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No. 350141
new thread for discussing
problematic attention whoring camgirls (Stormy, Sophie, Meg, etc)
mild recap of recent shit in the previous thread
>Stormy plans on getting small implants >>>/snow/338549>still rages on twitter when she doesn't get what she wants out of her cam shows
>Meg's managed to earn enough money for her own apartment>was going to shoot interracial porn with a random dude>cancelled because said guy was "a creep"old thread
>>>/snow/240722 No. 350756
File: 1499801011215.png (Spoiler Image,641.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170711-202141.png)

She looks like she's wearing a nappy
No. 350833
>>350759The eyes squished into slits by puffy cheeks.
I have the same thing.
She's looking cuter to me these days because of how hideous and creepy Stormy looks and chubby looks much softer then bone thin but sometimes her face is just so.. odd i cannot look away. It does look a lot like the cat lady's face
No. 350836
>>350759I agree, I feel like farmers stretch her too much, she doesn't have the best body ever but her face is cute, I prefer her body out of the other camwhores cows though because at least she looks like she actually frickin eats, too bad she is dumb as hell lmao
but yeah, of she took better care of herself, was more intelligent, etc etc she would be attractive
No. 350885
>>350861>>350836I feel she's always been a Trainwreck but knows how to do makeup/use angles and edit into making people think differently.
I knew of her before age 18 and when she'd post questionable pics/GIFs for someone of that age you didn't realise she was a saggy titres, flat asses troll.
She used to comment on girls who had a cleavage and say they were just using push-up bras. It all made sense after I saw her saggers, she thought perky breasts were the stuff of fantasy.
No. 350909
File: 1499826873392.gif (1.26 MB, 400x267, tumblr_n1dix0qgVE1tso2aio1_400…)

>>350861exactly it is the fact Kat looks so terrifyingly gross that it makes Meg look cuter in comparison
>>350880Yes this is what makes her look like the plastic surgery cat woman
the fat in her face is puffing up so much it's making her eyes turn into slits when she was much more thin her eyes where also weird looking but much more interesting
No. 351153
File: 1499873640806.jpg (120.63 KB, 1080x720, DEhs8lfXUAcrATP.jpg)

How fucking cringe is this?
No. 351446
File: 1499899898904.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.91 KB, 877x655, DEhAtcuXoAALFIM.jpg)

The sad thing is this has to be with her Invisalign in because her teeth are way more fucked than this.
No. 351449
File: 1499899999664.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.7 KB, 872x652, DEhAuS5XYAAhZ2i.jpg)

All the money she made and still can't get her skin right.
No. 351557
File: 1499905941496.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.88 KB, 564x526, DEkcBR7UMAACINR.jpg)

>>351548Sure there's a ton of things you can do to treat hormonal acne. Her shitty looks are just one of the many things we can criticize her on.
No. 351588
>>351557Does this bitch ever wash her face? She should find a cheaper apartment and spend the remaining on a decent diet, better skin care, and some laser surgery, chemical peel,or really good facial
Holy shit this kinda reminds me of my pms skin when i was in high school and shoved chicken nuggets and coke down my throat and only ever used the cheapest face wash i can find
No. 351599
>>351446>>351480The thing is it's a part of her job as a cam girl to put on make-up, look good on camera and entertain the members in her room. She puts zero effort into camming and wonders why no one wants to tip her.
She only wears makeup about 35% of the time and makes it seem like such a huge thing when she does wear make-up. She is so full of shit.
No. 351886
File: 1499965883356.png (841.45 KB, 810x1440, Screenshot_2017-07-13-20-01-55…)

pumpy's face in that pic from her latest photo shoot is just… i don't even know. something between a starving artist/kiddie crack whore/hot topic child. either way, it's not looking pretty.
also, she deleted most of her ig pics.
sometimes i truly and honestly feel for this girl. she seems like the kind of person who would've gotten out of all of this crap had she only had some kind of family support/love/whatever. she just seems so fucking clueless, lost, confused and doomed for some really, really bad stuff. i remember how she once told her mfc room (during her high rank/huge tips days) how her mom leaves drunk voice messages on her cell calling her a whore/slut and telling her stuff like "when would you give me some of that whore money you got now?", and she tried to appear all casual and "proud" when she told it, but it was just so fucked up and awkward, it was like something out of an art-house white trash film (?). iirc i didn't even see it live, it was in a video someone uploaded somewhere. i wonder if anybody knows what i'm talking about.
No. 351942
>>351886Even in clothes her body looks way too boney, those knees…
I feel like she would be cute if she put on some healthy weight and practiced better hygiene/skincare.
No. 351946
File: 1499974622405.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.53 KB, 1023x767, DEhVVIxXcAAH2dG.jpg)

>>351831It's not braces, it's a tray that makes them look straight.
No. 351959
File: 1499976832922.png (127.88 KB, 750x973, IMG_2542.PNG)

>>351886I know exactly the vid you're talking about anon, some YT channel called LilyNeedsAPad uploaded a bunch of camgirl spergs, notably a lot of Pumpy's. /amen
Anyway, here's a cap I nabbed for some sort of contribution of one of the bras Pumps bought for post-op. I really hope they look like bolt-ons, this bra looks big-ish..? She keeps saying "you guys won't see my boobs for a while teehee!!" But how else will she make money?
No. 351977
>>351959yeah, that was the channel. it also had paris_lovely stuff, right? it was pretty epic, i wish it was still active.
regarding the breast implants – now THAT truly makes me wonder who's gonna be her target audience now. like, the extremely malnourished look PLUS bolt-ons is only favored by bizarre-porn freaks/true pervs. what is she trying to achieve by that? how can it be that every single decision that person makes is more fucked than the previous? i just. can't. even.
No. 352333
File: 1500032375864.png (164.27 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3970.PNG)

This thread has set Pumpy and Big Lotte off. Kek.
No. 352335
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No. 352336
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No. 352338
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More kek.
No. 352340
File: 1500032890718.png (156.17 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3975.PNG)

Can smell ass. Someone's ass is being emema'd.
No. 352648
>>352345This is sad, her legs are still relatively thin she's just got a massive gut and those awful tits. Hope she can get her meds right and get healthy…her ED wasn't healthy but this isn't either.
Also I think it is masochism to be on MFC if you are not a thin girl. Most of the models are quite tiny. If Charms needs to make money camming she should do Streammate or something until she gets her shit together.
No. 352984
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Love the 0 effort look
No. 353076
File: 1500149287054.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 2341x1677, 20170715_230402-1.jpg)

i don't know which guys are more disturbing; the ones who tip pumpy or the ones who tip sophie.
in some weird way, i feel like sophie is even trashier. also: that messy room/lighting and the shitty trap she's listening to while she's shaking her bones.
No. 353251
File: 1500166486555.png (127.44 KB, 1080x805, Screenshot_20170716-013809.png)

This dumb hoe think she got a "bf" again. It's blates another percent online. Because that's gone so well in the past!
Remember celibacy? Basically just her excuse whilst no one would fuck her. That will be out the door now.
Taking bets on how long this "boyfriend" will last and if they ever actually meet.
No. 353488
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No. 353489
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First photo of Pumpy post-op…will the reveal be horrifying or not so bad? Regardless, she survived surgery including the massive cocktail of meds her doctor has her on (she even photographed it and posted it on twitter…)
No. 353491
>>353489Is it normal they look so far apart?
And even if the boob job turns out ok in quality there's no way SHE is not going to be fucking horrifying if she's losing more weight lmao fucking disgusting
No. 353507
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This is them.
They look pretty small, like why even bother.
No. 353589
File: 1500228948819.png (420.37 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3986.PNG)

>>353485Kitten_Spoopy is online now. This bitch is truly offensive to look at. Like her anorexia and her non realisation of how truly disturbing and disgusting her hip section and knock knees are is giving me rage… She'll probably say ppl are jealous. Yeah, she shit talked Pumpy after the tokens died down but still Pumpy anachan is still foul as fuck anyway. Like a piranhas in a bucket all disgusting and bound to turn on each other at some point.
That Megan Marie bitch is unbelievably dumb as fuck also. Never knew her before this board but now think she deserves a punch in that ugly nonexistent taint she has. I can't believe this ho is just showing off that hella ugly back end like nothing. If she lost weight maybe it'd make an appearance? Jfc.
No. 353626
>>353507don't doctors often advise against giving implants to girls with low BF % because the implant would be noticeable through the skin? plus I've seen some doctors put skinny girls on weight gainers before surgery
honestly, as someone who wants to be a plastic surgeon when I finish school and residency training, if she came into my office I would have prescribed her weight gainers, told her to up her calories, put her in therapy, then if she still wants a boob job then I would have done it, who was this psychopath of a surgeon? sage for blog
No. 353647
>>353626I used to assume Stormy was anorexic like everyone else but after following for awhile I truly believe she does eat and has major health problems that cause her to not be able to get to a healthy BMI.
Like she says her mom smoked meth when pregnant. She has some kind of, uh, fetal meth syndrome thing going on.
Either way, I would most doctors would be hesitant to operate on someone with such a low BMI whether the cause of that is an eating disorder or not.
No. 353653
>>353647she used to run off to the bathroom while on cam after she ate. she has an ED.
>>353491it's partially the lack of fat that does it. it's why pornstar tits are usually far apart too.
No. 353676
>>353647I don't think Stormy is anorexic either. I think she is just naturally freakishly small, especially since she's not excessively bony. Someone who starved themselves to a 12.8 BMI would definitely be bony. She shares a lot of facial similarities with Jude Karda (youtuber) who is also extremely waifish. It's gotta be some kind of syndrome/disorder.
I was watching TinyLexi on cam last night and she is someone who clearly has an eating disorder. She was 90 pounds last summer when I first saw her on cam and looked fine, but she looked horrible last night. I am guessing she is 75-80 lbs now. She's not as small as Stormy but she is definitely bonier because it's obvious that she starves herself. She got dat zero fat Sophie butt going on, the kind where you don't even have to spread the cheeks to find the hole.
Stormy's ass might not be p h a t but it DEFINITELY has more fat and is much more nicely shaped than Sophie's and Lexi's because she probably doesn't starve herself.
No. 353678
>>353676i always thought she was bulimic but i think i just read that from someone speculating. in the last thread she said she weighed like 70 pounds and that she has a high metabolism or something
i would of thought she'd want to keep her prepubescent appearance to get the big tips from the pedophiles
No. 353804
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>>353676that period bloating amiright?
No. 353928
>>353804Jesus, where do her organs go?
Thanks mr skeltal
No. 354017
File: 1500299382234.png (712.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170717-144653.png)

So this is Megan's "boyfriend". Of course he's never mentioned her anywhere, they never do!
No. 354075
File: 1500306617138.png (283.01 KB, 1074x1380, Screenshot_20170717-164711.png)

Surprise, surprise. Kat's surgeon was trash.
No. 354146
>>354075>>354077Now serious question: why all cows on here that have surgery always end up with a botched job? First Charms, then Loonie, now the crypt keeper. Is it
that hard to find a reputable surgeon?
No. 354151
>>354075>>354077Welp, there's that. Not that I'm shocked her boobjob is botched as the surgeon was already being shady by agreeing to it without requesting her to put on even just a little weight first. I do still feel kind of bad though. They are going to look so bad.
>>354146Probably because they try to save a few bucks and go to shit doctors instead of paying the little extra to make sure it comes out alright. Also, cows are often lazy or even lack hygiene which can interfere with the healing process.
No. 354272
>>354146Should we really expect them to make any logical decisions?
I'm not surprised she's having issues, no reputable surgeon is gonna operate on someone like her.
No. 354275
>>354126>>354151>>354272She actually posted the name of the surgeon on her Facebook, in case anyone feels the need to look up him or his practice.
That said, his instructions of "bed rest" were immediately ignored by Pumpy and she went out on the town walking and possibly tore some of her stitches doing so.
We're still waiting for the official "after" pictures.
No. 354279
>>354275She seriously went out immediately after a major surgery…?
I forsee her e-begging for a second surgery to fix this one in the very near future.
No. 354290
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Dafuck is this?
No. 354844
File: 1500410151307.jpg (187.63 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20170718_211620.jpg)

Has she still got the pen lines on her? Is that normal..?
No. 354846
File: 1500410270657.png (Spoiler Image,810.73 KB, 986x1485, Screenshot_20170718-213011.png)

Here's the new boobs revealed.
No. 354847
File: 1500410405683.png (Spoiler Image,701.2 KB, 1065x1615, Screenshot_20170718-213024.png)

>>354846Obviously they're in a bad way but looks like a gap of doom between em.
They're so small though, what was the fucking point?
No. 354922
File: 1500416646312.png (97.82 KB, 1080x1127, Screenshot_20170718-232239.png)

Meanwhile, floppy tits is over this new guy already ?
No. 354942
>>354938Nah, I'm the first one. I was expecting big awful boulder tits. These are pretty reasonable and look okay considering she just had them done.
They are going to be swollen/firm for a while until she heals. By then they might look bad, but right now it's difficult to say.
No. 355224
File: 1500465104687.png (655.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170719-124902.png)

She oiled up her boobs. Ffs how stupid can you be. She might as well pour chilli powder in her open wounds.
She is bad at this.
No. 355225
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No. 355250
File: 1500470359876.png (101.64 KB, 1080x803, Screenshot_20170719-141453.png)

Bitch literally does nothing. Imagine having the cheek to say that. Oh today I should maybe film myself ramming a dildo up my ass then edit out the ugly bits and pump up the brightness to hell. Or well you don't have to cos you're not employed.
She can't even keep up with filming 1 shitty video a week and sit on her arse on cam more than like once a month.
No. 355323
>>354958All boob jobs look like that immediately after getting them done, that's why you have to wear a special bra for a few weeks / months because it helps them fall into place
>>355224She mentioned putting vitamin e oil on them before so if that's what she did it's fine, it helps heal wounds & prevents scars
Saged for random ps talk
No. 355452
File: 1500483695270.png (Spoiler Image,781.11 KB, 1080x1514, Screenshot_20170719-175026.png)

Send halp guyz
No. 355656
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No. 355722
>>355721not well done natural surgery.
Well done, natural looking breasts*
No. 355817
>>355504hemorrhoids are arguably caused by tight anus.
her anus looks diseased af.
No. 355870
File: 1500515490396.png (Spoiler Image,244.95 KB, 519x451, Screenshot_20170513-190602.png)

