File: 1602711898857.jpg (11.78 KB, 180x240, EkF7ko5XsAAKd9h.jpg)

No. 1058880
Tsundebolt "Tessa" is such a delusional cow with a shitshow of a twitter that she needs her own thread.
>30 something fat goth egirl that used to shoop herself into pics of Amy Lee
>transitioning into smol uwu anime egirl who looks so young because of her asian genes and now shoops herself into Tifa Lockhart
>makes new online persona to avoid anyone IRL
>extreme body shoops without understanding proportions
>filters to hide troon face and massive nose
>insists her youthful beauty is all natural and everyone saying otherwise is just jealous
>fishes for compliments and QRTs or subtweets replies if they aren't complimenting her ridiculous photoshops in hopes her followers bully people
>begged for cash donations with bizarrely specific sob stories, though she seems to be getting on just fine
>posts blurry nudes and bait posts whenever bitching about losing followers
>wears multiple bras and padding to push up her totally natural tits, unlike those other Tifa cosplayers
>skinwalking Tifa just like Usagi Kou/Lori in her Sailormoon heyday
>wears the same cheap wigs in all her photos, her real hair is damaged and frizzy just like Lori
>claims to be martial arts instructor, just like Tifa
>everything she says and does just happens to be exactly like Tifa by coincidence, Tifa was based on her
>pretends to be part asian since Tifa is said to look asian
>posted fake DNA test results to prove it, then got called out because only somebody insane would instantly post fake DNA results over a twitter random calling her white trash
>fetishizes asians like the average smalltown weeaboo who has never interacted with anyone asian before and will date the first one they can get so they can "be asian" through them
>stole photos of famous asian cosplayers, photoshopped them uglier, then reposted them with her name on top and said it was her
>photoshopped her eyes on a few occasions to have a rainbow effect "I don't know what colour my eyes are!" just like Lori
>puts filters over semi-famous photographs or art pieces then says she painted them, even though they can probably be found via reverse google image, search since the photos weren't even distorted or rotated
>fake feminist efriends with other popular Tifa cosplayers so she can get their followers, had drama with another Tifa cosplayer who was doing exactly what she is doing
Some gems:
>"I kicked my rapist in the jaw with a spinning-hook kick. Instead of being traumatized I feel elated."
>"I just really don't know how to explain it but I was born looking kinda like an anime character"
>"I'm considered vain by a lot of people just based on my looks. As if a person kind to the gaze isn't allowed to take selfies."
>"I'm Hasian so the mix is definitely probably the reason idk. Anime characters kinda look both white and Asian and this is my only logic behind it."
No. 1058883
File: 1602712132169.jpg (152.1 KB, 1080x1440, EkF7ko5XsAAKd9h (1).jpg)

No. 1058884
File: 1602712180663.png (290.46 KB, 362x560, eyess.png)

"I don't use filters or photoshop. some people just look anime and you just have to get used to that"
girl your left eye is slipping
No. 1058959
File: 1602718070560.png (109.57 KB, 1190x536, coolstorybro.png)

This cow has an unoriginal mix of everyone in her and it's great.
>The smug posts about how hot she is with homebrew shoop videos of Dakota
>The attraction to abusive men of Kiki
>The potato shoops of Victoria Murder
>The skinwalking with inaccurate aliexpress cosplays of Usagi Kou
>The asian chasing or pretending to be asian of every other jvlogger or klogger weeb
>The farming of an army of defenders like Belle Delphine
>The excercise lines of PT
>The stolen artwork and pics like many cows before her
I'm not if any cows have ever posted so many fake conversations like this though.
No. 1059104
>I'm not if any cows have ever posted so many fake conversations like this though.Erin, Stef, Soren, Ariana…
>>1058886Girl same
No. 1059186
File: 1602752542113.jpg (173.87 KB, 1627x703, EaZ_xr7WoAENCLt.jpg)

what happened to her huge lips
No. 1059215
File: 1602757653180.png (1.26 MB, 1193x1276, stillfiltered.png)

>>1059205>'asian features'This is probably the closest you'd get to her real hair and face.
She looks like a
victim of cheap fillers and implants but if her paypigs believe it's real, so it must be!
No. 1059218
File: 1602757999243.jpg (480.1 KB, 1552x866, fakeart.jpg)

Here is some of her artcow content.
No. 1059220
>>1059215why is it so common for girls to lie about being half asian?
she's from ireland. I think from Cork. I'd love to see how white her parents are kek
No. 1059222
File: 1602758176411.jpg (58.94 KB, 474x663, 26e48073fca30610cde0cd371f9efb…)

>>1059218I feel like she put a filter over this picture and blurred certain areas to look like a painting.
might be why she cropped the top of the head off. because it would have looked weird in the hair
No. 1059224
File: 1602758658916.png (64.99 KB, 567x691, skinwalk.png)

>>1059220Because it fits into the skinwalking persona.
She has nothing interesting to offer nor any talents, might as well make them all up!
No. 1059226
File: 1602758922611.jpg (274.3 KB, 1080x1149, EbhT0fXXgAETRHG.jpg)

What happened to the 4pack and thigh gap. Don't even know if it's her own edited photos though.
No. 1059232
File: 1602759445440.jpg (54.7 KB, 660x676, Ee8bjStWAAUDdE1.jpg)

this is horrifying.
how could anyone think this isn't shooped?
No. 1059287
File: 1602769323915.jpg (162.31 KB, 1080x521, 20201015_104244.jpg)

Sure jan
No. 1059380
File: 1602780460014.jpg (120.24 KB, 661x1356, EkKCJKSWoAAjR63.jpg)

She really can't decide on her waistline. There's no way she has Tifa's proportions.
>>1058384 is filtered and there's a long goth wig on but you can tell she's average short and stubby with bad posture.
No. 1059394
File: 1602782244040.jpg (126.77 KB, 600x838, asiandna.jpg)

>>1058880Just realized "Hasian" wasn't a typo. She literally is calling herself a "hot asian".
I've never heard of that slang before and I doubt other real asians have ever used it, especially not when referring to themselves.
No. 1059487
File: 1602793507688.jpg (264.01 KB, 578x850, nobodyasked.jpg)

>>1059483She's been keeping her eyes small with tons of widening eyeliner on the sides because to her those "chinky" eyes are her asian features, duh.
She keeps saying it's just makeup and contouring but no amount of makeup can shorten the midlength of a face or turn a wide jaw into a sharp triangle.
No. 1059515
>>1059303I was wondering that, too. She looks older, like 35+, or it's a guy with strong features which would explain the mega blur either way.
Came here thinking it was moo but am not disappointed, good thread.
No. 1059526
>>1059487"You guys kept asking me to"
Literally who was asking you to do that??
No. 1059531
File: 1602799296039.jpeg (128.74 KB, 1058x528, 1600734069165.jpeg)

lets not forget that she stole arurinh’s picture. edited herself into it and claimed it was her cosplay from Samurai Warriors.
tessa is deranged
No. 1059548
>>1059534Okay this has GOT to be a man or something
Looking at her twitter the way she talks about herself is so weird? And every single picture looks like its been through 87 filters and compressed to shit
No. 1059549
File: 1602800945949.png (592.66 KB, 1119x1020, doubleeyelidstho.png)

So much sperging over what she percieves to be asian.
No. 1059551
File: 1602801096129.png (327.86 KB, 613x872, moresperging.png)

Compared herself to being hot and ageless like Keanu.
He's probably the template of why she chose to skinwalk a 1/4 asian Tifa when even 1/2 white asians also age like milk.
No. 1059552
File: 1602801341755.jpg (134.58 KB, 709x1200, EZtDvohWsAEg2eY.jpg)

can't forget to show off her tits even when supporting blm
No. 1059563
File: 1602802422448.png (440.43 KB, 566x845, skinwalkthebf.png)

>>1059548Tinfoil but it reminds me of how Belle Delphine's accounts have posts made by a scrote with content they think works to get followers and money out of other scrotes.
It makes me wonder if the bf is real. Why would a woman who is taken post
>>1042073 and
>>1042074 if she's unavailable?
She has paypigs keeping her afloat and private twitter accounts yet posts nudes and begs for RTs every now and then on the public account.
No. 1059576
File: 1602803756624.png (112.12 KB, 380x801, imarealtroon.png)

>some people are born with anime faces & proportions and you just have to learn to live with that fact
No. 1059603
File: 1602808277933.png (641.45 KB, 967x935, 44645684.png)

>I'm pretty strong for a girl
is she even flexing? also that's not very smoll of her.
No. 1059684
File: 1602820143977.jpeg (232.98 KB, 567x567, video_image.jpeg)

Just reminding everyone again that she's not like the other girls.
No. 1059720
File: 1602825438266.jpg (343.67 KB, 1080x1165, 20201016_021554.jpg)

>>1059394I think she means half asian?
This bitch is insufferable, she is the "not like other girls" in it's more pure form. This cow has some potential milk.
No. 1059723
File: 1602826323719.png (89.31 KB, 569x800, topkek.png)

If she actually spoke this many languages she wouldn't need the paypigs to shop at Forever21 like Looni.
No. 1059729
File: 1602827376064.png (721.89 KB, 1132x882, fakepainting.png)

Someone has to know where this painting, or rather photo, is originally from.
>>1059725Bless you anon, even her new backstory is unoriginal.
No. 1059732
File: 1602828788960.png (88.79 KB, 530x883, googletranslate.png)

>>1059723>>1059727Found her pretending to have a job where she speaks French.
Make that 6 languages.
No. 1059737
File: 1602830179622.jpg (457.72 KB, 810x2374, 20201016_033444.jpg)

>>1059725Beautiful anon
>>1059732>>1059729This is her artstation description. PARIS, FRANCE.
No. 1059740
File: 1602831029283.png (45.03 KB, 587x512, chinadoll.png)

Posts like this make her read like some retarded m2f fantasy.
Does anyone under 60 even use the phrase chinadoll?
No. 1059776
>>1059729I'm confused.
Why would she say its a self portrait if she used Liziq to model?
Lizi is Chinese. Tsundebolt is supposed to be Korean..does she think all Asian people look the same?
No. 1059779
File: 1602840863296.png (54.85 KB, 588x668, didntplayff7remake.png)

>>1059684She posted that statement yet doesn't have a PS4 and never played FF7 remake.
No. 1059783
File: 1602841638249.png (415.33 KB, 1848x861, fakedna.png)

Found the fake DNA test results. Numbers were rounded out and they still don't add up. Shooping the map was probably too hard.
No. 1059790
File: 1602843806057.png (24.42 KB, 750x245, skinwalking.png)

I've never come across someone so delusional that they fully think they're a fictional character
No. 1059798
File: 1602845496062.png (459.12 KB, 731x678, no photot.png)

>I have live fuckin' videos on my twitch channel where I show my face and figure. Please explain to the jury how Photoshop is possible. I'll wait.
>proceeds to show a screenshot of her with a butterfly filter
No. 1059803
File: 1602846956909.jpg (285.56 KB, 1153x1558, EcLSZMAXsAEnRCz.jpg)

her boyfriend.
why does her face look copy and pasted in
No. 1059821
>>1059549Sage for autism, but she’s retarded. Epicanthic fold and typical east asian eyes aren’t even synonymous. One can have double eyelids and epicanthic folds, which she doesn’t even have. Even if she had epicanthic folds she wouldn’t even look asian lmao.
So cringe. She doesn’t even look one bit asian. But even 1/8. She just looks like those crazy white people that do surgery to look asian.
No. 1059889
File: 1602861299688.png (97.11 KB, 603x804, barbiecomestoreal.png)

She stealing Dakota's backstory here?
No. 1059929
File: 1602864776938.jpg (491.28 KB, 1076x1519, 20201016_131205.jpg)

She doesn't lie, she twists truths.
>>1059803Is this the guy she says is rufus shinra or her ex?
No. 1059935
>>1059929Its her current boyfriend.
Apparently her ex broke her arm but she's also said the only person she's ever been with is her current boyfriend. Its hard to keep up with her lies
No. 1059957
File: 1602868616941.png (2.7 MB, 1859x1186, 90DF39B6-61EA-485C-B999-61D295…)

>>1059220She’s from Cheticamp, NS.
Lots of similar geography between cape breton highlands/Cabot Trail and Scotland/Ireland.
Blog anecdote but, having lots of family on CBI, this kind of insanity is pretty on-brand and definitely a cultural problem.
No. 1059986
File: 1602872490506.png (632.99 KB, 577x826, rufuskek.png)

>>1059929Is this the same guy?
No. 1060090
File: 1602882884114.jpg (389.57 KB, 701x1440, Screenshot_20201017_001547.jpg)

Maybe she's secretly some man in a rubber doll suit with breastforms. She sure does look like it.
No. 1060097
File: 1602883912603.png (3.26 MB, 4000x5000, milk.png)

More milky skinwalking.
No. 1060098
>>1059803lmao they look like Mother and child.
>>1059957It's really funny that she's lying about being Irish on top of being Korean. I didn't even consider she wasn't Irish.
No. 1060102
File: 1602884466509.jpg (360.09 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2020-10-17_00-41-23.JPG)

Is this Jefree Starr's kboo not like the other girls alter ego?
No. 1060125
File: 1602887030934.png (20.69 KB, 741x162, 889838383.png)

any idea if she really had 300k followers on her "modeling instagram"
No. 1060128
File: 1602887220273.png (128.73 KB, 684x667, cosplay.png)

wonder who'll she photoshop herself into next
No. 1060148
File: 1602889855681.png (967.3 KB, 1887x1446, camera.png)

>>1060125Bots and that's why the account got banned then deleted. Instagram has strict policies over that.
>>1060128Kek she can't tell us her camera was at fault when it's capable of taking photos just fine.
No. 1060282
File: 1602909212806.jpg (387.1 KB, 1080x1224, 20201017_012230.jpg)

She tried really hard to pretend she knows what she is talking about, but it just shows how she is playing a made up character.
Legit reads like something a teenager at school would say, what even is dated art prose? Some Shakespearean play? Is monet really the best she could think of? Ffs
No. 1060290
File: 1602910970836.png (67.45 KB, 600x641, artadvice.png)

