File: 1672734702530.jpeg (534.21 KB, 1200x1200, 1672702535861.jpeg)

No. 1736335
It’s a new year, but there’s nothing new about our cows’ pro-ana antics.
Zara is 100% recovered and GETS A PASS on weight-restoration because she TOTALLY HAS PHYSICAL ILLNESSES that she’s NOT taking advantage of to maintain a low weight, guys! She’s ready to spend another year spewing hypocritical motivational bullshit. New year’s resolution: none, because she’s PERFECT.
Ham had TWO Christmas celebrations (with each of her divorced parents) and only really took pictures of lots and lots of food. New year’s resolution: fill up her entire phone with pictures of her fat rolls.
Hxn continues to insist that she’s totally eating lots of solid food, guys, really. And NO, she will NOT tell you why her last 24 hours were traumatizing, you have to infer it from her pictures of policemen and hospital bands. New year’s resolution: set a world record for time spent stirring a single bowl of cereal while her dad dies inside.
N2F is still living her best deranged life but really needs to learn how to use artificial tanner. New year’s resolution: ???
Hayden is TRAUMATIZED by another patient being … nice at PHP and would like to tell you all about how the anti-minority, anti-trans medical system REFUSED TO HELP. New year’s resolution: probably another gofuckme
Em continues to study from the master and move closer and closer to N2F’s make-up skills. She’s done some recent vague-posting about struggling, maybe foreshadowing relapse 2023. New year’s resolution: drink
Ganer is psyched to bulk with one extra goddamn raspberry and a sliver of egg yolk. She’s totes recovered, guys, and would like to show you her bizarre half-skeleton half-gym-addict image to really drive home how much she’s totally not swapped one eating disorder for another. New year’s resolution: eat exactly the same number of spinach leaves every day, no more of that lax weighing out raw spinach
Laura is on metformin to try to counteract fucking immense doses of antipsychotics. She keeps claiming to be about to leave hospital but can’t even stay out long enough for a loaf of bread to go stale. New year’s resolution: get back on 2-1 so she can get that sweet, sweet attention.
A fucking nutcase showed up in the last thread and chimped out, but we won’t summon her by name.
And of course, we still have momsfave who claims to have finished a semester of school, miha who would like you to know that fat people also get EDs, porgie who seems to have gone quiet, the twins who traveled abroad and went to a medical conference (but mentioned wanting to start working out…), and cece who has somehow managed to stay off social media. thread
>>1695588 No. 1736413
File: 1672744959358.jpeg (444.81 KB, 1170x2065, 510A35BD-9796-49DA-908F-BC655B…)

>>1736397Here’s some milk.
Ausfag recoverywithdarcy posts bikini pic then immediately gets hate
No. 1736482
File: 1672755231332.jpg (576.71 KB, 1080x1867, IMG_20230103_141000.jpg)

Because 8 workouts a week doesn't sound at all obsessive for this braindead super spoop who is nearing 50. The endless years of treatment hasn't worked but this? This clearly will. I fucking despair of these cretinous PTs who take on seriously ill clients.
No. 1736517
File: 1672759148724.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1753, 231555BA-1131-4CD5-B761-2D3305…)

Yeah niamh… totally not somewhat disordered New Year’s resolutions
No. 1736521
>>1736517Sounds normal, people often vow to exercise to be healthy, better than vegging out and causing more damage to your body as muscles weaken. Or is that
triggering now a days to bopofags? A part of normal recovery is - shock horror - caring for your body with both nutrition and exercise.
No. 1736546
>>1736431Some women wanna be uncomfortably thin but I’ll be completely honest, the only one who looks
troony to me is Ganer and the other super skinny wannabe fit one who’s always posing super retarded in her wieiad videos kek. If someone told me Ganer was a man I’d believe her
No. 1736550
nonnie. forgot
it has been a long day
No. 1736553
File: 1672762509238.jpg (909.23 KB, 1080x2130, Screenshot_20230103_161001_Ins…)

Omg the minimods and newfags.
I vote we move over to the other thread because at least there's some basic reminders in there about how to use the site.
Anyway. Yes neef, you're fantastic and inspirational. Now if you could stop obsessing over your sick body and actually get over it we'd believe you!
No. 1736554
File: 1672762602205.jpg (836.5 KB, 1080x1946, Screenshot_20230101_184502_Ins…)

Probably one of the most bizarre bodychecks I've ever seen in my life kek
She goes on about her side profile/ nose / jaw being insecurities but can't help posting them every so often
No. 1736644
File: 1672770151954.jpeg (387.84 KB, 1536x2048, 4EC7948A-4664-42C0-943E-CCDF9E…)

nikol looking a lot less skelly
No. 1736676
File: 1672774481256.jpeg (277.06 KB, 750x768, 4C22DDE8-BBED-4A56-902D-C52505…)

In other nikol news, she’s completely schizo and also wishes she didn’t have money, maybe she could help some people out with rent
No. 1736700
File: 1672776657220.png (183.46 KB, 720x461, one_fucking_minute.png)

>>1736517The only "disordered" thing is your obsession with that Niamh gal, vendetta-chan…
No. 1736740
>>1736676I mean if her crazy ass wants to give her money away, I’d gladly take some to avoid getting a second job.
Also it’s like the more she binges the lower she sets her bmi. The calories are somehow making her more braindead.
No. 1736744
File: 1672779638956.jpg (314.12 KB, 1080x2025, IMG_20230103_205909.jpg)

Her fucking audacity never ceases to amaze me. Honestly insufferable. How does she actually have any friends? Who can tolerate all this absolute bullshit she spouts? Nothing worse than people who don't follow their own advice.
No. 1736806
>>1736418It's the same thing the
red scare girls have going on—they realize that they're below average and compensate by being skinny.
>>1736705I think someone mentioned that she uses laxatives (and purges that way).
No. 1736929
File: 1672800215952.jpeg (287.55 KB, 1170x691, 1997B241-797C-41A4-86DF-B58A75…)

First tweet isn’t so bad but the second makes me cringe? She’s like 110 lbs she really is the most legitimately both mentally and physically ill out of all of them
No. 1737141
File: 1672845163575.png (4.48 MB, 1125x2436, 41EF423F-E868-4D5B-B01B-BB612E…)

How on earth has she managed to discharge looking like this? No way has she gained anything
No. 1737147
File: 1672845957749.jpg (857.4 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230104_152551_Gal…)

Girl, be for real.
No. 1737148
File: 1672846114427.jpg (564.66 KB, 1080x2108, Screenshot_20230104_152834_Ins…)

No. 1737187
>>1737176I don't think EC was trying to stop coughing but throwing up. She looks more like she is gagging.
She actually stops the steaming and says that she is going to "cough, and do what I got to do" and "get a tissue and some stuff".
No. 1737231
File: 1672855801907.jpeg (854.62 KB, 3222x3222, A89B61C6-0000-4A0D-9D18-C7D54C…)

Pretty milky, posts body checks but then complains about others doing it like Sydney. Claims she’s been in recovery for maybe a year but she still looks like Emma Chamberlain who’s been doing hefty amounts of heroin
No. 1737262
File: 1672859147050.jpeg (46.61 KB, 750x500, 2CEFC9DA-3666-4B75-A319-1E2C8A…)

>>1737231Not to be all ‘hi cow’ but I’d bet my fucking life savings this is a self post.
>>1737176She’s having heart problems.
No. 1737293
File: 1672861013866.jpeg (233.09 KB, 1125x595, 2131E8B6-166F-4B03-B8E3-84B4A0…)

Happyhealthywhole and her erc girlfriend back at it again
No. 1737362
File: 1672870444383.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1067x1714, C7C022D9-8C0A-4578-BE1A-4E8C80…)

has anyone else seen this cow. she’s been on my fyp several times. constantly tagging ed recovery but visibly losing weight. @martina.privx on tiktok
No. 1737411
File: 1672877441912.jpeg (160.19 KB, 960x795, ACDBF882-849E-40FB-AF40-2EBD42…)

I know HH hasn’t been discussed in a while but what 24 year old woman drives hours away to give a promise ring to her barely 18 year old girlfriend that she met in treatment??? The girlfriend recently attended a friends sweet 16 party. Idk WHY HH sees this as a normal innocent relationship because it’s super weird and inappropriate. It makes me uncomfortable. Apparently they broke up and she moved and now they’re long distance.
No. 1737415
>>1737231Please stop self poasting.
>>1737249I think it was a comparison kek I doubt she does heroin
No. 1737615
File: 1672898723767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,936.79 KB, 1170x1609, C43AD297-5D43-41D0-8786-382150…)

>>1737610My apologies
nonnie! Thanks for catching it so quick I appreciate it actually
Here’s the original caption but spoilered pic: Yeah Nikol’s body obviously isn’t coping well with her current circumstances…
No. 1737718
>>1737476Nobody wants to compare themselves to you, you look 20 years older than you are and most of you can’t even stand up straight. You look like knock kneed old women. Unbelievable how you fuckers have to insert your personal lives into this thread as much as possible. You guys don’t have a high enough mortality rate, honestly.
>f-fatty!Actually I’m naturally thin and athletic. Something you barrel waisted cunts will never be.
No. 1737722
>>1737615If I didn't know better I'd say she
actually does look pregnant
No. 1737777
>>1737765It’s just part of their delusion that they’re sooper special
victims of the universe. No one envies someone who gets osteoporosis and infertility by age 25 and spends every waking moment obsessing over food. Anachan’s brains are so consumed with mental illness that they assume everyone else’s thoughts are as sick and warped as theirs. Nope, most of us have lives & hobbies and if we think about you at all, it’s just “ew, get help” in passing - the same way you’d look at a morbidly obese person with mild pity/concern before going back to whatever you were doing.
No. 1737894
>>1737612can we stop posting this sad and terryfiying photo every couple of threats. We can bully alive ana queens but posting a dead girl over and over doesnt sit ok.
If you are new here, check previous threats
No. 1738004
>>1737894Omg and you're the anon who still doesn't know these are called threads not threats, have you not learned this in the past like 10 "threats" you've been lurking lol
And who keeps NOT tagging the post they're replying too? I know I know, fuck me for minimodding but how come some of you still haven't gotten the hang of posting here?
No. 1738014
File: 1672949643858.png (Spoiler Image,582.85 KB, 750x1334, B1BE3B44-8091-44E6-9736-54AC0D…)

