It’s a new year, but there’s nothing new about our cows’ pro-ana antics.
Zara is 100% recovered and GETS A PASS on weight-restoration because she TOTALLY HAS PHYSICAL ILLNESSES that she’s NOT taking advantage of to maintain a low weight, guys! She’s ready to spend another year spewing hypocritical motivational bullshit. New year’s resolution: none, because she’s PERFECT.
Ham had TWO Christmas celebrations (with each of her divorced parents) and only really took pictures of lots and lots of food. New year’s resolution: fill up her entire phone with pictures of her fat rolls.
Hxn continues to insist that she’s totally eating lots of solid food, guys, really. And NO, she will NOT tell you why her last 24 hours were traumatizing, you have to infer it from her pictures of policemen and hospital bands. New year’s resolution: set a world record for time spent stirring a single bowl of cereal while her dad dies inside.
N2F is still living her best deranged life but really needs to learn how to use artificial tanner. New year’s resolution: ???
Hayden is TRAUMATIZED by another patient being … nice at PHP and would like to tell you all about how the anti-minority, anti-trans medical system REFUSED TO HELP. New year’s resolution: probably another gofuckme
Em continues to study from the master and move closer and closer to N2F’s make-up skills. She’s done some recent vague-posting about struggling, maybe foreshadowing relapse 2023. New year’s resolution: drink
Ganer is psyched to bulk with one extra goddamn raspberry and a sliver of egg yolk. She’s totes recovered, guys, and would like to show you her bizarre half-skeleton half-gym-addict image to really drive home how much she’s totally not swapped one eating disorder for another. New year’s resolution: eat exactly the same number of spinach leaves every day, no more of that lax weighing out raw spinach
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