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No. 2394510

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2374760
Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.

Random Questions thread: >>>/ot/2361589

No. 2394541

So, if there's nothing good to do, are the moids at least cute? I could hire one or something, I should really go to Canada for work related stuff, I would dare say it's research.

No. 2394568

I have a small series of stupid questions that hopefully a smarter anon can help me with…
So, in aztec, the sound for "x" is "sh" or "ch"? Or am i just stupid?
But if it makes the "sh" sound… does that mean elon changed twitter to "shitter"? Im just, confused by this.

No. 2394594

I don't think Elon Musk was thinking about Aztec phonology when he decided on the name. I think he was high on a combination of barbiturates and ketamine.

No. 2394601

Could someone pleas remind me why dumbass shit was autosaged?

No. 2394604

Jannies have sand in their vaginas

No. 2394628

File: 1739332121499.png (911 B, 1063x121, my ass.png)

Don't think this would fit in any of the /g/ threads, so I'm asking here. I have darker skin across my entire genital area, but it's particularly bad on my inner butt cheeks. It's so dark it's basically black, and I feel like it makes me look dirty. What's the best, crotch-safe way to remove hyperpigmentation in that area?
before anyone tries to discourage me and tell me it's not a big deal, picrel is what I colorpicked from a photo of my inner ass

No. 2394629

How cringe would it be if I printed out an Elsie sticker and put it on my water bottle? I need more stickers to put on it and there's an artwork someone did of her that I absolutely love, so I've been considering it.

No. 2394633

File: 1739332683082.gif (1.11 MB, 220x220, ezgif-3-a662d78d4c.gif)

Kek nonnieeeeee

No. 2394634

It's not funny, anon. You wouldn't be laughing if your ass was black

No. 2394645

File: 1739334114629.jpeg (81.2 KB, 564x576, IMG_3694.jpeg)

>you wouldn’t be laughing if your ass was black

No. 2394648

Okay try 'Hydroquinone' and practically bathe your pussy and ass in it for every shower (every day). If that doesn't work in like six months, you need to save some money and try vagina rejuvenation or something.

No. 2394655

But why is it a problem? It's just your skin colour. What's the point in trying to fix something that isn't broken?

No. 2394670

Going to the paint shop asking for this color rn.

No. 2394675

glutathione, kojic acid, tranexamic acid, azelaic acid, basically tyrosinase inhibitors

No. 2394677

It's her asshole, too, kek. Why were you staring at your own butthole, anon? Avert thine eyes.

No. 2394678

Go put black paint in between your ass, and you tell me if you would like it.
Thank you anon! Is it true that hydroquinone causes cancer?
Thank you so much anon. I use kojic acid soap for my face but I wasn't sure if it would be as effective on the genital area. I'll try it on my butt.
It's not my asshole anon, it's my entire inner cheeks. I can see it just by lifting my legs up.

No. 2394684

>Go put black paint in between your ass, and you tell me if you would like it.
Except it's not black paint. It's just the colour of your skin. It's not foreign to your body it's how your body is naturally. It's weird to be so anal get it about the colour of your skin.

No. 2394696

Damn and i thought i was insecure

No. 2394705

>Don't think this would fit in any of the /g/ threads, so I'm asking here
this could've easily gone in the skincare thread kek

No. 2394745

I don’t know if this is normal or not but I wipe my butt every time I go to the bathroom, even for a pee. I get a little pee there sometimes so I have to wipe it but often times I don’t. Does anyone else do this? I have hemorrhoids so I’m trying to stop doing it every time bc it hurts but am I weird?

No. 2394757

Is China a good place to live?

No. 2394759

I’ve been a couple of times. There’s a lot of worse countries to be but I still wouldn’t want to live in China

No. 2394761

What was wrong with it? I'm American living abroad and was initially planning to go back home this year, but with the political turmoil I'm considering other options.

No. 2394889

Am I ugly if only ugly men hit on me?

No. 2394913

I accidently bought fake makeup and im poor af and this is the only product i can afford and close to matching with my complexion. Should i take the risk of poisioning and use it?

No. 2394986

How do you think the early women reacted when they got periods? Was it common for women at the first stages of humanity to think they were collectively dying soon?

No. 2394989

What brand?

No. 2394992

if you want my honest opinion and it's a foundation : dont use foundation at all its garbage, its ruining your skin long term and probably doesnt even look that good ; use skincare
if it's a concealer : dont use a big amount youll prolly be fine

No. 2395008

[i don't think so] but i do think they got punished for it like when they were on their periods they would be forced to go in some cramped badly made hut where they could easily get sick.

The reason why i say this is because this has been reported in some tribes like the tribes in Nepal for example who are still doing this in the 21st century.

No. 2395035

If you’re a foreigner and stay in the major cities, especially in expat enclaves, you’ll be fine (as long as you behave yourself, the CCP is watching).

The standard of living outside of the nicer parts of the cities is still really behind what a westerner would be used to. Countryside poverty, poor infrastructure, stuff like that. As a woman (foreigner privilege) I still felt fairly safe there, but I didn’t do any stupid shit like put myself in vulnerable positions or say/post anything the CCP didn’t like

No. 2395039

china is very beautiful but it's extremely capitalistic, xenophobic and anti-workers-right. China has some beautiful cyberpunk-ish infrastructures so i recommend going there as a tourist but when it comes to actually living and working there…i don't think it's the best idea.

No. 2395045

My skin is already dull and shit tbh, its look more youthful and atttactive overall when i put foundation on. I already have a basic skincare ruitine, but my face is very hyperpigmented and i cant leave house without at least covering my face. Its powder foundation but im still worried im gonna hurt myself bc of it lol

No. 2395051

Flormar is crazy popular in Turkey, it’s like the number 1 drugstore brand. You will not be poisoned just because you’re not paying American prices.

No. 2395053

anon flormar is not a fake brand….

No. 2395102

Flormar has been around since the 2000s girl what
Some of us have rosacea, and “skincare” is the same slop just less tinted

No. 2395331

When is it okay to add a coworker on social media? We talk daily and I give them advice bc they're younger but I don't want to be seen as weird or overly friendly idk.

No. 2395334

Don’t. Keep the work separate from your social life.

No. 2395343

File: 1739383005917.png (76.16 KB, 2223x353, kdsjjsdj.png)

What does "bitch eating crackers phenomenon" mean?

No. 2395346

Who tf is producing counterfeit drugstore makeup. I just want to talk

No. 2395350

IIRC it's when you're so angry and seethey at another person that you get mad at every thing they do, even if it's nonoffensive.
"Look at that bitch eating crackers! Sitting there, getting crumbs on the napkin just to EAT!".

No. 2395504

what does "scrotefoiling" mean i mean i get the scrote part but idk the word itself, someone got banned for it.

No. 2395514

Theorizing that someone is a scrote. It's based on "tinfoiling", which is another way of saying theorizing because of alien-believing people who wear tinfoil hats and start conspiracies.

No. 2395517

thank you nonny, it makes sense now

No. 2395669

did we ever find out how readytoglares husband died?
I posted this in the other thread and for some reason I accidentally called her “a walk to remember” kek. Thank god the thread didn’t bump

No. 2395715

and samefag my tinfoil is he died by suicide, but when he died her thread did too cause everyone decided to just lay off her kek

No. 2395725

This is the first time i am hearing of her husband's death anon, wtf, that's terrible!

No. 2395751

My tinfoil is something related to drugs, perhaps some kind of fatal heart reaction from past drug habits.

No. 2395785

I know right? i always thought she was obnoxious and I didn’t really love how she expressed herself but; I’d never wish that type of misery upon anyone no matter how annoying they are.

No. 2395802

kek'd at your spoiler
she kept it private. she was annoying especially her awful cosplays, but i feel so bad for her over losing him. i assumed it was an accidental OD or could have been a suicide. i know she's openly said she's had issues in the past with drugs, i specifically remember cocaine. if he had a history of doing coke too it could have been a natural death because cocaine use over time can give you heart problems.

No. 2395869

File: 1739401316668.jpg (45.91 KB, 550x309, poppy-playtime-chapter-4-revie…)

This character would be an example of a Tumblr Sexyman right?

No. 2395881

Who the fuck is Emila Perez

No. 2395886

Its not a real person its just a movie about a tranny don’t worry nona

No. 2395889

Not with that pot belly.

No. 2395909

I wasn't around for it, so I wouldn't know how they felt about it. What I do know is the circumstances surrounding it.

Early women would have reached menarche much later than 21st century women. 20-25 would be the average age. This is because many early humans had inadequate food supply, so many were malnourished. For this same reason, early women would have had very irregular menstrual cycles, in the same way that someone with very poor eating habits today would induce irregular periods. They would most likely menstruate 6-7 times a year, some less, some more, depending on their geographic location and their tribes' ability to gather food. Most early women would have lived in tribes of around 20-30 persons, and there would be some women in their 60s or 70s that were familiar with menstruation, so it would be unlikely that early women would fear death from menstruation. Though, there might have been some panic at menarche in the same way that 21st century girls with very little sex education might freak out when they reach menarche. At that point in time, there was no taboo surrounding menstruation because most humans had not linked menstruation with pregnancy yet. It was only much later when menstruation was linked to pregnancy, after pregnancy had been linked to sex, that cultural taboos surrounding menstruation began to take root.

No. 2395934

As animals, we got periods before we were human, so it would have been normal to the first humans. But I imagine it didn't happen all at once, that our ancestor's secretions would have gotten thicker and thicker, not just one day a baby monkey started bleeding.
I will note that some girls are never told of it before they get one, and they often think they are dying.

No. 2395936

Thank you all for your explanations, these answers are all very helpful. Especially you >>2395909

No. 2395950

what is your favorite hobby asmr channel? like a channel that is just someone making a pair of shoes from start to finish, building a shed, quilting, cooking etc preferably one that isn't just the visual with music overlayed I like when there's at least minimal voice-over explanation

No. 2395957

Wasn't there some ib similar to wizardchan, just that absoutely every mention, either positive or negative, of women got you banned?

No. 2395959

Would it be creepy if I got a body pillow of a real moid?

No. 2395961

I seem to remember that too, I think it was a wizardchan offshoot

No. 2395962

Yes, but he's a moid so he probably deserves it

No. 2395970

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Depends on who it is

No. 2396014

The pillow and the angle of the photo is making him look goddamn pregnant.

No. 2396028

Why does bro look like Jessie eisenberg in this pic

No. 2396271

does anyone else ever wonder why specifically malala was targeted by those terrorists when the bus was full of a bunch of other girls?

No. 2396308

Because she was well-known and was outspoken?

No. 2396378

nonas that work out secretly in their room [iykyk] what video workouts are you following? preferably mat pilates reccs

No. 2396387

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Chloe Ting + cheap under desk treadmill

No. 2396392

Ive really been wanting to get a walking pad. How long have you had yours and how is it holding up? I keep seeing a $150 one on amazon and I've been considering it…

No. 2396395

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Why do pretty girls shop themselves into hideous AI monsters? as an ugly woman i dont get it, why do this.

No. 2396416

its mento illness

No. 2396431

I bought mine on sale for around $70 on Amazon, it's still holding up fine. Just read a bunch of the 1 star reviews to see how long it'll last.

No. 2396486

File: 1739417823145.gif (4.96 MB, 490x476, john travolta confused.gif)

Is it possible to know if you are attractive or not? i am tempted to post myself in one of those ''rate me'' subreddits. I have been told i am pretty three times in my life, and i get moid attention quite fairly, but i also have acne and wear glasses.

No. 2396490

>I want to post a picture of my face on the internet, where it will exist forever, and where anybody may view it and download it, just so that people can give me ass pats about my appearance.
Get a grip.

No. 2396493

I swear this question was asked a dozen times in previous threads kek, but you basically answered it yourself, you're already told you're pretty. True uggos don't get complimented and are straight up told they're ugly
t. actually ugly

No. 2396499

you’re probably average like most people but of course I’d never know that without seeing. If you end up posting maybe find one that is focused on beauty techniques and not incel infested that will hurt your self esteem.

No. 2396507

How do I get a virgin bf?

No. 2396509

people watch too many hollywood movies. acne is whatever, it doesn't change your inherent facial proportions. glasses highlight the nose which is why they're considered masculinizing and usually make people ugly, but men can be considered to look good in them (they're allowed to have strong noses be considered attractive).

No. 2396518

You meet a male that is a virgin.

No. 2396526

Kek didn't you have a meltdown in an old confessions thread about this. Get some therapy already.

No. 2396537

do you guys think biebs sings U smile to hailey?

No. 2396538

nope lol its the first time i post about it, i am just curious

No. 2396543

I would trade my uggo zit-free face for an attractive one with acne in a heartbeat. I hate my nose so fucking much it's unreal.

No. 2396544

Where do I find one? Or how can I know beforehand?

No. 2396546

File: 1739421264252.gif (2.54 MB, 200x150, 200w.gif)

No. 2396552

How much is 20 “quid” in real money?

No. 2396553

Just get a nosejob?

No. 2396554

I don't know, you just get lucky I guess. I met a guy who was a virgin, used a flip phone, didn't use the internet or have social media and didn't watch porn and I met him completely by chance on the bus. I'm not trying to brag at you btw nona, I'm telling you more as a way to let you know that it is totally possible. We've been together a decade now.

No. 2396555

Why the fuck would you put any stock in what random retards on Reddit think? Half those guys can't even wipe properly.

No. 2396556

20 pounds is about 3,856 yen.

No. 2396558

do not make a rate me post please anon

No. 2396559

I have disposal income, but I live with my mom and she would make it extremely difficult to get anything like that done, and probably bully me about it. She'd say that getting one procedure would cause me to get addicted and end up on Botched or something.

No. 2396560

I posted myself to one of those and wasn't extremely scrutinized for my overall face but I still feel like shit about myself because BDD. I wouldn't recommend it, they will find something to nitpick and you will get perverts and people going HURRR DURR UGGO. They hardcore hated my makeup skills which admittedly aren't good but aren't the worst either. I would've liked to have seen some of those retards do a better job, especially the men.

TL;DR it's a mistake, don't do it, you're probably less ugly than you think

No. 2396561

If anons going to post to any sub post to amiugly they're a lot less harsh

No. 2396563

No! Don't do it at all! Do you guys hear yourselves? The opinions of Predditors are literally worthless. It's like asking a random hobo on the street if you're ugly.

No. 2396565

It's worse than that. A random hobo wouldn't take a photo of your face and keep it forever to continuously jerk off to it.

No. 2396567

dont post your face online ever its extremely dangerous

No. 2396578

File: 1739422238196.jpg (35.94 KB, 181x275, selfie.JPG)

Samefag. I decided everyone was right and I wouldn't post my face on Reddit. Hopefully posting it here is fine. Anons, am I attractive or not? Sorry the picture is bad quality, I had to zoom in a lot because I there were differen't members of my polycule in the photo that didn't consent to being posted online.

No. 2396581

there's been so many self posters here that i couldn't tell if this was sincere or a reference to a cow until i read
>differen't members of my polycule

No. 2396582

aw you're cute nona. maybe try using leave in conditioner for your hair because it looks a little bit dry

No. 2396586

You're extremely pretty you have such nice hair !

No. 2396589

>no results with reverse image search
nona, not only is facerevealing against the rules, but for the sake of your own good: please delete this while you still have time and while it’s still relatively early into the evening before the redditfags and scrotes come crawling in

No. 2396590

No. 2396593

I LOVE your sense of style. You look ritzy and high class.

No. 2396594

kek you're such a bitch anon

No. 2396599

How is complimenting someone being a bitch? Just because she has money to afford nice clothes and you don't doesn't mean you have to be a hater.

No. 2396601

File: 1739423123327.jpg (17.05 KB, 500x500, 41uAObXYLDL._SL500_AA500_-3010…)

Yes great troll, we get it

No. 2396602

wow this makes me want to kill myself when is it my turn to be happy holy fuck

No. 2396603

I'm so envious.

No. 2396605

You're pretty anon, you just need to wear clothing outside

No. 2396608

you look good but the other anon is right, you need to focus on your hair more because it's really dry at least in this pic

No. 2396612

>hopefully posting it here is fine
can’t even read the fucking rules

No. 2396615

You should start doing heroin, drop out of college, and date your mom's drug dealer.

No. 2396616

You are unreasonable it was probably summer and blazing hot outside.

Nona is really pretty

No. 2396617

This is not good advice at all. DONT do this. Really anon, what the frick were you thinking typing this??? That's really dangerous bad advice.

No. 2396620

am i really the only one who realizes it's a shitpost or is everyone else just playing along. the poly reference didn't tip anyone off?

No. 2396622

Wearing less clothing makes you hotter. This is the dumbest zoomer cope about fast fashion not creating actual clothing anymore. And sorry but the body positivity gen was probably the worst timing for this current "trend", I'll just say what everyone is thinking since it is ridiculous to post a selfie in a stained tube top and expect only positive feedback

No. 2396624

Looking beautiful!! I can't believe you ever questioned whether you were attractive or not. Maybe you have body dysmorphia?

No. 2396626

i don’t think this is a shitpost anon, nothing came up when i reverse image searched the picture…

No. 2396628

You don't understand. She needs heroin and to steal kuromi plushes and press on nails from CVS to survive!

No. 2396634

Your nails look great and I think you have glam rock appeal

No. 2396637

File: 1739424288470.jpg (36.69 KB, 448x480, 28c84a469c00acd76a8d8f3a8f781b…)

Why do you think the early 2000s and 2010s are perceived to have been more jovial times?

No. 2396638

..hopefully she reads the dana thread soon

No. 2396640

>my polycule
ofcourse you are fat and trashy looking

No. 2396642

File: 1739424604929.png (1.23 MB, 648x923, sexy bra selfie.PNG)

TY I think this is a better pick, what do U think??(bait)

No. 2396645

Occam's razor. Because they were.

No. 2396648

I think because people socialized and there wasn't moral-fagging about parties. People always say it's the internet but myspace was a huge thing

No. 2396655

Please lose weight nonnie, you have so much potential. And stop being a whore nobody wants to look at your uneven boobs.

No. 2396656

ok now i'm convinced someone's stealing some woman's photos to repost here. call me schizo but the vibe of these posts are strange a titty post even right after anons said not to selfpost?

No. 2396657

Please don't tell me you think that's her real face anon. Look at the hands ffs

No. 2396658

You've got to be baiting at this point, there's no way. Nona whose pic did you steal for this bit kek

No. 2396660

had tears in my eyes while pondering the beauty of 2014 american apparel today

No. 2396661

Rattle rattle

No. 2396663


No. 2396664

I can't even tell the difference between baiters and newfags anymore. What is happening

No. 2396665

File: 1739425200486.jpg (73.33 KB, 1500x952, 5748367.jpg)

samefag and the lips. It's fucked up that you guys believe she would have a weird alien face and man hands plus asymmetrical boobs

No. 2396666

ok assuming that you’re being honest and the person typing this is the lady in picrel; please, stop. it seems like you’re maybe new to LC, and it is an anonymous imageboard.
nta but even a non anachan can admit she could only benefit from shedding a couple pounds keek

No. 2396667

Kek at the anons that don't know about Tuna.

No. 2396668

If you crop the photo or edit it a little, sometimes reverse image search can't turn it up

No. 2396669

Because young zoomers and gen alpha tards were children at the time, so they associate it with all the cozy fun carefree vibes of childhood. Look up the Happy Days effect - things become nostalgic and seen through rose-colored glasses after 20 years. For those of us old enough to know and care about what was going on in the world, it wasn't so jovial.
>damage from climate change becoming truly irreversible
>dotcom crash
>2008 recession
>Bush presidency
>War in Iraq
>War in Afghanistan
>nuclear escalation, North Korea emerging as a world power
>AIDS epidemic peaking (worst year was 1997 but was still really bad in the early 2000s

No. 2396672

they are one and the same

No. 2396674

is tuna the lady in the pics?

No. 2396675

I guess so. I don't really care when I get baited with cows bc I don't know who most of the current ones are anyway(lurk moar)

No. 2396676

Wait that's Luna? I didn't even recognize her without the bangs and bottle blond. Jesus Christ, she's really porked up. She was never exactly dainty but good lord.

No. 2396678

I'm glad it's a cow and not some moid's ex with a filtered face or a delusional and annoying newfag we would have to deal with tbh

No. 2396679

nta but if this girl is a cow i don’t understand why none of her pics are showing up when anons are trying to search her?

No. 2396680

Man I knew newfags were a little dumb but I didn't realize they'd be this retarded

No. 2396681

I don't follow her threads but isn't this Luna Slater kek.

No. 2396682

I think because her face is filtered? I have no idea who she is

No. 2396683

Luna is far from being a new cow and she's on /pt/.

No. 2396685

I literally can't tell because I can't tell faces apart 90% of the time kek especially the photoshopped wrecks posted to the cow boards.

No. 2396686

anon i’ve been using lolcow since 2019 and i never followed /pt/ very much because the majority of the cows that interested me and made me laugh were on /snow/

No. 2396687

I mean I don't know who the ones are now so wouldn't know who most of the past or famous cows are. I only follow ones who I know of outside lc

No. 2396688

It is her. The tattoos are the same.

No. 2396690

Hilarous seeing how anons react to Luna's appearance in here vs her thread kek.

No. 2396692

I wonder if it's a difference in levels of cope and seethe, or userbase.

No. 2396694

File: 1739425985886.jpg (27.4 KB, 540x360, 360_F_209222393_NVpOktddHVnL24…)

Nonas ITT trying to piece together the identity of one of /pt/'s most prolific cows

No. 2396695

Itt anons who have never seen the big areolas.

No. 2396696

Same, zero interest. Careful you don't get banned for not knowing who all the lc cows are anon >>2396675

No. 2396698

I absolutely cannot believe how long it stayed up for before anyone noticed and pointed it out kek. Maybe the retarded pirate board anons have somewhat of a point.

No. 2396700

Do you not visit the front page at all? I don't follow her threads either but she's still recognisable to me.

No. 2396703

Can't the people who are here to make fun of old cows do that in their threads? It's weird that they're angry people aren't interested in the things they are. Or textbook autism I guess

No. 2396704

Kek I immediately remembered that pic of Lurch with
>when you see da big areolas

No. 2396705

Anon I don't follow her either, nor am I angry, I'm just baffled that nobody recognised her at all for so long. Even if you don't look in /pt/, images of her often show up on the front page.

No. 2396706

kek i do use the front page but i also don’t remember every single image i ever come across when i go to it

No. 2396709

images of a lot of people regularly show up on the front page but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna photographically memorize seeing them? unless you have that kind of autism which in that case, good for you nona

No. 2396710

File: 1739426426153.png (380.73 KB, 512x512, Dz0DU5Z1.png)

You're just jealous desu

No. 2396711

I posted regularly in her thread a couple of years ago, back when she was (imo) milkiest. I haven't kept up with her at all lately, though.

