File: 1485530657747.jpg (41.35 KB, 546x419, IMG_1469.JPG)

No. 240723
File: 1485530779881.png (51.12 KB, 640x494, IMG_1471.PNG)

Kats new video took her over a month to make and it's literally just her sitting there wiggling her body….whenever she says she "works hard" THIS is what she means LOL. Much hard work.
No. 240808
File: 1485543654667.png (393.44 KB, 1156x1258, Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 2.00…)

Wew lad she is so pathetic.
No. 241003
File: 1485573931214.png (83.05 KB, 637x1083, IMG_1514.PNG)

Has known her photographer for one week, claims he's her best friend. Yikes. Although I wouldn't expect her to know what a true best friend is since no one likes her unless she pays them.
No. 241017
File: 1485577218183.png (209.77 KB, 509x384, watlist.png)

What is this list though?
No. 241175
>>240808Geez Kat is just so cringy overall ! She constantly shower herself with praise when she doesn't even deserve it. It's like she doesn't realize that if she wasn't in the sex industry, basically the easiest thing to get into as long as you're willing to be dirty, nobody would even look at her.
Model my ass. She has no charm whatsoever.
No. 241187
File: 1485614700485.jpg (190.63 KB, 720x1280, IMG_1515.JPG)

Ew that fake septum ring, I'm dead.
No. 241196
File: 1485616577353.png (792.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-01-28-10-14-28…)

Oh I have to get on to make my goal…
No. 241197
File: 1485616684115.png (535.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-01-28-10-14-36…)

Not even an hour later…"Oh nevermind this was a bad idea"
No. 241395
File: 1485661218951.png (100.08 KB, 640x631, IMG_1541.PNG)

Why no one wants to meet her at avns
No. 241403
File: 1485662817917.png (234.7 KB, 476x358, kam1.png)

No. 241405
File: 1485662892957.png (239.56 KB, 475x358, kat2.png)

No. 241406
File: 1485662940923.png (238.57 KB, 474x358, kat3.png)

I dk why this pics are being spoiled. I didn't have the box clicked.
No. 241448
File: 1485670133189.png (202.21 KB, 479x355, pimpleass.png)

Dat pimple ass though
No. 241741
sorry for caps but her teeth gives me shivers down my spine
No. 242094
>>242087Meh you might want to rethink that anon. Compare
>>241196 to
>>241187. Unless you like that dullish blue, it's not nearly as vibrant as the pic with all the filters.
No. 242174
File: 1485805801907.png (622.3 KB, 1154x1142, Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 2.49…)

how can she let everyone know her real name… and then complain when people "leak" it?
No. 242209
File: 1485812395785.png (1.59 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1579.PNG)

Also LOL.
No. 242246
File: 1485816477308.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170130-224618.png)

Get down skelly
No. 242248
File: 1485816547336.jpg (75.41 KB, 740x488, IMG_20170130_223019.jpg)

No. 242263
>>242255Yup. Look through the album's, there are a lot of mediocre looking women. I don't really understand what the event is about but it looks awkward as hell. All these camgirl in a room camming at the same time and groups of beta men around.
Looks horrendous.
No. 242272
File: 1485819457878.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170130-232709.png)

Just look at the blokes…
No. 242273
File: 1485819481452.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170130-232853.png)

No. 242276
File: 1485819539338.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170130-233002.png)

More awkward shit
No. 242278
File: 1485819587060.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170130-233152.png)

This fake butt is terrifying
No. 242279
File: 1485819636512.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170130-233355.png)

No idea who this is but just yikes..
No. 242296
File: 1485820905061.jpg (24.58 KB, 238x380, laaaadies.jpg)

>>242272If she could feel them, I bet her tits would ache.
No. 242348
File: 1485824555174.png (1.43 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1616.PNG)

Sry for shit quality cause zoomed in but it's almost painful seeing how awkward she is. You can tell that none of the other cam girls really liked her, she looks awful in every single photo that was posted.
No. 242395
File: 1485829471309.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170131-022142.png)

Spookiest arms winner
No. 242396
File: 1485829494304.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170131-022123.png)

No. 242410
>>242405annoying! she thought she was the hottest shit in our choir programs but everyone was talking shit about her behind her back because she always rolled her eyes and tried to steal this one girl's boyfriend before she ended up with this one guy who ended up coming out as gay (not bisexual) like a year ago.
nobody really liked her and nobody really likes her now. she has always thought she was hot shit but everyone saw through it within like the first week.
No. 242439
File: 1485835893807.png (58.76 KB, 412x304, 1451840065321.png)

Anyone else considering camwhoring after reading this thread? I keep thinking
>I'm so much hotter than these girls and they make mad dosh.
No. 242587
>>242439It's less about being attractive and just being good at networking. Some people may get lucky but you gotta build a fan base and get yourself known.
You can be hot as shit but if no one really knows who you are, you're not gonna make much.
No. 242740
File: 1485897516571.jpg (110.47 KB, 759x1080, blessed.jpg)

captioned "how did i end up so blessed"
No. 242877
File: 1485914211063.png (120.91 KB, 640x1080, IMG_1651.PNG)

LOL at kat acting like she's even going to place. Bitch can barely get top 250 how she does she expect to get top 3?!
No. 242909
>>242877I mean you can sell it but I wouldn't want that crap.
Also the idea a one size bangle would fit skeletal kat lol..
No. 242946
That's why girls like Lana Rain are so popular. If you are midly efamous you can get some money in webcaming.
Sage because offtopic
No. 242967
File: 1485925412371.png (30.63 KB, 395x295, IMG_1658.PNG)

She's sitting on her phone making spaghetti and complaining that no one is tipping or talking…..
No. 243137
File: 1485967371987.png (Spoiler Image,967.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1687.PNG)

Her vagina makes me sick to my stomach.
No. 243140
File: 1485967409306.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1688.PNG)

No. 243161
File: 1485972270811.gif (1.64 MB, 300x225, 132.gif)

>>243140jfc her asshole looks like it has fungus
No. 243212
File: 1485981797505.jpg (584.81 KB, 1710x1370, Stormy_010217_0904_MyFreeCams_…)

Looking a lil bald under there
No. 243214
File: 1485982042813.jpg (247.12 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_okhhi8xMKN1r8wl2xo1_128…)

Another spooky no ass crack pic from Sophie
No. 243301
>>243140jesus christ WHAT THE FUCK
>>243212looks like a corpse
No. 243450
File: 1486007915445.jpg (87.44 KB, 640x640, 15876833_1858944774385181_8602…)

Bringing back from the last thread cuz this gave me a laugh, From the looks of her twitter looks like this one broke up with her scummy Bf yet again (maybe we should make a poll for when she"ll get back with him). Plus another pic of her amazing shrinking/expanding waist.
No. 243559
File: 1486045733179.jpg (130.96 KB, 596x480, tumblr_okqt98Ixef1tvky6qo1_r1_…)

Dear god, she looks like a pig.
No. 243686
File: 1486069692317.jpg (141.1 KB, 675x1200, C3q2KU3WEAAg-FM.jpg)

she retweeted this
jesus fucking christ
No. 243742
File: 1486077087499.png (114.27 KB, 640x509, stormy.png)

>>243690she denied it up and down on twitter earlier. She said she was joking when she would dress up as a lolli and "Be 12 if you want me to be"
No. 244067
File: 1486146852076.png (93.92 KB, 630x528, Screenshot 2017-02-03 13.31.51…)

youre not anemic you stupid bitch, you're anorexic
No. 244600
File: 1486223906429.png (102.86 KB, 589x525, Screenshot 2017-02-04 10.55.33…)

will she ever stop being pathetic?? holy shit
No. 244614
File: 1486225092123.jpg (306.84 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_okuvwbs8H81tvky6qo1_128…)

What the fuck is that?
No. 244817
File: 1486243395001.jpg (Spoiler Image,433.25 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_1852.JPG)

Ew why does her vagina look like she used a pump on it?! It looks so dark and puffy.
No. 244836
>>244614Might be glitter?
>>244817I-it looks a bit like she has awkward looking balls without a dick, what the fuck? Looks weird as hell
No. 245059
File: 1486278111677.png (39.71 KB, 640x477, IMG_1858.PNG)

Dear god how is it possible that she looks even more corpse like when she's sitting down than she does standing up?! Normal people look fatter when sitting but pumpy just looks more malnourished.
No. 245061
File: 1486278483960.png (39.89 KB, 640x475, IMG_1863.PNG)

UGH you can see every rib, every chest bone and every bone in her arm. And I think I'm seeing a happy trail there…
No. 245439
File: 1486325471121.gif (Spoiler Image,423.68 KB, 500x281, tumblr_okwwu9UTvJ1tvky6qo2_500…)

I think her expectation was like kati3kats glitter video but this just didn't work.
No. 245441
File: 1486325511118.gif (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 400x225, tumblr_okwwu9UTvJ1tvky6qo6_400…)

>>245439It looks like a rash
No. 245443
File: 1486325720762.png (96.7 KB, 1080x1122, Screenshot_20170205-201310~2.p…)

>>245439>>245441The video description. Am laughing.
No. 246127
File: 1486415226993.jpg (Spoiler Image,558.25 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_okueuabPNh1r8wl2xo1_128…)

Looks like a dead body in a pool of piss
No. 246138
>>246127I've noticed sometimes farmers can exaggerate how bad something is…
but this is definitely on the mark. This is terribad.
No. 246152
File: 1486419490629.jpg (134.33 KB, 640x1138, IMG_1897.JPG)

Her hips/waist look so fucking weird what the hell
No. 246373
File: 1486442322509.png (279.89 KB, 472x359, katandkat1.png)

Kat is on cam with another model. I think this picture sums it up. The other model is much more interesting and engaging.
No. 246400
File: 1486445942457.png (35.72 KB, 465x346, IMG_1904.PNG)

When models complain that no one is talking or tipping…hmmm maybe because no one wants to watch you sit on your phone all night? She's the most boring cam girl ever. "Tip 25 tokens to watch me do squats" ummmm what kind of bullshit is that? No one wants to see skellybones exercise.
No. 246680
File: 1486495354672.jpg (76.54 KB, 1023x767, IMG_1918.JPG)

"First of all I look good as fuck without make up"
No. 246713
File: 1486498936113.jpg (Spoiler Image,466.61 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2017-02-07_15-17-11.JPG)

Im just gonna leave this here
No. 246719
File: 1486499510860.png (427.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170207-202830.png)

How can meg charge this much for fucking Snapchat. No one's gonna pay that (as you can see from 0 purchases) but I don't see anyone else charging this much, not skeletor kat, not missalice, not the top girls, actually attractive ones too.
Is she delusional?
No. 246757
File: 1486506951989.gif (Spoiler Image,250.14 KB, 400x225, tumblr_okwwu9UTvJ1tvky6qo3_400…)

>>246731Her face looks like a downy ghost lurking here lol. Prob shoulda cropped it out.
No. 246783
File: 1486509200978.png (Spoiler Image,76.22 KB, 640x1071, IMG_1920.PNG)

Why would she ever post pictures of her coochie like this on her snap?! I'd be downright embarrassed if that was me. It always looks like she used a pussy pump or some shit.
No. 246784
File: 1486509236173.png (Spoiler Image,95.38 KB, 640x1067, IMG_1921.PNG)

Braaaaaaaap. So gross.
No. 246835
>>246680Straight out of faces of meth
She has the face sores and everything
No. 247008
File: 1486530151400.jpg (110.8 KB, 1232x468, IMG_1932.JPG)

This shit has me in stitches
No. 247233
Omg all these pics of her poor vag! I bet it's constantly irritated and puffy, I feel sore looking at it.
>>246680Why on Earth would
anyone upload a pic like this let alone someone whose job is to be sexually appealing?
No. 247643
File: 1486601911392.png (91.18 KB, 640x1024, IMG_1940.PNG)

Apparently everyone is a dick because no one sent her money to watch her rub her nasty snatch hole on Snapchat. Lmao don't brag about how much money you have and then complain about your bills being expensive. She's the one choosing to have these procedures done, so why complain about the cost?
No. 247779
File: 1486614331651.png (1.15 MB, 1046x794, Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 11.2…)

this is nasty why would you show your face in public like this omfg
No. 247781
File: 1486614692543.png (1.07 MB, 1058x782, Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 11.2…)

>>247779shes so gross omfg
No. 247782
File: 1486614767210.png (1.21 MB, 1058x818, Screen Shot 2017-02-08 at 11.3…)

>>247781shes on right now and acting kind of buzzed or high or something
No. 247794
>>247643She needs to remember that no one cares about her problems. Guys don't watch her to listen to her problems.
Guys are really better off paying for a prostitute than wasting money on her.
No. 247908
>>247794She has problems? She lives in a nice looking house, has enough money to do drugs all the time and get tattoos, and sit around naked on a bed all day.
What problems?
No. 248222
File: 1486684663254.png (266.59 KB, 525x570, Screenshot 2017-02-09 18.55.11…)

She's so gross and retarded
No. 248226
File: 1486684911283.png (54.85 KB, 601x353, Screenshot 2017-02-09 18.59.51…)

>>248222LMAO WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? just no
No. 249132
File: 1486836939215.png (144.67 KB, 635x612, brat.png)

Wow really? She is so fucking selfish
No. 249177
File: 1486842373648.jpg (Spoiler Image,365.49 KB, 1151x2048, IMG_2026.JPG)

And now, a corpse floating in purple water.
No. 249179
File: 1486842419479.jpg (Spoiler Image,410.5 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_2027.JPG)

I honestly don't understand how men find her body attractive. It's so weird to me. If I didn't know any better I'd think she had some weird abnormality.
No. 249264
File: 1486854464992.png (68.96 KB, 640x590, IMG_2033.PNG)