>>355817Roids are just a part of life, we've all had blood in our poop at some point. I've never had external ones that were visible but they're the easiest ones, only have to use the creams. Suppositories are a nightmare. You ever farted after a suppository? You fart white powder hahah. It's the fact she completely denies it and won't treat it. It's only gonna get worse. I can't believe she posted that pic thinking it's normal..
No. 355939
>>355452How is her anus that pink?
>>355888Really? NAYRT but I got the rroids before I even hit puberty
No. 355966
>>354847as much as I would hate to break it to everyone, they do look good (at least if you can't see the scar)
but she got such a shit and awful job done, as said before thin patients are often encouraged to gain around 10 lbs if they are going to get implants because you can see the implant line, they remind me a bit of my boobs, the shape, size and nipple size, she honestly would have easily gotten these results if she actually freaking ate food that wasn't diet coke and 2 chicken tenders
No. 355993
>>355966>>355977>>355983Calm down everyone, she literally just had them done. Those aren't even scars yet, they're still freshly stitched up wounds at this point. It's honestly too hard to tell if they are going to look bad or not yet. Implants take a while to settle and the surgery site will be swollen, bleeding, and bruised for some time too.
If anything, we should stop infighting over if they look okay and focus on how awful she is at following her after care. If anything is going to mess her new boobs up, it will be that.
No. 355995
>>355983Thats why i hate them. Barbie tits is an insult. Breasts should sag and in her case I hope they do drop in a few months.
So how does she afford that nice apartment? Can't imagine what her rent must be like
No. 355998
>>355995look, most men find plastic surgery unattractive, so you don't need to worry about your boyfriendo fapping to stormys fake tits anytime soon
and breasts that aren't that big, don't need to sag, stormys breasts with implants are still small, they don't need to sag, in fact most tits that are A- small C don't sag at all and are natural, believe it or not anon! I usually don't pull the jealousy card, but you sound insecure about your saggy tits anon
No. 356003
>>355998I don't even have big boobs lol I just LOVE big natural breasts a la Kendra Sunderland. My boobs are just a B cup + nipple. And since you brought it up my boyfriend only cares about big round butts which is my only redeeming quality
Lmao now can we get back to it. How the hell does she afford that nice place?
No. 356007
>>356005her boobs look tiny?
meh I actually like her boobs, they look different without the bra than I was expecting though
>>356003"breasts should sag""my boobs are just a b"
good to know you have tiny saggy tits anon
No. 356009
>>356007lol why are you so obsessed wiv me? Give other people a chance to reply to me. I could give a fuck about how my boobs look. Sure if they're saggy I wouldn't care. I have plenty other great qualities lmao.
But people are speculating Kendra got HIV
(infight derailing) No. 356010
>>356009then why shit on her tits for not being saggy? I'm not "obsessed" with you noodle tits
it's 1 am I'm not gonna "give other people a chance to reply" it's an imageboard, not a line to speech
(infight derailing) No. 356021
File: 1500544097777.png (179.17 KB, 1189x797, rant.png)

>>355966>>355977>>355983>>355995>>355998>>356003>>356004>>356007>>356009>>356010Seriously though, can you two stop the infighting over titties, it's embarrassing. No one cares.
In other news, did anyone else see Stormy's big twitter rant about how great she is?
No. 356250
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No. 356260
>>356250>>356251I can't beleive that she's camming with a fresh surgery, oiling them up, and not wearing the proper aftercare garments.
I mean at the very least she's wearing a soft/loose bra and not squishing them down like Sere did.
No. 356355
>>356251unfortunately pumpy thinks she's oh-so-self-aware, while in reality not possessing the capacity to understand that her moneymaker has been her looking like an actual poor, emo/white-trash impoverished child (her black hair days, way back in the start) that cater to disturbed pedos with serious money in their pockets.
the success has gotten to hear oversized bratz doll head (are those still a thing)?, causing her to adopt the bleached-blonde, 40-something eastern european prostitute on her cigarette break. i mean, just look at those screenshots.
also, this whole boob job thing makes me reconsider (like other posters in this/or the previous thread) the notion that she has an ed. i don't think anorexic pumpy would've wanted big tits. i also don't really think she pukes. she whole meth baby thing might be real.
No. 356363
File: 1500586235257.png (Spoiler Image,245.91 KB, 583x376, Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 5.29…)

Is that much bruising normal…?
No. 356497
File: 1500605508768.png (64.03 KB, 582x246, StormyWhine.png)

Hmmm wonder if she is really getting infection or she is just trying to get pity for more tips.
No. 356968
File: 1500662835423.gif (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 400x225, tumblr_otg8ccAplE1tvky6qo6_400…)

Such natural expression. Why would you do exaggerated retarded faces like this? There's enough bad acting in professional porn. People tend to like amatuer because it's more "real"
No. 357023
File: 1500667522364.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-21-23-02-16…)

taking back what i wrote a few posts ago about realizing pumpy doesn't have an ed.
No. 357270
>>356355>this whole boob job thing makes me reconsider (like other posters in this/or the previous thread) the notion that she has an ed. i don't think anorexic pumpy would've wanted big tits.One, plenty of anorexic women want to be bonelords while simultaneously wanting to be sexy/feminine. Tits = sexy/feminine.
Two, knowing that the implants don't consist of fat can keep the woman from thinking her chest qualifies her as a hamplanet.
Some anorexic women will freak out if they aren't built like a starving pubescent boy. Some will freak out if they are.
>she whole meth baby thing might be realLow birth weight ≠ so underweight as an adult that your tailbone is clearly visible
The meth baby excuse is baseless horseshit.
No. 357465
File: 1500728308172.jpg (143.19 KB, 675x1200, DFSQbVHVYAAm9Kz.jpg)

What the fuck has she done to her hair?
No. 357499
File: 1500737532713.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.95 KB, 476x355, IMG_20170722_160948.jpg)

One of them looks like it's in her damn shoulder!
No. 357502
File: 1500737631487.gif (Spoiler Image,660.86 KB, 400x225, tumblr_otg8ccAplE1tvky6qo2_400…)

Is there anything worse than big saggers hanging out of a open bra type thing. It looks ludicrous.
No. 357508
>>357499The left one doesn't look round, it looks…elongated? I think I preferred her boobs before, sure they were small but a hundred times more symmetrical, natural looking and fit her skelly frame.
>>357502I feel like Meg can afford a breast life but she doesn't get one and I'm confused as to why. Is it just her inflated ego? Is it because she still lives with her parents? Ugh
No. 357691
File: 1500761040038.png (153.79 KB, 1080x1204, Screenshot_20170722-225957.png)

Gets chilli flakes stuck in throat (whatever the fuck that means), can't cam.
Bitch will find any excuse to not do her "job".
No. 358141
File: 1500812152129.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-23-15-12-59…)

yeah, cause we're all so eager to take skincare advice from the person who's cheeks look like they've been punctured a thousand times by a satanic spirit then left to infect.
No. 358192
File: 1500820465568.png (1.99 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2488.PNG)

Sarah Ellen Brodie/Rei Alex Lark
@Rei_Lark on twitter, @reilark on Instagram (mfc etc linked on twitter)
I've known this girl for years, she's very ugly and always has been (look at pictures on twitter/Facebook) especially with her teeth. Recently-ish became a cam girl and for ages posted about being shamed for it or how ~~amazing~~ her job is. Constant tweets promoting videos or asking for money for stuff such as breakfast or a holiday.
No. 358461
>>358257what's this twitter account? i've never seen it before. stuff is always gold.
No. 358758
File: 1500862181953.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.03 KB, 1200x901, DFdvQiEXYAAJLCc.jpg)

Her hips/ovaries are bruised for unknown reasons. So healthy as she described herself!
No. 359064
File: 1500912923668.jpg (101.96 KB, 675x1200, DFd-CZ3XoAQSdxG.jpg)

She lost weight.
No. 359142
>>359117men have been turned on by worse anon.
I wouldn't call it a "fetish" per say, but a lot of porn addicts find their tastes changing and escalating over time (say you once enjoyed bdsm and now you're into gore or something)
Its probably why pornstars are starting to look so horrifying.
No. 359222
>>359142>Its probably why pornstars are starting to look so horrifying.that's actually not at all true. in the last few years newbies are entering the industry pretty much constantly, and many of them are super natural-looking, beautiful girls (keisha grey, abella danger, reily reid, lana rhoades, valentina nappi). a few years ago girls in the "alternative" style of sasha grey and stoya (who had an article in the new york post (i think) written about her titles "the most beautiful girl in new york is doing porn")) became a "thing", too.
i know about addicts' escalating tastes, the porn downward spiral and all. i just wonder who actually PAYS and tips pumpy now.
No. 359495
File: 1500939904264.png (510.02 KB, 401x433, 4541302.png)

good god charms
No. 359871
File: 1500988260705.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.13 KB, 1024x768, DFiURA9XoAAPCCN.jpg)

No. 360062
>>359871it legit looks like one of those unauthorized pictures someone took of some dead hooker at the morgue (usually from brazil or something), then uploaded to one of them "edgy" gore forums/4chan.
pumpy, wtf? at this point you might as well just invest the money you have left in a really good therapist, on a daily basis, for a long, long period of time. it will not end good otherwise.
No. 360805
File: 1501074747982.jpg (40.49 KB, 534x412, IMG_20170725_231132.jpg)

Kat getting more exposed over telling multiple people to kill themselves.
No. 360818
File: 1501075182132.jpg (117.51 KB, 675x1200, DFomPv7UwAAgFIH.jpg)

Woah these contacts are horrible.
No. 361198
File: 1501108039783.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-27-01-23-19…)

also, who the fuck are the guys that buy stuff off camwhores/pornstars' wishlists? i can SOMEWHAT understand tipping in the spur of the moment, but this just takes it to a whole other level of desperate. it's one of the things i'll never get.
No. 361281
File: 1501118592228.jpg (51.66 KB, 675x1200, DFsvoj5UAAAGBJw.jpg)

Who is the target audience for this? Why would anyone ever wear this?
I know you get erotic photos of random women on tops sometimes, but no person in their right mind would want an obviously anorexic person on their shirt!
No. 361794
File: 1501190901998.png (164.31 KB, 1080x1241, Screenshot_20170727-222645.png)

Wtf. That is not hygienic.
No. 361826
>>361794um yeah you are
remember when she kept all her sex toys together and then thought the reason they went all melty was cus it was hot
No. 362011
File: 1501214847083.png (211.75 KB, 1082x697, IMG_2963.PNG)

Skelly is online looking bored as fuck. I was around right as she got on, and she literally says nothing unless spoken to. This guy tipped her 2 tokens and she just spouted "thank you" "thank you" like a little robot.
No. 362029
>>362011"Yeah I even worked out today, but they only tell you that just to be safe"
"I already ripped out my stitches twice so….third time :3"
Holy god
>sage for same fag No. 362051
File: 1501218566958.png (374.6 KB, 686x549, Screenshot_20170727-235643.png)

>>362011>From this angle she looks like a crossdresser Was fairly annoying when some desperate anon kept tipping her and she took forever to find the perfect song to "strip tease" to, then complained that the whole "dance" made her suuuper tired.
How can skinny fetishists even find her bearable and attractive ?
No. 362223
>>362218The giggling…the semi head bobs while eating…
This girl is mentally disabled.
No. 362226
File: 1501248608148.png (Spoiler Image,145.34 KB, 207x360, drooop.png)

There's a snap of her touching them and man they are rock hard.
No. 362261
File: 1501253275035.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.54 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_ott0o1Opcd1tvky6qo1_128…)

Jesus how unflattering.
No. 362265
>>362226I'm sure people are able to get implants through their armpits now.
>>362261I don't know how, but that totally put me off my food.
No. 362505
File: 1501279317485.jpg (11.29 KB, 500x373, 5344616 _904e0426541badf4d0a8e…)

>>362328it would have been cute if she didn't have a hank hill ass
No. 363361
File: 1501404632022.png (14.14 KB, 590x100, Capture.PNG)

wait doesnt kat have…..vaginal issues? 4 times? her cucks are gross
No. 363410
>>363361can you not cum 4x in a row? that's depressing and buying used panties is a HUGE fetish.
also how does this mean she has vag issues???
No. 363460
>>363440idk. i see it as yet another part of the whole SJW/
trigger warnings/13 reasons why shit.
also, i detest pumpy, but i bet this specific message she sent in reply to someone who sent something rude/some humiliating suggestion.
No. 363504
File: 1501430709784.png (164.96 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3189.PNG)

And here she is bitching on Facebook about how she has no one
No. 363545
File: 1501436900742.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.42 KB, 600x800, tumblr_otwfeasLTA1tvky6qo1_128…)

Looks like a fat baby
No. 363730
File: 1501459850085.jpg (73.62 KB, 720x480, tumblr_otwn6sLVxe1tvky6qo1_128…)

Why she insist on drawing huge lips?
No. 363824
File: 1501473404257.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-31-06-52-34…)

that's some horrifying "megan is missing" shit right there.
No. 364124
File: 1501530840637.jpg (Spoiler Image,445.97 KB, 2044x1544, Stormy_31072017_1226_MyFreeCam…)

Her acne looks like drawn on overly exaggerated freckles lol.
No. 364569
File: 1501591466024.png (123.39 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20170801-134039.png)

"can cream" ? We can all get an infection darling but most people take better care of themselves.
A bit of diluted pee is far less gross than that clumpy yoghurt type "cream"
No. 365604
File: 1501723143317.png (105.06 KB, 1080x1127, Screenshot_20170803-021541.png)

Lel. She didn't even do A levels. Also "so Megan what have you been doing for the last 3 years?"
Just buy a lab coat meg, that's as close as you're gonna get.
No. 366060
File: 1501783284836.png (635.22 KB, 834x427, Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 18.4…)

Alex Clark/Bushb4by
Pic opposite is her unshooped face and boobs sagging without her holding them up.
Someone made a thread on her 2 years ago, but inexplicably, it was swarmed by her stanning herself and was subsequently sent to manure, someone let me know if they think a new thread is warranted.
Basically, she shoops herself worse than Sashvldr, and then blocks anyone in her camroom pointing out that she's basically a catfish compared to her instagram/facebook selfies.
In this particular post, she has covered her face in one photo, presumably because it wasn't even salvageable via shoop.
She paints herself as this ~ethereal elven goddess~ in her shoops, but denies shooping and now uses escort sites after failing to make a living on cam for more than a year. has been attention whoring on facebook since 14, bought packaged likes from skeevy indian sites on all her selfies dating back to 2011, and is really mouthy on facebook.
Her instagram has been deleted a bunch of times, and she sperged out accusing instagram of "MUH SEXISM!!"
and has generally been an internet joke amongst northern English teens since her ugly unshopped nudes were leaked (by herself) at 15. They circulated facebook in 2012 and were reposted by English fuckboys who gained followers for slut shaming women. She also uses underage nudes on her camming account, which doesnt sit well with me. straight up posts full nudes including beaver shots (well she used to) and is confused as to why she is deleted from instagram?
Plus, when she was deleted from instagram and some fan of hers saved her url and offered it back, she sperged out and accused her of trying to steal it…when she LITERALLY offered it back to her as soon as she made a new account.
She's narcisstic as fuck and sperges on fb all the time about veganism and thinks she's all high and mighty for being a snowflake.
If anyone is more interested in more details about her milk, let me know and I will make a thread. I find her responses to men who dont find her attractive (although I agree its shitty to voice an opinion like that) and to her failing camming career hilarious.
I think the last thread failed because OP was a newfag and kept putting unnecessary emphasis on "SHES UGLY!!!!" when there are other milky actions awaiting to be added to her list of glorious lolcow achievements.
I believe an ED was made by some soggy british guy called Jossiah who got rejected by her, but then he eventually removed it out of guilt.
Anyway, she is an endlessly interesting cow, please let me know what you guys think.
No. 366074
>>366060Please make an alex thread! I never saw the first one but heard her name mentioned a bit.
Oh my god YES I remember her! She had this super trashy fight with this girl who looked exactly like her, Tyne Kitson.
She also collabed with Danielle Hunt on a t shirt line, who I believe has been mentioned on here as well. Then it was discovered she ripped off the designs for the shirts from other artists' work who got pissed off, and the line disappeared.
No. 366081
File: 1501785723424.png (727.85 KB, 913x563, Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 19.0…)

