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No. 56471
>>56468>i'm talking about only being attracted to biological males and femalesHonest question about that, isn't everyone a biological male or female? I guess some are somewhat ambiguous (intersexed) but for the most part if you're attracted to both sexes I don't get why you wouldn't be attracted to trans people or whatever.
I never got the distinction between pan or bi for that reason, I'm not a trans apologist or anything I'm pretty much a TERF just curious.
No. 56479
>>56474I'm the same way, anon. I've definitely found women sexually and romantically attractive (come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I was aroused by women's bodies before men's) but my attraction to men is so much stronger I almost feel like I'd be leading people on if I said I was bi.
>>56471I think the "pan" thing comes down to genitals I guess? Like you're into dudes with dicks and chicks with vaginas. It's kind of how I feel. If I were to go home with someone like pic related who passes extremely well as a man and then I found out they had a vagina, I feel like I'd probably be put off from having sex with them. It makes me feel like an asshole tbh.
No. 56480
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>>56479dropped the picture, sorry
No. 56493
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>i'm talking about only being attracted to biological males and females
That's not bisexuality then. Pansexuality is just something tumblr invented because they think bisexuals exclude trans people, but we don't. I find it really insulting that they decided to tell us what are sexuality is? We're attracted to people regardless of gender/genitals.
That aside, I'm glad there's a thread on bisexuality because it seems a lot of anons are bisexual. I do believe we're underrepresented in the media and because of that people spread all these horrible myths about us which just aren't true.
Gif is of my favourite, very openly bisexual actresss <3
No. 56495
>>56493THANK YOU
I looked up today pan vs bi and what the difference is, there's literally none, it's just a more snowflaky sounding name
The older I am the more secure I am into my sexuality. I still (very very slightly) regret not experimenting with the same sex but it's okay because I'm happy with my current partner. My parents didn't really care when I came out to them, in fact my mother, who is more on the "old fashioned" side of seeing things sounded somewhat happy to hear it lol
I just wish people would take us more serious and actually acknowledge us. A lot of people seem to think less of our opinion because we're "only half gay/straight". Same thing with the media - gay or straight. Nothing else.
A year or two ago one of my favorite companies released a game where one of the main characters is bi. It's canon, confirmed by their official blog a d on the wiki. Yet people STILL decided that the character HAS to be gay. Or straight. Still bugs the shit out of me. I want more representation for us in games, too.
No. 56496
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I'm bisexual. And biromantic. I hate to have to say I'm also biromantic, but people like labels, and unfortunately, somehow most bi women I know IRL are only bi if they want to fool around/have sex every once in a while/experiment with other girls. So I kinda feel that I have to explain I'm not only into girls when I want fun sex or a hook-up, but that I also get romantically involved with them. It sucks, man. I agree with the other anon who talked about myths being untrue (we're overtly sexual, it's just a phase, people grow out of it, etc), but I do feel nervous when I develop feelings for a bi girl because I think she may leave me for a dude… Because it's happened before. Same with my best friend as well (a lesbian). I hate to say this but we've become wary of some "bi" girls… It's like you get super involved and in love with them just to get dumped when a man shows up. Yeah, I know not everyone is like this and I'm definitely not like this, and maybe you're not like this either, but this is my story and what I've seen.
No. 56498
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>>56468I'm bisexual. I guess. I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more into women. In fact, pretty much the only guys I'm into are anime and video game characters. The last time I had a crush on a guy irl was years ago. But women are so much prettier and easier to fall in love with.
I wish it was the opposite. Getting into a straight relationship is easy, but finding other women into women is pretty much impossible here.
No. 56501
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>>56495I think I'm in a similar situation to you. I'm in a very happy, long-term relationship with a man but I really regret not taking it further with women. I definitely think I'm more attracted to women; they're more thoughtful, beautiful, sensual, kind…just better lovers overall. It seems that most bisexuals/asexuals/w.e lean towards dating women too.
But yeah I can't deny that I would have fallen in love with anyone regardless of gender/sex and that's how I met my current boyfriend. I love being able to look past silly things and see the beautiful soul beneath.
No. 56507
>>56493Lol WRONG. I'm not attracted to trans people, etc. at all (i'm not transphobic tho). I am only sexually/romantically attracted to cis people of both genders. How is that not bisexual? What's it called then? to be sexually and romantically attracted to cis men and cis women, but not transgenders, transvestites, etc.?
if people like me exist, and people like you exist, then bi vs. pan is a real thing, not something invented by tumblr.
No. 56512
>>56499Yes, definitely, it can happen to anyone regardless of sexual orientation, but most of the time who does that type of shit are 'bi' women. Maybe reality is just like
>>56502 explained.
Many lesbians don't even want to date bi girls anymore because of this.
they were probably just experimenting, calling themselves bisexual and giving "actual" bi women a bad name (i typed actual between " because in the end who's to judge one's sexuality? I shouldn't. i'm doing it, but i know i shouldn't. still, of course i'm gonna judge someone who says they looove pussy and their current gf but dump them as soon as they get a D – more than once! it's hard to take them seriously)
just sharing two links related to the topic. they're not really serious, but if you're in a similar situation they may help: No. 56514
>>56512from one of said links. i couldve written this myself because its exatcly how i think, unfortunately:
Jason Gauthier, Aspiring Solicitor
Written 4 Jun 2014
I have had this discussion with one lesbian. Her view is that most bisexual girls are just straight girls with daddy issues.
This is similar to the prevalent view among straight women that most bisexual men are really gay.
If you're bisexual, (a lot of) women will always assume you're really interested in men.
Gay men, on the other hand, assume bisexual men are primarily interested in them.
Straight men, assume bisexual woman are primarily interested in them too.
This might speak to the relative states of self-confidence of each sex.
No. 56517
>>56495Pansexual is not just a word some random on tumblr invented for their bio. pansexual is a real thing totally apart from bisexuality that you can find in all of the official English dictionaries, like Oxford and Collins. And it exists for a reason,
to differentiate between people who are attracted to men and women (bisexual) from people who are in addition attracted to non-cis gender identities, which is a whole separate thing. Please don't spew ignorance just because you googled "pan vs bi" and probably read an unreliable source that didn't explain it properly. They are not the same thing, and they are not interchangeable. No. 56526
>>56507but then isn't pansexuality itself oppressive? It's fetishizing trans people, by denying that trans people aren't male and female, like they want to be, and instead put them in their own category - or what?
Bi always just meant men or women, not "oh, I'm a male pansexual because my girlfriend has SWYER syndrome, so she's not actually cis." ??
No. 56527
>>56526I guess I had a stroke at the end and deleted half of my sentence at the end there.
Bi always meant men or women, not anything else to me. I don't see why someone feels the need to categorize their sexuality that much further, as to differentiate between androgynous people, intersex people, or trans people - seems dehumanizing to me, since I have an intersex condition. My husband is straight, not pan - see how silly this sentence reads? -> continue "on, I'm a male pansexual…"
No. 56529
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Pansexuality isn't a new concept but it's only really been brought into fashion recently. I'm not going to label myself with a fashionable sexuality. I've been calling myself bisexual for years and I'm comfortable with it, I don't need to change because some trans people on tumblr are screaming to change the definition of my sexuality.
Traditionally, the word "bisexual" has been used for what people are describing above. Promoting the idea of "pansexuality" is disrespectful towards bisexuals imo as it assumes that NO bisexuals are attracted to trans people (while in my experience talking to other bisexuals, is not true). If you're not, you could state that you're trans-exclusive if it's that big of a deal to you, but even that doesn't make sense to me. If you're attracted to men and women, their genitals and appearance matching shouldn't be an issue because it's implied you like BOTH.
I think all these tumblr trans trenders are annoying but it's silly to assume you're not attracted to any of them based on your experience of tumblrinas. I know plenty of normal trans people irl who are lovely and I've definitely crushed on some of them. It's different when you know someone in real life and you're familiar with their personality.
At the end of the day, I don't like people telling bisexuals what exactly their sexuality is (when it's theirs to define for themselves) and forcing another label upon them. There are enough myths about us and we get enough hate from both straight and LGBT circles so let's not force this silly "pansexual" thing.
No. 56573
>>56468I'm bi but basically a virgin with girls. Not that I had many male partners so the math adds up, as about 3% of the female population is gay.
I feel bad for calling myself bi when all I did was slightly fool around but never had proper sex or a relationship with a girl. Still I like girls in a different way than men but it just seems so hard to get in a relationship with one (it's already hard as it is with men and it's way easier to tell when one is interested, or potentially interested).
I went about 3 years with no sex/no relationship after my first breakup and I'm not even considered ugly so Idk what to do, or how to do it. I tried online dating, I tried hanging out in gay bars. I just look at women in the streets and wish they were as much gay women as straight ones bc holy hell it's HARD.
>>56544FTM are really shit out of luck for now, I hope we find a way to make real or cyborg dicks in the future :( Though I'd be down to date a ftm if they still had their vagina
No. 56600
>>56593I'm not sure if I got this right since English isn't my first language and I suck at making structured sentences but here it goes.
The reason people feel "discriminated" against is because they don't want people to think they're straight, because they're not. There probably are idiots who want to play "victim" but others don't want to be reduced to being "just straight" or to be told their opinions don't matter in the community simply because they're in a het relationship. Bisexuals who are in hetero relationships aren't straight. Sure, they don't get the same shit as gay people, obviously, but you can't really deny the fact that they're not straight.
(I feel like I just wrote the same sentence 3 times fml)
No. 56605
>>56600I'm bi and this is exactly how I feel.
The problem isn't that I feel discriminated against because people don't know I also like pussy, it's that gay people treat me completely straight. I get that my experiences are different to that of a gay person, but they're not straight experiences either. They don't go away just because I'm dating a guy.
I don't want any special treatment, I just want it to be acknowledged that I'm not straight, but it feels like bi people are seen more as allies than members of the lgbt+ menagerie
No. 56610
>>56593Yeah, I don't think you understand. From my personal experience, I've been left out of LGBT meet-ups, nights out, groups because the LGT people I know don't believe in bisexuality (like straight up just don't believe it's real). I've had lesbians tell me that they could never date me because I've been with a man before. My LGT friends will constantly refer to me as "straight" despite me correcting them every single time and when they make jokes/gossip about straight people, then look in my direction like I'm supposed to react negatively. They'll purposefully bring up a topic related to LGBT issues, turn to me and say "Sorry, we'll wait until you're gone". The friends of someone I was dating asked her to break up with me because I was "going to leave her for a man" one day. When I was going out with women, I was essentially praised by my LGT friends "omg so proud of youuu~!" but the moment I started dating a man they instantly reverted back to calling me "straight". My mother told me that I was not welcome in our house anymore if I turned out to be a lesbian but despite that, straight people have actually been kinder and more respectful towards me than the community I'm supposedly a part of.
It's a little more than "boo hoo why won't people recognize my sexuality!" It's about feeling isolated and repeatedly having people disrespect you. It's about people in the LGBT community blatantly spreading lies about us (which are the same lies homophobes spread about gay people, ironically "They can choose their sexuality!" "It's just a phase!" "They're dirty!" "They're faking it for attention!" I guess the bullied can't help but become bullies themselves :)) Can't imagine what these people said behind my back if this is the kind of stuff they said to my face.
The fact is that bisexuals get hate from both sides because straight people think we're gay and gay people think we're straight. For some reason, there are people who can't imagine that someone can be both. We don't feel welcome anywhere.
No. 56611
>>56600I like the way you think, anon. I've never had a same-sex relationship and I've never bothered telling my partners I'm bi because it would create an overhead at times. It was not denial tho, if people would ask me, I would tell them what I am right away!
The relationships never quite look like an average straight one and I never managed to keep one for as long as a few months. Maybe that's one of the reasons heheh
No. 56621
>>56620>>56619Which is probably where the "bi girls go straight", that anon mentioned comes from.
Not to mention the gays who don't want to date us becase we're bi, so
No. 56722
>>56619I feel like it's
>>56620 and just the ease of hitting traditional milestones with a hetero relationship that make them more likely in the end. Things might change now that it's easier for gay couples to get married and have kids etc, but I always saw myself ending with a man just because then it's easier to do those traditional things that people feel they need to do when they get older(and then an old lesbian after my kids grow up and I divorde kek)
This is bitchy, but I also haven't met a girl which I would trust to trust me to spend forever with, because of the 'bi girls always go straight' cliche there are always going to be trust issues in a ff relationship. But a man will just see it as normal and expected that you will stay
No. 56769
>>56610This is exactly how it feels like.
It really sucks that the same people who scream "homophobia!" at the minimal chance then do this kind of shit (when they supposedly know how it feels like).
The worst part is that you can't call them out on this or you are bigot. Fuck I can't stand the LGT community's bullshit. There are some lesbians who are really cool people but most of the ones I met have a visceral hatred against bi/het women and I personally can't stand them anymore. I don't trust them.
No. 56795
>>56769I mean, you can call them out. But they'll start screeching and play the victim card
I only recently started to get involved in the community and some people are really sweet but damn the amount of people thinking we're "liars" or just heteros trying to be special is pretty big
No. 60681
>>60680me too anon. i don't want to have to explain pansexuality to normies so bi is easier even though i could go for anyone tbh. your sexuality isn't 'fake' because you haven't been with a lot of same-sex partners (not sure if guy or girl) - my only sexual experience with girls thus far has been very abusive yet i still know that i'm attracted to them.
it's a double-edged sword - you sleep with people of both sexes, you fit thhe typical bi slut stereotype. you don't, well, you're not a legit bisexual then and you won't be until you do. try to ignore everyone else because you know what/who you like and nobody can tell you otherwise.
personally i seem to be more attracted to the idea of femininity - girls, feminine guys, cute guys, even drag queens. super macho burly men have never been my type.
No. 60683
>>60681are you me? i'm attracted to feminine or androgynous people too. no offense to butch ladies (some of them are legit gorgeous) but big burly manly men are just sort of… meh to me? like, if they're nice, sure, but it's never a preference or a plus.
i agree with you on other counts too. we do we.
No. 60688
>>60681Same thing here anon.
I'm bi (well pan, but say be for the same reason as you) and I've been with my bf for 6 years now. Every time sexuality comes up people roll their eyes or don't believe me because I've never been with a girl.
Sucks, but you know better what you like than others. You do you.
No. 60695
>>60688Same with a boyfriend of 3 years, but people always believe my sexuality because I look like a butch stereotype lol.
That being said, pansexuality is stupid. It implies bisexual people are emotionless sluts who don't value being nice/interesting. Obviously anyone looking for a partner wants someone with good qualities. The only difference between a straight person and you is which genders are eligible.
Pan also has a bad rap for a reason…tons of liberal straight girls use it to seem "accepting". Identifying as pan also takes away the sex side of sexuality - making it about your big heart or whatever, so of course women will jump on that, since they're constantly shamed for anything indicating they're sluts/enjoy sex.
No. 60742
>>60681>>60683I'm the same as you two. This leads to me getting attracted to and catching feelings for gay men (mostly twinks), though, which will never not be soul crushing. It's just my luck that I'm always interested in gay men or straight girls.
>>60695I don't understand the need to have an entirely different word. The chances I'm going to meet let alone date a trans or intersex person are very small. That leaves me with cis men and women, the same as 99% of bi/pan people. No matter the case the person I'm with is going to identify as a man or a woman, so what's the point in clarifying "Yeah I'd fuck/date a trans person if I had the chance". What? It's just a stupid game of semantics and pedantics. Not to derail the thread or anything but if there's an actually good reason for the pansexual label I'd like to know it.
No. 60758
>>60742>>60743A bisexual is attracted to cisgendered men and women. Pansexuals are attracted to every type of body, whether it be a cisgendered person, a transperson's body (Which can be inbetween transitions, and a transitioned body sexually isn't 100% the same, at least for FTMs it's not, mtf vaginas i can't tell the difference with).
Plus it also adds intersexed persons (hermaphrodites), and possibly people with sexual deformities (like the chick with two vaginas).
I'm bisexual and I am not attracted to transpersons.
For me this is mostly about the baggage though. Every trans person I have befriended or gotten into any form of relationship with has been hell to deal with. I mean, it's logical they're going to have a little more baggage in terms of self worth and appearance than your average person. That's a given.
But my worst experience kinda shows what I mean. This was a transgirl. I met her online just looking for friends but I guess despite being trans, the man side of her that said "Friends means we can FUCK" was kicking in because day one she was trying to get me into more shit.
I was going through a lot of depression at the time and was dressing down a lot. Not really wearing anything to make me stand out (So a t-shirt and jeans most of the time with a hoodie) and my hair was cut short so i didn't have to deal with it.
So maybe she thought I was masculine and shit or maybe she was projecting her sexual desires onto me.
But she insisted I get on top when we were dry humping and treat her like the girl (i.e. hump against her ass like I had a dick).
I obliged at first (dear god being the guy sucks if you're not fit or can't autopilot like guys do) but it quickly got more and more out of hand.
She'd keep putting me down a lot and would always come back with "GURL I"M A HONEYBADGER YOU CAN'T BRING ME DOWN" when all i asked her was to stop asking me to be a guy.
As someone who was struggling with self esteem issues in a different way (i.e. being a cisgendered girl who felt masculine and ugly) it was really difficult, and her utter unwillingness to understand how I felt because she experiences more difficulties being herself and "doesn't give a shit" about it just crushed me.
Aside from her I have only had one good experience even being friends with a transgendered person (I'm sorry but too many FTMs are either fake, or still act like fakeassbitches despite wanting to be masculine).
The last reason is that I have trouble seeing some transgendered people as the gender they want to be. For example, I had a massive crush on a transmale (the one good one as said above) but I never pursued it because I realized I didn't see him as a him, I saw him as a boyish girl (and god do i love boyish girls) and i thought that was too disrespectful to be able to pursue a relationship..and that's usually what it is in the end for me. I get attracted to a transperson for what they are physically rather than the gender they feel they are, and would lose attraction to them if they changed.
Add the fact that most FTM trannies at least are just too ugly to be considered girls and are all glued to tumblr and I just can't do it, I'm too shallow.
So that's why I find a difference between the terms.
No. 60782
>>60742there are a lot of people who don't want to be with someone who's had HRT or surgery, or even not being able to enjoy their partner's body how it currently is (may trans people don't really want to be treated as their biological sex during intercourse). that's why the need for the word.
i personally have a huge problem with body modification of any kind, so i wouldn't be able to be with someone who was post op or post HRT trans. pansexuals are accepting of those kinds of things.
pansexuals are not better or worse than bi people, like tumblr would have you believe it's just another sexuality. like any other sexuality, it's important in certain situations, such as dating sites, to let someone else know whether you're interested in them or not. in my case i want people to know i am uncomfortable physically with trans people.
the stigma around being bi comes from porn and pop culture. a lot of men are attracted to multiple women being together, and with them, so the portayal of bi people in the media is really centered around sex. couple that with experimentation and then it gets worse. similar stigmas exist for lesbians and gays but i think being bi is more accessible. the idea that you'd want to have sex with a guy and also a girl is arousing to alot of people, which sucks, but not everyone feels that way, and working towards normalizing different sexuality in the media will correct this problem eventually.
the real problem is with tumblr and the stigma around non-pansexuals. when i was on dating sites i would often get harassing or threatening messages from tumblr-types about being transphobic and it's really unfair. those people try to dictate other people's sexuality and at the same time claim to be more accepting. i even have trouble with my current boyfriend's circumcision because i am uncomfortable wth genital modification, for someone to tell me to be okay with something even more extreme is terrible. i don't understand why people act that way.
No. 60844
>>60837this is ridiculous, call yourself pan, that's what you are. labels are there so other people can understand you, not so you can define them yourself. bi means two and pan means all, that's why the terms aren't the same. trans people aren't really their biological gender, and they're at risk for violence if the person is really transphobic, and shock! bi people can be transphobic. in any case i think you missed alot of the real argument here is that people are butthurt by tumblrtards saying that being bi is wrong somehow, which like
>>60782 said, it's not. they also explained that they can't physically deal with post-op trans bodies, which isn't at all what you said.
you sound like part of the problem, bi and pan have their place.
No. 60851
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not to sound like a total fucking shut-in, but is anyone else only attracted to 2d men and real women? i've posted in the husbando thread a few times, but when it comes to real men, i couldn't be more repulsed. idk if this means i'm actually bisexual or not.
definitely into to other women, though.
No. 60858
>>60851very relatable but the big difference is i started identifying as a lesbian because of this. my girlfriend is also the same, we talk about how cute some 2D guys are but then when it comes to irl men unless theyre really fucking super hot we're disinterested, ive met a few other lesbos who feel this way too
also before anyone gets
triggered for a lesbian posting here i was reading through this thread to try and be a better ally and just thought i'd chime in since more perspective is better sometimes
No. 60878
>>60851I'm the opposite, but can relate to you anon.
I find 2d and 3d men hot, although I'm not that interested in sex, so judge men primarily on personality + money.
With 2d girls though, lol, I can definitely form crushes. 3D doesn't work for me though.
No. 60892
>>60851I think it's because it's the whole "perfect fictitious man" thing. Like you know how the character acts and when there isn't anything canonically you can fill in the gaps with your own fantasies and theoretically you can't be wrong because it's not a real character.
Whereas 3d men are complete wildcards. You don't know what they're thinking or what they can do, and so many men are so scummy that you think they aren't worth it.
3d women on the other hand are less of a mystery. You (to some level) know and can relate to other women so they are comfy and nice, so you can actually see yourself befriending and maybe even dating one.
No. 60966
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>>60851Definitely know what you mean. In my case, I think it might have a lot to do with what
>>60892 said.
I'm in a long term relationship with a guy that's not going that great, and I think that has made my attraction to women and 2D men even worse. I find myself accidentally comparing him to fictitious guys and wishing I could be with a woman instead.
No. 61915
>>61905I can't give anything helpful, but I can warn away from tinder in trying to meet other women. when i was set to male and female, just so many guys being like " so you fuck girls haha ;)" and girls wouldn't speak to me. When I was set to just women, they still wouldn't speak to me. good luck, anon!
both myself and my boyfriend are bi, and while I've been with girls he's never been with a man. He sometimes acts like a bit of a muscle twink in bed and wants me to peg him. I've never had my validity questioned but I've never tried to involve myself heavily in the LGBT scene locally because I never had much issue coming to terms with my own sexuality and now, I know I'd be excluded for being " straight-passing"
Think we'll go to pride next year tho with my gay aunty and her wife, after they get married
No. 61924
>>61915Is it just me thinking it's really hard to meet girls when you're bi and kinda outgoing already ? I'm ashamed because I literally never had sex with a woman, or had a serious relationship with one so I feel like my validity as a bi is null.
I tried dating apps, putting my sexuality as bi and messaging a ton of girls on okcupid (the amount of unicorn hunters, fake profiles and "sapiosexual-demisexual" is astounding), tried gay only dating apps etc …
Girls are either sjws with that dumb miniature bangs haircut and grandma glasses tumblr look, angsty as fuck or simply flaky. Or trans, cool…
And in the meantime I continue to go out and get hit on by really cool decent men, with a stable life and handsome at that.
I really want to try dating girls but it's such a fucking hurdle. The amount of girls who are bi or lesbian in the area is already fucking low but you have to take out the uglies, the couples, the polyamouros and the anxiety riddled ones.
No. 61931
>>61930>they're not trying to date them just for the hell of it.Anon literally said "I feel like my validity as a bi is null" because she has no experience with women,
and went on to follow it with "I really want to
try dating girls" but she can't because apparently ~all girls suck~ (uglies, couples, polyamouros and anxiety riddled) whereas ~all boys who hit on her are "cool decent men"~
Bi women like this give all bi women bad reputation.
No. 61932
>>61924Hey-yo, I feel u bro.
The dating pool for lesbians is so small in most communities that they're rightfully shitty about bi women lovin' and leavin' em for men which happens more often than you think.
It is hard for bi women though, most of my friends are lesbians and they're always defending me from other lesbians who delightfully call me a cock-sucker at clubs lmao. My friends know me though, they know I'm not just a college girl looking to experiment and then go "this is hard, my parents cut me off so I'm gonna get a boyfriend instead, bye" because I've been part of the community for so long.
I've talked to them about this before though, that if you attack every fresh-faced young girl experimenting with her sexuality then that pool's going to get even smaller. I have a friend who turned out to be a lesbian that almost got MARRIED to a guy because she was told so often that she was faking it. Luckily she met a lovely gay woman and they're really happy together.
Idk, I'm on the lesbians' side because of all the bull they have to put up with but the sad baby bi inside me just wants to beg everyone to stop chasing kids off.
No. 61950
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Is anyone here resigned to the fact that you'll probably never be with a girl? my taste in girls fits in with what you call a "lipstick lesbian", a feminine girly girl who likes other feminine girly girls. This is weirdly very rare?? like two chicks with dresses and makeup and high heels and everything. you see it a lot in porn, but not irl. In fact the ONLY example I've ever seen is petitepasserine and nicholael. I envy that SO MUCH. But I'm already in my 20's and my desire to have a baby with a guy is much stronger than my desire to be in an intimate relationship with a girl like this. I don't plan to be a mom who has a relationship on the side unless it's bio dad either. I just don't like the thought of step-parents/mommy's boyfriend/girlfriend. So me being bisexual will probably go to waste.
No. 61956
>>61932Thanks, I totally understand that bi suspicion. It sucks and I don't blame lesbians for it, they already face enough and I get how hard it is to find someone when your dating pool is restricted. If a girl told me she wouldn't date me because I sucked cock before I'd be hurt but to me it's kind of rejecting someone because they slept with too many people, that's their own choice.
