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No. 2262680

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2146125

No. 2262686

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In china, a 62 year-old man drove his car into a Sports Stadium in the City of Zhuhai trying to kill as many pedestrians. Which resulted in at least 35 Deaths and over 50 Injuries.
The cause for this is his anger over his wife divorcing him.

No. 2262687

62 year old incel.

No. 2262692

also the worst thing about this is that it seems that the death toll was even higher than 35 but china seems to censor anything more than that to avoid mayors losing their jobs. Also i read he mostly targeted the female pedestrians.

No. 2262702

fuck i just realized the typo it's supposed to say #8 , srry

No. 2262713

Gee I wonder why she divorced him.

No. 2262830

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>The girl, 17, who wasn't named, ran away from home to Timberline High School in Lacey, Washington, where her 16-year-old boyfriend also studied, after her parents tried to put her on a plane to Iraq.
>Both parents were arrested at the scene and faced Thurston Country Superior Court on November 5.
>They are believed to be still behind bars on bonds of $100,000 and $200,000, according to court records.
>Ishan was charged with second-degree attempted murder, first-degree attempted kidnapping, second-degree attempted kidnapping, second-degree domestic assault, and fourth-degree assault.
>Zahraa was charged with second-degree attempted murder first-degree attempted kidnapping, second-degree attempted kidnapping, second-degree domestic assault, and second-degree burglary.

No. 2262836

I really hope we've moved past it being taboo to talk about how fucked up the Middle East is.

No. 2262837

> after her parents tried to put her on a plane to Iraq.
isnt there a law to prevent this exact thing happening to muslim girls and women? or was it only implemented in the uk?

No. 2262850

It's not because it's illegal that people will stop trying, they don't care as long as they don't get caught.

No. 2263043

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No. 2263070

This is the 'diversity' liberals love to defend though. Only real ones know how violent and disgusting middle eastern culture is. The fact that this is happening in the US makes me sick. I hope she's okay. She's only 17, that's so sad

No. 2263072

Send them back to where they came from. Bringing that shit to the US is vile. I hope the 17 year old girl is going to be okay.

No. 2263089

deport both these fuckers back to their warzone that poor girl, im glad she wasn’t murdered in public by her own father but sadly many girls can’t say the same. that’s the religion of peas though

No. 2264133

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Two old and similar stories I remember

Jeremy Strohmeyer
>In the early morning of May 25, 1997, two males, Jeremy Strohmeyer (age 18) and David Cash Jr. (age 17), were at the Primadonna Resort & Casino at Primm, Nevada, near the California state line. The two young men had arrived at the gambling establishment, accompanied by Cash's father, from their homes in Long Beach. Strohmeyer was a student at Wilson High School in Long Beach.
>At around 4 a.m., Strohmeyer began repeatedly making apparently "playful" contact with 7-year-old Sherrice Iverson, who was roaming the casino alone. The young girl's father was gambling and drinking. Her father left Sherrice in the care of her 14-year-old brother, Harold, in the casino's arcade. This resulted in Sherrice running around unmonitored. The girl had been returned to her father several times through the night, having been found alone by security. Eventually, Strohmeyer followed Sherrice into a women's restroom.
>While in the restroom, the two began throwing wet paper wads at one another. Sherrice then reportedly tossed a yellow plastic "Wet Floor" sign at Strohmeyer. At around this time, Strohmeyer's friend, David Cash, entered the restroom and witnessed Strohmeyer forcibly taking Iverson into a stall. When Cash looked in from the adjacent stall, he saw Strohmeyer holding his left hand over Iverson's mouth and fondling her with his right. After this, Cash left the restroom and was followed 20 minutes later by Strohmeyer, who confessed to him that he had killed the girl.
>Three days later, Strohmeyer was taken into custody at his home. Two classmates in Long Beach had identified him after security tape footage captured by cameras at the casino was released by Nevada police and played on the television news. Strohmeyer was charged with first-degree murder, first-degree kidnapping, and sexual assault of a minor. When questioned by police, Strohmeyer stated that he molested Iverson and strangled her to stifle her screams. Before leaving, Strohmeyer noticed Iverson was still alive and twisted her head in an attempt to break her neck. After hearing a loud popping sound, he rested her body in a sitting position on the toilet with her feet in the bowl. Strohmeyer's attorneys later tried to have the confession suppressed because he was not given legal counsel. However, the police claimed that Strohmeyer waived his right to have an attorney present during questioning.
>Sherrice Iverson's mother demanded that David Cash Jr., also be charged as an accessory to murder, but authorities stated there was insufficient evidence connecting him to the actual crime, and Cash was never prosecuted for any offense related to the murder.
>In the weeks following Strohmeyer's arrest, Cash told the Los Angeles Times that he did not dwell on the murder of Sherrice Iverson. "I'm not going to get upset over somebody else's life. I just worry about myself first. I'm not going to lose sleep over somebody else's problems." He also told the newspaper that the publicity surrounding the case had made it easier for him to "score with women." Cash also told the Long Beach Press-Telegram: "I'm no idiot … I'll get my money out of this."
>Cash has never expressed remorse over Iverson's death. In a radio interview, he stated that "It was a very tragic event…The simple fact remains I don't know this little girl … I don't know people in Panama or Africa who are killed every day, so I can't feel remorse for them. The only person I know is Jeremy Strohmeyer", but still insisted that he did nothing wrong.

Dante Arthurs
>At 4:00 pm on 26 June 2006, Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu, aged eight, was at the Livingston Shopping Centre in Canning Vale with her uncle, sister and brother. While her family waited in the main area of the shopping centre, Sofia went down a corridor to go to the toilet. Arthurs, an employee at the shopping centre, followed her, and after she left the female toilets, grabbed her from behind, dragged her into the nearby disabled toilet cubicle, and locked the door.
>Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu's family, having waited only a few moments, became concerned and her 14-year-old brother was sent to look for her. He called for her at the door of the female toilet but not getting a response walked back along the corridor. He heard movement coming from the disabled cubicle and knocked on the locked door calling Sofia's name. There was no response. Sofia's brother, uncle and younger sister then began a search of the centre. A few minutes later, her brother again returned to the disabled toilet cubicle and opened the now unlocked door. It was at this time, only 10 minutes after Sofia left her family that her brother found her naked body lying on the cubicle floor. A search of the shopping centre failed to locate an offender, and the entire centre was closed and declared a crime scene.
>While Arthurs was restraining her and removing her clothes her limbs became so severely contorted that both her legs were broken and her left arm was dislocated. Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu's throat was also severely compressed and her larynx was crushed as Arthurs attempted to muffle her cries. She also received a severe perineal tear. The cause of her death was given to be a direct result of strangulation.
>Initial investigations at the shopping centre identified a few possible suspects. Arthurs was known to local detectives due to a sexual assault on an eight-year-old girl in the same area three years earlier.
>Police remained at the crime scene well into the early morning and at 5:00 am the day after Rodriguez-Urrutia Shu's body was discovered, they attended the home of Arthurs who lived with his parents a few hundred metres from the shopping centre. After a search of his home, Arthurs was arrested and later charged with wilful murder, two counts of sexual penetration of a child, and deprivation of liberty.


No. 2264228

I never want to read anything like this ever again in life thank you

No. 2264607

>'Peadiatrician' mother attempts to castrate 2 year old
>Hero dad goes to court to fight it numerous times

What the fuck


No. 2265938

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>A special court martial handed down a reprimand to an Army lieutenant colonel who was caught putting cameras in the dressing room of a clothing store by a 16-year-old girl.
>The Lt. Col., who fled from police when caught, pleaded guilty but will serve no jail time.
>The slap on the wrist comes after civilian prosecutors initially attempted to pursue a criminal conviction. The Army convinced the court to let it handle the matter internally, however, and the officer was instead prosecuted through the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (UCMJ).
>Further, Motherboard found while seeking records related to the case that the court documents have since been sealed.
>Before the case was handed over to military prosecutors, Sweatland attempted to get it dismissed as a “Military Diversion.” In California, veterans and servicemembers can ask for courts to dismiss charges if the defendant is “suffering from sexual trauma, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, or mental health problems as a result of his or her military service.”

No. 2265960

The army are a bunch of rapists, what else is new.

No. 2266050

KAM isn't enough, all men who were, are and will be must suffer.

No. 2266067

>62 years old
>still doing the "i will punish SOCIETY for my own problems" thing
We need to ban Joker like movies that tell men that personal issues are acktually societies fault.

No. 2266084

Men regularly rape goats in islamic shitholes like Iraq yet you never hear about males getting honor killed for doing something where it would actually justifed. But girls and women on the other hand get honor killed for just having a boyfriend or wearing a hijab.

No. 2266240

The Cash moid is really reprehensible to me. Strohmeyer is obviously bad, but Cash saying that he feels no remorse and that he uses the story to 'score with women' is another level of assholery. The chance that this guy has reproduced sickens me.

No. 2266245

Take the women and children away and let them kill each other atp

No. 2266765

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Not technically a news story(?) but it's pretty sad
>Take a look inside different school shooting victims rooms that have been left untouched

No. 2266771

I dont know why but the kid with the spongebob collection made me start crying, i was already tearing up but that shit was so innocent man a fucking spongebob room. Hope all the shooters rot in hell, bunch of faggots.

No. 2267025

cash is likely a pedophile too. he claims to be emotionless regarding the situation but the thought of a child being raped and murdered probably brings him pleasure.

No. 2267873

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Mare are so fucking disgusting , I wonder what shit he did to his patients.
This is why you shall never be afraid to ask for a female patient.

No. 2267895

Weird, moids who go the medical route to rape usually are more careful about their crimes. He didn't have to spend 10+ years in school to run around naked and grope random women.

No. 2268607

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poor guy

No. 2268615

>small dick print
He deserved it

No. 2268618

>Russoukrain war critic
>""fell"" out of a 5th story window
Sureee..this is giving dying by suicide by a bullet in the back

No. 2268619

Male nature stripped down to its essence.
>Have sex with children and kill them. The only people who matter are your male allies.

No. 2268623

>fell off a window
This is so ridiculous I'm almost willing to believe it's true

No. 2268629

nonna, he's likely wearing a guard

No. 2268634

A real man would guard his own penis with his bare hands.

No. 2268649

he probably was cautious at first, but after a while sex pest moids have to escalate their degeneracy in order to get off. this is likely the end result of years spent preying on female patients and possibly female employees too

No. 2269294

We need more female vigilante gangs

No. 2271774

i find it funny that so many yotubers still insist that furfagging is a innocent hobby when its been proven its not kek many infamous internet crimes were always done by furfags

No. 2272056

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No. 2272071

Noooo he had killer thights

No. 2272531

I understand being groomed, but I would never kill my family for a scrote. Seriously fucked up some people literally just doing too much.

No. 2272556

whoa those thighssss

No. 2273091

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No. 2273094

oh look the thing they say never happens keeps happening AGAIN AND AGAIN. those poor women

No. 2273133

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and it keeps on happening

No. 2273231

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>richard speck murdered eight student nurses in the 1960s and was suspected in the murders of at least five other women. when his death penalty conviction was overturned he was sentenced to 1200 years in prison.
>in 1996 a chicago news anchor received a tape made in 1988 featuring speck behind bars. he showed the tape to the illinois state legislature, who were horrified by its contents.
>the tape revealed that speck had become a "queen bee" aka a prison bitch. he was shown wearing silk panties, performing oral sex on an inmate, and had gynecomastia as a result of hormones that had been smuggled into the prison.
>speck was also shown engaging in drug usage. he claimed to be "having fun" and appeared to be under the impression that he would financially profit from the tape, but the prosecutor in speck's case believed this was a cope for being forced into a homosexual role by younger, stronger inmates in order to survive in prison
>speck endured sexual abuse at the hands of inmates for twenty-five years until his death in 1991.
>nsfw clips from the tape are available on youtube. they describe his time in prison as "a fate worse than death".

No. 2273233

>a fate worse than death
No it wasn't this vermin shite liked being fucked not "raped" he should've been skinned alive for what he did to those poor women fucking troon

No. 2273278

And to think there are some anons on here who will try to convince some here that teen scrotes aren't as vile as adult ones

No. 2273695

Taiwan in general is trying way too hard to be as opposite to China as possible, the number of fags, trannies and porn they have is insane. Of course doesn't mean that they're that woke about women rights either…

No. 2273883

Strongly favors Andrew Tate. Also threatening women and trying to intimidate them is totally how you can get them to support you!11

No. 2273900

They're pretty bad, the only thing they have over their older counterparts (in general) is that they still have their hair and that doesn't compensate for a rotten personality

No. 2273905

Plz stop dragging psyop shit in unrelated threads.

No. 2273912

>stop dragging psyop shit
tayrt but? what psyop? moids being rapeapes and murderers? or are you implying teen moids arent as worse than adult ones?

No. 2274133

>Cop Sets Up GoFundMe For Hand Injury He Sustained From Repeatedly Punching/Beating Deaf Man With Cerebral Parsley
this shit almost feels like a joke. truly just beyond parody

No. 2274137

Nta but it's stupid as fuck to think that "oh they have hair" is in any way a worthy contribution to a thread about morbidity

No. 2274305

>a fate worse than death
he literally enjoyed it. he should have been executed immediately after being found guilty. this is why i never believe that males can be "raped" unless they were children.

No. 2274345

Just more proof that AGP is inherently tied to misogyny. What's horrifying is how normalized it's become for men to continue to make a mockery of women by vicariously living out the most degrading and hateful fantasies they have of them when given the chance. This goes beyond regular prison bitch dynamics.

No. 2274350

It's really depressing how we keep regressing as a society as men continue to stay on top and oppress women in ways that make it hard to fight back, because it gets disguised as discriminatory when the irony is women are the ones constantly facing discrimination in one way or another. It's a man's world through and through.

No. 2274697

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Teen found guilty of raping, killing 13-year-old Milana Li in Beaverton.
>Milana Li’s body was found abandoned in a Beaverton creek in May 2022. Daniel Gore, who was 16 at the time, was arrested for her murder and tried as an adult.
>Li was last seen around 4 p.m. Sunday, May 8, 2022, at her apartment near Southwest Murray and Scholls Ferry, which was near where her body was found at Westside Linear Park. Her family reported her missing the next day.
>Gore was living at a campsite in Westside Linear Park when he killed Li. Police arrested him after a brief foot chase. He was found hiding on a balcony at a nearby apartment complex. At the time of his arrest, he had active warrants from the Washington County Juvenile Court.
>The investigation revealed disturbing details about Gore's interests and behavior. According to court documents, police discovered that he was "obsessed" with a rapper named "7xvn," known for lyrics romanticizing violence including "murder and strangulation."
>Prosecutors said Gore searched on the internet over a dozen times for violent rape pornography and videos of women being killed, particularly via strangulation and other neck trauma.
>Prosecutors also said that Gore admitted to having drunk alcohol and smoked marijuana, and given Li at least one alcoholic drink as well as marijuana, on the day of her murder.
>When speaking to the jury, Senior Deputy District Attorney Andy Pulver described Gore as a "wolf in sheep’s clothing," saying he lured Milana into a false sense of security before the killing.

No. 2274701

Poor girl…

No. 2274704

thats disgusting. he's old

No. 2274709

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19 year old idol comes out about the CEO of the company she’s under sexually assaulting her

>Victim suspended her activities on November 11th due to health concerns, and on November 22nd she came out about the allegations

>Victim begged the CEO ”Please, just let me complete this promotional activity. That’s all I’m asking” the CEO replied, “‘If I grant your wish, will you grant mine? My wish is for you to be my girlfriend for a day. Will you agree?’”

>Quote from the victim “He asked, ‘Can I kiss you?’ and then forcibly did so. When I remained silent, he used his tongue and even licked my neck and ears. I tried to block him, but he said, ‘Move your hand,’ and kept touching me.’” She continued, “‘He asked, ‘Can I touch your chest? Can I squeeze your butt once?’ When I refused, he continued for two hours.’”

>Just three days after the allegations surfaced, he was seen supervising the group during a performance. He even joined them on a flight to Japan, reportedly sitting next to the victim, which left the other members visibly distressed.

>Other note-able thing is she was a child when she first joined the company

sorry if this goes against the no kpop rule

No. 2275791

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Couple forced boys to take part in rape of a baby
>A man and a woman who forced two boys to take part in their rape of a one-year-old girl during a catalogue of abuse have been jailed.
>Samantha Crawford and Michael Cummins, from Kirkcaldy in Fife, made the children, then aged seven and three, participate in their attacks on the infant as well as sexually assaulting a fourth child.
>Crawford and Cummins, who were once married but have since divorced, also made the two older children promise not to tell anyone about their repeated physical and sexual attacks.
>Crawford, 33, was sentenced to 10 years in jail, while Cummins, 35, received a 14-year sentence after the pair denied any wrongdoing during a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.
>Passing sentence, Lord Harrower described their offending as “extreme” and said neither had shown “any remorse” for their actions.
>The court heard how the couple targeted their first victim, the seven-year-old, when he was raped and physically assaulted by Cummins.
>The trial also heard the one-year-old was raped on “various occasions” and the two boys were involved in the attacks against their will.
>The pair also sexually and physically assaulted a fourth child, a boy, who was born in 2014.
>The court heard the children had been ordered not to tell other adults what happened by saying the phrase “zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket”.

No. 2275876

Such lenient sentences because it's the Pedo Island.

No. 2278758

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The prosecutors have demanded a 20-year jail sentence for Dominique Pelicot, the maximum sentence for aggravated rape in France. People are calling for 20 years for all the rapists but it's looking like the other men are gonna get 10 years max. They're still arguing that they cannot be guilty of rape because they did not realise Gisèle Pelicot was unconscious when they were invited to the family’s home by her husband, and therefore did not "know" they were raping her.
Verdict is expected by 20 December.
Pic rel has been plastered on the walls of Avignon were the trial is taking place, it says "rape is rape, 20 years for each".

No. 2278771

Blatantly not true
You say this because here we actually prosecute our pedos unlike the shithole you probably live in.

No. 2278773

It's kind of true though. I was shocked reading that article because that was the longest sentence i've ever seen nonces get outside Ian Watkins and his sentence is only long because he kept offending in jail. Pedos generally get a very light slap on the wrist as long as they behave well in jail.

No. 2278777

Yeah they do everywhere, it’s the same in aus and NZ and every western or European country around. Except America, but America has a problem with child marriage so it hardly makes up for it.
Some nonnies just have a chip on their shoulder about the British.

No. 2278780

Samefag I’d just like to say, all kinds of child abuse here are punished too leniently.
A woman just got 7 years in prison for keeping her 3 year old child in a draw from birth, feeding her only milk and weetabix through a syringe. The baby girl had a cleft palate which was not treated, was the size of a 7 month old, couldn’t walk or sit up and never cried.

No. 2278934

how did they have access to so many children?

No. 2279009

Should be execution.
I guess since she used the "abusive husband" defense the court is more sympathetic.

No. 2279029

Holy shit that is insane I'm so grateful they found her before she died, it's surprising the woman chose to keep up such insanity instead of killing her child
If the partner has any soul he will also need therapy, since he must have been sleeping and whatever knows else directly above the baby

I hope that little girl finds a loving family to make her believe she deserved better than her first years

No. 2279199

This shit hits different now that i have a niece. I hate scrotes so much. I wish the faggot who did this was still alive and being used as a human guinea pig in a lab. He deserved the worst possible punishment possible. I am so tired of the media trying to make us feel sympathy for the SHOOTER because they were boolied 10 years ago. Are you fucking serious? I was boolied worse than this scrote and never thought of killing random CHILDREN! Our society capes for scrotes and hates women so hard that scrotes who torture and kill babys for attention get more sympathy than a mental ill "Karen". Sorry for the sperg just hearing about this case triggers me everytime. Rest in peace poor babies.

No. 2279267

I am so torn between harsher policing but i also fucking hate the police because i had personal bad experiences with them many times before. Scrotes are already evil but give them power and remove consequences and they are so much worse. We can never win when scrotes are around.

No. 2284411

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>teenage scrote makes deepfakes of his classmates
>he starts selling the deepfakes to other scrotes in the school and adults
>the girls find out, they are distraught
>they ask the school to please get the scrote expelled, they refuse
>they tell them that if the scrote ends up comitting suicide from the harassment it will be their fault
>they also blame the girls for uploading pictures of themselves to the internet
>its very unlikely he will go to jail because there are no laws against deepfakes
I hate this timeline any woman who uses AI is a fucking pickme.

No. 2284427

my so called friends sexually harassed and abused me on the bus or in empty hallways and classrooms or under desks, tried to drag or lure me into bathrooms. and i definitely wasn’t their only victim, it was a friend group escalating behavior and doing all sorts of shit and telling each other about it. i heard other girls stories laughed about. and all i wanted was to not have to go to school anymore/for them to love me/to get away from them. i’m not the only girl who was sexually abused in high school literally at school. don’t even fucking talk to me about men being bullied. you never see any of those girls do anything but drop out, kill themselves or become team moms, all of them end up with like cptsd. and none of them are bringing guns to school. we are all just liars with bpd who deserve no sympathy unlike the poor bullied men who killed children but were pushed into it the poor things!! you’re not allowed to say any of this or it’s what about jodi arias or that one guys totally really abusive mommy. and you’re a transphobe? now they’re saying if you point out men are violent you hate trans people even when the conversation had nothing to do with trans people at all??? it’s fucking insane. i don’t trust other peoples perceptions anymore.

No. 2284522

tbh he looks like a taiwanese andrew tate
tbh I wouldn't be surprised if tate troons out in 10 years

No. 2285580

>In short:

>A British mother says her nine-year-old daughter was befriended by a predator on Roblox before being bombarded with sexually graphic videos, photos and messages.

>The youngest players on Roblox are believed to be around seven years old.

Disappointed, but not surprised.
Sauce: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-02/roblox-9-year-old-child-targeted-by-sexual-predator/104659312

No. 2285752

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>Hewo owo

No. 2286492

sorry for posting this brit this case is fucking infuriating from start to the end the girl is fucking retarded too but I understand the situation because I had a sister who was in a relationship with a bpdwhore moid it's just so fucking tiring to see her keep going to this faggot but being in her family's shoes its truly hard to make someone in a relationship like hers leave the moid…

No. 2286541

If this is in a country with lax gun laws, someone's dad is going to have a leaded heart to heart with the poor little scrote. If it isn't, god knows what the girls will do, maybe one of them will make deepfake AI porn of the teachers who lick scrote ass and plaster it across the school and the internet. Or they could make deepfake AI of the scrote getting fucked by multiple men and send them to his parents.
We need to stop feeling bad for men who kill themselves to get out of facing consequences. If he does top himself the girls need to hold a party on the day of his funeral and throw dog shit on his gravestone.

No. 2286571

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12 year old girl repeatedly raped in Austria by immigrants

>In an explosive trial in Vienna, 19 migrants — along with Austrians with a migration background — are accursed of blackmailing and gang raping a 12-year-old girl over the course of months, with the first one already confessing to his crimes.

>Mia claims that Ahmad physically forced her into giving him oral sex the first time, and with subsequent recordings, he and his horde of migrant friends repeatedly raped her over the course of months.
>In one video, she is seen being abused by eight of the migrants while screaming, “Stop!”
>The trial is ongoing and involves numerous perpetrators. Mia’s lawyer is seeking the maximum of five years for Ahmad.

5 years maximum sentence for raping a 12 year old girl screaming "stop"

No. 2286582

I live in a neighbouring country and haven't heard of this, wtf. Hope they get life and get raped on a daily basis until they die

No. 2287057

I honestly think this is one of the reasons driving the rest of the world to vote more conservative, alt-right, whatever. They see news about that swedish moid apologizing to his refugee rapist, about girls getting punished for pepper spraying a moid who attacked them, they see the nearly weekly news of little girls in Austria, Germany, and so on getting gangraped and then the foreign rapists are only given a light little slap on their hand because uwu they were traumatized, plus every criminal deserves a second, third, and so on chance…then you get fetish-troon politicians making decisions for women and kids, all of this is just madness.

No. 2288819

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>Two boys at a private school in Melbourne, Australia have been expelled over a spreadsheet in which female classmates have been ranked, it's principal told parents.
>Four students from Yarra Valley grammar in Ringwood, in Melbourne’s east, were suspended last week after it came to light they had made the list.
>It included photos of female students ranking them as “wifeys”, “cuties”, “mid”, “object”, “get out” and “unrapable”.
>Last week, a screenshot of the list was shared online, with the school becoming aware of the post on Wednesday. The prestigious school costs about $30,000 a year per student to attend.

No. 2288846

I was thinking about how in highschool boys would do this in their workbooks but they didn't use the term rape anywhere. Is society ever going to fucking address rape culture or what there's such a backlash from men towards women speaking out. Yet there's not enough because they don't believe the statistics because it's so fucking stressful on the victim. Fuck men. More of them need to hurry up and unalive themselves as the kids are too scared to say kill in case tiktok censors them. Priorities.

No. 2288850

Imagine having a moid son and paying 30k for him to get an education and all he spends his time doing is judging which classmates of his he'd rape and which he wouldn't. Males should not be receiving education beyond a second grade level.
No, males' rape obsession will never be addressed.

No. 2288851

Oh but boys get left behind in school and suffer low self esteem because the girls out perform them and it hurts their ego. Then they enter their 20s all bitter at the world and even though half or more of them haven't lost their virginity they've very strong opinions about how men are treated in family court matters and ignore the reality that men step out on women and children. But society is so mean to men. Girls could never understand what it's like to be mocked by their peers during puberty. Girls are so lucky because they get sexual attention young and keep getting it until it drops off because they age and get bitter. Nothing to do with having the nerve to speak up and call out shit. And what could women know about sexual rejection they just need to spread their legs for chad. Women and girls have it far too easy men suffer in silence!

No. 2288873

I remember this case. Only two of them expelled when I remember reading the entire male portion of the classroom participated?? Unreal. Literally letting confirmed future rapists get away with no consequences.

No. 2289111

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No. 2289114

germany is truly a fucking degenerate country..i feel bad for german nonas who have to see their pedo troon goverment accept laws for making cp legal but fighting back against rape illegal..(integrate)

No. 2289139

>why is the far right gaining ground

No. 2289151

And yet you guys call bongland “pedo island” for its low sentences.
This makes us look like we are harsh on child abusers. Jesus Christ. Even the Rochdale groomers all got at least 9 years.

No. 2289169

Saying "you think our country's bad? Well look at THIS one its so much worse" doesn't make your pedo ring infested island any better

No. 2289188

No of course not but it’s so dumb for you to pin everything on England just because you have some retarded hate boner for English women. There’s pedo moids everywhere.

No. 2289198

sure there but bongland still gives lighter sentences to child rapists. i dont know why youre so pressed about this

No. 2289200

Notice how it says alleged sexual assault, but not allegedly stabbed? She's already guilty, but he's still innocent.

No. 2289210

It's a serious issue in all of western Europe. Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, etc. all have weak laws for protecting women and children that result in pathetic sentences.

No. 2289293

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hulking retarded teenage moid proves once again that scrotelets can't handle being told no by murdering and mutilating his elderly grandparents after they catch him sneaking out of the house
>A teenager cursed at his grandparents and laughed as he made a cellphone video late March 22 of their mutilated bodies.
>In the video, Smith repeatedly used profanity and spoke at first in a deep raspy voice.
>Using expletives, Smith said, “Look at all those guts. That's … crazy. F— both of you.”
>Early in the video, Smith stepped on his grandmother's hand and stuck the machete in one of her eyes. He later stuck the machete into his grandfather's head wound and said, “That's … gross.”
>He at one point turned on a light and focused the video on his grandfather's bloody face. A police examiner wrote he can be heard saying, “Smile for the … camera.” He then made a laughing sound.
>The police reports reveal the attack came after the grandmother stopped Smith from sneaking out of the house that night to meet his friend.

No. 2289320

For eight years, a turbo autist has been commissioning a shitton of pictures of a girl, she being tortured, mutilated, hit etc in those pics only because she didn't want to work with him and now he targeted the boyfriend of this girl. Since they're in two different countries, the police said "Lol he's not near you! what can he do??" so it wouldn't probably hit the formal news but beware and spread the news, nonnies, please.
Autists should be castrated once discovering the diagnosis, for the good of all, along with taking away smartphones and shit.

No. 2289347

>"That's … crazy. F— both of you.”
>“Smile for the … camera.”
Hearing this hamplanets difficulty breathing through text is insane. How did he do all that when he can't even get air into his greasy lungs?

No. 2289523

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I can forgive murdering your wife…but animal abuse is where i DRAW THE LINE!

No. 2289732

German nonas never hid how bad it is? It just sucks when women get blamed for all the pedophilia and legal prostitution as if the average woman has any chance of fighting against that. You can only hope that the moids around you are kind enough to you because if something was to happen to you, there's no way you'd get any justice. Despite how shitty the US is, they're still years if not decades ahead. A lot more people are way more traditional than anybody outside would ever think, example this festival about beating up women (just came across that video yesterday)

No. 2290881

Im the ayrt and your are so correct. If mass shooters actually did it because society treated them bad, then most of the shooters would be women, but ofc we almost never do this because we aren't retarded selfish psychopathic chimps like scrotes are. Most mass shooting scrotes come from privileged backgrounds and did it solely for the attention.

No. 2291987

No. 2291993

I think anti social,low empathy losers like those who use this site and kiwifarms are the ones who cause most damage to society and should be sterilized. I still laugh every time I remember when that fag from kiwifarms said that the thread he made about Chris chans gf is the greatest accomplishment of his life. I can only imagine how pathetic and unfulfilling their lives are. Our society has no need for neet burdens who do nothing but rot in their rooms, cyberstalk people and call everyone they don't like an autist.

No. 2293044

as if rightfaggots don't also want to punish woman that kills her rapist

No. 2297229

? What are you on? That guy is a criminal that's under investigation?

No. 2303604

Surprised the mom even reported him and didn't abuse her for "tempting her man". When will single mothers learn there's a high fucking chance men are just using them to get to their kids? Oh that's right never because they were dumb enough to breed without being married with a dusty and all they care about is finding a replacement dusty. Screw parenting as long as you have a new penis everything will work itself out right

No. 2306675

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Hopefully this counts, but this entire set of screenshots is awful

No. 2306679

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No. 2306683

Men who look like this are pretty much guaranteed to be monsters.
>2 years
Of course.

No. 2306686

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flood detection

No. 2306688

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Lolifags being pedos, more news at 10

No. 2306690

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last one

No. 2306696

>2 years for distributing cp
holy shit between this and that magisword pedo pou literally being released without punishment i am convinced we live in a hell

No. 2306775

Disgusting but not surprising. He deserves a lifetime in prison.
The world is run by males and all males are pedos. Well, more like omnisexual, since they'd rape anyone or anything. Of course males will take care of their own. Subhuman animals

No. 2306805

>it's just fiction/lines on paper!!
Fuck any fandom freak (and i'm not talking about people whom are attracted to Jojos whom are drawn like adult men, where the attraction isn't primarily their youth) who tries to justify this shit. This is what they're supporting. I don't care if "not all lolishos", as long as people try to justify and okay this sort of shit, these freak pedos will feel welcome and thrive.

No. 2306841

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i know it's early but i think i found a strong contender for next threadpic

No. 2307422

Hoping you are not that pedantic nonnie who was bitching about threadpics in previous threads.

No. 2307510

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> be fag reynhard sinaga
>belong to a rich SEA family
>cant lay a moid so would drug and rape club moids (who always would follow him to his apartment)
>gets caught between buttrape
>gets his shit kicked in
>brit moids claim hes the worst serial rapist in ""history"" kek sure
>gets life sentence in "six months jail for baby rape" bongland
Saw a bong make up "true crime" youtuber say this case was just like Jeffrey dahmer and kek at the fact just because he raped moids instead of women he got a harsher sentence than some child rapists do in the UK, all the time I felt no sympathy for the rapeape and its "victims" and comparing this fag to moids who've killed and brutalised women is laughable all of these moids still came out alive unlike how it happens with women.

No. 2307512

He wouldn't even be in jail if he raped women. I'll say it, he's a hero. Free my man!

No. 2307552

Based. The world needs more faggot rapists to break moids down and keep them docile

No. 2307555

He probably wouldn't even get that sentence if he'd raped young boys, but god forbid the adult scrotes are put in any kind of ego bruising risk

No. 2307660

what? no i just saw that pic in another thread and thought of this one. i juts thought it was a nice pic jfc.
ikr? in a country that produced jimmy savile, the worst rapist in history is the one that raped only moids. yeah ok sure

No. 2307779

He is the most prolific 'documented' rapist, if the pelicot case told us anything there is much worse out there that is simply not covered

No. 2307852

>sea moid in britain
chances are high that he's only half his victims size, girls and women would be so grateful if the people preying on them would be that easy to fight off

No. 2307894

I was just asking, not accusing, chill.

No. 2308672

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I dont care if I get banned for this but I hate indian moids the most them and french moids are the worst in existence.

No. 2308696

Indian men see women as lower than animals

No. 2308707

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Ironic given thats what the indian moids are.

No. 2308719

you are so real for this, even indian women dont like them

No. 2308726

Thank you. Im in the UK and lived in an area with a high hindu indian population and it was shit. We had a special campaign around our area because men would spit out paan which is detrimental to human, animal and even enviromental health (like, its actually a corrosive) the attitude they had towards women here is vile so these stories coming out of india is not a surprise, I really feel for indian women.

No. 2309732

My neighborhood has suddenly turned into little India. Chain migration with them pooling their money to set up shitty businesses. I can’t go outside without a rape gang of Indian moids leering at me

No. 2309733

Ew, so he was harassing his brother's wife and was shocked after she told him to fuck off? What the fuck was her husband doing during all this?

No. 2309737

Lmao women are nothing to Indian men. The husband was probably trying to fetch a better exchange price from his brother

No. 2310398

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how do kids get like this?

No. 2310417

it can be the man's brother's wife

or the wife's sister

No. 2310532

I'm losing my shit at this headline

No. 2310912

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I really wanna know if the shooter was, indeed, an actual biological girl, or a troon.

No. 2310924

jesus fucking christ gen alpha is vile

No. 2310978

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Whats even crazier is the teacher would participate in the bullying. I once had a bitch teacher in 5th grade who would also bully me when i was already getting bullied by the retarded kids so this really pisses me off. thank god this little rodent was doxxed.
>Olivia Grace Bennett
>she wanted to foster kids
Whats up with these barracudas wanting to donate to animal shelters and foster kids?

No. 2310980

these bitches always have those demonic gummy smiles

No. 2310991

Also i hope the kids get doxxed next. I dont fucking care if they are 12. If you're a little demonic shit at 12 then you will be forever. Bullying sticks with you for life doesnt matter if its coming from retarded 12 year olds.

No. 2310994

Kek same! Ran right here when I heard, so far I think there's only been 2 female school shooters. I could be wrong, but one was a long term rape victim by her father and the other was dosed up on testosterone. So if it's actually a woman I'll believe it when I see it.

No. 2311004

We NEED to monitor internet and smart phone access now. This is not normal behavior at all. I'm so worried gen alpha will not learn empathy and become a generation of sociopaths.

No. 2311032

This poor girl. I need to stop looking at this thread, it just makes me want to cry. What the fuck is happening to society?

No. 2311046

This shit makes me so scared for my niece when she starts school. Id be willing to throw acid on a 5 year old if they even look at her wrong.

No. 2311047

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Samefag and sorry to mobile post. But I found this article and I feel like they probably wouldn't address it at all if it were just a woman and not a troon. So I'm starting to think it is indeed a moid. I also hate the whole ~it doesn't matter what gender~ bullshit, it does matter when the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by men. And it's unfair for women to have our crime statistics fucked with by men parading as women and falsely inflating our numbers. It matters, I'm so sick of normies pretending it doesn't.

No. 2311052

What the fuck, poor baby

No. 2311076

>Male police chief says that it doesn't matter that almost all school shooters are men

No. 2311087

This whole case is heartbreaking. I feel so bad for that girl and her family, she will need long term medical care and support her entire life because of this. I hope they’re successful in their lawsuit against the school board.

No. 2311091

Im pretty sure it was a girl. Potentially had autoandrophilia but more likely she was groomed by her faggot nazi boyfriend into hurting people/herself. I think he wrote her manifesto.

No. 2311106

Kids aren't blank slates. Some kids are just born rotten. Those bully kids can not be fixed, just throw them away.

No. 2311118

Lower the age of criminal responsibility now. These kids DO know what they're doing and should be culled. If they're that evil at that age then they'll just become even worse.

No. 2311503

i believe some people get into the teaching profession so they can have access to children to torment or they end up hating children so much after spending years dealing with misbehaving ferals that they develop a desire to psychologically abuse them. if a child is already being bullied by other students that makes them an easier target but they also like to go for kids from low-income or dysfunctional homes and kids with learning disabilities.

No. 2311804

i want them to release the gender of the teacher she killed. cause male teachers at a christian school are all rapists.