She's so obsessed with herself it's disgusting. "Sorry to put something so wonderful in you're life that you're jealous and hateful" Bitch no one is jealous of you. I'd take being a fat broke bitch any day over being a disgusting lying fuckhole.
No. 249267
>>249264she keps spamming all over twitter abt how shes SO HIGH
its so obnoxious…
No. 249288
>>249132Holy fuck how does she make money
Snotty shit attitude disgusting face/body doesn't even cam
She looks and acts like a sentient yeast infection
No. 249311
>>249293Maybe theyre ana fetishists and not pedos?
But even then nothing about her seems innocent or delicate, just disgusting
No. 249390
File: 1486873822888.png (306.95 KB, 536x401, Screenshot 2017-02-11 23.28.09…)

the crypt keeper is online on myfreecams right now lol
No. 249394
File: 1486874214766.png (569.85 KB, 877x478, Screenshot 2017-02-11 23.34.46…)

>>249390barely any ppl in her room, rachet nails, acne and balding
every day she strays further from top model status
No. 249395
File: 1486874245030.png (271.69 KB, 521x394, Screenshot 2017-02-11 23.35.32…)

>>249394these nails are so trashy fucking hell
No. 249682
>>242439i feel this
one question is, is there a market for loli-ish findom?
like i could be a good himedere lolidom type girl, im tiny with a babyface and like teasing and stuff, but could never ever be like one of those hot older ladies that most submissive guys like
(Nice blog) No. 249696
>>249688Ew, why. It's not quirky or cute like it's trying to be, it's embarrassing and gross + looks like it's made out of cheap material.
>>249682Never underestimate how perverted men are or how much they're willing to spend on a girl. So, probably.
No. 250557
File: 1487017422525.jpg (606.47 KB, 1710x1370, Stormy_120217_0708_MyFreeCams_…)

Lol at her in the washing basket.
That top is cringey as fuck
No. 250680
File: 1487031578146.jpg (179.32 KB, 1152x2048, C4h1b1ZVUAAj067.jpg)

>>250562pic related she posted on twitter complaining she wont ever be popular again
thats right bitch. you're ugly, your body is ugly and you dont look 12 anymore. you're a nasty person inside and out.
No. 250681
File: 1487031626545.jpg (189.22 KB, 1200x675, C4hydgTVcAAthLl.jpg)

>>250680loooooooool whoever this was
No. 250687
File: 1487031906327.png (47.97 KB, 616x161, Screenshot 2017-02-13 19.22.52…)

positive angel kat who is always positive and the nicest person ever uwu…. calling a girl named arianina a "cunt"
No. 250969
>>249394Kek these guys are just going on about Walking Dead. Maybe they were reminded because of the skelly.
>>250963Because of possible bestiality? Seems sort of strange.
No. 251018
>>250969During the Charms on Chaturbate mini saga, it turns out they have all sorts of rules like that too. No animals in the frame (she and her boyfriend were showing off a snake) and no overt self-harm or hints of this.
Probably tons of other rules as well.
No. 251190
File: 1487094219760.png (240.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170214-174011.png)

Here are mfc's "forbidden things"
Some are a bit bizarre and seems to block out certain fetishes such as lactation, menstruation, fisting, piss.
No. 251196
File: 1487094310082.jpg (64.03 KB, 750x750, tumblr_old8slOSQU1tvky6qo1_128…)

Holy fucking Photoshop.
This is a bit scary
No. 252044
File: 1487174477319.png (874.4 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2123.PNG)

She posted screencap from her new video on her private snap and I was dying laughing at the fact that her "sexy face" looks more like she's being stabbed and is in severe pain.
No. 252138
File: 1487184751367.jpg (166.98 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_olffmgYBJ51tvky6qo1_128…)

This extreme winged eyeliner only makes her likes look weirder. Getting ridiculous.
No. 252139
File: 1487184779387.jpg (41.63 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_obvvicX4ly1u80ymdo1_128…)

No. 252152
File: 1487185846989.png (233.43 KB, 248x348, catwoman.png)

>>252138her face shape reminds me of Jocelyn Wildenstein
No. 252237
File: 1487194480209.jpg (389.38 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_2128.JPG)

I'm utterly disturbed at how small Sophie's legs are…like her calves are so tiny how do they support her body?
No. 252427
>>252045I guess at least she does cam on the reg and make content.
Idk why meg always says"I'll do this, I'll do that" and never does a thing. She tries to claim she's too busy doing Skype shows lol, the most blatant lie.
No. 252428
File: 1487211192653.jpg (172.62 KB, 1280x989, tumblr_okhptorpdt1tvky6qo1_r1_…)

>>252427Pic related and how she's done nothing
No. 252679
File: 1487260200335.jpg (20.04 KB, 250x333, tumblr_olh0snjB9v1tvky6qo1_250…)

People who wear their underwear like this really triggers me.
Looks gross.
No. 252746
File: 1487266299833.png (549.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170216-172839.png)

Says she's gained this weight and is "naturally chubby" yet still insists she is an xs/UK size 6. Obv makes no logical sense.
No. 252775
File: 1487267590049.png (167.74 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_20170216-173757~2.p…)

>>252722>>252746Her claimed height and claimed weight add up to a BMI of borderline overweight. But yeah still an xs yeah?
Something is off. Are all 3 untrue or what?
No. 252787
File: 1487268275334.png (210.65 KB, 1080x1679, Screenshot_20170216-180230~2.p…)

>>252775>>252778Kat's BMI for comparison
No. 252832
>>252819This is true. Think it said 5"4, and it was deleted shortly after someone found it lol. But height is a bizarre thing to lie about. Who the hell cares, and she's making herself sound fatter if she is lying.
>>252816I think I found her weight somewhere, I'll try refind it again. She's taller than kat so makes sense to look more skelly.
No. 252844
>>251190>sexual relations with menWait, what?
Don't camgirls bang guys all the time? Can't they just register and claim they're doing a duo act?
Or do all these girls go off mfc for the dude banging performances?
Like didn't charms try to get on scraps weird dick pump peen on cam?
Sage for milkless curiosity
No. 252853
>>252844MFC is really strict about guys appearing during shows. I think they can get away with offering manyvids with guys as long as they're just doing POV/showing dick only.
I think the Charms/Scraps cam was Chaturbate?
No. 252894
File: 1487281098164.png (449.26 KB, 790x1154, Screenshot_20170216-211330~2.p…)

>>252816All I can find is old stats. But we know she's 5"6 and this weight is from her popular era. Blonde hair days. A year or 2 ago, and she's much thinner now, she may be worse than kat at this rate
No. 252899
File: 1487281855027.jpg (228.18 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20170216_214629.jpg)

>>252894Her face is really starting to suffer. A damn shame.
Girl is only 21. Her face shouldn't look so haggered.
No. 252912
File: 1487283514699.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.1 KB, 540x960, IMG_2139.JPG)

vomits everywhere
No. 252915
>>252679She has the body of a 45 year old mother of 3, and the face of that chick that got plastic surgery to look like a tiger.
Some men have no standards at all.
No. 253027
>>253018Kraft box dinner next to an anus bun with canned marinara sauce.
What a keeper!
No. 253033
>>2530291. back pimples omg disgusting wash your fucking back
2. she calls herself a weeb but doesnt know the difference between chinese mandarin and japanese????????????
No. 253048
File: 1487298568802.gif (59.44 KB, 250x250, 1483894297797.gif)

>>253029It's the year 2017 and white people are still getting Chinese tattoos, amazing
No. 253107
>>253029just in case anyone wanted to know, the characters she got mean ambition or aspiration
which is kinda ironic to me, considering she's a camgirl. not many aspirations there tbqh
No. 253173
File: 1487314423218.png (Spoiler Image,269.53 KB, 458x376, Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 1.53…)

shes online right now bragging about being a model
No. 253175
>>253173shes talking about her back pimples so i guess she reads this thread.
hi kat
No. 253178
>>253173It's so weird how her fatbag mosquito bites just seem to hang off those bones.
Like looking at a fork with some bits of jello stuck to it.
No. 253582
File: 1487376706080.jpg (286.71 KB, 1242x1656, IMG_2152.JPG)

Why do cam girls think anyone wants to pay $100 for shitty basic ass t-shirts? They cost like $5 to print, ain't nobody want to spend $100 on that shit. It's exactly like pumpys shirts that said "I stroke to kat" that not a single person purchased.
No. 253729
File: 1487393635038.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.14 KB, 500x375, 5 (1).jpg)

>>249179>>249293No matter what your body type, there is a sex market for it. "Butterface" "Heroin addict" "Butterbod" its just the matter of finding them and advertising yourself to them. It's why escorts will usually do nude shoots or adult film, it increases their visibility.
About half the girls on the gonewild subreddits are call girls that work in their local area.
No. 253903
File: 1487439508246.gif (1.19 MB, 312x454, tumblr_olkld9CAZv1tvky6qo2_400…)

>calls herself chubby
>"I'm a size 6"
No. 253967
>>253903She looks hot in this
or looking at shit like:
>>253173Has altered my tastes
No. 255584
File: 1487711983020.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170221-211856.png)

No. 255585
File: 1487712069702.png (475.09 KB, 1080x967, Screenshot_20170221-211418~2.p…)

Looks fucking solid mate. Proper hard work
No. 257091
File: 1487961352579.png (294.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170224-183405.png)

No. 257093
File: 1487961395939.jpg (114.83 KB, 486x480, tumblr_olvqdiJwmy1tvky6qo1_500…)

Dear lord
No. 257108
>>257091>>257092I was going to jokingly ask if this was lyrics to a LDR song but then I read on to "fucking to Lana Del Rey" and what literally almost is the exact lines to the song she mentions;
>"singing 'Off to the Races' to him. Making him chase me around town[…]versus
>"and I'm off to the races, cases of Bacardi chasers, chasin' me all over town"Embarrassing.
No. 257149
>>257128i was just going to reference that kek
>>257138yes, most girls are disgusted by these pictures.
No. 257350
>>257208It won't make your cock bigger, admin!
Thanks for the laugh there, newfag.
No. 258559
File: 1488112858227.jpg (111.95 KB, 500x480, tumblr_olxpq2h9CO1tvky6qo1_r1_…)

Fuck her legs are fat
No. 258568
File: 1488115360507.gif (1.68 MB, 332x332, tumblr_olzgkj36uP1tvky6qo1_400…)

Do you think she uses one of those stupid lip plumpers? Or just uses a glass lol. They stick out horribly.
No. 258591
>>258568Sometimes it really just looks like she's pouting and pushing them out like a duckface.
>>258559her eyes look even smaller than usual here.
No. 258689
File: 1488135395930.png (64.77 KB, 640x530, IMG_2420.PNG)

Sophie confirmed she's 87 pounds on her tumblr
No. 258769
File: 1488142605771.jpg (51.3 KB, 625x789, nintchdbpict000287712756.jpg)

>>258568She looks like the fucking cat lady
No. 259312
>>243649haha top fucking kek
she didn't even get the character right
what a dumb cunt
>>253107>>253107>>253107 No. 260244
File: 1488288891615.jpg (71.93 KB, 1200x675, C5wQas5VAAExZBL.jpg)

This looks like some weird alien shit..
No. 260324
>>260244This looks 3d porn.
For real, she doesn't look human. Don't know if photoshop abuse or what
No. 261177
File: 1488361532148.png (Spoiler Image,182.64 KB, 364x357, kat.PNG)

bone lords online
No. 261178
File: 1488361598705.png (Spoiler Image,158.12 KB, 360x357, kat.PNG)

No. 261180
File: 1488361646944.png (Spoiler Image,166.6 KB, 356x358, kat.PNG)

No. 261181
File: 1488361706188.png (Spoiler Image,164.12 KB, 350x356, kat.PNG)

No. 261199
>>261180 Christ I feel like the federal police are gonna knock down my door for looking at child porn
sage for OT
No. 261291
File: 1488382191430.png (101.34 KB, 1055x1084, Screenshot_20170301-152758~2.p…)

This is so embarrassing, stupid, sad and potentially dangerous.
She really doesn't have a friend in the world does she?
No. 261649
File: 1488408227336.png (Spoiler Image,661.39 KB, 772x598, Screen Shot 2017-03-01 at 5.43…)

the crypt keeper is online
she has the body of a 60 year old starving corpse
No. 261651
File: 1488408283849.png (Spoiler Image,600.85 KB, 642x634, Screen Shot 2017-03-01 at 5.44…)

>>261649dear god she's repulsive
No. 261879
File: 1488434460233.jpg (96 KB, 675x1200, C54_q7hVUAE13e2.jpg)

this is now little_lotte aka charlotte charms
No. 261938
>>261879I wanted to say you're lying but then I saw the face tattoo… This is so sad. Her makeup also looks like it's made by an app?
Got any news on her? Besides that she dyed her hair and is probably still fat.
No. 261974
>>261879Man, she looks so ratchet. That fried hair. Those roots.
>>261938>Her makeup also looks like it's made by an app?Yep, it is; you can see where the eyelash cuts off abruptly. Probably was too lazy to actually put makeup on.
It looks stupid, like laughably fake, why would she upload this?
No. 261987
>>261942Because EDs don't change your anatomy…
>>261974Because she's gotten more lazy I guess? It's really sad, as far as I remember she went to school to be a makeup artist or something
Damn, she used to be "goals" lol
No. 262098
File: 1488473198497.jpg (748.75 KB, 1710x1370, MegvnMvrie_280217_1755_MyFreeC…)

Meg's recent failed cam sessions.
I see her ass is still flat as ever
No. 262100
File: 1488473236594.jpg (707.52 KB, 1710x1370, MegvnMvrie_280217_1904_MyFreeC…)