>>366079Well, for one, I have this. And much more, just give me time to find it.
She did have an actual meltdown on facbeook over a guy not finding her attractive, and kept arguing with him, accusing him of being gay (narcissitc personality disorder alert).
Honestly, she does have milk because she ALWAYS responds to hate and even mild criticism, or someone whos not even criticising at all.
No. 366098
>>366081This. She came in two years post-myspace/scene era and became every british girls muse. They always shared and liked her pics, stanned her, it was so embarrassing because she always looked so fucking ratty with her backcombed, bleached to shit hair.
The reason a lot of people think British girls look bad is because they make shitty fashion choices and look up to girls like this and Danielle Hunt.
She was a chav that was an inspiration to other chavs. And now she's just a sloppy camwhore.
I was always super embarrassed for the girls that saw her as attractive, and those that did we almost always working-class/council housers.
Please make a thread, she is terrifyingly cringey and there is ALWAYS a shitshow in her comments, her having meltdowns and stupid arguments about vegitarianism. She's a vain idiot.
No. 366121
File: 1501789083619.png (101.18 KB, 517x318, Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 20.3…)

omg shes perfect for the onion !!!! shes 20 so techincally too old for him, but they are a match made in hevan.
(sorry englihs is not my first language)
No. 366122
>>366121She is so fucking unhinged, holy shit.
It's time for a thread.
No. 366146
>>366121why, oh WHY is it that every ~~~ethical vegan~~~ is so damn insufferable, aggressive and just won't shut up about it? it seems like some of these people just use the veganism to fill a deep, deep hole in their life (one not filled with pus-filled cow titty juice, for sure!).
never heard of alex clark before. seems thread-worthy.
No. 366173
>>365604Meg can't even identify her own BV and hemorrhoids and she thinks we gonna believe she could get on a nueroscience degree? Bahaha.
Also can you even imagine it?
"Megan this is incorrect"
"awww poor lil snowflake, jealousy isn't pretty Hun. All hate is blocked. Bye bitch"
No. 366944
File: 1501930687642.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-05-13-56-00…)

No. 367784
File: 1502043456904.jpg (69.9 KB, 608x1080, 14.jpg)

Lol at her always using the term "my skin is glowing". That's grease babe.
No. 368141
>>357023Her skin is in really bad shape. Looks like what happens when you just say "fuck it" and stop giving a shit about skincare for a month+.
What's up with so many camgirls and their terrible skin?
No. 369354
File: 1502288092581.png (752.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170809-151215.png)

Classic "hand to cover my belly"
No. 369355
File: 1502288126703.png (850.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170809-151241.png)

She looks like a chicken from the waist down
No. 370129
>>369354The pot belly is pretty obvious, Meg.
Time to give up pretending to be T H I C C and just go for the feeder fetish crowd.
No. 370211
File: 1502400328247.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.1 KB, 320x240, 13.jpg)

Kat looks like a starving African tribesman with tits in this silhouette
No. 370213
File: 1502400362110.jpg (12.11 KB, 320x240, 3.jpg)

Spooky ghost spotted in Kat's apartment
No. 370215
File: 1502400503685.jpg (Spoiler Image,459.04 KB, 1070x802, 1.jpg)

>>369922Too bad she's fucking delusional and thinks she has a thick ass.
She could've grown her own tits but now she's got these bongeye things stuck on her. Well worth 10 grand!
No. 370217
File: 1502400548693.jpg (Spoiler Image,651.66 KB, 1222x916, 1 (1).jpg)

>>370215Thickest thing on her is her labia
No. 370839
File: 1502484979887.jpg (81.75 KB, 522x828, stormy.jpg)

So when Stormy tweeted this I wanted to see how many of her followers are real. Surprisedly most of them. She still can't get more than 50 likes on a tweet.
No. 372076
File: 1502676869970.png (295.53 KB, 1080x1530, Screenshot_20170814-031036.png)

Moaning that Tumblr removed a video of her fellating a banana.
Yup can't post "anything". That's a totally normal thing to post yeah?
No. 372146
File: 1502687270380.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-14-08-05-31…)

>off day
oh pumpy. where do i even begin.
No. 372503
>>372494nothing wrong with getting kinky
if you like being choked and dommed cool
but there's a time and place for that, no ones "afraid" of porn that isn't "vanilla" but you have to keep in mind there's a lot of rape victims who don't want to see violence being fetishized and seen as hot
if you want violent porn go to a bdsm site, not having violent bdsm, especially the pretentious edgelords who go as far as cutting just floating around tumblr
No. 372526
>>372503>there's a lot of rape victims who don't want to see violence being fetishizedthat's a slippery slope, though. also, if tumblr ever decides to completely ban anything pornographic in nature, it should do exactly that; ban ANYTHING pornographic in nature. cause how can you only ban the "bad"/violent things? who will define it and how?
anyhow, we're derailing. sophie is on mfc right now, just finished eating a plate of some unidentifiable food (possibly pasta). no milk really, she actually looks much trashier than usual today.
No. 372532
>>372494>chockingIf choking is your kink then at least learn how to spell it, dumbfuck.
>>372526>MUH PORN>MUH KINKS>vanillafags stop oppressing me!!11!Kek stfu and go to a porn site if you wanna see that shit and stop shoving your weird fetishes down people's throats. Tumblr isn't obligated to cater to your mental illness.
I'll kinkshame ddlg/ageplay freaks until the cows come home. You're bad and you should feel bad.
No. 372533
>>372532Oh come on,
>>372526 is literally just saying that if Tumblr is gonna ban porn, they can't just stop at the kinky BDSM stuff.
No. 372584
File: 1502748853599.jpg (Spoiler Image,108 KB, 675x1200, wonky boobs.jpg)

Not sure why Pumpy is getting so many compliments on her boobs. They are pointing two different directions.
No. 372586
>>372584Learn to spoiler your shit ffs.
On another note, her tits look alright here. They're pointing in diff directions bc of her posture.
No. 372597
also they look fine, natural boobs don't point in same directions sometimes as well, not all boob jobs are going to look like perfectly even and placed barbie tits, but to be fair her boobs look better than most boob jobs done by shady doctors, even if they are ~sooooooo uneven~
No. 372810
File: 1502827313747.gif (Spoiler Image,284.52 KB, 400x225, tumblr_ouq5hglLp81tvky6qo4_400…)

>when the shit is clinging to your sphincter
No. 372812
File: 1502827426895.gif (Spoiler Image,299.3 KB, 540x228, tumblr_ouq5hglLp81tvky6qo1_540…)

Creative name there meg
No. 372813
File: 1502827481726.jpg (39.8 KB, 694x521, IMG_20170815_130544.jpg)

She's trying to fool us that she has ass but it's actually just her bones poking out her pants
No. 372861
File: 1502832610428.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170815-222821.png)

No. 372967
File: 1502842925276.png (1.39 MB, 960x960, 20708399_913894465430432_49177…)

No. 372974
>>372861awe, her skin actually seems to be getting better compare to other photos
hopefully she starts eating healthier she has nice proportions but she's just way too thin that the proportions can't even work in her benefit
No. 374048
File: 1502974997994.jpg (57.51 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20170817_135641.jpg)

Changed her hair again.
No. 374070
File: 1502978590583.gif (1.39 MB, 500x375, tumblr_outoo66KRa1tvky6qo1_500…)

Bruh why would you wear a lil hoodie over lingerie to cam? Just kills the look.
No. 374341
File: 1503008453690.png (Spoiler Image,560.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170817-231729.png)

Meg is online in no clothes, no makeup lurking in the dark looking like Shrek.
0 effort.
No. 375298
File: 1503145149933.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-19-15-14-38…)

…yeah, that's gonna end up badly.
any of you follow her insta stories at all? she is so out of it and lonely that the other go she mentions not having left her apartment ever since getting her boobs done (although that doesn't make any sense, considering pictures she posted where she "took herself out for dinner" a few times), saying stuff like, "anybody who's not a weirdo wanna meet up and hang?".
the rest of the time she stares deadly at the camera and mumbles stuff about wanting to get more tats, changing the color of her hair, or have someone eat her out. it's a mess.
No. 375304
>>375298I thought she said she loved them and that they were perfect. Well that didn't last.
It's really common for women who get boob jobs to wish they went bigger.
No. 375309
File: 1503147344526.jpg (Spoiler Image,338.03 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_18082017_0105_MyFre…)

Remember meg saying how she never gets razor burn?
Ok fam.
No. 376493
File: 1503324191259.jpg (304.55 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20170821_145741.jpg)

No. 376494
File: 1503324252282.jpg (92.44 KB, 640x1138, zQXkLmq_d.jpg)

>>376493Can't believe she got "money slut" tattooed….
How fucking embarrassing
No. 377502
File: 1503447944048.jpg (Spoiler Image,535.42 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_23082017_0025_MyFre…)

These titties so disgusting
No. 378130
File: 1503523414579.png (Spoiler Image,525.72 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-24-00-20-21…)

i can rationalize a lot of things, but this is one of the pics that fails even my logic.
who is the target audience for finding it sexy? it looks like a bizarre pic you'd find up the attic of some abandoned house. i don't even know.
No. 378137
>>378130yeah, horrifying.
go ip stormy yikes
the blur makes it look like shes takin a shit too lmao
No. 378774
File: 1503599568494.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170824-192924.png)

She's totally regretting not going bigger. Next boob job when?
No. 379655
File: 1503698121891.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170825-225410.png)

Lol. She's drowning in it. Not sexy at all.
No. 380135
File: 1503759350435.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20170826-154617.png)

This outfit looks proper stupid on ol' skelly
No. 380137
File: 1503759428156.png (581.77 KB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20170826-155035.png)

You know what will happen is she'll go bigger and later down the line want them bigger still ?
No. 380203
File: 1503765536506.jpg (13.99 KB, 354x208, IMG_20170826_173736.jpg)

>>380152Nowhere near what she uses to but she's just terrible with money. She's blown so much.
No. 380286
>>380229yeah. again, if any of you follow her instagram stories at all – she is CONSTANTLY spending, to such an extent that one would think she still makes thousands of tokens a night, but she isn't.
i suspect pumpy might be escorting, but then again, perhaps she's too much of a drama queen for that. i mean, she would've exposed herself by now by freaking out after an unfortunate encounter or something.
No. 380327
>>380286She likes to pretend she's still rich with no cares in the world but then her DMs get exposed and she's struggling and having to use her savings to pay rent. It's no fucking wonder when she lives in that giant apartment on her own, dental procedures, fake tits, paying to do photoshoots, constantly getting her hair done.
A lot of her old supporters have given up with her because she's such a stuck up bitch who talks trash about everyone but expects everyone to be nice and supportive to her.
She's been recorded multiple times directly telling someone to kill themselves and all that. She is a trash human being who doesn't deserve a dime she gets.
No. 380752
File: 1503837285992.jpg (75.8 KB, 1024x681, DIOG72eW4AApqoW.jpg)

How many internet fuckwits has Megan tried to get with? Ha, she'll hate him in a week.
It's like she latches on to any black man who speaks to her.
No. 380958
File: 1503856328462.jpg (237.41 KB, 1280x960, 41af081a-0fa0-471e-b965-a4be5c…)

>>380779>>380836Both those guys she originally met on Tumblr.
Only guy who I know of who wasn't was her childhood boyfriend who she was with like age 13-15. The white one lol
No. 382759
File: 1504040294063.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170829-215631.png)

>Hairy slut
No. 382859
File: 1504054351886.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.75 KB, 600x338, IMG_20170830_014845.jpg)

Presume it's wax but it looks like her areola is literally melting and she's pissed her pants.
No. 383691
File: 1504182918746.jpg (102.12 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20170831_132856.jpg)

Wtf is that?
She just chose some crappy design out a book and added "good girl".
It's massive.
No. 383880
File: 1504206158822.png (658.75 KB, 1080x837, Screenshot_20170831-195835.png)

What kinda shade of lipstick is this? Makes her look dead.
No. 383886
>>383691haha right it makes no sense
like to me it looks like a heart youd have someones name written on n then maybe get the dagger thru it if you broke up? idk but either way it doesnt make sense for it to say "good girl" ugh shes an idiot
does anyone remember that girl that has twat porn tattooed over her whole body? i swear it said twat porn lol
No. 383891
File: 1504207705288.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.89 KB, 1117x1200, C8Hw7e_VYAEr8i0.jpg)

>>383886Kota Morgue
She traveled to Europe 2 times to get those tattoos. The artists are well known on Insta. She let them have artistic freedom and those are the words they chose for her lol
I'm all for self expression but damn girl you tattoo'd your fucking nipples black…
No. 383931
File: 1504211068036.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.58 KB, 275x275, 1479525078987.jpg)

>>383891I always thought the tattoo was really poorly, it doesn't look neat and looks kinda blotchy. People always think it's body paint and then they realise.. oh dear.
You can't be a camwhores forever, what she gonna do when she's a middled age woman with PORN in giant letters on her torso lol.
Could you imagine if she got pregnant?
No. 383936
>>383914I remember there was some big drama with her past relationship. Apparently one of her old friends was raped by her boyfriend and she stuck by his side and called her liar. I'm not 100% sure though.
Last time I caught her on cam she was 7 days sober. She said her liver was failing and the whites of her eyes turned yellow. Hopefully she'll take better care of herself.
Oh, she also got a TON of shit from the entire camming community because she did a fake abortion show on MFC for Halloween. Here is the video of it. (VERY NSFW site)
No. 383967
File: 1504215192595.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.06 KB, 1280x722, IMG_20170831_223032.jpg)

No. 384116
File: 1504992365164.png (Spoiler Image,628.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170903-140520.png)

Why the retard face?
No. 384118
File: 1504992474062.png (Spoiler Image,628.59 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170903-140533.png)

Guys her latest videos is putting an ice lolly on and possibly in her cunt…
Fucking idiot.
Should've called it I n f e c t I o n
No. 384119
File: 1504992532107.png (389.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170902-173210.png)

"I'm not thin, I'm small boned!"
No. 384128
File: 1504993671766.jpg (99.13 KB, 700x700, QQ.jpg)

