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No. 160433
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No. 160434
>>160432Both genders are equal (mentally at least) and neither should
have to comform to gender roles UNLESS they want to
For example
>shaving body hair or not is cool for both genders. You are not less feminine/masculine for shaving/not
>both genders can pay for dinner. It is not an obligation for any gender to pay.
>both genders can be homemakers. You are not less masculine/feminine for your choice. only wrote 3 things because i'm sick and have to go to bed
No. 160436
>another feminist thread>>160435>IF they are able toTHIS
there are alot of feminist cunts that ask to lower the requirements for them, like firefighters. Fuck that.
Then its the modern 4th wave that complain about manspreading and rape culture, those are insane.
No. 160440
>>160432I'm more on the side of it being the liberation of females from males as a class. Not having to impress them or look pretty for the. Not needing to depend on them. Being free from their standards as well as their violence, especially sexual violence. I don't think men will ever see us as anything other than objects tbh. We will always be a warm hole for them to put their dicks in, baby makers, housekeepers, and pretty trophies. Though if you aren't pretty then you are basically worthless.
Even though I say idgaf about men I know in my heart I am extremely affected by what they want and I know that it will make my life easier if I conform to it. Shit sucks brah.
No. 160447
>>160446Yeah, as opposed to sexual attractiveness and our ability to pull a plough and hoover the carpet.
Not like we have millions of women in active STEM/educational careers now or anything.
Not like the entirety of the West's women are included in mandatory education or anything.
Not like any of are actively pursuing jobs that don't involve bikini modelling or some shit.
Not like women can own property or vote or initiate divorce or report spousal rape or anything.
You reap the rewards of feminism every second of every day whilst complaining about it. You're a pig basically.
No. 160452
>>160450lol u fucking wat you seriously think a post made by somebody in SUPPORT of feminism would be something made by a /robot/?
What kind of bizzaro reverse universise have you just stepped out of, Kajow?
No. 160455
>>160453>no argument>better call him a virginSame shit, different day.
Also not one btw
No. 160456
>>160455Not a virgin but talks exactly like one.
Man you really drew the short straw huh? I recommend CBT.
No. 160457
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>>160451I support your views you moron, but stop baiting us all with this feminism shit. Most of us don't give a fuck about feminism, apart from harpies and SJWs who think the wage gap is a thing and that sexy women on tv are as much a problem as FGM
stop making these threads and posting fake replies about how you're feminist. you're all robots.
No. 160459
>>160457You are literally responding to two seperate people and if you include the OP that makes three.
You NEED to stop assuming that just because people have similar opinions that they must be the same person because it makes you look like a complete lunatic.
Fucking hell ID's when.
No. 160460
>>160436>there are alot of feminist cunts that ask to lower the requirements for them, like firefighters. Fuck that.In your imaginary MRA wonderland, maybe. I've never heard a feminist ever say this. Lowering standards to accommodate women is generally done by misguided conservative lawmakers.
>Then its the modern 4th wave that complain about manspreading and rape culture, those are insane.Just because "manspreading" is complaining about a minor issue, doesn't make the issue itself invalid. I find plenty of little things people do in public irritating. Standing in doorways, for example. The overblown reaction to "manspreading" honestly gave it far more attention than it would have garnered naturally, similar to other manufactured pseudo-controversies like #shirtgate.
>implying rape culture isn't realPic related. A surprising amount of people are apologists for rape. They don't overtly claim to be, but when they spout outrageous claims like 40-60% of rape charges being false accuasations, and it's pretty obvious what their agenda is when you can visit antifeminist places like 4chan and see them "joke" about how they want rape to legal. Hell, even criticism of rape jokes as insensitive to actual victims makes MRAs leap to their defense, even with no actual censorship whatsoever.
>>160441>The difficult part is that we are equal in that we have the same rights but society in general treats us in a way that.. isn't equal.This. Official equality means nothing when it doesn't translate into everyday social life. It's like saying DPRK is actually democratic because it proclaims itself to me. The problem is that sexism for women is an experience that men haven't lived to a similar degree, so even though literally millions of women are coming together and sharing their experiences of things like harassment and discrimination, antifeminists can generally brush it off just by belittling them and their emotions. Take
trigger warnings, for example. It makes perfect sense that many rape victims suffer PTSD and could be disturbed by discussion of topics about sexual violence, but this is mocked by antifeminists because HOW DARE THEY suggest certain topics deserve sensitivity instead of being able to relentlessly mock and condescend victims of sexual violence without social backlash.
