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No. 2316642
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Starting off the thread with things younger than Joe Biden and Donald Trump
No. 2317834
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>NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey abruptly resigned on Friday night, police officials confirmed, prior to a bombshell report alleging he repeatedly sexually abused a subordinate officer in exchange for overtime pay.
>According to the complaint, Epps said that after she began refusing Maddrey’s advances in October, he retaliated by “orchestrating an intentionally manipulated” overtime report that claimed she earned more than $200,000 in overtime pay.
>After stories about her alleged overtime abuse came out, Maddrey offered to speak to the commissioner on her behalf but first demanded that she kiss his penis, according to the complaint.
>She said she “complied under coercion.”
>Maddrey has previously been accused of sexual misconduct. In 2016, he was sued by Tabatha Foster, a former police officer, who said he demanded sex in his office.
>Both the federal and state cases were ultimately dismissed.
>NYPD Capt. Gabrielle Walls on Wednesday added Maddrey as a defendant in an ongoing sexual harassment lawsuit. Her complaint filed in Manhattan Supreme Court alleged that Maddrey repeatedly tried to kiss her without her consent and also tried to visit her at the precinct where she worked.
>The complaint also alleges that Maddrey told Walls he was “going to mould her” and offered to help her career.
No. 2317853
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5 dollars for one single ounce of ranch. this needs to be fucking illegal. this is not American at all
No. 2318167
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No. 2318177
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>>2318167These are the people making decisions for our country. She isn't the only one, a pharmacist said that he's routinely refilling Alzheimer's prescriptions for members of congress
No. 2318181
>>2318177it's never going to end unless we ban citizens united again. and that'll never happen with the supreme court we got for the next lifetime
its hopeless
No. 2318533
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>>2318177Literally last years of the USSR where the country was ruled by one infirm geriatric after another after another. Grim.
No. 2319268
>>2319116That case is a prime example of why the federal government needs to allow all states to lock away highly mentally ill people without their consent. Some people just need a white room, a blanket and to be highly medicated. I'd 100% be willing to pay extra taxes for it. I'd save the police so much time and society would be a safer place. But it can't happen because conservative boomers will cry muh taxes and call them freeloaders whilst liberals will cry about people's rights being violated and also less money to throw away to israel and pointless military shit. It's so annoying that such a solution is sitting right there, but people are just too greedy, selfish and lazy to put it in place. Simple minded people will blame it on race when numerous black people have been
victims of deranged mentally ill moids running loose and a lot of those said mentally ill moids have already been disowned by their families for being violent.
No. 2319309
>>2319116I couldn't give a shit what race the psycho is.
At the end of the day, it's always moids doing this fucked up shit making life hell for everyone else.
>>2319268Yeah I'm down for locking up crazies again. I also think if people wanna be cheap we can euthanize crazy violent males. Females are banned from being mistreated or executed.
No. 2319334
>>2319268What I find entertaining about the whole "lock up the crazies" debate is that no one ever gives credit where credit is due.
Everyone in mass media (rightfully) criticizes Reagan, but give absolutely no credit to JFK, Lyndon or good ole Jimmy Carter. They're the ones that set this in motion based on human rights concerns. Reagan was just a cheap fuck at the end of the line that decided to welch from what little responsibility he had.
So, JFK had a "retarded" sister (probably from all the inbreeding), and his parents kind of lobotomized her. He felt this was really unfair at the time and worked to dismantle the nations system for controlling the crazies, ranging from preventing sanitariums from accepting new patients to adding "safeguards" for involuntary holds. Oh, and preventing funding from reaching those places. Lyndon and Jimmy (and every other politician who thought this wasn't a political issue worth fighting for) continued these policies until all that was left was a desiccated skeleton of a federal mental health system. Because liberty.
Once all of these things happened, Reagan of course refused to take any responsibility or even help ensure funding for state systems. He held the dagger for the the final blow, but this is a multi decade long compounding failure.
May everyone here not catch fire at some point. God help us all.
No. 2319436
>>2319415Not going to watch the video but this reminds me of that incident years ago in China there a little girl was driven over by multiple cars and multiple people just walked by. Back then people were outraged about China but this could happen in any "modern" country.
Living in big cities just kills any heart and empathy you ever had. It's so easy to turn into a either a blind robot or a mean ass if you know nobody around you.
Coming home, going grocery shopping with your mom and getting stopped every minute because she meets yet another relative, friend, coworker feels so wild after basically working anonymously in a huge city for a while
No. 2319997
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Certain ovulation apps like Ovia are asking for the state your located in. In case you stop reporting a menstruation to the app, the app may alert authorities to investigate if you've had an abortion. Delete these apps, tell other women, and stay safe nonnies
No. 2320141
>>2320135I understand third world moids are dangerous because their cultures enable them to behave like animals.
But that doesn't change the fact that the problem is moids.
We can kill or ban all the dirtie thirdie moids but we would still have to deal with christian fundamentalist moids who want to do shit like
>>2314221THE PROBLEM IS MEN. Killing 90% of ALL men would do a lot more than banning even 100% of illegals.
No. 2320145
>>2319997>In case you stop reporting a menstruation to the app, the app may alert authorities to investigate if you've had an abortion.anon i googled this and can’t find any sources saying that a major app would have their employees spend their time reporting random customers to the authorities under the guise that they could’ve possibly,
maybe had an abortion, with the sole evidence being that you forgot to report your period to your cell phone menstrual cycle tracker app.
No. 2320163
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>>2320145The heart was in the right place but the details were wrong. The risk isn't the company hiring period cops, but the actual cops getting your data and using it as evidence to prosecute you for having an abortion.
I dont think it's happened yet with period trackers specifically but it did happen with Facebook data already.
Even in abortion legal states, the US has basically no data protections so I would advise against using period tracking apps anyway. There's already been multiple publicly known cases of period apps selling sensitive user data.
No. 2320360
>>2319496I lived in a city with temps similar to NYC and I always avoided public transit like the plague. I would just bike everywhere because I didn't want to deal with drunks/crazies on the trains/buses.
I do agree there needs to be a place where the homeless can get food/a place to sleep but that costs precious proxy war money so they will never get that care.
>>2320202Neely was a prime example of the failures that came from getting rid of involuntary institutionalization due to our neolib politicians being cheap fuckers who would rather get rid of the systems citizens want reformed. Dude had schizophrenia from when his mom was murdered by an
abusive partner and he had to see her dead body stuffed in a suitcase when he was 14.
Obviously there is no justification for Neely harassing women, but he definitely had grounds for being locked up and not being allowed to leave LONG before he became a public pest.
No. 2320376
>>2320221>>2320224This. You don't hear about illegal female immigrants fucking shit up and gang raping civilians.
>>2320291I don't think that nona was talking about pushing white women away from female solidarity. I think she's saying no woman is actually protected from men. It's just in America we are racist as all shit and white moids are chomping at the bit to lynch dark moids if they touch their property.
The solution is obvious: ANY man who abuses/rapes ANY woman should be put to death. It will keep white frontpoles in line and foreign shitheads will quickly figure out that America isn't the rape safe haven like their shit infested war hellhole they fled from.
No. 2320978
>>2320221Black/immigrant men are MORE LIKELY to lash out randomly at women they don’t know. Like the countless stories of black men randomly sucker punching women, or the Hispanic guy that recently lit a woman on fire. White men USUALLY kill women they know, that they’re in relationships with. I can avoid those moids by just not befriending them or fucking with them. However, I can’t just avoid a random stranger on the street and hope they’re decent enough ti not randomly hurt me.
The only time I screen for random white males as a danger is when I’m in a crowded place and I know they’re statistically more likely to spray the place with bullets.
No. 2320992
>>2320978nyart but I feel you. The issue is I still feel like I hate and mistrust all men equally. Non whites are a big problem in urban areas, not so much in rural.
I definitely feel extra bad for non white women. Black and brown women have to deal with hands down some of the most violently misogynistic pieces of shit on the face of the earth, plus they have to deal with being lumped in with their worthless moid counterparts, which means they get less opportunities to escape them and be in more white areas.
At the end of the day though, the issue is universally men. Cull 90% of them and enforce woman respect on the remaining 10 percent under the threat of castration for minor crimes and execution for major crimes and you'll see that all our problems are caused by shitty men who engage in as much misogyny as they think they can get away with.
No. 2321092
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>>2320997Yes because men are All unsafe. Go worship white cock in peace but white women know what they’re capable of. It’s never a white woman doing this creepy savior pick me bs
No. 2321099
>>2321092Nyart Yeah i don't get why this Nona thinks "white men are waaaaaaay safer because the news doesn't cover their crimes as much" or some shit. Sure, India and the middle east and Africa and rural china are hellscapes for women (and imo everyone. Misogyny breeds third worldism) but that doesn't mean in the west where my human rights are being held together by a threat that frays more by the day I can just sit there and thank the white saviors for the rights women fought for and continue to fight for despite having to deal with the constant push back because "le heckin male lonliness"
I hate men. Simple as. Racist chan should love my 90 percent idea since I want to kill all rapists, pedos, and misogynistic men. Maybe it will be all darkies, but I feel like the gas pile would be quite diverse.
