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No. 1750289[Reply]

Candyfox aka Ken is a British content creator heavily into alternative/harajuku fashion who caused quite some milky drama among the j-fashion community.

Summary of her foolish behaviors -

>Self claimed “the OG kawaii monster”, implying she invented the whole “kawaii pastel monster” fashion while it existed way before she started wearing it (I.E. in Japan among harajuku kids)

>Claims that she started wearing the style “many years ago”, but actually wore killstar/pastel goth aesthetic back in 2019, according to old pictures
>Harassed, cyberstalked and accused other people of copying/ripping off her “hard work” (Hard work = taking selfies and releasing generic discount Jazmin bean/Melanie Martinez music)
>Sperged on her IG story about another person into the same fashion giving her “stress induced vertigo” by “stealing” her look and ideas
>Ironically trying to have Jazmin Bean’s old aesthetic and persona
>Went on the infamous series “Hooked on the look” in attempt to desperately gain some fame
>Acts like a celebrity on social media but her low engagement might be from buying followers and likes
>”HaTErS gOnNa hATe” attitude and will throw online fits at any form of criticism

Links -

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No. 1750550

Pastel bat wore the style alot

No. 1750640

Your style isn't unique, fatty. Doesn't warrant DONUT STEAL. Even if someone did "steal" your "style," what the fuck are you going to do about it? It's not illegal. It's not unethical. It's not hurting you or anybody else. Maybe you should live in a dark cave for the rest of your life so nobody can see your uwu kawiwi monstar style and soil its pureness. If it's giving you retardation by people "copying" you, here's an idea- don't post your shit all over the internet

No. 1751584

No I mean, can you provide more details about her not remembering her family members ?

No. 1752652

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Her in 2015.
She was nu goth, her words and that’s what she was originally popular for.

No. 1752653

As in she can’t remember the lies she’s told about her family. She lied in 2015 that her dad was a music producer but then next minute she didn’t know him

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No. 1058880[Reply]

Tsundebolt "Tessa" is such a delusional cow with a shitshow of a twitter that she needs her own thread.
>30 something fat goth egirl that used to shoop herself into pics of Amy Lee
>transitioning into smol uwu anime egirl who looks so young because of her asian genes and now shoops herself into Tifa Lockhart
>makes new online persona to avoid anyone IRL
>extreme body shoops without understanding proportions
>filters to hide troon face and massive nose
>insists her youthful beauty is all natural and everyone saying otherwise is just jealous
>fishes for compliments and QRTs or subtweets replies if they aren't complimenting her ridiculous photoshops in hopes her followers bully people
>begged for cash donations with bizarrely specific sob stories, though she seems to be getting on just fine
>posts blurry nudes and bait posts whenever bitching about losing followers
>wears multiple bras and padding to push up her totally natural tits, unlike those other Tifa cosplayers
>skinwalking Tifa just like Usagi Kou/Lori in her Sailormoon heyday
>wears the same cheap wigs in all her photos, her real hair is damaged and frizzy just like Lori
>claims to be martial arts instructor, just like Tifa
>everything she says and does just happens to be exactly like Tifa by coincidence, Tifa was based on her
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No. 1586780

The entire beam is warped where Tessa famously shoops her waist kek

No. 1586889

Serbian might be her choosing it based on who Adriana Lima is married to. Adriana actually has a personality and speaks multiple languages, another thing Tessa will never do.

It's just a bad shoop because she's heavyset. She shrunk her head, waist and shoulders from the right side but look at how enormous and bent her arm still is on the left.

No. 1597982

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This is her newest Adriana Lima larp edit.

No. 1610947

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Seems she found this thread and deleted her twitter. Cow was great while it lasted.

Her IG is still cycling through heavily edited pics with hair painted on and a shrunken waist. The outfits look like something from over 10 years ago all the time, if it is even her.

No. 1750258

Hello Sven and welcome to Lolcow.farm! I highly recommend you include your full name - just enter it in the Name field. A full name is necessary to distinguish respected users among anonymous users, so if you aspire to be respected among lolcow.farm it's a good idea to include a full name. Don't forget to add a payment option as well; our admin will appreciate the donations.