>>1060282Doubt she's ever taken any art classes beyond a required one in HS, and the teacher told her to stop copying other, better, artist's work so she's been bitter ever since.
No. 1060301
>>1060282super obscure artist Monet that only true art fans know about
>>1060290It's funny she wants to act so smart and above everyone but she can't even use the correct its/it's.
Also, I just realized she uses American spelling (color) so yeah she's not from Ireland but Nova Scotia like the other anon pointed out. Is there anything genuine about this crazy bitch?
No. 1060306
Does anyone else think she or an orbiter of hers may have made
Shitty newfag thread about a rival “IRL Tifa” who OP accuses of all the things farmers have been saying about Tessa, made very shortly after her own thread, possibly to get the attention off her. Of course we get costhot vendetta threads all the time but the timing on this one is suspicious.
No. 1060311
File: 1602917388339.png (441.46 KB, 534x887, imkorean.png)

>>1060301Canadians use "colour".
>>1060306Didn't even try to integrate. Might have been herself because the thread went up as soon as her twitter went private.
She could have sent her paypig army but like other anons said, she knows they'd read and realize how fake she is.
No. 1060315
File: 1602918183628.jpg (119.39 KB, 1080x349, 20201017_035749.jpg)

>>1060306>>1060311I was about to post this. I hate tinfoiling, but that shit was way too obvious. She should just drop the lies. Even with retarded amounts of editing over potato quality photos I can tell she isn't hideous, she doesn't need to live this delusional mentally unstable way.
No. 1060351
File: 1602924557633.jpg (112.34 KB, 502x432, lol.jpg)

This girl has got to be seriously mentally ill. She's literally sitting there with her square ass chin a few inches away from her photoshopped dorito chin on her stream.
Also she keeps bragging about high cheekbones but you can see she has a foot shaped face because her filter isn't strong enough. Why expose yourself like this?
No. 1060358
>>1060306I made the thread here because we were talking about tessa on the personal lolcow thread and I saw she was lurking there because she took a screenshot I posted there and put in on her twitter saying that "people are accusing me of photoshopping my body"
now she's gone and locked her twitter page kek
No. 1060363
File: 1602926913217.png (301.73 KB, 590x874, skinwalkingtifa.png)

She's now a bartender! Just like Tifa!
Was totally keeping it quiet until now!
Didn't want to overwhelm the creepy scrotes complimenting her because she's IRL Tifa!
>>1059790If any of this was true, she would have real girlfriends.
The only women this bot interacts with online are people she will never meet and conversations are always on a superficial level of either clout chasing or physical beauty compliment fishing.
This cow really delivers. Don't worry farmers, I'll share some caps from before this thing went private.
No. 1060372
File: 1602928158102.png (26.29 KB, 748x217, pic.png)

so now she's a trained MUA
No. 1060377
>>106035700:10:41 here: definitely isnt irish. It almost sounds like she's faking an aussIe accent at times
No. 1060384
File: 1602930821883.png (179.89 KB, 569x702, weebstarterpack.png)

>>1060372Interesting that she always uses the specific term plastic surgery, as if people can't see the sloppy lip filler.
Her use of dated terms, even referring to well known asian countries, people and their foods as simply 'Asian' is very lazy, even for someone skinwalking.
>>1060377>keeps her face still without any expression>not even a smile when she finally won>constantly checking to make sure filter doesn't slip>getting the party wiped because staring at herself more than the game kekOnly watched the beginning and the end but she was terrible at such a basic game and doesn't say anything witty.
Barely could hear a thing but there weren't any Irish verbal tics or slang from what I saw.
No. 1060390
File: 1602931621341.png (605.6 KB, 1114x848, eyesperg.png)

She keeps sperging about her small beady eyes being a unique colour. There are even posts about how her pupils are also a ~unique teardrop~ shape. Literally everything is a YA fiction MC with her.
>>1060388Nobody IRL knows about her online personas. She talks shit about everyone, from landlords to coworkers and supposed friends. Especially other women in her family who just can't handle how she's naturally a barbie doll, such as her own mother! Wouldn't a mother be proud that her genes made a beautiful daughter? She's so retarded.
No. 1060391
>>1060377Irish person here and thats definitely not a cork accent. Not even close.
Thats not even an Irish accent. It sounds like she's from New Zealand
No. 1060392
>>1060390"Upside down raindrop"
Pretentious bitch. Her eyes are blue. Thats it. If she liked them so much she wouldn't have to put insane filters over them all the time
No. 1060393
File: 1602932210744.png (118.64 KB, 588x856, wha.png)

>>1060391Agreed. She probably was claiming Irish so as to play into her previous gaelic fae goth demon persona.
She seems to be shifting away from the Irish persona and focusing on Korea now. She removed some of the bullshit descriptors on her twitter. She kept the Irish flag but removed that she plays the harp, something impossible to do with the tacky nails she is always showing off.
No. 1060396
>>1060377doesn't sound like a typical troon voice but maybe he just took HRT really early like NikkiTutorials or Kim Petras, also wouldn't surprise me if this person doesn't just filter their face but also their voice
I really don't see why a woman would ever go to these extremes. I guess extreme mental illness, but being obsessed with big boob videogame woman and asians seems like a troon thing, not a woman thing.
No. 1060414
File: 1602933950903.gif (1012.84 KB, 500x235, C676C617-77E4-44F6-A078-F208E0…)

>”the pupil itself can sometimes turn into the shape of an upsidedown raindrop while dilating” is she trying to say her pupils turn catlike when they dilate like sephiroth/cloud’s eyes in ffvii? this moron is deluded beyond words
No. 1060446
File: 1602940549764.png (216.39 KB, 518x882, soaccurate.png)

This video explains how and why she says she's contouring with makeup. No. 1060460
File: 1602943269767.jpg (318.86 KB, 810x981, 20201017_110056.jpg)

>>1060390Men who buys into her delusion deserve to be catfished.
>>1060390Is there a possibility her bf doesnt know any what she says about him there?
No. 1060499
>>1060393i cannot believe this is real it sounds like the kind of shit 13 year olds would tell their friends to sound cool
how tf does anyone take her seriously
No. 1060556
File: 1602955924351.jpeg (3.92 KB, 162x311, images.jpeg)

Not even the cleavage of this android makes sense, most photos it looks like pic attached, in the twitch stream it looks like a straight black line and in the blue top there is none at all. not saying that that means it's not a woman because we come in all sizes but the entire persona seems like the messed up fantasies a guy would have about what women should act and be like
No. 1060757
File: 1602975543709.png (281.43 KB, 605x895, fakelaw.png)

>>1060485Erased the fake bio and pfp, she does this every month.
Today's lie is that she got hacked and that's how so many people are getting unfollowed and very specific tweets deleted. The pathological lying never ends.
She's totally was
>>1060188 since she uses similar terms.
No. 1060760
File: 1602975833872.png (262.31 KB, 1011x832, orbiterpayments.png)

The unnamed company she hired to 'unhack' her twitter didn't mistakenly unfollow any of the orbiters she considers valuable. Just a coincidence.
No. 1060804
File: 1602981354699.png (316 KB, 589x719, 2bifas.png)

After I saw
>>1060188, out of curiosity I checked that drella's twitter. When I saw this as her pinned tweet, tessa's random 2b tweet made a lot more sense. I bet not a single person has ever asked for that.
No. 1060809
File: 1602982510441.png (279.56 KB, 583x650, noIRLFEMALEfriends.png)

>>1060804They're both potentially milky together since they must have been subtweeting each other for a long time.
I have yet see the other girl claiming her chinese filters and contour makeup abs were natural or lying as much, so she's not as interesting.
Pic related another popular Tifa cosplayer she clout chased for followers. Imagine calling women on the internet your "female friends" and thinking that sounds normal.
No. 1060828
File: 1602985013056.jpg (175.04 KB, 1080x551, 20201017_223649.jpg)

>>1060809>I'm so luck to be blessedShe can't even fake compliment others without inserting something about her in the same tweet.
I wouldn't be surprised if this drella girl seflposted for attention, but honestly I don't care either cause tessa is a far more ridiculous and entertaining cow.
Pic related just amazes me how she comes up with the most weird ass stories. Why would you want to lie about that?
No. 1060879
File: 1602994658900.png (249.44 KB, 563x770, totallyrandomcandid.png)

>>1060828The stories are part of a very deliberate spooky gawth persona construct.
No. 1060908
File: 1603000988197.png (68.98 KB, 590x617, wherearethetrolls.png)

>>1060882Kek it's just like every other ethot, they are desperate for male validation.
No. 1060920
File: 1603004680294.jpg (699.67 KB, 1080x2194, 20201018_080535.jpg)

>>1060917And this is her other old deviantart acct. This is her with no filters.
No. 1060924
File: 1603005945552.png (263.29 KB, 876x838, vintageeyesperg.png)

Better get to farming, she's going to nuke this goldmine.
No. 1060925
File: 1603006062660.jpg (354.83 KB, 1080x1977, 20201018_080549.jpg)

No. 1060927
File: 1603006438369.png (143.78 KB, 480x480, d5bjr3k-3a29a809-6e60-4813-ac0…)

"""Highly seductive"""
No. 1060929
File: 1603006877168.jpg (629.28 KB, 1080x1998, 20201018_084218.jpg)

The band her DA was named after was her boyfriend's band. Her name is Tessa O'Neill.
No. 1060932
File: 1603007414784.jpg (520.95 KB, 1080x2001, 20201018_085136.jpg)

>>1060929The boyfriend's DA has this there. So she could be Finnish.
No. 1060933
>>1060932Tessa Johanna Sävelmaa
Born 11 August 1991
No. 1060945
File: 1603010470948.jpg (56.51 KB, 960x720, 62952_10153893620740045_968929…)

From the facebook, clearest pic?
No. 1060948
File: 1603010502598.jpg (169.45 KB, 1080x1356, blursandbends.jpg)

Like others said, she's not completely ugly. She has some features she could work with if she had some IRL girlfriends to help but she's simply not even in the same galaxy as the anime girl persona she's currently aiming for. Instead she's going for whatever she thinks scrotes want.
No. 1060952
>>1060945what's up with these decent looking, borderline cute girls doing all this weird shit?
She could be in a lifetime movie playing the crazy goth best friend who kills her blonde best friend in a jealous rage and tries to hide it until the geeky girl who was friends with the Blonde solves the crime.
Instead, she's doing all this dumb anime shit.
No. 1060957
>>1060945Could you link the facebook?
The guy seems to be her ex since he has pics of a new gf on his fb/instagram.
No. 1060961
>>1060945>>1060948the difference between chins in these two photos kek
She's not ugly but she's not pretty at all. I could easily see her being ignored irl for being plain and that leading to her trying to larp as a hot girl online.
No. 1060963
File: 1603013498243.png (261.95 KB, 728x880, supermodel.png)

More of the fake vampire stuff.
As if that wasn't a recent photo and edit at the time.
No. 1060965
holy shit the milk is flowing
>>1060963so she lurks here. she deleted all of her tweets, pictures and said it was because a stalker was using her page since feb and uploading edited pictures of her.
which means going forward she shouldn't have any filters or facetune on any of her pictures otherwise everyone will know she's lying
No. 1060967
File: 1603013789095.jpg (154.83 KB, 1201x601, 1602712132169.jpg)

she really gave herself a new face
>some people just look anime
yeah right
No. 1060973
File: 1603014310417.jpg (49.65 KB, 720x960, d56upw2-ebb2960c-5ecd-44f8-8b5…)

her aunt is very white.
anyone have any idea about her parents?
anyone korean in the family?
No. 1060974
File: 1603014574534.png (73.54 KB, 605x528, thosedarnasians.png)

>>1060973I think it's safe to say her asian fixation was simply that.
No. 1060975
File: 1603014823207.png (138.91 KB, 590x771, wherearetheclearpics.png)

>>1060965She expects orbiters to believe that a stalker had the motive to do a massive catfish scheme on all her accounts?
The stalker knew all of her exact speech patterns since that DA account, took all the selfie photos and videos, does all her cooking, posted all those videos with her voice, and even invested in all her furniture in order to… what?
No. 1060978
File: 1603015382893.png (245.24 KB, 854x860, nophotoshop.png)

>I don't photoshop
At least she's been consistent in that lie.
No. 1061000
File: 1603018634156.jpg (37.63 KB, 596x947, EaqMhwnXgAMUBYQ.jpg)

>>1060997Don't know what her name is it's the same person, voice and face everywhere.
She reposted that old keyboard clip on her Tifa skinwalk twitter in the past, but with her face clipped off for obvious reasons.
No. 1061006
>>1061000so she's probably Finnish, moved to canada (she confirms this on twitter that she lived in canada for a while)
but is trying to pass as an irish fae and korean.
changes her name several times, claims to have worked several different places.
I need someone to crack the case on this girl kek
none of this adds up
No. 1061010
excellent farming anons! this is some grade A full-fat milk
>>1060925>>1060927suddenly this post is making a LOT more sense
>>1060102 No. 1061014
File: 1603021802531.jpg (45.55 KB, 605x1076, Edk9nGlWoAEAZqS.jpg)

>>1061006I can't place why she would pick Korean of all things.
Maybe she really took a TKD class in her youth, saw that kpop and kbeauty is a mainstream thing and decided to run with it.
No. 1061022
>>1060997We can't even find out her name because of her crazy lies, incredible.
Legit one the best cows in a while,I hope some anons still have access to her Twitter and keep us updated.
No. 1061033
>>1061014That has to be a troon. That's way too uncanny Valley to be an actual woman. Even filters alone don't make people look that fake. The shape of the skull is also kind of a giveaway and the tits are fake.
Troons are the biggest show offs and liars. It's a bloke with a fetish.
No. 1061035
File: 1603026942518.png (187.34 KB, 582x683, csb.png)

>>1061022She hasn't seen that her real face was posted here yet. Give it a few hours, she's likely on west coast time.
No. 1061036
File: 1603026949737.jpg (211.16 KB, 1496x821, 1603010470948.jpg)

I know she uses filters and facetune but do you think she had work done too?
the Doritos chin and Michael Jackson nose looks more like a botched job than a slimming tool in photoshop
No. 1061039
File: 1603027502243.jpg (118.79 KB, 575x725, wig.jpg)