No. 2321181
>>2321166That's nice anon but women have to live somewhere, sometimes we have no choice but to pick one poison over another. If you have to pick poison, would you honestly say you'd rather live in India where (nonnas please don't unspoiler unless you want to ruin your entire month)
a woman was gang raped by so many men she had over 150mL of semen found inside of her or Norway, where that sort of thing hasn't made the news recently.
No. 2321341
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apparently the lottery has gone up to over 1 billion. what would you do if you won?
No. 2321960
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>>2321421Do you think if women in india and other misogynist hellscapes were allowed to own guns and legally murder men maybe then they could learn to behave like humans and not lizard gang raping subcreatures (I dont like calling indian men subhuman because that implies animal status and even monkeys are disgusted by indian men)
No. 2322084
>>2321987I hear Indian women are learning to fight back.
The fact of the matter is individual indian men are incredibly weak and stupid. They regularly die via trains that they overcrowd in cartoonish ways. In order for male indians to overpower a single female they need to outnumber her by at least 10. Like it's ALWAYS gang rape and when it's individual rape it's never anything stronger than a 8 year old child. Even when they raped a lizard to death they needed 5 of them.
I heard about some indian woman who beat her husband to death with her fists and nothing else. I think the best thing for india would be to encourage the women to embrace solidarity and then feminism.
Literally misandry could be the key to making India closer to a first world country than anything else.
No. 2322126
>>2321092>swedenKek most of the rapes in sweden are not by white men…
No. 2322789
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What are some good American cities/places to visit? I've never been outside of Florida, I'd like to see more of the United States
No. 2322987
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seeing white nationalists who voted for trump despair over the revelation that he isn’t hitler 2.0 but rather a boomercon who wants more tech immigration
No. 2323058
>>2323052Samefag, reminder that Trump also blocked a bipartisan bill that would've cut down heavily on illegal immigration and improved the legal immigration process (another platform Kamala spoke on and would've enacted). But retards ignored that and said
>b-but trump is our guy!! brown woman bad!!! he's /for us/!!Dumb racists will always get played because they think the rich white man identifies strongly with the poor white man and sees him as a temporarily embarrassed brother or something. They don't give a fuck. If you're not already in the club, you're just a more expensive, far whinier version of the immigrants they can exploit for cheap.
No. 2323160
>>2322987I have no idea why republicucks are so fucking retarded at this point?
Like throughout history republicans havent done jack fuck except cut taxes on the wealthy and make life harder for the working class.
These are rich oligarchs who hate paying employees. Why the FUCK would they want naturalized citizens who demand minimum wage over illegal refugees who will be literal slaves?
No. 2324067
>>2322987I hate Elon fanboys just a little bit more than I hate the MAGA crowd so to be honest I welcome their hatred in this instance.
When Trump and Elon inevitably act like the overgrown 7 year olds that they are towards each other it's gonna be fun seeing Elon's shitty businesses all collapse.
No. 2324424
>>2322789the one that frank sinatra sang about
>>2322805oh come on it's not that bad!
>>2323160relying the right's staggering illiteracy is how trump and friends won at all. what else can you expect from the party that is firmly anti-education
No. 2324455
>>2324447>white women have all the powerthat's not saying much. We weren't legally recognized as human beings until the 1920s.
Most white women these days wont breed with or marry men they know are racist.
No. 2324464
>>2324456MOST white women wont. There's fringe racist white trash women. But I understand where they are coming from because they are told the dark skinned men are more dangerous than white men.
True enlightenment occurs when all women come together and realize all races of men are dangerous. You wouldn't care if the random guy that is in your backyard at night is black or white, you'd still rather see a bear there.
No. 2324478
>>2324447>>2324449>>2324464What "power" are you referring to? The ability to have sex with a white guy? What power is that truly if your "power" is based off of whether a man in power finds you fuckable? White women do have more influence in America but race shit is strictly an American concept. Being white in the United States is different compared to being white in europe because your skin color is second to ethnicity. Stop pretending to be blind to that when you can regularly see Balkans tear at each other because of DNA bullshit. You could have listed how the suffragettes only focused on the voting rights of wealthy white women, but then you'd also have to acknowledge the amount of suffragettes that supported the abolishment of slavery.
Go shoot up a old people's home if you're that passionate about the actions of old white women's biases. Majority of millennial and younger generation of white women are too busy worrying if wearing a bonnet is cultural appropriation than actually being the 5% of attention seeking ethots you see online.
>Also Asian women uphold white supremacy badHow so? Which ethnicity? Which part of asia? Western, Central, or Eastern? Southern or Northern? Do Mongolian women in America uphold white supremacy the same way A Filipino Woman would? Newsflash: Your understanding of race and the blatant disregard of the complexities of demographics makes your manifestos in this thread seem more like schizo babbling rather than actually making a complex point of America's history of white supremacy and women's roles. You can't just say "read a history book" and expect us to take you seriously by refusing to actually list things. I would love to actually talk about American demographics and its relationship to social movements due to our complex nation but it's hard when the only thing you offer is turds.
I appreciate the point you're trying to make: White women lack gender consciousness by prioritizing the worst perpetuators of inequality in america, therefore being second-worst due to the enabling. But your fixation on white women does fucking nothing when you're truly putting the fat red-neck politician second to your gripes.
No. 2324541
>>2324490>Why don’t you advocate for Facebook or Instagram being banned? Oh wait, it’s becuase you’re a Zionist.I’m not a Zionist. I’m on the side of the Palestinians. I just think that the format of TikTok is more addictive than other social media sites. You sound like a brain-dead teenage TikTok user.
I agreed with
>The issue is the intent behind itbut if you go around randomly accusing people of being Zionists, you’re not going to convince anyone of your argument.
No. 2324558
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>>2324472The original reason why tiktok was going to be banned was because there was an assumed data security risk from its Chinese origins. Many politicians thought that it was feeding off of user data and being given to china for any nefarious reasons, this was disproven but is still most likely the reason why it's still being taken down. If zionists truly cared about their name they would be targeting /pol/ and schizo facebook conspiracy theorists. I do like tiktok being banned though, as it shortens attention spans, is the #1 reason why people guzzle tranny cock, and has been used to spread misinformation and propaganda.,they%20did%20two%20years%20ago.
No. 2325183
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Rip based peanut king
No. 2325501
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Why couldn't she have been the supreme leader?
No. 2325513
>>2325501i don't have fields to leap in, corporate greed is burning them all to
toxic wastelands
No. 2326509
>>2324832Weegee is such a trendsetter.
>>2325032Privileged people think nothing bad will ever happen to them.
No. 2326668
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What are nonnies’ New Years plans this year?
No. 2327506
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The woman from the subway attack was identified today, here's some bits from the NYTimes article
>The police identified the woman as Debrina Kawam of Toms River, N.J. She was the victim of an apparently random attack captured in videos that showed her bracing herself against the doorway of an F train in Coney Island, her body engulfed by flames. Hours later, Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, the 33-year-old man accused of attacking Ms. Kawam, was charged with first-degree murder and arson.
>Public records seem to sketch a troubled life for Ms. Kawam. Municipal court records going back 20 years include dozens of minor cases against a Debrina Kawam in 14 cities and towns, up and down the Jersey Shore, in Jersey City and in the suburbs of New York. They include over 30 citations for public drinking and 10 for trespassing or disorderly conduct, as well as one for theft in Toms River in 2012 and one for passing a bad check in Clifton in 2008. The most recent offense, in July, was for public alcohol consumption in Atlantic City.
>Ms. Kawam appeared to have graduated from Passaic Valley Regional High School in Little Falls, N.J. Her yearbook entry from 1985 — illustrated with a photo of her with long, feathered hair — mentioned memories of freshman and sophomore cheerleading and trips to the shore. It listed her ambition as airline stewardess and said that her “secret ambition” was “to party forever.” In a senior poll, she was one of three girls voted “most punk.”
>At the address the police gave for Ms. Kawam in Toms River, a small gray one-story home in a sprawling retirement community that had been owned by the victim’s mother, a neighbor said that until the house was sold earlier this year, she would see an older woman and someone Ms. Kawam’s age coming and going.
>The older woman seemed to be taking care of the younger woman, who appeared disabled, and would lead her by the hand, said the neighbor, Valerie Waskiewicz.
>“I had the impression that the older woman had her hands full taking care of the younger woman,” she said.
>The authorities do not believe Ms. Kawam and Mr. Zapeta-Calil knew each other. She was already on the train when he boarded it in Queens, and they both rode to the end of the line in Coney Island, the official added, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity. People often sleep on subway trains in cold weather; the outside temperature on the morning Ms. Kawam was killed was 16 degrees.
No. 2327593
>>2327506I’m so glad they found out who she was. This is so sad and scary. Her life went to shit after the 2008 recession like many New Yorkers and her dads death probably just excarbated her problems. This shit is so scary because I often sleep on the subway when I used to have a longer commute. This could’ve been anyone I know or even me. I believe just yesterday or Sunday a 60 year old man was also set on fire at Penn station.
A few states over a 21 year old woman was leaving a dollar tree when a man threw liquid on her, lit a cigarette and set her on fire. She is currently in the ICU.
No. 2327660
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>>2327593A guy got shoved/ran over by a train in NYC today too
No. 2327808
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Happy New Year, anons. 2024 was very unkind to me. I'm a little scared of 2025.