Anyone familiar with this bitch on Twitter and Tik Tok? Used to run a “fatphobic” edtwt account, now claims to be in recovery while posting bodychecks every day to prove how ~sooper sick~ she is and interacting with edtwt regularly.
No. 1738046
File: 1672952004529.jpg (188.11 KB, 1200x1124, FhHCTUwXoAAfr4G[1].jpg)

>>1737765Looks so uncomfortable, I feel sorry for her, I went through the same when I was 14 even our stats are similar, so risky to keep this going…
No. 1738059
>>1738046no1curr, little sNoWfLaKe wArRiOr
get your bloated belly and fuck off
No. 1738083
File: 1672954367886.jpeg (895.96 KB, 1125x1182, 95DD9856-FBE0-4248-B281-A9A7B6…)

Potential new cow? This woman with AN always posting bodychecks, sharing explicit medical info about herself (bmi ranges, complications, calories etc), showing off that she’s going on long walks despite being on bed rest… she seems to be a good friend of the twins
No. 1738167
>>1737999I know how to spell post I just usually see other nonnies spell it as “self poasting” sometimes so I thought it was just slang kek. Sorry if I’ve just been sounding retarded this whole time
>>1737909>It’s funny and milky when some cows do the same thing I’m not trying to insult you but this kind of outed you as a newfag. Putting another anachan in the thread simply because she is anorexic and on the internet isn’t nearly as interesting or “milky” as when multiple different topics on this site repeat similar behavior that’s actually interesting and noteworthy, which being anorexic and having eye bags is not.
Also, the overuse of milky and cow repetitively…we can tell that it’s you. Depressing how starved for attention anorexic teenage girls are.
No. 1738187
File: 1672961309793.jpeg (1021.34 KB, 1170x1763, 22545742-1546-4221-90EF-4C103B…)

jas …. looks good?!! like actually has made actual real progress? i am shocked
No. 1738213
>>1738004threat threat threat threat
tell me how you NEVER misspelled a word before esp if its not your first (or second as a matter if fact) language.
It wasnt me but you should shut the fuck up and reply on what the person actually posted instead of stupid mistakes
No. 1738223
File: 1672965022339.png (1.11 MB, 948x1648, Screen Shot 2023-01-05 at 7.25…)

Has anyone else come across this person before? She claims to be going into hospice for anorexia and posts shit like this where the claims she's making seem really extreme for someone who looks like they've always been at a healthy weight
No. 1738229
File: 1672965575655.png (7.28 MB, 1170x2532, BDACFF1A-6C69-4B73-AED9-5A158A…)

Caroline isn’t talked about enough. She was a super skelly that got a little better, some mysterious treatment- she didn’t share a lot. She’d just share random videos about almost dying. Now she makes constant awful singing videos and is going downhill again. She never really got better. She’s obviously grown and living at home but acts like a child and shows no responsibility for her ED.
No. 1738238
File: 1672966098267.png (9.7 MB, 1170x2532, 9C74B144-D6A8-4371-860B-F6F31C…)

“The things that don’t invalidate my ED” then “oh wait. I’m the freaking stereotype.” That is so extremely obnoxious. She’s been living at home making weird singing videos and Mean Girls impersonations, and clearly not in recovery at all for YEARS.
No. 1738243
File: 1672966519123.png (7.12 MB, 1170x2532, 3016BD47-7014-4550-AC0B-65721D…)

She shared that she was basically full sedated for 1 month of forced recovery at one point. She also says no she’s recovered. Yea okay lol
No. 1738244
File: 1672966716187.png (5.34 MB, 1170x2532, 6688C2DF-DB19-4ED2-9EE1-638DDA…)

When she was claiming chronic illness instead of admitting her ED killing her. She claimed was allergic to everything & none of this was her fault. She needs a reality check & to stop acting 14 with these terrible videos.
No. 1738254
File: 1672967197282.png (9.71 MB, 1170x2532, D1764CAB-153D-433E-95C7-529EB7…)

Last one but she’s literally singing “I’m in love with my body” as she can barely breathe or speak. And the crown is killing me. She really wore that at the hospital.
No. 1738292
>>1738014she’s not too milky. but doesn’t seem like she genuinely wants to recover. as much as i hope she is successful, i predict she’ll be fully relapsing in a month or so.
cannot stand the baby talk
No. 1738314
>>1738046"when I wuz 14 and muh anurrexiuh"
fuck off and take your pesky blogposting and bellypix with you
No. 1738557
File: 1672998706808.jpg (746.4 KB, 1080x1397, Screenshot_20230106-023622_Twi…)

Was checking on Nikol and saw her reply to this kid who claims her bmi is 14. But if you look at the picture, she's angling her hips and likely on tiptoes to exaggerate a thigh gap. Not to mention how her arms look completely normal and healthy, and in other pics it's obvious she's not dangerously underweight, just "teenager with fast metabolism" thin
No. 1738558
File: 1672998760401.jpg (288.52 KB, 840x2048, 20230106_023647.jpg)

>>1738557Uncropped image.
No. 1738565
>>1738560Oops, poor word choice on my part; she's not actually a child. She seems to be at least 16 or 17, but I will check if she mentioned her age anywhere.
>>1738563Wasn't aware. I don't have an ed and I'm not a regular in this thread, but noted for the future. However, the 14 in her bio is her supposed bmi, not her age.
No. 1738590
File: 1673009005875.jpg (442.25 KB, 1080x1496, Screenshot_20230106_124237.jpg)

Hxn taking tanning inspiration from n2f!
No. 1738647
File: 1673016388926.gif (1.08 MB, 478x1037, ezgif-1-7b552bf468.gif)

Do the Ganer (again)!
a.k.a. Rockin' the bedroom.
No. 1738680
File: 1673019709544.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.49 KB, 467x778, maamyourbonesareshowing.jpg)

This Just Dance era is absolutely frightening. (1/3)
No. 1738683
File: 1673019811539.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.47 KB, 473x720, ECnightmarefuel.jpg)

That boot is going to fly off her boney foot if she's not careful. (2/3)
No. 1738685
>>1738680She must hate how big her thighs look in this. Those boots are ugly as sin too.
>>1738683 You can see her buttbone all red from sitting all day.
No. 1738686
File: 1673019953499.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.42 KB, 461x740, youvedisturbedthewitch.jpg)

Just so everyone knows these are pajama rompers with an ass flap. Only EC can make normal poses look like an eldritch horror. (3/3)
No. 1738782
File: 1673032182429.jpeg (180.99 KB, 1170x636, C05B3262-39A4-45D0-89A2-AFBD82…)

wonder how come she left nhs
No. 1738881
>>1738768This or she's so fucked mentally that she wants to go out this way. Like Black Mirror level of attention seeking.
>>1738838She is 5'7" according to Google.
No. 1739026
>>1738923I understand the mistake
nonnie but I lol’d at ham being clearly underweight hahaha she wishes. Bloating out of all sizes of pants is normal!!! It’s not bloat you’re a boat bro
No. 1739249
File: 1673110003324.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1111x1731, D996359A-F994-443C-9B74-B07048…)

There’s something kinda sad about n2f sometimes. Like I’m probably being soft (and reading way too much into a sentence) but the caption feels less like she’s trying to be accountable for her actions and more like she’s flat out blaming herself when it’s not like she developed an Ed for funsies. Like she’s done amazing on her own but she really needs to talk to a professional. Eating doesn’t fix whatever was hurting inside to begin with.
No. 1739269
File: 1673112409118.jpeg (527.23 KB, 1170x1871, A83C5A4F-5797-4639-817F-173E70…)

Nikols new bf? I’m not sure why i thought she was a lesbian
No. 1739347
File: 1673122198925.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20230107_200623.jpg)

Just a casual photo, definitely not a body check…
No. 1739356
File: 1673123587804.jpeg (825.76 KB, 934x1337, 0378CD2F-E782-41CA-A153-253C6F…)

New ganer in the making
No. 1739373
>>1739249FR. Anyone with an eating disorder, physically recovered or not, should seek professional help.
The problem is when these people have NPD, and they don't want to be treated. Not saying n2f is like that, but some of the anchans of this thread are.
No. 1739394
Count ribs.
No. 1739408
File: 1673132719413.jpeg (539.26 KB, 1026x1231, F62E20EA-9BCF-4948-A205-B2EF4C…)

>>1739347What is this scabby welt on Han’s arm? It looks like an IV drug user’s sore. Not my guess in her case but either way it looks infected, damn.
No. 1739425
File: 1673135246127.jpeg (257.55 KB, 750x1207, BA27A220-E3B4-4765-A1F8-E6ECC8…)