>>61931I never said I never had any experience with women. Unfortunately the only gay girls I found so far were pretty far up their own asses so it never went all the way to bed or after a few dates. Or I'm the unluckiest bastard on earth because I end up with butch girls who want to be the typical Chad and screw as many girls as possible. Not that I haven't been offered a gay threesome but it's not my thang.
> ~all girls suck~ (uglies, couples, polyamouros and anxiety riddled) whereas ~all boys who hit on her are "cool decent men"~Nah son, how about I'm decently attractive, funny and am confident enough to socialize with people easily ? I worked a lot on that and my friend's group is relatively big.
I'm just saying, ~my~ own problem is that I want to date girls but girls my taste don't show up as often as guys my taste, what's so hard to get about it ? I'm attracted to girls but when a dude with a stable situation, funny, respectful and handsome shows up I don't exactly want to put him in the "wait til I try and find the girl version of you"-zone.
>>61947Thanks, I don't mind being told snobby or dickish for having standards, but you got the point though. I was probably a bit harsh and venting but it's not like I didn't set up several dating profiles, some on girls only websites, went on dates and navigate through the fakes, the hunters and the flakes. If I merely tried to have a college experience I wouldn't go through that for years.
No. 61957
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My one weakness are career women/confident professionals who look in charge but still feminine.
My portfolio management lecturer almost fits the bill but she's a bit too Ellen DeGeneres for my taste. One time I saw the most gorgeous banker at my college's career fair and she was so pretty and kind I couldn't stop thinking about her for months.
I wish I had an older female mentor gf, but older women never seem to be into those kinds of relationships, not even professionally. They always see younger females/female professionals as competition (or so I've been told), which is sad because I just… don't. I always respect and revere them. And want to suck on their tits while they pet my head. No homo.
No. 61961
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>>61950Same situation with me. But I prefer girls so much more than guys. I'll probably be alone, I guess, unless I move to a big city like NYC where there's probably more girly girls.
No. 61977
>>61950me, im v feminine/girly/smol but only less fem girls coo over me
meanwhile I get so flushed when i interact w/ another smol cute girl and fantasize
No. 62012
>>61915In Tinder you can't see the other person's sexuality, it only shows photos and bio. It's weird that guys told you that, are you sure it wasn't another site?
In Tinder I always find some beautiful girls tbf, it's the best dating app at least in my area (the other one is Wapa but it's full of fake profiles, butch girls and crazies - not my cup of tea). The only thing is that only few of them actually reply. A lot of them only press like, match, but don't talk back. It's weird
No. 62410
My status has always confused me, in the sense that I fancied girls way earlier than I fancied boys and I find way more women attractive than I do men, but I've slept with/dated more men? Idk it might just be that the dating pool is a lot smaller for various reasons, as other farmers have mentioned, so I've ended up with more guys because more options.
As for bisexuality/pansexuality being the same thing, I don't really think it is. I wouldn't date a trans person, not because I don't like both sexes, but because I wouldn't want to deal with the personality that goes with it. I don't really believe in "transgender" unless it follows onto being actually transsexual, which it doesn't seem to that often! I cba with gender politicians, it's just not for me. I respect other people's identities, but it doesn't mean I want to date/sleep with them. I wouldn't date a religious person either, for this reason. Also, if I'm dating someone who looks like a trad bio male, I most likely want a dick when I get down there, so…
tldr; I think having separate names for people who would happily date trans people is helpful for those in the dating pool. Stops potentially upsetting conversations, at least!
No. 62411
>>60837Someone's body or dress preference may not be the basis of a long-lasting attraction, but I believe it's at least a reasonable part of many people's initial attraction to someone. You don't need to talk down to people who's attraction doesn't work the same way as yours, you're not the dating council.
Maybe some people just want to be differentiated because it's easier for them? It's not necessarily about questioning people's sexuality, just about navigating the situations where knowing someone's sexual preference is important. If a trans person could know from one polite descriptive word that they had a chance (or not), would that not be a good thing?
You just sound like an angry control freak. Yes, I'm sure if people on here met a trans person that changed their mind, they'd go for it. People on here don't like bisexuals because they're engaging in a discussion on a fucking messageboard about bisexual identity? Sure. Like, chill out, don't take it so personally.
Sage for non-contribution!
No. 62425
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Okay, question and I'd like farmers opinions on it:
I've been attracted to girls since my teens. My first time having sex was with one. One of the people I've loved the most, and really left me heartbroken was also a girl.
So yeah, i don't like labels, but if I really need one I guess I've always been bisexual and biromantic.
I got the Kinsey test for fun (because lots of people say it's biased) and I got a perfect 50/50.
But anyway, the older I get, the less interested I am in women. I've always thought I really didn't care about one's private parts: if I love you or/and if I am attracted to you, that's it and fuck it if you have a penis or a vagina. And sometimes my interest in people would vary according to the person I was seeing: I'd barely even notice women around if I was fancying a guy, and vice versa. But those "I'm so gay/straight" days never lasted much and I'd go back to my normal of being attracted to both men and women shortly after.
Why am I talking so much, ugh…
But yeah, I feel like my love and sexual desire for girls has really died. I hate thinking this because I don't want to think it was just a long lasting phase, but maybe… it was? I am 24 now.
I can't see myself with a girl anymore because I don't feel interested in them. Or attracted to them. At all. Trust me, I've tried meeting new girls and it just seems meh and like I'm forcing myself to do something I don't really want to do just to prove myself wrong. I don't really watch much porn, but when I do it's lesbian – still it feels like I do it out of habit, and because most PIV porn seems to hurt as fuck.
Can my interest in women only pop up in me again in many years down the road if I meet the right lady?
If it was really a long phase, then how do I know it was (or not) one?
I know all of this seems like an unimportant thing, and that time will tell, but it's been bothering me so fucking much because I was really comfortable knowing who I was, and with the idea of knowing what I wanted… but now I feel like I don't know anything about myself and need to revaluate everything again.
Tl;dr not sure if I just had a really long bi phase or not, and i want to know if not liking/being attracted to women anymore is normal and comes in sparse cycles.
No. 62431
>>62425I went/am going through something similar. My first relationship was with a girl, my first time having sex was with her, I consider her probably my "purest" love, etc.
As it stands, I'm not really sure of my sexuality. I find myself sort of turned off from dating or having sex with women, but I'm also in a relationship right now with a man. I don't find much of anyone else sexually attractive, men OR women. I still get the occasional girl crush, but my attraction to them is mostly from a distance or objective.
But when I think of my ex-gf, I miss that sort of relationship. And girls are nice.
Who knows.
No. 62432
>>62430how is it ironic? lesbians are a far smaller piece of female population than bi women and they still find dates and settle down in that tiny community just fine.
we on the other hand are pretty common and I question any bi woman who feels the need to ignore all of us and insist on chasing after lesbians as if they owe us something.
it's like when straight women with commitment issues chase after unavailable men to make sure the relationship will fail in advance.
No. 62433
>>62425What you are feeling is perfectly normal for a bisexual woman, we are all fluid to various degrees. Our attraction to different sexes comes and goes with time and mood and sometimes I could swear I am asexual (and other times I'm like a nympho). In fact I thought I was asexual for the longest time because as a kid I was surrounded by straight girlfriends who kept having crushes on classmates and famous actors/pop stars and shit and I had to make up names and lie about having a crush all throughout the primary and middle school to fit in and seem "normal".
And then in hs I fell for a female teacher (lol) and a guy at the same time. Then for 8 years I was only into women and now into mid-twenties I am noticing men again. I used to be so sure I would settle down with a wife and now I am questioning myself and watching kids in parks and imagining having a traditional family. Both my first kiss and sex was with girls.
You are not a lesbian because lesbians do not posses the ability to be sexually attracted to the male sex ever, not as a phase, not as an experiment, not ever.
No. 62434
>>56530fucking this, I was excited to see a bi thread since I don't come across much of bi talk and
>it's all fucking pan and trans discourseholy fuck I hate you people
No. 62435
>>61957Lol this is hilarious because I pretty much fit that bill but I'm in a long term relationship (with a man). I fell in love with three women before him, sadly wound up with a broken heart after each relationship. He and I just happened to click in the right way and stayed together. I am definitely more gay than straight and typically can't even stand men. However I really miss being intimate with a woman and have been fantasizing about it a lot lately. (I was tempted to try a threesome with my current relationship a few times but I chickened out each time and fuck do I regret it. But I am still lowkey wondering if I should tell him how much I miss being with a woman and see if we can come up with a solution.)
Anyway, I'm a career woman in the medical field. Always go for a business casual and feminine look but I am attracted to both masculine and feminine women. I've always been a bit naive and emotionally stunted when interacting with people so I also had that fantasy when I was younger to have an older female mentor girlfriend as well, mostly because I was so inexperienced with people and life. I am a weird mix, I am pretty submissive about some things but dominant about others and when I was younger I wanted someone who could put me in my place and guide me.
Now that I'm in my late twenties and have been through enough shit to have some sense of this world, I oddly do not mind the idea of a younger girlfriend so long as she is decently forward and dominant in her own way. I used to think it was strange for a younger partner to be more dominant than someone older, but here I am oddly completely enthralled with the idea of someone younger (but not drastically ofc) going after me and being too naive and impulsive to be rational while doing as she pleases with me. (Even though I'm not that old in comparison, I feel like I sound like a seedy old fuck when I say that though, ugh.) But if I was with someone like that, I would also love to spoil her, buy her some nice things from time to time, take her to nice restaurants, etc. especially if she is still working on her career or finishing college. I never had that when I was younger and would love to share those kinds of experiences with her if she wanted.
Sorry, that probably sounds all kinds of wrong, but I guess what I am trying to say is there are some out there who fit what you are looking for. It's just hard to be obvious about it, since there are so many repercussions for not only being a lesbian but also being okay with dating someone younger.
Anyway, don't give up hope anon. I am sure you fill find someone older who is into that kind of relationship. Sage for blogging and pointless daydreaming.
No. 62549
>>62012I put interested in guys and girls is my bio intially, then removed it when it was clear that it was a hindrance. Still nothing.
Guess my area just wasn't particularly gay unfortunately
No. 62944
I am attracted to girls but only sexually, I blame the fact that I watched so much porn growing up and generally the softer stuff (that I started with) is always lesbian. So it probably rewired my brain. I masturbate pretty much solely to lesbian porn too. But I don't think I would ever want to be with a girl irl, especially not in a relationship. I have been tempted to try tinder and look for a femme girl who just wants to come over so we can eat each other out, but I don't really have the balls to do such a thing. I remember a few vague lesbian experiences when I was much younger, with my friend (including scissoring with her lol but we were just curious kek).
I don't really feel attracted to girls irl (but get a lil moist around really high maintenance, snobby, bitchy girls - I think I'm attracted to ultra femme girls only). I guess I kind of want to get dommed by a hot girl. I saw some porn where a girl gets punished, humiliated and pissed on by her female classmates, and now it's one of my biggest fantasies. The idea of getting hazed and being a sex slave for dominant girls gets me off too.
Irl however I have only ever wanted to be in relationships with men. I am only capable of loving cis males. I am only capable of romantic feelings towards men. Sex with a guy I really love is the best, but I think sexually, I will always have a longing for pussy. However, I plan to exclusively have relationships with men only. But that lesbian fantasy isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I've heard that this kind of sexuality in females is very common. Luckily I can separate love and sex very easily. If my lesbian fantasy doesn't happen, I won't care too much. I'm quite happy with just getting dick.
No. 62959
>>62944Hey I'm in almost the exact same boat as you, but my fantasy switches between being dommed by a thicc milf or domming a shy gal.
I actually fingered/ate out a girl and she did to me once because of those kinds of feelings and to be honest I fucking hated it lol. Flirting with her was really fun and I got really turned on but once it got down to it my puss dried the fuck up. Though, it did cool down the lesbo shit in me a lot and now I don't feel weird or gross watching some kinds of het porn.
Sexuality is a bizarre thing.
No. 62962
>>62944I'm the same way and I also kinda blame porn, I always watched lesbian orgies and hazing/sorority porn growing up. I kind of wish I was romantically attracted to girls – I can
see the appeal, but I don't
feel the appeal.
No. 64672
>>64669No it isn't. There's never been a documented case in history of H.I.V. transmitting from oral sex with a woman. hasn't even been a documented case of S.T.I. transmission of any kind from oral sex with women unless the woman receiving oral was mensturating or having an outbreak, both of which are obvious. what kind of idiot shares a dildo during sex? Just bring one for each of you if it's that important, and make sure they're different colors so they're immediately visually distinctive.
No. 64858
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Pretty much have come to terms that I'm bisexual, yet when it comes to men I can only imagine myself with my 2-D fictional husbandos. The thought of being with a man irl isn't all that appealing.
Also pretty similar to
>>61950 and
>>61961, I'm only attracted to girly girls. Unfortunately all the bi girls/lesbians in my area are SJW types, some to an extreme, and its just…so discouraging.
No. 64904
>Maybe the whole 'bi girls go straight eventually' thingThat's pretty much dude availability though. Guys are hornier, more forward for a variety of social reasons, and there's a lot more of them.
It's sort of flipped around for gay guys. But (not trying to be homophobic here) I've heard one of the culprits for HIV in gay men is that they just sleep around a lot more (the other being the mechanics of anal sex).
So bisexual men have a thing where there are many "hard to get" women, and a few "easy" guys.
Bisexual women have a thing where there are few "hard" women, and many "easy" guys. So many easy guys. Everywhere. So it's not surprising at all that most bisexual women go straight; it's literally 100x more probable.
No. 77271
>>77269yeah. i too had a sexuality identical to what june claims and a bunch of other anons relate to wrt only attracted to women but not romantic and only vice versa for men.
but what a damn coincidence that there's so little easily accessible media that 1) portrays lesbian romantic relationships 2) puts men in the sexual object role and women in the sexual subject role in a genuine, non-fetishy way
if you don't have inspirational media and your imagination doesn't come up with these things, what's left is irl experience, and many of us only have experience with men because as another anon said, it's just way easier to come by.
my point is i think "genuine" 50/50 sexual and romantic bisexuality might be more apparent for a lot of us if what resonated with us wasn't so biased towards sexualizing women and romanticizing men. i know that i used to think i wasn't sexually attracted to men until i found guys who were my type and into putting themselves in "the female gaze" if i may. i guess i've always been mainly into being the sexual subject. it seems actually pretty rare for straight guys, at least to the point that the few who do it aren't usually my physical type.
sorry if that was a bit incoherent the june thread just awakened feels in me that i thought i had moved on from
No. 77272
>>77270True, but there can be other more social factors that influence that. You could be bi and not see yourself in a relationship with women because you haven't jived romantically with women you've met, have some issues with other women you haven't dealt with, or just been taught to expect a relationship with a man.
Then there's the people who will go "You think you want to date women but you need to experiment to find out", like that one girl in the thread.
No. 77277
>>77271I'm kinda interested in what you say about sexual subject/sexual object stuff. My experience has been a bit different.
I know when I was a kid/teen I tried so hard to "figure out" how to see guys sexually the way I saw women. and looked at pictures of different guys to see if I could find any I could view as the sexual object. I never did figure it out, gave up, assumed I was just gay. With women I wanted to be the sexual subject more than the sexual object and tbh couldn't really see myself in the position of "sexual object".
I met a guy, we became close friends, and ended up dating. I still can't see him like a sexual object, I can't relate to girls that talk about certain features a guy has they love. I like to look at his face but for his body all I can say is "well there's nothing wrong with it", it'd be the same for any guy really. I think the reason I'm able to enjoy sex with him is because I realized how to put myself in the position of sexual object and realize I could also enjoy that. With women I'd lead towards being the "subject" but could also be the "object", with men I could only be the "object". I'm not sure if it was a good or a bad thing. Sorry if this is also incoherent, I just feel a bit confused about myself.
No. 77279
>>77278>>77275Same exact experience here. Even if it's well-intended, some of this stuff about being an objectifying misogynist is harmful to women who are attracted to women. I think the whole idea of being a sexual subject or object is different from person to person, and not everyone who is bi will experience their attraction in the same way. Also one isn't inherently better or worse than the other, the harm comes from the overall patterns in society that tend to put women in the object position, which bleeds over to other things.
As for whether that attraction is influenced by media, it doesn't change the fact that that attraction still exists, and I doubt someone straight could be conditioned to have an attraction to the same sex if regular conversion therapy doesn't even work.
No. 77297
>>77266I was a teen in the 90s and i remember when bisexuality was huge in movies/shows with women x women. It was only used mainly as a form to pleasure men though. It's sad, but there are still a ton of pathetic women out there (like June) who only makeout with women when they're drunk and with men around. Why do you think so many threesomes are women x women x men?
We're still living in a society where bisexual women are held to a high standard, but only if both women are ultra femme. It's a huge form of sexism. Media is a huge influence on straight girls, esp basic bitches who want attention.
(Hope this is still on topic.)
No. 77326
>>77325I don't believe "romantic orientation" is a thing. I don't think there's something that's set inside you that decides who you develop feelings for or not. If you have sexual attraction towards an entire gender but don't want to date them, I think that's just something about your personality that developed that way and doesn't really need any kind of label. Considering you can develop feelings for all kinds of people you never would have "seen yourself" wanting to be with just by imagining it, it seems pretty pointless.
I'd be happy to hear why you think it is though, maybe I'm just not getting something.
No. 77328
>>77325To add:
Sexual attraction is a really instinctual kind of thing. What a man or a woman is, physically, is defined very strictly, and your brain responds to different stimulus with arousal or lack thereof.
"Love" is very much a complicated higher brain emotion. Discounting asexual people here, you'd normally fall in love with people of the sex you're sexually attracted to, so that you'll y'know, be having sex with them. So something seems off to me with the idea of "I can't see myself dating anyone of this gender". If the body parts aren't a problem, what defines a woman or man, in a relationship sense? That's just personality right? And obviously not everyone in the same sex has the same personality. So if you're saying you don't see yourself dating women, isn't that just saying you don't feel like you click romantically with the kind of people most women are? To me it seems like making "I like shy guys" or "I don't like shy guys", into a sexual identity.
You don't find a lot of people saying they're any kind of exclusionary -romantic sexuality other than bisexual heteroromantic either. To me that's either bisexual girls who can't see themselves dating girls since they've been socialized to expect that they'd only ever be with guys, or straight girls that got confused somewhere.
No. 77432
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>be bisexual
>hear people say this bullshit all the time
>"tehehe le bi gf is better because you can stare at girls together"
"Bisexual" doesn't mean "cuck". When will they learn
No. 77434
>>77432Exactly, no self respecting bi person does this shit
it just screams "I want attention"
>>77433I mean sure, but yeah ogling people in public is super gross and I have no idea how people would find that attractive.
No. 78339
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>>78074I used to be very similar but I honestly developed a taste for them as well as PIV sex. It's like my attraction to men and women developed at different rates which was really confusing growing up. I felt romantically and somewhat aesthetically attracted to men but never wanted to do anything sexual with them, but with women the sexual attraction was early and strong. I think the change was a big combination of things. I always figured I was gay and in denial and that scared me, so I didn't explore or push my attraction to men for fear that I'd realize I didn't like them at all, when it actually ended up being the opposite. That probably sounds fucking crazy but maybe some bi farmers know what I mean. So after treating vaginismus, realizing I have a "type" for men, accepting my sexuality no matter what it turned out to be, getting over fear of men and fear of being gay, and being less ashamed of my sexuality, I ended up becoming very physically sexually attracted to men and enjoy fucking them, which honestly wasn't the outcome I was expecting at all. I was really ready to face being gay with ~compulsory hetereosexuality~ but it turned out I really do like dudes but that part of my sexuality had been suffocated with fear and doubt.
No. 78428
>>78074I have the opposite problem. I love dicks, but I find women a lot more sexually appealing to me than men. I'm romantically attracted to both genders, but as for sex I prefer women a lot more. And I have no problem with vaginas and I love them as well, but I can't help but lament the lack of a penis. Guess that's why I'm so into futa.
>>77432I hate this bullshit so much. Just because you're hypersexual and could find a fucking phone booth sexy doesn't mean you're bi. This is exactly why people are so prejudiced against bisexuals, straight girls playing bi took over the whole term because they thought a supermodel is hot.
No. 78509
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men are good for fucking and just overly disappointing beings, women on the other side are wonderful and even tho I hate the idea of marriage and monogamy, from time to time I imagine myself married with a woman and having kids, cooking with her, supporting her and becoming better versions of ourselves together, brushing her hair, putting lipstick on her and kissing her and ofc amazing sex :(
No. 78515
I grew up in a very religious house hold, so naturally I was primed to feel ashamed about normal sexual desires. This is especially true when it came to anything gay/lesbian.
I eventually grew up and rejected my parent's religious beliefs, but by then the damage had been done, and it was impossible to simply unlearn every negative thing I was taught over night. Over the years I have learned to not feel so ashamed when it comes to having sexual desires, but sometimes I think that I am permanently 'damaged' by religion.
I have always found women pretty and I have always found myself sexuality attracted to them. I can definitely see myself having sex with a woman. But I just do not find vaginas sexually appealing. Someone said on here they don't like penises, well, I feel that way about vaginas. In my head, I've always wanted to do everything with a woman possible except eating them out or fingering them (unless they are wearing underwear, then I wouldn't mind fingering them above the fabric).
Back in my "SJW" days I truly bought in to the idea that sexuality was purely a social construct and anyone could be attracted to non-straight people and body parts if they just unlearned everything harmful society taught us. But it's been years since I started my journey of self discovery sans the religion, and I still don't find vaginas attractive. In my journey I have discovered new things about my sexuality, but despite my best 'efforts', I still have never been able to find vaginas attractive. The best I have gotten is I don't find them as repulsive as I once had back in my religious days, but I still just don't like them.
I feel like disliking certain genitals wouldn't be a problem if I was a guy - I've talked with gay and bi men, and they say that not every gay or bi guy is into anal or really into sucking dicks, etc. But I feel like, as a woman, if I say I like women but I don't like vaginas, then I'm "fake". This causes me to feel confused… Do I not like vaginas because of what religion and society taught me? Or am I just over thinking this and it is totally okay and normal for some women to like women but not be attracted to vaginas?
No. 78516
>>78515Honestly don't feel that bad about it, it's not weird. I know there are straight guys that are grossed out by the idea of eating a girl out and etc too. Genitals are fucking weird, it's not that strange to dislike one or both. They were made more for function than beauty and they can be kind of gross. If you ever want to be in a sexual relationship with another woman though, you'd have to at least become tolerant of them.
Have you had sex with a woman before? I used to feel grossed out by vaginas myself, but mellowed out about over time and experience.
No. 78558
>>78556Only because it would be less confusing. Straight people know they're straight because they like the opposite sex and they KNOW they're not gay. When you're bi you spend years questioning if you're really bi or if you're faking half of it. Growing up you feel like both sides of your sexuality have to be perfect mirrors of each other or it's not legitimate, like
>>78515 worrying about her indifference to vaginas making her fake, when tons of ~monosexual~ (hate the word but it's convenient here) don't necessarily like the genitals of their preferred sex but it's still pretty obvious what their orientation is. I've basically had to accept that the bottom line is that I'd be with a man or a woman and the minor differences in how i experience those attractions doesn't really matter.
I still wouldn't want to be gay or straight because being bi feels like a life hack to me. You have the option of that het life but you also literally don't need a man so you can be as picky as you want. Lol no wonder people hate us
No. 79233
>>79230Have you ever had sex with a man? Honestly dicks ARE gross and the idea of straight sex is offputting in theory, but in actuality, as long as the man attached to the dick is not gross, (clean, nice face, your age, reasonable personality) sex is fine. I don't think anyone thinks dicks are sexy, maybe men but not straight women. The fact men try and send the pics like we are supposed to like it is ???
I think it's easy to be a young lesbian just because we are not grossed out by our own bodies, it all makes sense to us VS unfamiliar weird men.
For me the distinction is: I'm only interested in men's personalities in general. Also I want kids, and the fact a man is so different is interesting to me, as well as finding straight sex rewarding in ways gay sex can't be.
After realising that I untrained myself to be bi (like I said it's very easy to be theoretically bi) because both mind and body prefer men in actuality. Preferring women is only in theory. Just offering perspective on this, not trying to say either way is good or bad.
No. 79236
>>79233Good point. I've never had sex with a man, but I've had the opportunity. I never did it though because I haven't liked any of those guys.
I've also experienced sexual assult/harrassment from men, so it might be some sort of trauma and disgust linked to that.
I also have a really sexual female friend who's also bisexual that keeps talking to me about straight things like sucking dick, which is so gross to me and just makes everything worse.
>I'm only interested in men's personalities in general. Also I want kidsI feel the same way tbh. I often find myself attracted to men's personalities because they're more dominant, and most girls aren't. I'd also love to have a nice family with a man. This might be an environmental thing as I was raised in traditional culture.
I guess I should try to work out my issues with sexual assult before I can say 100% sure :/
No. 79730
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I've been hearing that 'scissoring' is a myth and that bi/lesbian women don't actually like that. So I have to ask: is it true? Do most bi/lesbian girls really not like 'scissoring'? The reason I ask is because I haven't been with a woman yet, but that's the main thing I would like to do if I ever sleep with one.
I personally cannot get off unless I lay on my stomach and grind up against something firm, like my mattress. The only other way I seem to be able to get off is if I lay on my back and someone grinds up against me, but I've never had a guy do it long enough to see if that's true. They always stopped right as I was getting really into it and would just go straight into PIV sex, which does nothing for me.
