is said and done, texas is too hot to be alive. and they have really big nasty roaches.

No. 2337706

Nona they just use VPNs to watch it

No. 2337707

You underestimate just how tech illiterate a good portion of people are.

No. 2337708

I don't know, when they blocked my state a couple years ago, the subreddit for not only my city but the one for my state too had a "how to use a VPN" guide and lots of scrotes sharing what VPNs are best

No. 2337728

funny how scrotes will mobilize themselves to help each other to jerk off but will only use rape on males only as a gotcha card when women bring up our own rapes.

No. 2337732

They deserve every bad thing that happens to them lmao.

No. 2337784

You know the industry is fucked when they'd rather bail on an entire region of customers than have any sort of legitimate age verification Jesus christ

No. 2337794

Texas has bounty hunter laws where people can get paid 10k to rat you out for leaving the state to abort your vegetable baby.
Literal christcuck dystopia

No. 2337809

i'd just not go back if that happened obviously

No. 2337810

I read too many cases recently about women dying because they were denied care for a miscarriage. Nah, fuck texas and women who willingly live there, I hope they get out. I assume anyone living there is a piece of shit redneck republican

No. 2337840

I wish I could afford to leave. Our minimum wage is still 7.25 by the way, and my pay isn't much better.

No. 2337850

you can get extradited

No. 2337875

Thats not gonna happen from a hardline blue state

No. 2338027

LA is like on fire

No. 2338054

When is it not on fire?

No. 2338093

Is there a middle ground state?
Like one that won't let trannies rape you in the bathroom but also won't burn you at the stake if you have a miscarriage?
Can we just like have a woman state and men are discouraged from coming here because if they are accused of rape we can publicly stone them to death without a trial?

No. 2338120


No. 2338427

Arkansas and Colorado come to mind

No. 2338436

Kansas but just barely

No. 2338488

After last night's press conference, can everyone now admit Trump is not in his right mind? The whole thing was so bizzare.

With the NOLA attack, the MAGA cybertruck explosion, Trudeau yeeting himself from power, L.A. is on fire.. not even 10 days in and 2025 be wildin out.

No. 2338495

B-but nonnie…. he's the funnyman making epic owns at the libs….. nothing happened in 2016 so n-nothing's going to happen now!

No. 2338499

LA being on actual fire is new. LA being figurative dumpster fire is not

Although tbh I prefer LA to most cities in the US. Any fire is more exciting to watch than the equivalent of drying paint

No. 2338503

Colorado’s so pretty. Def on my personal bucket travel list

No. 2338511

Trannies always use the excuse that womens bathrooms are safer for them than mens bathrooms. We’re too docile and let them walk all over us. If women beat trannies out when they tried to use our spaces instead of just giving them dirty looks we wouldn’t be dealing with this issue now.

No. 2338518

Despite its reputation, Arizona is okay. The outer metro is mostly reasonable, although Tempe and Mesa are trans central. The small mountain towns are usually more conservative, but not all of them. Arizona's really yeehaw though, like open carry is a thing over here and sometimes you'll see little pop up tents or trucks selling ammo off the side of the road. It can be unnerving if you're not used to it.

No. 2338721

File: 1736351092643.jpg (581.88 KB, 1198x1494, ocanada.jpg)

Is Trump just trolling?

No. 2338723

Kek not in the Denver metro area

No. 2338738

File: 1736352579083.jpg (92.55 KB, 1024x576, IMG_20250108_181024_274.jpg)

He is speedrunning Fallout backstory.

No. 2338741

Don't even joke about that. God, I'm cringing at the thought.

No. 2338743

File: 1736352863377.gif (74.11 KB, 220x218, IMG_3686.gif)

Help in burning to a crisp send Erewhon

No. 2338744

Kek, but also bleak. I’m genuinely dumbfounded at why he’s acting so batshit insane before even taking office. What does he have to gain by alienating all of our allies?

No. 2338752

Methinks he's gotten cocky and/or is trying to send a retarded "message" to Putin.

No. 2338757

he IS insane. he's not just acting insane.

No. 2338759

I seriously hope so. I do think sometimes a strongman larp is beneficial to foreign policy because opponents of the US are less likely to try shit. Key word: LARP. If he’s serious, it’s so over lol.

No. 2338767

I think it's more complicated than that considering Canada is its own country with its own regulations and is part of the Commonwealth

No. 2338790

>LA being on actual fire is new
didn't this happen a few years ago too? i thought huge forest fires were common there with the amount of times i heard about it

No. 2338814

a lot of new england isn't too bad for troon stuff. the population is old and somewhat rural so they're more resistant to gender nonsense despite their leaning towards the left. new hampshire for example bans troons from women's sports and gender surgery for minors.

No. 2338866

I can give some perspective on the LA is on fire situation (hopefully I’m not doxing myself too bad). As someone who has lived my whole life in LA aside from the last year, and my parents and grandparents are from LA. Wildfires and the Santa Ana winds are nothing new, I lived in a foothills area for a bit and have had to evacuate a few times due to either wildfires or landslides but the absolute scale of these recent fires is kind of a worst case scenario. The new batch of Santa Ana winds have a once in a decade level severity but adding the component of fire to it has made them disastrous. I know at least two close friends who have lost their homes and one other friend in a completely different part of the city who also presumably lost her childhood home. I polled some of my older family members and they are saying this is up there with the three craziest events they’ve lived through in LA along with the northridge earthquake and the LA riots.

No. 2338897

File: 1736360836057.webp (17.81 KB, 548x491, reeee.jpg)

I'm so sorry to hear that. My area is prone to fires as well so I'm keeping an eye out. I feel so bad because a lot of old people are trapped in their homes and can't get out. I'm listening to radio transmissions and there are two old ladies trapped in their house right now.

No. 2338903

LA is really big and I think this is a more central, urban part than usually catches on fire. Malibu always catches on fire because it’s very wooded, but the suburban areas of the city don’t seem to usually be this threatened. I think there’s a lot more loss of homes because of the area it’s in.

No. 2338920

The wind is what is really killing a lot of efforts to put the fires out. For a large part of yesterday all air units had to be grounded because of the wind. Since the air units were grounded there was no good way to map how much the fire was spreading and the severity of new fires that had popped up. Also the lose of helicopters and planes that dump water from above was a huge hit. There was also substantial problems with firefighters on the ground because when they would spray with their fire hoses the wind would be blowing the water right back at them which seriously limited their effectiveness. Also the wind was carrying embers almost a mile away and starting new spot fires, sometimes on the roofs of residential properties in semisuburban areas

No. 2338955

Why is Biden talking about his great granddaughter being born people are dying kim

No. 2338976

He said a lot more than that retarda. He said that the nations guard has been deployed and at every step of the way with new fires that broke out that he approved national funding. He mentioned his grandson because it’s the reason he was in LA as well as to announce a national monument. Def a hastily thrown together press conference tho hence the lack of mics for him and Newsome.

No. 2339152

some of the midwest, not indiana though. fuck indiana

No. 2339174

None of the Midwest, what planet are you from

No. 2339182

have you ever been to illinois, michigan or minnesota……

No. 2339199

Turn off fox news and listen to a whole speech for once

No. 2339216

This is so sad nonas I hope you all will be okay soon. If I remember right Cara Delevigne’s house fire was made worse due to stronger than average wind currents too. It’s like here in the south with what happened to NC during hurricanes Helene and Milton. Unprecedented weather events. Future architecture will need to have better coding regulations to account for these changes or the losses will continue to be substantial going forth

No. 2339227

Uhhh southern PA kinda? Probably anything that isn't Philadelphia, and if you go too south it turns into bumfuck nowhere Trumpie territory.

No. 2339231

>unconditional discharge
just a fancy way of saying that he's getting off scott free. Amerinonnies, you will probably never cross paths with me. But as a New England Amerinonny, I hope something actually good and beneficial happens to us for once. Us, the people on the ground, directly. Not "deportations" or "no trans people in bathrooms", like actually something that's going to make our lives easier, like higher wages, or lower grocery costs, or a new public transportation program, jesus christ, even a fucking stimmy would be nice. I hope with all my heart we get some kind of mercy. And if not, I hope all of these old fuckers die.

No. 2339236

I can't stand some of the discourse from people outside of LA and obvious transplants re: the palisades fire saying 'hurrrdurrr why should I care about the rich peoples property burning? hurrrr' like you fucking retards there's section 8 apartments and low-income senior facilities sprinkled all throughout that area as well as a mobile home community that has been burned down. I know the wealth disparity in LA is astounding but there are rent-controlled apartments and the like mixed in pretty much everywhere. This fire is effecting people from all walks of life. My eyes have been glued to the news since last night and although there's been a lot of devastation there's been a lot of wholesome moments like random cholos helping to evacuate a senior assisted living facility, people using their backyard hoses to put out their neighbors spot fires, random hippies helping to rescue backyard chickens etc

No. 2339312

The problem is that the people leaving California and shitting up other states are not those kind people. They are quite literally not sending their best lol. Californian is a dirty word in my neck of the woods.

No. 2339316

LA nonna, do you know if the Marina Del Rey area is likely to be affected by the fires? I have a friend there who I've not been able to get hold of yet. She has health issues so I'm a bit concerned..

No. 2339322

i just woke up today to find out my dad's house burnt down in the eaton fire and it's devastating as this has been a crazy year for me personally. i lost my mother to cancer earlier in 2024 and now this happens, it's awful. it's like a never ending stream of absolute bullshit. i was so hopeful that the flames would miss his home but he was way up close to the canyon, right up against the mountain, so realistically there was just no way his house would survive and we're going to go out there tomorrow to see just how bad it is. altadena is gone, everything just gone. the aldi, the post office, pretty much every neighborhood, it's all burnt to a crisp.

i'm watching it all unfold with various livestreams and it literally looks like a bomb went off in the city. i'm living in venice beach so the worst that has happened for me so far has been power and internet issues but that's it. i have no idea how we're going to recover from this…so much history went up in flames this past day. i can't even believe how malibu looks; it's like an apocalypse. i'm just glad my dad and his family were able to get out in time as they had to pack at 3 in the morning due to how quickly the winds were pushing the flames from the mountains. i don't have my car at the moment but if i did i would have gone out there the moment they said their power went out at about 9-10 pm because i was scared they would get trapped. in fact a few people did end up getting trapped and dying in the eaton fire. it's awful, just awful.

nta but i'm in venice close to marina del rey. your friend should be fine but we had a power outage in a few areas closer to abbott kinney and the marina last night. she may not have gotten her power restored yet as it's taking up to 48 hours to get everyone back up. the city is really strapped for resources.

No. 2339326

For the fire to get to MDR it would have to burn through all of Santa Monica and Venice, which would be like 9/11 x10 level of catastrophe so I would say shes safe. There's a lot of cityscape between your friend and any of the current fires and good news the winds are starting to chill out. MDR is actually probably one of the safer places to be, pretty much anywhere that is actually in the city interior is fine. It's the foothill areas and direct surroundings that are getting slammed.

No. 2339336

leave it be, just double check for any holes or loose hinges. It's normal to have some furniture for open house. If it bothers you, you can move some trinkets to the closet

No. 2339338

Thank you nonnas. I'm not familiar with LA at all, so it's reassuring to hear from a more knowledgeable perspective.

No. 2339345

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's house, that's really scary.
I hope you and your family stay safe.

No. 2339355

i blame the male leftists for this

No. 2339356

i voted against trump because I didn't want a repeat of 2017-2019, I hated hearing about him every single day. i really tried to avoid the news at that tome and I will do it again. The media loves him because his whining makes them so much money

No. 2339359

Yeah I voted for harris. While I dislike the biden administration and think our current 2 party system is destroying our country, nothing is worse than Trump. He's just accelerating our countries downfall by selling us to the highest bidder.
At least Harris might have told Musk to fuck off and not pushed to make STEM jobs slavery.

No. 2339418

Most areas of New England with the exception of Providence, Rhode Island and Massachusetts

No. 2339437

What a lot of people outside of the state don't realize is most of our population comes from other people moving here. Barely half of the people who live here were born and raised here. Outsiders visit the golden coast, come and take the vast resources, get mad at muh liberal state and leave but still claim CA. Annoying fuckers

No. 2339468

Holy crap the Hollywood hills are going up WTF

No. 2339473

Hollywood is on fire in the middle of winter, Trump is hinting at trying to invade Greenland, and there’s retards on social media actually thinking it’s totally possible, normal, and could be chill to try and take over Canada. They deadass think that Canadians will just take a vote and be a part of the US. HOW ARE WE ALL COLLECTIVELY FORGETTING ABOUT HILTER? Why are we just letting this man terrorize the whole fucking planet. I actually am so fucking over it. Side note. No one cares about the weird drones anymore. Let’s get WW3 over with already because it’s quite obvious 1/2 the population are lowkey horny for it.

No. 2339476

On the off chance any nonnies live in the Hollywood hills area gtfo this thing is moving so fast it’s insane. I saw it happen on the news when it was just 5 acres and no joke within 20 minutes the whole side of the canyon was lite. The streets are insanely crowded please be safe. Let anyone you know who lives around there they might have no idea what’s going on. The embers are carrying like crazy this is getting freaky.

No. 2339480

I blame pedowood for this. If they just could have made good movies instead of cheap cash grabs there'd be no fire.

No. 2339490

No. 2339495

any nonnas who lived in that neighborhood RIPPPPP

No. 2339520

ABC7 has the best coverage of the Hollywood fire for anyone who needs it or is curious

No. 2339534

Nonnies I live am staying near westwood do I evacuate? I’m so nervous I just had to deal with a hurricane now this

No. 2339542

Check your local fire station page or something anon!!!! We can’t give you the advice that your local fire patrol can.

No. 2339543

You're not at risk of any of the current fires. Unless a completely new fire starts near Bel Air you're fine. To be safe pack a go-bag and if you have pets keep the carriers out. I wouldn't go and shit up the roads right now trying to get out unnecessarily unless you have to or are REALLY paranoid. There's a lot of potential for gridlock with the Hollywood situation.

No. 2339557

Aren't there a lot of homeless people in Hollywood? This is so bleak

No. 2339568

There are. For now, the fire is still in the hills and not in the direct urban area where all the hobos and apartments are. Thankfully, there are a huge number of homeless outreach programs and charities/churches directed toward them in that area. All public transit is free right now as well. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some rogue encampments in the wooded hill area, though, that is now lit up.

No. 2339570

What caused this fire? Is it confirmed just a natural wildfire got out of control from winds or was it something awful like some retard accidentally started it and the winds amplified it? I hope any fellow nonnies who live in the area are safe.