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No. 1739573[Reply]

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No. 1750580

Patriarchy doesn’t hurt men because it literally caters to their feelings and to say otherwise is a lie. Everything is built around feelings of men and about caring for men. That’s why under patriarchy the woman’s role is a caretaker. Patriarchy is good for men and they don’t need feminism which is female liberation. But I guess it’s better to say that and have men fighting for feminism even though it’s not gonna help them at all.

No. 1750632

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In a FB group I’m in. Everyone is laughing at the moid who posted it.

No. 1750636

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he made himself a Wikipedia page too apparently topkek moids are retarded

No. 1750652

Damn, they’ve been doing these surgeries for that long and they still look like shit and have massive complications? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a rot pocket or armtube installation that went smoothly. How has it been over a century since they started making neovaginas but they still can’t even make them look accurate? And people actually want to get these things. Unsettling.

No. 1750653

Good. What are the comments like?

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No. 1742119[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1736432

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.

REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy.

This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last Thread:
>shayna invites Shane Pierre Sonnier of Wichita, Kansas over to Seattle, typical cringe ensues >>1736937 >>1736939
>shayna "Dolly Mattel" Clifford of Seattle, Washington makes a twitter post implying Shane Pierre Sonnier of Wichita, Kansas drugged and raped her >>1737516
>>shayna justifies this as one of her kinks >>1737879
>>1737933 more money begging from Shayna
>>shayna gets a crappy haircut >>1738261 >>1739615
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No. 1748209

No. 1748215

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New thread pic maybe?

No. 1748217

change it to shayhog doesn't go back south and ellen dresels name is spelled wrong

No. 1748218

I just added "60 days" and the text, since Ellen's name is wrong and I noticed that Shane pierre's Sonnier's name isn't full, maybe we should'nt use this picture, unless someone else edits it to be correct

No. 1748240

Someone crudely add in "DOESN'T" and more Shayna tears

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No. 1745812[Reply]

There’s this girl, @reve.lytle who I keep seeing on Instagram and she posts these little teenage girl outfits but she’s 28 and her plastic surgery is so horrible and excessive it makes her look 45. I don’t understand why everyone just acts like she’s so cute when she looks like an anorexic blowup doll and an ugly one at that…. I can’t even tell what ethnicity she is but her plastic surgery is so much and her bones make her look like a skeleton. Why do we condone this??? Girls wanna look like this??? It’s awful wtf(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1745861

Wow this is a really shitty post, how is she milky? you sound fat and ugly vendetta chan or self post. Either way, hope this low effort garbage is deleted kek

No. 1745870


agreed that this is not milky, but refuse to believe this is a "girl". that's a man. an ugly man.

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No. 935041[Reply]

Jessica Fodera/Jessicka Addams & Christian Hejnal/Xtian Addams

Heaps of cringe, buckets of milk. Welcome to the Teen Drama in Boomer Land that is the world of The Addams family.

Milky as fuck 40 something pig-in-a-wig from low-rent, self proclaimed ‘riotgoth’ band, Jack Off Jill. Popular for 5 mins ‘back in the day’ because of support from Marilyn Manson. Now models herself as Virtuous Spokeswoman #metoo for All Women whilst also publicly dragging and shaming women who dare to say anything against her. Claims to despise social media and all it represents, yet it clearly is her absolute lifeblood and she just can’t help but make herself look like an absolute tool, day in, day out by being a cunt to others in the name of virtuosity.

J’s fucktard husband, visual arts producer for Sony Film, loves to threaten libel and shout law suit at teenage stans of bands he doesn’t like, and anyone who so much give his wife the stink eye. Generally only exists to back up his insane wife.

Current Milk
>Incessant reeeeeeee about alleged abuse of others, by others, constantly threatens to spill tea which is not hers yet cryptically drunk tweets massive clangers then deletes
>Met with criticism, she will play the victim card, her husband then dogpiles, and the pair harass people, even minors, from their multiple social accounts.
>Floods twitter with her idiotic ‘kindness movement’, called #randomhearts, in the hope it will wipe out all ‘@‘s to her, calling out her retarded behaviour.
>Frequently edits own Wiki entry to make ridiculous self-aggrandising claims which lead to more drama and milk
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No. 1745287

>william control
Jesus you just reminded me of that dogshit band kek. He’s so fucking disgusting.

