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No. 2394510
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2374760Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
>>>/ot/2361589 No. 2394628
File: 1739332121499.png (911 B, 1063x121, my ass.png)

Don't think this would fit in any of the /g/ threads, so I'm asking here. I have darker skin across my entire genital area, but it's particularly bad on my inner butt cheeks. It's so dark it's basically black, and I feel like it makes me look dirty. What's the best, crotch-safe way to remove hyperpigmentation in that area?
before anyone tries to discourage me and tell me it's not a big deal, picrel is what I colorpicked from a photo of my inner ass
No. 2394678
>>2394655Go put black paint in between your ass, and you tell me if you would like it.
>>2394648Thank you anon! Is it true that hydroquinone causes cancer?
>>2394675Thank you so much anon. I use kojic acid soap for my face but I wasn't sure if it would be as effective on the genital area. I'll try it on my butt.
>>2394677It's not my asshole anon, it's my entire inner cheeks. I can see it just by lifting my legs up.
No. 2394684
>>2394678>Go put black paint in between your ass, and you tell me if you would like it.Except it's not black paint. It's just the colour of your skin. It's not foreign to your body it's how your body is naturally. It's weird to be so anal
get it about the colour of your skin.
No. 2394992
>>2394913if you want my honest opinion and it's a foundation : dont use foundation at all its garbage, its ruining your skin long term and probably doesnt even look that good ; use skincare
if it's a concealer : dont use a big amount youll prolly be fine
No. 2395008
>>2394986[i don't think so] but i do think they got punished for it like when they were on their periods they would be forced to go in some cramped badly made hut where they could easily get sick.
The reason why i say this is because this has been reported in some tribes like the tribes in Nepal for example who are still doing this in the 21st century.
No. 2395035
>>2394761If you’re a foreigner and stay in the major cities, especially in expat enclaves, you’ll be fine (as long as you behave yourself, the CCP is watching).
The standard of living outside of the nicer parts of the cities is still really behind what a westerner would be used to. Countryside poverty, poor infrastructure, stuff like that. As a woman (foreigner privilege) I still felt fairly safe there, but I didn’t do any stupid shit like put myself in vulnerable positions or say/post anything the CCP didn’t like
No. 2395045
>>2394992My skin is already dull and shit tbh, its look more youthful and atttactive overall when i put foundation on. I already have a basic skincare ruitine, but my face is very hyperpigmented and i cant leave house without at least covering my face. Its powder foundation but im still worried im gonna hurt myself bc of it lol
No. 2395102
>>2395045Flormar has been around since the 2000s girl what
>>2394992Some of us have rosacea, and “skincare” is the same slop just less tinted
No. 2395343
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What does "bitch eating crackers phenomenon" mean?
No. 2395350
>>2395343IIRC it's when you're so angry and seethey at another person that you get mad at every thing they do, even if it's nonoffensive.
"Look at that bitch eating crackers! Sitting there, getting crumbs on the napkin just to EAT!".
No. 2395517
>>2395514thank you
nonny, it makes sense now
No. 2395802
>>2395669kek'd at your spoiler
she kept it private. she was annoying especially her awful cosplays, but i feel so bad for her over losing him. i assumed it was an accidental OD or could have been a suicide. i know she's openly said she's had issues in the past with drugs, i specifically remember cocaine. if he had a history of doing coke too it could have been a natural death because cocaine use over time can give you heart problems.
No. 2395869
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This character would be an example of a Tumblr Sexyman right?
No. 2395909
>>2394986I wasn't around for it, so I wouldn't know how they felt about it. What I do know is the circumstances surrounding it.
Early women would have reached menarche much later than 21st century women. 20-25 would be the average age. This is because many early humans had inadequate food supply, so many were malnourished. For this same reason, early women would have had very irregular menstrual cycles, in the same way that someone with very poor eating habits today would induce irregular periods. They would most likely menstruate 6-7 times a year, some less, some more, depending on their geographic location and their tribes' ability to gather food. Most early women would have lived in tribes of around 20-30 persons, and there would be some women in their 60s or 70s that were familiar with menstruation, so it would be unlikely that early women would fear death from menstruation. Though, there might have been some panic at menarche in the same way that 21st century girls with very little sex education might freak out when they reach menarche. At that point in time, there was no taboo surrounding menstruation because most humans had not linked menstruation with pregnancy yet. It was only much later when menstruation was linked to pregnancy, after pregnancy had been linked to sex, that cultural taboos surrounding menstruation began to take root.
No. 2395934
>>2394986As animals, we got periods before we were human, so it would have been normal to the first humans. But I imagine it didn't happen all at once, that our ancestor's secretions would have gotten thicker and thicker, not just one day a baby monkey started bleeding.
I will note that some girls are never told of it before they get one, and they often think they are dying.
No. 2395970
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>>2395959Depends on who it is
No. 2396387
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>>2396378Chloe Ting + cheap under desk treadmill
No. 2396395
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Why do pretty girls shop themselves into hideous AI monsters? as an ugly woman i dont get it, why do this.
No. 2396486
File: 1739417823145.gif (4.96 MB, 490x476, john travolta confused.gif)

Is it possible to know if you are attractive or not? i am tempted to post myself in one of those ''rate me'' subreddits. I have been told i am pretty three times in my life, and i get moid attention quite fairly, but i also have acne and wear glasses.
No. 2396493
>>2396486I swear this question was asked a dozen times in previous threads kek, but you basically answered it yourself, you're already told you're pretty. True uggos don't get complimented and are straight up told they're ugly
t. actually ugly
No. 2396560
>>2396486I posted myself to one of those and wasn't extremely scrutinized for my overall face but I still feel like shit about myself because BDD. I wouldn't recommend it, they will find something to nitpick and you will get perverts and people going HURRR DURR UGGO. They hardcore hated my makeup skills which admittedly aren't good but aren't the worst either. I would've liked to have seen some of those retards do a better job, especially the men.
TL;DR it's a mistake, don't do it, you're probably less ugly than you think
No. 2396578
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>>2396486Samefag. I decided everyone was right and I wouldn't post my face on Reddit. Hopefully posting it here is fine. Anons, am I attractive or not? Sorry the picture is bad quality, I had to zoom in a lot because I there were differen't members of my polycule in the photo that didn't consent to being posted online.
No. 2396589
>>2396578>no results with reverse image searchdamn.
nona, not only is facerevealing against the rules, but for the sake of your own good: please delete this while you still have time and while it’s still relatively early into the evening before the redditfags and scrotes come crawling in
No. 2396601
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>>2396599Yes great troll, we get it
No. 2396616
>>2396599You are unreasonable it was probably summer and blazing hot outside.
Nona is really pretty
No. 2396637
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Why do you think the early 2000s and 2010s are perceived to have been more jovial times?
No. 2396642
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>>2396608>>2396616TY I think this is a better pick, what do U think??
(bait) No. 2396655
>>2396578>>2396642Please lose weight
nonnie, you have so much potential. And stop being a whore nobody wants to look at your uneven boobs.
