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No. 1824210
After a period of relative stability, the site went down again on Friday. It is unclear what exactly the issue was but Josh mentioned a certain individual who has committed "consent accidents" going after datacenters and then the clients of those datacenters. It was temporarily available on Tor today, but a botched server upgrade means it is down again.
If you don't like this site, you should probably go back to where you came from. If you want to stay, you should probably try to assimilate.
- Josh simps and detractors are both present and most take a binary dogmatic view. Think critically before reaching conclusions.
You can check if KF is blackholed here: is at time of posting but due to other factors it does not come up even in locations where 0% loss is reported)
Kiwi telegram (Beware, suffering awaits all who enter)'s podcast "Mad at the Internet" telegram (Source of some of his info): on Tor:
http://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion/You'll need the tor browser or brave to view these. WARNING It is known in certain countries you will/may get watchlisted (NZ, UK, US, CAN, FRA) or get in trouble (P.R. China, Russia, Iran) for using Tor, just because it is encrypted doesn't mean the government can't find out it's you by proving you're the only person using Tor over an IP. Discretion is advised and is sometimes the better choice over valor.
last thread
>>>/snow/1694270previous threads
>>>/snow/1688140>>>/snow/1662925 (Tier 1 ISP stuff starts here)
>>>/snow/1649200>>>/snow/1642877>>>/snow/1639557>>>/snow/1636927>>>/snow/1631130>>>/snow/1627717 (Keffals shit starts here)
>>>/snow/998558>>>/snow/525536Archive KF thread on (in case if you wanna see how Josh views the website)'d Josh thread, very enlightening:
>>>/manure/2733 No. 1824231
>>1824218Dong Gone has actually been trying to get KF taken down long before he had a thread, it’s in fact the reason he has one, because ppl were like “who the fuck is this tranny pestering us” - basically the Streisand effect.
He jumped on Keffal’s dropkiwifarms campaign, but even after that fizzled, pretty much all the DDOSing can be traced back to him.
I don’t have screenshots atm (mobile posting) but the consent accident stuff came from a hilarious twitter thread in which he describes how an attempted sexual interaction went south because the other person was…
triggered by dog hair on his clothes or something? Elliot describes the event as a “consent accident”. It’s retarded and nobody believes that’s what went down, but the other party is a troon and not likely to speak up about it.
No. 1824237
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>>1824218picrel is from the telegram
No. 1824244
>>1824232The salon was really cozy. The gardening thread was really helpful.
I hope it peters out again. It feels useless to keep up the DDoSing. It feels like it would just hurt the cause more than help, really.
No. 1824250
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>>1824231Kek, I was able to find half the tweet thread just by googling “consent accident” - didn’t even need to add anything.
FYI, the other half of the tweets don’t make his bullshit any more sensical.
No. 1824251
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>>1824250There’s also this lovely bit of written diarrhea. Gross.
No. 1824264
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And here we go…a word from the "Queen of the Sektur".
No. 1824274
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Where the Sidewalk Ends…
No. 1824295
>>1824231I'm kind of sad the keffals thing petered out. It was fucking hilarious watching Josh try to tough guy through it and failing. And all the troon-obsessed farmers crying and hugging each other because the troonpocalypse they yearn for was finally happening and they could feel victimised.
>>1824232I used to read the salon ages ago but there was that one know-it-all shitting up every thread with walls of text. Was it Mina? On the other end of the scale, durable Mike was a legend. never understood why he was there of all places.
>>1824237LMFAO why is he such a fucking clown, holy shit. It WiLl HaPpEn To YoU (unless you're like 4ch or something. Even 8ch took ages to go down and that was way worse) So desperate for relevance, so far away.
No. 1824309
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any of you nonnies hating of kf: you're no fucking better with your own personal cows and snowflakes that you love to hate and post about. the only advantage you have is having slightly more anonymous posting style (btw mods can still always see post history because of cookies and passwords) you just don't have usernames. i've been on the farms much longer than KF, and its the same fucking thing except lcf has stricter rules and better integration at the cost of being much, much slower. report moids/rulebreakers/newfags as usual but a lot of women use KF and theres no use in vilifying KF users if they're not breaking rules or being annoying. only posting this bcus i've seen it happen in real time many times before. let the the KF bitches have their own containment thread and ban any interference outside of it. who knows how long it will be down for, this site is the #1 contender to be used for similar purposes while its down.
No. 1824315
>>1824299it’s much bigger than hosting or DDoSing this time. Think of it more like someone much higher up flipping a switch to cut off the internet regardless of who the service/hosting provider is and then if Josh manages to talk someone into flipping that switch back on again that person gets harassed until they flip it back off again. He mentioned people involved getting woken up by threatening phone calls, getting someone’s wife fired from her unrelated job, that sort of thing. It’s fucked.
Who is in the position of being both high up enough to help + Josh level autistic about free speech enough to put their family life on the line for a site with like a thousand articles about how it stalks and murders vulnerable people? How many people would care about this even if KF didn’t have such a bad rap? People support doxing so long as it’s oN ThE RiGhT SiDe oF HiStoRy and normies put up with immense censorship and astroturfing on Facebook/Insta/TikTok/Reddit etc just fine (minus a small amount of assblasted wailing about muh algorithm from aspiring influencers). How many people do you know who even know what’s going on with net neutrality & internet regulation, let alone care?
>>1824309I’m biased because I’m a longterm KF lurker but I agree. 4chan is only still up because it’s a glowie honeypot now. This site doesn’t toe the TRA line and has the same autistic bent towards cataloguing and archiving as KF. If something doesn’t change then our days here probably are numbered. This thing is bigger than KF and it’s bigger than us.
No. 1824317
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I occasionally visit kiwi for the cow boards that lc doesn't have so I'm waiting for it to come back up all kiwi nonners are welcome!(except moids)
No. 1824329
>>1824295Mina’s still here and there, I can’t decide if it’s a woman with an autistic special interest in early gay americana, or an actual gay man.
Hard disagree on your opinions on Jersh though. I happen to agree with his stance on free speech, KF would literally have died under the boot long before now if he wasn’t so pig headed stubborn about keeping it up at all costs. I have to respect a guy who takes the first amendment that seriously.
lol @ his fatty fetish tho
No. 1824330
>>1824295Mina’s still here and there, I can’t decide if it’s a woman with an autistic special interest in early gay americana, or an actual gay man.
Hard disagree on your opinions on Jersh though. I happen to agree with his stance on free speech, KF would literally have died under the boot long before now if he wasn’t so pig headed stubborn about keeping it up at all costs. I have to respect a guy who takes the first amendment that seriously.
lol @ his fatty fetish tho
No. 1824358
>>1824250I hate this person. Liz cries about doxing and harassment but does exact same things. But because "she" is not a bad actor it's called unmasking and bystander accountability. Liz is fluent in corporate mumbo jumbo, so sexual assault becomes consent accident. KF is down so I can't deliver screenshots, but IIRC Liz was once a consent accident
victim too. After the guy got #meetooed by multiple women Liz upgraded her consent accident
victim status to rape
victim status.
No. 1824455
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>>1824218>>1824231most recent archive of Liz Fong-Jones’s KF thread No. 1824477
>>1824309> i've been on the farms much longer than KF,then you'd know that we've never been "the farms", you idiots always show yourselves.
>(btw mods can still always see post history because of cookies and passwords) Wow! We never knew! It's not like we have a whole page to explain how it works to warn selfposting cows that their posts can be outed at any time if they break too many rules.
>theres no use in vilifying KF users if they're not breaking rules or being annoying. You already are. Go back.
(infighting) No. 1824492
>>1824251He talks big talk but won't ever fucking do it just like any of these other scrotes who claim that they'd love to do sex work. Just fucking do it, whores. I wish this male whore would prostitute himself off Skid Row for bigger scrotes to rail and "DESTROY" him. Maybe then he would have an experience that would show him what his
victims felt when he raped them. Fuck this sex pest. I pray that he gets his karma soon and am toying with the idea of hexing him myself.
No. 1824509
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Imagine the smell!
No. 1824540
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TOR is down right now too
No. 1824580
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>>1824218it's inaccurate, the rape story Null was mischaracterizing was in reference to a former friend of LFJ going to hackernews to discuss being raped by a co-worker of him and LFJ, apparently LFJ defended the rapist. To my knowledge LFJ was not named as the perp but I'm sure it doesn't matter to Null.