No. 2311833

T. anon who has never taught and knows absolutely nothing about teaching but had one shitty teacher so Knows Everything

No. 2312244

I'm glad they leaked her name. She called a little girl a roach. There's no excuse for that.
One of my high school math teachers was bitter and extremely deranged. He definitely hated the job and hated us. He also refused to grade my late work from a week I had the flu, and fucked over my GPA.

No. 2313029


Ladies just minding their own business chilling on the beach and some 20 year old scrote comes up and stabs them both like 20 times each. No relation to the scrote. He just wanted to murder some ladies. How dare two mid 30s women be enjoying some time on the beach together? Makes me mad he’s gonna be allowed to be in a cushy UK prison.

No. 2313559

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No. 2313561

This is disgusting!! I hate texas and I really wish people would leave that abhorrent state. They took a life away. A mother is dead now because of this non sense. I hope all religious people face ultimate judgement. Religion has no place in politics. Women's rights are human rights. I still cant wrap my head around how many poor women are dying now because of these bullshit laws with no proof. And fuck the doctors who let her die

No. 2313562

she is literally so beautiful and so is her little baby. those doctors should be lynched for standing by while this happened to her. life in prison is literally not enough. they should have been willing to go to prison to save her. she was begging to god and they just listened to their own cowardice instead of being what she was praying for. imagine hearing a woman pray to god for help and to just stand there knowing you could. they should have asked biden to pardon them. fuck them. they’re as bad as the politicians who did this.

No. 2313564

Agree. Those doctors are murderers. RIP to that poor woman.

No. 2313568

i literally would have googled how to do it and saved her myself as a not doctor. i don’t give a single fuck. someone should have fucking helped her. this wasn’t only the fault of the laws. this was the fault of a LOT of people. the lobbyists and the voters as well. i hope each and every person responsible for the chain of events that resulted in this woman’s POINTLESS demise to not even save a fucking baby has to gain entry to heaven through a gate only she operates.

No. 2313571

the doctors can lose their license or be fined six figures, I'm not saying what they did was right though. politicians like ted cruz are the enemy, he actually addressed this and said "we don't know everything that happened but it wasn't because of the heartbeat law". BULLSHIT. there is an exception for saving the mother's life but it's really vague. another reason why abortion exceptions are a lie

No. 2313574

They really, really dont give a shit about women. I hope all the men and women who voted red get exactly what they deserve. A woman is dead because of pointless politics. This is senseless, and you're right. I hope the 4B movement becomes stronger in red states.

No. 2313576

oh wow i thought they were facing prison time that makes it even more pathetic. people aren’t guaranteed a job position or a career in a field at all who did the same amount of schooling and are also doctors. they aren’t allowed to legally murder and pretend their license is worth more than a human life. i think they should all be tried as murderers anytime anything like this happens.

No. 2313577

ted cruz should have the doctors prosecuted since they were allowed to save her and watched her die. he won’t though.

No. 2313591

prolifers don't care about that. even if they don't say it outright, many of them think a mother dying during pregnancy or childbirth is due to some inherent flaw or dirtiness within her instead of bad luck. because god made women to give birth and 'god doesn't make mistakes'. and that's why so many of those women don't think pregnancy complications can happen to them until it does.
no amount of pointing at all the needless suffering they cause will get them to change their mind. literally the only thing that can actually change their mind is experiencing it themselves. a miscarriage, ectopic, whatever, happening to a good wholesome married christian woman (themselves) is the only thing that gets to them to see this as an actual women's health issue that can affect anyone and should therefore be treated as a women's health issue.
please at least google this issue before you spout off like an ignoramus. they absolutely face life in prison for this in texas. losing their license and the fines are in addition to the prison risk.

No. 2313592

they acted in accordance with the law(s) that he wanted so if he tried them he'd basically have to admit his own laws are shit, which will never happen

No. 2314018

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It's almost impressive how casually men can do and say evil things. This guy probably views himself as a decent man, he probably has a spouse who loves him, yet he went on a video about a 12 year-old who killed herself and decided to comment that he doesn't feel sorry for her because suicide is selfish. A bullied 12 year-old.

No. 2314128

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Monster of Avignon trial is wrapping up.
Even though the accomplices didn’t get the sentences the prosecutors wanted, I’m glad every single one was found guilty, and I’m glad her husband got the maximum even though it will never be enough.
I hope she enjoys the rest of her life.

No. 2314172

he'd probably feel sad if she was a twelve-year-old boy instead of a girl

No. 2315382

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>A South Carolina man received a reduced sentence after pleading guilty to having sex and prostituting hundreds of Black girls, the Atlanta Black Star reports.
>Jason Roger Pope, also known as “DJ Kidd” pleaded guilty to five counts of sex trafficking of a minor, five counts of criminal sexual conduct, and three counts of criminal sexual conduct last summer. The charges stemmed from Pope’s sex trafficking of minors from 2017 to 2019, including 693 underage Black girls, according to prosecutors.Prosecutors said Pope also intentionally infected one of the victims with HIV.
>Pope was sentenced to 30 years in prison, but the sentence was suspended to 19 years. Following his release from prison, Pope will be on sex offender probation for five years as special sex offender agents monitor him. The DJ will also be listed on the Sex Offender Registry and is prohibited from contacting all of the identified victims.

No. 2315388

I cannot stand conservative boomers at all. I also hate how adults have zero empathy for the fact that children feel emotions more intensely than adults do. I can feel that he is horribly emotionally abusive to his own children.

No. 2315389

literally crying reading this. i’m relieved that it seems the lowest sentence handed out was three years? although it said three of them were not charged? they all deserve life in prison. i assume the twenty year sentence is because he will die in there? three years is nothing compared to what they did but when so many rapists get nothing it is at least something. she is the bravest woman i’ve ever heard of. she saved so many other women from these monsters. i hope these men’s names are periodically brought up to make sure no one ever forgets.

No. 2315390

he probably self identifies as the underdog and not the bully when he watches movies.

No. 2315392

I heard about this years ago from the youtube lovelyti and it's only now he is being sentenced when there's overwhelming evidence of him bragging about his acts. I had to google what a suspended sentence is and apparently he gets to be out on bail for 19 years? Are you fucking kidding me???? Knowing how brazen he is with his acts, he will continue his predatory behaviour even on bail. 30 years is not enough, he needs to die. I am so sick of the world in general having such a relaxed attitude to sexual predators.
The men here can catch these hands too whilst we are at it. There is never enough prison time in the world for this animals.
I could smell the emotionally abusive gaslighter energy from his comment, i swear to god. I hope he suffers.

No. 2315395

Is it common for teachers to bully students? When I was 12 my teacher would participate in bullying me too, because her daughter was my age and didn't like me. So her mom, the fucking teacher, would add in to it and made my school life absolute hell. As a kid, I used to love school before that happened. I honestly thought I was the only one who has had that happen, because the people I've told about it are always shocked and some don't even believe it because "teachers would never do that!" Uhhh yes they fuckin would. I had a whole other teacher participate in bullying me in the two years afterwards in middle school aswell. This shit must be really common. I feel so sad for that little girl, I know she will always need care for the rest of her life now but I hope she recovers as much as she can. I wish I could hug her.

No. 2315411

I hope it's not super common but yeah it for sure happens, I got singled out by a teacher a lot who was harsher on me and another girl than she was on everyone else. She used too make this girl run laps in PE everyday despite her having bad back issues and she'd literally sit in the bleachers with these popular girls in the class and swap shoes with them and talk like she was one of the other middle schoolers. I was a spergy oversensitive kid who cried a lot and had to be excused from field trips or class presentations about drugs or anything too "heavy." Which is annoying for sure but she had it in for me for that, one day she gave me this "everyone you know is going to die one day and your going to have to be okay enough to deal with it." Like yeah true, but I don't need a speech like that at 12 when my main concern is just getting through the school day with the least amount of panic attacks as possible. Some teachers can be just as immature as the students unfortunately. I'm sorry that happened anon, and I'm sorry people deny your experience.

No. 2315551

Very common. I was bullied by a teacher in year 5 (9 to 10 years old) because I have ADHD and dyspraxia so I needed extra help with handwriting and I would sometimes shout out instead of raising my hand. I remember she would always tell me gleefully that all the staff members would sit in the staff room and talk about how horrible I was, so that I didn’t trust any other teacher to help me. My mother went in to complain and it got better for a bit but then it got worse again and she started using it against me in front of the class, acting like I was some sort of whining snitch. She was the same as the other nonnas teacher, she loved sitting with the popular girls and being friendly with them.

No. 2315554

She deserves it. I hope they drive her to fucking suicide. I still have mental health problems to this day after being bullied and singled out by bitch teachers like her.

No. 2315557

A personal anecdote does not equate to "very common"

No. 2315564

Oh don't even get me started on my horrible teacher stories kek. Inb4 "behaviour problem rat children" my sister and I were actually very well behaved as kids because we were shy and quiet, so they had literally no excuse. My chemistry teacher in particular had it out for me just because I wasn't good at the subject, like why tf do you think I'm going to school in the first place?!

No. 2315567

>She was the same as the other nonnas teacher, she loved sitting with the popular girls and being friendly with them
Nayrt but I had a form teacher like this and it impacted me a lot because I moved to the school in the final year before high school and she would also roll my eyes whenever I asked for help. Teachers who want to be cool with the popular kids are so truly pathetic, I wish I could have been smart enough to understand what was happening at the time so that I could have at least laughed at her for being cringe.

No. 2315574

Ok, so what about all the other kids I witnessed being bullied by other teachers? What about the several nonnas in this thread that say it happened to them? I’m sorry you don’t like it but peoples personal experience matters. Idk why you’re so butthurt and pressed. Are you a bully teacher yourself?
It was even worse with mine cos she was like 70 years old.

No. 2315585

I guess a handful of anons can speak for the entirety of humanity, you're right, my bad. My own school experience and that of my friends don't count, obviously. General sweeping statements are always true.

No. 2315587

>Are you a bully teacher yourself?
You freaks always do this. This isn't a gotcha anon, it's pathetic.

No. 2315594

I had a lot of scrote teachers who wanted to be ~kewl~ and it was just embarrassing to watch. They were always SO fucking nasty and misogynistic because they wanted to be friends with the 15 year old scrotelets who didn't even like them. I remember one accusing me of something I didn't do, and as I was trying to explain myself, he got right up in my face going "BUT WHY WERE YOU DOING IT HUH??? HUH??? HUH???" Another moid teacher made snide comments about my friend's haircut (which was fine, just boyish) and went out of his way to smugly make fun of her after she was forced to dye it back from a colour she really liked. He threw a little bitchy tantrum after I told him to go fuck himself kek. Teachers who power trip over their students are pathetic creatures who should kill themselves.

No. 2315606

Nta but you do seem to be taking this especially personally, obviously anons are going to assume these innocuous posts are hitting a nerve

No. 2315608

go back to reddit retard

No. 2315614

Lmao anon, please. Disagreeing isn't taking anything personally. This site is constantly full of aggressive posters, but I point out some simple fact that a personal experience doesn't make that experience common and I'm treated like I'm being unreasonable and hysterical. Site full of retards.

No. 2315660

So when it’s the personal experience of so many people, does it count then?

No. 2315665

>This site is constantly full of aggressive posters
Yeah and your one of them, your being needlessly aggressive for what the conversation was.

>and I'm treated like I'm being unreasonable and hysterical.

Anon come on, you came in throwing around names and starting shit and you got called out on it. Don't play victim after a sad attempt at playing the aggressor, that's so juvenile.

No. 2316101

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Repost from amerifags
>A new state law requiring age verification to visit pornographic platforms takes effect on New Year's Day.
>And Pornhub, the world's most popular adult entertainment website, says it's opting to block access in Florida in a couple weeks rather than comply.
>"Did you know that your government wants you to give your driver's license before you can access PORNHUB?" a pop-up warning on its website says. "As crazy as that sounds, it's true. You'll be required to prove you are 18 years or older such as by uploading your government ID for every adult content website you'd like to access."
>"We don't want minors accessing our site and think preventing that from happening is a good thing," the site says in the warning. "But putting everybody's privacy at risk won't achieve that."
>"Adults can do whatever they want; I don't care," said former House Speaker Paul Renner, R-Palm Coast, over the summer. The legislation was a priority of his during the 2024 session. "But 8-year-old boys should not be accessing hard-core pornography at that age."
>It creates "a substantial burden on adults who want to access legal sites without fear of surveillance,” said Alison Boden, executive director of Free Speech Coalition, in a statement.
>The Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry, and others filed a federal lawsuit against the law on Monday, hoping to get it struck down.

No. 2316107

I wish they would block their site from the entire US

No. 2316124

They also just can not watch porn.

No. 2316162

One word: pickmes.

No. 2316305

Why is it always the middle school teachers? My middle school home ec teacher had it out for me. Our first unit was about childcare, she asked me some question about future kids and gave me a disgusted look when I said I never wanted to have children. After that she was very cold to me. During the sewing unit when I was having issues with my machine, she ignored me repeatedly asking her for help. I had to rely on help from the girl sitting next to me to finish my project. When we were doing the cooking/baking unit she would always single out me and a few other students she didn’t like to stay after class to do all the cleaning, then she would refuse to write us late passes for our next classes. My science teacher gave me detention for being late the first time it happened, but after I explained what was going on he was chill about it, so I started bringing him the leftover cake/brownies/pizza as thanks

No. 2316457

One of my dad's elementary school teachers spanked and bullied him because she was friends with the mother of the class bully kid, and my dad told a different teacher what the bully kid had been doing. Deranged behavior from an adult. My 3rd grade English teacher just hated me for no reason and would look for any excuse to mark points off of my work. I didn't even realize the scope of it until I was an adult and read through a notebook I had saved, and saw that the bitch had just subtracted points for nonsensical reasons.

No. 2316584

Besides the bully teachers, there were also male teachers who were flattered when pretty girls would be nice to them. That was extra pathetic. And also bully teachers who liked the “cool” students who talked mad shit behind their backs. The drama teacher at my school had cancer, and a classmate of mine would act nice to her face but then say she wished she would die already. Lots of bully teachers’ preferred pets absolutely hated them

No. 2318585

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Actual blackpill inducing, wtf

No. 2318616

I bet half of them are uggo scrotes from third world countries, i know this because im from one and they tend to be rape apes who have groups to share porn

No. 2318618

Not to "um actually" this but most notorious nth rooms come from first worlds. Moids suck ass from both the first and third worlds

No. 2318675

do reddit next

No. 2318688

>26 year old scrote cuts his dads head off after his dad came to stay with him for a while
>said he had to “protect the kids”
>people claiming there were no kids to protect

Look through the dead dad’s hard drives cause this is sketchy.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2318691

The reality is that men in 3rd world countries wouldn't have to sit around and fantasize about this shit, they would just do it because usually women are seen as lesser, so it makes those thoughts more acceptable. Also, their parents would find ways to help them get away with their crimes.

No. 2318700

Nah this is average germoid behavior.

No. 2318704

Not trying to be rude nona but from what you said it makes it seem like you think im from a muslim country or a lawless hell or something, are you from a third world shithole? You can't just go around saying, being open about it or advocating for raping and abusing women unless you wanna get beaten to death in the streets.

No. 2318759

nta but I'm from a 3rd world country and men do in fact publicly talk about abusing women and nobody cares.

No. 2318761

I hate reddit but telegram is truly on another level in terms of hosting depraved, illegal content. Telegram is mentioned almost every single time there's news about multiple men sharing child abuse materials, animal abuse materials, terrorism, radicalizing teens to commit mass shooting, whatever. Almost every time. Seriously, pay attention.

No. 2318833

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>Man sets random sleeping woman on train on fire
>Reports say police officers saw this but did fuck all


I hope the birth rate plummets to hell these vile beings deserve NOTHING

No. 2318836

oh i know. i never hear shit about people being caught on reddit. there are support groups for “rapists who are falsely accused” and “support for offenders”. literally support groups where offended pedophiles talk about how they changed and shit. i couldn’t post on ptsd support groups without dozens of men dming me every time to ask about what happened to me and sexually harass me. there is an entire nest of degenerate men hiding in there. no way that pedos aren’t using that group to connect with each other

No. 2318837

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Me again because OF COURSE a male "comedian" would make a joke about this because they are fucking vile creatures who's mothers should have chosen abortion.

No. 2318942

1,000 views and 7 likes

No. 2318943

This is such a bad joke that I can't even be angry just embarrassed

No. 2318978

wow he is not funny at all

No. 2318979

He made that so much more clunky and wordy than he needed to.

No. 2319070

The footage of her burning was the most harrowing shit I've ever seen. That's another human being, someone's daughter, and everyone just stands there, while the moid quite literally fans the flames. A cop walks right by and does nothing. The fact this happened in a public place too, the next person I hear talk about how women are too paranoid is gonna get punched.

No. 2319144

i don’t know why i decided this was something i wanted to look up i think i thought it was going to be actually him lighting her on fire and her like waking up and screaming and putting it out. i didn’t know she died before i clicked on it and saw the comments because my eyes couldn’t make sense of what i was seeing because it was actually too horrible and at first i didn’t realize where she was. don’t look it up.

No. 2319164

Welcome to the Internet. It was horrifying but there’s definitely more horrifying things that happen, probably the most surprising part is this came from a place like NYC and not some former Soviet country/generally violent place.

No. 2319182

>Welcome to the Internet. It was horrifying but there’s definitely more horrifying things that happen
You're not edgy or cool for saying this.

No. 2319205

>but there’s definitely more horrifying things that happen
Nta but this argument is so dumb, there's always worse things in the world, it doesn't mean people can't be bothered by it. And maybe that's the worst footage the Nonna has seen. If a person is upset about their pet dying would you say to them "hey don't be sad about your cat, some people's children die!" Kek, you probably would though cause you sound retarded.

No. 2319206

Are you insinuating that the USA isn't an extremely violent country?

No. 2319280

The guy who did it isn’t a local, he’s an illegal immigrant from Guatemala.

No. 2319287

>probably the most surprising part is this came from a place like NYC
>most surprising part
??? did you just wake up from a coma from the 1930s? because nyc always has been violent

No. 2321183

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yet another reminder that you can't count on anyone, even other women, to help you if you're attacked. i understand being unable to physically intervene but nobody even called the police when this poor woman was stabbed despite her running around looking for help, her neighbor had to do it.
>The suspect, identified by police as 28-year-old Brooklyn native Jason Sargeant, began repeatedly yelling at her “what’s your problem?” — and then lunged at her with a small knife, cutting through her throat. He then kicked Pizarro’s phone away.
>Witnesses to the stabbing, many of whom appeared to be tourists “just froze.” Police were nowhere in sight, she said.
>“I wish I could be able to travel to my livelihood and not be attacked. I wish there were cops in Grand Central when I was attacked, there were none. I was running for help and there was no one there,” she said.
>“There are usually cops in four different spots and I ran to each one of them but none were there,” she said.
>“No one called 911. No one in Grand Central called 911. It was my neighbor. I called my neighbor. I was on the phone with my neighbor when it happened and she called 911.”

No. 2321190

What the fuck. Even if I did run away from the scene out of fright, I would be dialing the cops at the exact same time. What kind of retard just walks away and ignores it?

No. 2321192

wow this is embarassingly bad, moid humor is terrible

No. 2323875

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>The Munich District Court showed remarkable leniency in the trial of the rape of a sleeping – and thus helpless – woman : the jury, chaired by Renate Partin, sentenced a 28-year-old to eleven months in prison and suspended the sentence. The crime had been very traumatic for the victim, the judge stated, "she will not be the same as before for the rest of her life." However, they did not want to punish the perpetrator so harshly, because a prison sentence of more than a year would mean the firefighter losing his civil servant status. "That would be very harsh," said the judge.

>Two male lay judges sit at the judge's side and support the verdict. Even without the defendant's confession, they are "convinced" that the crime happened as the victim had described it in her video interview. The reasoning, however, was primarily based on understanding for the perpetrator: at 25, he was still very young at the time, and the fact that he raped a good friend after separating from his wife was an "immature reaction" and should be considered a mitigating factor. The defendant should, among other things, complete five hours of counseling.

>Jennifer L. (all names have been changed) had to go into therapy for a year and a half after the incident, which caused her difficulties at work due to scheduling issues. She suffered from sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, was disgusted by men's perfumes and avoided hugs from acquaintances or friends. And Thomas B. was a friend, at least up until that point.

>They had known each other for more than two years and had the same circle of friends. Thomas B. is a full-time firefighter in the Munich area and also in the management level of a volunteer fire department in the community where Jennifer L. lived. At this same fire department, Thomas B. drank "about five beers" in a meeting in early February 2022, then went to a private birthday party. There he had "four to five double Ramazzotti", then a Cuba Libre. The last thing he remembered was the paper cup with the rum - and then nothing more.

>Jennifer L., however, still remembers everything very well. In her video interview, she says that she had spoken a lot with Thomas B. about his separation that evening. The party broke up, "it was usual for people to have a nightcap at my place," she says, and since she had the feeling that Thomas B. was not feeling well, she took him with her.

>At home, B. continued to complain about his suffering and then tried to kiss the then 29-year-old. She said clearly, "You're misunderstanding this," he apologized and moved away. Then she started worrying again: "I had just cheered him up and thought: Now he's sad again." At some point she fell asleep on the couch.

>When she woke up, her pants were pulled down and she felt a moving touch in her intimate area. She jumped up, ran to the bathroom, came back and threw B. out of the apartment. "He was lying on the couch and his lower body was undressed completely."

>The defendant claims that he cannot remember

>Thomas B. claims that he can remember being thrown out however. According to forensic scientist Anna Holzer, the gaps in his memory can be explained by his alcohol consumption. On the other hand, B. acted "purposefully and decisively" during the crime.

>Thomas B. confesses to the crime, even if he doesn't remember it. "I know that she wouldn't incriminate me unjustly." He apologizes and offers 6,000 euros in compensation, which lawyer Matthias Bohn accepts on behalf of his client. Public prosecutor Maximilian Seidl had demanded a one-and-a-half-year suspended sentence. The woman had behaved empathetically and he had exploited her trust. He left open whether Seidl would appeal.


No. 2323877

I didnt even need to see the citys name to know this was Germany…the fuck is going on in that country

No. 2323881

what the fuck is wrong with Europe, especially Germany

No. 2323903

Plain old misogyny

No. 2324902

should i take out the garbage now? or later? I'll have to do a few trips because I'm downsizing(wrong thread)

No. 2324914

Ah, classic germany. Haven’t changed one bit since they routinely adopted out orphans to convicted pedophiles in hopes of minimising returns.

No. 2324930

is there any country that just takes rapists out back and shoots them?

No. 2324947

There are actually and this list may surprise noone considering these countries have a rapeape epidemic
>Saudi Arabia

No. 2325011

Nothing about this surprises me. My parents friend is a judge and also only handed out a 1 year sentence for rape despite having 2 daughters. Not punishing moids because of the tiniest "uwu he felt bad!"-reason is so normal here.

Also, judging by the names these were two locals, once again showing that you don't need to be a poor foreigner (prostitute) to become a victim, her being german helped her zero in court. There's also nothing we could do against this, being pro prison, pro stricter sentencing, anti prostitution, and so on, is immediately seen as backwards, inhumane or borderline right wing. Just adding this because I often already saw anons claiming that german women don't fight for foreign women in their country because the misogyny in Germany doesn't affect them, which just isn't true, they too get it from both refugees and local moids.

No. 2325589

Lol who told you Iran kills rapists? There's currently an ongoing case of a man who drugged and raped more than 200 young women and he was recently freed on bail (yes there were videos of him raping the victims).

No. 2325619

Most of the time they’ll find a way to blame the victim and punish them instead under adultery laws or some shit. This only really gets upheld if someone powerful has a woman or girl close to him that gets raped by someone beneath him.

No. 2325684

If this was true, 75% of the men in these countries would already be dead (maybe 99% in the subcontinent).

No. 2327055

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not true. the perpetrators of the 2012 dehli gang rape were only executed several years later and their victim actually died (horribly) from injuries she suffered during the assault. their hangings were the last executions to take place in india and that was in 2020, many many many rapes have occurred there since then yet none of those men have been executed

No. 2328443

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Fuck this. Just because you can't get pregnant does not entitle you to poor womens bodies, dead womens bodies, or any other womens bodies.

There is no need for the 'solution' of unnatural batshit procedures like IVF because infertility is not a problem in the first place: there is no shortage of children.

If you can't get pregnant just accept that maybe nature is telling you you're not meant to pass on your genes and adopt, unless you're too narcissistic to love a child that isn't biological, in which case you're not fit to be a mother in the first place.

No. 2328467

free him

No. 2328492

A bit late but I should've clarified that death sentences in these countries are only taken on known or cases that get backlash, I know these moids would rather kill the victim than the rapist and I wasnt implying that they always kill rapists the list online only said these countries have the death penalty for the crime of rape (not that they follow through with the punishment)

No. 2328514

This. Show us what those men were wearing to make a fair judgement.

No. 2328516

Ew the fact someone even suggested using a corpse to have a baby. Dystopian. Even if they have no empathy towards the dead, imagine the child being born to a corpse? Wouldn't that mentally mess them up? I can't even imagine. But for these people the only thing that matters is their new little accessory aka a baby.

No. 2328575

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from a grooming gang case in bradford

>Victim of grooming gang placed in care at 13

>At 15, was married to abuser in Muslim Nikah wedding
>Social worker attended wedding
>Placed in foster care with parents of abuser
>Treated as domestic slave
>Sexually abused and gang-raped

No. 2328576

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parents who attempted to rescue their children were arrested when the police arrived

No. 2328577

15-year-old Rochdale grooming gang victim who died after being injected with heroin: How Victoria Agoglia was repeatedly ignored despite telling police she was being abused, raped and plied with drugs by predatory pedophiles


No. 2328596

This shit is why I am blackpilled on feminism. Almost none of them ever talk about this stuff or any of the other shit Muslims do

No. 2328670

well they're not allowed because it's "islamophobia" or some retarded crap like that

No. 2328909

This is Mitchelle Blair, she murdered two of her four children. I watched an episode of Evil Lives Here earlier where her daughter, Gabi Blair, spoke about the abuse she and her siblings faced at the hands of Mitchelle. I'll try to condense the story because there are a lot of awful things that heppened. Vidrel is longer and probably goes into more detail though. It's kind of already expected with the nature of this thread, but I would read with caution. This is one of the worst cases I've ever heard of.
>Mitchelle has 4 children, the oldest being Gabi and the youngest being Matthew. Stoni and Stephen are the middle children
>All children face horrible beatings, Gabi has multiple scars across her body and Mitchelle even knocked out one of her teeth with a curling iron
>One day, Mitchelle catches Matthew putting his toy soldiers in a suggestive position
>Mitchelle starts interrogating him about who taught him that and if he was being molested by Stephen
>After relentless questioning, Matthew says finally says yes
>Mitchelle isolates Stephen in a master bedroom where she gives him limited access to food and beats him
>After a while, Mitchelle finally decides that it's enough but it's too late and Stephen succumbs to his injuries
>Mitchelle apologizes profusely, but eventually makes Gabi help her put Stephen in a freezer.
>9 months later, Mitchelle gets angry at Stoni and starts accusing her of sexually assaulting Matthew
>She does the same as she did with Stephen, but this time a lot more cruel. She completely deprives her of food and beats her more brutally
There's a part in the documentary that made me particularly sick. When Stoni was finally murdered, according to Gabi Mitchelle hit her across the head with an object and said "woohoo! look at that!" when blood started spurting out
>Mitchelle again has Gabi put her sibling in the freezer
>Stoni is still breathing and trying to survive.
>Mitchelle attempts to suffocate her but gives up and says "that bitch is as good as dead"
>The children remain in the freezer for two years
>Mitchelle ends up turning herself in and gets a 90 year sentence

This is truly just one of the most horrifying things I've ever learned about. It's truly evil. Mitchelle does have at least one sibling, and part of me wonders if she was sexually assaulted by her siblings and projected her trauma onto her children. Gabi says that Stephen did bully Matthew, but that she feels that Matthew only said that he was being molested because he felt pressured to by Mitchelle.

No. 2328921

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This is the reality of men but you cant bring it up. Meanwhile, women are picked apart and any sort of misandry gets you labeled "ummm sus and terfy:/" on twitter. You're allowed to degrade women, call them names, make fun of them, threaten to punch them, say any perverse or gross insult/humiliation ritual as long as you say "white women" etc. but nope, you aren't allowed to hate men for what they intrinsically do as a whole. That's like um totes terfy radfem vibes. Nevermind that like every minute somewhere a man is raping a woman, child, or animal to death somewhere. It would be totally crazy to be mistrusting of them for that.

No. 2328941

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I remember this case. It sicken me to the core. Picrel haunts me.

No. 2329001

You’re right but also fuck these rich YouTubers profiting off brutal cases of kids being killed.

No. 2329005

Yeah ayrt and I can't stand her. The way she makes up fake dialogue to sound more knowledgeable about a case is psychotic

No. 2329021

I listen to her videos sometimes because she covers some really fucked up things that happen in Asian countries in English but I get really annoyed when she calls baby rape and murder a “story” in the same way her videos about dumb Tiktok drama are “stories”. I also hate the way she does >>2329005 and in most of her new videos she spends too long reading Reddit comments like they mean anything

No. 2329023

Her fake overemoting and theatrical intonation make her genuinely unbearable, and I tune into some of her stuff for the same reason as you, some of the events she covers have next to no coverage in English. Her and other true crime ytbers are vile imo

No. 2329072

mass deportations aren't enough. Mass death penalty now! Bring that shit back! people need to become vigilantes, the law failed them!!

No. 2329173

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>In December, after Kim was transferred to the women’s prison, there were complaints by female inmates of sexual exploitation by male inmates who identified as female, including numerous cases of sexual assault by convicted transgender felons.
>Washington officials denied having these complaints on file. However, according to redacted documents obtained by The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI, as of October 2023, there are approximately 62 trans-identifying males in the prison population. Some of the crimes that landed them in jail included rape, rape of a child, and viewing/dealing child pornography, according to the documents that also listed multiple substantiated instances of "inmate-on-inmate sexual harassment."
>Despite a hiring freeze instituted by Inslee this month, WADOC recently posted a job for a six-figure salary for the new position of Gender Affirming Medical Specialist for inmates. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of Washington taxpayer dollars have been spent on gender reassignment surgeries, hormone replacement therapies, and other “gender-affirming healthcare” for transgender-identifying inmates.

No. 2329180

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I'm sure Brexiteers are overjoyed that more of them have been coming to the UK to 'fill labour gaps'.

No. 2329191

They need to kill them, all of them

No. 2329194

This is starting to feel like an actual fetish for female suffering

No. 2329197

i knew awful shit happens to girls and women everywhere but holy fuck this one is extremely harrowing.

No. 2329210

That's it I'm done with humanity time to start killing
Yeah, I'm desensitised to most of this really depressing shit but wtf.

No. 2329287

It's as if baby-obsessed women turn into soulless moids… Majority of them would sacrifice any women including their own mother just to get one (especially a son).
I wouldn't even be surprised if this one day becomes reality, the entitlement is through the roof, they genuinely think they all "deserve" something to possess, to "love". And moids would be happy to help them because it's an own to all these females who might not have wanted a child once they were still conscious/alive.

No. 2329313

it's deeply disturbing what some women will do to other women in order to get a baby. wealthy women who don't even suffer from fertility issues will use surrogates anyway simply because they don't want to put their own bodies through a pregnancy. so many unwanted children without homes exist in this world yet sick individuals like these would rather treat women like vessels

No. 2329318

You guys ever heard of “foetal abduction”?

No. 2329370

Male firefighters are over-represented among sexual offenders (going as far as gang rapes) for some reason
What exactly is wrong with UK govt and police? It can't be just a pretense of 'anti racism' or prudishness or liberalism. This is so absurd, if i was british i'd want to riot and make politicians afraid for their lives

No. 2329373

>What exactly is wrong with UK govt and police?
labour was in charge at the time, and they were basically scared of losing their standing if this ever got out

No. 2329375

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Brexit was motivated by opposition to immigration across the board, not just EU economic immigration. Tories betrayed everyone by opening the floodgates for nearly a decade while in power despite promising change. Sexual exploitation of English girls by Muslim men has been notorious for decades in the UK. Even here in Canada it was notorious that Arab men, Muslim or Christian, saw us (Canadian women) as stop-gaps until their parents married them off to some girl from their home countries. This Madonna/whore complex towards women generally is a cultural component of all middle eastern cultures

No. 2329376

Labour aren't to blame for the grooming gangs. They haven't been in fucking government for over a decade. Also idk why this is all in the news as if its new news, it's been known since around 2012 and when immigration first ramped up during the Syrian war when UK was allowing war crimes and chemical weapons being used against middle Easterns. There's gay men like elon Musk trying to psyop people into voting for a certified retard like Nigel farage so venture capitalist retards worldwide can get even more tax breaks and exploit immigrants for cheap labour while making civilians fight amongst each other for scraps. Here's a novel idea, fix the fucking economy and instate a fair living wage so people don't turn to crime and corruption.

No. 2329380

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they do what in their own country's as well, in Islam raping a kafir woman is a form of jihad, that is why muslims so often form grooming/rape gangs and historically almost always engage in sex slavery

No. 2329398

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Spoilering it in case. The whole Jeju aircraft crash really fucking bothers me. There is strong speculation that this is looking more like pilot error (panic in the cockpit after the birdstrike) and they landed the plane in too much of a hurry which resulted in them approaching the runway from the wrong end, too fast, and too much in the middle which resulted crashing into the concrete barrier. The start of the birdstrike to the end of the crash happened only in four minutes. FOUR MINUTES. Imagine a ticking clock over your head counting down to your death while you're sitting unaware in your seat that your life will be gone in only four minutes.
The two flight attendants that survived were in the back jumpseats behind the lavatories and that is the only reason they survived the fireball because they were shielded.
They're both recovering and communicating in the hospital but neither can remember anything about the explosion. I hope death for those people was similar in that they did not suffer and were wholly unaware until they were suddenly no more–I find it unbelievably cruel but if they didn't suffer then that is a mercy at least.

No. 2329411

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Yes I am well aware of this, having roots in the region myself. Seeing libfems and regular western women getting hit with the culture shock of middle eastern and Muslim men is an interesting experience to say the least. They believe that all men are the same as western men deep down and after a generation or two they will be assimilated, when in reality no Muslim man is going to willingly give up his chauvinistic, misogynistic original culture for a more egalitarian one. They see western culture as inferior because its more egalitarian towards women. And why would they give up the control they have over their women? Muslim girls know that they can't be seen even talking to a non Muslim man (or unrelated men in general for very strict families) outside of formal situations or they risk bringing shame onto the whole family and being ostracized. The double standard suits them just fine

No. 2329415

>grooming/rape gangs and historically almost always engage in sex slavery
I dont think that's just a Muslim thing to do all moids of all religions do that . Britain has a very suspicious way of handling pedophile cases i mean they let go their pedophile royal prince run free reminds me of the elm house case where half of British MPs and celebs were involved in a child rape ring which they claim is a conspiracy despite all the evidence

No. 2329431

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See this is what I mean. You don't want to shift your thinking beyond "all moids" and this has you equivocating decades long rape gangs protected by entire communities with super elites who are untouchable to the average people engaging in depravity. When western and Japanese men go to the Philippines and Thailand to rape underage girls and boys, nobody makes any excuses about them or equivocates their behavior to the locals.

Yes, there are huge problems with western men and nobody should be putting them on a pedestal, but Muslim men are an order of magnitude worse and the priority should be protecting English girls from their biggest threats first

No. 2329436

Certain cultures allow for even crueler mistreatment of women, like Islamic ones. Go suck Muslim moid dick elsewhere please. Tired of white feminists acting like culture and ethnicity aren't factors in how women get mistreated. Arabic, Indian and black moids are the most dangerous males of all

No. 2329452

>Yes I am well aware of this, having roots in the region myself. Seeing libfems and regular western women getting hit with the culture shock of middle eastern and Muslim men is an interesting experience to say the least.
Most white women are well aware of how shitty muslim men are, moreso after european countries let in so many muslim migrants. You have entire countries like the US that are considered Islamophobic

No. 2329454

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>pilot error
Nope. The pilot got okayed to use that descent by the tower. The tower did not warn the pilot about the wall at the end of the runway for some reason.

>Air safety expert David Learmount said that, had the "obstruction" not been there, the plane "would have come to rest with most - possibly all - those on board still alive". "Unfortunately, that thing was the reason that everybody got killed, because they literally hit a concrete structure," Captain Ross Aimer, the chief executive of Aero Consulting Experts, told Reuters news agency. "It shouldn't have been there."

>Aviation analyst Sally Gethin questioned whether the pilot knew the barrier was there, particularly given the plane was approaching from the opposite direction from the usual landing approach.
>Former pilot John Cox, chief executive of Safety Operating Systems, told Reuters the runway design "absolutely (did) not" meet industry best practices, which preclude any hard structure within at least 300m (984ft) of the end of the runway.
>Australian airline safety expert Geoffrey Dell also told the news agency: "I've never seen a bird strike prevent the landing gear from being extended."