No. 262103
File: 1488473296395.jpg (689.92 KB, 1710x1370, MegvnMvrie_280217_1853_MyFreeC…)

No. 262104
File: 1488473342815.jpg (744.66 KB, 1710x1370, MegvnMvrie_010317_0053_MyFreeC…)

No. 262106
File: 1488473572336.jpg (760.59 KB, 1710x1370, Stormy_010317_2354_MyFreeCams_…)

Kat looks like some sort of insect splayed across the floor like that
No. 262117
>>262103The picture on the lower right is so odd
What am I looking at???
Those don't flatter her body whatsoever, the bra can't even hold her breasts right. You'd think cam models would actually know how to choose the right lingerie and stuff.
No. 262146
>>262106What the fuck is wrong with her vagina/pubic mound???
No. 262150
>>262106her pubic area looks like a deflated dark ballsack
girl bleach that shit ffs
No. 262158
File: 1488479997845.jpg (59.86 KB, 400x533, tumblr_om77dgUPTF1tvky6qo1_400…)

>>262148But then she posts this
No. 262193
>>262158Unpopular opinion: but I think Meg is kind of cute/pretty because of her odd facial features. Obviously not in every picture but still. Her body & personality however…yea no.
Sage for meh
No. 262361
>>262253>>262193she just looks like an average 5/10 dumpy lady you'd see on the street and be like "meh she looks weird and doesn't take care of her body"
but at least she doesn't look like a walking corpse (spooky stormy) or a fat meth addict (lotte)
No. 262363
File: 1488501084626.png (784.4 KB, 584x940, Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 7.30…)

OMGGGGG is one of the guys that spends thousands a month on sophie/katie/mira/kat/all of those super young looking cam girls
what a fucking creep omg
No. 262612
File: 1488554296480.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1080x1525, Screenshot_20170303-151437~2.p…)

Fucking vom
That blob of gunk.
That's not "girlie cum" you buffoon.
No. 262708
File: 1488569276694.png (757.82 KB, 1366x768, 03-03-17_7-03-59 PM.png)

I was seeing how thin you could make your sims. It reminded me of Kat so I made it into her.
No. 262710
File: 1488569443210.png (782.38 KB, 1366x768, 03-03-17_7-04-55 PM.png)

>>262708Kat on the sadness hotline in the desert where I banished her to.
No. 262726
>>262708tits need to be WAY smaller and face is more fucked up
think slenderman
No. 262729
File: 1488572375052.png (761.63 KB, 1034x1154, Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 3.19…)

she's holding on to the coattails of when she was a successful cam model
No. 262734
File: 1488572667708.png (Spoiler Image,616.43 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_om94z5CgJs1tvky6qo1_128…)

More yeast infection porn.
No. 262791
File: 1488576658276.png (Spoiler Image,604.32 KB, 772x586, Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 4.29…)

>>262784her genitals look like a ballsack
No. 262858
File: 1488583289772.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.95 KB, 422x650, MYCREAM.jpg)

>>262734Kat's counter.
omg these bitches are disgusting, someone get them some sex education/basic human biology lessons
No. 262879
>>262870I'm not an expert but I've never seen natural vagina lubrication be that thick or white. It looks like Bad Dragon's fake cum.
>>262873her teeth look sooo bad, it's distracting. for her sake, I really hope she's getting them actually fixed.
Here's one of my favorite vintage Kat videos, btw. The yt comments are so funny.
No. 262880
>>262870lubrication isnt thick white cottage cream
No. 262887
File: 1488584594025.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.19 KB, 461x735, balding.jpg)

God, her balding is pretty bad, guess is why she opts for a fringe.
No. 262896
File: 1488584945674.png (267.95 KB, 500x280, BEiPAfuCUAAi5QR.png)

>>262887She looks so much like a man here…I guess it's the horrid balding and no makeup. I still don't get how guys treat her (or any camgirl, really) like perfect ethereal beings. Pic related is what she reminds me of there.
No. 262899
>>262870vaginal lubrication doesn't have that thick consistency.
>that's what I thought white stuff like that was in most cases. that or discharge. Or is that always a sign of infection?it's not always a sign of infection, but it IS almost always a sign of some kind of imbalance in the internal environment of the vagina or a fucked up diet.
No. 262914
File: 1488586127756.png (Spoiler Image,338.12 KB, 654x359, urf88uyrhugf.png)

She didn't use lube on her vagina, this gunk just poured out after masturbating. I can't cope.
No. 262921
File: 1488587725222.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.32 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_om9hwnDHqi1tvky6qo1_128…)

This collage is supposed to encourage people to pay for such things? Yikes.
No. 262942
>>262899If we're riding the D rail, let me just say that discharge is completely normal in principle. U know how many girls have discharge for no particular reason @ all, not even some imbalance
sage for derailing
No. 262945
>>262942did you read my comment about consistency?
sounds like you need your vagoo checked out.
No. 262947
>>262942I don't think anyone is saying discharge is not normal, what's abnormal is oozing a white thick substance from sex/masturbation. Vaginal lube is naturally colourless, it may get a lil discharge mixed in but not this pure white cream substance.
If I didn't know context I'd think/like to think it was a cream pie.
No. 262962
File: 1488593144133.png (Spoiler Image,540.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170303-220442.png)

>>262960Just wanted to make sure I was right. Spoiler because pic is gross.
No. 262979
>>262969It looks more like regular discharge. I have that too and after going to plenty of gynecologists I just learned to accept it's normal.
Would never post pics of that shit though, it's disgusting enough finding it on my panties, other people don't need to see it too. Yikes.
No. 262982
>>262960>>262870I WANT to just let everyone rip on her but thicker whitish discharge is not unheard of. It can come from being on birth control, and make moreso by being dehydrated.
Infection is usually yellow or greenish, or very liquid-y.
No. 263015
File: 1488602689933.jpg (11.37 KB, 250x366, B1dq76ICcAExXYY.jpg)

>>263011are you retarded?
"""squirt""" is scientifically proven to come from your bladder. """squirt""" is also scientifically proven to come out of your urethra, and can be seen coming out of the urethra in EVERY SINGLE VIDEO AND PHOTO depicting 'squirting.'
the only thing your bladder produces or will ever produce is piss. you're not squirting. you're pissing everywhere.
not that there's anything wrong with that. if you're born with a vagina all your plumbing is connected so if sexual stimulation makes you piss yourself, then whatever, just be prepared for cleanup. i just think it's so fucking funny how many people will perform olympic-level gymnastics to be like B-B-B-BUH BUT IT'S NOT PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 263269
File: 1488651287295.gif (Spoiler Image,632.46 KB, 400x225, tumblr_omaxsjuDdD1tvky6qo6_400…)

Omg, Meg's new video looks fucking repulsive.
These first 2 preview gigs are laughable but the other 2 are almost vomit inducing..
No. 263270
File: 1488651323677.gif (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 400x225, tumblr_omaxsjuDdD1tvky6qo3_400…)

What is this face
No. 263276
>>263269She looks like she's in pain :/
>>263271I regret clicking on that one
No. 263292
File: 1488654447088.gif (Spoiler Image,788.19 KB, 400x225, tumblr_omaxsjuDdD1tvky6qo5_400…)

Prepare yourself.
This is vile
No. 263394
>>263110>>263011>how it is possible that something that originates in my kidneys and bladder and comes out of my urethra is piss? baaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww>there's definitely a magical secret organ filled with squirt liquid somewhere in my reproductive anatomy, i swear there is, even though no medical study or doctor in the world has ever been able to identify one and science proved that decades ago. b-buh but m-muh skene's glands "everyone is body shaming me, it's #NotPee, women are allowed to enjoy their orgasms"
the real irony is that the only body shaming going on is from the women who INSIST it's "not piss." you're pissing everywhere when you have sex. own it and get over it. No. 263414
>>263394I don't get why people care. There are plenty of people who have a piss fetish.
If you made a woman squirt what you gonna do run away n cry "ewww pee"
I never squirted in my life until rabbit vibrators, they kill me. It's clear, which my pee normally isn't cos I don't drink enough water. It doesn't smell initially, but will later.
I have a crap bladder so it makes sense that it's pee based, but I'm not just having a slash lol, if it feels good then who the hell cares, just get the towels out and be prepared.
No. 263418
>>263292>>263394I'd rather have someone squirt in my face than this gross creamy gunk.
God forbid if I ever end up in some lesbian sex and the girl has a case of the camgirl cottage cheese special.
No. 263420
File: 1488669583277.jpg (28.79 KB, 449x550, IMG_4642.jpg)

>>263292Shit looks like ogi tbh.
No. 263432
Who the fuck cares you spergs? Post more slenderman, here crying about not being paid $200/hour to sit on her ass and do nothing
"you guys make is so hard to love"
she's blaming guys not paying her 100000s of tokens on her low self esteem. bitch do you own a mirror? oh right you do, you were just bragging about spending $600 on one. go look in it.
why does she expect dudes to pay her bills when there are hundreds of hotter, nicer, funner, more entertaining girls on MFC and chaturbate?
No. 263433
File: 1488670407293.png (155.61 KB, 1166x488, Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 6.30…)

>>263432dropped the pic fml
No. 263435
File: 1488670459653.png (283.75 KB, 1222x1092, Screen Shot 2017-03-04 at 6.33…)

Surprise, surprise, she's not getting top 20 this month. Or probably even Top 100.
No. 263451
>>263436she spent $200,000 on MFC tokens to tip herself/buy friends with. not even a joke, she brags about how her members account has 200k rewards points.
also renting a 5k/month mansion
No. 263452
>>263435She's such a moody cunt. Dunno how she has regular tippers who see and hear all the whining she does and go back to her.
Lol was watching video where she was crying cos she wasnt number 1 room. It was ludicrous.
No. 263460
>>263435lmao bitch this is your job. act like a professional. do you think you could roll up to a real job in an office crying about how all your customers make you feel bad so you're just going to leave for the day/week/month? this is why no one tips you.
all these crazy mfc bitches are the same.
No. 263467
i was a camgirl for a couple years and it's generally a big no no to attack your fans like this. some guys are into the spoiled rotten bitch act, but most guys don't find that attractive and it's not going to make them want to pay you.
if you have a bad night on cam you just need to suck it up, tweet out a sweet "goodnight" to your fans and sign back on tomorrow once you've cooled off.
No. 263487
>>263484It works for Aria Nina because she's actually attractive and her bitchiness/spoiledness is actually just an act. She's actually super sweet and down to earth irl and her tippers know that.
With Kat it's the opposite. Her sweetness is fake, and her bitchy attitude is the real her. She's abusive as fuck and the only guys tipping her anymore are stuck in abusive quasi-relationship with her.
No. 263513
triggered little bitch.
No. 263523
>>263517never "squirted" in my life, but i do think you having to fight about it every single time squirting is mentioned pathetic. it's rarely relevant to the topic at hand and it only serves to derail the threads. but you just absolutely
must let everyone within earshot these girls are delusional bimbos pissing on everything.
No. 263576
File: 1488691135357.png (Spoiler Image,109.54 KB, 749x891, IMG_1828.PNG)

A Ryden pic sry I know she's not really in this thread but omg I thought that was a piece of celery she was fuckin with
No. 263652
File: 1488711693707.jpg (50.07 KB, 480x640, CscG7AKWYAAedrN.jpg)

This might be a little mean and OT, so apologies if it is. Anyone like following cringy, failing camwhores?
I remember this one pissed off cortanablue because she decided to rip off her name and name herself cortanared. She constantly tweets at cortanablue, lana_rain, sammysable, has been camming for a year and only has less than 200 followers on Twitter and less than 3000 or so on Chaturbate, honestly believes that she is going to "make it to the top", and is all around cringy AF.
Pic related, it's her.
No. 263805
File: 1488737998995.png (131.49 KB, 750x1014, IMG_5957.PNG)

Kats bf looks nonwhite
Also those roses wtf girl throw em out
No. 263996
>>263652>meanimpossible here. also, is that a tranny? it has floppy looking breasts that seem like they've been through a lifetime of gravity abuse, but the face…
No. 264014
>>263847>>264004Her body is kinda "meh", but compared to the horrors that are the other camgirls I can see how she won. She's actually kind of cute, and her body is okay. (
>>242276 )
No. 264080
File: 1488768007305.jpg (56.03 KB, 575x425, IMG_20170306_023111.jpg)

>>264014>>264004She looks like a crazy tranny sometimes but she's not ugly. And does a good job of using attractive lighting and angles.
No. 264204
File: 1488806557887.png (138 KB, 749x913, IMG_5962.PNG)

Kat is having a twitter breakdown
No. 264205
File: 1488806585761.png (94.46 KB, 750x740, IMG_5963.PNG)

>>264204Wtf lol get a real job then you leech
No. 264206
File: 1488806702083.png (123.61 KB, 750x1018, IMG_5964.PNG)

>>264205Making excuses for not getting top 20 this month
Nah it's cuz you're an awful person kat
No. 264207
File: 1488806810454.png (84.22 KB, 728x573, IMG_5965.PNG)