No. 1865922

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Leaving this here for posterity. Jessicka chimping out about Mark Ryder again.

No. 1865924

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I clearly meant Ryden. She goes quiet for a while then all of a sudden unleashes another sperg.

No. 1865926

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Simp husbando Xtian is just as bad. How he doesn’t die of embarrassment is what secures his status as megatard.

No. 1871020


i'm glad someone's posting about her. it's difficult to find discussion online because she's largely irrelevant. i noticed she has attached herself to Brody Dalle in the midst of her divorce/custody battle. Jessicka loves drama.

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No. 1742425[Reply]

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here. Regular board rules apply here. That means no infighting. Occasional mention of fujoshis is fine, for the love of Christ, stop infighting over it.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:
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No. 1742614

>This hormone disorder that makes me feel like absolute shit and is painful is acshually be being NoNbInArY all along!!!
By this logic any disorder of any kind doesn't need treatment

No. 1742759

which thread are we supposed to use

No. 1742812

This one

No. 1742818

This one is made 4 hours later than the other one

No. 1742830

Why do trannies hate medical science so much?? I have a good friend with pcos and she's always embarrassed about her very hairy arms. It doesnt make her not a woman. she's beautiful in fact. It's insane to me how they cope like this. bigender doesnt exist

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No. 1736432[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1729371

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.

REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore th
an Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy.

This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

A reminder that Shayna refused an offer for a free education so she could continue partaking in what will be described below: >>>/snow/1721055

Last Thread:

>>1729659 shayna likes a post on twitter claiming that mental illness isnt just for attention to be cute and quirky, ironic because we know thats all she uses it for
>>1729887 bangchan weighs in on her thoughts about shayna's new hairdo
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No. 1742090

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she's totally all better now ladies. she definitely won't bring this up on cam tonight and tomorrow

No. 1742091

Thread picture?

No. 1742092

I really want a Shane P Sonnier Sonnier P Shane Shane P S S P Shane thread and his "wolf pack". Surely there is milk to be had there kek

God you nonnies called it, immediate break up holy fuck.

No. 1742093

File: 1673469489985.jpeg (700.56 KB, 1170x1351, Shane Pierre Sonnier of Wichit…)

> delete all photos and videos I'm in
KEK he is totally scarred by lolcow, don't worry Shane P Sonnier of Wichita, KS, anons will make sure that your rapist pedophilic domestically violent actions will be immortalized forever

No. 1742094


this has been said a million times but needs to be said again: this is her work twitter. LOL

BOSSBABE GREAT CHOICES THIS IS WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT TO READ. damn, she is so good at everything! winning~! we really are all jealous of her!

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No. 1718961[Reply]

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former). Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

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No. 1741935

She must give so much false hope to young girls and women who start taking T. She was always beautiful and tall. People always call her cute because she has big eyes but yeah, that's because she is a woman. lol

No. 1741939

Read another book holy fuck

No. 1741943

These women are so weak and pathetic. People who survived the Holocaust could handle having libraries of history books with swastikas on the spine. But this mean children's book lady said a thing I don't like and now she's her own Voldemort metaphor because you can't possess critical thinking AND be a tranny

No. 1741955

the pink triangle makes me lol please oppress urself harder, sis

No. 1741972

Idk what's funnier, being so sensitive over merely seeing her name, or successfully swindling other sensitive trannies for £140

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No. 1720005[Reply]

If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting!

Last Thread: >>>/snow/1677115

The Basic Rundown:
>Jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
>before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
>after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
>enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
>since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then…

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonnycraig4l/?hl=en
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No. 1742451

lelayna caldwell autistic girl infected ass hemorrhoids exact location

No. 1742459

The automatic SuperCool function lowers the refrigerator temperature down to as far as +2 °C for as long as 12 hours - ideal for(autism)

No. 1742477

Shut the fuck up, weirdo. We're sick of you.

No. 1742483

it doesnt work

No. 1742514

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