>Mr Learmount said the landing was "as good as a flapless/gearless touchdown could be: wings level, nose not too high to avoid breaking the tail" and the plane had not sustained substantial damage as it slid along the runway.

>Chris Kingswood, a pilot with 48 years' experience who has flown the same type of aircraft involved in the crash, told BBC News: "Obstacles within a certain range and distance of the runway are required to be frangible, which means that if an aircraft strikes them that they do break.

No. 2329457

I'm from Northern Ireland and we have the worst rate for femicide in Europe and it's white men responsible. I've been subjected to sexual and physically abused by three white boyfriend's. It's our white paramilitaries trafficking and pimping out women. There are mass graves for the women and children murdered and abused by the Catholic church. Faith is faith, but men will exploit whatever means they have to exert a measly amount of power over women. The entire middle east is not full of religious fanatical people, check your ignorance because nothing will get solved societally unless we address the actual issue. Men and classism. Crime rates go down when people have the finances to live in peace and aren't led to believe others are getting advantages they aren't. It's almost like actual real equality would solve so many issues. A gang is a gang, there are no good gangs colluding with wankers in power. Equal access to shared resources would see people respecting lives and livelihoods and not turning a blind eye to everything because we're all miserable cunts

No. 2329462

>I've been subjected and physically abused by three white boyfriend's
Don't date the Kinahans.

No. 2329467

It would be easier to have wealth and equality if countries weren't constantly importing workers to drive down waves and had to pay native workers more.

No. 2329468

It's like that could be solved with a livable minimum wage

No. 2329480

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I don't see that many genuinely naive women anymore, but I do see a lot of "yes, but" types like >>2329457 who let their (often justified) dislike of western men due to personal experience overcome the facts about what's happening.

In countries like Pakistan, it's seen as acceptable for a man whose female relative was raped to rape the rapists female relative in retribution, because for them, rape is a property crime akin to injuring or killing livestock. The family's honor is insulted by the girl being sexually active before marriage (the concept of female consent is irrelevant in Islamic law, only the legal relationship of the man and woman matters) and her bargaining value falls dramatically with the loss of her virginity. This is so conceptually alien to western culture that the mindset can't even be imagined. And the idea of consent being important at all, let alone central to a woman's relationship choices, is as alien to the Islamic and Middle Eastern mindset as their morality is to ours.

No. 2329496

Okay but they're not participating in FGM or honor killings like muslim and African men do right? White Western moids are shit but there are far worse ones out there and that's the point your type refuses to understand.

No. 2329501

>Tired of white feminists acting like culture and ethnicity
Nta but kek I'm brown and I already live in a country where femicide happens on the regular and where the fuck did I ever defended these moids? I dont know why it triggers anons here when I mention that ancient grooming and sex slavery is present in all religions? Do you seriously think that the crusaders or the Spainish Conquistadors didnt take in sex slaves And also raped women and children? I just said that all moids do this even the white ones in Britain so it's no wonder why they would rather deport and not punish the brown pedophile and thanks for sending these moids back so they can now rape brown children when you couldve just killed them so no one call them out for letting go their white pedophiles.

No. 2329513

We all know all moids are shit, but (modern) western society curbs the worst base behaviors in males while middle eastern ones encourage and reward it. I agree that all pedos and rapists should be killed though so I'm sorry they just get deported.

No. 2329533

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All human societies started off with men enslaving and brutalizing women, and this is true for Europe if you go back far enough. The difference is that Europe was capable of change and did change, whereas the rest of the world stayed locked in medieval culture. Euromoids had to get dragged kicking and screaming for the most part but things got progressively better over time.

Meanwhile the middle east is the exact opposite. The social norms were so rigid that even as far back as the high middle ages there were Muslims who were shocked that Frankish women could walk freely outside and conjured up depraved fantasies about them in their writings

No. 2329554

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The US is no different from Syria when it comes to abuse of the most vulnerable women - in both countries women are systemically raped in prison and the authorities are complicit.
>A former inmate at a Washington state women’s prison was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her hulking transgender cellmate — who was transferred to the prison after changing her gender identity, according to a shocking new lawsuit.

No. 2329667

I live in a muslim country, I have been physically beaten and stalked by strange men, my friends have been 'forced' to marry, no non-western feminist has ever said that the west is full of perfect men, we are just tired of western libfems not taking our horrible circumstances seriously and pretending to live in equal circumstances. like I can admit that I am luckier than most women in my country because I come from a good upper middle class family and that's it. why can't western libfems?
I challenge you to spend even one day in a country like afghanistan or syria

No. 2329671

I think you're going to be very surprised by the results of the investigation, anon.

No. 2329679

Not sure how saying men are the issue rather than making it just a race and xenophobia thing invalidates your experiences. Human rights shouldn't just be confined to certain countries, I wish all women could be uplifted and all men shamed. Let's start there rather than just sounding like a bunch of polfags

No. 2329694

I won't be, Hitchcock's The Birds doesn't impress me.

No. 2329703

>Not sure how saying men are the issue rather than making it just a race and xenophobia thing invalidates your experiences. Human rights shouldn't just be confined to certain countries, I wish all women could be uplifted and all men shamed. Let's start there rather than just sounding like a bunch of polfags
'radfems' will almost always show their true liberal nature with this, do you know how to achieve peace, order, and a semblance of rights for women in muslim countries? It requires a dictatorship and an authoritarian military-backed regime that may do some awful things. Because what happens when democracy is installed by the west, Islamists win elections or outright seize power. No radfem of western leftist will ever defend saddam and gaddafi, but their regimes guaranteed a semblance of rights for women, without them conditions deteriorated and outright slavery returned. liberal democracy does not work for our countries

No. 2329707

As a western feminist I find you complicit when you raise the next generation of sexist muslim males and look down on non Muslim women as whores

No. 2329708

Sorry I physically can't take anything in that sounds like a man wrote it.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2329720

so you are just not willing to understand the comprises feminsits have to make, here is an example you might understand, I have been harassed by the police, my cousin has been beaten by them, but I understand what a city looks like without them, every woman in egypt would make that prefer the era of nasser to the modern era

No. 2329722

Nta but I live in a Muslim country too but where did any anon here defend Muslim moids and invalidate the harm Muslim women go through? You do know most of the invalidation is done by western born Muslim women not western libfems (I've seen more bong muslims use the word kefir than I have a native Muslim woman) theres a big issue with Muslim women and their pickmeism for Muslim moids (which is literally indoctrinated into them since birth by both religion and state) although it could be said for any abrahamic religions. The issue isnt a religion specific shit but a ingrained moid feature to rape and groom children/women

No. 2329727

>Faith is faith, but men will exploit whatever means they have to exert a measly amount of power over women.
>The entire middle east is not full of religious fanatical people, check your ignorance
Lmao, no. Sure, there are plenty of well-educated middle easterners who value democracy above sharia law, and those people often immigrate to western countries. Brain drain (highly skilled workers moving abroad) is a serious issue in the middle east, just as religious fundamentalists/islamists are. Maybe it’s not ~PC~ to point this out, but it’s simply reality. You should check your ignorance kek.
>Because what happens when democracy is installed by the west, Islamists win elections or outright seize power.
A parallel example is Iran, in which the western-backed monarchy (which was better for women and intellectuals, at least) was overthrown by islamists and marxists. Of course, then the islamists back-stabbed the marxists and seized power only for themselves. Part of the issue, I assume, is discontent with western influence. When western powers exert their power over the middle east, islamist moids exert power over local women. So to anons here crying “xenophobia,” of course this doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but it’s dangerously naive to ignore the repression of women and deterioration of democracy under islamist rule. Another interesting phenomenon is that muslim immigrants tend to assimilate and adopt western values better than their children do. As in, the children of immigrants tend to be the most radicalized. These children of muslim immigrants tend to romanticize what they haven’t actually experienced, like living under sharia law in a muslim-majority country.

No. 2329729

nta but do you have a solution that isn't just vague platitudes of 'democracy' and education?"

No. 2329732

Not being a racist

No. 2329737

Wow you are so morally superior for telling a muslim woman she talks like a moid for daring to criticize institutions of power that hurt women in the ME! I don’t necessarily agree with this >>2329703 anon on everything, but why are sensitive faggots even here? Like I do believe there are actual racists who use this site, but this is the anon who should be ignored because “muh racism”?

No. 2329738

No. 2329739

>Another interesting phenomenon is that muslim immigrants tend to assimilate and adopt western values better than their children do. As in, the children of immigrants tend to be the most radicalized. These children of muslim immigrants tend to romanticize what they haven’t actually experienced, like living under sharia law in a muslim-majority country.
tbf, this phenomenon seems to exist only within western europe and canada. other region with any sort of migrant population basically enforce assimilation (if they don't like it, they can leave). for some reason, this was never pushed in the west post ww2, so migratns created their own communities, spoke their own language and never really existed as british or french

No. 2329747

Ayrt, I was referring to a study on Swedish immigrants with that stat, so that could be true. I assume the more assimilated and integrated muslim immigrants are, there is a lower risk of radicalization? In many western european countries at least, the ghettoization of immigrants does not foster integration with the wider society

No. 2329749

>we are just tired of western libfems not taking our horrible circumstances seriously and pretending to live in equal circumstances
western libfems are the only ones promoting your scam gofundmes to save palestine but go ahead and keep making shit up to continue alienating your native countries from civility

No. 2329754

What are you even talking about? Clearly that nonna is the mastermind behind all fake gofundmes kek. The libfems really are triggered, huh?

No. 2329755

What other countries with migrant Muslim populations? They are either indigenous groups that adopted Islam in the case of Russia and China or they cause just as many problems as they do in western countries, like the Rohingya in Burma or the Muslims in the Philippines. Western Europe and the Anglosphere are the only regions that have allowed large scale immigration from completely alien cultures over the past century.

Why would a man from a Muslim background assimilate to a culture that puts far more controls on him in terms of behavior and takes away the control he has over his own women? These men will never voluntarily assimilate because it would mean losing the privileges and status they have in their original culture

No. 2329759

>the children of immigrants tend to be the most radicalized.
I think that might be because although in all ways they're actually western (with the culture and the people they interact with) but the state instead of welcoming assimilation always insists them to be "outsiders" so in a identity crisis they cling on their parents belief through a western eye (as in the most extreme one) than their nuanced takes their parents have also one more thing to consider is that the west actually benefits from keeping these people radicalized I mean dont forget who funded al Qaeda and the Taliban,the west knows keeping Islamists in power means more ways to earn money and keep the war industrial complex going. You can not bring up the Muslim fundamentalists without seeing the part the west plays in it (dont forget the cia bacha bazi rings) but I'm not going to go too much into it regardless I hate moids of all colors,creeds and religion.

No. 2329761

Anon I'm saying that I've watched several aviation experts analyze the situation and they all agree that the barrier is the consequence but not the cause of the crash. At the speed with which the plane was going it may have very well had crashed in a fireball regardless. Several things had gone wrong well before the plane reached that end and it does not make sense.

No. 2329762

Oh ok nona, I'm sure if we somehow got rid of every middle eastern men no woman or children anywhere would ever be subject to grooming or rape again. Let's segregate people by religion and ethnicity and highlight how depending on skin colour or creed you're more intelligent and valid. I'm sure that will never cause social inequality

No. 2329764

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Iran accepted masses of sunni afghan refugees and those who have not converted to shia Islam are now being forcefully deported

No. 2329767

Learn2read schizo, nothing in my post even implied that I think this way.

No. 2329770

she didn't even say that she's married and here you are sperging about a nonexisting child
even if she did her best to raise her son properly, he will be surrounded by scrotes who think women only exist to breed

and since when do men ever listen to women? fucking retard

go back to twitter

No. 2329771

Methinks you don't know what schizophrenia is. Perchance you should read about it before spouting shite

No. 2329775

Ayrt, I mostly agree with this, but I find this point moot:
>I mean dont forget who funded al Qaeda and the Taliban
The West funded Islamist militias to counter Soviet/communist influence in the ME. I don’t think western powers realized how badly that decision would come back to bite them in the ass, but I could be wrong.

No. 2329776

That's possible, but I think a better explanation is that there was never any assimilation in the first place. The first generation immigrants were a much smaller proportion of the population when they arrived in countries like France than the 2nd and 3rd generations that are seen as "less assimilated" now. They couldn't have reverted to an unassimilated minority on their own, they need to have had some kind of cultural continuity or they'd end up like the black Americans who pretend to be Muslims or Hebrews and just look silly because it's obviously surface level and performance. When they have the numbers to assert themselves, Muslims always do

No. 2329779

Iran is literally a theocratic regime, you're talking about one branch of Islam versus another. Iran isn't as extreme as the gulf states but they are very much a Muslim country

No. 2329782

>spouting shite
Kek, are you the Irish anon who wrote an essay about why muslim moids are no more dangerous than moids of any other creed? That’s factually incorrect btw, but continue to cape for Muslim moids and see how much good that actually does for Muslims irl. It’s funny how you replied to my post accusing me of saying all Muslims should be deported, when 1. I never said that, learn2read and 2. I’ve been discussing with anons itt how excluding Muslim immigrants leads to more radicalization so we must build stronger bridges. Keep searching for enemies and you’ll have no allies. I’m done replying to you, considering your IQ can’t possibly be any higher than room temperature.

No. 2329784

You're so hung up on race it's embarrassing.

No. 2329785

Huh? How do you 'convert' to a sect of Islam? A sunni Muslim is a Muslim he can't 'convert' to Islam.
And Iran isn't deporting illegal sunni (Pashtoon) Afghans. Most deportees are illegal shia Hazaras.

No. 2329788

the biggest Islamist group ""schools"" were funded by either Saudis(these fuckers will face their reckoning one day)or the west and when my country try to cull them out it was the USA that said to stop it kek the west is only for it's own benefits they are tough on brown/black crime but not on the same crime when its white not going to say anything more because I dont want a early death

No. 2329794

Can you say what country you’re from, nonna? I’d like to read more about this.

No. 2329890

I'm sick of femicide being swept under the rug the way it is. Men cry and bitch and bawl all fucking day about how hard it is to be a man but entire countries are suffering the ripples of mass femicide. It makes you want everything to crash and burn, like you're the creator of life but you're considered worthless from the second you're born. Men understand nothing except destruction.

No. 2329911

All of you wasting all of your time arguing over whether the chicken or the egg came first. The problem is always has been and always will be men. Men have proven countless times over and over that if they think no one is watching or they won't receive consequences, they will hurt whoever they want however they want. Getting so wrapped up in semantics when the answer is so simple and points to the evil that repeatedly destroys children and families in a neverending cycle of abuse and dysfunction. The right action is never taken, I truly hope one day women in places like India and Pakistan are able to exact whole revenge.

No. 2330004

but these women don't even get pregnant, hell they won't even raise their babies, they want a baby for the same reason moids want babies, for some 'genetic legacy'. like tig notaro and her wife as a lesbian couple, decided to have twins with a surrogate. she shared a 'funny' anecdote about how her young children picked up spanish from their nannies and I found that really fucked up in a way, like just how utterly disconnected one can be from their own children.

No. 2330081

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Years ago there was a case where a hospital insisted on keeping a dead pregnant woman on life support due to the fetus still being alive. Had the fetus been born, it would have either died at birth or had been born with serious disabilities related to improper access to oxygen and nutrients due to the mother being deceased. In addition, the family of the woman would be forced to deal with all the expenses related to keeping the mother on life support and any issues related to the child against their will had the hospital continued to have their way. Apparently this was because the hospital had misread a law in regards to the end of life of pregnant women which states: “A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient.” This would not apply to the patient in question because she is already dead and no life saving measures can be carried out. The article further indicates that attempts to amend this law to make it clearer may be met with politicians with pro-life beliefs to want to eradicate this law completely, circling back to the contents of the article you have posted.

No. 2330086

>Here's a novel idea, fix the fucking economy and instate a fair living wage so people don't turn to crime and corruption.
Men don't groom and rape because they have low wages. This is the kind of disgusting rhetoric leftist men use to flatter minority they want to pander to at the expense of women.
>A parallel example is Iran, in which the western-backed monarchy (which was better for women
Meh, it was better for a tiny, tiny minority of women, many of whom fled to the West
>As in, the children of immigrants tend to be the most radicalized.
Yep. Some of it is regular immigrant neurosis but it's exacerbated by state policies like shoving people of a particular ethnicity in ghettos. Social workers will encourage tribalism, thinking they're doing a favor to immigrants. And last but not least, even if immigrants want to assimilate, they often transmit an 'us versus them' mentality to their kids which rests on religious identity and most importantly, on ethnic/tribal/familial structures. Those children of immigrants are westernized, aren't meaningfully muslim, drink, have extramarital sex but the 'us versus them' worldview often persists and one weird way it can manifest is through LARPing as some Salafi extremist. A country like England does not undermine this at all because their whole model of 'integration' rests on letting people run their 'communities' like parallel societies.
>Why would a man from a Muslim background assimilate to a culture that puts far more controls on him in terms of behavior and takes away the control he has over his own women?
Exactly. And even if they assimilate (because they do, children of immigrants are noticeably different from their parents), these sorts of expectations persist in many men
>You can not bring up the Muslim fundamentalists without seeing the part the west plays in it
Yep, much of the degeneracy currently spreading among immigrants and ultra lower-class white people is related to Saudi influence, Saudi Arabia is one of the west's biggest allies

No. 2330258

>Exactly. And even if they assimilate (because they do, children of immigrants are noticeably different from their parents), these sorts of expectations persist in many men
At that point what does assimilation even mean? Just speaking the language and being able to function in the economy?

In my mind true assimilation means not only being able to function and succeed in the country, but actually identifying yourself with the people of the country. Men seem to have a lot more resistance to this because they lose status and power in their relationships, but for a lot of women from Muslim backgrounds they are almost held hostage by their families like it's a cult. I've only seen this secondhand though as my own family background is Christian. Middle Eastern Christians are worse than European Christians but still better than Muslims when it comes to male behavior

No. 2330269

No. 2330270

>In my mind true assimilation means not only being able to function and succeed in the country, but actually identifying yourself with the people of the country.
Agreed. 2nd/3rd gen assimilate by osmosis (adopting values, mores, behaviors, ways of speaking etc) and just by virtue of being born in the West, but arguably many among them only partially identify with their fellow countrymen.
I feel like this is an issue for all kinds of immigrants, not just Muslims (asians fly under the radar because they uphold face but they do not really identify with westerners). However, muslims often come from tribalistic societies where families and clans have so much weight they are everything, so it's more apparent. It's not just muslims vs. non-muslims, it's 'i am my family's property and only answer to them' which obviously fosters abusive and culty homes. If your family is the horizon of your existence, it's harder to assimilate in a broader context. I hate how leftoids think this is entierely due to racism and become hardcore relativists whenever someone points this out.
>women from Muslim backgrounds they are almost held hostage by their families like it's a cult
To be real, it's both men and women. Men obviously have more power and more of an incentive to graduate to patriarch, but it's not rare to see them cut ties with their family because of cult-like behavior. And some (many) women gladly perpetuate the cycle, like pick mes, tradthots, etc. Though women are clearly divesting at much higher rates than men because it's hard to accept being treated like cattle when you see other women deal with so much less bullshit.

No. 2330563

Testosterone causes psychopathy. It's poison.

No. 2330588

I've always dislike tig notaro off the fact alone that she goes by Tig. This interview is also all I've ever seen of her and I remember the shocking disconnect it showed when it came out.

No. 2330593

They always use that as the excuse, though. They can't help themselves. Over and over itt–raped a child and covered her in bleach, raped a child and stuffed their mouth with cement, gang raped a doctor so hard her glasses were pierced into her eyes. If this is supposedly an outlier and aberration, why does it happen so much? Why do men repeatedly stalk women and children? Why do they get off on fear an the pain they inflict? If they can't control themselves and are reduced to being literal fucking animals when they think no one will punish them, why are we expected to pretend they're good at default? This happens so often, and it may happen more often in 3rd world areas but that's only because the men are more likely to get away with it. The case I mentioned about a man raping a little girl (6 I think) and pouring bleach all over her happened in America. The only reason it isn't as widespread in first world countries is because the fear of being caught. Otherwise, it would be just as bad and men would still be creating organized excuses to rape, harass, control, and brutalize women and children.

No. 2330616

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this is the problem we have, we know all moids are bastards bu we hate being undermined when we speak out about fear of being honour killed, This is why I kind of understand people like Mithliya for hating white radfems because goddamn you all can be so annoying sometimes and refuse to ever acknowledge that certain women are in worse circumstances, learn what systemic and societal issues that's all we ask, legal protections and rights aren't even a thing and you don't understand what that's like, culture It's even worse, you don't have to deal with religious traditions that say apostates should be killed. I challenge any of you idiots to tell me a western country where you are killed by the state or by a mob because you leave Islam

No. 2330619

I've never racesperged about the issue because it feels inappropriate and undermines the women who endure this religious abuse. I feel a lot of sympathy for thirdie women, and oftentimes women I meet from India and other 3wc are so full of grace in spite of the circumstances they've been surrounded by. I genuinely hope that one day you all get your revenge so much. I cannot imagine what it's like.

No. 2330633

the art is nice, but the full image has a caption at the bottom saying "gluttons for punishment", commenting on people purposefully seeking out unpleasant news stories, maybe it would be better suited for a thread about doomscrolling, or maybe i'm just looking too much into it.

No. 2330635

also, never forget that the concept of Sadism is named after a french moid too(Marquis de Sade)

No. 2330638

our best option is probably a dictatorship under someone like saddam, a few generations of living under such a system could remove Islamist bullshit

No. 2330651

how do we know they didn't agree to it beforehand and then passed out? it's their fault for having led him on

No. 2330657

>Social worker attended wedding
hope that kheer was nice, goddamn faggot

No. 2330661

i also can't stand her attempts to be cute while conveying horrific information, also, what the fuck are these shorts about the dissappearance of this woman? talking about this case like it's some movie theory. i also don't know why she keeps doing that with her eyes, but nitpick ig

No. 2330668

>Male firefighters are over-represented among sexual offenders (going as far as gang rapes) for some reason
seriously why, there was some reel of a girl at a party with french firefighters, and even general francophilia couldn't stop the comments from women telling her to beware and to avoid them and keep her eyes on her drink.

No. 2330669

The social worker should be fired. Even governmental institutions in the UK are accepting of grooming and pedophilia.

No. 2330719

Retarded women always think bulging their eyes out is kawiwi for some reason, even though to anyone with more than one braincell to fire off it just looks insane

No. 2330728

God, she pisses me off. She's always covering those asian cases with little to no information about the parties involved and straight up making up fanfics about what they were probably thinking or doing to stretch the video longer. You didn't know these people.

No. 2330741

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No. 2330748

>our best option is probably a dictatorship under someone like saddam
this is one of the downright most braindead post ive seen on lolcow to actually buy into the myth that women rights were upheld in a fucking dictatorship more so SADDAM HUSSAINS someone who allowed tribal law to be carried out without penalty(which were most of the times honor killings and revenge rapes on women who dare say wanted a divorce ) is fucking laughable and dont forget how he pardoned his rapist pedophile son udey hussain,womens rights werent upheld because of saddam in iraq it was because before saddam the iraqi women had begun to be a pivotal part of the economy in iraq so curbing them out wouldve been a bad economical choice not because they actually cared for women,youre forgetting that 1940s gulf was moderately liberal(and the key word is moderate) especially iraq (except for the sauds obviously) not because they had dictatorships but because there wasnt so much western leg poking into situations they shouldn't and the clergy didnt had the power it does now (which the west help them in taking because they feared the communist and socialist movements there).im not iraqi so i cant explain the lived experiences of the iraqi women and researching on this is fucking impossible when half of the sources are american but you seem under the illusion that dictators cant be islamist because funny thing is my country had one of those same fucking dictators named zia ul haq (whose dicksucking the saudi mullahs consequences are still felt up to this day) this fucker literally put a ban on dissenting womens voices (who were jailed,raped and then whose bodies were never found) and whose reign was so brutal that it reverted pakistan from a moderately liberal and secular growing country into medieval times larping as a arab country where people were whipped in public and non muslim minorities were not even second class citizens but deemed as "outsiders" (which is fucking ironic because this moid always preached Baghdad as a rolemodel for the new pakistani islamist state) and who actively tried to curb secularism in any city especially those who had lived with hindus and Christians with no problems for hundred of years by displacing and placing islamist muslims there, what you see happening in the middle east is the reality Christians in the middle ages faced when corrupt popes were rampant and used religion as a tool to keep them in power and wealthy while keeping the common man and especially women down. there seems to be a misconception here that Christianity and islam are polar opposites when in reality they are the same side of the coin (both Abrahamic and misogynistic) but with only different skin color and language. the issue in the middle east can only be solved by taking back the power the clergy has on the state and to rethink the saudi culture as the supreme way to be a "muslim"

No. 2330753

I was thinking of french firefighters in particular, didn't know they had an international reputation

No. 2330817

She lies by omission and pretends she has ~insider info~ by padding her stories up to make them sound more like reddit fiction, it's tone deaf and shameless.

No. 2330864

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No. 2330869

nta but in the 1940s Iraq was still under a king and after that it was an all-powerful ideological nationalist party (ba'tth). the Middle East has never been democratic or liberal, you are right that it was the america fucking outr nations by installing Islamists ruined the region over, but even zia for example was brought to power with cia involvement, there are people whose families were tortured and killed by saddam's regime and who themselves were tortured by his regime, but now would say they prefer his rule to a weak democracy that is essentially selling out the nation and not powerful enough to give to the people

No. 2330938

It's China all over again

No. 2330940

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It's talked about in the ex Muslim thread but not nearly enough outside of it. In my experience some of the worst misogynists were women from these communities towards outside women, especially white women. Middle Eastern men most often develop their madonna/whore complex from their mothers contempt towards "unclean women", and often their fathers aren't even as extreme.

I'm not from a Muslim background but even my mother made a very clear distinction to my brothers that under no circumstances would they ever marry a white Canadian woman, they can play around with them but when the time comes they are getting married to a "proper girl" from back home in Lebanon.

No. 2330954

China has had deep rooted misogyny for millennia, with girls being abandoned at birth causing an excess male population as far back as records can prove. Though at least in the case of modern China, the one child policy forced Chinese couples to choose between a son or daughter in a rapidly growing industrial economy. At least there's a material incentive there to choose sons over daughters. In the case of South Asia, the only incentive is not wanting girls at all rather than having to choose between a girl or boy

No. 2330955

There is a material incentive in south asia too.
Married women become indentured servants to their husbands family and the wives family have to pay a hefty dowry that's used by the husbands family.

No. 2330956

The marriage thing isn't unique to Arabs or targeted against whites, I would say most people around the planet have a thing about preferring in-group marriages.

No. 2330969

I know the dowry issue is a major cause of female infanticide in India. You'd figure that this cultural practice would be abandoned by now since it's causing so many problems.

The difference is the attitude towards outsider women. My fiancée is an Anglo Canadian and his parents admitted to me later that at first that they would have preferred their DIL be from the same background as them because there's more relatability, but they quickly accepted me. My older brother married an Anglo woman and they have a kid now, and to this day my mother dislikes her because she sees Anglo women as morally suspect. My father is ironically the least judgemental towards both of us, my mother and grandmother are the ones creating drama. I'm sure there are some white families like this if you look hard enough but they are vastly outnumbered by non Euro families with this attitude towards them

No. 2330983

This is why I’ll never date someone of another race.

No. 2331011

why the fuck are they calling them "asians"? Call them pakis and muslims.

No. 2331062

My fiancée and my brothers wife's family are really lovely, so I can't say it's a bad thing across the board. The attitude problem is in the immigrant families for the most part. But if you're a western woman marrying into a non western family, it's not something I would recommend. The amount of control your husband's family, especially your MIL, has over you is intolerable unless you are born into that culture and are conditioned by it. I refuse to live that way, which is why I did not marry within my ethnicity.

My brother is very liberal by Lebanese standards and so is my father, if my father did not influence my mother she probably would have kicked my brother out of the family for marrying a white woman. It's that bad

No. 2331065

Because Pakistan is in Asia retard

No. 2331082

She's pointing out how they're using intentionally broad or misleading terminology to obfuscate the narrative. This isn't happening with east asian immigrants in the UK.

No. 2331115

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I am so surprised there are 25k of these scum in Japan. Not surprised of their actions though

No. 2331119

Like a week ago some Pakistani Muslim guy DMed me calling me his enemy and started sperging about weird Islamic shit. They're so deranged.

No. 2331120

they're so ugly too

No. 2331128

They are the worse kind of scrote. Crying and praying to mohammed who literally married and raped a 9 year old girl

No. 2331200

Based. Because everyone is afraid of being called out for racism

No. 2331344

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Can someone explain this mindset to me?

No. 2331397

white guilt. she's trying to look like one of the good whites by stifling any discussion implying non-whites can do wrong

No. 2331682

Because that's the term used in the UK for decades. When someone says "Asian grooming gangs" or "Asian suburbs" everyone knows it means Pakistanis. Other Muslims and Arabs are officially the "MENA population/minorities" but no-one uses that other than maybe Guardian readers.

No. 2331692

Mine go back to visit grandpa's village but they only interact with other boomers so everything stays frozen in time for them. They never notice that everyone under 40 has already gone to the city or abroad for work

No. 2331698

The ultra left instead of thinking it's a male issue, think well this culture that thrives on oppressing and enslaving women is surely better because they arent white. The women always suffer because of these retards

No. 2332024

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I don't even understand how they see it as a divisive issue. It can be simultaneously true that western countries have big and growing problems with misogyny and sexual exploitation and also most other parts of the world (and moids from them) are much, much worse. It's as if making any kind of distinction between groups of men that don't portray western white men in a bad light (even in a relative sense) is a bigger problem than the actual rapes and murders committed against women of all races by these far worse groups of men

No. 2332048

>didn't know they had an international reputation
i think it's good that more women know to avoid these shits, especially women that otherwise wouldn't be able to see the red flags due to the language or cultural barrier, be it french firefighters, Hongdae fuckboys, or general Indian moid sexpestry being brought to light.

No. 2332067

I keep trying to point out to people that western oligarchs want to be like Saudi royalty but no one seems to see it

No. 2332070

>My fiancée and my brothers wife's family are really lovely
Probably because they’re white. White people are far more tolerant than other races.
I’m white, there’s no way in hell I’d marry into a horrible brown family. If I was brown, I’d be desperate to marry white.(racebait)

No. 2332108

> Defending Labour over their handling of grooming gangs on the basis that the Tories were in power nationally from 2010 to 2024.
Not sure if you’re being deliberately obtuse or just retarded, but consider the bait taken:
The Rochdale grooming gangs were tried for events in 2008 and 2009. Labour were in power nationally at that time. Rochdale has been a Labour majority local authority throughout too: before the events of the grooming gangs and since. It’s worth noting that Rochdale is directly next door to Oldham which had race riots in 2001. The local Labour leadership were nervous about similar happening there so they kept things on the low. The girls involved were considered an acceptable political sacrifice because they were mostly from the care system so about as disenfranchised as you can get on top of being rape victims and literal children.
The Rotherham grooming gangs operated from the late 1980s until 2013. Rotherham is also a labour-led council and was throughout that time.
Just this week Oldham Council asked Jess Phillips (Labour), the supposed ‘Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls‘ for a public inquiry into its own borough’s grooming gangs issues and she declined.
All signs are pointing to Labour being just as rotten as the Conservatives where the safety of women and girls is concerned.

No. 2333558

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They were finally sentenced.

No. 2333560

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Even the two men they were sending cp to were put away for at least 20 years. Its always sickening no matter what, but it's worse when the people involved look "normal". It really could be any man.

No. 2333564

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They tried to adopt a 2 year old girl. How scary is it that they got addicted to the lifestyle and wanted to adopt a girl to branch out their clientele. Those poor boys, they're both around 12 or so now.

No. 2333566

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And in response to that article, another one in the same vein that's even more horrifying. Like try to tell me men aren't born with inherit evil. Actually soulless.

No. 2333568

What the absolute fucking fuck is wrong with men? What kind of fucking pathogenic demon do you have to let reside in and control your aids ridden mind to think this is a good idea?

No. 2333602

Prior to the Ian Watkins case, never in a million years would i have thought that anyone could have sexual feelings towards a fucking baby. They barely qualify as human beings, they are literally little helpless nuggets, yet moids will constantly find ways to sexualize objects and beings devoid of any sexuality and show us the true extent of their animalistic predatory instincts.
I am glad the US system pulled through and removed these animals from society, but it's depressing that these children will be scarred for life. I also always felt weary of any gay couple who make their children wear pride shirts and seek attention for adopting kids in such a manner because i swear to god they are always end up being abusers/predators. Maybe it's not something specific to them since you could say a similar thing about straight couples with family channels. Men adopting children in general makes me uncomfortable.

No. 2333700

About the men adopting children thing, for some reason the fact that Ryan Murphy and his husband have three boys kind of makes me suspicious. I hate that it does and everyone would say I’m just being homophobic but I just don’t trust men around children

No. 2333772

A lot of middle aged gay men in California do that and to be fair, what would two men know about raising a little girl.

No. 2333827

I’m from a very catholic thirdie shithole so I almost never see this type of thing. But I don’t know, gay men raising a girl makes more sense to me, like in Modern Family. Also I just find Ryan Murphy suspicious in general, so

No. 2333828

I don't know much about Ryan Murphy but I've seen goss I think even on here (?) about him being weird. And it's funny you say that because I was going to end my post with "real life isn't modern family".

No. 2333839

Ok but I just think he’s a weirdo and I don’t trust men

No. 2333845

That's fine but I personally am more wary of accusing someone of being a pedophile without any basis besides "he's strange"

No. 2333853

Most men are pedos.

No. 2334415

Are you really doing that here?

No. 2334649

There are so many of these cases that India of all places no longer allows single men or gay couples to buy children through surrogacy. This was met with outcry by the international LGBTQ+ intelligentsia. Country tries to stop pedos trafficking babies, gays most affected.

No. 2334951

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>But just one month after the Amnesty notice was published, López Barrera would be arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a young boy and infecting him with HIV. At the time, López Barrera worked at a brothel called Tower 10, and met the 14-year-old boy when he came to find his mother, who was being prostituted in the building.

>According to Fuerza Informativa Aconcagua (Radio Aconcagua), López Barrera pulled the child into a room and locked the door. The boy screamed for his mother and fought against López Barrera, but was overpowered and brutally anally raped by him. The child would later be diagnosed with HIV as a result of the assault.
>López Barrera was ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison, which he served in different male facilities both in the north and south of Chile. He reportedly had extreme behavioral issues during his incarceration, resulting in him consistently losing various inmate privileges, and even attempted to sue the state for housing him with other men. In 2015, López Barrera was allowed to alter his name and legal sex, a change that would have required the approval of a court as Chile’s Gender Identity Law had not yet come into force.
>After being released from prison in 2019, López Barrera renewed his trans activism and quickly regained prominence in the LGBT community. Today, he acts as the director of both the Organization for Diverse Women and Aconcagua’s LGTB Housing Committee, which manages a substantial amount of state funds. In these capacities, he regularly meets with politicians and lobbies for legislative changes that favor the LGBT community.
>FIA also notes that because it has been more than 20 years since López Barrera was convicted, he no longer appears on the National Registry of Pedophiles and effectively has a “clean” criminal record.

No. 2335025

A lot of gay males who are pedophiles (most of them) also want to abuse little girls because they think they look like boys and enjoy the abuse/trauma aspects. No type of man is above being an abuser.

No. 2335174

I think this particular couple that abused their sons wanted to adopt a girl because she could be used by them to gain access to more boys (these sickos trade images of their own kids for others)

No. 2335211

can we replace all men in the world for bears? please

No. 2335219

I think even here it's bizarre to Russian roulette saying all gay men who adopt children are raping them, yes.

No. 2335224

Exactly. They were overcome with grandeur because of the lifestyle making cp afforded them, and they likely planned on teaching the boys to hurt their newly adopted sister.

This case doesn't seem that way at all, gaypedos aren't like bipedos but gay men are willing to do a lot of heinous and horrible shit to women if it affords them access to straight men and money.

No. 2336596

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Correct. Arousal response of gay pedos supports that they are more attracted to girls than to men.

No. 2336944

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A white nurse just got arrested for purposely breaking the bones of Black infants in the NICU. When people wonder why black Americans don’t fuck with doctors and the medical industry as a whole this is fucking why. But they’ll say it’s a gender issue not a race issue when Black women face high mortality rates giving birth. I hate this racist ass country. I want her story to be plastered in every jail and she gets beaten to death slowly stupid fugly cunt. This is why I don’t trust white women who are nurses. Evil creature

No. 2336945

She looks exactly like the kind of evil bitch who would do this.

No. 2336953

What kind of monster do you have to be to willfully break the bones of tiny babies

No. 2336954

Wow racist AND a child abuser. Her life in prison is fucked. Kek

No. 2336959

This is so fucking evil.