No. 2396665
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>>2396657samefag and the lips. It's fucked up that you guys believe she would have a weird alien face and man hands plus asymmetrical boobs
No. 2396666
>>2396642ok assuming that you’re being honest and the person typing this is the lady in picrel; please, stop. it seems like you’re maybe new to LC, and it is an anonymous imageboard.
>>2396661nta but even a non anachan can admit she could only benefit from shedding a couple pounds keek
No. 2396694
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>>2396690Nonas ITT trying to piece together the identity of one of /pt/'s most prolific cows
No. 2396710
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>>2396703You're just jealous desu
No. 2396765
>>2396754>>2396756You can just admit that you didn't know who she was and that it was newfaggotry. You don't have to try and give a bunch of excuses. Luna is an OG cow that has been milked for nearly 10 years now. Not knowing her is just as cringe as not knowing PT or Venus.
>>2396742Because now most anons are here for fandom drama or to talk about boys. They aren't interested in cows.
No. 2396766
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>>2396749i am sorry the only tuna i recognize is picrel
No. 2396783
>>2396781NTAYRT, but it’s just the truth. I’m sure you’ll learn to survive
nonny lmfao
No. 2396784
>>2396782If you think knowing who Luna is requires research that's something else.
nonny thanks
nonny I'll survive
nonny(infighting) No. 2396793
>>2396778It's not "every single cow" though. Luna is a /pt/ cow that's been around for a long time. Her thread has consistently been one of the most active in /pt/ since it was moved there. It's hard to miss her. It's like not knowing Shoe; yeah she may not be the biggest cow currently but if you've been here for a while you would know her.
Anyway, it's not a problem to not know her. It's just weird to get mad when anons point out that it does make you look like a newfag. Believe it or not, the off topic boards weren't really a "main" part of the site up until a few years ago so most anons at least started off in the cow boards.
No. 2396804
>>2396799Ntayrt but it just sounds like you're mad that anons called you out for acting like Luna is some esoteric topic and not one of the most well known and oldest cows on this entire site.
>>2396803Keep on coping kek
No. 2396812
>>2396806>Wow how could there be anons who don’t give a shit about my favorite cow? Maybe spend some time away from the computer for a while anon
>>2396808NTA but a newfag is someone who’s new to lolcow, not lurking a specific thread doesn’t erase your years of using the site kek
No. 2396820
>>2396812KEKKK she's not my favourite cow dumbass but I actually use other boards besides /ot/
>>2396814KEK now we got them trying to turn it around and make it seem like the OP is the retard and not them, classic /ot/fag behavior
No. 2396824
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Why do you have to be like this? Are we truly the bottom of the barrel that this is how we spend our time? God save us all
No. 2396830
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>>2396824Not true anon, these are your best days
No. 2396840
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>>2396830Why won't they stop nona? Don't they see how pointless it all is? Everyone on all sides of this looks really dumb
No. 2396841
>>2396833i’m not sure why you’re being nasty and trying to infight
>>2396835so you just expect people to remember every single image we see on the front page right
>>2396837yeah but, once again, for the 5th time, not everyone here posts in /pt/ cause not all of the users here care about those cows
No. 2396851
>>2396835Nta but I almost never visit the front page and just go back and forth from ot/g/snow/
>>2396837She looks really different in all of her pics so far
>>2396839That was me and I legitimately do not look at or read certain threads until picrel interests me or certain words interest me, like a toddler. I probably did see a previous thread but forgot about it bc it is dumb
No. 2396858
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>>2396857Finally some peace and quiet.
No. 2396860
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>>2396845but you’re getting upset and angry, claiming that anons who don’t keep up with old cows must be “using lolcow like a discord server” when that sounds more like a projection based off your desire to turn this into an argument and not a coherent discussion, i’m not understanding why not using /pt/, in your brain, means “oh you think this website is a chatroom”? do you think not lurking old cow threads means you aren’t capable of posting in other boards and threads within the rules?
>>2396848but you don’t see the exact same person posted on the front page every single day though?
>>2396850ntayrt but users are starting to care less and less about cows. the last hellweek stats we received proved that /ot/, /snow/, and /m/ are the most frequented boards by users and that’s with /ot/ having like an overwhelming 50% of the posts made. end this was in 2024, i can’t imagine what the hellmas stats look like.
No. 2396863
>>2396841>so you just expect people to remember every single image we see on the front page rightNTA but this exposes you as someone who never backreads and only sticks to a handful of threads, that photo has posted in /m/ and /ot/ several times.
>not everyone here posts in /pt/ cause not all of the users here care about those cowsSo what cows are you interested in because /pt/ cows are interesting just based off site history. You don't need to be an oldfag to be curious.
No. 2396873
>>2396865i know /snow/ is about cows but…5,000 posts compared to 14,200 is just laughable. don’t get me started on only 679 /pt/ posts in a week
>>2396866>>2396868its called a
joke anon..
No. 2396888
>>2396885It's hard to say. The farmhands went back to their 12 hour breaks recently, so infights take forever to stop or clean up.
>>2396886Ah yes, here comes the Queen of Humor. Let's all bow down and pay our respects. She is the be all and end all of anything funny.
No. 2396892
>>2396875i know i wasn’t saying the posts are like special or anything i was just saying the userbase has obviously migrated in a direction away from cows
>>2396887greg has been a cow for longer than tuna…
No. 2396898
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>>2396891Are you underage or a redditor? I tip my hat at you, have my updoot.
No. 2396908
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>>2396903Can I borrow this? It looks interesting
No. 2396910
>>2396908Why do you know about this book…
No. 2396913
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>>2396909I found this one under your bed and cleaned off most of the cake, yw
No. 2396917
>>2396902Says the person who uttered, and I quote
>your humor is on par with any writer from Family GuyOnly a child or a millenial man (not you, you may have been influenced by one) would think that is a funny gotcha. I wasn't trying to be funny, I was trying to hurt your feelings which I clearly did, kek.
>>2396906IBS, lactose intolerance, scurvy, othet gastrointestinal problems. Could also be period induced bloating.
No. 2396933
>>2396931Nonnie please
nonny don't say that
nonnie because
nonny it's not nice to
nonny because
nonnie is our
nonny not our enemy!
No. 2396936
>>2396933ntayrt but why are you sperging so hard everytime an anon says
nonny. do you prefer nona? kek
No. 2396943
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>>2396940I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you
No. 2396969
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>>2396967>>2396965It's a whole collection, anything could happen
No. 2396972
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>>2396968You could test it yourself
No. 2396973
>>2396968Well duh. Water has a bunch of minerals they're just so tiny that you can't see or taste them.
>>2396970No dumbass. He has to get her pregnant because she is the thing that turns him into a werewolf but he's only a werewolf if she's pregnant by him because of the full moon powers.
No. 2397362
>>2397313It's either an abuser like
>>2397345 said, or one of those creepy scrotes who fetishizes anachans.
No. 2397406
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Do autistic women and men have the same type of special interests? I know it depends on the person, but I wonder if there's a pattern.
