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No. 328907[Reply]

Let's talk about Canada's favourite whore bangya that craves Japanese dick.

tumblr: spikes-n-buckles.tumblr.com
46 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 328954


She asked you to take it down yet she doesn't know you posted it?
This isn't illegal as well, you can talk shit about people online all you wish.

I knew her and can confirm or believe a lot of what's said in this post. She's a shitty person from my experiences.

But if you regret it, best not to go bat shit crazy and freak out online about someone next time.

Either way, this isn't the first time she's deleted all social media due to some shit she got in for her actions.

She obviously did something to you to piss you off this much.

Also, the people going sleuth on her really need to get a life off the internet. This whole post reeks of pathetics.

No. 339562

I wonder who posted this. I used to know her before she got all obsessed with visual kei. Yeah she was rude and mean a lot but no one deserves to get put on blast like this. Damn guys(necromancy, whiteknighting)

No. 339563

Do you somehow not know what site you're on?

No. 339568

I literally didn't lol my friend found this who also knew Iva. Can't believe people do this in their spare time

No. 339587

Well good job, you posting in this thread has bumped it to the front page for the first time in over 6 months.

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No. 339920[Reply]

Tinkerchel used to be a relatively famous YouTube celebrity around 2008-2009 or so, known for her anime/video game song covers. She'd take fairly long hiatuses from posting videos. Around November 2016 she popped back up from one of her hiatuses and started spouting insanity regarding her ex-boyfriend (Yung/Nithis Kitchaichankul) on her public Facebook fanpage and Youtube channel, desperately trying to get him to talk to her again.

> Claims he flew to her home country (Hong Kong) to meet her and raped her upon first meeting

> Despite that, she says she still loved him and he flew her out to Thailand to be with him in October
> Claims he then abused her and then abandoned her in a hotel room in Bangkok for a month where she “suffers heart attacks every day” and stopped eating and drinking until he comes sees her
> Screenshots of song covers from years ago were posted matching curtains in her farewell video
> “….. Actually I’ve been in this hotel room this whole time!”
> Has huge holes in her story regarding visas and how she’s managed to stay in Thailand for so long
> Repeatedly tried to contact his family, stood outside his family’s house for hours, threatened suicide and that he’s the “only one that can save her”
> Has a whole elaborate story on how the police are involved and against her, the hotel staff are against her, all his friends are against her, etc and that everyone’s taking away the “evidence” that he abused her
> Made a farewell video saying she was going to kill herself, goes on to police and block any comments that question her story for the next few hours
> “Kills herself”, mysterious new admin comes along immediately and says she’s in a coma
> Mysterious admin then says she committed suicide
> Mysterious admin then says she’s alive but in critical condition and will probably have permanent brain damage
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No. 339933

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Email exchange between her and Yung

No. 339936

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Giant word salad explaination of what happened "post suicide"


The Google Drive link

No. 339939

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Was her last update until she posted this, up until 6 hours ago she's been posting as if nothing happened. Also no explanation video has been made, though it's been four months and she's posted two song covers on her channel.

No. 339941

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Her post 6 hours ago.

No. 339950

what the actual fuck

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No. 51203[Reply]

This thread is to discuss hilarious Twitch.tv whores and their silly antics

This is one known as 'kittyplaysgames'

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No. 337573

lol the people playing internet detective and finding her location on google maps is kinda scary tbh

No. 337580

Your niche audience would be expecting you to do something ageplayish if you're not showing T&A

No. 337628

I kind of think that being a cam whore and also streaming on twitch are synonymous with each other at this point. If you have any slight knowledge of gaming as a cam whore it's a given that you could use that to make some dough outside of squirting all over your webcam. Thirsty nerd boys are easier to rope in if you already have experience dealing with milking horny dudes of their cash in general.

No. 338033


no, she could be "the girl who wears frilly shit but swears like a sailor while playing".

No. 340015

legendarylea and the cuck broke up apparently (starts at 0:47)

basically lea separated from him because she wants to work on herself, etc. (which seems reasonable due to that last stream of her yelling help. even though i really don't like lea, i hope she gets some help because obv she's not right in the head.