Laura is out and about with a new haircut and a full body picture that actually isn't 4 years old and airing out her vagina. But no comments on her huge weight gain please. She says she plans to lose weight with professional help for 'personal reasons' and don't worry, she won't take it too far.
No. 1739433
File: 1673135597694.png (1013.38 KB, 1170x2532, 022BF6D7-4AA0-4F5B-8BD6-567014…)

is she trying to insinuate that she’s weight restored?
No. 1739434
>>1739377Of course not, but most people with an eating disorder, in time, ask for help because they all are living a nightmare.
What I'm saying is that narcissistic people, anorexics or not, don't seek professional help because either a) the problem is always other people or situations or b) they are faced to their own lies and they cannot stand the reality vs. their fantasies.
That is completely different from being scared of gaining weight and not wanting to be in a hospital, for example.
No. 1739481
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No. 1739482
File: 1673141589532.png (3.53 MB, 750x1334, BCF8D82F-08C0-4D9F-863F-C46A8A…)

Who summoned this?
No. 1739483
File: 1673141688760.png (4.13 MB, 750x1334, 068BE914-72BA-4E61-85C9-A65E4F…)

Predictable day after the night before. Couldn't do her live 'watch me eat.
No. 1739556
File: 1673149890086.jpeg (941.87 KB, 1125x1291, 6E5282C5-742D-4075-BBE8-EDB33C…)

Sometimes I feel like she lurks. She gave us proof of her gainz the only way she knows how.
No. 1739826
File: 1673196585528.jpeg (579.55 KB, 1169x1660, 6FAA805E-227B-483C-9E9E-4AFCE5…)

How can she still be diagnosed with anorexia ffs
No. 1739856
File: 1673200206941.png (7.1 MB, 1125x2436, 110C47E2-4E8B-486B-A140-B12DCB…)

New cow? Bodychecks all the time in shorts despite it being winter, and reeks of needing self validation
No. 1739895
File: 1673205085405.png (2.16 MB, 1170x2532, 5795DD9B-9228-4B84-8813-4E4A51…)

We see you Laura
No. 1739896
File: 1673205153944.png (1.89 MB, 1170x2532, 613A081F-12E4-418C-A366-77A036…)

Honestly the biggest cow
No. 1739954
File: 1673211856761.jpg (79.4 KB, 482x814, o really.jpg)

Ganer says her hormones are healthy/in check in one breath then posts this in another. She's so fucked.
No. 1739955
File: 1673211924967.jpg (75.86 KB, 481x800, answer.jpg)

And she's not with her bro coach any more. Back with the irresponsible, stupid cunt who took her on in the first place and had her in the gym with a BMI of about 9 and two breaths away from a heart attack. Wonder what happened there.
No. 1740017
File: 1673221443433.jpeg (213.2 KB, 750x926, 47A17C5D-7D57-4CE9-BE6C-AED4DE…)

Anyone seen this one?! 'ginas.fairytale' 'From wheelchair to wheel pose?! Really odd account. Looks like a kid with all this fairytale crap but says she's 27! I'm going to post a couple of pics.
No. 1740021
File: 1673221644618.jpeg (350.53 KB, 750x1225, 0578DE99-6929-4A49-AA48-F64272…)

>>1740017Don't get mad, I'm only posting a couple! I just think this account is really odd and never seen it before.
No. 1740050
File: 1673227490764.jpeg (176.13 KB, 750x1252, F9628E73-C518-43FC-BF42-CE40F2…)

Sage because it's nothing new but Han complains about just mentioning how she feels and they put her into IP?! Why does the whole of the nhs, not to mention all the other services, jump and scramble to give her all this attention all the time when others get nothing no matter how hard they try to access help?!
No. 1740056
File: 1673227868188.jpeg (182.97 KB, 746x1119, 4C261E6A-411D-43E1-9A18-B96D36…)

>>1740050Poor her; frightened to get help others are begging for for years. She says the word and gets all the help every time. Such a huge drain. Unbelieveable.
No. 1740069
>>1739997Hahahahahahaha she did post her tube.
Well to be fair she did say it is atypical anorexia - meaning she met all the requirements of AN except weight.
No. 1740170
File: 1673248673168.png (7.05 MB, 1170x2532, F370E0B2-5D76-4AE0-B98A-F8782A…)

Niamh’s Pinterest boards are literally just thinspo. The boards called ‘getting my life together’ but it should be called ‘romanticising my eating disorder in a socially acceptable way’
No. 1740171
File: 1673248875496.png (8.73 MB, 1170x2532, C2DD0A64-4A8B-4A47-8C88-BBF4DD…)

Sorry for the spam but not to mention Niamh’s Pinterest board dedicated to weird pictures of herself in bizarre poses…
No. 1740230
>>1740192seems she graduated from uni in 2018 so around mid twenties I'm guessing.
she's just been malnourished since before puberty
No. 1740286
File: 1673271599047.jpg (90.93 KB, 640x1136, 324551945_224492343380353_2733…)

>>1740277Well then someone should inform the 40 year old attention seeking ex runner that her photos are being used for catfishing on some psychos vendetta account. Look at the shit she posts, Han making bread is apparently "vile" lol, how dare Han feel entitled to make bread lol
No. 1740308
File: 1673275270651.jpg (337.11 KB, 1080x1753, Screenshot_20230109_143314_com…)

>>1739954Wild how Ganer hasn't ever had a period when this bowl of slop is an example of her "hitting her macros! kek. she's claiming she is healthy and eating sufficiently, while simultaneously listing the causes of amenorrhea as not eating enough, not being at a healthy weight etc - come on Ganer, join the dots! if her macros are reviewed every week, it just shows her coach's incompetence if she is telling Ganer what to eat, and perceives her diet as adequate in fats/protein/carbs yet she is still in such a poor state of health she has never had a period. the peak of physical fitness!
No. 1740312
>>1739954Says 'weight gain' and 'healthy hormone function' in one breath.
Then doesn't gain weight by overexercising and bland slop.
No. 1740325
File: 1673277871314.jpeg (112.35 KB, 1170x671, 5124A335-74D6-4DDD-B3C1-9EEE4B…)

>I was eating 1200-1800 cals a day! I was getting a normal intake!
Also Nikol:
No. 1740326
File: 1673278094617.jpeg (767.51 KB, 1170x1234, FCB6EF63-FEA7-4DAF-A9FC-845EBC…)

Ok, looks a lot more like Nikol was actually groomed into developing anorexia/thinking she needs to change her body. Does anyone else remember when she posted those photos of her from when she was with her gf and she looked normal and healthy? Apparently this was a while after
No. 1740327
File: 1673278269342.png (964.49 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20230109-152913.png)

>>1740308she says that she eats chicken yet never posts pictures of it kek. she normally posts the slop and spinach+potatoes everyday. I call bs on her eating meat
No. 1740419
>>1740363They're not the same, it's just they both have the same name. But they're both insufferable, i wish they'd both stop bloody self-inserting themselves into the thread, EUPDfags lap this up.
>>1740387 Does it hurt to be both a raging narc and EUPDer and no one literally gives a shit? no wonder you lash out at others so obsessively. Kek.
No. 1740438
File: 1673287171069.jpg (688.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230109_123615_Ins…)

No we couldn't have just seen the bag just on its own dear lord
No. 1740443
File: 1673288303336.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 3465x3465, 8DE6E863-9386-4E8D-BA7F-49A2F3…)

>>1740326She wasn’t groomed into AN. But she did visit an ana fetishist in 2021 (caze_bruin) he is the hands in this waist photo
No. 1740453
File: 1673289218005.png (5.5 MB, 1170x2532, 30DA3A43-EE98-471C-B4AB-86049B…)

Probably been mentioned before but this cow drives me mad
No. 1740454
File: 1673289256490.png (3.7 MB, 1170x2532, B6EE5FCF-1856-45CF-A995-4DC937…)

Because you love sharing the rest of ur life with strangers on the internet Zara
No. 1740468
File: 1673291115598.webm (2.73 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_715298536256925210…)
>>1740456i don't know how to archive, but here you go ,
nonnie No. 1740473
File: 1673291511712.webm (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 576x1024, Pari_7085016172600528133.webm)

>>1740468this one is kinda NSFL.
No. 1740506
nonnie you took the words right out of my mouth
No. 1740614
File: 1673305933381.jpeg (1.13 MB, 882x1591, B6EE2434-15BC-4CD1-B1E9-F5722F…)

Another ‘fitness girlie’ who is undoubtedly killing herself, absolutely delusional
She used to look ok, but now just posts ‘high protein low calorie’ meals and 4:30 am gym routines
No. 1740647
File: 1673308327163.jpeg (103.6 KB, 640x922, 6A048833-EB5A-445A-89B6-0CB95F…)

Lil photoshoot, big girl
No. 1740648
File: 1673308365008.jpeg (100.88 KB, 631x897, A0EF914E-F344-467A-BF36-83CFAA…)

No. 1740653
File: 1673308841557.jpeg (183.12 KB, 638x911, 23271445-078B-4B1D-9842-C3743E…)