Hello Farmers, I have some milk for you! So I am not sure how many of you caught Pumpy bitching and moaning on social media about some exterminators coming into her apartment without her permission and
triggering her. Here is a screen cap.
Well I thought that was kinda fishy and I called the apartment complex she lives in and acted like I was interested in an apartment. as I suspected she was lying through her buck teeth. I had to edit the names and sorry for the potato quality of the call.
No. 385603
File: 1505246213531.png (109.54 KB, 1080x465, Screenshot_20170912-204940.png)

Lol. She's like a self feeder
No. 385741
>>384128this is fucking stupid don't fuck with someone's living situation like this
>>385603wtf how tall is she? she's that chubby but only weighs 126??
No. 386041
File: 1505319100185.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.46 KB, 496x357, Stormy_11092017_1133_MyFreeCam…)

State of that damn 5head
No. 386120
File: 1505330997929.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.87 KB, 600x338, IMG_20170913_202913.jpg)

Ham anyone?
No. 386236
why do people on this site idolize japanese and korean girls that look like
>>386041 but when pumpy is that size it's so disgusting? i get that she's an awful person and i'm not defending her, i'm just curious
No. 386297
>>3862775"2 70lbs
But apparently recently she's gained 5lbs which yeah is not a lot but on someone so thin you'd think you'd be able to see a lil difference.
No. 386301
File: 1505350889401.png (853.47 KB, 1080x1141, Screenshot_20170914-015744.png)

She thought adding her pissing at road side was foot footage to put in her holiday video and upload to Instagram.
Didn't look like she's wearing underwear and didn't have anything to wipe with… Nice.
Imagine seeing a blue haired skelly squatting at roadside while someone films it. Nightmares for days
No. 387225
File: 1505503592926.jpg (29.15 KB, 495x305, IMG_20170915_202402.jpg)

I can't put my finger on why this looks so damn weird.
Could anyone really worship Meg's grotesque titties?
No. 387260
File: 1505509050431.jpg (33.54 KB, 600x338, IMG_20170915_215511.jpg)

>>387226I think you nailed it with that take anon.
No. 387318
File: 1505513763069.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.51 KB, 640x480, 4EMSWvX_d.jpg)

>>387299And people pay for this crap.
Holy shit this pic though, it looks like when you use a lens webcam effect that makes the image all wavvey
No. 387328
File: 1505514695512.gif (2.65 MB, 500x281, tumblr_ow0dgv8QHY1tvky6qo1_500…)

We are behind on posting her lulzy preview gifs
No. 387329
File: 1505514717987.gif (2.87 MB, 420x236, tumblr_ow46o2Tov21tvky6qo1_500…)

No. 387330
File: 1505514742679.gif (2.78 MB, 400x225, tumblr_ow86spgXxe1tvky6qo1_400…)

No. 387331
File: 1505514765093.gif (2.6 MB, 400x225, tumblr_owc7k3I43M1tvky6qo1_400…)

No. 387334
File: 1505514907154.gif (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 400x225, tumblr_ovh0nvq0hT1tvky6qo3_400…)

Unnecessary blurred vaj, we've all seen it.
Here's her putting ice lolli over her cunt. Yuck
No. 387655
File: 1505578164837.png (76.39 KB, 1080x918, Screenshot_20170916-165653.png)

Why is she lying though???
No. 387704
File: 1505582698836.jpg (37.84 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mku9feTx4T1qe27eso1_500…)

Came across this pic again today lol. What was she thinking. Wonder if she ever left the house like this.
No. 388086
File: 1505636885979.png (340.44 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2993.PNG)

on a whim i checked lotte's twitter. it's an absolute indecipherable mess between all of the retweets from, guess what, ANOTHER dying dog. also darcy seems to be living with her and mike is still around??
if anyone wants to slog through her shit and figure out what's going on be my guest.
No. 388712
File: 1505724278264.jpg (975.63 KB, 400x300, ZsDKHkO.jpg)

>>388688Diff anon, but seems like most of that persona was scrubbed and the original PULL thread about her is long gone due to her CP. Here are some remaining SFW gifs. No. 388735
File: 1505735618872.png (705.03 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170918-124957.png)

>>388712There's still things about if you Google. I'm no slut shamer myself but the heavy irony in this gave me a chuckle
No. 388824
File: 1505749164691.gif (830.81 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mj91tzBP5E1qe27eso1_500…)

No. 388825
File: 1505749190815.gif (963.96 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mjr2jqrBO11qe27eso1_400…)

The really shooped winks get me
No. 388844
File: 1505749995363.gif (982.95 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mj43zhVa2r1qe27eso1_500…)

No. 389284
File: 1505803717460.gif (1.9 MB, 688x480, tumblr_ntb6uxMT7P1tvky6qo2_128…)

It's def the over exposure and her being thinner. Pretty much everyone looked cuter trying to imitate Kota. I really liked the change in style when she first did it.
No. 389438
File: 1505838863467.gif (684.28 KB, 500x281, 3ab89c67-dee8-4c46-a406-ca5777…)

She really tryna sell this video called "ignoring you" saying it's "dimmer" bahaha. Most her live cam shows are just her on her phone anyway.
No. 389439
Fucking autocorrect
No. 389780
File: 1505912496884.gif (2.64 MB, 500x281, ad90b10b-ef15-405e-baa5-305f32…)

Looks like she's wearing granny pants
No. 389781
File: 1505912551039.gif (2.35 MB, 400x225, e260c16f-98aa-4a78-8338-e350aa…)

Her tryna do domme shit is hilarious
No. 389854
File: 1505922514936.jpg (116.16 KB, 959x959, DJJt_7KXcAMbNFa.jpg)

lana underage gf looks younger than 16 no?
No. 389878
File: 1505923705924.jpg (80.99 KB, 676x1024, IMG_20170920_170538.jpg)

>>389854Just had a quick scroll through her Twitter, she's super fucking weird. Who makes loads of memes about their gf like this?
A child you might say.
No. 389893
File: 1505924515412.jpg (161.98 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170920_171327.jpg)

>>389854She definitely looks very young. Ick
No. 389909
File: 1505925992438.gif (1.77 MB, 1000x328, 8b0c5de1-ab15-4f90-83a8-872831…)

She's really running low on ideas isn't she?
No. 389911
File: 1505926075523.jpg (103.96 KB, 672x756, DCk1SFjXoAAVp54.jpg)

flashing with children in the backround as well
No. 389923
>>389919>>389922fucking report her to mfc and any other site she uses as well as local law enforcement
NYC has strict laws regarding children and sex
No. 389937
File: 1505927478508.png (49.45 KB, 725x344, 3333.png)

The loli also tips her
No. 389954
File: 1505928799918.png (426.48 KB, 830x479, Screenshot2017-09-2013.31.07.p…)

>>389951proof here's her talking with lana tipper and showing off gifts, is this not GROOMING children 101??
No. 389959
>>389922>"remember your own relation with porn as a kid"Uh… Kids aren't supposed to have a relation with porn
>"I've been taking nudes of myself since I was 12 lol"Gross.
>>389946Her parents should know of this imo. She probably tells them the money's for some online game, and the gifts are from a friend
No. 389962
File: 1505929268278.jpg (68.46 KB, 515x491, IMG_20170920_183724.jpg)

Was laughing at pumpy's "art". $15?! It's not even stick on the fridge tier.
No. 390058
>>389962im cackling these look like kiddie drawings
also that DICK one who the actual fuck would want that anywhere
No. 390168
File: 1505957720097.png (159.9 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20170921-023311.png)

The cringe.
Dying at "dick smaller than my eyes"
No. 390170
File: 1505957863733.png (157.16 KB, 1080x1191, Screenshot_20170921-023150.png)

She's one of those dumb dumbs who think that's what a feminist is.
Man: I view women and men as equal and believe in women having the same rights men do
Meg: ew gross muh infected vag is dry and crusty ova yu
No. 390189
>>389962"Pay me money for literal garbage."
She is flat-out saying that. Such an idiot.
No. 390376
>>390170I am fairly certain the issue is not the type of porn but the ethics of creating it, similarly to June she speaks on issues she knows nothing about probably for male attention, pathetic.
Also "some girls like gang bangs-" and some of us don't. If you do not like it then stick go xhamster, its so cute of her to bitch about being shamed for what she's into while at the exact same time shaming/mocking other women for what they're into.
No. 390838
>>389885Who is @infinityloaded? Lana's exbf?
Her underage girlfriend is going to do porn too, it's so sad because Lana is going to apply the same manipulation done to herself. Makes me sick.
No. 390922
File: 1506069793462.jpg (36.74 KB, 226x400, tumblr_ownl6np5Z11tvky6qo2_250…)

"I love my beautiful face" she says
No. 390923
>>389878I hate how her fans are most of the time desperate male virgins that are really too much into her and posting “ FUNNY DANK MEMES xD” …. what her whole TL is all about. She’s kinda pushing herself like momokun on pt / with her “oh so beloved fans” just to feel better when all the hate gets her ;(
sage for cringe comment
No. 390928
File: 1506074996097.jpeg (240.69 KB, 640x525, AD43A747-17B5-4555-857B-F2D824…)

>>389911she’s giving everyone extra milk with this shit haha
No. 390952
File: 1506083365520.jpg (117.32 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20170922_132617.jpg)

She got 2 very large portraits of her cats on her arm. Yikes
No. 392027
>>391990Are you saying you read that somewhere or you generally have no clue and just asking?
Pretty sure the answer is no.
No. 392107
File: 1506294877492.png (69.92 KB, 807x663, flounceaway.png)

biglottes spoke against lana and lana's going crazy over it. I dislike biglottes, all she has to do is bring up lana masturbating in public in court.
No. 392186
>>389922"i've been taking nudes of myself since i was 12 fucking arrest me lol"
No. 392310
File: 1506339246250.png (573.96 KB, 1080x1057, Screenshot_20170925-123112.png)

So she's gonna blow 3k on a kitten now? She's so fucking terrible with money.
No. 392505
>>392478they're not disabled and they can do everything a 'regular' cat can do. buuut it's still stupid to spend $3000 on a cat/ trust the breader etc.
I actually was really happy that she rescued her other cats, don't know why she's doing something like that now…
No. 392538
File: 1506374289507.jpg (59.54 KB, 612x792, DKlrrUiXcAAQMjM.jpg)

Many Vids (the site Lana Rain has been #1 on for months) released this statement. comments JFC.
anyone saying about how their "zero tolerance policy" only applies to people who aren't making them money gets blocked by Manyvids. Classy.
This is one of the reasons why so many people are disgusted by the porn industry.
No. 392560
File: 1506377542264.png (269.85 KB, 632x897, Untitled.png)

>>392538absolutely fucking pathetic
manyvids blocked someone for calling them out in the most obvious way
No. 392561
>>392538All the responses are on her public masturbation video showing children in the background.
Surprised no one is bringing up her underage girlfriend either.
No. 392578
>>392560ManyVids has been blocking a LOT of people - anyone calling them out on their not-so-zero-tolerance zero tolerance policy.
"I forgot to edit them out" is a shitty excuse for filming porn around minors. That just proves you were recklessly masturbating in public and breaking the law. Saying "oops I forgot to edit out the clearest of evidence of my illegal activity" doesn't make the REST of the illegal activity any kind of legal.
Fucking hell…
No. 392772
File: 1506416718996.jpg (466.24 KB, 1440x1415, Screenshot_20170926-110410.jpg)

>>392578She went there to film with knowing what's in the background and she admitted it. So it was no "accident".
No. 393177
>>392772Doesn't matter!
This is an admission it was not a closed set!
Public lewdness is illegal.
The video is illegal. Take it down and keep it down.
No. 394706
File: 1506677617271.png (819.26 KB, 840x881, sexoffendershuffle.png)

So, little miss sex offender is going to be interviewed on NBC
according to my favorite source, whim:'d rather see this girl outed on Maury.
No. 394711
>>394640She is probably lying so she can beg for more money.
The most expensive munchkin cat was like 600 and even that is a lot.
No. 395278
File: 1506788613003.jpg (512.5 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_20170930_171850.jpg)

Meg was supposed to be at this thing, I've watched the Snapchat of it and seen no sign of her, it's some good cringe though.
So she retweeted this, is she possibly that fat arm at the back on the left behind the girl with with arm tats?
Could be anyone though.
Seems odd she nor anyone else has taken a picture with/of her.
No. 395323
>>394711nah munchkins can and do go for more than $1000, esp if they’re rag dolls or something. a quick google search will tell you that. (paying more than a couple hundred dollars for any kind of cat is a rip off though.)
>>394706where’s chris hansen when you need him? let him put the fear of god into this vile piece of shit.
No. 395485
>>394706I hope she breaks up with the kid from the pressure of it all, at least.
Also I find it fucking sick that one of the main people defending Lana, Princess Berpl, is saying people are going too far when back in the day, she witch hunted a girl till she committed suicide (like three or four years ago). All because the girl called her out for pedo porn. And I'm pretty sure she did weird bestiality shit too.
All the nasty cows are coming to her defense JFC.
No. 395526
>>395485>Princess Berpl, is saying people are going too far when back in the day, she witch hunted a girl till she committed suicide (like three or four years ago)I'm going to need some source.
In the meantime, check out this milk No. 395565
>>395526I wish I had some. She deleted her old tumblr where everything went down.
I'll try to search back for one of the posts made about it, though. I think there's at least one blog that I could ask for links/proof.
No. 395621
File: 1506819207897.png (543.15 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170930-203957.png)

Okay I was wrong. She just CLAIMED her old blog was deleted. And I found some asks regarding the event but I can't find the suicide note or proof that the girl faked it but I'm still searching. So the person might faked it but I'm still digging.
No. 395622
File: 1506819245090.png (541.12 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170930-204002.png)

No. 395623
File: 1506819277803.png (469.24 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170930-204133.png)

No. 395624
File: 1506819306336.png (461.65 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170930-204140.png)

No. 395625
File: 1506819344222.png (Spoiler Image,608.73 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170930-205236.png)

Also found this fucking vomit worthy video description.
No. 395890
>>395707Long story short after that she just up and left, and I was like what is going on? I had just given her thousands of dollars, and felt like I was hanging out with a prostitute which isn't my style.
In final, just stay clear of this girl because her promises and lies are heartbreaking to not only me but any sensible human being.
lmao. I have no sympathy for delusional neckbeards throwing their money at these girls. Its a straight up service, she's not your girlfriend. prostitutes not your style? its a camgirl you got to meet up with you after throwing a bunch of money at her. Hell you got to fuck her get over it. what a creep
No. 395909
File: 1506881290895.png (663.04 KB, 1080x1411, Screenshot_20171001-134556.png)

No. 396999
File: 1507024941743.png (220.88 KB, 1080x1202, Screenshot_20171003-105827.png)

Says the girl who has videos of her putting candy canes in both holes and rubbing an ice lolly on her vagina.
And her blatant BV and hemorrhoids she tries to deny lol
No. 397975
File: 1507145993234.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1760, Screenshot_20171004-203517.png)