No. 2397480
>>2397472It is and I'm the same person who posted that comment. I'm not trying to prove a point, I was just confused that my childhood experiences didn't seem to match other people's. I was honestly scared that my family life had been inappropriate/
abusive and I hadn't noticed. Also I'm
clearly not talking about the pornography scattered around the house, I'm talking about TH knowing what her mother's nipples look like specifically.
No. 2397493
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What do you guys think of the name Stamina Rose for a baby girl? I think it's beautiful but unique.
No. 2397670
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>>2397480Oh my god my mom's nudity would jumpscare me constantly growing up. Neither of us would ever consider the situation sexual and my mom just didn't care about changing in the laundry room or with her door open. In general, being weird about nudity is considered pretty puritan or pornbrained to most women, since they don't really want you thinking about them that way in changing rooms (or whatever). I wasn't savouring the moment when I saw my mom naked, so it's a (pretty hilarious) blur of outdated super-bush and hair. Like the only thing I'm still questioning is why I can't grow mine like that. Anyways moids are a different story but I think before porn they could at least handle being nude around each other, without sexualizing it too much
No. 2398212
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>>2398192some other anon explained it better, basically it's self-inserting and getting turned on by the idea of men getting turned on rather than being directly attracted to the woman's body
this comic also describes it No. 2398254
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>>2398246Anon where are you finding this statistic? Im a lesbian and all of the lesbians I know don't watch porn in general.
No. 2398272
>>2398254I don’t remember the source, I first saw it on reddit and then again on here somewhere? Maybe you could find it again somewhere on /g/.
As for the lesbians, I haven’t seen any studies on their porn habits at all. This is purely what I’ve heard from lesbians I know IRL and online.
No. 2398322
>>2397313>>2398263Yes, it is a thing. To my knowledge, they don't have an equivalent to feeder/feedee.
>>2398316>Is this some sort of retarded zoomie TikTok shit I missedYes.
No. 2398741
>>2398732Sure, I'll answer this for the grown adult nonnas who had abstinence only sex ed.
The sperm part of ejaculate is what gets you pregnant. So he fingered her pregnant, congrats.
No. 2398790
>>2398705Serious answer: YES. Because sperm travels. It's one of the many reasons males do not belong in female dressing rooms, because in theory all he has to do is to flick/throw his sperm at you and if you're unlucky the sperm could land right on you for it to travel up the vagina and impregnate you, without ever having touched you. Same way if a male ejaculates onto your labial area even if it isn't inside that could also impregnate you.
And from your other posts, him using his hands to insert sperm is 100% able to impregnate someone. It's not even a questionable scenario because the sperm was directly inserted into the vaginal canal, it knows exactly what to do from there.
No. 2398811
>>2398797> I like traveling but only once a year as a gift to myself or sometimes weekends in towns not too far just to change my mind, otherwise I like a quiet life, I constantly moved as a kid and now I'm craving stability more than anything else.We are somewhat alike haha.
I thought about holidaying in overseas once but I was happy with a week of hiking and visiting the beach in a picturesque tourist location a short drive out of my city.
Sounds schizo but I have such a rich inner life that I don’t need much outside stimulation if that makes sense.
No. 2398816
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Am I creepy and obsessive for having a big crush on a person I've only met once?
No. 2398854
>>2397746Can you take your meds again? I have the same problem right now, I don't have any motivation to study and I have a test in two weeks.
No. 2398901
File: 1739540786723.png (46.06 KB, 271x214, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

>going through my pictures to find a deleted one
>see folder for 'places'
>a drawing I saved from a nonnie is in there
>it leads to apple maps and eventually I can zoom into a specific house
Is that… is that her home?!
No. 2399029
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If i am 160cm tall and currently weight 70kg, what would be my healthy weight? some BMI calculators say 47kg but that seems insanely low for me, idk.
No. 2399252
File: 1739555170839.jpg (33.53 KB, 1024x1536, How-to-Make-Hot-Chocolate-with…)

How can I make good and tasty hot chocolate with as few ingredients as possible?
No. 2399346
>>2397406There's a big overlap with stuff like comic books, nerdy gamer shit, geography, animals/bugs and public transportation. But then there are interests that are more typical for each sex like historical fashion for girls and military stuff for men,
though it's not hard to find counter-examples
No. 2399702
File: 1739570031780.jpg (85.99 KB, 960x960, lgsq.jpg)

will i get skin cancer if i dont use sunscreen regularly?
keep in mind i'm an ausfag and there's more of a risk here>>2399252picrel is incredibly popular here and i'm pretty sure they sell it internationally. if you want it super sweet you need to use a bit extra though
No. 2399822
>>2399252By hot chocolate do you mean the stuff that contains actual chocolate, or cocoa powder? If cocoa powder, all you really need is milk, cocoa powder, sugar, and a pinch of salt. It always turns out better than using pre-made mixes. The important part is making sure the ingredients are the right type/quality. Personally, I like to use whole milk, demerara/turbinado sugar, a nice quality cocoa powder, and a pinch of sea salt (any salt is fine though). The addition of salt may sound weird, but it enhances the chocolate flavour.
No. 2399827
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>>2399252The homemade stuff is never worth to make in my opinion.
No. 2399896
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Somehow my nail cracked today. Right in the middle of the nailbed. It didn't come off fully, since it only cracked halfway, but I'm horrified. What do I do? Take the whole thing off? That would leave it bloody and raw. Right now I just wrapped a plaster or 'band-aid' for Amerinonnies around my finger to keep it in place. Will it grow back or will it rot since it's half-cracked? I don't know what to do since this has never happened before kek. Picrel is a drawing I made to illustrate what it looks like
No. 2399899
>>2399872Ayrt, wow anon you described me and my home life to a T. It makes a lot of sense, not trying to dox myself but I grew up in a home where my family were so disconnected from me, and I had literally no one in my immediate family to confide in. I had no strong relationships with my family, it all felt extremely hollow and like I was trapped my whole life. I am going to be moving out soon, though. Perhaps that is the answer.
I hope one day you will be able to live in your own place, anon. Thank you for your insight, it makes a lot of sense.
>>2399829I have been considering this for a long time, I think it's finally time to do it.
No. 2399914
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Does the pussy eventually stretch out like that? Not after ("too much") sex, but after childbirth maybe? Or is this just a gross misogynistic meme that uses images of someone who was TRYING to stretch their pussy?
No. 2400457
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There was a nonna who liked this type of body some time ago, don’t know if she’s lurking here. But there’s this creator I stumbled upon, I think you’ll like him nonna. Byee.
No. 2400466
>>2400461Don’t know, I just thought of nonna kek.
Personally I hate body hair on the chest, back , stomach, super hairy men are gross to me. Mainly because I have very little to none so it’s stranger for me.
No. 2400471
>>2399914Kek. I’ve seen women who were 50 and they didn’t have a “gaping hole”. The vagina is an organ rich of muscles that can contract and de contract, along with strong ligaments that makes it cohesive to pelvic floor and pelvic muscles.
Unless a woman has medical problems (which mostly don’t even give a gaping vagina in the first place, say if you have a lot of weakening , maybe after child birth, you might get a prolapse).
You’re understimating vagina Chan.
