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/g/ - girl talk

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File: 1721832918290.png (282.92 KB, 736x626, image_2024-07-24_165452307.png)

No. 418074

Last Thread: >>331392

Thread for:
>femdom images and media
>femdom fantasies
>female subs interested in women
>advice and stories

Some things to get us started:
>What are your main kinks?
>What is your ideal sub like?
>What experiences have you had?
>What advice do you have for new dommes?
>Where to find subs? How to avoid unhealthy ones?

Femdom ficrecs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AoUJpYaE2g6FMCWuyo4p96Q3OBJi5D7Czm23nzOO8uM/edit#gid=0

No. 418616

cringe threadpic

No. 418617

Agree and threadpic should be of a submissive man not an uppity one.

No. 418624

>femdom thread
>male spitting daggers at a based woman
Delete this now and try again

No. 418642

File: 1721953567908.jpg (32.85 KB, 500x471, f40f40e0a108def92ab63e622f3b69…)

We could use this thread to post op image ideas and then make a new VI thread with the farmhands blessing.

No. 418651

Does wanting a househusband count as femdom?

No. 418653

Is getting a (good) househusband even a realistic possibility?

No. 418655

define good househusband

No. 418660

File: 1721957887687.jpeg (109.85 KB, 600x600, CB4F9BE6-38AA-4E0C-B8CF-CE6C2A…)

I absolutely despise cooking so I always wanted a cute anime twunk bf who is constantly cooking yummy dishes for me to try. I even want him to wear a chef hat and apron. I want a chef bf and a butler bf.

No. 418667

File: 1721958470794.jpg (171.14 KB, 720x616, 1696986125711.jpg)

I'm trying to exclude sissy tranny fetish "boywife" moids and lazy NEETS who think they can continue NEETing as a "househusband" but can't even clean their own rooms.
By realistic possibility, I mean both in finding a moid who actually wants to be a househusband and will be good at cooking and cleaning, and is also pretty (not worth it if he's ugly lmao); and in economically supporting a househusband as sole breadwinner.

No. 418668

File: 1721958500088.png (46.35 KB, 192x222, 9192F5B4-39F3-48F4-B794-1FE6F6…)

>Ex would let me spank, grope, and fondle him whenever I wanted to without protest
>Mfw I’ll never get to experience this again
Why is finding men like this so hard?

No. 418782

Is it really that rare? All my exes let me do those things to them. Most men love it because they like feeling used by women; they just likely haven't experienced it yet.

No. 418783

File: 1721990498939.jpg (19.72 KB, 539x360, 360_F_214836957_cYEV7prNcJ2UZY…)

nta, but I like the idea of having a broke house husband who, when needing his allowance, RPs being a prostitute or pole dances for me to get some cash

No. 418784

remake thread pls

No. 418795

Since being a housewife is seen as submissive in society, yes.
Having someone rely on you financially and be homeless and completely fucked without you is an absurd amount of power.

No. 418808

Women and men are socialized differently, though. Realistically, women aren't going to financially/emotionally abuse men when she's the breadwinner and he's the househusband. This kind of dynamic is much more likely to manifest as the woman making all the money and doing the chores as well, while the guy sits at home jerking off to sissy hypno porn all day and crying out for tendies.

No. 418815

Nothing wrong with uppity, brat taming is a top tier fetish.

No. 418838

>No fantasies in this thread realistic scenarios only!!!!!

No. 418847

File: 1722001913460.jpeg (373.58 KB, 1000x1384, s704394823299902524_p25245_i3_…)

obligatory kaneoya sachiko post

No. 418849

File: 1722001996035.png (888.7 KB, 650x910, 9a875af04d4026fd0e3fdb113dc274…)

No. 418850

File: 1722002038367.jpeg (468.41 KB, 800x1184, GRNp9nMacAAqyjE.jpeg)


No. 418857

What are you guys favorite honorifics to be called? I like miss, mistress, and master the most. Mommy is a big no, any man who calls me that is going straight to the gulag

No. 418859

No. 418861

ma'am, dear, honey, godess
mistress to me screams mainstream "femdom" porn consumption
I like it but normies ruined it for me with "short king/tall queen" talk and similar stuff

No. 418862

Master. Mistress/goddess is too coomery. But most of the time, I just like being called by my name.

No. 418863

makes me wonder is there really nothing better than pre-made titles? I wonder if there are intimate words one could come up with that could express such things originally without sounding stupid

No. 418864

Miss, Ma'am, Madame, Mistress, Goddess
I used to like Princess until I started reading the Shayna threads kek

No. 418897

Countess,empress,guardianess,your ladyship,aphrodite,iron maiden,buddha,boomer.

No. 418906

mainstream femdom is based

No. 418912

>she doesn't have it in her to financially and emotionally terrorize her malewife
Okay. Don't project that onto us.
Ma'am is magical.

No. 418963

Kek what? Please explain these.

No. 418967

nayrt but (Arch)Duchess, Empress, Baroness, Despotess, Chieftainess, Matriarch, Viscountess, Principala, Baronetess, Gentlewoman, Vicereine, Marchioness, Abbess, Prioress and Your Excellency as well.

No. 419003

File: 1722025736100.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1920x2729, Emperor-of-Mankind-Imperium-Wa…)

Her Holiness the most Imminent Magnanimous Grand Daemon Sultan Azathot.

No. 419035

It's a joke list. owner, master or goddess sound better.

No. 419173

I used to HATE mistress for being a coomer word but unfortunately the only fic writer I tolerate uses it a lot so now I’m stuck with it

No. 419192


No. 419206

Your Excellency is my fave, works in a historical larp also.

No. 419292

File: 1722109831870.jpeg (94.17 KB, 960x720, IMG_2004.jpeg)

Anons funnier than me remake this so it’s not so faggy pretty please?

No. 419492

>remake this so it's not so faggy
this could have several renditions

No. 419536

File: 1722193613969.png (230.66 KB, 960x720, image_2024-07-28_210403016.png)

No. 419555

I'm not a fan of honorifics personally.

No. 419594

Right, like it always sounds so roleplay-ey and performative. I don't want my sub saying anything but "please" (pretty please, i beg you, etc, allowed), "yes", "thank you" and various non-verbal moans

No. 419681

Ms [your name here]
So Ms Emma in my case. I like it because it's denotes a sense of superiority without being overtly so, because it's also something you commonly receive.

No. 419776

Same. The less formalities the better. I like the experience to feel as natural as possible and honorifics are a bit silly and forced to me

No. 420092

File: 1722321733223.jpg (34.99 KB, 736x715, Hello Kitty.jpg)

I think the only way I could explore any attraction I might have towards men would be through a relationship like this. But I am also:
>hella babyfaced
>short and scrawny
>just sort of goofy overall, in personality and in body language
I can scarcely picture myself doing even half the things described in these threads because of this. I just don't think I'm a domineering or intimidating woman, and I doubt I could attract someone who's looking for one.
So is there any hope for me? Thoughts, advice, condolences, etc.?

No. 420103

File: 1722324062670.png (52.16 KB, 210x339, boko.png)


No. 420104

Honestly, just grow a pair of ovaries and acquire better self-esteem. Being short or goofy doesn't exclude being dominant or
having a submissive partner. You absolutely don't have to be a stereotypical domme, actually better if you aren't, because playing into the traditional domme aesthetic and stereotypes usually just attracts degens.

No. 420115

Yeah there is hope if you stop posting sad girly cat memes, and instead work on your self-esteem and woman up.

No. 420134

There is hope, but you have to accept yourself first instead of trying to make yourself fit into a mold. Do what you want and be who you are unapologetically and you'll find the right person for you.

No. 420153

You don't have to change your personality or anything, I'm goofy myself and it works its way into the bedroom. If anything it would be more cringe and contrived for us to be acting serious the whole time instead of letting each other giggle sometimes.
You also might be surprised by how the right person can bring the power out of you.
Working on yourself outside of sex also helps with confidence. And I cannot recommend dating younger men enough. Even if you're "babyfaced" there's a certain respect and power dynamic present.

No. 420232

File: 1722368662859.jpg (676.56 KB, 849x1200, aeritea.jpg)

nona you don't have to be a stereotypical dominatrix. in fact the contrast between the first impression you give off and what you're actually like makes it more fun. an average woman is still going to be shorter and weaker than an average man, so what does it matter? as other anons itt said just grow some ovaries and woman up. also look up awkward x awkward by aeritea i feel like you'd be into it

No. 420239

File: 1722369467049.jpg (1.04 MB, 1147x1530, Wan_Ning_Gong_Zhu.jpg)

I'm watching the c drama The Double and this cute princess is an absolute psycho who forces her boyfriend to kneel, pours boiling water on men's hands and makes them fight to death for a court postion. Just some inspiration for those who think you must look a certain way to be dominant.

No. 420308

I know that we all love when the moids hate it, but honestly I really like when the guy enjoys it as well. I think a man who enjoys being obedient and will do any disgusting thing a woman wants him to with pleasure. Even better when he's needy and desperate about it and you keep denying said pleasure, since it has to be earned and all, eventually settling for something small like touching my boobs or legs like it's the greatest privilege on earth. I also like "dominant" guys realizing they have a hidden masochist side as well and how much better it feels to be used by a woman.

No. 420926

File: 1722609771828.png (613.29 KB, 500x651, SAC5.png)

i say we post moar pics to exceed post limit sooner so we don't have to see this dumbass threadpic anymore

No. 420927

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No. 420928

File: 1722609827469.png (929.69 KB, 817x600, SAC6.png)

>Flood detected: Post discarded. Please try again in 30 seconds.

No. 420931

File: 1722610020361.png (515.7 KB, 600x552, SAC4.png)

let me post dammit

No. 420933

File: 1722610110454.jpg (155.15 KB, 923x1250, GKRK_5.jpg)

ok that's all sachiko stuff i have. let's move on
love the doodle of the artist herself in the corner

No. 420934

i understand this because it feels good to be worshipped, like anything you give him he will cherish.

No. 420935

File: 1722610457257.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.11 KB, 1500x1500, GKRK_6.jpg)

for the few pegging fans out there (not my thing but you do you)

btw these are not OCs. this artist draws herself and her boyfriend like this a lot which is so stacy of her imo

No. 420947

sub asks you to punch them and you punch them. sub now has a broken nose. sub is upset and sounds like they want to take legal action. what would you do?

No. 420955

nothing. It will get laughed out of court

No. 420962

>Male makes any sort of demand

No. 420966

if i was really sure about that i would kick him next but men can get raped too boohoo nowadays

No. 420975

File: 1722621367733.jpeg (136.44 KB, 1200x840, IMG_7189.jpeg)

Lol try it. You’re making such a cute expression.
Then I beat him some more.

No. 420976

“Sex game gone wrong she consented your honor” is what moids regularly say in court so

No. 420977

File: 1722621596133.jpg (164.96 KB, 1500x1601, EEudKddWkAIsVsW.jpg)

Good idea. I wonder how many images our collective folders could add up to?

No. 420979

File: 1722621704131.jpg (81.27 KB, 726x1201, aaeca5b8ff7fe10ad30075f4dd73da…)

There is a lot I can't post though because it's too explicit.

No. 420980

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No. 420984

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No. 420985

File: 1722622137397.png (1.07 MB, 4299x6071, IMG_7190.png)

NTA but same lol I gotta dig in the folder for the least fucked up ones

No. 420986

File: 1722622158253.jpg (249.69 KB, 1357x1725, 9959315dcbfda8b03d6b4826dc4c4b…)

No. 420990

true. i know his bitch ass will crawl back sooner or later and i never wanted to punch him more. i love the overreactions so much.

No. 421018

Dumb question probably, but are there sex acts that are considered not femdom in any circumstance? Or does it not matter as long as YOU are the one who wants to do it?

No. 421020

Dick sucking

No. 421022

dick sucking can be femdom combined with coom denial

No. 421024

File: 1722631843874.png (360.57 KB, 524x524, image_2024-08-02_225012648.png)

No. 421026

Pulling your hair/ choking you dog style.

No. 421028

Why do you care if it's femdom or not? Do whatever you want because you want it and not because you've seen femdom be considered super cool or popular on TikTok or something. If you have to ask, then you're not into femdom.

No. 421033

File: 1722633079699.jpg (88.58 KB, 780x1106, 68874738_p0.jpg)

No. 421034

not enough focus on the male / too much focus on the women. please delete

No. 421036

What about this ?

No. 421037

File: 1722633316015.jpg (93.73 KB, 740x1100, download_20200623_110058.jpg)

This one then

No. 421038


No. 421041

>>421038(Rule 4: Posting pornography is prohibited)

No. 421091

File: 1722639307533.jpg (130.51 KB, 1045x978, Screenshot_20240803_015355_Chr…)

pretend to go down on him then bite it full force

No. 421100

Doing things you don't enjoy/that are at your expense to please someone else.

No. 421141

File: 1722647838399.jpeg (175.72 KB, 1500x1100, Dze0gnCU8AAzn13.jpeg)

No. 421143

File: 1722647943678.jpeg (592.79 KB, 1694x2048, FrI3GCPaEAAC08_.jpeg)

>Flood detected

No. 421148

File: 1722648096935.jpeg (166.51 KB, 856x894, EVocEirU8AcF4q8 (1).jpeg)


moid POV. bad pic

No. 421149

File: 1722648146804.jpeg (157.56 KB, 755x827, EVocEirU8AcF4q8.jpeg)

No. 421150

File: 1722648275073.png (549.79 KB, 2048x1609, EgaBhmTUYAAj45f.png)

let me post its been 30 seconds

No. 421151

help this is so hot

No. 421158

File: 1722649582610.jpg (68.73 KB, 900x890, 65202484_p0.jpg)

Bite marks are so fucking hot

No. 421161

File: 1722649691970.png (447.89 KB, 600x750, 1573860570015.png)

No. 421166

File: 1722650462704.jpg (166.7 KB, 850x1408, 5d546760a6bc9d945ddf0d79c4e3f1…)

Casually molesting and generally treating him like meat>>>>

No. 421173

Idk why but this image just made me think up some kind of doujin series with these two.
>Idk how they'd meet but eventually they'd start dating
>Typical cuddly, shy romantic gestures at first
>Both have several deep, dark secret fantasies they could NEVER reveal to each other for fear of rejection
>One day the guy makes a vague, cryptic hint about hickeys, the girl reciprocates just as cryptically
>They give each other a hickey but just as the girl is biting on his neck, they're interrupted by someone nearly walking in on them
>Causes the girl to bite down a bit too hard; they both secretly like it but can't mention this
>To avoid being caught again they both agree to hold back on the hickeys
>Weeks go by, buildup gets so bad that finally the guy breaks down and pleads to get bitten again
>Girl goes overboard
>And this is just the first of their dark secret fantasies revealed

No. 421183

Whatever kink community Muh safe sane consenual “femdoms” who call people fake doms for being into anything more extreme that man edging like

No. 421222

File: 1722673511491.jpg (178.56 KB, 862x959, 0b968824e70c34eab0840e656ba9ea…)

The correct answer.
Also a correct answer

No. 421232

File: 1722681037053.png (504.71 KB, 2048x1919, Esuz5ogVoAI5zJC.png)

No. 421233

File: 1722681673804.jpg (327.47 KB, 756x1200, 1601330663055.jpg)

No. 421234

File: 1722681865365.png (593.49 KB, 800x943, 1549522499753.png)

>just text to bypass flood filter

No. 421246

File: 1722688363183.jpeg (763.96 KB, 1907x1924, Fndh7pSaEAARgoH.jpeg)

No. 421249

File: 1722688897026.jpeg (126.69 KB, 1200x1200, EnoFr-RW8AMZbWA.jpeg)

No. 421250

File: 1722688929851.jpeg (140.07 KB, 1200x1200, Enl8Qg4W8AIaJpA.jpeg)

>flood detected

No. 421253

File: 1722690045703.jpeg (250.51 KB, 2048x2048, GJX-co1aMAAKI4w.jpeg)

No. 421255

whos the artist?

No. 421259

@solublesalt123 on twitter

No. 421284

Anal with you receiving

No. 421285

I'm getting to do this IRL and it's as heavenly as it sounds.

No. 421290

Go on…

No. 421293

Ik this is moidy in theory but how do you guys feel about rape correction? I love thinking about correctively raping a “dom”, misogynist, or pervert into submission. My favorite instance is with a misogynist where I’d make him realize his true place is underneath women and just how good it feels. Of course, this is just fantasy since these groups of people are ugly irl

No. 421301

only if the guy is relatively young and cute. I made an AI chatbot character, Robert, based on that idea and posted it on the last thread. It's more "beating correction" though but pleasure conditioning is proven to work if mixed in.

No. 421303

As you said they're too ugly. I wouldn't want to have sexual contact with a moid like that, just beat him up.

No. 421312

Wouldn't do it irl because misogynist scrotes are scum but as a fantasy it sounds super hot.

No. 421313

File: 1722709845078.png (182.25 KB, 500x638, image_2024-08-03_203013135.png)

No. 421315

File: 1722710166752.png (593.23 KB, 850x986, image_2024-08-03_203315651.png)

No. 421317

File: 1722710524245.png (583.41 KB, 1200x720, image_2024-08-03_203624011.png)

No. 421318

ntayrt but thank you so much nonnie i finally found a circle of DOL artists to quench this thirst

No. 421320

File: 1722710859400.jpg (67.86 KB, 498x697, 1719637096188.jpg)

No. 421321

File: 1722710891077.jpeg (288.35 KB, 1439x1653, GSEX0YpaUAIjxzB.jpeg)

samefag, very nice

No. 421322

you're welcome nonnie ♥ i love me some submissive kylar

No. 421323

File: 1722711170712.jpg (58.27 KB, 365x731, 449454948.jpg)

No. 421325

File: 1722711640660.jpeg (153.34 KB, 1200x1800, GTYrBb_agAAw4Xj.jpeg)

agreed, i hope i find similar art of Sydney(The Fallen) too, it'd be nice to see just the most outrageous violent things happen to him bc i just know he'd love it, also i wish there'd be art of Syd getting corrupted not through the player but getting mindbroken instead.

No. 421326

File: 1722711710105.png (1.13 MB, 850x850, image_2024-08-03_205256477.png)

No. 421327

File: 1722712019820.png (769.26 KB, 850x850, image_2024-08-03_210205788.png)

No. 421329

File: 1722712340504.png (Spoiler Image,331.5 KB, 850x510, image_2024-08-03_210714099.png)

No. 421331

File: 1722712747379.png (Spoiler Image,267.13 KB, 850x1024, image_2024-08-03_211331706.png)

No. 421333

Any tips for femdom beginners? My nigel is open to it but I don't really know exactly what to do

No. 421334

File: 1722714099089.jpeg (Spoiler Image,208.88 KB, 1100x1159, 9fcecdf245b0124dbf656955a94009…)

No. 421336

I recommend r/FemdomCommunity or r/GentleFemdom. If you don't already have an idea for femdom then you're not the kind of woman or """""Domme""""" that belongs in this thread. Sorry

No. 421337

Aww the bunny’s smirk is so charming to me.

No. 421339

File: 1722714523825.png (550.47 KB, 850x1202, image_2024-08-03_214500370.png)

No. 421340

File: 1722714829506.png (566.28 KB, 850x655, image_2024-08-03_214904876.png)

No. 421341

Nta but why do you sound so offended kek. Some people just don't have a good idea of what actual femdom is because of how unfortunately male oriented mainstream femdom is. Hell, I didn't even realize I was a dom until this year because of how strong my misconception of femdom was.

As for you, prioritize your own pleasure. Femdom isn't about pleasing your man, it's about pleasing you. Make sure you make that very clear with him. If he even tries to redirect your pleasure to his, punish him for it.

No. 421342

File: 1722714952377.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.34 KB, 950x1373, KkoMK_011.jpg)

Less pics of people posing like they're femdom, more actual femdom

No. 421343

File: 1722715142672.png (Spoiler Image,367.02 KB, 1024x970, image_2024-08-03_215443964.png)

No. 421345

File: 1722715488365.png (263.71 KB, 675x1043, image_2024-08-03_220142913.png)

No. 421346

>actual femdom
>posts sodomy

No. 421347

File: 1722715849831.png (Spoiler Image,288.65 KB, 850x915, image_2024-08-03_220736328.png)

No. 421349

File: 1722716173892.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.24 KB, 1170x936, 2d3d4234ed423eded2.jpg)

No. 421351

File: 1722716476163.jpg (85.09 KB, 487x730, Uhj88kGU79U60HsIxSTgN6hzQuOcvX…)

No. 421355

File: 1722718147853.jpg (15.85 KB, 288x450, 184397298-288-k252797.jpg)

No. 421356

uncircumcized and virgin are good though

No. 421357

File: 1722718581511.webp (102.53 KB, 1080x1524, o5ofwmx360571.webp)

No. 421362

We should normalise using balls as needle cushion

No. 421365

File: 1722719070497.jpg (126.05 KB, 736x1044, 297d2d2fc45bd29c25acf51042966e…)

No. 421366

source please?

No. 421367

No. 421370

i wish i could see this post

No. 421374

File: 1722719650453.jpg (103.95 KB, 540x720, tumblr_6a849be0256cb04c2d8c160…)

No. 421378

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No. 421383

File: 1722720777888.jpeg (417.75 KB, 1668x2224, Fv8eB2BaAAEbmwi.jpeg)

No. 421384

File: 1722721085934.webp (170.68 KB, 1517x2200, b9b9f938cf3527de627ee6b417a1fe…)

No. 421386

These images are suicide fuel for me, because I know I'll never have love like these.

No. 421387

could you please use the spoiler function? this isn’t really the type of stuff people wanna see in the front page

No. 421388

Holy moly cheesy bologney! image so powerful I turned into white person

No. 421390

File: 1722721502009.jpg (Spoiler Image,296.06 KB, 983x1492, 5597ad453ba92a47f113b49b4a4ede…)

No. 421392

File: 1722721696720.jpeg (129.05 KB, 640x905, IMG_7193.jpeg)

>he’s eating your pussy
>you start moaning and saying “oh yes like that”
>he immediately switches to different tempo and position
How do you correct this dumb dog’s behavior?

No. 421395

File: 1722721945929.png (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 1578x2048, Fwgn3TSXsAE-ADe.png)

No. 421397

I thought that but then I realize males are extremely malleable. Don’t take my words as gospel but in my experience many of the very conventionally attractive males actually don’t like the “daddy dom” role getting pushed on them by normies actually. They love horny aggressive (not desperate!) dynamic from women and will let you do anything lmao.

No. 421401

File: 1722722653613.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.64 KB, 640x873, tumblr_obz33blsuv1vn8z6yo1_640…)

No. 421403

File: 1722722683072.jpeg (269.64 KB, 720x1261, IMG_7192.jpeg)

Look through the threads and decide what TRULY turns you on. Not “hot bc I think a man will find it hot”, or even “the general scenario is porny therefore hot”, it has to be hot because it makes your stomach feel funny and your thighs clench! Don’t thinking about anything else except your pursuit of that pleasure. And then you can think about what he needs to do to get you there. All that “um acktually domming is actually a sub’s taking reign” is pure scroteshit justification for being misogynist.

No. 421408

>very conventionally attractive males
I don't want that though. I want a pretty anime virgin boy.

No. 421417

File: 1722725382811.png (Spoiler Image,436.49 KB, 548x830, 20240804_004410.png)

No. 421418

File: 1722725698974.png (Spoiler Image,450.7 KB, 544x544, 20240804_004610.png)

No. 421419

Hit him on his head or pull his hair

No. 421424

Well then…take care of your health so you're alive for the AI husbando revolution

No. 421440

I just think muscles are gross

No. 421445

File: 1722731665790.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.69 KB, 1024x724, 848B473F-5BF5-479B-AD3B-818537…)

Is this ok

No. 421455

that looks like a child

No. 421496

>find one that draws Syd a lot
>draws him in a tumblr sexyman art style and clearly prefers drawing boobs

No. 421504

kek what

No. 421507

its osomatsu, they are grown adults

No. 421511

No. 421530

File: 1722756403805.jpg (29.63 KB, 564x871, 93f9fdeb81d290406e347694181efb…)

Great pics, I love Leon.

No. 421541

I'm a lesbian sub, how do I gp about hinting to my mostly soft-domme girlfriend that I want her to piss in my mouth? We've done light watersports before but not this far

No. 421550

Sus post but just ask idk what else you hope to hear

No. 421558

File: 1722764884558.gif (4.92 MB, 500x279, 1627327593296.gif)

Can we get some 3D in here too!