Even kiwis know better than to take Null's word as gospel.
No. 1824605
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>>1824580Nah, LFJ is the rapist.
No. 1824607
>>1824603Unless LFJ is referring to another SA, then this was the story Null was referencing.
>>1824605what does a mother jones article prove? I don't care about what LFJ or Null says. I care about the alleged
victims account.
No. 1824618
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No. 1824626
victim has not come out yet. Probably too scared of the aggressive sex pest. Liz has mentioned the consent accident on different occasions. If the person is as crazy as Liz claims, Liz wouldn't have to write all these tweets which have all the classic gaslighting and
victim silencing techniques btw. Kiwi autists did excellent detective work and were able to figure out the event where the assault happened. They also found out Liz didn't own a dog back then. It wasn't the first day of the event, so Liz should have changed her clothes or at least used a lint roller. Why did Liz have dog hair on her clothes on the consent accident day?
>>1824509Liz wears the same coat of lipstick for 36 hours. Maybe she doesn't change or even wash her clothes regularly. Ew.
No. 1824692
>>1824455He makes so much money and can't even get glasses that fit him properly.
>>1824509Seriously how can this nasty fucker have so much influence. I hate this world.
>>1824618Did he just incriminate himself and the rapist of the DDoS attacks?
No. 1824891
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>>1824847He hacked KF, bullied Null, and Null paid him $777. Reality is not the "cringe" one. lulz
No. 1825031
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>>1825015I refuse to believe at this stage that KF’s not coming back.
one of my favorite horrorcows over there, Robyn Grogitsky-Ramirez aka Empathic Mamahood (and her gay husband Glenn) has a thread here but it’s been inactive for ages.
>>>/snow/1446741if anyone’s wondering, they did this to their daughter in a homebirth gone wrong No. 1825049
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>>1824618This guy is Liz's personal assistant and buttboy who helps him blackmail service providers into dropping KF by threatening their women and children.
No. 1825051
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felt cute, might get your wife fired from her job today
No. 1825053
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No. 1825054
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They call their intimidation and defamation campaign "End Kiwi Farms" instead of "Drop Kiwi Farms" because they had a fight with Keffals over getting all the attention.
No. 1825057
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No. 1825058
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Professional axe-wound licker.
No. 1825076
>>1824366The Chelseafest was 5/9 iirc.
>>1825053Add "terrible boss" and "user" to Liz's honors, because this "executive assistant" regularly begs for money on Twitter, whereas lfj evidently has millions (and yet still wears the same dress on every day that is not "dress like a bumblebee at the office" day).
(sage your shit) No. 1825123
>>1825092Forums are cancer. The best way to talk about cows is anon because ur prevents people with accounts from cloutchasing. Kf is awful because they discuss cows yet are all cows themselves begging for their own kf notoriety.
Anon image boards are the true and only way to have cow discussion that isn't full of clout chasers.
No. 1825131
>>1825123Meh I think there are pros and cons to both formats. For example KF doesn't get spammed with CP, because you have to make an account and that carries with it some sort of accountability and reputation. People actually try to make posts that other users will like as opposed to just anon shitposting. Also it's easier to ban people that way. This place is constantly raided by schizo trannies who try to integrate because
gIrL bOaRd and then get mad when they don't fit in and throw fits and post CP and gore. They can just change their VPN if they get banned and do it again, there really isn't anything mods can do about it. Being anon definitely also has benefits like no cringe namefags, but it also leads to constant arguments like "YOU ARE THAT ANON FROM THE OTHER THREAD I HAD AN ARGUMENT WITH EARLIER!" and tinfoilery.
No. 1825167
>>1825137Most of what this anon is saying, I used to be a PULL-fag but abandoned the website in favor of Lolcow's pure, seething honesty that comes with anonymity. And didn't a number of KF user emails gotten leaked at one point? Feels really unsafe, even with a throwaway email (feels silly to have a throwaway email too just to discuss retards online).
Plus there is a beauty to how one anon can call me a dumbfuck in one thread and be my best friend in the other without any of us being aware of it being the same person.
No. 1825519
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Josh is heckin cute and wholesome@(unsaged shitpost)
No. 1825590
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>>1825519that is the handwriting of a toddler
No. 1825595
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>Dear diary,
>Today marks day 300 of the one-day operation to defeat Keffals. My website is currently down 7x of the days it's actually available and my mom says her credit card is maxed out. I will have to beg my loyal followers for donations of animal-coins on Telegram, as I am still blacklisted from every single bank on the planet. When these all moon I should finally have enough technology to defeat DARPA and keep Kiwifarms available.
>Liz Fong fills every inbox I have both online and IRL with various photos of laughing_anime_girls.jpg, or maybe it's Graf, I haven't figured it out yet. Either way once I get the site back online I will be making a very angry post telling everyone how mad this makes me. That usually works whenever someone on my site makes me upset, I see no reason why that wouldn't solve the problem otherwise.
>In the meantime I have taken up a new passion project: gay shota SFM porn. If I don't get frustrated trying to figure out how to animate 3D models like I got frustrated trying to run a Fediverse node or yotsuba imageboard, I think I can get good enough at this to solicit more donations. In any case I've downloaded 137 Blender models of naked boys for research purposes.
>Zedkissed and Sigsegv just drove by and threw another brick at our front door. Mom says I need to go outside and ask them to stop but I know the moment I go out there they'll have Doopie DoOver come out of the bushes and pants me again. I hate them so much. I'll finish writing this once I'm done hiding in the bathroom until they leave.
No. 1825597
>>1825590He has autism. I'm pretty sure of it, he's also faceblind and plays those autistic WW2 moid games. I had an autistic BF once who was very high-spectrum and almost normal, I get the male autist vibe from null.
(Autistic moids are super draining and even more insensitive than regular moids. Do not recommend.)
No. 1825618
>>1825554There was never a tranny mod on KF. Katsukitty trooned out many years after leaving the site.
>>1825597He says he's been tested as a kid and found not to be autistic, only ODD. I honestly don't think Null is autistic. He shows a lot of empathy and high emotional IQ on his streams.
>>1825590Null is like 13 or 14 in that picture you weirdos.
No. 1825627
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KF is down and yet, trannies still aren't women. KF will be back up and trannies will continue to be men.
No. 1825630
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>>1824366I only caught the tail end of it, but my favorite part was when one of her poopy-pants-face TikToks was played on the screen kek. So embarrassing.
No. 1825632
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I just want to watch an archive of Chantal's latest deleted livestream without some dumb youtube commentator talking over it…
No. 1825661
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What's the matter? The kid is no longer special?
Jersh should have never paid that kid 5 shitcoins. You are supposed to send merch bounty to script kiddies. Pornhub sends this t-shirt. You pay White Hats or hire cyber security companies to find vulnerabilities.
No. 1825696
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"Kiwifarms has tranny jannies" is something made up by groypers on /pol/ lmao. Trannies claim that KF is some sort of far-right nazi terrorism website and /pol/tard Nick Fuentes fan claim that KF is a communist tranny site with tranny moderators trying to dox right wingers. This just goes to show you that KF is truly politically neutral since every side gets shit on.
No. 1825712
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nice try
No. 1825740
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Yeah, it's a joke. Because he's a programmer and all programmers are troons right? Very original and common joke. People joke about Null being a troon/trooning out because he codes rust all the time as well.
No. 1825791
>>18257785 years ago was 2018. I was on the internet in 2013. I very clearly remember that being the year all the shit kicked off as someone on a forum I post on asked "What is this cis shit? Are we being trolled?"
This isn't hard to verify and has been inescapable in the media since at least 2016. So yeah.
No. 1825807
>>1825618>He says he's been tested as a kid and found not to be autistic, only ODD. I honestly don't think Null is autistic. He shows a lot of empathy and high emotional IQ on his streams.All true. null being autistic is kind of my crack headcanon, mostly based on a hunch. That said we don't know what "tested for autism" means and I don't trust the American system which seems to mostly be sitting and talking meaning people can go doctor shopping. In my country you need to have an MRI, IQ test, and a second opinion to be diagnosed with autism.