>>264206Radical theory: get a real job
No. 264213
>>264204>>264205>>264206>to comfort someone going through a tough time in lifeIf by "going through a tough time" you mean horny, then yes, that's right.
>always trying to find ways to make other people like you or stay interested in youExcept you're literally one of the laziest fucking camgirls out there.
You don't even bother to do your hair or makeup when you go on anymore, and not only that but you barely do much except sit on your fucking phone and/or complain about not getting enough tips.
>as if I'm not […] more than a vagina…Does she know what area of work she's in? That is literally all you are to these dudes and you really shouldn't expect anything more.
You signed up for this! If you don't like it, get a
normal fucking job.
Pumpy is a straight up brat and she doesn't deserve a penny, she should feel lucky to have even become as popular as she did.
No. 264222
>>264213If she was smart she would've used her $$$ from when she was 19 to go to college
Instead she wasted it lol
Wonder when she'll be homeless
No. 264230
I can see where Kat is coming from on this, actually. Being a camgirl is dehumanizing and can be degrading (especially when you know you're pandering to pedophiles…), and sometimes scary (people stalking you, leaking your private information, etc.). But Kat of all people shouldn't complain - up until now, camming has allowed her to live a cushy life and allowed her to never mature past a middle school mentality. If she were had the amount of popularity she used to, I highly doubt she would be complaining. Not to mention, it's extremely unprofessional to be complaining about it on Twitter - where your viewers can easily read it. She is right about camgirls being easily replacable, but you'd think that would make her want to improve herself instead of crying and doing nothing about it. Nobody wants a spoiled, immature camgirl who doesn't take care of herself, Kat. Do something about your sad state of camming or get off your skelly ass and join everyone else in working a normal job and going to school.
tl;dr kat is lazy and her rotten personality has done nothing for her
No. 264241
File: 1488813146919.png (235.17 KB, 1164x750, Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 10.1…)

>>264230She didn't care about it being dehumanizing when she was pandering to pedos and pretending to be 12 on cam, because it was making her money.
Now the money dried up and she can't abuse people and still make tokens so now she cares lol
She's still blaming everyone but herself - I don't see Kati3kat, arianina, missalice, lanarain or alexis complaining about how slow it is. Maybe it's because they actually work? All she does is sit around on her ass and do nothing… whereas Lana Rain literally works 16 hour days sometimes. You get what you give and she's lazy and spoiled. Like the other anon said, she doesn't even do her hair and makeup on cam. That's the bare minimum. No one is going to pay her for existing.
No. 264242
File: 1488813240678.png (115.76 KB, 1192x640, Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 10.1…)

What does she think people are on MYFREECAMS and CHATURBATE for? Philosophical conversation? Charity? Academic pursuits? Being talked down to and abused by a spooky skeleton?
No. 264243
File: 1488813323846.png (77.73 KB, 1152x258, kickaz.png)

She is legit obsessed with kickaz.
No. 264277
File: 1488819999293.png (194.59 KB, 314x301, pumpy.png)

Dude this is revolting. She is so fucking rude and moody and her room is still full and there are people tipping her for complaining. All the other girls I have watched on MFC are so nice or try really hard and some of them look way nicer than pumpy, I just don't fucking understand why she got so popular with that attitude. Pandering to pedophiles? I've seen camgirls going for the lolita/childish look and they are actually nice and still don't make as much or get as much popularity. She also set her naked goal so high compared to the other camwhores.
No. 264293
File: 1488823488855.jpg (77.65 KB, 720x480, tumblr_omemp5ZLsJ1tvky6qo1_128…)

Hitachi on the floor, classy.
And God damn, get a bigger sports bra
No. 264322
>>264277she started the day she turned 18 and before that was slutting it up on twitch, she built a huge pedo following and looks like a skeleton.
she pretends to be in relationships with guys to milk them even more. see: barnzey, who she led on for like a year. or kaldune, who went into $80,000 debt for her because he thought he had a chance.
its a combination of everything. her gamergirl-y shtick. her dd/lg shit. her anorexia. the drama she fuels with other models.
but its all coming to an end, as we see. its abundantly clear she'll never make top 20 again.
No. 264323
File: 1488827853343.png (Spoiler Image,670.21 KB, 788x618, Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 2.17…)

"i brought back my tip menu as a privilege for you guys. it's only a privilege so don't abuse it. i don't want anyone tipping for something too many times, like spanks"
bitch it's called work. how can she expect to just sit there and paid for no reason
No. 264333
File: 1488829606233.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.59 KB, 1200x675, C6Pr_7rVUAAUXYR.jpg)

Look how concaved her thigh is, she's like a god damn reptile
No. 264338
>>264336Wait, here's one video. (And let's not forget her drinking on cam which is against the rules but…)''I can be 12 if you want me to be''
No. 264386
File: 1488835832206.png (100.63 KB, 1266x246, sushi.png)

I don't see other cam girls doing this… they probably make enough money to not have to beg for their members to pay for meals for no reason.
No. 264895
File: 1488917774413.png (520.75 KB, 1080x1265, Screenshot_20170307-201144~2.p…)

Top kek
No. 264896
File: 1488917819387.gif (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 720x405, tumblr_omen97cRcW1r8wl2xo1_128…)

Alien on alien action
No. 265019
>>246680>>247008Guy here (you don't care, I'm aware). I figured I would tell you gals that I find this cute, acne and all. The left one doesn't appeal to me at all because it just looks like her face is covered in a layer of artificial barbie shit. When guys say they prefer girls without make-up they are generally not bullshitting. But I understand that girls don't believe them because you have a fucked up sense of self-perception so that's ok.
All that aside I wouldn't be able to fap to this chick. Her face is cute but her body makes her look like a holocaust survivor. Thank mr skeltal
Sage for blogpost, I'm out
File: 1488981555118.jpg (43.33 KB, 576x1024, C6Yo2_QU4AAdrKK.jpg)

This picture is creepy AF.
Her head looks huge and like it's just floating
No. 265461
File: 1488992135766.png (116.98 KB, 1272x288, Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 11.5…)

How shitty of a person is she that she enjoys homewrecking? How do you even enjoy hurting a complete stranger with your actions
No. 265465
File: 1488992766394.png (69.41 KB, 490x88, Screen Shot 2017-03-08 at 12.0…)

she's ranting about feminism now
she and her goons sound very unintelligent. she has no idea what a regular job is like
No. 265831
File: 1489027253852.png (28 KB, 1080x338, Screenshot_20170309-023518.png)

Lol. Megs tard parents clearly influence her. Honestly have you guys seen how retarded her dad is?
His comments are barely English.
No. 265846
File: 1489027797613.png (61.11 KB, 1080x720, Screenshot_20170309-024614.png)

>>265831Meg's dad is a pure retard.
No. 265850
File: 1489027863154.png (283.06 KB, 1080x1544, Screenshot_20170309-024210.png)

>>265847Can see where she gets it from
No. 265992
>>265934IIRC she was/is on the wrong meds that made her condition worse, her ugly ass bf is basically using her for a place to stay/money and brings her fast food and shit so she doesn't even leave the house while not giving a shit about her. She also got really really fat and a shit ton of bad tattoos.
An actual update would be great. Idk what her twitter is, if she still uses it.
No. 266145
File: 1489079741539.jpg (104.86 KB, 675x1200, C4wHAo8VcAE160J.jpg)

>>265992She goes by lotteoddities now.
No. 266333
File: 1489097163050.png (Spoiler Image,930.93 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170309-220302.png)

>Muh necrophilia No. 266449
File: 1489110856524.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170310-015139.png)

Tagging herself as #beautiful girls
Oh dear.
No. 266457
>>266451She's been like that for a while. Her decision to bleach her hair at this point is moronic.
Is it possible to have a full fringe with a hairline like that? It must be right? Kat had a pretty awful hairline and uses a fringe to cover it. Anyone with a big forehead should prob opt for the full fringe.
No. 266459
>>266145What the FUCK is this hair? Where do I even begin, there's not even a part in her hair?? It's just pushed back like she's wearing a headband but I don't think she's wearing one, it looks like some creepy long psycho clown wig.
That crescent of roots is awful, her fried orange hair. Wow
No. 266462
File: 1489112367639.jpg (247.28 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170310_021759.jpg)

>>266460>>266461Yup they are extensions. This is her without.
No. 266467
File: 1489113001975.jpg (100.96 KB, 675x1200, C4R1hcfWMAAuOC9.jpg)

Holy fuck Mike is looking more like a haggard lesbian than ever.
No. 266517
File: 1489115817246.png (395.74 KB, 1164x1254, Screen Shot 2017-03-09 at 10.1…)

another day another kat rage
No. 266821
>>266556I'm happy for the other girl. She seems like she deserved it much more.
Pumpy is such a salty bitch.
No. 266969
File: 1489169208128.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170310-180635.png)

>>264080She's got a bit of a witch face
No. 267030
>>266556She's only 20??? I thought she was like 26????
Also that's so shady of Kat to look for an "easy win". She's such a sore loser. "I knew it was going to happen".
No. 267043
File: 1489177061134.jpg (167.14 KB, 1024x576, marnie.jpg)

>>266969She looks like Marnie from Girls after 50 Tumblr reblogs.
No. 267212
File: 1489191831546.jpg (102.69 KB, 1024x768, C6kaC7GU8AA4o74.jpg)

>>266556This is her idea of "pie in the face". Her excuse is she wouldn't do it in her face cos "she works hard enough to keep her skin clear". It's not clear and a bit of cream ain't gonna cause a breakout.
Shame she doesn't give her yeasty vagina the same treatment.
Why agree to something if you're not gonna do the agreed conciquence? Reckon she was so sure she'd win?
No. 267214
File: 1489192072182.png (3.24 MB, 1080x1920, tumblr_ommjrj02Ma1qh8fyjo4_128…)

Meg's public sc
No. 267215
File: 1489192115398.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1920, tumblr_ommjrj02Ma1qh8fyjo1_128…)

No. 267224
>>267214I call bullshit. If she actually had that money she wouldn't be living in her parents shitty house and have such shitty clothes considering she bangs on about high fashion bullshit.
Also why is there a penny going in…
No. 267556
File: 1489247955033.png (272.84 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20170311-155037.png)

Notice how it says a few drops and usually goes unnoticed not it looks like you're vagina has fucking sneezed
No. 267577
File: 1489251810111.jpg (56.32 KB, 1920x942, agatha-tank1.jpg)

>>265459Somebody call tom cruise
No. 267629
File: 1489259360267.png (158.39 KB, 1076x715, Screenshot_20170311-182351.png)

Oh dear. Very thin people with implants always look awful. Gonna look like bolt-ons
No. 267631
>>267629She doesn't need bolt ons, she needs braces and a sandwich…
Getting shitty implants is going to have her lose the only viewers she has left, the pedo dudes.
No. 267694
>>267629i dont think any responsible doctor will operate on her, bc they will look awful and may even be dangerous
so she'll settle for a crook and look butchered af
No. 267697
File: 1489270522375.png (104.77 KB, 904x380, Screen Shot 2017-03-11 at 5.14…)

her kebab mooselamb bf broke up with her lolol
No. 269090
File: 1489446403829.png (223.06 KB, 1160x782, Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 7.06…)

shes 68 pounds holy sheet
No. 269093
File: 1489446558151.png (63.89 KB, 924x220, Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 7.07…)

"I lose 10 pounds a meal"
No. 269094
File: 1489446591648.png (239.96 KB, 1210x660, Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 7.08…)

her kebab bf is back and wants a mff threesome
No. 269333
>>269089She's prob got IBS or an intolerance to something.
I can get a lot of the shits sometimes but i don't lose any weight lol.
No. 269515
File: 1489505464010.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.14 KB, 720x480, tumblr_omt7ts1lVm1tvky6qo1_128…)

Dat belly
No. 269542
File: 1489509257212.png (Spoiler Image,922.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-14-11-30-09…)

i know ryden has her own thread, but it's been pretty dead lately. and considering we were on this subject earlier…
jfc what is with these girls and their vaginal problems?? i guess men are too stupid to tell the difference.
No. 269661
File: 1489519325380.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1592.PNG)

>>269515Seconded that megan looks really cute, but goddamn that little belly dent is unfortunate.
As is this photo.
No. 269678
File: 1489520174867.png (64.35 KB, 1166x190, Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 3.33…)

guys, she's taking our advice!!!
No. 269817
File: 1489528266482.jpg (143.98 KB, 675x1200, C65WptrWgAAd_CT.jpg)

Oh god her face looks disturbingly thin here.
No. 270033
File: 1489546723830.png (Spoiler Image,746.75 KB, 832x624, Screen Shot 2017-03-14 at 10.5…)

ashe looks like she gained some weight, good for her.
No. 270045
>>269515She's fucking dumb but I missed her. Used to frequent this thread for Meg drama but I had to leave because I cant look at that blonde skelly girl for too long without feeling like a pedo/there's worms inside me (idk why I get this feeling when looking at disgustingly thin girls)
sage for blog
No. 270154
>>270079This thread is for lulzy camgirls, not camgirls who actually give a shit about what they do. She also used to have a thread that was just praise, not sure if it's still up. If you're going to say "gj on the weight gain" find that thread
>>270072Not Ashe just a stan
No. 270208
File: 1489604023255.gif (Spoiler Image,198.6 KB, 400x225, tumblr_omty9kBJU81tvky6qo5_400…)

No. 270210
File: 1489604120230.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.56 KB, 900x1200, C66_h-vVsAANYNE.jpg)

Thongs look ridiculous when you have no arse fat
No. 270288
>>270208no!!!! how can you even live with yourself like this, let alone broadcast it???????
girl if you see this thread dont even acknowledge these comments you dont need to say anything just please go to a gyno
No. 270509
>>270476I don't think she'll ever move out in the near future. She has no friends, she's never had a job in her life, she probably has 0 life skills. Whatever money she gets she wants it as a treat rather than income for living.
Though it's kinda bizarre as her parents are racist tards.
No. 271077
>>269654>>269654Same tbh. Never hated her body for what it is and was. Normal and natural. Sometimes I think girls on this board are cunts for the sake of it.
Although Meg has been too so it's whatever
No. 271103
>>271077I think most of this website is being insulting to people who are just cunts and seem to think they're god's gift to the world.
Megan may have chilled out a bit with her controversial shit but she said some terrible things and is the sort of person who denies it and not acknowledge she was wrong and apologise.
She keeps banging on about hating paedos recently and she was the person who posted underage nudes, accepted gifts from older men and referred to herself as "grade A pedo bait".
No. 271105
File: 1489716481010.png (Spoiler Image,164.61 KB, 330x249, 74j7894944.png)