No. 2396712

I'm talking about the pirate board, who do seem angry bc they're having a hissyfit exodus or something

No. 2396713

ugh her log arms

No. 2396716

i miss her weeb phase, her schizo fauxbian tif arc is so boring

No. 2396718

This was a decade ago though… not too abnormal for 2015. This wouldn't happen now.

No. 2396736

Is Bojack Horseman really worth a watch or is it overhyped?

No. 2396739

that's luna from /pt/

No. 2396741


No. 2396742

How did so many anons not realize this is Luna? Where are you people coming from???? Or am I the dumb one and everyone is joking? I'm going insane

No. 2396743

I thought it was good when I watched it (years ago) but other anons probably have a lower tolerance for watching a failmale ruin the lives of everyone around him kek

No. 2396744

i didnt recognize her cause i don’t keep up with every cow on this site personally

No. 2396745

Even if they didn't recognize her, I'm more annoyed they all started ass kissing the baiter for what was technically breaking the rules instead of reporting and ignoring and not shitting up the thread.

No. 2396746

I thought everyone was joking but now that you mention it I'm laughing at people being sincere with their compliments

No. 2396748

not recognising her isn't the problem really (she's a very old cow anyway), it's that most of them thought a farmer actually posted her face here. even if she were a complete rando it's obvious someone else did it.

No. 2396749

You don't have to keep up with her (i dont either), but wouldn't you at least recognize her? Idk, this site feels so newfaggy now.

No. 2396754

anon if i dont keep up with her, how would i know what she looks like kek? i can’t pretend to be the best LC user who keeps up with every single cow, nika and jaelle were always who had the most of my attention

No. 2396756

>feels so newfaggy
i’d understand saying this if an anon didn’t recognize pt or venus but not eveyone finds a lardass whore all that fascinating to read about LOL

No. 2396765

You can just admit that you didn't know who she was and that it was newfaggotry. You don't have to try and give a bunch of excuses. Luna is an OG cow that has been milked for nearly 10 years now. Not knowing her is just as cringe as not knowing PT or Venus.
Because now most anons are here for fandom drama or to talk about boys. They aren't interested in cows.

No. 2396766

File: 1739430783550.jpg (69.71 KB, 685x1024, 8d993ae74.jpg)

i am sorry the only tuna i recognize is picrel

No. 2396772

NTAYRT but I integrated from here in ‘17 after PULL lost its lustre and there are many cows I don’t recognize either. It’s not a requirement to study cow history kek

No. 2396774

Do you hear how you sound?

No. 2396775

so…does being here for 6 years count as newfaggotry when the site has only existed for 10…?

No. 2396776

Newfaggotry isn't about how long you've been on the site, or how much time you spend here. Newfaggotry is a state of mind.

No. 2396778

yep, and complaining when anons don’t recognize every single cow thats grazed the website is more newfaggy than simply not recognizing one of them and being honest about it keeek. take your meds

No. 2396781

This is embarrassing

No. 2396782

You can post cows on LC, post on /ot/, /g/, and /m/ without doing founding father cow research, It’s really not that serious.

No. 2396783

NTAYRT, but it’s just the truth. I’m sure you’ll learn to survive nonny lmfao

No. 2396784

If you think knowing who Luna is requires research that's something else.
Yeah nonny thanks nonny I'll survive nonny(infighting)

No. 2396786

>it's not a requirement to integrate or lurk
jfc this is the whole problem right now

No. 2396788

Integrating and assimilating the websites culture ≠ lurking random threads

No. 2396793

It's not "every single cow" though. Luna is a /pt/ cow that's been around for a long time. Her thread has consistently been one of the most active in /pt/ since it was moved there. It's hard to miss her. It's like not knowing Shoe; yeah she may not be the biggest cow currently but if you've been here for a while you would know her.
Anyway, it's not a problem to not know her. It's just weird to get mad when anons point out that it does make you look like a newfag. Believe it or not, the off topic boards weren't really a "main" part of the site up until a few years ago so most anons at least started off in the cow boards.

No. 2396794

>yeah sorry i didn’t spend my time lurking several years worth of threads i just wasn’t interested
>wow this is embarrassing
nta but technically lurking threads is doing research on someone, cause you’re doing research on the cows wherabouts

No. 2396796

>random threads
What are you even talking about kek

No. 2396797

Luna is not a "random thread" kek

No. 2396799

>Luna is a /pt/ cow that's been around for a long time. Her thread has consistently been one of the most active in /pt/ since it was moved there. It's hard to miss her
but not everyone lurks /pt/ though, you have to remember that

No. 2396803

Luna is, by all means, a random woman. So yeah it is lurking a random thread that doesn’t matter to me.

No. 2396804

Ntayrt but it just sounds like you're mad that anons called you out for acting like Luna is some esoteric topic and not one of the most well known and oldest cows on this entire site.
Keep on coping kek

No. 2396805

A random woman outside of lolcow sure, but she's not random on this site.

No. 2396806

Ask yourselves why this is even a discussion.

No. 2396807

Cuz newfags.

No. 2396808

Because newfags can't stand being called newfags because they think it's a personal attack on them

No. 2396809

File: 1739432035439.png (91.39 KB, 290x263, sus.png)

No. 2396810

Fucking lol watching people who have been on an imageboard for four months advise people like this

No. 2396812

>Wow how could there be anons who don’t give a shit about my favorite cow?
Maybe spend some time away from the computer for a while anon
NTA but a newfag is someone who’s new to lolcow, not lurking a specific thread doesn’t erase your years of using the site kek

No. 2396813

NTA but it depends what you do with your time here actually. I've also been around since 2017 but because I didn't post until COVID that does in fact make me a COVID newfag because I didn't contribute despite spending hours and hours a day on here. I have never read a full Tuna thread yet I instantly recognised her, though as said before it doesn't really matter when anons didn't care about a supposed farmer self posting. It doesn't matter because every anon who replied genuinely is a retard.

No. 2396814

>Having weird old pictures of Luna saved to make a joke that only 10% of anons would recognize
What a life

No. 2396815

i’m sorry if i made myself sound angry anon! i wasn’t trying to sound mean at all. i never claimed to believe that luna is an “esoteric topic” but i just said i don’t know who she is cause i never really scrolled /pt/

No. 2396817

It sure does show that you only ever fester in /ot/ to be the bane of everyone else's existence

No. 2396818

interesting to see a few anons come to lunas defense at the inconceivable idea of other users not recognizing her kek
>uh she’s actually a very important cow!!

No. 2396820

KEKKK she's not my favourite cow dumbass but I actually use other boards besides /ot/
KEK now we got them trying to turn it around and make it seem like the OP is the retard and not them, classic /ot/fag behavior

No. 2396821

No one is coming to her defense. She's at the top of /pt/ almost every single day. You guys expose that you use this site as a discord server and you shouldn't feel the need to be so defensive when you're called the spade you are.

No. 2396822

You responded "this" to me but also responded "classic /ot/fag behavior" to me. I thought it was a retarded post but I also think the replies are retarded. Women contain multitudes.

No. 2396823

No booly!!! Just because they only come here for Skirby and Fandom Discourse doesn't mean they aren't honest & true farmers!!! Nobody has to integrate to be a farmer! This is an open-minded and friendly serv- imageboard!! You must be a wicked old OLDFAG!

No. 2396824

File: 1739432599188.jpg (25.32 KB, 735x648, 5219c0678e44bcb4cddcbf9e5d56bc…)

Why do you have to be like this? Are we truly the bottom of the barrel that this is how we spend our time? God save us all

No. 2396825

>she’s at the top of /pt/
for the 4th time now anon, not everyone scrolls pt

No. 2396826

Yeah I can agree with you and then disagree with you. It's no biggie, G.

No. 2396827

She's a recognisable cow and that particular photo has been posted outside of her thread several times throughout the years. If you only spend time in a couple of /ot/ and /snow/ threads that's fine, but don't be suprised when other anons use more than that.I think Luna is boring so never kept up but she's not like a random munchie cow no one has ever heard of ever.

No. 2396828

Most of them don't even know who PT is.

No. 2396830

File: 1739432859705.jpg (56.97 KB, 850x400, 2263332752.jpg)

Not true anon, these are your best days

No. 2396832

>but don't be suprised when other anons use more than that
nothing surprises me about there being anons who cycle through all the boards kek, what i said was, i think its funny how many anons are claiming tuna to be so special to them

No. 2396833

Because all you do is camp in /ot/ begging for attention, we know

No. 2396834

Nobody has claimed Luna was so special to them. Read the posts.

No. 2396835

She still shows up on the front page a lot of the time, as said before.

No. 2396837

They're not though, she is objectively a important cow because of how long her threads have been going on.

No. 2396839

I just saw someone earnestly respond to an anon talking about the neighbors thread claiming there's only a "parody of neighbors" thread referring to the lc apt complex shitposting thread. The neighbors thread has been up for ages, you'd have to be like brand new here to not know that. It's always newfags giving people advice.

No. 2396840

File: 1739433097671.jpg (30.35 KB, 474x468, fc75d02d1a6e8eec94613d5dfeed81…)

Why won't they stop nona? Don't they see how pointless it all is? Everyone on all sides of this looks really dumb

No. 2396841

i’m not sure why you’re being nasty and trying to infight
so you just expect people to remember every single image we see on the front page right
yeah but, once again, for the 5th time, not everyone here posts in /pt/ cause not all of the users here care about those cows

No. 2396843

This IB isn't about cows anymore

No. 2396845

You keep repeating that and we keep responding its because this site is a discord server to you, which isn't the intention. No need to bitch or cry when people point it out.

No. 2396846

And why won't you stop acting like a retard? Why won't you just report and ignore? Why won't you close the tab? Why won't you just go get a life? So many questions and so few answers!

No. 2396847

…if you literally only use /ot/, which you obviously do.

No. 2396848

You'd start to notice patterns of people who are frequently posted if you've visited the site for that long.

No. 2396849

Take your pills, sweet jesus

No. 2396850

>the site called lolcow farm is not about cows anymore

No. 2396851

Nta but I almost never visit the front page and just go back and forth from ot/g/snow/
She looks really different in all of her pics so far
That was me and I legitimately do not look at or read certain threads until picrel interests me or certain words interest me, like a toddler. I probably did see a previous thread but forgot about it bc it is dumb

No. 2396852

I already took them and my brain is high on pills and the pills are telling me to call you a retard

No. 2396855

This site is full of some very unfunny people.

No. 2396856

Yeah and we're both here suffering so what the hell are you gonna do about it?

No. 2396857

I'm going to leave you here to suffer by yourself

No. 2396858

File: 1739433509313.jpg (25.72 KB, 736x613, finally.jpg)

Finally some peace and quiet.

No. 2396859

Looking refreshed and ready to decompress already nona

No. 2396860

File: 1739433608883.png (83.26 KB, 842x566, posts by bored.png)

but you’re getting upset and angry, claiming that anons who don’t keep up with old cows must be “using lolcow like a discord server” when that sounds more like a projection based off your desire to turn this into an argument and not a coherent discussion, i’m not understanding why not using /pt/, in your brain, means “oh you think this website is a chatroom”? do you think not lurking old cow threads means you aren’t capable of posting in other boards and threads within the rules?
but you don’t see the exact same person posted on the front page every single day though?
ntayrt but users are starting to care less and less about cows. the last hellweek stats we received proved that /ot/, /snow/, and /m/ are the most frequented boards by users and that’s with /ot/ having like an overwhelming 50% of the posts made. end this was in 2024, i can’t imagine what the hellmas stats look like.

No. 2396863

>so you just expect people to remember every single image we see on the front page right
NTA but this exposes you as someone who never backreads and only sticks to a handful of threads, that photo has posted in /m/ and /ot/ several times.
>not everyone here posts in /pt/ cause not all of the users here care about those cows
So what cows are you interested in because /pt/ cows are interesting just based off site history. You don't need to be an oldfag to be curious.

No. 2396864

this is why lolcow is shit now btw

No. 2396866

>posts by bored.png
Lord the newfags don't even know how to spell board.

No. 2396867

NTA but that's obviously a play on words.

No. 2396868

File: 1739433875295.gif (1.57 MB, 498x278, sure jan.gif)

No. 2396871

You could just spend time in the parts you like that newfags don't like or care about though. It's probably only oldfags there at this point anyways. Why would you come here to complain?

No. 2396872

Just because you want apartheid doesn't mean it's right.

No. 2396873

i know /snow/ is about cows but…5,000 posts compared to 14,200 is just laughable. don’t get me started on only 679 /pt/ posts in a week
its called a joke anon..

No. 2396875

Quantity does not mean quality.

No. 2396878

I find it hard to believe this is really how oldfags act. I think if you were here for a long time you would understand simple jokes and be less confrontational in random threads

No. 2396881

I have a confession to make and a question to ask I’ve never lurked Onisions threads even though I watched his videos as a kid. Does that make me a spiritual newfag

No. 2396882

>I think if you were here for a long time you would understand simple jokes
>You would understand simple jokes
>You would understand

No. 2396883

Nta but if you think that's confrontational you should get over yourself

No. 2396884

Only they're allowed to joke, anon. Nobody else is allowed to take the piss or else that makes us bullies.

No. 2396885

How many of those /ot/ posts are retarded infights just like this one?

No. 2396886

This is exactly what I mean, you were included because your joke wasn't funny and neither is your sassy comeback

No. 2396888

It's hard to say. The farmhands went back to their 12 hour breaks recently, so infights take forever to stop or clean up.
Ah yes, here comes the Queen of Humor. Let's all bow down and pay our respects. She is the be all and end all of anything funny.

No. 2396889

There are multiple Onision banners anon, are you moving the goal post?

No. 2396891

Actually your sense of humor is on par with any writer from Family Guy. You should be impressed with yourself imo

No. 2396892

i know i wasn’t saying the posts are like special or anything i was just saying the userbase has obviously migrated in a direction away from cows
greg has been a cow for longer than tuna…

No. 2396893

The first four seasons of Family Guy are really special.

No. 2396894

Thank you. I applied for the position but I didn't make it past the second interview. My talent is wasted here.

No. 2396896

This scene kept me watching for a while tbh

No. 2396898

File: 1739434602576.png (5.78 KB, 150x150, images (20).png)

Are you underage or a redditor? I tip my hat at you, have my updoot.

No. 2396902

Is there a word for when the person who is supposed to be mocking you is more embarrassing than the thing you're supposed to feel bad about? Because that keeps happening lately

No. 2396903

pick up a book and find out

No. 2396905

The word for that is cope

No. 2396906

What is it called when you fart and it hurts deeper?

No. 2396907

I know what you mean in this case, there is a particular anon who thinks she's really funny

No. 2396908

File: 1739434933230.jpg (27.19 KB, 299x475, 58198958._SY475_-2005203016.jp…)

Can I borrow this? It looks interesting

No. 2396909

Hmmm looks a little too sfw, got anything saucier?

No. 2396910

Why do you know about this book… sus.

No. 2396912

It's all of you, you fucking schizo.

No. 2396913

File: 1739435123138.jpg (45.29 KB, 313x500, 27259214-553993790.jpg)

I found this one under your bed and cleaned off most of the cake, yw

No. 2396914

Simmer down

No. 2396915

Being called "unfunny" is the ultimate insult in the minds of the schizophrenics.

No. 2396917

Says the person who uttered, and I quote
>your humor is on par with any writer from Family Guy
Only a child or a millenial man (not you, you may have been influenced by one) would think that is a funny gotcha. I wasn't trying to be funny, I was trying to hurt your feelings which I clearly did, kek.
IBS, lactose intolerance, scurvy, othet gastrointestinal problems. Could also be period induced bloating.

No. 2396918

I like his Minecraft pants

No. 2396919

I think those are called army pants actually

No. 2396920

Monochromatic tetris imo

No. 2396922

My bad I'm a newfag and I don't know the lingo yet

No. 2396923

"There is a particular anon" you are all retarded and you all pretend that it's only one person telling you you're annoying or one person trying too hard to be funny when they're not. It's literally all of (You). Omg

No. 2396925

What the fuck is a bbw shifter

No. 2396927

And you're better than all of us, that's why you've thrown yourself into the mud too

No. 2396928

Its okay, newfriend! Nobody is a newf*g anymore! That's from the old times. Now anyone is a newfriend, integration be damned!

No. 2396929

>you throw yourself in the mud
Got any other melodramatic phrases to try to overcomplicate and exaggerate anyone calling you a spade

No. 2396930

im a retard whos easily entertained and this made me choke on my water kek

No. 2396931

Nonnie please, the only one being dramatic here is you

No. 2396932

A man who shifts into an animal or werewolf or other monster and has big genitals.

No. 2396933

Nonnie please nonny don't say that nonnie because nonny it's not nice to nonny because nonnie is our nonny not our enemy!

No. 2396934

maybe she throws herself in the mud cause she wants you to pluck her out? ♥

No. 2396936

ntayrt but why are you sperging so hard everytime an anon says nonny. do you prefer nona? kek

No. 2396938

Only if she wrastles with me a lil first

No. 2396939

Nonny I don't know what you're talking about.

No. 2396940

>i-i know y-you are b-b-but what am i

No. 2396941

Let her have her moment

No. 2396942

So this implies he shifts in a fat bitch? How convoluted

No. 2396943

File: 1739435703580.png (68.53 KB, 319x276, peek.png)

I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you

No. 2396944

You faggots are ugly and you aren't even women! P.U(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2396945

alot of the werewolf stuff is convuluted. i dont get how a man is supposed to change into a wolf that doesnt make any sense

No. 2396946

So he's a jacked shapeshifting military werewolf that also turns into a bbw when he's feeling a little freaky with it? Like who is this for

No. 2396947

No, no. He shifts in a small woman and his private parts touch her womb.

No. 2396949

File: 1739435829696.jpg (453.94 KB, 1588x2525, 81cQi5fNzyL-544303834.jpg)

No. 2396950

What is happening

No. 2396951

nta but werewolf shit always freaked me out too

No. 2396952

When the farmhands wake up in 3 hours you're gonna get BANNED for scrotefoiling!

No. 2396953

like he goes into the woman? like shes pregnant with him?

No. 2396954

The most fun I ever have on this site is when a stupid infight devolves into full on shitposting

No. 2396955

no i think she meant that the becomes a wolf but only when shes pregnant but then when there not doing it then hes normal but he has the powers of being a wolf sometimes in the book because of the pregnancy

No. 2396957

When he shifts his private parts get very big so that when he has sex with a woman it goes very far inside her. Please don't make me explain anymore werewolf sex books scare me and I feel like crying.

No. 2396958

When we're done shitposting we should ask a few stupid questions and answer them to trick the illiterate jannies and make them think nothing happened

No. 2396960

That's very clever anon, but I'm sure some of the posts have been reported

No. 2396962

File: 1739436187393.jpg (66.66 KB, 600x600, 91fm2UmS5FL._AC_UL600_SR600,60…)

Better one

No. 2396963

Idk I never report posts because ban evasion is so easy that there's no point in me wasting my time clicking the report button

No. 2396964

There are plenty of interesting questions being asked, see?

No. 2396965

Does he maul other men because if not the book sucks.

No. 2396966

He looks like a faggot so he probably has sex with other men not maul them

No. 2396967

This puts a new twist on the bear or a man question

No. 2396968

do any of you guys think waters advertised and sold as mineral water actually have any minerals? i always wonder where the copper is when looking at my water

No. 2396969

File: 1739436385430.jpg (514.84 KB, 1800x2700, 54550385.jpg)

It's a whole collection, anything could happen

No. 2396970

ohh so she has to already be pregnant before he can turn into a werewolf

No. 2396971

I don't care who he is having intercourse with, if he's mauling men and is a fag that's an interesting AO3 tier story at least.

No. 2396972

File: 1739436430851.webp (81.95 KB, 894x831, 81C8AM-ySdL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

You could test it yourself

No. 2396973

Well duh. Water has a bunch of minerals they're just so tiny that you can't see or taste them.
No dumbass. He has to get her pregnant because she is the thing that turns him into a werewolf but he's only a werewolf if she's pregnant by him because of the full moon powers.

No. 2396979

Woahh, this author has a animorphs fetish huh.

No. 2396990

It seems to be different authors. I think it's like how every aspiring artist has to make furry content to survive, the same could be true for ya/fic authors

No. 2396991

Suddenly I'm so lost

No. 2396993

These are better infights than what we had a few minutes ago, just pick a side and go with it anon

No. 2397000

No I mean I'm trying to follow the shifterverse but I'm left with more questions than answers.

No. 2397002

These bitches don't understand the omegaverse

No. 2397006

i might be retarded but everytime i see someone write a book or a comic i ask myself : why do we need more artists/comics/novels? humans have produced so much entertainment that no one could ever consume it all, well forever be entertained, isnt it a bit of a waste of time?

No. 2397007

No one is infighting about werewolf sex… unless you want one about it and I'll happily help manufacture one in Unpopular Opinions

No. 2397010

Desperate for pennies and the ability to refer to themselves as authors or artists

No. 2397016

I'm kind of interested and might follow you there if you do that

No. 2397017

The stage is set

No. 2397031

But there are billions of us to take in this media, it doesn't matter if a single individual will never read every book or what every movie, but those books and movies will still be consumed by other people who may not have seen what you've consumed.

No. 2397165

Honestly I’ve been using this imageboard on an off for a couple year and I still don’t get what “User has been put out to pasture” is supposed to mean. Every sinlge time that happened to me in the past I wasn’t even banned and was able to use the forum freely as usual.

No. 2397169

Not every redtext is a ban and not every ban is redtexted

No. 2397190

Oh, that makes sense. But is the point of the redtext to warn the poster or to make sure others don’t post the same?

No. 2397247

Shopping pc parts
>prices of items should total out to $760
>amazon cart total shows $620 and amazon checkout total(after taxes) shows $670
What is the reason for this? What happened to the rest of the cost?

No. 2397291

what torrent sites are best for online hobby classes? specifically looking to find some pattern making / sewing courses for free, any ideas? or ebooks worth getting?

No. 2397313

Is there such a thing as the opposite of a feeder? Like someone who enjoys depriving their partner of food rather than overfeeding them.

No. 2397314

Some of the items could've had coupons, go to the product listing to check and see. It's also possible you could have some Amazon credits.

No. 2397345

Yes, that’s a domestic abuser

No. 2397362

It's either an abuser like >>2397345 said, or one of those creepy scrotes who fetishizes anachans.

No. 2397406

File: 1739456868883.jpg (54.07 KB, 736x829, 30b93f6c6a1393520348853b76767c…)

Do autistic women and men have the same type of special interests? I know it depends on the person, but I wonder if there's a pattern.