>>1061036The chin is every asian app filter ever or liquify tool in PS. She must be running double or triple filters for that chin to look dorito. This is why it's so compressed.
I think her nose never had work, pic related she has a hard time consistently editing it,so she often layers filters that are both obscuring it and narrowing her chin.
The only work she's likely had done is lip filler because of the wonky ducklips in all her newer edits, unlike in
No. 1061045
>>1059224>am dating a Rufus Shinra lookalike (this was before FFVIIR so I think they are spying on us)is this bitch of a FFVII psychofan really pretending that Rufus' CGI design wasn't known since like 2005 when Advent Children has been released?
I love her, she's so delusional and tripping up on her on bullshit.
No. 1061048
File: 1603028694655.png (904.99 KB, 594x576, bf.png)

>>1061045in what world does her bf look like Rufus?
I wonder if he knows that she's pretending to be Asian and what he would think of that.
they both have huge square chins so at least they have that in common
No. 1061053
File: 1603029046497.png (74.27 KB, 596x671, truemartialartist.png)

>>1059369If she really was right up against someone assaulting her, adrenaline and fighting ability won't magically be like Tifa in the videogame cutscenes.
No. 1061057
File: 1603029286763.png (68.43 KB, 584x572, koreaboononsense.png)

>>1061048>totally natural for a woman to say things like thisIn the same world where she's a korean waifu..
No. 1061058
File: 1603029404924.jpg (167.74 KB, 946x2048, EkUZ8giWoAIOrRo.jpg)

she's even being called out on facebook
No. 1061059
>>1061048I don't think that's actually her boyfriend. The other photo she posted with her apparent bf looks like a different man. He was wearing sunglasses but it was obvious that he had softer features than this guy.
Tinfoil ahead
I have a friend who used to go up to random people in public places and take photographs posing with them to post on fb in order to look more popular than they actually were. I wonder if that's what she's doing.
No. 1061066
File: 1603030317283.png (2.59 MB, 2048x1536, arms.png)

>>1061059Different bodies in these two pics. Don't tell me she photoshopped a guy..
No. 1061068
>>1061067Robby Stark is a massive simp for her on twitter.
he thinks it's impossible that she ever facetunes.
I'd love to send him a picture of her real face and see how he responds
No. 1061073
File: 1603030982728.jpeg (66.14 KB, 567x527, 1602799296039.jpeg)

now that we know she's a basic white bitch can we talk about how racist this photoshop is
No. 1061074
File: 1603031089191.png (1.52 MB, 1902x1228, diffdudes.png)

>>1061069I wonder if she took unidentifiable pics of random guys in the same pose without realizing they have different phones and ways of holding them.
The sweater one looks a bit close to the SEA dude she was pictured with though.
No. 1061080
File: 1603031397302.png (60.21 KB, 535x502, hercasualracismjumpsout.png)

>>1061073Nobody sane would say half the uncomfortable shit she does about ~her asian self~ or about others.
>"Yellows"She was supposedly in Vancouver. There's no way anyone there ever said that or would even give a shit enough to talk to her.
No. 1061081
>>1061073Extremely fucked up. Asian fishing Weeb. Does she realize people get criticized for being Asian.
Now she’s done being Asian for the day She can go back to white privilege after washing off the makeup and editing her eyes smaller
No. 1061085
>>1061074These men are holding different phones.
There is a Chinese calendar on the wall. Isn't her boyfriend apparently Korean?
That's likely an American door and an American bathroom. Where does this person say they live?
No. 1061086
File: 1603031599419.jpg (213.63 KB, 971x2048,…)

>Nicknaming an asian person after asian food and putting an asian emoji to remind those watching that he's asian
If this is really a conversation with her bf, he didn't realize that she was pictured on the shitty shoop. Seems like a LDR if you can't even recognize your own gf's shoops.
No. 1061089
File: 1603031914743.png (618.85 KB, 819x841, aboose.png)

>>1061084It's a part of her
victim of aboose so please donate routine.
No. 1061097
>>1061066>>1061074Is "she" claiming that all of these are of her boyfriend? That picture with the candles and the meal is obviously something she stole off pinterest or something like that. You can tell cause it wasn't taken with a 2004 motorola like all her other pictures.
>>1061086In a long distance relationship its also a lot easier for her to hide the fact she has a penis. I can't even imagine a partner who sends you such crazy shoops when you know what they actually look like… like how do you even respond to that lmao. "Who's that? Cause that sure as hell doesn't look like you"
No. 1061101
>>1061080Wait is she saying Irish people possess the same traits as Asian people? She is 100% not Irish.
Such lies! I can't believe she gets away with this.
No. 1061123
File: 1603034740736.jpg (383.25 KB, 599x695, d6aovg3-b9c3fb41-e1f6-4a6d-bdf…)

she got married when she was 22?
but according to her twitter she's only been with K.
she also said her ex broke her arm…I wonder if that was her ex husband.
ex husband also worked with photoshop so now we know where she got it from kek
No. 1061132
File: 1603035555549.png (25.33 KB, 601x195, remain.png)

her husband ebegging back in 2015 so they could stay in her birth country Canada.
she said she was born in ireland
No. 1061137
File: 1603035706298.png (180.88 KB, 566x769, cataboose.png)

>>1061132The please donate schtick never ended.
No. 1061148
File: 1603036720078.png (282.87 KB, 580x482, itstwitternotme.png)

>>1061144She erases her tweets regularly, knew to farm screens so we'd have receipts.
No. 1061213
File: 1603043169800.jpg (294.64 KB, 1080x1796, 20201018_184659.jpg)

Her Finnish goth/metalhead look was really nice. Why would she wanna fake being Korean suddenly as she nears 30yo.
No. 1061326
>>1060988me either. I think this is a tranny that passes better than what we usually see, probably because he started young. The chin is a huge clue.
>>1061036There is not a bit of her face she leaves alone. her eyes, nose, chin, cheeks, lips, all shooped. This girlguy must really hate themselves.
>>1061073this isn't twitter
No. 1061362
>>1061360I've never heard a finn speak english and for it to sound like an aussie accent, but maybe someone who knows more about finns and their accent can weight in. You can hear her here:
>>1060377I agree though I legit can't tell if she's finnish or it's another larp. This girls lies are so multi-leveled lmao
No. 1061412
File: 1603063486940.jpg (42.14 KB, 480x640, d58i0c8-b1c0a618-b702-498b-a19…)

>>1061404It doesn't personally offend me, I just genuinely don't see a tranny. Even w. masculine features it looks like a square jaw female. Her old accounts have only a few body shots, but even from that I don't see a man. /shrug
No. 1061417
File: 1603064005815.jpg (32.18 KB, 480x640, d56pu5q-56b6d344-2eea-439c-9de…)

>>1061413Why would it personally offend me when I don't have any of those features?
It is retarded to call out tranny to every woman because you sound like a man or one of the conspiracy youtubers that call Michelle Obama and other women trannies. Lol
You can tell when someone is trans because he's going to have man hands and larger arms.
No. 1061436
File: 1603066282882.png (477.91 KB, 770x742, kek.png)

She changed her pfp to
>>1060948 as soon as she started losing followers today.
We're not the first to point out her massive shoops though. This is how she reacted to being called out before.
No. 1061450
File: 1603068474518.jpg (637.11 KB, 1080x1155, 20201019_014602.jpg)

The "Hydra Studios" place that posted her art is from Finland
No. 1061502
File: 1603079016390.jpg (294.08 KB, 1080x1788, 20201019_044219.jpg)

Uh..and a 3rd deviantart. Now she's from Iceland. What a shame, I would've enjoyed the scandiboo phase!
No. 1061513
File: 1603081983247.png (79.43 KB, 564x755, helppretend.png)

>>1061502Wonder where the Paris phase factored in.
No. 1061514
>>1061513No one (especially a Canadian such as herself) has ever said speak "Quebecois" God this is cringe, can't imagine being 30 and doing all this shit.
t. Quebecoise.
No. 1061516
File: 1603082639944.jpg (73.92 KB, 593x900, bendingwig.jpg)

She reposts old shooped pics and videos pretty often but with a new caption. This one will probably be back soon since she's trying to post things that aren't Tifa now.
No. 1061517
File: 1603082773504.jpg (552.38 KB, 1080x1333, 20201019_054714.jpg)

Tessa and her ex used to get tagged in some posts which can still be found. So maybe she was born in Ireland, Tessa Anne O'Neill?
No. 1061520
File: 1603083171304.jpg (214.43 KB, 1080x1189, 20201019_055318.jpg)

All pics of Tessa on the ex's account have been deleted, and so have a few pics from Tessa's accounts. So they are definitely lurking.
No. 1061525
File: 1603084577980.jpg (161.88 KB, 588x769, imnotvainimjusthot.jpg)

>>1061518Oof, explains why she'd spend years larping as a hot model that people hate for her hotness.
No. 1061530
File: 1603085080716.png (60.64 KB, 595x537, whotalkslikethis.png)

>>1061526It's like namedropping Monet for art. She wants to seem cultured or well versed but it backfires.
No. 1061535
File: 1603088884226.jpg (471.29 KB, 1080x2107, 20201019_072756.jpg)

I know it's completely obvious someone of Tessa's standards would be an art thief too, but for evidence if she denies it here is a piece she cropped and stole.
No. 1061537
File: 1603088905758.jpg (441.32 KB, 1080x2038, 20201019_072737.jpg)

>>1061535Claiming her friend took the pic.
No. 1061538
File: 1603088931216.jpg (735.89 KB, 1080x1761, 20201019_044230.jpg)

>>1061537The real woman who took this photo
No. 1061544
>>1061518Shes actually pretty
She could have just cosplayed Tifa looking like herself and it still would have looked nice.
The photoshop she uses makes her look worse in comparison
No. 1061555
File: 1603094154191.png (378.29 KB, 727x875, ancientfakeart.png)

>>1061538This looks like more stolen art as well, any idea what it's from?
No. 1061563
File: 1603099015560.gif (2.63 MB, 500x250, kimpetras.gif)

>>1061551Those tits look fake as hell to me, check out all the other pictures. Plus trannies can have very feminine bodies when they start HRT young and are still young. Once they hit 30ish the manly features start coming out, estrogen or not. "Her" body in that pic looks just like Kim Petras (tranny) in one of her music videos.
That huge chin and the big manhands
>>1061527 are a giveaway. There's absolutely nothing feminine about the features without the photoshop and the lip fillers. It looks like a young boy in drag.
This bitch looks exactly like a metalhead boyfriend I had in high school if you put some eyeliner and bangs on him.
>>1061517Or maybe she just has a long history of lying about her heritage, changed her name and origin story on social media a million times and is neither finish, irish nor korean, but just a boring yank (maybe canadian). Pathological liars start lying early on in their life and then never stop.
No. 1061571
>>1061565Sorry for idiotic Finnish infighting, but "Savelmaa" is obviously Sävelmaa, not Sävelmää, as seen in multiple pics in this thread. Also, I really don't think Väinämöinen is a real last name.
She does look very Finnish in some of the older pictures, but whatever her accent is in
>>1060377 it doesn't sound like a Finn faking an Australian/NZ accent.
No. 1061573
>>1061571I really think she's Canadian and lied to the metalhead boyfriend and said she was Finnish, spinning the lie here
>>1061132 when he got too close.
According to a finnish immaigation site all you need to move your spouse to Finland with you is a minimum income, which is 1700 euro a month/20k a year which is like 2k USD so pretty fair since the median income in Finalnd is 30k+ a year.
They even have a visa a couple can apply for if they just want to date and not marry, you just need 1k euro in your account a month you stay. So idk what giant hurdle she's lied to him about, unless she's just never had a job.
Link to site:>>1061572shut up you nasty bitch.
No. 1061575
>>1061565there's plenty of Finnish speakers in this thread, anon.
according to nimipalvelu 'Väinämöinen' has been the real last name of 7 people and all of them are dead by now, it's clearly just a made up pen name. i think Sävelmaa could be a legit name but there's also a chance she and/or her BF were fans of viking metal or some shit and she just thought these sounded like cool names.
No. 1061578
>>1061575I love all the regional infighting ITT
Not from Finland but appreciating the context about her fake name(s)
Gonna say she isn't from Finland, Ireland, or Korea, and is either Aus or her attempts to put an Irish accent over whatever her real accent is turned into an Aus accent.
Imagine having as many double lives and false identities as this girl.
No. 1061584
>>1061578I can't remember the last time we had someone so milky.
I'm going to say she's Canadian.
Moved to Finland to get married and after her divorce moved back to Canada and met K.
Tessa O Neill is an Irish name though so that does throw me off
No. 1061587
Lmao imagine if her aussie accent is just her trying to put on an Irish accent
>>1061584Her husband is Canadian and said he was having issues moving to her country though.
No. 1061601
>>1061599this would be fun to try especially because google translate is notoriously bad at Finnish
if this anon
>>1061128 is correct about her blocking several Finnish ppl on twitter it could be because she doesn't speak any Finnish aside from translating Jenni Vartiainen lyrics on google translate or something
No. 1061605
File: 1603106684041.jpg (810.05 KB, 1080x1919, 20201018_081910.jpg)

I don't know why but one of the pics she quickly deleted from DA was this one, where she calls herself Arianna. On one of the metal band's pages they call her Arianna too. Any possibility it could be her real name?
No. 1061633
>>1061590>>1061626Why are spergs derailing over this constantly? I just read this whole thread and anons are just tinfoiling about her being male like with everything else about her.
I think some anons are sensitive about this because they share features with this girl. Same anons thst are insisting she's pretty kek
No. 1061636
>>1061631Yeah its been confirmed that she lurks. I think she's a cow herself because she also lurked the bad photoshop thread.
Theres not going to be much milk anymore now that she deleted everything
No. 1061646
>>1061634Derailing and infights are fucking up the thread, sage is not a pass to post whatever you want, this isn't ot. We get it, you think she is a tranny, but there isn't any proof besides tinfoil commentary.
>>1061636This kind of cow usually can't control their desire for attention. She may delete stuff and hide, but eventually they create a new IG and start the lies all over again.
No. 1061655
File: 1603116337322.jpg (42.01 KB, 680x462, EYt-qIfXYAAAtl6.jpg)