No. 421559

I'm on ep 33 now and it's revealed that she has her own hidden torture dungeon with a young man in it and she stabs him. She would be so based if she also wasn't evil towards the female mc. I don't recommend this show if you just want to see femdom but I enjoy the whole cute lady turns out to be psycho and sadistic thing.

No. 421584

File: 1722783202993.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2981x3953, GT-7j_6b0AAvhJR.jpeg)

No. 421586

File: 1722783228368.jpeg (183.28 KB, 868x1200, GSiM_mYaAAAYeCb.jpeg)

No. 421593

No. 421594

Clip some hot scenes for us nonny the girls are starving

No. 421602

File: 1722787190885.jpg (263.86 KB, 1757x1819, F1PdKlQaIAEfzZy.jpg)

IDK how to do that but you can see the dungeon stabbing in the beginning of this episode.

No. 421604


No. 421618

I disagree, use them as a sudden, impromptu bookmark

No. 421638

@aeritea on twitter

No. 421651

Realistically I'd te him afterwards

No. 421724

where's this from?

No. 421784

what did she mean by this?

No. 421807

I've loved femdom for so long and it kinda makes me seethe + get paranoid that SO many trannies develop agp due to femdom now. Before, the pipeline used to be incel to hentai coomer to tranny, what even happened? It does make sense since forced feminization and all that shit has always been part of it, but jfc the increase of "sissy" faggots is so disturbing, how do they not realize dommes want cute GUYS, not ugly fags. Should I take wanting to be feminized as a red flag in subs? I'm sad because I finally found one that's young, attractive and shares most of my kinks but he's into feminization and I'm fearful it'll evolve into tranny/fag behavior. agp is doing to cute sub boys what crack did to black neighborhoods.

No. 421809

>Should I take wanting to be feminized as a red flag in subs?
YES. It is always a red flag no matter what. Even if the guy seems nice at first and he doesn't troon out, he'll still likely be narcissistic. Avoid any guy who likes feminization, crossdressing/wearing women's clothes, wants to "be the girl" during sex/in the relationship. Trust me, you can find a hot young guy who wants to submit to you in a masculine sexy way.

No. 421814

But what if I don't want a "masculine" sub, but a feminine sub who doesn't want to troon out?

No. 421815

damn, that's really disappointing even though you're most likely right. I think that eliminates almost every potential sub tbh, even the most masculine ones I encountered got off to being feminized. I want nonnas like >>421397
>>418782 to be right and I do agree moid sexuality is so broken it's easily manipulated by anything, but I feel like there's a huge gap between "guy who will let you get away with a few spankings and light CBT" vs "actual sub who will let you go to extremes and love it"… I don't want a normie guy who will just "put up" with some of my degeneracy, I want someone who shares it and is genuinely committed to being a slave, normies guys are bound to get turned off when things go beyond muh gentle femdom

No. 421821

Depends what you mean by "feminine." By "masculine" I didn't mean hairy ugly roidpig. But if you want a man who acts performatively feminine, ie. wearing women's clothes, wants you to provide for him, wants you to treat him like a girl, you'll only find men who aren't comfortable being men and that's what leads them to troon out.
>even the most masculine ones I encountered got off to being feminized. I want nonnas like >>421397
Look for a guy who is younger and a bit of a normalfag (less likely to be gooning all day). A guy who hits his mid 20s or later has already been completely indoctrinated by porn.

No. 421827

>Should I take wanting to be feminized as a red flag in subs?
Yes. The previous reply summed it up really well but think about how absurd and degrading it'll feel to have sex with a man who gets off the idea of 'turning into' a woman. It's always the most regressive shit too, like a hateful, cum-stained view of womanhood but turned inwards. Even if he's normal and respectful otherwise, it'll come out during sex and you will be disgusted with it all. And these men are true and honest fetishists (not just perverted or weird), which is code for bad at sex.

No. 421832

File: 1722874470535.png (340.38 KB, 828x564, 1658005883044.png)

By feminine, I mean
>slender, not muscular
>takes care of skin and hair
>no facial and body hair
>emotional and caring
>cute and happy
So feminine appearance and personality. I wouldn't be totally against him being "performatively feminine", if it's like a Female Led Relationship sort of thing. Trooning out, of course, is a big no.
It's a bleak world.

No. 421835

thank you, nona, that's solid advice. I think my main issue with that would be that I hate brat taming and I love submission and obedience, so it would be kind of a chore to train a normie guy from scratch, but let's hope it'll be worth it. plus I do love the idea of getting to be the one who corrupts a normie moid, I always get the God I wish that were me.jpg when a sub tells me he was vanilla until his first gf made him kneel to kiss her feet or some shit and now he's a pervert for life kek
yeah, I agree. I saw him asking about ways he could start getting into feminization in a forum and the coomers responses were so similar to the degenerate shit you see on MTF threads that it disgusted me. "Latex, thigh high boots, vinyl, anything that makes a woman look like a minx" barf. My sub pool keeps getting smaller and smaller considering I hate forced bi and pegging too, but being into femdom in the first place means accepting most "sub" moids are just pornbrained coomers who don't give a shit about actually submitting to a woman kek

No. 421848

File: 1722877178541.jpeg (623.61 KB, 941x953, 0F6B2678-5218-41E7-A16D-16BBB6…)

Anyone else love watching UFC but only when one of the fighters has a great physical advantage over the other so it’s just 10 minutes of a guy having his brains turned into mash potato?

No. 421979

>Should I take wanting to be feminized as a red flag in subs
Yes. Feminization should be somwthing he absolutely despises to the core of his being, so you can use it as a threat.

No. 422031

File: 1722924325115.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.45 KB, 640x360, A9E64D96-2047-4B4B-9593-05BCC5…)

Ugh fuck yeah nonna. Seeing men covered in blood beating the fuck out of each other for pennies is so hot to me

No. 422043

>roid monkeys
none for me, thank you

No. 422078

Then you can absolutely find someone like that. Maybe look for a guy who climbs, they tend to be lean and slender without being bulky, have nice long hair, and do skincare. I've met a few guys who match your description and I even dated one of them (but he turned out to be a psycho unfortunately)
Whether or not a man identifies as submissive doesn't mean he'll be obedient. Some normalfag men can be surprisingly sweet. He doesn't need to be a turbo normalfag, just someone who takes care of himself and isn't gooning at his PC all day. Men who are online too much are no good and unfortunately that applies to a lot of submissive men.

No. 422101

>gym climbers aren't bulky
Maybe comparatively, but otherwise not so

No. 422105

would love source on this
I absolutely hate most 3D femdom porn it feels like the majority of it is fat ugly guys wearing facemasks getting cucked, so so hard to find anything good.

No. 422111

Have you tried JAV?

No. 422112

I actually got this gif from LC ages ago and would love to know the source too!

No. 422122

Literally worse, just small cocked ugly bastard AGP pedos

No. 422126

I disagree, and think it's not as you say, but you can stick to your "fat ugly guys wearing facemasks getting cucked", if you prefer.

No. 422134

File: 1722965613015.png (394.57 KB, 671x377, 6CFA0BA7-3BB2-46AC-B85D-F433C0…)

Hand over them codes then nonny

No. 422135

I realized this is why I like shitty shounen anime.

No. 422188

File: 1722981525382.gif (10.48 MB, 480x268, heh.gif)

Don't get your hopes up, it's from a total scrotal movie called The Dallas Connection (1994). There are a few seconds of nice GIFs though.

No. 422189

File: 1722981616463.gif (5.35 MB, 480x268, hehh.gif)

No. 422191

File: 1722982017809.gif (5.79 MB, 480x268, hehhhh.gif)

No. 422192

File: 1722982340238.gif (9.79 MB, 480x268, hehhh.gif)

No. 422195

File: 1722982737429.gif (9.97 MB, 480x268, hehhhhh.gif)

No. 422197

File: 1722983223346.gif (6.25 MB, 480x268, hehhhhhhhh.gif)

No. 422199

Adorable but jannies will probably delete soon due to unspoiler

No. 422201

File: 1722983588550.gif (4.32 MB, 480x268, deadge.gif)

The end
Eh? There's no cock or whatever though, just male nips

No. 422204

nta but mods might see it as suggestive, they banned for less explict gifs before. a few months ago they banned the op of the previous unconventional thread because of an unspoilered gif of some actor making out with someone even though they were both clothed

No. 422234

Why does he have to be butt ugly tho

No. 422242

For real. That fugly buttchin, neanderthal brow ridge and ugly, thin, faggy, curly, hair. Nasty

No. 422273

More scenes of sexy men please no more of that

No. 422274

Just search for Kohey Nishi

No. 422280

Thanks you for the gifs nona!
It was because you're not supposed to have a gif as OP. This is fine.

No. 422282

>Meet the 24-Year-Old Japanese porn star who looks like a child
WTAF anon.

No. 422283

I swear it's hotter than it sounds.

No. 422295

Anon that scrote looks like a deformed old child.

No. 422327

Well, it's better than the usual balding fatass.

No. 422401

So he just fucking dies? Wtf lol

No. 422406

I wasn't prepared. The guy is 3 feet tall and is so deformed he can only stand for 5 minutes at a time. And yeah, also looks 5 years old. There are evil nonnies among us…

No. 422408

No nonnie is eviler than a moid and that ugly perv chose to work in pornos, it's not like anyone actually wants to fuck a uggo like him. I hope he dies filming during his next shoot. Ugly little fag

No. 422410

File: 1723070466014.jpg (98.32 KB, 1080x928, nintchdbpict000326357304.jpg)

KEKK I didn't expect it to be this bad, I thought nonas were just being cutthroat as usual but >>422274 fagnon's gotta be trolling

No. 422413

Japan is such an evil country im glad they will be extinct in 50 years from a mega tsunami, low birthrates and volcanic eruptions

No. 422417

Stop posting this shit

No. 422420

File: 1723071563970.jpg (26.85 KB, 525x553, 20221110_171915.jpg)

wtf spoiler that

No. 422831

File: 1723210253950.jpeg (280.16 KB, 1448x2048, GPOVyo4bgAAoxgy.jpeg)

No. 422837

tf, what is that creature? just go for coat1656

No. 422894

Looks more like an old gnome tbh. Still this pic has such evil energy, it looks so cursed.

No. 423069

File: 1723252557389.gif (9.37 MB, 540x310, IMG_3019.gif)

No. 423070

File: 1723252898552.gif (9.12 MB, 540x310, IMG_3020.gif)

No. 423072

>giant nose

No. 423073

No. 423075

File: 1723253274696.jpg (95.69 KB, 749x1139, htdd.jpg)

No. 423076

Anyone have any good femdom artists that focus on the male? I'm sick of seeing femdom art that has male focus, but just as much as on the woman looking sexy. Would be appreciated

No. 423078

File: 1723253616059.jpg (88.17 KB, 749x1166, hhhhjuu.jpg)

No. 423081

I can think of a couple hypnofetish stories but those are written and very niche interest, like require your idea of sexualizing a guy to be dumb and muscular because they're inversions of the bimbofication concept.

No. 423083

I'm into dumbification, send it my way

No. 423086

Sounds hot. I'm interested too.

No. 423089

Samefag but since it's gotten interest, I might as well follow through: https://mcstories.com/Authors/Pariah.html Moid-written but he sexualizes his male characters at least as much as the women.

Some other stuff in that genre, less sexualized male leads:
https://mcstories.com/FactsAndLogic/index.html This one's well-written imo and actually my favorite of the bunch.
https://mcstories.com/PumpingUpPumpingDown/index.html The domme gets more sexualized physical descriptions here but the transformation is hot.

No. 423109

File: 1723259647265.png (316 KB, 442x376, uyryhvjd.png)

Anon, i'm reading facts and logic right now and this is divine. I love seeing this dunning kruger misogynist moid who definitely thinks he's a top fold instantly having a conversation with a woman he's attracted to. The irony of having someone who thinks women are innately less intelligent than men being outwitted by one is sublime and I had the smuggest grin the entire time. I am so unbelievably wet it's unreal. Looking forward to reading even more of this

No. 423117

Right?!! It's no joke one of the hottest things I've ever read.

No. 423200

>After a brief pause, Mike muttered, “Muscles.”
I kekked so hard while reading this, thanks for linking!

No. 423208

Wish we got more descriptions of Mike's body in facts and logic (I imagine him to be pretty attractive to begin with) otherwise very hot

No. 423218

I just read Career Advancement and while some sentences were scroteish there were great parts like where the clothes exploded off his body kek and he became her househusband.

No. 423247

File: 1723298313534.jpeg (90.78 KB, 687x916, GQYlOJjWcAA3Z0R.jpeg)

should've spoilered that

No. 423251

Are any nonnas watching Batman: Caped Crusader on Amazon Prime? The Harley Quinn episode gives off serious dominatrix vibes.
She keeps a bunch of rich and powerful men imprisoned in her basement for “treatments”

No. 423253

Are the men hot though?

No. 423269

>unironically uses the term dominatrix

No. 423288

Wonderful. Do you have more art like this (or artist names?)

No. 423299

You're welcome!

Yeah, that's why I put it in the "not really related to the question but same genre for people interested in that" category. It's not like the girl is actually that sexualized and the story is all about her objectifying him, but he's barely described.

Pariah's writing can be a little porn-y, but the great parts are why I linked. If you're into the type of meathead moid he writes about, a big "if" for the yaoi fangirl audience here but I can find it hot, the male sexualization is off the charts. I think he may be closeted bi but that's just a hunch, I know one domme in that fetish community who knows him and he says he's straight.

No. 423303

Was facts and logic written by a woman? Just curious

No. 423304

I doubt it, the name ("Sammy") is ambiguous but most writers on that site are male. I emailed them a few years ago about how much I loved the story and never got a reply lmao.

No. 423327

>unironically uses yikes
You are not any better.

No. 423329

i wish nonny. i stole this from some retarded mommy dommy gimmick account

No. 423332

File: 1723316233129.png (436.69 KB, 1000x926, 65202484_p3_master1200.png)

For a while now, I've been categorically excluding works by men when it comes to erotic material because it's almost never good enough to justify the time I spent watching or reading it, but "Career Advancement" is pretty alright. I'm tempted to let the autism flow and make an edit of it where I remove/alter the parts I like least for rereads and I've only ever previously wanted to do that with women's works.

No. 423336

I love athletic men in general. They don't have to be stereotypical jocks but it's my type

No. 423341

File: 1723318918126.jpg (205.99 KB, 705x863, autistic scrote.jpg)

speaking of which, I wish there was something like this (femdom moid correction) with the BAP type faggots of incel twitter like pic related. They clearly have nothing going for them besides their body so it's only fair to literally objectify them and then enslave them.

No. 423343

Same. Skinny is hot to me if it's toned, but I like a bit of muscle best. Unathletic only does it for me if the bone structure is like, naturally stocky and those don't usually look like yaoi boys.

No joke enslaving some moid like that is one of my biggest fantasies. They put all their points into becoming eye candy, okay, they can do that. The matriarchy thanks you as long as you keep your annoying mouth shut. lmao

No. 423348

Yes they don't have to be roiding monsters but I love at at least some muscles. I like like ab and hand veins too. And I also like to see them in various poses (not bodybuilding poses, but like classical paintings and statues, or moving objects)

And yes it's a huge fantasy for me too. I want to see them completely mindbroken and subservient and just sex objects and hard workers.
I bet they secretly crave it too. There's a point where extreme autistic misogyny is either veiled faggotry or some sort of fear of women mixed with huge ego and entitlement. In fact, their paranoid fantasies about gynocracy betray a deep subconscious need to submit imo.

No. 423354

Kasen desires to go back to her hermit life style

No. 423356

Love guys in statue poses. <3

And 100% agree with this. There are a lot of rumors BAP is closeted gay but so many of these people have barely hidden femdom fantasies instead, I loved Facts and Logic because it really leans into that. It'd be better for everyone if they embraced it too, like in the hypno community it's vastly hotter than the sissy stuff 80% of moids there look for and most dommes I've spoken with have a similar ideal "type" for subs. Like, some girls just want a hot guy who does what he's told to do, thinks what he's told to think, and does manual labor around the house or something. These guys would be perfect for that if they stopped being, um, themselves.

No. 423358

They’re just generic NPC rich guys who never show up after the one episode. But there’s an earlier episode in the show where Harleen Quinzel has Bruce Wayne as a psychology patient. I think someone could write a good fanfic about Harleen imagining what she would do to Bruce if she had him locked up in her basement. In the same episode Harleen goes on a date with a woman, so the fanfic could be about how she actually loves and respects women, she just sees men as human dildoes to exploit for her pleasure.

No. 423359

>There are a lot of rumors BAP is closeted gay but so many of these people have barely hidden femdom fantasies instead

There's a decade old craiglist announcement of BAP posting his body and saying he was looking for a Black woman to beat him up. I think he made some very weird femdom-themed posts he tries to play as a joke other times too.

No. 423360

Posted too early and forgot to add that I find sissy shit absolutely disgusting. It's the woman = bad = inferior = humiliating equation all over. It would be disgusting even if the scrotes involved in it were cute (which they aren't they're always horrid).
The mindless himbo idea is much more natural and even healthier. I don't know much about actual hypnosis but I tried the "hypnotic kiss" rp idea from nona's post in the last thread with my bf and I loved it though.

No. 423361

Don't post emojis nona.

No. 423362

why would anybody be mad about this genuinely

No. 423365

Wow, okay, maybe BAP's another one then.

Yeah, sissy stuff always reeks of sexism to me. I don't know what place it would come from psychologically other than sexism, where the himbo side of things… obviously I like it, and I can see why a guy would want a girl fawning over his looks and to make her happy if he likes her.

Actual hypnosis can only ever nudge someone in ways they're already mostly willing to be nudged. And it might just be socially agreed on RP, how it works is debated and the other idea is that people are slightly more suggestible in trance states. Either way pure RP is just as hot for me since my thing for it comes from 100% unrealistic mind control scenes in cartoons - thanks Sailor Moon, Gargoyles, Digimon.

No. 423368

Well I tried learning self hypnosis for therapy/healing purposes and it's supposed to put you in a relaxed state where your defenses are down and you can make deeper changes within through repetition, right?

No. 423370

Pretty much. It's not just relaxation though, it's a state of relaxed focus people often get a version of when reading, gaming, even lightly when driving if it's a familiar route. But yes to defenses being down.

Whether that's due to higher suggestibility in a trance state or just people agreeing to lower their defenses is debated, it's 100% true that you can adjust thinking in small ways (which can build over time) with it though.


Here you go, it's cool to know there are other nonas into this stuff:

No. 423371

So who/what is BAP?

No. 423372

Cringe Twitter right-winger who's gotten internet famous for like, hot takes. He also lifts and posts pictures of his body on beaches. He's like Andrew Tate for smarter but more autistic guys.

No. 423373

A minor cow, he's frequently mentioned in the redscare girls thread. He basically created a weird cult of racist incel (gay?) bodybuilders obsessed with looking good.

No. 423399

>There's a point where extreme autistic misogyny is either veiled faggotry or some sort of fear of women mixed with huge ego and entitlement. In fact, their paranoid fantasies about gynocracy betray a deep subconscious need to submit imo.
I was thinking of bringing up this exact fantasy here. Glad i'm not alone in this…Recently i've wanted to humiliate this kind of moid by playing on retarded insecurities like not having a huge penis or not being an absolute chad, among other things.
It's just that rigid RW moids' repression and pent-up horniness elicits mindbreak fantasies. I really like the idea of a straightlaced, smug but polite man crumbling after the slightest taste of submission. The ones who aren't extremely edgy/hateful/antisocial will maintain a 'i'm normal not like these degens' facade but they still betray or subtly hint at their femdom fantasies. A man who isn't making a fool of himself with blatant coomerism is much, much more alluring than the slimy hedonist 'me want pegging' type. I love their hypocrisy kek. Ah, and the fear of women part is also a big draw.
On a completely different note, i really want to playfully wrestle with a man, then feel him getting weaker and lose on purpose because he really wants to be pinned down and dommed

No. 423404

>A man who isn't making a fool of himself with blatant coomerism is much, much more alluring than the slimy hedonist 'me want pegging' type. I love their hypocrisy kek. Ah, and the fear of women part is also a big draw.
YES! Everything you just said. The 'peg me mommy' uwu types do nothing for me. I thought about it a lot and I guess it's because it would feel fake, while the type of man you described earlier would feel actual humiliation and a sense of REAL submission.

>On a completely different note, i really want to playfully wrestle with a man, then feel him getting weaker and lose on purpose because he really wants to be pinned down and dommed

I personally like the idea of slightly abusing chivalry. So tickling a very ticklish guy until he's almost in pain but he does his best to remain still because if he flails around he might accidentally hurt you so all he can do is hold you. Or slap him lightly and teasing him about how he won't retaliate despite the fact that he could hurt me if he wanted to, he simply never will.

No. 423410

"Me want pegging" is an instant turn-off. Like, my style of domming is more seductress than dominatrix to begin with because it comes way more naturally to me. But thirsty slobbering male subs are gross, and usually needy and top from the bottom.

Converting some misogynistic right-wing moid into my slave feels way more like actual submission. IRL I don't think I'd want to subject myself to that for any length of time, and self-confident guys who choose to submit in a masculine way (not "peg me dommy mommy") are very attractive to me. But a fun fantasy is a fun fantasy.

No. 423414

There must be a hivemind in this thread.
I totally get you. Seducing a cute, masculine but shy and well behaved guy and seeing him try to suppress his lust ≥>>>>>>>>>>>> step on me and sissify me scrotes

No. 423416

100% this. But the echo chamber really doesn't surprise me tbh. One thing I've learned over time is most dommes are looking for about the same thing, and 80% of scrote subjects are looking for something different that's actually a turn-off. The other 20% are the answers to our prayers but they require digging to find, and tbh I'm talking from a late millennial perspective. Zoomers seem more likely to realize they're dominant earlier, but sissification and hentai coomer stuff are way more mainstreamed now.

No. 423417

Ack, subs I mean. I'm the hypno-chan, "subjects" is hypnofetish community lingo. lol

No. 423420

You're intriguing with all this hypnosis stuff. Is this just a fantasy or are there communities for this, like to learn and experiment? Are scrotes there as gross as elsewhere?

No. 423428

It's both tbh. Anyone into it fantasizes about it obviously, and some people who wouldn't say it's a fetish of theirs do too, like all the sub girls turned on by vampire mind control. …or domme girls turned on by being the vampire. But there are also communities where we meet each-other and try things out, both in-person meet-ups for people deep in the community and Discord servers for like everyone else.

Scrotes are just as gross there as elsewhere ftr, worse to be honest. When I first got into this stuff in the early 2010s it was like, normal people though with a high ratio of nerds and autism, I fit right in. Now it's infested with TiMs and people whose fantasies are gross hentai tropes. I have to carefully screen when I'm looking for new people in those communities to talk with. There are still gems though! They're rare, like 1 in 10 now so I rarely go looking anymore, but you can usually tell who's going to be weird.

No. 423430

Any good novice-friendly community to start with and learn something fun? I'm used to scrotes being scrotes and to blocking most people online so their behaviour shouldn't be an issue

No. 423437

The r/HypnoHookup server is probs your best bet, but I have to give a few warnings about it. It's super PC and a huge percentage of members are sissies, many hypnotists also have zero talent and think posting a flashing gif is going to do something. I just find on average its members are smarter and less coomerish than other servers, if you post an ad there about wanting to learn some experienced person should come along with advice. The server that spun off from #coverthypnotism on IRC is a tiny bit more open to unpopular opinions but it's still covered in sissies, and it has more untalented hypnotists and more porn-brained users. It used to be a big spot but I don't even visit it anymore tbh.

No. 423942

Nonnas somehow I found the good boy of my dreams. But he really wants me to dominate him hard and I need to boost my confidence because that's a huge part of this. I just can't believe it's actually happening.

No. 423955

Tell us more please. If it's an online thing or not, his age and experience, porn usage, your previous experiences, if he's a masculine boy or not etc…

No. 423956

I'd like some fempov stories please, or at least, if mpov, atleast for the female gaze.

No. 423967

There are ficrecs in the op.

No. 423968

I'm liking the mind control component.

No. 424023

Sadly off the top of my head most fem-POV stories I can think of in that community are femsub or F/F. Some of the femsub ones are female gaze-y, so are a small minority of F/F. With femdom the Evilena series is fem POV but very catered to the male gaze, so the closest I could think of was legitimately the bisexual moid gaze where objectification meets power fantasy. lol

Most women with hypnofetishes are either like, pro-dommes, or normies where it's an interest we come to occasionally when we're not busy with other things. Only a tiny number of writers in the community are female. I'll recommend the artist Sue-chan though, she's super old-school and popular. She draws femdom, maledom, M/M, and F/F. Her art of moids def appeals to the female gaze, of the lean anime boy variety usually.