So she's going to get a full sleeve of this guff and she has money problems
Also is it not a bit of a dumb idea to be getting all these done when she's putting on weight? I'd presume they'll get slightly stretched, she's got super skelly arms so even not much added weigh will make them fill out a bit.
She's only put on 5lbs and I can see a difference, her hip bones are less prominent.
No. 398002
File: 1507149159819.png (338.64 KB, 750x1334, 46812833-BFBD-48A5-9BCD-838BE1…)

I don’t need know if this is something that’s been brought yet, but I’ve done a good job lurking this thread and haven’t seen anything. Check out #pumpyleaks on twitter. It details DM’s between stormy’s “inner circle” about things like her dwindling bank account, living situation, and shit-talking other models (notably kitten Sophie, who has kissed Pumpy’s ass when’s she was queen bitch)
No. 399474
File: 1507386108001.jpg (85.03 KB, 720x480, tumblr_oxf9cxbRE51tvky6qo1_128…)

Is this Meg's Halloween costume?
No. 400277
File: 1507483683008.png (103.4 KB, 730x907, IMG_1330.PNG)

how long before she returns to cam
No. 400575
File: 1507497308935.jpg (61.52 KB, 720x480, tumblr_oxiflv60yh1tvky6qo1_128…)

>when ya slutty aunt decides to go on cam.
No. 401405
>>400456Curiosity killed the cat.
I visited it and physically feel ill.
No. 401702
>>401373If the admins allow it, I will make one.
Also has anyone noticed the 16 year old twitter went private due to "Art theft"
No. 401791
>>401702I think honestly Vero doesn't even do her own art, I refuse to believe a 16 year old can do digital painting better than people I know who have been doing it for years.
Granted I've seen people be that talented but still.
The admins better, the 16 year old is literally onision level of shit lana did (fitting she follows lainey)
No. 401858
>>401791Yeah Ive seen her brag about get commission for her artwork and it makes me wonder.
I don't think her twitter went private for art theft, she barely posted her "artwork" I wonder if something else happened.
No. 402058
File: 1507739582296.jpeg (136.38 KB, 640x826, AF0B6A81-D900-4D64-9C1F-4BB0CA…)

Those fanboys of her are so weird.
Does anyone else find her community absolutely cringeworthy?
It‘s like momokun‘s fanbase ugh
No. 402199
>>402032Honestly the 26 year old while believable only has the proof of some laval English high school listing her real name (Bianca cordisico) and does kinda make sense because loaded mentioned he knew her for 7 years so if she was 19 then it'd make sense because if she was 21 and met him when she was 14 it'd be even more fucked.
But I did some snooping (Aka typing Bianca in fb) and found hero's recent photo dated may 2013 before Lana was a cam girl and from 2011 she made a note and called herself a cute nazi…
God only way to know is if someone can contact another alumni from 2009 and ask about Bianca or show Lana pics and them identifying it as her.
No. 402276
>>402265regardless, Lana being 8-9 years older than Vero is fucked up, age of consent or not.
Also she's from Laval, which is like Mississauga to Toronto for Montreal, so asking random locals will be creepy and also impossible due to population reasons.
This is a dead end without being creepy
Sorry guys it failed, and maybe a new thread should be made just so we can have lana to herself, as this is brigaded too much with anti lana
No. 402302 Lana's old mal, which has her DOB
and proof it being her for real if this is too annoying for you guys
No. 402308
File: 1507766153160.png (58.35 KB, 1208x212, Screen Shot 2017-10-11 at 7.55…)

>>402302I don't really understand the proof, there's just some random posts made by her.
Also, I always made myself older online… IF she was 13 then, she could have decided to say she's 15 instead. No one really wants to talk to a 13 year old.
>>402280Age of graduation is usually 17. Her birthday is in November though, so she could have started school a year "late" (happened to me as well) and graduated with 17 close to 18.
She started camming basically on her birthday in 2013 (when she turned 18 according to her) and was still living at home. I honestly don't know why this is such a huge deal.
She also had no followers and maybe 1 or 2 likes on her pictures back then.
No. 402349
>>402308Why it's relent is because the birthday matches up that she graduated high school in 2009, it just gives us more proof of her age.
The 16 year old is apparently in or visiting someone in the hospital and tweeting some emo stuff. I would post screenshots but I am not sure how much the admins will allow to post.
No. 402615
>>402219I agree we need a thread for lana.
Since she does start most of the cam girl drama recently, just to get more views,
I think we could milk her all the way out.
All the other cosplayers I watched her interact with seem like shitty people too.
Well, they are at least better with makeup than this horse face lana
No. 404072
File: 1508069305581.jpg (434.27 KB, 2044x1544, MegvnMvrie_08102017_2045_MyFre…)

Those poor sad titties pointing to the floor
No. 408183
File: 1508772484815.png (337.33 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4255.PNG)

So pump has given up camming…to become a stripper
No. 408415
>>408302aside from that how will she even have the energy to do the job? stripping is exhausting
she should dance to the X-Files theme
No. 408463
File: 1508800455959.png (2.26 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-24-02-11-34…)

hahahahahahaha. no. just – no. wtf?
No. 411581
File: 1509309292869.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171026-152347.png)

Another corny ass tattoo added to the bone train
No. 411582
File: 1509309326412.png (1.78 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171026-152427.png)

Her new "daddy" lol
No. 411586
File: 1509309399468.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171029-203313.png)

She thinks putting on 7lbs has gained her an ass. No girl, long way to go.
No. 411587
File: 1509309441222.jpg (114.74 KB, 722x1280, IMG_20171029_202412.jpg)

I'm frightened.
No. 411946
File: 1509377247727.jpg (130.71 KB, 828x1472, IMG_20171030_151903.jpg)

A-fucking-nother one.
This "sleeve" is gonna look terrible, it's just such a mismatch mess.
No. 412010
File: 1509388114300.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.97 KB, 600x344, IMG_20171030_182227.jpg)

I bet meg could tuck her boobs under her armpits and hold em there.
No. 414419
File: 1509740685191.png (1.04 MB, 1068x1668, Screenshot_20171103-202033.png)

>>411582So Kat's new bf appears to already have a gf or something close to it. I doubt they know about each other. Someone should tell them.
No. 414420
File: 1509740720279.png (804.31 KB, 1080x1673, Screenshot_20171103-200100.png)

>>414419Vegas is where he was fucking kat..
No. 414775
File: 1509766020085.png (368.85 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0602.PNG)

If she doesn't happen to see this I'll tweet it at her, idk how many people check their "message request" box on IG.
Fuck stormy for doing this, it seems like she fucking knows.
If she doesn't then prepare for the impending meltdown lol.
No. 414777
File: 1509766070841.png (837.81 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0603.PNG)

2/2 just sent her a few screenshots of stormy's posts with him in it
No. 414813
>>414419>>414777>>414775>>414764>>414761>>414547>>414420That girl is an employee at the piercing studio that Kyler owns.
The real problem is that it looks like Kyler may already be married to another woman and may have a baby on the way with that woman.
The plot thickens, and gives Stormy a much bigger chance at "homewrecking".
No. 414945
File: 1509805043074.png (175.8 KB, 597x607, PumpyBackToBlonde171104.png)

Another month, another hair color.
No. 415182
File: 1509823030057.jpg (84.38 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20171104_191439.jpg)

>>414945That's an old pic. She's still Chucky red.
No. 415337
>>415256Seems like a big lie if Lex's post was less than a week ago, but they're "no longer together".
Just not sure who's the big liar.
(I mean, we're sure, but we're not SURE.)
No. 415622
File: 1509848889281.png (73.21 KB, 750x523, IMG_0619.PNG)

I guess she doesn't care shrug
I can't really see stormy to be the type who's okay with sharing though…weird lol
No. 416579
File: 1510017665096.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0688.PNG)

Yup they're sharing him, damn stormy the only man you can get is already someone else's, every time
She also posted on her story about stealing his sweater "right off of his warm body" with a kissy face
Gf knows what she's doing
I bet she just isn't into pretending to be a little girl for him and that's why she lets him use stormy as a play thing
No. 418584
File: 1510153159148.jpg (104.35 KB, 786x495, IMG_20171108_144641.jpg)

List of Meg's upcoming Christmas bids.
Milk bath… I wanna be sick.
No. 418586
File: 1510153301482.png (859.09 KB, 1048x1248, Screenshot_20171108-145110.png)

Kat has tried to go back to blonde and it looks fucking disgusting
No. 419522
File: 1510240937412.png (1.78 MB, 1078x1718, Screenshot_20171109-151925.png)

Size of that swede and state of that bleach job.
No. 419523
File: 1510240989242.png (297.4 KB, 1075x1427, Screenshot_20171109-151555.png)

No. 419698
>>419543Apparently that's professional which is even more tragic.
She should just go a normal brown and stop messing with it bleaching it too often.
No. 429638
File: 1511312214299.png (Spoiler Image,638.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171122-005129.png)

I screenshot Ted this gif and got it mid lip bite and it looks like she's melting.
So she says she's a nuerochem student now but with her history of lying I'm finding it difficult to believe.
She's thick as shit and I know for a fact she didn't do a levels, maybe did a year at college? Dunno what subject and has done nothing since, so how would she get in?
No. 429644
>>427320No but it ain't gonna last. He still spends loads of time with his "ex" and she still calling him daddy. Kat acts like it's this amazing love lol. For one, you've met him maybe 3 times legit and only been speaking prob a month or two, that ain't love. And he loves you so much that he's porking another girl all the time and basically still acting like a couple going on dates.
She's obviously desperate and is gonna settle for anyone who gives her attention who isn't a complete freak but she's also gonna use him for porn content. Her video with him is selling a hell of a lot better than anything she's done in years, and I bet she ain't giving him a cut of the money.
No. 429647
File: 1511312884259.gif (Spoiler Image,2.92 MB, 600x338, 442d38a5-b11d-470d-b5f6-1199e2…)

>>429638Here's the full mess
No. 429657
File: 1511313589530.jpeg (51.13 KB, 500x335, EAE11E29-7575-485D-9153-64D3C8…)

>>429647What this video reminds me of
No. 430088
File: 1511373957773.png (548.6 KB, 1080x1184, Screenshot_20171122-175900.png)

So these 2 are blatantly fighting.
Nearly identical tweets aimed at each other and her tagging a picture of kyler with such things.
This gon' be good
No. 430095
File: 1511374355490.png (105.44 KB, 1080x718, Screenshot_20171122-180945.png)

Oh there's more
No. 430097
File: 1511374490234.png (312.33 KB, 1073x1652, Screenshot_20171122-181011.png)

I mean "your boyfriend" is choosing to hang around with her and if she was being that much of a stalker weirdo he could fire her for it so pretty sure kat is full of shit.
No. 430287
>>430097I came here to post the same screenshots lol, I had followed lex' IG on my side account but she recently blocked it (I think she thought I was a stormy fan), and every day her story was of the two of them…
He's obviously into the girl and spends a lot of time with her.
I think what happened is he told her to lock down her account more to keep it from stormy, but lex can't help but post about it.
A few days ago stormy posted on Fb that she "moved up the girlfriend ladder" or something like that, im guessing maybe he told her he was going to commit to just her or something.
Either way WEW LAD
this bitch is so evil I love seeing her get played
No. 430315
File: 1511393500468.png (518.32 KB, 1080x991, Screenshot_20171122-232542.png)

She really is naive.
This shit is gonna blow up in her face and she's gonna look like more of an idiot than usual.
Whole situation is embarrassing for all 3 of 'em. How old is he anyway? Like 29? Imagine even wanting to date highly immature 21 year old.
No. 430321
>>430315So is the switch from 2nd-person to 1st-person POV her claiming that Lex asked him and he chose Pumpy? Or is she just awful at narration and both "you" and "me" are her in this scenario?
So many layers of stupidity, mixed with naivete and boldface lying, like some kind of failure lasagna…
No. 430427
>>430321She blatantly asked and cos he's not an idiot but a seedy fucker he's tryna lead 'em both on clearly.
>>430401Lol he seems the type who lost weight and has a big dick that he can just control these cock hungry hoes now.
Tbh he looked better as a fat guy imo.
I do wonder if any of his ex wife's children are his and if they are he blatantly never sees them now.
No. 430850
File: 1511470896151.jpg (132.38 KB, 828x1472, IMG_20171123_205958.jpg)

She actually has to write this crap down? That's hilarious.
No. 430988
>>430980jesus christ imagine how terrible she is in bed if she's this unimaginative with dirty talk she's
planned in advancesage for being gross
No. 431315
File: 1511550509245.jpg (103.17 KB, 828x1472, IMG_20171124_190443.jpg)

Caption to this is "peachy" lol
Oh girl there's barely a crease in ya thigh and ya (lack of) bum fat can't even cover the thong.
No. 431476
File: 1511573232203.png (720.15 KB, 1078x1460, Screenshot_20171125-012219.png)

Scam cat is here.
Hahah $3000?! The average price for them is $300-500.
No. 431490
>>431315who is this?
their crease looks visible to me and their thong looks like how it would in a normal persons butt, is that what people are calling "no ass" nowadays ? smh
No. 431501
>>431490if im not mistaken, its stormy.
but dont worry about it, its just regular ol nitpicky lolcow shining through.
No. 432011
>>431794What people are more upset about is that she:
1) Begged her regs/followers for the money for it
2) Claimed her new apartment's lease only allows for 2 cats, making a 3rd irresponsible for multiple reasons
3) She has hit her 1st cat on cam, and every successive cat she has gotten only offends people more and more
4) We all know we'll soon have to see another grotesque tattoo appearing on her to commemorate another mistake in her pathetic life
No. 433008
File: 1511817545077.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.29 KB, 675x1200, DPo2GyTWAAAxyid.jpg)

>>430427pretty sure that's exactly what's going on.
No. 434675
File: 1512004409650.png (110.95 KB, 1080x517, Screenshot_20171130-011024.png)

How dumb is she? What trashy ass sites is she falling for? Does she not know about the simple padlock thing?
Dunno About you lot but I've never been scammed in my life and she's fell for shit multiple times in a year?!
No. 434676
File: 1512004496278.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.87 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20171130_010912.jpg)

Reminder that meg thinking this pussy snot isn't an infection.
This is beyond disgusting, are men that stupid?
No. 434679
>>434676It looks like she uses frozen milk cubes or yogurt…
>the bubblesI'm gagging though
No. 434917
File: 1512051169474.jpg (41.62 KB, 720x480, IMG_20171130_141132.jpg)

No. 435001
File: 1512062767358.png (381.5 KB, 1080x1486, Screenshot_20171130-171902.png)

So shes prob getting rid of that new cat already. Apparently it whines all day and is not independent in the slightest. So that was a waste of time and money.
She'll prob cum on its head and try sell it for an extra grand
No. 435344
File: 1512091719859.png (84.41 KB, 631x500, Untitled.png)

She has been fighting with other cam girls about abusing her cats. She is just ridiculous. This is her logic about spending $3,000 on a cat.
No. 436678
File: 1512273443604.jpg (87.55 KB, 800x600, sickmalo.jpg)