No. 2397441

Is it weird to have seen your mother naked as a female child?

No. 2397445

No, but it'd be weird if it was your dad

No. 2397465

No. If you are a girl you are going to see your mom naked sometimes. Little children usually go with their moms to changing rooms and sauna. It’s normal and even good to see a normal woman’s body, especially one that yours might look like one day. Children who never see naked people of all ages in sauna grow up to be weird incels who jerk off to anime lolis and women with EDs who hate themselves but call everyone else fat. It is why so many Americans are weird Bible people, mental illness from never seeing a normal naked human before.

No. 2397472

This is overspill from Dana’s thread isn’t it. It’s not about seeing your Mom naked as an overall concept: context matters and if you’re seeing imagery from her porn shoots stuck to the kitchen fridge it is an issue and not just about “seeing your Mom naked”. Hope this helps.

No. 2397478

No, my mom used to change in front of me all the time. It was normal. I have never seen my dad even shirtless, and that's how I keep it forever.

No. 2397480

It is and I'm the same person who posted that comment. I'm not trying to prove a point, I was just confused that my childhood experiences didn't seem to match other people's. I was honestly scared that my family life had been inappropriate/abusive and I hadn't noticed. Also I'm clearly not talking about the pornography scattered around the house, I'm talking about TH knowing what her mother's nipples look like specifically.

No. 2397485

>if you’re seeing imagery from her porn shoots stuck to the kitchen fridge
>Porn shoots on the kitchen fridge
How has CPS not intervened?

No. 2397493

File: 1739462164635.jpg (301.97 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_485558176_EWwjCU9fDCR8i…)

What do you guys think of the name Stamina Rose for a baby girl? I think it's beautiful but unique.

No. 2397496

Rose is cute, but why this?

No. 2397500

Wow you people just walk right into these.

No. 2397504

Nta but with mothers I don't find it all that strange, my mom would take me into the shower with her sometimes when I was very small cause it was simpler for her to clean herself and me at the same time

No. 2397520

I feel kinda bad for baiting now kek

No. 2397528

Not weird - it's the body that grew and nurtured you after all. Women's bodies aren't inherently sexual, no matter what male pandering media says.

No. 2397653

Is fancam just zoomerspeak for AMV?

No. 2397663

It's like an AMV but specifically for real life celebrities, mainly of the Korean variety. Most anime stuff nowadays is just referred to as an "edit" rather than an AMV.

No. 2397670

File: 1739470198264.jpg (32.95 KB, 991x1000, 61i5WKwEenL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Oh my god my mom's nudity would jumpscare me constantly growing up. Neither of us would ever consider the situation sexual and my mom just didn't care about changing in the laundry room or with her door open. In general, being weird about nudity is considered pretty puritan or pornbrained to most women, since they don't really want you thinking about them that way in changing rooms (or whatever). I wasn't savouring the moment when I saw my mom naked, so it's a (pretty hilarious) blur of outdated super-bush and hair. Like the only thing I'm still questioning is why I can't grow mine like that. Anyways moids are a different story but I think before porn they could at least handle being nude around each other, without sexualizing it too much

No. 2397746

How does one motivate themselves to study again? I've been on top of my game since the beginning of last semester but now the 2nd has started I've lost more and more…want to study. I think it most likely ties into the fact that I stopped taking my meds for days. I just want to return to the way it was.

No. 2397795

>I think before porn they could at least handle being nude around each other, without sexualizing it too much
nah some of them would just start fagging out, even back in the ww2 days

No. 2397811

If someone requests a commission with slightly broken english and says they're willing to give something like 500 bucks instead of asking for rates, it's a scam… right? I'm confused because the account is old and looks like a regular art lurker account but it's completely empty.

No. 2398034

I have a dark line on my nose where the bump is and makeup doesn’t cover it but it also doesn’t look like a shadow or clogged pores. What do this mean

No. 2398067

Is it true that most people are at least a little bi?

No. 2398087

sounds like a scam yea

No. 2398118

How do lawyers argue without getting scared or maybe even crying?

No. 2398124

Usually the type of people who become lawyers are emotionless weirdos who love to argue, kind of like the type of anons who bait just to infight

No. 2398126

In my opinion yeah

No. 2398127

Tbh I don't mind watching a failmale as long as I can make fun of him. I just see so many people talking about how Bojack is so deep and emotional

No. 2398131

They do, just not in front of the judge obviously. Apparently 25% of attorneys are problem drinkers

No. 2398135

Apparently a lot of them do cocaine

No. 2398140

if my voice is always at a level while speaking that it blends in with the background what kind is it? I mean between soprano, mezzo soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone, bass. Do I need to pitch my voice up or down to be heard better? I don't want to essentially yell at someone to be hear better. I'm not shy it's just my normal voice tone blends too well with background machinery at work and my voice gets strained putting on a fake one for hours.

No. 2398141

maybe for men, many 'straight' ones get easily memed into gay sex but straight women are turbo straights

No. 2398147

Normal alto?

No. 2398192

For me it’s the fact the most popular porn category among women is apparently lesbian porn? I guess my stupid question is why that is kekk

No. 2398197

No. But you can have sex with people outside of your sexual orientation for a variety of reasons (straight women for example). People get confused and think it means everyone is bi

No. 2398200

I disagree with that, at least when it comes to lesbians. Imo, you have to be at least bisexual to have sex with a man.

No. 2398212

File: 1739489685543.png (160.9 KB, 706x275, 1000021793.png)

some other anon explained it better, basically it's self-inserting and getting turned on by the idea of men getting turned on rather than being directly attracted to the woman's body
this comic also describes it

No. 2398215

that’s very bizarre and seems unhealthy

No. 2398221

i personally theorize that since most women don't watch porn, there will be a disproportionate amount of coomer bi women (lesbians are a very small minority) that influence the stats. also straight women developing pseudobisexuality.

No. 2398223

I’m straight and never watch that shit because the men are ugly or indivisible. Any woman who is actually attracted to other women will be skewing the statistics due to straight women having nothing to watch.

No. 2398246

Nah the stat I saw was on straight women. Also completely anecdotal but all the straight women I know watch porn and the lesbians I know seem to prefer straight porn for some reason. Also lesbian porn tends to suck so I’m surprised it’s the OSA women who seem to prefer it.

No. 2398254

File: 1739492223397.jpg (9.96 KB, 389x391, little cat.jpg)

Anon where are you finding this statistic? Im a lesbian and all of the lesbians I know don't watch porn in general.

No. 2398263

I do get that it's abuse, but there's no specific term? Feeders are abusers too, but I figured there must be an inverse of that community. Like starvers or something. Anyway, thanks anons!

No. 2398272

I don’t remember the source, I first saw it on reddit and then again on here somewhere? Maybe you could find it again somewhere on /g/.
As for the lesbians, I haven’t seen any studies on their porn habits at all. This is purely what I’ve heard from lesbians I know IRL and online.

No. 2398280

All i've seen were not so insidious names like ”skinny lovers", "skinny fans" etc

No. 2398283

I've been trying to find it on reddit and google but the whole "straight girls watching lesbian porn" is ruining the search results. I don't deny what you said, maybe we're in different corners of world.

No. 2398310

Why does it seem like in every historical documentary where they interview historians, the historians act like they knew the historical figure they're speaking of personally? Like they were there with them. Is it some sort of industry standard to make their claims and findings sound more credible?

No. 2398312

all the historians are psychics who've personally held séances with the dead

No. 2398316

Why is everyone using "crash out" now? Is this some sort of retarded zoomie TikTok shit I missed?

No. 2398319

Pretty much what always happens when new slang gets popular, some white teenagers learn about a black term and start spamming it until it becomes associated with tiktok/Twitter.

No. 2398320

Yeah verbal contagion. It specifically skyrocketed in popularity after kai cenat had a clip where Ray was ""crashing out"". After that, suddenly all these fucking pseudo millennial 25+ year old streamers were saying it about stupid shit/pretending to ~crash out~.

No. 2398321

I'm a zoomer and I haven't even heard of this

No. 2398322

Yes, it is a thing. To my knowledge, they don't have an equivalent to feeder/feedee.
>Is this some sort of retarded zoomie TikTok shit I missed

No. 2398328

Oh my gosh, thank you for the video anon! This is the exact thing I was interested in learning about.

No. 2398363

Im sure he wasnt. He is an uncultured american swine. Im asking for my own snarky sake. To make fun of the bloated retard…

No. 2398365

It's easy to keep your emotional distance if you're not fighting for yourself.

No. 2398471

Not that this site needs to be any more known but why did CC get the reputation for being the female/femcel imageboard and not LC when the latter is more active and has been up for longer? Even on 4ch the moids on there seem to be completely unaware of LC's existence and only refer to CC.

No. 2398483

Am I the only woman who prioritises friendships over relationships? Is it weird to do this and should I stop? But I feel like even moids value their moid friendships over relationships

No. 2398484

I didn’t think CC had a reputation for anything considering what a ghost town it is

No. 2398487

Do I call myself a femcel or incel if I am lesbian ?

No. 2398495

lescel. but seriously, neither

No. 2398514

Obviously not? There are 8 billion people on this Earth, about half of those are women. So I think there are lots of other women that value friendships over romantic relationships. The reason why moids value their friends more than their relationships is because moids value men over women, even the women that they are dating.

No. 2398621

Submissive-ish Tinder match invited me round to his house again. Should I bring my dildo and see if I can convince him to suck it?

No. 2398637

Kek go for it

No. 2398648

Getting married and I can't find anything that resembles what I picture in my head for my wedding dress and veil. I'm trying to go about finding someone who can make me a custom dress inspired by a bunch of different inspo pics along with a description of what I'm envisioning. I don't know where to find a designer that will do that for a cost that isn't outrageous.

No. 2398687

Maybe you could give this a try?

No. 2398705

Is it possible for someone to get pregnant without penetration? A friend of mine is concerned because she missed her period and has noticed weight gain, she swears there were no penetration involved and that the scrote only pressed against her and used his fingers, what should I tell her?(your "friend" needs to be 18 to post here)

No. 2398707

definitely. a friend of mine got pregnant from swimming in a pool

No. 2398715

I know a girl who got pregnant from a toilet seat. Tragic

No. 2398723

NTA and a girl I know sat on a bench and got pregnant once

No. 2398725

You are definitely not old enough to be posting on this website holy fuck

No. 2398732

Firstly, this is the stupid questions thread so expect a stupid question. I'm not an idiot anon, She asked me and I told her it isn't possible but she's been blowing up my phone worried, The two were rubbing their genitals together and from what she explained to me he rubbed against her and tried to press himself into her entrance, jerked off and used his fingers inside her while pushing his release into her, I asked a simple question here to give her the opinion of others so she can have peace of mind, you didn't have to respond like a bitch.

No. 2398741

Sure, I'll answer this for the grown adult nonnas who had abstinence only sex ed.
The sperm part of ejaculate is what gets you pregnant. So he fingered her pregnant, congrats.

No. 2398779

Is it unconventional for an older single person to focus on finding stability/security in their life?

I have a permanent government job which pays for my mortgage. When I try to make friends with other single people my age (30s) they mostly talk about travel, not having a permanent job and renting? Are other singles less enlightened than me?

No. 2398790

Serious answer: YES. Because sperm travels. It's one of the many reasons males do not belong in female dressing rooms, because in theory all he has to do is to flick/throw his sperm at you and if you're unlucky the sperm could land right on you for it to travel up the vagina and impregnate you, without ever having touched you. Same way if a male ejaculates onto your labial area even if it isn't inside that could also impregnate you.

And from your other posts, him using his hands to insert sperm is 100% able to impregnate someone. It's not even a questionable scenario because the sperm was directly inserted into the vaginal canal, it knows exactly what to do from there.

No. 2398796

Elon musk is south African though

No. 2398797

I'm like that too, I'm celibate, a homeowner and I've had the same job for close to 4 years (I want to change mostly because I'm getting tired of it though), I like traveling but only once a year as a gift to myself or sometimes weekends in towns not too far just to change my mind, otherwise I like a quiet life, I constantly moved as a kid and now I'm craving stability more than anything else.

No. 2398811

> I like traveling but only once a year as a gift to myself or sometimes weekends in towns not too far just to change my mind, otherwise I like a quiet life, I constantly moved as a kid and now I'm craving stability more than anything else.
We are somewhat alike haha.
I thought about holidaying in overseas once but I was happy with a week of hiking and visiting the beach in a picturesque tourist location a short drive out of my city.
Sounds schizo but I have such a rich inner life that I don’t need much outside stimulation if that makes sense.

No. 2398816

File: 1739532473669.jpg (105.77 KB, 1079x1068, 1000002306.jpg)

Am I creepy and obsessive for having a big crush on a person I've only met once?

No. 2398831

why does this video make me feel a strange wave of sadness and melancholy?

No. 2398833

>because in theory all he has to do is to flick/throw his sperm at you and if you're unlucky the sperm could land right on you for it to travel up the vagina and impregnate you
Considering the post this is replying to, I seriously can't tell if this is satire or not

No. 2398841

i can't stop fucking crying

No. 2398854

Can you take your meds again? I have the same problem right now, I don't have any motivation to study and I have a test in two weeks.

No. 2398901

File: 1739540786723.png (46.06 KB, 271x214, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

>going through my pictures to find a deleted one
>see folder for 'places'
>a drawing I saved from a nonnie is in there
>it leads to apple maps and eventually I can zoom into a specific house
Is that… is that her home?!

No. 2398913

Well, that's scary.

No. 2398914

oh goodness i hope it isn’t me

No. 2398915

Absolutely not kek

No. 2398919

It's not her home?

No. 2398949

Nope, don’t worry

No. 2398956

Do you really hate all nasolabial folds, or you just hate them on men?

No. 2398958

On men, I have them too.

No. 2398959

I wonder the same thing because I got big ol ones

No. 2398966

How long does it usually take for a job you applied to to get back to you? If they have a set time period of when you can apply, should I then assume they don't look at/contact applicants before that time is up?

I've only had one job before and they gave me radio silence for 3 months after an interview and then hired me on the spot, I was told by everyone that sounded unusual.

No. 2398972

Nona any sperm can get you pregnant, it literally does not matter HOW it got into you. Sperm can live up to 30 minutes after leaving the male, and all you need is one single sperm making it all the way and you're pregnant. I seriously need you to know this, it's stressing me out that you can't tell that yes spem can indeed get your pregnant and the distance of the rest of the male's body does in fact not matter.

No. 2398980

A single sperm can theoretically get someone pregnant but there are factors that complicate things way more than that. A single sperm has no chance at impregnation if there is no released egg, for instance.

No. 2398995

Why doesn’t Italy pay reparations for colonialising the the entire Mediterranean?

No. 2399027

Yes, but the chance is never zero. That's why women can get pregnant off of pre.

No. 2399029

File: 1739548091019.png (1.4 MB, 918x1202, fat.png)

If i am 160cm tall and currently weight 70kg, what would be my healthy weight? some BMI calculators say 47kg but that seems insanely low for me, idk.

No. 2399051

Anything between 47 and 63 kg is healthy for you. 47 kg is the lowest healthy weight and 63 kg the highest for your height. My sister is the same height as you, when she was 58 kg she looked best.

No. 2399073

awesome! i will try to reach that weight then. Now i just need to find out how to lose weight kek

No. 2399107

Because italians aren't white.

No. 2399117

Whats a good free alternative to photoshop

No. 2399120


No. 2399133

has anyone taken supplements like l theanine for concentration issues? I find I'm not as snapped on as I used to be and it's getting to me.

No. 2399139

Is it possible to check the history of an adress on Google maps, ie see all the shops that existed there before their closing?

No. 2399145

I can't tell if you're baiting or just retarded

No. 2399179

Am i the only person who remembers drake bell dying years ago? And bob dylan? like in 2016 I remember bob dylan dying and everyone freaking out about it and now when I see him alive I’m just like what the fuck is going on

No. 2399191

>Bob Dylan
Aren't you confusing him with David Bowie? He was one of the first 2016 death.

No. 2399197

KEK I've had the same happen from a pic I saved years ago on either here or CC, it was a cute halloween pumpkin.

No. 2399252

File: 1739555170839.jpg (33.53 KB, 1024x1536, How-to-Make-Hot-Chocolate-with…)

How can I make good and tasty hot chocolate with as few ingredients as possible?

No. 2399265

Full fat milk + good quality dark chocolate bars. Vanilla or spices for extra flavor. Teensy pinch of salt is almost mandatory to make the sweetness in the chocolate stand out.

No. 2399346

There's a big overlap with stuff like comic books, nerdy gamer shit, geography, animals/bugs and public transportation. But then there are interests that are more typical for each sex like historical fashion for girls and military stuff for men, though it's not hard to find counter-examples

No. 2399605

whats a nigeltard?

No. 2399677

Has anyone had really, really bad physically violent ideation? How do you stop? I'm not joking, I spend most of my day fantasizing about killing people (obligatory in mindcraft). Not random people but a lot of evil men. I fantasize about scaring them with physical violence, and the tone of their voice in fear. Then I think about killing myself after I kill them. It's making me go crazy. I can't even tell if it's depression or if I'm going schizo. Can someone help me please.

No. 2399702

File: 1739570031780.jpg (85.99 KB, 960x960, lgsq.jpg)

will i get skin cancer if i dont use sunscreen regularly? keep in mind i'm an ausfag and there's more of a risk here

picrel is incredibly popular here and i'm pretty sure they sell it internationally. if you want it super sweet you need to use a bit extra though

No. 2399706

>doesn't use sunscreen
Yes. You will.

No. 2399719

i try to in summer but i've never been consistent with it. i don't lounge around in the sun much either so maybe i'm safe?

No. 2399740

Why do so many faggots who take it up the ass talk in that annoying pitchy voice?

No. 2399769

I recently started taking new multivitamins (suprememe hair and nail multivitamins). It has biotin and a bunch of stuff in it, now my period is 4 days late, and I broke out for the first time in months. I immediately stopped taking it, but now I am freaking out that I fucked up my hormones, even though I literally only took it for 5 days. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? I finally stopped today.

No. 2399785

Period is probably a coincidence but the acne is from biotin. Just take a women's daily vitamin without biotin, or one with lower biotin than you're taking now.

No. 2399791

Thank you, nonna. I usually take it without biotin, but I wanted to try something new. I am worried about my period though, because it's fairly regular before this.

No. 2399794

Biotin is known for causing acne. Supposedly drinking enough water offsets it because biotin is water soluable but take with a grain of salt, that's just what I remember form taking it years ago. I stopped taking it because it made my body hair grow too fast for comfort.

No. 2399822

By hot chocolate do you mean the stuff that contains actual chocolate, or cocoa powder? If cocoa powder, all you really need is milk, cocoa powder, sugar, and a pinch of salt. It always turns out better than using pre-made mixes. The important part is making sure the ingredients are the right type/quality. Personally, I like to use whole milk, demerara/turbinado sugar, a nice quality cocoa powder, and a pinch of sea salt (any salt is fine though). The addition of salt may sound weird, but it enhances the chocolate flavour.

No. 2399827

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The homemade stuff is never worth to make in my opinion.

No. 2399829

Seek professional mental health care asap, not even kidding or trying to be nasty. At best you're making your life miserable.

No. 2399857

Is eyesight quality genetic? Is bad eyesight inheritable?

No. 2399860

Mom has eagle eye sight, my dad doesn’t wear them either. I have miopia vision and I am a -5, sigh.

No. 2399872

I've been going through something similar (violent inclinations/thoughts). I think the combination of depression + shitty home life + growing up reserved/repressing feelings + not wanting to feel "powerless" is causing mine. A lot of my problems stem from the family I live with which I can't leave yet, which is why I'm hesitant with getting professional help (I think leaving home would help a lot). If you are able to, you should get try getting professional help though - I think everything I'm doing to try to alleviate those thoughts are just band-aid solutions (try and get to the root of the problem). I try and reduce doing activities that aggravate me (avoiding news, avoiding certain boards here, competitive gaming was frustrating me more than I was having fun/catharsis so I dropped them). Trying to keep myself busy with other things has been helping.

No. 2399881

Yes lol.

No. 2399896

File: 1739576256097.png (17.05 KB, 656x816, nail.png)

Somehow my nail cracked today. Right in the middle of the nailbed. It didn't come off fully, since it only cracked halfway, but I'm horrified. What do I do? Take the whole thing off? That would leave it bloody and raw. Right now I just wrapped a plaster or 'band-aid' for Amerinonnies around my finger to keep it in place. Will it grow back or will it rot since it's half-cracked? I don't know what to do since this has never happened before kek. Picrel is a drawing I made to illustrate what it looks like

No. 2399899

Ayrt, wow anon you described me and my home life to a T. It makes a lot of sense, not trying to dox myself but I grew up in a home where my family were so disconnected from me, and I had literally no one in my immediate family to confide in. I had no strong relationships with my family, it all felt extremely hollow and like I was trapped my whole life. I am going to be moving out soon, though. Perhaps that is the answer.
I hope one day you will be able to live in your own place, anon. Thank you for your insight, it makes a lot of sense.
I have been considering this for a long time, I think it's finally time to do it.

No. 2399914

File: 1739576736411.png (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 1179x1007, 19BA241C-429A-4144-9862-FACCEA…)

Does the pussy eventually stretch out like that? Not after ("too much") sex, but after childbirth maybe? Or is this just a gross misogynistic meme that uses images of someone who was TRYING to stretch their pussy?

No. 2399921

UK people, does it annoy you when non-UK people use "UK" to refer to only Britain? Just wondering cause I do this kek.

No. 2399937

No I live here and do it too

No. 2399938


Don't worry nona, it will grow back! I cracked my nail in a similar way not too long ago. Just cut your nail as short as you're comfortable with so it doesn't get caught on things, and then just leave it alone basically.

No. 2399939

No. 2400043

Thanks nona, I'll do that!

No. 2400438

Perhaps your loneliness is making you feel this way?

No. 2400452

The discussion in unpop opinions regarding SK made me want to sperg out about my favorite Korean cartoons. What thread would be most appropriate for it?

No. 2400456

I've read a lot of manwha but I'm not sure I've ever watched Korean anime before

No. 2400457

File: 1739601741256.jpeg (314.75 KB, 1170x1948, IMG_1258.jpeg)

There was a nonna who liked this type of body some time ago, don’t know if she’s lurking here. But there’s this creator I stumbled upon, I think you’ll like him nonna. Byee.

No. 2400461

Is this not a ton of women's preferred body type

No. 2400464

The 2016 and 2020 look like photos taken right after removing a large sex toy/penis from the vagina, causing it to temporarily gape. This type of gaping is otherwise not normal unless you have some sort of medical condition.