Additionally; people who are especially high functioning can learn to get around or mask their autism. It effects everybody a little bit differently. It's like there's a sheet of characteristics and high functioning autists can have as little as, let's just say, 3/5 characteristics. They hit the benchmark characteristics and not a lot of others.
It's kinda funny null was ODD as a kid, it really shows sometimes. Lolcows with childhood ODD are some of the funniest since they can be led into doing anything as long as somebody tells them not to do it. Of course adults can't really have ODD, they're just assholes and we don't need a diagnosis for that. Nick Rekeita and Ethan Ralph are two ODD cows I know off the top of my head.
(medfagging) No. 1825808
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>>1825807All moids are a little big autistic. If you are high functioning to the point of being able to completely mask it, what is even the point of paying some doctors thousands to screen your brain just so you can get a diagnosis to wear as some sort of badge? I think people really overuse the word autism nowadays. Everyone who has an interest that slightly deviates from the norm is immediately called an autist.
No. 1825837
>>1825820Tumblr was the way it was because it inherited a large amount of users from Livejournal. LJ was rampantly infected with social justice as far back as 2007, I remember first hearing about "privilege" during NaNoWirMo in 2006. Livejournal got infected from two places, one was just leftist college kids who used the platform and the other were older leftist who were in zine and con culture, epically sci-fi, for decades before the internet. You can trace those people all the way back to the literal pedophile communists of the 1950s, look into the Breendoggle for more info on that.
The long march is real, and they found all kinds of cracks and corners to do it in.
No. 1825855
Why was my OFF-TOPIC thread on the OFF-TOPIC board locked?
>>>/ot/1571389I want the mod who did this to me fired.
(sage your autism) No. 1825868
>>1825837All of this is very true but I'd add DeviantArt kids to the mix of why it happened what it happened in Tumblr. Everyone knows how relevant LJ was to the creation of the cesspool mentality on Tumblr but DeviantArt had it's share with the bunch of mentally ill, terminally online kids with shit art skills that emigrated there (to be mostly groomed by said LJ adults, sadly).
Almost every mentally ill deviant genderspecial I've known had a DeviantArt phase in their early teens. That website doesn't get enough shit for how it set up a whole generation to be groomed imo
No. 1825875
The stream from today:
> should be back on Tor today/tomorrow.
No. 1825879
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TOR will find a way.
No. 1825928
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No. 1825931
>>1825922deserves what? He's simply saying she's undateable because she slept with a black man. It has nothing to do with Shoe and more to do with Josh being obessed with black dicks and mentioning BBC in any context every stream because thats what racist scrotes do.
>>1825926Stop acting like Josh isn't unapologetically racist, like where are all you coming from with these retarded agruments? He's bring it up because thats what he does. I find it funny tbh, you guys always come out the woodworks trying to defend it, at least be honest like this retard-
>>1825929I hate you scrotes and I hope your site comes back so you can suck Josh's dick and talk about BBC, N-words every five mintues while discussing white men in dresses.
No. 1825937
>>1825837>LJ was rampantly infected with social justice as far back as 2007, Livejournal was the origin of '
trigger warnings'. It came from the college kid fandom part of it.
>the other were older leftist who were in zine and con culture, epically sci-fi, for decades before the internet.Those older leftists hated the college kids who got into fandom cause those kids kept 'calling them out' on their privilege/sexism/etc. They were all broken stair culture.
No. 1825939
>>1825931>because thats what racist scrotes doYeah. So, I'm not getting worked up about it. The fact he's talking about Sh0e is funny because she's desperate for male approval. If it wasn't about Sh0e, I said I'd agree with you. If you also already expect him to say shit like that, I'm really not sure what point you're trying to make.
>>1825938 You don't seem entertained.
No. 1825976
>>1825837>BreendoggleLooked it up. Holy shit you weren't kidding. The daughter of the pedo couple became a hardcore homophobe out of being raped by them since she was 3. The whole post she wrote on them is fucking depressing to read honestly. I can't even blame her current views after being raised and molested by the equivalent back then to the tranny-adjacent pedos we have nowadays.
They were also mysoginists who reprimanded her for dumb shit like "walking too femenine" and crazy stuff like that. Figures.
No. 1825980
>>1825976Samefag, forgot to add the pedo stuff going on in fandom spaces should be studied. It is too much of a coincidence fandoms became breeding grounds for trannies and groomers after these were the people that got the subculture started. Specially taking into account how many kids are attracted to these hobbies. They knew what they were doing.
The amount of people defending that pedo piece of shit back in the day is fucking disturbing too. Most of them really didn't give a shit he was a serial rapist. Subhuman scrotes
No. 1826010
>What they did to me is a matter of unfortunate public record: suffice to say that both parents wanted me to be gay and were horrifed at my being female. My mother molested me from ages 3-12. The first time I remember my father doing anything especially violent to me I was five. Yes he raped me.
>He told me unequivocally that no man would ever want me, because all men are secretly gay and have simply not come to terms with their natural homosexuality.
>I grew up watching my father have “romances” (in his imagination) with boys who were a source of frustration because they always wanted food and money as a result of the sex they were subjected to, and didn’t want HIM. (OF COURSE!) I started trying hard to leave home when I was ten, after the failure of my first suicide attempt, and to intervene when I was 13 by telling my mother and her female companion that my father was sleeping with this boy.
>Now it should be noted that boy lovers do not think of what they are doing as “molestation.” To them it is sex, they imagine it is consensual, and any objections will certainly be overridden by the orgasms they are certain they can produce, and it is the shame of these orgasms that silences the boy-victims, and persuades them they “must” be gay.
>My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become “who they really are.” It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other “isms.” If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be “normal” and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as “straight culture” goes the way of the dinosaur. As my mother used to say: “Children are brainwashed into believing they don’t want sex.”
>From my experience in the gay community, the values in that community are very different: the assumption is that EVERYONE is gay and closeted, and early sexual experience will prevent gay children from being closeted, and that will make everyone happy.
>What sets gay culture apart from straight culture is the belief that early sex is good and beneficial, and the sure knowledge (don’t think for a second that they DON’T know) that the only way to produce another homosexual is to provide a boy with sexual experiences BEFORE he can be “ruined” by attraction to a girl.
>If you’re OK with that, and you might not be, it is worth your consideration. If you think I am wrong, that is your privilege, but watch out for the VAST number of stories of sexual abuse AND transgenderism that will come about from these gay “marriages.” Already the statistics for sexual abuse of children of gays are astronomically high compared to that suffered by the children of straights.
> No. 1826027
>>1825893fee fi fo fuark
i detect a mudshark
(global rule #7) No. 1826075
>>1825820>>1825837The Something Awful forum is another Internet patient zero of transretardation. Things were changing for worse at least from 2008, and by 2010 the community was definitely infected. Although Kiwi Farms users managed to dug out transfag threads as old as 2004 (or maybe 2003, I've got no way to check now).
2008 was generally a pivotal year for the Internet regarding political spergery and agitation, since Obama's victory proved it to be a successful tactic.
4chan archives are incomplete so it's hard to do a proper check, but transretard agitation was there at least by 2012 (depending on the board of course). Shortly after this cancer started taking over the SCP Wiki too.
No. 1826092
>>1825980I agree. From decade to decade, pedos always show up and in positions of relative power. LJ itself had to ban pedo fanfic on their site because of Harry Potter pedo fujos.
On KF there was a frequently posted link about pedo fan culture. Issac Asimov's son get busted distributing CP. I believe it was Arthur C Clark who moved to some 3rd world Asian country to diddle kids legally. And Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine spent years advertising a book you could buy of a middle school age cosplayer in skimpy costumes, her family knew the editor.
No. 1826119
>>1825980>pedos lurking in fandomsI just assumed pedos lurked in fandoms like minecraft because it has kids in them. Like how they would try to get jobs like school teachers etc.
Its more frequent because of how much internet traffic increased over the years.
Off topic, but I miss the early 2000's when the internet was only used by genuine nerds. Psychotic freaks would be called out immediately, and you never had to worry about being potentionally associated with a criminal. Now a days people get away with so much shit because of polarization and politics.
I don't know if thats just me though.
No. 1826250
File: 1683949799298.png (181.21 KB, 467x422, Screenshot 2023-05-12 8.44.05 …)