>>1061646She'll be back, she might change her instagram and twitter handles but those are the only two places she has followers and she's not going to let that attention go. She is losing twitter followers atm.
Pic is supposedly her at taekwondo.
No. 1061661
>>1061655Did she post it on twitter?
>>1060945>>1060956Still curious where these 2 are from as well, ex husband doesn't have them on his page
No. 1061663
File: 1603117452951.png (819.39 KB, 1140x880, luxuryforever21.png)

>>1061661She posted it on twitter before deletion with a caption around social distancing.
It was around the time she was bragging again about working at a castle or something.
No. 1061671
File: 1603118538222.jpg (365.99 KB, 1080x1050, 20201019_114211.jpg)

>>1061655She fluctuates a lot between being strong "kicked my rapist" tifa wannabe and smoll girl doesn't she?
>>1061653Idc either, I really just want it to end so we can get back to the cow.
>>1061661I lurked his FB yesterday and the photos were there. He may have deleted by her request or doesn't want to be associated to her.
He is at least blonde so I thought that maybe she was referring to him when she said her bf was rufus, but then she mentioned her bf was Chinese, so clearly K is supposed to be
>>1061048. I know it's not supposed to make sense, because pretty much all she says is a lie, but is there a possibility K doesn't even exists?
No. 1061676
File: 1603118884987.jpg (552.24 KB, 1080x1519, 20201019_154822.jpg)

>>1061517The guy from this screenshot has tried to @ her on twitter so I guess some of her friends/exes are aware of the thread
No. 1061677
File: 1603118901832.png (457.43 KB, 768x884, okay.png)

>>1061671It's highly possible K doesn't exist but she might have a male friend or hookup who is being used as a prop without her knowing.
She did post a Kiki in Japan tier video about being in a 'luxury' airbnb with him, where there was an open bathroom beside the door to the room kek.
No. 1061678
>>1061655Anon are you actually tessa? Kek
How do you keep finding these pictures? Your detective skills are incredible
No. 1061680
File: 1603119211857.jpg (84.12 KB, 660x912, EagsWGnXQAIXq17.jpg)

>>1061678I'm the anon who posted her as a personal cow. I farmed better after losing various milk due to not capping.
Another awkward pic she posted of 'Kelvin', he looks tiny here. All her pics with him seem stealth, it has some Kiki and Taco vibes.
No. 1061689
>>1061676lol is this dude's twitter handle mikkohrkin as in Mikko Härkin, the keyboard player from Finnish metal band Sonata Arctica? what's with these people and the obsession with Finland.
he seems to be "Welsh but born in New Zealand" which makes me feel the theory about Tessa being from NZ is likely
No. 1061694
File: 1603119999625.jpg (144.13 KB, 592x849, 20201019_120705.jpg)

Her pointy finger from the edit kills me.
>my entire wardrobe is nothing but luxurious fashionI love how she brags and makes up a whole fanfic tier stories about herself. It really brings me back memories from early deviantart days.
>>1061680Bless you for bringing us this cow, anon
No. 1061706
File: 1603121121071.png (44.49 KB, 585x313, weirdflex.png)

>>1061694Huge thanks to the anons who went and found the real milk tbh.
All I did was make caps and take pics from a discord where others were entertained by her constant flexes.
No. 1061722
File: 1603123222925.jpg (689.3 KB, 1080x1683, 20201019_125839.jpg)

>>1061719Probably nothing happened,she is just jumping from one trend to the other to appeal to people. Like pic related was probably the gamer gurl phase, now we have cosplay uwu anime girl. She knows she can't be a mainstream influence model,so she caters to alternative/not like other girl stuff.
No. 1061732
File: 1603124267392.jpg (547.64 KB, 1080x1485, 20201019_171907.jpg)

No. 1061744
>>1061732New tinfoil theory: this account is actually run by a man with a realdoll, Ashley Coffin style.
Just kidding, but holy shit, why would a woman ever want to look like that? Mental illness to the extreme if not a troon.
No. 1061791
File: 1603131435280.png (1.1 MB, 1232x1224, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 1.19…)

>>1061744sage for no milk but I was running the deviantart pics through yandex last night and the only image that looked even remotely like this girl was a real doll lmao
No. 1061808
File: 1603132936805.jpg (147.68 KB, 1536x2048, EhFa2gOXcAI4Rsb.jpg)

>>1061758She wears ill fitting Lulus tier stuff and reposts it for compliments. She reposted a dated pink suit with a cape with entertaining captions but I can't find it.
No. 1061818
File: 1603133742888.png (238.23 KB, 1506x930, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 1.48…)

just found this reddit post by her… CAFC is a US govt agency
No. 1061828
File: 1603134473467.png (570.62 KB, 1846x1606, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 2.02…)

For some reason it wouldn't archive for me, but I found this blogspot account that I'm fairly sure belongs to her. I've been looking up variations of all of the usernames she uses- I noticed that both her alternate YouTube account (CorruptedSushi) and one of the deviant art accounts (CorruptedSauron) had "corrupted" in the name. I decided to google "CorruptedTessa" and found this page. I wasn't sure if it was her or not but the chin in the PFP looks exactly like this image
>>1060945 No. 1061837
>>1061828she mentions in the blogpost from 2010 that she lives with an 8 year old boy.
"i tend to live a quiet life, (well as quiet as possible with an 8 year old boy who is also an Aries lol). though only 28, my partner 39, we live a fairly 'old fashioned' way of life in that he works"
No. 1061841
File: 1603135051817.png (592.98 KB, 1820x1462, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 2.14…)

>>1061828sorry for samefagging but when you click "Bangor, Northern Wales," it brought up yet another "Tessa" blogspot account lmao. I highly doubt she ever lived in Wales No. 1061854
>>1061828That chin does look like it belongs to our girl*
>>1061818gonna bet that she lies to creditors and banks just about as much as on twitter
No. 1061855
>>1061837If this is even accurate in the
slightest, she is wwaayy too old now to be doing what she does all over the internet, and it's actually both scary and sad.
No. 1061873
File: 1603137180523.png (23.43 KB, 413x230, lads.png)

Was she 28 years ago and she has a kid? This is like an unsolved mysteries episode.
>>1061828>>1061841>WalesMaybe that's where the one time use of lads came from.
No. 1061895
>>1061818this confirms that she was born in canada, right?
her husband was an illegal immigrant and earlier there was a screenshot of him ebegging so he could afford legal help to stay in her country of birth. so she must have been born in canada right?
listening back on her twitch videos she still sounds like she's from NZ or England but maybe she picked up the english accent when she moved there.
she also could be faking because her accent seems like a mix up of several accents
No. 1061904
File: 1603140644987.png (96.69 KB, 434x248, cow.png)

>>1061895I tried reading the blogs. They're kind of in her voice, if she was a typical Karen who just shat out a baby and wants to be antivax to be close to mother earth.
She puts forward the exact same stuff she always wants to be seen as, like being an eloquent deep thinker with unique perspectives.
More importantly she spergs about her accent and being from so many countries in the blogs, so that adds up.
The grammar is horrible though.
No. 1061908
>>1061663>you guys have no idea how fashion forward I amKEK
>>1061870I feel like if she was untreated schizo she'd be alot more unstable? Or can there be quite minor cases? idk i'm just going by the one person I know that is schizo and who turns into a mess when he stops meds.
>>1061895yes i think they're both in canada. THere's no way she's finnish the dots just aren't connecting. That's defintely not an english accent on her stream though. I (think) she was faking an Irish accent maybe and it came out aussie? lmao
>>1061904But where's the baby? Is it dead and that's why she's insane now? It's really fucking weird to say "I have a baby" and "I don't like babies" less than a setence later.
>>1061646>>1061644who fucking cares if a few anons think she's trans. Grow up. Sick of every cows thread I go to being derailed by mini-modding moral fags. The fact one of you ran to /meta/ to cry about this lmao
No. 1061910
File: 1603141543215.png (19.55 KB, 385x151, animator.png)

she says she's an animator on her twitch channel
No. 1061925
File: 1603142682358.png (86.59 KB, 581x365, plotthickens.png)

The blogs mention that she likes road trips and this matches how she often reposted vague potato footage of roadtrips on twitter without saying where it was.
Her instagram had some as well. It's private but a fake Tifa pfp is still there with a bit of the old humblebrag
>I don't know why so many people follow me, it's a mystery to me.
No. 1061931
>>1061922Totally tinfoiling but if the kid was 8 then, it would be around 18 now?
>>1061680This is a small head with a teenager haircut, combined with the very strange pose of secretly taking a pic. Maybe the K in all the headless pics was her son!?
No. 1061957
File: 1603144626571.png (204.79 KB, 1276x652, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 4.54…)

>>1061518So I looked up "Tessa Valfar" and found this website would've been about 19 (per her bio) and she posts about the relatively obscure band that her cat is named after. This "Stoker" person signs their posts -Tessa
Sorry for sperging out about this all day but she is so shamelessly fake that there's no way people haven't taken notice of her when she was part of other communities
No. 1061965
File: 1603145154644.png (190.9 KB, 1774x518, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 5.07…)

>>1061957maybe the schizoid anon was onto something
No. 1061972
File: 1603145647402.png (450.33 KB, 747x565, idk.png)

>>1061922anon idk this cow is so confusing lmao she stacks lies on top of each other. She's like an arrpg
>>1061957>Birthday:>May 17, 1984 (Age: 36)starting to make sense
No. 1061974
File: 1603145739010.png (38.49 KB, 868x263, idk.png)

>>1061957>english is my first language>learning Norwegianlmao she's not Finnish it was just another skinwalk
No. 1061976
File: 1603145906986.png (34.42 KB, 867x253, toronto.png)

>got tickets to see a band in toronto
she's Canadian.
No. 1061978
>>1061972>>1061922i'm the anon who posted the blog pages and the forum profile. i'm not sure if the blog pages are her's now. They could be her in another elaborate lie but I'm not certain at this point.
That said, I'm pretty sure the forum user is her. The big bulbous nose tip
>>1061972 is the exact same as
>>1060945 and the bald spot on the eyebrows in pic 2 looks like the outline of the brows from the forum pic.
i could be losing my mind though
No. 1061982
>>1061978The forum posts have to be her. Too many conicidences. Into Scandanvians, metal, lives in Canada, face is foot shaped. She's always humble bragging all over her posts.
I really can't see this girl with a kid, she seems so unstable, but maybe that's just wishful thinking for the kids sake.
The fact she's actually 36 was unexpected.
No. 1061993
>>1061789Ntayrt but this site isn't a site specifically for radfems.
>Lolcow doesn't pander to your ideology>>1061972>>May 17, 1984 (Age: 36)She's more like Looni than we could have ever suspected. I want a cow crossover where they inevitably try to destroy each other's fabricated image for out entertainment.
No. 1062113
File: 1603156275134.png (28.27 KB, 542x206, psychic.png)

>>1061978TBH anon the blog posts match her interests and voice, as well as the occult/psychic phase which went on its way out as she realized FF7r "Tiddy cosplay" was the way to get attention online.
The blog posts also have her talking about how she's "totally not insane/crazy" which is similar to the forum posts.
No. 1062151
File: 1603160146680.png (348.72 KB, 569x599, milk.png)

Another one of her usernames is vakarian.
>Tessa (@_vakarian_) • Instagram>Tessa. INTJ-A model who enjoys nature, studies plant biochemistry, paints, writes, and is a fashionista with a penchant for martial arts.She uses INTJ like a badge of accomplishment and I wondered what the reason is. Turns out it's because the descriptor sounds like what she wishes she was, the keks go deeper No. 1062166
>>1062151It's because INTJ is supposedly the rarest type for women to be typed as, since it's an introverted thinking/detective type. Half of the women on lolcow are probably INTJ. Tessa just wants to be rare and unique.
I see that one of her posts on that metal forum say she is "Irish/Latvian" heritage so we can tick another country off
No. 1062180
File: 1603165452730.png (48.74 KB, 576x473, koreansknowimkorean.png)

>>1062172It was cached on google when I tried searching vakarian and tessa.
No. 1062230
File: 1603182524349.jpg (224.84 KB, 1536x2048, EijOpYaX0AAvZGr.jpg)

>>1062228Good catch anon, I was wondering why she would wear the wigs everywhere with the forehead pulled too low. She forgot what a real hairline looked like.
No. 1062373
File: 1603211837542.png (320.49 KB, 583x461, lookatsomeothertifa.png)

Says that her account was "refreshed" even though she just deleted any history of cosplaying Tifa and bragging that was captured here.
No. 1062469
File: 1603222900113.png (1.09 MB, 1182x1274, Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 2.40…)

reverse image searched one of her pics she has on twitch and I'm pretty sure it's Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia. can any canadafags confirm
No. 1062537
File: 1603229846656.png (49.07 KB, 515x599, accentpractice.png)

>>1062469It's from NS and some of her more recent posts had pics of places from somewhere in BC because the pics looked familiar.
I'm starting to think her family is from
>>1059957 as she is very on brand with alternative or weeb types from the area.
No. 1062542
File: 1603230187652.png (46.66 KB, 584x374, surejan.png)

>>1062469Just noticed the waist edit, kek.
Today she's pretending that she's grieving over a pet. Totally nothing to do with her real face being out on the internet.
She can't go a day without eliciting comments of support from people, even over fake stories. All the responses are "what happened" because there are no fake accounts or ~sweet messages~. She's trying to get some out of her orbiters for her ego.
No. 1062570
>>1062542>personal accounts outside of twitterWhat accounts? She's deleting everything and when she mentioned being "hacked" before no one knew what she was talking about. Would she not mention that?
I'm almost certain she has a discord though.
No. 1062588
File: 1603234486898.jpg (92.26 KB, 548x680, waistedited.jpg)

>>1062570She has a discord linked at her twitch but I don't think she's said a thing there because even her most engaged orbiters are confused on twitter as to what she's moaning about.
First it was a hack from a stalker who had been posting as her replying. Next it was a "company she hired" that erased her twitter and totally not a free app. Today it's grieving over a pet. Tomorrow it will be another story. Just like her 8ball ethnicity.
No. 1062615
>>1062469I posted
>>1059957 and, as I said in the post, I have no doubt that it was taken on the Cabot Trail.
No. 1062630
File: 1603236540658.jpg (197.54 KB, 714x757, tessa.jpg)