No. 2400466

Don’t know, I just thought of nonna kek.
Personally I hate body hair on the chest, back , stomach, super hairy men are gross to me. Mainly because I have very little to none so it’s stranger for me.

No. 2400469

Back hair is never not nasty just for the body horroresque aspect but chest and belly hair is comfortable when it's soft and not wirey or pubey

No. 2400471

Kek. I’ve seen women who were 50 and they didn’t have a “gaping hole”. The vagina is an organ rich of muscles that can contract and de contract, along with strong ligaments that makes it cohesive to pelvic floor and pelvic muscles.
Unless a woman has medical problems (which mostly don’t even give a gaping vagina in the first place, say if you have a lot of weakening , maybe after child birth, you might get a prolapse).
You’re understimating vagina Chan.

No. 2400472

What kind of porn are you watching

No. 2400473

It's only 2 shows I actually watched and liked, if I find a proper thread to post about them, I'll let you know.

No. 2400476

Yes, but most anons on here wouldn't consider it acceptable as their standards are much higher than the average woman, so it's taboo to talk about on here.

No. 2400478

Idk who that guy is but I think he's cu–(suddenly a group of neets with pitchforks throw a bag over my head) (I am never seen or heard from again)

No. 2400481

I’m a med student kek. I don’t watch porn.

No. 2400483

He’s cute to me also, the hairstyle is neat and suits him, I’d clean up the bear but it’s okay. He looks in shape but not overly fixated on dieting and exercising, so you can go to restaurants with him and eat ice cream in front of him without him sperging about calories.
I’d just shave his hair off a little bit.

No. 2400487

And this is why I’m sure there are X* lurking. This gross mindset is them.

No. 2400493

No I'm sorry I was joking. I actually assumed you were a doctor or something.

No. 2400494

I feel like many nonas probably feel similarly, they're just scared to admit it most of the time due to the board culture.

No. 2400496

The super tight breadroll ab look is just so dehydrated and looks like sinewy chicken. I think he looks like a healthy and cute fit.

No. 2400500

File: 1739603233967.gif (81.7 KB, 636x640, IMG_1259.gif)

My bad nonnita. I didn’t register it.

No. 2400505

Like my initial thought was that you were gay and liked older women until I read your verbiage my bad

No. 2400510

> Like my initial thought was that you were gay and liked older women
Kek not the mature pussy connoisseur.

No. 2400511

It looks sexy don’t get me wrong. Bit it’s hard to mantain and I still prefer the more relaxed look. Even by touch, having a hard rock against you is kind of meh.

No. 2400514

Correct. You can also tell from the engorged clits on both and the shine on the vulvas.
It's so funny to me when moids complain about "run through pussy gape", they're letting everyone know they're turbo virgins.

No. 2400530

Hmm I think I just associate them with severe hydration because whenever a guy is cutting to get intense abs, underneath the filter his face looks like it's being drained of his life's essence

No. 2400532

>engorged clits on both
>shine on the vulvas
Jesus Christo

No. 2400540

He looks so middle-aged to me…I wonder if I'm really straight

No. 2400545

I’m straight and not into him either nona, you’re not alone. Personally I just have a very specific type so most men look like hot garbage to me, even the supposedly good ones.

No. 2400547

He looks late 30s, yeah. Someone check his age

No. 2400548

Don’t worry, we aren’t shizos here. Women have different tastes.

No. 2400552

I think you’re far off kek. He’s most likely in his late 20s early 30s.

No. 2400560

NTA but some anons are most definitely schizos kek, they just haven’t graced us with their presence yet

No. 2400568

Where have you been browsing cause it definitely isn't here

No. 2400573

I meant in this conversation. I know that there are retards kek. For some nonnas you should only like a 19 year old, dehydrated and thin scrote.
If you like anything else you are labeled a psyoped pick me kek. I still like handsome men with hair and good bodies, I just like people my age.

No. 2400574

No way. 35 at least.

No. 2400578

I used to like "older" men (30) and now I'm pretty sure I'll be liking sexy men between the ages of 28 and 35 until the day I die. They're gonna stay 30 even when I'm 85.

No. 2400581

Checked. He was 27 in 2023, which makes him 29 this year. I was correct.
It’s the beard that ages him.

No. 2400606

Oh… I'm going to use only seeing one picture of him with his eyes closed as my excuse

No. 2400607

No, the thought has never even crossed my mind before. I use the term UK more than Britain.

No. 2400614

Drake Bell did die, there's only Drake Campana and I think he's Mexican now.

No. 2400626

So this is how I learn Drake Bell was raped by his dialogue coach during his time at Nickelodeon. One of the bleakest conclusions to a google search.

No. 2400636

even bleaker, he then repeated the cycle by going after underage girls

No. 2400645

is it even "repeating the cycle" if a shit ton of famous moids with zero history of abuse go after underage fans anyway? and most women don't, despite being the main victims of sexual predators. if anything it shows that even the moids who went through that don't get any understanding of how wrong and harmful it is. bleak.

No. 2400656

Funny how it’s mostly scrotes who “repeat the cycle”.

No. 2400790

How do you get women to like capeshit or is that a fruitless endeavor? I keep seeing moids say women don't like action and sci-fi which makes me wonder if the cope is true?

No. 2400793

All 4 billion women on the planet are exactly the same

No. 2400795

Plenty of women like action or sci-fi or are at least neutral to it. My mom is a huge sci-fi fan for example and there are so many popular action or sci-fi movies and shows. It might not be the most popular genre among women, but I don't see how that is important. Many superhero shows are male wish fulfillment/power fantasies, it's only natural that they are more popular with a male audience. Of course moids get upset that women don't go feral for stuff exclusively catered to them, because not centering male sensibilities at all times is a crime to them.

No. 2400797

replied to the wrong post but you get me >>2400790

No. 2400802

women love sci fi and action, just not capeshit. which is why its called capeshit. the only interesting "super hero" stories are subversive, and those always seem to love focusing on violence against women anyway so theres really little in the genre to appreciate that you cant get elsewhere

No. 2400805

When you mean by subversive (minus the female violence) you mean something examines a lot of the tropes in capeshit or finds means to make it less cringe?

No. 2400807

How judgmental are people at the gym?
>t. wants to exercise more but scared

No. 2400810

Depends on the gym.

No. 2400812

That’s just a kinda fat guy with excessive body hair? What in the tumblr brainrot is this

No. 2400826

Just go. You are making a change and gave more courage than whatever gymbro or Pilates girl there.
People hate fat people even when said people try to make a change. Nonna I’m proud of you.

No. 2400832

nta but most women don't like comics because
>the writing is done by creepy shitheads like gaiman and moore or law & order script writing wannabes
>the interior art is always 10x worse than the bait and switch cover, writers change too much
>all of the characters are physically 10/10 chad & staceys or the ugliest queerbait for lgbtq crowd
>female characters are objectified more than males and when they do it to males it's not fun
>none of the characters and their relationships have relatable or realistic traits
>quips/terrible dialogue

No. 2400834

they're not judgemental for the most part, but from a friend's experience employees might assume you are there to lose weight (and you can also not talk to them, too).

No. 2400844

Should I try and get a pet? My friend adopted a cat from a shelter and the cat was pregnant (they did not tell her). My friend got the mother cat spayed but she cannot take care of 4 cats. I always wanted a pet and I've read that you should always adopt two cats or else one will be lonely. Should I try and adopt the other two cats? I grew up on a farm and there were always dogs and cats around but those were mostly outside. What do you guys think?

No. 2400846

Try one first

No. 2400858

>all of the characters are physically 10/10 chad & staceys or the ugliest queerbait for lgbtq crowd
>female characters are objectified more than males and when they do it to males it's not fun
make me try to understand these two? So you want guys to be sexy but also you don't want everyone to be too hot but also not too ugly–other words, average joes and janes? Everything else made sense and more or less explains why I'm so picky with comic books these days.

No. 2400863

A cat can be solo but you can check the kittens to see if two are bonded and like to be together, in that case it would be good to take a pair. My roommate has two cats and they do well with an automatic feeder, a couple bowls of water placed throughout the apartment, and there are two litter boxes in the laundry room that she (or if I smell that a cat just pooped) clean every day. My only gripe about having cats around is their claws can catch on clothing and blankets if they're not trimmed, aside from that I like them

No. 2400866

getting one now and another later is riskier because they could dislike each other. if you take both now at least they don't get separated or lonely, but you have to be 100% sure that you have enough time/space/money for them. why not spend a good amount of time at your friend's place to see how the two cats behave?

No. 2400916

Is there a less likely chance of getting sick at a gym during cold/flu season because most people who are out exercising are not sick?

No. 2400925

I often sick from going to the gym in winter because I was absent minded touching my face after using equipment touched by people who are asymptomatic carriers cold/flu viruses.

No. 2400926

dang, guess I'll keep working out in my bedroom until my school reopens

No. 2401048

How do you lower your standards?
I’m lonely as hell but I rarely find anyone attractive (bisexual).

No. 2401100

Dont do it. Keep looking.

No. 2401111

Are you in a relationship nona?

No. 2401113

File: 1739640328257.gif (4.34 MB, 640x480, 1699915981788.gif)

Holy quadrups

No. 2401117

Hopefully i will if my date goes well.

No. 2401118

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It won’t go well

No. 2401120

Based gif

No. 2401129

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No. 2401138

shut up loser, you lose 50 karma by being mean online

No. 2401140

the pointlessly mean spirited nature of this reply is making me kek so hard

No. 2401156

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Am I still heterosexual if I find 2D male characters attractive but not real moids?

No. 2401158

No. 2401167

Kek yes nona that's just self preservation

No. 2401175

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Why is lolita considered fat girl fashion?

No. 2401176

I've never heard that in my life kek

No. 2401178

Lolita = weebs = fat

No. 2401182

It's mostly made in free size, one size fits all, so naturally larger girls can actually wear it unlike stuff like Brandy Melville. I don't know if the free size is a result of chubby girls liking lolita or if it's the other way around though
The girls who wear it aren't pretty popular types, they're awkward weirdos that cover their body up, so there's going to be nonstandard shaped girls in that mix

No. 2401183

You're probably on the spectrum or at least mentally built different kek.

No. 2401184

It's considered chubby girl fashion in Japan you dolt

No. 2401185


No. 2401188

>The girls who wear it aren't pretty popular types, they're awkward weirdos that cover their body up
I've always had trouble wrapping my head around this, because doesn't wearing alternative fashion just gets you even more attention anyway? It doesn't make any sense to want to cover your body but to do with gaudy and eye-catching clothing that will just make people stare at you anyway.

No. 2401191

But most clothing in Japan is made in free size. Like >>2401182 says even in Japan it's considered fat girl fashion and the sizes aren't any different than from other japanese fashion brands.

No. 2401196

It's common for people with autism and other disorders to find the abstract attractive but your millage may vary with this one.

No. 2401198

I guess, but if real males looked as hot as fictional ones with harmonic faces, nice eyes, hair, clothes, and bodies then maybe it'd be different.

No. 2401218

my boyfriend just said he liked Loud House…..hwo fucked am i, nonas? Ive never heard of it but its a cartoon for kids, right? Its the only thing like that he ever mentioned to me.

No. 2401220

I think its as simple as it hides your body flaws if you are fat, like your stomach, really well. Most girls look cute in lolita fashion, its easy to hide your tummy and the petticoats puffing out make your legs look slimmer.

No. 2401228

It's a show for babies about a boy who has like 10 sisters

No. 2401230

The show itself isn't bad, but the fanbase is entirely pedos and incestfags

No. 2401235

there are a lot of fetishists who like it, sorry. how old are you, were you kids when it started?

No. 2401243

Mid 20s fml

No. 2401248

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Why Do We Have Endocannabinoid Systems In Our Bodies That Do All This Important Stuff? Were Humans Created To Smoke Cannabis, Just Like Men Were Created To Be Fucked In The Ass?

No. 2401276

Why are you typing like Jaden Smith tweets?

No. 2401283

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Who started the bleached eyebrows trend?

No. 2401307

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No. 2401312

This is a powerful post.

No. 2401327

How can anyone actually believe in tarot cards?! It's just paper?

No. 2401339

The paper has pretty drawings on it

No. 2401342

I got recommended a reading video and the comments are actually schizo I don't understand how grown adults supposedly starting businesses or getting married can believe in such things?! I'm guessing it's desperation? Could there be any other reason?!

No. 2401344

they taste good

No. 2401354

thanks, explains it.

No. 2401457

Is setting up a romantic dinner with candles and a homemade meal considered a masculine act (like giving flowers) or is it more neutral?

No. 2401595


No. 2401599

Is it me or lc is slow af these days??

Cooking a meal is neutral imho but I'd say that lightning candles and setting up a romantic decor tend to be something men do to please women, not sure men care as much.

No. 2401600

Neutral. Women are kind of expected to be the cooks anyway, based off of gender roles

No. 2401604

setting it with candles and making it a kind of romantic woo-ing event is usually seen as what men should be doing for women. if this isn't a hypothetical, and you're in a relationship with a man, i hope he treats you right.

No. 2401605

No, it has definitely been slower for the past few weeks

No. 2401608

Not trying to argue but /ot/ has still been just as active if not more during valentines, plenty of anons were saying how alive it was, the other boards are feeling a bit lifeless though

No. 2401621

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What the hell is a pooner and what's their origin

No. 2401622

TIF. /tttt/.

No. 2401627

yes it's slower, i assume it's a mix of poor moderation and newfags pissing farmers off, and farmers getting older and busier with life.

No. 2401640

Leon Kennedy isn’t gay

No. 2401660

I'd say it's the shit moderation nowadays, ot looks more and more like /pol/ now

No. 2401668

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Is it possible for me to date a normalfag moid if i am a mega autistic? i dont like irl nerdy guys because they are all ugly and fat nowadays, so i am trying to aim for shy normies. Should i hide my hobbies from them if i want to get laid?

No. 2401686

Why would you want to date someone that you have to hide your hobbies from? Also there are still fit and successful nerdy guys if you know where to look, they're mainly engineers but you'll find some in stuff like CS too.

No. 2401698

Yes you definitely can, some normie guys will probably fetishise your autism too, but you will end up hating them and rolling your eyes at how retarded they are I promise

No. 2401705

If a moid likes a girl, there is no hobby that can weird him out

No. 2401777

How much money is normal to spend on your wardrobe if you haven’t really bought many clothes in a few years and want an updated look

No. 2401783

depends on budget, clothing preferences and how many pieces you need. buying clothes is preferably done slowly so you can implement them in your wardrobe over time and see what you like. a couple years ago i had to buy sweaters because most were from high school, i bought like 5 casual ones for like 15-30 dollars each at TJ Maxx over the winter.

No. 2401802

But i want a bf that plays sports instead of videogames
They always uglyfy themselves because they fall for the goku roidpig body only fags like

No. 2401817

Shy nerds don't play sports, they're only into solo stuff like lifting if anything. Sounds more like you just want a normie moid in the first place.

No. 2401823

it only got more active on valentine's because single anons kept starting fights with nigelfags

No. 2401825

The guy i currently like is a shy normie who does rowing. He has a pretty sexy back.

No. 2401827

nerds are super outdoorsy though. just find one that rock climbs or something

No. 2401842

>nerds are super outdoorsy
kek i wish

No. 2401843

Rowing and rock climbing are both often solo activities though which was what I meant, from her use of the word "play" I was guessing she meant something like team sports, which obviously defeats the "shy" part.

No. 2401846

wow this is how i learn as an ESL that ''plays'' is only used in the context of team sports, my bad

No. 2401850

There are plenty of nerds who aren't weird fat losers, I think you just haven't socialised enough

No. 2401855

Not necessarily true, it's just individual activities have their own verbs many times (lifting, rock climbing, etc). "Sports" can be individual 1v1 or team based 2+ vs. 2+, but they are technically "games" which is why they are "played".

No. 2401858

Why are you defending ugly moid nerds so much? i had the disgrace of socializing way too much with them and they are all beyond salvation. Its why i gave up on dating them even if i like the idea of dating a guy who shares my hobbies.

No. 2401876

I'm not defending ugly nerds, I'm just saying that there are plenty of successful moids who are also introverted and have nerdy hobbies, they just don't encapsulate the word "nerd" so you wouldn't be able to tell unless you spoke to them. You generally find them in places like universities, not at school or online or whatever.

No. 2401963

I've always been against makeup and have only ever worn it once in my life for a wedding. I feel ugly as shit though and my mom keeps insisting I should start wearing makeup. Is makeup really that necessary to look good?

No. 2401968

No. 2401970

i wear makeup whenever i go out to see people or for an event. i can admut that it’s not always been healthy but overall even just doing a bit of concealer and eye/lip makeup can really make you feel all the more confident and ‘energised’. for me personally i look tired a lot and have kinda blotchy skin, so concealer is something i use as sort of a necessity. it placebo ‘wakes’ me up in a way, looking better makes you feel better (not saying you can’t look good without makeup but it is designed to make people look ‘better’)

No. 2401972

I don't necessarily see it as radical empowerment to not wear makeup. I've noticed a lot of women especially in Asia finally posting real before/afters of their "makeup transformations" and that's pretty cool, but unless you feel deeply resentful of yourself for wearing it, if you want to there shouldn't be any reason not to. Maybe getting something like brow tinting or eyelash tinting would be more suited for you? I don't think wanting to feel more "put together" is a bad thing, maybe light complexion coverage and a lash perm would be worth trying idk.

No. 2401973

If she says he feels ugly, there's nothing wrong with a little cosmetics. It doesn't always have to be crazy baddie thot egirl shit.

No. 2401974

nah, even moids will tell you that. imo makeup makes you age and look weird. Makeup doesnt make you pretty, thats a marketting lie. The women they use for ads are already beautiful.

No. 2401977

What features are you insecure about? Do you use any skincare products? Don't let anyone pressure you into wearing it, but if you do decide that you'd like to, you should avoid going beyond basic makeup that just enhances your natural features. Try to stick to only using products like concealer, mascara, an eyebrow pencil, setting powder/spray, and lipstick. I was very insecure when I started wearing makeup, and wearing eyeliner daily especially ended up giving me severe facial dysmorphia. I don't wear it anymore, but it took me a long time to get over it. Makeup can be a good thing to help boost your confidence, but it can also be a very bad thing if you aren't careful.

No. 2401980

Maybe I should try concealer. My big problem is that I have pretty bad skin from hormonal acne scarring. My chin is the worst spot. I actually painted over a photo of my face last night and felt like if I didn't have such bad scarring there, I would look so much better. I do use tretinoin and use basic skincare stuff (toner, moisturizer, cleanser) but the scarring still remains.
A lot of my "issue" with makeup stems from this resentment over how men are never expected to wear it while women are. It's something that's annoyed me since I was a child. I've always been kind of gender-neutral in presentation because of this attitude but more and more, I'm just waking up to the fact that looks are still important and I still have to look good if I want to get ahead in life.

No. 2401984

Piggybacking off of >>2401977 if you said you were comfortable with yourself I'd flat out say "no, why bother", but you said you feel ugly and if that's of your own volition and not pressure from your mom, I think natural and semi-permanent, simple makeup would be good for you. A tinted moisturizer or light cushion foundation if you feel your skin is red and blotchy–easy to remove, won't clog your pores. Maybe try lip tints if you want, I've seen people use them as lip liner or to get a little color for a couple days. Eyelash tinting or perm if you aren't squeamish about it and there's a reputable place near you. If that helps you feel a little more confident and less uncomfortable with yourself, then by all means. I don't agree with anons dismissing you off the principle of you feeling bad about yourself, and these are easy and natural, simple enhancements that won't make you dysmorphic but may make you feel less drab. If you notice you feel worse or pressured doing these things, then stop.

No. 2401985

its never necessary tho, which is what she was asking

No. 2402029

I feel like the only woman who looks worse with makeup. I end up looking like a tranny with dirt smeared all over, and this is with MINIMAL amount

No. 2402046

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ayrt but can you show us how you do your makeup on picrel? you obviously don’t have to but i’m just curious kek. by minimal do you mean just concealer? if you did what some other anons said like eyelash tints/lifts or lip tints you might prefer that. i do understand what you mean though, i feel the same way sometimes. if makeup isn’t your thing that’s perfectly fine

No. 2402051

I had a friend like this, she was a really tall girl with moderately "masculine" features but imo she was pretty. She really liked the look of girly and smokey makeup but would meltdown and be upset when she tried it on herself. She's the reason I recommend for women who have issues with makeup but craving wearing it to try super light, minimal stuff like lash darkening, clear or brown mascara, eyebrow tinting or clear brow gel, peelable lip tint as lip liner. Those are really non-invasive or irritating and you won't be thrown off by your own looks or down on yourself. AFAIK she still does these things and barely wears makeup and is doing fine.

No. 2402062

Anyone surprised by how lonely their 30s are as a single woman?

No. 2402065

No. 2402097

Nah, majority of people look worse with make-up

No. 2402125

What’s up with the weird influx of 4chan lingo and moid/pick me posts on here the past couple of days? Was there a popular post about this site on 4chan or something? Has anyone else noticed this? Especially on the vent and unpopular opinion threads

No. 2402130

Kek I was just about to make a post about this. Whenever an anon admits to knowing a bit too much of 4chan lore or lingo I raise my eyebrow

No. 2402198

Men plus retarded zoomers who hate feeling like they don't fit in so they Google and study stupid old copypasta and greentext and somehow think using megadated faggot terms like "new bread" and "pl0x" is normal and not at all weird

No. 2402200

Anons that were channers or chanlurkers when they were young don't talk like that, only autistic men and young women who don't understand the lore use strange and old phrases that no one uses anymore. They think it makes them look like oldfags but it has the opposite effect because no oldfag is spitting out 2007 4chan lingo.

No. 2402225

>t.retard that doesnt know oldfags all come from /cgl/

No. 2402226

No, now that I have a decent income I always have shit to do and don't have to waste my time in a relationship.

No. 2402228

nta but refer to >>2402200 because she’s literally right. when anons talk about it incessantly it’s as if they’re trying to flex how much moar they know about 4chan. no one cares

No. 2402263

And those oldfags all talk normal now because they're no longer teenagers, zoomie.

No. 2402267

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>i know way more about 4chan than you whores! i post in soc everyday! they even know me by name!

No. 2402269

The only anons who talk like this are definitely zoomers with something to prove. They don't understand that you grow out of that shit pretty quickly. Saying shit like lurk m0ar pl0x new bread pl0x so choice pl0x sage for non-contribution is the easiest way to other yourself and make it obvious you're overcompensating.

No. 2402272

its funny you are complaining about chan speak while using chan speak like oldfag/newfag.