No. 2327939
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At least 10 are dead and more than 30 injured in New Orleans after a truck plowed through the barricades and intentionally ran down New Years' revelers. Suspect NOT in custody.
There's probably going to be a lot of gruesome footage hitting social media..
No. 2328210
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>>2328200They are reporting recent divorce/custody battle
Malding failmale unleashed his rage on innocents as per usual
No. 2328648
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>Made a series of voice recordings as he drove to Louisiana.
>Talked about turmoil in family, divorce
>Discusses getting his family together for celebration so he could kill all of them.
>Over time, based on dreams of joining ISIS, changed plan to carry out attack in New Orleans.
Deplorable scrote piece of trash
No. 2328722
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>>2328648>gets divorced >converts to Islam >joins ISIS>kills at least 15 civiliansNever marry a moid because if you get divorced he could become a terrorist fyi
No. 2328728
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>>2328210Ok, but what are these movies starring submissive black men?
No. 2328732
>>2328722The DC shooter had a similar path I think. All of the shootings were to cover up his eventual killing of his wife and make it look like she was just another random
No. 2328782
>>2328770Given that it's New Year's I think this was just some retard wanting to flex his firecrackers and his rented meme vehicle
and not a terrorist attack or whatever.
No. 2328841
>>2328728Lmao based
>>2328745I wish more cyber trucks would catch ablaze. How the fuck are these legal along with the bright LED lights every car has nowadays? Our vehicle regulations are too lax and driving is almost as bad as our public transit nowadays.
No. 2328847
>>2328841yeah the fucking LED headlights are a legitimate issue
we can't even fix the dumbest shit in this country
No. 2328876
>>2326668move out, finish school, get a job, therapy, hiking?, maybe a friend group
>>2327660I swear to god, everything is going to shit
No. 2328889
>>2328648Can we just ban Islam? Not that it would have made shit any better. This guy was a misogynist scrote and clung to shitslam because it's a cancer religion.
Like we need mass moid exile. If they wanna be Muslim they have to go to a Muslim country.
And in return we get to rescue an Muslim woman
No. 2328929
>>2328721I did some research and feel better on the odds. The bad news is most likely it will mutate to humans eventually. Good news is the mortality rate prob won’t be as high as the initial testing reported since there’s been such a small sample size thus far and for the most severe of cases. More worried for the wildlife now but maybe they’ll build immunity. But for sure taking extra precautions around them now. I do feel like I’m part of the problem and got them sick. I like eating dino nuggies A LOT
>>2328740Me last year. Got my wish. Caught RSV instead
No. 2328946
>>2328942>>2328940>“No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” If they play this right, due to the support he's given the people charged for treason, that might be just enough? I don't know. I doubt something will happen, but could you imagine Kamala having to break the news that under that section, the united states is unable to acknowledge trump as president? That would be crazy.
No. 2328954
>>2328085>>2328107Hello fellow nola nonnies, sad day indeed. I heard they didn’t have the typical bollards up because they were replacing them for the superbowl? Why did he pick New Orleans of all places? From what I’ve seen, he has no connection to the city. Unless it’s the typical “city of debauchery/sin” thing. The causeway pileup and now this, on top of the usual shootings…please let this unlucky start to the year mean we’ll have a break for the rest of it.
Any of y’all know where they found the other bombs?
>>2328946What makes you think the dems will do anything about trump now despite sitting on their thumbs for years and doing nothing? That’d be awesome if that was the reason why they’ve been so quiet about the more suspicious aspects of his victory. But I seriously doubt it.
Maybe if we’re lucky, the next crazy guy will drive a truck through the White House correspondence dinner.
No. 2328960
>>2328954>Any of y’all know where they found the other bombs?Confirmed IED in his truck
Reports of IEDs planted in the area of the attack but those reports are unconfirmed, possibly debunked.
FBI is outside his house in Houston right now preparing to breach. They are evacuating the surrounding area. They believe there's lots of explosives in there
No. 2329372
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New footage of the Vegas cybertruck explosion revealed
No. 2329409
>>2328745>>2329372I hate that anything vaguely farted in the general direction of political figures is declared "terrorism." What destruction were fireworks in a cybertruck supposed to have caused? Clearly it was a turboautist renting a vehicle with munitions for NYE. It's common in Vegas for peasants to rent luxury vehicles for a few days so they can larp a lifestyle that they cannot have back at home. It was never that deep, nothing will come of this "terrorist" invenstigation.
Meanwhile they handle this shit
>>2328648 with kiddie play gloves. It took them until today to start calling this faggot and his clan terrorists.
No. 2329633
>>2329407Or maybe he was a Trump nutter parked in front of his favorite hotel in his favorite fuckboy's toy with a bunch of explosives for a very murrican celebration in Vegas (and yes they do use campfire gas to add to mortars for fireworks).
This whole thing is retarded.
No. 2329869
>>2329167Can you explain a little about this? Tried to look it up and I’m only finding an 80 dollar kindle book on it. Any other keywords to look up? Anyone interesting who explains it?
It seems like there are now a higher and more frequent amount of attacks on random targets/ targets not related to the
victims. It is spooking me and I was already spooked about going out in public before all of these incidents.
Do you guys think it’s just the news reporting on these things more often now?
No. 2329886
>>2329372Sad that someone was actually killed by this because this is just pathetic. They should have made sure everyone was out of the hotel and
then actually taken the entire thing down to prove a point. Most “revolutionary” men are somewhat retarded and not great people in general so I’m not surprised to see them typically fail at their attempts.
I’m sure Trump will use this “attack” on him to further fuel his rabid magats, and then eventually if people keep attacking him, use it to declare martial law. We are in for a wild four years, according to astrology kek.
No. 2330902
>>2328954I'm one of the new orleans nonnies and i really don't feel like going back to work. Not that I'm scared but i just saw the pictures of the
victims who have been identified so far and it made me so sad. Also Landry is a piece of shit, his gloating about still going to the sugar bowl made me want to throw my tv out the window, i fucking hate him so much.
No. 2331036
>>2329886he's not some radical revolutionary out to make a point. the
trigger was apparently just his wife leaving him a week earlier. much like how the New Orleans ISIS guy was also a divorcee. typical failmales. would rather kill themselves and everyone around them than just going to therapy.
No. 2331308
>>2331102Males convert to Islam because it gives them the chance to be
abusive towards women while using culture and religion as a shield. They get to live out their fantasies of having 4 assigned wives they can use as sex toys while also feeling useful for once in their pathetic lives because they can larp as the oppressed poor males with a holy mission. They're all sick. The women are massive pickmes and I view them on the same level as men since converts (but also some regular muslim women) tend to view all non-muslim women as dirty whores.
No. 2331325
>>2328684Every time. They are so emotional. I wish theyd kill themselves and do every single person a favor. fuck
>>2327939I went to New Orleans last year for the first time. it's a wonderful city with great people, but you can also see how much help they still need infrastructure wise since Katrina and covid. it's very sad.
No. 2331372
>>2321960i noticed lately on the internet india is largely viewed extremely negatively – scammers, rapists, unsafe, bad hygiene, dirty street food etc.
within the past few years its been more apparent on all social media, these kinds of topics. my entire view of that country is based on this perception now
No. 2331378
>>2331372Not saying India isn’t actually a hellscape for women, but I think it’s just a trend to shit on them now because Indians make the most money in the US out of any ethnicity. I wouldn’t take online seething as an accurate representation of the country/culture/people
>>2331308>They get to live out their fantasies of having 4 assigned wivesAndrew Tate core. I’m skeptical of any religious converts tbh, but especially for Islam, several of my female friends are ex-Muslim and I know they’ve gone through hell because of that
No. 2331420
>>2331308I still cannot understand why the fuck women cuck themselves into freely converting to shitslam. Are they just groomed into it and go in without realizing they will be treated worse than cattle?
I also am pissed about how Islam gets some sort of protection in Europe. It's not racist to think a religion is horrible. I don't hate someone because they are ethnically Arab or whatever. I do, however, view Islam apologists under the same umbrella of delusion as pitbull apologists.
No. 2331424
>>2331411I heard Afghanistan will actually be halfway decent to foreigners (i.e they provide goods and services to them for no charge or whatever). My theory is they are trying to lovebomb them to garner sympathy and ignore the fact that they live in religiously fueled gender apartheid.
Kind of how mormons will be nice to non mormons in an attempt to convert them.
No. 2331432
>>2322789West coast. Stay out of California cities they are third world shitholes (nice food but high chance of getting robbed). Pacific northwest is gorgeous. Hoh Rainforest in Washington is beautiful, Grand Canyon, Petrogyphs in New Mexico.
I also want to visit Glacier National Park in Montana. Obviously if you are going north from your balmy swamp, get warm clothes.
>I've never been outside of FloridaI'm sorry….
No. 2335996
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>NEW YORK (AP) — In an extraordinary turn, a judge Friday set President-elect Donald Trump’s sentencing in his hush money criminal case for Jan. 10 — little over a week before he’s due to return to the White House — but indicated he wouldn’t be jailed.
>Manhattan Judge Juan M. Merchan, who presided over Trump’s trial, signaled in a written decision that he’d sentence the former and future president to what’s known as an unconditional discharge, in which a conviction stands but the case is closed without jail time, a fine or probation.
