File: 1607884349104.png (2.49 MB, 2000x1600, botched.png)

No. 1106584
SUMMARY: ScorpioAssHeaux / AliceAmoreLove / PickledPetShop / Ariana McMillan is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, and full service sex worker based in Philly.
>Has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky; constantly talks about needing more surgery to feel better about herself.>Posts before and after pics of her surgery nonstop, unable to see her own obvious physical decline and downward spiral despite spending hours staring at own face.>Previously obsessed with fillers, but just got a facial fat-transfer despite her face already looking a catcher’s mitt. Begged a plastic surgeon to just “take her money” when he declined to do the procedure, got her way.>Has a history of animal abuse: most notably a video of her spraying her hamster with water while it is backed into a corner in a cage >>1034430, and letting a pet gecko get so malnurished that gecko's jaw broke. Instead of taking it to the vet, PnP posted pictures of the Gecko to tumblr asking what she should do much to everyone's dismay. Currently owns a cat she hates and constantly posts videos of her "aggressively" playing with on Snapchat. Posted on tumblr she was going to spend money on her dog's much needed hip surgery, but never mentioned it again after annoucing her fat-facial grafting surgery. Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1081838First Thread:
>>>/snow/638649PREVIOUS THREADS:
>>>/snow/673730>>>/snow/686753>>>/snow/706068>>>/snow/730033>>>/snow/753018>>>/snow/778634>>>/snow/852217>>>/snow/852243>>>/snow/871373>>>/snow/884425>>>/snow/924837>>>/snow/983802>>>/snow/970102>>>/snow/955801>>>/snow/1005574>>>/snow/1081838LAST THREAD'S MILK:
>still recovering from her third nosejob, coincidentally still looks the exact same as before from the front>posted on her socials about randomly shaving both of her cats with clippers for no reason>wants a xanax prescription>still posting about disturbing sexual assault dreams on her sexwork twitter>just like before - still unable to come to terms with her real face and continues to fall back on beauty filters>lovebombing doormatt and trying to convince him to propose/marry her>claims she is an empath>mentioned another psoriasis flareup but nothing ever came of it>claimed she would be doing content with someone that "wasn't her boyfriend" but never happenedDELETED SOCIAL MEDIA:
Instagram: PlasticandProud, Plasticnproud, ScorpioAssHoe, PsoriasisandProud, VersatileHeaux, VersatileHeauxArt
Twitter: PlasticandProud, VersatleHeaux, PsoriasisandProud
Tumblr: inippleny, scorpioasshoe
instagram: No. 1106591
File: 1607884728843.png (338.57 KB, 588x719, 2020-12-13 13_39_20-Window.png)

she didn't even do a good job. i- No. 1106593
File: 1607884771013.jpeg (309.85 KB, 640x812, 7A3249AB-C0A3-41CF-84A0-72C383…)

People are pointing out on Twitter now that she’s lying about just shaving “a line” into her cats back and more people are piling in to this mess
No. 1106604
>>1106591>just a linefuck you Ariana. I almost feel like she's jealous of the cats so decided to shave their fur? Like when an
abusive parent shaves their daughter's hair as punishment (iirc a girl killed herself after that happened to her)
Absolutely unhinged behavior.
No. 1106605
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Just when I thought the milk had run dry, this crackers bitch shaves her fucking cats because
>I couldn’t stop myself
It’s the lack of agency or consent that’s the issue. You’re allowed to have a pet, it’s assumed that you’ll treat them with respect.
No. 1106616
File: 1607885853475.webm (2.77 MB, 720x1280, StorySaver.Org-scorpioassheaux…)
For archival purposes her is the vid
No. 1106629
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>this is cute
No. 1106639
>>1106633 people can literally report while posting here, just because you don't have the brain capacity to do two things at once doesn't mean everyone else does also sage your useless shit
>>1106629notice how she posted that + some random art shit after saying she was going to get off of twitter and stop entertaining people (rightfully) calling her out for the cat situation she's so blatantly desperate for attention
No. 1106640
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nightmare fuel
No. 1106646
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>>1106640Just wanted to post this sad sad caption before she deletes
No. 1106651
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It’s absolutely insane that she’s still showing off the shaved cats after so much backlash
No. 1106658
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Poor thing is sniffing at it’s fur all over the ground
No. 1106662
>>1106658this is next level, WHO SHAVES THEIR CAT? I have never ever shaved any of my cats all my life?!?
This is why Matt won’t marry her she’s unstable and that’s not attractive
No. 1106663
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>>1106629I love that she keeps making this retarded face like she’s feeling herself so hard when this is the ugliest she’s looked
No. 1106665
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>>1106664makes posts like this feel ironic as fuck
(from friday)
No. 1106666
>>1106658Wtf there is no need to shave a cat unless their fur is severly matted which I have only ever seen in long-hair cats and hers is a shorthair?
Cats are usually scared of the noise shavers make as well.
No. 1106671
I seriously pity ariana so much. She's so clearly unstable, lonely, and delusional. Nobody in her life cares enough to get her the help she needs to be a normally functioning adult. I'm in no way WKing her, I just feel really sorry for her unhealthy life. Only someone who is seriously disturbed would do the things she does and not see any problems with it. Digging herself into tens of thousands of dollars of debt due to her horrible self esteem, torturing her animals because she's bored, pretending to laugh in a series of photos alone in her home, having sex with random men for money, selling her porn for pennies, begging for food on the internet, the constant talking to herself, her obvious lack of hygiene…Jesus
No. 1106674
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No. 1106695
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she’s wondering why her Animal Rights Activist Vegan Best Friend isn’t texting her back kek
No. 1106699
>>1106674Glad she likes the way her cats feel now because that's all that matters/s.
I think she just did this to them to satisfy her curiosity and because she was bored, treating them like toys.
She considers her animals to either be an extension of herself, or she thinks of them as objects rather than independant living creatures.
No. 1106716
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>>1106695Why did she tag his sex work twitter lmao
No. 1106719
>>1106705That’s not true. Animal with double layer coats like some breeds of dog : husky, pomeranian, chow chow etc
If you shave them down to the skin the hair will be damaged forever and never grow back the same. Always grow back thin. Sorry for spelling errors
It’s bad to shave animal like cats because they can’t regulate their temperature properly
No. 1106728
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>>1106716Her “best friend” is a degenerate
No. 1106734
>>1106616>>1106674>>1106640>>1106646this vile, painfully ugly, filth-covered, self-obsessed, greasy, ratty, inbred hillbilly, Baba-Yaga-cum-Gollum-lookin-ass, BPD motherfucker needs be permanently kept away from animals. instead of mutilating roadkill and humiliating her own pets so her sad, deflated, bony ass get get some kicks, she should institutionalize herself
No. 1106735
>>1106719That's not true about mammals with double layer coats, it's just a myth/old wifes tale and her cats don't have double layer coats anyway.
All mammals (including humans) have very similar structure to their skin and if cutting your hair doesn't fuck it forever, neither will cutting any other animals fur, hair follicles are deep down in the dermis, you can't damage them without causing bleeding.
If you look at the histology of a feline hair follicle and a human hair follicle you can see how similar they are and why cutting the hair above the stratum corneum (top cornified layer of epidermis) will make no difference.
No. 1106742
>>1106735it absolutely is true about huskies at least. No one asked for your blog, sperg.
No. 1106780
>>1106745Exactly. She’s lying when she says they didn’t mind it. I think Tarte pissed her off and she shaved him in “revenge”. Basically tortured it (she has said in the past that she feels the cat tortures her, right?). Makes sense she would feel justified to do that since she’s a psychotic evil cunt. Maybe she liked the feeling so much she did it to the other cat? I’m not sure, who knows what goes on in that fucked up head of hers.
That video of her spraying the hamster was clearly torture - this is probably behaviour that isn’t new to her. She puts it out in the open and
defends it too… who knows what she does to animals behind closed doors when no one is looking…
No. 1106796
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No. 1106805
>>1106789She did it to the cats because they probably bother her more than the dog. Tinfoil but I agree with anons when they say she probably did it as a weird power move at Tarte and then when her BPD mania settled she probably realized how bad it looked and shaved the other so she could say "teehee I was bored". Theyre only half shaved because the only parts she could reach and grab easily while they tried to wriggle away is their backs/behinds and it would make sense considering how poorly they were even shaved. We know she thinks Tarte legitimately gives her PTSD on /purpose/. I dont put it past her to think its just "harmless revenge". After the pics of her Gecko surfaced and seeing she was just going to sell the thing for weed after people were begging her to get the poor thing with its jaw half off to a vet really cemented her hatred of animals to me. Not to mention she literally stuffs dead rats so there's definitely a weird red flag there in combination with how she treats her living breathing pets.
I know people love to go on about how people with BPD "are the most empathetic people out there" but they also tend to forget its black and white empathy. I think she truly thinks her pets are evil when they make her upset.
No. 1106808
>>1106796How can she not differentiate a professional groomer who is shaving a cat with intention…from herself, bored, having a manic episode where she destroys her cats' coats FOR NO FUCKING REASON
Incoming: she's going to post about how her cats had _____ (insert problem here) and now that their backs are shaved they feel so much better
No. 1106812
>>1106780Yeah I mean I find it hard to beleive any cat would be 100% okay with being shaved like that unless you had gotten them used to the noise and feel of clippers from a very young age.
Rescue cats with severe mats often need to be sedated because being shaved stresses them out so much.
No. 1106820
>>1106796Pathetic that she's posting shit like this to try and normalize her deciding to randomly shave her cats backs haphhazarly because she was bored.
Like her just swiping at her cats fur with the clippers she probably uses for matts hair is in any way similar to this professional grooming.
No. 1106823
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>>1106629Her armpit looks just like her grey meat cavern
No. 1106830
>>1106824EXACTLY. I had to have a cat shaved (
professionally) because she had very long hair and had developed a matte on her back. She was so scared that she peed herself during. It upset me so much and literally traumatized me as much as her. The fact that she did this to her pet ~just for kicks~ is sociopathic. WHY would she enjoy that?! Other than the fact that she enjoys making others suffer?! She seems to be experiencing some emotional distress after her surgeries, maybe because she’s realizing she’s STILL not happy AND *still ugly?
No. 1106837
Didn’t she post a tweet about how she had an urge as a kid to capture things and dissect them or had dreams about it as a kid or something? I might not be remembering exactly what she said but that coupled with her loving to put her grubby hands inside dead animals and this
>>1106745 100% makes her sound like an absolute psychopath. And alllll the trauma she’s put animals through in the past either by just being fucking evil or absolutely neglectful…
I hope Matt gets her dabbed tf up tonight and shaves the whole crown area of her head.
No. 1106858
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This is obviously a farmer but whewwww…I hope more people see this.
No. 1106973
File: 1607914590017.png (2.85 MB, 1242x2688, 6A09DD3C-8BA2-471F-B12C-998A30…)

She either got deleted or deactivated, not sure but Twitter stopped loading within the last 10 mins
No. 1106976
>>1106973“There is no need to be mean to me, someone is already doing that”
The fucking ~
victim~ complex of this useless whore
No. 1106980
File: 1607915353938.png (74.44 KB, 591x959, 2020-12-13 22_09_47-Window.png)

>>1106977looks like she's deleting all her tweets or soemthing. i'm only seeing replies from march as of now.
No. 1106986
>>1106980her media is empty and it just says she hasn’t tweeted yet, maybe she’s using one of those mass tweet deleters?
definitely not deactivated tho, it would show 0 following/followers after reactivating it. also doubt she would’ve done that before suicide baiting.
maybe matt/aaron actually did call her out, she deleted the tweet at aaron and classic BPD ari would take it to the extreme and delete everything to pretend it never happened.
No. 1106988
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She’s deleting all her tweets but honey gotta make sure to rep that OF tho.
inb4 some ramblings about how she is trying to use her twitter strictly for sex work
No. 1106993
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“This tweet has been deleted.” Too bad you can still view it from the retweets it got.
No. 1106995
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Screenshot from her IG story. Aaron is trying to pet her cat and the cat turns their head towards him and you can see these horrible chunks where she completely fucked this shave job. It looks horrible and like, what happened Ari? Looks like your cat didn’t fucking like it and you probably couldn’t “fix” it to make it look better because your poor cat was probably terrified. She’s a fucking nut.
No. 1106996
File: 1607917008415.jpeg (230.81 KB, 1242x2208, CF21F110-0C83-4618-A590-EA0EEA…)