No. 2402277

Fucking kek, look at you grasping at straws and being too literal because you have no retort. Easy to use, identifiable terminology that makes sense contextually is always going to be popular and stands the test of time. Anons are clearly referring to extremely dated terms that were only trendy to fat basement dwelling 40 year olds in 2008 + using common terms incorrectly. Why do zoomers always think these nonsensical whataboutisms mean anything, you lot have collective brain damage.

No. 2402278

ayrt, and they’re the worst kinds of zoomers too, i myself am one. they’re still stuck in some edgelord larp and are only even here because they think it’s the direct female equivalent and that their typical scrote-tier sperging will be greeted with anons calling them based and a stacy. granted though, some of those types of women aren’t gen z, it’s just more common among us zoomies.
>b-but LC started on /cgl/!!
no need to remind everyone, and it means nothing when looking at the state of lc today a decade later also sort of n-loggy kek

No. 2402281

I don't think it's nloggy to be willing to be honest and not larp as some expert on a bygone era.

No. 2402283

An equivalent would be an older person trying to use stan Twitter and saying shit like "that would be so radical purrr she slays my weave clear off haha"

No. 2402284

Huh? I was saying the zoomer anons who do pretend to know are nlog pickmes. Unless you’re the anon whose post I’m referring to?

No. 2402288

Oh I misread sorry, I thought you were calling yourself nloggy for separating yourself as a zoomer since you had it spoilered

No. 2402290

realised after responding that it could be interpreted that way, my bad kek. i’m glad we agree

No. 2402297

you keep using chan speak

No. 2402299

nta but you will take kek from my cold dead hands

No. 2402300

also kek is from world of warcraft so you can fuck off

No. 2402304

sureeee, i am pretty sure you started using kek because of korean wow and not because it got popularized in the west thanks to imageboards. I fucking hate newfags who come to imageboards to shit on its culture. I am sorry not everyone is a retarded zoomie who uses social medias and pumps and dumps new terms every few decades.

No. 2402308

>korean wow
how deliberately retarded and new can you be? kek

No. 2402311

So now you are being dense because you got caught being hypocritical. Absolutely everyone correlates kek with 4chan in the west. Genuinely how old are you that you dont remember shit like kekistan? its so fucking annoying when anons get on their high horses over retarded shit they themselves do.

No. 2402312

is it a good idea to stay up late? because my timezone makes it so that it’s never peak hours on lc when i’m asleep

No. 2402313

I love kek and I miss when people used hurr durr but I haven't seen it in ages. I also like using some gen alpha slang like cooked because it makes some people get mad but unironically gen alpha have great slangs.
kek is literally lol if you talked to alliance being horde and it would show as kek on the global chat. I know your dumb ass googled it and korean wow was the first thing that came up but you could have researched better.

No. 2402314

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never compromise your sleep

No. 2402315

>b-but its ackshually from WOW n-newfag
you have never played wow in your life and you started using it because of imageboards stop lying.

No. 2402317

if I hadn't paid sub in like 8 years I would log in and show you my toon you fucking bitch

No. 2402319

File: 1739695172251.jpeg (127.68 KB, 640x790, IMG_8274.jpeg)

sorry i deleted that post because i realised this wasn’t random questions kek. i also really like hurrdurr and ‘muh’ is great to use against men and their retarded logic
you can’t stop me

No. 2402320

pics or it didnt happen, as they say

No. 2402321

I dont have to prove to you I played wow over 10 years ago, you're probably in your 20s and I don't respect anyone born after 2000.

No. 2402323

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No. 2402324

You're so assmad and for what. Reeks of kiwifag

No. 2402325

If you hate imageboard culture so much just leave, what even is the point of coming here to larp as an oldfag.

No. 2402326

I am not the one sperging about how awful chan culture is, while using chan culture. Go back to social media where you have to kiss tranny cock if you hate it here so much. Bet nonne of you retards even use the cow boards and only come here to blogpost.

No. 2402327

what kind of no u is that kek I just don't care about kekistani shit because they were a bunch of retarded altright losers and like using kek because of a videogame, why does that make you so mad?

No. 2402328

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No. 2402329

Oh yeah, told on yourself. You're making up a strawman. Everyone is making fun of using it incorrectly and using old men phrases from ancient screenshots. Cry more I guess.

No. 2402330

Wait you're literally just incorrectly parroting generic talking points from here like a bot. Your words mean nothing you are nothing

No. 2402333

Look if you dont like chan lingo, dont use. The problem is that you do use it and are just moralfagging because thats what lolcow has become lately. Nothing but a circle jerk to see who's the holier than thou person.

No. 2402334

if you use a website where people use words that make your feefees hurt and instead of closing the website you start crying about the bad words, you're literally the same as a tranny

No. 2402335

>Your words mean nothing you are nothing
your though guy speak is beyong cringe, you will never be regina george

No. 2402336

this conversation started because larpers where crying about anons using old chan speak they didnt like, hypocrite

No. 2402341

no we were discussing how certain fags really like to posture about how much they know about 4chan, of all places

No. 2402343

Literally NO ONE except weird larpers use ancient, retarded malespeech that's popular in vtg/b/ screenshots. Even the men who used to talk like that have moved on. I'm sorry you're retarded

No. 2402344

Whenever you cry about anons who came here because of 4chan you out yourself as a newfag. Where did you come from, let me guess, tiktok and shitter?

No. 2402345

You having a stroke?

No. 2402346

stupid questions thread btw, can we move on

No. 2402348

oh so i bet you dont use ''moid'' then, since you know its origin is chan incel speech. Let me guess, now you are going to tell me about you are actually so based for using malespeech when its convenient to you.

No. 2402349

and what exactly is wrong knowing about 4chan? unless you're like 22 I would get despising 4chan which is a complete shithole nowadays and I wouldn't recommend to anyone but most of us old nonnas who are +30yo have spent time there because that was the only imageboard active back then.

No. 2402351

That's literally not what they said. Stop being a faggot. You're talking in circles and putting words in people's mouths like a scrote. You feel backed into a corner and offended so you have to parrot in circles I guess.

No. 2402352

that wasn’t the discussion at all and you know it, we weren’t talking about anons from 4chan we were talking about zoomers larping as if they are. move the fuck on and stop infighting over 4chan of all things in the stupid questions thread. jfc

No. 2402353

Its funny you say that while you keep parroting about how everyone who uses imageboards and knows about its culture is an old moid or tranny

No. 2402355

Can you not read? She wasn't implying it's ebil, she's saying newfags like to larp as if they're Chan Experts by using ancient runic language that even the faggots who coined it don't use anymore.

No. 2402356

you dont know who's larping and who isnt, this is an anonymous imageboard. Its always the same with your kind
>makes assumptions about anons
>anons make assumptions back
>reee why are you putting words in my mouth and making assumptions about me(infighting)

No. 2402357

hmmm nonny why are you putting words in her mouth and making assumptions?

No. 2402358

Malespeech as in old as fuck shit like pl0x you moron

No. 2402359

File: 1739696508051.png (4.66 KB, 554x554, IMG_8276.png)

the difference is mine wasn’t targeted at anyone nor do i ever try to instigate infights. fuck i really just need to do picrel huh

No. 2402361

oh i love how you did the exact same i was talking about. Its only bad old outdated moidspeech when its a word you dont like, but moid is totally fine despite it being linked to incel speech.

No. 2402363

So defensive. Sorry it struck a nerve.(infighting)

No. 2402365

Literally NOBODY called you a newfag?

No. 2402366

good, enjoy your ban i guess

No. 2402367

so delusional. stop making up scenarios in your head retard. take your meds or get off the computer if you start to fantasize about scenarios in a fucking chinese gossip basket weaving website.

No. 2402370

I mean you're welcome to keep talking like an idiot but don't be upset when people make fun of you. You're being so redundant because your feelings are hurt that multiple anons are pointing out how funny it is that we have an influx of newfags saying "new bread pl0x" and "sage for ot" in the meta thread. Say whatever you want but when you sound strange and use dated, chimeric phrases that were trendy and died long ago you are going to be made fun of.

No. 2402371

you are going to get jumped at for using the basket weaving forum joke now. No fun allowed.

No. 2402375

omg anon you're such a troll. are you done flaming ITT?

No. 2402377

>pulling out Chinese gossip basket weaving website to sound more seasoned
>"I know you are but what am I"

It isn't about being jumped, it's about how endearing it is that some of you try so hard to fit in that you inevitably stand out.

No. 2402378

What type of flooring is the quietest when you step on it barefoot, aside from carpet?

No. 2402379

I dont care about ''fitting in'' because i am not a retarded newfag from social media. i just find it funny when newfags come here to complain about chan lingo. I hate that the internet is a hivemind nowadays because all the edgy kids who cant say edgy stuff because they get banned on tiktok and instagram come here just so they can spew a few slurs then they fuck off back to their socmed hellholes.

No. 2402380

>sound more seasoned
this is an anonymous imageboard I don't know how to tell you this but no matter what I do your opinion of me is irrelevant because neither of us exist to each other. is this your first imageboard?

No. 2402382

I thought it was Mongolian basket weaving not Chinese basket weaving?

No. 2402383

Most newfags don't come here and complain about chan lingo, They come here and use try to use it but use it incorrectly and it ends up looking like generated text made by a bot.

No. 2402384

You are the one that stands out. The truth is most oldfags left because of people like you that are incapable of enjoying anything without bringing your social medial moralfagging brainworms. The few of us that still stay do it because the internet was ruined by retards like you who only live and use the internet to larp as stacies because irl they have shit lives and are to pussies to say faggot and tranny on twitter.

No. 2402385

It is.


No. 2402389

That's a lot of fanfic. Like incel-tier fanfic.

No. 2402391

people made variations of it according to whatever they wanted to convey.

No. 2402393

yeah sure, 4chan still uses that ''outdated'' lingo btw. I dont know why you are making bullshit. Last time i used it like 4 years ago they were still using anhero, lurk moar, b8t, etc. I dont know why you are so pissed at old school lingo while simultaneously using it.

No. 2402394

File: 1739697252699.jpeg (102.39 KB, 636x795, IMG_8273.jpeg)

>I hate that the internet is a hivemind nowadays because all the edgy kids who cant say edgy stuff because they get banned on tiktok and instagram come here just so they can spew a few slurs then they fuck off back to their socmed hellholes.
this quite literally is what the initial conversation was about but you’re pissy over something and derailed the whole thread for attention. good job anon.

anyways if any of you nonas own cats do they get leaky eyes? my boy cat does (i think its cat aids or whatever the equivalent is) but only in one eye

No. 2402395

imagine being a nlog in lolcow because you don't want to use 4chan lingo unlike the other moidbrained femcels. kinda pathetic in an endearing way. hope it makes you feel better nonny.

No. 2402398

You're really trying to say "incorrectly using chanspeak and peppering your posts with shit like 'that would be so choice cash money of them'" is "condemning all use of of online slang".


It's getting embarrassing

No. 2402399

you're the embarrassing one sis get out of the puter if people using words you dislike makes you feel some type of way that's too negative for you to handle maturely.

No. 2402400

We get it, you are not like other anons, you are morally superior and better because you let moids dictate what lingo you can and cannot use. You are so much better actually. Is that what you wanted to hear?

No. 2402403

Trying this hard won't make you right(infighting)

No. 2402408

File: 1739697869031.jpg (147.94 KB, 388x532, xoxoxoxo.jpg)

Yes nonny, you are right, everyone else is wrong, the world revolves around you and only you and everyone has to do what you say. Anything you dont like is CRINGE and WRONG, but when you do it its okay, because this is your world, we are only living in it.(infighting)

No. 2402411

I dont think she approves of the word cringe nonny be careful

No. 2402610

Hey everybody, know of other good fairly anonymous forum sites? I want to talk about interests without being seen and recognised as a person because maintaining social relationships is draining.

No. 2402628

File: 1739710488944.jpg (40.64 KB, 736x736, nFYN74Xw.jpg)

Help! Should I email my professor and tell him I'm the only one who put in the work for our group project??? I don't want to be a bitch, but I also don't want these people to get credit for work they didn't do. It's due in 5 days.

No. 2402647

This is not a question, yes you should.

This is said with kindness Nona, let people fuck themselves up alone. Not doing the work was a choice and it wasn't yours. You won't get anywhere if you keep trying to keep the peace and not look like "a bitch".

Best of luck and enjoy your A. This is college not preschool.

No. 2402696

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Turkish nonnas, in "about dry grasses" how old is sevim? Is she like 14? Because it says she's in 8th grade if I'm not mistaken. I can't believe I watched a 3-hour movie about a pedophile.

No. 2402706

yup do it. no sense in shielding lazy ungrateful retards, if they didn't do the work they can deal with the consequences.

No. 2402718

Did you talk to them all beforehand to try and get them to help out? If yes, and this lead to no changes, then yes email your professor. If you didn't talk to them already, do it.

No. 2402719

Aside from family influence, what makes someone follow rules to a T vs. rather see them as some kind of suggestion?

No. 2402774

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What do I do if I have a fat face even though I'm slim? Is there anything I can do to lessen the appearance? It makes my side profile look so moon-shaped and jowly. I can only hope it helps me age better.

No. 2402777

You can simply get a haircut that frames your face and wait till you lose the babyfat, strategic blush placement maybe? Please don't touch your face surgically

No. 2402778

What kind of travel mug are you supposed to take in a smoothie? The regular coffee/water ones dont seal properly

No. 2402782

That's the thing, you aren't really supposed to

No. 2402784

Damn… I feel sick if I eat in the morning so I thought taking smoothies to uni would be better

No. 2402795

TikTok would have us believe it’s a high cortisol issue but idk I’m not a doctor. Maybe look into that though to see if there’s any truth to it and if you can do anything to mitigate the effects if so.

No. 2402797

i have the same problem and it only goes away if i lose so much weight im nearing underweight, i just live with it at a normal weight. but yeah its considered a youthful trait at least if you find that a good thing

No. 2402808

Why cant Americans make cute things the same way Japanese people do? When Americans try to make cute things or copy Japanese styles it looks soulless and tacky.

No. 2402833

Because cute things are deemed as childish and feminine here and the Japanese are pedophiles

No. 2402855

The American urge to be obnoxiously meta.

No. 2402865

File: 1739728020180.jpg (1.34 MB, 2496x831, R.jpg)

different cultural norms i suppose

No. 2402870

Why use Capital One as an example when their whole stupid gimmick is being anti-mascot and not use sports mascots (which honestly look worse, ironically)

No. 2402890

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I applied for a job on monday and they took down the job listing from their website at some point this week even though it had a longer deadline originally. I haven't heard anything from them, does it mean they already found someone and closed it because they kept getting applications from people like me?

It's the only job within my profession in the nearby area, I really need it or I'll have to move far away which I can't do… ugh I feel sick

No. 2402903

i didnt know that i just looked up "American mascots"

No. 2402904

Round faces are cute and they age better

No. 2402908

Depends on the person, fat cheeks can also end up slouching more when older which is actually THE worst known sign of aging in the face. It's why people (weebs) always say "Japanese people look 20 until they hit 50 and then they look 80". But again, it really all comes down to genes and how it all sits on your face. And looking young until 50 sounds alright anyway to me.

No. 2402929

No. 2402930

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No. 2402978

This is pretty much true, buccal fat helps you look younger and more cherubic

No. 2402995

i am NOTHING without my cheeks i literally look like an angel when you grab my face in your hands and smoosh them. my jowls one day will be pleasant and sweet looking too.

No. 2403034

it helped me, although i didn’t notice the difference until i stopped temporarily.

No. 2403046

it helped me, although i didn’t notice the difference until i stopped temporarily.

No. 2403097

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Should you size up when buying a winter coat?

No. 2403112

It's better to try clothing on before buying it.

No. 2403116

I ordered Huperzine A, but I haven't started taking it yet. It's supposed to help with concentration

No. 2403120

nta but i'm underweight and it never goes away

No. 2403147

I think winter coats generally run true to size or run large, so you should just get the size that you normally wear.

No. 2403226

Was Ellen Page ever good at acting? Everyone always told me she's a great actress, but whenever I see her in a movie she's always really shit at acting. Everyone lauds her abilities as an actress but I've never been impressed by her. Is this a psyop targeting me specifically?

No. 2403238

I remember everyone saying how great she was in Juno and Hard Candy and I thought she was so bland and boring. Something just seemed off. Best acting I've seen from her was in An American Crime.. but yeah, she's never seemed like a good actress to me. Just small and cute face.

No. 2403245

I thought she did fine in Hard candy and The Tracy Fragments, but I'm not an acting expert idk

No. 2403268

can someone explain nigeltard/nigelfag like whats a damn nigel

No. 2403275

No. We aren't here to spoonfeed you. If you lurked even just a bit you'd have figured it out already.

No. 2403277

File: 1739741572340.webp (55.22 KB, 1200x1001, Nigel_s1.webp)

Nigel Ratburn

No. 2403284

nicest guy who ever lived

No. 2403288

> my Nigel cheated on me
> my Nigel cured my depression ate my pussy cleaned my house trimmed my cats nails and cooked me dinner

No. 2403289

>my Nigel cured my dinner ate my house cleaned my cats nails trimmed my depression and cooked me pussy
What about this?

No. 2403291

File: 1739742128380.jpg (427.42 KB, 1200x1600, 1000032972.jpg)

Serious answer because I feel bad for newfags: there were a few anons here who used to be madly in lust with Nigel Farage (UK politician) years ago, and their antics included holding the admin's doxx hostage in exchange for a special theme (where the cursor would be replaced by a Wilga aircraft carrying a UKIP banner) and the creation of a separate board called /freemarket/ dedicated to him and his politisperging. Yeah. Understandably, it left a bad taste in everybody's mouths, and now anyone who acts like a zealous retard for any cause (especially a political one) gets branded Nigeltard, as a badge of shame. Anons will hate me for spoonfeeding the site lore but I don't believe in gatekeeping. Hope this helps!

No. 2403294

I miss /freemarket/, those were the good times kek. Sucks that Cerbmin took it down.

No. 2403299

thank you nonny
can you tell me if what >>2403284 said is true too? it makes sence to an extend in certain comments..

No. 2403303

Yes. That was the Nigelfag's catchphrase to describe him, because of their love for him and because it's an acronym of his name.

No. 2403307

It was fun at first, but their memes were pretty Facebook boomer-tier. Cerbmin probably took it down because it attracted too many /pol/fags.

No. 2403316

File: 1739742960392.jpg (63.95 KB, 552x685, 1738646378615.jpg)

I was texting my little zoomer brother today and I said "lmao rip". He said I type like I'm from 2015. Do kids these days not say "rip" anymore?

No. 2403318

I'm one of the anons who posted my nudes on there during the Protest so I'm glad it's gone.

No. 2403331

File: 1739743699893.gif (48.58 KB, 640x478, 1000020223.gif)

Is it a "normal" experience to get groped by a fucking stranger at a concert? Does this happen to virtually every woman who goes to concerts at some point?

No. 2403336

Be real, you know Nigelposting is a banned topic there's no way she would have guessed it if >>2403291 didn't graciously spoonfeed. She should really delete her post though before she gets banned. Bring back /freemarket/ though.

No. 2403351

I really miss Forbidden Man posting in /freemarket/ Plz dont report me for bringing Nigel up they're silencing us Nigelfags in /meta/

No. 2403401

People like you should drink rat poison(a-logging)

No. 2403417

from the vent thread but i also have a question and idk is the moid right or wrong? can a person hold their head "downwards"?? i think hes full of shit but maybe im just retarded

"i have white scleral show below my eyes and i went to the eye doc lmao and they made me sit in this chair to take pics and that son of a bitch literally told me "youre looking down you need to look up" and basically put a thingy where i can put my chin on (which leans forward when you rest ur chin there) and then said "uhm u have no scleral show and this moid fgt is my height and im looking him straight in the yes "dont i have scleral show now?" hes like yes you do but youre looking down! and i was like "how am i looking down if im looking you in the eyes" and he said "you have bad posture, your head is looking down" and i just left it at that honestly cuz i cant with fucking moids. anyways this was last tuesday and its still ringing in my fucking head. like how is that possible? i either have a recessed maxilla or something like that. like i barely have any cheeks and im skinny asf.
also any nonnies here have smth like this? i think that retarded moid is full of shit. when i push my chin forward and look into the mirror it looks forced as fuck lol. also shouldnt you tuck the chin? its what i do currently but then i have like 2mm lower scleral show."

No. 2403422

Yes some people's heads are slightly rotated and they look up at you. I have that too.

No. 2403429

Can you capitalize the first letters of the sentences you write? It's hard to read it otherwise.

To answer your question, yes, people can hold their heads in certain positions because of poor posture. Some people will lead with their chin, others their foreheads. It all has to do with posture. Haven't you ever been around a crowd of people and noticed this?

No. 2403439

>"you have bad posture, your head is looking down"
I had bad posture and indeed used to look down. It looks weird when you look straight ahead because you're not used to it, and if you're like I was, your tendons at the back of your neck are too short and you'll have to pull on them to maintain a normal posture for a while. They'll extend naturally with time. It's exactly as they described: your face is rotated downward due to your shoulders being rounded and pushed forward, your spine is also rounded at the top and doesn't make the S shape it should (not talking about scoliosis, which is a different kind of S shaped spine) and your neck is constantly tensed on the back.
Fixing your posture improves breathing and back/neck pain, allows you to stand at your full height and elongates your neck.

No. 2403440

First off thanks for replying so fast nonnies.
>some people's heads are slightly rotated and they look up at you
Yes but then its obvious? Like if i look at someone taller than me maybe. But when i look straight forward.. It doesnt make sense to me? Id notice in the mirror, wouldnt i?
>Some people will lead with their chin, others their foreheads
Okay.. I think I already lead with the chin, not with the forehead (when I look in the mirror). If I want my lower scleral show gone, I need to lift my chin up comically. Like, it looks weird as fuck lmao. It looks like I'm some mentally ill deranged idiot who thinks she's the queen of the world.
Can you give me maybe internet picture examples? Yes ive googled posture stuff and watched tiktoks etc. But i dont believe that im leading with the forehead. I could be wrong tho..

No. 2403446

How about you stop worrying about what you look like? It's much easier than whatever it is you're rambling about.

No. 2403455

Thank you nonny for describing it so thoroughly. Would you say (since im obviously too dumb to grasp it) that i should go see a physiotherapist? It's what i thought of doing.. I mean, he would "correct" my posture and the neck etc. Right?

No. 2403458

I'm not a confident person

No. 2403463

Clearly. Stop whining about it and change it. It's your life.

No. 2403469

File: 1739748038118.jpg (26.76 KB, 612x423, normal head posture amirite.jp…)

Literally this is how i look when i have my scleral show gone and look "up" leading with my chin. It looks stupid asf.