>>1062588She looks SO manly here but I zoomed in and it's edited so heavily I can't tell if she's just accidently photoshopping herself into a tranny? Her hands are huge too, but again she's shooping them because when you zoom in you can see they're all deformed.
>>1062611stop shitting up the thread sperging about the tranny tinfoiling. You were already told to shut the fuck when you complained to the farmhnds about it.
No. 1062633
File: 1603236749628.jpg (32.1 KB, 621x614, EYs6AmxXYAELCvU.jpg)

>>1062630Whenever she slims her jaw, she forgets her her hands often get stretched into her face as well.
>>1058504 and pic related, her finger's shape or length get messed.
No. 1062646
File: 1603237140016.png (547.32 KB, 2146x1460, Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 6.38…)

searched "Tessa London Ontario" which seemed to be the last place she lived with her ex husband and this came up kek
No. 1062653
>>1062633She's being doing this for years how is she still this bad at photoshop
>>1062646kek she looks like one of those heads with the long necks beauty students practice on.
>>1062648I think only one person is sperging here newfriend, and it wasn't who who replied to.
No. 1062722
File: 1603244407082.jpg (202.48 KB, 2048x1536, signwalkingfordollars.jpg)

>>1062646>British professorShe offered to teach her superior English by pretending to have British heritage? Without any qualifications?
Teaching explains the gradeschool tier penmanship at her age though.
No. 1062776
File: 1603250048451.png (16.92 KB, 539x174, POETIC.png)

>>1062646>>1062722>POETICI love her made up stories, she can't create a single genuine profile in the internet.
No. 1062788
File: 1603251026290.jpg (152.58 KB, 480x640, d54a4ue-bf666c03-a2ad-4282-b3f…) many deviantart accounts did this girl have
No. 1062789
File: 1603251175271.jpg (428.07 KB, 900x1355, d52wd1v-9a01d04b-8888-4d13-8c3…)

>>1062788samefag, this shop is killing me
No. 1062801
File: 1603253253094.jpg (83.25 KB, 896x892, texting_at_the_table__tsk__by_…)

>>1062788Did she shop herself into a cheesecake factory?
No. 1062807
File: 1603254683920.jpg (70.04 KB, 504x208, Nötragaldr.jpg)

Another one of her bands, this one mentions playing live in a bar in Halifax, Nova Scotia. No. 1062813
File: 1603256293606.png (190.81 KB, 776x875, yikes.png)

>>1062776Have some poetry.
>>1062801Pic looks like it was taken in the 90s but it's hella shooped. The arm is crooked as is her jawline.
Amazing finds anons, this cow has so many layers. I wonder if we will ever make it to the origin story milk…
No. 1062816
File: 1603256352031.jpg (254.82 KB, 504x840, Nötragaldr2.jpg)

>>1062807Samefag, the only people who seem to interact with her like they know her are from sparse fake facebook profiles. Like this band member, using a picture of Godfrey Gao. Last band page also had someone calling her Tessa, sparse profile, using standard viking metal guy picture, located in Nova Scotia.
No. 1062820
File: 1603257341655.png (426.04 KB, 835x865, no1caredkek.png)

>>1062819I think her intentional word salad is probably to look more ESL and foreign than she really is. Bringing in that subtle 'i am a pen' energy.
No. 1062823
>>1062816the rabbit hole goes so deep with this one. why would band members not interact with her on main?
>>1062807were you able to find any pictures of the band actually performing?
what i'm trying to understand is if there actually was a band or was this woman (+maybe her bf?) making up all the other profiles to talk to herself
No. 1062824
File: 1603257587390.png (404.41 KB, 797x863, sansmakeup.png)

The DA is glorious, I can't believe she's been reposting photos for what is maybe decades with the same captions.
No. 1062827
File: 1603258210254.jpg (162.91 KB, 1285x1600, britishprofessorglasses.jpg)

This same wig has been in pics for years it seems. It's a lot rattier now.
She always hides the top of her head with a hat like another anon said. The wig is barely holding shape now so you'll notice pins that visible in pics like
>>1058883 or how it's all unstyled like
Her real hair is ironed here
>>1059803 but it's bending around her face due to shoop and now that you look at it, she shooped in the bangs. Literally nothing is real on that pic.
No. 1062833
File: 1603259761874.jpg (9.97 KB, 187x270, somethingstrange.jpg)

Excuse the shitty screen but we just realized that she created shell accounts on twitter that weren't capped properly.
Hope a better detective anon can can find a clear history on this
>she creates an onlyfans account
>she plugs it on other twitter accounts
>she calls out the 'fake' onlyfans account on her real account to see if it gets subs
>no subs happened
>twitter argument with her fake account calling him thirsty and getting her orbiters to fight with it
>then her decrying the account as fake, but if she made one you'd know
This happened more than once possibly.
No. 1062834
File: 1603259932202.jpg (199.24 KB, 720x459, d569d7g-d8f0e66d-4b26-47f0-acf…)

>Pokemon [Finnish]
No. 1062835
File: 1603260155867.jpg (225.62 KB, 1080x1386, 20201021_070351.jpg)

Oh, she was claiming to be asian before then.
No. 1062838
File: 1603260405808.png (859.81 KB, 990x914, Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 11.35…)

>>1062833sorry for going on about this but do you think this is the same thing as the fake band member profiles? i went through the band page and at one point came across picrel, but a reverse google image search tells me it's related to a restaurant chain in ontario, canada. upon further googling it seems it's an artwork by George Grie and she's just claiming someone else made it for their band album cover.
i'm so confused lol
No. 1062839
File: 1603260727779.jpg (273.6 KB, 1080x1559, 20201021_071324.jpg)

Hilarious stuff in the comments
No. 1062840
File: 1603261022281.jpg (115.58 KB, 1080x962, 20201021_071335.jpg)

No. 1062843
File: 1603262431535.png (243.23 KB, 759x862, ooof.png)

>>1062838Most likely. The accounts she fought with and posts seem to have been deleted as well and had no other conversation. Posts from other people replying to her callout posts are still on twitter.
She expects everyone to believe that somebody out there made an onlyfans and put the effort into promoting them on her behalf.
It's like her "people always ask me" and "people always tell me" stories. She's faking her way into being an e-celeb.
What a nutter.
No. 1062849
File: 1603263244108.png (372.63 KB, 480x480, d53uixp-34addafe-1e3a-4a00-877…)

No. 1062858
File: 1603266061511.jpg (33.71 KB, 898x985, EjWptQYWkAAN0n6.jpg)

>>1062857Was the real band from before or after the fake band where she talked to herself? We need a timeline anon..
No. 1062864
File: 1603268090894.jpg (76.84 KB, 742x742, 1205_911637338977322_101022669…)

>>1062858The Cloaked, 2012. Galdrǫnd (with ex) 2013/14. I think she was talking to herself on both. See standard viking man with empty profile who called her Tessa on the Galdrǫnd plage.
No. 1062869
File: 1603269375830.png (169.24 KB, 480x480, d4zw5ka-7a8c2e31-f2ae-4eef-b2e…)

when I made this thread I thought we would just laugh at her bad shoop
I never thought the rabbit hole went this deep
detective anon who keeps finding her pages.
you're doing amazing work
No. 1062871
File: 1603269660485.jpg (29.35 KB, 500x500, EdjWYMHX0AEWYEk.jpg)

If this was over ten years ago she must be well into her 30s for sure.
No. 1062873
File: 1603269895839.jpg (48.86 KB, 717x348, d5149hd-08ca977a-5924-4b5f-831…)

sorry for the bad quality but she must really hate her chin and nose. for someone who thinks she's so gorgeous she sure does have a lot of issues
I can't believe she's still wearing the same wig 8 years later
No. 1062875
File: 1603271219183.jpg (138.07 KB, 1080x1098, 20201021_071844.jpg)

Could any Finns have a look at her Notragaldr DA? Does it read like google translate?
No. 1062890
File: 1603274169732.png (32.57 KB, 896x381, sdgsgswre.png)

>>1062875the one you posted might pass as just weirdly stiff wording but attached's 100% google translate
No. 1062892
File: 1603274296440.png (46.31 KB, 925x612, alhtethsethsdggndfm.png)

i wouldn't normally laugh at ppl learning a new language but kek
No. 1062930
>>1062927If she's almost 40 and skin walking a video game character and catering to incels then she's more pathetic than I thought.
Then you put the Mountain of lies on top of everything else and she comes across mentally ill
No. 1062953
File: 1603287570798.jpg (25.75 KB, 400x400, NUiViX9K_400x400.jpg)

>>1062903I'm the anon who thinks
>>1061680 and the person on the right on
>>1061066 looked like possibly an asian kid playing videogames and having dinner with her because her head and hands are so much bigger and the pics awkward.
I think the food is real. She lied about being a gourmet chef and bartender (kek) but her food is very mom cooking tier. The blogs at
>>1061828 and
>>1061841 both mentioned being proud of being able to cook and garden just like her twitter.
She lost a lot of followers on twitter so she's back to being shoop Tifa starting with her pfp atm.
No. 1062974
>>1062953The food in
>>1061066 is definitely not hers. The camera quality is a lot better than any picture she ever posted that was not stolen. It's some kind of stock photo. She has no photographic talent whatsoever.
No. 1062988
File: 1603292266071.png (1.26 MB, 1939x847, samecam.png)

>>1062974She often posted food on the same counter and posted pics of a cookbook with her handwriting.
Her camera is fine at taking pics straight on. She just filters the hell out of the selfies and videos to reshape herself. Pic related, her one pair of pants that keep getting reposted kek.
It still would be on brand for her if she actually sourced a slew of food photos from elsewhere though..
No. 1063163
File: 1603310302539.jpg (308.41 KB, 764x844, thelegendoftessa.jpg)

Another account. Here she's an artist based in Paris. No. 1063169
File: 1603310481561.jpg (212.05 KB, 1024x2044, thelegendoftessa_by_salarity_d…)

>>1063163Samefag, her thelegendoftessa reddit account where she asked to be drawn with her ever present smelly wig/beanie. No. 1065438
File: 1603331257083.jpg (132.49 KB, 1080x1905, 20201022_024843.jpg)

She's back to being @_vakarian_
No. 1065485
File: 1603339209555.jpg (112.79 KB, 1080x1066, soshooped.jpg)

>>1065438There's no way she would delete the accounts with orbiters she spent years farming. Her instagram still had a lot of old followers from the finnish and irish username phases because their replies to her tagged the old names.
The "I had 300k followers" probably never was a thing and she just made it up as part of the current Tifa skinwalk ecelebrity construct.
No. 1065487
File: 1603339348314.png (222.01 KB, 1900x656, plzdraw.png)

>>1063228She's lurking here and deleted her posts just now. Here's a screencap from archive.
No. 1065550
File: 1603356156159.png (39.58 KB, 597x350, whichyorkshire.png)

Even her e-friends don't know where she is supposed to be.
No. 1065596
>>1062875>>1062890It's not grammatically incorrect per se but still clunky and awkward sounding.
Just to put the autism into rest once and for all: She's definitely not Finnish, like mentioned upthread her name is fake, she doesn't have any Finnish speech patterns embedded in her English like most Finns do, her Finnish is not native level and her old DA photos don't look at all like traditional Finnish interior. My guess is that she's from NZ (due to the kiwi accent) but has various ___aboo phases where she lies about being the nationality she's currently obsessed with. Maybe she dated a Finnish guy or something when she was obsessed with nordic metal but that's about it.
No. 1065711
File: 1603379611582.png (32.13 KB, 604x272, kdoesntexist.png)

>>1061132Tinfoil here but her ex seems to be with someone new that's a model and it's possible she made this fake persona to cope by skinwalking as her and Tifa. made up the extreme aboose stories on
>>1061089 too. Tsundebolt's ridiculous self descriptions and insistence on being an all natural model on every post can't be coincidence.
No. 1066023
File: 1603409410647.png (88.42 KB, 587x692, pathological.png)

>>1065985I think they were married or trying to. She mentioned "hormones and marriage and house buying" in
>>1060933 Pregnant?
He's removing photos of her and this post was probably him
>>1061323 because the deletions on his Facebook and DA started at the same time.
Pic related she hasn't stopped making up lies on twitter. Still trying to act like people totally want her to open an OF and that men catcall her IRL.
No. 1066052
>>1065985There's a picture
>>1060956 of them together and he took other pics of her.
No. 1066082
File: 1603417155145.jpeg (273.26 KB, 1229x388, E8BDB1E2-7F98-4EBE-BE9A-E4C5B3…)

Kek this comment he left on a video 2 years ago
No. 1066090
>>1066072It seems like it's just the filter on the photo. He seems like a real person too, especially because this comment
>>1066082 kek.
No. 1066104
>>1062839Omfg this is hilarious. This literally sounds like an excerpt from My Immortal.
Also, she's 36??? Why does that make so much sense
No. 1066294
File: 1603462698489.jpg (135.08 KB, 744x1520, totallycandid.jpg)

>>1066059It seems possible she lied to him about her origins before they met IRL in Canada though.
>>1066082kek he had a few comments on that video that sound like how he probably had to deal with someone insane like her.
>"Makes me wonder if you're capable of having your beliefs questioned. Unfortunately, this time you only showed how defensive you are about them by going on an incessant and unwarranted "attack" mode.Whenever proven wrong she doubles down on lies like
>>1060908 and
>>1061436 No. 1066576
File: 1603489246364.png (41.69 KB, 611x329, feelsorryforme.png)

The milk just keeps flowing. Each day she slips in a new lie for more sympathy because the previous lie didn't bring enough.
No. 1066597
>>1066576"there's too many people out there with hate in their hearts"
Tessa you have lied over and over again to your followers. being called out doesn't mean people have hate in their hearts. it just means everyone is tired of you being fake
No. 1066608
File: 1603492017811.png (233.23 KB, 744x845, oof.png)

Her orbiters and followers exist only because of her shoops and she's realizing that without those nobody cares to interact with her.
Her cats are just fine otherwise she'd at least post constant updates with specifics for help and advice, like most pet owners on twitter who are truly worried do.
I wonder which of her grandparents is supposed to randomly be dead out of nowhere, maybe the fake Korean one for maximum effect.
No. 1066614
File: 1603492315571.png (409.44 KB, 553x505, 1603292266071.png)

look at the size of her hand compared to the tiny face she shooped kek
No. 1066616
>>1066614same anon
I'm just noticing that the bad shoop gave her webbed fingers
I need to know who is falling for these pictures
No. 1066622
>>1061904>>1061908Either it was her partners child, she did mention he was older or she is making it up.
I don't think she's ever given birth.
No. 1066634
File: 1603494609825.png (1.06 MB, 600x600, B4997EEB-BA0E-4357-8C5B-60783D…)