No. 424025

Samefag but mostly stick to her classic/2000s stuff ftr. There are a few great pics on her What's New page that aren't in her galleries, but those are all commission pics so they're surrounded by doll and harem-girl fetish ones.

No. 424086

File: 1723530292886.jpg (433.06 KB, 800x1378, RWS_Tarot_08_Strength.jpg)

This card has many meanings but is also a perfect representation of how I see femdom.

No. 424091

Nona it's perfect.

No. 424094

Fun little fact, there's a village called Domme in France and it's one of the most gorgeous places on Earth.

No. 424108

File: 1723542828498.jpg (255.55 KB, 1920x1227, Domme_1_GhezoArt.jpg)

I wish we could have a farmer meetup there and plot world domination

No. 424110

Someone in /ot/ posted this musicvideo. The scene when they feed the cowboys in a pen carrots like they're horses did things to me.

No. 424116

File: 1723548576652.jpg (292.92 KB, 723x1424, 11-payen-1743.jpg)

It truly is isn't it? The Marseille version conveys it even better, with the Dame effortlessly opens the lion's mouth
I've googled it and it's even better wtf. Looks like the perfect place to retire.
The video is so hot all around. Good taste on the actors they hired. I wish I lived in Domme with a handsome pet moid I could feed and that would do manual work for me in the garden shirtless. Maybe when we win we will at least one moid each to carry our cars instead of using petrol (keeps them healthy and occupied while solving pollution)

No. 424120

Genius nona solving moid obesity and the climate crisis at the same time!

No. 424223

File: 1723578736661.png (1.64 MB, 1400x1045, Sit boy Inuyasha.png)

What was your Femdom awakening, Nonnie?
Mine was watching Inuyasha.
Moids being on the mercy of yours is so hot.

No. 424238

A weird cartoon (which I consider lost media since I don't remember the name and can't find any info online) in which the hero was almost convinced by a villainess (which later turns ally) to throw himself in a fire.

No. 424239

Sailor Moon, what happened to Tuxedo Mask like every few episodes.

No. 424247

Did you fantasize about doing things to him?

No. 424251

I was like 4, but it was my gateway drug to femdom and hypno both. The first characters I fantasized about doing things to were Matt in Digimon and Blue (not really Gary) in the Pokemon manga. Digimon had a lot of kinky malesub stuff but Matt was never involved, I just fantasized, though Leomon was probs another inspiration and it's low-key a miracle I didn't grow up to be a furry.

No. 424252

ftr not a pedo, I was like 7 and at the age where I started developing crushes on boys, just to make things clear.

No. 424253

Yes it was obvious to me. I had my first weird fantasies at that age (around boys and characters around my age) too.

No. 424254

Also why Matt and Blue? Did you just have a thing for blondes?

No. 424256

I liked the skinny icy brooding type, it isn't my main type now but it was until I was like 13-14 and I still can like it. I also thought Matt's dynamic with his brother was really cute and somehow went "ooooh, bare arms" early.

No. 424269

File: 1723588856106.jpg (299.48 KB, 1846x1447, GEXxtF5agAAkLFO.jpg)

Mine was from playing fighting games.

No. 424271

File: 1723589148080.gif (342.48 KB, 220x164, pucca-garu.gif)

Pucca was definitely formative for me. Especially the fact that Pucca chases him down so often, if I can't wrangle my moid like a lost bull in the field then WHAT is the point

No. 424275

huh how?

No. 424290

Tekken allows you to beat up some of the hottest men ever. Ever seen that banner here?

No. 424292

oh shit my whole life I though she was a butch queen

No. 424294

File: 1723595366597.jpg (349.4 KB, 1012x638, Gladion_concept_art.jpg)

Are you a very jealous person?

I fantasized about pic related even when I was 18.

No. 424297

Anyone here into breast worship? I’m a b cup so I love the thought of either willingly or forcefully making a moid praise and pay special attention to my boobs especially since they’re small and promptly putting him in his place if even makes one negative comment.

No. 424301

I'm an F cup (yes I'm overweight and at breast cancer risk, I'm already aware and trying to get better and have a normal BMI by this winter…) and I love it too. I even tried the meme smothering on bf and he went crazy, it'a also surprisingly fun.
Although have him touch them feels great even if I wasn't into femdom, being appreciated for your femininity and see a man go crazy with need about it, being unable to focus and becoming entranced is AMAZING

No. 424305

kek I can see it, but Garu was often referred to as a guy in the show iirc
Not the inuyasha anon, but not particularly. I like the thrill of the chase and the physical act of restraining the guy, I don't so much care about keeping him to myself necessarily. In fact, in my more degen fantasies I share him with friends because I have him so well-trained kek

No. 424307

It's weird how different people are. I couldn't dream sharing my man on pain of death. If I could get away with it I'd put him inside a cage (plexiglass one) besidss ny bed so I can make sure he doesn't disappear or someone else steals him away.
I do love the physical act of restraining

No. 424313

I need to go there in my lifetime

No. 424318

File: 1723599402865.webp (608.14 KB, 1920x1440, pcu-rue-de-domme-juillet-2020a…)

It's beautiful, like actually beautiful.

No. 424325

We should pool money and all move there to set up the gynarchy all the Andrew Tate fans think they live in. Joking but only half-joking.

No. 424329

Reminds me of the old CC nation state thread. Which types of moids would you allow to immigrate in?

No. 424336

Yeah, the sharing is purely a fantasy thing for me, where I can guarantee the guy nor my friends never catch feelings and all that. I kinda think of the guy like a horse I rounded up and tamed myself; other people may ride (lol) him but in the end it's me who he's loyal to, devoted to, and truly loves. A plexiglass cage would keep him from cuddling me, but keeping him chained up at night would be nice.

No. 424342

Well it's a given I'd let him out of the cage to cuddle, especially at night. I like the idea of having a mental grip on him that he'd still love me even if completely objectified and dehumanized… but I have visceral hate reactions just when he mentions past dates lol

No. 424347

Moids would be carefully screened for. tbh we might want more than women since some nonas would want harems, but they have to be willing to submit and in a self-respecting non-simp way. There can be a minimum threshold of physical attractiveness too, they should look at least average. Useful skills like being able to do plumbing or electrician work adds a couple points to their immigration application.

No. 424349

I wonder if men like those would be willing to immigrate willingly or they should be bought and bargained from other countries, for example among those who committed petty crimes, and then subjected to a few months of education beforehand.

No. 424350

File: 1723606103224.gif (236.4 KB, 220x164, bokusatsu-tenshi-dokuro-chan.g…)

That point in time when 'le sadism xDD' was a common thing in ecchi comedies

No. 424354

>the old CC nation state thread

No. 424355

This is one of the many proofs that men are all naturally submissive btw

No. 424356

It was something very autistic and fun but mods over there deleted it for some reason.

No. 424358

Yeah, but what was it?

No. 424359

File: 1723607762710.webm (1.47 MB, 400x446, 1667615894310.webm)

No. 424367

I wonder what caused this.

No. 424382

I like his artstyle but I wish he was less moidgazey and drew male characters that weren't blatant self inserts. Also I wish there waa more normal femdom and less fetish stuff (I've read most of his djs)

No. 424404

Anon that has absolutely nothing to do with the post you replied to, just typical scrote shit.

No. 424432

>asian women are naturally more submissive!!! all they want is to birth my babies!
I like the little twitch he does with his arm after his well deserved beating.

No. 424456

Same. It's probably brain damage but idc, it's hot. Maybe brain damaged moids would be sweeter and more affectionate.

No. 424458

What is the context here?

No. 424460

I've been wondering the same for years.

No. 424480

My closest friend into this type of thing is Asian and she's gotten a lot of surprised reactions based on the submissive perception. It makes me feel bad whenever I hear her talk about it or see it, like "she's cute Asian waifu" is always the elephant in the room.

It's probably less bad than it could be though since like me she's not that into beating up moids, just the seductress role and play-manipulation etc.

No. 424486

The cute asian submission waifu is a complete myth. Scrotes just mistake Japanese people being more polite in general with that

No. 424499

Confucian culture encourages submission by wives but a lot of Asian women are uncomfortable with that. Actually a lot of the WMAF stuff that gets sexualized in a racist way is trying to escape that culture.

No. 424501

What are some other examples of this? I know Korewa zombie desu ka does this too.

No. 424503

I, too, would like a quick rundown

No. 424504

File: 1723665131644.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.47 KB, 500x646, Tumblr_l_6287259651933987.jpg)

spoilered for gross coomer faggot shit, but is any woman actually into feminization? I have a hard time believing it considering how ugly and shapeless men tend to look in female clothes, and how desperate sissy fags are to push these fetishes into femdom. If there were any dommes attracted to feminization, I imagine they've long gotten turned off by it since the whole sissy shit rose in popularity. Same thing with pegging, most women I've seen "into" pegging were teens who found out about it through a meme and would never do it irl, and most actual dommes seem rightfully annoyed all "submissive" men wanna do is focus on their own anal pleasure instead of… actually being submissive. Like, what woman in her right mind would rather a faggot suck on a plastic dildo rather than her own pussy? All these "turn me into a perfect faggot sissy, mommy!" kinks are so alienated from what women actually find attractive or pleasurable it's disgusting. Yet every sissy fag I've had the displeasure of encountering has somehow had a mistress (though I'm starting to believe it's just another tranny/sissy)

No. 424505

File: 1723665415852.gif (946.47 KB, 500x281, b561f2a5f45651d5def1fed009a46c…)

Batman returns did things to me… and I know it's an old ass movie, but I still can't believe the lack of batcat femdom fics, you can't tell me she wouldn't dom him

No. 424506

Yellow fever scrotes are almost always wretches. There's no escape.

No. 424507

Sadly yeah. She's very happy with her boyfriend but a lot of yellow feverfags fetishize the submissive stereotype. Her boyfriend is sort of stereotypical too, he's a socially awkward techie, but he's handsome and obviously doesn't want her to submit.

No. 424508

>comparing a penis to a clitoris as an insult
why are moids

No. 424510

My pussy is short circuiting. Putting this in a very special folder.

No. 424511

File: 1723668490556.jpg (121.38 KB, 878x813, catwoman.JPG)

She 100% would. The hypnofetish community has a lot more Ivy/Batman stuff, but we have a bit of Catwoman/Batman like picrel.

No. 424520

I used to be mildly into it but all of the tranny shit ruined it for me. I like the idea of dressing an (attractive) man up in women’s clothes and some makeup (in a way that would suit him and not look awful) but it’s hard to make it work in practice. Plus, the fact that most guys who are into forced feminization either want to wear women’s clothes because they think it’s degrading, or they want the woman to do all the work of dressing them up and fucking them in the ass, while doing nothing for the woman in return. I’d love to ride the dick of a skinny androgynous goth/emo guy who wears skirts and fishnets and who was good at doing his own makeup, but I’m not sure if guys like that exist anymore or if they’ve all trooned out.

No. 424522

Same here. Though I think so much why I was kind of into feminization for a few years is that when I first really started exploring my kinks, feminization content was the easiest femdom stuff to find.

Some guys do look good androgynous and I'm not against dressing a cute moid up that way. But I hate the femininity = degradation side of feminization stuff and over time realized I'm much more comfortable on the opposite side of the domme spectrum, where I end up LARPing 1940s femme fatale and hanging out in some of the same spaces as gay guys who want submissive roidheads. My tastes aren't anything close to that extreme but I find more masc subs are more likely to actually want to submit than like, be pegged.

No. 424525

Samefag *so much of

No. 424535

what part of this could ever be attractive to the person who's supposed to be the domme here? 'clitty' and 'sissy' are hugely gross words that are simultaneously creepy in an old man way and yet evoking pedoshit. 'impaled on my ten inches' is all about him and doesn't make the fucking or the domination part sound fun. he's enjoying being degraded by being compared to/reduced to a woman and the actual woman saying these things is supposed to just be fine with that? I am 100% sure that they could make feminization porn that appealed to women if they tried (look at the posts in the shameful fetishes thread about tim curry) but it would have to involve, like, a beautiful man like 90s Damon Albarn who is physically perfect, and that would be too intimidating and depressing to the kind of moid who's into this stuff.

No. 424543

I like seeing old men getting killed by women

No. 424544

I used to be into force-fem. However, once I realized it was because I thought feminine = degrading and shed the self-hatred associated with that, I honestly find it repulsive on an instinctual level. But even when I was at the height of enjoying force fem stuff, I fucking hated "clitty" and "sissy" as terms. There was never a time where those words and the works they showed up in didn't feel inherently gross and repellant to me, ugh. I'm less optimistic about the possibility about force fem being written in such a way to appeal to women, but maybe that's just me not finding any inherent appeal in men dressed in a feminine way so long as they look appealing (as in, the clothes aren't shitty amazon egirl shit and fits the man and accentuates his figure, any makeup is tastefully applied, etc.). It can be a neutral element in an erotic context, but I think there's always some sort of degradation at work as soon as it's forced and no man into that kind of degradation actually cares about being beautiful to their domme since, in their mind, the feminization has already made them somewhat repellant.

No. 424545

The weeb guys who complained about this like "if the roles were reversed!!!" were so tsun kek. Their outrage was always so performative, you could tell they lived for this shit or at least thought it was funny (gateway drug to acceptance)

No. 424548

Why is there always some weird gendie discussion in every thread now. Lolcor is full of zoomie ex tifs.

No. 424549

Basically it was a thread on CC in which imagined it managed to buy a small nation. So male slavery was legalized and there were oc slave profiles made by nonas and even with multiple drawings for each. Also most of the slaves were demihuman for some reason.

No. 424551

A lot of zoomers and late millennials are detransitioners, but that's not why in this thread tbh. Sissification is like the most mainstream femdom thing now, it hasn't been latex and whips for like 15 years.

A few nonas in this thread have fetishes where it's extra common too, like for my main one spaces where people go to talk about it are like 1/3-1/2 TiM now.

No. 424552

Like it has been said. The only women that find it hot is due to their unconscious self-hatred. It's a purely degeneratr moid thing, mostly common with porn sellers, too.

So based. I noticed behaviours like that even irl in school. As a rule if men joke about femdom stuff, either self deprecating, sarcastic, using irony in general, they're secretly into it, at least unconsciously, they want to be dominated and they're afraid and I think it's cute.

No. 424554

>>424551 is right, the "gendie discussion" here is just venting about the shit you can't easily filter out when looking for anything femdom in current year

No. 424555

It's not really gendie discussion though.

No. 424556

What about young men?

No. 424557

Do you have the drawings saved for posting here?

No. 424559

Holy shit I remember this. That awoke something in me. I might have screenshots, let me dig on my computer

No. 424560

File: 1723684685652.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1722x855, demihumanboc.png)

>most of the slaves were demihuman for some reason
Well, Boc is the ultimate sub.

No. 424561

File: 1723684993755.png (330.1 KB, 1875x798, pet thread.PNG)

No. 424563

Oh shit I remember this thread kek, we need something like that here but jannies hate fun… though the jannies at CC hate fun too because they deleted it like cowards

No. 424571

Fuck I wish I got more caps from this thread. I remember one hilarious nona talking about how she would grind up one of the boys(I think kenny) into meat to make dog food since it would make her more money than merely exploiting his labor.

No. 424572

god damn I forgot about this thread
>tfw you'll never be able to buy Mark and abuse him until he's well-trained

No. 424577

I really want to make bots of these now kek.

No. 424579

File: 1723687316603.png (520.07 KB, 1748x1654, 3990459045905.png)

I honestly wasnt expecting the Wayback machine to come in handy here

No. 424591

none of it was gendie discussion, retards, trannies have just made every community about their fetishes now. same reason trannies are mentioned in lolita and anime threads. and it's not really easily filtered when most femdom content is made by and for men, and you'll run into sissy shit in the wild without even looking up femdom

No. 424599

No. 424600

This, mhm. It's worse in femdom and non-moid-objectifying fetish communities than anywhere else I've looked at, even the anime fandom doesn't have it as bad. But they're everywhere if you're a '90s birth or later, esp late '90s or later than that, and they hijack communities.

No. 424620

You'd love Puccini's Tosca.

No. 424630

Damn that gif is hot, are there a lot of scenes like that in the movie?
We should have a reclist of good movies and tv-series btw. Maybe books too. Finding sexy content in mainstream media is so rare.

No. 424638

File: 1723710941947.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.33 KB, 525x525, 20240815_103203.jpg)

like some anons have already said, feminisation (not sissification) and 90% of "kinks" are fine in theory but have been ruined by men in practice and turned fag shit only they like

No. 424667

I'm not into forcefem, but I like twinky/pretty men in feminine lingerie because they can look appealing to me. Most male underwear just isn't sexy/aesthetic. It's nothing to do with degradation or with femininity being inherently sexual, it's just nice for a cute butt to be decorated by a frilly garment.
But as soon as the sissy shit gets involved it is an absolute turn off. Flamboyant confidence is wayyy sexier.
Always so controversial for this thread. It's best to slowly convince a vanilla guy to try anal, then beg you to do it because it blows his mind. Ass is so delicate too. It feels powerful to have the ability to destroy his shitting abilities for life.
Maybe it isn't inherently domme but it is psychologically enjoyable.

No. 424672

I enjoy pegging a man because I find it humiliating for him to be fucked in the ass (no, not penetration in general, just anal). Most men don't even enjoy it that much physically. But there is a lot of appeal convincing a man who isn't into it at all and then slowly condition him into begging for it. It's different because you're his first exposure to it instead of porn-brained moids memeing him into liking it.
>but it is psychologically enjoyable
It's physically pleasurable for any woman who likes clit stimulation. Anyway it's important that pegging feels good for the woman; I couldn't imagine doing all that work if I didn't get pleasure out of it.

No. 424741

>drawing herself as the main focus and not her boyfriend, who is drawn as some blob

No. 424752

File: 1723750108172.jpg (218.44 KB, 947x1656, 70b5ce43a935ac097ba3cae633044a…)

There's a few, including one where she grabs his dick with her sharp knife pointed gloves (CBT ftw)
I can see why some nonas can be into feminization, but picrel still looks like pedo coomer shit to me. That looks like a 10 year old boy, not a man.
>Most men don't even enjoy it that much physically
Kek nona, you can't be serious… prostate stimulation is literally the most pleasurable activity for a moid, hence why they're constantly begging women to fuck their stinky assholes when they should be begging to eat pussy instead. I'm kind of on the fence about it because I don't find it visually attractive at all, and the hygiene aspect straight up grosses me out, but I know it's the #1 way to make a scrote sexually obsessed with you, they basically never forget their first anal orgasms. It's like taking their virginity all over again.

No. 424765

>prostate stimulation is literally the most pleasurable activity for a moid
Most men can't even orgasm from it. Many people here vastly overestimate how many men can get pleasure from receiving anal, and underestimate how uncomfortable it is. My ex was obsessed with the idea of pegging until we actually did it, it was mostly uncomfortable/unpleasant for him and he never orgasmed, except for one time he did poppers. That's why it's such a popular drug for faggots, most men can't handle being fucked in the ass comfortably unless they're dissociating.

Anyway I'd understand why you'd be grossed out by it and not want to do it, but it's not really common for most men to love being fucked in the ass. It's mostly painful and awkward, but there is a loud minority of men who love being fucked and those are the ones to avoid. Even then, it's mostly psychological. For a lot of men it's the most humiliating and degenerate thing they can have happen to them so that's why they are more drawn to it

No. 424768

If I had to try my guess she's possessive and doesn't want other women to lay his eyes upon him, not even in drawing form, so she hides him like that. relatable

No. 424771

>Most men can't even orgasm from it.
genuine question, why do you think this?

No. 424773

>Most men can't even orgasm from it
nona, might've just been your ex but I'm gonna have to doubt that one. multiple men have tried to convince me to peg them telling me how it's the most intense full body orgasm a moid can have, way better than PIV, and "more similar to a female orgasm" (ew). all the fags who are desperate to bottom while treating topping like a chore can't be lying, it might take a bit for them to get used to cooming that way just like the many women who can't orgasm vaginally alone without clitoral stim, but I really don't think most moids can't cum from their ass.

No. 424779

You're correct and they are delusional.

No. 424781

File: 1723756816281.png (113.82 KB, 802x485, Screenshot 2024-08-15 171835.p…)

And yet…
(The percentage is that high because only 25 men admitted to doing anal during the interview)

No. 424782

I promise you as soon as it stops hurting he is gonna enjoy it. Unless you keep raping his ass bloody he's gonna turn into a faggot 100%.

No. 424784

whether men orgasm from "it" or not is not important. He's there to make me orgasm. So femdom in the purest form for me is him using his tongue until I cum and then cowgirling him hearing his desperate moans and kissing him until I cum again.

No. 424785

25 (twenty-five) homosexual moids claim to have "achived orgasm" through anal sex because they have no other options anyway, this has really changed my mind.

No. 424787

But they actually do orgasm from it, that's the main point. It's as reliable as anon's anecdote with her ex.

No. 424799

Based. I have nothing against anons who like pegging, esp if it provides psychological pleasure, but to me it feels mainly about his enjoyment or fantasies. There are much better ways to get me off.

No. 424809

Which femdoms practices do you like?

No. 424828

>raping his ass bloody
I wish

No. 424829

I don't really care, it feels good for me and I can orgasm from it and that's what matters.
So apparently 93% of women orgasm from anal? Press x to doubt. I bet clitoral and penal stimulation was involved so it doesn't count.

No. 424836

Hideous Sinner Gabriel is actually adorable. Religious guilt moids have a different kind of appeal

No. 424849

True. I like the idea of seducing a sweet, respectful yet pious monk.

No. 424850

Why the fuck are the percents of men and women who could orgasm by giving head so high? Is this really that common?

No. 424851

It's clearly a bullshit study, might as well be an Aella survey

No. 424855

It's in combination with other sex acts, I think.

No. 424856

>95% of women cumming from anal
>70% of women cumming from sucking dick

No. 424860

File: 1723770382696.png (83.67 KB, 1329x296, Screenshot 2024-08-15 210522.p…)

No. 424865

still not very reliable

No. 424866

Yeah it doesn't prove if it's easy for men to orgasm anally or not.

No. 424876

I want to write femdom smut. I'm not a good writer and even the synopsis of the intro I wrote down is full of mistakes but idc. The real deal would be in a completely different style and with way more effort.

The premise for my story is this: a young man, cute, handsome even, but insecure and shy, maybe was bullied in high school but grow up to be quite attractive and well adjusted in college, who is secretly a virgin, or had a few experiences with slutty, low quality women in the past, starts dating a very nice, confident and smart woman.
Once the first night they get intimate, the boy starts to bang away and get rough like he thought he had to from porn videos or from Andrew Tate masculinity redpill gurus.
The girl immediately stops him, and looking at him slightly disappointed, yet patient, even worried for him sternly tells him "This is not sex."
The boy is hurt in his frail, inexperienced ego. He stammers and clenches his fists, and even feels like crying but holds back. He doesn't want to look even more pathetic in her eyes! His lover gets closer and tells him to relax and that nothing is wrong. All he has to do is to listen to her and trust her, she'd show him the way. She gently caresses his body, putting him more at ease, making him feel good, moving his limbs as she wants, making him do certain poses, objectifying him. He gets hard again, even if he's still blushing from embarassment.
Then, she moves his hands and moves it over her body, where she wants him to touch her, shows him to show love and appreciation, that it's normal and good to make his partner feel good, that he only need on making her feel good. Guiding him into worshiping her properly, sternly but gently, almost effortlessly, as she notices, on top of the pleasant sensation of his warm hand over her body, every minute detail this has on him, his dilated pupils, his cheeks getting redder, how his cock somehow feels way stiffer, larger, straining against the air….

What do you think (about my idea, please don't consider style I know it's awful and it's not how I would actually write it!!!)? It's supposed to soft but I would like to add some sadism elements further down…

No. 424896

It's difficult to judge smut based on a summary since style is everything. Depending on style alone, the very same scene can be gross, ridiculous, or incredibly sexy. I'd suggest you start actually writing instead of planning. Begin with one scene you particularly like (the climax, the moment where the dynamics switch for example) and pay attention to points of view, rhythm, and, more generally, how you are conveying emotions and sensations. To give you an example of what I'm talking about, let's assume you're writing from the moid's pov. " Oh no I'm embarrassed" is pretty bad writing since it doesn't really convey emotions but just states them. What you want to do is find ways to vividly coney the emotions.

No. 424899

Thank you for the advices. I will follow them once I actually start writing it. Thankfully I'm not bad enough to do the "I'm ebarassed" example. Ideally I want to express almost everything through descriptions of physical reactions and sensations. I just wanted to know if people liked the idea of femdom smut starting with awkward dating and sex.