No. 2339577

Just FYI usually the causes of fires need to be investigated which can take weeks. The most likely causes are: 1. the wind knocked something over and it caused a spark 2. an ember from one of the other further away fires carried to the hills 3. a rogue homeless encampment doing usual arson shit 4. cigarette 5. unfortunate spark from a car breaking too hard

No. 2339593

it could be anything anon, it's way too early to tell at this point. with the woodley fire i believe there was footage of a transformer blowing up, and you could see flames spreading quickly after that so who knows. there are so many poorly maintained power lines in these areas, on top of the fact that we had sustained winds above 40+ mph near canyons and passes, lots of dried out vegetation from previous storms, and already strained resources. plus your usual jackasses flinging cigarette butts and pyromaniacs walking around looking for a thrill.

people were saying the firetrucks were just driving up and down streets because the flames were spreading so fast they couldn't keep up with them. it was the perfect cocktail for shit to hit the fan and it did. my dad sent me the video of the remains of his house this evening and you can't even tell a house used to be there. it's just a bunch of ashes and brick with the skeleton of his burnt out vw van in the driveway. there's literally nothing left of the neighborhood; everything around them also burnt down. it's crazy to think but the winds shifted overnight to the southeast, so they essentially pushed all the embers into flatter and lower laying areas which would normally be spared any other time. honestly these winds have been the worst i've ever seen in a long while. especially closer to the mountains, it was like being in a tornado or a hurricane. there was really no way these fires could have been contained in situations like this. unfortunately it isn't helping that the mayor went to ghana and still hasn't showed up yet as far as i know. there's going to be so much finger pointing and whining when this is all over and i'm really not in the mood.

No. 2339683

celebs ordered their homes and art burnt so they could collect millions from insurance and flee this crumbling empire. hopefully they rebuild LA with mass transit for next time

No. 2340026

you'd be amazed how many of these fires are started deliberately by people. like it would make the top 5 list ahead of a car braking.

No. 2340075

honestly, i think some cases (after the pali fire) may be arson related. i'm from santa monica and someone posted on reddit about some arsonists lighting a fire near residential areas. i've seen many people coming here on scooters riding around who are clearly not from here. they just instated a curfew here because there has been some cases of looters and people exploiting the situation.

No. 2340122

Good morning fellow socal nonas, hope you and your families are all doing ok. The fires are still 0% contained rip.

No. 2340156

Cali just didnt give a shit. I keep listening to the stories about the firefighters/station being defunded. Prisoners are the only ones helping right now, getting paid $5-$10 a day.
It's a mess. Why wasnt the dry bush dealt with and managed before the fires? They know they are a dry and drought ridden state, and yet they didnt do shit to manage or prevent it. It makes me so sad thinking of the working class and elderly or disabled who cant leave or have no where to go. I really hope Cali can recover from this, but it seems so grim

No. 2340206

5 active fires with 0 percent containment is really scary. Stay safe, Socal nonnies.

No. 2340218

>people seriously think these fires are started by regular shmegular people

No. 2340221

why do you type like that

No. 2340224

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because I can. are you confused by jolly and joy expressed through language, newfag?(infighting/integrate)

No. 2340232

so joyful witnessing homes, museums and wildlife burn down.

No. 2340238

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I didn't want to think it but its pretty convenient that LA is having the 2028 Olympics and there's a fire razing part of it.

No. 2340247

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Trump was sitting next to Obama at Jimmy Carter's funeral and turned to him and said something that made him laugh, I need to know what the hell was being said here kek

No. 2340263

i’m literally alex jones. hi guys i think the frogs lit a match to take a smoke and it started burning down the houses as a gay frog revolution against the homophobic human masses. i support their bravery

No. 2340265

There should be a male version of Valeria. Just an exact replica except male and princely clothing. My life would improve drastically if this were reality.

No. 2340305

File: 1736450418049.webp (141.96 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-140408084654-1024.…)

She used to date the ken doll guy but he's uglier. Not even a matter of aesthetics although his vision sucks, he just had a horrible base to start.

No. 2340308

He looks like someone asked an AI to generate an image of James Charles.

No. 2340310

Isn’t he gay?

No. 2340311

File: 1736450614865.jpg (52.76 KB, 438x640, Valeria+Lukyanova+26-172901174…)

What is the point of posting these anymore? Every troon and their dad filters their pics to look this way, Valeria was just a photoshop nerd before it was cool. Post real pics or gtfo (and I think she is pretty as a human). I can only find this one

No. 2340314

get into jpop they all look like ayylmaos for the sake of their stacy schizo female fanbase that doesnt allow them to date or be unpure

No. 2340315

this is what it feels like rn
>"oh no! the kiddie porn factory is burning down"
"oh, but thats a good thing isnt it?"
>"you're so heartless, its not like eveyone who works at the kiddie porn factory makes kiddie porn, some of them are janitors!"

No. 2340318

Plus you can actually tell them apart unlike kpop, where everyone has the same nose and lip jobs. I used to be into gen 2/3 kpop, but everything after is just plastic surgery hell.

No. 2340320

yes, he used to date women. now he's married to a man

No. 2340336

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She was drop dead gorgeous when she looked normal. It's insane.

No. 2340361

Probably joking about Joe

No. 2340362

I just saw a video of someone recording a group of people on W Pico Blvd intentionally setting a fire which flew up and caught the trees (and subsequently the palm trees above them) on fire. I fucking hate people.


No. 2340377

Why is the mayor of LA in Ghana right now?

No. 2340384

she's not in Ghana. She returned to LA.

No. 2340398

So you think every resident of LA are CSA distributors and offenders? Except the janitors? Nonny.

No. 2340409

nta but yes

No. 2340414

Do residents of Irvine have to evacuate?

No. 2340418

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I just found out my health insurance was a total scam and didn’t cover my emergency gall bladder removal or hospital stay associated with that. I’m in such a state of shock and all I can think of is how much I hate this fucking system that and feeling extra gratitude for Luigi’s sacrifice today I’m about to call the hospital and plead for any assistance I can get wish me luck nonnas

No. 2340446

>Why wasnt the dry bush dealt with and managed before the fires?

there really isn't any way to deal with it unless you plan on somehow artificially changing the state's natural landscape through some kind of geo-engineering. the fire department used to do controlled burns in certain areas, then the environmentalists whined about carbon emissions and that squirrels were dying and shit. then at one point the government floated the idea of having goats and sheep munching their way through the hills, but coyotes and mountain lions were snatching them up, and cattle farmers didn't want them competing with their livestock so that went absolutely nowhere as well.

plus this is a constant cycle with us: we have heavy rainstorms during el nino years, and then during the dry la nina period, fires happen. rinse and repeat. really people shouldn't be building homes in fire-prone areas like the santa monica mountains, but there's only so much you can do and if they're willing to risk it, all you can do is shrug and say good luck and hope they either have good insurance or enough money to rebuild. if it wasn't fires, it's earthquakes, so it's like, pick your poison. and sadly in this situation, like with altadena, the winds pushed the embers 2-3 miles away from where the fires were, so everything below the mountains ended up getting burnt. no one could have prepared for that in any way.

No. 2340500

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I know it doesn't compare to the situation in Cali but it is so fucking cold in the northeast right now.

No. 2340525

Aw they're so kawaii together. Who do you think is the seme?

No. 2340530

their wives

No. 2340535

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Kamala "You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore" Harris

No. 2340543

on god it is way too fucking cold here. just surviving off of blankets and hot drinks at this point.

No. 2340551

What is this post trying to convey sorry I am retarded.

No. 2340554

Keeping you in my fucking prayers anon I hope to god that you can get something figured out.

No. 2340555

Damn it, I miss Obama.

No. 2340559

Sending you lots of luck. They might be able to recommend programs to help. They did with me when i owed $200+ for bloodwork I didnt realize my insurance didnt cover.

No. 2340560

We had a snowform 3 days ago and there is still ice and black ice all over the ground. I'm nervous because my wife is driving out tomorrow for work. I just want this cold front to be gone. I've been living in a hoodie all week.

No. 2340576

he's kinda narcy for naming healthcare after himself ngl

No. 2340580

For some reason I've been thinking a lot about Flint today, and I remembered this moment. I generally like Obama as a president (I think he was the last competent one, Biden is ok though) but this is still so shameful.

No. 2340588

Be honest… Are you retarded

No. 2340595

I will never get over how he barely touches the water to his lips. There's more than one of these right? I feel like he did several "look, I'm drinking the water" shots and it's the same in like every one of them.

No. 2340596

I'm renting in a super old house and one of the walls in my room has no insulation, I'm thankful my uni is close by because I just hang out in their library in the evening when I leave work

No. 2340598

I just saw a tik tok and so many comments were like "I was in middle school when this crisis started I am now in my 20s and it still hasnt been fixed" I was shocked. There was a mother that said it takes 40 minutes just to prepare the water for a bath. All these presidents are fucked. They also lied and said copper was safe to drink and then retracted it. Just nasty this country.

No. 2340599

Yeah, in this vid it's really obvious he didnt actually drink it. I don't even think the water even touched his lips

No. 2340606

Apparently now the issue is just the pipes. The water itself that they have is clean and treated, but some homes still have old lead pipes that contaminate the water. Even people in Flint who have clean water and new pipes still use bottled water because they just dont trust tap water anymore. Replacing pipes is of course a huge task, but i do feel like in 10 years the city could've done it by now. The Flint government is just crap

No. 2340608

get better bait

No. 2340611

The audacity to do this on live TV instead of just admitting there's a problem.

No. 2340612

Yeah I can't imagine Michigan having a great local government sadly. I hope it can get resolved. I also found out that in Asheville NC, people are living in tents this winter. Meanwhile we give billions in foreign aid seemingly every few months

No. 2340620

Maybe an NC nonna can speak more about this, but the Republicans in the NC government have basically taken most of the governor's power away, and threats drove FEMA out. One worker was fired for supposedly saying not to visit homes with Trump signs, but she defended herself by saying she had been told to do that by higher-level officials because there had been so many violent threats against FEMA workers. The cops in the area were supposedly doing shady things, too, like stealing aid. Unfortunately, these natural disasters are being heavily politicized by bad actors - just look at the nonna who keeps posting about Karen Bass being in Ghana when she just had a press conference this morning in LA, or the lunacy Trump posts about stolen water. We have to take care of ourselves. If you live in an area with even the most remote chance of a natural disaster, make sure you're ready for it. Have a plan to evacuate and secure your family, pets, and property.

No. 2340625

Talk to the social workers at the hospital. They can help you get Medicaid to cover it if you qualify. I had to do the same for the exact same surgery, lol. I had an emergency removal only a few months after I was dropped from my parent's insurance for being too old.

BTW it's not "Obamacare," silly nonna. It's the Affordable Care Act. It sucks, but it's better than 100k of medical debt from an emergency surgery in your 20s.

No. 2340635

I get you’re doing a haha but I don’t even live in LA and I’m concerned for what strange weather we’ve been having. If it happens to barge in through your door be sure to shame yourself for living in the wrong place

Asheville wasn’t originally a natural disaster risk especially not for flooding but yes if you’re even close to a high risk zone these days I think it would be prudent to plan up an evacuation plan

No. 2340663

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WNC anon here. Yes we still have people in tents and temporary shelters from Helene. The Biden administration stated that 100% of costs from Helene would be covered in the first six months, it isn’t really an issue of funding. Governor Stein issued multiple executive orders related to the recovery effort which include formalization of recovery committees and continued help in rebuilding roads and bridges. This was prevented originally due to cuts in the relief bill originally passed before Christmas as it prevented the government from hiring contractors to do many of the repairs.

Helene was describe as a once in a thousand year storm. This area was known for being a safe haven from the worst effects of climate change which is ironic. Less than 10% of homeowners here had flood insurance. I really can’t overstate how devastating it was to the area. Recovery has been inhibited but not really due to shady local government dealings. It feels like most people just don’t really care. reposted due to wording

No. 2340677

No. 2340685

Biden actually recently passed new EPA regulations that banned lead pipes and mandated all lead pipes in the US be identified and replaced within 10 years and gave $2.6B in funding for the replacement project. So hopefully issues like Flint would be less likely to occur in the future.
He's an old fart and should've stepped down sooner but I firmly believe the Biden-Harris admin was sabotaged by the media who were all rooting for Trump. They did a lot of good stuff like that and I swear to god none of it was seemingly ever reported on in the media.

No. 2340731

you can also ask the hospital if they have a charity care/financial assistance program. most hospitals offer these based on income. i’m not sure what your circumstances are, but if your insurance company is denying you and breaking the law or violating your policy you can and should file a complaint with your state insurance commissioner. it might seem toothless, but insurance companies can’t have too many complaints and if you have an outright scam denial (like they claim “no medical necessity” despite documentation etc) filing a complaint can expedite and assist your appeal.

No. 2340734

That's exactly it though. People whining about carbon emissions fucked up, controlled burns should have been done before it got to this point. Everywhere else does it, they don't risk mass fires because someone said it's bad.

No. 2340756

i mostly like obama for making trumpfags seethe when you remind them that there were less illegals in America under Obama than trump

No. 2340783

there have been rx burns done before retarda… what part of unprecedented winds are you having trouble understanding? i know there's a rightwing meme about just le get rid of the the dry brush! rx burns aren't a cure all and there have been plenty [see oregon and new mexico] that have caused astronomical damage in the past when they've gotten out of control. this part of LA is unique in that the canyons that are currently burning have microclimates within them that cause erratic wind patterns that make rx burns harder to conduct

No. 2340790

Pretty sure the gimmick for the 2028 Olympics was that they wouldn't be building anything new and just using buildings that already existed from past Olympics.

No. 2340792

There was heavy rainfall last year and now it's a super dry winter so there's extra dry brush this year as a result. It should have been cleared. The winds are the reason it's out of control but there isn't enough being done to manage the forests in CA. My neighborhood burned down in NorCal fires years ago and the same stupid shit is going on now. I can say for a fact the land wasn't being managed properly in that instance because I saw it myself. I don't think anything has changed much, sadly.

No. 2340816

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A little update- I did file the paper work for their financial assistance today. Things sound good so far according to the lady on the phone I talked to but I’m not going to be able to relax for a while.

Also I want to explain just to warn anyone else who might be in this situation- my insurance was literally 100% a scam. I was recommended an insurance broker from a trusted family member. I called the broker and the broker sold me a plan, he assured me it would cover all my needs as “a healthy young person.” Everything was fine until I needed emergency surgery and a multiple day hospital stay. It turns out my plan was actually never a health insurance plan at all. He sold me something called an “indemnity insurance” plan which is best for only covering preventative care. This was never explained to me, nor did he tell me it was not a health insurance plan.

I didn’t know any better, and this broker absolutely took advantage of that fact. I’m putting this out there to say if any nonny has gotten their insurance through a broker or salesperson- PLEASE look into the details of your plan and what it actually covers. This completely blindsided me and now I could potentially be god knows how much in debt because of it. The insurance industry is scammy from top to bottom, check and triple check everything you think you have.

No. 2340818

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>It turns out my plan was actually never a health insurance plan at all. He sold me something called an “indemnity insurance” plan which is best for only covering preventative care.
That would be such an awful feeling anon, I hope your assistance comes through. The worst part is how you guys have to deal with this when you're sick and feeling your worst, even when it's not a scam

No. 2340822

Thanks nonny <3 The crazy thing is I went through 3 weeks of gallbladders attacks (similar to childbirth or kidney stones in terms of pain) because I was scared of any sort of medical debt even though I thought I had insurance. For those 3 weeks I literally had no life, my existence was just laying on a heating pad or doing weird stretches trying to alleviate the pain. This whole experience has just affirmed my fear of hospitalization and medical debt so much more. Sincerely fuck the American medical insurance system, may it one day be torn down into the ground.