No. 2336961

A lot of female psychopaths go in to professions like nursing that are seen as selfless and give access to victims to abuse. She is probably one of them.

No. 2336964

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I wonder if there's surveillance footage of the abuse

No. 2336975

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Brain needs to be dissected and studied this is so fucked up

No. 2337030

break her bones as well, anyone who harms a NEWBORN baby is just a fucking serial killer i hope she gets jumped in jail

No. 2337263

How do you hurt a literal infant? this is heart breaking. I cannot imagine how much of a piece of shit you are to hurt innocent babies… I hope she gets taught some lessons in jail

No. 2337329

I still can’t get over when there was a company in China doing blind boxes with live kittens and puppies in them. I thought it was a meme but it was real.

No. 2337330

China is hell on earth for animals and most humans

No. 2337331

honestly, who cares. they're just cats(baiting)

No. 2337334

There’s no proof that she only hurt black infants, where did that come from?

No. 2337342

Live animals being treated as plastic collectibles is fucked up I dont understand why they dont have animals protection laws? I understand that they ate cats and dogs due to the severe famine that happened but surely now they dont view these animals as livestock anymore? What's the disconnect considering cats are plastered on everything so they're adored but how do you abuse a animal you love so much? not saying this is a woman issue since we all know which gender is killing all these poor animals

No. 2337345

And you're just a shitty, bottom-of-the-barrel human.

No. 2337363

It doesn't surprise me that a country that treats its own people as disposables would have even less empathy for the vulnerability of animals. Usually the more viscous the country is against its citizenry, the less fucks it has to give towards the livestock.

No. 2337371

Idk so much about cat eating specifically but dog meat is considered good for your chi/soul as it is ‘warm’ chi so you should eat dogs in the winter to balance yourself. However the major problem aside form dogs not being live stock is that the way they prepare the dogs for slaughter is by literally torturing them because it heightens the meats chi or some shit. Dog meat is mainly an older generation thing tho but since China has doubled down on its nationalism they are extremely protective of the backlash they receive over the dog meat festival thing. When I worked for a dog rescue there were a pretty large sized group of Chinese Americans that would go to China and rescue dogs and also organize boots on the ground rescue operations of young people in China. The animal rescue groups get a lot of backlash by the ccp tho unfortunately.

No. 2337385

>dog meat festival
The fucking what festival???

No. 2337473

It’s exactly what it sounds like I think it’s called the yulin festival or something. I’d say google it but be mindful you’ll probably see a lot of straight up gore. There’s been a concerted effort in the last 5 or so years by the ccp to try and combat the backlash the festival receives. Now anytime someone bri bc s it up you’ll see a flood of bots saying the festival either isn’t real, only North Koreans eat dogs, only old people attend it, or it’s actually based and fine and criticizing this part of Chinese culture is racist even tho there’s plenty of Chinese people (mostly only women) that are horrified by the treatment of dogs within China.

No. 2337520

I wish we had a china hate thread. Its such a shitty country. I feel sorry for the good chinese citizens like the fujo artists i follow, i wish i could save them from that shithole.

No. 2337563

There's a local news story here, maybe some of you have heard about it. After years the guy who drugged an entire sleep over of little girls was convicted. He didn't even get life.

Context. His daughter was having a big sleep over with her friends. He made them drink shakes that were drugged so he can SA them all, even the daughter was drugged. Only one girl didn't drink it because the drinks had white spots and smelled bad. She saw the father in the middle of the night doing stuff to the little girls, checking if they were breathing/asleep. She called her mother in a panic, wanting the mom to pick her up. That mother called the other moms.
I'm upset because this guy got off pretty easy(post caps and links of news articles)

No. 2337740

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This is really fucking insane

No. 2337760

i lived in china for a bit teaching english. all the chinese people were wonderful, helpful and selfless and i felt no malice from them. most of them didn't like their government and laws and the young ones were planning to move out of the country.

No. 2337776

China's government, older generations and current moids are vile towards animals. Idc if someone chimes in with muh culture comments, no matter how you spin it they seem like they're unnecessarily evil psychopaths. Even beyond the fact that they like to torture and eat animals that have been bred as companions for centuries and are plastered everywhere for the cute factor like cats and dogs (which I find immoral honestly), they contribute to the torture and extinction of so many wild animal species (AND the spread of diseases since they don't give a shit if some animals aren't edible because of specific bacteria they can carry) because of completely bullshit reasons like "chi". It infuriates me because you'd have to be sick in the head to break a dog's limbs and tie them up behind it while cooking it alive, tear off some pangolin's scales off of its skin to put into tea, or cut off sharks' fins and leave them to die of blood loss while getting defensive and saying that um ackhually the scales and the skinned pangolin are for headaches!! And skinning the dog alive and eating its dick will make my dick harder!! Oh and caging up hundreds of civets to force feed them coffee beans totally makes the coffee better I swear! Bunch of sick fucks, I'm glad that at least some chinese people are pushing against all of this.

No. 2337800

I have heard of this. Sadly this is why no one should do sleepovers or slumber parties.

No. 2337804

He needs to be publicly lynched. this is beyond disturbing. I've heard more and more people on social media forbidding their children to go to sleep overs and now I see why.

No. 2337808

I’m so black pilled on China when it comes to animal rights. At least South Korea has done a pretty good job at modernizing its views on animals. I know in SK there’s actually a good number of animal rescues and dog meat farming is now extremely unpopular and stigmatized as being an outdated practice. SK has also cracked down on wet markets/live animal markets which is all very good. Japan is in a similar boat but I’m a bit more eh with them since they heavily contribute to illegal animal trades for their dog shit animal cafes (otters, meerkats, raccoons etc). I’m a vegan so I’m not swayed by the ‘b-bUT WESTERNERS KILL PIGS!!” argument but to me there’s an obvious difference between animals we have domesticated for meat purposes and animals bred for companionship and farm work.

No. 2337814

cats and dogs get feral and become a nuisance, there's nothing wrong with eating them. factory farming practices for other intelligent animals like cows and pigs are much worse.

No. 2337825

To be clear a lot of the dogs used for dog meat are stolen from other peoples front yards there’s an entire organized crime ring around this. But also feeding the public feral dogs that are carrying god knows what disease is bad. Carnivores like cats and dogs can carry way more diseases and parasites than herbivore farm animals which at least are regulated and the meat is tested (in most western countries). Also carnivores are way more lean there’s not a lot of good meat on them nona

No. 2337876

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That anon pulled it out of her arse. There’s only been one baby that has been confirmed to be harmed by her, that baby is black. However there’s no information about the race of the other babies she hurt. There is an article from the father of one of the babies who says that the only thing the victims had in common was their sex, all the victims were boys. If all her victims were black, I doubt he would neglect to point it out.

No. 2337941

>I feel sorry for the good Chinese citizens like the fujo artists I follow
No like exactly.

No. 2337955

The details are so vague, I really hope this isn't another hospital throwing a woman under the bus to take the fall for their negligence again

No. 2337963

People who harm babies are as evil as they come. I hope this woman goes away forever.

No. 2338405

NTA but you're wrong
>A twisted nurse accused of breaking the legs of seven newborn babies in her care has been branded a 'racist' who targeted black children, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

>Erin Strotman has been charged with malicious wounding and felony child abuse over the incidents at Henrico Doctors' Hospital in Richmond, Virginia.

>The 26-year-old has been accused of initially injuring only black babies by staff in the hospital, with sources saying she 'switched her focus' when she returned to the hospital in late 2024.

>This was after she and three others were suspended with pay from the neo-natal intensive care unit in 2023 when four babies were found to have 'unexplainable fractures'.

>One told DailyMail.com: 'The majority of the babies were black babies, when she came back when they noticed the pattern, she tried to throw them off by targeting a white baby and a girl baby.

So yes, it was racial. She killed white babies later to cover her tracks, but she was very deliberate from the start in her targets.

No. 2338407

Why was this post deleted?
>Garden variety forms of animal cruelty can thus be found everywhere in society, at least if the internet is any indication. Security footage regularly surfaces of delivery drivers, pet owners, or small children, picking up small puppies in public places and violently hurling them to the ground. In 2020, Fan Yuanqing, a student from Shandong province, was publicly condemned for selling videos of himself torturing and killing cats—an online fetish that has been rampant since at least the mid-2000s, when online vigilantes known as the “human flesh search engine” famously doxed the “Hangzhou Kitten Killer,” a woman who was filmed crushing a kitten with her high-heels.
>Top-down policies complemented this view: In 1957, when Canadian journalist William Kinmond asked why he hadn’t seen any dogs during his trip to China, the Chinese Minister of Health reportedly explained there’d been a nationwide cull of “pests” in 1952, lumping dogs with mosquitoes and rats. Dogs were banned from most Chinese cities for an entire decade between 1983 and 1993 to combat a serious rabies epidemic. Pet ownership only began to increase after the reform period, with China going from just one brand of dog food in 1993 to a 900 million RMB pet industry by 2014.
>Others in the pet industry have tried to cut logistics costs and save time by sending animals through standard courier systems. In May animal rescue workers intercepted two trucks owned by parcel-delivery service ZTO Express, one in Chengdu in west-central China and one in Suzhou on the eastern seaboard, that transported around 180 small cats and dogs stacked in boxes in their airtight cargo hold, many of them already dead on rescue. They were products of live animal “mystery boxes,” a once-openly advertised fad on e-commerce platforms, where buyers can purchase an animal of unknown breed, not knowing what they’ve been sent until an animal arrives.
>Breeding all these animals is equally harrowing. “There are no good breeding facilities in China,” the volunteer alleges. “I’m sure of it.” Another animal shelter sent TWOC numerous images of pets rescued from such breeding centers, riddled with skin diseases, and missing eyes or limbs. Since 2010, local officials have been required to conduct inspections on animal breeding farms for lighting, ventilation, and sewage discharge facilities, but these are oriented toward disease prevention rather than animal welfare (so cage sizes or methods of animal restraint and nourishment do not feature).

No. 2338410

Some of you are sick. No one is throwing that cunt under the bus in fact if anything she was being protected by that hospital because they heard whispers about it but still kept her. Stop having more empathy for a grown woman than NICU babies just because she looks like you kek

No. 2338416

Thank you. Reading that post made me feel sick.

No. 2338431

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What are rapists of the past up to? Oh, serving as head honchos in the tech sector?
>OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman's sister, Ann Altman, has filed a lawsuit alleging that he regularly sexually abused her between 1997 and 2006.
>The lawsuit, which was filed on 6 January in a US District Court in the Eastern District of Missouri, alleges that the abuse started when she was three and Mr Altman was 12.
>Ms Altman has previously made similar allegations against her brother on social media platforms such as X.
No wonder there is so much tranny love in IT. Sex pests and fetishists cover for each other.

No. 2338439

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He, his mother and two brothers posted this joint statement, its very similar to what the guy from myth busters said about his sister when she accused him of sexual abuse.

No. 2338444

I get deeply suspicious about these kinds of statements because while serious mental illness can just crop up in one family member for genetic reasons, usually there’s environmental influences and it can point to a uniquely fucked up sibling experience in a nuclear family: often the most common culprit is that person being the victim of CSA and/or neglect or other abuse, often at the hands of another family member. It is sometimes a conscious tactic of the abuser in a family to torment one relative and keep it secret, that way when they invariably start to unravel because of it they can be painted as “crazy” and an unreliable narrator. Often the un-abused family members will rally round the abuser in the mistaken delusion that because they weren’t themselves abused it can’t have happened to anyone else in the family on their watch either. Sad.

No. 2338450

>some of you are sick
Ayrt and I also made these posts >>2336975 >>2336953
My comment only came from the detail that the only commonality is that they were boys and that it wasn't racially motivated/yes hospitals have found a scapegoat when under fire. There are literally no details being given, my assumption is that they are sitting on surveillance footage. I wasn't even saying it seriously or in defense of her, please for the love of God some of you need to stop being so precious.

No. 2338453

The worst part about being sexually abused by a family member is that you know when you come forward, from that moment on your family will abandon you. They will ostracize you, blame you, say you're making it up, and then all the mental health issues you've developed from being abused are then blamed on you. It's textbook. You spend years with this secret eating away at you, isolating you, putting you at war with your body and your mind, and you suffer even worse from trying to stand up for yourself. Then the enablers of your abuser begin to condescend you, single you out, gaslight you, and pretend that you're a monster trying to put a wedge into the family. Then you're stuck knowing that your body and autonomy were worth nothing to the people who were supposed to protect you and they'd rather push you out and treat you like a pariah than acknowledge what they did to you.

No. 2338454

I swear it's the same nearly everywhere, male in family who isnt some clichie movie-like antagonist sexually assaults a young family member, family member gets courage to tell and has textbook signs of being molsted– now the victim spends life in actual Hell as everyone around them pretends it never happened and also starts subtly bullying them and treating them like a headcase.

No. 2338461

>we have given her so much money, how dare she speak out about our son dearest! she's mentally ill, we swear (don't ask for the cause)
This is so vile and smells like classic guilt tripping/gas lighting. No one truly innocent would sneak things like this between the lines. I hope she wins the case.

No. 2338470

>She killed white babies later to cover her tracks
She didn’t kill any babies, she injured them.

No. 2338494

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Coming to your country soon.
>The law requires social media platforms providing services to users in Vietnam to store user data and provide it to authorities on demand.
>The decree requires tech giants like Facebook and TikTok among other organizations, to verify user accounts using people's phone numbers or personal identification numbers. It requires companies to store that data.
>Decree 147 also requires organizations to provide search and content-scanning tools to government authorities upon request. It limits certain functions, like live video streaming, to only verified accounts.
>Game publishers, for example, are required to limit sessions to one hour at a time and no more than 180 minutes a day for all games.

No. 2338498

vietnam is an authoritarian communist country

No. 2338508

My bad, the racist woman broke the legs of several black infants and then did the same to two white infants to cover her tracks.

No. 2338513

Wish we had one too!! The stories about their food industry are pure horror

No. 2338537

But the UK isn't.
>The UK’s Online Safety Bill, a wide-ranging piece of legislation that aims to make the country “the safest place in the world to be online” received royal assent today and became law. The bill has been years in the making and attempts to introduce new obligations for how tech firms should design, operate, and moderate their platforms. Specific harms the bill aims to address include underage access to online pornography, “anonymous trolls,” scam ads, the nonconsensual sharing of intimate deepfakes, and the spread of child sexual abuse material and terrorism-related content.
>The Online Safety Bill has been a controversial piece of legislation, with opponents ranging from encrypted messaging apps to the Wikimedia Foundation. Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal have objected to a clause in the bill that allows Ofcom to ask tech companies to identify child sexual abuse content “whether communicated publicly or privately,” which the companies say fatally undermines their ability to provide end-to-end encryption. Providers of these services have suggested they’d rather leave the UK than comply with these rules.

>Powers in the act that could be used to compel messaging services to examine the contents of encrypted messages for child abuse material have proved especially controversial. Platforms like WhatsApp, Signal and iMessage say they cannot access or view anybody's messages without destroying existing privacy protections for all users, and have threatened to leave the UK rather than compromise message security. Proton, a mail platform with a focus on privacy, says it would be prepared to fight the government in court if it is asked to alter its end-to-end encryption. "The internet as we know it faces a very real threat," said Proton CEO Andy Yen, who says the bills gives the government the power to access people's private messages. "No-one would tolerate this in the physical world, so why do we in the digital world?"

>Wikipedia has also previously said it would not be able to obey some of the act such as age verification. While the act is often spoken about as a tool for reining in Big Tech, government figures have suggested more than 20,000 small businesses will also be affected.
>Breaking the rules could result in fines of up to 10% of global revenue for tech companies, or £18m - whichever is bigger. Their bosses could also potentially face prison time as a punishment.

No. 2338552

what about an american hate thread?
So what's the solution then? women have to go back in the kitchen to cook homemade meals and be indentured servants to overemotional unstable apes like in good ol murica?

No. 2338670

I don’t understand “cover her tracks?” Not saying you’re wrong, but all you’re doing is breaking more babies legs. Does she think they’ll say “well she was going round snapping baby legs like they’re breadsticks but at least there’s no racial motive!” Or was she so openly racist at work that if the babies were all black, people would know it was her?

No. 2338678

I cannot for the life of me figure this out because I cannot imagine being this kind of person–but there's got to be only a few options, right? I don't have enough info so there isn't much to speculate on. If she is the sole person who broke those babies bones, then it could have been that she harmed them because they were boys. That seems like too vague of a reason. >>2338508 Anon could be right but it's too early on to just decide this is why. A racial motivation makes more sense because a person with that kind of bigotry and hatred in their mind is more likely to hurt anyone, it requires ignorance and stupidity. If that anon is right and the initial babies were all black, there could have been rumors and a lot of local outcry about it being racially motivated and that scared her into then hurting white babies to try to quell those rumors. Either way, it obviously wouldn't make sense to a sane person and would require being super fucked up and retarded. I'd be interested to see her talking or interacting, she's either got to be retarded or on the verge of a schizo break. This is so unusual.

No. 2338694

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>The man reportedly had ten children from three wives, the first of whom died. The man, his remaining two wives and the children lived together in a rented house, according to local media.>The man has not been named in order to protect the identities of the girls, reportedly aged 15 and 12 and from different mothers.
>Their mothers - who are both married to the man - knew about the abuse but did not know of the revenge plan.
>One of the wives has also been arrested while the second is being questioned.

No. 2338702

You know your country sucks for women when this isnt even the worst shit you've heard in the week…you just become so desensitised to it all

No. 2338733

Good. A shame he didn't barely survive so they could light him on fire again and let him suffer twice, which is still no recompense for what they went through, but it must've felt damn good to watch the bastard burn to a crisp. Honestly, the women and children should be evacuated out of Pakistan and the place should be carpet bombed.

No. 2338735

Everyone knows America sucks, and China should not be exempt from criticism. China objectively sucks, get over it. There are countless things it needs to do better, that it can do better, but won't. China is the America of Asia, practically.

No. 2338736

I get what you meant, there have been cases of hospitals shifting the blame onto one nurse to cover up systemic failures. However this isn’t the case here, the hospital installed ‘angel cameras’ in the room with the newborns and filmed her doing it.
Her classmates from her nursing course talked a bit about her including this:
>She had something going back and forth with a guy, she really liked him and changed her whole self, dyed her hair and changed who she was to try to get this guy.
>And then he ended up going off with another girl and they had a son together. Some of us are speculating that might be the reason that she chose to hurt boys.
Which suggests she may have been motivated by jealousy and took her anger out on innocent babies. My theory is that either the guy she liked or the woman he’s with is black (or both of them are) and that’s why she targeted specifically black boys-at least in the beginning-because they reminded her of his son? Although it’s likely a mix of multiple motivations, her being racist also contributing to her selection of her victims.

No. 2338740

Definitely. The high population count has given them an apathetic, greedy mentality and the type of scams they do without a second thought harms people and environment on a massive scale.

No. 2338746

>she chose to hurt boys

No. 2338747

I know you you think you're being hilarious but you're an ugly bitch

No. 2338748

>carpet bombed
i hate Pakistani moids too but I like the place and landscape and also…my city has been bombed by the Taliban so I wouldn't want that to happen again, its quite traumatic. Just let the women keep the land

No. 2338753

she just saved a lot of beta gen girls from being raped, what a girlboss(baiting)

No. 2338756

Words have meaning, your IQ can't be any higher than the disgusting whore who willfully broke the bones of premature babies.

No. 2338763

Soooo edgy

No. 2338765

if you think thats edgy maybe imageboards arent for you, try reddit perhaps

No. 2338771

If you think it's in any way "normal" or standard here to promote the intentional torture of defenseless infants you must be a faggot(infighting)

No. 2338773

Babies though? How come tough women like her aren't ever out punishing actual rapists and scumbags? Not giving her brownie points for harming the most defenseless who haven't committed crimes. Get good and kill some faggots worth killing.

No. 2338777

This is the most newfag sentence I've ever read, pretending you're a seasoned lolcow regular when you're just bragging about being an emotionally retarded sped using edge for attention like a male(baiting/infighting)

No. 2338778

they are men who cares, they are all going to grow up to be sex pests. I would go back in time and choke baby hitler if i could.(baiting)

No. 2338792

yup, i can't believe there are people acting all upset that she harmed precious males. really goes to show some women are not our friends(baiting)

No. 2338815

report and ignore the attention whore you retards

No. 2338824

Because that's too scary and too close to actually being based. The babies are easy defenseless targets.

No. 2338825

Go outside and touch grass. A newborn baby that happens to be male and a fully grown scrote who's already revealed himself to be a threat to women aren't the same thing. Unless she was absolutely sure the baby scrotes were 100% destined to grow up and be the worst she just killed babies some poor women labored for hours just to meet. Not to mention their 9 months of pregnancy. Y'all hate scrotes so much you forget some women want to be mothers, even if the child is a boy. Retarded

No. 2338842

She sounds like some cluster bee psycho. Imagine hurting defenseless, innocent babies because some worthless moid dumped you. The most evil women are moid centered ones, every time.

No. 2338853

she didn't even kill anyone, they just got fractures. they'll heal and be totally fine anyways. and boymoms are repugnant, they'll also defend their sons when they rape some poor woman(baiting)

No. 2338884

this, nonnies fantasises of helping MENA or South Asian women by just having them immigrate and then killing their scrote counterparts just doesn't work bc it doesn't account the myriad of issues immigration brings other than retard scrotes. they're very sweet but i want to be with other women like me than have to assimilate to a entirely different culture and region bc our scrotes couldn't keep themselves in line.

No. 2338886

She harmed a baby girl too, troglodytes. One day, maybe you can accept that real life doesn't work like these internet LARPs and that women who do this sort of thing don't operate on whatever dark misandrist volcel cope you made up. This dumb bitch was unwanted (for good reason) and bitter. Pickmewhores are always the most deranged, look at the women who throw acid on whoever their chosen moid picked over them.

No. 2338891

>look at the women who throw acid on whoever their chosen moid picked over them.
not gonna cry over homewreckers getting comeuppance from the women they've wronged. don't poke a bees' next and you won't get stung(baiting)

No. 2338900

You really think that's what happens? That it's never the other woman doing it, or just some stupid hag who thinks the moid she was simping for was "stolen"? Even in your "She's the other woman" scenario, it's crazy how you pickmewhores zero in on the woman the moid cheated with for all your anger and never want to punish him, even after he deliberately cucks and humiliates your ass. This is why you always fail.
Literal spurned would-be boymoms claiming ""misandry"" all while malding at other women, especially mothers and their children of both sexes because they didn't get the dick they wanted. Always too cowardly and eternally chained to penis to harm convicted sex offenders, rapists, domestic abusers, nothing like that. It's always women and children instead.

No. 2338983

>Literal spurned would-be boymoms claiming ""misandry"" all while malding at other women, especially mothers and their children of both sexes because they didn't get the dick they wanted. Always too cowardly and eternally chained to penis to harm convicted sex offenders, rapists, domestic abusers, nothing like that. It's always women and children instead.
Well said, nona. I know femcel is a bullshit term but the kind of woman you described would fit the term better as opposed to edgy women who have real gripes with men, seeing as it all comes from their bitterness over some type of rejection because despite claiming to hate them, moids are so important to them still, that they can't bear to go after them directly. As if hurting another woman or child proves anything to a moid who willingly chose to disregard the spurned woman's feelings.

No. 2339006

You can tell that at least some of the edgy """"misandrist"""" anons are the same ones making the "waaaah he didn't text me back I'm ugly and stupid and am going to kill myself" posts in the vent threads kek

No. 2339011

All this seething over some obvious jokes, dear lord anons are so fucking autistic and jump in to defend men at the slightest negative remark about them.

No. 2339016

NTA but I scrolled up and you can't just go "it was a jooooke" every time you alog too hard kek

No. 2339022

They read as obvious jokes to people that arent autistic. Its like when anons call jodi a based misandrist and the autismos who should be in a group home with a handler respond with ''waaah noo she wasnt le based misandrist she was actually a pickme for murdering a moid because she broke up with him''. Teh internet is srss bssness.

No. 2339032

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dont larp as lucy letby and be surprised when people call you retarded

No. 2339034

Aren’t most LC posters on the spectrum?

No. 2339041

Why are you equating making jokes to killing babies? reminds me of when anons were shitting themselves wk some 14yo scrote who killed himself because of some waifu bot and calling him a poow angel and then anons found out he was roleplaying little sister incest with his waifubot.

No. 2339052

I think you struggle with words and their meanings because its way more autistic to consider those jokes in the first place. Faggot

No. 2339054

Its funny to say that in a thread that constantly spews ''kill all men'' and ''a boy? more like aboytion!''. I dont care if you want to feel sympathy for mini scrotes but dont larp as a misandrist here if you do. Its the hypocrisy that annoys me. You all come to a thread that constantly post stories of men raping and hurting women and then act surprised when women lose hope in all men. Fucking pickmes.

No. 2339055

This is completely untrue. They aren't considered funny in a normal setting of any kind either. You're trying to pull some "calm down you're so sensitive" about something so tone deaf and emotionally retarded that it more aligns with being autistic.
>teh internet is srs bsnss
You're either a scrote or a newfag, you're using extremely dated chanspeak. This is on par with that one Tiffany that larped after decade old greentext and said shit like "that'd be so cash money of them" kek. Anons are throwing tomatoes at you because you're a sped.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2339057

>t. retard that then goes on to larp as a misandrist and posts jodi arias and kill all men memes
Fake bitches, all of you lol(baiting)

No. 2339059

Hilariously, you sound like a man. Like a tif flattered by being accused of being a man or just another unwashed schizo loser larping as a woman because you want to fit in on a board you keep insulting. Boo, tomato tomato.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2339060

You are such a newfag you dont even know about all the board rules you are breaking(infighting)

No. 2339129

How does hating men equate to justifying killing innocent babies? It's not like a grown woman killing her abuser. Why would you want women displaying the same sociopathic traits men do?

No. 2339159

The bait is too ott, it reads like someone clearly not quite right mentally trying too hard to get attention and then getting mad that no one else is laughing. The gift of being a woman is having the emotional intelligence to respect and want to protect the innocent, something men lack and deliberately desecrate.

No. 2339599

>The gift of being a woman is having the emotional intelligence to respect and want to protect the innocent
nta but this is so fucking cringe

No. 2339604

t. future heating up his tendies while he calls you a cunt boymom(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2339607

Why are you samefagging. Did your ban finally clear?

No. 2339609

Stop replying to them, they are hopelessly retarded. Plus, there's a raid from the stupid soyjack image board, they have made themselves known on /g/ already. It's mostly likely one of them trying to shit up the threads.

No. 2339612

It's obvious. It's kind of funny how men put so much effort into pretending to be women on imageboards but they always stick out like a sore thumb. Literally so soulless and autistic that it's immediately recognizable.

No. 2339623

Didnt you say only women posses emotional intelligence to respect and want to protect the innocent? then why do you care if she hurt male children.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2339644

>that women who do this sort of thing don't operate on whatever dark misandrist volcel cope you made up
Well said, I've lost hope for some anons though after seeing them stupidly praise that recent female mass shooter, only for it to be revealed all her victims were female lmao

No. 2339648

It would help to remind yourself that there's a handful of posters on here who are overcompensating cryptofags larping. I'm not saying every comment like that is by one of them, but a lot of the more theatrical ones are their bid for attention

No. 2339669

File: 1736400938290.webp (50.41 KB, 560x765, 151215-131028-colleen-ritzer-v…)

>14-year-old Philip Chism went missing after leaving his high school in Danvers
>The same evening, his 24-year-old maths teacher was also reported missing
>Chism followed Ritzer into a school bathroom, where he strangled her, stabbed her 16 times, and raped her
>He was found guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated rape, and armed robbery and sentenced to life in prison with eligibility for parole in 40 years.
>In June of 2014, when Chism was 15, he allegedly attacked a Massachusetts Department of Youth Services worker at a facility in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood.

This crime and my male classmates sexually harassing female teachers made me choose not to persue a career in teaching. Its horrifying that women arent even safe with men who are supposed to be ''children''. I am glad they tried him as an adult, i wish he had gottent the death penalty.

No. 2339695

Would have been funnier if the shit comedian was the one who was set on fire.

No. 2339735

Don’t even respond to their virtue screeching, just ignore them. Let them scream into the void.
Lucy Letby is innocent

No. 2339766

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A 17 year-old Indian girl was suffocated to death on camera by her 26 year-old brother. People were recording him choking her with his legs wrapped around her neck, and you can see her body convulsing afterwards. No one helped her. I'm not gonna link the video; it's on Reddit if you want to see, but I don't recommend it.

No. 2339776

All Indian women on Noah's ark

No. 2339793

>Lucy Letby is innocent
I know you're baiting, but Lucy tried killing a baby girl

No. 2339974

No, she’s innocent. They stitched her up. Look into the case a bit more nonna. She didn’t kill any babies and there’s no hard evidence to convict her.

No. 2339990

i remember this case. after he murdered her he posed her body and inserted a tree branch into her if he did this at 14 imagine what he would be capable of as a grown man

No. 2340104

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His wife leads a welfare group for mentally ill children. I'm really starting to wonder how many male doctors, surgeons, lawyers, psychiatrists, etc. chose their profession because they derive sadistic joy out of seeing vulnerable people suffer rather than out of empathy.

No. 2340435

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>Judges heard that Pelicot had made contact with the men on Coco, notably on a chat forum on the site entitled “à son insu”, meaning “without her knowing”. He shared sexually explicit photos of his wife in the forum as well as his technique for drugging her with crushed tranquilisers and sleeping pills that he put in her food and drink. In at least one conversation on Coco he mentioned the rape of his wife to another user.
So they fucking knew, not that I believed their weak excuses anyway. This is undoubtable evidence.


No. 2340584

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>A 27-year-old Nebraska man, who allegedly posed as a 17-year-old high school student for nearly two months in 2023, will spend several decades in prison.
>Charges include first-degree sexual assault, attempted first-degree sexual assault, generation of child pornography — age 19 or over — and child enticement with electronic communication
>Investigators eventually learned that he had attended 54 days of school, despite having already graduated from Lincoln Public Schools in 2015.
>Another woman, 23-year-old Angela Navarro, was also arrested in connection to the case. Police claimed that she had aided Scheich by posing as his mother “Danielle Hess,” and worked with Lincoln Public Schools staff to get him enrolled.

No. 2340587

men hit the wall so early today they legit though this guy looked underage

No. 2340597

Also he was 5’4 kek. Jokes aside it gives me a little bit of hope that they threw the book at him and gave him life.

No. 2340613

This guy apparently went by maximumuncle#9112 on discord, I honestly can't believe that anyone over the age of 25 uses discord..that said it's weird seeing how many 40+ men are involved in these edgefag extortion groups on discord/telegram. I thought it was mostly a terminally online male zoomer thing, but apparently even old men like seeing teenage girls cutting themselves

No. 2340623

I think we forget that these creepy things have been on the internet since its inceptions. He was in the perfect age range to have learned to be a part of those groups/forums in the late 90s/early 2000s, it's not surprising that telegram groups would be made up of older men. I am just surprised to still see them using discord since it's fairly strict about this stuff, but it's still a great hunting ground for minors, so maybe that outweighs the risk?

No. 2340836

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I once read somewhere that if a man asks you out you can't say no. And that it is more possible he will leave you alone if you say you have a boyfriend… Because you are another man's property.

No. 2340967

Be happy you're naive. There are more creepy old men on there than there are zoomers. If you think it's zoomers keeping these communities afloat you're very wrong. A lot of middle aged men keep this stuff organized. Sexual sadist and voyeurs/stalkers have become more prevalent with private internet communities because they feel safe and anonymous. The reason the popularity of peeping toms have gone down is because they seek communities like this out to try to torture women and teens instead.

No. 2340971

Like… a lot. Why do sophisticated pedophiles become pediatricians or dentists? It's about deliberately and intentionally working your way up a ladder so you can control and exert power over others with the disguise of a "well rounded, good man who would never do that". The people who work the hardest are the ones who have the fire of threatened exposure lit under their ass. No one works harder than a man trying to hide the fucked up things he does kek, if he has a reputation. I think a lot of pedophiles and rapists are stereotyped as poor low IQ addicts but there's a reason so many are never caught, it isn't just chance. Its a matter of doing something impulsively VS carefully planning and revolving your whole life around your secret

No. 2341002

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No. 2341052

Assuming Google didn't lead me astray: St. Mary's CoE School in Birmingham is a primary school. Like elementary students. I think Year 6 is like 6th grade for burgers? I can't say anything else or I'll a-log. Just leaving these choice quotes from the article
>The student, Pupil B, alleged Mr Lowe met her alone in a cupboard and engaged in inappropriate behaviour
>He was found guilty of receiving letters from the year 6 pupil in 2001 and not disclosing them.
>Pupil B alleged that during breaks she would help clean the classroom and stay behind to meet Mr Lowe alone in a storage room. She provided an oral statement at the hearing stating that between the ages of 9 to 11, Mr Lowe would hug and kiss her, sometimes for a long period of time, against the cupboard door.
>The panel said it was "implausible" Mr Lowe, or any teacher, could facilitate a situation where he would be alone with a pupil for two years, without it being reported as suspicious.

No. 2341062

This was sexual for him right? Why do men love looking at cut up bodies and gore and get turned on???

No. 2341084

The men who do fantasize about being the one to inflict the gore.

No. 2341136

File: 1736512001460.jpg (265.16 KB, 720x1273, 1000000354.jpg)

Need someone to make a new celebricows asap

No. 2341145

So she got the husband stitch? Or is this some other thing? Either way, this is mutilation

No. 2341147

>He informed me he threw in a little bonus
>"Vaginal tightening"
I hate men so much it's actually unreal.

No. 2341153

I don't buy this, at all. Celebs have enough money to retain lawyers and sue for malpractice–if that is truly what occurred.

No. 2341340

Based nona kek

No. 2341382

husband stitch's a separate thing, where they add extra sutures to when repairing a post-childbirth tear, making the hole smaller. this sounds like a different procedure.
what's hard to believe about that? moids never give a fuck about consent and are also retarded. he probably thought this was a good way of advertising.

No. 2341404


No. 2341413

Which of your friends bf did you fuck, nona?(infighting)

No. 2341654

I don't feel sorry for frat scrotes when they murder each other. You found out they were a bunch of sadistic psychos, and decided to join that instead of running away? It's good you're dead now.

No. 2341678

You think Brooke Shields–THE Brooke Shields–needs to lie about that? I've seen many accounts of women saying their doctors chose to do things they never discussed while they were under anesthesia. It also reminds me of how there are doctors who will do pap smears with an entire audience of students on unconsenting women under anesthesia after getting surgery completely unrelated to their vagina and they're never told about it.

No. 2341703

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>If you think it's zoomers keeping these communities afloat you're very wrong
Well maybe there are more underground communities of them made up of older menlike old cappers, but when I think of popular extortion groups like 764 it is mostly made up of young men, and even the occasional teenage e-girl

No. 2341721

The Pulse Nightclub shooting is so haunting. There’s a ton of info about it due to Florida’s sunshine laws but I feel that I rarely see it discussed. Omar Mateen, aside from being an Islamist nutter, was a fucking whack job. Being from afghani parents, celebrating 9/11 publicly in school as it was happening, The plot twist of his father being an FBI informant although he also was doing propaganda in favor of the Taliban, the low IQ wife, making Facebook posts during the shooting and then ontop of all that he was maybe a repressed homosexual it’s all so sick.

No. 2341749

Of course a repressed homosexual. no one hates gay people more than closeted men.

No. 2341755

What a revolting-looking group of people.

No. 2341758

I’m 50/50 on it. All the gay rumors are unverified but it’s possible he concealed his gay double life very well and the fbi just pulled anything up. He was very open about the fact he was doing the shooting for Islamist reasons and because he wanted Russia and the US to leave Syria alone, no mention of gay people. Apparently he was originally going to shoot up Disney world but didn’t follow through.

No. 2341768

It's user easy man to be closeted. Any time there's a case where a man killed another man for seemingly no reason and they werent involved in crime, my first two thoughts are
-Closeted homosexual killing hookup or
-Pedophile with big secret
Cases like Aaron Hernandez remain vague to a lot of people because the thought of it being motivated by homosexuality doesn't cross people's minds.

No. 2341808


No. 2342295

I can't think of anything more cringe or embarrassing than being caught fucking someone else's boyfriend.

No. 2342611

Is there an English version?

No. 2342628

This is why gynecologists should be a only woman job. No moid can be trusted not to rape a woman as vulnerable as a patient

No. 2342648

I knew a girl whos dad was a gyno and she was a really fucked up person

No. 2342771

Your posts

No. 2342795

ur Mom think im funny as fuck and she thinks its lame and pathetic that you lust after other womens boyfriends(infighting)

No. 2343226

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Shouldn't be a shocker but the ""journalist"" is a troon (used to go by Lawrence Dodds), and trying to dupe the reader into thinking that somehow shutting down the entire porn industry is a bad thing. Also he tries to blame conservatives for vilifying troons as child abusers (when we all know it's the TROONS doing that themselves, lol).