She also deleted her story and all but one post
No. 1107062
>>1106986Bpdfag here, I can say with near absolute certainty that this is exactly what
triggered her meltdown. Although she relishes in arguing with strangers online, she's simply not mentally equipped to handle criticism coming from her loved ones. To a volatile narcissist like her, the pain would be nearly unbearable. But instead of seeking help and getting medication, she's a coward who tries to elicit compassion by deleting everything and hoping someone reaches out. Newsflash, dipshit: you're nearly 30 and you need learn how to admit when you're wrong. The reason no one is reaching out to you is because you're profoundly unlikeable.
(no1curr Dr. Phil) No. 1107067
>>1107062If someone close to her did call her out on it, I'd bet it wasn't even a huge scolding, just a "hey maybe you shouldn't do it again"
I can totally imagine her recoiling, lashing out and sobbing like a toddler lmfao.
No. 1107078
She is 26 (but that’s still not ”nearly 30”)
No. 1107082
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This reply is problably one of the reasons that she deleted her tweets - so no one would go back and check the tweets about her dogs hip operation
No. 1107085
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>>1107082pepperidge farm remembers
>>978346 No. 1107124
>>1107107what a nitpick when she’s literally just shaved two entire cats. she’s clearly not putting pressure on it’s face and cats rub their cheeks against extended objects. it’s this kind of comment that makes her think the internet is over reacting. Focus on her actual nutty,
abusive behaviour
No. 1107128
>>1107124i also don’t think she’s pinching his face, but the cat does look uncomfortable. there’s not enough information to tell though so i agree with your point.
also the cat probably didn’t “not mind it at all” it probably went into freeze mode and just let it happen because it’s already been struck and tormented by her. the cat is going to remain uncomfortable until it reaches a limit, all this does is put stress on an animal that will have enough and ariana will likely cause real damage to the cat if/when it does. this is just fucking disturbing, she does so much disgusting things to and with animals i’m so over it. i wonder how her dog’s hip is doing..
No. 1107131
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This has def. Been posted before but we need to revel in it
No. 1107178
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She deleted everything on her Twitter except a rather Ironic retweet showing her complete lack of awareness and her nasty ass nudes where she’s still wearing that thong that’s so old and dirty its gone gray
No. 1107181
>>1106674It’s so weird that she thinks other people would get enjoyment out of this.
Like, is she actually maybe retarded? Or maybe she wasn’t socialized as a kid and her parents kept her goblin ass locked in the attic? She seems to not have the impulse control that almost every functioning human has. She cheats without thinking, she hurts animals for fun, lets them die because she’d like to, lets them suffer because she wants to spend her pennies on botched surgery for her droopy doughy grandma face…I’ve never seen someone with an IQ over 100 do the shit she does. Having zero self control while doing weird ass shit that makes you feel good sounds like actual junkie behavior.
No. 1107423
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How ari looks vs how she LOOKS
No. 1107508
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>>1107015She’s really mirroring freaky fred lately
No. 1107583
File: 1608061105247.jpeg (140.46 KB, 1125x303, 7416D993-6C5D-40A5-B86A-CBBDCE…)

Lol she just tweeted this. People calling her out for her bs about the cats really got to her huh? Let’s see for how long she will keep herself from oversharing
No. 1107585
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Funny how she's not calling it "the h word" anymore.
No. 1107594
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The video didn't post so I'm reposting. Her face in motion is so grotesque, sad that she spent so much money to still look like a with lol.
No. 1107710
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No commentary needed
No. 1107723
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>>1107694>>1107694Just found this horrid idiot on the site after following another cow and until the cat shaving, i didnt get why she was so hated. I get it now…
Anyway, to chime in bc im deep diving thru all the old threads, i second it wont last. From a year ago
No. 1107749
>>1107734I'm honestly horrified. Thought she was insecure and addicted to plastic surgery. But shes a fucking
abusive, nut job piece of white trash garbage.
No. 1107775
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No. 1107828
>>1107667I can't either. That's one of the most unhinged things I've seen a cow do on here. Truly insane shit
I wonder what matt said to her about it
No. 1108007
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Although it would be so satisfying to see ariana actually stick to posting only sexwork on her sexwork account with little to no interaction on her vomit-inducing posts as she fades away from any internet fame she once had…I know that it won't last. She would never admit it, but she thrives on the attention that she gets from this board. It makes her feel important. I give it 3 days max before she's oversharing again.
No. 1108059
File: 1608102029695.jpeg (430.42 KB, 1125x1963, BA970ECC-E4FA-40E9-B140-C803AC…)

Looks like Matt is no longer in his band
No. 1108143
>>1108059She 100% manipulated him into quitting
ALSO what happened to that "video with someone new" she was so excited about? It's the 2nd time already that she's bailing
No. 1108283
>>1108072It doesn’t make sense that he would quit of his own accord- it seems like his social life/hobbies revolved entirely around the band and he was always posting about it on his socials.
Ariana has clearly manipulated him into leaving, probably because she wants to keep him isolated from friends that might notice red flags in their relationship and point it out, plus she won’t want him having any contact with other girls AND he waits on her hand and foot/ As much as I dislike him for enabling dough face, the level of emotional abuse truly sad to see.
No. 1108285
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No. 1108315
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This is so ugly wtf
No. 1108330
>>1108315Sage because artfag but sweet jesus this is the worst. Design totally incongruous with materials, totally out of place with itself even. WTF even is that awkward space to the left.
But you know, must be hard to be that hot and talented all day every day. Kek.
No. 1108342
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>>1108315Why the Grateful Dead skull? This has to be a gift for her grandad or something
No. 1108431
File: 1608149420937.jpg (488.91 KB, 2160x3840, 20201216_141000.jpg)

To whoever is cowtipping so hard, what do you seek to gain from this? You tagged an inactive unofficial account for the Philly police, you tagged some random person instead of Aaron, you have awful grammar, and you're coming off as an obsessive fan account. Take your meds.
No. 1108551
>>1108505yes she was bragging hard about how putting so many surgeries and purchases on credit card was actually really good because her credit score was going to be so amazing and she would get instantly approved. There was a twitter poll asking if any other sex workers ever had trouble getting approved for a mortgage. Then we never heard of it again. Topkek.
And one more - saying she didnt care about being ugly and was using her savings to get her dog Frogger much needed hip surgery instead of facial fat grafting. Her face bloat and dog barely being able to walk shows how that turned out.
No. 1108705
>>1108661Anon, I found one, where she’s listing her criteria
>>978243>>977522And that she’s going to buy a house rather than get more surgery. Good job Ariana.
No. 1108971
File: 1608205839676.jpeg (Spoiler Image,729.92 KB, 2048x2048, FDFFAED9-2418-4748-9457-BC74A4…)

When I look at her twitter now I can’t stop thinking about how it just looks like it’s one of those porn bot accounts, lol
No. 1109045
>>1108971Weird she isnt putting out new content? She posted her face a lot in selfies. I get maybe her thighs are still tender maybe? But she said she fucked doormatt on shrooms.
Guess MattCuck isnt even getting laid while shes “offline” hiding from shaving her cats. Matt sucks but even he has to see how unhinged that was. I wouldnt want to fuck her either.
No. 1109272
File: 1608240101170.jpeg (271.24 KB, 828x1431, 29A93700-7F4A-404D-8853-DFB7B4…)

Found this comment thread under a post on Ariana’s art twitter. Aaron is actually defending her. What a simp! He even agrees that it’s animal abuse but makes excuses for her. Ariana must be ashamed for her wrongdoings if she has to have other people defend her own battles. What she did revealed how truly unhinged she is. That’s why she is hiding and refuses to make a comment on her actions. She’ll die trying to cover up her faults before admitting she’s wrong. How sad.
No. 1109301
File: 1608242613694.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.38 KB, 871x1728, 20201217_170306.jpg)

Knobby knees
No. 1109322
>>1109301You can see her botched boob job scars through her bra kek
Also WHY is she standing on a container lid?? Lmao this is the most bizarre shit
MTF crackwhore realness.
No. 1109359
>>1109322Kek the fucking container lid, my god.
This is in the same league as kicking the rubbish out of shot then treading on the squeaky dog toy. Anyone else remember?
>perennial grey thong>container lid>shitting in trash can (will never not think she did this in the middle if the street)Absolute top of the class.
No. 1109361
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She's also hiding the comments so people won't see them.
No. 1109420
File: 1608251972012.jpg (Spoiler Image,376.46 KB, 964x911, SmartSelect_20201217-193537_Tw…)

Why do all of her panties look so old and crusty? You can smell this picture.
She expends all of this money and effort into surgery after surgery but not into buying underwear or even good looking lingerie… lmao
No. 1109485
>>1109420Yeah a lot of her underwear looks old and faded, like she's just chucked them in the wash with a pair of black jeans.
Like spending some money on quality underwear would probably be worth it for her if she learned how to look after it. Her thongs look too well worn.
No. 1109597
>>1109420all her panties look caked with lint and discharge yikes
maybe the WAP she keeps saying she has is just a yeast infection from her filthy house and hygiene habits
No. 1109686
File: 1608293565641.jpeg (Spoiler Image,452.92 KB, 1125x759, CA46FC13-0F70-41F9-9371-4992A3…)

6 hours later - only one retweet hahah. Sad
No. 1109772
Just because her scarred face and the dumb shit she says ages so well, here's that video where she says she did ¼ of a Xanax bar and passed out and it's a "reminder" how she just wastes her day on it and doesn't like it. So the big bag of Xans that magically appeared in her house, she ended up giving away and she's done and will never touch it again!
Fast forward to now and her drug-seeking mind is tryna think of how to get her psych to prescribe it to her because it's "sooo helpful." No. 1109967
File: 1608325642975.jpeg (605.24 KB, 750x990, F14D7EE9-6898-4D7A-B379-DFBC3D…)

Let’s not forget when she went through a “thrifting” phase and thought she could flip a bunch of ugly shit on depop. Now she just sells her own nasty clothes and markets them as nwot or “worn once” . You can literally dig through old threads and find her wearing these “nwot” tops on multiple occasions… What a liar/scammer.
No. 1110124
File: 1608336142421.jpg (550.83 KB, 1078x1214, Screenshot_20201218-185843_Sam…)

Bitch looking retarded with her hand awkwardly hiding in her sleeve. She is so awkward and uncomfortable. If Matt left her, there really wouldn't be anyone who would find her attractive. In all honesty, even Matt doesn't find her attractive. His dick is always so flaccid whenever Ariana is around.
No. 1110132
File: 1608336453422.jpg (111.97 KB, 1080x313, Screenshot_20201218-190600_Sam…)

No, he's always so soft that he doesn't even want to fuck it. I actually feel really sorry for him that he has to deal with her 24/7.
No. 1110165
File: 1608338373451.png (Spoiler Image,3.54 MB, 750x1624, 29D213C6-8BA9-443C-9493-7E5DA4…)

uwu retarded baby!!!
No. 1110168
>>1110071Who the fuck wants to think about someone’s nipples rubbing all over a used clothing article they’re considering buying?
You’re retarded. UwU free the nippleth
No. 1110631
>>1106616I still can't believe she shaved BOTH her cats in a manic episode for NO reason and is still trying to act like it's no big deal because they're indoor cats. The anon who compared it to them being naked is correct, it helps regulate their temperature so they can remain COMFORTABLE, especially during winter months. Unless this bitch plans to remain naked all winter in her shitty apartment, then fuck off with your excuses ariana and your lacky dog aaron.
And what if they need to go to the vet during the winter, or escape somehow? She has a million reasons why her fucked up behavior should be justified, but absolutely no reason for why she actually did it. It was truly animal abuse.
No. 1110783
File: 1608414390808.jpeg (260.39 KB, 1124x1761, AAE16584-7F34-41E6-8022-3D95DE…)

She’s constantly losing followers after the whole manic cat shaving incident.
No. 1111123
File: 1608452507125.jpeg (126.64 KB, 1242x244, 40C84833-873D-4A74-A8A1-5AEC5B…)

The desperation
No. 1111167
File: 1608465019257.jpeg (145.31 KB, 750x745, 8020271C-27FB-4355-B361-D90F2E…)

Anon who said she paid money to look like a fat girl was right. There is no way she actually thinks this looks good.
No. 1111196
>>1111186funny thing is she's way too much of a narc to be a "skin care only bitch"
she would never be able to stop contouring her nose, no matter how many times she shaves it down (which she will definitely do again- i'd bet good money on it)
No. 1111214
File: 1608476280840.jpeg (543.72 KB, 1638x2048, CA14DCC7-B45E-49AB-98C4-A3B0B8…)

Her newest piece…what is it with Ariana’s interest in seeing animals suffering?
No. 1111284
File: 1608486867447.png (5.56 MB, 1242x2208, E97BA4F1-9AC8-446F-AD6E-3B7525…)

she clearly doesn’t understand that “oof” is not complimentary and doesn’t see the irony of her calling her own “art” bad
No. 1111313
File: 1608489754249.jpeg (343.82 KB, 828x731, 8820A7E7-5EFC-4BA6-9DDB-A6C9DF…)

>>1111284It’s a diorama of her cro-magnon skull
No. 1111507
File: 1608508541009.png (5.12 MB, 1242x2208, 9F8544BB-0680-4EED-A200-12C744…)

Kek she still has this stupid fucking shirt on her Etsy
No. 1111824
File: 1608553335054.jpg (120.51 KB, 1080x699, Screenshot_20201221-071915_Sam…)

She can't even convince the "mystery guy" of either pre-pubescent-looking Aaron or old sugar daddy to fuck her for free on camera. You know she refuses to pick real male talent that would request being paid.
No. 1111831
File: 1608554414216.jpg (413.42 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1608553616755.jpg)

Even her OF is losing followers every month. Summertime she was getting 35-50 likes on her OF posts and now she's getting 3-8 likes on average.
She's asking for $12/month now, which seems like a stupid business decision considering no one wants to sub when she's on sale for only $3/month. She costs less than ugly people on 90 Day Fiance who have OF accounts. I know she's not business savvy at all, but she can't figure out why people don't like her shit on Twitter, IG, OF or buy any of her low-quality ManyVids, yet she continuously does and says things to drive away any decent person.
No. 1111836
File: 1608554890851.jpg (390.6 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20201218-065717_Sam…)

Sage for autism, but Ariana and Doormatt missed out on the chance to collaborate on making and selling this Gorilla Grip Doormat on PickledShitShop.
I guarantee even after it's used repeatedly, the Gorilla Grip Doormat will STILL be cleaner and smell better than both Ariana and Matt.
No. 1111837
>>1111836At least the Gorilla Grip Doormat can advertise itself as being natural.
The only thing natural about Ariana McMillan is her pancake ass, psycho behavior, and ugliness.
No. 1112169
File: 1608586705768.jpeg (268.31 KB, 828x987, F81F6F05-4F51-438B-A88E-A41CFD…)