>>435344Here is a video of both times she has physically and verbally abused Malo. screenshot attached is when Malo's eye was swollen and she was "so concerned" and wanted to take her to the vet. The next day she acted like everything was fine.
Now she has spent $3000 on this kitten and she doesn't want to put the time and energy to take care of it. She calls it stupid. Let me grab the screenshots.
No. 436693
File: 1512275686832.jpg (163.55 KB, 750x1200, badcatmom.jpg)

These are just some highlights from her conversation about her cats.
No. 436726
>>436693it's a fucking kitten… what do you expect. literally a baby.
and you have to teach him where to poop, honestly cats learn that pretty fast. i doubt she ever took the time to actually take care of this kitten.
No. 436791
File: 1512298922449.jpg (320.83 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20171203_105431.jpg)

Lol wtf is that?
No. 436872
>>436791Another in a long long series of mistakes?
(At least it's not on her FACE like Lotte)
No. 437675
File: 1512410454560.png (2.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-175159.png)

Look it's like the 2nd time in a year meg has left her house.
How sad that her only social outings are camgirl meetups.
No. 437719
File: 1512415914476.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-193007.png)

Christ, how many of these British camgirls have red hair? It's like a ginger convention.
No. 437721
File: 1512415967994.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-192704.png)

Oh dear, that slit.
No. 438272
>>402280this is not the first time someone has said this and it's not entirely true. the overwhelming majority of ppl in quebec graduate at 17. you can only graduate at 16 if you either drop out (16 is the legal age when you can decide to stop going to school)or if you do a professional formation right out of high school.
also, high school here is from 12 to 17 so when she says she met infinitecuck in high school, she could have been 12.
if she graduated in 2009, chances are she is now 24-25.
regardless it would be creepy for her to date a teenager even if she was just 21.
No. 438285
File: 1512496903279.jpg (519.35 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20171205_175623.jpg)

Meg and her carers.
No. 438550
File: 1512518641386.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171206-000236.png)

Quality cringe here
No. 438914
File: 1512545808076.png (675.2 KB, 599x709, lol.png)

Yeah Lex is "so crazy" according to Stormy meanwhile she blamed moving on not spending Thanksgiving with Kyler. While in reality he probably never invited her to meet his parents because he was too busy hanging out with his real gf on Thanksgiving. Now he's back in Vegas visiting her and will soon be home again fucking Lex while Stormy believes hes so enamored with her and Lex is just crazy lol.
No. 438929
File: 1512548288611.png (1.13 MB, 747x685, kyler.png)

>>438920Dude lost some serious weight in the past few years so no surprise about the left over moobs.
No. 439097
>>438929Thank god he removed those nose plugs, disgusting.
He seems like a piece of shit playing these girls.
No. 441698
File: 1512938661078.png (Spoiler Image,368.9 KB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_20171210-202723.png)

Is that a roid or does kat have a butthole skin tag?
No. 441702
File: 1512938945608.png (438.72 KB, 1054x702, Screenshot_20171210-204549.png)

No. 441818
>>441702that hairline holy shit……………
poor girl needs to gain weight asap. maybe she's predisposed to hair loss but being skellymode absolutely isnt gonna help that. she should have spent her boob job money on hair follicle transplants insteal
No. 442839
File: 1513110279069.png (203.68 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4951.PNG)

Well her delusion has hit an all time high.
No. 442867
File: 1513113064327.jpg (37.68 KB, 573x960, FB_IMG_1513112905001.jpg)

She also needs to go and delete all her old pictures of when it was just her personal teenage page.
You just know there's people scrolling back and jerking it to photos when she was underage.
They go back to 2013
No. 443328
File: 1513168443462.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1752, Screenshot_20171213-123121.png)

No. 443343
File: 1513169585733.png (535.05 KB, 1031x1699, Screenshot_20171213-124951.png)

She's so embarrassing
No. 443834
File: 1513266616513.jpg (55.68 KB, 502x884, pTuu3xY_d.jpg)

Loool. Meanwhile on lex's snap it's all of them 2 together.
Of course he doesn't love you, you dumb fuck.
No. 443836
File: 1513266879234.png (413.69 KB, 1080x1407, Screenshot_20171214-155134.png)

No. 444198
>>443836The way she says client implies she only has 1 fan lol.
She put out like a 2 and a half minute of her sex tape which dames too much. Kyler's is cringe at talking as is her sexy attempts.
It's bizarre watching a sex worker fail at being sexy, it's all so forced, idk how people get off on this crap acting.
No. 444426
File: 1513328165789.jpg (18.45 KB, 509x295, IMG_20171215_085435.jpg)

Cos you were a sidepiece dummy
No. 444520
Stop acting like you just found out so you can paint yourself a victim
She literally thought she could get him to be just hers, the dude is poly because he's not fat anymore and wants to bang multiple chicks, the fuck did you expect stormy
Nobody wants auschwitz arm candy
No. 444565
File: 1513356577968.jpg (343.23 KB, 1857x1241, IMG_20171215_163347.jpg)

So this is gonna be 3 white girls doing an African dance in a hotel… Hm not cringe at all! Watching meg with her pancake ass tryna do a butt dance is lols enough.
No. 444616
File: 1513362403279.png (632.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171215-182126.png)

Lol, dear god that uncomfortably tight… Thing.
No. 444618
File: 1513362456314.png (Spoiler Image,553.83 KB, 1053x635, Screenshot_20171215-182216.png)

No. 444990
File: 1513393757653.gif (494.41 KB, 475x355, dmndt0p34uey.gif)

I'm watching Stormy dance on cam and it's mr. skeltal with tits
No. 444993
File: 1513393818573.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.86 KB, 810x734, Screen Shot 2017-12-15 at 7.09…)

her tits are settling nicely tho, could have been a way worse boob job
No. 445030
>>444426she keeps referring to him as her 'boyfriend' on cam tonight. i don't understand how she does not realize how pathetic this is.
must be weird to have thousands of dudes paying to jerk off to you but you can't keep a guy to yourself lol.
No. 445205
>>445092Yeah and he's not gonna stop fucking lex so why does she even want to be with this "cheater".
Bet kyler is seriously regretting following his dick on this one huh.
She ain't gonna top herself over a 1 month relationship that is mostly just about sex.
No. 445286
File: 1513441896616.png (55.18 KB, 641x495, PumpyIsTheSideHoe-171216.png)

You're right, Pumpy, that ain't you.
Because you're a manipulative toxic side hoe in a fairly normal relationship!
Threatening suicide is the absolute worst. That guy needs to get the hell away from her for his own sake. She fucking knows where you live now, Kyler. #DumpThePump
No. 445388
File: 1513453684253.jpg (98.97 KB, 828x1472, IMG_20171216_194123.jpg)

>Whom I am
Lol Christ, can see how much autocorrect helps her out online.
Awesome child's handwriting too.
No. 445389
File: 1513453942366.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.32 KB, 720x480, 09dc86a1-d6db-4c4b-a310-978f9e…)

When she holds her tits up like this they don't even look attached to her body, it's like she's just holding 2 sacks infront of her.
No. 445762
File: 1513525747282.png (646.41 KB, 1080x1273, Screenshot_20171217-084150.png)

Freaks me the fuck out that her waist is only as big as a man's hand…
No. 446207
File: 1513560138895.png (321.42 KB, 1080x1373, Screenshot_20171218-011753.png)

>>446206Ew, pic didn't post
No. 446785
File: 1513624379672.jpg (76.13 KB, 768x1024, image_02d43c2f-c079-463e-9572-…)

Like honestly who the hell would buy a camgirl calender, and that's before considering the ridiculous price. Imagine walking into someone's house/office and seeing they have a calendar exclusively of some skelly how, to add to the lols, some pics are pre implants, others aren't.
People are ashamed of liking camgirls n don't admit to ever tipping, so who's gonna put it on the bloody wall.
No. 446905
>>446830She is such a fool for getting those tits and tattoos this year. If she had stayed the way she was she could have extended her career for a few more years but she is going downhill fast and ruining everything her fanbase liked about her.
I actually thought she was looking cute earlier this year with the blue extensions but then she botched her hair, got the tits, and got all that crap on her arm.
This Kyler thing is not going to end well.
No. 447021
>>446905Kyler already wants out but she keeps threatening to kill herself if he goes.
I did that when I was 13 and felt like the biggest cunt forever she's 21 and thinks that's acceptable.
Although I think kyler seems a bit like a player I feel sorry for him having these threats. You gotta say no, the threats are hollow, there's a very small chance she'd actually do anything, it's mostly threat and manipulation.
No. 447041
>>446789Don't worry, she's having a hard time selling them. I think on cam she said she only ordered I believe 8 to begin with and has only sold one so far and it's been like a month.
Guess she can always gift the leftovers to family and friends this Christmas!! lol
No. 447102
File: 1513645721119.jpg (210.23 KB, 1540x1232, Screen Shot 2017-12-18 at 5.07…)

this is super pathetic, she thinks her boyfriend saying "your body is your choice" is something sweet enough to share with her twitter followers? wow…
No. 447104
File: 1513645743641.jpg (181.95 KB, 1136x1332, Screen Shot 2017-12-18 at 5.07…)

full size of texts
No. 447631
>>447102of course it's "super cute" in her pathetic mind. imagine you're the trashiest of white trash, having grown up without any kind of love or care in the world.
pumpy's trying to act all tough, hardcore and "bad bitch", but truth is, as soon as a guy she falls in love with shows her ANY kind of tiny care (which most likely isn't real, as this fat-guy-gone-thin is playing her without even really trying to hide it), the neglected, poor child inside of her comes out.
tldr; stormy's existence will end up tragically either way. also – yes, she looks horryifing with implants and tats and totally shot herself in the foot with this look.
No. 449045
File: 1513864117013.png (1.38 MB, 1070x1742, Screenshot_20171221-134513.png)

No. 449046
File: 1513864183679.png (2.32 MB, 1080x1764, Screenshot_20171221-134506.png)

He looks so uncomfortable
No. 449047
File: 1513864310858.png (89.99 KB, 1080x384, Screenshot_20171221-134219.png)

Ye cos he probably thinks if he made the slightest mistake you'd try bag yourself then and there.
We, the fucking internet already know he's fucked at least 2 of his employees there.
No. 449050
>>449047>>449047is it just me or is this guy not even that cute?? he looks like a total fag and knowing he's a fuckboy former fatty overcompensating for losing weight by fucking anything that twitches his dick makes him even more repulsive. like I legitimately don't get why pumpys bone hole is so sloppy for him.
he deserves to be stuck with her crazy manipulative ass. serves him right for letting his dick make every decision in his life.
No. 449304
File: 1513890147554.png (95.95 KB, 1080x486, Screenshot_20171221-205827.png)

"um dad, this is some cam hoe I went to fuck, got pushed into a relationship and tried to break up with earlier this week but she said she'd kill herself, so here we are! Meet Morgan!
No. 449410
File: 1513899117249.png (94.98 KB, 1080x444, Screenshot_20171221-232230.png)

Holy shit, she's the dumbest cunt I've ever seen. This is like a unlegit one month relationship.
If she forces kyler's to let her in and he caves this is gonna be a fucking travesty.
Why are so many people retarded when it comes to knowing what love is? She's legit met him 3 times or something, she doesn't know a fucking thing about him. The stupidity is too much, I wanna gauge my eyes out.
No. 449414
>>449410Plus, she JUST moved and I assume had to sign a lease on her new smaller apartment because she couldn't afford rent once again.
I get it that moving in with someone means much less rent, but 1) she's blasted MANY times why she can't stand having a roommate, 2) she will be HOMELESS when he wises up and finally admits he can't stand her ass, and 3) did we all forget that she plans to have a BABY in 2019 and Kyler already got the snip?
No. 449508
>>449410The fact that's she's proud of dating a guy who, for no good reason whatsoever, doesn't want her to get an IUD, but is graciously "allowing" her to do what she wants with her body is such a red fucking flag (if the whole cheating and fuckboying around wasn't already).
Pumpy is legitimately an idiot though. Like, if it wasn't already obvious from her behavior, her cracked out handwriting and grammar in that "poem" was a dead giveaway. We're dealing with below average intelligence here. Legitimately so stupid she can't even find someone to actually love her, and men have low fucking standards.
No. 449847
File: 1513935123527.png (633.87 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20171222-090608.png)

Jesus Christ lol
No. 449970
>>449847>treated like a damn princessis she utterly delusional, pathetically dumb or both?
out of all things she's ever been through, this whole kyler thing feels the most like witnessing a trainwreck while it occurs. it's not even cringy. it's disturbing and mind-boggling even in pumpy's standards.
No. 450016
File: 1513964322954.png (119.14 KB, 1072x551, Screenshot_20171222-173502.png)

Doing what? Trying to steal lex's job?
We saw that terrible drawing, she has no art skills. As for piercings that takes precision, a skelly like her probably always has the shakes.
No. 450332
>>450301Yeah if he actually offered her work there then that's fucking stupid, he knows they don't like each other. Plus kat in a hostile environment with needles everywhere? I wouldn't, she's too unstable. She'd prob stab a random girl for just talking to kyler lol.
I wonder how much he knows about all the
problematic shit she's done/said. Must be weird when you can Google a potential partner and read all these terrible things they've done.
No. 450914
File: 1514049326410.png (Spoiler Image,759.33 KB, 1080x1406, Screenshot_20171223-171253.png)

Holy shit, how fucked up are Lotte's implants?
Proper cock-eyed.
No. 450941
File: 1514051430536.png (Spoiler Image,758.44 KB, 1080x1535, Screenshot_20171223-174542.png)

>>450914Oh the joy of fake tits…
Ive never encountered anyone I know with them but I'd feel super uncomfortable touching one, like there's some foreign object in your body, I gotta be super gentle right?
If I fucked someone with fake tits I'd just not touch em, too weird.
No. 451789
File: 1514152150463.png (86.25 KB, 1080x333, Screenshot_20171224-214536.png)

She's going off on one again and being so incredibly delusional.
No. 451790
File: 1514152196541.png (328.59 KB, 1080x1413, Screenshot_20171224-214602.png)

Lex will punch her in the face if she's not careful
No. 451793
File: 1514152325236.png (2.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171224-214715.png)

Meg lookin like a dented creepy porcelain doll.
No. 451801
>>451794Yeah and he's known lex a hell of a lot longer, hangs out with her all the time, gave her a job etc.
Kat is deffo forcing herself on him and he needs to fucking put his foot down quick cos having that crazy bitch in your house is gonna be literal hell.
She's so sad boasting about shit talking another woman. She's obsessed with this "side chick" nonsense.
No. 451986
>>451790Is she saying she makes up lies about Lex and Kyler doesn’t correct her or that Kyler makes up lies? Either way why the fuck would you brag about that.
This is going to end so badly and I love it. I don’t know what’s going through Kyler’s head letting this bitch LIVE with him. Inb4 she stabs him in his sleep. 10/10 milk please continue.
No. 452098
>>451986She tweeted ":/"
Sounds like Xmas is going well!
No. 452792
File: 1514309633853.png (557.75 KB, 732x491, Capture.PNG)