I've tried getting off by just rubbing myself like most girls do, but it just isn't enough pressure and feels bad. When I've been with boys in the past, the only thing that felt really good was when they would lay on me and grind up against me. Them fingering me or eating me out didn't do much or anything at all.
I've always thought about how awesome it would feel to find a girl and we could grind up against each other… but the more I read, the more it sounds unlikely because it's something most girls don't like.
Gif related
No. 79746
>>79730from what I understand it kind of comes down to the bodies of the girls involved. if you're too thin it might be uncomfortable. that's just from what I've heard I unfortunately haven't had the chance to try it yet.
something I've seen in porn that seems doable is just rubbing your pussy against the other girls thigh while your thigh is also grinding against her.
No. 79758
>>79746I guess from what I understand, it's not so much that girls don't grind up against each other, it's more of they don't do it for long, and they can't orgasm from it. Which again sucks, because grinding up against something is the only way I've ever been able to get off.
>rubbing your pussy against the other girls thigh while your thigh is also grinding against herI'm having trouble imagining this, I'll have to look into it later after I've woken up a bit more, hah.
>>79750It's not. And I'm not a lesbian, I'm bi.
No. 79852
>>79845>super flexibleHuh, really? Why? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I can't see it
>>79730I feel you. I can get off in other ways too, but grinding is one of the best
I can do it with men too if I'm on top and there's something extremely hot about the idea…
No. 79854
>>79845hmm I don't think you have to be flexible. You literally just rub someone's pussy with yours. That's not acrobatics.
I used to do it with my friend, it wasn't even completely sexual for us as we were stupid teens fooling around, just something that felt good. Can confirm you can orgasm like this just fine.
Not everyone's willing to try though, especially that there are more pleasurable ways of doing sex.
But it's not impossible or just a lesbian meme.
No. 81647
>>81642Some guys fap to anime goo girls…
it’s fiction and that’s what may be making you interested
No. 83202
>>56468I find myself drawn to women way more than men, BUT a lot of the time I'm unsure of whether I'm feeling friendship or something else. I have always had a difficult time gauging whether my feelings for anyone were romantic or platonic. Women make me really nervous romantically.
I messed up my first (only) chance at a relationship with another woman because I literally felt like I was gonna have a nosebleed every time I was around her.
I'll never know now since I'm happily with the love of my life, who happens to be a man. But I will always wonder!
No. 83206
>>83202same as
>>83202 but I also feel an insane amount of guilt because I'm bi but in a """"straight"""" relationship. I'm sure other gals have experienced this, but it hurts the most when other LGBT people tell us that we're "basically straight"
No. 83242
>>83199I love women with big curly hair, its just too cute, and a cute face to match. The cute part is really abstract, If I find her face cute its cute and that's it, there is no criteria.
I also like them to have some muscle and/or to be a chubby, I just can't find attractive a extremely skinny with no muscle woman.
No. 83330
>>83228Hell, I'd strap it on every time and I'm not even butch.
I can identify with crushing mostly on women and being appalled by male behavior. I don't think I've ever really felt truly loved and satisfied by relationships with men, tbqh prefer sucking cock to PIV, mostly though I fucking love pegging. Most guys don't like it as much as I would want. So yeah.
No. 83338
I'm bi and full of internalised biphobia, please give me advice!
I very infrequently got crushes (on either gender) as a teen and grew up when faking it was what 90% of my peers did, so just kinda assumed it was a myth (ugh) and that thinking girls are hot is just normal and not a bi thing (as mentioned before, I never got crushes on anyone so that in turn meant I never got crushes on girls). These two things made me deny the possibility i was bi until I was an adult (and i'm still not comfortable coming out). I've since had crushes and dated girls so It's not really something i'm confused about, more an insecurity.
I feel huge amounts of shame (and often hide it from my lgbt friends in particular) if i date a guy because i'm terrified i'll look like a 'fake bi'. I never actively look for relationships, so the majority of mine have been hetero since its just more common to bump into straight guys than gay/bi girls, haha. This also makes me doubt myself, like I haven't been able to prove to myself that I'm a good enough bi because I've only dated 2 girls.
Also, my most common reaction to hearing someone is bi is to doubt them because I'm used to fakers, and I hate this about myself.
Do you guys have any advice for this? I hate that i'm untrusting of anyone saying they're bi, and I hate myself every time I get into a het relationship cus I feel everyone is judging me in the exact way that I judge everyone else. I am a horrible person and so massively insecure about my sexuality pls help
(Newfag here so sorry if this is like completely inappropriate)
No. 83363
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>>83338Damn are you me?
I got somewhat past the insecurity by basically being honest and minding my own business. By that I mean, if your sexuality comes up, just say you're bi and leave it at that. If you're not like "i'm so gay you guys!" or "i swear i'm basically straight!" then who has the right to question you? Only people who don't believe in bisexuality at all, which I think you probably believe in by now since you never had an ulterior motive to fake it yet you have these desires very obviously. You're bi. End of story. Which brings me to,
when other people say they're bi, instead of doubting them OR believing them 100%, just accept that you have no idea if they're really bi or really confused or curious. It's something only they can ever know so it's not anything to worry about unless they're asking you for advice or something.
The same applies to straight or gay people! When a dude with a long term gf says he's straight, you have no idea if he secretly has a lot of gay fantasies and may be a closet bi, it's certainly not unheard of, but you probably just more or less take his word for it.
Bisexuality is not a special case. Lots of people fake or don't understand their orientations and preferences. Some people are more blatantly confused or faking than others, but it's just something you can never really know, so it's unreasonable to fully believe or fully doubt what someone tells you about their sexuality.
No. 83458
>>83457The only thing that makes you bi is being attracted to men and women, anon.
I want no threesomes at all, but I'm still bisexual.
No. 83535
>>83457I'm not really interested either, anon. It feels fetishy when people suggest that, tbh, especially since it's often straight guys or "unicorn hunter" couples.
I'm not interested in threesomes much at all because of jealousy. I can see where it'd be fun if I got past the jealousy, though.
I still like women and men, bisexuals aren't a monolith other than that we like men and women!
No. 85389
>>56496I relate to this so much anon.
I feel like a lot of bisexual women just want to hookup with me? They show interest up until the point that they realize I want a serious relationship. :/ Also: observation, it seems like a lot of bi women prioritize male relationships over female ones. Like, they'll 'fool around' with girls, but when it's a guy, she's 'committed'.
No. 85431
>>85389Unfortunately, this has to do with there being more guys available in the dating pool. Take my area for example, there aren't that many bi women here, and the ones that are available are either already in a relationship, or they are not someone I would ever want to date, especially not long term. There aren't many lesbians out here either, and the ones that are available, most of them don't want to date bisexual women. This doesn't leave a lot of options to choose from, unless you want to settle for someone you don't really like.
It's not really surprising that lots of bi women eventually end up in long term relationships with men, since there is a lot more options to choose from. Sad but true.
No. 85434
>>85427anon are you me? i've been dealing with a similar thing lately, i definitely think i'm still bi but at this point i like women 99% of the time
>>85431i find it surprising that so many of us do end up with men, i know there's a stereotype about lesbians hating bi women but luckily i've only been with ones who were totally respectful. with guys as soon as they know you're bi they treat you like a sex object and only let you talk about your bisexuality when it turns them on, but when you actually want a relationship with a woman and leave them for one all hell breaks loose
No. 85445
>>85432It sounds like we're mostly on the same page. I don't think bi woman find other bi/lesbian women "disposable", it's mostly boils down to a numbers game. The fact is, heterosexual people can date and dump a lot of people before they land on "the one". Being heterosexual means you won't have as much trouble finding people that you find attractive, are in your age range, into the same things you are, etc. Of course being able to have biological kids and not having to explain your sexuality is another factor, but I argue that it is not the bigger reason why bi woman end up with guys.
Gay/bi people have it harder because the dating pool is already small as it is. It gets even smaller when you consider things like availability, age gaps, life styles, and finding the person sexually attractive.
Using myself as an example, I browsed a couple of dating sites with bi/lesbian women within 2 hours of my location. I ran into a lot of problems:
1. Age gaps - a lot of women in my area were either way too young or way too old. Maybe some people don't mind huge age gaps, but I do.
2. Sexual attraction. I'm not a model by any means, and my standards are not high. But a lot of the women that were in my age range I just did not find myself attracted to. They were either severely overweight, or they were very butch looking, or they looked like Tumblr SJWs. I'm sure these people were nice, but being blunt, I am not attracted to overweight, butch, or SJW type women. I prefer really feminine women, but for some reason there does not seem to be many of those in my area.
3. Conflicting life styles. If I managed to find a woman that was close in age and attractive, what tended to ruin the chances of a long term relationship was that we have very different life styles. I am not into partying, drinking or drugs. I have a career and I want my partner to have a job as well. I am not interested in being someone's "sugar mama". I am also not interested in dating someone who already has kids. No judgement on people who are into to this stuff, but it's not my thing and not what I want in a long term partner.
This happens every single time I search for bi/lesbians in my area, even when I try looking for women hours away. Meanwhile, I can look for men within 1 hour of my location and I'll have several potential matches that are likely to lead to a long term relationship.
I give some of the bi/lesbian women a chance, but I know it's just going to end in a hookup. It's not because I think the women are disposable, but because they are just not what I want in a long term partner. I'm sure there are women that would make great long term partners, but they aren't in my area or if they are, they're already taken.
Honestly, it really sucks. I'm sure not the only bi woman with this problem.
No. 85448
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Anybody here ever been with a man that's scared you'll leave him for a woman? How did you deal with that quelling fear in him and the feeling of misogyny and biphobia that it evokes?
My boyfriend – who I've been with for ~9 months – knows I have a much stronger preference for women; he says himself that he's an "anomaly." I should also note that he IDs as pansexual with a strong preference for women. I genuinely love him, but I know that if we ever broke up I would go back to dating mainly women. I've never told him this, and so I think his fear stems from the fact that my best friend is a lesbian, and him knowing I have a schoolgirl-type innocent crush on 2 female baristas at our local coffee shop.
I have very little interest in ever pursuing anything with my best friend, and I can only see myself ever potentially dating 1 of the 2 baristas I have a crush on should my boyfriend and I ever break up.
And inb4 "you sound like a cheater / if you have crushes on anyone while you're in a relationship, you shouldn't be in a relationship" bullshit, I'm not the type to cheat. In fact, I'm quite content in the relationship I have right now and there's very little I would change about it. I just think those women at the coffee shop are pretty.
No. 85452
>>85449He's always joking about my crush on the baristas, and in fact will one out to me if they happen to be woking that day. Mostly I think he thinks it's funny to watch me try and make casual conversation with them.
He only really brings up this fear of me leaving him (in general, but sometimes he'll mention me possibly leaving him for a woman) when he's tipsy or a little stoned. I assure him pretty much every day that I do see a future with him, etc., usually without prompting and no matter if he's sober or not. He's the first to admit that he's got some deep-rooted insecurities in that area.
No. 85453
>>85448>>85452You sort of don't sound like you are thinking seriously about him cause you are already planning who you would get with if you left him. No wonder he's insecure. You should have left those crushes to yourself and maybe not develop them further. Why are you even still going to that Starbucks? That's playing with fire.
And sure he's laughing about it, how else is he supposed to deal with it and not go crazy? It's a way to pretend he's ok with the fact you can't even go to a cafe without developing a crush on some chick.
I get it you can't control your feefies, but maybe be decent enough to not engage them further.
No. 85454
>>85453The crushes haven't developed past "Oh, wow, she's beautiful and actually has a sense of humor." Why? Because I only go to that coffee shop
with him maybe once every two weeks. I don't go there without him; we never see these girls around the neighborhood; there's never been any instances of me getting to know them outside of how they are at their job.
There was one time that he went there without me and told me later on that one of them said we should all go out for drinks sometime, but he turned her down since I'm 20. I wasn't bothered by it in the least because I hate drinking around most people that aren't him.
No. 85456
>>85448it's normal to have crushes and think other people are cute while you're in a relationship and there shouldn't be any issue unless you're always bringing up how cute other people are to your boyfriend, which doesn't sound like what you're doing. keep reassuring him to a certain point but if at some point you need to tell him to stop being so insecure,
do it. you chose him for a reason and at some point frequent reassurance is unhealthy and a need for it is most likely a sign that he doesn't trust or believe in you enough. if you aren't cheating or seeking out those girls behind his back, you aren't doing anything wrong
No. 145788
>>145786No I'm not the retarded anon that made the two other threads but I did post this there.
I wrote out a really long post but deleted it.
What I need to say here though is that I am bisexual and spent a long time ignoring that, as well as fearing rejection so I avoided it.
I took until I was 20 to fully realize it, despite all of the signs being there.
Romantically, I love men and women the same. Sexually, I love women more.
Though, the crushes I have had on women have been a million times more impactful, butterflies in my stomach…heart racing crushes.
Guys I tend to see as "marriage and kids" bait. If I don't want to be married and have kids with them then I don't want to be with them at all, in fact I probably don't have respect for them.
No. 145789
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Sometimes I worry that the only reason I’m sexually attracted to women is because of childhood trauma that involved cocsa, thus making me fakebi because maybe I wasn’t born like this, but abused into it. It kills me to think that my love is born from tainted water.
No. 145853
>>56468>>145844an answer to all these AM I BI OR LESBIAN!!?!? questions: it's a faux pas to talk about online, but bisexuality can be a stepping stone to lesbianism. if you end up exclusively dating and sleeping with women, then at that point, you are a lesbian. however, if you never date nor sleep with women and only date and sleep with men, then you are straight. if you have dated and slept with both male and female partners and will continue to do so, you are bi.
despite what thought-police twitterfags obsessed with discourse have to say, it's more about what you actually do than what you think. the oppression same-sex-attracted people experience comes from how they act, not what they think about, so labelling yourself should follow the same logic. for example, if you're 300 lbs and you simply fantasize about losing weight and being thin without ever actually doing anything, you're not suddenly considered a thin person, right? you're still just a 300 lb. fatty with dreams.
the reality is many people can view the same sex as attractive in some capacity or another and can fantasize about them, but gay thoughts do not a homosexual make. recognizing your desire is the first step, but actually acting on it is what defines you as homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual.
No. 145859
Did anyone else go to weird lengths to minimize their attraction to women? I've only come to terms with my preference for women this year (and I'm turning 23 soon), but it's been a fucking journey. TMI warning I guess.
Some bullshit I did:
>ease myself into it by first liking femboys as a teen, slowly adding masculine traits to my fantasies (body hair, angular male features, etc.)>would begin masturbating to women, then switch to men to train myself to get off to them>"well, I only like pegging and would hate to be penetrated…but hey, it's str8">at one point, men in my fantasies would only have an asshole and no genitals>socially overcompensate by obsessing over men to increase pressure on myself to like them>draw men often so that I'd find them more appealing with exposureI'm still definitely bisexual, but it's funny how I somehow missed that I did all these (mostly) subconscious things for years. At least I never succeeded in dating a man, or else I'd be one of those anons stuck with someone I love but can never truly be satisfied with. I know I'd be 100% satisfied with a woman and never desire men again, but it wouldn't be the same with a guy.
>>145853You're describing febfem, anon.
The difference is that a bisexual woman can still choose to be with a man and be relatively happy, but lesbians cannot. It's a privilege to have that choice and we can never have the true lesbian experience because of it.
No. 145870
>>145861bi people can get married, of course, but if they will no longer continue to participate in homosexual relationships, they are effectively straight. they will not experience any of the oppression that people in homosexual relationships experience. what significance does your attraction to the same sex hold if you're married to the opposite sex? assuming you are faithful and monogamous, you will not act on it because you intend on being with your partner for the rest of your life, so it has no impact on you, your partner, your relationship, the world at large or societal treatment of you. you could describe yourself as previously bisexual if you have a history of romantic and sexual relationships with both men and women. truly, you can self-describe as whatever you want on an individual level– for many (but not all), sexuality is not as immutable as people insist it is– but when it comes to defining the term to create a protected class in the eyes of institutions, a bisexual person is someone who has the continuing intention of dating and having sex with same-sex and opposite-sex partners. you can't bestow or deny someone rights for what they think, only for how they act, which is why the label should be hinged on behavior and not simply attraction.
No. 145911
>be me, virgin saving sex for marriage, very "trad" from a young age
>have it in my head from the time i'm about 3 years old that i'll find my very much male soul mate as soon as i grow up and we'll live happily ever after forever
>exclusively crush on boys all throughout childhood, never even consider other girls as anything more than friends
>cannot emphasize enough that i'm obsessed with romance, all i ever do as a kid is fantasize about how wonderful it will be to be in love (with a man) and live like couples in movies like the notebook do
>and yet the first time i remember feeling aroused was when i was maybe eight and saw a woman taking off her bikini in a movie
>was super confused by the feeling, never felt what i now recognize as sexual attraction for the male actors i crushed on and daydreamed about marrying before
>try to replicate feeling by looking at shirtless men, can't do it
>all throughout puberty, exclusively get off to same-sex fantasies while maintaining the strictly straight happily ever after daydreams, never even considering women in a romantic way
>finally, fucking FINALLY, when i'm about 17, i learn to connect my emotional daydreams with my sexual feels and develop a sexual attraction for men
>it requires a lot more thinking and feeling on my part than the raw, innate sexual attraction i felt - and still feel - for women, but it feels just as good
>weirdly, can't replicate that emotional sexual attraction with women i'm physically attracted to, and what i feel for women begins to wane as attraction to men increases
>"okay, i guess i'm definitely straight - i guess that was just a phase"
>enter straight relationship, i'm happy while i'm in it and don't have any sexual thoughts about women at all, further validating my thoughts that i'm straight
>it ends badly, i see men for who they really are, all those daydreams i had about soul mates and true love are shattered
>sexual attraction to women comes back, but i'm still not emotionally attracted to them
>can't really experiment since i'm still saving myself for marriage, but i kiss a female friend while drunk and feel… nothing
>it feels like i'm kissing a family member, there's no sexual chemistry at all and my friend is freaking beautiful
>nothing like kissing a man, which always turns me on
>confusion ensues
i'm still not sure what the fuck i am - straight, bi, closeted lesbian who had to force her attraction to men? bisexual or homosexual but heteroromantic? i suppose it doesn't really matter since it'll work itself out eventually (fingers crossed), but i just wish i understood my feelings better. has anyone else here been in a similar situation?
No. 145920
>>145864Yeah, I'm still bisexual since I do find appeal in men and their penises, it's just in a very odd way at this point (and a way that most wouldn't accept).
>Do you have a preference for feminine men when you date them because you like women, or was going through that process solely to "ween" yourself from the attraction to women?I didn't date them, and I think it's a mix of both. The attraction that's there I tried to foster into being bigger.
I guess when it comes down to it I'm just too bisexual to be a lesbian but too into women to function in a straight relationship…
>>145911Are you attracted to your friend? Even if she's conventional, that doesn't mean you specifically will be attracted to her.
No. 146152
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99% sure i'm in love with my best friend, but i'm also not freaking out about it because i might just never tell her, i feel like i can't afford to lose her as a friend.
the dumbest thing is that i adore her, she's my pefect woman, beautiful and talented and funny and generous, she's also bi, we respect and appreciate each other the same amounts and she thinks i'm hot too. part of what motivates me in my current self-improvement drive is wanting to be cute and accomplished enough to be her girlfriend.
I wouldn't even know what to do if she kissed me, i might go into a coma. Why am I living in a cliche? what do i do???
No. 146172
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>>146152>she's bi>also finds you hotAnon pls
If you're that close she probably wouldn't want to lose the friendship either, even if she doesn't return the feelings. Make a move! I believe in you!
No. 146306
Hey thanks for replies anons x
>>146159We're both single and consistently disappointed in men. I'm not looking for a relationship right now cos i need to work on myself but actually I think it could work with her? Because she needs and wants the same thing??
By 'signs of interest' she's never made a concrete move, but she tells me she loves me all the time and tells me how hot i am when we're drunk. She asks me what to do when she's lonely and touch starved and i say 'make a hot water bottle' because i'm a coward.
Yes I do hear myself and i'm sorry.
>>146172>she probably wouldn't want to lose the friendship eitherI don't think she would and I respect her too much to be an asshole if she turns me down, but, I'm a coward.
She's also said she feels like she's outgrown all other friends except me, so I don't want to make her last friendship weird.
She's the first female friendship I've had in a long time and it's something I've always felt insecure about, so I want to enjoy it platonically for at least a bit longer.
>>146242The dumbest thing is that I have next to no problem asking strangers for their numbers or otherwise being very forward, sometimes with women but always with men. I don't have any experience turning a friendship into a relationship.
How would I even do it???
No. 149105
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>Last year, I lived in shared housing with this straight woman who I became incredibly close to and knew I was bi
>She would call me in the mornings to wake me up (I have insomnia), and would sometimes call me during the day too, just to talk.
>When she came back from work, we'd sit in her room together for hours, sometimes until 2am
>This was my reality everyday and I was okay with it because I was secretly into her
>However, she could be horrible
>She would constantly insult me and would occasionally throw things at me
>But I accepted it because she was hot
>One day, she randomly cut me off (despite still living together). I tried to fix things but that was that. She didn't explain why
>I accept it and eventually move out, still into this woman despite everything
>She randomly messages me the other month to apologise for everything that happened and says it wasn't my fault
>I still like her and I don't know why
No. 149187
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Does anyone go through periods where they prefer one gender for a while, and then switch to preferring the other, and like go back and forth? This happens often with me being mostly interested in guys for like a month then having all my attention on women, sometimes it makes me confused on whether I'm actually straight or a lesbian or if it's just normal for a bi person.
No. 149213
>>149207This reminded me of something that happened to me years ago. I had psych appointments every 3 months to check that my anxiety meds were working. At one of the appointments I met a brand new psych and was asked my sexuality. I answered straight because I was caught off guard and didn't want to discuss my sexuality. It really bothered me afterwards and I wished I had asked why they even needed to know.. 3 months later at an appointment with yet another stranger I'm asked again and I say lesbian just because I had my gf sitting in the waiting room so..
Well after that they spoke to me about how I had an 'unstable sense of self' and they were looking into possible personality disorder based on my changing answer. I don't want to disclose my sexuality to a new psch I met ten mins ago! but I also don't have the guts to refuse an answer lol
I still just have anxiety. Nothing thankfully came from it.
No. 149216
My bisexuality switch between "basically straight" and "basically a lesbian" like no end
I find no attraction to women when I'm "basically straight" and no attraction to men when I'm "basically a lesbian"
It's super weird and it always feels like a switch has flipped due to the absence of attraction I experience to those genders
It's super annoying!
No. 149443
>>149435you can define yourself however you want but GENERALLY sexuality = your desire to have sex with someone.
if you would willingly have sex with the opposite gender + same gender you're bi. if you would willingly have sex with only the opposite gender you're straight. if you would willingly have sex with only the same gender you're gay.
No. 149446
>>149213Lmao thinking you're straight then realizing you're gay wouldn't even mean you have a personality disorder, wtf? Change your psych imo.
>>149435I mostly agree with the other anon but since you're a virgin it's hard to say. If you still think penises are gross after you've tried em then you can't be bisexual imo. True sexual attraction includes genitalia, at the very least one would be neutral to it.
No. 149461
>>149446It was about a decade ago so I'm luckily no longer needing those services but yeah even if I'd given conflicting answers because of confusion around my sexuality.. Why pathologize a young person questioning their sexuality?
That psychiatrist must be losing her mind seeing all the new attitudes popping up around identity/sexuality and gender since then lol
No. 149509
>>149481I felt pretty grossed out the first time a guy put my hand on his dick, I wasn't as ready as I thought I was and for a while my sex with guys didn't involve me actively doing anything with their penis before sex.. years later I'm still a bit 'meh' when it comes to playing with them but sex itself is still fine.
So I'm many years into being sexually active with men and still weirdly questioning because I suppose the attraction isn't the same compared to how much I want to hands on explore a woman.
No. 151275
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>>149814eat shit and die scrote
No. 151396
>>151273sorry for the long post, but my only advice for finding other queer woman is to find someone bi, lol. being bicurious and sticking to bi women (especially those who are bi4bi) is easier tbh, because imo they’re way more likely to understand you and not take offence if you realise you’re not actually into women romantically. i’ve heard of way too many bi/bicurious girls being verbally abused by gold star lesbians who think all bi women are just straight women deep down, but def take this with a grain of salt because i’m pretty biased, lol.
tbh with the religious parents part it really depends. i’m guessing you mean heavily religious, more conservative religious parents? in which case - be ready to have your (potential) bisexuality invalidated and/or ignored, and be ready to deal with the bs stigma that comes with bisexuality (slutty, diseased, etc). most importantly, though, i’d really recommend looking out for yourself and prioritising your safety. if you don’t think it’s a good time to come out, don’t do it. if you don’t think it’s a good idea until you’re potentially in a serious relationship with a woman, then definitely wait. you know your parents best, though, so this might not be that helpful. good luck figuring everything out though anon!
No. 151408
>>151403I’m married, love my husband, don’t care about other men, but I’m very much attracted to other women.
I think it’s mostly in a platonic way but I do have sexual fantasies. I’m kinda prude too but I find women a lot more sexually appealing than men, although I do enjoy sex with my male partner.
No. 151409
>>151403>I want to have children and get married…can't you do that with a woman, though?
But also no judgement since I essentially had the opposite realization that I'm very far from hetero and want to go for only women due to desire for a feminine partner.
Whatever is easiest to get what you want, anon. Sperm donor shit can be scary and adoption is hard.