No. 2400483
>>2400478He’s cute to me also, the hairstyle is neat and suits him, I’d clean up the bear but it’s okay. He looks in shape but not overly fixated on dieting and exercising, so you can go to restaurants with him and eat ice cream in front of him without him sperging about calories.
I’d just shave his hair off a little bit.
No. 2400500
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>>2400493My bad nonnita. I didn’t register it.
No. 2400514
>>2400464Correct. You can also tell from the engorged clits on both and the shine on the vulvas.
It's so funny to me when moids complain about "run through pussy gape", they're letting everyone know they're turbo virgins.
No. 2400573
>>2400560I meant in this conversation. I know that there are retards kek. For some nonnas you should only like a 19 year old, dehydrated and thin scrote.
If you like anything else you are labeled a psyoped pick me kek. I still like handsome men with hair and good bodies, I just like people my age.
No. 2400581
>>2400574Checked. He was 27 in 2023, which makes him 29 this year. I was correct.
It’s the beard that ages him.
No. 2400645
>>2400636is it even "repeating the cycle" if a shit ton of famous moids with zero history of abuse go after underage fans anyway? and most women don't, despite being the main
victims of sexual predators. if anything it shows that even the moids who went through that don't get any understanding of how wrong and harmful it is. bleak.
No. 2400826
>>2400807Just go. You are making a change and gave more courage than whatever gymbro or Pilates girl there.
People hate fat people even when said people try to make a change. Nonna I’m proud of you.
No. 2401118
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>>2401117It won’t go well
No. 2401156
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Am I still heterosexual if I find 2D male characters attractive but not real moids?
No. 2401175
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Why is lolita considered fat girl fashion?
No. 2401182
>>2401175It's mostly made in free size, one size fits all, so naturally larger girls can actually wear it unlike stuff like Brandy Melville. I don't know if the free size is a result of chubby girls liking lolita or if it's the other way around though
The girls who wear it aren't pretty popular types, they're awkward weirdos that cover their body up, so there's going to be nonstandard shaped girls in that mix
No. 2401188
>>2401182>The girls who wear it aren't pretty popular types, they're awkward weirdos that cover their body upI've always had trouble wrapping my head around this, because doesn't wearing alternative fashion just gets you even
more attention anyway? It doesn't make any sense to want to cover your body but to do with gaudy and eye-catching clothing that will just make people stare at you anyway.
No. 2401191
>>2401184But most clothing in Japan is made in free size. Like
>>2401182 says even in Japan it's considered fat girl fashion and the sizes aren't any different than from other japanese fashion brands.
No. 2401248
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Why Do We Have Endocannabinoid Systems In Our Bodies That Do All This Important Stuff? Were Humans Created To Smoke Cannabis, Just Like Men Were Created To Be Fucked In The Ass?
No. 2401283
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Who started the bleached eyebrows trend?
No. 2401312
>>2401248This is a
powerful post.
No. 2401599
Is it me or lc is slow af these days??
>>2401457Cooking a meal is neutral imho but I'd say that lightning candles and setting up a romantic decor tend to be something men do to please women, not sure men care as much.
No. 2401621
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What the hell is a pooner and what's their origin
No. 2401668
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Is it possible for me to date a normalfag moid if i am a mega autistic? i dont like irl nerdy guys because they are all ugly and fat nowadays, so i am trying to aim for shy normies. Should i hide my hobbies from them if i want to get laid?
No. 2401802
>>2401698But i want a bf that plays sports instead of videogames
>>2401686They always uglyfy themselves because they fall for the goku roidpig body only fags like
No. 2401980
>>2401970>>2401977Maybe I should try concealer. My big problem is that I have pretty bad skin from hormonal acne scarring. My chin is the worst spot. I actually painted over a photo of my face last night and felt like if I didn't have such bad scarring there, I would look so much better. I do use tretinoin and use basic skincare stuff (toner, moisturizer, cleanser) but the scarring still remains.
>>2401972A lot of my "issue" with makeup stems from this resentment over how men are never expected to wear it while women are. It's something that's annoyed me since I was a child. I've always been kind of gender-neutral in presentation because of this attitude but more and more, I'm just waking up to the fact that looks are still important and I still have to look good if I want to get ahead in life.
No. 2401984
>>2401963Piggybacking off of
>>2401977 if you said you were comfortable with yourself I'd flat out say "no, why bother", but you said you feel ugly and if that's of your own volition and not pressure from your mom, I think natural and semi-permanent, simple makeup would be good for you. A tinted moisturizer or light cushion foundation if you feel your skin is red and blotchy–easy to remove, won't clog your pores. Maybe try lip tints if you want, I've seen people use them as lip liner or to get a little color for a couple days. Eyelash tinting or perm if you aren't squeamish about it and there's a reputable place near you. If that helps you feel a little more confident and less uncomfortable with yourself, then by all means. I don't agree with anons dismissing you off the principle of you feeling bad about yourself, and these are easy and natural, simple enhancements that won't make you dysmorphic but may make you feel less drab. If you notice you feel worse or pressured doing these things, then stop.
No. 2402046
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>>2402029ayrt but can you show us how you do your makeup on picrel? you obviously don’t have to but i’m just curious kek. by minimal do you mean just concealer? if you did what some other anons said like eyelash tints/lifts or lip tints you might prefer that. i do understand what you mean though, i feel the same way sometimes. if makeup isn’t your thing that’s perfectly fine
No. 2402130
>>2402125Kek I was just about to make a post about this. Whenever an anon admits to knowing a
bit too much of 4chan lore or lingo I raise my eyebrow
No. 2402228
>>2402225nta but refer to
>>2402200 because she’s literally right. when anons talk about it incessantly it’s as if they’re trying to flex how much moar they know about 4chan. no one cares
No. 2402267
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>i know way more about 4chan than you whores! i post in soc everyday! they even know me by name!
No. 2402278
>>2402269ayrt, and they’re the worst kinds of zoomers too,
i myself am one. they’re still stuck in some edgelord larp and are only even here because they think it’s the direct female equivalent and that their typical scrote-tier sperging will be greeted with anons calling them based and a stacy. granted though, some of those types of women aren’t gen z, it’s just more common among us zoomies.
>b-but LC started on /cgl/!!no need to remind everyone, and it means nothing when looking at the state of lc today a decade later
also sort of n-loggy kek No. 2402313
>>2402306I love kek and I miss when people used hurr durr but I haven't seen it in ages. I also like using some gen alpha slang like cooked because it makes some people get mad but unironically gen alpha have great slangs.
>>2402311kek is literally lol if you talked to alliance being horde and it would show as kek on the global chat. I know your dumb ass googled it and korean wow was the first thing that came up but you could have researched better.
No. 2402314
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>>2402312never compromise your sleep
No. 2402319
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>>2402313sorry i deleted that post because i realised this wasn’t random questions kek. i also really like hurrdurr and ‘muh’ is great to use against men and their retarded logic
>>2402314you can’t stop me
No. 2402323
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No. 2402352
>>2402344that wasn’t the discussion at all and you know it, we weren’t talking about anons
from 4chan we were talking about zoomers larping as if they are. move the fuck on and stop infighting over 4chan of all things in the stupid questions thread. jfc
No. 2402357
nonny why are you putting words in her mouth and making assumptions?