No. 160467
Feminism for me is three things:
- Legal equality, based on recognition of equal rights to self-determination for intelligent life
- Social equality of opportunity (i.e., women can at least try to attend the same Physics program as men and do their best) within reason (i.e., no standards should be dropped, and no quotas enacted)
- Existential authenticity and agency for women
The first two are relatively easy, though #2 usually gets ruined by people stupidly thinking it's good to lower standards, or to make men feel guilty for having exclusive or elitist cultures (protip: those cultures exist because they are naturally selected for fitness at producing more competence and genius).
What's more difficult and insidious is #3, which I think should be the top priority of feminism right now, and which has actually been badly damaged by the last two hundred years of misguided feminists misunderstanding it. Its lack also mostly causes the problems with #2, which then mutually reinforce the problems with #3 in a death spiral.
Basically for historical and anthropological reasons, women were relegated to "secondary" roles, in Beauvoir's sense, which caused a "secondary" conception and self-conception of women. Like Paglia says:
>An erection is a thought and the orgasm an act of the imagination. The male has to will his sexual authority before the woman who is a shadow of his mother and of all women. Failure and humiliation constantly wait in the wings. No woman has to prove herself a woman in the grim way a man has to prove himself a man. … Women have conceptualized less in history not because men have kept them from doing so but because women do not need to conceptualize in order to exist. [Sexual Personae, 20]
>Because of the nature of the penis, men have performance anxiety, whereas no woman ever has to prove herself in this way. So men's egos are totally involved in performance, in doing, achieving.
Because of these arbitrary aspects of biology, the disposability of the male versus the indisposability of the female, through natural selection of more efficient societies, men were tasked with creating and (existentially) self-creating, while women were tasked with enduring (surviving, bearing children, supporting males). Women had intrinsic value and men didn't.
The result is that men were the active "agents" of society, and all culture and political life was fundamentally created by them, in their image. Women defined themselves relative to this, in response or opposition to it, and so had a necessarily secondary role. They were the Other, which then fed into (male) culture's sublimation of the male sex drive and its fixation on woman (the desire to venerate and propitiate them); men can only see women in light of this sublimated fear or worship, so men and their culture will never really liberate women. That is what's happening now with feminism: men are more inclined to agency, activity, and creativity, so they dominate production even in feminist discourse, but they do it unconsciously as a propitiatory gesture and to show off to their culture that they are Good Men. In trying to de-other women, men are further othering them.
For women's part, this process has compounded on itself since the dawn of agriculture or even earlier, so that any woman today is inheriting the inertia of ten thousand years of these socio-cultural and psychological complexes. This is why Beauvoir says that women raised by single fathers turn out better than those raised by single mothers, because a man only knows how to raise an agent, that is, a boy, and he naively thinks that women are people too, so he'll try to raise her as one. Women on the other hand only know their own resentful (in the realest sense of ressentiment) consciousness and cultural role, so they teach that to their daughters.
The result is perfectly epitomised by modern feminism: women somehow being the most passive, whiny, entitled, pussy-ass crybabies WHILE THEY ARE CLAIMING that they are just as good as men and demanding the same respect as men. It's cognitive dissonance at its best, and it's the result of those ten thousand years of broken thinking, of being so horribly embedded in the Other that you can't even dip your toes in the Same. On a rational plane, women can totally understand and believe that they are self-actualising agents, but beneath the surface, in their unconscious mind, their social and cultural norms have accreted, and their psychology itself has probably evolved to make them inclined to passivity in a billion ugly ways. Of course, this feeds back into the male's desire, sublimated conveniently through a corresponding billion cultural forms of his own, to patronise women, showing off what a good potential mate he is and what an upstanding member of society he is. The majority of women respond to this, again, with their sick thinking, by allowing it, and the very few women who might realise that it's patronising usually can't argue anyway with the outward form of what the men are saying (since it's ostensibly perfectly feminist and perfectly correct). But underneath the surface, it's the same old agency-destroying process taking place, taking place under the guise of being agency-bestowing feminism.
