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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 391273[Reply]

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
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No. 395704

Thank you! ♥

No. 395708

How old are you ?

No. 395716


No. 395726

>>395716 is a troll and not me. I’m mid twenties and a bit late coming out.

No. 395777

Absolutely fucking hate how I have the worst taste in women, no joke. And what I mean by "worst" is that I keep being infatuated with terminal BPD-chans because my huge, huge weak point is assertive femmes. I'm currently pining hard for a (genuinely diagnosed) BPD sufferer with problems with self harm and anorexia and being in recovery from a long relationship with the previous similar kind, I know I shouldn't get involved at all but I'm smitten so hard I actually have sexy dreams about her and turn into a blubbering, embarrassing mess when she's around. She's genuinely the sexiest and funniest girl I've met in my life, ticks all my boxes, she's clearly flirting with me which only makes my love sickness worse. But I know I would probably end it all if I had to deal being a BPD-chan's favourite person one more time especially because she's bi and has had boyfriends in the past. Anons what do I do, how do I get rid of these feelings, how do I talk sense to myself? It always seems like the female dating pool is either semi-conservative turbonormies or genuine nutcases who you can never be sure of if they're SSA because they're mentally ill or they're mentally ill because they're SSA. I fall into the second category so don't yell at me

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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

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No. 395277

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More Balalaika sperging

>Her underlings really like you, because you are her tranquilizer. She will be seething mad, about to murder whoever talks to her next, but when you appear, she softens up a bit. You just have a secret power of lowering her blood pressure, which means she doesn’t lash out as hard at the people who accidentally got on her nerves.

>She thinks it’s cute when you get protective of her back, and stand up for her when people are overly flirty with her as well. What you don’t know is that when you’re giving that asshole a piece of your mind, Balalaika is standing right behind you with that terrifying glare, and she has a look that says “you better act scared, because if you make her feel weak, I will make your final moments hell”
>She’s not afraid to go hard on you in bed. She won’t do anything to grievously injure you, but she’ll give you her scary soldier voice, and tell you to kneel for her and beg for pleasure. (1:22 is just golden https://youtu.be/w7QkLIz_vfI?si=lSsh2kYVl2xkr5r4)

No. 395764

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Obsessed with her I want her to terrorize my life. When I read Dai Dark I was already genderbend yooming for her only to scream when she turned out to really be a woman.
Please do not bring you you-know-what shit about her. I'm living my truth and nothing is confirmed in a particular direction no matter how bad retards online want to say otherwise.

No. 395765

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Love you forever

No. 395768

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Q Hayashida makes the hottest women

No. 395776

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The OG… Cannot lie though Shimada Death does just look like Noi in cosplay kek

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No. 381978[Reply]

Post your relationship issues and get some advice.

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No. 395727

Samefag but I also was scared about my ex circulating revenge porn when I caught him cheating. The most you can do is keep your life separate from theirs so that your social circle is not impacted AND also be wary of what you give moids. Not trying to victim shame but as someone who once did it, I’m of the opinion woman should take naked pictures of herself ever. Unfortunately once you do it you’re basically at their mercy of whether or not they want to leak them. Anything else like unsavory political opinions or weird stories can just be chalked up to lying. If your coworkers confront you about something he says then act surprised and say that he’s projecting his own story onto you because moids do that all the time and it’s a great excuse.
HOWEVER there is a massive chance that he will not actually do anything to defame you. If you want to minimize the chances of this happening then you can try and manipulate him into thinking he’s breaking up with you kek.

No. 395730

very much so unfortunately. I wouldn't even care about losing the friends I made that are related/more his friends, but he's close to coworkers that I don't want hating me for 0 reason. It's been making me go insane to the point I'm considering switching careers completely, moving to another country, and removing myself in any kind of way from it all. Your story really helps me feel mentally okay about it because at the very least there's no cheating and lying (that I know of?) from him, and he has no nudes of me (I'm too paranoid to send any moid photos of me like that) and knowing that you went through that and there wasn't any bs back to you that you had to deal with with the aftermath is so relieving to hear. I don't think I could manipulate him into leaving me without it causing an even bigger issue because he is extremely attached to me and also I'm a terrible fucking liar lol he'd see right through it.