I bet
No. 1740728
>>1740721One more harassment charge and they won’t want you back. And you are making your own bed, so you’ll have to lie in it.
Actually make positive changes to your life, actually make an effort and stop being such a bitter old cow and people may feel like they want to help you. You think you are the most unwell person alive but you aren’t, sorry but you aren’t… start putting your energy into recovery rather than putting it into abusing others.
You are an
abusive idiot and that’s why no one has any sympathy for you, tearing others down out of pure jealousy, stalking ex therapists…no one would have you as an inpatient because you would ruin others recovery. And if the treatment you had in Canada didn’t work then why would they pay to have you do it again here. Unfortunately, no one else can make you recover, you have to do it yourself but you want everyone to fall over you and feel sorry for you… with your attitude, no one ever will.
No. 1740740
>>1740732The fact that you think what we do here is the same as what you do is just sad. I don't even really say anything nasty on here, I just find the ana cows interesting. You think we're all just sitting around all day cyber stalking each cow and posting every detail, but that's what you do, look at your instagram, you post every single one of Han and Laura's stories. You wish death on them, call them fat hoes and act like their the scum of the earth because you're jealous of the care and treatment they receive. The reality is the lot of us follow a few cows, check their socials when we're on IG or tiktok, and post stuff we find milky to talk about or laugh about. We don't engage with them, repost their stories on IG, relentlessly call them fat whales and wish them harm. We are not the same, and you don't belong here.
No. 1740755
>>1740743One comment calling her a landwhale is not the same as 20 plus stories a day calling her fat and worthless and celebrating her poor health. And we're not a hivemind, you can't say "you" as if we are all the same person, I've never said anything about Laura.
>I only hate on people who are sneakily taking all the resources so I can't get any treatment because of their antics.You are delusional or just plain dumb if you really think that's why you're not getting treatment. Grow up already, and no one is worried you're gonna an hero, I've gotten worse cuts on my wrist from my elderly housecat.
No. 1740775
From Dec. 30th, Santa Bones shambling along to some Linkin Park. Been meaning to post this as it's… something.
>>1740473 she's got stiff competition KEK
No. 1740780
File: 1673317453567.jpg (99.41 KB, 1080x1080, C9tp9TEAy70p5o6znbEV81NtutHBb_…)

>what the actual fuck is happening in here
No. 1740897
>>1740793If reckon a few doll hairs for certain.
>>1740815Gotta admit that was pretty kek worthy. There are so many weird posts happening on lolcow right now holy shit. I miss our comfy farm.
No. 1741035
File: 1673330639383.jpeg (237.48 KB, 1170x687, 1BCBE402-219E-45BC-8387-8E4B6E…)

Uh anyone know who this could be about?
No. 1741063
File: 1673334704830.png (366.36 KB, 473x580, yellow_EC.png)

Is it the lighting or is EC looking a bit jaundiced these days?
No. 1741182
>>1741027Neef lives in Edinburgh, so is Scottish.
>>1740930Genuinely, and people need to stop engaging with it. Don't feed the troll, it'll see itself out in time. Bitter old hag that one.
>>1741063Coming soon: Eugina Cooney uploaded "Shopping at Target in Simpsons cosplay!"to YouTube
No. 1741183
File: 1673356177359.jpg (922.59 KB, 1079x2274, Screenshot_20230110_130227_Tik…)

Humpty dumpty sat on a head
No. 1741184
File: 1673356246860.jpg (664.36 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230110_131014_Tik…)

Again with the classic standing like a lego figure away from the camera for absolutely no reason other than milk
No. 1741243
>>1741183How the hell are total non spoops getting NG tubes? There’s no possible way she’s actually malnourished enough to need a tube, just based off her appearance. Her skin isn’t looking sallow, her hair isn’t falling out, she really seems perfectly fine aside from looking mildly tired in just the eyes. I’ll literally never understand the desire to go through such pain to just like…look “cool” for a tiktok? Like of all the trends we could live through, we’re currently witnessing normal looking women and girls do whatever they can to look like
victims to get mommy’s attention and love. It honestly would be better if they just for real committed suicide instead of making the people in their lives just hate them more…
No. 1741258
>>1741220Apparently there's one of the Linkin Park vid set to the sad, janky penny whistle from My Heart Will Go On.
Nonnie if you can get that one posted here that would be amazing. I'm sorry I'm a phone poster and tech illiterate I don't know how to do it.
No. 1741263
File: 1673366258831.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.96 KB, 310x460, jfcwoman.jpg)

Open at your own risk. EC flashing her streamers, yet again. (1/2)
No. 1741264
File: 1673366439196.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.9 KB, 429x528, sandwichandfruitstat.jpg)

You think she's getting paid for this or is her brain so rotten she has no idea her entire lack of ass is hanging out? (2/2)
No. 1741282
File: 1673368293758.png (Spoiler Image,8.15 MB, 1290x2796, 155D036B-00AF-4C1B-A68E-5136F7…)

Apparently aidel is now court ordered to remain in treatment. Can’t believe her parents fell for her crap about wanting to get better they are spending thousands a day to get her treatment in the US.
No. 1741326
File: 1673373412826.jpg (438.08 KB, 1080x1918, Ganersgainmeal.jpg)

Ganer does eat chicken. From today's story. She has the same autistic meals everyday.
No. 1741335
File: 1673374396138.png (1.55 MB, 1070x1917, Screenshot_20230110-181227.png)

>>1741326and no chicken in the fridge either…..
No. 1741402
File: 1673380350331.png (6.25 MB, 1125x2436, BFC60B34-7361-4726-B10A-9A5EA5…)

Omfg I hate this ‘recovery’ account sm. always showing off how spoopy she is, eating like 150cals/day, then supposedly challenging eating rice but having the cereal version which is only like 50cals
No. 1741429
>>1741326I've never seen pineapple on her hEaLtHy gAiN foOdS that she photographs daily…
Also, yeah, it might be some chicken there but it comes in homoeopathic doses.
>>1741335Sterile like a hospital.
No. 1741520
File: 1673392891853.jpeg (994.43 KB, 828x1498, 756E004C-90D0-4042-9C01-008703…)

I bet she’ll be sent to Denver.
No. 1741532
File: 1673393949609.jpeg (491.17 KB, 828x1105, F64A79BE-A8BE-4E21-BCC6-3A86E5…)

>>1741520Her struggle porn is already gross, but why in the world would anyone post such a disgusting nostril selfie?? It’s not like she can’t clean the grody side, the toob’s in the other nostril. And she’s able to take a pic so not restrained atm. Use your selfie-taking hand to wipe your nose you gross cow
No. 1741543
>>1741442Stretching out the food in an oh-so-very-thin layer, all the way to the edge. Also using small plates to make it look more.
Those are some of the oldest ana tricks in the book.
No. 1741575
>>1741544Calm your tits. I’m not the anon but I wtf’ed at the pineapple on rice so it’s new to some old fags too. I can’t be bothered to notice every Ganer post ffs.
But is the pineapple supposed to be like a healthy version of butter? Why would you put tiny pineapple bits on white rice?
No. 1741581
>>1741575Ntayrt but yeah the weirdly portioned pineapple rice dish gave me n2f vibes but in a very "regimented" way.
Ganer's meal choices are about as questionable as n2f's old plates out the window, ganer just likes bland, boring food; n2f at least clearly craved certain flavours and was adventurous with food in her own way.
No. 1741670
eggs contain all of the essential amino acids, and like milk (esp skim) it's one of the main ways to get high quality animal protein. something doesn't have to be actual meat to be considered an animal protein, so I'm not sure I understand this criticism. don't get me wrong though, her rigidity, lack of variety besides macros and hesitance to gain any real weight are pointless and batshit fuckery. I don't see why she would bother wasting time in the gym if she can't get her most fundamental shit together.
No. 1741773
>>1741532It might not be snot, with the redness it could be something eczema related. Can't remember the condition but it's
triggered by things like the air being too dry, or some form of sensitivity, so you end up with scabs pretty much in your nose. It does look flakey, and not something you can really control unless you had things like vaseline to keep the moisture in. Looks pretty vile though, I don't get why you'd share a selfie with it - but then again those who share tube pictures normally don't have self-respect.
No. 1741779
>>1741575>>1741747At least with her super effective training and bulking regimen (lulz) Ganer has a perfect excuse to avoid all those nasty fEaR fOoDs of hers..?
Now we know it's not pineapple, hooray.
No. 1741793
>>1741742‘Bulimarexics’ do you mean anorexia b/p subtype?
What is this shit gen Z talk, I’ve never heard that term even after years in this ‘community’
No. 1741844
File: 1673447558928.jpg (954.23 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-01-11-14-27-17…)

Chii is still annoying af and entirely contradictory after all these years. Said on her story last week that she is 100% fully recovered, yet today she is saying this. She has also just put a deposit down on a nose job. Not before time with that conk tbf. She reminds me of Zara. Sanctimonious, smug bitch.
No. 1741906
File: 1673457216020.png (618.12 KB, 828x1792, 396ADAC6-42A6-422D-A981-F763B9…)

Saged bc it’s rorecovering but fucking kek.
No. 1741957
>>1736335Been off lolcow for a couple of months. Kinda got bored with the ana chans but wanted to see if anyone had croaked or recovered.
Really wanted to see how face N2F was tbh, but nothing's changed with this lot has it. Not one thing. Pretty sad to see the state Legliftin Laura's in. Really mindblown how Georgie even considers regular ECT. Ham, just put it away, girl.
Don't know if any anons have read "Sexy But Psycho" but recommending it to any woman with a Borderline/EUPD diagnosis, but particularly any of the cows who read here.
Not asking for spoon feeding, so going back and re reading last thread. I know this is an unnecessary post, but wanted to settle back in on the farm. Thanks for keeping the thread going, but we really need to start using a blur filter for Hayden's face. I know she's legally blind, but no excuse for those fugly bins.
No. 1742083
File: 1673469022747.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x2077, 3246EC81-5068-45D5-96DC-724403…)

Anyone seen this bs from han… saged bc han kek
No. 1742095
File: 1673469733100.jpg (53.47 KB, 652x879, attagirl.JPG)

Back on track
No. 1742102
>>1741906no one gives a shit about the fireworks, if you get
triggered by them then chances are you get
triggered by 80% of sounds and things on the streets and that's your issue (except for the animals but oh well). i agree about the heroin chic though, i thought we were past that
No. 1742115
File: 1673472133145.png (514.71 KB, 1170x788, Untitled.png)