No. 2340876

i know anon, but i'm not in anymore control of what our local government does anymore than anyone else. people have been told numerous times not to build homes in fire corridors and yet they still do because they don't want to be two left turns away from watts. people have tried to manage the brush, including the indigenous communities who practice prescribed burns to begin with, and then some eco crunchy terrorist from ucla comes along and whines about how we're killing the ozone layer, or the forest service cuts their budget again and basically tells everybody tough shit bitch. no one listens, nothing changes…

No. 2340898

She's elongated all her limbs here. She's edited to hell and back a different way. This isn't gorgeous.

No. 2341057

That fucking health insurance ad where a 26 year old woman says she got a health insurance plan for $4 a month. Luigi should have also shot whoever made that commercial.

No. 2341238

American LA nonas i pray for your safety but please do not move to another state.

No. 2341288

Nonna, I am so fucking sorry. I read your OP and I wondered if you could be my coworker as she needed the same emergency operation (and was on medical leave for a couple of weeks) but I would hope our work's insurance isn't a complete meme. What happened to you is fucking criminal, praying and hoping your financial assistance works out. Take care.

No. 2341397

i am so sorry you are going through this, i hope things with the hospital continue to go in your favor. that broker took advantage of you and left you holding the bag in an emergency situation. it’s so irresponsible and selfish i want to be shocked, but insurance is such a racket i guess hoping for honesty from someone selling it to you is too much. i know you have a lot on your plate, but i definitely still recommend you file a complaint against that broker with your state insurance commissioner (you should be able to do it online). it could lead to additional assistance for you if the state finds the broker purposefully misled you, and at the very least is a headache for them to deal with.

No. 2341431

I'm too poor to leave anyway. Just wish the fire would take me faster. This life sucks and being online seeing the reaction is depressing.

No. 2341518

David Hogg a 24 year old is now the new chair of the DNC. Boomers passing the crown to zoomers and skipping millennials because they don’t want millennials to have the political dominance a large generation has for a lifetime like they had

No. 2341537

The reaction to the fires has finally made me delete twitter once and for all lol to see the intersection of retarded right wing misinfo about fire hydrants and the mayor converging with leftist who cares about le rich people amiright? From people who aren’t even from the area is just exhausting. I wrote out a whole response to one of my mutuals about how it wasn’t just actors and ebil rich people who are screwed over by this and I know multiple people who absolutely aren’t rich that had their rent controlled apartments damaged as well as mobil home communities that have been flattened but I decided to just delete everything I wrote there’s no fucking point when you’re dealing with people who have such autistic black and white thinking lol

No. 2341550

There’s no power for miles but I’m still on lolcow kek
But in all seriousness, seeing all my peers/friends/family go through this and lose their entire livelihoods while retards on Twitter are doing their le fuck capitalism is making me want to do something that’ll land me on national news kek. everyone I know who’s being fucked over are wagie/poor black and brown people who live in rent controlled apartments like the other nona said (including myself). I swear I’m gonna celebrate so hard when tik tok is dead and gone because it’s made people so retarded

No. 2341570

Most of the rich people aren't even Californian to begin with.
There's something pretty shitty over people jerking off over Californians stuck in the fire because some rich fuck transfer from their state decided to be annoying online.

No. 2341577

I even feel bad for the rich areas that are affected. I’m from a family of wagies but my school and subsidized after school programs frequently went on field trips to the Malibu and palisades beaches frequently. Even though I would never actually be afforded the luxury of living there I enjoyed its beachy americana charm and architecture. I’m sad my future kids won’t even be able to see it in its greatness

No. 2341583

Can we exchange just a little bit of each other's weather? It's like 70 degrees and sunny here and I just want it to feel like winter, goddamnit. I'll give you some heat if you give me a little brisk air

No. 2341584

poor gen x always get forgotten, kek.

No. 2341590

it feels like Gen X and millennials are the "middle children", forgotten about and blamed for shit when it's convenient and then everyone loves and claps for the baby (zoomers) kek.

No. 2341591

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Me too nonni. some of my favorite fun spots to visit got all fucked up by the fire. I dont live near the affected areas but i was worried this whole time the fire would get the Getty villa and Getty. Those two museums have so many fun memories for me and portably a shit ton of other so-Californians, it made me so sad at the mere idea of losing them. I know they’re safe now but the thought of them covered in ash makes me upset.

No. 2341594

>everyone loves and claps for the baby (zoomers) kek
Kekkkk most people certainly do not love zoomers

No. 2341613

I tinfoil that "generations" get talked about more when rich people in power want to cover up shit and distract the public. Otherwise I don't really care about arbitrary age divisions and who says what words

No. 2341653

The literal only person I would feel absolute joy if I found out their house burned down is Hasan. I am so sorry for anybody else who lost their home, even if they were rich, except Hasan I hope he loses everything I fucking hate that man.

No. 2341660

Consider reporting the broker to your state’s Department of Insurance. They will determine if the broker actually did anything wrong, but at the very least an investigation will scare the daylights out of them for doing this to you.

No. 2341680

That's weird and overreactive tbh especially considering there are far worse men.

No. 2341713

I feel like these California fires are really gonna be the final nail in the coffin for Los Angeles. People are gonna start going to Texas and Oregon, probably even New Mexico too. “Hollywood” is gonna lose its year-round tourism

No. 2341734

God I fuckin hope not

No. 2341747

Ethan klein detected

No. 2341771

No I just don't feel sympathy for a man who's still beloved even when it came out that he went to a brothel. He's a gross misogynistic piece of shit but that's not even all the problems I have with him.

No. 2341775

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Fires are so scary.

No. 2341779

There's something wrong with you for hyperfixating on him like that

No. 2341797

Kek, if you say so anon. Not liking one of the most popular twitch streamer men and knowing of his very public scandals definitely means I'm hyper fixating on him, you got me.

No. 2341802

Fellow FL anon?

It's supposed to go down in temp again and i'm happy it will be consistently cold for a couple of weeks.

No. 2341819

The things he said about amber heard and his support of Islamist groups is enough to make me hate him he’s a turd

No. 2341822

You literally said he's the only guy whose house you hope burns. You are

No. 2341825

He won’t fuck you nona

No. 2341827

>you can't hate a misogynistic man!
Don't really care kek. I'm not sorry I don't extend the empathy I have for others to him, when he sure as fuck doesn't have any empathy for women.

No. 2341828

SoCal nonnie here, but I’m in Orange County. I went to university with a sweet girl I lost touch with, but I remember she lived in Santa Monica. I wish I knew which part, I hope she’s okay. Is Santa Monica evacuated?

No. 2341833

SM is fine anything north of it like Malibu not so much

No. 2341980


No. 2341982

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No. 2341985

It wouldn't have the effect you wish it would. He would get 8x the donations from his loyal fanbase and buy a house twice as big

No. 2342009

Same. I fucking hate that fag. He is such a pompous and hypocritical asshole. Did he say anything about the fires?

No. 2342010

>especially considering there are far worse men.
So? He still deserves it. I remind you, he frequents brothels in Europe including one that was raided on suspicions of sex trafficking. All moids who pay for sex deserve to have their houses burnt down.

No. 2342011

Speak your truth nonna. There are bitches on here who actually thirst over that hairy fugly ass neanderthal. Those women deserve to have their rights revoked. Fuck that guy!!!! And fuck his fans!!! Ooohhh I hate him so much.

No. 2342013

Why not all male podcasters? Too bad Alex Jones is in Texas

No. 2342014

He thought he was so based for that too
>To right wing men, we are private property. To left wing men, we are public property

No. 2342016

I hope he joins Hamas and becomes cannon fodder seeing as he loves to be up their ass all day. Go be a Hasan dicksucker elsewhere.

No. 2342019

>frequents brothels
Moids who pay for sex are the absolute worst. They are just a rapist with an extra step

No. 2342020

Nonitas all the poor pets and wildlife being affected by the fires is making me so upset. I saw a video of a mountain lion with two cubs running across the PCH and a different video from the Pasadena SPCA of a husky they recovered that had its fur partially burnt away. I know animals are mostly smart enough to get themselves out of harms way during fires but it really hurts my heart. I know in the first day of the Palisades fire there was a video of some dude who tried to go home from work to get his dog but by the time he reached his street the police and fire department were turning him away. There was an update later that he was reunited with his dog and it made me cry cry cry!!

No. 2342025

The disgusting smug dismissive laugh he did when Kamala acknowledged the rapes on oct 7th was so diabolical tbh I understand being pro palistine but why would you cape so hard for Islamists as if they wouldn't think twice about raping and abusing women…

No. 2342028

I've been thinking about the mountain lions all day

No. 2342038

Nonas I'm so tired. I live in Hollywood and evacuated 2 days ago because I saw fire less than half a mile from my window. I just got back. I'm exhausted and keep coughing painfully. It's so weird in this city right now I don't know what to do

No. 2342046

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The video of the man crying to the police that his dogs are in his house and he's riding a bicycle because he was at work is killing me. He's begging the police to let him through because no one is there and they are locked in his house. So glad he got them! I'm thinking about a lot of cats who don't have the strength to break down doors.

I'm so glad your house is safe at least. Just try to keep a mask on when needed and stuff. I'm so sorry.

No. 2342059

the thought of my cat being alone at home while there's a fire coming toward her actually makes me want to kms the police would have to shoot me with a blow dart to stop me from getting to her I have pretty bad anxiety about even random electrical fire starting while I'm not home ugh I HATE fire

No. 2342217

If you have the money get an air purifier with a carbon + HEPA filter. I'm using a winix, it's 100$ on amazon, and the air in my apartment is noticably less smokey smelling. Keep the windows shut and don't use the a/c either unless it has a circulate option. Glad your place is safe, mine was close to evac zone but fortunately it never crossed the freeway. I just took my first shower in days, I've been trying to conserve water.

No. 2343161

Once TikTok is completely banned, I will probably just move on to /a/ on 4chan and stay on LC. I will not go to Twitter no matter what.

No. 2343175

>Once TikTok is completely banned, I will probably just move on to /a/ on 4chan
4chan is for loser scrotes, don't bother

No. 2343197

Why not just contribute to the anime thread and discussions on /m/ kek

No. 2343214

Nta but the anime/manga thread here is a bit too small to talk chapter/episode discussions of different shows, also its a bit too critical to talk about a good deal of them outside complaining about how anime sucks. Too bad since the lack of porn spam is honestly so nice.

No. 2343223

Agreed, I go to the /m/ threads to maybe talk to other farmers about something super popular, or take the rare niche reccs that show up. I use /a/ to talk about any series that I read regularly. I love to talk about anime/manga with other women, but most people on lc only shit on stuff instead of talking about what they enjoy lol.

No. 2343225

I absolutely hate twitter. I heard elon has banned free speech for real on there. When is he going to get assassinated?

No. 2343227

Go back to tumblr.

No. 2343229

LMAO wtf I figure tumblr is pro H1B or some shit

No. 2343231

That hasn’t been my experience but sorry you don’t feel like you can talk about things you like. Talking about anime with other weebs is the best part about being into anime. /a/ has too many men for it to be an enjoyable experience for me.

No. 2343237

Do NOT go onto 4chan. The amount of pedophiles trying to normalize their behavior on there is disgusting. All you'll do is slowly be desensitized to it. Do not be.

No. 2343238

I can talk about anime on LC too.

No. 2343252

Just check the first posts of the recent thread anime thread, it's still nice to know what others are watching sometimes.

No. 2343256

being just a few miles from the fires, evacuating, hearing from so many friends losing their homes has seriously made me reevaluate everything in my life, and my possessions, i feel so sick about having excessive stuff and this urge to completely get rid of most my belongings and donate them. going to do some serious clearing out once i get back home

No. 2343265

Insta would be closest to the clock app but I think its algorithim os worse/is mostly tiktok reposts

No. 2343329

The way they brush off their behavior is also disgusting. I see it only on 4chan and it pisses me off so much.
Like, I saw a thread on /co/ that was clearly, VERY CLEARLY, sfw art of little children that was bordering on outright erotica and the girls were super realistically drawn and clearly sexualized, and the guys there were like
>uh, it's ART, we are appreciating ART, there are nothing weird going on, maybe it's you are a pedophile for noticing things that are clearly there, huh??? Huh???
Or when you say that their shit is disgusting and they should go jump off a bridge they go like
>oh, so just appreciating little children is abbherent but wanting people to die is not? Maybe you are mentally ill then? Huh??? You psycho, wishing death on people
And so on and so forth. I noticed this very specific shit where they post like they just find it "cute and wholesome" and completely clueless and paint you as a weirdo and a fanatical pedohunter.

No. 2343335

nyart but Yea. I think all photos or artwork of children should be banned from 4 chan. Even if its just normal photo/drawings of kids. Pedos (and pedo apologists) need to be euthanized.

No. 2343342

ig algorithm is so trash compared to tiktok. i hate how it essentially resets every time you open the app and literally will entrap u in some random topic and sprinkle in some weird ass indian reels in there

No. 2343345

4chan scrotes acting shocked and appalled when they're told to rope is so ironic kek

No. 2343614

Which grocery store candy would you recommend?

I'm in the EU but found a store that sells tons of American candy. I originally just wanted to buy Big Red gums since they have been discontinued in my country, but it's not worth the shipping for a few packs of gum.

No. 2343670

people are allowed to be happy for their families even when shit goes wrong in the real world

>t. born on 9/11

No. 2343689

finally some sanity

No. 2343930

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Peach rings
Sour patches
Lifesaver gummies changed my life

No. 2343937

people are always dying

No. 2343956

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TN nonnies, do you like where you live? Pros and cons? My family has been priced out of where we’ve lived for 30+ years and a lot of them ended up in TN.

No. 2343981

File: 1736710648874.jpeg (420.22 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_4360.jpeg)

I think I’m being priced out of where i live. It sucks being born and raised in a popular city. Seeing transplants live better lives than me has me cooped up in my room most days. I googled apartments In my neighborhood and they want $1500 for a room. Not even your own place but a room. Studios used to cost that much and by the time I worked to afford it studios now cost the price of a 2 bedroom. I might have to leave the country altogether or just take up squatting

No. 2343999

>I might have to leave the country altogether
Can't recommend this enough. If you have a bachelors degree, there really is no point in staying in the West.

No. 2344007

No actually you can stay out my country. You just bring the same problems here and then the locals are priced out of their own cities by ‘digital nomads’, grifting influencers and seedy passport bros who don’t speak the language and abuse the local hospitality and culture. Spanish people have it right by abusing foreigners in Barcelona, we aren’t angry enough.

No. 2344010

you can stay out of our thread, spanglo. no one cares about your country

No. 2344015

>the locals are priced out of their own cities by ‘digital nomads
And who creates the policies that drive that? Immigrants? Get real.

No. 2344017

Americans live rent free inside your head.

No. 2344027

The specific area of my state is very safe, mostly quiet aside from tourist season which gradually increases (number of tourists/people moving here) each year, and I am fond of the nature and animals. The downside is the disgusting humidity, old people, hurricanes, cost of living, and wages (I doubt I’ll ever be able to move out anywhere here).

No. 2344050

I liked it before everyone and their shitty families moved here, ruining the landscape for shitty houses and lack any manners when talking to the locals. GTFO. You're all pricing us out as well

No. 2344052

That spanish moid who outed himself is still browsing the thread huh.

No. 2344064


No. 2344096

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Not sure if they have, but picrel. Most US candy is memed garbage.

No. 2344098

Are these actually good if they're frozen?