>Rejecting Trump’s push to dismiss the verdict and throw out the case on presidential immunity grounds and because of his impending second term, Merchan wrote that only “bringing finality to this matter” would serve the interests of justice.
>He said he sought to balance Trump’s ability to govern, “unencumbered” by the case, against other interests: the U.S. Supreme Court’s July ruling on presidential immunity and the public’s expectation “that all are equal and no one is above the law,” and the importance of respecting a jury verdict.
>Trump lashed out at Merchan on his Truth Social platform Friday, writing that it “would be the end of the Presidency as we know it” if the judge’s ruling is allowed to stand.
>Trump takes office Jan. 20 as the first former president to be convicted of a crime and the first convicted criminal to be elected to the office.The Republican was found guilty in May of 34 counts of falsifying business records.
>The conviction left Trump, 78, facing the possibility of punishment ranging from a fine or probation to up to four years in prison. His sentencing initially was set for last July 11, then postponed twice at the defense’s request.
>The hush money case was the only one of Trump’s four criminal indictments to go to trial.
No. 2336067
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The husband of a senator refused to shake the hand of Kamala, during his wife’s ceremony. The old moid couldn’t even be cordial enough to shake her hand for a couple seconds. He ruined his wife’s moment for what.
No. 2336118
>>2336085The hatred for her is insane, but not suprising. At least this will be Trump's last time in office, but what happens next is uncertain
>>2336094Probably did it to make sure the convicted felon name sticks. With no penalties its the same as walking away scott free anyway
No. 2336150
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Happy Jan 6 everyone! He can run but he can’t hide kek
No. 2336292
>>2336118Merchan said so - whatever happens, Trump is and will always be a convicted felon.
Personally, I'm hoping for an enormous fine. Money is the only thing he really cares about. He can't even pay the fine the Southern District of NY levied on him for artificially inflating his property values, which is how Elon Musk was able to buy him.
No. 2336531
>>2336507I blame the literal decades of moid propaganda telling the US that ugly fat old men are actually peak masculine health and attractiveness. Also, I think there's an association in the US of wealth and success to masculinity. More wealthy = more manly, even if the man is flamboyant as hell. Thanks to old tv shows and a lot of American's inability to recognize signs of real wealth, too many also think he's actually a successful businessman even though he bankrupted a casino.
I also blame this country's endemic levels of daddy issues in men and internalized misogyny in women. Trump himself is a byproduct of long unresolved daddy issues.
No. 2336546
>>2336531Am I the only one who thinks our country should be led by in shape jocks aged 40-60?
Not bullies, not dweebs/nerds. Jocks. Jocks ran the schools, they should run the country. They are well liked, social, a non bully jock would be empathetic and try to uplift everyone who crossed his path. You get an empathetic but strong willed, intelligent jock, and you have a recipe for a strong yet benevolent leader.
No. 2336827
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>>2331424Afghanis have been known for their hospitality towards foreigners since the '60s. It used to be common for hippies to hitch-hike from Europe to either India or Thailand while spending as little money as possible. Afghanistan was one of the most popular places to stop, partly because of the locals hospitality, but mostly because they had weed.
No. 2337067
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So he's going to Greenland on a "long personal day trip" in the winter? I hope his dumbass tries to repeat the same dumbass shit his dad said. Then gets "lost" in the tundra.
No. 2337479
>>2337043All porn or just the mainstream porn sites?
While I'm glad irl porn is being banned I worry about the drawn stuff being pulled in. I draw a lot of Sonic yaoi and I don't want to go to prison for it.
No. 2337678
>>2337479NTA but porn isn’t banned. It’s age restricted and requires verification. Pornhub banned themselves by pulling out service of that region since they don’t want the liability of having to verify their users are adults with a
valid Id.
No. 2337794
>>2337703Texas has bounty hunter laws where people can get paid 10k to rat you out for leaving the state to abort your vegetable baby.
Literal christcuck dystopia
No. 2338495
nonnie…. he's the funnyman making epic owns at the libs….. nothing happened in 2016 so n-nothing's going to happen now!
No. 2338499
>>2338054LA being on actual fire is new. LA being figurative dumpster fire is not
Although tbh I prefer LA to most cities in the US. Any fire is more exciting to watch than the equivalent of drying paint
No. 2338721
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Is Trump just trolling?
No. 2338738
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>>2338721He is speedrunning Fallout backstory.
No. 2338743
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Help in burning to a crisp send Erewhon
No. 2338897
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>>2338866I'm so sorry to hear that. My area is prone to fires as well so I'm keeping an eye out. I feel so bad because a lot of old people are trapped in their homes and can't get out. I'm listening to radio transmissions and there are two old ladies trapped in their house right now.
No. 2339231
>>2335996>unconditional dischargejust a fancy way of saying that he's getting off scott free. Amerinonnies, you will probably never cross paths with me. But as a New England Amerinonny, I hope something actually good and beneficial happens to us for once. Us, the people on the ground, directly. Not "deportations" or "no trans people in bathrooms", like actually something that's going to make our lives easier, like higher wages, or lower grocery costs, or a new public transportation program, jesus christ, even a fucking stimmy would be nice. I hope with all my heart we get some kind of mercy. And if not, I hope all of these old fuckers die.
No. 2339322
>>2339236i just woke up today to find out my dad's house burnt down in the eaton fire and it's devastating as this has been a crazy year for me personally. i lost my mother to cancer earlier in 2024 and now this happens, it's awful. it's like a never ending stream of absolute bullshit. i was so hopeful that the flames would miss his home but he was way up close to the canyon, right up against the mountain, so realistically there was just no way his house would survive and we're going to go out there tomorrow to see just how bad it is. altadena is gone, everything just gone. the aldi, the post office, pretty much every neighborhood, it's all burnt to a crisp.
i'm watching it all unfold with various livestreams and it literally looks like a bomb went off in the city. i'm living in venice beach so the worst that has happened for me so far has been power and internet issues but that's it. i have no idea how we're going to recover from this…so much history went up in flames this past day. i can't even believe how malibu looks; it's like an apocalypse. i'm just glad my dad and his family were able to get out in time as they had to pack at 3 in the morning due to how quickly the winds were pushing the flames from the mountains. i don't have my car at the moment but if i did i would have gone out there the moment they said their power went out at about 9-10 pm because i was scared they would get trapped. in fact a few people did end up getting trapped and dying in the eaton fire. it's awful, just awful.
>>2339316nta but i'm in venice close to marina del rey. your friend should be fine but we had a power outage in a few areas closer to abbott kinney and the marina last night. she may not have gotten her power restored yet as it's taking up to 48 hours to get everyone back up. the city is really strapped for resources.
No. 2339345
>>2339322I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's house, that's really scary.
I hope you and your family stay safe.
No. 2339359
>>2339356Yeah I voted for harris. While I dislike the biden administration and think our current 2 party system is destroying our country, nothing is worse than Trump. He's just accelerating our countries downfall by selling us to the highest bidder.
At least Harris might have told Musk to fuck off and not pushed to make STEM jobs slavery.
No. 2339593
>>2339570it could be anything anon, it's way too early to tell at this point. with the woodley fire i believe there was footage of a transformer blowing up, and you could see flames spreading quickly after that so who knows. there are so many poorly maintained power lines in these areas, on top of the fact that we had sustained winds above 40+ mph near canyons and passes, lots of dried out vegetation from previous storms, and already strained resources. plus your usual jackasses flinging cigarette butts and pyromaniacs walking around looking for a thrill.
people were saying the firetrucks were just driving up and down streets because the flames were spreading so fast they couldn't keep up with them. it was the perfect cocktail for shit to hit the fan and it did. my dad sent me the video of the remains of his house this evening and you can't even tell a house used to be there. it's just a bunch of ashes and brick with the skeleton of his burnt out vw van in the driveway. there's literally nothing left of the neighborhood; everything around them also burnt down. it's crazy to think but the winds shifted overnight to the southeast, so they essentially pushed all the embers into flatter and lower laying areas which would normally be spared any other time. honestly these winds have been the worst i've ever seen in a long while. especially closer to the mountains, it was like being in a tornado or a hurricane. there was really no way these fires could have been contained in situations like this. unfortunately it isn't helping that the mayor went to ghana and still hasn't showed up yet as far as i know. there's going to be so much finger pointing and whining when this is all over and i'm really not in the mood.
No. 2340156
>>2338897Cali just didnt give a shit. I keep listening to the stories about the firefighters/station being defunded. Prisoners are the only ones helping right now, getting paid $5-$10 a day.
It's a mess. Why wasnt the dry bush dealt with and managed before the fires? They know they are a dry and drought ridden state, and yet they didnt do shit to manage or prevent it. It makes me so sad thinking of the working class and elderly or disabled who cant leave or have no where to go. I really hope Cali can recover from this, but it seems so grim
No. 2340224
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>>2340221because I can. are you confused by jolly and joy expressed through language, newfag?
(infighting/integrate) No. 2340238
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>>2339570>>2340218I didn't want to think it but its pretty convenient that LA is having the 2028 Olympics and there's a fire razing part of it.