>>1826243You should definitely try to date Josh and tell us all about it. Snatch him up before someone else does.
No. 1826277
File: 1683955599584.gif (975.72 KB, 640x480, 1328D3BB-67CE-4416-8A86-322445…)

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaAAAAhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! when will it COME BACK
No. 1826282
>>1826061>>1826018I love it when moids can't navigate the site.
>>1825896Of course he isn't going to stop, because the it will mean he lost. Null has nothing else going for his life and burned bridges with his family and non-existent social circle. He's not just your average scrote he's been a terminally online scrote since the age of 15 with zero chances of landing regular employment with his history.
No. 1826349
>>1826274I honestly doubt it, otherwise he'd already bred & fucked off. I actually listen to his podcast
cringe I know but it's my guilty pleasure and he talks like he's very much single but has some discord kittens lined up for when he's done enough with the forum
No. 1826401
File: 1683984798689.jpg (22.31 KB, 461x629, troon_tears.jpg)

Certain people get very bootybothered when you say something nice about Null, even if it's something as simple as "I don't really like him but it's cool he is making trannies seethe" and I think a lot of it comes from guys who are jealous and think Null has achieved some kind of status as TERF's darling that they envy, especially because he isn't even abusing his position to slay puss. That's why as soon as something nice about him gets posted someone immediately chimes in with "HE ISNT A REAL FEMINIST! DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S ALL A FAKE PERSONA TO MAKE YOU LIKE HIM?!"
kek, seethe about it.
No. 1826408
File: 1683985106543.png (51.4 KB, 358x470, elaine.png)