No. 2343236

>discouraging sex trafficking and childhood porn exposure is actually a BAD thing
The absolute state of AGPs

No. 2344440

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Do men deserve to be alive

No. 2344966

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>An 18-year-old Dalit woman from the southern India state of Kerala has accused 64 men of sexually abusing her since she was 13 years old.
>Police have arrested 28 people in connection with the case so far - the men are in custody and have not made any public statement.
>The accused, who range between 17 and 47 years of age, include the woman's neighbours, sports coaches and her father's friends, police told the BBC.
>Police say that the alleged abuse began when the girl was 13 years old. Her neighbour allegedly molested her and took sexually explicit photographs of her, the News Minute website reported.
>Her neighbour allegedly sexually abused her again when she was 16 years old, recorded videos of the abuse and shared it with several others who continued to assault the woman over many years.
>Police say that the woman was allegedly gangraped three times in the past five years.
>Her alleged abusers reportedly used her father's phone number to contact her and the woman stored their contacts in the phone. The police are now using the phone to trace the accused.
>The matter came to light when a team of counsellors visited the woman's home last month. The counsellors alerted the CWC about the matter and the woman was asked to appear before the committee along with her mother.
>"She was given counselling, and she opened up before a psychologist, narrating the sexual abuse she has been facing since the age of 13," the CWC chief told the Indian Express.

No. 2345279

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This lady cut the baby out of the womb of a 21 year old woman she was the wedding photographer for. Proceeded to drive to an out of state hospital with the near-dead baby in her lap and the woman's placenta shoved in her pants. Mental health interventions are so important, for months people were trying to protect pregnant women from her and knew she was lying as she had a full hysterectomy already. Just downright inhumane. The baby and her mom both died.

No. 2345449

Coco's very existence is strange, i can't believe the founder was arrested just now. People have known it's a pedo hangout for over a decade here, it's to the point where every other normie has logged on coco to bait and laugh at creepy moids. But it's been up the whole time, some think it functions as a honeypot (lots of police officers do sting operations on it) but i wonder if it's worth it when everyone knows cops lurk there. Plus men who use the site for its intended purpose still do horrible damage. France is unbelievably bleak when it comes to rape/CSA prevention

No. 2345687

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No. 2345710

France is a disgusting place.

No. 2345870

Absolutely disgusting. I wonder what the incredibly cringe UCLA professor that made feminist articles about him thinks, but it looks like she's run off the internet too

No. 2345889

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This man was cool as fuck if you were between the ages of 8 and 13 two decades ago. Nasty old weasel

No. 2345959

>People have known it's a pedo hangout for over a decade here
Kinda ot, but this reminds me of a website called imgsrc.ru..thats also been populated by exclusively pedophiles for the past decade. It's an image sharing site with a "kids" section where the first things you can see are creepshots, kids in swimsuits, screenshots clearly from cp and normal photos stolen off social media or where the user claims the child is their kid. The comments are really vile as you'd expect, and they openly exchange cp through "private albums". Yet for whatever reason it still has not been taken down. Articles and post all the way from 2006 have been complaining about this for years now. An anon here posted an article about it but I can't find it sadly

No. 2345980

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You watch mods redtext this for racebaiting

No. 2345984

There is a video with this tweet. So it is real.

No. 2345997

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Nonna please don't tell me you believe someone like this

No. 2346033

Men who call themselves feminists are a red flag. Fuck Amanda too. I'm horrified and disgusted by the blatant grooming that went on from both of them. I'm glad I never got too far in reading Sandman (over a decade ago), because I won't be perusing any of this rapist scrote's other works, either. Amanda's a horrible mother and I worry for their child having such a depraved father, and the things said child has been exposed to. I hope this bastard is jailed for a long time.

No. 2346073

Irish are the biggest whinges alive

No. 2346080

For real. They have their wimpy little gangs where they flex and scowl their lil FAS phenos and put hits out on eachother in prison. Blaming immigrants like they don't regularly beat and rape their women and douse each other in boiling sugar water while they pretend to be Peaky Blinders

No. 2346281

I recommend not reading the whole thing, ruined my day

No. 2346306

>talks about how the moid forced the girls he raped to call him master
>but uguu dont kinkshame! this isnt REAL bdsm you see, real BDSM is consensual abuse!
i am so fucking tired

No. 2346425

The source may not be great but I would take this to be at least partially true because other governments in Europe do the exact same shit. As far as I'm aware it's at least been done in England, Italy and Spain. The government dumps a large number of immigrant moids in small rural communities with the immigrants outnumbering the locals. Because there's nothing to do in these rural areas, the migrants then start to get violent and target local women, especially teenagers for sexual harassment and rape.

No. 2346464

>always knew he was gross
Yeah I'm actually shocked this is recent news. I thought he was outed as a disgusting rapist like 10 years ago

No. 2346465

The only issue here is they brought more moids to Ireland instead of just killing all men worldwide like they should have done 500,000,000 years ago

No. 2346468

This isn’t a news story, it’s a random tweet.

No. 2346472

>implying weird shit doesn't happen in muh community places

No. 2346544

Ireland identifies with foreign terrorists because of their struggles with England and it came back to bite them in the ass

No. 2346711

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>The source may not be great
That's a bit of an understatement. He tweets ten times a day all about immigration. Constantly rants about wanting a Catholic ethnostate, an organisation that was famously kind to Irish women. Look which convicted rapist he supports for Irish presidency. If this moid told me the sky was blue, I would be sceptical.
This is a real issue but please find better sources than Irish Andrew Tate.

No. 2346856

hope that nasty scrote gets luigi'd

No. 2346951

From now on, any moid who writes a story/movie/tv show/game featuring teenaged girls is automatically suspicious as fuck in my book. They're gonna love him in prison, he'll be a total bottom within a week.

No. 2347293

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Just China things.
>A secondary school in China has come under fire for requiring its students to sign a written promise that if they kill or injure themselves their decision was not related to the place of learning.
>This commitment was proposed by Shuizhai Middle School in Wuhua county, southern Guangdong province.

No. 2347346

Basically sign a contract so the teachers and students will be able to abuse other students with no repercussions.

No. 2347350

Is that even legally binding? I don't know Chinese law

No. 2347368

Irish men are brutes. They have all the evil of English men but 0 self control. Look at these thugs threatening a young mother in her own home, they don’t even care that they’re being filmed since they’re so used to being allowed to bully and intimidate women consequence free they have absolutely no fear. Everything they accuse foreigners of, they do. they’re extreme anti women religious views, they are rapists and regularly get banged up abroad because they can’t control their own savage instincts and they are pedophiles. Incest is very common among the Irish especially poor and traveller communities where every male in the family will be raping the little girls. Irish women are often guilty of turning the other cheek and idolising their abusive sons. They really are just white Muslims.

No. 2347370

Samefag, It’s because they have more in common with them than the English. They are extremely backward and sexist. Ireland is one of the most dangerous places to be a woman in the world.

No. 2347418

I believe because there was literally a video attached
This isn't about Irish scrotes, its about Irish women and girls who are being subjected to foreign scrotes who refuse to integrate when they have to deal with their own countries moids

I swear some anons love to ignore the fact that women and girls are affected by migrants being shoved and overtaking their towns and just cry racism instead

No. 2347431

The scrote never mentioned women facing assaults from immigrants or how the safety of women and children should be top priority instead of shipping everyone in though. He’s more upset at being called racist and being outnumbered instead

No. 2347603

Please stop thinking these people care about your rights, nonna. They care that you’re being raped by migrants instead of them. Yes, it’s true women are affected by this, nobody is denying it, it’s just sheer hypocrisy for these scrotes to A act like they care and B act like they’re a beacon of innocence.

No. 2347726

Nta but the point is tons of nearly all male refugees from backwards women-hating countries on top of local moids who assault girls and women = even more moids who assault girls and women. "Locas moids are just as bad" doesn't matter, it's about the gender balance being off. Some euro countries got a million more moids within a single year.

>Ireland is one of the most dangerous places to be a woman in the world.
Not irish, never was there, will never be there, where the hell did you get that from…? Ireland is ranked 13 out of 177 https://giwps.georgetown.edu/the-index/
Some of you are really talking out of your ass, you probably have no idea, just how awful most girls and womens lifes are across the globe compared to yours.

No. 2347790

How is UAE above the UK for women's rights?

No. 2347795

>Ireland is one of the most dangerous places to be a woman in the world
Low-quality bait.

No. 2347796

Perhaps they treat teenage rape victim more seriously and actually jail the preparators. Just a thought.

No. 2347810

No they dont, but they do jail the rape victim https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/06/29/how-uae-condones-sexual-violence and also dont forget the countless maid rape cases which always go cold due to the victim "dying"

No. 2347811

The UAE is actually pretty safe, not all Arab countries are rape havens

No. 2347816

It's always Denmark at the top of these types of lists
Flicking through it I was surprised with
>Women's Share of Parliament Seats - 50%
that's higher than most of the west

No. 2348335

>Some euro countries got a million more moids within a single year.
This is how you know the refugee narrative is a lie. Refugees would be women and children, like the majority who fled Ukraine. These men are economic migrants looking for gibs and carte blanche in exchange for not blowing shit up.

No. 2348517

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Have any of you seen this claim about the young woman who was burned in the Walmart oven? I know the ex bf worked there, but is there anything substantiated about the mom taking out a life insurance policy? I'm hoping this is a fake comment but this entire situation already seemed like murder

No. 2348570

The kid is cooked. There's no way he won't be a deviant himself with all the shit he's witnessed and was normalized to him. Plus the fact that Neil is still grooming him currently.
And honestly, I don't see how any women who isn't completely socially captured could see him as a feminist if they've read any amount of his works other than like coraline. I read a bit of stardust and that one that's supposed to be sort of representative of his life and they both were gross and creepy. The way he writes women is dehumanizing.

No. 2348572

This was pissing me off as well.

No. 2348577

The excuse I always had for this is "oh but the journey is too dangerous to send women and kids on, the moids selflessly go instead so they can send money back home" lmfao

No. 2348649

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Real. To get into BDSM you need to be seriously fucked up, so forget about their pinky swears about 'consent'.

No. 2348650

>so they can send money back home
Economic migrants, send them back.

No. 2348680

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So we literally cannot drink or eat anything anymore I guess

No. 2348682

they found PFAs on polar bear who never left the north pole, so we just have to life with it. it's bad, but man industries could not function without.

No. 2348686

I remember this case, so incredibly bizarre. I couldn't find anything about the insurance claim, it seems to be just a theory

No. 2348696

Samefag. Fucked up thought but it could have been suicide? I read somewhere that the majority of women in India choose self immolation as a method of offing themselves

No. 2348700

>but man industries could not function without
Yes they could, it would just be less profitable for a while, so they won't do it and will kill us all instead.

No. 2348712

I don't believe it at all. I saw someone say that "bride burning" is still practiced by sikhs though. Don't they choose self immolation because of how common it is to rape women, dead or alive

No. 2348739

Fuck it, I'm not letting a bit of plastic ruin my tea.

No. 2348741

You're gonna be riddled with dementia but fuck it we ball

No. 2348747

That sounds like Hindu nationalist propaganda anon, I wouldn't be surprised that some do (there are still honour killings, but that's a whole cultural problem rather than just religious) but it's not typical at all. Bride burning would definitely be more of a Hindu thing just based on population because it 100% still happens despite being outlawed.

No. 2348816

not to um aktually you but bride burning is a hindu custom called "sati" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(practice) not sihk, believe or not women have the equal status in sihkism though it depends on the moids to follow that principal

No. 2348845

just use loose leaf and a metal tea ball. loose leaf tea is cheaper and of much higher quality anyway.

No. 2348860

Exactly. I don't get Brits for using teabag tea. They are drinking trash, literal sweepings form the floor.

No. 2348879

>moid has his chunk out at a drive through
>girl films and exposes him
>turns out he's a dad and just got married in December
>they call wife to warn her, she tells them he already offed himself
But women are the ones who never take accountability for their actions, right…?
He got a new bride at home yet chooses to harass other girls. He could have faced whatever charges yet prefers just running away forever, leaving his wife and kids with the burden of him being a cheating pervert, of him killing himself and likely with a lot of financial problems too.

But the very worst thing about this are peoples reactions, they're calling for her to get charged for "causing" his death, while making excuses for him because uwu mental health issues can cause you to become a sexpest apparently. Absolute insanity…
Many moids who off themselves are not depressed at all. I know about 3 moids from neighbouring towns (2 of them were mayors) who simply offed themselves because their shady businesses got exposed and they rather chose death than having less money and living with shame and possibly getting a short prison sentence for their crime.

No. 2349137

Use seasoned cast iron, enameled cast iron, carbon steel or stainless steel for cookware. For tea just get a teapot and use loose leaf tea.

No. 2349364

Moid leaves his 2 year old in a hot car just to watch women get raped on the screen by other men, women are attracted to males.. why?

No. 2349365

I judge anyone who doesnt drink loose leaf tea. Bagged tea is so disgusting.

No. 2349368

I know sexuality isnt a choice, but being with man is. This is so vile. Anyone man into porn is a massive red flag. massive. And that poor child.

No. 2350098

Male behavior like this is why men look down on other men "showing their emotions". And his wife treats his worthless ass like a 4th child, this is why men are expected to man up.

No. 2350303

The halfassed groans and crocodile tears he shed for being held accountable for the blatant neglect that led to the death of his child are what got me.
>OoHHhHHh mai gawddd…. my family is ruined! What are they gonna think of me letting my child roast to death in a hot car while I gooned for hours??
And yet his handmaid of a wife still capes for him, despite his history of neglecting the children even well before the incident! I have no idea what she sees in that moid.

No. 2351620

scrotes' issues with immigrants are always "wahhhhh i feel like an outsider, they're different and they're weird" and not women's safety, and anytime a story about a woman raped or assaulted by an immigrant scrote comes out their reactions are more akin to someone angered by their property being damaged or they respond with some variation of "wretched roastie, that's what you get for voting for those things" when they have no knowledge of the woman's actual political leaning.

No. 2351636

>receives news of daughter's death
>"i'm taking a shower"
>"i'm going to rinse off"
…what do i even say?

No. 2357786

This story always makes me cry. The husband booked a limousine to surprise his wife on her 30th birthday and the poor maintenance of the vehicle caused all the 20 passengers to die. Its always so tragic when people die while they are supposed to be having fun, its why amusement ride accidents always stay with me. RIP.

No. 2358536

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No. 2358547

I feel for the victims because they were texting how run down the vehicle was but they still went in the death trap anyway. They probably didn't want to rock the boat by declining the ride because the groom had reserved it specially.

No. 2358737

why do brits tolerate this

No. 2358951

>not even crying
>barely panicked in 911 call
Men are monsters

No. 2358955

It's so odd that limos are still associated with luxury, they're usually gross and roach infested

No. 2358958

moids and boymoms from shatghanistan should not be allowed outside of their designated shitria hellhole.

No. 2358959

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Because, sadly, it's a part of our culture. Most moids here are pedos, we used to have girls as young as 16 posing topless in newspapers, British culture is shit.

No. 2358960

he murdered her

No. 2358963

spoiler this

No. 2358969

I ended up in a fancy van/limo thing at work once. It wasn’t really a limo but closer to a small bus. It was very nice and private but also was top of the line and ridiculously expensive I’m sure. I see the appeal if you have a lot of people or for whatever reason don’t want people see you come and go.

No. 2358985

I recently watched some interview with a longtime limo driver and he mentioned how disgusting they are and that he would have to kick it and slam things to make the roaches scurry when people were about to enter. I understand really nice bus-like vans as you mention and they're easier to clean. But limos are soooo mud

No. 2358986

They functioned just fine through the guilded age with very little plastic.
Maybe dupont can't function without shitty single use plastic but we certainly can function without dupont.

No. 2359361

What the fuck do you mean it’s a part of OUR culture? Just because you surround yourself with pedophiles doesn’t mean the rest of us do. Kill yourself.(infighting)

No. 2359362

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No. 2359363

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LOL a triggered Britbong. It is a part of your culture, because it's systemic and has always been in places like boarding schools etc.

No. 2359366

It’s not part of the culture. It’s crime, and the men doing it would be punished severely if it weren’t concealed, whereas it’s commonplace to abuse women and marry child brides in the countries these men are coming from, and no one will care even if they announce it.

No. 2359372

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>and the men doing it would be punished severely if it weren’t concealed
You're trolling, right?

No. 2359378

Can it at least be 5 years in a cell alone, unsupervised with the biggest, most sadistic, most pedo hating dude in prison, and he's allowed to do whatever he wants to this monster with a blunt knife as long as he doesn't kill him?

No. 2359382

You can raise issues with thinking jail terms aren’t harsh enough, but that’s not evidence of “pedo culture”, it’s an issue with how the legal system is structured, as well as you cherrypicking cases where they were able to buy a good enough lawyer to get a lighter sentence. In the case of these immigrant grooming gangs, it is heavily influenced by their culture, and far more common among these populations than among the native British population. The men doing these crimes are far more brazen about it, and open to other men who share that culture about what they are doing. If what you were saying were true, you wouldn’t see an increase in rape and molestation rates as immigration increases, but the opposite is true.

No. 2359409

This kind of thing happens all over the fucking world. Tell me what country you’re from and I’ll find examples for you.

No. 2359780

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No. 2359876

>its not OUR culture
youre right its actually a MOID(and yes that includes the whites) culture and bong moids are known pedophiles in Thailand and SEA asia ,polfags need to realize that its not just a brown moid pedo problem but the way YOUR government deals with these pedos (brown and white alike) instead of sperging about brown moids question the uk goverment whys its always so lenient on pedos? and ask why do they always bond out their pedos in other countries that were going to kill them?,if this moid wasnt caught in thailand he wouldve been out in 2 months in the uk https://metro.co.uk/2024/12/04/brit-30-arrested-thailand-raping-six-year-old-girl-knew-22121443/

No. 2360150

This fucking schizos arch enemy is a toddler playing in a park? subhuman

No. 2360176

In my country most of my encounters with police were rather positive (they genuinely help you, many young female officers) but there's just something in murican waters that makes their cops turn absolutely soulless. It's so scary how muricans can just walk away from people dying and don't give af. This case is not quite as brutal as that lady being burned alive in the middle of the subway but nevertheless clearly shows again that they care absolutely zero about the lifes of (especially older) women.
>an injured woman is lying on the side of a highway at nighttime
>she has a suitcase with her, was fleeing domestic violence
>they constantly nag her "but where are you going?!" bitch, she's fleeing, doesn't even have a phone, she just wants to reach somewhere safe
>keep berating and making fun of her for over 15 minutes
>tell her "some truck is gonna hit you and you'll die"
>she literally begs them to take her to the next gas station 2 miles away
>"do you wanna take her?" "no, i don't wanna!"
>"uhm, our trunk is full, plus we're not a taxi, we can't just give rides!"
>just leave her on the highway in the dark
>another 15 minutes later she's dead already
>instead of giving her body to her sister, they cremate her at an animal hospital, for the final disrespect even after her death

No. 2360183

A year or two ago there was another NYC subway story where a woman got raped in front of everybody on the train and nobody did anything. It’s a necessary blackpill to recognize almost nobody has your back, your suffering is necessary for everybody else’s survival/happiness, women are the first to be thrown to the slaughter and that cops don’t really give a shit because they’re likely rapists, thieves and murderers themselves. You’re absolutely correct on your observations, I don’t really trust cops all that much for good reasons

No. 2360186

>the enemy is a toddler playing?
Of course it is. When they threaten to or actually do bomb concerts the majority of their victims are also just kids, girls. Women and children living freely, being outside and having fun is the epitome of what they hate, it's everything that goes against what muh Allahs says. Even little boys are too similar to girls and therefore you can still abuse them until they turn into the only rightful being on earth, the adult muslim moid. Those knife attacks happen weekly, if not daily but thankfully they usually don't succeed in killing and therefore the news don't even bother reporting about it anymore, it's simply the new normal now.

No. 2360204

absolutely vile and inhumane. I know there are good cops out there, but the brutality of a bad cop always outweighs that. They really don't give a shit about helping anyone. At all. I dont like or trust cops. I hate that this is the same in almost every country too.

No. 2360231

I know of a cop who drove a mentally ill young boy off his mind on drugs to his drug dealer after the boys friend told police not to take him there because the friend thought he'd kill himself. 12 hours later he died.

No. 2360626

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Cheryl Benard wrote about this. They hate the fact that Western society allows women the freedom to enjoy their lives.

No. 2360650

File: 1737588097112.jpg (74.7 KB, 960x880, europeandv.jpg)

>It's always Denmark at the top of these types of lists
Denmark also has some of the highest self-reported abuse rates in Europe and other Scandinavian countries are not much better. It's not some feminist paradise, Scandinavian moids are actually quite vile.

No. 2360674

Your nationalism is showing. They call you country pedo island, no? Your pedophile rings are deeply entrenched in schools, churches, and authority. Pedophile rings are your police. Lol

No. 2360683

Does anyone remember that case recently of a cop striking a woman with their police car and the footage leak had him saying something about her not mattering because she eas 26 or something

No. 2360718

>cherrypicking cases
NTAYRT no, England really has a problem with how they handle pedos in court. But you're right, it's a matter of degrees, england has a pedophilic culture (like most countries, really) but it's not as egregious and overt as Afghanistan etc

No. 2360766

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The difference is a Brit will shout 'nonce' at a pedo but a migrant will cry islamophobia.

No. 2360933

Hope her family sues. What a bunch of fucking retards.

No. 2361575

>they call your country pedo island no?
Not outside of lolcow and it’s only one or two retards doing it anyway.
What shithole do you come from? You’re never willing to say.

No. 2361606

File: 1737622376096.jpg (9.08 KB, 509x69, gb.jpg)

I'm pretty sure I saw the term 'pedo island' on other sites as well, like 4chan.

Also, narcissistic injury much? You're just as are fragile as China's nationalist online army.

No. 2361607

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>rid the world of scum
>go to prison instead of getting an award
No justice in this world.

>The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the final appeal against a 26-year prison sentence for the Chinese captain of a Taiwanese fishing boat found guilty of killing four Somalis.

>Wang Fengyu (汪峰裕) commanded the Kaohsiung-registered Ping Shin No. 101 in September 2012 when it was reportedly attacked by pirates off Somalia. After another ship rammed the attackers’ vessel, four of the alleged pirates fell into the water.
>Wang reportedly ordered two Pakistani mercenaries on board to open fire and kill the Somalis. The incident came to light because of a video recording made by a crew member that was later posted on YouTube, per CNA. Police detained Wang when he arrived in Kaohsiung in August 2020.

No. 2361614

You talk like this is a problem exclusive to the UK. All countries have institutions full of pedos because it's not a problem specific to one nationality or location. It's a problem of the elites being pedos and pedos intentionally seeking out positions of power so they can abuse children without consequences.

No. 2361632

It's because female victims are taken seriously in these countries and encouraged to report their abusers.
Unlike Japan with supposedly low rates of abuse because women there are taught to not make a fuss and that rape and harassment are just a normal part of womanhood. This is reinforced by their media which portrays pedophilia and rape as harmless/funny or hot.

No. 2361692

This is data from a self-reported survey where they ask women how often specific types of abuse happened to them (e.g. hitting, hair pulling etc.) Nothing to do with police reports. Stop caping for Nordic moids.

No. 2361836

Ah yes, 4chan. The last bastion of sanity.
Post what country you’re from, I’m trying to see something.

No. 2361866

Some anons here always lose their shit when somebody dares to say that some countries are more advanced than others. Nobody ever claimed that (northern) europe is free of violent moid crime, like rape and pedophilia. But in dozens of other countries on earth those aren't even considered crimes because girls and women have zero rights. And in plenty more countries women are ashamed and/or told to get over it, as long as it's not full-blown penetration.
Meanwhile countries like Sweden have much lower standards of what is already considered rape, therefore high numbers, and most importantly women dare to speak up, even if it's just something as "small" as an inappropriate joke at work. Yet retards look at statistics and immediately go, see you're a pedo country! Your moids are the most dangerous, women in all those other countries are so much safer than you! Nobody can tell me that they genuinely believe this… Just look at which countries many people/women want to move to, there's a reason for that. Meanwhile you just want to wk your own country, Japan or shit on whites/euros.

No. 2361880

File: 1737648617200.jpg (235.51 KB, 1492x1080, zz.jpg)

This nona has lost it.
If you are still upset about the 'pedo island' thing, just ignore this thread for a while.(infight bait)

No. 2361901

File: 1737650463951.jpg (29.5 KB, 596x419, ffe2739871b0642a7d15681f328ac9…)

That's a pretty brazen lie considering we absolutely do stereotype bong island as being pedophile island where I'm from (Ireland) due to the weird amount of:
>government pedophiles
>people making nasty Facebook posts getting more severe punishments than people caught with childporn, documented in these actual threads multiple times
>the BBC having a history of covering up pedophile scandals
>a member of the actual royal family is a well known pedophile
>the media and police covering up grooming gangs and saying they're a myth
And more. You can lie to Americans who might not have a full grasp of English culture but any country that lives near you knows UK stands for Ultimate Kiddie-diddler

No. 2361912

You can easily find that much about any country, nona.

No. 2361916

Nta I agree I dont know why the bong anon is getting so angry when if someone says Britain is a pedo island its clearly pointed at brit moids and not her. So strange really

No. 2361918

That's because she takes it personally, get it. We are describing 'her'.

No. 2361925

Not a brit but I nevertheless think you're acting ridiculous. If the UK is so horrible, then why write as if it's a funny gotcha against her, when really female britanons are the victims you should feel sorry for?

No. 2362164

The irony of the Irish calling the UK pedo island when Ireland had a huge pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church that went on for decades. It doesn't matter what country it is, there is going to be a pedos.

>dutroux affair in France and Belgium

>underage girls in brothels in Holland and Germany
>that time the German government intentionally allowed pedos to adopt children as a social study
>any Catholic country has a history of systemic child abuse
>child porn being produced in Eastern Europe
It never ends.

No. 2362310

Exactly, what a fucking joke.

No. 2362370

Fucking KEKKKKKK are you for real?! Conservative catholic ireland? Overrun with travellers? Not infested with pedos? You people have a pedo in every single family that your mam and da are actively protecting and every one of you has probably been diddled by a priest at least once. The place where mother and baby homes were active until the fucking 80s and thousands of children being raped at orphanages across the country. Every day I wake up and thank god I don’t live in Ireland, your men are the most beat-faced, knuckle dragging savages of the British isles and your women fight tooth and nail to protect them.

No. 2362375

Wtf is going on in here

No. 2362454

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British "people" get extremely angry when you call out their country and get into whingewars with other idiots over that direction ie scots, Irish(baiting)

No. 2362570

Japan is safer than Sweden though.

No. 2362643

As an actual Irish nonna (farmhands check my IP and double check it's not a VPN) this feels like some weird argument about what some other third party thinks about Irish-Anglo relations are about to stir infighting. It's very strange especially since were about to be hit with a massive not-quite hurricane. Like say "boo you brits you'll get fecked tomorrow or something". This feels very artificial. No Terisa Manning gif, no man slipping on ice, no nothing

No. 2363126

There's something very unorganic happening on /ot/, probably coordinated discord gayops.

No. 2363132

How can you justify them calling us “pedo island” when there is literally active pedos round every corner going totally unchallenged? Not to mention Irish men are far more openly violent to women than English men. Seriously, living in England I’ve met many Irish women who live there and ALL OF THEM have abusive male family members and females protecting them. The Irish love to blame the English for all of their faults, if it weren’t for the English they’d have to face full on just how misogynistic and pedophillic they are on their own. They’re all catholics, like what do you expect? The Irish are extremely backward and it’s not just the men, the women viciously protect their pedophile sons when they molest their sisters. You see news reports about entire Irish families being put in prison, father, sons, uncles, because they’ve all been molesting the girls in the family. It’s no surprise they’d turn around and call England “pedo island”. They are themselves an even smaller, even more pedophillic, even more inbred island.(baiting/infighting/calm down)

No. 2363142

>endless hours of talking about pedos in different nations
>"btw Nippon is very safe you guys!"
can't make this shit up

No. 2363143

Why do you keep derailing this thread again and again with your attentionwhoring bullshit? This is cow behaviour. Just let it go and post other things.

No. 2363153

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No, every single thread this gets brought up and I’m sick of it. They finally revealed what pedo shithole THEY are from and now it all makes sense. They deserve a taste of their own medicine. The only reason there arent as many irish sex tourists is because they’re already getting away with raping children back home so they don’t need to travel. Yet still, many many Irish men are locked up abroad because they’re essentially worse than animals and can’t stop themselves from raping. Also Irish women do WAY more to protect the rapists in their country than the English women do. Hypocrites through and through.

No. 2363157

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Did you know in Irish law the identity of rapists are automatically hidden unless the victim agrees to be named? Did you ever hear about that Irish girl who was gang raped at a party and the defence lawyer held up a pair of her underwear in court to show that she was a whore who was asking for it, promoting the ENTIRE jury to vote not guilty? Prompting her to kill herself? Protecting rapists and pedos is their bread and butter. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46207304

No. 2363158

This is not even a novelty in Ireland. The average Irish man acts this way.

No. 2363310

Ayrt no, it was not me taking a jab at England for the sake of it. They said nobody outside lolcow knows England as pedo island when that is blatantly untrue. I mentioned I was Irish because I wanted to underline that I was I close proximity to England and therefore very aware/up to date with relevant news from there as well as being one of many countries that assign the pedo island stereotype to England. Nowhere in my response did I belt out come out ye black and tans kek

No. 2363329

I believe you are using ayrt incorrectly

No. 2363335

Samefag. Hold up.
We're you pretending to be me >>2362643 replying to >>2363132? Wtf is this level of schizo skinwalking? Go away

No. 2363605

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Maybe a dopuble post but this dad that recorded his sons erections

No. 2363618

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No. 2363619

source? asking for a friend

No. 2363623

No. 2363628

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now they are internet legend ️‍

No. 2363635

what mental disorder do you think the son develop to cope with his insane father?

No. 2363637

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No. 2363645

every single pic of him with his son is so weird and borderline incestuous. creepy fucker.

No. 2363661

I love how he's doing all this shit, spending obscene mounts of money, following a rigorous diet and exercise regime, even taking his son's blood and he has genuinely convinced himself he is aging backwards but he literally looks his age. one glance at his hairline tells you everything. the delusion of this man is astounding. isn't his son a legal adult now? he needs to stop humoring this insanity but he probably wants that inheritance.

No. 2363667

hes comparing boners to see if his anti-aging therapy is working. Tho it makes NO sense to post it online. This is the guy that takes blood transfusions from young people. He also took blood transfusions from the same son! Guy is on another level of insane. Can you imagine this being your dad????

No. 2363670

he should be allowed to keep the inheritance even if he commits patricide, it would be fair

No. 2363675

Is this a thing people do though?? How common is it for rich people to buy up youth blood

No. 2363678

Common. You know adrenochrome?

No. 2363679

Do men seriously get this many boners a night. WHAT IS THE POINT. Why is nature such nonsense

No. 2363682

He took his son's blood not adrenochrome. Come on I seriously want to know.

No. 2363691

Adrenocunt doesn't exist oh my god go back

No. 2363697

What is with all the schizo shit lately

No. 2363700

Seriously can you imagine getting woken up this many times with a boner?? What is the point??? Why would a middle aged man still want to get that many?! Why is that his goal?! Isn't it the worst burden known to man, isn't that what they say :|(emoji)

No. 2363720

pol invasion
look at the racism and the right wing trad shit on here now. this is why I barely come here anymore

No. 2363731

yeah like >>2363621 they’re not even able to hide who they are even as they try to gaslight people into thinking the way they talk and type is normal. i wouldn’t doubt there’s some schizos who migrated from there to here and think they’re the main/desired userbase at this point.

No. 2363795

During the Imane Khelif stuff, one bitter troon was complaining that Imane should get to stay in women's sports because s/he's just the average brown woman, that all black women should be removed, and that it's unfair he couldn't be racist here like he can on /lgbt/ and Twitter, kek. He even claimed this site was "meant for him".

No. 2363814

Apparently he was a rejected asylum seeker and was about to be sent back to Afghanistan before the stabbing incident. Makes me wonder if he did it so that he would be sent to a german prison instead of the islamic shithole he came from

No. 2363817

it cracks me up you get called a newfag if you don’t agree that we are all 4chan migrants like say what lol

No. 2363845

It's a meme, autism-chan
Real answer is it probably has something to do with healthier cells in younger blood. Inb4 this is chalked to another conspiracy theory (it's not), but rich people also use foreskin for skincare because of the stem cells. Unsure if teenager blood is that beneficial. Maybe with the testosterone levels in his teenager it's beneficial for an old scrote. He's basically experimenting on himself.

No. 2364164

good on him for doing his part for the male suicide epidemic !

No. 2365209

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The story.

No. 2365210

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The victim.

No. 2365212

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The scrote. It's sad that he started saying weird serial killer shit early in the evening, and she didn't feel confident enough to kick him out while other people were there to help.

No. 2365887

No. 2365966

>prompting her to kill herself
How many women and children are going to die before anyone acknowledges that men are soulless and shouldn't be trusted

No. 2366214

Reading an article about the American fast food industry
>more than half of all U.S. fast food workers are 20 or older
>About two-thirds of them are women, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and many are supporting their families on minimum wages set at the federal government’s floor of $7.25 an hour.
>The 44-year-old single mom of three works 80-hour weeks to provide for her children, ages 8, 14, and 18. During the day, she is a driver for Pizza Hut, where she earns $9.50 an hour before tips. At night, she cleans trains for Houston’s Metro system, where she earns about $17 an hour.
>Today, a living wage for one adult raising three children in the Houston metro area is $57.65 an hour
>The times that she pulls both shifts, Yeldell sleeps for just two to three hours before getting her kids up and ready for school. Then she does it all over again.
>Between her two jobs, she has no days off so her activities with the kids have to happen on the days she works at one job, not both. But she makes it happen.

No. 2366369

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This isn't a news article but rather a nonfiction history book on China, "Drowning Girls in China: Female Infanticide since 1650", and its the first book that has genuinely upset me in a long time. Some estimates (hard to quantify due to lack of hard data) put the number of baby girls murdered at birth at 1 in 4. When including girls that were neglected and allowed to starve to death, that number rises to 1 in 3. Some estimates for specific regions were much higher.

The Chinese public response was as horrifying as the systemic femicide. Girls were seen as so worthless by Chinese society that the only moral condemnation the Chinese government officials and wealthy elites could come up with was how murdering baby girls would harm their future sons through transferring karmic debt (e.g. their sons might get sick and die because they murdered their daughters), or they would portray people who spared their own daughters or saved other baby girls from being murdered being rewarded by their sons becoming wealthy and successful. One of the slogans was "The drowning girl injures a son".

This is one of the worst history books I've ever read. I'm not a melodramatic person but I had to stop several times because it made me want to cry. I also hate China and Chinese men now.

No. 2366837

Post the fucking article then?

No. 2366972

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No. 2367217

Where's the dad?

No. 2367267

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This made me feel psychically sick. I actually could sob right now. This is why Muslim men are the worst. This is why Islam is poisonous.

No. 2367280

>They actually rejected that bill.
yup and whats more scary that these pedo moids tried to pass it without any votes (which was largely opposed to it) https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/sectarian-law-potentially-allowing-child-marriage-passed-without-vote-iraq, most western news sources are passing this off as if it already passed despite ignoring their own "Juliet" laws. also interesting to note is the banning of intermarriages into sunni or shia sects, iraq was one of the only regions in the middle east where women had decent laws before the radicalization and amerimutts fucked everything over

No. 2367286

> with an exception allowing marriage at 15 with the consent of a guardian and a judge
Hello? Acknowledge the fact that it is a pedo religion first and foremost. Even if it is true that it hasn’t been passed. It got to a point where men had the decision to legalise child rape. You are kinda disgusting anon

No. 2367291

You are deranged if that is what you have taken from this. Absolutely deranged.

No. 2367294

No. 2367296

Thanks anon for deleting your replies defending that pedo religion and the men that follow it. You should be ashamed.

No. 2367307

Islam needs to be illegal. I hate even calling it a religion. Anyone who tries to lower the age of consent should be seen as a pathogen to humanity and dealt with as such.

Dads are deadbeats. Most men can't even play the role as breadwinners let alone be actual present fathers. Men are fucking shit up as usual and single moms need to start having platonic shackups with other single moms to be socially and economically fulfilled. The more single moms that do that and 4B the better it would be for humanity in the long run.

