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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 220643[Reply]

A thread for the loners here (all of us). Venting, how you deal with it, how you spend your time etc.
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No. 486297

Nta but I still think that after a certain age it's impossible to start dating for the first time, no one wants an emotionally immature person who is way behind their peers.

No. 486325

You usually drift away especially if they’d rather go in group chat discord servers. Very awkward once you run out of things to talk about

No. 486536

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Sanefag, but anyone else who is a mega virgin past 25 like me? I can't even stand normiegirls here who talk how sweet it was to lose their virgity someone who was special in high school or college, because i never had any of those moments, not even close. And i am panicking i might feel sad and lonely when i turn old, sometimes i feel i am going to be forced to test My luck and use an app for serious dating when i turn 35

No. 486545

That’s your ageist doomer take on people dating when they’re older.
I know of a handful of women who got married for the first time at 40+
For whatever reason not everyone is ready to date in their teens/20s.

No. 486546

>I know of a handful of women who got married for the first time at 40+
Did they went through the humiliation ritual of using date apps?

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No. 484944[Reply]

Vaping like a freight train edition

Previous threads:
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No. 486540

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His tiny head fits him tho

No. 486541

It's just that this head is small (because of his small himbo brain which is fine) while his feet are massive (that probably means he has a big penis). He looks uncanny when you look at them at the same time

No. 486542

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Hey this one makes me wanna just pull them down & see his pale un-tanned cute butt cheeks

No. 486543

plays right into my fujoshi sensibilities.

No. 486544

they might be hairy

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No. 475221[Reply]

Previous Threads: >>>/g/429453

A place for black farmers to discuss experiences and topics related to being a black woman and the black community. The positive, the negative, the rants, the raves - it all belongs here.

Follow site/board rules. Report and ignore bait (especially from those defending male violence and brutality on black women). Be aware of common infight & bait topics (diaspora wars, Africans vs African-Americans, interracial dating, etc.) and act accordingly.
260 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 486381

>a man getting a boner for a black woman is worth getting excited over
damn…braindead moment

No. 486382

It’s not men getting a boner. I could care less about white men or any men in general. It’s the reaction of women who aren’t black and the lack of solidarity they have with us.
We have been shown time and time again that white women , who side with their counterpart when it benefits them, and even Asian women don’t care about us. It’s not just being lusted over , it’s workplace, it’s academics too.
You retards have peanuts in your head and aren’t ready for this kind of conversation I see.

No. 486383

Is this really all you guys talk about? Moids, dating, and desirability politics? Don’t you ever get tired of wallowing in self hate and acting like a doomer about everything? I’m a skinny “cute mid” maybe a 6 at best and I don’t experience any of this. I’m not even interested in men right now, yet I still meet plenty who treat me kindly and show genuine interest in me. I also have a close group of friends from all races who respect and care for me. My black girl friends don’t have these issues either nor do any of the women I follow online… why? Because I focus on meeting people who treat me well and share my interests.

So many chronically online black women would benefit from getting off the internet, joining clubs, picking up hobbies, going to therapy, and surrounding themselves with aspirational Black women and others who actually like them. Stop whining online every other minute about how being a Black woman is supposedly a cursed existence just because you and your circle are miserable. Any moid who acts like a racist dick is also going to be a dick towards his own woman, so why do you even care? It’s one thing to acknowledge how society treats Black women; it’s another to post these insecure, teen like rants day after day. And when confronted, claim you’re just “sharing your experience” or “letting off steam.” That’s not it. You’re unhappy and trying to drag everyone else down with you by pinning it on being an ingrained part of the black experience. I’m so tired of seeing it everywhere.

No. 486480

black women, what's the lesbian community like? is the treatment any better there or more of the same shit

No. 486537

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I've seen and experienced this. It's weird. I hate pickmes, and I hate female desirability competitions. Stupid women lose their minds and stab eachother in the back for men who look (and act) like all manner of unclean beings. Just look at the fight between Grimes and Azealia Banks over Elon Musk.
Being gaslit about this by embarrassed non-black women (even ones who call themselves feminists) who not only believe in, but depend on the narrative of black female jealousy/undesirability to boost their low self-worth is just one part of what made me detach from most feminist communities. Can't hold solidarity with women who'll throw me under the bus.
I know I don't need to say it, but anyone who holds spite for conventionally pretty black women needs to be avoided. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes by going on about how beauty is evil and inherently white supremacist reeee femininity bad you're supposed to be fat and masc etc etc. It took me the longest time to accept it, but they don't believe any of that shit themselves, it's just wokespeak for the same bullshit female competition. Too many straight/male-attracted women are obsessed with validation from dick, and they want other women unhealthy, miserable and constantly bashed so they can attain it more easily. There are also black women who aren't saying it to compete, but have a martyr-like fixation on being a doormat for men and women of every other group, and they also need to be cut off. About the only time it's "sincere" is when it's coming from a butch lesbian (and if she's butch4butch, understand that it's 99% just another kind of psyop to make you more fuckable to her tastes anyway lol).