(Also yeah, I could never do anything even polyamory-adjacent despite being attracted to so many people)
No. 151556
>>151409I mean I want to have biological children with my partner. IMO donor shit is weird and I don't feel comfortable having some random dude's kid, or raising someone else's.
I'm very much sexually attracted to women but I feel like dating them would be a waste of time considering my desire for a family and to be protected. It's also frustrating to me that lesbian sex can't be 'mutual' in the same way that PIV or male-on-male PIA can be, which makes me worry that sex with another woman wouldn't be entirely enjoyable because I'd be really conscious of the fact that one of us wasn't feeling anything.
I mainly get off to my partner being pleasured so if I did have sex with a woman I'd probably be a 'stone top' which wouldn't be very satisfying to me. Also I really like penetration but a woman could only do that with a toy or with her hand which I could already just do on my own.
Sorry this delved into a huge paragraph about my sexual preferences lmao.
No. 151570
>>151569>>151560You're seriously calling me straight after I described how I'd have sex with a woman? LOL
I come from a very conservative religious household and repressed the shit out of my sexuality for years so sorry I'm not exactly banging women left and right. I thought I was a lesbian for a reason.
No. 151580
>>151570You described Sapphic sex and how much it disinterests/wouldn't satisfy you. How does that make you gay lol. I can talk about how I
would have sex as a gay man, but that doesn't make me a gay man. It'd be one thing if you described and enjoyed it, but seeing as you don't want a partnership with women and the sex disinterests you, like? What are people supposed to think kek.
No. 151594
>>151582Okay explain why she doesn’t want to even pursue a relationship with a woman because she can’t fathom a domestic life with one?
>>151593Based queen
No. 151597
>>151556 >I'm very much sexually attracted to womenEverything you wrote after that was you bascially saying lesbian sex seems shit and not worth your time. Girl come on now.
If you can dismiss the idea of sex with women before you've ever even tried it.. go live your straight life and don't worry yourself about the 'what ifs' that you'll never even explore anyway.
No. 152393
>>151616The problem is you're giving scrote's opinions WAY too much credit. That's it. Don't talk to them about your sexuality, don't argue in your head with their stupid soundbites that they've forgotten saying, don't try to convince them of anything. Straight men's opinions and your actions/feelings are a whole universe apart.
I say this as somebody who was very hurt when my ex boyfriend told me I wasn't 'really' bisexual because (at the time) I hadn't slept with any women. Then I realized he was just talking bullshit about things he knew nothing about, as usual. The kicker was that he was always extremely, confidently straight, AND I TOOK HIS VIRGINITY. He didn't need experience to confirm his sexuality, but I did apparently. He even said he wished he was bisexual because they 'had more options'. That should have clued me in to how little he knew about bisexuality.
Work out where the judgement is actually coming from, and learn not to care. If you're pre-judging yourself based on what you think others are thinking? Fine, you can just work on your insecurities. From cumbrained scrotes? Literally not even worth considering. Bitter gatekeeping lesbians? Not anything to do with you.
People will literally always be annoyed at you for being yourself, in any situation. You will always be misunderstood and disliked for reasons that are nothing to do with you, because people view the world through a lens of their own bullshit and issues.
No. 159069
>>158446i think it could be good for women that just came out of a
toxic relationship where they overextended themselves, but once you pull yourself up and start working on your boundaries and self-respect, i think you are done here. fds could be used for some improvement/advice, but it is not a place where you should spend several hours a day. use some of the advice and move on, since the self-improvement stuff they give is bare bones anyway
No. 159197
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I have dated a woman once but it was years ago, since then I have only been with men. So Im feeling "new" in dating women. Should I try just sex first to feel more certain in my sexuality? Also I at least want the sexual experience so I dont have to be that woman who ends up with a husband and begs other women for threesomes.
No. 163911
>>163422Because being bi isn't as cut and dry as "I will never be sexually attracted to men, therefore my family and friends will have no choice but to get over it at some point." There's always the pressure, a lot of times perceived, to get married to a man and have kids with only him. And it's like, you're not straight so you're still an outsider to that culture, too. It will never fit you like a glove the way it will for actual straight people.
The irony is that straight man + bisexual woman is a terrible fucking combo.
Being bisexual is like being an alien when you realize the truth is that the vast majority of people are literally only attracted to one sex or the other and can't imagine doing both. Anyway as time goes by I accept the possibility of giving my parents a stroke by ending up with a woman. Men are a chore to deal with, and my past experiences with male retardation have left me becoming less and less sexually attracted to them. I wonder how much of the "bi woman ends up with a man" thing has to do with major insecurities anyway.
No. 170843
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>>163171It’s pretty weird to say ana when what you mean is thin. Also might just be me but super thin body types on both men and women are just as gross to me as fat fucks. I like women to be the lower end of a normal BMI or higher end of normal if they have cute af faces and cute little boobs. And ofc my own celeb crush aka handsome picrel has a dad bod.
Some people mentioned trans people and I find FTMs so attractive, don’t know how anyone couldn’t like them tbh.
No. 170858
>>170806Some of them do it for clout chasing, especially if they are in a very liberal environment like art. They tend to be young people though, hopefully they grow out of it.
>>170843>don’t know how anyone couldn’t like them tbhBecause they tend to be neurotic messes who only care about gender shit.
No. 170861
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God i want to shove my face in some pussy
I never liked the idea of dating girls, even when I realized I want to fuck them. Part of it is that I like cock too much, but I think its also because I've developed feelings for female friends before that I always suppressed as soon as I felt them… Like for example, I'm with my pal and I think damn she looks good in that dress… NO! BAD ANON! THATS YOUR FRIEND!
It's like I can't be emotionally close with a female and attracted to her at the same time. One of my best friends, man, there's something there but I just can't let those feelings blossom, thats a boundary I can't push. And she's also bisexual but that just makes it worse. Just the thought of touching her or being romantic with her repulses me because I can't see her in that way. But there's something there! I fucking hate this. Why can't I catch romantic feelings for a random girl who isn't my friend? Not that I want ti meet new people. I have a male fwb and that's enough for me, for now. God. This post started out as a rant about wanting to eat pussy then I had my epiphany of why I dont want to date girls.
I've never even fucked a girl before. Ive just made out with them at a sleepover once, but I was like 13 so that doesnt count. I've been doubting my bisexuality because I have no real experience and no desire to have a girlfriend but THATS starting to change too… Just yesterday I was thinking about how comfy it would be to chill in my imaginary girl's room and doing whatever…
Sorry for this rambling mess but I can't tell anyone else about this. I just need to fuck a girl to confirm that I really like them and I'm not just a bored straight girl.
No. 170972
>>170868I caught (sexual) feelings for him. He's not a hideous swampmonster but not my usual type either. I guess I shouldn't have called him ugly since I do like him but I'm just being honest.
>>170872Because I like him? We're pretty sexually compatible and I enjoy his company. And yeah its pretty pathetic getting rejected for a threesome but I dont care. I just find it funny that people latched onto me having an uggo fwb when that's the only positive part of my post.
No. 171024
>>170972 > I just find it funny that people latched onto me having an uggo fwb when that's the only positive part of my post.You're not making alot of sense. Fucking an ugly guy is a positive?
And latching onto what? People commenting on details you provided is how discussions work.. gotta love how weirdly defensive some anons will get over an admittedly ugly no-strings scrote lol
No. 171274
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I’m curious what the people ITT think of the Kinsey scale and where they’d put themselves on it. I would personally put myself at about 4
No. 171315
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>>171274I did the online test right now. It's a 2. Yep, that feels just right.
No. 171318
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>>171274I thought I was a 3 and got 3 using this test. However I don't see myself ever marrying a scrote unless he acts like a devoted house husband. Women just seem like way better marriage material because of sexist gender roles.
>>171285At least I think a lot of "straight" people are actually bi, especially men who often don't dare to admit it.
No. 171325
>>171274I got a 4.
I’m more often attracted to women. I mostly fantasize about women. But they are almost always straight.
Slept with a butch woman but wasn’t super attracted to her personality. Same going to lesbian bars, I never attracted the type of women I like. Only once have I met a lesbian who I was 100% about who liked me. The timing didn’t work out at all, but I still think about her years later. Like I have no way of even talking to her now and I want to punch myself in the face.
Mostly I’ve had relationships with men. I’m not at all attracted to very masculine men, and I’m pretty happy with the men most straight women reject. So it makes homosexual dating extremely easy for me.
If more women were gay and my family more accepting of homosexual relationships, I would easily be exclusively with women. Oh well, c’est la vie.
No. 171335
>>171320I've always told bfs that I'm super open a result of that (kind of lie) I've had enough of them open up to me about both fetishes and how they fucked a guy once. Even male friends, fucking roommates have opened up to me (and apparently nobody else) about a once-off gay fuck or a male fuck buddy they kept a secret from everyone
That's what I think is happening, alot more of that than we know of
No. 171413
>>171410An awful lot of the secretive bi experiences I've had shared with me were affairs. In a way I can see how they were driven to be secretive but being secretive WHILE dating someone already makes it this incredibly shitty (and health risking) thing for the woman which in turn will make her distrust bi men if the guy is caught. It's such a mess but men messing around with crossdressers and other men sometimes feel entitled to cheat because they use that shaming as a way to justify it to themselves.
Being open would help fix that weird cycle of it creating distrust and being used as the most messed excuse to fuck around, but I think men will stay in their comfort zone of having an unaware gf and just hitting up Grindr the odd time while 'working late'
No. 171871
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Would a bi only dating app be a good idea? I kind of like the thought of it
No. 171873
>>171871>because lesbians are really mean to us sometimesjesus christ
but as long as they also ban couples and straight men i don't see a problem with it
No. 171890
>>171887what i meant is that lesbians often appropriate spaces bisexual women build for ourselves so we can talk about our attraction to both men and women without being shamed or judged. they’ll invade the communities we create and purposely focus on how you can only REALLY be gay if you only focus on how much you like women, and shame us for our attraction to men until we feel too ashamed to acknowledge that side of bisexuality.
why do you think the lesbian general on here is so full of bisexual women who refuse to admit they're bi? men are shit but we’re still allowed to find them sexy, and there are no spaces online where we’re free to express this without some annoying dyke popping up to be like IMAGINE BEING ATTRACTED TO MEN LMAO or whatever.
No. 171897
>>171871I have actually downloaded some bi app, but it had like 5 users in my country.
>cuffingDo any of you actually do this or are they just trying to make it into a thing? Im just glad bis dont have any stereotypes about looks as we already have enough of "confused greedy sluts" ones.
No. 171929
terf doesn't mean homophobe, most likely terfs are lesbian and bi women.
No. 171992
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>parents be like "your future husband, or wife, whatever it's [current year]"
>take this as a sign they are ok with me potentially not being straight
>drop more and more hints i'm bi as the days go on, but not actually come out
>parents be like "your future HUSBAND", emphasis on husband, no longer mentioning wife
is this a common experience? should i even bother to come out to them?
No. 171995
>>171992When I was in my last relationship (3 years with a guy) my dad could not stop dropping hints that he's okay with gay people. He was a bit homophobic when I was growing up so I guess it was nice to see him change with the times lol
Since that relationship ended… he has stopped saying all that shit. I feel way more of a need to open up about this now that I'm not locked into what I thought would be a possibly 'forever relationship'. Great, now that the need to open up is here.. he's awfully quiet about gays. I feel your frustration.
No. 172010
>>172007I totally understand why lesbians would only want to date other lesbians. I touched on this before, but they relate to each other better because they're part of the same little community. So long as they just have a preference for each other and aren't disparaging bi women, I don't care what they do.
I don't really take any romantic preferences personally. I like when people are up front about that sort of thing.
No. 172260
>>171992I told my mom once that I was bi (or rather she asked me if was attracted to both men and women) and for a while she said "boyfriend or girlfriend" like yours, and the other day she said something like "whoops wrong gender, you're not attracted to women anyway". I think she has completely forgotten about it, since I'm a schizoid autist I don't date, so I'm not really open about my sexuality, but still it stings to see she doesn't really listen to me. I've also always been very vocal about never getting married and having kids since early childhood, to which she was always supportive, but recently she's been saying things like "never say never, you don't know what can happen", which always gets on my nerves. If I ever date a woman I'll never tell her (or my dad for that matter), I know she doesn't like lesbians and my parents don't want to understand what bisexuality is at all.
No. 172804
>>172803sorry in advance for a long and corny reply but i can't really answer your question properly because though i'm more interested in women, i'm currently in a relationship with a bi man. i did just wanna say though that i don't think you need to worry too much about bi women with a male preference judging you or having any negative feelings about you - i have a mix of bi friends who lean either way in terms of preference, but there's no judgement or anything like that. i think it's easier to bond over our shared experiences than it is to nitpick our differences in things like gender attraction or whatever. from my experiences, i've also seen the opposite from bi women with a preference in men - they tend to worry a lot that bi women with a preference for women will judge them for being 'bihet' or whatever that stupid phrase is, so i hope that helps in making you feel a little less under a microscope to know that it's a shared experience. i hope this doesn't come off as me trying to be like 'oh well who cares lol everyone feels that way' - definitely not what i'm trying to do!
also, your point about much of the discussion in bisexual female spheres surrounding men is really interesting, and it's not something i've realised before. i assume it tends this way because it's hard to distinct ourselves and form our own community away from lesbians by talking solely about women, but so much of the discourse in bi spaces also revolves around men (like 'you're still bi if you've only been with men or if you prefer men!') because of the general LGB discourse that tends to label bisexuals as 'not gay enough'. in general, i'm also sorry that you feel excluded because of this - i feel like that's something really important that i've never seen discussed in bi spaces before, and i hope it's focused on more.
No. 172955
>>170861nonny i think u just have some internalized homophobia OR just anxiety about ruining friendships. i was in love w my best (female) friend for years and never told her, it crushed me, and made me try to push down my feelings for girls in the future. the next time i made a close female friend and was attracted to her, i ignored and suppressed it for over a year bc i thought it would be the same painful situation. i had the same feeling of revulsion and 'no you can't think she's hot that's bad'
then she asked me out and the fact that id had feelings for her all along hit me like a brick and now we're in love & live together lmao
sorry for blogpost but i think you should accept and allow ur feelings for girls! you're not a creep or weird for crushing on a friend or thinking she's hot in a dress. just let urself feel it! maybe something will come of it! even if it doesn't, you didn't do anything wrong and there's no need to suppress ur feels
No. 173067
>>173060>>172803I kind of understand? Wish I was full les though since women are awesome. Just feels like I'm in a weird limbo where my experience isn't fully bisexual since I never intend to engage with men but I'm not a lesbian because I have fantasized about males in the past.
In the past I felt the reverse and tried super hard to focus on men so that I could finally "fit in" to normie society in some way, but could never make the leap into actually touching one because my feelings evaporate. Now I've come to terms with my preference, but feel weird when other bis mention men.
But like
>>172804 said the bisexual experience is really variable. It's just as confusing to everyone, I think, except maybe the true 50/50's.
No. 173147
>>173060This is why I avoid bi spaces. 100% bi and like men too but since it's a bi space sometimes the men tend to become more vocal and screech because they're not getting enough attention or whatever. I also hate the "everyone is
valid" midset there tends to be.
Not fully related to what you posted but I feel like I had ro vent sorry
No. 173344
>>173330It can also be difficult to find other women open to relationships depending on where you live. I used to live in an ultra religious bumfuck town and nobody was really “out.” I only knew one other bi girl and two older gay guys, that was it.
Times have changed a lot, but many small towns are still the same. Even if your family is fairly accepting, there is a lot of pressure to be “normal,” ie date men.
No. 173546
>>173540idk anon. Hetero-leaning bisexuals definitely exist, sometimes to the point where they wouldn't even want to date a woman.
But yeah, unless you choose to be febfem, dating in some places will force you to end up with a man. That's why lesbians in LDR's is such a meme. When I considered men, I'd just talk to dudes in my classes, but now I become mutuals with a gay girl in a different country and think "wow, we're on the same continent…….could she be The One?"
No. 173875
>>173801The struggle to find a woman who is attracted to other women and is attracted to you is real.
There's so much distance between us.
Moids are disgusting and they groom girls.
Of course women end up dating more moids because of how men fucking behave.
Men actively chase women, they're upfront and they're many. With women dating women you have so much homophobia and it's just hard to find one like I said.
It's not a girl not wanting to date other girls issue.
No. 173909
>>173869I think that is mostly funny because bisexuals are pretty much their only dating pool. Good luck trying to get that cis lesbian lmao.
>>173797Yeah I never told my parents because I feel like they wont get bisexuality and will just label me as a lesbian if Im with a woman. At least I know my mother is okay with homosexuals, father might be dissapointed but that is his problem then.
No. 173963
>>173792I'm out to 3 of my friends officially. One other probably knows because I keep posting drawings of gay women kek.
My mother refuses to accept that I'm attracted to women, as in she really said "no, you're straight" when I came out. At some point I'll try to argue with her and change her weird opinions about the gays, but for now I'm just not mentioning it again.
She's not a true homophobe/biphobe/whatever, but we're super close and her approval means a lot to me.
At any rate, I'll never date men so she'll have to accept it on some level lmao.
No. 174040
>>173792Basically everyone knows.
This question made me think about the concept of ”being out” for the first time in years.
I’m 25 yo at the moment and have been very secure with my identitety as a bisexual since my teens. I have dated both men and women. People around me have been fine with it because it’s just a given fact at this point.
Actually I have been openly bisexual at my two recent workplaces too. It was mostly because I had openly gay co-workers so it was natural to me to talk about my relationships too.
No. 174628
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idk if I'm a lesbian or have just memed myself into being physically repulsed by men. Doesn't matter anyway since I don't really date but it gets exhausting trying to explain to scrotes that the sight of them makes me want to vomit
No. 174709
>>174701>It doesn’t hold the same weight as actual homophobia, lbrI don't really get this argument tbh. It doesn't have to to still be wrong and insulting. We can agree to disagree though
>I feel like we can agree that nobody faces oppression for dating the opposite sex.I do agree, but I also did not say that in my post. I've seen bi women still get those insults flung at them no matter what tbh
No. 174717
>>174716Meant for
>>174709 sorry
No. 174795
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>>174746Lmao same. Having short hair/being unabashedly guyish in 2021 means being perceived as either a fakeboi or an angry feminist depending on people's political leanings
No. 174809
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Never posted to this site before, excuse the weird formatting (and feel free to delete this post mods if rants like this aren't allowed)
this may sound pretty stupid to some but I'm reluctant to even call myself a bisexual or even talk about these things to people because of how overly-romanticized and fetishized gay relationships are now . I'm a woman who's always had a pretty bad porn addiction, and I solely look at images of women. I've never looked at porn of men, but if i were to have a relationship preference it would be more towards men, but I don"t mind being in relationships with women either.
I'll never tell certain people in my life about how I feel. I've ranted to them enough times about how tiring it is to hear mutuals going through some sort of sudden "lesbian attention seeking phase" for me to be seen as a "real one" (funny how no one will care about gay people until they realize it could benefit them, so they'll call themselves lesbian just so people can flock to them and praise how unique and progressive they are.Not like the other girls am I right? )
I'd love to be seen as just normal. but I feel like a fucking embarrassment if I ever talk about or explore these things. It's already cringey enough to see all the tumblr shit, but when people constantly start bringing it up irl it feels fucking confusing and even more stressfyl,
not to mention if I ever did talk to the people in my life about myself, people will change how they see me, either for betteer or worse. I could either be fetishised by people who will only see me for that and not for who I am as a person, or just have mild disgust thrown at me at people who'll feel uncomfortable with homosexuality, or believe I do so for attention
I've never even related to many people who were so outward about being LGBT. I have many opinions and preferences that don't match up with theirs, why do I feel like a fucking alien compared to them?
No. 174810
>>174809I just wanna say I relate. However when it comes down to it, people simply care about defining a category too much. And that generates all these opinions about who's
really bi, or faking, etc. I know it's easier said than done, but we would all be better off caring less what others think. Because other people will always form their own view that may not match your reality. I think it speaks volumes enough that you care about this, that you care not to seem fake or act attention-seeking — you aren't that way. When we see so many people being like that, it gets us acting careful not to be that way but you can't let it keep you from being yourself. I think there's a tactful way to go about it. Obviously you're not gonna run around town and the internet screeching how gay lulz you are (unless you wanna, then who cares what people think?) and you can still be modest about it while talking to the people in your life about your experience. You really are bisexual and if you want to talk about that, then you should, and you can just keep it authentic. If people judge you for reasonably discussing something true about yourself, then that's kinda on them. Sorry I hope this helps. It's how I try to approach this, because I feel similar. Really being bi doesn't come into play for me in life until I'm crushing on a girl or wanting to date one, since I don't talk about my sexuality on social media. Only when it applies to my life is when I need to personally, but at the same time like you are now, if I want to talk about it with someone then it should be okay to do so. You can get through this queen
No. 174817
>>174810thank you for the advice and encouragement! I do try to ignore thoughts about what others would possibly think, but it can get hard though if it's brought up once a day in non-related discussions, trust me, it's amazing how long people can rant or talk about these things lmao.
and yeah if it ever came to me having to out myself I'd always try to be as authentic and modest as possible, since at that point I can't hold back anymore about myself
honestly the social media thing is another thing too.I once knew someone who freshly broke up with yet another boyfriend only to then put her sexuality as lesbian a day later in her twitter bio. she removed that a week later lmao
No. 174846
>>174809Is it possible you just have general shame around your attraction to women and are projecting a bit? Especially since it's associated with your past porn-addiction? If you're secure in yourself then others taking pride in their homo/bisexuality shouldn't bug you so much.
I'm only guessing, but many are likely doing so to combat their own experiences with homophobia or just because they're young and excited to find out how they fit in to the world. Some (eg. artists who draw a fuckton of gay women and tweet about it a lot) may also just want to create representation, remembering that they wish they had it when they were young and ashamed.
As for the "lesbian attention seeking phase," are you worried that your friends will do the same to you that you did to these women? Some people will never believe a woman is truly attracted to other women even if she marries one and is out as bi for decades, so it's irrelevant. Bihets may make us look bad, but if someone is set on disliking bisexuals they will regardless. I agree with other anon that it would be ideal if we could all disregard the opinions of others more often (something I struggle with myself).
No. 174853
>>174846maybe it is partially me having shame, but I don"t have any shame in the porn part though I've just kind of accepted that in some ignorant/oblivious way lmao.
what I mean by the lesbian phase thing with friends is that people treat it as an "aesthetic" that you can just pick up, in what looks like an attention-seeking way sometimes. idk.To me when I hear someone say "I just wish I was a lesbian instead of straight" constantly followed by "ew men , theyre all disgusting pigs" comments, even though theyve crshed very hard on many guys, it feels disingenuous
like, if they are actually lesbian or at the least bi, idc, I wouldnt treat them as anything less, I just feel like theres better ways to come out rather than sayin "uggh, men so icky, I want to be a cottagecore lesbian" all the time .
No. 174880
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>sage for mostly rant
>very femme lesbian friend says she's "started" being open to dating males out of lack of attention from females
>"vaginas are gross, I could never eat a girl out"
>"penises just look so much more attractive to me"
>has never dated or flirted with a female
>only hangs out with the gay men/queens at the gay bars
>said she would date pre-surgery MtFs, even saying they didn't have to pass as feminine because gender is a construct
I'm kind of mad that it seems like she's just been bi all this time but chose to label lesbian bc oppression points? I've been side-eyed all these years by my friends after telling them I was bi with their reasoning being I haven't dated a female (I had terrible anxiety from years of non-related bullying) and my first relationship is currently long-term with a male (that happened after I got into a healthier state in my life). Meanwhile, she gets a pass because she has a lesbian flag on her twitter page and talks about how pretty females are?
I feel fucking insane when sexuality gets discussed in my friend circle and she just brings up how it's ~so haaaard to date as a pure lesbian~ but I can't bring up any contradicting shit she's said/done or else I'm being an unsupportive homophobic friend.
No. 174901
>>174880imo she is not even bi, she is your average straight girl. as far as identifying as lesbian, it might be because of oppression points or it could be that the gays she is hanging out with really dislike straight women and don't keep quiet about it. or maybe it's because she doesn't want to be called a fag hag.
but yeah, she is fake as fuck, but don't worry, alphabet soup members are all fake
No. 174949
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why are there seemingly so many bi women compared to men? are men just pretending to be straight? or are some of those women only curious/not really dtf another women?
pic only vaguely related, i just thought it was interesting
No. 175105
>>175042It seems like too mny of the bisexual men I've been friends with have the weirdest fetishes or they are worse when it comes to the sexual risks they'll take. That and cheating is often played down with the excuse of having 'differing needs that still need to be met' (I really can't relate to wanting to cheat beause of that)
I would have my concerns over those issues
Most straight guys are dying to butt fuck women tho so if a dick being in a shithole is what's offputting to you then dating straight men won't help much. A poopchute is what it is, regardless of sex
No. 175106
>>175042The only bi guy I dated was an
abusive narcissist obsessed with anal (no prep of course)
No. 175126
>>175106Oh my god, this. I've never dated an openly bisexual man but I've been with guys who have a secret history of trying out men and who like anal from both sides. Why are they so opposed to simply making sure they are clean before playing around in that hole??