>>1742111Think she's going for a "cute" look, but the eyes say something else. Celebrating them allowing her hair elastics.
Remember OhChickPea, the recovered ana who said she had Satanic Ritual Abuse? She was much like Laura in that she'd be given a place to live but fucked it up within a couple of days because she was totally institutionalised. She seems fine now and got out of that mindset. Hope the same goes for Laura because she's wasting her life in there.
No. 1742214
>>1741906not trying to wk here but good for her for actually recovering and now being anti ed and attempting to promote awareness/whatever. irrelevant in the ED world or not, it's still nice to see a former cow doing better.
as far as the fireworks thing goes, I don't really feel that we need to be poking fun at her or others for that as there's no telling why exactly those are upsetting to people. idk I know anyone is welcome to talk about whatever here but I feel like ro is just… living life, and there are far more interesting individuals to be discussing
No. 1742268
>>1741844Well to be fair her nose is as hideous as her personality. Kek.
Much recovered highness.
While she's at it might as well put down a deposit for a personality adjustment. Preferably one as far as her current one.
Sad. How many years has she been with her eating disorder? Now she's just delusional
No. 1742437
File: 1673501809704.jpeg (1.12 MB, 3222x3222, 26522A5B-04EC-484E-BCCA-10F0FE…)

Her Instagram poses lately are giving Eugenia level of body check desperation
No. 1742505
File: 1673513941184.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x2146, 1907E23C-D1F3-4331-98A3-06F456…)

>>1742437not a niamh WK, she’s an annoying little cunt, but it’s good to see that she looks like a relatively okay weight and has been for a while. it suits her much more than a year or so ago
No. 1742528
File: 1673517161017.jpg (565.7 KB, 1080x1766, Screenshot_20230112-104952_Tik…)

Pls I just saw this tiktok from an oberweight girl that lost weight and she says people were saying she is wasting away, is skin and bones and look on drugs bc of how emaciated she is when she literally look healthy. (Girl on the right)
The attention seeking is hard on that one
No. 1742542
>>1742528I watched a couple of her tiktoks and she used to be quite big, so it's normal to get a reaction to a such a drastic weight loss of a teenage girl, especially in the US where her current weight is considered "thin". It's clearly attention seeking but either way, it's somewhat
valid and she's not claiming ana
No. 1742569
File: 1673520507626.jpeg (635.05 KB, 860x1279, 415880FC-4AAC-4F4B-BCF6-BC1151…)

What the actual fuck
No. 1742572
File: 1673520649159.jpeg (494.23 KB, 803x1150, CE0C8DD9-482D-49F6-8705-69B772…)

>>1742569Anyone who puts ‘Ed warrior’ and ‘low calorie’ in their tags simultaneously is either seriously delusional or fiercely attention seeking, someone send her a full-fat cup of reality
No. 1742574
File: 1673520788979.jpeg (697.42 KB, 801x1528, C769F437-55AB-480D-B86B-2D2DB6…)

>>1742572The ‘Katy’ person is a cow herself
(Sorry for the spam)
No. 1742718
>>1742569Kay infuriates the crap out of me. Preaching and claiming recovery yet parading round at a BMI of 11, she is so
toxic and the biggest narc around I just can not stand her! How she managed to get discharged from services and gets away with no intervention from your stupid UK services baffles me.
No. 1742734
File: 1673533369595.jpg (959.1 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20230112_142113_Ins…)

I hope standing like this in half her posts is making her back and shoulder blades hurt like fuck
Neef, you know what you're doing.
I'm pretty sure it's bait to get posted more but I'm biting, because ya ugly gal.
Saged because it's just niamh being niamh so the milk is mouldy
No. 1742838
File: 1673543431679.jpg (973.37 KB, 1079x1916, Screenshot_20230112_171007_Ins…)

Boo-hoo. sad life.
No. 1742842
>>1742799 I posted 1/3 of these, Niamh. Nobody cares enough about you to only post you/repeatedly post you.
Also, all 3 are milk. Body checks are milk and it's great to see it being documented in preparation for the next relapse which is clearly already beginning. Stop lurking kek
No. 1742983
File: 1673551238516.jpeg (465.16 KB, 1179x1960, 00EEB06A-6A67-43BF-9342-37E23E…)

That one time Ham had a suicidal thought 4 years ago…wonder if the hospital bed with her name on it was available then too.
No. 1742991
File: 1673551642907.jpeg (493.17 KB, 1179x1995, B89284F5-1590-40F7-B306-D66B08…)

>>1742985Samefag for Hamum screenshot…
No. 1743018
>>1742983>>1743007you talk to your mother like that if you have no real relationship with her or expressing emotions was never a part of growing up.
Everything Ham posts is a show, nothing else, if someone ever had suicidal thoughts or tried it, they would never go the "oh, it all gets better" route, because many times nothing gets better and you know how little those words mean to people that are suicidal. She is also one of the horrible examples what could happen if you stop being anorexic, I know that people gain weight when they recover, it has to be to survive, but hear "way" is a nightmare for people starting to think about recovery.
No. 1743168
>>1742849This isn't normal weight and you know it very well, stop trying to come off as an innocent child when you have
triggered more eating disorders than you can probably count with your awkwardly posed underweight photos
No. 1743178
File: 1673561597592.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1170x2129, 50FE5A34-C49D-46CB-95F5-2739E1…)

>>1742838sorry for the slight blog but it’s relevant. i’ve been in REDU (the adult unit this cunt is on) with her and god she’s fucking embarrassing, creating a huge scene when she didn’t get her way, she’s a huge purger like it’s disgusting to be honest. loves the tube, has a fit when all attention isn’t on her, speaks in the most horrible babyish voice, pretends to br super “out of it” when she’s not even been sedated.. even the staff can’t bear her, and she’s just known as the girl who wants all the attention. fucking unbearable
No. 1743185
>>1743178Lurk. More.
>>1742838We don't need two of this cretin plaguing the thread.
But yes, insufferable wee toad. Never been IP with her but briefly saw her & her mum at a cross over of appointments and her mum is as crackers as she is.
Started talking to me in depth about how her daughter is "struggling with her eating at the moment" and giving details like weight and number of IP admissions…as abby was stood smirking and picking at her forehead (got to make sure there's fresh blood before the nurses see her, she needs to earn that bed after all.)
No. 1743203
File: 1673562741471.jpg (258.44 KB, 1080x1612, Screenshot_20230112-232732_Tik…)

Check this chicks tiktoks out, her name is mariakrvi. Full with bodychecks
No. 1743222
>>1743099She does have scars on her arms (very faint) that she's mined for content once or twice. Very neat, straight, evenly spaced.
they don't go the right way for an attempt though, they're up and down, not side to side Sorry if I sound like a selfharmfag, I'm referencing the way the arteries and veins go.
No. 1743223
>>1743222"up and down" is actually more lethal if you cut deep enough. Edgy teenagers used to say "down the street, not across the tracks"
Obviously Ham was only cutting superficially though
No. 1743253
File: 1673566166853.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1417x1856, 01600E8B-46A5-4FDA-A251-1F0172…)

>>1743244I think the top one refers to us, kek- true fame
No. 1743261
File: 1673566627703.jpeg (908.08 KB, 1357x1860, 8F348DA0-1126-477A-B03F-1A76C5…)

Mum tales phone away = ham refuses to eat.
Also yikes, her mum moved her bed into her room
No. 1743268
File: 1673567049829.jpeg (807.81 KB, 1359x1891, 22CC87AF-3F13-4A1D-AC4A-2FD392…)

Also more comments about somatic symptom disorder. Apparently she was fainting but it was due to anxiety and depression… not malnourishment
No. 1743378
>>1743233Like I said, very faint. They show up in her 'things everyone has on their body that nobody should be ashamed of' posts most frequently.
>>17432533500 minimum?? I'm no expert at refeeding, but shouldn't it be something like 2000, 2200 cal/day? Absolutely overcorrecting here!
No. 1743398
>>1743396>>1743378that facebook group is filled with parents from're basically nuts who believe anorexia isn't really a mental illness ("brain based disease") and that it can be cured by feeding their children as much as possible. They advocate for a "life stops until you eat" approach where they force the kid to do literally nothing until they eat all the food they give them, will do stuff like mix oil into yogurt secretly, and will drive their kids to the ER if they refuse even a single snack. They're totally into removing bedroom doors, watching kids in the bathroom, patting them down after meals, etc
Some of their kids do seem to be legitimately very sick and some seem to have mild disordered eating that the parent is hysterical about.
No. 1743431
>>1743398Not to be devils advocates.. but actually "brain based disease" means it's a condition caused by changes in the brain chemistry. All mental disorders fall under this category, but all the others are 'treated' with medication to 'restore' the chemistry (SSRIs, mood stabiliser, anti-psychotic etc). It's basically saying it's not just the child being difficult, which is what a lot of health professionals (and parents even) need to get into their head. Reminding them it's a brain-based disease is like reminding them they can't help the way they think.
And also.. it can only be cured if full weight restoration is achieved - and the quicker the better. When you piss around letting kids eat 1000 calories for years on end they end up chronic. Just their methods of doing it are horrid.
No. 1743432
>>1743431I didn't do a great job describing it in that comment, but at least a few years ago they used to get super pissed if anyone mentioned the phrase mental illness. It does actually look a little more sane now, though. It used to be page after page of parents doing deeply nasty things to food to make 1500 calorie breakfasts or whatever. They also used to be really against most therapy, which does seem to have changed.
So - I probably should have looked around a little more to see if it was still the same or if it had improved.
No. 1743434
>>1743432samefag, but they also used to believe that if the child still had any symptoms, they needed to gain more weight. So some of them were pushing their kids way, way above the weights that their treatment teams and doctors recommended and when the kids complained they'd just go o"oh, guess they need another 10lbs"
(Of course some people have naturally higher weights, which is fine, but that wasn't what was going on.)
No. 1743458
>>1743450From a normal weight even fasting for weeks is not going to cause damage to heart. That comes from the body eating muscle when it has run out of fat. Prolonged starvation and malnutrition cause the harm to body.
Fatties are put on vlcd by doctors such as milk diet for a couple of months prior to surgery and they dont drop because they are forcing their body to eat its fucking fat stores.
If she was on 300 cal (which I highly doubt) it wouldn't of been ideal but a total dramatic over reaction by attention seeking parent was far more damaging than any diet Ham imposed on herself.
No. 1743499
>>1743458Not a medfag but I think anon meant damage because ham was still developing then…
Also how do some people starve themselves and turn into Spoops and others do the same thing, same starting weight and duration but stay fat?
No. 1743524
File: 1673595345355.jpg (55.62 KB, 605x605, skellie62__605.jpg)