No. 2344130

When I lived in the US I love fruit rollups and gushers.

No. 2344135

Ice cream wrapped in a fruit rollup is pretty good.

No. 2344140

yes, they aren't as caloric as other options, too.

No. 2344148

that sounds nasty. The fruit roll up would get hard so you'd have to use your teeth and then you'd get brain freeze from the ice cream beneath. no thanks

No. 2344162

any gummy snacks, love me some sour patch kids

No. 2344175

I relate so much nona. What's crazy is my city wasn't even popular until covid, it used to be quite cheap but so many people moved here at that time that I'm completely priced out. Currently live with my parents and I'm almost 30… My mom has health problems and I help her, I have no privacy here because my parents are "Our house our rules" so they don't even let my fiancé stay over. It would be amazing if I could have a place nearby so I could help my mom out when she needs but I can't afford anything in the whole fucking state at this point. My fiancé lives with his mom to save money and I could move in with him but his mom has a boundary problem and can get very disrespectful. Fuck everybody who decided to price out the locals here.

No. 2344177

I'm sorry nona but these are so gross

No. 2344207

I've been seeing some non-Americans celebrating the fact that TikTok is going to be banned for Americans. Can anyone tell me why everyone seems to hate Americans so much?

No. 2344211

It's jealousy, we live rent free in their heads kek.

No. 2344217

You know how Americans hate Californians? It's like that.

No. 2344220

I’ve actually seen tons of non-Americans expressing sadness that we’re getting banned. I’ve seen many saying that it will be boring without Americans and we are there main entertainment kek

No. 2344230

Idk if I'm allowed itt cause I'm not American but I didn't know this is really happening but it is funny. I don't use tiktok much.

No. 2344231

Why did they care about Tiktok so much? I'm glad it's being banned too and I'm American. Brainrot begone!

No. 2344252

Probably because american teenagers go ham on the gendie shit and it's cringe? Idk.

No. 2344298

yes daddy government please tell me what apps I'm allowed to use

No. 2344306

And they start banning websites like LC/Kiwifarms, what are you going to do? It’s funny when it isn’t happening yet. One piec of information posted on here that shouldn’t and poof, they will make an active legal effort to make sure it’s gone and trust me those people aren’t like that anti-KF tranny riling up crumbs of support from other wagie journalists about le transphobia, those are people will real money and real time from being parasites to make these places illegal. I’m sure it’s going to happen eventually

No. 2344324

Lol as if, tiktok is literally Chinese spyware, that isn't some boomer schizo tinfoil. On top of that, it's got a ton of pedos and underage content, it's tough to constantly regulate and ban all the porn posted. People acting like the ban of tiktok is damning us all haven't been paying attention to the fact that all other sites have already been deliberately destroyed and monopolized. You can argue "all apps are Spyware, so what?" but given the fact that China has really been testing its boundaries with the US, the tariffs, the Chinese drones, etc no it isn't a good idea for them to have so much American data.

No. 2344333

Please, kek. TikTok is literally going to Supreme Court just so the US govt can ban it. Do you think the Supreme Court is going to waste its time taking Null or cerbmin to trial? Unless cerbmin is secretly a member of the CCP, I think we’re fine.

No. 2344352

Yeah I find it strange how many Americans just trust the Chinese government like that. The Chinese government doesn't like Americans… who knows what they'd do with the info? And while yes the American government does spy on us too, I don't really believe my own government necessarily wants me to suffer kek. At least not in the way a country who's hostile to us would. It's a safety thing, it's the same reason I wouldn't want to travel to Russia or North Korea.

No. 2344361

The government already does this and it didn't need Tiktok to start.

No. 2344372

>A California man whose two cats died after drinking raw milk recalled for bird flu risk says he meant to keep his beloved pets healthy, but his efforts tragically backfired.

>“It’s horrible when you realize that you’re the one that actually gave them the milk that killed them,” said Joseph Journell, 56, of San Bernardino.

>Journell lost his 14-year-old tabby, Alexander, and Tuxsie, a 4-year-old tuxedo cat, in late November. A third cat, 4-year-old Big Boy, was hospitalized for a week before tests showed the animal was infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus.

>Big Boy returned home blind and without the use of his back legs, though he is recovering, Journell said. A fourth cat, Cleo, didn’t drink the milk and remained healthy.

>Richard Webby, an influenza expert at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, said flu virus survival likely varies widely in different lots of milk. Experts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously confirmed that cats that drank raw milk from infected cows developed neurological disease and died.

>Nearly a dozen cats in California have died since early December after consuming raw milk or raw pet food contaminated with bird flu, health officials have said.

I'll be honest I wasn't even thinking about people and pets who drink raw milk with this whole bird flu thing going on

No. 2344378

>And while yes the American government does spy on us too, I don't really believe my own government necessarily wants me to suffer kek. At least not in the way a country who's hostile to us would.
Ntayrt, but this. Foreign governments want to sow division among the American people and invest a ton of money into doing so. This isn’t a tinfoil, it’s happening at an unprecedented level in the age of modern internet. We should not be letting foreign governments and hostile companies influencing American politics. Recently, an obscure right-wing candidate nearly won the Romanian election after he was pushed on TikTok by Russian and Chinese bots. Maybe I sound alarmist, but I do think this level of foreign interference is dangerous. I doubt I would have realized it when I was a teenager, but now it’s pretty obvious.

No. 2344379

I thought cats aren't even supposed to drink any milk at all? Most mammals become lactose intolerant as they age

No. 2344414

I think you don't know very much about how far China takes its surveillance.

No. 2344417

Apps can access a lot more in your phone passively than people realize. The permissions on tiktok are a lot more invasive than many realize, and those who do think it's somehow alarmist xenophobic propaganda when that isn't true. It really is as bad as they make it out to be, this isn't for no reason.

No. 2344510

anyone who thinks this is naive lol. it'll just be replaced by instagram reels and youtube shorts brainrot, where the amount of retardation and degeneracy there is even more next level.

No. 2344850

Calinonnas I hope you and your loved ones are okay. Hoping for safety for everyone. Except for my rapist. Praying to god he and Bakersfield go down with him.

No. 2344873

instagram and youtube won't be filled with chinese propaganda though

No. 2345282

The irony of your statement when China is literally a surveillance state which does exactly that kek.

No. 2345321

I prefer the chinese propaganda over the russian stuff ngl

No. 2346323

i know its not even that time of year but today i am really missing the puerto rico day parades from back home. where i live now has far more people from mexico than anywhere in the caribbean and the parties are just not the same

No. 2346334

The ghetto cookie monster PJ pants girl of your school what is she up to now and were you cool with her?
My school had a scene queen variant of this stereotype lol I was cool with her and we walked the mile together each year in middle school. I looked her up recently and she has face tats and does nails (poorly).

No. 2346350

I was friends with a girl like that. She trooned out, got really into kink, polyamory and juggalo stuff. I check her IG sometimes and from what I've seen she just goes to various raves/festivals with some really grimy looking people. I don't think she has a job, she's always staying in different places. I hope she's at least happy. She introduced me to anime and I thought her wolf drawings were the coolest shit ever

No. 2346351

Cookie Monster PJ pants girl! I haven't thought about her in a while
She was in my friend circle until she dropped out of school, everyone was still cool with her but just kinda lost connection with her once she started doing whatever post-dropout stuff people do
Her socials from then haven't been updated since, so no clue what she's up to now
Thanks for the sudden nostalgia lol

No. 2346368

She became a ski lift operator and doesn’t live in the trailer park anymore.

No. 2346375

My best friend was also the scene flavor of Cookie-Monster-pants-girl. She even lent me the pants to sleep in when I stayed over at her house one night. We're still friends over a decade later, but sadly she trooned out a few months ago. She's a wonderful person, it's a shame.

No. 2346660

I'm surprised your cookie monster girls trooned out. Maybe it's just where I lived but the cookie monster girls in my neck of the woods were all neo-cholas or the bhad bhabie varients

No. 2346688

Same here. They'd show up to school with a fuck off attitude, bag of chips in hand, and hot sauce in the other. If it wasn't hot sauce then it was an extra big gulp drink.

No. 2346779

She got pregnant shortly after graduating high school. She’s worked a couple of part time jobs since and is a single mom living with her parents in the same town we went to school in. I’m not sure if she is happy, but she does seem to love her daughter very much which is nice.

No. 2347684

I can't wait to come home, I miss America.

No. 2347988

How is Crumbl cookies? Like compared to say somewhere like Insomnia Cookies?
DO NOT answer unless you are spiritually obese I'm having a moment of weakness rn and I gonna doordash something because I have le munchies

No. 2347993

Kinda gross unless you really like extremely sweet frosting. Tastes like a hybrid between cookies and cupcakes, but personally I’d prefer either on their own.

No. 2347994

both suck. i can't condone eating refined sugars, but if you must, get something actually good like tiramisu

No. 2348000

I never tried them but imo unless you get from a small, local, independently owned reputable bakery that prioritizes high quality ingredients, you are going to eat pure overpriced sugar and you're better off making your own cookies

No. 2348001

Where are you at rn nona, if you don't mind me asking

No. 2348014

How badly can either fuck up a standard choccy chip cookie? Unless you are looking for something fancier.

No. 2348079

i should have listened to you nonas. i got a vanilla frosting one and the chocolate chip and I'm actually in complete shock at how mid they are. The vanilla one is like a 4.5/10 it has creamcheese frosting so it at least has that going for it. the chocolate chip one is just straight-up putrid what.the.fuck. it doesn't have frosting or anything but it's so flavorless and yet still way too sweet. it's like they only used flour and sugar to make it it's not even a tiny bit buttery. I have no fucking idea what I was thinking I was truly having a manic episode or something. in my mind I'm like oh Mormons know what they're doing probably, they do things like bake and enjoy pastries…

No. 2348100

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I'm worried about the H1B visa situation, nonas. And of course every photo I see of people standing around in lines it's always only MEN.

No. 2348103

Oh damn, and here I thought how hard it could be to fuck up a cookie. They did you dirty anon, I'm sorry.

No. 2348116

Mormons absolutely love their sugar, I think it's because it's the one "naughty" vice they can have and the girls are raised from childhood to bake sweets for men. But I've always noticed their baked goods aren't ever anything super delicious or special, just kinda bland and yet over-the-top with sugar. That's disappointing to hear though, I always heard people rave about Crumbl and thought I'd treat myself to one someday.

No. 2348133

I asked my big backed Nigel to try them and even he was disgusted he went as far as to say it was the worst chocolate chip cookie he’s ever had and insisted it must be vegan or something (it’s not)

No. 2348139

yeah I hope they cut back on H1Bs as soon as my boyfriend gets one

No. 2348143

I think you mistook mormons with amish. Mormons have zero rational behind their creepy misogynist cult. At least Amish/Mennonites are crunchy butter worshippers.
Also what >>2348116 said. Mormons cucked themselves out of every vice except sugar. They have a weird ass soda pop culture too (yes I know soda has caffiene in it, it was originally forbidden untill mitt romney or some shit).
Mormons are also HUGE shills. The women HAVE to be influencers because otherwise they have to rely on their deadbeat husbands who generally fail at being workaholic paypigs.
>t. has a lot of experience with both mormons and amish/mennonites. Amish/Mennonites are far superior to mormons by a long shot. I have hated every single mormon I have ever met.

No. 2348147

Amish supply labradoodles and other doodle gremlins to Mormon families so I hate the Amish and their disgusting puppy farms. At least the mormons I know are single handedly keeping my city’s food bank and soup kitchen operating.

No. 2348157

Maybe they are different when they are urban. But my rural mormon neighbors farm next to me and I have to tard wrangle them to not till on my land every harvest season. They also leave trash everywhere, destroyed my wild asparagus, and have picked my flowers. Also the patriarch told me my place was in the kitchen and lets his horrible dogs run around my property where I keep small animals so I pray that he dies every night.
The mennonites I know just work in my local food group and keep to themselves, they are also available to build high quality shit for you if you need it.

No. 2348168

File: 1736985307838.png (2.09 MB, 3500x3500, 1640018059665.png)

>not my nigel

No. 2348175

>dating an indian

No. 2348204

he's not indian lol

No. 2348206

Sometimes their specialty flavors are good. But you should view them as cakes instead of cookies and modify your expectations accordingly. Their basic cookie with frosting and chocolate chip cookies are nasty af.
Eugh. The amish supposedly have massive incest and child abuse issues in their communities though. Due to their incredibly insular nature.

No. 2348222

I can smell the rejection and jealousy coming from this post.

No. 2348269

I'm literally obese and I wouldn't. I'm a fat fuck and I still kinda care about calories, and it's just absurd how many calories just one cookie is, and they don't even look like cookies, they just look like other types of pasteries which defeats the purpose.
>then why are you fat nonna
PCOS and terrible depression

No. 2348284

And I can smell yours coming(infighting/racebait)

No. 2348294

So you admit it? You're scorned by your own bad relationship experiences and that's why you moralfag about other posters' nigels?

No. 2348306

mormons don't know shit about shit have you seen the size of the women they aren't even eating the cookies kek. never had a cookie chain cookie that didn't taste like ass aside from mrs.fields in the local mall. being that mediocre and charging a full 5 bucks for them? its an insult to my inner fatty.

No. 2348312

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No. 2348313

Post Nigel

No. 2348324

Why even mention this. How retarded are you

No. 2348332


No. 2348338

Why are Americans so addicted to infighting? Our cooperate elites really do have us by the balls.

No. 2348341


No. 2348342

You know nothing about bri'ish anons then kek

No. 2348348

>glowie wants to trick me into spelling it correctly to summon them

No. 2348383

>why are americans so addicted to infighting
This joke was either written by a bitter thirdie or someone who needs a knife license in public while a refugee with yellow sclera holding a machete is glaring at them from across the shit and trash filled streets

No. 2348399

I am a gun owning American in a 97% white county. I'm just calling it like I see it.

No. 2348400

I'd be butter if I too had to dodge human poop when walking down the street

No. 2348404

Listen I know a lot of Americans are fat but we don't become butter from walking down the street. We do it sitting on our ass in the McDonalds drive thru

No. 2348409

The europeans are not going to invite you to their bathhouses with naked child servants and the japanese aren’t going to invite you to the bathroom camera peekaboo club I’m sorry anon, you unfortunately have to eat the red40 with us and be prideful for it. I am a tub of lard and I am free, say it with me

No. 2348410

Why are we talking about India I thought we were talking about America?
Dying of cancer from McDonalds >>>> europoors imo

No. 2348452

NYART but I think she thinks all of America is San Francisco or something. IMO she doesn't type like an American.

No. 2348454

You'd be butter? What?

No. 2348456

>Doesn't know about butterization of Americans
Fake American spotted, go back to the europoor thread.

No. 2348465

You're also fake. We are turning into hydrogenated seed oils. Go back to Canada and wait for trump to make you a real place.

No. 2348467

The corn syrup

No. 2348524

File: 1737008668104.jpeg (577.44 KB, 1582x2048, IMG_4384.jpeg)

new presidental portrait

No. 2348525

Are they trying to make him look like an evil villain?