>>451790she's really trying to replace lex by buying him a lego set (exactly what lex did a few weeks back on her twitter) and doing the same things
No. 452815
File: 1514312250469.jpeg (153.38 KB, 750x1009, 06BDE68B-6D30-42D9-AF1F-BB9064…)

Meanwhile, Lex is still pretty open about them dating.
No. 453724
>>452792I googled it and like wtf, why would anyone pay that much for fucking Lego?
Isn't it the kind of item you have as a collector's thing aka don't take the thing out the box cos you've devalued it massively?
No. 453727
File: 1514316458340.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.53 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20171226_185552.jpg)

>>452808One looks slightly long and one is a ball.
The worst part of it is the lack of movement. The video of her doing cowgirl n they just have no movement to em at all, it's like she's a Barbie, literal hard tits.
No. 453795
>>453724You do that with figurines that you can still see outside the box.
Legos in a box have re-sale value but no ''collectors'' value they tend to build that stuff up to show off that they have it.
No. 453820
File: 1514325083807.jpg (106.74 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20171226_214750.jpg)

A moon necklace hanging over a moon tattoo looks retarded. She should've just stuck to necklaces in the first place.
No. 455314
File: 1514492631288.jpeg (346.65 KB, 750x833, D737D633-CF7E-4B59-8546-F980EA…)

Lmao what are these bitches thinking
No. 455340
File: 1514494580573.png (76.39 KB, 1168x276, Screen Shot 2017-12-28 at 12.5…)

No. 455627
>>455560You know at first I thought Lex was pretty pathetic too, like it seemed like her “I have the best boyfriend ever” posts were pretty transparent because it’s like…. no you obviously, very publicly don’t. Your boyfriend kind of sucks. Now, though, I’m starting think she’s just posting shit like that because it makes Stormy lose her fucking mind. Wouldn’t you, too? If I had the power to make her react so frothing at the mouth OTT with just a simple picture of the two of them together, I absolutely will. Stormy can scream “SHE’S A PSYCHO BITCH THEY’RE BROKEN UP HE ONLY LOVES ME REEE” all she wants but she’s only doing it because she knows it’s not true. Lex could just tweet like “<3” on something and Pumpy would have a fucking aneurysm. I think it’s kind of hilarious.
Plus if Lex can be okay with him being poly and watch him flounce around with the psycho cam slut and be perfectly unbothered, that shows a pretty secure woman IMO. I’m not going to pretend to understand poly but it seems to work for some people (people like Lex, not like Kat.) More power to her.
No. 455663
File: 1514511384203.png (1.43 MB, 1188x1204, lex.png)

>>455656Not only share him but he's publicly out there putting it in Pumpy raw. Like if I were in an open relationship and was the primary that would be a huge NO from me.
She's still claiming they're together, what a mess
No. 455685
File: 1514513404201.jpeg (38.67 KB, 966x725, the men of pumpy.jpeg)

>>455667Shit, I think you nailed it!
No. 456256
File: 1514560795406.jpg (64.09 KB, 478x805, IMG_20171229_151905.jpg)

From a few days ago lol
No. 456263
File: 1514561071061.jpg (33.88 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1514560957513.jpg)

Bruh wtf is this outfit. Looks like a kid playing dress up with mummy's clothes and has picked an outfit for a funeral.
No. 456267
File: 1514561179182.jpg (35.29 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1514560950473.jpg)

>>456263She should never wear long dresses, it makes her look like a mantis.
No. 456437
File: 1514575874113.png (261.64 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7413.PNG)

>>456435Same fag but I found a twitter called FuxkPumpy with some good content. It seems like it was made by Lex but I may be wrong. It was recommended when I was on her twitter.
No. 456446
File: 1514576336373.jpg (110.71 KB, 640x900, IMG_7416.JPG)

Thought this was also interesting
No. 456608
File: 1514588682748.png (96.72 KB, 872x438, ☽Stormy☾ StormysOfficial …)

>>456604looks like they're back together for now.
No. 456630
>>456604Nope. Nothing more stable than a 1 fucking month relationship and being broken up like 3 times. Wow "love of your life".
It's fucking embarrassing to not be able to hold down a real relationship for a few weeks at age 21, that's like shit that happens when you're 11.
No. 457449
File: 1514672909650.png (249.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171230-222153.png)

That's fucking disgusting if he's actually looked her up. Let's hope it is just the common nickname.
As if this relationship isn't messed up enough.
No. 459559
File: 1514899972090.png (331.16 KB, 1064x1684, Screenshot_20180102-133059.png)

Her Instagram is private but from captions you can read this appears to be another one of kyler's hoes. Yikes
No. 459601
>>459565Nope. It's just the thing white trash women do. They go after taken men because it makes them feel superior to other women, and drama.
White trash women love drama.
Kyler likes it because it boosts his ego.
No. 459635
File: 1514912580400.jpg (113.42 KB, 779x1089, EI8dWfC.jpg)

>>459559Here is another girl he is dating.
Her Twitter: Instagram: is following her too.
No. 459648
>>459601"White trash women "
While I'm not going to disagree that these girls are trashy, I do want to point out that other races of women who are insecure and desperate enough share community dick too. I see it often in the hood
No. 459659
>>459648its a colloquialism, calm down. all the girls hes fuckin are publicly white.
and at any rate, he probably doesnt give af getting laid all the time. who cares if all the puss is fighting? they will still throw themselves at him to prove who is bottom bitch
No. 459715
File: 1514916634536.jpeg (346.27 KB, 750x1247, ACAD56F4-59B8-4EFF-AF15-554EDF…)

Ariana (dtxkitten) commenting on Erin’s picture of her holding Kyler’s hand. I don’t know if it’s meant to be back-handed or not.
No. 459717
File: 1514916824610.png (291.19 KB, 750x1334, 4439A1AA-9F8E-41CC-BDFE-743B4C…)

Samefag again and scratch that, it looks like they’re actually friends.
No. 459728
File: 1514917359925.png (1.04 MB, 897x781, fq.png)

>>459692Nola, deffo. She's in the French Quarter or at least right outside going off her instagram. Magazine St., House of Blues, poboys, etc.
No. 459733
File: 1514917546734.jpeg (173.97 KB, 750x658, 72268BBD-9303-41E0-8A18-A55C77…)

No. 459786
>>459708They all seem to know and be friendly with each other, even though I think it's a bit odd they're each talking about him like he's the love of their life n shit.
Pumpy is the only one who seems delusional that she's the only one. She thought she was just working on replacing lex but now there's more of em surfacing lmao.
No. 459956
File: 1514933587048.png (748.04 KB, 1080x1298, Screenshot_20180102-222950.png)

She lasted 10 minutes then fucked off lol. Best camgirl evurrrr
No. 459970
>>459728This one (Erin?) is cute at least.
Them all being friends (or friendly) and in the know fits the typical poly narrative (openness, honesty, etc). It's only Pumpy who doesn't fit in at all, and seems completely deluded and petty.
No. 460382
>>460212>>460332Nayrt but nobody has cared since your first offended reply. Stop being so
triggered and upset about being white. It was just an extremely common expression the original anon was stating. No one is attacking white people, don't be so quick to get offended.
Sorry for contributing to this garbage fire but cmon.
No. 460515
File: 1514985761485.png (Spoiler Image,866.45 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20180103-131257.png)

You ever seen mans look so bored.
Sat in his fucking t-shirt, glasses and socks lmao.
I cracked up when he takes his socks up mid video.
Here's the video No. 460524
File: 1514987652946.png (Spoiler Image,311.85 KB, 562x542, derpomgtits.png)

Btw meg made her pink sparkle vid free on manyvids and i just watched it and it was fucking bizarre.
It didnt feel like porn, it was like some weird psychedelic shit.
Dumping some screenshots but you should watch it for the creepy ass music and camera effects, its proper odd.
No. 460528
File: 1514987733025.png (Spoiler Image,274.76 KB, 497x494, sausage.png)

>>460527the sausage boob scared the shit outta me
No. 460533
File: 1514988259036.png (Spoiler Image,200.99 KB, 635x354, kylerbelly.png)

>>460522yes, here's the bit where his belly falls out and he quickly covers it back up.
No. 460534
File: 1514988350385.png (Spoiler Image,220.63 KB, 633x359, strangecontraption.png)

Am I on drugs or is he wearing some kind of weird shapewear? it looks like its sucking him in, i can see a weird band shape around his waist.
No. 460572
File: 1514993549535.jpg (54.99 KB, 479x592, pedro.jpg)

>>460533Oof. Wasn't expecting that. That's… unfortunate.
So all of his girls are in it just because he has a nice dick?
No. 460661
File: 1515000274752.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-172121.png)

Her own thread is dead and probably not worthy of resurrection, so posting her here. This beauty is MishaMayfair, a few years back she was a thin, blonde beauty and then she stumbled into porn and here she is now. Specialises mostly in degradation and piss porn because no real studios will take her.
No. 460702
File: 1515003705252.jpg (38.3 KB, 748x571, IMG_20180103_181912.jpg)

No. 460728
>>460533That is… pretty gross. No wonder he likes the anorexic queen herself.
>>460702also kek
No. 460846
File: 1515016005249.jpg (53.02 KB, 720x480, tumblr_p1tq7bNUGn1tvky6qo1_128…)

The crop of this photo makes her look morbidly obese
No. 460858
File: 1515017082484.jpg (28.66 KB, 363x500, Catwoman-Plastic-Surgery-Disas…)

>>460846Her face is a trainwreck compared to being just fat.
No. 460864
>>460858Yeah she somehow has the look of a surgery disaster despite never having any. Well not cosmetic anyway, dunno about anything else.
If she stopped overdrawing her lips like that it would help.
No. 460869
File: 1515018027783.jpg (Spoiler Image,35 KB, 720x405, IMG_20180103_221813.jpg)

>>460864Excuse me?
>>460515His creepy nasal breathing sounds give me shudders.
Also, wow, what a great porn star, looking bored af, being a passive "dominant", and too insecure to take off his shirt. I'd feel scammed if I'd paid for this shit.
No. 461311
>>460515He actually looks petrified when she is first blowing him lol. Also I thought everyone was going too hard on him in the comments, he looked like he could have been sort of cute in photos but I take it all back after seeing the video.
Is this guy like rich or something? Or mad charismatic? He has a pretty nice car and was able to open his own shop, curious how is he managing that on being a piercer.
No. 461507
>>460515Ew, he looks like Hank Green.
>>460791I agree. She obviously has no problem spending with exorbitant amounts of money. Might as well put it to good use for once.
No. 461592
File: 1515076462247.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.25 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180104_143052.jpg)

No thanks grandma
No. 461594
File: 1515076523239.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.31 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180104_143102.jpg)

At least it looks fully hard this time lol
No. 461723
File: 1515088929137.jpg (315.63 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180104-175908.jpg)

Why is she getting the injection if she is planning on being faithful to kyler and he has had the snip?
No. 461792
>>461739But the long term effect ones are risky cos you dunno how your body will react and it's stuck in your system. Pills stop periods and they're easy.
My sister had the injection and bled for months on end, I had same problem with the implant so I had to take pills to stop the bleeding and then you're on 2 forms of BC which is a waste of time.
No. 461797
>>461792it's almost like medications work differently for everyone!
and learn to sage
No. 461899
File: 1515098226767.png (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-203559.png)

Why is she scratching herself with a switchblade? Lol
No. 461993
>>461899She made a knifeplay video.
Anyway! She always says stuff like pic attached whenever her and Kyler “break up,” which would make this number 5? At this point when it happens literally every week, I assume it’s just whatever unchecked personality disorder she’s got causing her to “walk out,” only to come back an hour later and stuff his cock in her mouth and for some reason feel validated that she’s in control of any of this.
No. 461994
File: 1515103381781.jpeg (258.37 KB, 750x827, 75F0E52C-6FF1-4EC5-A216-1DB9D5…)

>>461993Oops! Dropped the pic.
No. 462064
>>461914>>461987If you're going to lightly scratch yourself then just use your fingers. Is her blade dull af or does she barely touch herself with it.
That is not knife play. They're not cuts, they're scratches which you do not need a knife to achieve.
It's like some borderline self harm, of course it's cos "kinky" not cos you're mentally ill and she isn't cutting herself as such, this reminds me of 12 year olds who try their first self harm with a compass or something.
No. 462067
File: 1515108530572.jpg (211.62 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20180104_232229.jpg)

What even is this picture?
No. 462075
File: 1515108712076.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-232304.png)

Her hair is truly butchered, she seems to think she can go back to once she once had without taking into account every time she bleaches it, it gets worse and worse. This ugly blonde colour is probably the worst she could go for right now.
She's either stopped wearing extensions because it pulled her hair out or hair natural hair is so fried that it's painfully obvious where her real hair ends and extensions start.
No. 462089
>>462082Knife play is not tickling yourself with a knife, that's guff. She could create the same effect by rubbing a pencil on her body.
Knife play is actually cutting and if you do it alone then you're just self harming. Try gloss it up how you want, you're a self harmer. Your motive doesn't change what it is.
No. 462143
File: 1515113607297.jpg (26.19 KB, 1080x360, IMG_20180104_181446.jpg)

Lol even meg said this pic was crap, but it's not a bad shot, it's crap cos she's in it.
No. 462644
File: 1515165825137.gif (Spoiler Image,2.87 MB, 450x253, tumblr_p233sjGmB81tvky6qo1_500…)

Well this looks cringe af
No. 462924
File: 1515190452704.png (312.38 KB, 589x860, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 2.12…)

So much for getting fired
No. 462958
>>462924Kek at that second comment
I can't imagine having to work with someone who's only experience is porn just cause she's fucking the boss.
No. 463350
File: 1515227446110.png (81.7 KB, 584x314, Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 12.2…)

No. 463772
>>463544When she was drunk and camming she did nothing but talk nonstop about Kyler, and she basically said it was HER plan to get Lex fired, take her job, and move in with him. She kind of implied that he never agreed to it at all more than the basic level of her asking about them moving in together at some point and him saying “yeah sure honey.”
She also said regardless of whether they stay together, she’s still moving to NoLA. Morgan goes full-blown psycho and it’s a beautiful demise.
No. 463788
File: 1515283020404.jpeg (484.88 KB, 750x1023, 4043C855-429D-493C-8356-80F2AA…)

>>463772Samefag but here’s a recap of that.
No. 463815
File: 1515285129865.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.05 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180107_003018.jpg)

She got a spray tan lmao
Ugh she's so angular.
No. 463817
>>463683I think for the ManyVids stuff, Alton Fishlips had to sign a consent form and other paperwork for the site to be willing to sell the video.
He's just incredibly arrogant and stupid to think that this won't come back to haunt him.
No. 463820
>>463815When I first saw this I thought the reflection of her knee in the mirror was her hip bone and I almost threw up.
She does look a little healthier though, or at least a little less terrifying.
No. 464136
File: 1515332042325.gif (Spoiler Image,2.48 MB, 500x290, tumblr_p26raxeQl71tvky6qo1_500…)