>>271102>>271077I find her body weird as fuck. Bad tits, bad ass, bad pussy. She can exploit it with angles and lighting but in reality it's pretty weird with the added weight or not.
No. 272930
>>272298Are you fucking blind
She looks like an obese 12 year old. Not sexy 'thicc'
No. 273742
File: 1490035858130.jpg (209.31 KB, 720x480, tumblr_on4hsvCbfZ1tvky6qo1_128…)

Why her boobs look so small here? Must be proper squashed into that bra
No. 273747
File: 1490036410755.jpg (76.76 KB, 986x731, C7WaSKtVsAAjRbK.jpg)

Why tho
No. 273754
>>272871You could look at
>>262106 also, that one picture on the right of Pumpkin splayed on the floor like an insect should make you think. Look at it, look at it and laugh.
No. 273763
File: 1490038330393.jpg (19.38 KB, 500x500, CF10003lg.jpg)

>>272887If she were a normal weight she wouldn't look like a Skelly bobblehead.
No. 273794
>>271077Nobody. On. This. Damn. Site. Is. A. Cunt. (unless they break the rules)
The whole point is that anything goes, that people are completely honest with their opinion. You want the lolcow milk? Apply yourself to the rules! Take it or leave it altogether. I'm tired of anon cunts bringing unnecessary moral onto this site about things that are well within its rules.
No. 273808
I think Kat is a horrible person but she's been growing on me lately for some reason. She's so much less insufferable when she's ranking well. Acts like less of a drama queen.
>>273794People really gotta stop getting offended by comments about weight. Let people comment ffs. These are cows, they're putting themselves out there. If they didn't want people to criticize their weight they'd stick to radio.
No. 275034
File: 1490189337573.png (257.3 KB, 1048x1707, Screenshot_20170322-132243.png)

Lol, no they didn't.
No. 275133
>>272930for her, she looks good.
>>272914she's not 250. she's chubby and her legs arent so thicc but that's a flattering picture of her (with photoshop and angles), whether you like it or not
No. 275440
File: 1490231450195.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.55 KB, 720x480, Tx3vu3D.jpg)

>>275303>>275305She's not curvy. She's got a flat ass and floppy low hanging tits. Her hips are really strange, it's not a normal subtle curve into her waist, kinda looks like someone stuck 2 tennis balls under her skin.
You don't just become curvy from weight gain, it's a lot more to do with bone structure.
No. 275453
>>275133>>275305>>275060Lol ok 32" waist chan.
Go bring your "girl is thicc!" "she's not fat, she eats" "I like a girl with meat on her bones" Retardation somewhere else.
No. 275488
File: 1490234717591.jpg (156.88 KB, 675x1200, C7fmID2XkAAVtr_.jpg)

Anyone else hate Calvin's underwear and anything in the same style?
It seems to be trendy AF at the moment but I hate it, it's so gross to me and I'm not sure why.
No. 275493
File: 1490235086044.jpg (Spoiler Image,281.13 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nbllt8P2Nj1tvky6qo1_128…)

>>275460But she's also so fucking insane. She talks all this shit about being "thick" and "chubby" recently but still says she's a size XS/UK 6. It's ridiculous. She probably still says she had 24" waist too.. which was obviously never true.
No. 275502
>>275493I've always been un-curvy. I have really small hips but your average kind of waist. I do look kinda "straight" with boobs. And putting on weight has left me the same, just everything is a bit bigger, doesn't change my proportions.
It can be easy to manipulate in photos (especially when you're thinner). There's a reason why neg pulls her underwear so high up, she's trying to cover her belly but still give off a "curvy" vibe. It's crazy how much you can manipulate your body with poses and photography.
No. 275605
>>275488I agree. Something about it just gives off some gross vibe to me.
This bitch so damn lucky to have a nice place and do fuck all yet its always messy. How is she still able to afford living here? I'm not sure if I missed something mentioned before.
No. 276022
File: 1490306545534.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1665, Screenshot_20170323-215952.png)

Lol wtf
No. 276185
File: 1490320943721.png (59.78 KB, 1080x451, Screenshot_20170324-015806.png)

She's so gross. I don't believe she actually does enjoy snuff, she just wants to be edgy.
Someone dressing up as some stuffed fox or whatever is 1000x less offensive than recorded rape and murder. Wtf. I'm sure she's watching fake shit but if she could actually sit there and watch a real snuff video, that's beyond sick.
Imagine the kind of person who would "like" that post ?
No. 276190
File: 1490321298868.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.15 KB, 275x183, IMG_9972.JPG)

>>276022She reminds me of this
No. 276300
>>276294Not other anon, but I reckon it's because she was really fat before? (She was, wasn't she?) I imagine with gaining and losing weight her titties inflated and deflated at different rates or something?
I've seen tits like hers before but people usually correct it with surgery kek
No. 276512
File: 1490378224914.jpg (64.88 KB, 540x360, tumblr_onbrms6DhS1tvky6qo1_540…)

Why the fuck would she post this?
No. 276517
File: 1490379031326.png (19.39 KB, 214x162, tit.png)

>>276512this is all i see.
No. 276532
>>276512jesus, she legit looks like she gained a lot here
her arms are fatter than ever
No. 276536
>>275453Holy fuck, you're quite the retarded anachan, huh? Nobody fucking said she is thicc, your idiot. But she doesn't look ANYTHING near fat in the pic. Must be hard understanding stuff when your stomach is so, so empty, huh?
sage for rage
No. 276747
>>276537>>276536The samefag is strong with this one.
I don't know what universe you live in where meg isn't fat but ok.
No. 276756
>>276744Yikes she did?
She always goes on and on judging other girls for being "whores" and commenting on how unattractive she thinks the other girls on MFC are, calling the skinny girls little boys and shit. I don't know how anyone would actually watch her other than to laugh at her breakdowns. She seems like an actual bitch. Period.
No. 276764
>>276756She sounds like a cunt, holy hell.
>>276744Did she get tipped 100k in cash or like, 100k in MFC tokens? Cause there's a pretty big difference there
No. 277259
File: 1490476956113.png (180.65 KB, 1080x1045, Screenshot_20170325-211943.png)

Edgy McEdgeface
No. 277273
>>277259Why are some whores like this?
Pretending like they didn't know before they became whores that there are men who are going to harass them and not be nice? It's like, gee, sorry not every man bows to you and thinks you're queen bee for showing your poon..
No. 277285
>>276747they said like 10 times that she doesnt LOOK fat in the pictures due to shooping and angles
not looking fat in pictures =/= isn't fat irl
No. 277412
>>277284Girls in the top 100 make from 10k at the very least as #100, to 100k or more as #1
Girls in the top 500 make about 5k a month
If you're not in those stats then yeah, you don't make shit. It's not worth it if you aren't making at least a few thousand, otherwise you could be working any other job.
500 girls out of the thousands registered, it really is hit or miss.
No. 278010
>>276836Buddy, please, go back to school.
160000 X .05 = 8000
like there's literally a calculator on every phone and pc
No. 278419
>>273742as someone with similar bodyshape to her and also smaller tits than suit my frame, looks like she's not buying a bra that is the right measurement around her bust, so it's pulled tight and pulling her boobs in an unflattering way if that makes sense. plus those strap harness things do not help cleavage on tits like these
No. 278590
>>275488Extremely overrated yes!
>>278535She's gonna whine about missing it in 5 days or so.
>>278538Erasing everything she put out there meaning her skelly ass? Nah … But taking a break from something she hates and acts insufferable during is a good idea. The model delusion not so much obviously
No. 278620
File: 1490649147049.jpg (24.63 KB, 563x136, backatitagain.jpg)

>>278590 Aah, how right you are.
I found her new Twitter handle:
No. 278631
File: 1490650161979.png (39.16 KB, 652x154, Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 4.21…)

>>266145holy shit i just checked up
who is mike fucking?
also 'steals empty soda cans'? more like throws away your trash for you. what tf were you going to use them for, lotte?
also mike bought them literally TWO nintendo switches and all of this useless legend of zelda merch for the release. where is this money coming from? etsy/cosplay sales?
No. 278649
File: 1490651189701.png (1.61 MB, 1064x1068, lotte1.png)

>>278640>>278631she doesnt even look like the same person anymore, it makes me sad.
No. 278808
>>278631I think someone already posted this earlier,
Charms says she and Mike are in a open relationship.
Given how she looks now, it's not really surprising.
No. 279331
File: 1490723162737.jpg (147.52 KB, 720x480, tumblr_onjbwqK5Bx1tvky6qo1_128…)

Holy cringe
No. 279356
>>279331meh tbh i think this is cute as fuck and i like her lingerie
also i went to and it's apparently just a hentai blog, is that supposed to be kat's new outlet??
No. 279393
File: 1490727749690.png (53.25 KB, 750x732, IMG_2434.PNG)

No. 279517
>>279356its lewd–goddess with two hyphens
and some of the shit she "Writes" is cringy af.
No. 279527
>>279517ahh yes thank you.
and this is indeed cringe
>>I don’t know what I do
>>I don’t know how to fix it
>>Its almost like if i wanted to fix it i’d have to completely throw away my feelings for theirs.
>>Is that fair to myself?
>>I’m going to keep trying and find those that can put up with my sick twisted mind. People who find it beautiful and believe in me. I mean its the only thing I can do right?yeah or you could have a shower and cop the fuck on and stop being an idiot
No. 279664
File: 1490751470259.jpg (707.04 KB, 1280x1789, tumblr_onjxvlqgXt1qjgnjfo1_128…)

Lol. They drew her body less retarded.
No. 280136
File: 1490819934184.jpg (Spoiler Image,323.74 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_onk6s8zV5c1tvky6qo1_128…)

Her thigh is bulging over her pussy
No. 280715
File: 1490884459583.gif (2.17 MB, 600x400, tumblr_onmm31KXfq1tvky6qo1_128…)

Why though
No. 280722
File: 1490885139466.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.27 KB, 500x667, lucyferian.jpg)

>>280715Posted this cow in the /ot/ fat thread that seems to have died. Wanna-be Tumblr camgirl that used to catfish dudes as lesser known camgirls(MegvnMvrie) on sites like Gaia Online/IMVU before getting exposed enough times to the point they realized they could just scam dudes as herself for meth/food. Has enough milk to have her own thread from her Tumblr alone. Lives in her own filth as you can see from the photo in New Mexico with her felon roommate.
No. 281101
>>281059 So up her own ass she doesn't care that
>>280722 was using her gifs to scam dudes for years.
No. 281163
>>281101It's funny, before she turned 18 and didn't actually show her body in a normal setting i thought she had an averagely normal body. Shows how manipulative angles and shit can be.
But she's been an internet addict since age 12, sad AF, that's where her popularity came from.
No. 281870
File: 1490993343055.gif (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 720x405, tumblr_onorgotZfw1r8wl2xo1_128…)

Her fucking neck :(
So creepy.
No. 282261
>>282069her face on the left is so scary, it looks like the back of a dented spoon
>>282241megs body is a fucking scientific anomaly man, if you check
>>275440 you can see that one titty is weirdly larger than the other.
No. 282436
File: 1491092119711.png (1.01 MB, 528x665,…)

why does she try so much to be ~hard & edgy~
"Behind every brilliant mind there lies a Monster..."
No. 284152
File: 1491313586688.jpg (122.1 KB, 720x480, dfb6a008-7bf5-45d6-bc52-b3d0c1…)

No. 284153
File: 1491313615589.gif (Spoiler Image,943.79 KB, 500x281, 594ee577-7016-4407-aeec-befebe…)

More weirdass
No. 284154
File: 1491313638634.gif (Spoiler Image,473.37 KB, 500x281, e09cc2b7-6707-4e3b-bce9-f873a4…)

No. 284236
File: 1491329974609.png (209.49 KB, 330x687, aaaaa.png)

>>284153>>284152sage for off-topic, but I just cackled for about five minutes straight like a high retard
No. 285059
File: 1491415612209.jpg (115.39 KB, 641x1200, C8lNcKGXsAAB7Eu.jpg)

No. 285365
Where may I find such cam girls? I would like to cum for them

File: 1491598485002.jpg (57.08 KB, 720x480, IMG_20170407_215219.jpg)

Omg her breasts look like she's wearing an elastic band as a bra.
My tits hurt looking at this.
No. 287730
File: 1491760350752.png (959.95 KB, 1017x1080, Screenshot_20170409-182255.png)

Looks like some horror shit right here. Horribly over edited.
No. 288394
File: 1491822511455.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170410-120635.png)

Her nips are too big for nipple covers lol
No. 289895
File: 1492014903719.png (690.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170412-173256.png)

She has really bizarre ears.
Just another looking deformed body part of hers.
No. 289896
File: 1492014933779.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.06 KB, 720x480, IMG_20170412_173117.jpg)

Oh dear
No. 291367
File: 1492138406382.png (369.06 KB, 515x244,…)

must not be making as much money as she thought she would
No. 291524
File: 1492179313752.png (50.3 KB, 1080x521, Screenshot_20170414-100427.png)

Pls, this would be so hilariously cringe.
No. 291529
File: 1492179381059.png (Spoiler Image,138.3 KB, 338x600, tumblr_ooe9vxDctL1tvky6qo1_400…)