No. 2367616

>Very mentally ill 50 year old woman wants a child
>Manipulates husband, family and friends in believing that she's pregnant
>She cannot be pregnant
>Carefully crafts a story where she gave birth on Jan8 but the baby got covid that's why she doesn't have it yet
>Plan is failing so she sleeps in a hotel to avoid to getting home without a baby on Jan 8
>On Jan21 the plan was too hard to stick up to so she walks into a private clinic, calls herself a nurse, steals a baby girl, takes her home, dresses her up as a baby boy.
>In the house, there was a room for the "baby boy"
>She's white (white as a southern italian can be but you get what I'm saying) but husband is african
>Baby is white as shit, no one bats a fucking eye, not even the husband who didn't grow any doubts about it being its baby
>The woman is still very ill (I think she has some kind of mental retardation/deep personality disorder) but that thing that shocks most is how
1. Everyone believed that
2. How she got away with it for months with fake bellies
3. Her husbands is apparently innocent but how can you see your wife naked and notice that her belly doesn't grow but most importantly, the baby doesn't look mixed at all.

This is fucked up but I also think that everyone around this woman is fucking stupid, retarded hivemind.

No. 2367618

i agree but also imagine accusing someone of that. like you’d better be POSITIVE

No. 2368175

that's horrible but i'm glad she didn't murder a pregnant woman and cut out her baby like in many cases where an insane woman pretends to be pregnant and has to produce a baby

No. 2369092

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>three Arab men, who gang-raped a 17-year old drunk girl, laughed and fist bumped eachother when the victim started to cry in the court.
death sentence to these child rapists

No. 2369095

A husband should have a very easy time of it but men are retarded

No. 2370566

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No. 2370807

I used to think a Muslim ban was ridiculous, but honestly send ALL of these pedo moid worshipping subhumans back to their shitholes.

No. 2371888

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I got this aa earlier
>An Amber Alert has been issued for two toddlers who were allegedly abducted by their father after their mother was found murdered inside their California home.
>Jonathan Alexis Maldonado-Cruz, 23, is accused of taking his daughters – Arya Maldonado, 3, and Alana Maldonado, 2 – from their Hanford home around 1 a.m. Tuesday after allegedly shooting and killing their mother, according to the Kings County Sheriff’s Office.
>Authorities believe Maldonado-Cruz, who is said to be armed and dangerous, fled to Mexico with the girls.

No. 2371890

hi SoCal nona It was weird how the amber alert linked to a twitter post, it’s not very accessible for information if you need an account to view it. Most people don’t know about viewers for twitter like nitter. Also the amber alert was issued 2 days after their abduction yet said it was urgent.

No. 2372156

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>A prominent surrogacy agency in Europe is under investigation following accusations that its pedophile owner sexually assaulted an employee. José María Hill Prados, 63, is being accused of forcing a young employee to perform sexual acts as part of his employment with Gestlife.
>Gestlife is one of the largest surrogacy firms in Europe, operating offices in 11 countries dedicated to facilitating child exchange contracts. On its site, it boasts that it has helped “2100 children be born,” and that over 55% of its clientele are “LGBTQIA+ couples.” But authorities in Barcelona are now investigating the company after an employee came forward to accuse the owner of sexual assault.
>According to the complaint, the 20-year-old victim, who will be referred to as Alejandro, was in a precarious financial situation when he came upon a job advertisement on Instagram which promised regular work with a stable income. His confidence was bolstered by the fact that he knew the job offer to have associations in the “gay world.”
>During their conversation, Prados, as “Albert,” offered Alejandro employment “in exchange for him maintaining a sexual relationship with the head of the company,” referring to himself. Because Alejandro was struggling to make ends meet, and the salary far exceeded his current compensation, he accepted the job.
>Alejandro was then scheduled for another interview with Prados, this time in person, who once again took on a fake identity of “Diego.” Under the false identity, Prados questioned Alejandro about his sexual interests and if he would be “willing to let himself be penetrated.” Prados also stated that the victim must agree to sexual intercourse once a week.
>Though Prados continued to use the fake identity of “Diego,” Alejandro soon discovered his real name, and learned that Prados had previously been sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing two children, and for creating illicit pornography of the acts he subjected them to.
>As previously reported by Reduxx, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a Paris-based consortium of investigate journalists, exposed Prados as a serial child sexual abuser who, before entering the surrogacy industry, founded a Russian children’s foster organization called Padres para Siempre (Parents forever).
>In 1996, Prados, who was 36 at the time, was investigated by a Barcelona court for the crime of corruption of minors and several more sexual assaults of which his four adopted children, aged between 12 and 17, were reported to be victims. However, the details of the case were sealed from the public.
>But soon afterwards, in 2007, Prados was sentenced to eight years in prison for sexually abusing two children at the Casal Dels Infants del Raval center for minors in Barcelona. Prados was alleged to have exposed the children to pornographic films in order to groom them at his home in Cervelló, Spain, where he also sexually assaulted them. Prados was convicted of raping both of the children and for creating pornography of the assaults.
>During court proceedings, it was alleged that there were more than 30 children who had been victims of rape and sexual abuse at the hands of Prados and nearly a dozen other men while he worked at the Casal Dels Infants del Raval. A total of 13 individuals were arrested in addition to Prados. It has come to be known as one of the most shocking modern pedophilia scandals in Barcelona.
>In 2015, Prados set up a surrogacy company called Subrogalia based in Spain, according to corporate records. The company, one of over a dozen currently owned by Prados, was quickly mired in controversy and allegations of child trafficking.

No. 2372157

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>“We erase your past,” boasts Eliminalia, a business led by the convicted pedophile, which has netted millions in revenue over the past decade for restoring the online reputation of hundreds of clients who have been convicted and investigated in 54 countries for corruption, money laundering, sexual abuse and drug trafficking.
>Earlier this month, Reduxx received a legal threat via email ostensibly sent on behalf of Diego Sánchez Giménez, the alias of Didac Giménez Sánchez, Prados’ victim and business partner. The email demanded the full retraction of Reduxx‘s article naming Prados and Sánchez.
>“The content of the article links my client to criminal activities, specifically child trafficking, document forgery and fake marriages, in an unfounded and gravely defamatory manner, causing irreparable harm. These allegations are entirely false, lack evidentiary support, and have been refuted in various judicial instances,” read the email, which was signed Alvaro Rocha.
>But while claiming to be a communications from “legal counsel”, the email was sent from a business address linked to a company known as iData Protection. Reduxx discovered that Prados had recently renamed his criminal online reputation enterprise Eliminalia to iData Protection – meaning that the legal threat demanding the removal of incriminating information about his various corporations had come directly from Prados himself.

No. 2372164

Jesus, that’s so sad.
>Kings county
Makes sense. There are so many shitbag scrotes and gang members all through the central valley, you always hear about violent moids committing crimes and then by the time they’re identified they’ve fled to mexico.

No. 2372257

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No. 2372259

>Turner and her partner Stuart Compton
I hate pickmes so fucking much. Pickmeism should be labelled as a mental illness. Men are poison to some bitches.

No. 2372260

>and her husband
it's always men. women do not go out and rape children. their husbands always plant the idea and the woman follows.

No. 2372263

SHE wouldn't have raped her. She would've just held her down like a handmaiden. I hate media so much. She doesn't have a dick retards

No. 2372266

establishment media has been really trying to whip up woman hate recently, they keep pushing female predator stories even though most of the time its just pickmes being abused by their scrotes who are getting them to try and groom girls for him.

No. 2372267

why are there no pictures of her scrote 'Stuart' in the article?

No. 2372269

>Islam needs to be illegal. I hate even calling it a religion.

No. 2372272

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Nonces are killed in Ireland you retard. The IRA killed Lord Mountbatten who was an English pedophile who preyed on little boys at Irish orphanages. Put a bomb on his boat and blew him up into smithereens. Good riddance.(responding to bait)

No. 2372276

i noticed that too. moids desperate to pretend that it's not all men raping kids and that women do it too i guess

No. 2372277

Pedophilia offence rates are the same level in every western country, there's no such thing as a 'pedo island' literally the same proportion of men commit pedophilia all over the west (Muslims and Mexicans even moreso than the native whites) Honestly you're probably the same seething zionist tranny cow who screeches about Ireland every opportunity, which is rich since Israel is basically a pedo haven and you're also a proven pedophile on a vpn yourself. Your foreskin will never grow back, cry and seethe and join the 42%, scrote.(responding to bait)

No. 2372282

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Why wasnt he given the death penalty? US wagies really work to house and feed baby rapists for 50 years. How bleak.

No. 2372285

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CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (WTVC) — A Mississippi man who thought he was making a birthday trip to rape a baby in a Tennessee hotel room is now behind bars, according to police documents.

Chattanooga State Police arrested 49-year-old Dennis Allen Gaal on Tuesday.

An affidavit obtained by WTVC noted Gaal communicated with an undercover agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the Telegram app on November 17.

Gaal identified himself as "a contract chef for an offshore hiring company," and said his "age of attraction is 0-12" but "can be older if look younger," the report noted.

Gaal said he felt the Telegram app was secure, and that he was hesitant to join other groups "for fear of being caught."

The agent mentioned the possibility of sexual contact with a 10-month-old boy.

"Wouldn't hurt (the baby) but would love to play (sexually). Would love to see if it happens,'" and "'Would be a dream come true,'" Gaal replied, according to the affidavit.
The agent told Allen he was from Tennessee, to which he replied, "looks like I may have to take a trip to Tennessee sometime soon."

They exchanged phone numbers, and Gaal soon started texting the number to set up an encounter.

That allowed agents to look up his phone number, which revealed Gaal's name and that he had previously been convicted of molesting a child he babysat in 2000.

"Gaal stated that there were three boys he molested between the ages of 2 and 4," the affidavit said. "Gaal stated that he molested the boys 'all while awake most of the time.'"

The report noted Gaal said "it all started" with his 2-year-old nephew, adding that he said he molested the boy for three years.

On November 20, Gaal asked the agent what part of Tennessee they were in. Upon hearing Chattanooga, the report says Gaal replied: "That sounds awesome. I can't wait. This is looking to be the best trip I've ever taken."

Gaal then booked two rooms at the Hotel Chalet, sending the agent a screenshot of the booking confirmation.

The report said on December 5, Allen sent the agent an image of five infant outfits, along with an elephant rattle.

Allen showed up at the hotel on Monday, which was his 49th birthday. There, agents arrested and booked him.

Gaal was charged with attempted child rape and two counts of attempted solicitation of a minor.

Thank God this piece of shit got caught.

No. 2372286

Has anyone also noticed that they keep trying to demonize pedo hunter groups/vigilantes too?

No. 2372287

Ban any religion that encourages circumcision, period. It's well known that circumcized scrotes are most likely to become sexual deviants and rape and abuse their wives more due to sensation loss. Judaism and Islam both need to be banned, as do the branches of Protestantism that encourage circumcision. There is absolutely no need for circumcision to be practiced in the western world, the entire practice should be outlawed. No idea why 80% of American men, 95% of South Korean men, and 80% of previous generation Australian moids are circumcized. Its a barbaric sand people practice that should be outlawed alongside their backwards barbaric sand religions.

No. 2372290

>due to sensation loss.
men will blame anything but themselves

No. 2372292

Uncut Japanese Chad vs circumcised Korean incel memes create themselves kek

No. 2372294

>95% of South Korean men
why? aren't they atheists?

No. 2372300

You're nuts. Men are committing rape because not enough penis tingles? Just insane logic. Circumcision is a good thing because it reduces the transmission of STDs by 50%, irrespective of condom use, but it also helps prevent condoms from falling off. The microbial environment of an uncircumcised penis is naturally anaerobic and mimics the inside of an asshole, it is foul. They did studies and found some of the bacterial strains found on UNCIRCUMCISED dicks in particular had facilitative relationships with viruses. Its some weird spooky shit. Anyways cut them up

No. 2372301

I've never met a South Korean who wasn't a devout Christian.
Circumcized men don't know how to have normal sex because their mutilated tranny dicks don't feel anything, they jackhammer their poor wives and call it sex, no wonder Jewish and Muslim and American women always seem so miserable and horny for any man who isn't one of their own. The friction in their boxers also rubs their penis head constantly so they act more rapey than other men as they're constantly horny.

No. 2372302

rape is about degradation and control it has nothing to do with moid's having uncut or cut dicks, stop making excuses for rapists. Men should have their entire dicks cut off so they dont rape at all.

No. 2372304

Circumcision makes men more mentally ill and rapier than they already are. Everyone knows WASP American moids, Jewish moids, Muslim moids, African moids, and Korean moids are the most mentally ill, violent, and rapey men on earth. Even psychologists admit circumcision increases moids misogyny because they blame their mothers for cutting their dicks up and aggressively try to stop other women from fully castrating them. Women end up paying for cutfag mental illness.
Men's lives and entire personality literally revolve around their dick. I agree they should all have them cut off.

No. 2372305

south american men arent circumcised and they are are as rapey and misogynistic as cut moids. It has nothing to do with your retarded boogeyman.

No. 2372306

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1 in 5 men in Delhi are cutfags and Delhi also happens to be the rape capital of India.

No. 2372307

>Circumcision is a good thing

You just have a mutilation fetish.

No. 2372308

>Circumcision is a good thing because it reduces the transmission of STDs by 50%
This isn’t true. STDs are spread by the exchanging of bodily fluids, cutting off the foreskin doesn’t prevent that. Using condoms and only having one sexual partner are much better ways of preventing STDs from spreading.

No. 2372310

This is insanely high. They can't all be Muslims - the math doesn't add up (Muslims are 14-15% of India).

No. 2372311

I think they killed him less because he was a pedo and more because he was English royalty.

No. 2372312

Not true, some studies estimate up to 1 in 3 Mexican boys are circumcized, it became more popular in recent decades due to US influence, and Mexico's violence and rapiness has also been increasing too. Cutfag pseudotranny moids and their pedo childhood doctors are to blame for all the world's evils.

No. 2372313

>he was a pedo and more because he was English royalty

No. 2372314

mexico isnt south america

No. 2372316

Mexican scrotes are the ones who are mostly raping children when they come to the US.

No. 2372317

Hell yeah I do. Flayed cocks are hot.

No. 2372321

Mutilating men's penises is a good thing, but at the end of the day they're just going to take their angry weewee rage and insecurity out on women anyway so women still lose out. Even when men don't have working dicks they still beat and rape women, foreign object insertion is common in moids with ED and women were getting bayonets and sticks up the vagina from impotent scrotes during wars.

No. 2372325

can we just kill "people" like this? they should all be publically hanged

No. 2372334

I am not talking about the USA the world doesnt revolve around your shithole.

No. 2372340

All men need to be exterminated.

No. 2372341

Such an easy google. Take off the sped helmet you retarded dick defender


>Warm and moist environment of area under foreskin facilitates some pathogens to persist and replicate. Further, the thinness of foreskin predisposes it to minor trauma and abrasions that facilitate the entry of pathogens. MC reduces HIV infection risk by 50%–60% over time and reduces the risk of men acquiring herpes simplex virus-2 and human papillomavirus (HPV) that can cause penile and other anogenital cancers, by 30%.


>Analysis of this multinational dataset demonstrated that male circumcision conferred a 79% reduction in the risk of Chlamydia trachomatis infection for single-partnered women whose lifetime partner tested positive for this STI.

>Strong, consistent evidence was found for protection against cervical cancer (eight of nine studies involving women in multiple non-African settings), cervical dysplasia (four of five studies involving women in Africa and other continents), herpes simplex virus type 2 infection (six of six studies, including one RCT, involving women in Africa, Asia, and the USA), chlamydia (four of five studies, involving women in five continents), and syphilis (six of six studies, involving women in Africa and Asia).

No. 2372344

>14yo rapes a 91yo woman
i want off this ride we should have a segregated part of this world that's for women only

No. 2372356

why the fuck would I care about aids transmission among moids? only homos and africans and russians have aids, and im not having sex with any of them, cut or not.

No. 2372357

That this qualifies as evidence to you is laughable. You are too stupid to be making assertions about anything. Men don't care about their lost foreskin, it's meaningless to them until they come in contact with a wild strain of intactivist nonsense. Pee pee tingle cult not care about womens rights

No. 2372358

We all know who is going to be funding pro circumcision studies. Nothing mutilated moids love more than forcing babies and kids to have their penises mutilated too, crabs in a bucket style.
It's so funny whenever I watch an American TV show that features a pro circumcision theme like SATC or House I just have to look at the surname of the script writer to know everything.

No. 2372359

And now here you are again, demonstrating that you cannot digest more than one sentence in a single sitting

No. 2372361

>Men don't care about their lost foreskin
Men literally live through their dicks. Any moid who looks down and sees an ugly scar and shitring around his cock and missing a part of his anatomy is going to end up even more severely mentally ill and sexually deviant than the average moid. I don't care about whether scrotes are sad about their dicks or not, but it's no coincidence all circumcized scrotes are insane woman haters.

No. 2372362

>I don't care about children getting raped as long as its not in my country
Good to know.

No. 2372366

Even better, admitting to being an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist. You're adorable

Yes that is actually a coincidence. Goodnight retard

No. 2372367

I will never ever understand why women let men babysit their little kids. It's been proven that stepdads, grandpas and uncles are by far the most likely perpetrators of child molestation.

No. 2372368

Post frankenweenie, moid.

No. 2372377

Why are you obsessed with dicks that look like intestinal parasites with a dangly flap of rotting chicken skin on top. Do you like smegma, do you want other women to have to encounter more of it? Do you hate women? Serious questions.(infighting)

No. 2372378

I'm unironically in favour of public sex segregation spaces like they have in some Middle Eastern countries and Japan. Women should absolutely be allowed their own public spaces separate from men. Unfortunately, we all know if it was implemented in the west, trannies would ruin it suing for discrimination and men would try to break through to rape every woman.

In my country, men and women are to be seen as equals. That means completely ignoring gender differences (such as, women are generally weaker than men, and men also rape and murder far more than women). We have mixed sex hospital wards in every single hospital. The toilets in all our public spaces are gender neutral so men and women and trannies can all use them. It's honestly awful. I can't believe patriarchal shitholes like MENA countries and Japan are willing to be more honest about the fact that men are more inherently violent and predatory than women. In my country these biological differences are completely ignored, and as you can imagine its been disastrous for women and girls.

No. 2372379

0/10 bait. Go sperg about DA JOOOS somewhere else.(bait)

No. 2372381

Why do you keep outing yourself like this. It's embarrassing. Just shut up and go away, this is a female board.

No. 2372385

Nobody even mentioned Jewish moids. She could easily have been talking about WASP Americans with Anglo surnames, or MENA surnames. But since you've shown your ass, don't you have some prisoners to rape with broom handles or something?

No. 2372394

It is still an ineffective method of preventing the spread of STDs as it doesn’t protect against all STDs. One of the studies you posted has found a correlation between male circumcision and the reduction in the spread of HIV and HPV, but also acknowledges that it has no effect on other STDs.
>In a cohort study by Turner et al., it was reported that women with circumcised partners had similar risk of chlamydial, gonococcal, and trichomonal infections as women with uncircumcised partners.
Condoms are a much better way of preventing STDs because (provided they don’t break) they will protect you from all STDs. I don’t really care if men get circumcised or not, but I’ve had enough of circumcised men who act like they don’t need to wear a condom because they think they can’t spread STDs.

No. 2372400

Lol, whatever. I will never understand what causes women to get their panties in a bunch over goddamned foreskin, which is equivalent to a dirty sock that a moid rams up a womens vaginal canal if it's not removed for everyones sake. PIV sex is inherently more hygienic when it's not there, but you need to demonize me over a mans flap of rancid chicken skin. I can't say I really get it(infighting)

No. 2372401

this is the news that fuck with you as in news thats horrifying or peculiar its not fucking racebait rapeape moid news thread. youre supposed to post unsolved crimes that horrify you not this shit

No. 2372415

>youre supposed to post unsolved crimes that horrify you
anon we can read the description of the OP nowhere it says that

No. 2372424

>discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual
wonder what disturb you more than usual could mean hmm go on 4troon for your polfag larp not here

No. 2372503

Anything to deflect from the actual problem lmao. “N-no actually only CUT men are ebil”

No. 2372518

using objects or body parts to penetrate someone is legally considered rape. i read a book about a couple who abducted/raped women and the pickme used a curling iron to assault their victim. sometimes impotent moids will harm their victims with sex toys instead of their own dick and they are still charged with rape

No. 2372558

>youre supposed to post unsolved crimes that horrify you
Where did you get that from?? That’s your poor reading comprehension falsely interpreting it. It’s never been about that.

No. 2372559

Ok baby dick mutilator(infighting)

No. 2373488

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>The 40-year-old had a medical condition where people exhibit sexual behaviour during sleep, court heard
>There were no current laws, rules or regulations about having sexsomnia or doing something while having the medical condition, the judge said.
>About 6am, the woman allegedly woke to find Rowland having sex with her before she pushed him off, jumped out of the bed and left the apartment.

No. 2373500

>I have castromania, which means I love castrating random men! You can't prosecute me because I enjoy it a lot and it's a hobby of mine!
This would never fly, but rape is ok because women aren't people. Remind me why we're supposed to feel bad for victims of dahmer and similar fags? Because they sure don't give a shit about us. And of course it's a pigger, white men have a get out of jail free card for anything.

No. 2373531

that is a real medical condition, and also why you shouldn't have casual sex with random men

No. 2373594

>Men so predisposed to rape, they even do it while sleeping.
Kill them all.

No. 2373630

It’s not specifically about unsolved crimes but it is supposed to be about posting news stories that fuck with you (hence the title). It’s certainly not the thread to be slap fighting about whether or not men should be circumcised.

No. 2374007

And it's funny how the stories about troons sexually assaulting kids never make the mainstream news, that shit is buried QUICK.

No. 2374023

That poor woman. This makes me want to cry.

>i want off this ride we should have a segregated part of this world that's for women only

Me too. Elderly women are exponentially more likely to be harmed and abused because they're seen as frail and weak, it's so fucking sad. It sounds outlandish but one of my greatest fears is growing old and being attacked/raped/killed by some scrote who thinks I'm an easy target. Just imagining myself as a little old grandma, getting comfy in bed and thinking about how much I love my family and my cats and what a good life I've had and some fucker comes in and tries to hurt me…I don't know what we can do to protect ourselves, I feel so helpless every time I think about it.

No. 2374361

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No. 2374467

So now men in Australia will rape women at night and claim “sexsomnia.” The judge was pretty adamant about the jury not being big meanies to this poor man suffering from a medical condition.
>Determining a verdict was a “cold-analytical process” which should not be concerned with how the alleged victim or the community may feel, he [judge] said.

No. 2374744

so if a man suffering from "sexsomnia" pins down another man and sticks his dick up his ass is that considered okay? or is rape only acceptable when it happens to women?

No. 2375092

I'm sorry I have nothing to contribute but I just wanted to tell you this post almost made me cry. Wish we could protect all the cute grannies and women and girls in the world

No. 2375143

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More proof that some of what gets labelled as "mental illness" or "personality disorder" in women is really just the fallout from childhood mistreatment and then years of mistreatment from shitty scrotes. TBH this is the best argument against dating at all. I was going to say until age 25-30, but really just fuck it. Your emotions are real, and have real impacts on your body.
full article: https://www.psypost.org/romantic-breakups-linked-to-lower-hippocampal-brain-volume-in-adults-with-childhood-trauma/

No. 2375171

My dad was fucking evil and the amount of damage he did is constantly replayed whenever I’m in romantic relationships. I’m so tired of people acting like I’m boy crazy or less of a person because I actually get upset when scrotes mistreat me. The only reason they can hold onto their moids is because they make themselves smaller anyways.

No. 2375220

No. 2375228

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No. 2375259

You know exactly why.

No. 2375266

not exaggerating i used to want to study neuroscience until i started finding out what my abusers did to my brain and my memory issues started making sense. it upset me so much i stopped reading about it.

No. 2375433

How do you end up in this situation? It’s not even her fucking kid. She’s not stuck with the baby. She should have just walked out of the building.

No. 2375677

I agree. Like what is so bad about just publicly executing moids like this? We are all such little bitches about execution and morality or whatever but I really think putting these guys up in times square, announcing their crime and giving everyone a brick to smash into their heads until they are dead, then cutting off their heads and putting them on display is absolutely needed to strike some much needed fear into these degens.

No. 2375679

don't leave your kids in daycare centers, if they're not suffocating your children, they'll abuse them and you'll be none the wiser

No. 2375682

Sometimes I sympathize with nonas who are anti child care. There are some real fucking psychos in that industry but I see how it's needed.

I always thought the best solution is to destroy the nuclear family and have extended family units, even close knit friend groups working together to help raise a child so there can be more sources of income to fund a large household. It's not perfect but I think a friend/extended family member is less likely to kill the baby than some rando.

No. 2375686

on the topic of daycare horror stories this one has stuck with me for a while. the bodycam is super eerie and the moment the officers realise whats happening it plays out like a horror movie
>In August, Carla Faith and one of her employees, Christina Swauger, were found guilty by a jury on 26 counts of misdemeanor child abuse. Authorities found children behind a false wall in the basement of Faith's Play Mountain Place day care on Willamette Avenue in late 2019
>When they searched the basement, they found 25 children being supervised by two adults. One child was picked up by their parents as officers arrived. The officers reported that many of the children in the basement had soiled or wet diapers, and were sweaty and thirsty.
>Faith's day care license authorized her to care for up to six children, but only two of those six could be under the age of two. According to the prosecution, 12 of the children were under the age of two.
>Faith was refusing to cooperate despite officers hearing the children. Faith told officers they could search the daycare and the main house. An officer saw a stack of backpacks in a closet that Faith said belonged to a soccer team, and that she was cleaning them.
>Officers heard music coming from the basement and asked Faith how to get to the basement. Court documents and body-worn camera video reveal she told them the home did not have a basement.
>Officers found the wall when one of them bumped into it. The wall moved when the officer made contact with it and saw "two parallel scrape marks on the wooden floor" that led away from the wall.
>The officer then moved a plant, saw a "small seam" between the wall and "false wall," and pulled the false wall to the right to reveal a stairwell leading to the basement.
>They found 25 kids hidden behind the "false wall" in the basement of Play Mountain Place with two adults.

No. 2375701

im willing to bet more kids die annually left in hot cars than inside day care centers

No. 2375715

the kind of retard who leaves their kid in a hot car isn't the same type of person who would be worried about child abuse

No. 2375723

That's not true. Mostly when a child is left in the car its due to a change in routine, like a different parent does the pickup and they're on autopilot following their usual daily routine. I recommend reading this article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html

Sorry for the sperg but it drives me crazy when people think they're too smart and caring to ever make that mistake, because that sort of unwarranted overconfidence is exactly what leads to not taking precautions.

No. 2375724

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i'm assuming the cheshire murders have already been mentioned here (home invasion in a connecticut suburb, two men raped and killed a mother and her teenage girls and then set the house on fire while the father was trapped in the basement, completely evil). well good news everyone, one of the murderers only did it because of gender dysphoria!!! he feels so much better now but still feels really really bad about what happened!!! let's publish an article with a celebratory tone!! (man in the photo isn't even him, it's the other murderer btw)

No. 2375729

It doesn't get mentioned enough and I'm glad you pointed out the pic is the wrong guy because the gender dysphoric one is an ugly bald fatfuck. It's so infuriating a news business would even make an article like that, like there's such a massive contrast with how this downplays the crime vs the reaction when it actually happened.

No. 2375736

the issue with sex segregation (even though I support it) is that moids will find a way to fuck it up. sure MENA and Japan admit that they are rapist pedos but instead of just killing rapist pedos they just punish women instead. It's so weird to me. If someone is constantly drunk driving and killing people, you don't punish responsible drivers and pedestrians, you punish the drunk driver. So why the fuck in these societies do you punish rape survivors instead of the fucking rapist.

No. 2375772

>it’s totally normal to leave a baby in the backseat to cook to death!!
No it fucking isn’t.

No. 2375778

>destroy the nuclear family and have extended family units
Terrible idea. Children are much less likely to be molested by their own fathers, regardless what they say on 2x. It’s more often uncles, cousins, grandfathers and family friends.
>close knit friend groups
So that kids can be diddled by polyamorous trannies kek. Not everyone hates their father, you know.

No. 2375788

Are you retarded? The point is it doesn't exclusively happen to abusers and idiots. People who think it could never happen to them have no precautions in place and are at even higher risk. If you have or plan to have children I hope you have the humility and good sense to get into habits like leaving your purse on the back seat instead of arrogantly thinking you're above it.

No. 2375822

It's most often the older brother. There was an article in the Times last year that laid bare the statistics:
>Siblings are responsible for more sexual abuse of children than any other family member; the studies indicate that a child is three to five times more likely to be abused by an older sibling than by a father or stepfather.
>Victims are usually younger than children abused by adults — typically five to seven years old — and abused for longer, on average for five years.
>The world’s largest study, conducted over two years by Rape Crisis, concluded in 2022 that up to 5 per cent of children in Britain have sexually abused a sibling.

No. 2375961


i hate wikipedia so much for kowtowing to this bullshit and insisting "linda" hayes be referred to with the CoRrEcT PrOnOuns

No. 2375974

>up to 5 per cent of children in Britain have sexually abused a sibling
Horrifying. Is there any data for other countries?

No. 2376041

>The point is it doesn't exclusively happen to abusers and idiots

No. 2376046

>poly trannies!
>moid relatives!
Nona that wasn't what I said at all. Do you know what friends are? They don't have sex with each other. And also why the fuck would I allow a tranny or a troon handmaiden in my social circle. Are you crazy?

No. 2376049

then that's their mistake. You never go on autopilot when you have a kid.

No. 2376072

Friend's don't want to care for your baby. To watch it for a weeked sure, but nobody wants to live with other people's babies no matter how good friends you are.

No. 2376078

A group of mothers that are friends helping each other out with childcare is quite normal. For example a mother would leave her child with a friend while attending an appointment, the mother would then return the favour if her friend needed someone to watch her child. Expecting childless friends to take care of children is obviously wrong.

No. 2376150

This study makes it so much more insidious how women are supposed to accept mistreatment with a smile, then clean yourself up after a breakup, and immediately find the next scrote to entertain. It's malforming our brains every time we go through this cycle, and most of us weren't doing great to start with. It makes me glad that I just stopped after my worst, the breakup felt as bad as a death in the family.

No. 2376219

>Not everyone hates their father, you know
not every child actually has a father in the picture. having close trustworthy people in your life (preferably women) that you fairly compensate in exchange for assisting with your child is a much more preferable arrangement for single and/or working mothers than taking your baby to a childcare center

No. 2376233

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Remember the Bong subhuman who raped and tortured all those dogs and sold it on telegram as porn? Apparently this is a rundown of one of his videos. Animal lover nonas don't read.

No. 2376346

I hate dogs and this is going to stay with me for a long time. Why did you post this nonna.

No. 2376348

I agree. I will be timing my pregnancy with my Mother's retirement/availability to care for it.

No. 2377051

i want to die

No. 2377261

The lengths scrotes will go to just in order to ejaculate for a few seconds is genuinely insane. Raping and murdering dogs, little girls, old ladies, etc, risking decades in jail for an orgasm. They cannot control themselves. The nona who always says male sexuality is a pathological disease is completely right.

No. 2377578

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i dont think these freaks have been posted yet. this is just the incident that landed them in the public eye. iirc, they are directly related to 6-7 deaths, all being suicides or murders.
there is a huge deepdive to be had here, kf has a thread being worked on rn i believe
>Jack “Ziz” Lasota the transgender leader of the cult(picrel), who has posted about “transhumanism” and rationalism. Some followers say LaSota is dead, but that seems to be a plot to avoid authorities
>The murder of a US Border Patrol agent near the Canadian border appears to be linked to a radical leftist trans militant cult accused of killings across the country.
>Authorities now say the guns used by Youngblut and Bauckholt are owned by a person of interest in other murders — and connected to a mysterious cult of transgender “geniuses” who follow a trans leader named Jack LaSota, also known by the alias “Ziz.”
>Bauckholdt was a biological male who identified as trans and used feminine pronouns. He was an award-winning youth math genius from Freiburg, Germany, who later graduated from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. (He was shot and killed)
> Youngblut is a biological female who identifies as trans and lists having neo-pronouns as “xe/xem/xyrs” on social media. Youngblut was a University of Washington student studying computer science.
>Youngblut graduated from the prestigious and woke north Seattle private institution Lakeside School, which Bill Gates also attended.
they also attempted to murder another followers parents, in which another TiM was killed, and another member (or two) successfully killed a key witness in one of the court cases they would be facing

No. 2377584

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they actually did kill the members parents
>On Jan. 2, 2023, 72-year-old Richard Zajko and 69-year-old Rita Zajko were found dead in their home in Chester Heights
>At least one of those guns(in the border patrol killing), Pennsylvania State Police said Wednesday, was linked by investigators to an unsolved double homicide outside Philadelphia.
>Their daughter Michelle Zajko is linked to the group and is currently missing
picrel is the child, really looks like a TiM but on kf it said it might be a female
(theres more)

No. 2377585

this is up there with daisy's destruction as one of the worst things ever created. men are the root of all evil.

No. 2377586

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Cults and trannies - name a better duo for lolcow potential.
>Bauckholt was a biological male who identified as trans and used feminine pronouns. He was an award-winning youth math genius from Freiburg, Germany, who later graduated from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
His 'genius' clearly manifested in a single field only.

>Youngblut graduated from the prestigious and woke north Seattle private institution Lakeside School, which Bill Gates also attended.

Private schools = not even once.

>a cult of highly-educated trans vegan “rationalists.”

I will use this case to bully vegans from now on.

No. 2377590

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another murderous tim from the group

>In November, Youngblut had applied for a marriage licence in a Seattle suburb, according to municipal records — not to marry Bauckholt — but Snyder. It is unknown if they ever married.

>On Jan. 17, at around 2:18 p.m., in Vallejo, about 50 kilometres north of San Francisco, police responded to a stabbing near an intersection two blocks from the waterfront. >Officers found an elderly man with at least one stab wound, according to the Vallejo Police Department. The man died soon after in hospital.
>The victim was 82-year-old Curtis Lind, and he was stabbed outside his property, which was the scene of an earlier vicious attack on him.
>Lind was attacked in 2022 in a dispute with squatters staying on his land without paying rent. Witnesses told local media at the time they saw Lind with a samurai sword pierced through his back and sticking out through his chest. Lind shot two of his attackers, killing one and injuring a second.
(this was the key witness)
>His LinkedIn profile said he attended Britain’s University of Oxford for computer science and philosophy until 2024, interning with NASA, and describes him as a “passionate scholar, data scientist, and creator.”
>His work experience is listed as creating and coordinating Dungeons & Dragons characters and games, consulting on a range of roleplaying topics, and as a private tutor for algebra, geometry, and calculus.

No. 2377595

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samefag, this is youngblut, the xe/xym/xyr who was involved in the border killing. also, incase i didn’t specify it correctly, Lind was meant to be testifying against them soon for the original attempted killing, which is what set off this chain of events

No. 2377632

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Muslim man living in New York travels to Pakistan so he can murder his daughter for posting tiktok videos

>Police in Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province said on Wednesday they had booked a man for killing his 14-year-old daughter, an American citizen, on allegations she had committed blasphemy and posted objectionable videos of herself on TikTok.

>Anwaar-ul-Haq, who was living in New York for the past 28 years, returned with his family to the southwestern Quetta city on Jan. 22 to meet relatives in the city, Station House Officer (SHO) Babar Shahwani of the Gawalmandi Police Station said.
>Shahwani said Haq confessed during interrogation that he killed his daughter and alleged that she stopped believing in Islam and used to make blasphemous remarks, and posted objectionable videos of herself on TikTok.

No. 2377740

Crazy how they can live in a western country for 28 fucking years and they never change a bit. Almost as if they don’t belong in western society at all.

No. 2377761

It's sad how so many high IQ men are still violent rape apes, and how so many high IQ women are still retarded pickmes.

No. 2377764

NTA, what's the excuse for western men raised in western society for over 30 years that still end up doing the shit discussed in this thread? Obviously, something isn't clean in the buttermilk, and race is too much of an easy out.

No. 2377825

I'm honestly so sick of hearing about muslims committing violent femicide, the balancing act of being on a tightrope with the religion being protected socially because criticizing it is a cancelable offence and it being gruesome, horrible, and misogynistic is too much. Wdym we aren't allowed to condemn Islam–they literally murder women and children constantly. Like, it isn't even a stereotype or a misnomer.

No. 2377835

german/austrian men are not to be trusted seriously

No. 2377837

don't muslim countries have lower murder rates than western countries? I agree islam is gross but it seems they have less violent crime on average than western societies

No. 2377839

race or nationality isn't the reason. you don't see muslim or german women murdering and being creepy rapey freaks. lets just admit its the Y chromosome that's inherently evil and fucked uo.

No. 2377850

Fucking Maximillian Bentley, are you kidding me. Also
>Another person criminally charged and linked to the group — who seems likely to be the central figure described in the document filed in Youngblut’s case — is Jack Amadeus LaSota, who turned 34 last week.
Amadeus sounds like a self-chosen name too. All these people are wealthy and probably diddled themselves all day to talking about how intelligent and female they are and how they want to kill their parents.

No. 2377851

Wrong. Google Shafileah Ahmed. It’s only one example, but I can find you many more. Also a lot of women and girls fleeing honour killings are being beaten and threatened by their own mothers. The women are just as bad
Yeah, they have VERY low murder rates, just like Japan!!!!!!!
I’m not at all saying they’re good, but how often you see them killing their own daughters over a fucking tiktok video? Also the women are just as bad. They beat up and kill their own daughters and daughters in law for this stuff.