Just when you thought she couldn’t have fewer pictures. For a moment a thought I was blocked or she went private, but nope.
No. 1112196
File: 1608587971645.jpg (324.93 KB, 972x4243, Screenshot_20201221-164653_Sam…)

Comedy gold: An analysis of her Twitter shows her "best friend" is her own PickledShitShop. And Donald Trump's Twitter account made her list of besties. So when she says how wEiRd everyone is for discussing what a dirty inbred rat she is when she claims to spend all her time and energy on things she enjoys, I guess she really just outed herself as a huge fan of Trump. And since she likes to remind everyone that her "sexual aversion" is fake and she loves sucking old man balls as long as they have money, sounds like Trump is the man of her dreams.
I know Matt doesn't have a Twitter, but it's pretty funny that Donald Trump is on her list of social media besties and Matt will never make that list. Ever.
No. 1112202
File: 1608588267594.jpg (281.18 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201221-170039_Sam…)

She talks to herself an average 64% of the time and tweets approximately 16x a day on average.
No. 1112204
File: 1608588337560.jpg (344.44 KB, 1080x1938, Screenshot_20201221-170312_Sam…)

Proof that the only people that converse with her are females. Aaron counts as a female.
No. 1112214
File: 1608589058251.jpg (122.95 KB, 972x2132, Screenshot_20201221-170158_Sam…)

Less than 2% of people she mentions or talks about on her page don't return the favor, which makes sense because she's so embarrassing that most people are probably content pretending they don't know her.
Considering the extremely low number of likes on her page (usually less than 30 despite having "17.7k" followers) it's clear her followers are predominantly bots and spam accounts. That's literally 2% of her "followers" who even like her posts. Even less people comment.
She really should give up on the social media. This is really embarrassing how desperate she is for attention, asking why people are ignoring her and not reposting her bullshit, constantly asking to be "gassed up" (which just brings to mind how she always looks like she smells like shit), asks her retard bf to write about how great she is so for her to repost, begging unsuccessfully for people to buy her used shoes in exchange for her porn, constantly talking about shooting porn that no one even buys or subs to… this is really sad. Talk about killing the poor ugly kid's self-esteem.
No. 1112403
File: 1608608317716.jpeg (323.06 KB, 828x1414, A8EC49EB-5D29-4C9C-B526-8A79E7…)

What IS this pose? WHY is she butt ass naked on her living room couch? Truly do not understand the appeal here.
No. 1112410
>>1112403Holy fuck she looks puffy. I get the swelling is supposed to go down but if she got a fat graft in her cheeks is she going to be puffy like that around the eyes forever? She looks like she had an allergic reaction after getting stung by a bee. None of her features even stand out its just one big puffy face.
No wonder she manicly shaved her cat. She was probably wanted to shave her head but realized shaving Tarte would relieve that BDD itch and distract her without compromising her fried mop.
No. 1113360
File: 1608739929849.jpeg (41.59 KB, 500x182, F1C9844C-CE6D-4042-A676-9B2BD5…)

Saw these books and immediately thought of Ari’s tube-shaped atrocities.
No. 1113432
File: 1608746103109.jpeg (236.7 KB, 1125x542, 2BF620AE-98DF-478D-BCA0-9AC898…)

She’s playing herself by restricting the comments on her posts hahah
No. 1113583
>>1112403I don't usually read the Belle Delphine thread but noticed that between the dressing up like a cat, ahegao face, and wannabe skateboard ramp nose, Ariana seems to really want to skinwalk Belle these days. The only difference is Belle is young, successful, attractive with or without makeup, has a real business, and understands marketing while Ariana is aging herself out of the SW industry, botched with or without makeup, has no business or financial savvy, and has an equally ugly personality to match with her ugly exterior.
Or she's just so basic that she looks like a low-quality, saggy-faced, try hard, trailer trash version of trendy young kids.
No. 1113705
>>1113583>The only difference is Belle is young, successful, attractive with or without makeup, I would accuse you of being Belle for this but her English skill is below yours.
Imo ariana is a lot prettier than Belle and uses less filters. Also not seeing the similarities, there's so many more obvious skinwalkers like rusty.fawkes or even lori.
No. 1114077
File: 1608812206593.png (2.52 MB, 828x1792, 83985D95-D6C6-428F-BAFB-8E81E5…)

Somehow came across a girl who also got her nose done by Ari’s surgeon and these comments sound familiar
No. 1114725
File: 1608907800058.jpeg (590.52 KB, 750x1092, 55D855AC-C716-4473-94B7-B942F4…)

“They usually sell out within minutes” sure ari sure
No. 1114762
File: 1608913716910.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.15 MB, 1827x2112, ratz.jpg)

>>1114725nobody wants rat king art ari
No. 1114975
File: 1608942455384.jpeg (378.94 KB, 1242x2208, 7F151D9D-81D8-4449-BCA2-908E5F…)

Gotta get just the right angle to attempt to make her nose look decent. Can’t wait till she Michael Jacksons that shit
No. 1115020
>>1114975what do you mean anon her nose is already so chopped up it resembles most ps-
victims noses. she will inevitably get another nose job but it‘s not like it isn‘t already mj levels of botched
No. 1115075
File: 1608956360360.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3464x3464, 5964BDD5-C6CD-4353-8B60-D3DFCD…)

Sometimes I genuinely wonder if ari is trans. came across this mtf pornstar that collabs with gothcharlotte often, and aris features are so similar. same waist, hips, jawline, etc. It’d be the biggest plot twist ever it she actually ended up being trans for real
No. 1115397
File: 1609007798750.png (10.5 MB, 1242x2208, A8409FA9-0CCE-4E40-8528-650B04…)

>>1115075Stop sperging about mtf shit again, it’s not interesting or milky at all.
Anyway….she’s been more active on Instagram today so hopefully this will be the start of her slowly returning back to her usual oversharing self after the cat shaving incident
No. 1115557
File: 1609027696600.jpg (1.26 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1609027449621.jpg)

Ariana and her face and overly contoured nose are so off putting. This is such a bad look and more reminiscent of a troll than a "Lil elf".
No. 1115768
File: 1609060027220.jpeg (15.35 KB, 358x311, 82A48CAD-4ECA-4180-B9D1-CF026D…)

Her nose looks like it was sewn on. And that’s with foundation & powder covering the scar? Yikes
No. 1115822
File: 1609075963185.jpeg (134.47 KB, 769x688, 7EE83FF2-96B9-4C84-B7F9-434545…)

>>1115557You missed the worst one (imo). She looks like a younger Jocelyn Wildenstein.. y’know, the plastic surgery addicted woman who looks like a cat? Insane.
No. 1115922
File: 1609089234385.png (6.85 MB, 1242x2208, C870D1BE-950F-4C7E-A4C5-250BD9…)

“Idk what my drawing style is lol” it’s bad. Your drawings are bad.
No. 1116003
File: 1609097433642.png (1.61 MB, 828x1792, 6DD10CEE-9B03-4283-A70D-2C30D8…)

So she’s been this vile since at LEAST 2011? How do you not realize there’s cat shit in your shoe
No. 1116065
File: 1609103934331.jpeg (687.96 KB, 960x958, 18CE16EE-7D7A-4409-9B4A-0C0428…)

>>1115822replying for reference… let's play a game. Where's Waldo but we're trying to find her within this collage.
No. 1116072
File: 1609104486453.jpeg (594.48 KB, 953x954, 988E83F1-2DC9-407A-B712-AB5FBA…)

[last one] when you spend tens of thousands of dollars to look like Sahar Luna but come out looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein
No. 1116077
>>1116040Wow she posted the cat shaving on all three of her social medias? That's nuts. She must have really thought people would find that funny…? Its honestly frightening how disconnected from reality she is.
Ari get some friends that isn't a SW fuckbuddy weirdo. I know your raging personality disorder will make it impossible to have other female friends but at least normal ones might stop you from posting your manic abusing of your animals on your social media next to your gaping asshole kek
No. 1116654
File: 1609175059347.jpg (321.56 KB, 1080x1592, Screenshot_20201228-115943_Ins…)

>>1115922Why would anyone's grandmother want a cracked out fairy with a plastic surgery ski slope nose sitting on a generic mushroom while holding a glittering ball of shit?! Ariana definitely is drawing what she wishes she looked like, from the shaggy copper hair to the skinny body, but in reality, the only accurate detail is the all-over stubble.
No. 1116656
File: 1609175220425.jpg (258.3 KB, 1080x1566, Screenshot_20201228-115951_Ins…)

>>1116654Pic of awkward half-shaven "Lil elf" is definitely what Ariana wishes she looked like. No wonder why she looks so bad… this is what she's striving for.
No. 1116725
File: 1609182381319.jpg (41.24 KB, 615x409, 2_Good-Morning-Britain-TV-show…)

>>1116065 I'm thinking Danniella Westbrook with that folded over nose and grandma mouth
No. 1116854
File: 1609193317009.jpeg (124.32 KB, 1125x811, 68033879-3EB6-462A-8587-285078…)

She cannot stop posting the same thing over and over about being ”hot and talented”
No. 1116863
File: 1609193649431.jpeg (487.82 KB, 1242x1439, E211A904-9B24-444B-90C8-40960C…)

She paid for this nose. Not too sure exactly how long it’s been since the surgery, but you would think the majority of the swelling would be gone by now. It literally looks worse from the front, it’s just a potato nose. Ever since she got her surgeries, she’s quit posting photos head on and I think it’s because you can tell it was a huge waste of money because she looks the same, if not worse. Straight on photos used to be her favourite angle. This is one of the few she’s posted, glad I caught it because she’ll probably delete
No. 1116866
File: 1609193886834.jpeg (274.68 KB, 1242x635, 8982CEDA-B9F6-4CFD-BCA1-45A186…)

She changed the caption
No. 1116880
>>1116866She's really out there trying to convince herself that she no longer cares what she looks like. The delusion.
Also, calls internet
toxic because she gets dragged for being
abusive to her pets & takes no accountability.. again. Right.
No. 1116906
>>1116863Well we will know for sure in probably a year with the swelling but I think we all know she won’t be satisfied even when it does go down
>>1116889Looks like it’s bleached again, how much longer until she dyes it red or black with box dye again?
No. 1116946
File: 1609201623599.jpg (226.11 KB, 742x983, 20201228_161959.jpg)

Her hair literally has an additional inch of "volume" to it lmfao too bad its just bleach induced frizz and breakage though. her hair probably snaps even if she brushes it with half a bottle of conditioner in it
No. 1117002
>>1116946I get the whole "major surgery can take up to a whole year before you see the final results" bullshit but considering she had to beg her twitter following for a ride to the plastic surgeon, scheduled on her bf's bday, was too broke to buy new clothes when in Texas, and is most certainly back in debt over this (havent seen her brag about paying bills like an adult in awhile) - that she did her nose job and fat grafting on a total whim. Why the fuck would someone who relies on their face to make an income, not:
1) save up money so she didnt have drive hours and stay in a rancid hotel with her fuck buddy before doing it
2) make sure she had good savings (not credit) to hold her over the year because now she's too insecure with her Goonies sloth face to produce SW/modeling content until her face settles down (if it does)
Yet another case of her mania showing its ugly rat face.
No. 1117008
File: 1609206783554.jpeg (37.02 KB, 445x338, BA1D02C0-2780-4CD2-8A63-FEAC35…)

>>1116942She’s literally so ugly that it’s jarring. She got half of her philtrum lopped off yet here it is a mile long and drooping off her face. Don’t even get me started on that smashed in nose.
No. 1117016
File: 1609207609170.png (2.1 MB, 1280x720, Her Face Got Big.png)

the side by side she'd never post
No. 1117028
File: 1609209331577.jpg (68.28 KB, 693x900, i can make babies laugh.jpg)

>>1117016face on the left reminded me of this, its the eyes
No. 1117029
File: 1609209331831.jpg (36.41 KB, 600x750, MB1005_600x_crop_center.jpg)

>>1117016She really out here looking like a whole latex mask. Should've stopped after the first nose job.
No. 1117265
File: 1609254348797.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, 0BE272FC-4BB3-4B5E-A25D-32B0FB…)

1/2 this piece of art is stolen it’s unoriginal and while that isn’t surprising at all, I do feel she should be called out for stealing other people art.
No. 1117268
File: 1609254541330.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, CDE522C3-806F-44E9-A3EE-DBC399…)

2/2 this is the original artist and piece that Ariana literally just /copied/ and claimed as her own lol (top left)
People who steal and profit off other people’s art are a different kind of sleazy
No. 1117311
File: 1609259307009.jpeg (587.8 KB, 750x1264, 6252AA14-2FCB-4B03-8E3F-B82929…)

>>1117273You’re right anon. And you taught me a new thing. Rat kings.
No. 1117425
File: 1609267535280.jpeg (463.79 KB, 1125x1987, 2FA8397D-76B3-48C9-AA82-8307C3…)