No. 395732

Oh ofc thank you, I feel like I word vomited my own story but I’m glad it gave you some comfort. My ex truly was unhinged when I confronted him on the cheating so I got lucky that no permanent damages came of it even though it gives me anxiety. One bit of advice: You guys have dated for 7 years so idk if he really has a robust romantic history but if you have any stories he’s told you about exes then that’s probably your best indicator of how he’s going to talk about you. If he has no stories like that then think of how he’s reacted to friends or people who he felt “betrayed” by in the past.

No. 395733

see that terrifies me, because his stories of his exes are very fucked and extreme. Hindsight I should of realized the redflag nature of them but I honestly didn't realize until the last 2 years. He doesn't like, go out of his way to shit talk that much outside of one specific ex, but I also don't go out of my way to ask about any of them except for that one ex because I indirectly know her (and granted, that one ex IS actually insane, has BPD and did actually cheat on him with his best friend, she admitted it to me herself but she told me it was because he was abusive/manipulative. I sided with him because I hate cheaters regardless of the excuse and had been cheated on before myself). Even though she did that he like, didn't go out of his way to shit on her to people outside of telling me the full details of the drama between them. So I guess that's a greenflag because she did something horrible and he didn't go out of his way? But he's also apparently more attached to me than he was with her, so I don't know, he might feel more betrayed that I'm leaving him than what she did.

No. 395775

stop giving yourself excuses and leave him. trying to rationalize him being not so bad of a human will keep you around him for another 7 years, you already said yourself he is a sexist pos and looks down on women. it's already a dead relationship and it's only making your life worse. you don't want to be in this relationship, have the spine to end it instead of dragging its' corpse around.

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No. 392947[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
-He's gay/belongs with me/other character instead
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No. 395750

I wanna kiss and love and fuck and torture and cuddle and punch and tickle him! I'm gonna draw a body pillow design now since he's basically unknown

No. 395758

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I wonder if he's into bondage.

No. 395769

Most relatable post ever

No. 395770

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That was pretty fun!

No. 395773

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I'm not suicidal in the slightest but I think about being trapped in a game with my husbando, trying to outrun outwit and win each rounds against the killers(my husbando being one of them). I'd manage to fight off the other killers in other rounds just so I can be killed in my husbando's arms. And he'll kill the others to get to me too so we can be alone with him longer. And we hang out a bit chatting, teasing, taunting, before the final struggle. We fight till the end despite it, and he wins almost everytime he gets his hands on me. He kisses me after when I let him take me, bleeding out in his arms. The current round ends.

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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 395760

There's also a pretty decent chance the circumcision hurts hetero women in the long run too.
Making genitals less sensitive sure sounds like a great way to push someone towards more extreme ways of getting their rocks off.

No. 395761

Just sing a song with her or simply talk to her in full sentences and it will be beneficial for her development, it's not necessarily reading a book that is important for her language and communication skills. Also in case you didn't ever hear about Sold A Story and you think reading to her will make her more literate or will make it easier for her to learn to read, it doesn't really do that the way people say it will (in a roundabout way it would help build her vocabulary to expose her to more words but just talking also does that.)

No. 395766

Reminder most anons are not trained properly in child development and take all medical advice given on here with a grain of salt. Perhaps it's the way you're reading it that comes off as boring?

No. 395767

I can believe this, I see so many stories of western women who have to jump through hoops to get their partners rocks off, even in European countries where moids still watch porn, you don't have an influx of young men unable to fuck their own partner

No. 395772

literally teach him to slide and move the skin once he's old enough to shower by himself. my brother got phimosis because nobody ever told him he should do it and dirt grew under it so it became infected. that's literally all the maintenance a foreskin need.

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No. 359606[Reply]

post here if you have a passion for fashion

Previous Thread:

Newest to Oldest Threads:

Pic: John Galliano Fall Winter 2009.
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No. 395459


No. 395472

Dumb question but where do you anons buy your jewellery?

I get most of my stuff from Regal rose since their stuff isn't extremely expensive but still has good quality. I've been trying to find new pieces and ig keeps recommendeding me store but a lot of them seem sketchy… or sell basic stainless stell stuff for like 40€

No. 395478

wildthings collectables, flawed jewelry, overload studios, ninfa handmade, studio labro, alex monroe, those are brands I have stuff from. It's mostly Europe-based brands though and they're more basic/mainstream than regal rose stuff.

No. 395480

Thank you, I am from europe so that makes it even better!