Don't scroll porn post
No. 1743651
File: 1673618760806.png (2.4 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230113-022924.png)

No. 1743652
File: 1673618815766.png (1.27 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230113-022713.png)

No. 1743663
>>1743651Why has this been posted here? Pots is an autonomic nervous system disorder and there's no proana content in there at all
I don't recognise the username though so am I missing something
No. 1743770
File: 1673632378094.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2084, 1696A7ED-270E-42B6-B38B-9574DB…)

She keeps claiming she was abused so bad she has “PTSD” that prevents her from going back to the hospital if she needs it. Gives Zara vibes of making excuses to not get help while rolling out recovery advice
No. 1743771
File: 1673632449174.jpeg (330.89 KB, 1170x1989, 59347103-36D4-4340-B923-B561F7…)

Also the smirk as she posts a tiny achievement after being in recovery for a year is so telling
No. 1743964
File: 1673647155668.png (1.82 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230113-094526.png)

No. 1744229
File: 1673665377470.jpeg (609.53 KB, 750x1119, 10BBE2B5-C830-4564-A76A-2108D4…)

Sure, that’s what you’re showing off
No. 1744283
File: 1673669105185.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1125x2015, A8399724-8973-40CF-8FD1-C78699…)

>>1743852She’s a complete psycho. It’s milky but also obvious colours is living for the attention so kinda hate giving her the satisfaction. But her obsession is both horrifying and hilarious.
No. 1744286
File: 1673669617724.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1125x1963, F1CB32F8-A515-45B7-9549-30A654…)

>>1742574The twins have been cows forever. I’m just hoping the ganer/katy crossover event happens.
No. 1744430
File: 1673689138004.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20230114-093709.png)

han is the bestest anorexic
No. 1744467
File: 1673696380016.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3222x3222, 6BC6831E-B6F9-49EA-94E3-1DE6B8…)

Cassie update. She’s an attention seeking piece of shit and cares only about herself still. She went back to acute. Failed again. She deleted me. She had to be peg tube fed & stayed on the picc line. Then I lost access bc she went on a deleting spree. Idk how long she stayed. If they can’t fix you, go ahead and die. This sick bitch is still a bad influence on her daughter. It’s disgusting her arm is smaller than her kids hand. The veins had started popping out of her. It was fucking sick. Money can’t fix trauma. Her husband is a pos enabler. Nothings changed. She made this group where she’s the admin & shares all her triggering stuff. I lost access, but maybe someone else can get in. As far as I know she didn’t go back to ig. She just closef off to fb with the same old bs as always. Nothings her fault. Poor her. The center failed me.
No. 1744512
File: 1673702366799.jpeg (1.47 MB, 3222x3222, 121C1224-9C1C-4954-944C-D85D3C…)

What is it with anachan cows and their obnoxious oversharing? I swear so many of them have BPD/NPD and can’t help but share their “shocking” numbers for attention and pity pats
No. 1744516
File: 1673704098441.png (3.16 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230113-174846.png)

No. 1744533
>>1744500ayrt Holy shit I needed that laugh, bless you
nonnie. Such a fucking train wreck that woman.
No. 1744563
>>1744472Na Colours won't have deleted her accounts shes still got abandoned_borderline_aspd_narc someone like that just can't help themselves and will constantly troll and bully others playing the
victim card. I feel sorry for her parents.
No. 1744572
File: 1673711284306.jpeg (Spoiler Image,231.18 KB, 1511x1125, 2CAD6953-0E00-4ED1-8479-EFFF61…)

>>1744500I wonder if this dance arc is her way of speeding up her eventual livestream death. Her makeup is very amateur mortician so she’s already prepped for the casket.
No. 1744623
File: 1673715488282.jpeg (806.7 KB, 1170x1379, 46054219-8BC8-4601-AEDA-886943…)

This made me laugh so ugly kek
No. 1744634
This is bothering me now. Colours is shitting up the thread with self-posting and arguing with herself. It's blatant in some posts like
>>1744573. Was going to ask about something but won't bother since realizing it's just her creating her own drama to stroke her own e-dick.
No. 1744676
File: 1673719366210.jpg (77.3 KB, 492x567, IMG_20230114_180040.jpg)

Wake up babe, new Laura dancing video just dropped
No. 1744677
File: 1673719404226.jpg (167.61 KB, 787x1300, Screenshot_2023-01-14-17-58-17…)

No. 1744724
>>1744572Kek you ain't wrong there.
>>1744623Those are the most lifeless eyes I have ever seen in a human being, holy shit.
No. 1744729
>>1744676Laura was a mere "Borderline" case, but quickly became a
victim of social contagion. If she'd stayed away from the internet and started copying behaviours she sees that make the consultants believe she has schizophrenia or w/e, she wouldn't be in this state. Those anti psychotics have truly fucked her up and she (probably) didn't even need them.
No. 1744775
File: 1673726511233.jpg (115.11 KB, 1255x721, pencilnik.JPG)

If anyone ever wonders how old Pencil Nik's recovery is going, although his "recovery" account was deleted, looks like it's going just great.
I miss a male presence on this thread and it's not like Hayden counts.
No. 1744823
File: 1673729745189.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x2010, D7118320-6F3F-4578-8EFA-839D88…)

Bpd cows seem to get hospitalized the most for their Ed
No. 1745045
File: 1673745435339.jpeg (277.98 KB, 1170x2372, D9150032-EF95-4E4D-8219-91F170…)

I know this person has been mentioned once on here a while ago, but every time I see her post eating videos on her story I get to wondering how she is compensating. She hasn’t gained a single pound since she started her account in April, and she is lying to all her followers that she is recovering because it doesn’t take that long to put on even a few pounds if she is eating what she is saying she is eating.
No. 1745050
>>1745048laura is very clearly not being primarily treated for an ed. She's in an incredibly locked down acute unit and I would bet that they treat any eating disorder behaviors as part of her other mental illness (i.r., attention seeking from bpd, etc)
ED treatment is terrible, but she's definitely well into another system by now
No. 1745065
File: 1673747381154.jpeg (959.79 KB, 1170x1640, 16C0DBE1-CED7-4206-B8EC-F18542…)

Obviously not trying to show off the “bargain”
No. 1745078
File: 1673748600466.png (371.86 KB, 473x484, Screen Shot 2023-01-14 at 8.09…)

Emily continues to uh get more bold with her fashion choices
No. 1745129
File: 1673753819488.jpeg (590.05 KB, 828x1282, 90EDD1AD-4642-4BF5-8095-E39DCB…)

>>1743378Samefag but here’s Ham’s scars. I know they get brought up again and again but it’s worth seeing that she put her cuts on the
outside of her arms where they would be most visible and not as close to something harmful that could lead to an actual bad result.
No. 1745138
File: 1673755744037.png (829.04 KB, 1077x2297, Screenshot_20230113-085154~2.p…)

No. 1745140
>>1744775Remembering how Kara gave herself away by posting a picture with her profile with her nick vendetta still makes me laugh. HA.
Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these posts are just chii and her vendettachans kek
No. 1745206
>>1745138Reeks of self post
>>1745140Chii is one of those horrible people who pretend to be an angel but horrible to others. I think there was a post about her commenting shit on happy.gut Sofia's posts.. rip.
>>1737141The duality of kays accounts is um interesting?
No. 1745244
File: 1673770491820.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20230113-080834~2.p…)

No. 1745245
File: 1673770521858.png (1.78 MB, 1080x2077, Screenshot_20230113-082441~2.p…)

No. 1745246
File: 1673770554679.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1946, Screenshot_20230113-083855~2.p…)

No. 1745247
File: 1673770580105.png (878.03 KB, 1080x1876, Screenshot_20230113-083941~2.p…)

No. 1745248
File: 1673771103398.jpg (470.46 KB, 1080x2161, Screenshot_20230115_082401_Ins…)

Kek. As if?
Zara claims to have struggled with binging
No. 1745275
>>1745271Not sure about that one, unless they've had reconstruction surgery (even then) it's hard not to tell someone is a troon or not. She looks like a woman, just a very gaudily dressed one. But as
>>1745250 said, it's much better than being a head banging nutter.
No. 1745323
File: 1673780064225.png (423.52 KB, 431x717, Screen Shot 2023-01-15 at 4.52…)

kek that Darcy was mentioned once almost two weeks ago but felt the need to post this to try bring it back up
No. 1745448
File: 1673798623521.jpeg (994.21 KB, 1170x1712, 11EFC844-DB51-41BF-A9E9-F35CAA…)