No. 424903

Good luck! I hope you'll be posting the results here.

No. 424960

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Reposting gold from the past thread.

No. 424961

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No. 425270

this thread has become addicted to doming chuds since the facts & logic link lol

No. 425272

Let's try this again? Firt of all, would scrotes be enslaved by default or simply have less rights in our nation? How do you obtain one? Is he assigned to you, do you buy him, or he declares his love for you and you accept it?

No. 425274

I'm the anon you're replying to. While it's true that I LOVED facts and logic I don't imagine a misogynist man for my fanfiction, just a cute, naive, insecure man who is secretly sweet and kind but has been duped into believing he has to be dominant, despite knowing in his heart of hearts his true place is under a woman, and the idea of showing him that his instincts were right and he has to trust them over other scrotes retardation

No. 425277

I liked it, the main character even had the same major as me so it took me off-guard as if this was specially written for me. Only wish it went further. I imagined Leon Kennedy as Mike.

No. 425278

>I imagined Leon Kennedy as Mike.

No. 425284

Relevant video, kek

No. 425285

When he's lamenting his headache he sounds like he's doing something very different, or is it just me

No. 425286

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He is kind of famous for his grunting.

No. 425288

so based

No. 425294

Based Japanese women

No. 425299

The Western fans are exactly the same.

No. 425300

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I'm so obsessed with the idea of hypnosis now. Has anyone seriously tried it with their boyfriends? I said a bunch of random stuff to my boyfriend before he fell asleep, and it was so much fun. He woke up remembering, saying what I wanted him to ("I'm nonna's perfectly obedient slave.") and acting even more submissive and obedient than usual. I'm sure he's playing it up for me because he knew I really enjoyed it. Any tips or decent guides on how to get started for real?

No. 425301

Is your bf a sub to begin with?

No. 425302

This is what women of the world desire deep in their hearts, we must fund more sexy ryonabaits for female liberation

No. 425303

Yes, he is. That's why he's so easy. Honestly I don't have to hypnotize him to be more submissive towards me. I just like the idea of it because it's exciting to feel like I'm controlling his mind and taking his free will away. But if I know how to do it the "right" way it'll feel more real.

No. 425304

Cool but don't post graphic pics.

No. 425305

Sorry, thought it was ok because other pictures had cocks in them.

No. 425306

There's a nona itt who actually does it and could give you some instructions, and also formal books on hypnosis you can buy. If he's ok with you doing it to him then it should be pretty easy if you follow a manual by the book.

No. 425307

Absolutely, for great justice.

No. 425331

They have less rights in our based nation and they're probably imported through trafficking, but I can see one imprinting itself on you, I suppose. They would have to mostly be bought, our economy would likely be based on boy selling. Assigning someone a boyslave would suck ass, imagine your rival gets into a position of power and assigns you an incel. So dumb.

No. 425338

Is there a single femdommey movie that is actually made by a woman? I've looked up some lists and it's all scrote shit.

No. 425365

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>tfw no short cute bf to cosplay 9s
This would be a really hot doujin plot if the guy is actually cute and not an ugly roid pig bastard

No. 425404

Same for DJs really. There must be some, but don't know them.

Interesting. I'd day the ones who decide to come in willingly would have the harshest immigration screening ever, to make sure they respect certain standards of beauty and of behaviour (only cute scrotes who are naturally submissive but also stable and not fetishists).

I was thinking that each year after 18, a moid will progressively lose more and more rights to incentivie them to find an owner before they're ran through, even if it might them desperate enough to sell themselves to slavery (the money goes to the state in that case then, to use for healthcare and whatnot).
I agree that free market for slavery would also ensure only girlbosses are in the country.

No. 425445

just scroll up nona

No. 425446

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This is basically the plot of Sadistic Beauty. Minho's scenes were so fucking hot. I love how he started off as a bratty misogynist, rude to the MC, and then spiraled into a mess.

No. 425447

I wanted to read it but I've heard someone say it has NTR? I'd rather avoid that if possible

No. 425450

I just wish it didn't end in that gay rape spin-off

No. 425451

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I'm not sure if it constitutes as NTR but the domme makes her two boy toys fuck in front of her near the end. Which is what >>425450 is referencing. But that happens near the end, there's a lot of good content before that if you want to avoid that kind of thing.

No. 425454

I'll give it a read. I which the MC wasn't that pretty, though

No. 425463

right, and plus, even i end up being self-conscious seeing tourists in public, like hoping they don't think my clothes are cringe or that i'm filthy, women just want to put their best foot forward when encountering foreigners.

No. 425466

love this, i wish it was even more autistically specific, like virginities still intact like mouth, hands, dick, and ass.

No. 425467

>Europe Dollars

No. 425499

ngl, I adored the spinoff. I wish it could have been similarly fucked up with straight couple, but this beggar is not gonna be a chooser. I love the scene in the main story where Duna treats Minho like a whore, sprinkles money on the floor, and says he can have whatever money sticks to his naked body since he's so desperate for rent/a place to stay. I need more stories where men are financially and sexually abused like that

No. 425527

That's not what I'm referencing, nona. I might have just spoiled you though. Brown haired psycho guy (forgot his name) got a whole spin-off comic where he does actual criminal shit to Minho. It goes way too far imo, actually made me feel sick to my stomach. And I love what happens to Minho in the og Sadistic Beauty. But that spin-off made me so disgusted I can't read the original series anymore

No. 425528

>where he does actual criminal shit to Minho
>But that spin-off made me so disgusted
What happened?

No. 425537

>I need more stories where men are financially and sexually abused like that
very based.

No. 425542

This is the truest essay on human sexuality and gender ever written.

No. 425638

How should your moid behave towards you?

No. 425639

With utter awe and devotion

No. 425643

Wouldn't you get bored after a while? Or suspect he's faking it?

No. 425650

happy or scared?

No. 425651

This too. Should he look like he's gazing upon the gates of heaven, or in danger of hell and trying to avoid it? Or both?

No. 425670

ayrt, but dead inside is also an option

No. 425673

My moid should look at me at if I was both an angel who descended on Earth and was giving him a vision, and a beautiful siren who snatched him.

No. 425676

Seconding this
? Bored ? Not even going to question the other thing. Low self esteem response.

No. 425677

It's definitely far more common for men, but they are often too embarrassed to admit it

No. 425680

You sound like you have a good story or two to share. Spill the tea.

No. 425682

I was just prodding you to see a reaction. I would never get bored of it either.

It happend to my moid too. It's so cute, even if he gets incredibly ashamed afterwards and keeps apologizing

No. 425709

I’m in the middle of writing a femdom fanfic right now and I’d actually been touching on a few of these points inadvertently before I read this post. In wrapping the fanfic up I will try and include a bit more content from this post as part of the characters’ inner monologues.

No. 425712

PLEASE post it here as soon as it's ready. Any sneak peeks? Or at least knowing something about the setting, pov and characters.

No. 425716

How do I get a moid to make sounds like these?

No. 425717

There are multiple ways. They are very sensitive to being touched, all over their body. It's also something to be trained and encouraged since most suppress it.

No. 425718

Noooo I don’t wanna out myself. I’ll post it on AO3 when it’s done, you’ll just have to scroll through the femdom tag and take your best guess. I’ve never actually written a fanfic before but I’m giving this my best shot.

No. 425719

Nooo I can't just scroll it everyday and check every single story until I find yours! Give us some hints at least! Plus, you'd be anonymous and it would be your first story, no strings attached

No. 425724

Let me finish writing it first. I still need to write like 4 more paragraphs and I think they’ll really impact the overall tone of the story. I’m worried that parts of it won’t be femdom-y enough for the picky people in this thread, or that some anon will say that I’m doing femdom wrong or something. Maybe whenever I do finish and post it I’ll post ITT so that you can at least know what day it was posted.

No. 425727

Yea please do that. I'm sure we have pretty similar tastes from what you said and the screencap you quoted so I'm dying with curiosity. Also anyone telling you "you're doing femdom wrong" can go fuck themselves. To me femdom is being able to be myself and like what I want without needing any justification.

No. 425837

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I want to abuse a moid, but he has to be loveable enough for me to do so and I'm too sensitive and cowardly to hurt someone I love in the ways I'd want to. I need to get rid of the intrusive thoughts.

No. 426027

This, why can't women into femdom have anything to ourselves?? why did the whole main plot and love triangle have to be pushed aside just for typical fujo shit? when they started including F/F femdom I was like, fine, I'm straight and not into this, but lord knows lesbians get even less femdom content than we do, it's only fair. But the M/M pairings taking over??? as if fujos didn't have a whole fucking library of Alexandria dedicated to fags beating and sodomizing each other. So fucking annoying they made an actually interesting and hot story into typical killing stalking type fujobait

No. 426035

My title translated to english is valkyrie master/owner lol and he is my roman slave.

Im a skelly dwarf and I can perfectly abuse any man. As long as he lets you and/or as long as you have the drive to do so your biology isn't a problem. Like other anons pointed, its a matter of attitude.

And even better when he cherish something nasty like a spit, a punch or a kick.

No. 426041

How did you meet your roman slave?

No. 426091

What is the title in your own language? I'm Scandi and want inspo Also based. Roman scrotes needed to know their place.

No. 426097

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what's it with Roman moids?

No. 426143

been obsessed with these posts lately. I keep talking to moids like this even if they're insufferable because I feel a strong need to torture them and correct them

No. 426144

We were e-friends over insta, bounded over talking about art, fashion, music, literature, politics, philosophy, spirituality, our perspectives and life experiences. He was always super polite and transparent, and I actually made the first moves and he was receptive. When we met in person the first time I also took the power and he just submited since then.

Srry anon I'm not scandi, only part of my heritage, the original title is "Mi Ama/Dueña Valkiria". And yesss roman scrotes are build for use and abuse.

It's because of his latin name and her mediterranean heritage lol and because we are huge nerds.

No. 426147

did you already know he was submissive?

No. 426148

>befriending random scrotes on ig
>said scrote somehow not boring and able to hold conversations about multiple topics???
wow I cannot relate in the slightest, the few sub scrotes I've met who were interesting enough to carry a conversation outside of a D/s lived nowhere near me, and the rest where fags into cuckolding or forced bi shit. nonas am I cooked

No. 426210

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Bless the nonas who recommended this because I finally listened to it and now I'm depressed that there's nothing else like it.

No. 426212

Name or download link? When I search up revenge salon nothing comes up

No. 426214

Be forewarned, it's brutal. Basically, "you" torture men who've wronged you and they develop Stockholm Syndrome. I can give more details if any nonas are curious. Nanbe's scenario was my favorite and the most applicable to this thread, but all of them were good.

No. 426218

omg sounds like a dream coming true.thank you nona

No. 426323

I bought this some time ago and now I see that there is an english version available. I don't feel like buying it twice so do you know if the translation is available somewhere else?

No. 426332

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still would ngl

No. 426340

Wrong thread

No. 426391

thinking about how male hyenas have to fight each other in front of the female to impress her and then the winner still has to approach her politely and assume a submissive posture in order to get accepted by her

No. 426646

My boyfriend is into being degraded and I want to find new ways to degrade him through talking only. He loves when I curse so it's mostly me calling him a fucking pathetic loser but I need new things to say, any ideas?

No. 426673

>small penis humiliation
>talking to him in the most condescending way possible
>calling him a pervert, reminding him of his most shameful fantasies (personal favorite)
>having him repeat statements about his inferiority/subservience (unoriginal, but good filler)
I wish i had more ideas kek, i hate dirty talk

No. 426695

Decided to read it because of this thread (I’d already seen Sadistic Beauty). It starts when Minho’s (sexist arrogant guy, one of the male leads in Sadistic Beauty) life is over, he’s broke in debt and has no job. He almost goes through killing himself, but then decides to go to Cha (rich pervert bifag who was behind ruining Minho’s life because he wanted him for himself) willing to sell his body for money. Anyway, Cha beats Minho, breaks his ankle, rapes him a bunch, then keeps him chained in his apartment.

There’s no good story to speak of, but basically Cha keeps raping Minho every day and pays off Minho’s debt. Minho resists a lot in the beginning and even tried to run away when they went to the mall (just to get tased and caught by Cha). At some point he tries to work from home so that he can pay back what he feels he owes Cha and set himself free, but Cha hates that he’s paying more attention to some job than to him so he shoots down the whole thing. At that point Minho’s lost hope, becoming inconsolably depressed, unable to stand living if he’s not drunk.

Also there’s some insight into Cha’s family. Apparently he’s a bastard son whose mom is very demanding as well as wanting him to become the next CEO of his father’s company, but he’s too invested with Minho so he doesn’t attend some important meetings which damages his reputation.

Cha notices Minho’s situation and slowly gives him more liberties. Eventually they go to a bar together where they smoke weed and some other yuppies gather around Minho (one of them also gives him a secret phone), which Cha doesn’t like. As Cha gets more busy trying to secure himself as the company’s successor, he sees Minho less and lets him go out by himself if he wants to.

Minho meets up with the yuppies at the bar but they figure he’s selling himself to Cha so they rape him. Cha catches them and beats them up. When they get home, Minho straight up tells Cha that he is no better than those guys as he’s also a rapist; Cha hits him over the head with a wine bottle, so he has to get stitches at the hospital.

Minho’s mental health declines and he starts drinking more and more, until he hangs himself. He’s in a coma, where he dreams he’s with Duna (Sadistic Beauty fl), they live together, he’s successful professionally, and she takes care of the home. In this dream she never published her best-seller because of his harsh criticisms. He hates himself for it, she disappears, he wakes up in a hospital bed besides a disheveled Cha who says that after he recovers he can leave for good. There’s an argument between Cha and his mom because he hasn’t been paying attention to the company during the two weeks Minho was in a coma.

Minho recovers, Cha reluctantly lets him leave. He goes out and thinks to himself about how he has nowhere to go, nothing, no one, when Cha shows up and asks him to go back home. He does. The end.

Tbh, I didn’t like it at all, although I enjoyed SB. Maybe it’s because I don’t usually do bl, but really I didn’t find anything appealing about it. It’s a whole mess and overkill with the constant rape and physical abuse.

No. 426704

Make him do realistic meowing noises and call him your good kitty, make him do it again then tell him he's a fucking freak loser and you can't believe he did that for you. Then make him do it again and laugh in his face.

No. 426790

Degrade him through the actions he will do for you. Make him feel like a dumb animal

No. 426795

that sounds like a mess tbh, thanks for the synopsis nonna. now I can not read it. I do like that Duna was literally the best thing that happened to him and the rest of his life is just misery, gives some femdom vibes just through theming even if the rest of the spinoff is trash.

No. 426823

I'm the hypno-nona. Well, I guess there are a few, but I'm the one who started a discussion on it recently. I've done it with a few partners.

There's no way to actually take his free will away obvs, but whether it's biology or power of suggestion, people are a bit more suggestible than usual in trance. You can find videos on YouTube by professionals and hobbyists for learning good trance technique. You can also try an ad in the server I mentioned above, r/HypnoHookup, and I recently found r/EroticHypnosis' one too. I have to warn you only like 1/8 of responses there will be good though, they're infested by sissies and pornbrained people. But we still have normies holding the fort, so it's useful if you can be a bit patient.

Some specific pointers I'll give: some people, especially moids, need visual focuses to help them enter trance. A flickering candle can come in handy, or a good spiral, Nimja has nice ones - pocket watches are fun but keeping the swing steady takes technique. Also be sure to look up tutorials on fractionation, it's a technique for deepening trances that works off how the body finds it easier to enter trance the more it's done. It's like, grinding trances to get someone as blank as possible as quick as you can.

Once they're hypnotized, and preferably in more than a light trance, then you can plant your suggestions. Start small and build up from there, you can get pretty impressive long-term results that way.

No. 426824

Samefagging but I missed one last pointer, what I get for posting this right after waking up lmao. Don't overload your boyfriend with suggestions in a single session. You can give a few, but the more you give the less likely follow-through is. If you have any big goals in mind besides like, just seeing him hypnotized, build slowly over multiple sessions over the course of a few weeks.

Anyway, hope that helped, and have fun!

No. 426831

NTA but it would be avisable to start with one trigger or suggestion at the time right? So for example get him to relax the first time and explaining he hasn't to do anything besides listening to me and do as I say (which are innocent suggestions like breathing anyway), then at a later session, a trance trigger, then enforcing it through fractionation in more sessions, then once he falls into trance easily, some suggestions to feel good when I say a certain word, etc… right? Basically escalating slowly, training his mind that it's totally ok and normal to accept my suggestions

No. 426833

Seems pretty close. Triggers have to be regularly reinforced though, they fade from disuse and even with regular use the effectiveness will probs weaken over weeks unless you restate what the trigger does. On the other hand they'll probably be in a deeper trance state when you give the trigger the second time too, lessening extra work talking them down after.

You can also do multiple suggestions in a session, but I'd avoid giving more than like, three small ones and that's pushing it. It works better if they're related. Keeping the amount and scope as small as possible is good advice because if your brain is juggling five things, it'll probably forget one or two.

No. 426834

I've read somewhere that "subspace" is already pretty close and similar to a trance state, too.

No. 426837

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It really is cute isn't it? The interesting thing is that female hyenas aren't even larger than males. There's basically zero sexual dimorphism. Usually female hyenas are stronger because… they get to eat better food. They have a dominance system based on friendship and collaboration, so the matriarch is the one who manages to scheme and charm other hyenas the most. Kinda like an otome game villainess.
Female hyenas are physically impossible to rape due to the shape of their reproductive organs which might explain why their society evolved like this (only submissive moids are allowed to reproduce).
Pic relate is a moid hyena assuming a submissive posture. He's literally bowing down

No. 426904

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Reject modernity, return to hyenas. Bring back the coliseum, bring back jousting. Fine men must fight for the right to serve her ladyship.

No. 426914

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Been thinking about this a lot lately. I mentioned it in the other thread but chivalric literature had a lot of femdom undertones.
Also hyenas confirmed that if men would be unable to rape they'd default to be the submissive sex.

No. 426940

I'm a huge history nerd and it's not just chivalric literature, but yes that too. The seductress role is super-traditional, found in Arthurian sagas, ancient Chinese literature, the Iliad. Women were associated with priestly status in ancient Scandinavia too, priestesses got to boss vikings around. Plus all the ancient goddess fertility cults though obvs women's status in those societies isn't well-known and might not match their beliefs, just like how on the other side Scandinavia mainly honored male deities but decided Odin has a special relationship with women.

No. 426966

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I've heard there was a similar sitution in ancient Sumeria. The male king was the military ruler but he had to be approved by and had to obey the priestesses. Even the myth of Gilgamesh had the virgin wild man Enkidu becoming civilized by submitting to women through sex.

Although my favourite femdom historical fantasy is ancient Crete. I want an handsome young athletic virgin boy blush and lower his head while bringing me wine and doin sexy dances for my entertainment.

No. 426968

You just want to see them confused and insecure?
Kek maybe gaslighting them if they try to defend themselves.

>Why are you so worked about it? Relax moid, it's not a big deal.

No. 426969

Mhm, the association of women with religion and placing religion above military power was very common in ancient societies. Tfw we're more trad than the trad LARPers. The stereotypical pro-domme physically dominant role isn't, it was more like social power within feminine roles, but I get the impression half the nonas here do things that look more like that than the stereotypical image anyway.

Crete is a good choice btw. I like Roman matron and her gladiator fuckbuddy, Rome fits a little weirdly as a very patriarchal society but class was more important and there's evidence some upper-class women used gladiators as sex slaves. Ovid has like, incel rants about it and it was common in rumors against rival houses.

No. 426972

The thing with Rome is that it lasted 1000 years. So it had times of almost Athenian levels of oppression, or even mass rapes like for the Sabines… to periods much later of equality and protection afforded by law. I've read moid authors complain about it as you mentioned.

>Mhm, the association of women with religion and placing religion above military power was very common in ancient societies. Tfw we're more trad than the trad LARPers. The stereotypical pro-domme physically dominant role isn't, it was more like social power within feminine roles, but I get the impression half the nonas here do things that look more like that than the stereotypical image anyway.

Agree on everything. From men being the naturally obedient sex to most nonas including me finding prodommes cringe and even a bit gross.

I was reading on the Canary Islands indigenous people recently and it goes even further beyond. Apparently their society was completely /femdom/. Men were warriors and their king was a warrior king, but women had basically all the power and it was considered a serious legal offense for an armed (adult, proper) man to insult a woman.
European visitors and colonizers even claimed that men and women of the island were absurdly beautiful.

No. 427024

Even during the Empire I'd argue Rome was very patriarchal, not compared to Athens or the Hebrews but compared to the info we have on most of the tribes Rome conquered in Europe and parts of the Near East. Those types of societies always have things that go against the overall trend though, like how elite women had tons of rights. Or another example, the LARPy adultery-cleansed revival of chivalric tropes in the 19th century while the cult of domesticity was strong which gave Victorian women like, an almost schizo hyper-domesticated but honored position.

The Canary Islands stuff sounds interesting, sounds like an extreme version of these trends we're talking about. Good to talk with a history buff into this stuff btw!

No. 427028

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Fuck yeah. I love how the men are all painted wearing tight little girdles, doing manual labour and having long pretty hair. They must have been incredibly handsome in real life. And used to female authority.
>Ovid has like, incel rants about it
Kek, where can I read this?
>Canary Islands
Awesome, can you link us to some more info?

No. 427036

I remember watching a documentary called "Our god is a woman" from 1984. It showed an african matriarchal tribe where the men had to make themselves beautiful and dance for the women, to be picked as partners. They looked stunning. The men were downright scared of women and their magic powers. Sadly I can't find it online. But the people lived, and still live, on the Bijagos islands.

No. 427039

The gladiator stuff is in Ovid's Amores, he has a few poems about his girlfriend cucking him with some famous gladiator.

No. 427042

Samefag but ftr he thinks she just wants the gladiator's money, which is taboo since Ovid is an equestrian and most likely whatever woman he's pursuing or fantasizing about is too. I don't know if he considered that she might just think gladiator guy is hot like whenever it came up in smear campaigns, but considering how little traditional Roman norms valued women's sexuality that would probs be even worse for him to imagine. Unless she was fantasizing about Ovid, in which case he has a book of PUA tips because Andrew Tate bros existed 2000 years ago too.

No. 427091

my ancestors :)(:))

No. 427108

Minoans, Romans, or Canarians? I guess anyone of European or Middle Eastern descent probs has some Roman ancestry, and Minoa was far back enough to likely have even wider spread since it had so many trade ties with neighbors.

No. 427132

the only way that this makes sense is if they asked the participant to list ALL the sex acts they did in the last sex session which produced an orgasm, not necessarily the acts that caused the orgasm. who the fuck is having an orgasm from sucking dick? anal being so high is disappointing as well, it’s apparently painful for most women who do it and causes incontinence later down the line.

No. 427136

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does anyone have any good recs of a webtoon or book about a FL with a devoted servant (knight, butler, etc)? I prefer nice musculature, handsomely masculine with a sense of honor/duty/servitude with a personality like Eclot Pace from I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game (picrel). if only this guy had actual smut scenes and a love arc with the FL, ugh.

No. 427159

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>Canary Islands
The original people of the Canary islands were berbers. Look up the Guanches on Wikipedia. See below for more on that and how yes, we have a long tradition of pretty strong female leaders.

>anyone of European or Middle Eastern descent probs has some Roman ancestry

A lot of people in north Africa have been mixed with them. Algeria was pretty much the grain and olive oil cellar of the roman empire. We still use the Roman calendar (Yeneyer is the name of the first month, which derives from the latin Januar) and you can find ruins of ancient Rome in Algeria such as Tipasa. Berbers have given two Roman emperors, one Pharao (iirc), several of their deities were used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans too. One of our Queen, Dihya, (called Kahina [the witch] by the arabs) was a renowned terrifying warlady who is said to have executed her annoying husband who thought he could just control her (she beheaded him - problem solved). Legend or the oral tradition has it the arabs needed ten men to capture her - hence her surname. Long tradition of very strong women such as her and lala fatma n'soumer (picrel - who fought French colonisers) among amazigh (berbers).

No. 427165

I couldn't find it but I did find this

No. 427365

Yes the culture is pretty similar. But Guanches were separated by you guys many centuries before and were sedentary. They also either had either forced monogamy or polyandry depending on the island.

No. 427389

Wow, i appreciate Guanches even more than i did before.
This discussion reminds me of a fic about a strong nomadic mongolian (?) female warrior getting a young qt monk from russia as a war spoil. He goes on to become her servant/boytoy, i liked how the author depicted the monk's process of warming up to his master. I'll try to find it, i'm such a sucker for historical femdom and this one was a little fantastical yet well written enough for it to feel plausible somehow.