No. 2348528

File: 1737008952487.jpeg (1.4 MB, 923x1265, IMG_4386.jpeg)

He looks demented compared to his previous portrait

No. 2348530

Why is he making the dreamwork face

No. 2348532

Someone said if you cover the right half of his face he looks like biden and I can't unsee it. Also he looks so fucking ugly oh my god. We could've had kamala's sexy ass….

No. 2348533

I can’t believe you lipless fucks voted for this lipless fuck I’m so mad REEEEEEW

No. 2348548

Dear god give him a filter please

No. 2348553

File: 1737012172414.webp (382.08 KB, 2400x3000, IMG_4409.webp)

I will never forgive America for this. We could’ve at least had some eye candy while our rights went to shit

No. 2348565

KEK he looks like the stereotypical villain in the upper right-hand corner of a kid's movie poster.

No. 2348716

File: 1737031881250.jpeg (180.87 KB, 923x1195, IMG_4391.jpeg)


who took these for real? ugly as fuck

No. 2348718

Face looks like they forced a baby to take testosterone. Male Christy teigan

No. 2348725

>Someone said if you cover the right half of his face he looks like biden
What are the lore implications of this

No. 2348728

He looks like he's about to puke and shit his guts out simultaneously

No. 2348729

Nta but who would’ve been the eye candy nona?

No. 2348730

I’m okay with tiktok dying just like Vine did, social media as a whole needs to start making its way out the door and forums are gonna start coming back

No. 2348731

He looks like he has ties to Opus Dei and is going to try to enact Catholic dictatorship in USA similar to Franco's Spain….oh wait

No. 2348732

My mom’s side of the family is Mennonite and my grandpa left the religion because it fucking sucks. When he was a kid he won first place at a triathlon and got punished for having his picture taken and accepting the trophy. He looked so sad in the photo too. My mom pretended to be Mennonite when we lived in Saskatchewan so she could have customers in our small town. If she didn’t attend the church nobody would have been a customer.

No. 2348733

And samefag I’ve been alive for 22 years but there’s only been 4 presidents over the course of my whole life? Why do I feel like there should’ve been more

No. 2348750

No male immigrants, no exceptions

No. 2348773

>forums are gonna start coming back
i hope you're right, i'm an oldfag who grew up using message boards and they're an infinitely better experience than any social media site

No. 2348798

He looks like he is holding in a fart and wants the photo over with so he can go rip on the toilet.

No. 2348963

I need her… best veep. she's still my waifu
Did like nobody else want to take these photos what is this im crying

No. 2349088

Never trust a man with pale little lady fingers like that. Those are the hands of a sinister bisexual man. See also Henry Cavill and Shane Dawson.

No. 2349091

If I saw this floating around on social media I'd think it was either shooped or AI.

No. 2349155

>Those are the hands of a sinister bisexual man.
KEK Truer words were never spoken.
Nonas were simping for this? Ugh. He's got a horrendous case of alcy bloat or filler pillowface to me.

No. 2349187

File: 1737057266387.png (2.03 MB, 1170x1143, king.png)

Lynch was probably the most important American director since the 1960’s, I hope as he was dying he felt how loved he was by the world around him

No. 2349206

he had emphysema and lived in Hollywood, the fucking wildfires are probably to blame for this loss.

No. 2349215

I'd read somewhere that he was already unable to walk, had to leave his home due to the wildfires, and then got increasingly worse after.

Fucking RIP to a legend. His weather reports were a real bright spot for me during COVID. If you can believe it, it's nearly Friday yet again.

No. 2349282

I'm not an amerifag but I just want to pay respects
I remember how eagerly I waited for new Twin Peaks episodes as they aired in my country way back when
RIP to a global icon of American culture

No. 2349292

>Anons itt celebrating some hack fraud who only made only one good movie and Twin Peaks which was about a father raping and killing his daughter while possessed by a demon
Okay. Anyway I wonder who's dropping next.

No. 2349296

>divorced his first 3 wives
>married a woman 30 years his junior
yea don't care, good riddance

No. 2349303

don't forget
>signed a petition supporting a child rapist

No. 2349311

I'll totally watch and praise anything you directed if it's good, no need to be bitter

You are the American culture culture of today, anons. C'mon, gove me something better than Lynch did. I'll gladly embrace it.

No. 2349318

Shit's full of errors, I'd usually delete and repost, but this website introduced inordinately long post cooldown times so you'll just have to deal with it

No. 2349328

kek don't tell them that their favorite artists/directors/musicians/politicans have likely done equally shady shit in the context of their personal lives and haven't been doxxed yet. kamala fags ITT very into "mai waifu" but don't give a shit about anything she did as a prosecutor. doesn't matter as long as you're fuckable, i guess.

looks AI generated.

No. 2349330

>their favorite artists/directors/musicians/politicans
not everyone here stans celebs anon. i don't have any favorites precisely because all of them are shady

No. 2349338

You can have favourite media without them being written/recorded by Jesus Christ himself

No. 2349342

I'm being serious here, David Lynch's entire filmography is literally just a tumblr aesthetic blog's week of reblogs and nothing else. He's like the retarded baby's First Artsy Fartsy director. Neil fucking Breen's movies have more merit and worth than David's shit-from-a-butt-ass movies.

No. 2349346

remember: fuck everyone else who worked on something if you don't like one person who was involved!

No. 2349348

I can't, jesus is the only male I can accept

No. 2349355

Again, I will watch the fuck out of anything you create that makes Lynch look like shit-from-a-butt-ass
Throw us a link here when you make it
I'll be your number one fan

No. 2349356

What does this even mean kek, if a creator is a shit person, there is a good chance shit is also mixed into the creations from his mind.

No. 2349359

well this discussion is about the one person, not everyone else. nobody is shit talking random set designers kek

No. 2349361

Why are you acting like that ugly scrotoid was the only person making movies. You don't have to own a camera to know his shit sucked.

No. 2349371

All these younger generation dont get Lynch. Let them miss out. I'm going to be rewatching a few of his movies this week. It's definitely a very big loss for the arts. No one directed like him. Dont forget he also inspired quite a few directors and creators in Japan.

No. 2349372

American culture used to be mind-blowing media
Now American culture is reeeeeing on the Internet

Such a devolution of culture
In importance, aesthetics, everything

No. 2349374

Every Lynch movie is the same thing, nobody's missing shit.

No. 2349379

Apparently he quit smoking in 2022, but the damage was done. Really sucks, because I was hoping Lynch would live a lot longer. Did not expect him to die so soon. 2025 is off to a shit start with the wildfires, the election, and now this.

Going to miss him. Kyle Maclanlan who played a lot of his mcs made a post on IG about him.

No. 2349384

Why were you hoping he'd live longer? Not like he'd make any movies.

No. 2349386

American culture is dead. young gen z and now gen a are obsessed with social media, only thinking in black and white terms, but never actually educating themselves or researching. Their opinion is also fact. We are a dying country for many reasons.

No. 2349388

American culture is dead because some randos online think a scrote made bad movies.

No. 2349397

American culture is dead because you lot aren't doing shit except complaining on the internet


No. 2349399

Are you even a burger lmfao.

No. 2349402

consumption culture is rotten from the inside, i am a dreamer. i don't create slop for worker slaves to glug glug about

No. 2349403

No. 2349404

Why does everyone and their mom's cousin come into this thread to talk to burgers. It's THE burger thread, leave us alone foreigners.

No. 2349405

Ingmar Bergman's work reminds me of Lynch's. They both made good films.

No. 2349406

There's more to the culture than movies and tv anon

No. 2349409

No anon, some moid who made bad movies with autistic dialog DIED, our culture is DEAD.

No. 2349410

i tried watching one of the bergman movies. some of the most boring shit i've ever seen

No. 2349416

I will not leave you alone, I will forcekiss your forehead like I do with my cat

I will be perfectly honest, American literature sucks. Your forte is movies.

No. 2349422

You think American literature is bad but you were crying over David Shit-Lynch dying. Kek.

No. 2349424

I'll cry about you too anon
You sweet soul

No. 2349426

File: 1737065943083.png (1.5 MB, 1170x1854, Forever your kale.png)

Kyle Maclachlan’s tribute to Lynch

No. 2349430

and still better than euro literature

No. 2349432

This is a lot less heartwarming than I was imagining it to be.

No. 2349438

I was kind of thinking the same thing? Its sounds to be more about kyles career than it is about his relationship with davy

No. 2349441

What American author do you recommend?

No. 2349476

File: 1737067968160.jpg (53.04 KB, 1486x836, download.jpg)

Did he reuse his mug shot pose?

No. 2349525

File: 1737070879454.mp4 (571.73 KB, 640x360, NlndOOPcMyBDbqjy.mp4)

Trump threatens to hold LA fire funding hostage. I can't with this subhuman

No. 2349594

File: 1737074391448.png (294.13 KB, 1170x1166, gibsin.png)

Trump has appointed Mel Gibson, Jon Voight, and Stallone as his official “Ambassadors of Hollywood” kek! Apparently their duty, according to Trump, is to bring back the golden age of Hollywood. I understand choosing guys who are super famous but wouldn’t you choose guys who are a little younger? Like 30s to 40s, not elderly?

No. 2349598

Why did i think Mel Gibson stopped acting years ago and Jon Voight had passed away already? This is so boomer

No. 2349600

This stupid idiot is going to destroy america in the next 4 years. I don't want to be right, but unless he dies immediately, it's going to be get worse. He doesnt even know wtf he's talking about. Foreigners and imports make America stronger, not worse. All of our best actors are britbong and Aussies for a reason.

No. 2349603

Can someone please assassinate this cheeto man already? Do it properly this time.

No. 2349604

No. The only foreigners allowed are the indian H1Bs to take all the white collar STEM jobs.

No. 2349606

Can we trade Mel Gibson for Steven Seagal?

No. 2349609

It's true. We need to ban Indians. I live in NOVA and there are way too many of them here because of the tech boom. I hate it.

No. 2349617

Eh I don’t know nonny, I remember in 2015 everyone thought he would turn America into Nazi Germany by 2020 here we are now and I gotta feeling his next presidential term is gonna be kind of underwhelming too. What I’m really curious about is who’s going to take his place next?

No. 2349632

File: 1737076188668.png (822 KB, 1080x1757, 1000019039.png)

I feel like he's just doing this to make him look like the savior of TikTok. Unfortunately trumpies have short term memory and might eat it up anyway.

>WASHINGTON (AP) — TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is expected to attend Donald Trump’s inauguration and be granted a prime seating location on the dais as the president-elect’s national security adviser signals that the incoming administration may take steps to “keep TikTok from going dark.”

>During a previous interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier, Waltz said the president-elect is exploring options to “preserve TikTok” after being asked about a report from The Washington Post that said Trump was considering an executive order to suspend enforcement of the law.
>Trump’s push to keep the social media platform from being banned comes as some Democrats are pressing outgoing President Joe Biden to do the same. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said he spoke with Biden on Thursday to advocate for extending the deadline to ban TikTok.
>Democrats had tried on Wednesday to pass legislation that would have extended the deadline, but Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas blocked it. Cotton, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that TikTok has had ample time to find a buyer.
>“TikTok is a Chinese Communist spy app that addicts our kids, harvests their data, targets them with harmful and manipulative content, and spreads communist propaganda,” Cotton said.

No. 2349633

imagine if a dem said the same thing about a red state like texas… even during the snow disaster they had a few years back it was fucking AOC!!! who came and helped while retard cruz went to vacation in Mexico kek

No. 2349636

Imagine all the people living for today

No. 2349640

File: 1737076668121.jpg (354.76 KB, 2397x1348, ,jhgfghjkl;.jpg)

He's brainrotted from nostalgia. Get ready for more schneiders and epsteins! I swear to god, somehow at the end of his term he'll be more hated than bush was

No. 2349649

Why is his social media so weird? Like is this his social media page? Why is there a signature on the bottom? Why is the profile name so long? I don't get him.

No. 2349678

Thats not his twitter, he was banned from Twitter and then Elon bought twitter to unban him, but Trump had already created the “Truth Social” app and began essentially tweeting there, so now Trump stans repost his truth social posts onto twitter and that’s why it has a timestamp for when it was initially posted

No. 2349694

I was her lmfao. I realized I was a lesbian, took out the lip ring, stopped doing a blaccent, and now I work retail and am engaged

No. 2349701

The 2 I knew were both mean girls and ended up going to cosmetology school and becoming hairdressers kek

No. 2349717

Texas is due for a snow storm early next week. Can’t wait to see Cruz not come back from Cheeto’s big party and do jack fucking shit.

No. 2349747

This is the most embarrassing bullshit that I have ever fucking read. As a kid, I legitimately thought we had a place in the world and we could become better or whatever. What dimension are we in, there is no fucking way. He last won when I was 16. I am 26. There is no reality where I would have believed this is what the country had become. Obama was just a dude, but Jesus Christ at least he acted like a professional. What is this flaming shit sack we call a country, we are crashing HARD. There is no way oh my god. I’m actually spiraling because of this. The government…. Does not need to be apart of … oh my god I don’t even need to express it, we all know.

No. 2349836

Yeah the best thing to do is to tune out the news a little more. Trump loves to talk, and he is an attention whore. He says stuff like this to make sure he is always on our minds

No. 2349878

File: 1737087372379.jpg (218.22 KB, 828x827, 1000003750.jpg)

i can't wait for the shitstorm it's going to cause when Americans start using Chinese social media. the screencaps in the Luigi thread are already sending me
>what does "raw next question" mean?
fucking KEK

No. 2349896

Way too sweet. I feel like insomnia hits the spot just right, especially their chocolate chip cookies. Crumbl is massively sweet. I don't know how people buy them.

No. 2349897

I wanted a female president so bad.

No. 2349952

I unironically didn't know what that means. Found an article where moids complained the statement made them feel objectified.
Every day I become more and more of a misandrist

No. 2349959

KEK please post

No. 2349967

Americans have been using chinese media since like 2007 nona

No. 2349968

You know it's not the same as this brainrotted tiktok generation though.

No. 2349971

Ehh I don’t think tiktok is as bad? I’ve never heard of porn being available on tiktok like it was on vine

No. 2349976

It's all over tiktok >>2186786 much more than vine

No. 2349988

there's a difference between casual usage and the mass exodus that's happening now that tiktok is dying. and brainrot isn't just from porn, it comes in many forms.

No. 2350490

the government should ban porn before it bans tiktok

No. 2350501

Exactly. it's disingenuous crap.

They can do both. If someone 'needs' tiktok to run their business, they are doing it wrong. I don't know why so many americans try to defend tiktok.

No. 2350502

>bans porn
Literally trans genocide

No. 2350504

Kek, I wish.

No. 2350510

People who use tiktok spend hours scrolling through short form videos. It actual does cause massive brainrot.

No. 2350516

File: 1737132055709.png (25.03 KB, 759x240, 645646546546464.png)

No. 2350577

i swear most zoomers are retarded nowadays. they can't spend more than 30 seconds focusing on anything.

No. 2350581

File: 1737133295502.gif (2.57 MB, 211x374, 1000003715.gif)

i can't wait for tiktok to be gone. nothing will properly replace it, the normies will just return to their previously occupied social media spaces and the zoomers will take over Chinese social media.
i don't think it's going to go the way China hope it will

No. 2350592

Tik tok is a Singaporean app. If China wanted to destroy america it would simply ask the government to pay back the trillions in debt owed to China. We live in a fascist country that would rather let Nazis run than ever have a nonwhite person or woman ever run this country. We are our own worst enemy not tik tok not China. US citizens who are too individualistic and racist to see the light.