She doesn’t really look horrible just disheveled and stressed
No. 1745560
>>1745211She's gonna die if she tries… I'm surprised she hasn't collapsed yet with all that her body's been thru.
>>1745206I mean there's a reason chili's nose is so big … The Pinocchio story has some truth to it. Also who has 14k grand just lying around.
>>1745513Different in different countries . Hell even states in the US
No. 1745599
File: 1673819130720.png (1.46 MB, 942x1450, Screen Shot 2023-01-15 at 3.44…)

kek that either this treatment center is only full of fat ana larpers or she went out of her way to befriend the other fat kid
No. 1745690
>>1745686it varies dramatically from state to state and country to country. There are some states where it is famously much easier to involuntarily admit/treat anorexic patients (Colorado, Minnesota, etc). I don't understand why it's so hard for people to realize that laws vary so much that their experience is not going to be universal.
Also, learn to sage already so your blog posting is a shade less obviously you.
No. 1745809
File: 1673838007054.jpeg (Spoiler Image,766.46 KB, 1170x1324, 26D08CC1-ECB6-449A-8EDB-0970AE…)

Pic dump incoming of current Nikol, some I’m gonna spoiler but most are pretty harmless. I have a feeling that the rash on her tummy likely ain’t from a hot water bottle anymore
No. 1745811
File: 1673838161029.jpeg (1.91 MB, 1170x2015, 21736B0E-6FF0-4355-916F-67C431…)

(1/4) she could just be getting rosacea or having some kind of skin reaction from all the shit she’s been putting in her body
No. 1745814
File: 1673838308042.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB, 1170x2111, 66B4248B-2D03-4E21-AB4E-8118B2…)

This one is frightening ngl. Her intestines can’t be in good shape…
No. 1745815
File: 1673838332615.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1125x1570, AA6CD1D6-CB9B-49DC-A21B-521EE5…)

The thread could use some positivity so I present our feral child N2f. She is doing well, having odd food concoctions among some normal-ish stuff and having fun with the bf.
No. 1745816
File: 1673838486922.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1170x2137, CDAE7A15-3815-407F-8E3B-E65B54…)

No. 1745819
File: 1673838705011.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x1985, 3A7F5E3D-483C-4F1C-B14E-E9AF3F…)

Here’s how she’s looking currently. So fascinating how despite the weight gain she’s still just as malnourished and still has only half her eyebrows kek
No. 1745958
File: 1673857832106.jpeg (224.33 KB, 1170x1427, 6C4080F1-C6DC-44B8-BE56-761CA6…)

No. 1746040
>>1746016I would be inclined to agree, and the "severe emetophobia" would be
triggering in terms of binge/purge urges? The thing that pisses me off about Z is that one week she's "never struggled with binging" and the next "it's something she really struggled with particularly at night"
And then "anorexia made my hair fall out" to "it's just stress"
She's so fucked in the head and I hate She's writing motivational posts when she can't even follow her own advice
No. 1746079
>>1743250Late to this but holy shit
>I have moved a bed into her room and even go into the bathroom with her when she goes to the toiletIs she out of her fucking mind, she was watching her daughter shit because of a few shallow cuts to the back of her forearm? Jfc no wonder Hannah thinks she was such a serious case of ana/self harm. Her mom treated her like a fucking nutter. Probably like 1/4 or even 1/3 of teenagers self harm once or twice at this point. What an overreaction. Just get her into therapy, talk to her, check her bathroom and bedroom for razor blades if you must but I feel like with most 17 year olds treating them like a convict with no privacy would just make the problem worse. Poor Hannah, I'd be bashing my fucking head into walls if my mom tried pulling that shit with me at 17.
No. 1746081
File: 1673880048702.png (216.93 KB, 884x881, Screenshot (17120).png)

>>1743261Uhhh nona, am I just inept when it comes to facebook or is your profile photo an old ass man?
No. 1746100
File: 1673882911631.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1170x2076, 89A4F561-1CE0-4121-A2DF-65B691…)

Looks like her “shocking” obs didn’t even keep her at hospital that long
No. 1746111
>>1746105Gonna be very honest this is a huge toss up for me? I feel like the logical part of my brain is saying “it’s just a really smart catfish don’t worry” and then the more logical part is saying “do you really think grown men
don’t stalk and post on lolcow”
No. 1746124
>>1745815Well, at least she's got one bf. Good for her.
Let 'em have all fun and joy in the world.
No. 1746157
File: 1673889440610.png (1.18 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230116-030439.png)

No. 1746299
File: 1673905019428.jpeg (99.48 KB, 828x994, 4D1994B5-880C-48A7-99C6-128EFF…)

Surprised they’re not cancelling her.. yet
No. 1746406
File: 1674057197773.png (5.3 MB, 1170x2532, 238B6B1B-CE1D-4CFE-B1CE-E2C83C…)

Laura’s gotta remind everyone that she’s still super sick. The only thing unwell with her is her raging BPD. Even in the first picture she wasn’t underweight.
No. 1746512
>>1746422Anyone know this cow? kek. Looks familiar - but then again there's that weird generic look, especially with hairlines, top pulled to the side to show off collar too. This is the reason why i find the PA thread so funny, some farmers are just looking in the mirror.
>>1746406Not underweight? You need to get your eyes checked bone rattler ana chan.
No. 1746547
File: 1674068043090.png (1.55 MB, 859x858, ham.PNG)

Ham posed as a fetish model in case her anorexic viewers were debating recovery
No. 1746593
File: 1674071227957.jpg (312.14 KB, 1080x1535, Screenshot_20230118-110649_Twi…)

I'm new to these threads but got morbidly curious about what's going on with this Nikkole girl. She looks 8 months pregnant now after binging nonstop for ~2 months
No. 1746760
>>1746593What are the odds that she's
actually pregnant… (probably 0 but one can only imagine)
No. 1747919
File: 1674090956806.jpeg (347.68 KB, 1170x1433, CCB5993B-D557-4A3D-84AE-03C800…)

I can’t see if anyone else has posted this but here’s a Nikol update
No. 1747925
File: 1674091249643.jpeg (1017.52 KB, 1170x1959, B7F4E82C-6D5F-41F0-A99F-3AF3C0…)

Love how she throws some Ed recovery fundraiser party while bragging about her low blood pressure and making sure we see how skinny she is despite totally recovering… yeah the people on this site are called bad people but a lot of the cows are too
No. 1747929
File: 1674091705694.jpeg (302.05 KB, 1170x2118, 15E70F79-9E81-4A74-B1FB-7F21E1…)

Seems like she’ll never figure out how to body check less obviously
No. 1747935
File: 1674092472866.png (1.28 MB, 986x936, lily1.png)

Lily posted a tiktok calling out zara a couple days ago inb4 "vendetta" or "stop posting her!" I've posted her twice like months ago and I found this funny because it's about zara, eat my asshole
No. 1747936
File: 1674092603820.png (56.95 KB, 497x581, lily2.png)

>>1747935Comments on the tiktok name Zara directly
No. 1747944
File: 1674093352303.jpg (91.2 KB, 1080x720, p_6817136217343121161566_4_c08…)

>>1747925Holy shit I just checked this post on insta and look who I see in the 5th pic. Lol major cow crossover, glad to see she's recovered though she looks great
No. 1748024
File: 1674103866677.jpeg (685.79 KB, 1170x1844, 7CE6E544-80F6-455C-B25C-24D493…)

Sometimes she posts her conversations with this troon and its kind of funny
No. 1748129
File: 1674129077648.png (Spoiler Image,504.2 KB, 996x906, uh.png)

Nikol posting her old nudes kek later in the video she straight up flashes her tits (idk if I should be posting that here so here's a less explicit part)
No. 1748133
File: 1674129618502.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1042x1047, nip.PNG)

>>1748129im posting it because im not a fkn pussy and shes posting it publicly so why not share it here?
its for the benefit of mankind to document the species.
No. 1748169
File: 1674134532291.jpg (585.32 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_2023-01-20_001919.j…)

Darcy suddenly going the spaghetti straps to show off those bones
No. 1748226
>>1748187Just assume there are scrotes crawling all over this site. It's an imageboard that makes fun of obese women, anorexic women, sex workers etc. It's a great place for men with those fetishes to get wank material, and farmers do all the work to find, upload & compile it for them. Also they're men - they can't help flocking like annoying hungry dogs to any place where women congregate to speak among ourselves.
>>1746870>>1748195Thank you, that post was annoying. "DiD aNyOnE cAtCh uP oN" bring some milk or stfu.
No. 1748236
File: 1674146297505.jpeg (694.64 KB, 3222x3222, BF7B4EB5-0F60-464C-A071-A954AF…)

I can’t tell if this is just bizarre af or milky, but Darcy posted on her story a long video of her singing random ass dramatic musical theater lyrics (not even that good), as therapy???
No. 1748262
File: 1674149163727.webm (1.88 MB, 720x1280, Untitled.webm)
>>1748236That was some difficult cringe to sit through ngl, there's like 8 of them but I have to post this one because it made me laugh. She forgot the lyrics and does this overdramatic confused look into the distance lol
No. 1748264
File: 1674149388810.webm (1.33 MB, 720x1280, Untitled (1).webm)
>>1748262Samefag but I'm posting one more, hope these are uploading properly. There's something so irritating about her but I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. I think maybe it's ego, like the way she acts gives the impression that she thinks she's just so talented and interesting, and the zoom in and smile at the end like she's the cutest thing ever when really it was just annoying and loud.
No. 1748421
File: 1674166294217.png (275.07 KB, 1163x623, Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 5.11…)

I thnk the Russian military aesthetic is cool but this is just milky. I am so tired of people bringing politics into aesthetics and shitting it up
No. 1748424
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No. 1748427
File: 1674166448301.png (1.03 MB, 1181x997, Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 5.08…)

No. 1748428
File: 1674166512745.png (385.04 KB, 1158x1238, Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 5.03…)

No. 1748431
File: 1674166732536.png (1.05 MB, 1169x1437, Screen Shot 2023-01-19 at 5.14…)

No. 1748562
File: 1674183106531.jpeg (723.09 KB, 1376x1031, 999B5678-EA66-4032-B861-EF001D…)