No. 2403473

Maybe if you shoved a possum up your ass it would help? It might give you cavities though be careful(infight bait)

No. 2403474

fuck you stop being rude what the fuck

No. 2403475

I'm willing to bet a lot of money that you don't actually look like this. Your neck is probably a lot more horizontal and your upper spine must be way more rounded.

No. 2403478

Kek wtf? What does dana have to do with anything. She's really gearing up to be the next shay unhinged farmer fans included

No. 2403484

>She's really gearing up to be the next shay unhinged farmer fans included
Definitely. I don't really post in her thread much but I can't wait for her to finally reach Shayna status, I love unhinged angry farmer fandoms.

No. 2403486

Maybe if you got two tattoos on the side of your face? Kind of like sideburns but made of ink. It might take the focus off of your scleratical deformities.

No. 2403487

File: 1739748672527.jpg (28.15 KB, 1100x824, woman-with-rounded-shoulders.j…)

Same anon as >>2403475 The posture on the left may be exaggerated but not how she would have to look "up" with her eyes in order to look forward. Either that or she would have to look up with her whole head.
Are we gonna need a Danatorium?

No. 2403531

I kept waking up every hour when sleeping last night and I’m so exhausted but I can’t fall asleep to nap. I have a lot of stuff to do, should I take my adderall or not? I’m trying to lay off of it but I’m just so tired. It’s currently 4 PM.

No. 2403538

File: 1739750652367.png (63.45 KB, 900x358, 2025-02-17 01_02_52.png)

I pass the palm and thumbs test.. Cant rly do the wall test rn

No. 2403544

I'm convinced this is impossible to fix

No. 2403546

I'd skip it until you've slept and then try to make sure to take it early enough to fully wear off by your bed time.

No. 2403610

Is it uncommon to have huge nipples on small boobs?

No. 2403673

Yeah, definitely. I've never heard of that EVER before. It sounds horrible and really painful, you must be in a lot of pain. You're probably the only woman on Earth that has big areolas. You should get that checked out by medical professionals ASAP. Maybe you could get an areola reduction? Feel better soon.

No. 2403677

not at all and all boobs are normal unless tampered with

No. 2403688

>See stupid question on stupid questions thread
>Get mad that the question is stupid

No. 2403736

If you inferred anger from that post, that's on you. Maybe try to lighten up.

No. 2403809

Is it weird to like romcoms but have zero interest in dating?

No. 2403812

No. 2403815

Well I like zombie movies but I wouldn't want to live through a zombie apocalypse.

No. 2403816

thank you for pointing out my retardation x

No. 2403817

Cheers x

No. 2403967

When Christians talk about "the enemy" in their prayers and songs, who are they referring to exactly?

No. 2403990

File: 1739783163589.jpg (159.43 KB, 753x833, 1000008977.jpg)

what does this translate to?

No. 2403992

Do cats like to sleep on things that have the same color as them for camouflage? I have a black cat and I often find him napping on black clothes I left on my bed, however 99% of my wardrobe is black clothing so maybe he just likes my clothes because they smell like me.

No. 2403993

File: 1739783545598.png (214.32 KB, 1625x435, 765432.png)

They self-camouflage apparently, this lady from reddit was asking the same thing

No. 2403994

File: 1739783600065.jpeg (358.59 KB, 1200x1600, 65DMcDD.jpeg)

samefag and here is this lady's retarded orange cat, who thinks she is brown/tan/yellow

No. 2404002

No. 2404003

Okay that explains a lot and this is a very cute anecdote.

No. 2404009

thank you anon!!

No. 2404010

File: 1739785130362.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x3024, a0e2xzo3fxl31-1868344885.jpg)

kek I learned something new as well, there are lots of good cat camouflage pics on google but my favourite are the orange cats. This one did a little better
>durrr i hide me with me

No. 2404012

File: 1739785419234.jpg (37.74 KB, 615x462, 1000032984.jpg)

I found a black cat doing it too kek

No. 2404014

File: 1739785639686.jpg (35.34 KB, 600x449, bath_mat_cat.jpg)

kekk that's so cute anon, I hate that this is making me want a cat again. My last camo-cat contribution is something I've wanted to see for a very long time, bath mat persian cat

No. 2404050

File: 1739792507605.png (811.67 KB, 1242x1137, 1733844055189.png)

This is a really stupid question. Some context first. I was reading The Bitch Manifesto and the word "through" kept being written as "thru". I was on the radfem sub today and I keep seeing people saying "thru" as well. Is saying "thru" a radfem thing? Or is it just a case of Baader-Meinhof and me only hanging out on lc and radfem spaces?

No. 2404060

Why are there no advertisements or commercials for microwaves?

No. 2404077

>Is saying "thru" a radfem thing?

No. 2404088

how do i teach my cat to not be a fatass? he'll meow at me to bother me until I drop some kibble for him but he really needs to shed some fat for his own good after my mom overfed him

No. 2404089

>Presumably grown woman being bossed around by a small fat animal

No. 2404103

No. 2404104

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>drop the kibbles bitch or ill scratch you(ai outside of containment)

No. 2404128

Anons, if you discovered that you have a gene which makes you more susceptible to getting late onset Alzheimer's disease, and you obviously inherited it from one of your parents, would you let them know for their own sake?

So I recently had one of those dna kit tests and I have one variant of the APOE4. The problem is, I'm not particularly on good terms with either of them (low contact) and they both shit on their own healths. My dad is convinced that doctors just want your money and didn't even want to pay the hospital bills of my brother when he broke his arm. He also did his teeth at the cheapest possible price and they sort of fused together because the doctor used the cheapest possible material. My mother has been having all kinds of aches for decades on a daily basis but refuses to go to a doctor because she doesn't want to find out if she indeed has an illness or not.

No. 2404138

please tell them anyway. let them know just in case

No. 2404144

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This is an absolutely retarded question, so please bear with me. If I masturbate by fingering myself, does that means that I should tell my gynecologist and she should therefore use the awful torture wand machine to check out my insides? Or do I get to keep just getting an eco?
I'm confused, I just know that when you're not a virgin, that you have to get that demonic thing inside you, but I don't know if it's the same if you masturbate via penetration with like a toy or your fingers.

No. 2404145

Definitely inform them. What they do with that information, if anything, is their choice

No. 2404182

i'm confused nonna, what do you mean by torture wand? are you referring to a transvaginal ultrasound? those aren't a typical part of an obgyn exam and are only used for diagnostic purposes. and no, you don't need to tell your gynecologist that you masturbate. digitally penetrating yourself isn't going to expose you to the same health risks as having sex with a man.

No. 2404187

Funny you ask that, I had my first vaginally ultrasound this morning to detect cysts despite still being a virgin, I insisted a bit to get it done since I've been using a menstrual cup and sex toys with no issue, it actually went very well, she was explaining everything she was doing and asking me for permission, it didn't feel like torture at all, just a bit annoying like any invasive medical procedure.

No. 2404188

Exactly, that's the torture wand.
I see, but now I have another question, if you get the ultrasound done once, does that means it becomes part of the routinary examination whenever you go to the gynecologist?
I'm just so anxious about it and while I'm close to my mom and my aunt, I don't really want to tell them that I masturbate because yeah, that would be awkward.

No. 2404193

The anon above said it was not part of a regular exam, I had it done to find cysts. Also why would you tell your relatives that, do you need their help to go see a gynecologist?

No. 2404194

File: 1739803713348.jpg (62.56 KB, 605x918, 1000037440.jpg)

How tf do I stop obsessing about a guy that treated me like shit and psychologically abused me and even threatened to hit me? I don't even know if I want to get revenge, beat him up, key his car or put him in a cage in my basement. I already blocked him everywhere and am getting therapy but I still think about him. What tf do I do?

No. 2404197

it’s some creep jerking off isn’t it

No. 2404211

It's complicated, but yeah, my relatives go to the same gynecologist with me, we pick the same date because it's easier for the three of us to just go the same day.
Like, I only go to the gynecologist once a year and sometimes we skip a year or two because we forget to go. So my mom particularly always gets that ultrasound whenever we go, and she also always gets all of the other exams done.
I'm just clueless because I never thought about it, I've never tried to engage in penetration until recently at my 30 years of age, so it's not like I just knew about these things.
So I guess I'm sorry for sounding like a scrote?

No. 2404216

Find another gynecologist, you don't need to go to the same place as your relatives, especially at your age, you don't even need to give them an explanation, you deserve sexual privacy.

No. 2404228

File: 1739805889638.jpg (58.79 KB, 975x720, 1661585596537.jpg)

Nonnies I have a weird question. While you were growing up was it normal to share panties with your mom? Like whenever your mom did the laundry, she would give you back both her and your panties and take some of your panties for herself?

No. 2404229

if you're not close and they take shit care of their health honestly i wouldn't tell them. if they knew they wouldn't start caring for themselves better and would be stressed for nothing, maybe even indulge more to deal with stress. what are the rates of developing alzheimer's with the gene? if you would be their future caretakers i would start learning about dementia care if it's a high probability, also symptoms.

No. 2404231

No wtf, I'm guessing you must have been pretty old at the time too if you both wore the same size?

No. 2404232

No. That’s really, really weird, nonnie.

No. 2404233

Yes, post-puberty (around 15) till I left home.
But like, what if your mom bought panties in bulk for the whole family which all looked the same? In that case how would the person doing the laundry know whose panties are whose?

No. 2404237

My mom once gave me a giant bag of her old thongs when I was in highschool. It was weird at the time and even weirder now.

No. 2404239

im fuckign dying how based LMFAOO
>here daughter take these old stinky thongs

No. 2404245

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No. 2404248

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No. 2404249

>But like, what if your mom bought panties in bulk for the whole family which all looked the same? In that case how would the person doing the laundry know whose panties are whose?
okay so you're saying that's what happened? because that is significantly less weird then what your first post implied.

No. 2404258

Ayrt, that's not what happened really, I think I am realizing how fucked up this is and am coping. We did have some panties that looked similar but hers were always a size bigger. She also mixed in her lingerie in with my panties often, even though I have never worn lingerie (especially not at 15).

No. 2404303

It's less common now, but I used to see it spelled that way all over. "Drive thru," etc.

No. 2404314

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i asked my coworker out and he said yes but then never texted me or asked me about it. He just said it to be nice, didnt he? i feel like such a sperg now

No. 2404319

solitaire man?

No. 2404325

iunno, it's weird but not necessarily sexual. sounds like she could have just been very lazy and didn't see the big deal if they were cleaned. I can't say I'd be happy about it, but I don't think it's so fucked up that you need to build a trauma around it.

No. 2404331

kek what

No. 2404369

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Is 30rock worth watching? i always find this screenshot hilarious

No. 2404388

Kinda but i really hate this episode since the conclusion is "she has to pedobait because it's her way of protecting herself From creepy moids by giving in by pandering to pedomoids!""

No. 2404441

It's just dumb, I've had to sort the laundry many times because that's what normal people do, and sometimes I would see lingerie and shit because it's shockingly the laundry basket full of dirty clothes of everyone in the house.
And when the laundry is clean, then, if you're not a shitty kid like my brother was, you help sorting the clothes so it's not just your mom sorting the clothes on her own, and you see the lingerie and such.
Like, seeing lingerie as a kid isn't something that should traumatize a normal person, it's just clothes.
If you on the other hand, had seen your mom wearing lingerie or lingerie somewhere and it's in a sexual situation then that's another story.

No. 2404449

30 rock is hilarious as fuck nona highly recommend

No. 2404483

Does Elon musk really have a botched prosthetic dick implant

No. 2404495

look into your heart, you know this to be true

No. 2404659

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Okay I know I'm gonna get banned for "racebait" but I'm gonna come out and ask this question anyway. Spanish people, as in people from Spain, are white, right? As white as any other native European, right? Southern Italians too, right? The Greeks and the Turkish, right? They're geographically white people, right? It's just that, they look more "tan" with bigger noses with darker hair, and seem hairier than people from specific countries like Germany and Sweden. Why do they look like that? Also, if Iranians are geographically Asian, why do they just look like Spanish people? Are middle easterners essentially white even though they're technically in Asia?

No. 2404680

That might explain why he can't make babie without IVF

No. 2404744

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theres no distinct "white" face nona its just a skin color in the end which the human skin evolves to bear and survive in certain climates (passing on those genes is something else), the aryans (ancient iranians) travelled far and wide so ofcourse the same features found in europe are also found there, i cant tell you a exact origin since asia is highly diverse since the people travelled so far and wide for generations, those differences you see are just the human body evolving to suit the climate(human evolution is still going you know?), the middle east is hot so the body evolved into having more hair to protect the skin from burning some areas are cool so the body loses some hair.

No. 2404816

Why do ppl here shit on other women who have BPD? It's not a choice

No. 2404821

Because they act like BPDemons if they dont get treatment and so many of them refuse to grow or change

No. 2404825

But why dehumanize them with terms like demons? They're not scrotes who rape and kill

No. 2404828

They probably are undiagnosed cluster b's themselves (please don't start infighting again)

No. 2404831

Because some anons are in deep denial and would rather resort to internalized misogyny than understanding

No. 2404840

Having a distaste for BPD behavior and making fun of them on a website dedicated to laughing at retards isn't internalized misogyny. Sure, BPDscrotes are 100x worse and they rape and kill (I knew a BPD woman who killed animals on purpose but whatever) but it's not like being female automatically makes you an angel who is free from being criticized.

No. 2404861

Yes but to call every piece of mental behavior you don't like BEE PEE DEE makes it sound like you have unresolved issues yourself and wanna be the most speshul perfect angel in the room yourself…

No. 2404870

BPD is one of the current disliked diagnoses so it evolved into a general insult because it's so well-known. I remember when bipolar used to be used in the same way to refer to women who act annoying and attention-seeking but that fell out of fashion. Mental disorders just easily become insults because they tend to be associated with unlikable behaviors. It's like how when people call others autists/retards it's not usually meant in a literal medical sense where they're checking off symptoms, it's just a shorthand.

No. 2404887

Why do I feel embarrassed when talking about stuff I like, even to people I can trust completely?

No. 2404920

Is this really AI? How can anons and janny tell?

No. 2404924

I can never tell if they actually enjoy stuff like that or it's just the current character they're playing. "Bad guys hurt animals in moo-vies, so I'll do that too!"

No. 2404928

the bunny designs have extra ears, but idk why this is such a big deal as a reaction pic. unless they get too much complaints from tiktokfags or something

No. 2404982

Ohh! Are those bunnies on the cup? Kek, I thought they were octopuses and blurry from the "water". Thanks for helping a retarded anon out

No. 2405067

What's the easiest way to farm paypigs/simps without going the porn route?

No. 2405076

egirl, unironically.
ik you didn't ask but at one point i posted on /soc/ and never posted my face or anything and met some moid whose fetish is spending money or something so i would get money from him. this was over 6 years ago though and i was at my lowest point

No. 2405080

are walking mats a meme? 2 much snow and my local gym is 20 mins DRIVE (i live in farmland). i already walk 30 mins on a treadmill when i go to gym.

No. 2405093

ive considered attention whoreing on 4chan but I feel like most moids on there are brokies and I would never feel comfortable meeting up with one irl
I don't mind virtual stuff but I never want to meet up or have sex with any of these dudes ever, glad it worked out for you and you stayed safe though. maybe I should just start streaming or become some kind of grifter

No. 2405094

What about, Idk, starting a business or earning your own money

No. 2405095

i've never ever met up with one, we didn't even live in the same time zones. idk if i got "lucky" or because in my post i was a real major bitch (got accused of being a tranny multiple times cause of how bitchy i was, kek). i was sent gift cards + paypal to a "business" account i had + kofii and all of that.
you can start streaming and grifting but i hate moids too much to act fake

No. 2405100

What's a decent free image generation AI?

No. 2405106

Can you get tooth gems with veneers? Theyre so tacky but I want them. But my front teeth are veneers/crowns and I've been told they don't stick to non organic teeth and the glue needs a porous surface.

No. 2405108

You’re a minor and need to be watched by your parents or mentally disabled and unable to work a job that prevents these retarded ideas created out of desperation popping in your brain. There’s just no way

No. 2405117

Nta but there is absolutely nothing wrong with using men for money. Hell, they like it.

No. 2405129

Such a retarded libfem attitude. First it's "zomg I'm just attention whoring for moneyyyyy" like let's not act like the majority of similarly aligned women aren't just attention seekers in general who do like the thrill of having some guy get horny over them. A lot of these women put on some pseudo feminist dark triad Stacy cope for their lack of genuine skills and their chronic attention whore pickme nlog ways.

No. 2405130

Yes there is, it's objectively pathetic, sad and makes overall society notably worse when too many women are doing it. I've done it and I think I was pathetic and sad at the time, which is why I don't do it anymore. Even though it would be so much easier than having to do actual work

No. 2405146

If I tapped your head it would echo

No. 2405333

Boring whiney victim mentality.

No. 2405349

How likely is it for a celebrity to win a defamation case against a private citizen, as opposed to something like a publication or fellow lesser public figure?

No. 2405354

Why isn't UK giving Ukraine nuclear weapons? Since they had a contract that they will guarantee Ukraine's independence in exchange for their nuclear disarmament.

No. 2405447

Why can’t old people understand technology? And i mean the new technology of like every generation- not just phones. Why are they always posting dumb shit and falling for AI bullshit and scams? Are they literally just dumb? It seems so obvious that they don’t understand it but the more i think about it the more i need an explanation. I need to see studies on this please

No. 2405448

>start your own business
90% of businesses go under in the first year and there is a massive recession, everyone is broke and regular people aren't spending money anymore. this is as out of touch as pull up your bootstraps boomer advice.

No. 2405450

Sounds like you know better than I do about opening a business that lasts longer than a year. Good luck with the SW anon(bait)

No. 2405453

Probably pretty likely? I mean celebrities are richer and more powerful than regular people right?

No. 2405455

Is anyone else here incapable of doing a lip trill on command? I have done it before on accident (usually while yawning) but it's impossible for me to do it while actually trying

No. 2405475

Keep seeing the worst people ever referencing Severance. Have any of you watched?

No. 2405478

>and there is a massive recession
Why do so many people believe we're in a recession?? We are absolutely not in a recession right now.

No. 2405486

No. There are too many shows like this

No. 2405501

No bc I will not give Apple any more money than i need to

No. 2405505

If you didn't grow up trilling, it will be hard for you. Just get a q-tip and practice in the mirror, your muscles will eventually become accustomed to it.

No. 2405506

No. 2405508

Does Ozempic burn someone's muscle? Like it reduces appetite, makes sense, but doesn't doing that aka starving burn muscle before it burns any fat? Is that way so many ozempic celebrities just look like fat and bones skinny fattypes?

No. 2405516

Yep. You can counteract this by eating a greater amount of protein and doing exercise focusing on muscle growth, but as you can imagine most people do not do this.

No. 2405520

Reminds me of how when I was a teen I wanted to lose weight and contemplated fasting or starving because exercising was boring and tiring but the idea of losing muscle was terrifying. I was already weak carrying groceries out the car and helping my neighbours move furniture, I couldn't afford to be weaker kek

No. 2405526

>fat and bones skinny fattypes?

No. 2405539

I was too lazy to delete but I meant "fat and bones types" or "skinnyfat types", that thing

No. 2405590

Your hypothesis is wrong. Zoomers are not that bright when it comes to technology, can't even use a command line. Most computer savvy people fall somewhere between generation x and millennials. Boomers could at least fix their car, i don't think zoomers are good with anything.

No. 2405645

Yes, young zoomers and gen alpha are fucking hopeless with computers. I’ve seen them have no idea how to attach something to an email on a desktop. Phones and tablets are second nature to them but they struggle entering the workforce with computers

No. 2405664

When I went to college, the other zoomers couldn't even figure out how to turn on the computers kek. Even worse, I was considered the "computer genius" in that class for knowing how to deal with their retarded issues. All of them were older zoomers too, it isn't just the younger ones. They are honestly on the level of pensioners when it comes to anything beyond their phones.

No. 2405681

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What hypothesis. I don’t care about zoomers. Why are old people retarded on the internet all the time. Like i genuinely don’t understand why they don’t understand how it works

No. 2405685

samefag but where did i say zoomers are really tech savvy? I don’t care about that. I just want someone to give me an interesting answer as to why boomers act like picrel online lolol

No. 2405740

Same. I'm a middle zoomer and I had to become the group leader for an assignment in third year because everyone was so technologically illiterate kek. Like they didn't even know how to share something on Google Drive yet alone attach a file to an email.

No. 2405751

Is it regular and legal for my landlord to just like… show up in my back garden sometimes, unannounced? He doesn’t have keys, he uses a ladder or something to climb over the building and get in….

No. 2405754

I don't know where you live, but in my state your landlord has to give 24 hour notice. Look up your tenant rights and address this quickly, he sounds like a danger to you.

No. 2405755

Am I wrong for thinking it’s disrespectful for men to approach women outside of online dating apps?
It throws me off when I’m minding my own business on a fun solo date and some moid views this as a cue to try to talk to me.

No. 2405810

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Has anybody ever actually managed to become confident solely by faking it?

No. 2405811

They call it “manifestation” so i guess so

No. 2405813

I think it's just very annoying if the men are normal about it but I also had men trying to make jokes except they were rude as hell and didn't notice until I told them to fuck off and left more often than not, in that case yes it's disrespectul.

No. 2405821

Its easier than it looks nonna, but its not pure homegrown confidence so you'll still feel anxious on the inside and your social battery will run out a lot faster. I've been faking it my entire adult life and it's definitely beneficial, most people, jobs, etc will like you automatically just by seeming outgoing and confident

No. 2405855

Vent thread would be more up your alley.

No. 2405901

How do I know if a message a moid sends me is made with chatgpt? I tried to vent to a guy I'm dating about something bad that happened to my family and the moids response was "this is a good opportunity for you to control your feelings". I ignored him after that and after a few hours he did respond with a lengthy text message. I suspect that he used an ai to write that because he has the emotional intelligence of a cockroach. Does anyone now a good detector? I want to insert the text he sent me and then block him

No. 2405904

Just google chatGPT detector

No. 2405922

I assume since you asked him out he’d think you’d be making the plans? You’ll see him at work it’s not a big deal. The main issue is why are you bringing that kind of drama into your life, girls please never fuck your coworkers

No. 2405979

I frequently switch words or write them wrong based on sound. It happens every day multiple times a day. I just wrote "tolerands" instead of "tolerance". Recently I also mistook "lipstick" (batom in my language) with "balloon" (balão) and "rice" (arroz) with "sugar" (açucar). I'm not dyslexic and this started happening after my mid 20s. What exactly is happening? Is it common? Should I be worried?

No. 2405981

tell us if he passes kek

No. 2405984

Post it here, I can tell you kek.

