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No. 239548[Reply]

AnimatedJames is a somewhat popular YouTube animator who really hates Teen Titans Go!, and has made an animation which features the writers getting killed. He also created a series featuring Sonic the Hedgehog and My Little pony characters fighting, which begs the question of why his brain didn't implode from the autism when he concieved the idea.

For God knows what reason, he recently decided to publicly come out and say that he whacks it to farts. Since then he has claimed that erotic fart discussions and roleplaying have gotten him out depression. As one commenter in his incredibly disturbing fetish DeviantArt said, "even Andrew Dobson tries to hide his fetish art
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No. 239748

Are all these "cartoon reviewers" autistic in some way?

No. 239789

make a better op, include the links

No. 239919

Bc they're reviewing cartoons

No. 240108

He's a nice guy though

No. 841464

Does he still do commissions under a different name? F-for a friend haha(thirsty necro)

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No. 841232[Reply]

Last time on the Curse of O’Ferrall Campaign:

>Holly is still (unsurprisingly) playing the victim card.

>Holly is also blocking people who dare to even compliment Heidi on Heidi's twitter posts.
>Heidi comes out and states that Holly has been manipulating Jared all along. >>830160
>Jared is still lurking in the shadows, refusing to speak publicly but is still talking to Uno Girl.
>A Holly whiteknight (Dan Pirro/SweetestRads) is claiming to have 64 screenshots that allegedly prove Jared's innocence/abuse and that Ross was never cheated on.
>Dan also states that Ross was mad Heidi didn't want Holly fucking Jared.
>Dan later backtracks and states that Holly did not want him to post the screenshots yet after receiving backlash for bringing Ross in the drama.
>Turns out some random twitter user (@BrianSirk) called out Jared for being a pedo a month before it was revealed (and a few days before Heidi found his old phone with containing the nudes of his mistress).

About DCA:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)
>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser
>All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
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No. 841399

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No. 841406

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No. 841407

I wish she'd show the text messages between her and Jared talking about Holly baiting suicide.

Bless you, kind warden. What WKs think is hardly milk.

No. 841410

Nothing to add, just been fucking around on that discord for hours looking for anything good and goddamn is it boring as hell. Same old shit as usual. I personally didn't get anything from it, but I'm still looking. On my fourth hour.

No. 841413

Some Godsent anon made an actual cohesive thread, hopefully this one will be locked.

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No. 836081[Reply]

Last time on the Curse of O’Ferrall Campaign:

>Holly is still (unsurprisingly) playing the victim card.

>Holly is also blocking people who dare to even compliment Heidi on Heidi's twitter posts.
>Heidi comes out and states that Holly has been manipulating Jared all along. >>830160
>Jared is still lurking in the shadows, refusing to speak publicly but is still talking to Uno Girl.
>A Holly whiteknight (Dan Pirro/SweetestRads) is claiming to have 64 screenshots that allegedly prove Jared's innocence/abuse and that Ross was never cheated on.
>Dan also states that Ross was mad Heidi didn't want Holly fucking Jared.
>Dan later backtracks and states that Holly did not want him to post the screenshots yet after receiving backlash for bringing Ross in the drama.
>Turns out some random twitter user (@BrianSirk) called out Jared for being a pedo a month before it was revealed (and a few days before Heidi found his old phone with containing the nudes of his mistress).

About DCA:
>DCA is/was a popular D&D livestream DM'd by Chris Perkins (WoTC story designer)
>It's cast consisted of Holly Conrad, Jared Knabenbauer, Nathan Sharp and Anna Prosser
>All of them turned out to be cheaters, hooking up with each other and breaking marriages/engagements
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No. 841221

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> "…Cuz the vid shits on Holly"

I know he's trying to push that it's 'objective enough' but damn Dan, that's not very 'positive'of you…

No. 841222

Ok but can you not cowtip if you do join please. Just pretend to be a fan or whatever.

No. 841224

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I love when they try to elbow their way into discussions all "Akshully…" only to get snubbed.

Like, no one asked you, dude.

No. 841225

I've got in, server looks dead as fuck. Nobody's speaking

No. 841227

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Lmao sure jan

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No. 840807[Reply]

Kalvin is a 19 year old "transgender man" with a superiority complex against other trannies and can't stop getting herself involved in drama with them.

