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No. 2090464
A thread about all about the book drama world be it:
Booktok/tube drama
Authortok/tube drama
Book review/Goodreads drama
Notable author cows:
>Xiran Jay Zhao - Author of "Iron Widow." A themby who insists that she's NB and wants they/them pronouns but always dresses and presents like a woman. Started off on youtube and became successful after reviewing Disney's Live Action Mulan. With the new success, she continued to make claims how China was "so queer until white people came in!" ignoring the eunuchs, concubines, and wanton sexual abuse of boys. Still makes incorrect claims about Chinese history. Family are rich Chinese with ties to the CCP. Even mainlanders dislike her. Used viral success to promote her book, which is a Darling in the Franxx rip off. Commissions people to make "fanart" of her "polyamorous" characters from book. Reported the Cat Corrain drama, which caused people to think she was Cait Corrain and received lots of hateful messages. Doesn't know when to STFU about politics and claims her new book is delayed because of her stance on Palestine. Currently acting out because she got disqualified for the Hugo award, which is hosted in China this year.
>Piper CJ - Author of "The Night and It's Moon". She's self-published a book with a self-depricating attitude that "no one will read it" yet advertises it like crazy on tiktok, garnering lots of interest. Book gets released, it's predictably bad-average. Youtube book reviewer ReadswithRachel makes a video reviewing using buzzwords like plagarism and "problematic representation." CJ and her friends (or sockpuppets) start to leave nasty messages and report Rachel's tiktok. Overall CJ doesn't take criticism well. Recently wrote another book
>Cait Corrain - Author of "Crown of Starlight." Started off as a Reylo fanfic writer. Created lots of sockpuppet goodread accounts to reviewbomb up-and-coming books in the same genre as hers and other indie randos. Absolutely retardedly used those same accounts to give her book 5 stars. People caught on to the fake reviews and figured out it was her. When caught, she created fake conversations with the "real culprit." Screenshot convos were horribly editted and cropped, indicating she didn't even bother to at least have a conversation with herself. No one bought it. Got dropped by her agent and publishing company. Authors that got reviewbombed all happened to be POC and got labed as racits. In her apology, she blamed it all on depression and alcoholism.
>Alice Oseman - author of "Heartstoppers." Hates BL made by Asians and touts herself as writing true queer romance without the problematic stuff "Asians" write. Currently getting eaten alive by the audience she bowed down to by daring to make the implication of her 17-year old male character looks up sex questions on google
>Alex Aster - Author of "Lightlark." Blew up on tiktok over making videos about vague tropes and asking "Would you want to read a book about X trope??" The viral success got her a publishing deal and a movie deal. Aster claimed she was self-made. Turns out her family is rich and her twin sister is a millionare. Book is released and it's laughably bad and juvenile. Sequel written and released a little over a year after first book. Still bad.
Book reviewers that attract drama:
Book hoarding and subscription consoom:
Notable ancient milk:
>Hockey booktok incident
>Cyborg Tinkerer fiasco
>Handbook for Mortals
>JK Rowling always winning
No. 2090521
>>2090464Xiran and other CCPbots piss me off so much. Mulan wasn't even Han Chinese, she was Xianbei, a proto-Mongolian ethnic group. Even her wiki admits this
>As the Ballad of Mulan is set in the Northern Wei dynasty when northern China was ruled by ethnic Xianbei, a proto-Mongolic people, there is some evidence that Mulan was not ethnic Han Chinese but Xianbei, who had exclusively compound surnames.>The Xianbei in China also retained certain nomadic traditions, and Xianbei women were typically skilled horseback riders.[6] Another popular Northern Wei folk poem called "Li Bo's Younger Sister" praises Yong Rong, for her riding and archery skills.[6] The Ballad of Mulan may have reflected the gender roles and status of women in nomadic societies.Female skeletons from Xianbei graves show they have wear and injuries to their skeletons consistent with long term archery practice and combat injuries.
Han We Wuzzers are insufferable.
No. 2090613
>>2090465The people who jumped on making videos put themselves in such a stupid position. This guy spends the entire video going "I should have waited and not made a video right away" but of course he also made this video the second the narrative changed! He couldn't just leave it after "slandering" someone and was forced to apologize as soon as possible. And now if new information turns up he's forced to do it again. Honestly even if you want to support a
victim, making a video on it is tacky and gross when it earns you money.
Tips for any lurking or aspiring booktubers; don't touch other people's drama no matter what.
No. 2090778

Okay, here's my summary. I have to split it into 2 parts because lc says it's too long.