>>1748559This bitch
Also does anyone know what thread number korey showed up in?
No. 1748583
>>1748562I’ve been digging way back to thread 1 for the beginning of N2F - I need to know her story fully.
Korey is mentioned in the very early threads. Within the first 3 I had come across her story.
No. 1748836
File: 1674220246669.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-01-20-13-05-43…)

Have we discussed Enara (@enaralouise) before? Another obese Aussie claiming AN along with all other manner of physical and mental ailments. Has been tubed several times despite being the size of a house and is a frequent flyer at the hospital. A classic BPD munchie. Puts me in mind of Georgie Porgie. It's like Australia encourages this behaviour.
No. 1749203
File: 1674261197262.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1104x1888, 35EFE4B9-2629-4FBC-9824-F2F2E7…)

Lukacorpse posting the same pics she always posts but calling it a “series” now. Im wondering if the rest of her house is just filled with hoarded clothes she never wears and the shower and stairs are the only untrashed parts of her house. Also I left the comment in cause it made me chuckle.
No. 1749557
File: 1674312185398.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.49 KB, 294x343, grandmaisokayguys_149923681739…)

After a long (for her) hiatus EC is back, right back to flashing on cam for her pervy fetishist friends online. Grandma had been rushed to the hospital around a week ago, she had been vomiting and needed a blood transfusion?? But hey, she's okay and in the rehab facility so time to show off the skeletonized goods. Brought to you by Just Dance and Psy's Gangnam Style. (1/2)
Deleted original post as I forgot to spoiler and I ain't doing my nonnas like that.
No. 1749560
File: 1674312300491.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.6 KB, 356x432, smellinmustyinthecrypt_1499239…)

There is no fucking way she doesn't know exactly what she's doing.
No. 1749833
>>1749560The longer this goes on, the more I think pedos are paying her to flash the kids in her audience.
She continues to defend sex predators and shit like "it's just underwear, kids wear underwear, too" and "kids don't view genitals as something sexual" sound like the excuses pedos come up with, when they get caught.
No. 1749929
File: 1674358353187.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1125x1608, 0241342A-61DC-48C6-9BBA-81EB84…)

Hxn did not prepare us for this jumpscare so spoiler for her spoopface. She also posted full on snot tantrum toob pics for full points.
No. 1749930
>>1749409Sounds like Hayden was
triggered by her being skinnier than him.
No. 1749932
File: 1674358595524.jpeg (Spoiler Image,869.66 KB, 1125x1597, 69AD7D38-B3F9-488C-8BDD-5DF35D…)

Toobsnot tantrum for the curious.
No. 1749965
>>1749944they arent recent
No. 1750003
File: 1674366683944.jpeg (443.88 KB, 1170x2152, 56226381-C093-4370-8CC5-CE1571…)

Who do we think she’s talking about? The super spoop girl she took pics with while inpatient?
No. 1750023
File: 1674368873125.jpeg (41.49 KB, 746x607, 41271409-B8E3-496C-915E-51A221…)

cp bump
No. 1750044
>>1749987I think the whole point of her posting it is to show how ugly eating disorders make you and are. It’s a dumb fucking thing to post and quite
triggering I imagine but I can see how it makes sense in her head
No. 1750062
File: 1674374475981.jpg (40.45 KB, 640x622, kggdlgfh.cjfg.jpg)

bump don't scroll gals
No. 1750085
>>1750003Who knows - Hayden was
triggered by Luka in group and made a complaint to staff about Luka and then posted her name and what not im a post basically saying she’s manipulative and all of the rest of this shit (see a couple of boards back). I think Hayden cancelled her upcoming admission (and quit day program) because of Luka - I 110% believe it’s because they’re massively jealous of Lukas bmi ..
Hayden seems like the kinda girl that cracks the shits anytime someone gets more attention that her.. it’s got to be “me me me” or she’ll thrown a tantrum until it is.
No. 1750108
>>1750086Oh 110%.
She makes no sense - she’s all “I can’t be IP again because it’s too
triggering” but then 2 minutes later she’s saying that she’s so lucky to have survived “the brink of death” and “racism and homophobia” and lord knows what else - because the health system has let her down…
Let’s not remind her of the 35k + that she raised on gofundme for private treatment when she’s got private health (Aus Fag here - if you have private health you pay nothing for the IP stay except an excess of up to $750 [once per year]). I’d really love to know where the rest of that money is
No. 1750174
>>1736335>>1750108Sounds like she's scammy too. She was probably called a basic white girl and claimed it was racism for her "blakness".
She TOTALLY doesn't want to go IP, that's why she keeps mentioning it.
No. 1750241
>>1749932Does she think that this is like attractive or something? Is she thinking in her head like
wow everyone’s gonna think I’m so tortured and damaged and such a beautiful little weightless feather who’s such a victim But it’s just a picture of a screaming sped who’s parents left them at permanent daycare snorting and slobbering all over the building
No. 1750370
File: 1674429657164.jpeg (394.69 KB, 1125x2097, B97C1859-69C0-4772-9E3D-33885B…)

Wtf else is new Paris? (Tho to be fair, she eats in the end but ffs)
No. 1750393
>>1750182Tbf I don’t think she actually got private health insurance. Ausfag here as well and usually private health has waiting periods so I don’t think she could’ve used private health to go IP so she probably used the money for the admission outright which people can do but it’s like $1000 a night.
Unless she is a scammy scammer and didn’t have a waiting period or already had private health and yeah
No. 1750455
File: 1674441680469.jpeg (600.85 KB, 828x809, 44B545CB-4D76-4791-BF70-652616…)

Those cheeks!
No. 1750468
File: 1674443088801.jpeg (142.14 KB, 750x394, 57645617-B167-4A52-B944-671011…)

Sage because not really milk i guess but unhingedness aside, Nikol’s tweets can be so funny sometimes because “Why were we Sperms” is sending me
No. 1750606
File: 1674471290939.jpeg (349.32 KB, 1170x2051, 83E53034-C1E9-4096-AD47-A86D5F…)

No. 1750607
File: 1674471336896.jpeg (412.99 KB, 1170x2085, 5B472632-F9A4-411A-9005-40DBBD…)

Won’t finish treatment
Why doesn’t treatment work for me
No. 1750618
>>1750455Cmon man, actually gaining weight isn't milky nor does it make her a cow.
Those cheeks are infinitely better than her spoop face.
No. 1750721
>>1750630It's common everywhere for noncompliant patients to be discharged if they're not high risk, even patients with non-psychological problems (like, people who routinely don't take their medication for physical health conditions, etc). Doctors aren't obligated to treat anyone uncooperative unless there's an imminent risk to life and that person doesn't have capacity.
Even if a patient is compliant and not improving … what do you want that medical provider to do if they've tried all the techniques they know and it's not helping?
No. 1750722
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>>1750706Mi might have been discharged? She's posted a handful of weird tiktoks where she's no longer in a hospital
No. 1750723
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>>1750722samefag, but yeah I scrolled back farther and it looks like she finally left on the 9th
No. 1750735
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Why is she slouching so much does she already have osteoporosis??
No. 1750896
>>1750882That's quite the essence, I think. Pretty much all of her daily life revolves around eating in style, recovery (or her idea of it) and sending the message out into the world.
Same thing going on what you got with people spending too many time of their lives in hospitals. Stuck within their own loop with no perspective on the outside world any more.
tunnel vision
No. 1750985
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Potential new cow? Instagram: servantofmetabolism
I don’t know where to begin here. This person is literally obsessed with eating disorders if you look at their stories. Also follows Zara kek
No. 1751166
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No. 1751168
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No. 1751171
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No. 1751282
>>1741828Bulimarexic has been around since like 2010 its not a Gen Z thing. It was used on Tumblr all the time and when'ED Community' moved to IG. This was before the subtypes had been included in the DSM. So people (those with EDs etc) would use it to explain the AN/BP sub
Sorry for a late reply but haven't been on in ages and am catching up on threads
No. 1751561
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>>1751526With people who constantly overeat (oogui's for example), the stomach often gets used to stretching. It's horrifying though if it's someone who doesn't binge all that often or their stomach has shrunk. Did see an interesting excerpt that someone even died without prior history of EDs from a binge eating episode.
No. 1751613
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It makes you think a thunk.
No. 1751721
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I'm so confused (1/2)
No. 1751722
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No. 1751866
>>1751855>psuedo feminismWhere? It's feminism to not believe a moid who's shit talking his ex on an imageboard? Or was it assuming Nikol has some bad history to have ended up the way she is now? That's not even feminism, did you just want an insult to toss but couldn't think of anything that fit?
>I wanted to get this butthurt idiot out of here because he’s biased and only whines about Nikol in between the few drops of milk he may or may not have providedHe didn't provide milk that's my point, nothing he says should be believed without evidence and even then he shouldn't be here because he's a man.
>I wonder why you’re so pressed about someone believing him over NikolI'm not? I just wanted to share my opinion that we shouldn't automatically assume Nikol is lying because her ex said she is. Why are you so pressed about me saying that?
>but I think that the general consensus in the group is that it’s very likely that her family IS as fucked up as she says because there’s gotta be a reason for why she is the way she is.Again that's literally my point, why are you even replying to me? And there were anons who were saying Nikol was lying about her family, and acting like it was confirmed by this scrotes posts so it wasn't really the general consensus.
No. 1758205
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>>1740614I’m quite behind on this thread so I was looking up some of the accounts mentioned like a month ago, and it turns out this in-denial gym rat has recently admitted she’s got an ED and is in the hospital for it.
No. 1758480
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Poor Nikol, too scared of her girlfriend to talk to her directly and can only tweet about it (1/2)
No. 1758481
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