It's the most fucking insidious thing ever, but it's the REAL thing feminism has to face, the real challenge that hasn't even really been broached yet. Women are going to have to repudiate male "help" and seeming concern for their agency, and completely build up their agency on their own, build an authentic identity from scratch. Until feminism can produce women who are intuitively disgusted by the idea of quotas and lowered standards, who would genuinely rather fail miserably than even RISK being allowed into some prestigious program or position because men systemically conspire to go easy on women or "do the right (feminist) thing," it won't ever organically take hold in humanity. Until that happens, feminism is always going to be a surface skin of idealism floating on top of an ocean of unconscious drives and the tendency, in both men and women, to see men as agents and women as their dopey sidekicks. If humanity had a serious upheaval right now, feminism would probably die and be forgotten within an hour, because it hasn't really changed any of these attitudes under the surface.
No. 160468
>>160465I don't like getting involved in this shit a lot, but you can't pretend this "hurr rape isnt that bad get over it women" is awful and the preserve of the right and then have shit like this
>>160466 come from feminists.
It really doesn't help.
Anon is totally incorrect with the "we no longer need feminism in the west" crap, but this is overkill.
No. 160470
Feminism is really positive, it's just cringeworthy tumblrinas that turn everything they touch into shit, from LGBT rights to feminism. It's people like this' fault if now the entire movement is mocked
No. 160471
>>160467>Women on the other hand only know their own resentful (in the realest sense of ressentiment) consciousness and cultural role, so they teach that to their daughters.I kinda feel this, I was raised by a single mom but she has a pretty strong personal view that basically culture is full of shit, and didn't teach me to wear makeup or dress sexy (or how to dress at all, ha ha!) or that being a woman made anyone owe me anything.. don't know if I'm explaining right but I can see a clear difference between me and other girls sometimes in this regard..
btw recommend some books anon?
No. 160480
>>160476Go read bell hooks. You'll learn a lot from her.
To me, feminism is ensuring equality of both genders. Feminism is for everybody.
No. 160489
>>160482People like you remember me of that one bitch on youtube who made a video about how sexual objectification wasn’t a thing while filming herself in every video tons of make up, red lipstick and the perfect lighting so her face looks flawless.
And recieving tons of comments of neckbeards talking about how of a “hot” and “atractive” mostly, and then secondarely “intelligent” woman she was in retribution.
There is no greater blind than who doesn’t want to see.
No. 160490
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>>160432Honestly today in the west its unnecessary. I mean we do have it better than anywhere else in the world, I mean slowly we even get to have total control over certain things.
I mean look at Hillary, look at Merkel, look at Oprah? You got thousand of women who already got a lot of power. Or atleast got the potential.
Today this whole rape thing and women are everywhere oppressed is just a whole lot of bullshit, because there are still some feminists trying to "revolutionize" the whole west. That and they probably have no other job anyway.
I mean you got so much cases where men are falsely accused or a woman got drunk and lost control. Is it really fair for men that we press charges because of our own foolishness?
The same with "rape culture" its just something to get attention. I would even go so far and say the rape itself isn't even half as horrible as the media makes it look like. Most rapes aren't even that violent and even if they are its not the rape that is so horrifying but the pain inflicted on the victim. Like if the guy would actually attack the woman with a weapon or hurt her in another way. If you're just held down for a minute or two I doubt that this is so traumatic as some feminists pretend it to be. I'd say being beaten or maybe attacked or otherwise wounded is much more traumatic to be honest.
>>160461Well and I think its important to look at this citation with the context behind it. Not just cut and paste them to underline whatever ideology you try to represant.
No. 160492
>>160490>I would even go so far and say the rape itself isn't even half as horrible as the media makes it look like. Most rapes aren't even that violent and even if they are its not the rape that is so horrifying but the pain inflicted on the victim. Like if the guy would actually attack the woman with a weapon or hurt her in another way. If you're just held down for a minute or two I doubt that this is so traumatic as some feminists pretend it to be. I'd say being beaten or maybe attacked or otherwise wounded is much more traumatic to be honest.You really need to read up on this before you try to even talk about that, there is plenty of writing on male rape if that helps you to understand that the psychological aspects are actually there and this stuff is not "made up for attention". If you want to talk about how some people respond differently to traumatic events, and some people are able to completely distance the physical act from themselves without being affected then yes that does happen but it does not make any case where someone is traumatised any less valid. Just because a soldier survives war just fine, it doesn't mean that another with ptsd is lying.