No. 395763

I like Momocreatura and Gem Kingdom.

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 395289

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Thank you anons dearly for your insights! I truly appreciate it, seriously…
At the end of the day, I don't want to be straining myself mentally just to get a date anyways. I think I am going to take a break from looking at these apps for a while so I don't yank all of my hair out but I am definitely going to keep your words in mind going forward. May we all have wonderful dating lives in our futures ♥

No. 395714

I don’t wanna use apps but I feel a need to try them because I have no idea how to meet someone. All the guys at my work who are around my age are engaged or married. I’m 26 and I feel terrified because it seems like all the respectable guys are taken already and the only ones available are the ones that no one wanted. It scares me to think that this problem only gets worse as I get older. Nonas what should I do? Should I cave and use the apps? It seems like no guy is serious on there and I’ll have to go on like 100 dates before I even find someone I want to go on a second date with. Plus I feel like men on those apps are more likely to try and cheat because they’re used to swiping through beautiful women all day. What do nonas think?

No. 395729

i have no advice, but i was just about to write the same thing. i'm 28 so a little more dire than you. dating apps seem so scary to me, and i don't know if people around me use them or which ones.
i also have 0 relationship experience and it kinda worries me that i'll get creeps.

No. 395738

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Don't forget to report men you had bad experiences with. Do it for other women. Tinder, Bumble and Hinge (so far) did it no questions asked after I sent in a report with the summary of events. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was because I had to report a moid who had already blocked me after our last date went sour and I just sent in a description of his profile and what happened and they asked me some further personal info of his to find him and then banned him.

No. 395762

i’m 29 and recently got back on the apps after not having used them since 2016 and, to be honest, it’s grim. i don’t think any of the actually attractive men are looking for a relationship on the apps, and, maybe because i’m in the midwest, everyone else is bridge troll ugly. again, i’m in a suburb near a relatively major midwestern city, so ymmv, but in my experience the only guys in our age range on the apps are worthless. no degrees, no prospects, shit jobs, boring hobbies, fat, ugly, bland, boring, and above all else, straight up braindead. if you’re looking for a hookup you might stand a chance, but other than that i don’t really think it’s worth it. i’ve met one great guy on tinder but he was looking for a normie and that seems to be the case with any of the reasonable men available, they want a very normal girl to give them babies and if you deviate from that they’ll just make you a placeholder girl until they find someone they actually want to commit to. if you have the patience to deal with a younger guy i have found that men below the age of 25 feel really compelled to impress “older” women (kek) which can be charming compared to the way men in their late 20s/early 30s tend to treat women their own age. but zoomers have the emptiest little heads so there’s no real chance of emotional fulfillment there.

tl;dr i don’t think the apps are a real option for adult women who are looking for an actual relationship with a man that isn’t bottom of the barrel garbage. being on tinder has only inspired more rage towards men for me lol

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No. 222273[Reply]

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips and advice are welcome!
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No. 394368

He will return all the money with interest, and never fuck with my shit again.

No. 394370

I will study hard and pass my exams.

No. 395749

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The corporation has a position that’s almost tailor-made for me. They feel so lucky to have found and quickly recruited me. I get to travel around the world as my job. I even have the option to move abroad one day.

No. 395756

It will all work out in the end

No. 395759

i manifested the man of my dreams, literally he looks like if you ai image generated my version of a perfect man and we align ethically and politically better than anyone i’ve ever met before but he wants kids and i don’t and so he doesn’t want me and i don’t know how to get over this. it’s like the matrix gave me precisely what i’ve always wanted and then said “and you specifically can never have it”

i’ve never been so hung up on someone but it really feels like if i can’t have him i just don’t want anyone else. he’s so smart and passionate and kind and good in bed, i don’t know how i’m supposed to move on when everyone i compare to him is utterly worthless. it’s like i got to have a glimpse of what it could be like to have a partner i actually respect and admire and now i can’t pretend to be interested in the usual burnout losers who want me. i feel 10x more resentment towards men because they aren’t him. i’m so fucked.

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No. 342326[Reply]

same rules as last time. you can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks. if its not a fantasy go to the lesbian/bi thread.
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No. 395700

I just want her to fill me up with her big, soft fingers so bad

No. 395751


No. 395752

No. 395753

Nona, you’re a poet. Need this now

No. 395754

nonnie, you're a poet. need this now.

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