No. 1750289
Candyfox aka Ken is a British content creator heavily into alternative/harajuku fashion who caused quite some milky drama among the j-fashion community.
Summary of her foolish behaviors -
>Self claimed “the OG kawaii monster”, implying she invented the whole “kawaii pastel monster” fashion while it existed way before she started wearing it (I.E. in Japan among harajuku kids) >Claims that she started wearing the style “many years ago”, but actually wore killstar/pastel goth aesthetic back in 2019, according to old pictures >Harassed, cyberstalked and accused other people of copying/ripping off her “hard work” (Hard work = taking selfies and releasing generic discount Jazmin bean/Melanie Martinez music) >Sperged on her IG story about another person into the same fashion giving her “stress induced vertigo” by “stealing” her look and ideas >Ironically trying to have Jazmin Bean’s old aesthetic and persona >Went on the infamous series “Hooked on the look” in attempt to desperately gain some fame >Acts like a celebrity on social media but her low engagement might be from buying followers and likes >”HaTErS gOnNa hATe” attitude and will throw online fits at any form of criticism Links -
Instagram : @candyfoxofficial : @Hellocandyfox : Candy Fox channel with her music : on the look episode : No. 1750385
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>>1750345She still labelled herself as pastel goth in 2020, it seems
No. 1752652
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Her in 2015.
She was nu goth, her words and that’s what she was originally popular for.