>>1061904>>1066622I don’t think that’s her, just a weird name coincidence. Could be a stolen image for larp. I was able to get this bigger one by editing the URL of the image itself.
No. 1066690
File: 1603498874489.png (508.11 KB, 805x882, visualkeiera.png)

>>1066634Yeah that confirms the blogger was a different person.
Wonder what the mystery asian kid is then.
No. 1066811
File: 1603512251557.png (653.85 KB, 2170x842, Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 11.0…)

>>1061732just googled "cautiouslypessimistic tessa" and I found a steam account. she also used to have a twitch account under that name No. 1066821
File: 1603514773222.jpg (57.37 KB, 350x512, unnamed.jpg)

>>1066690whoevever it is is obviously either cosplaying or skinwalking this guy from a japanese band thats not even popular anymore
No. 1066824
File: 1603515178820.png (66 KB, 615x513, thelieskeepcoming.png)

>>1066811I wonder whose photo she stole since that face is not hers.
Right after seeing this post
>>1066608 she quickly made another post about her cat.
I like how the dead relative is no big deal. She can't keep up with her own bs.
No. 1066829
File: 1603515949578.png (350.86 KB, 1363x1250, wtf.png)

>>1066822God's work anon.
She poorly Irish roleplayed as two, possibly three or more people on her steam comments. They all have pfps similar to her style and talk just like her.
>My Girlfriend, The Vampire>Tell men to talk to your man directly>I bought you a copy of NS4I don't have the screencaps but she recently claimed that "K" bought her a switch so they can play games together. She sure recycles her storylines.
No. 1066851
File: 1603523215695.png (345.56 KB, 854x860, ancienteyesperg.png)

>>1066842Just realized when she roleplayed as the sister she signed "xoxo" like on
>>1062722Hoping a based timeline anon can make sense of all the countries, eye colours, talents and personalities this cow has claimed.
I don't think she learnt how to really play any instruments or even owns any. It was probably part of the Finnish phase because she reposted that ancient clip instead of making a new and presumably better one.
No. 1066951
File: 1603547226794.png (498.66 KB, 1180x2191, unnamed.png)

>>1066938I took a quick look at one of the suspect twitters with no followers that exist to do nothing but compliment or defend her exactly the way she wants and instantly found one.
Also found a previous account that was tagged on posts while looking are probably dozens more at this rate.
No. 1067310
File: 1603580325688.png (521.7 KB, 747x833, unnamed.png)

She lost like 50 followers so she spent all week on this new shoop.
No. 1067351
File: 1603585543136.png (68.43 KB, 998x332, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 7.24…)

trying to compile a list of all of her aliases and usernames that have been discovered so far. please add if i've missed any! i just think it's worth documenting since there are so many of them
Tessa Savelmaa, Tessa Johanna Savelmaa, Tessa O'Neill, Tessa Ann O'Neill, "Tessa Ui" (on Steam), Tessa Debolt, Aries Väinämöinen
Tsundebolt or _tsundebolt_ used on instagram, twitch, twitter, etc.
"StarlitSeeker" on facebook; "CautiouslyPessimistic" on Steam; "kasumii" on artseeker; possibly "Stoker" on a metal forum
Youtube usernames: ShadowOfSalem, Galdrond, CorruptedSushi
Deviantart usernames: Galdrond, Notragaldr, CorruptedSauron, SensualSilence
Instagram usernames: queen_of_sidhe, thelegendoftessa, vakarian17, tsundebolt, _tsundebolt_.
Her display name is usually Ɛηιgmα. She has a lot of fake birthdays but I think the real birthday is May 21 based on this post by her ex husband
No. 1067379
So a rough timeline would be:
Early 2000s: Tessa Valfar / Stoker. Possibly the most normal of the Tessas, claims to be of Irish/Latvian descent; lives in Canada, works in a bank; would be 36 years old as of today.
Mid 2000s: Tessa Johanna Sävelmaa, Tessa Anne O'Neill. Claiming to be Finnish and then on other occasions Irish. Goes as far as larping on 4-5 DA and YT accounts that she's a Finnish metalhead that plays piano, harp, an artist, and has magical icy blue eyes. Marries Sebastian during this era.
Current day: Tsundebolt, Tessa DeBolt, Vakarian, etc. Is Irish and lives in Cork but buys from Canadian websites, never mentions Finnish again but speaks fluent Finnish. Can speak French also but talks on stream in a NZ/British accent and now apparently lives in the UK again. Also is now half Korean with a Chinese boyfriend.
I'm getting so lost with this girl. I want to find her real name/bday to see if a birth cert. is available, then the mystery is solved (kind of)
No. 1067380
File: 1603590261766.png (110.5 KB, 605x765, afterlarpingonlolcow.png)

>>1067368She posted on twitter as though her birthday was on August 11 which matches
>>1060933 Twitter search brings up people responding to her deleted posts that were fishing for happy birthday replies.
>>1067373For someone who brags about her luxury lifestyle and luxury fashion it's sad to see she couldn't even save enough for a busride as part of purchasing tickets "in advance".
No. 1067385
File: 1603590940029.png (85.45 KB, 588x774, totallygetscatcalled.png)

>>1067379Mid 2000s: Occasionally tosses in "Asian" as part of her heritage. Claimed she's British and can teach to scam people online sometime around the marriage.
Current day: Lives in Canada possibly with a relative from NS. Doesn't have an Irish accent, doesn't speak French and her inconsistent accent is faked for scrotes in short awkward videos where she barely says anything clearly. Never seen with anyone IRL anymore and is sneakily posting pics of what's likely friends or random hookups from dating apps since the dudes are different each time.
Still claims she's a totally natural real life Tifa and super hot and this is why her life is soo hard.
No. 1067430
I’m the anon from
>>1067351 and the anon from
>>1067373 is correct. The post made in May was referring to the August 11 concert so August 11 is probably her birthday
No. 1067499
File: 1603605218321.png (752.62 KB, 1330x992, Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 12.4…)

i can't get over how demented these fake conversations are. her ex husband seems like an actually real person so why is she making so many sockpuppet friends
No. 1067584
>>1067499This part is kinda missing from the summary that anon was kind enough to compile
where would you say this fits? This is clearly before the IRL Tifa phase, but she's already larping as Irish, has a pretend Irish bf + bf's sister + someone called Co'in who is "suffocating her" apparently (friend? relative? who is this person in the chronology of accounts)
are there any more posts on her steam account, i wonder
also might be worth checking if she has accounts on other websites with the username "CautiouslyPessimistic"
No. 1067586
>>1067380she needs to stop calling herself hot especially when we all know what she really looks like.
it's fine to be confident but she comes across as being so full of herself.
by the way. Cid was a hot lady in Final Fantasy 15
No. 1067689
File: 1603640405385.png (103.6 KB, 1178x378, unnamed.png)

>>1067586They're both Tifa skinwalkers but Tessa is pretending to be friends with the other one after this thread
>>1060188 where they were probably fighting.
What's weird is Tessa thinks it's appropriate to compliment another person the way she wants to be complimented, and it comes off sounding like a troon again.
Meanwhile she's now claiming to be in Yorkshire which doesn't match any of the recent posts.
No. 1067749
File: 1603645588059.jpg (20.84 KB, 224x224, images1.jpg)

>>1067719She posted to brag about how much she spent on a mirror
>>1060975 and she used it for the filtered videos and overdone shoops in
>>1060363 so she's still in Canada.
She also posted that she needed help "speaking Quebecois" in
>>1061513 most likely lied about French fluency on a job application. I should have capped all the humblebrag posts she did but
>>1061663 was at her work and that's not UK by any stretch.
No. 1067841
File: 1603657086368.jpg (318.27 KB, 1080x1258, 20201025_201840.jpg)

>>1067749Good point. I have lived in both Ireland and UK and have never seen most homes (unless really modern and personalised) have those kind of layouts.
I'm reading through all her old posts on the metal forum. Guess it was a Norway obsession before Finland
No. 1068051
File: 1603677598252.jpg (273.81 KB, 2048x1152, oldpicthatsnotUK.jpg)

>>1067841>I can't wait to get out of Toronto>I hate busy citiesShe was never in Toronto
>>1067373 proves she had to take bus rides and she couldn't even afford to visit regularly. She probably wanted to sound like she's from a city to look impressive and described it as though it's NY.
No. 1068637
File: 1603769903702.png (39.88 KB, 582x341, larping.png)

>>1068069She likely was in Nova Scotia at that time
>>1059957 since that's where she grew up. All her pics prior to ex husband were in NS. She recently she showed videos of dealing with tornadoes during June before moving to wherever she is in September.
She's still unable to hold a conversation without talking about fuckability, as though her shoops make her an authority on the subject.
Found the Ko-fi which was mentioned in
>>1061137 No. 1070248
File: 1603978488941.png (180.05 KB, 1230x745, newfakeart.png)

Wonder if any anons know the source of this pic she's saying she painted.
No. 1070280
File: 1603982168768.png (210.27 KB, 599x869, totallyhappened.png)

She loves her fake conversations.. if she's moving countries each month, how does she still have a stylist? Does her stylist work on her wig?
>>1070265Thanks anon, the hair looked straight up MS Paint on top of an image.
No. 1070325
File: 1603987761975.jpg (88.4 KB, 805x1054, whypostthis.jpg)

>>1070284A hairstylist wouldn't someone call out of the blue and happen to suggest the same hair damaging idea posted on ko-fi and about 50 times on twitter in hopes of a response.
She probably bought a Rikku cosplay and is sitting on it since she has a blonde wig seen in
>>1061039 No. 1071111
File: 1604082462373.jpeg (113.06 KB, 1242x1027, 2B85AA9A-F7B3-466B-B8FB-A8DAF9…)

I think she found the thread kek
No. 1071123
File: 1604083364074.jpg (231.71 KB, 1080x1919, 20201030_114109.jpg)

>>1070325You weren't kidding lol this is so bait-y. Why does she need $500 to dye her hair? And why is it a NSFW cosplay? Did anyone even ask for that??
No. 1071303
File: 1604101990172.png (185.29 KB, 567x866, potatofilter.png)

>>1071111Things were getting pretty milky.
She was posting something about having tons of stalkers wanting her affections and that one of the stalkers was "put away". Replies to her account show people talking to her about it, though most are perplexed.
She thirsts for attention so she'll be back soon enough.
No. 1071653
>>1071303obviously she just looks that anime irl and we're all jealous, but did she really post this video alongside her 'natural' pics with plump lips?
ot but she looks more like Orochimaru here, its more accurate than tifa
No. 1071717
File: 1604158989023.png (518.53 KB, 480x480, d51fva9-d25962b1-e72c-4989-8d9…)

>>1071653She posted it just before hiding the account. She also started this account for her VIP orbiters but it didn't take off so it's gone, too. No. 1075787
File: 1604614534627.png (286.55 KB, 1032x1220, Screen Shot 2020-11-05 at 3.42…) just checked the profile of the guy she tagged on the Notragaldr page and i'm pretty sure she faked this entire conversation and that both accounts are hers
No. 1076143
File: 1604645081123.png (274.81 KB, 692x636, Sister.png)

A gofundme for her ex-husband
No. 1076158
File: 1604647717816.png (119.08 KB, 424x200, shoop.png)

>>1075787Good find, even the face is shooped the way she does her own. Vakarian is also one of her old usernames, so she wasn't even subtle.
She will probably mass DM her VIP orbiters who defended her shoops and videos with whatever her new accounts are soon.
No. 1076264
File: 1604666712549.png (25.82 KB, 629x133, tessa.png)

>>1076158that is 100% her!
she posted on that account just yesterday too
this post refers to her as Tessa too.
I've never seen anyone with as many throw away accounts as her
No. 1076273
File: 1604669471193.jpg (151.5 KB, 1080x1377, 20201025_201639.jpg)

>>1076145There is a 36yo Theresa O'Neill, since that would be her real age according to the older profiles
No. 1076509
File: 1604692149512.jpg (47.78 KB, 720x720, EdjWYmQWoAEgnsO.jpg)

>>1076264There's an old dude from NS commenting on this fbook
>>1075787 and he also commented on her instagram posts about NS. Probably knows her IRL since he stopped keeping up with all her fake newer accounts..
>>1076266There are like only 3-5 orbiters that really actively commented back at her, and a few clout chasing girls who thought she's legit because she had so many followers.
>>1076272Not Finnish and I think while she may have Irish ancestry because she's white af, the fake accent put on for the streams and videos on twitter proves she wasn't from Ireland at all.
No. 1077493
File: 1604789851377.png (47.07 KB, 575x349, imanelf.png)

>>1077203Sauce on this? The only thing I've seen of her family is her stolen Dakota Rose backstory here
>>1059889 No. 1077770
>>1077726Do you think you can give a little tip for us to be able to find out on our own then? I think it's against the rules to post family here anyway but it might open some doors for some anons to know a family name.
She's deleted the Selkie facebook as well it seems.
No. 1077878
>>1077726do you know Tessa too?
is she actually part Asian?
No. 1077983
File: 1604855801257.jpg (26.01 KB, 466x350, 253348_10152880068465045_24928…)

>>1077726Do you know what her background really is and why she kept faking it for like decades?
No. 1078036
File: 1604862102348.jpg (22.2 KB, 480x480, Ea091zbWkAcddC8.jpg)

>>1078032Huh so she just chose the cow life, it didn't choose her.
Guess the reason she is so messed up is the dangerous combination having a huge ego that needs to be satisfied with compliments whilst looking like a foot and having zero talents.
No. 1078118
Found yet another account from the scandiboo phase wonder if she faked being scandi with all these profiles and that was a dealbreaker for the ex husband on top of being catfished.
No. 1078131
File: 1604873416778.png (453.6 KB, 1196x1076, Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 4.07…)

another name she went by was "Card Pirate" and "Tessa Uí" as seen on the edits made to her steam account. I found this twitter profile that is obviously her's, and I wonder if is the secret boyfriend. if you scroll through the liked tweets on this account you'll see that she liked a ton of his posts
No. 1078143
File: 1604875002295.png (2.5 MB, 1742x986, Screen Shot 2020-11-08 at 4.34…)