>in May 2023, Naomi King uploads a video called "a conversation about manipulation, consent and assault" (video attached)>the video (still up as of posing this) is 8 minutes long, and basically says she thinks if she agrees to have sex with someone because you think you're gonna have a future with someone and then you fuck and he just says 'peace, I'm out' that's assault" (I'm paraphrasing a little bit, but that's basically what she said) >she says "I had a friend turn out to not be a friend and he assaulted me, then when we got back and he blocked me and said I bring out the worst in him">says she was his free therapist for 3 years and started talking to someone else who he did that to (later on this person turns out to be someone named Madison, Daniel's talker who he briefly dated and was making libelous posts saying he raped her, he got her to take them down with the help of a lawyer)>Naomi never said it was a public figure or anything or even a youtuber, never said what he looked like etc. all she said was it happened in Vegas, and that she goes to Vegas a lot to get tattooed
>roughly a week ago as of posting this, Naomi King uploaded a video called "Daniel Greene threatened to sue me" (a video that is no longer up and I can't find reuploads of so I can't double check it) showing how 8 days after she posted that video he sent her a cease and desist for it>she says how the cease and desist was really threatening and threatened to wipe her off of social media completely and bury her in legal fees (I think she showed the cease and desist on screen, but I don't remember if it showed the whole thing so I can't remember if it's as threatening as she said it was)>it was also probably a template because it kept mentioning yelp and called Daniel a "medical professional">she tells the story of how she went to Vegas to meet Daniel and they agreed to go as "just friends">he sends her a text message saying how he "wanted to spoil her as a friend">she said that he got there at midnight, and she was extremely high because she had been taking edibles all day and he just got off the plane so he was sober (later turns out not to be fully true)>she says that when he got to the hotel room he pushed her over and stuck his tongue in her mouth and wanted to fuck her and she kept saying she wasn't gonna have sex without lube because she has a medical condition where she can't self lubricate, she says he jerked off onto one of her tattoos which was supposed to represent sexual healing>she says the next day that they agreed it shouldn't have happened and then when they were alone together the next day he did it again>she says how she wrote Daniel an 8 page letter weeks before the Vegas trip, saying "I BEGGED him to talk to Kayla, I was calling him out for how he's treated me for the past 3 years. I had PROOF that I fucking fought for her, that I fought for their relationship" (she later posted the letter and it turned out she was basically just begging him to leave Kayla and enter a poly relationship with her)>she never shows the message of her saying what happened though, just shows one of kayla's replies that says "you both are vile, despicable human beings to do this to another person, over years. I'm revolted by the mere sight of you.">she said that she didn't talk to Daniel at all after the Vegas trip and blocked him until Kayla reached out to her>she messaged kayla (Daniel's fiancé) before she left the airport (Naomi lives in Canada) because she "needed her to know she didn't want it" and Kayla told her to leave her alone, then a few weeks later Kayla messaged her again asking for the truth (according to Naomi she didn't try to contact them at all outside of this, later it turned out she was harassing them) so Naomi sent her the 8 page letter (I think this is what happened, the video was kind of confusing)>she kept breaking down crying during the video and left a 5+ minute long panic attack in the video because it triggered her PTSD (even when I believed her at first I found that really questionable, I wouldn't want to post my PTSD panic attack on the internet) >the way she acts in this video is as if Daniel was pressuring her for an affair and she was saying no and telling him to talk to Kayla, this turns out not to be the case, she was obsessed with him (will get to that later)>she shows a lot of texts from Daniel, including one that says "I will always be a cheater", she shows some other texts and acts like they're talking about the rape (but later turned out to be about cheating) one of them said something like "I act like the person the voices in my head say I am" or something like that, there were more that looked like they were talking about rape but I can't remember them>at the end of the video she said she reported it to the Las Vegas police (who knows if she really did though) and she also says in her original video that she basically didn't realize it was assault until after, if that's the case then why would she have gone to the police so soon before getting back home, Idk>around the time right after the Vegas trip, Daniel's channel went on hiatus for a month or two and said it was because of mental health concerns>a few days after the allegations come out, he uploads a 90 second video saying he's gonna respond to the allegations and that he has clear and convincing evidence that he didn't sexually assault her, he's clearly reading something and not making eye contact and seems nervous
>a few days later, Naomi uploads "Daniel Greene situation part II". It had her showing even more texts but the texts ended up making her look bad, the texts that were posted in the youtuber thread, of her basically saying she's mad at Daniel for "going back and forth" on whether he'd have sex with her, and saying she wanted it. another one of him saying "oh shit did I cross other lines? did I pressure you?" and she says "the issue is that you keep going back and forth" read the texts yourself >>2089941>in the video she shows even more texts from him, though I don't have screenshots of those>one of them is how they met, which was him messaging her on Instagram over BLM>in the beginning of the video she says "I even wrote songs about the dude" showing lyrics to 3 songs, 2 of them were called "maybe someday" and "we knew each other first">in that video she also starts reenacting him jerking off onto her and what he was saying while he was doing it, extremely uncomfortable to watch. the video got taken down because of it>everyone starts to realize Naomi is full of shit No. 2090779