No. 2350597

i never said China is the enemy, i just said that the popularity shift is not going to go as they probably hope it will.
also you type like english is your second language, but uh thanks for the input fellow American

No. 2350619

File: 1737134671104.png (245.3 KB, 624x577, Screenshot_20250117-082246~2.p…)

No. 2350623

China would never let burgers take over anything. Zoomers and brainrotted millenials are in for a big surprise.

No. 2350627

Thank you. It's going to be a rough 4 years anyway with this election. Younger zoomers won't make it better.

No. 2350632

>If China wanted to destroy america it would simply ask the government to pay back the trillions in debt owed to China.
that's not how debt works

No. 2350642

Kek, they should though. America needs to pay up.

No. 2350649

electing someone nonwhite or female wouldn't fix our country's problems. they'd just be a dei figurehead who does the same shit the white male presidents do, take obama for example.

No. 2350688

Id rather a DEI president that ACTUALLY went through the proper channels and campaigning of being an actual politician or leading a state. Not some fat old retard who marries European mail order brides and believes in Neo nazism. At least Obama wouldn’t hire Mel Gibson to be his right hand man

No. 2350693

You guys let white men have free reign to do whatever the hell they want because you have been brainwashed to believe they are the best, smartest and wealthiest men on earth while needing to steal resources from continents they labeled “inferior” just to survive. Sad

No. 2350703

Can obvious non-americans who only reply to hate on americans get banned already?

No. 2350705

wtf does this even mean? Kamala is 100% better than Trump, even if you don't agree fully with her politics. Trump will drive america into the ground.

No. 2350706

Lmao America has become such a meme country.

No. 2350708

we need a redtext for foreigners but it won't happen

No. 2350716

i'm saying kamala won't fix our country just because she's a biracial woman. all politicians ever do is add more bullshit laws to try to fix a problem created by old laws. her policies would not have fixed america. everything needs to be dismantled and restructured.

No. 2350723

I agree with you. Everything does need to be dismantled. Right now, America is in a horrible place where are our counting on importing indians over for the tech boom instead of hiring our own citizens. Jobs are shit. Pay is shit. We are in a housing crisis, and most people can't afford basic groceries. It would be a slow set up, but we need to start implementing policies to help our own citizens. I literally dont care about countries outside of america right now.

No. 2350736

that's the thing, we need to stop pretending we can elect someone into saving us. history has proven that makes things worse. only those who kowtow to the elite are able to gain power. the rich will keep extracting resources and labor from americans while importing millions of moids, and voting a woman in who does the same thing accomplishes nothing. america needs another revolution

No. 2350743

I agree. I'd rather take my chances with Kamala though than a literal tv show billionaire who only cares about the 1%. The rich will continue to get richer in america, and the wealth gap wider.

No. 2350751

>I'd rather have a president based entirely on race and not qualifications
You are as retarded as the Trump voters. Tell the Democratic party to stop taking your advice or else we're never going to win another election.

No. 2350784

>>I'd rather have a president based entirely on race and not qualifications
NYART but that's literally the opposite of what she said

No. 2350794

kamala serves the billionaire class in the same way. that's why the framing is wrong. the question isn't "who should we vote for?" but how do topple the current system wherein elected officials are bought to make life worse for all of us.

No. 2350819

DEI means that people are not selected according to merits alone, but that being part of an officially recognized oppressed group holds more weight than ability. She mentioned campaigning, but every politician does that.

No. 2350824

selecting presidents by 'merit' is also retarded though. the merit has no value if it comes at the expense of regular americans. the only criterion that actually matters is, are they able to make life better for americans?

No. 2350828

mel is going to root out all the pedos

No. 2350832

do you think he'll start with trump?

No. 2350881

White men are the biggest DEI beneficiaries on the planet. Enough with these racist Nazi dog whistles

No. 2350895

Based. Women and girls only. If those misogynistic third world countries love men so much, they can keep them all.

No. 2350900

You say this as if America doesn’t have misogynistic men in power rn. Americans love their misogynistic men more than any demographic clearly. Look at how much havoc American men wreak when traveling abroad

No. 2350904

no, DEI comes at their expense, which is why most of them are against it and most minority groups support it. you don't have to lie just because you hate white people

No. 2350915

White men get hired everyday because they are white where is the merit in that? They are upset that the playing field has been leveled and now want to cry wolf. They should’ve gotten good at technology instead of outsourcing it to other nations. Oh well

No. 2350925

DEI definitionally is selecting for race over other factors like how well suited someone is for the job. picking an unqualified black candidate over a qualified white one isn't leveling the playing field, it's creating a system where everyone is less competent in the positions to which they are assigned. if a job has certain standards, they should be kept regardless of race.

No. 2350937

>are they able to make life better for Americans
Just based on the fact that Trump can get bought by H1Blon tells me that race and sex aside, Harris would have been better for Americans.

No. 2350941

trump is going to restrict immigration more overall though

No. 2350943

The government should make an app where they pay people to walk. Like $1 per 1k steps after hitting a 5,000 step minimum.

No. 2350948

i'm not fat but I'd love that

No. 2350950

There was more immigration under trump than obama. Can you stop believing the shit this retard says?

No. 2350952

I like this idea but walking around American cities is hell, walking would be better incentived if transportation wasn't so built around the car.

No. 2350955

>the only criterion
That's merit then. Legit question, what do you think merit means?
A racist Nazi dogwhistle is not just a term for something you personally dislike. I know this is going to be a new concept to you, but words have meanings.

No. 2350960

Me and my girlfriend were actually laughing so fucking hard last night over how chopped he looks. wtf lol with his dick sucking lips too…. Why is he hitting the pixar pose too. Kamala mogs him to death
I doubt trump even cares about immigration (you can tell with how flip floppy he is whenever one of his billionaire buddies likes immigration). I miss the obama era, politics felt like politics even when they were messy. Now grifters run our government. le sighhhh

No. 2350961

File: 1737147947678.png (203.02 KB, 1702x1170, Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 12.04…)

that's not because of either of their actions. the trend on immigration has been to continue increasing since 1965. there were less migrants under obama because his presidency occurred earlier. there were also less migrants under trump than there were under biden. at least trump restricted immigration from the worst places.

No. 2350966

That chart must be off. Left is labeled "Immigrants as a percentage of the U.S. population" and goes up to 45% while the right says number of immigrants and goes up to 50 million. Yet obviously, 50 million does not equal 45% of the USA's population, nor is 45% of our population immigrants.

No. 2350969

Looking at this almost made me vomit, it's so over for actual americans isn't it?

No. 2350973

>percentage is the same as 1915

No. 2350975

Okay I want to start a foodie war. Which city has the best food scene and which has the most overrated/bad? For me Philly is the best and the worst was Portland OR and Seattle. I haven't been to NYC but I can imagine it would be on par with Philly idk I need to go there. I also think Dallas is nice when it comes to spiritually obese dining.

No. 2350979

You’re correct it’s very misleading. Looking at it would make you think we have an issue on the same scale as Canada when that isn’t really the case.

No. 2350980

You're reading the chart wrong, it's saying 50 million immigrants is 15% of the population

No. 2350991

At least Democrats throw us a bone here and there instead of being blatantly evil all around and telling us we can basically go fuck ourselves. We had only two choices, Trump being the objectively worse one. The thing to do is to vote in the one that you actually can get shit done under, who isn't putting hurdles in front of you every which way. It is long past the time for people to mobilize and topple over the government, we keep voting in fascists and people whom are easily bought. It is not realistic to think that we can topple the system within a reasonable amount of time before everything goes to shit and demoralizes us all. The people are stupid, spiteful, and easily misled and the ones who control the information networks through money and connections will always win. I'm going to be honest, the future is very bleak. This is going to do irreparable damage to us as a country and I don't entertain any delusions that we're all going to successfully band together and take down the oligarchs out of collective anger and frustration, and rebuild what they're destroyed. Not in this lifetime, anyway.

No. 2350995

Ah, I get it. Only the brown line corresponds to the left side of the graph. Thank you for helping me understand.

No. 2350998

I've been informed that the pizza scene in Florida is terrible. Can anynonny confirm?

No. 2351008

Gainesville, FL has the widest variety of great restaurants. Like individual cities may have a single better restaurant, but the availability in that city is insane. Worst food scene is in New Hampshire. Nothing good resides there.
Yes. 1000%. This is the only place I've ever been that manages to make pizza taste bad.

No. 2351016

Not related to florida but the worst pizza I've ever consistently had has been in Canada (Vancouver and Ontario). I had some in Miami and it was fine? Maybe I got lucky idk

No. 2351020

I hate NYC style pizza, Chicago all the way

No. 2351024

Yeah. It boggles my mind how conservatives fall for the same bullshit every election cycle.
I agree, establishment dems fucking suck shit. However, they do occasionally deliver crumbs, unlike the faggot conservatives who literally just dig us deeper and try to make us more of a third world country.
Why the FUCK would a business faggot like Trump want LESS illegals? He LOVES them because they are basically slave labor. He just will tell you he hates illegals because he knows that's what people want to hear. He doesn't deliver shit except more tax cuts for his fucking crooked wall street criminal buddies
The dumb shit conservatives are just repeating Reagan. More taxes on their social security until it's gone. I can't stand these fucking retards.

No. 2351030

We will drown in jeet rapists and there's nothing we can do about it.(racebait)

No. 2351034

we can at least shoot them if they come too close but yeah

No. 2351039

i'd rather have indian hindus migrating here than muslims tbh. plus they're all skinnyfat and not strong enough to overpower the average american woman

No. 2351056

NYC pizza is a great meal that doesnt leave you feeling bloated or gassy. Chicago is good too, but you gotta prepare for it.

No. 2351057

Women can actually carry guns in america. Unlike shit hole Canada or places in the UK and France.

No. 2351058

deep dish or tavern? this is very important.

No. 2351060

I visited Chicago last year as a NYC native. The deep dish was freakin fantastic. I loved it every bit of it, but I definitely had to take some home.

No. 2351073

deep dish of course

No. 2351128

Maybe in your state. I wish I could shoot moids who get too close to me
>cries in blue state

No. 2351137

I hope Trump eventually bans all anime

No. 2351143

File: 1737154977850.webp (132.14 KB, 1160x653, ap24319691320766.webp)

A former CIA analyst pleaded guilty to leaking classified documents about Israel’s preparations to attack Iran late-last year, according to the Department of Justice.

Asif William Rahman had been employed by the CIA since 2016 and held a top secret security clearance with access to sensitive compartmented information, some of the most sensitive information within the US government.

Beginning in the spring of 2024, the Department of Justice said Rahman repeatedly accessed and printed classified information, taking them to his home and altering them in an attempt to conceal their source. Rahman then shared the top-secret information with multiple people who were not authorized to receive it, the department said.


No. 2351154

>iranian leaks information to iran
and this comes as a surprise to no one

No. 2351155

Id rather have neither. I'm actually quite proud of America. The first time I saw a woman in a full burka was in London. America would beat the shit out of any sharia loving moid who was accompanying her

No. 2351164

I agree that Seattle is the worst. Best I would say Bay Area or HI because of the constant availability of fresh, local produce and fish.

No. 2351167

It's a shock to me every time I go to Seattle. The food is so insanely bad for a city its size. I swear every restaurant is like Amy's Baking Company tier slop no matter the cuisine.

No. 2351179

Bay Area and the north bay for sure. Everything is so fresh.

No. 2351211

File: 1737157955632.jpg (64.31 KB, 350x500, SLPO.jpg)

St. Louis style pizza is really good (P.S it's not called "tavern style" smh)

No. 2351213

sadly untrue, just look at dearborn michigan

No. 2351218

never heard of it before tbh. who calls it tavern style?

No. 2351223

It’s a drive but Pescadero, CA, has some of the freshest and best food in the area. Most cities south of SF don’t have a great food scene for some reason.

No. 2351226

i do not understand how people use social media or why they are crying over the tiktok ban. is it because i don’t use it that i see no appeal? it seems retarded

No. 2351253

Because for a lot of people it's been how we've been able to showcase the atrocities in countries and the fact we know the US government doesn't like that and that's why they want it gone. It's stop communication and videos on one of the biggest apps during a time where he's basically reenacting Hitler's first steps. We have other platforms, but the point is that he's so buddy-buddy with people like Zuckerbitch and Elon who both own two other massive video platforms that can, and will, limit free speech even when they say they won't. Refusing to correct wrongful and harmful disinformation alone is an issue to help make all these credible posts as illegitimate as possible.

It was never just about silly videos.

No. 2351256

So do they pay you to recite this exact mantra everywhere you go or what?

No. 2351260

No. 2351263

They sure do.

No. 2351266

why cant people independently write and publish articles and share photographs instead

No. 2351273

Why do people on the internet always act like taking away the smallest of their privileges is “Hitler’s first step”. Literally trans genocide type thinking. There are a lot of bad things happening in the US (women and girls dying from miscarriages in red states, women being raped by mtf inmates in prisons in blue states, environmental protections being threatened by the trump administration), but shutting down an app is not comparable. Hitler would have loved TikTok anyway because he loved propaganda.

No. 2351277

i don't get it either. i hope they ban youtube shorts next

No. 2351279

ccpchan working overtime this week

No. 2351284

File: 1737160250792.png (88.86 KB, 791x331, illiterate.png)

No. 2351297

and social media isnt making this issue worse?

No. 2351298

>54% of adults have a literacy level below 6th grade
Horrifying. I remember back in elementary school the teachers told us that the newspaper was written at about a 6th grade level. We started learning how to read the paper in about the 5th grade. I don't want to think about how half of the country can't fully comprehend what's written in the papers.

No. 2351311

That's not what I was implying.
I really do think that to be able to vote, one should have to pass a literacy test beforehand.

No. 2351312

that's not a problem, because most of them don't read the papers to begin with

No. 2351317

True, but most online articles are written at a similar level. Half the country can't adequately process news and that's tragic. And podcasts and broadcasts aren't any better because a literacy under 6th grade level implies a lack of vocabulary too.

No. 2351330

yep. dearborn michigan is a conservative islamic enclave, which is such a shame because the local coffee shops there are amazing. i will never forget the time i saw a woman in a full burkha with her 6 children while the scrote husband was wearing an ugly t-shirt and khaki shorts. it's genuinely sickening

No. 2351345

>one should have to pass a literacy test beforehand
This has literally never worked and we've implemented it before. I think we should just make our education system less shitty idk.

No. 2351389

fucking kek I had never heard the phrase before but it's hilarious. I'm picking it up now to piss off moids

No. 2351394

Meanwhile if you say "I care about America and I want to focus on ourselves first and foremost" you'll be screamed at for being a racist Nationalist

No. 2351419

….well…. i got offered a job in europe guys. so i might legitimately become an expat for good. truly, cannot believe i got this offer.

No. 2351424

I've lived in both america and europe for 6 years now. Have fun being extremely bored but enjoying cheaper living. That's it.

No. 2351442

The first time I tried these, I got really drunk at a restaurant and walked next door, ordered 30 crumble cookies because I didn't know how big they were. I went home and ate only one and I guess it didn't mix with the alcohol well because I had the worst shit of my life afterwards. I shat so much it was literally painful and I ended up spraying the entire toilet seat. So they're a 0/10 for me. Never going back.