No. 2402359
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>>2402356the difference is mine wasn’t targeted at anyone nor do i ever try to instigate infights. fuck i really just need to do picrel huh
No. 2402385
>>2402382It is.
No. 2402394
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>I hate that the internet is a hivemind nowadays because all the edgy kids who cant say edgy stuff because they get banned on tiktok and instagram come here just so they can spew a few slurs then they fuck off back to their socmed hellholes.
this quite literally is what the initial conversation was about but you’re pissy over something and derailed the whole thread for attention. good job anon.
anyways if any of you nonas own cats do they get leaky eyes? my boy cat does (i think its cat aids or whatever the equivalent is) but only in one eye
No. 2402395
>>2402377imagine being a nlog in lolcow because you don't want to use 4chan lingo unlike the other moidbrained
femcels. kinda pathetic in an endearing way. hope it makes you feel better
No. 2402398
>>2402395You're really trying to say "incorrectly using chanspeak and peppering your posts with shit like 'that would be so choice cash money of them'" is "condemning all use of of online slang".
>>2402397It's getting embarrassing
No. 2402408
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nonny, you are right, everyone else is wrong, the world revolves around you and only you and everyone has to do what you say. Anything you dont like is CRINGE and WRONG, but when you do it its okay, because this is your world, we are only living in it.
(infighting) No. 2402411
>>2402408I dont think she approves of the word cringe
nonny be careful
No. 2402628
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Help! Should I email my professor and tell him I'm the only one who put in the work for our group project??? I don't want to be a bitch, but I also don't want these people to get credit for work they didn't do. It's due in 5 days.
No. 2402647
>>2402628This is not a question, yes you should.
This is said with kindness Nona, let people fuck themselves up alone. Not doing the work was a choice and it wasn't yours. You won't get anywhere if you keep trying to keep the peace and not look like "a bitch".
Best of luck and enjoy your A. This is college not preschool.
No. 2402696
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Turkish nonnas, in "about dry grasses" how old is sevim? Is she like 14? Because it says she's in 8th grade if I'm not mistaken. I can't believe I watched a 3-hour movie about a pedophile.
No. 2402774
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What do I do if I have a fat face even though I'm slim? Is there anything I can do to lessen the appearance? It makes my side profile look so moon-shaped and jowly. I can only hope it helps me age better.
No. 2402865
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>>2402808different cultural norms i suppose
No. 2402890
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I applied for a job on monday and they took down the job listing from their website at some point this week even though it had a longer deadline originally. I haven't heard anything from them, does it mean they already found someone and closed it because they kept getting applications from people like me?
It's the only job within my profession in the nearby area, I really need it or I'll have to move far away which I can't do… ugh I feel sick
No. 2403097
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Should you size up when buying a winter coat?
No. 2403288
>>2403268> my Nigel cheated on meWRONG
> my Nigel cured my depression ate my pussy cleaned my house trimmed my cats nails and cooked me dinnerCorrect.
No. 2403291
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>>2403268Serious answer because I feel bad for newfags: there were a few anons here who used to be madly in lust with Nigel Farage (UK politician) years ago, and their antics included holding the admin's doxx hostage in exchange for a special theme (where the cursor would be replaced by a Wilga aircraft carrying a UKIP banner) and the creation of a separate board called /freemarket/ dedicated to him and his politisperging. Yeah. Understandably, it left a bad taste in everybody's mouths, and now anyone who acts like a zealous retard for any cause (especially a political one) gets branded Nigeltard, as a badge of shame. Anons will hate me for spoonfeeding the site lore but I don't believe in gatekeeping. Hope this helps!
No. 2403299
>>2403291thank you
nonnycan you tell me if what
>>2403284 said is true too? it makes sence to an extend in certain comments..
No. 2403316
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I was texting my little zoomer brother today and I said "lmao rip". He said I type like I'm from 2015. Do kids these days not say "rip" anymore?
No. 2403331
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Is it a "normal" experience to get groped by a fucking stranger at a concert? Does this happen to virtually every woman who goes to concerts at some point?
No. 2403336
>>2403275Be real, you know
Nigelposting is a banned topic there's no way she would have guessed it if
>>2403291 didn't graciously spoonfeed. She should really delete her post though before she gets banned. Bring back /freemarket/ though.
No. 2403429
>>2403417Can you capitalize the first letters of the sentences you write? It's hard to read it otherwise.
To answer your question, yes, people can hold their heads in certain positions because of poor posture. Some people will lead with their chin, others their foreheads. It all has to do with posture. Haven't you ever been around a crowd of people and noticed this?
No. 2403439
>>2403417>"you have bad posture, your head is looking down" I had bad posture and indeed used to look down. It looks weird when you look straight ahead because you're not used to it, and if you're like I was, your tendons at the back of your neck are too short and you'll have to pull on them to maintain a normal posture for a while. They'll extend naturally with time. It's exactly as they described: your face is rotated downward due to your shoulders being rounded and pushed forward, your spine is also rounded at the top and doesn't make the S shape it should (not talking about scoliosis, which is a different kind of S shaped spine) and your neck is constantly tensed on the back.
Fixing your posture improves breathing and back/neck pain, allows you to stand at your full height and elongates your neck.
No. 2403440
>>2403422>>2403429First off thanks for replying so fast nonnies.
>some people's heads are slightly rotated and they look up at youYes but then its obvious? Like if i look at someone taller than me maybe. But when i look straight forward.. It doesnt make sense to me? Id notice in the mirror, wouldnt i?
>Some people will lead with their chin, others their foreheadsOkay.. I think I already lead with the chin, not with the forehead (when I look in the mirror). If I want my lower scleral show gone, I need to lift my chin up comically. Like, it looks weird as fuck lmao. It looks like I'm some mentally ill deranged idiot who thinks she's the queen of the world.
Can you give me maybe internet picture examples? Yes ive googled posture stuff and watched tiktoks etc. But i dont believe that im leading with the forehead. I could be wrong tho..
No. 2403455
>>2403439Thank you
nonny for describing it so thoroughly. Would you say (since im obviously too dumb to grasp it) that i should go see a physiotherapist? It's what i thought of doing.. I mean, he would "correct" my posture and the neck etc. Right?
No. 2403469
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>>2403463Literally this is how i look when i have my scleral show gone and look "up" leading with my chin. It looks stupid asf.
No. 2403487
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>>2403469Same anon as
>>2403475 The posture on the left may be exaggerated but not how she would have to look "up" with her eyes in order to look forward. Either that or she would have to look up with her whole head.
>>2403486Are we gonna need a Danatorium?
No. 2403538
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>>2403487I pass the palm and thumbs test.. Cant rly do the wall test rn
No. 2403816
thank you for pointing out my retardation x
No. 2403990
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what does this translate to?