No. 427397

Please share it nona I want to read something like that. Reminds me of that ancient nomadic tribe in Afghanistan in which men called their wives "Mistress".

No. 427402

We could still do this but with one of those "post that ends in X number"-style pics. Like 0 = catboy, 1 = himbo, etc, etc.

No. 427403

Call up his parents/best friend/whoever and threaten to make him moan into the phone

No. 427404

Good idea, need pics though. Maybe brief descriptions?

No. 427405

Cute idea. Also kiss and bite his neck and tell him what a pathetic slut he is for getting all hot and bothered while calling his friends or parents.

No. 427407

Multiple reroll potential would be a better solution. So like you reply once to the post to get the slave's pic. Then there's a separate section for their personality (i.e. 1 = snarky but secretly shy, 2 = openly enjoys being bossed around, etc.), then ANOTHER section for, Idk, extra fluff/flavor text/secret prizes (1 = has a weird hobby, 666 = secret Satan slut, trips = draw you and your new slave and post it in the thread, etc.).

No. 427408

We could just use last 3 digits to not make mods mad.

No. 427422

there must be a reason i had my femdom awakening when i watched this movie for the first time.

No. 427454

Ovid says he dislikes sex where either partner fails to orgasm
>he has a book of PUA tips
Yes, but he wrote advice for women as well as men
Don't insult Ovid. He's like my second favorite Roman poet.

No. 427455

does anyone have good fics or audio erotica recs for dominant stepmom roleplay? i need references to work with

No. 427480

Idk sounds like degenerate coomer moid shit.

No. 427486

Funny how this thread boils down to "women were the real soldiers" or even "women were the real rapists" by cherrypicking dubious, isolated or even mythological examples, lol. The delusion is strong.

No. 427490

There were societies where women were warriors alongside men. It's not really rare in less sedentary societies, also Sparta. But yeah, warrior women raping moids is fiction and that anon said it was, she just liked the story lol. The rest of us are discussing examples of societies, in some cases facets of otherwise patriarchal societies, where women have high social power letting the moids do the fighting and dying.

No. 427493

You have terrible reading comprehension. Literally no one ever said anything even close to that here or in past thread.

No. 427494

Oh, preempting "Spartan warrior women are a myth" in case you have some history background, what that refers to is like this strawman about Spartan women invading Athens with the boys which as far as I'm aware no historian has ever claimed. Sparta required military training for both men and women, and women participated in military defense of the city and surrounding countryside.

No. 427496

Kek you're more blunt than me, thank you.

No. 427498

It's truly awful. It almost takes effort in being so wrong: she somehow managed to confuse nona's "this fic isn't that realistic but it's well written, engaging and hot" and "female priestesses had an important role and there were societies in which even male warriors had to serve and respect women" with whatever she said

No. 427499

Yeah that's a follow up documentary, also not available sadly. But I found another one on Youtube. It's recent and shows that their culture has become westernized and the men have gotten uglier and wear more western clothes. The women work hard on domestic tasks, but are still in charge though.
>this ethnic group considers man to be an incomplete being (and can become evils spirits when they die)
>women on the other hand, are born perfect
Based. I hope their culture can survive.

No. 427508

>this ethnic group considers man to be an incomplete being (and can become evils spirits when they die)
>women on the other hand, are born perfect
Am I the only one who unironically believes this

No. 427510

No this is so true, I can’t believe it kek. Why aren’t there more based cultural beliefs like this in the world for fucks’ sake. When female camaraderie permeates this is the conclusion we should be reaching naturally.

No. 427512

Moids should have to earn human rights past adulthood (still protected as children when they are well, children). They don't have a full soul and have to earn it through service to others and particularly women, like that Simpson episodes in which Lisa explains to Bart he didn't have a soul before his quest to reobtain it from Milhouse.

No. 427626

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No. 427627

Women raping men is a lot more common than you think, I know several men who've been raped by women at parties and such

No. 427630

How so?

No. 427634

Sure Jan

No. 427636

Males having drunken sex with fat chicks they don’t like isn’t rape.

No. 427637

please write a very long, very detailed post about those experiences here, if possible supplement it with pics too, to show how truly awful it is. We need to spread the news to warn moids of evil rapist women.

No. 427641

This. If they got beaten up and injured in the process it would be awful.

No. 427647

I never said it was a bad thing, you losers. Lol.

No. 427650

still no proof. Not even a story. I'm calling larp

No. 427745

Then men should advocate for male victims and make spaces to talk about it IDGAF. Scrotes like to talk about women raping men when it’s a woman telling her story or when a woman is calling out rapists to the point that I can now say that I don’t give a fucking fuck. It’s just a tactic to silence women, because the same men ridicule men who do get raped or downplay it. It’s not women’s responsibility to advocate for them, they can fuck off.

I care about women first, given that the majority of victims are female.

No. 427747

Yeah we need very detailed evidence. Pics and descriptions please.

No. 427763

I remember when someone linked to a "men get raped too" subreddit and all the stories about women were lame, undetailed, and fake.

No. 427800

As if moids didn't fantasize about being raped constantly. They're natural ukes

No. 427853

Had my moid massage my feet while I worked this morning. Shoved his head between my legs while I made a call. Feels too good man

No. 427911

Sounds nice… how do I teach my Nigel to do good foot massages?

No. 427936

Make your toes look nice , add some nail polish too, and clean them with soap before asking. I don’t particularly like feet , but if they’re presentable I have no problem massaging them.
If he has a foot fetish you could actually play into it by putting your feet on his lap and ask for a massage while you stroke him.

No. 427938

Damn now I sound like I have a foot fetish…

No. 427944

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No. 428004

this is written by a tranny

No. 428021

This theme is crazy

No. 428030

>tfw no dumb scrote I can give ptsd to

No. 428042

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No. 428066

IDK but i've heard that is china it is not uncommon for wives to publicly beat their husbands for being unfaithful.

No. 428259

What do you think of devotional sex? Autism aside, it seems like the type of femdom most nonas would be into.

No. 428264

>moid dropped the femboy personality after she raped him
big if true. what a gigastacy

No. 428275

it sucks that even most femboys are stronger than me.

No. 428280

>uhhhh female roles, like
1/10 tranfiction
The very best kind of femdom

No. 428297

I'm reading through their websites and there are a lot of good practices. I like that it's completely centered on female pleasure.

No. 428332

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Hope this helps

No. 428334

You can just tell by walking up to someone. Or at least i can. Err i can tell which buttons to push first.(responding to moids)

No. 428339

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Men into femdom are disgusting, they are all into fendom because they see women as lesser and there is a 90% chance they will troon out. Its better to take some bratty guy who wants to dom and break him into a submissive.

No. 428340

True. I think all men are secretly submissive though. Sweet vanilla men are good too.

There are some rare good openly submissive men but they must have no fetishes besides serving you.

No. 428377

This. Sissy stuff is a big red flag for me since that implies seeing femininity and submission as the same. But some moids just want to serve a woman and those can be attractive, low chance of trooning out if you get to them before they go down the rabbit hole or esp they're old enough to have avoided going down the rabbit hole, say 30+ with no sign of trooning.

No. 428389

They are the same though? Femininity is about obedience. Social norms exist to keep women under control and if you obeyed every single femininity rule you would be a total loser doormat. Femininity is inherently about making yourself weak and degrading yourself to appeal to men. Men understand this better than women because they made the rules.

No. 428396

They're literally not.

No. 428401

>no it’s LITERALLY not sis!
Bother proving me wrong?

No. 428404

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Nta but posted without comment. Well, I guess there's also the old trope of the stacy taming the beast.

No. 428423

This. The issue is that sissy coomers conflate femininity and womanhood (like most people) and are very likely to see 'dommes' as merely a transactional step in their submission to Chad, as cucks do. It's always about male worship

No. 428449

Fake as fuck and/or written by a tranny. Women don't hatefuck moids we genuinely hate and find disgusting. I'd beat up a sissy/femboy if I had the strength and the chance, but never give that fag the pleasure of an orgasm??? it'd be more realistic if she had assraped him with no lube in order to make it hurt since he wants to larp as a girl so bad, riding a sissy scrote until he cooms as a "punishment" is utterly retarded. Plus almost no woman has more strength than a moid even if he's skinny, she'd have to be a bodybuilder or some shit.
Most unrealistic part is the scrote actually developing ptsd as if it wasn't their #1 fantasy to get dommed and raped by a woman.

No. 428460

>Plus almost no woman has more strength than a moid even if he's skinny
You sound like a moid. There is very little difference in physical strength between men and women(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 428462

NTA but don't be silly. Do you really believe that?

No. 428484

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>bratty guy who wants to dom and break him into a submissive
I seriously need this in my life…

No. 428495

Reeks of fiction. No condom mention, I suppose the average woman would be too scared of pregnancy and STIs to get it inside her vagina.
Would believe it if she made him perform oral instead, or fistfuck assrape prostate humiliation as in >>428449

No. 428656

on cc, some nona said that she would post about her husband but flip all the pronouns and pretend he was her wife so that farmers would praise her cute gay relationship instead of insulting her moid. I'd bet anything this is a man doing the same thing to an account about him raping a woman.

No. 429550

How do you break a guy who wants to dom? Would it be like using PUA tactics to make them completely dependent on your attention and affection and then introducing the femdom stuff?

No. 429646

Not actual advice but so-called 'doms' are often submissives too. It's just what some people say online but i'm not too surprised (paraphilias cluster). I wouldn't touch the poop though. A bratty man who wants to be a typical, unfeeling manly man in bed without the dom shit would be better..?

No. 429652

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I am ovulating open at your own risk~

No. 429725

When I had fetlife I wrote a couple of posts about my Domme fantasies and I got messages from men with Dom in their bio saying they were dominant buuuut my fantasies sounded good and they wouldn't mind being dommed by me.
Most men aren't really rigidly set in their sexual preferences, and the ones that are are the kind of autists who can only get off to baby turtles crawling on their dick or some ridiculous shit. Most men are willing to just go with it if you make it sound good or if they're attracted to you. At the end of the day getting laid is enough for them so it's easy for them to be persuaded into whatever role you want them to be in.
Dom men are secret switches and switch men are secret subs. Sub men are also subs but sluttier about it.

No. 429797

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No. 429798

this my ex nigel insisted he was dominant but would love it when i was mean to him and sat on his face, most men are full of shit, overestimate their own masculinity and will basically accept whatever you do to them sexually

No. 430159

Yes it's that easy. If he's a normal, non-crazy fetishist pornsick guy he will do whatever you want if you seduce him into it. And he will love being your sub too

No. 432404

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No qt gimp bf to abuse. Why live

No. 432405

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Praying for no flood detection

No. 432406

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No. 432941

Also there are tons of "doms" who like being dominant in bed but are turned on when women are manipulative or like, emotionally/psychologically dominant. In my experience that's most guys actually.

No. 433076

I've been testing the waters and it turns out my nigel is very submissive and wants to be dominated/humiliated/degraded. I've never actually had the chance to be with anyone who would indulge my (repressed?) fetish for domming men though, and it comes naturally but it's only been a few weeks and I feel like I'm repeating myself/don't have enough ideas. He has a moderately high pain tolerance and is into pretty hardcore humiliation. I'd love to pin him down and physically overpower him but he's 6" taller than I am and a lot stronger so that's out of the question.
I already call him an embarrassing pervert whore/slut a bit much and it kinda takes me out of it when I catch myself saying it too much. Please do throw some ideas (verbal, physical, w/e) my way.

No. 433079

>but are turned on when women are manipulative or like, emotionally/psychologically dominant. In my experience that's most guys actually.
correct it's why men are obsessed with bpd women

No. 433126

>I'd love to pin him down and physically overpower him but he's 6" taller than I am and a lot stronger so that's out of the question.
You can absolutely do this. My bf is a foot taller and 60 lbs heavier than me and I'm able to pin him down and restrain him. He's not going to seriously fight back or give you trouble, the same way a woman doesn't knee a man in the balls or try to scratch his eyes out when he's trying to playfully restrain her.
Also, it seems like you feel a lot of pressure to perform, so of course you're going to run out of things to do or say eventually. Try to take a deep breathe, think of the things you find the hottest, and do that, even if it feels repetitive. There's no right way to dominate someone, and if you really feel like you NEED to perform, then sit him down and have a long talk about what he wants from you and what he wants done to him.

Anyway, my favorite thing to do when I run out of things to say or am simply feeling lazy is to ask questions and make him do most of the talking. My slave knows what I enjoy so he responds with some of my favorite fantasies. Maybe you can teach them to your moid so he can contribute to the dirty talk as well. Believe it or not, as a dominant, you're not expected to do literally everything. You set the tone, mood, and pace to your liking, but he should also be contributing back some energy to you as well. Whether that be with his reactions, playing off you in whatever you're saying, etc. It takes two people to build up a dynamic (or scene), and I can tell from what you wrote about him he's probably passive and loves having things done to him unilaterally.

No. 433153

>high pain tolerance
Make him bleed. Cut him, brand him. Punch him in the face. Just discuss it prior.
Do shit to him in public within reason if you're not too risk-averse. With him putting himself at risk and not you, of course.

No. 433171

Buy a leash and a dog bowl for him. slap his face, then make him kiss your hand. when you need to grab something high up,order him to get on all fours and stand on him (step hard on his hand before leaving). spit/sneeze on his drink/food and make him thank you. when you want him to shut up shove your worn panty in his mouth. Drain him (demand he buy stuff for you). Deny him any drink, and when he says "I'm thirsty" piss on his bowl and make he drink it like a dog. Etc…

No. 433174

Is PiV inherently femsub? Can you dominate while being penetrated?

No. 433175

No and yes.

No. 433176

Can you orgasm and get pleasure from PIV? Then it isn't inherently femsub. It's only femsub when the woman doesn't get off and only the man does. Or if he is strangling her or hitting her or something. Personally I don't like PIV and can't orgasm from it, but I would do these things to make it more dominant: choking/slapping the guy, collaring him so that you can grab him and move him into different positions, teaching him what angles/depth/speed feels good for you and ordering him to please you in the way you like it (a lot of woman like grinding while fucking so he's rubbing up against her clit), grabbing his balls and threatening to crush them if he doesn't please you, making him use a numbing cream with a condom on so that you get all of the pleasure while he feels nothing.

No. 433177

Piv is inherently receptive on all levels, mental physical, so there's no masculinity or dominance of the woman in it.

No. 433178

Yes, PIV is submissive because you’re the party who’s being fucked

No. 433180

The post above your give more objective reason

No. 433209

i hate typical crossdressers and tims but the idea of a guy sheepishly putting on womens underwear is hot please tell me im not the only one. that one chapter in sadistic beauty did things to me,

No. 433212

if the bp retard escapes the containment thread again i will perform a pagan ritual and curse her to be haunted by pixyteri's molester ghost.

No. 433224

You're not the only one. I love the idea of a very uncomfortable man putting on underwear or uniforms for his beloved, thinking 'this is very strange and uncomfortable', yet (to his horror) he's really enjoying it because of his domme's insisting gaze and her apparent arousal etc. It's vulnerable

No. 433226

omg yes thank you

No. 433393

Yes me too, hate crossdressers but love the idea of playing with my pet moid like a doll. Dressing him up beautifully and putting makeup on him, not in a cringe sissy way but in a way that enhances his looks. He shouldn't enjoy it though

No. 433505

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bringing back some gems from previous threads

No. 433506

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No. 433710

I think it's more of an association thing, when you see a pine tree with colored balls you think Christmas. since most women tend to be subs, any position associated will be perceived as for subs.

No. 433712

No that is not the reason lol cope

No. 433730

So piv is always submissive no matter what , women should be ashamed and close it with mortar am I right ? Even if she were on top strangling him and he had a black eye and her panty stuffed in his mouth she's still submissive, fill it with cement it is…

No. 433768

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I was gonna reply to >>433174 but it feels like bait and waste of time when >>433176 and >>433710 already say what I would've. I hope that everyone remembers that God made men dumber, bigger and stronger so they can withstand more abuse. Never regard his well-being in the pursuit of earthly delights.

No. 433853

I love the scene where he's pegged by Duna on a table, he looked so hot. I just love a character like Minho who is a piece of shit and deserves to be abused, and also likes to be abused but fiercely denies it.

No. 434085

Same, I love it when arrogant men realize it's their true place to be used and abused by women, and all the initial arrogance and hubris was just a cope. Feels very realistic.

No. 434291

Can you give some examples nona? I'd love some inspiration.

No. 435628

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Love to see men objectified for once. Glad they gave her a whole harem for her character episode ending.

No. 435681

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>Tfw no hunk gimp dressing all slutty being locked up in my basement and get all excited when I got to torture him

No. 436032

I've been single a couple of months now after a very sexually boring 2 year relationship. He was fine, just always wanted fairly tender, vanilla sex. I like having normal sex, but when I get into sexless relationships (not my first, lol) I tend to forget about that part of me that wants other things.

So I'm watching ER last night, and at one point a character that I find sexy get's popped in the jaw with a glock. he's sitting in a car, the guy who hit him is behind him, talking to him while blood runs out of his mouth. He feels it on his hands, trying his best to conceal the pain he's in, though it's not much. he's then led into a warehouse where he's asked to put his hand into an old school vice, and is forced to nearly crush his own hand the way he buckles under the pain, the fear and dread in his eyes as he does this reminded me of the sadism I possess. I forgot how beautiful men look when there's blood on their face, when they're deeply in pain. It's reawakened my interests, and now I don't know what to do with it.

No. 437234

i finally found one. i spent maybe 10-15 minutes jerking him off and he had to stop me 3 times because he was about to cum. this is my first ever relationship with this “dynamic” but im so excited to try new things with/on him.

No. 437271

I feel so lucky. My nigel keeps asking me to take advantage of him when he's asleep, and he loves the collar because I can choke him more easily. I love making him wank in front of me while wearing it he looks so pathetic.

No. 437616

anyone else bisexual and wants to dom men but be subby with women? i don't know if i'm more attracted to the moid sub or the domme in femdom scenarios. feels good.

No. 437642

Same anon. Same.

No. 437646

Isn't this very common with bisexual women? I'm bisexual and have heard many other bisexuals say the same thing.
I think it's because we know that men take things too far. Give them an inch and they take a mile. If you let a man slap you or something because men are retards who take things to extremes they'll take it as a green flag to practice porn judo moves against you. Men are also way stronger than the average woman so they can do a lot of damage without even meaning to.
Whereas with women it's a lot safer to be submissive, because a woman is very unlikely to strangle you out of nowhere or want to do some degenerate kink like pissing on you. With Domme women the worst thing I'd be worried about is them being a unicorn hunter or an annoying libfem, whereas with Dom men you have to worry about them wanting to literally kill or rape you.

No. 437669

Not bisexual, but I hate dominant men so much, in fiction and in reality. I have such a visceral reaction to seeing a man on top of a woman. Dominant men are so disgusting, it instantly makes me throw up. I think it's because male doms are always haughty and see sex as something to be proud of rather than some mutual act of love, and don't really care about their partner's pleasure for the sake of pleasing her, but as a testament to their own prowess and skill. With a female dom, I never sense that pride, I always find the love she has for her partner.
Another part of it is that male doms never show passionate emotions, while female doms and male subs do.

No. 437688

>Another part of it is that male doms never show passionate emotions
Male doms are some of the most thin skinned, hyper emotional people you will ever meet

No. 437749

What the hell are you talking about

No. 437983

She is right

No. 437986

nta but I imagine the other anon meant passionate in a positive way, not just strong as in pathetic annoying moidrage

No. 438019

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My bf and I both prefer to be dominant, so normally we either just stick to vanilla or I let him be in control.

He is willing to let me dominate and says he wants me to be happy, but the only thing I've been able to do as a domme with him is oral. Oral's nice obviously (I've tied him up while doing it too which was fun), but it gets old. I love PIV but I literally can't even order him to do it or he goes soft. Like >>433176 sounds heavenly but I don't think he could keep it up. I also want to be actually a bit sadistic, like insulting him or physical pain but I feel like he'll really hate it. I don't even want to do anything crazy like pegging or whips or something.

Any tips for gently easing him into femdom until he gets more comfortable with it? Or something that might work as a compromise? No I won't dump him over this.

No. 438033

>we either just stick to vanilla or I let him be in control
What's the difference?

No. 438054

this is a misogynistic view of sex

No. 438061

>I always find the love she has for her partner
This fills me with joy when I see it
Male doms are the most retarded incel moids ever. They demand their subs to do anal, give blowjobs and wear full faces of makeup while never practicing grooming or washing themselves. That virgin daddy dom meme upthread describes it perfectly; they always go after CSA victims and mentally ill women because they can't say no too to keep them stuck in that codependency

No. 438085

I'm a virgin, please explain

No. 438133

>No I won't dump him over this.
Why would you be with an impotent man when you can just find one that isn't defective? How can you even get aroused with him when he can't keep it up? He sounds like a wimp and absolute failure of a man. He's happy to dominate someone smaller and physically weaker than him but he goes soft if you try to be in control any way.

No. 438152

>male dom who has sex

No. 438156

'Incel' in 2024 designates frustrated, bitter, hateful bottom-of-the-barrel moids regardless of their sexual experiences
I've noticed that male doms are never really manly either. Most of them seem to be skinnyfat weaklings with whiny, breathy voices who need a woman to totally surrender before they can dream of asserting themselves in a more typical way
>My bf and I both prefer to be dominant
>He doms me but i can't dom him
Don't indulge him if he doesn't return the favor. You could start with denying him, refusing certain acts until he does something that you request, so that he can get used to obeying you. Men are more pliant when they're desperate. He really doesn't seem willing to let you dominate him though

No. 438175

>I've noticed that male doms are never really manly either.
This is something I've noticed, but men who are confident in themselves and their masculinity don't want to dominate the woman they're with, but be of value to her and serve her, not necessarily in a BDSM way but add value to her life. Being a male dom is a sign of low test, unironically. Men are supposed to be using their retard strength to fight off each other, not LARPing their CNC kink with their gfs.

No. 438177

She is saying that normal, heterosexual sex is inherently male dominant

No. 438180

I said "vanilla" sex is the male being on top. I have never heard female dominant sex be called "vanilla".

No. 438181

>'Incel' in 2024 designates frustrated, bitter, hateful bottom-of-the-barrel moids
>regardless of their sexual experiences

No. 438182

>I've noticed that male doms are never really manly either.
>not necessarily in a BDSM way
But in the bedroom, masculine moids tend to be dominant

No. 438233

I know it's retarded but the meaning of words shifts and expands rapidly online. Why are you bothered by this?
True. But it seems different in nature and degree
>but add value to her life
Yeah exactly. They never seem like they really offer anything to their discord kittens

No. 438248

File: 1729203877559.mp4 (Spoiler Image,192.57 KB, 164x294, 1729026708654.mp4)

average poster itt taking her nigel out for a walk

No. 438249

Because incel is literally the words "involuntarily celibate," but shortened.

No. 438285

>Why are you bothered by this?
It's like some 1984 George Orwell doublethink bullshit.

No. 438292

Yeah, we all hate when precise terms get watered down to nothingness, get over it. Incels and low-value men who fuck aren't that different anyways. Are you an incel? Is this why you're mad? kek

No. 438303

>precise terms get watered down to nothingness, get over it.
The fact that words don't mean what they should is why we have "pregnant men", "a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" and other tranny bullshit. I don't get to hate this "watering down" of language in one case and allow it in another.

No. 438371

>always end up liking the dominant guy in fiction
>have delusional fantasies of bullying him and dominating him instead
why do i have this mental illness

No. 438391

The usage changed because there are men who have had sex and girlfriends, yet still have the mentality of a bitter terminally online retard who has never known the touch of a woman. You have to be autistic to not understand this. The term isn't watered down, it now just refers to the overall mindset rather than the physicality of it all.

No. 438395

Yeah but it often is "service top" in nature which, not being into the dominatrix-y side of femdom, I actually prefer. I'm not really into the few guys I'm physically stronger than, I have other ways of being in charge.

No. 438423

>the term isn't watered down
>the meaning is just totally different from the etymology, that's all
Meanwhile, 'woman' is no longer 'adult human female'

No. 438424

If you go to a gym, you'll find more male doms than "service tops".

No. 438434

The point was that overcompensating fags who are insecure in their masculinity tend to be male doms. Real masculine men aren't going to be throwing around women to feel strong and manly. Men are supposed to be killing each other to win women's favor, not beating down women because they have no backbone and can't face Chad.

No. 438436

No. 438447

This is kinda hot but the guy is so goofy-looking.