No. 2340247
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Trump was sitting next to Obama at Jimmy Carter's funeral and turned to him and said something that made him laugh, I need to know what the hell was being said here kek
No. 2340305
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>>2340265She used to date the ken doll guy but he's uglier. Not even a matter of aesthetics although his vision sucks, he just had a horrible base to start.
No. 2340311
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>>2340305>>2340224What is the point of posting these anymore? Every troon and their dad filters their pics to look this way, Valeria was just a photoshop nerd before it was cool. Post real pics or gtfo (and I think she is pretty as a human). I can only find this one
No. 2340336
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>>2340311She was drop dead gorgeous when she looked normal. It's insane.
No. 2340398
>>2340315So you think every resident of LA are CSA distributors and offenders? Except the janitors?
No. 2340418
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I just found out my health insurance was a total scam and didn’t cover my emergency gall bladder removal or hospital stay associated with that. I’m in such a state of shock and all I can think of is how much I hate this fucking system that and feeling extra gratitude for Luigi’s sacrifice today I’m about to call the hospital and plead for any assistance I can get wish me luck nonnas
No. 2340446
>>2340156>Why wasnt the dry bush dealt with and managed before the fires?there really isn't any way to deal with it unless you plan on somehow artificially changing the state's natural landscape through some kind of geo-engineering. the fire department used to do controlled burns in certain areas, then the environmentalists whined about carbon emissions and that squirrels were dying and shit. then at one point the government floated the idea of having goats and sheep munching their way through the hills, but coyotes and mountain lions were snatching them up, and cattle farmers didn't want them competing with their livestock so that went absolutely nowhere as well.
plus this is a constant cycle with us: we have heavy rainstorms during el nino years, and then during the dry la nina period, fires happen. rinse and repeat. really people shouldn't be building homes in fire-prone areas like the santa monica mountains, but there's only so much you can do and if they're willing to risk it, all you can do is shrug and say good luck and hope they either have good insurance or enough money to rebuild. if it wasn't fires, it's earthquakes, so it's like, pick your poison. and sadly in this situation, like with altadena, the winds pushed the embers 2-3 miles away from where the fires were, so everything below the mountains ended up getting burnt. no one could have prepared for that in any way.
No. 2340500
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I know it doesn't compare to the situation in Cali but it is so fucking cold in the northeast right now.
No. 2340535
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Kamala "You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore" Harris
No. 2340611
audacity to do this on live TV instead of just admitting there's a problem.
No. 2340620
>>2340612Maybe an NC nonna can speak more about this, but the Republicans in the NC government have basically taken most of the governor's power away, and threats drove FEMA out. One worker was fired for supposedly saying not to visit homes with Trump signs, but she defended herself by saying she had been told to do that by higher-level officials because there had been so many violent threats against FEMA workers. The cops in the area were supposedly doing shady things, too, like stealing aid. Unfortunately, these natural disasters are being heavily politicized by bad actors - just look at the nonna who keeps posting about Karen Bass being in Ghana when she just had a press conference this morning in LA, or the lunacy Trump posts about stolen water. We have to take care of ourselves. If you live in an area with even the most remote chance of a natural disaster, make sure you're ready for it. Have a plan to evacuate and secure your family, pets, and property.
No. 2340625
>>2340418Talk to the social workers at the hospital. They can help you get Medicaid to cover it if you qualify. I had to do the same for the exact same surgery, lol. I had an emergency removal only a few months after I was dropped from my parent's insurance for being too old.
BTW it's not "Obamacare," silly nonna. It's the Affordable Care Act. It sucks, but it's better than 100k of medical debt from an emergency surgery in your 20s.
No. 2340635
>>2340409I get you’re doing a haha but I don’t even live in LA and I’m concerned for what strange weather we’ve been having. If it happens to barge in through your door be sure to shame yourself for living in the wrong place
>>2340620Asheville wasn’t originally a natural disaster risk especially not for flooding but yes if you’re even close to a high risk zone these days I think it would be prudent to plan up an evacuation plan
No. 2340663
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>>2340620WNC anon here. Yes we still have people in tents and temporary shelters from Helene. The Biden administration stated that 100% of costs from Helene would be covered in the first six months, it isn’t really an issue of funding. Governor Stein issued multiple executive orders related to the recovery effort which include formalization of recovery committees and continued help in rebuilding roads and bridges. This was prevented originally due to cuts in the relief bill originally passed before Christmas as it prevented the government from hiring contractors to do many of the repairs.
Helene was describe as a once in a thousand year storm. This area was known for being a safe haven from the worst effects of climate change which is ironic. Less than 10% of homeowners here had flood insurance. I really can’t overstate how devastating it was to the area. Recovery has been inhibited but not really due to shady local government dealings. It feels like most people just don’t really care.
reposted due to wording No. 2340685
>>2340606Biden actually recently passed new EPA regulations that banned lead pipes and mandated all lead pipes in the US be identified and replaced within 10 years and gave $2.6B in funding for the replacement project. So hopefully issues like Flint would be less likely to occur in the future.
He's an old fart and should've stepped down sooner but I firmly believe the Biden-Harris admin was sabotaged by the media who were all rooting for Trump. They did a lot of good stuff like that and I swear to god none of it was seemingly ever reported on in the media.
No. 2340816
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>>2340731A little update- I did file the paper work for their financial assistance today. Things sound good so far according to the lady on the phone I talked to but I’m not going to be able to relax for a while.
Also I want to explain just to warn anyone else who might be in this situation- my insurance was literally 100% a scam. I was recommended an insurance broker from a trusted family member. I called the broker and the broker sold me a plan, he assured me it would cover all my needs as “a healthy young person.” Everything was fine until I needed emergency surgery and a multiple day hospital stay. It turns out my plan was actually never a health insurance plan at all. He sold me something called an “indemnity insurance” plan which is best for only covering preventative care. This was never explained to me, nor did he tell me it was not a health insurance plan.
I didn’t know any better, and this broker absolutely took advantage of that fact. I’m putting this out there to say if any
nonny has gotten their insurance through a broker or salesperson- PLEASE look into the details of your plan and what it actually covers. This completely blindsided me and now I could potentially be god knows how much in debt because of it. The insurance industry is scammy from top to bottom, check and triple check everything you think you have.
No. 2340818
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>>2340816>It turns out my plan was actually never a health insurance plan at all. He sold me something called an “indemnity insurance” plan which is best for only covering preventative care.That would be such an awful feeling anon, I hope your assistance comes through. The worst part is how you guys have to deal with this when you're sick and feeling your worst, even when it's not a scam
No. 2340822
nonny <3 The crazy thing is I went through 3 weeks of gallbladders attacks (similar to childbirth or kidney stones in terms of pain) because I was scared of any sort of medical debt even though I thought I had insurance. For those 3 weeks I literally had no life, my existence was just laying on a heating pad or doing weird stretches trying to alleviate the pain. This whole experience has just affirmed my fear of hospitalization and medical debt so much more. Sincerely fuck the American medical insurance system, may it one day be torn down into the ground.
No. 2341550
>>2341238There’s no power for miles but I’m still on lolcow kek
But in all seriousness, seeing all my peers/friends/family go through this and lose their entire livelihoods while retards on Twitter are doing their le fuck capitalism is making me want to do something that’ll land me on national news kek. everyone I know who’s being fucked over are wagie/poor black and brown people who live in rent controlled apartments like the other nona said (including myself). I swear I’m gonna celebrate so hard when tik tok is dead and gone because it’s made people so retarded
No. 2341570
>>2341537Most of the rich people aren't even Californian to begin with.
There's something pretty shitty over people jerking off over Californians stuck in the fire because some rich fuck transfer from
their state decided to be annoying online.
No. 2341591
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>>2341577Me too nonni. some of my favorite fun spots to visit got all fucked up by the fire. I dont live near the affected areas but i was worried this whole time the fire would get the Getty villa and Getty. Those two museums have so many fun memories for me and portably a shit ton of other so-Californians, it made me so sad at the mere idea of losing them. I know they’re safe now but the thought of them covered in ash makes me upset.
No. 2341775
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Fires are so scary.
No. 2341802
>>2341583Fellow FL anon?
It's supposed to go down in temp again and i'm happy it will be consistently cold for a couple of weeks.
No. 2341982
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No. 2342046
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>>2342020The video of the man crying to the police that his dogs are in his house and he's riding a bicycle because he was at work is killing me. He's begging the police to let him through because no one is there and they are locked in his house. So glad he got them! I'm thinking about a lot of cats who don't have the strength to break down doors.
>>2342038I'm so glad your house is safe at least. Just try to keep a mask on when needed and stuff. I'm so sorry.
No. 2343329
>>2343237The way they brush off their behavior is also disgusting. I see it only on 4chan and it pisses me off so much.
Like, I saw a thread on /co/ that was clearly, VERY CLEARLY, sfw art of little children that was bordering on outright erotica and the girls were super realistically drawn and clearly sexualized, and the guys there were like
>uh, it's ART, we are appreciating ART, there are nothing weird going on, maybe it's you are a pedophile for noticing things that are clearly there, huh??? Huh???Or when you say that their shit is disgusting and they should go jump off a bridge they go like
>oh, so just appreciating little children is abbherent but wanting people to die is not? Maybe you are mentally ill then? Huh??? You psycho, wishing death on peopleAnd so on and so forth. I noticed this very specific shit where they post like they just find it "cute and wholesome" and completely clueless and paint you as a weirdo and a fanatical pedohunter.