pt 2
Daniel's side:
>Naomi was harassing him and Kayla after the Vegas trip, even though they blocked her on several platforms, she also had a friend harass them
>she sent them a video of her crying (it does seem like super fake crying) saying "I wish I could take it all back, I wish I could take it all fucking back, I wish I had said no, I wish we had never gone to Vegas, I feel so fucking guilty for what I did to Kayla, it wasn't worth losing what we had" she showed snippets of that video in her own videos but edited to make it look like she was crying about rape and not the affair, I think she just played the "I wish I could take it all fucking back, I wish we never went to Vegas" part. she also says "I feel terrible for cheating on Kel, he treats me better than anyone I've ever been with" Kel was a married man that Naomi was seeing
>he shows the text messages that she posted that were basically a self own about her begging him to have sex with her
>we find out that he wasn't totally sober that night, he was on 10 milligrams of weed, plus that he only knew about her taking 1 edible at noon, didn't know about her taking any after that and when he greeted her at the hotel she walked all the way down to the lobby and greeted him and "walked back upstairs sober as a whistle"
>Kayla comes on screen and says that Naomi messaged her first with a video to apologize about the Vegas thing. Kayla said she wanted to hear her side of the story because she thought it seemed fair. After that Kayla sends her a message (that Naomi never showed) that said "I understand you feeling guilty, but please just let me grieve in peace, I'm trying to hold on to what pieces of my life I have left and this just sends me into a world of hurt. I just want it to stop. I just want to be left alone." after that she sent the "you both are vile, despicable human beings to do this to another person, over years. I'm revolted by the mere sight of you." Naomi acted like this was in response to her telling Kayla about getting raped when it was really about the affair. Kayla shows her own messages and says how there's no mention of sexual assault, and that if there was she would have taken it very seriously because she's survivor of SA herself. Her comments were about learning about the affair, not about sexual assault
>Kayla blocked her then received a message from someone saying they were Naomi's friend and roommate (she doesn't say what they messaged her but it probably doesn't matter)
>there were posts on Tumblr and other places of someone saying they were raped by Daniel Greene, he didn't even know who it was until he started working with a lawyer to get them taken down and it turned out it was Madison
>Daniel talks about a girl named Madison, who he went on a few tinder dates with. He went to Ireland to study abroad after that. When he got back from Ireland Madison drove several hours out of her way to go see him.
>he filed a police report against Madison for that
>Madison has a pattern of making accusations every time he hits milestones like when he first reached 100k subscribers or when he released his first book
>Daniel said Naomi kept asking him to buy lube during the trip and even pulled up a nearby sex shop on her phone to go get it from and he refused
>he says he takes full accountability for lines being crossed
>Naomi said that when they got to the hotel she went to the pool and Daniel just stayed in the hotel for hours. This was also a lie because they went to a bunch of different places, one of them being omega mart and Daniel shows a bunch of receipts from it
>he shows messages showing that he's the one who demanded they should confess and that he should confess to Kayla, when Naomi acted like it was her
>Daniel says how he and Kayla have worked in therapy a lot so that he stops cheating, Kayla comes on at the end saying how Daniel is such an amazing person and wants to spend her life with him
>she's also his business partner and helps him make content
I might be missing a few details, but that's basically most of the important stuff. Sorry that was so long.
some updates
>Naomi uploaded several apology videos and kept taking them down, one of them had the 8 page letter in it. The video was basically just "well I never said I was raped and never said I said no and never fought him off. I'm so sorry to Daniel and Kayla, and to all the survivors I've hurt. that wasn't my intention. I've become that person who has sent SA survivors back. OOPS tehe I'm gonna log off the internet now"
>then she uploaded another video with 2 other anonymous women talking about how Daniel allegedly raped them but have 0 evidence and don't even identify themselves, Naomi took this video down promptly too and hasn't uploaded anything since that I know of
My speculation: Daniel and Naomi were basically having a years long on/off emotional affair. Naomi is a crazy obsessive BPDchan who got tired of being strung along and exploded. He simply could have avoided all of this shit by just not being a cheating dickhead. He also is always saying how people (mostly authors etc) are trying to sue him for talking about them so he got media training and now says "allegedly" constantly and released a shirt with one wizard pouring another wizard tea that says "allegedly". At the end of his video he's like "if someone comes after you or your family HIRE A LAWYER. IT'S NOT AN ADMISSION OF GUILT. Which is true I realize suing Naomi and authors suing him are 2 different things, but it still seems a tiny bit hypocritical. There was no way anyone would have seen that original video from Naomi and known it was supposed to be about Daniel.