No. 438449

The point is that "masculine" moids are "dominant", not that "dominant" moids are "masculine". You see the difference?

No. 438476

there is plenty of masculine submissive guys. I would even say that male subs tend to be more potentially dangerous than normie guys

No. 438489

Agreed. Male subs are very forward and creepy. They think because they're the ones who want to be hurt rather than hurting others, it gives them the right to shove their kinks everywhere and talk sexually to women right off the bat. They're also giant whores who say the same crap about how they'll be a devoted sub to so many women and are manipulative.
You need to groom a vanilla moid to have success in a D/s relationship, because ones who are already kinky are ruined coomers 99% of the time.

No. 438502

There are plenty of masculine subs, but there are twenty times more masculine doms.

No. 438515

>there are twenty times more masculine doms
It goes to show most men have no mind or opinions of their own they all just copy each other

No. 438610

We won't pretend that it's not the same for women, won't we?(bait)

No. 438625

I think most guys actually are submissive but are conditioned into thinking they have to be dominant. Almost every guy I've met love being told what to do, by both women and other men.

No. 438653

>I think most guys actually are submissive
Wishful thinking lmao

No. 438664

i swing both ways but i usually say than i don't for various reasons

the gender doesn't really matter, it's the person that give me the mood, i usually get the role of the dom because i'm a hag and a control freak and sorry but i'm usually better , but once in a blue moon, i meet someone that could get me on my knees if asked nicely

No. 438709

Every guy I've been with has folded and preferred being bossed around even if they were self proclaimed dominant. Dommes frequently have self proclaimed doms in their dms saying they'll submit to them. Men love being yelled at and bossed around as a full time job. Me love being in the army, bkue collar jobs, office workers, listening to podcasts of men telling them how to live their lives. Mens lives fall apart when they dont ahve a wife that bosses them around. Its unnatural for men to make decisions and lead, they were built for submission and servitude.

No. 438719

Plus, they're so sexually pliant. To me, it seems like closer to the natural order of things when they mold themselves around actual women in their lives instead congregating in pornsick digital ghettos, breaking their dicks over fantasies that are increasingly degenerate, infeasible, or both.

No. 438731

File: 1729372385499.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.26 KB, 716x879, despot_by_menkillers_d9s0qar-f…)

That reads like porn…

No. 438740

Yeah, it sounds really cheesy, like one of those captions thingy

No. 438743

File: 1729374159952.png (39.45 KB, 703x456, femdom.png)

fanart for you

No. 438752

Did she lie though?

No. 438758

as much as i like a good leather outfit, i kinda get turned off real quick by the cliché dominatrix outfit

nailed it

No. 438759

>being against femdom in the femdom thread
Just go back.

No. 438760

Corny slop*

No. 438761

Are you lost?

No. 438763

Who cares

No. 438766

File: 1729378289461.jpg (24.24 KB, 500x460, E8AH2EFVgAAkIcY.jpg)

just hide the thread tbh

No. 438768

No. 438769

File: 1729378803058.png (70.25 KB, 1004x346, hd.png)

a guide just for you, newfag

No. 438770

No way. Really?

No. 438771

yes way my dear anon

No. 438774

No. 438778

She got shat on but she told the truth. Most moids aren't very hard set in their sexual preferences as long as they're getting laid. Only the really autistic ones with hyperspecific and niche fetishes like balloons and shit can't be moulded. Normal men just need to be Pavloved. For example if you want him to play with your feet, just shove your feet near his face when he's about to cum and in time he'll develop a foot fetish because he associates feet with orgasms.

No. 438781

>Almost every guy I've met love being told what to do, by both women and other men
Men are obsessed with power dynamics and hierarchy, that's why they love alpha and beta BS. But most men are also too wimpy to defy the authority of the "alpha", so they submit to stronger men while trying to dominate women because they see women as inferior and weak, therefore easier for a wimpy man to control. They're rotten to the core. A true virtuous man defy the patriarchal hierarchy and goes against it, because he thinks for himself instead of listening to "stronger" men, and then he submits to a woman because his true happiness lies on a woman, that's why men chase women desperately and feel so depressed when they're single (while women tend to thrive single kek). But as I already said, most men are too weak-minded to not submit to other men.

No. 438782

>dominant men are actually the real submissives
Yeah . . . I don't think so

No. 438783

would you care to elaborate?

No. 438784

I wasn't criticizing her,it's just that, the way she wrote, reminded me of the gynarchy type erotic stories you find in the net. https://www.literotica.com/s/the-femdom-micronation-ch-01

No. 438791

If it looks like a duck, and swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

No. 438796

File: 1729390366291.jpeg (59.15 KB, 466x658, images.jpeg)

ikr ?, I wish.

No. 438797

File: 1729390584423.jpg (83.49 KB, 375x525, 5282.jpg)

No. 438854

>There was a man's face in the toilet bowl. His body was lying on the floor facing away from her, and his head was locked below a contraption that served as a toilet seat. With empty eyes and his mouth wide open, he just starred at her like a ghost in a horror movie.
Men are so bad at making anything erotic, holy shit.
Truth. Any time a man acts dominant it's just a cope, men are pretty gay and taught to please/impress other men instead of women, and that's why they act the retarded way they do.

No. 438872

Damn I wrote this shit a while ago. I totally forgot. I’ve had a few more revelations since then. Well, more like elaborations.
I’m glad someone saved it, even though I would have our way more thought into it if I knew it would be memorialized.

No. 438879

if we really lived in a matriarchy all these bald uggos would be forced to get plastic surgery and beautiful women wouldn't even be near them

No. 438883

Please elaborate.

No. 438892

Does anyone actually finds the idea of a toilet slave hot ? or is it just a purely moid creation ?
>>438797 Great story
You will write poems for the board Anon ?

No. 438900

>Men are all secretly innocent pure submissives and it's le wicked society's fault for turning them into horrible jerks and they only need a good woman like me to save them oh pick me men I'll save you from the evil society pick me oh pick me pick me
Men are mostly jackasses because men are naturally jackasses. It's that simple. Actually decent subs, not perverted narcissists looking for a kink dispenser, are rarer than diamonds.

No. 438901

"Toilet slave" sounds disgusting and what happens in that fic is nasty and unsexy. What does the woman get out of it except a creepy ugly moid looking up at her as she's urinating? How many woman have pissed and shidded on him? Disgusting.
But it'd be hot to have a man on his knees licking and sucking my pussy clean after I urinate, it would feel much better than using toilet paper.

No. 438910

> not perverted narcissists looking for a kink dispenser
as long as the kink is pro woman then what's the problem?

No. 438912

Next time someone gets offended by the idea that male "sexuality" is a meme just show them this excerpt.

No. 438916

I was curious, cuz I've talked with a lot of guys online, and was surprised at how many showed interest. I thought it would be a tiny niche, but the fantasies of "using their tongue/mouth as toilet paper" were unsettling high. there's even a lot of media/videos on this (yapoo market comes to mind).

No. 438917

Why are you so mad though?
Men's biological purpose is to be of value to women. When they fail to do their job and be of use to a woman is when they become mentally unstable and eventually rope. Most men have a huge void in their lives and it's because they aren't fulfilling their natural duty. Socialization has a lot to do with why a lot of men are "jackasses" and likewise, why many women are pickmes. Unless you're going to say women are naturally pickmes too.

No. 438940

They're mostly trannies who browse r/sissyhypno. They don't actually care about women's pleasure, only their own. You can have them if you want.
>Why are you so mad though?
I'm not.
>Men's biological purpose is to be of value to women.
Dubious. You say men are dominant only through "socialization" in a patriarchal society, but where did the patriarchy come from? Does it make more sense for patriarchy to spring ex nihilo, instead of from men's dominant nature? If men were naturally submissive, shouldn't all civilizations have been matriarchies, with queens and empresses only?

No. 438942

Not like this sisters.. not the unflattering smuggie
>Great story
Had a read. What the fuck

No. 438959

and female subs only care about their own pleasure, so what?

No. 438962

>Men are all secretly innocent pure submissives
AYRT didn't say that, you're annoying.
>instead of from men's dominant nature
You sound like a retarded female sub. Patriarchy emerged from a multitude of factors, one being women's reproductive capacity. Another would be men's greater strength, but that doesn't necessarily make them dominant.

No. 438969

I hate gazing into the abyss that is femdom works written by men. Even when relegated to mere words, they can't help but be grotesque, good lord. Since it's sorta related, does anyone know a good place to post a novel-length femdom work? It's nowhere near done but, ideally, I would use AO3. They do allow original works, but it seems those original works had to have been created in a "fandom context". Could I get away with uploading it there anyway? I only occasionally use AO3, and only to read fanworks, so I have no feel for how well that particular rule is enforced. I honestly don't know where else I could put this. All the other sites I know of that allow nsfw written works have majority male userbases and I'd rather put it somewhere the intended audience is more likely to come across it.

No. 438976

>the abyss that is femdom works written by men. Even when relegated to mere words, they can't help but be grotesque…
let's not overgeneralize, besides, the story was funny. Manhwa does femdom the best imho tho e.g :

No. 438978

>female subs only care about their own pleasure
Have you ever met a pickme?
>Patriarchy emerged from a multitude of factors, one being women's reproductive capacity.
>Another would be men's greater strength
Which would be undirected and useless if men were naturally submissive.

No. 438981

>Even when relegated to mere words, they can't help but be grotesque
Kek exactly
You're still going on about nature? The whole point is that despite their strength and socialization, men still are submissive (to other men, mainly). Patriachy means 'rule of the father' anyways, not 'rule of naturally dominant alpha men'.

No. 438984

Please don't make fun of me, I just want to know what exactly counts as femdom cuz there are a lot of conflicting ideas. I thought that woman on top = femdom.

No. 438986

>men are submissive mainly to other men
Then men generally aren't submissive to women. Thank you for agreeing with me.

No. 438988

Depends on what definition of "femdom" you're using. FEMale DOMinance doesn't require the woman to be on top, she could even starfish and order her sub to pleasure her. what all femdom has in common is that the woman is in control and does what she wants. Femdom can be degrading/beating your sub, ordering him around etc…

No. 438995

..ordering their Nigels to let them suck his dick…

No. 438997

A woman being on top is a sex position, not femdom

No. 439000

Wtf is up with the pick me brigade happening rn?

No. 439001

I will overgeneralize because I had to sift through that muck for femdom content for the longest time if I wanted any femdom content at all. There's a very short list of written works by men that haven't turned me away because they suddenly got gross, let alone actually titillate me lol

No. 439002

>speaking the truth makes you a pickme
Don't get me wrong. I wish men were generally submissive. But unfortunately it's not so.

No. 439005

Maybe this doesnt apply to that anon, but theres been an influx of actual TIFs using this site lately

No. 439021

the more i dig into femdom on internet,, the more i realize how no one has the same definition, i am a femdom if i don't like to ballbust ? if i dislike to dress up a guy with feminine clothes ? what is the point of a chastity cage ?

i won't say that everysingle man is into submission but i rather say that being submissive is the easiest role and a lot of them will be more than happy to just ''brain empty, no throughts'' ( or just, have someone agree on doing weird shit they were too shy to ask)

No. 439036

Female submission is often about absolvement from their own fractured ego in the form of dissociation/humiliation. It is like being extremely neurotic and having a man come save you from your own mind. By looking at yourself through his eyes, by reducing yourself to nothing but an object and still being ‘desired’, female submissives can escape the painful parts of being human… such as, realizing you are one.

Unlike the moid “sub”, the female actually craves the death and destruction of her ego. It is and has always been a woman’s ego that has caused her trouble in a society where men prefer that women function more like farm animals than actual human beings. By denying her own humanity, she can “save” herself. But, it’s an impossible task that will leave you more hurt than if you never tried at all. Both physically and mentally.

I’m not really sure where to start. As I was rereading I was thinking about how I should have emphasized how deeply uncomfortable men are with their existence, and try to either prove/punish themselves for existing by using women.

No. 439038

>Unlike the moid “sub”, the female actually craves the death and destruction of her ego
I'm sorry this is completely false. Female subs are some of the most narcissistic people you will ever meet. The only reason male subs are worse than female subs is because they are more likely to chimp out and because they are much lazier, but other than that they are actually pretty similar to each other

No. 439049

Idk. Female subs almost always have really low self-esteem and/or a history of SA/abuse (that they pretend to not have because 'kinky' reenactment is itself a flight from their problems). There is a kind of psychological profile of a submissive woman like >>439036 pointed out, neurotic women, sexually repressed women, women with severe self-image issues etc. this is less true for men because in their case, it's often really just a fetish.
>most narcissistic people
That makes sense. They're trying to soothe a deep wound, but it's different from male self-centeredness and entitlement

No. 439050

All men are submissive but not in the way you’d think. They aren’t all secretly into ballbusting and sissification, but their misogyny (which almost all of them suffer from) is basically a rebellion against their role as women’s inferiors. A critical fault they realize well within themselves and make it women’s problem to solve.
I would describe men as natural ‘submissives’ who have an intense fear of not being picked, and so invent various coping mechanisms to exist in a world where most of them will never ‘just’ be picked. Because as inferiors, havimg a woman even in unideal circumstances is better than having none at all. Controlling and objectifying women so they will have you is better than waiting around waiting for one to control and objectify you. Because let’ be real- right now, for 95% of them, this will never happen.
Every man would love to be a woman’s object of desire, to be wanted just for ‘him’, just for his seed. To the extent he can be chased down and hunted for his seed, with her even ignoring his pitiful protests. He wants to be reduced to a sexual object, because this assuages his greatest fear. The fact that he is not inherently valuable , that he must create his own worth. If a woman pursues him, he is worthy as he is. If a woman ‘defiles and humiliates’ him and he’s still picked by her, then he must have something really, really special.
To defile and humiliate him isn’t even something ridiculous and performative like stomping on his dick. You just have to let him know that you know exactly what he is, and he will feel ashamed. There’s no greater humiliation for a man than to confront himself, the fact that he is deeply and truly unlovable.

I have had lots of men fall in love with me because I ‘recognize’ and ‘understand’ them but still don’t shy away. Even while saying, and I’d argue because of saying, that I despise them. I wouldn’t recommend doing this without discretion. Most of them will become highly unstable and dependent. ‘Normal’ men, even misogynistic men (never sub men btw, because they have their own stupid ideas about what a woman controlling them mean, if you dig into him deeper his identity will collapse and it’s almost never pretty)

Men are submissive in a way they all want a psycho woman to obsess over them for nothing, to be driven mad by their desire for him, to crave his mind and body to the point of destruction because he’s just that good. Men judge their worth, biologically, through women's acceptance. Women’s obsession and pursuit is like crack to them. It’s why every time you hear about a woman killing her partner it’s almost always after him freely and repeatedly coming back despite all the obvious signs she was going to slay him
(I distinguish this from women doing the same because moids often threaten/coerce/isolate women and make them dependents /impossible to disengage. Women almost never do this to men. Even if they wanted to, they can’t. Men are much more liberated from women materially than women are from men. This is just how society is designed).
Men are kinda like drones. They seem to be content with the idea of a woman destroying him for his ‘seed’. At least much more than women like the idea of males destroying her for her reproduction.

They want to be the little spider who crawls into a woman’s den, and get picked. Their fear of her rejection, like they’d become her next meal instead of her lover, keeps them coping. It’s very rare that a little spider would become his queen’s beloved and distinguished sperm donor. But this is what he wants most of all. He will settle for a world where all the moid spiders band together to trap the females and use them as they see fit. But he will never know “love” this way. He will never be able to truly validate himself through a woman’s eyes, which is what he wants most of all. He will never fulfill himself. It’s still better than the risk of no pussy entirely. But the whole operation is designed to trigger a specific form of moid ego instability.

No. 439051

Narcissism isn’t about having a high self esteem, but a low one. When your ego is damaged, you either attempt to build it back up (correctly or incorrectly), or destroy it entirely. Female “subs” have this one outlet where they can pretend they are objects, where it doesn’t hurt so and to exist as they are. They call this “subspace”.
This doesn’t mean they can’t be bad people the remaining 23 hours in a day. It is like getting high. Take the pain away for a brief moment by ‘using’ meanwhile everything else goes to shit, often because of your addiction.

No. 439057

i've heard the term subspace but I don't know what it is. Do male subs have it too?

No. 439058

I don’t know, I’ve only ever heard of women talk about it. They love rationalizing, romanticizing, and psychoanalyzing their sexualities. Moids generally just have paraphiliac fixations and do not ruminate. If they do, they certainly aren’t as open about it.

No. 439059

most female subs are like Madonna: vain, self centered and appallingly arrogant. Madonna was very in your face about her kinks (as if anyone cared) and she still has a strong and domineering personality

No. 439061

They’re like most people whose identity is founded on ego assuaging/defense mechanisms. They are easily broken and made vulnerable if you know how to pluck at them correctly. I have spoken to female subs like this, explaining it the exact same way, and they’ve just started crying and begging me for a solution.

someone genuinely proud of themselves would not literally have paradoxical desire to seek ‘pleasure’ through humiliation. It’s laughable when these women talk, and people should not take what they say at face value. This is just falling for the bullshit they try convincing themselves of. Don’t play their reinforcement games.

No. 439066

I love this thread because sometimes when I click on it the posts are "I want to kick a man in the balls," and sometimes it's deep discussion on the cognitive psychology of the submissive and dominant minds.

No. 439075

I want to kick a man in the balls

No. 439076

Let's have a deep discussion on the cognitive psychology of the submissive and dominant minds.

No. 439079

Damn, the femdom thread is really active today. >>438892
https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/79189135 The shit (lol) that was going on 4chan was hilarious (and gross)
>>439076 let's. where do u want to start from anon?

No. 439080

so you think Madonna is faking her confidence?

No. 439084

I assume every living creature has its own baseline level of dignity and self preservation and only through strange coping mechanisms (something particular to humans, a fault of our higher intelligence) do we start expressing these maladaptive behaviors. Well, I say ‘maladaptive’, but they are adaptive, just to circumstances which should not exist, and are also products of a society of fragile minds.
If you ask child Madonna if she wants to have a man hurt her, she’d likely say no (assuming you’d speak to her before any trauma or improper socialization took place). It’s only through years of (patriarchal) reinforcement that women end up this way. Because why else would a female creature reduce herself to the status of lesser in comparison to males? It makes no sense, when you reduce the sexes to their most basic functions.
IMO, most of these sexual issues originate with men. As described above, they are unstable creatures and must manifest a whole new reality to deny what they are (inferior). This involves coercing women into another, unique, form of damaged ego, and their subsequent copes.

In an ideal world, once where moids did not have the intelligence to pursue their selfish interests of self reflect, women would just pick and choose. There is 0 reason for an organism to debase and humiliate itself, especially a female one, whose purpose of existence is to deny males.

No. 439088

NTAYRT, maybe, narcissistic celebrities are dime a dozen. Some women are freaks for no discernible reason so she may be one of those.
Not deep but i've noticed patterns in women i come across. Dominant women tend to have issues with 'letting go', love like feeling in control in their daily life, might have an 'avoidant' style in relationships and in sex (insisting they're self sufficient when they need love like anyone else), are picky with what they consider good sex/a good man/a good relationship. Withdrawn and/or autistic. Might be highly self-conscious and prone to self-criticism. For whatever reason this isn't expressed by seeking degrading sex, though i know a couple women into femdom who had a submissive phase before they grew into their 'actual' preference later in life. Submissive women tend hate to themselves, be traumatized, or try to compensate for a trait they have like being really tall (it's crazy the amount of tall women who want to be babied and treated like a helpless girl. They think they're missing out). Sometimes all three. Submissive women are the reverse of picky, they come across as desperate for connection or even worthless male attention in the worse cases. They tend to have incredibly low expectations of men and do not seem to realize (or purposefully ignore) how miserable their """dating life""" is. Female subs in long-term relationships seem to be much more normal overall. To be fair some "dommes" are not unlike subs, they do a similar thing where they advertise how freaky they are to odd men. Both dommes and subs with this starved mindset are young and if they're not young, they're really.. undesirable lol. Not that older means undesirable but young women are more likely to fall into these sad states from inexperience and being on the receiving end of a lot of sexual harrassment and negative male attention.
>someone genuinely proud of themselves would not literally have paradoxical desire to seek ‘pleasure’ through humiliation
You summed it up perfectly, i love how you write. I mean submissive women always do this insane thing where they pretend to be extremely proud, 'in control' and tough in a sacrificial way. Like they could handle anything coming at them. Then you talk to them in private and they're breaking down from the weight of all the abuse and traumatic re-enactment they've done to themselves over the years. They think that because it's private, it's not real. It's ridiculous

No. 439091

NTA, but this. >>439084 I think Madonna and all, or most, of the other popstars that have a similar image have just been groomed to cope with being seen as sex objects, and the sexual abuse they've most likely suffered as a consequence of being a woman in the music industry. If they are narcissists, it's possible they developed this, in part, as a defense mechanism. Whether they really believe or not that they're empowered when they objectify themselves, it's just a cope. And it's not just popstars, obviously. It's like half of womankind. Some exceptions exist, of course, but no normal, healthy woman would want to be a submissive or seen as a thing to be fucked.

>Dominant women tend to have issues with 'letting go', love like feeling in control in their daily life, might have an 'avoidant' style in relationships and in sex (insisting they're self sufficient when they need love like anyone else), are picky with what they consider good sex/a good man/a good relationship. Withdrawn and/or autistic. Might be highly self-conscious and prone to self-criticism.
Damn. I feel called out, kek.

No. 439100

Thank you, nona. And it’s so true. I just laugh in their face and point out the obvious. You can’t act proud, like you’re better than anyone, when what you’re bragging about is how much you love being treated like shit by men (inferior creatures ). Your self esteem is low and you basically self harm by making even worse creatures make you lower than they are. And when you’re not doing your sexual flagellation rituals, you’re coping again. More conventional coping, aka overcompensating. And it’s even more tragically funny that the more they do it the more they have to keep doing it, until some sort of critical collapse or they just resign to being bitter underpicked-pickmes later on in life.

Anyways, I tried to read myself as “dominant” in the way you described but I’ve realized I have no desire to harm or humiliate men. If he deserves punishment and humiliation then he is it worthy enough to touch my body or recieve my energy in the first place. My “femdom” fantasies revolve around sexually objectifying men, consuming them, turning them into objects of my desire. Not that you asked, but it just got me thinking.
Unfortunately there are so few men in existence that I would quality as desirable. Most of them are the complete opposite, they repel and repulse me.

No. 439103

>You can’t act proud, like you’re better than anyone, when what you’re bragging about is how much you love being treated like shit by men (inferior creatures )
what about lesbian subs?
What I'm having a problem with is people who say that women who are subs are misogynistic but men who are subs are also misogynistic. Both can't be true

No. 439104

>I’ve realized I have no desire to harm or humiliate men
then you aren't doing it properly

No. 439107

ntayrt, but I also wanna say that I love your writing, both your posts that anon a while back saved and your answers today. I honestly hope you write some sort of femdom fiction if you haven't already. I know an ability to philosophize doesn't exactly translate to an ability to write prose, but I'd really love to read some work from you anyway.

No. 439108

NTA, but men who are subs are rarely submissive for the same reason women are. It's been brought up many times in these threads, but male subs in real life are often coomers that get off to femdom because they think it's unnatural for women to be anything but submissive. They get turned on because men being subs is degenerate according to them. And a lot of nonnas that have talked about their experience with male subs have said how the moid will still try to be the sexual lead in the relationship and demand that you cater to his fetishes instead of the other way around. Mind you, these male "subs" are porn addicts who are actively seeking a dom, they're not normal men that happen to be submissive or influenced easily to want to please you.

No. 439110

They absolutely can both be true. many male and female doms are misogynistic as well. This is contingent mostly on how much you have internalized sex role stereotypes, as ordained by patriarchal conditioning.
I won’t speak on lesbians because I am not one, but I can give another example. I read this “femdom” novel written by a woman, who was very self-objectifying, autopedophilic, and described her acts of domination as if she were becoming a man, and her subject more like a girl. It’s “masculine protest”, in a sexual sense. They adopt unquestioning the premise that a man is fully human and actionable, and a woman is the subhuman who bends to his will. A lot of “femdom” is this, but you have a woman play the role of man and a man the role of woman. Why sissy shit, recreating piv through pegging, and degrading men by calling them degrading names typically reserved for women is so rife in these spaces. It’s spiritually transgendered and all that it implies. Now, women are less likely to like femdom for this reason compared to males, but it does happen.
You can rationalize and justify misogyny in more than one way. Just like how liberal misogynists exist and express their misogyny liberally. Just because they aren’t conservative doesn’t mean they do not reduce and dehumanize women to whatever role they see fit. Open your mind. There are so many ways and expressions people have that reinforce the idea that women aren’t as free and human as they actually are.