No. 1117503
>>1117425i think this might her highest priced art item on etsy to date? yet it looks like one of the pieces she put the least amount of effort into - unoriginal “edgy” image, basically just redrew the same rat 6 times in a circle. colored in the background. followed by what looks like a breeze accidentally blew bits of garbage into the resin while it was still wet.
what does she think is remotely worth $500+ ?
No. 1117550
File: 1609278609778.png (89.6 KB, 1202x444, 924873247.png)

ah yes, i'm sure tiktok is just the platform to peddle your ripped off art
No. 1117960
>>1117480She can't escort because she's a lazy bitch, scrotes will fuck anything lol
Ari half asses everything she does, she probably thought guys would be throwing themselves at her, not considering that being a prostitute is a job with heavy heavy competition. I mean there are street walkers selling gummy bjs for a tenner. Ari was just too lazy to find her niche (which is not high class escort, let's be honest, but that would be too much of a blow to her ego) and then never put any effort into marketing herself.
Same she does with her ~art and porn, her npd tells her she's a gift to the people around her so she never bothers to properly invest time and research to carve out or find a unique niche to fit in. Her followers should appreciate it! That's what they're there for right, constant external validation?
And then when no one buys her half assed art/porn it's obviously everyone else's fault. Why don't they support her? Why don't they appreciate the gift that Ari is in their lifes?
Sage for ramble
No. 1117993
File: 1609327917176.jpg (405.22 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_20201230-063045_Sam…)

Wow, I like her 13 year old art way better!!! Her style was much better and cleaner back then. Just shows how far she's fallen.
No. 1118220
File: 1609360389029.jpeg (1.73 MB, 2400x1920, 02E023E0-6D25-4986-9F17-C7BB87…)

>>1118199I miss this era lmao
No. 1118342
File: 1609373623675.png (6.93 MB, 1242x2208, FED5D2D1-329D-48E6-9D7C-40A8F6…)

No. 1118622
File: 1609401137089.jpeg (188.74 KB, 1242x369, 46FFD939-F82C-445E-AD49-454F71…)

Like a broken record
No. 1118709
File: 1609415869320.jpg (591.74 KB, 972x4865, Screenshot_20201231-065403_Sam…)

Why am I not surprised she can't even inspire herself to make art and has to ask Twitter for life advice?
No. 1118710
File: 1609415986331.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1609415927538.jpg)

I'm sure it looks better irl and is sooo sPaRkLy because in pictures it looks just as pathetic and unwanted as Ariana.
No. 1118890
File: 1609436771777.png (Spoiler Image,4.45 MB, 1242x2208, AC067131-2603-4D4B-8E05-B98DB3…)

I plug my nose, avert my eyes, and ask “when was the last time you bathed or did laundry?”
No. 1118984
File: 1609441228639.gif (766.03 KB, 601x317, 2A6C2E40-B806-40F3-8F53-1AE6C1…)

>>1118982matt going in for his monthly fuck
No. 1119022
File: 1609443429887.jpeg (625.06 KB, 1125x1923, 240F2AE0-AD0D-4404-B5A5-11B6FA…)

Lol ok
No. 1119038
File: 1609444622136.jpg (984.84 KB, 1080x2010, Screenshot_20201231-145558_Ins…)

Lmao this bitch just recently was taking xanax after her surgery but because it was prescribed I guess she's pretending it doesn't count.
No. 1119133
File: 1609452127941.jpeg (193.19 KB, 1188x1474, 014DC5F9-A5E6-40CA-9012-ADA223…)

Just had to post this photo from awhile ago because GODDAMN. You know how you can tell someone is a nasty person just from their looks/shitty expressions? This bitch is one of them. Also you would think she was a methhead or crackhead or something, jesus.
No. 1119345
File: 1609475688936.png (6.8 MB, 1242x2208, 4F8C5F07-CC05-49DA-9F6C-7C14B9…)

She’s so ridiculous. This is just gonna be the same thing she did with her nose job pics where she’s not actually gonna post, she’s gonna send it to her subs with the provision that they pay for it.
No. 1119463
File: 1609501093778.jpeg (Spoiler Image,690.97 KB, 1242x718, EC2EFFEF-47F6-4026-839F-5F2ECB…)

There’s a new horrifically awkward sex video
No. 1119465
File: 1609501396154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,652.19 KB, 1242x1395, DEEFAE06-CC63-456C-BAF4-619A5B…)

Aaron retweeting videos of Ariana tugging on her tits like an teenage boy
No. 1119537
File: 1609512289561.jpeg (Spoiler Image,377.2 KB, 1242x1116, E9B71000-2481-46A6-B945-CDE909…)

>>1119465Aaron named this his “top photo of 2020”
No. 1119538
File: 1609512315038.jpg (Spoiler Image,345.93 KB, 1078x615, Screenshot_20210101-094348_Sam…)

Her "Why God?!" hands really makes this look so enjoyable and desirable. Keep posting this on your "SW" Twitter and see how many people you can turn off.
No. 1119542
File: 1609512550257.jpg (Spoiler Image,300.17 KB, 972x2007, Screenshot_20210101-094727_Sam…)

Perfectly scarred, crooked, and botched! Only a few spots left to see stubble on Ariana's stank puthy.
No. 1119571
File: 1609516234511.jpeg (219.18 KB, 1125x1759, 725EE8A8-C7F5-4F6D-AABE-2470A3…)

>>1119462>>1119550>>1119560I mean we all know she’s a stupid idiot and is lying about being ”one year sober”, but I still don’t think she would post herself crying over being proud she’s alcohol free and the next second be posting stories of her drinking alcohol. It looks like the bottle says ”sparkling cider”.
No. 1119578
>>1119571i’m not one to wk for these cows but the brand is martinelli’s, they sell apple juice and non-alcoholic ciders. so she’s not drinking alcohol in this snapshot.
off-camera is a different story, i’ve found the people who shout the loudest about their sobriety are usually fiending
No. 1119684
File: 1609527771726.jpeg (Spoiler Image,630.52 KB, 1536x742, 84313DEC-9A06-4312-9856-944F25…)

No. 1119791
File: 1609539617050.png (436.56 KB, 1242x2208, A83B7626-C90D-42DE-940D-63BD64…)

No. 1120160
File: 1609592995897.jpeg (191.04 KB, 1242x362, 5288254C-549E-4952-AA7E-248EBB…)

No. 1120283
File: 1609606160519.jpeg (98.37 KB, 1242x613, 785C4B9F-02E5-46F5-8D27-CC92E4…)

From her OF kek
No. 1120319
File: 1609609405813.jpeg (Spoiler Image,690.45 KB, 1242x1299, CC79C6F8-0A8E-474C-AE81-9C51E2…)

Mattcuck and Ariana look so awkward when they have sex. Also her pre surgery face coming out again when she smiles at an angle that isn’t heavily posed or filtered kek.
No. 1120464
File: 1609624352804.jpeg (Spoiler Image,163.62 KB, 750x980, 0B4E2039-B76A-4BF5-92B3-429AB3…)

“I have fat tits” ….??? Not really.
No. 1120485
File: 1609625939299.png (3.76 MB, 828x1792, B3CDB231-E57C-4391-9234-15C74F…)

Still posting pictures of her shaved cats on social media
No. 1120518
File: 1609628361316.jpeg (70.84 KB, 570x672, 1AB5593D-9C07-4161-A86A-561B61…)

>>1120319It’s so much better this way round.
No. 1120519
File: 1609628400025.png (1.33 MB, 1076x693, delete this.png)

>>1120319its the jay leno chin for me
No. 1120541
File: 1609629413279.png (4.6 MB, 2244x1255, Who shaves a cat - Ariana McMi…)

Here's a collection of the cat shaving
No. 1120545
>>1120541Thanks for the collage anon.
She shaved so much of one of them man, looks like she got close to the cats armpits which have a lot of delicate loose skin that could easily be knicked by the shaver.
No. 1120669
>>1120519 Next thread pic IMO
I still can't believe this bitch shaved her cats. Nuked her social media to get awy from it…then kept posting pics of them lmao.
No. 1120687
File: 1609641908941.png (Spoiler Image,7.99 MB, 1242x2208, DB39BD7C-DAA6-407A-84CB-58C34A…)

No. 1120722
>>1120687wow so sexy to give yourself a wedgie
who tf taught this bitch to take photos?
No. 1120765
File: 1609652032918.jpeg (205.33 KB, 741x1182, 1A651B85-A9CF-4030-A601-B63EE1…)

So what exactly is ethically sourced at the Pickled Pet Shop? The feeder rats she gets from petco and stores in the freezer for over a year? Or is it the Michaels dime-a-dozen wood stumps?
No. 1120771
File: 1609652665936.jpeg (Spoiler Image,236.32 KB, 745x1270, AE3EB4DC-D6B0-428A-AE9A-C73D4F…)

Any basic human functioning, really.
No. 1120847
File: 1609673048241.jpeg (50.65 KB, 220x257, 3B38AD63-0062-4561-A09D-A64626…)

>>1120771I really don’t understand why she keeps doing drag/clown make up, it looks awful
No. 1120904
>>1120771There's nothing fLeXiBle about bending at your waist with your knees bent. That's not flexible at all.
She should change her Twitter title to "I have a fat face follow me"
No. 1120908
File: 1609684615516.jpg (80.96 KB, 1080x323, Screenshot_20210103-093449_Sam…)

How much you wanna bet that nobody subbed and she's just saying that to save face after begging for someone to talk to her.
I've never met a woman who has to beg for male attention, especially when it's a naked female. Ariana continues to prove her lack of talent and sexuality. No wonder why she's going so hard on trying to sell art. No one subs to her anymore.
No. 1120966
File: 1609690930508.jpeg (590.83 KB, 1125x1213, 74E3FADC-77FA-4AF6-8EFF-392FA5…)

>Come see what everyone’s talking about for yourself
No. 1121088
File: 1609700373201.png (Spoiler Image,8.37 MB, 1242x2208, 842D7C98-BAA6-43F0-88FE-0A7FE5…)

No. 1121116
>>1121088"Engagement helps my fragile ego a ton!"
You know what helps even more, Ariana? Subs. Subs equal money.
You know what helps get subs? Having a good personality.
You'd think that she'd try something different, considering this persona clearly isn't working for her. But she keeps doing the same thing over and over and wonders why nobody finds her attractive or engages with her.
Her shit personality, droopy, lumpy face and body, and obnoxious voice show why she's destined to be single and unwanted forever. She can pour all her time and money into plastic surgery to try to hate herself less, but she's always going to be the same level of white trash because of who she is on the inside. She just can't seem to get her shit together and seek real mental help to actually change herself into an attractive person.
No. 1121369
File: 1609720872564.jpg (109.88 KB, 1080x509, Screenshot_20210103-194016_Sam…)

No wonder why she's always dry fucking herself… she can't get wet because she can't get anyone hard. Not even flaccid DoorMatt.
No. 1121448
>>1119506he's presenting
>>1119538Man Ejaculates on Whiny Fridge (2021)
No. 1121862
File: 1609783215753.jpg (378.55 KB, 1080x2052, Screenshot_20210104-130016_Twi…)

During a pandemic
No. 1121864
>>1121862I honestly think it's disgusting Matt supports her full-service sex work, but I get that's just my opinion.
However, trying to find a sugar daddy at the same time you are actively posting about wanting to get pregnant and married is just rightfully fucking demented.
No. 1121875
File: 1609784245698.png (509.36 KB, 812x599, FE94930E-2BF6-4F4D-96CA-0346C0…)

sage for no milk but was lurking through old threads and found this gem. personally, i think this is when she peaked, still looks super trashy and ridiculous but at least she had a teensy bit of self-awareness
No. 1121879
File: 1609784609226.jpeg (725.67 KB, 2048x2048, 871F4283-9602-41A5-8914-62750A…)

>>1121862actually sad that two, going on three years later she still couldn't manage to find/keep a consistent sugar daddy (not at all surprised) but you would think after spending thousands on surgeries and putting yourself in debt that even some creepy wanker would cave… just goes to show how greasy and stinky irl she prob is
No. 1121882
File: 1609784676233.jpeg (496.72 KB, 750x1180, BA5323FD-50F2-4062-9467-ECCB85…)

>>11218642-3 years ago… lol what a broken record. i feel bad for matt, he's probably dead inside.
No. 1121933
>>1121862I wonder what happened to the ~Jeff goldblum~ SD who supplied her with coke and made her starve herself?
>>1121882Salaried job, due to get married, wanting to buy a house, wanting to graduate….so basically getting into sex work and using this to fund her surgeries stopped her from achieving anything…
No. 1121941
File: 1609788570129.jpg (667.16 KB, 971x2514, Screenshot_20210104-142934_Twi…)

No. 1121973
>>1121862Kek I thought that said she was looking for rare germs.
This proves she can't support herself through a few wood stump aRt pieces and subpar porn that no one subs to. If you're looking for a rare gem of a SD on Twitter during a pandemic, you most certainly aren't thriving.
No. 1121995
>>1121894It doesn't matter if your back is tattooed, but leaving the backs of legs and arms bare and just putting everything on the front is made fun of by most tattoo artists. Just like a "Warped Tour Tattoo" is heavily ridiculed by tattooers, which is when people tattoo hands/neck/face with bare arms.
Tbh, not just tattooers, but most people make fun of wannabe trendy idiot douchebags that are trying to look cool/get tattooed to create an "aesthetic". We called them posers back in the day. Basically, Ariana.
No. 1122030
File: 1609793852566.jpeg (262.31 KB, 750x1243, C53094B6-96A8-4BAF-A8C1-E67335…)

>>1121973Still unsold. Priced way too high.
No. 1122043
File: 1609794641327.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1242x1863, 4532EB9E-B87C-4251-8F41-39E5C4…)

>>1121941Skinwalking cotted?
No. 1122279
File: 1609815856150.png (2.55 MB, 828x1792, F1013E86-A699-4B0D-B6DE-35EED0…)