I had one ex in particular who would give me the silent treatment or huff and puff if too much time passed since we last did anal stuff, but the reason behind that was mess. There had been mess in the past and he refused to simply prep to take away some of that risk. What the hell did he expect? For me to happily play around in his shit? I'm not talking about small accidents either. I seriously want to talk to a therapist some day about the whole experience but how do you have a convo about something so gross. Like thanks for the memories my guy. I love that I have been shit on and expected to take that as a normal. Literally shit on like it's no biggie and I'm the obscene one for wanting to stop at that point.
No. 175136
I don't get it, I find some men hot and I can sometimes fantasize about whatever lewd stuff with them but when it comes to the real thing I hardly even enjoy cuddling with them so I can't bring myself to go beyond that and actually have sex with them. Meanwhile, I never had any problems doing that stuff with women. I actually kinda feel like
>>174628 except instead of being memed into finding men repulsive in general I have just been memed into thinking sex with men is bad. Or maybe I am just more socially awkward around men and need more time to feel comfortable doing anything sexual with them? And as far as relationships go, I can hardly ever imagine a long-term romantic relationship with a man, whenever I think about that stuff my mind just defaults to women but again I don't know if this is a genuine feeling or something I memed myself into after consuming too much yuri. I don't even know if this is actually an issue I should be concerned about or if I am overthinking it. I hope this doesn't sound too silly, it just confuses me sometimes.
No. 175143
>>175140First was a highschool bf that lasted a few years post highschool, he wasn't too educated or thoughful about prep at first but then he got better at it. He wasn't really a dick or anything. Second bf I met through college and I guess he just didn't give a fuck. He was on his best behavior at first and then by the time we were living together he stopped hiding alot of his gross traits. It felt like I signed up to date one guy but ended up with someone very different. His treatment of me got bad in other ways, sexual and non-sexual. The dynamic changed and I was stuck in a lease with him.
So just scrotes that I met in normal ways. Pushed boundaries after we'd already dated for while. I'm obvs completely put off anything anal now and would run a mile from any guy who rates it as an essential part of sex.
No. 175207
>>175203It's definitely a thing in online spaces and generally people assume that if you're a bi woman you MUST have had sex with/dated men and that if you've only had sex with/dated women you're an ~evil gold star or "technically" a virgin because two women fucking isn't real sex (I've heard this from bi men). It's just not the same as bi women who've never fucked another woman because that's not uncommon the way this is and M/F relationships are more common by a huge margin. The discussion in a lot of bi spaces is pretty much always about opposite sex attraction and people assuming you're straight because you're dating a man. Not all of us have that experience and it can get alienating. I don't mean for this post to sound aggressive but it's frustrating.
I have had sex with men btw but my experiences before I did/the general pressure was terrible.
No. 175225
>>175207Damn, maybe I missed this since I don't actively seek bisexual spaces (the extent of my online les/bi socialization is just other gay female artists, so no men and everyone loves women).
I'm sorry you've experienced that. Always bizarre to hear when bisexuals police each other. It's such a diverse sexuality that it's pointless trying to box us all in.
No. 175246
>>175207>bi menOh right men dont seem to think lesbian sex is real and get strangely jealous if someone implies that they like dating/sex with women better. I have even made moids ree for saying I dont really like piv even though I enjoy other forms of straight sex.
Have the women been as shitty? Very sorry to hear that anyway.
No. 175301
>>175297I heard alot of homophobic stuff said by my parents growing up. In my house my mom wasn't too bad (seemed to change and catch up with the times somewhat) then she passed away and my actual homophobic dad is my one parent now. I dated men for a few years so didn't bring it up. After my last break up I moved several hours away so that if in future I want to date women, I don't need to fear him or my brother finding out.
The desire to date women has intensified in me with age so I needed to finally create that distance to feel safe
No. 175306
>>175297I’d say don’t do it until you can move out and live on your own. I know there’s no way my parents would have accepted it and I didn’t want to go through all the questions and accusations. I did date another girl in high school, but of course they thought we were just friends. It’s not ideal since you can’t be your authentic self. Having to hide a kiss on the cheek or a cutesy text gets old real quick.
It’s better to work on yourself before pursuing a relationship anyway. I know it’s a boring answer, but being independent and having your shit together will make your future relationships much more healthy. You won’t feel inclined to lower your standards and you’ll be more confident in pursuing the type of person you really want.
No. 175471
>>175465>How can you tell a bi girl is actually flirting with you like that:
>She said she was crushing on meI don't think straight ally would be confessing her feelings like this, go for it anon!
No. 175473
>>175465Similar situation, we've both said we'd date each other (me less pointedly than her, I've always got my guard up and a stick up my ass to boot) but she also seems to be overfamiliar with people which is part of why I'm so guarded in the first place. We've had some moments that felt really intimate to me but I often feel like I'm imagining it because as I said, she's so overfamiliar with people. It feels like every time we interact it means a lot more to me than it does to her. She's said emotionally vulnerable things to me and made me feel special but now I wonder how many other people are delusionally pulled to her like this.
Not saying she's doing this on purpose at all but it's not the first bi woman that has been able to cut through all my defenses and completely broke my brain. I guess I keep answering my own question, she's just yas kweening me and I'm eating it up in the wrong way.
hate being gay sometimes, i feel like a weird incel around non lesbians No. 175477
>>175473Ayrt, don't be down on yourself anon it doesn't sound like she's obviously NOT into you. It's just a different situation because it sounds like you're actually close friends and that's trickier to manage than just flirting on Instagram lol
On the other hand if she's a touchy feely outgoing person she might be more direct when hitting on you.
The only way to be sure is to get drunk together and end up on a rooftop at 3am where you were laughing about something but you suddenly both go quiet and look out at the city lights
Then see what happens
Or text her "clam slam y/n" idk idk
No. 175564
>>175562>is it just me or does this happen with the bi flag more than the others?That's probably because of how pretty the bi flag is tbh.
In all seriousness though, I don't think it happens more often with bi people, I think it's a thing across all sexualities. If it does though, I don't blame them because, like the other anon said, having your flag around can attract more people that are like you.
No. 175674
>>175577>an artistMatters less for the asexual you mentioned, but personally I put that I'm bi in my profile because I draw women cuddling and making out and shit.
I don't want to be mistaken for a scrote fetishizing bi/lesbian women. I think it's obvious when a woman is drawing woman as opposed to a man, but perhaps others can't pick up on it so I keep it safe.
But if I drew dragons or something then yeah, it would be irrelevant.
No. 175750
>>175688You're making drama out of nothing anon, if you're not with a woman this is a non issue in your life right now. If you meet someone you like enough to introduce to them, obviously don't spring it on them as a surprise, but you can cross that bridge when you come to it.
>>175693Hard disagree, disclaimer I'm bi but I think sitting your parents down and coming out (as anything but especially as bi) is cringey and attention seeking, when you're not with a partner.
"Mom, dad, just letting you know I think about women when I fap sometimes." is what you're saying. Why do they need to know that? It's literally not their business who you're attracted to, I promise you they don't want to acknowledge you're a sexual being at all, and it doesn't affect their lives in any way, not until there's an actual human woman in your life they have to get along with.
No. 175765
>>175764Can you read? Anon literally said her parents aren't homophobic. You sound
triggered, did you come out dramatically and put the bi flag in your profile pic before losing your hand-holding virginity?
No. 175780
>>175765same anon as og post, I say they aren't homophobic since the worst they could do is think I'm trying to be trendy like so many others online , or feel somewhat disgusted but at the same time not really care what I do . I dont rlly know what qualifies as homophobic but as long as they dont cut me off for that Id be ok .
>>175750 I agree with the bridging thing ( like coming out slowly) but I do agree that its better to say before starrting a relationship . hell Im not even that open w/sharing who specificaly Im interestd in when it's w/guys so maybe thisll just go the same way but with some disgust
No. 176214
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I'm thinking of getting OKCupid and Tinder again even though my country is in lockdown right now and it always makes me sad how few right swipes I get from women. I feel I used to get more a few years ago but I'm only in my mid 20s.
No. 176221
>>176214I have found maybe two girls from tinder.
Dating sucks because lockdown
No. 176456
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i wish i could find a gf with takes as good as this.
No. 176475
>>174809Me too anon.
I just want to have gay relationships with hot women who feel the same way, and not have to like, explode a rainbow bomb on my life and become some sort of weird cultural activist for literally anyone who decides they're non-binary or w/e.
I'm soooo sick of weirdos latching onto being LGBT because they think it gives them a family of people who can't criticize them for being lame.
No. 176484
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Anyone else notice how so many straight girls will call themselves bi for male attention?? Is this a fetish thing or just a "she' s not like the other girls"/pick me girl thing?
No. 176494
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How do you deal with the fact that you'll most likely end up with a guy or be alone forever?
My ex put the standard for other men "high" because he actually treated me like a person, was super caring and supportive etc etc etc and holy shit most men don't seem to be able to check the basics. I just don't bother with dating them anymore.
My country has a population of 3-4mil and around 10% are supposed to be lgbt. Who knows how many of these 10% are gay men, women in relationships, underaged or women who want children. The whole situation just looks so damn bleak, especially because I live in a tiny ass town.
I'm generally happy alone but I can't deny that I do want a SO in my life.
No. 176647
>>176646*is not threatening
No. 176944
>>176940yeah I get that
>>176906>I had this weird view of me were I couldn't be a sexual minority, it's only other people who can be like that.I feel the same right now. For the most part where I live it's mostly accepted and not many people Ik have been a target for harassment,but still make it all about themselves and make up bs arguments about how they have it worse.
No. 176982
>>171315Sorry I am late to this but I am also a 2. don’t you find this frustrating?
I am attracted to women but I am not romantically interested in women, so it’s almost purely sexual. I can’t even imagine just hooking up with random people, so I don’t think I will ever be able to explore my true sexuality… even if I turn out to be bi curious.
No. 177131
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>>177119I hope so
Dating in pandemic fucking sucks. I have been talking to her about two months but our country just started lockdown sooo no hope meeting her irl soon
No. 177141
>>177076>>177119Yeah not everyone who supports troons transitions themselves.
>>177131True. I also talked to woman for months and got my hopes up and when me finally met she wasnt into me fml.
Also tried dating app and the likes I got
>obvious fakes>underage girl>woman naked in her picture, only looking for "online fun" because she is busy being a single mother No. 177697
>>177626I have as a teen kek. The one good side of dating moids for years is now Im new in dating women again. But try meeting people who are less close to you, from apps or dating sites?
>>177662You can always try!
No. 178353
>>178327Just to piggyback, I’ve had a lot of positive group sex experiences, but I avoid talking about them (even in situations where it’d be appropriate to talk about) because I don’t like to feed into the stereotypes that all bisexuals like group sex. In my experience, most of the people interested in group sex are straight men with semi-bicurious girlfriends or wives, along with single men. There are almost no bisexual women in the “lifestyle” groups I attend parties with. The ones that do exist get mobbed by horny dudes right away, which usually puts them off the whole experience forever.
It annoys me that talking about my enjoyment of group sex is sometimes read as “I knew it! I knew all bisexuals were non-monogamous sluts!” because in my own experience I am the exception, not the rule. There’s a reason they call it “unicorn hunting” to try to find a bisexual woman in these circles.
No. 179083
>>179055I agree with this
>>179064 but I'm gonna say Nicki Minaj who actually admitted to just saying she's bi for attention and joked about it in her lyrics
No. 179097
>>179055Doja Cat lmao
>“I like dicks and I also like, um, I like people that I can have sex with. You can kind of have sex with anybody, right?”>>179064It does annoy me but if it’s a celebrity it doesn’t really affect me the way it does when normal women do it by which I mean I just find it kind of misleading and sad as someone who wants a gf.
No. 179197
>>179194I don’t know if it’s just that, but I’d actually want to have more insight into why women lie about being bi or lesbian. There are also certain places (like Twitter kek) it happens in more than others but if you point it out you’ll inevitably be accused of internalised biphobia. I kinda wonder how accurate this graph
>>174949 really is
No. 179199
>>179197True it is more than just celebs
also I'd argue tiktok seems to be having more/just as much influence as twitter does- it's a cesspool
No. 179248
>>179204This I'd say.
I also wonder how many women think they're bi and feel "attraction" but it's actually just thinking "oh she's pretty/I want to look like that" and nothing more.
No. 179253
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>>179248Was literally just thinking that this week. Hopefully this doesn't sound extremely dumb but I often feel very "male" in places with a lot of women who say they're bi because my attraction to women is very sexual? Which, of course it is, but I rarely see these women express any hint of that kind of interest. Maybe it's because they don't want to come off like they're objectifying other women, but to me it feels like more than that. I saw on Twitter this bi activist girl talking about how she didn't want to eat pussy and I guess I was just kind of mind-blown.
No. 179306
>>173869they seethe cuz they know it's mostly bisexuals that would be attracted to them, since actual lesbians ain't into scrotes. or neutered scrotes. which is invalidating and
triggers their narc rage
No. 179379
I don't know what i am.
I'm mostly straight and a fujo, 3d porn is rare and is mostly solo of both sexes. I had wet dreams with men and women.
I only had crushes with boys when i was growing up, but most of the time i check women out (their breasts, their legs, their asses). In general, is more common for a woman to make my pussy throb (i know it sounds disgusting and scrote-like, i am ashamed but it's how i feel) than a man. The few times i was intimate with men i was bored out of my mind. I like dicks but men themselves are meh. I like women in general and sometimes i get really… possessive and jealous (?) but i don't know if that's attraction or just plain old autism.
I'm thinking that when covid is over i'll go to a lgbtbbq bar and see if i like pussy. For me that's the ultimate test to see i'm straight or bi. Like, i'm not repulsed by vaginas, some smell nice, but i don't know if i would like the taste.
But on the other hand i don't want to go to a lesbian or bigirl and "use" her for a one night stand to figure out my sexuality.
Would it be okay to go to a lesbian and lgbt bar, and if a woman is interested in me, would it be okay to tell her that i'm only there because i'm questioning?
No. 179386
>>179379>i am ashamed but it's how i feelNo need to be ashamed of liking the same sex. I'm a BPDfag and I get weirdly jealous too.
Anyway, I think it's more common for bi people to prefer the opposite sex (there was a graph on /lgbt/ a few months ago but I haven't been able to find it since). I prefer the same sex and wouldn't be offended at all if someone wanted to hook up if they were questioning. It seems totally normal. Ngl, I'm always into it when I talk to girls who want to explore because it's fun regardless and there isn't that pressure of worrying about dating or being ghosted or whatever. The difference is I usually meet people on apps because I'm too shy about going to a bar and worry nobody would talk to me kek.
No. 179443
>>179248can confirm I've witnessed this occur, I've had straight friends suddenly think they're bi because she`ll see an actress and say "awww, her hair is gorgeous.. wait am I into women??"
sometimes it just makes me want to say "liking her hair`s not the same as wanting to f* her sis"
No. 179479
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>>179379How you are going to figure out your shit drinking in LGBT bar?
Do you have some fantasy that women will lust after you and you have to turn them down?
Women, in general, don't really make the first move (and that's why wlw dating scene sucks) so I wouldn't be "worried" about having to fight off the pussy left and right.
>i don't want to go to a lesbian or bigirl and "use" her for a one night stand to figure out my sexuality.lesbians HATE when questioning girls do this shit.
It's okay to experiment with your sexuality but lesbians don't want to deal with that shit. Make out with your straight friend like everyone else.
>>179465don't know & don't care but by TRA logic that makes you a bigot.
This thread makes me legit depressed.
Is there any bisexuals with grounded identity, who simply are attracted to both men and women, and that's it?
I seriously get why lesbians hate us.
No. 179481
>>179477Masculine females. Yeah that might explain a lot since I’ve always been drawn to tomboy type girls. This is just taken to the extreme I guess haha
>>179479Just stop caring what lesbians say about bisexuals. Just focus on your happenings babes
No. 179488
>>179479Because bars were tinder before tinder existed. I don't want to see if women are atracted to me (i'm ugly and sure of it). I want to see if I'm genuinely attracted to them, and not just a retard autist that confuses admiration with attraction.
Where i live it's ok to be a gay man, but a woman who shows genuine attraction to other women is a filthy dyke and gets ostracized. I've seen it in school, college and workplace. Fucking clown word.
No. 179522
>>179479>>179379bs, there's plenty of lesbians that don't care and are dtf "bicurious" women. some of them consider it a personal accomplishment, like they turned you gay/bi. i don't see the problem in using wlw/queer/etc dating apps as long as you make it clear you're just looking for a hook-up or a fling.
why tf would making out with a straight friend work? i don't see how kissing a girl who's not even attracted to you like that would help more than going looking for someone who's actually into women.
No. 179568
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Found this in a lesbian thread, kind of shocking, I woulda thought 30% would be with the same sex.
No. 179590
>>179575thirding what both you anons said.
I even stopped dating men but holy fuck finding a woman in this country is hard, not to mention what the odds are to be compatible. I also don't want to be with a younger woman so yea. Forever alone
No. 180024
>>179568It’s simple math. There’s a very limited dating pool for wlw and tons of straight guys.
I wouldn’t mind being a unicorn right now because I’m not ready for a ”real” relationship at the moment
No. 180026
>>179936I cringe thinking back to this but my first few times sleeping with women..their bf was usually in the room while it all happened. Bi women dating coomer men can have their cake and eat it too. Like you said, can't blame them.
I have gay male friends on grindr and the bi men on there are closeted as fuck and sneaking out on their gfs. Shit will hit the fan if that ever gets out. Compare that with the comfy option of bi women dating a man, getting all that social acceptance of fitting the norm..then fucking other women and their bf actually counting themselves lucky that she does that. Just makes her hotter. Win-win for the gf. I hate being the side fuck though. You can enter that set up feeling prepared but you nearly always get screwed over in some way.
No. 180033
>>180026This has never happened to me, although the last time I had an offer I was so disappointed when it fell through. This Chinese girl had come to my country to study and wanted to stop repressing her sexuality and dominate me with her white bf. I'm a switch at heart but I was like sure sounds great because she was hot as fuck, except the weird thing was she wanted me to fuck her bf on my own first without her there. Then I guess I didn't arrange to meet him in time and she got jealous and blocked me. It honestly sounds like a catfish scenario when I write it out except I have proof that it wasn't, but regardless I found it disappointing. I might try and go on apps again this summer so I can arrange something similar, which ones are best to find these girls? Sorry for rambling btw.
As for bi men I prefer them to straight guys although I don't date men in general.
No. 180034
>>180033I've had the experience of having a threesome go really well and then planning to make it an ongoing thing…only for them to break up veery soon afterwards. Which made me feel semi responsible.
Then another time a couple spent months chatting to me online, meeting twice for drinks in person. They had the hotel booked..fell though last minute. Rebooked it for another night…they broke up. He still wanted to fuck me solo though right after their break up, like no thanks.
No. 180037
>>180034Not gonna lie, if I was the one in the committed relationship I might not be so quick to go looking for threesomes with my partner. But fortunately for me I'm kind of too unstable and probably too unlovable for any actual relationship.
>going for drinks twiceFor me that would be a red flag straight away. I've done stuff like cry on the bus home from dates with women because we didn't fuck. Not to sound like an incel because I'm really not, but since I broke up with my gf I've been feeling this shit extra hard.
No. 180329
>>180251It’s super annoying to see stuff like
>>179253 that says if you question why a “bi woman” wouldn’t want to interact with pussy you’re violating her boundaries or whatever
No. 180508
>>180500Yeah, in reverse.
Puberty and a porn addiction made me horny 24/7 for almost everyone regardless of sex and body type. But as I reach my mid-twenties and no longer watch porn, I'm almost exclusively into women. My first crushes were on women so that feels about right to revert back to the time before hormones went crazy. I was also obese back then which may have fucked them up even more.
My libido is still embarrassingly high for a woman tbh, but less like I imagine a man's may be where I see everyone sexually all the time.
Overall, I'm grateful I'm extremely inhibited (and was fat) so I never did anything with anyone, especially men, back then. Being a coombrain is one thing, but sharing it with someone else would have been cursed to have to remember.
And I'm glad you're safe from big C and your ED anon! Best of luck with your health.
No. 180678
>>180667You’re not too ugly
nonnie, don’t worry. You also don’t need to prove yourself. Being bi feels weird sometimes because of how others perceive us, but don’t worry about fitting into anyone else’s idea of bisexuality.
No. 181014
>>180678Nta but I always feel super bad when people say most bi women are fake because they never dated women (like
>>179568 is often weaponized against us), I never have either. I know they are mostly talking about serial monogamists or for casual hook-ups, not necessarily women who've had like only two long time relationships, but I still feel somewhat targeted. I must add I've never dated men either, but I don't care about it, only women.
No. 181096
I started dating again after a breakup from long term (hetero) relationship and oh god I'm so nervous
I've talked with three women from tinder and I'm seeing two of them next week.
Number 1 is someone I'm not that into but she asked me out. I'm a horrible person but I thought it would be practical to hook up with a person I'm not that interested in if I'm awkward. I haven't been with a woman in a long time.
I'm a nervous wreck BUT I can't cancel the plans. I have never been that nervous about guys.
I'm questioning if I'm leaning towards lesbianism (my recent relationship had many signs of compulsory heterosexuality) BUT I like dick. I have just more intense feelings for women than men.
I thought I had very stable identitety as a bisexual so switching the label means pointless at this time. Also, lesbians have this strong gate keeping mentality.
Recently I discovered some painful feelings when I was watching lesbians tiktoks and I was so damn jealous that I can't experience that kind of love, and what if I can? I felt like I had to "settle" for a man because I can't get a wife. Why can't I?
will I die as a lonely old woman?
There's not too many wlw's. When my friends describe the feelings they have for their boyfriends I wonder if I'm ever going to experience mutual love.
I loved my ex-partner but felt that my feelings were more friendship-like. Sex was good and we had a good time but I was never in love. Actually, transition from relationship to friendship was very smooth and I'm really happy about that. I wish that he will find a nice girl who isn't crazy lesbian like me.
Maybe I should move abroad and try my luck in some international university areas. There must be lot of lesbians, right?
I live in Finland and I'm pretty sure that there's lot of academic lesbians who want a visa in Finland. We got FREE infertility treatments for lesbian couples!! basically everyone is polite towards lesbians, I have had openly gay workmates even in my shittiest low wage jobs. I had a fucking real neo-nazi ex-convict as a workmate and even he was cool with lesbians (he hated everyone not-Aryan race but white lesbians were non-issue). Our national hero Tove Jansson is lesbian and everyone loves her.
Okay, that sounds even more desperate than I really am.
Any tips for tinder dates? I'm not THAT into the person number 1 so I can mess it up. No panic, I'm not going to marry her so it does not matter if I'm nervous wreck.
I've had a lot of dates with guys and I don't usually get anxious before dates. If the guy does not like me, who cares? There's a line outside waiting. Ironically, I've been very popular among men bc I'm chill and mostly date nerdy guys.
I miss cons bc it's huge ego boost to be the alpha female in nerd circles.
Like, in typical bar setting I'm 8ish but board game convention: solid 10.
Yeah, I'm not lesbian either, I enjoy the attention of nerd guys too much. Ah, the only good type of men. I feel sorry for women who are into chad dudebro types.
I wish I could drink and ease the tension during our date. I have strong medication that don't mix well with drinking.
My first date, the girl i'm not that into, said that she has been sober 4 months. yeah, that sounds like a major red flag because only addicts say shit like that.
But I'm not going to marry her. I'm going to have awkward sex so I don't mess things up when I met a girl I REALLY like.
No. 181119
>>181096>Bisexual talking about how lesbians are treatedThat neo-nazi probably would've treated you a lot worse if you were actually a lesbian and in a gay relationship. Bisexuals tend to forget that they always have straight-passing privilege because homophobes assume you're identifying as one for the attention or are simply confused in case you're in a straight relationship, but gay people they consider to be full degenerates born from the devil. While lesbians have equal rights from a legal point of view, they are still either fetishized, ostracized or straight out hated by the common man outside of the woke circles. I'm also from Finland and very familiar by my own and all of my lesbian friends' experiences.
>Inspired by romanticized, scripted lesbian tiktok videos>Accuses lesbians of "gatekeeping">"I miss cons bc it's huge ego boost to be the alpha female in nerd circles." >"Yeah, I'm not lesbian either, I enjoy the attention of nerd guys too much.">"Ah, the only good type of men. I feel sorry for women who are into chad dudebro types."Gonna be brutally honest, this sounds gross as fuck and you give out strong bihet vibes, the type of "bisexuality" that centers around just getting admiration from women.
No. 181139
>>181136>>180667I'm not bi
questioning so maybe I shouldn't be the person to answer this, but I really do not think it's weird. The "bisexuals love threesomes" thing is just a fetish-y stereotype and you shouldn't hold yourself to that standard. If you want to have a threesome, then go for it, but don't do it just because you think it's what bisexuals are supposed to do. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, not even other bisexual people.
also, don't become like that anon that cheated on her gf cause she was scared she was judging her for not having fucked a man lmaoo No. 181147
>>181096I don't think you should be dating anyone right now, you sound insecure, desperate, and confused
btw if you like dick and enjoyed sex with a man you are not a lesbian, you are bisexual. I know that people make you think that bisexual women always prefer men and if you feel more intensely toward women, you must actually be a lesbian, but you can be bi and still have a preference or have stronger feelings for women. But anyway, you need to sort your shit out first.
No. 181212
>>181119You are wrong. You made your observation from post written tongue in cheek.
Only thing you know about me is that post.
I have had serious relationships with women. I’m definetly not bihet. No shame for bicurious women but that’s not me.
No. 181692
nonnie? Bisexual women can at least hide behind a straight relationship with a man but gays can't hide at all. Have any statistics to prove your claim?