No. 439115

In a sense, sure. I like how men look when they’re embarrassed or having their limits pushed for my pleasure. But if I actually want to harm a man it means he is shit and unworthy of my attention, much less my sexual attention.

No. 439130

Very true. Most lesbian fdom erotica i've seen eroticizes age gaps, hierarchy, authority positions without a direct reference to maleness. Sometimes the domme is implied to be butch but it isn't quite like sissy shit. I've also come across an especially pornsick bi woman who got off maledom content while self-inserting as a man and a woman who was exactly like your example. Any sexuality can be poisoned by misogyny, depending on the person's semi-conscious beliefs about women's place in the world and what they've fed their mind. It's not surprising that even some women into femdom fall under this, especially women with a bad complex when it comes to their womanhood. You can only hope they self-reflect enough to break free from this

No. 439147

Do you have any favorite songs with femdommy themes? Bonus for whips

No. 439150

if you ever see the French film The Piano Teacher the main character is super intimidating and dominant but but has some submissive kinks. For lot's of people, their sexuality just has nothing to do with their personality. Trump is supposedly is a sub, according to Stormy Daniels, while also being a domineering asshole the rest of the time
Also, men who are very "female gaze" focused usually have intimidating personas, ala Peter Steele.
I don't think it's fair that men can have any kind of sexuality they want but women have to be restricted to certain niches. And I'm not a sub myself btw and I don't even know too much about that subculture. But the girls I knew who were into that stuff have usually been bullies and not sweet at all

No. 439169

Sub people, especially sub men, often are submissive due to an extreme discomfort with themselves, and when they aren’t being sexual, they will cover up their instability by overcompensating. Pretty sure I said it in this very post. Instead of referencing movies and celebrities with carefully curated public personas, you should read something like The Confessions of Wanda von Sacher-Masoch. A woman who details just how abusive and controlling her “submissive” husband was when not roleplaying his fantasy degradation scenarios.
Ime and imo, people who get off to domination/submission and objectification specifically, are usually very psychologically unstable people. Not always, and my uncharitable opinion applies much more to men.

No. 439206

>the moid will still try to be the sexual lead in the relationship and demand that you cater to his fetishes instead of the other way around
take 15min to read any "femdom" subreddit and you'll realise how true this is. I've heard women calling it "topping from the bottom". Like, the motherfuckers have the audacity to openly say that "no woman is actually dominant, they just become femdoms to please their male partners because that makes them happy". Even just remembering how many times I read that same shit on "femdom" subreddits makes me want to a-log. That's why nonnas here recommend to find a cute/hot normie (aka non-coomer) bf and educate him to become a sub, because moids openly into femdom think a woman being femdom is an act of submission that a woman does to cater to her moid's fetish. They don't see female dommes as independent human beings with a sexual desire of their own. Fuck no, everything a woman does is to please a moid, women must always be self-sacrificing doormats. Also, those subreddits are full of moids asking how they convince their wives to get into femdom to make their husbands happy. It's all about males for them.

No. 439207

Unfortunately I don't have any, nonna, but when I want to get into the mood I usually listen to songs about predatory, evil women kek, like "She-Wolf" by Megadeth or "Lady Evil" by Black Sabbath. Also, the 80s had a lot of silly rock songs sang by slutty men performing a more submissive role (at least in the lyrics) lmao
>Lady, won't you take me down to my knees, You can do what you please
This is "C'mon and love me" by Kiss. I love when men sing stuff like this kek

No. 439214

I've always wondered if Martin Gore has a collar after listening to this. It's so incredibly 80s that I don't think I could ever listen to it during sex but I appreciate the message.
Femme Fatale by The Velvet Underground and He's My Thing by Babes in Toyland have femdom vibes imo although they're not about femdom.

No. 439216

For the record, the Piano Teacher is based off a semi-autobiographical novel. Its protagonist is extremely self-loathing, self-harms and lives with an obsessive, devouring, downright abusive mother. The author completely bares the relation between female sexuality and mental health

No. 439223

rough translation of the lyrics brought to you by google:

>It makes me want to dominate

>It feels so good to control everything
>I have a thirst for power
>I want to make things obligatory

>Oh yes oh yes I want to govern

>Vote for me you will be rewarded
>I will turn the country into a mass grave
>And exploit you and then eliminate you
>My first law will be to force
>People like you to undress
>The second law in force
>To castrate all hunters

repost bc something went wrong with the attached video. phoneposting is hell

No. 439226

The amount of misogyny I encountered in “femdom” spaces from the men was insane, this is not even counting all of the obvious sissy roleplay shit. So many men would shit on women because “no woman is a true dom”. So many complaints and critiques that just sounded identical to any other time you’d see a gaggle of men discussing women.
Perhaps these women did not want to be “doms” because you are an ugly fuck who just wants to be catered to in a very autistically ritualized way. Don’t want to fuck like that? Well then you’re no true dom, which means you are an I ferior birdbrained woman who wants to be raped by chads and make sandwiches all day.

No. 439234

>say that "no woman is actually dominant, they just become femdoms to please their male partners because that makes them happy"…how many times I read that same shit…

To be fair, while I've seen that a lot, is always either men complaining they can't find a dom (so they need to make do with a femsub pretending) or a dom moid justification for wanting to sub/the existence of malesubs. I've seen sincere guys who want to "serve, obey, worship you…" later say it's not worth it, because the woman wouldn't truly appreciate it (since they'd just as easily debase themselves to chad). The spread of porn that degrades women (choke, hair pulling doggie etc…) are partly to blame for this, it's like the excess of female submission (50 shades of grey and all other shit) somehow cheapens female dominance…

No. 439249

Iggy Pop is an old pedophile unfortunately but I Wanna Be Your Dog is a certified malesub anthem imho.

No. 439272

Fear & Delight is his best known song, but I also like Washington Square and Devil's Lighthouse. The former because I like the idea of a foreigner prostrating himself like an autistic bird of paradise just for the chance of being at my mercy (the song isn't very femdom at all, but can easily be interpreted that way imo). Devil's Lighthouse is more plausibly femdom and is kind of like a sexier, more obsessive version of Washington Square for me, minus the foreigner angle.

No. 439274

Amortem by Ruoska. No whips in the lyrics but the band's name literally translates into "Whip." Shitty translation attempt:
>tear me, tear me completely
>tear me apart even if I don't want to
>I feel fingers on my skin, cold lips on my lips
>and I'm not ready to let go of you yet

>a song of love

>a cry of madness
>has quieted in one's soul
>a wish of the withered
>an arrow through the heart
>the salt of death on its lips

>take me, take me again

>take me, keep me forever
>you bind my soul, you bind my mind
>you lead me astray
>and I can't detach myself from your hips anymore

No. 439275

Discipline by Nine Inch Nails

Am I
Am I still tough enough?
Feels like I'm wearin' down, down, down, down down
Is my visciousness
Losing ground, ground, ground, ground, ground?
Am I taking too much
Did I cross the line, line, line?
I need my role in this
Very clearly defined
I need your discipline
I need your help
I need your discipline
You know once I start
I cannot help myself
And now it's starting up
Feels like I'm losing touch
Ooh, and nothing matters to me
Nothing matters this much
I see you left a mark
Up and down my skin, skin, skin
I don't know where I end
And where you begin
I need your discipline
I need your help
I need your discipline
You know once I start
I cannot help myself
And you know, once I start
I cannot stop myself

No. 439302

A lot of his discography tbh

No. 439320

True. I'm a full dom and I'm not exactly psychologically stable. Still I want a cute, hot, submissive, stable and loyal boy

No. 439486

Isn't this true for women as well? Orgasms are conditioning for anyone because of the endorphins and dopamine. I also don't understand what you guys mean when you say that men are more malleable. Just look at pickmes and TiFs who fall for propaganda easily. There aren't that many differences between men and women, and if there are, it's just social. Isn't that better than there being inherent differences?

No. 439509

I think AYRT wasn't making a sweeping claim about malleability, she was talking about how men have a more responsive sexuality. There are women out there who meme themselves into having ridiculous fetishes but the outcomes are different. Meanwhile, if you give enough superstimuli (in the form of porn or novel experiences) to a man and he enjoys it, he'll pursue it, sometimes to the point of totally fucking up his life. Just look at r/pornaddiction, only the edgiest TiFs come close to this level of common male sexual dysfunction. The tamer version of this is you can easily meme a man into enjoying what you enjoy.
>better than inherent differences
Women are malleable too, but are obviously pickier than men when it comes to what they actually enjoy (what they indulge is another question). Simply dangling a foot in front of a woman's face isn't enough to make her associate feet with orgasms. Some differences are actually good

No. 439874

Maybe you're not stable because you haven't found your cute, hot, submissive, stable, and loyal boy toy yet.

No. 439910

Patriarchy is one huge cope manufactured by the male sex. It ensures no man gets left behind, because nothing scares a man more than being irrelevant and repulsive to women. Under patriarchy, every man is able to secure a wife and reproduce, no matter how unworthy and genetically unfit he is. A man's whole existence is affirmed by the fact that a woman chose to be with him out of all the other males, and when they don't have this their whole world shatters. Male logic dictates that patriarchy is the next best thing, just take away women's choice to choose their mates, but the funny thing is that it doesn't even satisfy men its supposed to benefit. It just makes them unstable, egotistical, and violent. If women were allowed to pick their mates (without patriarchal influence) the vast majority of men would die alone, unloved, and unwanted. A system born from man's huge inferiority complex and unwillingness to compete in intrasexual competition has nothing to do with dominance. Chad should be willing to kill another man for you, not willing to kill you.

No. 440059

>A system born from man's huge inferiority complex and unwillingness to compete in intrasexual competition has nothing to do with dominance.
Only the inherently dominant can have an inferiority complex, as the inherently submissive will be comfortable with inferiority. Therefore, men, who have huge inferiority complexes, must be inherently dominant.

No. 440595

I like to cope that way

No. 440827

What's the general thoughts on say a submissive but say it's no kink aspect whatsoever, more a sort of servant,assistant,butler,knight role ?

Is kink necessary or having someone to do all your busy work while you relax an appeal ?

I think for myself there is some appeal but I can't enjoy it without any romantic connection or relationship.

No. 440836

This is dumb. Women are plagued by inferiority complexes. Are they inherently dominant then?

No. 440914

People need to stop responding to XY worshippers, they cannot be reasoned with.

No. 440958

>Are women inherently dominant?
Not a moid worshipper.

No. 440995

Depends on what you mean with kinky. I think it's erotic.

No. 441109

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Been playing Termina lately and noticed how literally all the het ships are femdom coded.

No. 441116

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These two in particular. He's so sassy and smug but you can tell deep down he's a good boy.

No. 441118

This reminds me I need to play these games.

No. 441119

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It's weird. They have very good characters, both personality wise and design wise. But the first one is horribly designed and also many times edgy for the sake of it, with rape scenes almost everywhere (granted, it's clearly not supposed to be sexualized and male characters can get subjected to it the same way, but still it's a bit gross).
The second one is a way more mature and creative, with way less unnecessary edgyness, and more characters and overall the world feels way more alive and what you do matters much more, with thousands of interactions. But I still miss the characters from the first one since they were very well written (the male ones at least, D'arce is just a Caska clone from berserk. Female characters in the 2 are way better).

A good thing about both is that they're suprisingly way more female gazey than male gazey. Most men are hot and almost yaoi coded, and female characters are basically not sexualized at all (despite not being ugly).

No. 441822

I'm getting deja vu… this was posted in the femdom threads before

No. 441936

Nonnas please help. I’m new to this thread, but I’m very interested in sexually dominating this guy I recently started dating. However, he is quite sexually dominant and told me that the idea of being dominated is off-putting to him, but he’s willing to try it with me. I just want to pin him down or lightly choke him… that kind of thing. Honestly, now I want it even more than before. It turns me on to imagine him actually enjoying it and feeling humiliated for enjoying it. Maybe that’s fucked up, and I’ve never had the desire to push boundaries with to anyone before, but he’s so hot. Genuinely the hottest guy I’ve ever been with. Maybe if I build up to it he’ll be more into it? Has anyone else gotten a dominate guy to be more submissive?

No. 441989

This honestly reads like a reddit post with the genders switched. In any case, I'm getting the strongest deja vu when I read this

No. 442005

I don't have any advice but just knowing a guy prefers being dominant kills all attraction for me. Maybe that's just me, though

No. 442051

men are insecure and say shit like that because they're afraid of coming off as weak or a turn off.
Get him hard, tease him, get on top and then do your thing. Press your finger on his lips and whisper "shhh" in his ear if he complains. I guarantee you he will let you do whatever you want, as long as they have sex they don't really care unless they're completely porn brained and fetishistic. You can even train him to love it and there's a chance he does it already but doesn't want to admit it.

No. 442053

This. The only reason a man may not enjoy it initially is because "boohoo she'll think i'm weak and a faggot." But keep going, show that you want to do it more and still want him afterwards (praise him for being vulnerable and say it's attractive/sexy to you), and all the walls will come down. All straight men LOVE being dominated by women, it's just a matter of whether they're honest or not. There's nothing a man wants more than to be so desired a woman he's interested in chooses him, claims him, and has her way with him.

No. 442058

Yes exactly what I meant.

No. 442533

idk about anybody else but havign my feet worshipped makes me fucking fetal, my moid likes to kneel on his knees and kiss up and down my legs and all over my feet and i’ll make him jerk off on the ground with them on his face while i ignore him he looks so fucking perfect and pathetic holy fuck it makes me mentally coooom

No. 442543

>kneel on his knees and kiss up and down my legs
This has been a fave pre-foreplay ritual. He’s never been a footfag but now he gets hard kissing my legs even though usually I just leave him bricked up.

No. 442550

Is the fic list still being updated? Everything by Sanguia should be added there.

No. 442552

no matriarchy fics are super cringe and so is her writing. but you could make your own list.

No. 442553

File: 1730598132000.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 2048x2048, eeeek.jpg)

>matriarchy fics are super cringe
Kek i was going to bring this up to kickstart a discussion about tropes we don't like. I don't think they're cringe, just boring. There's no tension. Patriarchal male brought into a matriarchal society could be hot though

No. 442558

noo guys let's not have that discussion pls, it's such a boring subject. i’m just not impressed with her stuff specifically and i agree about the trope usually being a boring cop out. i'm sure she's lovely but those sad, skinny desiccated paragraphs, and the spacing, i just don't even wanna read that. like, bad femdom porn isn’t hard to find and we all read it sometimes, but i don’t think anyone here needs someone to compile it for them. is that mean

No. 442562

>those sad, skinny desiccated paragraphs
>is that mean
Nah, i think it's fair to not want to discuss this.

No. 442567

File: 1730603572549.png (Spoiler Image,832.63 KB, 694x890, slamslam.png)

God, Duna was so fucking based. Society wasn't ready for her. I know opinions are mixed on Sadistic Beauty on LC, but no other manga/hwa has scratched that itch for me, sadly. Spoiler'd for Minho getting the life pegged out of him.

No. 442576

Manhwa is an oasis of femdom, there is a whole buffet if you look. https://chapmanganato.to/manga-zh1003190/chapter-40

No. 442577

>This site is closed.
>Thank you. Have a nice day.
At least post the title and a picture of the manwha you're sharing.

No. 442580

No. 442594

I want to tho. I need to read before judging. Anyone has a link?

No. 442619

AYRT and yeah, I've definitely had more luck with manhwa than manga, but I haven't found anything truly phenomenal in a while. Haven't got around to reading In the Doghouse yet though, so thanks for the rec.

No. 442740

Fuck, I just wanted to go grab some of my favorite panels, but I ended up reading it again instead. I fucking love this comic. You're right that this is the only manhwa to scratch that itch, especially since I rarely see art this good and male characters that appeal to me as much as Minho in a femdom comic. Every time he's shown coping and trying to act all arrogant out of embarrassment or to protect his fragile ego, I find it so cute because I know that, deep down, he's in love with Duna and wants her to beat him up, and karma will come back to bite him in the ass. His denial is so fucking hot, especially when there's a moment of awkward silence where both of them realize that he gets hard from being abused. That's honestly my favorite part of any femgaze femdom media, when they realize he's a masochist.
I love the way this author wrote Duna's relationship with each guy, there's no aspect to their femdom/malesub dynamic that turns me off. It shouldn't be that hard for other female authors to write dynamics like this.

No. 442741

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Sorry for the black bar over his eyes, I didn't screenshot it correctly.

No. 442746

I've never been interested in manga but I'm reading this now and it's actually pretty good

No. 442761

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Also, I love how everyone treats Minho like a slut who's only good for his looks. It's the exact same way misogynistic moids treat women, and it's sweet because he's a misogynistic piece of shit who deserves that and more (and he got it, thankfully).

NTA but I'm glad you're liking it! More women need to read it.

No. 442762

I'm flying out of the country and meeting my sub soon, would the airport security pester me for bringing handcuffs or is there a good method in hiding them into a plane before?

No. 442764

Kekkkk anon airport security can see everything in hypermicrodetail these days. I feel like your best bet is hotgluing some fluffy pink fur onto them to make it look like an obvious sex toy for when they inevitably open your bag and pull them out to investigate after the scanner detects them. Even then if they’re real handcuffs they might confiscate them anyway.

No. 442772

That’s so hot. God I love stomach punching/hitting.

No. 442779

File: 1730717939791.png (Spoiler Image,5.1 MB, 2201x2577, minho ryona compilation (i cam…)

He gets ryona'd pretty nicely. If you haven't read it, I can assure you that you'll love it. Pic is a short summary of one such ryona scene that I really like (not explicit, but spoilering just in case). Although some of the most violent scenes are not femdom, but yaoi.

Weird, neither of the two sites work for me, it might be because I'm on a VPN. Good thing it's on bato.to.

I've been reading a bunch of chapters, it's pretty meh and the pacing is kinda terrible, especially with so many drawings taking up so much space and all those comedic panels that seem to be there just for padding (kinda tired of manhwa humor, tbh).
The relationship between the protag and her love interest is whatever. It's rushed as fuck in the sense that it's all about the fetish from the start and nothing develops until much, much later where there are hints of something more than just the fetish. I do like it when he's horny and desperate to get hit, commanded or yelled at, but that's the most basic thing in femdom fiction. I hate the fact that he's manipulating her into this BDSM relationship using her biggest weakness, which is her nephew, and she doesn't even enjoy being her dom, or at least not at the point I'm at right now.
Every time there's a close-up of Richard's face, he looks retarded. Not to mention the terrible anatomy, it's an absolute turnoff in every sex scene. It's a shame that the art is dogshit 95% of the time and the artist is only good at drawing funny faces and doodles. Good art might've saved it somewhat.

No. 443156

Not sure if this is considered femdom but I enjoy seeing hairy men getting their body waxed and moaning in pain. One of my fantasies is to tie up a man and pluck every single hair on his body. Idk why the idea is so fun to me.

No. 443165

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If I ever have a cute sub with a nice body, I'm gonna make him get a tramp stamp.

No. 443188

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No. 443449

Why is it so hard to find femgaze noncon content where the woman rapes the male? Most of the ones I've encountered seem like they are written by a gooner moid with an oneeshota fetish. I just want to molest a cute 19 year old moid.

No. 443454

Women are too cucked. As soon as I put no blowjob no crossdressing in the tags the results became 0

No. 443460

Nothing takes me out of femdom content more than when there's a blowjob in it. I'm sorry but I'm not there to see woman sucking dick, if I wanted to see that I'd just look at regular porn.

No. 443475

There's this one comedy show called Vikings or something and they actually showed a graphic rape scene where a female viking sexually assaults a moid by suffocating him half to death with her vagina and cums all over his face as people look on it sad horror too scared to rescue him. She also comes back from a raid with a necklace of dried monk penises as trophies of her rapes, then mocks her cucked faggot husband with ìt. Its not porn but i hope it helps

No. 443490

Disgustingly based. She’s an icon for women everywhere

No. 443522

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>I love how everyone treats Minho like a slut
Duna stuffing a wad of bills in his waistband after using him like a cheap whore>>>>>
Praying nightly for the powers that be to grant me artistic skill so I can make an otome that's basically the Rape Him Button as a game.

No. 443605

His miserable face is too cute. The day I made those posts I couldn't help cooming to his sex scenes again and again. Fuck, it's so good.

No. 443633

File: 1731167391273.gif (1.82 MB, 275x155, 6B477138-ED02-485D-B4E3-930B17…)

Found in the “things you found funny thread”. Incredibly hot

No. 443648

That's Billie Eilish with black hair if she were 5'11"

No. 443666

Yaoi Thighs

No. 443671

I had my sexual awakening to this gif at 12

No. 443673

This one is underrated.
This one is a classic and is very fun to listen to. I don’t think Martin Gore is actually into much of the masochism, I read an interview from the late 80s where he said that he was more focused on being of use and providing pleasure rather than being hurt.

No. 443688

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I want an evil middle aged woman to kick me in the face and put her feet in my mouth.

No. 443837

This comic could've been amazing if they didn't ruin it with yaoi shit.

No. 443857

no one forced you to read the side story

No. 443898

I don't think it's fair to say it was "ruined" just because some parts were yaoi, there's something for everyone in the original comic, so it's easy to skip the parts that you don't like. I skipped most lesbian sex scenes and Haesol's side of the story the first time I read it.
I'm not a fujo but I didn't mind it, and in fact, I even read the BL side story just to see him suffer. The author made it very clear from the start that Minho was straight and was being raped, although I haven't read the last part to see if the relationship grew beyond that (or if he killed himself lol). That's his punishment for treating his ex-gf like that. Duna ends up in a happy femdom relationship with Haesol anyway, so it was still a femdom story until the end.

No. 444063

Its almost like its a parody of vikings

No. 444072

Another one : https://chapmanganato.to/manga-yq1001525/chapter-1 . btw, are "mommy" type of subs really the most common type ? I've chatted with a few,none were. I edated one,who seemed like the perfect sub,like; cared for your interests, wanted to serve "worship/pamper everyday" was a maso and encouraged to go wild and "abuse" him. but had a huge kink for degradation tho, often mentioning he wanted to drink piss and be "used as a full toilet". One thing they had in common, was the shame they felt, due to alienation from other men, and from a resentment they seemed to hold against women for not liking malesubs "women always go for dom guys" "malesubs are never valued" etc…, so I thought a test to know whether a guy is a true sub, is to see if he feels shame/resentment for the lack of validation for malesubs, does that make sense ?

No. 444076

This one looks pretty good, I'll give it a read.

No. 444127

>and from a resentment they seemed to hold against women for not liking malesubs "women always go for dom guys"
Why would a "true sub" resent women, or give a shit about what other men think? These types of guys are just misogynistic losers, also pornsick and probably autistic, who are completely unappealing and don't even want to improve their social skills or learn what it is women find attractive. For example, I actually really enjoy certain kinks but some men make them sound so unappealing and disgusting. If a guy told me he wanted to be a toilet I would be out the door so quickly. He doesn't want to drink my piss specifically but any woman's will do, as long as he feels "like a toilet" (ew). Most women hate male subs because of this, male subs are often self-absorbed, manipulative, and fake, even if they say they want to "worship/pamper" it's just a means to get what they want, instead of actually making the woman they're in a relationship with happy.

I think a good way to tell if man is a "true sub" (this means something different to every dominant woman, so this is just my experience), is that he's very malleable and receptive to your preferences. Maybe I just got lucky with my submissive, but he really didn't have specific fantasies or kinks before he met me. Sexually, he's a bit of a blank slate so to speak, so I got to teach him my kinks and he was very receptive to kinks he thought he would have hated, just it's another way for him to please me and serve me. I would be so turned off if he was coming to me with all these specific kinks and fantasies, but that's just my opinion and depends what you're looking for. I wasn't looking just for a guy who is into kink, but a guy who would be genuinely submissive to me.

No. 444128

dni with men online, particularly self-proclaimed "subs" of all kinds (ESPICALLY if they approach you first with femdom). If he knows of the word "femdom", it's probably from porn. Ideally, he should be normie-ish, but deep down still feel/know that women are better than men and therefore deserve more or think that it's perfectly natural for men to be subservient to women.

No. 444142

>but any woman's will do
I agree with everything you said, but I think this in specific is what I find so repulsive about men into femdom in a context outside of a relationship. Pornsickness makes them fixate on the acts themselves to the point that the woman is often just a vehicle for said acts rather than an agent actually worthy of respect and devotion.