No. 2090785
here's a video of someone reading the letter, or you can read it yourself here but the shitty quality of the screenshots makes it hard to read's a lot of "you tell me you think about me when you fuck her, you tell me how you want me so badly then disappear for months, you tell me how your dream scenario is being with me and kayla is your best friend" etc etc, between this and the "I will always be a cheater" texts I don't know how kayla is still with him
No. 2090787
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and here's her apology video
No. 2090846
>>2090778>>2090779Thank you so much for the summary nona, may your pastures be forever green!
Man I felt so guilty for taking one look at her channel and thinking she seemed like an untrustworthy slut (for a lack of a better term) when I usually
never am the person to judge a
victim based on appearance. But I guess my intuition was right.
Kayla sounds stupid though, unless she's cheated on him too there'd no reason to stay with a gross serial cheater like that.
No. 2090975
>>2090951No they did stuff but it was consensual according to the text messages, we don't (and probably never know) the extent of what they did. My guess is he was jerking off on to her cause they didn't have lube but who knows. The video was extremely emotional and that's why it had so many people fooled. It's really disturbing that someone can fake their emotions that well.
The Tumblr post was from his stalker Madison, it's mentioned in the summaries.
>>2090846>taking one look at her channel and thinking she seemed like an untrustworthy slutYou're not the only one, just look at the comments on this video.
No. 2091387
>>2091350fucking boatloads of them are published constantly, books about Hitler and tanks and golf and fishing and literary novels about how a sad professor is horny and having sex with undergrads with big boobs and science fiction books about spaceman being horny and having sex with green alien lady with big boobs and detective novels about detective being horny and having sex with shady redhead with big boobs
books about Jesus the CEO and books about how you can make a kajillion dollars by flipping houses or bitcoins or whatever the fuck
also every children’s book is for boys, from Percy Jackson to Dogman to Captain Underpants to Diary of a Wimpy Kid
No. 2091644
>>2091350I'm not even gonna post it, but I got recommended a similar video recently complaining about how women are "ruining" fantasy and scifi because the best selling books in that genre are ACOTAR and Fourth Wing. Yeah those books are kind of trash (especially Fourth Wing) but the video called them degenerate because they're full of smut- which isn't even really true, ACOTAR is not really as smutty as people think it is (well at least the first 2 books aren't). In the video he said "they're not even fantasy, just romance with a fantasy setting" which also isn't true, there's more plot going on in both of those books (albeit generic plots, but so is a lot of male fantasy). Nevermind the fact that men have been inserting their sexual fantasies into fantasy and scifi since the genre began. How many fantasy books can you think of that constantly describe women's breasts/nipples, and has a character that women constantly throw themselves at for no particular reason (looking at you, Witcher). The Name of he Wind has a lot of absurd sex scenes in it too. Wheel of Time has the main protagonist end up with 3 hot women (which is HEAVILY inspired by Dune) and WoT is not even that bad in that regard. I'm sure GoT has that even though I haven't read it. I fail to see how any of that is less "degenerate" than books like ACOTAR.
All of the comments were whining about how there's "no books for young boys anymore". Boohoo, I'm sure there are but they're not reading them because 12 year old boys would rather be playing minecraft or watching hentai than reading. People in general don't read that much anymore but the majority of people who still read are women. I'm also not saying their isn't a smut problem in modern books, but it's more that the publishing industry sucks now and promotes trash that it knows will sell instead of actual good literature.
No. 2091699
>>2091350Moids literally don't read books that aren't about politics, history, already tired fiction like LOTR, religion, self-help and so on because, you know the visual sex? They seem to have trouble visualizing shit while reading anything.
Hell, I haven't even seen a single moid in my entire 30 years alive, a literature student btw, reading a book for actual fun, not even degenerate shit, they read because they want to "prove a point" (aka say nanananananananaIdon'thearyouI'mbetterthanyouandIhaveaPenis) or seem intelligent to others.