No. 181732
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Why does everything have to center around how opressed everyone is?
As a bisexual woman, I don't get why bi's complain that they are not treated as real members of LGBTQ+ whatever community.
in other news, my crush shared a wedding picture today.
No. 181905
>>181780i'm not into lgbtq community shit or activism but "why can't we focus on the good we have" sounds like feeble, whiny, and meaningless. you may prefer to stick your heads in the sand than be fully conscious of our issues and place in the world as bisexuals but some of us actually like to stand up for ourselves
swear to god, bis are all either pissing and moaning about dumb stuff like not feeling ~welcome~ in ~spaces~ while het-partnered or the opposite, kowtowing to gays who think they invented same-sex attraction
No. 181921
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I joined a local LGBTQ+ Discord support group to try finding ""my people"" and now I feel 10 x shittier about myself.Fuck. what did I expect.just a bunch of obnoxiously bored people that start drama and arguments, and also saying any/every thing is valid and throwing up made up pronouns and junk like that.why the hell is everyone calling themselves "she/they bisexual lesbians" what the f? AND ofcourse, it's likely just confused attention seeker straights romanticizing/objectifiyng LGBTQ people since they don't talk about anything other than "hahahah look at me i'm such a lesbian".I could tell 90% of the users were people who say "women, ♡" but never touch one romantically with a ten foot fucking pole.
I feel so upset right now.everything is a joke now.Realizing what I am makes me fear I"ll become like these idiots.
No. 181975
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>>181905That’s so extreme to say I’d rather be ignorant anon. I’d rather focus on the shit we’ve achieved than stay stuck in perpetual victimhood. Obviously I’ll face any injustice that comes across my path, but I won’t go searching for it and I’m not going to waste energy crying woe is me…grrrr so angry when that’s not always the case.
No. 182028
>>181986Women faking it is a big enough issue to talk about imo because it makes things harder for those of us who are genuine. I don’t hate being bi at all but I feel nonstop pressure to “prove it”, mostly to other bi people and not so much lesbians, tbh it’s really weird how some bi women can’t stop seething about The Mean Lesbians. But yeah as I was saying even though the discussions in LGBT groups are often childish shit about how everything is
valid I feel out of place in the community no matter what I do, maybe it’s because I prefer the same sex and don’t have much experience with the opposite so it feels uncomfortable for me when every single bi discussion seems to revolve around opposite sex relationships.
sorry for rambling No. 182035
>>181975ayrt, i feel ya
>>182028i'm deathly tired of how so much ~*~bi positivity~*~ is about men in some form. none of the uwu
valid positivity resonates with me in the first place, it's kinda useless, but damn it's almost always about opposite sex relationships and feeling insecure about them. can we ever stop talking about men? lmao
No. 182040
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>>182039Kek I’ve seen that manifesto come up a lot but have never read the whole thing because I think it would annoy me. I always hate it when these woque people act like The Gays are their worst enemy (99.9% sure the manifesto will include this in some way). Maybe it’s because I thought I was a lesbian as a teenager and do identify with some of their struggles.
>>182037When people say they dislike other bi women they might mean ones like picrel
No. 182053
>>182050I've seen people saying that the reason girls online do this is because they feel awkward about never or rarely dating other women but they want to fit with other lgbts so they "over-perform" bisexuality. Don't really know what to think of that since I can't relate to any of it
It's kind of annoying tho because I like the original joke ("attracted to all women and maybe 3 men") but now it's a meme ppl use to make fun of us and say we're probably straight even if we've literally never even got with a dude before.
No. 182079
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Alright yall. Needed an opinion from somewhere.
How do yall think Bis can be reprisented in media? as in showing -not just here-say?
You cant have them show intrest in only the same gender otherwise itll be seen as a gay relationship, and only displaying intrest in the opposite gender is seen as a straight one.
I despise the trope where the bi person cheats on their partner with the same sex to figure out their orientation.
Many are estatic for Lumity… but theres fans that only see her for being saphic and not for being bi.
No. 182087
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>>182079>>182083I hate it when we get represented by shitty "lesbian" characters, like there's this show called Dear White People with this woman who is engaged to another woman and they call themselves lesbians but she starts cheating on her FIANCE with her male (college) student. So it was this double whammy, lesbians and bisexual women getting shit "representation."
Cheating storylines suck in general.
I'd like for more media to actually say the word bisexual instead of gay/lesbian if the character is BI, and also please stop with the ~I don't like labels~. It's overplayed and the rejection of the bisexual label should no longer be encouraged because it has not done us any good. In a similar vein, I hope they haven't started letting fake shit like pansexuality creep into our media, bc that's done so much damage already on the internet alone.
No. 182089
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>>182079>>182087I haven't seen recent season yet but I remember Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99 being a very refreshing and good bi representation, she had a boyfriend later she had a girlfriend, she explicitely stated she's bi and not confused; there was no weird cheating/questioning sexuality plotlines like they usually do in these cases either
No. 182109
>>182101different anon but what does this mean?? i've never been sexually assaulted but i can understand that women have higher rates of rape and domestic violence than men
afaik statistically bisexual women report higher rates of abuse/assault and worse health. not sure why or if these studies are to be trusted but anyway, why does your personal experience somehow make this not true
No. 182117
>>182101Nta, but I don't think that's what they said. Bi women
do have higher rates of abuse, that doesn't mean that all bi women suffer abuse.
No. 182139
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what are your thoughts on bi pride merch and pride merch in general? is it based or cringe, and do you own any?
No. 182159
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>>182156i don't think the bi flag looks at all bad compared to others like picrel
No. 182206
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I hate how one week I'm only interested in men but another week I can't stop thinking about women. I constantly feel like I'm not really bisexual and that I'm a traitor or those types of girls who pretends to be bisexual even though I have enjoyed my experiences with both women and men. Does anyone else experience this?
im going through a phase where I only like women and i cried like a baby last night when i found out i might never be able to marry a woman because of my homophobic family
No. 182240
>>182159I remember when this flag first showed up. Gendercrits commented that the placement of the trans and black/brown
POC colors looks like the trans woke brigade are forcing their way onto gay pride/gay issues. I don't mind the 2017 Philadelphia eight-stripe flag, although I never use it, but this one is hideous. It's like the trans stripes are penetrating and invading the rainbow flag, which is apt, since they've basically taken us over in the past decade.
No. 182243
>>182240Forcing their way in using the
POC stripes as a shield, like how TRAs constantly appropriate actual social justice issues. The symbolism works so well it almost feels intentional lol.
No. 182578
>>182529>>182574I'm the annon that deleted my post. TLDR: friends discovered i'm bi by accident and I'm not sure how to go about it because being LGBTQ+ in my area is trivial/political/idolized unhealthily (very SJW pandering too) and it feels awful knowing someone will see me ""clumped in"" with SJWs.
When someone Ik came out,everyone gained an "LGBTQ+ savior complex" and everyone (even straight folks) fought left + right around identity politics.I cant believe some people assume being bi is not something youre born with.
I had fun talking gay jokes with alies before, but now How do I convince them that its OK to still joke about gay things around me when shits been politicized like this for a while??Im Hoping they just forgot about finding out and move on.
No. 182620
I need some help.
I experience aesthetic attraction to both men and women. Facially, I experience more intensity to men because of angularity, his stubble, whatever. However, it's pretty rare. I think women are better looking on average. I find men either swing hard as 8+s or 4s, most men are below 5. Women are in that 6-7.5 range at all times for me. I get crushes on men more often (they're pretty rare), but they're mild. They're kind of puppylove/honeymoon phase and they die instantly when reciprocated or he says something vile (which is every f'ing time). I like the idea of being with some blue-collar, dad-bod sweetheart type. Never had one show interest. The few crushes I get for women are intense and built on close friendship, but I haven't had it in years. In that time, everything about her becomes more beautiful, not just physically, but every little quip and giggle. I cling to the idea this might happen with a man, but never has. I'm in my 20s. Why can't I just let it go?
Once in a blue moon, and I mean every few years, the sight of a man flexing his arms or shirtless might send burning through me, but it's not downstairs. It is still very intense, but short-lived and fills me with shame. I have, however, felt that feeling downstairs at the sight of of a woman's nape, breasts, or hips moving while she walks. I haven't felt that since I was young either.
I have no idea if I'm bi. les. or ace.
I get feelings for men, but they end abruptly and are not sexual. Sexual acts with men feel wrong and I want to bolt. I can't stand how rough a man's hands feel or his smell. I don't feel that with women, but the feelings aren't as strong at first and take many months to surpass what I initially feel for men at first. I don't feel anything for either at first glance though, so that makes me at least on the Ace spectrum. I have no idea if this brief time I experienced sexual? attraction makes me something else.
No. 182639
>>182620Most anons here don't buy ace spectrum stuff, maybe that's why anon thought you were trolling.
Anyway, for what it's worth I id as bi and also only fantasize about men but am repulsed in reality. I have never kissed or dated them as a result. Not for lack of opportunity…I just lose interest when it gets real. Male friends are cool though so it's not out of hatred.
This may be unpopular due to comphet discourse, but I think you can't be a lesbian if you have ever enjoyed fantasies of men. Doesn't matter if you can only date women irl, you're bisexual on some level. Bisexual thought crimes are real.
But that's just my onion. In the end it's up to you to identify yourself.
No. 182744
annon from
>>182578 post
Some of them are asking me questions now and Idk how to respond.They think Im uncomfortable with their suposed straight priviledges. The Hell do I say to them??
No. 182760
>>182639>This may be unpopular due to comphet discourse, but I think you can't be a lesbian if you have ever enjoyed fantasies of men.Based, also I don't think that's that unpopular of an opinion nowadays, at least if you look if you ever look at gc lesbian spaces online. Plenty of them are critical of it.
Honestly the popularity of the comphet shit is sad, the vast majority of women who are claiming comphet are just bisexuals with a preference for women, but instead of acknowledging that they ID as lesbians. I don't necessarily blame them since I was actually the same way until very recently, but bisexual women preferring women should be more normalized.
No. 182795
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Is the locker-room myth true? where you can spot who's the sapphic by noticing who shies away while changing?
No. 182901
>>182897Fr. This
>>182620 conversation can go on forever KEK.
No. 182934
>>182931I think it's a combo of "bi women are all bihet LUGs who will eventually end up with a man but I am not like that so I must not be bi" and "Have the heard the good news about comphet? No longer must you suffer due to the shitty moid behavior of the porn-addicted college boys that probably dominate your dating pool, congratulations, you're actually gay! Because bi women enjoy shitty moid behavior, and if you don't, then you're probably not one. You are now safe. Come, my lesbian sistren, let us lick honey off each other's bodies while listening to girl in red like all our soft cottagecore daydreams"
There's an undercurrent of anxiety and fear in that doc and it suggests lesbianism as a "way out" because bisexual women cannot possibly just decide not to date guys (or simply find better guys lol)
No. 182946
>>182620, and the reason why I'm confused is because every hetero, homo, and bisexual person I've met experience attraction at first sight, and it's extremely strong and obvious. They have no problem swiping right on Tinder to someone they've never met, they KNOW when they find someone attractive on appearance alone. I do not. My friends had partners like revolving doors, always dating someone; actively having sex and wanting it regularly.
I feel attraction to one or two people every couple of years, it doesn't involve their body. I'm attracted to their face and the chemistry, body might come later, and when it does, it's only in the moment. I don't have an active attraction when I'm not in the presence of that person. I don't go home and think about them (outside of the butterflies from conversation) or masturbate to the thought of them. The attraction I feel is purely sensual, and this is even rarer. Photography of erotic light brushes of the skin is the only thing that does something for me, and it lasts two seconds. I can't exactly parade myself as bisexual if I can't stay aroused for more than a second in order to do "the dance" with someone, anons.
No. 182963
>>182946fwiw i am more like you than not. i'd say i experience strong attractions but they're not so common and i've never joined tinder because i don't feel anything just looking at some random person's photos. i have to interact with someone a few times to give a shit about them as a potential romantic or sexual partner, and most people look neutral-to-ugly to me before i start seeing them as attractive. the ones that immediately look attractive to me on first sight, i still do not fantasize about or want to get to know just based on their physical appearance. i've never once masturbated while thinking of actual people, and certainly not people i know.
maybe you're bi and have a really low sex drive?
No. 182986
>>182984Mostly because it's seen as desirable for women to be bi (or, at least, pornsick men think it's hot) and people mistakenly think being bi makes you 'open minded' or more woke somehow. And also it's impossible to really say that someone ISN'T bisexual. Like if you claimed to be lesbian but dated men you'd get called out pretty fast, but how can you know if someone is bi in a straight relationship or straight? You can't. So combo of motivation to appropriate bisexuality + ease of appropriation = "everyone is a little bi."
Don't get me started on the hearts not parts/pansexuality bs.
No. 183055
>>182954I've seen women call themselves bisexual because they like boobs but then vaginas are a hard limit. I do think that seeing sexual imagery of women everywhere plays a large role in it. I think women objectively have the body type that draws in more attention. Curves catch the eye more. So if straight women are honestly just mistaking that for sexual attraction then I feel for them to a degree. It's hard to escape the sight of womens bodies plastered everywhere and made to look as appealing as possible.
Do you want genital contact with another woman though? Seems like a weirdly overlooked obvious question.
No. 183085
>>183080I've seen women call themselves bi but insist that bisexuals don't have to like men, just two or more genders so like, women and they/thems
so lesbian basically lol
No. 183243
>>183159the issue with regards to pansexuality is that there are only two biological sexes. so even if you agree that pansexuality is when you're willing to date nonbinary people or whatever, that doesn't make it a different sexuality. so-called nonbinary people are still male or female, whether or not you want to date them is a personal preference and not a distinct sexuality. like i might be only open to dating men or women with brown hair, but that doesn't make me monohaircoloursexual or someone who doesn't care if their partner is blonde panhaircoloursexual. at worst it's annoying preachy 'open-minded-er than thou' shit and at best it's just confusing what sexuality is as a concept.
sage because irrelevant rant
No. 183259
>>183159 I know NB crap is ridiculous but when people push that its real Id rathar not have it assosiated with Bisexuality
thats what I meant.
No. 183393
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>>183303Have fun anon! Let us know how it goes
No. 183421
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>>183420uh? may we help you?
No. 183427
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>TFW Crushing on a model from a photo but can't. find. her. name.
No. 183487
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>>183431You probably won't be able to find her its from a stock photo kek. Here it is
No. 183647
>>183642I wanted to answer this seriously but I don't know how. I can only guess, and I think the majority of lesbians, globally, do not really care kek
And neither should we (care what they think)
No. 183791
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>>183709Sanrio is popular with e-girls, some e-girls are gay/bi, and My Melody and Kuromi are two female characters often depicted together. Kuromi specifically could also be interpreted as bisexual since she has a male love interest in the show iirc.
Hello Kitty EU also released…this. So make of that as you will.
It's all cute imo. Kind of stupid but ultimately harmless.
No. 183821
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I don't know if this is controversial, but I think if you're a girl and you like a girl who is a tomboy, it can still be straight because you are attracted to her masculine qualities and not her being a girl. And it does not make you queer. Like you would be attracted to the qualities they emulate rather than their female body.
No. 183825
>>183821This post is gives off "if you like masculine/butch women you might as well date men" vibes.
>Like you would be attracted to the qualities they emulate rather than their female bodyWhy does liking tomboys mean you can't be attracted to their female body? They're still women. A straight woman wouldn't be attracted to women just cause they dress a certain way
No. 183831
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>>183821This is the kind of mental gymnastics baby gays with homophobic parents do to justify their evil gayness
No. 183837
>>183821Barely related but I always wondered about all those girls that said they had a crush on Ruby Rose when she had a part on OITNB and then there was like a weirdly specific backlash and everyone on tumblr started dunking on them
Were they straight and just saying it because same-sex attraction was briefly "in"? Were they bisexual but like Kinsey 1s? Where are they today? I hope they all got girlfriends who look like Ruby Rose
No. 183866
>>183821This kindof talk's exactly makes me less happy about myself lmfao.
Does this mean gay men would like tomboys too KEK.
No. 183915
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>>183821Sure anon, liking someone with pussy and tits is totally straight. Manhood is defined by short hair and jeans.
No. 184022
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>>183915I don't think it's gay because you wouldn't be attracted to the average woman, just the tomboy, and if you're like that then all women could do it for you. But they don't. And you like the mannerisms and personality more than how they look.
>>183866I think gay men could like a tomboy for the masculine qualities, we all have a masculine and feminine side. And my mother is a straight woman, but she has liked a dyke type girl before, so it is a straight woman thing to occasionally like boyish girls.
I think women are less visual so even if you like a woman a little, it's not because it's gay or they look like a woman, but because of their qualities and how they make you feel. Like Sofia Vergara in the smurfs movie, and you might think 'I know she would be exciting to be around and she's elegant and probably smells excellent', but that's it. Everyone has exceptions. Also, I'm not gay because I am disgusted by homosexual attraction, and if I were I would be happy about it. But it's involuntary and disgusting and often goes away if I feel disgusted enough. I'm not homophobic by the way, I just feel instinctually disgusted by certain things and I trust my instincts. Sage for sperging.
No. 184031
>>184022>I'm not gay because I am disgusted by homosexual attraction, and if I were I would be happy about it. But it's involuntary and disgusting and often goes away if I feel disgusted enoughWhy is my 13-year-old self posting on lolcow?
In all seriousness, I hope you can accept yourself someday anon. It doesn't mean that you have to date butches, or that your bi split even favours women at all. Best of luck.
>>183866Dw anon, masc women are top tier.
No. 184037
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>>184022>I'm not homophobic by the way, I just feel instinctually disgusted by certain things and I trust my instincts.Wtf does this even mean? Your "instincts" are telling you to be disgusted by gay/bi people and you're just perfectly ok with it and don't even try to change? What kind of homophobia is this. No wonder you keep making these dumb posts
No. 184158
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is it possible to be bi, but sex-repulsed? i get off to women and men, but i find dicks and vaginas gross if they aren't drawn well (so, read: in real life).
No. 184163
>>184159i'm not pornsick. i know porn isn't an accurate representation of what sex is like and i don't need it to function.
watching porn doesn't automatically make you "sick"
No. 184228
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Saged for rant, the word "Bi"s been reduced to a Buzzword in my brain even though I am one. And I hate that.Its all the 14 y/old she/they/bi artists on tiktok/other SM who dont want to be like "de other girlz" and scream about how it's hard being in their shoe and then using sexuality as a "pass" for something and its also a large reason why I turn away from my own comunity. So much insecurity or jerking around. Absolute Worst part is straight after becoming "A bicon queen" they post fucking cringy, preachy shit on Instagram (image relevant.)
Do not even get me started with when an anime character is revealed as Bi.or a youtube personality, or anyone being bi.people go batshit insane and things get disastrous and toxic fast.Why doesn't this happen with Lesbian/Gays as often as with us??
TLdr, I sum this up as "Fucking tired of Sexuality being a preachy quirk."
No. 184238
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>>184236It's mostly lesbians shitting on: poly unicorn hunters on Tinder, "queer nb femmes" and other fake woke sexuality and gender labels (the group is like 50/50 TERFs and transbian-tolerant women), and girls who ask "How do I cuff my jeans so people think I'm gay?" as they date one crusty scrote after another.
No. 184300
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Is it possible to be bisexual but dick repulsed, despite never even trying dick? I only had sex one time with a girl when I was a teen, I never dated or fucked men. I was never molested or raped. I often have crushes on male actors and I fantasize about them more often than about women. It's weird because I'm really attracted to their faces and their bodies but I don't want to think about their dicks. I can get really wet just fantasizing about cuddling and kissing with a guy, grinding against him, humping his thigh or him giving me oral sex, but when I think about his crotch there's nothing there, like he was a doll lol. I never fantasize about any kind of penetration; dick, finger, toy, doesn't matter. I practice only non-penetrative masturbation. I really don't know why I have this strong repulsion towards dicks and penetration, since I wasn't molested and I didn't have any sexual interactions with men that could discourage me. I'm very attracted to certain male faces, lean and muscular male bodies and male voice, but the dick always ruins it. I'm not a big fan of pussies either, but they're way less disgusting than dicks, probably because you can't penetrate with them. I wish I could take a hot guy and just take the dick out and slap a pussy there, or maybe give him a super tiny dick that's good only for grinding lol. I'm laughing but in my heart I'm crying because I will never find a guy who's sexually compatibile with me, all men want piv with their women unless they're closeted gays.
I had people telling me I'm a closeted lesbian, which is bullshit. I started to think that maybe the fact I'm autistic has something to do with it? I'm very prone to overstimulation and anything penetrative seems like too big of an ingerence with my body? I also don't perform femininity for the same reason, it's just too uncomfortable, the only femininine thing about me is long hair. But the fact that I find penetrative sex unappealing and I don't like femininity is enough for people to tell me I'm either a transman or a lesbian, depending on their political compass. It's so frustrating. I don't want to change it because I don't want to force myself to do something that makes me very uncomfortable, but I also don't want to be alone forever and perceived as immature.
No. 184311
>>184300Don't worry, there are decent men that don't care about PIV. The best part is that those types of men are more likely to focus on your pleasure too, and be happy and enthusiastic to rub your clit or eat you out. Only thing is you'll have to be upfront about not wanting PIV or giving oral and they can decide whether to dip out or not. I usually bring it up with the first week or two with someone I'm interested in. Although it's always an awkward conversation, it's better than giving someone false expectations.
>I don't want to force myself to do something that makes me very uncomfortableFor the love of god, please keep this up. Too many women let themselves be pressured into doing sexual shit they don't want.
No. 184318
>>184300I mean if you're bi but repulsed by something that's attached to every guy… why not date women? Why is it immature until you learn to embrace TheDickTM?
>>184317No, this isn't "normal". I like dick, it's the men attached to it I don't want near me.
No. 184321
>>184317I would say it's normal. Even as a straight woman the concept of PIV used to disgust and humiliate me in my teen years, and the thought that i'd have to interact with a penis turned my stomach, but the feeling subsided with age.
I'd love to be a lesbian…
No. 184322
>>184307I'm not straight because I fantasize about women too, just not as often as about men. It's weird because between the ages of 10 and 15 I was more into girls, then it switched to guys. I dated a girl in high school etc. I was in love with that one girl whom I had sex with, but she didn't take it as seriously as I did, I felt like she treated it as an experiment and she didn't want to see me again. She even pretended like we did something evil and told me she confessed to a priest that she had lesbian sex with me KEK. We lived in a pretty conservative, roman catholic environment, so maybe that's why, idk
>>184311I wish it was true but do you really believe those men don't fuck other women on the side? Because I find it hard to believe. I can't imagine a straight guy who can live without piv for years
>>184318I wouldn't feel 100% safe dating a woman, at least not now. Second of all, at that moment I just feel a little more attracted to male bodies, minus the dick.
No. 184326
Why cant society just agree on
>>182897 and make it more complicated then it has to be. ((and that goes for questioners too)).
No. 184688
Likely someone who wants to bait and
trigger Anons.
No. 184948
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I'm so done. This week alone 6 people in my social circle came out as Bi all at the same time so I'm suspicious obviously since were all in one group chat.
One person is a girl I liked in the past but she's was clearly not into women ,and always prefers friendships with men. She has a boyfriend of 5 years but NOW you explore yourself?
Excuse me but whats with women chasing and being with a man for years ,then suddenly comming out as Bi while in the relationship. What have you been doing??Were you bored of your BF one day so you say your Bi to get someone talking about you?
"I noticed I think women look pretty sometimes so I think i like them. dont refer to me as straight anymore just call me Bisexual. its a nice label" is basically what she said.
She was first to come out from the 6 and that started it. One guy in the group tried being supportive by saying dating Bis are so much better because you can both compliment women together. So it makes you a major cuck? Thanks for the support.
I truly know that if I come out and say i think dating/sex/romance/womens bodies turn me on everyone will see me as a perv, or a Bi god since their definition is listening to girl in red and watching pretty celebs makes you Bi.
So anons, should I come out to them?
No. 185030
I'm not that into feminine women but butches get me going, I had been friends with a few and they see me as a friend only.
I used to have this tallish skinny butch friend, she was bi, a little hairy, and had the face of a greek goddess, she looked good even with longer hair, but she saw me as nothing but a friend and used to talk with me about her crush that she later started dating and about their dates and presents and I was there just holding it all in, all the women I crushed on don't find me attractive, fact is I can never imagine a woman being attracted to me, only moids do, it hurts.
I'm not the most effeminate but goddamn it, I want a butch gf why did I have to be so ugly and masculine.
No. 185042
>>185030forgot to add:
we were very physical and she used to hold me very very closely all the time I was around her I used to feel her none existing cleavage on my head, we used to be so comfortable around each other and even being semi-nude around me, we got along very well and we used to have some chemistry but she used to get all flustered and polite when my 9.5/10 fake bisexual stacy friend around, I introduced her to my friend group and everyone suspected that she and my stacy friend were dating and teased her all the time about how my crush used to be nervous and blushy around her, I'm better looking than I used to be then but I still don't think I have a chance, girls touch me and are very physical around me but only fems expressed any sexual desires to me, had fem friends who would hold my hand/hug me and joke about us being together but I don't like fems that much, I do have a very specific type for fems but in general I'd rather be with an average guy than average fem.
I'll try to get a gf and if I do I'll maybe post an update idk.
No. 185112
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>>184688 >>184623 >>184552sorry for posting the turdpile 'dykes are just men with cochie lol'
It seems like bait because in retrospect, it sounds really stupid. But I meant what I said.