>>1122043>>1122170It’s pretty hilarious that miss Cotted is an obvious farmer.. what a “friend”
No. 1122334
>>1122314Here is Cotted defending Ariana on lolcow.
>>872835It’s kinda sad that all of her “close friends” have come to this forum to say something but she can’t show face at all.
No. 1122553
File: 1609856806280.jpg (165.7 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_20210105-092529_Sam…)

I purposefully put Ariana's bad aRt in my Etsy cart because I know it gives her anxiety when her shit is in people's carts and not being bought.
No. 1122680
>>1122219Yeah I agree, that was a little cringe. Tattoos in general are pretty cringe but it’s so much worse when you try to gatekeep someone’s right to have stupid little pictures drawn in different places of their body than you would.
>>1121879Remember when there would be 50 stories of her in the car at this angle bitching about her job of cleaning up dogshit?
No. 1122870
>>1122680Call it gatekeeping if you want, but stating a fact about what tattooers talk about when posers leave the shop with their Pinterest printouts is just the truth. People who don't tattoo or aren't part of the tattooing community simply aren't aware and don't understand the history of tattoos and how tattoos were earned traditionally. I'm sure to you and Ariana it's just silly pictures on a body and should be aesthetic and on-trend, but realize that to real tattooers who don't tattoo out of a basement with an Amazon machine, tattoos are steeped in hundreds of years of tradition and not ever meant to fit a social media aesthetic. Just because you don't constantly hear from other tattooers who hate these trendy Pinterest tattoos and the posers that get them doesn't mean it's not a constant topic of conversation for people in the tattoo community.
Sperging about a topic you know nothing about is some Ariana shit.
No. 1122876
File: 1609876142453.jpg (422.07 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20210105-144639_Sam…)

That's great you're pretending to anyone that'll listen that you think you're pretty, but no one else finds you attractive and we all know you hate how you look. If Mack 2Nite wore clown makeup, he'd look exactly like Ariana does here.
No. 1122920
>>1122908She's looking like a dough boy in all of the recent pictures she's been posting.
Just like how she's been her entire life, she's unknowingly sabotaging any chance at improving her life and looks.
No. 1122978
>>1122904> Some even sneak in things like dicks and balls to subtly fuck with shitty clientsNot saying this doesn't happen at sketchy places but I highly doubt any tattoo artist who actually gives a fuck about their reputation would do this. It would only take one client to notice (or their friends after they posted it on social media) in order for that to destroy their rep. Who would want to go to someone if there's a chance they might "hate" your dumb tattoo design and try to sabotage it just for the sake of… being a dickhead? Its extremely taboo for tattoo artists to openly talk about purposely fucking up a clients tattoo just because they don't like them.
I dont care how cringe a trendy tattoo, its a business. Any tattoo artist who willingly takes money then disfigures a clients tattoo by drawing "dicks and balls" on something that's permanently on another humans body (and is extremely painful and expensive to remove) is a shit artist. You dont get to play pretentious "too good for tumbkr infinity tattoos" when you're working with other peoples fucking skin.
No. 1123010
File: 1609881159897.png (Spoiler Image,8.67 MB, 1242x2208, D959835C-9B33-4F48-8ED6-78D1B5…)

No. 1123079
>>1122870You went on an entire diatribe to a single sentence yet referred to one sentence about it as “sperging” you psycho. A hell of a lot of tattoo artists have tattoos just as stupid and pointless as Ariana. Stfu.
>>1123010Her face doesn’t even look like this holy facetune
No. 1123220
File: 1609891522265.png (Spoiler Image,3.64 MB, 1242x2208, 36949ABA-9E17-443A-8315-B6C3BA…)

Those are called hemorrhoids Ariana.
No. 1123258
File: 1609894129371.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1636, 4F474176-03E4-4976-9799-BD8202…)

Like a broken record - part 938758
No. 1123272
>>1123105She does deserve it. She openly admits she’s been bullied her entire life. Bullying during high school is normal…. but maybe if people have actively hated and bullied you
your entire life - the problem is you. We know with Ariana that’s definitely true. Her whole “angel” act is a cope. She was born with a witch face because she is a witch. I could totally imagine her eating babies, weird, but seriously, she is that vile.
No. 1123491
>>1123258The blown out lips and filler mustache get me every time..that top lip is atrocious
>>1123440She worked the old nose really well. A shame she had to shave it off
No. 1123496
>>1122538(inb4 anons mad instead of just scrolling)
Shitty aesthetic pop art graphic style collage type tattoos are tacky as fuck. Every cow has them, and every basic bitch has them.
Don’t pretend like paying for shitty mismatched art is ok just because it’s on your own canvas.
No. 1123534
>>1123440I agree. She used to have very interesting features, now she just looks like a blowup doll.
I wonder what exactly does she see when she looks in the mirror.
No. 1123606
File: 1609924767329.jpeg (261.39 KB, 1087x1143, B630EE09-573C-4006-80D9-FBC818…)

Her followers are sO bAd At InTeRaCtiNg with her that she has to give herself compliments because no one else is doing it lol
No. 1123650
File: 1609931881986.jpeg (175.88 KB, 750x1189, C08AAF5F-D185-4B48-9D13-492950…)

For someone who spends so much time online she really has no idea how social media works. She’s killing her IG by constantly deleting anything that doesnt get enough likes to stroke her ego. Honestly shocked she’s not the tik tok train.
>>1123496 no one here gives a fuck about your blogpost about tattoos. move the fuck on. when people “just scroll past” you encourage more anons like
>>1122876 who dont read the thread and repost old milk like yourself
>>1123606 No. 1123660
>>1123650Ahh fuck, sorry, I’m
>>1123606. I totally missed the first post, probably because of all the tattoo sperging. I normally read everything that’s posted. Makes your point to
>>1123496 even stronger haha
No. 1123665
>>1123258She looked better before imo too. The witch face suited her crazy and annoying personality better. Her attempt to act dainty and sO pReTtY is really destroyed once she moves from her 45 degree angle and starts talking and emoting.
>>1123220Looks like she has no clue how to take care of her asshole during and after anal because that is one fucked up asshole. There's a lumpy ring around her butthole that makes me want to vomit.
No. 1123673
File: 1609933356697.jpg (447.92 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_20210106-063746_Sam…)

Some recent posts she's liked that confirm what I already assumed about her: 1) She cries over everything (911 calls), and 2) She thinks Matt is ugly.
No. 1123997
>>1123920People can like tweets they find funny without it meaning anything. It’s not that deep.
I don’t think it make sense for you to decide whether or not she’s homophobic when she has a shit ton of other
problematic behaviors we know about for certain.
No. 1124062
File: 1609964037234.jpeg (76.24 KB, 750x548, 877E1261-61BC-43D2-968F-0487AD…)

More sexy and appealing language
No. 1124569
File: 1610024544813.png (1.15 MB, 619x1100, pnp.PNG)

I'm dying bc when u Google peepee's name, THIS is the 3rd image u see. All of them are hilarious! So proud
No. 1124592
File: 1610027333231.jpg (114.97 KB, 972x790, Screenshot_20210107-083939_Sam…)

"Covered in tattoos"? It's not rare or amazing to get tattooed so this statement just sounds like she's trying to convince herself she's sooo alternative and edgy. And let's be real: the front of her body is dotted, not "covered", with awkwardly spaced, muddled, trendy tattoos.
No. 1124607
File: 1610028418595.jpg (219.46 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20210107-083920_Sam…)

The irony of saying "I'm the best hole" when you can't get a SD, can't find paying clients for your fake "SW job", can't convince anyone to sub to your low quality porn, struggle to get likes, engagement, and positive comments on any pictures let alone nudes, can't get your own bf hard, can't even convince your own bf to marry you despite all the begging and hints and threats, can't get anyone to compliment you so you're stuck complimenting yourself and fishing for compliments, can't even get males to interact with you on social media and rely solely on your insecure female followers to "gas you up"… If you can't even get a compliment as a nude female when nude obese women on Twitter are getting way more engagement, give it up. The SW industry is incredibly oversaturated and everyone and their mothers has an OF account now. Ariana doesn't know how to market herself and is just failing so miserably at being naked and being sexy that I'm honestly so embarrassed for her. Why would she continue to make a fool or herself and lower her sense of self-worth for no money?
And she continues to spend money on rapidly deteriorating her looks and youth while making no money from it. For a sElF-eMpLoYeD bUsInEsS wOmAN, she really doesn't understand return on investment.
No. 1124707
File: 1610040377285.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x2046, A587142A-E9B9-4E74-BD96-03DFC1…)

Using her snake as a prop….nice
No. 1124982
File: 1610057563541.jpeg (361.24 KB, 1199x1665, 25510B48-5B3D-4926-BF82-FDBECE…)

A boring bitch.
No. 1125026
File: 1610060806644.jpeg (344.38 KB, 1125x1539, 95B85EE1-6116-4C94-A7D3-E3C43B…)

No. 1125091
File: 1610065916481.jpeg (240.96 KB, 1125x1992, 1572A181-F510-4D8D-9E36-C76FDC…)

No. 1125099
>>1125091oh wow she really didn't think this through lmao
the jet black bangs make her cheeks look even puffier
No. 1125146
>>1125026all I have to say is ew lol;
if you zoom in, her nose looks so weird. still posting photos at a side angle bc she hates her new face.
No. 1125213
>>1125091God her face looks so swollen here, she really did not need that extra volume from the fat graft.
Her surgeon should have told her to come back for the graft once she was actually losing volume in her face from aging, he's just given her a procedure that was totally inappropriate.
No. 1125295
>>1125026her face looks fine in profile imo now
but it's very telling she only films her front with a filter on now lmao
also i love that she fried her hair beyond repair to a gummy unevenly toned mess, and THEN dyed the front black again. it's a count down till she dyes it all black, then bleaches again, then has to shave again all because she thinks the problem is her hair, when it's really the whole picture.
No. 1125314
>>1125295She looks weird to me, super anatomically incorrect as to be expected of a botched person. This maybe looks “fine” if you’re a zoomer that’s already so overexposed to these ridiculous features that it’s normal to you.
>>1125232She looks fucked. It’s hardly nitpicking. Trying to do an entire face transplant on yourself doesn’t work when your skin doesn’t match your skeleton. The bitch looks like she’s melting. This will never be normal.
No. 1125627
File: 1610121399204.jpg (474.74 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210108-104751_Sam…)

She's made herself into a scary, puffy nightmare. I really think she's hoping to gain followers by trying out a "new" style of wannabe edgy, cutesy Hot Topic egirl. The problem is she's not a dainty cutesy girl. She's a sloppy, clumsy, awkward, unsexy, unfunny, annoying, dirty trailer park slob. That's her real vibe, that's who she is. She might get some inbred Trump supporters who are into her trashy, unfashionable look because she's realistically very attainable for those kinds of guys. Bitch needs to realize what her actual aesthetic and audience is. She's the ho at the gas station always asking you for $2 and a cigarette in exchange for a bj, not a high class ho. Come on Ariana, let's be real here. That bad diy hair really fits in with her slob aesthetic, too.
No. 1125632
File: 1610121719605.jpg (69.78 KB, 800x1067, Screenshot_20210108-104753_Sam…)

The infected upper lip bubble, scabby lower lip, and bloated face combined with the bell bottom nose… it just gets worse and worse with every surgery, every year. And I really think it's going to keep getting worse.
No. 1125640
File: 1610122129294.jpg (1.1 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1610121935692.jpg)

I noticed the filter flickered off in the video and screen captured the difference between the shiny filtered face and her non-filtered face… And holy shit, the bubble around her lips is extremely prominent and noticeable without the filter. The filter helps hide it so she just looks like she has infected lips, but without the filter, her filler shows up entirely outside of her vermillion border. This is truly a badly botched filler placement.
No. 1125646
File: 1610122356398.jpg (953.48 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1610122350746.jpg)

Talk about a bell curve
No. 1125652
File: 1610122593871.jpg (815.39 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1610122550670.jpg)

>>1125646And here's her actual lips. Notice the huge filler bubbles above and below her lips. I'm horrified.
No. 1125660
File: 1610123261321.jpg (534.06 KB, 1080x1801, Screenshot_20210108-112610_Sam…)

This recent post Ariana liked says a lot about who she wishes she could be. You know she'd leave Matt in a heartbeat if she had the opportunity to get married to an old rich guy.
No. 1125842
File: 1610137399923.jpeg (406.65 KB, 1125x2144, 48E71D99-F099-443B-82E5-53CA4F…)

the scar under her nose looks gross still
No. 1125878
File: 1610140629861.jpeg (59.04 KB, 640x640, 78772925-C89E-4827-A5F8-FF87E2…)

>>1125842she can‘t even edit the nose scar away, and this picture is edited to hell and back. who the fuck shoops their eye whites whiter?
No. 1125917
File: 1610143043284.jpeg (66.43 KB, 260x275, 2F478D23-18FA-4A4A-B756-0E733D…)

>>1125842She just looks the same as herself circa 2 years ago but more botched
No. 1126036
>>1125475I’m so sorry that you have no facial recognition, which is funnily enough a symptom of autism! My my.
>>1125606Can’t wait til the novelty wears off for her in approx two days and we get to see it in a greasy helmet around her face for the next month
No. 1126316
File: 1610169210206.jpeg (159.6 KB, 750x1299, 64EB146E-9FC7-4C15-A74B-ABC44F…)

the way her jaw juts out when she speaks and you can only see her lower teeth. Actual neanderthal shit lmao
No. 1126457
File: 1610172781872.png (1.81 MB, 1207x1202, Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 1.10…)

hairy armpits lose their feminist charm next to a face that has so much makeup on.
Its just so try hard.
No. 1126580
>>1126457the armpits are a nod to her real (biological) gender
this is an okay-looking mtf (compared to the ones in the mtf general thread)
File: 1610210448992.jpeg (226.61 KB, 1242x1464, 7BCC6F47-6FE5-4766-9938-5D6654…)