No. 2403993
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>>2403992They self-camouflage apparently, this lady from reddit was asking the same thing
No. 2403994
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>>2403993samefag and here is this lady's retarded orange cat, who thinks she is brown/tan/yellow
No. 2404010
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>>2404003kek I learned something new as well, there are lots of good cat camouflage pics on google but my favourite are the orange cats. This one did a little better
>durrr i hide me with me No. 2404012
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>>2404010I found a black cat doing it too kek
No. 2404014
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>>2404012kekk that's so cute anon, I hate that this is making me want a cat again. My last camo-cat contribution is something I've wanted to see for a very long time, bath mat persian cat
No. 2404050
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This is a really stupid question. Some context first. I was reading The Bitch Manifesto and the word "through" kept being written as "thru". I was on the radfem sub today and I keep seeing people saying "thru" as well. Is saying "thru" a radfem thing? Or is it just a case of Baader-Meinhof and me only hanging out on lc and radfem spaces?
No. 2404144
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This is an absolutely retarded question, so please bear with me. If I masturbate by fingering myself, does that means that I should tell my gynecologist and she should therefore use the awful torture wand machine to check out my insides? Or do I get to keep just getting an eco?
I'm confused, I just know that when you're not a virgin, that you have to get that demonic thing inside you, but I don't know if it's the same if you masturbate via penetration with like a toy or your fingers.
No. 2404188
>>2404182Exactly, that's the torture wand.
>>2404187I see, but now I have another question, if you get the ultrasound done once, does that means it becomes part of the routinary examination whenever you go to the gynecologist?
I'm just so anxious about it and while I'm close to my mom and my aunt, I don't really want to tell them that I masturbate because yeah, that would be awkward.
No. 2404194
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How tf do I stop obsessing about a guy that treated me like shit and psychologically abused me and even threatened to hit me? I don't even know if I want to get revenge, beat him up, key his car or put him in a cage in my basement. I already blocked him everywhere and am getting therapy but I still think about him. What tf do I do?
No. 2404211
>>2404193It's complicated, but yeah, my relatives go to the same gynecologist with me, we pick the same date because it's easier for the three of us to just go the same day.
Like, I only go to the gynecologist once a year and sometimes we skip a year or two because we forget to go. So my mom particularly always gets that ultrasound whenever we go, and she also always gets all of the other exams done.
>>2404197I'm just clueless because I never thought about it, I've never tried to engage in penetration until recently at my 30 years of age, so it's not like I just knew about these things.
So I guess I'm sorry for sounding like a scrote?
No. 2404228
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Nonnies I have a weird question. While you were growing up was it normal to share panties with your mom? Like whenever your mom did the laundry, she would give you back both her and your panties and take some of your panties for herself?
No. 2404232
>>2404228No. That’s really, really weird,
No. 2404233
>>2404231Yes, post-puberty (around 15) till I left home.
>>2404232But like, what if your mom bought panties in bulk for the whole family which all looked the same? In that case how would the person doing the laundry know whose panties are whose?
No. 2404239
>>2404237im fuckign dying how based LMFAOO
>here daughter take these old stinky thongsABSOLUTE KEK LMAOOOOOOO
No. 2404314
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i asked my coworker out and he said yes but then never texted me or asked me about it. He just said it to be nice, didnt he? i feel like such a sperg now
No. 2404369
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Is 30rock worth watching? i always find this screenshot hilarious
No. 2404441
>>2404258It's just dumb, I've had to sort the laundry many times because that's what normal people do, and sometimes I would see lingerie and shit because it's shockingly the laundry basket full of dirty clothes of everyone in the house.
And when the laundry is clean, then, if you're not a shitty kid like my brother was, you help sorting the clothes so it's not just your mom sorting the clothes on her own, and you see the lingerie and such.
Like, seeing lingerie as a kid isn't something that should traumatize a normal person, it's just clothes.
If you on the other hand, had seen your mom wearing lingerie or lingerie somewhere and it's in a sexual situation then that's another story.
No. 2404659
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Okay I know I'm gonna get banned for "racebait" but I'm gonna come out and ask this question anyway. Spanish people, as in people from Spain, are white, right? As white as any other native European, right? Southern Italians too, right? The Greeks and the Turkish, right? They're geographically white people, right? It's just that, they look more "tan" with bigger noses with darker hair, and seem hairier than people from specific countries like Germany and Sweden. Why do they look like that? Also, if Iranians are geographically Asian, why do they just look like Spanish people? Are middle easterners essentially white even though they're technically in Asia?
No. 2404744
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>>2404659theres no distinct "white" face nona its just a skin color in the end which the human skin evolves to bear and survive in certain climates (passing on those genes is something else), the aryans (ancient iranians) travelled far and wide so ofcourse the same features found in europe are also found there, i cant tell you a exact origin since asia is highly diverse since the people travelled so far and wide for generations, those differences you see are just the human body evolving to suit the climate(human evolution is still going you know?), the middle east is hot so the body evolved into having more hair to protect the skin from burning some areas are cool so the body loses some hair.
No. 2405076
>>2405067egirl, unironically.
ik you didn't ask but at one point i posted on /soc/ and never posted my face or anything and met some moid whose fetish is spending money or something so i would get money from him. this was over 6 years ago though and i was at my lowest point
No. 2405093
>>2405076ive considered attention whoreing on 4chan but I feel like most moids on there are brokies and I would never feel comfortable meeting up with one irl
I don't mind virtual stuff but I never want to meet up or have sex with any of these dudes ever, glad it worked out for you and you stayed safe though. maybe I should just start streaming or become some kind of grifter
No. 2405095
>>2405093i've never ever met up with one, we didn't even live in the same time zones. idk if i got "lucky" or because in my post i was a real major bitch (got accused of being a tranny multiple times cause of how bitchy i was, kek). i was sent gift cards + paypal to a "business" account i had + kofii and all of that.
you can start streaming and grifting but i hate moids too much to act fake
No. 2405333
>>2405130>>2405129Boring whiney
victim mentality.
No. 2405681
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>>2405590What hypothesis. I don’t care about zoomers. Why are old people retarded on the internet all the time. Like i genuinely don’t understand why they don’t understand how it works
No. 2405810
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Has anybody ever actually managed to become confident solely by faking it?
No. 2405999
>>2405979Brains stores words based on sound, meaning, and associations. So your brain is taking shortcuts to get to words that it shouldn't be taking. Normally caused by stress, lack of proper sleep, or a vitamin or nutrient deficiency. Not to alarm you, but it can also be caused by something serious, like the very first symptoms of MS or a brain tumor, but those are so exceedingly rare, that I would recommend starting with a complete multivitamin, getting better sleep, and meditating before I recommended going through the expensive medical tests for tumors and MS.
No. 2406074
>>2405979Wtf nona, I'm going through the same thing. I find I keep forgetting to add words when I text too and that I forget the meaning of words/simple grammar rules. It could be stress, lack of good sleep and a deficiency in something like
>>2405999 said.