I believe homosexuality is not ok, and am saying again I am disgusted by my feelings that I have had and sometimes had because it goes against my beliefs. I had a secret gf and used to be with a couple other girls, and felt strongly about women and their bodies since seeing Velma in Scooby Doo. I came to have views that it was wrong, and was raised with some values that made me feel very guilty for it. And was so disgusted that the feelings weren't the same, I felt pure again.
I have liked many women before, but wanted an anon to say 'dw still straight' because I was feeling guilt for the feelings coming back and was so scared. I want to feel what I'm supposed to feel. I have liked feminine and masculine women, and don't see the tomboy as a man. I just wanted to rationalise that I was still straight somehow and not going back to my old ways. I was trying to be straight, and will continue to try, but I don't think a bi woman with integrity will use dykes as a placeholder for men, so I'm sorry for causing infighting and appearing as a troll.
If I get banned for autistic blogposting, maybe that will be good for my mento health anyway. But I'm not a reflection of 'bi' women, just someone trying to become healthy and heterosexual and leave my past behind.
No. 185119
>>185112Legitimately feel bad for you nonatella, your words are pretty painful to read. Hope one day you learn to accept yourself and have the blessings of loving a woman without feeling any guilt or pain only endless happiness.
Good luck in your journey.
No. 185140
>>185112 >I am disgusted by my feelings>I had a secret gf>used to be with a COUPLE other girls>felt strongly about women and their bodies since seeing Velma in Scooby Doo>No talk about feelings for men anywhereI'm sorry anon but I'm pretty sure this belongs in the lesbian thread kek
Btw did you feel "disgusted" when you were licking all that pussy?
Damn homophobic-chan you're a chad tell us your ways.
No. 185211
Anyone else have a parent who is both bisexual and a biphobe/homophobe?
I have no idea how to deal with this aside from just dating a woman and proving her wrong. I love her so much otherwise so it hurts a bit.
>>185112I feel bad for you, anon. Hope you can work through this.
No. 185237
>>185230Bi x Bi is represented in media as
>>185232 said but I think Instagram artists made the Lesbian x Bi ships more popular (i.e. through OC's.)
No. 185281
I asked out a guy and he'd straight up told me that me acting masculine is a turn off, he even thought I was lesbian.Does this happen to anyone else?Are men turned off by tomboys?I know some women like it but I'd hate thinking this
>>183821 is true.
No. 185282
>>185281I've been always a tomboy and assigned lesbian by everyone, but even then even when men thought I was a lesbo they were flirty with me.
your guy probably has a very specific type or is closeted gay, either way you dodged a bullet.
No. 185286
>>18528490% of men only want submissive passive girly women to make them feel like real big manly men, you intimidate them by throwing the roles off in their head. Even subtle things like hair length signal role expectations to men
There will be men appreciative of women who look however they want and think your masculinity is hot. Depends on location. Tomboys are popular with bis/lesbians so what that autistic nutjob said isn't true. I like masculinity in women but not in men precisely because I like women, not just masculinity
No. 185315
>>185281Men are like horses. They smell your fear.
They are simple creatures, not complex like women. I’m in the domme side and sometimes I like to challenge myself and I pick literally guy from the street and charm him. Not fuck him, I just like the feeling that I could make him do anything I want.
If you give men too much power over you, they will treat you like shit.
I prefer women in serious relationships and don’t really connect the same way with men, than I do with women. The best thing about men are that they are so simple creatures.
Women are complex and can feel 20 emotions at the same time, while men are happy/unhappy.
No. 185368
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I don't know if this is fake media press or because bis are a large percent of the community but I always wondered why bisexuals are statistically more abused, because I assumed it was gay men abused at higher rates because bisexuals technically have choice to be in "straight" relationships. I feel like I have no say in this matter and am playing victim because I dont have "the full gay experience" that lesbians or gays do. but I needed answers.
No. 185415
>>185368iirc that study said that it was bisexual women in particular who were abused the most, right? I've seen some speculate that maybe we face higher rates of abuse because of negative stereotypes, like the idea that we're inherently more promiscuous or more likely to cheat. Tbh I think that makes sense, while I've never personally been in a relationship, from what I've seen online a lot of non-bisexual people are bothered by bisexuality and feel insecure when they're in a relationship with a bisexual (and let's be real, men in particular will feel more entitled to certain sex acts like threesomes, and will probably act more degrading).
Also I wish that study specified which sex these women were partnered with. Statistically speaking they were probably mostly het-partnered, but I'm still curious nonetheless, like if it showed rates of abuse in same sex vs opposite sex relationships for bisexual women.
No. 185426
>>185414I’d guess this option. The statistic seems kinda sketchy.
There is violence in relationships between two women but it’s not as common as in het couples. I can only speak from my own experience and social circles.
One time I was in a gay bar with my friends and there was a russian lesbian couple and the ”butch” one punched the ”femme” . I was young and the situation was super weird. My armchair theory is that the butch had adapted the model of
abusive relationships in their very heteronormative culture, but idk don’t know too many russian lesbians so it’s hard to say.
No. 185591
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I don't know whether I should come out to my mom or not.
>Arabic background
>hates fake wokeness just like me but mistakes non-woke actions for woke ones
>is unaware bi is a real thing (thinks they're just lesbians in hiding)
>is somewhat uninformed
>we used to bitch about fake wokeness together so might come as a shock if I reveal. I stopped the bitching after finding out what I was (although radfems still suck).
>the only Bi media she'd ever seen was when a show she watches very obviously shoehorned a relationship in
>not religious
>overall is very caring and I feel I run low risk of being disowned
>shows "the gays can do whatever they want but I'm not watching it" mentality ocasionally
Lots of conflictions I know
Subtlety hinting and normalizing it is probably the babysteps toward coming out.
No. 185596
>>185574God just get therapy. BPDfags are so tiresome.
>Thisjustconfirmseveryonehatesme!!1Yeah, you're really persecuted. Life is suffering and so on and so forth.
No. 185683
>>185591You don't
need to come out wth.
No. 185710
>>185703Hard agree.
>>185683 samefag.
You want a romantic relationship meant for
you anon, not to satisfy mom and dad. If they love you then they'll come around eventually. If not, then either be miserable by keeping your gf a secret, luck out and find a decent guy, or be single forever. Your romantic relationships are
(is? idk english) your business. In my opinion, I dunno why people feel the need to "come out" nowadays.
No. 185719
>>185703Kek anon who hurt you,,,
You shouldn't need to pretend ur lesbian so that everyone accepts you and if someone believes you're into poly relationships cut those people off. Your parents also need to be more educated.I see where ur coming from but I also don't.
>>185710>>185591 anon here, I agree coming out is overrated. Close friends told me I should do it, but, the reason I was unsure was because I didn't want to keep a future gf secret and make her feel shitty in the process.
No. 185725
>>185703Were the women you've dated also bi, or lesbians? How did you identify yourself to them, and how did they react?
I'm asking because I've been a very confused person. I've dated men in the past but realized that I'm honestly not attracted to them. Thought I was bi but I'm attracted to women. But I'm pretty sure lesbians hate people like me? I feel like a fraud.
Or is that just one of those internet things where IRL actual people don't really give a shit and it's just a very vocal minority on the internet who never leave their houses who are outspoken on it?
I'm surprised that people are so quick to be judgemental about lesbians but this doesn't seem to be an issue with gay men?
No. 185876
>>185591I've never got "coming out" as a concept tbh. I think it's only worth it if you're in a serious relationship with another woman and even then you can just say that you have a gf and let that be that.
>>185720Not mentioning something if it doesn't come up is different from lying about it. I don't agree with the anon who calls herself a lesbian when she's dating women, but coming out can be pretty awkward for everybody involved ime. I don't see why she can't just let people draw their own conclusions.
No. 186055
>>186036Idk the details anon but if you fear for your safety you should consider cutting or severely reducing contact, only coming out to a select few in the family if you trust them and generally keeping your gf away from them.
Best of luck though
No. 186091
>>185215 here's why I do not think it's ok to do the homosex
Homosexuality is not ok because I believe in the law of nature, as in natural design is a good blueprint for what is right and wrong, and we're supposed to follow that. Like hands are designed to grip and make, women are not designed for women. Thus, when I get a biological reaction from other women, I understand it is wrong.
In a heterosexual relationship, something is being created, life, and this contributes to society and family, so it's more meaningful than a homosexual relationship which is only centered around vain pleasure instead of honouring creation and passing down something meaningful.
And there's something about the 'hetero' other that's less vain. Learning to live with someone different, balancing different forces of nature (male/female) it's the way it's supposed to be.
I believe that healthy homes and childhoods are far less likely to create homosexual children, as most of these gays I fraternised with had problems, anxieties and bad homes.
Also, I believe in God and know that there is something greater than this life. So what if I only find women's bodies attractive? This is my struggle to deal with. I still want to honour nature and life meaningfully.
I have sought counselling and now understand that it is a symptom of spiritual illness. You are all entitled to your opinions and I don't believe it's my place to tell you what to do. I don't hate you gays at all, I understand how it is to feel the way you feel, but I still thing it's the wrong thing to do. Like I don't hate smokers, but I wish they would stop smoking.
>>185215I don't think this is homophobia as I see homos as full humans and respect them, and hope I gave this impression here. This is, where there are a variety of retarded opinions, and that's ok.
No. 186174
>>186091>So what if I only find women's bodies attractiveOh retard-chan you do know this doesn't belong in the bisexual thread right? Now guess where it belongs kek
I wish you a lifetime of dick pounding and sucking
No. 186193
>>186091So you must be
triggered by straight couples who don't have kids, right? Because they're just enjoying themselves and not saddling themselves with a screaming brat? Get psychological help, retard-chan.
No. 186517
>>186250Some Bi's can have boundaries, a Bisexual who is not as sexual with men is not a lesbian. Plus, anon didn't say she's against
some intimacy.
No. 186681
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i'm attracted to men but when i think about dating or fucking them (even stuff like giving oral) i feel disgusted and dirty as well as turned on. i'm not asexual-like at all and have had girlfriends, enjoy giving oral to women etc but what gives? people have asked me if i was abused in the past because of this and as far as i know i wasn't but it's a very confusing feeling. while i can appreciate sex with men i find the thought of dating one especially uncomfortable. am i a kinsey 5 type or just a fucked up 3-4?
No. 186700
>>186053lmao that is the stereotype
>hurdurr men are the WORST and are only useful as living dildos>women are beautiful flawless and can do no wrong, why dont i have a gf baww No. 186707
>>186681Wow anon are you me? I like looking at pictures of men and such, but the logistics of being with one repulses me. Their poor hygiene, their frequent obsession with porn, their lack of emotional intelligence, etc. I definitely feel like it's easier to trust and be emotionally intimate with other women. Men are horrible at picking up on certain social cues and it's very stressful. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I only find man attractive in theory, but I definitely don't consider myself to be asexual or lesbian. I also almost never say I'm bisexual because I'm worried people will think I'm a poser.
I'm also very intimidated by the lesbian/bisexual dating scene because it seems like most of the women looking for other women are either lesbians who won't date bisexuals, or "bi-curious" people looking to experiment. I just want someone I can connect with emotionally who looks okay and has good hygiene, but the scrotes are pigs and the women are hard to find.
No. 186708
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>>185112>>186091Nice creative writing, anon.
No. 187064
>>186700Simp harder, pickme.
It’s ok to have sexual attraction towards men and still prefer women emotionally.
Why is our thread so
No. 187232
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i'm turning 25 this year i still haven't dated or had sex with a woman. after breaking up with my ex boyfriend 5 years ago, it's hard for me to connect with people at an emotional level so i stayed single all this time. i really want a girlfriend, but i'm afraid no adult woman will want to date me because i don't know how to give pleasure to a woman. also of course i feel like i'm less of a bisexual because my experience with women is limited to kissing my friends when we were drunk. i know i'm bi since i was 16 but sometimes i doubt myself. even though i had a lot of crushes, felt sexually attracted to girls and even had sex dreams with them, i wonder if once i find a girlfriend, i'm gonna find out i'm actually straight and it was all a fetish influenced by my ex boyfriends.
No. 187505
>>187504I'll pick a few to answer
>does your friends and family know?Anyone I've dated knows. My dad probably suspects it but it's not spoken about
>what is your type in women? men?Butch or andro women, short hair always gets my attention. Don't know what I like looks wise in men. Quiet guys, passive, nerdy, not macho. Looks don't factor in much with men. I've generally dated guys I don't feel massively attracted to.
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? Knew from an early age that I don't want kids. I handle stress very poorly so I think it's a hidden blessing that the desire isn't there anyway.
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?I was a fakeboi for 2 years, less than a year on T. Now just butch. Deep voice to match lol
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?I masturbate almost exclusively to women but my dating and sexual experiences have been more with men. There's a weird divide between what I fantasise about and my irl life. I've had two female sex partners but that's years ago now.
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?For years I felt I had to pick a side. I even thought I was a closeted lesbian. I just wouldn't entertain the idea that I liked both
>would you have a threesome? kekI've had threesomes and ime it's been underwhelming. Would've been better without the man present. Every time.
No. 187508
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>>187504>when did you realize you are bi?A bit before I ended the relationship with my first bf, but I thought it was just porn brainwashing. I haven't watched porn in years and I'm more attracted to women than ever, so I guess it really hit me a few months ago.
>does your friends and family know?Friends have guessed this might be the case but I will never tell my family.
>what is your type in women? men?I don't have a specific type but I always end up pining for tall Scandinavian ladies, with men I'm a lot pickier and find most ugly and annoying
>what is your dream relationship like?I don't know, I've only ever been with men. When I'm in a relationship I always dream of being single.
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? Not yet, and no. Might change in the future
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?On the feminine side but I've been known to dress any which way
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?I don't know
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?I wish I was 100% straight because I don't like hiding things from my family (I always tell them everything) and I know they would be disappointed in me or not believe me if I told them.
>would you have a threesome? kekNo.
No. 187528
>>187504>when did you realize you are bi?I was around 11 I think and I had crushes on two of my friends who were twins (boy/girl) lol.
>does your friends and family know?I know my mum knows since I asked her if it was ok if I had a crush on a girl when i was younger. My dad probably knows but i doubt anyone else does in my family. All my friends know.
>what is your type in women? men?People who look similar to me in level of attractiveness, really attractive people just intimidate me. Im a big fan of nerdier people cause of similar interests and hobbies that would bring. It just depends how well I can get along with the person rather than how they look.
>what is your dream relationship like?Quite like im the one in right now if he did house chores more lol.
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours?I don't know about children yet but I never want to give birth so it doesn't matter if they're biologically mine.
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?Im not too sure. I feel weird wearing makeup and very girly clothes but I don't have short hair or try to look masculine. I'd align more with feeling like a tomboy but that doesn't feel entirely right.
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?I'd say im 60(women)/40(men)
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?When i was younger i was bullied a lot and called a lesbian, as a bad term, and a f*g. It made me hide a lot of myself and be scared to persue women as I wanted to appear straight as possible. Im sort of frustrated. I'd rather be one or the other, i hate having to second guess my sexuality and also the way people view bisexual people is pretty annoying.
>would you have a threesome? kekNo, they don't appeal to me.
No. 187546
>>187504>when did you realize you are bi?When I was a pre teen watching some tatu vids kek
>does your friends and family know?Some friends know, some think I'm a lesbian cus they have never seen me with a guy, though they never saw me with a girl either. My parents will know when they meet my future girlfriend.
>what is your type in women? men?I only like 2 types of women: the ones from my country and the foreigners
For real, idk, I don't have a type for women, as long as I like the face and they don't dress like a dad or genderspecial clown and we have similar life goals
Men.. I've been shamed for liking white, blond men more, I also like asians that don't have gecko body
>what is your dream relationship like?No idea, just it has to be with a woman
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? It was never important for me that they're biologically related to me. I had this in my mind since I was a teen that if I ever had kids they would be adopted because pregnancy scares the hell out of me.. but nowadays I don't know if I want to even adopt anymore. I wouldn't make a good parent
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?I'm more gnc
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?I'm more into women
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?I'm ok with it thought it's a bummer many lesbians would avoid me because of the label. Can't really fault them though as I also had bad experiences with supposedly bi women
>would you have a threesome? kekNo.
No. 187915
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>>187912My life was literally that meme year ago. I’m honestly so happy that I got out of that relationship. It”s a) cry for help b) attention whoring.
The idea that I can spend my life with a woman I love makes me cry, seriously.
(I’m still bisexual bc dick is nice I just don’t connect with men emotionally)
Also, starting today I will post cringey wlw pics with my pointless replies
No. 187921
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>>187504wow i can't believe i answered all of these
>when did you realize you are bi?i know i've liked girls for as long as i can remember. only in high school when i played devil may cry and resident evil by myself for the first time i realized men can be hot too lmao
>does your friends and family know?my family is somehow convinced i'm 100% hetero, i've had unrelated people tell me i've got "lesbian energy" but i've never oficially come out as either gay or bi
>what is your type in women? men?i seem to like "show-stopping" women, so to say. women with a tough vibe, whether physically or emotionally tough. "divas" and "mean girls" too, as long as they just have the vibes and aren't actual bullies. women who are considered in a way "threatening". women who know what they want and how to get it. appearance wise, i'm just not into very fat or very butch women, or women who don't care about fashion.
all the men i've truly been attracted to and not just found good-looking are fictional, enough said. i guess i like tall and muscular fictional guys, with a tough exterior but actually kind-hearted. also tragic male characters seem to catch my heart too.
>what is your dream relationship like?i don't really have a
dream relationship blueprint, i just want to find someone with overlapping enough interests to grow together and be mutually supportive of each other
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? hell no
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?i'd say i'm quite feminine, albeit in an alternative way. i hardly ever wear make-up though.
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?like i said, the only men i'm truly attracted to are fictional, the attraction to them still stands strong though.
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?i used to think i was a lesbian in my early teens but i've never really wished i was straight. i like liking women and i'm ok with not being into 3d men. it's society that needs to change, as cliche as it sounds.
>would you have a threesome? kekprobably? depends on the women involved. i wouldn't go any higher than 3 though. and nothing with 3d men, though i have had fantasies about threesomes with two of my husbandos.
No. 188147
>>187528>I had crushes on two of my friends who were twins (boy/girl)I just realised I have never been attracted to two people who are siblings. Which is funny because they usually look alike. Also good because could make things awkward.
>>187912Do you mean "omg i love women im so gay" "but you have a bf?" "yes" stuff? Im too old for tiktok but i have come across some of those.
No. 188198
>>187504I'm gonna answer one of these cause it's something I been thinking about.
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?I'm very ashamed. I grew up in a very religious and dysfunctional household (alcoholics) and it really warped my perception of what's normal in straight relationships, let alone one with another girl. I always feel like I'm being a creepy man when I'm interested in a woman, especially cause I have no fucking gaydar so I'm awful at knowing if someone's into me or not. It feels like my entire perception of loving women is warped by what men think lesbians are or by porn. Even tatu, that I looked up to sooo much as a kid, they're just some pedo man's fantasy. All those things brought me a lot of shame, and I've only ever dated one woman. She was a drug addict and wanted very little to do with me, most of the relationship was her trying to convince me to cam with her because it'd pull in more money. It only lasted about two months and we never did anything more than kiss and I always, always felt like I was some dirty pervert cause I wanted to do it more than her. I'm married to a man now, and I love him and don't want to NOT be with him but it really kinda sucks that I'll never be able to explore that part of me cause I was too anxious and felt so much shame about it when I was single.
No. 188424
>>187782>Long term relationship with a woman. I realised that it's not healthy for me to "settle" for a relationship with a guy bc it always ends up me seeing him as a best friend who I like to fuck. I want to be IN love.
Are you me? Would it be insane for me to end my relationship because I'm no longer interested in men atm? I just don't know how to explain that but I do yearn for female companionship and love for another woman I can share my life with. I think about women all the time tbh
No. 188481
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>>188384But she was also super cute…….
The point is that women can hurt me 10000 times more than any fuckboy
Time to cry watching cringe lesbian tiktoks for 3 hours
No. 188529
>>188481>>188371Stop dreaming about some uwu perfect lesbian love and go date women. Yes, you will probably meet assholes and get rejected, as women are people too.
>many lesbians don’t want to date bisexualsTheres more of us bis, and we could date each other if so many of us werent like "oh no the perfect gf doesnt just fall on my lap I should settle for this barely decent scrote instead"
No. 188559
>>188557And what are those thoughts?
>>188552The only mannerism would be showing real attraction to both sexes over a long period of time (years).
No. 188574
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have any of you had good experiences with tinder? i made an account in the past but i didn't talk to anyone. i wanna try again but i hesitate because i have been extremely busy with work lately. but anyway, i want a gf…
No. 188581
>>188574yes. but you have to avoid overthinking when you swipe and make the first move. honestly i've been successful with just sending "hey! what's up", and when they ask me how i am, i make a little comment about the weather, an upcoming holiday or something like that. it gets the conversation going which is the hardest part of tinder, imo.
it's work but if you really try to be chill about it it doesn't take that much energy.
No. 188584
>>188544It's difficult because I do care about my boyfriend but the whole "bestfriend I fuck" dynamic is real, and it's happened to me before. I've only ever had 2 boyfriends and don't gush over guys like my friends do. I'm not saying I'm a lesbian, I just think I have a preference for women and now that I'm in my mid 20s I feel more confident in trying to date women. Another part of it is my conservative family but I know if my relationship is serious I'll have to come out and own it.
I just don't know how I would even break up with him or how to explain it, I'm afraid because my bf knows I am a bisexual women who has had an ex gf in the past and I don't want him to get upset or hurt about it.
No. 188760
>>188735In terms of you have a curiosity about vaginas or would you need a partner to still have a penis?
I view being bisexual as liking two sexes as in two types of genitals rather than just liking one set of genitals but on two 'identities' if that makes sense.
No. 188761
>>188632hate this fake narcissist + she treated china mcclain like shit on camera in interviews for The Descendants so much it went viral. would rather not have another attention hoe as wlw rep but she's pretty!! never hinted it tho pls
>>188716rowan left disney (idk if dove's still there either) and dated a girl or 2. i'm sure disney forced her to backtrack by saying that bc in an interview before she acc came out, another disney girl outed rowan by accident + they both freaked out heh
No. 188782
>>188760I do have a curiosity about vaginas in porn but other than that not really. I also don't feel like i'd need my partner to have a penis either though.
That probably means I'm completely straight until I date someone of the same gender, thanks for clearing that up.
>>188777I wish it was but it was a stupid question that popped into my mind. I would've asked it in the stupid question thread but I felt like it was more suited here.
No. 188959
>>188958There's probably a Butch that would let you top tho if that's the issue.
Ftm are generally not always easy to " handle " because of their baggage. If you like FTM because there slightly boyish you re better off with a GNC woman
No. 189014
>>187504>when did you realize you are bi?11 years old
>does your friends and family know?Only some. I don't bring it up unless they ask.
>what is your type in women? men?Conventionally attractive with compatible personality, values and life goals. I wouldn't say that I have a particular physical type, but I prefer people who clearly put effort into their appearance and have a sense of style.
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? I've always wanted to be a foster parent. I could take or leave having kids of my own though.
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?Very feminine, but I don't really wear makeup and don't like to shave.
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?I like being bi, but every time I bi-cycle I convince myself I'm faking my sexuality. It would be nice to be able to just pick a side. I also don't necessarily like all of the perceptions people have of bi women, but I get why certain stereotypes are there tbh, so I'm not bothered.
>would you have a threesome?Yes but only mmf or fff. Unicorn hunters disgust me.
>>188955I've dated two fakebois and it's not worth it anon. Find a butch or at least a girl who's NB, so you don't have to play therapist and watch your partner ruin their body with hormones.
No. 189026
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Omg terrible influencer coming out videos angers the hell outta me. I hate when it spreads missinformation & "it's not a phase, mum" is all the video is about. Also, anyone notice the recent wave of married late bloomers? And don't get me started with influencers who'd hurt our community years ago but suddenly come out as one of us :/
No. 189065
>>187504>when did you realize you are bi?Middle school, where I've considered some boys attractive but developed a big awful crush on my female best friend
>does your friends and family know?I didn't intend to tell them but when I started seriously dating a woman I did. Only the closest family and closest friends know though.
>what is your type in women? men?Artsy & geeky, I don't seem to have specific type when it comes to looks.
>what is your dream relationship like?With a person I love and trust; doesn't matter if man or woman
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? No
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?Definitely feminine
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?I tend to be more often attracted to women, would say 70/30
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?I felt more
valid being in relationship with a woman, now being with a man I worry about ever speaking up on LGBT issues because I feel like both sides perceive me as fake or a clout seeker somehow. I think I share a lot of experiences with LGBT community, struggling to accept my first crush and going through painful coming out to my parents and friends as not everyone was accepting; but now when I'm with a man it's kinda almost like I'm not allowed to speak about it anymore.
>would you have a threesome? kekI had a threesome a few times with two the same people and even though it was kinda nice, it was significantly better to have sex with them one-on-one; so I'd say it's waaay overrated.
No. 189070
>when did you realize you are bi?
It was gnawing at the back of my mind since early puberty, and I fully realized it at around 20 after talking with other bi women and lesbians in college.
>does your friends and family know?
My mom once asked me out of the blue if I was attracted to men and/or women (to which I said yes), but she has forgotten by now, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't think bisexuality is a real thing. My brother supports me and has more or less admitted he was bicurious as well. Some of my friends know, but I'm very quiet about it.
>what is your type in women? men?