>Oi, listen up, you! You think you're tough, do ya? 'Cos I'll have you know that I'm not afraid to throw down. I ain't no pushover, and I ain't afraid of anyone. So if you've got a problem with me, let's sort it out right now. I don't need no bloke to fight my battles for me, I can handle myself just fine. So what's it gonna be, then? You wanna step up and see what I'm made of? Bring it on, mate!
Take your meds, Elaine.
No. 1826411
File: 1683985311576.gif (1.16 MB, 319x219, download.gif)

>>1826410tfw Null will never look at you like this, why even live?
No. 1826422
>>1826401Can you stop with this cringe shit? Why don't you go on kiwifsrms or telegram. Every single time this thread reopens its like the same 5 retard whining/lying/licking nulls nuts. Nobody cares. This isn't the null fan club, people can say whatever the fuck they want about him. This is about kiwifarms drama. You idiots come here everytime kiwifarms is down and white knight and responding to every negative comment, that's not what lolcow or this thread is for. Keep your cringe edits to yourself.
The site is up on tor.
No. 1826427
File: 1683988217138.png (571.2 KB, 855x699, blelaine.png)

The Null hater phenotype is something else fr fr.
No. 1826512
File: 1683998155731.jpg (23.44 KB, 463x693, photo_2022-03-06_21-33-42.jpg)

>>1826501I like how angry this makes certain incels on certain other sites that monitor this thread closely and want us to join the Null-hater brigade so badly, kek. Like it's really not hard to believe that someone with as much internet clout as Null has would have a ton of fangirls in his DMs. Not only is he an e-celeb/e-daddy, he is also kind of a "bad boy" cause he's got a lot of spicy takes and he also doesn't hate women and actively stands up for women against troons, which is sadly rare, especially for online-moids. It's no mystery at all why some women find that attractive. His looks don't even matter and you can tell that it's moids seething that Null is totally fat and ugly and we should hate him for that, because that's not the main attraction about him (although I think he is very kawaii, picrel). Scrotes can not imagine liking someone for their personality, their conviction, their work ethic, their moral values or any of these other non-superficial things because they would never like a fat woman who is a good person.
I think what makes them angry the most is that Null doesn't actually care about these fangirls, he has women throwing himself at him and he rejects them. They can not comprehend this since they would kill to be in that position. Just really funny to me.
No. 1826581
>>1826568Just ignore them, they want attention and think it's sooo funny but unironically wants to come here and shill null.
Its 100% a moid or probably that Luna person
No. 1826600
>>1826588>thinking a women are pornsick enough to get off to a handYeah, definitely male. Thanks for proving it.
>>1826581Who's luna? And yeah I believe it's one of the males from kiwifags because those men look the same as null(fat+white+expired) and they're coping with their faolures by pretending women actually simp for men like them online, if they were hot enough to get online fans, they could get laid irl as well, kek. Delulu.
No. 1826644
>>1826606Where can I read more about her?
>>1826607Wait so she's a murderer fangirl(boy?) who kept thirsting after Null? Her pattern seems similar to the troll that's posting rn so you guys might be right.
>>1826637>normal looking woman with a great body who ironically thirsts after an incel makes him uncomfortable.You're delulu if you think a man will see a woman with huge tits lusting over him as annoying. She's a weirdo but she's pretty with a good body, null would probably kill all his ugly sumps for a girl who looked average because he's a desperate incel.
No. 1826722
File: 1684025914737.png (68.83 KB, 600x416, Screenshot 2023-05-13 5.57.14 …)

>>1826565This is a more accurate depiction of Null and his romantic life.
No. 1826743
File: 1684029143282.png (30.56 KB, 774x585, Screenshot 2023-05-13 6.50.18 …)