No. 444147

>just a means to get what they want, instead of actually making the woman they're in a relationship with happy.
You're misjudging him.1) he didn't approached me with femdom (in fact he wouldn't even send me links with erotic content at first cuz he thought it'd be disrespectful). 2) I could tell he wanted to make me happy, as he'd try to be as helpful as possible; if I needed to find anything he'd search for it no matter the time I texted him, (videos/articles/manhwa) he knew what my tastes were (movies, games etc…) and would try to find similar stuff. He'd never be pushy about femdom, in fact, it was me who brought the topic up more often than not. I don't know whether he was autistic, but,he was a nurse, so definitely not a "pornsick loser". we drifted apart mostly cuz we lived in different countries, it'd be hard to make work… He was REALLY into "misandry/chivalry/male disposability fetish" tho (he'd often send stuff like this: https://www.tumblr.com/menservewomenrule/183199171653/how-to-be-a-good-husband ) so I think its the perceived lack of appreciation/validation that depressed him.A sub that was a fake wouldn't care whether the woman "dominating" him was a dom or not(attracted to subs), true subs do and get distressed.

No. 444172

>1) he didn't approached me with femdom
I'm saying this as general advice

>he was a nurse, so definitely not a "pornsick loser"

>often mentioning he wanted to drink piss and be "used as a full toilet".

Uh huh, tell me, what do you think of this?

Also, did you meet any of these guys irl?

No. 444183

I assume this will be unpopular here but I like dhibi. I think I'd prefer if the boys she draws were slightly taller/older; not grannies of course.

No. 444184

Wait, I immediately checked and "granny" in fact only means "grandmother", not "old person" in general. Sorry, dumb esl.

No. 444232

Having a weird/gross quirk doesn't turn you into a bad person/pornsick.
>What do you think of this/Also, did you meet any of these guys irl?
Too verbose, it's like studying for exams or professional training. No, I only personally knew 1 full-fledged sub,we didn't click. my 2 exes were receptive, but not enthusiastic.

No. 444398

File: 1731547258982.jpg (158.26 KB, 720x1035, wg6xGvOGJZZTf9iE.jpg)

No. 444399

File: 1731547656376.jpg (147.04 KB, 736x1108, 868447794e32e08912792451f581f5…)

One more.

No. 444562

Oh, i haven't seen that name in ages kek. I like his work too. His way of emphasizing details and reactions does it for me. I like Taneno Nakami too, wish it was less obviously male (it's dumb, one note mommy shit) but he's good at depicting intimacy.

No. 444590

you can't just post the cover pics without telling us the title names nonny

No. 444610

bf wants me to lightly slap his face. any tips?

No. 444614

Do it hard.

No. 444618

Hit his face with both sides of your hand, and make him count/thank you each time. or,use only your palm and order him to kiss your hand. You could also spit on his face/mouth.

No. 444634

Hit him hard and if he gets upset go 'oops sorry I underestimated my own strength' then hit him hard again.

No. 444650

No. 444672

ayrt not with this obviously but when we started dating the only pointers he gave me were to ask that i be more gentle/not as aggressive with him lol because i really am a bit heavy handed

No. 444713

I find it a huge turn-off when guys ask you to be gentle or can't handle at least some pain. I haven't done anything involving pain with my boyfriend yet because I know he's not going to be able to handle it and I'll get turned off from all of the whining/complaining. He's an excellent service sub so there's that.

No. 444759

Ayrt, this reply humiliated me so much. I couldn’t formulate a response for weeks kek. Anyways, thanks to the anons who gave me helpful advice.

No. 445031

File: 1731791620498.png (364.19 KB, 840x742, Capture d'écran 2023-12-25 114…)

i like dhibi too, despite his salad finger handstyle, i like how assertive his female characters are in ''until you beg sweetly'' without being into '' mommy type''
but males characters looks a bit too cutesy bishi for my taste, ho well, it's already nice having something like that around

No. 445032

No. 445090

dhibi's a woman?

No. 445093

Pochi Goya's another good one. She's a woman, so it's less male gazey than your ordinary femdom hentai.

No. 445171

NAYRT, The site i go to to check mangaka's info lists Dhibi as female and it's generally accurate on biographical details, wtf. If this is true i like her even more for making weird femdom manga

No. 445221

File: 1731880260935.jpg (1.36 MB, 2304x4096, EEFtXQ8UUAAS7dB.jpg)

Pic is from dhibi's twitter. Does this hand look male or female to you? I can't tell.

No. 445222

File: 1731880500167.jpg (138.91 KB, 1116x1565, FzY7v9qWIAMwGs9.jpg)

Also there's this self-portrait? Or he drew himself as a woman? The mystery thickens.

No. 445225

I could not believe my eyes when this woman I follow on Twitter started talking about dhibi, I felt like I was hallucinating. Her account is not NSFW whatsoever and she never mentioned it previously. Anyway, she called "her" a "she" as well. She draws a decent amount of yaoi too so that's something to consider.

No. 445247

I'd need to see the thumb. the thumb is always the tell on ambiguous hands. From what I see here my confidence rate is very low but I am leaning towards male. But again, need to see the thumb.
The way this is drawn also makes me think it's a man, but you can only tell so much from chicken scratch.

No. 445254

Hand looks pretty big and there's a bit of dirt under the nails. The cuticles are also ungroomed. I'm gonna say male.

No. 445279

female, from experience
>ungroomed cuticles
>dirt under the nails
not exclusive to men, and hand/nail care is not exclusive to women either

No. 445365

File: 1731963270081.jpg (1.31 MB, 2303x4096, DUT6934V4AAnvj8.jpg)

Here's a picture with the thumb.

No. 445366

File: 1731963391545.jpg (1.21 MB, 2303x4096, DWizqPjU0AAY0t4.jpg)

Also the color of the shirt in this one makes me think she's a woman.

No. 445369

I like dhibi because the men look as cute as the women. One of my anime pet peeves is when there is insane sexual dimorphism in the characters. I thought all his charas were adults though?

No. 445398

Girl hand. Dirty girl hand, but girl hand.
Girl thumb.

No. 445404

Thumb anon here. That's a male thumb I'm 95% certain. You can tell by the ratio of the length vs width of the nail bed and the general width of the tip of the thumb.

No. 445430

The skin looks very thick, look at those deep creases in knuckles that are not even fully straight
Women usually have much thinner skin

No. 445471

this thread devolves into such retarded nitpicking its actually hilarious

No. 445495

This thread is so unproductive, with rare exceptions. Most femdom media is hentai anyway, at this point I wouldn't even care if this "dhibi" was a tranny, so long as it's decent. Every girl ive talked to about this is submissive, I feel so alienated…

No. 445530

Don’t be retarded. Plenty women do have ugly wrinkly knuckles and thumb nail bed and crooked premature arthritis fingers, especially artfags.
>t. literally me

No. 445545

No. 445552

File: 1732039919055.jpg (394.94 KB, 1015x1847, dfahudg-d46c50f5-9ff8-4c44-ada…)

>tfw you don't own a cute gimp boy furniture

No. 445582

god, I just want some dumb lowly paypig to make my life easier. manifesting, manifesting….

No. 445585

File: 1732051590083.mp4 (Spoiler Image,60.89 KB, 524x560, FdujAG3aMAAK5uR.mp4)

I don't think the physical action matters in general regardless of what kink or relationship type is in question, just the emotional dynamic between the two humans involved.

It's not what you do, its how you do it. You could be a pillow princess and just sit back as your man is desperate and pathetically teary-eyed at his own inability to resist being seduced to please you in any way you see fit like it's instinct. Or be a sadist bullying him into compliance because he thinks you're too pretty to resist and secretly gets flustered by it, you can be literally anything the specifics don't matter 99% of the time I think just do whatever the fuck you please and have them comply.(spoiler your shit )

No. 445587

I think men instinctually like to please women they are in love with: "Happy Wife Happy Life"

Comes from those same chud men that act the opposite in public around other men and the world, insecure men are unable to do this which makes them resentful incels but healthy men are in my experience like this which is pretty ironic.

No. 445590

nyart, but I want to add some ideas to try and make PiV unenjoyable for the guy
>put a lot of numbing cream on his dick
>make him penetrate you with a strapon
>apply pressure/pain to his balls
>force him to stay hard with a cock ring or something
>if he finishes inside then make him eat you out
>make him finish in his face
>choke him/electro shock him
>make stand in akward/painful positions

I know most of these aren't very "based" (or are cringe even) but it's what I could think of rn, other than what you listed.

No. 445591

I do like the idea of a guy somewhat suffering but doing so willingly anyway because he is devoted not just sexually, but emotionally and romantically like it's his duty and honor code.

No. 445599

oh oops I thought I clicked it on my screen how do I repost something lol

No. 445600

nvm I got it lol

No. 445602

File: 1732055413443.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.44 KB, 850x1038, sample_0bbbbbe9f0076b0ae3c0c2c…)

I like the idea of a cute guy getting aroused from serving for the first time and being embarrassed at how his body is reacting in defiance of his own mind. A normie-ish guy that is just a normal vanilla popular guy in public. My current boyfriend imo.

I think this is the reason I feel excited when bullying a man I'm attracted to, I like to see them embarrassed and fold to please me at their own expense especially when they react dismissively with other women. Human's have malleable brains to people they like so its not a kink you have to search for in my experience, they just need to really want you.

No. 445605

I always thought I was a sub but whenever I see an attractive guy be flustered by me and break eye-contact and stammer rather than explicitly spelling their attraction out, I feel warm and fuzzy and want to make him cry

No. 445606


No. 445610

I like handsome golden retriever type happy silly guys that are eager to make me happy

No. 445620

No, I'm serious. The knuckles mean nothing but the nail bed length to width ratio is real. Just start looking for it and you'll notice it's like 99% accurate. I've successfully clocked all the androgynous handed artists before their gender was revealed with this trick.

No. 445626

Nta but I think it's a male hand because of the bulging veins. Even for women with veiny hands, surely the veins don't usually bulge all the way up your fingers like that? I can only imagine that the rest of his hand would be even more veiny.

No. 445628

Maybe she's over forty years old, and her hands just naturally aged more veiny.

No. 445656

You guys would have a conniption fit if you saw my hands

No. 445668

It's also that men are natural subs. They can't submit to ALL women of course for obvious reasons, but deep down they're the happiest that way.

No. 445674

I would be called a million names if I posted my hands.

No. 445715

I agree, it’s about that submission that’s based in romance. Like my own love slave, getting on his knees to propose to me hoping to be accepted so he can have the honor of working hard to make you happy and eagerly mold himself to your wishes.

No. 445726

File: 1732116838761.jpeg (271.3 KB, 982x1200, guarddog.jpeg)

Telling random macho men twice my size to tie my shoes as a bratty kid made me feel things seeing the macho guys so quick kneel to me just to pamper me at my tactless command.

Throughout life its felt natural to treat "alpha" but good hearted men as loyal obedient guard dogs and they seem sincerely happy and at peace to obey bossy princessy type girls they like because it makes their identity as a man feel fulfilled. Fills a deep hole in their empty hearts.

No. 445741

It's Taiyakisoba "Under the Eagles Wing" or something along those lines.

No. 445743

Why does he look pissed?
He gets to be next to his loved one,
he should be jumping from joy.

No. 445745

File: 1732127155111.jpeg (Spoiler Image,331.57 KB, 1200x963, Facetune_16-11-2024-22-47-37.j…)

True in fact he’s crying for joy, just trying to look “tough” as they tend to do until they can no longer keep up the mask

No. 445747

File: 1732127978765.jpg (137.25 KB, 1242x908, doubleDD.jpg)

I felt something weird in my stomach seeing Double D's nerdy face be pathetically flustered yet still compliant every-time he got teased:


No. 445755

>men are natural subs

No. 445756

I used to agree with you but life has convinced me otherwise, every douchebag guy is romantically submissive/obedient and self sacrificing when in love. Sex is superficial but when it comes to meaningful things like day to day life they obey everyday.

No. 445760

File: 1732133111842.jpg (46.74 KB, 675x900, lol.jpg)

They are, just not to every woman.

I've had too many interactions like this to believe otherwise, men in relationships already that are repressed and dysfunctional due to that retarded inability to live their nature out in a healthy way.

They can have their fuckbuddy one night stand women, but they still deep down want to simp/devote for a woman and feel safe to do so. Its not literally all men though ofc, they need to be emotionally healthy and not just care about sex.

No. 445763

File: 1732134538175.gif (8.07 MB, 540x250, IMG_7730.gif)

I like pretty men that are playfully bratty in a seductive come get me way, but masochistic like vanitas

No. 445767

Actually I take back what I said, it’s not “natural” in the sense it’s not
all their default state, but it can be brought out of them like taming a wild dog by certain women.

No. 445785

>if he finishes inside then make him eat you out
This is really hot

No. 445799

I doubt every man can be tamed, just as not every wolf can be domesticated.

No. 445801

When I bring some of this type of stuff up it’s so funny seeing their coy defiance as if they’re getting screwed over, even though they end up caving and embarrassed their dick shame-cooms anyway like it can’t help itself

No. 445802

Yeah I would never say there is a 100% of anything, some people are broken. Men and women. Unfixable.

No. 445867

>C'etait un penis
this is so fucking funny kekk

No. 445868

the dirt is male asf but the "ungroomed" cuticles is ridiculous, you don't have to cut them so often, it's just an aesthetic preference.

No. 446136

what do you guys think about spitting? my bf wants me to spit in his mouth. i kind of want to try it but im worried ill look ugly/gross doing it lol

No. 446171

>man wants something

Anyways, just do it and if you two don't like it stop doing it. There isn't really a way to make spitting look sexy and theorizing about it isn't gonna lead you anywhere.

No. 446271

Anyone in a 24/7 dynamic? What is it like and is it as good as it seems in paper?
I intend to have my boyfriend become my housepet who does most of the chores and I get to use his body however whenever. He is a good cook and likes to please me so it could work. How far should it be taken? Permission whenever he wants to leave the house or make any big decision? Is a written contract good or just cheesy?
He's a bit of a brat too, which I was unsure of at first but I really enjoy now.
I would be taking on the finances as my job and career prospects allow it. I enjoy having complete monetary control, it helps to get me off.

No. 446391

I slipped in a 24/7 dynamic without realizing it (it was pretty gradual). It's pretty lowkey. Doing a dom wife slaveowner LARP with frequent punishments would feel like a chore (unless you enjoy it, i don't personally). I really appreciate doing little to no chores, he always makes sure to check if i need anything all throughout the day. I really like it when he ceremoniously hands me a snack/an object, he bows when he does that and seems delighted when i thank him. I find his butler-like attitude really hot. A couple months in, i asked him why he offered to help/serve me so often and he said it felt great to see that i'm comfy and serving me is a big source of happiness for him. So far i'm really enjoying it, i'm pretty certain he gets off to this on some level but it's interwoven with typical affection, so i don't find it as creepy or intense as some FLR literature. It's a nice way to maintain an erotic atmosphere, you don't have to lay out a thousand rules to feel the dynamic. To be honest i really haven't explored the full potential of 24/7, it's mainly a useful addition to my life but i've been thinking about ramping it up sometimes.
>is written contract good or cheesy
I find it cheesy but if you like the idea, do it. You might want to write down some principles and caveats to make sure he knows what he's getting into, that he doesn't have to be your 24/7 sub if he feels iffy about it during the experiment.

No. 446393

Anyone else like sheltered religious moids? I’ve dated a few and the feeling of corrupting them while teaching them how to have sex is super hot to me, ngl. It feels like I’m teaching them to be my slut by training them like a dog.
Yes ik it’s retarded to have a corruption fetish for moids because they have no souls anyways but I digress.

No. 446394

I did this once to my ex and I think it’s one of the few ways to make a man feel degraded if he’s not expecting it. Regardless of the argument my ex brought it up for years every time we’d get into a fight that I spit in his mouth while riding him KEK. 10/10 would recommend for “dominant” moids who don’t know their place.

No. 446421

If I spat in a moid's mouth or on his face during sex and he brought it up during an argument I'd be laughing so hard

No. 446446

>>I'm sad because I finally found one that's young, attractive and shares most of my kinks but he's into feminization and I'm fearful it'll evolve into tranny/fag behavior.

Yeah, if modern "medicine" promises these guys to actually pass for women (not that it ever really works) they will of course try to do full time, what they would otherwise only enjoy with you on the weekend. I'd say go for it. Maybe you can fix him by making him realize that his duality is what makes him spicy and special.

No. 446453

What’s your favorite thing about your sub’s appearance? Mine has a really pretty eyes, great body, very thin, pale, and beautiful. He also has small moles on his ass and I find them really cute

No. 446454

Nona kek he seriously brought it up for years after it happened—we would be arguing about dinner plans or chores and every time he would trail off all “oh and remember that TIME you SPIT in my MOUTH?!?!?!” all horrified and ashamed. Sometimes even in public and he would get really hushed and embarrassed then when recounting it. Kek makes me laugh so hard just thinking about it.My ex was a “dom” who knew I wasn’t into subbing & swore he was ok with vanilla sex, and then ended up doing stuff against my will anyways (aka raping me), so I’m glad I made him feel utterly humiliated/degraded even if it was something as stupid as just spitting in his mouth one time. As evil as this mf was, spitting in his mouth truly got to the depths of his psyche so I have to recommend that to all women who want to spite a moid mid-sex.

No. 447154

Where the hell do you find moids that will enjoy this but from a smaller woman. And I mean not the ones who have a mommy kink, or a re gay. I want one I can have a relationship with but do him dirty. Like soft dom. Also the moids who have this fetish are usually porn addicts. Oh well. Guess I'm gonna have to keep fantasasing about this with my imagination.

No. 447155

Ugh this sounds like an ideal guy for me. Idk about the moles, though. I wish I could have someone like that who wets his pants from even the slightest touch , kek. I want him to be virgin as well.

No. 447159

He has a wide shoulders, a huge chest, and a huge ass. When we're both standing I can bury my face against his chest. I'm kinda flat so him being the "sexier" one is so hot to me. He also has a very cute warm smile and youthful face.
Most guys won't care if you're shorter/smaller. The idea of "amazonness mommy dommy" is silly, only the most pornsick guys want something that doesn't even exist. They're easy to avoid because they're very outspoken about it. Be less worried about moids enjoy it, and be more concerned with whether you will even like them in the first place.

No. 447218

my boyfriend is exactly like this. he told me that during the first few dates we went on that just holding my hand made him hard/wet. hes really skinny but has a really nice ass. and this might be weird but he has sharp looking canines, its cute when it shows when he smiles.

No. 447225

I’m not sure what to call them maybe they’re birthmarks but they look like little freckles

No. 447254

hehe i feel like i got really lucky with him, hes exactly what i was looking for. little 'innocent' things like that get him hard or turn him on so im always trying to throw him off like that when we're out together. its soo cute

No. 447256

Tiny waist, tall, paler than me, beautiful plump lips, long and noticeable lashes, long canines, soft and very pretty hands. High pitched but gentle voice, he sounds like he's smiling all the time. And he's a grower so i like to tease him about how cute and small his penis is to see it dramatically swell.
>just holding my hand made him hard/wet
Nona… i'm so jealous. I've had only one moment like this (me staring at him with people around had him all worked up), wish it happened more often.

No. 447273

File: 1732841423099.jpg (77.73 KB, 337x500, Kaneoyanichedemand.jpg)

Soft pale skin, super lean, tiny waist, perfect amount of body hair, emotive green eyes, strong jaw and fluffy dark hair. Easy to leave marks on too

No. 447275

Mine too, he actually expressed frustration about getting hard from just being around me because he's worried it ruins romantic/cute moments. Teasing him for that is really fun lol

No. 447276

Right nona… But he's really shy, he needs to be 'warmed up' with physical intimacy and dirty talk, otherwise he's not really horny in daily life. I used to think there was something wrong before he told me he's always been like this, he might be among the few men who aren't idk, male typical when it comes to arousal. I'm the total reverse of this. I wish he was like me because then teasing him would be too easy. It's the thing i feel is most lacking in our dynamic… Oh well. There's still edging

No. 447501

His back, he’s got a stupid twunk body for someone rather whimpy. Fucking love watching that back tensing, heaving, reddened.

No. 447569

Have we considered a discord group for the women itt? I'm getting worn down by seeing all the female submissive shit everywhere lately and would love to have some sane friends who feel similarly. I find it difficult to relate to other women because they generally let low-effort moids walk all over them; those same women freak out whenever they see the acts of care and service from the moids I date because of their own low standards.
I have not moderated a discord group or anything but I would imagine we'd need a semi-regular vetting process to keep the sex pests out. What do you nonas think?

No. 447570

I really like the idea, i'd say we have to set up strict sex verification (hand + voice call, just to be extra sure) before letting anons in. All we need is a verification channel, roles, sending hand pics after a call with the admin and only through DMs for privacy (assuming the admin will delete the pictures if asked to). If you don't feel like doing all that maybe another nona would be up for the task.

No. 447576

I could look into making one as I think it would be worth it to try. And I agree about the importance of repeated verification as it’s not uncommon for moids to get women to pass the verification checks for them.

No. 447686

if you want to get raided or data-leaked by moids/mtf then sure, otherwise please consider another platform

No. 447694

what platform do you suggest we use?

No. 447720


No. 447745

>goes in femdom thread
>finds dommes

No. 447746

matrix and xmpp/jabber
signal requires a phone number for registration which could be an issue if you're living in a woman-hating tradshit hellhole

No. 447754

File: 1733042707477.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.77 KB, 621x874, D5ZFUfSVUAANOMw.jpeg)

looked up this dhibi artist you were talking about and genuinely what the fuck is this? what's the appeal????(don't post porn)

No. 447756

File: 1733043117393.jpeg (Spoiler Image,192.97 KB, 705x1000, ElaiyFgU8AIcod9.jpeg)

"i like her art because the guys look as cute as girls" they all look like deformed inbred mutants

No. 447778

nona it's ugly and shit and most art on the artist's twitter page shows women pleasing shota-looking moids by playing with/licking their assholes i'm not going to read it sorry

No. 447783

File: 1733059423396.jpg (32.26 KB, 1080x1080, dame tu cosita.jpg)

Our judgment is clouded by arousal and we forget that they look like picrel
I completely forgot matrix was a thing, good suggestion

No. 447788

Did a woman really draw this? It looks so… male in how the boobs/ass/hips are overly exaggerated. It's so ugly and tasteless.

No. 447807

This is clearly male-gaze femdom. Gross.

No. 447809

Isn't Matrix literally linked to an intelligence agency? I'd go with XMPP.

No. 447814

i have to agree. absolute male gaze bullshit and takes me out of it immediately. everyone looks underage its slop catered to coomer men

No. 447827

I think my favorite thing is the contrast between how muscular he is, his stoic/autistic demeanor vs what he lets me do to him. I especially love smacking his ass. Not super often, since part of the appeal is catching him off guard. Usually we're walking somewhere or he's busy cooking so all he does is smile and glance at me awkwardly without really commenting on it. I've confirmed on separate occasions that he actually does like it, so it's nice to have the aesthetics of casually sexually harassing a big burly guy without the acts actually being unwanted and even better that got this since he naturally has muted facial expressions because I generally find moids to be bad at acting and I know he'd specifically do a bad job if I asked him to pretend to not like it on purpose kek.

What the fuck is wrong with their feet. I can't believe other anons were busy analyzing hand photos when the art looks like this. This is clearly a moid or a woman shilling to moids, christ

No. 447886

I unironically like how the moids look here, not fond of the "beefcake" roidpigs and it's nice to see skinny young males in something that isn't yaoi.

No. 447888

File: 1733096863385.webp (123.56 KB, 1800x2400, Collar2.webp)

Does anyone have recs for good online leathersmiths/fetish/sextoy shops that sell collars for human wear? I'm looking for something like picrel. Also, what are your thoughts on bondage gear in general? I'm personally not really into very over the top gear or gimpsuit stuff, but the idea of having my bf in a collar and maybe even some cuffs is pretty appealing.

No. 447889

i want to do this w my boyfriend too, im the same. i dont like anything obnoxiously 'extra', something kind of muted works just as well. ive been thinking about getting him a plain looking bracelet as like a 'starter' lol. i feel like most online stores will use cheap material but i think thats just my concern

No. 447898

Just cut a belt short and poke some extra holes lmao

No. 447904

Buy a dog collar

No. 447905

You could try a chain with your initial instead of a collar for public use. Subtle enough that most people won't catch the meaning but better looking than those ugly eternity collars for wearing in public.

No. 447934

No. 448028

woah.. and like that I'm $40 richer

No. 448032

You probably want to get a collar that's multiple layers of softer leather if you plan on yanking him around without the collar falling apart. However, if you don't plan to be rough with it then yeah cutting a regular