>Grew up as a tomboy butch lesbian

>Was a SJW in high school, used to identify as genderfluid, agender, non-binary (yeah, all of them)
>Did a 180 on her beliefs and started to go all trans medicalist and identify as a trans man, got mad at her then girlfriend for identifying as non-binary and being too afraid to tell her
>Started a Youtube channel with the intention of becoming the FTM Blaire White
>Would try to larp as gay men with other FTMs she met on Musically to pass before going on testosterone
>Makes a video reacting to a confused body dysmorphic girl who claims to be trans, makes it all about her own gender dysphoric suffering, gets a lot of views
>Makes 500 more clickbait-ey videos on confused transtrenders with less than 2k subs, all of her videos are the same "You need dysphoria to be trans. These trenders are making our suffering look bad. Fucking sjws, man. My brain is male, yours isn't!!" rambling over and over again
>Says "Almost all transtrenders are assigned female at birth, girls love attention", puts down young women
>Openly sends her subscribers to attack people she makes fun of despite saying she is against this kind of behavior before
>Calls her ADHD a blessing
>Says "if I said I was Asian does that make me Asian" in one video, claims to be a white passing Asian in another video

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No. 840816

how’s any of this milk. he’s just young and stupid

No. 840817

Not milky

No. 840818

not really milky, if you're trying to be taken seriously as a transgender man then 'autism gender' is gonna piss you off

the main issue is that they try to still be sjw woke while doing this edgelord shit. pick one kalvin

No. 840819

Eh. Not that milky.

No. 840821

She doesn't have enough milk to warrant her own thread. Take it to the fakeboi general >>720444 or the GC thread >>>/ot/429238

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No. 840809[Reply]

Lanabeeofficial on Twitter always makes herself the victim, even when victimizing others such as Cruelchulita.

She has claimed she never posts any personal information, yet she posts it on Twitter.

For the whole story see following tweets:

Her social media: https://twitter.com/lanabeeofficial
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No. 840810

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She posted her own apartment complex then claimed that a POC was going around posting her address and name to her followers.

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No. 837618[Reply]

>20 year old camwhore sociopath and suspected child groomer
>Constantly inserting themselves into drama for friends, then lying and playing the triggered victim
>Got deleted off twitter for feuding with lil b, lil b reported her and subsequent IP perma ban for abusive behavior
>Still continues to blame models she beefs with for twitter loss
>Accusations of child grooming with her boyfriend after mentioning on stream desire to make content with a model who “was almost 18”
>Messages circulated about them hanging out with the minor inappropriately
>Denied ever knowing the minor even though pictures and conversations show the minor was at Lisa’s house regularly
>Proof which Lisa denies constantly and writes off as “hate”
>This is also confirmed by text conversations in which Lisa called the minor “m-mommy” because of her crippling mommy issues
>Boyfriend is 21+ and helps support Lisa’s underage alcoholism
>Boyfriend was also following the minor Lisa is accused of grooming
>No money to fix their growing number of cavities or feed themselves
>But both Lisa and her boyfriend sperg out regularly and threaten lawsuits
>Has some of the most unfortunate tits ever (see thread pic) and managed to find a bf who has a penis just as sad looking
>Treats cam johns like absolute garbage
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No. 838316

Chill, Vendetta Chan

No. 840286

LisaTheSuccubus is supported by the racist Lanabeeofficial

No. 840298

This is so fucking stupid. Lisa is whatever but this is so obviously Chula vendetta-ing.

Put more effort into your brand and less into weird social media spats, window lickers

No. 840307

I hope this becomes a Mystery situation so we can post about it and laugh at the sperging in Chulita's thread.

No. 840336

Lisa needs to get a fix her boobs and focus on her brand. I’ll be watching her socials but since her twitter got suspended the milk has dried. She deleted the multiple personality post on reddit, so who knows, she could be white knighting on this thread.

As for Lana, she needs to stop the doxxing claims when she’s done this to herself multiple times.

Unless anyone has any snap milk, this thread is dead.

No. 669833[Reply]

Alexandra Peirce is a delusional, materialistic, basic LA bitch. She's built like a fridge and her face looks like a bloated fish.

>Owns a shitty overpriced jewelry line, designs are all ripped off from

>Is obsessed with looking like and being friends with rich Chinese girls, thinks she invented the "Chinese Billionaire's Daughter" look
>Has said countless racist comments
>Has wrecked her face with fillers
>Got a boob job and lipo but still has a shapeless rectangular body
>Bitches about everything, from the shape of water bottles to the music played at her gym
>Literally all she cares about is her appearance and buying shit

Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkC6c09THmvObl1T3pQJjg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hrhcollection/
GuruGossiper threads: https://gurugossiper.com/viewforum.php?f=386
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No. 689907

That's just a watermark right?