I like passionate, kinda nerdy people, I would be bored out of my mind with a normie. When it comes to the physique, I'm into masculine/butch women, and the only men I'm genuinely into are older Asian dudes lol.
>what is your dream relationship like?
None, my schizoidism unfortunately overrides my bisexuality.
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours?
Child free for life.
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?
GNC-ish I guess, feminity makes me uncomfortable, I'm also turned off by very feminine women. I plan on becoming more andro looking the older I get, I would love to try short hair but I think it would not go well with my face shape.
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?
I don't really know, women are more attractive than men in general anyway, and if I was looking for a serious relationship or hookups it'd rather be with women mostly because of contraception and STD issues. although I exclusively masturbate to straight and PiV adjacent hentai so at this point whatever
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?
I'm quite okay with being bi, I'm lucky to have not grown up in a homophobic environment so I don't feel any shame.
>would you have a threesome? kek
That's the kind of thing that sounds hot on paper but would be awkward or boring at best and a disaster at worst, so no thank you.
No. 189146
>when did you realize you are bi?Around 13, but I ultimately repressed it until now.
>do your friends and family know?Well, they know I'm not straight. I came out as bi, then lesbian, and now I'm keeping my "oh shit maybe I am bi" thoughts on the down-low.
This post is actually the first time I've put it in writing>what is your type in women? men?I love most women. Ambitious, funny, and confident women that keep pushing for their own success. Physically, I'll die over a woman taller than I am and especially if she's got some muscle. It's not a necessity though. As for men…none of them are actually attractive for me and I end up going off of personality after befriending them. Well-groomed and conscious about health is a must, though.
>what is your dream relationship like?I'd like to be married to a woman (or have her as my life partner), but it also doesn't matter if I'm single.
>do you want children? is it important for them to be biologically yours? God no
>are you gnc or more feminine yourself?I think I lean more towards feminine based on how I like to dress/accessorize, but there are definitely gnc days.
>are 50/50 attracted or more into one or other?Like 90 (Women)/ 10 (men)
>are you okay with being bi or ashamed? do you ever wish you were lesbian or straight?I actually am ashamed of it; I said I was a lesbian for over a decade, and everyone that knows my sexuality knows me as a lesbian. It's stupid to be worried about how others view me but it feels like I'm proving the people that said "maybe you just haven't found the right guy yet" right. Like it somehow cancels out my other feelings. Or that people will see me as a faker (which I guess I am?).
>would you have a threesome? kekNah, too much effort.
I probably couldn't be in an actual relationship with a guy, it'd just stress me out too much. Similar to what
>>187915 said, dick is nice but developing anything more than a sexual relationship/fwb situation just wouldn't end well.
No. 189430
>>189335He knows. We met on OkCupid so my profile stated so. I also commonly tweeted about biphobia in my TRA days, which was when I first met him. I also considered myself agender at the time and sometimes considered myself pansexual (kek). He had no issues with this knowledge, he was open to these ideas. Tbh, the thing that mattered was the fact our relationship was still strong. My attraction to men and women never phased him, because in the end, I fell in love with him.
His views on bisexuality are kinda weird tho. He believes women have the ability to be bisexual, but men who say they are bisexual are either gay and in denial or straight and trying to be a pick me lol
No. 189443
>>189442Anon here to clarify that I meant to say:
Men: have sex with/ FWB
Women: potencially more serious relantionships on top of everything else I've said on the guy colon
No. 189503
>>189430So he has the views of the average straight dude about bisexuals in a way?
Only he doesn't seem to think bi woman are secretly straight deep down and only doing it for attention or whatever
No. 189962
>>189566Never thought I'd say this and really mean it but imo lesbians/bi women don't threaten their sense of masculinity. They don't think it's masculine for a man to be with another man. I've come across people who usually oppose gay relationships but are fine with lesbians/bi women because it's "more natural than two men being with each other" which… what? And ofc those were all guys and couldn't explain their reasoning any further when I asked them to.
They should've just said that they think 2 girls are hot.
I mean how many guys are probably anti LGBT and almost faint at the thought of two men kissing each other yet still get off to lesbian porn.
No. 191105
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>>191096Don't remember much of my childhood but I sure remember thos show.
No. 191140
>>191138Gosh yes. I'm like 95% into women and stopped dating men few years ago. The fact that men act and look the way they do isn't helping.
Any other anons also have a super specofic type of men they like but with women it's almost whatever?
No. 191155
>>191140I fucking agree, I still don't believe some moids have the audacity to tell women they age badly-
Most women are so pretty, I even committed the cardinal sin of thrist following some pretty model/ girl on Insta. I wasn't even horny, I just had the heart flutters lol.
No. 191281
>>191138Sexually I'm 50/50 bisexual but I tend to connect emotionally with women. I enjoy having sex with men but it's very rare to me find a man who I'm interested in as a person. Dating men casually is easier for me bc I don't get attached easily. So stupid games guys try to pull don't work with me.
Ironically, I'm more popular amongst men than women because I don't try too much to please any guy.
It took me 3 years in a straight relationship to learn my boyfriend's birthday (and still forgot it every year) but I've already memorized my (female) date's astrological birth chart.
No. 191288
>>191284Yeah if dating apps haven't worked for you maybe steering away from them could work for you.
Other then advising you to see how your local lgbt scene is like and if you can " network" with them to get a bi/ lesbian date, I don't know what to tell you, I'm afraid
No. 191305
>>191288you make it sound like i'm ugly and unfuckable. i've had success, it just seems that now these places are mostly poly women with bfs and i don't know about you but i don't enjoy being gaslit or made to feel less than someone else.
>>191302not repulsed but not attracted to them either. the combination of dick + hairless + womanly is not my thing. ftms are hotter.
No. 191320
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does anyone else ever see shit like this and roll their eyes so hard they get a headache?! like girl just admit ur straight but if ur boyfriend wants to jack off to u making out with another girl youd do it.
ppl like her are what make bisexuality not look real
No. 191509
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Me after being matched with yet another sneaky poly threesome motherfucker on tinder
No. 191525
>>191284My biggest issue is the 15 straight girls I have to swipe past to find wlw women.
I could try being unicorn. I get why bi-women hate unicorn hunters but it would be perfect situation for me. I'm horny and not really looking for commitment at the moment. I hate the idea that I should be some 'bi model citizen' to prove that bisexuals aren't sluts or whatever.
I don't really see it as a realistic option, but a fantasy. Most couples are very off-balanced looks-wise: hot woman and man ugly as sin. It needs chemistry and effort to balance the dynamic in a threesome.
No. 191603
>>191294 > He looks like a dude on the top half of his body. But on the bottom half he has aI really thought you were going to say you're dating a transguy. Tbh to me dating a transguy would be my 'hitting the bi lottery' as much as that might be an unpopular taste on here.
Practically every guy I've been with has wanted to be pegged and it wasn't for me. I feel like there's an absolute abundance of men out there who'll bug you to play with their ass. If you're bi or halfway open minded you'll find alot of guys are looking for it. There's not so many women actually wanting to do it. You're the prize here, not him.
No. 191694
>>191603Same. The ftm thread on this site is full of people who aren’t on T or only started T one or two years ago and are still vocal about being trans. As soon as their voice drops enough and their beard grows in they go stealth and you wouldn’t even know they were trans. Look at jammidodger, if anyone called him a she irl I would be so confused.
A trans guy with a vagina and no bottom dysphoria would be my bi jackpot. Or a non-creepy passing trans girl with a working dick, but I don’t know if that’s even possible.
No. 191775
>>191694I have dated a FTM .. person?
I'm seriously confused because she was my first love for a woman, but turns out that she was not a woman.
He was she then and I loved her as a woman.
The guy with a beard and everything feels like a total stranger.
No. 191788
>>191544A lot of the self-proclaimed lesbians on lolcow are barely adult political lesbians who are coping with their trauma by screeching at straight girls and bisexuals like spergy autists but who will end up marrying a man 7 years later. Generally lesbians might be wary of bisexuals, refuse dating them and roll their eyes at bi girls whining about oppression while in a straight relationship but none of them will hate them, it's more like being indifferent to them.
>>191603>>191694Nonnies I'm sorry to rain on your parade but troons who will appreciate you seeing them as "a female man" are far and few between, the reason why so many people can't stand trannies is that they demand you to see them as a full equivalent of the sex they're trying to skinwalk and have regular meltdowns over it. Especially because a lot of FTMs are understandably traumatized butch lesbians who were memed into believing they should become a man to be socially acceptable, they will never come to terms with not being male and that's a ton of emotional baggage to bear.
No. 191881
>>191788I'm detrans myself so I've interacted with enough ftms and met a mix of insufferable ones as well as pretty chill ones. I can hardly rule them out for having emotional baggage when I've been through it all myself.
Some just need to live it out for a while and come to their own conclusions but I could happily date one and hold back in judging them too harshly, if they were the chill variety of course.
No. 191904
>>191891Sometimes taking testosterone can cause a weird shift in sexual tastes, mostly being that strictly vag fans end up suddenly curious about 'gay male sex' when they weren't into men before
Its a strange one, considering sexuality is meant to be inherently there and unchangeable..but it happens and there isn't alot of info out there on why or how
No. 191909
>>191788Can you keep your "screeching feminazi lesbian converted by dick" fantasies to yourself? The lesbians who don't like you for the VERY weird, thinly veiled homophobia and pathologizing way you jump to talk about their sexuality have every right to dislike you. Of course I wish it didn't bleed over into how they see me just because sometimes bis really do have this mentality.
>Generally lesbians might be wary of bisexuals, refuse dating them and roll their eyes at bi girls whining about oppression while in a straight relationship but none of them will hate themThese are the only issues I ever see online too though so pretending a difference exists between real life lesbians is pointless. Anonymity is more honest. Lesbians chatting shit about us on lolcow doesn't somehow make it OK for you to call them dickmatized
victims who will end up married to a man when they go to therapy and get over their lesbian phase or whatever, which is what men say about bis exclusively interested in women anyway (so hopefully you aren't a pick me lesbian trying to get head pats with this mess).
>>191793I'm 99% sure OP meant lesbians hating bis, not them being vocally lesbian. "Super out and proud lesbian" isn't a sign of trauma either.
No. 191912
>>191904NTA Their shit gets fucked up after enough years on testosterone but detrans can be cute to me.
I saw a so-called butch lesbian FTM vlogging about being turned on imagining herself as a man so obviously something's wired different from the start. There are women who just don't want to date men as a woman and deny their attraction until trooning out.
No. 191926
>>191921>It's not fair to say all those anons who screech about "bishits/bisluts" and incite infighting aren't real lesbians though.Nta but legit the only people ive seen complaining about bishits are in the lesbian thread when anons post there about men. Like one time someone went in there posting about how they crave male validation. As if there aren't a fuckton of other threads where they could have posted that.
And no I'm not a lesbian.
No. 191946
>>191925I understand those political lesbians exist. Everything still shouldn't be reduced to "you're only a real lesbian if you never sperg against women even when they do wrong to you. If a lesbian calls women on their bullshit she must be a threatened polilez trying to repress her own dick cravings." Like, obviously women can face homophobia from other women. Lesbians (and bisexuals) can carry a chip on their shoulders because of it. Women can fall out over our own issues without men pulling the strings, and it isn't always just cattiness and projection and insecurity. Women aren't perfect beings incapable of harming each other "because men and the patriarchy are worse". If anything that's what political lesbians think, so all of their energy goes to men. At least lolcow lesbians focus on women.
It's not like bis can't be insecure and threatened. Our thread bitches about you girls plenty. Does that mean everyone here is a former political lesbian with a husband now? It seems unfair to blame all of these lesbians' baggage on being bisexuals in denial.
No. 192095
>>191946Basically it's a " if a shoe fits you wear it" kinda thing.
On happy news Im befriending a Bi Turkish girl who's going on her first date with her Gf and I'm so happy for her lol. Best thing to come out of pride month
No. 192173
>>192112I wasn't that anon tho, I don't think every lesbian is a political lesbian that deep down just wants a Nigel to love and respect her just because they disagree with me or i dislike them as a person
Polilez can still eat shit though low-key
No. 192557
>>192537I've had some great experiences! Only one so far was almost a disaster, with a guy who had an obvious crush on my bf. He didn't really want a threesome so much as sex with him. My boyfriend is super attentive to that kind of stuff though, he was really apologetic to me and we actually left before doing anything kek.
>I feel like a threesome could be a disaster to a relationshipHonestly yeah, though I think that problem mainly comes with couples where one person is pushing for a threesome the other doesn't want, there's insecurity about the strength of the relationship, or when they want a threesome because of a bad sex life/changing sexuality/etc.
My bf and I are both bi with equal attraction for both sexes. We started dating when we were young and neither of us had been in any serious gay relationships before we started dating, and we both felt that nagging dread of never getting to explore that part of our sexuality. We have a very similar view on sex, which helped with jealousy- sex with others is fun, kinky, but never with any romantic attachments. Sex between us is special and irreplaceable because we love each other, not to mention how deep our relationship is outside of sex.
We did set a few rules (no close friends, crushes or people that have romantic feelings for one of us, group sex only, no poly shit) and so far it's working out great, though I'm not sure it would have if we weren't so close and committed to each other when we started doing it.
No. 193227
>>193169Is it lesbophobic? Maybe. However:
It's not a big deal, just don't go blabbing about it. It can be an internal preference you have that you don't have to speak up about. Just a courtesy thing, same way you shouldn't be like "I'm not dating you cause of your weight/race/height etc". Keep it to yourself and give a polite response like "I just didn't feel a spark, sorry" and leave it at that. Again nothing wrong with naturally gravitating towards certain kinds of people as long as you don't make those that fall outside of that niche feel like shit. You
can contemplate why you have the biases that you do but it won't really change your inclination, it gets ingrained at some point even if you intellectually find your own behavior
problematic or whatever. It's just intimacy afterall, you owe nobody.
No. 193836
>>193328Genuine question: how did you figure out that the issue wasn’t just that you wanted to feel better than your exes? I’m not trying to be rude, I just read your post as a reaction to your feelings about your exes rather than feelings about girls.
I’ve experienced similar feelings though. When my exes get new partners I don’t feel anything, that’s actually what kills any remaining emotions for them. However, in situations where they have a crush or a possessive female friend I have sometimes become more interested in the girl than my boyfriend/ex. With my last ex, he had a pickme girl friend who would be mean about me. I became super interested in her to the point where I would try to lead conversations with my boyfriend toward the subject of her. It was so unhealthy, like I would remember every single mundane detail about her. I’ve never been so obsessed with a man.
Definite mental illness on my part and something I’m working on, but yeah. Of course you can be straight and have obsessions (I already knew I was bi before this), but I do wonder how many women experience these intense feelings without thinking to question their sexuality.
No. 194182
>>193836I've seen someone " straight " dead ass say that having gay dreams doesn't make you gay and that she was " straight " and that sexuality was fluid-
Yeah if you swing more then one way. Try to tell this to a gay 9r straight guy and see how well that goes.
No. 194514
>>194450I second with anon when it comes to talking with your gf, but aren't you bi too? Unless you Febfem or your love of coochie is 95% aren't you in theory able to end up with a man as well?
Though either ways I think all you can do is focus on having the best relantioship you can have with her rn and not to stress about what
she is going to do after a break up as you can't really control her behavior nor who she chooses to date. She may date a man or leave you for one or she may do it with a woman, you don't know nor you can't know so I guess it's something one needs to come to terms with in my opinion.
No. 194947
>>194944There is no universal answer but tbh I'd go for a woman that's short and skinny lol
My ideal type would be anything except overweight. I'm short and fit and tbh I feel like it might be intimitading for some women
No. 194954
>>194944I personally like big (fat) women. But I'm thin and flat, and my chubby ex liked me. Attraction isn't universal
nonny, you can find a lady who appreciates your beauty. And as
>>194951 pointed out, there may be something else about you that doesn't match up with the kind of partner they're looking for. But don't sweat it, it's a waste of time worrying about how to please people who aren't interested. If you're clean and not a NEET, you'll find a mutual attraction eventually.
No. 195146
>>194944Most people's types are not really set in stone imo, but I strongly prefer petite and slim women. I also love masc women (which means I'm always crushing on begendered women RIP).
Anyways, I'm pretty curvy and I don't really get a ton of matches from women I'm actually attracted to either. I think it's a combination of demographics (certain types of women are more popular with some subcultures than others), differing interests, and the prevalence of porn addicts on dating apps.
No. 195151
>>195149>if I’d seriously settle down with another woman and the answer is ‘no, not really’You might just be bicurious then.
If you want to experiment then just be upfront with the other person.
No. 195152
>>195149Do you actively desire being intimate with a woman, or is it just something you would try like its no big deal? When do you remember having your first gay thought? Does it predate you discovering porn?
Watching porn because female bodies are sexi does sound pretty gay, though.
No. 195159
>>195152I’d try it but it’s not ‘no big deal’, ‘trying it’ would mean an honest attempt to go steady with someone, I just don’t see myself as the type to hookup like a lot of people around me seem to. I don’t remember my first ‘gay thought’, my first crush when I was a dumb kid was on a boy and I never really liked the girls in my grade at school (just as friends, let alone be attracted to them) but I’ve always been comfortable with homosexuality. I’d talk about what’s so hot about hot girls more but I didn’t want to be vulgar in this space, can’t really talk about sexual attraction to female bodies without sounding scrotish but to be honest a pair of bouncing titties does something for me like nothing else does.
…I did have a very deep friendship with another girl for several years and we often talked about living together and getting married if we didn’t find anyone else by 30. We called each other soul mates a lot and fantasized about what our impossible daughter might look like but I guess we considered it platonic and using the term ‘girlfriend’ always sounded wrong. I think that stuff was mostly weird mutual fantasies with the closest ‘safe’ individual.
>>195151That’s not hard. I’m still wondering where to find… moderate bi women though. The only ones I knew from friend groups were really pride-crazy and alt and always talking about sexuality in regards to politics, if I asked them to hook me up I think they’d just find me someone similar or tell me to go to a bar full of troons. I already wasted enough of my life getting away from Tumblr, being there nearly pushed me into transitioning.
No. 195457
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I've been kinda seeing this girl and we are in casual terms. third date, I'm seeing her friends tomorrow and I'm nervous wreck
Haven't kissed yet and it's in very awkward phase were we are not a couple yet but we are not not-a couple anymore…
also, I THINK that she has been seeing the boy I was seeing… we promised each other that we both would fuck a guy for the last time and then maybe start dating. Not sure if it was joke or not and I was high on weed so my memories are kinda blurry.
It's so fucking terrifying that she's as crazy as I am.
Yeah I'm a mess you don't have to tell it to me
No. 195504
nonnie, for your sanity, try to lay out some honest feelings for each other before this whole "uwu i think she likes me" thing turns into you to two no longer talking to each other cause shit gets too awkward.
No. 195537
>>194944I only draw the line at morbid obesity since chubbiness can be kind of nice (so long as we can go on hikes and long walks).
Small masc women are really cute! Honestly as someone a bit tall and curvy I am intimidated by skinny women a little. I'm not overweight or unfit but would worry they'd prefer someone with less than average bmi.
So perhaps those women were also nervous and insecure.
>>195211As wrong as it is, this is likely why this wave of young febfems are just identifying as lesbians. It's okay to be bisexual and only like anime boys but not fuck with men irl lmao. It would be nice to have rep like that.
No. 195567
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Daily reminder that all women - without exeptions are proven to be more attracted to women and not men.
Brain scans have shown us that there is no such thing as a woman that has more sexual attraction to men.
"Straight" women are either prison straight or asexual girls who prefer money over sex
No. 195574
>>195573>>195572Nope, no such thing as a straight woman.
Women are straight for money or because society tells them.
>Whole brain responses to erotic picturesFor heterosexual women viewing erotic pictures, activity was greater for female relative to male stimuli bilaterally in lateral occipital cortices, likely indicative of visual attention49,50, as well as in right-lateralized fusiform cortex, potentially suggesting face or body processing51,52. In no brain areas did heterosexual women have significantly greater activation for male relative to female erotic pictures. Rather, they seemed to have a somewhat gynephilic pattern of visual attention, consistent with results from eye-tracking and looking-time studies in which heterosexual women attended to erotic characteristics of female pictures No. 195576
>>195575Are you ovulating 24/7/365? No?
So then why should we care about that?
What matters is how women feel about men most of the time and not once in a blue moon.
No. 195577
>>195574>>195567>"Straight" women are either prison straight or asexual girls who prefer money over sex>Nope, no such thing as a straight woman. Women are straight for money or because society tells them.Do you really think the
bisexual thread is really the appropriate place to be saying "[insert sexuality] doesn't really exist!"? Kinda tone deaf. And anyway, what do straight women have to do with us?
No. 195580
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>>195574>>195567You need to read about arousal nonconcordance, anon.
And also the fact that women tend to respond to the amount of sexual activity going that theyre witnessing, not the sexes of the people involved, which is why one study showed that women are turned on by bonobos having sex. Does that mean we want to fuck bonobos? No. 195582
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>>195581Sorry these are out of order
No. 195583
>>195580Alright smartass, show me a single study in which it is shown that women have stronger attraction to men and NOT BONOBOS! get it?
Not a single study supports your claim, but they can all show us the opposite of what you are saying.
No. 195584
>>195583The study you showed just shows that women respond with blood to their genitals and pupils dilate in response to sexual stimuli featuring women. But, because of arousal nonconcordance, those things don't even necessarily mean they're aroused by women.
Plus that, lesbians are a VERY small portion of the population. Most bisexual women choose men. Even a lot of self proclaimed "lesbians" end up with men. Not to mention heterosexual sex is how the species propogates itself.
No. 195586
>muh special sexual noncorcordance that i have pulled out of my assI didn't ask you if women feel some sort of arousal to apes - no, i asked you to quantify the ammount of arousal that women display when looking at a man versus the ammount they display when looking at a woman.
Once again men are not bonobos, it's about male vs female arousal in women in this thread.
No. 195589
>>195586I didnt pull it out of my ass, retard. It's a real thing.
The point is that arousal for women is more psychological so saying that all women are secretly a bit gay because their pupils dilated at women doesn't actually denote sexual attraction. There probably isn't a study trying to prove that women are more attracted to men than they are to women for the same reason that we don't need studies to show that most people are right handed. The evidence is readily abundant. Another thing is that, since arousal is more psychological for women, we tend to prefer literary porn rather than visual porn. Go to any bookstore in the romance isle and tell me how many lesbian romance novels you see?
The vast sweeping majority of women choose men. Some women will even go for years dating women and then switch back to men. Even if all women are a little bit aroused by women (though they're probably not) most choose never to be with one, so why does it even matter?
No. 195590
>point is that arousal for women is more psychologicalFalse, literally every pairing other than man x women has both partners displaying physical affection for eachother.
In that type of relationship only the man shows physical affection for his partner BUT NOT THE WOMAN!
Yes, we can easily prove that using technology - see the study above.
>The vast sweeping majority of women choose menYes, but not because they like men more than women.
It's because of convenience and money.
Society also plays a big role in that. Most women aren't even allowed to experiment and are as i already said prison straight, women also aren't only "a little bit" attracted to women they are always MORE ATTRACTED TO WOMEN!
Stuff changes though, nowadays more and more women are coming out as lesbians and yes even those who were married with men for 20+ years.
How many women date poor men again?
Haha there you have it.
No. 196068
>>196047There is not a single study anywhere that states that women have more physical attraction to men.
Just because "heterosexual" women like men 5-10% more than lesbians doesn't mean that they wouldn't rather be together with a person of their own gender under more fitting circumstances (aka not needing money from men)
All women - without exceptions have shown more attraction to women - that doesn't make them straight in any way.
No. 196116
>>196102I agree, I'm pretty confident in my bisexuality but I've never had sex neither with women nor men, then I'm asexual passing I guess lol. As long as I'm celibate I'm staying closeted (except with some people), mostly because I think saying "btw did you know I'm bi" in my current state is useless and attention whorish. However
>all the hate I'm always seeing toward women who identify as bisexual but haven't slept with another womanThis is mostly directed towards serial monogamists or women who have hookups with men only and can't stop crowing how bi they are.
No. 198555
>>198542They tell you or you ask. Bis
Don't have " stereotypes" attached to them as far as clothes and mannerisms are concerned if that's what you implying
No. 198817
>>198800deer/doe, I remember that but have never ever ever seen or heard anyone use it, not even on tumblr.
>>198806No sure either but I think that would be okay since it's more universal (from my understanding)
No. 198841
Why does a bisexual person even need some role-word to describe themself? I could understand using like, top or bottom, but thats not what's happening here. This is some kond of weird imitation of gay culture's twink/bear/otter terms. And i think what's missing is the understanding that those are niche things, and most gay men don't consider themself any of those things in particular. Like, not all gay men divide themselves neatly into those classes, but people who orbit gay men think that that's the case, so analogously, they think they have to "be" some sort of archetype themselves.
Like, its fine if someone else calls you butch or femme or whatever, I guess, but calling yourself those things and going out and picking some kind of dyke/deer/whatever word for yourself, apropos of nothing, i dont really get. Its like picking your own nickname and trying to make it a thing, rather than having an actual nickname because your friends/family organically gave you a nickname. No one calls bisexual people any particular word, so there just isn't one.
No. 199357
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>messaging huge coomer guy i know who likes mtfs and femboys but says he's straight
>he's been talking about frot for about 20 minutes and just linked me to double vag penetration porn featuring two cis men
is there any hope of giving this guy his bi awakening?
No. 199358
>>199357>messaging huge coomer guyEww.
Why are you ok with him sending you porn about hurting women's bodies?