No. 2351444

what did you do with the other 29

No. 2351445

>enjoy cheaper living
oh i will. its crazy to think how ill be able to afford housing etc. in europe easily and comfortably, but would not be able to afford it in my home city where i grew up with the same job. currently live with my parents still so this opportunity is like a miracle fr

No. 2351446

I gave them to a fat coworker and she was really happy about it kek

No. 2351452

I'm so sick of this photographer's editing style. He makes every single celeb look like they're holding a flashlight underneath their face.

No. 2351522

Do you know if these stats are just for literacy in English? Because I could def see California having the lowest rate of English literacy because of the high amount of solely Spanish speakers. If it’s literacy in any language then I’d be surprised.

No. 2351549

Tik tok has been integral to a lot of government changes. Not to mention people learn things they’ve never taken the time to google before. Tik tok is a big reason why so many Americans are class conscious. It’s one of the first apps where Americans come together from all backgrounds to discuss our government in real and honest ways . Tik tok is one of the only places where you get the news in real time through the accounts of everyday people actually experiencing it. So many mom and pop shops and small businesses got to have a huge resurgence thanks to tik tok. The app is getting banned not because China is trying to steal our data (CHINA HAS TIK TOK BANNED) Zuckerberg and a lot of politicians put a lot of stock into meta but no one uses that shit. They are losing millions to tik tok and they can’t have that. They are suppressing our free speech so you should definitely care. The fact that THIS got taken to the Supreme Court and passed so fast because it hurts politicians pockets should have you wanting to dump tea into a harbor

No. 2351553

Hold your horses about affordable housing anon, kek. It's either about the same or more expensive than the US depending on where you go.

No. 2351554

Holy shit. Is this why Zuck the cuck is all over the news lately and trying to rebrand himself as part of the Trump crew?

No. 2351560

YES so many politicians put so much stock in Meta. If you look at Instagram rn they updated it to look like tik tok. Zuckercuck is monopolizing the internet in real time

No. 2351561

Honestly I need all of you ladies to download tik tok this weekend and actually listen to what people are saying about our government. They clocked this YEARS AGO. And don’t get me started on them making housing inaccessible to us so that way people like Elon, Zuckerberg and bezos can build company towns. They burned down Altadena a historically black neighborhood in LA so that they can build “smart cities”. So many residents a week before the fire got kicked out of their fire insurance. It’s sick! This country is playing in our faces and the majority of America ALLOWED this

No. 2351564

congrats anon!! Wish it wasn't so hard to move casually without some certified career, but anyway have fun~

No. 2351565

People should not get their news through social media. Just as much misinformation has been spread over TikTok as legitimate information. There will be other social media platforms that zoomers will move on to once it’s gone, just like TikTok rose from Vine’s ashes. I can tell this is upsetting for you but catastrophizing it into fascism is a waste of energy and only serves to discredit your legitimate concerns.

No. 2351570

They shouldn’t but it’s 2025 and they do. it is up to you to do the due diligence and research the information being presented to you whether In print form or video form . This isn’t me being dramatic I’m legit being serious. This is bigger than tik tok bro. They are suppressing our free speech and blatantly lying in our faces. Project 2025 was laid out and spoken about since 2023 on tik tok. No one listened because a lot of you think it’s just a dance app. Why do you think Elon paid for Twitter? Because before tik tok Twitter was the app where everyday Americans voices got to be heard and we got to see the news In real time by the people most impacted. Elon saw that and as the white supremacist he is made it his mission to suppress it. And look at Twitter now. It’s barely usable if you aren’t an autistic Nazi. WAKE UP. They will suppress all social media where people freely express opinions on the governments failings. This is just the start. More than likely tik tok will be sold to one of those billionaires and it will be used to spread fascism in real time.

No. 2351573

You do know China has tiktok banned, right? Retards.

No. 2351574

Tik tok is not even comparable to vine since vine only allowed you 6 seconds to say anything . You can talk for up to
10 minutes on tik tok and even go live. They are not the same thing and further shows you should download the app before it gets banned to see what you missed out on.

No. 2351579

>social media is for free speech
No social media is for companies to get your data freely while you give out every detail of your life. Its retarded to be so reliant on a company that have a history of banning and censorship anyways. Why stand up for tiktok when posters that would talk about the missing Chinese students and dead babies in their underground labs would get constantly banned and threatened with legal repercussions? If you want to be all for free speech then you should advocate for people to break away from media companies and build their own communities and journalism websites. But of course everyones too lazy and retarded to do that so we must be upset every time a retarded conglomerate controlled app is banned by another conglomerate controlled government for not pushing their flavor of propaganda

No. 2351586

I heard on the radio the other day that Trump wants to build lots of warehouses and AI database centers in the midwest and sunbelt so this makes a lot of sense.

No. 2351622

lmao im from LA. its absolutely not. im looking at 1bd apts where i'll be working and its like maximum 1100 euro. that's nothing.

a 1bd in LA is literally 2500-3600 dollars rn.

No. 2351625

Goodbye nonna I hope things are better for you over there!

No. 2351627

What a weird lie.

No. 2351631

It's only true if you are from bumfuck nowheresville. If you're from a city then you are definitely gonna be living far cheaper in Europe

No. 2351638

congrats nona! have fun never having to worry about medical debt!

No. 2351641

That looks delicious. I want pizza now

No. 2351643

Worst pizza?
Someone posted a photo of altoona pizza and it looks like the kind of pizza they serve in hell
I'm not posting it, look it up for yourself.

No. 2351645

It's still true even if you're in a rural area. Rural America is still very expensive. Even more so after factoring in all the pricey bs that comes with a car. Europe is cheap cheap.

No. 2351654

Damn really? I saw some nice looking houses in Oklahoma for $300k and they were big. $300k in my city is gonna get you a 1 bedroom that needs a lot of upgrading in the shitty part of town.

No. 2351661

Yeah 300k for a house in bumfuck oklahoma is way overpriced. And for rural areas in better states, it's at least 500k for a home.

No. 2351666

>dei this
>dei that
For the majority of American history people would be shut out of many opportunities, regardless of how qualified they were if they were not white and male. At its absolute worst, DEI is just balancing the score (and it isn't even doing that very well)

No. 2351667

This housing shit sucks. I still live with my parents due to it, and in my neighborhood people are selling their houses for over a million. My parent's bought their house for $70k in the 90s… I googled and that would be like $160k current day. Absolutely fucked up

No. 2351671

As long as those parasites stay in wherever-the-fuck Michigan and their traumatized daughters can flee to other states when they realize there's no sharia law forcing them to marry their abusive cousin I don't give a fuck.
Although, it's a crying shame America tolerates that shit anywhere. I hope there are a lot of domestic violence shelters nearby so the wives can escape if their chimpslam scrote gets too handsy.

No. 2351858

This isn’t true for Ohio, even in Columbus you can get a nice house for 300k. In my town you can get a nice house for 180-260k, and my town isn’t even rural

No. 2352084

a lot of the white men complaining about DEI and H1B don't even qualify for those jobs because they thought college was for commie liberals. them screeching about H1B then begging Elon for DEI was insane.

No. 2352099

You thinking 300k is cheap when the state you're talking about barely has a livable wage. That's not affordable with a $7.25 an hour pay.

No. 2352313

Houston, for sure. It’s huge and has a lot of different immigrants. Great Mexican and Tex Mex obviously. Great Vietnamese food. Lots of Asian fusion places in general. Great bbq if you like TX style. Lots of nola transplants so lots of good cajun and creole food. Best city in the country if you’re traveling solely for food.

No. 2352415

File: 1737231694425.jpeg (768.09 KB, 1125x797, IMG_3614.jpeg)

Our minimum wage is 10.70. When I worked at McDonald’s here I made 15 here, so it’s comparable to most other states. I’d say 300k is cheap when you’re in the middle of the state capital with multiple bedrooms, and a good sized backyard

No. 2352434

There's no point in arguing with them or posting these sorts of thing, anon. I've noticed a lot of people that complain about the housing crisis don't actually care about cheap national housing options, they only care about cheap housing options in the HCOL metropolis that they live near. Everyone wants to be able to afford a house in NYC or LA. There are amazing options for cheap homes all over the country, but people would rather complain about not being able to afford living in Manhattan.

No. 2352453

this is from thirdie immigration(racebait)

No. 2352462

zuckerberg cried on rogan that america doesn't support american tech companies like how china supports their own tech companies by banning competitors.

No. 2352516

File: 1737234808466.jpg (93.57 KB, 1070x1064, img_1_1737234117441.jpg)

I can understand non-Americans caring about the election since it effects them as well, but healthcare denials have zero effect on anyone outside of the US, so why would Chinese people care about this?

I also remember seeing some brits freaking out back during the whole roe v wade thing which also makes no sense since it has no impact on their lives at all kek

No. 2352522

Oh this is so different than where I live, damn. I wish I felt okay moving so far away from all my support but my mental heath gets so bad that I just don't think I could hack it states away from everyone I love.

No. 2352524

A lot of Brits actually care about American women and think the abortion ban is inhumane. Seeing how many women died from lack of care was heartbreaking.

No. 2352533

We export a ton of culture abroad, our netizens take up a ton of virtual space, many countries force their kids to take English courses as a requirement alongside their own national language courses. Thus many non-American knows about all our disfunctions.
Meanwhile embarrassingly large amounts of Americans are very insular that they're shocked upon learning that other countries have… skyscrapers and grocery stores.

No. 2352540

Ayrt. Im not surprised by non-Americans KNOWING about the assasination. I just dont understand why they care.

United Healthcare denying insurance has no effect on anyone outside the US or even anyone who doesnt use United Healthcare, so they have no reason to care. My family uses Cigna, so anything involving united healthcare has no effect on me. Hence, why I never cared.

No. 2352544

>I just dont understand why they care.
Sometimes empathy can transcend borders. Sometimes reason comes second to emotion.

No. 2352551

>A lot of Brits actually care about American women

Why though? Unless you have family or friends over there, why would bans within the US that only apply to people within the US matter to anyone in the UK?

No. 2352553

No. 2352558

File: 1737237182914.gif (3.46 KB, 120x68, 1736536157648.gif)

>Non-americans shitting up the thread again
I tire of you people more and more. Go away

No. 2352565

File: 1737237383788.jpg (42.01 KB, 400x255, my drivers lisence.jpg)

To use this thread we should have to upload pictures of our drivers' licenses to confirm that we are American. I'll go first.

No. 2352571

Wait this expires this year…

No. 2352592

Thanks for letting me know. I almost forgot.

No. 2352643

Have you heard of the concept of caring about other people? You don't have to be related or friends to care about the safety of all women.

No. 2352709

Am I the only one that thinks this is still a nuts price for having virtually no yard? Are we really supposed to accept these prices when stuff like >>2351667 (flipping a 70k home for over a mill) is the cause of this? Like it's ok for the current market since a home like that would be 600k by me but 255k+ is still bs. That place is also falling apart and looks like a dump.

No. 2352745

When I was a kid my grandparents used to always complain that back in their childhoods they could go to the store with 50 cents and come back home with a bag of chips, a chocolate bar, and a can of soda pop. They always resented the fact that as time marches on, prices inflate and the value of a dollar decreases. It's similar to the housing situation now. A lot of people are stuck on home prices from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. $255k for a ~1900 sq ft. home in a city with nearly 1 million residents is a pretty good price by today's standards.

>That place is also falling apart and looks like a dump.

I have no idea how you can see a picture of that house and think that it's falling apart or that it's a dump.

No. 2352751

people who make public condolences usually don't care. they would not inconveniece themselves the smallest bit to help other women. they pretend to feel bad for 5 seconds then fuck off back to their lives. i don't care about their pretend empathy

No. 2352767

Have you ever heard of something called projection?

No. 2352781

She’s right.

No. 2352788

>I don't understand why they care
for the same reason we care about abhorrent shit going on overseas. Like, we aren't involved in afghanistan anymore but we are still disgusted by the taliban.
Its kind of weird that you have this "fuck you ive got mine" attitude. It's part of why life has become increasingly difficult for young people when their parents/grandparents had a much easier time getting a house/family at their age.
That's great that you weren't insured under united healthscam. You know who else wasn't insured under them?
Luigi Mangione.

No. 2352796

nyart but there seems to be a lot of women respect from brits. They are more openly against tranny shit and JK Rowling gives a shitload of her money to helping women like making trans exclusioned rape/domestic abuse shelters, as well as paying to smuggle women out of afghanistan.
We don't have to be billionares like rowling, but we can donate to similar causes to try to help other women.

No. 2352983

Does anyone have an ebt card? Do you feel awkward using it? I only go to the grocery store at like 6 am now kek

No. 2352987

Lucky…they give that shit away like candy in some places. Anyway stop doing that to yourself, if you need the aid you need it. Use self checkout

No. 2353006

File: 1737258398874.png (166.5 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_9603.png)

Double post, we’ve been officially censored. Cannot get on. Such a crazy experience

No. 2353009

Is it possible to use a VPN?

No. 2353011

Don’t know. Plz try I’m too pussy to try

No. 2353012

Samefagging to say it mentions Trump?! What dimension are we in anons

No. 2353016

Oh man

No. 2353017

It's so weird it's almost like Trump ass kissing but I don't know if I'm reading it wrong.

No. 2353021

100% asskissing. They probably already developed a deal and are getting ready to cast Trump as the tiktok savior. Just like how Bibi delayed a ceasefire until now. The annoying part is that it will work exactly as planned and the masses will swallow it because we're idiots. And Democrats are even bigger idiots for not knowing how to play politics.

No. 2353022

This. Trump's doing it to look good to the masses. Where was this type of outrageous when abortion was being banned?

No. 2353027

wait how is it still working for me? its 11pm on the east coast.

No. 2353029

nvm i just checked
i didn't get that message but i can't like or favorite videos, nor can i click on peoples profiles.

No. 2353039

File: 1737260219977.jpg (350.79 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1562_1200x1200.jpg)

You can get a card cover, it'll make it less obvious that it's an EBT card. Anyway, I grew up on EBT. There were a couple moments where I felt self-conscious about it, but mostly I didn't care. If anyone does judge you, it'll probably be people who are just as underprivileged as you but don't receive the same aid (and thus, don't think you should either).

No. 2353044

Stupid fucking propaganda? Did you guys see shou's reposts before it got banned? he was reposting a bunch of rightoid shit. Now this. Bullshit, trump started the notion of a ban in 2020. jfc, this feels surreal to watch

No. 2353047

>trump started the notion of a ban in 2020
I was literally thinking about this all week but no one talks about it? Did everyone forget that Trump was the first person who wanted to ban TikTok? Kek it's crazy that he wants to unban it all of a sudden.