No. 2091708
>>2091699>seem intelligent to others.Yes, hence the fantasy (in which moids have now turned it into some RPG experience with autistic leveling up and stats, I'm not fucking kidding), and the old literature.
"Oh you haven't read Joyce, Tolstoy, Hemingway, or [insert meme author of the 1800s]???" then proceed to talk their heads off how smart the writing is and how smart they are for reading it and being above the plebeians who read books written for the peasantry, but not them! Modern books are too poorly written, bland, female, etc, for their big brains!
No. 2091975
>>2091350Sometime around December/January there was an article published in the NYTimes about the current lack of male writers in the industry, so it’s getting more mainstream attention
>>2091699Graphic novels have exploded in popularity (esp. nonfiction/historical subjects in France) because they’re easier to read, so publishers are really ramping up the amount of graphic novels they produce in all age categories.
No. 2092152
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This is me just screaming into the void since this is about ENG literature but let me drop my two cents about the current state of Latin American literature.
The author is your typical white chick (a substancial minority in Perú) daughter of European immigrants with fat pockets that buys paid interviews from local respected magazines and newspapers and even got her audibook on Google books even though NO ONE talks about the actual book online. A fandom cannot be faked as easy as sponsored interviews yet she waxes poetic about her fandom on her media, when in reality NO ONE is actually having organic interactions on any platform. She keeps pumping more sequels because her thousand of readers are totally begging for them, meanwhile every goodread review starts with the disclaimer that they're glad to have received a free copy of the book.
It is obvious she was born to write hardcore buttfucking gay smut from the way she only sounds engaged with her own plot when the underage main leads stare lovingly at each other.She shines throughwhen the bros accidently touch hands or share clothing but not in the actual worldbuilding of a motherfucking sea faring adventure, the word sounds like something a ten year old who's only seen Pirates of the Caribbean thinks the golden age of piracy was like.
No. 2092164
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>>2091699You know what's funny? There is an extremely popular literary genre of moid wish fulfillment isekai slop in eastern Europe called "Попаданец". The entire premise of it is how a mid NPC wurstie who likes military history gets teleported into the past and becomes the Most Important and Smartest Boy by doling out what he learned from podcasts and reddit comments. Usually it's literally like that "boys vs girls traveling to the past" meme, the protag warns Lenin not to get syphilis and therefore creates an alternate history in which the USSR never collapsed. The moid protag then inevitably becomes king of the galaxy and gets all the bitches. Westoid wursties can have this garbage translated if they're so starved for marty stu self insert garbage in mucho text form. No. 2092204
>>2092164Sorry for ot, but a fellow russian
nonnie? Ly
No. 2092208
I saw a comment saying that she might have sent the laughing turtle by accident and then said "oops" afterward, I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt especially since we just got that one screenshot and not the full context of the conversation. I've never used Instagram DMs (I think that screenshot is from Instagram) but I used to constantly send thumbs up to people on accident through messenger so it's plausible. That being said it's hard to believe she has any good intentions at this point.
>>2092148Ty anon, do you have the original video where she accused him of assault?
No. 2093965
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>>2093894Y'all say that as if we aren't allowed to want a book community, and as if influencer trends don't have a massive effect on what sells and gets stocked in stores. I'm a physical book person and I prefer the books to be written/translated into my native language - which is not English. And naturally only popular books get translated.
Anyway saw this book series on the fantasy shelf at the bookstore I just came back from and it made me think of this thread
No. 2093975
>>2093894Don't act like it's not harder and harder to find good fantasy books. I don't use tiktok so I don't necessarily know about the "trendy" books, nor do I care, but as the nonna I replied to said, a lot of pseudo-fantasy/romantasy books are improperly labelled. Even "big fantasy imprints" are getting influenced by the current trends, and publishers know what sells, so a lot of what's getting published IS romantasy. As
>>2093965 said, it's also harder to find books when all your local bookstores have is translated popular booktok slop, and the English aisles are getting smaller and smaller to leave room for promoted books. Some of us may even have actual jobs and don't have a lot of time to research what books are good. Your criticism basically boils down to "skill issues filthy casual" without thinking about what could be a hurdle to getting access to good fantasy books. And you know what? Even then, you should be able to find good books without having to dedicate time to sift through the slop before finding the hidden gems. You're making it out as if it's normal or a good thing to have to look for well-written books instead of content slop.
No. 2093993
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>>2093966I prefer this cover tbh.