>>1126752Omg I didn’t even notice the thongs at first. Wtf why wouldn’t you just untwist it for the photo? This is why she gets no engagement, because everything she puts out is just incredibly sloppy
No. 1126830
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No. 1126888
File: 1610216460617.jpeg (663.15 KB, 1125x2028, D1388592-6039-452D-867B-968FF1…)

more trash for sale
No. 1126906
File: 1610217807504.jpg (588.47 KB, 1078x1903, Screenshot_20210109-134256_Ins…)

>>1126457Lol she posted this just now. So cringe
No. 1127026
File: 1610225966597.jpg (350.53 KB, 970x1138, Screenshot_20210109-155423_Sam…)

>>1126830Same fag but this really fits her dirty vibe. Cheap, twisted 10 for $1 gray-tinged underwear, scraggly unshowered armpits and body, pancake ass, bad scarring, botched and lopsided plastic surgery, bloated face and underbite… she sounds like a inbred Trump supporter's trailer park kween. Just stick to what you know Ariana, and corner the inbred racist scumbag market. Your dad and grandpa will probably sub!
No. 1127323
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No. 1127324
File: 1610250594435.png (6.99 MB, 1242x2208, 842CFE24-D521-430C-A23E-A93176…)

No. 1127622
>>1127323Agree with the anon that pointed out Ariana as the epitome of skinny fat. She spends so much time sitting on her ass at home that it explains the drooping flat butt and ripples, but spending just 10 minutes following an at-home workout on YouTube would make such a huge difference on her body. It's crazy how much she could improve on her looks with small, simple changes, but she chooses not to.
If you have to e-beg for $3 as proof that someone wants to "do more" than kiss you, and that this current sad state of affairs is helping you not kill yourself, then you really need to re-evaluate your life. Her level of self-delusion is equivalent to a QAnon believer/follower.
If Ariana wasn't too old for Onision, I'd encourage them to move in together and drive each other crazy so they don't have to subject the rest of the world to their internal and external ugliness.
No. 1127635
File: 1610300591884.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1610300139328.jpg)

I just read an article about proper posture and your shoulders are supposed to be directly above your hips when standing up. This bitch wants to pretend she has an ass soooo badly that her hips are jutting out at least 5 inches behind her shoulders. We all know Ariana is lazy, but for someone that wants people to pay her for being sexually attractive, she really fails miserably. I also noticed all her recent posts are attempts to beg for attention.
No wonder why Matt didn't want to marry her. She's supposedly in a happy "monogamous" relationship, but fucks other men with no condoms and no testing, begs for a SD on Twitter, and constantly begs for men to notice her and talk to her and compliment her. For anyone who's seen 90 Day Fiance, this is Darcy Silva level of plastic surgery nightmare, man-hungry patheticness, except the non-couture brands, trailer park version.(autism)
No. 1127647
File: 1610301478488.jpg (405.89 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1610301281725.jpg)

>>1127635Pic related.
It's sad that a grown woman can't even figure out how to stand straight for a picture and somehow thinks literally blowing out her back with the pressure on her spine is attractive. Yes Ariana, you're more likely to blow out your back with your bad posture than with Matt's flaccid, sad penis.
No. 1127649
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No. 1127658
>>1127649I'm counting over 7 shades of blonde/yellow in her hair, plus the comical early 2000s black box dye fringe. That bad dye job is like a cross between an outdated outcast from the early 2000s that listened to Avril Lavigne and thought that was punk and Nicole Richie's stringy black/blonde extension look from when she was fat during The Simple Life.
And I know a lot of Gen Z kids think unnatural Michael Jackson-esque plastic surgery noses that look like the warped wall on American Ninja Warrior is a good look, but I can assure you that your opinion will change when the trends do.
No. 1127661
File: 1610302525997.jpeg (586.21 KB, 828x1170, F69401B4-9BF7-4B77-8188-3B4D1E…)

No. 1127670
File: 1610303032386.jpeg (478.97 KB, 828x1307, EBC1F904-7DA7-44A0-92E6-07FB6F…)

Guess she didn’t like my screenshots!
No. 1127817
File: 1610316832254.png (4.25 MB, 1125x2436, 00BDA13C-82C0-4707-AC6E-0C9ACE…)

lmao remember this “investment”?
No. 1128067
File: 1610333715451.jpeg (232.62 KB, 1372x1372, 12722468-4497-4071-8158-9553B8…)

>>1127989completely different chins!! her real witch chin overextends past her lips by at least a solid 1/2 inch lmao. the nose is photoshopped to hell too, you can't even see the tell tale speed bump. it's a shame she only posts photos from the side now bc her chin will always be fucking huge kek
No. 1128187
File: 1610350878941.jpeg (653.65 KB, 1242x1614, 6FEF69CB-B99E-4031-81DE-D26B20…)

No. 1128199
>>1128187isn't this the point of having a boyfriend or a fiance, with the latter being what Ariana insists Matt is? i guess Matt isn't spoiling his literal crackwhore enough on his mailman's salary. wooden slabs and craft glitter are expensive luxury mediums, afterall.
>>1128067the distorted mirror in the back is also a giveaway
No. 1128308
File: 1610370020304.jpg (533.11 KB, 1079x1725, Screenshot_20210111-074906_Sam…)

>>1128187Same fag but every recent post is begging for even just 1 simp. "Puuh-lease give me money so I can make myself feel good which will make me so appreciative that you can fuck my hemorrhoid asshole!" She could never be someone's trophy wife even if she managed to get rid of her fucked up jaw/chin because her desperation for male attention is extremely unattractive. It's clear she's been ugly her whole life because she bases her self-worth and self-esteem on whether a man, any man besides Matt, tells her he wants to fuck her. And since no man ever says that to her or compliments her, she's stuck trying to "gas" herself up or fishing for compliments from other insecure young girls who hate their faces and see plastic surgery as a "glow up".
No. 1128468
>>1128187This is relatively tame but still such a low for her. Begging for a simp?
I still would love to see her try myfreecams or something similar just to watch her have to interact with the type of people paying her bills.
No. 1128704
File: 1610395347647.jpeg (419.43 KB, 828x1234, C85039DD-ED02-4B82-88A1-1C1C71…)

What’s this line?
No. 1128760
File: 1610398006626.png (Spoiler Image,7.65 MB, 1242x2208, 37381934-474B-4359-BF92-97A72D…)

No. 1128838
File: 1610403136810.jpeg (339.46 KB, 1125x1846, E140698D-2704-413D-9FFE-ACFAD4…)

No. 1128871
File: 1610404728541.jpeg (636.2 KB, 828x1206, A89489BA-0865-4BA8-9016-86193D…)

No. 1129098
File: 1610421927867.png (3.56 MB, 1170x2532, 11A69578-278F-41AC-B741-A55B5B…)

I don’t know if I’m late but this is hilarious(old, not milk)
No. 1129245
>>1129221Yeah you’re correct. It’s an old, very obvious joke account, idk how
>>1129098 missed that lol
No. 1129368
>>1129365Probably because she admits she'll go as long as possible without showering like a scumbag.
She could probably make a really good gutter punk if she wasn't such a poser. The begging and dirt aesthetic would help her fit in somewhere finally.
No. 1129881
File: 1610497230987.jpeg (212.16 KB, 1122x1316, E4C8FEEE-B1B1-4579-85B4-25592F…)

Deleted tweet, kek
No. 1130002
File: 1610506240681.jpeg (305.36 KB, 1125x1563, 3FE50B13-E0C9-4A5A-A4CB-F58CA9…)

No. 1130257
>>1129720Ntayrt, but I'd rather be a crust punk any day than whatever Ariana is. And liking any sub genre of punk doesn't mean you don't love yourself… if anything it just means you probably think for yourself and don't follow trends.
>>1129805Let's just tell her about The Casualties and Anti-Flag so actual punks know she's a poser who supports bands that fuck underage girls.
No. 1130261
>>1130002>>1130182You're right, the new nose was executed well by Dr. Rohrich, but it looks goofy af combined with her pointy witch chin, long face, and the filler exploding outside of her vermillion border. And from the front, she looks exactly the same with the same bell bottom shaped nose as before. When she talks, her botched lips accentuate her jaw jutting out and make it look like she's toothless. Her nose doesn't fit her facial features at all and looks like it was sewed on thanks to the bad scarring under her nose. Giving yourself the nose of a dainty lady and trying to pose in ways to highlight the sharp tip when the rest of you screams sloppy, wild ogre is hilarious. Crazy is not knowing that you're batshit insane and I really think Ariana is legit crazy since I'm sure she thinks her thoughts and ideas are rational when they're anything but. She just makes 1 bad decision after another and spends what little money she has on dead animal heads for the walls of her cheap apartment.
Remember when she was saying she couldn't wait to live alone and "buy" a house with a room for art, a room for taxidermy, a room for her bad porn and ring light, and set up her pole so she could learn to pole dance and work in a strip club as a rArE alternative girl with tattoos? We all knew it was a manic pipe dream, but Ariana was so convinced it would happen and she'd make a killing as the "new alt girl" at the club.
No. 1130267
File: 1610542386978.jpg (142.48 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20210113-075102_Sam…)

>>1130002Samefag but she posted this nightmarish transformation on Twitter with what I'm assuming she thinks is an emoji of a chameleon… and then right under it makes a pathetic pick-me post about wanting to choke on dick. And she doesn't even say Matt's dick since apparently he's not the simp she's desperately begging for.
No. 1131026
File: 1610594996461.png (7.15 MB, 1242x2208, F1C42E95-DEB6-4F62-98EF-B7AAD2…)

No. 1131027
File: 1610595045062.png (Spoiler Image,6.93 MB, 1242x2208, 75F53F54-CD43-46B4-BA95-06AC6C…)

No. 1131241
File: 1610624560382.jpg (270.5 KB, 1080x738, Screenshot_20210114-063343_Sam…)

I noticed she started blurring out her armpits because last week 1 guy on Twitter said something like "I might have to sub again now that you're not shaving." Since then she's posted several pictures blurring out her armpit, as if he didn't sub and she's trying to convince him to. This is as comical as her blurring out the soles of her feet. How does a fully naked female manage to disinterest every single man and woman?
This is exactly what I mean about her appealing to similarly dirty dudes. Just accept that you have a scummy vibe and go with it. No regular dude wants you and your rolled up dollar store panties. I went to her armpit commenter's page and he was a scrawny guy with pictures of his pencil thin dick all over his profile. She almost got a sub from her armpit, but can't with her pussy. Thriving as a sw!!
No. 1131288
File: 1610631033830.jpg (683.11 KB, 1079x1826, Screenshot_20210114-082912_Sam…)

I'm literally laughing out loud at Ariana calling these pants "professional" when they're baggy floods that wouldn't flatter anyone. Saying these are professional is just as truthful as saying they'll "make your booty POP"
No. 1131291
File: 1610631244230.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210114-083230_Sam…)

I just saw her likes on Depop and I'm glad she's following our advice and embracing her white trash filthy side by liking men's Carhartt jackets. She's so basic it's hilarious.
No. 1131293
File: 1610631530019.jpg (137.27 KB, 961x1808, Screenshot_20210114-083603_Sam…)

Recent Twitter stats showing how her whole day is spent talking to herself on Twitter with less than 1% of her "followers" (that actually don't follow her) interacting with her.
No. 1131296
File: 1610631694232.jpg (190.94 KB, 1069x1779, Screenshot_20210114-084038_Sam…)

>>1131293And still, only women talk to her. You're not a full-service sworker if no one is actually willing to pay you for sex.
No. 1131342
>>1131241Ariana is what Farrah Abraham would be like if she was never famous and was broke. At least Farrah can afford better surgeries and procedures than Ariana and her ps on credit.
And if Ariana ever had kids, she'd be even worse than Farrah.
No. 1131501
>>1131428No, it's fine for blue collar workers (which is what the company is all about), truckers and train hoppers love the overalls. But it's very basic and mainstream and not the edgy/sexy/goff/blow up doll aesthetic Ariana so badly wants to identify with.
I'm just pointing out Ariana fits the basic bitch, I-stole-my-blue-collar-bf's-dusty-Carhartt vibe more so than her attempts at appearing dainty and pretty.
She's crusty and dirty enough to be a blue collar worker, but lacks the actual hard work ethics blue collar workers who wear Carhartts are known for.
No. 1131606
File: 1610657359245.jpeg (498.52 KB, 828x991, 4A0BF995-573B-45CF-9590-E3F703…)

She’s really stretching this one set of pictures out
No. 1131624
File: 1610658102299.png (6.04 MB, 1242x2208, 239B7235-2EC8-4672-BC10-F3049A…)

>>1131606Was thinking the same damn thing
No. 1131708
File: 1610662796083.jpeg (818.86 KB, 828x1469, DCBEE01A-E0D1-4A19-9C83-504DF6…)

No. 1131751
File: 1610664624178.jpeg (Spoiler Image,442.19 KB, 1125x2042, 638AF1B5-FF74-4862-A242-E433C9…)

No. 1131804
File: 1610666801053.jpeg (361.2 KB, 1125x1471, A7F33A25-2054-4890-B16D-71DCEA…)