No. 2343930
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Peach rings
Sour patches
Lifesaver gummies changed my life
No. 2343956
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TN nonnies, do you like where you live? Pros and cons? My family has been priced out of where we’ve lived for 30+ years and a lot of them ended up in TN.
No. 2343981
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>>2343956I think I’m being priced out of where i live. It sucks being born and raised in a popular city. Seeing transplants live better lives than me has me cooped up in my room most days. I googled apartments In my neighborhood and they want $1500 for a room. Not even your own place but a room. Studios used to cost that much and by the time I worked to afford it studios now cost the price of a 2 bedroom. I might have to leave the country altogether or just take up squatting
No. 2344096
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>>2343614Not sure if they have, but picrel. Most US candy is memed garbage.
No. 2344175
>>2343981I relate so much nona. What's crazy is my city wasn't even popular until covid, it used to be quite cheap but so many people moved here at that time that I'm completely priced out. Currently live with my parents and I'm almost 30… My mom has health problems and I help her, I have no privacy here because my parents are "Our house our rules" so they don't even let my fiancé stay over. It would be amazing if I could have a place nearby so I could help my mom out when she needs but I can't afford anything in the whole fucking state at this point. My fiancé lives with his mom to save money and I
could move in with him but his mom has a boundary problem and can get very disrespectful. Fuck everybody who decided to price out the locals here.
No. 2344324
>>2344306Lol as if, tiktok is
literally Chinese spyware, that isn't some boomer schizo tinfoil. On top of that, it's got a ton of pedos and underage content, it's tough to constantly regulate and ban all the porn posted. People acting like the ban of tiktok is damning us all haven't been paying attention to the fact that all other sites have already been deliberately destroyed and monopolized. You can argue "all apps are Spyware, so what?" but given the fact that China has really been testing its boundaries with the US, the tariffs, the Chinese drones, etc no it isn't a good idea for them to have so much American data.
No. 2344372
>A California man whose two cats died after drinking raw milk recalled for bird flu risk says he meant to keep his beloved pets healthy, but his efforts tragically backfired.
>“It’s horrible when you realize that you’re the one that actually gave them the milk that killed them,” said Joseph Journell, 56, of San Bernardino.
>Journell lost his 14-year-old tabby, Alexander, and Tuxsie, a 4-year-old tuxedo cat, in late November. A third cat, 4-year-old Big Boy, was hospitalized for a week before tests showed the animal was infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus.
>Big Boy returned home blind and without the use of his back legs, though he is recovering, Journell said. A fourth cat, Cleo, didn’t drink the milk and remained healthy.
>Richard Webby, an influenza expert at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, said flu virus survival likely varies widely in different lots of milk. Experts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention previously confirmed that cats that drank raw milk from infected cows developed neurological disease and died.
>Nearly a dozen cats in California have died since early December after consuming raw milk or raw pet food contaminated with bird flu, health officials have said.
I'll be honest I wasn't even thinking about people and pets who drink raw milk with this whole bird flu thing going on
No. 2346351
>>2346334Cookie Monster PJ pants girl! I haven't thought about her in a while
She was in my friend circle until she dropped out of school, everyone was still cool with her but just kinda lost connection with her once she started doing whatever post-dropout stuff people do
Her socials from then haven't been updated since, so no clue what she's up to now
Thanks for the sudden nostalgia lol
No. 2348100
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I'm worried about the H1B visa situation, nonas. And of course every photo I see of people standing around in lines it's always only MEN.
No. 2348143
>>2348079I think you mistook mormons with amish. Mormons have zero rational behind their creepy misogynist cult. At least Amish/Mennonites are crunchy butter worshippers.
Also what
>>2348116 said. Mormons cucked themselves out of every vice except sugar. They have a weird ass soda pop culture too (yes I know soda has caffiene in it, it was originally forbidden untill mitt romney or some shit).
Mormons are also HUGE shills. The women HAVE to be influencers because otherwise they have to rely on their deadbeat husbands who generally fail at being workaholic paypigs.
>t. has a lot of experience with both mormons and amish/mennonites. Amish/Mennonites are far superior to mormons by a long shot. I have hated every single mormon I have ever met. No. 2348157
>>2348147Maybe they are different when they are urban. But my rural mormon neighbors farm next to me and I have to tard wrangle them to not till on my land every harvest season. They also leave trash everywhere, destroyed my wild asparagus, and have picked my flowers. Also the patriarch told me my place was in the kitchen and lets his horrible dogs run around my property where I keep small animals so I pray that he dies every night.
The mennonites I know just work in my local food group and keep to themselves, they are also available to build high quality shit for you if you need it.
No. 2348206
>>2348116Sometimes their specialty flavors are good. But you should view them as cakes instead of cookies and modify your expectations accordingly. Their basic cookie with frosting and chocolate chip cookies are nasty af.
>>2348143Eugh. The amish supposedly have massive incest and child abuse issues in their communities though. Due to their incredibly insular nature.
No. 2348269
>>2347988I'm literally obese and I wouldn't. I'm a fat fuck and I still kinda care about calories, and it's just absurd how many calories just one cookie is, and they don't even look like cookies, they just look like other types of pasteries which defeats the purpose.
>then why are you fat nonnaPCOS and terrible depression
No. 2348410
>>2348400Why are we talking about India I thought we were talking about America?
>>2348404Dying of cancer from McDonalds >>>> europoors imo
No. 2348524
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new presidental portrait
No. 2348525
>>2348524Are they
trying to make him look like an evil villain?
No. 2348528
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>>2348525He looks demented compared to his previous portrait
No. 2348553
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>>2348528I will never forgive America for this. We could’ve at least had some eye candy while our rights went to shit
No. 2348716
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>>2348524who took these for real? ugly as fuck
No. 2348963
>>2348553I need her… best veep. she's still my waifu
>>2348716Did like nobody else want to take these photos what is this im crying
No. 2349155
>>2349088>>2348798>>2348718>>2348716>>2348728>Those are the hands of a sinister bisexual man.KEK Truer words were never spoken.
Nonas were simping for
this? Ugh. He's got a horrendous case of alcy bloat or filler pillowface to me.
No. 2349187
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Lynch was probably the most important American director since the 1960’s, I hope as he was dying he felt how loved he was by the world around him
No. 2349215
>>2349187I'd read somewhere that he was already unable to walk, had to leave his home due to the wildfires, and then got increasingly worse after.
Fucking RIP to a legend. His weather reports were a real bright spot for me during COVID. If you can believe it, it's nearly Friday yet again.
No. 2349282
>>2349187I'm not an amerifag but I just want to pay respects
I remember how eagerly I waited for new Twin Peaks episodes as they aired in my country way back when
RIP to a global icon of American culture
No. 2349311
>>2349292I'll totally watch and praise anything you directed if it's good, no need to be bitter
You are the American culture culture of today, anons. C'mon, gove me something better than Lynch did. I'll gladly embrace it.
No. 2349328
>>2349311kek don't tell them that their favorite artists/directors/musicians/politicans have likely done equally shady shit in the context of their personal lives and haven't been doxxed yet. kamala fags ITT very into "mai waifu" but don't give a shit about anything she did as a prosecutor. doesn't matter as long as you're fuckable, i guess.
>>2348524looks AI generated.
No. 2349355
>>2349342Again, I will watch the fuck out of anything you create that makes Lynch look like shit-from-a-butt-ass
Throw us a link here when you make it
I'll be your number one fan
No. 2349372
>>2349361American culture used to be mind-blowing media
Now American culture is reeeeeing on the Internet
Such a devolution of culture
In importance, aesthetics, everything
No. 2349379
>>2349206Apparently he quit smoking in 2022, but the damage was done. Really sucks, because I was hoping Lynch would live a lot longer. Did not expect him to die so soon. 2025 is off to a shit start with the wildfires, the election, and now this.
>>2349215Going to miss him. Kyle Maclanlan who played a lot of his mcs made a post on IG about him.
No. 2349397
>>2349388American culture is dead because you lot aren't doing shit except complaining on the internet
No. 2349416
>>2349404I will not leave you alone, I will forcekiss your forehead like I do with my cat
>>2349406I will be perfectly honest, American literature sucks. Your forte is movies.
No. 2349424
>>2349422I'll cry about you too anon
You sweet soul
No. 2349426
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>>2349187Kyle Maclachlan’s tribute to Lynch
No. 2349476
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>>2348524Did he reuse his mug shot pose?
No. 2349525
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Trump threatens to hold LA fire funding hostage. I can't with this subhuman
No. 2349594
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Trump has appointed Mel Gibson, Jon Voight, and Stallone as his official “Ambassadors of Hollywood” kek! Apparently their duty, according to Trump, is to bring back the golden age of Hollywood. I understand choosing guys who are super famous but wouldn’t you choose guys who are a little younger? Like 30s to 40s, not elderly?
No. 2349617
>>2349600Eh I don’t know
nonny, I remember in 2015 everyone thought he would turn America into Nazi Germany by 2020 here we are now and I gotta feeling his next presidential term is gonna be kind of underwhelming too. What I’m really curious about is who’s going to take his place next?