No. 2093998
>>2091350publishing is sooooo sexist against men but fantasy and sci-fi are the quintessential nerdy man genres lmao not to mention westerns, thrillers, horror primarily cater to men. I think the only genre's women "own" are romance-oriented. moids act like romance novels are stupid and unrealistic, unlike their self-insert wish fulfillment books where they mow down bad guys and bang a bunch of hot women
>>2091644you hit the nail on the head, imo it's fine to dislike or criticize smut but I hate that only books written by women get this kind of criticism. there are so many uncomfortable (and poorly-written) sex scenes in ASOIAF to the point where it's a meme in the fandom yet it's women who ruined fantasy by writing spicy books… lmao
No. 2094013
>>2091350Moids act like the fantasy they consoom, like Game of Thrones, doesn't have a whole ass series on Netflix with the bunch of sex scenes and it wasn't the only thing that people were talking about for a long time.
Yet another grounhog day in which moids yellow at a cloud.
No. 2094060
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>>2091699>>2092164If moids wants masculine literature so much, they should read the gender bent twilight novel. I bet it's above average for harem anime/manga standards.
No. 2094067
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>>2094034oh good, the y'all sperg is back.
No. 2094112
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>>2094101No, that's shotas. Classic bishies resemble picrel
(derailing) No. 2094306
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>>2094283I don't know what you're talking about; I just think it's really gay when moids talk about wanting a strong mommy gf to do everything for them
(derailing) No. 2094637
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May I bring up another old milk related to this topic: TiF author Peyton Thomas (aka Lalondes/beachdeath and many other aliases).
>was involved in the early Johnlock conspiracy scene, Homestuck fandom and many others shitting things up with constant drama, shitty takes, call-outs and doxxing
>spread multiple conspiracy theories and also got published on The New York Times with a theory that Louisa May Alcott was trans
>was creepily obsessed with then 14-year-old Finn Wolfhard and also had an obsession with Bill Hader, known for having Bill Hader tulpa
>got involved in the South Park fandom and was mostly known for being vocally against the ship between Kyle Broflovski and Eric Cartman because it's "toxic and romanticizing abuse"
>eventually tried to become a professional author and tried deleting the past with fan communities
>published a book "Both Sides Now" where the main character is a TiF with Irish background and strangely similar to Kyle from South Park (love interest is Kenny or Stan stand-in)
>the bad guys of the book is an Indian guy who speaks like Cartman and oppresses the main character for being Irish, and a Jewish girl
>books gets review-bombed because of the absurd setting of the white protagonist being treated like a victim but mostly for the author's past of being a shitty person
No. 2094972
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I'm surprised nobody has posted about this because the author of Illumicrate's February book has made a lot of subscribers have meltdowns. I've read the book and it's very mediocre, definitely not good but still miles better than some of the books IC have done. Most of the Goodreads reviews focus on the author, so they've been taken down, but the ones that are still up focus more on preaching about how the author is an awful person than they do on the book itself.
A lot of the sources for the drama surrounding the author, Cassandra James, has been scrubbed from the internet, but she's a conservative woman who's apparently anti abortion, pro Israel and a Trump suppporter. I've linked a couple of articles she wrote that were found on the Wayback Machine and she seems kind of insufferable but still more level headed than a lot of book cows.
Pro-Israel article: gazing drivel piece about how she's sooo complex u guize because she's a conservative woman:, the last Illumicrate author who had this much drama led to them replacing her book at the last minute and issuing apologies and explanations. This author hasn't had her book replaced, as far as I'm aware IC haven't issued an apology or anything, and they've been bombarded with messages about her for months. I'm not sure why they haven't dropped her. IC is staffed by a bunch of terminally online genderoonios who echo the same opinions as their subscribers, and I know they have a contract with the publisher but this has been going on for months- they had plenty of time to work things out with the publisher and find another author to support.
No. 2095717
>>2094972>woman has wrongthinkboo fucking hoo. These people should learn to not read a book if the (female) author's politics bother them so much. If something like Twilight came out today you just know Meier would be lambasted for being Mormon and having wrong politics on top of all the hate she got for being a woman writing teenage girl fiction. Meanwhile you have people endlessly whining over how it's OK to read and like Gaiman's books even though you "disagree" with "his actions". This isn't milk.
>reading it just to spite herIs this really how people treat their personal time nowadays?
No. 2096273
>All you Americans are bullies
>Said by someone who claims China is a better place.
No. 2096533
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>>2096287>>2096508>>2096522she has been to china and visits there, but her family is really, really rich (like, they can afford a literal mansion in vancouver rich), so she's sheltered. I know people like this, they're wealthy, liberal and naive, believing all sorts of shit about how every problem in our nation stems from when europeans colonized us and how we were all super progressive and accepting of trans and asexuals before the 'evil' white people came along and taught us about biology
No. 2097156
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This is how Xiran sounds like when someone tells her shit about China.