Is she supposed to look fucking possessed sucking that dildo? Lol.
Plus who the fuck wants a bid so dark you can barely see anything?
No. 464838
>>464136This is so unintentionally hilarious.
>the speed at which she's sucking it>the sequence of clips set up so her blowing the dildo is like the punchline>the horror movie vibes from the lighting What an absolute treasure.
No. 465023
File: 1515425331419.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.65 KB, 1080x1921, IMG_20180108_152428.jpg)

Fake tan looks wack
No. 465064
File: 1515430026039.jpg (Spoiler Image,285.29 KB, 2332x1256, IMG_20180108_164454.jpg)

Lol at kyler.
Apparently she said "I love you", no response and he left.
Loving the white face, tan body look.
No. 465075
>>465064Tbh Kyler saying those things seems like… really mean
I follow the thread and know the whole deal but this just seemed nasty
No. 465249
File: 1515445897302.jpg (242.99 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20180108_211030.jpg)

What is this flamingo pose about?
No. 465270
>>465260Loool, you know I wouldn't be shocked if she got kyler's name on her.
What would she get on her face? Lotte already stole the "moon tattoo on the face camgirl" medal
No. 465370
>>465270I think she said a mandala. And then her super high friend who was randomly there for awhile was like "I looooooveeeee mandalaaaas".
Mandala/sacred geometry tattoos, while visually more intricate and pretty, are totally the next tribal tattoo.
No. 465459
>>465370Ha, another major fucking cliche then.
Swear only whit people get em despite it being a religious symbol. She probably thinks it's just to do with astrology n shit.
Why are all camhoes obsessed with astrology and horoscopes? You have to be dumb to believe in that shit surely?
No. 465661
File: 1515469565251.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-045425.png)

I don't understand why Stormy and all these other chicks are so wrapped up on this guy
No. 465950
File: 1515506792289.png (110.88 KB, 1080x445, Screenshot_20180109-135834.png)

How long till she gets an STD?
P.s she's single again! The weekly breakup is here.
No. 465951
File: 1515506882166.jpg (33.16 KB, 1024x507, IMG_20180109_140716.jpg)

Juggling 20 women would be easier than 1 pumpy
No. 465953
File: 1515507905360.jpeg (182.97 KB, 750x706, FEE463A2-BFD3-4D35-BF5C-6DF603…)

hand tattoos without a sleeve are cringe IMO
No. 466262
File: 1515532609222.jpg (121.61 KB, 1072x443, Screenshot_20180109-211316.jpg)

"cleaned" her vagina? Wtf is she doing to it? Something unnatural and potentially harmful I bet.
No. 466329
>>466262She uses summers eve like a fiend and defends the fuck out of it lol
You can see it in all her shower snaps
No. 466388
File: 1515538177644.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180109-224632.png)

Lol at her posting this like "look, look, I am not diseased" like umm ok? Congratulations. What an achievement!
Idk what average is for sexual partners at age 21 is. I can't tell if I expected more or less from her.
No. 466446
>>466422Yeah that does seem unnecessarily intrusive.
Sage for being 6 at age 25 and I'm dead shy so I just won't Shag strangers cos I don't trust em.
No. 466463
>>466422agreed, I honestly can't see a reason for it if you're clean. or even if you're not. like, it's on you to tell these people you have a STD, the doctor literally does not need to know the number.
in the interest of being on topic, however, i'm curious what the fuck her answer to the birth control answer is. it looks like it says "just a few" but that doesn't make sense. then again, stomy has an IQ of like 85.
No. 466609
File: 1515599877111.jpg (188.28 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180110_154953.jpg)

Any sane man would swipe left but we know the world is full of desperate guys just tryna get their dick wet.
No. 466840
File: 1515615768977.jpeg (181.78 KB, 750x1073, 23DA431C-E899-4870-BF61-DC9972…)

I just feel bad like an insecure person like pumpy obviously cannot handle a poly relationship but since “sex workers are suchh liberal ethereal beings unhindered by jelalousy and monogamy” she’s too insecure to even admit that it’s not for her so she stays miserable
No. 466859
>>466463Every form I've ever filled out has just asked me how many sexual partners have you had in the past year, i.e. since your last screening. The people she had sex with two years ago are perfectly irrelevant, provided she's had full STD panel since then. I think the form is outdated or she just misread the question.
Other than that, I think they ask just to lecture you, make sure you're using condoms, etc. because anything that isn't "zero" is honestly not informative.
As to her answer, I honestly think she started to write "just condoms" and scribbled it out to write prophylactics in an attempt to sound smart, or maybe Plan B, or pull out. Whatever it is it definitely looks like it starts with a "P." So maybe it could say "just whatever a few times," or something. Who knows.
No. 467001
File: 1515631671803.jpg (360.07 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180110_163042.jpg)

Pumpys journal entries are along the lines of something a 5th grader would be write and be proud of. This is a mess. Is she seriously trying to take shots at Kyler through a journal looking like it's written by someone who has the mentality of an 8 year old?
No. 467008
File: 1515632027708.jpg (967.56 KB, 1536x2048, 20180110_163209.jpg)

"I am a great loving girlfriend & friend. I have wholesome relationships"
For the lols
No. 467438
>>467391It was a pretty obvious exaggeration, but thank you for the condescending lesson on human anatomy that no one needed nor asked for.
Maybe someone can teach you how to sage!
No. 467703
>>467438Fucking lol
Sage for shitting up the thread but…lol
No. 467858
File: 1515716244398.png (86.55 KB, 1080x380, 20180111_160924.png)

Kyler broke up with Pump'n'dump a couple days ago and she tried to make him jealous by going on 2-3 tinder dates in one day. Kyler probably didn't give a fuck and she feels gross for it. Also probably didn't use a condom with any of the random tinder hookups.
No. 467860
File: 1515716459242.png (81.62 KB, 1080x363, 20180111_161928.png)

She says this like she's usually perfect or something
No. 468030
File: 1515728986257.jpeg (103.47 KB, 750x728, 59B34FAB-DDDD-44AB-A152-235F00…)

No. 468040
File: 1515729410015.png (146.29 KB, 887x804, ☽Stormy☾ on Twitter i made 1…)

No. 468055
>>467878They broke up every week, so who knows. I’m pretty sure she was the one who “ended” things each time, not for illegitimate reasons because having a boyfriend who “cheats” on you with his two other girlfriends is a pretty good reason to break up with someone. I don’t know if it was all an act and she just needed the attention or if he convinced her to “take him back” each time, but I don’t think he actually ever gave a fuck about her so it’s probably the former. I bet she tried to break up with him yet again and this time he wouldn’t take her back because it was an easy out of this crazy bitch’s nonsense. I would say camp her MFC because she likes to her drunk and overshare, but take anything she says with a grain of salt. She’s fucking delusional.
>>468030It’s kind of funny that she refers to him as “another girl’s boyfriend” instead of her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her or something. Kind of proves the point that for the past few months she’s just been lying out her ass about “Kyler is MY BOYFRIEND ONLY and he LOVES ME ONLY and everyone is a crazy stalker except for ME REEEEEEE.”
No. 468061
File: 1515730530258.png (307.49 KB, 750x1334, 13E49CA2-9718-424A-8E1D-642A84…)

Unlike the previous weekly breakups, this is the first to earn the official “single” status on Facebook.
No. 468067
File: 1515730918283.png (442.73 KB, 750x1334, D29B719F-1B04-4E6A-AC56-5101E1…)

>>468061She also unfriended/blocked him on Facebook, but I would like to think this is a dig at Pump and it made me laugh. You just know she was throwing the whole “thanks for the $15k” bullshit in his face.
No. 468117
File: 1515734590685.png (181.33 KB, 632x870, whom.png)

lol the grammar bot called her out on misuing 'whom' again
No. 468118
File: 1515734647037.jpg (260.65 KB, 1256x1330, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 9.22…)

man her tweets are so milky rn
No. 468119
File: 1515734664267.jpg (209.14 KB, 1260x1072, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 9.22…)

No. 468120
File: 1515734700384.jpg (285.85 KB, 1246x1352, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 9.23…)

No. 468121
File: 1515734746522.jpeg (173.8 KB, 750x356, 0361A4AD-4177-401B-966D-D4B86E…)

>I slept with someone after we broke up and tried to rub it in his face and he said “fuck you” he’s so abusive. :( But at the same time I’m going to tweet about how I’m being gaslighted because I had to apologize when I acted like a bitch “in response to his shitty behavior.” :( THE ABUSEEEEE
Holy fucking hypocrite.
No. 468129
File: 1515735089886.jpg (241.87 KB, 1920x1322, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 9.25…)

No. 468199
File: 1515742128006.jpg (208.54 KB, 2316x1128, Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 11.2…)

already deleted her freakout thread about kyler cheating on her, just left this first sorta respectful tweet. he probably texted her to take that shit down already.
No. 468274
File: 1515762025023.jpg (134.5 KB, 1016x697, Screenshot_20180112-125829.jpg)

Oh god no.
No. 468478
File: 1515786091854.jpeg (487.6 KB, 746x1126, BE9D4716-E0F4-4C9F-9A66-66E3AB…)

Bitch yo standard low af and maybe just maybe it’s not them it’s you! Ever thought of that Pumpy?? stop viewing every single penis in your life as potential partner wtf
No. 469283
File: 1515883048860.jpg (413.12 KB, 1039x1250, Screenshot_20180113-223555.jpg)

Maaaan I swear not even my nan's tits are this saggy.
No. 469328
>>468471No she knew what was happening. She talked shit about Lex every step of the way. She says she knew Kyler had a girlfriend when he first started talking to her and she "made them break up because [she] had the better pussy." She bragged about that. The cognitive dissonance was there at every point over the course of four months; when people told her that Lex and Kyler spent Thanksgiving together, she said, "yeah he's poly you fucking moron do you even know what that is?" She was bawwing about him "cheating" on her but then simultaneously calling Lex a "side hoe" yet she was also reluctantly acknowledging that Lex and Kyler were still dating. She couldn't keep her story straight but she KNEW the entire time. She's just trying to play the victim now.
The only thing I think she didn't know was that he was also dating another girl Erin, which is kind of hilarious.
No. 469346
File: 1515886782266.png (115.2 KB, 598x961, reunionincoming.PNG)

Who flip-flops more than this girl? Incredible.
No. 469348
File: 1515887195822.png (30.25 KB, 578x795, thecommondenominatorisyou.PNG)

Her life events on her Facebook is so funny to me. No better way to say "I've always been completely incapable of a healthy or normal relationship and it'll probably be like that forever."
No. 470241
File: 1515972959123.png (177.16 KB, 750x1334, 2A286566-78BA-4673-A8AE-F93363…)

So now she’s claiming that she’s going to go off of social media? Yeah right
No. 470243
File: 1515973017481.png (134.99 KB, 750x1334, 81CAAC5B-4EE0-4030-AE74-F4703C…)

So bummed nobody asked her anything and this thread didn’t turn into a shitfest like the one she deleted. Sage for no milk.
No. 470253
File: 1515973445860.png (804.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180114-234227.png)

She just said she has vampire teeth lmao. Um they're not anything like fangs, they're almost exactly the same as the rest.
No. 470254
>>470253Bish where??
She has really nice straight teeth that are perfectly in line. I have no idea why she or others say she has usual 'fangs'.
No. 470296
File: 1515977754809.jpg (127.98 KB, 889x451, safesexplease.jpg)

Talking about wanting some good dick. She said she had a one night stand recently and it just wasn't the same. Said the guy was really trying to get her off, and shoved his fingers up her ass. Said her number is now 11 but all the guys she has sex with have been with like 200 women so she doesn't feel like a slut. Now talking about gross guys with horrible hygiene, says she has flown out guys and then discovered they hardly ever brush their teeth. Says Kyler paid for his own flight because "she's a priority".
No. 470488
File: 1515989294889.jpg (92.58 KB, 1166x910, Screen Shot 2018-01-14 at 8.06…)

posting shit like this makes me think she's talking to him again.. she's so fucking dumb
No. 470771
File: 1516024323285.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.4 KB, 622x480, tumblr_p2kodyOW2k1tvky6qo1_128…)

Such a "goddess"
No. 471052
File: 1516045111869.png (168.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180115-192358.png)

Found meg posing as age 23 when she was like 15 on some anime lovers dating site.
Look she's used to be 5"2 but has magically shrunk to 4"10 in recent years.
No. 471053
File: 1516045200189.jpg (8.76 KB, 200x200, 3752125_2.jpg)

>>471052>Secret piercing, scarredLol. The good old gothy phase
No. 472028
File: 1516084457106.png (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180115-222714.png)

she went and got a bull knocker put on her face. 3edgy5u bruh.
No. 472316
File: 1516119750064.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-135859.png)

The jewelry choice is awful. White balls? Why?
No. 472375
File: 1516123556910.png (321.78 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180116-122058.png)

Saw this while searching her @'s and kek'd. Meg trying to get in good with an actually successful dom but her ugly face is too recognized.
No. 472378
File: 1516123583869.png (496.93 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180116-122108.png)

No. 472380
File: 1516123611247.png (450.96 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180116-122113.png)

No. 472967
File: 1516159832506.png (1.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-192535.png)

Shes destroyed herself in the process of trying to fit a particular mold because she has no sense of individuality. I don't know what to think. I'd feel bad if she wasn't such a narcissistic insufferable bitch.
No. 473110
File: 1516165658929.jpg (206.51 KB, 2096x1266, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 9.05…)

Still not only texting Kyler, but thinks that her sperging is worth sharing to her FB followers… lmao
No. 473129
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Fucking kek
No. 473151
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She’s backpedaling so hard.
No. 473167
>>473128K E K
just bc you can barely open your eyes doesn't make you Chinese, Meg.
Also love how she posted about taking a ~social media break~ on Tumblr and Twitter after those posts.
No. 473168
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Lookin like the sloth from ice age
No. 473172
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Oh sweety no she’s back w him I ain’t surprised tho
No. 473278
>>472967she's giving me some real "BODY WORLDS" vibes here. like, long dead, plasticised skin with no subcutaneous fat, and the boobs make it so much worse.
>>473129she's terribly fat and has no room to talk. and she's so, so unintelligent. i'd almost feel bad for her. she's not cute, not sweet, not funny, not intelligent, and isn't even a butterface, at the least. and is an unapologetic racist to top it all off. cute, meg.
No. 473499
File: 1516211199558.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180117-174527.png)

Lmao she looks a fucking state.
No. 473531
>>473172Why would he ever take her seriously? She bawks on and on about having self-respect and not having time for people who don’t make her a priority or whatever, but then she can’t even spend 48 hours away from him? He’s not going to leave his other girlfriends. He obviously doesn’t love her. Now he knows he can just keep doing this forever and she’s always going to be there to throw herself at his feet and on his cock. Pathetic! Sad!
I feel like she’s going to snap soon. I can’t wait for the attempted homicide mug shots.
No. 473544
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I’m so …confused. Pumpy is single but still texting/sexting Kyler and calling him bae and is now his ana buddy all the while posting shades at “cheating men”