No. 2349632
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I feel like he's just doing this to make him look like the savior of TikTok. Unfortunately trumpies have short term memory and might eat it up anyway.
>WASHINGTON (AP) — TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is expected to attend Donald Trump’s inauguration and be granted a prime seating location on the dais as the president-elect’s national security adviser signals that the incoming administration may take steps to “keep TikTok from going dark.”
>During a previous interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier, Waltz said the president-elect is exploring options to “preserve TikTok” after being asked about a report from The Washington Post that said Trump was considering an executive order to suspend enforcement of the law.
>Trump’s push to keep the social media platform from being banned comes as some Democrats are pressing outgoing President Joe Biden to do the same. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said he spoke with Biden on Thursday to advocate for extending the deadline to ban TikTok.
>Democrats had tried on Wednesday to pass legislation that would have extended the deadline, but Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas blocked it. Cotton, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that TikTok has had ample time to find a buyer.
>“TikTok is a Chinese Communist spy app that addicts our kids, harvests their data, targets them with harmful and manipulative content, and spreads communist propaganda,” Cotton said.
No. 2349640
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>>2349594He's brainrotted from nostalgia. Get ready for more schneiders and epsteins! I swear to god, somehow at the end of his term he'll be more hated than bush was
No. 2349878
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i can't wait for the shitstorm it's going to cause when Americans start using Chinese social media. the screencaps in the Luigi thread are already sending me
>what does "raw next question" mean?
fucking KEK
No. 2349952
>>2349878I unironically didn't know what that means. Found an article where moids complained the statement made them feel objectified.
Every day I become more and more of a misandrist
No. 2349976
>>2349971It's all over tiktok
>>2186786 much more than vine
No. 2350501
>>2349988Exactly. it's disingenuous crap.
>>2350490They can do both. If someone 'needs' tiktok to run their business, they are doing it wrong. I don't know why so many americans try to defend tiktok.
No. 2350581
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>>2350501>>2350510i can't wait for tiktok to be gone. nothing will properly replace it, the normies will just return to their previously occupied social media spaces and the zoomers will take over Chinese social media.
i don't think it's going to go the way China hope it will
No. 2350597
>>2350592i never said China is the enemy, i just said that the popularity shift is not going to go as they probably hope it will.
also you type like english is your second language, but uh thanks for the input fellow American
No. 2350619
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No. 2350955
>>2350824>the only criterionThat's merit then. Legit question, what do you think merit means?
>>2350881A racist Nazi dogwhistle is not just a term for something you personally dislike. I know this is going to be a new concept to you, but words have meanings.
No. 2350960
>>2348716 Me and my girlfriend were actually laughing so fucking hard last night over how chopped he looks. wtf lol with his dick sucking lips too…. Why is he hitting the pixar pose too. Kamala mogs him to death
>>2350950I doubt trump even cares about immigration (you can tell with how flip floppy he is whenever one of his billionaire buddies likes immigration). I miss the obama era, politics felt like politics even when they were messy. Now grifters run our government. le sighhhh
No. 2350961
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>>2350950that's not because of either of their actions. the trend on immigration has been to continue increasing since 1965. there were less migrants under obama because his presidency occurred earlier. there were also less migrants under trump than there were under biden. at least trump restricted immigration from the worst places.
No. 2351008
>>2350975Gainesville, FL has the widest variety of great restaurants. Like individual cities may have a single better restaurant, but the availability in that city is insane. Worst food scene is in New Hampshire. Nothing good resides there.
>>2350998Yes. 1000%. This is the only place I've ever been that manages to make pizza taste bad.
No. 2351024
>>2350991Yeah. It boggles my mind how conservatives fall for the same bullshit every election cycle.
I agree, establishment dems fucking suck shit. However, they do occasionally deliver crumbs, unlike the faggot conservatives who literally just dig us deeper and try to make us more of a third world country.
Why the FUCK would a business faggot like Trump want LESS illegals? He LOVES them because they are basically slave labor. He just will tell you he hates illegals because he knows that's what people want to hear. He doesn't deliver shit except more tax cuts for his fucking crooked wall street criminal buddies
The dumb shit conservatives are just repeating Reagan. More taxes on their social security until it's gone. I can't stand these fucking retards.
No. 2351143
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A former CIA analyst pleaded guilty to leaking classified documents about Israel’s preparations to attack Iran late-last year, according to the Department of Justice.
Asif William Rahman had been employed by the CIA since 2016 and held a top secret security clearance with access to sensitive compartmented information, some of the most sensitive information within the US government.
Beginning in the spring of 2024, the Department of Justice said Rahman repeatedly accessed and printed classified information, taking them to his home and altering them in an attempt to conceal their source. Rahman then shared the top-secret information with multiple people who were not authorized to receive it, the department said. No. 2351211
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>>2350975St. Louis style pizza is really good (P.S it's not called "tavern style" smh)
No. 2351253
>>2351226Because for a lot of people it's been how we've been able to showcase the atrocities in countries and the fact we know the US government doesn't like that and that's why they want it gone. It's stop communication and videos on one of the biggest apps during a time where he's basically reenacting Hitler's first steps. We have other platforms, but the point is that he's so buddy-buddy with people like Zuckerbitch and Elon who both own two other massive video platforms that can, and will, limit free speech even when they say they won't. Refusing to correct wrongful and harmful disinformation alone is an issue to help make all these credible posts as illegitimate as possible.
It was never just about silly videos.
No. 2351311
>>2351297That's not what I was implying.
>>2351298I really do think that to be able to vote, one should have to pass a literacy test beforehand.
No. 2351574
>>2351565Tik tok is not even comparable to vine since vine only allowed you 6 seconds to say anything . You can talk for up to
10 minutes on tik tok and even go live. They are not the same thing and further shows you should download the app before it gets banned to see what you missed out on.
No. 2351622
>>2351553lmao im from LA. its absolutely not. im looking at 1bd apts where i'll be working and its like maximum 1100 euro. that's nothing.
a 1bd in LA is literally 2500-3600 dollars rn.
No. 2351643
>>2350975Worst pizza?
Someone posted a photo of altoona pizza and it looks like the kind of pizza they serve in hell
I'm not posting it, look it up for yourself.
No. 2351654
>>2351645Damn really? I saw some nice looking houses in Oklahoma for $300k and they were
big. $300k in my city is gonna get you a 1 bedroom that needs a lot of upgrading in the shitty part of town.
No. 2351671
>>2351213As long as those parasites stay in wherever-the-fuck Michigan and their traumatized daughters can flee to other states when they realize there's no sharia law forcing them to marry their
abusive cousin I don't give a fuck.
Although, it's a crying shame America tolerates that shit anywhere. I hope there are a lot of domestic violence shelters nearby so the wives can escape if their chimpslam scrote gets too handsy.
No. 2352415
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>>2352099Our minimum wage is 10.70. When I worked at McDonald’s here I made 15 here, so it’s comparable to most other states. I’d say 300k is cheap when you’re in the middle of the state capital with multiple bedrooms, and a good sized backyard
No. 2352516
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I can understand non-Americans caring about the election since it effects them as well, but healthcare denials have zero effect on anyone outside of the US, so why would Chinese people care about this?
I also remember seeing some brits freaking out back during the whole roe v wade thing which also makes no sense since it has no impact on their lives at all kek
No. 2352533
>>2352516We export a ton of culture abroad, our netizens take up a ton of virtual space, many countries force their kids to take English courses as a requirement alongside their own national language courses. Thus many non-American knows about all our disfunctions.
Meanwhile embarrassingly large amounts of Americans are very insular that they're shocked upon learning that other countries have… skyscrapers and grocery stores.
No. 2352540
>>2352533Ayrt. Im not surprised by non-Americans KNOWING about the assasination. I just dont understand why they care.
United Healthcare denying insurance has no effect on anyone outside the US or even anyone who doesnt use United Healthcare, so they have no reason to care. My family uses Cigna, so anything involving united healthcare has no effect on me. Hence, why I never cared.
No. 2352558
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>Non-americans shitting up the thread again
I tire of you people more and more. Go away
No. 2352565
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>>2352558To use this thread we should have to upload pictures of our drivers' licenses to confirm that we are American. I'll go first.
No. 2352709
>>2352415Am I the only one that thinks this is still a nuts price for having virtually no yard? Are we really supposed to accept these prices when stuff like
>>2351667 (flipping a 70k home for over a mill) is the cause of this? Like it's ok for the
current market since a home like that would be 600k by me but 255k+ is still bs. That place is also falling apart and looks like a dump.
No. 2352745
>>2352709When I was a kid my grandparents used to always complain that back in their childhoods they could go to the store with 50 cents and come back home with a bag of chips, a chocolate bar, and a can of soda pop. They always resented the fact that as time marches on, prices inflate and the value of a dollar decreases. It's similar to the housing situation now. A lot of people are stuck on home prices from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. $255k for a ~1900 sq ft. home in a city with nearly 1 million residents is a pretty good price by today's standards.
>That place is also falling apart and looks like a dump.I have no idea how you can see a picture of that house and think that it's falling apart or that it's a dump.
No. 2352788
>>2352540>I don't understand why they carefor the same reason we care about abhorrent shit going on overseas. Like, we aren't involved in afghanistan anymore but we are still disgusted by the taliban.