This is what Jersh wants in a woman. Oddly enough, he is kind of describing Elaine. kek kek kek
No. 1826784
File: 1684034433677.png (Spoiler Image,29.03 KB, 298x647, 17.png)

>>1826756Maybe this will help the confusion. This is from Null's "gay phase". There are reasons people consistently bring up his taste for cheese pizza.
No. 1826851
File: 1684045565409.png (313.68 KB, 2205x1510, kek.png)

>>1826844kek, seethe incel
No. 1826856
>>1826855Null is a simple man. He loves his website. He loves banana peppers. He loves pizza. He loves secret
TERF gf and he hates trannies and black people.
No. 1826863
File: 1684048872299.jpg (48.18 KB, 800x600, 53 - BU2J0Pj.jpg)

It is Kiwifarms thread #13 and scrotes still haven't learned that getting angry over Josh-fags just encourages more Josh-fagging (ironic and unironic) because it's funny to watch them seethe and cope "BUT HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THESE FAKE SCREENSHOTS FROM 15 YEARS AGO?! HOW CAN YOU LIKE HIM?! AAARGHHH!" Null haters are truly 0 IQ and will never learn.
No. 1826867
File: 1684050166524.png (24.04 KB, 401x538, Screenshot 2023-05-14 12.39.15…)

>>1826552>His cum probably tastes like pepsi zero vanilla.Unfortunately, Josh doesn't enjoy sex and can't feel his dick. lulz
No. 1826876
File: 1684051795605.png (23.35 KB, 1273x378, Screenshot 2023-05-14 1.09.47 …)

Lore on Null losing his virginity…
No. 1826880
>>1826867>doesn't enjoy sexProbably because he can only have sex with prostitutes or obese/weird women who don't fit into his skinny petite tomboy gf idea
>>1826876>defended loli fucked a retarded woman just to lose his virginityDisgusting. The fatties that simp for him would probably lose their minds if they realized they'd never be his type aka literal teen girls.
No. 1826891
>>1826876Source: some anon on the internet
No. 1826896
File: 1684056048966.jpg (48.19 KB, 800x600, 52 - TMy2UCf.jpg)

>>1826894>Josh is demisexual and can only coom when he has an emotional connectionunreal levels of wholesomeness
No. 1826908
File: 1684058835126.png (26.16 KB, 407x409, Screenshot 2023-05-14 3.04.20 …)

>>1826902It's curious just how many people accuse Josh of being a pedo and/or into CP.
No. 1826909
>>1826901Null hater phenotype strikes again. Sorry but why would anyone believe these fantasy stories by a literal ogre?
>>1826902Graf accused Null of being a pedophile because Crunklord has hidden a bunch of lolicon instances on the fediverse, the same lolicon instances that Poast (Grafs instance) still federates. Literally how does this make any sense? If Null was hosting hardcore CP he would be in jail and trannies wouldn't have to resort to illegal DDOS campaigns to put an end to Null. These stories don't even make sense.
No. 1826916
File: 1684059574175.png (223.26 KB, 619x811, shadow3.png)

And here is Graf encouraging his former co-admin Undu posting drawn CP. It's literally projection from Graf's alcoholic wetbrain.
No. 1826917
File: 1684059649853.png (11.69 KB, 565x197, graf.png)

Undu was harrassed by Kiwifarmers for being a nonce so badly that he had to quit and make his own instance to be left alone posting his CP. That's why Graf is angry at Null.
No. 1826919
File: 1684059791813.png (12.14 KB, 610x277, 1683020676477.png)

Pawoo (the instance with CP on it) is also defederated by but not by Graf himself, lmao.
No. 1826922
File: 1684060459059.png (55.77 KB, 566x419, Screenshot 2023-05-14 3.31.41 …)

>>1826909>Null hater phenotype strikes again.Do you think this guy has a "Null hater phenotype"? Or do you think he would drink Josh's blood?
No. 1826923
File: 1684060470086.png (23.69 KB, 623x406, graf1.png)

Here is Graf being mad that Null said that he would sleep well at night if you could kill all lolicons and pedophiles.
No. 1826929
File: 1684060883227.png (Spoiler Image,317.36 KB, 526x736, 1681500262666.png)

Here's some more stuff from Graf's instance. He totally hates Null for being a pedo btw.
No. 1826931
File: 1684060977663.jpg (56.54 KB, 438x622, brama.jpg)

And more from Crunk and Null on the topic.
No. 1826937
File: 1684062431122.png (22.1 KB, 489x362, Screenshot 2023-05-14 3.43.29 …)

>>1826925It's not all fake. Godwinson might not hate Null, but he obviously doesn't like or respect him. Gahoole probably doesn't "hate" Null either. Graf is a nonce, but so is Null. Null used to not have an issue with lolicon and would defend it the same as Graf. None of the public figures people in the sektur are good people, it's a cesspit and glows all over. It's just delusional to think Null is somehow better than the rest.
No. 1826942
File: 1684063664366.jpg (62.98 KB, 551x486, ttt.jpg)

No. 1826950
File: 1684064032806.png (117.62 KB, 534x699, 1683987052966.png)

>>1826946>YOU ARE ALL OBESE DISGUSTING WHORES!!!>ugh don't you know Null is actually not a real feminist you idiot cunt slut bitches?! Careful your moidbrain is showing.
No. 1826962
File: 1684065840624.png (30.44 KB, 270x348, Screenshot 2023-05-14 4.58.49 …)

Sorry to break it to the Null simps, but Elaine is on his mind constantly. People at KF know that Jersh obsessively watches her thread and sperg bans people who post in it. Elaine is the type of androgynous skinny girl type Null is into. lol
No. 1826993
>>1826946Well there you have it folks, the Null haters ITT are just Blaine and Elaine who both desperately want to bang Null and are seething about getting rejected, kek.
>>1826946>expired obese whoresYeah you are a moid. Because literally nobody cares about what any of us looks like. You already saw that some Joshfags are decent looking women with nice titties who aren't even fat, but still have to cope. Null doesn't even care because he will never date any of us or you for that matter, so why does it matter what anyone here looks like? Oh yeah cause you are a male who thinks a womans opinion only matters if she is attractive and fuckable. Really really telling.
No. 1827047
File: 1684073903232.png (17.24 KB, 354x432, Screenshot 2023-05-14 7.18.34 …)