No. 2377868

Lower reports, you mean? Are we going to pretend Muslim men don't murder women all the time? Because they do.

It isn't about race, never has been. I will never agree with anons who try to blame race. It isn't a race problem, its a male problem. Femicide is an issue everywhere, but there's an undeniably ridiculous amount of femicide and violent misogyny under Islam. Islam teachings hate women and girls so fiercely that it isn't justifiable. The religion being protected the way it is boggles my mind at this point. I wish more people weren't fucking idiots that have to blame race about a male issue.

No. 2377874

Genuinely, there is some severe problems in your religion if you're delusional enough to believe MURDERING your young daughter over using tiktok is a godly thing to do. They also murder them for not assimilating, using social media in general, not wearing hijab. In fact I believe in one of the last two threads, there's a case of a father murdering his young daughter cruelly and violently because she stopped wearing hijab and there were allegedly Muslims defending his actions.

No. 2377875

You are delusional if you believe this BTW. Genuinely just ignorant.

No. 2377902

File: 1738513072579.png (113.55 KB, 737x491, Screenshot 2025-02-02 171635.p…)

zizians.info has more information about the cult.

No. 2377921

How accurate do you think the governments are in reporting their crime rates. Especially countries where they have to maintain “moral” image and where violence against women isn’t a priority

No. 2377938

Men from Muslim countries have violent crime rates like 10x higher than the natives when they come to Europe. Do you think they magically turn into criminals when they cross the Mediterranean?
A lot of Muslim countries are also poorly developed, which means that law enforcement isn't functioning as well as it is in the West. Likely a lot of crime isn't reported or is ignored. In misogynistic countries women are likely also scared to report the violence that they experience, because the male cops will take the abuser's side.
And violence against women, particularly sexual abuse and honor-based violence isn't seen as big deal there.

No. 2378022

>white men aren't as bad as brown men
>but brown women are just as bad as brown men
I know what you are

No. 2378029

Exactly. I've seen this complaint about Indian women as well, that theyre just as cruel as the men. They are only like this because they were born, raised, primed, and groomed into it. Cruelty is all they know. Their only relief from the constant imprisonment of misogyny is the relief of becoming more "invisible" as they age, and finally have a source of power. They are cruel to their daughters and daughter in laws because they were subjected to the same violence and they literally know nothing else. You can call them monsters for it, but we all know why they are that way. I will always empathize with them for what they've endured and I cannot try to force blame onto them for surviving the only way they can.

No. 2378046

Indians in general as a culture seem to have a lack of empathy both towards each other and non indians. I blame their religion that encourages them to think anyone who is poor, sick, unfortunate or whatever actually deserves it because of 'previous bad life karma' or some bullshit. hinduism is just as toxic as islam in many ways.

No. 2378075

NTA. I don't think it's culture alone. Yes, Hinduism is objectively a backward religion, but every time a group of people is BTFO hard enough without having their numbers severely curtailed, they seem to end up worsening and becoming sociopathic on scale with their poverty. It's like what child abuse does to a person, but on a population-wide scale. This trend still holds true when you remove race from the matter and only focus on intraracial relations.
Severely low empathy can also be found in China and in Slavic countries (but of course all the richfags downplay it, even when it becomes extreme and disgusting), but these kinds of things aren't discussed because it doesn't match popular narratives. I'm not going to claim rich people can't be toxic and evil, otherwise we wouldn't have like, Epsteins, those involved in the Dutroux stuff, these >>2377578 and the yacht moids in Dubai, though.

No. 2378122

Russia basically killed off all its good people in giant purges, or they killed themselves because life was so hard and they were so demoralised. Countries where life is difficult and there's a ton of poverty tend to have higher psychopathy rates. I imagine in India its the same. Every day you are walking past beggars, kids who've been blinded with acid, people missing limbs and stuff. Eventually you probably just become numb to it.

No. 2378135

no, no excuse for torturing their daughters and daughter in laws

No. 2378195

>They are only like this because they were born, raised, primed, and groomed into it
So were the men.

No. 2378199

It’s true. Muslims are terrible people.

No. 2378210

>They are only like this because they were born

No. 2378211

so are Christians and jews since theyre all Abrahamic religions

No. 2378277

True. Only Muslims are like they are but on steroids.

No. 2378290

Nta but it's an unfortunate reality that women in such culture do enable and accommodate the abuse. They are siding with the winning team for survival, the extreme pickme. There are many well known activists in the UK from middle Eastern & African backgrounds who speak on such things as being held down by female relatives so a woman can perform an fgm on them, mothers who are essentially just managing servants (their own daughters) for their husband, mothers who try to run away with their daughters but all the female relatives from the husbands family relentlessly contacting her to coax her into coming home, etc. My heart breaks for them. I must find that one girl who tells a very heartbreaking story from her mother woke up late at night to have her prepare food for her father and his friends and did nothing as she was violently sexually assaulted and passed around the room. She was 8. These are stories coming FROM the women who experienced them. You should be listening and understanding that there is a clear divide between women in these cultures instead of dismissing it as ignorance.

No. 2378305

Honestly the sympathy women feel for these women has been used against them time and time again. It’s the whole reason many of us voted for pro immigration laws in the first place. Only now that they’re all here they call the raped victims of their husbands “filthy” and continue to abuse their own daughters and commit FGM. They call us racist if we try to defend them in any way. People are tired of it. At some point you have to start holding them accountable.

No. 2378571

I like how you'd be mad if someone called you racist over the actions of racist white women, but you think it's "just holding them accountable" to call innocent girls and women evil because of the actions of abusive mothers and pickmes.

No. 2378770

>people already do that
So you should do it to other groups of women, surely you don't look like a hypocrite and encourage women who weren't doing that before to start doing the same to you kek. Do you think racism against nonwhite women just started or something? I don't know where you come from where everybody bullies the poor racist white women but brown women get absolutely no shit, but it's a joke, and claiming "There are a lot more fucked up brown women with these views than racist white women" is unverifiable, if not outright false.
I'm not even involved because I'm not Muslim, it's just wacky to me how some people think they're the only real humans in the world, mistreat others, then face the same treatment and start crying. Nothing will ever be improved because of retarded behavior.

No. 2378806

>No shit. You’re just here to lecture people for talking about a no-no subject.
No, I'm calling your line of logic hypocritical and retarded. Hold people who commit crimes accountable and don't throw all women under the bus unless you're also glad to be thrown under the bus with Neo-Nazis and ready to answer for everything they've done. It's not that hard if you aren't a literal retard who thinks everyone who doesn't resemble you is an NPC. I don't know why this very simple mindset is like pulling teeth, lmao.
>They also hate white women as well. So we are supposed to stick our necks out for people that think we deserve to be raped and murdered? I won’t do it for conservative white women so why the fuck would I do it for them?
Who is "they"? Every brown woman and little girl? Because then it's fair to say every white woman and little girl wants all non-white women raped and murdered too. Just be fucking sensible.

No. 2378888

Didn't this exact argument happen on this same thread a few months ago

No. 2378891

No. 2378952

>The vast majority
If this is your mindset, don't throw a tantrum when you're also blamed for the shit every evil white person does. The hyper-woke lib woman who says you're either Karla Homolka or in agreement with her because you're white has the same brain as you, and you're both the reason why we can't talk about shit lol.

No. 2378953

>the vast majority of non-white woman and girl with brown skin HATE US! The vast majority of all these women who never met me hate my guts because I'm just that important to what the world fucking thinks even though I'm yet another random user on the internet
has anyone ever diagnosed you with a cluster B personality disorder? You talk like a person with an inflated self-perception, a victim complex, and some sort of delusional paranoia about how the world works.

No. 2379094

Agree, it's getting scary in here. They devolve into hating and blaming women yet again when this thread is full of male rapists and murderers…

No. 2379171

It's a derail. Maybe it's kiwifags since apparently kf was down earlier. At this point, there's really no reason to engage with them. Keep that shit to Unpopular opinions in which such is the bread and butter of that thread.

Anyone who derails the thread this after discussing a young girl that was killed by her father for tiktok videos is trash.

No. 2379345

Oh, KF makes sense because they are exactly the type of retards to try to convince us oh, brown women hate you, they think you're subhuman, you should treat them subhuman in turn. Uh, no. Brown women may hate you and you deserve it because you're a pathetic, racist faggot that spends all your free time arguing about how awful women are and sperging about immigration. The hate you get for being a man is deserved and you're proving it right now.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2379377

It’s true? If you heard about the man who smacked a young woman in the face with a plate for NO REASON in Nando’s, his wife immediately got up and started attacking her too. That’s what they do. You’re fucking stupid if you won’t acknowledge it. They hate white women and so do black people. Black and brown women aren’t to be trusted, they’re not on our side and they don’t want us on theirs.(racebait)

No. 2379386

nyart but I trust black and brown women more than any race of man. I've been around people of all races and women overall are nicer and less dangerous than men.
Pickmes are mentally ill. Race has nothing to do with it.

No. 2379389

exactly, white women have their fair share of pick mes too. they can't be trusted, but they can always change their ways

No. 2379391

don’t reply to the retard so that he finally drops the topic(scrotefoiling)

No. 2379399

I woke up and wow, that faggot has never been told that the world does NOT revolve around him kek. What a narcissistic schizo.(infighting)

No. 2379522

You can’t handle being disagreed with without calling people cluster b narcissists (projection, a classic narc tactic) or scrotefoiling (against the rules). It’s thanks to people like you that these people get to act with impunity, against not only white women and girls but brown women and girls as well. You don’t actually care about them because then you’d realise they’re victims of the same sort of abuse. It’s thanks to people like you girls in western counties are still being forced into marriage and suffering FGM.(report and ignore)

No. 2379527

Literally you’re so fucking retarded. Is it or is it not true that the women in these religions are complicit in abuse?

No. 2379529

File: 1738591023728.jpg (270.39 KB, 843x592, 1731742209013.jpg)

Ignore and report

No. 2379537

File: 1738591518673.png (47.12 KB, 311x223, chrome_UST9GgmIi3.png)

>A series of videos posted online showing a nanny violently assaulting a newborn have sparked outrage in the Bay Area Chinese-speaking community.
>The nanny has allegedly fled to China, and the Chinese American family that hired her is speaking up to seek justice.
>In early October, she and her husband witnessed from the live monitor that the caregiver was “a little rough” with the baby, and they terminated the contract.
>They later found surveillance footage showing the nanny was violently throwing the baby onto a bed, smothering her, and slapping her face and body.
silver lining is that baby is alive and well! the mother posted on xiaohongshu which got chinese media attention, leading to 30k people signing a petion and she still regularly uses it to relay info

No. 2379547

That's why you should never hire nationals of countries with no extradition treaties in place. The couple was too naive, despite being Chinese themselves.

No. 2379549

put a 8 inch horse dildo in a man's ass while i'm "sleeping", still not guilty of rape?

No. 2379551

It's a shame, they probably wanted to help her and felt a kinship with her situation. But at the end of the day, you are correct.

No. 2379557

op and is there really nothing they can do? even being chinese? thats awful, i hope mob justice does its job

No. 2379563

Stop saying "brown" women and say "Muslim" women. Being brown isn't a choice but being Muslim is. There's plenty of brown women who left their religions and I know many brown radfems who have done more for women than a retard like you ever has. It's Muslim women that are the problem because they still believe in and choose to follow that misogynistic religion. They're the ones that support their evil scrotes through thick and thin. Get it through your thick fucking skull(replying to bait)

No. 2379579

Honestly, it's better to have a nanny from your actual country of residence. Nannies from other countries will often be horrifically treated/exploited too, so there's that extra layer of protection for a nanny born/raised in their country of residence because they'd hopefully have a nearer support system if anything bad does happen. But nooo, people want to pay women peanuts to raise their kids

No. 2379580

don't reply to racebait, dumbass
many countries, even in the developed world, won't extradite their own nationals.

No. 2379585

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Nothing really, aside from shaming her on social media. Luckily for them, the situation did not escalate into severe abuse/murder.

No. 2379601

This isnt normal behavior for mainland or AB China. This woman is psychotic. This is appalling behavior. I'm glad the baby is okay.

No. 2379624

We know it isn't, nona, we weren't saying that. Anon who posted even mentioned there was an outcry over it. I'm also glad the baby is okay and hope there are no longterm health consequences for her.

No. 2379704

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No. 2379857

You want us to pretend that you are a woman?(scrotefoiling)

No. 2380121

I think this might be the third story I've heard of a French man mass raping multiple people while they were "asleep"

No. 2380166

Are they following the same guidebook?

No. 2380261

File: 1738613948926.jpg (251.41 KB, 1024x1024, andy-ngo-column-teresa-youngbl…)

That's not Theresa Youngblut. That's a random hispanic woman's mugshot. Picrel is actual Theresa Youngblut.

No. 2380268

I want to throw up, i wish i had never read that

No. 2380540

This is one of the worst things I've ever read in my entire life.

No. 2381205

reminds me of that chinese guy who fled back after randomly throwing scalding hot coffee on a little baby in australia. i dont think anything ever came of it either

No. 2381311

I live in kings county. Sucks that gang violence has increased so much the last few years. There’s been multiple fatal shootings right outside my house. Things are looking grim.
Reposting to add that the girls were found safe and the dad was arrested. I hope the girls are able to heal and recover best they can

No. 2381317

I rescue dogs for a living. I don’t want to read this and I think it should be spoilered or possibly removed.

No. 2381328

This is so random, I just read about this like an hour ago! It never said why she did all that. Has to be more than just avoiding a license ticket or loss. Wtf.

No. 2381618

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No. 2381633

I'll never understand America's tipping culture.

No. 2381646

>t. narcissistic schizo who thinks about brown women way more than any of them think about him.
have you tried applying for a job?(infighting)

No. 2381731

Nayrt but why are you replying to bait that’s already been banned? Why don’t YOU get a job?(minimodding/derailing)

No. 2381787

me neither. I literally never order food because of it.
>t. American

No. 2381798

Circumcision, especially infant circumcision, is barbaric and needs to be outlawed. This is coming from a misandrist.
Moids get STDs from being whores addicted to sticking their dick into anything, dead or alive.
We could decrease STDs substantially if we slutshamed men half as much as we slutshame women. Stone men to death who commit adultery.

No. 2381876

Wow great news

No. 2381888

>moids getting a papercut on their peepee to keep it clean is literally mutilation

No. 2381902

Nta but said papercut often makes them much more violent and aggressive

No. 2381911

based on what sources?

No. 2381918

C'mon, don't go pulling the sources thing like a Redditor. Those moids can't feel jack shit so they have to get off to more violent porn, jackhammer their partners to feel anything. Source, my own experience with them

No. 2381929

But even uncircumcised men do the same thing. Maybe you just had shit sexual partners.

No. 2381931

sorry i did sound like a plebbitor but also your own experiences don’t really mean shit in the grand scheme of things and i did genuinely think you had actual sources to back it up. if chop = increased violence were the case then countries like the UK (pre-middle east infestation) wouldn’t have as much male violence as places like the US due to none of their males getting the chop, but that’s definitely not the case

No. 2381932

All it took was me seeing a partial video of it getting done (couldn't stomach watching the whole thing). I have never heard a baby scream like that in my life.
Also the foreskin isn't retractile at birth, they literally skin the baby.

No. 2381939

>reeee they're screaming so it's evil!
Let's just ban childbirth then.

No. 2381943

I don't care too much for moids but either way I think we just don't alter anyone's bodies tbh. As some religiousfags says keep what God gave you or some shit
Do they not anesthesise them?

No. 2381945

Those aren't comparable and you know it

No. 2381946

well youre not supposed to do it on newborn babies anyways but toddlers because theyre young and tend to forget it i dont know why moids make such a big deal out of something they dont even remember that isnt a excuse for being a rapeape

No. 2381959

>Do they not anesthesise them?
It's a 3 day old baby, you can only do so much to numb the pain without causing additional complications.
>you're not supposed to do it to newborn babies
They do it to newborn babies in the united states. that's standard practice. It really doesn't matter how young they are when it gets done, it's extremely traumatic even if they don't consciously remember it.
I'm not male so I just can't bring myself to be sadistic towards babies. Even male babies. There is no need to fuck up their bodies if it's not medically necessary.

No. 2382075

It’s a lie that it makes them more clean. You know they say the same about FGM? It’s a form of social control that is supposed to make sex not feel as good, (although they still get sexual pleasure unlike women who have had FGM), it’s diminished and sometimes they experience pain. Men are fucked up enough as it is. Literally the only reason it exists is for religious purposes. It should be abolished.

No. 2383340

File: 1738771138331.jpg (271.74 KB, 1080x1268, Screenshot_20250205_192253_Chr…)

>Hundreds of women were raped and burned alive during the chaos after a Rwandan-backed rebel group entered the Congolese city of Goma last week.
>The female inmates were attacked in their wing inside Goma’s Munzenze prison during a mass jailbreak, according to a senior UN official.
>While several thousand men managed to escape from the prison, the area reserved for women was set on fire.

No. 2383369

I heard way too many horror stories about what women face in the republic of Congo. This is so horrifying. I feel like nothing will ever be done to protect them. Kill all men

No. 2383377

i need to stop coming to this thread..im tired of hearing women suffer because of moids…

No. 2383514

It wasn't enough just to escape. They had to rape women and burn them alive, too. What's this again about women being just as bad as men?

No. 2383583

Idc about the moid's pain but to me this is a form of catfishing. If an uncut moid is dirty you can see it from their dicks, if they're clean you know they make the effort to clean up. A cut moid is basically cheating, he can be as unclean as possible and his dick will look decent because he got it mutilated. You can't see the shit on their dicks, but it's there. If an uncut moid is clean then you know he cleans well.

No. 2383613

Some of you guys are seriously wrong in the head, you're a genuine psycho for posting this knowing damn well the effect it would've on other anons. You're a disturbed person(learn to read thread titles)

No. 2383623

This is the "News stories that fuck with you" thread you retard. Nobody forced you to click on the image that the anon warned about and read the text.

No. 2383738

OP didn't even spoiler the damn picture. Several anons already said that shit was particularly godless even for this thread

No. 2383758

go back to tiktok you context illiterate

No. 2384073

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No. 2384080

I'm shocked that he actually got life

No. 2384377


No. 2384546

You don’t care when it happens to people but as soon as something happens to a dog you shit yourself and cry.

No. 2384550

Ntayart but this is why I can't stand dog fags. People won't bat an eye when people commit atrocities against their fellow man but when it happens to a dog people lose their shit. Obviously torturing puppies is disgusting but where is that energy when a feral scrote is doing that to humans. Not even children getting tortured gets this kind of response

No. 2384553

Anons are shocked even when it happens to humans, so you're spewing bullshit just to infight. Literally who doesn't bat an eye when children get tortured in the same way besides men?

No. 2384555

>Anons are shocked even when it happens to humans
Not to the extent where you demand it is taken down. Otherwise we would have to remove the whole thread.
Only narcissists love dogs more than humans.

No. 2384598

scroid genocide now

No. 2384602

This is the biggest retard i have ever seen on this site kek. I hate dog fags so much.

No. 2384627

Why wasn't he sentenced to death? I thought Japan has death sentence. I feel so sick.

No. 2384835

im shocked he got life and not a 10 minute sentence. or does japan have a "life sentence" like korea where its 25 years max

No. 2384985

>Defending pedo moids
You need to take your own advice and KYS


You are full of shit, men get off with little more than a slap on the wrist here(responding to 2 week old redtexted post to infight)

No. 2386085

This is insane. Idk how many people have heard of the Lucy Letby case, but she was accused of murdering babies in a form of medical child abuse. For years, it seemed like she was genuinely guilty and was framed as an insane psychopath who enjoyed toying with children's lives. Now it turns out she wasn't a murderer at all. The babies were either wrongly diagnosed or diagnosed with conditions far too late, nurses and doctors were poorly trained, horrible management of bacteria colonies and improper sterilisation practises, poor staffing, heavy workload and terrible management skills. Some of the babies were already so ill, that dying of natural causes wouldn't have been an unreasonable cause of death. The doctor hired to look through the cases threw out the suggestion the babies were killed through air embolism caused by Letby. Apparently, the evidence they used to convict her was a paper written by Dr Shoo Lee in the 90s (the doctor in question who was called in to review the evidence against Letby), and said that the prosecutors completely misinterpreted his paper about air embolisms and he insists that the babies died simply because the hospital was awful and that if it was in Canada, where he is a resident, the hospital would be shut down. It seems like the hospital were desperate to avoid taking accountable for their shit standards and having an outsider review the evidence blew this fact wide open. I know UK hospitals are very shit and the issue has been getting worse, but the fact that they would ruin a woman's life like this instead of trying to be better is disgusting. The first 6 minutes of the videos give you most of what you need to know, but i can't believe how much the legal system botched this investigation and it all could have been solved sooner had they simply got into contact with Dr Lee upon finding his paper for clarification.

No. 2386099

this is fucking insane I feel so bad for her

No. 2386100

holy shit.

No. 2386254

Whenever you point this out people will say “you’re defending a baby murderer!!!” Because they’re dumb as fuck. NO, they’re defending a potentially innocent person.

No. 2386258

this is all newly coming out and still doesn't explain some of the weird shit she did that was presented at trial.

No. 2386260

Not buying this

No. 2386262

Like what? The note? The note could have been a result of just pure mental anguish and blaming herself. Babies died when she wasn’t even there.

No. 2386275

tbf it's not that much of a stretch. for example my grandma has kidney disease and developed alzheimer's disease as a result, for the past year she's been passed around from hospital to hospital because she was denied care at all of them for being too old. when she was finally accepted into one, her (paid for) overnight caretaker fell asleep. my grandma tried going to the toilet on her own, fell over and cracked her head, broke her hip, and fractured her spine. the only reason my grandpa didn't sue was because he used it as leverage against the company to get her free care. on top of that she kept soiling herself and developed thrush because the caretakers she had would not change her nappy often enough, and then someone stole her medication for it so she was in physical pain for a week until it was dealt with. it was really eye opening at how disorganised uk hospitals are and i never want to get sick in my own country if these are the standards kek.

No. 2386289

Did you choose not to read anything about the case? I think maybe wanting to accept something at face value without further research isn't always the best idea, and this case is an example of why.

No. 2386297

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No. 2386306

This fucks with you? Weedheads are so stupid

No. 2386315

Yeah I read her diary entries were she said she killed them because she's "not good enough" or smt and that's she's evil because she "did this"

No. 2386317

It didn't read as a confession though. It read like emotional distress, the hospital has a history of negligence, and wtf was her inappropriate boss doing. In general, it didn't make sense. They were trying to connect all these things into proof she's some vicious monster but it really does appear now that she's a scapegoat for the hospitals glaring issues.

No. 2386327

Kek this sounds like something from those old anti-drug PSA ads

No. 2386386

no one who smokes weed does this shit this isn't reefer madness. Guarantee the guy was on meth

No. 2386404

Agreed. Weedheads are stupid but not this stupid.

No. 2386405

You flatter male potheads too much.

No. 2386472

Sometimes we have to remind oursleves that the 50/50 male female population only exists because moids do shit like this. In our sexist world people kill female babies, so in theory there should be like way more moids, but moids are so fucking retarded and suicidal that it balances the population to a near even 50/50.
Imagine if people could learn to not murder their daughters. We could get a higher female population.

No. 2386498

I have male stoner friends and yes, they are actually this stupid. if they get high enough, their ego inflates to preposterous levels.

No. 2386504

This is the thread winner, I'm never clicking this thread ever again

No. 2386575


No. 2386656

>no woman who smokes weed does this shit this isn't reefer madness.

No. 2386763

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Source: https://www.wired.com/story/764-com-child-predator-network/
Ever since I found out about the 764 discord extortion shit I’ve been upset.

No. 2386889

File: 1738954693144.png (3.11 MB, 1170x1786, ectopic-pregnancy-survivors.pn…)

This isn’t necessarily a news story because I don’t see any news outlets reporting on this but I am seeing a lot of citizens online talking about this mom (I’m not sure what state she’s from) who decided to go through with her ectopic pregnancy because she’s pro-life, and her and her baby ended up surviving! This is so insane and really amazing to me because this is the first time I’m seeing a woman and her child both making it through ectopic pregnancy, it’s usually one or the other, but I am happy for this lady. Especially seeing how many people were saying that she’s definitely going to die and leave behind all her other children and husband.

No. 2386891

And samefag, something interesting I learned while researching this lady, apparently the reason her pregnancy was ectopic was because she had a large C-section scar where the fertilized embryo apparently implanted, so this was not a normal pregnancy by any means

No. 2386895

happy her and her baby are okay but this shit is going to be used as fodder to make abortion restrictions even harder and retarded fundies are going to screech even harder about leaving it in gods hands or whatever

No. 2386897

how the fuck is that possible?

No. 2386901

A C-section scar ectopic pregnancies is rare but one of the rare cases where it is survivable as the fetus still developing inside of a uterus. Many other ectopic pregnanies (implanted outside of the uterus such as on a woman's liver, tubes, etc., etc.,) are 100% NOT survivable. Unfortunately, this woman and her uninformed ilk are absolutely going to use her extremely rare case to guarantee other women to their deaths.

No. 2386905

thank you for explaining. i'm glad this woman and her baby are fine but her experience is so rare that it can't reasonably be compared to something like a tubal ectopic pregnancy (though if course it will be)

No. 2386918

She still got incredibly lucky though. For a lot of other women, their uterus breaks through the scar as it's much weaker than a normal section of the uterine wall. If it happens before the fetus becomes viable outside of the womb, the whole pregnancy ends up being completely pointless. And then the woman may have to go through a hysterectomy, permanently losing her fertility. Or worse the mother dies. I don't care if she wanted to take that risk. No other woman should be forced to face it.

No. 2387595

>Around 100 women were kept as slaves on a human egg farm in Georgia where they were fed hormones and treated like cattle.
>Their horrifying ordeal has been revealed by three Thai women who were freed from the clutches of the 'egg mafia' on January 30 after being exploited for half a year, tabloid Bild reports.
>The woman said they were held captive on a 'human farm' in the eastern European country of Georgia by a criminal organisation led by Chinese criminals, who sold their eggs on the black market.
>They were lured in by a job offer on Facebook, promising them a salary between 11,500 and 17,000 euros (£9,600 to £14,100) to work as surrogates for Georgian couples who could not have children.
>Instead, the women were pumped up with hormones to stimulate their ovaries and were forced to have their eggs removed once a month, one of the freed women told a press conference this week.

No. 2387614

what the fuck did i just read, im going to cry. WHAT THE FUCK.

This is proof that god does not exist.
Also every surrogate user needs to be shamed.

I find it hilarious when some people say men view women as 2nd class citizens which is not true because for that to be true men would have to view women as humans in the first place, it is clear that women in many places are just cattle or resources for men and other women, not even having the human status, that's why the popular incel insult towards women is foid which actually means female android showing how much men hate women that they don't even view us as the same species.

As a straight women how can i love someone who doesn't view me as human, only views me as a resource, is always willing to backstab me or desert me when i get sick.

No. 2387790

No. 2387813

I think she's the sacrificial lamb to cover up wider NHS failings. The NHS is absolutely appalling.(posting same video multiple times)

No. 2387910

Why did you post the same thing three times

No. 2387913

I always wonder what the fuck these kids' parents were doing when I read stuff like this. There's only so much bullshit you can reasonably be oblivious to.

No. 2387938

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Surrogacy is vile (I know that's not exactly what's happening here, but still). Imagine the precarious position these women were in in the first place to consider having to sell off not just a body part, but a cell that is the basis for a whole human being that will be created and whom you will never see again or have a relationship with. then to be kidnapped and turned into literal livestock, all because of some rich assholes desire to purchase a human to play house with/abuse/free labor/fulfill their empty lives. I feel like i might actually vomit reading about this. We must all mentally prepare for atrocities like this to keep increasing, though, due to the fact no one can have babies anymore because we're all full of plastic and cancer, or wait til we're too old, the rising levels of desperation in humanity at large (meaning many people to more easily exploit), ascension of trad ideals that say your worthless unless you have a baby (even if it's technically someone else's). Ack!

No. 2387941

i can see how it would happen even if the parents aren't abusive or neglectful. if both parents are constantly working or it's just one parent in the picture and the kids are left on their own a lot then it's depressingly easy for predators to target them. the internet has just made it easier which is why children shouldn't have access to it

No. 2387947

Im happy for her but holy shit I hope the moid in the picture is her dad and not the babies dad. he is so ugly.

No. 2387949

what compels somebody to want this? is it narcissism?

No. 2388104

deep internalized misogyny with a hint of unresolved generational trauma.

No. 2388115

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I would take everything this woman says with a big pinch of salt. She was a normal woman who then fell into the trad pipeline and got really into religion as well. Prior to this pregnancy she was known to stretch the truth and have a not great grasp on reality. Not in a mental capability way, she was and remains to be seriously mentally ill. In addition she has an agenda that she wanted to push and a miracle ectopic pregnancy falls nicely in line with that. Maybe things developed exactly as she’s stated, or she misinterpreted being at a higher risk as having a near fatal condition, or she’s just blatantly lying. But knowing her background I just find it very hard to believe everything she says.

No. 2388119

those poor, poor girls

No. 2388367

Hmm, what's that on her arm? “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.”
Leviticus‬ 19‬:28‬ NKJV‬‬

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
I Corinthians‬ 6‬:19‬-20‬ NKJV‬‬

No. 2388607

This is why i'm thankful the birth rates are declining, too many fucked up scrotes in the world.

No. 2388652

It is so hard for me not to a-log 'parents' who make entertainment out of their profoundly disabled children. Seriously you have no fucking morals I would POLE DANCE to support my kids before I TikTok'd the agonizing cruelty of their existence

No. 2388840


They would have known the fetus wasn’t developing legs well within the time needed to get an abortion. Choosing to have a baby who is severely deformed and will have a greatly diminished quality of life is so selfish and disgusting. I hate pro life retards so much.

No. 2389690

Agreed, the parents are straight up evil.

No. 2391295

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>A Hunter’s Creek Middle School teacher who was questioned about the disappearance of 13-year-old Madeline Soto last year is facing federal charges in a separate sex crime investigation, court records show. Italo Rafael Brett Bonini, 25, was arrested by the FBI on Wednesday.
>According to a criminal complaint, Brett Bonini used the social media platform Discord to entice an 8-year-old Maryland boy to reveal his genitalia and engage in sexual acts over a video chat. The incident allegedly occurred in January.
>Investigators claim Brett Bonini offered an 8-year-old boy and his younger brother “Robux” — an in-game currency for the popular children’s video game “Roblox” — to perform sex acts for him via computer.
>According to the criminal complaint, Brett Bonini told federal investigators that he recently deleted his Discord account because he was “disgusted with himself”. “During the interview but before discussing the details of the allegations or genders of the victims, Brett Bonini stated that he was ‘not even gay’ and that he ‘fell into temptation that I should not have. I’m not a sick individual, I made a mistake,’” the complaint states.

No. 2391339

Watching the video about her killer (the 37 year old bf) and they said there was video on his drive dating back to when she was 8 years old where he'd force her to give him oral sex or he would take her phone away. That poor baby. Attached pic is kind of misleading and implies he was involved in her death.

No. 2391817

It's like the Hartley Hooligans being exploited by their insane mom.
I'm relieved that she's got enough cognitive function to be independent when she's older, she won't have to rely on her attention seeking parents her whole life. Imagine having a mom that giggles and smiles while talking about all the dangerous and life-threatening surgeries you've had as an infant, while your dad casually begs for gibs.

No. 2393415

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This is old but it fucked me up. This religion is fucking insane. He let his daughter die for what?

No. 2393428

Well, nonna, he didn't want his daughter to be a whore by being touched by respectful moids. God I hate the Muslim religion.

No. 2393482

All i think of when people try to pretend islam isn't the worst religious ever made next to christianity. Poor woman.

No. 2393671

>next to christianity
Did you add that to avoid a ban..?

No. 2393805

Are you new here? Criticizing shitlam won't get you banned.

No. 2394305

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TL;DR: Guy in my town raped two women, fled to the USA, got extradited back to Canada just to be released on bail.
>”On Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at approximately 9:30 a.m., a woman was walking… when she was approached by an unknown male and dragged off the trail into a wooded area. The victim was gagged and her wrists bound behind her back. The male proceeded to assault her, but was interrupted by witnesses walking by the area. The suspect fled on foot”
>“On August 7, 2023, a 74-year-old female was alone in her residence… when an unknown male entered her residence and confronted her when she was sleeping. The male assaulted the victim for over an hour before leaving the residence on foot.”
>“Police detectives have information that lead them to believe Cheruiyot remains a threat to the community and are taking steps to warn the public by releasing Cheruiyot’s photo.”


Might get redtexted but idc atp. This guy was a recent immigrant from Kenya. A lot of Canadians are talking about the problems with the fuckton of Indian immigrants we have, but nobody’s talking about the African ones. There are tons in my neighbourhood, openly defecating and urinating in the middle of parking lots and on sidewalks. Women on my block can’t leave the house alone anymore without being sexually harassed. It scares the hell out of me that everybody stays so quiet about this shit

No. 2394769

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It’s funny how men stop pretending to be human when their actions have no consequences.
Scrotes should be castrated, muzzled and leashed like we do with shitbulls.

No. 2394773

What the fuck is the point of allowing these people into your country if all they do is shit, rape, commit crime, be unemployed, be homeless and not integrate? Are they trying to male people hate immigrants? The fact that they released this useless scrote as if hes ever going to contribute positively to society is insane.

No. 2394776

Retarded moids think we need more male teachers because retarded boys are doing worse than girls in school, but more male teachers = more of this. With The few male teachers we have, 95% of them are revealed to be sex pest at some point.

No. 2394779

Disabled children make me so sad. The baby with pigtails is adorable. It makes me sad she will never get to live normal.

No. 2394790

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>Gemma Hayter was an English disabled woman who was tortured and murdered by three people she considered her friends in Rugby, Warwickshire, England on 8 August 2010.
>Gemma’s family long suspected she had a learning disability, but she was without a formal diagnosis.
>The day before Gemma was murdered, she was spotted outside a garage near her council flat with two people she considered friends: Daniel Newstead, 19, and Chantelle Booth, 21. Two people who, along with Joe Boyer, 17, Jessica Lynas, 18, and Duncan Edwards, 19, would later be found guilty in her killing. Both Newstead and Booth asked her to place illegal drugs in her flat and to steal items for them.
>Gemma went to a pub with Chantelle, Daniel, Jess, Joe and Duncan but, after Gemma jokingly told a bouncer one of the group was only 16, Chantelle turned on her, pushing her down the road.
>The next day, having put up with abuse from the group the night before, Gemma visited Chantelle’s house to pick up some belongings. But what Gemma thought would be a quick visit turned into an hours-long, brutal assault. The perpetrators forced her to drink urine, and threw her body against a radiator, breaking her nose.Hayter was also struck with a mop, and for a period of time, locked in a toilet.
>The group then walked Gemma all the way through Rugby town, telling her they were walking her home. And she believed them.
>They instead took her to a railway embankment, where the group put a bin liner on her head, stamped on her body, and stabbed her in the back once. The group removed her clothes and attempted to ignite them.
>After leaving Gemma to die, one of the perpetrators - Jessica Lynas - used a Facebook status to try to deflect from her own involvement. “Wants 2 knw wat happend on hilly road… is it true they found a body?” she wrote.
>Newstead, Booth, and Boyer were 20, 22, and 18 years old at the time of their sentencing to life imprisonment. Their minimum tariffs are respectively 20, 21, and 18 years.

No. 2394803

Boys shouldn’t be learning to read or write anyway, they should be training to do hard labor for the rest of their lives like nature intended

No. 2394814

I seen a documentary about this that broke my heart. There was a period of time where Gemma lived alone, and they interviewed her neighbour about her and he said there was a rotation of men that would "visit" her and she would proudly tell people this because she thought she had multiple boyfriends. She had the mental age of a child and was being abused by literally everyone who could possibly take advantage of her mental disability, I can not believe people ever let her get into positions where she could be so easily taken advantage of

No. 2394818

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Imagine going to China, getting into an accident and waking up during an emergency surgery.

No. 2394927

I never saw this on the news or heard anyone talk about it, what the fuck? I hate this country, we don't have that many sensational murders so where was the outcry about this one? People still talk about so many old murders in "ten years on since…" articles etc but I've never seen this mentioned once. That poor girl, those people were monsters

No. 2394942

>Are they trying to male people hate immigrants?
Canada doesn't need any help making people hate immigrants when they do shit like this. There is a reason people don’t want African, subcontinental, and middle eastern immigrants in their countries.