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No. 397215[Reply]

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895
957 posts and 294 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 485578

her skin is blotchy and she's crowlike, sickly and unhealthy looking, that transcends race. please go ship your favorite pickme racist indian woman on X

No. 485613

>her skin is blotchy and she's crowlike, sickly and unhealthy looking
She just has permanent dark circles, calm down. It's a normal thing in many parts of the world

No. 486158

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No. 486528

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Her name is AkemySama a streamer from Brazil, and i want her crush me with those beautiful thighs of here and hug me afterwards…… Too Bad she is dating a beta cuck guy, and not a beautiful woman…..

No. 486533

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Gonna samefag but, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh i love her so much

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No. 447644[Reply]

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.

444 posts and 204 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 486428

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Wouldn't you like to know?

No. 486429

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hehe I'm just messing with you. Filename

No. 486479

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Thank you so much! You saved me! I've been looking for who that was ever since I saw him posted elsewhere a while back. God his insta is a fucking treasure trove.

No. 486527

Speaking of the gram, what do nonas think of profiles having non square images now? It's only been a week but I like it, the square format was an insta signature but it was outdated

No. 486529

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forgot pic ^

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No. 445482[Reply]

Post attractive male bodies here, without the face. Use the attractive male or unconventional male threads for that instead.

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No. 486464

Size queens are truly the most oppressed race on lolcow. Orgasmic deep PIV-ing women unite and take over

No. 486472

Seven inches or go home

No. 486495

Like, literally. I just broke up with a 7″-er and I'm very literally only looking for 8″ and above period.

No. 486514

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No. 486526

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No. 447876[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/418013
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No. 486458

Is he fat?

No. 486462

He's an ex-fat who is still kind of fat.

No. 486517

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you're stronger than me because this behavior would make me lose all attraction and break up tbh. Leaving around empty containers of YOUR food, trying to shame you in front of others, not caring at all about how his habits are negatively affecting you is insane. He sounds like a petulant manchild piggy. If for some reason you want to put up with living with a human garbage disposal get some of those lockable food boxes. If he complains tell him to buy his own food to binge kek

No. 486518

He sounds like an insufferable manchild. You should call him a pig.

No. 486521

Nonna, he's a moid, he can't be "kinda fat" he's a fat fat fatty fat fat that needs to go eat a salad made with ingredients he buys himself. Like, the fact that he's a moid and still "kinda fat" only shows that he's an absolute retarded waste of space and resources that will never show any kind of restraint in his ugly ass life.
Drop that fucker and be happy, you don't need a fatty retard.

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No. 475475[Reply]

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

Previous thread: >>>/g/470594
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No. 486447

You must be the Buscemi simp and you're mad because some anons think the other guy is much hotter than him lol

No. 486468

Buscemi simp reporting in and not claiming ownership - I’m sane enough to recognise individual tastes and not attacking people for them lol. And Peter Stormare is great! Loved his barefoot Lucifer.

No. 486475

KEEEKKK what's the context here? Haven't played the game yet

No. 486493

Hi I'm your other buscemi simp and I know you would never do that

No. 486512

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No. 437064[Reply]

You know the drill
Previous thread >>>/g/404050
777 posts and 108 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 486459

my autistic yurirotted brain wants a "platonic" homoerotic relationship so bad. like there is nothing hotter to me than everyone thinking me and another girl are both straight and no more than besties, but secretly we're fucking every night. also i want to gaslight everyone into thinking our pdas are just platonic skinship or some shit. i also find it really hot to lead moids on and then go home and cackle about how stupid they are as foreplay to lesbian sex.

No. 486461

I'm the opposite. Between their being given a lot of free money they can just dig from the earth (something seriously wrong with men who don't EARN their keep), their human rights abuses and the kind of thing you hear from eastern euro prostitutes who've worked there, seeing Arab men just disgusts me now
Sorry for being a buzzkill nonas but I had to get it out

No. 486478

Their eyes have always been the thing driving me mad with lust, they're always so beautiful with their long dark eyelashes. And the dark hair. Just absolute perfection.
It's ok, nonna, it's a bit of an acquired taste kek. From my experience living in an Euro country that's heavily populated by MENAs and having worked and dated them, all I can say is they're not a monolith. Some are more religious and misogynistic, some are more Westernized and don't care too much. Some are assholes (mostly Afghans and Iraqis) some are nice. Some are fine working the most grueling jobs most natives don't want to touch, others don't work at all. It's fine to hate them and be disgusted, you do you nonna (more for me) but my experience has overall been pretty positive, even if I know I'm an oddity in that sense kek.

No. 486489

Where in europe? I'm from a smaller town in Germany (on holiday rn but that's way beside the point) and while I've seen a few Turks and other Arabs, they've always been old, bald and ugly
While I'm sure I'll never like them romantically or even humanistically (2022 world cup controversies, ugh), your description is getting my inner slut curious. On average, how tall are the young ones? How big are their cocks? What do they smell like? What about their eyes?

No. 486508

Muslim men are also nice to me usually. I live in a city with quite a lot of them, so I've encountered dozens, possibly hundreds, in the wild. 90% of them are ugly or mid, maybe 10% are really handsome and pretty.

The ones who assimilate here are completely normal and friendly. Same goes for the delivery drivers and stuff: they just wanna make a better life for themselves and send money home. They don't steal your shit (stealing is a big sin in Islam afaik) so that's one upside I guess kek.
It's the ones who come from really fucked up warzones who seem to be the psychotic jihadi types. Regardless, I don't feel safe around Muslim men, or men in general, so I try to avoid them.

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