I'm not one to tell people that they are outright wrong, but you really are.
No. 160493
>>160491Well I don't see it as 'men being threatened', because first of all men probably don't give a shit or will halfheartedly agree to shut you up. I can tell you were raised by SJWs.
The reason I don't use the word feminism specifically is because nowadays anyone from priest to pauper calls themselves a feminist to a point where it has gained negative connotation. It doesn't mean anything, it can mean anything from 'equal rights for everyone' (originally it meant 'equal rights for women', mind, and I believe it still does and there's a difference) to 'working for the interest of women to the detriment of the rights of men' which I disagree with and you wouldn't be wrong to call either of those feminism, it means nothing yet makes some people cringe.
At this point it's just a trendy buzzword, it's like saying 'upward mobility' or 'diversity' or 'racism'. It sounds like it means something but in reality nobody can agree on what it does mean, everyone has their own interpretation of the word so it's becoming an ideology rather than a movement, with very negative things associated with it and I don't think it needs to be dragged around any more than it already is.
SJWs are making words that once held meaning completely meaningless, I've heard people call the most trivial of things 'abuse' when it should be a lot more severe than, say, light nagging. Same with rape, a person once
agreed to sex with a guy and didn't enjoy it, but said nothing and their friend convinced them they were raped.
If at least people would be more specific about what they mean by feminism it'd be better, but the thing is a lot of those negative examples don't want to be specific precisely because they're mindless whinging, mental illness or clickbait masquerading as activism and good intentions.
No. 160494
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>>160492As I said it really depends on the rape. There is a difference between him just doing his business and running away as fast possible. Compared to some freak torturing a woman for hours until being caught.
But in both situations the "act" of him simply putting his male genitalia into female genitalia is not the part where it gets traumatising. If he whips a victim for hours or do some unspeakable crazy stuff to her while doing it, that might be traumatising. But then its not the "rape" itself but the torture, the damage done to her body and so on.
You can't really compare this situation to soldiers, especially during times where warfare was much more dangerous for modern soldiers at the time.
Say WW1 for example. You just sat in your tiny hole with 50 other dudes and hope the next grenade doesn't find its way to said hole. You hear bombs going off everywhere around you, you maybe suffered from various diseases, then there was of course chemical weapons. Your life was literally threaneted all the time.
In a regular rape situation though, were it doesn't even remotely get this far its not really traumatising, its simply sex, maybe not even a rape to him depending on the situation.
To believe anybody who just thinks he has ptsd or that he or she is traumatised, without even showing that typical symptoms that are actually quite clear is just naive.
Of course you can get traumatised from basically everything but its the decree of what you've witnessed and how. A rape is barely comparable to any violent crime and not even close to the horrors some soldiers in certain wars had to suffer.
I mean somebody could steal your handbag, in a regular robbery without even touching you.
He can just hold a gun at you demand your handbag, you give it to him and leave. Technically that is traumatising and kinda annoying depending on what you had in that handbag.
But saying you're "scared" for life or that you have ptsd or can't even go outside anymore without looking behind your back and whatever. Would just go too much overboard.
The same goes with certain "rapes."
I mean personally I think rape just happens to be our "favorite crime to talk about" in the west if you ask me. The only "rape culture" that exists is maybe those people trying to get attention in media and what not.
After all women were always victims of rape in countless situations and they lived on. I mean everytime a town was sacked from a enemy nation or when they simply lacked the equipment to find a rapist, women who got lost somewhere in the woods or something.
Do you really think they were "traumatised" and had "ptsd" because of that? No probably not, life wasn't easy in the past and they knew if they were'nt careful this was certainly a thing that could happen if they are not careful.
Pic related the famous laughing soldier with ptsd in WW1.
No. 160495
>In a regular rape situation though, were it doesn't even remotely get this far its not really traumatising, its simply sex, maybe not even a rape to him depending on the situation.uhm, no.