No. 2405999

Brains stores words based on sound, meaning, and associations. So your brain is taking shortcuts to get to words that it shouldn't be taking. Normally caused by stress, lack of proper sleep, or a vitamin or nutrient deficiency. Not to alarm you, but it can also be caused by something serious, like the very first symptoms of MS or a brain tumor, but those are so exceedingly rare, that I would recommend starting with a complete multivitamin, getting better sleep, and meditating before I recommended going through the expensive medical tests for tumors and MS.

No. 2406074

Wtf nona, I'm going through the same thing. I find I keep forgetting to add words when I text too and that I forget the meaning of words/simple grammar rules. It could be stress, lack of good sleep and a deficiency in something like >>2405999 said.

No. 2406175

If I wanted to start making music, where should I start?

No. 2406214

I'm not an expert, but I suggest learning music theory even if you have an innate since of music. Because it will make things much easier to put together. Learn time signatures, keys, modes/modals (forgot their name), start with some software where you can experiment with your ideas safely without feeling like you wasted money on an instrument you can't figure out how to play, or start with something "safe" like a piano or keyboard, learn mixing and how to adjust volumes of different tracks/instruments on your track for the feel and atmosphere/genre/sound you're going for, same thing goes for rhythm and timing so you can make sure all your instruments/samples/tracks are in synch. Don't worry about composing and coming with original stuff when you're still learning, just mess around with whatever is available to learn all the basics you need. Then once you get the hang of it, start experimenting and creating and applying what you've learned along the way. The more you work on it, the better you'll get. I think the software that helps with stuff like this is called a DAW. Try something free imo so you don't get frustrated about spending money on something and ending up nowhere, but that's me being a cheapskate. You can also watch tutorials on YouTube, reach out to other musicians and ask for advice, take free courses, etc. Iirc there's a subreddit for learning music theory for free with free lessons. Also learn sheet music, it's hell but useful when you finally get the hang of it. Good luck!

No. 2406281

Anons please respond to me, i was just switched from Wellbutrin from Effexor, I missed my dose for two days and then I started taking it again the past 3 days i have been taking Effexor have been absolute shite. I almost thought i had a regular stomach bug, I called my doctor and told her I wanted to switch back. This is actually ruining my day, i have to quit taking this medicine how do I stop feeling so miserable, been lying down all day, sipping gatorlyte zero and water, i have absolutely no appetite. I feel like people on reddit are retarded because they're like "Erm its been a week I still feel dizzy" like just stop taking it you freaking gavone, i also saw side effects are having trouble with cumming fuck that

No. 2406300

>I suggest learning music theory even if you have an innate since of music.
This is bad advice for someone who's just starting out, it would take the fun out right at the start and kill her motivation.
But the rest is true, just download FLstudio from the usual free sources (rutracker, 1337x, thepiratebay etc), watch and follow a few YouTube tutorials, learn about plugins, get some free ones and just play around and have fun. Once you got a hang of it, you can still learn theory.

No. 2406302

Did they ever find out what happened to those planes that crashed earlier this year?

No. 2406308

Does anyone have any advice for sugar cravings and making them go the fuck away? I literally go through a full bag of my fav candy in a matter of minutes

No. 2406314

Effexor is one of the hardest antidepressants to get off of btw.

No. 2406316

This is stupid questions. I see the stupid, where's the question?

No. 2406318

how does bluesky treat gc/anti-tranny posts? are women allowed to talk about scary things or do they get banned immediately?

No. 2406320

I’ve posted some terf shit on there and i have not been banned, some women i know were insta banned for it. i dont know what they posted. But i’ve never been banned so idk

No. 2406322

NTA and I think it's good advice. At the very least she should look up scales and how to keep time. Yeah she can play around with whatever she wants, that's already a given. But without any understanding of how sound fits together, how is she supposed to make something that sounds good without struggling? You're telling her to put blocks into shaped holes without letting her see or touch either.

No. 2406323

samefag but trannies usually just block you on there if you post anti tranny stuff, i’ve never been harassed or anything

No. 2406332

Chewing gum

No. 2406333

i asked someone for help an hour before work ends. would it have been better to send it tomorrow morning or was it okay to send it now? i just wanted to get it out.

No. 2406334

I've been seeing a lot of anons talk about sugar cravings lately… are you sure you're not just hungry? I never want to eat more than a couple of pieces of my favorite candy after I've just eaten, much less a whole bag.
You might be understimulated, too. You can try doing some light exercise and see if that helps. Make sure you're hydrated as well.

No. 2406336

Just tell them you don't need an answer today and that tomorrow is fine too.

No. 2406365

Dumb food safety question:
I made fried eggs with cheese and kimchi for meal prep but apparently you can’t eat cooked scrambled eggs cold the next day and have to reheat it at 78 degrees Celsius for food safety??
Just wondering if I can safely eat scrambled eggs cold for a packed lunch or if I have to heat up a pan and eat these for breakfast. Which sucks because I had prepped pancakes for my breakfast and now will have to eat cold pancakes for lunch.

No. 2406367

I have… never heard of this. I used to eat cold eggs pretty often. Is there a microwave you can use at work?
Hopefully a professional cook/chef nona can chime in kek

No. 2406373

No microwave unfortunately, just a cooler bag and ice pack. And I got that info off the FDA egg safety webpage.

No. 2406381

Fuck, kek. Well, I'm not dead yet if you want to take a one-time gamble and not do it again. Otherwise, you can eat it with dinner tomorrow.
Fucking salmonella, man.

No. 2406399

is it racist to be bulimic at the chinese buffet

No. 2406405

Only a little bit.

No. 2406412

Not if you're bulimic everywhere else, too!

No. 2406435

Seconding where >>2406334 says you could just be hungry or understimulated, but if you're sure it's a craving, try to identify the source of the craving. We don't crave foods for no reason, our bodies crave the nutrients in those foods. Low blood sugar, for example, will cause sugar cravings, as well as certain hormonal shifts. For a short-term solution, only take a few candies with you at a time, and put the bag somewhere you can't see it (in the pantry, downstairs, etc). "Out of sight, out of mind" sounds like braindead advice, but sometimes creating seemingly miniscule barriers between yourself and a bad habit is the key to breaking it.

No. 2406565

It just made everyone dislike me even more ime kek, precisely because they could tell I was faking

No. 2406573

It works to an extent. I think the best way to become naturally confident is to hon your skills and become good at something. I've noticed a lot of people that lack confidence don't really have any hobbies or skills, they just sort of exist. It's a thin line between confidence and pride though.

No. 2406584

Didn't the ancient Romans throw up so they could eat more?

No. 2406668

Is Rock Lobster rock or goth?

No. 2406685

It's called "Red" Lobster not "Rock" Lobster and it's a casual dining restaurant. It serves seafood. I guess it's more goth than rock but it's really not either.

No. 2406688

it is lobster.

No. 2406826

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Why is jirai even considered a fashion it is literally just random Japanese clothes women with bpd like? It is literally just a Japanese bpd insult/meme

No. 2406856

My question was what can I do to lessen the symptoms of withdrawing

No. 2406867

If someone says "be here by 10" does that mean you could arrive at 10, 10 and 10 seconds, etc. Or does it mean I need to be there before it turns 10? If an assignment says "due by 11:59 pm" does that mean at 11:59 I can still submit?

This is such a stupid fucking question.

No. 2406892

It depends wildly on the situation. If it's a doctors appointment I have at 10, I arrive 10 mins early to check in. If it's a job interview, I'm there at 9:55. If I'm just hanging out with friends, somewhere around 10 is fine. But if someone says 'by 10', it kind of implies that you should be there when the clock turns 10. Also assignment being due at 11:59 just means it has to be due before 12:00, so 11:59 and like 30 seconds should be fine unless your teacher is a massive asshole.

No. 2406907

What exactly do gangs even do?

No. 2406911

Why do I have a layer of sticky dandruff all over my hair. Is this dry scalp or what? It's worse when I put gel on. Is it my dry scalp mixing with the gel? it's not yellow like dandruff and it's only at the root unless I brush my hair. It's so frustrating and embarrassing. I have dry curly hair.

No. 2406914

Sell drugs, sex trafficking, fight other gangs. A moid I was friends with back in middle school ended up getting involved in a gang in high school and died in a shootout over weed… retarded

No. 2406942

Just seems like lolita / schoolgirl adjacent fashion combined with glamorization of self harm which is pretty gross if people glamorizing it aren't self harmers but oh well I've been waiting for another subculture to appropriate it for awhile now

No. 2406943

It's pop rock.

No. 2407003

Do people actually use condoms and dental dams for oral sex? I see it always mentioned when talking about safe sex, but nobody really does that right? I never have personally. I can't imagine it would be fun for either person involved.

No. 2407019

I have only ever heard of prostitutes putting on condoms when performing oral sex.

No. 2407097

This is kind of sad and morbid but when cats and dogs get put down at the vet does the final injection cause them pain? My sister recently had to put her dog down and the first shot they give is a sedative and the second shot is what stops the heart but when the vet did the final injection she swore that her dog winced and now she can't get over it

No. 2407104

It's just a little pinch like a normal shot, nonna. The sedative makes it so they're a lot more relaxed and don't feel anxious about the sensations happening after that. Tell your sister not to worry, her dog was okay.

No. 2407106

Found an unanswered question in the last thread
>What are some techniques you use to combat the specific anxiety where you sometimes believe for no real reason that everyone hates you?
I remind myself that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay.

No. 2407128

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Pic related.

No. 2407140

Geez don't use gel anymore. This sounds nasty and obvioulsy not good for your skin.

No. 2407150

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Has anyone here tried creating a fake AI influencer to get money from stupid moids?

No. 2407151

The market is oversaturated and will become redundant fast. Don't bother.

No. 2407157

Yea there was Lil Miqaela

No. 2407158

guys i am trying to figure out a simple math problem but not sure how to do it

friend and i are paying for 2 nights in a hotel. obviously i would split the cost between us evenly 50/50. but we have another friend who will come to stay 1 night and said she will pay me (/us because i'll give my other friend half) for her stay. how should i be charging her? we are staying for two nights so in total it's 4 days at the hotel, how should i divide up the third friend (who is just staying for one night)'s payment?

No. 2407169

This is literally such a cheapskate move just ask her for like 25 bucks. She's only staying one night kek.

No. 2407172

ok, maybe for you? it's an expensive hotel though. she offered to pay because of that. and i want to split it evenly

No. 2407173

Take the individual cost of one night, divide it by 3 and ask a third of it for the third friend.

No. 2407174

thank you for actually helping, telling someone to pay $25 for a $600 stay is insane

No. 2407176

How much are you paying for each night? Now divide 1 night's stay by 3. There is your answer

No. 2407177

Should I stop eating cashews if they give me a mild burning feeling in my thoat? I don't have any nut allergies, but I hadn't ate cashews for years until a couple of times recently, and both of times that I did, this ended up happening. It doesn't really bother me, but I'm unsure if it could potentially be dangerous.

No. 2407178

You never said how much the cost of the stay was, how was I supposed to know you were staying in a slightly fancier hotel than a Wyndham? Kek. We can't read minds here retard.

No. 2407179

where the fuck do you live because $25 will get you like, one fast food meal here. maybe don't insult people for asking a question because you think it's "cheap"

No. 2407180

I live in a place where if a friend is only spending one night at a hotel you don't make them pay because it's pointless, sorry you're scraping and scrimping by.(infight bait)

No. 2407181

do you feel cool typing this from your parent's rent-free home

No. 2407182

Kek, whatever helps you sleep at night without seething nonnie.

No. 2407183

ppl who brag about having money typically don't have it, i'll be having fun with my friends while you lash out at randoms online i guess

No. 2407186

They only stay there for 2 nights themselves though. You are just being a mean retard for the sake of it. Like why pay the hotel at all if one night doesn't matter? What a stupid argument kek

No. 2407192

I'm not bragging about having money. Newsflash, 300 dollars per person is actually really easy to save up for. Do you live in a dumpster panhandling on the street?
>Why pay the hotel at all if one night doesn't matter
Are you asking why even pay the money to spend those nights at the hotel? Um… because the hotel costs money? 300 dollars is honestly nothing to even worry about. That's like 2 savings from 2 paychecks even if you're a poorfag.

No. 2407193

300 dollars is only covering the cost of the hotel. You have no idea what else they are doing during their stay, so you have no idea what the total cost of their venture is. You have no idea what they’ve spent on travel, food, events, shopping, etc. You have no frame of reference at all.

No. 2407194

you're either trolling or you have no bills or rent/mortgage to pay on your own lmao

No. 2407197

Delusional. And why are you calling their friend a bitch? You’re very unpleasant, I’d rather pay someone 300 dollars than spend an evening with you for free.

No. 2407199

So why exactly is it being cheapskate to pay hundreds of dollars for a friend that stays half as long in the hotel? Like if they stayed there for weeks and the friend wanted to come by for a single day I would get it, but two days and one day is another situation. You sound like an entitled bpd demon that freeloads her friends all the time and needs to justify herself. I would never expect my friends to just give up 2 months of savings out of pure entitlement. If the money matters so little the friend can just buy her own room. She even offered to pay a share.

No. 2407204

Where are you getting 2 months from? Why do you think they are only spending 300?

No. 2407206

600 hotel. Not trip. Nowhere did she talk about her income or how long she saved for. You’re just making up a scenario to awkwardly brag about how easy this fantasy scenario would be for you. Weirdo behavior..

No. 2407208

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No. 2407209

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No. 2407213

What trip? Where is she staying? What is she doing?

No. 2407215

How do I stop becoming weird from social isolation? I feel like I’m developing autism (thinking of working up the courage to get tested).
I work from home full time and don’t talk to anyone on the weekends.

No. 2407216

Couldn’t answer lmao you’re a moron

No. 2407217

OP got her answer, politely thanked us and dipped out smartly leaving you to keep making this all about yourself for absolutely no reason

No. 2407218

why are you derailing the thread this much to brag about not having to pay bills/rent/mortgage like the other adults here? are you okay?(responding to bait)

No. 2407225

> All I'm hearing
Of course you are, because you make up weird scenarios in your head, as demonstrated from all your posts. Fucking weiiiirdo(responding to bait/infighting)

No. 2407228

Stop responding and report the ban evader.

No. 2407229

Where is Cerbmin?

No. 2407237

My mom's a chef and never scolded me for eating eggs the next day like she would for eating blue food dye.

No. 2407279

Is yawning inhaling or exhaling?

No. 2407282


No. 2407283

You can try supplements like gymnema and garcinia combogia

No. 2407303

What are Horseface Stacys and her husbands real names?

No. 2407305

Idk her name but the dude's name is Aaron Taylor Johnson

No. 2407357

The Stacy's name is Sam Taylor Johnson

No. 2407611

How can I induce a period? I’m stressing because I’ve missed my period by two weeks now, after having had a full year of regular periods. I used to be on BC because of PCOS and irregular periods (went on for a whole month just bleeding), but I get tired of the symptoms. One day I just quit and somehow managed to get it back to regular. I really don’t want to go back to taking BC though. And no I’m not pregnant, have never had sex. I’m 31 if it matters

No. 2407641

Ask your gynecologist nona it's best to ask advice so specific from a professional, I hope everything goes well! Dont stress too much about it

No. 2407684

What makes you so sure that her gynecologist isn't browsing lolcow in this very moment?

No. 2407686

Ginger tea

No. 2407778

thanks anon, I’ll see a new gyno, last one was pretty dismissive of all of my concerns for the BC.
gonna make some right now! Thanks

No. 2407788

Parsley tea. Buy fresh parsley (not Italian parsley), take a few sprigs like maybe 3, put em in a mug, and steep them in hot water for about 10-15 minutes then drink. Have like 2 cups a day, maybe 3 but don't over do it. It may take a few days, but for me I felt my usual period cramps starting to creep up by the next day after drinking the tea. You can search more info about it and see what other people say, but I've personally had success with it. I think it took me two-three days tops for my period to show up after I started drinking the tea, and everything was completely normal afterwards. Some women say they get a heavier period with the parsley tea method, but I don't think mine was any different. I ovulated like normal too, it didn't mess up my cycle in any way.

No. 2407792

Good catch, anon!
I'll add on that I tell myself these thoughts aren't helpful, I'm busy, so I'm going to stop thinking these thoughts and think about other things that are helpful to me. Then I move onto another topic and after completely focusing on it for a little bit, my previous annoying thought finally goes away.

No. 2407793

Any kind of citrus juice, more than one cup

No. 2407965

Were the cashews salted? Otherwise I would probably stop eating them. I kinda felt the area between my nose and mouth feel closed when I ate nuts and I guess I’m allergic

No. 2408080

Has anyone else had this problem? I’ve been using natracare pads for years and I had to use the U kotex pads this cycle because I couldn’t find any of my regular brand when I went to a different store, and now after 2 days of using this brand I have a little zit next to my butthole (between my pussy hole and my asshole). Have any of you guys experienced this? I’m kind of pissed about it

No. 2408083

And samefag I am certain this is a zit/pimple and not a bartholins cyst

No. 2408085

that's scary anon. i've eaten cashews all my life and never had such a reaction. sounds like an allergy and it might get worse. don't eat them anymore.

No. 2408292

Red clover tea has made mine start every time. I also have PCOS and red clover tea would even make me start early while I was on the pill. You should talk to a doctor though.

No. 2408509

At least 4 cups of red raspberry leaf tea daily for 3-5 straight days will knock a period out of you, it’s known for causing uterine contractions

No. 2408514

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If I cut a lump under my skin out by myself, and put it in the freezer, do you think I could get a dermatologist office to send it away for testing for me? Or will they only do that for you if you let them do the surgery? I am in the US. Before you ask, my reasons:
>I was quoted $600 for the surgery for a fucking 1x1cm lump. I don't have insurance that will cover it.
>I have watched a lot of surgery videos and just kind of want to try it myself.

No. 2408517

I don’t think they would accept it and then you would botch the area for legitimate testing. You can call and ask the office but they’ll probably tell you no. I would try to get a second opinion. $600 seems crazy. I had to get a little bump removed for testing recently and they basically just used a little punch thing to remove the spot, it took 5 mins.

No. 2408518

No??? Are you insane

No. 2408522

Do you have insurance? Are you sure there's no other offices that would do it for less money? Ask them if they would do it without topical anesthetic, and just take like 4 ibuprofen before you go of they say yes.

No. 2408527

Honestly nonna, even if you cut it out yourself, the testing center would probably quote you $600 to test it. (Not that I think they would test it, but if they were going to, they wouldn't make it cheap).

No. 2408531

This genuinely makes me sad, I wish we had better healthcare

No. 2408591

Why is the website so slow

No. 2408595

Do you know any veterinarians?

No. 2408641

What do farmers think of sheena ringo

No. 2408719

I have only ever listened to love is blind but I really liked it. What else should I try?

No. 2408739

File: 1740020743181.jpeg (96.6 KB, 965x1000, 1663993947505.jpeg)

What are some good sitcoms/comedies you recommend nonnies? my favs are always sunny, trailer park boys, the nanny, parks and rec and aqua teen hunger force

No. 2408992

Is lilith levisis alive

No. 2408998

If you like trailer park boys you should like hardy bucks. Use to be on Netflix but can find the episodes on YouTube. It also started out as webisodes so they're all on YouTube too.

No. 2409010

Archer and Community

No. 2409015

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Is there something like my anime list but for movies and tvshows? i want to track the stuff i watch

No. 2409032

letterboxd. Some people use serializd or whatever it's called for shows but it looks dumb as fuck to me and it doesn't help that a lot of miniseries/show are listed on letterboxd anyways

No. 2409034

My drama list for asian dramas, likewise for anything and everything. Shit UI imo though, but useful listings.

No. 2409260

what the fuck is gap moe. i have never understood this term because it gets overexplained. explain to me what gap moe is in 5 words or less.

No. 2409264

Combination of opposing traits = cute

No. 2409266

It's when there's a contrast within a character that accidentally (or sometimes on purpose) makes him or her way cuter than if the character had just his or her cuter side as the main appeal. One popular example would be these cool, handsome and slightly edgy male adult characters in anime and Japanese video games who are very strong fighters and all the other characters admire them or fear them but they secretly like cute things or sweet desserts because it's associated with kids and girly young women. Like Dante, Gintoki and Gojo being feared warriors and depressed because of their edgy sad backstories but they like strawberry parfaits.

No. 2409310

Is crossing state lines illegal? Everytime I hear about it it sounds like the person who did it committed a felony, you can't do mundane shit like visiting your relatives or go to a con in another state without some kind of permit?

No. 2409312

No. It is illegal to bring drugs or guns across state lines (you may have heard "across state lines" in the context of cannabis, especially if a recreational state borders a prohibited state), and some states have different laws regarding cars that some people may not be aware of (some states are more annoying than others about tinted windows), but simply crossing state lines is not illegal at all.

No. 2409313

Also bringing drugs or guns across state lines is a felony, so if you ever do it make sure they're in the trunk and the trunk is locked.

No. 2409320

So what actually works for PTSD? I have read such conflicting opinions on EMDR and pharmaceuticals in other threads that I get confused kek

No. 2409339

I saw this in the Macon thread because he said he crossed state lines to fuck an old guy, which while gross is not illegal, and I've seen people say it to describe doing stuff that sounded mundane to me.

No. 2409341

KEK yeah that's not illegal, unless Macon was underage at the time. It is kind of weird to go to such great lengths for what was no doubt mediocre sex, though.

No. 2409419

CBT can help you identify trauma triggers and give you options to help deal with them. But ime? Therapy and medicine were a waste of time, the only thing that 'fixed' me was time and distance away from what hurt me. These two things helped though: Taking up a hobby that keeps your hands and head occupied, and grounding. Not like the woowoo "breathe in this special way", but doing things that make you feel connected to your body and surroundings when you start to feel flashbacks. The goal is to get out of your own head and trick your body into doing something that isn't reliving trauma.

No. 2409483

>the only thing that 'fixed' me was time and distance away from what hurt me.
I don't want to reveal too much but what if it's a common everyday tangible irl thing? It's not just hard to avoid, I can't avoid it. I've been avoiding it for a long time, but kind of like someone who has a fear of hospitals has to seek out a doctor eventually, I can't stay away from it forever because it's also something that is essential to me in my current situation. As hard as it may be to believe with the amount of information I can give, I am already in CBT therapy. I still feel like I don't have options towards healing. There's so much conflicting information on PTSD recovery. Do you have any resources I can read up on?

No. 2409580

Why is it important to hide your ip when posting screenshots of your bans? You can't hack or dox someone via IP alone.

No. 2409589

A lot of people overestimate the importance of an IP. Some people just want to be cautious.

No. 2409592

This is a pseudoscience. If you believe that it is real, you need to do a lot more research.