No. 2097260
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>>2096273she's so fucking insufferable
No. 2097318
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>>2097260I doubt any
terf would have touched your book, Xiran. They can easily check Goodreads and check the negative reviews to see how your NLOG treat other women when she wanted to revenge her sister.
>>2097291>>2097308"I'm Chinese and I know my country is shit. But you're American and your country is shit". STFU.
No. 2097354
>>2097318Yeah Xiran, I think people didn’t appreciate that hot take very much because
your motherland is actively committing all the same atrocities right now that you’re shitting on all American citizens for, and worse. Including actual systematic genocide today in the year 2025.
There’s a reason this stupid privileged bitch isn’t living in China right now.
No. 2097378
>>2097318So she's making all of China hate her by calling them gay (when they're homophobic) and writing genderwoo books.
And she makes (a very large part of) her target audience of Americans hate her by insulting their country.
She's just stupid and mean.
No. 2097417
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>>2097378I'm surprised she still have fans after she called them stupid Americans. I have seen authors losing fans for less.
Then again, her fans are quite masochists because most of them are like "yes, we suck, bee queen".
No. 2097525
Who the fucks keeps approving these books? Is there an actual market that wants to read about "queer trojan war reimaginings"
No. 2097580

>>2097260ot but what I find hate most about her is that, despite her claims of being a feminist, she has unironically spread essentially libelous stories about wu zetian that were created by her enemies. the tales of her numerous lovers, even into her old age and exaggerated accounts of her cruelty, were propagated by tang dynasty historians to discredit her for being a woman and to undermine her attempts to usurp the tang dynasty. while zetian may have been ruthless to some extent, she certainly wasn't more cruel then any other leader in that time period. her true strength was her intelligence, most historian, regardless of their opinions about her, agree that zetian was both smart and patient. she remained low-profile for years, forming crucial alliances with her paternal clan and the buddhists in china. by leveraging religion, she appealed to the sensibilities of the nobility and xiran took this incredibly intelligent woman, who had been unjustly slandered by male historians and chose to reinforce their lies
No. 2097682
>>2097525Traditional publishing requires the author to find an agent, who then pitches the draft to companies, who then promote the book. Tiktok has lots of shit writers with a ton of followers who will buy a book because it's written by their comfort creator, a queer peee oh ceeeee with self diagnosed autism. Publishers barely have to market the book because the author's done that already, increasing the likelihood of selling enough copies to make it worth investing in.
The authors and books are forgotten almost immediately. The publishers don't care. There's no need to build a relationship with a writer when there are so many fish in the sea to choose from. Ancient Greece is popular with the gendies, so they'll buy it. They might even read some of the book and make memes about the smol bean and his hemckin' lorge boyfie or whatever other fetish the author has, which promotes the book to other gendies and retards, who then buy it. If the author is lucky they might even get the book featured in a book box with a cool new cover. A whole new set of buyers will become interested, because they don't read books but they do collect the pretty ones with limited edition covers. Once that market is fed up with the book, it might get picked up by a youtuber who makes a video about it from a queer feminist marxist daoist philanthropist polygamous lens, and then a bunch of other people will buy the book.
Thousands of copies of the book might be sold, and maybe a hundred people will read it. It's a prop, not a story.
No. 2097875
>>2097793Hard magic and Sanderslop's autism was a goddamn mistake. Moid literature is worse than it ever was thanks to his popularity and how DnD has gotten mainstream.
>>2097795The default state of the male is powerlevel faggotry. A great example of how old it is is looking at Hindu stories where gods have various "forma de" incarnations which are more powerful than the last
No. 2098479
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Imagine being recognized more for your ties with the CCP than for the books.
No. 2098591
>>2098499No, don't be fair to male modern authors. They love to laud the classics and worship Tolkien (he did magic for allegory right) and yet repeatedly fail to encompass any of the styles and lessons into their own works. They proceed to blame women writers for anything they dislike and that we're "ruining" literature and fantasy. Don't give them that fucking inch because they never would with women.
Hard magic is not real magic and it's only fantastical because it takes place in a world that's now our own. When you know where things come from, how it works, and the conditions needed to function, then it's just science.
No. 2098691
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>>2097793Nta, I'm pretty sure was talking about books like this which is one of the top selling fantasy books right now and this genre is getting rapidly more popular.