>But in both situations the "act" of him simply putting his male genitalia into female genitalia is not the part where it gets traumatising.fucking no
No. 160497
>>160494Saying rape is just another form of sex is like saying that getting beaten to a pulp in a back alley is just another form of wrestling.
Maybe it wasn't even an assault to them, just sport, y'know???
No. 160498
>>160496Shoving a bottle in my asshole, wouldn't prove anything, especially because rapists probably will prefer the front entrance and the regular penis is nowhere as wide as a bottle.
>>160497I didn't say its just another form of "sex." Its still a crime but we're still talking of something your body is able to do with or without consent. Well and if you're not a virgin, its certainly not that tragic.
I'm not saying its completely harmless but it certainly shouldn't be forced into the media if it isn't a extraordinary situation and I find it disgusting how feminists literally use it for anything related to their propaganda.
I mean they use it that much that I sometimes think they watched too much smurfs as children.
>>160495Well and your argument?
With "simply sex" I meant those women who get drunk or invite some dude to their home and night and suddenly "changed her mind."
They regret it later on and maybe really not wanted it but its mostly their fault that it got this far. Especially depending on what kind of dude they pulled something like this off.
The "sex" in that case maybe wasn't even violent in the slightest.
No. 160501
>>160500They're the screaming majority, they're the ones pushing for "safe spaces" It's their faces plastered on every "feminist campus talk"
They're the stereotype for a reason and the loudest.
>">when I see middle class overweight ugly feminist, sjw type womenI don't know I think you just confirmed a need for feminism"
Because I hurt some person's widdle feelings?
Jfc. "We need feminism because someone made a funny and assumption about feminism and said we're all fat and ugly which the most popular ones tend to be like lena dunham, tess munster etc"
No. 160502
>>160494>>160498>bottle stuffOkay you're not getting that it's not all about the physical aspect at all. You can't just say that because it only hurt x amount that you doesn't count or it's only 'a little rape' or something.
Your argument about how 'women in ye olde times were fine with it' is pretty moot, because nobody can say with any certainty how every woman who was raped before the 1880's felt about it. Furthermore the time and situation that someone is in clearly form part of the cultural and social aspects which cause trauma in any situation. Apples are not oranges, you can't say 'Oh this person from this culture felt this, and so everyone else would react the same'.
You're completely missing the social/cultural/psychological aspects of rape. You don't understand anything about the severity of it and you aren't even trying to learn, you're just either trying to purposely troll us or you're just looking for a place to spew your pointless venom. Shove off.
No. 160503
>>34094You know I think the problem lies more with you seeing everything in black and white.
I wasn't saying that women in the past were "fine" with it. That's like saying everybody would be fine with it getting robbed. Which is nonsense.
I said they better dealt with it. They simply went over it faster. Like in "shit happens."
No matter if I go out now into some dark alleyway and get raped or robbed. If it wasn't so violent its really not the end of the world like feminists pretend it to be.
I mean there are women out there that got raped so brutally that they end up in a wheelchair. That this is traumtizing is clear to me. But even then its not because they simply had sex with her, its because they tortured her.
The majority of women, who just got raped had no damage whatsoever. They just waited for the dude to finish in a minute or two, he zips his stuff up again and sprints away.
All I'm saying is that rape simply isn't so severe as we currently portait it in the media.
Well and that is something that is worldwide similar, rape is not something that happens exclusively in our culture.
And only because you live in a pampered western society, it doesn't mean that you deserve more attention because of "muh fweelingz."
No. 160505
>>160503>dealt with it betterYou mean they didn't talk about it? Be honest, you just don't like that women now are given recourse over being raped nowadays, it seems.
Why it seems they just "dealt with it better" is because they couldn't do anything except be silent because they had absolutely nothing they could do, and it was treated as her burden alone to bear; it was a shameful thing for HER, not the rapist. If you think that is preferable over today where women have some semblance of legal rights towards rape, well, there is your problem.
No. 160506
>>160503Where are your sources that the majority of women
who have been raped view rape as trivial? I assume you have some studies to back up what you keep claiming. Surely you aren't just speaking out of your ass about something you don't understand?