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No. 317679[Reply]

>Cosplay bully, makeup "guru" and shit talker
>Discovered kpop and decided she was suddenly gender-fluid and as since done nothing but imitate kpop boy style
>Verbally abused someone on twitter for "copying" said koreaboo galaxy style
>Has made "tutorials" articles for makeup, but really only got offered those because of her affiliation with Mango
>leeched off of her bff Mango Sirene to seem relevant and get a free pass to cons as a "guest" (aka Mango's +1)
>Contributed and spearheaded the bullying of other cosplayers for "copying" her & mango
>Is a super original galaxy/wolf/alien loving koreaboo with an obsession over Haikyuu character Oikawa
>Used her fiancee who owns a 7-11 to fund her cosplaying and convention travels
>Splits with fiancee because he was #abusive and becomes a whale that blames it all on multiple self diagnosed ED's & mental illnesses
>Privated her twitter beth is god to make a cosplay public twitter only to share all her sex stories and bullying on the public twitter instead
>Erased everything off her 2 tumblrs and twitter to avoid more fodder for her own thread
>See Mango Sirene's thread for more on Beth

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No. 339819


Kay, y'all arguing about the morality of nudes on the internet is as derailing as just the stream of nudes was in the first place. Maybe there's a point in that she consented to posting the nudes in the first place.

But, bruv,

>Because harassment and nude stealing will make nudes less available for free and make it more likely we'll all have to pay money for them or at the very least we'll have to go out and get a relationship

Creepy and misses the point even if you're being facetious.

No. 339821

I agree. Her idea of doing makeup tutorials for cosplay was a good idea. Her main issue though is that she constantly shits the bed and doesn't keep her promises. We've been waiting for the rest of those rwby tutorials for 9 months, Beth.

No. 339828

She should have never made the video with the outline of her plans in regards to character makeup. I dont remember the video word for word but generally she was going to do like 1 series a month with x amount of character tutorials for that series? Something like that.

The minute she put it out there she was doomed because she hasn't kept up with it in the slightest. I'm sure filming & editing can take a long time but if you just break it down to like, film this day and edit these days i'm sure it was still an obtainable goal.

They couldnt take longer than her 15+ minute life vlogs (editing wise) or her favorites videos (filming and editing) so i dont know why she would tell people that was the plan then not bother to even attempt at a follow through. It doesnt help that Mango pimped her multiple times on her tumblr and in her cosplay makeup video as the go-to cosplay makeup person.

No. 340308

I think that her youtube "career" is definitely telling at how bad at planning she is. Examples of this include posting a video or two a month and up until now, finishing costumes at conventions.

I can excuse finishing costumes at the con because that will likely be my reality next weekend, but as you say, if you break the video making process down it might take a weekend to make a video.

It was a damn shame that Mango promoted her as a cosplay makeup guru.

No. 340332

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Seeing how she went from kinda cute with nice makeup to a horrendous wig and messy everything its pretty obvious she either lost interest or isnt using the same amount of effort she did when she was first trying to be the cosplay makeup resource.

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No. 333472[Reply]

Nrxion and FloweringDaisy were shoah'd on Kiwi Farms merely for having opinions sympathetic towards Neoreaction, and their anti-degeneracy anti-transy stance. See neoreaction.net, socialmatter.net, thermidormatter.com and other similar websites for Neoreactionary #NRx content. This is abuse of moderation powers!! #FreeNrxion! #FreeFloweringDaisy!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 333473

kiwi farms is already a little alt-righty, how bad do you have to be that they banned you lol

No. 340863

Okay, so get this. I'm one of the mod team over there and this fucking guy started making a bunch of threads in the lolcows board all at once. They were all low-quality personal army requests against people who were dunking him on twitter.

I had to take about 5 minutes with the rest of the team to sweep up his autism because there was just so much of it.

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No. 342202[Reply]

finally managed to discuss this hoe

lawlita fk me daddy ughz

started caming at 16, has 30 yr old sugar daddy, lulzy live instagram videos, attention seeker, kill it b4 it lays eggs

-found her on camsites, she gave her instagram and used to act like a total nymphet attention whore on cam
-claims to have eating disorder
-famous of the camgirl part, she occasionally makes weird live videos on instagram, putting cream on her face and swallowing it, singing, and raping her toys
-probably into abdl/ddlg
-crazy and drama seeker
-babydarkokitten fan
-Lana Del Rey i hate my life drug addict kind of life
-talks with everyone about her personal life
-found on sugar dating sites
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 342208

She must be really fucked up

No. 342239

Links and caps? Hello? We're not your personal army.

No. 342246

Are you the same summerfag who posted on /pt/? Nobody knows her and she's not nearly lulzy enough to have a thread. Post in the camwhore snowflakes thread, if anything, but I doubt anyone would care if you don't post receipts

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No. 107605[Reply]

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No. 342368

Disregard >>342362 (though it does show how many girls he abused, there's a LOT of people celebrating his arrest), here's the correct girl I believe: https://www.facebook.com/david.difabio.1?fref=ufi

No. 342372

I'm glad she got out of his clutches, holy fuck.
Weird that she's seemingly sharing a FB page with her new SO, though.

No. 342375

Yeah, it's always fucking weird when people do that. "Overjoyed to be together 12Mar16" and they're already married too…
I wonder what her family life was like, she seems to not really know much about normal relationships.