>It's like the whole Sanderson "hard magic system" bullshit being used as a barometer for "good literature" now.>Sometimes magic is metaphorical, or spiritual, etc. that doesn't make it badWho is using "hard magic" as a barometer for good literature and who is saying that books not having "hard magic" is bad?
No. 2099023
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>>2091685>No one says that Dan Brown is ruining literature for churning out another book where some guy saves the day with his questionably younger woman sidekick.Not ruining literature, but it was totally panned. If you ever wanna laugh you can just look up bad reviews of The Da Vinci Code, they are pretty funny.
No. 2099282
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>>2098694Saged for ot but I can attest. That's why those "system" litRPG and cultivation fictions are so popular in moid dominated circles and platform it drowns out the old school fantasy. In aspiring writers discords it's common to see moid writers constructed their wall of text power system first before the characters and story. They autistically debate which series have the best power system/mechanics, which character will low dif which, and the writers one up another by creating the most "revolutionary" power system and the most OP self insert. You can literally write a slop story with shit characters but they'll like it for the power system (and waifus).
No. 2099411
>>2099402I doubt this will pass, but it's kind of worrying how they've all framed it as a threat to their mediocre porn when they
should be worried about the intended scope of such a law.
>child sexual abuse, nonconSo a woman who writes a memoir about the abuse she suffered as a child would be immediately arrested and charged. It wouldn't matter that it's a true story.
>tortureOf the non-sexual variety? Say goodbye to horror, war stories, sci-fi.
>zoophiliaNo justification for zoophiles, these people can rope and society would be better for it kek.
No. 2099658
>>2099631Music has parental advisory stickers on already, why not books? They would just have to not frame it as '
trigger warnings' lol
No. 2102585
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>>2099402It happened, an author was fined and arrested for glamorizing csa and grooming in her book
No. 2102619
>>2102596iirc in her books there is descriptions of
child genitals and how much the love interest likes it, so its not just an age gap situation. love that she got what she deserved if only the trash could be taken out more often
No. 2102914
>>2102792had to look up the name, it was Jerzy Einhorn
>>2102769>Why would he get arrested for writing about how he was victimized? This was a fully adult man who glorified his past sexual experiences with his aunt. He wrote about it being beautiful and good, he promoted it as if every little boy should get to fuck their aunts. It's a direct promotion of pedophilia and why it's good, he's proving pedophilia isn't harmful to kids but actually good for them. Also I was obviously fucking sarcastic so idk why you even asked.
No. 2102960
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>>2090613Trust me, they learned that lesson hard and clear. What's completely insane to me is how many of his booktube friends dropped him like a hot potato immediately, like "library of a viking", the youtuber in
>>2090465 who even admitted in his video disowning daniel that he got a lot of his followers from collabing with Daniel. It's OK to just wait and not say anything right away, a lot of these people didn't even wait 24 hours! But to be completely fair people were probably hounding them to say something, like another youtuber named BookswithBrittany who actually dated him at one point, people were trying to get her to speak on it but she didn't (the fact that people were trying to drag her into his bullshit when she hasn't been affiliated with him in years annoyed me but I digress).
Merphy is where I first heard of it because I follow her, actually she's the first booktuber I started following back in like 2018 or 2019. People are saying she threw him under the bus, which she kind of did I guess. This was the post she made about it, now deleted. I kind of don't blame her for acting the way she did, but I still think she should have waited longer than a day, especially since she's known him for years.
No. 2103259
>>2103102She said he wished he got arrested for glorifying a paedophilic and incestual relationship in her first post and then in her second post said:
>This was a fully adult man who glorified his past sexual experiences with his aunt. He wrote about it being beautiful and good, he promoted it as if every little boy should get to fuck their aunts. It's a direct promotion of pedophilia and why it's good, he's proving pedophilia isn't harmful to kids but actually good for them. Which means she wasn’t being sarcastic about wanting him arrested, because she does believe that what he wrote is disgusting. If she was being sarcastic, then that means that her post is mocking people who think that what he wrote was gross and he should face consequences for it.
No. 2103397
>>2102960>a lot of these people didn't even wait 24 hours!That is indeed insane, I can't really wrap my head around it except maybe they secretly really wanted in on those drama views. I'm sure they told themselves that's not why and they just wanted to support the
victim etc but come on.
I fully agree with believing the
victim and supporting them from second one, it's just immediately publicly shaming the accused perpetrator using your public platform that is weird. It's not distrusting the
victim to not post about it, if anything it's more respectful to give it some time and space first because it's not your trauma to talk about.
>>2103259>"hey i was being sarcastic">"no you weren't reeeeee"Anon please stop already.