No. 691254

she's getting her breast implants removed lol

No. 691503

I don't think so but I really don't understand the concept

No. 691603

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It's just a watermark, dunno why she put her logo watermarked on the purse. Definitely looks like a fake, it's all wrinkled despite looking like it should be new (there's still paper around the strap and and it looks like the tag is still on).

No. 838357

This chick is wacked.(necro)

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No. 837702[Reply]

does anyone know about ellie? @healingelsx and @elsventsx? The “bulimic” who claims to eat less than 1000 cals a day to maintain a weight of 70kg? She flaunts the thin body she once had a year ago before rapidly gaining the weight back. All she does is complain about people talking about her not eating enough and about her weight and post throwback pictures of her holiday when she was thin. it’s kind of sad ngl(use the general pro-ana thread)

No. 837710

This could probably go in the pro-ana thread.

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No. 738758[Reply]

Heather Sparkles is a grown adult woman who insists on airing her dirty laundry about her divorce to the internet, using her online following as a hugbox and personal army to defend her against her meanie husband (who is trying to repair their marriage) and all of her friends and family (who are only on husband's side because they hate her and are trying to manipulate her). She has been publicly melting down since October 2018.

Heather Sparkles is a 28-year-old vintage toy collector on Instagram and YouTube. She has 21k subscribers on YouTube and had 9k followers on Instagram, before she deleted it (Instagram is now back up). She posts pictures/videos of her toy collection, films herself talking about them, does toy reviews of modern toys that companies send her, and generally has an innocent, drama-free existence on the internet, albeit a pretty childish one. That is, until these past few months, as she's decided she's been living a lie and now is "dropping the act." She's been uploading more lifestyle content as of late, which some of her subscribers (likely children just trying to watch videos about toys) are not taking well to. She has responded to the negativity by removing individual comments, turning off comments on certain videos, removing videos after hours of being online, declaring she's taking a break from social media for her mental health (and then returning less than a week later), venting on snapchat, and deleting her social media accounts. She has also radically changed her style in a matter of weeks, going from frumpy pastel "fairy-kei" to even frumpier black and gray normie clothes, and back again. This meltdown seems to stem from her divorce from her husband Adam, which she announced first on snapchat (and then deleted within a few hours).

She has stated in many videos that she has no friends in real life (despite evidence to the contrary) and that she treats online interactions as friendships. Her desperate pleas for attention across her social media platforms attest to her social ineptitude and her dire need for face-to-face human interaction, rather than the shallow conversations and compliments she seeks on the internet to shield herself from the reality of her divorce.

Here's a list of things she's done that were either cringey, funny, or related to her meltdown.

>Mentions "big changes" and "dark times" in her videos for months, never gets into specifics
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No. 836597


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 836613

Maybe she’ll realize that this urbex shit is full of losers like Damien and give up the whole spooky act. Because it’s obvious she only got into it for male attention.

No. 836615

New thread here >>836614

No. 837068

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Trying hard to get noticed by Killstar.

No. 837069

posted in old thread my bad^

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No. 796483[Reply]

General thread for alternative cows. Featuring:
-It's Black Friday
-Toxic Tears and Jake Munro
-Avelina de Moray
-Adora Bat Brat
-Kat Von D
-minor cows: Sebastian Columbine, Dre Ronayne, Erin Micklow, Drac Makens
-new cows: Jude Bishop, Kady Rae

Previously on alt cows:
>Ruadhan guy calls out IBF. Goff YTers and their dog jump on drama
>Moray joins in then does miscarriage vid to prove she's above it
>TT defends her sellout self
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No. 834179

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Anyone any idea what happened?
Maimagi and Psychara have friendship tattoos! People are starting to notice really slowly..
Manic Moth is definitely involved in some way

No. 834221

Manic Moth sided with Mai when she fell out with Psychara. Manic Moth begrudges Psychara for being the instagram top dog among them and being thinner than her, that's why she was so eager to take sides with Mai, who she reportedly considers inferior and non-threatening.
With friends like these you don't need enemies kekeke.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 836554

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the fucking right picture im crying

No. 836560

please watch the part at 25:02 from this video
it will not disappoint u guys

No. 836561

I thought maimagi and psychara had a falling out because of the fact that Mai bought a house en psychara was hella jealous about that and felt that she had the right to stay there or something and mai didn't want that. Someone on pull talked about it, but we cant view the thread anymore there. I know some people that knew psychara irl (also met her once a long time back) and supposedly she is a total b*txh.

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