No. 342382

went to HS with this wysolovski dude. this shit crazy, i can't believe his doings became the subjects of multiple chan postings.

No. 342658

Tbh I'm just happy the dude was dumb enough to leave evidence here there and everywhere online, sounds like.

No. 339742[Reply]

recently on an episode of Botched (attached to this post) dressed as a sub-par Amethyst from Steven Universe. Her clothing didn't match and her body paint was getting all over her clothes.
She explained how she got her first boob job at 18 with 850 cc implants in each breast. She had complications from the oversized implants, so logically she decided to "correct" it with 2000 cc implants. The doctors are taken aback by her faulty logic, especially when she goes on to say that she is on the show because she wants to go even bigger. She believes bigger faker boobs will make her cosplay famous.

I was looking around and saw that there is some potential for milk here. Her cosplays are pretty bad and she wears really awful makeup that rivals Suzy's. She also does porn as "Princess Pumpkins" and says she's into findom, which seems more like a cover to get money & free stuff.

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No. 343845

No. 343870

Does she even have nipples? I'm struggling to understand her anatomy

No. 343909

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What is the point of having massive tits if you have the body of a World of Warcraft female gnome? All it does is make her look even more round and disproportionate.

No. 343926

DUUUUDE A COW I KNOW!!! Well, not "know", but have met and hung out with one night at a bar in Orlando!'
It was about a year and a half ago.
There's a monthly event called escape held at one of the gay bars there, I was hanging out with her and her boyfriend and I think their third (female) partner, too.
She mentioned she had it badly done and was going to go bigger, her boyfriend was a scrawny punk boy and all for it.
She gave me her cam twitter and I've been following it ever since, she's gotten crazy popular.
She was drunk and bubbly and wasn't mean at all or psychotic or anything…just seems like a bitch who loves big ol tiddies lol
Stoked to watch her episode of botched tbh.

No. 343928

Just watched the clip, her boyfriend got fat lol but I don't really think this girl is a cow, she just fakes all her bitchiness for femdom shit and is dumb and butchering her body.

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No. 286724[Reply]

Jen Sutton.. Salem tranny chaser finally marries a tranny child. Goal accomplished(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 286747

This is what happens when crazy schitzo meets your daughter and convinces her she is a boy.. and then marries her.

No. 341572

Whoever posted this needs to be ended.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 341583

that's not nice, Cindy.

No. 341785


No. 344228

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I've seen memes saying we need Chuck Norris to get world peace…what if we had this person! Come on, to get a person to change to a guy you have to convince two shrinks, a doctor, and a judge in addition to the person on top of spending money! All that while finding someone who is old enough to make all these decisions unlike the previous posts are saying (dude is over 21)…Who needs Chuck Norris when you can have this Jen person. By the way, That isn't this person's name either. It is a name they went by with when with an ex…who is really good at phone screen prints….phone screen prints….hmmm…kinda makes you wonder. Maybe this wonderful work of fiction is actually consensual wedding pictures taken from a long term relationship of two people who are trans spectrum and neither looks their age? And maybe, just maybe, it is nobodies business. Maybe if we spent more time solving the problems of hate and prejudice instead of encouraging it in order to make drama and pain win when love, peace, and understanding should…..? At that ceremony there were candles for all the blacksheeps of every natural family to light if they wanted a new family, a family where everyone could be loved as is, not in spite of their flaws but flaws included. I was happy to be invited and light my candle.The Blacksheep family celebrated love, truth, and the freedom to be yourself while encouraging the growth of the soul into your better you. Please light your candle, and remove the hate.

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No. 272514[Reply]

>apparent pedo
>thinks children between the ages of 2-8 are sexually attractive
>wants to be a teacher
>thinks fucking kids is wrong but viewing them sexually is ok
>claims her account was hacked, but hasn't done anything but spam posts with a link to a YouTube channel and say she's not a pedo.

-Facebook link (you need to be signed in to view her account)
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No. 286860

LMAO she deserves it. I can't believe someone made a video on her. Her social media accounts have been locked up or hiatus, and on her fb her profile pic is op pic with the words "don't curse on my page" or something.

No. 287669

im honestly curious, what proof is there that she wasn't hacked? she could have been…

No. 287683

she said she wanted to be a teacher.

and…. anon……

No. 344237

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We have to remember guys. this girl is a teenager herself. shes still underage. she not gonna make good choices just like every other underage person. she most likely got abused when she was smaller. thats why she has those interests. we don't need to put it so harsh for her.(Necromancy)

No. 344243

thanks, amelia. nobody gave a fuck until you necro'ed the thread to defend yourself.

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