>>1078131ok they absolutely dated at some point, at least in 2018. you can see her "cautiouslypessimistic" watermark on the top left of his stream No. 1078149
>>1078131I don't think that streamer is the "current" K, because she mentioned he's not much of a gamer. She might have repurposed this guy's name and heritage for her fake asian Rufus bf larp in
>>1059986Plus these convos here
>>1059563 >>1061086 don't sound like his tweets. Now that I look at it, these screens are most likely of her talking to herself.
>>1078143So he's another guy who got catfished?
No. 1078156
File: 1604875646520.jpg (258.22 KB, 1413x2061, yetanotherdifferentdude.jpg)

>>1078131They replied to each other on this post, sounds like it was another distance catfish relationship. has a tat and looks totally different from all the other asian guys she posted that were supposed to also be "K" this is wild.
No. 1078183
File: 1604877439525.png (34.23 KB, 621x427, teessa.png)

she seems to be talking to herself on this Swedish death metal page too
No. 1078193
File: 1604878683556.png (475.54 KB, 1082x848, sister.png)

is her sister called Imogen or is she lying about having a twin
No. 1078200
>>1078194any real pictures of Tessa on Alice's social media?
you seem to know them
can you spill any milk without it seeming obvious who you are?
No. 1078211
>>1078193>>1078194Often skinwalkers pretend people who look a certain way or have similar interests are their relatives or whatever. It adds an intended layer of confusion for normalfags trying to make sense of their personas.
>>1078131Seems she followed a bunch of asian streamers probably looking for marks. I guess the part-asian lies and sudden obsession with Tifa started around that same time.
No. 1078322
>>1078266I think they kind of have to because she's refusing to use a real name on there anymore. They probably wonder why she can't just be normal.
I find it funny how Tessa paints herself as this bigshot INTJ efficient woman who is talented at everything and extremely intelligent, while her sister has actual photography and gaming skills, and she's got a successful job… kek
No. 1078399
>>1078322>bigshot INTJ efficient womanThis was the origin of this jowly fraud becoming a personal lolcow.
She was on a discord talking about having a masters in plant biochem while also a model and a fashion designer, and somehow also works as a "concierge for rich bois in rich cars" while also being THE REAL Tifa.
No. 1078737
>>1077983Apologies for late+tinfoil but I'm betting she's just a regular Canadian with a British Isles and/or mixed European ancestry like a lot of white North Americans. It's pretty common for North American cows to assume a distant ancestry as their "ethnicity" or flat-out fake it to seem more interesting or fit the narrative they made up for themselves in their head or a number of other reasons. See our own Mariah Mallad who claims to be "an arab" while growing up in a US household within the US culture, Ayla Chisler/Gutterface/Joji Biernot who claims to be japanese/dutch/german/whatever to forget that she's the daughter of an addict from Ohio and Micky Moon who's mixed but claims she's "part Japanese" to fit in with her weeb fantasy better, and fellow Canadians Vicky Shingles who actively fakes being British, Kanadajin who claimed she could become Japanese and is now latched on to muslim-Arab identity and Stefany Lauren who claims to be a different ethnicity according to the character/actor she skinwalks.
All of this looks like it's just a white girl identity/speshulness crisis blown out of proportion by whatever mental illness or complexes she has (or whatever it is that makes her a cow). That would explain the weird accent, because she was faking it just like everything else.
No. 1078864
>>1078860Yeah you forgot Latvian LOL
Tbh I do think it's possible she is actually Irish/her sis or herself were born in Ireland. Looking at the parents fb they have a lot of relatives from Ireland, things in the background I recognise as Irish (I am). If there's one lie to believe that's probably the only one close to truth. But she still is putting on that accent which is cringe
No. 1078891
>>1078860>>1078864You also forgot she's supposed to be British.
>>1059783>>1062646>>1062776With poetic English.
>>1059737and French
Hoping someone can solve the mystery on her many distance catfish streamer bfs.
No. 1078989
>>1078875Yeah thats what I mean she is basically fetishizing it instead of being normal and accepting you have some heritage lol
I remember as well when she posted those (obviously fake) DNA results where it said she had Scandinavian in her, but I'm pretty sure if you are of Finnish heritage it doesn't show as Scandinavian (since it's not even a scandi country?) and it will just say Finnish
No. 1079051
File: 1604975760227.png (74.29 KB, 527x542, kingorkelvin.png)

I wonder if she might still be in Nova Scotia. The videos she put up of "the castle" she works in looked like the average Victorian for sale in Amherst that nobody ever wants to buy.
Tinfoil but it sounds like a real estate admin assistant job because of the talk of cars and pricing that nobody asked for.
>>1078998She doubled down at the start which made for amazing posts like
>>1060908 She's probably active under new accounts but not even her closest orbiters noticed because her only value to them was looking like an efamous thot.
No. 1079637
>>1079051She is describing her sister's job here.
Unless Tessa works there as well, Alice basically does that (sells expensive cars to relatively wealthy people). On their website is a portrait of Alice who is one of the managers. There is no portrait of Tessa which means if Tessa is working with her sister then she literally works under her haha
No. 1079889
>>1078142I don't know where Ui comes from but she used this name on many online profiles and posts. Even had a facebook account with it to audition for this>>1079663>Stop exaggerating.ntayrt but it's Tessa herself who was exagerrating in
>>1078742 and
>>1079051 No. 1079963
>>1079889>Fierce feminine warriors This is exactly the kind of embarrassing stuff tessa would love.
Wonder how much she lied in her application.
No. 1080131
>>1080047Any idea what the castle job she kept crowing about was? It sounded like remote concierge work for online car dealerships like Clutch.
>>1079963I tried but maybe another anon can try looking through the photographer's page to find her, it's likely she didn't make the cut No. 1080685
File: 1605165040773.png (12.75 KB, 300x323, scion.png)

>>1076272I know it's proven that this is her, but I looked for other scathscion accounts and could only find this empty pinterest account, but there could be more.
Also there was another fake account called Austin Sinclair that seemed to be another of her sockpuppets that only interacted with her.
This is beyond what I thought anyone would ever do, I swear this woman made up at least 50 emails for all her delusions and stories.
She made at least 2 fake accounts on steam to make up some random comments too, makes me wonder if she spends so much time talking to herself that this is the reason why she can't talk properly with others and say shit like
>>1077493>>1078149If K is real I think he may be a gamer tho, she posted some text messages she had with him when she was playing BoTW and he was giving her tips and all that, but at this point I don't even believe he exists.
No. 1080830
File: 1605182905530.jpg (30.24 KB, 261x275, 1600611833449.jpg)

>>1080685K aka Kelvin aka King is not real. It's easy to fake whatsapp conversations and we know she's not above that.
She said K looks like Rufus from FF7 which she had yet to play but then he's an asian of varying appearance and size.
She said K wasn't a gamer and has no idea about Tifa, but then later K supposedly bought them BOTW and Switch on her anniversary.
There was some dramu when orbiters pointed out that "K's gift" was cheap and were wondering why a guy would buy himself a pink switch instead of a PS4 so she can play FF7. posted several times lambasting orbiters like these for not referring to her sockpuppet as a very wealthy perfect boyfriend that they should be jealous of.
Her larping about "K" was to show scrotes that she's the perfect girlfriend while inciting jealousy that she gets off on.
I still think it's possible she reused the initial and being asian from this guy
>>1078131 No. 1082140
File: 1605360196617.png (47.5 KB, 1061x762, muhbrand.png)

>>1081695Tsundebolt is taking legal action against lolcow and made up lies on that as well. No. 1082152
File: 1605361952987.gif (848.67 KB, 800x600, 643198891e8efa01b12c550f2740b4…)

>>1082140That cow is a gift that keeps on giving.
No. 1082164
File: 1605365445124.png (30.71 KB, 591x274, hidingcatfish.png)

Even in her fake request she pretends to be a celebrity that people were checking for. She herself posted all the catfishing while sockpuppeting as her friends and fans for a decade.
Best part is the date of the request. It proves she made this thread against an ther Tifa cosplayer
>>1060188 No. 1082179
>>1082140do you think she has a case considering we're only posting the images that she posted and none have been edited by us?
has anyone been contacting her family?
No. 1082296
File: 1605386121987.png (55.18 KB, 1244x246, cow.png)

This still shows up on the Google search results. What will this cow Tsundebolt do now?
No. 1082503
File: 1605403276077.png (2.14 MB, 1463x2859, foot240px.png)

>>1082318It reads like a Karen shrieking at the Google manager even though she was the one caught lying, scamming and stealing.
She's been busy nuking accounts but there are hundreds of replies to all the lies and fake pics on twitter.
No. 1082635
File: 1605412809025.gif (31.89 KB, 153x246, faultyfilter.gif)

>>1082140>legal teamOh my, a whole team, Tessa? ofc they will believe that, no doubt. Butterfly filters are her brand and when they act faulty is defamatory to her brand too?
No. 1082710
File: 1605419335808.png (131.29 KB, 1652x650, loristyle.png)

Might be old milk but she was very active selfposting on twitter, reddit and gaming streamer discords with her reface shoops to get followers. Most of her posts got rightfully deleted but I found an example. UsagiKou, she went out of her way to seek other Tifa cosplayers and say she's better.
No. 1082729
>>1082140she admits she's trying to become a streamer which makes her a public person and changes the rules. Also you don't get to decide how the public perceives your brand. Sorry you want everyone to think you're rl tifa and they instead think you look like a foot but a judge cant force people to see you as pretty lmao.
This is so embaressing for her.
No. 1082748
File: 1605423705810.png (332.99 KB, 1179x1225, jealousofbarbiesister.png)

>>1082729Also embarrassing that she is pretending these screenshots of her consistently retarded larps and shoops aren't her own undoing. Many people were watching this cow do this to herself, on top of her junk being cached.
She forgot she was lying to real people and not just larping.
No. 1082787
>>1082729She streamed only a handful of times. She wasn't a streamer and she wasn't doing a very good job of making "tsundebolt" her public image if she only had 4000 followers on twitter.
If she wanted to take her court case further she would have to prove that we were the ones photoshopping her images
No. 1082850
File: 1605445239677.png (25.9 KB, 579x225, fakeTKDweeb.png)

>>1082787>Court caseBut she can't afford a PS4 or luxurious fashion(tm). Literally nobody would give pro bono help to a pathological liar when evidence is stacked against her.
She's just doing the Karen move of trying to scaremonger people from reposting her bullshit so she can resume catfishing under 50 different "brand" names.
No. 1083257
File: 1605483423366.png (240.26 KB, 588x1110, senseikek.png)

Still can't believe how long this skinwalker pretended to be a part asian martial artist but didn't know the difference between Taekwondo and Karate.
She could never answer what school, how long, or what she even did. Only posted retarded fanfics of fighting off men who wanted her and how that somehow makes her irl Tifa.
No. 1083431
>>1083274Doubt she ever went anywhere. This is likely more of her unresearched self-aggrandizement that falls apart at basic scrutiny.
She posted eating mcdonalds and carbs, never from a gym or school and from what we see has no discipline. The fact that she fanfic bragged about being an instructor is rich.
No. 1083666
File: 1605524936092.png (507.49 KB, 717x670, 09099.png)

I know she has a filter on here but she doesn't look like she's ugly. the over the top shoop and lies aren't necessary. she could just be herself and she would have still had an army of simps behind her.
No. 1083753
File: 1605539977730.png (202.08 KB, 472x482, chin.png)

>>1083666Even the filters and over contrast couldn't hide her. This photo is from when she was much younger, and was still completely shooped.
She's not totally horrifying but her personality is shit.
No. 1114002
File: 1608795853299.png (74.49 KB, 256x256, bd140d6c81df0e709515f306291f7e…)

Decided to check on my favorite skinwalker cow and she's once again using someone else's photo on discord.
No. 1124363
>>1122470From what I know, it's the discord of a streamer guy she was catfishing. He's mentioned here
>>1060908According to someone on the server, she deleted all posts like
>>1079051 and left the server within hours of
>>1114002 being posted.
I want to find out what her new identity is, she's my favorite cow.
No. 1142977
>>1131318Changed her username to Artemicion but still no posts on is all over this thread though, she changes her username each time a post goes up.
No. 1187326
File: 1616067798276.png (11.06 KB, 246x206, stoletheoil.png)

>>1187119She's still catfishing through DMs on discord. Pic related is her current username. She changed the pfp right after
>>1114002 was posted.
Her twitter is private but she's back on instagram because she'll never let go of the followers she gained by posting copied art and thot content never had 300k followers as claimed in
>>1060125 No. 1204225
File: 1617920866910.jpg (82.98 KB, 594x629, screen1.jpg)

They are missing her on Twitter.
No. 1549835
File: 1654424504776.jpg (12.57 KB, 400x400, 0M_85GOe_400x400.jpg)

Dropping an update on this cow because the skinwalking never stopped. She's been posting shooped pics on this account since last year only lets in people who feed her ego and simps who donate. Now that the link was dropped, she'll move to another account within the hour with a new fictitious story as to why.
No. 1552739
File: 1654658857711.jpeg (270.94 KB, 1080x1901, FUoBlOKXsAAfRH8.jpeg)

>Oyo, here's an unpublished amateur cosplay photo of my Tifa FF7R. I remember I had a lot of fun playing around with different styles of makeup, but I wish the fabric of the outfit didn't crease so easily
>Be nice, I was a noob at this.
She's back on her bullshit.
No. 1552745
File: 1654659381529.png (2.06 MB, 988x1458, bendingapt.png)

Lori Cerda skinwalking vibes with the sliders maxed out on chinese apps.
Hope another anon can go capture the pics that are still up, she is deleting posts right now.
No. 1552749
File: 1654659882899.png (1014.68 KB, 1002x1036, wth.png)

Still pretending the strategic videos are just random candids.
No. 1552750
File: 1654659955851.jpeg (170.35 KB, 1638x2048, FTTCRQxWIAErUh1.jpeg)

Even scrotes aren't buying this anymore.
No. 1552867
File: 1654676959084.jpg (1002.53 KB, 2296x1440, 20220530_130641.jpg)