No. 2353048

Am I misremembering or wasn't the whole idea of Tiktok being banned something Trump brought to the table during his last presidency

No. 2353051

I just posted >>2353048 lol and I was thinking the same thing. All I can come up with is that people are retarded and have the memories of goldfish, a problem ironically exacerbated by Tiktok

No. 2353075

I’m lowkey glad it’s banned. Now narcissists no longer have the perfect fuel to siphon energy out of people like the vampires they are, the main character syndrome and pseudo-intellectualism of the app combined with children who would benefit from no child left behind was unreal. Almost every single account on there deserves to experience consistent torturing unprecedented levels of trolling and documenting their behavior with such lolcow-stamped rote autistic memorization to deter them from ever wanting to post on the internet ever again. I hated every second of it despite it making me laugh many times, there was so many slop on the undercurrent of that app and watching Tiktok influencers screech the most about their precious ad revenue/fame getting ripped away from them is hilarious. If it gets reinstated I’m going to be super depressed, burgerfats like us need less of that crap not more. Tiktok reminds me a lot of what burgerfat capitalism reminds me of, useless junk that always gets approved that nobody really needs and is likely killing you which is why Temu/Shein thrived along with tiktok. It was never an app for dispersing the truth, it was a propaganda tool that could be weaponized and manipulated by certain creators and media outlets, and a brilliant propaganda tool it is.

You don’t sow any division by being outright anti-American or playing into normiefaggot’s assumptions on how East Asians play diplomatic chess, you get your enemy to show itself and admit their own faults. Displaying our flaws and vices as burgerfats that our country is built on the basis of Chinese women with carpool tunnel system who bind together the thin cancer-inducing polyester products, fast and quick consumption, hyperactivity and hyperindividualism, petty electoral dramas, vanity, stupidity, obesity, etc. makes certain parts of China look glorious in comparison. It’s no wonder so many normiefaggots are impressed by the simplest of shit shown on the Red Note app, I’ve even seen a post where some burgerfat is amazed that a Chinese woman was driving a car with a freaking screen (despite our country having cars like that because we get imports kek) and even praising Chinese children being more independent and more intelligent than our own who rather type “this pmo” and type in horrific ebonics, can barely spell, are filled with poisons and getting prostate cancer and eroded hairlines at 18 and are flunking and failing schools. Tiktok is the perfect app to show what is wrong with America. I applaud China kek, they beat the old burgerfats in office who wanted the ban (for likely this theory) at their own games. Anyways this whole “opposition” thing is so annoying, it’s way more complicated than just “MUH CHINA BAD!!!! MURICA GOOD!!!!!! OMG RUSSIAN BRUH WW3 INCOMING” war is likely coming but war is also a booming business that all of these governments would love to get their hands on at this current moment, let the political theatre game begin girls!

No. 2353076

ok and? its just fucking tiktok? go use instagram. social media fags need help

No. 2353079

>horrific ebonics, can barely spell
>uses the normie zoomer term lowkey
nonnie i wholly agree with your rant but you cannot be using that word

No. 2353083

Complete bait. Thats not all tiktok was and most farmers know this. Just like not all youtube is youtube-poop. At least ragebait somewhere else.

No. 2353086

Man I thought you were gonna say something cool but you wasted my time making me read these boring ass paragraphs. Gtfoh

No. 2353087

yes, i just tested it. i'll let you know if any federal agents show up at my house.

No. 2353092

Who gives a fuck, does anyone have any experience living in states like winsconsin or minnesota? I want to move north within the next decade.

No. 2353098

Wisconsin is super white and boring. I'm shocked everytime I visit. Decent nature though so I bet living up in northern Wisconsin would be cool. Never been to Minnesota but it gets a lot of praise as one of the best states to live recently.

No. 2353101

Nonna come to maine, some spots are admitting getting a little expensive but it's north enough to feel a bit separate from the fire of the rest of the country while still being part of new england. The cities are nice for the most part as long as you're not in too much of a rural area, but who knows maybe that will be the move soon at this rate

No. 2353105

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tiktok is GAWN

No. 2353109

I grew up in a majority white/black american town and prefer that over being around "nu" americans who don't even speak english and drag their ugly moids around to gawk at women.

I've always heard maine is nice and I miss seeing snow. It only snows like once a year in the south now.(racebait)

No. 2353111

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Trump wearing a purple tie tonight

No. 2353117

ayrt I've lived all over the northeast and maybe its just being an adult but the snow isn't as crazy as it used to be. but we still have seasons which is nice! Portland is the ideal city in my opinion, the cafes and shops are wonderful, still very liberal leaning imo

No. 2353123

VPNS do not work. I tried, and I see others saying their VPNS do not work either

No. 2353147

My vpn wont work for it.

No. 2353148

My vpn wont work for it.

No. 2353154

File: 1737265235903.png (22.69 KB, 595x527, 1000003100.png)

rip bozo, happy it's gone. should have taken Temu with it

No. 2353162

that's weird. i was using protonvpn and it worked just fine for me.

No. 2353171

I was referencing it not using it kek
It was, you just have to get off your phone and develop good taste now anon, just accept it’s over.
You sound exactly like the type of person who’s addicted to Tiktok (dumb, underaged and can’t read)

No. 2353194

I hope they permaban vpns on lolcow now. I didn't before, but I hope they do just for you.

No. 2353197

i'm not a vpn poster and i'm totally in favor of the vpn ban. tiktok just sucks and we're better off without it

No. 2353199

I don't use Tiktok. Your post was just boring. Can't believe you're this offended kek

No. 2353206

i think immigration is a huge problem but i don’t think mass deportations are the answer, damn

No. 2353214

Oh my god are you really doing this right now? Can’t you give that shit a break for like one second, you look absolutely schizo doing what you’re doing right now
It was a fucking good post and you can’t handle people having better insights than you, which is why you’re negging me so hard right now and want me so baddd, let’s kiss and make up ♥

No. 2353217

I hate democrats they really gave trump an extreme layup to where he is going to be known as the “savior of tik tok” when he is the first person that called for the ban back in like 2019. Since 2019 politicians from both parties have been buying stock in meta. Tik tok will come back but it will never be the same again. I don’t understand why a lot of you guys are Celebrating this. Even if you hate what tik tok stood for and how it changed the internet you should still not be celebrating this. They are taking away the last chance for Americans to come together and spread awareness in real time. Why do you think Elon bought twitter? Because he saw how Black people were able to mobilize everyone to support BLM and question police brutality. During George Floyd protests is when the government set its sites on destroying Twitter. The people had too much power. In real time protestors were teaching others ways to avoid the police and it worked. Elon couldn’t have that. So he bought it and sowed seeds of chaos and doubt by making Twitter extremely anti black. Remember, Twitter is one of the first social media apps where black Americans were able to talk about racism in real time and actually be believed and heard. Now you can’t even be black on that app without someone calling you a slur within seconds. They bastardized what woke meant when it really just meant to be aware that our government only cares about businesses and money and not people. Tik tok will be worse. They are going to link it to Facebook and everyone from Facebook is going to join. Tik tok will turn into a right wing app spreading fascism at the speed of light. Trust me. As much as tik tok had it’s flaws it really showed you the truth of the world and how much we as Americans are being played for fools. They took away our bread AND our country circus all at once and you guys are celebrating. The only places that ban apps are communist ones. And I thought America hated communism kek

No. 2353222

>let's kiss and make up
You better buy me dinner first.

No. 2353227

Any person other than native Americans is an immigrant. What trumps doing is hitler status and we’re about to be Germany a la the fucking 40s

No. 2353228

>The only places that ban apps are communist ones. And I thought America hated communism kek
The government may hate commies, but they hate criticism of Israel and their war crimes even more. That's the real reason they banned tiktok, the content protesting the genocide in gaza which is why everyone that is screeching about how tiktok had to go is glowing, or a useful idiot imo

No. 2353234

Enjoy Elon and Zuker's social medias.

No. 2353239

Can you even try looking at the news instead of only finding headlines? The cease fire didn't even work. Isreal was bombing Gaza again within 15 hours.

No. 2353242

Literally they got rid of tik tok at the perfect time because when the raids happen no one will be able to document in real time what’s happening it’s so sad. Thankfully I heard that Chicago is a haven city meaning they protect their immigrant citizens no matter their status. I wish more Americans understood how hard and long the process is to American citizenship is. I don’t even think most born and raised Americans would be able to pass it. It takes like 10 years to get a green card. They purposely make it hard to immigrate here. The worst part is Americans are immigrating to their countries with EASE thanks to their US passports so Americans truly don’t understand how hard the immigration process is unless you know someone personally that has been through it. My mom was an immigrant and I saw first hand how she was treated for not being a citizen by my own American father. It’s gross how Americans treat immigrants especially when like you said if you aren’t native you are an immigrant. I don’t get why Anglo Saxons especially don’t see that Britain is their home not America kek.

No. 2353243

exactly, how does it help to bring in even MORE people that shouldn’t be here? immigration should have been stopped/made extremely harder a very long time ago

No. 2353244

God luck anon, apparently you’re getting evicted on Tuesday.

No. 2353247

The only place people could maybe safely post about anything happening is going to the youtube shorts and videos. Can't use Instagram, can't use facebook, or twitter.. His flunkies own it all. They will actively suppress information and Zuckerberg just went back on his "We want only true, fact-checked posts to dissuade misinformation". They want to bury what's real under red-pilled retards posting about fake news.

No. 2353249

i don't use social media at all, nona

No. 2353250

We’re built on immigration whether you like it or not

No. 2353251

do you understand how many people cross the border with literally no issue? cartels and smuggling/trafficking? of course the real immigrants who did it the right way should stay, but not the ones that just waltz over here. immigration should be hard for a reason, americans literally cannot even immigrate to canada without having an important reason like jobs or study. it is WAY harder in literally any other place but here

No. 2353252

If you're going to bait, at least be better at it.

No. 2353253

>I wish more Americans understood how hard and long the process is to American citizenship is.
Who gives a fuck when they don't even try to get citizenship and just leach our resources and social safety nets?
Trump deported fewer than Obama in his first term. He didn't do shit then, and he's not going to do shit now. You're being hysterical over nothing.

No. 2353254

VPN ban is to make it harder for women to expose the mega neofeudalist technotranny temu mail order bride capitalism that’s impacting the East. Admin and “her” staff are troons who likely mod for subreddits which explains so much of their attitudes towards the entire user base, their whole vibe reminds me of the awkward autistic snarkiness a lot of trannies have on Reddit and the robotic communication/engagement feels like troon performance on what the ~ladies~ would find funny. Everything about this website feels so troon infested or tan by scrotum, it’s so disorganized, detached, and of course they allow crypto trannies to come on here and flood decent threads with their pity vents and stories. Absolute shithole kek

No. 2353255

Nta, but that's because unlike Obama, Trump threw them into internment camps like Hitler. Hope that hopes.

No. 2353260

it's not bait. i browse websites like youtube and pintrest, but i don't use websites like Facebook, Instagram, etc for socialization. i have enough irl and what i can't say irl i say here. just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're baiting kek

No. 2353264

Nobody in America is anglo saxon kek.

No. 2353268


No. 2353270

You can prevent yourself from being put in internment camps by going back to your country and trying to better your country instead of fleeing it. Kek’ing at the “like Hitler” statement, nobody told you to go and cross a border illegally. I really hope we start cracking down on immigration it’s so fucking annoying, stop whining and Buck it up in your home country like America citizens have been doing for decades. Fuck you(infighting)

No. 2353271

You’re probably a 10th gen immigrant, you’re still an immigrant.

No. 2353275

Do you really think all white people in USA are of British descent? Then you're fucking retarded.

Your "errybody an immigrant except the Natives" is cringe too kek.

>t. Native American

No. 2353281

He is doing a sweeping ban and even anyone who came legally are going to get swept up. He wants to kick out people who had babies here and send the baby with them. Telling anons to go back to where they came from makes it so clear you're just posting to piss farmers off. Can't even come up with any reasons as to why this is a good thing.
>American citizens
I hope your precious Elon Musk gets deported too. He's not a real American.

No. 2353286

Go talk to your community leaders instead of white bitches online then(infight bait)

No. 2353289

I can't wait for all those stupid poor people in Oklahoma to realize their $7.25 an hour will never increase and the people with no jobs who are Americans have to settle for $1 a day pay unless farmers plan to figure something out too.

No one wants immigrant jobs. No one wants to pay non-immigrants a living wage. America is fast tracking into automation for basic things like taking orders in drive-thrus. You're really not able to see a big picture, are you? I hope you have a good paying job and at least somewhere to live because it's about to get a lot harder to afford things when people have to raise prices in order to pay Americans to do the jobs immigrants had. Just kidding. They won't raise shit.

No. 2353290

You know your post wasn't referring to British people living in America, but of course that's all you have to say. I hope you and your mother get deported. You belong in America even less than the white people you're bitching about, who were born here. The 1800s are over and illegal drug runners shouldn't be allowed in. I also think it's ridiculous you think Americans can immigrate anywhere in the world easily. I happen to live in Europe and it was NOT easy to get citizenship there.

Take your low quality bait elsewhere. Your boring larp as a black woman all over the site is tiring.

No. 2353292

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I want you to know that the immigrants that are doing the most damage to the economy and using our resources are the European ones! In New York so many Ukranians were able to seek asylum and have entire hotel suites to them with fee food etc for months all on the tax payers dimes and ukranians paid us back by being racist Neo Nazis. But it’s fine because they are blue eyed blondes coming into America. There are so many Russians in NY working for the NYPD who barely speak English. How did they get those roles? You tell me kek.

Also immigration is so lax because Americans refuse to do the manual work. Americans are lazy and constantly outsource for cheaper and cheaper labor. Why do you think chattel slavery went on for so long? Lazy Americans being lazy. Americans are so lazy they couldn’t even breast feed their own kids kek. I need Americans to talk to immigrants instead of assuming shit. Illegal immigrants have no rights. They can’t vote, file taxes, etc etc. all they do is work and provide for their families. In fact the illegal immigrants of brown and black variety help more than hurt Americans. The most annoying thing they do is sell fruit in summer during red lights kek. I love a good mango cup so I don’t complain. My issue though is how easy it’s always been for immigrants to get business loans before Black Americans. I know it’s by design but it’s so ugly how blatant it’s always been. So many immigrants set up their businesses in Black neighborhoods because black people are often denied business loans. It’s weird! But they do it on purpose to get Black Americans to beef with immigrants too. And to also have immigrants think they are better than Black Americans for owning businesses. The hostility has always been there and it’s purposeful.

No. 2353293

nyart but I think a lot of foreign countries are shit because they don't have a middle class.
Americans have been also exploiting migrants for a long ass time. There's a lot of conflict in these third world shitholes. While some (a lot) of it has to do with American postindustrial capitalist foreign affairs creating political unrest, the solution isn't to flee to America where they are going to essentially become greencard slaves.
I feel for the migrants, I really do, but creating more cheap labor for the very people who are encouraging political unrest in your third world shitholes isn't going to help anyone except the rich assholes who are profiting off of your homecountry being a shithole.

The issue is Trump isn't gonna get rid of the migrants. He might torture a bunch of them with shitty deportation laws but at the end of the day he loves paying his illegal mexican landscapers 50 cents an hour. The only person who might have actually lowered migrants is Bernie. I wish America would get over our misogyny and elect in AOC since she's basically Bernie but young and pretty.

No. 2353294

The bait is going hard I see.

No. 2353296

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So tomorrow we will officially have Trump as our president. Realistically speaking, how fucked do you guys think we will be? I want to believe it will be like last time where he didn't do as much harm as everyone thought, but now there's a lot more republican power in the government. On top of that, we probably won't even stop feeling the effects of his presidency until 2033 because of the economy.

No. 2353297

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No. 2353298