No. 160509
>>160503Rape isn't just about physical damage. It's someone violating your body and using it like a toy for their own selfish and immoral use. You're reduced to something less than human. I don't know if you're female or male (I'm guessing male) but having someone's penis inside you that you don't want being there feels really fucked psychologically. It makes you feel dirty and tainted and rids you of all control over your own bodily autonomy.
You have no right to be saying the things you are. You are discussing other people's traumas when it isn't even an experience you can comprehend.
No. 160510
>>160509Agreed and the way I see it, it fucks up people's mental associations with something that should be a very positive expression of love, pleasure, etc. Getting beaten and mugged is, of course, a horrible and traumatic experience, but it's not comparable because there's no situation in which being beaten and mugged should be a good thing. You don't lose your ability enjoy/be comfortable with beatings, you never enjoyed them in the first place.
Anyway, the sad thing is that men do actually implicitly understand the gravity of rape. In a very selfish, possessive way of course, but they have a natural distaste for women taking extraneous dick. But they only care when it happens to their gf, their fictional waifu, or if men of other races are doing it to 'their' women. If they can disassociate themselves from the situation they start thinking of sex in terms of physical contact alone without all the emotional ties to it.
No. 160511
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>>160507Same here sister.
>>160508Gender abolition would be the removal of gender roles and boxes, not the expansion of gender identities that seems to be the current recent fad. Pic related breaks it down essentially.
No. 160512
I'm also radfem-ish.
No. 160520
>>160518Radical femenism is awesome?
How so?
No. 160523
>>160507>Nordic model for prostitution (decriminalization the selling of sex, but heavily criminalize the purchase of itHow does it make any sense? it either should be completely legal to sell and buy or completely illegal to sell and buy. Nordic model is just shifting the blame to buyers, which is most likely mostly men. And makinng buying illegal has less sense than making selling illegal:
Paying for internet? You should have access to all its resources, you pay for it after all. Uploading what shouldn't be uploaded/shared should be illegal.
Want to pay someone to kill someone else? Well, you can think about it, just like someone can think about robbing bank, but it's the act that matters, not thought. People have weaknesses so punishing for thoughts is awful idea. Not to mention practical aspects like how do you check someones thoughts and will?
Want drugs? Sure you can want them but as long as you don't get them nothing is wrong. Selling drugs should be illegal. Allowing selling and disallowing buying is just teasing and preying on peoples weakness. Imagine someone showing you all these tasty sweets, cakes, chocolate etc, telling you how tasty it is, encuraging you to eat as well, but the moment you take one sweet he slaps you on the hand or tells you what a fat pig you are.
No. 160524
>>160519Thankfully it isn't like that at all. It just features girls from a few different races and includes a couple of non-Western country backdrops. I saw some people complaining about it anyway, that it
still wasn't diverse enough for them because the girls in it were thin and not handicapped, despite the fact that they were dancers for gods sake so of course they had to be in shape. Not to mention that something doesn't have to include every single variation of a human in order to be diverse.
No. 160525
>>160524>It features girls from a few different racesIt amazes me that something like Friends probably couldn't get made today.
White people aren't allowed ethnically exclusive media like non-white people are.
No. 160526
>>160523What? I said nothing about paying for Internet access
I support the Nordic model because many women end up in prostitution out of a need to survive or support a drug addiction, and we need extend help to them rather than throwing them in jail.
We need to stop with the idea that sex work is a "choice" and "empowering". I saw a quote somewhere that said that saying that a woman chose to enter sex work is like saying someone chose to jump off of a building, but failing to mention that the building was on fire
Before you call me a SWERF, I'm an exited sex worker and I don't want any woman to have to go through the awful things I did
No. 160527
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>>160520Liberal feminism is bullshit.
It's a hard truth to swallow but it's true.
Throwing glitter on your chains and pretending they aren't there doesn't change the fact that they are there
No. 160532
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>>160526Internet etc were the just examples why making buying illegal is worse than making selling illegal.
So would you make stealing legal if it's just for survival? Don't make me laugh. Besides if buying is illegal you're sabotaging your money gain anyway. Nordic model is pants on the head retarded from logical point of view and inequal as fuck.
You don't extend help by making excuses for immoral stuff. Just creating jobs that help EVERYONE is better than hypocritical balancing on the edge of law just to help only certain group.