No. 2409603

Is anyone else noticing that so many boys are being born lately? Almost every pregnant lady I know gave birth to a boy last year or is pregnant with a boy kek

No. 2409604

> EMDR, has been increasingly recognized in recent years by the World Health Organization and in treatment guidelines as an effective, evidence-based treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

No. 2409608

EMDR has been working significantly for me, my PTSD used to give me extreme dissociative states and sometimes I’d even have seizures, but I’ve been healthy for the last 2 months after starting EMDR. The thing is you have to go extremely slow. You can’t just jump into the eye movement and trauma recollection part, you’ve gotta talk like normal with your shrink for quite a while before you guys do that stuff.

No. 2409610

Why did steroids become such a thing amongst srab Muslim men that go to western countries?? Is it just part of red pill manosphere shit? The munich car dude was obviously juicing. I know that the Orlando club mass shooter also admitted to steroid use. I’m also thinking of smoke shops vape shops in the US that are almost exclusively run by Arabs and North Africans will also sometimes sell loser pills and supplements.

No. 2409611

Thankfully I don't know any pregnant women.

No. 2409613

What does 'Good sense of humor' even mean?

No. 2409614

>Thinking Google gives scientific fact-based answers
Is this a joke? Lol

No. 2409615

Usually means you can handle taking disrespectful or inapproppriate jokes. Or you're just genuinely good at jokes/making people laugh

No. 2409616

My made up answer: they're insecure about how small and unmasculine they look compared to westerners so they're trying to overcompensate.

No. 2409617

It's code for "you agree with whatever opinion I have that I disguise as a joke" these days.

No. 2409620

I always thought this meant you don’t take jokes personally/kinda let stuff roll off your back and are able to laugh it off easy

No. 2409632

I saw one nonnie on meta who posted their IP. It was linked to a east coast law firm. Always best to play it safe.

No. 2409637

Steroids are popular amongst all men, not just Muslim Arabs. If you go into any gym, at least 1/4th of all men you see are using steroids, and that's a low-ball. Steroids are incredibly easy to procure, and a lot of people unfamiliar with gym culture underestimate how rampant steroid abuse is. Almost every male fitness content creator online is on steroids.

Men that come from cultures that have emphasis on machismo, like cultures from the Arab world, have a bigger push to abuse steroids. They want to be "ideal men," and to them that means "strong, muscular men," so they choose to abuse steroids to that end.

No. 2409638

Based. The more heart failure in coming years the better. Full support!

No. 2409759

If you really wanted to meet an old crush but he's off of social media entirely. I only have an address and potential number. I'm willing to do something autistic, but not terrifying. Advice?

No. 2409761

Reject Satan and love God

No. 2409774

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if i ever got pregnant i'd kill that thing

No. 2409804

I'm choosing to believe you are not a freak and just sad. Find the nearest shopping centers to his address and turn up there occasionally, at the times most normal people with jobs would. You might see him in passing. Then come and report back if successful.
You should also start getting out more and make friends. This will help you come down to earth and be a little more normal about people, even if you are autistic.

No. 2409854

Didn't Jerry Seinfeld do something like this when he dated a 17 year old
Being a doormat

No. 2409871

I'm actually trying to attend church because I'm so bored and lonely lately.
I try. I've been out-going for a while and have had boyfriends etc. I'm tired of it all lately after a series of disappointed and negative experiences.

The last bit of hope I have is this innocent crush from almost 15 years ago. I thought I saw him and I felt alive again, but it wasn't him. rip. So I got curious and looked him up.

I might be willing to become a jogger, just to jog near his house in the morning and night looking kawaii and then accidentally bump into him.

No. 2409903

Maybe I got a sensitive stomach but I ate my cold scrambled eggs and then the next day I had diarrhea 6x and felt nauseous with a migraine. I lost the gamble.
Recook your scrambled eggs, ladies.

No. 2409999

AYRT. Jesus fucking christ I am so sorry. I feel horrible I told you that you could risk it. It has never happened to me, and I swear if it happened even once, I would have told you not to chance it.
Feel better soon, nonna. Wish I could send you some gatorade. Try making some fresh white rice and slowly eating that if you're still sick.

No. 2410285

Would anyone be interested in a TLC moovie night? Just streaming various episodes (or just the YouTube clips) of TLC shows like My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding, I love a Mama's Boy, 90 Day Fiancé, Extreme Cheapskates, etc… just asking because I thought it would be fun, but im not sure how many anons are into TLC shows.

No. 2410289

I know who you are

No. 2410290

Just do it! A lot of anons join in on moovie room stuff if it's scheduled and announced early enough.

No. 2410332

when someone describes themselves as a foodie is it safe to assume that they are fat?

No. 2410333

Nah, I've met plenty of skinny "foodies".

No. 2410334

No it usually means they are upper middle class at least and obsessed with their social media. They may or may not be fat.

No. 2410335

Fat or lack interesting hobbies

No. 2410342

>anons complain about too many ugly men
>others post conventional men instead
>"no that's ugly too!"
Sincerely asking, what do anons want? Nothing posted there is ever good enough kek but they never post what they prefer instead. What would you like to see posted in /g/?

No. 2410360

They just want to infight. See the fags who camp out vent and unpopular opinions just to start shit as well.

No. 2410522

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Is it weird and/or bad to have never had a job at 20?

No. 2410527

honestly? it’s because all men are ugly. i have to refrain from nitpicking because it’s rare that even conventionally attractive men are actually attractive, especially modern celebrities. even though that’s true i have to to stop myself from doing the same because even the only slightly ugly men are like the top 1%. i can’t fault anons for that, it’s not their fault. straight women have to be attracted to something.

at the same time i don’t think it’s harmful. men are treated as attractive for the bare minimum and if it at least encourages women to have standards it’s not so bad, i feel like women act like they only “deserve” so much.

No. 2410596

If you're not a student, yes it's weird. If you are a student, you'll definitely want to focus on getting an internship soon. Graduating with no job experience can make your job search more difficult, but not impossible

No. 2410605

Why do men have such incomprehensible doctor's handwriting level of penmanship? Does writing even slightly legible make them gay or some shit

No. 2410616

Never been forced to apply any amount of consideration into anything in their whole lives

No. 2410617


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2410633

not a moid but I grew up with a computer and find writing tedious. I've noticed penmanship is really important to a lot of women on lc recently. Before that I didn't think anyone really cared

No. 2410638

I grew up with a computer as well, but I don't find writing tedious. It's difficult for me to write quickly and neatly for sped reasons, but it's no great hardship to scribble down notes.

No. 2410642

Idk if it's a gender thing, I have bad handwriting too.

No. 2410650

Yeah I only really write to take notes but they're messy. If I have to slow down and take my time to make it look neat, then it makes more sense to type it out on a computer quickly

No. 2410689

To the nonnas who eat men’s asses. Why would you ever do that?

No. 2410690

I agree with you nonna. It’s just that when you see an attractive scrote he pales when compared to his female counterpart. It’s been months since I’ve seen a man who I deemed beautiful in real life.
Men are just lukewarm at best. But I still like the attractive ones kek, I don’t like uggos.

No. 2410698

Not a man ass eater but why do you feel compelled to shame someone else’s lifestyle if it does not personally affect you?

No. 2410701

Pleeease not another ass eating argument

No. 2410705

If I accidentally skip a birth control pill and it triggers a period, am I still protected as long as I start the next pack on time or is there a risk of getting pregnant

Also what happens if I take the pill at a different time of the day every day (my sleep schedule is fucked due to my job which rotates me between day and night shift randomly throughout the week)

No. 2410804

No one on lolcow does this shit

No. 2410826

when you accidentally skipped a pill did you just not take it at all? if so, next time take the pill as soon as you realized you've skipped it and it shouldn't be a problem as long as it's within 24 hours. if you didn't take the pill at all then until you start your next pack i would suggest using a back-up method just in case. the pill works most effectively if you take it around the same time each day. it's not advisable to take it at wildly different times, like in the morning on one day and at night the next.

No. 2410848

how do you deal with underboob sweat?

No. 2410852

I know some women put antiperspirant under there, but you need to make sure it fully dries or else you can sweat it off before it sets.

No. 2410903

Why are there so few consistent artcows despite artists being so spergy?

No. 2410970

NTA but what time frame is best? I usually do within a time frame of 3h (5-8 pm). Latest I’ve had my pill was midnight.

No. 2410972

They practice DFE and jump usernames. Hard to keep track, but if you want a fun horrorcow, try Purple Kecleon/Glitchpuppet.

No. 2410978

Ntayrt but as long as it's taken around the same time everyday, it doesn't matter. Some take it in the mornings, some at night, the consistency is more important than the exact time.

No. 2410979

A lot of them are very samey, too. You tend to get a few "archetypes" of artcows who don't break the mold much individually.

No. 2410982

What are the common artcow archetypes?

No. 2411006

it's most effective if you stay within a three hour window each day but the more consistent you are with the time the better it's gonna protect you

No. 2411011

Why is orange considered such a fashion crime?

No. 2411060

>she didn't see the mega ass eating shitstorm that got so bad it had to be contained in a /shay/ thread and resulted in nude selfposts
oh innocent nona..

No. 2411073

Am retarded, what is the "difference between a NEET and a hikki" that anons are talking about in the other thread? I thought a NEET was a NEET is a NEET.

No. 2411088

i think the difference is that hikki is a japanese word used mostly among japs or weaboos and hikkis are more than just jobless people, they are typically dirty and unhygienic too. Meanwhile all a neet is a jobless person, a neet can be dirty too but they don't have too meanwhile a hikki is almost always a dirty slob with a cockroach infested bathroom sized apartment.

No. 2411097

A NEET is jobless and not in school. A hikki is a shut in or a hermit.

No. 2411101

NEET = Not in education, employment, or training. Hikki = doesn't leave the house, almost complete social isolation. Not every NEET is a hikki and not every hikki is a NEET. A hikki can be a NEET, and a NEET can be a hikki, but they're not synonyms or anything.

So, for example, if there's a disabled person and they draw disability benefits because they're unable to work and they don't go to school, then they'd be a NEET. That disabled person can still go to church every Sunday, attend social clubs, go out with friends, etc., so they wouldn't be a hikki. On the flip side, a hikki could have a work-from-home job and take online university courses, so they wouldn't be a NEET.

No. 2411114

I just want to understand what compels a woman to do something like that.
> why do you feel compelled to shame someone else’s lifestyle if it does not personally affect you?
This is exactly what an ass eater would say though kek. No shame here nonna.

No. 2411117

ntayrt but because some women like different things than other women. there are about 4.1 billion women on earth. so that's 4.1 different opinions and personalities and lives.
>This is exactly what an ass eater would say though kek
no this is exactly what someone who is tired of repeating the same infights would say.

No. 2411118

this was satire right

No. 2411122

obviously it was a joke. follow the chain of replies.

No. 2411125

yeah thats why i felt the need to ask cause i read so many replies saying “my friend got pregnant from ___”

No. 2411126

yeah they were taking the piss out of the op.

No. 2411134

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I think most women just feel pity right? Ass-eating women always resemble picrel imo. The same lost/haunted look in the eyes

No. 2411147

Idk but I got dumped by this guy for another woman and I was devastated, my brother and he had a mutual friend and my brother basically said to me “he dumped you because you won’t stick your tongue in his ass like she will” and I got over it in an instant.

No. 2411152

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Uh, why are we talking about ass eaters like anyone on this site does that?

No. 2411157

you just had to be there
(the fight originally started in shayna's /snow/ thread as usual. someone posted their own puss at some point)

No. 2411159

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There are anons who keep getting addicted to moid fecal bacteria and trying to create a weird subculture out of it here

No. 2411164

>Shay thread
Ah, that's why. No thank you.
I don't get the appeal of sex worker cows and I always felt like those were just open honeypots for scrotes to collect humiliation materials and nitpick female bodies that they have no chances with.

No. 2411178

Anons in those threads are usually ex sex workers or camegirls themselves

No. 2411212

How do you apply seasoning on fish properly? This spoon keeps flaking and crumbling my fish

No. 2411220

Anons I'm so anxious right now. I do art commissions online but I don't actually have a registered company in my state. When I started it was fine to make small earnings, but the rule changed a few years ago (I didn't know) and now the "intention" of earning money is enough to make what I do illegal (I should therefore open up a business, but I don't have enough money for it and my strict family would never allow it, and I'm alone I don't know what the fuck to do). Thing is I continued to take commissions. I'm praying the state isn't going to fuck me up, but I'm also pissed because art commissions were my only earnings. How do they even know if the money comes from selling something?? Does every other artist I know operate this way since the majority also doesn't have a business? I'm fucking hyperventilating, I only wanted some money for emergency bills and the thought of them being wiped out is making me want to puke.

No. 2411256

Why are you scared kek? The most that will happen is you'll have to pay some extra money when you file your taxes. You're not gonna go to prison. Just look up tax laws in your state or contact a tax representative for more info.

No. 2411274

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Is this an unhealthy dinner

No. 2411276

No. 2411290

I.. I don't file taxes, I don't have a job so by law I don't have to (because the earnings aren't much, less than $2000 yearly) but I was required to get a business license because drawing a couple of things for like 3 days a month counts as me wanting to earn money like a business, that's the issue. I know I'm not going to jail but they're going to fine me and I don't have a lot of money.

No. 2411298

It’s not exceptionally healthy and nutritious but it’s not unhealthy.

No. 2411302

kek what state are you in ill look it up for you right now since youre too lazy to

No. 2411321

>Shadman wannabe
>Tumblr artist
>Generic coomer
>"My trans experience"/"what if X character was trans"
>Simplified quirky comic artist
These are the "types" of artists who are most likely to be cows imo and a lot of them are pretty copy-paste. Not all of them though ofc

No. 2411379

I've already looked, I'm not in the US though. That's how it works, if I sell art online for more than like 3 times a year (which I did since I didn't know about this ridiculous rule) I'm required to open up a business, but just opening up a business costs me about 3k, and I earn less than 2k. However I don't have to file taxes if I'm below 2k and I'm unemployed, but I'm still in the wrong for selling things online without a business license. Hopefully the state won't go after someone earning about 100 a month, but still I can never know. For now I feel like it's best to stop doing it.

No. 2411403

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do they screen the letters sent to prison inmates? would they reject your letter if, for example, you told a murderer youre glad theyre in prison, or if you insulted them?

No. 2411405

As long as you don't send a nail file, you're good. Don't include a return address either.

No. 2411406

Yes, they check and read letters before they give them to the inmates

No. 2411439

it makes sense why they would, but are they gonna stop me from being mean and nasty? i know you can send love letters to lowlifes in prison, so i think you should be able to send hate mail

No. 2411493

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I never browse /shay/ because she grosses me out but that thread is hilarious, love you nonnies

No. 2411696

everytime someone says im a ""particular/unique"" beauty im not sure if its a compliment or not should I be offended. im usually not i know I have some unconventional features but what am I supposed to think

No. 2411702

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nikki blonsky just posted a song and on her spotify it has this random ai looking photo as the header??? wtf is this

No. 2411706

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No. 2411988

Is the ideal pp size thread on /g/ full of gay men or what

No. 2412001

Is it mean/racist of me to want to avoid talking to someone due to language barrier?
I realise people can only get better at a language by speaking it, but it feels pretty pointless speaking to someone when I don't understand most of what they say and I feel I'm not being understood either. Most of my friendship group seem to enjoy talking to this person but I can't help but feel like it's pointless and I don't like doing it.

No. 2412002

No, this is completely reasonable.

No. 2412006

What's wrong with enjoying nice big penises?

No. 2412009

Does anyone else like to always use their notes app for typing out longer replies to posts/messages/emails rather than doing it on the website/app itself? I do this for pretty much everything longer than a few sentences.

No. 2412016

Is it possible to lose 10kg in 3 weeks?

No. 2412018

Yeah. The risk of skin sagging is way higher though, so I wouldn't recommend unless you're down to look like a deflated balloon.

No. 2412028

If you are fat enough to be featured on My 600 lb, yes.

No. 2412034

Or insane enough to water fast for 21 days.

No. 2412178

Not 10kg of actual fat

No. 2412228

Is fasting for anachans or are there health benefits for it?

No. 2412229

Intermittent fasting is supposed to be healthy. I doubt going longer without food is helpful except for religious reasons.

No. 2412277

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I don’t know what other thread to put this in. This will be a kind of off my chest thing but I need advice or comfort or whatever.

But anons, I am 28. Suffered an abundance of mental health issues since I was 17. Never really had close friends since leaving school due to being ill. Been in education for years as I was terrified of getting a job. Was a NEET for a year or two because I couldn’t find a job. Have a MA degree, but couldn’t find job due to no experience. The last seven months I have been working for a luxury retail brand which I terrified me in the beginning and almost caused me to start SH again. However. Now I am working the rest of my notice as I have finally got a job, a career. Although I can’t help these itching thoughts of the fact how pathetic I still feel. I live at home with my parents still. I don’t have a friend who I can go out with irl (I commute to work 1hr 30mins in big city) and two close friends live far away and I would be scared to meet irl anyway. My biggest worry is the fact I have never had a boyfriend before. Meaning I am inexperienced, actually no experience in everything that comes with that. I feel pathetic and lost. I remember at high school some girls would say I was gay to embarrass me. Which at that time being gay was an insult I guess. I want a bf but I am so scared about the process.

Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I just needed to throw up all of this somewhere outside of just talking with my mum. Been crying a lot this morning. Sorry also for Reddit spacing I hate blocks of text

Oh yeah my question is. Are any nonnies in a similar situation?

No. 2412284

Oh my god nona yes I've always done this. Always. I feel so seen. I have 800+ notes in my notes app because of this habit, and also 500+ text files on my computer from before I got a smartphone. And it's not always things I intend to post or use as a reply or something, sometimes it's just musings that I type out as if I was gonna post them somewhere.

No. 2412300

Yea it’s good for metabolism, inflammation, energy. Even Hippocrates prescribed it. Just don’t be retarded about it obviously.

No. 2412307

it depends, sometimes fasting is even worse for your health, from slight experience with fasting. Although i did alternate day and 72hour fasts so that's different from intermittent fasting, i think intermittent fasting is okay…but still doesn't matter if you are eating alot of calories. Doesn't matter if you fast 10 hours if your meal is high calorie.

No. 2412309

Why do men like hypersized boobs and ass on their women? Is that even remotely attractive?

No. 2412321

Signals fertility also men are very black and white and love extremes

No. 2412325

Within reason yeah. Don’t do it when you’re on your period, though.

No. 2412326

When people talk about getting the shits after eating certain stuff, like fast food, kebabs, greasy food in general, etc. it sounds alien to me because that never happens to me. There's never been anything that's messed my stomach up like that. I also don't get gassy from beans or broccoli or cauliflower. And also, I have eaten food that's been sitting out at room temperature for several hours on multiple occasions without issues. Do I have some kind of super stomach or what?

No. 2412332

I was in my home country for two weeks and for some reason got the runs from all the food I ate. Must be thanks to the spice kek.

No. 2412362

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Is it worth it to get a color analysis to figure out what colors I should wear for my skin tone? And have any nonnies tried doing it on their own with book/online resources and found it to work?

No. 2412371

I thought it was books thread pic from the front page

No. 2412374

Bi anons, are womens bodies really that much softer than mens?

No. 2412375

sorry i don't save any good pics for lc

No. 2412377

Please stop eating food that’s been left out for two+ hours. I thought I was like you until I got food poisoning and landed in the hospital with cardiac issues because of it. Having a strong stomach for diverse foods is one thing but your stomach isn’t immune to bacteria, you’ve just been lucky so far.

No. 2412378

Aww the brothers karanyazov

No. 2412383

Softer and colder

No. 2412386

There are multiple cows from Fredericton? It feels so weird for so many people to be watching cows in my city. Is there a reason we have multiple Fredericton cows or is it just a coincidence

No. 2412392

Other than smelling weird, are there any downsides to eating garlic daily? I just love it so much.. I bought it in bulk and I want to use it up before it gets too old

No. 2412396

Do moids consider it cheating if I am obsessed with a 2D husbando while dating them?

No. 2412402

What's something a therapist can do that I can't do on my own if I'm a person who's very honest to herself?

No. 2412404

give you another perspective

No. 2412405

We have two AFAIK. Fredericton is a cracked out town full of losers, so it makes sense why we have more than one cow living there.

No. 2412406

Give you an alternate way to interpret the truth. Give you alternative coping method suggestions. Give you questions to consider asking yourself that might not have crossed your mind. Generally, it's about shifting your perspective moreso than whether or not you lie to yourself. In my experience, anyway.

No. 2412421

Yes anon deep down I know every time I do it I'm tempting fate but it's something so normalized in my house that I'm way too chill about it. But what happened to you sounds scary, I'll keep it in mind.

No. 2412434

If I’ve experienced hallucinations my whole life, does that automatically indicate some sort of illness, like psychosis or schizophrenia? Or could I be healthy just with a quirk

No. 2412435

You probably don't understand what a hallucination is.

No. 2412437

My fully healed lobe piercing got hurt idk when. Today I was showering and decided to take off the earing to clean it with soap.
The thing is, I've noticed a dense ball inside my lobe.
And while trying to reinsert the jewelry, I had to reopen the hole and suddlendy didn't feel it anymore (the ball, wich was probably a keloid)

My stupid question is if I'm going to die from ear infection or something, thanks

No. 2412438

Um… in my case seeing things that aren’t there…? Lol….

No. 2412462

Like what?

No. 2412463


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2412534

I removed my nipple piercings once and when I tried to put them back on in the evening the holes had already started to heal, I managed to put them back on with needles, lube and improvised stretching tools, it was messy and a bit bloody but fortunately I didn't get an infection, you'll probably be fine.

No. 2412538

Thank you nonna!

No. 2412545

Yeah she is 14 years old

No. 2412562

How do i unplackpill myself and turn myself into a normie pickme woman? No matter where i go, no matter where i look, in every book, every conversation, every statement, any group, any industry, any ideology, any belief is ALWAYS infected with misogyny. The thought that these are the people i have to interact with, are available to be my friends and work for and offer services to makes me wanna unironically kill myself. What is the point? What is the point of anything if i'm seen as subhuman? As less than a dog?
>just decenter moids and focus on becoming friends with other women!
Women don't care that scrotes act the way they do, they even like it and support it. There is endless evidence of who scrotes really are, it could it them in the face and they still wouldn't be able to collectively agree on a simple statement like "men are dangerous", they still would regurgitate "b-but equality between the sexes! two wrongs don't make a right!" But then do the exact opposite and scrutinize women for the smallest thing while uplifting moids for not being a wife-beater and think he's soo funny for acting like a porn-addict instead. The only way to survive life as woman is either becoming NEET or becoming a pickme if you want to interact with society.

No. 2412602

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