No. 2406214
>>2406175I'm not an expert, but I suggest learning music theory even if you have an innate since of music. Because it will make things much easier to put together. Learn time signatures, keys, modes/modals (forgot their name), start with some software where you can experiment with your ideas safely without feeling like you wasted money on an instrument you can't figure out how to play, or start with something "safe" like a piano or keyboard, learn mixing and how to adjust volumes of different tracks/instruments on your track for the feel and atmosphere/genre/sound you're going for, same thing goes for rhythm and timing so you can make sure all your instruments/samples/tracks are in synch. Don't worry about composing and coming with original stuff when you're still learning, just mess around with whatever is available to learn all the basics you need. Then once you get the hang of it, start experimenting and creating and applying what you've learned along the way. The more you work on it, the better you'll get. I think the software that helps with stuff like this is called a DAW. Try something free imo so you don't get frustrated about spending money on something and ending up nowhere, but that's me being a cheapskate. You can also watch tutorials on YouTube, reach out to other musicians and ask for advice, take free courses, etc. Iirc there's a subreddit for learning music theory for free with free lessons. Also learn sheet music, it's hell but useful when you finally get the hang of it. Good luck!
No. 2406300
>>2406175>>2406214>I suggest learning music theory even if you have an innate since of music.This is bad advice for someone who's just starting out, it would take the fun out right at the start and kill her motivation.
But the rest is true, just download FLstudio from the usual free sources (rutracker, 1337x, thepiratebay etc), watch and follow a few YouTube tutorials, learn about plugins, get some free ones and just play around and have fun. Once you got a hang of it, you can still learn theory.
No. 2406320
>>2406318I’ve posted some
terf shit on there and i have not been banned, some women i know were insta banned for it. i dont know what they posted. But i’ve never been banned so idk
No. 2406334
>>2406308I've been seeing a lot of anons talk about sugar cravings lately… are you sure you're not just hungry? I never want to eat more than a couple of pieces of my favorite candy after I've just eaten, much less a whole bag.
You might be understimulated, too. You can try doing some light exercise and see if that helps. Make sure you're hydrated as well.
No. 2406367
>>2406365I have… never heard of this. I used to eat cold eggs pretty often. Is there a microwave you can use at work?
Hopefully a professional cook/chef nona can chime in kek
No. 2406381
>>2406373Fuck, kek. Well, I'm not dead yet if you want to take a one-time gamble and not do it again. Otherwise, you can eat it with dinner tomorrow.
Fucking salmonella, man.
No. 2406435
>>2406308Seconding where
>>2406334 says you could just be hungry or understimulated, but if you're sure it's a craving, try to identify the source of the craving. We don't crave foods for no reason, our bodies crave the nutrients in those foods. Low blood sugar, for example, will cause sugar cravings, as well as certain hormonal shifts. For a short-term solution, only take a few candies with you at a time, and put the bag somewhere you can't see it (in the pantry, downstairs, etc). "Out of sight, out of mind" sounds like braindead advice, but sometimes creating seemingly miniscule barriers between yourself and a bad habit is the key to breaking it.
No. 2406826
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Why is jirai even considered a fashion it is literally just random Japanese clothes women with bpd like? It is literally just a Japanese bpd insult/meme
No. 2407106
Found an unanswered question in the last thread
>>2396811>What are some techniques you use to combat the specific anxiety where you sometimes believe for no real reason that everyone hates you?I remind myself that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay.
No. 2407150
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Has anyone here tried creating a fake AI influencer to get money from stupid moids?
No. 2407182
>>2407181Kek, whatever helps you sleep at night without seething
No. 2407192
>>2407183I'm not bragging about having money. Newsflash, 300 dollars per person is actually really easy to save up for. Do you live in a dumpster panhandling on the street?
>>2407186>Why pay the hotel at all if one night doesn't matterAre you asking why even pay the money to spend those nights at the hotel? Um… because the hotel costs money? 300 dollars is honestly nothing to even worry about. That's like 2 savings from 2 paychecks even if you're a poorfag.
No. 2407208
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No. 2407209
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No. 2407778
>>2407641thanks anon, I’ll see a new gyno, last one was pretty dismissive of all of my concerns for the BC.
>>2407686gonna make some right now! Thanks
No. 2407792
>>2407106Good catch, anon!
I'll add on that I tell myself these thoughts aren't helpful, I'm busy, so I'm going to stop thinking these thoughts and think about other things that are helpful to me. Then I move onto another topic and after completely focusing on it for a little bit, my previous annoying thought finally goes away.
No. 2408514
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If I cut a lump under my skin out by myself, and put it in the freezer, do you think I could get a dermatologist office to send it away for testing for me? Or will they only do that for you if you let them do the surgery? I am in the US. Before you ask, my reasons:
>I was quoted $600 for the surgery for a fucking 1x1cm lump. I don't have insurance that will cover it.
>I have watched a lot of surgery videos and just kind of want to try it myself.
No. 2408739
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What are some good sitcoms/comedies you recommend nonnies? my favs are always sunny, trailer park boys, the nanny, parks and rec and aqua teen hunger force
No. 2409015
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Is there something like my anime list but for movies and tvshows? i want to track the stuff i watch
No. 2409312
>>2409310No. It
is illegal to bring drugs or guns across state lines (you may have heard "across state lines" in the context of cannabis, especially if a recreational state borders a prohibited state), and some states have different laws regarding cars that some people may not be aware of (some states are more annoying than others about tinted windows), but simply crossing state lines is not illegal at all.
No. 2409313
>>2409310Also bringing drugs or guns across state lines
is a felony, so if you ever do it make sure they're in the trunk and the trunk is locked.
No. 2409419
>>2409320CBT can help you identify trauma
triggers and give you options to help deal with them. But ime? Therapy and medicine were a waste of time, the only thing that 'fixed' me was time and distance away from what hurt me. These two things helped though: Taking up a hobby that keeps your hands and head occupied, and grounding. Not like the woowoo "breathe in this special way", but doing things that make you feel connected to your body and surroundings when you start to feel flashbacks. The goal is to get out of your own head and trick your body into doing something that isn't reliving trauma.
No. 2409608
>>2409320EMDR has been working
significantly for me, my PTSD used to give me extreme dissociative states and sometimes I’d even have seizures, but I’ve been healthy for the last 2 months after starting EMDR. The thing is you have to go
extremely slow. You can’t just jump into the eye movement and trauma recollection part, you’ve gotta talk like normal with your shrink for quite a while before you guys do that stuff.
No. 2409632
>>2409580I saw one
nonnie on meta who posted their IP. It was linked to a east coast law firm. Always best to play it safe.
No. 2409637
>>2409610Steroids are popular amongst all men, not just Muslim Arabs. If you go into any gym, at least 1/4th of all men you see are using steroids, and that's a low-ball. Steroids are incredibly easy to procure, and a lot of people unfamiliar with gym culture underestimate how rampant steroid abuse is. Almost every male fitness content creator online is on steroids.
Men that come from cultures that have emphasis on machismo, like cultures from the Arab world, have a bigger push to abuse steroids. They want to be "ideal men," and to them that means "strong, muscular men," so they choose to abuse steroids to that end.
No. 2409774
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>>2409603if i ever got pregnant i'd kill that thing
No. 2409804
>>2409759I'm choosing to believe you are not a freak and just sad. Find the nearest shopping centers to his address and turn up there occasionally, at the times most normal people with jobs would. You might see him in passing. Then come and report back if successful.