Its kind of weird that you have this "fuck you ive got mine" attitude. It's part of why life has become increasingly difficult for young people when their parents/grandparents had a much easier time getting a house/family at their age.
That's great that you weren't insured under united healthscam. You know who else wasn't insured under them?
Luigi Mangione.
No. 2352796
>>2352551nyart but there seems to be a lot of women respect from brits. They are more openly against tranny shit and JK Rowling gives a shitload of her money to helping women like making trans exclusioned rape/domestic abuse shelters, as well as paying to smuggle women out of afghanistan.
We don't have to be billionares like rowling, but we can donate to similar causes to try to help other women.
No. 2353006
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Double post, we’ve been officially censored. Cannot get on. Such a crazy experience
No. 2353029
>>2353027nvm i just checked
i didn't get that message but i can't like or favorite videos, nor can i click on peoples profiles.
No. 2353039
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>>2352983You can get a card cover, it'll make it less obvious that it's an EBT card. Anyway, I grew up on EBT. There were a couple moments where I felt self-conscious about it, but mostly I didn't care. If anyone does judge you, it'll probably be people who are just as underprivileged as you but don't receive the same aid (and thus, don't think you should either).
No. 2353075
I’m lowkey glad it’s banned. Now narcissists no longer have the perfect fuel to siphon energy out of people like the vampires they are, the main character syndrome and pseudo-intellectualism of the app combined with children who would benefit from no child left behind was unreal. Almost every single account on there deserves to experience consistent torturing unprecedented levels of trolling and documenting their behavior with such lolcow-stamped rote autistic memorization to deter them from ever wanting to post on the internet ever again. I hated every second of it despite it making me laugh many times, there was so many slop on the undercurrent of that app and watching Tiktok influencers screech the most about their precious ad revenue/fame getting ripped away from them is hilarious. If it gets reinstated I’m going to be super depressed, burgerfats like us need less of that crap not more. Tiktok reminds me a lot of what burgerfat capitalism reminds me of, useless junk that always gets approved that nobody really needs and is likely killing you which is why Temu/Shein thrived along with tiktok. It was never an app for dispersing the truth, it was a propaganda tool that could be weaponized and manipulated by certain creators and media outlets, and a brilliant propaganda tool it is.
You don’t sow any division by being outright anti-American or playing into normiefaggot’s assumptions on how East Asians play diplomatic chess, you get your enemy to show itself and admit their own faults. Displaying our flaws and vices as burgerfats that our country is built on the basis of Chinese women with carpool tunnel system who bind together the thin cancer-inducing polyester products, fast and quick consumption, hyperactivity and hyperindividualism, petty electoral dramas, vanity, stupidity, obesity, etc. makes certain parts of China look glorious in comparison. It’s no wonder so many normiefaggots are impressed by the simplest of shit shown on the Red Note app, I’ve even seen a post where some burgerfat is amazed that a Chinese woman was driving a car with a freaking screen (despite our country having cars like that because we get imports kek) and even praising Chinese children being more independent and more intelligent than our own who rather type “this pmo” and type in horrific ebonics, can barely spell, are filled with poisons and getting prostate cancer and eroded hairlines at 18 and are flunking and failing schools. Tiktok is the perfect app to show what is wrong with America. I applaud China kek, they beat the old burgerfats in office who wanted the ban (for likely this theory) at their own games. Anyways this whole “opposition” thing is so annoying, it’s way more complicated than just “MUH CHINA BAD!!!! MURICA GOOD!!!!!! OMG RUSSIAN BRUH WW3 INCOMING” war is likely coming but war is also a booming business that all of these governments would love to get their hands on at this current moment, let the political theatre game begin girls!
No. 2353105
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tiktok is GAWN
No. 2353109
>>2353098>whiteI grew up in a majority white/black american town and prefer that over being around "nu" americans who don't even speak english and drag their ugly moids around to gawk at women.
>>2353101I've always heard maine is nice and I miss seeing snow. It only snows like once a year in the south now.
(racebait) No. 2353111
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Trump wearing a purple tie tonight
No. 2353154
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rip bozo, happy it's gone. should have taken Temu with it
No. 2353171
>>2353079I was referencing it not using it kek
>>2353083It was, you just have to get off your phone and develop good taste now anon, just accept it’s over.
>>2353086You sound exactly like the type of person who’s addicted to Tiktok (dumb, underaged and can’t read)
No. 2353214
>>2353194Oh my god are you really doing this right now? Can’t you give that shit a break for like one second, you look absolutely schizo doing what you’re doing right now
>>2353199It was a fucking good post and you can’t handle people having better insights than you, which is why you’re negging me so hard right now and want me so baddd, let’s kiss and make up ♥
No. 2353253
>>2353242>I wish more Americans understood how hard and long the process is to American citizenship is.Who gives a fuck when they don't even try to get citizenship and just leach our resources and social safety nets?
Trump deported fewer than Obama in his first term. He didn't do shit then, and he's not going to do shit now. You're being hysterical over nothing.
No. 2353275
>>2353268Do you really think all white people in USA are of British descent? Then you're fucking retarded.
Your "errybody an immigrant except the Natives" is cringe too kek.
>t. Native American No. 2353281
>>2353270He is doing a sweeping ban and even anyone who came legally are going to get swept up. He wants to kick out people who had babies here and send the baby with them. Telling anons to go back to where they came from makes it so clear you're just posting to piss farmers off. Can't even come up with any reasons as to why this is a good thing.
>American citizensI hope your precious Elon Musk gets deported too. He's not a real
No. 2353289
>>2353242I can't wait for all those stupid poor people in Oklahoma to realize their $7.25 an hour will never increase and the people with no jobs who are Americans have to settle for $1 a day pay unless farmers plan to figure something out too.
No one wants immigrant jobs. No one wants to pay non-immigrants a living wage. America is fast tracking into automation for basic things like taking orders in drive-thrus. You're really not able to see a big picture, are you? I hope you have a good paying job and at least somewhere to live because it's about to get a lot harder to afford things when people have to raise prices in order to pay Americans to do the jobs immigrants had. Just kidding. They won't raise shit.
No. 2353290
>>2353279You know your post wasn't referring to British people living in America, but of course that's all you have to say. I hope you and your mother get deported. You belong in America even less than the white people you're bitching about, who were born here. The 1800s are over and illegal drug runners shouldn't be allowed in. I also think it's ridiculous you think Americans can immigrate anywhere in the world easily. I happen to live in Europe and it was NOT easy to get citizenship there.
>>2353286Take your low quality bait elsewhere. Your boring larp as a black woman all over the site is tiring.
No. 2353292
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>>2353253I want you to know that the immigrants that are doing the most damage to the economy and using our resources are the European ones! In New York so many Ukranians were able to seek asylum and have entire hotel suites to them with fee food etc for months all on the tax payers dimes and ukranians paid us back by being racist Neo Nazis. But it’s fine because they are blue eyed blondes coming into America. There are so many Russians in NY working for the NYPD who barely speak English. How did they get those roles? You tell me kek.
Also immigration is so lax because Americans refuse to do the manual work. Americans are lazy and constantly outsource for cheaper and cheaper labor. Why do you think chattel slavery went on for so long? Lazy Americans being lazy. Americans are so lazy they couldn’t even breast feed their own kids kek. I need Americans to talk to immigrants instead of assuming shit. Illegal immigrants have no rights. They can’t vote, file taxes, etc etc. all they do is work and provide for their families. In fact the illegal immigrants of brown and black variety help more than hurt Americans. The most annoying thing they do is sell fruit in summer during red lights kek. I love a good mango cup so I don’t complain. My issue though is how easy it’s always been for immigrants to get business loans before Black Americans. I know it’s by design but it’s so ugly how blatant it’s always been. So many immigrants set up their businesses in Black neighborhoods because black people are often denied business loans. It’s weird! But they do it on purpose to get Black Americans to beef with immigrants too. And to also have immigrants think they are better than Black Americans for owning businesses. The hostility has always been there and it’s purposeful.
No. 2353293
>>2353270nyart but I think a lot of foreign countries are shit because they don't have a middle class.
Americans have been also exploiting migrants for a long ass time. There's a lot of conflict in these third world shitholes. While some (a lot) of it has to do with American postindustrial capitalist foreign affairs creating political unrest, the solution isn't to flee to America where they are going to essentially become greencard slaves.
I feel for the migrants, I really do, but creating more cheap labor for the very people who are encouraging political unrest in your third world shitholes isn't going to help anyone except the rich assholes who are profiting off of your homecountry being a shithole.
The issue is Trump isn't gonna get rid of the migrants. He might torture a bunch of them with shitty deportation laws but at the end of the day he loves paying his illegal mexican landscapers 50 cents an hour. The only person who might have actually lowered migrants is Bernie. I wish America would get over our misogyny and elect in AOC since she's basically Bernie but young and pretty.
No. 2353296
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So tomorrow we will officially have Trump as our president. Realistically speaking, how fucked do you guys think we will be? I want to believe it will be like last time where he didn't do as much harm as everyone thought, but now there's a lot more republican power in the government. On top of that, we probably won't even stop feeling the effects of his presidency until 2033 because of the economy.