>>1827039GWS stream comments…
No. 1827057
>>1826950>spamming the same picture of a mentally ill anorexic woman everytime you're accused of being fatYeah you totally owned them, fatty-chan! I'm sure Null would kill to feed you pizza like you wrote here
>>1826656>>1826993Everyone knows you're fat because you're making up excuses to not send a hand picture or any sort of proof. You're probably that Luna woman who was stalking Null, actually sad.
Instead of crying in /meta/ everytime someone makes fun of you, go get on a diet. Then maybe you wouldn't have to simp for men online and embarrass yourself.
(infighting) No. 1827067
>>1827016you're saying elaine is delulu for thinking null is into her even though she fits his type (skinny, flat, pretty, young) yet you been posting your own dreams w Null for the whole thread
if you weren't jealous of elaine, you wouldn't think everyone that's telling you null won't fuck you was her
also why do you think a man that says his type is men with pussies(aka flat women) would be into you because of your tits
we all knows having big tits is something only overweights brag about because it's the only good thing about obesity
(infighting) No. 1827076
File: 1684077943859.jpg (665.09 KB, 2000x3000, 3da8bc2c-90af-471d-b02a-0b73b3…)

>>1827067Just curious how you justify in your head that you are exactly Null's type (he thinks britbongs are subhuman btw) and yet he still won't fuck you and is actively trying to avoid you? If he wants you so bad then… What's stopping him exactly? It just doesn't make sense, kek.
I don't care if Null wants to fuck me or not. I'm not an obsessive stalker weirdo who is trying to go full Misery on the poor boy. You are clearly too autistic to understand that most of the simping around here is lighthearted jokes and people talking about wanting to guzzle Null's cum just do it because it pisses you off so much.
No. 1827088
>>1827077Yeah I have no idea why anons were trying to keep her hopes up, she is way too fat for Ralph to even consider her.
This pick me has run dry on her choices.
(Blaine) No. 1827090
File: 1684079269517.gif (718.46 KB, 274x162, meigh_laughing.gif)

>mfw Elaine thinks she can slide into my man's DMs
No. 1827142
>>1827133It's just retarded. They'll just go, "Actually I'm not a null simp, I think he's a nice guy but we are all just joking around and respecting his relationship to make moids, elaine, blaine seethe, why can't you take a joke"
Nobody is laughing, it's more then likely the same 1 or 2 people making these "Jokes', agruing with retards and going, "ha ha they seething". It's peak kiwifag behavior, not ignoring the person you claim is a troll, but spending hours ranting at them and making them "Seethe" with unfunny paragraphs, react images. It's been very funny but sad to watch.
No. 1827144
File: 1684086645622.jpg (75.13 KB, 600x750, 1644476112016.jpg)

mfw scrotes seethe about Null being cute and beloved
No. 1827179
File: 1684090766585.webm (14.4 KB, 192x224, null_momch.webm)
tfw Null will never munch on my pussy like it's a slice of delicious sloppy pizza, why even live?(non-contribution; bait)
No. 1827422
>>1827408Nta but anyone that disagrees with you isnt elaine. You're obviously jealous that someone got a pedos attention and that's not a healthy thing. You can keep yelling Elaine all you want but the weird feeding fetish porn you send including you and Null prove you're probably as mental enough to do this shit if Null told you to.
>>1827418>makes tens of posts about his fantasies with null and feederism fetish>accuses real women of being attention whoresKek.
No. 1827435
File: 1684133299300.png (44.48 KB, 463x392, Screenshot 2023-05-14 11.47.11…)

Null's complicated mysterious relationship with Elaine…(sweep, sweep, sweep).
No. 1827448
File: 1684135342212.png (18.92 KB, 1045x249, Screenshot 2023-05-15 12.13.32…)

This was posted by Null after the leg-cutting incident. He took her thread down after it happened and then later put it back up. It certainly appears they were communicating with each other quite a bit. Null's phrasing is also odd, saying, "She spent a lot of time on her knees…" It is classic moid behavior to seek out young girls to manipulate, control, and play mind games with.
No. 1827455
File: 1684136175380.png (18.14 KB, 865x208, Screenshot 2023-05-15 12.36.05…)

>>1827450You're wrong. Null took down her thread after the cutting incident with her legs happened.
No. 1827457
>>1827455No, he literally says in this screenshot
>>1827448 that he had to take it down because of lies Elaine told people. She is literally still on twitter every day @ing companies that work with Null saying that he hosts CP of her because of that cutting video, which is of her as a grown adult woman.
No. 1827461
>>1827455What is this supposed to prove? The only impression I get from all of these screenshots you post is that Null thinks everything about Elaine is absolutely
toxic and he wants nothing to do with it.
No. 1827464
File: 1684137012152.png (50.19 KB, 949x598, Screenshot 2023-05-15 12.46.44…)

>>1827457No. It was right after the leg-cutting incident. (August 5/6, 2022) Sorry, you can't handle the fact that your true love Jersh was communicating with Elaine.
(retarded bait. Go back) No. 1827471
File: 1684139619136.jpg (21.1 KB, 378x380, pantsoo.jpg)

Imagine being proud of Null telling you to fuck off, meanwhile he literally talks about the giga Stacy Amanda Morris on his podcast every single week cause she married his arch enemy. Elaine could only dream of getting this much attention from Null.(bait)
No. 1827685

>>1827678>Oi bruv fuck trannies I hate them but will espouse their ideology and talk just like them UwU, I love purple hair neko anime girls they are me fr fr.I'm so glad I used sorcery to steal Elaine's femininity.
Why is this thread open? What milk will there be? How is this not a bunker for kiwis who can't/won't use Tor?
Good faith questions to ask yourself here, not baiting out an argument, just pointing out this threads only use rn is pissing off ppl who hate fun.
File: 1684165616203.png (69.57 KB, 1273x522, 1.png)