Also where do you live to have to resort to sex work to survive? Some african shithole? Here in eastern europe wages are low as fuck and many women still decide to rather be a cleaner lady who gets absolute shit pay and they somehow get by. My mother worked fucking 3 jobs at some point: retail, washing dishes and cleaning other people houses. She didn't end up as some whore which would obviously pay more. Lot of old people here have absolute shit retirement wages and guess what? They survive without having to sell themselves. Fuck, some even save bit by bit whenever they can and buy some bag of sweets or something for their grandchildreen or give whatever they have to the big pool family sometimes gives kid when he turns 18 so he could buy car or something.
Really, whenever I hear about being whore out of survival need I think of those spoiled millenials who think that not being able to pay for university, order pizza every week or pay for driving licence stuff is being below survival level so they go for first thing that pays potentially good, which is sex work, which is obviously nasty, they don't like it, quit and whenever they have chance they make themselves look like huge victims when it really is their own stupidity and laziness. At this point I'm wondering if it isn't some kind of troll. If you live in europe or north america then you have no fucking excuse. There is a reason why poor from asia and africa flock to europe and america: these lands give amazing opportunities but lot of native people got so used to it they are weak to the point they make bad life choices, regret it and think that life here is so hard. It is not.
If you want to be equal then act like a fucking equal, not like this anon described
>>160467 . Words don't change anything. Actions do. Vast majority of men don't resort to sex work despite gays often being so desperate for sex they bother people on the internet to the point they almost beg to pay men to suck their cock or get fucked by him. They take shittiest jobs. Fuck homeless even wander around collecting whatever they can from dumpsters and selling it in metal or glass and selling it to recycling centers. I have never seen women do such thing. And guess what? By being male sex worker you can earn more due to low supply of them compared to demand. Want to be equal with men? Then act fucking equal. Then you won't have to lie or be afraid people will judge you on your bad choices because you wouldn't do such morally awful decisions.
>>34436Then you fight with human trafficking. Forced sex workers are victims thus should not end up in jail. It's just like with shooting someone who breaks into your home. You might kill him in the process, but you aren't charged with murder because you're the victim of robbery/rape/murder attempt/whatever was criminal intention, thus it was self defence, not crime.
No. 160538
>>160503You're kind of arguing that times shouldn't have changed and that women should accept rape as a fact of normal everyday life because women in the past were more 'used to it' or something.
You're really lacking in your rationalisations it's almost unbelievable how naive you are.
Of course a person would be scared if their agency was torn away from them by a stranger. You would feel unsafe if someone subdued you, over powered you, did whatever they felt like to you, and did not consider how that made you feel. It is going to cause a mistrust of the society and environment around you.
You can't argue that rape is a good or more tolerable or acceptable thing. The point is nobody should be raped. There's no point comparing it to other atrocities to make it seem okay. Atrocities shouldn't happen in civilised society and that's what we should aim to change about human nature.
No. 160540
>>160507>Gender AbolitionI also strongly agree with this. Tacking on a bunch of new genders isn't helping anyone imo.
With gender abolished all together, we wouldn't have to deal with those boxes preventing many women and men from reaching their full potential and being comfortable with who they are.
Many people aren't taking all of these new gender things seriously anyway. If we just got rid of the idea it would solve so many silly issues ideally. Everyone can dress however traditionally masculine or traditionally feminine they want and be valued solely on their personality and work ethic and what not.
This whole other-kin, pangender, stuff needs to stop. It's silly and usually just grabs for attention and feeling unique.
No. 160541
>>160540>With gender abolished all together, we wouldn't have to deal with those boxes preventing many women and men from reaching their full potential and being comfortable with who they are.Wanna explain how gender prevents humans from being comfortable with themselves? Keeps someone from "reaching their full potential"?
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "those boxes"?
>If we just got rid of the idea it would solve so many silly issues ideally. Everyone can dress however traditionally masculine or traditionally feminine they want and be valued solely on their personality and work ethic and what not. With the concept of gender destroyed, we'll sit around a campfire and finally love each other for our personalities and work ethic alone uwu
No more of those "silly" gender issues of the past…
Not sure if you're aware of the fact that nothing legally stops humans from dressing one way or the other.
No. 160543
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Bullshit handouts I don't need