Her vaj honestly looks like a baby's sometimes. Like it failed to form and develop. It's just an axe wound.
No. 291967
File: 1492243746195.jpg (Spoiler Image,194.43 KB, 720x480, tumblr_oofeswHIT71tvky6qo1_128…)

No. 291968
File: 1492243893956.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170414-203849.png)

Why the fuck would you leave sex toys in a car?
Also i don't think she has her own car or even drives so she's leaving dildos in her parents car..? Wut
No. 291969
>>291968They don't melt from heat, they've clearly been touching each other and different materials react and eat away at each other.
What a dumbass.
No. 293019
File: 1492412078099.gif (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 442x442, tumblr_nyr0s5rTfA1tvky6qo1_500…)

meg's face is terrifying in this gif. does she really think this is sexy?
No. 293135
File: 1492436595676.png (109.51 KB, 1080x399, Screenshot_20170417-143843.png)

Lol. If only the people there knew about her "wanking to the bible idea".
"My family are atheist"
Cos atheists go to church on Easter and her mum shares bible quotes on Facebook.
No. 293848
File: 1492510731869.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170418-111134.png)

Throw out your old bras meg, this is painful to look at
No. 293860
File: 1492513910960.png (931.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170418-120921.png)

No. 293914
File: 1492523223917.jpg (14.66 KB, 360x480, c77c9fd0jw1e4ctfi6d10j20ao0e83…)

Was looking on Meg's old weeb shit and she posted this.
Is this supposed to be drugs? Ha. She'd be dumb enough to think people buy drugs in such quantities for personal use.
I can't read the caption and a translator didn't help
For anyone who can tell me what that's supposed to say.
Her fingernail is disgusting.
No. 295146
File: 1492685633588.png (68.46 KB, 1080x637, Screenshot_20170420-115014.png)

I think I'm going to be sick….
No. 295315
File: 1492715402457.jpg (4.21 KB, 160x180, 1469658467006.jpg)

>>295146thats fucking disgusting..
No. 295444
>>295393There's so much wrong with the idea. That, the fact her nasty abnormal discharge will turn all crusty. If she's proper rubbing her cunt against sweets, she will only further worsen her vag health. Candy things are a gimmick, you ain't supposed to shove sweets in your vagoo.
She'd prob shove a candy necklace up her arse and try sell the shit encrusted thing.
No. 295519
>>252775Except 4'10 is midget height and yeah it makes perfect sense that a midget wears small clothes. Doesn't mean she's not fat.
It's just her body frame.
No. 295526
>>295519I don't believe she's 4"10. But she also used to say she was like 85lbs and was wearing the same size, where as now she weighs like 40lbs more she's the same?
She's a compulsive liar, can't believe anything the bitch says.
No. 295818
>>295812If her juices are "creamy" it sounds like she has one already
Why do all these camgirls think cottage cheese clumpy discharge is normal "girl cum". Sticky, egg white like or spit like is normal. Clumpy white is an infection of some kind
No. 298171
File: 1493064703691.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.65 KB, 500x666, tumblr_olyqwyT6hN1vz3w1so1_500…)

eeveestevie on tumblr recently deleted. don't know how many of you were know about her but she was an insufferable cunt. she was "genderfluid" and posted a few selfies while she was a "guy". she would constantly post about being high/drunk and would ask people to send her weed money so she could cope with her "trauma". the only thing she has going for her is being thin with perky tits, she has no ass and her face is jacked. i remeber like 4 months ago she was posting about being sick a lot, people were complaining she wasnt doing stuff on the snapchat she sells, and she raged and admitted she found out she had herpes. while trying to find out why she deleted i found a post made by the guy who she claimed raped her, and he put out her real name because she tried filing a case against him kek
link because it's too much to cap wish she didn't delete though, there was tons that i wish i capped but didnt.
No. 299099
File: 1493190770633.jpg (Spoiler Image,744.75 KB, 1500x889, 6854136512.jpg)

i would be mortified if my father opened a package full of sex toys jfc
No. 299194
File: 1493216451595.jpg (237.41 KB, 1280x960, 41af081a-0fa0-471e-b965-a4be5c…)

Golden oldies
No. 299195
File: 1493216484082.gif (493.64 KB, 250x188, cc9067e6-474d-4d15-956b-c01213…)

No. 299196
File: 1493216522919.jpg (31.47 KB, 500x261, 0cc6cbae-0f40-428a-a388-3fda5e…)

Meg's picture lol
No. 299216
>>299195So awkward it's kind of cute. And he is definitely cute. Wtf.
Love seeing old meg stuff tbh
No. 299387
File: 1493243538270.png (139.77 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1175.PNG)

>>298171Ah, it's about time this cow wasn't mentioned. I've known the guy she tried to frame for years, I know he has a bunch of screenshots from her blog saved that he might be willing to share but I will have to ask him if he would be willing to spill them. I do have this saved though, after she made her post about him "raping" her she begged people to give her money for drugs. I think I have some caps of a message she sent me long ago "warning" me about him and it made absolutely no sense, I'll see if I can dig them up
No. 299434
>>299427her current instagram is unfortunately it's private
No. 299457
File: 1493255901849.png (197.77 KB, 640x922, IMG_3117.PNG)

>>299434her instagram is pretty easy to get into, it doesn't seem like she's picky about who she will accept. Apparently she wanted a fresh start and will be moving onto legitimate camwhore sites.
No. 299590
File: 1493280558188.png (293.65 KB, 529x189, 353654112.png)

lel meg's sugar daddy
No. 300034
File: 1493339133747.png (68.26 KB, 1080x715, Screenshot_20170428-012052.png)

Lol "the local Indian store" yes meg we know you live in an absolute shithole.
I love how she tries to suck up to other camwhores to get more of a following. She's pathetic. All she can get is people to buy her dildos and no one needs that many.
No. 300855
File: 1493450246722.jpg (135.72 KB, 1200x675, CrZFfdDUEAAP389.jpg)

Does anyone remember Taylorblanc on Chatturbate? The camwhore that promoted them to make the clothed version as she was #1 without getting naked and other girls were raging? I was in the 4chan discord and she came in pretending to speak russian. At first we thought she was faking when she said she was an ex camgirl but this attention whore got on chatturbate live for us. She seemed really ditzy. Her profile says she is 27 confirmed but she said she was 14 years old. She was also going on about a breast reduction. The whole thing seems lolcowzy to me. No. 300856
File: 1493450295992.png (278.82 KB, 502x374, ohhh.png)

>>300855pic we got her to timestamp
No. 300857
File: 1493450356103.png (213.45 KB, 498x357, oh.png)

>>300855we wanted her to show herself with a fork in the left hand as well.
No. 300865
File: 1493452870375.jpg (55.2 KB, 819x460, CrY76YmUAAAQKDS.jpg large.jpg)

>>300855I actually laughed at her tipping goals. Like what the actual fuck.
No. 300867
>>300864She's kinda cute in the face but she looks skinnyfat and those teeth are something else entirely. Also the whole never nude dealio, she must have a fucked up body.
Where's the proof that she was ever #1 on CB? She doesn't even have very many followers for someone who has supposedly been camming regularly since September of last year (under 9000 and a paltry 75 twitter followers).
>>300865Dear god now I literally have to watch one of her shows. I'm wondering how long it takes in between tips and how much she averages an hour.
No. 300872
>>300867Before she trolled our discord she hadn't been on in ages
her twitter seems to imply she hasn't cammed properly in ages either.
No. 300873
File: 1493454178677.png (38.62 KB, 590x277, taytas.png)

>>300867I found this searching her through twitter
No. 300876
>>300875Also top on chaturbate isn't the same as top on MFC, it has nothing to do with how much tips the camgirl is making and everything to do with how many people are just watching.
If she's as much of a trainwreck as she seems people probably watch her for that aspect
No. 300943
File: 1493474962157.png (809.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170429-150033.png)

No. 300945
File: 1493475046896.png (628.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170428-195720.png)

Looking very much like a fat downy child here
No. 300966
File: 1493479634166.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.78 KB, 1760x1360, MegvnMvrie_15042017_0123_MyFre…)

Blows my mind that this bitch is only 20…
No. 301021
>>300978I've not seen a picture of her outside or with other people in years. Like does her parents shitty house even have a garden??
Last picture i saw where she was with people (excluding tumblr "daddies") was her at friends 18th birthday, so like 3 years ago.
She's so tragic
No. 301068
File: 1493490526707.jpg (79.83 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1493486825957.jpg)

>>301065Apart from this night and the one you mentioned seem to be the only pictures that prove her existence lol. And a few from even longer ago when she was still at school.
She didn't even go to prom, seen all her school chums pictured but not her
No. 301837
File: 1493602197316.jpg (129.4 KB, 675x1200, morgan-niccole-howard.jpg)

maeveminx aka sophiestoned aka Morgan Niccole Howard come to mind. Top ten attention whore imo
No. 301924
File: 1493615366648.png (367.93 KB, 540x232, 874651301.png)

No. 302092
File: 1493654504956.png (186.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170501-165829.png)

…there are just no words.
Pls kill her
No. 302306
File: 1493675197662.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170501-224432.png)

Ah the using the text bar to cover your problem area technique.
No. 302344
>>302092Why did she turn from being down with the hood into being the next 6th wife of Muhammad Allid Kalifahd?
Is it cause all her BBC kept getting locked up and couldn't take care of her big ass while they sat in the pen?
No. 302357
>>302306This photo makes her look like an actual
little person.
No. 302489
File: 1493688049925.jpg (613.55 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_15042017_1100_MyFreeCam…)

Oh jesus, what the fuck has she got done on her wrist….
No. 303016
File: 1493762382583.png (Spoiler Image,865.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170502-224242.png)

This set was not meant for her. Her nipple is always hanging out.
No. 303142
File: 1493773568469.png (463.05 KB, 996x446, stormy.png)

>>302489She had Insanity and solace tattooed on her wrist in white ink
>>302503She got a Chinese symbol on the back of her neck that is suppose to mean strength and ambition.
She keeps trying to act like she is such hot shit, she couldn't even make top 20 in March.
She had such a shit time in Hawaii. She got in a fight with her photographer or her"bae" as she likes to call him and her members didn't receive any content when they paid for content. She is such a shit camgirl.
No. 303168
>>302504It's because she gets posted alongside the skeleton
When it was just her i found her ugly too but bonelord makes her look okay
No. 303409
File: 1493814871760.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170503-133251.png)

It's no wonder her sex toys get destroyed if she just keeps everything in a giant pile of mess.
No. 304611
File: 1493927747333.jpg (Spoiler Image,568.75 KB, 1024x811, myfreecams_megvnmvrie_female_3…)

Thongs and flat asses do not compute
No. 305453
File: 1494023449937.png (528 KB, 1077x1158, Screenshot_20170505-232804.png)

No. 305478
>>305453There's something irritating about English people using American spelling.
It's probably just because she's too thick to be able to spell and has a US dictionary set as default on her phone/pc that's autocorrecting her.
No. 305885
File: 1494073961279.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170506-132216.png)

She's all leg and no butt
No. 306159
File: 1494113086668.png (258.12 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20170507-001500.png)

Does she think that means 18 hours daily? Lel. Most people aren't even awake for 18 hours a day.
I can't see that being accurate anyway, if you visit someone's blog often then the less time you spend on it because you've already seen anything new. I bet someone has just kept a tab open or something stupid.
No. 307381
File: 1494267128150.png (Spoiler Image,554.46 KB, 1080x1373, Screenshot_20170508-191009.png)

D i s g u s t i n g
No. 307384
File: 1494267186764.gif (Spoiler Image,499.71 KB, 400x225, tumblr_opmy0rfVhJ1tvky6qo1_400…)

Fucking her belly into her panties again
No. 307386
File: 1494267260384.gif (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 400x225, tumblr_opmy0rfVhJ1tvky6qo7_400…)

No. 307931
File: 1494310642313.png (268.43 KB, 544x168, 8598786506.png)

lel is she finally tired of being "thicc"
No. 308067
File: 1494335602867.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.67 KB, 600x800, tumblr_opooi8aPSZ1tvky6qo1_128…)

Crème fraicheeee
No. 308416
File: 1494360754117.png (33.56 KB, 500x140, Screenshot 2017-05-09 13.09.29…)

whyyy would she get a boobjob it's going to look terrifying
No. 308523
File: 1494366991963.jpg (154.96 KB, 1024x697, IMG_1992.JPG)

>>252138She looks as Asian as Wayne Newton.
No. 308527
>>253048You're probably white yourself, lol.
Sage for OT
No. 308602
File: 1494370934151.gif (Spoiler Image,1015.04 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ntdxsbIw1a1tvky6qo4_500…)

>>308549Well megan apparantly left sex toys in a car and said the sun melted them (lol), but what obviously happened is they're touching each other in a box or something and the different materials cause a reaction.
She just got so many new dildos and they're probably all just loose in a box touching each other where they will eat away at each other.
Let's not forget in her BBC video the dildo is engulfed in cream under the bellend after being in her cunt. Fucking repulsive, and she's also then putting it in her mouth…
No. 309464
File: 1494447359247.jpg (61.29 KB, 540x360, tumblr_opr3erhDUt1tvky6qo1_540…)

No. 309739
File: 1494465125997.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170511-010509.png)

BUSY? hahah. She literally has no life responsibilities and never goes out. Filming you pounding your infected minge is not being busy.
P.s does she use one of those stupid lip plumpers cos wtf is going on with her lips?
No. 310137
File: 1494525954063.png (112.45 KB, 1080x410, Screenshot_20170511-185126.png)

I think this is proof enough that she doesn't wash her sex toys regularly/properly.
No. 310316
File: 1494540035319.jpg (Spoiler Image,559.34 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_11052017_2306_MyFre…)