You should also start getting out more and make friends. This will help you come down to earth and be a little more normal about people, even if you are autistic.
No. 2409854
>>2409341Didn't Jerry Seinfeld do something like this when he dated a 17 year old
>>2409613Being a doormat
No. 2409871
>>2409761I'm actually trying to attend church because I'm so bored and lonely lately.
>>2409804I try. I've been out-going for a while and have had boyfriends etc. I'm tired of it all lately after a series of disappointed and negative experiences.
The last bit of hope I have is this innocent crush from almost 15 years ago. I thought I saw him and I felt alive again, but it wasn't him. rip. So I got curious and looked him up.
I might be willing to become a jogger, just to jog near his house in the morning and night looking kawaii and then accidentally bump into him.
No. 2409903
>>2406381Maybe I got a sensitive stomach but I ate my cold scrambled eggs and then the next day I had diarrhea 6x and felt nauseous with a migraine. I lost the gamble.
Recook your scrambled eggs, ladies.
No. 2409999
>>2409903AYRT. Jesus fucking christ I am so sorry. I feel horrible I told you that you could risk it. It has never happened to me, and I swear if it happened even once, I would have told you not to chance it.
Feel better soon, nonna. Wish I could send you some gatorade. Try making some fresh white rice and slowly eating that if you're still sick.
No. 2410522
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Is it weird and/or bad to have never had a job at 20?
No. 2410527
>>2410342honestly? it’s because all men are ugly. i have to refrain from nitpicking because it’s rare that even conventionally attractive men are actually attractive,
especially modern celebrities. even though that’s true i have to to stop myself from doing the same because even the only slightly ugly men are like the top 1%. i can’t fault anons for that, it’s not their fault. straight women have to be attracted to
at the same time i don’t think it’s harmful. men are treated as attractive for the bare minimum and if it at least encourages women to have standards it’s not so bad, i feel like women act like they only “deserve” so much.
No. 2410690
>>2410527I agree with you nonna. It’s just that when you see an attractive scrote he pales when compared to his female counterpart. It’s been months since I’ve seen a man who I deemed beautiful in real life.
Men are just lukewarm at best. But I still like the attractive ones kek, I don’t like uggos.
No. 2411101
>>2411073NEET = Not in education, employment, or training. Hikki = doesn't leave the house, almost complete social isolation. Not every NEET is a hikki and not every hikki is a NEET. A hikki can be a NEET, and a NEET can be a hikki, but they're not synonyms or anything.
So, for example, if there's a disabled person and they draw disability benefits because they're unable to work and they don't go to school, then they'd be a NEET. That disabled person can still go to church every Sunday, attend social clubs, go out with friends, etc., so they wouldn't be a hikki. On the flip side, a hikki could have a work-from-home job and take online university courses, so they wouldn't be a NEET.
No. 2411114
>>2410698I just want to understand what compels a woman to do something like that.
> why do you feel compelled to shame someone else’s lifestyle if it does not personally affect you?This is exactly what an ass eater would say though kek. No shame here nonna.
No. 2411117
>>2411114ntayrt but because some women like different things than other women. there are about 4.1 billion women on earth. so that's 4.1 different opinions and personalities and lives.
>This is exactly what an ass eater would say though kekno this is exactly what someone who is tired of repeating the same infights would say.
No. 2411134
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>>2411114I think most women just feel pity right? Ass-eating women always resemble picrel imo. The same lost/haunted look in the eyes
No. 2411152
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Uh, why are we talking about ass eaters like anyone on this site does that?
No. 2411157
>>2411152you just had to be there
>>>/shay/160581(the fight originally started in shayna's /snow/ thread as usual. someone posted their own puss at some point)
No. 2411159
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>>2411152There are anons who keep getting addicted to moid fecal bacteria and trying to create a weird subculture out of it here
No. 2411164
>>2411157>Shay threadAh, that's why. No thank you.
I don't get the appeal of sex worker cows and I always felt like those were just open honeypots for scrotes to collect humiliation materials and nitpick female bodies that they have no chances with.
No. 2411274
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Is this an unhealthy dinner
No. 2411403
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do they screen the letters sent to prison inmates? would they reject your letter if, for example, you told a murderer youre glad theyre in prison, or if you insulted them?
No. 2411439
>>2411406it makes sense why they would, but are they gonna stop me from being mean and nasty? i know you can send love letters to lowlifes in prison, so i think you
should be able to send hate mail
No. 2411493
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>>2411157I never browse /shay/ because she grosses me out but that thread is hilarious, love you nonnies
No. 2411702
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nikki blonsky just posted a song and on her spotify it has this random ai looking photo as the header??? wtf is this
No. 2412277
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I don’t know what other thread to put this in. This will be a kind of off my chest thing but I need advice or comfort or whatever.
But anons, I am 28. Suffered an abundance of mental health issues since I was 17. Never really had close friends since leaving school due to being ill. Been in education for years as I was terrified of getting a job. Was a NEET for a year or two because I couldn’t find a job. Have a MA degree, but couldn’t find job due to no experience. The last seven months I have been working for a luxury retail brand which I terrified me in the beginning and almost caused me to start SH again. However. Now I am working the rest of my notice as I have finally got a job, a career. Although I can’t help these itching thoughts of the fact how pathetic I still feel. I live at home with my parents still. I don’t have a friend who I can go out with irl (I commute to work 1hr 30mins in big city) and two close friends live far away and I would be scared to meet irl anyway. My biggest worry is the fact I have never had a boyfriend before. Meaning I am inexperienced, actually no experience in everything that comes with that. I feel pathetic and lost. I remember at high school some girls would say I was gay to embarrass me. Which at that time being gay was an insult I guess. I want a bf but I am so scared about the process.
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I just needed to throw up all of this somewhere outside of just talking with my mum. Been crying a lot this morning. Sorry also for Reddit spacing I hate blocks of text
Oh yeah my question is. Are any nonnies in a similar situation?
No. 2412362
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Is it worth it to get a color analysis to figure out what colors I should wear for my skin tone? And have any nonnies tried doing it on their own with book/online resources and found it to work?
No. 2412562
How do i unplackpill myself and turn myself into a normie pickme woman? No matter where i go, no matter where i look, in every book, every conversation, every statement, any group, any industry, any ideology, any belief is ALWAYS infected with misogyny. The thought that these are the people i have to interact with, are available to be my friends and work for and offer services to makes me wanna unironically kill myself. What is the point? What is the point of anything if i'm seen as subhuman? As less than a dog?
>just decenter moids and focus on becoming friends with other women!
Women don't care that scrotes act the way they do, they even like it and support it. There is endless evidence of who scrotes really are, it could it them in the face and they still wouldn't be able to collectively agree on a simple statement like "men are dangerous", they still would regurgitate "b-but equality between the sexes! two wrongs don't make a right!" But then do the exact opposite and scrutinize women for the smallest thing while uplifting moids for not being a wife-beater and think he's soo funny for acting like a porn-addict instead. The only way to survive life as woman is either becoming NEET or becoming a pickme if you want to interact with society.