WHY did she think this was a good photo to post?
No. 1131808
>>1131804oh lord her face looks so fat…
slightly ot but does anyone know why the fuck she has a mom tattoo? i thought she was a trailer park hooker doing drugs and fucking johns in front of her children, not exactly the kind of mom a sane person would get a tattoo for
No. 1131994
File: 1610677876025.jpeg (214.27 KB, 750x1195, 2BD7CCCF-C210-4EA1-AA9D-AE9D43…)

Her nose scar looks even worse than before. and those sausage lips….. she would look infinitely better if she toned that shit down even by a little bit. I can't even imagine how she looks in person.
No. 1132214
>>1131668She also has been wearing the same gray rolled up underwear with dried discharge crusted on for the past year.
Remember when she tried to sell her used underwear and no one wanted it? Kek
No. 1132221
File: 1610711151201.jpg (369.8 KB, 1079x1071, Screenshot_20210115-064353_Sam…)

No. 1132222
File: 1610711177765.jpg (224.27 KB, 1080x818, Screenshot_20210115-064009_Sam…)

No. 1132223
File: 1610711202347.jpg (200.3 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot_20210115-063945_Sam…)

No. 1132239
File: 1610713568493.jpg (326.9 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20210115-071623.jpg)

She's literally begging for simps I don't understand why she thinks anyone would pay for her onlyfans just to be able to message her lol.
No. 1133248
>>1132222“Gets creamy so fast”
girl you’re just yeasty
No. 1133419
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No. 1133530
File: 1610840124990.jpeg (619.18 KB, 828x1182, 23B7BA09-7136-454F-A6C0-409CB9…)

No. 1133893
File: 1610881083975.jpeg (241.42 KB, 1101x1609, F97A356B-3C6B-4934-ABD2-2CF157…)

No. 1133894
File: 1610881137148.jpeg (368.44 KB, 2048x2048, 3279970A-6C01-40EB-BFBB-4B0489…)

Girl… what the fuck
No. 1133896
File: 1610881372614.jpeg (61.61 KB, 1111x305, 3D2D0192-48B1-412D-9DCB-E5E051…)

>>1133893>>1133894Samefag but LOL I missed that she posted this 4 hours later. Free armpit content wasn't as popular as you thought it would be?
No. 1134154
File: 1610909502541.jpeg (695.3 KB, 828x1364, 0C76980A-34D0-4D08-8FBC-07ADD9…)

No. 1134161
File: 1610909817110.jpeg (538.99 KB, 828x1090, 3A2A2C21-76AE-4BDD-A1EA-04115E…)

No. 1134184
>>1134160How does shayna from the other thread have more men after her than ari, who is far more in shape and I would say more conventionally attractive than shay even with the botched surgery.
its disgusting that guys like damien harm and jason womnack from shays thread, have these ethots chasing after them for coffee money.
No. 1134206
File: 1610912516016.jpg (71.75 KB, 1080x488, 20210117_144159.jpg)

She's a broken record
No. 1134214
>>1134211If it’s shitty tattoos like hers, I’ll agree. But I think tattoos are a preference and I’ve known men on both sides of the spectrum and in between.
Plus men will fuck anything; see Ariana
No. 1134225
File: 1610913400156.jpg (557.32 KB, 1080x1669, Screenshot_20210117-145509_Twi…)

Meanwhile she hates the idea of sex with women lol
No. 1134433
File: 1610926172875.jpeg (Spoiler Image,383.43 KB, 2048x2048, BCF420E8-39F5-4BE6-8A77-7E1F51…)

No. 1134434
File: 1610926198971.jpeg (Spoiler Image,419.36 KB, 2048x2048, BA51F4F2-6CA3-4811-AA60-DAFD12…)

No. 1134491
File: 1610930048582.jpeg (Spoiler Image,593.79 KB, 1125x1524, DCC73F7B-58FA-4A26-8F3D-19DDF4…)

>>1134225>>1134312And don’t forget that Ariana use to fantisize about having a dick, kek
No. 1134814
>>1134160This is the guy I mentioned a week ago when Ariana posted a pic of her armpit and he said he might sub again since she's not shaving. Now she's going all out chasing the literally ONLY male that's shown her attention in over a year. This is honestly extremely pathetic for a wannabe sw. Her armpit is more attractive than her face and she can get 1 sub from her hairy armpit but none from her being naked. Sounds about right for a scumbag and her scummy single sub.
Anyone else who subs to her I'm pretty sure is a farmer.
No. 1134816
File: 1610972750810.jpg (100.03 KB, 1080x315, Screenshot_20210118-072323_Sam…)

"Puh-lease give me money so I can pay someone to wax this sloppy hole!!"
Pretty sure she read the comment here the other day asking why she shaves her vag since she's over the age of 14 and should know to wax (especially when showing your pussy daily to the internet). Since she just learned from us how to keep her pussy a little less musty-looking, now she's begging Twitter to help her pay for a wax.
No. 1135349
File: 1611018657475.jpg (256.97 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20210118-201053_Twi…)

During a pandemic .. disgusting.
No. 1135411
File: 1611024100662.jpeg (665.33 KB, 828x1285, 5D07206B-30D0-41FC-94ED-C7F6A6…)

No. 1135412
File: 1611024246338.jpeg (237.05 KB, 1125x1420, 79E5EC3E-B00A-4927-B746-89AB70…)

>>1135411did she blur out her nostril?
No. 1135696
File: 1611063236103.jpeg (140.24 KB, 1242x325, 02F61697-6F2D-48CA-954D-883EBD…)

How nice for Matt…truly ~relationship goals~
No. 1135793
>>1135749Yeah… that's still not exactly slut numbers. She claims she was fucking around with "a lot" of dudes before Matt, but she was with the supposed
aBuSiVe rApIsT Tim for years and maybe was single for less than a year before Matt. During that time, I can only recall maaaybe 3-5 guys she fooled around with. She's slept with less than 20 dudes in her life and for such a sooper sLuT, that's really average. Don't forget, Ariana equates relationships, not just sex, with undying love. Ariana thinks a man wanting to have sex with her means she's sexy and desirable and has self-worth.
Remember, this is Ariana "sexual aversion" McMillan.
No. 1135801
>>1135749She kicked the guy in the balls once and he never called her back. Last year I remember posting that she wishes he could call her again because it was easy and fun and she wanted someone to pay her to do that again. And no one did.
She has no long-term clients, which is sad considering how she plasters her stank naked body all over social media and still gets only 1 male compliment in an entire year… and it was admiring her unshaved armpit. That sounds to me like someone who's failing at sex work.
No. 1135802
File: 1611071398072.jpg (264.55 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20210119-104711_Sam…)

>>1135349Samefag but let me point out this brilliant social media technique that Ariana uses very often. She asks a question and sets it up so that no one can answer because she can't handle real comments. Great engagement idea, Ariana!
No. 1136347
File: 1611102601197.jpeg (332.12 KB, 1125x2044, C340EB2E-EDB0-466B-A7FA-EA3D86…)

No. 1136587
>>1136347 This hoe does a lot of nasty shit but for some reason this grosses me out the most. Not even the eating crickets part (which is normalized/not that weird in a lot of parts of the world, esp developing countries) but the weird sexualization of it is so gross, jfc.
Plus imagining bugs anywhere near those already bee-stung looking sausages on her face makes me want to barf. Ugh.
No. 1136773
File: 1611129489327.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1242x1785, 9F388491-4E59-4D04-B90A-86AC50…)

Looks like she actually did go to a hotel. Imagine working in a hotel during a pandemic and seeing her stank ass walking in with her entitled attitude, knowing that she literally has no real reason to be there. And the poor cleaners having to deal with the aftermath of that bed linen smh
No. 1136937
>>1136773the photoshopping of her ass in this tho.. she tried to add like mounds to the top? the outline of the right cheek looks especially bad
you have no ass ariana. you’re not fooling anyone
No. 1137329
File: 1611182948712.jpeg (Spoiler Image,476.1 KB, 2048x2048, 2DD03BE4-31CA-46DD-B3B2-CEF660…)

I just…….
No. 1137376
>>1137356Don't insult animals like that.
Ariana is dirtier than a swamp alligator from her home state of Florida.
No. 1137554
File: 1611197445098.jpeg (Spoiler Image,59.27 KB, 725x455, C992B704-4821-4F6D-ADCC-23467B…)

Holy fuck her side profile is god awful!
No. 1137773
File: 1611215796579.jpeg (156.18 KB, 478x493, 876EE0C0-BCF7-48D5-B5AC-38823F…)

Nightmare fuel part 2
No. 1137883
File: 1611233753175.png (Spoiler Image,3.8 MB, 1125x2001, 5BAE6218-C16A-4E3D-9396-843C23…)

Idk what editing software/ filter she is using but she managed to give herself a con-caved head.
No. 1137896
File: 1611235484166.jpg (436.33 KB, 1080x917, Photo_1611235087863.jpg)

No. 1137898
File: 1611235514227.jpg (8.97 KB, 320x240, Mactonight.jpg)

No. 1137985
File: 1611242994285.jpeg (Spoiler Image,416.19 KB, 1040x643, 80EB4000-DD65-496E-AA2D-EFAC34…)

Matt’s half flaccid penis makes an appearance again
No. 1138029
>>1137985>>1137883He averts his eyes in every single screenshot of their bad porn. Like her Mack 2Nite face is too tough to look at so he'll opt for the crooked, scarred botched tits.
>>1137969She's too much of a poser to fit into ANY scene at this point. She'd be outed and ridiculed in a second. Can you imagine her stiff body skanking while listening to The Toasters? Then going back to her car and awkwardly bobbing her head to shitty techno? It's pretty clear to anybody what kind of fake ass poser bitch she is and I'm glad that she can't get away with fronting.
No. 1138039
File: 1611244894603.jpg (88.11 KB, 1080x626, Screenshot_20210121-105903_Sam…)

>>1138029She literally had to ask him to look at her, holy shit I'm laughing out loud. I made the mistake of watching this and I saw the part where she slurs in a whiny voice like she's stoned af, squealing, "Waaaait a minute, we gotta look at each other for a moment because I like taking screenshots…"
No. 1138042
File: 1611244992523.jpg (90.27 KB, 1080x618, Screenshot_20210121-105900_Sam…)

>>1138039Every shot from the video has him giving the worst facial expression like he's thinking, "Whatever, just get through this Matt…"
No. 1138252
File: 1611256098366.jpg (184.04 KB, 711x1842, Screenshot_20210121-140453_Sam…)

Ig Analytics
No. 1138253
File: 1611256119878.jpg (202.06 KB, 805x1843, Screenshot_20210121-140738_Sam…)

Twitter Analytics
No. 1138282
File: 1611257420949.jpg (538.4 KB, 972x3049, Screenshot_20210121-142805_Chr…)

>>1138252I ran her IG through a fake followers checker and a lower score means it's more likely their followers aren't authentic (spam and bot or bought accounts). Ariana got a 19 out of 100, which means most accounts following her can't be confirmed as authentic accounts.
No. 1138289
File: 1611257657349.jpg (935.94 KB, 972x9163, Screenshot_20210121-143308_Sam…)

>>1138253I also ran her Twitter followers and 33% of them are fake. This explains so much.
No. 1138294
>>1138289"This account has more fake followers than most."
Major kek. We all kind of knew this, but it's funny to see it spelled out. In the other analytics report, I saw only 5.8% of her Twitter followers are male/identify as male on their Twitter profile. Like we all figured, she's not appealing to men at all. Plus, most of her followers are either women who also want plastic surgery, female sex workers, or farmers/hate followers.
No wonder why her porn posts get no engagement and barely any likes.
No. 1138299
File: 1611258115924.jpg (221.73 KB, 972x2072, Screenshot_20210121-144103_Sam…)

>>1138289I still don't understand how she only averages 55 likes per Tweet out of approximately 18k "real" followers (after subtracting the 6000 fake ones).
No. 1138339
Sorry, I labeled this backwards.
>>1138252Twitter Analytics
>>1138253IG Analytics
No. 1138346
>>1138315By porn posts, I mean the posts she puts on Twitter advertising her shitty porn. They barely get any likes which makes sense now.
I'm aware she can't fake OF followers (not that she has more than 25 subs on OF).
No. 1138579
File: 1611276886317.png (Spoiler Image,5.02 MB, 1242x2208, D2B45A9B-363D-41E9-8F88-439008…)

She literally didn’t even post the video, she sent it for people to tip to see it
No. 1138639
>>1138346>>1138579She looks like she’s spreading herself for a medical exam
What was the point of her starting an OF just to halfarse it like she does with everything else in her life: dirty fingernails, past it thongs, dirty house, not bothering to shave, not learning how to take good photos/videos, being completely unavailable to act “sexy” without looking awkward or strange and doing nothing new or interesting content wise
No wonder she’s only got 25 subs (who wants to guess how many are farmers kek) OF is such an oversaturated market everyone and their grandmother are posting themselves nowadays, Ari is one of many tattooed trailertrash looking women the only difference being is the majority of methanies know how to photograph/film themselves and change it up with themed sets and whatnot
Ari likes to portray herself as some ~*hot bitch sexworker*~ whilst putting barely any effort into what she considers her job
No. 1139510
File: 1611354399384.png (743.68 KB, 1080x1302, Screenshot_20210122-142502.png)