Oh dear, dat behind
No. 310323
>>310317Seriously what's up with her mouth? I've never seen anything like it apart from wrinkles but obviously it's not that.
It's like a Chelsea smile
No. 311562
File: 1494633788697.jpg (123.68 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20170513_005539.jpg)

Dat leg
No. 312070
File: 1494698565335.gif (218.05 KB, 500x281, tumblr_opwjrsog7C1tvky6qo2_500…)

No. 312071
File: 1494698622021.gif (Spoiler Image,733.35 KB, 500x281, tumblr_opwjrsog7C1tvky6qo3_500…)

This is so disgusting, why does she think this is normal/acceptable?
No. 312076
File: 1494698927997.png (692.21 KB, 1080x758, Screenshot_20170513-190512.png)

No. 312080
File: 1494699150086.png (Spoiler Image,455.05 KB, 1055x791, Screenshot_20170513-190538.png)

Ok as if things weren't bad enough she also appears to have hemorrhoids.
Ffs meg sort your genital health out. Whilst both are common, if you don't accept they exist and do nothing to treat it and you charge people to look at your infected cunt and roidy arse, wtf u doing?
No. 312223
File: 1494710678145.png (24.43 KB, 1080x317, Screenshot_20170513-222333.png)

What the fuck
No. 312227
No. 312603
File: 1494765668685.png (Spoiler Image,244.95 KB, 519x451, Screenshot_20170513-190602.png)

>>312080Someone gift her some germoloids
No. 313420
File: 1494873430721.png (849.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170515-193343.png)

Jesus, the crush.
No. 313430
File: 1494873959819.png (832.3 KB, 1080x1158, Screenshot_20170515-194018.png)

Derpy tits is online btw
No. 313449
File: 1494875561653.png (400.31 KB, 987x500, 4r4f3f.png)

>>313430The contrast in here is blinding.
Was screenshotting to capture the boring conversation in the hopes he tips and caught some terrifying screenie of her.
Spoiler: He didn't tip.
No. 313453
File: 1494875750656.png (192.27 KB, 500x439, rgtgtrrr.png)

No. 313461
File: 1494875975234.png (275.46 KB, 493x447, dildopileparty.png)

Sex toys all just in a pile on the bed touching each other. Lovelehhh
No. 313473
File: 1494876376840.png (146.13 KB, 292x360, efhueiefhjhd.png)

No. 313474
File: 1494876470892.jpg (49.43 KB, 490x735, IMG_0254.JPG)

>>313473She looks so much like this fat buzzfed girl
No. 313478
File: 1494876605139.png (Spoiler Image,227.67 KB, 502x373, ferdsfds.png)

Desperate times, got her boobs out for no tip, no one said anything. Even with this wacked out brightness you can still see those throbbing veins
No. 313481
>>313475You'll have to go back through old threads, she doesn't say as much
problematic shit anymore, cos she's said most of it in the past.
She doxxed a girl, called people fat, told people to kill themselves, said she wished she got breast cancer so she could get free breast surgery, talked about liking black dick during the fergurson incident, told a rape victim "good I hope it fucking hurt".
There's too much anon, that's just a quick rundown.
No. 313483
File: 1494876815756.png (232.75 KB, 488x421, fdssssss.png)

No. 313487
File: 1494876962595.png (51.79 KB, 204x162, downs.png)

she looks so special when she smiles
No. 313489
>>313481Thank you, kind anon. I appreciate it, will look for those.
>>313482Did you read I'm catching up? That means I'm reading old posts. Also, learn to sage.
No. 313509
File: 1494878139216.png (368.29 KB, 479x395, gftrt5tff.png)

When I first read this I honestly thought he was talking about her lol
No. 313515
File: 1494878483450.jpg (4.83 KB, 321x272, BYBB0cqCcAEHHms.jpg)

No. 313701
File: 1494894795190.png (723.69 KB, 1080x869, Screenshot_20170515-210747.png)

Lol, her face cracks me up.
No. 313702
File: 1494894859271.png (Spoiler Image,750.02 KB, 1080x833, Screenshot_20170515-210952.png)

The problem with black dildos is that at first glance it looks like she's sucking a turd.
No. 313718
File: 1494895705645.png (Spoiler Image,651.91 KB, 1080x809, Screenshot_20170516-013710.png)

Cam screenshots incoming.
No. 313723
File: 1494895804192.png (Spoiler Image,650.47 KB, 1080x807, Screenshot_20170516-014126.png)

>>313722Hey Meg, get your piles out.
No. 313736
File: 1494896568494.png (Spoiler Image,759.59 KB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_20170516-015349.png)

Meg saying she's right wing and looking like a frog.
No. 313869
File: 1494913450275.jpg (21.24 KB, 600x600, sexy-pepe.jpg)

>>313736She does kind of look like pepe. How appropriate.
No. 313995
File: 1494941559917.jpg (Spoiler Image,586.08 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_15052017_2320_MyFre…)

The usual screenies
No. 314111
File: 1494955073127.png (350.29 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_oq1xlu6uNg1tvky6qo1_128…)

Is Megan paying to film a video with some unknown porn guy? Hahaha, this will be hilarious
No. 314120
File: 1494956074108.jpg (Spoiler Image,528.68 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_16052017_0646_MyFreeCam…)

What the balls is Kat's hair here?
No. 314325
File: 1494980354770.png (526.62 KB, 800x800, tumblr_oq28h7X33U1tvky6qo2_128…)

Loooord meg is gonna be the biggest mongoloid there by far. I look forward to pictures of her next to other people.
No. 314359
File: 1494984384670.png (84.63 KB, 595x374, Screenshot 2017-05-16 18.20.30…)

Having a micro meltdown on Twitter. Have y'all seen this blogpost she wrote? No. 314507
>>313720She has the weirdest ass.
>>313723And the weirdest crotch.
>>314120Those bangs are a travesty.
No. 314842
File: 1495052408025.jpg (Spoiler Image,499.21 KB, 2044x1544, ihatethebeachh_12052017_1930_c…)

Sophie and her new fuckboy. They got the same body type lol
No. 315180
File: 1495081541235.jpg (56.04 KB, 350x277, taylorblanc_15052017_1257_fema…)

This girl really looks familiar. She goes by the name of Taylor Blanc but I swear I have seen her elsewhere under another persona.
Sage for lolcow speculation
No. 315404
>>315307I think her biggest issue with her hair is that a) she needs to wash it and b) she obviously has an eating disorder. Her hairs falling out and brittle. The bleach doesnt help either.
Sage for speculation.
No. 315431
File: 1495104513069.png (2.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-18-20-46-59…)

>>315426I don't know. The cam model seems much prettier. Maybe they just sometimes look similar?
No. 315440
File: 1495106339394.png (702.67 KB, 854x595, Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 4.15…)

>>315431It's her. Check the background.
No. 315441
File: 1495106420428.png (1.06 MB, 1184x667, Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 4.14…)

>>315440Samefag. Forgot to post the second pic for comparison.
No. 315444
File: 1495106653008.png (254.03 KB, 320x440, l.png)

>>315441>>315440How does her face seem different?
No. 315456
>>315426I looked at her channel but I only see a few cow vidoes
>>315440>>315441I have those curtains actually. I got them from H&M online. The background could just be coincidence. But I would look at her teeth. Though the "Taylor" face seems rounder actually
No. 316664
File: 1495217183209.png (137.45 KB, 1080x766, Screenshot_20170519-190018.png)

Meg sounds like kat here, moaning about her supporters being shitty.
They're so entitled.
No. 316706
jfc she needs to shut the fuck up
No. 316896
>>316664Oh boo hoo, she didn't get a new bag. First world problem.
Lol she's going to be 21 yet she acts like an entitled child. The kind you wanna slap in the face because of how irritating they are.
>waah waaah give me attenshun u guys sux :'(Why are camgirls such massive attention whores with daddy issues?
No. 318492
File: 1495411591044.gif (2.38 MB, 400x480, tumblr_oqbum7rm2X1tvky6qo1_400…)

Her ham legs look so awful
No. 320476
File: 1495616722431.png (270.31 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20170523-234505.png)

Praying mantis in a dress
No. 321418
File: 1495733061744.gif (978.02 KB, 500x424, tumblr_oqh8p3Yx6N1tvky6qo1_500…)

No. 322264
File: 1495822701875.png (782.28 KB, 1080x949, Screenshot_20170526-191554.png)

Not seen her with anyone else yet. (From any of their social medias)
No. 322285
>>321510it looks like someone shoved something cold up her asshole. how is that cute?
also, obesity is never cute.
No. 322741
File: 1495874259284.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170527-091056.png)

No. 322742
File: 1495874298625.png (744.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170527-091628.png)

No. 322743
File: 1495874377363.png (720.35 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170527-091654.png)

Lol'd. All the other girls took a face selfie, then we got to meg.
No. 322837
File: 1495893309398.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170527-145357.png)

Dang this girls makeup is scary
No. 323032
File: 1495916628415.jpg (386.09 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170527_212003.jpg)

No. 323857
File: 1496009902584.jpg (224.92 KB, 1136x640, tumblr_oqnbkhCLjx1tvky6qo1_128…)

Her eye in comparison is bizarre
No. 324271
>>324232It's kinda tragic that the only time we've seen this is a "camgirl meet up". She spent her birthday with a bunch of strangers.
I swear she's only been on cam about 5 times this year, barely a camgirl!
No. 324789
File: 1496100959244.png (197.4 KB, 1080x1171, Screenshot_20170530-003251.png)

What a bitch though.
No. 324842
>>324271>She spent her birthday with a bunch of strangers.Kek, I was totally fooled and thought those were her friends. It makes more sense now.
>>324789I remember that one anon saying she been nice to her followers but this pretty much shows she'll always be a total cunt.
No. 324972
>>324271>camgirl meet upLol I had no idea this was a thing.
I imagine a bunch of starving coke addicts sitting around a Starbucks table trying to size up which bitch is the biggest threat and neckbeard stealer.
No. 325264
File: 1496156627448.png (134.81 KB, 1068x1348, Screenshot_20170530-155614.png)

More moaning. Get the fuck over it, it's a birthday, who cares?
Called her followers cunts on Twitter, only person I see being a rude cunt is her, and if people respond rudely after her lash out to them then that's not surprising.
No. 325265
File: 1496156729813.jpg (95.91 KB, 600x799, tumblr_oqrfglDAvc1tvky6qo1_128…)

No. 325397
>>313750>someone briefly talks about depression and Meg's attitude towards customers>lol, must be Meg!>>314120Her hair looks super fried.
>>315444Angles make a world of difference.
>>320476She looks like an anorexic Courtney Love.
>>322837Girl needs a rhinoplasty.
No. 325439
File: 1496171361974.jpg (Spoiler Image,237.33 KB, 1080x1080, DAvxzJYXUAAKXRG.jpg)

Sophie's leg here ?
No. 325446
File: 1496172101835.png (Spoiler Image,662.43 KB, 930x520, tumblr_inline_oqrw0cF3Jb1r4sn2…)

She looks dead
No. 325459
File: 1496172648042.jpg (119.03 KB, 675x1200, DApFnY_WsAAKV46.jpg)

Wot am I looking at ere?
No. 326637
File: 1496286377876.png (159.76 KB, 528x103, 8598786503.png)

orrr it could be because you go on and on about how much you love black dick??
No. 327380 is on. She just talked about how she did a private and her pussy was dry so she was getting "rubber burn" and faking it.
Then someone asked her how she likes to masturbate and she replied "I don't masturbate. I only masturbate for money."
Just said "I want to get paid to send someone old period underwear."
Everything she's saying right now is pretty fucking embarrassing. No wonder no one is tipping her.
No. 327524
File: 1496399717778.png (3.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170602-110505.png)

Her feet are revolting
No. 327525
File: 1496399791387.png (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170602-110530.png)

No. 327728
File: 1496425535501.png (655.85 KB, 1080x1363, Screenshot_20170602-184209.png)

Bitch couldn't Dom anyone if she tried with her chipmunk voice
No. 328067
File: 1496456968673.png (757.9 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170602-221103.png)

Eugh. This girl isn't an mfc camgirl or anything, she just whores out on Tumblr and her stuff is always on my dashboard. She makes this horrible """lingerie""" and she's sold over 70 items!! Who, how, and why?
No. 328068
File: 1496457158937.png (593.88 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170602-223205.png)

>>328067Here's another one. Wtf?
No. 328302
File: 1496484295322.png (Spoiler Image,612.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170603-110019.png)

Fuckin ew
No. 328406
File: 1496501347809.jpg (162.24 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_oqymwec33W1tvky6qo1_r1_…)

Jesus wept that garter belt looks like it's about to burst all its stitches
No. 329617
File: 1496688663726.png (95.19 KB, 1080x1314, Screenshot_20170605-194744.png)

I suspect she's too much of a house hermit + dumb to vote. Pretty sure her family are ukippers lol
No. 329768
File: 1496704189076.png (77.59 KB, 1080x535, Screenshot_20170606-000713.png)

Since when does she want to look at white men. Thought she hated them.
No. 329772
File: 1496704519143.png (179.16 KB, 1080x1321, Screenshot_20170606-000720.png)

Ok not that long ago she was talking about praying to Allah cos she wanted Indian dick or something. Now she's using it as an insult.
Remember "oh my sugar daddy dresses me up in Indian clothes"
This bitch makes my head spin. How can you live your life spouting lies and being so contradictive.
The problem with saying this all publicly online is we can all see the evidence of it all and how she's just batshit crazy.
No. 330196
File: 1496771558878.gif (486.61 KB, 300x200, tumblr_lv6pq45CvC1qe27eso1_400…)