>>1827685>Why is this thread open? What milk will there be?Kiwi milk
No. 1827720
File: 1684166600306.jpg (22.09 KB, 1039x247, soon.jpg)

No. 1827753
File: 1684169853504.jpg (47.98 KB, 1080x487, Kf.jpg)

This bullshit is so dramatic lol. Josh is way less important than he thinks he is.
No. 1827755
File: 1684170148798.jpg (394.1 KB, 1001x3559, IMG_20230515_100255.jpg)

This is baffling
No. 1827767
File: 1684171469059.jpg (56.97 KB, 800x600, RJbQudHP.jpg)

It's honestly unreal the amount of power trannies have been given in our society just because we have created such a hugbox for people that offending someone and hurting their feelings is now a hatecrime that people actually want to see you put in jail for. And as trannies are literally censoring everyone from ever speaking a single word they don't like, are free to commit rape, DDOSing, blackmail, extortion, child grooming and other crimes, they still sit on twitter whining all day about being holocausted and playing victim. Someone who can silence opposition and has totalitarian control over all discourse on the internet as well as the full support of the government and all corporations is claiming to be oppressed. You just gotta laugh about it cause otherwise you want to cry. I really want Null to win and for the 41% to turn into 100%.
No. 1827804
>>1827755while I think very poorly of Josh and a lot of my favorite threads are full of long unrelated/vaguely related/unfunny bullshit, I do enjoy the site. I do not enjoy that a troon who is literally harrassing people is making these moves.
It's disgusting. Kiwifarms being knocked out of exist, is only going to make things worse becuase it means any site that this troon targets can be knocked away, simply by him harrassing or whatever he does.
Then, all the kiwifarmers won't have anywhere to contain their autism, so they'll come here or other sites (hopefully mostly 4chan). A lot of them will look for their favorite cow threads and refuse to learn the culture, or they'll make threads for their favorite cows and journey into other parts of the site, again refusing to learn the culture.
This place will be full of unfunny poems every five mintues, song lyrics, random rants on race, and 2 paragraphs of
>Im not powerleveling but proceeds to powerlevel about the fact Ethan Ralph drinks a shitty brand of beer and how their father worked at a store that sold that beer-It's really just weird,that LFJ and his crew, can literally just whine at people to get them to shut down a site.
I hope kiwifarms wins in the end.
No. 1827863
File: 1684185426123.jpg (14.51 KB, 288x277, doxbin.jpg)

>>1827841Not to mention that Doxbin has all the doxes #DropKiwiFarms has been crying about, yet they never even uttered a word. There has been no attempt to cancel Doxbin, no mention of it in media articles. Search engines (Google, Duckduckgo etc.) do not blacklist it, but they do censor Kiwi Farms from their results. Suspicious, ain't it?
No. 1827910
>>1827841Kiwifarms is arguably good for troons, by pointing out the malicious or vile ones so that other troons can blacklist them, but I guess because Kiwis don't give a fuck about pronouns, suddenly they're "evil," despite them being a net good for most groups. I may not personally like the site, but I have to admire that it's like the Library of Alexandria, but specifically documenting retards.
>>1827863Doxbin is politically neutral, and doesn't take a stance on things. Troons dox other troons on there a lot, for things like being sexpests, or ones the other troons personally dislike. It doesn't play favorites in any capacity, not even individual users. Therefore, troons care less about it.
No. 1828205
File: 1684242451972.png (20.63 KB, 445x703, 1684241764528.png)

Good news!
No. 1828340
>>1828205I like the
>trannies are the 9-11 of the Internetline.
>>1828194What's the point of saging an autosaged thread?
>>1828208Journalism = propaganda. Has always been. The few outlets that make a point of always verifying sources go out of business fast. This leaves the state-owned media, but they too have their own political bias (depending on which party is in power) and don't pay attention to internet drama in the first place.
>>1828308Remember teachers at school warning you again and again to never cite Wikipedia (cause anybody can edit it willy-nilly with no oversight) OR ELSE? Yeah. I guess some people are really too dumb to function in AD 2023.
No. 1828711
>>1827728I am fully aware who created chudbuds, but the reason why there was a demand for a kiwi containment zone was because didn't want anything to do with them. Poast users are already insufferable as it is. At the time was down, that is literally the only reason everyone flocked to Claire's server.
>>1827804I agree with everything, even 4chan during moots days wasn't as bad as kiwi is. 4chan got celebrities doxed but Liz Fong Dong and Keffals cries are enough to deplatform at the ISP level.
No. 1828848
File: 1684318931739.png (931.85 KB, 2880x2880, 20230517_003032.png)

>>1828340Wikipedia is a joke nowadays. Take everything you read there with a grain of salt.
This is from Liz Fong-Jones' Wikipedia user profile. pays her to write articles. The lower pics are the edit history of the conflict of interest box. Liz just decided 'she' can now contribute to articles about Keffals and Cloudflare. Fuck you Liz. Just because you stopped harassing Cloudflare (because they gave you what you wanted) doesn't remove your bias against them.
Liz is very actively contributing to the articles mentioned in the COI box, by the way. Just look at the talk pages.
No. 1828903
>>1828856I wonder whether there should be a thread on Liz/Elliot Fong-Jones on lolcow, just in case? That tranny used to work at Google and has some deep connections in the tech sector (probably through kink/chaser communities).
>>1828848They want to shill their 'observability' business.
No. 1829364
File: 1684379442656.gif (10.49 MB, 750x604, aliendog.gif)

Null is fighting an uphill battle, but I wish him the best of luck nonetheless. Where else am I going read what retarded drama glitchedpuppet is doing? Tumblr?
No. 1829491
File: 1684411909257.jpg (16.64 KB, 445x263, trollcow.jpg)

In case anyone was wondering, of course it was Elaine who was shitting up this thread seething about the Null simps being fat and uggo.
No. 1829575
>>1829491Who cares? We don't need to start this conversation anymore. Nobody cares about her or null simps. Stop giving her attention.
>>1829496Yeah there not much to speak about him that can't go here or in the mtf thread.