No. 1139621
File: 1611360046748.jpeg (241.36 KB, 750x850, 8D9BD056-773F-426A-88DD-5F9282…)

the girl from doormatt's new band keeps posting pictures without him in them, and he also doesn't follow her anymore. Did ari prevent his dreams from becoming reality again? lmao
No. 1140077
>>1140073He probably doesn't go on IG due to the shame and embarrassment.
His band is better off because they'd honestly get the worst local rep for Ariana being his gf.
No. 1140324
File: 1611435729517.jpg (604.86 KB, 1079x1920, Screenshot_20210123-160051_Ins…)

In this new story post she 1000% has a cold or something. Her voice shows she is very obviously congested. Probably covid because she's been so dumb about the pandemic. Her breathing sounds like it's a struggle. Idk how to post videos
No. 1140671
File: 1611458182641.jpeg (165.2 KB, 750x1241, 7975281C-400C-496B-A8CF-7693EF…)

She’s put her Twitter on private.
No. 1140869
>>1140501 ntayrt but pls chill anon the filter isn't
that strong. As
>>1140711 said, she's overlined her swollen, botched, already freshly-overfilled lips. This filter may intensify the effect a bit but most of what you're seeing there is her genuine fugliness.
No. 1141129
File: 1611520520571.png (Spoiler Image,5.2 MB, 1242x2208, 20FE986F-E793-4629-AEA2-60E5D0…)

No. 1141418
>>1141362She literally went to Texas for unnecessary plastic surgery and then tried finding someone to hang out with down there.
She's broken quarantine plenty.
No. 1141740
File: 1611588967781.jpeg (591.33 KB, 828x1176, B1B5A013-6AF2-42B5-8559-D9AE9D…)

Give this one maybe an hour before she deletes it?
No. 1141769
File: 1611593050284.jpeg (251.78 KB, 750x1248, B300FB55-4F17-4627-A771-8F381F…)

>>1141740okay but can we notice the same grey underwear lol
also went through her personal ig just to refresh my brian big mistake thought this list was really funny
No. 1141770
File: 1611593108218.jpeg (471.26 KB, 750x1241, 17AE394D-E071-48F0-8158-B84F11…)

No. 1141772
File: 1611593145417.jpeg (429.69 KB, 750x1142, DF5584D9-A18C-4CEA-9109-81D4FF…)

No. 1141840
>>1141743Looks like she was trying to correct her shapeless botched body via some shit photo editing app but her clumsy uncoordinated hands botched herself even more.
Great attention to detail, Scar-iana!
No. 1141859
>>1141769She's so good with money… yet can't perform basic multiplication, doesn't want her $9000 crooked, scarred, discount fake tits anymore after only a couple of years with them, claimed to have over $10,000 in the bank back around November (remember her weird brag about finally having "5 figures"), pays no more than $1200/month in bills yet STILL can't afford to get Frogger, her more-pweshus-than-DoorMatt, old, out of shape baby, his much needed hip surgery. Yeah, sounds like she's great with money. Can't wait until she tries to get a house with her "great credit" that her mom helped her with by using her identity. Gas yourself up, Ariana, because nobody else is and your reality is much worse than you think it is!
No. 1141864
File: 1611598526867.jpeg (900.28 KB, 1125x1218, B32B907F-919F-47EF-A7AC-B021A4…)

sorry deleted last one cause forgot to sage but she's in tx doing a follow up, full vid of plastic surgeon's instagram
No. 1141865
File: 1611598616487.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1870, 28745534-888A-4971-8B50-288A7F…)

she needs her chin fixed. what is this moon face? maybe she has undiagnosed cushing's syndrome
No. 1141871
>>1141770This sounds exactly like the post she made last year when she thought she was moving from Philly to buy a house without Matt and then didn't do anything except for move to a different shitty apartment with Matt, still in Philly. She definitely doesn't make $4-5k a month. She has about 25 subs on OF that never tip her (as she constantly bitches about on Twitter) and most, if not all, are farmers. She sells her shitty art for a couple hundred once or twice a month thanks to her insecure teenage followers. Even on her best month, she isn't making more than $1500/month. Combined with Matt probably making about $2200/month, they're probably making no more than $3700/month, which is probably where Ariana is getting her inflated number of $4k/month. This is just like when she calls 18k Twitter followers 100k (even though Twitter Analytics shows over 6k are spam/bot accounts).
If she's balling so hard, there's no reason why she couldn't get a house with Matt as the primary signer and her as the secondary. There's also no reason why she wouldn't get Frogger the hip surgery. And we all know she'd be getting lip fillers and a fake butt if she could afford it.
It actually seems like she tells herself a lot of lies to make herself hate herself less. All the constant self talk like when she repeats daily that she's "hot" and "talented" and a "good hole" when Matt's flaccid dick and zero social media engagement and lack of male attention and lack of clients/SDs/friends say it all.
No. 1141875
>>1141838i don’t think i’ve seen her in the top % lol everyday it’s sadder to see her bending backwards for subs but no one does and then to bring her cuck bf into this no one ever asked to see doormmatts dick or your nasty pussy
going back through her private blew my mind on how much of an air head she is talking about how she was going to go school but now is only focusing on art….her art is shit please someone i haven’t really posted on this thread just follow her…… how many of those horrible tree stubbs has she actually sold
No. 1141882
>>1141864Wow, that puffy bloated face is painful to look at! Her doughy face looks so weird since she now has really puffy bags under her eyes that are accentuated worse than before. The before picture looks like a mugshot, but it still looks like a completely different person from the shooped and angled photos she posted before her surgery. Now she looks so much more doughy and lacks a sleek, defined facial structure. You can tell even from the side that her features are very rounded which makes it look like she caught a whiff of herself and is making a stink face.
She really has no sense of identity, personality, or individuality and is the epitome of a normie that is trying too hard to fit in anywhere they can get in.
No. 1141884
>>1141878i saw that and died laughing how giddy that comment made her. you're right, good for him. this was the same surgeon who rejected her initially for fat transfer but i bet he went home to his wife that night and she's like "hunnnnny i want the new beamer and maybe some harry winston" then he reconsidered
lightbulb moment ahaaaa let me milk this sad body dysmorphic tramp
No. 1141898
File: 1611601845120.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1611601468781.jpg)

Here's a good example of how little her face has actually changed. Top left is 17 (appears natural), top right is right before her last nose job (taken by Ariana so shooped to some degree) around November of 2020 or so. Bottom left is from a couple of weeks ago after her new nose job (taken by Ariana and surely at least FaceTuned/Snow/edited). And bottom right is the most recent picture from the doctor's office (appears natural). Bottom left is how she wants us to believe she looks and bottom right is closer to how she actually looks and the difference is pretty jarring. She looks more like her pre-surgery face than ever before, just with less facial definition and a fatter face.
No. 1141903
>>1141898She looks EXACTLY the same, just with a more doughy face now that actually resembles weight gain or bloating rather than someone that just filled in wrinkles. And actually, her nasolabial folds are now deeper than they've ever been, due to all the extra fat in her cheeks.
It takes so little for Ariana to be gassed up if she's that tickled pink by being told she looks like a teen from the plastic surgeon she paid to try to look more youthful. Dr. Rohrich knows how to get good reviews and stroking an insecure patient's ego by telling them what they want to hear is a pretty easy way to go about it.
No. 1141923
File: 1611604152981.jpeg (163.78 KB, 781x845, BC851D50-10AC-4497-8B0D-AC05F4…)

No. 1141981
>>1141923this is overhead fluorescent lighting, i have no idea why this surgeon would seriously show his work in the least flattering lighting possible. like i actually can't believe it, especially with the before picture in far better lighting. what does he expect people to say. judging by the shadow of her eyelashes, she's sitting like directly below a fixture too.
swelling really does take years to go down, especially in revision rhinoplasties. he hopefully put kenolog to help with the scar tissue.
why did she take the time to do her make up like that but literally not touch her hair at all.
No. 1142037
File: 1611613076105.jpeg (118.93 KB, 806x900, D61D32A9-A188-4277-A66E-8BF37B…)

>>1141864Her nose is bigger. Jesus Christ.
No. 1142078
>>1142035well no, you wouldn't stick a patient under the worst lighting in existence. that's not even an accurate representation of his work and it makes no fucking sense. she has such harsh shadows on her face you literally can't see any details of her nose, and everyone looks soo bad in that lighting. from what i can see his lazy ass just can't get a ring light even though he has a social media presence. it's just the worst advertising and presentation possible.
and no surgeon would ever do that. surgeons turn down clients all the time, he's not going to fuck someone up and use them as a "warning", that would risk his entire career and especially his following.
No. 1142102
>>1141859Really don't know why she prioritized getting her nose revised when she was doing so poorly on her socials/work/money wise. Why not put Frogger's hips on credit so the dog can enjoy the last few year it has left, build her credit that way while still looking attractive enough to model and still have confidence.
is it karma she looks like frogger now?
No. 1142108
File: 1611618033387.jpg (1.34 MB, 2560x1920, 21-01-25-18-40-27-797_deco.jpg)

>>1141865She looks horrible.
No. 1142114
File: 1611618428126.jpg (476.35 KB, 1080x917, Photo_1611618448988.jpg)

Next thread pic?
No. 1142137
File: 1611620385891.jpeg (756.7 KB, 1125x2050, 71FCFA9C-94E4-4E88-B2A2-EA1194…)

she’s getting really bold with her prices. I wonder what idiot will buy this one
No. 1142142
>>1142095Maybe in a few decades once she loses fat in her face from aging it will look better? Is that a thing?
She looks like she's having an allergic reaction to hair-dye or something, her poor face just looks so swollen.
No. 1142183
File: 1611623329953.jpg (249.07 KB, 584x989, Screenshot_20210125-183808_Ins…)

>>1142108She spent 14k on this?
No. 1142216
>>1142102Lmao she’s such an *~eMpAtH-*
uwu and she loves her dog sooo much she said she was willing to be ugly and forego plastic surgery for it’s sake. But here she is, many thousands of dollars down the drain - and for what? To look like a bloated, deformed pig? She’s
still ugly as sin and her dog is STILL IN PAIN. Fuck this cunt. She postures as such an
uwu animal lover but she can’t even sacrifice ANYTHING to help her elderly dog feel more comfortable in its last years. She chose her feelings over its health. Watch her beg for pity when her mutt dies. No sympathy.
No. 1142220
>>1142142it doesn't take decades lmao. even if you research facial fat grafts, they get reabsorbed by the body after a couple years tops. and since the mouth is obviously such an animated part of your face, the fat can also crease, same as filler. it's more popular in korea, even for younger people, but on forums where patients talk about it most seemed to not be satisfied. i don't think it's a great option and i only very briefly looked it up, which makes me think she barely did any research. how many months has it been? everything is crazy swollen, and she looks like she just woke up and is generally inflamed from dietary issues.
if her whole thing is being "plastic and proud" why just get your nose done over and over with no underlying issues prompting it? the nose isn't something you can fuck with like that, it can collapse, and operating on it so much just turns it into a doughy mess unless you have a great surgeon who is skilled enough to work around it. i actually think so many surgeons just do such minor improvements with noses because they're so delicate and complicated.
she doesn't even seem to really even like ps and the culture, who spends that much on surgery only to show it off in the grossest old pair of panties ever known, cut and fry her own hair, and fuck a hobo? she also doesn't care at all about the very involved aftercare of surgery, so i know she's not actually into it otherwise she would have very basic respect for the money involved, the surgeon's effort and expertise, and the body's healing process that you have to supplement because it's working overtime for you. didn't she also say that matt "punched her in her sleep" or something really early on? she should've been sleeping with a few pillows and staying elevated, so that shouldn't have happened. i don't think she even took things like bromelain. probably doesn't even know what that is.
you guys really can't blame the surgeon for this sorry for the long ass post i just don't get it and my brain hurts.
No. 1142444
>>1142332No, we've seen all their shitty sex videos and he's always averting his eyes unless she specifically tells him to look at her for her "screenshots".
>>1142137I really feel like the overpriced wood art is to compensate for her lack of subs and SDs. She's hurting for money. She said she spent 2 weeks on this stupid painting because of how "detailed" it is, but 2 weeks of easy office work at a temp agency in Philly could have netted her at least a guaranteed $1400. What a dumbass. She's barely scraping by and thinks she's too good for a real job.
Ot but I saw Farrah Abraham's new nose and her and Ariana are really so fucking similar with their stupidity and overdone bad ps. Except Farrah still has a more narrow, nostril-less nose while Ariana has the same bell bottom nose she's always had, just with the bottom tip of her nose cut off.
No. 1142664
>>1142637I bet it’s all she talks about when he’s home. About how she is going to fix another part of her body, or how shitty she feels, or how accomplished she felt because she moved from one room of the apartment to another, who how she’s ate a piece of fruit.
Talking to her must be so one sided and exhausting. They’re both losers who can’t progress to another step of their adulthood because they’re both fuckwits with money and prioritizing what’s important. She always has to prove herself to ransoms online because she got attention and 70k followers for a fucking trending photo. Her going viral ruined her ego to ever improve.
No. 1142720
File: 1611690586423.jpg (651.91 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20210126_204649_com…)

>>1108345I guess whoever this was for didn't want it
No. 1142730
>>1142720Wasn't this for her grandpa for Christmas or something? She probably just never mailed it out & now is taking it back like the selfish hoe she is
>>1142585Is he really that old? Damn
No. 1142815
File: 1611695617358.jpg (857.11 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210126-161332_Ins…)

Literally why though? Her makeup is horrible and her art skills are genuinely mediocre
No. 1143155
File: 1611727387229.png (1.15 MB, 781x845, possiblethreadpic.png)

thread pic submission
No. 1143268
>>1143187It's always lacked symmetry. Her left side of her nose (or our right in
>>1141923 ) has a weird slope.