>>330009Don't forget Satanist goth and Lolita!
I think she's been through most phases possible.
No. 330197
File: 1496771681175.png (304.98 KB, 831x1470, Screenshot_20170606-184435.png)

>>330196Ahhh the good old days when it was just self harm and not "muh blood fetish"
No. 330198
File: 1496771746408.gif (Spoiler Image,435.51 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m7iiy3NSX11r71ydho1_500…)

>>330197So much blood bruh, I'm surprised you didn't die meg.
No. 330214
File: 1496774537825.jpg (44.65 KB, 511x680, DBoUZECUQAINJ8V.jpg)

Jesus Christ, kat got this tattooed. How embarrassing.
No. 330217
File: 1496774764473.jpg (73.9 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ogqxdviWDi1vz3w1so1_540…)

>>330214She copied another sex worker's tattoo lol… (eeveestevie or birdfarts as she is on instagram)
No. 331002
File: 1496870037142.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0020.PNG)

eeveestevie is back if anyone cares, I hope she starts making a fool of herself again soon. No. 331147
File: 1496890932388.png (168.41 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3725.PNG)

"Stevie" is having a meltdown because people are using her photos, some are even creating fake accounts with her real name kek. Will link some shorty.
No. 331164
File: 1496892130961.png (894.61 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3728.PNG)

Seems like this tumblr is trying to get the attention of her followers and has been pulling photos from her @birdfarts instagram. There is also someone who I know in real life that is running @eeveemary and claims to have some messages of Mary going nuts in their direct messages. I'm trying to get ahold of some screenshots and I'll post them if they're any good
No. 331301
File: 1496925872016.png (173.01 KB, 540x301, tumblr_or89jfZciP1tvky6qo3_540…)

Meg coming out of the ocean
No. 331302
File: 1496925918100.png (233.54 KB, 540x302, tumblr_or89jfZciP1tvky6qo1_540…)

Idk how she looked at this and thought "yep that's a fine photo"
No. 331446
File: 1496952066824.png (508.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170608-205645.png)

Did someone hack charms Twitter? Lol
No. 331458
File: 1496953042203.png (687.52 KB, 919x549, 5454.png)

>>331446Is she finally losing it?
No. 332120
File: 1497047982874.png (145.25 KB, 1371x132, Screenshot_349.png)

Kats MFC page just makes her seem so friendly and appealing.
No. 332175
File: 1497057082603.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170610-020952.png)

No. 332177
File: 1497057266430.jpg (Spoiler Image,527.89 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_14052017_1019_MyFreeCam…)

>>332158She already doesn't pull off the young girl thing anymore. She looks older than she is. Her fan base now are just anorexic fetishists.
No. 332196
File: 1497060760890.jpg (14.44 KB, 456x320, JUST.jpg)

>>332175Oh fuck, Charlotte has ruined herself so much she's reminding me of the "JUST" meme
No. 333333
File: 1497101278281.jpg (73.92 KB, 768x1024, DB86zZJUQAE2QA1.jpg)

God this looks like a wrist tattoo but we all know it's her thigh..
No. 333466
File: 1497123934081.jpg (87.82 KB, 831x720, 18811967_1061621850639652_6673…)

>>333349>>333379it's not really anything, just promoting a cam show they did (six days ago) using one of the snap filters. i wish she'd just get bangs again instead of constantly changing her hair color.
No. 333992
File: 1497214905174.png (91.26 KB, 1080x764, Screenshot_20170611-215843.png)

Lol, um yeah we do. How has she never encountered a mosquito? I'd say house hermit but you usually find them in your house after leaving windows open in heat.
No. 334532
File: 1497298613819.jpg (308.32 KB, 2048x1367, 1484193320787.jpg)

>>334456Darcy Nycole who's the other girl in
>>333466>>334443there's a bunch of unedited pics of her in the last thread starting from
>>>/snow/231271 No. 334550
File: 1497301033585.png (130.92 KB, 1080x963, Screenshot_20170612-215212.png)

Lol. Why did she ever agree to it in the first place if this is true idk.
Wanna place bets on how long this abstinence meme will last?
No. 334677
File: 1497314174164.png (952.13 KB, 1273x711, tumblr_orgmjvBlBc1tvky6qo1_r1_…)

A fat pale midget maid, such the fantasy!
No. 334943
File: 1497360272393.gif (Spoiler Image,875.27 KB, 400x225, tumblr_orh6p5C4sj1tvky6qo5_400…)

No. 334944
File: 1497360315318.png (592.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170613-142313.png)

This video looks pure retarded
No. 334993
File: 1497369402068.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1706, 20170613_125425.png)

Tinfoil hat here, but look at her arms/tits in this pic. She looks overall thinner. Is Charms going full ana again?
Also lmao @"im so happy with my hair"
No. 334997
File: 1497369857784.jpg (115.89 KB, 675x1200, DBStLnhUQAAlbhE.jpg)

>>334993What? This is a pic of her body from a week ago
No. 335206
File: 1497396532461.png (52.1 KB, 1080x459, Screenshot_20170614-002709.png)

Her fat ass would break the thing.
No. 335334
>>335030that boobjob is indeed terrible. her tits look as saggy as my grandma's in
>>334993>>335021you're praying for a fallen god, anon
No. 335564
>>335206And people ask me why I carry disinfectant wipes around with me in my bag. This is why.
I hope she warns guests before they eat dinner off the damn thing.
No. 335680
File: 1497477901693.jpg (Spoiler Image,172.69 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_ork46d66MX1tvky6qo1_128…)

I'm baffled why she didn't crop out that huge laundry pile and vanity light.
No. 335794
File: 1497508323000.png (837.9 KB, 615x464, 4541318.png)

charms is in her room whining about how low her cam score is but she's not even doing anything to engage her audience. like come up with shit your room can do, at least a raffle or something.
No. 337047
File: 1497717489208.jpg (220.59 KB, 719x1280, tumblr_orogz9hjKP1rmiw96o1_128…)

the dumdolly thread mysteriously was deleted so I'm gonna post about her here. She already admitted to never wanting to bathe or anything of the sort.
No. 337153
>>337143That seems like a problem that the mods could deal with WITHOUT deleting the entire thread… and also, are all of her previous threads gone, too? Why not just ban the anons who wouldn't shut the hell up about her stepsister? They brought nothing to the conversation. Mysteriously deleting all of her threads without any notification is pretty ridiculous in my opinion, but that's just me.
sage for OT.
No. 337190
>>337184Huh. Weird. Has this ever happened before? Deleted thread with no explanation?
I wonder if someone posted something yesterday that crossed a line.
No. 337201
>>337190Vicky Shingles had her thread deleted for a little bit when she got her lawyer involved.
I was thinking maybe this has to do with Shayna's step-sister? I can't even remember clearly but I was sure that one anon, that was obsessing, posted her FB.
No. 337624
File: 1497814613786.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.02 KB, 600x338, tumblr_orqmgfT4yb1tvky6qo1_128…)

She's so lumpy
No. 337699
>>337124The original milk was that some anons with the help of a few irl anons who knew her found proof that Shayna Clifford/shay-gnar/dumdolly faked her claims of being raped (the same claims she also uses to get away with her dd/lg crap) when she was 15, claiming that she shaved her head and avoided social media but she began her blog when she was 15 and had a full head of brown hair.
In actuality, she had a habit of cheating on her ex for drugs and booze and when she wasn't careful, she cried rape.
No. 337931
File: 1497890151229.png (252.54 KB, 1080x1126, Screenshot_20170619-172133.png)

"I cheat cos bi polar" lol um that's not how it works.
No. 337988
File: 1497900430392.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.55 KB, 1200x675, DCiZzxPUQAImAk9.jpg)

You can see her coccyx bone sticking out above her ass crack. Ugh!
No. 338045
File: 1497909367017.jpg (Spoiler Image,290.15 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_oaqsz9A39C1ulago8o2_128…)

Here is another cow aka kawaiidabber or potheadkitten. She sells her snapchat for 10 dollars (one time purchase) like every week. Claims to have 2 or three jobs despite constant complaining of her knees not working (like they swell everytime she walks fucking kek) Her body is super unfortunate as she has huge tits and no fucking hips. Also, why does every cam whore have this lingre? it's so fucking tacky at the top.
No. 338048
File: 1497909850196.jpg (42.88 KB, 841x500, Capture.JPG)

samefag but here is where she tried saying the lumps of fat on her knees were some sort of disease. I mind you she has never been to a doctor as she doesn't want to.
No. 338049
File: 1497909893100.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.76 KB, 638x925, tumblr_ogt3v3zcWV1ulago8o2_128…)

I went to check her blog… dear fuckin god… what's up with her ass????
No. 338123
>>338113Sorry anon, but I have to agree with
>>338114 here. That lace looks cheap and the stringy parts make it look like the lace is falling apart. Garbage tier lingerie.
No. 338124
File: 1497918624662.jpg (23.49 KB, 850x266, hm.JPG)

I was wondering why there were anons defending her….
No. 338207
File: 1497933785725.png (431.44 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2310.PNG)

>>338202Look in /meta/ admin had discussed about it
Next time sage your post jfc
Also,on Kat's other twitter account I just saw this
And tbh I have the feeling that they'll look extremely off
Even now, her own breasts just look so weird-
No. 338208
>>338202Read the thread, admin already answered in meta.
Check here.
>>337184 No. 338211
>>338207I really hope Kat gets the kind that can be slowly inflated to size that you want with liquid silicon rather than just whacking them full size in. Hopefully the surgeon can then convince her not to go so large that she ends up like sheena.
on the other hand though, massive bolt-ons on her would be grotesquely fascinating.
No. 338237
>>338207What? She actually found someone to do it?
I mean if she still looks like
>>332177 then isn't that dangerous?
No. 338241
>>338207Shit, what
>>338237 said is my thoughts exactly.
Like Stormy could actually die during surgery… I really hope she doesn't, sure she's annoying but she doesn't deserve to die. I know anyone can die when going under but jesus christ it's so much more dangerous when you're an actual anorexic skeleton.
No. 338324
File: 1497965166912.jpg (Spoiler Image,448.07 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_01062017_1015_MyFreeCam…)

Her regular breasts kinda morph out her ribs and look creepy. Implants stuffed in there is gonna be tragic looking.
No. 338415
>>338241That's what I was thinking.
I'm honestly surprised a surgeon even ok'd this, like what the fuck?
No. 338546
File: 1497997060672.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2313.PNG)

I don't want o same fag but I'm an idiot and I need to learn how to merge screen shots together sorry-!!
But anyways, she's getting her surgery done In San Diego and im not going to lie guys
But 210 might be a good size for her
>> see pic
No. 338547
File: 1497997232270.png (371.65 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2315.PNG)

No. 338549
File: 1497997382837.png (1.13 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2312.PNG)

And just a reference, I believe the one on the left is her body measurements and wow-
Anyways I'm done
No. 338667
File: 1498013384763.png (14.36 KB, 579x112, thatcantbehealthy.PNG)

you wot
No. 344901
File: 1499005023997.jpg (60.99 KB, 720x480, tumblr_osgmlosrwz1tvky6qo1_128…)

Hair looks grim
No. 345617
File: 1499104930996.jpg (39.21 KB, 820x325, Capture.JPG)

Potheadkitten got her shit shut down apparently lmao she's trying to cry that other sex workers are harassing her despite nothing being said?
No. 345673
File: 1499111906185.jpg (69.94 KB, 480x720, tumblr_osj4qm4gLj1tvky6qo1_128…)

She looks like a god damn man
No. 345827
File: 1499132843912.jpg (Spoiler Image,518.01 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_01072017_1138_MyFreeCam…)

Kat has gone from grey to blonde and somehow she looks even more dead.
No. 346441
File: 1499220212512.jpg (518.94 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_03072017_2348_MyFre…)

Put ya tubesocks away
No. 346828
File: 1499286979919.png (144.63 KB, 585x607, rage.png)

She raged so hard and logged off cam. It was hilarious.
No. 347225
File: 1499350376661.png (Spoiler Image,281.13 KB, 540x381, tumblr_oso5p9nlet1tvky6qo1_540…)

Her ass is so gross
No. 347226
File: 1499350401870.png (Spoiler Image,208.36 KB, 540x345, tumblr_oso5p9nlet1tvky6qo2_540…)

Looks like a turd
No. 347229
File: 1499350667037.jpg (68.96 KB, 720x480, IMG_20170706_145221.jpg)

No. 347275
File: 1499355117738.jpg (462.12 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_05072017_2200_MyFreeCam…)

Mass that pizza face
No. 347289
>>345617Girls are known for this. some guys too. Sly stallone started the richard gere romour cause he felt he was his competition!!
>>338657If she put on weight she could get back into perv ville. She must have an eating disorder. Like 15-20 pounds and she would flesh out.
No. 347639
>>347602lol seriously, i bet she'd have a hell of a lot more regulars if she put any effort at all into chatting with them.
the only personality she's shown all fucking night was when she got mad at the guy who said her videos were overpriced
No. 347790
File: 1499431542897.jpg (81.22 KB, 640x960, tumblr_ospm5gFaZu1tvky6qo1_128…)

Her features take up like all the space on her face like someone's zoomed in. It's odd.
No. 347810
File: 1499437082458.jpg (121.79 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_osq2t0RIoY1tvky6qo1_128…)

No. 347839
File: 1499442648635.jpg (Spoiler Image,500.42 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_06072017_1241_MyFre…)

Someone really needs to talk to her about these clothing choices. Wtf is this? It's all too small and completely mismatched.
No. 347847
>>347839I'm mostly
triggered by how small that is on her. Girl we know they're droopers, let them breath. And Doesnt she own lots of cute matching sets people have bought her…