She shld be skinny like me. Too bad shes not.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1552884
>>1552882the only one sucking her is Tessa the troon fatty. some ppl have naturally broad ribs small tits and small waist. dont be a hater. hit a gym if it
triggers u.
No. 1552922
File: 1654686974462.jpg (96.04 KB, 1080x532, Screenshot_20220608-120721_Chr…)

No. 1552923
File: 1654686999260.jpg (213.85 KB, 1080x1469, Screenshot_20220608-120959_Chr…)

No. 1552925
File: 1654687039127.jpg (1.44 MB, 2048x2048,…)

She claims to have made this outfit herself
No. 1553073
>>1552921Kek wow this is such amazing original art. My fav cow is back!
(I mean, my favorite artist, model, and popular person with so many friends)
No. 1553686
File: 1654732803169.jpg (232.01 KB, 1080x1861, Screenshot_20220609-005826_Chr…)

isn't she nearly 30 now? still recreating personas online?
No. 1553746
File: 1654737420117.jpg (149.28 KB, 1080x1905, Screenshot_20220609-014818_Chr…)

No. 1553749
File: 1654737523435.png (1.13 MB, 1180x1346, gloomi.png)

No. 1554293
File: 1654772299047.jpg (122.88 KB, 1080x867, Screenshot_20220609-014935_Chr…)

she's a pro gamer now kek
No. 1555087
File: 1654814055659.png (839.58 KB, 1170x868, art.png)

I forgot how pretentious this cow is. She desperately wants to sound super impressive when she's just a NEET who impresses moids.
She puts filters on other people's art and calls it her own, only knows Monet, therefore her new persona is art related. Also she's getting a masters in astronomy. What happened to the "plant biochem masters"?
>>1078399 fucking kek she keeps making new personas but this time she's doing it to the same audience and hoping they don't pay attention.
No. 1555754
>>1555087How does Tessa convince these men to pretend to be her brother and to call her fake names?
He looks like her boyfriend from those old photos but why would he go along with this autism too
No. 1555924
File: 1654875022858.png (328.11 KB, 616x532, lol model.png)

>>1555780She only hits up smalltime streamer scrotes. Anyone bigger wouldn't give a bratz doll avatar the time of day. She's now pretending to be into fighting games, problem is she doesn't actually play any videogames so this will fall apart faster than her personas that were into Zelda and FF7.
She still refers to all her alt accounts as "celeb accounts" when nobody has ever heard of these fake profiles.
No. 1555932
>>1555087This moid maybe isn't even real?
Remember her old set of international "friends" like the group that included the super real Irish guy who typed so naturally
>>1066829 >>1067499
No. 1556307
>>1556139Yep the AI site is called DALLE Mini.
Its going to be so easy for her to fake artwork now
No. 1556343
File: 1654892401642.png (388.62 KB, 712x520, gloomycitycat.png)

>>1552921tried making it on nightcafe art generator and looks pretty similar, definitely not her art lol
No. 1556785
File: 1654917428711.png (1.62 MB, 1192x1184, ridiculous.png)

>>1556343I'm convinced she is far below average intelligence. With all the effort spent skinwalking she could have got surgery to fix her IRL footface.
No. 1559255
File: 1655134295985.png (1.57 MB, 1042x1150, imvu.png)

Her latest edits blurrier than before. New app?
>>1552925This is one of those mass made costumes you can buy online for cheap. That's why it fits so poorly, the skirt is too small for her so it's riding up on the right side, serving Moo energy.
No. 1559854
File: 1655175004353.png (638.76 KB, 1206x1066, surejan.png)

She is pretending to be in a big city now. Wonder what surprises we'll get from this new persona.
No. 1561103
File: 1655265802725.png (288.58 KB, 1182x488, imtotallyreal.png)

"Silena" arguing with randoms who point out that she's posting heavily edited pics and doubling down that she's just a naturally unreal beauty uwu
It's cringe with her RTing other egirls and ethots in hopes of their scrote followers to come to her but then this happens instead.
No. 1561806
File: 1655323473137.png (1.52 MB, 1495x732, gloomi_cat.png)

How far is Tessa willing to go for her lies?
she made a fake access card with intense photoshop
No. 1562283
>>1561806This is embarrassing, doubt she's employed if she has all day to do this. She is going by "Lenna" now.
She's also trying to hit up lesser-known artists to make fanart of her and fake being a real person that randomly gets fanart made of them, again.
>>1063228 >>1065487
No. 1563378
File: 1655437723476.png (1.2 MB, 996x1180, fakepicfakelikes.png)

She dropped some cash to get exactly 1000 bot likes out of nowhere today.
No. 1563565
File: 1655457473668.png (482.22 KB, 727x514, gloomi_cat twitter.png)

Tessa has no opinion on all the Final Fantasy 7 news from yesterday. It's almost as if she doesn't play the games.
She can tweet out pretentious garbage like this though
No. 1566490
File: 1655700101556.png (251.99 KB, 1268x374, gloomi_cat.png)

Tessa is active on instagram account Gloomi_Cat, going by Silena and S. Aragan. Unsure what Aragan is a reference of.
No. 1568201
File: 1655847944629.jpeg (206.66 KB, 800x2000, FVvWf7iXoAAR31i.jpeg)

Tessa knows what it means to be a super special INTJ woman who is smarter than other women and smarter than MBTI itself. So she made and posted this silly infographic to remind us.
No. 1570060
File: 1656016426812.jpg (648.09 KB, 1536x2048, FV9ey1sXkAE2Ysc.jpg)

Now she's posting bizarre photos of her, posing facing away from the camera, taken at Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto. Guess she didn't have the Photoshop skills for her face on these.
No. 1570091
File: 1656018810024.jpg (92.74 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20220623-221237_Goo…)

>>1568201That artwork is from stock photos. Just in case she tries to claim it as her own art. The entire thing looks like it was made by someone else
No. 1570096
File: 1656018986120.jpg (250.51 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20220623-221409_Twi…)

>>1570060It looks like she photoshopped herself at an aquarium. She uploaded a video but it's so dark it could be anyone
No. 1570200
File: 1656023489428.jpeg (626.77 KB, 1490x2048, backrolls.jpeg)

>>1570060>>1570096She's in the Toronto Ripley Aquarium, but she shooped her body in every pic.
For some reason she even painted on long hair, maybe because the face app doesn't do hair from behind?
No. 1570204
File: 1656023646738.png (124.49 KB, 950x322, gloomi_cat_twitch.png)

She's now following smalltime streamers again to be a mod. Her pattern is become a mod for small streamers, gain a scrote army from their following by showing off her IMVU pics and being a successful smart INTJ on their discords.
No. 1570486
Was going to add that she's dressed wrong for Toronto's weather when it turns out
>>1570060 was likely taken several months ago.
She wore the same outfit here
>>1552923 on pics she shooped and uploaded in April.
No. 1574105
File: 1656374263601.jpeg (521.18 KB, 709x1550, B8DB82E1-6E03-491C-B9BA-A94D21…)

she really is a social climber clout chaser. That explains how she got big the last time like anon said
>>1555924 No. 1574354
File: 1656394515650.png (111.69 KB, 690x288, cloutchase_overfiltered.png)

>>1574105She wants their audience to follow her so she posts shallow compliments to other thots until they respond. She isn't subtle when QRTing edited pics meant for scrote validation.
Picrel she only does this with women who heavily filter and edit their pics because their audiences are blind and won't say anything out of fear of retaliation.
No. 1578008
File: 1656709034984.png (338.4 KB, 1190x638, thot.png)

She's at the top of her game at being a failed photoshopped ethot.
No. 1578315
>>1578008>NLOGTop in her field of skinwalking and pretending to be asian? She's pretending to be a bigshot living in Toronto but has no signs or proof of having a life. No trendy restaurants with friends or going to events, she didn't attend the Final Fantasy concert every big city had.
She's likely living somewhere outside the city and barely affords to commute like in
>>1067373 She was probably in Toronto for a family trip to the aquarium months ago, and she's latergramming that one day several times.
No. 1578463
>>1578127Her real face is here
>>1060920 >>1060933
and here
>>1060956 >>1060967
No. 1580275
File: 1656954560967.jpg (11.88 KB, 400x400, oipd9PSK_400x400.jpg)

Her new pfp and she's starting a new twitch account.
Wonder what face filters she will use to stream considering
>>1060933 is what she is on camera No. 1580317
>>1580275Kek she can't be serious with that Michael Jackson nose.
Her twitter followers is still at 137 after all this time because most people know she's fake. I know someone who talked to her a lot before finding out she was a catfish. She would brag about all her jobs and skills all the time.
No wonder she's moving to twitch simps where she's not known yet.
No. 1580359
File: 1656963662916.png (351.43 KB, 1184x604, catfish.png)

>>1580317She's now an art curator with PhD in Art History, working on her Masters in Astronomy
>>1555087For someone larping as an artist "top in their field", she doesn't get basic proportions when shooping nor has an eye for design. She thinks she can fake it with the AI generators, apps and filters.
I'm starting to wonder if the reason the band guy broke up with her is because he found out she can't compose, sing or play instruments beyond mimicry. Everything she did looks self taught.
No. 1582351
File: 1657160474868.png (113.94 KB, 968x204, keanukek.png)

Her current IG is pretty milky.
She's still comparing herself to mixed asians and pretending people compare her to Keanu Reeves, something she did before
>>1059551 No. 1584952
File: 1657472092936.jpg (187.06 KB, 1080x2054, Screenshot_20220710-175107_Ins…)

Just noticed on insta she follows #lawyerhumor and some public defender accounts.
No. 1585195
>>1584952Probably to skinwalk being a super duper smart female lawyer next. Too bad her Shein fashions, lack of luxury hobbies and stalking streamer chats all night out her as a poorfag with all the free time in the world.
Took a look and she's also following Toronto photography accounts, probably to keep up the new lie of living there.
No. 1585243
File: 1657509148087.png (1.75 MB, 1608x1026, oldvideos.png)

She reposted
>>1060933 for the third time with the head cut off.
It's lazy of her to repost 10 year old videos but with her footface cropped out. The other dark videos seem to be her faking being able to play instruments. No. 1585298
File: 1657515964115.png (135.52 KB, 1036x334, kelvin.png)

>>1585243Excuse the samefag but this cow is the gift that keeps on giving.
In this video she says it's her playing Cait Sith's theme "without training"
>gloomi_cat>@damian.lirette I took from the tips you gave me at the beginning of my attempt at this one and went with it, so the success of it's completion is all thanks to you! Though I'm slightly pissed that I can't control how fast I get with my right hand, I feel I should have gone slower after the second repetition.The first Google search result for Cait Sith piano brings up the exact recording she stole from and is pretending is her own also a sockpuppet account for "Kelvin" to compliment herself on her mad skillz.
No. 1585454
File: 1657542769477.jpg (142.85 KB, 1080x826, Screenshot_20220711-133106_Ins…)

>>1585298Holy shit good find LOL
For anyone who doesn't understand, this vid on her insta has some other youtuber's audio put over because Tessa/Silena/gloomi_cat is talentless as fuck
No. 1585595
File: 1657555623040.jpg (268.37 KB, 1200x480, 1657555494606.jpg)

Are we even surprised that Tessa is stealing other people's hard work?
Shes meant to be a top artist too but her entire twitch banner is made up of stolen art
No. 1585766
File: 1657565285393.jpg (444.79 KB, 1080x1868, Screenshot_20220711-194640_Ins…)

No. 1585844
>>1585454>>1585692She made the IG private before we could find out who she stole the Mononoke Hime harp song from.
>>1585766>manfingers getting stretched and fattened with the jaw edit againKorean larp was at the start of this thread, when she called herself a 'taekwondo sensei'
>>1083257 and faked a DNA test like HimeAhri
>SerbianKek, another one to add to the list of larps
No. 1585875
File: 1657569590279.jpg (396.49 KB, 2000x2999, Best-Beauty-Cannes-Film-Festiv…)

>>1585766Those fingers are disgusting.
Imagine photoshopping yourself that much and still having the neck to compare yourself to one of the most beautiful women on earth.
Her Instagram is private all of a sudden so she's lurking here again.
No. 1586032
File: 1657579991262.jpg (318.38 KB, 1080x1595, Screenshot_20220711-235042_Ins…)

Looks like she's having beef with her sister. Pretty sure she never gave out Tessa's number to anyone in this thread.
No. 1586149
File: 1657592599611.png (127.15 KB, 1198x472, badbitch_surejan.png)

>>1586032>liquifying her waist to be uwu azn smol and made her sister look hugeComing from someone who makes sockpuppet accounts for her sister and fake boyfriend.
It's not the first time she pretended to have stalkers because she's sooo hot and famous and desired by men. For a grown woman she has no idea what it's like to be attractive or how awful it really is to be stalked. Women who are attractive and stalked do not spend their time begging scrotes for attention online with fake pics, or pay for 1000 botted likes on said pics.
>>1059889>my mom hates that I'm a barbie doll>my sister has a lemming brainAn anon pointed out that her sister is all the things Tessa larps as
>>1078322 No. 1586278
File: 1657613839001.jpg (120.76 KB, 750x768, 1657579991262~3.jpg)

>>1586032There's something oddly unsettling about this picture. Uncanny valley like. I wouldn't be surprised if Tessa photoshopped someone hugging her.
If anything Tessa says in the caption is true then It sounds like her own family are fed up with her lies just as much as everyone else is
No. 1586889
>>1585874Serbian might be her choosing it based on who Adriana Lima is married to. Adriana actually has a personality and speaks multiple languages, another thing Tessa will never do.
>>1586278It's just a bad shoop because she's heavyset. She shrunk her head, waist and shoulders from the right side but look at how enormous and bent her arm still is on the left.
No. 1597982
File: 1658841217066.jpg (18.92 KB, 400x400, eGynEdyk_400x400.jpg)

This is her newest Adriana Lima larp edit.
No. 1610947
File: 1660025500312.jpg (20.17 KB, 320x320, 297490412_3577158462511442_728…)

Seems she found this thread and deleted her twitter. Cow was great while it lasted.
Her IG is still cycling through heavily edited pics with hair painted on and a shrunken waist. The outfits look like something from over 10 years ago all the time, if it is even her.