No. 2394973

>Thai women kept in human egg farm in Georgia
Why can't I find anything about this from any reputable news sources? I believe this could happen but all of the search results for this story are from spam peddlers

Either way it reminds me of two big surrogacy cases from Thailand that made the news at a similar time and changed the country's surrogacy laws.
One where an Australian couple paid for a set of twins to be born but refused to take the boy child named Gammy because it had down syndrome, but still took the girl. It made headlines and then it was discovered the adoptive "father" was a convicted sex criminal who had abused girls as young as 13. It was ruled that despite this they could keep the girl, and the boy stayed in Thailand with his birth mother after an outpouring of donations.
>The Australian court noted that although Mr Farnell, 58, was a convicted sex offender, there was a "low risk of him abusing the girl".
>It was also ruled that Pipah is not allowed to be alone with David Farnell and with the agreement that she must be read a photobook with age-appropriate language every three months for the foreseeable future that explains her father's offences.
The man died from asbestos in 2020 and there have been no reported updates since

The other news story was that a Japanese man had sixteen or so children through thai surrogacy, and faced human trafficking charges for it. He claimed it was because he wanted a big family to help take care of his parents but that could have been a lie. I'm trying to find updates atm

No. 2395186

This is awful, and indicative sadly of a widespread issue known as “cuckooing” whereby people with physical and/or learning disabilities living independently in the community will be groomed by individuals/groups who then move into their home and turn it into a drug den, brothel or stash house, draining the host of all their resources and usually abusing them in the process. There’s a circle of hell reserved for people who go after the vulnerable like that.

No. 2395197

>Gemma herself asked for help before she died.
>Two years before her death, Gemma wrote a letter to authorities asking for assistance in getting a job, with personal hygiene and looking after herself.
>“I would like a job. I need my independence,” she wrote. “I would like someone to help me when I ask for it.”
>“This is what I need and want in my life.”
Fucking hell this is so sad.

No. 2395332

Apparently as a child she was diagnosed with Autism but then later she was reevaluated and the doc decided she was not autistic. The family did a series of genetic and psychological tests that all came back normal. Since she was left with no official diagnosis the government did not give her usual access to supportive care and living. The doctor that undiagnosed her with Autism really made her life difficult. The flat she lived in was left in complete disarray and she was living in squalor. There was something like 100+ contacts with special needs services once she was living by herself that resulted in nothing.

No. 2396584

feral bongs are the worst, sadly the uk is full of them

No. 2396597

Really? THAT's the scrote she chose to risk dying for and gift genetic immortality to? Christ, pickme shenanigans never fail to make me cackle

No. 2396606

>60 year old moid with a Thai bride is also a convicted pedophile
imagine my shock

No. 2396618

I looked into this phenomenon and it seems gypsies are disproportionately involved with these cases. Travellers are notorious for enslaving mentally disabled people in the UK, there's been literally hundreds of cases where disabled men and women were kept for years if not decades by whole gypsy families as slaves and horribly abused, starved, sexually assaulted, beaten, and then gypsies play victim and they wonder why everyone hates them. Gypsies also commit a staggering amount of crime in Nordic countries, they commit murder and rape at far higher rates than Afghan and Somali migrants even. Everyone I've spoken to from these countries hates them and for good reason.

No. 2396629

Has anyone been following the Madeline Soto case out of Florida? I hope that chomo Stephen Sterns gets the death penalty. And the mother? I can't believe she hasn't been charged with at least child endangerment. Who TF lets their adult boyfriend have 'sleepovers' with their 13 year old daughter? The original police investigation makes me sick the way she tried to pass it off as something her daughter insisted on doing… ugh this case is making me rage that poor girl. I just saw the drawings Maddie had done in her math notebook that pretty clearly indicate she was being molested and my hands started shaking this case is so upsetting.

No. 2397259

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No. 2397273

Hopefully he will one day mess with the wrong pony and get his dick bitten off.

No. 2397319

Another day in Europe, another culturally enriched scrote driving his car into a crowd of people. The Y chromosome was a mistake

No. 2397334

I mean even gangraping teens isn't enough to deport or jail them here, so I'm not surprised they don't care about ponies.

No. 2397343

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I still remember the time when stories of cars driving into pedestrians were associated with the driver fainting/having a heart attack or being plastered into oblivion.
>The news website Spiegel said the suspect, identified only as Farhad N, had arrived in Germany as an asylum seeker in December 2016 and cited sources saying he had posted Islamist content on social media before the incident.

How did this trash even get a driving license and access to a car?

No. 2397393

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No. 2397396

No, nona… Ive seen enough. I already wish to die

No. 2397412

why is it always female relatives and friends? it blows my mind because i know they probably aren’t rapists too. is it became the men in his life taught him to rape and can’t stick their necks out cos they’ll be looked at and their own crimes will be discovered? women aren’t worse than men they’re a lot better. so what gives?

No. 2397416

Europe should have never accepted asylum rapefugees.

No. 2397417

>his wife wept and said she loved him
This. This is why i have zero empathy for women like this. If you stand by your rapist man, you are the same. Fucking hell

No. 2397418

>women loving and defending baby rapers
And men will cry and imply they don't have shit on easy mode wtaf.

No. 2397430

Having a violent moid on "your side" appeals to the scared lizard brain.

No. 2397433

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1. Wtf
2. Why do they have eight fucking kids? WHAT DO YOU GET FROM HAVING EIGHT MOTHERFUCKING KIDS? Somebody sterilize South Asians NOW

No. 2397435

File: 1739459341260.jpeg (144.55 KB, 1222x841, IMG_3858.jpeg)

some schizo mod just banned me for four weeks for making this post pretending it was spam? first post of the morning and i went on to try and make a normal post that has since been posted. why did this post upset the jannie’s i wonder?(take it to /meta/)

No. 2397437

They probably had a lot of daughters, but wanted sons.

No. 2397442

What I'm about to say doesn't excuse her, but my theory is that it's a trauma response. An intense denial because accepting the fucked up reality that the man you married rapes newborns will shatter your entire reality.
Its like how Bundys mom couldn't accept that her scrote son tortured and murdered random young women and girls.
Again, not an excuse, just an explanation.
Moids: not even once.

No. 2397447

>schizo mod just banned me
No they didnt it literally says it in the post anyone with a inch of brain cells could tell that your post was misinputed as spam either due to you clicking new reply multiple times, stop pretending

No. 2397451

i didn’t do that.

No. 2397454

so you think these women believe these men really did do it and are violent, but are taking advantage of their violence towards women and children as protection?

No. 2397460

Hello anon. You were automatically banned, not because of that post, but because you accidentally tried to post a new thread instead of a new reply in a way that set off the spam filter. If you had just appealed it like the ban message directs you to do you would have been unbanned.

No. 2397463

Basically yes. Anyone with a shred of sense knows that violent moids are more likely to harm their relatives than a stranger, but that's why I said it appeals to the lizard brain.

No. 2397466

no offense but i’m not sure how that possibly could have happened but thank you for clarifying.

No. 2397571

It can happen easily if you accidentally press back one too many times while distracted

No. 2397673

Retard it's clearly an automated filter. You are the schizo.

No. 2397734

Why don't western women vet their scrotes? I know scrotes can pretend to be normal and manipulate and lie, only to reveal their psychopathy later, but sometimes it seems like they jump into a relationship with someone they could've caught onto as being a psycho and ignored the multiple glaring red flags

No. 2397922

Tell your government to stop shitting up the middle east then.

No. 2398063

Not Anon, but I hate to break it to you but even without westerners the middle east would still be violent and shit because of Islam and them killing each other over who is the superior muslims/arabs. You can't blame all their problems on the west alone. At some point people are responsible for themselves. They literally reject peace and changing for the better because they value martyrdom and their belief in an afterlife more than life on earth. If they had their way the world would be a monoracial islamic caliphate populated soley by their specific flavor of arab. That's literally the dream. At some point the rest of the world has to tell them to fuck off with it. People tried being tolerant and sympathetic, and they just take advantage of that to be more violent and hateful than any white person is remotely allowed to be, murdering ex-muslims, hating asians and calling black people slaves, so on and so forth, but somehow it's okay because they're brown. We need to cut the infantilizing white savior shit and hold people accountable for themselves.

No. 2398145

The scrotes from those countries deserve it and worse

No. 2398245

Don’t act like they aren’t shitting up their own and each others counties constantly.

No. 2398260

File: 1739492487703.png (612.06 KB, 592x443, 45677813.PNG)

Is this you?(infight bait)

No. 2398267

This is why I hate the weird liberal/Muslim alliance in the West. Islamists embrace some of the most hateful, regressive, conservative values. Liberal groups come to their defense every time when they're unfairly persecuted. You'd think this means they would learn to see the value of inclusivity and tolerance. But what do they do instead? They continue to shit on every other ethnic, racial, and religious group. They continue to shit on gays and lesbians. They continue shit on women and children.

No. 2398296

I agree but I'm also generally annoyed by people, especially burgers, shitting on europe for years for being humanitarian and chasing the (naive) belief of helping fleeing people, while forgetting who gave their absolute damnest to destabilize these countries further in the first place.

No. 2398306

I'm not really convinced that European leadership did this purely out of the goodness of their hearts. They wanted a supply of cheap labor and were willing to sacrifice their own country's women and girls for it. Much like what Canada's doing with their Indian immigrants. True humanitarianism would be allowing more persecuted women and children, of which there are plenty all around the world. Not teenaged and certainly not adult moids.

No. 2398311

I agree. It's always been suspicious to me that's mainly moids. Though probably the moids themselves also cause that and are only concerned with saving themselves.

No. 2398325

Also while I don't want to blame other racial groups for the racism of whites… what do you think the response from white people is going to be other than a feeling that their racism was justified, that having empathy or sympathy was a mistake and they should have never felt guilt for the past? Sending progress backwards. It's already happening. White people feel cucked and played so they are retaliating as a result. There's also only so many times you can call people colonizer, racist, bigot etc until they just start to not care and even embrace the label out of spite.

No. 2398334

nyart but I think its okay to have arab women come to america as long as they are barred from sending money back to their scrote shithole

No. 2398342

That's shortsighted. Their children don't integrate either and they have many.

No. 2398359

Without the moid holding their children to whatever shitty mindset he has they’re usually going to integrate and accept guidance from others because their only parent would be busy working. Probably also helps that they can be free to do things without the fear of getting choked or beaten.

No. 2398362

Arab women give birth to more Arab moids and are sadly usually the ultimate pickme boymoms, their cultural brainwashing is just too strong and permeates every aspect of their parenting to put boys first, generations and generations of extreme misogyny can't be unlearned overnight. Plus every half Arab moid I've met seems to be extremely arrogant and toxic as hell.

No. 2398364

This actually isn't a rare phenomenon at all. In almost every single case that involves a man committing rape or child molestation, their mothers almost always support their son, as well as their sisters and other family members.

No. 2398369

Women from these countries are so oppressed that they take out all their rage on other females: their daughters, daughter in laws, random female kids etc etc.
Remember the video of the Muslim woman trying to strangle and kill her own daughter. And Sara Sharif's Muslim stepmother and father ended up killing her, partly because the stepmother was jealous of her being half white and not related to her.
90% of Egyptian and Somalian women are circumcised/FGM and they do it to their daughters too.
The women in these shitholes take their rage out on these innocent girls. So much frustration and bottled up anger.

No. 2398377

Most liberals want Muslims to have the freedom to stay in their own countries. Not to destabilize their countries and cause a massive tidal wave of refugees to Europe.

Most Gazans don't want to leave their homeland either, same for Syrians. It's clear these countries are being invaded and destabilized on purpose to cause endless refugee crises in the west.
It's not just the West that's suffering either, other Muslim countries like Turkey and Jordan and Egypt are being forced to take in massive numbers of these people.

No. 2398398

Their children tend to be even more radical. Besides its too late for that, they are already in Europe, there are thousands of mosques to radicalize them in their father's stead and separating families has been made illegal. Judging by demographic trends, things are only going to get worse. This should have been obvious to anyone over a decade ago, but here we are.

No. 2398465

Just close down all the mosques and tell the people they can only stay if they renounce their deranged religion, stop forcing hijabs on little girls, etc and that they actually have to learn the language at a basic level. If they refuse, kick them out. Severely cut the amount of adult moids allowed in, too. All the giga pickmes won't travel without their husbands, and young women seeking a way out can file for refugee status and escape evil families without weird rapist men clogging up the queue.
Western countries are too scared of looking like the bad guy to do the right thing, and as a result, the actual bad guys are getting what they want.

No. 2398472

Out of all the issues with islam, I've never understood why hijabs are made such a big deal of. it's literally just a piece of cloth designed to make women feel less perved on by men in public, not every woman wants to walk around in bootyshorts and a crop top all day. why don't we focus on the actually awful parts of islam like wifebeating, child marriage and terrorism. who gives a fuck about a piece of fabric, its an ancient item anyway that women in judaism and Christianity wear too.

No. 2398477

Because women from the Middle East are sadly, an economic drain. The majority of Muslim women have no interest in working. Even in the west, Muslim women usually get a degree in STEM but end up retiring permanently at 25-30 anyway and prefer to because they simply don't wanna work and its easier to be a stay at home mother being provided for (Islam says men have to provide their wives with an income). The men are often lazy shits too but are more likely to be gainfully employed and pay taxes at least.

No. 2398488

It's creepy and gross to make kids wear certain things and blame them instead of the men. There is life between booty shorts and a headscarf. If the hijab prevented perversion, Arab men would not be such rapists and degenerates. If you don't see how the hijab ties into child marriage, wifebeating and the general understanding of women as property and men as humans, I can't say much more.

I personally haven't seen any data affirming what you say, but if it is the case, Islam would be pushed out in favor of a more progressive/self-sufficient life, so that would naturally become less of an issue.

No. 2398498

Why dont South Asian women stop being such fucking losers though? Western women and East Asian women would not be having stinky unhygienic rapey short smegoids called South Asian "men" run amok being wastes of fucking space. You can genocide at least 100 million South Asian men and it would be a net-positive for the world, like what the fuck are these creatures doing here, what value do they contribute, what do they even DO?(racebait)

No. 2398713

>it's literally just a piece of cloth designed to make women feel less perved on by men in public
It’s not something that most women and girls get to choose to wear, it’s something that they are forced into wearing in order to ‘protect their honour and purity’. If it was something that women wanted to wear there wouldn’t be so much pressure from their religion and culture to wear it, and there wouldn’t be so much backlash from the woman who are forced to wear it, as the protests in Iran have shown.
>its an ancient item anyway that women in judaism and Christianity wear too.
Yes other religions are misogynistic as well, that doesn’t excuse the sexism present in Islam, nor does it make the hijab a neutral piece of cloth.

No. 2399126

Exactly, thank you.

No. 2399138

>The majority of Muslim women have no interest in working. Even in the west, Muslim women usually get a degree in STEM but end up retiring permanently at 25-30 anyway and prefer to because they simply don't wanna work
Unironically get off /pol/ and touch grass. If you're european, just go out and look around in any workplace. Literally all the Muslim women I know are extraordinary ambitious and I come from a lower class shithole background.

No. 2399503

Nta but when I look around I see the opposite of what you claim. I know muslim women who sadly can't even read and therefore obviously don't work either, I know muslim women who have to take on small shitty-paying jobs because their husband is "disabled", I know muslim women who only work a little bit because the house and children are more important than earning money and I know one single young muslim woman who works with me and therefore obviously also went to university. The others are all lovely and polite whenever I meet them but I still see how differently they treat their male vs female children, and therefore also think differently of men vs women, how they let their husbands and sons step all over them and so on. Calling them lazy is unfair but it's right that the majority of them, even some who were born in europe are so sad and helpless, only very few young and ambitious ones can survive on their own. The others are either at the mercy of their husband or need the government to step up.

Something I will also never forget (I think it was the very first story I posted here) was a documentary about an 8yo child bride talking about her mother in law holding her down so that her son could rape her. Without a doubt that mother experienced similar when she was a little girl but I still think that this level of muslim women is beyond help or no longer deserving of being "rescued" from the moids she devoits her life to, like so many farmers fantasize about.

No. 2400423

haven’t seen this posted i don’t think, still watching vidrel and it’s well researched
>newborn premie baby in the NICU because she(baby) randomly stops breathing
>this fat retard is hungry and instead of pressing the call button or just getting off her fat ass, she UNPLUGS HER INFANTS PULSE OXIMETER.
she’s done this multiple times on camera, even doing it once just to spite her viewers and to make a nurse come and ‘top up her drinks’.
she also has a 19 y/o babydaddy whos fresh out of prison or something? maybe they’re two different men but i really hope that child is taken away from her

No. 2400430

it's almost like muslim women aren't a monolith but they're more susceptible to be oppressed by patriarchy simply due the fact their culture is way more oppressive to women and their liberties are fewer compared to western women. being complicit in patriarchal practices if you are a woman is just another layer of oppression and you can't really opinate or tell them what to do unless you're in their community because culturally they're way behind western women in the feminism discourse. it's sad but it's up to them to rise up to it.

No. 2400546

South Asian women are partly to blame because they birth South Asian men

No. 2400555

Not really, even when Muslim women leave Islam and marry non Muslim men, they usually want to be housewives and make the man work for her.
Also something like 50% of Muslims in the UK are on benefits, mostly the women.

No. 2400592

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No. 2400593


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2400604

>The only clothes for women are booty shorts and religious modesty garments, no in between

No. 2400730

All Muslim city councils in Michigan have banned pride flags in their communities. Seriously, send these hateful cunts back

No. 2401614

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It's on camera that he was clearly yelling to Allah while he was arrested, so at least they won't be able to claim he was a mentally ill Christian or right-winger again… Look how modern he presents himself, so don't let yourself get tricked, this doesn't mean anything to them at all. A couple hours ago the mother and her 2yo daughter who were hit by him passed away. And also today just an hour away in Austria a 14yo boy was killed when a Syrian moid started attacking passerbys with a knife. Look how happily he's grinning while getting arrested, they regret nothing, they don't see us as human, so they're not shaken at all when murdering brutally for the first time. To be able to stick a knife in multiple bodies or to hit dozens with your car, feeling and hearing their impact and their screams and yet not stopping at all…

No. 2401691

no way thats the same guy in both pics

No. 2401711

Yeah, it isn't. Two different news stories.

No. 2401815

…you didn't read at all huh? The point is that it happens so often, that every new day another muslim moid is killing children and women.

No. 2402429

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No. 2402455

waiting for pickmes to post him in the unconventional attractions thread in 3,2,1…

No. 2402667

Girl cop should have shot his head so many times so that his rotten brains would be spammed all over that curb. Too bad that in europe killing or harming in self-defence almost always results in the victim having to pay millions to the killer, even if you have footage of the killer threatening you and clearly attempting to harm you, so all you can do in these cases is run away or hope that the fucker goes away by himself (and these types want to kill as much as possible because they believe their pedo god will grant them 70 underage virgins in heaven). I'm so sick of these moids. They will act like the most modern and quiet hard-working guys and then one day they snap, and then they find out they were secretly posting islamist propaganda online. They have no reason to stay in europe, I wish it was legal to literally just deport them because they're violent and they will kill women and children in cold blood.

No. 2402879

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No. 2403641

So glad I put the effort into typing up two cases in one post that should have created interesting discussions, compiling info from different sources and adding links, just so that you could all keep having the same arguments about muslims as always

No. 2403966

Why didn’t you post the other ones? Or a link?

No. 2404015

KEK I know right

No. 2404118

Its horrifying that a pickme is willing to get her child raped and killed so she can stay with her scrote. Pedo pickmes should be charged with the same crime their scrotes do

No. 2404149

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Why are fugly moids always mentally ill too? They should be branded terrorists for their crimes against my eyes.

No. 2404184

Americans are so retarded godbless

No. 2404196

the way this explains nothing still.
there shouldn’t even be a legal distinction if they touched the kid or not so they can’t hide and everyone just hears they are straight up a pedophile. never forget that a large amount of sex crimes would not be possible without a woman assisting enabling or shielding the man in some way and most rapists partners wouldn’t even leave them over it.

No. 2404934

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just heard about the Delta crash landing in toronto, thankfully no one died but holy shit how scary is that?

No. 2404950

This is so incredibly lucky. Reports are saying crosswind/windshear made the plane wing clip the ground on landing. It cartwheeled, wings broke off, then came to rest upside down. I have never heard of a plane landing like this without a violent explosion-there was a report of a fire-but what saved them was that this flight was coming from the US so maybe it just used up the majority of flammable jet fuel.
I don't even know what I'd do as one of those rescued passengers, it would be so weird to be alive after that and walking away no less!

No. 2405000

>from the us
this is third aviation accident from America now, the fuck is happening with the aviation industry. It cant be me who thinks that plane crashes have been occuring a bit too much?

No. 2405017

Discussed in amerifags thread, Trump gutted aviation safety measures and workers.

No. 2405019

An anon said last time we freaked out about this that planes always crash and we're just paying attention now or something. Also this one landed safely, so the pilot curse is now over, imo

No. 2405026

Ayrt Oh that makes sense no wonder
But isnt that said about worldwide crashes though? I know plane crashes are rare but I was talking about the crashes continuously happening or coming from a specific country.

No. 2405027

It’s both. There are more reports whenever smaller aircraft crash now, in part because of the increase in attention that crashes are receiving. For reference a small plane crashed near me about a year ago but it made little to no national news. If the same incident happened today I am sure it would be a major headline. The gutting of aviation safety however I’m sure is making occurrences like this more frequent. Considering the sheer number of planes that take off and land every day it’s astonishing it doesn’t happen more often.

No. 2405039

Ngl nona a lot of planes crash daily, there just isn’t always news about it

No. 2405074

To be fair this crash had to do with nasty weather that we're aware of at this time.

This accident doesn't necessarily relate to underfunded ATC/FAA as this landing happened on Canadian airspace. But I agree that no one should be flying US airspace right now unless they need to. Things may be 'holding up' for now, but just wait until overworked aviation industry workers start to burnout.

No. 2406335

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Why do muslim men leave hideous islam shitted shitholes like afghanstan, move to beautiful places like picrel, then decide “this is haram me must kill”

No. 2406339

Because they get mad that their children end up being westernised and that there's nothing they can do about it. That or they are just an incel and islamic extremism attracts those kinds of men like crazy.

No. 2406340

Because Europe has generous neetbux programs and Islam is all about expansion.

No. 2406341

Oh, I'm anon that mentioned the underfunding. I heard the flight was coming from the states, so I thought there could be other factors related to it at play (fuel, pre-flight checklist, etc). Sorry if what I said was misleading about this crash.

No. 2406350

I don't think it's productive to try to understand them, i'm more concerned over what makes europeans think that letting them in is a good idea.

No. 2406354

If they were smart they wouldn't be religious, much less muslims. Stupid people are gonna make stupid choices.

No. 2406358

The idea that not letting them in would be inhumane and racist even though they currently crash our already strained social systems and are even more misogynistic and violent than our homegrown ones.
No, the Netherlands had underground animal brothels and became the last European country to ban bestiality in 2015.

No. 2406361

samefag. Denmark, my bad

No. 2406368

Wait 2015? THAT RECENT? you're joking right?

No. 2406370

I just can't wrap my mind around, how those humane anti-racists can go about unfazed while having blood on their hands.

No. 2406384

They are the exact same tras trooning out kids, slobbering on the knobs of tims and advocating for sex trafficking via sex work, that's why. They only care about virtue signalling, nothing more, nothing less. They don't even give a shit if muslim women get killed through honour killings or are forced to marry grown men when they are pre-teens, in fact, i've never seen such people bring it up. You can have sympathy for people who have war in their country but you still need to use your fucking head. They don't want to nor is it essential for their goals of appearing to be the model citizens. Personally for me, the thing that always gets me about islamic extremists who choose to live in europe is why do they want to live somewhere surrounded by people and a culture they hate? It's so ungodly retarded. it's also the fact that their ideology is the reason why their home is being destroyed and innocent people have lost their lives.

No. 2406428

In Germany it was legal until 2013 though, it's really embarrassing. Germany bestiality law sperg: Historically the paragraph that banned homosexuality and bestiality was the same in Germany, because they were seen as the same thing and "Sodomie" was the word for both sex between men and sex between men and animals. The GDR changed it 68 so that homosexuality wasn't illegal anymore except when one of the two was an adult and the other one a minor. They ignored zoophilia. West Germany repealed the bestiality part in 69 and softened the max sentence for homosexuality and then changed it in 73 to be similar to the GDR one. In 89 the GDR repealed the extra law about age of consent and homosexuality, so homosexual sex had the same legality as heterosexual sex. A similar change got passed 5 years later in unified Germany. Our current law from 2013 is still pretty soft on bestiality though because it's only illegal if it causes the animal pain and it therefore hard to prove. This law was unsurprisingly passed by a centrist government. Our leftist parties would never make shit like this illegal. The green party was fighting for pedophile rights in the 80s just like they are now fighting for troon rights and ignore rapists. I wish we had sane leftists I could vote for. Apparently there is still no law against bestiality in Finland and Hungary when it comes to EU states. Other honorable mentions are Japan, Russia, Belarus, 3 US states and Iceland.
Yes, I read an article from a left wing magazine about a year ago and it was flaming a teacher from Berlin (I think), that drank the kool aid that Islam is in any way compatible with a civilized culture, and she encouraged a teen girl to come out to her parents as a lesbian. The girl got forced in to a marriage in a muslim shithole country and never seen again. The article blamed the teacher, not the parents that did this to her or our useless government. We just have to accept things like this because its their "culture", it's not exactly a rare thing, even with turkish 3rd generation immigrants. The Turkish immigrants with dual citizenship in Germany (except the Berlin ones, good for them) voted in overwhelming majority (66.57%) for the Islamist fundamentalist Erdogan instead of his much more moderate opponent. They voted much more for him than Turkish people actually living in Turkey (52%) and showed the same trend in every European country.

No. 2406977

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>animal brothels
Imagine being male

No. 2406988

I feel like German/Dutch/Danish men are turbopervs and always have been. There's just something in their gene pool that makes them weird poop eating, dogfucking weirdos.

No. 2406994

I think it's a mixture of letting low iq thirdie workers assemble planes nowadays, and also republicans defunding and sabotaging safety orgs. Same thing happens with Teslas because Elon is a tightarse who uses child labour mining and pays Mexicans a dollar an hour to make Teslas at his factories. He also doesn't like third party safety inspectors checking on his company because there's so much exploitation and corruption.

No. 2406997

Wasn't there a Dutch olympian at the last olympics who was a convicted pedo? I think raped a 12 year old girl? And they still had him of all people represent their country? Bizarre.

No. 2407001

Islam is about conquering and coverting people, they teach this in mosques. Then Europe gives them privileges that they can't have in their shithole country, they don't even have to work.

No. 2407010

No. 2407145

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No. 2408805

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I'm sick of himpathy. A woman (Amanda Dusek) was recently killed by her partner (Douglas Venable) in a murder-suicide. The killer happened to be a True Crime Youtuber named Captain Howdy Delphi, and some of the small Youtubers he collaborated with (Incognito Society, Chaotic, and Hoosier Cold Cases), made a video about it; in the video they are praising him, talking about him like he was just a good guy who got pushed by an adulterous woman and thus made an unforgivable mistake, and claimed that he never committed domestic violence prior to this. The murder victim, and I quote, "did everything she could to destroy him", but any criticism of the man who pulled the trigger isn't allowed nor appropriate, because he was their friend. The man who murdered his ex wife then himself was, according to them, never an abusive person; he just got "pushed too far". They've also deleted any negative comments about him and paused comments, so the entire comment section of said video is filled with people sympathizing with him, saying they cannot judge him because they don't know what he was going through, talking about what a great person he was, etc.. The youtubers in question are nobodies and the video has like 4k views atm, but it's still immensely aggravating and pathetic.

No. 2409656

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No. 2409661

How fucking depressing it is that even a abused woman gets the blame of her own fucking murder by the abusive moid. Women get pushed around everyday every second yet no woman kills, fucking pathetic I hope these fuckers get doxxed for dicksucking a murderer. I hope Amanda rests in peace

No. 2409663

it's always moids that wage war against each other and always women and children suffering the most yet moids think feminism has gone too far …

No. 2409717

74?! At no age are women safe. I hope those migrants are sent to jail for life or roped themselves. What the fuck. It's super hard not being racist, because when crimes are done by migrants, it feels extra vile

No. 2409724

No idea. I dont understand how any single person, especially women have any empathy for muslims. They come from the worst kind of countries on earth for women. I would never let them into peaceful european places, yet here we are. France, germany and sweden are huge examples of what happens when you let muslim men into your homes. They need to go back. I am tired of hearing 'is this place halal?' when i am looking for food online. fuck off

No. 2410860

No. 2412946

This is very sad but whats the deal with the comments blaming the cops? They took him to hospital immediately and he died because he was unable to control his own emotions.

No. 2412955

The mother is blaming the cops but the likelihood is that she raised him to believe that having toddler tantrums like that would result in reward which is why he thought it was acceptable to act like that in the first place.

No. 2412969

I'm glad that early intervention behavior therapy for kids with autism is becoming more commonplace and is covered by most insurance because it would've likely helped prevent something like this.

No. 2412977

Another bald 19 year old. Zoomers are so busted

No. 2413539

first of all, he didn't die in jail like this headline is trying to imply. he committed suicide three days after being in the hospital. all this video shows is that he was clearly unstable and should've been 5150'd by his mom who wants to skirt the blame. also no one in an actual mental health crisis says calmly "the quicker you get me meds, the quicker this stops."

No. 2413670

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>Le Scouarnec, now 74, will appear in court on Mondayaccused of the rape or sexual abuse of 299 patients – 158 male and 141 female and the majority under the age of 15 – while they were under anaesthetic or recovering from operations between 1989 and 2014. The average age of his alleged victims was 11.

No. 2413785

Mental health episodes look different on every person but this was more like a toddler tantrum than a crisis and if I was a cop I wouldn't have been able to take him seriously either. He didn't commit suicide, he died after mashing his head in a wall repeatedly causing a haematoma and the cops brought him to hospital immediately, which was the right thing to do.

No. 2413798

>The average age of his victims were 11
>raped a kid while he was supposed to be removing her appendix
Men are not people.

No. 2413809

That article conspicuously left out the part where he's an AGP.
>They also discovered videos of Le Scouarnec wearing wigs or dresses, playing with the dolls

No. 2413830

And yet fagtards keep pretending European moids are any different from eastern moids, nope. all moids are the same no matter where they come from and I hope they all suffer

No. 2413915

What is a fagtard?

No. 2414006

what good does therapy and early intervention do if the kid goes home and bends his family to his will through tantrums? i feel bad for moms of autistic sons but so many of them just do whatever the kid wants because they fear his rage. they'll literally put their mothers in the hospital for refusing them fast food.

No. 2414079

I kinda feel like that is what was happened in the video linked above. Like is that really a mental health crisis, or is that a spoiled teen who thinks he can manipulate officers the way he usually manipulates his Mommy? I do not get how the cops are being blamed especially since they took him to hospital immediately after he started mashing his head.

No. 2415072

the article linked in the bio says he committed suicide 3 days after the video happened.

No. 2415089

Early intervention therapy models nowadays start really really young (think about age 2), take place at home, and actively incorporate and train parents as part of the process. Not disagreeing with what you said.

No. 2416506

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No. 2416515

Every day I side eye the fuck out of boy moms. Parents keep failing men and kids and women end up victims. This is vile.

No. 2416517

i want every woman and child regardless of creed or religion or ethnicity to leave that shithole, let the moids kill eachother all they want

No. 2416594

"mistake" is an interesting way to put it, when i say i made a mistake i'm talking about wasting my time and having to work on something the day before it's due, this scrote made the "mistake" of manipulating a young boy into showing him his genitals and sexting him.

No. 2416608

and then there's some Muslim woman out there that's made a retarded video about how Islam respected women's rights before any other religion which is just a list of cherry picked good things in Islam and bad things in other religions.

No. 2416621

>>It was also ruled that Pipah is not allowed to be alone with David Farnell and with the agreement that she must be read a photobook with age-appropriate language every three months for the foreseeable future that explains her father's offences.
imagine having to live with the knowledge that your adoptive father's a pedophile and that you were so close to having your life ruined

No. 2416643

ntayrt, i suppose, but without the presence of their abusive moid i think they'd integrate more, when their moid's around she would treat their children how he'd want her to for fear of violence since moids attribute things they approve of to their influence/genes and things that aren't approved of are blamed on the mother, and they can't really get around without making friends and naturally they'd be inclined towards other women regardless of their politics and if these women do something right, their beliefs should rub off on her too.

No. 2416676

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if you're such an epic giga stacy then imagine picrel being in front of you in real life harassing you and being surrounded by more men like them just watching it happen knowing nothing you can say can actually help you.

No. 2416739

Based. But also I want sex segregation for all countries.
Women get developed countries and men can live in third world shitholes.

No. 2416749

>assuming I don't have a gun

No. 2416751

this. You shoot down one incel rapeape and the rest scatter like cockroaches.

No. 2416757

God Created Men and Sam Colt Made Them Equal

No. 2416823

women should be encouraged to arm themselves. if men thought there was a higher risk of them being blown away maybe they'd think twice before attacking

No. 2416825

Sorry for posting this scrote this was the only way I could find this video women carrying guns has gotten somewhat common in Pakistan especially in Karachi where bike crime is common.

No. 2416830

You have to be ready to act at a moments notice though. I don't think most women are willing to shoot a man in his legs or whatever without hesitation. Any hesitation means not only are you on the ground, but the man now has a firearm that isn't connected to him. It isn't about arming women, you have to ensure they understand psychologically what can happen during an attack.

No. 2416837

Samefag also forgot to add that most middle aged women (think 40s or 50s) do know how to use guns too because it used it to be mandatory to learn it while in high school during the martial law

No. 2416842

Shooting for the legs is a waste of time. Always go for center of mass. When you aim a gun, you're accepting that whomever you're pointing it at is probably going to die.

No. 2416846

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No. 2416887

I'm aware, but a lot of women aren't ready to just carry a gun and would be likely to shoot wherever (hence the "or whatever".) I also don't trust that women deciding to carry as a rule wouldn't result in wrongful murder convictions for women acting in self defense in certain jurisdictions.

No. 2416892

This reminded me of when I was 14, and I went on bestgore out of curiosity. There was a terrible picture of a woman in a motorbike incident where she was sawed in half and was wearing no underwear and the moids were sexualising her and saying the most depraved things I've ever read. That was the day I knew moids weren't human. I feel so bad for these poor women. Even in death they can't have peace. Fuck moids, they're not humans, not even animals, but demons.

No. 2416907

I remember my mom used to tell me to wear cute non shatted underwear in case i was in an accident and they had to take my pants off. Its so gross to read that article because you know they arent doing the same to scrotes and no one is grooming scrotes to wear their best underwear to look sexy even in death.

No. 2416914

That's so sad anon, even your own mother was brainwashed into this shit and tried to pass it on to you. This is all so fucking bleak.

No. 2416916

Its apparently fairly common too, it shocked men when i heard this youtuber experience it too because i thought only my mom was the weirdo

No. 2416923

>moid freaking out
>anons seriously moralfagging that retarded behavior
More entertainment for me. It’s likely his mom is just a typical boymommy who could see no wrong in her son and pretty much birthed a monster out of her vagina to the detriment of society. Of course they will never be held accountable for this shit, mommy knows best! Mommy is dearest! No she fucks old sperm containers and gives birth to vidrel, only to be a money and resource waste for society. Prevention and eugenics is the key to stop suffering and I’m tired of other people saying otherwise, it’s even more evil to keep these suffering beasts alive.

No. 2416935

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It's weird to relate a typical "mom saying" to necrophilia when movies like The Virgin Suicides, 13 Reasons Why (or whatever else is in this essay video) are always the BPD woman's favourite content. I don't even know any moids who watch these things more than once. Scrotes are not some dark mystery, they just watch porn and we can see the topics they view most often thanks to analytics. I'm sure a lot of them would get off to snuff/necro but if they enjoyed it to the point that our own mothers are warning us to wear clean panties when we get necro-raped, we'd probably hear and see more about it.

The saying was more of a dark way of conveying that the one time you wear underwear with holes or period stains will be the time you end up at the doctor (or something) - someone would see it and because your mother is saying it, she's not going to say "your bf/lesbian lover". Did your moms say you would die? I generally don't like to wear stained or frayed underwear when I go to the doctor so it always made sense to me

No. 2416952

I was laughing until I read the writing at the top…

No. 2416965

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samefag sometimes if it's the same shit I've seen a million times, I forget to check kekkk

I thought it was weird that this and "gay searches" kept coming up first when I search but this is probably why

No. 2416983

They used to say that to kids in the 50s, boy or girl, but my experience through the 90s was that only girls heard it. I think it's gone from not wanting people to think you were from a slovenly home, to girls needing to keep their undercarriage as palatable as possible at all times.

No. 2416991

>their undercarriage as palatable as possible at all times.
Maybe you just come from a weird family anon?

No. 2417070

>on PornHub

No. 2417641

Wtf kind of women is watching gross shit like teen and anal?

No. 2417646

>men work so hard
>men are our protectors
>men keep us safe

No. 2417647


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No. 2417879

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